Eastern reflector, 13 January 1899

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You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to us.
he Refer
Anything a
Visiting- ard
Sheet Poster.
W. carry a of the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit in a n r on
and is distinctive Parker
only does feed the ink
perfectly, but soiled
The Daily Reflector
and when she wont she wont.
a to whom she
was engaged, who was arrested
m Try-
of and grandmother. She is an heiress
land rich. She stuck to her fellow,
There ii ON of the hip of hired counsel
he naval officer that ii having acquitted and turn-
Gives the home news every
afternoon at price
cf cents a month. Are
yo . a subscriber It not
you ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year contains
the news wt gives
information to the
these i rowing
co, that is worth many times
m i e than the price.
km to I ho layman that
can as
upon the modern ship all her
meets her
uniformed officers the pot-
upper deck. Not the parts
i f ship kept and
mat and alt-o those far
-v. u, contracted spaces that
I he day. These include tho
compartments bet with the inner
eater skins of the ship, known tech
as the
other places that separate the magazines
and various built up within
the ship from the outer skin.
narrow compartments
to and rust,
in that those who have tho
cure of them may do duty well
and prevent the decay of tho ship a
system of inspection has been devised,
the inspector mast be, under the
naval regulations, commissioned
A board of inspection
is formed each ship, which must
of one two line of-
The duty of this board is period-
to make personal inspections of
all the parts of tho ship, examine every-
thing critically. for
any evils that may be found to exist
t report to tho
for to tho de-
the of tho vessel in
Baited MO while
inspections, and in sea-
men's working suits
crawl all fours throughout the
length of the bottom of tho ship,
through narrow openings
and examine with their eyes every
inch of tho surface of the steel
plates. Tho paint of these
softened by dampness in some
places by heat and the steam laden
air of the boiler rooms in others, rubs
off tho working suits, an
hour's crawling transforms the neat
officer into n sorry spectacle.
some modern navies this duty is per-
formed by the enlisted men, tho officers
being excused from it. bat our navy
the feeling exists that an man
should not to go where an
is not willing to lead. The result is
that always with tho
Americans and the efficiency of tho fleet
is assured.
Numerous precautions must be taken
to avoid tho risk of losing life while
performing this duty, for it is attended
no little danger. The atmosphere
f spaces entirely or partly
closed for n considerable length of
becomes robbed of its oxygen the
rust is soon made unfit
to sustain life If such com-
are blown out with air
led through a hose from a blower duct
all plate removed
A lighted candle is
ways carried by tho officer
his crawling If the
burns dimly or m ems upon the point of
I extinguished, Hero is a deficiency
it he will immediately
seek tho opening; lending from
the compartment leave it at
Men are stationed at places us mar as
I lo to him, so that they may hear
nit voice and reader Immediate, assist-
case of Dead. No OM is allowed
to enter any confined space board
ship without light,
though addition a portable electric
light is carried frequently to render the
inspection more thorough.
It not that
and men become so wedged between
I end beams while performing
; this duty as to make it extremely
cult to them, more than one
I officer of tho is tho retired
list today of permanent injury
to health contracted while perform-
this arduous labor. of the
exercised it is rare that a life
lost in this service, but at
least tho of a man proved fatal
to him. One of the boilers of the
; cruiser Newark, while flagship of the
south having been
tightly for a mouth,
in order to preserve it from
tho coppersmith of that vessel, on
energetic, faithful man, thought its in-
should examined and,
r though warned repeatedly never to en-
such a boiler without nu open light,
removed upper and
crawled In upon the an
electric light. lie told no one that he
was going tho boiler, and no one
was stationed to assist him in case of
need His dead body was found half oat
end half in tho boiler manhole with the
I light still brightly
within boiler Me evidently
crawled upon the brace., felt a
craping over him had en-
to regain the open but lost
just as life lay within
. his reach, and n died of asphyxiation
j The air in tho boiler had been
robbed of its oxygen by tho iron of
shell the formation of rust, and
i the residuum was unfit to A
lighted candle was snuffed nut
hi mm boiler,
and this n n railed until a
lower plate when
the heavy gas ran out U water might,
and tho air within sum mine to be
pure more vivid
of the dangers to he encountered the
care of tho
now try to taken u duty could
given than this Incident, which
hows shot mid flit II and bursting
pipes ire not tho only dangers
that confront the officers and men of
Uncle navy -New York Hun
newly wedded
Tho impost various
ties The husband must protect the
wife, while tho must follow
tin and he goes.
sir, couldn't Hint
in My husband's going
to a
out Of jail. And then
Changed luff mind and I
everybody l refusing t
for then streak in a I
man who COUld
his and
the body against
v s Liver Pills, an
lie cure for sick
x sour stomach,
jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
The Fly Wheel of
I Your Liver Pills are
the fly-wheel f life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had a new lease of life.
I. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Co.
Liver Pills
The having duly
qualified before the Superior Court
Clerk of Pitt as Executor of
the Last Will Testament of G.
E. Little. notice i here-
by to all indebted to
the to make immediate pay-
to the all
persona claims against said
estate are notified to present the
same for payment on or the
21st day of or this
plead in
of same
G. H.
Executor of O. E Little
A gentleman
that had a stranger or an outsider
come to North and made
the among our people that
Mrs. had
made. Ike people would have
stirred as never this
ago I had child
delicate from birth, and
for six months she was under con-
care of the ls-st we
hail in our town. his
to control
the bowel trouble, which had
conic dysentery. She also
from some aggravated
which large sores
and risings to break out on her
body. Oil time there would Is- as
many as SO or Wt had several
treat her at different
times, but nothing reached her
case. They would these
but as soon as one was
another broke out, the doctors
me no hope of her cure.
she hail led a life of agony
suffering six months, I was In-
spired to try Ml. Joe
Remedy. There was a change for
in twenty-four hours, it
seemed to towels at once,
and after using a my
cured, and has
never since had any sign of trouble
am is now in perfect health. A
few years after this had
lo break out my
strange to say I did not think of
lira. Joe Remedy. I was
under the treatment for
three sores continued
to get worse until they had eaten
lo the I then thought of
Irving Mrs. Joe Wash
and is almost useless to
say it soon made a cure.
I wish I could so that
man, woman and child, in
North could hear, that I
might tell them what Mrs. Joe Per-
son's and Wash did for
me mine. I advised one of my
friends who had been a terrible
sufferer for a long time, with nurses
son- month, she the Remedy
Wash, and it soon made a
have recommended It to ever
so many of my friends, for
other ailments, and I have
never known it to fail to cure yet.
There is no medicine aqua to it.
Rachel Rude
Roxboro, Co., Oct. 1898.
Hy virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt made
at December term, in the
action II. trustee
and Others against L. King and
others. I a ill on Monday the
of February, sell at pub
lie sale the Court House door
the town of to the
highest bidder, a certain tract or
parcel of laud, lying and in
the county of bounded and
described as follows, to wit
joining the lands of Smith.
William King, the heirs of
ear Harris. Moses and
others, containing twelve
hundred and fifty more or less
and known as the Move farm
Terms of sale
This day of Jan.
It. F. Tyson,
every Sun-
day, morning evening. Pray-
inciting Thursday evening. Rev.
A. W. Setzer, pastor. Sunday
school a. m. c. Rountree,
regular services.
n. m.
every Sun
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
X. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. iii. W. ST, Harding,
Sunday, Rev.
J. it. Morton, past
school p. m. J. it.
Moore mi-
of a decree of the
Court of Pitt made
at December Term, in the
action of it L. Executor of
S. V. against L. C.
King. Peyton T. Atkinson. Alice
S. Atkinson, others, I will on
Monday, the day of February,
1888, sell at public sale before the
Court House door in the town of
Greenville, to the highest bidder,
a certain tract or parcel of land,
lying and being the county of
Pitt and bounded and described as
follows, to adjoining the land
of R. E. Mayo, B. O. Hell,
Rives heirs and others, containing
i fourteen
seven acres more or lei and know-
as the farm. Terms of
sales Cash.
This of January.
It. F. Tyson,
II H m
i -I
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, So. meets first and
third R.
W. M, J. M. Her.
Lodge, No.
Meet every Tuesday
W. F. N. I. Over
ton, See,
K. of River Lodge, No.
every evening. Dr.
E. A. Jr., C. V. II. A.
White, K. of It.
H. Vance No.
meets every even-
W. B. R. M. R.
O. If, a. every
night at in I. O.
F. hull. I,.
virtue of an order of the
Superior Court of Pitt county made
in a certain Special Proceeding
therein pending, entitled, H.
Cobb and Sarah Cox against C. A.
