Eastern reflector, 3 February 1899

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The Eastern
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN I REFERENCE;, . per. Year in Adv
NO lo
OH t
Washington. D. CM,
a sensational against the
for tin- of the
regular army, which will
upon next Tuesday, was Made in
the Home by Representative John
nil. a republican.
ever changes his
policy regarding the Philippine
will bend weight of popular
opinion, in which lie right
Or Identically the MUM
in slightly
word, bad bean the day
before by Jerry Simpson, Being
interrupted by applause from
democratic side. Mr.
ii repented until he bad
finished, Hen
demon of re
to is- able t
Hash Mr. retorted
am ready the applause of
broadminded, men every-
where, I an ready to Maud
the re-
Speaking of the
treaty of peace, Mr. Johnson
If I were In the Senate, I would
iii my before I would con-
mil tn
The must carefully prepared
speech against Hull bill was
made by Ray, of
Virginia, the ranking democratic
Military Committee,
who said the hill provided for
too small an army to carry mil an
imperial policy large a one
if we are mil to have an Imperial
The absurdity of the charge that
the imperialists are holding
up he treaty of peace became folly
the treaty
this eek. Senator Gorman told
the supporters of t real lull its
opponents were ready them
in disposing the treaty at any
time, and twitted them by doubt
their about taking
vote the treaty. Senator Vest
spoke plainer, He
want it understood distinctly that
not holding the treaty up at
all. Name the day. We will
agree lo any date will suit you.
If you have the votes you can
the treaty; if not, it will de-
the question will be dis-
posed of, and the Senate can pro
with other
these taunts Senator Davis
asked the treaty lie voted on
February nth it was agreed to.
Senator Clay, of Georgia, who
favors ratification of the treaty but
Opposes expansion, mum com-
sense talking this weak, in the
Semite. For instance, he of
the failure of the administration to
announce a policy toward the
it lie wise
kc to outline our policy
its to Cuba before the adopt ion of
the peace treaty, what reason or
logic can the friends of expansion
give for silence M to the policy of
OUT government in with
our other territorial
and of retention of the
my the acquisition
and retention of the
means an army of It
means that the annual expenses of
the army will increase from
to And a
huge standing army menus that the
pension list will from
That there is something rotten
about the War Department is every
day becoming more apparent, in
spite of the efforts made to keep
down the truth. The War
gating Commission seems especial
to save the
tors who furnished the bud
refrigerated canned, to
Oar soldiers, by insisting that the
beef was good, in the face of
evidence An-
other proof of the rottenness of the
War Department methods Is furn-
the assertions made by
Gen. tint he is
Milling to accept a nominal punish
meat as a of his court-mer-
for blackguarding Hen. Miles,
keep his mouth but that
it Mr. fails lo set
aside of
court-martial In make his punish
he will raise Buck n
as Washington has not had
for many years, by every
the HOC of earth. That is a
met, which the American people
will have to they ought to
know now. in advance, what is
coming to then, if the schemes and
projects which are being forced up
on us are carried
The attempt of i In- republicans
to get democratic support the
Hull bill, which will in- voted
tomorrow, ii so as in
of the regular
mi-ff i.
thing ho knows about war contracts army above discretionary l.
those who profited thereby, with the President, was not a sue Is OH at Store
plea before court mar It made no real change. The
of not guilty, although ac- proved their voles
the use of the dirty for the
ii up
language towards
Miles, his claim for pro
under Mr.
promise, is believed to lie the re
were mil afraid to trust the
President, did not change
the principle of the party against
I the concentration las I
this h
vi, r
suit of an I he hands of one con
belief hi strengthened cent rat ion no harm as long as
dent bearing right man exercises the author-
the trial A but who can when
army officer offered to bet i wrong will co. The.
ten to one that a verdict of guilty change was not made for effect
would mil in Kigali's dis the House, where fate will
from the army. very much in doubt, unless the
Senator Lodge, in a speech lb support of Senators, now
favor of the ratification of the I inclined lo oppose It can be seen roil.
treaty, did not go quite-as far as The subterfuge was so palpable
who is said lo have Dial Representative
once remarked to Mr, Cleveland,
Constitution between
but he must have felt
the same as Tim did when
the Constitution stood in his way,
when he do
not make a people; people make
oust It Like many other
a republican, made n
speech plainly Idling
his associates could
not hope to catch suckers with such
a bare hook.
Miles is still piling up
official unofficial, that
the beef furnished our soldiers in
epigrams, that of Mr. Lodge Is not I Cuba and Rico, was to
strictly tine. He um read eat. He has already eon-
history aright who d not everybody, except
the powerful part by hers of the and of
the Constitution in making the
pie of the United States what they charge was true, they
to stick toil
the beef was good.
Ami Imperialistic sentiment will
have full swing in the this
week, as nearly every Senator who
That scourge, the Grip,
opposes who mil I poisons with Its
spoken against Imperialism, baa so that no home is safe from its
given notice of Intention lo speak.
ravages. Inn multitudes have found
. . , , Insure protection against this
the treat, t Knew will be voted in
upon February 6th, and the Discovery. you feel a sore-
chances in your bones muscles,
cause would gained by have chills and fever, with sure
rejecting, a motion to reconsider
would lie made by one of
A Chance of Marriage
it would require a majority to you need Dr. King's
table it- That majority Its op- Discovery. Ii will promptly
not. Bo, were cough, heal in
, , . .,, ,, , ., membranes, kill
rejected February all Mr. Me- .,. . , , ,.
genus prevent dreaded
would have to do would is- ,,.,. .
to call an extra session of the Sen Money back If not
ate, in March, when ii would A trial bottle free at J. L.
promptly ratified. Drug Store.
Within the last week, Mr.
has personally harshly
in both House Sen
ate, and in each body one of his
was a republican. In the
House, Representative Jerry
son, and of Indiana.
Jumped on him for bowing lo
lie opinion, right or wrong; in
the Senate, Senators Gorman and
Hoar gave him for declining lo
furnish the Sonata with copies of
the instructions given to the Peace
Senator Gorman has never posed
as an alarmist, but he never fears
to speak the truth it may
be alarming. before
Senate passed the regular
appropriation bill, which carries
Mr. made a
speech, calling attention to the fact
New Spring Silks and Satins
Taffeta Silks,
and changeable.
Silks, Plain Satin,
India Silks, Liberty Satin,
Silks, Satin Duchess,
Plaid Silks. Brocade Satin.
Beautiful Plaid Waists
Only each.
Elegant Black Bro
cent; a
Come and see them.
