Eastern reflector, 3 May 1898

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Shameful Partnership.
obligation gratitude
honorably disregard in
I lie future. For tie Democratic
to fuse with
party means
of the pact and take
of laying unloaded
upon it still greater odium in the
it must share
The Democratic patty should
the fact firmly in min d
to fuse with the populist party is
to become a retroactive partner
n the acts that have
marked the elevation of that party
to power. I cannot be
that the Republican party more
responsible for the bitter ,
and disgrace of stale
than is its populist ally. The this glorious
further fact is also to be consider- are a unit in
ed that if fie Democratic i arty met. 8- no means US.
accents victory at the of Orleans Picayune.
incurs th
What The Mean Sow
ft What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
Beat in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
cheap are.
But should you t-
Want Job
Washington, April
One country, one and one
licking of Spain.
That sentiment
in Washington since the war
Sow that Mr.
has shaken off the
and benumbing
he has thoroughly alive
to Hie necessities of th I
Ibis ha- particularly
during the past week. He
started on right track
he asked Congress for
to use the army and to
Spain to
proper stop when he sent mat
ultimatum to Spain, again when
lie recognized Ibo of our
minister bf Spain an act of
war; wain when be issued orders
fleet u Cockade
and vet again when be
proclamation calling for
men o two years
poorer is
behind every one of these
note and lie people are light
behind Congress The
in unprecedented, nod every
Spanish flag captured by
warships ado to it- The only
that is heard is that all who
desire to participate avenging
Maine cannot do so. each
Mate will on furnishing its
full quota of troops called for.
National of the Dis-
Columbia is already on
in a of
ard only m
third can bone to CO every Of
is to start for Cuba.
teer arm v which was by
last for
four Generals, and the
is general in Washington
that and Joe. Wheeler,
of Alabama.-ill be tendered com-
missions of that rank
Roosevelt, scrappy Assistant
Secretary the navy, will resign
that position in order to on
Lee's Cuba.
When once our army gets
his points by a
of bis stories, vote was
taken and was by
a vote of to
A long story night be told
about tie lightening cabinet
change, in which editor
Emory Smith succeeded
A Gary as Postmaster
General, but if so old an enemy
of as Senator Quay was
willing to keep quiet and
that Smith's be
confirmed by the surely
others COB so, at least
war is over- now
is wanted will not
add to the strength of govern-
the first and
is that no be lost
in the war to a victorious
The kM salve In the world for C
Brakes. Sir,.
Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hat
Chilblains, Corns, all Skin
by Local applications, as they cannot
the diseased portion the ear.
There is only one way to care deaf
and that Is by constitutional
price cents per
o. L. Women.
cures Tiles no Deafness is caused by an Inflamed
pay is In of the mucous of the
perfect satisfaction or money Tube. When this tube gets In-
cents per box. For sale by yon have a rumbling sound or
hearing, and when it is en-
closed it the result, and
unless the Inflammation can be
out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, bearing will be de-
forever; c oases out often
are caused by which Is
Notice to Creditors.
duly the Pa-
Court Clerk Put county as
Executor of the estate of dank; an Inflamed the mucous
L. Bell deceased, notice Is here- surface.
by given lo all persons indebted We will One Hundred
the estate to immediate payment, for any ease of Deafness by
to the and to all creditors cannot he cured by Ball's
of said estate to present their claims. Cure. Send for circulars.
properly authenticated, to under- CO. Toledo, O
signed, within twelve months after
date or this notice, or this notice will Halls
be plead In bar of their recovery.
This the of March
Executor the estate of Sarah L.
Notice Dissolution.
The Ann Ricks . Tall hare this
day by consent, J. A.
A. II. Taft withdrawing
from the firm. W II, Kicks and S. H.
Taft will continue business same as
heretofore under name of Kicks A
Taft- All line the are to
be lo said Ricks Taft who also
assume ail
March, 7th, J. A. RICKS,
E. U. TarT.
cur friends an the
generally their liberal patronage In
the past we solicit a continuance of th
same in the
signed, within twelve months after Sold by
Family Fills are the best.
Cure Ml
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
arc invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
State of North Carolina, I In tho Sup
f r
Come to see us.-
Reflector Job Printing
Anything from
is it in C
The Daily
Gives the home news
afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber not you
mill lo be.
specific duly, thus
purgatives and by
Notice to Creditors.
I, G. M. In a certain
deed in trust executed to me on June
the 7th, 1897, by J. H. W. K.
County, f Court- and St. A. trading
J. II. Cobb and Sarah Cox, J-
C. A. Blount. II. I. or, either of
F Y of said individually la
i. claims to the
,. and Blount. who on or the April,
arc defendants In the above ,, ,,, d
will notice a Special on
Proceeding entitled m above, has been Sid a
commenced in th shall I Ml to said claim as above
Pitt County, the Clerk, for the w, in tar
partition of certain real In the any In the dividend or
county of Pitt In which the I ft
and defendants are T
The K. J. Blount and E- T.
Will kite arc
of the
clerk of the Superior of said
county on Friday the day of May,
in Greenville. and answer
or demur to the petition and complaint
in said action, or the plaintiffs will
ply ft Court for the relict demand-
ed therein. , .,
this the 20th
Clerk Superior I County.
Is only SI a year.
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
times more than
the subscription price.
Cob, it will work
Ibo Spaniards,
weeks most elapse before
Hi at can be gathered on
anthem o
embarkation for Cuba. Until
then we shall o content
with ho that
warships will a ac-
count of themselves in any en-
casements will have either
with Spanish forts in
or with the Spanish warships;
may as well
to bear of
capture of an merchant
ship en the ether side of At-
by Spanish. We can
hope that Spanish
navy will over and
ships, but there are no indications
now in eight that it will do It
looks as will have
to go when
captured Cuba.
The authorized by the
war revenue bill reported to the
from wars com-
ore com gold
idea bad to
bearing par cent interest.
is amount, to run
from ten to twenty years at the
pleasure oil he government. The
of in per cent
treasury certificates of indebted-
u also bill
makes in the internal
revenue tax on beer and
tobacco, and provides
for new by stamps
similar to the system in
just after war, will it is
estimated add a year
government's revenues-
There is little that
the witty of Private John
Allen, of Mississippi shamed
enough republican members of
House to save the seat of
Carmack, of Ten-
which contested by
Patterson, who ran against
him as a gold Democrat and was
supported by republicans,
republicans voted for Carmack
and a number not vote
It had been understood Mint
solid vote had been
pledged to Patterson by Gen.
and other of
the party, but John Allen
bad shown up In own
manner zigzag- financial
career of Jonah em-
received a
and nice-t line of
and in wood, met
lie and cloth eel brought
We am
in all
Personal attention given to con-
ducting and bodies en-
trusted to will
every mark of
e do not want
We can be found at any and i
times the .
BOB ft
On Monday May 2nd. before the hurt House door in the town
Greenville, I will sell the tracts of land to satisfy the taxes
due thereon for the year 1307, compliance with section
Act. laws of 1897. W. H.
Sheriff Pitt
from the assets the
is given by
order of court. This March II,
D. M. Ti
Administrators Notice.
B; virtue of order from the Super-
our of Pitt
the V,
deceased, will till
CM of May. before the
House door In sell to the
bidder following parcel of
One lot In the town of Ayden,
on adjoining the
lands of M. F. I, W. H.
and Amos
acre, more or
sale cash.
of T K. Harrison.
A; Moore,
Tripp, W
Knight. W T
Teel, Fannie
Cooper, A
Johnson, J II
Keel. J S
Cl J
Jackson Bros Co
Edward, Mrs Sarah J
Smith. Patrick
Wilson, Frank
Old Dominion line
A. a.-cit S B
Parker. Watt
Spier. J E
Slaughter, heirs
Tripp, U B
Cobb A Son. J O,
Dupree, J K
Johnson. J H
Morgan. I F
Mayo. Mrs M I,
Parker, Mrs
Beams, Mrs W A
Reaves. Mrs
Vines, C C
Vines, Mrs C
Joyner, Andrew
Lewis, T
Rawls, W S
Ion i
I on
Port Sis,
Farmers and Inlying t
year's supplies will Had it their in
est to our prices before
Our stock Is complete
l Its branches.