I will on Mon-
day, February 1888, sell at
sale before the Court House
door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder, a certain tract or panel of
land in the county of Pitt adjoin-
lauds of A. C. Tucker,
Thomas Nobles, deceased, and
containing one hundred and
fifty more or less known
as the King formerly
belonging to M. L.
ed. of
This 20th day of December,
L. Blow,
By virtue of the
Court of Pitt County made on
the Kith day of December ISM in
Special Proceeding therein
pending, entitled Cannon,
Public Administrator, administer-
the estate of Warren
deceased against
I will Thursday,
January 13th, ISM, o'clock
M., front of Die Court House
door in the town of Greenville, sell
at public the highest bidder
live sevenths interest in that
track of land situated in Con-
township, Pitt ad-
joining the lands of Fred
horn, the Sam Manning land and
others, acres more or
less. Terms of sale cash.
This Dec. 12th,
Administering the estate of War-
Jarvis A Blow,
Having duly the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt county
as Executor oft lie Will and Ten
turnout of Jennie deceased,
notice is hereby given to all per-
indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the under-
signed, all persons having
claims against the estate should
present the same for payment on or
the 2nd of January,
1800, or this notice will plead
in liar of recovery of same.
This 2nd day of January, 1888.
Executor of Jennie Boyd.
out August
-T Mt . Ms
3-. . ii in. Warsaw
-n n m. Rocky r
p in. 2.31 p
p m.
p .,
p in, i
nu 1.-
. .
cw York a m.
V M m.
s. p m. n.
i m, i
p m.
i m. 1.48 m. No
a m,
1.14 I. S
It a in, H
I ;
II. s in. York
t. n
W -Hut Jack
New Bet-
i n m, Chad
i t -Ii
in, 7.15 p in, .
n. p m,
. m,
s in,
Atlanta P m.
hi .
A .
ii V He. .
.- Vi k 1.0.1
u am,
I. SO am, Richmond a.
am, N-
11.50 am.
rm, Rocky Mount
in. 2-20 mi. Ga.
born am. W S
cm, pm
York am,
pm, nu
. pas,
pat. Norfolk p .
Sp in
II t u
. in New
ii-lat This is
. s Walnut
ill i Nu.
I m. pm
1.45 night,
Atlanta am, v in
am, em
4.17 pm.
0.1 U am, Ii
Ml am,
am, Lake v n
; u J I.
a 4.18 .
. in., arrives .
p. m., I
-p. Returning, .
dill x . m.,
8.20 a. m., in j. p . m
Ar 9.10 ft.
m leave III
u ail pm at o ,
aid v pm Dally
M U,
A Raleigh K. B.
a J, t SO p. , ID P. U .
r 7.40 M., p. m
u 7.50 ft. in., Sunday a. v.
iv. n urn 10.14 ,
nu leave
Ml it pm arrive , l
pm Spring Hope pm ho
leave Spring Hope I am N
Rocky Ml H n
dally Sunday.
Mil I N. c.
dully, Sun lay, 7.1
OS. Hi-lying 8.30 a
oiling a
Train on Clinton Vi.
a. n Clinton dally,
in. , m-
loft-e at and
Steamers leave Washington
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at ti A. M. for Greenville,
water permitting,
Returning leave Tarboro A.
M., A. M. on Tues-
days, Thursdays and
Sailing hours subject to change de-
pending stage of water.
Connect Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and But-
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
and Line from
lost on.
Washington, X. C.
Greenville, X.
DOLLS, Vases,
Wagons, Shoo
Air Figures,
Fire Works, Toys,
Cups Saucers,
Candies. Mixed Nuts,
R a i i us,
Sweet Florida Oranges,
Apples, lemons.
Chairs, Bedsteads, Tables,
Mattresses, bureaus,
You will never
a Standard Sewing Machine.
Salt. Phone
At our ops on Dick-
sen avenue we re-
pair all kinds of Ma-
dins ft Farm-
We also ct u re
Let us have your
Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable
1- u W, R.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
eat. Highest market
prices paid for country
Representative F. D.
county, introduced the fol-
lowing in the
An Act to Amend the it u-
of North Carolina.
The General Assembly of North
Carolina do
Section That section of
Art. I of the Constitution of North
Carolina be and the hereby
See. That Article VI of the
Constitution of North lie
and the aim- is hereby repealed,
and in its stead shall
the following Article of said Con
Section I. Qualifications of
Every male person born
the United States, and every male
who hits been naturalized,
years old or upwards who shall
have been an actual bona tide
dent in State of North Carolina
for two years, possessing
all the qualifications set out and re-
quired this Article and its
sections, shall be entitled to
vote at any election by the
in the State, except as may lie
herein otherwise provided.
See. Every person to
vote shall have act bona
fide resident of the State of North
for two years, of the
county one year, of the
or ward or other election
district in which ho proposes to
vote six months
election; provided, that removal
from one precinct, etc., to another
in same county shall
to deprive any person of the right
to vote in the precinct, etc., from
which he has removed, until six
months after such removal.
But no person who has con-
or confessed in open
court upon indictment of the fol-
lowing bribery,
in any degree, receiving
stolen goods, arson, obtaining
money or goods under false
perjury, forgery, embezzle-
rape, wild intent to
commit rape, fornication ad
tery, bigamy, incest, removing crop
before paying rent or
liens thereon, disposing of
moil gaged property with intent to
the mortgagee, crime
against nature, sale of cotton with-
in prohibited hours, dueling,
conducting a lottery,
to houses, churches fences,
shooting at or throwing care,
locomotives or trains, slander of
innocent women, seduction under
promise of marriage, or an attempt
any of these or of felony
now prohibited by the laws of
North Carolina, or which may
hereafter be prohibited, or of any
crime whereof the punishment may
be imprisonment the
shall lie permitted to vote or
be deemed an elector, unless the
said person shall be II restored
in a manner
scribed by law. it shall not
be necessary
has been imposed to bring persons
within the prohibition this sec-
Those under
are prohibited as well
those under sentence.
. Sec. Provides that every per-
son offering to vote shall be at the
time, a legally enrolled and
voter on his personal
cation herein prescribed, and as
provided in accordance with this
Article, and no person shall be
lowed to who has not register-
The of voters
the laws in force on
the first day of April, 1898,
remain in force until Juno
at which dale all the provisions of
the Constitution relating to
ration and election,
contained in this Article and as
herein provided, shall go into
the General Assembly
its regular of shall
registration law to
carry effect the provisions of
this Article relating to the reg-
of such voters only as are
qualified this Article its
sect ions.
Sec. All elections by
shall be by ballot and all
by the General Assembly
shall be viva
See. Every presenting
himself for registration shall lie
able to read intelligently
and he shall
lo do so when he applies for
by making oath, ad-
ministered to him
having charge such ration,
or by his deputy, of whom
arc hereby
such oath, written application
j therefor a blank to be fur
by such officer.
The mid application shall con
the information to
show that he is entitled to register
vote, and shall be entirely
written, dated signed by him
the presence of registration
officer or his deputy, without as-
or suggestion from any
person or memorandum whatever,
except the form of application lure
in set forth.
The application for ration
above provided for shall be an ex-
act copy of the following form, with
proper names, dates and
substituted for tho blanks
therein, to
am a resident of the Stale of
North a citizen
United States. My name is .
. ; I was horn in the
Stale of.
. of
the year I am now. years
and. and. of age; I
have res i lei in this state since.
in the county in
the precinct ward or other
I am
not disfranchised by any of the
provisions of the Constitution of
Sec. Provides that if the
lie not able to read and
write as above provided, he
shall at the time he offers to
the actual tide owner
of property assessed to him in the
State at a valuation of not less than
three hundred dollars
tax lists of year
which he offers to register, or on
the tax lists of the preceding year
if the roil of the current year shall
not have been completed filed,
and on which, if the property so
assessed lie personal only, all taxes
due thereon shall have paid.
This section provides at
length for oath, to be made
before the registration officer.,
case the applicant for registration
can neither read nor and
possessed of the required amount of
property to entitle him
Sec. No male was
an January 1807,. . any date
prior thereto, cut it led to vote under
the Constitution or statutes of any
State in the United States wherein
he then resided, or who prior to
that time was a regularly enlisted
soldier in the of the United
States; and no person, son
son of any such person not less
than years of age at the date of
the adoption of this Constitution;
and no mule who was
prior to tho first day o
1900, shall lie denied the
right to register and vote in this
State by reason of his failure to
possess the or property
qualification prescribed by this
Constitution; provided he shall
have resided in this State for live
next preceding the date
at which he shall apply for reg-
shall have registered
In accordance with tho terms of
1900; and no shall lie en-
to this
after said date.
This section also provides for
the method such persons
shall pursue to secure the
of the above, and provides also the
oath he shall also for a MB
registration of this class o
voices, and all whose appear
thereon shall be permitted to vote
at all elections in the Slate, etc.
See. s. Provides for the payment
of poll tax of all persons under the
and provides that
such person shall lie permitted
to payment is made
on or before day of De
of year for the two
years preceding the year
which he oilers to vole. All be-
tween the ages of and not
herein exempted come within Ibis
It Is also required by this see
that the poll tax receipt for
said time shall be exhibited to the
election officer in official form, or
duplicate of loss, or proof
of payment of such poll lax shall
be by the affidavit of the
party to whom it was paid.
