Eastern reflector, 12 July 1898

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What is it w
It is a picture calibrate
Best in use. no business
complete without one.
man is
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment these
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
cheap are
You may Never
But should you ever
An Interesting when young
I folk i the escape from
u requires children who are clever In
i lesson in the dis-
of pleasure. .
The game proceeds after this
A map It held by the Judge,
usually a grown person o- an older
child. Then two re chosen
placed In separate turners.
the Carrie, you
represent New York In this corner,
and. In Moscow.
reach home by Thanksgiving day. You
Save gotten from behind the walls, but
what Is direct routs
Richard has Mil each sea.
country and gnu ha crones to
home for the and cranberry
mat. If he So i-. he
must remain right on the spot
where he stopped until he thinks
cut his escape.
Other members of the game are
placed In prisons at various parts of
country. The favorite Jails arc
now located In China and Japan on ac-
count of interest aroused during
war. A leading question
IX you were put in a Yokohama
on, how would you get back to
Soon the. room becomes with
prisoners, all trying to get home. Hair
of are the center try-
to et the boundary line
which others are Just
leaving the walls.
When the game has been played
those who Join in get very
familiar with the Junction of countries,
and learn many straight lines and
clever Jumps that had not appeared
feasible before. For those who arc not
quite conversant with geography, easy
tasks are given; for instance, to be
placed In a Paris prison and find their
In when Richard
perfected bis cotton ma-
winery, there were. In
engage in the if
of Nineteen
later, in ITS, the number
weaving of cotton bad increased
Japanese match factories
bates labels aw made by
little tills, who arc
These little
get from to o cents for M
; ;
Want Job
Come to see us.
Jo. Printing
vs. I
. i
To Save Trees of
An effort is to be made to place
the protection of tho government
one of the most remarkable natural
curiosities of the world. Is the petri-
forest of Apache county,
, The wonderful atone trees cover a
I large tract of land the town o
where they lie partially em-
bedded in the soil and and hide
starts of most beautiful decorative
tone under exteriors that be-
come rough and gray from exposure
at a the weir of the elements.
The great logs of stone, which were
at one time foliage-bearing trees, have
become like agate through a process
which probably took thousands of
and by every particle of
the wood fiber was chemically replaced
by which preserved in the
original buss of the decayed wood.
This formation takes a high polish and
much sought after for decorative
purposes. Some of the trunks
are several feet in
in fact, that table lops have been made
of single Slabs.
It U now proposed that the forest
a reserve or park I
order it may not deplete t
tone dealer and curio merchants.
Beys Make take.
about is fair U an
adage, and the school bore and girls
of Mass. have been proving
its goodness by practical experiment
lately. Last year the Sots learned
carpentry and carving and the girls
took lessons in bread and cake making,
but this year the books have taken up
cookery and the girls have been sawing
Of course, tie boys are delighted
with the change, for they are permitted
to boil eggs, cook steaks and even
make cake once in a great while. The
girls profess to thoroughly enjoy
nails and making things Of wood.
and are determined to show that they
can be as good carpenters as the boys.
n I April
am; if Wilmington.
J S.
9.00 a. I a 18.1 h
a m, 18.81
Mm p Hen
1.81 p 1.48 p
i R 1.18
p . 1.0.,
a I'M a n.
p m.
Due Man
. pro. Warsaw
p m, p
it p 1.1.
MS a Rocky Mount 11-67
P Weldon 1.42 a in. Nor
folk a in,
8.14 a m, Richmond 4.00 J
Washington m, BUM
Hire i
a m. Sew York l
0.00 n
C .,
. I .
private in
Students last year
The best
reasonable. For ad-
A HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. U.
M. I
h. c.
u S
1.41 p
III, c
i ii in. Chad-
p m. Sum-
v. Denmark m, Au-M-t
a in. a m,
Atlanta p m.
a m. 7.30 a in,
St. Augustine
pa inn.
i AV
College of Agriculture
and Mechanic Arts
Will re-open September
inn In
Twenty three
Bel t haul
very moderate.
f i r
A. Q.
N- w
The State Normal and
Industrial College
Kt eases to Faculty
So More reg-
nit. Has but
county ii, Slate except two. c-
rod o
I nil applicants
made la Ion August
eon teacher-.
tier, address,
Pork Sis.
supplies will It to their ii
eat to get our before
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
Flour, Sugar, Cone
lowest mar
s we buy direct from
-a haul oM At
suit M an. M i
I H. I
t ran i i i . I .
V A.
Che Duly
Gives homo .;.
afternoon at tin-
price coats ii
not y
he Eastern Reflector.
year. I
it only
contains the
to the es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
subscription price.
does the fox need such a big,
bushy tall Of what use is it any-
way J One would think that it would
be in the fox's way he was run-
nine through the brush and that it
would help to proclaim his
he was creeping up on game.
that, is sometimes caught In
traps. But nature knows best what
lbs fox needs.
Grata Taller a Mae.
Recently In the Boston chamber of
commerce samples grain from Yam-
kill county. Oregon, attracted much
attention for their extreme height.
There was timothy hay five feel tall
and a sheaf or oats standing over six
feet In height Most any boy or girl
would be entirely lost eight of In a
Held of grain of such giant growth.
The can .
Tie natives o turning
Mr. ad-
vantage. In
tit district bears a label
and c tread, of goods
raid local this In-
cf the
The Christian w cap
for to return
ice for will but
a temporary to our evil
passions, and our enemies only be
rendered the more titter us.
Hut to take Ike Bret port unit of So-
lug n kindness or rendering
a tho of en-
their soul; Jon. to
It will be a noble our
net Infrequently
nit by out
that hid stood
III, but by
hearts to at tn shrills
-0 1.03 iv New York
moo m.
Richmond am
pin, Wilson pin. Golds-
Magnolia 4.21
v,, Boston New
12.00 pm, pm,
Wellington pm. Rich-
mood pm. Petersburg
8.12 pm, Norfolk SM pm
Leave Wilson m.
am, 8.00 am. C
New 0.00 am,
villa in-. Ibis train
12.15 I. arrives street,
i I
pm. Jacksonville pm
Savanna 1.4-1
am. Atlanta 8.20 urn, Macon
am, pm,
in. Si
Million am,
am. Lake
12.111 em ;
Train on Mini
Weldon 3.55 p. m.
O. arrives Neck at p
p. m.,
p. t. leaves
t. 8.62 a. m.
m., m
-n 8.10 a. in., and 8.10 n . m
vi. 0.10 a. in., p
a. m,,
m., 0.86 n. m,
6.20 p. m,, arrives
la. m., ate I 7.20 p. in. ex-
with r
leaven via
A Raleigh R. R. dally
aW, at p. m., P.
Plymouth 7.40 I. SI., 6.10 p. m.
i leaves daily
7.50 a. m., Sunday a .
Train on N. leave
except Sunday, 7.10
m. arriving 8.30 a. in. lie-
turning leaves Smith lie 1-1 0.00 a. m
rives at 10.26 a. m.
Trains on Latta branch, Florence K
i-i leave 5.40 pm,
o m, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave m, Dunbar a m,
7.60 a m. daily except Sue
on Clinton Branch leaves
law for Clinton dally,
4.15 p. m-
Train No. makes close
Ion point all rail via
ale at Booby n .
and It . -i.
la all North via Norfolk.,
in Language
sod Literature. Ancient and
email m
Commerce. Women
daily. I
. I 1- i c in
a jut.
opens . 11- ii l.--r
Pol address,
En .
K. C.
patronage nod equip-
in its
den's, o I'm--.-; S Kl-
In M
--S .; i II
-I, I th needy
Sun r lea i
Greenville School
for Young Ladies.
Will held In lb College
near the depot.
Limited not to Exceed
Fail term begins Thursday, Sept 1st
RUM of Tuition.