Judge Wants Stop,
Iii issue Tin-
mark then- was some discussion
l lie proposition lo increase the mini
In Calcium Carbide.
of the
Bureau of has made
sale of
carbide, which hire
to he a source of in a burn of Superior I circuits
building, because when and a or ways
reaches iI I'm
A keep Use this l- IV ill I A
in bicycle lamps. Hereafter, in recently
transit or on storage, it lie to suggest ii
in hermetically iron ; a law to
if V lawyers slop
To Cotton
e Sin, liar
from Sew stating
Mr. John Se v ho i
he u lie
II ml; and
i.-i ii mi
lib a i in
m ,. prop ,., .,,,
in hip Hi rough ,,
the ail . eel
In .
The . Cotton
is ;
hi is in; r I In in
has nil I
ii ii n new plants . lire
i I lie ii in
ii ii,
of system in
in farmers
the cost of mid
so coin
rated Mr.
Sen has ii-
one iIi.- greatest
lo rate his
energies in inn.
In trip Mr.
will I
cotton is
rough Texas, from I here In
Mini Mississippi, then into
South, making n care
at of the business ions
of S I. i
Mr. Kit-bard II. s,
who is a
nil ml. in
ill leave York
few days mi Mr,
wile cur mouth's
. .,
. .
J i
toll thou-
B, I.
. .
; l . i .
. U.
i I .
ii H . .- r
. I. . I . i . . . . , ,
ii- in hen
I .
Hie See . M. ,. .
it- n . .
i r I-
Price l i Di iv .- .
ii. ,;
. i .
Mei . Hem ., , .
I. . In . .
. .-
Hines Son,
MO. f Dept.
Orange Va.
issue of The
lie has discovered that in some
states a girl's opportunities are
much greater than in
in America they arc greater
than in countries of Old
with LOCAL
they cannot reach the seat of the
is a
disease, and in order to
cure you must take internal rein
lilies. Catarrh Cure is
en Internally, directly mi
the blood mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
that although it was estimated that I medicine. It was by
A. painstaking statistician No package may He said that be
out American more pounds. Ii which bad
Chances of will must be
his conclusions the waterproof.
artificial light or heal will lie
permitted the building where
is Mot inure than
pounds, in bulk or in cartridges,
he kept in any store or factory
this must lie in a
or vault above the street
it must kepi A lawyer
tastes purposes, re
some lime lo
or man as fur
possible material lot .
cut lire into unit
Um to those of us who mi
side of married life, with years
In e there
never was a greater fallacy. I
would tn all young women
would hail tongues mi
In I . .
do mil many lie
and do for
pied an entire week in de
business which could as well love Von
have been day. I when
hut Hie live qualities goto make III
skills of the no
thing. A lawyer, he
makes his
and then
for two
the war with would
names the roll,
less our troops were recalled
the tropics the sickly season,
no provision, whatever, had
made in the hill for the increase.
Mr. with this
Hint from this dale, the pen
Mini mil will amount to
If you add to that, the cost of
maintaining lone thous
a the American
republic will in the year ex-
pend more for its army and pen
our of the best physicians in
for years, and is a regular
prescription. It is composed of the
tonics known,
purifiers, ailing
on the The
combination of the two in
is what produces such
Send for testimonials, free.
F. Co.,
Sold by druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall's the best.
The manufacture, transportation,
storage sale or use of
w limits of this city. .
The w ho is in
form and temper will always have
friends, lint one w ho Would lie
the acids in the
and driving them out of tin
It positive,
any other cure.
fill Christian um
by urging
faith, lie assumes at
lie says,
faith iii
is as he would hit i
us faith is n re
us adornment in
the character, is n
prerequisite, is
in which Christian fife has ii-
by during this
profession, declared this
as hind and as lung as any
lawyer present whether this Is I breath Ho ii Is with love
not there Is a In when the time. to settle
what I he Judge to say, There j quest I.
gnat deal of Hie m
lime is wasted in courts th
repetition quest ions on cross
must keep health, if examination repetition
she is weak, sickly and all run arguing cases before juries.
down shew ill ,. mistake not, time was when
she has or the discretion lo limit away
,., , , . hind lime, has been
n in
III tiers is n,,. Hon of the world, or The
, judges had discretion in limit,
trouble, her Impure blond
will cause pimples,
eruptions and a wretched complex Hum Watts in a ease in
ion. Bitten is Hie beat I Johnston and the
in world to regulate the law. In Some
liver and kidneys and lo
polity the blood. It gives strong
bright eyes, smooth,
skin, rich complexion,
will make a good
woman of a run down invalid.
Only BO at
Ding store.
families begin the
I can stand alone.
rather late in the century. we i.
New iii some
If It fails to cure, m
nine Inc. I,, H, If.
leis. All druggists refund
lied in
lie i, ii,,.
lo out,
to of
a tin c
tail has a rattling lime.
i should keep -i to
always have his
The of sen generally
braces laud. Water
Why should pawnbrokers lie
I hey always keep
their pledges
I who
II his in Hie
all right, a little
sympathy Is
The scours r um
try. is only ill- he does
scour, sadly neglecting in
ill is respect.
apt lo be
A never feels so near heaven
H II lie is
or so near place as
hen i ,;
in -i salve in Hi.- world for
Cuts, Sores, ; leers, Salt
Fever Son s, Chap
mis. i and
all Skin
cures Pile, or no pay re It
to j;,., i,.
ii or Price
per For duo.
L. W
Happenings in North Carolina,
bus adopted
lie Legislature has sen rd
ti. Justice, a lawyer
for stealing law
l link's in .
k. J. i, I i m ,.,, .
A, Law.
i N. c.
Mills lane,
I. AW .
X. i .
Dr. oils.
x It-.
J, C,

S. C.
says II. to Pay
follow log of the fail
fond forth
city ha
WHICH LED. on lure was out from
, , . i , Jan.
each lo
A. Co., banker and
Kin.-i-.-l at with being i,
People l on Important
Mail Hatter.
A gentleman living
having business in South
it a Investigate the
working of the system
in that and a
under the
II,. In-
and a annul
of whiskey seethe man
n.-i in which was sold. Inside
it very
like a drug store. was
required lo the
register, where whom the
purchase for what
oh I It. was Han
ii the Dispensary and I
could not purchase more
I then asked
what were the effects of this
of dealing in liquors upon the
and business said
the effects were marked notice-
able. A purer and better brand
of liquors were sold for less money,
profit, less the
handling ii went fund,
that ii of bar-
rooms, beyond the reach of police
features of I
drink, the runs fearful
and dangerous,
This gentleman says if
in county .-ii I see
A Gun a History.
Will a young colored
was rabbi I hunting last Than
when his gun was
and entire load
the the
gnu his arm, when by
stated. The wound is
The gun with which Wallace
shot has a history. Ii was
formerly owned late Minis
r I, and one
ii went off soon and
countenance, Later
a-us discharged
colored. The gun fell into
the of Will Stewart, colored,
and one occasion lube
out tore up his bee. Wallace
j. latest and
last, is
ill lie broken up.
