Eastern reflector, 25 March 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

bare here an alarm clock with a
lightning rod said the
peddler. thunderstorm gen-
come at daybreak, as yo.
know. Well, the lightning strikes
the rod, runs down and starts the
alum, and wakes your cook i-i a
A popular social conundrum for a
man to ask a woman When does the
only twenty-lite let-
When V and I are one.
So tar not given us any
March all in the way t
Come Down Tin.
A rural editor adopt.- this
method bringing delinquent
Will those who owe us or
the paper kindly call and settle at one I
We are anxious to contribute to the
a monument to the martyrs of
the Maine, as well as to lordly our
dwelling tie
en enemy. It ton money to SO
these worthy objects and we
need it
In novel reading a woman always
follows the -and
was a conference
TO held in Raleigh Wednesday night.
H. Achieve the with an attendant of about seventy
do It I
lady wok I thought like , the I as
to know how money is got nut of ., -rt ,, at Ike
millionaire bitten with I.
u to a man of fashion.
She of course, when j The fun a com-
line have untie- was named to drill resolutions
found Then there is a com- to policy of the
petition to Tun I
I arty in the
e -J .
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
Best in use. The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
said, that I u
lino lady. but and did which was ill
not aspire to more than a few j Cyrus Thompson. Aver. A. S .
would have to I Peace, Senator J. K.
one of the set. you M. II. H.
she explained. Y. . .
will a bright liar- , ,, , .,,
ate of right set H returned with n
looking and Th reported the
need not be the first; the eve- tug resolution.-, widen alter being
would enough. read, were a howl of
to make acquaintance of I prov-.
your intended victim. the spirit of
the test
but this is
easy. Then you talk-1
to him at o or somewhere.
You to him, with a simple, in any may have
event look, that you have a little. in the People's el
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens.
You will be astonished when you see them and
very cheap are.
You may never.
But should you ever-
Want Job
Come to see us.-
star Job Printing Office.
ft M
Anything from 4-.
V tin
money you would like to in-
vest, and you a.-k him to invest it
for mm, He probably will agree to
do this. Then be and soon
returns you or
supposing the is
asked, bat you don't really
give him the you only Bay
that you want to invest it. Ho
what is meant, and just
buys whatever influence he
thinks that you may
do many Iodine try game
I Baked. answered,
blame them. They
have to live, and ii they have some-
thing to sill and u millionaire
thinks it will do him good to buy
it. why net After nil. you don't
suppose that people of ibis sort are
received and made much of for any
other reason than getting what
they out then. I All th. talk
about investing is only a delicate
way of letting the man know that if
he wants racial cum be must
pay his I said.
Ami yet what possible pleasure
can these millionaires ill
admitted the outer courts of a
society that at them and
that only s then in order lo
plunder them a society to whose
ways they are strange and in which
they much fish out of water
as would be a line lady in u Johan-
barroom of
millionaires have the good sense to
perceive this. Tiny enjoy life with
their own friends and in tin own
way. These I respect, But for those
who are buying way into a pr
that i feel
the utmost contempt i never know
the late Barney indeed to
my knowledge nave saw him
but I heard that a number of
fine had been
invited t. meet him. Bach went to
the dinner in the hope of getting
something of him. and their
hopes rose when, after the dinner
over, be thanked them for the
pleasure of finding among
them, and said that be was anxious
to do something to show bis
elation of their kindness. Then he
recited to them the soliloquy of
Hamlet and wished them good
eve mug. always hail a sneaking
admiration for tho departed Barney
I heard this story. London
Can are eliminated, an the
i- that ovary . lo
at. discord hereafter will an
fad of and the pro-
el inch an may b looked
i i to and good
Thai the spirit the
by the Na-
c I the People's party
the and the
a union
all the
w is the
o People's and is now tie-
great st
That it is the lbs
that tie Slate
of the People's may be to
devise all its
and efforts as will in no wise
the integrity of the
or the re-ills Cl
already a.
A Bachelor.
Men Mooted for the Infantry.
Cavalry and Al Illicit Service.
A big poster bat been put up in the
with heading
Slates Army
for the failed
States Army able bodied in. u
character, between the ages U
The ire wanted th .
artillery Per the
and artillery
mu-t be not then let I
inches high and weigh not
than pounds nor more an
For the cavalry e required length ii
not less than o inches n r more
inches and the weight
not over IDS pounds The term
enlistment i-
the are
to satisfy
age and character should bet
prepared to
Only in need
ply. Original are
to persons who ire citizens the
Stales or who have made legal
their intention to
who can -peak
read and the
The pay col sled men Is
Sergeant n per
chief trumpeters and
musicians. sergeants, Ml
sergeants, 1-
t-U ; quartermaster
; ;
soldiers terriers, and
men are ill famished rations, clothing,
and alien
Soldiers who have carved
and M years or who
have been discharged for or
disease ate entitled to admittance in
the Home at
Twelve a hall cents per month is
Iron, the monthly pay
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news
afternoon lit the
small price cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber It not
ought to be.
i i i
he Eastern Reflector.
Is only a year. I
contains the news every
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
the subscription price.
One We all at
family prayer. A sporting friend
was visiting and ho and I km It.
facing a hue window, with el-
bows upon tho sill. And from round
u comer, there came us
he reared up not two
yards from us, and he
the prayers, and ho winked his
at us. till my friend forgot
himself and kill
catch that I throw
haul that cracked a
out we leaped
I base. And dear archdeacon
trying not to laugh,
for lie the rabbit and was
II keen sportsman withal. We ran
that across four acre lots
U haul as we could and at
last got him into deep snow,
up was
alive. on looking hook to
fence we had cleared saw
. f white whiskers above it and
heard a sarong obi voice shout,
got got
Kb., o
Thorn are, many men
In business pursuits Who devote
themselves t of
m ill. re are men who are
devoted to branches
science, who was seek-
definite information concerning
a of common Use was
told that S so know all
it, u statement that was
by another man, who said of So-
so that he was Inter-
ill Ills .-;. laity tho re-
porter was in tip s.
are pi. of sue, men
tho public never .; . men that
devote their v. . lo line of
good-, or it may lo Mingle
who exports and men of
authority in their
and very of
salary or
men of and con
they undertake, make
the Home. Men who sen
Women never apologize be will be
other, they only cry allowed their pay
then kiss and make up. v month
Delilah and
Applications should be made to
r. Cap n 11th
II off III Church
The question first agitated
mouths ago of having the
women remove their hats at tho
Street Methodist Episcopal
church. official-
acted by the trustees of
the church on March board
unanimously a resolution
requesting that the future
women services at this
church are requested to remove
o. such
The church if the largest
Methodist in India-
and fifth largest in the
United States, and the hat
which has stirred up the
congregation, was the of
the outraged a
trustee, came late to church
had to take a back
where he could not see
on account of waving forest of
ostrich feathers, plumes and rib-
worn on the heads the
women in front of him.
A number of the women say
they will withdraw from member-
rather than submit such
tyrannical orders from selfish
male members of tho
but the of the con-
is with tho board,
pastor. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Thirty Fighting Billions
The eased valuation of real
and I property in the
United at the time of the
eleventh was
This is understatement
of the wealth of the nation in
but the figures are
. .
1840 and the
total assessed valuation had
from to
2,473,173,418, and the assessed
valuation per capita Had
ed from to The
most conservative estimates of the
assessed valuation in will
not fall below
The present valuation probably
exceeds that sum by two billions
of dollars.
What, the is tho emergency
appropriation of
a-t week for the national
now available for use by
It is a tax of less than one-sixth
o per cent, upon the nation's
York Sun.
