Eastern reflector, 29 April 1898

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. w . .-, ,. ,. . . . .
Twin. Are.
We girl
to lister, I
just two the
A St. woman w to reached
he- year v she w never
Some St. Louis woman be very
he pretty
that the Suit
Ml M
I. Maj. J. M. judge
t th
United Slates
,. r if the
be sailed to th- law. , Mm
other looked at a mo
Am Reproof.
The tourist Ii pause to look at
a largo building surrounded by spa
lawns n In a
guidebook with Mm eta n man
who is in t. A neatly
to strolling Dear
gate, tourist culled to
to repel in-
resident to
a commit toe
o the Nebraska Legislature have
revealed tho fact that Stats
hate pot away
of the people's money At
was in sight
m the
call out the f
would not have announced this
i, inion and oat
and in publication
, tend to
, j tic Observer.
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
brick building. the
don't want to miss
of Interest, this
responds pretty closely to
of the
an insane
The tourist on present
entered, into conversation with a
market man who was driving by.
He turned Kick and, with some in-
again addressed first
thought you this Isn't
insane asylum
I said
you particular object
whatever. As happen to
a great deal of leisure, I pass
sortie time In Hying to avoid the
looseness of speech common
among people who In most things
ore considered responsible, am
to assure you, sir, that
while some the inmates limy ho
a trifle eccentric the building itself
la open lo the faintest suspicion
of mental
Best in use. The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a line Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
cheap the v
w Mu cart-
On tin- i f
wedding a ti
up from bin carefully
cost bin. ii--
of a yew throughout life.
Winning wife, with itch.
year, nor clothing and linen coat
medical at-
awl summer
inti i her
Ho therefore spent
i i i h ;
with us. nil IT
But i ha i won.
i .
Ink.- our tall I r
1-. tad tUM ii
That in
of i t. mt.
Th t i u
Our m;, .
Kim In
i in
Bo to do, w
But when our ii in worn
-I ill OW in
And mo ii a a bleak
t to
x .
Too la 111.- ham
And what m of w .-,
A. John in
Atlantic Coast Line
m April
m Sc
i 8.45 i in.
f in.
a in.
ion 11.10 pm,
in, n in,
8.69 m.
p in.
Dim Mac
p m. p m. Warsaw
. in, m.
i in. Tarboro
iii. Hooky Mount
i m, a in. Nor-
folk a in,
8.14 a in, a m,
a m,
in. York
You may never,
But should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.-
Reflector Job Printing Office.
Anything from
for in
friend who
la n
Hull isn't.
and hi Um
In Om War -the I need a large L ,
Army the Nary to to take
n. ll . o I
o it that
of tho
plied data
tho of each BUM
won I, i ha. to
the of a Call for 60.000
in tho State militia
188.000, of which North Caro-
credited with and if
worn called for
would ho expected to furn-
action or to inter-
n, I And now, In
of war, the army will be
recruited to the loll limit
of men needed, and it will be
demonstrated, it in the
war between the State, that the
military by tho
regulars, are not batter
than the
Thia country's mistake not
been in its failure to
and maintain a largo standing
army, but in its to
itself to meet an on tho
high i on-. We are realizing the
force of tin-- when it
almost too late, in the presence of
lint it is to remedy the deficiency.
within tho past two days that tho
States may be called on for
troops, in which case
North Carolina's apportionment
1,416, or about per
cent, of the strength of the Stale
Consideration of this
naturally suggests reflections as
to the of tho military
of the national
government It is composed of
only about No
country in tho has,
ill a stand-
Mexico, has army of
twice as great as ours- And
yet the American
regard has not been unwise.
There has boon reason sup-
pose, for years, that
State el North Caroline, I In the
Pitt County, J Court-
J. II. L and Sarah Cox,
A. H.-.
I K Y.
E. J. Blount and E. Y. who
are In the above entitled
came, will take notice that a Special
entitled a above, been
In the Superior Court or
County, the Clerk, tor the
partition of certain real In the
county of Pitt In which tho
and defendants are
Tim K. Blount and E. Y.
will lake notice that they lire
to appear at the the
clerk the Superior Court
on Friday the 27th day N May,
or demur to the petition and complaint
In -aid action, or the plaintiff, will
ply ti the Court for the relict demand-
ed therein. ,
my hand, the
April .
Clerk Superior County.
Cure AU
Liver Ills.
than cure. Liver
Pills will not only cure, but if
taken in time will prevent
Sick Headache,
biliousness, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, torpid
liver and kindred diseases.
Norfolk, Va., May 6-12.
a .-
The Daily
price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
II not yon
lo be.
afternoon at
n. The
meal In folk. May
The Seaboard Air Una iii
of meetings a rate or
TRIP. ordinary train
service which in
has run.
on lbs
Till will
leave Atlanta. IS
our Car. In
which will he
Ilia tin- trip.
who I with
thirty page. II-
Han I Book and
to tin- Convention sail on or
writs to any
the S- aboard Air Line, c-r to
p m. 5.00 p m,
II p m Marlon p
in, p in. Sum-
8.10 p in, Columbia
ii, a in.
in, Manon 11.1.1 a m,
a a in,
SI. 10.90
pa pin.
n Xi-w York
am, Washington
4.80 am. Richmond 8.08 am.
10.00 inn. Nor-
18.11 -in. 12.4
pm, 4.1
Magnolia pm,
daily No. Leave
Boston 18,00 New
York am.
18.08 pm. 8.88 pm,
pm. Petersburg
pm. Norfolk pm,
pm. Tarboro
pin. Mount 8.40
am. Leave Wilson 8.81 am.
am, Warsaw
am, i 8.08 am.
On Monday May 2nd, before Court House door m the town
I will sell the following of land to satisfy the taxes
due therm for the year compliance with section
Act, laws Slit.
Pitt Count,
Tool, Fannie
Cooper, A
Johnson, J II
Sin lard, ti J
t- in Xi-w Barn 0.00 am.
10.88 am, train
Leggett, John
Mia Sarah J
Smith, i- Ii
Smith, Patrick
Fork Sis,
Farmers and Merchant,
year's supplies will It to their In.
to get our prices before .-
Flour, Sugar,
Always at lowest market price-
Tobacco, Snuff,
buy direct fro n
A complete
-a hand and sold at t;
suit the times. Our all
and therefore,
to run we sell at a margin.
S. M.
be Eastern Reflector.
i Dins
We have t a
hearse the lino of t-
Una in
lie and ever
We me tO U
in in all it--
Personal attention give a to coo
In an
to will.
HOWS every mark of
s are lower r
do nut want mo I
Is only a your
contain tho
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those crowing
I J . . . mil .
that IS Worth I limes tho John . .
many times more than
thy subscription price.
P. M. Tampa 8.10 am,
pm, pm,
Savanna 1.48 night, Charles-
ton 6.83
am, am,
am, pm,
Denmark pm.
am, Florence n H am,
Marlon 10.88 am,
11.88 am, Lake
12.00 am.
Trail, on
Ion p. m., 4.10
in., arrives Scotland Neck at p
o., p. m., 7.6
. m. Returning, leaves 7.80
i. m., 8.82 a. m.
x a. m.,
except Sunday.
Trains on leave
a. and p . m
9.10 a. m. and 4.00 p
ii., a. in.,
3.30 p. m., a. m.
6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
m., and 7.80 p. in. Dally ex-
Connect, with trains on
Train N C, via
A It. It.
at in p. m. Sunday IS P. M ;
I'll mouth 7.40 r. M., in.
leaves Plymouth dally
m., Sunday a m.,
10.06 and 11.00
Train on Midland N. C. leaves
dally, except Sunday, 7.10 a
n. a.
0.00 a. m,,
rive at 10.26 a, in.
train on Latta branch, Florence R
. leave 6.40 p m,
I An p , ii,, h ii- p m.
i a m. 8.80 a m,
7.60 am, dally except Bun-
. Clinton Branch leave. War-
law for Clinton dally, Sunday,
a. m. and 4.16 p, in
m. en
Train close
We urn points dally, all rail via
also at Mount with
Carolina R It for
i. ill North via Norfolk.
