Eastern reflector, 8 April 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Advertising Postulate.
That the and
newspaper it the best all
That the daily newspaper is a better
medium than a weekly.
That quality of circulation is in
man; a outweighing its
That story should tersely,
and pertinently, and engagingly told-
the statements should be
through and through.
That a great business should never
to bombard the public mind.
Thai you should use space to
describe your own goods and to de-
cry your neighbor's.
when you have caught you
M should see that he
to be your customer.
advertising is not all that is
necessary to make trade i but
merely a and necessary help.
says his name's Jones, jest
plain Mr.
Jones to take a more drinks. He'll
have to give his name in
Manufacturer In the South.
The more sections
the world at large are just
con- learning can supply
Iron and steel at price which
defy competition, and make a
fair profit at the business- Ala-
is now selling iron pro-
ducts in England under all
competitors, and Pitts-
burg is to
there is a
the iron moving
further southeast- New
England cotton mills have beet,
forced to concede to the South a
virtual monopoly in
of certain lines of clothes-
They acknowledge they
cannot compote with the South-
mills in the coarser cloths.
This may be regarded as
a beginning-
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
Best in use The outfit man
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment those Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished you see them and
earn how very cheap are.
You may never,
But should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.-
Worth Wins.
At a recent term of Wake
Court Treasurer Worth,
State Treasurer, won his two
suits against Bros, of
Winston, printers, for
bolt money which was
paid them excess of the pro-
per charges for the work done.
The Supreme Court handed down
a decision affirming that of
court below, now Stewart
Bros, inns- make quite big
fun i They are in
Treasurer Worth is in heights
of The more money there
U sight the higher be
Raleigh Post.
Ain't got no no time
Billy's at the gate
With a little wilier basket that is
with the bait i
river looks it's
shady as kin
nil the fish that's
fish wait I
Down by the river
Lite is lite a song.
jailer are
The rosy long
Ain't got no time
mighty fine.
see the worm wriggle on the
end the line ;
The birds air in the
blossoms all
the best the weather's
the cork down
Down by the river-
Life is like a song,
the jailer perch air
The long
I Reflector Job Printing Office.
Anything from
The Daily
Gives the homo news
ever afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Arc you a sub-
scriber II not you
to be.
Experience, backed by
law of average, proves
the first of an
does not bring
nor even much
curiosity. A trial tone in-
a waste of If
go in. in and it will pay
is the way to success-
In continuity is strength, in dis-
connection is Few
DO the firs time
hear about There is not
a solitary case whore intermittent
advertising brought returns
compared with that form of
pounding the public
in and day It is only in
limited bargains that
immediate result are to be expect-
Publishing Company
Counterfeit Silver Dollars.
Charlotte men had better
look closely at the silver they
in over days.
A of towns are
flooded with which
are good the
The coins have good and
deceive tor that reason. To tin
touch the is revealed,
however, as the spurious coin
There are
marks by which, upon a
the COB OS detected.
The Is done, and
tin- late marked.
It is learned that a
sending out the spurious
com from Atlanta they
Agents this
OS have Visited savers of the small
around Charlotte and re-
learns that they have been very
in their worthless
A News reporter
ti-is n government this
morning that would indicate that the
government II on the track the evil
and the matter has been
under by Jibe seen
vice several days
Boom on- has sail that the regularly
ads Of old houses
will read and bring results, SHOW
boo looking the
may be. Bo so An
sign o
. and. it house BIS still draw the
id who yet alive. Such
a place n ids no ideas
fixtures or advertising. how
about the new people constantly
lo town or gelling or
do they seek the old
How It you don't gel a new
every now you'll dry up
The world as surely as it
rotas and all with it o-
oil. Those who advertise attractively
Mood a tar Letter chance getting
new p than those are
may also catch a
customer the
There is one danger connected
with making State
a Federal prison which
appears to have been overlooked.
Statesville Landmark
Some fine day when Governor
Russell's pardon mill is running
at full blast forget him-
self and pardon a lot of Uncle
Some convicts. fact n. no
prisoner in our penitentiary is
safe being pardoned- He
may be turned at me
he desires to be or
The war excitement has played the
with the calculations of
revenue receipts at the Treasury
Department. The public income for
will some less
than was confidently and
extraordinary expenditures for the
defense will soon make
inroads upon the Treasury cash
balance. More taxes or a loan
will be th- difficult alternative con-
fronting the Administration the low
ebb receipts shall much longer con
A Pair Socks the
An old bachelor recently
pair socks. There was nothing
strange about Ibis, but what makes the
occurrence worthy note was the
he found in the toe no of them
u slip MOOT upon which was
I am a young woman and would
like to correspond rid a bachelor with
a view to and signed
tie address of the After
due deliberation our concluded
to write to the maker of the socks, la
a few days he got a reply to his letter;
was married three years loot
The merchant who
socks did not advertise. Durham
The Call for
Yes, let us have not
the sacrifice national honor.
Let us hare Bat not
through a policy in
dealing with the assassination by
miscreants as yet unknown
men and officers our navy, while
n a so called
Let us have I But not on
condition that we remain lethargic
and indifferent to the denial
Let us have peace I But not
fear that war would break the stock
Let us have But not
the peace at
Tory element.
The American people want
sincerely, but they are not to
lace war They know
what war is; that it is a terrible price
to pay. But they know there are
some things worth that price,
a it is; there are some times
when that price must be paid as the
alternative of moral bankruptcy the
Let us have peace with honor in
tact or war with victory
ton Post.
Could Not Worse
he the Stale almost
have for a
straight with no mixture of
any kind, and these who
the policy the Democratic pa
the coming campaign will do w to
heed what the papers say.
The Commonwealth believes, now,
has believed all the time, that if
Democratic party had held its head up
two years ago and its
rights and left of the that
shoved the people
ton would be our now in-
of Dan At any rate,
we no, make it any worse; so we
p. fight and a vie.
it we van win, and a straight
tight sod eat it we cannot win.
We muddy things. Lit the
color be true whatever it
Hasn't Worn a Coat Years
Some mother spare the rod and
spoil the slipper.
A good road bed is best place
the tired wheel.
plays by note has
to face the
No can lace as light
M a man can himself.
All the world's a stage and the per-
A woman is clever when she
u man think knows a great deal
more then she
Too can always judge wheels in
a man's head by th spokes that come
from his mouth.
i Such Things Continue
A well known and responsible
farmer Barton's Greek town-
ship Wake county soys the
white people of
that section are outraged because
under the now regime, o
with white committee-
men to the white and
Pete Harris, went in and took his
seat, book in hand to hear the
children said this gentle-
man. children happened
not to be at school that day. I
told the leather whenever
a thing happened again
children mast be permitted to
leave I will not subject
them to
The Barton incident
shows like the prisoner of
we can gradually
used to anything until we do not
seek to fetters that
bind it is a long com-
tends to make us what
we Five years ago this out-
rare would have been put
the impossible thing; whereas
now it is not only possible but
seemingly tolerated with only
resistance here and there from
men as quoted from above.
this complexion have we
at Can these things
in North Are
the people ready t submit to
thin of equality I
We do not it.
and Observer.
Mr. J. Martin who has recently
moved to Charlotte from SOU
tells an interesting story In regard
o some his habits life. He it
now living at one the mill-
in the city, and while up town .
day, alter his
shirt sleeves Without either cot or
that he had not won a
coat nor Vest in years. He says h
can sleep in a pile cation seed on a
winter night, without any over,
never sutlers from Though w
advanced in years, be has never bad
tooth-ache nor even a cold. In fact,
he says, he has never sick a
in bis lie tips the beam at
pounds and his ruddy
and robust figure vouch for th
his statement. Charlotte
Th a Government of Greece has
ed to sell three
craters to the United States-
There is haggling about
but of
United States are confident of
Lee's Popularity.
Following is an ,
is lo be hoped
felt in the personal
be Eastern Reflector.
Is only a year.
contains the news
week, and gives
to the
tobacco, .
many . that
times more than
subscription price.
. I HI
have u t received
hearse and nicest .
tins and in W , of Co
lie and cloth meta;
its formed
personal attention given to con-
and bodies on-
to our core will receive
every mark of respect.
do not. wont monopoly
cm. be found a nod .
limes the John.
