Eastern reflector, 30 September 1898

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. I
i .
The Reflector Book
a nice assortment or Fountain
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold pen.
You will be astonished when you sea
earn how. very the v are.
You may never
But should you ever
Want Job
to see us.
Reflector Job Printing Dice.
from a
the homo
afternoon at i
small price cents a
v .
The Eastern
a j
lion Lu es-
is i
in i limn in w ti .
Untie- the
mo I told Mid
i i. as man. the
a Mir throat It U a
for any giraffe to have a sore
throat, bad for the giraffe and bad for
the owner. When you to take
18-foot giraffe like our, a throat
large and a large,
amount of trouble; and the big fellow
hadn't got before
else happened to him that
give even more trouble
cold, and the cold settled In hie throat
suppose he was mill sensitive there
I I II give him a stiff neck, that
he couldn't bend bis at all.
can't have any idea of what a
neck means until you a giraffe
afflicted In that way; we'd had all sorts
of trouble with in one way or
another, but for bother this beat
em all. We It one day on
me The always decked
bis head under the branches that hung
down, sort of like a swan or goose
but this day, carrying his head right
straight in the air, he brought up
against a branch that was at least
teen feet above the That was
an amazing g that we knew
something must be matter, and
When the giraffe's k up and
sin. and all he did was to
sea his nose look down,
w saw he bend his neck,
and then we knew what was the mat-
of the first thing we
did a to set a man to march along-
side of him with a tent pole, with a
la end of it. to lift
I tranches for him. Most of time-
almost all the time, in fact-we could
steer him clear of overhanging
branches, and. of course, lots of the
way there was long stretches where
there any trees and then
come to places where the man
have to lift a, branch to let
the big giraffe go and a great
pity it was, too. to see him compelled
to go about Ir. that manner.
j that way for about ten
days. Ordinarily, we used to put his
feed for him on top of animal's
cage, so that he V have to bend
more than eight or ten fast; but
lie couldn't do Chat now. So we set a
ring In the center pole eighteen feet
from the and we used to reeve
a rope through that and make one
fast to the bucket, with his food or
in It. and hoist it up and let him
sat there. On the road w used to
throw rope over the crotch t a tree
E a suitable height. For his entry
j the great tent at snow time we had
to cut a great slit In th.- hot
didn't regret that, because it was a
mighty impressive thing to we
in that way. It made look
thirty-six feet tall. Instead of
a day a roan used to w on
ladder put a strap his
and we'd hook on a fall, with I
chair, and a man ride
down his neck and rub in lie
to like that very much, and It
him greatly, too. and one morn-
when the men went out to give him
the rub. they were delighted to
sue the old with his head bowed
pretty near to the roof of the
bear cage, which next to
him, which showed that his neck was
around all right, and
that he'd take ills
morning In the old way. If you
.; mi teaches and she truest
Idea of God that is possible
man to and of all the
doctrines of God that have ever been
taught or propagated In the world
this alone can satisfy the cravings of
man's spiritual nature enable tho
soul to rest la the conscious-
that the arm of tho Almighty
and the All-pond ever outstretched
to protect and defend. Would you
seek after a teacher that cm lead you
to the author of your being, and
place your spirit in communion with
that made It, and hush your
anxious fears with the assurance that
love of Cod Is with you. and that
the arms of His mercy circle you now
and evermore, you must find that sac-
red teacher In Jesus; for In this re-
It Is true that man spake
sew pus
Bill i
a i
pin sir sun
pi op
no n
Ml set.
I will no unkind or karat
word of anyone.
will repeal no I
hear of and
as much as possible, from saying
kind things.
I will Judge my neighbors lenient-
remembering that my own faults
probably far greater.
I will never say one tiling Io
and quite differently;
this Is hypocrisy. not with
ft. I will make no Injurious remarks
on the failings of others, remembering
these words, thyself, lest
thou also be tempted
I I will the fetal tonsil
motives and of all
I will a.-. unselfishly
and forgivingly, obeying my
comma a
wons l
sq m it
St W
aw n sun l P
sq ram
m f
s II
I u
as aW
is II
n Till i m.
m. Tarboro
Ml p m.
1.14 p at, p
Norfolk p in.
ton ii
a n, a n
v York Col a to,
No it Pa
pm. p m
Due Ml
p It.
P m.
a m. Mount II
p m. a m,
a as.
a m. a m,
Washington a in.
a m,
in. New York J.-3
m. r
N Jack-
It p m New
Carolina tin
Pin I Court
Henry W T lams I
ii defendant
named take , that an action
emit ed as ha- been commence I
In Superior Ce of
for an absolute decree of divorce Horn
the said and the raid de-
w II r that
he la required Io appear at the next
term of Court of
to be held on second Monday In
next at Court House of
aid County in Greenville, N . and
answer or demur to the cc in; la
I . i vi. or th plaintiff will apply
o the the relief demanded In
said complaint.
I'M. .
W. James.
Court of
Pitt County having. the 6th day of
June issued to me Letters Ad-
ministration on the estate of
decease So. lee is siren
to of -aid to present
heir claims t rut payment
or e the day
of June or this notice will be
plead bar of AM per-
sons to said estate are notified
to make immediate payment to
the day of June
Public Administrator
you ,
H. I . Hi
M. C.
Ore J.
Cobb A Store.
Tobacco Sticks.
All farmers anting Sticks
can them at the Lumber
Yard, W. R. Agent.
p p
p m Mi
BANKRUPT inherit.
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
die laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For rick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
m. I
m, Florence 7.1 p m,
a. Denmark 6.11 a m,
m, Macon 11.11 am,
12.35 p m.
a m. 7.30 a m.
MM am.
0- pin.
i, York
Philadelphia am. Bait
am, Richmond
10.08 am.
11.50 am.
14.21 rm, Mount I
pm, Wilson pm.
3.05 pm, Warsaw
No tic to Creditors
Having duly before tie
Court Clerk of Pitt county at
to the lit will and t
of Susan O. Brow., deceased, notice Is
hereby given to persons to
the fl t immediate payment
to the an I all persona
claims said estate mu-i
cut the same,
on or the Hind day of July,
or this will be plead In bar of
recovery of same. Tills day of
July, J. WILSON.
Executors M Susan Drown
daily it
A Boston 12.00 night. New
York 0.30 am, Philadelphia
12.09 pm, 2.25 pm,
Washington a. pm, Rich-
pm, Petersburg
8.12 pin. Norfolk 2.20 pm
Weldon m
pm. Mount
in. -m,
7-01 am.
vi rm, am.
Notice to Creditors
Having duly before
Superior Clerk of PIP. Count
as the estate of a.
deceased, notice Is hereby
to all persons indebted to the estate to
take its payment the
aid nil persons Claims
at -in I estate most present tho
same, duly a the under-
on or before the day of
July, or this notice will be p sad
In bar of the recovery of their
day ct July, It
J. Shepherd
Levi S Tales.
a new
hearse and nicest of
Coffins and Caskets, in wood,
metallic and brought
to Greenville.
We are prepared to do em-
all its forms.
Personal attention to
funerals and bodies entrusted
to our care will receive every
Our prices are lower than ever.
We do not want monopoly
but competition.
We can be found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
Mill SIM.
On lite In of L Hooker's
Meals and Oysters Served at all
Hours and in any Style
E. D. LATHAM, Prop.,
Greenville. N. C.
9.00 am, Jackson-
ville I This
12.16 P
Greenville School
Young Ladies.
Will he neW hi the College
mar the depot.
Number Limited to Exceed M. .
,. L.
Full term 1-t
, of
U life pr
per month
Latin, Kn each
per month
Theory Md
pet month
per month
taking both and
course will be allowed
to merit the substantial
and full
in true and reap
you to your
m to enter your girls
Any further desired Information
e given.
