Eastern reflector, 2 August 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. hi
For the purpose of the tobacco Eastern Carolina more than any other warehouse in the Slat. We also have a polite set
we haw hired I r purpose and not buying We do strictly a business. No pin-hooking or country buy-
We are working tor the interest the and not the pin-hookers. Bring us a load and be convinced.
allowed among our
fours as ever,
I should
I mi as to I is uH
. Maud
. i I
r id.
Washing-tor, D. barb r Santiago when the
bother the S; There h m
n lo s be by p army and th
Notice to Creditors
tin y
In i ,
ii e
to with Sail
J l
i. J i
s M i i
n i. I
in, i. properly ,,
for pace m m, v. .,.,. , ,.,.
in Santiago, be I ion
demand j, . ., v
he over to j
a the two Secretaries were get i with
warned u their dispute ti military c
Notice to Creditors
i m , i .
i mi Clerk I'll i cc i -1 I I . lino I
-m i i . ,,; mm n . lei l. . .; i.
It tier j a per. I
.- I I a- . . i in .;, ,;
v. ;, i i- an I all , .,.
Urn I. ail an ii having . i I- in i, said -I
-I -II I .- III I- I . i in , -in. .
. . . i .-. r i i . if on or day of July,
. ed on i-r , day o or Bolt-c will ii- In
or this will p i , day cl
in Hi- of Inly,
July. M Bit
in la . .-. mi U
ii inn lo force
In direction until Spain
pr i I clear-
U apparent
points o the
of the
ray it i
American to
Tim Ti o
way. under of
and Admiral
is no of the
war is that
keep for very .
Tim of
of to I e
by of i
week, a-d Ian
will begin. How BOOB Hit
town will captured of
depend how
ilia campaign II
if bluff is. i
with the I
General I
I y v, j,,,,,,, ,,, j,.
v yon ma; j, , ,. ,.,,.,,
whom all
rendered a decision very fern any
pint. a .,,. to
capture f by level lie will
or when army whether it in
, A lures it, m are to I c j,. r
en i pi m Official
i hare beta d i.
i i e with Mid.
i, are wait- ;
tea if official i.-
I it- the i re
de i a Male
not over
to tie stone o -brink-
on t i
If,. are officially con-
Spain itself. All this n's
there baa been
talk about Watson's being
or closely followed,
by an of inc. and n
activity in movement
f.-om various camps, which
baa been greater
in i-tn n with
invasion of has K
probability talk. And
W ho
the rocking The
fern among
will to believe
by s while
air Aid a a
j III o
are I i
over there have em-
in their
tern I be
rooking chair Tiny
will take a decided It lies I
already been by
dials many
, , , . i.- v hi. . i in y
arc to .;. . , ,.
,, , . ii-. Hi t i Ills h lie
tuba favor I i-
. . . . almost ill
of insurgent more like v I, i , i
. . ,
to their good
i u tor ,
at land
lug on
hi , Friday i A. M.
Tarboro at M.
Than are
of a Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
t-r Norfolk,
N, fort and
irked via Dominion r
N. a l
. U l
BUN, Agent,
N. C
Tobacco Sticks
V u .- i. i
get at i i
Notice to Creditors.
of Hie Conn
I Pitt on tho day
June hailed ,. Ail-
; on
Notice hen by n
to w I I -i in fin
ii i
I e the day
of June is ii or n tics be
I. I bar . r-y, All per
I era
. , nm.
I i day of June
Public Administrator
i In
H ; -l
cit received a w
mid line
wood, meta
lie cloth ever brought
at . t- Io en
i forms.
i a o
. i an
to our care
i. of
Our loan
not monopoly
c i
can be f I at I
in en the John
bob it, c
yon invent also vat
I Washington,
all i -a
lie, j mm m forM
Algeria being .,.,,, ,
calling of Stew, bis political ,, , ,
ford, who is drawing for ,,,, ,,,,,
as to Spain , rare Bug
to Washington for so of are known lo be ,,, , hi J. ,,
Mr. prevent his giving them a of middle
and has not lessened any glory on el the class. superior
although some that w-r It is pointed t of own- There may
was sent in con- out such extraordinary orders be in
some for a-i con two i worthy
peace that may have be-u been issued from the War
ed, tho so ea shut out
denial that any such proportion regiment each
also that Lo-
la camp with
hope it war end be.
fire had a chance do any
bad either been or
The I u
nod a
which such n
,., tin
M, ,., I,.,, I. N- M I.
l I MM, .
campaign pleasant
Santiago, broke out tho , things to .
net week, Long are i t-
I, V
Liver ills.
Doctors Say;
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
led derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver i- the great
in the mechanism of
man, when it is out of order,
the whole becomes de
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
Tho defendant
named take , an action
, It .-. . b I I
I In of lilt County
a i divorce from
the u hint.
take notice that
he i. i o appear at next
be Superior Court
, t r. bi- held in
next at tho Court
aid County in Greenville, X.
or demur to ii
said or plaintiff will apply
for tin- demanded
the day , I
James. A.
My lot B
Having I. tad d
the .
all are hereby
on or before day
notice win plead in bar
All Indebted
i . to make
limn ThU
R 187.-
TIMS and
Hotel, Si
been thoroughly
i- no for lea-o o
rent. I of w
I r c i i i-;
under t
in o-
H. Han by, Owner
to IV. .
Port Sides. Mil
Notice to Creditors
lit Court
log t-i o
i u upon lite i f K , i,
in in
in m. duly I mi
Hi U of l,
will bi in
ft -y. Ml In h i,,
it s in
of IV .
C. M
III- l
an t
will lit to their in.
cl our before
Our U
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
n in
as bay
In It
always sold at lilies-. I
-i ii He time. a B all bought
have no
inn at a margin.
The Stock in
very department an d
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for country
Wire iron Fencing
only work
price, r enable
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH FICTION. per Year in Advance.
t e week
Liberal organ, commenting
upon of
fur her
la concerned America no need
to fear any
Spectator says that
could face men
that of Franco without
while lbs Ger-
man and navies there
can course be
it says, fine
brave men but a naval
Germany would be
short and very
This result, i;
prise no who
thinks but his
of Amer-
have show that
hat habit to
This opinion as lo the French
Navy is baaed upon tho belief
gunners would
cool and hit every
would get excited and lire
too high or too low, lose all
advantage of guns
and beet explosive the
Our extraordinary naval
have opened eyes of
but fact remains
we are a peaceable people,
shall make war to
resist or to in-
Kant in
When bales and bales of
are daily hauled from
lo feed stock the
country it time to up- It
is a fact that in killed
every day on every farm
and than
and paid for by the
same men who hand to kill
their own. Fad Mount
Send your address to II. E.