Buggy building-
Would an appropriation
Congress to the Dismal Swamp
Canal to a ship channel for ships
war. us in lime of war
by the it afford lo our
ships of war lo be and
to any point on
coast easy it would be
for a fleet of draft ships war lo
piss through on our coast at
Beaufort and and
the territory
Tar a . liver
which could be
i them ii
battle ships Iron Hampton
some dredging not an
live could -jar
sounds and come in at the ha-
the enemy's -hips
havoc in our
in the war
. country on these sounds. In our
civil all these towns
were la and great
damage done. In
war loll when the Ad.
Hampton in
the towns in
Carolina were la great dread and e
have heard said that first Mr.
Gaston died in expectancy
or his Edenton in great
terror James who lived
Point on h out
fleet, as he looked
down the sound, he saw some oyster
boats up the sound, and sup-
posing he tins Cock,
bum's Heel, he fled In groat terror lo
II I hen
burning tho Washington
safely is wholly
funded. T
done their utmost lo excite the wont
passions characters in
slums, of that city, but it is impossible
to hi e the most reckless
criminal hurling a sin-
ban on of our brave con-
i harm should to
would Be to Spain
founds well lo patriotic South-
ea . ; ., Ne-v York
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Save Your Money.
One box of Pills
many dollars in bills
They diseases
of the stomach, liver or bowels.
No Reckless Assertion
F sick headache, dyspepsia,
constipation and
a million people endorse
A New York hat such a tear
of burglars that she recently invented a
strong padlock complicated to
keep her house. Two thieves
picked the loci a hairpin on
Saturday night last, and were get tine;
their booty together when
discovered them. She thrash-
ed the. chased them from house
and until a policeman
was to arrest them.
Death Win U
March II. Ed-
founder and editor
States Magazine, died this morn-
at his home in Ho
Record, and one pro-
Ala., Hot
John P. the inventor of
that boat is at
work on a torpedo boat with which he
says he blow any that floats
out of the water, and be safe from tho
pounding tho biggest battle-ship.
He Hand teems to a
General thinks we ought to
tor war
Tb an idea. Suppose we
build big balloons, lit with
grappling hooks and when those Span-
torpedo boat come over on this
tide up and away.
Wilmington Star.
were do g
j, estuaries aV
, Revolutionary
a 1812 and in la c
war light fiats ed
, out what shell said this
Herald, also
cat-calls and prolonged Loll-
greeted mention the name
President lust night In u
long at Harlem opera house. Two
comedians had a
deriding his position In regard to
A verse in praise
Lee was with The
managers the opera house made in-
effectual attempts lo repress
The must he near at hand
when the name a Northern
President is hissed and a
Democratic brigadier is
applaud d in New York a
Lee that Time and men
change with
The thing will U blow over, and
there will remain a modified
for Lee bit manly and
cool headed b-Bring at Havana in
trying lime, he will heroine, largely, us
other men. this
dent is interesting the and is
another valuable proof I hat in a crisis
the country can both politics
and m and Sf- together.
-i Observer.
II Dot, Ire. d
cm Hie U. S.
Or. D. C
i C. k CO
H- O
Dealer la
mi sis, am
I Farmers and Merchants buying
supplies will And It to their In-
to gel our prices
Our stock Is complete
Flour, Sugar,
Always at lowest market prices
as we buy direct
A complete stock of
a band and sold at MM t
suit times Our good, art all
and for CASH
to run tell at a close
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
Whichard, N. O
The Stock complete
every department and
low as the low
eat. Highest market
at a close Maid
u. I produce.
mi i
. -A
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
r. In In all
widths; It tins
lock two-Inch MOM and
This bed at to
Bur of tho and t
are for the
of Furniture. Carpet.
, Mn
etc. are contained in these
1.1. 1.1 n-i
is also five- if Caret
us In ;
at to , . .
and th-l we m y
I hi on Hi on
I re
era Ban t
Mines A Son
this Paper.
The of
York cot to
foil to take of its
in connection with the
present Maine
incident is secondary aid com-
It is difficult
to say which is worse of
a journalism or a
blowing v of so American battle-
ship and loss of the lives of
seamen, as a trivial incident.
is end
deserves the denunciation of every
A Town Without
A thing about the
dwellings, stores.
etc , at Key West is that not one
of them has a chimney or any-
thing will answer
pose of a chimney- Handsome
and lowly hovels are
alike in this respect-
reason tor it is wood or
any kind is
never needed a climate like
of Ibis city, as the
tropical atmosphere famishes all
heat required, for cook-
purposes sticks of carbon are
used, which are sold by peddlers.
of Pi-u-i. i , calculated
i's limit; and
the s inner,
that idea, . that
after the the
f . ls
that hi x, . hi was
. 111.11 mil. lo 1- now gold to
in i f the
for original
1.-11.1 f for of
there will be increase
ho sum required tor
of army c ivy -i- u-
time to
o view tho that from
Juno 1897, lo -8.
net increase in
pensioners was it is
evidently still too for
Commissioner to a on
which the expenditure may be
expected to reach its maximum.
The total outlay for pensions for
will approximate
and since there no
sign of shrinkage it is clear that
item will alone
that revenues of the
Government shall on a
war b for years to
Thankful words written by Ad
B. Hart, of 8- D. taken
with a I cold which settled on my
lungs, rough set In and Anally
gave me up, saying I could lire but a
short time. I gave up to my
Savior, determined II could slay
with friends on would meet
my My husband
was ail vised to et Dr. King's Mew
Discovery for Consumption,
and Colds. gave It a trial, took in all
eight bottles. It has n e,
thank God I am saved and now a healthy
Trial bottles free at L-
Regular site and
Farm In
Will smith, of
in country of H. g Elk. is so
in his snake
farm that he will not enlist
if war is declared. He has
pared for that emergency by
hiring a substitute.
One who never a
snake farm, should visit Mr-
Smith's, see and study bis
excellent arrangements. His
crop is abundant and very tame
and have been found the
cook stove, in bed room, in
the crevices in the
other familiar places. It is no
uncommon thing to find a dozen
at a lime in smoke house-
Mr. Smith bas not made known
the object of his snake industry.
but it is probable that be keens
the for
his neighbors and friends,
so they may have a
and excuse for us-
excellent of
bite be
An Up-to-late
The Store that is
Full Bargains
In the Spring a fuller Crimson
Comes upon the Rooms
In the time every lady
Must have a Brand New Dress.
and arc fully prepared lo meet
the demands of the most fastidious.
A look through our of
Spring and
Dress Goods
will convince tho most skeptical that are
better prepared than ever serve you.
Spring Woolen Dress Goods, Organ-
dies in plain white and colors, Swiss,
Mulls, Beautiful Silks, Percales, Dim-
India Linen, Embroidery
Linen, Draperies, Curtains, Curtain
Goods, Tapestry, Table Covers,
Art Squares,
Jeweled Belts and other new things
Fans, Ribbons and striped,
Shoes, Oxford Ties and numerous
other things abound in a profusion
of Beautiful hew Styles, Delicate col-
and low prices.
Conic to sec us, will be glad to show you
Novel Telephone.
.- t i . i
c in who fills of
to President, the
ho stands between Pres-
n, April Wont and his
t hand. Than him cl r
is lo lo more making
with lying Spanish barreled ass. Li-
Sam is to take Spain of the few.
across bis knee and give
On last Friday was
sling tried
J Drake, Esq.
A man with
On cf i on-
far the night.
Mr. T. T- of for the
n. look
the at I
the time the lo be Hartford to
tense was capital crime Even Mr it n. e people
that Spain play- President,
a i and the c.
Mr. J.
Addison Potter,
who now position, in not.
I., hat made it--
by h Iran-
lie lo the of
Professional Cards
ff. M- Bond.
J. 1-
N. C
Practice In all the courts.
through our store.
hut r a- I
count-t-1 lot
ion. Mr.
a law book in I bis i o-
of n copy not
be ii S by
consent, thee both rides
retired lo Central r i
Telephone Exchange d d
on A- of
was past
who v out t
obtained and read the book over
tint a ho read, it was
repealed the receiver in
ft all, g
Mr. flicks the
offense was bailable, and
J. f was allowed to go on
Tho the
that this is Brat ease
in this State
telephone has been need for a
Swift Galloway, B-
M. C, N. C
Greenville, N. C
Practice In all the Courts.
n. o
over J, C
John B. Small, n. Long.