Mi- who lives near
Matthews, has boon
since last August.
appetite failing and
that time has to
nut, now nothing
cares for g- case
a one and puzzling
her Though very
she is be and
visit her friends. Her
sustenance is gained principally
from the nutriment which she
forces herself to swallow in the
II. mini v is about to try M
interesting experiment in
of judicial oaths,
in the hope of diminishing tho
number perjury Tm
witness will asked to make an
statement in court, and
will then be require to swear to
it, first being permitted to with-
draw or correct any part of hi
Heavy penalties
provided for willful making
of false la
she could save by cutting
Samson's hair
men's faces
but the truth- Some women's
nothing bat the teeth
man is a hero lo the
woman ho marries and every
woman is a hero to the man she
Women talk a lot about their
rights but none of want to
do any fighting- It there was a
war a few of them would go as
nurses. Nobody at
No mini ever wants to a
ho has once seen her
hold a the conductor has
given her for change between her
teeth while she gets her purse
York Pie
most remarkable
on record took place
within a few weeks in the
of S . Quebec Two
neighbors, and
Kl.- have eight children-
four sons and four
four sous mat. I-
ed, Morin's four daughter, and
four sons have
daughters of
Just Before The
When the hoppers
and the old her
when the no longer and
baby stop it when the dun-
ii.-rs nit lunger and the hoot owl
quite in booting when rivers over
mat run and the burglar stops Ins
lo ting; when the vine no longer
twines and lie- lark stops its larking ;
when the sun no longer shines and the
man quill his sparking ; when the
to drop and old maids stop ad-
vising, then it is time to shut up shop
and Ohio,
says the
so little music In
it a pity should let
my it
There are now twenty-three
children in the Odd
Orphan Home at
carefully instructed trained
for useful men women-
They are the sons and daughters
of Odd Follows and sup unit-
ed by the Odd Fellows of tho
State, a per capita tax being
on each member of tho
for this The
new building now complete and
be occupied immediately
It cost but it is
one of the best and most
ably arranged orphan homes in
the South. In to this
there are two other
a and the
dent's home. The asylum is ad-
located, about
a mile
adjoining the fine park
recently donated to tho city by
the brothers. Adjoining
tho orphanage Is a fine
acre farm, cultivated by the boys.
The total expenses of the
thus kept within
a month. Tho orphans arc given
the benefit of tho city graded
though are
ed in by a special
at the orphanage. When the
new building boa been fitted up
now management is
installed tho will be
able to care for t largo number
Kiley and his
James Kiley. the
poet, am continually
by the that my
trunk will be lost, so I go about
the with a grip. In ease
there is ever a fearful railway
accident and among the debris is
a valise with an arm to
it firmly may bury it, with-
out further as the
fragments the
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Tried Friends Best.
F years Pills have
proven a blessing to the invalid.
Are truly the sick man's friend.
A Known Fact
For bilious headache, dyspepsia
sour stomach,
and all kindred diseases.
The Mark List fur
county ii . , revision, and this
is lo girt notice all
their account are not settled the
lib April their .
on the
him doing any
only a society
E hundred and
year of Gladstone's birth,
ed also Tennyson, Abraham Lin-
Mark Lem-
on, and Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Of thorn all, Mr Gladstone is now
the only one
hat I
at for I
at a
Port, Sis,
mid buying t-
year's supplies will It to in.
e-t to get our prices before
Our complex
Its brunches.
Flour, Sugar,
Always priest
Tobacco, Snuff,
buy direct
and sold at I,
null Our good, all burr;
sold for CASH therefore,
rise to run we cell at a
We have received
and the nicest of Co
and in wood, meta
lie and cloth ever broach
We If
in all its
Personal attention to on
funerals and bodies
to care will receive
mark of
are lower ever
do not want monopoly
invite competition.
We can be found at any and .
times in the John Flanagan
and -.-. obtained a J all
If J Fits.
, .
model, or
V if or of
U. S.
. lice. A
Or. D. C.
Kit 1--------
Wire and Iron Fencing
only first-class work
prices reasonable.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
pi Ices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices country
The Eastern Reflector.
; Tuesday
No. in inch
bill G I i
It. In I
oat. retails from
bur Of Um
Baby , .
. . ire In In
pain did
m if Carpel
mail m we. . In
postal f
. I ; pay
. ii
Julius Hines Son
A Colored Pensioner.
drawing n of a month
from Hi. Federal for
set vices rendered
the latter
Edmund was then living in
county and joined
to Sr-i.
it fur as
T. . and remaining about
your. He says ho was in no 1-at-
and was not bat ho
n sunstroke help-
to save tho Union it is
for this that ho is a pen-
Hut he is not satisfied with a
month and is to get
his allowance raised to lie
bad the necessary papers fixed
up in Clerk offices this
week, Clay Chambers, colored,
who was in the with Potty
and is also a pensioner, making
that he saw when ho
with sunstroke
Some War
Lawyers Hint should
uphold the of laud of
When the hour hand points to nine,
Have your washing on the line.
It is noticeable to a looker-on
that, of tho many persons who
have their to
State through the governor,
one of them wants to
command M If take
this class of volunteers we will
have an army of officers.
are of men who
as officers who do not
care to make food for powder in
the ranks. It may be re-
marked that the who
arc volunteering through
Governor and
are a previous. We have
made no declaration of
against and may able
to untangle tho present
cations without shedding any
Standing in i
Spain be
we our
Carpenters am unions
the Hag to the
arc with
A majority of the clergy is
favor of the United Slates taking
up collection.
If army is not
farmers stand ready lo
raise home supplies.
a i.- that in.
will m Spain sec
Signal Service is
to furnish clouds.
Have War
If no accept issue, we
shall bays for a year, if not
longer, a on sea
laud, involving tremendous sac-
and leading to numerous,
but now
may drive the
Spanish from but that
would not the Spanish
cruisers will be
found over the seas,
sometimes destroying,
always materially interfering
with, both our and
trade- So long as
will be made to lay our great
seaboard cities under
may attempt a similar
course, as Spain is not a
groat industrial such as
ours, no Spanish port is as
vulnerable as any one of a dozen
of our American coast cities
Boston Herald.
f i
No hard water
I I s . r. . An
I I.
by .-.
P v.-
I,. d Points to Nina,
i- en
Professional Cards
w. m.
N. U
In H the courts.
by the best house-
keepers for Washing. Dish
Washing, House Cleaning.
Package. Try it.
Goods, Dress Goods,
Ladies and Gouts Notions and Furnishing
Lad its, Gens and Shoes.
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware.
Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
III vim
I I .
an practically ruin.-.;.
Dr. K. r.
. hi- ling.
will I
l.-ii- . i. II
. . . N fork city, who
iii- I I b . I i
U lilt i I
In i l I i.
.- .- If i.
--I I I III . -V V. I. .
n .
Mulch I
by ill
Mi-,. . . .
;. -I. I I.
M i In -1 . I.
T. I tiled
An. Id mid I
In n 1.1 but and alimony
in N.-w V Kin.-i
r avers n
dealer, allow ;
a I. Iii. oil.
. up a in e j .
, . m
. i.
1-. Hum i y i.
It's all
. ii u p
. i- Ci
. ,
D ; .
. I
Shun . I all i-
t borne I
i ; I in . vi m
, mini i mi wile
i. r; in
la lib. war.
in I Soul i
bad. Hum did II
iii n.
I bad
Now, in
once all be I
Will tin ill
b I
swift Galloway, B.
N. N.
M. C
in all the
Tl c
In w plan of
a in
will mull i
is a
and fan
hardly help
and i
Am ;.
greater wealth in
country, a
American by
i ii Independence and
greater from the dangers o
lo our
habit country
The will provide
lamer the for work-
while lake.-, away
breaking the for
as coon an crop is
all kinds at the lowest price ever given
in this Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little money you have got There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
, N
Cobb -t
John II. Small, ft. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
In all tin
W. II. Hi W.
V. O.
by as they cannot
reach the portion of the ear.
Tin-re is one way
n ii that is by count
Is canoed by an
of the Ku
Tube. When this tube gels In-
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
bearing, and II i en-
is the result, mid
tho can U
out and this tube to
normal bearing will be
are by widen nothing
Inn an inflamed the
five One Dollars
case, f Dealings hi
that e by
Our of fusion is. that
it is bust to rim
men, every
Republican for
it is to run
lists vote with-
out ii to
We like tho
It in that Republicans and
ions in in.- gO for I
is what fusion of
meant, of tin. to C, Tho Ti
the bus over It
. , ., than ha yet bee., made In Klondike
out with ,. untold agony
with Winston I
favors u waiting
. would never make a
good according to a
Kansas paper- Ho is Ineligible
t o become a mi of that
be not talk
Within tho pull
sixty men vessels
bin of being into
owner, at of tho
could mount
an over
Col. X.