1st to 4th
per 3.00
Latin, Break, French, each
per mouth 1-00
pea mouth 3.00
per mouth 2.50
Pupils taking both Liter-
course will be allowed per cent
We bops merit substantial sup-
port and those
in education and
VIM you to make your arrange meat
at one to enter Tour girls at our sch
Any further I
e given.
Very respectfully,
have cit received a tie
and the c line of
fins and in wood, meta
lie and cloth ever
t- r
in its forms.
mark of
Oar are lower man ever
not want
tho John
OLD DOMINION LINE, Notice t Creditors.
touching at
on Tar Rivet
Friday at A. M.
leave A. U.
Tuesdays, and
for Norfolk, Baltimore
Philadelphia. New am .
marked Line
New York.
t A Baltimore
-Merchants k Miners
N. C.
The k the Superior Court of
Pitt County having, on tho day
June Issued to me Letters of Ad-
; ministration on the estate of
Barnes deceased No Is given
; to medium of said to present
I Claims me payment
authenticated on or the day
of June or this notice will be
plead bar of their recovery. All per-
sons Indebted tn said estate arc notified
to immediate payment to me.
This the 7th day June
the of
Seaside rooms,
having thoroughly
renovate I, Is lease o
be opened I r f s n I f I
under u it. F
H. Owner
N. O.
The Stock in
prices as low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for
Tobacco Sticks
M. Manager,
B. J.
The t bar.
log this day lo of
on the e
ard 1-
to all
said estate to them to
or ill ll day or
Ibis notice will plead bar M their
H persons Indebted to said
estate are to make
their to me
f. J. M
of the estate
Cure AH
Liver ills.
Perfect Health.
Keep the system in perfect or-
by the occasional use of
Liver Pills. They reg-
the and produce
A Vigorous Body.
For sick headache, malaria,
ii constipation and kin-
diseases, an absolute cure
J C. ft CO
Wire Iron Fencing
First-class work
prices reasonable.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per. Year in Advance.
Is it
rare ago o I
Senator Matt
Senator Sum-
there are troths so
that if men hold peace the
will cry and it is t
of that Senator that
me now to the
We happily escaped from
slavery oar-
benevolence is
by no barrier of
acknowledges no of human
dominion, we
remain indifferent.
sir, I submit this
of the Cabana
offer lo establish by judicial
a wrong, or, rather,
an unaccountable series of wrongs
has been committed by our gov-
We are solemnly
by the law nations, properly
by our own declaration this
subject, to entirely neutral
between and Cuba, but
as has been
it baa been a to Spain, a
to Cuba- Liberty in Cuba
a in the helpfulness of infancy;
its life feeble, its pulse low. I
not invoke your aid on behalf
of I only that to be
done, the neglect of which
justly bring war upon, it Cuba
had the lo enforce her
rights. Ac it is, the
United Mates does its duty or,
Violates Cuba is without
remedy. But there is a bar, the
bar of impartial history, before
all must
stand; there a God and a
book in which of nations
re and there is
for every nation
its duty, does it
Are we Buffering today a
nation because we failed of
duly thirty years ago
I Mini. Act.
It looks like It. but there Is
no It. can
try It who Lams Back and Weak
We mean he ea n cure
by taking Electric Bitters.
Malaria or nervous
We mean he himself
clue tones up the whole system, acts as
a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, Is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures
Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It Is
purely s vegetable, a laxative,
and restores the system to Us natural
vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be
convinced that they arc a miracle work-
Every bottle guaranteed. Only
a bottle at Jno, L. Wooten's drugstore.
Professional Cards
W. J. U
N. C.
Practice In all the courts.
V. ft Greenville, N. C
X. C
r n. D. l. James.
H. O.
over J. C.
C ebb Store.
John II. n . Long,
M. C. Greenville,
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
In all the
W. B. W. Grimes
N. C.
i i i . . i r i I i i v
i I ii n hi
Tom-Trow the
forms -f ion
ed upon a fret goes into
effect of com-
Stales. Si-
with harrowing
of of dollars on bonds
for war purposes, a decrepit
at mad
also imposes n trade
infamous stamp -ct.
are a ; they
will support their in
peace or war with their money
and with blood. But we
be mistaken if this seven
itch system of scratching
out of people two
at the time day and day out
doesn't raise a fierce of dis-
content that will sweep it ciT tho
books. at
rate, ought lo bops that it will
and contribute the storm.
Just years ago Cheat Brit-
her net
her American All
law-papers, like deeds, notes, will
and were to bear gov-
threepence lo ;. very
per, and pamphlet, and advertise-
had to bear a stamp-
day this obnoxious
went into force was treated as a.
day of mourning. Bells wore toil-
ed, flags were half masted, bur-
slopped. In every colony
the act was spurned.
paid no attention to it in drawing
up documents, and tho
printed a skull
the place where the
stamp was to hay been affixed
Col. John of North Caro-
declared that of
that colony would resist to the
death the of the law,
Patrick took up the mat-
Virginia assembly
end in her famous resolutions
rang out the first signal of formal
defiance, caught
up by colonies. In Eng-
land, Pitt, Burke and Fox
the cause of colonists,
and within one year from its
tumult breeding law
was repealed.
We sincerely hope the
stamp act will see no longer life
There does not appear to have
been necessity for
sorting to so n measure
Our forefathers resisted the law
until it lost the power to eland
even in the body. We
do not urge resistance to
of this law or evasion of its
provision i, but we do oppose it
unnecessary legislation, a wicked
annoyance, and a nuisance
ed the country by the
in power, the repeal of which can
not come too soon. The
can people will not lo be-
regarded by
and moonshiners
be bunted searched by re- e-
officers and perhaps
their if by
should be unstamped, cut like
a contraband still in the woods.
Folks are taxed enough nor.
They have to use enough stamps
as it The net should be
abolished If free rein is allowed
this sort of thing, there is no say-
where it will end. About the
next thing we bear from ibis con-
at Washington will be that
it has repealed the use of
that every
must keep bin on
with Internal or
he's no patriot; or perhaps it will
forbid a man the day's work
is over to go home his
wife and babies unless their faces
me plastered over with these to-
kens and insignia of a republican
war revenue.
Away with the thing
The Tea on TelegraMs
ported and vain
your men Our Is
crowded with the newest new
styles, selected with
care as to quality, good taste
styles. We have
for people. A large
of the latest g ejects.
A every I
meat of tbs
like styles ml
all right prices Don't fall
our splendid and in
of die
land in cur
Dress Trimmings. Laced, Motions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and
Caps, Shoes and in black tan
it the ladies, men. girls and boys.
heat salve In the world for
Fever Sores, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, all
and cures Piles or no
It to give
perfect satisfaction or money
box. y
lie beast W that we sell the hot mild
by any one in our This Is what our customers
about our Shoes Oxfords, A beautiful line of
in while, black and
Window la all colors.
et Knives,
and we war
rant. Beautiful
line of
Lace ins. Curtain Swiss, Poles
in while ard colors, I es
in all colors-six and seven
Squares, Oil Cloths, in
rubber, Steel Cocoa Litmus, Hall Library
Lamps, Lanterns, Tinware; Automatic Oil Can, fill your
and does run it over.
Bed Room In Solid ringing in
cf ail kinds plies,
Oak aid Lounges,
of Con nudes, Dining Tables, Kitchen
ii Backs, Ac. ml
question about Come to us
and you will come out ahead. Vie guarantee profit aid to
u tome ii will prove a positive saving to Id
Car, Pleasure, is our g o It to please in aid ml
Tours tn mutual
As the only left More
and bis fellow Spaniards Cuba ,
is to die in battle or assume
responsibility of surrendering sent
superior it would seem that with troops
and a for Admiral and
preservation would prompt Hie him a position to demand
commander to end
so far as Cuba is c n-
in the face cf tho is the
most brutal barbarism of the
as given in the
to the Post last Mint
boss of Santiago and
fleet will not stop the
a conclusion of cruel
pair. It puts K and the
Spanish government the
of civilized warfare; and
actuated by that of
which moved great go.
to enter upon the war,
the at
ought lo give an early
opportunity to put a slop to the
carnage on the island on his own
If ho declines,
and Spanish government de
pursue tho ct laid
down by then nothing is
loft for us to do hut hasten
be made
i the surrender of was in
such a hurry to accomplish
task that it did net find time to go
a little out of its course in order
to the islands. Tho
flag was polled down, tho
Spanish Governor earned to Ma-
as a of war, and a
squad of soldiers in-
stalled as an army of occupation.