H. C.
and at Law
u ill all
W. B. W. Grimes
shop In town by
lie workmen.
f hero is an up-to-date
in Durham- It is he has
engaged a and buggy
livery stable lo carry
his best girl to a burial on Sun-
day next, at o'clock. This
being so much in advance of an
affair of that kind, upon in-
he said that a colored man
in Ibo woe sick and
would die in time for funeral
to be eel at above time, ac-
cording to bis best judgment,
and be desired lo attend
funeral. This something new-
But Durham is bard to don n on
new things and other
by Local applications, as they
reach the diseased portion the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that I by constitutional
It by an Inflamed eon
of the mucous lining
Tube. When this tube frets In-
flamed you have a rumbling or
hearing, and when It it en-
closed defines If the result, and
and mile. inflammation can lie
taken nut and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will he Me-
e cases out of
are caused by which Is
an Inflamed of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for case of
cannot be cured by Hall's
Cine- Band circulars.
K. A CO. Toledo,
Our line of
is beautiful to see.
Hie Way He Short.
ii g u I i in
i an lo time
Mr. . d his
ii cure the d i i
cone, of Coca by diplomacy, I
i. v. ii ,. C i -i.
which this week i
declare war Spain or
adopt it
to a declaration war.
A frantic attempt la I i l-
made by bond-hi
element .
ll no . i i
Congress knows
be people who
national honor pat-
above stock ticker
Wall i baa b, en n and
c is it band,
it will and its action
ill mean war, which c
s now in a t fight to a
victorious end ii. order,
it only baa Spain lo contend with,
and i-i win
it La, to
who I n
honest i ii and
I i as Ii
can I
feeling of man
who, listening l a
rot ab we
could l. fee the i u
without declaring
then, excited
and blew i i
that is why we want to
punish That is
exactly truth. Incidentally
we shall bi glad lo free Cub
aid to relieve Ike en
island, but
word It tho
Am heart
In The
London, April limes
is i that peace and war
hang in balance, and
world bus not long to wait for
definition. It cannot be
ed America's ms have yet
been published complete-
but they may be to
include the freed of Cuba-
The Spanish government will
make a fatal mistake ii fails to
understand tho terms now offered
which the best it is ever likely
to obtain, and they are
the next presentation
demands will b a
shape. With over,
sympathy Spain, her govern
and it must be
said mat the of Cuba neither sympathy, nor
f our
order ti prevent u majority of
Senators and Representatives
carrying intention to
upon In-
to make
. a u. i Senators
;. i ii would be
o the
i i grant-
t could been moused
by such an appeal, could
. m ind override
power of
A of good Ball is
Mr. -I-
a great dial than ho
does the republican nomination
O of C
tho . of that
State would probably rejoice to
nominated. Mis
col will doubtless get any
claims Lu ever tho
ti n Is out the field.
if n bill, has been
reported to the noun,., be-
come u law,
any hereafter servo
nil i; days in tie
or navy will be
.; provided for ex-
i id .- soldiers in
June generally known
a- pension
I be bib as originally
for the Unite veterans of
late war to enlist for tho
with Span enlistment should
not operate p pensions now
being drawn, but the
s also desirable re-
el nits, it was amended us
which would
have been re rented oven by other
and i
There or less
speculation a
lotion offered in the
nations if lad in as
proximity as the Dolled
behooves Spain to consider
whether Cuba is worth lighting
for in an .
that it is even Span directing Secretary 1772, he claims,
would the inform the lot South Carolina and father a
while ultimate defeat U ,.,. by Am
Years Old.
Noah Baby, an inmate
the anniversary of his
birth to-day. He be is
years old. and bas an inmate
of for forty years.
Gates county, on
Mold y
I me the best,
A Texas military company was
out, out tho range recently
at rifle shooting.
The lieutenant in command
became exasperated at
the poor shooting a
Kan one of tho privates, cried
sharply i
show you how to
Taking a long aim and
aim, and an aim he
fired and Coolly lam-
to the private who owned
gun, he
the way you
He loaded tho weapon
and missed. Turning to the
second man in ranks ho re-
the way j on
In this way he missed about a
times, illustrating to each
soldier bis personal
and finally he hit tho
ho ejaculated, band-
gun back to the private,
way I Angles
I; is now reared will
no wan but we'll
anyhow, as some of us
lost our voices for it.
The postmaster is not
agreeable to citizens, but so
far he has not been lynched,
ho if. not feeling very
The president wants to delay
the war question until fall. Well,
that's thoughtful, for it will
us opportunity to the
corps before the soldiers cot a
chance at
We hove warned our
if ho word
in favor of war we'll chop his
political bead soon as he
gels home. He is not likely to,
as ho is too full
certain- A
force reduce Island by
starvation privateering
could not be carried On to any
extent worth mentioning by
without calling for the
intervention of neutral nations.
The ninth annual convention
Carolina branch of It
International Order of lbs
King's Daughters and Bony win
held on
day Saturday, May
There are three brothers
are prisoners in the
are from
and their name Is
Wagner. Thy were
arson. In several two
brothers have In en in tho
together, but this Is the
in which there Lave
Tin re in i use from
malady, If yon
the remedy, ten rs i British
The In the for Cu
Bores, Salt
Fever Bores, Chapped Haul.
Chilblains, Corns, all
and cures or no
pay it u Rive
or money to cure or price
price cents per box. sale at Jno. t. s Drug
a to
message and evidence on
Maine incident, contained all
evidence embraced in the
tho naval of Inquiry
now lilt Navy Depart,
not. to
; tho a copy tho I
French Ambassador to the
United States baa asked Slate
Department officially whether
there was any objection to his
looking alter the interests
u Called
after tho departure I the
Spanish and has been
Informed that there would be
none. This if regarded as
significant of the
of to remain central In
to tho It
added to by a cablegram
Madrid saying that
United States Minister to Spain
, to American
Ho has
but is
blind. Be sleeps well,
Now irk Dispatch-
. most man in lbs world
l Ho recently shots
the o mi r
he Hi
I, liberated i
Kill try to explain it to
him. in
bow the
co-oner. He bas
C, mil the
., legion, i-
,.,. ,,, Its says the
,,.,. ,. i ,. newspaper reporters
i. cut oil and they
i on die
i. ii r r. poi i r i-
At Star
lei the
built -ii the ct
i i .
an of
by C
I,, Pr. A
out a.
Low Middling
I N I'll
U -d
o. L. Woolen.
used m.
on Liver, . ,. , ,.
B 7-11
t lo
bit tin
only PSI bottle.

Greenville, N. O.
D. J. Editor
Entered it the port at Greenville,
N. C, a class mall m . . r
Indicates that Trouble will be Set-
Without Resorting to
is now the
daily dispatches set
readers can find in the
latest news as it occur.
Telegraph to
C, April J
m message been
and and will be
tomorrow. It asks
more . expresses a
to aid Congress in whatever
body may take.
President message and the
provisions it contains
The tone is firm and vigorous. It
recommends President be em-
powered lo use arms, and naval
turn to Spain Cuba. The
this be at his
so strongly urged by one
element of Congress, is not in
the Ii is to be with Con-
to say whether authority be
the t net
, r to act only at bis
will he in
i. and Day Confer.
B to
C. April
Ireland been closeted with
Day portion alter Inc ill in-
dependence, as the I is
opposed to such at the
t From
By Telegraph to Be Hector.
Washington, D. C, April
dent that u mo
a cablegram
notifying him of a formal prop-
an I to th
gents in Cuba. President is
paring u message, ml S
will not until the
dent's is completed and placed
noon. to give out any in-
Forcing Spain W
Telegraph to Reflector.
Wellington, D. C. April Sena-
Kama spoke
cf armed in b halt
The Foreign Affairs Committee
Si resolution to
By Telegraph Ki fleeter.
C. April G
will hold a caucus
to decide what action will take on
the The
favor i. c
and K ice Spain to withdraw and grant j embodied in I,
The Pope Armistice
By Cable to Reflector.