A Co., and get a bee sample box of Ur
nine's New Lite Fills. A trial mil
convince yon of their merits. These
pills are easy in action are
effective in the cure of
and Sick Headache, Malaria
and troubles they have
proved Invaluable. They are
lo from every
lo he purely
vegetable. do not weaken by
their action, but by giving tone to
stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
Regular Sic. per box.
Sold by I. Woolen, druggist.
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond.
J. I .
Practice In all the courts.
Swift B. i
N. N. C
N. C
In all the Courts.
, N. 0.1
Office over J.
II. n Long,
i, i s In
II. In, Vi. 1.1 in.,.
it .,
. I J, . ., On
r hop In n
Ml . . II
I o Arc
There ii 1.0 duty
a, b,
of all parties than the of
keeping before the people con
of Populists
elected as silver u who out
in 1.1 Mid a
t S-u
a et, en
to lie
along with name
of i
were their pally B-
declared, by mo-
lives. Senator the I I
as to said I
night after the
bolt the white
the m ware hold
meeting ii the
one tho members
There is goad
we can fill by for
and we will for Jo
Pritchard and till
the minority Pop-
States Senator and their
opp of positions.
One of the minority Populists
just the breaking up of
their meeting what we have
to, is ever found out we
I was not in the
but occupied an adjoining room
to tin in. There as a
them and and
talk loud I could not
help bearing then . At
I Park r,
of prominent in
Most of hundred places
which away
and nearly every one of nine-
teen is row filling a position, or
has bad gift of a
son or relative or
Here is tho Poll Dishonor, with
the distributed
Ho has a rel
Cannon--Senator from
Ibo director of
and afterwards it
good position as an
from Berlin-
His son has a
from Martin.
He is superintendent of a
His baa a
Not aid from.
of Farmer's
tote at a fancy salary-
Has a in lit
from Lin-
Not heard from.
Deputy Revenue
Clerk U-
U. Commissioner.
law postmaster at nod
post master
A place was made for him as
Ibo railroad
from Hyde.
Deputy oyster commissioner,
will not be empty hand-
Deputy revenue collector.
Not heard from,
Not beard
We may have all the
to B I id we
p there may be
o our
in the in which
to give us
for as did not, a Judos
did and as should have
go and facts
r row light good
till by
lag for to
be known t
is as much a duty to
o of as
lo and
live and
to used a to
we lo
be in just and U c
lax which
to imply
to double lax en making
pay on Ibo
or i
I he mo
it is,
to mail out return a sworn
of for
on LI i-, I bey an re-
quired lo pay a las- Then
list laker cornea
they are r. to list full
stick of Ii r taxation again
Bit, It be argued, be has
BO d lurch, an ho
in bis list,
i ii be aid Ibo
las Hats for
regular taxation what ho las left,
II may be d u
who ii tun
dollar stock and who tax-
that goods every
June, may buy and sell in ho ii-
year and Juno next year,
goods to amount twenty
dollars without
purchase ;. . . .-t.-n, all this would
e- . U
Let's see it is so. Grant
ha bought sold goods
to be
hos stock it the time o list,
log. bus be done with tho
. r T He has either sold
goods for cash or ho has sold
i In in tin, r to allies ho
will pay for Idem, ho
knows they will pay him, or has
security by Licit he can lone
lie I as a of what is
known The
of this is to
lo lbs list Inker,
be pays n tax
If bus I i
and flat
cash in goods, which are op
his shelves and ho ha
cash on or bank. To
amount these items ho is
also lo
the list taker, d bore be pays u
II has Invested money
in or he is
lo swear am mid I
ho a tax. Ho is
We mm it up this ;
He must pay Ibo tax when ho
buys II ho sell
them be must a tax
If he does soil them be
must pay a tax OB tho proceeds.
A tax, a tux a
lax or
Ail tit, laid
into the oily Bella a merchant
thousand worth
goods and is only required to pay
in hotel bill, while merchant
required to to
freight la-
ii bought.
A meal deal ha
about tho
burdens but do
sired vet a It way o
dull and misty future
i Telegram.
For . i;
for your I m ,;, , .
w ltd ; . vi. , ,
sell i- , , I
We mil i. in
nation for ;. pie, A large
pi I A ,
A in d
-I pi a
Mil i. II.
me i
I i fall
our a -1 i-
tin ii i i
V, , i I r.
I . .
; ,.
ii . tonne
lo bi I
Wat I in was not a
i loll i , f
an I I
Spain . .
i .
log n.
. I
J I Ml
I log I be .-i u n
I K d I i. i f,
b. . d
I H j i be ma Cl
I rat l u He
mad i Hi . i I i
Ii, iii- J.
i hi i list sun
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Hats and
taps, Shoes and s in black tan
the ladies, men girls boys.
Re- ii I i.-i I i Bell
by soy one Iii our ton n. l what . -j
A , beaut i c
Iii ii . i. and i .
Window- In all colors, Pock
et Knives,
and war
line of
Lace Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Curtain Pole
in white and A
in all and sever.
and Smyrna
. i; .
at era be i ; in t , la
CO, Ural I military
b but it is pi b
dent and want
hi .
At no ti
b aid i cl obi
ships I .- ired
i now
was i w b lg I by ti
i. . g is i i . i-i
t i . I. I why
I. i I . in
A i i- I s
Mi add lb.
i ii.-- a
mi cl run I
Y.,. I
i i
;., Oil u to. i,
Rubber, Stool Cocoa Crockery, s. Lib
Lamps. tee our Oil oar lamp
and does run it over.
-ii-i in
Be a. Room lo Solid hi price from U.
and Bedstead
shh ,. ill- -ill Lounges,
C hairs of all kind, Kb Dining Table,
re Tablet, Tin Hall Backs, ;. No these
No priori being Came tn u- your
ii win out guarantee aid m
a ii-. a .- 11-i . will proven ti
l l i -i. i , i . I
Yours for mutual lb.
oils and Sines
Dealings Book
now Mi ah ha- la-
i , i lbs .
. . . i i be ed
f fleet bad I i.
,. I . .
lid All Hi
I t Spain do, .
I l
. .
J re No.
fa lb is a little
be ;
,. V i ; .
n . .
i 1.1 n
I Ill
i an I I
be b if
i- I. it's c . kill .
. be I u ii
in the t--
i lie it ii- 1.1
. -w 1-1. ill
he tr,.
to i.-
ear all I b
. ti . . hi
an in . all . ii
no ii I ii a
G n was re.
sub of Shatter b in r -u or-
la is
limed he have
pad to bate
made him sin Hi at
i-. that Die doesn't
t quarrel with
. It In ; sen
d the
ball i.-t be v.
to then close war,
unless tin;, can
real It o -i
v lies their
t I I and clothe the
Inter rent and keep thorn
with ii ins an -1111 on
w 1- lo
i inn- but to f . I it
he c in- not mi
el t It is r
w , .
their by f .
