Eastern reflector, 29 November 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

n. i
in the W
Then In
The Book e
a nice assortment ox these Fountain g
also a beautiful line of Pearl . e
You will be astonished when you
You may never
But should
, , ,
way, he appear
. boxes null down.
,. . ,., away till the.
r-, ping at, P and
hi A
ago a Pi unsatisfied
I and he
before the British
day nod camp. out m
private The did not w
joke, mt
mod, K nob and and the
the same
a b, when He
ml till latter paid bis disputed ,
claim a OBI K. knew he
cajole not f
fuss explanation, U against
It,, oral Intuit the custom, which is ;
just as ton. I creditor who
talus this means of money,
to could bun not.
Hi over toe matter, and owl
naming be Us a lot of unison.
Then lie ordered to build a wall
around dervish. t. was sitting in
of the room. The dervish
Watched then, placidly .
when ma wail grew and
that be completed
be tanned over U. ran away and ban
a , am MM -nice. say that the
remit is the to man to who
baa I creditor of this kind with-
out o tho
The n
I wander
, I
o. . s
u of
and e
. IV. v.-
For ii
. to.
j- ;,,,.
, l.-i UP ow
cat a
S,,,,., . , u. I H
h. n. 11.1
. ,.
P m.
,, S-V a
York 6.63 am. B,
Lop m.
. r j
Want Job
Come to tee u.
Job j
Give i n w
i a
One a
notice, the of depth to
which life divided
title into About
1840, it WM pen. rally that
limit was
and were cur-
rent H W the physical
under a a a
depth of two It
that i f drown, d
men, or heavy and the;
I certain
levels. i w
i to be In fact.
water it almost and the
lent of a cubic h of it at the depth
of a mile i- little more than at UM
it ml no
Mm a
which at about a ton
to tho inch.
We ourselves live under a
II pounds inch, arc on-
it w-
waken on a m when the
has risen. T, half an inch during
the and And our-
of not only without
tut with a foaling of buoy-
on, valid good sum.-. in the other
hand, if tin- tr, in,
which we live he a
injury may follow.
this cause, and
marine animals dredged great
depth often r, In most
lamentable,, million,
dist. Dr. CM.
Jr. in BOMB American
A Fin
In .
it it very certain that majority of
dreams only of duration.
to the
of a .,,.,, ,.,.
la proof of ibis
story his
of menial f a not
able kind k b. d after . .
bad wound watch and it on
night Then lay
Mound on
high en board a well known I
hip and on
lookout. b, ard the roar of water,
golden clouds floated around me.
BOW long I st. so did not know, but
a very bang lime.
Thin the changed. I was in
and my long lo parents
came greet mo On mo U
loud organ founded
i I was delighted, but at the same time
The mounted the
gad no.
Maud what be said for the sound of the
organ, which continued to play. I took
my I v the hand, and with bin a-
the I. lower, hot again
MM changed, of being near my
u I mar an early known but
long deal I ought
that I an army during the
maneuvers. I wondering
look young, when quite
close lo my ear- a cannon sounded.
I n hurrying off. when
I woke up and ii iced that the
I its to
i of the through one
I entering. It as if
eternity in my dream, but
when I at my watch I that
Since I bad asleep more than
one bad. lapsed-a much
time than it to relate occur-
v C a.
,, ,.,. i, m.
. f.
a .
. , m. .
, m,
, a m,
,. s B . i
on on-
at A.
M for water to
Tarboro at
I A. M. on
aS to depending on ate
for Norfolk,
and tor all for the West
at .
shippers should
g Miner.- 1.1
Washing. . t. C
J. J. t-
J New
I I Super.
Hominy Rolled
Oats. Prepared
Pork h. .
Sugar Corn canned Toma-
toes. Raisins, Dates,
C Hams
S C.
to and re-
member ton en save b
s mm m
l be glad to at yon.
S. M.
v B a. laM n in. Chad
p m I
,. Florence 7.15 p o. Mini
s. ; ,. in.
Atlanta 14.35 p
a m. Jacksonville a
August lie I I'M-
aH a,
P l-
N. i
B p. S. . J l
. W. II. and alto
t. a. The I feud Jan et rip will
sen com n ed i in
Court f Count to for a
a ore the U-k the toW
at nice l .,. on the
v answer
, la t o .
tin t the c tee
demand d la J
rids 15th
ii mm h
, pm. c York
MM Mill.
I'M J am.
pm. i
mar I cheerful and
proved out of the month of a young
was acting us In a party
Americans who In lb. n also of a
ex. during tin lo In Ian .
w. re wand, ring r a
It .
lb. y ed and
dark passage are
V,.,, said
and I Hue sky
not a ruin
Is it the Hue sky veil . in.
the v. n lbs guide, son.
ft In advance may
for an It a
together. n.
many Tears ago at Queen's
theater, Dublin, during of the late
T 0- King's engagement. I
was being play, d to a densely
The portraying the part
ll. solaced himself during his
v lit tho first to tho third act
perusing the evening papa, using
bis spectacles so Being inter
in some article the
fur an important
be delayed leaving the greenroom until
the of hearing bis cue, when,
hastily snatching his truncheon, Be
upon the stage without his
Of removing bis spec
tacit. .
A titter greeted his appearance, hut
still the solemnity of darkened
hue acting of King Hamlet
prevented any great until
replying Hamlet's
Do you see nothing answered.
at all. Yet all that I ,
when a from aloft
old follow
by your row.
he's put them on see to suave bun
York . am. Philadelphia
pin. 2.26 pm,
Washington Ml pm, Rich-
pm. Petersburg
Norfolk 2.20 pm
5.00 pm. Ricky Mount
m. Leave Wilson -m.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
deceased, no ice I here y given to all
, in to no make
tie nude,
and persona claims age nit
to present
same payment MM to be
October. r till.
U plead in
day la
P. Owens
We Mm
the of
Coffins and in wood,
We are prepared to do em-
in all it
Personal attention given to
and bodies entreated
lo our care will receive -very
Our price are lower than ever.
We do not want monopoly
but court competition.
We can be found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
ville This
r. arrive,
. A. W.
W. B. Brown,
ever Sun-
.-. morning and evening. I
night. Charles- meeting Wednesday evening. Re.
Pastor. Sunday school
A. M. A B. Ellington,
s a year
k, inform
lion in w
ii those
that is iron
limes in iv I i
Few me
Tho of doors are made ,
nowadays veneer a pine.
when made of mahogany or some
other costly wood have to
ml. The body of door is made
a plum, straight grained mahogany,
of lino
In the lines doors body is
of selected from sap
and which is cut
to narrow strips and then glued to-
The outer edges of Ibis door
flood with what is called a veneer, but
which is really a strip of wood
half an or thickness. The
inner edges frame, by panels,
are covered in tho some manner with
thick strips, in which the ornamental
moldings or are made and
which are grooved; to receive
Tina boll up frame of while pine,
of tho wood, la then
with tho wood. In some
lighter doors the may be of solid
mahogany, but in larger and
heavier doors panel, also made
if sheets of pine With a
the wood so that the entire door
is veneered
It would if not
He, lo procure at any coat mahogany
lowlier in lino beautiful of
for the larger door.
built up and door of pine
wood, however, has every appearance
of a solid door,
veneers, may be more beautiful than
a door to It more
trouble and remain r pert Its
cost is half what a solid door
would York
greater number of case are tried
lodge without juries, and
occupants of tho
to an appeal as
in the nature of an insult
mental powers.
you think to my heart,
sarcastically a well known
of equity
liar, making a ran. attempt at
drew a pathetic picture of Ilia client
wrongs. , .
My who
who at failure of
Ins appeal, hit quick to sneers
retort, know it
M. Tamp
pm. I pat
Savanna 1.45 night.
am, am, Ma-on
am, pm.
