Eastern reflector, 29 March 1898

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The Maine Blown up Externally.
Washington, March
had in his possession
since a note from Admiral
to Long informing
him that the Maine was by
an outside explosion, which her
reserve and that it may be
Impossible the court of inquiry to
fix the blame or direct
on Spain.
The Indications are that people wall
not have lo wait much longer to h-urn
Whether we will have war with baton.
Swearing m a
A staid and respectable New Bag.
paper wishes to know swearing .
is going out or the reverse.
The this paper declares, so
as he cm find out, habit . I I
swearing is altogether I If that
the young of New
towns. He says the youth o. the ,
Greene is not all Athens, and the
peasant in the Tillage I
very interesting What you
do nut seem to be able to say three
sentences with
an unpleasant nature, so
their conversation is exceedingly an-
to people who happen to be in
their vicinity on the Mm tot elsewhere.
And I e wants to know it this thing is
to be allowed to
ton Times.
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated J
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a I line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap the v are.
You may never,
Want Job Printing
to see us.-
tor Job Printing Office.
Anything from a
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news
afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
ought to be.
not you
or sitting about idle.
This need to a but
wen- alway- told that it
day. It always is holiday on a
saint's day, there are man
days in
How the land get cultivated at all
is a marvel, but it din's somehow.
There are
few. Yon are walking along
and find
striding over vine
Brat think you are trespass.
and try to go around, but
a little experience you bold,
and you find that you are doing
quite right thing, You may be
attacked by a dog, but that is not
became you are off the path, but
because you are a human being.
The Greek dog is a marvelous
beast. have vivid
him. one principle hi that
man is his natural too, and be
takes every opportunity of putting
hie Into practice. He gen-
appears from nowhere and
makes for you. Yon must get rid
of him quickly or he will call to his
aid brethren seven times worse than
himself and get rid of you. You
generally begin by shying stones.
These are always at hand in
Providence, I suppose, never gives
an evil without a corresponding
Tins may drive him off if
ho alone and not very bold. If it
doesn't, you must adopt more vigor-
measures. Don't shoot him,
cause i lit re is a superstition that he
has on owner, and that owner will
probably turn up at ritual mo-
and shoot you. But you may
stab him if you happen to lie carry,
u largo enough have
tin- skill to use it. or you may brain
him with walking stick if it
be heavy enough. If them fail,
is said to remedy left.
You may sit still, and he, too, will
sit still and look at you. This is
to infallible, never
had tho courage to try it, It is no
doubt mi extremely comfortable
feeling to l- seated in the enter of
u circle of but it
w be -i; ; pall after a lime,
not so thickly
lated that you can depend on a res. I
cue arriving within an hour,
If pass through the pi of
I ho way and reach the village
safety, you will, of course, go
the inn, what you will II
are all the men of the talk-
laughing, driving cares
which never come to them The
prevailing costume i- tin-long, gray
cloak of shepherd, the most
garment in These
men will stare ill you n lit-
but the y will make you
come They will -ill talk to you in
their own and yo . ill an-
m your-. It i,.,. nut matter a
hit that understands the
other. Both parties will equally
pleased. We once meet
lug an old shepherd on slope
He stopped and entered
into a long conversation. What it
was about we do not know, bin ho
seemed well pleased, and alt. r
about we wished him
in the only words of
that we knew. You will
meet the village priest
too. Be is only a peasant like I ho
rest, but lie i- recognized
being on Sundays. Then if
you are thirsty you drink kraal, the
tin country, very mild and
very like wax At you
will hale it. but after you have got
to it you will preterit
or you may drink
j j on merely wont to
sociable, you arc wise, you
will cat ad and honey, real
which the whole
world cannot beat. And then you
will get up and go home, feeling
there is no . no j have mi t
like the On k Pall Mall
Will hi Raleigh
Voters of
he Eastern Reflector.
a I
news every
Ts only
contains the
week, and gives
to the formers, es-
tobacco, that is
many times more than
the subscription price.
listen a now
that records tho
action of the
you needn't fool any
money away on one. It wouldn't
earn Its Press,
said tho dealer in cap.
bird- and annual-, want a
parrot I
hem, the bird You are mar-
ore you not
Hi- customer bowed.
your husband is I
thought BO And you want the par-
rot to keep you From feeling
Veal This Is the very
it a nuked the
The dealer hesitated.
ho said at last
wouldn't b i him a
fluent talker no, not that, lint for
what you tho host I
the In I
-i i the right
II i
P I rt I Ml I II, Hit
been . i up , i j,,
n u
I ii i H r
and . cm
tho you hid-
den my i lean tali
Pursuant to a of the
State executive adopt-
its meeting- held February
-2nd, I hereby give that the
Democratic State convention will
held in the city of Raleigh at
o'clock Thursday
The of organization,
recently is now in the
of the executive
committees, tho r- i-
primaries and
county conventions.
The will consider
the of for
the several districts wherein the
term of the present
expires January 1st, will
the principles and
policy of party, and Sake
such notion as it may see proper-
Judicial conventions should be
held prior lo data soil
the Slate in the
tailoring Fir it, second
sixth, seventh and
Tile following resolution.
amending the plan o
was adopted at mooting-
of the committee held in
eh who intend to vote with
in the next and who
desire of
Anglo- supremacy and
honest North Car-
are cordially invite to
participate all our primaries
the adoption of such a
resolution the party
expresses no foaling for
the colored people of North
Carolina. The record of charity
and kindnesses, public and
of the people this
State to the colored race, while
Democratic party was full
power, refutes such B suggestion.
But tho voter, with
exception, be considered
one. whom the great principles of
government, the wisdom
economic policy, or the
of public servants their
responsible offices, guide or con-
in his choice of a ballet,
allegiance to the
party or its allies, cannot dis-
by the corrupt and
conduct of for
whom ho votes- Thus, this
day, when the Stats, is fast seek-
dishonor under
tho of a fusion
which regards neither
rights of or property, nor
tho good and of the
State, the C ill to d illy is
ad to the white mu of North Car-
In national mutters no more
vital principles can tho
People and their welfare than
those which the present
of the plain
people of the country thrown
down the of to the
money powers trusts- Tho
increasing control of tho
of the few by open
violations of the law.
enhancement of purchasing,
power of money, with the ever
decreasing value properly,
mark the of the hour.
the affairs our beloved
State no words I be needed
to awaken the patriotism of her
sons. A political campaign is
of us tho
the wager of the contest is the
good name of
North Carolina. We should
work at once, proscribing no
test oath to our follow
but a warm welcome
and full fellowship to all who
us in securing just
laws and good government. An
early convention is fixed, whore
differences, if any exist, will
adjusted; the plan of tight map.
; pod out. and a united Dem-
will triumph.
I suggest that the
conventions should be
bald as as for
the election of delegate. The
of and
meat beta of
may be postponed until Lie
as each county convention
think advisable
Dem. Ex. Com.
C. March
Why do fashion's
ways follow it
Why is the doctor
j seldom to leave well
enough alone
editor who
may good health always a critical
Wake Do cheerful lie hope-
Look the brig-ht side of
of is the
truth of make no mistake as to
It is n weak, poor individual
who envies the success
don't do It
If motives were always visible,
men would blush for their
most brilliant actions.
Silent sympathy is to the
troubled what tho soft
spring rain is to tbs earth,
much pain; wise I
men know how to overcome
Why do streams run
everybody knows they
run wet when do run
Why the sound in a man's
head his wife bits him with
ft broomstick a sort of marriage
Why is it a man can't walk
enough for a streetcar to cat-.-h
him or f-i.-t enough to eaten a
Notice t Creditors.
duly before the
loan Clerk o Put as
Executor of the Of Mai ah
I. Bell is
by given i all persons to
tin- estate to man payment
lo the mill to all
of to present claims,
twelve after the
lute notice, or notice will
It plead in bat of recovery.
This the of March 1898.
Executor of the estate I.
a Clay Pipe.
Charles aged -1. ltd
Charles aged
this morning over an old
clay pipe. met again this
evening, when the quarrel was
renewed. pulled a 32-
shot Ring-
in the head, the bulk t
the which
caused the victim's death min-
later escaped to
to tho mountains- A posse is in
bet pursuit of the murderer-
l and
a and you will
find a says Fred
Olds Haw Scratch a
can you will find a is
Cure Ail
Liver ills.
Twenty Years Proof.