States Landmark.
Per Cent. Bad,
The of the series of bulls
tins North
relates to
is the of
the work of Director W. A. With-
, mid Chemist J. A.
live samples were
chased in open market
and Wilmington, and Lie
of the powders In use
throughout State.
A shows the brand, maim
to i
Tarboro, Feb.
mint meeting night of our
own and Board
have extensive in at which leading ban
forth South Carolina ,. .,, property owners
the South, and present by the
business here, made an as of municipal ownership
for the of lights
creditors, I was discussed, and a
and Thomas r. Young as as decided in favor of municipal
assets are stated to ownership and the Board of Town
i. and i- , directed to ask
our present i-
to name bonds t
There being some
in tin- in regard to tin
Mr. and man
member of the firm, makes
l have worked hours a
day for tin- past mouth am
simply a physical wreck. el
to keep through or two of this
market ., sue- upon of the Board
up to the few
when through talk of supposed
published interviews .,,. our
in former partners, our financial A resolution
ha. been weakened, and and
upon us. being appropriation
in Southern banks were ma
available for immediate uses and
Ibis; together with considerable
moneys due us by responsible
Win tin i r. N. I,
Mr. has
for several but up
Ii Winter was a u
ii would be one
Mrs. Kate Smith, of
is visiting iii town this
John Mural has a case the
rip hi is about to develop Into
Mi. I link now working
in making six
hands all
I, r. are very
Indeed hiking
goods, -Hue right on
If you see If they
not take time to wall on you.
Mr. ii. it. Phillips, general man
bar Co., Mi. S.
timber for the am
John a
Mass. man. is
wind up its on
Mrs. is hat close Tone.
11.14 Quiet.
Opening. Soon.
way from San Cal., t
to attend a meeting of
A Pan
will ask Congress to
for a building
for a Government
exhibit at th-
In consideration of
not prosecuting him Grant
the Kansas Cattle King,
. . , , I We have just opened
return from Mexico UP new
W. II. M inn. VT, T.
what money be has.
Ann Arbor University
him, complete of------
Ann Arbor University will be
represented in its debate with lb .-i S
of Pennsylvania by
. M I
Wilson. M. H. and
Prank l.
We Carry
The Board Trade elected
for the ensuing year as follows
E. Fountain
1st. V. P.
2nd. V. P. S. Nash.
Board of
Howard, Judge Fred Phillips, Dr.
Pointed Paragraphs.
of I his system
of in liquors, there would
nut ha one, who baa his own and
neighbor's at heart, ex-
those who arc Inter-
the saloons, would
not vote for
Dispensary system. South
Carolina strongest
most admirers, live
, ears . hi I
bitter enemies. admit frank,
that were .- and
ideas of selling
iii.- liquor problem than anything
else v.-; offered,
We flip the following com
from The Kansas t
who are
at slowness
which Slates are
elected should notice tie
benefit the are
already There is
in cause for
be straight alum powders, and
per more contained alum to a
greater or less extent. The remain
lug were divided between
phosphate mm
H may not staled
beyond a doubt that alum In
baking powder is harmful
digestion, yet Us is quest ion-
able and a should know
us pi-is
Baking strength
more less and
purchaser should
secure us fresh as possible.
The bulletin
of bread.
Ii powders, etc.
ii may
. in
in Slut Ion.
notice, makes ti
. which we
slate of
markets and the worn out
of assistants. I concluded
that Ibis was the only move John F.
Dr. J. M. Baker,
up all our local w . II.
lions discontinued
Washington last week, as we were , M
unable to place here ,, development
We have paid over lo
customers during post week.
From iii.- condition of our accounts
I think will l- able
make satisfactory
Mr. up last
week ill here,
an W
, , Mr. W. II. Sherman.
stopping with J. l.
Mr. Parker will P The -black always begins at j
yards of wire In
this week yards in Bethel The who wrestles ob
for week. usually loses.
Look are compelled to It's rather odd when the
turn our especial attention now to fails to out even.
making cotton planters, n,,. ,.,, man never troubles
t to-1 himself about the I of the
bacon Hues, etc., still have
Dry Goods, Notions. Hoots,
Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Crockery, Farm Implements,
Meal. Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Lard, Tobacco, sic., In But
earned In a general
We Also Sell
You had better call however before
A. O. Cox Mr; Co.
The Meet lug was complete
omen for painting,
yet never saw an angel
wasn't painted.
Knowledge may u- power,
seldom powerful enough to
Happening in North Carolina.
Mr. A.
who was a traveling salesman,
committed suicide at Columbia, S.
re Is generally regretted.
a Gnat Year.
The further
Makes Democratic
James passed hi-
ville charter bill through.
could vouch for n making
title The
presto, change Ural
lull yet
carried more corrupt is white s
, . i it fusion
management id , . .
, vole v. through like greased
to an roll call,
degree. The Is bur This was a lo
with a debt of more than from Pitt, and a rebuke to
will double legislature turned
over to
that amount off the Indebted
mid curry it through another
year. What Would have been its
eon if ii had remained
longer under fusion
deserve a passing notice. Raleigh
Wants to He
Hi.- news. If your wife
whips you lei us know it. we
Paul Press
year was
one of most wonderful in the
history of and
sustains the statement with the
following bill of particular
I. The largest wheat except
.-. Highest price recorded for
. , in .
I. largest export of
. exports of
it, aggregate exports
r. iron
It. production coal,
to. Largest of cop
II. largest of silver
except of 1802
lit. gold holdings.
of all forms of money.
Largest aggregate of bank
to. Largest aggregate of railroad
Largest aggregate Nile of
IS. Largest aggregate sales of
York Stork
in. Smallest number of failures
and aggregate liabilities
This i- Indeed a remarkable
showing, it contains one item
which regret,
The it is true,
record breaker, but how much 1st
tor it would have been fin On
South If several million less hales of
cotton raised tit
oldest resident Charlotte, Ml
dead on the steal i
Thursday night.
The Confederate bazaar in
last week, was greatest
success of Its kind ever held
The Supremo Court ill meet on
Monday, February when
for In practice law
will ls examined. The
lion will be in writing.
Oysters are abundant
our -ii.-el-, at our wharves and ill
our -I. We heir of
h snowed under. move a stubborn man.
and Dr. Lewis returned home Sal -j Both parties should remember
night, remained I that they are married for worse as
over till Monday night. it had well as for better,
snowed we expected a large
crowd Saturday and and
judging from the beginning would
have been mi meeting.
Remember Johnson . Par-
carry a Dim stock of groceries.