T, M. Manager.
J R Gen Manager.
a. agent s
Parker. Watt
Spier. J K
Slaughter, heir
Cobb Son, J A
Dupree, J It
i ll
Morgan, J F
Mm o. Mrs M E, heirs
Parker, Mrs Anna
Heaves, Mr. W A
Vines, C C
Vines, Mr C C
Lewis, T K
Rawls, W S
Cherry, Benjamin
Corny, W l
Daniel, Jordan
Dudley, Gorge
Daniel, J D and wile
Eaton, Benjamin
Elks. J I,
B i
I. V
Parker, Mary
Hogg, A
White, Benjamin
, and rd all Pat
MB for
C. o I U. S. st
if i . lo-a
r. do.
A lo Obtain wits
mt . in the U. S.
oral Ires.
, heir.
J C. ft CO
---------DEALER 1---------
Wire and Iron Fencing
only First-class work
prices reasonable.
l v.
Brooke, S W
Cox, John M
Colin, A. h II c
Daniel. Jordan
Harding A Harding
Hay, Ida
Mary B
. It
Smith, Kate II
If any whose have for their taxes lei
the same at and will he stopped,
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
The Alleged Plan of Action
A correspondent of The
New Mail and Express
telegraphed paper from
The published statements that
the mobilization of the army at
foreshadow an
upon Cuba by our
soldiers have no basis of truth,
and far from the
policy upon by the
War From
may be accepted as
authoritative it can be elated that
there will e no effort to laud the
army in Cuba until the
settled the problem mm before
In other words, our f hips most
first meet the main Spanish lion,
combat and settle Hie
of ho commanding
officers of both the army
navy agree that it would
o the army up in Cuba
before it know whether
maintain a
around tho island.
It is agreed that it be a
suicidal to move the army
Into tho of Cuba while
there is a possibility of a naval
defeat that would the
soldiers at the of the
and of the
reinforcements that would be
harried over from Spain-
The responsible a
believe in moving rapidly and
vigorously in order lo bring the
war to an end
but at the do not
propose to have the in
danger of annihilation in Cuba
because of the possible inability
Of ships to protest them from
the navy.
It can be relied upon, therefore,
that the army will start for
Cuba until after main
of the two navies have had an
engagement, and one or the other
of them in undisputed
of Cuban
When that is accomplished, the
will take care of
tn appointed
ceased, all person, ate hereby
Having been appointed qualified
as administrator of tho late
lied to present all claim, against the
of the said Jesse Adam, pay-
before day March,
1809, or this notice will be plead In bar
of their recovery. All persons Indebted
to the said estate are requested to make
immediate settlement. ThU the
day of 1698.
T. C. Wooten, Attorney.
Infernal Machine
machine w. sent to the
President to-day
character was
measures to
prevent. explosion, and
The Was cot-
and i y ll is b
mod i to sender.
Then h
from whom it o in, I no
was afforded.
Tim machine in a
An contrivance had
I. so that when
lid if the box was there
would be a flash of powder which
would explode a nick of giant
powder sufficient lo a
to ins.
The Store that is
Full Bargains
by Va., Observer
Don't let
If were
ball. bow.
the Ion.;
In all land the tho
no mun
buys to
much fun in
down there, you know.
At lust the truth i in
are each
a u it is
to i one maid, but it is not
easy to one to order.
the in
forms brown will win a victory
every day without a or frown,
Jones he's
gun. hoots twenty mile.-
run a man all day and
crapes have very
our since our over there was
attacked by the Spanish mob lit
give grape shot,
Dome bangs In the
closet Kith
parade wont do every day
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond.
J. L. Fleming
N. C
In all the courts.
In the Spring a fuller Crimson
Comes upon the Rooms bi east
S tiring lady
Must have a Brand New res j.
and ore fully prepared to meet
demands of the most fastidious.
A look through our of
Swift Galloway, B. V. Tyson,
M. N. C
In all the Court.
Office over J.
Cobb A Store.
II. r . II. Long,
Setting Type by Wire
Donald u newspaper
Sydney, New in.
vented mid patented n device
which an operator in New
with a keyboard him line that
an ordinary typewriter, not only
can produce typewritten in e
Orleans, but It is
Press Printer, that he can
ate a machine there mill
deliver his matter in lead ready for
the forms. only that, hut the
same operator, by a number
line., can set up the Mine
copy in n dozen
places. Ibis operation only
ordinary currents arc use-1, such as
are being relayed, are
subject to all conditions ordinary
telegraphy. The can done
with s ordinary
typewriter is operated,
nil clock-work mechanism, syn-
moving type rid
devices. It is slid
lo be manipulating eighty
Spring and
Dress Goods
will convince tho most skeptical that we arc
better than ever to serve you.
Spring Woolen Dress Goods, Organ-
dies in plain white and colors, Swiss,
Mulls, Beautiful Silks, Percales, Dim-
India Linen, Embroidery
Linen, Draperies, Curtains, Curtain
Goods, Tapestry, Table Covers, Rugs,
Art Squares, Laces,
Jeweled Belts and other new
Fans Ribbons and striped,
Shoes, Oxford Ties and numerous
other things abound in a profusion
of Beautiful ft Styles, Delicate col-
and low prices.
Come to see us, will be glad to show you
through our store.
Our line
is beautiful see.
Why the Declaration is
A declaration of war
power, under tho
to wage war without
special definite authority
While the res-
which have passed.
and empower the President
use the land, naval,
forces of tho United
thus indirectly
n state of tho rt-
they nut tho
of a declaration of
far us civil International rights
United States
may engaged in war, ain't have
nil lights a
without any Dy
but great mass of
is laid to be nil favor
of direct nation an
and uncertainty- possible,
however, that the President may
some inert net
as upon American
or ships, which
The is u part of a
of a
live of The Sun
s person whose name I
given, but is said to
authority on tho sub-
who evidently has a
grasp of it.-
of a boa;
that goes into
with almost a certainty of
death. If they are ordered tn
attack in their only
hope is lo avoid
ii I which
la up. boats
tn make a
at enemy aid fire a
would be sunk by
rapid-lire easily-
Even in a night attack
aid that tho enemy's
search-lights would pick up,
and then it would lo a race to
discharge their torpedoes before
they were sunk. The
in i u, ,
B M. II I It
j ; . , , .
Oil d
t . i no ow
be .,; in our m w
. , . . ii., f
, f K
I. n pt,
. ii pie. You
.-- . d lo t
l I i t sin f- r
I , . . r,
ti u. w y your
afford of declaration a large percentage u
Attorneys and at I. m
In all the
FOB res
Nashville draws first blood.
Ventura seems to
have boon a misnomer.
The Spanish fleet may fast,
but it to stuck that
root of Ibis war
is a Cuba
do you pro-
the name of the of
Bright Boy
i lie
ii Consul General Lee, It
s n pity that gallant senile-
man he retained in public life.
Why he be
He line retiring to
a The 1-
n- r in evidently u little the
Net only retained
in public lilt-, he will he .-o
there he public
in this next
will know bee, nil
be in News
iv. 1.1. W.
I a. c.
In town conducted by
There Is u- use this
malady. If you will only get
right remedy, having pain
through our body, liver Is out
order, have appetite, no lite or
ambition, have a bail cold, In are
up. bittern I.
the only remedy that will give
relief. They set
on your Liver. and Kid-
tone up whole sad
make you Ilk a now being They
are guaranteed to or price
en. Sale at Jim- L. Drug
Store only cents per
On Monday, May and, before Court
Home door In I will Hell the
following property due tile
town of Greenville the year
Clark, town lot. tax
81.30, total
dirk, Interest In town lot.
KM, cost total
J. J., lot, tax
eon total
one lot. tax 11.03
cot 11.80, total ti W.
K W M., town lot, tax
cot total .