Tint's Liver Fills keep the bow-
els in natural mot ion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Liver Pill
Notice to Creditors.
I. G. M. Mooting, trustee In a certain
to me on
the by J. H. W. K.
and it. A.
the name of J. H.
ft Soot, hereby notify all creditors or
said lino or creditors either of the
members of aid r to
mM to tho id trustee
on or before the April,
and file the with
aid properly authenticated on
or before the I date, If any
fail to laid claim as above
Mated ibis notice will he pleaded In bar
of any participation In the dividend or
arising the assets the
said a This notice Is given by
order of court. Tills March
M. HOOKING, Trustee.
N. O.
should careful
bow they quarrel with bus-
woman who
quarreled with husband
immediately into a
remained twenty
patient, kind and
you will be loved.
The lucky tn-n never in
good or bud luck.
Never get angry impatient
with it tool of en
The weather
at when they tackle
have received a
hearse and nicest line of Co
fins and in wood, meta
lie cloth over
Notice of Dissolution.
The of Kicks Tilt have this
day dissolved by J. A
and II. Taft withdrawn
from the W. II. Kicks and K. H
Taft will continue as
under Dante Kicks A
accounts due the are to
be- paid to said Rick- A Taft who also
J. A. ricks,
A. If.
Thanking our friend and the public
generally for their liberal patronage
the past we solicit a continuance the
.-time ill the
w. if.
k. if.
Old Dominion Line
ii its
o am
Personal attention given to c
funerals and bodies
to our care will receive
every mark of
Our tower eve-
do not want monopoly b I
in competition.
con be found at .
times in the John
Adjutant General of the army
has issued an order that the new r
of artillery .-hull h-
men, the War
Department having concluded
that married men arc not the beat
r. wives of the married
in- u will be lo
The War is
taking a risk in sort
war upon ilia matrimonial relation.
An- from nil other
a specific duty, thus doing away with
and curing by
Mild Theory.
One pink I
Took .
Hive oar
liver, re.
III. n
pie nay -i
.-. .
N V a
Steamers leave Green
villa for Tarboro touching at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
aim Friday at o A.
Returning leave at S A. H
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville lo days.
These are to stage
of water Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers tor Norfolk,
Philadelphia, New York Bo-ton.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion from
New York. from
folk Baltimore steamboat
from Merchants Miners
SOS. Agent,
J. Agent,
Trade-Marks obtained all Pal-
I u r
. . . i.-o i . . i.
fr. m
BUM, or r Vim
n. We if or set, of
Our I. I
A w to with
Mine in u, S.
lent free. A
k CO
Denier in
Pork, sis, Mb
and ti-
will It to their
e-t to get our prices before
Our stock Is Complete
Flour, Sugar,
at lowest market
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
us buy direct from
I., nil. , .
mini I
If If.
I- n-.
M r, L.
hand old at price,
r the Lines. till
sol, , .
Wire and Iron Fencing
only First-class work
prices reasonable.
I. . ,,.,. i I CASH therefore, h
run we at a
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
Militia May he Sent to or
The of over
militia is absolute and unlimited in
of necessity, and as lie is sole
that necessity, is practically,
no limit upon his discretion. speak-
of militia, however, we r to
the militia, and not to the Na-
Guard. Most of the
Guard in-e militiamen, and
as such, are subject individually lo the
orders President, issued in ac-
with but
of the guard arc not recognized by
the government as organizations
once in
National or
become soldier the Slat
and as completely under the control
of the as soldiers
of the regular army. The militia hill
now before Congress, expressly provides
that serve wherever
ordered, within or without the territory
of This is not new
hut is a clear stall of ex-
law defined by the courts. As
the law is now are subject to
jurisdiction of military law us
th m arc called service of
is not r inured
t bey be mustered in to
control over and Navy
The Summer Sparrow in
by the Thousand
Yesterday morning when men
who work at the reported
there for work they the platform
and street adjacent covered thous-
ands little dead birds-summer spar-
rows, they are known. They
is supposed, been by
lights at the platform, been killed
by against the posts and globes
Mr. Roach remembered a previous
visit from same kind of birds, but
bey came out in numbers
were found elsewhere
Officer Cunningham, who was on
duty during latter purl the night
said there were thousands them Hy-
about are light in
about Observer.
Prophets are frequently
A London predictor
by menus that
the world would end in
having warned all England, he
a fifteen-year leased the
in ho had been
carrying on a mercantile business.
Edgar O. of Boston,
has bin as
secretary to tho Amer-
Legislation St- Peters-
burg, he only
desired to be first secretary.
Professional. Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I. Fleming
N. C
In all the coin I s.
Galloway, B. Tyson,
H. Greenville, N. C
Greenville. N. C
Practice In all the
N. C,
Office over J.
Cobb A Son's Mole.
Small, II. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Practices In all tin Courts.
is Vine Sister.
Former Minister to Mexico
at tho a
days ago, talking out ex-
in Mexico. After the
Minister lift I one
Of in. r-
aver talk to the
Minister when mud has been
occupied be and
for reply,
member did. I
met him return
Mexico, shook
is your sister,
is I
Minister's mind then
returned for
minutes then lie
is your Frank
and, as before, I replied that she
was well. Five liter ho
raised his from papers
Frank, how is your sis-
I thought conversation
was becoming
lo change I answered
that she was
yon don't I
am sorry to hear it,
returned to his papen
again for five minutes,
and me if he turn
around and
bow is your
At first I ho was guy.
me, but, looking at
sharply, I realized that ho had
forgotten convocation, and.
I answered sadly, is
man, you don't mean
he exclaimed,
bis seat and his hand
in a most sympathetic
adding, is dreadful. When
did it happen- Tell me all about
I replied, killed
just now. When I came in your
told you she was
then I told you was
very ill, and that didn't impress
yon. So for benefit I
just killed
old man looked at mo for
a moment and then
must pardon me, Frank.
I was thinking about these
Some advances the theory
that we grow in
spirituality while we sleep. If
that is true, most of us need to
sloop more than do, for our
hours are
pied in that are material
and worldly One thing
is certain, and that is that
few get enough of sloop--
nature s It is
claimed that as the heart and
never to work from
tho date of until
earthly taco is run, so real
or invisible part of man is
at rest, and that when man's body
is unconscious in sleep the real
part of tho man is free to perfect
and strengthen itself in the
worthier things of life. This
theory is by the
that unless was a
period of it would
not be man to
eight hours out of
four out of every
year and years out
cf every life of three score
ten id bed. Such
interesting, not
ham Sun.
the hour hand points to nine,
Have your washing on the line.
I . . t
No . , .
.; As
8-of Will. lot
sou retail .
. I . to Mat,
by the best house-
keepers for
Washing, House Gleaning.
For sale by
Try it.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Goods, Ladies, Gents and Shoes.
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
of all kinds at the
in this community.
W. II. W.
N. C.
mi in- me
O J.
O n Only
In town by
Coal, shot mid inn
powder, end
lint items thus
fur in el
The two
more. At current
will be i in two
or weeks. There's lotting like
a war
puce ever given
Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little money you have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Spokes, Hubs, Building Paints
Oils and Stoves
Fair Dealings and Honest. Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
strange -i
n, fall
k i a ii.,. i In
quill u in H . V I. -.-
t t i i I.-H
11- ii would be r
ls votaries A bill the
I ii i r ii t. ii it provide
one d pit
. i Id . in
vi- toward
its tic n will. ii n
lie mm war i; by n
el v I; In -e
i t I I . S net
i I I r. I K v, I
I e i i ii opt
lit n How much U lit r,
raid, is this method
down the u
doles i by
licensed To u an
g In in a
n oil mi nib i el lira
no answer. a
in was so
wanting In as lo
this alleged i- a
II , i vi u- u,
in any essential
tho practices th At in
Middle Am or from
and swindlers who
aliened upon human credulity in a
period So
u tho kind, e B
wire . I com-
pi under II ii this mi
dissenting voice, to except
lie bill. Physicians who have ex-
pended years time and mi
In studying the diseases flesh is
In In mud out a B or
who ; n n pi H
a divine power in g e sick, may
Ml with impunity, no
matter now much may
ii , upon
n i
prevalent in all u
on, gem rally
old wt men, drove u i ii . Ira It in
ministering to credulity ll
customers ; Ibis fellowed
the pastas
nil who should I o
countries witch was drowned.
