Eastern reflector, 28 June 1898

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-f ,
What is it
It is a picture of the celebrated
Best in use. The outfit of no business
complete without one. a
man is
The Reflector Book Store
has a assortment Fountain Pen
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold
You will be astonished when you see them and
cheap are.
You may Never
But should you ever
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
Motor Job Mm Dice.
Anything from
In t
Che Daily
the home
price of
en her II
at the
you a
to be.
he Eastern
Is only
contains the
week, and
to the farmers, es-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
the subscription price.
New Yorker. Wk
Then la D unwritten in
the Unit. J that ii
proud of it-Hue Mood, origin.
Its forefather, who exulted
rank wore ink that were in
tome A society was
quietly organized year, ago
with the avowed purpose of
those neglected and forgot-
ten spring- at nobility and tracing
the family trees to their very
uncovering the secrets of an
try that might extend back to the
society made eon-
headway and exposed
royal connection in very in-
the researches so
satisfied a certain number of
blood -SO intensely blue W
they turn formed them-
selves into n second society, consist-
of those whose line extends back
to the some throne whose
among the then nation
of the earth was not considered,
long as it was a fide, throne,
with a genuine ruler sitting thereon,
wielding u scepter th
la-aerial -purple.
if this inner circle
are for the most pert New Yorkers
by birth residence.
The most probably,
is Gordon Bennett of The
Herald. Mr. Bennett is n direct de-
on mother's side of
Edward of the
of hi sitting one day on the
throne of Greet Britain is, it must
U confessed, not altogether clear,
it is not outside the limit
of possibility. lie is the forty
the lino of heritage, and s
revolution might bring him much
closer. As to the present mode of
addressing Mr. Bennett, as ho
practically become a Parisian, he
Would, no doubt prefer son altos
to hi highness should he conclude
to claim the title which it certain
hi gives him every right
to Use.
As a relative of Mr. Bennett the
distinction of royalty naturally I
long to Richard
on, who t duke of and
i has voluminous documents to prove
not alone Ml regal lineage, but the
actual personal claim he
to the title of duke. It must lie
that in corresponding be-
tween the various members of this
society their ancestral titles are
ways employed, and tiny are
I dressed as My Dear in
Bennett, for exam-
or Dear as with
Mr. And many
ban have paper emblazoned
with their Individual p
George an official In one
of the urge Insurance
on Broadway, New York, is a
leading member of the society,
enjoys the title of Earl of a
distinction that has been recognized
many generations hi
family, but has never been publicly
claimed. Mr. i-
of showing a
from Louis IX of Prance, whose
crusades the establishment of
Christianity and whose, tireless
forts the direction of civilization
earned him the St. Louis.
This ruler made his nephew lord
of the holy warranted to em-
ploy the title of Karl of
Charles well known
York, is, in reality, Prince
bis title from old German
family of great distinction and
Whoso were at the
most extensive the Rhine. The
artist i do
although never make use
of tho and of hi
am even that
possesses it. In fact, to
entire credit, ho is authorized to
sign himself de
Connolly, the
known hatter, modestly conceal
the fact that as u direct descendant
of the last Irish king ho is none
other than Lord Connelly,
It is doubtful that ho ha ever said
so the society, of which ho
has long been There
a hundred others enjoying, if it be
an enjoyment, tho possession of a
title while apparently only
American citizens, but these
instances are to indicate
. really have an
York Mail Ex-
Chief tho auburn haired
at tho zoo. Is very so
bis convictions with
regard to straws limited to
the mere fact that they tell how the
rind blows. The chief that
Showing a straw with certain super,
natural will bring his din.
Bet hour around before I o'clock, the
regular time, and ho daily tries to
put theory into From
among the heaps straw in hi
sag., be selects with great the
longest and
having placed it in his mouth ho
goes to tho glass front of tho
and shading bin eyes with hi hand
peers lo the right and left iii search
of the keeper with his dinner. If
the is not in light, the chief
throws the straw as not
easing and so.
loots another, This is
repeated over and over with tho us
most gravity until tho
Int. la
Arabian horses manifest remark-
able corn-ago battle. It is said
that when a of this breed
finds himself a p.
that he will not be able to bear his
rider much longer he quickly re-
tires from the conflict, bearing his
master to a place safety while he
has still sufficient -t- But if,
on the other band, the rider is
wounded and fulls to the ground
the faithful animal remain
unmindful of danger. n
until assistance a- thought.
rM M
t tire
., i U i-
. .
t, t I
In when Richard
perfected bis cotton
there were in England A II
pal engaged in the pro-
of cotton textiles. Nineteen I J, c
years later. In 1787, the number of
persons employed in the spinning
and weaving of cotton had Increased
Smith, V
Walker, G T Alternates.
S W L Smith-
Alternate. W n
Alternate, J H
Judicial M
C It M O D A
Moore. Alternate, J James,
H Manning.
W Thomas.
James, J S Brown, J T Nelson.
W G Little.
A on, W
James L
A g. D W Bailey. B D
Williams, W B Jr., W
A James, H N Gray. Alternates,
H Q Nobles, T B
J Elks,
II Williams. Jno
L A Arnold. C M
J Bryan J J
Mills, Henry Dixon. J L fox
W K J A K Tucker, B
St W A Stokes.
s. J B
J Elks, Harvey Dix-
L Clark. J A Porter,
Smith, J Bryan Grimes, J J
C Can-
non, J F Israel Edward-,
Jo n Back W W J O
Atlantic Lint
in i April ,
l. M
i s. i
i. . a
a in. II
n in. M p m
P in.
Ml p n. 7.1.1 p
p m.
ton .
in. a a.,
York a m.
XI p m.
Due Mi.
is p m. m.
p m. p
a m. Rocky Mount 11.57
B m, 1.41 a in, Nor-
folk n m,
a m. a m,
7.11 n
tin i in.
a m
in. p m
In the Japanese match factories
the boxes and labels are made by
little girls, who arc
in the work. These little
experts get from to cents for
Vainglorious men arc tho scorn of
tho wise, tho admiration of
the idol of parasites and the slaves
of own
The State Normal and
Industrial College
Offers the women the Slate
thorough classical
end An-
members. reg-
1,500 n every
in Stat-i two.
Observation School
To In
b. Io lore August I.
ave Your Money.
box of Pills will save
dollars in bills
I hey will surely cure all diseases
stomach, liver or bowels.
Reckless Assertion
sick headache, dyspepsia,
a million people
J T Smith, B T J II
Hardy Johnson, John May
E Ira A G Cox
Alternates. T It J Brooks
Chi B In-,
Doc Jackson, A B
Holton, M F J
Delegates, E G
Cox, F Hart, U C
John Spier, John
AM J T Hart, J Jack
sop. C C K Hooks.
Josee Branch-
H Smith
W U William. Al-
Jonas B
Li tie
ii J L B Williams
Little, Fred Phil
lip-, J H Smith.
T Lewis,
J W W M Lang. Alter-
F II Davis, T L
Alternates. A J Tyson, B M
Lewis. W E Barrett.
