Eastern reflector, 21 March 1899

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You May Never but Should
Want Job Printing
Come to us
In i speech Hon. Robert
Taylor, the governor of
remarkable I
-aid in
coil of politic
to the of Dative
here I may dream
in peace, sale from the sickening
of unjust safe
of old v
,,. . ,. . . J ., safe from kin
l lie r th, u, .,,
I mil mean that all
politician, arc vultures, or
the lies i
I for the majority of our public
men are upright
worthy of reposed in
them by the there are
black whig in the political
in capital. Hut, Hod.
the live eternal
Anything a
Visiting Jard;
-Sheet Poster
W.- carry a line A the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in u pen
and is distinctive Parser tea
Not only does it feed the ink
perfectly bu- prevents soiled
Gives the home news every
a at price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber It not
you ought to be.
The Eastern
the news gives
information to the farmers, e
lit the st trowing
co, that is worth m my times
e than tho
h an . matter
that a remedy ha- wonderful
curative power. The
leave it to thaw who have
I cured . Rheumatism
to make claims.
who have recently written us
voluntary letter big
have been cured
L. Mr.
Robinson, Editor
N. Mi.
A. Mans, a prominent
chant, Mr.
Duke, a railroad man.
Will Cure You.
IT., v SI
per bottle
plant is a case of age
ill way. clear the
bruise n ;, has o should
all a kit ten.
-I do not retire, I j It happens that a
of a shattered dream, but is the part
all the buds hope burst inn into The tanner more
and all the to the bile.
ringing I ant but n fer-
with lot in life, of the favors t,,
u-s I have the laurel ,.
honor, twined by tin- The
people that ., when it drives him lo tin-
glory enough i u
While I that the men are ignorant and
mil weighs the them in
how thorny i- path, and how I arrow it.
unhappy him I hue a man looks his
dares to do duty faults lie
from the grave of sandwich Is a luxury in
Li's; is no happiness man
tin-transient thrill of cruel triumph torn cents.
which passes like n shadow across more blows less
the light it Some men resent
i is nothing in this gas jets.
d so as a to the
11.-1- ill,, -a iii. Him nil hi in. with fame orator win round
a compass, on the tern of applause,
pi waves lie
the smiling hope it gradually a
crags of tear, lie . t is anything lull agreeable.
a walking a living Tile mail may not be able
lie is dromedary of poll lo the but an
I i he of public expert working the tiller
even II he rein lies the soil,
goal of his he ill soon The American people have much
fangs. I in for. So other
again will i be the globe run produce
I In- ark varieties weather in ten
my public career now rests on minutes.
private lite, I I takes some people so long
stand on its summit and out what they lie
for In ex
polities. my lies . gel -I hi. ago
has me mi olive branch
happier and I go .
. .
have given
. , , , U i on Southern
and to
Was still I
ii-iii Wilson I night, the
Mr. was
and a search being
lie round dead on top the
A ibis hi i sixth from the engine, lie had
-We pub evidently been making his way
a verse for n over the engine when
wood; i -l.-n a w
will i
lolly give space to
I late
iX lay hen a i
Thousands New
The clerks duly is
prepare a showing the
new offices authorized
last have
a difficult task I his year. Not only
has there been an large
of legislation cresting new
offices, bill they must also construe
army reorganization bill
w hat additional
force of men officers
provides I., i. to
Steele. of an
of bill, is
susceptible of construction fixing
Ike strength of the army at various
ranging from i, ion.
the ill army.
i in addition
to the clerical force made necessary
by war with Spain
usual of departmental
force, the appointment of many
thousand officials,
These are provided for in
bill authorizing the taking of
the twelfth census. Including the
enumerators, whose service will
only there will be near-
census Then
there a re the additions lo the navy
rosier carried in the
the commission and
necessary lo make it national park
commission to investigate tin.
inns canal routes, with its survey
the clerks attaches
to the is coin mission
and many commissioners lo select
sites for new public
An m
the t. live ill
I wife, a
I., i- his
grave It ht-r lot to
but WU . can,
threat The bud
tO H ill his Will
i be In the
MS, in Ins without
n; The injunction
fore toot of to a
great extent determines its value, as
upon this portion t its anatomy its
speed endurance pi ml. The
foot the r is m. peculiar
in i ion. It is. th rough
the each half curves
Upward Ir II is slightly
placed on an irregular surface,
win. ii ult to traverse,
contracts the into a sort of
by which a lino bold is
ed. When moving rapidly, the two
portions of tin- t. as it is lifting,
strike together, the hoofs making a
continuous clattering noise, which
may ho heard at a considerable dis-
It is peculiarity of tho
fool that makes the reindeer so sure
fool. and so in rocky and
uneven country, where almost any
other prove a failure
ii -I Yolk
-i . t. .
Mm r , . ; . . , . .
in . .,. , , . .,,,, ;
is iota i i . . i ;
i i . , . ., , ,
i u I hi . II i . ,
t . i- I.,
i-ii. I i .
THE M Kr .--
Harlin i;
I ; man w
advertising i- the
way In make times if
any thing
lo use newspaper ad
I with and
display . Tress
III null I HI Ii.
Core for Skin His.
I ,.,.,.,.
r . .--. II, Ii
ii .
II l , .- r
, in. e I , .
, . ., . .,. ,,.,.,
, II. n .-i. II , i I . , II I II
i- i.
.- a . i. .
.-. i-. r In.-.
I. I i-. I ii,
a Ii a f. i.- ii; n.,
a. in run we 1.1 . i,. an-
of II H,
Ii. i- iii I i . .
lull. kin., . or. r n,.
Ii It. II ,. .,.,. u. , i
i ill
ii. KR.
I Up . r n. k III f
I .-r . I Its
v ii. lb .-.-I
ii. n l
; it i i lo.-. trial Mil.
III 11.11 will I. I
to. an
i. I. rib. ; ml fr., r
Milton s.
have since I lit- was
in yet
the has been ii was in
the mouths of a mi r people. Thai
in the of reconstruction
such may please as
shall never conic upon Its again.
Since as last heard there
a long period of forget
and lion conies news lieu.
is dead. The event
the opening a dour in
pa-l bill only Iv
w hat disclose- lines be
long to the present age and our pen
pie are glad to turn it.
older citizens of Slate are
interested in the memory of
Held, harbor no thoughts
that In- rest,
In i picture in Hie historic past
ha-1., en turned la
present generation can well
logo by it unheeding, -t hail,
. i f j
i I'M.
His on
With Club.
most treasured
of long
successful the is
a of the entertain-
in which lie appeared. Mr
has the ill in an
oak frame, he takes more pride
in showing it to his friends than any
of cosily souvenirs which he has
Collected during the years ho has
been before the public, During the
cull of Sentinel upon Mr.
Thompson his homo in West
a day or two ago the dis-
actor exhibited tho
piece of with the remark
that newspaper man bad ever
Men it or written about it.
Tho bill is DU by inches in
Bite, was printed at The Sentinel of-
in aside from tho
east of character-
by th.- of their
friends The West
Shakespeare club will give another
at the town hall,
on Tuesday. Dec.