When accused, was into a
nil, and she k was declared
ii she ordeal d
swam ashore, she was
and burnt t tin- Hake I, A.
juries, In their humanity and
turning good sense,
iii of law and .-
mi m. I most
s law punishing with
ll in book long
after judges and Lad lo
the me.
Tins Hi ii Is
a in n
which darkened
minds people III past s. Ml p
than the witches,
which exorcise hi
been Pound
t r, who during bis on earth went
healing tick, sight
to blind, d u id
In on
books record cures
performed Ibis
of divine origin mid
Iron practice
tun u l big
be treated like any
ill. It bind police power in
d a so I I it
does not and wine, ii
Victims do in i ti while u. d
em .-t i n iv i el it u v ; In
to lime i law enough in
very enlightened to punish
A I I Mr , . , ,. t. U
ti- It i
The ones looked so aw a m i r
up Oner with
millinery strung;
sweethearts won
iv me
Ain't Hi I i I
ii U
When w heard i
. V. r bells;
Thar much color i-
of view,
But yet wore iii t i
j .- ii I ct,
i shall live
in white,
In fields d in e-t-
wear fixed
up will, this that
it a r. stuffed bird in
middle ii.
mi i o . ;
wild r-
I sigh in- wore
you me young,
ii a in Atlanta
If i in were p ii inclined
ii give up
Old R you at me
Tie tat- -No;
had bet n my win n
paper Hint t am a-, o, u. i i tao
guidance of .-i . i. ell
an t lit in H ,
I'm. bun
been revived us a
farm home paper.
in this
who nit look
in I Mechanic would like to have
and we are prepared to
following i
For we will Bend
Carolinian, of and Tho
Farmer nil three
n whole year.
will you tho
homo i it.-, State and general
we and farm and jot
cf three of them a
year for
you want the Atlanta, Con-
added lo above list
can get it for cent more,
or the thrice a we k New York
World for cents. Any other
or magazine wanted can
yon a en in eon-
n i. with
I home you mi. have
when you use
you're I, aim
Then I know my
in I n i. morrow I'll be II-
bound, won't i
said ll
i i my b in ;. . I v tie
r. is n i
wt iii r
i Du was
lino .- coin
. rt y car
Now he'll hive
to talk
All u i i mill cu . i
mi r t-. and then,
. . .
id hard ll and Lieu.
An Advertising Story.
Tl e lit whig I mayor
is lit stun lien I
it am irk I i in I i I
Tie ii i .-. i. n
sin ban . n i-
i r,
But streets were no
Tin u swore an and
n the
should I
Ai i no l .
r a Bi l
l n
ii d l III die-.
Ti. ii o lighter.
A ma ;
I, goods.
lie mi .
lie in d i. n
Tin n In turned on Ida i ill b
in w . . i I i
p. know be was in bu
win. Ill kepi in in n
la. . r,
fin Ii n
Two can never make a
right Some of our
tho people in reply
to grave damning
at brought and
not pretend
to deny the but seek
use their
the people by others- The
that bar did wrong
in the pent not license
And yet this the only ox-
for all
Inge, who com-
in; . order might i eek to escape
the law Iv Baying
are and trashy
not i ale I for a moment
a and a deceived
ll l i I.
i I
i ; mil Untie
d of
B of Leon, of
of Two
J ah i , of
b a, ., Ti it tie. f
o I
a, cf
of AI of
Canary Oriental
i I tie,
of Milan,
. and of and
Lord and
r, little no wonder
iii delicate.
rand in i h
i win. It
In .- ll
u ii i
i i-
A notary public
married at Denver, am
the m lo
name sign u
The wan
to Attorney i
Colorado, who decided n u
I Did I I bi I
maiden ii u hi
could no la i
be dropping u-
. lone of
. . gathered by
ten will be sent to Havana
the by one
tho Ward Line to
leave New toil, thin week, and
mi will take
i. . . . i. ii.-. may bu
I. intervention
a bacon a
of law humanity
n-. down by the King
in l i pi-1 law in
have shown
Ion a that
i . I. . a i
and approbation.
i i en broken
i ; i but
. , i own

Greenville, N. C.
D. J. tar
Entered at poet office
N. C, mailer.
Nabob t, 1898
A paper called w re-
men, and it talking light out
an way about hew
colored voter, the backbone of the
i treated when it
tomes to a division offices, and de-
henceforth th; colored man
would demand his share o pie.
seems to be occasioning much
around as we judo by
fallowing the Journal city
troubles on the
now ii that colored pap i
it seems lo be the very
out of the bosses who
they own the colored man soul and
body. We know of a hardship or IBO
tie Herald mu-t undergo
this aversion bosses lo having
their dictations crossed. It AM I.
that ill they need do was to issue
command and it was carried out with-
out now and
the bosses are Still they have
hope. They base that hope
another hope that the new paper can
no the storm and
the new will prove Ir. Bo
as it may, the spirit to gain
independence as lie
de-ire of the bosses to enslave the
g-o increase.
From our
Washington, March
no has official
the Naval Court Inquiry
on Maine hid
substance cl the report live days ago
and has that he would send
together with a copy his note lo
Spain on the report, In
next we, k. He also has a corn el kit a
whelming n aliment Cod-
grew, he by con-
during the week lending
mid Republican. He baa
told any he If
Bards driving Spain out I will
hi-enthusiastically l-y
and given lo
lo Congress
lake lbs lead and lore- him Id Jo
looks now u though tree Cuba was
assured. baa
op lounge and
advocate II la
done he bus denied that be had
any connection or interest in the
that to buy Cuba from
Spain and have tie United.
guarantee Hie a trill-- el
Cuban bonds which
they would issue to make the
The jig seeing to he up, and ii-
that have operated to keep
Mr. hands lied bare
accepted the inevitable, not
because they wanted lo, but
they realize that people
Congress are overwhelmingly deter-
mined the Saturnalia of
role in Cuba shall be wiped
The Republicans were a -low
in getting in line
but began when
Proctor that picture what
he saw in Cuba, and it d
by lot vigorous speeches
same lines made this week by
and who
spoke personal i and
now they are nearly all abreast
the in demanding action on
the part the
will free Cuba, regardless r
Spain pouts or lights. is now in
the power Mr. to
what that action shall be, but it does
exercise that lie will
lose it.
The House Military not
the demands the by
amending bill ii
cease of army
no ii can only he collated
the act ii war.
amendment provides that at
close any our in which
Slates shall become Involved
the army shall he once to
pence basis.
Senator Mason has d,
Create. Wis., lo take his and
, . l-i challenge MM him a
Spanish also n oiler
says he has peopled
and have submarine that we- are a Bottled
tor the weapons ibis duel. I in the community and
Spaniard is be over j nation the reporters do not bother
the one in Havana harbor, and I j US about little things much
can't blow him up same length our interest
time, I agree lo sit over his
rubbed off writes
s the
have groat sympathy for
reporter, as tee
mo to of -i and their hard
work, which must be distasteful
to many of them. There is
girl who works up a society
column every week as the only
meads of providing- bread
butler for an invalid and
he-self. Sue is ladylike and
though not
pretty, feel she dig
likes to ask people questions
more than they dislike lo
in dot. you would be
surprised to see how people
toady to for notices of their
I understand what
the phrase. power of the
mine and let him have a chance.
Ibis accepts these I
will rid world el at
and may get a at
a more.
It is no new to say I hat
progress of America,
which has long led world, is shown
in the records States
but that fact is u-
the valuable
tor all who arc interested in the con-
maintenance our
and progress in industrial lines, and
who is not, contained in the report
el Hen. A. acting
Commissioner Talents-.-information
that is to those who
to be up to date with the world in-
progress. The
report will be lo all who op-
ply writing to the
Washington, C.
An informal number
the vice-presidents l National
of Clubs Nearly three years ago made
h this week cl a fit baby.
the assoc alien, and very h to a good boy
rep were as to club i but has mil yet his -h
Now we another
and tin- genera for Demo-
success in campaign this lull
to the van. i family to mention,
and In 1900, Without exception if possible the
every one present indicated They the of Mr
the would be Mrs. Jones, of this place-
by the next -mo. have Way-
and that Mr. land six years old and neighs
would b-.- again pounds, Charlie is three
head ticket. The attend- old and weighs pounds, and
ed lieu. the baby, is seven
of Ohio; Hon. l.-.-e. Maryland; old, measures -7 inches
Hon. T. C. Ilia waist, weighs
Hon. J. J- Hod. -I. pounds. The babies,
Mitchell, lion. I., though tho beat of
health, sprightly.