4.17 pm.
am, am.
am, Lake
I lain
m. Halifax t
. arrives Hoot laud Neck at ,
b. Greenville Ml P. 7.6
. Returning, loaves
,. m., Greenville a. in.
Branch Irate
W a. in., and . lip. n,
a. m. and .
m . long leave Jo am and
U on pm at Washington OHM
and pm Daily Sunday
leaves t K C, via Alba
A Raleigh B. R. dally
d i, at p. m., I .
Vive P. M.,
R. turning leaves Plymouth daily
7.60 a. m., Sunday -00 a m
arrive and II
Greenville School
Young Ladies.
Will he held n lbs Coil-c
Limited lo
It, L. Hargrave,
Pall 1st
1st U- 4th per
per month
Latin, Greek, French, each
per month
Sunday, morning and evening. Rev
J. B. Morion. Pastor. Sunday
A M. E. B.
A. F. A. No
meets first and third Monday eve.,
log. K. W. M. 1-
I. Lodge No.
Meets every Tuesday W.
K. No.
ever, Friday evening. Or E. A.
Jr , . c. B. Parham. h. of
meets every evening. W. L.
Wilson. R .
Music- Theory and liar.
r month
Terms payable
taking both and Liter-
allowed pa
to merit the
In true and
ton to make your
to girls at our
Any further desired information
Thai old fellow. Bailie
was a house the
his host
shillings from him
What mot
bad parted hi. shilling
he full of
t you lo
bis host. Hue bit of haul
not I. Duo think I eat
I I. ,.
guess I'm willing
y his boor
Would be bin is a
to bun n it In one.
when u cat died in
a the shaved
Tl killing of a oat, even
accidentally, was a capital
on Branch leave
arrive Noah
pm Spring Hope pm Ru
Ina leave Si ling Hope am
ville a am
daily Sunday.
I rain on Midland N. c. v
dally, Sun 7.1 ii
8.30 a. I. R
leaves 9.00 a. T.
ors a. m.
Train on
sag for Clinton dally,
.- o, m
The Fall Term begins on
MONDAY HE IT- 8.1818
la a high
Only class teachers will be em-
very thorough work will o.
from to par month
ha ti i no.
, Primary
Int. H on to I SO
BU. School
discount cant will
oath It paid In for
whole term
For Information sea or an
m. and 4.16
Clinton at
m. and
Win Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable
a so
Pass. Agent.
I u Manager
, he mil ibis I
Monday, Sept 6th,
I no- an- as
lo do Ural
i stats work.
III b glad to I a e
ice or
Liver Ills.
am o, B
to R-
The n
every department and
prices as low a the low
eat. Highest
prices paid
The Eastern
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN FICTION. TERMS SI per. Year in Advance.
Concluded to Remove our Business from Greenville
DECEMBER 25th, 1898
, Hats, Goods, Etc.,
This is no Fake, but a genuine bona announcement. Everybody should take advantage of this great
out sale, as our prices will astonish you. Our stock comprises all novelties of the reason. Come
at once and make your Fall purchases and get the first pick.
Next Door to Greenville Supply Co., near Court House. of Red if
Mr Corn line Dead a
One by one the old I presiding of
Greenville away. In the
N. C. Nov.
Ur. W. I. Clayton ct u
bare trimming the brick which
Ur. will bars
ob Coper
street done. The Kittrell
going into hare.
The church
a healer Baker A
Han. It v and will add
greatly to the people's
Bring your to A. Q.
Ur. out here
evening B. F.
of Mr. Stephens, winch
curred home a little
o'clock on Tuesday Green,
a man who been lea
with her He
nearly old, and spent many
these years in . Ho was
B man everybody liked and we
never beard of lilt having an enemy.
He leaves a widow and one son lo
mourn lilt death.
Mr. a member
Covenant Lodge I. K., and was
the oldest th Odd Fellows
nu from the
II bad
received, tho would
woolen of my race bad not
and kerosene
We have doubt preacher
tells state-
the women is not only true, but
merits i. Of
in this section. He was burled and women, latter
interment taking place
at o'clock In Hill
Daily U.
Point About
A Co's c bales.
Hobgood re-1 The go., right into
Monday, and bi.
wile have been speeding a days
bore with Ur. H. M. He
he is an
I him. It is on the when he
i. and in bis ha while be I.
At. alter -ho meal. It
brought bis and dog and has been
having some Boa
and wagon.
The A. O. Co Co.
Are all the go.
So can sell them low.
Call and them.
Send yo address to II. K. Cockle
A Co. and get a free sample box Dr
New Lite Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merit.
pill, are easy In action and are
effective In tho
and Headache, Malaria
and Liver they have been
proved Invaluable. They are
teed to be Ire. from every
substance and to be p inly
vegetable. Tags do not by
their -but by giving tone to
and bowels greatly Invigorate
system Regular lite per box
The chancel are a ad-
or a very
will pay. only
pertinent and is
strong to make an
will be adequately
circulars are good, but
whenever are
one down and up
row much
how much tho cost of the
would buy in a
is nothing magical
l tools trade,
as a chisel a tool cur penny
men who handles the eh prop-
can do many thing-, with it.
It be I. and awkward he
to Mil
are invariably
and violent, no to-
ward the men race who
hesitate or refuse o be
by Republican party machine,
nod ho. threats of
in many of
have been one of powerful
at to- the
party and
and many lime-i
This opens no a wide Held
for the preachers of that we, and
the woods are full of these-
these persistently impress upon
the female members of their
are Involved in th to
say of the improprieties
We hope tho lesion
will and impressed up-
on all.- Post.
Th. Post
v should Le
of tho
t Is The fees
from the
the bands of the of
are estimated to h run
hi. total
figure n i
year. To put it ADO her
U as has b tho
value of a bale of cotton a
There is no why the
should leave Hue mOS C lo, tears
r than I
of a U hi
it is not ho lb as to t i-
ow favors. The
companies pay the
which would co lo tho insurance
if that wore
Let I.
and lei it be rilled by SOUS
voted k
Thompson falls on the
salary ad of of
rotary of Charlotte
At i
hi. .
one ho i.
trousers an lo
vi. g
fair x. but en m n
I hits the if bi
fir ho
now so a- v u-o U
p W
Too Hi Press, u t
can organ
i will I an elephant on
ill loots
In Bil v
lo i ct s,
thank even when are
Thompson and
gig Toes will eke rich m
f.-. off b Dr. gr i i
ill u
of all Al n . K
Ls the Press the
other Ibis
line d
Charlotte News.
I -ii. ., SI.
i i. p lo mil
i.-i ; h. r t ., and III
Is wing Ail v
i. I in ft i I II ml-
,. k i T.
K N. v, ml, r -l
Si i . low a r I
J n d
,. , K i ii
r, it I no c aim ii. u
I poles and wires have loop.
led I.
. I VI O
em. to l gen. ii, i .
,,, N
S l. the low i
r l
A i II u .
o, a
. A I'll
Ni. of Tex
l a more van discovery
. , I. lei II. i . I lie
K., in. ii suffered agony
from by
hem. cur-
ed King's for
i. n I He
gold l vela in
will, this in ii, e
I , it. even if m I II ,
a hi tie. A-thin. Ir
all and l
Ur. t n few
III , .,. i. no .
a . . o if-
,.; and
Professional Cards
in. Mi is Bare,
S. C.
The of this will he
fallen, and n
his i d .-
Ai coin . ,
. cold and ii- led
n d i- drifting I.
Al Leaven
,. is lire id up
a h, , N
p it. ILL.