Madrid, April Pope i-i
Regent cl Spain to
giant n lo lac
Adjourned Without Action
By Telegraph to Reflector.
D. C. April I P.
House on Foreign
until Wednesday without
taking any action en the war n.
independence to
Vessels Dispatched for Lee La Bound
Telegraph Reflector. i By Telegraph
D. C, April Washington, U. C, April
m M is informed vessels have been
to to remove
Lee, lbs other
hie from i says
. it III -ids has been hell up
Slid allowed to take his departure
and Americans Cuba, All j General Lee to jail
I . have been ordered lo assemble j I r America noon.
Havana and be to lake . .
departure on arrival of
Ml El INt, Or THE E
For Immediate Action
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Washington, D. C, April n
Mason offered a resolution direct
the Senate Committee on Foreign Al-
lairs to act r. without
for any message or report
President. The resolution went over
until tomorrow. Many r
made speeches strongly
No Action y
By Telegraph to Reflector.
Washington, D. C April I -The
President sends no to Cot-
today. is promised
England Reins
fly Cable to
refuses to mediate
Si; in and united States as re-
quest, d by Spain,
Address to the People
Favor Action. But Inclined to
By Telegraph to Reflector.
lo a of
n of Democratic
Executive Committee of Pitt
lieU on
Saturday at o'clock
p. to. the following members
In A. L.
D. C, April j -The Chairman, W. h- Brown.
Foreign Committee both r;. . V- O. James,
in Senate taking A S. Walker. U. C Moore, J. B-
action, arc inclined, A- G Cox, May.
however, met- R J- C
J- Ii. Little,
L- B. Cory,
Also the
of the Precinct Com-
O. T.
By lo Reflector,
KM.- way, Ills. April loss J. A. K- Tucker, John Pearce,
over the situation.
By Telegraph to
Cleveland, April Sen-.-
by a vote
seventeen Senator M.
A. was guilty
with his recent in
Senator by the Legislature
this Stale.
The property loss a million
rite bleak in the levee is
widening and more danger
Five Hundred Drowned
By to Reflector.
III, April I
Shawnee today says that
No Message Today.
-i t sent no message to Congress
I The is to re
c i I i Consul General Lee to
Americans b;
in v
Spam Gives In.
April CIt is stated that
people were drowned by the break -1 Spam is willing grant all the United
of river levees surrounding I'm
town. The town is almost entirely
swept away and the situation is
This Look Like War.
Special to Reflector.
Washington, D. April Th e
Presidents message has bee i written
and signed, but will nut be I i
Congress until tomorrow. mat
sage is held then so that Mini tar
and Consul Les
may have time to loll
The message is hold and declarative
Congress will promptly in m
lion with President,
asks and that a set
th ii-lit is
The President Declines the
By Cable to Reflector,
Home, April
has cabled the Pope declining hit-
offer to net as mediator between
the United Stales and Spain in settling
trouble between T he
the President is based on the
men of opposition that prevails in the
The Pope sent a cable
lo Ordinal Ireland to KM
terms that would
to both countries.
By Telegraph Reflector.
-ton, D. C, April C, y
the crush around
Congress has ever known.
The crowd was so immense and Jen
s i that of e
The officers were overwhelm
a and powerless to keep the prow d
I ink in their eagerness to gain
i in lo galleries. All is excitement
or and until then Congress t. by Wee. II Cotten.
suspends all action. All arc anxious of levee is one M. Jones. B. W. James, J-J-
hi n--. Jesse Cannon,
I. J, L. M. Lewis-
W. E. Boyce, S. W. Brooks, F. C
M. 0- Move. Q. M-
Tucker, O-
G. B Kilpatrick,
Moore, J. F. Allen, P.
Ii. M. Starkey. E Buck.
motion following; i.
wen or-
to be issued t
N. C, April
At a of tho Democrat-
Committee of Pitt
held ibis day
of a regular call of the
It was ordered, that a County
Convention, for tho of
appointing delegates lo tho
State and District Judicial Con-
be in the Court
House, in on
day of May 1899, at o'clock u
in., and that Primaries in the
various voting for
purpose of appointing delegates
lo the County Convention,
held at usual places,
day May
1898, at o'clock p.
ll was also ordered, that all
who believe in opening
mints to and
ed coinage of silver, or
la the people of the State
honest, and decent
of their, affairs, be
cordially lo participate in
these Primaries and
In extending this cordial
invitation we beet attention of
people to
statement of facts, to- wit.
The Democratic party of North
Carolina, which people are
invited to join and elevate to
power, stand in
for all the
at Chicago in 1891, bot it would
especially emphasize belief in
beneficial effect tho
labor nod of
to Americans
By Reflector.
D. C April -When
the i was
front White House by
it, that the lives ct all Americans
who were leave Havana
would he in great if the
was read
agreed to wait Sunday for
forecast of
By It
Washington, D. C, April
is a forecast the
pie to from free sud
unlimited coinage of silver. Io
State affairs it stands for
clean and decent govern-ten in
State, and Town, we
point with to fact that
our party has a record these
n.; the
approval of fair
minded men, No scandal or
of of
kind was ever heard tho
years our party was power,
and it is the of which
those things said in the
last thirty years.
The Slate
for tho
opposite of these In
National it stands for the
gold dew money
n- cheap labor, for low prices
for th farmers sell and
taxes on what he buys.
it stands for bad gov-
for and scandals
of high and degree. In 1888
it took absolute control of
State, and gov-
Tho record it made
is the one chapter in
Slate's history, Fever to road
except with felling of disgust and
diagram. In years
same is
found in power, scandals
bad Government and disgrace
fill conduct mark its
and its utter ii-
lo give Lo people good
In no or
in e
people had a more ex-
ample of the trend and
of party or of the evils of
Fusion legislation than the
of Pitt. nearly
the of your c unity
pays nearly one of tho taxes
of the whole Every
at line or ether. Ins
at seat,
he is interested She good order
good government of his c
ital town- It has so divided
into Wards by the Republican-
Fusion Legislature, that
colored people now
of the and cm retain
If, if they choose, so long as that
infamous net of the
stands At
tho election in May 1897, the
using the power given
hem by this Fusion Legislature,
bile the white people could
two, a Town
composed of four
Councilmen and two white
a Mayor
and it
Policeman, Sight
and Clerk- The
of those is to
servo tho yet f tile ID
have and convicted
of tho very laws which
duties required
to suppress persons
Iv and tho
laws cf the no
tr have beau
made by of
tho law. Tho while people of Ibo
town are patiently enduring these
wrongs and looking lo
tit, ii the country to
to rescue sending
men to the Legislature who will
this wrong.
When Republican party
was in power before it so
the Slate and outraged
that the of the
up Jo their might
drove it from power. In those
memorable contests the white
men of Pitt stood almost solidly
together and the
Democratic banner for white
Supremacy and good govern-
In later years many good
men who helped us to win many
a victory, seeing no hope of
financial separated them-
from tho Democratic party.
In th two elections of
these the bad
record of the party,
or it may tie supposing it
would do better, helped Material-
i this party to power
In North Carolina It to
a few moments of
reflection must convince these
men c-f tho absolute verity of
1st. whatever
been . of Mr.
lay and i ft other
the money
Mi when
ed tin i from Demo-
patty, that this party now
for the free and unlimited
coinage of and against
monopoly of kinds, and that
it is only political
numbers able to work out these
reforms in the the
party is the only party that
given to the of tho its
since a clean,
that it is the only party in the
State whose j is;
tho hope it will do it.
3rd. That Republican
which these helped to
power, is the only party
stands for the gold standard, for
monopoly, for trusts for
That this Republican
party, which they helped to pow-
but little better than the Re-
publican party of 1888 and that it
is again tho State
humiliating the people.