You do well call see ; bringing customers lo their stores.
before buying elsewhere. If the is brought M
The following pupils made the simply. aim and purpose
I,., roll In
during the second quarter ending I merchant
Jan 1800 s Julia LU
Our prices on everything will lie
found as low H a can
be sold at. You are cordially in-
to visit our store.
n. C,
An truly says
advertising Is in
load 1,500 bushels from
Lillian Campbell, Kate
Chapman Dora Cox,
ton, Mabel Petty,
Clara Petty. Miriam Helen
Cox, Parker. Cooper,
Mary Parker.
fox, Mabel Cox, Berta Blocks,
Chapman, A.
faraway, Lester Cox.
; Manning,
Cox. Boy Cox, Co, drover
Oscar Lu
Heavy and Pane
N. C.
Cotton Hugging
on him i
kepi on
hand. Country and
sold. A trial will convince you.
, .
is the only
cheap effective way to
not only buyer
brings hint lo the store, sells
the article advertised, too. It,
however, the sells is ,. place to visit.
one article and brings the buyer to j j j,,,,, opened Id the
the store for one time only.
lone not merely What it professed
An truth may lie at
the well, bat a disagree-
able one always cornea to
selling i
for cents a
A informs Th
Newton Enterprise years
fusion rule Increased the debt
between and
n special tax will have The doctors of Sweden never send
bills to their patients, the amount
of being left entirely
to the generosity of the latter.
building with choice stock of
t; C A N COt
the best of general Tables Sup-
plies, i carry in
and urn ready t supply
to be lex In pay II.
Misses Nancy and Polly
two aged who lived four
from Durham, wore burned
in their home Monday
morning. About day light their
house was discovered on lire, and
when neighbors reached the scene
the roof was foiling in the
of the two women were
found alien lie bad burn
ad down. One of was
years old the Other
In Little.
The net profile of the great
American Thread Trust for the
year to have amount
lo The dividend
declared was per cent.
Among the Chinese a is
been Introduced proportionate-
I if you have toll y larger, says the Journal.
its readings n, y m .,,.,,, Taking the of the year
making visitor. If you have a party or however, it shows for this
A bill has
its p
house of the
between white gathering any kind, bring country a of value and
. . . ; II never
or around the cake, seven u eight .,.
,. punishable not
hilt just I
vice versa, a
local, but just to show your
with I,. four , v hereby Birth that
f i n . i gift
a warm
among the
Did Ever occur to
to lie aide to do, but it has opened
the way for other purchases by the
same customer and by the Influence
of purchase instructed the
friends neighbors of the
where to get a similar article j H
at same price. The merchant
who does not advertise simply
Ibis sure highway lo
travels the path
that ends ill the cull of the
and I he I he red
Bear iii mind the mission of the
advertisement i to bring buyer and
Her together. It is for the mer-
chant to say the meeting shall
result when takes puce. If the We can supply all your needs in
mods are as good and cheap as he Pine Candles, all kinds,
are, His advertisement ave have
will in the long
That when you buy it
economy to get the
That is what we have,
The of everything.
You may need.
We can Supply all your needs
Fine Dandies, Fruits of all kin
Nuts, Relates. e, We have F
Win ii box. put up es-
for us.
Carolina to a
should want the hut in the the town of for
vessels by shipwreck.
only lo tin
f but also
tout cure with which it U
m it
known Ii
only, to upon
nil of the
ind appropriate
of is
by tin
u knowledge of tint will
um one in avoiding
Um the
with the
cal tad the
lo million families,
kM i. the a
of the if ii. remedy. It in
fur in ml other
us it ads on the kidney-.
lag them, dON grip Ml
in it
the of
the On ii puny
I . I l , MS I
tor an
if in bad health.
The largest lunatic asylum In
is at where the
Lancashire Asylum has
over patients.
In hotels built in Chin for
use of foreigners the highest
stories are the most
cause the
By recent the
an from London lo Adelaide
the Canal sill be
shortened by nearly four days.
Madrid authorities slate that
since the of
century their has lost
Great Midwinter
be held at New Bern, N.
28-21, M
There will lie something to interest instruct
Stock and Poultry.
Large and c of Oysters, and Wild flume
is offered in Purses.-----
------The Out door Attractions will lie a------
Premium List or other address.
New Bern, N. C.
h Presents Itself
To Buy Clothing
to your
than ha Ht
DIM our
In r
-I. It la full of
to null
nut aim In
la to MM our
our with
that will
luff i-ii
now In
i mm tin
MT tin-
N. .--Open every e until o'clock
is km mm
One month of is gone.
of year.
The cold wave came on
Commissioners meet next
W a More.
The w the
for another one. There was a lit-
fall night.
Verily, the have
reform. Cot one
exchange that recently in
hand had the cheek to print the
ancient poem on Beautiful
Lookout for sore
is on.
The st reel not in condition
for ii rake walk.
sprung on the public.
takes a fellow with plenty of
push acquire u pull.
But New Names Come
. Jam sky
A. to Lew
Wilson went up the road
Ravage this morning
I Richmond lo bones.
over Ibis morning and spent the
I day here,
Roy this morning
for an J Raleigh t take
patients the insane
Prof. W. H. returned
j Saturday evening from Raleigh
be bad been attending
executive committee meeting of the
I Assembly.
Jam 1899,
J. A. Raleigh, is in
I J. it. Cherry, Jr. left
for ill.-.
W. II. returned Monday
evening from Raleigh,
J. L. Bridgers, came
down evening.
K. H. returned Hominy
evening front Virginia.
Charles from
W. s. mi
yesterday Left this morning for
;. who was of
the here, left ibis
tor l.
Jarvis to
A From Post
y .
k .;
I your
try to sys
you a or a LOCI i
any thing HO. .
. s-
is, of I .
W. ii. ii
chief shell c
Ill .-1- ii
OF All.
tobacco fl;
We . . . in Mr.
of .-n d.
The an part of
la one for . township.
this Franklin I i-h
in your
taking for your
We started ours without a cent I
of capital, stock on credit
who U serving Cuba a
months, is now of debt. K, i;. ,
and has paid the and loan j Storage Warehouse
together about which is f capital
about three limes us much as , ,.,,
received from all of six bar ,, ,,, ,,,.,,, , .
rooms combined previous ii .-
in the
has now u
u -i . . in.
us will
km us ant
B. E.
las i
sin of i in- I ii- w In mi iii,
M. II. went t.
Jesse d
road evening.
iv n the
The First In Ten.
In lending a for Tin;
for 1809 Mr,
Stocks, of White Hull. III., says
is first I read out of
W. went lo
Spare This Time. to meet his
This vacillation talk calls to . A. of the Wilmington
They are having record-break a live mouths t j Messenger, spent today hire.
in pow storms out west. his urn. hock In We A returned
trade Saturday and. crowd will no nave I
today rubber shoes.
s was.
Very few people turned out in
the snow to attend church
Somehow or other we always
the utter it hap
Mrs. W. Hicks children
this for New York.
