Eastern reflector, 16 September 1898

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ii iii
The Reflector Book Store
a nice assortment Fen
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pen
You will be astonished when you
You may never
Jut should ;
W ant Job
tn told you
the straits
having a throat It la a serious
matter foe any to have a core
bad for the ea bad for
the When you to an
Iran's Ilka a throat
mean large expense and a large
amount of and the big fellow
hadn't got over this before
something else happened to that
five u even more caught
com, and the cold In hie throat
I suppose be still sensitive there
and It give a stiff neck, so that
be couldn't bend his neck at all.
can't have any Idea of a
stiff neck means until you see a giraffe
afflicted In that we'd had all sorts
of trouble with animals In one way or
another, but for real bother this beat
all. We discovered It one day on
the road. The giraffe always ducked
bis head under the branches that hung
down, fort of like a swan or does,
but this day. carrying his head right
straight In the air, he brought up
against a branch that was at least
teen feet above the ground. That was
an amazing that we knew
Something must be the and
the giraffe's keeper came up
poke to him, and all be did to
bend bis nose down, and look down,
why, we saw be bend bis neck,
and then we knew what was the mat-
of course, first thing
did was to set a man to march along-
side of with . tent pole, with a
in the of It. to lift
branches for Moat of the
almost all the time, In fact- we could
Steer him clear of
branches, and, of course, lots of the
was long stretches where
Wasn't any at and then
came to places where the man
have to a branch to let
the big; giraffe and a great
pity . was, too. to see compelled
to go about In that manner.
went that way for about ten
days. Ordinarily, we used to put his
feed for bin on top of animal's
so that be wouldn't hare to bend
own more, than or ten feet; but
he do now.
Come to see us.
I Reflector Jo. Printing Dies.
a i
you for your little wad.
If you
The was polite, but
luckless pedestrian looked up
down the dimly lighted street, but
nobody was in sight
will sot do you good.
dear said
still holding a revolver
pointed in a most threatening manner
st the other's nearest
loon Is halt a mile away, the
to the nearest policeman Is ex-
the same. You and I have the
locality entirely to ourselves. Where-
he gave the trigger an om-
little Is no
for prolonging this interview. Pro-
see you've got the drop on me all
right said the victim,
all I'm kicking myself
about Is I didn't need to lose my
roll I could Just well hare left it
st home this you'll put
your fingers in my right vest pocket
you'll find more or less. It's all
I've got about me. and I was going to
spend It for a new set of
fires for my
kind of sternly de-
you get that for
know where I an get It for a
less than
Scott, old man You keep
your little wad and go and buy
tire. Say. do you know that's the best
tire on earth darn It. I ride
If this should meet eye of
gentlemanly highwayman he till learn
an outrageous confidence game
as played upon him
The belated pedestrian whom he met
i that occasion uses the Jingo es
Resilient bicycle tire, and
has do use for any other kind.
nut he happened to see by the light
of a street lamp that the gentlemanly
highwayman wore a ft
button in the lapel of bis
he id DO in
ft . I He- A I st
U .
a .-, Mag
. . Inn. II I
it, I
-Mi If B m.
p I SI I
H n m.
U p-
I II. p i . I.
a in. his l a
York a m,
I m.
North In the
Henry W J
The shore
take not that an action
emit as has been I
in of I
for absolute decree of divorce
the said the raid de-
w II f s r notice that
he is required to appear at next
term of lie Superior i mm of said co in-
to be held on the second Monday In
September next at Ibis Court House of
in K. C, and
or demur to the la
said ac tin, or ill will apply
o the C for the relief n
c mini liar.
m. tin if it
F. More,
t. s i
Tobacco Sticks
All farmers wanting
can them at the
Yard. W. R. Agent.
thirty-six feet tall, I
j a day a
the Dome . i -v
afternoon at
price a
Are i
i u
The Eastern
So we
in eighteen feet
Iron t and we used to reeve
W that and make one end
to the with his food or
It, and it up let him
there. On the road used
the rope over the crotch of n tree
Wt a suitable height. For his entry in-
to the tent at time had
cut a great slit in the but
e didn't regret it was a
impressive thing to see him
in that way. It made
used to go up I'D
ladder and put a around his
and we'd book on a fall, with a
chair, and a man would ride
his and rub in liniment. He
to like very much, and It
yelped him greatly, too, avid one morn-
lag when the men went rat to give him
the usual rub, they were to
the old chap with his head bowed
pretty near to the roof of the
bear cage, which, next to
hire, his neck
coming around all right, and Ian
that he'd take hie breakfast
morning la old way, if you
An historic owned by the
late Dr. Evans fr
ale the establish-
but it was decided at the last
moment to retain the vehicle as an
item of the estate In it the doctor loft
Parts with the Eugenie on
Sept. when he was assisting
her to reach England. It Is intended
by the heirs of the noted dentist to
transfer the carriage to the Evans Mu-
which is to be founded In
ca under the clauses of the doctor's
The vehicle will be temporarily
banded to the care of the old
drove the Empress, her
attendant and the doctor to the coast
In 1870. when she about to em-
bark for England in Sir John Bur-
yacht. The vehicle Is a
with accommodations for four
persons, and was built In 1867 for the
Exhibition. ten years since Dr.
Evans had it and
in order to make a journey to
over the same ground as that
traversed by him with the Empress
that long drive he stop-
at the same places en route as
those selected on the memorable
A -H urn
Some day it will be found that to
bring up u man with a genial nature,
a good temper, and a happy frame of
mind, is a greater effort than to per-
him in many accomplishments.
Is It your baby drops
t a regular time What
do you give Nothing. Her
father Just stops to
a year ;
news even
u i-
luff's Fills
Liver Ills.
Twenty Years Proof.
Liver Pills keep the bow-
els in natural motion and cleanse
system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindled diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
Am now entirely cured.
. T m Our M i
t .
i in, p Bi
l in.
6.15 a m. Mount II
p a m,
s in,
11.14 a re, a
i m,
I m. I. f
0.00 n
D i
p New Bern
I. Ill p I M I in, Chad
p m Marlon 6.31 f
in, Florence 7.15 p m, Sum-
p m,
Denmark 0.12 a m, August
a m, 11.11 a
Atlanta 18.35 p m.
a m. i ill 7.30 a m.
H rm.
MM nail
4.30 am, Richmond 0.05 air.
10.00 am,
Tart i
pm. Wilson pin.
A v, Boston Ne
York 0.30 am,
12.09 pm, 2-25 pm.
3.16 pm, Rich-
mend MO pm.
pm. pm
m. Leave Wilson
7-01 am.
7.63 ; am.
Notice t
Court of
I'm of
June to me of Ad-
ministration on the estate of
deceased Is
to of .-aid to present
claims t. me for payment
on or i- the 10th day
of June or this notice be
plead bar of recovery. All per-
Indebted to said estate are
to make Immediate payment lo ma.
the 7th day of June
Public Administrator
A estate; of I Tills
duly c
Court Clerk of county
to the will
of O. deceased, Is
hereby to persons t.
the e-t t make Immediate payment
to tin- . an I all persons
In. claims against said estate
the same,
on or the day of July, 1800,
or this will be plead in of
recovery of same. This 22nd day of
July, J.
Executors u
for and ad vim.
March v t
supplier rial It to their
eat to gt our , before
Our Is
-ts is.
Tobacco, Cigar
i we direct from
m i of
i an a- to
th i Our g I e all bought
Greenville School
Will be held in the College
the depot.
Number to Exceed
,. L.