Tho are a group of
islands, about number,
north of the tho
in They have
area of square miles and a
population of about The
islands of formation,
salubrious and well watered, pro-
fruits in perfection
and sugar, tobacco,
and indigo. Tho principal island.
has n good
I would make a most do-
station for n future
reedy, sufficient lo .
crush quickly, thoroughly, American
In tho lend boom of war
ell as In naval I fates creates more annoyance
the forces j the tax on
been hampered,
reduced their losses j to object to tho
Increased by the necessity of tux To ordinary
powder it much top trifling for that
our small arms great guns- whatever it lo great
At sea the that Band multitudes of
was not since the clouds, usually the
of smoke sender a telegram bat no
our stamp in Li-i possession.
also our ships from the view the at the
of enemy, on land the office, from scuds
was different. The smoke bis dispatch,
from dearly dis. I Vet a
closed to the opposing force wise he u
exact of our men, v-. at all.
the Spanish under cover The difficulty may
could not be even when; be overcome the Treasury
heavy and will
There was i keep blanks with
from tie and stamps on them,
no clue to whereabouts extra cent each mes-
of the enemy. and if a message overruns
U is probable tint furnishing
bad nothing but for tho
powder in tho army and
navy long but for the
favored control
tors and bureau . the
kind of explosive lo adopted.
Most of
world is it
truer that is money in
the sending of tel.
The tax
to all bu. a It
pounds are and to be made as pot
would be profit galore in demands upon the
the adoption by the United States ; time of busy and hurried
of My particular brand. All ore j New World.
and one or another sort
has been adopted by the
and all
that it us
to ; out brand was
the host, army and boards
contrived to postpone until the
very of war the of
a of prime importance
which hare been decided
many months shall bare
of tho enemy duo to
smokeless powder will have
Already the new
explosive begun
brown prismatic pow-
in the magazines cf war
Ships Tho cruiser Now leans,
North State
ii the United
lions ti
any S ate in
you of
Tho is now
the dominant party Sate
and of party in
Ibis colored
At a you will d
North the only
that bus a colored
North Carolina is the only
that has a U.
District Attorney.
North Carolina is the only
Slate that has a colored
of fertilizers.
I Carolina lies more
colored of the
than any other State-
North has wore oil-
Here being seven in one
Carolina has more col-
s than any other
there being seventeen in
Carolina has more col-
registers of deeds than any
other State.
s. Carolina has more col-
school than
any other Slate.
U North Carolina has more col-
commissioners than
any other State.
White men of North
The arguments favor of an
ins so simple so
just that it is difficult for the op
position to out in tbs
ground- All of
and the of in
common use by the poorer people
arc taxed to pay for this war.
while the
millionaires go SCOtt free j Just after the groat victory last
tee, I of the Tex-
notes, checks. M, called all hands to th
what think you of o things
A hanks God.
as that catch
people are taxed to
nay f support of Amer-
Army in and the Amer-
wherever it may go.
Is it for the poor to pay fir
I, .,,, me quarter
and with bared head,
for an almost bloodless
want to
u vessel built for Brazil and tilings while who have
abased from that Government incomes i. five
London, cordite million per year go without
exclusively tho naval reports ft penny thane big
show that sue baa done mere cf- n in any
work than other income tax is tin-
in to her armament i constitutional, the can
Cordite, which is a mixture of changed. They have
is behind it long
not absolutely smokeless,, there Dispatch.
being a slight after each de-
finally adopted by tho naval
Bureau of Ordnance is cup nor
to tho English tins re-
since after Bring there is
no visible vaporous what-
It seems that it was and
who did
work for the Spanish and
who followed up Hieing
until last was destroy
ed, finally
I of the commander of the Colon,
; ,,. , ,. v ,,,, , i of the commander of the
In to the No on,
said, I believe in God the
father Almighty. I want all you
officers and men to lift your bats
and from your hearts offer
thanks to tho
All hats wore off. There was a
moment or two of absolute, silence
a- ii then feelings
of ship's company relieved
hearty cheers
for their beloved commander-
tho and
provided with full sup-
plies of powder, and a
number of
bays also been furnished it-
orders for t ho r
of War Cotton.
The cotton of Ibis
season's growth has been ginned
a. Pearsall, It was
sold at auction to-day at San
Antonio, and will ha shipped to
President to be made
into for the. battle-
ship T-x Texas Dis-
natch, 1st.
hauled down. tins
brave brilliant officer has
been held in check by tho author-
at the I
fearing Hint he was n h
but the Fate's after
all, he should the real in of I
have been by Navy this with Let
Department, and it be
brought into no
service as rapidly us possible,
Tho common brown powder
smokeless explosive
together on tin sane ship,
and since enormous demand
tic. done, lo
those who really
Murder in Modern Warfare,
The honest c
lots Inn enough
of navy cannot be supplied in all conscience, what is
enough by thought
the use of to
, , . i shells
common blown powder will dynamite above and
compulsory for a
ally, however, cur and . mi the This modern warfare
fully provided with sup- i annihilation. The
o, the smokeless M, I I -Jg- it
nil new Ships, whether day is an that
chased outright or m the most
this form will end places brat a par with
Mr. A, Thomas, if
has found a
ti an yet been mads in
years he
isl by I i. hint's for
c. i Colds. He
declares I hat Sold U value in
With cure,
I have it, even if It a
a bottle, bronchitis
nil and arc
by Dr. King's
Discovery not-
1.1 s free at Jno
Regular -VI els
cure or pi ice
used Philadelphia
A stores n stunned on
a young sum's always
her complexion up on bl
i collar.
lbs of o Nor
and college at-
It shows a total tor the
last year of Tbs college is
six j oars old is doing
earns in hot
A in die I. is worth
more than s in the
A woman just who, lo
she a more to it.
The sun who bat never
may have a
t mi. man wild -i salary
hi n girl S nil waste.

Greenville, N. O.
U finite
ins upon the el Ur
so impressed r
n. u hundred
C-. . 1898 lie country
Good new and low of not want debt and
at the post at Greenville,
S., a
Almost entire world
it time f to tor
and stop the of
her men- That her cause is hope
week. But the rejoicing over the de-
by mat
Santiago. Gar-
keep the Spanish
. . . out was not
lo and consequently the
in is now more
than twice as strong at it will
a large
army and I MM nary would bring.
Bad thaw n is no em-
lo time of MM
W it not over
It is the emblem of peace and
loss the United States is
apparent, and it is perfect
u . . have added
lolly for her to continue the war
The storms
tor several days
to t
U.-n. army as well as hater
forwarding seeded
applies, and it is feared will have a
bad if id But worse
Wants the to Great Thank.
The nomination of Larry I
Moore for Solicitor o this
. ,., .;. all was that Shatter and
cal District much .
to Pitt county.
wont into the
with more th any other
and held the throughout the
The other
were pulling against each
instead pulling together,
hi any our taking
sot the
aggravation of
Id the danger our
u ,, Oh. ban r By the first next
for the nomination were Mr- . J
of Henderson, and Mr. Cook, of
Mr. Moore re-
the nomination over
U a high compliment to Mm.
While a man, Mr.
legal J K
as mark the
week will have re-in-
to ct-able him lo
take the lorn whether Sampson helps
him or net, but it could don; t once
if Sampson fleet in the
is called
upon to decide the
two fighting urn gov.