Flour, Sugar,
Always lowest market prices
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
a in
A stock
n and at i .
suit Our foods arc all b m .
sold for therefore,
rise lo run we sell at a close
Cherry, Benjamin
Corey, W M
Daniel, Jordan
Dudley, Gorge
Daniel, J D and wife
Eaton. Benjamin
Elks. J I.
Harris, Ed
Jenkins. B J
James, Henry
Parker, Mary
Reaves, Henry
Sermons. heirs
Sow, I A
White, Benjamin
Steamers leave Washington for
for touching at all land-
toga on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. .
Tuesdays, and
Greenville days.
These are subject lo stage
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers fur Norfolk,
Philadelphia. New York and Boston-
Shippers should order goods
marked via Dominion from
folk A Baltimore Steamboat
from Merchants Miners
Line Boston.
SON. Agent,
all Pat-
i r Sets.
. , ,
Scad or photo.,
-n. II c c,
Dot I'll
V. S. sod
Opp. i-i O ii D. C.
j C. ft CO
H. C
Wire and Iron Fencing;
prices reasonable.
Brooks. S W
Cox, John M
Colin, A. agent h II C
Daniel. Jordan
Harding A Harding
Mary E
Kate B
M. i
It any whose appear above have for
them present the same owe and will he stopped.
taxes let
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
You In an Air
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Grip,
and Long
be m-i.
Be ill
fa, f
hat who is
man who live
income i i
th.- i. .,
air lo rare
II n.
for and
and be
Hod paper.
bi if
i i
who of
on of La
In is o be a
happy crown are
to or to
like a spoiled Child
apt In. place
ore at lit lie
and pays
ii.,. Journal.
Natural Allies and friend
Tin- or good
so to
wished no or ob
should be allowed to in its
way. has plainly recognized,
at that is and
only ally friend. We be-
have long end ti t it
The trouble been there has
bun practical say
was The r
y 011- cl which
em the
ledge It be
course, this newly
in likely It
lo than to in, in view
the Continent toward
her. Hut what of ii statesmen
do not closely into motives.
The sole Is it a
Is a
fir and No one
Who sees how all going in the
Continental Stales tan well help
ring these quit Lent in
Sort Pen-
and value
for your U i is
with the newest new
selected with i
care a taste
styles, have com
for people, A large
variety of Hie
A Urge in every
iii.-i t as ion
Ilk.-tin in. Styles and fashions the
; c.
all prices. fall to tee
our splendid and lake ad.
of of-
our mammoth stock
one Dav.
e Account given in
in of serious wind
tint visited Creek on
last it was
noted that Mr. Mike
blown Mr
a family of
who left
He i well ad years in
la a late Hie
for II e
of bis family
were and
be was given a happy
about fifty of of Clear
Creek ship
and began
rebuilding They
all day and at
was completed, the
and Ibo wore
Charlotte News.
Sampson lion.
A Theory
A schoolboy asked to ex
plain tie formation of dew. II is
answer lib Ives
an every
in of
mi are a which it
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond.
J. La
N. C.
In all courts.
Swift Galloway,
N. C
Greenville, N. C
Practice In all the
N. O
Cobb A Con's Store.
John II. small, w. fl. Long,
N. C.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Practices In ail the
W. B. . W. Grimes
N. C.
near . Only
shop town by
J IS i
about say
Kid, de
babies is up arms out
A dispatch cent
war says that since
of that
Las lost much good
see an the
paper of aS least one
soldiers who is tick of Span
no. Ho simply a
combination of yellow and
The are to gar.
Hut they'll to sorrow
simply petting Of
Whit we en do in in.
The Machinist New Yolk
Some when times
are Ike crack doom ;
just to the city line.
Some men advertise
tiny ire it will last
There are other who advertise all
The hitter and
th y want.
dull inns there Is
the is out
One is optimist in
a in and a
. v. time.
The other is a plain,
arc yea
It is to at
tins time that the United
there are twelve
who served Union
army, and twelve who served in
the Confederate army.
are lie
who served in army
and thirty who
Laces. Edging,
of all kinds, Gents Goods,
Caps, Shoes and in black tan
t fit the men, girls and boys.
SHOES sold
by any ore is what customers
about our Shoes Oxfords, A line of
black and color-.
Window shade in all colon.
et Knives,
and Scissor- we war
Lace Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Polos
in white and Window Shades
in all colors-six and seven
ft long,
Rugs, Art Squares, Matting, Oil
Cloth-;, Door Mats in rubber, steel and cocoa,
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Library Lamps,
Lanterns, Tinware, sec our Automatic
Can, fills your lamp does not run it
. pie f n ire
at p. . f
ii. . r .
r ; . .
a other t i. .
An . n into
cm I ti . r f sell
i u d p
. at I ad
; e ox-
at lb a, I
ii a t. -1 i It
I . out
n t. in b -ii
cal ii r. . In
hot u k p
pk n in I
n In xi naive on
bi r of
r fr in cc
Lei n st t e I i
I i-i m rattier I
. n in- he will -iv. ii
money bin-,
a local man a
i bard
n dollar for I plan.
If a for an tail-
I s
can gel f om
I'll- even in while
or, who
and much, aborted for
is and If-on who i
of wonder
mils i is I e
i- a bis and Ibo r
bi a.
newspaper, n
people's avoids
. i,. He
in I re a
nod w,. h ,. . f.,. j .,.,
war Hp be
f el duration, a f. w
r--i in n
. i ,
I In. w weeks
i a ind I
I at, . f e
r p their nil f r
ii longer . I-
if ll o ab at
i in n
I , In .
to .-n.-f l
On our up-stair you will large
Room a in Solid ranging In price from to Bureau,
of all prices, Bedstead, Oak
Oak Sideboards Children Couches,
Chain all kinds. Commodes, Dining Tables, Kitchen
Tablet, Tin Safes, Kinks. Ac. Ho question about these cols
ho question about a being Come t. us for your
GOODS ard you will come out We guarantee profit pleat r to
very Profit, u e our Will proven positive saving to
Oliver. goods fail to in quality and Style.
Tours for mutual benefit,
Spokes, Hubs, Building Materials Faints
Oils and Stoves
Fair Dealings and Honest Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
i . i. it- s
I i i
o cot to
. i ho- m i's ii. i
lo lie
mil if i
i ii t
I . ; does no to In i s
p -t of bow I.-.-., Ii
a p i-.
If with
tome ii
mil its publication high
i local paper, if
i- i. pi
e . i.
It is Ibo a .
which ti-
which the
con mid i I
and e rt of home
all tun. r, I and
i p
Tarry pr, ,
ha a
raise revenue to on the
war with The pro
n war of
every deal or i
ii it ii by ck,
duo in- i i go i r
company, or
of a Tie
I wit ii it
i lo lax n tier
revenue of
tit from Mad-
rid i
and nut ii fee private i
have applied to the i
letters marque
token as the
of the
rather than of
in tins
fall r.
within lb., definition of
royal M,
brand, as pirate
no. being American,
acts of win Spain, i if
provided with letter marque
fleet before
s a.-ii
but i, CHi ii
a I I force of
will d
for Tl i
Iv v I
Re ate
It f-- in e
i I e
to o ii n I n-
on to l- it a c-
they no et
of tin lo over-
he Notional rd
i. i no
lo Cut n tr.,
None i f i--
for such can a it. w
be there. Thee
all i i m nth lo i
r i in of vice in
y i i. in .
