Eastern reflector, 9 September 1898

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The Reflector Book Store
nice assortment Pen
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you sea them
earn cheap are.
You may never
But should you ever Wm ;
Want Job Printing
to see us.
tor Job
Anything from a
lie i
t y.
Gives the homo
moon at
small price cents a
Are you a sub-
scriber It
lo be.
The Eastern
a year
news even
contains the
k, ill m i-
t n
cc ally those
that is
many times more
be subscription
Almost immediately after
the passage of
acts, under which the
Southern States were re-admit-
political and civil rights were
conferred upon the there
was a great of
into Washington City, and the
capital of the was fast
becoming the political
heaven. Why I It was about
this time that an act was pass-
ed by Congress which gave to
the citizens of the District of
Columbia the power to elect
all the local officers of the city
of Washington. The people
there had local self-government
and the was as good as
the white man. They Hocked
i I to that city in great numbers.
if and had the Influx gone on and
the right of the people to elect
the local officers been
ed the city would long ago
have been under the control of
the As it was, the
city government soon became
so corrupt and extravagant
that Congress was forced to re-
peal the act giving the people
the right of local self-govern-
The principal officers
of the city are now nominated
and by and with the advice
consent of the Senate are
pointed by the President, and
these appoint the minor officers
Since the present system of
government went into opera-
the has had but lit-
showing in the way of office
holding, and the city is no
longer his political heaven.
What place is now to
what Washington once was
What one State in all this
ion now holds out to him the
inducement to enter her
and seek her political
honors; What State, and what
State alone, is represented in
the Congress of the United
States by a i What State
what State alone, has reg.
laws which make it
easy for him to register,
he is a legal voter or not I
What State, and what State
alone, requires nothing of him
to entitle him to vote except
his bare oath that he is so en-
titled The answer to these
inquiries is, North Carolina
The is not a voter in
the District of Columbia, as no
elections held there. South
Carolina and other Southern
States where the are in
large have pined
special laws which make
domination in those States
practically impossible. But
North Carolina, under
rule, not only does not
seek to provide against
domination, but actually in-
it. Laws passed by Dem-
Legislatures for the pro
of the white people in
certain localities have been re-
pealed by the Republican par-
and the policy of turning
over these communities to the
has been proclaimed to
the world as the policy of the
Republican party of North
Carolina. we see in
New Hanover county forty
magistrates and numerous
other officers. In Craven
county we find twenty-six
magistrates and a host of
other officials. All
through the East we find this
policy adopted, and as a result
many of the local offices held
by Gradually this
policy is pushing its way upon
the State, and even Chatham,
have been put on com-
for white schools.
Much has been done in
of this policy since the
Republicans came into power,
in January. 1807, That policy
is now on trial, and a fierce
contest is going on over
the State. The Democratic par-
is attacking it with all the
abandon and
a hyena g its young-
Bethel High School
The Vail Term begins on
o l-It
is a school grail
I M bed discipline will V maintain
Board from to month
Int on o a
School aw
A discount cent will M
when cask m l-aid iii
a whole
For on or a
Vi-WHO Tr .
N Ma
a U r.
This Republican policy is to
be passed upon in November
by the people in North
The from other
States watch the If
the people of North Carolina very work will
shall deliberately this
policy, can any one doubt the
result i Is it not manifest that
from other States,
where official life is closed to
them, will hie themselves away
to North Carolina, as they did
in former days to Washington,
where official life is open to
them and where the
can party offers them its re-
wards I Let it be proclaimed
to the world, after this
that the white people
of North Carolina have
ed this Republican policy and
that this party now in-
trenched in power, and does
any one doubt, can any ore
doubt, that there will bean in-
flux of into North Car-
from Virginia, South Car
and other Southern
States that will soon give the
the majority in many
counties where they are now in
the In this way
county after county which
the whites now fed secure may
soon pass under control.
Can any one doubt that this is
a real danger if the Republican
party is to remain in control of
the State No more can any-
one doubt that it is an
danger. Who shall say-
that Colonel II Young,
the only colonel in the
United States, when he returns
as a conquering hero to his pa-
and friend,
sell, may not summons his race
to join him in making North
Carolina the San Domingo of
the Union.
Whatever one may
about these weighty and
it is certain that
if the Republican party
and its policy be re-
by the white people
and the Democratic party be
restored to power, none of these
dangers can befall the people
of North Carolina. The Dem-
party is a white man's
party, and it will establish and
maintain a white man's gov-
over every foot of soil
where it governs at all.
Carolina In the
Henry W
named take , that an action
a- been commence I
In tin of County
for an absolute decree divorce Horn
the said And the said de-
further take notice that
be i require I lo appear at the next
term of Court
lo held on second Monday in
September next at Court House of
in c, and
answer or demur to the I-
mid ac or th plaintiff will apply
the relief In
I; id In y.
V. More,
My for t. S.
Tobacco Sticks.
all I
an SM
Al farmers wanting Tobacco Stick.
can get them at the Lumber
Yard. W. K. PARKER, Agent.
m or MOM
Lauren. Washington,
m. Creditors.
County on the day of
p m. let
P in. Tarboro p
p m.
p in, p
p m.
ion 1.6
a m. a u
p m.
Ha Hue M ix
p m.
p m, p m
p in.
m. Mount
p in, a in, Nor-
folk a
i m.
a m. New York
p m.
except in p Bern
Sunday t pm
June issued lo me Letters of Ad-
Ministration on the estate of
Barnes deceased No lee gives
to creditors of id lo present
their claim t me for payment
authenticated or the 10th day
of June or this notice will be
plead bar recovery. All per-
sons indebted to said estate are
lo make immediate payment lo mo.
This the 7th day of June 1898.
i Mb
ti Creditors
Having duly before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county
to tin- la-t will t
of O. Brow., notice I
hereby to persons I
the et I t make Immediate payment
the an I all persons
claims against said estate urn-1.
on or before nod day of July,
this e be plead In bar of
of same. 2nd day
July, J.
W. U
Executors Susan O-
ii p
ii- la With
Ice cir lie c C
Another in
J. M. Postmaster at
Tillery, was taken into-custody
last Sunday by inspector
Gregory and brought before
Commissioner T. of
this place. He gave bond for his
appearance herein the sum of
Charges against him are
embezzlement of money order
funds and opening ordinary
letters. He was formerly
Postmaster at Tillery under
the Harrison administration.
He also represented this
county in the State Legislature,
in 1887, and was a member of
the House of Representatives.
Weldon News
Liver ills.
are YOU
constitution undermined by ex-
in by
the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure yon.
headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
. in. Chad-
p m Marlon Ml r
in, Florence p m, Sum-
. p m, Columbia 10.61
j. Denmark a m,
t 7.55 a m, Macon 11.10 a m,
Atlanta p m. Charles.
ion pin.
a m. a m.
Notice to Creditors
Having duly he
Clerk of County
as the s.
notice Is hereby given
persons indebted t the estate to
take payment ti
aid all person haying
t laid estate must
duly a then the under
on r before the day of
July, or this notice will
in bar of the recovery of their claim.
Till day cl July, UM
l Levi
We have just received a new
hearse and the nicest Hum of
Coffins and Caskets, in wood,
metallic and brought
to Greenville.
We are to do em-
in all its forms
Personal attention given to
funerals and bodies entrusted
to our care will receive every
mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
We do not want
but court competition.
We can lie found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
Buggy building.
1.01 new
Philadelphia am, Ball
nice am,
1.30 am. Richmond 9.0
Petersburg an. V
11.00 am.
12.21 rm. Mount
Cm, Wilson I'M
pm. pm.
AM, Boston
York 9.30 am, Philadelphia
Baltimore pm,
pm. Petersburg
8.1- pm. pm
Weldon Tarboro
HO pm. Mount 1.40
m. Leave Wilson
7.8.1 am, am.