Fall term
1st to 4th tirades per
per month
Greek, each
per month
Theory and liar-
in. ii i r month 3.00
Terms payable
Pupils taking both Mu and Liter-
course will be allowed per cent
We hope to merit the substantial sup-
port full confidence of those
in true education and reap I
mill- you to make your
t once to enter your girls at our school t
Any further information
e given.
L. L.
Miss Richards oil's
Select School for Boys
will 5th, at
Mrs. School house,
The in. Idea.
j- leaches the and the truest
idea of is possible
for man to and of all
doctrines of Cud that have ever been
taught propagated in the world
this alone can satisfy the cravings of
man's spiritual nature and enable the
soul lo rest secure. In the
that the arm of Almighty
and All-good ts ever outstretched
to protect defend. Would you
leek after a teacher that can lead yon
to lite author of your being, and
place your spirit in communion with
the tint it. and hush your
with the assurance that
t Is with you. and that
I. of Ills mercy circle you now
evermore, you must And that sac-
In for In this re- j fill be glad to half your boys.
it Is that man spake particular, see or address
like w.
The in session o school will
ii on Monday, Kept. 8th.
are as
Primary per 82.00
Intermediate 42.541
No i will be to first
class work. J-J
Notice to Creditors
Having duly before he
Superior Court Clerk of County
of the of Lev a.
deceased, notice Is hereby given
to all persons indebted, to the estate to
ink- payment t the under-
signed, and all persons having
st said estate must present the
duly a
or the day of
July, 1899, or this notice will lie p sad
in bar of the recovery of their claim.
This day cf July,
is J.
S. Yates.
an. This train
arrive at street.
pm. Jacksonville Oil pm
Savanna 1.41 Charles-
ton 5.10
Atlanta 7.50 Macao
am, Augusta
4.17 pm.
6.1 G urn, Florence 8.88 tun,
am, Lake
cu Am
p. m., Halifax
j. in. arrives Neck at 8.20 ;
p. m., Kinston
. Returning, leaves Kinston
. m., a. m.
all x at a. 11.331
ally except
Wellington in., p .
ti vi- in., n i I ,,
m leave
pm Washington I i am
and pm Dally except Sunday
Train leaves c, i
in A Raleigh R. R. dally Sun.
d st p. m., Sunday P. m-
ii Plymouth 7.40 P. at, 8.10 p. in
R- turning leaves Plymouth daily
a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m.
arrive 10.06 II. CO
Nashville leave
Rocky Mi I p n
pm Soring Hope pm Return
leave Spring Hope I am Nash-
ville Rocky Ml
daily except Sunday.
train on I M V.
daily, except Sunday, 7.10 a
m. arriving 8.30 a. id. Re
turning leaves 9.00 a. in.,
river, 10.28 s. m.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves
Clinton dally,
s. m. and 4.13 p, m- lug
and 8.08 I
O. Pass. Agent.
J R Manager
V M Km k- N,
It. J. W.
Jesse C. Carson
K J W Car-
son will take notice that action e .
as above has been commenced
the Superior Court of Pill county for
divorce and said de-
will take Hint lie
Is required to at the next term
of the court of county to
be o . tho second Monday
the Monday in September, at
the Court House said county. In
M C and or demur
the complaint In action, or the
plaintiff will apply to tho court for the
relief In said complaint.
his illy of August,
K, A. Move,
F O atty. C C
Having been appointed and qualified
the late Jesse Adams
all persons are
to all against the
estate of the Jesse Adams pay-
me iii on or before the day of March,
or this notice will plead In bar
of their recovery, AH persons indebted
to the said estate are requested to make
settlement. 5th
day of
T U attorney.
Notice to Creditors
The Clerk of tho Superior Court bar
lug this day to me Letters of
Administration upon tho estate of Rich
ard Met an lo ii notice l
given to all persons holding
said estate to present them to
for payment, duly authenticated, on
or before 1st day or or
this will b.- In bar of their
recovery. All persons to said
are notified to make Immediate
payment of indebtedness to me.
Ibis the 23rd day of June,
C. J. Mi I. , WHO
of estate Richard
i Dims
Just new
hoarse and line
and Caskets, in wood,
metallic and brought
We are prepared to do em-
all its
Personal attention given to
and bodies entrusted
lo our care will every
mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
We do not want monopoly,
but court competition.
We can be found at any and
all times in the John
BOB C, i
Seaside Hotel, containing rooms,
having been thoroughly
and renovate I, la now for o
rent. Unless otherwise disposed of w
be opened I r guests on JUNG 1st,
under competent F
further information on of
H. Han by, Owner
to I. B.
mi. Mm.
Bethel High School
The Fall Term begins on
MONDAY r, 1818
is s school of high
Only class teachers will be em-
very work will b
he best discipline will be maintain .
Board from IS to per month
or ti
Primary to SI
Intermediate lo mi
High School I o
Musk i
A discount of per cent will be
lowed when W paid for
a whole term
For further information see or ad .
I leave Washington
for touching at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday at A. at.
Returning leave at a A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and
These are subject to stage
of water on Tar
Connecting st Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore
Philadelphia. New York Boston.
should order their goods
via Dominion mi
Mew York. from
t A Baltimore Steamboat
fro A Miners
I i . i n Boston.
N. C.
The Stock in
every department and
prices as low as the low
eat. Highest
prices paid for country
Wire iron Fencing
only work
The Eastern Reflector
in a in
D. J.; Editor and Owner IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. Year in Advance.
is t up-
Tl e it lo is back in
it his d t. n L-
ii. to prove ti Mr. Al-
is cot a nil
bas y-
in his conduct of
war- i. me they
as Miles
do think
ridiculous lo
in the
Latin and Greek, and Span-
is a much more m id deal
Well, mother,
dollars is pretty expensive a
flat like this- At rate I don't
how yen to keep
wolf from door. Oh we don't
care if it reach said
blight young nation.
lie says it could never In-
to any if rooms-
He Wasn't
a rivalry between
Tom and Fred,
Yen, I they
both seeking hand
both called at
other evening and
at began the exciting game
of trying to other-Tom
had to give it up Anally and left
Fred in
Fred got lbs best
it T
a night, and Tom did
not take away the poorest um-
when be left house
Io the Bank of England
silver oars lain
to for two d
The Trailers of this paper will lie
to learn that there i- at
one that hue
been able cure In all its singes
la Hall's Cure Is
now to
the Catarrh being
a constitutional requires a con-
treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken internally, directly
upon the Him r surfaces of
system, the
foundation of the
the patient t building up His
assisting nature in do-
Its work. The proprietors have
much faith in its curative powers that
they Her One Hundred Dollars for any
case that It fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
I. J- CO , Props
Toledo, Ohio
Professional Cards
II. I.
over J.
Cobb A Son's Store.
How Typhoid is Spread
I Youth's
i- i i i i
and .-in- other
as to class .
it is the
go in of are
and p o, in
water- There is doubt that
this in my typhoid is
in s any ox
tended epidemic of I lie disease to
its source we mast first of all ex-
into of the
u Ii r supply.
water has proved
to be the use of the spread of
fever in epidemics
in tins country Li but
time is little this
those who tome-
thing than water, be-
cause, although during
the . water may be
made safer L v boiling, this is
not enough.