L. L.
12.20 P. H. Tampa 8.10
Jacksonville pm
Savanna 1.45 Charles,
ton 8.46
am, Atlanta 7.60 am, Macon
am, Augusta MO pm,
I murk 4.17 pm.
6.1 ti am, Florence i urn,
Marlon am,
is am, Lake
Melissa Carson
II. J. W. t arson
Jesse C. J ,
The defendant R J W Car-
son will take notice that an action e .
tilled as above has been commenced
the Superior Court of Pitt county for
divorce and said de
will further take notice that he
is required to appear st the next term
of the Superior court of said county to
be held o i the second Monday after
the first Monday in September, at
the Court House of said In
N C and answer or demur
the complaint In said action, or the
plaintiff will apply to the court for tho
relief demanded said complaint
This 10th day of Aligns, 1888
E. A.
Port t
M to get our before
Our stock la compete in
I Its -s.
Tobacco, Cigar
Always at p-i-ts
we direct from inn-i.
Bethel High
The Fall Term begins on
Is a school of high grade for both
Only teachers will
very thorough work will b
I he -i d will be
to per
or ti
Primary to
lot . i tin
nigh school
A discount s Ml tent will be
owed when Is paid In advance
u whole
Km further see or ad
el N. C
saves p. in., Halifax 4.30
a. m.; arrives Scotland at 8.20 p
p. m., 7.16
p. i Returning, learn C
I. m., Greenville a. m.
a UP ix at a. 11.33
ally except Sunday.
8.20 a, m., 2.11 p . m
Arises Parmele 8.10 a. m.
in leave am and
G Ml pm at am
and 7.0 pm Dally except Sunday
at C, via
A Raleigh dally except Sui .
at p. m., Sunday IS P. M;
7.40 P. M., 8.10 p m
Returning leaves Plymouth daily
So v, 7.60 a. m., Sunday a tr.
, leave
Rocky lit it pm
pin Spring Hope I pm Return
leave Spring Hope i am
Rocky Mt U am
dally Sunday.
Train on Midland N. O.
u dally, except Sunday, 7.10 a
m. arriving 8.30 a. in. Re
timing leaves 8.00 a. m
t 10.26 a. m.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Wat
for Clinton dally, except Sunday
II a. m. and 4.16 p, m-
and 8.00 f
M kl
Pass. Agent,
U M Manager
Having been appointed and qualified
as administrator of the late
all persons are hereby
U all claims against tho
. state of said Jesse Adams pay-
on or before day of March,
1809, or this notice will be plead In bar
their recovery. AU persona Indebted
to the said estate are requested to make
settlement. Tills
of lofts.
T U attorney.
i i
ii i .
i s. I
Ml uSe
s. Ires
i New
Is hereby at- tbs
been made
the Polling places Pitt
Polling place
Is from
house to His Public School house for
while rare near Gum church.
The place Precinct No
township U from he
Public School house near
Io cross roads
The place Precinct No.
township la from
Foundry Shops to
c Court,
Notice to Creditors
The Clerk Court bay.
this day Issued to ms letters of
upon the estate of Rich
Met notice Is
given to all holding claims
against said estate to present to
me for payment, duly authenticated on
or before 1st 1809, or
tills notice will plead In bar of their
recovery. All persons Indebted to said
estate are notified to make Immediate
payment their Indebtedness to
his the 23rd day of June,
C. J M LA ion N
of estate
on ham
ult the time. Our g a-e all height
and sold therefore,
risk to run we a close margin.
Seaside Hotel, containing rooms,
having thoroughly overhauled
and renovated, la new sale, lea o
rent. Unless otherwise disposed of w
be opened f t guests on JUNK
under P
further on or ad
H. Owner
J C. a CO
R. 0-
for Tarboro touching at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday st A. H.
Returning leave Tarboro at o A. M,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville A. days.
These are subject to stage
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore
Philadelphia. New York and Boston.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion
York. from
I X Baltimore Steamboat
n Miners
i. ilK Aleut,
Wire Iron Fencing
prices reasonable
Whichard, N.
The in
every department and
low as the w
est. Highest
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
e H
Jr. Dean
Record R
. J. Shaw
II. Alli-o
Kiev, nil, A.
of Pill.
For J-
sod T. U
For Sheriff- O V Mo or in
For Deeds T B
For B
For Snivel D
I J Tucker
at . t
C Sept
appeals are being made to
Mr. Con-
Id publican c s C n s for
. . in vii ways. The most
is being to
gel long executive order,
throwing down civil service to
a large number positions,
Mr. baa been told
issuing order
lest t three weeks will
many votes to candidate
because by g
pot lions those who were
st lbs last election Republican
but who now sulking could be gr t
to work again. He is also being urged
to declare
to b-1 the c
law Mr. bat
been it be do
new, there will be no occasion
us pally politics are
him lo do them at all. It
a will do oil he
asked but he has
be will s.
Hess Plan bad a with
Mr. Ibis week, aid there are
reasons lo that he told him that
had more a fight
dance lo carry York
j and i him lo use his
en e plait Republicans.
lure s report Mr.
did net wast tor
the New
cans, but II be had any idea trying
dews the convey
ties, he f i i liter
Plan and is to be
i r. I ;
lie form throning ill
alter he is m minuted, he would
than elected. If he i.
J be a ill be awhile,
t e is elected, he may become the
young Republican for the
Presidential nomination h
A War Department official
SI having Slid trip
n ;
Lit swing around camps he
find any who will be
willing to appear
eon B lilts lo testily camp lite
lie a i long, ,
I been M i n 1st
land ; had been with all
i e and
any sickness, suffering
or good thing
pick your witnesses and have a quid
little talk them go on
f War P.- . lie
; i .-I i i
eel n side
since it as at tin nod that Yr.
until r
investigation behind
a room in the War De-
baa never I
people. rec-
d by II of e w h d that
would b-
farther Ii
that public opinion will
be open
sod in Ibis
lie laker,
expectation will almost certainly
be Let Commission
ii its elite
as secret as i's
may desire, lint let tin- testimony
be in pa lie.
public will pot whole
fair down farcical. It may be
only s bat it is a sir
the of
Commission is
i Dodge, fl M. Dodge
of Io a. Tho members,
cured after trouble and
many refusals lo serve,
Col. J. A. III ;
E. P. Howell, of Ga. Gen.
J. U. A i Hon. J. A,
of Ind--, Word-
of Beater,
Pa.; den. A. D. t f
York, aid Dr. F, Conner,
who hut openly
of and
is a e oil way to con-
country that War
Department to Bad
he guilty intends to punish
them when found-
is LI. Col. K.
bone doctor who was
Chief Surgeon at Camp Thomas,
Park, and
whom many charges were
including one a Brigadier
General, mode to
Instead of baying
court an
ha. ha have been either
or orders were
t hat his resignation should
be and he be given an
honorable discharge- Mr Mr-
hoard that order and
it, and
be ordered lo
Washington lo testify before the
Investigating Mr.
is finding out
more about things than he knew
before talk about
i and it is believed that
e intend s making it hot for some
guilt v In fur, his
personal are him
that he must do so for self
M o-,
who is In to
the admit lo or
more v mus-
out service, laid he
I conduct of
will in-
deed, can public at-
bond issue, the
neglect and
which has the con-
duct of authorities in
of prosecution of
war. How they expect to
gain any advantage by racing
war issues, it is difficult to under-
stand- The in the field are
composed of men of all
They did duty nobly, and
added lo the glory sud rep-
of by
deeds of heroism,
Now, if II, mil In rill- b a
can to go to
fur of an
ii trillion, which to pro-
our bravo it
tents, medicine, com-
pt tent and
the din ;
the result of the Fall
thin issue, Democrats can
afford lo meet it. I think, bow-
ever, war will cut very
little figure. will divide
on lines, of 1890
will be fought ever
inti rest is felt
in made by
not a of New York, but
of Washington. It not
ed public of this
affidavit by tho friend's of Go
Black, will prov
ting nomination
for f New York, but
explanation why
ma it will so h Ion ways to
war-s Democrats
lie -av-
made- affidavit under advice
from his he was
for personal taxes
both in New York and in Wash
did not to pay
el taxes. He the
payment of bis personal taxes in
New by-filing
careful hi arc tax
of of Columbia,
shows he paid personal
taxes in Washington.
record --11 -v s that a lax
dodger ma it n fight r
but voters New York are
likely to decide by a large in j
they do approve if
making a tax dodger Governor
their Slab .