Oxford Public I. ii in
man Kitchen. Writing i
In-; Mr.
hate from i.
which is entitled loin re . n than
lo what bethink . very
game on the in
fly outlined tit plan ii Hi
at the
j i lb U
.- mil h me
linen only, lie will
r. lines, u
which Mill be I but
retain three i.
Democrat tin- other lie or
may i Her lot i .-t
the I.- i i
Butler lo
int. own
by Ibis move, go
are not i, iii -i ,
and ilia Chicago platform,
that they an-
by I. gold-bug, All
nay be very nice tor t; it ii
works, lb
are and ti.
la being strengthened by
day the better element
their opponent. ll the
with the bin
gained nothing. .-m-
enough i Bulb i i-
in in to .
in of all Duller
and very bin.
lo cut,
plan la pretty. Senator,
but work
Of tn tin
I hi- end
paper rears
of II- A-
, made an excellent
the Stale, bus
i r, i. revived at as a
farm paper.
many in this section
who took i be Farmer
; to
and e are prepared to
following extraordinary
81.75 we send
Tue North
Carolinian, of
Farmer and nil
B whole vein-
ii state and general
news and farm news, and
of three of a
year for
If you want Atlanta Con-
added to the above list
y i Rat it tor cents more,
or thrice a week New York
World for Any other
or magazine wanted we
give you a discount on in con-
with Be
who a round i-
in . Her in I I Kb
th . j ; the
round bale
.- i
are i.
i I I
H ;. . wrap M,
, .,;.
tin ; ; We
I i tot lb. I W
dud a ii. ii div, ll
any lo decline,
ll-,, v haw bad ship the
. i in M. in.
ii- i .- ill
in .;, it; i l t
; including n, liner-
. j With th round
I j , . .-., . ibis. .-ll
ii pi t n V
.-. r. round
la . tn i
nun will lo and
that n- saving t l
, r ill. nil
.,, d in
paid We .-.
ii pr y
pulling in
I be Population Spain.
III Mill
William J. Bryan was greeted
by an persons
in the Tabernacle at and
enthusiasm was fired when
Bryan referred to the readiness
Americana to meet a foreign
foe should attempt to laud
upon our shores- He said;
bad illustration of
people In
ii was
art i have as one man
declaring to die
in defense of then country. It
so happened that
of the United
wore lie
uniform. Ami yet Lee
discharged bis duty with
such courage, such prudence,
patriotism, you cannot
in nil the one in in
who would suggest bis re-
The runners in
race lay that are times
try men's soles.
War gives even
u chance to come to the
w Sweep Country.
Mr. Willis,. chief ed-
New York
has recently boon o-
and is by the
aid- of that city, haying
failure on the part
to not for
intervention in behalf of
will leave for the
sweep the country
with Cuba. in, their
That it
would be in line In puss a free
silver over the
i cur-
ed by Sow Discovery
Consumption, Mid Coble. He
Ibis cur
M. A. Lane, writing In
Times Herald, gives .-m.
lie it r sting to know
lb Si ii .-
M ii j ;. ,, I , I up
S pop
,. ,. l In I-.-
Spain i
mill. is
a I N III a ii I . s
j ; I t. bit n
nearly ha
mi iii. i i . i. miles. S
could Lid i ind
would ; mil ll
,,, . in . i-
i- u . i .
I iii in Inn
. i in ii-. inure w
is said war is to
out And
is slow about
When the seeks man
has In use a to
if is for
Maine it to go
sinking loud.
military to
run i the fast us their
original mil,, war
All iota
The belt salve In world fol would it, if It co-i a hundred
Berea. Ball bottle.
Son--, Chapped d
Chilblains, Corns, and ell positively cured by Dr.
cure- Piles
pay requited, It H lo tree at U i, bowel, ,.
f. Toledo, or money store. u and ,,,, v ,., i, ,. .
hold cuts pit box. V , lo . n
Hills are best, Li
your address K
i ., and a
New tile A
me in in
In cure of
lion Headache, Km
have been
proved Invaluable, are
i,, to be in i I-, i
vi weaken I.
a on but living
Ur. Joe a dozen
, I. yesterday a
. where over in
k, Island- Ho sent
s here for us to
ii regular
D , but arc for
Bo your
lot without going to Florida
, them.
Way Puling -My
e in.
know that lie scullers tucks
the way in order
that the may
is And ts the
d ,, . homeward, many
thought the
i nine
Tin. Treasury contain
,, b 175,0011.000 i
available instant use,
gold I
a i cash L
Sever win
inn d it Is
money or redeemed
pay. It will do work
in warship am

Greenville. N. C.
Entered toe post office at
N. C, second wail master.
An exchange say
Columbus did not what trouble
lie bringing to when he dis-
covered America.
The discovery of a new emit is
That is an apt
at this when have not
waited anything but war news.
report docs not say what kind
Ml signs MS looking
he the comet.
thirty lion. A could not lend money to
A. I I them, it could not Sell war sup-
much valuable and die or it Dot permit
Ins pat- to remain in our
c. manufacturers, pub- weather or to make
beta who any longer time than .,
is inti rested in industrial take M board pi
which the press synopsis that has be n include coal
published give.- a very permit the return the
This pamphlet will be wailed tree upon one the ports it they
request, by th- of PM- have
D. C. But the is not so
i in The law is between the
as tools i but and the individual no legal
need not catch who can be to exist. An
to a little hit tense, in this country lend
All Men
MOW IS i i l. i
A drummer bail some at; of a Sonic
to the insurgents That is a
r business.
law ti his own
special treaty does not t
GUI lend money to the MM I I
Stale at p his own country,
or can i Into n a- a soldier
,. without trios tut or
and so, that it ,
an. just see
how absurd, when this t In applied
i- tin one the latest, that the
fin European powers bad united
the purpose of the
the Stales
should state whether it intended lo
As will be seen the
elsewhere Chairman
slug upon the suggestion
Motive has
lbs holding the Democratic
Slate Convention.
if and to the point. It re-
quires no oath lest o but
invites all favorable to a whit; nun's
government and the while metal lo
unite I lib party in securing these,
should gel t
at calling Conventions in select
to the
W. Bi the
Slate e
has sailed a in of c
in on the April, lie
pie hunting
The Supreme Court the id
Slate has rendered a ill the
North Carolina
went on appeal tint body.
Tin; Court decided lb it
was involved h lib
in the Ibis
Governor and
he had the under the
1891 lo
make and appoint M
The tWO removed, will have
accept this as them.
All the some it is an unjust
gives the Governor such power.
This week will
retain Mix undivided sup-
port el congress in hi- policy.
It will nil depend upon the action he
on Naval
C he no
II In- ail- promptly and tn
report I then r.
what he has
ti hi will l. and
by to
extent. Hut he plays in
hand by making a d.
mind and delays mutter by k.
inn report away
there will be trouble right away. A
I majority both branch e
have made up their
Senator WM right when
no the Cuban
Hui-lion could possibly If
hit tho island tie
Sag, and Mr. lay
his policy that line, he will
the matter
out I his hands. can control
he the
will depend
upon his which should be
made week.
A at the 11-
shows more than
been legally paid by pen-
to pension attorney., during the
seven Just how much
have illegally the
.- or less
there is data enough in Pension
I In show that illegal exactions
more than equal the legal It i-
no surprising that the
should to maintain a
It is a relict, in so
war talk, lo read the triumphs
a-shown in tie greatness and
rt American industry through
its association with the Stales
proclaim a policy all time that
w be by changes
administration. The absurdity ti
in nations demanding what any
bug school child know, to be
our government
the binding it- by an
this bat others equally absurd
Many S. and
are sharply the
-n naming l e in
three alleged Cuban
with the
minister what are
j a- I to call, the com-
and have actually
the audacity to tin- preliminary
st. is towards tie a red- ,
boa t
with to include
Cuba What add- to e ail 1-
th loci that tie e
lion a in good
an-not what they claim to he. hut are
in lobbying tor a
autonomy in Cuba, although to do
have lo practically call liars
United States Senators, Con-el
iii nil lee. and every inti news
paper correspondent who has recently
been in Cuba, as all these have lb
dared in that
been from tie- Aral a
It is thought by a number
. I. who are with
that Spain
to play that the
In; in sending
it is red the ad-
just where
and the
lie in favor tree -i
Mr. M. Cabinet favor a
policy on the part this
law r in the
upon Mime
in and the usu tic power
this government compel the
Cubans to accept it. This -coins too
I. i-
about in Washington is
given to you what it is the last n
worth. your been often written to by
by dare try lo carry out such
ii policy, and U certain, h did,
would allow to b
a n under any circumstance-.
secretary r
i n th as
he Sow Orleans will be a mead-
able to City.
