Eastern reflector, 30 August 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

It is a picture celebrated
Best in use. The outfit no man
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pen
a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pen.
You will be astonished when you see them
You may never
But should you ever
i -c
. C An
for Admiral Dewey
Flo's the of
whole outfit. He fought the
first battle of the war. and the
last battle, and won both
out injury of a hip or
M of a man. some of his
ships may be fighting yet, as
he started them, after the cap-
tan of Manila, and before he
anything of the armistice
for some of the other islands
in the Philippines, with orders
to take possession of every-
thing in sight and to raise the
American flag over everything
There was no way
recalling these ships after
of the armistice reached
I him. so that it is among the
I probabilities that everyone of
the Philippine islands may be
under the American Hag before
the commanders of those ships
find out anything about an
mid the armistice is
binding upon them until
they have official knowledge of
No man's hand has been
shaken oftener or more
ally this week than that of things that most
Wheeler, who his value was bis fir-
came to Washington in
spouse to order, from the War, A, ., ,., ,,,, mM , in.
Department, heeler,, u i, i, a sup
has a better opinion of the point,
ban insurgents than most of that a point. lo, will
the officers who have been I themselves, or
Want Job
come to see
the bead of
the Department of State, but
not a few unprintable things
have been said by main of
them in private. Col. Hay is
a Republican, but
hence the kicking.
The first plan of the
to keep all tile
in Berries until the treaty
of peace with Spain Ml com
has been changed, and
it Is now announced that
of the men will be muster
ed out as rapidly as possible.
N Mun Indispensable
It's n mistake for a to
lit- N r is
Hen ii d t may
easily vi val-
bat when . lo
think that the can't get
along without Id r. or can t net
along so w ii i o . which
he's wrong, that's ail. More
one has f, ii. i when
lie bis set valuation I
An it is very i when
lie to dwell his o in Tab
no. his value in reality to
decline t it is i of
M la
If great be put lo the tent of
of honor must be
Cannon, a native of the
email frontier town of Stein, la the
Hot a i Of Constance. Germany.
Teuton Is said lo the at
stone, end may to lie the
heaviest man on earth. He
round the and
Cl the bk i
I not
him. for he is active
In robust health. Ho described as a i
well-to-do, middle-aged, good-looking
Ii . keen sportsman,
being excellent nit-round shot with
the rifle. Naturally hie gigantic pro-
have made an of
lo hie part of Germany.
A Trade
Maker.-- grow nod
Irk from the In its coloring
matchmakers lose
vitality from the of phosphorus
i la But is
I r nature I rave sad very are e-
from action because of supposed
if the great builders en-
of the world would stop to ask
Hew nary lives will this
ll probable that the world
would some of the greatest
triumph of modern thought.
Ink Job Printing Office.
from a F
lie l
the homo .,.
afternoon at the
i z
a year J
news every
Is only
contains the
to the es-
tobacco, i
in y limes ii l,,
I w
heard from on the subject, lie
said of Cabana
were poorly clad and poorly
fed. They did not make a very
impressive as sol-
They probably
the conditions
circumstance about Santiago.
Very few of them talked any
English, and
Americans and Cubans
was very I of
the charges that they would
not work on the
project for the assistance of
the American army. I think
that was due to a large extent
to their not understanding
what the work as for.
who were willing to
work after interpreters had ex-
plained to them why the work
Maj. Gen. M. C. Butler, who
with Maj. J. F. Wade
and Hear Admiral Sampson
will United States
on the military commission to
arrange for the of
Cuba, said of their -d
think I realize the
that rests upon the com
It is very great,
but hall do my best to win
the approval of the country.
Gen. littler said the Commission
would go to Havana on a war-
ship upon which they will for
a time make their
The com
Mission consists of Maj. Gen.
Brooke, Hear
Brig. Gen, Gordon
Senator Allison, who is not-
ed as one of the shrewdest
gets in his party, has declined
to serve as u Peace Commission-
probably because he was
afraid that he would be com-
to put himself on record
for or against something. In
an interview he talks on both
sides of the Philippine
in the following
The feeling in the west is
universal that where the Hag
has been raised, it must not
come down. Therefor.-, as re-1
a coaling station or
commercial base, there is lit
tie difference of opinion. On
the larger question of holding
the entire archipelago, the pub
lie mind is not made up. I find
men talking for and against
such a proposition. I do not
believe that two-thirds of
Senate would vote for a treaty
that retained the entire group,
and yet am certain that we
could not get two-thirds lo rat-
a treaty that
everything. Consequently,
we u-ill hold
how no one can
This leaves Mr Allison entire-
free to take whatever side
of the question he may decide
the most popular and is
in that respect strictly
White in Washington this
week Gen. Lee made for
mill announcement of his can-
for the United States
Senate, although the campaign
will not actually be fought
next year. Senator Martin
is a candidate for reelection.
No Republican has publicly
the selection of Col.
John May, American
to England,
or people lake ears of i if
will motive. There
n, fixed uric for run of
people of but none
for I lie man of really superior
ability, i, if ho is n per
cent, man, which is to lint only
of high ability, perfect for-
of self and de-
to Any brink or
or lack these qualities any
wonderfully. Nothing leas than
the whole thin will do. bot that
will command a pries anywhere
ever where.
no man Indispensable ;
isn't no of things that
ho be. No matter who
dies, the world keeps on tuning
tame, and it would be US
the same with the business it
should go oat of New
Him of
war in the ll
one el a lawful.
to one free
the of in
He man of
Now, though many hate soldiers
of ti- r.-i war. wherewith God
wanton countries Into re
yet i their so need-
that were some w
must be Soldiers, dally to l
fend our own. the world would
Moral la Warfare.
A new use for in warfare
developed during the n
of San An account of
the bombardment from within t i .
says a volunteer corps of id
flints, greatly aided the Spanish co
by acting SI
tween the forts.
if I'd wand to.
m i u I
i .
i la
. ;. r In all to i i
i, .
Tl e i bore
U . laid I tie . an action
hi ill l i, it In
hi .
A the laid
ti r ks
In i- required t. appeal the next
Tin. i i u i
i be I on the I
lender lest at the I unit of
in X. C,
or demur to tin-
said i u. or th apply
to l , i i; the . i I ii anded f
i nut.
I'M- day of j,
t. .
tor pit I
Notice f-
i ii . of the Conn of
I'm i i the day
Juno 1808, tamed to of Ad-
on of
to to
on or the. day
of Jane or this notice will be
plead liar of their recovery, All per
mils indebted In said are
to make immediate to
hi- the 7th day of June
Notice to Creditors
tn-lore u c
Court Clerk of Tit, is
lo la-i a ill and t
of O. Brown, deceased, notice i
I lo
II e e-t t t i make
to the undersigned, an I all persons
against said estate mu-t
the same, only
on or day of
or Ibis notice will he plead bar of
of same, Stud day of
July, 1688. J. WILSON.