Col. and Governor
much 111.1 -o from
De during
volunteers. Col Bryan could
not publicly talk politics, he
wins important
political conferences freely
gave bis opinion to his fellow
A Pernicious
Pear A share
in fear million dollars or there
from sale of
prizes f our
ii gibe war Spain will
to Rear Admit
will receive about and Bear
Admiral all or near
all of which was earned the
destruction of Spanish ships of
war. cf Rear
Sampson's derived
from caught in the
of the block
was by far the
of all
of oar it
la use language of the
n cm in of
teats of urns. was
no r mop
ping unarmed vessels and in
crows aboard at d ye.
bit will yield
to fleet aider Bear Admiral
win nut will be
therefore, re-
as a reward of
nary heroism, as a stimulant
to money-getting instincts cf
naval Tho
and the
it is the more
and repulsive it
or and
your Our i-
crow-lea with newest of new
styles, selected j. el
car an to quality, goal and
have n MB
l-ii inn for the people, A largo
of the t
A large in
Of you
like them, and
nit. t and
all right Don't full
our and id
of of-
fend in or stock
Trimmings. Laces, Edging, Notions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods.
Caps, Shoes and in black and tan
tit the ladies, men girls boys.
make b we sell sold
by me in our ii. is what our
our Shoes A line
In white, black color-.
in nil colon.
St Knives,
and war
line of
Lace Curtain Curtain Poles
in and
in all colors-six and sever,
and Smyrna
Rugs, Art Squires, Carpets, Matting, Oil
Cloths, Door Mats, in rubber, Steel and Co-
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps,
Lamps, Lanterns, Tinware; see our Automatic
Oil Can, you lamp docs not run it
act on
a lie on one the
audit the control of
Stale is u move in
do know what
authority law exists for such a
step but ii in we are the
best of people will
-tin sou
to the p I rears
of Heretofore-for the Hunt
arrangement, have
been kept with other more or
we have been given
r j
Such should
With the older or more
or lie put the
ally worn by
ate no of those believe the
or prison of sort j by War at Madrid for
for punishment of rAm lo Spain
crime, can be t, ado ever, a bypath west sick
lo be first, and
though we do it a proper
place win are
are willing ti
every roper i mule to each
nay fallen
nor been led into evil ways
of their conduct,
thus give and to
make of them people
Some may be saved, and will
for the
honest i B to nil.
This i- one step on th pan
tin i-
lo com mend i-
of press
to up for
tilling tip in i
of Madrid and Barcelona
papers ate no v o lo prints
for into
fill up.
editor of tho Northeast
this appeal
for lo a recent i-sue
low reader-, in these piping times
of and bustle, and when
you ore receiving an ad ranee
your grapes, just take time
between and roll a cart
wheel into lo
apply lo your We
urn go l.-hanged hard no,
care who knows
been issued
in Solid Oak, n hi price from to
of all kinds prices, t Withstands
t and Cradles,
I ill kin's.
Tin Hall etc. question about
No Come your
will come cut ahead, We aid pleas
every I n iii a a saving the
our fad lo in cod
for mutual
Typhoid fever is from Buys Arrested
to twenty- victims ti
gold seekers in
for a to kill ex
fro ii the refuse
Whether in or
the quest be
for glory Cf for gold, i
law is still the of
law be else ll
ill exact its penalty inexorably.
Tho i. of this paper will lie
pleased to learn that there Is at
dreaded science has
been able In all Its stages mid
Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
the positive cure now known to
the medical being
disease, requires a con-
treatment. .
Cure taken internally, i
the blood unicorn
system, thereby the
tin- disease, filing
He patient by building up the
assisting nature
The proprietors have
much fall In powers that
they t tier Hub Dollars for any
that It falls to cure. fur list
In. Ohio
Oil D he
n liter -o Mr- II- BI-
it r e f the
B says
regard your pamphlet s
About South tho can-
weapons and war ma-
belonging Spain-
look like or
on Ibo i f Madrid
after all, is
apparently indited to make
best of a losing game. The pro-
ooh of however, will
be greatly re by lack
sport to Span-
lib soldiers across
Atlantic live ships will be
u for tho of
the Spun i.-h army in Puerto
and us troops in
the Of will
facilities of
Meridian, . baa adopted a
law differs
it, it applies
to men as well as children.
presentation the provides
of South industrially night of the week, except
lore since the war I Saturday night, no person shall
Stolen IT Years
Col. received a package
in m line State
It was a j e. e-
It was a diminutive fan's .-lull
n silver,
father. by V -.-n-
August k Col.
Sinclair has not it y
limit it was u
Flu.- white
Inn mi linker in two
by Morgan,
and InkeR Mere Dunn,
In was affidavit mill
was by Justice W, F.
t-hut a
and required die
in tie. lo pay
slow long will white
The best valve In World for CM
Sons, Suit Rheum,
revel Hands
Chilblains, turns, all Skin
and cures nu
pay requited. It d give-
par I a iv
I made. hat too by a in tbs
-ii Its clutches
her and
ii. real but liar vital or.
wore mined aid
For three she
Bite nil a way to
pun u n lb
King s New n
veil it
urea u-
cf t ll to the pro
South the
almost this d Mo-
bring the fact that
the South Id
in her and
beds, i of
lion u every
tie of op
which pots I Ur
bead of almost any other
Section world. The wealth
producing aw in
ion and are lout d
the fool while the
South bus boon a-
at. ii
they con
-I I pain
moil important
co war demonstrating
of thus nth before, daring
and since war.
false and untrue us to
the lier people, show
from and her present
new edition of
should be put in
of nil bank
in direction. i-e
It was u ray
to me, have its
m lb- Inti r
e of the Booth Hum r.
ii bl i
road by or try ma .
mini and child who know
South, it
, d before w a id it
allowed upon Ibo the
S o'clock, except in
es of i necessity, said
boor of o'clock lo be ind cat id
eight laps of city
night everybody
mu seek shelter
n doe for a violation of the cur
few law will ho police
tit-now in loiterers
the law will In-
f mast learn
be supplied
every possible for its of.
i- with pleasure we publish the fol-
-Till, is to certify that I was
a from ow
over -is was by
b our city
nil m no avail. Dr. Hell, our drug-
isl I. Hitters
after two bottles, I was entirely cure-
I now take lee-e
mending to any person
terrible I
fully yours, . A.
Ky. n Jim, Woolen.
I. i
In all
B. i
hi all the Courts
g.,.,. what ii-com W. ii. iV.
done last slept all mo
ill-en before the
Her Is Thai ,.;.,. ,, u. l.-H iV
writes o. SI it W . ,, , Al
c. at. I. ,,. mil . v.
loan ii.