-1 prods
,, u -1 bee pis
powerful ii out at a
make pi l c
Ink I worse ,
q will b slut
la in
aim it in. ad to to
an as ti.
Leo Wood, sow r
f When II e
Maim was h w up b was a
in the army, with
I place, A lamp Cap-
tin to General
ti VI t even
I -1 brave as
Wood hi- proved to
id i- doctor and
f ii id.
to on
the opened has
a welcome
than Lieu-
. hero
to harry up the work
of wrecks i f
-i .- thinks three of
them c be red if no j i
lost ire a
. tbs got
at .
I . m c hones
ire f ks. In many
all, in some there is
In the
l . than a
din Those
lee o f
u- hut
t a. Even
to at
weekly I S ll-
II i edited with the proper
. i ii BOO I la-
boys and girl, and
in than a
Many a I could do a
w and in
h d
o d; w rot I aid
f which BO forth
ii i.- no more whole
n i In Hi home than good books
p nothing
poor Bled
than books
. N C
It I, nob better to labor for
small remuneration than to labor
consulted what not at all. Home people will not
labor they cm set
losing nor time wait-
h .- than
in labor at a price, it
lo b idle I at a
BI All Till
Mr A, Thomas, o Tex
in,, a
1- been in in
year, lie suffered untold agony
and was
v . w for
U.-11. and lie
Bold la 1.1 in
. curs,
null I hi, .- if coil a d
a ii tie, Asthma,
and all ind ire
I in,. , Ur. New
free at J no . Inn
I re. He r and
on re or i
It i-i It man in the east
m part this county him
With him. II the
;. in,, general this
the tree be com-
pulled to work
sud ed
I'm.- Sun.
-1 In the rid for
libs Son . risers, Hall
I I . .
t and
11-. r . i v, -1 y Pile in
w ii
in OB
pm p. ho.
rank in I .

Greenville, N. C.
D. I
th. at
M, C. M elm
Honolulu with
when the
lbs- Hawaii to
Up number k
from Madrid tint at Santiago was
of Spain -W
this and
An expedition, the
South Dakota, sad
troops has San
co to j I at Manila
lien. Governor General
PM or, no material re
advance Miles
but ill all hit in
Juan lo make he defense
possible if its lien.
ill not attack tin city bis rein-
lore turns at live and the fleet i ready
the of lien
from an attack measles. Poor l
little boy I Wonder it he lad I ,
and chicken
Fur war new now the biT
H tell over
over again
about the
and the
of fleet. And once
in n while
low tells that deprive a
at v It is
and floss that most read
like lo hear fro-n now.
of the State
to make an annual
report. The administration if
It. Smith, an of
Russell, of that institution,
was so that he had to be
and it i a fact
no report has been made
since he In r
lo to the people of the State
how have been
and bow the
under Smith. Chair Sim
mons of the Democratic Ex-
Committee wrote a letter
a t. Instead of Rotting the
through hit
a to Chairman Simmons in
which the issue is but
is to denounce Sim-
Chairman Simmons replied vigor-
to the subterfuge and show
el the corrupt up in its
true light. Verily, we have a dis-
graceful State administration.
The Old is
In the hands of and rob
white who
to the
list combine helps to keep it
Madrid, July
Wen asked or is in progress, but a
to private initiative are in
Paris that the French
as authorized lo approach
the Pr. at
overtures lo- peace.
hare Just flopped reading
NeeL It
raising a hi
n. ago
bring a change
will be deplorable to
A Southern soldier already been
tor a
I saw a letter Baltimore
paper a days ago written at For-
Monroe, saying and
occupied by in
fighting side by aids in
battle, no male on
c In passing a
other night a preach r
race on in progress on this line and
exhorting them to have doctors
and t. their own 0.1-
or which was the race ibis
lime. this war is i and
tire lbs prob.
. in this will five more
than at any since the war of
I Judge Takes a Negro in
to Get a Cold Drink
N. C, July The Bankruptcy law will
M being content with Monday, 1st,
the as is
W. S. Tom is a law pa-v I by t
to recent an I
throughout the count i
inn. one the mm prominent
drug stores here this morning
by a men and ordered for
a cold drink.
Th- clerk told He-
publican that were not
dispensed to at
The act provides that n.
v bankruptcy shall b.- MM
within months i-s or
sooner than
Under new law ; pr .- . w i.
. ., . , i n
whereupon the Judge became owes debts except n corpora, lot.
and Om MOW company e to benefits of ad a
with and
at a sale distance began to curse and natural
n X r
Only First
abuse tie
Ins dusky
not sen
r or a per in engaged in
the tillage the foil, any Incorporated
I opine when Judge enters, company and any engaged
store again whether he order I principally in
drinks or not, the season tori printing, publishing, or mercantile ,
winter drinks will have arrived before owing debts lo the amount cl one
he sends in his official
N. and Observer.
Spain Sparring for
Madrid, July
ground protest to the Powers
the at
European capitals have
been In make bawd
on fact that Gen. Miles
Second Goes
The six companies t e Second
alter the cl the
have received to
love. Four the
band and the Colonel and stall
Co Sr. Simon's Island. Ga, one
c S. C,
and company lo
Ga. Company K. cl is
MM goes Island.
sent there.
A Girl's Allowance
Island alter Spain, I, ,. u or wile, has a natural
The el tin United
to is
to neutrality and
d to be con
dislike to hi r lather or
band penny she
Bolt, in August
hey j
I t
Thu n is c St.
Thomas, WT. I, San
The hospital ship arrived at
New York with
First nit
now Mud
U N. has h en
to Gen. Miles duly in
Leave it with
Tl.- all do,
And they grow j
I ii. y grow in the rain.
And they grow in the dew,
Yes, they grow ;
in the darkness, all hid m
i lit,
hey grow in
Still J
The are cloth d
And the ravens are led.
From His store ;
lint you who arc love.
And and led,
How much more
ill lie clothe yon, and bed you,
give His
then leave it him;
Yes, I. live with ;
You're more dear lbs heart.
well know,
flowers that start
at you in prayer
You can leave with Him, am
His care
You, you know.
Mr. J.
represents Messrs A
While at the Hotel Kinston,
on the lib last, Mr. went
to his room about o'clock and
the sirs an el. e-
light the his room.
He picked up and turned on
light and not knowing where to
place to globe he hung the wire over a
As he did w he re-
a terrible icily
burled him lo in an
Mrs. the lady the
I house, was standing on a doorstop in
raid, and luckily raw Mr.
and heard fall to the floor.