New 9.00 all,
10.30 an,. This
13.1-1 r. at
. am.
pro. pin
night, Charles,
toll 5.48
am, Atlanta am, Macon
am, Augusta pm.
4.17 pin.
am, Florence
Marlon 9.31 am,
am, Lake
i cu Jutland
Weldon 4.10 p. m. Halifax 4.30
arrives Scotland Neck at
It. J. W. Carson
Jesse C.
The defendant U J W Car-
son will lake notice that an action
titled as above has been commenced
the Superior Court of Pitt county for
divorce and alimony, and the said do-
will take that In-
Is to at next term
of the Superior court ii I county to
be held o i the second Monday after
the Brit Monday in September, 1898 at
the Court House of said In
N C and or demur
laid action, or the
will apply to the court for the
relief demanded In said complaint
T his of August,
K. A. Move,
F O James, atty.
Sam id
Pa a Hatch II .
Is complex
Snuff, Cigar
D ion-
we direct from
in sill lo
It time. Our g a c all bought
risk to run we sell at close margin.
Having been appointed and qualified
as administrator of tho late Jesse
all parsons are hereby
all claims the
estate of said Jesse Adams for pay.
on or before mm day of March,
or notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. All persons Indebted
to the -ah estate arc requested to make
settlement. the
day of Match,
T C Woolen, attorney.
Notice to Creditors
The Clerk the Superior Court
this day Issued to mo Letters of
Administration upon the of Rich
. Mel notice I
p. m., 7.16 w i holding claims
Id turning, leaves Kinston
i. in. a. m.
x at a.
J illy except Sunday.
on lean
W i a. in., nil j. i i p .
Parmele 9.10 a. m., 4.0.1 p
leave Parmele am and . . l. . ,, ,
pm at Washington i MUte of
said to present to
in . for payment, duly authenticated, on
1st or
this notice will be plead in bar of their
recovery. All persons Indebted to said
estate are notified to make Immediate
payment of their Indebtedness to me.
This the 23rd day of June,
and pm Daily except Sunday
K. R.
m., Sunday M;
Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.10 p. in
Returning leaves Plymouth daily
a. m., Sunday a. m.
arrive 10.06 and CO
Nashville leave
Rocky Mt at pm Nashville
pm Spring Hope pm Return
lug leave Spring Hope am Nash-
ville S M Ml am
dally except Sunday.
Midland N. c. leave
dally, except Sunday, a
m. arriving 8.30 a. in. Re
turning 0.00 a. m,
rives at 10.33 a. in.
Train on Clinton leaves
Clinton dally, except
a. m. and p, in-
Train No. makes dose council in
at Wei Ion all point
ail Ric
Li M
Pass Agent,
J R hi Manager
T M Manager .
leave Washington
touching stall land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday A. M.
Tarboro at A. M,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday
These are subject to stage
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers fur Norfolk, Baltimore
Philadelphia. New York and Boston.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion from
N w York. from
Baltimore Steamboat
fro e Miners
LI i. ii Boston.
SON, Agent,
O N.
containing rooms,
having thoroughly
and Is now for sale, o
rent. disposed of w
be I guests JUNK 1st,
under competent management. T
further Information call
H. by, Owner
to R.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock s in
every department and
prices as low as the low
eat. Highest
prices paid for
J C. ft CO
H. O.
Wire Iron Fencing
only work
The Eastern Reflector
D. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per. Year in Advance.
U In e office s have
killed or died of
W received, Lave
of i camps
ad and
The has the
u in i 1,284 died in
on or at
n- u ii.-i-.-ii malady
of camps-
no doubt shoot
hose names have been s
Neither ii there um-ii
d M hose names could not be
d on of rec-
and inability or
of fin-
lists dead.
Tim th- follow-
dead la
in every Instance a t
disease. list by is as
Camp Thomas
Alger, Camp
and other minor camps
in i i iv de At home,
hospital ship, total 1,281-
are attributed to the
comes Typhoid fever
yellow fever,
pneumonia, cause as
fever, miscellaneous
or not reported,
Of regular army, are
dead; Massachusetts is second
with Illinois third with
Michigan fourth with and
New York fifth, with
go Tribune.
I In- I Mil it In r world for Cu
Fever Chapped
Chilblain, Corns, all Skin
lions, and cures Tiles or no
way It is to
perfect satisfaction or
price -.- per i v
The this paper will lie
to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able In all
Is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is
the now to
the medical Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a con-
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and surfaces of
system, the
foundation of the disease,
the patient by building up the
and nature in do-
its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its powers
they One Dollars for
case that It falls to cure. Send for list
F. i.
Professional Cards
i. In James,
N. C.
Cobb A More.
W. M. J. L.
N. C.
In all the
N. C
N. C
In all the Conn.
i T.
K. f
m. I i i i. at La
In all II e I
. B. W. In ea
N. C.
he Half Hot Been I
The of the
nils of control and
to. ti. i. in Car-
have not half
day crows worse.
H. a o, the
best known minister, in th Hath
church n h's State,
the great from
the Fast will com-
flu the attention nut respect of
the letter a I
P. K C-,
My Dear Sir and
was from home when your favor
came. I h v brief-
reports of the
results of the of tho
est the east-
counties are cot exaggerated-
Indeed, the n
I am sore it the honest
while of and west
ii n of our good old Slain
would come see for
would return home
with the resolution, every one
to work vole to help
throw is so op-
and humiliating to
white men and white in
the eastern
Things must change very soon
or portions of our beloved
will be reduced lo
poverty and ruin. ho good
of this section are making
a determined effort, and scores of
while men who had strayed off
the fusion combine, com-
back to the ban-
and will vole for honest gov-
Lot the wast hoed the
earnest, honest appeals of
in the east aid
P. hundreds of
of them
fellows of the baser
tho eastern
Homo cf our towns and
Greenville and are com.
dominated by Al-
and p die.
mer, matters are in a
condition These
brought about by the
division of wards in these towns
made the last
J, H.
the debt tin
was by
about being the
of of bonds ft I
which cash has paid into the
The money ban flowed
it I
paid out on account the war ;
her co there has been doling o
month increase of morn
in the cash tie
Treasury. The of Iv
is the net crease of
public dent for ; and
an cash
bond the
l i am will b I
The a Id
id represent
plus but
Mr Mill is
From we
Pearson sent
the following letter, under date
to Lieut-Col. A. D.
Second regiment N. C. V.
HI. Simon's Island,
hi v return home I Dud
your I. Her the that
i in t n quest the See-
on regiment be retained tho
In reply I beg
to say that every mail brings
applications Ir in
curing the honorable
of soldiers in this and
insisting that the men who
lo tight be de-
against will for gar-
I look at this position is
entirely reasonable, I feel
a sufficient number
of men from the First and
regiments would be lo
volunteer for permanent service
to a full regiment and i
this would be much
mote satisfactory than the
winch propose-
to me the
should have a voice in
antler as well as ard
the men who have left
i eh in lo tone
lo ho con-
before i f
duty is changed, and I feel
that Congress will lake this view
of the
Taking tho country over
majority drug are
lo work sixteen a
long . service for
own good or tho safety of pa-
was. Mi. n a basis if
in u hours made
a few days ago at annual
meeting of American
Association Id Wash-
In New York Mas-
clerks have
to obtain legislative re-
lief, but such c ion should be
unnecessary ; laws human-
should cut down hours.
Not all the dings in the
can restore the health enc
by too long
lo Philadelphia Rec-
At u of ilia
express companies bald in Chi-
it has decided tint tho
would bear
of Die war upon
of requiting it lo be paid by I he
I. The
tardily, but it-, will
meet wide
The tax CM scarcely be onerous
to antes, which in
g it to mads it
d. therefore,
to a
tome extent,
the United States mail.-. The com-
should have grasped
For nested and
for or iv. I -ii r Is
wiled with the newest new
styles, selected ed
a nullity, j.