. Counselors
l all It
n, ii. Long,
N. c
. , ,. r. ,.,,, I
bottle H- ,

N. O.
i at
n, c, a Ball
worry mil V.
And -i lo out.
r la k and
hi a G N lint
J j-t swallow your
i i i in eternity can
o. MB
N. V. BaT.
Rev. W L. tilled hi
and Sun-
day with quite a large crowd in alien-
Sunday, ll Menu
were exceptionally line,
S. W, returned
Durham where be
acting as V
lira. K. K. He in in town Tl i-
U her first visit sine- her moved
away and her many are Jail lo
II. is Carroll
Bros, in stole this week.
brick is pro-
slowly a
el brick, but lie Brick Co Ml tan i
u kiln which will he ready nest week.
Miss Nannie Cox new
the use bi r be and
Lad q die Dice Concert Bi
the boarding homo last night.
plane, and George Davis with
made I'm. reuse.
b declined lo 11-16.
B. Manning . C .
chased two ear I ids Hour
s and
as can be Ltd.
will be under guarantee.
The V lei e- lore- returned
lat To.
win re they been lot
wire They
aid say are
large Iron that
Hi u lo. Ix I.- .
I.- s in
B. Maiming Co. a
I and ties and will
. i it pile s in lo to r. r. rs.
A. Cox, Co.
all supply
and n
r see A. O. x s oil
I j u
ago a living in
wrote me I personal
letter Baaing
bag in
replied lo lei-
giving bin w
k . d in this our
State, ll.-- lit in this I 11-r
tie l-om
paper i rat in Ike
am that i
made in
bate out
she hive read it
to give
ll,. ix. in Tl is is
lo the intention of the
There were tone thing said in
in In
nod count j; tut lb
in reference
Hasten white
entire call.
It as never my
to say that
Pi r. bare
upon Mi. Kin u i
man. a I. ill. C and an
I officer. My other
town, in is
in is by -ill i I
do lo s i.
n iii r . d in j
b- n i tie vi .
on jury, but i ugh
lad in
lame number l
w nun.
In ibis I do not Bi any
in e Idler in
n copied in lit.-
but I have u
n n y
in lining in y
I el lie -I 111.11
lo i a y I ., l- I
In vi written Urn there may not
. e any 111.111 in
u I line
Sent. 1-
Mr, Holt
two and a bail years ray
girl two years, bad an
I the
The g on
the same lime. inclined lo
think hut soon observing to
the I in the who
said the from
scribing yet con
to grow, until each bad to
or the lance, little boy having been
lanced in three places, and
limes, hi lace at looking alarm-
The nature it trouble
termed one tiling by one and another
thin; by an r Tail however, did
cone an me, as was looking tar a
Cure, and Mrs.
having been tailed to my so
dropped treatment
the and lo
that the have been
is putting it mild terms,
the little
bey being well, yet wearing
the that will ever in
my memory Hie merits Jae
of Experience
New Goods
of the Economy Clothing
comes to give the people Greenville
and surrounding country what every
up-to-date town demands as a
necessity. We mean a
store devoted
-on V Code
Savage, Son Co.,
Building, Front St., NORFOLK, VA.
Liberal Cash Advances on Consignment. Prompt Returns
and Highest Market Prices Guaranteed.
Dealers in Cotton Bagging, Ties, Peanut Bags, Fertilizers,
Agricultural Plaster, and patronage so-
and Small
X. C. s am
The will pen in xi j place
la well with between Skinner and in
and Small gut the I i.
diet i j opponent. I'll
hi admit u-
, match Small.
HEMS Today Small's was tad
u a; Idle could
hardly a lap band.
The Democrat arc
and hard at Tic
, are dis-a i-lied mid will
by put
or It
Ii. I. one our will
Life, Fire and Accident
Represents Only First
We intend to give you better Styles and
better Goods by far than have ever before
been offered here, and all prices lower than
you have ever paid.
words serve to introduce us,
but we depend upon our goods to make us
and keep them
Remember Our store will every
thing that the or boy wears, of the
Office in Building
Opposite Court
Greenville, N. C.
f mm
Vehicles, all kinds; Mach-
Gins and
re aired on short notice.
Carts, Wagons,
Posts, etc., made to
s on Dickinson Avenue.
e have marked prices
away down,
leader on
N. ill 1898,
spent lull week Mis. c. L.
r home I
is borne on n day-
Harrison, her baby
dot la;. W extend our
to mother.
hi- cousin. Mi., fountain, went
I last we-k.
K I w. lo Wed-
Waller and r,
went and
We arc to note Lea Hargrove
on sick
be badly New
for money.
the market on
We also lead
We make our bow to you with the fol-
lowing Bargains which we intend to
ate a system regardless what the Goods
cost us.
Don't take our word for it, but come in
and examine the Goods. It will be a, pleasure
to meet, the citizens this town and county
show our Goods and explain our
whether they wish to purchase or
j still in the ring. Money a plenty. Best light
to in the State. and bring your tobacco,
we want it and are able to pay tor it, so bring
it to us and get the highest market price.
Your friends,
toe not hero for a day,
out com to stay.
has several
in bar school
Mb Olive had a
Several building were
lie is current around K .
second will be Ml oil
day b lore them our.
here i only cue white on the
Hi publican ticket
h Sine lair will be held her
till to MIS.
In b Its do
to the
part Male.
It fact we are the cheapest
I town on all goods.
What a
on the
I of deli-
To mi.,
at laugh
All this
much mom
I. Kit IN
A General
Also a nice line of
the day of op-
will be
OCT. 1898.
Here are some special attractions which we offer for the
sake of getting acquainted.
Men's Good working Pants worth
All wool
Higher grads in proportion.
My Fall Winter Stock
Cotton gagging and Ties and a full line
Heavy Groceries have arrived and we will put
the price so low to you until it will compel you
to buy. Ii you once see the goods and hear the
price you are my customer.
Greenville, N
Children's Suits, Heavy and Durable 11.00 worth
th. back and loins.
The blues. All
symptoms in-
serious de-
of the
delicate female or-
and must
overcome at
once. Remove the
cause. Strengthen
exhausted nature.
Female Regulator
I the standard remedy for the weaknesses
and irregularities peculiar lo women.
Regulator is not a mysterious
of origin, but a Wand-
am remedy compounded in accordance
with principles from approved
Regulator is physicians who
it, and has been in sue
use over a of a It
la by at one dollar a bottle.
Health for mailed
free upon
I can now De
brick store for
merry occupied
Come to see
I ill
Heavy and Fancy
on d.
Laud. Country
A will
Men's Suits
All Wool
Fine Quality
Finely Tailored
well made worth
all wool
all wool
high grades
very swell
8.00 4.76.
7.60 5.00.
10.00 7.25.
18.00 10.00.
The Eastern Reflector
now to January 1st
Tell your to send it.
Children's at low prices.
at prices which will defy competition.
Men's before as anything like it been
shown here.
A full Hue of Boots and Shoes. Mackintoshes, Underwear,
Hals and Caps, and everything that a man or boy needs.
Near Court to Co.
in all of
a specialty
All kind labor and I
and to
And on the Page We Read
Monday. .
. It. Ir.,
W. U. to
Good Advice.
We a
In. c that
lo ball the
i be Ki in all that
b long, d to Hi, m in That
a giving kit hr.-. r good
c. I
who the quality of CLOTHING by
the price has no business to be married.
Yet one of this class directed his wife to buy
Clothing from another firm because they
charged more for it, and must therefore
be His better half bought some
from and some from the other house, and
showed her husband that they were
cal. This proved conclusively how foolish
a man can be when he really tries. The
lady of the house generally knows where
she can get the most and best for the money
Are well Wrought.