I- Hi e u
war in d iv c-r
of . is
got i era in a ape f
ti- campaign i .-. f e
i e p e .- s e
Iii ii tie long t-
a to
l lit
op n I. be id a
hi f In -1; with
ho i en iv.
Even t II i ed
and i by Be. I w aid bi
a victory if we in t
t c
an t i I
ti i It. on t
Co in keep
n d Vol.
i-i Hi v mi bile our i v
i iii h- I i
; e Spaniards will l
or Inter.
e I v. be . ii t e
S n i-i. . n . i- a
into a gt i a n d i i
en . may be
lo a by
complete d it.
Into i t f that la in t
Biting to ; on
I old be r. therefore, to
the op i t-
a period of ti -l lines
i In- t oven in-
if not into i e -t
Tl i war it it job we must
go lo II e n ebb-
en e e
I .
th it We strike
it may be m Sew k
n u
pro ; ; in rial c
m ti .- v s.
as Hue lost time
b. f re this a Pf of
t . d S is r
N m
K mi c on
r Cilia i I SO. h
to a In ,,. if ti o
i i . ii. i it i-
ti ii will
go in North
I i . I was t . most
lit- . ii
s r of all
The men and
e in i iced
in iii-. i are,
E W. IS k Hi,.
ire energetic nod
meaning. Bat sometime they
lack that nicety and wisdom of
n which is tin
.-it- in in
. i sue i s mew
allow their to run
one of
their official statements which
i V i growth I
in rape ranee In America, daring
i i- Mains good
p Ii tin contain
lag statement sear, will re
ill i 1.1 iii,
. aye mi tit
which lo verily a state
it, and will
liable by it. whereas, in r.
exact I e i site is truth.
i ii novel en u time in
p i strongly a
tit present.
ii been so
its lit Bi lit. ll i i r
strong lei toward
Indulgence is
f impossible to
n be
. figure bear oat tho very
y i fields, , ,
and for
a w. i k I have a . .
you. have I unable
my appetite
B nun
some see
Ce looked and Smiths
And so rho It- n
good about
ll i
it off the
o penis and made then
u fob
Si can't last long if
S i be to buck
Havana may tolerable
Uncle Sam, I
guess our ;,
Dem Mr.
yell .,
you five l did
lube in his month, but be
blow it
ll got p great
I. .-.-
the i and Am
i. than the
word, -N. Idea
hit would Spain and
to print
sit pin us edition of
of of
And ,
i. -.-, ,. Hp
Will bus

. Editor
Entered at the poet t Greenville,
N . second class null r.
Mai 1898
Sloop With Spies
y lo K
Key West, April Span-
i-h sloop was captured by th
lam three miles ell Havana
and was broach here this morning.
She had a cargo and seven Span-
spies aboard and was trying to
sneak in Havana harbor by the block-
-n captured. The spits were
trying to lien.
they had on the
Aim side.
By Cable to Reflector.
On Board Flag Ship, New York.
April Sampson's oaf
hip. New York, the
and the cruiser Cincinnati, alter being
fired upon returned eighty six shots
into the Spanish forts at
silencing and destroying them in
minutes. This M.
at on Wednesday and was
the first of war. The
our ships and ship as ex-
their and effectual
work fully meeting every
The tailed lo hit our boats
at all, though they near ii I
times. Loss among the Spaniards
is supposed lo be heavy, our none,
The result ibis Mini
that Havana is at mercy.
Spanish Fleet Sailed
Cable to
St. Vincent, Cape Island,
April Heel
here this in a southerly
Another Victory
Key West, April
Sampson's flagship New has an-
other victory to credit. She
shelled the Port
as, thirty-five west
in minutes they a mass of
Every shot gallant
flagship was end carried de-
in wake. The part had
tired oh and Porter
did them no
The about
o'clock Friday evening. The New
York found it necessary use only
h-r -mall nuns Is silence the
is well provisioned with coal and
St. Vincent. April Mm This after-
noon two Spanish transports and
torpedo boats returned to port
lit re some cause as yet unknown
It they remain here hours,
the neutrality laws they will
be permitted to leave.
had signal posts
along the coast.
the county in which the late
ii. Orioles lived. It is
fitting indeed to named the
for the lamented in
one of the best and most
beloved Generals of the
bat it should have been so
named in of not
in honor of on the
of its volunteering when
it did not volunteer
Paris Safe
New April steamer
about which there has been .-o
much anxiety UM mist week, arrived
Nile in port here this morning.
She a a Terror.
By Telegraph to
Key West. April torpedo
boat Terror is steaming in
She went out single handed
and captured Spanish st arm r
The steamer did not want to
yield, but two solid shots close
her bow made the situation so mi u
tint she hove to. The Guido was
loaded with provisions
American Consulate Attacked.
By lo
Kingston, April
report reached here tint a Spanish
mob attacked the American consulate
at Full particulars the
attack and extent damage not
Army Held Hack.
By Telegraph Reflector.
Washington, April Army
in a conference decided not
to semi the land forces into Cuba
Paris Not Sighted
lo Reflector.
of the Canard Line steamer
arrived here this morning from New
the was
lighted on his trip.
Portugal's decree neutrality, made
today, forbids the equipment of
privateers In Spanish waters.
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key West, April
gunboats list night tried run
blocked lie- American fleet and gum
an enhance i Havana harbor. They
i met by the Iowa who
repulsed single handed. The
Iowa is Bob craft,
not a him.
Mr. Sol C. a few
mouths ago moved from
to New York, died in
the latter city on lie
wise lawyer of marked ability
and was one of the most
men. lie had been
in New York but a short while yet
was rapidly winning his way to
the on a man of influence
and power. His remains were
brought to Wilmington.
One of the strongest points in
our system of government is em-
by situation
is Washington. In tho
War and Navy Department build-
in which are heated
lighting of the govern-
the hurry and bustle of war
is seen on every hand, while the
other department buildings, in
which business relating to the
industrial and commercial pro-
of the country, such as the
management of great postal
system, tho granting of
looking after public lands etc. is
going, on as though there
never was such a thing as a war.
so will continue to go
whether the war lasts three weeks
or months. The fighting
branches of the government will
attend to the war without en-
roaching the business of
other branches.
money talks. We make it talk for u
x by buying at inside prices, and w
give our customers the advantage of it. W
want to do business with you. We buy
ii as Ally-
By Cable to Reflector.
London, April special from
Lisbon declare-, that President lie-
sent u note to Portugal threat-
her as an ally Spain she did
not dismiss the Spanish fleet Caps
Portugal replied to the note
forbidding the transmission news
between warships. This
caused a sensation here, as it was
taken lo indicate that Portugal an
ally Spain.
Will Hold the lot
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key West. April
fleet will not allow the Curls at
to be rebuilt.
Army Deficiency
By T. to
Washington, April
Alger today submitted the deficiency
lie places figures
The Semite adopted the
report on the naval appropriations
Convicted of Treason.
By Telegraph to
Key We-t. April morn-
a sailor aboard the Puritan
was convicted treason by a court
martial and condemned to death, lie
b; shot. His family is at
mid he s caught filing a lock of one
of the Puritan's magazines. It
his purpose to pet merge on the
monitor by blowing hi r up for the part
-lie look in lbs late bombardment.
Congress Continue in Session.
By Telegraph to Reflector
Washington, April has
decided to sit in session
through the progress war.
The official information cf the
of has not yet
been received at the navy department.
Stocks Advance
By Telegraph to Reflector.
New York, April s-
of the United states at Manual
has caused n rise in stocks mid the
market is excited.
France in lighting Trim
By Telegraph to Reflector,
April is an extra
in naval and military
activities All ships arc being
rapidly put in thorough fighting trim
Orders Invasion
fly T e to Reflector.
T. April were
Issued to the troops here to
prepare tat the invasion Cuba
i bustle and activity
the and the troops are
for to move.