Peyton, Charlie, town lot, tax
1.47, total 12.77.
Town Tax
color would you like on
your sign tho painter-
replied tho advertiser
color, so it's
Thankful written by
E. Hart, s-1. taken
with a bad which settled on my
in sad
iii sour
save me up, raying I could live
tune- I up to my
Savior, determined II could
my on earth, l would meet
my absent one. above. My husband
was lo get Dr. King's V .-,
Discovery for Coughs
and Colds. I gave It a look in all
eight bottles. It lie,
thank God I am saved lad now a healthy
Trial bottles free at 1.-
Drug Store.
Regular and
N fee intimating his do lire
Congress take final
Tho of a declaration Of
to civil rights are so
that of may
mentioned, specially as err.-
tho necessity of stub
A declaration of war compels
neutrality on the part all
toward the two
involved tho
A declaration of war abrogates
Alter a declaration war all
intercourse, and act merely
forbidden; and an American
cannot lawfully send a
lo enemy's country lo
bring away his property.
cf the United Stales
equally guilty of trading with
tho enemy, whether the trade be
between enemy's port and
United Stales, or between tho
former and some foreign nation.
citizens of belligerent
state incapable of
with citizens of the other be-
effect of war is to dissolve
a partnership between of
hostile b.
Every kind of trading or com-
intercourse, whether b
transmission money or of
or for tho delivery
of either between two at
directly or or
through the
persons or partnerships, or by
contracts in any form looking to
A Ten strike North Carolina
Tho a-i told by our Boston
correspondent this week of a large
Michigan concern gives
to no than
located in the
while region
Northwest discarding that
o lumber that i
pine, is a striking illustration
of growing popularity o this
justly famous product of
South- Indeed each
worthy I mute than a passing
notice, as illustrating the easy
victory of Motto Carolina
over Western White
is made,
changes are going nil
While, and many
of tho country, soys our
torpedo boats is always
on in a engagement- The
Ever since tho gathering of the
war cloud, this been
pug North Carolina farmers
offer much danger to crew i hominy. If war
as a torpedo boat ii wont into
that when is leaded to tight
she carries n great quantity of
dynamite, and an
j let rated lo her
the moil board would
never know what happened to
If Holland submarine
boat be by the
government, bet would,
my run a very fair chance
going to the
l.-g that can do all Unit
chanted her, if she were
out to tin a battleship
exposed her turret even for u
period, oho i- d m
danger of being struck. Sup-
posing gets
however, to launch torpedo
would very
prey surround
for revenge. However,
be worth it,
there would u.
such boats.
destruction of a battleship at no
greater cost than that el a sub-
marine boat a small
would Lo a distinct
add greater
distinction these danger-
boats thorn desirable
billets in bands of meat our
Tits Girl's
is a truth, a lint
tho gin with the least is
apt to tho most
Ruth of
Caro of a Girl's in
-May Homo Journal.
very wealthy girl nay not
have to for own wardrobe
yet each belonging to it is
made lo do lull and in
many instances, if has a wise
mother, girl herself must
superintend the work of maid.
It is said of the daughters of
Queen Victoria that each of
was taught, not only to sew
mil but lo mend dam with
lo make over
those gowns which were counted
worth it- girl who o ward-
robe is nut large makes her first
mistake in bus material
is averted provisions will pay
better than cotton, or at least
quite as well. If war should
Some there will be no demand for
a i cotton in p,
. would command high
Tho Atlanta Journal is urging
Ibis course Georgia, saying;
is good policy at Ml
time for of the South
is doubly good now that there
i.- n strong prospect of war.
war come price of
provision i would certainly rise
while the of tho Month's
staple would probably full
Thus the Southern who
does not raise his own food sup-
would natch ends
Tho Greenville,
gives Southern farmers the host
when it says;
corn; plant vegetables,
big cops of
n little of everything; sow large
Corps of grain; hogs, raise
if cattle, for the ensues of war
is considerable and war
means higher
everything you and your family
ea. It war, passes
without bursting, yon will be in
all the bettor condition for
planted a larger crop
The Sleeve for summer
Through are small they
are perfectly tight, but retain
tit the top
without any excessive
Tim extra puff has disappeared
favor of tho moderate
out in one two-piece
which gathered as anal
into it is
gathered, however, there are
three to seven quarter inch or
smaller run crosswise just
below the or rows of
insertion, velvet
ribbon, lulls of narrow edging,
or whit the gown is trimmed
tucks used all
-i e mi iii very edge war,
n ire r.-ill h-.
Sunday morning prayer of lie
i i; i. -i- data
in hot in tho Stales,
. ii i . Southern sol.
I in he
-l i i ,, n o
a that Is the
This augurs well for I moment- nil ad, only one
North pine, which gown ma be , m Ami
ball have more to say in our next season, it should a I i
the growing hat will wear, will were amongst
Southern pro- over, and a
there u no longer any of which neither the nor
Th, re re
lore ii b b now
lit , i lot duty , fry cub m to
I soil in. hi.
the will
weary. It is an .,. moral support lbs ,,
a gown made in tho I During war the
We tit-i o say s I o the extreme n th fighter.
Union in A,

Greenville, N. C.
M, Editor
Intend at the office at Greenville,
N. C, at class
Engagement Expected.
By Telegraph to
April naval en.
on is hourly ex-
pi th American and Span
is II
Alger and Long to Resign.
By Telegraph to
April is Pep Tied
here morning that Secretaries 11-
and Long will tender their
The Navy department has n i
information this morning that the Span-
fleet is to the Atlantic
in Progress
By Telegraph Reflector.
Key West, April
between the butteries op
Castle the in was in
progress through most
is still tiring on fleet this m
Another Prize
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key West, April United
State cruiser Detroit steamed in with
a this morning. While sailing
along twelve northwest
the cruiser ran down the merchant
and captured There
is great rejoicing here over this
mid the docks ware
with shouting people the
prise was brought in.
Message Sent to Congress
By Telegraph to
Washington, April MAt noon to-
day the President sent a message to
Congress recommending the pas-age of
a joint resolution declaring n state
war exists between the United
and Spam, and urging immediate action
There were papers accompanying the
President's message the fact
that Spain the existence
a state war.
The House passed war
unanimously. Senator
Allen a in the
Senate which was referred to die or
Relations Committee in condensed
form to facilitate action.
The Senate foreign Relations Corn-
tee, in order to save lime, to
report the bill as pissed by the Hone
As so on Committee made its
report the Senate wen. into a commit-
of the whole to consider the
declaration war.
Columbia at Newport
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Newport, R. I., April
cruiser Columbia, the Flying Squad
passed Fort Adams about noon
bound Lyman A. Cotton
is on the
Another Cabinet Change
By Telegraph lo Reflector.
Washington, April r.
mm tendered his resignation n
Secretary State. Assistant S
Day was appointed us his
and accepted the portfolio.
Later Monday
Alter The was issued
Monday evening the following
grams were received up to o'clock.
Washington, April war
declaration passed the Senate without
Key West, April 25Th- United
States Ins s lied the
Spanish steamer and is taking
her to Mobile.
Washington, April
R rd engrossed the hill declaring lite
existence of a state war this evening,
and the declaration has started from
the for the President's signature
The Senate adjourned at Sen-
spoke in favor rec-
K v .
Washington, April
has signed the declaration war
More Prizes
By to Reflector.
Ky West, April Man-
grove I have captured three
and a-o bringing
About noon the Mangrove reached
port with one of the which is a
Spanish liner Pan
Germany Wants to Intervene
Vile to
Berlin, April will not
of neutrality. The
Kaiser wants to be in a position lo
whenever it is deemed necessary.
No News From the Paris
By Cable
April The have
received no news the steamer Paris
Asks For Arms
By to Reflector.
Washington, April
Gomez, the Cuban army, the
United States to send arms to the In-
Could Not Get Away.