N. C.
. has
he danger
A W,
ti N. C
In all the courts.
been In all Its and
I- Catarrh. Half. Catarrh Cure i
known to Sunday II
e lb V-
only positive cure now
are on in
to lest the applicability
f the U nil- Mules immigration
laws I- the Hawaiian Islands by
to fields
-I in era. Th,
form as a .- by
agent who ti fur-
be paid per
I month egg
Al I to there last ha-i
At a. . ,,. that in
last John U. K. a
a II
of the road, stayed Miss bottle
at th expanse of
own. The girl tried to
track tho t lo front f
train. One foot
a ill
ti. III V.
B. .
the medical Catarrh tiring
n disease requires a
Core is int., n internally, acting directly .,, ,,,. ,
11.01. blond and I .
hi SO
the disease, and log In lies broken
and Last
I e II . t lid
re Was . I
I Tie
N. C
Practice to all
. i . . , M. C
between the rails so by building up the wire, and railroad
she could not loose- f V .,
and Kelly leaped to faith In it powers . Ml 21-
from . g
but f i
wheels V. v Y
live and instantly killed He was .,,,,,,.,
f m tire
Th so. III
s. ,
u .,, no o.
and th,
a .
-o. began ,
I i J
I . ., j
snow i drilling
I hi I.
HI . .
a to I, A .
nod t i Law
ill all Cain.
iii i i V.;.
A .

I Mill
D. J.
at the at
S. C., M
Mail Matter.
The of North Caro-
Virginia foot Kill MUM
a match gUM in Richmond
on to
a mm Of to in tax or of
Carolina, Good for the Tar Heel linked together, all
boys. make them
of the South.
Two m
evening at
o'clock, in the
was solemn
Samuel T. White and Mi-
PUT had Mad the
a picture of beaut j
the rear of the being a
bower of palms,
and other plant-, while
the rail on each were a wall
of Over the
arch were impended the wedding
bell, a four leaf rioter and two
of white dowel. In
ground and also on tin
arch over
Km. B. presided at
the organ and rendered I he
ding w the bridal
entered and Promise as
of the
World. Those were being pronounced. The
Colorado. Others, Dr. V.
home, L. W. It. W
and J. U. advanced
down the aisle to the altar.
In the last Congress there were
in Home. This
four have been
to in all the I nit
ed States, according to a the solemn
ill New
lonely lour are one
from and two from Ne
two on each side. The
did lots of good work in the last ,. chancel, asp.
campaign and one man anting and down the side
paying sub-1 stales to the front of the church
live m in were mot
men and returned in couples
There cue many which ,,,.,,.,. to the
did good work for the o
white would
Mighty glad to have
how their appreciation by getting
even their accounts,
for one.
altar in the following order
Miss Rosa Hooker with ft.
with T. M.
Miss Alice Smith with
Lizzie Jones with Ii-
The second annual debate tie-
Wake forest Miss Ada Woolen with
k place i
and Trinity Colleges .
Raleigh Thanksgiving night. The
subject for debate
that the Called States not
adopt a policy of territorial
lion. had the side
expansion and Wake
for expansion. The
of the judges was in faun of
Trinity, their side getting the bet
of the argument.
Miss Lillian Cherry with E. It.
Miss Skinner with II. W-
Mi Una Sheppard
Miss L. Little.
Miss Bessie with Dr. R.
I., t air.
The groom with
Lamb, entered through the chancel
as Miss Lulu White, maid of honor,
. passed down the bear
, , but the wedding ring on a silver
There is an idea prevalent ,. her the
among some of the magistrates that ,,,.;,,,, u
they can qualify on the Mon ii,,. was
day In December. This Is an error, and Impressively performed
all who have not Rev. N. Harding-, of Washington.
The reception the home the
i B, X. C. Nov.
Now is the time to get
Any style.
We regret to learn that Mr. B,
Q. has his ankle sprained
quite badly.
Mrs. J, it. Tripp. of Greenville,
down on the train Friday
night is stopping with Mrs. F.
O. Cos.
u. P, Manning A Co. say.
a hard time to wiled money.
but we collected turkey all right
enough for
Some of the here had a
fox chase Thursday. The
fOX was killed just out of town.
More wheat a coming every day.
right Bring it OB, and we
will give you as good hoar and
good a turnout as ever had
A. Mfg. to.
school exercises
night were exceptionally line, and
pleasing to all. A vote
thanks was extended to the school
i he attainment.
Made by
II. COX Mfg. Co.
Are all the go.
s. they can sell them very
Call and see them.
The above Hill's ant sound green
nevertheless it is true that the
reputation of our wheels is what
sells them and of course the more
we-ell the cheaper we can sell
The Roll of Honor at Winter
ville Academy for quarter
ending Nov. 1888 is as
s. Chapman, L. o-
Cox, T. stokes. Jerome
hon, Drover Johnny
Hurst, Fountain Cox, Hoy Cox,
Lizzie Lillian Campbell,
Minnie Dom Marx
Kale Chapman. Ophelia
for . I
or with
to mil
My . W f ha vi A m
of th
I of
all right fall to
our and
of of-
in our of
Dress Trimmings,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Hats and
Caps, Shoes and in black and
to fit the ladies, men girls and boys.
ii I It'll o v Best oH
hi y ill t our
ear A line of
as la
Win low -h M in till Pooh
I Knives, Razors,
we war
roil. i i
virtue of s decree of the
Court of Pitt County made
on the day of November,
in a certain Special Proceeding
therein pending, entitled Jesse
Administrator, ad
the estate of Amy
Williamson mid others. I will on
Monday, January
sale at the house door
in the highest bidder
tor cash, that certain lot in
town of on the
of and
and known in the plan of
town as lot number one
and twelve
the estate of Amy
II to tr
bad in i
Flint unit all
i early stages.
i Curtain Swiss, Curtain Poles
in iii r, Shades
in all and sever.
feet long,
Parker, Lillie Parker, Mabel
Clara Herta
Brown, Butts,
Rugs Squires, Carpets Oil
Cloths, Door Hats, in rubber, Steel and Co-
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Libra
Lamps, Lanterns, Tinware; sec our c
Oil Can, tills you lamp does not run it
Room Solid ink. ran Inn in hon
of Hi i iV t
Mil. ii into Cries
Ire , lb No hi ads
So ii i it Conn to
ard lea We pi k
ii r no sill inn n m
fail to in tad
V for
By virtue of an order of the
parlor Court of the
can of n. of Jesse
It. Cox vs Mary Cox and II.
Cox, the will sell
for cash at the Court. House door
la Greenville on Monday the 2nd
day of January, the following
piece, pared or tract of
land, situate in the County of Pitt
and located at X
at the junction of the
down the toad to
Cox's line, them-e With
Cox's line around lo
road, with the Tuft
mad to John W. Cox's two a
half acre tract to
the acre tract on mail,
and With said Tali road lo
containing the
home and
land by the I
c K. Cox.
This Nov. 38th
that out of Mill
to and
All Other
Blood Troubles.
Yon to
an your If do
not Ben I at one to Joe Pen o,
Kit Hell. for one hot
, how at
people the
area cured. It
It will cure v n
N C.
The of
grooms father. A. White
was one of ease and
the Governor tills An attended n large number of
appointee of will,
of course, be a Republican. Item
magistrates elect are ago ill
requested to qualify, and do w
once. must done on or
December i-t.
our people. The bridal presents
were and of
very valuable.
Greenville has no more popular
people than this couple.
Mr. White is a prosperous
i haul and a young man of splendid
character line business quail
lies. The bride is a most charm-
young high
qualities of true
aid is much admired by a large
circle of friends.
its beat
to the couple tot a
the Rev. J. L. Burns,
of at Raleigh, has
come to grief. Lost summer he
running through capitol
tine dog poison
belonged to Mr.
that gentleman brought sail
for damages against the Be.