The m Mate, and Inn
not ti en given adequate
our naval nomenclature.
O, s tic th. ll-l
now eel iii.-
York, Brooklyn, Chicago, Ban
Detroit, Baltimore, Newark, Concord,
Atlanta Montgomery, as
well a- historic Yorktown,
It i that in flail-
alter New
in a to
commemorate a
Victory. Apropos this practice
the journalists hare discover-
ed herein another against
They regard
Blenheim, Ah-
which recall vie-
tori over the French,
and -t
retaliation on the the preach
. Ministry Marine. The int-
victory lie- it.
; hue . u able lo rake up
i which would look
; U in or
even or It may be
a the mil- .
; t granted that such names
Yorktown and Saratoga
In the American navy give
i. our cousins; ex-
s. eta-v t remarked in hi i
Harvard lecture, i sued i
a- tor race a- well
cl the hen a few
ago at the of
men. As soon tut ho got
oil the train he of
once to interview
them on the
the United Spain- lie
told the that ho bid
down here by the govern-
to take the names of
for the war, adding, that the
; had requested to
take the names of his friends
that all yon
voted for Mr.
I have decided to take
names continued the
Taking on his book and pencil
be asked the nearest to
him to giro bis and ago
Stepping back the ex-
fore God boss, I
for Mr.
are wanted
the who turned to
his but the response
along the line o
Bryan dim. Sim-
The mac said he was
unable to a
the big of
gathered at
t -land It.
Don't drop A
may pick them up.
Don't pick oat for your friend
a man whose dog low
is I
a -man week.
by a was the reply.
Don't think all are
a was the reply. This
country A one
tag a the
bad b gun without legislative
The war opened
tiring on Ion Just how
war with Spain will is
one, In forecast
in the rub It may be
that war with Spain has already start-
ed. That will Li- known when the
court inquiry Maine It polls.
II the ship was destroyed by u torpedo,
knew torpedo was to be dragged
the bow th- ship or II
only hail a d -it Were
in the plot and towed the of
to its place. Spain
milted the over act war just as much
as if a gun had wheeled one
Castle into
and anal a into the
the Maine.
All that court must do is to
port to resident that
did not blow up, but was blown up.
That --ill the war baa
Sum must get ready to light
S. Louis
A Tip In
Though this nation
us p Cuba, the
Mai incident aside, there la a i -1 i -1
or less general that tie- Aral
lo taken would he to
all the in posses-
administration relation
the revolution mid n re-
tin i.
The Auditor makes the
announcement that the on
which taxes will collected
tills year show an
17,873.01 over the
year, was
made by the State of
This is tho
in amount of taxable
The real
personal property for tho
year 1897 as reported tho
various counties to the Auditor
amounts This
is the property on
which taxes will collected tins
year- These will not
appear next year, the
An liter's is made
The of real
and personal property tho
year as will shown in the
amount to
Tho Department at
Washington decided tho
printing upon the address side of
cards of the lino of trade
in which a business house is
engaged, as well as its a
constitutes an and
that loiter postage is to lie
collected on ail such cards. This
valueless many thousands
of postal cards already printed,
it having for some time the
custom business houses to
supply their correspondents with
self-addressed cards prepared in
this style. Business men are
protesting against the immediate
enforcement of tho order, bat it
has been that they can
pasta strips of over
tho line of the
because they bound to
Don't sit in a n
you want the doctor to get the
cash for it.
Don't wait until summer to buy
thermometers; are always
lower in winter-
think because time and
tide wait man that no
an will wait for him-
fail to keep eye on
tho man who offers
at tho expense of
under-.-ate modesty- The
has but point, yet it
would impossible to
get along without
t- Tab
a la
Safe Quick Cara tar
and cent
t Chat
Internal revenue receipts
February aggregated 11,980-
a gain over the same month
last y of I.
A bill to protect free from
prison has been m-
by Cook-
tun, of New York.
Consul at
, says that filled cheese
sent America has greatly
injured tho cheese trade from
this country.
Sir the haughty girl,
you lo call your rival is a
man .
replied Charlie
is the word. I s.-ll him bis
one Color Constable
Cicero colored, was
constable of
township at the last election, in
the between election and
bonding time Cicero put in his
nights stealing cotton
Hardy, was in-
fur larceny and while the
jury was out ran away.
The tailed to
eleven white men tor
. preacher for
ashing 11- to write speeches
debate. this bat
and Hint was in
and was a collegian. spoke
ll 1- entreaty annually to a jilted
the oilier day. He said
yesterday I received three I went down to
the Cuban republic
is more
whit the recognition
iii n y the
what rights it would guarantee to
them or tin about any
other now r discussion,
Here briefly mid, is what the
books on law about
A neutral shall nut lend
money u a It shall net
sell it any munitions war any
warships, a nation is bound use
diligence to present the lining out,
equipping within it,
diction any Vessel which reason-
able around believe is intended to
cruse or carry en war with power
with h is at peace, such
been adapted in whole
part within such
warlike use. It not sutler or
permit either rent to make use
el its ports or waters us bane
naval operations the other, or
purpose or
supplies or aims or
is to say, if the Slate
an annual the Ike
letters soliciting from three
boy to rely
upon he will hardly
Into a l. your
best, and keep trying, and hi
tinny, it not earlier, you will be a
writer. la one the
. it abounds the pulpit
aids to or Incompetent
preachers now arc an abounding that
an twenty or thirty
judiciously can
one with enough sermon material to
bun until the thirtieth
We were
A meal popular and excellent r
bum know i. to highly esteem and
to others delivered his
graduating speech. He Was Iii
filth perhaps Tin
late was sit-
next to us the The
-p. the young man, honest and
tell who pro
cited in that literary
Our acute and
ml over and said to US with
peculiar and marked lone mid
to more hi. own
any I It was
and V
duty choice. I'm bound
by honor. I wrote a a
Mr use no
cause, that
Norfolk. Mr. Brown, of
Kelford, puts n
lick two of good work.
and us a result of that is
BOW iii jail waiting trial at
the next term of the Mr-
did work in
locating his Led-
After a close study
of the summer girl.
a girl wants to go
the summer coin-
in to say
she wants to go in February that
allowed to go. in
March tint is going,
she begins to got shirt
waists got-
her shirt ready, sun
nasally Wheedles her parents in-
to providing the cash
for her
This is to Certify
That a year- since, while
living In malarial district. I
dreadfully with
which it seemed impossible to
break. A trier urged mo lo
try Jot Person's Remedy.
I did so, and by the me a
bottles they wen- entirely
broken and I have not been
troubled with them since. I
also an
Williamston, N. ., 1897.
Mr. finch was pastor
the Baptist church In Greenville
is well known here, j
EDWARDS Proprietors.
Manufacturers and dealers all kinds of
New Buggies a specialty
All kinds done. We use skilled labor and good
material are prepared to give you satisfactory work.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats
Is hereby to George
agent for Mr. W, Parker, David
Sermons, i. A.
ad persona Interested, that
Thursday, March will
the County lb.- ;. .
with a Surveyor
the having
lines the lands to the
order it lie Board of
on Pitt W at. KING.
March chairman.
Notice of Dissolution.
of the Greenville
J. W. and W. K,
I- ibis dissolved by mutual
V, k.
from will con-
business under the same firm
mum assumes all and all
are to be aid to him.
J. W.
W. K.
Notice of Dissolution.
of T. SI. Moors A lo
lag s at N. i was
Hie All
are tn
T. M hi;
W. M.
Having . of T.
