Eastern reflector, 17 January 1899

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us
he Jab Offer
Secret of Beauty
is health. The if
the power to digest and
a proper of
This can never be done when
Anything a
We carry a fail of the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is B bit- n
and is Parser
n c t only does it feed the ink
perfectly, soiled
s l
. ,., m th
B -i 1- non
,, , The
, . tag In
,, x looking liver does not act It S pan
,,.,, . m H
I, .
I m had to I
. mi, . i off n s Liver Pills arc an abs
mine roadway at
By virtue of H decree of the
Court of Pitt County, made
at term. in the
action of Hornaday. trustee
other- against I.
others, sill on the
of February. sail at pub- j
I, c i the Court House door
. if
joining the lands of Abel Smith.
r. v ll William Kin-, the heirs of
Liver Pills Harris, km
others, containing twelve
ft remarked and more or less
that bad a stranger or an outsider known as the Move farm.
North Carolina, and made. Terms of Nile
. of Jan.
Wash i
at v. a ii a Mi
Ml n.
. f
i a a
, i ma
.;. I
I- i-,. op he cures among our
; . Mt
i, i i, ., Md that ma
. . made, would
I j. as never In-fore. Road this
, one of torn. .,.
Eleven years ego had
, i. ,, in. rally tarn u to
. tin- SUM
i .,
. I ; i. WON u.--
J la
s m i l
i ; kl
I ; ad nil
In- i wail rolling I
Mm MM, with
n I m I u.
i . i
AU in In a raw.
and in
n , t, . of dropping
It aw a tot
MM road and MM
in lie of a decree of the
I he bowel trouble.
Sheet Poster
of I lie.
la a
and III order to
CUP it you take internal rein
en on
the blood
not a quack
It van
our of the beat In
that birth, and of Pitt m
slant physician v L.
had in our town. But his j T. Atkinson,
to Atkinson, and others. I will on
which had b the day of February.
sell at public sale In-fore the
, lions.-door in the town of
from sonic bidder,
trouble, which caused large certain or of laud,
to break out on her living and being In the county of
both . Oil time would be Pitt and and
. ., ,. follows, to adjoining the lands
c had . g
tn-at her at and others, containing
but nothing reached her ,
would bum acre more loss known
but as soon as one was cured farm. Terms
I his day
-I i
, i, .,. it.,. at
am. r
v l
u i. it.
to, i-i .
I. m.
Ml p M.
p m. f I
a n;
leave Washington on
and Fri-
days at A. M. for Greenville,
water permitting,
leave A.
M. A. M. on Tow
and Saturdays.
Sailing hours subject to change de-
pending stage of water.
at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroad at
Shippers should freight by
the Old Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
N. C.
N. C.
I Hue
, in. p m.
m. P
11.1 P m. Tart-.
a m. Mount I.
1.11 a at,
. ,., -.-S rt-. I
. ,. N-w i
Kate i-
D It Y
v raM
another broke out.
gave me no hope of her cure. Al
let she had led a life of agony and
for sis months, was In-
spired to Mrs. Joe Person's
. There wan a change for
the better in twenty-four hour-, it
seemed lo check the bowels at once,
and after using I few
child entirely cured, and has
since had any sign of trouble
i now ill perfect health. A
few after this
of January, MM.
B. F. Tyson,
virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County made on
the of in
a certain Special Proceeding therein
pending, entitled Gannon,
Public administer-
the estate of Warren Braxton
for years, and la a is in perfect health. A against
II Is composed of the after this had and will
ionics known, .,,, at o'clock
the beat blood acting ., M n of the Court
.,, the mucus surfaces. The say did not think sell
of the two In ; Jo Remedy. I weal , the highest bidder
what produces ,,., the treatment micros in that
, so at-
If m,
. m,
,. a m,
a m,
Atlanta IMP m.
on u m.
a m a
S. I. in
, pin.
I three the track of land situated Con
I it, until had eaten ton ad
to the bone. then thought of
wonderful results
P. v c. Props.
Bold druggists. Toledo, O.
Hall's the beat. I trying Mi-s. Joe
did so. it is almost useless to
I In
Id U. a a
. . Ill
I . .
i. an part an
y u .- t i tun
proved In. Italian
i id ii
try. while ii. .
fr in hi i
In--1 II
Ian. Ba I
; . Dills owe
joining the lands of Fred
horn, the BUM Manning land
others, M acres more or
less. Terms of sale cash.
This Dec.
Administering the estate of War
Braxton. deed.
it soon made a cure.
I wish could so that
man, woman and child,
North Carolina could hear, that I
might tell them what Mrs. Joe Per-
son's and Wash did for
me and mine. I advised one of my
friends who had been a terrible
sufferer for a longtime, with ounce
son mouth, she used the January,
Wash, and ii soon made Proceeding therein
mire. I pending entitled Cannon,
I have recommended it to
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Pitt county on the
;, i in
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
a at small price
of cents a month. Are
yo a subscriber It not
you ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year and contains
the new every w. gives
information to the
s rowing
co. that is worth times
mo e than the price.
ins was
Mr. V. Lilly, a prominent ell
of Hannibal, Mo., had a
deliverance from a
In telling of it he
I taken with Fever,
run into
lungs became I was so
weak sit
helped I expected
to die of I when I
beard of Dr. King's New
great relief.
I continued to it. and now am
well long; I Baal say tin,
nun h in its This marvel-
mis medicine i I
eat cure in world for all throat
lung troubles. sine
Trial tree
at J. L. Drag Store;
cry bottle
By virtue of an of the
Superior Court county made
in a certain Special Proceeding
therein pending, entitled, II.
Cobb and Sarah against C. A.
and I will on Mon-
day. February sell at
public Nile before the Court House
door in Greenville, to the highest
Milder, a certain tract or of
land in the county of Pitt adjoin-
the lands of A. C.
en one and
Bean and known
as the formerly
lo M. L.
ed. sale i-ash.
This day of
xx L. Blow,
so many of my friends, for
lion other have
never known it to fail to cure yet.
There la no medicine equal to it.
Co. Oct.
even But-
day, morning wad evening. Pray-
meeting Thursday
A. W.
C. I.
M cry Sun
day. morning and evening. Prayer
meeting evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. . F.
lam lien third
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday
H. Moore
Public Administrator, administer-
Joyner and
will on Monday.
public sale
Court House door In Greenville to
I he highest bidder, a lot or
parcel of land near the town of
Greenville, adjoining the
lot and others which is
fully described inn deed made by
the Greenville Lumber Company
and others to Mason
Barnes recorded in the Regis-
of Pitt count v in Book
l pages W.
Administering the estate of
A. F. A. M. Greenville
third Monday evening. R.
llama, W. M. M. Sec.
I. O. O. P. I I a No.
Meets every evening.
W. F. N. Over
ton, Ban,
K. of River Lodge, No.
every evening. Lr.
K. A. Jr., A.
White. R.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
. U. A. every
night at I. O.
O. F, hull. L. L. Hargrove, Conn-
The having duly
before the Superior Court
Clerk of Pitt as Executor of
the Will and Testament of G.
E. Little, deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons indebted to
the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, all
persons having against said
estate to present the
same for payment on or the
day of December, ISM, or thin
notice will lie in lair of
of same
G. II.
Executor of Little
. i
am. ca p-
his ,
o . i, am, m
am, a
10.00 am, N
11.10 am,
12.81 rm,
m, W
HAW, It, Xe
pm, m
Norfolk pi.
on. Leave Wilson n.
f. New
tide an.
; at .
1.11 a
I in. Oil pro
Savanna 1.45 night
am, Atlanta
4.17 pro.
p. a., 1.1
. . in.,
. m.
. m., a. a. in.-,
all I at a.
-lit u
k, ,
W , -ii M a, v.
Ar a. n
m i-tn- leave air
pm . ,
and Dally x -r
At on Dick-
sen avenue we re-
pair all kinds of
Gins Farm
Let us have your
mm is 111.111875.------
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, hams, should-
coffee, sugar, tobacco,
cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain but tor, full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat Hakes, hominy Hakes, cotton-
and hulls, cottonseed bought
at cents per bushel.
Come to see
Having duly the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt county
us Executor gal Will Tea
lament of Jennie Boyd, deceased,
not lea is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the under
signed, all persons having
claims the estate should
pi the slim- for payment on or
before the 2nd day of January,
1900, or this notice will Is; plead
lair of of same.