Judicial-Delegates, J W Vin-
cent. V Keel. J L Fleming, L I
Paul Harrington, U L
O W Harrington, W B
T W King,
Harvey Allen. Alternates. W
Brooks, E L Dudley J T Smith,
C A Tucker, W
A ii W H
Smith, I. F J G
Got U T
King, M O B W King, F
Q James, W B James, W
dale, W U Smith. H F Keel,
Frank V, B W Tucker. A L
Al T
E in . I Dudley. W J
E II B L Little, E
B Dudley. O W Harrington, J B
White, W Fleming, C
B B Flem-
B E Abrams. Alternates,
Mi. J B Little. Alternates,
W T Mason, W Andrews.
S B H J William. u
I H mi ii I. u
B A Alternates N H
M C J. T
Job Moore.
so m
p m.
p p
in. 7.11 p m. Bum
p m, Columbia
v, l i-m-k a in, August
la a m, Macon 11.11 a m,
Atlanta 11.3.1 p m. Charles.
ton Savannah 1.90
a m. Jacksonville a m,
pa pin.
DAILY Poston
are am.
am. Richmond 8.08 am,
10.00 am. Nor-
nm, Wilson 3-. pm. Gold,
8.10 pm, Warsaw
Largest MiCron-i and
in its mu-
. A in.- Kl-
in and
h a month.
tor v .
Port Sis.
. buying L
will It to
wt to our prices before
its brandies.
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
Sugar, Cone
Always at lowest price-
a -e buy direct from
A stock of
u band told
it in i in in, all
nit fold Ii t ASH
It inn Ii sell st a u -x
S. M.
Seaside Hotel, room,
and I. Ii lea-e o
be opined t S B
under f
further on call on or ail Ire
H. Han by. Owner
N. O.
Boston 12.00 night,
York 11.30 am,
Washington 3.46 pm, Rich-
7.80 pm. Petersburg
Pin. Norfolk 2.20 pm
1.0. pp.
m. Leave Wilson
7-01 am, Warsaw
7.6.1 Magnolia COS am.
New am,
I P. V. Tampa am.
pm. III pin
Savanna 1.48 night, Charles-
ton Ml
am, Atlanta am, Macon
am, MO pm.
I 4.25 pm.
8.08 am, I am,
Marlon am,
ll.-IN am. Lake
11.09 am.
Train on Neck Branch
;. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 1.90 r.
6.87 7.6
i. m. Returning, leaves
m., 8.81 a-
i in mi a, . s
. Q., ail n
, 9.11 . in ,
r . , Pi- a ,. ,,
I 1.10 o. m
Train leaves i N C, via Albs
A Raleigh dally except
p. m., Sunday p. Mi
-Ire Plymouth 7.40 P. M., 8.10 p.
turning leave Plymouth dally
7.50 a. m., 9.00 a. tn.,
10.04 and II.
Train on Midland N. I.
dally, except Sunday, 7.10
ca, arriving 8.30 a. in. .
I ii leaves
r vii at 10.14 a.
Train on branch, Florence I;
leave ill. in p m, arrive
p m, Clio 8.05 p m.
I .,, Dunbar 8.40 a in,
7.60 a m, dally except Sun-
. . i on Clinton Branch leave
law Clinton dally, except Sunday
a. m. and 4.11 p,
Train No. makes
Ion point
at .
art and Carolina K i,
i all North via Norfolk.
H. M.
T. m.
to Creditors.
the Court of
Pill County having, on the
June to me Letters Ad-
oil the of Tills
deceased No lee it give
to all creditors of lo present
their claims t. me for payment
authenticated on or e the 10th day
of June or this notice III be
plead bar of recovery, All per.
sous Indebted to said estate are notified
to make Immediate payment lo me.
This the 7th June
the Tills
All persons are enter,
upon our lards gun or or
any oilier purpose, under the pen-
the law. The land hereby
are situated on the north side of
Tar r In ad;
joining John
iii-- Ail. lands,
Tar river, and all are
their upon
he same. The law will ha rigidly
enforced against all
Juno till 1898.
II. Wilson,
A. J. Johnston,
O. Brow.
Tobacco Sticks
All Tobacco Sticks
Wit. .;.
We have t received a
hearse the line of C i
and in wood, met
and cloth ever brought
at a t-
in It
Personal attention i .- n-
dueling i
to care
mark of
Our are lower i ever
not monopoly b-.
We inn f ii I a a
the John Flanagan
Having been appointed and
v administrator of tho let Jesse
all are hereby
to all claim against the
of the said Jesse Adams tor pay-
on or before i day of March,
or this notice will plead in bar
their recovery. All Indebted
to the estate are to make
settlement. the 5th
day of March,
B virtue an order from the
or of flit the
administrator of the estate ofT f
deceased, will on
123rd day of May. before the four
door In sell to the
highest bidder the of
mi., lot the town of
on el adjoining the
lands F. W. II
and Joyner, containing one-
fourth sere, more or
J C. k CO
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
i i R.
Whichard, N. O
The Stock complete in
very department
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
ofT. r. Harrison.
I Moo re, produce.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.; WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO TERMS per. Year Advance.
tin pillow
that it
i . I .
it directly lilt Ii I
d-, .
nit i i i
It ha cure I Hi w
-ill f
. Rial J ;.
lion y
In . Q
I. C-i r h . . .
rim 1.1, I
Shot to Kill.
lives on
next lo Mr. W.
; securing re-
blank the in-
a yell
a Of blood
a It a
where burglar a I evidently
and for lime. A trail of
ibis point under Mr
crept tho
there it ltd fl into
I at.
tic wound must have
ft mortal ore M man
not live with the much
Mount Argonaut
Our 112- m-
round in a Mill fond.
K. A. a o
lo be
lag of his about I miles
iron ht-re, last Large
from that Immediate
were present also a number
people. There was
bad Ir fill. There
were a gr -at many in
the pond, one was a Spanish
old, supposed lo have
in the when Span-
last country. An-
Other was a turtle weighing
the bunk. with
only eye were There
a many oilier
I but present
as arc and
vouched by
I Worth
Father V our
Tea it . I i
in behalf f
Fri n i-
i f
t the other.
ii ma m
ii appear
the. vi-. but
Wu i ti
it i
W- have ll
Tn lips, rs
pi u in i I o
let A Cook,
Father Worth veal lo
v n I P
be f to
tho two officer.
of the of Friend lo
all tho United
A copy was to
Governor and was ft in
what effect the
Ii on tho
R tho torpedo Lout
La not vet been
a Pout reporter
the in the niter-
noon, ho was presented with n
copy cf the of peace
It just been adopted
ID their
I tally eve
word of it it i i
ed by .-very or
Friends in Carolina
do of cur eat
with Spain Father Worth
ever went into
ought our
war should right
now. We should live accord lift
to tho doctrine of
you think Spain or the Unit-
ed State- was u tho right
treating her poor people like e
r .
Hi- newest
I with v k i
ears -i- en v
it . an .- If
the .; i.-. A
Dry J
Dress Trimmings, Laces, Edging,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and
Shoes and s in black tan
fit the men. gills boys.
t r
. f I lulling
., . V
v.- ti. . i-. that o
in our v. Hill i- what
the b.-i
mil A beautiful line
Iii white, colors.
Window In all colors. Peek
ct Knives,
we war
i as lei
.,., , i. i i
.; i . A in
raged Unto a race.
are . I
in m u
a . deal of work,
. the i I
Gen. V.
I i ,
in v it
Swiss, Polos
m, in Shades
in all and sever.