M. Moore in referred to
I wish Inform n,
win continue
at same with a
Real Estate
For Sale.
now oiler for
acres of land in West Croon
ville, in lots to suit
It just
a plot made
same. It is two
yards depot. We
will sell lots on time and will
loud money legal interest
to those who wish to build
and funds
t hem v This is a tine op
pie of small
means tn secure homes
desirable community. Map
be lit tho of
Supply Co.
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and see are invited to
my stock lean, the low prices.
M, H.
-----DEALER IN-----
goods and
j them at the price possible. I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H
door to tho Jeweler. TUE LIVE
We are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor tin v.
We do all kinds of
repaired promptly.
neatly f
Heavy and Fancy
. , s kept constantly on
hand- Country produce bough
sold. A will con
A Horse
nice line
I can now be found fin
brick store for-
by J. W. Brown,
to see
For a small outlay, the
our goods, learn
the price and we know
you will purchase.
The finish
our gar
rive to the personal appearance
is admired by all. No need to
look in the minor. If we attire
you, it right. Try one our
stylish Sack or
example. Faultless in every
colors correct, braced
with hold-on attachments, parts
subject to extra wear, doubly
fortified and fit to perfection.
Some Look
K. C
It. I. el lo
town today
Re. J. I. Mei tun
Mis- Julie. is
lier uncle, A. in
South ville.
frank Saturday
evening New York where lie
been new
Mis Rosalind returned
a visit
and City,
W. II. Hicks, Iii Riots
Tali, ti
summer his
C. S, Forbes this morning
markets purchase new
goods his lather, Forbes.
W. ii. S
veiling Baltimore where he hail
been purchasing spring millinery
Frank Wilson.
Local Reflections.
All bloomers bag at the knees.
Good soda water and ice cream
There is a man who
cuts his own hair.
How ti be Lone-
a mask.
The sprint; weather brought out
becoming plentiful ill
with a corresponding lowering
retail prices.
The telephone line to Falkland is
being put up and will in
a days.
Work is progressing rapidly on
de Cherry's new house Third
A traveling man who had just taken
some nice orders here, remarked tint
he wished he could as
towns H Greenville right along in a
There is some sanitation
around town as warm weather up-
Matters this kind should
not be neglected too lung.
This spring weather is all right.
Spring and summer nil together.
Cotton market Kept on declining
Straw hats are and
soon be above
Dozen Mo at
s M.
such a pretty day that , , , ,
,. . . . . I he dry weather is causing several
it out a large attendance at all ,
. , , wells around town to give out.
the churches.
Victor baud that has been
ten days, this
is noticeable that swallows and
martins have not yet put in an
Perhaps spring is just fooling us
Spring limy slip back and us a
void snaps, but she did net show
any about coining on ached
Orders Sent Out, to En-
list More Men.
Crowds Throne About the Senate
Chamber and Congress and
the is Intense.
Mrs. James.
Miss Ida
in Saturday evening to resume
her position in the millinery store
Mrs. Georgia
Mrs. Joe Person,
tie- best known in In lire
in the morning train.
in good music base Blade
tier name a household word.
Mrs. Joe Person left this morning.
K. I. Smith Richmond to-
I. I. Moore wept up road this
W. Ayden, was hero
J. Carroll, the
Raleigh today here.
Mrs. C. M. Bernard this morn-
ins Va. attend
her brother, Judge
Miss Tuft this morning
or a visit at Hath and Aurora.
Mis Warren came
Tuesday evening Washington,
i. Thigpen, is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. J. B.
T. Hoover, agent Al-
at spent
Tuesday night here with his daughter.
Mrs. A. II. Tall.
Special tn
Washington, March
is getting
orders have been sent out in enlist
inure men. now point;
in r e and active
s are near
excitement around the capital
lei- been more intense than any tun
since The Board is
up in the House and their report is
crowds arc thronging shout
Senate and Congress
the result rite
nation the report,
Special to
Sin March
and bad a lire
night, was
knocked out on
A III Kill. LEE.
of a Spanish Colons it War
Havana, via j Mi
Americans, is .
may any
There are no riots in the streets,
tin el insults In Amen Only
whenever an
passes a group
in Spanish wait. will
an dinner a little bit
slower than they will
at the little round la-
id will nudge each r
while they at
with c
pity en.
win. KILL ii com s
A rich Cuban a . . I
rue . n hi is now
in New York, and re-
turn there himself, said I ask-
ed Spanish . i. .;
Club last night tel
would . r ii. war I Sp u
aid tie-
I. the Van-
are afraid to
loll. ti.
in n
w r, on
. . , rise, and
ti. d will to
every d every c
i. w his
and ii .
You American it
Spaniard lien
p. .-. breaks oil
Social and Other
, Mar. ii,
. I
. Mi- charge of
Mrs. J.
.;. Klondike, and the t-
v their es-
tin r
liens. 1-. It.
. ii. r two is the
were about
W. II.
a ago. I
1.1 -aid the
Hiss . f ma with-
ed here last Sunday. , . know if has been
Mis. M. .
v , this v., k. ; the
. . journals this morning.
Mi-s Annie
young I vi
At K. A. i. iv.
Mrs. ii. Wilson, died
this She was Mrs
Allen Warren, this town. Mrs.
Warren was With her at her death.
How is tills Contrast
Chicago, March 22.-A cold wave
with weather is on throughout the
West. The thermometer is below
west the Missouri river. Heavy
arc lulling some
have had their property
West Greenville surveyed and a
Eggs did not wait lent
over coming down in price. They
are now cheap, three
ind there will be more shivering
it made, and are building I if reel, lad caught
lots sale. They will alto s burning
anyone in getting a home by
to build with. See advertise-
in this issue and get a good home
in a desirable location while it be
had on easy terms.
A surprise marriage tool, place in
Sunday Mr. Will Carroll
and Miss Bailie Tripp. assisted by
Elder Phillips, thought to surprise
community by getting man led, but
they whore surprised themselves instead
reaching the church they found
crowded house awaiting their arrival.
Things will out.
Owner for Wheel.
Tho bicycle which Master
II. Jordan a building near
Swamp the oilier day,
belonged to Mr. lie was
home town on his
night overtook him, it being
too ride he hid his wheel
the intending In go back
day idler it. lie was a bit surprised ill
when he looked in the and
saw his wheel Was
Small lire-
Just before today a lire alarm
was turned in, mid weather being
windy and dry the alarm gnu- people
mi u The to tin
kitchen Mrs. Lou on
sparks and
The respond to
tin ; but lire was put nut bi-
scene. Damage
Dr. today ;
there are and in
11.1 as iii. in every where in the
world. Men have d
within blocks of lie
they Is the Slat
In blame In just
same way. it s. me the lower elements
lure attack an American Id me
us tor ii. We done in
p to protect Americana and .
the is in
the Idea the Maine being
caused by any cause.
as a personal to -n
expression the slightest
t he Maine disaster was n an
that it will begin publishing after-
noon edition April
The wile
President of Pence Institute, Raleigh,
died in Baltimore mi
Mr. iV. T. n nil
a pap -r .; It;
has experience in and will
a good
Evangelist W. U. led u
, w meeting Washington o
There ml v.
live during th meeting.
Mi- Ma j Harvey,
Ci ii . I
last Week a. L. . Chapman's, re-
mi ti .
. i I as sum of his II
slip . . v. el
best . . i
in the
a u I- . .; . .
Both the method when
. Syrup of Figs is taken; it is
and to the taste, and
the Kidneys,
. and Bowels,
night Mr. Ames K, effectually, dispels colds, head-
i a I he and livers and cures habitual
his I hi. of Figs is the
.,,,, of its kind ever pro-
l Its i . , ,. f
; pleasing to the taste and ac-
to the prompt in
. ,,. its action and truly in its
only from the most
healthy its
excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
church. Tin popular remedy known.
tin town and Syrup of Figs is for sole in BO
Gr. credit i. to L. g. leading drug-
, , , reliable druggist who
l u. . u on pro.
mediately alter the entertain the ,., j, promptly for any who
i I the wishes to try it Do not accept any
W. I, where a substitute.
,., I SAM C.
w Worn w i
lore i n j
r I ill
the V. P. S C.
occupied lite .