Heavy penalty is imposed for
changing or altering in any way
one of these receipts; tax
collector sheriff who
shall ante date such shall be guilty
of forger
Idiots deaf and dumb or
blind persona are exempted; also
persona under 2.1 years of age who
have paid all poll taxes assessed
This sect ion provides the
lo lie taken by office holders.
See. Defines who shall lie
eligible to office. Also provides
for the submission of this Amend
to the Constitution to the
voters of State, for ratification
the Tuesday after the
Monday in May. The
is lo be conducted held
under the same rules
as arc provided in the law
regulating elections in this State
and in force May is
to say, the new election law
to lie passed by the present General
The salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Sail
Rheum, Fever Sires, chap
Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions, positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to perfect
faction or money Price
cents per box. For sale by Jno.
year and
ii. For
will lit the
are invited to
month prices have been marked away down
from regular Belling prices oil Fine
A little Kensington school girl
quoted a well-known phrase
soft answer turned away
Like King of Franco and
Dreyfus out and him back
you have the
grip. Take this prescription to
the drug More. II will only cos
you about To cents. My fit- is
seem to
have a cold yourself,
yes, but a little
lemon and sugar will fetch me
around all
this Article prior to
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would at-
tractive must keep her health. if
she is weak, sickly and all run
down she
If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood
will cause skin
eruptions and a wretched complex
ion. Electric Bitters is the lies
medicine in the world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys to
purify the blood. If gives strong
nerves, bright smooth,
rich complexion. I
will make a good looking, charm
woman of a rundown invalid.
Only DO cents at L.
The I of pence was taken and if he docs not agree lo aid
I. m I lie Senate on I in pulling those through
We have a nice variety styles
yet and you can now pet a Bargain
When you conn t see cur Spec-
J. B. CO
WASHINGTON LETTER. for the Civil Service
From Our Commission, j n.
Washington. D. Jan. and Judicial bill.
Senator Mason fired an When the yea and nay vole was
peeled bombshell the the appropriation
of the Philippine
when he offered his resolution,
starling with a quotation from the
Declaration of Independence
all just powers of gov-
are derived from the eon
sent of de-
that the V. S. will not at-
tempt to govern the people of any
other country without the consent
of the people themselves or subject
them by force to our dominion
their will. Unless the it-
got a small majority, and Ibis year's
care over.
Mr. is still playing
on the Philippine question,
and he will probably keep it up
the Senate treaty.
The message he sent with the treat
of peace to the Senate was
formal, and might have been put
four words, lathe
alt hough the administration must
be ill possession of much
lion relating lo present critical
to vote ratification. Even
if that claim be correct, enough
Senators would be against the
to prevent, if are so
disposed, its being upon
this session, as appropriation
lulls, not one of which has vet
passed by Senate, the
Canal bill and oilier
will all In- pressing ail ion. with
the probability extra net
sum will be glowing
longer ever
Jerry Simpson was in his s.-at
when Congress reassembled, for lite
Aral lime this session. He says be
is strongly opposed to the large
for the
Hull bill, will be heard from
before bill is jammed through
he House.
Sail men to Wash-
these days nearly all have
something to afoul the
to admit Confederate vet-
emus to
Homes and pension roll, and
the substance of the opinion-
nine of is in
tin- following remarks, made by Mr.
A. n. Met hue. of
supposes that the southern
people have the remotest idea that
i In- veterans of the Confederate
or their friends expect pen-
sinus of United States Govern-
or even reception into lite
Homes, a grievously mis
taken notion is cherished.
people an- not dreaming of
such idea, for I are
to entertain proposition soul
not absurd.
The old Johnnies are doing Ant-
rate Without from
Washington. Our pension is
already big enough, and there is no
for further burdens. The
whole idea is Quixotic and the
to denounce ii would
the proposed
Whether public gets II chance
to see the report of the army board
of survey, which is now secretly
Investigating charge of Gen.
that the beef furnished our
soldiers iii Cuba and
was with chemicals,
which rendered unlit local and
dangerous to health, will depend en-
upon what
says after the report has been sub
milled In him. and hill he w ill
will nature of the
report. If It be against Miles, ii
will be published as as pus
slide; If it confirms his charges, i.
will be pigeon-holed for keeps.
The beef I rust is working ha d to
I convince the board they used
and that the beef
the soldiers
of and bis between our troops
lowers changes widely from what Philippine insurgents which
the latest official advices stale it to the Senate, the people, would
lie, we have got lo govern them to know. Not a word received
force or not at all. from Gen. Otis by the
Bailey won Iii.
constitutional light without a re-
port from the House Judiciary
Committee, although the members
of the Committee arc understood to
lie unanimous in belief that Hie
of a commission in
army, a Represents- the news from
live, vacates his seal In the House, carefully censored it has made ii
Reed won Mr. Bailey's tight is alarming
for him, by refusing lo certify Hint a light between tin- in
vouchers for the pay of the our troops
members of the House who hold
lion since the Insurgents in posses
of defied
Miller his troops, who had
been sent by Otis to take pot
of the town, has been made
public, except
bad boon lotion. Miller. Al
Manila is
com missions.
The mail of Southern Senators
and is full of pro
lists from ex Confederate
against the proposal of Senator
of lo give
them United Sen-
Pascal presided n formal me
lo the senate against the
Butler idea, from Confederate
veterans of Osaka,
The has
annual scare In the Civil
and it was more real
than usual. This time, the House
us a
actually voted tn strike out
the daily probabilities. Should
natives a revolution
our authority, ii would
result increasing
against our keeping the
official reticence.
was tIn-
the sells every
large city in the country all the
lime. Miles is conducting an
independent investigation, through
office of the Inspector General
of the the War
gating Commission is also dallying
with beef question.
The Senate might four
day's work this week, but ii did
not act do four hours work.
are not
helping the administration ovoid
an extra of next Con
Talk of the administration put-
ting a candidate in the field
User Reed for the of
next House is again prevalent.
Ii Is said Mr. Reed has been
asked to define his position lo
wards the Hull army bill and
era I other measures which the
Foreign Relations, and the
is it will be reported lo
the Senate sometime week
Opinion differs as lo BOW MOD a
vole w ill be reached. In there
will lie nothing tangible
which until tin
opponents of the treaty Indicate
their It is claimed
Hint seventy prom-
m in ii.
Committee Elections Favor
The House Commit tot.
is ,, , .
R. L.
W. White, James O. c.
W. Bryan and c. W.
Democrats, and W. W. Hampton,
R. J. I, Pi ,,
This committee met to examine
and report upon the contested
election ease of Sugg. Democrat,
against Mitchell, Republican, from
Greene. Swift Galloway,
who so ably managed pin
in which
resulted loan order from
an Judge Robinson for a recount
vote of there-
by electing a set of
count officers, presented the eon-
before the commit-
tee, ii was shown, Mitchell
had the certificate of membership,
inn that subsequent to its issuance,
Judge Robinson, upon petition,
a recount of the vote.
Thai recount showed that Sugg had
The record of proceedings
was produced before the committee.
had no counsel, and
evidence, appellate
mil presented his certificate of
election. On examination he ad-
lieu he was present the
and Sugg had ,.,.
-IV. and that having the
lit dilate he could do no less than
lake his seal in the Legislature,
having a case, by virtue
f that, and was willing lobe tried
n and would submit to the
committee's action without protest
by a unanimous
lie of Democrats and Republican
very soon decided Sugg, Dem-
k-rut, was entitled to be scaled.
Raleigh Post,
Professional Cards
It k. I . Horn n-i fl. I.
K. at
In-- v I. r Stale.
Mills It.
Tail.- 1-. N C. N.
11.1.1 am
Greenville, X. c.
Green N
Office over J. c.
mow 11.11 x. c,
It. K. Tyson,
N. c
Hie House, administration can
for Speaker of the next
House will once be brought mil.
Such talk has heretofore amounted
o nothing, and this will probably
do the same, in
help the administration; will
he He will allow In
past bill can

mm mm.
n. v.
D. J. II Owner.
Some I That
Intend the Pool at
N. as Second
Mail Matter.
Treasury ha
issued a pamphlet containing the
revised In to
tamp made by Scott.
We publish baton some
may in- of Interest lo
Hi i
A of i-
tar of.;,. u
tared to the present stamp,
recall seeing one that the Deeds executed
homestead la be repealed. If by a sheriff, In compliance an
there I any one Ian on the statute the ate to .
books that has served its and
,. , , ., ,. , the payment of money
l, diverted
drawn by an
in savor of a third party,
requires a -lamp.
of drawing
Craven has a colored rep- if left a time, an
in the Isaac taxable, Drat, the cents,
Smith, the Legislature, lathe bat left
of tin House
,.,,,. . must U- added.
Smith voted for Judge
fraud, ii Is
homestead but. Ii i
good repeal it.
fan i Bar. S. A.
died his home in this
city at hi lock He hail
bean ill for
ii Ins death
failure. The will
take place Monday.
M be was called far
years, was one of the
North Carolina
Conference, M. South.