Wherefore appeal to them
to rejoin their old comrades and
to fight with thorn again under
banners of Jefferson and
Jackson and Vance
for better laws in the Nation and
better government in the Stale
Come into our Primaries and
Conventions and make your-
selves at borne We need yon
and you need us. Let past
us march together again for the
rescue of our government
our from ruinous
Adopted and published by
unanimous vote order of the
Alex. L. Chm-
W. L. Drown,
rolls of precinct was called
and reports from the several town-
ships were made and the Commit-
tee was much pleased at tho
c prospects of in
the coming
A Strong Appeal
The adopted at
of county and
live committees Saturday, published
in another is to point and
dearly expresses the I sin
.-1 plainly as not to be
aid should be lead by every voter in
the county.
to Meet the Lords of
slid the other day
is looking the
crisis next A countryman
that and said, must mean
and he Went straightway and
told that the Spain are com-
over here and settle with
I Are Coining In
Was are very at the
way new tire being enrolled
both daily end
editions. It .-hows that
appreciate our to give
them the news and going to help us
out in it. II.
n nice list of names ho
in, and hope ethers will his ex-
ample and help us talk up.
How War Begins.
r. subject which has been
discussed of the
Dispatch says
power to declare war is vested
by the constitution in Congress, but a
declaration war Would subject to
tho provision the Organic law apply-
to order, resolution, and
vote to which the of the
Senate and
may That is to fay,
president have tho right lo
veto, and in order then to give the
lores and effect, the resolutions
or not to be passed
over his veto, by a vote
each branch of
Wars, do not,
we think, with
lions. Nations are. It this regard, a
good deal like individuals when they
clash on the do not an-
their to fight but one
strikes a blow, and hostilities are then
on. There was no declaration
of war between the States and
the Confederacy in 1801. but the
was given in the firing on Fort
Sumter. And so it may be in this
case. II nil American and a Spanish
vessel should got within ranee each
ether shunt now, it is not that
there would lie an of shots,
and if would b war. The first
ii act on the part either power
a; this juncture would eliminate the
necessity for any Congressional or
Presidential The act
m. s come one or in another,
but coins it almost surely action
at Washington is longer delayed.
Charlotte Observer.
in m-
C, April, 4-h. 1898.
Mis or
spent today
Miss is relatives
n town.
J. T. Ward and wile,
spent Saturday night an I Sunday here.
Mrs. W. C. went to Tarboro
lieu Hardy, of the and Ob
spent Friday night here.
Duller spent Sunday here.
Solicitor Wheeler Martin passed
through morning on his way
to attend
On Sunday morning April 3rd, 1898,
at eleven o'clock, at the
dist church Mr. II. Whitehurst and
Miss Sarah Rollins were happily mar-
K-v. II. B. Culbreth
May their journey through life be a
long and happy one.
Mr. Andrew's Son Shut
Mr. A. A. Andrews received a
gram today his son, lives in
Durham, had been shot by a
No particulars were given except that
the was not danger-
On Monday, May 2nd, before the Court
House I will sell th-
following property for tax-is due the
town of Greenville for the year
one town lot. tax
cost total 13.08.
Clark, Interest in one town lot.
tax cost total
Dancy, J. one lot, tax
cost i. total
Noah, one town lot. tax II.
cost II total
W M., one town lot, tax
Peyton, one town lot.
11.47, cost
Town Tax Collector.
Both the method and results whoa
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to taste, and acts
yet promptly on the Kidneys,
and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers cores habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
pleasing to the taste and ac-
to the stomach, prompt in
its action and beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale In BO
bottles by all loading drug-
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not hare it on hand will pro-
it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
Having been appointed qualified
as administrator of the late Jesse
deceased, all persons arc hereby
to present all against the
estate of the said Jesse Adams for pay-
on th- day of March,
. or this notice will la bar
id their recovery. All persons Indebted
to the said estate are requested to make
day of
T. C, Woolen, Attorney.
EDWARDS COBB, Proprietors.
late store Court
Manufacturers dealers in all kinds of
New Buggies a specialty
All kinds of repairing done. We use skilled labor and good
material are prepared to satisfactory work-
Dry Goods, Notions,
Eagle Brand Tine Shoes
Call and see are invited to inspect
my stock aDd learn the low prices.
We are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor m v.
We do all kinds of
repaired promptly.
D W.
Heavy and Fancy
kept constantly on
hand. Country produce bough
and soil. A trial will v con e
J R.
A General Horse
nice line of
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
to see
I me r
Shoes Shoes
We .
a full
line of
in but
Days arc Over With
inn i.
J. A. Brady to
J. A, Pi
II. i
It'll it .
is nil ruing lo;
in now and can fit you all. Re-
member perfect fitting, perfect
shape, trimmed and made well. Style
and finish right. See the
You may pair of Trousers at
84.00 or
and wear them months. For every
button that comes off we will pay you
ten cents. If they rip at the waistband we
will pay you fifty cents. If they rip in the seat
or elsewhere we will pay you one dollar, or
give you a new pair.
Best in the World. Try a Pair.
Frank Wilson.
Mi-. Sue Hill, it , is
Maker. t
Meat, lousy here.
E. B
veiling visit in
K. M. r, of W r-
Hume KU in lows
went la n
Saturday tuning and
Dr. Brown and n-
n to
W. A. north
new for his drat,
K. Ii. Tun-tall Hits
In Katie aid
Hue bias,
K. s, Evans s into the Ed-
r in re-
evening from Baltimore where he
In a
W. Ii. Wild, id, Jr., I
cane evil lo Ki
In in a lost r at
SO county and one the
Local Reflections.
The Medical Association the
county held ft here today.
Sc body touched oil the old can-
non Saturday night it made
miles around Jump.
in the Baptist Sui
day s were awarded lo Ed
ward Matthews and While
good made in their for
put quarter.
B. J. and A. Bowen
have the II, B.
and will r n a dry goods business
at the same stand. are good
men end will succeed.
Court la in
This is the last week Lr-.-H.
The rain Monday night was
The recent has a
in the river. Perhaps shad will he
he day come lured men
who were sliming in river
h carp.
ii Easter.
Tho wind night was very
Court week a heavy local
travel on the train.
Henry tax
lists Ins delinquent list.
Today's us today is what Till.
i in you.
The rain cold
for near laster.
Free Press has started
a morning edition. It a neat Paper.
The Hi aid On missioned
his Hope
lilt Cm pi II tax for 1897
Opt. Hawks had a new when
ii down Bis
i . ii h in in shop and a
new on nil gin ii him
The went down lo
in i m point lust night is
i ill I- damage has been o
crop. f
men, died Monday in Rich
where h had gone
Worth Considering.
The news Greenville and vicinity
gets in Tub Daily is
lo hours what it
em be bad in other papers. This is a
point for our people to consider mi J
why they should patronize and
age Tim The newt while
it is news is what the people
what we arc laboring give them.
Until February. I was n
cal wreck and had been over twenty
No one can ever know what I
suffered rheumatism and
in different ports of my but
in my bend. suffered so much
with i in my back that I
would hare to lay with hollies
waler to my back to what little
relief it would. I with
lion which gave me often
such choking spells that the doctor
would have to be in haste.
could not eat a meat or
solid food any kind, and
of gas my stomach was dis-
tressing. My was completely
run down, i had no was
distressingly nervous. limes I
would be unconscious these
spells would have lo have bot
for relief. I had
been in Ibis condition for over
years, Mrs. Joe Person visited our
t in February, 1892, and persuaded
me to try a n bottles of her
Remedy, as told me she bad never
known it to to restore a broken
down hi. knew I would have to
try something and thought might as
well he her anything, but
bad no faith in anything curing inc.
bought a half-dozen rod when I
was on I n lo bet-
and by lime I took the six bet-
lies I WAS Indigestion was
perfectly cured and I cm now eat any-
thing I want Ii with me, Ii
me and
never had since. cured
of hemorrhoids which
agony rheumatism, head-
ache, all When
see any one anything
.-kid tin in don't lake Us
that hull a bottles would
uM not lake
what it did me. It re-
st rid to now
N. C, May 1897.
Mrs. Joe Person's is
. C.
W. II. Kinston, spent
o today
C. has
G. P. of Kinston, came
r lb is
W. S. Al kin returned
Allen returned Wilson
Monthly evening.
Capt. Galloway, of Snow Mill,
here attending court.
E. S.
in Monday
Mi.-s Ada Farmville,
Mrs. II. L. Smith.
Mrs A. Tail left ibis miming
a flail to Mount.
T. C. Woolen, cl
attend court.