Executors Susan l
Notice to Creditors
duly lo
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
of the S
is given
to all persons to the estate to
lake payment ti
nil persons baring claims
and It present the
same, duly the r-
on the of
notice will
in liar the their claim.
This 1st; any el July.
Supper Court
R. J, w.
will notice that an action a .
titled M been commenced
the of Pitt county for
divorce alimony, the said do
win notice that h
to appear at term
of the Superior court of ft ltd county to
hr held o i the after
the in at
the Court House said in
Greenville N C and answer or demur
hi -aid action, or the
plaintiff will apply to the court fur
i Mel demanded In complaint
10th div
K. A.
F Ci atty. C
Students last year.
bast private
J. A, M. II. Oak
the late Adam
th d to present nil claims the
i state said Adams for pay.
on or before Hie day March,
J, or this notice will be plead in bar
their recovery. All persons indebted
to the aid estate are requested to
settlement. This 6th
B. W.
T C attorney.
C. CO.
Wash i
We received a new
hearse and the line of
Collins and Caskets, in wood,
metallic and brought
to Greenville.
We are prepared to do em-
in all its forms
Personal attention given to
funerals and bodies entrusted
to our care will receive every
mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
do not want monopoly,
but court competition
We can be found at any and
all times in the John Flanagan
Buggy building.
ma; l D
ti u t
supplies will I It to their l
et to our
Tobacco, Cigar
Flour, Sugar,
in lowest
as we direct from
. o i an at to
the Our are all
for no
i we at a close margin.
College of Agriculture
and mechanic Arts
Will re-open with
Dents three
in iii
A. O.
Raleigh N. j
Trinity College
a I Ancient and
I, u. .
Law mid
r ll Ii t I to ill
ion lull con in the state,
a year.
Next opens September
J. Kn.
i . n
N ll
r P Hi VI
Largest and
; Kl-
classes SI to n n.
a B
and I ans
I. n I Ii i Ii ;
s. I
e i , a . I,
Greenville School
Young Ladies.
Will be
lo W.
1st ti- tin tirades r
mm raw
Theory an I liar.
art win I In
Notice to Creditors
The Clerk the Superior Court bar-
this day issued to mo Letters of
Administration upon estate Blah
aid He I an hum notice is
given to all holding claims
said estate lo present them to
mo for duly on
or before i-t of or
this notice will b In bar
All to said
date arc to make
to me
the SUrd day June,
J. Mi I.
of estate
Seaside Hotel, rooms,
and renovated, Is now sale, lease o
rent. disposed of w
be opened fir guests on JUNK
under competent V
further call on or
H. Han by, Owner
n. o.
to It.
Steamers leave Washington
nils for touching at all land-
on Tar Hirer Monday, Wednesday
aim Friday at A. M.
at A. M.
and Saturdays
Ore. days.
These are to
of Tar River.
at with
fur Norfolk,
New York and
should order their good
, hops I via ti
i and full from
I rein ill Nor.
I Steamboat
n I More bail's X Miners
given. I J I Agent, .
S. J I
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock
every department and
prices as low as the lo w
est. Highest
prices paid for country
i i i iii y
it to enter your girls at our let mil
Any farther d nit. i ill
Iron Fencing
only work
price reasonable
D. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
. Bought more Sold more Paid out more Money Tobacco than
any other house.
We are prepared to do the same thing this season. Bring your tobacco to EASTERN when you want
big prices.
We ff r One Hundred Dollars lie
for my ea-e ct that can
not be cured
I- J t CO, Ti O
We hare known F
J. for the last fifteen
him honorable In
business and financially
able to carry Sal any obligation made
by their firm.
West wholesale To
Marvin, wholesale
Toledo, O.
Haifa Catarrh Is taken
acting directly upon the blood and
bottle Bold by all Druggists
Hall's i Pills arc the best.
Spain Scored A Great I
TI at
meet In or,
Professional Cards
rt i lbs an u power
forever will, if
is iii
as ere is not n Paris
in Washing-j will not aid in all
ton, is a martini concession us by arts
of of victory woo
American the art of war. The United
the concession would could to
distinctly lo such only in
that of it lbs it meant to the
ed Stales would strengthen i's ablest
hands the lest Id the two appoint-
Why it do so is j the President node
i- -i i n
JOB for
For Deflect satisfaction and
for your store i-
crowded with the newest of new
styles, selected with ion ed
care as to quality, go lasts and
styles. We have
for the people. A Urge
A large i
of the .-tore,
like Ulrica
i every depart-
and ion-, I In
latest, complete sin
all light prices to see
our -tuck lake I
of the of j
in i or mammoth -t of
Q Is explaining
of General
from causes
With the exception of
not a government in Eu
rope has not, way or
another, indicated, if not rather
this Hi
has men of
com b tins bin list of
appointments he with
wisdom and
W. M. Boil. Li
tic In all courts.
with Spain throne boa; pence no
with In
of to us ob-
not only in the
X. C. H. O
Greenville. N. C
In all the Courts;
press, bat two or three
Fret n were gathered
r lo war.
band was not by lore for
I States, but partly
the extraordinary of oar
arras by sea and land and part-
by friendly attitude of Eng-
land. Dewey's victory at Mo
and at pave
to Europe's earlier threat
1,111.1 N V I 1.1. K, N. O,
Cobb i Hon's Store.
in II. Small, i. n. Ling,
M. C. I-, N. C
i A
O Attorneys and Counselors
. It. W.
Custom appraiser from all
I r v
a view to
form action.
Executive Committee o
the Wholesale National
Association is in session at New
policy of
threat has lost none of its
and at it a ill aggressive
if not ostentatiously
The meeting Hie
ill present a condition, if not
a all the great pow-
save England, ired upon
the side of Spain and
do against
Spanish diplomacy
subtle, in crafty, is not
easy lint to deal with ; it will bit
much harder lo dial with when ii
is tutored and III d by the
diplomacy of
In re r- not s i. i-i
n pugilist, was
and killed at Mo., by
Houston a over a
N V-. a
William a
but disarmed and arrested
Dress Trimmings, Edging, Notions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats arid
Shoes and in black and tan
to tat the ladies, men girls and boys.
I en we we lie told
by in y e in our town iii- our
about our Mu ii ids. A I beautiful, line of
As in l. color-.
Window Shades la all colors.
et Knives,
and we war
runt. Beaut If
I i-t In e for
gores, Salt
. t has Sores. Chapped
, Corns, and all skin
n I,. PUSS or no
nail and way It to to
persons There he
i plea of j
j right.
if i- till i r. and it v
down before. Failures anxiety at Vienna, and yet
i;. Ni blow load of bis removal is not
iron bat the revealed.
and western far-l
mer see not any cause for, American school boy w
It is thought that Wheel- to called the
will bore no opposition in J Maine, and Hie Southern
not band in this
lo speak. patriotic work.
is a new name . , . . ., r
, , ,, ., ., . i our North Carolina
north lot Ibo spoils system It is , . ,. . .