Are well
W. W. timed lo camp at
J, T. So i-h cite Sal-
, mug
J. B. Jr.,
day evening
M. I. H. and
Tie Man Club lire
which tale in m- v
land h been
Maud Slow b pone to
to like a p as teacher in
It. E. Cox f,
came Sal lo
Sunday her.
Record U
lawn to Dr.
Ci. a colored w o
law die
tonic make hair a a
i, a , ,
dark HI.
A re well Bought.
September it on It Ian
It I to
C I.
tilth T. V. i d at
S. M.
lie i rot a ;
fairy the
Tl ere an lilt
we of.
tobacco are
to wort night and day lo keen up.
The yearly at Gnat
Sunday earned quite an
Baby Baby Cloaks aid a
In of Tan hauler at Mr. II. D.
a lambkin is a it
doesn't that a is
Stamped Limns, Embroidery
Silks Shirt
Mia. M. D.
Feather Boa the latest novel-
tits in Fancy Plaid and Buckles,
at Mia. K D.
In Ike world
la to
are the
phenomenally wise tor, as he de
at o'clock
Mrs. n, S. is
millinery store in the building just
beta las rAVe.
very man in Ike count
to ticket
at Ike convention
Bi dwelling on
Eighth et. Good lot.
Mats, Straw Sail-
ors, and Yam Hal
at Mia. M.
a man hi wile a
even beating. morning Mayer
Forte for
Una hundred cold
pieces ware coined Ike Kan Francis-
co bum expressly the
was W. L
men who ill
until fall oho are yet
delaying it letting more
en Ur prising dealer leave them behind.
Almost day we people who
say are disgusted with
and In November you
will find them voting a white man's
The opera house is near
to rt
of the play to
the Al in
a pleased
nominated by the
Saturday, many
Populists say they like it, art
going to rote
Feeling that he had been ill
in the Private
n queued when dying be bur-
In bis
Mrs, M. flock
this is complete
she ever had. Her good arc the
very latest styles and prices were never
so cheap now. Go
Al the meeting of
A. L. Blow
A while boy in employ F.
Pate who had brought a load
co to market and was returning hon e.
was in wagon near the
A. N. C- B. B. track last
The moles had slopped by the
could be learned as to
of the boy's
la bis speech st Hood's
count, last week, is
Dr. Cyrus Thompson five
former who
ibis year rote the Democratic
ticket. A dozen or more hands in-
went op and the festive
backed oat.
Let Smoke.
H. Self us Wed-
that he bid big
hay in pent and Ike pen were
like coal kilns, ll j
point ll at Ike novice in
hay is apt to become
want to open up the pen.
do it. Let the vines smoke much
may. It will do no harm. In
lad, it la what ought to do in
process cl curing, and if the s or
lack am distorted, and the allow
lo gel lo th vines, they will spoil.
Let Journal.
Mist it
Mi.,, Lucy
in Greenville.
were gal lo ate Kev. It. W.
the Una
He was going to
M. Ii. Kin i
L. I. went to Wain today.
hi went lo ti
G. M. Snow in
SI Allen went down
road left i I i
J. S. ll. i
spent here.
Mrs. W. n. Parker It-It Una
J. ll.
Will went to Ayden list
night this morning.
Ma Mary Alice Move returned
Wednesday evening from Wilson.
J. A lit man aid wife
In a to relatives in the
K. It,
from Wilson lie went lo
the dedication of it
church Sunday, II it was an
L. L. on
Mi. Whaley lift Ilia
for t lo tome lime.
J, Font-, county,
I and lilt
K. Mb for. editor of
Tobacco Oil spent
of came
in ii ti to r, C.
Mil Silly k,
who Mi. F. G
returned borne
W. L. Walker, of
branch Tobacco
i is visiting market.
Be here
will be at
Mill A
ii him in
western part of Sire,
and Iron, a n
Ma ilia., c I would
have d this bu. hi.
lo be the me ting in
on next.
With Mason, and
we may ct a day.
j i. K solution
Just all i, were
i c Sat-
afternoon, committee on
resolution retired to make up it re-
port. While committee was out
ex-Gov. called for en-
the Immense crowd with a
speech. He first compliment-
ed the convention on the excellent
made for t heir and
went n of
thin u.
how even had
for and were led into R. pub-
ii and urged a who wanted
good d
urn to lie
ii fine sad at t
W. . I. r on
re the
hail only th to fl
Thai Desecrate
i art c My in convention as-
i invite
win favor
and while to
by convention.
of the M lac
b help of
blown i H i i ;.
wall-, on Sept r
ed her
I. So r. ti
by one tug lbs Merrill
Vt recking
The work Ibis .
directly in charge of Hob.
son. lie ha be . in lo mi
work on the Colon and begin opera-
toward wrecking It
i the
place Teresa in a n
I naval vessel, and her
Is III to remain to
carry into the the glory tin I
An ii
Me lit U
A hoy who compelled
leader to write an essay on
n the
school discipline,
is the
face ; is aperture lo the cold
of anatomy,
like cream;
like a hole in a brick wall to
a new door or
mouth the crimson to our liver ;
it i
chest for Without the mouth the
would be a on
face of tic earth, and go down to
grave. It I
orator's pride,
p. It pus on re
and in Jail. Ill
lion's lunch when all d Ion
n, i when n
man. is home of that unruly
mauled life would be like n
n , a dude would lose hull
Iii all ton.
Almost a The
A. II Hart came even-
kin., Va. He will lake a
Clotting Store.
Fink, manager me
Clothing Store which is to open
St m
H. v, mail clerk on
road, is taking a vacation in i
During the is I,. in.;
filled by J. M.
Tint Meeting
It. v. J. T. will begin a MM
on st nu
All are invited to attend,
take dinner and spend the
On her hone near
Mis. Mary C. wife Mr. R.
K. II in th age,
p In m earth, after a
illness. She leaves a husband, ten
cl and a relative
lo mourn loss. A
the i indeed Is She a
cot number the
Baptist church at Flat Truly
out to lived
and la I
typhoid Ma,.
The Congressional I
III., iii October
File alleged
worker, w. re am while
crowded Filth Avenue
New York.
Mrs. Julia F, Trout Mrs.
Barbara for at
N. Y., for she used to fill
out her figure.
a quarrel t-i,
Carter, a at ml,
hot and killed Charles F.
M ore, city.
To avoid lo jail s cluck, n
hi I, i- Hall, colored,
el to be chained and saw wood for
day a III.
Governor B. L. Tonnes.
s-e. Dial
Two pi murdered
Brook en bit yacht Sin
CO, Cl.
The Iron Works
cured Ibo lo
Congressman Balky, Texas,
opened in
a in In-1.,
The A mi Wire
to Federal at
blanket 1200
who o-
who the French
New for life in the
lain and his
employer knew It.
n-i- having a race
and nothing on
pan some of citizens prevented
It. Sir John was standing in
front a lo some
when a man mil id up close and
slopped whit were talking
move on
did but very back and
mid walked Mr.
Clark who at around,
and jumped on him.
A crowd gathered
awhile -coked
the crowd dip without
further collision.
Alter this Lumber went
lo mini the Morel trying
night, n and
o'clock, e went
and bought can Iron Mr.
He wanted
lo go the
given to Mat, and upon
Stalkers refusing
out p draw u p's
at and ran, Mr.
w. s not Th
is not b tn found
have lately been several Iii
here in which
crowded off the
bet ii in ninny and
reached point tint
phi have
to No see-
any trouble between the .
the colored
and slop t-Iii , up n
the right the while p
It is the part of m ill
ct avoid giving any
B Chest j
Simple. Safe Quick Cure for
cont i
which it
I I n.