We have n m
for ll A
of .; m ,.
large iv
i of I lie -n i-
Styles and
-r. a- i
all i i Ices see
. i did -to. k and lake ad.
the U
in i of
Dry pres . loads,
Dress Notions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing- Goods,
Caps, in black. tan
to fit ladies, men girls boys.
fit Hi lei .-I ti. t ; ll we 1.-I
ti t in ti r town i
In alt colors.
et hi
i- war
lino of
Lace Curtain Curtain Poles
in while U Window Shades
in all and
and Smyrna
Rugs, Ail Squires, Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Door in robber, Steel and
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps,
Lamps, Lanterns, Tinware; see our Automatic
Oil Can, you lamp does not run it
it Means
A of
Durham, . but n appointed gen-
store and ganger, a
position hat tho keys of
in of tho store
rooms cf the Durham district
his had-. Whit
Stoker and
distillers to d
when lakes of the i
houses and whiskey
their keys around in his
Ni school equality v-
to tile your today.
ruin in the means
to western I
is as sure as fate.
Do you or will you it
in Journal.
Allen who
lives up on Stony Fork
near the Wilkes
line, is years old. He a
young about Mr.
Whittington does his own
work and often makes trips to
Wilkesboro, a distance of
twenty miles. He likes to tell
of the good old times of long
years ago. One of the chief
attractions lo his house is
some good old mellow
which he keeps in his cellar
that is years old. Mr.
Whittington s brother, Alex,
who lives on an adjoining
is years
Boil in Oak, mining In price from lo OH
Oak II and Cradles,
hairs of nil I i Tables, I
Mali Racks, c.
Cams to your
GOODS yon will come oat ahead. We guarantee aid pleasure Ir
every cur priers will sating lo
i our goods cannot fail lo in quality and style
Tours for mutual
i- I-. i-11 c I
W . fol I III J
. . . Carolina
i r j- a ii ling
the art duly
; in law.
j. furl
a b -1 in i. men. All fur
i. I lo expire lam
;. ii I i . lie i i i i
i I.- ,
A i No t w
h ii .-. ill rec c
a .
lit c each n
in i a in will l K-
I i . ii . . . I .-
i v i -I .--i.; i i ti ;
Al I- i III I.- u will
i in , iii n hi -i
r. y i i
all ,. ;. . wan d u III
. C i-i put i i
i i i n -i i
a ;. ii ill iii men I and
.- i n a.-
ll- . tint -t v. .-
ii . C i m
I lie I en-
j,, . r
d r Kira in
ii i Sec d was lb
i ; I. ii II and
. i i ill w a ale
ii- in i I
a r-
it U ; a .;. j
to a
week, to be On
i I on ii
e it willing if
I I-
I . i ., in ;.
ill Xi II la U I ;
t II i e -i I i. i
gun . i, i Art,
ti tut t ml i ,
; i -i-
ii it.- Si .
N . e . Ur I
i .- I m.
, I; i ii is to r-
, lain while
r i in w u. i
In nil r I the Gov-
. n l in-
i n In in the govern met. I
i in mi n it i . .
N. In
A Ike Democratic
I'm county is called to
unit House in Greenville
on September -I, 1898,
If II. purpose
County i Town-
will held o'clock
P. If. ii ,
H i, for
d lo i lo
Justices ilia
man rd Till c inly,
party who l Is
while good
i nun i i, Is invited wave lo
i i tin -i-
i i Ike M.-inn
I. Ill
I. S
ill. i- i I rm
County will be I. II . t the Pillowing
for Braver township
School u-
. I
I Carolina
Poi Black Jack
Per township
K. i
. Green.
in Court
For township at
at Bur-
n v
In lie.
ii one vote
in iv n Democratic
thirteen by
i at Ike la.
I .
Belt no I
No I C
No I T.
i No i lo i G
Gr No
i e
Gr No
No I
Swift Crack No
Creek No
will nominate a can-
. that
and will each be
nix is Chic id,
and will
be to lour.
ii union I union.
A fires us wist
it el
In y are in op-
lit b cue in led band side
lie nail on the
up all
hi o rank., into a
mi. aim and object Is to control
oilier usually
eds in one, that on
or wrong aide.
to borrow on
Don't you can
gel Into habit talking
I Toil are easily lured.
mill H.
worry i on
you will it on lap every-
think your
1.1 sows kc
on -s
a s a
be in carried an
oils and j
Fair Dealings and Bock
hat boon
made, and hat ton i- n lady m
upon her and fr aha
ii- real but i. or-
death in-
in lit. For
coughed and could Hot sleep
Him flu way
in 11-
Kit t. I ill i,
t mi i mI on ii i
A v it pi all and i h
n mini.
In Him U Mi I In
I ll
to u yo
w every i it-
1- pleasure we t in-
Ml mill WM In
of the la our
nil to avail. Ball
I i-i. i
I now lake in
a Han I o, N l
U Ti i In. m i.-J
More. Re i n i and Sift

Greenville, N.
. as
Jr. of
Second T
Strict-Oliver H. Allen
Seventh A
Third 1-
of Pitt.
First H. Small
of Beaufort.
North Carolina Suffer-
Corporal W. W. Of. K.
second the Heath
Juntas. at
Tub a
i.- toe I
noon Kai BUM
a lane the
At no place along near a
was wind
Ml at tUt
v in a all of lot
nil. The wind estimated lo have
a lour at
lime dating bight it looked M
Lt the most rub
a great deal.
A and K
Carolina vol-
They MM housed in small tents until
nigh and W re only
five to to I
Si me the went
and some to the
Slates Ion. the
in were in such a bur.
and the
kind was such a gale
many articles a
Well. Mr. Editor our Home
Visitor baa suspended business at
this place, take this method by
your of the
world know of one of the
in worst i
and j in and our
Miss Clara of
is here
Too u hot bat still the
have to bum
Mis fox visiting her,
The Progressive
by one J- L Ramsey, who to an
office holder with M
hired the of the
in that paper
white whereupon the ea-
of Record rises to bra-id
made himself less
or any part of con
nor of the paper. It to
hut to that a
editor of a paper
the support of
bl. people dare to espouse
the cause of
children of the Are to
conclude that all hi self respect
h in
Ml lo wreck in sand. Many el
Perhaps the of
mature pile has
the of Editor l I.
Ran liar to extent lie i
unable lo tie
emitted from hi-
in office has tot had C
upon him that the MUM
id in nil have A
while ii an with
u in office must have a
stomach equal ability t-
foul with of the cm-
bird stomach crave-
foul meats how dies ft while
man feel when ct Ham
to call him
Political pie must a very
central an western
of State are
ed as i ever before over dis-
graceful conditions existing
the eastern counties
Carolina. good men
in sections o have
with sup
port to the Populist party
would have never done so hid
would bring upon their
white brethren in the east. It is
necessary existing
o millions made and
these will to Dem-
Men from those
going east to see for
tors of Maw
ll i I
were and
they mean urn
-i than ever boo i bi-
be s dine to the city on
train Hi.
Ibis They presented a
pitiful Many
without h Ml and tome bad n bats.
The lo lbs
rs, who in id
I do so. He
and kepi everybody on
land. men this was
i-; the U
el and W
a gab,
and sleep, but no,
d,, dosed his
simply d with
and down
upon away
entirely. Then lbs was -n to
. Tb.- so as
could, Many of
About H
d Ii d
by lbs Savannah-
,, in and
i upon They
art than Cuban
Tin re lire missing
now, up i
city up i
were Carolina
island, besides Olivers.