.,,,,.; , . boys. Anderson
In II in , , . .
peace, In army and in V
It ii a ran.
t looted
forward three numbers.
He . Window Shades
in all and seven
Am, r. who
if Spanish let M, ,. Md ht
it b. war and I e ft k ,
SWISS, Curtain
A of fleet. And
was last week was not in the did not
Alabama fr a but miles
i while in in character- away. is a
Think two
men's in being;
and millions of shoes in alas j DISCO V RUED iv a woman
in mid other states areal ha base
tor tel sf.
it Is we the
la to certify that I
a ow Jaundice
tor over month, was by
Mime of our city
all to no avail. Hr. Boll, our
recommended Bitters and
alter I was entirely cured.
I now lake great i in
mending them to person
terrible am grate-
fully yours. M. A.
Ky. by l Woolen,
Red Colts ran lug in mice from SO to j ISM
all and i
Oak t aid Cradles,
balls i II tin i. n n I n I I , Kill hen
I In Hull i-. question about
No file tome to hit
i d yen win out guarantee and pleas re i
n n I'm 11.11 e n i in iii i will a lo
layer, fail to aid style
Ti ins for ulna
in and by a lady in th s
. . . . . . . lie
It tiling It tier and seven vein with-
tool tests, but her vital
an were
id fur three month she
i and
She a
by of us a of
Kings New
w is so much on taking list
that She all night;
two bottles ha- been cured.
Mer name la Mrs
i it have writes a o, n
money and burned lbs
of Every bottle
r Mil y.
M in no-
i and lava
cal r in North Can . has
ti i i terr m
mil it . mil

of the lie proved
self more equal i every
emergency, tad the must
him as foremost
J. hero and diplomat of the
CM at
X. as second class mail
Last Saturday after the Be-
publican convention adjourned
we heard a prominent
party may fuse
with that gang if want to
but I will vote a Democratic
ticket from now on. and don't
forget -Cat-thane Blade
v Fortune idler's Bank
Below we publish an
rial taken from a paper
published in Wilmington. We
call upon every white man in
Pitt county to read it and read
it again and then consider what
it means. Having done this,
if you are still willing to aid
putting the over the
white man, you are no better
than he is you endorse this
slander upon every white
man who lives in the country
and yon deserve to be
ed by every man who respects I lore-sick and
virtue. White men in the conn virgin bear
try in Pitt county read the
lowing and then say what
will be towards the man who
by his action endorses this vile
slander. God pity the white
man who can read it and not
have every drop of blood in his
veins revolt and
rise in indignation at this in-
famous indictment against the
wives and daughters of the
white yeomanry of North Car-
Poor white men ore careless
in the matter protecting
their women. ON
They are careless
of their conduct toward them,
and or It E
with COLORED than
the while men with colored
women. of this
n I. THE woman's
or the man's boldness, brings
attention to them, and the man
rape. m-
lynched is called a
black when, in
fact, many of those who have
thus been dealt with had white
for their fathers, and were
not only not and
but were i
of culture and t.
fall in love with them, as is
very well to
O-e the best
in tins ft few
ago. Her name was Heater Brant
Mid homo w a about eight
from Book Mount, near
Sandy Cross. Mrs. was
a fortune teller and many a
fair maul
I by arrows of Dan Ca-
lowly ct-
lo hear with throbbing heart
and bated breath the oracle fore-
tell what the future held in store
for them
Whether the
the life truly to her be-
was side of the question
that never and that
washer must be
a goodly sum in ire
sue would exercise her m ii art
This and the fee- that she ex-
rise to
rumors lions sums of
being h d in
tho old Hester cot
and SO the old
way a I days
ago, was aroused as
to the of bidden
wealth. T. f.
one of the administrators
the left by
cottage, and a
the yard,
two o u
tug six dollars in
cash, is thought that tuts l-
m par the i-I
the old and
search will a
great more-
placed treasure
trove in the Dank i f Kicky
on in ha
cry to lb enterprise
lb proprietor, Mr. G. F. Smith and
Mr. M. Tins
-gun in a make the
Mr. Seem, has the prep
and hell draw
tea son,
what I a dues i-- in to m
ha perm
A a
meal t Mi
in n l
Na baa a
iii upon
spot. One
that b
are wry
t. III G is lb
bears a
to loot bills of
in western
State. bills an
of lest all
lores On
la one of bills f-
by a amid
Mils and broad
Miles- Rico Troops d
have b General M ard
km ah u-
-1 K.-. No
baa em.
number and in.
Tile Min.-s in Havana II. n
have beat d
m ill
.- here In
and a in
lids to he a re
l saw naval skips ill
bar the r. The
M ion was made through the Stale
and has keen
to the
lb- French la-re i
mailer will be arranged.
ti. i. r
a young waits man n nu M ice
jaB a
who has for been
in the
ten mil s
1.1 I av-
c iv.-J, b.
h- bad
ruin, i on b
bin It M he
o re-l aid
a party m-n
I and
tin . the bill
where the
ten flow in hi.
giving a-
a t a tee. Jill Ten.
a J ll real an-
it as N bad
spot a
t bed a
lo lb e an
III out
y to
of Manila
Dewey and Men it t were the
right men in the right place
and the greatest of
army and navy occupying
greatest responsibility de-
upon any of our on-
They knew that peace
was hand, and they knew
that the disposal of the Phil-
was certain to be the
gravest complication in
the details of a treaty.
They understood the imperious
necessity of actual military
possession of the capital of the
Philippines before the
of peace, and they were
just the men be trusted in
the performance of such a duty,
They understood ; they were
equal to it, and they have per-
formed it grandly. The way
for adjustment the fret-
ting issues of the war been
clearly biased by the masterly
ability of Dewey and Merlin,
as the Philippine Islands are
now in actual military posses
of the United States.
Admiral place ill
the history of the war is so
clearly denned that none dis-
it. lie has not won his
position by accident or
circumstance. He stands
admitted by nil at home and
abroad, as unsurpassed by any
naval officer in the skill
courage necessary to command
and light to win the
highest measure of success and
is admittedly second
none in the great ail of
mats of any nation.
However brave in
lighting his and however
grand his victory, that is
tn history of
warfare, his
achievement in Manila has been
in the diplomatic skill with
which he met the machinations
of the and the
of and his fore
es. Charged with the most
will be bald at lbs
place on
;. lock l. M.
Fur avail Dam Move
Fur Carolina
For at -1
For Ayden
I all ill
Na. a -n aid
where on.- em and
while hours away in at e m-
But lbs
N us- river n--
to lie
Tit no I a place
should aid the remedy which relieves
. . women of the great pain and
as p n is dreaded as woman's
in an.-iii-iii would j severest trial is not only made
b st know n resort m ail.