She realized t t
wrong and gin alarm in
i AH the hotel people and
guest in the boost lo his
These who the room
Mr. lying on the flier
S dead, grasping the
Home on Giving Ab
to -Nor is the
. by the lad that the money
can had asking is always I
given It Is the
which They justly re j
and men ought to is from bis
M h and a r was int-
said who , m. ,,,
lo give bi wile a regular allowance
rapidly becoming exception. B
an- Hill many lathers who
withhold an allowance their
daughters. I it be true the
at rage gill has no idea
i. law w she ever gain a
knowledge its worth she Is
given the Our girls must
to educated in rs, and
there is no surer method loan by giving
money own to a
regular weekly or allowance
given lo novel regulated
expenses. It is only that at
start a girl will s foolishly.
To tins inevitable the
amount the should be a.--
while, how-
ever, when she g Is accustomed to
g money, she will learn its
value batter and judicious in
.; ending ii. To a girl an
is net a privilege, but her right.
withhold it II lo do her a
wring, and likewise is an injustice t.
the whom she will marry mid
whose money she will with
mediately called. It took some time to
bring him lo and the
doctor was occupied a considerably
long lime in dressing his wounds.
Tic wire had burned its way down
through the flesh clear to the bone on
the Mr light
palm making a wound
the hand link finger lo a
point between thumb
where be held wire in his grasp.
His hard and lace wire also badly
burned in several plains.
Mr. received a great
shock to his o. and
t great pain from the
confined lo bed tour
lays. He has bis hand bandaged
is weak Ir. m his
He intends rest the Seashore
dollars or over, may be
an involuntary bankrupt
or on trial.
bankers, no
I banks or under
C., I and Territorial laws, may be
The bankruptcy
the district cl United Stales and o
the the Supreme Court
the District Columbia and it-
ed States Court the Indian Terri-
and Alaska.
A discharge a court bank-
will release a bankrupt from ail
debts taxes,
m may or obtained
Iv, debts due and
injuries lo the parson or property
another, which have been
properly scheduled, or debts created by
while acting as an r i r in any
The bill s acts
shall having convey-
ed, transferred, concealed, or. removed,
any part his prop ill With intent to
hinder, delay. r defraud hi.; creditors,
or any of them or transferred, while
insolvent, any portion bis properly
to one r more of his creditors with in
ten, to prefer such creditors over his
creditors ; suffered, or per-
insolvent, at y creditor to
obtain a through legal pro-
and not having at least live
days lore n sale or n
property by such
or made a general
the bis ; or ad-
in writing his inability lo pay
debt and his to be ad-
judged a bankrupt on that ground.
J law will not proceedings
commenced under Stale
before th. passage the act
has boon decide by the that if war should be
permits lo enter IV States Military or Naval
service will be on application to all persons insured,
with us whose policy contracts require the same. This will
policies it-sued on present which are two years old,
as as old nit containing two ye-is limitation,
but per this nature will not be granted ruder policies not yet
two years old, war shall actually be and the.
parties to outer the It bas no. yet been decided
what action will be taken if war be and parties then
desire to insure with and enter the the United States
Yours truly,
L. DOBBINS, Secretary.
You will see from above action the Company that the
Mutual Benefit is up-to-date, and is always pursuing the
and just course towards its policy-holders. We do not make
any flourish of when we show a spirit of liberality, because
it is natural and expected that Mutual Benefit wilt always be
patriotic and do the In case war is not declared, the
permits will not granted, as it will not necessary, and the,
Company desires to avoid that expense In case war is
declared, one of our policy-holders will be protected.
. Yours truly,
J. L- and L. C
money talks. We make it talk for
by prices, and we
give our customers the advantage of it. We
want to do business with you. We bought
and we right and treat you
Beach, until
Ill wisely. She have
The gunboat Vicksburg returned
Ky Weal, alter having been
on the block
The has decided nil
prisoners of war shall he
mid the Spanish soldiers on
by United Stales
whether peace, cession or
through shall be transported.
are several US cases
of our at
Santiago. In all something over
lbs sick.
Spain has asked, through th I
Ambassador at if the
American will
Thu cruiser ha sailed
San with Admiral Mil-
a stall and
i mid American II
Th Spanish
refused lo light
when latter drew up to make
an attack.
The pub.
the following
A donkey stepped into a store one
day and the proprietor, who
walked cut bis private to
him. but was to Me a
donkey in his store.
you here he asked
know that I his is no place a
said lbs donkey,
cause I your advertisement on
that surrounds my I
SIP I, . ,.,
before she reaches that
that can only come to
h. r h r in an allowance
own while she is his daughter in
Washington Jottings
has been designated
by r General Smith act s
I postmaster Santiago, under military
Here i- a lip a
Brains It say. is one
lo and that I. to .
your name, your your I bought a
Luther It employed
in lie . Assistant Attorney
General the Interior Department,
has Ml the head of the Indira
Territory division l the department
The American Scan-
now at San which
business to constantly, so
so thoroughly into people's beads
walk in tin they
lie pi toward
store. The is
It to build up II. in
, . . i .
knew you he a donkey. i
or you would have
lust arrived from Arthur,
where she landed sol-
and officers.
in alive where it
would be by people and not
lonesome today. I
thought I would lie neighborly and call
Are You lust Married
Try lo be satisfied to commence on a
small scale.
Try to avoid the common mis.
take making an effort lo begin
where parents
fry going a step and visit
homes the poor when secret dis-
is spring up.
Try buying ail that is necessary to
word with while adorning the
house with simply what will
render table.
Try perfectly independent
Ii the sod shun debt in all its
Southern Messenger.
When a Ins educated it-
up to reading its
it bus in one way the
community, and when ibis
inducement a piper can oiler to the
advertiser a class cl readers
I hey Had no Reunion
Ti day was lime for the
cl Tilt county to have
list Ir r. union and picnic. But
somehow Ike matter was overlooked by
the of camp and no an-
reunion or
If r it made. However, some
sight or ten old came to
lie Snip pi
Coroner B. J. u and B. A.
went over to
poisoning about which
had been sent hero. The
at we can gather Hum that on
Saturday night colored man named
William Perkins was the
door steps talking S woman. An-
colored ml named James
came along and naked be
wanted a drink. Perkins assented
and lock a heavy slug from
Th y all remained together
awhile and Partial wanted
more and was given another
fiber pull on the bottle. Following
the old saying that one drink calls
another is was s while before
Perkins asked for another drink. This
the woman spoke and told he
had enough, was that a
a lass of pier should lie poured
kept for him until next morning
He drank glass liquor early
and soon after was taken tick
lick for three days though no
physician was Called lo h m, and Wed-
morning he died.