This 2nd day of
Executor of Jennie Boyd,
an . ., ft i, la Alba
r I'll h SI., 6.10 p. in
u Sunday a
and 11.0
mi leave
Ml I W pm . If
pm Spring I pa ho
log leave String Hope M
kit V am
an pi Sunday.
on land N. U
dally, Bun lay, 7.1
a. arriving 8.30 a. i It
I a
10.21 a. a.
Train Clinton
tor Clinton dally, except
II . in. and 4.15 i ,
-r. i at am. and
H Manager
Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable
W. .
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE FICTION TERMS per Year in Advance.
NO log
Good Farming In Union.
Mr. A. a
young farmer of township,
this fall gathered of
cotton from two acres. On
the average 1,800 pounds of this
variety of seed cotton will make
pounds of lint. This gives a yield
of three and a little over one-third
for two
This result was due
plan of fertilizing. He could
the same amount of fertilizer
on four done twice the labor
and made the same.
The Asheville Citizen, which has
sense like a horse, recognizes the
fact that a State grow and
the expense of its government stand
still, and it with The
that the expenses of
tin- State government can lie met
and still increase in general
taxes lie avoided. can Is-
it says. the proper men
are put on the committees
Legislature, they
will bad all the new subjects of tax
atom that will lie necessary
all legitimate expenses State
government, without touching any
ordinary tax That's
the doctrine. Talk
Some Good Farm,
Mr. Templeton, of Amity,
cultivated last year acres of
He spent
and made on the f acres bush-
els of wheat, bushels of corn
hales of cotton. Mr. Tern
his boys did nearly all
the work of raising the crop them
selves. This is good farming bit
Mr. is a hustler.
Mr. A. Shook, of
raised live bales of cotton averaging
over pounds each, acres
of ground. This, too, is good
There are people who affect to
treat with contempt
American woman in politics; but
Merriam, of Minnesota
knows The ex
would like to go abroad as
to Russia, and President
is inclined
but the wife of Senator Davis, of
Minnesota, as she said
as a in the
Cabinet. This very
pretty has all out of
fuel that .-senator I is bad the
good sense to marry a dressmaker
he her and that Mrs.
Merriam. who is at the heal
In Minnesota.
her. It is now the turn of
Mrs. Davis to do the
I The printers at declined to
put the President's
type, and it was accordingly
necessary to read to the Filipinos.
If any more reading should lie
necessary it might be well read
the Riot act to the
compositors, that
performance with
a Government printing of
modest dimensions. Dewey
the Spanish nettle at Manila, and
grasping on a smaller scale
would appear to lie at
Senator R. B. of
through to Raleigh this
from a visit home. He
says the oilier day when our Sena-
tor. Hon. N. Wilson, put in
nomination Mr. A. of this
for a clerk, there Was some
fun after the counting of the
lot commenced. The tellers com
one; two;
and so on. a few
moments V repetition of the
caused of the to
smile very audibly, whereupon a
wag remarked they seemed
at once there was
an uproar, everybody
but got there in short
With all due respect to the learn-
ed gentlemen who are
the question. Angels
in the Observer
we an- Inclined to the opinion,
bile ii has gone Into the realm of
the invisible, and the unknowable
this life, to Is- taking
a taint of sacrilege. After Col-
and columns of arguments,
opinions and much discussion.
what is to Is- accomplished Will
any one know any more about it
than he does And may it
not have a tendency to weaken the
weak believer, who
is just opening his eyes to spiritual
things Brethren, let its, as lay-
men, approach the with
reverence, fear and trembling.
Durham Sun.
m Drill and
The woman who is lovely face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would lie at-
t i in list keep her b. If
she is weak, sickly and all rim
down she
If she has constipation or
trouble, her impure blood
will cause pimples, skin
eruptions and u wretched complex-
ion. Electric Bitters is the
medicine in the world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong
eyes, smooth,
skin, rich complexion. It
will make a good-looking, charm-
woman of a rundown invalid.
Only at L. Wooten's
Drug store.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent cit-
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a
from a
death. In telling of it he
I was taken w Typhoid Fever,
that run into Pneumonia, My
lungs hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't up
Nothing helped me. I expected
soon to die of Consumption, when
heard of Dr. King's New
One bottle gave great relief.
continued to it, and now am
well and strong; I cant say too
much in its This marvel-
medicine is the surest quick-
est cure in the world for all throat
lung troubles. Regular size
and Trial free
at J. L. Drugstore;
bottle guaranteed.
The best naive the world for
Cuts, Sores, Salt
Rheum, Fever Bores, hap
pod Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect
faction or money refunded. Price
cents per POT
L. Woolen.
will be the event of the year and
arc invited to attend. For this
month prices have been away down
from regular Belling prices on Pine
The Cabbage
The Chicago physicians sow u-
. diphtheria
prevailing city is due
extensive which
ii- suburbs.
the town of
i- ism of terrible disease
were reported in one day, and the
doctors there believe have
traced the germs acres
which near
These have
opened the health
officials, and I hey the
which prevail in
n-. -.-d in
ii. old North Carolina
is germ
reach I he anal -ii
disease. Catarrh is n blood
disease, and in owler
ii you rein-
Cure i
en and acts on
tin- blood mucous surfaces.
Hull's Catarrh u
was prescribed
mu -of I In- in
for years, and is a
beat Ionics known, combined with
blood acting ill
combination ill
is what produces such
wonderful results in
Send free.
F, Co., Props.
by druggists. Toledo, .
the best.
Steel Bed
in either Of
Our of thou-
of in t t.
Picture, Tin
Move, etc. and In from
from pet on I
a or Car
pet-. Art out.-. and U
cat the
I painted
a you
. . the
tells all about it.
Drawer Style
Why have t
in pan the
led Slate, in
you. A
Julius Hines Son,
a 09-
bill I
In an interview Washington last
night Representative Harry Skin-
of the district,
present Legislature should
disfranchise the in North
Carolina; it should never let the
opportunity pass, and if it it
should be held responsible This
does not sound very well,
as it does, from u Ml who is now
holding office given him by the
help vote. The
is all right as long as he can elect
the politicians to office, but when
he fails, he must be put out of the
way. should
be censured for a failure lo dis
franchise the what should
the punishment of Mr. Skinner's
crowd for fostering his suffrage
The usual cry of dis
tress comes from Dawson. The
Yukon Council appeal to
Washington says that food is plenty
but it takes money to buy
and that nothing less than 1800.000
will sec the colony through the
w inter. Even the Klondike seems
to have no lode equal in richness to
the Federal Treasury.
Several of our exchanges
the New Year with -Now is the
time to turn over a new
The new leaf business has long
discounted, for many of them
proved blank pages, with nothing
thereon to guide or to govern. This
looking forward to a new leaf per-
has proven a pitfall to many a
It is the mail paved with
good intentions which is said to
lead to a very, very bad place. If
page lie bright and clean
and punctuated with good thoughts
and deeds commensurate w such
thoughts, no date the future will
have to be for a new
To day's deeds arc strongly
indicative of what Tomorrow's will
The Living Present is there
fore the time of all times for good
resolutions, above all. actions.
Raleigh Post.
We have a nice variety choice styles
ye and can now pit a Bargain.
When conic our Spec-
Bargain Counter.
A gentleman remarked
bad o ranger or an outsider
to North Carolina, and made
the cures among our people that
Mr. Joe Person's b
made, the people would beau have
as never before. Read this
and suppose a
Eleven years ago I had a child
that was delicate from birth, and
for six months she was under con-
Col. Skinner Defined.
The North Carolina Congressman
who calls for the abolition of the
14th and 15th amendments, the
of the and
the of insular com
for statehood, is s true and
frank spoken imperialist, who per.
the logic of
Springfield Republican.
Henry Lodge was re elect
United Slates Senator by the
hi a duel about a young woman
at Sexton's Creek, Clay County,
Ark., Parker killed A.
The French steamer
was wrecked off the
coast on Monday the chief of-
The National Company,
of Cleveland,
by the Trust, but prices
will lie lower.
The stockholders of the Hamilton
National Bank, of Boston, Mass.,
have derided to go into voluntary
While delirious from grip
A. Hume jumped from a window
of his home in the Harlem section
of New York, fractured his
The of
of Brooklyn, N. Y., for
fraudulently collecting inquest
bills, has ban approved by the
New York Supreme Court.