Ail Carpets, Matting, Oil
J t Mats in rubber, steel and cocoa
. tie,
. .
tin. palm -f U
,., found
I , . Lit feet
chair, lie In., kept I tor
com at
nil g es, and
ii By 1.-
. in pi
a off loads of apt
at Wheeler.
; lieu . I
s cf the
. ,.
. a, a
,,, ii . i, ;. We and
. for .
Ci . in. ., ;
, V. .;. IV;
the Letter Wheat
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Library Lamps,
Hf r Ir ah
Can. your
docs not run it over
I on I
I . ; t. mp.
. no
. . I .
; tin .
;, I . . In
I into a Ian g a
,. , ii. . u
over re . core
amp am
On our ions you will a large
. ;. i
Tin n .-1 i
fact that oft
II e
Professional Cards
W. M. Fleming
Greenville, N. O.
In all the
is said to have done. The United j
States a miserably
in undertaking the war. There is
no excuse tor war. should
asked all the nations of tho
world to demand of Spain to give
government to subjects
Then if Spain declined, all
tries have withdrawn com-
relations. would
then come to sens s
is never any for
foreign power
should declare war
attempt to invade our country,
to tho Lord Ho will
protect Post.
Be In ill I I . .
of all kind and
Children's aid
halts ill on I Kitchen Table, t
Hacks, Ac. So question about these .-
pries being satisfactory. Come to 1- your
you will come ahead. W guarantee ard pleas-m
Will prove a positive saving i
to in and
to bi i h
. the s
n I B
no alter now
for an an . h
or no Carlo
, i ll o
. .
.; r . w i in .
. fr
i- i- all r lovely rep
, n trial bi gin lo em
.,. ,.;, i
be read I
inability I
in, i glory as lo be but
a, a of the In k. u
tin in-l
.-. I- T
Fir. I hi at April
lit Tl cents.
meat price paid I. rant wheat
m the deal is,
advanced to May
r 308-
at time
amount wheat
. Iii wheat exported and told
profit on any ac-
c. s i
profit, p
profit pot mouth
. .
lit per day for four-
. nth ending May
i.- ; r. lit hour
fourteen ending May
per minute
f. ending
. . ii. . deal,
. . , Chicago
J i I-
a ii a
Tours O
l O . .
if g a i
ll I ll
J. B
m Children
Swift Galloway, B. V. Tyson,
H- C. N. C
Practice In tho
over J. C
Son's Store
II. Small, .
and at La
In all the
W. II. W.
N. C.
v I. liver i are
In own,
It was
There was a Mr. in Char
yesterday, who was at school
with Lieutenant
Greensboro. All Ho was telling
incident of school-
boy days- When was
year old ho was in a military
school at
a I by. The buys
the girls As is gen-
the case, the around
the college campus got to
at the girls, throwing
and tossing
notes. One night a debate
a certain girl to whom
bad been I
on previous visits was caught
kissed on homo.
to and
v an c Tin
evidence tho
young man. lint brought the
and himself
asking to put hi
to see it he was the
Spokes, Subs, Pain
f Oils
Fair and Honest. Goods, at Book
Bottom Prices,
N. C
i . i iv name I a
man Coins who
enlisted in i
a tho
U ii per-
haps what an tho largest
win to the
his father, who. -searing a loop
one of II e
which are of
How many
era and sisters have
bow many are . ad
Bo Sargent button i
How n. my broth, rs and
of yours art dead
to ho a
n,. bent his bond h n
i. r I Iv. ill r
I,,.,. pane,
n v
asked yon If
and lister i de i and bow
I have and
later repeated Ibo
many hate
yon are one of a fa
if ii
i . . i i .
V . i i
sent to it I ,
I V.
i . I.
lull .
The war i. i s . I i-l
i Ii n iv ii
third we i r
law i .
is i a
w. A I. iv. mix.
. i . a
id notes . -i.
u .- i v I
I . I III th
land. v n
ml i six weeks
All ill . ii in II
i if em . i lain I In
. i
,. .
i n i I'll ii i up n ally,
we Iii. about ill in I I,
Mr. a, . f Tex
a ii. re valuable
nil i
; ,. ,. he agony
, and
King's Discovery for
. He
, . ult . f little value in
will, cure,
.-., ii l It, even if it cot a hundred
. . ii.-. Asthma.
an I all throat and arc
, .,.,., Ur- King's New
very tor but-
i, mil Jno Drag
. . t, t. i JO els and 11.00
n,. from the
i ii pines baa recently declined
l tons annum to less
hundred, ow-
moth was intro-
the islands from
ID tho r the eighteenth
i, command
, H who is said
i men is fifty -live
. . old. a a
in medium rather
i lot u i mid. There
in Iii- be is a man
seldom and the
makes upon
.,. P IR
ti r i i. i .
If . el
. having
p. e cent per
. ; I n.
I , .
up l
i. ; . j
i,,. ., ,.; . i.
ii. i t salve In world for Cuts
do i Suit
; Sores, Her, Chapped liar U,
, , , ,, ., . I all akin
, r. or no
led, lag lo give
ton per
I . u,
, I . v

D, J, r.
at post at
N. C. -v second mall in n
tan 1898.
A convention I n I
sale s candidate for Solicitor of ill I
District of North Una, to
be at
is called to meet
P. M. N 6th, 1808. la
he public hall at Kooky Mount.
The counties is t e District have
not held conventions to select tales
to will
hereof and govern themselves
inly. By order
P. s. hi,
Ex. Third
A letter v. I vest N by Mr.
K. engines
render, on board the
at C dated
is raM ll
Um a who an interest in Waller
and CUM i enlisted in.
cull not tho letter
t.; Mr. r. and i was net
written lot
The Son u
Deserter and
in Camp
private in d
, who left ramp
taking French leave,
came book lay, d by
bu father, A. M. Mar.
X- c.
Young presented
the lent, by
lather, and II.
II Mated that he camp at so-
ct ether bis Ml-
piny, and that he did not reals the
gravity hi- Col. Burgwyn
hid taken to the guard
boo placed in the custody the
officers in At the I
e and
the first deserter arrested, tight
before Ike court officers, Major Dixon
and Colonel A ball and
were hang to one of
Addressing Moth u it.
will I I
re to wear a tall chain
You have voluntarily surrendered
s ill exploited sorrow tor your tie-
lion. I know you urn mi i I
The father cl lie j in i
man appeared before the. soar
as .-on was taken away the I
said Mr. Sr. with
all the emotion father who a
i wish lo place my Ii
in my son's shots. r
Vim ill yon may tee lit to place
hi- I will bear I
a willing to lo I J a
may mi-in
The appeal of the lather in hail
his t the nature tin
rs I. in-
Mr. M
discipline had to be enforced and
i; would be torrent re.
lie that the ii
son was ;.
The la the were la-
and it i
he may get i ll with a ll
lie will b- martial
ed on the t
Than is a prevailing opinion
that a cannot I
u a
If a period of ten
The impression is em
a matter of hot a soldier
of if he
not keen away from one day, ii
it is shown that a in Ins
goat with Intention
ling be is
if he not a day.
he article war, No
to this matter says
or soldier who having.
pay, or having been duly en-
listed in the
Stale;, deserts the same, shall, m
war, death, or other
as a court-martial may
net, and in time of peace, any punish-
except which B
may din
In addition, to says
soldier who
the United shall be
liable lo serve such period as
with III lime he
to Ids dam lion, to
the lull term i his and
soldier shall lo D a
martial mid Ike
term cl his may . d
to his being apprehended
In s Mr, E. K we have
it-ti ; rallied to cull from such
thing worM he of to oar
s lighting nearly
th lime novel know tie y
. go into en
tho lo pall the trigger.