But our Spring Goods came in first. We
announce the arrival
I White Goods, Wash Goods,
Shirt Silks,
Swisses. Laces,
every other kind goods.
Look at our Girdles and Ornaments.
The mannish our shirts wear
Hut won't i in sure, o
at the studs area to
When i II bi the bureau
Mrs. Remedy is
ti-ed in tun and sold
J. L. drug afore,
been a blessing to ninny
is indebted to Sirs
Jon Person n lier collection
airs, a collection
by herself and which has delighted
many people.
took luncheon
thought you only
took there, as a
ordered hut i
was when
waited late but is beginning
do some blowing.
Work commenced on W.
house in South Greenville.
The passenger train lingered
hour coming in Monday night.
No one In town wore so large a
smile as Mr, II. K. It's
fire Near Bethel.
that the residence Mr.
W. N. Hammond, near Bethel,
destroyed by lire Saturday night. Mr,
ml was alone home, mid
aroused by burning timbers falling near
him in the room where he was
He badly burned on one and
had a narrow escape with his
Very little of the in the
Mrs. Hammond were
visiting her parents Greenville and
did nut know disaster her
home until a letter received
Looking for u location.
Mayor J. W. Perkins tells tho
that be received a letter
a company in Ohio who want to
come Smith and establish hard wood
mill, making a about Green-
ville and vicinity. The Mayor replied
at once to the letter mill in their
inquiries in lull. The company in
works thirty hands, and their
plant would an addition to this
community. We hope they can be in-
to locate here.
make it talk for us
prices, and
our customers the advantage of it.
Want to do business with you. We buy
money talks. W
X by buying at inside prices, and we
News. t
Mrs. C. M. u
gram her tie
her brother,
Sunday at
o'clock. Judge was an years
i Id a man
State. Mrs. Bernard's
her the sad news received
Mrs. Bernard will leave
iii attend the funeral Mrs.
V. II. will have charge
her school during her
Supports ti Family.
Mr. A. Stevens tells us a color-
ed woman who lives in Morning Star
township, Mecklenburg who
lost both her hands in I cane mill
when she was u child mid yet with the
tire stubs she supports n totally. The
woman washes, and strange
can pick B hundred pounds col-
Ion per day. She can do some sewing
and threads her own We saw
able man on streets here
not , , , , . ,
the twins, ,,, Pie
got a nursery when- I'm gr wing each hand lie was pend
the laziest thing in the
boy the spring
Fixed it Hun-elf.
A days A. J.
some cattle in the cemetery
shrubbery that had been plat d
there. He also that portion- of
the had rotted down and that it
was getting in bad condition. There i-
no money the cemetery fund
repairs, so Griffin
went role own and bought
to have the work done. It hi
just like him to do but those who
own loll in cemetery ill
ft IMP
We still have a
low odds and ends
of whiter and early
spring goods to Dis
pose of at bargains
I a ll sci; them right and treat you
when the Creator said to
sorrow shall thou bring forth
a curse was pro-
against the human race,
but the- joy felt by every
When ill -I presses to her heart
her babe, proves the contrary
Danger ant suffering lurk in
the pathway the Expectant
Mother, and should be avoided,
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of her heart i-i to be real-
in full vigor and strength.
so relaxes the
system as
i I Nature,
that the
takes place
Without Nan-
ea, Headache,
Gloomy I'm i
boiling of
g I lie
trying hour is robbed its pain
and suffering, an so many happy
mothers have experienced,
Nothing but does
tins. Don't be deceived
persuaded to u anything else.
v . e i i. I
;,. ii .
n iv null n.,
i i
is in the Northern
the prettiest
I I ll
ever shown in the I
city. Wait him.
Ricks Taft,

The Maine Blown up Externally.
Washington, March
had in his possession
since a note from Admiral
to Long informing
him that the Maine was by
an outside explosion, which her
reserve and that it may be
Impossible the court of inquiry to
fix the blame or direct
on Spain.
The Indications are that people wall
not have lo wait much longer to h-urn
Whether we will have war with baton.
Swearing m a
A staid and respectable New Bag.
paper wishes to know swearing .
is going out or the reverse.
The this paper declares, so
as he cm find out, habit . I I
swearing is altogether I If that
the young of New
towns. He says the youth o. the ,
Greene is not all Athens, and the
peasant in the Tillage I
very interesting What you
do nut seem to be able to say three
sentences with
an unpleasant nature, so
their conversation is exceedingly an-
to people who happen to be in
their vicinity on the Mm tot elsewhere.
And I e wants to know it this thing is
to be allowed to
ton Times.
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated J
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment Fountain Pens
also a I line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap the v are.
You may never,
Want Job Printing
to see us.-
tor Job Printing Office.
Anything from a
The Daily Reflector
Gives the home news
afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
ought to be.
not you
or sitting about idle.
This need to a but
wen- alway- told that it
day. It always is holiday on a
saint's day, there are man
days in
How the land get cultivated at all
is a marvel, but it din's somehow.
There are
few. Yon are walking along
and find
striding over vine
Brat think you are trespass.
and try to go around, but
a little experience you bold,
and you find that you are doing
quite right thing, You may be
attacked by a dog, but that is not
became you are off the path, but
because you are a human being.
The Greek dog is a marvelous
beast. have vivid
him. one principle hi that
man is his natural too, and be
takes every opportunity of putting
hie Into practice. He gen-
appears from nowhere and
makes for you. Yon must get rid
of him quickly or he will call to his
aid brethren seven times worse than
himself and get rid of you. You
generally begin by shying stones.
These are always at hand in
Providence, I suppose, never gives
an evil without a corresponding
Tins may drive him off if
ho alone and not very bold. If it
doesn't, you must adopt more vigor-
measures. Don't shoot him,
cause i lit re is a superstition that he
has on owner, and that owner will
probably turn up at ritual mo-
and shoot you. But you may
stab him if you happen to lie carry,
u largo enough have
tin- skill to use it. or you may brain
him with walking stick if it
be heavy enough. If them fail,
is said to remedy left.
You may sit still, and he, too, will
sit still and look at you. This is
to infallible, never
had tho courage to try it, It is no
doubt mi extremely comfortable
feeling to l- seated in the enter of
u circle of but it
w be -i; ; pall after a lime,
not so thickly
lated that you can depend on a res. I
cue arriving within an hour,
If pass through the pi of
I ho way and reach the village
safety, you will, of course, go
the inn, what you will II
are all the men of the talk-
laughing, driving cares
which never come to them The
prevailing costume i- tin-long, gray
cloak of shepherd, the most
garment in These
men will stare ill you n lit-
but the y will make you
come They will -ill talk to you in
their own and yo . ill an-
m your-. It i,.,. nut matter a
hit that understands the
other. Both parties will equally
pleased. We once meet
lug an old shepherd on slope
He stopped and entered
into a long conversation. What it
was about we do not know, bin ho
seemed well pleased, and alt. r
about we wished him
in the only words of
that we knew. You will
meet the village priest
too. Be is only a peasant like I ho
rest, but lie i- recognized
being on Sundays. Then if
you are thirsty you drink kraal, the
tin country, very mild and
very like wax At you
will hale it. but after you have got
to it you will preterit
or you may drink
j j on merely wont to
sociable, you arc wise, you
will cat ad and honey, real
which the whole
world cannot beat. And then you
will get up and go home, feeling
there is no . no j have mi t
like the On k Pall Mall
Will hi Raleigh
Voters of
he Eastern Reflector.
a I
news every
Ts only
contains the
week, and gives
to the formers, es-
tobacco, that is
many times more than
the subscription price.
listen a now
that records tho
action of the
you needn't fool any
money away on one. It wouldn't
earn Its Press,
said tho dealer in cap.
bird- and annual-, want a
parrot I
hem, the bird You are mar-
ore you not
Hi- customer bowed.
your husband is I
thought BO And you want the par-
rot to keep you From feeling
Veal This Is the very
it a nuked the
The dealer hesitated.
ho said at last
wouldn't b i him a
fluent talker no, not that, lint for
what you tho host I
the In I
-i i the right
II i
P I rt I Ml I II, Hit
been . i up , i j,,
n u
I ii i H r
and . cm
tho you hid-
den my i lean tali
Pursuant to a of the
State executive adopt-
its meeting- held February
-2nd, I hereby give that the
Democratic State convention will
held in the city of Raleigh at
o'clock Thursday
The of organization,
recently is now in the
of the executive
committees, tho r- i-
primaries and
county conventions.