O. over from Kinston
morning i court.
Miss Wilkinson, Farmville,
is Mrs. Charles
A. II. Tail this morning for
north lo buy a Lew stock of goods.
at, P. Jordan, Danville, lather
our J. C. Jordan, came ill
Monday for a stay here.
Col. I. A. Sugg returned home
evening from Mi trip.
He Is king well and i- chock full
his trip.
Mrs. Georgia and two
daughters, Kinston, passed
ibis morning for Portsmouth Id make
that city their home.
S. M. went lo Pamela to-
M. P. Jordan, of Danville, lilt
C. K. Sugg lo Washington
II. King, cl , came In
this morning.
T, to
went to
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. S. . Schultz and children
today lo visit her
April term curt in
n. II. it.
m Si W
Grand e,
W. Branch,
J. F. J. II. I. II.
W W. W.
II. K. hill Jesse G-y, Julius
II. Bar. bill, If. W.
Carson, W W. j or,
Janus, Oscar w.
Every the grand jury at
term w a white man. In
taring one
Icing swore and his
Mayo, S.
If, C Cotter, W. J.
Huns, J. I.
C. I. .
W. W. I. .
Adams, m . i;.
The ran.- on
I are
Hooker, pleads
s ii cf c.
Samuel Brown, Jr., assault
w pleads
I. I on it e.,.
worship, not
A line was .
lbs lo pr. serve r
i b lot.
p, up. u costs.
II. gambling,
e- , e
C i
Will NOT NE-
e i
HUT I i i ion.
A Burglar Got Lead Instead of
Th. I. I i n
a man mi- ii. . i
i man i I. hi-l bid . nm
I. . , , i
Tb. n n I In b
I. Atom midnight
II. A. Sui mi was aroused CLOTHING.
iii his ,
He vi t pp i. bis door,
and sci n as he open it a i
men crawling out if the
pi . I . ;
Mr. mi I d lb man
dropped to lb. Mr
pulled . n fan . e
pistol did nil fire Thinking
be Lid i I m Mr.
ton t i hi man
ii bet i run i ii, g-
Interests Everybody.
I Sam i busy with preparation tor r
w . our warfare is along
mercantile being enlisted on
the side bi at lowest
Talking should sec our
fin rig
Styles and qualities cm-
be ex
be and
Ibo ladies.
We It E.
i II till i -iii Shoe
manufacture all
j Ladies Parasols.
A beautiful line in all colors
to select from.
prettiest lino you
Then we have White Goods kind .
N. gambling, not lag around m . . in ., J
I Dross White and
Sm guilty. him in hit hi. Rug .
T- ; s n
Prepay to spread you. Come
a plea not guilty, om
lib, and a
fitly men was d
judgment ins.
pi upon of
It. K. T.
and costs. cc.-ts.
.-r, guilty,
J in
n. t guilty.
John Williams, abandonment,
judgment ended upon
Fate disturbing
John Day, deadly weep
on, pleads
upon payment
John currying
ons, pleads guilty, impended
upon of
when n I down a
or nm mm in. i d
I i.- racks
lit v at be n. .
Om bad j-.-i is . II in pa
Ii. in i
. . i i
i ii and t ,. -o ii i.
to have you gum in i . r m m
i. i. i I. o pit i r-j n i
your ill
and we do the rest.
To show you a complete stock of
Spring and I
including NOVELTIES.
B. Jr,
home morning
day's visit
O. J. Moore, f f spent lust
night here with his brother, L.
Moore, and loll this morning.
E. a mission,
my to arrived here moil-
He will lecture in the
church tonight.
bled nights
Our Press Dispatcher.
O. Bar com-
t U
it port vi day,
g the order
service that nil bud been
but at a late
In . n
the a flint
not handle it, tins
far a If. line to be , I. d on a
with papers.
order not lo disappoint cur rs
another order was immediately placed
we were unable to get I
i i bad lo
it The service .-e
are is
the I paper
lies we the people will
dale i ti- n news
and will to our
do by giving
a liberal and helping the pa
mi in every way can.
i. we an-
cue union
c and hope to in
we snail hi able to continue
tho will depend U
our in
and th g w the
Fire Alarm.
Just alter o'clock Sunday alter-
there was a tut
Um town for n few-
The alarm wan a
near the river on
No done. It was able
notwithstanding it Sunday
had on their hi HI
Kite roll at
house. are
when the alarm sounds
h i-i
Ni b sue
pi Carpets
Floor Oil
Me, O. K. v. dome t me h
. , i,. J r-; w in
,., bad sue, a e lint- ,
in K i X. C.; . rowel i. JG v .
o ii I hub I , .
fills i.- ii i Tl e
w will I e .; i in. c
n n . Fr in
authors should c
a valuable i.
contain letter.
pi. ;. I . in our I c-
so me
more I l on . by
these it n. ii
iii m i i hi
inc u c
lb Ev. ; i
soon . . , . .-.
. I May.
i v., I is i. r.-c .
Om it
for themselves,
Oar Parasols . is Batiste,
H j King in u,
. and
f No I to sue w goods,
I Shades, lob . see for yourself.
Prices to suit at
Air. K. S. of
i. hero In
book Race
This Ia book milieu by
u I b.
We hope, he will tine n Urge
book until-it tire
a j.
Ankle Injure;.
Mr. IV. II.
. n I .
exactly posted on .
it mil ah I tin. w h m.
In lb. lull hi i eh.
cl and i i.
i painful
talks. We make it talk for
. y buy at inside prices, and we
give customers the advantage of it. We
want to do business with you. We buy our
h-vi Goods
right and we sell them right treat you
To entertaining
when ought to
sleep. To eat sweets
stomach craves the
simplest or
at all. To laugh
when one wants
All this and
much more
society de-
Is it any
I'll one, k. me the
Is n
peculiar to n
mixture of mythical origin, stand
ard remedy in
with approved
Regulator endorsed by who
have it, baa bean In
; i i a P.
by at one dollar
f-r Women
CO,, tS.
n. are down
ran Inspection i
yon .
, at out
will go no

The films used in the
I may lo
source . . if u
is ex-
set It oil Bloat terrific re-
It that oilier
material should be tor all
purposes where Intense and
heat are employed. Breathe
less looking may en
danger lite if. while my
making her toilet, bl
light. In homes
articles are
for this reason, l
should be noted
children vim cannot understand th
necessity fir
The late shah of Pawns, according
to a recent story. was assassinated
not for purposes, hut
through His murderer.
was a theological
student, but was compelled to he
come a trader by the confiscation of
his property, lie sold some of his
goods to the sou of the shah, and in
due time presented his bill. For
this he was thrown into prison and
his wife transferred to the prince's
After .-even years he was
released and Bed to Constantinople.
At an opportune time he returned,
disguised, to and. waiting
a chance, shot than, crying
ire, bitter trait
t I- CUt I i.
WU What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
in use The outfit business mantis
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
very cheap are.
You may never,
But should you ever
Want Job Printing
to see us.-
As political 1898
is daily Hearing the people, it is natural
and admissible ask the party leaden
in the District. what methods ind
measures shall the members of the
ll-publican party adopt Whether or
net we will, another term,
party courage
sad the h s heedless,
thoughtless flock of the
command and demands the
as the past lour years in this
District. It is desired, en the part el
the large et the
Republican, by the way
out in the seven
the side el
sound, that almost the
solid mass of the Republicans,
some very may be tor
are strongly opposed to
support of Harry In
the must emphatic terms, the fiat
to the tank and tile, that
Skinner cannot again receive the
support hi- return to Con-
nut sort el
and intrigues that may be used to the
contrary. A sound U publican must
be in this J car our Lord
that the party,
attend this in the next
Sen Congress the S.
patty having
every stipulation the
the past lour years,
in the support of Col. Harry
Skinner, now nothing tin
manly support by the Populist cf
Republican nominee will the
accent in this approaching
campaign. into line action, ye
U. publicans, and attend the primary,
township, conventions your counties.
Sec to it, that such good
end trusty delegates ate to
attend the Convention
this District that will carry into
force this solvent purpose
a publican to succeed Col.