He wee at the enamel the
rah drug up by the
with at He the
they taken the mines on
board as very thrilling and they wore
cheer d by th whole of Samoa
halt an minis
have been ct the gun cotton
and wore forwarded to
to be placed in the hand, of
where tiny will
as n lie of the war.
says tin; a in-
on the and killed
GO Spanish all in the pi ice in
s, in,,,,. hour afterward
a-i w a
and they wore killed aim t in
the twinkling; cf
the the forte an town
at by the Mir-
hi head as simply and wonder-
The font were all to
in tie eon of time killing
nearly all there and capturing the
Wall the Spanish sol are
out i day and surrender-
from want and narration. poor-
eat looking set starved and naked
men he i or c iv he
to ; ll ha s r. give
awl . i t
S i army, and st con-
i.- pitiable, and enlists
the American sol h is. .
v I has not drawn one cent
pay e three m in h-
.; r from hi. i ii ,. o a i
kn he I and is
to per mouth
JO which is a fact. Walter
sends kin to old
in and lo hie lady
i mi .
ll is tery thrilling lo read pathos
at thin daring man
whom all ti. people i Greenville
know .- well, and ;. by
is I the moat p hardships
for Ike boner th-j ran at d
feel we s.
all. in
protection, a
return t-. the people woo kindly
r and admire him, or pa-
courage. Surely are hope
war baa Icon
d to nation there is
n-i chance t, by the
Adjutant General Cowles and
a had a center-1
once and arranged l
cl the stale guard. t,. pad week in with the
tipsier will ,,. . work
which did by was art
to give only
d-aM to new the principal
companies to take the the western side
have and a o in the success the Vesuvius in
I ii I Stales service. The with these in-
will r. that each company i cl death, naval were
-hall have three and en- to that they were more or
listed men. These will be c and This Mm why it
In the best lb the baa not bean
will be issued, and In
very 1st at of these and need by the Vesuvius
brown listen are charges
will for hot r ranging from MM
wear. t be i Ibis r fear which naval
be the dark now loan tare lab H that
The adjutant today c mono- explode leaving the guns,
the two these coin- gm then is no any
At G O. C on Ufa score abase the
promoted I-om sergeant; baa with
II. II. Iron
second at Tarboro, W. in
i. A. Jenkins and W . forces It ween lie
J. its, my
will b no nary tho lbs latter
formed at point, en
limo demo object
The general d Ibis m , their were aimed
will tomorrow while the gins the produce
i mil
at Kort leaving behind hot and
which is to written
tells ma that shots
re s pi . room it Ki . , ,.,.,, t, .,. .-s-
. additional c by
v. have met x. i i v.- I v
n -us j its y j u u
I ear in
at III.
Albert baby is d in
of lockjaw at Ind. the
res of being; by a
A day ho was to have
married an Oil City girl S.
G- Dale was killed by
at Ya.
Only First Class
A of
Louis, to Silver Ci
was lost or stolen by two years old,
It has the that if war should by
declared, free States Military or
service will be to all persons now
with us policy contracts require This will
Mania Thorn,
Turkish man, will be
Ibo first week
in August.
St. Present for a, which yet two years
iv N II B not two limitation,
a. m; will not be granted policies not yet
shall be and the
i eater the It has not yet been
be war be and parties then
with us a outer the the United States
For contracts
Bake and San
Cal., ring was
a Chinese
All Who Suffer Do
Not Use
desire to
L. DOBBINS, Secretary.
You will lee from tho ab of the Company that
Mutual is still up-to-date. Md it the
and coarse towards its do not make
any flourish of trumpets when we shown spirit of liberality,
it is natural expected that Mutual Benefit will always be
patriotic and do right case war is not declared, the
permits not granted, as it will not necessary, and
desires avoid that expense and trouble. In war
declared, every of our policy-holders will be protected.
Yours truly,
J. L. SUGG and L. C. Agent,
cent pa out
three an I
ready i think
end Week will tor
Fifteen have
and I selected
the I mentioned to
but or
work -v regiment at
r. .-
Iron, of
on it nut take
baa quite recently
; tor to inc
hut i the moat en
tin Si nation.
mm Co n c. YES talks. We make it talk for us
. buying; at prices, and we
give our customers the advantage of it. We
Mi ; J . c .
1-;. 1891.
resignation one ii. , ,.
tail S was ,.
. today for If not
he will U-
sweeping in
plat s for the ,,,.
law night what towns will furnish the
seven companies lie
Third regiment. It thought
tho would
baa boon t
iii seven
W. A.
other four will
the following loams,
V. Forbes, Greenville.
S. J. Hargrove, of
II. of
P. II. I. Durham.
T. I. Taylor,
s. Kin ten.
M. Murphy,
II. T. S.
J. K.
Tho who troops
ill be with
ll i r or The
will J elected.
But when San Juan or u
reduced may enc when
Spain will ask whit is tho
It going read,
arc Spain
m cl
has been I
to Too distress o the
pick whoas are
already in a war En which
ha looked I -r. cries aloud a
. contest. the
i-s u prominent or vital in
the Antilles is Ministers at
hardly be to sue
for they will no in
vain it they resolve lo abandon the
West India Colonies, which have
years been a drain en Spars.
t two regiments
i.- is. A- a numb -r t I
i, i-v e will
u i i the new c
ken of, July 1st the elate will
t. a
ti United Stiles, for anus and
a Large nod select
That Can he
we have on
mi m war gag, we ill-
lo III low
over the eat
and judge for
t library was shut
up for tear the would blow
. Our price cents.
blew up the liver. In
A little frayed
but otherwise in good
condition Oilier Our
price cents.
our iron v went
with all on bond. It was
footnotes tor
that do DOS till Boat is blind, but is
U shop-worn, but good great
ii they have
ed a number
rail. In n week more Ad-
will be in a position to
I gin the reduction and
once American blood is
the group
have passed from Spain to.
the impending
blow has beet struck the
Spam have a I
a- log i And in the interest
of ill world it is to be hoped that
be to take advantage c
Orange Va
seedy man is not n
you are it
ll is not always site torn mar to fol-
his own knows,
IT I you don't go hi.
It makes the happy lo sue a
,,, with ac-
a in
Continental hotel in act of blowing
Doming up the
Idiotic, d Others
bayonets. Dur
Up the speaking Awfully
With top and decked
Original Our
or Spanish
wilt in select lots ind tract
Seven Chinese steamer elms, d
cruiser to M in
Only more copy hit.
no on
price Our price same.
navy is at Ca-
is last seen oil New-
lb a -I joke cl
new, just out.
Ton pet cut. and oil
spot I
people talk ill
their lives and never say
p wear the cloak
because it
The mitt, n of a pretty Orange
out more men than
The say give no
Cuba. We II they are
to give a
It is much easier to
your own than in tho cannon's
Its a poor who is not a good
hoard of strategy K engage to
bet oil.