Doors op.-n at a o'clock, p. m
rise at Tickets
first number was an orchestral
overture then a song.
by A. K. Bennett,
and others Then came a
drama in two acts, entitled
or. The Yankee In
j Mr. Thompson
played the part of Calvin Cartwheel,
a drum major in the
I militia, carter and a whole team
in the cause of Polish
After that came a song, Carry
; Mu by A. V.
others the Orphan of
was the next offering, in
which Mr Thompson appeared as
the Count Tin n
was another song by A.
and others mid a fancy
Mr. Thompson, an
other mug by Mr. Bennett.
Thu one act farce, Omnibus;
or, A v-.-as tho
next number, in winch Mi.
son had pail of Pat A
comic pantomime,
Jack closed the enter-
The music furnished
by band, which consisted
of a violin and Among
tho people who appeared with Ml.
Thump-on that time were Mrs.
II Leonard, now living in West
John Patch,
the Connecticut river division of
the Boston and Maine railroad; A.
E. a merchant of Keene;
Mi-- M M Thompson, Mr.
son's r. now Mrs. who
lives in West The others
i are nil dead At wood, of
the actors, known in the early days
as Dan was for many years
a theatrical in Boston,
where he better known us tho
mini tailor.
I i a-tic
i yon
i- -i- a I raid i-
when y, u ; ., i in
mil .
I I i . ,. . , i r ,. ,,,.
the ma see
j units the . ii. will
i giving i sound
i i i. i, now an
evil ii
Salisbury. N. Use. I.
my own experience I
found Mrs.
lust medicine known for build-
up health in general. The
in world for
dyspepsia, aches pains
breaking up colds. Nine years
ago I suffered With a chronic cold,
which resulted in a bronchial
feel ion and repealed serious
i was with
like and again I
Mrs. person's
inn all
and have been
he cure. I have kept in my
for years have always
found invaluable for old and
young. Tho extraordinary effect
this grand remedy is sure Io lie
all win, give a
lest. Sincerely.
Mils. M.
every Sun-
day, morning evening.
Thursday evening,
A. W. pastor.
school a. m. C.
regular services.
a. in.
Divine service every
cuing pi liver I
M. Litany III A.
M. J. A. i Minister
in barge.
at I M.
M II hum . ices every Sun
day, and evening. Prayer
meeting evening.
X. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. m. W P.
Services third
Sunday, evening. Rev.
II. Morion, pastor. Sunday-
school p. in. j. it.
A. A A- M.
I Lodge, and
evening. I.
W. M. See.
Meets evening.
K. K. N. II. I.
k. r. Tar dodge, No.
every evening. Ir.
w. Bagwell, Jr., it. l.
Out, K. of If.
I. Vance Council, No.
every even-
ling. W. II. Wilson, If. M. H.
Lung. Sec.
O. T. A. every
at in II.
. ball. J.
A. L A. Council,
No. every third
Thursday nights in odd Fellows
Mall. P. at. Hodges,
Chief; Sec.
I. . II-
Is every and
fourth Monday nights in odd I'd
lows Mull. II. Art
V, b. Smith
is leave Washington on
Mondays. Wednesdays and
A. M. for
water permitting,
M. i A. l. on Tiles-
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Sailing hours subject lo change lie-
pending on stage of water.
Steamers for Norfolk. Baltimore,
New Yolk and Has-
; fur all points for the West
xv it railroads Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
I Dominion B. s. Co. from
I New Line from
Hay Line from
Line from
JNo. N.
Washington, N. c.
N. C.
. ft
Prepared fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, hams, should
coffee, sugar, tobacco,
snuff, cigarettes,
butter, mountain butter, full
cream cheese, sausage,
Hike.-, hominy Hakes,
meal bulls, seed
a HI cents per bushel.
I. M.
Come to sec
M. .
Is. At our shops on Ave-
we repair all kinds of
and Farming
Onus, etc.
We also
t S
t t
Let us have your
In n.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock in every tic
and puces as low as lb
lowest. Highest market price
paid for produce.
mi his
The Eastern
i f i m
J. and Owner TRUTH IN TO Year
w to OF a
Perfect Tobacco Formula
s .-i
A new tobacco brand by a new
tobacco but
an old house.
Look out for OSCEOLA under North Car-
Tobacco this Season.
OLD DOMINION CO, Dr, Norfolk, ft
sail by old Dominion Agents h r .
Son as ill Oilier in all
H-l II
Mall is I Ian of Interest lo
Some Ilia
I III lie-
clan- In- seen,
heard or smell session of
. ,, He
I. ., Mar. II. Ml W ,,, ,,,,,,.
in ,,.
many .,,, seal ill
soldiers en n.
in lo know had
tile W ion
vine mice, Tin-
is already outwits lo Ha I ,, papers
M , r , ,,,.,, .
Lets will lie n r;, I,,.,,, lo
as us i
will inns no here.
taring out Ilia in
service. are 1.1 lie re be ll of till.
Thomas f. of pa.,.
Slates ,,.,,,, ,,. in
which he declares I lilt I pro
appointed by lbs
The President has
In i id.-
halt o'clock
A In-line
led rush v hi. h mar
eliding his life, lie walked
room and In a seal
for n tin
Having secured he drew
his pocket an lull He of lull-
I Be glass mid drank II Bill single
Mel w as surprised
Ins Inking fill
he was a
nail hi lie and
hand, lie was lo
I hill
Inn U I. I lie man. bill
I lo Hour in n Ill Mi
Police lint i-
mull of Police I'm
were ill I he . I i
and grasping v
once medical aid V
dying man. lo amuse him -II
I. and
on I he scene a
An em. was given Ural
ream alive,
I heir
his case
less. Al I In-
In in mill i
early hour morning, Inning
He assigned no reason for bis
Inn i--in he
was in over Hie pro
illness of bin
wile, w In. i- now of
deal h hi- cm nil of
Aim reels.
lie was regarded as n
W lute Go
i STATE C a I'll
., i. i, , . in He
I. . . .
i. . on. i
i i ,
is i i . .
lie ill.
I I . I
mill i
In . a
, , . . I . . .
i .
All Over
. i . i
will, I'll I
. d
i low II
i and
i ii
. W
. . Ills Haiti i
I. of
I , . I, i . .
I, ,. ., . .
It. It. .
i, I I hi
I hi rein i
I. VI i .
mid Hail II.
i ;. i;. i A gin
I . n , l i ,
i . if Person i
iv V,
W Mil i ion
I .,
f ;, ;
,.,. I an.
, ,., I,, lake . .
ii,. inn I
is ii a Having People.
i lo I
v . . i. . i I lull
,, ,. p .
. -1 J. have It'll
i i .-I. Ilia
,.,. ill lie old
ill . i , Hi l
ii I i i and
,,.,.;,. i -i M ill . . ll
pi,, ,,, I. . VI war move
iii I e I
i i, , U ,. .- I. ha-
. i . ,. and
t;,.,.,, he
I . . I .
mill .
I . i Hill
,. I,,. ,. i i In ii hi limn oilier,
,,,,.,. ,. ever a
is r . .,,,,,., . is j . , , ,, ,., ,,,
r-. i-.,. .
; oils,
I. . inn III
polls a large I Ills, i ,
Marlin Ha,. , ,,., i. ,. . . M,.,. I.;,. .
enough ,., , h ,. I'm,, I NO If. I lo I . M,. . i I lo-t la. , , .-.,.
proM by the Arrangement. It U l t .,,, . i,,,
. . ., ,,,,,.,, , in i ,,,,., his II ,, , , no.
for I, I ,.,,, , .