Oct Him Take It.
Tell your neighbor w Inn he
It. I.
children this morning tor Ital
not taking
And If he becomes Rev. A. W.
Sonic way or other it always he will stop troubling
pens that the judicious o ,.,. f
If had there
would ha no excuse for loafers on
tic streets.
I pay for Hides, Furs,
There him a kind of forced
the for
a few days.
Mortgages were planted pretty
liberally will
In plan I next.
This month don't bring lives,
t here are just four of every-
day in the week.
The Winter
giving us a snow, hut w hen it did
come it up fur lost time.
The man hits little and
wants less is richer than the
who has much more.
A fool My a boasts of be
is going to Jo, but hen never
after the egg.
More drummers came in on the
train Monday evening than could
Bad hank room to get down town.
ill RENT -The Stephens house
and lot in BOB-
six Apply to
j. a. Andrews,
Along now people who travel
will wish for nod mails, but when
dry weather comes forget
J. cherry, Jr., of Greenville,
bus selected us one of the as-
marshals the coming
One good thing the snow
it did not last was
the weather cold enough to
much suffering.
So fur factories do not seem
in the for
There should lie
cotton and factories here.
The bright moonlight on the
snow, after it off
night, a picture worth look
at, but it cold for one
lo stand out and
W. who rep-
resented the Court
this is not a stranger to
people, as In- was here the same
1897. He is s
lawyer very ably represented
N. M. Watson la in Raleigh
attending a meeting of Con
Six Score and Two. paper committee.
That was the of people A v of Scotland
during the mouth of who bus been visiting Mrs,
January through the agency of C. T. returned home in
Register of Denis Moore's office,
certain i
with small . to minors who are
plus. As being a
the above figures w in a matter
of public record ant subject to ex
This, though, is mil
means the main features that if
suppression, curtailment, and gen
warns t Lie Fire and
I lie .
h urn tun . . , M
lo sen of by
There Dome discussion u
lull to repeal allow-
lea to pay special
Represents First Class
t favor
able i In- .-.
in it lion
. Hi. C.
cleaning up of forms ,. .,
generally ,.,,.,, ,,. ,,. A
r. motion was and this
most highly.
does line's
privileges or rights front him. us
ran get all tin volt
yet with
drinking bar
wherein of the evil, This
in your
mom your friends If yon so of
It with the pool I
where drink in North
a or II o'clock
with the dire
and throwing dice for drinks. B
ii , f. . . ,
I ON l. C A I and
in my it is ion which Kind can Pitt county Heavy Groceries w
the at present. Best Cultivate
There are some, op
pose the but admit you
into their
s and a
ii almost
--I I hut I In- I is
fur w i
will put
the ; rice so low to; it will compel you
t buy. I th; and hear the
price you my customer.
being will die bus
There is the making u in
as trying to grow bright
t is in tobacco ill I lull
to liar rooms, us the is
superior, will better In
coin one. a I sir the culture of cigar leaf from
He Issued sixty-one marring
Willie returned Tuesday
twenty six of them being evening from Berkley, Va., where
for and live for he has spending some lime
colored. his sister.
Only White Voters to sign.
U, Hughes to
today. The helms gone
Hie petition to be to get married and
Legislature for the will give him a reception
here Will signed when he with his bride,
only by white registered voters of
Those who have Died.
in hand Insecure signatures should
ask only white registered voters to-
sign it.
n there is no
what may happen.
Child-birth ii full
of If
Mature not given proper
Mother's Friend
U the help you can use at this time.
It a when regularly op-
plied comet,
it tho advent and nearly pain-
any dangerous
u for only one
put vi-. lo motherhood
and in.
i- i-- at nil drug atom, or
. t. . of
n ill us In
am Ml
i .
m. r k D kt
Learn Hit tn
I he
will nap
or with an i
all, t bone who oppose
it will rood boo their error.
All Dispensary.
The in
This a inn. In in
the In II ill
i hew, l
the of the
touch ii
BOD. i i; like
i In I.
ho .
ton nether
ft in to
leaf n
bar rooms,
I. is
is law drunkenness
Is under
to remove many of the
evils of the I hi i-i. It is not
Mr. a
of this county who moved
to a ago,
ill town night.
remains were to
out to the Adams place, n,,,,,,.,,,,, is
The Baiter's Duties,
A in.
sold iii u I hull i- In-
hall on to try Hi--
even miles from for Inter
Mr in his
liar In r Shop I in
This morning
cry of tin lieu It
proved to be B. harbor
shop mi Main Street, build
from the
On plane of furniture was
destroyed and other
damaged, All Ute tools
Wart injured. Mr. who
rooms In the building
to throw the burning furniture
of window in doing so his
and lacerated.
The tire was soon
It U
is gather-
lag strength in
are a the
demanding their establish-
the of the
lure so Information
do town where the dispensary
has been is asking tor
. IN
sold alter sun down, hem
in. drinking, or
night. In th.-
order is an I Is no
II, It removes
Influence from tin- gut
i. It pays more Into the
town and
k. A.
Why Not Tax log.
Have the in
the Is there nail one
member In each
and mere to speak i word in
behalf of the helpless,
sheep I hat
blessing in
iii an dogs
are not allowed to ran
at their will
richly In be In
North Carolina. There Is no
cause devouring dogs by
times or
ten times greater i is. Brave
from I he dogs by
prefer to raise it out
i to sound the
the . keep
inn feeling lo whoop her up
his n man. let his man fair
el all him when he i-
Iii defend
the I he o p I'll ion.
see his
lo lie-Ion lo
other follow .
is his business lo
tor nil Is worth, after
see Worth of
of the
Ii In the business
muse he fulled to record the
hail In- Wagon To
lo public
I hem for
his own way to everything
then lie
mean spirited a is
to that
lo I lull here
are -o III new
paper I a- Ia.
Hume men adore
. ii. , . SI II.
I ii nil.- a. i--.
I . .-. -h-. . In
I i i ; u . l. .
sin i II; lane hen i In .
up it
I sold III
. I, UM
. . ii I
ml I
ear. I
nit . S . i .
I H -I,. I
. I- it id oft ,
i oil on . n m-.-i i-
I hat. a on ml. I via mis, I. ii i in
; lie
bard-pushed la either that an
nice Lino of
I ii in- found in
In i-i, Lu
W Ill-own.
in mil-. . ,, . s,
i in . t
i ii n. ii. . u. h
I lulu, I i a .