After In i. had gens to
press Tuesday evening a dispatch was
received from St. Cape
saying the Spanish fl -el was still
detained there. The engineers
fleet He all and they
sail, having orders from to
Will Islands
By cable to
Squadron, has
ordered to take the to
God Bless Ireland
By Cable to Reflector.
London, April The Irish
today passed a
resolution tendering warmest sympathy
and good to the United Slates
a to commending the action of
gov, in its
liberate the people Cuba.
Did Not Return Fire
By Telegraph
Washington, April
Long a denial reports that
when Castle fired on our fleet
he returned the lire-
Representative reported the
war bill lo House, the only changes
to levy OB mineral waters
and telephone messages.
The Senate agreed upon the con-
I r tie report on the army
By Cable to Reflector.
Paris, 20--The French
n t approves the proclaim
Troops Having Rough Weather
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Chattanooga, Terrible
rains last night and ibis morning gave
the troops in camp here their first ex-
with rough weather.
Show Nerve
B-- Cable to
Madrid, from
Blanc at Havana say M can
lake of Havana, and surrounding
t and that the Spanish fl -el can
be tit service
St. into Commission
By Tel-graph Reflector.
New St. Louis went
into i omission today. She took on
tons coal at the Brook-
A Rich Haul
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key West, April Spanish
ft tamer with one thousand
s and in gold board
is reported captured by Sampson's
Powers Not to Interfere.
By Cable to
London, April Powers will
not attempt to prevent the Untied
Slate Irons attacking the
Consul Williams at Hong Kong
i able to Reflector.
Hong Kong, April steamer
arrived here today from
having United States
Williams on
What Does This
By Telegraph to
today the President exempts
Spanish vessels interference or
ii loaded at m ports
lore May 21st.
Succeeds Roosevelt.
By Telegraph to
Washington, April,
Sicard has been appointed to succeed
Gen, nil as to
cl War. tendered
his resignation lot the of
e a on the of Gen.
oral lo Cuba.
V f
By to Reflector.
Cork, April British ship
. arrived tit Bristol last right
and says she spoke the
Shenandoah, which was reported cap-
by the Spaniards. This is
clipper sailed fro n San Francisco
Liverpool with a load wheat.
Discussing Cuban leaders
By Telegraph to Reflector.
April Sen
Foreign Relations Committee today
considered hut look no action on
annexation of Hawaii.
In the council of today General
Miles discussed lb matter landing
troops on Cuba with Cuban
Minneapolis Sails
T, to Reflector.
Bar April cruiser
Minneapolis, Flying Squadron,
sailed here ibis
Gladstone's Death Denied
By Cable to Reflector.
April death of
Gladstone is denied here, though he is
reported us sinking rapidly.
Spanish Troops Concentrating
By Cable lo
Havana, April
Hoops on the island are concentrating
h re lo meet e American
Arranging to Invade Cuba.
By Telegraph to Reflector,
Washington, I
dent, Alger General
s lost lo complete arrange-
the invasion Cuba.
Bolivar Captured.
By Telegraph to Reflector
Key West, April of the
United Slates cruisers captured the
Spanish ship Bolivar and brought her
into port here this morning.
Another Prize for Sampson
By Telegraph Is Re fleeter.
Washington, April
dent is in receipt n dispatch
that Sampson's fleet off Havana cap-
lured another prize this morning.
Gladstone Dead
By Cable to He
Gladstone died to-day. He had been
ill sue lime and his death was not
unexpected. England's greatest States-
man is no more. The world has had
few greater men than he was.
The world will his death.
His death is an international calamity.
He passed away quietly surrounded
by and sympathizing friends
and admirers.
The entire civilized world Will re-
that William K. is no
Bore, The English, Ml t and Amer-
people especially will their
sorrows for his
Cabanas Blockaded
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key West, April
fl-et is practically in possession of the
id Cabanas on Cuba.
New York Troops Ready
Telegraph to Reflector.
Albany, April Governor
notified Secretary Alger the
State New York is ready with he r
mi lot the army.
Still at Cape Yen
Cape April
fleet is still here.
Columbia Boston
By Telegraph to Reflector
April 27-The
Flying is now at
or her e In toe lower bay,
For Gomez
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Key West April, prize
c art is in here today
the have solar been
The government bus to
an expedition lo meet Steamer
Montreal landed forces
Santiago, but Gomez has then cornered
so they reach in Havana.
Panic at Havana
By Telegraph to
April British
steamer from Havana arrived here
today in a while flag with
I and thirty board.
They report in a
is a good suggestion the
Raleigh Post makes that some troops
should in North Carolina to
protect cur to meet any
emergency that may in the way
local troubles.
Value of prise. Gov-
sharp, one-hail,
Rear Admiral Sampson's one-
Fleet Captain
; balance to be divided among
officers and men the
; I Bash, n
Snow, 11.750; Walker, 1,750;
Chief Freeman,
passed assistant engineer,
Surgeon ; Assistant
Paymaster Pay
Clerk ; boatswain,
gunner, ; carpenter,
three hundred petty
enlisted MOB, share e
Tin believes it
the much talked of fusion between the
Democrats and Populists could be
carried into effect would drive away
far more Democrats than it would
Populists. Better adhere to the
principal a straight fight and stand
or fall by it. is bound to
gain the again, but it can
not do it entangling alliances with
place hunters.
atone y For Tho Navy.
be pending hostilities between this
Country and Spain brings matter
of prizes and price money into
Who will get the prises already
captured by vessels of the United
if the question which, when answered,
will do for future reference in cases
of the kind. The of the
vessel captures s f rise turns her
over to three prise commissioners, who
by United Slates
District Court, one of whom Is to be a
retired naval officer another an at-
of three practice. Alter
the question has been the
price is awarded as follows.
The law governing the condemnation
cf prizes provides that when the court
shall determine that the prize was
superior or equal force to the or
vassals making the capture the entire
net proceeds of the sole shall go to the
captors. the court shall deter
mine that prize force
proceeds is sale shall go to
captors and one-half to the United
Stales. Should be
sioned, the entire net proceeds would
en to the unless otherwise
the commissions.
The commanding officer a fleet or
squadron receives one-twentieth
of prize money awarded to
or vessels under his immediate con-
The commanding officer of a
or division under the com-
of a receives
of the amount to
captors, his share to come out of
part the prize money awarded lo
Government when the Government
receives a share. The fleet captain Is
entitled to part of
award made to any vessel or vessels of
fleet or squadron with which he is
except in a ease where the
capture is made by the vessel which
h i is serving, in that case he shares
in proportion to his pay with the other
officers and men on board the vessel.
To the commander of n single vessel is
one-tenth of the money awarded
to vessel, was acting at the
of capture under the command
the commanding officer of a
squadron or division, and
if it was ting independently.
Alter these deductions, the remainder
prise money to a
is distributed among the officers and
crew of the vessels in proportion to
their respective pay.
captured oil Sand Key light
by the United gun-boa
Friday, is said lo be worth, with
her cargo, is
to a New York paper,
prise money will divided the
ship cargo are sold ;
Keep Some Troops Home;
The State Guard, when m is
up to the limit, is composed of 1,800
men. The call President requires
about It is evident
additional will be needed,
and we the Governor will issue
a call them. These latter will have
to be thoroughly organized, equipped
and disciplined. This will take time.
It is necessary, Unit tiny lie
called out at earliest possible mo-
Al lease a regiment the reg-
the State, obvious reasons, not only
to as a guard on our own coat
but to be ready in case of local trouble
any character. If the Governor
the authorities would permit us
we believe it would be best to ca II
at least three thousand new
in addition to the Stale Guard, to
be formed into three new regiments.
This will supply required
to up the number culled by
the President, leave two
troops in the State for
and other protection.
We into the light, must meet
its The State must fur-
the now required by the
general Government lo go lo Cuba
elsewhere needed, the State sh ,
have organized lores within
her own borders, and we do not think
two thousand too many lime of
We are sod within a
week after the Governor issues bis
for three additional regiments he will
have in ready to go camp.
the Stale can go through this war,
do its duty to the country and to
people at homo without having to call
out more five thousand our
citizens to military duty
can congratulate ourselves.