No mail can count the numb t of
sunk in daring
act in the
horn tome bladder trouble which was
and extreme that
an in would have lo
hi performed and the
I it so and had
Mrs Joe Wash that
to it what
it would do. a
lay in thirty six Loam the
subsided, tho swelling and en.
and the alone
without any . The
was and no on can know ;
those who nave u Mill ired what it was.
do believe have stood
and believe I died bad
i- i. t been Joe
It i- tin- bladder
lit them try would
he in r, at I f have be put in a
hot Water to relieve terrible
paroxysms pain, it mil a perfect
core ins. oh, that everyone could I
re what n medicine within oh
in I try it. bow
be relieved, do a
say as h If as it j
Ore , C.
Smoke up, I
the neighbor's at alloy gale.
army mule can give s
generals points on quick
want to do business with you. We bought
o and we sell them rig ht and treat you O. K
Dry Shoe,
the celebrated------
Eagle Brand Pine Shoes
ill a-i l thorn. arc invited ti inspect
my stock and lean, the low prices.
when the festive
r, h s while trousers,
down upon blackberry
n woman is getting, ready lo
do another says the
There are two
says the disappointed i
who are out of
and those who are out
so has a bad
memory let to
do with can't t
creditors, and they pounce him
the street la-tore he can
may for lie
barks ail
course, ye see ha
we'll know that he
ed, there's a burglar
A meeting n settler near a
ii the the
it built of.
Any neighbors
What's the loll
climate J
Co you -it f
I We are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor delivery now
We do all kinds of repairing. Bicycle
repaired promptly.
Heavy and Fancy
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand- Country
and A trial will
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by Brown,
to see
More Goods for Less Money
or More Goods for the Same
Money than any House.
m. . an.
W, S. It
J. L. II. M.
K. ii. i tat, i i. ., u u
lira, V. Lapse mi i u
I patty arrived in tin ab
In quality great
At the prices we state.
Patterns rare and in-
As bargains they're
You invest good
and sense.
Take look at my styles,
They came many miles
They keep you in smiles
No better clothes,
Than this line we sup-
From sheep ever arose.
ii y
I. I. M a i
. n isle
s. D. it lo re
moraine .-.
P. i ; I
p Iron
are in n t cf the
am School its
I. n. . 1891
ace , ; t
i ii during -ii
year just ended, an
Iron IV en tin
S lo and Texas ea
and to Japan; and
Hardy i at
over in
C. E. lo
W i even
Masters and Earl re-
Iron a vi-if
s baa i. i . a
i. and
Iron a t-
r ii Virginia.
r f
u ii
ago, . . i
ti. I S. Hilary d
. mi Ml I, than I ii .
n . i Carolina .-. I, ,
each, be urn rd . the Con-
i, i , own
t . w ti hI
i the ; m a
Miss bas been by in a
Miss Geneva ibis n E .
t. and
Kn Ml Butter at S. M.
The 4th if July Monday.
ere and side
cur streets.
Ta Hook
Look up the
in this issue.
A defective Las
lours to I'll. cut.
yen have a few more
days to
The O had an
Talk not be
war on
Joe Cook, sen Cook, Bear
locks es sirs- n
soon W
The new
th its lantern at eventide.
The mercury has and there s a
pretty good where the waters
We it on the
would be another large here
FUt Lit lies the
Joe Wheeler's donned the blue ;
lie civil
Why, dam it, I kin too
The heal medicine yen ran take is
which a solid
he ill b in pure,
The time has come when the
thoughtful citizen will improve the
sanitary condition premises. It
is to to the mutter
Miss Alice Carbon In s moved, her
lock cf Millinery the rd
more on five to the store next lo
by J. S. Tunstall.
Tho nomination of Calvin i. An-
to pent
Neck, was Wednesday without
division on the id tho
N. as. Lawrence a.;
of Oxford Orphan Asylum.
W ill X. j tats the
and now with
Raleigh is elected editor of the
Orphan's Friend.
On Tuesday, June the
George Cooper, J.
Greenville, but now
located in mid Mis.
Alum were
lent wishes.
The New
We n a Idler Friday Iron the
editor ore cf the new
stumps on it. It of
the regulation slump, hut in
mid shape it the
It n under
which is the line in the
infant Mr. and
Mr. James
after ii few The
lake lib afternoon at
in Cherry Hill
The Town ii
meeting Friday, The
lion J. W. Perkins H major
received end accepted. .
was then elected Mayor, and C.
tin The bonds
Henry at tax collector and
W. L. were lender.
mid accepted.
in in Hamilton.
Mr. F. C. left
he goes to
I. Convention, on
Friday His learn
. i- is I
on . -i will i-
i. t o co v o ; ;. . t Bull
I in awn i II- v.
.-. M on -1 i
i side r i c ti in. Pi t
; in i. is anything
to he done,
W. S. v. t to lira
J. Barbe-,
day bare.
f. . A. I. i-
Set Kn in I h
Mis, t
N. C. i I I W,
II. P. went la Lit
ii.- through here
in. hi lo II- in,
T. H . rd
here yesterday I r
interests the
S. lit. l- Wilson
lust i veiling.
Jesse left for
I. I. Moore from Wilson
Friday evening.
J. II. left this morning
r ii i tin n ad.
John spent
Friday and s. Lire.
Cherry Mi ills morning for
Newport News on business.
J. II. is
visiting his brother,
her little
brother, Julius, lo 1-st
to Miss Cattle
J. II of baa
been his daughter,
returned home lay evening
Col Wallet Taylor, Wilmington,
who Ins been hen
left for his home
Manly Mines left for
this On a pleasure trip. He
will old In me
J. J. cl the
arrived Friday and will
till his Mia,
school tomorrow.
If, W. Smith and wife and A-
Ross, passed
through Friday for home in
Tin V had been to
I here considerably nice
lit. r-, and all
ships lave been occupied by young
i i d
i i. iii ad ill i
I Xv l T the
district pi ii , n
An examination will be held In
mid lie August on
ii day, and h i lacs
mini ; -1. .
man his I.
S. Senator for State may
nod an . lo
own to
In . ere i- no i
a . .
Le nil .-
August I
ii v ii l stun Is
-t d Ms i. . r
it is lo t. i. i
hi n i alternate niter
the i
V o I
i. I
y. 1890 was H . ii i .
iv-.-1. had in many v- m-
the h s a
do will, ll
I i
have III i report I
I ;
r in by i I II .
Li.-- i ii with
in ti t pert
w in or I
I I slot I
i -i I in pi
i .
u. I .
in .
i I i iv Cl pa
I in tin
b ti
I ill
. Mi N K. A i om
III ; .-
t I.- i i i This
; . i , .- , I ill ;.
I.- t I h iv i
u id u I -s J- i
in de I not not Unit it had
by Ii i i
that i a -1
l re tn re c out m
it I La n i i plant.
A ii -.- I i
a ping
tutu it i I ii is
j great deal and
i n d
i , -ii.
. u .;.; lie,
Lin Ii Hi
in pi .-. I
i III i i V I
U ii . .
ii I ii in- i it
will in e i ,; i modern I
in. i . i
mi i
will I I
i its ; nil
that i v. i- ii-- ti i In
c w
H. M. H
I iii I
I-. c i and . -i
i n will i h
wet than any d
.- r- s, -ii v
i t you tail ask h
V. can a at coat and live
i an i a
I i I too I you I
K hen
i. ions, ribbons, and
I, I- In mid from in
I . Up to
tits twenty-fit . rs and styles yon can get any
them like then and it l
cost a penny.