Harry Skinner in the proper
ill the greatly led d.-
s; this District in the next
el the so called
yours to battle,
J. L.
The above in the lorn
a a copy which tell into
the hands
Rescued by Young.
t a Y
District Attorney M. Ber-
owes s lasting debt
Hy I he merest accident, aim Young
yesterday extricated the
situation, and saved him a eight's
confinement in the Federal building.
A arc necessary to lead up
to the rescue the by the hero
the occasion. The District
went to his office yesterday after-
noon, Mob is in the build-
Only evil minded will
the visit of lb- r his office
with his official However
may be, Mr. remained some
time his While the
Attorney in hi
den, the janitor, Dr. who is
the president the Sons el de-
to close the The
he securely locked behind him, and
made tor his home,
Along the District At-
tinny decided that he would go home,
sing along the corridor and down
the which were in utter
darkness, Mr. Barnard
the not turning on the
lights. But his for the
janitor took a more when
he arrived at the doors and
locked. It gave way to a series
of war and and
lows and Hours.
It was at this that James
and other the King
of came upon the
The noise from
within caused to in
tic Upon looking close-
he saw the crown a hat lobbing
up and down at one the windows.
voice distress alarmed
by it he thought he
an old
dim la his excitement ran Mp the
street, gesticulating and
for help, Cobb and
other his
soon s cured. A human ladder
was and this Jim climbed
lo the window. Fearing down below
the window, discovered the
the District Attorney,
who clinging lo lie
with hands.
The window was
and the District y taken from
his place The
expression en his lace was turned to
one joy when lie was once again
planted on
a. old assail r .
Au old ton but remedy to
the hair bunt falling out i
I . made i j ring three large
onions in a quasi of rum, or until
the is the
and to
every second The of the
onion soon oft. but if found
ten of lavender
and baa of will
Woman s
Home Companion.
of Lev.
we were married I used
to see a golden around my
you see it now
ll looks just like any
girl's red
Are different from all other
medicines. Each performs
a specific duty, thus doing sway tn
drastic purgatives and curing by
Mild Power Theory.
One Pink Pill touches the liver, re-
moves the bile, the bile
moves the bowels. The
Tonic Pellet does the rest.
tare out I
MIS CO . N. V.
Notice to Creditors.
duly before the Se
Court I Pitt as
of the estate of
L. Bell decease J, Is here-
by given to all persona indebted to
the estate to make immediate payment
to the and to all creditors
of said to claims,
properly authenticated, to the under-
signed, within twelve mouths after the
date of this notice, or this notice will
be plead In bar of their recovery.
This the day of
of the estate of Sarah L. Ball
On Monday May 2nd, 1898, before the Court door in the town
of Greenville, I will tell the following tracts of land to the
due for the year 1897, compliance with of the Mac
Act, of 1897. W.
Notice to Creditors.
I, G. M. trustee in a certain
deed In trust executed to me on June
the by J. H. W. K.
and M. A. trading
under the firm name of J.
Sons, hereby notify all creditors of
said firm or creditors of either the
members said firm individually to
said claims to the said trustee
on or before the day of April,
1883, and tile the said claims with the
said trustee authenticated on
or before the said date, If any
shall fail to file said claim as above
stated this notice will be pleaded In bar
of any participation the dividend or
arising dim the assets of
said This Is by
order of This March
Reflector Job Printing Office.
Anything from
-i. l;.
impulsively Hung himself
her foot and, with his hand pressed
upon bis heart and Ins eyes
with the of love,
wore that he never would rise until
ho the accepted, suitor of the
fair that beautiful I
It so reminds me of the tune when
Henry to
This is Henry said upon that
mid l.-.-es
c Po
The Daily to tie. tor
Gives the home
afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber II not you
lo be.
Chas. for wife,
Nobles. and E
Tripp, W II
Stokes. Maggie
Johnson, J
Keel. S
Jackson Bros Co
f., John
Campbell, II O
Sarah J
well. Marl ah
Mills, M t
Smith, Mrs J U
Taft, Mrs K A
Notice of Dissolution.
The of Ricks. have this
day dissolved by J. A.
Hicks and A. II. Taft
from the Arm. W lint and K
Taft will continue th I as
under firm mine of Risks A
Taft. All the are to
be paid to said Ricks Taft j also
assume ad liabilities.
W. H.
Eastern Reflector.
Cure All
Liver Ills.
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Thanking our friends the public
tor their liberal In
put we solicit s of
In the future.
Abbott, T J
hen. A agent S B
Hint, I. E
i. J E
w J
Tripp, nines
Tripp, U B
Cobb ft Son, J C.
Dupree, J R
Hardy, W C
Morgan, J K
Mayo, Mrs M E, heirs
Mrs Anus
Heaves, Mrs W A
Reaves, Mrs
Vines, C C
Vines, Mrs C
Fleming, T E
Joyner, Andrew
leave Washington for
for Tarboro touching at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
These are subject to stage
of water Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore
New York and Boston.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion Line from
New York. from
folk ft Baltimore Steamboat Company
from Merchants Miners
SON, Agent,
J. Age at. ,
Kills, Drew and
Port, Sis,
year's supplies will It
at to get our aM J their
Our re
Its branches, In
only a year.
contains the news
week, and gives
lo the farmers
tobacco, that
many times more than
subscription price.
at lowest market prices
as we buy direct fro u t
A stock of
n and sold at It
suit the Limes. Our goods are all
sold for t A therefore, .
rise to We sell at a close
I Robert
I Corey, W I
Dancy, J S
Daniel, and wife
Ilka. J L
Fleming. 1897
Greene W B and wife
received a
hearse and the line C
and in wood, meta
i lie.
We ate to Jo ,
ins in all
Personal attention given to co
to will receive
every mark respect.
Our prices are lower ever
do not want
We be found . any and l
times John.
nation. E N
James, Henry
Latham, Ed
Mary ,
House, Mrs M
Sermons. heirs
Sugg, A
Williams, E C
it U. S.
j G.
H. C
Wire andiron
only work
prices reasonable.
Brooks, M W
Cox, M
Colin, A. agent L II C
Corey, W L F
Daniel. Jordan
j F
Harding A Harding
May, Ida
Mary K
Stokes J W
Smith, Kate B
Allen guardian
appear ft nave j
at and
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
eat Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
ft week
Are monitors in navy
lo keep other
on their
President as the
Chief Magistrate, seems to have
held himself to keep peace-
Kid wants to
know is any relation
between a and a kid-
A minister
to marry two divorced persons.
He lie did not keep a
a Tory I
yon laid he was sole
pillar his lie is-
He's apothecary in
admit not much
a bat war poems are it
in bis do yen
make that
because be is a
a fellow
most modify war policy
a bit a Assistant
we still Editor
but tho is not
quite it.
ordered a dozen new double
and we cant
hare war they're in working
Tramps Army or Navy.
Magistrate yesterday
ed his intention
arraigned him or
who would in the army
or Charles was
him by Policeman Tom
for b,
Broadway ard street.
at he was a
the Southern hotel at Louis until
t weeks when be began
bis way east lo join the He
reached navy yard too late on
Saturday and was advised by
prospective recruit to
money for a supper.
looked him over.
is a big, well-built,
f How.
you enlist let you
what I want to said
am an Ami i
I was six ago, and
I am not married. I want lo
-Go ahead and the
magistrate. Policeman I said be
would tee that kept hit prom-
After this, magistrate said, he
would send a policeman lo the recruit-
lug station with prisoner so dis-
a Will.
is it that the of a will
owe most
a do.
ad, in more
by Is
or tie
duly illness or the
port of the has rise to
such i infill
or other of u
anything el in lie i
I should h th Us-
It la h bright
aid.- of to Is that bis or
in the event these
nearest and settle the
in n they
to hem his or her vi-h, with the
expenditure of time,
energy and money.
Do not say to yourself,
are so it is not worth
writing their disposal. will tell
So-and-so what my withes
Let tho woman who bus only a
trinkets they are not heir-
write on a sheet paper
to go child, this
to and on.
a or your will, in the fan
keeping of a man, and let the
place of he known lo et
If there Is any division properly
to be alter death, a lawyer
be employed to nuke the will. A nun
who wishes to leave every-
thing absolutely to one may
make the will the
precautions are taken
the will ink a single-
II a mistake i; e the
us any erasure may
If you wish to la provisions
of a will make u new, and the
old Will to be d.
will must he signed in
two witness.