A silk mill will la- established at
Lambert's In the suburbs of
A company with
capital has la-en organized and
the secured. A vacant
there will ha leased once,
and in labor w ill lie train
ed during the erection of a
building, which will
1st. A thorough in
of climatic conditions
led to the belie that Norfolk was
the point in this country tor
the purple. This will be the
first large silk mill in the South.
Just received a carload
Two years ago the
was in session nearly every
of body wanted an of
lice either for himself, for some son
or daughter, or relative. It was
the greatest gang of seekers
that ever assembled.
The present
passed a resolution that mi
nor any sou of a member of the
body was to be appointed to any
office within the gift of the same
No can ever say that the Leg
was a of miser
pie as has said
of some of our past General
Garland by the largest
manufacturers in the world and are used by
many millions.
MAIN , J N. i
care of the best physician
had ill our town. But bis
cine seemed powerless to control
bowel trouble, Which had lie
chronic She also
from some aggravated blood
which caused large sores
and risings to break out on her
body. Oft time there would be a-
OS or We bail several
doctors to treat her at different
limes, but nothing reached her
case. They would lame these
but as soon as one was cured
another broke and the doctors
gave no hope of her cure,
she had led a life of and
suffering for sis months, I was in-
spired to try Mrs. Joe Person's
Remedy. There wan a change for
the in twenty-four hours, it
seemed to check at once,
and after using a bottles
child entirely cured, and has
never since had an sign of trouble
is now in perfect health, A
few years alter this I bad two sores
lo break out on my ankle, and
strange loan I did not think of
Mrs. Joe Person's I
under the of doctors for
get worse until had eaten
to the bone. then thought of
trying Mrs. Joe Person's Wash and
did so. and is almost useless to
it soon made a cure.
wish could speak so
cry man. woman and child,
North Carolina could hear, that I
might loll what Mrs. Joe Per
son's and Wash did for
me and mine. I advised one of
friends who had been a
sufferer for a longtime,
sore mouth. She Used the
and Wash, and made a
I have recommended it to over
so many of friends, for
and Other ailments, and I haw
never known fail to cure
There In no medicine to it
Oct. B,
Out all the Senator.
A half dozen Republican Sena-
i attended a dinner given a
fortnight ago by Vice President
The guest of the evening
minister, Wu
lb- speaks English
fluently, is with American
manners and can see a
After drink ma
Mil. a Senator
ed to his colleagues that they test
I be drinking capacity Em-
representative. This
was snapped up and the
drinks came fast and furious.
As the evening wore on the Sena-
tors became slightly boozy, and one
one the; dropped none
save I be minister and the host re-
Then the minister, who
was as fresh as a daisy, leaned over
and said lo the Vice President
Mr. President, here are the Sen-
The Vice President smiled and
admitted that they had
retired, whereupon the minister
and the Vice President had a
night and what remained
minister alone
walked down the stair into
his Rec-
The pretty society girls of
eel who consider them-
elves the belles the community,
careful how they snub
awkward, uncouth boy of tilt-
When are a
these boys will lie
young men, and will
the snub. The snub business
j- risky; the wheel of fortune goes
a round and it is impossible to tell
who will be on top next year, or
who will be on the
Professional Cards
I. ;. I,
Al Law.
iv .
ft Mills It.
N. C.
I A M ft El
ill.-. N.
D. L,
r C,
Cobb Sons stoic
Galloway, B. F.
Snow mil,
a i VI I AW ,
N. C
all Courts.

I mm.
The Law
Condition of the Penitentiary.
. WHICH Hi. Own i.
. in
Entered Ute Past
Greenville, as Second
Math r.
i i v. i;
lowing of general Internet arm
Instructing the B. Reunion
------1 from North Carolina to Introduce
use their beat to Mean
. Mil establishing
light beacons Cape Channel
in Him in beginning
the nineteenth
century. Leaf. To incorporate the African
Xii. no. Tin-last cent u etc.
path To prevent spread of disease,
.,., ,.
to mil but 1900. l-n I
. I . .
In- ii strikes u. ,
i Assembly .
We bare seen II staled In several ,.,.,,,. .,.,
exchanges that Ibis was losing being a repeal the law
for liquor dispensary
, county.
Tr I in
we sec bow such .
Ion was arrived Tin in i-
. i .
I-. I. century
the i second century
i-i lib year mi
I W ll BO OUt
i lo see
. . J -1
. -ii
ii- Jurors.
I i.-. i- .--.
ii. ill.- n-
l- I Held
In in San
F in . . lie . us lo
. l concern i
in .
room i- one of knew
i .--- the
While I In .
. i. . I them in
pine re r in in
in., . iv i mail's
I was . tide I up hi
it p lb-Ills.
I be ll said.
-.-. . j. .
ii . I ii.- for
Mis, I. Unit in Ibis
.-. U- n.-
H ll.-;. Ill I -I l .- I was III
I be . man
In not
To Section l of
in to
exemption, i-i.-. Referred i.
i- bill reduce-
homestead per
--in property and real
To payment of
v. ii in-.-. iii Mate cases, providing
for of the same when
true are found,
nil i n-i w i.
To authorize
To pr a joint committee i
X. C. II
Mi-s. Harrington ha.
.-i. I, past few days.
prim Car
Mr. Jean i torn
col Inn.
. S. vat in
an lion,
talking guano.
i in- i
a Joint
of Ive
mi part of the ll. adopt
the and
of the
liar; four
end and to into
I of I lie -a
umber of lull power
other and to Into and
all of
fraud, Immorality, in
or em-
i. joint
and are empowered em-
and to aid in
aid in veal j to meet
plan-.-a- a majority of
said to
a and to sub
p. and their
examination of
papen, under
provided tow to compel the
to enforce production
under sum- forfeit
law of
and production of
Treasurer's office, papen In the Superior of the
department. I. Thai of take
add have full
of power to for
curls I., appoint themselves or officer or of Stale pen observations.
other person h
of shall lo
i ii- . directing hi.
of dead before said join cow-
who tail
that Mr.
by the of
the against
out this weak. Senator
triad to answer
against OUT light
and in
tin- nut ill
In ml any Other
; without their but the ad
ire i-m-e doubtless km
sun we have on hand to another and abler,
Other disturbing
once however and nut-he expansion or bust men were
of bring time. fa for the
Mr. It. L. of Aurora, l
night on the train,
be his good
B. Manning ft Co. are
In a large
think to move in a.
brick store
and will then be In a position of
action against the
I j ii 11.-. part of
would be U of
ill I by
Senator Allen. In addition to
ii y. trade and supply year
wants, received ear of
learn that two of
for stealing
Harvey wen
convicted and to out year
in penitentiary.
Better still for the Cos ran
Wheels. There was a man hen
In office other who
aid that bis brother-in-law bad a
Mir of the hub and
inn wheels made in two
alter the war. were still in
order, and that he would not
Made by The Orange Va.
.-I keeper is b
lo provide for a ; to
lie explained in
I three Senate riv
a in
ab .;.
is lo
. of l .
ii i i
there are
IS ill oil
on i-
. A lo
. if I
iv Tail
debts is
ho I
. In tell
i I- i hut an ii
. thing
lb .
II. I-.-
Trill i-
in Senate.
Mr. i Lenoir
ii bill and
Ii . publication ketches
in war
Stales, The i for 1.000
n. expense lo lie
I I In-Slate except for the type
Ming and paper n
a in i
. . in us .,.
toe ill . . In ,,. .,,,,
I iii I'll
i . ;.,.
front i in.
plan, I in-.
Itself, i- . nigh Mer,
. more
ions if Flow i mils i .,.
mi line paper and en
dosed in t rover of white
for plant
lug II.
Small Fruits, etc. Ii explains u
new departure in selling
N aright in place of
style of packets j also a growl
giving . , ,,. f
, in n, ,,
for useful
art hies. This of
an will i. mulled a line Bill
for rents. Write Jam km
Vii k Sims,
vi druggists refund
Me, gen
has l. it. on i-ii.-ii
i- and
i one lo per
pure in--. Mug The bill
was tin-
it provides for
of the in
Assembly, one to
i,, Slate I
in each college in tin-
the to be sold,
.-.-I. the
int. .