; Hon. J. L. Slay-
Texas; lion. K.
California j lion, J. Wheeler,
Alabama Hon.
Tennessee; and
the association.
it is not probable that lb-
three lo be named
. . . i who let-Is ho
six torpedo boats,
war scare bus not fright-
on. d the office set away from
Washington. To one
applicant on
last die felt
torpedo boat destroyers provided hi
regular Naval Appropriation bill,
DOW being
Spain, but
The live dry
provided tor the same till be
wt have
to a extent, anyway,
they are needed all lime by ,
wait f a appoint
at a time like this does not
tho place, will not
t it. word
Id lake par, in the war
from that
DO is of men, that
e a-o slow. From tins
it would
of military naval
is duo to lack of patriots, but Hi- leading the pens.
An Old of Reflector
Writes Again,
Pool Tux., liar. -I.
Hi i m . Ton
The and riding contests
the Stock Yards last week
lo the almost countless thous-
ands who witnessed them a
scene lite which is peculiar to
and like can hardly
else in world It
had been declared this would be
event the big
convention, and to woo had never
such It was a novel
untrue ell
who was with scenes
it also.
The had all been com-
in ample lime. The ground
located on j
quarter ml- from lo Nook yards
and were good condition, two pens
h b- ii built the wild that
Were to be and
that were to b. ridden,
peas a narrow chute extend-
ed tor sonic lo lit a pass out
upon the prairie when it was Deeded.
ea.-h fide of chute popes wen
enclosing n large
ground i if use m tin lo,
tended keep back crowd. This
crowd was s i immense dial made
surrounding prairie like a
I -i e humanity Along the sides
grounds toe crowd reached
and every point el
or any oilier object
a very largo number
ladies in crowd and boat -ow
bin ethers made a
army It
were crowd was
orderly one, sometimes
carried by they rush-
ed under the ropes the
r by a wild steer
or trampled under a horse's loot. The
and -leers used roping
and ruling wen-some the most
lo be anywhere, and the
the were some
crack tie- W.-i.
his. and skill of
. by th- ;
. i king t, who had
loudly as th-y
the unbroken The
A roper would
lake his lasso in ban-
headed and in shirt
I to fact that tho civil service
his Ion largely
i would be released the
lie wild and animal
would upon When
l had leached prescribed
by th rule would
Word and lilt- re-p- r would dash away
rams swollen
by tho the Ohio valley to
Attorney yesterday gave the and reports of pursuit.
important opinion in j damage property Tho was to rope animal,
to meaning of section a life mil tie Area of us
Machinery act tho wires from that The 11.-.-t. roper doing ibis in
section that timber growth which formerly lime being winner. The o -n-
any real estate be sold back the baa boon I were ma of tho heal
f-r the sheriff or tax col- rise country Hue
shall personally serve a rapidity. Immense work wild
en or of low-lying lauds have built but was not
.-u the delinquent j been tilled in. these yield j t-u u
or bis days before such readily to j,,,,., Ma ,, nM
sale, if the resides
the K-ate.
of this section, the
General bolus,
notice of of estate for
taxes to be th Mormons an- I Hog with
tax payer or agent, if opposition in work near
tho reside the
i lions ill licit
y have
lion hail just
down, this church was
any oil. r liar
there, putting it up was
mainly by tho elders.
, ., , ., . . lion . and lust
by tho or tax collector, de. their
Whole delinquent resides Chapel church, bust Saturday night
of the county, but within p- r mm t fin- to and burned ll
the State, of sale
should be by the
or some other of
the county the tax paver
or agent reside. I no net
think notice sent by mail to human
delinquent tax payer living out- node to order at Mo.
side the county would lie Finn, a colored
with tho of the place, as the mo
I from which platter mane
. . . fOr let.-.
change earned a comfortable
from the custom heretofore living in this for
maintaining this of
simply mailing tho act
presumption that the
Nova and Observer.
Tor many
price a
petrified human body made of
and so
skilfully treated as to to
he genuine, is
fully half
retains food m I m
i l who lives
throe times and is the father of
two score of whom
now living. his first
he hail six including a
pair His second
born him children, half of
whom H l . , . , Hood's Fills
Wife to bun ll children-1
was not. Id .
,, . ,. i . a.-. l I. t Co., Lowell. Mass. I,
lust time- , m imp.
l . ,. .
who were as
I.-; Fred Baa Angel i,
seconds, a John
Miller, Dec
Long T. S.
fan Angelo, Others
made boll r lime than some the
ah v.-, but as theft was
lo the
it was not allowed
like rider were cheer-
ed by the crowd. steer
all, i be dashed the
crowd, caught a small boy the
on et his burns and tossed him
in I lie ail at die roper II
Hoot on ground. The was not
g lie replug was mule
riding. A wild was
the to ll was led
out, bridled and saddled Bid u
was lo Hula
I. a bucking and
lid, r to T. S.
mule and rode slice over
the prairie and Into the p-us. Ho
c i led that could
The lo be was u vicious
broil, I.,, the Is
sail ,. Lev, killed two in, n iii-
lo ride him. As a and
pit her he- was a line, . I nice- ,
but ll on not
all king
and galloping the
f i I unseat him
to as to shake- ed
1.-. bid-. The him,
and , very would
-j d otter him to roe lite lot, bis
was he.- one of most i-
, v-1 the day
w. I , rOT lo a
.-,, t, I., ii apt ,
more i,
you will h ow people
plowing corn, planting cotton, and
wheal high enough to aide jack
Tho Scranton Tribune
a lax on beer as a means of
securing money to build
This is practically a proposition
to float navy sea of beer
first and afterward.
trumps seek sunny walls.
The work all
Many a man who in BOOM
in BUBO way.
There is a man named Pebble
on and he's only on.
Your will cay Mann-
-is what you would
cull in
eh, you say he never lived up
to hi
is Mr.
jest a
Spanish our
replied a cash boy.
A Prosperity
having been asked
why he look the American editions
periodicals which were also printed in
replied i I warn
to the advertising. It
as reading, and i. is one
my means material
prosperity of The an-
revealed that and suns-
the a to ad-
in a journal as
surely the material and
condition of in which is
Poor Slates bays no tramp
and tramp is
They him lo public
labor; one, New Healed, labor on
the I the other,
Mi , him lo work six months
lo the highest bidder. Pennsylvania
to haul labor. New and
Connecticut a reward for his
In Nevada
he is lo work in
prison, or
Illinois tea him to house
to work oil a line-, allows
local s to employ him if they
d-sire. semis the tramp lo
the workhouse. makes Mm do
convict . Belgium
pal him en penal
Was Very Nervous
Mad and
Net Doctors It
Lad p neck and
. body
n mm in my Ml
Tilt i lad and
my f
I very H
-j-i i nut
read by and
a mine. My
a I ll.
After taking I fell hotter,
able to and my Improved. I
continued until my
cured and I better la
way. My husband him
by Mary
is tin- lust ll,.
all at.
La run Ml
Notice of Dissolution.
of W, and W. K,
Morrill Is this day by mutual
W K.
the W. will eon.
the lei-i the in m
and all all
are to lie him.
Till I-.
W. III,,, .
Have Tillman
A plus, of war situation, us
appears in one see-lion North Caro-
was re by a rep-
in that
down the , a Had heard the
in- r the household dis-
cuss the Maine disaster and
very much interested
A little she
, asked one
the older which do
you will whip, Spam or North
e that was
hoped there would he none.
Baa there should be, not simply
North but whole United
b arrayed Spain.
jocosely remarked
right, now that George
M is
Al lies little girl
yea Km Tillman is
had heard Senator
last summer the
picnic he had impressed her
Laxative Quinine Tab
the money
I It fails r
Represents Only First Class
in the Mutual Newark, M. J
a specialty.
Till- Company the following advantage not combined in the
of any oilier
Large Annual he
or applied to the of paid up participating p with th-;
Sin renders Values which are the Policy, tint th;
can flop paying Without
A Liberal Cash Surrender Value.
insurance the full of Policy for a, long a ,, . I at
the value of Pulley will pay for low term rate.
A Paid up Policy a reduced
Cash Loans are made up to the Cash S Value a
assignment of the Policy made as security.
If I, lo pay a Premium DO is due. Ills
in tone by the Company action on Ills
Policies are Incontestable after the Second Year.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats
------and celebrated------
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and see are invited to inspect
my stock learn the low prices.