A He also Males . , . , , j . . .
have had L, ,,. people . . lo
. , W . . . .
of I,,. , ,, . . .,, ,., .,. .
Una. mill Virginia. As ;, ,,.,. even ;. I,,.,,,,,,,. .,,.,,. ,. . ,,. ,
in . , am. ill have no- III Wale, to n. ,, ,,,., , , .
J mm -J It . u .
scan,.,. ,,, M,, , M . . bull . .,. ,,,.,
is-pending din she M her III.,. .,,,,, y , , . S.,. of till
N.-H. will Ma. If she Inn. I Him. .
.- .;
s Hank w medicine in the world . f . , . ; ,., Mull , k. , ,, ,
ram and i i ever I no
. II gives s, ;.,. Hi. pig II. Me V .,,.
I eyes, spell , re Ir. . ,,.,.
id. II . .,. , . en w,., ,,, n,
at his Marshall.
N. while is a.
his in conn
will ,, ,; per cent, l . I .
. . . i gives i lien and
looking after a, j, j, a ,;.,,. eyes, ,,.,
their personal and ,,., live in
M. will
practice of l. a. bis old
j Some Ohio men hold
man will return to his
near I Impel Hill; Ion H
bus i
public an ,
the fact,
man is busy looking n
fur the seal in
from the lie in
very hopeful of Mr.
its fatal genus,
no no is sale from its
ford in ravages, e
skin, r,,. .
will a good looking, charm .
II seems I i one Mr-. nu
lug, woman a run invalid.
I. gel. Hie lug i.
Not In u
us vi Salve.
, i .
v taken n ;,,, l . .
. . , , v
It bill I.- ,,.,,, I,,, In III.
i .
,,., ,. i . , ,, , . in- made
. n hi In ,,, , ,, ,,
I be salve in the world I'm
Advert arc prone I let-i-. Sail
pig III I San, i i i.
v ii, -I lie -v III
. I. ,
I i, ,, hi . I
nearly ever, in New
. . genius in King-i New
where there has been are count I he ltd a sore
new count has to n,.,, hi and
Crawford, It is claimed by have chills fever, sore
. ,. Thai la Soles, N.-V
an. a.,,.,., X- .
; ;,, r.
z .
i . . . Warehouse N-
. u . . ,,.,. h ,.,,,,, .,.,
wagons material la i.
made a wagon for con-in- l
. . . . . i i . ,.
a evidence lake, lo, pain in the hack the head. .,.,. here I have en . v v. a.-, and .- H I i , ., , s.
,,;,,, ,,. coached miles . Am, ,, . It o. . an I v ,.;, n
the in tins ,,,. . know have the . , ,, i U tunic, known, , . h winch l H
J,, ,,., , a. . ,,,., .,.,.,. ,, IN I ,
paper Maker. leans i lulu I. ,,., ,,. . , I . I .
th. The Americans tin
like kind
In buck
Mr. I raw lord. ;,. It will paper
ell the cough, heal
he hope- I, TO A IN V
g this lo gel w . Pi ice hake Tab
coveted seal, u.
II. Martin from A trial bottle
ban a this Store.
-I I c Hull II
I fill III
Semi In
In. I. I .
. III. WU ;
. u i i
, n mill i- ., 1.1 id i , i. i ,
Hie mi-i. . , . s i., , M , .-., a i . . ,. , , i . . .--
Ceil Charles , . Money back if not Ids. All druggists refund money I p. . in m v S i . j ., ., ,.,, .,.,, , .
,,,. Aft Z, KM t

I Mill
K I.
Hotel lour. and Other Building
Ll a In the Tow n of A lie-
Carolina Lady.
Property I . .
m nu.
the Pat
Mail Matti
All. Mar.-h
tornado ever
, u I III- v i.-mil
A III.- eastern outskirts
by The Orange III.-., i.
All wheel-an- attempt
to on inn
The mantle of charity i- woven
Tl M I Id ii . I-
ilia i Ilia .
I lire
if this cit,, o'clock morn
h is more goods and better Time ill my ail old
O. Cox i- her adage. In reaped time is like
sister, lira. w. a woman.
wed, . wear
Km. II. fell . I.-, ,,,. ,,.,,,.,.,,,, ,
smokehouse other
sprained her shoulder bad. .
W Here l or three are
in-. Ii .-am., from the
I .
Pay and tn-t a Big Price. ill front of
ill arm mi h cotton mill h blew
with the publishers .,,,,, . the Methodist
i . curiums nil ,, ,. ., . in.
e are enabled to offer u . awl demolished it. three . r. Manning just ,.,,.,. ,,.,.,. .
subscription to that paper to . , , , . new franc and a a Inn , . . .
I U till ll l I -11 i .-
,., for a short distance not keep off
, .- .,. next deal U raining. It evident that the
and i- made i l known Mi. K. C. was ill bed M re
old subscriber who will pay all bark ,,. lb.-ii among and her husband at j
advance . v. . . . i, ,. aide. The house a- Ike made this
for the , ., . over bead and the lad for awhile hope to get a
to get Farm J a feet away.
I. . and Ml. ,.,.,. ;
ii will la-in. to walk right other.
for we have Ii nigh and
inly fallen were lorn to
. which
. IT
. a
la Ii, in i n i. ill
v. , ;
I i I ,. .
c n, re
a in
. l The A .,, , .,.
and Mm. b
Ii. r i. dug
an I from I lie
out. sin-1 nit and bruised
I I- ,. .
. a up
tin- Only if Ah burial in
.-;. in- ii-ii. III. arm the the
i . . ii in I In-
ilia, we are in lo give yon
a bargain in buying fence from
a girl. sever-
languages when, as a wife, -In-
talk bald-headed with
The whose pay for a
marriage i- a from the bride
gets face value his
railroad here has moved j vices.
from west would
lo the able of railroad
are new mi to
The, are making rapid
all aside, and
a of a single bell, ail
a hub-.
This . business has indeed
a grave affair, a- a
ha- been organized, and
III all II. la I . . ., I ,.,,,. . ., ,,.,
. , make sell
,. vi ibis lour walls . , , ,
Stale . II. ,. ll. . W e bear a great deal about the
in i ii . v n nit I I full i I I I i NI . ,
,. lb a. . .,., than get
. I j ,
i i . ,. . i .-i i ii. I . . .
I- II III I II . I .,. i . i . ll. I I ill I
You ma-, Lea m
old, inn a Mix
There ilia
in o II- lo III
up for
reasons. The result i- ilia, in I lie
long run -mi.-i- more in
was in. bill u frank
lo I in-
Responsible Thefts.
feeling all rams last
over did damage lo
The I i- Hi Ilia. railroads in Alabama.
While from were
I ill .-i.;. ill oil Southern rail
. 1.1 ., a, and
was in outer wing gel n till you
main building crushed furnish you any I
thing our line for a live man.
Harrow emu
Floods la Georgia
wide awake farmer should have.
by fox Mann
11.11.1.- . i, in Carolina
gold i- attracting
Indian outbreaks are
White Rocks Agency.
The may be re
lo elect a Slates
A Indian has
bi.-n sold in London
II .-1. The in-, in lo for
in bis ,,, train Is I next Hun
i- and m . . man have Kala
Here la .--.,, 1111- en, an.-i.-i
m -1 his be i- i .- i In- here lo . J W on a charge of
., dial from bum i on The pennies.