Troops for Cuba
By to
Washington, April
May has been selected as the date
lo move Co Cuba the Catted
States troops that are now lining
to Tampa, lien. Shatter, who
has ordered to lake c unman J o
first detachment the invading
army, will transfer his rs to
Cuban soil.
Arrangements for
lo troops to Cuba
an practically completed. The
place decided upon is lo
be either Cardenas or
On the will send
in ruinations to tie Senate for Major
Generals and Brigadier Generals
command lb volunteers.
A official this
gave out the information that a eon-
tract been entered into by the
government tor construction MM
hundred torpedo boats.
The will lo
the protest Powers
the bombardment
Orders have been issued that the force
guards he doubled arsenals and
powder nulls against spies,
Austria Neutral
Vienna, April report that
Joseph had subscribed
largely to Spanish naval is
utterly Austria will observe
absolute neutrality.
The owner the Holland submarine
boat oilers lo hi
As an induce,
for the his
lie to go to Key Vest, joint
Admiral Sampson- and
his own crew enter Hi I harbor
Havana night and throw a
mi; bomb into Mono it the
will lo
chase the vessel at the conclusion of
the It is said that
only objection to th s is
de.-ii j to delay
vigorous hostilities la the hope
the Spaniards will Cuba after
a display lores
Troops Moving
Jacksonville, April Forty
car loads of troop passed here las
right Tampa.
Fred Grunt
By Telegraph lo
Washington, April Hut.
North today introduced
a resolution in the providing
an income lax.
The President has decided lo
mission Fred. V. Grant as Brigadier
Officials have decided to appoint
General Miles as Governor
Cuba until Spaniards arc driven out.
Our Hag will he raised.
Pontoon Bridges
By Telegraph lo
West Point, April A
engineers vita
pontoon here today tor
Tampa the army in invading
tor Key West
Tampa, April Barton's
Bed Cross nurses sailed from
Ibis port Key this morning
on the steamer Mascot.
Spied Once
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Fort April Spanish
spy who has been trying to get
around the post here, was
today. is here
to appoint a court martial and spy
will undoubtedly he shot.
Two Delayed Telegrams
By lob graph lo Reflector.
April amend-
by the to the
proposition were defeated.
Wellington, April
war lull providing addition,
of first
year of the war, t b
issuing cf has
For the past week Pitt
County Company H . have
much credit throughout
the State to which
in some of
r-. notably and
that the company was
the only one in Eastern North
i that hail to
a i in Cuba, while the fact is only
members the company
expressed such a willingness. The
only volunteering the company
did was to anywhere in the
but maintained all
along that it not go to
Friday's Raleigh papers give
still farther by
that the Camp Grimes bad
been selected for the camp at
Raleigh in honor cf Company H.
it being the first company to
volunteer to go to Cuba and being
Washington. April 29th
of tardiness on the
part of administration in
pushing the war against Spain
growing louder each day, as in-
increase that the
is expecting a long
war, instead of a very short one.
The of Representative
who probably voiced
the sentiments of Mr.
on the bill to provide war revenues
for the government, which has
just passed the House, indicated
bis belief that the war would last
for years. He could not prop-
answered, because nobody
cared to get up and say things
they knew to be true that would
be constructed by Spain and
Europe as meaning that there was
a division of sentiment among
Americans us to this war. The
same feeling has prevented public
of the remarkable
of in which the War
Department was to he when
Mr. finally gave up his
jack hope of securing the
freedom of Cuba through peace-
negotiations. The people do
not want a war, and do not
believe that there n any occasion
for one. Fitz Lee, who is good
military authority, and who has
been over tho ground,
has said that with men and
the cc-operation cf the navy Ha-
be in
That many troops, three-fourths
of regulars, could be land-
ed in Cuba in hours after an
order was issued, and the navy is
already there. But there is no
order. Instead, is a
lot of talk about the necessity of
the 1- volunteers called
remaining several months in
camps of instruction, and of the
probability of Spaniards being
allowed to remain in Cuba until
fall, unless tho insurgent army
can drive them or tho block-
starves them out- Mr.
calls this a war for human-
but a continuation of the
blockade of Cuban ports without
c them will result in
as many women and
children to death as Butcher
policy did. The Span-
army in Cuba isn't suffering
for prepared for the
Under the law for the
of regular army, which
went into effect this week, the
total will at once up to
won men, and the war-pay of
will increased per
Made by Orange Va. Observer
The the best bark is th
Virtue is the and vice the
deformity the soul.
The latest Senatorial
are a
Walking with baby
is the true circle.
A Bee often meets with reverses,
but as a rule he is successful in
The figures on wall paper that
Intel the most attention are the prices.
The good some men do is
the is not
The wages of sin arc
high, but their altitude does not extend
towards heaven.
Its about time for the man
lo buy a lawn mower for and
more lawn his wife.
It looks as though the backbone
winter was broken, hut a little bustle
the north may spring it back
It is vastly easier the hi ad
of one cf your enemies Ii an lo break
the hack of one own bad hub-
The feeling of has
lifted many a man up when never he-
lore has he there was any
demand for his manhood.
Now the organ-grinder
Ills on his back, comes of
spring a sad
him clear the track.
He whom you find at your side
hen you come out from the
some sin, count a friend. He who
comes to you treat well, hut
a stranger.
right and we sell them right and treat you O. E
Firs ant
Represents Only First Class Companies.
has been decided by the Company that if war should be
declared, free permits lo enter the United States Military or Naval
service will be granted on application to all persons now insured
with us whore policy contracts require the same. This will
P i -in-i on present form, are not yet two years old,
as v, as old policies not containing the two limitation;
but permits this nature will not be granted under policies not yet
two yearn old, unless war -hall actually he and the
parties ate about to enter the service. It has not vet been
what action will be if war should be declared and parties then
desire to with up and enter the the United States
You will see from the ab action of the Company that the
Benefit still is always pursuing the most
liberal and course towards its policy-holders. We do not make
any flourish of trumpets when we show a spirit of liberality,
it is natural expected that Mutual Benefit will always be
patriotic and do right thing. war is not declared, the
permits will not be granted, as it will not be necessary, and the.
Company desires to avoid that and trouble. In case war is
declared, one of our policy-holders will be protected.
Veins truly,
J. L SUGG and L. C Agent,
Careless or impolite editors arc net
tolerated in The king
announces at an editor el
in lo
dead Chinese rulers omitted to
give their full has had his
punishment commuted being
slowly sliced to pieces to simple
Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread In Spite
of Treatment but Now They are
Healed A Wonderful Work.
many I ban Urn o
w f IN one of my
My fool and limb
I up
Mood of
limb. I hit my
foot object broke
out which lo
exceedingly painful. I concluded
in blood purifier bruin taking
Ill a churl time
which bud caused
mo much lo hill.
kept on faithfully with
in. In a short lime my limb was
completely healed and t he NM gave mo
no more pain. cannot be too thankful
for wonderful work Hood's
rills, has for Mas, A. E.
Is Hie best-In tart Blood
-anti the celebrated
, Hats
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and sec are invited to inspect
my stock learn the low prices.
We are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor delivery no
We do all kinds of Bicycles
repaired promptly.
food's Pills v
E Al II.
In order to make a
in business we
otter entire stock
of at Factory
Cost for Come and
take nil of this sale
Next to Sector w.
Heavy and Fancy
Fresh kept constantly on
hand. produce
and sold. A trial will con e
i i; in-
A General, Horse
, Groceries.
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by Brown,
to see
A Winner
All the world loves a winner-you'll
be classed as such, if you wear Clothes that are
cut right-made right-
Good judgment-Good
Taste-tells you to buy good clothes-becoming
clothes--they cost no more than the ordinary
buy Sack Suits-Single and Double Breasted
The best of Everything
Clothing, Hats,
at the lowest prices.
Frank Wilson
i in-. I ii listed ill the
I. want today.
U. went to Mount
One if Ir
A. M. Moore is hi
II, moved
to the country.