M. H.
n. c.
I will best goods and
will sell them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all can to obtain hold your pat-
Come and see me,
M. H
Next door to THE LIVE
We arc now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor delivery no.
W e do all kinds of repairing. Bicycles
repaired promptly.
Heavy and Fancy
Bold. A trial will BOB o
g. M
A General Horse
nice line
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
to see
Shoes Shoes
For a small outlay, feel
of our floods, learn
the price and we know
The finish
our gar
give to the personal appearance
is admired by all. No need lo
look in the mirror. If attire
foil, it is right. Try one our
stylish Sack or
example. Faultless in every
colors braced
with hold-on attachments, parts
subject to extra wear, doubly
fortified and fit to perfection.
Some lie in j Ills and
Favors Our Readers W
t i-om
Hie Indian
A. is In
Shrill V. II. n Mat to
Mrs. H, II. came home
morning a visit to Kin-t- ,
Mrs. W. N.
of teen her
parents here, returned home- morn-
Bar. O Is, i-ii.
came tho train. Ho in-
in tho
Ml this in ruing
a visit to
a ii-it lo
Frank Wilson.
There are now dwelling
going up in town.
Cherry lo wear his hut.
W. C. ii mating
cut his place getting in
tn put up his soda fountain,
Mr. Ii. A. Till.
down on the about
tint and swallows rat,
he at lo
The lo buck in
he days now a longer
he still growing.
line cold limp
you will the i, i.-. the
fruit in killed,
rather he
to a sen men marry I Ml,
sin's thoroughly demo-
believe in g
to tho greatest
Dozen Ma at
For tired you mutt
and purify your blood. Hood's
is the medicine mad.
no Interesting;
cation, especially tho than
Home Journal. Subscriptions
taken at ibis
With the
certain cl read-
art Charlotte Observer,
ourselves, were waiving
lion Sunday and
our esteemed contemporary upon
the enterprising capacity displayed in
tilling up the only gap by
a paper Monday morning, the
ii s look a vie.
versa attitude, ll waived
lions, said didn't feel like
and in indicated I
its is wrong lo work
Sunday to gel out a paper on Mon-
day. The Observer is capable en-
is light,
entirely i
to l
is undergoing revision, and
it to give to all that
if their accounts not by
of April their will
oil the black list.
issued only
three marriage licenses lust week,
Manning and
J. J- Chance Mamie V.
Km i,
I lake all lack I
u . in, I
I my r. turn yesterday
KB days old.
It was like me, ling a real
here. Slate.
I came down the Hat
Fort Friday evening
here at o'clock ; a lot
sin a day or I ,
made trip, through lag Territory
em I up no the
M. K. ,, .,.
call ii, or
i it is.
I have door at ,, my travel by
day as that might
Jot down
I am impressed
ii- at the Indian Territory ever,
an I am told that the pan of
,,., is by far the
pail of it have keen cry ranch
Indians. .
nth a many, from full
blood to Th Cherokee,
very and
I WM royally a
eighth Cherokee
Tho i,
mother tad all am In.
proud of their Wat
a great many i r-
Th ii a vi i , beau-
thoroughly in the
.-I I lo
be splendid I w
the in th- Lodge
It. he and hr, Wen
very nice lo roe.
I should to
Wat bad, tie streams Very
much no heavy
ruin, it is mile- a railroad.
Tie; are ., pr ml people.
They are college which
lateral some
I hem. I saw n
in at b Smith. I
ed the capita, I am in
busy lo read it. t ll home
will, me have- sum-
tackle it. ll is very
Then- is grew over
of the
bill now in
are in great glee at I
,.;. .
the report use Board
is in Texas. That i-
thing an rid tin
they nevi
I a many
Dall i. j
ad i hustle.
pat on my Om her. people Mt
two pair el
I why,
I tee j,. ,.,
to Spain.
the great Stale beaded
Mule Propped
I. r.
tag --I a ankle sod a i
do . in i -i
had of eon. A- ;
leisurely i th
i, Ii
. bad
bowed re, pt
This is Bight
W. are in I , I dog,
good, had or lo
run at large, toe
r i . i.,.,
ma d it. It out a -.-
plan lo alba -.- i the
In and an hue
Jim may e. ;,.
and then wall la an ii u.
bill n rs death
be . an
; i
Made Orange Observer
a- you If you to,
t pay.
Spain has pleat but
very little
ll i- h. i,.,
who it
police of dot city ban n
the lookout Sunday for a white
named Alee
who a, N, U
Hardy assaulted a white man, whose
n-ii give-n. and him
130.00, with
Word teat here to lookout
Hardy, bat In In When a
In- cakes make
in., mod tools.
The mantle charity is generally
cl the rug-bag.
man with cracked voice
hr word Beefy he speaks.
you need a mate lo the
lira, W. U.
left this
step id
and spend
II. Sugg, an employee of gov
came in Thursday evening to visa
home folk.
I. It. Ch Thursday
evening i when- h, had
he. n purchasing new goods J. II
Cherry Co.
II. L. went lo
Thursday to a
death his
was quite had been poof
It, Williams h,
It. I. Banter this mom.
hit morning, with
a ticket lo Scotland Neck.
It, M. Butler, editor dome
Visitor, today
C. If, Barnard boom Friday
veiling a trip Mountain,
Christian Ed mat ion.
.-. Ital ii . U
. lay rig I, on the
dill i. ,
and c . .;, ,,. i;
money and g ling in
about lowest
cm eking an , . An
i a i- n ; i u
; . heart mi . L IVe
l i i m may be
to i In Mr, Suing-
I , aid i. i mi n
our Mat-. i owed why they . b
ban equally ., good ad
Line bare l n
trains on tin main lice
ii -ii.-i .
robbed. A pat el
renal m cantor.
While the
bound r i
; .;,.,
the papers In upon Dora
-ii and her child husband,
me ready to
war. an to and
are their
It is are
III miller with ill poor thing
D-j they more squeezing r
I in- hue Orange girl has a
I look, her sweetheart,
country, he can
in I I old her i.-i his
To I in.,
i Li I .-
Th i.
. menu
remind I. r
I o ,
i m
ii lb
II. I. is
ha.- the telephone exchange
-1 Nell
K. B, left
spend a days at
Bar. I.,
two here, left
this morning
his old borne
who spent
all the Same.
The Ii.-1 u lull
their special
meeting war
significance but win simply for
drill target practice Al the latter
Woodward came
the palm for milking the best
score at yards range. Tho boys
are In good shape their sci vices should
be needed.
Harry Skinner's
Washington, march
man made a speech lo-
Naval Appropriation hill,
measure, with
and stating ho did
see how this could
now avoid war with Spain.
the dread of the cotton grower,
can be prevented. Trials at
Experiment Stations and the
experience of leading growers
prove positively that r
is the only remedy.
will be glad la mod, five of charge,
of the liter in detail,
Mi. Suffolk, who has
been visiting Mrs. n
turned home today.
W. n
Durham, but night here
in with II. A. While.
J. II. honk keeper lot
Roberta left morning to
spend summer his
in Virginia.
J. It. of
where he had
W. book keeper for
Star Warehouse, morning lo
spend vacation
his home in Durham.
Chicago, lit., Mar. i lib,
Wherein, It has pleated i II,
In mortal
William II. nor
Camp; he
That we Qua.
a rt
Army, n Attain
man in nil n-
sympathy his family in
great hut in I,
hope of their life
Captain of OUT
That our city papers and
N. he r,.
lo publish these
that a copy duly el
to the fa ally the
II. j Com
Many it general 11-
it will be the good the
A. it is now no
while pi owns any laid in In-
notion, by title,
ind who have spent money
i ms will lo hare a real.
and pay tin lands and Oily
property title,
this law n p need by there
will a mad
ii ii. snip caused
a ago.
raw a beautiful Indian pony i
-ix years old, hit and a Ii.-
pair, well broke to harness, rode
and was ;
the pony hut the distance home
was These cost nothing
I ed them, and n y, they have
is a rounding brand
Hi Hue in the
o feel bat been given
lag winter, this being th
ion i bay mar-
at lei . Inn. ll
I.,; I and haling an I
three to inns per
The in the nation is lo
tin- grass.
saw u lot sill
s the day
Slid per bead.