Hats, i milks and Cams,
A full line of
delivered to
R. I-. J is

You May Never but Should you
Want Job r
to see us
. i.-
The J b
Anything a
Visiting Card
Sheet Foster
Lord I
Fin i no
in . Ml in n of
The m
. u. uh
op awe i f
la n woo kin m
it Ml ft
it With lit- He had Men
paying formal
and in tut i in
i i f a
frock u tall Tin- bat
was carefully oil a bat
Frederic Jo read ail
0- r jut urn veil
r j line cf
and and
bat ever
mat much as
looking The t tho bat
was. DOn Frederic could endure.
a t he tn tho
bin and
to object on floor up
that hat, be roared.
waiters won par-
with terror at hearing rue to
man ton
by a up that re-
i in . more
than me. lieutenant did
he t I Ho as
by rut and force
of the man an a before hi
r. i r tin
I law wool American
r Saturday
carry a line of tho
S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in fountain pen
and is
Wot only does u feed the ink
perfectly, but soiled
The of
t from if diphtheria
w V k at mum of die year
later area Iran a
f J i in the place.
; re woo would
where a can fever existed
enter the apartment
of suffering from diphtheria.
A of typhoid fever
but little the
in obi Midst of
I a which it
l r inert W of
i- lo u
by the The in
to danger from ibid clans of
. u i- the of
health H.
Dot, It.
Tie I
I mid ticket in
in- wagon for the
lime age nm man. was badly fooled
once in an annual . ll. I i. by ibis
that I fooled myself, letter from
a r. who wanted know if I
buy a mi I Lack to
bare ii act. and it was lo
be Id the ready for inhibition
one Monday morning I bad a rather
any v, bat I, a-t like,
rate It war
big, with and I ii Id cur to
go ahead on that idea and him.
did. Tho picture ho
j i ii any eye at any range.
He t a whale frame of
i f. r i a in-
land, the at chewing up
sailors i-ii tho h .
and I rub my
hi i it Th,. moment it
bang out t around it,
day remarkable doors were
I ; and at I went
I I bear a growl.
I said to
. I
wasn't m . It was
mob be-
hind th ,,. They bad been lured
by ere, and when they to
i ago d i they
-i it
ii, th, .
A remarked
hail a stranger or an outsider
to North and made
the I hat
Mrs. had
the would ii have
as never this
and suppose a
had a
that was and
mouths she was under ion
slant of the bent we
had our town. his
to control
bowel which had lie
come chronic dysentery. She also
which large BOMB
and risings t break her
Oft time then- would lie a
many as H or We had several
to her at
limes, but nothing reached her
case. They would lance these
but as soon as one wag eared
another broke oat, and the doctors.
gave no hope of her core.
she had led a life of agony and
suffering for months. I was in-
spired to in Mrs.
. There was change for
the better to twenty-four hours,
cheek the bowels at once.
and after using a my
wt entirely and has
never since had any sign of trouble
am is now in health. A
few after I had two sores
to break out my ankle, and
range to say I did not think of
Mrs. Job Person's Remedy. I was
under the treatment of doctors for
throe years. sores continued
to gel worse until they had eaten
to bone. I then thought of
living Mrs. Person's Wash and
did so. and it is almost to
say it soon made a cure.
I wish I could speak so that
man, and child, in
could hear, that
It'll What HtS. Joe
son's and Wash did for
and mine. advised one of my
friends who had been a
sufferer for a long time, with nurses
sore mouth. She Used
and Wash, and it soon made a
have recommended it to ever
so many of my friends, indigos.
other ailments, I have
never known it to fail i cure yet.
There is no medicine equal to it.
Rachel Shade
Roxboro, Co., 1898,
Legal Notices.
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior Court
Clerk of as
the Last Will and of
K. Little, notice is
by given lo all persons to
Hie to make immediate
to the undersigned, and all
persona hat tog claims against Bald
estate are notified to present the
mm for payment or before the
-1st day or this
notice will plead bar of
cry of same
This Dec. Slat, ISM.
G. Little,
Executor of G. B Little
Having duly before the
Superior Court Clerk of county
as Executor of the Last Will and Tea
lament of Jennie deceased,
notice is hereby given to all
sons indebted to the estate to make
Immediate to the
and all persons having
claims against the estate should
present the same for payment on or i
before the 2nd day of January,
or this notice will plead
in bar of recovery of same.
This 2nd day of January, ISM.
of Jennie
All Your
TIM wonderful new
out the arid t bf
par -t the
And Kills Rheumatism.
Bold by
bottle, j
r j
r. .
ma . r.; -1
Tr-a t I
lb. Br-4 two
ii. r
la. with it n .
am.,,,, It
trail-n r
. , m .
Will a 11.1 a, r r f
. e l
Y N.
Send f
Notice in hereby given
win be made to the pies
cut General Assembly of North
to enact a law
of Pitt,
By virtue of an order of the
Superior Court of Till county made
in a certain Special Proceeding
therein pending, entitled, II.
Cobb and Sarah against c. A.
day, February 6th, sell at
public sale the Court House
door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder, a certain tract or of
land in the county of Pitt adjoin-
the lauds of A. C. Tucker.
Thomas Nobles,
containing one and
more or less and known
as the formerly
m. L. Mount,
ed, of
This 20th day of December,
L. Blow,
. in, twos
lie i .
V m.
m. Peters
p .
mi n
e- York a m.
ii m.
Hue M
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
at small price
b cents a month. Are
you a subscriber It not
you ought to be.
Hew nut
is long way off, and this
Manning at-r . . ,
earned u, among . elite of
,., as .- faraway
land. In certain la
wherein I of marriage-
able age, nu empty Is
I by a suing and from a
wind lust, ad
by in
i m an it is
r in- Japanese lover to an-
tao dwelling f sweetheart
, I ml his band,
be to plant
rate. This takes
be U folly aware that mother
id r or at
act of planing a the
is to a formal
prop i tin- lady his choice. Tho
settled plant to his
Bind, retiree, is free to
If lie j, right
cart of his gift
waters it and tends it
bar own bands, all may set
donor is accept I at a Bot
if In. I. lid if
parents th,. poor plant i. ion
from vim. urn morning lies
ll-u veranda or in
tho path
act as
man. she
Application will N- made to the
present General Assembly of North
Carolina for the passage of a Stock
la for portion of Pill County
along Tar River on the tout n
sale of III
Greenville Pence
running towards Ed
county line,
Greenville, N. C. Jan, nth 1890,
Application will i- to
present General of North
Carolina for an amendment lo the
stock law around town
Greenville, c. requiring the
County Commissioners to extend
Bald fence from its eastern
nus on Tar up hank of
aid river lo the town line.
Greenville, N. c, 1800,
IN Kits S A
virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt made
December Term, 1807, in the
action of I Executor of
S. V. against L. C.
King. Peyton T, Atkinson. Alic
S. Atkinson, and others. will on
Monday, 6th day of March.
1800, public gale before the
Court House door In the town f
Greenville, to highest bidder,
a certain I rail or parcel of land.
lying and being in the county of
and described as
follows, adjoining the lands
of It. K. May. If. O. Hell, the
Rives heirs others, containing
seven acres more or less and known
as the farm. Terms of
This 5th day of January. 1800.