Every mother
feels an i d e
of the pain and
danger attend-
ant upon the
most critical
of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one misery.
I .------a.
BO Terror,
American bail been arrested in
Cuba as a spy. and been
to Is- At the boar Used for
the execution h taken the
and nine
at him. lie
the offer of a handkerchief
v to cover eyes, and glanced
calmly, even smilingly, at glitter-
the Spanish
The nine explosions were o
as smoke
the forward, expect-
see riddled
the American stood
there, calm and smiling, and apparent-
muskets were not
cried sergeant With a gnat
turning to his men. will have every
one of you shot sunrise
to-morrow, I
don't blame those
Interrupted the American. did
their duty nil right Nine
out of those guns. I simply dodged
geant, angrily. you dare to play
answered the an, coolly,
am yon the tact. Dodging
bullets was dead easy. Why,
man, I lived In Brooklyn, New York,
for a couple of months before coming
here, and twice a day I dodged the
trolley cars at Death Loop your
lets aren't it the Loop
la ready, ain't it.
Sister Duncan asked preacher
who was going to perform the mar-
ceremony In Cabbage Creak Val-
ain't come to guard the
back winder at the
door Eli's at the gate, a-
as Sam to the every-
thing will be ready. Yon see. John
Henry Is sorter timid like, when it
tonics to the pinch of the
courage fail he mom try
to make a dash for the woods.
knows the an
she's got posted
they can stop John Henry II
anything should
bas decide by the that if war should b
declared, to enter lbs United States Military or Naval
will application to all persons now insured
with us whose the same. Thia will
p issued on our pi. s form, which not yet two years Old,
as well as old n I two
but per Ibis nature will not be granted under not yet
two years old, unless war actually declared and the
about to enter It bas not yet been decided
what action be taken if war should be declared and parties then
desire to with us and enter the United States
You will see from the action of Company that the
Mutual Benefit is still up-to-date, and is always the
liberal and just coarse towards its policy-holders. We do not make
any flourish of when we show a of liberality,
it is natural and that the Benefit will always be
patriotic and do the right thing. war is not declared,
permits will not be granted, as it will not be necessary, and the
Company desires to avoid that expense and trouble. In case war is
declared, one our policy-holders will be protected.
Yours truly,
J. L and L. C Agent,
War at Over
We arc still selling at a Low Price.
see my new Fail of
r Falkland Falkland
For em ill-
ill- in House
for township at doe
In be County ,
be entitled to one
Vales, and vote
U cal by
. . m
Ch cod No
No -J
No I
No I
Greenville No
No I Hi
Creek NoS
Bask township will u
. that
flash be
fix j
Chair. Com.
has in
S ibis
Many her people now bare
through for
low back shew
oilier. That to en and
have I all oh In lumber-
here. beta from
Other I ills and mine cine
new s are Seen day. And
a an the
that is really M
re on. great busily.
r. and
Sp is at ideal
h i rive I here
had any
d. painless, but all the danger is re-
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy arc no longer de-
or gloomy; nervousness
nausea an other distressing con-
ate avoided, the system is
made ready the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com-
to the critical hour arc
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. is a lo
For health,
s v
pl rill hi -lit
III. I can not he
reset The curative prop-r 1-s
is the air
Heal, and
f 1.00 at all Drugstore,
or by mall on receipt of price.
ell will ii lent
Our old Sam's like ti tones K
a a
He had bu to alter the m e.
And the was
I Mr. Holt
N. C. duly
d Coll tn
No Troops for Honolulu
nut bare received
o tend large II
No nu re will leave In re
I I called in the who
which were kit P
jet con
Mud h ago
lour my
about two bad
ear. The trouble on each
Maine was inclined to
i go, at not H
MM rt
d to depart ion at
and ill DO Mod M I
pine Au;.
lb U
wire willing to
Would r main an Am or n
or under
St it-ii
y would dun-
They threaten within
ii in the America. withdraw.
. i in of to V
i IN written by lit i pi i
to whit it hi
unlit each hid tn hold
u- little y I. n ;
it. three at
a, at looking
n. ho trouble was
thing by and another
by r, did
no me, i I looking for a
c ire. and Mrs. Jo I Person r K-
b-en tailed to my
run and lo
Mm Job
that the obtained I teen
putting it in mild t rim,
ill- and little
hoy entirely well, yet wearing
the loan Hut in
my in ; . . , Mr.
i L. .,., , .
ti. U.
A well-known London
manager tolls n story at the ex-
of a local r
sign i nu longer need-
One night, after the curtain was rung
up. a small boy was red a
In front of the office.
manager of theater went to ll. lad
and kindly asked him what the
my money
the boy.
In surprise the manager hit
reason for a request.
I'm afraid lo sit
up In the all he wailed.
Ills money returned.
I intend to friends a square, hon
est deal. Come and see me-
a i -.-. .-n
Limestone County. has an Inter,
phenomenon In an aged matron
who has fallen heir apparently to an
other period of youth. Mm. Em-
aged eighty-seven, of excellent
family, has for thirty years an
old woman with white hair, wrinkled
face and enfeebled strength. Twenty-
seven years ago a dentist brother ex-
every tooth from her head.
About a year ago her health
ed lo Improve. Her strength returned,
her figure more ere t. her eye
brighter, her movements more
Her hair began to turn dark and
gums to swell. To-day she has a line
suit Of Mark hair and has rut a new
and set of teeth, has regained
her of fifty year ago
and looks a woman or
forty years
Come it. g
who have given their to B. E.
Co. for can now get their orders filled
at E. Fender store. Mr. Parham
having made arrangements with Mr. Pender to
make his Hues him.
Pender makes
Good Flues.
now being made and delivered.
dome early before the rush.
N. C.
repaired on short notice.
Carts. Wagons, brackets
Posts, imam. tO. made lo
Heavy and Fancy
hand- Country
and V triad
A General Horse
Also a nice line of
I can now be fountain
store for
by Brown
Come to see
The an N. C 24.1--
I . U.
Si, 1898.
N. II. Hal., was I. J lord Iron.
. more ere i.- bad b.
ii, i. ;.
I. Iron
you buy nice clothes
good clothes, becoming
clothes, clothes that will
leek will on you, clothes
will wear well,
clothes that will be an
outward index your
good taste, of your good
go ii great way, clothes
make the man, first
are the best.
Am in the mar-
buying goods.
J, A. pro i
a ;.,
J. Ii. Moore an two children ;
th day in Scotland
Mrs. S. Will pi i. ibis
If mi
II, W i v i
lag In m a op the road.
is i i.;
be it -Old as o
Hi-s Olivia i
Mi- J. V. . r.
Mary and n-
few i ago
. ii is
Mr. Ki.
Ir .
. . Mr. Arthur ll
lets ,,,
in Miss
la. Ward I . .
