Eastern reflector, 30 December 1898

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The Eastern Reflector
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE FICTION TERMS Year in Advance.
Aver Favors It Revival
The political campaign of the
year was fought upon other is-
sue but the color line. The
who won the light expect their rep-
to leave no
turned to secure the legitimate
of such a victory by
against within
the State, or in the counties or
towns within its borders.
the wisdom of our public
men devise some which will
work out the practical n
of the as a voter, without de-
a single white of the
right of suffrage All of the white
but not more than a
of colored men, are allowed to vote
in South Mississippi and
Louisiana. What has ac-
by amendments to the
constitution.; of those States, ran
be done here, if our leaders
the wisdom and the nerve to
the task set before them.
No one proposes or expects to keep
white man who has not been
disabled by of a felony
away the polls. Rut the An
gin ought to be cured of
sickly sentimentality he may have
heretofore felt the colored
brethren. We are still willing to
help and protect, within just
limitations, to furnish educational
advantages to that race, but never
will we again he governed by them,
even in political sub-divisions, such
as towns or townships.
The Legislature ought, within
twenty-four hours after
to enact a statute contain-
a section, repealing the
election laws of 1895 1897,
with a preamble forth that
the leading and palpable purpose
of th laws was to enable about
fifteen i ml infamous persons
to evade their it
and control the balance of
power the political parties
of the
Section of article of the con-
empower the Legislature
to e State elections State
issues from national politics by fix-
the first Thursday of August as
the time for the general election
for members of the Legislature
for State county officers.
Now the constitution can be
amended only by one of two
An amendment when pass-
ed by a vole of three-fifths of each
House, becomes a part of the con-
only upon its ratification
by a majority of the qualified
at the next election for
of the Assembly. A
constitutional convention of the
people can be called by passing the
law providing for the call by a
vote two-thirds of both bodies,
if the proposition is subsequently
sanctioned in the same way. by the
qualified voters.
In whatever shape the proposal
to alter the organic laws may be
submitted to the people, the time
for our State election should lie
changed, so as to settle our local
fairs in August, for two
The proposed force law would not
provide for Federal interference,
through inspectors, except at the
November election for
in Congress and presidential
electors, holding State
the first Thursday of Au-
gust we would therefore avoid the
conflicts and disturbances
would probably result from elect-
all officers at the same time and
place in November. The most
to lie expected
from the old August election is in
securing the cooperation of many
thousands of white Republicans,
who arc heartily in favor of
the as a political
tor, but would lie heavily
capped by the mixing of
presidential contests
with the issues arising out of
politics. Whiles large majority
Democrats favor another tight for
the Chicago plat form
they prefer, in a separate
nary campaign, to invoke the aid
of all true in
the pin supremacy
of their own in the State.
Though there arc no true Demo-
in the State who would not
rejoice to see a vast majority of the
disfranchised without de-
any white man of suffrage,
the people have sett let down
into as to what is the
best plan for the attainment of this
abject. As a private in the Demo-
ranks, I to suggest
the passage of an act providing for
the submission of the question,
whether a
shall be culled, at the general
elect ion, to be held the first
Thursday August. and
for the election, the same day of
delegates, who, case the
approve of the proposition,
shall meet Wednesday after the
first Monday January,
the off-year and after the
smoke of the presidential
shall have cleared away,
consider whether educated
are equal to the task
of constructing a State government
of white men by white men,
but affording protection of life,
limb property to all men. The
ablest, wisest most trustworthy
delegates should selected and
they ought to be required to make
but the simple pledge that no
est white man the State should,
with their consent, be
We cannot afford to dis-
cuss a lot of amendments to the or-
law along with the issues
arising out of the State nation-
contests. The fear of such
trouble made those who
were members of the constitutional
convention of 1875.
The people will object to the
wet of such a convention. The
whole it was revised
1875, within a period of thirty
days and at a cost I recollect
of about
I surely believe that, if we choose
our best men, they can do the re
work in less twenty
days for less money it
costs to hold an election under the
convict election laws of
1897. What that work shall be, it
is worse folly to say. The
people trust to the best thought
of their truest men, ought
to commit them to any course In-
fore they shall have met inter
changed News and
Observer. A. C.
A. i. Cox has a place for all the
cotton seed you bring.
Mr. W. If. House moved Monday
out to his wife's
old home, where they will live. The
house vacated by Mr. Rouse will lie
occupied at once by Mr. Charlie
R. K. Co. want your
peanuts and field MM, and will
give you as much as you get
where for them.
The Cigar Company
-hipped a small order of goods
Monday for the holiday trade. You
had better get some too.
Mr. Harris, who first
moved very near here two
weeks ago, has moved again He
says he almost has his chickens so
they will lie down and cross their
legs when they hear him coining.
Lookout at the cross roads for
advertisements by the
Mfg. Co. Also look out
the many wagons and carts made
by this company now use and see
how well they are standing up.
Mr. I. K. Whaley, from near
Suffolk, was over part of last week
and Monday of this week, assisting
J. D. Cox
E. Cox G. W. Parker are
both putting up wire fence as hard
as they them after Christ
mas get yours put up next.
You will find some interesting
lire in their circulars.
A subscriber at
writes that Mr. H. L. Can- and
family will move to Greenville
about the first of also Mr.
H. C. to engage the
mercantile business together. The
says he hopes all the
good people will take a notion
to move to us he needs some
He adds truly that
there is a reason this leaving
the farm going to the town;
that farm products are too low,
therefore there is no remuneration
This is too true, but in many in-
stances going to is like
from the frying pun into the
It really takes harder work
we believe, to make a living
than it does in the country.