; . the Miss Elizabeth II. of
I mil . . a.,.
a- i
I of In.
ion of the court made Mi. Louis, win. I, ii- I ruin An effort is being have N.
L. who ii- muster out of the N. each to Buffalo Hospital
in,. for Si, train through lo I lake an J the Fine Arts
morning. In. II. Lang, of
Slate, the re i although will la- has been smallpox agents have
ports in from time. of there. mid will visit all in
I In disease 1- mild
Inn then all epidemics are
mild in lug
v v us lie,
I discus.
I .
lie . I Ila ti nil ;. -ill
ii. It idea ii.,,
III. nu I lie r, Ii.
i In. . ml, .
. ml lie
ii.- 1.1 . it, . a, ., ii,,.
hoard of
count,, mil, make such
and net Ion for pin is hemmed in
Hi,, Ii, fast rising The i.
hi, lie. . cm there forming I
Ma. win. mil
proprietor of,. i.-i ,, , and
the it the water will ,,, up rails in .,,,.
I I III It I ,, I lilt A
date the lower the .-ii, Junta, who sailed for Europe
;. a ii
l, mi the proprietor
lug a upon ll,
Ni-M say the
hi- probable liberty or death.
of North
r . proud a. will Is held . in
r.-i, ,.
ii. . t mil., in.
. . . .,,.,., I for with men ill office. the
for ii-
Ho- direction t If
local hoard of limit I, or a commit
a- ma,
deem n j 1.1 the pub
If rep up
lime pan a.- for . pan
for the
lent opinion mil, me
i-i-e a-. mil ill ever, case,
mil. I SI Hum
Stale Hoard
have Unit there
i- an, for alarm, but
fell Ilia. bus come
from Hi.- k.-p up demand without
mi i, forget ,.
, K- i u
p. tor. us of
III ii. i.
rung, I in bl., ,,
the for
p. 1.11 nil . ; I
is. Mo
Wendell, In
one who stolen
in of felony i-
liable for ; -311
vs. Kill,,,. ;,, M,,. ,,,. , ,,.
Unit it th.- principal Is a
mug i In- i- a
on drafts. M turns office seekers.
out that this i- a these have able to
el,. bill having I.,, Ma,,,,,
,,, . . . i . i , has
ii an
men of the
has not
a aiM
milking lo Wilmington
a Hue of with
a K
in . farther
fa ; u or
i- I I cover ID
. ;
. . i . . . i he filled
I . . i ,
J .
r . . be-
; . j f
the i
. bout I. i t i f
Franc .; tr h re
Tat I.
fill After.
i.-i . .- m from New
l r . Of ft 1-. rill- It
; 11.1 . taken
bud away
and n died be hall
n Si w Vi pretty
be I.-1 . a with
ti i 111.- Ins um he dose
uh called a woman
i x ; H hotel Ar-
r- I -3 of people, bat Km
. 1.1 her by
tin hand.
j. . be
at all
for hair had turned
be had air of a
old picture.
he went on, i- u
r .- . w down
lobby, v. ix um
The woman looked a trifle
for a 1.-nit n Com-
my i- ll
dead l-
Now York
When into
of the in the air
and in what i known n
Tin- virgin
i r -i. wan e- n t lie
with which con-
I. h of Iron Like particle
are found .-n church and else-
where. Among the minute
In the ray
particles l -h-
The of the African
when examined by a
of very small
which tit to have a
i and the
i-n ii-
found at time m it dragnet
f magnetic iron which We every
u to believe fell from Um- Sir
William Thompson and
Hit have wen in m
tin of the germs of life
the universe-
Tin or
Few people know a grizzly heal
can give to any other
in point of strength A
grizzly i weighing just
i n carrying a In if r two-
own fur two
the must steep and ragged mountain
aide, and this without for om
The I white polar bear, not
really mi dangerous a i
of the moat
feats of A polar
been move with paw n
ix men bod with
in position lo a cache of pro-
Ins Air.
it i in many that
the hands do much more work In a iv-
in i If y have good air to
have quite elaborate
purifying of Um
In absence of these a
if to put a of
Into a liter bottle cl well water, bake
it well, and then Mow it about tin
room through an An In
la la mix a few drops of ace
Ute ether with the
Louis K
The have upend an
lull, equipped in over,
in, the
, can found at
an, lime.
Coffin Co.
n an, thing will
to put on your wall. If
ii not want the
latest in.
Semi to A. is. ELLINGTON J.
line of samples. lie sells
from the ran sell
lull other dealers have to
so you save their profit by giving
LES received,
II. T.
building ill, an new
and of------
We Carry
Dry Notions.
Shoes, Hardware,
Crockery, Implements,
Meat. Hour, Sugar, Coffee,
Lard, Tobacco, etc., in fact
ever, STAPLE
earned in a Stock.
We Also Sell
ii would break When Mr. of the New
I TY- ii to be vaccinated I York Journal anything he
for it and it.
. Z W
of he Male when vigor-.- cl ., , . ,
entitle memoir., should lie to ,. 1.1 . , . .,,,,, . .,, ,.,,.
ft-,. ,. . .
hope that
all will in-
and III III. local
v. I., March ., The
ll. ii,.
r, unit . i i.-- upon
leased a telegraph wire from Blew
Advertising should be planned now he
the II i- In New and
going to be Han
and invaluable part of the Mr. Hearst has a good
think of II as some running
. the
1- iii , . , . ,
the power in . i . ;. to be up-1 .
i hen, la I,., ,. ,., were Phi Co, The for lethargy and deep
and In An in advertising. and
and larch
M, II, i of the
Iredell; i . nip . I
tier, I. I. broach, Hum-
. . name i
Are n i
. i
. ,
. i;, .
A. I. I ,., ii,,,.,,,.
Vance, i of all other
Pale .
John In them, it not grip
bust .
Ion. Sold CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Her this morning.
i i- box. . . an. man element in United State. I the war ween Spain and the
for extradition. United sum.
man who dues
Hi-Hi, a German who to reach on, after trade will wake
i in United in the Spring and see
army, wan at while he is trying in
on a made by
man that he had threatened to kin L
The Treaty iv.-.,
a letter to president of
he I Madrid, March Queen
killing Regent the Treaty of Peace
Our on everything will he
I. ti. I as low as a good article
lie sold a,. You are cordially In-
I,, visit store.
Highest prices paid for all kinds
of country produce.
Heavy and
MM Shot sold.
by c i a Mm
a a. r.
V, h-
I ,
I . .
aft i .
IS i
J. C. Cobb Son.
i Ml I
Cotton Ragging and always
on i
Kinds kept
hand, and
sold. A trial will convince you.
Dry Goods,
Hats, and
K. H. It IS
B. It. BROS.
N. C.
Most of These People Are Ask
I I Inspector
Till . M II IT.
L. of is
It. II.
la, evening
M,. Moore a
week with relative, in
Irvine, of Kin-ion; came
over thin spent
T. B. n. Wed-
But Will. to show .,, the
of Raleigh.
or a Hat ion want, why We a re I he people to make .
A beautiful line of ii; in.
The In Con
I lie ii. . Ii
It ;.,,. Hie
to put Nil
Raleigh, N.
to spread in S ,
Una ii- .;. ,,.,,. , i,,,,.,,,.,,
rep I ,
, , -In in, i, ; in ,.
, , ,, , .,. . I
l. Moore and i. In-
, i . . . , . act I n- , mi
to the Slat
. ;.