I . ii-.
, I , . . .
Only t I I,
ii d and strip id an I
not to largo.
Palm I. ii Fans, don't yon
They arc one a
tile i I'M.
The Power if
There is no cue so useful In
world man with the power
initiative. He the pioneer, the
j d. r. The dials with
lit mind self-reliant
ti me highways
to follow. He cuts cut the
work lot it. shows it the ditto
n in to move its
Clergies. The man with the power o
is the e.-plain industry, the
in York
I be s 11- i;.
A n Tea
en Miss the
the Thur.--
her departure
mountains. The gasoline boat Ru-
by Forbes,
by and
lit up the river a mill s
ed and indulged in many
etc. About the company
was invited lo partake
the evening pictures
I were us souvenirs,
Mi--. Lillian
n t-
Item-, From K
is thick as
Junes keeps busy all
J. T. Proctor is the sick
W. E. Tucker lo
M. Moon's is
Mill Williams is
One id our was a
a the
J. Mayo yesterday
his parents Am urn.
Mrs. ii is
In Mir. Vi.
Tin re is another marriage in
I. t them all who it It,
The report in our
v will soon
Mi s Proctor, of who
has visiting hot Mia
home today.
Myrtle Taylor, of Km-t n,
came down a days ago to n I
wedding. yesterday
Bryan, who
hot been visiting Miss i
loft Tarboro to spend a
Miss Joel William
n, who has been i
the home id II returned
home lust week,
Lodge, No, V
A. Bl, held their annual meeting
I day and elected officers
H. VI.
our Attention
We have just thrown on our counters a beaut
Hue of
Mi and Shoes
a ,
VII Y Blood. i n i T
Tb i sling. Gel a bottle
i and i .
I V ti i gt
it I j d t you.
s AH
which will be sold at low figures.
C. T
A new line of
. S.
E. J. II. s ,.
J. I O. Proctor.
mil Mis.
r tin to her Inane in
in an
excellent as Urge
II. i . In . a days
lolling us Ins approaching mar-
i In
i lit
In r el boa . r. Y
i -v in w B i
to than
f r nod i h lo.
I ; on bow to I
Dress Goods
m i
i's I nil
, . i,, I bold
s Goods
All made in
1898. m
Lang's Cash House.
TUB all Mineral rs. by prominent physicians
II who lined It, cure for
and i . i. Gravel and mom Id
a right In
lulls, I-ill even I . 11.60.
ii en i i. bast to mis
G. F. SMITH. Prop
W. M.
all to

What is it
It is a picture celebrated
mm pens
Best in use. The outfit of no business man
complete without one.
lo say I am unable to tee by
whit authority you took such
action, and thank you for any
exclamation you may feel inclined
rash suit are cot necessarily
sou. J W Smith. Alternate
Smith, V We the following- from
which gives to give me.
Walker, G T Alternates. of me to that, of this summer
S W Concerning the of you were in no to part with wear ringlets.
L j Judge W. L. and paper without due notice. I No, Maude, dear, electricity
Alternate, W H announced intention lo test the i have received do such notice. I not yet been used by the farmer
T A of the action jam to that or shocking corn.
Thigpen, Alternate, J H that official appoint a voluntarily delivered the paper J success may
S M Col V. S. Lusk today governor. If, however, you ed by close and sustained
f It M O D A gave the a lea from the send it, I do not ti n to says
Alternates, W James, history of the case. myself to doubt that you Philosopher. man
j A S C W i .,.; of the last will promptly notify the may get a head by constant
Col the conditions under which it c ti tho
R Bunt- resolution was introduced was to you, and that Miss we
S M U W Judge for his those have not J ,.,,.,,
S Brown, J T Nelson, infirmity, which resolution ; complied with, and request
was referred to the com- i to at return the pa to you.
w the house While the
The Reflector Book Store
Judicial Delegates.
Thomas, S A on, W question was under consideration
L Judge Judge
L a very. Judge quite a
cumber of leading lawyers and
k Mooring, D W Bailer, B D
W friends, made an appeal
William.--, W Jr., W to the e it would
A James. Gray; Alternate, report the of
of our mutual a.
you fr
own would make mo supremely
will prompt you to do h .
whatever in your The card are oil.
. . rill.
j I . ,., l---c
I. ,
I . a-op-
, . . . of ms. lire,
col i , t. a.
r w. t D. c.
to protect me from anything Ho
or endue
tic the
BO Nobles, G T House. .
J J Elks, I tense, and agreeing to
J B Williams, in the hands of the
L A Arnold. M to lo forwarded to the
J; J Grime . J J a
Fred Dixon, J L Cox; In with that agree
W L Proctor, J A K Tucker, it his
Stokes, A Stokes. resignation, turned r. to the
W L A Port r.
pledging Ml The late m
from forth, i a Tartar lbs
Free but he bid food ens
nut his him
lo his story
by James T. i as
was be
land, and was one el
. la the army.
there he lay
for, ah I they had not told him;
. No at hand, no time to pray,
So quick did it enfold him.
among the applicants for the
recently vacated post of chimney
sweeper at
land. The pay is a year.
You will be astonished when you see them
very cheap the v are.
You may Never
But should you ever
Want Job
Come to see us.
forward it to; ,,,,.,,
The nth was Wail
in 1861, and was in
. . .
W fucker, J O
J Bryan governor in lb of a
to Norwood
J V St. el
John Back W
T Smith, T Cos. J II
C Hard; May
me wine
wrapper encloses n
nation of the of the
twelfth which
A G Cox. you to keep until the expiration
Alternates, alien, J Brooks of ray term of unless at any
I George I time I shall be publicly drunk,
in court or out of court;
Doc Jack-nu, A
M f .
j, aim if alter a thorough
shall rind that I have
W Hart, J publicly drunk, in that
Braxton, Sara- i you to hand said
Reflector Job Printing
Anything from
The Daily
Gives the home
cents a
Are you a
II not you
ought to be.
i E i
Del Mumford, John John
Pierce, Alternates
Asa J T Hart, W J Jack
sou. c Ti Patrick, C K Hooks.
Ca C Cannon. II M
i Smith
Dozier, William At-
Jonas U
II ti
J L fountain, it
Alternates, Little. Phil-
lip-. J H Smith.
J v. Parker, W fl Lang. Alter-
May, F M T L
Alternates. A J Tyson, M
Lewis. W I
J Vin-
cent, II J L Flaming, L I
Moore, Paul Harrington, o l
Joyner. O .
Harvey Allen. Alternates, W s
Brooks, L Dudley, J
C A Tucker. K T W
Smith, L P h. J Ci Move.
B I. Carr.
King, B W King. P
G James, W B James,
dale, W H Smith, H P Keel,
Frank W Tucker. A L
Blow. Alternates, T Norwood a
E I Dudley, W SI o delivery to me of his
Clark, Firkin, U L Little, E, A letter from Judge
will indicate
I very clearly the point of mistake.