To Dispose of
Mr. G. H. a
new yet old method of
of the out-worm that
does damage lo email
and tomato plants
tin; of your.
Ho In. practiced it, says, for
IS or IS vats, and it has worked
Here it is.
your neighbor's
yon one of your
a good supply of
old and when setting out
plants, place a dozen or more
at the root of
guarantees l a worm will never
touch New.
Bars the Drunkard
Drunkenness to-day d
i in the very quarters where
a little while ago was looked
upon as a write
Edward W. in May
Homo Journal, line of
abuts doors absolutely lo
drunkard. It has no use for him.
Business competition has so
keen that only the men of steadiest
habits can employment. This
I the habitual indulger in alcoholic
has found out, different
establish for
Godsends they are, too, to humanity-
are to-day filled with men who
lo realization of the changed
conditions. The man of steady habits
is the man of the hour, and the drunk-
ard realizes Ii. the world
same thing is true. Tho
even a few years
not be tolerated at ally dinner
Society has become intolerant
of the behavior which inevitably results
excessive indulgence in drinking,
and men realize this. is bad man-
to-day to drink to
taste is spreading, and moderation ls
Pedestrians who to
be near the corner of Front and
Market streets this
witnessed a
and curious fan be-
when n large Maltese oat,
owned by one of the down-town
caught and devoured
a for her break-
Hardly had feline couplets J
her breakfast two grown
English flew down from
pole and
attacked the oat
course objected to
being jumped anon in
violent manner, and made
effort to catch the birds.
The feathered retreated
slowly and apparently
against their will, giving the cat,
who followed closely,
sharp gongs with their small bills
which made the feline twitch at
sensation. Finally the repeated the
attacks of the birds became too
much for the cat and she retreated
to a near by store,
enraged sparrows following
closely and only desisting when
victim was behind a door.
Wilmington Dispatch-
A recent letter of Hon. Amos J.
Cummings says
then an
at Washington
for a time during tho war be-
tho a of
staff of Phil. Sheridan and
participated with in
the The story we
have is that be was attach-
ed during tho war lo the command
of William Sher-
man and was with that worthy on
his march to the sea. It no
odds which of the is
His course in Cuba proves
that be got training
tome accomplished vandal-
Charlotte Observer-
In older to make a
change in business we
offer our entire
of at Factory
for Cash and
take advantage of this sale
Next door to office.
YES talks- We make it talk for us
-K by buying at inside prices, and we
give our customers the advantage of it. We
want to do business with you. We buy our
right and we sell them right and treat you E
EDWARDS COBB, Proprietors.
At store Court
Manufacturers dealers in all kinds of
New Buggies a specialty
All kinds of repairing done. Wu use skilled labor and goo
material and are prepared to give satisfactory work.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats
-----and celebrated------
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call see are invited to inspect
my stock learn the low prices.
We are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor delivery n v.
We do all kinds of repairing.
repaired promptly.
Heavy and Fancy
fresh goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce
and sold. A trial will eon
A General, Horse
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by Brown,
to see
A Winner
All the world loves a winner-you'll
be classed as such, if you wear Clothes that are
cut right-made right-
Good judgment-Good
Taste-tells you to buy good clothes-becoming
clothes--they cost no more than the ordinary
buy Sack Suits-Single and Double Breasted
e Force.
J. A. Dooms went to to
The best of Everything
Clothing, Hats,
at the lowest prices.
Dr. It. L.
Sin Hill.
t. J
J. II. Farrow
Be. J. J. Harper loft ills
or Ills in
D. t i
I t -ii to Sunday.
Forbes bean sick lbs past
week is still to mom.
J. s. mislead, of Norfolk,
peal with Be. B. H.
Mr. W. A. Savage i. .-. cot-
J. Lr. I,. C
Insurance Coin,
war Derails. lad
II. o Mount
II. up the road
A. left this morning for
U on
Mrs. K. II. left
for lo visit
J. K. returned
Mia Nannie Hudson, of
Flu., evening lo visit
her John I J m.
A. W. and J.
morning for a
the former will wed
Minnie Ask
II. War Reporter
may be I on sand,
but she is on
I Spain keeps on
b U. S. we are
The Battery got
in the fl
A new key on the scale is
Wist. All martial sirs
played on
No war ships pi down Evens
water was
suggests Col.
I. A. Sugg Lieut. l.
take job lo u
says lbs is ready
lo three seconds is
fully the u-e
. t are in
for th-j boys who would
X. C., , 1898,
U . , r. ,,
is sister, Mrs. i;
Hiss Nat i . Lb
Mary Bran Manning it
Hiss Edmund.
W. U. U i. f
today bore.
J. T. a, ,
returned lo m
D. far-
If.-.-. II. Clip
hi- regular tn
Sunday and
Vi-s Dun- r.
ii .
friends to plat
to f,
u J
year, then nils .
may wish to. war will n it it
our opinion,
mid not, t l , , ,,
SI ll I, at
I tn . i. ti r
Up P ices.
pop up
i ti r
K-. it the
1.1 Hi
I o war declared had i
d of Hi per i
Had t. Billy Goat.
Mary had a I,
I I,
that Miry ts
ire lo w.
I th one day,
evening to visit hit
is bore.
seems since the
Herd both and Sun
freight train today killed a
belonging to Mr. W. t. Fleming.
If some high don't get in
river now it will not be because there
been no rain,
County Rifles were out in good
starching order this afternoon. The
boys don't lake in hut
lo go where on Uncle
the war talk
excitement, the John Flanagan
Company gees right on turning
fine day. They sold
At Hit.
The has folded
This morning In
s boa very fine
that were sent us by Mr, J. L.
son, of Fla.
Odd Fellows celebrate
Public invited
to the exercises both st
Baptist and Odd Fellows half
went down to
and s morning
and brought back a nice list of
St on the south
should bear in mind
they set the news in
from to
hours sooner other can
give to their. is worth
Grass Butters
train halt an hour Lit
What s and vis
this morning.
rains will make a nice season
1st Kiting tobacco plants.
Tax bulletin beard.
Ward meetings will be held Friday
to select for Council-
The people learning that they
find no more accurate war n than is
In Tug dispatches. Our
service is
Wilmington will like capture the
prise that Raleigh has been seeking as
being to the Stale
A Sad Death
Monday evening Mr. M. R. Lang
received a telegram from New York
announcing death his niece, ft j.
J. L. Flaming went Sparta.
on I s.
J. A. Tuesday
evening from Norfolk.
Ed. of passed
through Ibis morning going
B. Li Smith and wile
Tuesday evening from
W. H. Cox, of on the
morning going through lo Wash-
J. W. Goodwin,
ed evening lo see his family
who are lure,
Julia which occurred
noon on that Jay, after Illness
about three weeks with
Miss Julia only years old,
her death brings sadness not only to
her and relatives but also lo n
number here who knew
her well. When her homo in
visited Greenville
made many among our
She was a sister Messrs. Alex,
Larry She a
young lady of lovely character and dis-
position, always having a kind and
gentle word for every one. We tender
our sympathies to her sorrowing
and relatives.
W. II. Holt, Graham, N.
II all mi then could only
know the true worth Mrs. Joe Per-
son's Remedy, a world of anxiety and
trouble would be saved. It is the
medicine I ever tried in my
life. I had a large family of n,
and do believe I am indebted to Mrs.
Joe listing raised
anything it the
with my children I give them
Remedy and there is never any need
trite syrups, paregoric
and thing, cf that kind. The Remedy
keeps them well
and they need
anything else. bad
s in the eyes had lo b-
kept shaded all the time, and
cored her. cannot say
enough a. everybody
know what it would do aid try it, a
world suffering
Man. W. Vt. Holt.
N. C, July 1897.
Mis. Joe Person's Remedy is
Greenville, N, ft
Dr. returned
from where
I had been to J. W.
Henpecked Husbands hold
in by lo
leer, We promised nut lo tell who
suggested this.