After long and service
in I In- pastoral be
in the work of
presiding elder. In capacity
At Monday's session the follow-
interest was Intro
Art 1,788 the
Code in to the of
jurors by county
the words
in three insert
the and ever
in amend
IV. the eye special is I. has
put up an immense on the
in trout Court House.
and has another trout
of Hotel These call
to what he
where he may be
Bat others have to an
about Odom
N. Mn
To All Whom It
I lake pleasure n recommending
Dr. who
of the Code, need work in Ma line. He has been
said that he preferred
At a subsequent mucus
of the Republican members of the
Legislature Smith's action was dis-
of --proof of for
insurance being
a statement made a-to the
is not i certificate requiring a
cussed and s resolution watt adopted
expelling from the caucus. of
. ., i ii . m note, bill of exchange, etc,
tin the the
Smith arose lo u question of per-
ii-. roasted
for their action
. him ill the caucus.
to make pr sin in the re
. alter I in-
was revolution-
ten were made to leave, The latest
step was a raid the of
ill were es-
e tried to provided w
tickets I take then- de-
; lo return
A Mayor be is
. o rid I of all
bu ii -n. be lb d
after in the matter of
putting men in
n of i i. and now ii might
i mi-11 In ii after the
the Raleigh district lour
. , . tor of witnesses. u us some weeks has a
years, and the the,
year bin
time limit the Durham district.
Admonished health
the age, he
that his work in the
Ail of the large hen-.
the factory instance.
married women. That net We have found him a most pleas-
I. A married woman affable gentleman.
may lo the MM of own ease has per-
it protested by a or
any other duly
When a sale is made of livestock
at a live Stock or any
similar place, or as to
entered into, the seller mUSt
rive to the buyers lull or
or oilier of shell
sale, of Nile, or agree
to sell, to which must
affixed the stamp
.-.-iii for each value of such
sale, agreement of sale, or
met I lo sell, and e. Ii
additional or par
Money orders issued express
be at the
. of for -I
express orders
in the Stales, are
subject lo taxation at the of
A stamp is requited an
order rash draw n a merchant
one of his
If nature of re-
are in lieu of checks
and are as in
are checks and not
lo tax.
Men- agreement lo build house
are taxable, but If bond
V faithful perform-
of Work or they are
held to In- subject as bonds.
Hotel I. bonds stamp
u iv. He did bis
room and response to Where a bond is given with a
said he was not ill and guaranty company as surely, tin-
a similar have, in addition to a
was given this morning. This Si cent stamp, stamp denoting
He was too feeble to at-
tend the at
City, but he wrote a very pathetic
letter to his fellow ill the
. in
relation. His re
quest with the hope
that h .- life would vet
time. was not to
hi- earthly career closed xx bin a
few after hi- laid down
A mighty
ha fallen,
more lovable or a
bettor beloved rarely,
ever, lo bleat bis men.
Ur. was a near rel-
of the family of Maj.
with like effect and the same
form M Mi she and
her separate estate shall
to her
Mate or in no MM
a charge upon her separate
estate Is- necessary.
MM. C. M.
I wish to say the lo
every individual that knows me,
that I have Ur.
Hours for M He
lo which the
might well address itself is
that the establishment of a board
of The subject is brought
lo mind at this time by noticing
that the Times is
eating the creation of such a board
Virginia. is too great a re
it says, great a
tax to put any one man the
burden of overusing
With the large
of in there
1- during his term that
the has not one or more
for pardon under cu-
and sometimes the
life is involved. He
ought to have help, he ought to
have he ought to have
hers with whom to divide re
This, not merely as
a matter of Justice to the
nor. but to the State lo the
convicts. may sometimes
In- imposed upon, and
sometimes fail to see the merits
of a
This is a Mi argument.
lo Slate, and if it has force
i me
Andrews Sol-
mini III lei build
his the door was
forced I lie was found mi
on the
the floor keyhole
a paper and gas was
flowing from two burner,
lb- was i. ii to
and era I boil is of
bard work was restored i u-
i being
tic be H i- lire k
Andrews, i At
midnight hi- condition still
critical, ii though
would recover.
one-half of dollar or
fractional part thereof, pad the
principal on the bond as a
note, or memorandum
of sale of any good or merchandise,
stocks, lion l. exchange, notes of
hand, real e-late or properly any
kind or description issued In
broker or persona acting as such.
cull Hole or of
-ale, not otherwise provided for in
Ibis ail.
by The tn.
The bad I., kill a
i- lo let it lie.
Tile of life was
yet entire
lance for
I a
in in In always follow bidding
of people.
The win men w ho
their owe
I hey have ion.
Pour unknown men attempted i.
bold up I pas
anger train
but ware
oil the passengers and
The n I II V .
is no doubt I hat the even
daily is tin-daily for the ad-
a small conies
into home after tin-
win k is and sit
it an and his
mis in hi- utmost
The good wife has
lime lo look over its and
same order of thing holds
good In home of
the The morning
daily of a small city is laid to inn
side the busy at his
-line housewife at
bat home. The or
mechanic has no lime to read
he goes to work, and is mil
read dining working
hours. You can depend
Upon it that the evening daily has
the target for these very
and is, therefor,
to Take Charge.
It was decided the joint
of Democratic of
Senate and House of
last night to take
Department and other institutions,
which are in control of the fusion.
It was further decided to have a
thorough of all
in-lit s.
A resolution was also adopted
commit ling caucus to the
of State Senator by a
direct vote of tin- people. The
was introduced in Sena.
for an I without oil
is as fol-
low ;
That is sense of the
Assembly of that
the Senators of the Slate
be elected by the people.
That we request our Seniors in
b of the Halted State
u-e their to
have to the
Slates, amendment
to the looking
to this end.
That the Clerk of the Senate lie
directed to furnish each member of
I with a copy of the
The question of taking charge of
the penitentiary an
interesting animated discus.
The caucus was almost
equally divided on this policy.
annul.; who
advocated a delay in act ion and
who desired the appointment of a
committee to look into the
of taking charge of
institution, pending
lion. It developed Hay
had a number of warm friends in
The to lake charge of
the penitentiary
As to the matter of
railed rota of to IT.
shall not apply lo a master of his
between and wife. rely on what
Sec. this act shall be in force he tells you. If you need his set
from and after its rat x ices you need not hesitate to call
Act charter H of the him. and you recommend
Code, providing for appointment him to your friends,
of the Hoard of Internal Improve H. H.
neat by Assembly. Traveling for News
Act providing a short form
chattel mortgage an exist-
debt and a lien to secure ad .
to lie made and to prescribe
the Ill's thereon.
Act to prated live- and provide
Ad to the Vance Tex
Ac, to promote the of
railroad trains by
t ions for whit.-
Act to prescribe a of
for public school of State
Bud provide the hooks to lie use I.
on asking that the State re
fund certain moneys to
Carolina College Mi. Pleasant
To repeal chapter MS
to regulate
dead for
of science.
a joint
Superior criminal court dis-
To appoint to
the reasonableness of rail-
road, express and t.-l.-graph
To provide for election of
railroad by the
a resolution with reference to
the peace treaty Bear pending lie-
lore the Senate.
newsy and
OM offers the highest
price for seed.
Mi. Harper is proud
lather of a girl this morning.
A ear load of salt received
by It. K. Co. which
Ibex offer at lowest price. They
also have n line stork oats.
Mr. Hick Parker, who has
working here for sex oral weeks,
moved his mother up here, and
are keeping house.
The bean any they are
some line wire fence now. Well
the longer a man works a trade the
more he ought to learn it.
Mr. Edwards,
clerking for B. K. Manning Co.,
for several weeks, moved town
Monday. We are glad to have Mr.
town, beside it is
much more convenient for him.
A load of dressed lumber fox
depot has just arrived. It
is to be hoped that the railroad
Harry favors dis
the North
Carolina. He would do it i iii
Self, to his statement lo
ma- to and be says should the
present legislature ill North Caro-
fail proper legislation
this subject there is no
and the Democrats should be held
n Virginia, the of which ,.; , ,
with how much greater force does
i, apply in North or m
present of which, even if A. G. Cox Co.
his intentions were is with
out or discretion.
no matter how wise and a man
a may lie, this is too Ire-
a to
the hands of individual
is the responsibility
of life and death. The Legislature
of North might well con
of State a of pardons. It
is true that present ad-
the of State
would emit much to the
or the good purpose
to the of
for but this
legislation would not for the
alone but
the future. The reason
Brothers Marry Four
remarkable wedding has
lost taken places the small vii
la-re culled Trail, ten miles north
of line, four hers being
married lo four The four
knots were lied the home of the
four who arc the
daughters of a prosperous
named James Their
age range from i ,.
only Dover,
. Dispatch,
responsible. asked him of Stale is suggested is that
was any news that he would like duty could lie
the people of North Carolina to j upon its without extra
know, or it he had any message Their present
like to send lo the folks at ties so exacting that
home. may say for
said Mr. Skinner,
cut legislature should disfranchise
the in North Carolina. It
should never let the opportunity
pass, if it does, it must held
I repeated this conversation to a
who is here tonight, and he
listened with interest. say
for said lie,
Skinner, within a short time
after the is disfranchised in
I North Carolina, will openly declare
not take mi this extra
rill Landmark.