The people of the neighborhood
lbs man was Dr.
held a post and look rial
Come and See it. jg
a Class vi I , cl, ,
. . ,. , . and brought well filled
its influence sometimes in-
A cheap piper is
sometimes like a cheap he
much ice, except with
very cheap people. Boat
ill have sent to Raleigh
who have given their to B. E. Pat ham
Co. for Hues can now get their orders filled
at S. E. Pender store. Mr. Parham
having made arrangements with Mr. Pender to
make his flues for him.
Pender makes
Good Flues.
Flues arc now being made and delivered.
Come early before the rush.
IN. C.
Attention is called to advertise
men W. His new
machine shops ere ready work a-d
be n all kinds of
vehicles and machinery and
brackets and all tut wore order
He can do all work promptly.
with them, and these
together the college enjoyed
themselves II r an hour or two. These
annual should be
occasions old soldier, and we
hope preparation the next reunion
will not be overlooked.
v urn Yum. Tarn.
my own sweet p
Natal hearth l
Just n Sample.
are on the
week. No of has
ever seen this every
will see it
it the Democrats I to carry
No-lb Carolina next November. Yon
are just a odor
rule Star.
Proofs of i.
de apple cf my eye, lion,
said i Mo.
away, nigger cried
belle. done
I his
Heavy and Fancy
-IS St. Fill IN.
A General Horse
fresh kept constantly on
Country produce bough
and sold. A trial will
Also a of
I can now be is
brick store
by Brown
to see
More Goods for Less Morey
or More Goods for the Same
Money than any House.
In quality great
patterns elate
At the prices we state.
Patterns rare and in
As bargains they're
You invest good
and sense.
Take look at my styles,
came many miles
lo better clothes,
Than this line
From sheep ever arose.
UM and at Will.,
in i v
J. A. i.- is .
G. is in
en, is
C. M. i to
J. A. this i . a
trip up road.
Miss is
Mis. John
ill aid
Wilson, arc vi nil the
Mr. H, II. and child have
lo lo spend
Mrs W. II.
h Ii to
J. H. t Durham, came in
an height ti day to brother
K. it.
title, visiting Mis Skinner
AV. J. loll this morning
to lake a position as guard on
Mi and
spent in town on
the evening train.
The i
Congressional will h. held In
on August 80th.
C. nil.
this Boning in s
Mi.-, Id
if r I . i.
T. hit s . i., . i
ail, little
ton sou e
ed to take a
the Warehouse.
J. and
i v. Iron .
Ii. an .
II. Jones, Wilson,
Prank r and
hit on
tr-tin I
City, an
it to M
Is i .
Miss i I
baa visiting Mi-- r.
returned i i me i .
Ml in I In
n visit in
and i it
G, Moore
Wt- had a i . rain Is
Addie Johnson who I
roiling family J.
. ,
if; r. n
t hi J . .
u . . ;.
t. I i- n I in s irate I it. t .
ii a. N. , it,
be nil L, , t Aug. 1st, lo
I. Id J i ii i
r, i I. m .
r court.
I, Is id t i C r
. i . I i . . ti .
I. as
In n t , ,.
i . is In U I I . . i. i k-j
. . .,
t. t i ii, i .
. i ; ii III . I ii . It . . ,
ii,. n ,
This i. ii- mat ,,;. n
tin . lime . mi v
Judge J. Moor J ;
in ii . b. lb II i
nu lot lo in ibis Judas
Mi . lived in it-
in It t
that threat had hi n
lo ti.- r-
home to attempt to bold court
r Judge was going Io bate In
visitor in r bi i
ill., r . the Lars.
i . it i v.,.
Cam r t . it
net Mao
. 1.1 of s
i u rE. i
ran m
N. C.
v. -11 .
a r , in ; .
ply t
Vehicles, till
Gins and
d repaired on short
Wagons, Brackets,
rests, , mads
Shops on Dickinson Avenue.
I lo her home near Greenville i I I
j might i i . ,
n. ,. n us n while
hi- r ,. I. , f .,,
K- B- in Ants lay
on business,
it go. c
C ,,,,
South v
.- Mis.
i . . ti
i t, lilt ,
Butler at S. M.
that n-p-c-r.
Turnip is gelling on
Lend is f
sere in London.
Why is that a reformer
begins his work st
forget the white
in Greenville August 3rd.
old a specialty
by architect.
new arc ht lag built
the Planters
home men worth
others some
We'll to a
July Rico.
A bay riding a saddled created
the envy
Some nice Furniture and Feather
Beds at a Inquire at Lang's
The man who said early in the year
that fruit was missed it
Some people seem lo have
everything hut paying their
Another ply if Muse cheap Bag
let's st Reflector
There thunder
early night n nice mis
Uncle flag soon he flap-
ping in eternal in
not act on
The Rocky Mount Motor rays lieu
are playing havoc with in
Ice Cream every day. Orders
The Line selling
Saturday tickets here to
for round trip,
j will ii
ti n lo relied
delegates lo Congressional con-
Tat it it. inn t delivered
two dray leads if job printing lo the
for to
the new season
The Rough and Reedy Fire
will have an excursion l.-om
to Washington on August 8th.
The Myers makes
every Saturday with the steamer
Washington to It is a
pleasant trip.
With the crop prospects in
sight ought to ho good
full. i ion ex-
means for the wise merchant to
cultivate trade.
Through an oversight the day
the week in dale line on
not changed in this issue. It should
be Tuesday, 2nd instead Fri-
Quick Work.
One of the buildings
has gone up in Greenville., considering
is the factory of Bros., be-
built by contractor II, C.
cum, is a three-story building, SO
Work been in
en it fifteen it is
in on. The work-
been hustling from the
Greenville Male Academy
In todays issue will be found
announcement Greenville Male
Academy. This school has
hero tis one of best
and it is not necessary that we should
any lo it lo the
public. We know is n place
Observation of work
years shows
Sept will witness, us usual, a good
Don't follow the crowd if you
to a lender.
Don't blame a glove a
girl's hand.
Don't run an old creditor
n for a on your wheel.
Don't believe all who agree
you. Argument tires some people.
Don't think whiskey is a drug on
I he market because it is sold in drug
Don't that you in duly
hound record, your neck
or wheel.
Don't all men who tread the
are actors; some
in lumber
Don't refuse to accept el
not whole
bakeries bliss.
Perry, bas
been visiting
home Wednesday
Duller, of
passed through morning going lo
West Virginia to relatives.
O. P. left morning
Mount, We regret that hi
not lo say in th coming
Ml Lottie Flora
sod Rom Bell who ha,
been Mis low during
past week on t
yesterday for their hone in Kin-t u.
Dr. W. M. II. is quite
J. Ii. hit
J. A. Biggs mid W. G. Lamb kit
this mooning
Claude ed to
Neck this a mi in;.
ft. A. returned this
a v to Kinston.