Oar war need up
button mil did not
many to prim today,
Lieut. G is
of our if any hate
for him Not but there
i. lime
Commodore Johnston says slier the
vote Company II. Battery
Z. can't lire any re gnus lo
patriotism in old Pit.
Col. A. Sugg says lit. will beta
pair spurs he can raise a strong
in Pill county in three days,
he says Capt, J,
do it in three hours.
seems to be stealing on
end April, Instead blowing
the of tin- month as
old times. Hut these are war days
now, and there need be no
prise even at Weather.
Johnston must not use
Tub bulletin board lo
display bis without permission
in chief. Further
l this order will deprive him
his rubber loots.
wile . t
M. Lied I -t
o'clock. held over
this ti o'clock
Rev. II. II. at reel-
1.1 which .,.,
We I our to b.
i I
Ire regret ; were
i Ber i- Miss
Annie Randolph's school
No. Si-ten township, i.-t
Attended a
time mid speak
terms tis n t t
regret not teat bin
this this lull.
not I. I . ii. ti,, kin Bi ,. , t
it , , , ., L
high U .
. c, . m
i , . .
i d
And .
. Ore,
f on h r
All I -t, lire.
; .
Would Not Volunteer.
The Pill County a good
enough .-how when out drill, Mo.
I but when it
lo vole on would
to go i only blood up
o be counted. three II.
U. Johnston and Edward
. , .
As U. by
Cotton Buyers.
IV. C.
have in Mock Sugar II
and Bags and many
to numerous to .-,
ft iii
Both tho and results when
I it is pleasant
t- the taste,
y. tin-Kidneys,
cleanses m.
colds, bead-
I habitual
Snip of Figs is the
Its kind ever pro-
. ;,,
t i stomach, prompt in
it-; notion and truly beneficial in its
. I pi i tared only from most
hi its
to ail and have made it most
popular remedy known.
; V. .- j for in
cent bottles by nil leading drug.
I who
; or. hand will pro-
PI anyone who
it Do not accept any
m syrup co.
It has been
complications Spain begin, that
tho would not fight; and
is known the martial
colored population Raleigh there
Isn't any. tho is not alto-
a man of peace. The
regiment regular is
composed entirely el enjoys a
line reputation. In the campaigns with
Indians the west, our soldiers.
have themselves real Ii liters. We
also have evidence u similar
home, tire i
desire to enlist in the volunteer
State, and that military
company is
Odd Celebration
Odd sf
anniversary Tuesday
night. The the two
nu l their hall and went in n body to
the church where a s.-r-
was preached by Rev. N. M
Watson, pastor the -Methodist church
His was
which ho said was selected be-
of its lo the
lion Odd
slid s religion tint undertook lo
servo God without serving humanity
was failure, u was strange
that the world through so many
Overlooked g-est fact we
our best to when
are best serving our creatures.
The was an ons
lo occasion.
Alter the at the the
lodges arid many friends to
the ball where ,
ring was held. Thu pleasure Ibis
gathering heightened by the
of beautiful by Mrs
D. arid Misses Ship--
paid Julia
Dedication Service
The by the County
Commissioner at the for the
Aged and Infirm was dedicated Sunday
by Revs, N. M. Watson
A. W. a large crowd
Greenville and the country
the Home gathered to
the and give evidence
their to the work which
been The chapel is a neat little
building, well suited to the purposes
Which was budded. Rev. A. W.
pastor of the Greenville
preached sermon, which
wait a plain, earnest -1 sermon. Al-
tho sermon, Rev. X. M. Watson
Methodist church made a
pro mite 1111,11.3 and led in the
v prayer.
run ii
Baby ii one
Every mother
feels an
the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical
of her life.
Be co m j n d a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one misery.
Some Knowing
Messrs. J. K. II.
Chocowinity, up lo
Saturday OH a vi.-it. While lore M
dropped in a chat remedy which relieves
lo renew women of the pain and
says faring incident to maternity; this
not get along Without Tun Rs- as woman's
all the h,
. , . , , painless, but all the is re-
out n he that nothing helps moved by its use. Those who use
him along so well he goes lo Ml this remedy arc no longer de-
bate a copy d th,
his girl as t
paper him.
Talking ;.,., Mr.
add am telling here
that they are net in it at nil when it
to tobacco plants. The
lay my plants took the notion that it
was lime were set out. I got op
soon one morning to go out lo lbs
bed saw something while
across tho lit Id. At Hist I though
was a ghost and was afraid logo up
to it, but when got
to make an I
tobacco plants in eagerness lo
get out had shoved cloth ll the
plant bod and were rolling over in it
way lo patch lo b,
set out. None of your Tin
or gloomy; nervousness;
nausea and other distressing con-
are avoided, system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com-
to the critical hour arc
obviated by the ti of Mother's
or seat by on of price.
in women, t,
ti.- ti i n.
due t
War in freight snipped by tie
Old Dominion s. s. Jo th Company
h s to the risk on
nil shipped I heir steamers,
I i n I- th
ea-i up lo that on I Company.
X. v., April Hi
Is More Important to You
Than the President's.
Not War but Peace. We
i by Saving You your
Bale will be
co. i while longer and it more
a to we bay thrown i large
on our Cost Bo come alone and
lake root pick of that o New Sails at but
all goods are also
included in this special cost sale.
C. T
Black Goods.
W at-
it and
Tarn Colored and
Plain Silks. We
scores of waist pat.
term in exclusive
In CI Blacks,
Strip Our
i f Silks
s ii
styles and beat val-
Ins the attention
Black Dross In la-
we are bow-
plain tun fancy
is. style
lb e
i a blank
I ere liberal lines
adapted for
in Plain
-V- A
A I ; lino of
to l elect from in-
yon till to see thorn.

Shameful Partnership.
obligation gratitude
honorably disregard in
I lie future. For tie Democratic
to fuse with
party means
of the pact and take
of laying unloaded
upon it still greater odium in the
it must share
The Democratic patty should
the fact firmly in min d
to fuse with the populist party is
to become a retroactive partner
n the acts that have
marked the elevation of that party
to power. I cannot be
that the Republican party more
responsible for the bitter ,
and disgrace of stale
than is its populist ally. The this glorious
further fact is also to be consider- are a unit in
ed that if fie Democratic i arty met. 8- no means US.
accents victory at the of Orleans Picayune.
incurs th
What The Mean Sow
ft What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
Beat in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
cheap are.
But should you t-
Want Job
Washington, April
One country, one and one
licking of Spain.
That sentiment
in Washington since the war
Sow that Mr.
has shaken off the
and benumbing
he has thoroughly alive
to Hie necessities of th I
Ibis ha- particularly
during the past week. He
started on right track
he asked Congress for
to use the army and to
Spain to
proper stop when he sent mat
ultimatum to Spain, again when
lie recognized Ibo of our
minister bf Spain an act of
war; wain when be issued orders
fleet u Cockade
and vet again when be
proclamation calling for
men o two years
poorer is
behind every one of these
note and lie people are light
behind Congress The
in unprecedented, nod every
Spanish flag captured by
warships ado to it- The only
that is heard is that all who
desire to participate avenging
Maine cannot do so. each
Mate will on furnishing its
full quota of troops called for.
National of the Dis-
Columbia is already on
in a of
ard only m
third can bone to CO every Of
is to start for Cuba.
teer arm v which was by
last for
four Generals, and the
is general in Washington
that and Joe. Wheeler,
of Alabama.-ill be tendered com-
missions of that rank
Roosevelt, scrappy Assistant
Secretary the navy, will resign
that position in order to on
Lee's Cuba.
When once our army gets
his points by a
of bis stories, vote was
taken and was by
a vote of to
A long story night be told
about tie lightening cabinet
change, in which editor
Emory Smith succeeded
A Gary as Postmaster
General, but if so old an enemy
of as Senator Quay was
willing to keep quiet and
that Smith's be
confirmed by the surely
others COB so, at least
war is over- now
is wanted will not
add to the strength of govern-
the first and
is that no be lost
in the war to a victorious
The kM salve In the world for C
Brakes. Sir,.
Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hat
Chilblains, Corns, all Skin
by Local applications, as they cannot
the diseased portion the ear.
There is only one way to care deaf
and that Is by constitutional
price cents per
o. L. Women.
cures Tiles no Deafness is caused by an Inflamed
pay is In of the mucous of the
perfect satisfaction or money Tube. When this tube gets In-
cents per box. For sale by yon have a rumbling sound or
hearing, and when it is en-
closed it the result, and
unless the Inflammation can be
out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, bearing will be de-
forever; c oases out often
are caused by which Is
Notice to Creditors.
duly the Pa-
Court Clerk Put county as
Executor of the estate of dank; an Inflamed the mucous
L. Bell deceased, notice Is here- surface.
by given lo all persons indebted We will One Hundred
the estate to immediate payment, for any ease of Deafness by
to the and to all creditors cannot he cured by Ball's
of said estate to present their claims. Cure. Send for circulars.
properly authenticated, to under- CO. Toledo, O
signed, within twelve months after
date or this notice, or this notice will Halls
be plead In bar of their recovery.
This the of March
Executor the estate of Sarah L.
Notice Dissolution.
The Ann Ricks . Tall hare this
day by consent, J. A.
A. II. Taft withdrawing
from the firm. W II, Kicks and S. H.
Taft will continue business same as
heretofore under name of Kicks A
Taft- All line the are to
be lo said Ricks Taft who also
assume ail
March, 7th, J. A. RICKS,
E. U. TarT.
cur friends an the
generally their liberal patronage In
the past we solicit a continuance of th
same in the
signed, within twelve months after Sold by
Family Fills are the best.
Cure Ml
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
arc invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
State of North Carolina, I In tho Sup
f r
Come to see us.-
Reflector Job Printing
Anything from
is it in C
The Daily
Gives the home news
afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber not you
mill lo be.
specific duly, thus
purgatives and by
Notice to Creditors.
I, G. M. In a certain
deed in trust executed to me on June
the 7th, 1897, by J. H. W. K.
County, f Court- and St. A. trading
J. II. Cobb and Sarah Cox, J-
C. A. Blount. II. I. or, either of
F Y of said individually la
i. claims to the
,. and Blount. who on or the April,
arc defendants In the above ,, ,,, d
will notice a Special on
Proceeding entitled m above, has been Sid a
commenced in th shall I Ml to said claim as above
Pitt County, the Clerk, for the w, in tar
partition of certain real In the any In the dividend or
county of Pitt In which the I ft
and defendants are T
The K. J. Blount and E- T.
Will kite arc
of the
clerk of the Superior of said
county on Friday the day of May,
in Greenville. and answer
or demur to the petition and complaint
in said action, or the plaintiffs will
ply ft Court for the relict demand-
ed therein. , .,
this the 20th
Clerk Superior I County.
Is only SI a year.
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
times more than
the subscription price.
Cob, it will work
Ibo Spaniards,
weeks most elapse before
Hi at can be gathered on
anthem o
embarkation for Cuba. Until
then we shall o content
with ho that
warships will a ac-
count of themselves in any en-
casements will have either
with Spanish forts in
or with the Spanish warships;
may as well
to bear of
capture of an merchant
ship en the ether side of At-
by Spanish. We can
hope that Spanish
navy will over and
ships, but there are no indications
now in eight that it will do It
looks as will have
to go when
captured Cuba.
The authorized by the
war revenue bill reported to the
from wars com-
ore com gold
idea bad to
bearing par cent interest.
is amount, to run
from ten to twenty years at the
pleasure oil he government. The
of in per cent
treasury certificates of indebted-
u also bill
makes in the internal
revenue tax on beer and
tobacco, and provides
for new by stamps
similar to the system in
just after war, will it is
estimated add a year
government's revenues-
There is little that
the witty of Private John
Allen, of Mississippi shamed
enough republican members of
House to save the seat of
Carmack, of Ten-
which contested by
Patterson, who ran against
him as a gold Democrat and was
supported by republicans,
republicans voted for Carmack
and a number not vote
It had been understood Mint
solid vote had been
pledged to Patterson by Gen.
and other of
the party, but John Allen
bad shown up In own
manner zigzag- financial
career of Jonah em-
received a
and nice-t line of
and in wood, met
lie and cloth eel brought
We am
in all
Personal attention given to con-
ducting and bodies en-
trusted to will
every mark of
e do not want
We can be found at any and i
times the .
BOB ft
On Monday May 2nd. before the hurt House door in the town
Greenville, I will sell the tracts of land to satisfy the taxes
due thereon for the year 1307, compliance with section
Act. laws of 1897. W. H.
Sheriff Pitt
from the assets the
is given by
order of court. This March II,
D. M. Ti
Administrators Notice.
B; virtue of order from the Super-
our of Pitt
the V,
deceased, will till
CM of May. before the
House door In sell to the
bidder following parcel of
One lot In the town of Ayden,
on adjoining the
lands of M. F. I, W. H.
and Amos
acre, more or
sale cash.
of T K. Harrison.
A; Moore,
Tripp, W
Knight. W T
Teel, Fannie
Cooper, A
Johnson, J II
Keel. J S
Cl J
Jackson Bros Co
Edward, Mrs Sarah J
Smith. Patrick
Wilson, Frank
Old Dominion line
A. a.-cit S B
Parker. Watt
Spier. J E
Slaughter, heirs
Tripp, U B
Cobb A Son. J O,
Dupree, J K
Johnson. J H
Morgan. I F
Mayo. Mrs M I,
Parker, Mrs
Beams, Mrs W A
Reaves. Mrs
Vines, C C
Vines, Mrs C
Joyner, Andrew
Lewis, T
Rawls, W S
Ion i
I on
Port Sis,
Farmers and Inlying t
year's supplies will Had it their in
est to our prices before
Our stock Is complete
l Its branches.
Flour, Sugar,
Always lowest market prices
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
a in
A stock
n and at i .
suit Our foods arc all b m .
sold for therefore,
rise lo run we sell at a close
Cherry, Benjamin
Corey, W M
Daniel, Jordan
Dudley, Gorge
Daniel, J D and wife
Eaton. Benjamin
Elks. J I.
Harris, Ed
Jenkins. B J
James, Henry
Parker, Mary
Reaves, Henry
Sermons. heirs
Sow, I A
White, Benjamin
Steamers leave Washington for
for touching at all land-
toga on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. .
Tuesdays, and
Greenville days.
These are subject lo stage
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers fur Norfolk,
Philadelphia. New York and Boston-
Shippers should order goods
marked via Dominion from
folk A Baltimore Steamboat
from Merchants Miners
Line Boston.
SON. Agent,
all Pat-
i r Sets.
. , ,
Scad or photo.,
-n. II c c,
Dot I'll
V. S. sod
Opp. i-i O ii D. C.
j C. ft CO
H. C
Wire and Iron Fencing;
prices reasonable.
Brooks. S W
Cox, John M
Colin, A. agent h II C
Daniel. Jordan
Harding A Harding
Mary E
Kate B
M. i
It any whose appear above have for
them present the same owe and will he stopped.
taxes let
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
You In an Air
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Grip,
and Long
be m-i.
Be ill
fa, f
hat who is
man who live
income i i
th.- i. .,
air lo rare
II n.
for and
and be
Hod paper.
bi if
i i
who of
on of La
In is o be a
happy crown are
to or to
like a spoiled Child
apt In. place
ore at lit lie
and pays
ii.,. Journal.
Natural Allies and friend
Tin- or good
so to
wished no or ob
should be allowed to in its
way. has plainly recognized,
at that is and
only ally friend. We be-
have long end ti t it
The trouble been there has
bun practical say
was The r
y 011- cl which
em the
ledge It be
course, this newly
in likely It
lo than to in, in view
the Continent toward
her. Hut what of ii statesmen
do not closely into motives.