I'll nothing but In-riling.
a bard natter a man in
know one day ahead whether he will I u
o. land- or one
All will be under
he Curtis hill. Th are all
in lull
new law they will c
visited u a i a
Port and this bone things
the papers did exaggerate, h i
simply look upon now alter
months have elapsed
an- being repined. Th , ,,;,;.
e-l building in was
track the end was
while all around it a wreck,
This weather lore .
I never wind i, so
and to . ., ll in
this ii-, Territory.
I Capt, Smith the
For ii-, an I human
have r b -n
writes Rev. Amory If.
Bradford, , Um Week
in Life in April
Journal, -lie
feeding tho pool and giving water
thinly is divine . II
Mill ;
we ,,,, ,,,,
lo lie remind d It again. We do
Ilka to prim ii,. hind
some who paid think ii
i Ii
who have paid.
The store It. J. Johnson,
burned Thursday
Are resulted
A cyclone town
I building, A school house that
was lull lifted from its
and tel down on the ground. A
I- w , i the were slightly
n He loved
should love and
.-, their t. II I
ii. v i- would in-n need
In would have the
Spirit . i n guide ; lie
agony cruel.
the mantle
over His murderers, and playing
as those who had sinned from
Ignorance rather than malice.
mom wonderful
only begun to ho a in in- world
when lie ceased in breathe. His
cal an- now re-
us not only -t taught,
Ideal and perfect, w -I ii
lugs concerning
mm row, death, most winch
during week,
ire th dearest all who
on i.
om m
Hi- even now melts
A hitherto in I Ii came
Well I th .,. ,,
-a. on earth, u calls
Him Ins i
and wife should know about the
that fur half a century has
been helping expectant mothers bring
little into world without
danger the hundred
Incident child-birth, It
is applied externally, which
is only to get relief.
taken internally
w Will not help and may
Tl. in harm,
The Tug.
and confusion
of conn dins
up of
rs over
To carry a Block to
to curry
articles by
lo satisfied legitimate
yon bare, black
white tin-
ti, prepares every
organ, muscle and
part id the body for
the i hour it
of its
is made
quick and easy. It.;
action is doubly
if used during the whole
period of pregnancy,
pet bottle all stores, or
lent by m on receipt price,
i . I,, women, be to any
Co., I
if j,
make it talk for us
X by buying at inside prices and
give our customers the advantage of ft We
want to do business with you. We buy
right and we Bell them right and treat you
We still have a
and ends
winter and early
spring goods to Dis
pose of at bargains
Our Ur. Hicks
is in tho Northern
over shown In the
city. Wait him,
Ricks Taft

up. m
Democrat Gets the Glory-
the United States
Supreme court decided
against the in the Rail-
road Commission said a
prominent Republican o more
than State reputation yesterday-
objection I have to
the new Commission is that Mr.
Pearson, the Democrat on the
board, is getting all the glory
and credit anything dons
in behalf of the people. But in
this case he deserves it. Of
man, Dr.
toting the corporation end of the
log, while our Populist friend,
Mr- is occupying the
usual middle
fish fowl nor good red
Then this Republican. ho is an
able lawyer, went on to say that
the judgment by Mr.
Pearson and rejected by Mr.
Caldwell Mr. Abbott in the
rate decision, was perfectly
regular, ably drawn and just such
a paper as should have been
adopted if the Commission had
had any desire to make a
case before the courts.
it stands he
Commission is
to its case and the railroads
and Caldwell will never be able
to the world that he's
not a party to the deal. That
is why I say the Democrats are
only people getting anything
of this new Commission.
Divorced and Married Same Day.
Senator is for
w. once more.
Congressman says
hostilities seem to be
Brazil has to sell to our
navy her big torpedo cruiser
General Miles GOO
immediately for
Who can now W is
not getting; a on herself. Mrs.
Ida was hero
late Wednesday
minutes later marriage license
issued her to deputy
Nathan Wyatt, cl Union town-
ship, and not lone afterwards
tied the knot let them. The
bride is years old and has had con-
experience ibis
her third She first
married a man Often
up on Hog Elk. He the
and alter walling in vain seven year
lot Sis return she Haley overtures lO
-urgent leaders for peace have
granted. Shane baa now I fallen flat.
a congenial lite and j per cent,
New I'm for the Telephone
the early part of a din-
recently given in Washington
the of a young
married woman who is the
mother of two small boys,
suddenly caused, with a stare d
also be kept fresh in the look, in the midst of animated
r I.-
To keep cheese moist. wrap it
Now that the Lenten season
culls for fish in extra quantities,
it is well to know how to I
fish fresh
n made very wet
vinegar. Beefsteak may
MM What Is It
it is a picture celebrated
Best in use. The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
Atlantic Coast Line
Schedule In Effect Jan.
s Wilmington.
I promises to respond case the
i President calls.
Recruiting officers for the
will enlistments at St. Pan,
Milwaukee and Chicago
New York State's separate
Mm panics of troops have been
combined into battalions, to be
ready for a sudden call to arms
Secretory Long is considering
a. m. 11.0.
a in,
procuring a
naval station on of
West Indies, as in case of
war G vessels in
those water could not readily
coal up.
.-.,. .- .
IA. fin. Petersburg
Ma f m, Richmond 7.1 I'm.
Norfolk 8.05 p in. Washing,
ton ll-M Baltimore UM
. in. Philadelphia s m.
New York 6.81 a in.
f in.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap are.
You may never.
But should you
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.-
Job Printing Office.
Anything from
O-st r
a Jo. .
Due Mag
Mt pm. n. 9.10
p in. p m
.- p Tarboro
Rocky Mount
l m. 1.1. a m. Nor-
folk a in. Petersburg
a in. Richmond a in,
Washington it a m,
i m,
a in. Hew York
m. p m.
SO line lake
On p m. Chad-
p m Marlon ,; p
Florence 7.25 p in. Sum-
m. o
n. mark in, i-i
n a m. Macon 11.1. a m,
Atlanta l m,
on Savannah
i in. a m,
Augustine i
pa pm.
v. pm.
Philadelphia am.
mo-e rim. Washington
I Man, Richmond am.
am. Nor-
11.12 am, Tarboro
nm, Wilson pin-
pm. Magnolia pm,
12.00 night. Hew
York 0.30 mi. Philadelphia
p; tn,
2.20 pm.
9.43 pm, Tarboro
l j in. Ricky Mourn 6.40
am. Warsaw
am. Magnolia am.
No. ,
New Peru Jack ,
Sunday 10.36 am.
13,13 -ti
pm. , ,
savanna 1.4 ,
am. ., .,,
4.38 pm.
in. Florence am,
10.36 am,
is am. Luke
The Line steamer
decided on
at an cruiser or repair
ship of tie navy, and other
Atlantic c. steamers are being
The V dynamite guns
maybe i in case to
blow torpedoes in Havana
SOU pounds of gun
in tho will
destroy within
in a dampened with vine-
gar, and place a dry cloth over
lo keep the hands from chap-
ping during the windy March
weather, rub a little vinegar and
spirits of camphor them,
when it is necessary to go out of
doors after tho hands in
water. This application well rub-
bed in is also good for rough
If you have a skirt-waist or
wash dress with ground,
tho color of which is likely to
fade, add sufficient vinegar to
the starch to it
acid; or if it is not
to it, it in vinegar
and water end dry the goods in
the shade.
Nothing will so quickly remove
from eggshells as
them with a cloth wot with vino-
If your ink is too thick
add a few drops of vinegar and
snake tho well.
Mix tho vine-
gar, at d it will work bettor and
a better polish when
mixed with sugar, or the
half-dozen things usually
for this purpose-
tho polishing of brass
the spring cleaning will
one of tho best cleansers,
mixed a little suit, end then
washed thoroughly before the
dry polish-
conversation with her hoot, and
it I didn't forget
those boys again Have you a
telephone in the house, and may
Her host conducted
her to tho telephone, and present-
she returned. do hope you
will pardon she said,
you see I always have Georgie
and Eddie say their prayers lo
me before they go to sleep. In
the hurry of setting off, I forgot
it tonight, so just called
up their She brought the
children to the and they
just said their prayers over
the wire, so my mind is
A Teat many things keep Lent
particularly the little made
to your
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Arrest .
disease by the timely use
Liver Pills, an old and
favorite remedy of increasing
popularity. Always cures
sour stomach, malaria,
torpid liver,
and all bilious diseases.