II water is contaminated,
tho may be introduced in-
to while the
teeth or the face. Or
again, and which are
eaten raw may be contaminated
by water in which are
washed. Typhoid fever has some-
times, been spread u city whose
water supply was above reproach,
by means of milk or
Milk nerd not be watered
order to a vehicle for
germs ; germs may be
into cans and bottles
while are being washed in
water drawn fro u contaminated
we I or at dairy- Al-
though destroyed by boiling,
germs will resist a freezing
temperature for a time, and
have been found in cut from a
pond poisoned with
bacilli of disease.
Another means sure ml of
typhoid has
in I e-
place oysters in
near the mouth
or river in order to fatten tin m
before ate brought to
If his place to be
near mouth of a sewer con-
poison, or the
creek be contaminated the
will lake vim J
their so revenge them-
selves on those who eat them
In puzzling cases of
has been that
food was by flies-,
which u
long distance cu
strong argument lie
cf in i fly
These a of the
in which this may
be but they
to thew Dial s far fr. in
that the
be so e
lather t we are cot ell
Southern II.
its share cf and
tho Safe war.
is a
Bagley a r,
a Leo a
Wheeler a Si and
Hi who the Hag
over in n Southerner.
South baa a pretty
up its for
When Henry Ward
in daring Civil
es there to
ion in favor the he
ii on one occasion with
the suggestion that Hie
is had not yet whipped
So one as a fl be re-1
Vt.-. but y been I
courage find valor were tested on
both sides in tho Civil War, and
it was because Americans were
was so deadly so prolonged
Get oral Giant any man
who depreciated the bravery of
Southern army I
Northern soldier. General Sher-
man gave willing testimony lo
the bravery splendid soldier-
qualities bis Southern an-
So it is not surprising
that men from the South
themselves courage
in the late war.
We can be of fact
that nil of war were
v, r th y came
Carolina or Utah. Tho war ha-i
wiped nut all sectional hues-
has done more to develop the
spirit and weld
the cf people of
section than could have been
done by p.
Y tier d-
and v;.
or v. t i
r. with f
s -elected v i U i
faro f lo
W hi i m
for A
V V Of I -1 pi ; . I'm
ft variety
in I I t U you
and ii
a t c i I
f to
. i -lock lake ; I.
. m
i in it vi
i ;
i .
l i v n
j i by
advice of bow of bi
Dress Notions,
of all binds, Goods, Hats
Caps, tan
to fit the men girls and boys.
tr. m.
-I. I.
N. C-
in courts.
Galloway, B. .
V. C. Ills, N. C
In all
nun r,. II. Lou.
N. C. .
t at
Ii all II s
no lean situ i l. -i sold
by y hi c in tin ii-M h This Is what cur
atom s m ii A
all Pock
nail ii. on
rant. I
d ends, ho not
to I ha
I Ilia War
ii -pi for what S-arc-
has done
especially what he baa left
r the
of i an I d
the .- in. to
Hint i b w appoint
i ill i j tin- .-Dun
i. nor n war.
ii who bad
said that no investigation . a I
needed, bi lore ha
I, f- Washing
lour i beat it;.
why, ho
compelled unite,
on. u, in
Th we n c iv. in- Ii ad
of tho
Lace Curtail
iii all and seven
Rugs, Art
I Hi Ii, IN Al.
A Sketch.
Tl i- nun who i-
l a bouts ii
it dress
have no I
are to
I lie-
Lets is lite current
flu heart,
i cl j
lit- a
sum mine tins alls
We've s loin
let's a w or
who an
in. hail loom lot his
it bi- lo ink I
on a i i
Matting. Oil
Cloths, Door Mats, in lubber, Steel and Co-
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps,
Oil Can
was i
write n
letter to Mr. h
an i
I boon in
; lust few d correct.
Ilia views of s.
, there will lie a
Con in be
in ill Tho
less who it may
a d
rail Cami
., i. I,., day
and in in. . iii i
long the
column a or
Ii. are now confident of
winning. There ii
i i. . a.- that the u h MB
a l-i
do i. a i. of tho
am divided into f i
lions, which will add to the
en electing
. districts now
by The He
pub art.
bone of
f in major
it v i as they were do
a little while back, are
talking of trying to bod
own, and oat to
f a number of States
to get
who came to
Washington from
Mi. on General
I at in the War De
I it a duty call
upon and
a call. Shatter
to talk for
publication, but it is en open
oral tint ho it for Miles
of the recently
with Miles to
i menu an to d him
j of of the
Santiago Miles tick
ltd to over the
lion, if will render
id at
Lanterns, Tinware; set our Automatic
tills yon lamp and does not run it
v. to s
th the
veal charges
Willis in Solid
nil Minis mill plies, Brest
Oak l-ii;
cf nil sleds, Con Hi
, Tin Rat k
;, will out ii
tr it. Ii u e i pi Ii, s ill
van from Hi MM
d, t t
nil In,, i Lounges,
No pi, ting
Cone u
ii ii ii th
w every means ii
Is pleasure w the
-Ibis is was
, l, r
lot over six months, and was mated by
sonic if I ill Our City
mid all no avail. Dr.
all. Hitters and
I was entirely cured.
I now take great pleasure In
l am suffering
in main I inn grate
in iv yours, M- a.
Ilia, I-.
I mi our g IO in style
T. ins mutual iii.
a found
up in Maj. ii-
bin Sun. .- and . ; i- P
find t. es-
i lack
c an have iv ob- white-
were o W every is the re-
they that has been
I adopted by the
tin Man at-ii t with nil
the caused by
It would have
to adopt a more
foolish policy. The months of
only be stopped
. Major 2nd , the
. B. W.
t- r, N. C.
Of all l sun tin i h-- of the
year Ba is one of tho
enjoyable. The
fierceness of summer yet
no chilling winds remind of
the coning cold and storm.
The air has a delicious
in with the t i
fruits, a sweet
that speaks of autumn Bowers,
while the MUM haze that veils
the distant hills, like a bridal
veil, subdues but docs not co n
teal beauty of fol
fruits and
has its duties well a
its pleasures, and it i also well
to remember that another sea-
son of buds, blossoms and sun-
shine will Soon be
with tho past. A few
more chilling frosts
will be here, ripening
leaves put on their lovely dress
of crimson and gold and bid us
a long Va.
is sun-
rue in
ii I bi-.
let us let more got mine
laughter is v i- journey along
bin's i out
by i lie Band.
,, thing
ed Mr.
Just a .
ha i -it
i mule, ii too a ill
i year
-tool but vital or-
-ti .
For mom lit
iV-. M Io
by of a o
o nun Ii on Inking ii -i
that st U-pl all mil
two bottle
-1 Ia Mi- ii
W f o, N
Ce Trial at Wool
tho largest
are used
Garland are made by
the world
many millions.
report in no
i Milo
Major .
i i , , . St A t- been
It louder that men
mu c IV a ill.-. Unit
i in
ire bu
in the
Mr. ho die-
a bit hit
hit than in e
out the live Peace Gobi minion
era in in
i i. Relation tonal
approve the treaty will I
by tin. if i-
nay la be i
the S-n an
are op on to
all Ii-- It in
I at t
ii- i , I ti t . .
; i .- S I- IO II i
l ,, , . S,
I- ii--n Ii,
i m. i n ,
a i in ii at ti i in
f if H
i . K. era
ii. bi In
be tor. u u
lo i in his pm
did am v mint.
wed Mr.
I to
u will fir
as they are
will tell every-
made to
to adopt such
is to keep
a p-
They think that
meets can be
made to an investigation
of the of the war made
by a committee that will
everybody and eve-
If the people were
all fools there were no
things as newspapers
such a might succeed.