The will consider
the of for
the several districts wherein the
term of the present
expires January 1st, will
the principles and
policy of party, and Sake
such notion as it may see proper-
Judicial conventions should be
held prior lo data soil
the Slate in the
tailoring Fir it, second
sixth, seventh and
Tile following resolution.
amending the plan o
was adopted at mooting-
of the committee held in
eh who intend to vote with
in the next and who
desire of
Anglo- supremacy and
honest North Car-
are cordially invite to
participate all our primaries
the adoption of such a
resolution the party
expresses no foaling for
the colored people of North
Carolina. The record of charity
and kindnesses, public and
of the people this
State to the colored race, while
Democratic party was full
power, refutes such B suggestion.
But tho voter, with
exception, be considered
one. whom the great principles of
government, the wisdom
economic policy, or the
of public servants their
responsible offices, guide or con-
in his choice of a ballet,
allegiance to the
party or its allies, cannot dis-
by the corrupt and
conduct of for
whom ho votes- Thus, this
day, when the Stats, is fast seek-
dishonor under
tho of a fusion
which regards neither
rights of or property, nor
tho good and of the
State, the C ill to d illy is
ad to the white mu of North Car-
In national mutters no more
vital principles can tho
People and their welfare than
those which the present
of the plain
people of the country thrown
down the of to the
money powers trusts- Tho
increasing control of tho
of the few by open
violations of the law.
enhancement of purchasing,
power of money, with the ever
decreasing value properly,
mark the of the hour.
the affairs our beloved
State no words I be needed
to awaken the patriotism of her
sons. A political campaign is
of us tho
the wager of the contest is the
good name of
North Carolina. We should
work at once, proscribing no
test oath to our follow
but a warm welcome
and full fellowship to all who
us in securing just
laws and good government. An
early convention is fixed, whore
differences, if any exist, will
adjusted; the plan of tight map.
; pod out. and a united Dem-
will triumph.
I suggest that the
conventions should be
bald as as for
the election of delegate. The
of and
meat beta of
may be postponed until Lie
as each county convention
think advisable
Dem. Ex. Com.
C. March
Why do fashion's
ways follow it
Why is the doctor
j seldom to leave well
enough alone
editor who
may good health always a critical
Wake Do cheerful lie hope-
Look the brig-ht side of
of is the
truth of make no mistake as to
It is n weak, poor individual
who envies the success
don't do It
If motives were always visible,
men would blush for their
most brilliant actions.
Silent sympathy is to the
troubled what tho soft
spring rain is to tbs earth,
much pain; wise I
men know how to overcome
Why do streams run
everybody knows they
run wet when do run
Why the sound in a man's
head his wife bits him with
ft broomstick a sort of marriage
Why is it a man can't walk
enough for a streetcar to cat-.-h
him or f-i.-t enough to eaten a
Notice t Creditors.
duly before the
loan Clerk o Put as
Executor of the Of Mai ah
I. Bell is
by given i all persons to
tin- estate to man payment
lo the mill to all
of to present claims,
twelve after the
lute notice, or notice will
It plead in bat of recovery.
This the of March 1898.
Executor of the estate I.
a Clay Pipe.
Charles aged -1. ltd
Charles aged
this morning over an old
clay pipe. met again this
evening, when the quarrel was
renewed. pulled a 32-
shot Ring-
in the head, the bulk t
the which
caused the victim's death min-
later escaped to
to tho mountains- A posse is in
bet pursuit of the murderer-
l and
a and you will
find a says Fred
Olds Haw Scratch a
can you will find a is
Cure Ail
Liver ills.
Twenty Years Proof.
Tint's Liver Fills keep the bow-
els in natural mot ion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Liver Pill
Notice to Creditors.
I. G. M. Mooting, trustee In a certain
to me on
the by J. H. W. K.
and it. A.
the name of J. H.
ft Soot, hereby notify all creditors or
said lino or creditors either of the
members of aid r to
mM to tho id trustee
on or before the April,
and file the with
aid properly authenticated on
or before the I date, If any
fail to laid claim as above
Mated ibis notice will he pleaded In bar
of any participation In the dividend or
arising the assets the
said a This notice Is given by
order of court. Tills March
M. HOOKING, Trustee.
N. O.
should careful
bow they quarrel with bus-
woman who
quarreled with husband
immediately into a
remained twenty
patient, kind and
you will be loved.
The lucky tn-n never in
good or bud luck.
Never get angry impatient
with it tool of en
The weather
at when they tackle
have received a
hearse and nicest line of Co
fins and in wood, meta
lie cloth over
Notice of Dissolution.
The of Kicks Tilt have this
day dissolved by J. A
and II. Taft withdrawn
from the W. II. Kicks and K. H
Taft will continue as
under Dante Kicks A
accounts due the are to
be- paid to said Rick- A Taft who also
J. A. ricks,
A. If.
Thanking our friend and the public
generally for their liberal patronage
the past we solicit a continuance the
.-time ill the
w. if.
k. if.
Old Dominion Line
ii its
o am
Personal attention given to c
funerals and bodies
to our care will receive
every mark of
Our tower eve-
do not want monopoly b I
in competition.
con be found at .
times in the John
Adjutant General of the army
has issued an order that the new r
of artillery .-hull h-
men, the War
Department having concluded
that married men arc not the beat
r. wives of the married
in- u will be lo
The War is
taking a risk in sort
war upon ilia matrimonial relation.
An- from nil other
a specific duty, thus doing away with
and curing by
Mild Theory.
One pink I
Took .
Hive oar
liver, re.
III. n
pie nay -i
.-. .
N V a
Steamers leave Green
villa for Tarboro touching at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
aim Friday at o A.
Returning leave at S A. H
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville lo days.
These are to stage
of water Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers tor Norfolk,
Philadelphia, New York Bo-ton.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion from
New York. from
folk Baltimore steamboat
from Merchants Miners
SOS. Agent,
J. Agent,
Trade-Marks obtained all Pal-
I u r
. . . i.-o i . . i.
fr. m
BUM, or r Vim
n. We if or set, of
Our I. I
A w to with
Mine in u, S.
lent free. A
k CO
Denier in
Pork, sis, Mb
and ti-
will It to their
e-t to get our prices before
Our stock Is Complete
Flour, Sugar,
at lowest market
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
us buy direct from
I., nil. , .
mini I
If If.
I- n-.
M r, L.
hand old at price,
r the Lines. till
sol, , .
Wire and Iron Fencing
only First-class work
prices reasonable.
I. . ,,.,. i I CASH therefore, h
run we at a
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS per Year in Advance.
Militia May he Sent to or
The of over
militia is absolute and unlimited in
of necessity, and as lie is sole
that necessity, is practically,
no limit upon his discretion. speak-
of militia, however, we r to
the militia, and not to the Na-
Guard. Most of the
Guard in-e militiamen, and
as such, are subject individually lo the
orders President, issued in ac-
with but
of the guard arc not recognized by
the government as organizations
once in
National or
become soldier the Slat
and as completely under the control
of the as soldiers
of the regular army. The militia hill
now before Congress, expressly provides
that serve wherever
ordered, within or without the territory
of This is not new
hut is a clear stall of ex-
law defined by the courts. As
the law is now are subject to
jurisdiction of military law us
th m arc called service of
is not r inured
t bey be mustered in to
control over and Navy
The Summer Sparrow in
by the Thousand
Yesterday morning when men
who work at the reported
there for work they the platform
and street adjacent covered thous-
ands little dead birds-summer spar-
rows, they are known. They
is supposed, been by
lights at the platform, been killed
by against the posts and globes
Mr. Roach remembered a previous
visit from same kind of birds, but
bey came out in numbers
were found elsewhere
Officer Cunningham, who was on
duty during latter purl the night
said there were thousands them Hy-
about are light in
about Observer.
Prophets are frequently
A London predictor
by menus that
the world would end in
having warned all England, he
a fifteen-year leased the
in ho had been
carrying on a mercantile business.