Have Wagons Carts
a great long row.
front of their
But the row is gelling shorter
every day. carts were
sent to an order Scotland Neck.
Mr. E. U. Cox left yesterday
evening on another trip the in-
of the Cigar Co.
lie says his greatest trouble is that
they cannot make the goods as fast
as he sell them. The company
will have lo increase its force of
cigar makers order to supply the
D. W. HE,
Heavy and
Newspaper Law.
thieves held up a sub
Cotton Rigging and
on has .
Fresh goods kept on
hand. produce
The courts have decided that the gold. A trial will convince you.
follow are the laws that apply to y-
who do not
express notice to the contrary are
considered us wishing to renew
their W I
I. If subscribers order the That is place want to visit.
their periodical, the I have just opened the
a of -I publisher may to semi building with a choice stock of
party. Put that down the them until all
record, for I know whereof I
Then- are others, Mr.
Skinner's friends, who .-ax that he
urban train near sincere his and
he would like to vole for a bill
to send all of the final out of the
-Special to Charlotte Ob
Hex. V. A. Hardwood of
MO and a gold watch.
In the full of a Knight
Admiral Schley will at
tend I lie annual ball of order
York, a is Dr.
Dwight select as his successor
Thirty or more persons were kill-
ed in a train collision between New
York Monday
another collision be-
tween two Union trains
Sidney, Neb., several people were
The safe of the
Mass. bank was blower lo pieces
with dynamite, Monday Burning.
The burglars got with
The of Pembroke,
Me., is said lo have la-en held by
one family lunger than that of any
other town in Die
Ham was appointed the
in I II k den
have the mails
if the village ever since his
retirement ism.
A lire iii Hotel Pitts
burg, resulted in I lie h
of and the serious
injury of live others.
Linen May t. Clean,
And yet not Is- with the
and Hie
well dressed man. The
ton cur
reel results.
. I Agent.
A will lie made to the
present Assembly of North
for an amendment to the
took law fence around the of
N. C., the
County to
said fence from its eastern
nus on Tar river up the hank oil Ii
said river to the town Hue.
N. C.,
and wife know about the
that for half a century has
been mothers bring
little ones into the world without
the hundred and one
discomforts and distractions
to child-birth. It
is B plied externally, which
is only way to get relief.
Medicines taken internally
I will help and may
result in
fits and prepares every
muscle and
of the body for
the critical hour. It
robs of
tortures and pains.
coming is made
quick and easy Its
action is doubly
if it c during the whole
period if
be. . i all drag
sent by mail mi re prate,
and the best of general Tables Sup-
it. It subscribers neglect or re-, plies. carry
fuse to lake their periodical from to STOCK
to which they ready lo supply your needs
directed, they are responsible me a call.
Hooks Fin.
addicts ,
. I i.- lo
ion by
-i -.-
i hex their bills and
entered them
I. If move to other
places, without informing the pub-
and the papers are to
the they are re-
The courts have decided that
taking periodicals the
or removing sud leaving
them uncalled for, is
II. If subscribers pay in advance
they are bound to give notice at
of the time if they do not
wish to continue taking it, other-
wise publisher is authorized to
send it, mid the will
responsible until an express notice
with payment of all is
to the
The latest postal laws are such
that publishers
rust for fraud who lakes a pa-
per and refuses to pay for it.
this law I be man who allows
to run for
some and then orders
or the post
master to mark it and
have a postal card sent notifying
publisher, leaves himself liable
to arrest the same as for
I Southerner.
Old Occur to
That when you buy it
economy to get the last
That is what we have,
The best of everything.
You may need.
We can supply all your needs in
Fine Candies, Fruits of all
j Nuts, We have Fine
a box, put up es-
for us.
Is BUs D.
blood mum km. K
without II.
lie your keep it clean,
up Hie and
lion th. body, U
and by
In cast of
, ll- -f
I h.
II tell, ho- u U
i,. ii. ,.,.,,, ii.
t Iii -i
u I ,. . -1.
I A IT. I If fl A i as .- K. n
i art t.
, mi,
a l--------; . J
h Presents Itself
To Buy Clothing
H I.
our h
l rail of
m t
ii- if
lo run
Our tn
lo our
. -tn-1- it I u
that . .
lit In. mU
i i--
in i
la a
now .
an I
I hi-1 fl
wt- I
Mm reMix-ml CAP
point Bl and i-. -.-t l
at prod
u v re Mir. lo u-
a, m
W. E. lo
I today.
loft I
s the
. o,
; Hill.
Mi- .-nine
Saturday from
I. of tin-
Sunday here and left this morning.
f. E. went MS Kin-Lit
Annie loft
lo resume her near
Senator F. home
from evening to lie
M. came up from Ply
mouth Saturday and
this morning.
Mrs. of Hertford, who
relative at Hotel
homo today.
Judge Fred Moore arrived
day and opened
This is his
ha visiting relative, in this
look train here
for In- home.
W. H. ix, of ii here.
left this
i mm mm.
Court is in
Pitt's Senator.
the list of Semite committees
we that Senator F. James
ha on
; Federal ;
wont down
The weather gelling
another shaky
White shad were
His Mather Dead.
and other
in the New-
iT. M. A hi. one of our
are to he has by
cash for everything except then death his in it her,
Wilson night.
A little advertising may be
profitable when a great deal would
I pay cash for Hides, Furs, Eggs
and Turkeys.
Send la the News.
As the holidays are all
are more at leisure,
we would like to hear from them
It is always better to advertise a oftener. We want items from
little too much than quite
A few day. ago Mr. J. W. Allen,
near town, killed a hog that weigh-
ed net.
J. Norman invites you to
his grocer- store in the
building. He carries the lies of
Mr. J Smith has told his
sud lot South Greenville
to Mr. II. Ii. Howard. Mr. Smith
will build him another home.
The party who took the orange
wood cane from the opera house
the day ofter the band concert,
will please return It to W. B. Pol-
lard. A
Notice Is hereby given that
plication will lie made to the
present Assembly of North
to amend the charter of
the town of
amateurs are rehears
for the comedy drama
which will appear at the opera
house Thursday night, January
10th. for the benefit Hope Fire
said Uncle
no trouble
gel I rich held on as
tight to de money earns as
does to the money
Washington Star.
J. E. Starkey, one the clever-
est and most popular young men
in who for ten years
has been in the employment of Mr.
Alfred Forbes, has taken charge of
the business of prosperous
of J. Ii. Starkey Co., of which he
is the senior member. Mr. Starkey
by his courteous manners hon-
est dealings baa won for himself
life long friends, and his
presence at his own store, will
attract to it a boat of patrons from
every section of the county.
lathe list of com in it teen appoint-
ad for the House of Representative
we find the members from Pitt
on the
Representative W. J. is
the committees for Count
Cities and Towns ; Education; and
Representative T. II. la
on the committee for
for the I leaf and Dumb;
every of the
Stole Some Chicken.
A few nights ago some one stole
three chickens from a coop in the
rear of Mr. S. M. Schultz's store.
During all his years business
this is the time anybody has
bothered his chicken
for Haleigh.
Mad last night.
Savage left this morning
for to bin h. u -.-
Ben and his Miss
have gone to Bethel to at-
torn school.
Bruce of
who has E. II. Tali.
u home t oil
Congressman Harry
came homo from Washington Mon-
day evening lo court.
U. Williams and J. M.
left morning for to
represent trudge at
meeting of the Lodge of
J. H. Harris, of Ayden
Lodge also went.
Norfolk, is in
F. of
low II.
A Shewing
At the Met Sunday school
Sunday every officer teach-
was the total at-
so said the Secretary,
was the largest in the history of
the church. This is a good allow-
with which to the new
year and Supt. Harding is to be
Should Have One.
The Furniture Man-
Company has declared a
ten percent dividend after passing
over a good sum to swell its
plus. This is a good argument
that there is money
furniture. Tun
a factory of this kind in
would pay well.
Step the Nuisance.
Since the train has
been moved within the corporate
limits we
Rev. N. M. Wat-ii left
morning for
C. II. of
is here at court.
T. C. Woolen, of came
over this to attend court.
Miss Loraine returned
Tn. evening from a visit lo
Miss Eva who
visit relatives here, this
morning for Wilson.
I lines left Tuesday even-
for Brunswick, where he
has accepted a position.
Mrs. J. h. Barnhill, of
came down Tuesday evening to
visit her father, J. I. Daniel.
The mother, sister little sou
of Hauls, who ed and
brought here week, arrived
Tuesday evening.
Honey, express messenger
on the between
and Weldon, is Inking a few days
rest. Ed of is
express messenger during Mr.
Honey's absence.
afternoon Sheriff Mooring walk.-
into room Jot- lb. K.