Gen. to
and will make an excellent Washington that Admiral
Solicitor. The his
to see the district him ft his ll-el should K into San
majority in n to with
Delegates to the convention tell, k
the city. Mr.
m that they never saw a
humored lo do to
of and There was as
for the was immense tho service should take
. i the 1,600 Spanish taken
. , . with Admiral Ida fleet
V, boat in North
. I was A Had
The Star has lately j h to
at length th. car. of the captured by
wheat growing in the arm- to Cat and in
S- a on the large naval prisoner- but it
Mr. Frank Oliver by the Navy Department, and
and on several r b,
bar. a keep ; tow on
. . way to the N. II.,
is a i
Mr. man averaged twenty
live bushels to tho acre The Admiral Sampson baa bean much
Star says this U twice as much as in
the average yield for the United to even Commodore
States and nearly times in his an.
much as for North
Washington, July Me
proclamation to the
American people .
To the People lb- Tailed
At Ills lime What to the el
the unprecedented sue
which the
the United States fleet in lbs bay
dry id May, last,
a-c added lb tidings no
Santiago Cuba, it is fitting we
should pans, and stay the feeling
exaltation so
great deed wrought by our country-
men in oar country's should
rev. ow the throne
vine and give devout lo
who In the
hollow band, ard upon
them the marvels el His high will,
-ho has vouch d to us lie I
lace cur brave sol-
lo victory.
i the people
Unite Stales upon next g to
divide worship in their respective
es to
Almighty God, who, in bis inscrutable
ways, leading hosts upon
waters now
them in a land through
dread lo
even though at a cost, now belt
lag or lore lo
distant climes, hat over
ear came and brought the u.--
right the attainment
just and honorable peace.
With the nation's thanks lei there
minded the nation's prayers our
gallant sons may shielded from harm
alike on the battlefield and In I
He. is, be snared the scourge
and disease while they are
to uphold their country
i 1.1. i.,
Washington, July a
Commodore Watson's
c matting ct Newark,
Iowa, Yankee, Dixie
V colliers
and r, and s sup-
ply sail San-
according to tho exp. elation
Navy Department, to teak and
capture or destroy the
It has been
ports in Spain or but
shall proceed alter at a clip-
ping rate.
Both at Santiago, are loll
coal, and with Aharon the
will have plenty a long
There is coal
in Mediterranean and along the
route lo the
with the u three
red lie Canal today.
Alter th part in
Mean program, has been led
strong squadron of Coiled
will go to the Spanish cast to
carry out the confided to
Watson execution, of
rural on Spain
coast. If events in the
a serious turn Ibis division
will proceed there.
aim I Than
Hie State hat
a year
lie-net liquor The
peasant war lax will n t
m r
which awe to the
r. public anything else it. To
get ibis turn the Slate
this to get hum
the people . billion dollars a year
ml in nothing sate
wrecked hi d
property. The property ct
lie-presents Only Class
has been decide by the if war should be
free permits enter United States Military or Naval
it ow, service will be granted on to all persona now insured
. i. mil. with whose policy require the same. This will include
real and is lest than mil r J m not
hon dollars, to n g M the two limitation,
but this nature will not granted under policies not yet
two years old, war shall actually be declared and
parties ate about lo enter the It not yet been decided
what action will be taken if war should be declared and parties then
desire to with and enter the United States
will see from action of the Company
Mutual Benefit is still up-to-date, and is always
liberal and just course towards its policy-holders. do not make
any flourish I rum pats when we show a spirit of liberality,
it is natural and expected that the Mutual Benefit will always
patriotic and do the right thing. Io case war is not the
permits will not be granted, as it will not
Company desires to avoid that and trouble. In case war it
declared, every one of our policy-holders will be protected.
Yours truly,
J. L. SUGG and L. C
which would about on hall
lion dollars in value. The liquor
costs one billion
dollars a year. two states
like North Carolina is in tins
traffic every year and government
permits Ibis waste life and resource
.-he may get million dollars a
ear H license lee. The liquor traffic-
is far
. t year an army of
Spaniards la, Shall this slate
at stain It rest Ike
Ibis to fr
C. Baptist.
Will the Colon-Bombard-
Santiago Soon to Begin
II it were not the cheap
western North
would one of
wheat and States in lo
Union Ike As a retail
in and
that n suited in
Spanish and and it was
i i and withal let a
with holy at the
, t noble men who d as
heroes die, and be
sympathy who
b or undue
wounds and bonds, the
An above all, let
pray with He,
good, may re-
in us the untold
Washington, July wrecking
with equipment leaves Norfolk
today Santiago try la raise the
Colon, and to save valuable
ct other Spanish
war-hips destroyed American
Admiral n has been ordered
lo Ike Santiago channel and co-
Sen, Shelter in a
assault upon the city not later th
A Spanish private with five gun
reported the ct
Gen. Miles has sailed for
join the army leaders
and Shatter will begin
their combined attack on Santiago to
The Hawaii resolution
passed the Senate by a
It only no Is
signature lo I a law.
While not a or ship
the XII was a
The naval officer happier
ever destruction than any vessel
remaining in navy. She
the berth cf the Mane,
when entered or
it to mat the
Maine was the
moved her berth to the Station
above, While It has new .
who planted internal in i
which destroyed Maine, the
often XII have
cleared suspicion, for it is
that means
planting the mine position
it must have been
through some in the Alfonso
money talks. We make it talk for us
X to by buying at inside prices, and we
give our customers the advantage of it. We
want to do business with you. we bought
ii tiered In Ike Beasts
and in tho II u
to wheat culture is the
of commercial
absolutely Berry, of extend-
on our soil. the of to
The crop f tho State and officer and man
veer. the under him destroying
different fl ct. Mr. Barry this
will ho the largest Norm -1 that officer to when the
Carolina has ever Ohm- -y
lotto Haws. i it the real hero th.- incident. He
and the brave hand is
I under hi Immediate arc
cm I achieved the victory, all
Senator I war end bring to dear land
i restored
and to all
domain now by
the boon if security and
Mansion, Washington.
July o.
On pacific
contractor already
his operation
Many supplied to
Nebraska and
were the
troops delayed are
being replace.- The material of
the uniform abuts
have been bad little
no commercial value, and
dissolve into rags a singe
This sort thing
to ho stopped at once by
pains It is
mere plunder, it U high
The love
char an old
a girl a man
1.1 cure her to try
to make him.
A i one
who is lo relieve Ida
of good lies.
It's bad form too much
wine dinner and taste
in the morning.
Some men exert themselves
more in trying lo borrow a dollar
in to earn one.
A idea
something a man would
be a mistake if she did it herself.
hi in r should be given
everybody delighted when
that Ge-.
to some . j
and Ids men
Lad, after ones been accepted
by the Spanish commandant at San-
It was especially desired that
and hit n bu
the t bombard
The opposition grew tin oat-
tided contest in and
annexation resolution Toted upon
and adopted, cert body Knew
would be vote was reached.
Senator protest against
adoption an policy
by this made in
semis a little paradoxical to favor
annexation some particular
and oppose Ike Inking of any others,
hut that is hoar's position-caused a
sen in the Senate, on
Hawaii he this is to
be the in a policy ct dominion
barbarous we arc
to join with in tho plunder
China and the pillage we
to be in pan by people
to the Declaration
is a or, ii
govern whom lite pro-
I are w th
shun He spoke
n colonial policy. believe that if
out war without enter-
July Hit
this morning quite a braes sprung up
in a resolution
Mr. tendering
thanks and the
people to Commodore Schley Hid t
the and men id the
It r almost
Washington, cable
from Ibis morning
states that in command
of the Spanish forces at Santiago, has
expressed a willingness
The regiment New YorK
volunteers leaves today
Advices Madrid indicate
Spanish cabinet will probably r-
today, A revolution is impending
There are
ago has been though no
art hand.
V on is
from Madrid President
that peace will be established
than three days.
Cubans Will Not Work.