Sue. ii,.,,,. ;,;.
ii lie isle, in fen
I., increase the of terms
Superior lobe held in
I., pi. all. white
white and black
lo Her. Code
giving Justices the Peace
jurisdiction in of
To amend of the Code,
by willing to the
lo the ton
now applies,
This lull provoked considerable
explained Ian
of hi. bill, with
willed some of the
PHI people who
for killing
live had experienced tome
trouble securing prompt nettle
of claims and that he desired
lo secure tin- of this law
providing for the of
the nettled
In a time, exempting
them in-ill prosecution If tattled
in a stated period, ate.
papers or records relating to the
Section Thai tin- joint
are directed to proceed I
delay lo make -aid
report their finding to
tin. i Assembly now in see-
it. Thai the -aid joint
empowered to
in person to state
all other
in connection therewith
and to make personal ii
down bi Cuba complain be-
cause arc
Tin- h.
Women make the beat skin sup
Nothing ii. more than
a peg,
i if all the sad words that man
ever spoke, the saddest are these
now dead
Your Sam had better
tip trying to play with
those across the
an-said i. end
in the de-
bate, made it plain that they arc
opposed to our retaining the
pines. That tiling., are gelling
warm in vicinity of White
House was shown the giving
out of a statement that
Mr. bad never expressed
himself in tin or of
ownership of the and
his intentions bad gone no
further than to give islands
a military government similar to
that non in Cuba. The state-
Intimates, without say.
that if the Filipinos show
themselves capable maintaining
a stable government Mr.
Would doubtless- favor their
ill time. Such statements
arc not Mr.
even if were explicit. He
bad an opportunity to say
what his intentions are, when be
sent treaty to the Senate, but
he didn't do it.
The Democratic and
Senator are preparing to make a
warm light against Hull army
bill, which has been delayed in the
House illness of
Hull, when it reaches lb,.
Senate after being jammed through
the House administration In-
and it begins to look as
though the bill would fail this
session of adding aunt her
It i slid that some of the colored I
all books
papers I hereof
Section Thai all expenses
inclined the .
biding of ac
witnesses shall be paid in
,. ,
ii,,. other
wise appropriated, upon arrant
sen ion . Thai person who
hull refuse to
attend lest before said
having been
shall be ;,
and upon
hi superior court of conn
in Carolina where he ma-,
he found, he shall l- lined not
more than
ill kisses. It Is- nice .
tin- numerous things u,.,,
Hum-a quarrel v. I ., . ,.,.
increase the probabilities of a
pi extra session of the
democrats the
mi no
object ions and the treaty Of
was reported to the Senate this
week. The treaty will be refilled
but depend upon
whether Its opponents, arc
mole than were at
first to win be
lied merely to go on record against
it with their voles.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie is in wash-
openly working against the
of the treaty of peace.
He thinks Unit If Gal, an would
revise his advice and try to get
democratic to vote against
treaty, instead of voting for
treaty and afterwards against ex-
its reject ion would follow.
He hear indicates
increase of the and
I am encouraged lo
that of treaty
opinion, this is the time
those who oppose expansion to
do work. Only a one third
is to defeat treaty
whereas with the treaty ratified,
we will ban-to secure a majority
to Hence,
that Ibis is the time for Mr.
Bryan and other
to make the light. Hereafter we
ill not enjoy the advantage over
our opponents that we now do,
Inning then lo meet them in
Senator Morgan secured the con-
sent of tin--senate to vole upon his
Canal bill, next
and he is confident that will
pas-, with amendments acceptable
to him. The House Committee on
Intel-slate and Foreign Commerce
is unanimously in favor of the canal
bill divided how it shall
The sword that Congress had
made for to on in
Wash also the sword which
bud made at a
t for Schley, but no-
body is exhibiting a that
anybody intends tor Sampson, who
not being able to pull a
lion sword will have to content
With having pulled more ion
than lie was entitled lo from the
Mr. did not
any of the leaders of his be-
fore i Tow
f Pennsylvania, from
Minister to l.- to May
Russia, and appointing Bibs.
Thai we
promised lo give Cuba menus a
ballet- insurgent on
A has been
with In- hands behind him. What
a Chicago alderman In- would
A cyclone resembles a woman i-
cause w hen makes up mind to
go somewhere, all the earth can't
A Mother Takes a Long Walk
for a Truant Son.
Mi-. Mary a poor
woman who lives
v. c, was in our to-
day with her little son, who bad
inn away, on her lonely tramp
c. Harris, Indiana, who isn't
personally known by hardly any-1
body in Washington, outside of
Indiana delegation in Congress,
Minister to Austria. Both are re-
as personal appointments.
nomination of Joseph
Choate, of York, lo Am-
to WM a
lien. Leonard the
Onto gentleman who from
all army surgeon with rank of
Captain, detailed to act as the Me-
family physician, to be a
Major General, during Hie scrap
with Spain, and who is now
commander of
in Cuba, is Washington,
orders. It is believed
lien. Wood was sent for by Mr.
M. connection with some
I he l that have already
Dropped out among army of
form military gov-
of Cuba, He to going
right back.
Judge yesterday, at
upheld the Iowa tow taxing
foreign insurance companies.
Ten of Neb.,
were attacked with trichinosis
eating pork, and daughter
of August is deed.
ion of American
will hold
and exhibition at
July next.
At their own
Generals W. Gordon and W. C.
of the nicer have
the military service.
The York Board of ti
mate hag appropriated f
for the new Brooklyn bridge, the
foundation of which is almost fin-
; is for steel.
as . noted by
A. ft
under the management of
over Baker
Hardware Store.
Cotton High Low Close.
March 5.71 5.09
May 5.7 5.75 5.76
August M 5.86 5.82
February sud March.
Opening. Close. Tone.
High Low Close
1471 1471
consult Sugar. 1271 1261 1271
B. B. T.
Wheat. High Lew Clone.
Una a i.-- .
it Our
lock I- full new
sod Urine
I hat .-an be at
lo alt.
Our aim In
It lo MM our
u. will
IV . l.-
imprisoned in discretion of says
U that the
given am such wit.
. Is- used
criminal prosecution.
Section Thai all las
of laws in with this
-ball be and the same are
hereby repealed
That this act shall
and after its
IV. in I i off
Norfolk, Jan.
i- reported off, the Peters
has issued a circular Ball-
attention new
no diver The
is us
check Idler
Morgan, portrait
small seal, a poorly
din-lion printed on ,,,
paper, between which silk
have been distributed,
the resemblance l the genuine
s so remote that a more
it deemed
some one sent her a clipping
The Headlight about a stray boy,
having no money to pay rail-
road fare, she walked the entire
distance to mount, which took
bar three days, The kind people
along the road gave her food. She
said bad no cause for
borne, for she is a widow with
did the bawl for them.
She earns her as a Held
Mrs. says she
w a great deal about her
who baa missing sin,,.
bar, It is a pitiable case, indeed.
s. c, star.
An infant live years old
is drawing more or less irreverent
throngs in New York and doing a
doubtful service to religion by his
New York
needs all the gospel it can gel, but
there is a law in the interest
humanity which n infantile
precocity on the stage, and it
would seem to apply with
pertinence the prodigy business
i not only u the
simplicity of the but
the rare unit skill with It la
ti the Flo
Co. only, to upon
all the importune- of the
true original
genuine Fig. la manufactured
Fin Co.
only, a that fact will
one In
imitations par-
The high standing of
Km Co. with the
cal profession, the
to mi I buns of
the of the
of Hi. of Its remedy. II. la
far in of all other
as it Ms on the liver and
without in weaken-
them, and it not gripe nor
please the name of
Coin on
u, ,,,,
I issued
age to the following par
Jacob and Myrtle Cox
Kale Manning Hack Dull.
John and Annie M.
Eugene Tucker and
W. and Daisy
d. Smith and
L. T. and Baker.
John Baker and Millie
Aaron and Annie
I'M ward and Ollie
John and Jane Hardy.
Willie and Moore.
Richard and Mary
Alex and
Sam and Katherine
Frank and Lucy Hair-
r a Mi
-n i. N. .
I. I.
n it
I., rt-i
la ll
II Ii. ran tar
. . How l loud
II r
I-1 one r or
. 1.1. i. . .-. ,.,
Aim cc.
at I
That is the place want to visit.
I opened the Rial to
building with a choice stock of
and the U-st of general Tables Sup-
plies. I carry
and am ready to supply your needs
me a call.