W. II. kit this alter
noon Seven
P. in Thursday
evening from
Mis. Thurs-
day evening from
Mrs. M. M. Nelson has to
Seven lo some days.
Mis Wilson Mrs. Cora
Peck evening
Mrs. B, two
Misses Boss, to Lit-
King, vim bus teen veiling
in this county, r turned lo
Tarboro today.
Mia Minnie Johnson,
who has bean visiting Miss
White, left evening.
Thursday evening In vi it M,
U. Leaf, and hit this
W. G. Stokes, pissed
through Thursday evening gang lo
ant returned this
G. II. Hughes spent Friday in Tar.
II. C went to Henderson
W. D, hit morning r
J. A. Dupree returned home Friday
W. Ti Lee log
J. v. la
to spend Sunday at home.
John Adams r. turned Friday
g from vacation.
Miss Wilson and
Peck and child
J. II. Cherry Jr. i . .
day on business,
S. and
ate visiting
Jehu B. has i
W. M. Moore made trip In
Washington yesterday.
Br, M. Jones keep-
II, Tucker
with us this week.
II. II. Davis, who has been quite
sick, ii h- tier in lay,
Sunday cl the K
in will meet here
Mis. Jennie is
In locking over
it slated some
the train lo
r tiny will ii back. Tin
A to the God i Avenges
A n
VI . . i.
A on b. n nu i ,;
i r, i by lb
special vi,, hi ti
cation asking t
, iii war . .
t sentence Is
Spam. be
ll . i.
like in rid
some alter awhile,
f Y-s will bring hack gt.,.
lime Ed.
A Plays the Hog.
A pig that to piny the bog
over a out at Mrs.
Julia yesterday met an
untimely death in attempt, ft
the bucket milk, and in us
to get on the outside
Ct I It ills, l-l was
when Charlotte News.
There is no
word so full
of meaning
recollections cluster as
who watched
over our helpless infancy
d our first tottering atop. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth,
or ii besot with and all cf
fort should be lo avoid it.
so assists nature
II a token ll ii
i .
ti-- lo, i,;
bleed ii.-. .-, ,
lint hi.- I I i.
i.-11 l. i . in
i i. ho i
hi mis , earth it
id ,. i
nations, in i . i th.
iii n. i u i- j
glory Thy
I-1 d, Ki. . i i .
Ai ii met e in. ii . .
In c i- of c . . i
. ft .,.,,,., i .
ii. i. -I House .
they fullered in I years
ago surpass all since by
Emperors. Why should
rejoice, in
in and the
bean a n of their faith
in the
It is i
at Spain's
its in lb ex
-i -r. Jews her borders, It. t
the had persecuted them the
tie tin
s. of which -he
It a act, bigotry
is blind t it own
Jews, their splendid thrift,
she l I, bankers
the the very
that act Spain's is without
the w of a doubt down on
it- ks It
i not set in that i. could be a m re
he change accident i that etc cl
iii; place that court if upon
the Expectant . i.- the
Mother is Maine hi Havana
BUB Judge
Maria, n splendid type lei
.-- iv , ,
entire Stock of
We have ii-st thrown on our
will be sold at low
C T ext Door to the
v Greenville
bled lo look for-
w a r el w i t
dread, suffering or gloomy lore-;
to the hour when sit
the joy of Motherhood. I now command om
Its use insures safety to the lives her vessels. There seems
of both Mother and Child, and she u r ,,,,,., ,,
is found Stronger after than before i
short, it
Childbirth natural and as that Jews tin
so many have said. Don't be . among m i
persuaded to use anything but I, ,,. nip .
the United Wales,
. , , .- I -It hiring
Mr wife suffered mots In ten
with either of her other two Jehovah American
ties of It is a
blessing In lie-
eon. a Mil I'M says a
Tin- of all Miners
ah used i;
I.- r
all live
A I . Ir III I. t-t. Ii, In om III, in iv.
i d u i r 0.1 i
. .-an tow-
The Buildings and have
put in thorough Repair.
r i
it. it.
will low much
. d's Sal mil do yon
v. try it. n I
begin lo take it.
. C U
aid pet day i , week per
given 1.1 -1 n m, the
I in the hotel. rates en
V .- N. rail I,
all M. I

What is
It is a picture celebrated
II.- Remarkable of MM
you said retired veter-
an, used lo be a telegraph operator.
La lie X Was working In
Western Union's main office In New
Jerk. One night wanted to get
worst way. I had on Important
kills and did not wan to break
l, racked brains all day for
a excuse to lo the night
manager In applying for leave. I
rat unable to think of anything, and
I want to work In an unsatisfied state
I got to work, however, an
idea struck me. I had received
messages from the offices in some
of the hotels, so I took a receiving
blank and wrote a
are at the St. Denis.
Can't yen cone up and see
signed to the fictitious telegram c
the name of an aunt of mine, who Rot, be value
How would Mil military and
naval commanders like to be
Cot their were
older, I
instance, alter bat-
of wag presented
by Congress with till of
blue and and one of yellow sloth
to make a cont and a ball
dozen Dutch
And be with
be that
overlooked the mat
of giving cambric to make
Best in use. The no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pen.
You will be astonished when you sen them
earn how cheap are.
may New
But should you ever
to set a
but a good name a
When i once made
if yon lake of it. it will cover
be from bot will u a
Want Job
to see us.
Job Printing Ice.
Anything from a
In Boston and whom had not
seen for several years, and sent it
down to the night manager with a
slating that my aunt had
come to town that would
very to get off. It happened
that there was not much business that
Bight, and I got a reply back in o
minutes that I could go at k.
That suited me to u T. I began
to some more messages. The
operator at the St- was sending
quit a hatch, as a fact
which had led me lo UM name
at hold in lake message, and
Mill sending when. minutes
later, there Cached over the wire this
we are at tbs St. Penis.
Can't you up and sec
The was to me
and wan by BUM of the
game anal whose name had taken, i
laughed when I look it. for thought ,
at that of the operator had I
caught on to my ex. use for getting off.