General Young on
lo issue la the Cubans
until are J W
in answer to his I of
assist Mil
claiming they a-e soldier
and not laborers. The same
was given them to General Baker
when he asked the Cubans to help
open tho roads for the
of t to-
r col pro.
venting the Pan-
into Santiago
Cuba, hits c used discontent among the
officers and Inapt, He tin
Cubans in a separate camp, under
lie-, regulations, and lamed them
lo Clara for ration
and we sell them right and treat you
g Come and See it.
Given an
Oil July and
his ere were exchanged yesterday by
the Spanish on even They were
by Captain
amid wild demonstrations on
the put our troop. They wore
taken on board the New York wham
they received an Hobson
they were well treated imprisoned
and he and his men are excellent
under hit command
the n-
in the
Spanish July There were
pretty levers made
and others upon
and some was made by
Senator Hale and ethers,
Mr. said Sampson's dispatch
very in n-
ltd Beak
part the engagement.
That bad misted the Ann Heal people
i kid a
p ration needed an expose . I
tails than Sampson.
because bl r. p very much
by feels now
Mr, Hale s id detailed
received, and be
had no doubt
and which
him, he give full to all
and to
Among Army
rim the following newt by
wire from
Spain has asked for peace
diplomatic channel.
promoted lo the Colo-
Wood La been raised to a
and other who
were General
light have been raised to
Major ;
The President ordered
Shatter to alack Santiago
hit present
the House closed
members singing amid
wild cheering the
July C. A
was the thanking
II went to committee on
who to
credit for victory is due.
There is MOM danger in an
any kin
Love the young man on the
teal the make
go round.
no to
a offer from
Washington, July
h. s been received here that the
lighters were tent
to Santiago by War
in a of Cuban
coast. No lives wire lest,
will be vigorously
at noon t. day the city i r
slant home
who have given their orders to
Jo. for flues can now pet their orders filled
at S. E. Pender o's store. Mr.
having made arrangements with Mr. Pender to
make his him.
Pender makes
Good Flues.
Flues are now being made and delivered,
early before the rush.
Hoary and Fancy
can be ought from
. av
ti. C.
kept constantly on
I. Country produce bough
A trial will convince
s w
A General Horse
Also a of
I can now be found in
the brick store for
by Brown
More Goods for Less Morey
of More Goods for the Same
Money than any House.
In quality great
At the prices we state.
Patterns rare and in
You invest good
and sense.
Take look at my styles,
They came many miles
They keep you in smiles
No better clothes.
Than this line we sup-
From e e arose.
Frank Wilson
Local Reflections.
Butter at S. M. list-
curing is in full Matt now.
A few been in
Neat thing you will be
hat above
Republicans of this
hold a convention here on the 18th.
There have been very fine
in market few
Pools wail things to up;
wise men go and turn them them up
The street lamps were lighted
day first time in
Little gave a to
his Thursday
The neat Washington
II. E. will be held
Attention ii to notice
cl in re A-tie Williams
vs. Henry Williams.
II you go to war you can hi lick
Spaniards. slay st home
will have to lick
The has two car
Durham Hull tobacco lo our
at Santiago Manila.
When the farmer saw to town
now greats eel
talk their fine
The Town Council a in
gala Friday night. They had
three months to straighten up.
II average could had
Hi own rain tall
the last day
had a nicer
Who caught Cavern
I, Beater,
look it in.
We see it B. II-
Helton, now
at a call
lo N. Y
i uncertain, but if you
keep your blood pure
you may he sure of good
A telegram received by Mr. Charles
today the death of
the lather our Mr.
H. W. Whedbee.
J. S. it visiting i. Greene
M. Ii. p road this hare.
A. D today
to his people.
Ii. D. r. turned
K. K. lamed Fri
evening from i .
John Kin;
It. the
Z b u
K. to
Mi Susan living near town,
not expected live.
Rev. B. II. left
A- Ward, night
If ft this morning.
the this in
County F. T. Carr,
to visit Wilton
II. B. Hardy, Raleigh
Observer, was Lore Ibis tern ton
Mil. o-s,
i. i-i in r,
Cl, Charlie .-. . n-
Peek and n,
morning in
C. M. and bis Mis Wilson It Green-
Lizzie left l morning a visit at, ville.
Va. j. i,. and family. b, have
it Cat
A i. , i
N. July 7th 1898.
Miss Arum
. r.
Tot an
Tear hatter and the
B. H. Hearne company
morning Seven Spring. received. Every think it Ike
I prettiest ever -en here and is
II. W. I ft this to h
to , in , N. r ;,,
Mr. A. K. Your
an s the try, Wreak
I, every ow noble deeds he
m in all have I . n great
. i .;,. it or
I meat lo men. i-
Katie II of
is visiting her uncle,
Private Braid came in
c-mp at on
a sick
, H. F. Harris,
their hot e in
the of Deputy
of Deeds the minutes of
last meeting cl
have not been posted and we
arc arable lo give any report yet.
Robert Herring Wright, an honor
of the State University,
has heed elected at professor
Mathematics in Oak Institute for
the coming year.
Mr. Wright was prepared for col-
at and one of the
men of his intellectually,
at Hill. He was captain the
U. It. C. football team In
Isn't it Funny
England has perpetrated a pun on
our war, and let it not lost.
are L reasons for going to
war Maine and And
is paralyzing dear old
New York
gUn Thursday evening
this morning-
Mr II.
inn rang n her
Mis Brown, is very
Mis Winstead, of
Mount, came down Thursday evening
to visit her a King Home.
J. C. from
evening, his
been extended tin
. W. Ward it
Col. Grime, of
Mrs. is
W. Grime, who hi. be n sick
some is much better.
f. M. returned
evening from Washington.
J. U. Moore and daughter,
Myra. went lo today.
Mrs. Fierce, is
her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Cheek.
Tyson came home from
Baltimore evening.
Miss Moore, Washington
is her grandfather, Alien
Ella Bad Irma
are visiting Miss
Janis Tyson.
G. A. Warrenton who
has been spending day here, Ml
Lee W hillock, of arrived
Wednesday evening to vim
of S. M.
Rev. N. Washington,
cams up Wednesday and re-
turned this morning.
Mr. i Hinton, of New
arrived Wednesday evening to
her Mn. Marshal. .
Mrs. Kittrell, who
has been visiting Mrs. C. Edwards,
returned home Wednesday evening.
Deputy Sheriff B. D. Harrington
went to Raleigh today t take a
mini named Allen the
of a kind. They
tire r in negative.
be towards they fear earn
it brave So yen see the
order of things, though r-- not
. t-. or to go throng,
you are i.
American in lest degree
at heme.
Not being able t-.
to On- hon-r you i m .
deli gated
l love and of II
your c hut n special
your compliment,
drove cut m to
Ike ceremony. Capt. Smith
aided in i w ads.
There great
part and and
n the went to
with band playing, it seemed to mi
from that
wild with delight
Your letter, Col. remarks
It. W. King, Forbes ard remarks will en-
and Jesse left this on ,, . ,. y i
bes hi
N, k
W. K. aid
Prof, L. L. went to
here i h
family of J. A. Lang and on
Olive, who have been visiting th.
family John Flanagan,
home in
Jarvis ard wile. C. M.
Bernard and II. M.
I On J
fr he heart
II .
Sim y U I
j, .- i
bi J i II-
i g c -n
t d lit , wit an i y,
was a i t. church
I to tin
Masonic Lodge end w I
by very
honors. .
A Shut
i bass I club i met I-
i will great w lbs
Ibis . and won
game played, a m n
i . i latter town
score lei; i S
In cl .
lake M
. . t
on Id It Hood I
I Ml I i I M
v id's
y the originality and
the hut also
. re sad it
a l
t. impress upon
t ; the
and At, the
of is r
by ti.-- Co.
only, t knowledge cf met will
. the
It ii i lit Bah
-t lading- of the Cali-
i i- CO.
I . ;. the satisfaction
. Syrup has
mi -if families, makes
the I a
i remedy.
all other laxatives,
lets on the liver and
. at or
I it does not gripe nor
ate. In order to get Its
lea .- the name of
a t.