It is hard to make than a
living Free
A Cordial Welcome
LINK OF---------
Wise Word From a Negro.
A an I intelligent col-
citizen I Inn said to an
I roast
women of this who to
i In-11 in it n sun every v. It is a
shame. morning the may
room with a lot
Of trilling, men and
women. Last a decent per
son. while m colored, had trouble
to enter the Criminal Court room
on account of aisle- and s
ways being Mocked w the
same class. Von may go around
the Streets of the town and Mr the
c lulling gang. That is
why the as a arc
We have so many
lent loafers. It i- glowing worse
day by day. The of
the town are as opposed to
such as arc the while
people. Cannot something
to stop it I I he law
rigidly enforced and e
I his class i if to I be
try. or send to the chain gang-
They are needed on the farm-.
Why should our court Is-
Backed and jammed such
Decent colored people are
thoroughly with this loaf-
element. They want to aM
them dealt with according to the
Soon after this the
same came from a white
gentleman, who attended Criminal
Court last week. The
men. he said, almost took posses-
of the court
A Very Nice Fad.
A with a Record.
When Uncle Sam culled for men
to go to Cuba, four muscular
lows of Tampa, Flu., offered their
services. They were sent to New
York to join the puck train force.
From there they were sent to San
While loitering in
waiting for the transport to get
ready to depart, one of the men
purchased a small
He carried the chicken to
Santiago. It soon a pet
with the boys the tents.
One day while all the men were out
a came along and stole the
rooster. After searching for
days in vain for the pet of the
tent, the soldier despaired of ever
finding his rooster. Hut day,
on going to a house for
some w he found him. After
a sharp lint tic with vitriolic
the chicken was curried
by its owner. Thursday morning
the same four men that left Tampa
at beginning of the war passed
through here from New York. The
rooster was perfect health a
cheerful mood.
of the men the party was
carry home three Cuban parrots.
At the depot one of them got out
the rooster fell to lighting him.
Several brisk rounds were pulled
off. The rooster carried in a
small Observer.
The sympathy of our entire com-
goes out to Mr. K. It. War-
who bud the misfortune to lose
his dwelling by fire yesterday. This
is the second misfortune of this
kind that Mr. Warren has met
with. From what we can learn
house caught the from a
spark and while the building was
destroy the household and
en furniture was mostly saved.
Washington Messenger.
You select your Christ mas Gifts while here and
take it borne with you. We can show you a full line of
HATS, Fl and it is no
lo show foods. We extend you all a cordial
Southern Newspapers Opposed
to Expansion.
The New York Herald prints the
result of a it has of
the leading newspapers of the
country the subject of territorial
expansion. It slums a majority ill
papers whose position is given
of in favor of the imperialistic
policy, mid moves us to say that if
it represents the true sentiment of
the country, the fact is by DO
means complimentary to the
and prudence of our land
We are happy to the
newspapers of the South, at least,
by a large majority opposed to
imperialism, though we might have
expected this, as the South Is by
long odds the most
part of the United
Richmond Dispatch.
Just received a carload
All I J , r. I
It. I
Garland Stoves are by too lamest
manufacturers in the world and are used by
many millions.
man must have his fad.
and one of a very unusual
developed a or so ago the
of guest from West
of an uptown hotel, lie was a
nice looking man of Of more,
and evidently had for he
handled himself like a m in
Hated to the use of the best there
was going. It is not unusual to
see lieu money in Washington, but
this particular man had so much
that m new and none was old
that the clerk at the hotel spoke t
laughed the gentleman,
admit that I do have
money with me. It's a fad
of mine, don't Twenty
years ago I friend who died
of smallpox, contracted from the
money he received from
who unwittingly was thus spread
the contagion. It impressed ma
so strongly that I made mind
never to handle any second hand
from to Ibis I
have never touched a cent except
from first hands. You may have
noticed, but I always nave the
change for bill cash.
so that I need not take second hand
money. I provide each
day. limn a stock keep on hand,
replenishing it from the bank
silver and copper coins and
and new hills from l to
though I Garry a ten
dollar bill, II I use a check when
the amount gets In much as
that. Thus am always prepared
lo moot demand. And
the new money faddist spread out
on before the clerk a
lieu dimes,
lam, and halves, with a
dozen or inure
as gold. not a had
I be continued,
I'm a bit like the Hank
know, it never pas-; out but
brand new if you should
receive a live pound note at one
window it in payment
another two minute Inter, bill
would go into the lire just as
as would the hill that had
been doing service ill
colony for forty
ton Slur.
Three Months to Qualify.
In an opinion given
of stall-. Attorney
have thus- months in to
It has been
and some instances Clerks of
have so held, that a
Blasted at the
to by
forfeited the
This supposition was based a
in the election hi. which
stale- the of
magistrates expires December 1st,
follow tin- general
Attorney General
relative to
this matter, lie was that
the Clerk of the Court in
refused to allow two
to qualify, because they fail
ad to do so prior to let.
The follow is the Attorney
which also shows
the Governor baa no authority to
appoint except in in-
stances of failure to qualify .
In to your
of this date referring lo me an-
to a letter from Mr. W. W.
Clerk of the
Coll Craven eon v. I will say
that the Clerks
the Superior are
el to appoint list ices of the Peace
to a vacancy caused by death, res-
or other causes during the
of also case of a
failure of the electors, any dis-
to elect.
I am inclined to think the
the the
of November, ISM, have
three months within which to
from the Aral of De-
From Texas to North Carolina
in a Wagon.
Many people looked
with interest wagon
that passed through the city this
It was drawn four
Texas ponies, and is the property
of who is on his return
front northwest Texas.