The sole Is it a
Is a
fir and No one
Who sees how all going in the
Continental Stales tan well help
ring these quit Lent in
Sort Pen-
and value
for your U i is
with the newest new
selected with i
care a taste
styles, have com
for people, A large
variety of Hie
A Urge in every
iii.-i t as ion
Ilk.-tin in. Styles and fashions the
; c.
all prices. fall to tee
our splendid and lake ad.
of of-
our mammoth stock
one Dav.
e Account given in
in of serious wind
tint visited Creek on
last it was
noted that Mr. Mike
blown Mr
a family of
who left
He i well ad years in
la a late Hie
for II e
of bis family
were and
be was given a happy
about fifty of of Clear
Creek ship
and began
rebuilding They
all day and at
was completed, the
and Ibo wore
Charlotte News.
Sampson lion.
A Theory
A schoolboy asked to ex
plain tie formation of dew. II is
answer lib Ives
an every
in of
mi are a which it
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond.
J. La
N. C.
In all courts.
Swift Galloway,
N. C
Greenville, N. C
Practice In all the
N. O
Cobb A Con's Store.
John II. small, w. fl. Long,
N. C.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Practices In ail the
W. B. . W. Grimes
N. C.
near . Only
shop town by
J IS i
about say
Kid, de
babies is up arms out
A dispatch cent
war says that since
of that
Las lost much good
see an the
paper of aS least one
soldiers who is tick of Span
no. Ho simply a
combination of yellow and
The are to gar.
Hut they'll to sorrow
simply petting Of
Whit we en do in in.
The Machinist New Yolk
Some when times
are Ike crack doom ;
just to the city line.
Some men advertise
tiny ire it will last
There are other who advertise all
The hitter and
th y want.
dull inns there Is
the is out
One is optimist in
a in and a
. v. time.
The other is a plain,
arc yea
It is to at
tins time that the United
there are twelve
who served Union
army, and twelve who served in
the Confederate army.
are lie
who served in army
and thirty who
Laces. Edging,
of all kinds, Gents Goods,
Caps, Shoes and in black tan
t fit the men, girls and boys.
SHOES sold
by any ore is what customers
about our Shoes Oxfords, A line of
black and color-.
Window shade in all colon.
et Knives,
and Scissor- we war
Lace Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Polos
in white and Window Shades
in all colors-six and seven
ft long,
Rugs, Art Squares, Matting, Oil
Cloth-;, Door Mats in rubber, steel and cocoa,
Crockery, Lamps, Hall Lamps, Library Lamps,
Lanterns, Tinware, sec our Automatic
Can, fills your lamp does not run it
. pie f n ire
at p. . f
ii. . r .
r ; . .
a other t i. .
An . n into
cm I ti . r f sell
i u d p
. at I ad
; e ox-
at lb a, I
ii a t. -1 i It
I . out
n t. in b -ii
cal ii r. . In
hot u k p
pk n in I
n In xi naive on
bi r of
r fr in cc
Lei n st t e I i
I i-i m rattier I
. n in- he will -iv. ii
money bin-,
a local man a
i bard
n dollar for I plan.
If a for an tail-
I s
can gel f om
I'll- even in while
or, who
and much, aborted for
is and If-on who i
of wonder
mils i is I e
i- a bis and Ibo r
bi a.
newspaper, n
people's avoids
. i,. He
in I re a
nod w,. h ,. . f.,. j .,.,
war Hp be
f el duration, a f. w
r--i in n
. i ,
I In. w weeks
i a ind I
I at, . f e
r p their nil f r
ii longer . I-
if ll o ab at
i in n
I , In .
to .-n.-f l
On our up-stair you will large
Room a in Solid ranging In price from to Bureau,
of all prices, Bedstead, Oak
Oak Sideboards Children Couches,
Chain all kinds. Commodes, Dining Tables, Kitchen
Tablet, Tin Safes, Kinks. Ac. Ho question about these cols
ho question about a being Come t. us for your
GOODS ard you will come out We guarantee profit pleat r to
very Profit, u e our Will proven positive saving to
Oliver. goods fail to in quality and Style.
Tours for mutual benefit,
Spokes, Hubs, Building Materials Faints
Oils and Stoves
Fair Dealings and Honest Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
i . i. it- s
I i i
o cot to
. i ho- m i's ii. i
lo lie
mil if i
i ii t
I . ; does no to In i s
p -t of bow I.-.-., Ii
a p i-.
If with
tome ii
mil its publication high
i local paper, if
i- i. pi
e . i.
It is Ibo a .
which ti-
which the
con mid i I
and e rt of home
all tun. r, I and
i p
Tarry pr, ,
ha a
raise revenue to on the
war with The pro
n war of
every deal or i
ii it ii by ck,
duo in- i i go i r
company, or
of a Tie
I wit ii it
i lo lax n tier
revenue of
tit from Mad-
rid i
and nut ii fee private i
have applied to the i
letters marque
token as the
of the
rather than of
in tins
fall r.
within lb., definition of
royal M,
brand, as pirate
no. being American,
acts of win Spain, i if
provided with letter marque
fleet before
s a.-ii
but i, CHi ii
a I I force of
will d
for Tl i
Iv v I
Re ate
It f-- in e
i I e
to o ii n I n-
on to l- it a c-
they no et
of tin lo over-
he Notional rd
i. i no
lo Cut n tr.,
None i f i--
for such can a it. w
be there. Thee
all i i m nth lo i
r i in of vice in
y i i. in .
I- Hi e u
war in d iv c-r
of . is
got i era in a ape f
ti- campaign i .-. f e
i e p e .- s e
Iii ii tie long t-
a to
l lit
op n I. be id a
hi f In -1; with
ho i en iv.
Even t II i ed
and i by Be. I w aid bi
a victory if we in t
t c
an t i I
ti i It. on t
Co in keep
n d Vol.
i-i Hi v mi bile our i v
i iii h- I i
; e Spaniards will l
or Inter.
e I v. be . ii t e
S n i-i. . n . i- a
into a gt i a n d i i
en . may be
lo a by
complete d it.
Into i t f that la in t
Biting to ; on
I old be r. therefore, to
the op i t-
a period of ti -l lines
i In- t oven in-
if not into i e -t
Tl i war it it job we must
go lo II e n ebb-
en e e
I .
th it We strike
it may be m Sew k
n u
pro ; ; in rial c
m ti .- v s.
as Hue lost time
b. f re this a Pf of
t . d S is r
N m
K mi c on
r Cilia i I SO. h
to a In ,,. if ti o
i i . ii. i it i-
ti ii will
go in North
I i . I was t . most
lit- . ii
s r of all
The men and
e in i iced
in iii-. i are,
E W. IS k Hi,.
ire energetic nod
meaning. Bat sometime they
lack that nicety and wisdom of
n which is tin
.-it- in in
. i sue i s mew
allow their to run
one of
their official statements which
i V i growth I
in rape ranee In America, daring
i i- Mains good
p Ii tin contain
lag statement sear, will re
ill i 1.1 iii,
. aye mi tit
which lo verily a state
it, and will
liable by it. whereas, in r.
exact I e i site is truth.
i ii novel en u time in
p i strongly a
tit present.
ii been so
its lit Bi lit. ll i i r
strong lei toward
Indulgence is
f impossible to
n be
. figure bear oat tho very
y i fields, , ,
and for
a w. i k I have a . .
you. have I unable
my appetite
B nun
some see
Ce looked and Smiths
And so rho It- n
good about
ll i
it off the
o penis and made then
u fob
Si can't last long if
S i be to buck
Havana may tolerable
Uncle Sam, I
guess our ;,
Dem Mr.
yell .,
you five l did
lube in his month, but be
blow it
ll got p great
I. .-.-
the i and Am
i. than the
word, -N. Idea
hit would Spain and
to print
sit pin us edition of
of of
And ,
i. -.-, ,. Hp
Will bus

Eastern reflector, 29 April 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 29, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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