The regulars, who are Loused at lb
s lb
I lose who
. I in
T. Sn b K. who, lie
M , did all lie could m and
,. nit lo men come lo
Ike city l Tb toll
i p ibis g leave, but
A is
lay on island wind
h lit, cover, d the i hind
d in oh lb.
almost Impossible, The
to the men's coals and den-
in I shirts. When the order emus
In seek broke
list the
in doable
guns POW rusting to sands
bi I. owner., were In
big a hurry to get OBI t
I heir. Hals, and
lie I I
ll e railroad vis not M badly
Mashed bill that trains could run
ll- A lbs island ibis
t and reached Savannah
Soul n inn. run a long one,
hill those on train en so lo
. I away did at
low t peed train.
and down and as arrested
ard reel beck lo It was
we went to our
to bad, never expecting the
storm was to be so bad- The
M blew a d and o clock
one looked and every in
Co. A A K was down and in about
five down came ours.
were and any
all the wind was hard lo
one. us kept th tent
up so one c I came
shoes, or shirt
were in worse
than mi sell- Bf .
et behind us we knew
vis impossible t save anything- I
rushed the wind lo in I
my and carried M about W
the ground ml
when struck I a
bad to on lo and Watt
lo g
was mining bard and
ad blind, d and
any one. Al lust we rail-
read and were
in which we
we got c on
us and run and got on a lids a house
and stayed
were blown down, works
and the tin or. the box c
m lipped oil. The we were
shelter under and tho
windows were blown
root Hot n t
move lo- we knew it
to do so. W. II we op all
on we bad to
, n. I and at we I, the
It look train lour
hours lo make the nip mile
clear track weed and wreck-
age. There were about a- idlers
aboard and we got in- w. I
ii was laming
all us will catch it when
w back, w; rm but are
back i has Up.
You will see in the
kind gs-e us
and shell. but have
any of and
are and are at a
paying our bills. Rt
1- island is nun covered
and rain rater.
an y.
ill oar personal things are
ll do have
been lo ramp I
All Hie I-1 la were Lad just
e me cm OBI are lorn
is at pay
lie to n who sued I
Admiral bis .
i get a
personally, receive
thousand three hundred
and bis men,
lore hundred
and nine hundred
personally, g la about
John H for Congress
give to our Democratic
i that met in Edenton
Tuesday for noble and
work they d
for us ii us
of a for
the First District of
North Carolina it best
that could have been
made- He is a man, a
pure man. a plucky and a
man and ii he the
Bible With Silt
Mr. J. N- showed us
Bible be bad with him
in t e war He Tarried it
and it tot wet At
battle of
of he
from right ere and
out behind right ear.
Bible his breast packet,
became saturated almost with
own which hat nit yet
faded out. He prises book
. ,
uncle, Mumford, this ; Mr, Holt
J. D- fox wife attended
at John's church
man u tans . .
our while people have and do
placed in his and I, a u. It is a and hat a
a lie of nice furniture to
L-N. has accepted B
position as for F- Man-
J. R
cf not Ho sell,
cold drinks.
Mrs. U. P. came home
last week from a visit to p o-
Sim item .
Jack, has moved here is cc-
the I lest house
C. O. i
is ready to bis
in the furniture factory
N. C. July
Oneida Cotton Mills i
two and a ball years my
two years, had
about the
ears. The trouble on each
the was inclined to
mu but observing to
conn- I called i, who
said the cine from olds,
lo grow, to hold
or the little boy been
lanced ii. three and at three
limes, his lace at limes,
The nature be was
termed oM by and another
thing by at however, did
me, I was a
cure, and Mrs. Jo- Remedy
having called lo
I dropped lb-
in the troubled
waters of strife in
crisis of will
all up at one man an pro-
history worthy of Hickory
so wit
Only Kiwi Class
Mr, Smith
here last week . bad a lot; ,,.,, . teen
in tern,.,
being well,
two weeks cents cord- tears that in
Oar Mi-E CM is cu memory me
Office in Opposite Court
Greenville, N. C.
Prick Co. want
of cut the
from orders for i
winch be is sending in ;
E G- Cos home
e- out are ,., . . j l
from an extended
, W do I dramming far
a one I
It days. ,
I sauna aid
co know
I it
tor a f
Cur. W. W. Pi Bi
Co, V.;
hue sales.
Tho weather is hot the A
is i
wheels to oilier I
shipping cart
M A- Bro. are
ready to boy eggs and but-
If you ;
yon would think them hungry,
a daughter of
Rowan Cooper, cut arm very
badly by failing with a glass pitch
or The wound was dross-
ed by Dr. Cox and she is now do-
l. F. Manning Co are tired
of warm have
a Inge stock of shoos and if
tho toiler
not buying pair ex-
John Harper, who
very sic typhoid i
How tilings a
tux a war i no a war M a
stamp lax.
we the I
Savannah i., 1-1
No d you will IS id lo In
nu, I I Mill
you an Mora
we had at
MU wad an I
than I have write. I
never such I and
Lone never will or any
M.-n that baa never In a
storm, d in I know what ills.
A t
had hoard u
f rs
were in regular monthly n
Monday. Bl
Iron the
Coroner, Cm-
lax Halt,
I Mil Jam.
tit vacant lot J.
ill the House,
d i i .
lbs a
show why In did making
la Falkland township
A. Out allowed
Watson Tucker
and Moses
lie to
were added lo
lo relieve monthly
mount M
n and
H. A one a
J. I i-i
and condition id
power lo in
the man
A new road laid
, m Iron lbs ard
road to the and
mud a men shout I mile ,
ll, on to be near
din Randolph term and an Um
pi ten.
well enough to take his pi -o
in cigar
who hat been out
days on of a girl, is
ready to resume his at
We have marked juices
away down. You should see
our leader on
They cannot lie
for the money. We also lead
the market on
we are the
in town on all goods.
Come see for
N. C.
of the
and get some of the
War Over
We still selling at a Low Price.
and of
I intend to give my friends a hon
est deal. Come and see me-
old infill Mr. aid Mia K.
n, at of .
I cholera
Tie remains wen, to
N mini no tor
too Inn. lira
Win mi Ml not aide, to mm
well enough to
itch out a
An apt old
done. Tins
Is true of
rue of
i ll S
who work all
day ill factor
and half the
u i In
Baking and
their own
or sewing for
much on feet, or who are unable to
stand of over-work and worry,
re peculiarly lo weak
n. -.- and are bans
of womankind The of such
headache, backache,
law es. and e-
In many
The is
and t by male
are painful and
fur a quarter of a
will and permanently
the women. Brad-
field a Regulator la by
one dollar Int. u and
able f,, women mailed free
. v. A
g Come and See it.
Vehicles, all
menU repaired on short notice.
Carts, Wagons, Brackets,
Post, made lo
Heavy and
ii m
kept constantly on
A General Horse
Also a a line of
I can now be found in
the store for
W. Brown
Come to see
you buy
good coming
clothes, that will
look well on you, clothes
that will wear well,
clothes that will be an
outward index your
good taste, of your good
go a great way, clothes
make the man, first
are the best.
Am in the mar
buying goods.
Cold r and
t k are in el Ilia
Fr-h N. Y. and
at H. M. b. hulls.
If ore barbecue stands being put
up cut in its tobacco
And tobacco right alone
to mar.
will be many tears
when hot weather lakes c
to depart.
You can beat
and that's made, J. S.
mas., a merry blowing m
noon and tight.
ii in-in;
of it great slaughter prices.
Ice Cream every day.
any quantity by measure promptly
W. C. Mines,
is now when the train gets
In and crowds that have co
around the depot will grow
An in while
up evening put
Daily i-nm nu dark
gelling alum
had the residence of Mr. and
E A. Move in West Greenville on
y night.
T-o patent medicine mi
living concerts on the
near the Court House. have a
right and draw out a
Another the celebrated
Talker Fountain Pen, on earth,
n Una Store.
pen the in
and is a Com
coming to U
nay they last lime.
They ere not the
not well
nu y be right alter all.