No one to whom money or properly
has been may witness the will.
A minor person under
make a will or be an
always invalidates o will
Professional Cards
, SI. Bond.
J. I. Fleming.
Greenville, N. C
In all the courts.
Swift Galloway, Tyson,
M. C. N. C
N. C
In the
Office over J.
Cobb Avon's Store.
John B. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
Attorneys at
In all
W. B. W.
K. C.
wherever services
On street near Only
shop In town by
white workmen.
a horse
on the said
tho man M stop and
pat him on He always
appreciates such attention, and
I bettor when I see him
bone wears a
holiday air and a mischievous
look when he has his feet
on pavement. Take him in
the streets and be looks ordinary.
He knows that that is his right
place, and wears an air
But occasionally h
tired and wants a little
human and ho
frets up out gutter and
hall himself on the
be looks at every
who comes along in a
well-met sort way th it always
goes to my heart.
other day saw a home
ball way on the sidewalk. Near
him an Italian with a
curt On the curt were apples
and flannel Mr-
the apples for a long
lime, and then, when he saw Ibo
Italian looking another way, be
slyly circuit up and began to
the apples- He had eaten three
before the Italian discovered him,
and was having a high old time
Italian was a good
fellow. He simply shoved the
horse away and turned the
caps toward him- coarse the
horse bad no interest to flannel
was feeling good
I went up and paid for tho
apples eaten. The
Italian was grateful. I was happy,
and as I patted horse on
nose be grinned at me and I
my hand at with a
long, old n I
York Bun.
The Store that is
Full Bargains
In Spring a fuller Crimson
Conies upon the bi east
In the time every lady
Must have a Brand New Dress.
and we are fully prepared to meet
the demands of the most
A look through our stock of
Spring and
Dress Goods
will convince the most skeptical that arc
hotter prepared than ever serve you.
Spring Woolen Dress Goods, Organ-
dies in plain white and colors,
Mulls, Beautiful Silks, Percales, Dim-
India Linen, Embroidery
Linen, Draperies, Curtains, Curtain
Goods, Tapestry, Table Covers, Rugs,
Art Squares,
Jeweled Belts and other new things
Fans, Ribbons plain plaid striped,
Shoes, Oxford Ties and numerous
other things abound in a profusion
of Beautiful New Styles, Delicate col-
and low prices.
Come to sec us, will be glad lo show you
through our store.
Our line of
The Philadelphia
Sherman n
to In It recalls
ii t expression attributed to
President pray
there be no with
Si ll lo mild
you take
from all
men, and load labor
it; national
Inventive e ft a nu of
ye i- us Is
if lave lo lire country
which yon attack, t; destroy a
of years loads, ill
it; harbors,
and tear u to
with j
of dead and
ed creatures beyond all of
and parch,
of they
into cloths of
bock of account shall
record tho cost of your
book of
This reminds us that
Greeley was by tin
result the battle of Hull Ban
and it played with
army. The
kept at tho
head of the editorial
o Forward to
The rebel I
is beautiful to see.
not be allowed lo
b July By that date
bald by tho
The old led to bl
ll the
partly led lo em hit
defeat at the Union at
and it prayed
upon his mind. James
his biographer, i
retired to his a few
alter, and was
an attack bi lever,
nix weeks was
passing events. won
tried, and Le
escaped tho
in spite I
of war, tho k
in the world today- It is as
in as in tho United
States. London Spectator
says that tho English a
id us the Americans.
N ,
It will lo
its lotto Observer-
Spokes, Hubs, Building Materials, Paints
Oils and Stoves
Fair Dealings and Honest Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
How a War with Spain
O. I
At ill w r
I am c-f are rile in land,
every boast is to a
r or extent disturbed by
with a I
Is a frequently .--i.- i
and r ii answered. u
will be upon our pr
i n Ur re- t
in-j we i
. i. i. up . I I
to a very I i tit ill i j
M A .
. i iii war U i y
f , ill all food pi would ll
iii i l
i.-- m i it m an
CO ; ii, ill ii I
; ll I not
iii . V ;. is a very i
shit i in is ii I an
c inclined lo Mi a r
exactly i- result. It lo sot
of lo
cotton and
tobacco but I doubt this i
a i i v
our c an .
sad unless other n were Involved
I don't believe ii would bis
trade and it tn be
upon eon-
our ducts wot M b
ii no . i r j have i
I -if I y a. ll I ii Can tell
how -r ii ill- i Hi -1 I-
War i- i i r bl, ill any phase rot,
vi w it and mid avoid -1 p
id- lo i i- n
I, end I.
land Spain
ii i Iv i ii i Ill h
opinion a ml i nil w
. but it other a r-
i in ii n wail nil a .
i- Iv -J ii ti a hand i i
i l ii. ill
be. I. r ti. 1.-. I ll
tile , -i. . . I .
. I ii ii in ii. Pa in I
I t event t- w
of e- e b o . t
and i
An .
Will Hie 10th
I-., i-i I slam
war it-1 t ; ; history
have the
ii sol
A e m of
Ai a ti s I
Hi t Is sweet in
ii. b bi t
I- ii- as ham y slew,
Ai I u it
Tangles nil heart you
A In -mi of
I a -ii. in -t bias
A I iii- K
Our seat i Hi arts
A kiss lb if
-I id I two,
I Hint's iii i-
. a . you
In Check Estate.
A Bangkok
i . of
; A. C -lie. a of
North and
i lie Got of Slam, baa
of the Cheek mt-
of Mr.
. Consul
I is la-
The wit of Dr. hat
II i b now reside
ii, v
ii, n by Tbs lac Dr.
CI eek i- well remember in North Car-
He was and raised in
ii. the Dr.
iii- was
i .,;. oat, and it baa anally beta
i i
the. I Mates
Sir Niel
. ll in -I that
.;, Indent,
j and and be
i pi led and paid by
. Bit into
, , .-, business
. Umber an
i. . n- alleged.
herd -I
. . to transport lbs
ill having
i ,, , secure
.,.,,.,.,, ,. ., tbs
lull ll
The Spanish Flotilla.
Spanish do
v on it way to
Torpedo boat destroyer furor,
,., Curlier.
i a crew of
Torpedo boat destroyer Pinion,
tons, P. Vi
Torpedo destroyer Terror,
ions. Commander F. hut
a ,
boat to ,. I in
id in I r Se-nor i; hi s a ores
boat As l-l -in-
It. d. ; In s a I
tons, Con
XI. i; bas a crew of
twenty six.
in de
knows i got
f right
N. C
Such .
neatly report
occupation, are
and Hie
whole read
nor write. It no
nil the and woolen
North to
i I t Of the Wool
Cotton Reporter, running on
either double or extra I In
news plants just put in operation
the year, there
are quite a numb orders which
of lbs an selling
pi at Hy
hi tin trade, China and Japan
pi i; rs. One -l tin-
,.,., i. ml c to
Japan, the goods having I. . I .
i,.,., i, . i I
p lo I sure, i. I.
a in it. -All
in North Carolina
ii- on able or t
ml there is not on South Carol
News and Courier,
A Great Help
Ye-, our little a
and a help to
Mi.-. to
ho can lake tie.
well as any nurse, lie Is in the next
rota now, playing with little
Voice I
A.- ion taking care of
V. Ill,
are yon
i barb r,
Teat son's Weekly.
old deacon,
i duty tar per-
served lust, H ain't
a easy war you think
for, an take a heap
tor make de
win en
at it, en keep it up de
war ti
a brother
ketch you
entry tor rush yon Ur
ill.-deacon, with
will git bit d-B head chopped
I. t
iii. be not
hat known
. nibs, ii yo r horrible
. ,. I. . . revealed lo
stirred lb the nation.
i. , n no risk toying this; the
in all whoa.;
ii. is lo l Alter
NI---I-. Praetor, Than
Hi- scenes of
i-i bare
i began t talk about
; he live a thousand
,.;. lull he not
honorably why hi. in
all lb-- long In
these Recorder.
i . e. . ,
trade . much
u paper of

Eastern reflector, 8 April 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 08, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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