Eastern reflector, 18 March 1898

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Tie of
c mm that get on the docket for
trial in this of late is be-
More WM
We verily believe that North
Carolina has more politics
frightful. Many of; politics than any State in
these cases are too little to trifle
I of so much time and money on
expense is rather
and the tax payers have to foot may have much to do with the
the bills. It costs a great deal I condition of oar State. After all.
of to run a court and it of the politics amongst
is the duty of officials to o
k i . ravine that the candidate may
the burdens of as on their bodies to
light as possible- Many of enjoy the fruits beyond. North
petty cases should be Carolina cannot so lone
for it costs as -inch as the chief concern of the pee-
to try and malicious
prosecutions as it does cases of
pie is oolitic. All our industries
offer and silver Status reap the
of folly. S. C
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated -c
use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a assortment Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens
x will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap are
You may never,
But .
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
m Job Printing
Anything from
The Daily
Gives the homo
afternoon at the
price of cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber If not
ought be.
The Eastern Reflector.
Is only a year.
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those crowing
tobacco, that is worth
times more than
the subscription price.
A Sword v
to IV
your turkey stuffed
or Lynn
Haven oysters, all want
said this southern
mo a slice
of southern as they
it in Virginia or South Caro-
you i an keep all of your
mad to think that you south
people know bow to
hums-, too, until I went to
answer, returned
Mei-s your soul, your
as and
flat by the aide of Denmark us
northern With
of a baa got
good properly cured at
start, but biggest part of a
west, juicy, tasty ham lies
cooking. How I've been
tries mill I bare tasted such
ban an gut Denmark.
nearer the the sweeter the
cannot of tin to a
Hint you In this country.
lbs meat is
about half cooked when get to-
bone, Now, in Denmark
you might carve a hundred
a day and each one would
through through, and yet they
am only allow
bow can they be dona,
southern transplanted
wife. is a that
boiled for bans and boors over
l hot fire. Now, South Carolina.
where and in Virginia,
where colonel was weal-
fast we it for a
midday dinner, and,
the Conk steepen little nigger
keeping up lire all the time the
if it isn't well boiled before it is
where people
Denmark remarked
emphatically that to
cooked shush I not oiled.
How do rook if, In a hay box
What is a bay box; boxes mo
used a great deal Denmark. A
bay is an wooden boa
a lining of about a foot
thick. hay i. covered
to p it in place and
for durability, of course, your bay
any but
sol must tit it c lonely, that is
ahead of jay
it prop-
about dark mt it into a
of cold which sin
An the water
cornea tom hard t ml lifts
pot from fire a ml it into a
bay caret the top
of box lid.
in the morning,
is i to the
Will t In- rater boil In bay
it at the
same temporal Hi- all an
i vi u temporal is of
perfect .-. The water is just
as but up in the
morning as sin- to bed at
night. ii i- done,
to worry head us
to whether it done to
bone r time, and, bast of
all, she is to it to the
id way all
b fairly
your i water
a bout it.
bay boxes,
he went on, great
things. Sin h i thing
is n in the houses
Denmark, but. George the
over there i jibe more
With hot Water than We mo with all
our and
of hot water pi ice. In cupboard
of the in every bedroom
ill is a bay box, at
every hour in t be or night you
there. A enough thing Hi I
itself, flu
that life able, isn't Yea,
you people south know bow
to you
know bow to do it well, but you
yourselves o that you
th if you
once got a d n bum
cooked overnight a buy
late according
through murderer,
-1 -i
but to
trader by the of
property, lb his
to of the In
prOM his For
this was into
bis to the
harem. After ho win
t to
At . time
to T
B shot
bitter fruit
In Die
are a wag.
not allowed in
p is Io be
given, however, n who
lino wheels lo our an DO
cannot low a
by ii. have
New York
CoLl hi I lie sky the
there a a
potent war
crowds that in
between a
mi of civil war,
e sins Failed
is m the verge it a with flippant
The is in Ike to regard If.
earn appear- The appeared
iii , fields bun shortly hall past
three end, and To the eastward the moon almost
a full, rode a clear sky.
will, a keen e-l-H. in- the North Weal cloudy
prong, ii shaft of pale red
shot up from the North,
of line in- half way to the zenith,
war by the lower part faded
lately another
In the days
about o'clock in the
eat The
people, always
war- i the clouds for more than half
in hoar-
It was a strip, but the
thrifty spread it doubled
while the upper part
duty to eat off into the darkness.
eight, got up by I o'clock cock- j persona
raw, and In la see I it was a perfect
by. The B sword.
will jar-. of I From all over Greater Now
Slate. have this j York and up Ibo Hudson came
, l,.,, m a. ii. tut did net it reports of excitement and wonder
in. war until mi informed by inhabitants. In this
He with no uncertain Brooklyn
matter, becalm hi, gathered the streets and
the at phenomenon. The
lore Ike the war.