Did it Em occur to
That when yon buy It
economy to get the beat
That is what we have,
The best of every thing.
Yon may need.
We can supply all your In
Hue Candies, Fruits of all kinds,
have Fine
Hi ARM. a box. put av es-
for us.
An exchange quotes a story said
to have told at a
A man was brought into the
incident who was thought
to ha dead, Ills wife was with
him. One of the doctors
but the man
his head and said, I'm not
dead yet whereupon bis wife
admonished saying,
doctor ought to know
Heavy and
r------a m
Cotton Hogging and always
on baa i
Mat kept on
band. Country produce and
old. A will yon.
D, W.
1.1 If it buy
Inc now la
ever here.
N. every evening o'clock
h i ii
The streets are slushy.
likes this kind of
gets a grip folks
in weather.
Trade with the merchants w ho
advertise in their home paper.
I pay cash for Hides, PUB, Eggs
The weather man should
get a from
We learn over the wires that
there is a ease of smallpox in Ply-
brilliancy displayed by some
people is the reflect of their
Plenty of complaints can be
heard now the bad condition
of public roads.
Stephens house
lot in -House con-
six rooms. Apply to
J. A.
Uncle Sam's troops, having set-
poor Lo in West, are now
to poor the
It may las pertinent to remark at
this season that Mr. Aguinaldo is
not of the three wise men of
the Fast.
The business nun who keeps his
name in the newspaper all the
time is the who catches the eye
of the trailing public.
This is the season for
men. If they want to talk to the
farmers the
t-m can for them.
Such streets as we have in this
of weather gives strangers a
poor of the town. They
should come again in dry weather.
The sword of honor voted by
to Admiral has reach-
ed the Navy Depart and will
be held the returns
to this count
find wife should know about the
that for half a century hat
been helping expectant mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and one
discomforts and distractions
inc to child-birth. It
It c which
is the only m y lo get relief.
, Medicines taken internally
mill not help and may
. result in harm.
and prepares
muscle and
part of the body
the critical hour. It
robs child-birth of ill
tortures and paint.
Baby's coming is made
ft quick and easy. Its
action is .
II the whole
period of
per a all drag i tores,
tent by mail on receipt of puce.
la all lent any
J Ca,
For It.
A new counterfeit M silver
has in
men to keep a sharp eye on bills of
tills lie I i pi I. ill.
It Work.
evening Mr. II.
Pollard advertised
for a haft walking stick.
morning stick was to
him. Hast is way advertising
this paper works.
What Will You Do
men ought
to make Ibis eventful year for
town by securing several
factories. Other towns are
manufacturing enterprises
and should not slay
behind ill this matter. There is
nothing this town worse.
An Ingenious
of there
late and the other isn't there, how-
will he know if the other wan
there and gone, or if he
didn't conic
fix If get there I'll
make a chalk mark the sidewalk,
and if you get there you'll
rub it out.
Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock, home of the bride
near Mr. Eugene Tuck-
and Miss Ella Anderson were
married by J. A. K. Tucker, Esq.
At Salem church, seven miles
from on Wednesday
at o'clock, Mr. J. II.
Edwards and Miss Annie Tucker
were married by Rev. N. A.
Blood Hounds.
A prominent remarked
to The bethought
county ought to have some
hounds to lie used for hunt-
has heretofore expressed itself in
favor of such a step. Not only
county but every county in the
State ought to have blood bounds,
animals either to kept by
the or by tin;
of the County I Ionic, so that
they could be for use short
Masonic Record.
At the meeting of the Grand
Lodge of Masons in Raleigh Grand
Drewry bis
which showed that Masonry ill the
was growing. The report
stated that two new lodges bud been
established and I hue revived
the past Masonic year. Two
have surrendered their
charters and one has become
I dormant. There are
i lodges with a
hist year of During
the past year KM candidates were
initiated, passed, raised,
admitted and lot reinstated.
suspended, fl expelled, ill
and died, leaving a total of
the on Or-
1898, a net gain if.
We don't object to n girl giving
us she will only
leave her little hand in It.
J. A. this morning
for a trip up lie r .
Miss Helen Perkins left this
morning for Washington.
T. M. returned Wed
evening from
W. Atkins
day evening from a trip down the
Miss of Martin
county, who has visiting her
Mrs. W. It. Smith, returned
home today.
A. A. Alley, of Petersburg,
rived evening to take
a position with C. V. Murphy
white barber shop.
R. Taylor, southern manager
of W. A. Go's
offices, spent today here
i looking after the at this
Escher. of Washington City.
arrived Wednesday evening. He
W. G. Alley as manager
i here. Mr. Alley will
I go to Washington
Friday, IS,
J. of is
Donnell Gilliam returned
Mrs. A. Brady and her sister,
who has bean visiting her, left this
morning Wilmington.
Mrs. T. Matthews went to
Mount to attend I
of her brother. Mr. Fort.
and Mrs.
and arc the guests of his daughter,
Mrs. J.
W. Ii. of Mount,
is in town.
II. P. this
Alley left this morning
for Washington City.
Jesse returned Friday
evening from a week's trip over
Greene county.
Mrs. If. E. Norman, of Ply-
mouth, arrived Friday evening to
visiting her son, J. S.
Mrs. I. It. of
who has been visiting her father,
J. Li Daniel, returned bone today.
J. If, returned Friday
evening from the meeting of the
Grand Lodge of Masons at Raleigh.
J. M. Gallagher, of York,
one of officers of the Old Do-
minion Company, spent
Friday here.
Rev. J. II. Morton came down
from Tarboro Friday evening and
will fill bis regular appointment in
the Presbyterian church
morning and night.
P. II. Gorman towards
Richmond this morning to spend
Sunday, but happen to step
the train at Scotland Seek he got
left there. It is a nice town to get
left though.
Moved to Mt. Olive.
Messrs and Keel of
county passed Monday and Tues
day at this place and were so we I
pleased with our thriving lilt
cit that they decided to east their
lot with us. They have ranted
the large store of Mr. J. D.
Aaron's lately occupied by Mr. W.
H. and will open a large
of Olive
There arc all sorts of schemes
used by swindlers to get money out
of unsuspecting persona. One of
latest schemes that we have
heard of is that now played
by a concern that mails packages
of needles to ladies, whose address-
es have been obtained for that
pose. The scheme Is to mail a
package of needles to a lady
as to why
it is it is a gift or n
sample then after
wards write her a letter demand-
payment for it and threatening
to sue her If she does not pay. We
wish to our county women
against Hitch swindlers, would
suggest that they pay no at t cut ion
to them or their threatening let
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment M made a
upon pay me. costs. in eight.-en months. V.-t
E. affray, not guilty. a petition is in circulation there
Alee Williams and By I asking to abolish
West, perjury, guilty. j,
year each la Mr-. Welch, a
John Allen Lady of Chatham was
Clark, an I
Tucker guilty . judgment suspend
ed on payment of cost.-.
Simon Ellison, assault with d.-ad
If . lined
and costs.
Tom Pill, Pitt and Will
Matthews, with deadly
raged and murdered, eve-
by a name Henry
The was caught
confessed the crime, and that night
back to scene I
Captain So.
station off Diamond,
say. Smith, see cheek J I
mad.-from nine from n
tared s. Royster
dear check. I have used this four years ban- never
failed a
have heard a great deal that ORINOCO GUANO
and have made up mind lo use next year. I stand
c cent
weapon, plead reported the
upon payment of other day that on the evening of
Sam Fleming, assault ,; ,.
weapon, pleads guilty, ,. ,.,.
till- ship. As that
Ii in jail with leave lo r
Sain and dim Wilson, bur
plead guilty. sen.
wind blew the Captain
pointed to alive and a inch
anchor stack which parted
handled every year since
put it market, and wherever it has been used it i-
wanted again. We handles number of brands, but is
most any brand a-e handle. Truly,
B. I-. Davis
lo years in in tin
Henrietta Galloway . Goo, How-
ard, Will Hardy and
Larceny, guilty, Henrietta
way sentenced to one year
ii months each in
county jail with leave to burning is though lo in-j
,.,.,,,,;., press.
weapon, pleads guilty. Judgment I Is In midst of
of costs, the town bate
Two barns, about barrels
corn and several stacks of
were burned on Mr. T.
farm, near LaGrange,
night. The loss is about
horn, with
disposing of
crops, guilty, judgment suspended
upon payment of costs.