The case came In
Wednesday and was
given against the defendant for
and costs. took an
peal to a higher Court and be
Is going to the mailer out In
the death,
Handsome street made
Of in
bright MM Or fray, Velvet trims
both and silk goods. The
newest jet trimming is in open
like with heads
Heavier arc of silk
and braid in scroll
metrical put terns. If the is
for a street gown have it of
with steel buckle, bill for
evening dress may have the
Rhinestones lie worn at the
hack without any bow, only lung
rounded cuds w Ii a frill of
If your isn't
enough lo justify extensive
Using, better confine work to
the columns of the paper In
town. It is a pretty sure thing
the la's people in
whose trade is most
the ones who take the lust paper.
Any one who looks through
advertising of the aver
age newspaper can not help seeing
that much the money that is
paid for advertising in them is
wasted. The money is wasted, not
became the Is not good, Km
is not to
One good advertisement is heller
than three or four poor ones. Von
might give a nail a thousand light
tape and not get it Into the wood
one sixteenth of an inch. You
would lie where yon
started when you get through.
Two or three good strong
with a hummer would drive it clear
who. together with But
the without a is
I the most thoroughly hated man in
the Slate, mat and may not be
That he ought to lie no one
doubts, but I here arc reasons which
have sparing
under certain conditions
vies of the tart the
ant is a Re-
publican, and not a very brilliant
one less sense than
Russell, and less malice pas
also, it should be added to his
If Russell answers affirmatively
when the question, will you
lie good is formally put to him
the representatives of the part
which thrashed him, all may go
well with Russell, for a time at
if be begins any more of his
fool antics and bullying tactics the
jig will ho up with him.
instance, if he accepts the
suggestion of Hancock, the chair
c declines to issue
a certificate of election to the North
Carolina Congressmen elect, or any
one of them, a short shift for
will lie the knows
this. No one knows it better, and
he will have thoroughly made up
his mind what his future shall
by the time the General Assembly
convenes in
It is the general opinion that he
w ill decide to especial
as be has no power and
will lie utterly in the
hands of the coming Legislature.
Raleigh Correspondent Charleston
News and Courier.
There many people who owe
Eastern for sub
script ion and we would appreciate
their making an effort to settle
This is the time of year when
pie should pay their debts. Tim
bus tried to serve you
faithfully that it him
earned and ought to have every
penny it. don't de-
lay about this matter. We
to make on the
paper and mill money to do it
with. If owe us anything
on and you d not
owe us anything this article is not
Intended for show your
of your county by
being prompt in settlement of what
owe it.
MUM -n H
mo lorn- lo hovels
db not educate your
it will
p e.
etc. Pill
I. Hood A v, Mass.
Wm N
R. J. assignee of W. II.
In the above entitled action, at
Spring term 1809, the
of County,
having rendered against
defendant in favor of the plaintiff
for two hundred and fifty live
hue, with interest, and for costs,
subject to credits to one
hundred and eighty eight dollars
and twenty cents. And it appear
that than three years
have elapsed since execution has
bean and it further
appearing to the Court the
defendant is a Don resident of the
Stale of Carolina. Ami the
assignee of said judgment having
tiled the proper and mil-
lion for leave lo issue execution
said judgment.
The said K.
is hereby notified to appear at my
office in N. on the
day of December, and
show cause, if any he why
edition not issue
him on said judgment otherwise
execution Mill lie is
for the balance due on said
under my flu
of November
B. A. k
Court Pitt Co.
Pitt County.
Jesse Cannon,
Junior. George
Lemuel Tyson and
i Carmen.
Jenny Barrett who is a defendant
ill the above cause, will
lake notice that a special proceed-
entitled as has been
commenced in the Superior Court
of county, before the Clerk, lo
sell the real of
in order to make assets ;
the said defendant will further
take notice that she is to.
appear at the office of the Clerk
the Superior Court of county,
on Friday the day of
in and answer or
demur lo the petition and com
plaint tiled in said action, or
ill will apply to the court
tile relief demanded therein.
Gives under my hand, this
day of 1808,
B. A. Mote,
Court Co.
line i MM
tell at
cents EACH,
a mil I none
v my
Dry Q W
Shoes. Trunks
and Pants.
Vehicles, all kinds
Gins and
men Is short notice.
Carts, Wagons Brackets,
foots, etc., made to
Shops on Dickinson Avenue,
c ally But
r u
M rid.
n-M on my
in. i. My
b n I i
n, i apt lilt to
M r. . i ill
r.- i I
found I s n. I rat
at it, Hi, felt n. Ire In too
I i nil in I
Bel t
my J. Hun-
Dir., r, Hi Mo.
ft for
t I. i
I II bat
bar not with an; or
M. J-
i. K
the cost of
Haw. Si
-s J
l. . in CHI, la i
Kim Ki. i ii
mi awl
is. II
fill . ,.
Heavy and
ft Ml
n G
Cotton lies always
on baud.
kept -in
and old- A mince
With JOHN KELLY'S name on each pair.
For the remainder of this week all shoes
will sold at OCT PRICED, including the
Hood's Sara Don't forget the old store of
I, i -ii.- i , I Bo
to rt H Hoar a. f -T -T- J A 1-
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Prank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Prank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Am. in
Friday, 1888.
II. T. Kind went to Washington
Mrs. P, K. has been
for vs.
presents itself at this store to
more to than it has ever our
pleasure to to offer you. Our Winter
is full of new and goods
from cheapest to
These are bound to
p and we will sell them
at prices to suit the
times. Our
aim i n
business is to
send our fellow
men away from our store
with values that will make
for us lasting friends.
1st that we are headquarters
Hats, Caps, Shirts,
line of
Furnishings is full of new and things.
Frank Wilson
Fran Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Frank Wilson
Now for winter.
Get holiday advertisements
The train was nearly an hour
late Friday night.
thermometer went down to
Thursday night.
Everybody did not have turkey
on Thanksgiving day.
Thanksgiving Day gave us some
raw, weather.
Thanksgiving hunters were more
numerous than the cap-
V. Murphy, of Dayton,
Fla. has taken a position here at
J. Noble's barber shop.
Household and kitchen furniture
for sale. Apply to
Others have been made happy,
SO can you, by buying a Standard
Sewing Machine from
The Methodist and
Sunday schools meet
row at o'clock M., Instead
of in the morning.
night Rev. R. M. Wat-
son closes his year as
pastor of the Methodist church
here, and he goes to the Confer-
at Elizabeth City next week.
Mr. Watson has been two
and that time has
greatly endeared himself lo the
people, it is the wish of every
the Conference return
him to this charge.
Fob South
a good house with six rooms, and
stables and water on lot. Posses
given first of next year.
W. A.
We the publishers for a
copy of the old reliable Turner's
X. Almanac for There
is not a more widely
cation in State.
The next occasion to which
Greenville people are looking for-
ward is the meeting here of
Baptist State It is
now less than two weeks off.
FOB house
West Fifth street with six rooms,
stables, barns and all other needed
out buildings, including one and
half acres of open ground well
proved. Good well of water on
premises. John
You will soon be thinking about
taking magazines for next year.
The ma
lion to all thee magazines and can
make special prices where two or
more are taken together. We can
also give a discount when they arc
taken in connection with this, pa-
Just before the mustering out of
Co. E. of. the Second Regiment.