-ii 2.1.
. L. o Goldsboro, U in
Dr. ft. a-
J. W.
M today.
L. I.
C. M.
from Haleigh.
K. B. Thursday
from Mount.
H. K. lei
lo visit relatives wt Walking
Mr-. Kali of
rived Thursday veiling to visit friends
at Hotel
Miss of
up lo visit the
cf H. Harding.
S. M. Ft
turned from a
to her in Mount.
Mrs. N, K. returned
Mrs. A. D. and child
mow i
Latest Vine News I he u ,,. ,., , -j ,, , , g
I t l Vi
late in the
Reflector War Reporter
are rt-
Tin re are scared Lo
in this old town.
The will catch you if JO
don't look out.
ii- ready
plenty in
la-t potato
The blue the hive now
hoy, the ray
donning blue.
We body i
I Sain Um lull;
so much about
All Know
thin- that i -I. i
will m t ii that l
t wild c M mi u
III r i j . .
baa In i n Mai I I i I
i to
to M
this for
his who is
Is Greenville going lo A
We imagine boys at sen
bad lo rough it last while those
on shore were in
We can't tell how it is now In Cuba,
but it is certainly in the
these digging.
is negotiating
Harris to write its songs. He
used lo turn tome fine
Since the weather changed and war
has been declared the
Use the bare ceased
and spout as much as before.
We knew what the
call will amount The
TOn bulletin board can muster a com-
any time. One yell
brings the crowd,
Oyster season at an end.
Mr. W. B. Parker has mored
bis new home in
beat March in the
weather. May go ahead of both
are at w placing the
and in the Star
in readiness Pearson
S. O. Mason, a colored man who
lived in Greenville, is getting
a colored military com-
is considerable talk
a homo guard or
union home protection
be organized, not only
town, but In every neighborhood in
the county.
M-i i run i, 30-
he year is one third gone-
Fresh Grass Butter at S to.
Porter Johnson, a colored man
Ibis died at the insane
asylum at Goldsboro.
The Hill Standard
put la ill own and is now printed
home. Th change greatly improves
the paper.
W. H. Harrington went lo
last night mis
Prof. F.
passed n the road last
E. came over
C T. Bailey has been this morning and will
postmaster at ,
One re of colored troops is to ,,.,.,. , ,.,,
., . J. two
be in this Mate. . ,. .
Miry Ibis morning to
got the prise and the M
troops will
A lady, Miss Maggi String-
field, plays the cornet In the
dist church choir at
The railroad agent at Aberdeen has
been discharged giving out
concerning the
troops and news relating to the War
Department passing over the wires.
We heard a man who reading
Collector Sheppard's list special
taxes if a chiropodist was a bird
catcher. He was told that it's the bird
that catches corn.
A find
A hoy an upper set of
teeth, Ii u plate five
on mill II at Bk-
i saying the owner
pay tot ID given the
find or I he editor keep
Heed if
there is an patch
him come
high winds for the day or
covered the streets branches
There were more complaints from
subscribers not getting
run Wednesday evening than we have
heard in a long time. The storm dis-
th wires delayed us
it our dispatches and the
was correspondingly late. this
the weather was very and car-
had a rough lime making
rounds, in some instances the
papers Were laid on porches and
the wind blew away. We
every subscriber to have his
promptly and hope will not
carriers try lo be
and punctual.
responds readily to proper fer-
Larger crops, fuller cars and
larger grain are sure to result
from a liberal use of
containing at least J actual
Our books are free to farmers,
n Kama Si., YB.
in United
Cant J. T. Smith, of the Pitt
Col. W. ii. Saturday that his
company is ti go anywhere de-
Hilliard quotes us wrong in
the above.
reported Smith us
that bis company ready to go
anywhere in the United
We Liar that some lite
boys trying lo hire
One is lo he
when soldier boys g lo their
good-bye Sunday Bight, They
be fishing you bet.
Talk stirs, lbs
tin t tor Com-
II. to move to earned
one. there was u when
read hi, on street.
One r Company H., la-
over bis baring a aw
he never t join
els--, even to the He
Went said be
a man prayer.
Bailer look on Dew inspiration
and lbs old cannon
boosted more. Tin- came
jut as Prof. W. in the
ward being de-
clan d O
and seine of these present said it was
in honor.
the marriage f c
were w n row
bed the list n. mi. t.- ,
It week. got away lie
old all- r many
He i-. H
Charles id b i
II- Ii. i Ly a
drew the w I- i
well by another colored man in
month with a II. i
who ought be . pl
A n y i LI .
From a
Ilia-- fin
to a
Populists ii Ibis will
in th- dill i ion
s next I el I
their In
111- will hold
Mr. I recently sold
bis inter in . bate i re-
la use Mr. S. T. . and th-
name I
in Coward, Brown . Co, B
tree will continue i
tobacco market and will be
Has a magnificent combination the
people. A popular line the latest
spring attractions. An unlimited variety
in every department store. The
termination and ability
to make the best prices.
We are offering these
inducements with the
be t and handsomest
goods you ever
-aw. Qualities as you
them. Styles and
fashions the latest As-
complete, and
all right prices.
to see o r splendid
offered in Goods
and Clothing, Notions,
Goods, etc.
Honest merit.
ii.-. mi v
X. C, April
Bra Latham, Iron near
is visiting White-
Vina Little returned home
Monday visiting relatives near
Mrs. J. K. Dines and little son,
Gorden, who been
her Mr, and Mrs. W. If.
Williams, here, left Wednesday
U to visit relatives near Goldsboro.
W. H. Esq., on the
united J. J. Taylor and Miss
Emma James in matrimony the
home the bride's father,
He a pleasant
Our little had quite u
on Tuesday The news
went that was
be ft Si K.-q. Williams. That u
runaway had arrived, lo
married and a crowd was on
and. ii. Williams,
W. M. and Miss
in The
same old story, the old folks
match and the young people took
the in their own hands. Alter
the ceremony the and groom
went on their way rejoicing. May
they never have any to regret
Colored Company
Peoples i-
leers l r a colon I y
till tender W
am u raised. He bad en
Ins list when he showed it lo u- ibis
and thinks be raise tin.
company without
be captain the company.
I hi lie; ii- wen
by Register q Deeds wick
K. M.
John an I la .; II i
King and Pulley,
on The
There is tali here Slain f, the
business men of organizing n Heard
Trade or Chamber Commerce. This
along right line and He.
hopes will cause
out it.
With all tho asper bas said along this
lit,, and the need of such an
among the business in. n,
it seems strange that
have been so backward in tins
Let's more on this time and
do something that will result in tho de-
establishment enter-
prises are sorely needed. Much
valuable time and many opportunities
have already been lost by
u soused by User,
tin. then
m a
ii,. I
or Mood I IS
t liver, eon.
Ward Meetings.
The of and
wards held meetings Court
House, Friday night to a
for in each ward.
was called lo order by A.
1-. Blow, chairman the ward
who was chosen eh
A. I- J. L. and
Henry in
Blow was
A. L. was re-elected chairman
ward executive committee.
Alex. I.
Jam Sc.
was railed to order by V
II. ward ex
I. I, Moore
chairman And
S. T. Hooker and W. L. Brown
were phi ed in nomination Council.
roan. ballot resulted in n lie,
C. T. W. H.
in for chairman
ward executive committee,
being elected on first ballot
L. I.
It. ii
N . is i- lime i
to show is
his claims to ii-. Am ii an
Ii th re i- I
h s u- i ; him I
responding country's call i
In- country's need, tin r
will be very bin who will
volunteer to fight Ins Spaniards any
other I he, th.
certain writers who
Ilia character and
n. the- contrary
Is More Important to You
Than the President's.
Not War but Peace. We Make
You by Saving Dollars.