Mr. is likely to live
to bitterly regret that he did
not have every in-
and man
who was found guilty of
having unnecessary
among the in-
of allowing lobe
made to the role of
for and of
beat in the lit for Cu
I Halt Kin-
lever Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, and all
i or do
way It give
in cats par sate

t MM post
Kumar, I
Jr. of
Fifth J.
Sixth It.
District-W. A.
Third I. M
of Pitt-
First II. Small
Committee of
voting precinct W
alter lb adjournment 110-
ilia om
electing a central for
Ali x I.
Chairman it El. CoW.
N. C. tor. U
Willie is the proud
father of a b girl
Mr. Fred Allen and Mi
Took, from Falkland, were
U. Monday
They will live he.-e.
Fountain Cox is the sick lit
week, but is u w
the propose i new
railroad were here Friday.
a the a
an i that c will
near hen in a
Oar old friend J. from
Houston, Texas, and Misses bu-
of Ayden. were
vi friend here Tuesday.
Work on the stores is
finely now and ere
long will have two nice
stores with office annexed.
J. C Cox
and making a map of the
for the Snow
Hill C m-
Miss Nannie ill
on the d of
There be three teacher-
year Mini Annie Parker a
u . Mia
I n social
v tor. the heart liable.
. . of
With patience born.
than those
mirth's cheek adorn
i marked by
To tho who ever roam;
itself has
At sweet home.
This a quarry. are
tolling alway in the darkness. We cay
see is lo out
u our lonely, painful, obscure toll.
W some day our quarry work will be
manifested In the glory heaven.
arc preparing materials now and here
for the of the great King.
which in heaven is slowly rising
through ages. No noise of bani-
or a Is board in all that won-
building, the are
all shaped polished and made en-
ready for this world. We are
the stone, and the world Is God
quarry. The stone for the
were cut out of the great rock in MM
dark underground cavern. They
rough and Then they were
into form, and this required
a great deal of cutting,
and chiseling. Without this stern.
sore work on the not one
them could iT filled a
In the temple. At last, when they
were ready, they were lifted out of the
dark quarry and carried up to th
mountain-top where the temple u
rising, and were laid their place.
We ore stones In the quarry as yet.
When e accepted Christ we were cut
the great main of rock. But w
were yet rough and not fit
for heaven. c can be ready
for our place in the
we must be and shaped. Th
hammer most do Its work, breaking
off the roughness. The b
nod, carving and polishing our live
is done id I
the lo
do hack-
aid. ; the usual
Not, that the Chines.-
the Instead of the
Men wear skirt, the women
The men wear their hair long, and
the women wear short.
men carry on dressmaking, and
the carry burdens.
The spoken language I not written,
and the written language not spoken.
H are read backward. What we
call foot-not are Inserted at th top
of the
The Chinese in white at
la, and In mourning at wedding.
old women always serve as
their vessel
. .,,;.;. and mount horses
the side.
Th dinner with
. end with soup and fish.
In I hands or the clocks are
In Feeble Health
I . do Her
and All Those a
Cured Hood's
I WOT b-ell In
I,, Ha health, yea I
lag I
I.- do my work. I .
and had an
Cr. worn. My In- on my
it the of
June, ISM. The first bottle so
b it. and
Pill em to do my work,
a, Is entirely
. mil em
Hood MS
Mills, Pitt County,
Thursday, Sept. 29th, 1898.
Prominent speakers will be present and will the
political issues of the day. All citizens who are in favor of
Good Government and White Supremacy, regardless of past
affiliations, are cordially invited to be present.
Ladies especially invited.
Into beauty. .
mm, many processes of life.
d i
will o b Off. All the crooked
The i Sot r
will tomorrow print the
i s n portion mi Interview
with General Joseph
that tin- general was th
three one of
t .- d
m elk e and Wu
The i cool have
Co, fir vet bar a
lama stock on bind and invite
more en Corners
cotton market bids
Hon. Samuel to pay the vary best
to the
I do i believe Hie war is over by
means; does
toll me l
had lb t c
fettle the i ill
with over Ilia
Hi- Spanish that the at
were after the
mi- on ground will
to op
c Wheeler said i
Spain will a- to up the
here, will never do that. I am
gob c back lo really
he i
If n e
OH i-. Dr x OM
have a
o tinware i i
a splendid lino of
V. b
chased a nice lot of meat at bot-
tom pried and propose to sell at
tho same-
Life's P .
The younger a man U the
tun- lo unlearn
Our th
Every hi day hut,
h always want two.
K, r even dollar n man wins oil
he two -low
Youth la going to do
row old age yesterday.
a loves a she
to make doesn't,
A gnat many vi
has today
The trouble with
say about u- i. that inc-t
u them are true.
A mull never realm. lb
cf hi earthly until he
tries to paw
lime caught by the tail more
than by
BOW a wile
he but are able lo J r.
It i said m-u who n
smoke stay out late at live lo
a ripe old age.
When a in ii ;
him lo up p aching.
Win never tad
II I lo the . Hut mule
a serious mistake in
The Jury mat
Monday in O.,
of in the m
During hist f year th
an some
lo the Wu the
number now 1600-
There is not so talk of
silver this c th
Free Silver Cheroot are bail B
nod when
a good just call a
A. O. Cox C has some
nice in If yon
at while the
can serve you-
The Brick Co, if
no pushing brick
bettor weather has conic-
are wanting c of
wood in the next days-
lines must be straightened. Our live
must be cut and until con-
form to the perfect of divine
Quarry work is not always pleas-
ant. If stone had hearts
they would sometimes cry out
In sore pain a they feel the hammer
strokes and the deep cutting of the
chisel. Vet the workmen must not
heed cries and withdraw his hand
else they would at lat be thrown
glide as worthies blocks, never to be
built Into the place of honor. We are
not stones; we have hearts and
and we do cry out
as the hammer smites away the rough-
Of our character. But we
yield to the sore work and let It go on
or we shall never have our place a
living stones in Christ's beautiful
We must not wine under th
-harp chiseling of B.
, lire greatest yield from any
. strawberry, the preparation
; ;,., g an feature.
may be grown on nearly
ii kit of soil, that most favorable
. . quality well as quantity
., heavy, Bandy loam. Any con-
i cum land will be
,.,., suited to the strawberry, it
n that the ground should
In en hoed crops the year
r pa at
wife know about the
that for half a century has
been helping expectant mothers bring
little ones into world without
danger the hundred and one
discomforts distractions
incident lo child-birth. It
is applied externally, which
is the only way to get relief.
Medicines taken internally
will not help and may
fits and prepares every
organ, muscle and
part of the body for
the critical hour. It
rob child-birth of its
t ii tares and pains.
quick and easy. Its
action is doubly
if during the whole I
. period of pregnancy.
per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by mail on receipt of price.
Hooks Fair, valuable
to all be to an,
addict upon application by
Regulator Co.,
Heavy and Fancy
-1 u
goods kept
and win
Chm. Dem. Ex. Com.
The Eastern Reflector
Twice-a- Week.
From now to January 1st
Tell your to send for it.
A General lined Horse
Also a nice line of
Hard ware.
Mr, Holt
N. O.
Cotton MillI
About and a ball yuan
bay an I lay
girl about two had an
about ill
ear-. on
about Maine to
Hunk it out in
tho contrary, I called who
yet i m-
until had
or th hoy having bat
three and at
time.-, hi at looking
Th nature trouble M
termed thing by and another
by t. did
rot cone me, a I bashing h
and Jo
Ii lo my
favorably. I
r m lb and en I la
Ta y
that the
i patting it
the old lien, and the little
hf entirely well,
lbs scars will kite,, in
my merit
I I.
t, V
married either
if I'd to,
and of whom I
Since sot rich, while you are still as
.- . church mouse.