Clerk H. A. Blow prepared and
had printed a complete roster of
the company and sold the copies
among the members. Every
of a copy of the roster should
take In preserving it. From
the organization to the
out of the company only
died, Sergeant J.
who died in the hospital
was truly glad
to get letter from Me. W. B.
published elsewhere
this issue. Glad because it is a
pleasure to publish u letter from
one who w rite as entertainingly as
he does, but more glad that he was
able to write letter his own
baud, which indicate so much
his health. The
many friends who knew the con-
of his health for last few-
months were so anxious
him, are glad to learn of bis
The New York World recalls
following interesting bit of
cal history
The last seven president
have been carried alternately,
with the regularity of u year
clock, by each of the two great
parties. The record
In according to the rule the
President should again a Demo-
W. Wiggins to
Nut went to Scotland
E. Crews, of Wilmington
Messenger, spent Thursday here.
Forbes went to
last night and returned this morn
Misses Alike and Alice
Smith went to Bethel lo spend
Miss Maud Blow came up from
Washington Wednesday evening to
spend a few days with her
V. L. Stephens, of Dunn, who
was here at death and burial
of his father, returned Thursday
Jack of
to sick with fever. He has
been brought here In the home of
his grandfather, Dr.
M, 1888.
Mrs. Waller Pollard is sick with
S. F. Freeman left this morning
for Washington.
J. R. Moore returned Friday
evening from a trip to Burgaw.
Willie Evans came home
evening from to see his
Miss Carrie of Washing
ton, who was here on a visit lo
Miss Langley,
home this morning.
Mrs. A. A. Forbes and Chief of
Police T. F. Christ man
Friday evening from where
they had bean to attend funeral
Of their brother, D. P.
The ladies of the King
went out the County I loin
Friday to take a feast to in-
mates. The Bible teaches that
giving to ti. . lending to
Lord, these noble women who
carried the feast, as well as those
Who helped provide it, were indeed
laying up for themselves treasure
in Heaven. It was a time of glad
for the poor inmates, and the
gratitude they expressed for being
thus remembered made those who
went feel more than repaid for the
trip to the Home.
goes to its
readers in a new dress of
reading matter type. The change
is not yet as complete as it will be.
some of the material ordered being
still road. When these are
we expect to give you a neat
paper. We have made these
at considerable expense
ask all patrons to lie prompt
in their own obligations to the pa-
per, and help us all they can by
getting others to become patrons,
per. Let us have your orders and A of
we can save you money as well as and quick
the trouble of ordering them and permanently cured by
An apt old
work never
la true of the
ties and in-
of the
who work all
day In factor-
lei and
and half
making and
their own
or for others to patch out a
income. who are too
much on their feet, or who are unable to
the of over-work and worry,
are peculiarly susceptible to the weak-
and irregularities that are the bane
of womankind. The symptoms of
derangements are insufficient or
menstruation, headache, backache,
displacements and es-
nervousness amounting in many
eases to hysteria. The use of morphine
and examinations by male
are painful and unpleasant.
s Female tin
standard remedy for a of a
will and permanently cm
the worst disorders of
field's Regulator It sold by druggists it-
one dollar n bottle. Interesting and vol-
able books for women free c i
M . in
The Way Observed
nib Dir.
is greatest town
to Is- found, and it has some of
beat people on the globe, don't
care if we do say There may
be things that lawn is back-
ward in. there may some
things we ought to ban- we
haven't got, but when
docs turn her head ID a mutter she
goes at it with a zeal and earnest
is not surpassed. And
that was I lie spirit with which
Thanksgiving Day was observed
here, nothing
it. All were
closed, not a store being kept open,
and with the exception of boys
and the colored parading and
hunting parties going
out with their gnus tin- town had
every appearance of n Sunday.
The had very
able worship. people
and returning thanks
to Almighty God for blessings
He had bestowed
Al o'clock services were held
in the Episcopal church,
oil by Rev. K. B. A Pol
was taken
son Orphanage amount
At the nine hour the
and baptist worship
together in the Methodist
church, sermon being preached
Rev. A. W. His
was Nation's
under the divisions what we once
were, what we are now, and
our present position
among the nations bring upon us.
His discourse it splendid one.
The collection was for Oxford
Orphan Asylum amounted to
At o'clock all
united in a sen in- at the
church and listened to a delightful
address by Rev. X. M. Watson.
His subject was Origin of
Thanksgiving Day, bow it is
We cannot mention
all the good points be brought out,
bill his reference to the good grow-
out of Hill's
lining forgot all people
together in Thanks
giving also the social
features in the day's observance,
were very Collection
was the Orphan-
age and to
There was good music all the
churches, the I Were a
by Mr s. II. Cherry at
evening sci vices being
ally charming.
The contributions
peak something of Greenville's
generosity. Besides the amounts
in the churches as mention-
ed above, the raised In
i ash several boxes of supplies
for Asylum, and the
fellows and Daughters of Re-
contributed 111.80
respectively to the Odd Fellows
Orphanage at
all aware of the fact
all the rail roads in the count n
can not arrange a schedule
would please every
where. We are also aware of
fact that, the railroad authorities
cannot, afford to even consider
every that might
DUde. in regard lo a change of
there a
link iii the of
trains that is sadly felt
by the of this see
lion. If, is the
aM our eastern trains the
north bound morning train Hob
good. Now, I have a plan in my
mind, it seems lo me would
Hill. trouble, without inter
with other railroad k u.
any way w
The u on the
branch bat hut a short run any
way. Let that train start in time
to make ii with morn
train and return
to Turn a on her regular schedule.
e et is remedied. If you
think y might consider the
necessity i if such a change, you arc
at to publish this, for with
a i lit age, many people would
goto Ban and return the BUM
day, wins do not go at all.
W. K.
A c. Henry
t i was drinking am
trying raise a row, was shot and
killed Dudley's barroom,
Washington, on Friday night.
From what we can learn there were
no eye witnesses to killing and
no particulars could be obtained as
to just how it occurred.
A lodge of the Ancient order of
was at
Masonic Hall Tuesday night, with
the follow
F. II. Chief.
It. M. Vice Worthy
W. T. Worthy
D. S.
Dr. K. A.
There were some other
whose names did
not gel.
As we have said again and again.
our further acquaintance eon
the belief, newspapers of
North Carolina, as a whole, are an
honor to the state. The average
editor ill this Slate is honest and
earnest and true, lie is not a liar
a hypocrite, as it has become
popular of him, but no
off he Stale works harder for
its none are more
patriotic than he. Quite
often the country editor is
equipped, and he is neither master
of his own nor of any other tongue.
wholesale denunciation of
press that has grown so
and oft repealed assert mi-
that newspapers of the country
arc with is wholly
false, and the charge conies mainly
from those whose trickery these
papers have exposed. We believe
North Carolina owes more to Du-
worked and ill paid
editor than lo any other class of
her and
Take Laxative Quinine Tab
All druggists refund
if fails to cure. The gen
nine has L. I. on each
over Ibis list and select
when you want
Currants, Raisins, Citrons Dried
reaches and Goods
of every description.
Baked Beans and Plum Pudding,
Prepared and Unprepared Buck
Dessert inc. and
new goods
Savage, San Co.,
Exchange St. NORFOLK, VA.
Liberal Cash Advances on Consignment. Prompt
Market Prices Guaranteed.
Dealers in Cotton Ties, Peanut Fertilizers,
Agricultural Plaster, fee. and patronage so-
ii- i ii in, Line,
thin par
h if. hi th y .
ft sin. mo
i iii h it .
. i ii l
Hint ft i i .;. .
ii k h k, I H nil
I rd
t m I fin- mil f -i town.
no w ii- it
J I'll-
f I i-o I tore until,
k bk
i h l tin-
J Fit Fit.
If a
fit low V
e ii g v man.
j i- i Mu the
i c
i -.- ii
J K r iii
My Fall and Winter took of
and Ties and a lull line
Heavy Groceries nave arrived and we will pat
the low to you until it will compel you
to buy. It you once see the goods and near the
are my customer.