In other word our Bale
continued lorn to make it more
we Lave thrown
lot of
on Cost
take pick of
New at ii. -I Cost.
all goods are also
included in this special cost
C. T.
Mark what we say
Goods in
Silks and
Black Good.
At the opposition put no
dale in two wards the above
nomination arc
to election.
In tho first and third the
colored people have things their own
nay and have two
They hid meeting
John Flem-
l in in the iii-i v in i
pi third.
The sympathetic tenderness of a
is an
taut mother, especially during t
ordeal. George Esq., a
Bent druggist of Dayton, gives the
A of ii -1
four con-
.- .
i i I
mil bill I. . hi .
curt per
Mother's is a scientifically
compounded liniment which affords
relief in the various
and i proper
lo the coeds, and In-
in the final.
i. sold i . ill
of on of
j book, re I
CO. St.
Wt I In- trade's tit
in w a
variety and
Fancy an Plain Bill H
i l-
hi j I
In Checks, Plaid
Stripes and Our
of Bilk an I
Satin a
latest styles and m
and are eon
Black Dress in la-
test we an
more than
plain f
style ill
lb .
I. . i i i , .
skirt- In out
Line of Black Goods
We i re in lines
I lull
The i in Plain
MOM His.
A large lino of
Clothing, Notions,
Gents Furnishings,
In in-
you till lo Hun
i-in Sn i Ainu

Why He u -Not
W the United army
invades Cuba we nope it till
people that Island a
better government it to
the people of the during
the Stem. Ami
we alto hope may
not be infested and with
A good as being cu
the reels yesterday of a u. .
of modern warfare.
Au old u it was asked if be
at going to Cuba lo right.
No dis
Southern people
But may not history it-
The Net Have it.
An . North
Democrat, the medium
of r to a bare, sends
a of thanks
The Observer or
In position on the
fusion. He his count v Will
The Hornet Nest Rifles, Chariots
the reputed crack mi .;
the Stair, refused rial out t.
No about then.
H lb
you ever saw. They hut is. her
milts, then the ball rolls ; n codicil
ell up audit to at once all
and fer three days.
What Is It
B B. a
It is a picture tee celebrated
Best in use The outfit business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of earl Handle Gold Pea
You will be astonished when you see them and
cheap are.
You may never,
But should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
I En
Anything from
u fir .
L .
The Daily Ratio
i lie Vi
afternoon at
rice of cents a
Are you a sub
fusion- I
hi p I will
Better is Catering pis s t,
air. arranged the
lo bigger
fools cf he did mo
o a great deal of of
this central character. One
the Very b -t
Chi said yesterday Hint he
did net a in
i county who favors
The Observer if
etc- One cf the members of
Stale for this
a few dais before lie la-t
m. i con made
a matter to
III i s of at t at Linn, era's
on in lead-
their, h and every ore
ed to fusion per
ceLl, of I e s of
be S ate any
I we nave rein to be
at it
be as a matter of news,
j many or
I if way be e Den o-
italic god.- cannot be
lofty lines arc lightly
as is, if a i,
tilted it will to g
the on the neck of
and the party will
nope the lenders will
cf the toys in the
people who do
have aspiration to
My no; cow-
ti it the to
policy is u I ii cf
the of plain,
honest this
is about
get together it left a one,
f. r is best for North
politicians of
all parties who are playing the
Hut caking
ally of Democrats, it can be said
is a Verity, that he
off ton which fuses
party or the
i and
suggest. Charlotte Oh-
Of course nary and the
naval bare op to
this attracted most
as it into action
But the army will be
to win the victory drive.
out o i. and
preparations in view of have
ban enormous, though just be-
. r
.-1 lbs K. . . Fur
of the most exciting and Thin.-lilt a great
.- meat any
on a the in it. Drink of any hind
an of San tea u great
t; the writer. had deal drinking and nut
been of the remarkable eat bread, r candy.
coolness exhibited by two mm while acid drinks of all kinds and
riding behind a runaway horse. saline mineral are excellent.
ride to which I hap Drink a glass of clear water before
shortly after Charles Crocker breakfast.
and a few other men inaugurated To Get and
question of building a the Central railroad. The deep attar each to bed at
from to tracks of the road been laid as o'clock and bed half hour
a is being agitate I. The fur as Newcastle, and the company after you wake up. Laugh u great
plan is to build from was in debt and deal. water by the or
Mom t. to B. L. L. Robinson, who then owned the the quart if you can. Drink weak
C, vie Littleton. Shortening old original railroad from and sweet tea with plenty of milk
distance some to was laughing in hie in it. Take coil liver oil and sweet
to Beaufort seems t be the prime what he called Dutch oils as much as you can. Eat
object. Let the road Flat The stages then went you feel as if you would burst at
From I t j
Scotland Neck
Atlanta Line
in April MB
r -i , .
It r
I. St i Vi
JO . in.
i in,
. Beck r
1.17 n m. L m.
ii p b, 7.11
p m.
I no
i m. m.
York LI I m. on
T fins Maj
. n m. Warsaw
m. p m
UM m.
a in. Mount 11.87
p la, a in,
folk 10.40 in.
a a m.
7.41 a Of, it
, I,.,
I a m. Re York ;
m. p m.
The Eastern Reflector.
is only
a year.
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is.
many times more than
Our Armies
A Booth ago the the
States consisted of
-u. Within a few
and will number
close to men-
enormous laud force of
s will he one of
formidable organizations
It will, as gs
look now, he divided three
great divisions, the regular army,
which will he made if
the present intention is earned
or that
cf it which
under the issued,
y men, and
the volunteers, who will enlist to
three years, sooner
The National
is for year.
At mouth will elapse
before troops will be
I Will he
taken from regular army. The
next to be sent over, if
is need for more, will go
from points
National Guard is to he
i If
there is need for still more
men to Spain the
v i iii ti ha pot
This not mean tit
idleness it to prevail
All will be put dis-
tS once, and j will
ha i
now should prove too fer,
call will
made, a bounty provision
attached- Then of the
into action-
iV Doe
n ,.
. Mn
a. Florence p m, sum.
IO m,
. Ml s m, August
am. 11.11 air,
Atlanta lAMp m. Charles
a m. m,
pa MI pin.
Vow York
J Bin, Richmond am,
am. Nor
in, ;. . -2
pm, 4.1
from Folsom to great mining the table. Put plenty of butter on
camps of Nevada, to your bread, and not be afraid of
City, and it was the boast of ales, lagers sweet wines. This
the and Folsom road will guarantee n gain of five
pie that the Central Pacific would a mouth, and if you can sleep a
never he built beyond Newcastle. great deal of double that amount.
To Have a White Skin.-Eat no
left San Francisco on the steam- f meat at all. Become a vegetarian;
hound for Freeport with three, they always have beautiful skins,
gentlemen, including myself. When i Once in six weeks or so eat a meal
the steamer had reached Freeport, of fresh meat. This does away with
the mail and newspapers from San the tendency to curse
for Virginia City were the vegetarian. Drink as much
immediately put aboard the Free enter as can, eat grease
port and Folsom train, which then and touch no tea or Your
away on its A breakfast may he oatmeal and
team was waiting for Mr. oranges; dinner nuts,
Crocker and his companions, and we fruit quince tea
quickly left the steamboat, got into graham
the coach and were driven rapidly and dishes of
off for Arriving , d s. The diet is not
there, we found an engine and coal a lien you get used to it. In
tender waiting for us at the Central large toy you will
depot, and Mr. Crocker gave orders j restaurants catering In such as you.
to the engineer to run To Become Very
five at every of steam aha deal, carrying something
could carry to Newcastle. ways in the Lands. This develops
we started, all of us, with arms. To roll a hoop might be
the exception of Mr. Crocker, who. good If one were brave enough to
stood at the back of the engineer, I do so in public. Practice lifting a
were seated in the tender on various I little everyday. Never strain or
coal and wood, tire Eat meat, drink milk
take us long to from the and practice bending backward, f r-
jolting and swaying of j ward and ways every day. At
that the road was
and in a very poor condition for
Bleeding. Much to our relief, after
we had beyond tho American
river and our arms fairly ached
from our to hold on and
keep ourselves from being thrown
out of the tender, the engineer sud-
lowered bis rate and
at tho some time informed Mr.