I'm ii .
. . .
it ion. the
. II. Cos. of
j from New slopped hen
j evening.
A ILL i., purchase
Wilson this
for northern markets in
chase stock.
who loves
slum- i-
and mill lo his lien-.
arc all fashion.
Eggs per dozen at S. M
I, hi better to give than receive; Register of Heeds Moon- had
quid in marriage
Time Extend it.
that several more Aim. Rock,
days of grace given for who visiting
Mrs. S. M. return-
ordinance, the time
I. April has nu
looking for
advice. in marriage K;
. , . , spent in-Ill lei, Una
Again we ask. will Greenville line last week, issuing ,, Neck where
ever have a factory I two. They were for colored con be will assist meeting,
The bachelor's a man; Friday, IT
that shall he Charley
. . , Charlie Forbes and Annie Little. s- returned to Hen-
Along inn out,
a long walk does mil.
He Succeed. . II. Cox Kin-Ion
in, evening.
average man show Ins tern- ., ,,,,,,. ,,., . mi-
, , , I lie I -in- Ilia Mr.
per most when he loses ii.
J. is a candidate tor A. M. returned
side of a person is the c that .-it-,.
rich side set on now. . ,
Greenville boy, and man, Paul
Have yin been is would be to see evening
,,,. ,,,,,; ,.,,,. R R nm
See what a lag tablet you can lie Is full, capable till evening from Virginia.
for a penny at Reflector Hook j
M Mi. II la.
Borne the young men don't
offer their left arm to their girl
There in town now
than have been seen in many
The wise advertise. The wisest
do not always advertise wisely.
Art Ad Age.
is not going lo be
town it ought to lie until factories
are established here.
Claude Hunter to
Friday evening.
returned lo
Friday evening.
Mr. of
lotto, gave an uncut in
opera house night will,
his Grand. Ii is a J. went to I'm
wonderful Instrument and could this
distinctly in an, part of Hie n ; this
building. He reproduces many of morning from
selections In isl man. is
his uncle, A. A.
Rev. Ii. of
. Fear the deadly in Friday evening.
here is some kind carpenter , . ,. . . , ,, ,
work going on in eve,, advertising. It is that ,,, ,
section of the town. keeps people moving the same Friday night returned
. . , . . old mi. ii is fear that cuts down morning,
A plat turn, track for transferring . . ,. .,
baggage and express has Ii is Mm ,,.,.,
placed at the newspaper poll- Friday evening to
., , , , together visit friends.
It hard winters precede u . , ,. . . .
crop ought to be a a prosperous and them from ml ,, hag i,,.,.,,
year for the farmers, their In visiting friends here, this
short, were it not for fear, greater morning for
la-ad cents a
dozen. Slate
live for a penny, at Reflector been done, and the world lie were
store. wiser, better and II. Tripp and
, , . Friday.
People your goods
cause you force them to. Slop
forcing and they'll stop remember-
Cole's Mucilage and Cement at,
able Advertising.
is not
for of every ill; docs mil
pure everything. it Is a
I Slow and wife,
who have been visiting
relatives near here, returned home
Friday evening.
Reflector Book store. Nothing cure for rheumatism, and n Rev J. B. Morion came in
equals it for Tarboro, evening, will
try II hold services in the I resin lei um
The veil thinks
not what he did yesterday, but
of what lie is going to do lo
If you have catarrh, don't dally
with local remedies, but purify and
enrich your with Hood's
TUB has space for
the merchants to tell their
new spring goods, and they should
let the people know what they
A Tennessee editor says if he
perfect he would in
heaven with a crown and B
and not lie playing the liar in
The ladies are laying plans for
their Easter dresses bonnets.
It coining on the 2nd of April this
year may make a cold time for new
Mr. J. G. having the Dill
property, on the corner of Third
Washington streets, greatly
improved, lie is also having a
new dwelling put up.
We heard Mr. Mod. the
popular druggist, say that he had
lei, . L-9 .
at all, To -ii
cry. All I
health are lick,
, n . . I
Tyrrell. Warren. ;
Guilford, .-. Han oil h.
over. After
F. . L
I V.
is the disease
the proportions
that the
F. has
lull, live million of
summer, German follows on similar Ii.
II. will last cent or, the death
districts, compel v in M
limits and direct their several in each mil -.-j
lie service morning, I lieu ,
. .-. , . ,, ., ll
then- he will lo re
The disease is these points in
than else. Ii is
ill . I .
O I . , i
I W i .
, I
y I
pi yon my
chill the mill I
lives to. with the I lie
the town
hits resorted . . ii.-h 1.1.1
At the
have given the . the rule from
I-, lie and down
liter c
I. line. mill the rail
There is one ease in Wilmington I was to inn per
it is rigidly isolated. While 1- 1.1 r. II .
The town of Clinton, Sampson England to .,,.
I deaths per
W Norfolk, laws, ii the . f . .
s-. Spain, where there i-
infected districts us lo extent mid the deal ha p.-i
and 1- million are .-, . high;
reasons that We I.
health to appoint an in Ii .- shown lint in i
the epidemic i- ii and
speedily checked. health lime lo
will In- ordered over
entire Stale.
A Colored Han's Act.
church night.
President of
I Trinity
the of the
, lull ill here lit I Hit It the
and evening .
in. ion and re
and -null
and v ii
I in, lien I I hen
Ii, are favor of
I rank .-, know
colored man Ibis n.
himself in-lining. Almost lire.
saw him gel him M. ,,. ,
tr, and him using it. ,,.
In the II,,,,.,,.,, ,,,.,
tired one lull were
his wife s linger am. .,,,,,.,,;.,.,. ,.
other entering bis ,, .
Hung and m
and behind and ,.,,, .,.,,,. , , ,
Physicians , .,.,,.,.,. ,,,,, ,.,, ,
were ill.--. ., , ,, , , ,
peas in Hie
do in ., ,,. ,,,. ,, u .,,.
j ,;, ,, .,.
, H ., ; ,.;.,
wound and it shot
will prove fatal.
No reason can lie
Johnson's rash act ill self
lion, lie hail sick recently,
hist low days been
up and going about. For man,
veins in mercantile
business here, but has lately
acting a pension agent,

T.-. flu;
r. ,
the Hit was out
nil damage as done.
A Hi lit
Frank Jones. has a
in nil. Last
night us lie and Jake
a loud their
Looking up saw
in feel hie, honking loud
so evil h the blood
Evil Dispositions
Are Early
lit. Hour ape so-of-
. . .
Is it
delicate female or-
be overcome at
cause. Strengthen
. . i- i nature
and peculiar to women.
Regulator ll not a mysterious
mixture of mythical origin, but a stand-
ard remedy In accordance
not been in Md a day from approved
April, 1803. Oil remarkable
i Kt who
record for good health. I l and la sue.
A colored men who
South Wed
afternoon, run over a little
son of B. A- Nichols, hurting
one of child's legs slightly.
. of a century. It
one dollar a
upon lap BtU
of Atlanta, who bus
for more than two
and treated
this morning for
to spend two weeks tin-re.
Real Heals.
There have
transfers of real here.
Mr. T, has Had
ed Mrs. W. M. several
on ins property In
for her Kicks
Mr. A. has
one of Mr. S.