Greenville, N
f HE
The New York
Heal at
as I the i
vain- slid I Of-
-ill Mend lit
I ea e dally to
r, II nil In. a In I
the rial I
Inn., an- in iv v
own people.
It newt of
new on I
r humor pap.
a ill of in
I HE Km to
line tor
price till
l in
a Host light
bring your tobacco,
u pay it. so
till in
n Use State.
want it arc able
t lo us and tin; m price.
Proprietors of Cue I ire
it'll -ale's in nil kind of
a specialty
All We labor nod
-I l-
Also a nice line -of
w Hard ware . j
can now lo
Come to s i
Tire and
Accident Insurance.-,
Represents only First Class Com-
i in

r .
Lessons Negro
The Reflector Book Store
baa a Fountain P en
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold P en
You will be astonished when you see them
earn how cheap are.
You may never
But should
Want Job Printing
to see us
Job Printing Mica
Give lie
e r alb moon a Mi
price l t-u a
until Are you
mm In be.
In only a yew
contains news even
to the farmers, es-
those grown
tobacco, that is
ma y times I
he nit i n w
The trouble in the Carolina
ii over. Pace ha i been
stored, order
have been re-enthroned by
lie that could
have succeeded. Northern
may hurl
condemnation at
white to their
may prate violence
about barbarism.
j their care
nothing about that- The
. r v n o social order, the
protection of the
par v nod intelligence of
rue are of to tn m
e clamor of the mere tho
. I . I r-. l I
thing to the
It is a the
mail whose Interest,
whoso very
lido are subjected lo its
and atria teat touch Booth
em whites have just
the Northern whites Lave
done under similar eruditions
dropped party politico
the presence of a
and hive restored the r-
id and Chris
however, to call th
oar colored friend-
i of I
they do well lo to heart.
We ark I hem to for a
value -if those
tended of theirs who
fattened on the office. 00-
eared by heir v have in
flamed by evil and
became of
the hour of
was that boasted val
lei C- t o -e
el mere
braggarts the
o of the ignorant and
loyally of the
Bias the white Hew
to out to test
The employers cf X Carolina
upon whose
nut-tenths of pop
u Stale subsist ;
pay per of the taxes
. i. in
and poor who
i that far
f-r the poor.
and to or i of w. om
every helpings and
tinning the hour
h i white
-j n
h on
the former office
-n old of
races and colors are in
from storm
which their rapacity and
f lie Can Una been
dupes and victims. They
the. raj a d hold
in they
of the
tr basis u
neither m culture, neither
profit tor substance. A lemon bus
them. question
is they will profit by It.
Tho News a timely
These Populists
who with
the to re-t -re u
are everywhere
that th-v con
i hi to glorious result.
in the Slate is
grateful to have bad such
allies. The, are
inn brothers in and
they hive a u interest and
a co mi wit b all other
while men in
A Nat in New Java stock
change sold lot V.
Tie Rica is on
bit lo
dent y.
i of ass
tor it
Among s
last week Ir. San
to r at
were if.
i, n
Hawaii, i
in a. p-- an
i. Ir. in
I u right lies J. h.
h I a in New
k. eked tin
ill in l. A d
Ida Mat
i. in. iii. Ma a. Warsaw
12.4 B m. -ii
p m. p
p m.
p n., p
Ma p
a m, a n
n m.
ti v Due Vat
Bin i m.
i m. p I
n m. 1.18 m,
am. . a m.
T. I n m. Bill;
nine i e .
II. a ii. Mew York I. la
T. B in-
M mi New Ben
Sunday S pm
-I tin
form i- now, said a
dweller, obsolete with
by modern
la now address lady of lbs
h ass n vastly more
and ow .; varied
out a new and tin is left at
door by s man says not the
lady of I m
tills to Mrs. This
the lady of the of
a.- the of in-
oils Sun.
s of
had frankness to
that ho looked tho of
Dumas and indeed on
French plays of the lighter sort,
as grossly to the public
et De
Moray, et
is respectfully
wrote lbs American, ca-
Me a few words in reference to the fol-
lowing What benefit will be
derived your grace's from in-
On the margin of this tho prince
ply wrote
Table Lowe.
Pitt's pm
Twenty Years Proof.
keep the how-
i Is in natural motion and cleanse
system of all impurities An
absolute cur; for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I
do without them. have
Liver disease for over twenty
Am now entirely cured.
Hominy Rolled
Oats, Prepared Small
Hominy, Pork Sausage hi. Y.
Sugar Corn, canned Toma-
toes. Raisins, Dales,
Currants, Citrons,
S C Hams
per lb S C.
Coffee, For-
to Rico M lasses and re-
member can save money b
me and I will el to
S. M.
I cannot split
to you M indelicately refer. It
s violation of a
I made to me aped
What kind of a prom-
have the poker habit in our
family, and I promised mother
I'd never touch a chip in any form.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Scottish paper tell a story of San-
Mo, a farmer who
bad been spending an hour or two in
the evening with a friend a couple of
miles away. It was a moonlight night.
and Sandy, after partaking freely of bit
friend's hospitality, wan riding quietly
home across sheep pasture on bit
when came
an open ditch, which his refused
to cross.
said rider,
Ye jut gang
Ho turned bock about a hundred
yards, wheeled round gave the
a touch of his whip. On went at a
canter, but as they reached the
of ditch stopped dead and
hot Sandy clean over to other side.
himself up, Sandy looked
bis mare straight in the face and
era pitched indeed, ma
Bit boo are ye to get
I r Of Jill
One day soon after the Mulberry Bend
p p m, Chad
Ml p m Marlon Sir
in, Florence 7.1 R p m,
. m,
. a m,
Atlanta p m, Charles.
a m. 7.3 a k
i. am. i
. h
V No.
P. , now
am. Halt-
more am,
am, Richmond am
12.21 rm, Mount
pm, w pm,
j m,
cm. Mi lift
daily n,
night, Xe
York 0.30 am.
1801 pm, pm.
3.46 pm, Rich-
Norfolk 2.20 pm
Weldon m Tarboro
am. Leave Wilton
7-01 am. Warsaw
-in. am.
Washington on lion-
Fridays at A
water permitting to
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
A. M. on Tuesdays, Thurs-
days and Saturdays
depending on stage of
i at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and
and all points for the West
should order by
the Old Dominion from
New York. Clyde Line from
Bay Line
Merchants Miners Line from
Washington, N.
t, J. C KR
N. C
A n mini named
from county,
of death Mexico. Jo
killed the chief of police id a
amount of money in th
States averages
The in
per capita.
d amounts, in
ate, die
The In the world for
Bruises, Sores, fliers. Halt
Chapped Hands
Corns, and all -Skin
positively cures Piles or no
n quired. It Is guaranteed give
i or money
Hi No.
, New Karl aw.