Died in Salisbury.
Mr. Allen received a lei-
Mr. K. Warren, who
In- family was in
bury, the death the
son, occurred
last night. He will reach here tonight
will, the The many hi
of the Inn will
Was In the
W. J. ruby a member Battery
II., el
who at
Monroe, U home on a
Park, where have
been camped their return from
Cuba, lie was In the around
and can some
bis experience there and
the boys lie
be escaped lever the
malaria caught him.
And on Page e Life-
W. S.
Haiti mere.
T. J. in mil r
Mies Mary of Scotland J
Nick, who has b.-en
home today.
Ai in.
. I C, i came up
I. Harding.
lira. Hi- i ,.
who bet-n a days
mother. Mi-. S, fa shall,
m, la
Mines Clan
Between Two Fire
id, hi
l Lu-
ll is morning
Down near Calico, in lower part
were two
Wednesday, the
Look Home
We lo the
which we live lo do we can
in y that will be to its
m tins a great deal more lo than
one's who Hies elsewhere.
bear that in mind in buying our
goods. can lo pay our
home man a firm price for his
than send cur
we do to every dollar
our make will
cur , and put lie
II pays richly lo
home Press
F. King
Is. m tins
from to
C K. came Saturday
John White Ibis n.
lo enter school
evening fr. m U i trip.
Mi Galloway left
to attend reboot.
Miss lilt tin-
to attend
A. of on lie
this going alter
N. Harding
sill preach in church
R.-v. H. M. ton went over to
Beth- today lo attend the opening
Them is a g on pan
in the
hat i- to say, those
who believe in
respective principles rather
using to gel individual i.
Populists who have ill
the versatile Colonel have
B to lb
promise or . I p-
while I
have ii., placed themselves directly in
Boa line
wafer morning 000-
lays he wept that H Mr. is Pop-
when he could not a- further. I says be i he cannot be true lo
Rev H. . Bad it he is a
lo attend
, . .
Hooker and Lillie j,
morning I i
Ibis it.
J. II. Cherry
from where he had
alter new
Mis. M. D. left tins
to make her
L. F. his
to i u
the with A.
Mis. J. A. rho
has teen Mis. W. R Parker,
left this Rocky Mount
W. G. Lin Miss, s
Belcher Bid Ada Fields,
took e train hole
J. R. Smith,
through to I
s i
Mis. Julian of KM
who has been visiting her parents out i
took the train here Ibis
morning home.
Misses Irma Ella
same weeKs here with
Tyson and
hem today.
J. P. Kerr, editor of the
came down evening
and ibis morning. wanted to
sea Greenville and ho can and saw,
hough not
siring more cl while here.
Tuesday, C,
W. II. Cox came over Kinston
this morning.
Skinner went to
Monday evening.
Leslie n, of Mildred, is on a
visit lo in here.
J. L. I. it His
to attend t.
II. P, Harding It-It for Chapel
Hill attend tie University.
Harry Jr., this morn-
for to
Mrs. J. W. loll Ibis morning
to visit relatives at Rocky Mount.
Lena Harris home
Monday evening Neck.
Miss Warren
day evening a visit Washing-
We bat W. II
Grimes, near is quit-
Mis. B. King
arc visiting Mis. R. W.
U. P. Smith, Rocky Mount, come
down Monday and
the water tank ibis atoning. It.-.
Clark I.
lie was coin-.
J. B. Tripp moved hi
here from and
rear , lie Pr.
lumber h- re.
K. went Scotland Kick
C. H.
Nit of
here this
L. . v i
Mis ii
day Seven Spring.
F. Botch returned
. a trip lo
J. W. in
evening nip in the revenue
Mrs. II. II,., Married
mulling from a lo ard
U Lily who h, n
Mrs. L. bit Tues-
day g
who has
Mi's Mt Mon-
her borne in Kinston.
V. T. the
tobacco spent
Tuesday night lure and bit
May . I
who I,., visiting Mis. M. II,
returned home Tuesday y
B. Grime and D., Haywood, of
down Tuesday
and cut Avon to sec W.
J t. el in
Iowa today. He has just
whole he took a
in u
. is
looking alter in
Greenville, lie will open a
clothing store here ,
or us good a I I
aw Collector says i-. In
c i be Populist, s . I
Colonel ha bard row ahead
com.-t in that
l-i be net only a
promise a
No, Mi
sell cot .
i i-r. store.
i a lace o.
This Is Place
work has us so
this week that we hat Pot hid
lo out tobacco hut good
reports down breaks ard
prices. stands
on at the bend . I list a tin-
n t in Carolina. The
in all
May They all Lorn
in a
who has not the
several in and pays up
and thank for being
d suck fellows,
all delinquents do
if they knew how many hours the
printer toiled week to give them
parties being Mr. new. all for sum
Ult. and Mr. S. , evening from Danville where he bad
B. Harare and Mis. J mM ,, ,,,.,
Strange Freaks
billing, like woman and
has some strange way.
Anyway that Is If.
B. a near
oily, it. And it
; y , bis
Mr, and bis family
on the when
struck s lice in run down lb.
trunk, then along a root to the house
Then into the it went,
tearing out u bole in ore gables,
Mr. Wilder says, as big a chair, SUI
into kill hon where it up things
The Mr. Wilder disliked
most about banged
A or.-.-pen-hut want to ii
are good
What lave you been
lie as II pr, e, to up
Pal, you're
taking a greet
met late met
wan her tail I -it in
still have m it, y-II w lever
and red
It is i men make
than tingle They
arc in a hurry lo I
an iv,
Two buys. Kl and
day, alien
shot and killed Martin.
Dr. S. l, now at
Birmingham, Ala., has bean called to
the Baptist church
John Heed an d and wealthy
N. C., was -lung
to i y honey bees swarming on
hit head.
I here la km war on in
between City Newborn
ll i- BOW r, i here
lo pi r pounds or pounds
quarter, to ii
the door
Free Press.
by Board of .-ti. II
of lo be
held on day idler the 1st
Beaver C Calf, G T
Tyson, J II Peyton.
Bethel. S L E A Cherry,
Arthur Randolph.
Carolina T I. Perkins, J W Page,
No. G
Waller Smith, W I. Smith.
No I. II While, J
Elk, Kelly An
Hardy. Jacob r.
No. C
J Horace
No. A l Hill, H
C I. Barren.
Tyson, E C King.
John Hell.
lire No. M
. Tins
. . i, i . A i
.;. u; .-
I i a I
-V. I, . .
. -1,1, I , u ii I .
n I . dial . hem at-d
i. HI -iv. a .,
.-.-- ivy red a
it Pr a-.
t, r I i
he II,, -1. ;
, ll lb-II
an e J BOt
when they can
The same t,
mi., r was in
R. Populist
I-. ., on We white
a are log to boa Hatty
t e r, VI -i by
b. while man
Ni r. is the d row
ii t on n p in
then all h .
t I at . that
is ll- only ,
old II. Id re Net
last. In lie
are all Sun
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
will offer the follow-
prices on
m i
S cent curtains at c.
descriptions will be ad-
in this sale at
one-half price.
I have
just returned
with a full
line of
Will quote
in a few
Hot. N. t. ,,;, in. W D Grimes,
Monday returned m No. U
this morning.
Lieut, J. D. Gwynn, has been
speeding a days here, left this
morning for
mm el p
ed through this morning going to
bead like it . on lire mid
i- like led hot In hi.,
all the family acre
by none in-
New and
II. Me-Call, a pi i mini
milled by hanging In
W Brown.
No. K
No. Pleating,
O IV Harrington.
No. B
Creek No. Me Dixon, t;
W ox, A I Mb.
The of nil Mineral Waters by
all who used ii.
f -pep i
ion. s oil the i
right In the t and
The buildings and Grounds have been
put in thorough Repair.
f. -t
K. it.
I day t; per week per
rule.- t for Livery the
beat for Good barber In hotel. rate on
A i-. N. in W. . W. railroad,
all e lo W.