Me- Of tOUr. I've been supporting
you nil these year, They haven't.
Ra to the
told roe this horse had won
half a of
the best In the country. Ha
trot a mile in six minute to
in match
he took
I and steel Ming are all mis-
ad up t magnet sweep over I
the pile, then tho one l taken and
Other left. The of the
United States mini are all gathered by
one broom In one heap, but the fire
separates the gold from the dust. The
Wheat and the tares grow
until the harvest. The good fish
bad arc drugged In the same net.
and the algal separate them at
feet of The faithful and the
faithful go about th until th
Master returns, and then the faithless
are cat out. Wise and foolish virgin
sleep alike until the Bridegroom
and then separation, The
two robbers were in a prison
till Christ separated them on Calvary,
and led one away to paradise, and left
other to plunge in deeper depths
the lop of the cross where h
bad rejected Christ h
the thing you think Is
going to all will divine the Just
from the unjust, i ill devote a part to
life, a to destruction, on th
test of personal lore lo Jesus
I can now be in
ore for
by J. W. Brown
Come to see
of the
and get some of the
i hereby the
baa made in
the planes county.
Toiling place lo-
whites near
The No
Chi township i- changed the
Public School hem near
In cross
Th foiling place
lb and Shop to
I- H
t I Court.
We marked prices
away down. You
our on
cannot,, be
for money. We also lead
the market on
fact we are the cheapest
place in town on all goods.
I desire friends
and patrons I made
me connection with Mill and
trade in the
and will Cot-
ton, and the
name of S
i w II BIS to
yon, and I solicit
of your
tint I will
pay lushest market pries
you your past
I am very respectfully
door from next lo
n M.
not to the originality and
it v
to with which It is
known to
. -it-1 v. f t
tin- f the
original n A the
t-r it
ii. r will
t by other
ii-s i i f the
In. the
pr i.
i lit- Syrup of Fiji's has
in Urn
of Ii it- remedy. It la
In nil other
H H I ii liver and
OF weaken
ii our
n ate.
the name of
. U,. , K V
N. C,
still in the Money a plenty. Pest light
in the State, bring your
we want it and are able to pay tor it, so bring
it to us and get the highest market price.
Your friends,
Proprietors of The Old Greenville Warehouse
J- L.
Represents Only First Class
Office in Building Opposite Court
Greenville, N. O.
Vehicles, all kind Mach-
Gins and Farming
repaired abort notice.
Posts, etc., made to
S Shops on .
. i
And on I
K .
Mis Nellie H I
in or
you buy nice clothes
good clothes, becoming
clothes, clothes that will
It wt II on you, clothes
that will wear well,
clothes that will be an
outward index your
good taste, of your good
go a great way, clothes
make the man, first
are the best.
Am in the mar
buying goods.
Local Reflections.
pit's bi re.
Mill real
Gel 8- M.
lie soldier at buck in
The ice smile is
lie Inn now u s
The of
i-r hi J
In a short while Greenville will
hare a recant store.
The i
n mauling
Greenville las her sired
here now.
there Is town that needs
tori-s town u
colored had a
near point Tuesday evening.
No market the east i at
ranch nit as
meeting at two or three
point look nil people out town
bangle pip, with
given e Owner call at
A lore hands las just made some
lo the condition
son avenue
With so low do
belier much win. hi be going
on were it not Ike tobacco
lea C ream every day. a Ii r
an by pi till. d.
Phone Ii
G, S. Tucker V Co.,
Inn, are opening In Ike
and will store.
II. a that hi
store will be closed Saturday, Sept.
and st C Y. M. on tin i
There i. a and
lair here early No, ember. Green-
ville aid ought to be able
to have a lair.
It lord
a to
K. is now about
I ins week we will have in a car
load and mules. a-
wanting the teal animals call at
s Ii. L.
The town bill now lines at
o'clock Saturday nights to wain all
who are open that lime to close their
Hi ii., c i the let-
lilies the lo be held in
several precincts next lo
us reports tie meetings as
as possible.
Th acknowledge an
invitation to the marriage Mr. X.
T. Keel and at
X. C, 21st
int., at P. It,
J. L Harris,
will begin a paper
Spring Hope. to get
the 22nd
The paper will called r.
The lire men.
Ho held a meeting
Monday nigh, with lout s null
attendance it hat ever had.
not Its in the
company. W, F. Burch
Ken man the
and a will lie held nix,
Monday lo bis
Beginning Work
held a Sunday and
i committees to begin preps-
r Baptist Slate
which here In December.
Mi- Is a in which the
town and community Is inter
every cl with
f in i n
It Comes Here
Tic point bat been i cache J that the
sis break on lb. Green-
ville market lo be by
capacity houses. Floor
clock lull are to be seen any day, and
n order lo get it on many piles run
anywhere lo
To these breaks one might
that all Ice tobacco in
North Carolina k routing to Greer.-
A. M.
i-g It
j on.
K. L. left lad
lo buy horses.
S. Atkins returned Saturday
went lo to
Or. II. L. Ci
ins. G. W. II Or lion,
T, II-
evening from Wilson.
Mis. M. II. r. h, m
his morning n visit to
Until -M i i
tor to II. new
Mr. L. H. ill, Parmele,
emu- in lo visit her
A. J. in town
lo an the
G. Lang m d Misses
Ads Ii, in
Ml. L. A. spent
day here with Mis Oh I
and lime on the evening
In in.
W. II wile, Peters.
lie A. B. in
West Greenville.
Mr. and
i I i nil,, me on
to list i he J, J.
be doors it ill.- iii-
next up a all
white n In Q me in
take their
good government.
C. B. is on th- list In
has been sick lite last
W. F. Harding went lo Scotland
Mrs. S. s.
her staler, Mrs. E. II. Tall
Le has
Washington and is buck heme
return k
to Mr. J. Barnhill a basket of
apples which be
Lr. F. M, Past Grand Met-
the Grand Lodge of North Car-
is in tin
the Arch
th- to
i o g-1
i i I
to sell filly
lire Marl per
A , if, ,,.,
out el lour
Too rich . do for tobacco
u all that net do well on
tarn or MM
other crop,
don't plant the same land but lit
grow and in i
. y
War at Last is Over
op. Buildup your poor Si v r
my new Fail of
hi J lo pi
Row 5- to I ink
i- , t
land W hi I v
v;. ire In r. .
. ; .
J-- L,
oh re
now a a,
tiering aw at I, w .
n t bat o. market here,
d .
th l. bad
est C
I- iv.-r
a square, hon-
and sec me-
., ,
the fir,, ,. f
.;,., f th , A,
Notes from
We hate just learned th it a c
who prides himself on his
put a bill in the mission plate
Sunday and dually for
IV cents change I Whit will lb
think when they get
bill f
We have made a great discovery
One of the candidate lain
office not only green apples, but
seed his is encouraging
to his opponent, who have great
that he will have three
the nomination.
We learn on
a certain leading candidate didn't
wear a rooming hat band when bis
mother in and that he even
appeared to days slier
her la this a to entrust
with the the people
A veracity has never
been outside election
return that a certain
candidate held a mortgage on a
poor mule bad been blind
three years, and that ho foreclosed
mortgage a lime alien said mule
actually hay fever.