Win. Johnson and
Adams guilty.
Will Lee, larceny, guilty.
ed weapon, guilty.
I lope Cherry, carrying concealed
weapon, guilty.
Consult About Your Eyes.
Dr. the eye specialist, has
put up immense sign on
in front of the Court
has aunt her large sign front
of Hotel These- signs call
attention to what be can do and
where lie may lie
See what others have to say
X. 20th, 1888,
To All Whom It May
lake in recommend-
Dr. Henry to all who
may need work in bis line. He has
I w ii Ii weeks and has
done a huge business per-
satisfactory in every instance.
We have found him a pleas-
ant, tillable gentleman. His treat-
of my own case-has given per-
feet satisfaction whereat hers
Mm, M.
Irwin Hotel.
Jan 1800,
I wish to say to Press and to
every individual that knows me,
that I have personally known Dr.
J. Henry for years. He
is a gentleman and muster of
of his profession and you can rely
on what he tells you. If you need
bis services you need not hesitate
to call on him, you can re-
commend him to your friends.
II. It.
Traveling Salesman for and
Let All Come.
We had lime last week lo send
to only of those
who owe for but
will sending them as early
as Some who
them responded promptly to the
fur and we
take occasion here In return thanks
to those who We have re
gone to much expense
in buying new type and
proving Tin; and the
only way r can pay our bills
promptly is by those paying
promptly who owe us. The most
unpleasant thing connection
getting mil
of hypnotists
holding forth there at
The State Association of Con-
federal.- Veterans meets in Raleigh
on the 25th.
Mr. Harry Watts, n
man of Charlotte, was killed by
being caught under a door
that fell on him hen be was pass-
along the sidewalk.
A thief stole a railroad engine
Winston, Sunday night, and
a run with it. This was a similar
occurrence to the one at Washing
ton a weeks ago.
Carter, one of weal
citizens of county,
was drowned Tuesday, lie was
Intoxicated attempted to drive
bis across n swollen ream.
Man and mules all drowned.
Fire and
Accident Insurance.
The Annual
The promoters of the
fair ion did better than they
knew, when some dozen years ago
they established the Carolina
Oyster, Game Industrial
association, which next
makes its twelfth annual exhibition
in this city.
The Newborn, lair, while really
a local institution, promoted, es-
and carried through
twelve yearn of ex
the energy and enter-
prise of of is not
a local fair In character or
The exhibits shown
various deportments in this fair ills-
play what eastern North Carolina
can produce.
The exhibits in some
are more general their
and come from a distance.
These displays have grown In
such extent, so meritorious
in every way, that they have at-
traded attention beyond
state, tin- Newborn fair is
know n as an annual
exhibition worthy of going a long
distance to see.
Tile fair not only exhibits the
products of this bill also in
its display features la an education
exhibit, which the people
section have found of see-
and study
the amusement line are the
races, there is pleasure Varied
degree for old and young, which is
always thoroughly enjoyed,
this year will fully up to past
years in the amusement and racing
departments, not exceeding all
In this, twelfth fair exhibit.
Newborn show to the State
Represents only First Class Com-
Office in Building opposite House.
. C.
.-- -v.
lagging and Ties and a lull line
Heavy Groceries have arrived w will put
the o low to you until it will compel you
to Ii you once pee goods and hear the
price you my customer
Have a or a ii BICYCLE, LOCK, or
most needs IF so. bring it to
N. .
We Mr. Moore, and BI-
CYCLE workmen in the state and repair work yon us will
lie promptly done.
FLUES. Prices as low ones.
is to dun people, and we j what bat own people and those of
would be flail If every one would section can the was of
lie ill paying it
would mil be necessary to print
what some of cull
and the same
is extended to all to conic.
sec, be instructed and haven
time, and will
I can now be found in
w. Brown.
J. it. COBBY.
Mil IS,
DRY HOODS, Notions,
lints. and
Hals, Trunks and
A lull Una Of
All delivered tree to any
part of the city.
It. It. BROS.,
B. II.
s. c.

a p U i i in c
tin the , of
the la him
n i i , n
rote sh i gel off lb
iii it on in
of I .
Loll, H I
-v.- it to -a i
A earl u
-nil i- i
Kan., here
John in I for
leg II i I . Hi- In
cam ah p es i
.; u- . if-- i ti i i.
Mrs. ha u re-
in irk he id h .-
I.-. .
While ill I
In 1892 . I
of ho men, and since u has
been winy for I be . hull ;.
flan Differ.
Y r f. lit a
I r. lived la
r. A
I hi
had arid m
i i
ii cl I mat I
did la follow advice, lot
la r r TM at my
I billeted my hi
. l I K I a BOW-
t lb i l. vi d m en
la-1, after of la-
I . III n. I weal t n
i boar
. a .- . d
i f Talk
i log a a
f I
l tho
i a mill I i
. ; y i wanted to up my
i i . I yell
la . f jam
. tiptop tree
oh day last week, I hap-
to bed b
i Ilka to
I l
yon, be said man bad no
i tell yon bad heart disease.
I certainly have let you
kn w i don't know
r what to am drifting
to i . old state I
i lived Island and
iii n f Or-
i .
a us
. v II
e time
r in
. i
. j
; II t
. I .
said .
bid . . . . i
of eve.
. .
in m
I i laid
. ii . die-
a . re to
AM for a
bi I
. we,
i In ,
f. l. I did j All I want
to ask ; s to i j ,.
c u I . it-
. ; . . .;
and did u tee. Ti
I I mi
A r i I bate I u
t a i f w far a
quail can fly, w are y
tO I i i In
a fit II n of the
the aid u
I tin . . of I
can fly, If there is a stiff wind blow-
and bird's course Is with the
wind, a full grown o r.
k mi re mile and
u trying
fly where
the distal mull that
II t nil the b be A
Th y , i . u . . y
can make n halt n a . In mid-
u, is r. r In two
D times they
distance d . .
When drove up to deliver
the usual quart of white mixture, the
gentleman of kindly Inquired
b w many quarts of milk do
j n deliver doily to your
now have
made a one remarks
an r and the state f
roads and then asked.
hi w much per day do your cowl
said the 0-
k after scratched
his head, all at grew pale as
palled out a short pencil and began
tho wag
; 1- and I set down seven
quarts nuder the cows and multiply.
That's quart of milk, I told
l Id DI quarts r day. Sixty-three
from leaves and none to carry.
S w, I get rest cf the
milk I'll banged if given
myself away r my it m
by leaving a big cavity In these
filled with
Many have tho
Italian district lies in the neigh
cf road and
troll i . r lane and
led . cream
lid I ti-ll men with pretty
I Pi . r With the dirty,
hawkers, common to all
London items i- to learn
fa Italians crowd together
I Icy houses courts
alleys. rally a I by an
old w b ml ts to many of
n he can respectably
. win, cellars arc
and in tho morn
lugs . . .; nun will
from i f the
and In the daylight
u in cellars
em dwelling A whole
f a host and mid
, p in
r. t
Mai tit R
km y- r- m New
that In bod . vela f
a 1- and t y people
wk are I
c day a table la .
New fork hot eating bis aim
tare men k
their mats at the table,
not n In best sense of the
word, an It they
poet, one of in
almost and
York except
aid Clarke. I a u
for bbl and would give a
deal to tin
Win u be paused, mad poet
forward laid with evident
I Clarke, whom
yon hay v. i-ii to sea.
man stared at Mm with
f. r a mid
drawing a from be
laid it in tin . t plate,
Ike coin for
and lag u In
he took a shilling,
Tins be ti the
A claim once made explorer,
Cameron, in neighborhood of tis-
Africa, peculiar work
of native
-i me of proved
to a native, and be
determined n transferring the owner-
ship to lie paid
another native t for
took money and did
bi best I it, but Mr. Cameron
bad n ., op very
employer had
bis heart U on. could not car-
and neither did be
in that he old part with money.
Therefore be ran off with It. What
more logical than that man who
the loser by expect
r make loss good Tins
y did ct.
lie went to Ur. Cameron and told
story, demanding In
place I hi be, Cameron, by
looking bad compelled
lose, and.
actual f
which, hot i m arbitrary
now in
is not that bis
were i allied.
An ii 1-
re is quest I want to ark
you. the as
pile toyed with diamond
third . r. ore mar-
lied, will you expect ma to bake my
yon it,
shall n not baking
bin . u t,
Tin ; ; i . a
an t ; hi r U nil .