. I, v bu I ii bl
M.-s who h.
been in
Cur . i- i l,. . i i t-
Mis Annie
I. AI. mi., lo
lie .-r.
J. Ir. m a . Washing. n Man-
tin. day A .
n m a j . . . aid vary much.
II. M. Hal
from hit tour and On I rt Mill
a line, rear then ;,
U. K. Ki-f,
I V.,.
, i I
Mi. M. U
Iii Unit
null In
I. M. I I lo
I. d
I n l. r I .-
r goes lo el Hill
lo Oak
K. II. . Washington
I. flay.
in n .
i lie I'm i
baa bran Ballad lo meet on the Durham,
aid I, us a Di
will On
be in n I h. II. Pars, l r i,,,,,
to If I and A. I.
at S. M.
the I ill i
almost here.
Fredi Ocracoke just
J. S. Tun tall.
Clean up link I. is and by w
Who mil he tie fist in bring in
bale new
No, dear, all resident
Bread Is stall life, so plant
some it ii of all
that an
is better thin a pound cl explanation-
Always leek tn
walk on shady side in this
a woman's
come alter she has having
la the chuckled lie
sister, as lie extinguished th.
What a I. world this be
if we only s as we
Another supply of Ba-
Bibles, at
Blow, Greenville, the d
of and will
he They are all too patriot.
A. M. Friday i
ii g from
ard love too well not to I was in led. y
They c in and
will he it and there ,.,,,
Ls no in having
mimes on W- all
returned shipper of
Slumps on
i. s H I i i-
i id I i
John J. . u Well-
O., . .
ton loses attorney .
Iran our. a ; i r
t- i
.- the inlet ital i. n cl. r.--.
i n.
lS- All. i I i.
. N .
Ni v
to your
tie ii u In. i
to i attitude
by lie justice, i-iii
t. h -ii n as i. ii
n rum-
i under war
i at
So mi bu e
Ii Ml.
Nell was.
I . j, i i- . ill
Sin ii . i
n den
In . i .
I i. U j in ,. i
s rs, i
I Mil
But ; i
I I i v.
I. . In
lie c. s
I-. n h I. i.
. , .
A I'm Ii
II . m I iii. J in I. it i .
s , . j . l . ii
I'm . I lie .
In gun I
. , you
i. j.-. n i
. IV,
.-. I
I. .
SI .
Mr. b .
i .-;. I . Branson mill
. I i
new c r, n m i
I Spin
mill . I. I
i i II . . low.
, i ; ;
I i . lines
ii. t a c f . .
Inn I I .
i r ,. ii I i- I
I .
ii i .
. i. . j i . . i
j. i. in .
horse they .
I I. . I I .
.- Ind
II n
. .
lily . ;
. .
. I I. v- in . V
i .
I in of
.- .
. V.
riles. You ll
I. I
. .
I v I . . I .
. . i
. . i
. I
, I I I. .
I i Baby Bi
I ism I Al
I ii . i .
; , ;
I I I Id
j .-.
. ,
i, the
I . j i lo know who y
ii i i there
i illy I do any
I id ll
i. I r .
. t I
. i is Ml I r
. i. a
L I . I -I I I I
. . . lit i
. i ll I ll It
. ll .
. p dis-
I i . i y I .-
. . , I I ,
i i . ;. ii ah ml i
i . i with i ,.
ll . . y ii ii i
;. I ;. i i. .
i . . i. i and i; in
ll . I'll a.-k in
null- I all. and will
I'll I my band
In far you
U . it. ii tan
N, Aug
. sent very nearly a
o editor the
i I told bin
top l It I'd try to
ho w lid. you ii,
i . W. o espy, I am
But ii i r people lo know
ti. I am unwilling to receive such
ii. r i iii my
ii .
i dill I i. .-,. ; ; , .
Tl . ; .
. . i
or N
i .
i I,
I . .
i I . i .
i.-i i I.
win ii i I'd r
.; ; ; I
A will . i
I . i. -i ;.
. . ii
i. ins
ii Sores.
; tori,
. i i
r hi IT ii,
I i i
a i I;.
in week
II my
. .- I .-
i be was
i . giving
I also took ll.-.
re first I
Hand have
. I l ll. c
i i l I I vi
rm i-
. .
in the . I
on I
,. i ;
ml Jen
M. B. it Friday u .
. n . ; n v. sins i which is d i
where they stand. Give us R s. L ,.,, ,., m
lira. J. S. and children n entire-
i. n vi- it In I
Davis and Blow all will b Well,
W. S. S.
n m hill, in i. I . ii
and pay I
i ii -ti . j ii i.
.-V ill ii .
A foil ard I is
s. on paled.
To home i-a
lire; lo middle is u if
undervalue lb sins
is lint f end
Mrs. II. A.
evening to join
bet husband here.
turned home ibis
Mis. M. I. Pears , l Ital i
has been leT daughter Mrs
M. Check, n t line
the slip; ;
puny. This i Is that, so I r us
is c mid. it
to know ll
is paid.
s th i Vi i i ill
. I lL.
mailer my prostate
United State
dial net vs are instructed by ibis
they may the
Li. i prescribed penally which
to put en airs in he dour ,, .,,. , bill
i I
v . . i ,
el i . ii
In i I in
i l i like
I i . . i, y . ; . I . .
Ill, I
i II . I .
. . .;. .
u In I. if I i
A pr. j et is . i lo . . i ii . .
in pi As . i i ill-
u acres sill, i . .;,
loot Blue in . n
an apple One in.- I u. it I be an
I.- . . xi . clout .
Villa Mi.
I. i i. lite I; ugh .
i this i. n cue I i
ml M i s . As It iii . I
. i
I . he
. i i. . . ill ll .
have marked prices
leader on
a woman s home
she the
lo see how she
on thirty days sick
A chaperon la who accepts
ion she is old tint
to in id
The hoy lo man;
the girl always I s she were
For two or three people
Ice Cream every day. Orders tor j sympathize with your low spirits;
ii ii to one
II. Aider, who I ,
i I. near el
l i ii n purchasing ,
r . , I slump, the no
, ,
; oat in mill, r war law.
Blanche New fork Tribune.
who has been Visiting her
Very r you s,
any quantity by measure promptly tilled.
W. T. I ii n is Laving u story
building put up on
to be used as a work shop.
Maud Blow gave u Fri-
day night was one unusual
to the
Don't many the who
rather nurse n dog a baby.
Don't many the woman ho would
wear a two
seasons old.
Don't women
bays them.
that y give you a wide berth.
There i latent in all men, but
is generally r lo give them
for it Hum lo to On it.
I Killed at u
recurred en the
Coast at a
crossing known as n
from city, Mr. J.
ii cl
was returning
with his wile and little in a
and lie cost-
I., lie was driving
bi came and
upon the truck in Iron the
heal from to
burg. All of the
were killed.