Mr. Joseph has bought
Mr. W. A. house and lot
in Smith
thick In pass and I he air
land Unit oil
,,,.,. ,,,,,, A,
and you . Taken In ibis is what and
time m be eradicated by he his nun
using Hood's his
In older people, the aftermath , j
of Irregular living shows it-
f Farm .
.; 1.11,., lei
ti, J
n ,.
In., .
, In m
I ,
I .,, it-
No. r. COW hook
. . . ,
I I I till II j. Cent
Net book
. . m .- hi n
. .
. . v.
. nook .-.
. ,
Hi I i . t
I . . .
. .
I ., . .
, .
, t,
Any of the BOOKS, and he FARM JOURNAL
,, . . I by mall
in i
Jul .
Ml K Al
Mill .,
. . ., j
. .
self in lions conditions,
heavy head, a foul month. Ten years.
a general bad feeling, X. March in.
Cuban Itch.
A lice today from
Ii la Impure
with II r- i I
. your family.
Poison I
II. i ll, Tl . I
In rail n I II
I, If I; I l
,. I I
nil Ml I II
n . .
I pi
. .
Norfolk of that v , ,
place oiler a reward tor a case i I a
The, said they
K. win.
the A shell lie Lank.
I'm him lo tell
in .
was placed a
Ilia lo III-
, . .-.
were sure was genuine first,
but now Hie, have learned that it
i-. to wit Cobalt Itch, brought
there Ii,
This for it is
forms list hut ll,
lays four limes each
PUS lime, and that
of season's work
for and her progeny
1.-11. I lib lieu the
ate laying
man and all in
lions. Wilmington Mar.

You May Never but Should
to Chain Hang
H g I Without .
Job Printing
ho r
v to so u
. b
Sheet F
We carry a
Geo. S. Parker
it is a big- hit in fountain pea
and is distinctive Parser
only does it teed the ink
perfectly, but soiled
he Daily Reflector
Gives the home news
a at small price
cents a month. Are
yo . a It not
yo ought to be.
The Eastern
Is a year c
the news gives
information to the
pt i rowing ac-
co, that is worth m my limes
e than the nice
I la in old colored brother
I who
to the
lug i a-o years missed
big snow.
In- efforts has never
u and lo
thing from his present
Somebody ought to start
the lint around the outside for
brother Brady. deserves it. I
We be It i since
the he lost,
Hero an from
. ham hi- nigger am
.; oh
, till. de preacher j
am how lo
up ill- here pin It'll
how lo break up. quit a
a Journal. t
ii is an can
a wonderful
power. The
leave ii who have
been and .
cured H
lo make claims.
who have written us
letters lug
Ii He been cured Rev J.
I. Mr.
N. Hail Argus; Mr.
A I'm-. prominent
and Mr.
It. Duke, a railroad man,
W ill Cure
CD .
Fatal Accident.
in. M.
hi tin i II ii ii-ii hi reel, l i
the Atlantic
shop, narrow ea
In was ugh. by i Ml which
u . . body and burled
. u i feel . I-
mil mi iii n-
killed. ii mis In- wax
smashed, i- en I over
in- lie i- hr I i
, bill no
Republican Prejudice Against
Dr. II M. Rill lei
I I- i lie HI.
Mitchell county hi- u larger
white than
any in the State,
i- a greater prejudice
ii tin any
man Semi
I'm, father in law . who
Hi i there, i- a-
colored intern ill and
in low i-
lowed lo e. On one he
-lair- n drummer
. i I a
re ill In rein mill
in urn Ii el Ii .-11
. ill.- ii- for of in-
i lo
In ,. ii lien
. an
., After Mr.
I . were and tin-.,
iv , . by
,.,.; I. m-i ,.; II
V M. ;. u .,., .,,
I ,. hi in i
In a number and i
n I . . .,
., i .; i . v ;
i ii .
. . . ill. I
i nu
pi In led, a ii i-
in -1 l
i mi I iii-
in . .
i m-i ,,., s,.
-1 . Man M.--i- from the
N I .,
boiled which In- i-
.,., it.-.-i
in n i i.-i . ill
I, I lo. ill I ill I.
Nil i, i
I in- I dial In- will I o
III lie
I I In
N .- I hen I- Ha ti II pin
ll i i-l
ii l., ; . Stan in V k
in. ii mil In in
will i.- 11- a
advert I lie
I iv old i
II .
III . II Mill. lip-
i. . i lay in i man
hi . II r
I hi I u, n mark-
. . i S the
. i ii- -ii
. Ii . it n. ii b, . he
mi i m. k in nil room in
the ii Captain
ha- . ii n I hug la-i
i officer who
lo duty mi Monitor
II II It- I who
I i a on the
v. . . . ti Caps Hat
i. .
ii i i .
k-i i tho
. I in Battery lo
tin- nu i. i- I I
it.- n
naval . i i
at the beginning tho war, and
ill-- nib
make I i-t rial
they hail In baud. In fact, a great
many officer w i re enrolled from
the merchant marine . I
into In m 111.- mer-
chant nun n II i th
Worden, n ranking only
n- nil placed in
that looked
u doubtful experiment by
the government and Unit
ii. i, . i . mull
not any special
I. r the
w.- link
lie wan to Monitor,
the n null . t light u u . v.
all on
brave part at
in light wan i. n by con-
to high rank, which other
remember him well be
came on Monitor
about a month before lb
looked dim lie hail
tin dying from
r I never
it for lo live lung,
collected. recall an incident which
I do ii.-i t ever seeing
in bow of the Monitor, quite
away from die turret, die
tight a- in the turret with other
officer, when suddenly we
Lieutenant Worden up
we were, Without saying
anything he opened one of tin-
lit and Mi out mi the
k in full view die enemy.
why, captain, the
ii i- in a- at las
in i.
can't well enough from
came the quiet re
ply. to gel lure for n
to lake the w hide
Then, looking around for a
few moment, came
popular with officers and men alike.
They nil him.
only at the time the
I Monitor looked
almost Co. He a long heard at
the nine, and looked as there-
ii pictures him
lost Admiral Worden
the d
am i
It. II . Br.
. i to th.
win. i n In u In m in
H . t m w. OS-
gin- r i n ii t-n-i- n. Norfolk
It ports oar
I I U U . r
J CUM out.
mi. n v- hi crank
i in mod
U I V. i r-1 in tho
i r
of in i- its
it it i; ;. deck.
i i, ii .
t. i i ; .; . th nm
th n in .- it-i
I j . . i th n-
. in
. i
-ii y nu i i .
. . -1 mo
w. . . root
know your place
and I
lit I had takes
my r in l-
fir j t roar
to With
that piece i f -t,, I whirling crash-
.-it it w.- in thou-
that i w an
in i If that
i nu ti . b . y steam
nun life have
tin ti
II, I to ; the I an
sir, u
know it. it- i; i- not t.
your wan chief's
It was true I
couldn't f. r tin life of me
test of i
,,. . ,, ,,,
ma r w. i V
. .
Mondays, and
A. M. for
water permitting,
Returning leave o A.
M. A. M.
dais. and
Sailing hours subject lo change de-
pending singe of water.
Connecting Washington with
tor Norfolk.