Men Georgia will you vote
a man
civil be for Iron
bet mm such
in per-
i rM b a liable
bill ., ,,.
men cf ability i ink ant- the . cage
A day ago n n who
has with lively in.-rest
and the tobacco
me be bad heard
lint tic
people, that is
in n in
than when they upon cotton
as their only money that the
m, were u
am t nevi r
tattle heard I
Cl to k-ow upon what
of this hind baaed.
People traveling mil rarely
opinions the thrift
a people from tho through
they pa, rather by
backed mil sup-
the The town
If the men
town are it follows
e. is
rice It would be almost
log I th u dis
a sound and health Heart, or
and that between
s n suited in
la the country prospers but
tho town mat feed s s
not. No, no. Greenville in.
creases her business, it is the country
that is doing it act if the country
behind the town will Inevitably suffer
in like people
they a town
community because
the but tin
I e Is are getting in th -real
n Greenville. Ii should
in by d of
that person will certainly do harm
in the community.
A years ago Hast North
was as the Golden
it known us the
hell of
The tobacco market
Bald about per cent more tobacco
to date than was told fur the same pT-
I year. With live warehouses
ail en one day piles tobacco
on the r, there has yet
will In In i
and in i-l. s
may do tins ii is J
I,, expect. All who
expect I nit Hid . I W ml B
era hereby r ts
name to
later that S-pi S, Hull
in be . h in-.
visitors will
their will plea 1-t I e
II. A.
Chm I on lily.
1.11 is the the to-
market of the
more bright than any them.
It is backed up by ll e best
country in the Halo aid with ample
railroad water transportation, live,
energetic lair in a
few year to fling hi r banner to the
as the n cl the garden
spot North Carolina. The
North Carolina is peculiarly
adapted to the growth fine cigarette
tobacco and bright wrappers. If our
mil look after this
op the right lime, a gnat d el
the that is made very
year can lie avoid, d. I am
of pinion after c nil in-
manure is if
fall lo make wrappers, a non-
is made I
grows tobacco heavy mid
except for and
inches u a wrapper crop
one in seven. From the in-
formation I get farm-
poor or rather i b
with a
some good brand
on and
Editor r u
wain us. I
Ii my in ll. imp
the kind candidates I
we mill, a, lave Warned
the danger having
ton b Ion ti convention,
perhaps i. would u b, ll I r
no.-, hut I iv. have
endorse h
Tin I lie
Ii in re,
I'd I l, c b ii v.
tie are in just in e
us one, and I do m
to s y a or u
any cl them. N , Indeed I too
much pity, sympathy and respect
wound iii ll
have been lad at error.
I will be J
in repenting ii Then
us speak and
lo all loch come back and help us to
r, em our dear old county lie ill
ii j
an I n-
Nob I do not wish lo be
stood, I only have kind
thy the honest men ho have
been misguided in this matter by the
hat, for the lad r-. the
words spoken, and tie-
harder iii- hits n, the broad r grow
tin on my lice, I in
harder pal to my la
cl. f men
and which we gave
have money and t
draw he nest men lot
line with their enemies than
class. I have no sympathy
condolence them, and nil
even an for th m lo
k. Ne, let on own
will do us harm there than they
will us. Rut honest
who are not holding or
who h It us ping believing they
g, tile- n
aid he badly we
bid a hearty welcome again.
A. d new let on r, w pay Warning i
not to Ii in-
pi Into consul Ion en
hut 1st he a.
man. D not think m-
you bat, the a
pi ice, ha pt ; till
time has come, the condition
the is such, inn-
will compel
to I'll WT my I
think the ticket named in lie
roil is e winning lit v ill give
general In this sect on.
Hon. II. B. Chin
next at
o'clock P. II. t
hear and I to do
will regret it.
e will offer the follow-
prices on
cent curtains at
descriptions will be ad-
in this sale at
one-half price.
. mm.
I have
with a full
line of
Will quote
in a few
Finest of all by;
and all who have it
.-, In I ,. ii i, an I
i ii I V Ir i in-
A . unite. i. l-l of pin. I tow-
The and have Been
put in thorough Repair.
in l
Beard per day 11.50 per week per
given I,, s Livery Mable the
but lean barbs; In hotel. rates on
tn; A N. W. railroad,
nil to M.

raw a
th. W
,,,,. W
Camp Point
Thomas II. Wheeler,
Second , ,,
were drowned ft afternoon I r . f
The. Reflector Book Store
Mas a nice assortment or
You may never
But should you ever .--
Want Job
to see us.
for mum time past h,
was of ape, WM a line
made a
boat of friends among the old-
Together h
Lieutenant p
went to the beach this
The ran high the
was P I
men drew was not.
until that
were THeir
were found abort
from Wheeler tent.
that the young
were away by
Tonight a detail of
men the is
along the to
watch for the bodies
be thrown upon shore.
While in command at I amp
headquarters were located on
hill near the station, a
distance back
the water. It was only today
that his headquarters were
shifted down to the beach.
tent and the tents of
officers are not more than
yards from the edge.
it was this change of location
that gave young Wheeler and
young Kirkpatrick an
i lA
. in.
to indulge
They had often
of so doing, and even
one here that they
were drowned today- Of the
accident Wheeler has
nothing to say. His three
daughters, two of whom have
been acting as nurses in he
general the other
is a nurse in the detention hos-
are with him,
Lieutenant Kirkpatrick was
from Virginia. He was
pointed second lieutenant on
June 1806.
I ant
. . hr Ti
. box
,., ii U
la t
a Iver U
,, ,,, ,. u ii-
,, . IS
Lt all o J
II II Wit. H hi.
remove M ho.
K and ll
a be raw w
a h
fr. in e
o,, O
. b-
M It Will bear UP I
I,, kind Leave on
of pan
OR row. t It
are Picked, which BBl o th.
plant, with I mower and -h
; a brisk burn the
Will in lime t
partially, the fertility of lb.
exhaustion Is especially no-
on Mill ere
rich t the lime the
planted. To
a,, rat older .
the nitrogen not M
He especially of
potash. It II frequently
To stimulate top growth by sowing the
orchard to crimson clover in late B
and turning it under the
. it
.-, rip I
On II. P pill. Baltimore
Tort a at. Rash
i m.
Co. of I,
r.-. at
. . I ho Is to appear at lie next
he Sup. of said
I it-,, be M
,. next at of
N . .
or demur to . com U
Mid . Ion, air
the the relief t
Tobacco Stick.
j So
,., County
.-. m.
p,, t-
a . I
in. 4.1-C m,
m, Boston B m-
v II Y
New Be.
Sunday pm
on tie estate of
I No I. Hive,,
of to present
claims t. me payment
on or the day
of June or notice v be
plead recovery, At M;
Us to estate are
to make Immediate payment lo
This the day June
Public Administrator
tho Vi
further Information call on
S H l p m.
p m Marion I p
in. Florence 7.1.1 p m.
j. Denmark M a
am. am,
a Jacksonville n m.
I am
pa I pin.
Creditors; W
U. .
Court Clerk of county IS
executors lo the l-l and I
notice Is
hereby lo persons Indebted to
m s.
Job n
n home
at the
price f a
Arc you a sub-
lo be.