Mrs. Z no return. Lome lo
I'M, II. II. Wilson, and children Convention
who have tie n A o the
tins mar here return d home Pill hereby called lo
evening. m M in lie
1898, a I
City, in Friday evening to visit
his sister, Mia. A. II. Tall, and hit
this meriting.
I.- ii ii i I already ; rep
I . . He ii. ll ti. e. u ii y
ii r In i i tie
n i r n j i
I . N 11-.
. was ii ll
in I ii no us ll
n itch
.-.- I I. i
ill. . ii. hit. v ill
avert . tin I I I.
w ll e i n.
near the hi in in,
ti ring I m lop t h
and Mr n ll.
crop bus
They cannot
for money. AW also lead
iii. market on
In fad we
in town on all goods.
Come see for yourself
v iii . mom ii.
m, . I,
hi ii i i ii. , i ;. ., i,,.,
w, and n
I II a i I by
and all have H
I U M.
by the Orange
T as mustard plasters lo the
There no in u
You can't I lie inn
its down.
For a train is
b. st locomotive.
Philippine can tun all
day and e sign
M. hr purpose
.,,., I Vila
lie sen nil Town-1 On Shepherd a buy, . i Hi P I . In mil nil nervous
j ship will be k el ft S.-, f , ; ,,. ,
P, M. in l
; horribly
lo i. I ;
a ii r t Hi
ltd find to on
Ill Mil ; i III
Ii lo
n i Iii v.
t c
t iii. m n . i ii
cry In. i
i in in, i-i lo bin ii.
iii ml
in -i i f I
1-i o I alto i
Cm milt ii i i .
The and
put in thorough
I ; N s i; i m .
ll ll,
I . v
i. i
I. tun, Cl .
W. b
. . i . i true
I i up. Hi ii .
p i
I Is. the
ill I. It. I I on
Ml in.

tint S. A-um-e. the and
Keen vat i arr r a.
i-t tin sun
win that
from the day he
h fleet the
forced Ibo surrender
Mr. IS
apparently still without
. . m-
of bis
urged him that Die Hoar , mi
aid are t
the nearly four DO
in Bit, baa
not there, Bay what
relations to n
thorn. It has lo been
pointed out to the
ti the rules of
the l Pa ill w
it or the eat
entry lea- A day after-
Tin demanded
hall If. -n -ma i low.
was Mil Mr.
there no
partnership fl I t
id I. and th it was a
never to have been bra
lb i r d I r by
fill a Halt if I be part-
mi farther-
l pr-
of tin Hi
U ref i
i In
p the
not o i y u nm
ire ever;
el likely to
be too well
f Ma in. waif an received
The t.
i c people
fa I
of ten Basra
matter i
men are the
William Sheridan, of New York
predicted big horse
would bis
killed by crash
lac a cable car.
of Mia Km-
i i Ml a
end d to n
. f
a II d
Bin , to one rear
i. hi-
I. r tin
M. n
has for
ii I-
t . I
bis to be received with-
out by
of Mr. has ;
and he would he baa more
be to adopt
act advice were it not a certain i
of political u; ., M m b
en hay ad bis of ft u , M
An Bf the
late toe
at Paris .-h-
H decided t th-
moment retain the as n
Hem the estate. In it the doctor left
Paris the Eugenie on
when he a
her to reach It is Intended
by the the noted dentist to
transfer the to the Evan Mu-
is to be founded in
ca under the of
The vehicle will be temporarily
banded to care of the old
who drove the Empress, her
attendants and the doctor to the Coat
la when he was about to em-
bark for England in Sir John
yacht. The vehicle Is a
for four
persons, and was built In for
North In the
Ai W
it w I
He hove
named that
la of I
for u absolute divorce
said And the aid de-
w II take notice that
lie i to appear at next
ti nil of i be Superior i f Mid
;, to fee held ea Monday
eel t. ml next at Court of
mill N. and
answer or demur to
.-aid or ill wilt apply
Court for the relief In
r ill day of y.
K. O.
Tobacco Sticks.
All farmers Sticks
can get at the Lumber
Yard. W. It. B, Agent.
i Creditors.
ti Conn of
. tea I'm County Ml the of
INS, to on of Ad-
on Ike of
Banes deceased No ice token lees
lo of-aid
a n-
val in told bin
Dewey must lie kept the j.,. lie himself
round if to keen lira
out of tho White
Not with the
salary of a man was at one
lime considered competent to till
of Chief the
not be recounted hero
After the loss of Maine it
the to him a
or but there
was no available vessel, be
was placed in of the
of his awful. commanded doting
in of his with
The criticism
of answer made by j
clerk, E- lo public
baa never forgiven Bailey bar
some of its
when B before a
committee, and ha probably several days later.
wasted highly pail u , lo
S n he f and
Spanish i
His most valuable
was of
Beat u harbor.
which he the
v d of Commodore
i maid of In Tel which ts all
Though Captain
during war
luting it.
s w a mere
to Main
baa to o a
All About a
how to bu ale or appropriate, as Tex-
him oat office, without a sister ship of the Maine.
to be actuated by any I
other desire than good of Ibo
service, only to a fizzle of I
last. Bailey may have
ed think
whole S does, i
but be should bare been a
proper for is
it bare been enter- m
oil on record.
i; . U i- s . f in i , .
to of the people.
or will to that t
to baa not
cit occupation to Cuba before cool Baltimore Herald.
weather, to carry
i; i baud at aid t
prejudice the rabble
United States. Bunco's Toe career a cc,
lion to make foe u- I. by intrude I itself
is m plain lib worrying i grave discussion an
no little, and de of tin
The reports
called down are follows; Mr.
from all of it was a partnership
ac i in, the parties
That tin is co limit to Span- i i aid
was Slater, and he
made by the moved an to restrain
of Spain to the select the from
of S of . j from business
the Committee ed the Mt, which was a
f mi, lo be one the from ailing or ox-
Commissioners, cat
his of the from rep
too strong and too wall. lag that tin cat was
Ware BO fondant's solo prop The
held to be value
would to for the cat win Mr. Owen
i . n in Mini men as Sen- for tho
of Mil., nod Sin-1 nested was
Hale, Me , only mark Mr .-aid ilia in
two who made their j May last year a -Miss
towards con- made a suggestion lo
the which . Miss Slater, purchaser of
preceded Ibo war. It will be at. was a kitten, and
up with Mr. if every , very go d heal u-
j As a result Miss Slater c ill-
chosen by him, are ed the her
i to be strongly lo go into I r
in their Already there Ibis Cit, to do
bus bean the
of Day, for that d to
very reason, but it Ins re- pay for cat, which then
m be ii to be bad as cheap us
is known Hi. i. -Mi Hay will tho lo keep
i -ii M i K ii- i . I
and not bis to a tho
-lives, i f ii,.
tiling more at
stake. At BO in recent
has Ibo future welfare of
Car depended so much on
b allot box as it a t-div.
makes l
the D. mid
the mil man
Every no
a Id sir lo
man sh e
above reproach, should
able to get
vote, as well a a low from other
who f r
personal or political, car.-
u it poll fall tho Dem-
patty, should con-
a cm lid its for one
When about to for
i Ibo primary, n-k
yours if ins will mike
Bad if i-
ii ii. some
No matter if is
and m matter if you re-
him as suited in -every way
fir office, don't assist in bis
if you know there is a
j single Democratic vote that will
not be cast for him In
of this
fall depends upon a on
A an owns n
. .