Then in a minute I
of the hating been sent
to the Si. Penis, for the wire and op-
there bad both been busy con-
wrote my X
began to feel Creepy and wired back- to
Si. Penis to know whether the mas-
sage was genuine or a fake.
assured that it was genuine, and then
felt queerer yet I sent a reply, tell-
my aunt that could not get off
but would fee her in the morning, and
as soon as k-30 o'clock came I hustled
up lo the hotel where I found her name
and that of her daughter or. the
I kept my other engagement and
saw my aunt the next day. never
told her of the fake
of a
Lady sat for her portrait In
Bath, and the artist was commenting
on the beauty of the sitter's eyes,
which, If contemporaneous evidence is
worth anything, were indeed
rent. That started on
OCt of eyes, lie Insisted that green
were the most
ways pronounced the word with a
double o. In support of his argument
he told the following so
happened that when was a young
man at Venice I was standing in
doorway of the Call Florian one day.
watching the pigeons on the
San Marco, when an old gentleman
rushed up to me and said. me,
sir. but will you allow me to look into
your eyes Ah. I thought so Sir,
you hare green I never saw
but one pair before, and they belong-
ed to the late Empress Catherine
Russia; were the most wonder-
fully beautiful eyes in the
have continued Mr. Lander,
to remember this, for while the old
was examining my eyes I
had my pocket
It will lo yen once ob-
White mer. if you love
wife and vote to i
ll em. a H in
soldier from Pill county.
have worn myself. I in the
cause of my country bat I want to
live lo the white gel to-
and for belt, r govern
Amen and amen
News and Observer.
Seaside Hotel, containing rooms,
having been thoroughly
and renovate I, is now for tale, lea o
rent. Unless otherwise of w
be opened I u ; i is
under eminent
further Dill
invent g-
free a
Students last year.
The and host in
Typewriting. w-
A. Oak N. Q
The North Carolina i
College of e
and Mechanic Arts
Mill re-open 1894, with
Improved In
meat. Twenty three experienced
In Faculty. Full c In
Science, nil.
Y r a
IT.-. A. O.
Bah N. w
Greenville School
I Will held in the College
on Sept. Kb,
, -i per
Trinity College
ages, La-.
and Polios, Ancient and Modern Number not to Exceed V
Sociology, Math-1
Of Hi-I and
in ii In n ii admitted lo ill
The largest
lull in lb-
Board 110.00 per
a year.
Fall term
of Tuition.
No will be to lo
Will be glad to hate your
1398, Tor
C. Kit ,,
N. C.
., . , .
September . W
and tho
and in wood,
and cloth ever
an o .
to care
mark of
not want
w be I tin I
Mm John Flanagan
as the late
all n t-
lo present all toe
of the sold pay-
or before II of
1809, r this notice be plead bar
their recovery. persons
to the -aid estate r. ed to make
settlement, ibis me
C Woolen,
patronage and tallest
Heal ill
dents, Academic Courses; El- i
Professional .
in Law, Medicine
Advanced open to women.
Tuition a year; II lard a month.
Ample opp inanities
Hie needy
mer school i H
rs students,
per month
Greek, each
per mouth
Theory and
Bony gel month
Terms payable lily.
taking both and Liter-
course will be allowed Id per cont
We to the sup-
port and full those Inter,
In true and resp
you to nuke your
once to enter girls tit sell
Any desired i
e given.
Very respectfully,
L. L.
the homo
Are you a
Notice to Creditors
he Eastern
only a year
contains the news every
reek, and
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many nines more
lion- Obtain
good stories could told of
alertness which Senators display
in securing well-placed desks, but the
experience of Mr. Vest is especially
worth When. In the
civil service law was being discussed,
Mr Pendleton. an Ohio Democrat, and
Mr. Dawes had presented bills a
shrewd of politics the
their support of the Daves
bill and voted for Mr. Pendleton s
measure, their votes, together with
the voles of the Democrats favorable
to the measure, sufficient to pass
it. As the bill was about to he voted
on. Mr. moved that title
be changed so as to bill to re-
Republicans in As soon
as ii passed Mr. Vest tiled u claim for
Mr. seat. The author of
such a said he. never come
back to the
Mr. Vest was right, and at the begin-
of the next Congress he moved
Mr. vacant chair.
said the lecturer at the
close of a on to
which his audience tad listened with
the deepest attention, e
with my usual custom I -hall extend to
person present who to do so
the opportunity to ask whatever
be In his mind. I wish to
leave no point obscured it Is my
power to make It
one I've always wanted
said an earnest-looking man
in the audience, rising as he spoke.
asked a great many men, and
none of them could ever tell me. Why
Is it you always find a picture of
a goat on s bock beer
I to Id. Her.
Miss don't see how It Is
your sister failed to find me at the
You said you would describe ms
to her.
Infatuated Lover sees n good
deal more In Miss than other
folks I told her to look for
a beautiful girl, with tbs face of a
Madonna, and the form of a sylph.
It's queer she missed you.
I Clerk the Superior
this day Issued Be Letters of
Administration upon the estate
ard notice i
to all persons claims
said estate to present to
me on
or before 1st
notice will be plead mi bar of r
recovery. Ml Indebted to said
estate arc notified; to make Immediate
Indebtedness to me
s the
Notice to Creditors
duly qualified before
Clerk of
The State Normal and
Industrial College
and i I
year's supplies ill-
Snuff, Cigar
Always a
ll buy direct from u
women o,
deceased, notice is hereby give a thorough
ail persons indebted to the estate to An-
payment the Expenses to Faculty
all persons having . More re-
duly .
i on before the 18th day of
or tills notice will be p
In bar Of the recovery of their chum.
This 18th if duly,
Stop at
King House,
C i
1,500 student, representing
in except two.
lice end School
Jim To secure board In
all free applicants must
I, made before August
bog informs
lion, address,
always on hand and sold st
soil the time. Our g as bought
and no
risk to run sell close margin.
A Trail In
Mrs. you ever seen any-
thing In the moon which reminded
of a man
Mi when it
services Sunday,
I evening, lb v A. W.
school A.
f. Ii.
fourth Sue
day. morning
vices second morning.
Sunday school
A. M. W. B. Brown, Superintendent
-every Sun-
morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening,
N. M. Sunday school
A. A B.
morning and evening,
B, Morton. Pastor. Sunday
A M. E. B.
A I A A. No
and third Monday even
log. H. W. M. J. M.
LO Lodge No.
Meet, every Tuesday W. t.
N. O. 1-
meets every A.
. K. of
K. andS.
K. No. J
meets every Thursday evening. W. L.
leave Green
touching at all laud-
on Tar Monday, Wednesday
aim Friday at A. M.
Returning at a A.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
These are subject stage
of water on Tar Biter,
at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore
Philadelphia. New York and Bo-ton.
Shippers should order their goods
via Dominion Line fr
He York. Clyde from
A Baltimore steamboat Company
Merchants Miners
n Boston.
e Washington,
cue BY. Agent,
t; N. c
Notice to Creditors
Having duly before the
Court of Pitt county as
executors to the last will
of Susan O. Brow., deceased, notice is
hereby given to persons indebted to
t ii make immediate payment
lo the undersigned, and all persons
claims against said estate
out the same, authenticated,
on or the day of July,
or tins will be plead In bar of
recovery same. day of
Executors of O.
to W R- .
Notice to Creditors.