A Missouri paper tells
this good one on the
can and Populist in
A female horse, in the
latter State, who was the moth
of a mule colt watched over
her offspring with care and so-
hoping that it would
develop into the likeness of her
but one day when the
colt was setting well grown, it
turned loose a loud bray,
upon the mother exclaimed
-Alas this is the result
fusion. thought
raise you for a horse, but when-
ever you open your mouth you
speak like an
Twenty Million
Mr H. S. Pimple, of Little-
has recently sold
feet standing
of North Carolina
variety to
lumbermen who will at
begin the erection of a
mill on the property with a
daily capacity of feet.
only a few miles
out from Littleton, and known
as the Long property, and
OB I he entire track the stand-
timber of the North
pine variety if estimated at
about feet. Of this
amount the lumber
men have secured 80,000.000
feet, with options on possibly
as much more. Southern
Lumber Journal.
. ,
says a point few amateurs pr.
understand is that In order to
flue chrysanthemums the W
he taken and divide
even Martins every plan, tot
the bloom from n
o, of the new that crowd up
from the It l
break these out n
la each one, and when polled
TO rapidly. But all
of Old root re led to grow as they
will he. crowded
mas. mildewed leave.- and
with a clusters of small
Sowers. Divide your plant. away
what you can and throw the raw
So Urge a part of la a
Mr that e are apt to
which are
All fruits require .
seed., and this mineral also
to b. old in
the fruit. Tall It probably doe.
by keeping the
pin pears and are also MB-
With plenty of mineral
manure will be
II M. pm. New P
am. A
rm. MaJ
pm, Wilson
pm. Warsaw
York 9.30 am.
12.00 pm,
mend pm.
8.12 pm. 2.20 pm
pm. Hick,
Leave Wilson
1-01 m.
t payment
toll., and all , .
said mi. , ll, to Ir I-
the I v
Sn or the of
or tins will be plead In bar o , ,,,.,,.,.
same. Mils lino
O. Brown I
Notice to Creditors
, all indebted to M
M sail estate mart
M P-d
of th. recovery of
This day . .
Executor Tale.
,. direct fro.
8- M.
lien. am.
10.26 ML. This
North Carolina , C
I No.
t P. M, am.
Savanna night, t
ton o.-lo
am, am, Macon
I pm.
Son mil,
Minion am,
The Eastern
a I
Ivy is one of the plant
Bbl take care of Bl
good water when it need- It
a lo keep off in
one -he scale, and II will
fully do and bear boll
heat and cold with
Foreign gossip says that 01-
of ha. an am on
shoulder a token of her
for her father. late
Duke Constantino of Russia, and
Princess of Denmark, wile
the son of King Christian,
also marked in Ilk. with th
addition of a crown.
Memorial tablet, have placed
to mark the headquarter, of
and at Newport
aria- m.
potash . m, Scotland Seek at 8.20 t
p. m.,
J. m., a- m.
branch lean
a. m., p . re
a and I
n, nun. lift leave i. am and
pm at Washington am
and pm Dally Sunday
Melissa Carson I
vs. I
It. J. W. Carson
C. Carson I
The defendant B W Car-
will take notice that on action e .
titled as above has been
the Superior Court of county for
divorce and alimony, and the said de-
will take notice that lie
Is required to at the next term
of the Superior court old county to
be held o i the second Monday
the Monday in September, at
the Court House In
N C and or demur
to the complaint In action, or the
will apply to tho court for the
relief demanded In SaW complaint.
his day
KG James,
C, t la A
SO p. lo r. a,
7.40 M., p, in
leave. Plymouth dally excel
Si. 7.60 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a
10.1 and
Having been appointed and qualified
i administrator of tho late Adams
deceased, all are hereby
lo all against the
estate of th. said Adams for pay-
on or day of March,
or this notice will be plead In bar
their recovery. All persons Indebted
lo the estate are requested to make
Haw the
T C Wooten, attorney.
We bare a new
hearse and the nicest
Coffins and Caskets, in wood
metallic and brought
to Greenville.
We are prepared to do em-
in all its forms
Personal attention given to
funerals and bodies entrusted
lo our care will receive every
mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
We do not want monopoly,
but court competition-
We can be found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
Buggy building.
s only Si
c the
ye. k, i-
hi Ms-
l those
is i
many times
Strong Fortification
i the body against disease
s Tint s Liver Pills, an
for sick headache,
sour stomach,
jaundice, bilious
and all kindred trouble t.
The Fly Wheel of
fly wheel of life shall ever
be grateful for the accident
ought them to my notice.
as if I had a new lease of
Select School for Boys
Will at
Mrs. School house,
Nashville leave
Rocky Ml t pm
I OS pin Spring pm
ins have HOM ISM
dally f Sunday.
train on Midland . U.
dally, Sun Jay, V a
B. 8.80 a. m. Be
Train on Clinton Branch leave.
aw for Clinton dally,
4.15 p. m-
-m. and
J K Manager
Notice to Creditors
The Clerk Court
day to me of
the estate of Rich
ard notice Is
to all holding
estate to to
m tor duly on
or before 1st day
notice will be plead In
All persons Indebted to said
estate lo make Immediate
payment their Indebtedness to me.
J C. k CO
H- 0-
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable
The ii. it o
o Monday, Sept.
i . per
will be lo
clan. work.
Will be glad
V U.
Bethel High School
The Term begins on
This Is s high grade both
will l
very work will b.
will be maintain.
Board s to per month
Primary WM U
High School a
cent all be
lowed l paid
a whole term ,
further Information see or ad
t leave Washington Ore.
for Tarboro touching at nil land
Inga on Tar River Monday,
Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at a A.
and Saturdays
These stage
of water on Tar
connecting at
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and Boston.
Shipper, should order their good,
marked via Dominion Line rim
New York.
-Bay Nor-
I A Baltimore Company
i. Baltimore. -Merchants k Miners
1.1 Boston.
N. C.
The Stock in
every department and
Sat Highest
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector.
D. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. Year in Advance.
a hit. Majority in
Tew of
Greenville, N C, B. -J
J. Mm W, A.
all once b. en
cl place can to doubt
i Iron t i I low
r m it liable
I I of
i fill.
Pill it on.- largest and
moil coon
ties in Slate, and is
its capital. Its is about
product, of
are principally cotter,
sod peanut. It bag water and
rail n It is
reached by rail en Atlantic
Coast Lice and by on
Between and
million pounds of
told It baa two
buggy and
is a loan except on Sunday,
when yon n go to or to
sleep, being no
on day and no
p. n to
A 10.15.
is one of towns
fusion of 1893
ed- Thia was done by a method
absolutely indefensible from any
standpoint. was not dose on
the theory to prevail in
He publican or Democratic form
of government, majority
shall rule- On the contrary it
a deliberate and successful
attempt to give minority the
power to majority. And
violation of very
mental principle of our
could not even c as an
for Us enormity
minority was intelligent
ought to control and majority
was ignorant and not.
reverse of Ibis is tact
minority Green-
vile lo is an ignorant
a minority, an
Minority, s dishonest mi-
This minority has no in-
in good
now IT WAS
In order to out Greenville
of Ibis
class, legislation of paw
a laying off the town in
four wards. a
the of has perhaps
been know a for crookedness
Hues alt. ion of territory-
were so
wards and whites two
At the May el
of voters in wards was
i follows i
power to n a f
of police . tax
and all elder This
that lag a
ate intention lo a minority
govern n majority of
whites bays the
in i a bill-
The that a
man. an ex
of II
pi r or, a
who is totally o keep
of town, are among
Greenville's officials. men
in whose bands wag placed the
power to levy the taxes and ex-
them, for year ending
May, paid for same year
taxes to amount of just
by tax
This reverses old complaint
of without
and makes grievances of
Greenville's good
these men are
when they no As
was but natural M in con-
of town bare bad neither
moral, social nor financial
a year both mayor
and chief of police of town
have in open court admitted
Selves guilty of gambling,
bow list to all
sense of moral It is
but natural that such to
have no regard for
financial credit and
of town.