Must Serve Sentence
The Supreme court yesterday
affirmed th-J of the lower
court in the case of the State
D- Barnes, and that
will be brought back
here to out his seven-year
sentence m the penitentiary.
It will be remembered that
was a fusion magistrate
near Rocky Mount he was
accused of assaulting, with intent
to rape, a girl who lives in his
family, while on their way to
When the crime became known
there was great indignation and
talk lynching, and Barnes was
brought bore for safe
Later ho was taken to Nash
and tried, convicted and sen-
ti years in the
In drawing the bill of indict-
though, Solicitor Bernard
her to commit
when ho should have writ
ten. her with intent to
On this Barnes
lo the Supreme court.
That tribunal pays, however, that
this defect is not fatal; that there
can no doubt to what is
meant, and that the decision of
lower court must
News Observer.
of the Betrothal,
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news
afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber It not
ought to be.
lie Eastern Reflector.
i rain on
Halifax 4.30
, arrives Scotland Neck at p
p. in., 7.1-8
m. Returning, leaves
m., Greenville 8.52 a. m. g
a. 11.33 a
Trains on a leave
a, m., and p . m
9.10 a. in., 4.00
ii., Tarboro 9.48 a. m.,
8.30 p. m., 9.38 a. in.
will 6.20 p. m arrives Washington
a. m., and 7.-0 p. m. Dally ex-
Sunday. Connects with trains on
Neck Branch.
Train loaves i N C, via
A Raleigh R. R. dally except Sun.
at p. m., Sunday P. M;
Ive Plymouth M., 11.10 p. in.
7.50 a. in., Sunday 9.00 a. m.
10.05 and 11.00
Train on Midland V C. branch leave t
dally, except Sunday. a
a. arriving a. ,
leaves a r.
r . at 10.25 a,
In the Apt Journal
Edward W. on
of a Girls the
that of the
Mr. b
M the marriage. Ii
gravest d tin two
poops together, it is
tie. Only die
ordinary one a break-
ill,, the bet Only
in hie
note be Warts and wrecked
than t Ii l
highly our gill-
have a clear of
t it it
, respect
for betroth-
It never to the credit girl,
lbs eye. I men. she has been
engaged or three limes.
think men otherwise, or,
perhaps do not care.
that is. the men worth A
mm upon an girl U
h- peach W
Bibbed oil. B- sides, men gen.
there is some-
thing Wrong With a The
a girl will
but once. An unhappy betrothal can
be a- a Borrow H an
It darkened the
life more than one
That there are fads in edible
as wall as in philanthropy, dross,
and manners is proved by the
advent a new sandwich. This
now delicacy, which is a peanut
if delicious, easily
made and inexpensive It will
take tho place the salad sand-
a wedding teas,
etc. The peanuts for the
are skinned, chopped very tine
and mixed with rich
It is then spread on
thin slices of bread, coated with
just a butler. Of
any nuts may
for milts, which
merely as the least
i mm
We have received g
hearse the nicest lino
fins and in wood, meta.-
lie and cloth ever
We ate to M .
all its forms.
be American Girl
Miss Lillian Bell, who is visit-
Europe for the first
observations in Tue
Homo Journal, writes
April number of that
that would be
for the
can to more
than she is by the
French and Germans. be
misunderstood, one
can readily is a rare
Personal attention to e .
funerals and en-
trusted to care will receive
every mark of respect.
Our are lower man ever
do not want monopoly bet
invite competition.
We tan be found at and
times in the John
Boggy Co's building.
Tho fuss, the dickering, the
spoils the thoughtless,
insensible, inhuman row of the
dire-tore of the North Carolina
asylum for tho insane, at
created lust week, is enough to
shame and disgust anyone who
bas a heart- The institutions
I for the unfortunate are
At present Carolina unfit
to them in least
in so far as tho commonwealth is
represented by tho aggregation
of politician that made the
an object of political
last We are glad they
failed. It was worthy of them to
fall out over tho division- -Bib-
It is estimated that Spain has
sent men ts Cuba in the
last three years, and that not lea
than these have been
lost, mostly by disease. At this
rate destruction th American
people have only to maintain a
strict neutrality in order to wit-
before long a complete 001-
of Spanish rule on the n-
In case of war price of
W. B, Harrison, chief
clerk in the Georgia
trailer wants to
hold an election in every county
purpose of deciding by
who is the meanest man.
as are counties n
Georgia, the State would get rid
of of its worst characters
every year.
in case war i- .
J. and bread-stuff
and the price of mos M m
other things munitions of
is likely to decline, -here-
fore the farmer who puts
in .-ruin and does not raise to
much live cents cotton
wise. Under present
there is a reason to expect
advance In the price of cotton,
and if another enormous crop U
raised next the price is
to touch in., lowest point over
Is only a year. I
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
times more than
the subscription price,
in, Dun t r
p m. UH
Trains on Latta Florence
, leave 6.40
. p m, Clio C
n, .
a m. daily except S
e n Clinton Branch W u-
w for Clinton dally, except v,
U -0 and 4.15 p, m- Return
Train No. make,
Weldon points dally, all rail v
I at Mount
and Carolina B R tor None
II -II North via Norfolk.
The Government is about to
pay an unusual special pension
claim to the widow Lieutenant
Michael re. who at the time
Of his death in Brooklyn last fields. This will be
h id served in tho , more the
continuously for years. output of cold from the
B thus holding He world's record .
There is a deficiency in the re-
rainfall for tho state of
inches. Tho state
and that use water
power say that unless is
heavy spring summer rain-
there is prospect for a
water famine.
. .
A San Francisco
mates that will paid
out this year in that city for out-
fits transportation to the
I V 3-V Of
U. S. a--
or. e.
j C. k GO
N. O.
Wire and Iron Fencing
only First-class work
prices reasonable.
Pork, Sis,
and buying
will It to their la.
eat to get our before
Our is
Flour, Sugar,
Always at lowest market prices
as we direct from
and when her died they
had been
of knots, has Deon
for our price
A complete
hand sold at
the times. Our MM are all
and sold tor CASH therefore,
rise lo rim We sell at a
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
eat. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector,
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
a. In Inch
tic n. i
In It nil
it baa
inch pillar,. bra.-.
This i. at lo C
Bur or the maker and m
am for tho C
of r
etc. I in
Our -1 Carpet
mail lie la
to the
and a I, n w-
mi, on
M-00 and
Julius Hines A Son
The hazy.
The arc in the
Tho are nil I all
An the Devil's a
old money,
An trying to find a loop,
Uncle honey,
An the Devil's got n
awful frightened,
Col, about to whoop,
Caldwell ha been enlightened
the got a scoop.
The old lazy,
The children got the
The world get crazy,
the. Devil's got scoop.
-F. B. A.
Jones lo Smith
And wits ire ii-mI.
No toga, will I bare,
T Klondike will .
Twill in-
When one- I'm tin- , my
Be d, I
Hut 1.1, I ;
Ir. K,
Twill him lo bis pile ;
We nut see t while.
bun-e, his
Inert as d his
Until be beyond a doubt,
His profit
For no Klondike awhile,
Since his pile.
When the hour hand points to nine,
Have your washing on the line.
Alton, III., is one
the met naive free school
in this a little
who is the lone scholar
in e big school house which the
city erected colored children.
The in town nu so
and obstinate that
insist on their children he-
into the white
schools and will net send them
to this school especially
them. Therefore this little chap
Las building all lo himself
and the teachers, whose salaries
amount to per annum.
It certainly like it. but there la
really trick about it. can
try It who baa Lame Bark and Weak
Kidneys, Malaria or nervous
We mean he cm cure himself light away
by taking This
cine up whole system, as
H stimulant to r and Kidneys, Is a
blood purl tier and tonic. It
aim Melancholy. It
purely a vegetable, a mid laxative,
and the to Its natural
vigor. Try and be
convinced Hint they are a miracle work-
Every bottle guaranteed. Only
a bottle at Jno, L.
A Year Old Couple Placed
the Fen.
Deputy U- 8-
of Mississippi brought
hero yesterday from
Aim Lg number
elderly and his wife,
both of whom are with age.
The husband is years of
and the wife is years old. The
latter can walk,
paralyzed on one of body
It was a pitiful bight the
of two aged
persons, who have each
other's joys and mi through
life for years.
They are to serve
two years each in the prison
fraudulent possession of a pen-
The deputy who brought them
here thought it a that the
old people should be so severe-
Press Vis-
i.- .
No i u., hr J
en .-.;.