The Clerk of the Superior Court
Pitt County having, on the 8th day of
June It, Issued to me Letter of Ad-
on the estate of
Barnes deceased No ice Is hereby given
to of said to present
me for
on or e the
of June or this notice will
plead bar their All per.
ions indebted to said estate are notified
to make Immediate payment lo me.
This the day
Public Administrator
the estate of Tills
Barnes deceased.
Liver ills.
Doctors Say;
which prevail in dis-
are invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach liver and
The Secret of Health
The liver is the great h.
in the mechanism to he held on second Monday In
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de
ranged disease is the
Liver Pills
Cure ail Troubles.
North Carolina In the
Pitt County I Conn
Annie Williams
W , .
The defendant above
named lake not that an action
as ha- been I
In th Superior Court County
for an absolute decree of divorce horn
Hie told and said de-
will further notice that
i .
licit st Court House of
aid in and
answer or demur to the complaint la
said action, or plaintiff will apply
the Court the relief demanded In
This the 7th day July, I
f, O. James, E- A,
tty for
Whichard, N.
very and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for
Wire Iron Fencing
only work
prices r
D. J.; Editor Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS Si Year in Advance.
mi in
. .
We invite those having tobacco to sell to a can inspection our method, ire can ,,,,., I i I , ., . , . ;, ,, ,
,,,,., ,,,, It.
glad to say that our advices arc that the dealers are more .-old out than in and look tor an w t iii
We shall be glad to servo you in any way we can. Your
be Republican Con- Owns Pops
of will j
be in city en only lot
-3 III Oil of I H till
come as job and Iii a bare sot out
dried by the Elizabeth City to not only .,,;,,,, ,
publican line. The names ll own r- tor your Our 1-
arc A. bat in
M, Meekins nut W. . Leary party- I bat the Pop are as to quality, good taste and
City are numerically too to
go It alone, and forced of the lot
It I. gratifying to Publicans band. a.
lo Know of one concern the u equal in to th
who are not afraid to be generous to,
Throat, of the Throat Cheat and . . . ,, .- , . ,
arc surely by It. Coll on pi
Wooten Druggist, and got a to do so is h
needy end suffering. The
tors of Dr. King's Now Discovery an
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have I; to r.
given away over ten million
bottles of great medicine, MM chances of
to with Ibo
bas thousands of , , . r
hopeless cases. are ii lo .
and all diseases tbs the candidates. No l
the and it can
taken as a certainly that the Pop
who receives Republican
year, is known
be just an much a Republican
as if he labeled.
and controlling the
nominations in party
and in fact running I be party,
as perceptibly as be is the
e Styles an I fas
st, spiel
all right prices fail
, I stock and
;,. ii
;, . . th
, ion
Ru . i;
m I
I Ii from
Si , , . . .
. ll
. . IN .
I ;
. Ii m fir
i .,. . I Mill
it On lie best service I can
i- is
and make
e r I
endeavor have
r, u v
looks like- it. but then b
in trick about It, can
, , .,,., Malaria or nervous troubles.
t Mi's
K of
free. Regular size and Every
bottle or
Professional Cards
W. II. Bond.
J. I.
Greenville. N. C
In all courts
B. Tyson,
N. C
Greenville. N. C
of all Goods, Hats an
Caps, Shoes and s in black tan
tit the men girls
ire no when we say Hist sell tbs best told
by any one in our ton Is our
d A of
in while, black , .
Window Shades in
ct Knives, Shells
r. lit-
line of
In all the
I I I. N. C.
over J. J
Cobb ft Store.
II. l-mall, n . H. Long, I
II n man his
in n ore he
If an Idea ed lo
strike would
I paralyze them
If every tan would he
the would very soon
be populated.
in white and color, Window Shades
in all and seven
. ,, ,
ill i
present bi I
s ill Mr. J R, B .
made if
in from
On in v I went to n
yon nil shy u I
done ;
ha . to do in
f I
if iii I Slate's
n. n under hi;
in , a If r
in a . . of pot
. d iii Ii. . .,
hi r c-vi
ion-- whole system, ads as
a to and Kidneys.
Ii l s n and It.
an is
; n vegetable, a mid laxative,
n ion-, the system to its natural
I'm III and be
an- n miracle work
, r bottle Only
i a I ., if, ll
, t . I
mi a , In t d Ii
plan l iii.
it i- I I I Ml I I
1.1, f. i. lie
tie t, to do
g r .
I ii
. m
i . immorally
a -I iii
n; an h .-
a I i p II n
a i t be the
i I e the nil in of the
hoard tho throw
Mil upon the that a people
and coat wilt have to be
the last six month I for the o a
ill appropriated, mod result. are to be
I'm rand paper coals from It; The
i- proven in cases a curse
appropriation f MO-
no I,. is and
I . tin tit aid happiness might
I lie Credit
credit which has
sea than any other
In all Courts.
Squares, Oil CI. tin. in
I and Crocker v,
I to Lamps, tee Can your lam
U lo DO and not run it
I fay tho balance m a
labor, repair of the rule
-11, ii appropriations IS
Yon are of
will be I , .
m, I,
of borrower or
debtor, be the
Some debtors think
i m outrage to or
old n to men-
wen that the position of so no
if the bot
if or I
on to keep the board l- is
W. II. Oil V . In
Rill .--
N. C.
in v are
If are
at don't bother a
If a man rend his own bi-
it would him
more any one else.
till Main street W.
Only bather shop tn
while won men.
om-i rate, ii ., m s,,.
To , lot, be mac
full of tiger, Ink, No To
ail t .,. ,
and a
or New Yolk
If a man locks up his family Room j ranging In from
sure Jo discover of all kinds and Bedstead, Oak
Oak Children's and Cradles, bed, bigs, .,. .,.,
kinds, Tables
lbs best In tbs world for
Bruises, Sores, Bolt
Sons, Chapped Hards.
and Skin
and cures Piles or
way reunited. It
perfect or money
Me cents nor arts v
n. I Woolen.
re Mile,
about pit
Ranks, No
tin .-. u
Com t, u- for
ard yon will We mil pleas
will ,
Plan -i , , , .
I th day
In n s in b . red
in b tar I,
Vi u declared ill I v . re
lion r lo Mi
that yon aid be glad d
in ace in n
l in, In n it
I kepi ion
mil of . , the n ml n , w
board bad era, with
when he
. would Hi-v often take
I laws as
III for lulu III,
j. casual m
of was
bands ,
r I
tie Bis , . an i.
Then f
loner tut to
on the books to beat the
who has led thorn of
one I It The item ii
I A , , , , . , ,
ii, ii by
iv bi to
I bit war in a
am to do
. I
I my opinion ilia
Di A,; ;
I I hire with .
I i
one, ii
,, .
i , only
are do-
right by
lb, m.
r a t a.
. ; . i.

Eastern reflector, 2 August 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 02, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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