Use intimation bad gone out
In- sen,.
line during the aft cram n ail I
e.,, ha I in
All to
the prisoner an all In I
upon bun a- he walked up
the aisle an give. I s.-ii near
his counsel in the While
mailing for Bawl
s-k.-d around the room and
Hired the Meads at Ins
b hood around ill.-, and
shook bands w s w
near enough.
When all was in readiness Si
Moore asked
up and raise his right haul. The
then reel the bill of in
of the court, and in
Lithe usual ;, s an
an and
for the trial dis
the counsel and it was
agreed that the be set for n
Tuesday, if w wan
em In- gotten time.
then -d
that h o,
Jarvis far defense slate I
he did deem
to have a but
thought list would
the readily agreed i
that Judge Moon- slated
would be hardship on
Sheriff for the lie
from the instead of allowing
them lo large, and
asked the Solicitor if he had any
special reason
Solicitor I lain that
as homicide was
here those familiar
with were on one side or the
other, audit would be bird to tin.
a mi red men close by who had
not already mi opinion
of case. this the Judge
made as
Moore will In- assisted
by and p is
others the of
the ease. The defense will be rep
resented by Jarvis Blow. Skinner
Bare and
F. II. James.
Town Council will be asked to
make a law that will prohibit the
gang of loafers crowding
every time a train conic in. This
is right. And there should be an
enclosure about I ho depot through
which no one is allowed to ex-
on business.
Store and Burned.
On Sunday night, 1st Inst., the
store of Mr. J. A. Gardner, at
was destroyed by fire.
The was also in the store.
A colored man who lives near
store, was by tho
of a keg powder, he
went to house, about
yards distant, to wake him up.
They could nothing from the
building. It is known how the
tire originated. Tho loss is part
Tar River Lodge N K. of P.
On Friday night the following
officers were installed by Tar
Lodge No. M K. of P., by District
Deputy Grand Chancellor C.
for the ensuing
Dr. W. II.
K. G. C.
J. B.
J. M. of W.
Dr. R. L. of H. and S.
J. N. of E.
Frank of F.
O. K. A.
G. J.
Take Quinine Tab-
let. All druggists refund money
if it fails to cure. Ho. The gen
nine ha- L. Q. Tablet.
N. C, Jan.
Miss Olivia Johnson of
is her Mrs.
Miss Agues
homo Sunday from u visit to her
uncle, Mr. Will Moore, near Falk
Miss Ward from over
the river, her
Mrs. Dr. C. M. Jones.
Misses Addle Johnson and Alice
Ling left for the homo Green
Thursday evening.
Misses Myrtle Taylor Daisy
left Thursday morning
their home at
Mr. Fred Ward, from over Hie
river, stole his girl, Miss
from near They
lo this place Thursday and
wore married at the home of W. E.
Tinker, Rev. N. L. Seal sill
Quite a largo crowd attended
the tournament and nation ball
Wednesday and Wednesday night,
James L, of Greenville,
was orator of the day, and music
was furnished by the Italian band.
The successful knights wore,
Hughes Paul, of Silver
Smith Paul, -Knight of
of Tucker.
of Miss
was of
Lore and Beauty by Paul.
Miss Minnie Tucker, first Maid of
Honor, by Smith. Paul. Miss
Agnes Proctor second Maid of
Honor, by W. S. Mrs.
W. E. Tucker I hi id Maid of Honor,
by her husband, W. B. Tucker.
Dr. M. Jones presented
crowns to the knight a few well
words, tapper was raved
at twelve. Everything rolled on
like till late hours
of night when every one left
idle let . P. . s.
M ,
hag the Slate. . a
. . . . , H I, , Ii I ,.
bat bold -u in has
II bey bad I-. m
their .-u-
and aisle
He r.-l.-i Li
private and
and warned the grand jury
Th in . I .
A .
I. P. Ti l J A
. II, Jesse
l i
R. Peter A.
I S. Parker.
P. II. Allen. I.
A. M. C.
. Martin, S. I
is .
for ibis
an P. la. A.
A. It.
, us. J. s, M.
J. S. M
T. U.
J. P. Harvey.
J. A. Crier.
Th.-foil. have been
Joe .-ill
tip-in ill. lit
S. T. Honker, affray, pleads
I Sill Mayo and at
fray, plead
Bower and liar
plead guilty,
Bowers to pay
in Jail with leave
lo bin- out.
William Wilkinson, with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Sim Alien Kate
not .
Jane I km sou. larceny, guilty.
Henry J. Mills. J. . Mills and
B. J. Mills, Henry J. Mills
guilty, upon
others not guilty.
Jack Daniel,
affray, plead
payment of costs.
Hick tarrying
weapon, plead guilty,
Joe Cox Hoyt Camion,
plead sits
I oil of
W. B. W.
affray, plead guilty,
Henry It. Mills, assault with
deadly weapon, Band M
i. r Seal .
bare h nip, aim . I .
a, the S. i . ,. a.
I ibis am barn at
t . . a m
-I have beard ., ll .
and made my 1.1 . . r next year. I I s. a mi
rent rattan.
. . a. ill.-. July
We have brand of
put it on the market, I ii has been used It hi
wanted again. We muds, hut Orinoco in
brand we handle. Truly,
R, I. 1- S Bait.
I J. L.
Fire and.
Accident Insurance.
Represents c First Class Com-
in Building opposite House-
N C.
Fall mid Winter lock of
and Ties and a lull line
Heavy Groceries have rived w will put
the o low to you until it will compel you
It you once see tho good and hear the
pries are my customer
James B. White
Greenville, N j
j There in grant of
in a
A Nuisance, a And Men-
the Deport
out once a of
other from
ad in Minim, we do not heal
Bay that inure
Barer served under the nag f the
United states.
A number of in these
have met
deaths by their assaults
the Of property of
of this State. They have
la-en a a a
an ever since were located
When they
of the good men
that attended lo
, but have an
and of
The Journal baa weeks
past why such WON not
once mastered oat. They should
never have been mustered in.
They have been gathered
from scums of the order
of imputation Stat.-s to
which an credited, and it is
ban I to how the
has kepi them
on the so
However, we will go fur low
forgiving the the
atonement of an
logout is
Have you a or a PISTOL, or a or a or
anything need Using bring ii to
N. .
W have Mr. Ed. Moore, one of the best BI-
CYCLE workmen the Stale and repair work you bring us will
promptly thoroughly
till; 01.11 BY. WE MAKE
GOOD FLUBS. Price a low as an j oil's.
II Bat
DRY Notions.
HOODS, Notions,
GOODS, Notions, SHOES,
Hats, Trunks
Hals. and
A full line of
All good to any
part of the .
It. II.
H. H.
B, r.
nice Hardware,
I can now lie in the
brick store
J. V.

You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us
he Jab Offer
Secret of Beauty
is health. The if
the power to digest and
a proper of
This can never be done when
Anything a
We carry a fail of the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is B bit- n
and is Parser
n c t only does it feed the ink
perfectly, soiled
s l
. ,., m th
B -i 1- non
,, , The
, . tag In
,, x looking liver does not act It S pan
,,.,, . m H
I, .
I m had to I
. mi, . i off n s Liver Pills arc an abs
mine roadway at
By virtue of H decree of the
Court of Pitt County, made
at term. in the
action of Hornaday. trustee
other- against I.
others, sill on the
of February. sail at pub- j
I, c i the Court House door
. if
joining the lands of Abel Smith.
r. v ll William Kin-, the heirs of
Liver Pills Harris, km
others, containing twelve
ft remarked and more or less
that bad a stranger or an outsider known as the Move farm.
North Carolina, and made. Terms of Nile
. of Jan.
Wash i
at v. a ii a Mi
Ml n.
. f
i a a
, i ma
.;. I
I- i-,. op he cures among our
; . Mt
i, i i, ., Md that ma
. . made, would
I j. as never In-fore. Road this
, one of torn. .,.
Eleven years ego had
, i. ,, in. rally tarn u to
. tin- SUM
i .,
. I ; i. WON u.--
J la
s m i l
i ; kl
I ; ad nil
In- i wail rolling I
Mm MM, with
n I m I u.
i . i
AU in In a raw.
and in
n , t, . of dropping
It aw a tot
MM road and MM
in lie of a decree of the
I he bowel trouble.
Sheet Poster
of I lie.
la a
and III order to
CUP it you take internal rein
en on
the blood
not a quack
It van
our of the beat In
that birth, and of Pitt m
slant physician v L.
had in our town. But his j T. Atkinson,
to Atkinson, and others. I will on
which had b the day of February.
sell at public sale In-fore the
, lions.-door in the town of
from sonic bidder,
trouble, which caused large certain or of laud,
to break out on her living and being In the county of
both . Oil time would be Pitt and and
. ., ,. follows, to adjoining the lands
c had . g
tn-at her at and others, containing
but nothing reached her ,
would bum acre more loss known
but as soon as one was cured farm. Terms
I his day
-I i
, i, .,. it.,. at
am. r
v l
u i. it.
to, i-i .