Mr. is a North Carolinian
hut for some yearn baa been living
n the Star Slate, lie tired
of that and determined lo
collie back to the Tar Heel land,
on the Au-
gust in i wagon he is now travel-
in. He is now near the end of
his journey, bis old home being in
Hickory. Citizen, 17th.
Professional Cards
elm- II. I. I. I. v. ,.
At Law.
tat Slate. ll
iii Criminal k-i-
Mills it. Bun,
Dr. D. I.
over J. V.
i Sons store
Hill. N. I
Practice in all the courts.
v vi LAW,
wherever service is do-

i in
From Convention
J. WHICH 1.1
Ml U-
Meant Slut.-
here, jotted
ii n
ti I lit- with him. MM
h the mm
two of Mich
Bums, we tee
The of the
A. I.
MM Constitutional
in M Convention mm m
II. ,.,. a emit
II. pro i.
MM the Convention shall We will
MM in -apsis invite MS.
ill.-. N. as Class
Mail Matter.
v. Ml
pupil- Mis.- i-h
Mm. K. A.
Be Great Help to
an inter
at eat at
mil of i
hi Mrs. Alfred Dot. U,
night. A large
was the
Tin- program MM
Trio Misses Menu Kurt-. Mary
and Helen Forbes.
Solo Miss
of narrow
railroad, has MM m
opt ration between Va.,
Cat.- N. C. about
it is a similar en
to the MM may
have if the the
progressive farmers of I I
HI This is what the
A. B. V C
This has a interesting.
meeting Baptist Coo j
bad the most
pleasant of the
shall I have.;
meets May . real
I .
Stale ion.
lie to M t j j I, ,. K.,
it. The me as ad. taking in
the time of
The Sect.
Art. the
Bo three
alter the
the I.-.-
The Carolina
. has I
for local trade this
season. The w
in that
the shopping here the
Helen the MM
all the year. Oar people j state She will
I the
i little road our town.
11.1 r.
Charlie Kittrell has u
Mrs. visiting her
here Christmas.
A Ci. Cox is the market
We are to lune another
this Will tell yon all
A. Manning is his fain
here. He ill the
Mrs. K. Davis until she
John work
in the factory. -y
have live makers, the
of they ever had.
Miss Lama Cox returned home
win-re she has the
A I . at the Col-
A very
s in the College
el. evening, to lines,
the by the pupils of
ville Female School. The
rises were of a highly
Now Year
be I have
very little faith in New Tear's
h are made at the be-
ginning of a writes Edward
the Ladies Home
Journal. the sane time,
there are people who the idea
of making resolutions at some
nature and on of time, such as
the pupils their instructors.
The following program was
Piano Helen and
Irma Cobb.
Piano Pearl Evans.
Eva Allen and Mary
the Gist day of a new year. But
characters of those resolves
should emanate from one's own
heart- not be by
another. Yet an excellent
for young man to make is
shun all intoxicating liquors, and
put into a good saving bank at least
Piano Delia of ever. .
holding he
but it cannot change the time for
the of the
that is b the Constitution.
It is not well for the
t much of the
lion. The people
our heartfelt
thanks for their cordial
hospitality. A. It.
have east, north,
south west for
have attended Man
enjoyed one
The of the
people can not
That body at by
, , ,.
step It takes in dealing with
the problems which .-on
flouts ii. Do the lies can it
will to disappoint some
The Charlotte News tiled lb
whole The
Christmas issue of paper
and it has the distinction I
the largest
in North Carolina.
was handsomely
and the
Portion of the Suite,
A meeting harmonious
useful given on all
the objects of the Convention. The
impetus given to the Woman's
College will Is- felt ill the to
The hospitality of the
did to
I be North Cam
believe we are better by
leading the Convention
ville. preach better, and
talk stronger. We never
and Mamie
Lottie Blow
Bertha Patrick.
Tucker. . Pal
t lass.
The school holiday until
To Give Bond to Sam.
All employees will.
after the let of be bead-
ed to the
just applies to
everybody from
n to the who holds
I In-
The d-H-s not include carrier
w ho arc already I.
The order has been issued in
pursuance of a of an act
passed last It
does not relieve the employees
from giving indemnifying
to the The
ruled to him will stand.
It's the
retail trade
The Cincinnati has Bailed
Santiago for Havana.
Whole families arc grip stricken
in Dayton. O,, cases are
reported the
Ohio miners will make a demand
for the general adoption of
mine system.
John was Mangled to
death aiming the machinery III Ike
tin-1 Braid Work-. Brooklyn,
N. V.
Judge aged . formerly
of tin-New York Court,
was injured by a fall
An English syndicate ha been
formed Sea Haven. to
control the New export
oyster trade.
The out of three com
panics of the Second Virginia Keg
Richmond the die-
banding of command,
W, S. former president
of the Lake National Bank, Wolf-
N. II. has been convicted of
of Ike bank's
Baron of
has lo live for
burglar In
The i of Fredrick Knapp, of
the One Hundred and Sixtieth
Volunteers, was found cut
in twain on a railroad
Andrew Smith, of the
Home, Santa Monica.
Pal., bus felling
nation, after had been
made on his life.