II. Tyson,
in. a s.
a m
i- in. 1.18 a m, S
, l s
1.11 m. . .
n-i-in-.-t.-n Mt a Mi, I
i,., . g j iv, r
-V , .,. y -w V-i-
. i i--. ll . I, HI
p Bel
t em
, . i. so M- Lin.
p in,
p Marion
tn, p m. Sue.,
f. p in,
i, a
a m, Macon 11.11
Atlanta p m, charter.
tun I pro.
in a n
i i.
yA i pin.
The Eastern
news w.
information to the
co, that is worth many times
mote than the price
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret
power to digest
a Proper
into can never be
the liver does not act Us part
know this
torpid liver, piles
Liver Pills
lie made to the
of North
Una amend the charter of the
now standing on the
inconsistent there-
W. M.
M. T.
B. J,
It. L,
Of all laws
Statute book g
virtue of a decree of I he
Court of Pitt County, made
December term, 1807, the
action of K. II. trustee
others against L. King
others. I will on Monday the nth
day of March, 1800, sell at pub-
in the town of Greenville, to the
highest bidder, tract or
parcel of laud, lying being; in
the county of
described as follows, to
joining the lands of Abel
William King, the heirs of
Harris, Moses and
others, containing twelve
hundred and fifty acres more or less
known as the farm.
Terms of sale Beast,
This day of Jan.,
II. K.
C in
ii i.
12.05 an. I
am, Richmond a.
rm, ,.
pin, a pm.
pm, s
om. I
ii. -.-.,
lino night. No
York am,
pm, Baltimore pm
1.1-0 pat, Kick, Mount V.
No. o. .
.- New am.
vile t-
I.- P
v i
leave Washington on
Mondays. Wednesdays Fri-
days at A. M. for Greenville.
water permitting.
Returning leave at A.
M. A. M. on
days, Saturdays.
Sailing hours de-
pending on stage of water.
Connect at Washington with
for Norfolk,
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Line from
Hay from
Line front
N. son.
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N.
to w. r. win, i.
I I- I .,.
Jan. 17th ism.
will be made to the
General Assembly of North Caro-
one mile of the
Will at Marlboro,
county, N- and repeal
of all laws standing the
inconsistent there
with. j.
W. Him.-.
N. L.
J. T.
Ian 17th.
virtue of an of the
Court of Pitt county
nth day of January, in a
Special Proceeding therein
pending entitled Cannon,
Public Administrator, administer- .
u a. m., a m
I It. Tannin am,
pin. Jacksonville p;
-Savanna night.
A l Inn
am, Augusta
4.17 pm,
am, Lake n ,.
is e-
i i
. arrives Neck at ,.
p. m., ,
, Greenville a. m.
i x a. a. m.,
m., m I a, u
0.111 a. in.,
in leave
i, pm arrive at
and nm Dally except
leaves a u,
an p. m., Sunday IS M
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid or
mm am
At our shops on I lick Ave
repair all kinds of
and Farming
Pistols, etc.
We also manufacture------
t t
us have your work.
versus other
T. Care c
u t L. u. fan
I will on Monday,
sell at public sale the
House door in Greenville to
highest bidder, I certain lot or
parcel of land near the Oft
Greenville, adjoining the Cherry
Turnage lot others which is
fully in a deed made by
the Greenville, Company
and others lo Mason and
recorded the Regis
office of county in Hook
pages Ml and
Administering the estate of
U With
i. and ll. Ir
NI it I
S pin Spring Hope pm Ho
leave Spring Hope ate
U an
kin OS
I Bun , ;
striving 8.30 a. r He
-oiling leaves U i a , ,
i t n.
Train on
it except
r, m-
sin ii I 3,11-
, .
I K Manager
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, hums, should-
snuff, cigars, cigarettes,
butter, mountain butter, full
cheese, sausage,
Hakes, hominy Hakes, cotton-
seed meal hulls, cotton seed
bought at cents per bushel.
Come to sec
Phone Cm.
The Eastern
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION per. Year in Advance.
s m
The Facts About The
Meeting; The Ills.
It has that a citizen's
mooting of the town of Fay el Hie
passed resolutions protesting
the dispensary act of a
legislature demanding a
vote on the question. It might
lie well for the people of
to have some of facts about
It was in the office of om-
of the hotel
which never paid expenses except
when a bar was run in the hotel.
There were citizens in at
most of whom were in
some way financially interested in
the sale of And these were
somewhat divided in
A number of citizens who
were did not attend among
whom was the Mayor of the
were not invited at
The refusal of these represent-
the liquor interests of the city.
shows the the
The saloon advocates care
little religion or morals.
They care little about the home or
the church. They think only of
the dollar made by it. They sang
out before
last election, and now they
the rule established that
they may be able to overcome the
will of over 1300 while voters, said
to be the majority of the white
of the county.
The dispensary men won an hon-
est victory before house
now the people who have cried mil
against the fusion Legislature will
not gracefully accent the act of a
while man's legislature. The ac-
speaks much against the
loon advocates. The men who have
stood for the dispensary are
have made denials in
lighting the money power which
the saloons represent. While most
those who are now trying to
overthrow the work of the house
are personally interested in the
saloon if as sellers, they
are as drinkers endorsers,
A new petition is now being cir-
by the liquor men to put it
In a popular vote of the people.
This means these men do
care for the great issue of
ISM, bat only for the ad-
of personal interests.
The Christian
are awakened as never be-
fore. They are largely democrats
they desire that the dispensary
shall stand until tin-constitution is
amended. They will then ready
to vote for prohibition against dis-
For the present the dis-
is the best solution of the
C Jan.
The School Fund.
so called education of the has
proven a failure, as we believe-. It
is one of the features in the
problem oar mind has reached
a positive conclusion. We honest
believe the Ural impulse of
a after he has acquired
i education,
is to a preacher, a
or to turn an
honest penny by his skill
in forging another
person's name to a financial paper,
There may la-, there probably are.
some rare exceptions lo this
general of the
lion, but as class, education is no
blessing to By the
tent fact, they are the Interiors of
all the races, the --servant of
by divine decree, and every
advancement of the nice but con-
firms, that divine denunciation.
The first a after
he leaves room is to
I he pulpit, the next Step in
ambition's ladder is lo himself
to some corrupt Republican while
man. who has become tho
of his party.