A nu- In ii . by Mr
will mil the hairs of all ,.
mil lot lull mans New Boa.
out limn other ton. and for nil points, for the Wart
One N. Into mi with railroads at Norfolk.
i a nulled should order freight by
u lull tail, so Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
bis inn x,. Line Hum
Hay Line ft.
book hairs out the
fell on some straw were pi -J
pot forward In i
The mini will convicted
lo receive SO us
and Line from
N. c.
Greenville, N.
inn-., i in- met lint twice On the
After III . II- In. Hue
. , , , , ,. ,,
nut ;. Hi. t all Ponce
whereupon aide meat,
to inform sugar. tobacco,
the other
ii i m Tin v parted n ex
m i. ilia I-.-
. even
and evening.
meeting evening. Rev,
A. pastor,
school a. in. Rountree,
school M.
a. in.
Divine service I
morning evening. Ev-I
butler, butter, full
cream sausage,
Hakes, hominy Makes,
-i-ed meal and bulls,
bought HI cents per bushel.
ST A NI A It D Sew i SB
t Etc,
lo sir
id looking bu resting Only a handful M., Fridays A.
ii bun
N . -ill-
., n In. hi- ill lea.
. and I n
I mini
hi-i life. National Advertiser.;
I ill-
tin- limes i- a
I Boston per
applying for work our of
Hi e i- smaller I bun die
her of applying for help
fill I i . . . .
. ; mi i .
p. i i mini . n.
n ii ii
lo prop a p II
I'm Sc ., i-i i utter In-
it ii Ai.-
hill ., II
i I. premising
dale i- nothing ten a-
Ilia i
I ill upon
a ii-pi
ii i These should
Is. ii in. I ii and in
in he- in larger, and the number of
sign sleeping, position, foil nil for laborers Is
mil prove I also larger year at the
a history the war responding
aloud to him menu
rough riders
Mi in. will he raised nu while going the front, has
h II passed n pan of
ale Legislature I bun under consideration being die glory
pun. revenue bill m main of which he was deprived by the
. and m The
nu polls and has n will lake some pretty
Ml. . .-lit. Indeed the n, I-. I
k to determine the price of
ii- . . persons to
They were those who sup
, rived die i is and nun
Admiral Worden
, carriage with secretary Tracy, i
He very and bis end I
even t lieu seemed a short way
M. Kev. I. A.
I P. M. and at
off. and year
. . , I In-. I inn
I an Tr. I
W This I am smoking
is Brat out of a In x my into
gave me
Wallace What you to
do with the rest them i Harlem
said tho crow
In- the women their way
lived birds. Journal.
III. I . HI-
led levied by la-i
. the lei
ill lie collected lull
road and other corporal.
which mil hereafter much
more thin ever before.
And let reused
rail mail and corporal.- his
For several years I stifler
from Teller on mi baud-.
would in pimples
and the was almost
I could stand. The akin was
lender and itching would swell
so I could bend nil lingers.
Sometimes mi hands
raw from scratching or
breaking of pimples, When I
Is ices Sun
and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday Kev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W
Sen ices third
H. pastor.
school p. m. K. Moore-ii
our shops on
line we repair all kinds of
. and
A. A A. M. We
Lodge, No. meets In I
third Monday evening. It. I
limns, M. M. Bee. I
Covenant Lodge, No. I
K. N. I. II.
K. of P, River Lodge.
Dr. I
II. Bagwell, H. L.
K. of H. andS.
A. No.
meets even Thursday even
lug. W. I. Wilson, It. M. .
Lang. Sin-.
lad us your work.
I. W. R
, a
If , ,
. i
. , .,. i
l having been I i
and in GA
i. I i
o. r. A. even
Wednesday night I.
O. ball. J.
was In this condition I tried .
half hollies of Mrs, Joe Per
Remedy some Wash A. O. Council,
1881, by tho time I look ll my No. and third
, , , . . Odd
were cured, I em nos ,,
veil of the trouble, has since S. See,
broken out a little limes, but
enough to Inconvenience me or
No. 6-10, meets second and
lake me In mule lam
now well. M. B. lows Hull. . B. Wilson,
M. C. May UH, Smith Sec.
Whichard, N. C.
The Slink complete in every e
and pi lies as low
lowest. Highest market price
paid tor produce.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO TERMS per. Year in Advance.;
Perfect Tobacco Formula
A new tobacco brand by a new
tobacco but by
an old house.
Look out for OSCEOLA under North Car-
Tobacco this Season
And for salt by all Old Dominion Agents everywhere.
it Son represent us at Oilier all
the Sling about is
the ready
Dent republicans his right lo do
One of the speaking
in matter of
decides that
Unbar shall not be nominated
again, you limy look for an an
from before
delegates to the National
are elected to the
attention; no announcement will be
needed if decision is old
is lung lulu
the null
Why The Jews and Christians
Should He Friendly.
In a sen. In. C.
York, he I
the opinion that Jews and
who worship the same fled,
should totter friends than they
have been, and strive Inquiry, In Chicago,
ninny works to co-operate
There had evidently been I weak
with Pl the
said he, I and II result
were of one They are i
same household, and of which Mr
their division has been of no ad- Will not dare to set aside or
vantage to either side. They have . other
in i-om. than -W who have
causes for division. Have W no.
all one father We call War
Chicago. to
Ml Christian holly the lot of
he I know
Then here is the Bible, and I better that he bough, all the
the majority of Chris canned he by sample
are far more in main- to the honesty
high authority the puckers lo furnish it up to
took than arc we Jews, sample, that
True, another was lire by direct order
hook to it like a But the
would Unit be without portion testimony
foundation of the old as that u to-
You shake without en-
whole bought by wire, without
Argus. ; ti- of roast
beef. The of
Miles is forcing itself to the front
That modern scourge, the . . , .
air with its fatal K
so no home is safe from its .
ravages, but have found of Congress
a sure protection against this
malady Dr. King's New
Discovery. When you feel a sore-
in your and muscles,
have chills and fever, with sore
in back of head,
symptoms and a stubborn
cough you may know yon have the
drip, that you need Dr.
New Discovery. It will promptly
cure the worst cough, heal the in-
membranes, kill the disease
germs and prevent
effects of the malady.
eels and 1.00. Money buck if not
cured. A bottle free L.
Drug Store.
Au Orange county ha
found out that by planting onions
and potatoes in the same Held in
alternate rows, the onions become
so strong that they bring to
the eyes of the potatoes in such
vast volumes that the roots of the
vines arc kept moist and a big crop
raised in spite of the
Orange Va. Observer.
The heal salve in world for
Cute, Bruises, Mores, Salt
Fever Sores, Chap-
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
all Skin Erupt ions, positively
cure Piles, or no pay It
is guaranteed to give perfect
faction or money refunded,
cents per box. For sale by Jno.
to the nuked eye. The work
done by the Canal com-
lobbyists killing
for the of
Nicaragua t and getting a com-
mission to examine and report up
Nicaragua and
routes, is now being supplemented
by other shrewd work towards
roping this country us a partner
in the Panama Canal. Al another
that direction sixty
Senators and Representatives have
accepted for a mouth's
junket upon nu elegant steamship,
as guests of the Canal Co.,
the junk to include a visit lo Cu
baa ports of interest. The
anal bus already been of
a great scandal in France, brought
about by this way of spending
money to Influence legislation.