Hie lo
Your n
How it Survey
Accurate Hound-
Lines Without It Its
Fire That Been Burning
Professional Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I,.
Greenville. M.
V. V, Greenville, N. C
Greenville, N. C
Practice In nil the
. V. L.
N. O
over J. O
II. f,, H. Long,
N. C. N. C,
I ,
all Courts.
V. H. In mm.
i.-1 ll , . .
M X. C.
mi Hill.-i
On Km near it m,. Only
In vii
hi in workmen,
Daniel -tool, of No. township
is a eccentric old gentleman
but a clever man. He bas
peculiarities some of them
would make interesting rending-
Ho in an old about SO,
has owned a white hone all
his the horse, but
always a white one. He is cow
living the in which he was
born and the fire in the fire-place
has been burning for seventy-five
years. No matches or kerosene
oil have ever been used in this
Mr. Root is bale and
hearty, and a thrifty farmer. He
has always raised his supplies
and never did buy any
core, wheat, etc, and all of the
clothing worn by the family, is
Hard times don't
in tho don't
buy, and seldom sells anything.
He is independent of bis
legs and neither the oil trusts,
gamblers or even tho rail
roads disturb his
at Alabama who
ed a restaurant in
with bis is now in a
to give his patrons a
or a tanning, if the feed
by applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of tho ear.
There la only one way to deafness,
and that Is by
la caused by an Inflamed con-
of the mucous of
Tube. this tube gets In-
you have a rumbling sound or
hearing, and when It en-
closed is the and
and unless the Inflammation can be
nut and tube to it
normal condition, hearing will de-
nine out often
are caused by which is nothing
but an of the
We will One Hundred Dollars
case of Deafness
that cannot lie cured by Hall's
Cure, bend for flee,.
V. cl. . CO. Toledo, O
Recommended by the best house-
keepers for Dish
Washing, House Cleaning.
Cs Package. Try it.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Goods, Ladies, Gents and Shoes,
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
Hills Fatuity ale
of all kinds at the lowest price ever given
in this community. Come and sec how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you arc, where you live, how much or how
little you have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
Colored Wanted
A n lo
New York that in
the necessity d
Suites pa and
Cuba during
it probable body
army will he
troops. pi aids
la being the
war lie
of soldiers in
service be the
has an number
states be on.
It la certainly to
to of one concern in the hind
who are not afraid to he to
the and The
tors of Dr. King's New for
Consumption, Coughs and have
away over ten million trial
of this great and
satisfaction if knowing it
has absolutely
hopeless cases. .
all diseases of the
Throat, of tho Throat Chest and
are surely cured by it. Call on I.
Wooten and get a trial bottle
Where old Flourish.
Shiloh township's old men
this spring. Mr-
aged is not lo
out all id the Little,
aged 8-, is not able lo ids
Mi. near i
in tolerable Messrs.
Howard, Kai Moore,
I. S. Henry
and Henry Dial a.--all over
old. There are also men
the between and years
about the MM number
and All, except two or
time, farmers, ma
living and their by
An accurate in to
that while Spanish put
s of Cuba
in n in
which now tho
relief tor the
of That
. null in Cuba
so i
M u i- a I'm ii, of
led in her
Tie is one
forces in th. world,
uh nob- I
bur able i urn to the -1
I tin r but like I,. .-,
it in the lift
magnetic the telegraph,
lie and in many other
slop apt-n
haying n magnetic needle if ;
no man attempts to I. call the b
cf a
or an without railing to
i.- hue el
nature m tie
the Hence ii d a
It is well our
needle which nag
north does not generally point to
true pole, hut usually
to east or lo the west that point
II net, in ordinary
wt of the compass needle vary-
so many s to the mat or the
wait of tree north. Further-
more it is well known the
this variation is quite different
in 1887 the
following taxations are approximately
correct for three in
degree and I minute s
wist ; Raleigh
west j minute
And yet there are places
the north agrees exactly With
the trim south line, and such
would be as places
Variation, no
Instead of remaining stationary
in North Car, moving west-
ward. Thus in 1810 the line of DO
was in
In 1807 near
And tins that the
amount of variations at no place in
North Can lira if remaining
the Bane year Otter year is gradually
changing. Tics, rt Raleigh
the variation of the magnetic
ll Hue was degrees, rain.
Ir out as slated
above, magnetic ml true
in wire lie and hi riv
no variations, in 1887 tin
magnetic north moved Jo the west el
the true north lo the extent degree
and minute.-.
Though the nun
lion lo give the
laud a
amount of trouble, if
wire all we have to
contend could be
overcome with ease, alter
north and lino
few nations, as at Raleigh,
Charlotte, ate.
But, it our
southern boundary line we the
needle North
we will
traveling in a Una ; would
in arena even smaller ex
than one So
tin. tic and
lino the being a
line it may quite a inc.
a I North
Carolina allowing the
needle in tit several e ties
state could I be
less conditions first been
in each these counties
meridian posts, so any
and working in
county ran go to point, test
and variation m
This, would many
ban aria n in con-
with be bound-
of l;. would
in It r ton
ab th .
t not
ii tin variation
f the
it the a be
degrees, la tin corner
one degree, ll i- .
. would in railing
hi i-i mil I 1.- throw
. one died el.
Hut . of can be
largely eliminated after true
nub nth line baa been den r-
and marked all the
a magnetic map is on
are all the rec rd
sad ii alter this map i
made any special variation in till
u lines are
can b in
region in order to determine the char-
Alter baa been done the magnetic
map can be and th. loci
lion the curved ii ea well
he straight Is India in
each county.
Thin there only be made in
the future, hi interval-, obit
a fen points like Raleigh,
Charlotte and d. b in
the rate to year
but latter work would b. readily
done by the general will
cot to the slate.
v la more n counties during
tho v. Ai bar a-
the work will be I i the order
in which the accept th
And the coal will .;. e some
w o whether w go Ir in one
c lo in., ii lam
one county lo another me
r we may be able lo
m expert nor the
supply if costly and accurate
, in . Ni Carolina
lo p up will ll, other portions cl
the country lb. march of it
is important that in Ibis mat
lint nice. Yours truly.
J. A.
Slate Go
That survey should
made at cc no person
who is familiar with the of our
in id Stealth a of eating
old boundary lines a
111111111.1. The how
can this be in much Would it
coat, and can It be done at Lei
me my that Aral thing which
to be in tin a
survey in seamy seal
be .-tail tin Ii and J
should be all
COST A U. II, n.
As lo cost of a
above, it
about per county will b m
all expenses connected will, i -.-
the true north and south
line, determination of I e
u tic the
local , and lie
erection meridian posts
This work should be undertaken in
North Ci at once he in
place it
needed, and in the second
it ran be mil bin, r
now ii could Inn, In, don
any lime lite past or could
e dona at lime in tin
owing I fact
this year the 1- of
meal thorough,; trained u
if most expensive
and accurate can
cured charge except a in
amount to cover the
and other ea.
It is estimated that the work can be
during year about
in win. am is
while i-l impel c. Halo large,
t is a r to the
several counties that have largely
surveying, and it . In
the several counties the cost
litigation and trouble In m
be borne. i- that
the several states ha
been undertaken ii baa the custom
the a boar all the 1.-.
with the work. In to
aid and this work
Carolina, however, the stab bat
agreed to with several
to the extent bearing one
hall of total expenses incurred in
connection with the determination cl
Ike true north and south lino and the
erection meridian posts lo
ibis line near each county
A number of
this proposition Mr. J.
the exp it S.
and Geodetic i,
in tin and the work baa 1.1
begun, It is believed at April
ninth , I t g
I-, pi will be
lo ital.
in additional all
h be possible
paper that years ago, under
of B- A.
made such
Hie has
been revived as
weekly farm and homo
tunny Ibis
Lo look
and would to have
unit we ate prepared to
For we will tend
Tue North
papers a year.
will you
borne news, general
news news, and
of of a
year for
If you want Atlanta Con-
added to above list
yon can set it for cents more,
or the thrice a week Now York
World Any
or can
give yon a in
Nows come, from
of n. attempt
of A old to
with n
old girl marry her. Q
Tool is bis of Ins
sweetheart Pi
Tho y people bad planned to
n on a night.
girl's brother found o he
doable-barrel shot-gun,
hid In bind n tree
boy poured a load of
tho. into bis of tho
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Eastern reflector, 29 March 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 29, 1898
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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