There is no stipulation m in-
B B requiring give
resignation to the governor of
North Carolina, and yon are my
agent for that
Saturday, the cl June,
when I
boarded the train I was notified
; by a friend that Judge
win aboard inebriated.
afterwards my attention was
. ed to Judge Norwood a friend.
I was not but
was o waited a
week, Hoping Judge Norwood
would some in
regard to the matter.
I forwarded bu
to the governor, in
with his tho
in-t notion,
no tho matter
except of sorrow
f i July for his friends. It was
an act of mine i J the die.
charge of what I d to be
my duty tho judiciary commit-
tee, and in of the wish
of Judge Norwood-
Norwood his friends
seem to be laboring under a mis.
apprehension of the instructions
It E At r I'm.
J It
J B Little.
T Mason, W Andrews.
N U Corey, II J Williams, J
Alternate, Walter
notice intention of for-
warding his resignation, as will
more fully appear by reference
was not disposed to take any
on Judge Nor-
wood, and for that purpose I
a week, that ho ex-
plain or giro a reason why
he Eastern
is only Si a
the news every
to the farmers, es-
lily those
that is won
ma times than
Congressional E A , should not b forward-
I 1.1; i .- n i i
A Gardner. ,
M Smith, ll I will soy
The army
Were brought lie- in
beats, which were by detail
from the regiment. General
bad ordered that soldiers on duty must
Wear III
A sent out to id
a and permit
mm to take off
and co-its as w. II while engaging
in the
the work bad been
lb men i sprawled tut on
the grail for a ml then General
and role
The general looked th-.-
a in nine, mil lien called the
t. u
UM did BOt G a
but be ruse to feet.
commands this
to the hell my re
plied the captain.
you know, the
it is or-
to all men lo their
em when
have heard some
Captain the man
issued it never did a day
in his When my men have la
hard. I'll see II. in other
I'll let swelter With
d cap.
lain a and rode down to
A soldier Capt,
ton and
you know win that
mid I
General com-
fa t.
Ion. In
Without was tin tin rat
in the command. When the
general end rode luck Iron
the boat the company in lull equipment
i and him a
splendid style hi lo
attract bis attention.
lute and requested captain to put
mm tie When
it was raised
hat, turned I the said
think a company that can
handle inn is well as that should
be to unload a without
anything on
Notice to Creditors.
The Clerk the Superior Court
this day Issued to me Letters l
administration anon the of Rich
ard Mel notice is
to all claims
estate to present them to
for payment, duly authenticated.
or before th. 1st day of-lily, or
this notice will plead In bar of their
recovery. All Indebted to
estate are to make
payment of their indebtedness to me.
This the day of June,
C. J.
of the Richard
have received a
and the line of r-
and in meta
lie and cloth ever
I In ax
in all form;
i o-
treated to care
every mark of
are lower ever
not bf
c J
I a iv I
times the John
Cure All
Liver ills.
To those living
in malarial districts Tint's Tills
they keep the
In perfect order and are
an absolute cure
i for Indigestion,
I malaria, torpid liver, J
all diseases.
I with bis I will
t that the forwarding of the
governor was vol-
on my part.
in-, in b ac-
control. I could recall it if
I w is t j do
The letter Norwood
to in
interview, bears
have mil informed that the
paper in your
I a year ago February,
lo ho daily red to the
. i . i anon the conditions
mu the
I which i. mis
Mai by you governor.
i if AT ION.
brave and
Ami ;.
Tho we'll up
We've on the
may have met her
To make the matter clearer
light u was severe,
The next lie
New York Sun.
Hotel, as rooms,
having thoroughly
and Is n f lean o
rent. Unless n I of
be f Is
under K
further or
Th Clerk of Superior Conn of
County having, on the 8th of
June to me batten Ail.
on the of
Ho ice is hereby given
to all creditors to present
their claims t, me for
or e the
of June or this notice be
plead bar of re All
Indebted to said estate are notified
to payment lo
This the day of June
Public Administrator
Administering the estate of
Barnes deceased,
Land Posted.
All are hereby enter,
ins upon our with gun or dip, or
for any other purpose, under the pen
the law, The lands hereby
posted situated on the north side of
Tar In township, ad-
joining Wm. John Proctor
the Adam Filming, Ian Is, and
river, persons are
driving cattle upon
The law will rigidly
June 4th
A. J.
Tobacco Sticks
wilting Sticks
get them St tin Lumber
s tho late
all are
Mid to present all claim- against the
estate of the laid Jesse Adams for p
on or day of March,
1808, or this will be plead ill bar
their recovery. All persons Indebted
to the said are to make
ThU the 6th
day of March,
-A. I. . I me governor. r
A tiC
II i M,
i to in loud,
of order from tho Super
of tho
l estate of T f
Harrison, will
day of May, before the
bidder the pared
One I lot In the town of Ayden,
adjoining the
lands M. K. I. W. II
Amos u r, one-
acre, more or
Term, of i
of T, F. Harrison.
Mourn a
Dealer la
Port Sis, MB-
and buying t
year's supplies will It to their In.
to our prices before
Our stock u
It its
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar.,
Flour, Sugar,
Always price.
as we buy direct from
A of
n told at
nil ii
lire n hi a d mi h virgin.
S. M.
J C. ft CO
Wire and Iron Fencing
only First-class work
prices reasonable.
f ft It.
Whichard, N. C
complete in
very department
low as the low
est. Highest
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector.
D. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH TO FICTION. TERMS psi Year in Advance.
I. a pillow ,
II during Nil the
II lo the
the . I lit hive.
n nil
I sir i s i i
It In.
r I f
semi ., .
I on . hi .
No Stamps on Money Order.
An almost total stoppage f
money order on
ii is said, has been averted by
agreement officials
of Treasury and
not require stamps to affixed
to domestic orders. It
would be say the
to stamps by that
date. As constructed
officials law requires simply
an additional charge of tho value
of the to h. made
money order is The
paragraph of war revenue
law in regard to money orders,
from and after tho first
day cf
of Ibis
well to money
by government
of United and price
of such money shall be in-
creased by to value
of the clamps herein provided
latter portion of the pas-
sage is taken to mean that stamps
are not to be need. This con-
of law will
use of about mil-
lion stamps each year, that being
approximate number
orders annually. A
to at money order
office has been prepared by
them to follow Ilia ruling. ho
blank application, etc, now in
need not be changed and not
until on hand is ex
will any change appear In
money order
Professional Cards
W. L.
N. C.
In all
Swift B. V.
H. N. C
N. C
In the
r ii. I. Jakes
i. n. o,
Office over J.
H. -null, V, II. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
and t Law
all the Court.