Items of interest From our
N. C , July t,
The met lust night,
W. K. Tucker went to
are this week curing
It was a glorious in town
W. M. Moore has moved in bis
Mrs. Dr. Junes returned home
county Sunday.
Now goods are coming It
like it pretty
I O. Arthur, the insurance
was In town
an bearable history
for posterity lo r-t-t upon.
I yo sincerely far you
, have done and the sympathy
I pressed tor me in my accident. I am
happy to cay that will i an I.
I again end my will
the feet I will be able to
my regiment.
I that the path way id iii I
young will no
tat you may tally
nil aspirations.
With profound admiral n, I am
faun vary truly,
A. D.
Forward march II. BI.
and you can get any
Suffered for Years and Could Find
No Until
was Tried-Scrofula Cured.
on of my
limb Just above the a
great remedies, but nothing did mo
any good. The very trouble-
tome or in the
I began Hood's
medicine, completely cured. Hood
alto my
F. P.
my boy wt three month old
be broke out with He
by and
would keel hut out
In him
when he bad two bottle
eared, km no trouble
with hut is i
H. Shady W. Va.
If you have
In- to buy any other.
Is the beet. In
One Sold by
Price SB.
C. Harper lilt even-
for in response to a
gram stating bis was in a
dying condition. Another telegram
this morning announced that he
Capt. A. While wife, H. L.
Coward and wife, Mr, Hooker,
Mis. Harry Skinner, lit
Mm. Myers, White,
Hooker, Louise Myra,
and Dr, ft- I-
J. L. Fleming, E. U.
U. left to spend
ten days at Morehead.
S. C. Is here.
Luther Savage came eve-
Mi went lo
this morning.
It ii very warm in our
Formers say they need rain very
Miss Fannie
is visiting J. O.
Our young men who were on the
lick list last week say they are
E. went o Greenville
Every day like Sunday here
now. when we look toward the bar
rooms and their door closed.
tell he plenty of
water melons. I with he would
them to
W. E. C. E. D.
O. Moore their picture taken
together yesterday. I toll you they
re dallies.
is a dry .
more whiskey to be here
DOT what arc you going to
N. L. Seabolt returned
day evening Elm City, where be
had bean tho M. E. j
Camp Dan c.
We had so much to do that I
not bit like writing lately
lad don't now, but as red to do
. will try.
Heretofore bad nothing lo do ti.
tapper bet to lo roll rail
at M. now are hive school
an hour beginning List
Bight at we were
instead of squad drill A. M. we
have drill. The
the march by
Aim o'clock
was pretty
Major commanded the bat-
lo hall an in the hi
eight or ten minutes. When
called to attention we of
that he wee going to c
back to camp. But nit, I
gm lo camp
drill. I don't know -h i
will have a drill or i
will be the
may give the o
or lone other
it, certainly to gel
rest along about here
One company It laving target
now. had any. but
I will have It by and by.
Tim nag as yon
ably in the papers.
The hoy had lo certainly and the men nil
We have just our counters a beaut
kW fill line of
evening with-
out getting a eh to cross ball here.
The rain prevented a
I I.--
The landmark Now York
re being removed. old
building will known lo n
while it occupied it position,
us are being pulled
arc t
and low It. men
Pitt will always
ltd t it. It presented
Cl. in n very
by Capt. Smith,
gave i. to Berg t I
lend, i e ma i.
. i- we th ital . i i
U n that honor i.
longs company H.
We Ike
lbs and were allow. go lo
Goods and Shoes
which will be sold at low figures.
C. T.
founder New
T all .- i p physicists end
Seven .

,, ,,.
What is it .
It is a picture of the celebrated
Best in use. The outfit no business
complete without one.
man is
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Fens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them
earn how cheap are.
You may
But should you ever-
Want Job
Come to see us.
Reflector Job Printing
Anything tram
afternoon at the
mall price of lb cents n
Are you a sub
of An let Whirl. H.
M.,.,. C MB Hi.
An whose are con-
hut who i to work
no one on removed to a
suburban M last so that
lie might lot of illustrations
which lie had promised,
is all he said
to Ins friends, I know too
many people beta, Bad my
keep calling me in my studio,
and Una interferes with my
work. have looted
because my trite likes it and know
no one in the place.
have eiders a year's work, and
limply on time. Yon
fellows may out to see nit on
Sundays, but not on
Several weeks later some of his
friends from New York went out to
see the artist Sunday and they
found him enthusiastic about the
U a fine lot of fellows
he said, have enjoyed
the town immensely. I bat joined
yacht club, a bowling club, a whist
a Saturday night Smoker
club. Found several old friends out
I thought that you cam
bore so you might do your
work without said
one of his callers.
yes, that was my reason,
and as soon as I have met all the
boys and each of them has made his
call me I can down
make up for lost
A month later the publishers for
this artist worked began to
complain that they bad received do
Illustrations from him. The artist
made promises and broke
Finally one of the publishers went
out to to investigate.
Be found the artist was
yachting. He waited for and
laid down the law to him.
book must come out on
said the publisher,
will give you just one month more
on which to finish your illustrations.
If they are not done then, we will
get another man and never give you
any more
When the publisher went, the art-
hit said to his what am
going to do about this can't
tell my to stay away
for a month. They wouldn't under-
stand my purpose. The committee
from the yacht club is coming here
tomorrow afternoon, and on the fol-
lowing day I some of the
am Ho
The artist's wan ingenious,
and she explained Hale scheme of
her own to her husband. When the
committee from yacht club call-
ed big,
yellow flag flying over the door.
Underneath it was a bin placard on
which was off. Con-
disease did
keep off. and soon all
knew about it. The local health
went around to investigate, and-
after a short conversation with the
artist's wife he went a
broad smile on his face. When the
other inhabitants of Lonely-villa
questioned him about the case, he
looked serious cud said that lie-was
not at liberty to say what the-dis-
but that no one was,
to catch it unless he went into
house. During the next month that
flag waved and no one saw the art-
The publisher got his
and then the flag was hauled
down, and the health officer an-
that be
on the artist. His friends in
came around to see him
him on his recovery. Ha
didn't look liken man who had been
through a serious illness.
they ask
said tho artist serious-
He then explained that be had
quarantined the not against
loafing within, but against his
who might come and infect
with it. Tho idea of the yellow
flag impressed his acquaintances and
In accordance with their advice the
artist still it. Four or five days
a week this Hug before bis door,
and of bis friends calls. As soon
as it is hauled down they know that
the is ready to receive them,
and call. Tho artist's publish
heard of it, and as an evidence
of their gratitude they sent a
big yellow flag which hasn't its
Spiders have played important
parts. It is said
Bed from Mecca be bid m a cave and
a spider wove a web over there
When his
thither, saw tho and be
Hewed no one was It i said
spider performed the kindly
David MM-
tog him.
John Simons, a native of Berk-
shire, without or hands,
could write with bis mouth,
a tic knot and shuffle, cut
dial a
Quasi Mi
in I April W
n . it.
m. I
in p m. I
in. Ml P
Weldon Ml P in.
p m, Me
Norfolk p m.
ion 11.30 pm.
in, Philadelphia 3-30 a n.
York CM m,
p in.
M all
I f
u. e.
l-i -t.
s . id, s
A w
Em i i V.
int. .
Students last year.
The and best equipped private school in
Telegraphy. Terms For
J. A, WM. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C.
p B.-Vi p
Due Man
p m.
V 11.00 p m.
p m, Weldon in,
10.0 a in, Petersburg
3.14 a m. a m,
Mt a m,
II. H am. New York
th . Boston MO D
p m. rind-
p Marlon n i
in, p m, Sum-
m. 10.30
i, Denmark a m, i
m. Charles-
Ion 1.50
a m. Jacksonville m-
College of e
and Mechanic Arts
Improved equipment la every
In Faculty. in
V address
Raleigh . J
The State Normal and
Industrial College
Oilers the young women the Stale
and An-
to Faculty
members. More reg-
county in Stat except two. i
live Observation School o about
To In
all applicants must
be lore August
from those
competent teachers.
or and ma
no Into received
and the line of Co
and in wood,
and cloth ever
t- .-
all it form.
so lie e.-
to OM care
mark of
Oar are ever
not want monopoly be
can bi .-. .-,;
the John
New York 0.00 pi.
tore am.
t am, Richmond
10.00 am.