Edgar O. of Boston,
has bin as
secretary to tho Amer-
Legislation St- Peters-
burg, he only
desired to be first secretary.
Professional. Cards
W. M. Bond. J. I. Fleming
N. C
In all the coin I s.
Galloway, B. Tyson,
H. Greenville, N. C
Greenville. N. C
Practice In all the
N. C,
Office over J.
Cobb A Son's Mole.
Small, II. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Practices In all tin Courts.
is Vine Sister.
Former Minister to Mexico
at tho a
days ago, talking out ex-
in Mexico. After the
Minister lift I one
Of in. r-
aver talk to the
Minister when mud has been
occupied be and
for reply,
member did. I
met him return
Mexico, shook
is your sister,
is I
Minister's mind then
returned for
minutes then lie
is your Frank
and, as before, I replied that she
was well. Five liter ho
raised his from papers
Frank, how is your sis-
I thought conversation
was becoming
lo change I answered
that she was
yon don't I
am sorry to hear it,
returned to his papen
again for five minutes,
and me if he turn
around and
bow is your
At first I ho was guy.
me, but, looking at
sharply, I realized that ho had
forgotten convocation, and.
I answered sadly, is
man, you don't mean
he exclaimed,
bis seat and his hand
in a most sympathetic
adding, is dreadful. When
did it happen- Tell me all about
I replied, killed
just now. When I came in your
told you she was
then I told you was
very ill, and that didn't impress
yon. So for benefit I
just killed
old man looked at mo for
a moment and then
must pardon me, Frank.
I was thinking about these
Some advances the theory
that we grow in
spirituality while we sleep. If
that is true, most of us need to
sloop more than do, for our
hours are
pied in that are material
and worldly One thing
is certain, and that is that
few get enough of sloop--
nature s It is
claimed that as the heart and
never to work from
tho date of until
earthly taco is run, so real
or invisible part of man is
at rest, and that when man's body
is unconscious in sleep the real
part of tho man is free to perfect
and strengthen itself in the
worthier things of life. This
theory is by the
that unless was a
period of it would
not be man to
eight hours out of
four out of every
year and years out
cf every life of three score
ten id bed. Such
interesting, not
ham Sun.
the hour hand points to nine,
Have your washing on the line.
I . . t
No . , .
.; As
8-of Will. lot
sou retail .
. I . to Mat,
by the best house-
keepers for
Washing, House Gleaning.
For sale by
Try it.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Goods, Ladies, Gents and Shoes.
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
of all kinds at the
in this community.
W. II. W.
N. C.
mi in- me
O J.
O n Only
In town by
Coal, shot mid inn
powder, end
lint items thus
fur in el
The two
more. At current
will be i in two
or weeks. There's lotting like
a war
puce ever given
Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little money you have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Spokes, Hubs, Building Paints
Oils and Stoves
Fair Dealings and Honest. Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
strange -i
n, fall
k i a ii.,. i In
quill u in H . V I. -.-
t t i i I.-H
11- ii would be r
ls votaries A bill the
I ii i r ii t. ii it provide
one d pit
. i Id . in
vi- toward
its tic n will. ii n
lie mm war i; by n
el v I; In -e
i t I I . S net
i I I r. I K v, I
I e i i ii opt
lit n How much U lit r,
raid, is this method
down the u
doles i by
licensed To u an
g In in a
n oil mi nib i el lira
no answer. a
in was so
wanting In as lo
this alleged i- a
II , i vi u- u,
in any essential
tho practices th At in
Middle Am or from
and swindlers who
aliened upon human credulity in a
period So
u tho kind, e B
wire . I com-
pi under II ii this mi
dissenting voice, to except
lie bill. Physicians who have ex-
pended years time and mi
In studying the diseases flesh is
In In mud out a B or
who ; n n pi H
a divine power in g e sick, may
Ml with impunity, no
matter now much may
ii , upon
n i
prevalent in all u
on, gem rally
old wt men, drove u i ii . Ira It in
ministering to credulity ll
customers ; Ibis fellowed
the pastas
nil who should I o
countries witch was drowned.
When accused, was into a
nil, and she k was declared
ii she ordeal d
swam ashore, she was
and burnt t tin- Hake I, A.
juries, In their humanity and
turning good sense,
iii of law and .-
mi m. I most
s law punishing with
ll in book long
after judges and Lad lo
the me.
Tins Hi ii Is
a in n
which darkened
minds people III past s. Ml p
than the witches,
which exorcise hi
been Pound
t r, who during bis on earth went
healing tick, sight
to blind, d u id
In on
books record cures
performed Ibis
of divine origin mid
Iron practice
tun u l big
be treated like any
ill. It bind police power in
d a so I I it
does not and wine, ii
Victims do in i ti while u. d
em .-t i n iv i el it u v ; In
to lime i law enough in
very enlightened to punish
A I I Mr , . , ,. t. U
ti- It i
The ones looked so aw a m i r
up Oner with
millinery strung;
sweethearts won
iv me
Ain't Hi I i I
ii U
When w heard i
. V. r bells;
Thar much color i-
of view,
But yet wore iii t i
j .- ii I ct,
i shall live
in white,
In fields d in e-t-
wear fixed
up will, this that
it a r. stuffed bird in
middle ii.
mi i o . ;
wild r-
I sigh in- wore
you me young,
ii a in Atlanta
If i in were p ii inclined
ii give up
Old R you at me
Tie tat- -No;
had bet n my win n
paper Hint t am a-, o, u. i i tao
guidance of .-i . i. ell
an t lit in H ,
I'm. bun
been revived us a
farm home paper.
in this
who nit look
in I Mechanic would like to have
and we are prepared to
following i
For we will Bend
Carolinian, of and Tho
Farmer nil three
n whole year.
will you tho
homo i it.-, State and general
we and farm and jot
cf three of them a
year for
you want the Atlanta, Con-
added lo above list
can get it for cent more,
or the thrice a we k New York
World for cents. Any other
or magazine wanted can
yon a en in eon-
n i. with
I home you mi. have
when you use
you're I, aim
Then I know my
in I n i. morrow I'll be II-
bound, won't i
said ll
i i my b in ;. . I v tie
r. is n i
wt iii r
i Du was
lino .- coin
. rt y car
Now he'll hive
to talk
All u i i mill cu . i
mi r t-. and then,
. . .
id hard ll and Lieu.
An Advertising Story.
Tl e lit whig I mayor
is lit stun lien I
it am irk I i in I i I
Tie ii i .-. i. n
sin ban . n i-
i r,
But streets were no
Tin u swore an and
n the
should I
Ai i no l .
r a Bi l
l n
ii d l III die-.
Ti. ii o lighter.
A ma ;
I, goods.
lie mi .
lie in d i. n
Tin n In turned on Ida i ill b
in w . . i I i
p. know be was in bu
win. Ill kepi in in n
la. . r,
fin Ii n
Two can never make a
right Some of our
tho people in reply
to grave damning
at brought and
not pretend
to deny the but seek
use their
the people by others- The
that bar did wrong
in the pent not license
And yet this the only ox-
for all
Inge, who com-
in; . order might i eek to escape
the law Iv Baying
are and trashy
not i ale I for a moment
a and a deceived
ll l i I.
i I
i ; mil Untie
d of
B of Leon, of
of Two
J ah i , of
b a, ., Ti it tie. f
o I
a, cf
of AI of
Canary Oriental
i I tie,
of Milan,
. and of and
Lord and
r, little no wonder
iii delicate.
rand in i h
i win. It
In .- ll
u ii i
i i-
A notary public
married at Denver, am
the m lo
name sign u
The wan
to Attorney i
Colorado, who decided n u
I Did I I bi I
maiden ii u hi
could no la i
be dropping u-
. lone of
. . gathered by
ten will be sent to Havana
the by one
tho Ward Line to
leave New toil, thin week, and
mi will take
i. . . . i. ii.-. may bu
I. intervention
a bacon a
of law humanity
n-. down by the King
in l i pi-1 law in
have shown
Ion a that
i . I. . a i
and approbation.
i i en broken
i ; i but
. , i own

Eastern reflector, 25 March 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 25, 1898
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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