M. nm.
pm. Jacksonville pm
Savanna 1.43 night, Charles-
Atlanta 7.00 urn. Ma
6.16 am,
i- am, Lake
oil am
. arrives Scotland Neck at ,
I, p. m., 7.6
. in. Returning, leaves Kinston
. m., a. m.
all sat
a. m., in I P . m
a. m. and y
in leave Parmele am and
V nil pm a at Washington m i am
and Dally except Sunday
Train leaves n U, via Albs
park was laid out in Italian m ire ft R. R. dally
of York man bad bad
more to do tho good work than
any one was passing there. As he
happily along, thinking of tin
tenements that to stand there, tin
fresh, clean earth attracted sod lit
walked out noon it. Stamping Joyously
about, he
They have planted
seed and soon tho green grass will
spring under the warm sunshine. II
Is my
Just i hen a park policeman bad
slipped up landed two
on the good man's back.
grass, ye old
paid. off ye, quick
now, an don't let mo ketch ye
hi I'll See
The philanthropist bad I wildly
to the walk and his fist doubled up
with anger, hut a thought,
tho was right, caused
bis band to relax, and maker of
park sore but wire at
A while frosting Fort street
at picked the crosswalk
a Yale look key with a tag attachment
on which was pen printed in
letters word He was
over significance of
word when the hear of key
along of it. As two
men were old friend., key
banded over to its owner.
my laid
finder of the key, purport
of that word upon the
tho reply
key unlocks my box.
stands for key.
office key.
the two
ed opposite each with a
It i his Fm
d at p. m., Sunday P. M;
lye Plymouth 7.40 P. M , 8.10 p. m
leaves Plymouth dally
7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a.
and II. CO
on Branch leave
Rocky Mt arrive
pm Hope pm He
log leave Siring Hope am N
B Mt sin
dally Sunday.
train on Midland N. i v
dally, except Sun is.
arriving 8.30 a. x. R
turning leaves a. t.,
10.25 a, m.
train on Clinton
saw for Clinton dally, except
II i a, in. and 4.13 p, m-
Pas. Agent.
rt Manager
Ca oil a, I
Com tr-
II II p. S s. I
rah . U. mid vile
Warren and
The I. will
entitle. a above
a e n d th- t
Court County to sell for a
vision a t act or parcel f land
Bribed in the file In this
t c de
m that I I required f
a the the Sup
I our at III on the
M h v v in and answer
de to ill comp n . hi n
till t thee for the
demand d in om,. am.
I his nth day October ISM
K. A.
We have new
hearse and the nicest fine of
Coffins and Caskets, in wood,
to Greenville.
We are prepared to do em-
in all its forms-
Personal attention given to
funerals and bodies entrusted
to our care will receive
mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
We do not want monopoly
but court competition.
We can be found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
and evening. Prayer meeting
evening. Bay, A. W.
pastor. Sunday school A. M,
C. Superintendent.
regular services.
A. M. W. B. Brown,
-every Sun-
morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Key.
N. M, Pastor. Sunday school
A. M. A B.
Sunday, morning and evening.
J. B. Morton, Sunday
A M. E. B.
A. F. ft A- No
I meets and third Monday even
lug. It. M. J.
I. Lodge
Meets every Tuesday evening. W. r.
Burch N. O. I. D. Sec.
K. P. No, M,
every evening. Dr E. A.
Jr, C. C. B. E. K.
K. a.
II. A. Vance No. Ht
meets every Thursday evening. W. I.
Wilson, R Lang. Sec.
Greenville School
tor Young Ladies.
Will he In till
the depot.
Limited to Exceed
begins Thursday, 1st
1st to 4th Grades per
ft courses
per mouth
Latin, Creek, French, each
per mom ii I
Theory liar.
pea month 3.00
per month
Terms monthly.
Pupils taking both Music and Liter-
course will be allowed
hope to merit the substantial sup
. and full lento of those Inter.
education and
you to make your
it ones to enter your at our school t
Any further desired information
e given.
L. L.
Bethel School
The Fall Term begins on
ThU Is s school of high
Only this- will no em-
very work will b,
I be best discipline will be maintains.
Board from Is lo per month
a as or n I i ion.
H to II
Intermediate to
Blah School o
A of per tent will be
owed when Is Iii advance for
whole term
or ad-
The next of this school
or 6th, 1898
I English
will be spared to do
class work.
will In glad to hue Tot
too Invent alto Ml
Wire iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable
to R.
Ire. ales.
The in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest I
prices paid
The Eastern
O., HOT.
A. Miles la prob-
ably only in
who will i.
to moot Oar-
who, with his fellow
sinners named by f he recent
to with Mr. M
on Cuban is coming
lo Miles
look n to when
he was in Cuba, daring the
go will give din.
in his honor, at
will lie
polite to but they will not
lire themselves
at him or his Gabon It
is that
the administration. The matter
bus not but if
is thought that Mr. will
refuse to receive his as-
as a commission represent-
the Cuban Assembly, may
receive as private
hear what they have
Secretary to receive
I hem.
The we shall
to pay Spain, if our terms for
the of the
are is only
total amount this government
will called upon lo pay. One
section of the terms provides
each country shall waive nil claims
that its have the
other for money damage. That
will make the government
for all damages to prop-
Owned b American citizens
in Cuba, during the two last
. against
more than
are already on file at the Depart-
of State, for this of dam-
ages, and if this government be-
responsible as many more
are to lie tiled. Allowing that these
claims would staled down one-
fifth, there would still be left about
for this government to
pay, half that amount
which it must pay to Spain. There
is nothing In those for Amer-
to any over.
Wherever there a government
appropriation there will
devising means for getting some
of the money. The that
States will even
more warships in the next fifteen
years than it has built i the last
years has resulted the
formation of a ship builders trust,
embracing practically all of the es-
tire prepared
to construct warships. Inasmuch
as there has from the Hist an
agreement among the shipbuilders
as to prices when bidding for gov-
work, It la a little difficult
to understand why they have made
this new combine, but certain that
is not in interests of
as was shown by the ac-
of the combine In virtually
compelling the Department
to agree to its plans concerning the
new monitors, contracts for which
were recently given out.
Thoughtful persons arc if
the in which he made his
money not giant enough to live in.
who is Hid to have out
British papers several
years ago. where he
lives three of his
lime, has raging around
Washington this week, the
Philippine question, to an extent
that has caused many to believe
that he has big money Invested
Spanish That is the only
logical explanation of his wild
about hoping Americans
will lie shot down when they try to
take possession of the Philippines,
The ease with Mr.
Compelled Spain to cease its
accept the terms
by this government, as soon
us he himself got down to business,
shows that tho treaty of Peace
might have been signed a
ago had the administration made
proper use of its power. The in
is plain that the was
allowed became it suited the plans
are swarming to Wash
la-cause of the impression
that the administration will geek
to get Nicaragua Canal legislation
through Congress. The i
Costa who claims a right
to consulted in the matter, is in
Washington as an guest of
this representative
of Nicaragua is also on the ground.
Representatives of the old canal
company, which by its greedy de-
has done more than any one
thing to prevent legislation in the
pus, are on hand to demand com-
for what it claims to have
spent, the agents of the New
York which claims to
have a brand new canal concession
arc putting out feelers to ascertain
what prospect they have for get-
ting some money for In
tn all these interests, there is
a lobby employed by the French
company, that is now at work on
the Panama fur the purpose
of trying to prevent action by Con-
looking towards
of the Nicaragua canal.
Representative who
was recently elected Governor of
Tennessee, by it majority of thirty
live thousand, will not resign his
seat in the House until about the
find of January, as he Will not lie
inaugurated Governor until after
that There has been some
talk in about the prob-
ability of his being elected to
Senate, if he desires although
it is known that Senator Hate,
whose term will expire next March
is a candidate for re-election. Mr.
pleasantly but positively
declined to discuss subject.
was ask ed what he thought of the
Republican assertions that the
is dead, and said in
reply is not even sleeping.
is a live issue it will la.- I lie
pivot upon which National
Campaign of will turn. As
as there is heavy taxation,
heavy indebtedness of individuals,
corporations government, and
vast i transactions re-
quiring a large volume of currency
the question of the extent
of our currency will lie mule
appropriation bills, a river and
harbor bill, enough
to meet emergencies, and a bill
providing a for Ha.