I'm i
Who h an awful
sh.- hat to harry a fully
To et to school at nine.
She has an
Her tasks are awful hard;
Her playmate awful rout
When playing In the yard.
She ha an awful
Who often shows her claws;
A tn. lumps upon her
With awful muddy paw.
She a baby
an awful little nose,
With awful dimples.
And such awful little
has little brother.
are awful DOTS.
With awful arum and trumpet.
And make an
to come,
Come and this maid defend.
Or else. fear, awful life
Will haw an awful end.
The Reflector Book Store
a nice assortment Pen
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pei .
You will be astonished when you
ear n ho w, very ch the v are.
You may never
But should s
Want Job
to see us.
Job Printing
Anything a
A rich merchant sat at the la
his office, alone, lie leaned back la
his chair and drew long, hard
like a sigh, for he had MM
nets problems, and he was weary la.
body and Some people
a rich man never has anything to
bat they little Know how hard
has to work, first to gain then W
keep his rich, it f
the luncheon hour, and It suddenly
cum J to this man he
hungry; yet he was net ready to
tall and was about to re-
turn IS calculations he
light of a brown package
lying en a shelf near by. It
was the package of luncheon which
his little office boy brought wife
every day. and to-day the hoy.
i. sent on some distant errand, had
not yet had lime to It. The
merchant arose from Ms seat, took
down package and locked carefully
at It. Just such packages had his
own mother up for him,
when he himself, a poor boy, first
began the career Which had brought
him his splendid position.
he untied the string and opened
the package. Two nice sandwiches of
fresh home-made bread. a little
cold meat a piece of
pie. and genuine
New England tears rose
to eyes the Man as
carried him back to the of
his boyhood, and to the loving deeds
that dear mother. Here was the
very luncheon- she had often prepared
for And after a few he
it up. every crumb, far more
than an dinner
would bare given him. and then, re-
freshed and comforted, he returned
the boy came in.
after to bis ho
surprised to him
you had any to-day.
The boy replied in the negative,
with a glance at the shelf, when tit
gentleman said with a i
u gone. have eaten It Then,
handing the astonished boy a five
bill, he out now and
get some luncheon; but want to-
thank you tor tho best one I have had
for many a long year. And don't you.
forget, my boy, to be thankful that you
have something which I lost long ago,
and that Is. a good
There is a boy In Taney County. Mis-
who has a record
few If any old hunter, can State,
out in the wood, and had
of shot- H
put int his
gun tie old
powder. he that hi.
fitted m
V- might beta the experiment
MM dropped the law
U the
powder. tH home the boy came
upon a deer, at Com
and hi. aim.
of good hunting
gun. pulled the
down the the marble
hole into the vital, of the
The autographs most people are of
value signed to a cheek
backed up by a bank account or
to R deed or note by
At a recent theatrical
however, certain
paid at prices ranging from to MB.
an autograph letter written by the
great English actor Edmund
while a letter written by Fred-
trick the celebrated French
sold M only
and Steele Mack-
the author of Hazel sold
It prices ranging from 1.85 to
,, i
i . . I
m. .
. p p m. Mai
a n. P
p m.
ton I. t
York . in,
p m.
North In the
The defendant
named kc an action
bow ha b-i-ti commence I
in Co lit of I lit
for absolute decree of divorce
the slid And the raid
lie is requited to appear at the next
term ; he Superior Mart mid
, la be held on the second Monday In
next at the Court of
in X . and
or demur la
I said an Ion, or th will Mb
tor the a-lief I in
slid c
f J
K O. la not.
Tobacco Sticks.
All wanting
can tat at the Lumber
Yard. W. B. Agent.
I IT So Due Mi
pa, l
n m. r
11.06 p m.
a m. Mount
pm. Weldon I m.
s in.
a m. u in,
. in.
am. Ken York -i.
n P
II P New Bern
Sunday W Pm
i Court of
Pitt County hating, on the 6th at
June issued to me Letter. t Ail.
on the estate Till
deceased ii hereby
to of mid to present
claims me tor payment
on or the 10th day
of June or this notice will be
plead bar their recovery. All per-
sons Indebted to said estate are
to make immediate payment In me.
This the th day June
Administering tin estate; jot;
There is a pond at Soldier Run mine
located a distance from the
mouth into this pond the hot
water from the air II
and from it a stream is arising.
. Is hot enough on
the surface to generate steam, there re
fish swimming about near the
bottom, which be when the
is . leaf. hot water natural-
remains the top. while the cold
Irater at the bottom, and is kept
by running stream, con-
Usually through pond.
Water Is the deadly enemy a
fire but in me
making to
was caused by I
a in
the shop to a
loon as
. f carbide of I
Q I a f
p i m.
pm Marlon
p m,
p m.
j. Hi
a tn, 11.11 a m,
Atlanta 12.35 p m. Charter.
a m. a m.
St. I i. n a. I
. pin.
.- , ex-
We have just received a new
the nicest line
Coffins and Caskets, in wood,
metallic and brought
to Greenville.
. a- s We are prepared to do em-
t Creditors.
Having duly given lo
Court of PM county M en misled
executors to the la-t will and i and bodies
of O. Brow., deceased, notice I our care receive every
mark respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
not want monopoly,
but court competition.
We can be found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
hereby to persons Indebted to
the e-t t make Immediate payment
to tie an I all
having claims again-i said estate
lie only
on or before the day of July,
e will be in bar
recovery same. Tills day ct
Executors O-
. A-
lie i
Gives i .-w
moon the
price cents a
month Are you
The astern
How would you like lo fish for a,
sea monster Urge and strong enough
to devour a nun a single
creature whose skin is so rough It.
is made Into when dry The man-
eating shark is such a creature, and
shark-fishing la one of most ex-
citing snorts to fishermen.
The man who shark
HUM provide himself with several feet.
Of stout chain attached to a hook
looks like a small The
is stout as thick as the
Anger. The book is baited with n
of meat large enough to a
small family, and the rope chain
hook are then dropped into the-
from the side of n stout rowboat
fishing oil
thrown on the water to attract
sharks. When a shark bites and finds
it is hooked it nu away at
speed. Then it is necessary
t have many feet of rope to play out
till the creature gets tired. When the
shark is Anally brought to the
It Is killed by a rifle shot. It be
a blessing ocean If ail the
sharks could be killed in this way.
married either
or Snapper If I'd to,
and of those whom I hate
since got rich, while you are still as
poor as a church mouse.
lie been supporting
you all these years. They haven't.
to tee
laid roe this horse had won
a against some of
the host horses In tho country. He
can't a mil In six minutes to sat
was in matches that
ho look tho
like pointing th
i gold to
, and tho
delicacy I I the precious
which have taken
In their
mis, i. man that
be no longer with the
of own making, be
rove them and adapt
them to prevailing tastes and
A frequently to
prove the f
or of
ordinary hue is that burning.
or Hie the
tone are ad. Very the
color of Is changed.
Even the d mutt
itself to artificial
become breached and faded
In the sunlight. Am-
and fully
restore the original col-
or, -but sin docs not ac-
lasting results. By
or faded turquoise
v Ian blue. The
pigment doe i rate very
deeply, n easily lie
oB n knife
V No.
i P. , SOW York W F
HOB am. Bait.-
1.30 am. Richmond 0.05 sin
Petersburg 10.00 am,
11.80 m.
rm, Mount l CO
Cm, Wilson pm.
rm. Magnolia pm.
II A V. night,
York am.
12.00 pm, pm,
pm, Rich-
8.12 pm. Norfolk pm
pat, Mount
m. Leave Wilson
7-01 am.
-u. Magnolia am.