. m, airs, n-
. I, Of
mm sat Harrison, who
his t. d la
Ob sheet, the
prised of the lot. the last
official i by
is bit I he v as
Hiked, in order to make a Journey to
over the same as that
by him with the Empress in
that long drive be slop-
at the same plans en route as
those V. ii on the
II found that to
brim up a genial nature.
. good temper, and s happy frame of
is- a greater effort than to per-
him in
is ii that your baby drops
a s regular time Why
. i give Nothing. Her
father hobs to
Bad advice.
me for
op or e day
of June or this notice ill be
bar of their All per.
to said
to make payment Is SM,
lie.- day June
Having duly before the
Court Clerk of Pitt s
executors to M-t will and I
of O. Brow. U
hereby lo t
e-t I I make payment
to He an I all persons
said estate
This is B i ear aid
woods are full
be put
has pot to
at i and lake ear
until I is s
Prom time I we bare been
i by analog,
mm h
have just received a new
and the nicest Una of
Coffins and Caskets, in wood,
metallic and brought
to Greenville.
We are prepared to do em-
all forms
Personal attention given to
funerals and bodies entrusted
to our care will receive every
mark of respect.
Our prices are lower than ever.
We do not want monopoly,
claims ISM estate
the court competition.
We can be found at any and
or before the day of July,
or tins e ill he plead in of
recovery of same, day of
July, leSS. J.
Ku O.
last year.
J. A. Oak
Notice to Creditors
Having duly qualified he
Court Clerk of Pitt County
as of estate of o.
Yules, notice Is given
to all persons indebted to the estate to
take payment the
and all persons having claims
it estate mini tie
duly a
before the lath day of
this will
in of of their claim.
Tail lay if July.
nil times in the John Flanagan
Buggy building.
i in.
N f
I Greenville
-r- s
ii K. ii it It
l i i state,
t. to
, a year.
Neal opens T,
For ii
J. C.
I candidates -o I. om Modern
no or ; lint it would
We didn't do
do it.
We a w
the cash is in .-lit.
we see ff
of of Liberty one
side of dollar and on
tail of the
A i t o her
in i
space for sale.
tho war except our pockets
There is no
Our is
bus leaked out the
the gable
is a to hue,
hut cash i better.
will not
to a
lo ac-
o unplug
will bold good to
candidates of all par
The e is for
We are out for
exhibition of
which was p t
eel, kept
we. The cat was shown
out for the show,
a feeler, was the attempt carried before it, Via.
lo appear to take It to lour special
live; ills.
disease the timely use
Tint's Liver Pills, an old
favorite remedy of
Always cures
i stomach, malaria,
ion, liver, constipation
all bilious diseases.
in its history.
Jen's, ;
m Medicine
to BOB-n.
I ,. I Mi i
lilies I
loans tor the Beads.
i i I ii I i
Miss Pepper's
c, Private School.
ear depot.
Number Mil
term ,.,. is
1st to Kb par
per month
Theory I liar.
Pupils taking and Liter-
course will per cent
hops lo merit sup-
port and full of
In and resp I
you nuke your
ones to enter
Any further desired information
I given.
L. L.
Melissa Carson
vs. I
VT. Carson j
C. Carson J
Tee defendant J W Car-
will take that an action e-
titled as above has been commenced
the Superior Cowl of county for
divorce and the said do
will take he
Is required to the next term
of the Superior court slid county to
he held o i the second Monday
the Monday in September, at
the Court House of said In
at C and or demur
null in ail action, o- the
will apply to court for the
relief I In complaint.
I hi- d iv of August,
P ally. S C
t; m
Pa i, I i i s i
fear's to
e-t to our before
Our la
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
t-i we b direct from
o i vi i I'll i to
oil tin On- g e all h i
and no
risk to run we sell at a close margin.
The State Normal and
Industrial College
BO Mom reg-
J bUt
Mi an
if -j on
in HUM except two.
Primary an I I
pupil Terms
Bethel High School
The Vail Term begins on
. work will hi
Till, is a of high grade
Only will lie em-
do c.
I he best discipline will he o.
Hoard i lo per mouth
in ti
, i II In l
lot J i j
A teat all
low ed when I- paid for
a whole
For further information we or ad-
lice end School
To secure I In
all free applicants must
be m August
Correspondence Invited
desiring competent
and oilier
Having been appointed and qualified
all are hereby
lo all claims the
estate of the said Jesse Adams for pay.
on or before Sin day of March,
1800, or Ibis notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. All persona indebted
to said estate arc requested to make
This the
day of March,
T U Woolen,
Notice to Creditors
The Clerk the Superior Court hay-
this day to ms Letters of
Administration upon of
ard M.-i notice Is
given to all holding claims
ugliest said estate to present them to
ms for payment, duly authenticated, on
or before 1st day of I or
notice will b plead In bar of their
All Indebted In said
estate are notified to make Immediate
pin of their ii, to me.
Ibis the day of June,
of I estate of Hi. haul
The III et a
i.-it ii o 6th.
mis are SI
will be to do
Will be a i lo hail
July w.
leave Cress
for Tarboro touching stall land-
on Tar Wednesday
sun at ti A. II.
Tarboro at A. V.
Tuesdays, Thursdays end Saturdays
These e are subject lo stage
of water on Tar River.
i mt with
for Norfolk,
New Boston.
Shippers good
in i via
New York.
. f A r. in
Brat X Miners
, Boston.
f, J MM t S
Seaside Hotel, containing rooms,
having thoroughly overhauls
and renovated, is now for n
rent. Unless otherwise disposed of w
be opened I r guests JUNE
under competent management. T
further Information call on or
to U.
Which ard, N. C.
The Stock
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for country
j C. CO
Wire and Iron
only work
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN
TC FICTION SI per Year in Advance.
At h S
,., ,
full, ilia
a c ,,.
role In N ; i u
of ii ii -a a
r rt,.
In, ii-o .
,, I fan adv of
. L
lie i-
V ,
u tho eon v
ch ii. of a o i
t and
procure , .,
to o. pa-
per i sud be r
to are
wrappers , D
r.-ml to i u .
will he I
and he
raised at one to
It Democrats
every township shall sud at
a list of to
A. will
assist in preparing Ibis
F. M.
an l
i i r
i.,. ,,,.