I. m.
Ml p M.
p m. f I
a n;
leave Washington on
and Fri-
days at A. M. for Greenville,
water permitting,
leave A.
M. A. M. on Tow
and Saturdays.
Sailing hours subject to change de-
pending stage of water.
at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroad at
Shippers should freight by
the Old Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
N. C.
N. C.
I Hue
, in. p m.
m. P
11.1 P m. Tart-.
a m. Mount I.
1.11 a at,
. ,., -.-S rt-. I
. ,. N-w i
Kate i-
D It Y
v raM
another broke out.
gave me no hope of her cure. Al
let she had led a life of agony and
for sis months, was In-
spired to Mrs. Joe Person's
. There wan a change for
the better in twenty-four hour-, it
seemed lo check the bowels at once,
and after using I few
child entirely cured, and has
since had any sign of trouble
i now ill perfect health. A
few after this
of January, MM.
B. F. Tyson,
virtue of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County made on
the of in
a certain Special Proceeding therein
pending, entitled Gannon,
Public administer-
the estate of Warren Braxton
for years, and la a is in perfect health. A against
II Is composed of the after this had and will
ionics known, .,,, at o'clock
the beat blood acting ., M n of the Court
.,, the mucus surfaces. The say did not think sell
of the two In ; Jo Remedy. I weal , the highest bidder
what produces ,,., the treatment micros in that
, so at-
If m,
. m,
,. a m,
a m,
Atlanta IMP m.
on u m.
a m a
S. I. in
, pin.
I three the track of land situated Con
I it, until had eaten ton ad
to the bone. then thought of
wonderful results
P. v c. Props.
Bold druggists. Toledo, O.
Hall's the beat. I trying Mi-s. Joe
did so. it is almost useless to
I In
Id U. a a
. . Ill
I . .
i. an part an
y u .- t i tun
proved In. Italian
i id ii
try. while ii. .
fr in hi i
In--1 II
Ian. Ba I
; . Dills owe
joining the lands of Fred
horn, the BUM Manning land
others, M acres more or
less. Terms of sale cash.
This Dec.
Administering the estate of War
Braxton. deed.
it soon made a cure.
I wish could so that
man, woman and child,
North Carolina could hear, that I
might tell them what Mrs. Joe Per-
son's and Wash did for
me and mine. I advised one of my
friends who had been a terrible
sufferer for a longtime, with ounce
son mouth, she used the January,
Wash, and ii soon made Proceeding therein
mire. I pending entitled Cannon,
I have recommended it to
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Pitt county on the
;, i in
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
a at small price
of cents a month. Are
yo a subscriber It not
you ought to be.
The Eastern Reflector
Is only a year and contains
the new every w. gives
information to the
s rowing
co. that is worth times
mo e than the price.
ins was
Mr. V. Lilly, a prominent ell
of Hannibal, Mo., had a
deliverance from a
In telling of it he
I taken with Fever,
run into
lungs became I was so
weak sit
helped I expected
to die of I when I
beard of Dr. King's New
great relief.
I continued to it. and now am
well long; I Baal say tin,
nun h in its This marvel-
mis medicine i I
eat cure in world for all throat
lung troubles. sine
Trial tree
at J. L. Drag Store;
cry bottle
By virtue of an of the
Superior Court county made
in a certain Special Proceeding
therein pending, entitled, II.
Cobb and Sarah against C. A.
and I will on Mon-
day. February sell at
public Nile before the Court House
door in Greenville, to the highest
Milder, a certain tract or of
land in the county of Pitt adjoin-
the lands of A. C.
en one and
Bean and known
as the formerly
lo M. L.
ed. sale i-ash.
This day of
xx L. Blow,
so many of my friends, for
lion other have
never known it to fail to cure yet.
There la no medicine equal to it.
Co. Oct.
even But-
day, morning wad evening. Pray-
meeting Thursday
A. W.
C. I.
M cry Sun
day. morning and evening. Prayer
meeting evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
p. . F.
lam lien third
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday
H. Moore
Public Administrator, administer-
Joyner and
will on Monday.
public sale
Court House door In Greenville to
I he highest bidder, a lot or
parcel of land near the town of
Greenville, adjoining the
lot and others which is
fully described inn deed made by
the Greenville Lumber Company
and others to Mason
Barnes recorded in the Regis-
of Pitt count v in Book
l pages W.
Administering the estate of
A. F. A. M. Greenville
third Monday evening. R.
llama, W. M. M. Sec.
I. O. O. P. I I a No.
Meets every evening.
W. F. N. Over
ton, Ban,
K. of River Lodge, No.
every evening. Lr.
K. A. Jr., A.
White. R.
R. Vance Council, No.
meets even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
. U. A. every
night at I. O.
O. F, hull. L. L. Hargrove, Conn-
The having duly
before the Superior Court
Clerk of Pitt as Executor of
the Will and Testament of G.
E. Little, deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons indebted to
the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, all
persons having against said
estate to present the
same for payment on or the
day of December, ISM, or thin
notice will lie in lair of
of same
G. II.
Executor of Little
. i
am. ca p-
his ,
o . i, am, m
am, a
10.00 am, N
11.10 am,
12.81 rm,
m, W
HAW, It, Xe
pm, m
Norfolk pi.
on. Leave Wilson n.
f. New
tide an.
; at .
1.11 a
I in. Oil pro
Savanna 1.45 night
am, Atlanta
4.17 pro.
p. a., 1.1
. . in.,
. m.
. m., a. a. in.-,
all I at a.
-lit u
k, ,
W , -ii M a, v.
Ar a. n
m i-tn- leave air
pm . ,
and Dally x -r
At on Dick-
sen avenue we re-
pair all kinds of
Gins Farm
Let us have your
mm is 111.111875.------
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, hams, should-
coffee, sugar, tobacco,
cigars, cigarettes, cheroots,
butter, mountain but tor, full
cream cheese, sausage,
oat Hakes, hominy Hakes, cotton-
and hulls, cottonseed bought
at cents per bushel.
Come to see
Having duly the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt county
us Executor gal Will Tea
lament of Jennie Boyd, deceased,
not lea is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the under
signed, all persons having
claims the estate should
pi the slim- for payment on or
before the 2nd day of January,
1900, or this notice will Is; plead
lair of of same.
This 2nd day of
Executor of Jennie Boyd,
an . ., ft i, la Alba
r I'll h SI., 6.10 p. in
u Sunday a
and 11.0
mi leave
Ml I W pm . If
pm Spring I pa ho
log leave String Hope M
kit V am
an pi Sunday.
on land N. U
dally, Bun lay, 7.1
a. arriving 8.30 a. i It
I a
10.21 a. a.
Train Clinton
tor Clinton dally, except
II . in. and 4.15 i ,
-r. i at am. and
H Manager
Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable
W. .
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE FICTION TERMS per Year in Advance.
NO log
Good Farming In Union.
Mr. A. a
young farmer of township,
this fall gathered of
cotton from two acres. On
the average 1,800 pounds of this
variety of seed cotton will make
pounds of lint. This gives a yield
of three and a little over one-third
for two
This result was due
plan of fertilizing. He could
the same amount of fertilizer
on four done twice the labor
and made the same.
The Asheville Citizen, which has
sense like a horse, recognizes the
fact that a State grow and
the expense of its government stand
still, and it with The
that the expenses of
tin- State government can lie met
and still increase in general
taxes lie avoided. can Is-
it says. the proper men
are put on the committees
Legislature, they
will bad all the new subjects of tax
atom that will lie necessary
all legitimate expenses State
government, without touching any
ordinary tax That's
the doctrine. Talk
Some Good Farm,
Mr. Templeton, of Amity,
cultivated last year acres of
He spent
and made on the f acres bush-
els of wheat, bushels of corn
hales of cotton. Mr. Tern
his boys did nearly all
the work of raising the crop them
selves. This is good farming bit
Mr. is a hustler.
Mr. A. Shook, of
raised live bales of cotton averaging
over pounds each, acres
of ground. This, too, is good
There are people who affect to
treat with contempt
American woman in politics; but
Merriam, of Minnesota
knows The ex
would like to go abroad as
to Russia, and President
is inclined
but the wife of Senator Davis, of
Minnesota, as she said
as a in the
Cabinet. This very
pretty has all out of
fuel that .-senator I is bad the
good sense to marry a dressmaker
he her and that Mrs.
Merriam. who is at the heal
In Minnesota.
her. It is now the turn of
Mrs. Davis to do the
I The printers at declined to
put the President's
type, and it was accordingly
necessary to read to the Filipinos.