We heard yesterday of a case
which belongs to a class. A
boy completed his education in the
schools with a high reputation for
proficiency. He had not long been
out of school before he hail
the name of his lather,
old lime who hail
lated some property. He broke
his father up. was for
forgery, employed a lawyer to tie-
fend him. Was cm. Cheat
ed him out of his fee. Ami was
sent to the Penitentiary. What
was worth to him
Worse than nothing. Education,
as ninth as is commended, is not
always a boon. This boy is
me of a large class. He was an ed-
and he paid the pen-
of his education In the
This view is of
But there is another view. An
education forced oat of a poor
for another poor man to whom he
is under no obligations, who is of
an alien race at heart, hostile
to the man who is forced
him. Is there any equity at the
base of such an education. Is
not contrary,
in who educates the alien.
If then ed neat ion be no boon and
Messing to a if it an in
justice to another poor man with
cant rat ions to be forced to educate
him, if then in addition to this
the education thus procured lends
to break the social barrier that pro-
the white man in the purity of
his Mood and family, then is it
or politic to perpetuate
the wrong
beth City Economist.
Beautiful Embroideries Is
V INSERTION re-itch.
All Over
The Borrowing Nuisance. I Where Age Is Looked Co i.
i, . i ,, . ,
, . i- . I
i ,
. m
.; person , have ; .
ample means i. ,, , , . , ,,
. .
sensible n the
a --i
., iii i i-i . ,
lo male,
with Insertion
to match,
j Habitual
very liable In fen-gel In sue-ll
ally asking fur
tin-in. G-. m unit k
rather Hum ii. or if u
is make up
buy at once.
v. ill I hen have ii always at
hand and i- ill IV-el no
lion lo join ill
in e lie as lo
ii safe-H u in your
I --ii;. ; h
illness, I. i,.
s,.,. article
is i- ii ii-l in in
clean go
ii lake form of -i
us i
a rather in exit. you
lie lo i he ran . en slight
a loan as it new Is- iv
u- am reel, for J nil run
whether your friend may
to file ii. send ii on some
in- else. W lieu b art l-o
l-e lit
and in the
down a page, .-
a trick of mos I The ii-1
whole matter i -never
I air
Thai model n scourge. he
p ii ins be air with its filial germs,
so an is safe from its
ravages, multitudes have found
a sure against
genius malady in Dr. King's New
Discovery. When you feel a s.
have chills mill fever, sure
in I lie-
n sin
j may know have
Grip, yon need King's
-w Ills, . ll Mill
cure cough, heal the
I Kill
germs prevent
lei- efforts i In- malady . Price
eels s Money if
cured. A trial J. I.
Drug Store,
in I
is not .
reason. v, is
an old nun .
fore I lie old man nm
Japan than any alien el
world. n. might i
u hi . i-
i.-s in
i I,
; . . i .
. duty nil I toil ;
t 11.- conn try.
.-I part
i i .
in . let I
unjust or he
i. i . In-, or how
clings lo tint
pa though. . is
ii- era ii nature lint
and flavor of fruits,
size, quality
of vegetables,
i and plumpness of grain,
arc all Ly Potash.
properly combined with
Acid and Nitrogen, and
rally applied, will improve
soil and increase yield
and quality of any crop.
Writ at .- which
tell ft ranters with
Sew York.
i Order t ,
as Cotton Pickers.
Burdens Taxation.
No class of people
as much as the
His business is ultimate. The
merchants, the manufacturers, the
railroads, tho professional man, all
other classes, may throw
the of their burdens bank up
on the farmer.
the great body of in this
country. Whatever tax the mer-
chant pays is added the price- of
his whatever lax
pays is added to cost
his wares, so it goes all along
line. But farmer when lie
purchases the must pay for
all this increased taxation. He
does not fix the price upon the
goods he buys, nor upon the pro
which he If prosperity
reaches him it is at the cud of
line, for he is virtually by
all oilier classes to the
margin of Farm
The country papers are the pal-
of our liberty, declares a
recent writer. And he undertakes
to prove- the of as-
The country as the
county weakly is generally called,
the only means left to
serve the spark of liberty In
country. There is not a
tan impel- in the e
not what political
to affiliate with, but what
is edited and conducted entirely
on the load eating
plan. They fawn and Butler
around the bunted, and
glittering scum pose as
leaden and bend the
hinges of to those
positions of never
do they have to offer
when not only severe criticism, but
and exposure of
ales arc due to the public.
The big papers are all run on
policy plan and by the
Mr. French
marking mi fa, I
ale hi e
will, last year's i up
Mr. i rather i
. ins I
. -.-ii
I- it I-
. , n III
was a ,
plant , and Idol suggested n
self lo might
in pit king n lion, lie
got it I plan
sin sit. lie now has
on hi
;, -I in lo Ii i i the
bold oft I-
tin- suck is
key In point in tin
empties his
him then he buck and
man, however, i-
Hiking upon ii;
ii- a
meat his rights is licit
to i hole
I. III. He ii,
ll .
. ll ., . . I
h's . . .
-W e- set . , is ,. . . -s
In- Ai entering l lit
i i
, work of
In mission
peak . .
Mi. in
shape-. -in ends and
. . . ruing
ii mil develop
III . lei's I'm
I hell nm
A- the or th is mission
mi i ii part
Hi G . has
ll i In-
.- lie- ilia . p of
I . ml I.
hen have
our loins -ill
In- task h in- ii has
Just received a carload
,. A, ,.
. .
It Is ii Mailer.
Ii i- a which The Com
the grows more
crop of the
state and yet Western
nil tin- cot Ion mills. The
week new
cotton mills or the j thank I In I
ill in Pied who
and I lull . hen
seldom is there note fr his vain up
any such a thing in Cam i,,,
when c sen
upper sections j in Ibis regard
voiced by
some count ion in which there are Tennessee, who
cotton raise nun.-, am, when
Is the chief w.
VI. i
,., . nun I i-t I he seal the
. i ., -1
slit in mill in lo
, are -ii lake internal rein
t in I in.- i- Ink
en mull . and i on
Hall's i i it
ll WU by
tun i he in i his
for years, is ii
ion. of tho
I.--I tonics ii, i.
on he
h I in
. hill
I I I. -nil- III I III I I'll.
i Props.
I I I O.
Hall an-
Prof- ml
The woman in
ill always
hut one who would heal There i
keep her ll ill
she is sickly all run
ii she w ill be lien
bit-. she has i i
I her impure
will cause pimples, skin
ion. is the In-I
in the world n
liver and kidneys
n i In
mid citizens
I Slate's, em,
i in. .-I mis iii-i can
i i
by tho
in world and arc used by
Sill, .
. Ive
I lie Ive In lite world for
Cats, , .
i I, , . i
. .
Gilliam . Mill- ,
Eu re,
. c
purify gives Chi Corns,
nerves, i , eyes, h, I
-kill, rich complexion, ll , Pile's, m . i
will make it I
i .
Hr, ll.
or I'm J
i at h. t.
KM N Woolen, store

Eastern reflector, 3 February 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 03, 1899
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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