W. B. W.
i , c,
N. C.
near Only
r In own
r ob
D SI i-.
hesitation and
of in landing
fl l all
i am l oil
it i
before i's advance
a r hi up . tho
wild elating that Span-
of and it is
understood Santiago is net
lo the
which have rushed
Camp Alger of the
Fair, at Newport have
joined l I look its
though station a
Bay, which put tho ad.
i trail in
reopened a few days too sou.
if there had
orders from Washington
would have lea delay. It
is low stated, unofficially, of
the movement
Rico been
the ii
our that the whole available
army may be sent to help e-
eke Santiago- Caution ii a goo
thing, moderation, hut
in the of a war i-s
about policy that could
be adopted.
tentative of
fancy f
an alliance with England, and
that the
i consequently he Ins offered a
g this
country looks disfavor
every suggestion of
with any European
volunteer brigadiers
nominated tin- week was the
notorious Adelbert Ames, whose
career as a carp, Senator
from Miss and as governor of
that state, both under tho mill-
and during short
time that it was under do-
most be well r
ed in that state. Ills homo in
Mass, before be became a
and be has resided in
state since
of Mississippi virtually drove him
out of their
the F- But-
end was at West
A prominent of Minne-
now in Washington, says of
the in
thorough fusion has
been effected between the silver
Republicans, Democrats, and
Populists, and they to
elect John governor. The
Republican which in
-ho are in
for there in is
to thousands good
who will help to throw out
a clique as ever
ed a slate. candidate on
fusion ticket able, clean
The debate on the
annexation of ii hos
not readied the
stage in the it
that did
not lee what good filibustering
do, and that after had
st their objections would
not taking a vote.
that many re-
of opinion an
think it would a
good thing for Congress to re
main in session while the is
going on, may play a more
part in postponing a you-
annexation than is now
It is well known that the Re-
publican pi o is to hurry
adjournment the
resolution bas been adopted
palled i
tor . i Mi r i
with newel in w
with i
care quality, go tills-
m ii I in
for i I.-. . i
of ; g v
A i it
m he
Hum. In tin
I i I
all i pi to
i. r . did a take
he h n
people i f will
occasion no. o i. I
. ,
ca red b
v. i . ,
. i I i i ii
ore. illy n-. S .
I ill elate
i i. . i P
What Stamps t
of mat i
ma i
b . good
trait l . ii
b r, rib i Edward B k
c bat I en I . i . o
In t
, i.
I I In i. of
and i .
i ore r--
I i Homo
, a new, I c
g -r-
PI r
, of
i . . is
. , I,,
Dry n
I fl I -w j S-m taxation, m i. . v n ;
which i. .
Dross Laces, Notions,
of all kinds, Gents Furnishing Huts and
Caps, Shoes and tan
to tit tho ladies, men. girls and boys.
f e-
men which enters into Hie
M to i -.-. .,
; . i
c ;,,, not i .-
n I i, , , ;. v ,
by ii. n i
cl the I -i
i w;
i i- i A line
AS III while, colors,
i . ;, . Pock
et ion,
and v. e war
rant. Beautiful
line of
Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Poles
in colon, w
in I colors-six and seven
fir somebody,
Tl r
m n
c-i o w
I r-.-. of
ranging fl Q r
o feet inches. The
e . -it
i thin
v are still gr
Or . t-i lake a
i .
I I. ,. . ,.
foe. T-
.,,. . .-. , r .
. r .
. ,. i
r i. d
. . t I
rt r-
I .
Hocker -m
ever ; per
i A. Ar
Picture. Ml r
I . i .
;. m.-,
i in
. graphed mailed fr.
W rite it. If wish
f M a t
, a mailed for So. All Carpet flat
aM Hi to
all i I prepaid
Cat i
. I
free ct-
Rugs, Art Squares, Matting, Oil
Cloths, Mats in rubber, steel arid cocoa
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Library Lamps,
Lanterns, Pin sec our Automatic Oil
Can, fills your lamp and dues not run it over
Georgia have a
in th,. of r-
a lot of snakes on
I homo
of wet. Thin i
. .
I i-i
On Mi a a of
Bed Boom in if i i i
all kind l
Oak i
of i In t, en Dining Tablet, e
Ac No
Tl r
. .
. . HI ll .
-I the
h i . M
. A. Vi n
this i w
Si fir, I-
Beach, ; Tl i W
. . , . Ill r
,. I i In i. a n
,. i S
two men I
i , lo b I I
i Hot Mr Y
Mil two
how woodwork,
i to used to a to Mr. Von
who i i
1793 School
M . LL
JO Army
N. G.
i n -f ii
take her voyage the
I. M
Mo pile I being
ii s a oat ahead. We guarantee and picas-10 to
our will prove positive tn th
t. i. i., iii. i-i
fir mutual i i ,
I hi
water I
I h
I bey were the n
your but the Kentucky Thomas G. Smith, and
by the Senate.
pour a hot broadside Into
lbs silver
to tho
which ho nine out of
ten with having
have to adopt In do it. Their
ground of opposition i that the.
tho right
Federal to
control polls at Congress
by the Federal
law. which was repealed
a few years has
always opposed by tho
n u i we it'll
j i;
co repeated experiment
tin- c that In
subs green n
r the use ore pound
to hundred and the crew hid hen i
of water, or about i. theory would b
I v , it pilot house.
It is Hem
eke, whore ma
ii Hi i
I the pilot
ii lit owner d ; l
the cl
the , e
Mop tho war,
except the Brat for
before he oil on a
point of order. laid
that of
speed. tho
ion as
cards the members
this side is false. man on
this able has voted for
bill, and no man
cast tho reflection
a of this House,
contained in tho speech of the
from Ohio, be
not dead to all of honor
In Ml
possession with winch
the must have been
Tho Democratic Senators have
decided to defeat the bill relent-
pasted by tho Home, author-
r soldiers lo
for in their
of they any
Willi The
lob ion good terms with
local papers is
mom Important
than ma-iv
of most
advertising men told me
other day Unit of his success
was lo his policy by treat-
ins newspapers right. Be
said ho too but to
treat ad
politely, alums endeavored to
friction in re- to
selling of bin and in
way to maintain cordial
relations. Tho is that the
will go out of their
way. do mil of
tho ordinary for
of a to an average It
of water. Peru
very when
and It has boon shown an
have in ah lour
H t a
flute, re i
it n ;
lo ii
wise the and lo
pi .
,.; I ; I-
mI horn worm and
and equip-
m l in i h
, Academic El-
ii-d Sell
J classes open women
I Board
eh and leans tho needy
r . teacher;
t-i Total
The Sort i Carolina
College of Agriculture
and Mechanic Arts
equipment in every
int. three
ill Faculty in
X. C
r, II and when we rid
ill in t is d
s Alfred Pearce,
Baltimore, has a bunt lug burn
that was given lo Ins
boy I I el I in tin -y
had d home
Hi- i- and i c
worried r ii until II e i
In ,. i man mi n ill .
and him
A III i n u
reach d camp as I i- v on
de, and ard -I play
i old, .
i in c
hi i-
I,. I to
much dial I think I'll
her sell in- my rifle
i- n, II All
The State Normal and
Industrial College
s the young women the
ii literary,
it All-
More than
1,500 every
, in the Slat except two,
Observation School o about
pupils. To secure board In
it all free
mule In lore
from tin
, competent trained
and other
Washing is dona In Japan by
getting a boil, letting
tho garments to be washed dreg
after boat by a long siring.
it . .
is well that y of our re-
soldiers now mar
Heal ii e
with American Indiana who fol-
lowed same mode
ii my el able to I
ode of war
will no doubt
by the
Greenville School
be in id in College
n M iii ii
Limited not to
it rm Sept l-t
of Tuition
to lilt
month 3.00
Fr each
I Theory and
ii- month 3.00
pi r month
Tel in-
taking both Unite and
in be allowed
port Fall
in tine education
enter Tour
Any further will
Wit n
L. L.

Eastern reflector, 28 June 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 28, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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