Notice to Creditors
Having duly before be
Clerk PM bounty
the estate of U
deceased, notice Is hereby given
lo all persons indebted to the estate to
take payment t the
and all persons having claim
sail must th
or the lath day of
la. or this notice will be p Sad
of the recovery of claim.
day cf July,
t CW New am, Jackson-
ville 10.20 an. This train
19.18 r. street.
s only a year
the news
the es-
is I,
times tin.
Here Is a way to take a picture in the
lira a- a picture on a piece of
paper, sulphate of quinine In
making the outlines. the pa-
per tn the sun for a few minutes, then
Blare paper face down on a steal
sensitive paper, like that used by
and the two
. the leaves of a hook.
If the arc removed from th
. I, a few Inn rs later you will And
an t of the draw-
e; will have been Impressed on th
paper Designs of any sort
MB I e In this or you may
trace over a printed picture or design
with sulphate of quinine and by th
same produce a faithful copy
th print. Try It
lib it
Art ml n adopted also
tinge of t . e obscure
their lust, r -ml val
It is lb.
tint, the method i simple.
The yellow diamond placed, in a
being dried is found covered
with a very Of tho violet
Highly ingenious is
the art j
fastened With mastic in this
fashion, ho cleverly us lo do.
even the experienced
Joined quite fur
the i it a largo
far ii two
it Tamps am.
pm. Jacksonville s pm
Savanna 1.4-1 night, Chan-
ten Ba
am, am, Macon
air, Augusta pm.
0.1 II inn,
Marlon Ml
am, Lake
or 4.18 p. m., Halifax
, m., arrives Neck 8.20
. m. Returning, leaves
. m., Greenville a. m.
Trains on lean
W a. St., 2.11 p . in
turn 9.10 a. in., and 4.11
in leave am and
i; pm at am
Dally except Sunday
leaver H
p. m., Sunday P. M.
Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 6.10 p. in
R-. leaves Plymouth daily
7.80. m., Sunday 9.00 a u.
10.06 and It
on Branch r leave
Rocky Mt I pm arrive
j pm Spring pm Return
but leave Spring Hops i am Nash-
ville S am iv Rocky Ml U am
dally except Sunday.
North Carolina , c.,
Pill County f r
Melissa t arson
R. J. W. t arson
Jesse C. Carson.
The defendant It J W Car-
son will take notice that an action e .
titled as above has been commenced
the Superior Court Pitt county for
divorce and alimony, and the said de-
will forth take notice that he
required to appear at the next term
of the Superior court of county to
be held o the second Monday after
the Urn Monday in September, at
the Court House of In
N C and answer or demur
to the complaint action, or the
will apply to court for the
relief demanded In said complaint
bis of August,
E. A.
F O ally.
our ca before
Is complete
ii its
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
Flour, Sugar,
Always at lowest m
j w buy direct from
oil the Has. Our g a e
and sail the h no
risk to run we sell at a close margin.
Having been appointed and qualified
as 1st rat of the lat- Jesse Adam
recessed, all parsons are hereby
to present all claims against Hi
of the said Jesse Adams for pay-
on or before lbs day of March,
or this notice will be plead bur
of their recovery. All persons Indebted
to the said estate are requested to make
settlement. the 8th
day of
T attorney.
SOUND, g. C.
Seaside Hotel, containing rooms,
having been thoroughly overhaul
and renovated. Is now for sale, MM o
rent. V on otherwise
be owned t r guests on JUN
under r
further Information call on or ad Ires
H. Owner
M. O.
Train on Midland W. C.
dally, except Sunday, 7.10 a
a. in. Re
turning leaves 9.04 a. m
rive a, m.
Train on Clinton Branch leave
w for Clinton dally, except
II in. an 4.16 is
and 8.00
Pass. Agent,
J It Manager
Notice to Creditors
The Clerk Court
day Issued to ma letters
Administration upon the estate Rich
ard notice Is
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them to
m . Tor payment, duly authenticated, on
or before 1st day of 1809, or
this notice will be plead in bar of their
recovery. All person Indebted to said
stale are to make Immediate
payment of their Indebtedness to me.
This the day June,
of state of Law
Bethel High School
The Fall Term begins on
Tried Friends Best.
years Pills
a blessing to the invalid
Arc truly the sick man's friend
A Known
and all kindred diseases.
to V. It.
Tills Is a school of high grade for both
Only first teacher will
very thorough work will
he best discipline will be maintain.
Board from IS to per month
l to SI
W to I Ml
High School
A of per cent will be
lowed when cash paid In advance tor
a whole term
for further Information see or ad
Steamers leave
tor Tarboro touching at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday at A. M.
leave Tarboro at S A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville days.
These are subject to stage
of on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore
Philadelphia. New York and
Shippers should order their goods
via -Old Dominion tr m
New York.
t A
fro- Miners
1.1 Boston.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
j C. ft CO
Wire Iron Fencing
only work
nil THE
The Eastern Reflector.
D. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance
Be Paid Ilia Dinner
u at
wire, like the soldiers who
by ;
It was a iN v
soldier bots. bill of fate
not it it A few cf b. d
been by lone
of them were
blessed with a good appetite
the soldier's best friend.
of privates in
enjoyed the repast immensely.
and he fin he sat Lack
in bis and said
yon eel lo eat
n society
his tide, Let beaming with
ray said sol-
rising. the finest
meal I've had we
Then he looked at the pretty
girl and f ambled in bis
Finally he found what be was
locking for, and extended his
baud with cents in it
Is I asked
for the said
private, somewhat
at her manner.
we don't charge for
she said. lunch is given
by the Bed
he stammered, and bis
embarrassment deepened.
lake anyhow, and buy
or something for
Her fa her is worth a
And sold is only
a month
The pretty bad for a
while. She knew it would do the
fellow's Heart good if she
k the money. She would take
yon mast let give yea
some she said. And as
abs pinned a in his
lapel she dropped a gold piece
in Francisco Ex-
Did Not II
The Lo isl white mi-n, i-
have voting the Populist
and Hi ii. f don ticket, did
not intend to white
pie sty over to
if And vet
at is abut
All honest a bite would
s ago, v lo; would
put town or county
role. Indeed,
resented as insult any
And even now
are some who deny
are in of any white
in tins And
some of them say all Ibis talk
is a Democratic
lie. We only it
to Wilmington, or
or or to many other-
towns in eastern Carolin a,
ask the white people there if
is all a Democratic lie-
But if you were to go you
would not to ask a
question, you could see for your-
How would the white people of
any town and in this part
of North Carolina like to be
rule, as are some cur
I in eastern
of the Bate Do unto others as
ye would have do you
and your rotes go to the f
of your white brethren m
The of this paper will he
to learn that there Is at ha-t
one disease science has
been able to cuts In all its
lint l Hall's Catarrh Cure I
cure now known to
the medical eternity. Catarrh being
a disease, requires a con-
Hill's Catarrh
Cure Is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and git
patient by building up
constitution and assisting nature do-
It work. The proprietors nave so
much faith In its curative power that
they Her One Hundred Dollars for any
case that It falls to cure. Send for list
F. J. A CO . Props
Professional Cards
r. D. i. Jams,
N. C.
over J. C.
Cobb A Son's Store.
W. t
i. u Reals;
A correspondent of
Hun, signing himself
writes to paper on a
matter that vitally
central Carolina
markets. He
Durham and Oxford are x-
to pat a stop to buying to-
in the country- Will Hen-
and adjoining markets
join them I
I write consulting
many of the o aid
buyers, I suggest a
at, carry it out. Further
comment is useless, for every vim
connected the tobacco
knows what trouble
caused, i am not Interested m
matter at all, but I am
suggesting wishes several
Meet at and discuss it-
I a as a
meeting place, and am f
of trade there will en-
the delegates.
to get boards of
trade of those loans to put a stop
to doing
door buying have be-
fore- has
brought all jut by keen
and it has hurt all
The bus
been rendered
and barely able. We
country will in
and for the get
Winston Tobacco Journal-
Not a Issue
political contest in which
we are now engaged is
serious in which North Caro-
ever bees engaged.