Crocker that it would ho extremely has youth
dangerous to run any at the wear a
night rob about a of
brandy or ram Into the
under lender part Of aims.
To Have Clomp
with sweet oil night and morn-
Exercise them by rubbing to-
Never W tight sleeves or
snug gloves.
To Keep ones P. t
The sign that OM
1- ti
rate we had been going. I this is necessary. The feel spread
Crocker looked annoyed and I and really grow. To remedy this
If you are afraid. I wear shoe as long as can
you had better get off tho j aged, but B wide OS seem lines
Boston 18,00 ii,
12.00 pm, Baltimore
Washington 3.16 pm, Rich-
7.30 pm.
Norfolk ,,,
0.4.1 pm.
pm. Mount
m. Wilson
SB-HI Now ,.
pm. m .,,
1.4-1 sight,
tan Ml ill
am Atlanta 8.20 am, Macon
f pm.
am. 0.88 an,
Marion am,
lbs m. Lake
. Scotland at 8.30 ,
Returning, leaves
m., a. m.
Bran, h .
a. m., an , n . n,
ii. P- Washington
p. m. Dally
with on
nil Branch.
Train N C, via
-iv, at s i p. m., flip M-
7.40 H 8.10 a,
m., Sunday 9.00 a m.
10.06 ,,
Train on N. c. leaves
dally, 7.10
a. arriving a. a. Re.
truing 0.00 a. m ,
rive, at a, m.
on Latta blanch, Florence K
leave Latta 6.10 ,, ,,
p m-
8.80 a
7.80 a m. daily Sun
then took hold of the lever
and pulled it to farthest limit.
Of course we all thought that Mr.
was crazy that the
engine would soon jump the track.
But Mr. Crocker would not listen to
remonstrances, never moved a mus-
and stood at tho lever until we
Sever wear Id i Upper
around ii- house, unless they are
snug the width, and be careful
corns. These are never necessary
while the chiropodist exists.
To Have a Pine Color. Wash the
face with the Juice of preserved
in the winter in
were all scared out of our wits, and summer rub ripe, berry the
the engine, panting and throbbing ,
like a huge wild beast enveloped in For I Smooth, White With-
a cloud of escaping steam, reached j out the
Newcastle. Hero we were hustled I with buttermilk. A preparation Of
into a wailing coach driven I tincture of
away. At each ten miles j is excellent fur whitening purposes,
that town and Virginia City There urn very good prepared
was a relay of horses. At various i creams, but I hem are never cheap,
points along the mountain Do not go under for them if you
even tho drivers afraid to obey I want them compounded of line
Mr. orders, two in- pure materials.
ho took tho reins himself I To Have Garments
whipped teams lively
result of the whole exciting,
wild and dashing was that
sachet hags and slip
them in dresses. They
will, if good at lust, keep their scent
for a year or more. Fold tho bodices
Charles Crocker presented in the of the scented gowns and lay them
business office of tho Vii j away airtight boxes. This fills
Enterprise a copy of tho Bun Fran- them with scent. Philadelphia
Bulletin some ail matter I Times.,
hours before mail agent on
tho opposition railroad d reached the
on Clinton
aw for Clinton dally, except
in. and 4.1.5 p, m.
m. u o.
No. makes
point, dally, all rail via
at Mount with
folk ind Carolina R It for
ii II paint North via Norfolk.
H. M.
Seal Pan. Acne
M. Manager.
-B. I
the city. That was tho
to tho Freeport and road and
tho salvation of
The tourist had I to
a largo building by spa-
lawns. Then he at a
guidebook with the air of a
who is in doubt. A
man happened lo st rolling near year,
and tho culled to
In and
this the
other looked a for a mo-
and then
you t large
brick tho line
I int to miss
any points of d
of the
was isn't
an Insane
Tho tourist present-
entered into converse t ion with a
market man who was by.
He turned hack and, in-
d his first
thought you said I isn't an
insane asylum
I said
you any
in misleading
whatever. As to
a great deal of h
some in trying avoid the
looseness o common
among people who in must
are considered I am
prepared to assure y an, sir,
while the may
a trifle the i sliding itself
It not tn fall
ill.- Colt.
occasion of his golden
wedding a methodical English
band figured up from bis carefully
kept accounts what his wife bad
cost him. had an assured income
of a year throughout his
Winning bis Wife, what with ires.
ants, engagement ring and extra ex-
personal adorn-
Bar share of
the -1 expenses was
Her clothing and cost
Presents, medical at-
and summer
excursions amounted for her share
to He therefore spout
for her years
Miss friend who
baa just is of u
pessimist, imagine.
Miss ho isn't.
He's an optician, ho has tin
cream of the nest side trade
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Tried Best.
j.-oven a blessing to the invalid.
Are truly the sick man's friend
A Known Fact
For bilious headache, dyspepsia
and all kindred diseases.
We I t a u
s and no nicest ii -f
lie an in wed, meta
I c aid
form .
attention. .
ducting and en-
to care will receive
mark of
Our are man ever
do nil want no t
be f at any and .
vies the I n .
Farmers and t
year's will Had it to in.
is to our prate
our stock Is
ll Its
Tobacco, Snuff,
Flour, Sugar,
A In
as we buy direct from
A of
-i ii if i -e.
suit lime. are all
and h
to run sell at a
S. M.
Caveat, and if all Fat-
C.- u.
. . . U-. UM
or With
V n Iv . or
A with
of i i the U. b. and
sent .,
j C. k CO
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
f IS tint,
I i
.; .-
cap. bi-I at 1-- ;
Buy of tho
malt-l fir t mi ii i.-.
Ur.-i rt .
.-. .
rt-., r-n-
if i i I .
I I. f .
at one
ind t.- .
I hi. -i. OH
I .
Kr. 1.1.1 . t
e ad .
Julius Mines
la. Paper.
Tin- -I- r; ii or p
mi lo I
Int no or ob
a i be allowed lo -1 id
ti a
I hat and
only ally and friend. We
bare long fell line and lo it
trouble baa been there
ii no practical of
bus of
ledge It be
likely to more
valuable lo than to us, in view
her. Hut what of Wise
do ii into
TI c sole fer Is it a
geed thing Is i a thin
liberty ml No ore
things ale going in the
Stalls well help
M in the
n N York
It- Am. in in Machinist York
a i out a card which
Some when
ore dull think of doom
about to city line.
Some urn won't when
it will last for-
Inter attract
in j, times can pick
Io dull limes get all there is going
fellow Is out
One mi in
a in n
all Hi I'm;.
The is a n
Professional Cards
Bond. J. In
N. V
In all courts.
Swift Galloway,
N. C.
B. i
N. C
Greenville, N. C
In all tho
over J. C,
nub Store.
low is r list of
their that MN
the . in the bay at Ma-
o to inn
sped ton 8-
itch rifles, r
--u s, six
more, 10.0
i-ii i Is, foul
two t 1.1-. lo
1.8 lo -4 inch lad
B at on, second 8-189
nix G-inch nil ,
arr, two l i
8-ii ch, j
1-ii o guns.
two cans
third 1,700 Ion
two G
four machine
fourth rate,
collier, supply
Ions, built
peed battery six 0.2-
three rapid-lire nix
and two guns.
tons built
two two four
and two
machine buds.
1.152 battery
Antonio de Don
Juan de each
four 47-
inch two
rapid-lire, two and two
machine gone.
aid El Cane,
OM tone, built 1885; speed
has two 17-
one to
small and one
tho El three
gun, two email rapid and
boat, smooth
two 4.7-inch
rifles. small
gun-boat 1.108 tons displace-
and lour 7-itch
Two email gnus and
two machine guns.