A issued Ii y the
Slates of
and shows that in North
Carolina I here alt Mat MUM
employed the business, and that
the total it in limits,
seines, nets, shore property,
year there were
of scale
shall Ike kind The order from tin-
the I and
to US. S. n,,,.,. s. Heal ,. ibis
iii-i. N. . . .
taking of the the
I of Pros. from Mail
The year Is so nearly ended that not in anywise
its statistic lie made up tin- of
ex Sum- of bond for I he prop-
i In in are both all the of
his doe accounting
best feeder
The town of Suffolk has live
great systems of standard
The Norfolk and
Western With it's Inns, extending
all over the middle The
Air Line,
Portsmouth. Va. to
Atlanta, tin. The Norfolk
Carolina which is a part of the
Atlantic Coast Line system. The
Atlantic and Danville
with it's and Southern
connect leas and the Southern
mad. are
lines, and of trains MM
daily. With all of these
the little narrow
This article clearly shows how
valuable sash a rail run I is to a
county. The other roads are es-
lo the growth and develop-
of the stale, but the effect
such a road would hare on the
business of Pitt county can scarce-
Is- is on
only ten
mill's from Hampton and
with the water transportation
-ix railroads, shipping
unsurpassed by any town
of its Still its business men
appreciate the little narrow
railroad More than any of the
I. We have sold lo other nations
we ever
before, the figure being i.
ibis year, II,
. yen -a gain of
more in one yen
and a of over
We have s . mole goods to
other countries this year than has
any other nation in world, our
exports exceeding even thole
Britain more than
11.000, That i to say. we have
become the exporting
nation in tin- world.
We are buying leas than ever
before of other nations, so
exports over Imports is
nearly double what ever was
In it a-
highest reach
This year it is about MOO,
And there has been an
every year since 1800.
is no wonder that.
abroad buying enormous
of American securities
there, we have Imported during
the eleven months of this year
about in gold to
for all the public funds which may
be in. or come into, his custody as
post he and his
are on bin official bond
to the same extent as
for tin-defaults and defalcations
his subordinate. The bond taken
from clerks in
offices arc simply of which
the States may avail itself
Times Have Changed. Old
In times, when every man
to know his neighbor
business the Merchant could
to down at his case knowing
as long us he had the
goods needed, trade would conic to
without solicitation, but in
these days of hurry and
lion Hie man ho expects sue
Mod must tell the public what he
hits to sell through newspapers.
Ami be has to tell in the right
way too, Mis ml be readable
and must keep right along. He
and shell of a value of need to cast a biscuit
Tin- North Carolina shad catch for
the year under discussion was
worth ; our oysters
expect a loaf
back tomorrow. Advertising is
best paying Investment in the
world but it must he done in a
business like manner.
If the weather continues
warm will have no
snow to ride around in Saturday
Smith Paul is for a holiday
trip nod to attend the marriage of
his sister his home
county .
day sis-his T. Proctor.
Miss Louise
school teacher of this place i and
Miss Delia Topping
left this morning for Washington
where they will take the train for
I heir home near to spend
tin- holidays.
Many thanks lo the young men
who gave us a grand serenade
Wednesday night.
Mr. Mayo, Aurora, woo
to sis-his brother J. W.
Mayo, will leave today.
Si i k. Va. Dec.
I want to ask to express
through your paper my gratitude
and thankfulness to the dear
of interest
my welfare by extending their
sympathy to me in my helpless
condition. I assure have
my heartfelt thanks for their
kindness, whether ills- much or
lam not in itch this
morning after my
but I am
to Is- able to gel buck to
in a few days.
It. D. A i.
go back at but will teach I
school at
The wire makers ill soon
have enough Christmas
back t those old ma
chines again. They have got some-
thing lo make as fast as people
want it.
Kev. K. D. Carroll, his w and
wife's sister. Miss Davis, who have
been spending
this community. train for
j their in last
The Ch list mas tree exercises at
the Ki pi i-i church Sit night j
were a success all passed off
quietly, followed by a tine display
of lire works by the
Don't you a New Year Wag-
on. Cart. Plow, Saddle or Cart Sad-
r If so. The A. i. Cox Mfg
Co. can supply you one ready
or can make one to order on
short notice.
Piano Janie Drown
the school.
Piano James.
By virtue of an order of the
Superior Court of Pill county made
in a certain Special Proceeding
therein pending, entitled. H.
Cobb and Cox against C. A.
will on Mon-
day, February IMP, sell at
public sale before the Court House
door in to the highest
bidder, a certain tract or parcel of
land in the county Pill adjoin-
the lauds of A. C. Tucker.
containing one hundred and
seen more or and known
as the formerly
belonging to M. L.
This the 90th day of
William A. of
township, he is
l years old has never shaved
and has a heavy very silky
black as a crow's wing. And
Vocal Helen Forties. u n f
never smoked or
chewed tobacco, never taken a dose
and has never been fish-
or hunting. He attends st rid
to bis business, which is farm-
Piano Inna Cobb,
Lucy Forties and Myra Moore.
Vocal Janie Tyson.
Some of the pupils have am.
music lessons only two or three
mouths, yet they played excellent
The by Miss
the teacher, were
While the attendance of the
forth.- first half term has
not ban large. Prof,
stated that it had satisfactory.
He his assistants are to lie
commended for the faithful work
they have done.
The takes holiday until
Jan. 2nd.
votes the straight Democratic tick-
et Record.
Some Seasonable Proverbs
Here are a few seasonable
interesting perhaps to those who
concern themselves the
If a Christmas ice hangs on
willow, clover may lie cut at
changeable and mild.
t he w hole winter will remain a child.
The month that good
will go out bad.
January warm. Lord have
If it snows on Christmas night
we expect a bop crop next
The first three days of January
rule the coming three months.
The days commencing
and ending January
said to In- the keys lo weather
of the
If the situ shines through the
apple tree on day, there
will lie an abundant crop the fol-
lowing year.