This mayor red lo was not
It is a notorious fact that
last year these officials would
employ of their own race as
workmen on cents
per day, giving at end
the week scrip
were forced to sell at a discount
of cents day in order to
the cash on their earnings
and thee or shavers
could at go treasury
and have it
from rs which
There are very many
I could write of concerning i
town if I were disposed
to dent with T find that
almost citizen firmly
believes and y
are verdict kind,
not but I will tot
mention Enough been
I is indisputable to show
that in changing charters of
these towns Ibo Legislature tie
determined lo
them if possible. There could be
other their desiring
to. do this diabolical thine t
that were willing
that towns and counties, and
whole slate in fact should be
provided could
crush white
gain control.
If our western people -th
what I have seen during tho
week, and bear their white
talk like I have hoard them
talk of the cf
their and affairs,
not a white man Id vote the
Republican ticket November,
unless be thought t more
lo hold a office
that bis should be
prosperous happy by being
ruled by the people who have
happiness and at
John P. Kemp
Tho heard of aldermen
took charge of city's
May the gov-
HAS turned over to
there in
Every dollar of the regular
taxes for 1897 had been i dot which recently published a
and expended and the vile white
special for 1898, due the Wilmington
first Monday in May, amounting
lo had also been collected members of the
and spent. Conference
of Eastern
lave given Hill
E. King, J. L. and Cal
W. Aver, and
marble heart.
It will be remembers
these three tine embodiments of
truth, recently
charged that Democrats
editor Wilmington
to write editorial
about poor white women-
The editor came out
editorial and de-
lb. m liars. Now the
Sunday school
Wilmington bus repeated
be following appeals in the
instant, pa-
For and
r. with tin- newest
selected with i. . ;
a. to quality, good
style. nave i m
bi nut ion for p. r a large
. j
largo .; every depart.
a i . ii i. you
Ilk m. I
latest, ad i i
Don't fall lose
i -i. i. take ad.
i f
in mammoth flock of
Dry damage dot
I -w F I -m i I fodder
all kinds. Gents Furnishing Goods,
Caps, Slices ard and tan
tr fit ladies, men gills boys.
e I,; v. In told
in y . I- what .
. . ill.
and .
Window In all colors.
and Scissor, we war
rant. Beautiful
Window Shades
all and seven
and Smyrna
Don Pay b f d-
i- s a.
Should are .-f
ii t
is that ii
s ion to lava torn ladder while
cost of good be is six
I ii-
u- inn,., opinion. lbs
tier cost corn
should take info
or occupation arc
who give wire i
II . and
Ar .-, list
made, and j lady in
f M. III
ii. hi r I n the with-
lolls, . tier vital or.
were death
id Imminent. Tor months
coughed j n i up
v ii . a way
v t Di
. I
I v j. . Billed to
ii. l . sun
Saturday, .
; . j s- .
I, r I . cure
. , . I
r. M s r
Is for .
i-. i Convention, lo
. I.-.-
. an I in appoint
. Every
it- man I'm
nail party who it
i- Invited to
I i and
I. Blow,
should be
lose Hut lie p slid
. has i.
Hi i- 1.1 the.
v. i it k . h N
t . . it I. Win n
.-. and
Curtain Poles
-tiller, r from
and was treated
-tit .- physicians in our city
lino all lo no Dr.
Electric Bitter, and
after two l was entirely
now take In
ilium to any
from this terrible I am grate-
u A. Lexington,
Rugs, Art Squires.
sleeping nights
A distant relative is nut
ways rich, but a relative
i is pretty sure t. be distant.
A lam advertised for it good
Oil band on and an ex-
the position.
Door Mats, in rubber, Steel and
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps.
T riv i l-
Lanterns, tinware; sec. our Automatic
Oil Can, fills you lamp and does not run it
a white i in
f nut people
had I to relent
own mayor a well
and bad
been honestly a Re-
publican form of government
would prevail in today
at now Now bill
in it of p. that
two c
minority of and be
in en vi. in
to two aldermen .
two ward,
1-a of at d
have . ply one
alderman each, and six men
chosen should elect the
or and all other town official.
new IT
Two and fifty-four
while thus have two
a. .-ad re on
sad six have the
At a meeting of
board o one
moved salary of
clerk be mind. This
by while
aldermen for
fit it already
received ample for a com-
bi aid of the
vote of e if Ibo the
motion lo was lo t. But
I to their point
continued in session so Into
d lo go home and of
voting with
wan nil
y law rs II in
of good faith with
in. 01- of
was dune and clerk's
A Of
year board of alder-
new by
pointing a night policeman. A
was chosen for place of
The reputation cf Ibis
police a
u were forced
by private to employ
two to natch this
and themselves
A Parable
All II in lint alter
prised came
region buy
rum. And when hi. rs
III i- h- lid mail is
I u.
I. .
in I. y It Kitchen Cell I
Bed .
ii ,
Oak I Ills
i II kl, . t n I. I
question about
Mo question about p Come .- for your
GOODS and you v ill out We profit n
every lull. will to
our goods fail in aid
for mutual bent
of In- first an
normally small
Wigwag spends
nights now trying to read
for v.
remarked the first
you notice any
leather in beef
replied the other;
riling a great
scheme on our servant
And if
I .
posh and it is easier
In- a I to t r eye a n.
for I 11-in .-s man to
a i hi
school convention, in
at N. C
after seeing bold, yet
, t u have for our
yes, our
our ladies, yon you
our end endorse-
stand by yon lo hazarding
our lives. We you it grand
we think your is
paper every
in ill
forth protection
ladies our May you
know we, sir, bare
your cause, purpose to a
mi; lo see you
per shall our Mr
we I begun
work in f nice,
the fair f I'M t,
this p-
you and
D- T-
it is now i order for the
beautiful King
and pass
that the of
conference are not
ever have been Populists,
and are in employ of
Neva and Observer.
U v
I In- I pUce
to Public School
ii. new ;. m
Tho poising Precinct
in I- from
it n h
a glass of
every night, so she'll
sure to morning.
Only M i ii
i i ill
Just a carload
mule, in ii ii v ii
I i t -St; a uh- n a.- U
I j 1.1- Hi
i. i.- 11- is a e
ii III lb .
I u i y l u r.
., in
ii i-1 i
i t Ii i iii
v h I. r l i
hi r u m
ti . v .
i from
I to
1-. A
fall Rheum
Fryer Chapped
Corns, all Skin
Piles or no
way ii
i it i-r of
. . I .
Professional Cards
, .
Bee over
A More.
Stoves are made by tho largest
in the world and arts used by
many millions.
I 1.1 III.- U. I I i
,, , i ; I. i Hull lit. ii- . Ill It I
hi i till I M .
In-, n ill, i- i . u t ii. all II all
I. ii a . Hall . . i
, i I,, in w
ti I it., it . t i ulna
,. i i iii-, use, i. a
. I. taken directly
. i ilium building up Hie
Ina work,
in h in
iii-i Dollar, for
ii In run. fin
, I
K. J. CO .
,. H. C
In all n mu.
II , l.
f. M. U
t ii, N. C
hi all III.- I. in.
lo II. . .
I-. in all Ml.
W. II. W. if
V i. i . I

Eastern reflector, 16 September 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 16, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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