It rise- It is not a
party It a q of
race, of borne, of boner,
of The
are united deter-
than any other patty
and therefore it is called a Dem-
issue. Bat in reality it is
not s political It is a so-
racial and question
It is a Democratic.
or Populist
The party is a unit
upon question, and therefore
it is beet with
c cf North cm
beat back tho low
who would North Caro-
ultimately drench our
old n I n in blood and massacre- j
For the of East Cm-
ate not going to submit to
supremacy under the lead
of a set of men deserve
to be driven out of State- The
are not to blame- bey
are a generally
rant and weak race, and can
in which they generally
all others, nor the gov-
of Carolina- We
need no better their
than history of
Carolina under Republican
would out cf existence. With-
out of
Republican would prob-
ably go out
are united on this do
Beetle question
Without the help of the
Populist party the Republican
and their allies
have placed the
of North Carolina under
of low pie If
withdraw their help or with
be we can save the
Otherwise a
awaits us. a future of con-
Hid, convulsion, blood. A future
in tin men
North will one
Mile o and low
on tho other,
and then the i.-sue I
mil and
but Ion
or and security of our our
families our wives and daughters
and property on one side, and a
set of fellows of
hater and a set of savage
drunk with and
as on the
In such a convulsion the
dreadful us it will be, be
and the question
will no longer no a God
grant our decent white pop-
of ma
avail themselves the
ballot in November
dreadful doom that
awaits us u
i work t .
b ii
For i Ho R rain
or few to r i-
r the f new
i. i and
-s. um i in
ii n A I
of lie p t I
A Urge variety ; every
like m. s i-i and
all f I lo e
. r I
tend in
i-i, of a i
are ii -.-, u
Dan t II ii k a national .- bl h
i I
j i .
f t
Do in lab a-
hi Invite to
The v i. vi ed-
paragraph l from II
ll i.
. .-
r or de-
sires see t in
N Carolina vote for
t in- Ding for the
giving up his political
Ii is not a question
i a man support
I i-if
I Democratic candidates or the Be-
i.- what the Sher- cat or tho
but a question of
of all kinds, Goode, Hate
Caps, Shoes and In black, tau
to tit ladies, men girls and boys.
n. i say that w -1 t
by or in our town Is
ii n.-. A of
nine, blink caters.
similes in nil
et Knives, Haws. Shews
unit hi- war
runt. Beautiful
pa d
; ill-an.
will Hie a
c Id ;.
i i u- I air
t- i v bi bead aid
kick y in
i i of
i ore Chicago
It Him.
whether or not be will cast his
v u- f responsible men
and The party
pa's f kit d of
in i i part d. serves the
u j oil good of
What we want is
for property, hon-
or be patty white
rule to State by capable while
men in tho party to support-
I I a it in past
in party can be relied
op to rive it
is Is the for. cf appeal that
I. good good
in i i d m
in all colors-six and sever.
and Smyrna
low tell ill Of
. . be bulled at sea,
Rugs, Art Squares, canvas sack
Cloths, Door MatS, in lubber, mode, instead of an
Crockery, Lamps. Hall Lamps. iron to sink the body,
Limps, Lanterns, sot Automatic
,,. , . , , i ., In on
Can, fills you lamp and does not run it afterwards tin-
Bid Been Pubs In MM r in ill 801041-10 rail
kinds t
Oak tennis. ard Cradle , l, tings, I
baits nil kin's. en f Kitchen Ts
Hal Racks, to, these seed
No question to is your
you -ll We guarantee aid
every u e a th
cannot fail m
,. fur mutual III.
A Cleveland man who went
to spend hi- vacation
brought home with him
he thinks is anew mother-in
law Mother-in-law- are
stories are a drug on mar- The
, .,. . , I,. cue of tie are
one seems to be p
little less than f , made
A man and his wile went to vole
Europe the man's mother- ticket His year with-
in-law went along, to this , e or
point there is no novelty the if
tin V I
On the voyage the mother-in-
which if
In, Ki rib Carolina. Ii x-
i f Ibis i-bi the
f to like a
c lie voter think
the is good bad,
We all knew, cf all parties
in Ni rib is bad-
all patriotic people, laying-
aside pride of
unite to
affairs is bad, it
twill bi- as a to
as pa-
it now a question
if for Ibis or that party
n u q whether or not
a ii en his v for hon-
i-en. par
net a matter of polities but of
ill e
L milk.
Cone ruing Litton Cora
All as to the
N. C.
In all
n, B. i
X, C. Ur. N. C
n r , P.
h l
O i i i I i i m at La
I l ill lie
i Bi V . , i i. r
. bun
ii i ii i
It is men to complain
II every man ho
tended to a u would
woman ht- would be
places in notes,
and are now occupied
by worsen lit rs left to men and
be Many
tilling null nil-,
hi J
ii At n ii. ii i
liver Mill, Hauls,
Chilblains, I tin, and all
way It d lo
perfect or
. i ct bus. by
institute township last
a school
went to a school taught
by a white lady, to supervise
work being done. We have
beard of similar occurrences in
other town-hips. If the
party continued in power it
will not be so very long before
social equality will largely pie-
It is already rapidly
drifting that way. The real
white people must rally
down the and
bad white Free
great distort has
and that too by a lady m
fastened Its clutches
upon her seven years she
stood tests, but her vital or-
B ans were mined and death teem-
ed in For three
could not sleep
She way l
by a Ur
Sew very fin
was so much relieved en taking t
dose all win
two been
is Mi I I-i i
writes i o, N
t. Trial Woo;
the cotton crop now to
in ore in vet
is uniform
cotton and under its in-
of crop
is deteriorating rapidly-
of n large or small ran
is in Au immediate
picking season,
might menu, yet, a prop of largo
while a continuance
rainy will almost Intel
mean a short The boil
weather being so
throughout the belt its i f-
to local.
That it will bear
no section bating
large crop another
the Hill
be i aid if ll is s
tin trip all all will
alike in
high note will be
butt by
A mailer of mote lo
as it is
La aid is
to lie corn
ago. Tim
lo.-op, has been
of at bate or
, be
I Mi-
fol man and
plow terns. It is m ad and
meat, for it Up-
on it a lamer en n live sup-
bum lib win
and no calamity to
is a calamity
f favor- it hie s
It is lores the
to the reward
Yet is
aid for lo
f r cam
bereaved son-in-law, who
always know
in law was
g-going, but b-b-blame me if
have t-to
land Plain Dottier.
iii War
ll o ban
the death more brave m a
his It la more than a shame.
i- crime, Na-
, ea-e; d below
and tho re-
were did
in I
can I.-, v.
i-J o
A the
pail i
lie spoils system
When shall be
lists ate
principles which
I ii hereby to
i et iii e Court House
o, at
ck M. die purpose
in- County Town-
primaries will bl held at o'clock
M. n
1898, Hi puts;
-i. i to said to boss.
u ill
p., sad to appoint
net. rid o
of i Committees.
iii mar I'm stun.
. put i-n who is
lib and
hum, b Invited and u aid to
make it live-
, vi s u lit i. , ,
ll I with i i
lowing. This is to . i,
a If mi ow Jim ,,,,
lot fix Bad
m ii r i ii, In our j.
inn nil in , i lit on
nun ,,, i- in
i like i ,. ., ii
ii ,,,,.,, i n
fully ,. A.
Down Ilia Way.
on Weldon
,. M OB a
,., i lit V
ill I
by older Demo-
n I. Blow,
1.- I
lulu t N in
kind Keep the
and its
hue Slid an u
V, , tin B ll
I ,

Eastern reflector, 9 September 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 09, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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