The say.
herd would rather see his wife
enter the stable on Christmas day
than the
Ml Sp I
a nil r .- and to mac
.-. inc. No
MM worker. m-r
mi, an
t-m H
or M-
Old it Era
That when yon buy it is
economy to get the t
That is what we have,
The last of everything.
Ton may need.
We can supply all your needs in
Fine Candies, Fruits of all kinds,
Nuts, Kan-in.-. We have Fine
CIGARS. in a box, put up es-
for us.
must be sold
JANUARY 1st, 1899
And order to do this they will be sold
This is no fake. Come and price the goods and see that we mean
what we say. This is a CASH HALE, please do not ask for
due only to the originality
simplicity of lint also
to tin, ear and skill which it Is
known t, the no
Co. only, unit to Impress
oil the the
true Hint As the
Syrup of is ii
by the Flo Co.
only, a of will
in the worthless
other par-
of the
PM Co. with the
the satisfaction
the genuine of has
given to million, nukes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of remedy. It la
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as It Kb on the kidneys, and
bowels without or weaken-
them, it does not nor
nauseate In order beneficial
effect-,, the name of
AN ins.
Every lime Satan closes it door
lie opens a larger one.
The blunt man often the
must cutting remarks.
is often responsible for
lasting friendships.
The man who is in him-
self has no fear of being jilted.
The is a tidy bird. He
invariably carries a comb with him.
Courtship and romance arc more
ink-resting than marriage mid his-
The man with a narrow mind
usually make up it in the
length of bis arguments.
There may lie a dual a
when is located in the
southeast section of a check.
It's a consolation to some men
who arc short on hair to know that
they are long on brains.
The frankness with which a 17-
year old girl refers to herself an
old maid is certainly amusing.
Incompatibility of temper
ways I hut parties have
kind of r
of it.
A pessimist says that the only
way to avoid trouble, escape hard-
ships, all that
Thank yon good
people for your lib-
the past week.
We will keep at the
head of the
for good goods
and low prices.
H. M.
Watch the Folk,
They Pass By.
from the Normal
The SI .,.,
, -tr Sarah . .
Neck., came evening was in and eon
,,,, ,. nu, .
aim of which
b. . la to amuse and in no
Kn, M., T
to their .
Tut km,.,,. L,.,
A. A. Jr
Mourn today.
.-. V Us.,,,
to visit
Durham Christmas
l with his
e I further
Accept our many
thanks for
liberal patronage
during the
days and we prom-
to keep lour
reputation for
goods at
Mi.-vs i-.,,,,,;, ,.,.
wife left this
Ken., . spend
Mi- Clan.
N. H.
evening from a meet
Victor k
Wednesday night lo mi
for dance.
next Friday night.
Miss i Washing
ton. who has been visiting Mrs.
A. let
E. H. left this L ,
holiday trip to
Washington. Dan-
i that at
Sued humor.
Mr. Bertram plays the part Mm
Bobbin and Mr.
is ; ,.
to music
though it contains numbers
Walter .
Visitor, ea. delineations
with relatives
i m
Here we are again.
Time for squaring up accounts.
The Legislature next Wed-
County Commissioners meet
There is considerable cotton vet
The is the talk
of the town.
This is week the
hopes bud a
happy Christmas.
express fresh Mountain But
cents per pound, M.
Will per
dozen for Cartridges, dead or alive
w. c. Hum
The mOOn got ashamed of her
fullness came near having her
hid Tuesday night.
The Reflector Hook Store has
pads of long ruled bill paper, the
very thing
They look like large figures,
so they are. Al the same
they represent the of
pounds of leaf tobacco sold on the
market from August 1st
Mr. Julian C.
Jordan, secretary of the
from the
the season to the
day adjournment the aggregate is
pounds. This market
Miss ho.-
evening- from at
all the
evening from his trip
up the road.
It. l. Harding came home Wed-
evening from the
been visiting Miss Marv Alice
Move, returned home today.
T. A. who has been
auctioned at the Planters Ware-
left Ibis Milton.
Who has visiting Mi-s.
s. home today .
Miss Sarah retained
home evening from
where she had bean
E. I. Jack-
sou, passed through
Wednesday evening returning
home from school Wake Forest.
this true to .
within the limits of an en
V. King, operator appealing to the taste
at spent last night here of moral and
and bit t,, visit his parents
near Falkland, .
lb.- Kinston Daily Pro. re
E. foreman the
Neck Mess win. i
and let. this
gave u
R . v.- .
-I, r tin- of
over linker c. Hall's
Cotton High Lea
.-, t,
cm ,,,
All goods free
part --I th.-
B. .,
ii i
.;. i
;. i
.-. I I ;
Sugar, i.
i in
cuing from Charleston
their old
Hi, l-s.
returned Monday
Smith in
Long went to Wilson
. lot. for
O. p.
. II.
J. A. left
W. returned
day evening.
in Lewiston.
Adrian Savage
went to
around th.
W. ti. Alley left
for Wilson,
C. II. Bernard went to
W . . Alley from
son Monday evening.
Parker, of
ill Thursday.
. T. left this
In laying your business for
next year you should include a
good advertising space Tub Br-
Mr. has moved
into his Bin store and
Messrs. C. Cobb Sou have
moved to the lie- store.
Will you need a new set of
for the new year The
Book Store has a lot of double
single entry ledgers, day books, aw,
Te did not get in
very mischief this Christmas.
They did more damage the
male academy building than else-
Everybody to enjoy
Christmas. There was not ho
as much noise as usual, and
there was leas than
we ever saw at Christmas.