Weldon am.
12.12 T-m. I;
pm. Wilson pm.
pm, Warsaw
Trinity College
tillers lull courses in Language
and Ancient and Modern
Lest and
Commerce. t
Th largest
lion el in lb
Board from
Tuition, 50.00 a
Fur , a
J. C.
Durham, X. C.
York 0.30 Philadelphia
12.09 pm. Baltimore
Washington pm. Rich-
mend pm. Petersburg
pm. Norfolk 2.20 pin
pm. lucky Ml
m. Leave Wilson -m,
7-01 am. Warsaw
7.53 am.
8.12 pr
No, Leave
New Bern am,
ville 10.88
an. This train
a Walnut street.
Largest and equip-
in history, It,
Academic Kl-
in Law, and Pharmacy
Advanced c mm s op-n lo n.
end the
I For
Greenville School
Young Ladies.
Will held In College
near depot.
Rusher Limited cot to Exceed
Fall term begins Thursday, Sept th
of Tuition.
1st to 4th Grade
mouth 12.00
St courses
Fr each
Music Theory and liar.
mi month 3.00
per month 1.60
Terms payable mm
Pupils taking and Liter.
course will be allowed per cent
We to the substantial sup-
port and full inter
. ts -i . and respectfully
Board a yo arrange
u ones to enter girls at school
lips and loans further desired mil
Any flintier desired information
e given.
Very respectfully,
L. L.
Pork Sis, Slot
Merchants t
year's supplies will And It to I n
est to get our prices before
Tobacco, Snuff,
Alway at lowest j
we buy direct from
A o in; stock of
hand and at
suit Mi, l i I
sold for I if hi ft i
rise to ran w. o t a; i el a i.
U. Which
a year.
news every
Is only
to the farmers, es-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
subscription price.
They were la
Of lime of lire,
, still without a
He wan waiting fas a wife.
And her wen rosy.
And her lips i
a,, h jet lier dimpled fin.
An he looked at her and
An they there In the
Where road had crowed
we fare
Up I in- Ions, hard
her hand tremble
And her foil
trained them on road
Wound away the
Bat had no yo. to
; not
For the lay her
a fairyland.
There wan ht on the heather,
In the Till,
Went away
long, hard
the way
other fall of
But the km that had lo
tine lore that
bonny brow wrinkled,
Hie raven loch be
Yet road might have been rougher
Had gone other way.
How fro I- on heather
And the oft the
And they're the .
i Ml
pm. pin
Savanna 1.41 night, Charles-
loll 0.00
am, Atlanta Ml m. Macon
am, Ml pm,
Denmark pm.
am, Florence am,
Marlon 10.30 am,
am, Lake
13.09 am.
Weldon Halifax
i, re arrives Scotland Neck at p
r-. 7.66
p. leaves
Greenville a. m.
a. 11.13
8.20 a. m., and 3.10 p . n.
Ives 9.10 a. m. and 4.00
9.46 a. m.,
lore P- m., s. m.
6.30 p. m arrives
a. 7.80 p. in. ex-
Sunday. with or
leaven i M C, vis
t, HO p. m., 1.1 P. N;
7.40 8.10 p. in.
i Plymouth dally except
7.60 a. m., 9.00 a
. 10.06 and CO
Train on Midland N. U. leave
c dally, except Sunday, 7.10
as. 8.30 a. m. K
leaves a . m., a
10.21 a. m.
Trains on branch, Florence
At leave p m, m rive
p in, Clio p a.
m. Dunbar 6.80 a m
7.60 a m, dally except Sun
OLD DOMINION LINE Notice t Creditors.
Steamers Green
for Tarboro at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville A. M. same days. .
These are subject to stage
of on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk, Baltimore
The the Superior Court of
Tut County having, on the 6th day of
June 1808, Issued to me Letter of Ad-
ministration the estate of
No lea Is hereby
to all creditors of said estate to present
i heir claims t. me payment
authenticated on or before the 10th day
of June 1899 or this notice will be
plead bar of their recovery. All per-
sons Indebted to said estate are notified
to immediate payment to me.
This the 7th day June 1898.
Public Administrator
Administering the estate
Barnes deceased.
A Baltimore
,. Baltimore. Miners
Tobacco Sticks
All farmers
get them Ore
Seaside Hotel, rooms,
having been thoroughly
and Is now for sale, e
rent. of
be opened I r .- . i is is-., Hi
under F
further Lit n r I i ill.-n
H. Owner
Whichard, s.
Tho Stock CD
very a
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
tin Clinton leaves
w tor Clinton dally, except
to a. in. and 4.16 p, m-
Train No. makes close
aim at with
rad It for R
i all via
I. M.
T. Manager,
to Creditors
The Clots the Court for a,, decree of divorce
this Issued to said And the
the estate of Rich will further take
rd Mel l he la required to appear at th
to all persons holding cairns t
lit to to t
me for duly on ,
or before 1st day of J .
Ida notice will be plead in bar of their answer or demur to the com
leaner. All hide-Mod to said id or tin plaintiff w
are- to make lo tho relief
of to Die.
the day June,
of tho Richard
North In tho
lb in-v
The defendant above
will take that an action
as above has been commence I
In Court of County
raid de-
the next
term of of said
to be on second Monday In
September next at lbs Court House of
i . , in lite, N. C, end
plaint la
ml complaint.
bis day July,
F. O. James, K A.
Atty for pill, C, i
The Eastern
D. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
Looking and Reflecting
There a thread
through the official re-
of A .
is sad are
We are be-
ginning now lo see the pitiful
side Nothing could ex-
the agony the Spanish
roasting, naked, their battered
and red-hot haunted I
belief that became prison-
it. hands American
would be instantly slang d-
It little to credit
our allies that
ed to fall upon such of these
armed, sailors, as man
aged to reach shore, and to pat
them to death, and that bad
to be restrained- Admiral
dignity and courage are
thy el all He a
beautiful meet, and there is a tinge
sadness in thought its
lying beached and burning the
Cuban shore.
The history of past week
has served to disillusion those
have heretofore had doubts
courage- The gal-
of their soldiery before
Santiago a week ago was not
passed by bit of our own, and
never went to death more
stoically than did the men
fleet. Tho poor creatures
soldiers and skill;
a warlike people, they do not
know the arts of war as well as
peaceful American , but
nothing else. great
victory has abed
the American navy
and baa demonstrated the wisdom
of years of target in
and in general
on practice ships. best
assurance Ibis country could have
of exemption from foreign inter-
is record of
at Manila and Santiago. So
would care, in the face
of this record, to go against us on
the sea, this which
is worth,
lose of life and property which
two engagements
It certainly looks like it. but there i-
no trick about it. can
It who has Lame Back and Weak
Kidneys. Malaria or nervous
We mean he away
taking Electric Bitters,
cine up whole system, acts as
a stimulant to Liver and kidneys, is a
blood and nerve tome. It cures
Sleeplessness aim Melancholy. is
a vegetable, a mild laxative,
and restores system to Its natural
vigor Try Bitters and be
convinced that are a miracle work-
Every bottle
a bottle st Jno, L. drugstore.