wail. is opposed
to om-taking permanent
if the Philippines, although he
approves of their being taken
away from Spain. He says we
aid the natives to establish
an Independent government, to be
under our protection until able to
stand alone. Speaking the
outlook, the Senator said
The Democrats an- not downcast
at the result of the election. The
heavy Republican show the
of the Democracy and in
that the general
lion will return the party to now
Senator Hale makes it plain by
his talk that he Intends to join Sen-
Hoar iii opposing the
treaty of peace, because
it provides for States own
r there are other Republicans who
will uprise the treaty, is not
lively known, but. unless there
have been some recent
es, there area sufficient number of
Democrats who will oppose It, to
make it almost certain that no at-
tempt will be made tn bring the
to a vote during the life of
this Congress. After March 4th.
it is expected the required
two-thirds vote can b--controlled in
the Senate, which in
extra session for the express
pose of disposing of the treaty,
without extra session of
the House, if Mr. so wills
That portion of Secretary Long's
annual report, which Heats of the
destruction of is so
thoroughly full that
it has disgusted many who had not
heretofore believed In existence
the clique In the Navy Depart.
meat, which started out with the
determination to exploit Admiral
Sampson as a hero, at the expense
of Admiral regardless of
facts. If didn't do any
more than report credits
him with, why did Mr
make him a Rear Admiral,
a , i ;,,.
for your i-y.
with i in
styles, selected ton r
cure as to quality, l taste and
sty es. s have a magnificent mm
for the A large
of the latest
large in every depart
like them. an I
latest, complete sad
all prices. In see
our , , mi,,
of Inducements
in mammoth stock of
AN Mil
Dry Milks
Dress Trimmings, Laces. Edging, Notions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods,
Caps, Shoes and in black and
tit the ladies, men girls and boys.
nuke , s. sell the best sold
by in e in our no n This . what our
our Mi is A beautiful line of
In while, black and color.
la I colors.
et Knives,
and we war
Curtain Poles
--I. m v. in j
he announcement of the It will be a live issue until
that its commercial policy
In the Philippines would be
that of the equal
freedom of trade to all nations
which prevails in all f free trade
England's colonies, is not the
step towards tho abandonment of
a strictly protective tariff
Republican party. Many think it
is. Whatever be Mr.
intention, he will find Ha
source to
own business men and those
countries who do business with
us to have commercial policy
for the Unites States and another
for our colonies.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie , tho mill-
it is settled to the of
mass of the people. I see that Sen-
says that in tin-
West no attention was paid to the
speakers who to discuss
silver. I am afraid he listened
only to the speakers who were on
his side. I know that in
what is true of Tennessee,
is, I believe, of the entire
silver quest ion is still
Senator of Mo., has
turned to Washington to
during of Congress. He
thinks there will be very little new
legislation at this session ; that the
Important, accomplished is
likely to be to the regular
Some Objects of Legislation.
The Legislature recently selected
in North Carolina should aim to
met laws so needful, reasonable
good that all lovers of law and
order would delight to obey them,
and such as are not Inclined lo
obey they should to taught to do
so, or receive the just penalties
disobedience. Tin- lawless of
our people need special attention.
If they will nut obey the laws then
let them la- rigidly punished.
There has bean too much pardon
of criminals this State.
When one is convicted is
common for of law,
judge and to sign
lions fur his pardon. If he is not
guilty do not convict him. If he
is guilty fail not to punish him.
Fear of punishment is the only
to evil duel's. men
though will obey the law because
they love order, peace and justice.
Abolish all unnecessary offices,
Cut down officials, salaries and
so that our taxes may lie reduced,
The people think it Very grievous
to pay high tuxes when their labor
is so poorly paid, in order to pay
large salaries to holders.
of the State's money.
Prove your capacity for
by enacting such laws only
will commend themselves to all
D, in Wilson
Lace I Swiss,
in in Shades
in all colors-six and sever.
feet long,
and Smyrna
Rugs Art Squares, Matting Oil
Cloths, Door Mats, in rubber, Steel and Co-
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps,
Lamps, Lanterns, Tinware; see our Automatic
Oil Can, fills you lamp does not run it
Bed Room Suits in Solid Oak, price from IN to
of all kinds las
The county supervisors of
of this will
hold their annual session in the
House of Representative In Bel-
December 37th.
I Cribs aid t tidies, Lounges,
of kinds, K i lei ten
Tin Safes, Hall do. II pie, -in
No question about I to us your
you will come out en I. We aid ti
every be u-e nil to the
i t i u.-e
Tours for mutual
i i.
wish to better their for.
hands welcome and
greater than
id her portion of
ii fertile
capable of to per-
any of the grown in
the mildest temperate climates;
a where an
of average can
., heal in
whore summer
per ii, ;.;, . ii sun, here
slug, dowel's skies
retain their summers the
depth winter. there can
Inn that section
affords it ions and advantages
not found elsewhere. A
land blessed in every way by a
bountiful creator. Where can the
world produce Its equal
w here we lire
to of mankind turned
on the South and especially on I his
one of its most favored sections.
with h climate,
with a laud capable of raising
most of h-i crops
world, with waters teeming
with food with forests of val
liable with great water
powers, situated in the of
the raw material, a wealth
her gold mines will when
turned into the channels of
men-. surprise the world,
this mil lie the coining Kl
Dorado of adventure ;
In transform K the
push and energy of
method coupled with
up ii enterprises. To all those
coming thus Car
offers a cordial welcome and
them that well directed
forts will mean an abundant
I -nil,
I land e t
Books v
I Chi nun
. .,
ill f
IS boil
MUM lo know
I send our
and it you want
a. boy
e, I .
a Say.
Just received a carload
Garland Stoves arc made tho largest
manufacturers in the world and are used by
many millions.
penitentiary authorities
making even effort to harvest
immense crops raised on the
Stale farms, but the chances
cotton cannot be picked out, as ii
requires u greater force to house
the crops than docs to make
I hem.
In speaking of the river
farms he says
Vt the there
arc acres In com and 1,300
will yield
of cotton, and Inn-
average of i to
com lids have been worked at
farm during the year,
there are acres in cotton
1,300 acres in corn, which
yield hale-, of
barrels Ai the
are In cotton,
acres in corn in peanuts,
the yield with Mr.
owner, i- bushels peanuts
and corn.
The Tiller; farm has acres
of cotton, acres of peanuts,
in com, which Will yield
lades of cotton, of
peanuts, and barrels of com,
The Stale will only get hall
Ai the Halifax farm there are
3.10 acres in cotton and in coin.
A yield hales of cotton
barrels of com is expect-
ed. Ten of oats
were made on farm.
i. I.
The salve In the
Bruises, Suit
liver Soles, Titter,
Chilblains, Coins, Skin
II. Mid positively Pilot
It is guaranteed i
or money
X. C v
i. the
, A SOW,
If find gives yon a talent, don't
wear for a
A man may know the lime card
and yet miss the train.
Realization ii never a luxury to
man who did nut hope.
the fear of endless torment
causes some sinners to repent.
The dews of morning are angels,
tears for the deeds of night.
smaller a man's heart, the
bigger a dollar look in his eyes.
The mill-wheel may make the
noise, inn the water does the work.
Too want to have the vie-
without the soldier's
It la often the beat of anger that
Incubates the chickens that come
to roost,
Talk about for
of doing We may
well about looking for lire
wood in a forest or for water
a flood. The world is full of
inch opportunities.
In do portion United states
is the outlook so bright for the de-
of American shipbuild-
as the In the days of
wooden ships. New was
the of that great then
flourishing industry, In these
days of steel the indications all are
the Will furnish its full
the ships for the future
carriage of American commerce.
Professional Cards
Mills Eure,
H. C.
X. C.
. D. I,.
A. Sons store
w. H, Bond, .,
X. c.
Practice in all Courts.
N. C.
in all Courts.
John II. W.
ore. N. C.
X. c.
Practice In all the
S. N. C.
Green, N. c.
wherever service is de-

Eastern reflector, 29 November 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 29, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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