Isle de
as length, beam,
tons, 4.105;
these brats
there were both and
Manila forts
aide. Among tho Spunk beat
lost were
I M l
For i
y i y. I . r i
with lbs if new
with l Bil
care a to l lasts
re. I
tor the A large
c; i r I o i i
ii. ,
Ti i pub a
a this eek i-
s n n
h recoil v, l n ab a
oft lie -i
nil price to tee
our pl lake d
of in.
fared in a.
; lo i ids. a
f,. nit after it bad I
. u lie a I., ,
if a b
. ,,. lie n I
Dry i,,. a- u -i. ,
of all
Caps, Slices s tan
to fit the men. girls boys.
He make beast we Bay that we tell the sold
by any one la our town It what
about A beautiful
f SI III AS in while, colors.
Window in nil Peek
and war
line of
Lace Cu Maine, Curtain Swiss, Polos
in white and colon, Window Shades
in all colors--six and sever.
ft long
Huge, Art Matting, Oil
Cloths, Deer in rubber, steel and cocoa,
Lamps, Hall Lamps, Library Lamps,
Lanterns, Tinware, sec our Automatic Oil
Can, fills your lamp and does not run it over
On our you will a large of
Bed Room Huh in Solid Oak, In from oil lo
Of all hind, Oak
of all kinds, Tables,
Tables, Tin Safe, Sail Racks, tie.
a being Come to your
ml W guarantee pro aid
our will wove a positive to
buyer. Pleasure, our it fail to in and style,
fir mutual ,
f. . M
Marion, WM
by a our day
last week t put up a
good tight ho
bis bird- bis bands
wan quite injured Ibo
battle- bank lour
hot inches tip
tip its Nev a
ii II. -null, V. II. Id K.
X. C.
i. A
Alt. i i
In all the rum i.
IV. II. ii n i r.
N. O.
Mr. A, C, Thomas, T, a
II an bus tot been made In the
For veins ha
lute., and was cur-
by In. New tor
and lie
if little value In
with marvelous cine,
I It cost a
a Asthma,
nil throat and are
Ly Dr. kings
tor but-
bi III s tree J no I .
Only Sold
has boon
a of mer lo
by as they
Ilia portion the ear.
Is only one way
and that Is by
la caused by nil con-
of the mucous
Tubs, When tube gets In-
you have a rumbling or
hearing. Mid It is
result, and
and unless be
taken nut and tube lo us
i urinal hearing will US
cases out ten
mo caused by which Is
bill Inflame of the
We will give Dollars
cannot by
tor circular
A CO, Toledo, n
s ale the
dove United
in There
It has W have
late an I-
to this ion of
fairs, rather envying
Tin la ear own waters, Yet it is an
ill wind Id good,
and had us
rather to
our of B-o upon
till ii in, great As
is, her cannot us
treat roads, tin the
other ii It vastly to Interests
with her .-
lo with the
Mini your to K.
A Co., and gel Hi
New Mil Pills. A trial
are easy In are
in aura
and Malaria
and bare .
proved Invaluable. They
lo ii. perfectly free
and tn be
Ti do not weaken
their action, but by giving tone to
per be
i.-1 i oh i i . ii
III, u .
ii ii Milt hi a- ii I t
my shall
,. v. u . sol of
be in i and last bi-
newspaper man t
f writing
to Le
cf all I
and t 11--
of news
to the
capture f tie
or o
l u our Ac ; i.-
tho will to
a lo batter
don at
has too
i tines tn allow activity in
be s I
t. wilt I n
tar more
Dutches. The will
lo any iii
real c and I i
Dam will lo do
by looking; alter i
lie land, pat. to
Inventor, without g
Le war.
ii is it
into many
f bis
to gel
volunteer Misty
to o war a i
addition lo a i u I
of that will t
tho law
tho regular army.
arc to appointed
by him In volunteer
lieutenants eel-
and Tho
the i iii .-
b,. ruin who
R any i or ability
to places p ll-
appoint mi
go Mi.
it me, and told a
IV did not
Intend that
bill is
that ho will not able i I
when ii lo tho
The i who
the war r.
nun palled tho
a vole of lo I nil
voted lot lb WIN l
u n so Id u
hi n
, i t all in- n V ilia
kill H loin d
o in in But i lion i
ii. I ll
ii g process, I
u d resorted by Mi I
i b me a
m I c
I. i
, ll I t I
i ,
ll . J . I'll
t i ram down their lb f r
a- i although i
on a t- . v i
b . . I ii e i i.
fa u
. I v. i and ti. ti. i. .
. i a i
ii . i . e r
r of
I . i t ,
Ii i i i i-
I ;. .
. u I. . I I i
; cf
. held I cub- he
bi I, bow be Bi om .
Una than ti r e-
ii. . ;
it i lake t.
it.; Ibo L
I ill, I u. in fence lo It
said ii . t v e
forth, bill us a war to
o is was token. In
be vote t i
be I d clause b
w. i . t r the
bill the was
at out t r I ob.
silver Senators
will a am i the
It is lie
bonds all.
pa s.
r be t
bin d
i-, for i era
i I ; i u , j
. xi; . i I t.-
t ii t o bet ii. u
fir is,
I Mr.
ruin the Democratic
inn u n
You Sleep In on Air
That Cures .
Throat and Lung Troubles.
High Lights.
I bond human
ping B
b in
W. c . Id morn did-
n . i i. mil time biding
I war
In quinine
i i ii ones
lime year ll
only a bet wee j ll o
ii , -i Hie
i . the
.- i i
i an
U . .
in i n
I ll I ;. i bey or Will b
ll. I
, good
i . think a
no bit g to them nod that
I ti any its as
I. y a; fir tho
water, will do welt
lo n latest
V, . w ll I Hie when
. v. war rev sure
g effect, and will continue
; i f. it provision is made for
i ; t e on
and ,; e
growing out disturbance.
. by
i Hi , s of the regular
all over and
the volunteering In com-
, . c
u . I. removed pro-
t occupations, but be
. . . upon tho
is the
wages. Tho Lo slay at
and who don't think
i is g to them
i,. . will Hi y
i it on. it is hardly
i v. iii in refer I mob u at-
i. tin time, for ail u-
I Old
i, . , s ill, is Justus well to
I ;.,, . a tn cold loots
ii nation us
mill lb
gr, w up into
is likely
hi i el
tit i i his children too i inch.
b mi rho are n
wanting I i ma m
om tile be-
half of the goddess lib
i it., Government
The talkers
in i . have be n and ate
. Y ii hour thorn say
t vote men
t and principal
i m for
party- Y. I, Ibo i
s ii. e. in
the in i be prove
these assertions to Tho
Democrats in last
bad one t o purest
men of c as their
,; the a UM in
, i i
and t till every Pop-
t in the county m
vote a
Th vi
. lid I, S. y rev.
. inn. i
bank an ml i i lot ii-
,. . V. I man who was to
lie- He, ill ll II ll
man tin i i
ii. , bat I . i run tamp,
in in. in ill n I
ti. I-, r
send iii I n turn.
tn a i .-I I III
i. p is to i h e
I i n . l I lie ll
lacked ii i lb. barn u
bra i Ila
n I, , h. . . ll
i ii , ll
. . . I i . i
., .
I I ,. he h -I in tin. rid
, , ,. . re,
ii b ., m , mi. i, ii. i Hand
, . 1.0 It i ll lain, i Kip
, irrupt and devoid
th in in
the bow put
t; o Tn at
as an to
I government in
i i arty mil aid
i ii in pat
men in i be State mast
i an i to
i , I n.
; i
oval, i. I I
I is I ill provide
lot money but
the Hie I r I
ably I.
Piles no
i give
or y i. Ill it-

Eastern reflector, 3 May 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 03, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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