If any more reading should lie
necessary it might be well read
the Riot act to the
compositors, that
performance with
a Government printing of
modest dimensions. Dewey
the Spanish nettle at Manila, and
grasping on a smaller scale
would appear to lie at
Senator R. B. of
through to Raleigh this
from a visit home. He
says the oilier day when our Sena-
tor. Hon. N. Wilson, put in
nomination Mr. A. of this
for a clerk, there Was some
fun after the counting of the
lot commenced. The tellers com
one; two;
and so on. a few
moments V repetition of the
caused of the to
smile very audibly, whereupon a
wag remarked they seemed
at once there was
an uproar, everybody
but got there in short
With all due respect to the learn-
ed gentlemen who are
the question. Angels
in the Observer
we an- Inclined to the opinion,
bile ii has gone Into the realm of
the invisible, and the unknowable
this life, to Is- taking
a taint of sacrilege. After Col-
and columns of arguments,
opinions and much discussion.
what is to Is- accomplished Will
any one know any more about it
than he does And may it
not have a tendency to weaken the
weak believer, who
is just opening his eyes to spiritual
things Brethren, let its, as lay-
men, approach the with
reverence, fear and trembling.
Durham Sun.
m Drill and
The woman who is lovely face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would lie at-
t i in list keep her b. If
she is weak, sickly and all rim
down she
If she has constipation or
trouble, her impure blood
will cause pimples, skin
eruptions and u wretched complex-
ion. Electric Bitters is the
medicine in the world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong
eyes, smooth,
skin, rich complexion. It
will make a good-looking, charm-
woman of a rundown invalid.
Only at L. Wooten's
Drug store.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent cit-
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a
from a
death. In telling of it he
I was taken w Typhoid Fever,
that run into Pneumonia, My
lungs hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't up
Nothing helped me. I expected
soon to die of Consumption, when
heard of Dr. King's New
One bottle gave great relief.
continued to it, and now am
well and strong; I cant say too
much in its This marvel-
medicine is the surest quick-
est cure in the world for all throat
lung troubles. Regular size
and Trial free
at J. L. Drugstore;
bottle guaranteed.
The best naive the world for
Cuts, Sores, Salt
Rheum, Fever Bores, hap
pod Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect
faction or money refunded. Price
cents per POT
L. Woolen.
will be the event of the year and
arc invited to attend. For this
month prices have been away down
from regular Belling prices on Pine
The Cabbage
The Chicago physicians sow u-
. diphtheria
prevailing city is due
extensive which
ii- suburbs.
the town of
i- ism of terrible disease
were reported in one day, and the
doctors there believe have
traced the germs acres
which near
These have
opened the health
officials, and I hey the
which prevail in
n-. -.-d in
ii. old North Carolina
is germ
reach I he anal -ii
disease. Catarrh is n blood
disease, and in owler
ii you rein-
Cure i
en and acts on
tin- blood mucous surfaces.
Hull's Catarrh u
was prescribed
mu -of I In- in
for years, and is a
beat Ionics known, combined with
blood acting ill
combination ill
is what produces such
wonderful results in
Send free.
F, Co., Props.
by druggists. Toledo, .
the best.
Steel Bed
in either Of
Our of thou-
of in t t.
Picture, Tin
Move, etc. and In from
from pet on I
a or Car
pet-. Art out.-. and U
cat the
I painted
a you
. . the
tells all about it.
Drawer Style
Why have t
in pan the
led Slate, in
you. A
Julius Hines Son,
a 09-
bill I
In an interview Washington last
night Representative Harry Skin-
of the district,
present Legislature should
disfranchise the in North
Carolina; it should never let the
opportunity pass, and if it it
should be held responsible This
does not sound very well,
as it does, from u Ml who is now
holding office given him by the
help vote. The
is all right as long as he can elect
the politicians to office, but when
he fails, he must be put out of the
way. should
be censured for a failure lo dis
franchise the what should
the punishment of Mr. Skinner's
crowd for fostering his suffrage
The usual cry of dis
tress comes from Dawson. The
Yukon Council appeal to
Washington says that food is plenty
but it takes money to buy
and that nothing less than 1800.000
will sec the colony through the
w inter. Even the Klondike seems
to have no lode equal in richness to
the Federal Treasury.
Several of our exchanges
the New Year with -Now is the
time to turn over a new
The new leaf business has long
discounted, for many of them
proved blank pages, with nothing
thereon to guide or to govern. This
looking forward to a new leaf per-
has proven a pitfall to many a
It is the mail paved with
good intentions which is said to
lead to a very, very bad place. If
page lie bright and clean
and punctuated with good thoughts
and deeds commensurate w such
thoughts, no date the future will
have to be for a new
To day's deeds arc strongly
indicative of what Tomorrow's will
The Living Present is there
fore the time of all times for good
resolutions, above all. actions.
Raleigh Post.
We have a nice variety choice styles
ye and can now pit a Bargain.
When conic our Spec-
Bargain Counter.
A gentleman remarked
bad o ranger or an outsider
to North Carolina, and made
the cures among our people that
Mr. Joe Person's b
made, the people would beau have
as never before. Read this
and suppose a
Eleven years ago I had a child
that was delicate from birth, and
for six months she was under con-
Col. Skinner Defined.
The North Carolina Congressman
who calls for the abolition of the
14th and 15th amendments, the
of the and
the of insular com
for statehood, is s true and
frank spoken imperialist, who per.
the logic of
Springfield Republican.
Henry Lodge was re elect
United Slates Senator by the
hi a duel about a young woman
at Sexton's Creek, Clay County,
Ark., Parker killed A.
The French steamer
was wrecked off the
coast on Monday the chief of-
The National Company,
of Cleveland,
by the Trust, but prices
will lie lower.
The stockholders of the Hamilton
National Bank, of Boston, Mass.,
have derided to go into voluntary
While delirious from grip
A. Hume jumped from a window
of his home in the Harlem section
of New York, fractured his
The of
of Brooklyn, N. Y., for
fraudulently collecting inquest
bills, has ban approved by the
New York Supreme Court.
A silk mill will la- established at
Lambert's In the suburbs of
A company with
capital has la-en organized and
the secured. A vacant
there will ha leased once,
and in labor w ill lie train
ed during the erection of a
building, which will
1st. A thorough in
of climatic conditions
led to the belie that Norfolk was
the point in this country tor
the purple. This will be the
first large silk mill in the South.
Just received a carload
Two years ago the
was in session nearly every
of body wanted an of
lice either for himself, for some son
or daughter, or relative. It was
the greatest gang of seekers
that ever assembled.
The present
passed a resolution that mi
nor any sou of a member of the
body was to be appointed to any
office within the gift of the same
No can ever say that the Leg
was a of miser
pie as has said
of some of our past General
Garland by the largest
manufacturers in the world and are used by
many millions.
MAIN , J N. i
care of the best physician
had ill our town. But bis
cine seemed powerless to control
bowel trouble, Which had lie
chronic She also
from some aggravated blood
which caused large sores
and risings to break out on her
body. Oft time there would be a-
OS or We bail several
doctors to treat her at different
limes, but nothing reached her
case. They would lame these
but as soon as one was cured
another broke and the doctors
gave no hope of her cure,
she had led a life of and
suffering for sis months, I was in-
spired to try Mrs. Joe Person's
Remedy. There wan a change for
the in twenty-four hours, it
seemed to check at once,
and after using a bottles
child entirely cured, and has
never since had an sign of trouble
is now in perfect health, A
few years alter this I bad two sores
lo break out on my ankle, and
strange loan I did not think of
Mrs. Joe Person's I
under the of doctors for
get worse until had eaten
to the bone. then thought of
trying Mrs. Joe Person's Wash and
did so. and is almost useless to
it soon made a cure.
wish could speak so
cry man. woman and child,
North Carolina could hear, that I
might loll what Mrs. Joe Per
son's and Wash did for
me and mine. I advised one of
friends who had been a
sufferer for a longtime,
sore mouth. She Used the
and Wash, and made a
I have recommended it to over
so many of friends, for
and Other ailments, and I haw
never known fail to cure
There In no medicine to it
Oct. B,
Out all the Senator.
A half dozen Republican Sena-
i attended a dinner given a
fortnight ago by Vice President
The guest of the evening
minister, Wu
lb- speaks English
fluently, is with American
manners and can see a
After drink ma
Mil. a Senator
ed to his colleagues that they test
I be drinking capacity Em-
representative. This
was snapped up and the
drinks came fast and furious.
As the evening wore on the Sena-
tors became slightly boozy, and one
one the; dropped none
save I be minister and the host re-
Then the minister, who
was as fresh as a daisy, leaned over
and said lo the Vice President
Mr. President, here are the Sen-
The Vice President smiled and
admitted that they had
retired, whereupon the minister
and the Vice President had a
night and what remained
minister alone
walked down the stair into
his Rec-
The pretty society girls of
eel who consider them-
elves the belles the community,
careful how they snub
awkward, uncouth boy of tilt-
When are a
these boys will lie
young men, and will
the snub. The snub business
j- risky; the wheel of fortune goes
a round and it is impossible to tell
who will be on top next year, or
who will be on the
Professional Cards
I. ;. I,
Al Law.
iv .
ft Mills It.
N. C.
I A M ft El
ill.-. N.
D. L,
r C,
Cobb Sons stoic
Galloway, B. F.
Snow mil,
a i VI I AW ,
N. C
all Courts.

Eastern reflector, 13 January 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 13, 1899
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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