The control exercised
over the the
can party by shown
by the talk in Washington
Mr. Unhurt and the republican
National ticket, year. Mr
is not but
anxious lo have ticket
up again, but there arc some oh
of unbroken
rule of changing the tail of the
ticket. BUM will settle the
before Mr. leaves his
house, where he is a
When Admiral I i
a letter the promotion V
given to him bemuse , I
lions of his brother for
similar promotions had been
upon by while his
had ex
pressed admiration for ex-
display of
when Sampson made an attempt
lo square himself by following with
a Idler lo the of the
Navy. his name be
but out of the promotions sen. Lo
the Semite; the session of
Congress, country gave
to ha of derision. The public is
often humbugged, but In
cam ii correct up the
and without a
moment's hesitation or a single
pointer, other than the letters of
I men and anybody
knew of records.
live long enough lo live
down opinion the people
have had of him ever since be
came known that he deliberately
attempted to appropriate
honors which to knew belonged to
mid in order In do so did
hesitate to to blacken
the record of is
something that many do not get,
but to who not believe in it
and practice II is unworthy to to
culled an American.
feel more
rejoicing over the American
victories over the Filipinos, during
the present week, were not for
the loss of good American blood in
lighting Unit led up to those
victories, and their belief
was lust cause that so unwise,
sad their further belief that more
will have to continually lost,
either through lighting or disease,
as long as we keep those islands and
try to control their semi-savage in-
habitants. American bravery will
always thrill American hearts; bill
this wise it is, in many minds,
accompanied by a regret that B
had not been displayed in a more
worthy In whipping an
Inferior people into subjection to
us. It is not surprising that
Americans whip the
they can whip any soldiers on
According to Department j he
Gen. will not re
dollar of the
boat to lie distributed, entirely on
his say so, among soldiers,
by Ibis tat
has caused everybody wish
to where
to pay for his very
gnu. of living, in
is known that previous . his
beginning the B,
And L. M. Reynold's
SHOES for Men and Boys.
All new Spring Stock and
they are Beauties.
. which
troops ever; nine i
into with of
l- to transfer lighting
bills bushes,
where iii b- for o. r
n to iii I hem except u
the t be a., and
and of while women i
n have been
ii uprising. Till c
ill tell which i- . be
private i lea
. hits i
Manila Bill .
is and will
crop South The
planter who g. I the n col
ton from a given an the
t. one
the most money.
suitable rotation, and
liberal use of fertilizers con-
.-it I- a t .; i actual
, i
. ; i
is Hi.; u inti i
in South
i W N .
n Hi
is mil ii
cine of II
cure n i . r
for and n
line I
Ha, e Cause
The letter explains
To . in,
I write Ibis letter
ha- III
sonic -I- Iii
Legislature bud lo
abolish bean's
ii as wore elected
I shall mil at temp, as
in regard I.
i . in el
lo tin- . arc here
cu in. i In ion lb i-e
1-4,11, .
I ll a
I meeting
N a I a I
ill, Tin
. a libel bill bud it ill-
I in in
session, ll referred to
money will be used, but with him. says
f claim is going to pay of
none of It and will gel none of men who will
be line, tin- source front him. but ii would
extracted the wealth . pay I quire I be vouchers for
his expenses is to com the public.
left ii mystery. it will lie f any proof Mr.
solved. The acting of In
Unit the administration n, recreation, it Is
repay from Its by the he will.
this money, during the week. nice.
Thurston, of Rood person, I
Isn't one of those wild republicans where Mr. will lie
regard the Presidential election guest of ex Mr,
of year, In Reed will be of a rich
an interview, Mr. Thurston street banker, both m
Presidential battle next year mine club house, is
promises be lively Mr. Heed's friends
will probably be is his idea, and Ilia, he Inlands
lulled and I presume Bryan an show do n
will head the democratic ticket. I mi the pun of Mr.
believe the Republicans will will make the . ad
a if we stand together and work the of
hard, but our democratic House, clear.
will undoubtedly up n queer part of the whole bus
light. We must mil Indulge la that two men who have
selves we me winter II stone's
going to have a walk-over. throw of each other, In Washing
appear ton, should Ibid ll In
with her
before e mini in
. The bill
one Mr. II.
Win-ion able speech for
It, bill ll v. a-lib
further consideration.
The of Mr.
Judge W . H. Allen
Mr. Trunk Bit. aid hi III is
have never re
on lull. Whether
II Is I. l.
I In editors of North Carolina
hale lo complain such
I bill so
c which
a heller fate being
smothered. Chatham
Boiler, who as Mr. Ml
winch resulted In the to
pay for
of bad no
money, and ever since then he
has apparently had plenty.
Porter make an individual payment
of money to If so, how
lunch, and from what fund was i.
derived; These arc some of
suggested by the
asked on every hand
Congress did not appropriate a cent
to may Gabon soldiers, but there
was an item added to Sundry
Civil Bill by the last Congress, up
fund, to In- expended ill
to earn anymore about being con
latent than he did about the
fore of the soldiers war.
Several days before ad
announced the pines
junket he Intended lo trillion Is
meet spring, nil
loan understanding,
Private Philip
to the of I hi- of the
bin you
Ilia, ii i- mi earned desire
mill feel you have iii this unit
for the sake of I he cause of pub
lie education.
The work l public
North Ca ltd ilia i- bigger than
So I beg fur sake
if great work
his us
Ii was In me
appointment of the c
bond of directors men
inns. lie this as III
Lei have an up The woman win
hi work
arc for public n-
I lo the
of directors on
April- make a full
of your work since
1st, I turn over
of directors order
said board directors
havens little trouble us possible
the report for
There has been mos.
Millions existing between
yon and myself, with very few ex
the of ex
be forgotten, and
of the general rule ill cherish
I in years to come.
I am lour- null,
II. Ml him.
i to
in lace.
always have
friends, one who lie at-
keep her If
-In- i- all i
n sin-
I. i- or
Impure blood
will cause pin pie-. Idol lies,
erupt ions and n wretched
loll, Killer- i- best
medicine the world lo
stomach, liver and lo
blond. II gives strong
nerves, eyes,
skin, rub complexion,
will make a good looking,
of ii run don u Invalid.
Jno, L.
Drug store.
who professes to know sirs Wans-
in his
la-l year over m and
about as in ii. iii Iii-
Mr. of
I he grill know- hull III
to Cubs and oil-
because his duties would
prevent leaving Washing.
Of course, was well known
abandoned Intended
to foiled . get n
number of
and lo ac
But it u
i ion. bile no dispatches
talked so as lo leave Impression
report of Gen. Otis, -nice
Victories of the past week have
been to
is In ask for
ii general collapse
the rebellion may fur
On lo
Prof Cards
in ii iv
would Inn
on dots make a bluff of being censorship, no private telegrams,
Immediate dealing with exist , perfect
,. . . I is -mil
Iron. Manila . ,,,,
. to. He toil
alter Mr. did, lb H
to New
tended lo Canada, and Ibis week
I to to for Cubs and
i lit mi . a--
of the Thai bill be I any
reach ii
Catarrh is a
in oilier lo
arc ii ion must lake Internal nun
Cure i ink
ill and acts dins III on
blood mucous
Ball's Cure i- II
It win
and I- a j , i.,.
best Ionics known. combined with
I l. -I.
, . till i i
nil, bill some been
N .
Mills B.
Dr. I. I- n .
Ill M I- I
boat and cabled
there, do not lake such
n rot of kit nation
Semi lice.
K. . ll. n. v . I'M-. .
Mold druggists, Toledo, O, It .
Hall's the l

Eastern reflector, 21 March 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 21, 1899
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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