Jew Is, b k, i dainty
.; a a u in
mirror during . f bus-
the or-
by occasional use
ts Liver Pill reg-
A Vigorous body.
or sick
constipation and kin
I i-ii diseases, an absolute cure
laud and
b is no
an or n
i- if
th r w
A r.
l i Ufa p rd, who bad
in us his . f r bis vanity,
asked friend i to mi an
bear bis first ; i i pal u, y
dined t at r and from
l to I l Er Cull i. . .
I t b he i h i d,
II f .- c I . I.
i- II in . . i i nu
n ii II i- out of
rail II i u .
vi-rt i r i I wind. hap-
pen. Hi i in ti
drop . min v.
; .
A Si
. .
I . ,. I
Wind . j .
SI I. oil
y o I
n . n in,, II, it was
In mid I p, i,
better I u th lb i
Ii plied i y w
. i. of
. i i .-
,. . i
i alarm-
. i , ii,,,
Von i
iii my com-
iii I . I j ii do
to m -i if I
n . ii. r- l I
In In I I him
iii. . i ;. i, n. welfare
f root
-i. id a i .
Two I,. work-
era wen recently introduced
Re, a. i in- i, ., Birmingham
Hum, in ii,,
right The
two ire i inn old
yen will I i i inn. One,
, In lb,
i ridge , . o I r
hi, I ., a.
jump hi Liv-
I I ,
every Sun-
in. I.
-a . ii I. It-in .
ii. iii.
ever Ban
day, and evening.
N. M. Sunday
p. in. w. p. Harding,
evening, Rev,
it. Morton,
p. in. it. in-
t I
i; -i
. . m
Y N.
. . . ii. v v
. I I .
ii m. i.
, m. i
., n. Richmond
p in, I
i, p. . i.
, i. l--Vi ,
. v, York n I . N
v Hue
ii in. i.-;
p n,. lain t
p m.
n m.
in. I a in,
, a in, i,
i ii m. i ;. ii ,
I a in, in
, . , it. I i i
l. . x J.
., n m.
i mi t.,
H in, I
i m Marion i, i
p in, sin-i.
It. , iii,
, a
a m, 11.14 a n
Atlanta m.
in a in
l i am, r up
. o. s em.
Y . i,,,. i .
1.03 i l. M v V. ., ,.
a ore Mil.
i am,
am. N
11.10 i.
ii., v ohm I .
pin. 2-lO i;,. i
pa, I In ,
W mill
A. for
at A.
M. A. M. on T
hour, to change de-
pending Stage of Miller.
at with
Steamer, for Norfolk,
New York
ton. for all for the West
with Norfolk.
order by
be Old Dominion s. to.
New Line
and Line from
Greenville. N.
You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
he M Office
At our on Ave
line we repair all kinds of
and Faming
We also
t j
t t
Let work.
Anything a
-Sheet Poster.
in,. ii.
lea .- tho
from 1.1, hall
re tan Id on i no of the
v. i . , . . , . . ., ,
of bow
a idea-
j n
I . .,
peel- a i .
in . , i,
I I it. r.
ho coo-
-1 r,.
r, still
r ho
, i hi and
j om .
v. i, ;.
Bobby lb,
did I .
umbrella, r I .
. Why
I'd like to
know- I Hi ;. i I beard
ray , wan g lug out, am
torn and Why,
. . Fob.
Th, i i mil,,,, i
i ii i rated In
year but h I an later
ii .- oil, a
Nor n II mini tho
day of
I lied nu tho
of mi r Op lo lira, it
bad I ii l n lot n,
In . ail i r, in
April and In May,
January La II, Home
-It i;
I l ,
i inn Up Meant.
I till . Id,
in. ab
a. A. M. Greenville
No. Aral and
third evening,
llama, w. M, K. s-.
Lodge, No.
Meets every evening,
W. X. I. Over
ton, See.
K. of P. -Tar River Lodge, No,
every Friday evening, Dr.
K. A. Move. Jr., II. A.
White. K. of If.
Ii. No.
hum;, every even-
W. I. Wilson, H. If. K.
Lane. Sen.
In. . I. A.
in .
P. ball. L. L. Hargrave,
II y
i M w
York am.
12.09 pm,
1.16 pm.
pm, Norfolk p
pm, Mount
Leave ,,,
am, v
No. r- Lea.,
New am, i
I Hie I in,
t kl
i Lin u
I i Pi
P. M. Turn pa Hun am.
I n. K on
1.45 i burl.
am, Atlanta n,, ., ,
am, rat,
4.17 pm.
urn, Florence nu,
Ml n,,
am, 11.-
I .
p. m. Halifax l,
P. m., Neck at
. Greenville p, m., i.
P. Returning, t
m., Greenville a, m.
Hall a at a. m
on ,
s.; n, m., Hi p , v
Parmele a. in., an I
U SO pm an Ive at ,.
pm Daily f Header
leaves u,
u , p. m. iv . v.
r lee , M., MO p, m
K leave, Plymouth
-u 7.60 a. ,
10.06 and II,
1.11 u-an
nope pm he an
leave lug Hope M
ville X ii II ,,
Iran on Midland N.
except Hun n y, .
m. arriving 8.30 a. . u
leave, , .
fee. m 10.24 a, m.
I rain Clinton W
for Clinton dally, except
Prepared buckwheat, fumy Ponce
side meal, should
era, coffee,
muff, cigars,
butter, full
Hakes, hominy Hakes,
III per
We carry a full of the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in fountain pen
and is distinctive Parker
Not only does it feed the ink
perfectly, but soiled
Vie iron Fencing
prices reasonable
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
afternoon at price
cf cents a month. Are
you a subscriber P It not
you ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
,. ant ,
J K Manager
II M Traffic
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
Is only a year and
the news gives
co, is worth many times
more than the price.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE FICTION TERMS per. Year in Advance.
The Cotton Convention.
A eon vent ion of
Rumens null factors has called
lo meet in New Orleans February
Kith to consider means lo
the in or lo lake
some other step that will insure a
price for the staple.
several years these conventions
have ban called, have met
to reduce the
and devote attention to
other crop,, and yet just us regular-
it, the season rolls we
the acreage mid
of cotton on Every
who the question at
all knows it is ruinous to continue
to raise enormous crops of cotton
for less than coat of production.
And yet it is continued, con-
by men who know
such a policy result
What good do these convent ions
As soon us the delegates
reach home the farmer to
say to himself, acreage will
ho reduced; most of the farmers are
, to plant leas cotton this year,
I Will plant more, tho price is
certain to Isn't the
truth. If that is not the case, how-
ls it the is increased
instead of being reduced.
It is probably a good thing to
cull attention to the facts the
case as com cut ions have done lie-
fore, but it is not likely that
New Orleans convention will ac-
any more than its
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a cit-
of Mo., lately had a
wonderful deliverance from n
death. telling of it ho
taken Typhoid Fever,
that into My
lungs became hardened. I was so
weak hardy sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected
to die of Consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New
One bottle gave great relief.
I continued to use it, and now am
well and strong; I any too
much in This marvel-
medicine is and quick-
est cure in the world for all throat
and lung Regular size
and Trial bottles free
at J. L. Drug Store;
bottle guaranteed.
How a Town I, Populated
Every town has a liar or two ; a
smart ; some pretty girls ;
more loafers than it needs; a
woman or two that tattles; an old
fogy that town would lie bet-
without; men who stand on
the street corners and make I
the women; a man who
laughs an idiotic laugh every time
be says anything ; scores of men
with the caboose of their trousers
worn smooth as glass ; men who
can tell you how the war
question should be settled,
weather, and how to run other
business, but who have made
a dismal failure of their
Why not have next census
taken in No election occurs
that year, save local elect ions in a
few of the States, and it seems to
us many reasons
would justify the change. Under
the present custom tho work every
fourth time is done during a
the time in 1901, etc.,
H could not so occur. think
is worthy of consideration.
The beef salve in the world for
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Suit
Rheum, Fever Chap-
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
nil Skin and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect
faction or Price
per box. For sale by Jno.
L. Wooten.
the Value of his Office.
The annum Committee, Sena
tor chairman, on
day n request to Dr. Cy-
Thompson. of Stale,
to appear before I hem at I o'clock
and furnish
lion as be could in regard to the
foes of his office, resultant from
to insurance companies do
in tho Stale.