Professional Cards
Rifle- k
asked why the
ha sent to
General The
answer shown the con-
in which army finds
itself. No more -an go
lack with which o meet
the enemy on
terms. The as
if When tho
arm had
a few rifles of
These make
one factory the
It is situated in
and total capacity, work-
hours, is only
per day.
tremendous this
factory has finally
rifles now in posses-
of the government to a total
of it takes but the
knowledge of arithmetic to see
that guns will not equip
200.000 men. too.
no r kind of rifles
The Spanish n plentiful
supply of Mauser rifles, which
kill at i a mile. So
other rifles except the
is so effective. The
rifle, with w
soldiers were equipped,
ill carry a bullet with fatal effect
yards. As officer in
the War Department
would be
with brickbats a man
who had a Heavy
he loss of life has been at
ago, it would be inviting men to
to ask them to
a battle with rifles less
than those carried by the
Consequently, the
army stays at homo
General brigade.
which was to have left Camp
ere is to
until next Friday or Saturday
the ostensible reason being
the cruisers liar can-
not return for them before that
time. As a matter of fact,
Third Virginia Regiment, which
is a part of this was
week served with
rifles of an almost et pattern.
wore returned, and tho
regiment will not leave tho
front until it has properly
for your t
th of new
to quality, go, him
for the people. A
of latest g
a large variety i t every i-
of store. B
an I
latest, i
all light prices fail
. r stock and la
i res
Dress Trimmings, Lace, tuitions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods,
Caps, Shoes and O in black and tan
fit the ladies, men. girls and boys.
fie make DO least that we tell the SOW
by ore in our town lilts I- our
beat our Shore and Oxfords. A beautiful line of
black colors.
Window Shades in all colors. Port
and Scissors we war
runt. Beautiful
line of
Lace Curtains. Curtain Swiss, I
It p have been noticed by
all renders of war news
that scheduled
invariably failed lo
pulled off on schedule line.
and greatest victories
fleets M Santiago at
not been
true of
affair. bat be postpone-
laking town were caused
i more
it i- constant I v too
that Mi.
sued no orders about the
on since it was
began, except that
Gen. not to
n Tho fol-
is made by
p S
V, m of Admiral Sam- -a a
of th H on for of
total fir. I.
at o bard es b. --f
i- permanent the lime of the attack our sailors
Deducing the
from the total,
be charged
K -t civil ordinary
of at
tin- and war
of any ire-
with s
o i i
of the Revised
United States,
Al. paid the
United State for person on
board any ship or vessel of war
to an enemy at the
eon of an
too anxious v. is sunk or otherwise
was adopted -bin or vessel
United States, which it may
be to destroy in
of in
to Morgan
a is
an adj
Ur J -l------ .
and but,
many ore mistaken, wisdom of
those word will lie seen later.
The truth of his other word
the very moment that
in colors, Shades
in all colors-six and sever
Bag, An Squares, Carpels, Matting, Oil Cloths, Door Mats in
rubber. Steel and Cocoa La Mall Library
Lamps, Lanterns, Tinware; see our Automatic Oil Can- fill y our
and not run it over.
Bed Boom in Solid Oak, ranking In price VI to
of all kind. plies, Bedstead. CaV
Oak I oaths
Dining Tables. Kitchen
Hue tins i
So question about being Come to u your
and yon will come out ahead. We aid to
.-. in will prove a positive saving to th
to and
Tours fir mutual b
surrender of pt i
n of peace is by the I reel
The w of Spain,
across the Atlantic are tr.-ins to
, military power of I re-
create he Impression in
are on the for peace C government must
and lb, v are t-b J for
some persons in , .
and thereby some of the
d so i . et the
those who believed that H
way to secure peace was
I the Spaniards as font we by Mr.
could gel at
Although send-1 The report, the
toga Beet to Spain has cl
. .
and turned Mu Senate
. , ,.
still being keel and money to Sou born
of the fleet promised in Book concern for n
a few days. knowing claim, intended
be wagers humorous
to ii I
els was of force, and of
if of or force
to be among the
and crew in the same manner
prize money.
It there were 1.700 men on
ships presented a
force to the
will be somewhat more
which is divided in
manner money
1-20 to officer of
1-50 to the commanding
officer of a division of the fleet,
1-100 to th fleet captain and 1-10
of ouch vessel's share to cap-
that vessel, the remainder
ii ins apportioned to all
men in proportion to
their pay. As the law
that all vessels within signal
of the action and in
on lo aid share In the prise
money, i i likely that most of
many the fleet will profit by the
To Work.
J. L.
N. C.
set Ice in all the courts.
Greenville. K. C
Practice In all the Courts
I. l James,
N. C.
over C.
Cobb A Hop's Store,
II. small,
Slid ft I Law
In all
Every has a to
do and now is tho lime to om-
Go out to your primary
and county conventions
they called and help to
put out the men that you
your candidates and then
bend energy you have lo
them. The women cf
State look to the
party to give them
from the rule that now
us. They look to it to put
white men on school boards to
exam their daughters, and pass
upon their fitness for teachers
the of the State. They
look to it for protection of
their homes and their children.
Democrats, tan yon he
warm and indifferent when you
sec your proud Slate
by tho in
school for
while schools, and electing
to offices of authority
We know you will not. so up
and the battle has begun
and we must
V. P. I it'll i V
N. C.
Win and Iron Fencing
only work
cm I.
. . . .
It costs an average of
bury a United Senator, hut
H pays to do it sometimes,
Philadelphia Ledger.
with much evidence
The Mon-
roe dispensary baa taken stock
and find. it bus net
Spokes, Hubs, Building
Oils and Stoves
Fair and Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices,
big odds
baa none
Be did not his private oar
with its bath tub,
has his t a II
palace, the elegant passenger
which has been a
large of the and
beet and
will remain on
tho steamer during the
against t
will take personal
few and
remain In
The of tho latter have none
to their lo look after their
while th- lamer. n
rule, have gone search of cool-
nieces. I ft
a number small military
nations mostly Captains
well as a lot of to
civil offices. Homo wore not acted
because of time, bot
the most of them bong up
objection to by
the Dem
that their con-
bill allowing soldiers in
camp to Note for
wore that they would
lad in resorting to my sort
of to prevent the bill being
b was
prevent any at
tempt being made to take bill
up to
Bud out whether Dem-
mount business, Senator
Barrows asked
consent l upon tho bill, a
few baton adjournment,
and the of at
convinced lam that
did- Tho object-
ed lo tie
old bill, it
which the Democratic
Leaving mi appropriation
entirely-, tho other appropriation
at of
doted, the total of
tho case of the
bout destroyers
Pinto, wore knocked
to pieces the converted
Corsair, superior
on the Spanish side
tho bounty will
those on board
the Probably the
complement of the two
men. malting that
an, bill, no If it that any other
, Its U may be. vessels
without mp-- by any oar
no other the case will
eons in who
the fleet regarded
absolving tho church f-o-o an
blame and then proceeds to make
scope cf E. H.
attorney per cent of
claim, and Messrs. Barbee
and for tho book
because they lad
innocent to
th-t was to paid cut of
this claim. hero may be Ben-
ton who believe that men devote
that way.
An enterprising of
Old Orchard.
to enter tho matrimonial state
bating bis help-
meets recently small cot-
and nailed the
nearest the road a bear-
the inscription
ready attracted several applicants
none of whom up to dale has
Qualified mi the vacancy.
I for Soldiers.
The Bout Company
lost night two oar Is
of Blackwell's
lo Tampa, Pin-, where ii be
put on transports and shipped
direct The cars
,, la. t night as part o
the fat mail. won.
ornamented with banners and
streamers kinds.
will reach Tampa to-day.
tobacco for
Ob c
for each man aboard those
it maybe
the bounty will be large-
in excess of
York Sun.
1.1 an
Mo mortgages the sum
secured is than 11.000, need
be stamped. new Internal
revenue law a stamp of
every mortgage,
the sum secured exceeds
and not exceed
and an additional M cents for
t or fractional part ex-
A stamp of oil it
iv deed
oration and does not
and for each
or fractional part
A, . Thomas, Tax
,. valuable
. i In the
and was
and Colds. lie
. gold IS of little value In
with cure.
a bottle. Asthma.
nod 1-K I
tot BOW
U t

Eastern reflector, 12 July 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 12, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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