Mr. E. It. Tull, f Kinston,
by bis brothers, Messrs
Isaac and Tull, Kev. J. A.
Lee and Mr.
over the train
They drove out to the home of Mr
M. Edwards, near
where the hitter's daughter, Miss
Nellie, and Mr. E. It. Toll were
married this afternoon by Kev. Mr.
Lee. The party- will return to
Kinston on the evening train.
U. II. Hughes left this atoning
tug for
King returned
evening from
Herbert Han is went to Wilson
today to spend the holidays.
W. left tins
to spend Christmas in Durham.
A. Neil left this morning for
Durham to spend holidays.
Q. F. Evans left this morning
for on
Miss Jennie of Kinston,
over this to visit
came home
evening from Washing-
ton City.
w. Bernard returned
I. II. spent
and Tuesday at Mild nil.
Charlie Latham retained
Foster Tuesday
to visit relatives.
L. I. Moore returned Monday
evening from a trip up the mad.
cur assembled at
in Kinston.
amusing doings the
acting Mr.
Hen ram. a- Mis
Mr. Willard, as Mr.
Moat of the numbers were
but among I hem a
row very beautiful and vi.-n
All acquitted themselves ham
nun credit
for the nice the gave.
Admission Kids IS
cents. Reserved scats i.-, ,,.,.,
extra on sale Dr.
Drug Si or.-.
I Car Turns Over and
Blocks the Track.
bound freight train
that passed
Friday morning was oar
to wrecked between
and Scotland Neck. l. some
for cause of the box
ears turned over. This derailed
another car and pulled it across the
track. A train hand Was
ear that turned over was hurl
Peal spent Monday
Tuesday with his mother Bethel. lumber falling on him.
The bound passenger train
v. vi I i.
in i.,,,, ,
A I. M
As reported
Ill V . I , ., ., VS,
N. i ,
Beat Rice
Peanut Spanish
seep nun I
these is no kind or run or
r ,.
, i it
-a. t f
i on
and For sale
. i-i
n .
. sliver
it Tallies,
n .
at I
. .
in. ti ,
HI. vi i
Heavy and i
x. c.
and Tics always
goods kept on
hand. Country mid
A trial will
Harry Skinner
came home from City
II. A. and wife left
this morning for Henderson to
spend the
Bar. A. Better went to Scot
land Keck Monday to spend a few
Mrs. C. little son
went to Wilson today to visit
went to
To be entertaining
one to be
asleep. sweets i
and salads when the I
stomach craves
food or none
at all. To
when one wants to
cry. All this and I
much mm e
society de-
on the
pains In
the back and loins.
The blues. All
such symptoms in-
serious de-
delicate female or-
and must
overcome st
once. Remove
cause. Strengthen
The Methodist Sunday I ,. , , ,, ,
a Christmas tree and party in
opera night. It was to women
is not a mysterious
of but a
aid In accordance
very successful and
present enjoyed it.
I'm C. Almanac for
up eon
the newly elected Stale of-
members of the As
for sale by
N. c.
from approved
Regulator is by physicians who
it, has been In sue-
use quartet of a century.
Is sold by nu i-Ms at one dollar a bottle.
Health for mailed
II. P. left this
for Henderson to spend the
J. C. and wife
morning to
holidays with
Miss Maggie left this
morning fur to spend
Christ mils with her brother.
Miss Maud came from
Washington Thursday afternoon
to spend the home.
Miss Willie- left this
morning to spend the with
Mrs. T. E. at City.
left for
Wilson and from will goto
his home Henderson
W. went to
II. left this morning
for Haiti
I. II. left this
lo Christmas.
Km. B. left this
to spend Christmas with her son
in Wilson.
I. Hart, arrived
evening to visit
A. Kicks
Monday and
E. If. Moore of Washington j,
here for a short v
dwell, who had been up to
visit his parents, returned to Wash-
W. Evans, who has
away levers months, returned a
day or two ago.
Mrs. S. M. Schultz
went to Mount to
visit her
Miss Katie I,, of Wash
is visiting at the home of
Mr. Allen Warren.
J. It. Tingle wont to
Tuesday to attend a meeting of
County Superintendents.
Mrs. Zeno Moore child arc
spending the holidays with her
parents in
H . T. wife
evening from a visit to
their daughter Kenly.
Kirk Williams, of
evening to visit
Mrs. A.
Miss Loraine Hume left Monday
lo sand the holidays with relatives
and in Wilmington.
Mr. and Urn. B. Warren
child returned today from a
visit to in
was held several hours at Scotland
waiting for the track to gel
Clear, and did Dot reach here until
nearly u o'clock.
The new hand the tutor
age Professor of
Philadelphia is One
bids fair to be one of the
bands in the Stale, One
thing is very striking interest
lug about this Hon. a. a.
rot-lies, who the people of
Bounty all love. Is a member of this
band and he has tour sous
kinsmen in band, all of
for extra musical
talent. is g they are
doing well and the public may con
themselves that in th.
near future there is
good in them.
for the band.
New Year
Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats,
is nothing nicer than a Suit of Clothes or a pair of Sin
a Christmas
Boy Hurt.
On Monday Master
Wilson, a little son of Mr. W. IS.
W was A
cannon cracker exploded in his
baud and tore ii In a fearful man
He has suffered intensely
from the injury.
Co T.
Savage, Son Co.,
mm, a.
I J.
Miss Hi
Mrs. Beaufort
county, arrived Tuesday evening to
visit her sister. Mrs.
Mrs, II. Randolph, who ha.-
visiting her parents Mil
died, eve
was visiting he sister. Mrs.
It. W. King, left Tuesday for Tar
J. II. Neck,
down to visit II.
v of
nice Hardware.