, upon
pan the
As the
that fuel will
i. . I par-
ling the
with the
I be satisfaction
i no of Elga
l a
h remedy. It is
or weaken-
remember the name
vow a v.
entire of
of the Ricks Si Taft
Homespun Philosophy
Don't tell about
lens it thousand and
become known us a
In old shoes r bride lake
care to -brow puns ; day may come
when sh-J will want to wear g.
ere i. a great deal money spent
on cake consider-
the appetite of a
plain bread.
What she at tin door as she is
i to u woman's cull what he.
i a letter,
It is all right an unmarried
i in,,; ii the demon Ram,
ii doe. n
to perch on I us.
I have
just returned
with a
line of
Will quote
in a few
C. T
week we will oiler our entire line
of SILKS which consists the
goods on the
greatly reduced prices dish.
Following arc some the
vie are always reminded ed our la-
rile just diner, i-
to i much.
here Is limit in
but none it the more
mill item getting
should sell by the Nick.
Cam may be shot in city
Whit, some
I he sub-marine wrecking corny i nil
make money in ways.
A till lam,
Tarboro, N, C.
Mils it Bare,
i .-. . o.
V, t.
antique taffetas at
Taffetas plaids plain
Taffetas plain at
India Silk and Satin
Satin and Silk
. figured and Silk
New Goods are arriving daily and we
will glad to show you through.

The Reflector Book Store
nice assortment Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them
earn how very cheap the v are.
You may never
But should you ever w
w I BIBS Bag
The man of house. If k a
r o
plants, write
K If lie I permitted lo smoke
Indoor. hi. chair in th.
and on hi. blowing the
from his pipe or cigar among
toe plant of out in the room
I have always noticed that in home
the male member of the
that house are remark-
free from vermin. I am not
eating the use of the weed, but simply
slating a fact. A friend whose bu-
band required to out
of doors, or In the woodshed,
baa a box arranged hold her
. hints when It Is necessary to
them for vermin; In the
of the box la a hole as large around
as a dollar, to which a plug l
CUed. Tl-e man of the when
called upon for the service, takes hit
place in the woodshed with pipe and
slut and is required to expend a
part at least hi smoke on the
plants. It la amusing to this
lord of with a mouthful
smoke remove plug from the pleat
box and send the smoke among the
plants, but as the treatment Is effect-
and he takes the idea somewhat
the nature of a good Joke, both he
the wife are enthusiastic over the
Strawberries can be raised on almost
any good farm but a rich sandy
loam Is preferable. Plow the
in the fall, then in the spring
and thoroughly. planting at
as danger from ll past.
throughout season, keeping
a loose layer of earth on the top act
as a mulch. As soon as the ground is
so that It will bear up a team,
cover with buy. straw or manure
of any kind. Leave this on ll
gamier of frost is In the spring,
Then rake oft the rows and it re-
main between them until Ike berries
arc picked, after which cut oft the
plants with a mower and when there
a a brisk breeze, burn the whole patch.
Want Job Printing
t tee us.
Reflector Job Printing
from a
i he
Orchards will In time exhaust, at
least partially, fertility of the
this exhaustion is especially no-
on soils which were not
rich at the time the trees were
planted. To make young trees grow
more rapidly, a fertilizer should be
containing a small per cent, of
nitrogen mixed with potash
phosphate. For older orchard
the nitrogen Is not so necessary,
phosphates and potash should
be Increased, especially the quantity-
potash. Ii is frequently a good plan
in top growth by sowing th
crimson clover in late rum-
mer and turning it under in the spring.
How to Fine
Vie point few amateurs prop-
understand is that In order lo have
tine chrysanthemums the plants or
clumps must be taken up and divided
spring, starting every plant for
the next season's bloom from a single
one of the new shoots that crowd up
thickly from the roots. It is easy to
break these shoots out with a new root
to each one, and when potted they
iron rapidly. But If all the shoots
of the old root are left lo grow as they
spring up the result will be a crowded
mas mildewed leaves and sickly
shoots, with a few clusters of small
Bowers. Divide your plant, give away
what you can and throw the rest away.
Minerals In
So large a part of most Is
that are apt to forget their
constituents, which are chiefly min-
All fruits require potash for
their seeds, and this mineral also
seems to be necessary to aid In ripen-
the fruit. This it probably does
by keeping the foliage healthy.
pears and grapes are also
by applications of phosphate.
With plenty of mineral no
stable manure will be needed.
We upon the j
tor Harry
and H.
campaign and the the
i he spelling. One speaker to
me and the on
patty lo
hour and to have a rejoinder
The pieces and limes are as lotto
Pitt county, S
October 3rd.
Winton, Want,
Martin county, Friday
Pill county, Sat
bat 8th.
Columbia, day,
October th.
Or swell, Washington Wed-
October 12th.
Washington county, Thurs-
Beaufort county, Tue-day
October 18th.
day October 19th.
Beaufort, county. Men day
speaking to begin at M each
changed by consent.
W. B.
i Dem- Ex. Com
days. Wednesdays a A.
leave at A. M.
A. M. on Tuesdays, Thurs-
to depending o- stage of
at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk,
New Tort and Boston
for all points to. lb I West with
felt, Bay Baltimore.
N. Agent,
Washington, . C
M , i. a Beet
ti . ti
daily n.
. . v. War v I
m, S am,
Min 12.41 p m,
2.31 p
Mi P kt,
Richmond p
Norfolk Ma P m,
ion pro. Baltimore
s m, B
Sew York 6.81 am,
3.00 n
r I p P B
n in. P
Wilson p m.
6.45 am. Mount
p m, Weldon 1.48 s m. Not-
folk a m, Petersburg
a m, Richmond m.
Washington a m,
Ml m,
11.25 a m. New York
m. Boston COO P m.
m. D.
Office . C.
Tobacco Sticks.
All tanners wanting Stick,
can get them at the Lumber
W. Agent.
Cotton, Peanuts.
I desire t-
nod patrons that I made
connection with the Mill and
trade in the cotton
and will continue lo buy Col-
ton, Rice and under the
firm name Co. This
arrangement will enable me to
benefit and I hereby solicit
yon that I will always
pay the highest market prices,
you past
favor. I am respectfully
Office in
door from corner next to Court
House. Telephone M.
a Peruvian heiress recently paid
Worth a gown trimmed with
Of this sum for the
lace When M. Worth wishes to create
a sew he does not de-
signs on paper, but takes the materials
and drape, around the models
until be has either developed his
or hit men pew.
sat T
Uncle Sam has been asked to
the of a sub-marine boat
If its designer's expectations are
Bled, run through the water
than an express train rushes
the land. It Is that
boat will attain a speed of fifty knot,
r over miles an hour. The
boat will be feet and four-
teen feet wide, and will oats a
of en and feet. It will hare
four engines by successive ex-
of gunpowder and developing
Bethel High School
The Fall Term begins on
MONDAY 5.1898
TM. Is a school of high for both
f Only first class teachers will be cm-
very work will b.
best discipline will be
Board from IS to per month
High School S
Music ,,,
A of M r tent be
owed when Is paid In advance for
n whole term .
For further Informal on see or so
l el N. t-
except p m New Ben.
Sunday pm
S p p m, Chad,
p m Marlon 6.34 p
in, Florence 7.15 p
p m, Columbia
j, 6.12 a m, August
a m, 11.16 a m,
m. Charles-
ton 1.50
a m. Jacksonville 7.50 a m,
Augustine 10.0
P. M. pm. M cw York 0.00 pa
12.05 am. Bait--
4.30 am, Richmond 9.05
Petersburg 10.00
11.50 am,
12.21 rm, Mount
Cm, Wilson 2-20 pm,
3.05 pm, Warsaw
pm, 4.12 pm.
hit Site,
Farmers and ill it
gear's supplies will Unlit to In .
to get our prices before
Oar Is U
kl Its ls.
s buy direct f ton
Pit the Our g. Alt B
risk to run we sell at s close
Give home a
afternoon at
price cents a
month Are you a
II y
lo be.