Ai . cat
1.- , .,. j v w, Bo
U p T,, , ,. . ,.,,. r,
, ,.,
k f r out
n SI
I i v.
B finish, i .
ii i i
h i ,, ,,.,,
lock m lbs oil
Sp in. Mi-i v
e war i n
As n natter of f at, bow,
bus u t
in n
i in
it its
ti mo
i .
l of i
. , i U Hi J
p. at
II i . , , , i
if here I i,
i ,, i .
every pi for it
with publish th foL
thin I ,,.
a terrible r Iran V, I aw Jaundice
for over fix month, mid was treated
our .
nil to no Dr. Bell, our dreg.
KM. Bitters
slier two cured.
from this In y. I an
yours. v. A.
Per tale i y i. ten.
the principal ., v
ills to i . ii. .,. . .
. i. . it. ,. ;,. ; ,
The I
fir ml i, pa .
i v-
. . , i, ,. .
baud car . f p
i j. a
Admiral i i.
., oil M n
war that have on
I list la
ban on lay.
i ii; f
arms are
In direct cry II o
J, fret-
son only J. s Monroe
Quit Ada l and
lien,. , . i a
in i Kb f
re I,
. re
-ii.;. ii ,
offer One Dollars Re
ward for any ease cl cm
net be cured by i fun
We Ike have own
fail last n vi-.-u
honorable In II
by their Him,
Meat A To
t-iii Is taken Internal.
IT acting blood
or lbs nice
Ball's nilly arc
Professional Cards
W. . f.
la all
C. lire V.
gnu of was bred
New York
en-lit rail s Stud K-v
First Spanish
M r k in
. east if
bombarded by I
.- or Friday,
Friday, e
i. .
an-1 naval
of San
I Seen
hi ilia on ill
men ti They
wore e
Miles sailed On-
for on Fri-
day, July oily
pi fully ml. i-
Friday, July
to ,. k
On July i
dent and d
d en o terms of pi
real battle was in
the city of
was L.-o
Friday, end
of war protocol l
to e
it- are
n i- capital, lie
embraced .
I- Ins; on Mi n , r-
I I .
i i. . ,
will. i ; ,
. , ,, H I,
e lie II-
. . ;.
i lion i , ,
Of let ii
. i
. I
. in r en
ii n.
I i
f ,
. .
. and
c ii. . tho American
i r i resp on n I is
. I .; ,, .
j A fain n
i- in i
ex . , u i .-
in ii e v
r he
I Hide
, hi i; fr d
a CO in i
I ad hod in
lOll . i lUll
Dress minus, i.;.
of all kin Is,
Caps, Shoes ard i
to fit the ladies, men gals and boys.
. A
LI AS In vibe, b . . .
V ,. no
I Pill ii i. by to
in lie mm House in
Bi -H, 1898, at
cm .; M. i
lab i i. r
County Town-
prims -will l. I,. at
p m .
x, for
I I'M. s I Io
ii .,
IV. to anoint
I'm regardless
party affiliations, is in
.-v i- invited and
i i i these and
Ml order
Ea Put
x. I. Blow, Chairman.
. Secretary,
i I.-n- b r.
I r
. i- ell
swift la
r cord
id in
. ,. ii, ;
i boy bee
la lbs large
u -no are
sled Inc. set o t
rod in.
men who
i with this
v. in -l n.
l ii t i domination. V.
v- v
meat a cf
Bf I to ti. .
with low
b i no
i par-
i x m. .
if i
i- .
r i I. . ii
U i I
. Cm
i r ,.
v Shades
,; x n ii vi
H ill
. i
U r i-
. t
Rugs, Ail
in nil
y, i ,
Oil fills you lam
. Anton ,
ll . ii
I r i
y Does a
vii i i, n. c,
over c
. . .
h. .
o at Las
ill i
ii ill Her mis.
. B. i-. v. K. n. la
ii. i,
R s
lie .
. people Kb
A quo ll every lo- ea
If, attar two yea
Ibo so
obtain many
ii id of Ibo
aid county
become i o rot kit and, he
by ii so
con sill
to Ibo
of this crowd in bl other
o-. W II sol foil folly
rot only it I hey
n do,
Ibis the poi's
of State,
cf lbs or of
peso,, ten fort are
in election. It is in
t-f people -those
el irons i
ii mi v, lbs i
now ii, . I.
Hoy mi mi, it, i ;, a. n
In half i Ir,. , L, v.
II ii g by way if
. ling Lu ii
vi i- in hi i- . i, from re-
Jail- e Hobson, I.-
ii naval
his town, Ala,
mi. dons without eon
Hob and b
tin- more won by f i n
mil ideal
to Hod pleasure
mi A
an ii i.
i i,,.,
rests, the
and lost to
I b
l-ii been
Be i
all Mi ;
Oak .
A very
ii s
aver. ,.,,. ,.,;,
um fir II
. .
, Cm
I .
ft V.
H ,
I-1 .
i .
. lo I
. i . i .
hi,. ,
I i ill .
. .
l i
I pit
. r ii .
o I
I lac i
. , I I
I . i
i .-.
i Primaries
win be held the following
on any September 17th
. i. P. U.
Ii Braves Dam township at
II. township Parkers
ml Home
C Stokes
M it at Black Jack
Ci a I at Ayden
-He a
C ii .
i township at
Suit Bur-
votes, vote for
r alee-
ii in
III toll
II -i entitled t
A , .
; .
i ha, ,.,.
ale, . In lady in
upon and she
but her vital or. ,,
. . ,. ll.
i and death .-.
lie . v ,. no
s. e ml way .
fry s n
veil C ll mi . i ,
. ,. . . hi ,
ml ; h
Homes lira I. reed
III i ,
l ., i .
. , . ,.
lore. .
i . i . I .
Fair Deal
Hi U
; mi .
at . lull
p. ii
ii in
i i i i HI u ire
dry go .
r is over
in lei
i ;
hi i
t-r ill . .
i in i i v r t
it I
I I rill
If t
I Mo. ,
., . .
. n t.
I I .-
i I
t . . . I . . i
I I ,
ll I i
. . Due i , can i i
i for in
II . i
i i No
H i j
N i
Creek No
will nominate
. r three
nines will
ii six r i
ll and
ll lo
v. -n life, bum
i i kn you Jo.
II plying one's d a
I in. u are virtuous.
II volunteers to pay
war would never declared.
ii ii ; i- a mistake, it
lie n man doesn't
if at
ll n in in i. hie i be
In- n ii on Fool lo take
II n man rises
an i
ban I- in is us b ,
girls s a
I in
He world far
Bi .-. gores, Salt I m
Ins, ferns, all Skin
ml v . ores Mies or no
a iv n u l. d
ii Ion or
SeatS M-r l v
I. Woolen.

Eastern reflector, 30 August 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 30, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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