I can now found in .
brick Sim-,.
W, III own.
m i i ox m m a
Cash Advances on Consignment. Prompt Returns
and Market Prices Guaranteed
in Cotton Bagging, Ti.-, Ban,
V. J IV -was
My Fall Winter look
and of
Heavy Groceries have arrived we will pat
the price so low to you until it will compel you
II you once hear the
price you are customer.
James B. White
Greenville, N

You May Never but Should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
Anything a
We carry a of the
Geo. S. Parker
Fountain Pen
It is a big hit n pen
and is distinctive Parker
N ct only does it feed the ink
perfectly, but soiled
The Eastern Reflector
Is a year and contains
the y wt gives
information to the
th i rowing
co, that is worth many times
e than the price.
Mr. E. Lilly, a prominent cit-
of Mo., lately hail
wonderful a
death. n telling of it he
I WM taken Typhoid Fever,
that rim into Pneumonia. My
lungs hardened. I so
weak couldn't hardy sit
Nothing helped me. I expected
moo to die of Consumption, when I
of Ir. King Hew
One bottle gave gnat relief.
I continued to use it, now am
well I emit say too
in its This marvel-
his medicine
eat cue in the for all throat
and lung troubles. Regular size
Trial bottles free
at L. Drag Store;
en bottle guaranteed.
In Sup. Court.
Sale of
for Partition.
Carolina i
Pitt Comity, i
wards and
rah Edwards. W II
Harris and wife.
Lizzie Harris and
virtue of an order in the
above I sell on Monday
the of at
the Court House door in Greenville,
at IS o'clock M- to the highest
bidder for i-ash. the following real
property to wit One piece r
of land ill in
Content township, adjoining the
lands of Bryan Tripp
and others, being the land former
Iv deeded l. X. to
Liv- ills.
ave Your Money.
box of will s-
dollars in K
j Reckless
r sick
a million people
A gentleman remarked rut-cut
that had a stranger or an outsider .,
come to North Carolina, and Tripp containing
ten acres more or less. Said lands
will he sold for partition.
This day of December
Wm. F.
the cures among oar people that
Mrs. Joe had
made, the people would have
stirred as never before. Head this
Eleven years ago I had a child
was delicate from and
for mouths she was under COD
slant care of the bed physician
had in our town. his
powerless control
bowel trouble, which had he-
come chronic dysentery. She also
aggravated blood
trouble, which caused large
and risings to out
body. Oil time there would be as almost self supporting.
a- or We had several I reasons for selling. Ten.
doctors to treat her at different
Ilium, but nothing reached her
case. They would lance these
lint as soon as one was cured
another broke out. and tin- doctors
v a Li a
On Tuesday at I- o'clock. Jan-
3rd will offer for sale
public notion before the Court
House door Is Greenville. X. c.
my lot in the
low n on
and First streets where I now re
This is an excellent opportunity
fr one wishing a good home.
known on day of sale.
n o-improve; gel
for to
the coat of
n V M
. .
I l-.-f
fa decree of the
gave me no hope of her cure. J
B ,,,,.,,,
i.-i a and L a Proceeding
sum-ring for six months, I was in- therein pending, entitled Jesse
-piled to Mrs, Joe Person's Cannon. Administrator, ail
Remedy. There was a change for ministering the estate of Amy
the better in twenty-four hours, j, deceased, against Robert
Pitt County. i r
Cannon. Public
tor, administering the estate of
Banes, deceased.
lames George
Hagar An Jenny
who is a defendant
In the above cause, will
take notice that a special proceed-
entitled as above, has bean
commenced in the Superior Court
f Pitt county. the Clerk, to
sell the real estate of
la order to make assets-.
and the said defendant w ill further
take notice that she is to
appear at the office of the Clerk of
Superior Court of Pitt county,
on Friday the 6th day of
in Greenville, and answer or
demur to the petition com-
plaint tiled in said action, or the
plaint apply to the court for
the relief demanded therein.
Given under ray hand, this 88th
day of
B. A. Clerk
Court Pitt Co.
MS Rocky
p m. p
p m. .
n,, . r
MS p m. Will
m, .
h m.
Due Ma
i -n. m.
i m. p o.
11.06 p m.
M a at. Rocky
a m, 1.48 a m, Nor-
a in.
m, a m,
t J
i m,
it. a in. New York I. la
9.00 i-
if tin i Bar
ll p m New
k.-. .
.- . . .
Tar nil
J C. ft CO
S 0-
Vie Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable
seemed to check the once.
and after using a few bottles
child entirely cored, and has
I never since had any sign of trouble
am is now in perfect health. A
few years after this I had two sores
to break on my ankle, and
Williamson and others. will on
Monday, 2nd. MM, sell at
public sale at the court house door
in the highest bidder
for cash, that certain lot in the
town of Greenville, situated on the
corner of Second and
Streisand known in the plan of
said town as lot number one bun
strange I did not think of and twelve
Urn. Joe Person's Remedy. I was
under the treatment of doctors for
three years, hut the sores continued
to get worse until they had eaten
to the bone. I then thought of
trying Mis. Person's Wash and
so, and is almost useless to
it soon made a cure.
wish I could
man. woman and child, in
Carolina could hear, that I
might tell what Per-
son's Remedy and Wash did for
me and mine. advised one of
who had been a terrible
sufferer for a long time, with nurses
sore mouth. She used the Remedy
and Wash, and it Boon made a
I have recommended it to ever
so main of friends, for
other ailments, and I have
never known to fail to cure yet.
There is no medicine equal to it.