Here Is a way to take a picture In the
Draw a picture on a piece of
paper, using sulphate of quinine la
making the Expose the pa-
per to sun for a few minutes;
place the paper face down on a piece
of sensitive paper, like that by
and place
between the leaves of book.
If the sheets removed from
book a few hours later you Will
that an exact reproduction of the
will have been impressed . n I
sensitive paper. Designs of any son
can be copied In this way. or you way
trace over a printed picture or
with sulphate of quinine and by
same process produce a faithful copy
St the print. Try It
The Eastern
only a .
contains news
lion to the
is ,
o let.
English is one of the plants that
seems able to take care of Itself. Give
It good soil, water when It needs it,
occasional washing to keep off Its
one pest, the scale, and It will cheer-
fully do without sunlight bear both
heat and cold with
pus am
lies JO
s paw
JO a
Hems n
B weds SI
mi S
teaches the best and the
I highest Idea of that possible
for man to of all
doctrines of that ever been
taught or propagated in the world
satisfy th of
spiritual nature
soul lo rest secure In th conscious-
that the arm of the Almighty
and the All-good a ever outstretched
to protect and defend. Would you
seek after a teacher that can load yo
to the author of your being, and
place your spirit In communion with
made it, hush your
anxious fears with assurance
the love of Is with you. and
the of Ills marry circle now
and you must Had that sac-
red teacher In for in this is-
mail spake
Liver ills,
A Strong Fortification.
Fortify the body against
I y Liver Pills, an
sour stomach,
constipation, jaundice, bilious
and all kindred trouble .
Fly Wheel of
Your Liver Pills are
the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. feel
as if I had a new lease of life.
J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col.
Liver Pills
Greenville School
Young; Ladies.
Will be the College
Number Limited to Exceed
. L.
Fall term begins it 1st
1st to Grade per
per month
Latin, Greek,
per month
Music Theory
per month
taking both Music and Liter-
course will allowed per cent
We hope to merit the substantial sup-
port and full confidence of those Inter-
In true education and I
to make your
t once to enter your girls st school t
Any further desired Information .
11.00 New
York 9.30 am,
pm, pm,
Washington 8.46 pm, Rich-
pm. Petersburg
8.12 pm. Norfolk 2.20 pm
Weldon Tarboro
Ml pm. Mount
Leave Wilson -m.
7-01 am. Warsaw
M i m, am.
New Jackson-
Ma. This train
arrives street.
Ml H
A co
P. M. Tamps MO am.
pm. pm
Savanna 1.43 night, Charles-
ton 6.4
am, Atlanta am,
August 2.30 pm
4.17 pm.
am, Florence 8.5 am,
Marlon 9.31 am, Chadbourn
10.38 am, Lake
lie am,
m., Halifax
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 p
6.67 p. m.,
a, Returning, leaves
L tn Greenville 8.61 a. m.
ix at
J ill v except Sunday.
8.10 a, m., II
Parmele 9.10 a. m and 4.00 p
m i leave Parmele v am and
pm arrive at Washington am
and pm Dally except Sunday
leaves a V, via Alba
mule A Raleigh dally except Sun.
d st p. m., Sunday P. M;
7.40 P. M., 6.10 p. m
ran h
We have new
hearse and the line of
Coffins and Caskets, in wood
metallic and brought
to Greenville.
We are prepared to do em-
all Its
Personal attention Riven to
and bodies entrusted
to our care will receive every
mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
not want monopoly
but court competition.
We can be found at any and
all times in the John
N. C.
Seaside Hotel, containing rooms,
having been thoroughly overhauls
and renovated, Is for sale, lea o
rent. Unless otherwise diseased w
be opened f G 1st,
under competent r
further on or a
ll hereby
been In
the Polling places I Pitt county.
Polling Town-
ship u from
house to the Public house
near Gum church.
The place Precinct No
township Is changed from the
Public house near
cross mads
Polling for Precinct No. .
Greenville Is from
and Shops to
This Hi
evening. Prayer g
A. W.
Sunday school M.
fourth Sin
day, morning and evening.
vice second Sunday morning. A
Rector. Sunday school
A. M. W. B.
every Son-
morning and evening.
meeting- Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. Watson. Pastor. Sunday
A. M. A B. Ellington,
Sunday, morning and evening.
J. B. Morton, Pastor.
M. E. B.
A. F. a A. No
meets and third even
lug. K. Isms, W. M. J. M.
I. No.
Meets every Tuesday W. f.
N. O. D. D. See.
K. Hirer Lodge No.
meets every evening. Dr. A.
Jr., a C. B. K- K.
II. and S.
every Thursday evening.
B H.
, . ,. .
turning leaves Plymouth dally
a. m., Sunday a w.
arrive Tarboro 10.05 and
on Nashville Branch leave
Rocky Ml it pm arrive Nashville
pm Spring Hope pm Return
log Spring Hope s
Rocky II am
dally except Sunday.
Midland N. U, lets
dally, Sunday, 7.10 a
8.30 s. in. Be
turning leaves 9.00 a. m
rivet at 10.26 a, m.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves
saw for Clinton dally, except
and 4.18 p. m-
em. and a
J H K Manager
H M Manager
j C. CO
lo R.
The session of this
beg n on th, 1809
Terms are
I per
No be spared lo do
Will be glad to bate
see or address
Joly .
W. B.
The Stock in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for
i mil
The Eastern
D. WHICH Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
; Tuesday
r. of
h J. Shaw
Kiev, A Hike
HI I I .
First H.
For the O.
For J
and T.
O Moore
of Deeds -T R
For J B Chert
For Coroner
For W
w I d
r rum
people u r n,
truth it i for
it for III gen-
of So or
i or . could
la Ibis c n net i
fans tame a
in, on a smaller ex. of
mo Charlotte
The Case As It Is.
In a very just and sensible
commenting upon the. fact
fusion in
baa out in three years
n more Demo-
. for the
three years. The Richmond
Mr. may be that this
It may be,, for ail that we
to tho Hat
money baa been and
expended, bat we
th incident as
of politics.
who are i at are forever finding
i who are and
are forever promising the people
if the management of affairs
shall be entreated to them limy
out expenses and reduce tax-
are those
who continually reform so
long as they for
get the cry and their promises as
s It is well
to i-i the broad view this
matter which The Times suggests
in two
have it upon
u i of
stolen i that it all has not
and ex
Bed suppose we take
of who
say that government has
Lei ii one of that the
pt have been care-
fully I see what
tut cf plight they are left in.
are I under
i H . lied to people
when y bed cat down
expenses and taxation.
There lo lbs
lemma they
It all reduce to this I If
Le and
bay both honest
it is manifest that
were the better
the more economical, if neither
honest, bat both it
is manifest the that
mil. hit
free silver, Boiler
could not prevent nineteen his
m tor a gold-tug
i of it ll
have their
ally to tilt it if they not been
he and
hie fellow will
their their State gov-
ground and say that they sorely
Jury Kicked.
instance of n strike
occurred Met day at this pilot,
a c, r a jar v ti as mi m n-
id of
growers. They protested, as
cutting season wan now
on and they were compelled lo be
in the patch. The court assured
them that it would take only a
few moments.
were c tiled and the trial of
case begun. At o'clock p. the
examination of witnesses was still
on with a number of witnesses to
be called. he ad j
court to seat next day
jury wouldn't have it that way,
and told court that they had
rather be fined; that with big
in the Held frosts in the
air it was no lime lo on a jury
The court the tin
ill next term.