Promptly the hour named the
Secretary State appeared before
the committee and the following
facts wen elicited from him. He
said foes from insurance
work of the amounted last
yen to The costs of
taking out license lo the
Of Ibis amount
went Inwards advertising in the
papers and cases when- the
companies failed to advertise this
amount was tamed into the treas-
something like having
mined past year.
About was incidental
leaving to the as feet,
generally, in each ease.
Asked by Senator Wilson what law
there was for the retention of these
few Dr. said it was the
custom of the that Mr. W.
P. advised him that they
had retained under former
administrations. The was
that of
Stale should restive a salary of
and no fees, lint the
commission work had grown
up since that law and had assumed
large proportions. Dr. Thompson
stilted that the work was immense,
requiring n number of assistants
day night.
That he always In-fore had a
man of industrious since
coining into office to work day
and night to properly supervise and
keep up with the business. The
law allowed him for clerical
assistance and incidentals. He
paid one clerk another 97.10
and a stenographer, a of
day, u year. He
spent last year about more
than the allowance but would not
ask to lie reimbursed by the
Questioned by
Fields Dr. Thompson I said Unit
there was enough work and
of the insurance depart-
of the Secretary of
lo create an independent of-
He did not think it
to combine it with any other de-
were the salient facts very
cheerfully and pleasantly given
committee by Dr. Thompson.
Quite an interesting recital of
the workings of insurance bu-
was given in response lo
Dr. Thompson stated that
a great many in
State were working insurance
the State, be
benevolent and were relieved from
taxation by special act or
of incorporation. Ho said
of them were He spoke
well of the Knights of Honor and
the insurance of the Knights of
Pythias, Fellows and all other
benevolent fraternal orders, who
do not have insurance us the
and only feature, but us an adjunct.
All who did not ought to be taxed.
He described the method of in-
solvency of in-
company and said one com-
was under now
by him in Indiana. The expense
was paid by the company.
Dr. offered
tee every assistance at any time by
inspection of tho of his
or any other
Advertising and plenty of it Is
now essential to the of
most any undertaking that
on a large public
and Printer.
An Intelligent Juror
Au incident at the
at Tenn.,
to-day that is unique in
annals of the State. William
has on trial for several
days the Circuit charged
with the murder of bis wife, mill
yesterday the jury re-
turned a verdict of of
in the which
means hanging this Slate,
BI the judge to pronounce
sentence one of the
that he bad passed through
the trial under the impression that
was John, the brother of the
murdered woman, who was on trial
and not the and Hint he
had Viewed I be testimony from an
entirely different standpoint than
he would have done if he had
understood the This
development necessitated selling
verdict aside, which the
after sonic rather pointed remarks
sat through
live days of an exciting criminal
investigation, and had not been
able to lean who was on trial.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Dispatch.
they cannot reach the scat of the
disease. Catarrh is a blond
disease, and in order to
cure it you must take internal rein
Catarrh Cure is Ink
en internally, and acts directly on
the unit mucous surfaces.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is not n quack
medicine. It was prescribed by
our of the best physicians in this
country for and is a regular
prescription. It is composed of the
tonics known, combined with
the purifiers, acting
on minims surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two in-
is what produces such
wonderful results
Send testimonials, free.
P. Co., Props.
Sold by druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Family
Applying the Rule the Other
A Chinaman, says the Christian
Advocate, applied for the position
in a family one of our
cities. The lady of
house and most of the family were
of a fashionable church
I hey were determined to look
well alter the character of I heir
servants. So when John China
man appeared at the door, he was
drink whiskey
you play curds
lie was employed and gave great
satisfaction, lie did bis work well,
was upright, correct
respectful. weeks the
lady gave a
party, and bad wines at the table.
John Chinaman was called to serve
the party, and did so with grace
acceptability, lint next
lie waited on the lady and
said he wished lo quit work.
what is
she inquired.
John answered man ;
I told you so before ; no
No for heathen
The woman who is lovely face,
form temper will always have
friends, but one who would be at
tractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly and all run
down she will
If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood
will cause pimples. skin
eruptions a wretched complex-
ion. Electric Hitters is lies
ill the world to regulate
stomach, liver kidneys and to
purify blood. It given strong
bright eyes, smooth,
skin, rich complexion. It
will make a charm-
woman of a run down invalid.
Only cents Jno. L.
Drug store.
Dr Good, and
will be the threat event year and
are cordially invited to attend, For
men ill pi ices have been away down
from regular selling prices on Fine
We have a nice variety of choice styles
yet and can now pat a Bargain,
When yon come a t our Spec
Just received a carload
I I i A War Uta
leery Kind of Fa,; .
Garland Stoves are y the largest
manufacturers in world and are used by
many millions.
MA IN , i KB N. v
It. at
Washington. D. C, Jan. Id.
Alger h offering us
great an insult to the country,
protecting General
us offered to ton.
Mil.-s. by his
nulling him numerous kinds of u
liar, bis before lite
War If
Hint the people will allow
graceful affair lo end
revision of his testimony, he
deserves as
docs, ill bey gel m.
inn w III In- in the
end for the administration. There
can no reasonable excuse
man accustomed to
descending to tho use
of hoe
In this purlieu
bad done everything
to humiliate Miles,
doubtless of
would his
with tho Instead
promptly ordering
lo court
Inga soldier mid a gentleman, he
has the to say that Mr. Me
promise of protection to
all made it Impossible to
arrest him, lo forward
the revised idea.
Congress Is fairly bubbling over,
is see whether
intend- lo do
proper thing; Miles is also
patiently waiting the
and is said to have
additional fuels about lite had beef
fin our
be made public
of Ken
a speech mi the
bill, look occasion lo
sharp and deserved raps
has so o deprive
of the credit due
Heel, in
order might be lo
Sampson. Mr. said There
is the minds of the
American people who is entitled to
of Bill
there are people who trying lo
steal from Schley the
lie 3rd day of July
Senator Allen thinks
sort of an investigation of war
could made In a
live Senators. mote two of
whom shall lie the same
political party, he
bis id. i in which he
the Senate, and is
before Naval committee.
A funeral is sad. a
In the Capitol seems
sadder than ii WON else
where. weeks ago funeral
services wore held Bonnie
Chamber over of the
Morrill; today, in the
House over
of Maine. Mr,
resembled Mr. in re
poets; he was always a partisan,
never aroused personal
animosity on part of bis op-
Senator of Booth
Carolina, made a strong speech
colonization Imperial
lam this in which
he position
on the part who
are Billing
allowing Ignorant nu
lives lie referring to
Senator speech, v. hen In
South, perhaps
for bis complete of
divine in-lit ,
to govern the
Senator Sullivan, of Mississippi
made in. maiden in favor
the Bill,
J-ANT LIFE, to be
and healthy, must
Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen.
These essential elements are
to plants, what bread, meat and
water are to man.
Crops flourish on soils well
supplied with Potash.
Our pamphlet tell how to buy and apply
and arc lo all.
v New York,
which is to be
on week. Senator of
Florida, also made a in
he bill, which lo
Is- passed
Peace in open executive sessions of
he Senate, but they couldn't car-
II. The treaty will be considered
the Usual way. An attempt is
lo made to put Senate
record, either by to
the or a resolution,
of the United
Stales, before the treaty is voted
arc also two
pending, one offered
tor and one by
Hoar, of Massachusetts,
Philippine government, having a
hen ring treaty .
A delegation from the
Civil Sen lee League threw
sonic lime by appealing before the
House Census committee, U
the placing of the Census
Bureau under civil
Service Hub-. Congress la hungry
patronage of Census
and no power on earth
make give up expected
feast on official pup, even if there
were any real advantage having
Census Bureau put
under I Sen ice Rules,
Do Well.
If you have anything to tin, do it
well, before commencing
and do as well as possible. Do it
as if were only thing that you
have lo tin your life, and as if all
it, Then your work
ill be Well done m ill procure
true Often
much depends on the manner with
which duties
are done. Do well all Hint you do,
you will sec that it will
v our happiness to
-r Cards
i II I,, L.
At Law.
X. C.
All. M
la ii- .-
A Mills U.
n C. or. n. c.
at law.
X. C.
die, N. C.
Sons store
ill II. Tyson,
I .,.
V. C,
In nil

Eastern reflector, 17 January 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 17, 1899
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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