Roxboro, Co., Oct. s,
Administering the estate of Amy
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news every
at small price
cf cents a month. Are
yo i a subscriber It not
ought to be.
Head your to E.
Co., in t a . of
New LiTe Ellis. A trial mil
yon of their
pills in are
in the ours
t ion hick Headache.
and Liver troubles have
invaluable. They are
ten lo lie perfectly from every
substance to be purely
do not by
. their but by giving tone to
and greatly
the Regular size per box.
Jno. I,. Woolen,
of an older of the
of Pitt County in the
case of it. Greene, of
It. Cox vs Mary Cox and Jesse Ii.
Cox. Jr. the undersigned will sell
for cash at the Court House door
in Greenville Monday the
day of January. 1809, the following
described piece, panel or tract of, ran
land, situated in the County of
and located X Roads.
the junction of the
and Tails run-
down the Newborn road to
James Cox's line, thence with
James Cox's line around to the
ft road. with the Tall
road to John W. Cox's two and a
half acre tract to the
the acre tract on Hie Tall road,
with said Taft road to
the beginning, containing the
homestead acres, be-
the laud owned the late
Jesse If. Cox.
This Nov. 20th
G, James,
By virtue of the So-
of Pitt County made on
the null day of December ISM in
a certain Special Proceeding therein
pending, entitled Cannon.
Public Administrator, administer
big the estate of Warren
and will on
January 12th, WOT, at
M. in front of the Court House
door in the town of Greenville, sell
at public sale to the highest bidder
live sevenths interest in that
track of laud situated Con-
township. Pitt County, ad-
joining the lands of Fred
horn. the Sam Manning land and
others, N acres more or
less. Terms of sale cash.
Administering the estate of War
ii. deed.
Jarvis Blow,
9.45 , . m,
Ml p m Marlon
in, 7.16 p m,
. a m, An M
a m, Macon 11.11 i
Atlanta 12.15 p m.
ton inn.
a m. Jacksonville 7.80 a -u
a. am. r
i W M BE
A I i
1.08 New York i E
Mia tun
1.30 am, Richmond an
Petersburg am.
am. I'm I.
12.21 ; m, I.,
I'm. Warsaw
eta. pm
N. ,;. ,
12.00 night. Men
12.00 pm, in
mend 7.80 pm,
Norfolk p,.
1.00 Ii. k j Mount
mi. Leave
u . H.
. f H. T
Wagons, Shoo
Air I inns,
Fire Works, Toys,
Cups and Saucers,
Mixed Nuts,
Bali Ins,
Sweet Florida Oranges,
You will never
a Standard Sewing Machine.
j , g
Pitt County. i
R. J. assignee of W. II. Cox
K. J.
In the ii l.-d action, at
Spring term INS, of the
Court of Pitt County, judgment
having rendered against the
defendant in favor of the plaintiff
for two hundred and fifty live
bus, with interest, and for costs,
subject to credits amounting In one
hundred and eighty-eight dollars
and twenty cents. And it appear
that more than three
have elapsed since execution has
issued and it further
appearing l the Court that the
defendant is a resident of the
Stale of Carolina. And the
assignee of said judgment having
the proper affidavit and mo
for leave to issue execution on
said judgment.
The said K. J.
is hereby to . . u at
office in a, on the
day of and
show cause, if any he why ex-
should not issue against
him on said judgment otherwise
execution will lie accordingly in-
sued for the I m due on said
miller my hand this the
day of
K. A. Clark
Court Co.
they Cannot reach of tile
disease. Catarrh is a
disease, and in order to
cure it you must take internal rem-
Catarrh Cure is
en internally, and acts directly on
the minims surface.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
medicine, ma by
the best physicians this
country for veal's, and is a regular
it is composed of the
tonics known, combined with
the In-st blood purifiers, act
on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect of the two in
i what such
wonderful results
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Co., Props.
Sold by druggists, Toledo, O,
Hull's Pills are the l-st.
Steamers leave on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days at ti A. M. for
water permitting,
leave at A.
M., it A, M. on Tues-
days, Thursday and Saturdays,
Hailing hours subject to change de-
pending mi stage of water.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New and
ton, and for all point for the Went
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion H. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Buy Line from
and Line from
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for country
Di No. I
t M Sew Horn aw,
Thin i.
D V No.
i P. M.
pm, on
Savanna 1.45 night,
am, in,
a-r, pm
pm. . rapt
am, Florence h
Ian Ml,
am, l u
ti am.
. I,.
p. m.,
. m., arrives Scotland at
i n, at.,
. leaven
a. 8.0 a.
i at
We have a new
hearse an the nicest of
Coffins and Caskets, in wood,
We are prepared to do em-
all its
Personal attention given to
and bodies entrusted
to our care will very
mark of
Our prices are lower than ever.
do not want monopoly
but court competition.
We can be found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
a, m., and p .
I a. in., an I I.
m u tin II air
pm at i , ,.
and pm Daily Sunday
H. It. Sin.
m P. M;
Plymouth 7.40 p. y., a,
R urn dally eaten
u a m
v, and II
Rocky Mi t I pm arrive
S OS pm Spring Dope pm he
lug have Spring Hope an N i alt
am liar alt gin
on n. r. f
. dally, except Son i j, 7.1 .
r. v riving 8.30 g. ,
Ii a
a. m.
I rain on IV .
a in tor Clinton daily, except
go a. in.
lea i-, am. and r
I n
. it .
all kinds
repaired on abort notice,
Wagons Brackets,
Posts, etc., made to
Shops no Dickinson Avenue.

Eastern reflector, 30 December 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 30, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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