While Men
I he low price of no
lo the
Ii tray It ti it will
this than many
let the farmers not the
mistake of charging puce
to the They regret
as much as the low
prices i bat a farmer
here and there who not con-
sider closely feels to
blame the local buyer or his mer.
for not paying better
Every merchant and cotton
buyer in North Carolina
be delighted, over joyed to
cotton set lie g for cents
Neck Commonwealth.
That's the Point
We recur to the question Mated
a week or two ago. is at
white people of North
will stay divided while
black people are solid t If the
blacks think that in this
they have a cf in
in standing together, why
lack will come
over to
of any political
should we go over lo
Democrats are
the c. line in
and is made
it. But it is net the a biles hut
the blacks win- drawn
Ab a
black leaders of race in
he'd a
on last
for the of
political of in
I i fir
The v disclaimed any
intention of raking tor
white people or
of any
but o e f ll e homo
exposed the motive of
and shut off by
the chairman. This
deli gale said that the
demanded here i r
B as to bi on
the and juries;
they ten unfairly treated
re in that in-
to their
claims. He wanted n law passed
by the next Legislature which
would give race
ion on a I juries, but was inform-
ed one ex
politicians present the
place to make that at
homo with tho of County
All this goes to the
experience of the eastern part of
the State working this
elevation of the
tout section over the
whites has created a with
race hero to be similarly
treated, and th y to
a pledge from tho white
will la the fa- j
lure be pieced on the
they gnu Ibis much it a
to i oppose will de-
White men, going
lo do about Will the damn.
conditions that have
up in sections
of the Stale as a result of the
be permitted
to f et a foothold here I ten-
in this
destroyed in lie The
safety for the home
comfort pros-
lies Hi complete
of to
control if i affairs in this
State and county. Fut Dem
feel secure lo the possession of
your property and personal rights
or toiled and vain
your slur- I-
Wiled with I ii.- i of new
care M to i i l last
e have in ram
for h A large
A large every
like them, styles
latest, ass lime t
all right Dent to sea
hit splendid sleek and lake ail.
of the of-
in i n of
Laces, Edging, Notions,
of all hinds. Gents Furnishing Goods,
Caps, s in black and tan
to tit ladies, men girls boys.
tut sin ll bet
by y hi our I i
cur Oxford. A line of
and color-.
in Pock
Lace Cm ins. Curtail Swigs, Polos
in white
in all colors-six and seven
and Smyrna
The of tills paper lie
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one disease that has
been able cure in all Its stage and
Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive now known to
medical Catarrh being
a disease, requires a
Is taken Internally, acting
the blood and surfaces
the system,
foundation of the disease, log
patient strength by up
and nature do-
its work. The proprietors have
much faith in powers
Ono for any
case it fulls to cure. Scud for list
Of testimonials.
F. J. CO.,
Rugs, Art Squares, Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Door Mats, in rubber, Steel Co-
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps,
Lamps, Lanterns, Tinware; sec our Automatic
Can, tills you lamp and docs not run i
so-called Hand
i. k la Silent on the Hub.
of S Cent
TI e
week by week, over
Progressive Far
mer. Homo Bale
n ill in of
Cent They I
listened for some of Fusion
speakers lo I lit
n govern
in firmer-i on
of five c
looked and
in is not only sell-
f i live the beat grades,
the c -i r s
to cents lo-.
dollars par bale is the
price best ii
tar, jot not of
from Tho or
or Aver, or
Farmer, or Caucasian.
Ar not thou patriots
the U
keep these in i
regardless the poor farmer, or
five cent or white
Lr nasty, or decency
They may His farmers
not thinking of the-e thing ;
will thick then
when go to sell
tint caused the
low in 1808,
better if ware nut
in power. sold for
I an six in 1888, and is Ball
ills and less in
Tho bran b. tool d
True Hi.
enemy of the man It is
I is -i i--en
done for In N lib Caroline.
dote b,
only inn s
the It premises
gives him. his lights, the pro
law the
of a good under
ho may live
if lie will work. It does not
promise him office, will never
give it to It promises
no elevation over the while
its in this campaign
not tho
lint who,
for rake of getting his vote
in . are to
hoist hi u i for which
he ii BOt and which Le
would not attempt to reach
for tho demagogues who lo
him into
Another me t
Bed Oak. Its to to
of all t
t Cribs aid Cradle,
cf ii ii leg Kitchen Tattles,
Tin Hall about these
question s Come to your
yen will not stead. We guarantee profit aid
every In it. sill, saving lo the
i guts m fail to in
Babb has an-
populist candidate for the
in To This
emitted, biblical
divine said in a speech Monday
should be converted into
and poured into bell they could
not vomit a sorrier, scabbier lot
than now occupies the state cap-
i make
for Stales by
ii g lining in ti.-
pints to each of Posers
a as a
expert in political
They have some cool in
Chicago- thou, locked a
bar tender up ice
they went his cash and
led Mid
Bays will Control.
N comes Burke
that a preacher in
the ether day, said
in control in the
eastern part of the state and they
will s in
Winston Journal-
he best salve In the for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Halt
Fever Titter,
Corns, all skin
and PUSS or no
nay M
Of . I.-.
Just received a carload .
if Nash county was held
Nashville Thursday d
meat was black, as
might expected. There Were
some speeches but the principal
was made by one Jordan,
O which Mount Motor
as follows
lure of
was Jordan, u
be lolly Hut
paid prostitution mo
The -publican politician. an
their Populist hove o
b the .-a.
not endorsed by cast
some r-v s
so far to insinuate,
it, I i
Many, i I
is ii mere i t .
and it ibis was inspired
by and bed at I
instance Manly baa
and emphatically denied ll i-. ad
protested against Ibis
his party fealty.
Hint this Franklin
b; lo
thus publicly that
The only
ban ever from
Republican black
while, came from tho
this county and that
was only for political
ll fusion
have lien it s
manage the more
II was hone-t, hut
it is manifest from
the After all his
silver, Holler could
a it proven nineteen bis people
I. re
or, and
El was would have proved
their lo to silver they had not
h; I lie and
his I mi I ii will th- de
c sea.
-r lame say that
y surely would have their
promise and
reform some cf
stole public money.
ti about is that what it
for its genera efficiency,
in North Cr-
a o No
patty or
it or be,
I-lie ill
en lbs plane as
ti-i r its e is n, on a
r i
i i every means possible for Hi rebel.
It Is with pleasure we publish the
Is lo certify t was
a terrible sufferer from
lot over -ix months, was by
-nine in our city
and ail to no Mr. Hell, our
-i-i. recommended E Bitten and
after bottles, I was entirely cured.
now take great pleasure in recess
mending to soy person suffering
tins terrible male am
yours. V. A. Lexington,
Ky. K.-r sale by Jno, I,.
Professional Cards
Tarboro, N.
Mi Is It. Kure,
h, C.
v i ii i.
M, C
In all
H. C. N. C
Greenville, N. C
in all tho
Garland Stoves arc by the
manufacturers and are I used by
vIM C. 1.1 N. I
ha-, been
made, too by a lady in th s
upon her and years she
her vital or.
were loom.
no sleep
She ii. by discovered a way to
of us a bottle of Hi-
very in Consumption
and was -u relieved taking -t
at nigh h
two has cured.
is Th i-
c a. o, Shelby N
very bottle
loan II. Small, II.
N. Or N. C
O Attorneys at
III all 11-
w. w. Grimes
SI I I .- ,
N. O.
Cobb More.

Eastern reflector, 30 September 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 30, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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