Our Own Grain and
to the;
; The I that we send out the
, . every year
for hay and
show the Improvidence some of
At lea it the street our Enough hay to
here every year to
many a is hardly a
farmer in the State who
raise and enough for
hid awn use and supply more of
it at a profit to the
who mu-t buy such things.
There not be
into the State a bale Western
bay. It is as a drain on us
as the importation of Western
corn and Western when
we can raise and manufacture
pound of oar meal and
can use.
The me.- who pays more
attention to grains grasses
is likely to be more prosperous
than bis neighbor who devote his
lime and energies to live
then i sin prongs, his
noticed l It-lore war,
win n the had
ii s. ems. Iran the
blades in the present
lime. Kill be able ti hold out for time
years, which is nine than most U
ii. had her, it means
she will git tome other to
mi.--. by and
clarion notes bad not rung out upon
the trusty before e taint
answering crow, an echo, cane
acnes the creek the Dearest
was hid
o'clock at exactly sun- sec-
ii every lam time
Hut if a crew time, I owe anyone a cent, pay the
at o'clock, or Vi o'clock, or at
or a quarter altar
was Tl
the house, who it
got up en hearing the cock crow, when I The principle of owing and
be had lit Handle and by paying when OM pay,
clock that it was not yet a bad one.
alarm, his wile, tell
While it way destroy its value
as a sign, it sh b if i it
he light was probably by
a big at Fort Lee. N. J. Many
believed it to be a
reflection of the from the
waters of the Hudson.
Your Debts
The man in th world
is ho who can pay his debts and
doesn't do so
These are the men who say
they don't want lo pay for
Stop aid think about it; if you
we anyone a cent, pay the
If you owe money and y
it and don't pay
moral balance.
it, you lick
it was only midnight, news
she would exclaim,
starting up, and sure enough, there
would lie hasty news in the
By daylight country doctor would
by, with his ever his
. answering an urgent or a
r a neighbor's
ever hews, II
in mi- way.
And no v hen is where the war
signs in. he nut
the towns, in
Nothing makes feel so free
and manly not owing anyone
a debt of any kind.
Debt is slaver f is weaken-
and Owing
money weakens character.
Nothing will ruin ones
so much or quickly as
owing money and net
man who meets all of Ins
obligations and has no debts is
highly respected and
There are lots of in
for but not
a cent for has been
often the I.
dent, but. perhaps, few persons
know the occasion on which it
was used, and who was the
author of it. Charles Cotes-
worth of Caro-
was the father of the phrase,
and he used to Talleyrand-
who was a most
interesting character, was
Minister to
Franco. The Directory refused
to receive him. treated with
marked disrespect, and Anally
ordered him to leave the
Subsequently, with John M .
stall and Gerry as his
associate envoys, he went hick
to France- The joint envoys
were no more successful in
diplomatic relations
with than had been
by himself, and in
reply to Talleyrand's suggestion
that an understanding might
reached the payment of
money made use of the
now historic phrase-
When I Talleyrand submitted
suggestion to the envoys o
commissioners, he intimated that
the penalty of to be
ed by it might be war, and
fall reply is quoted as
be it then, air;
millions for but not a
cent for tribute. Liter last
very familiar by
I- being stamped on a
political token Richmond Die.
country settlements, are today the world who
could pay them, but they have
been of so t
the night The farm -r
trying lo up by
any more. The old, re-
liable the
won't do lo depend OB longer. He
ii to go ill any w
tin- Irregular, crow
all through the night, if hut
hasty ii iii a
. . I'M-.
to a recent
not for
A Drift Toward War.
However earnestly peace may
be desired, it is apparent
to dote Militants of the
Spain and the
States that the tendency of affairs
is not toward peace. Hut with
dangerous incident following
dangerous incident,
folioing crisis, and in the back-
that war at
very doors, the drift event
Boston Post.
Cure All
Liver Ills.
butter than cure. Liver
they don Hike to pay for dead but
This is . .
taken in time will prevent
Sick Headache,
dyspepsia, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, torpid
liver and kindred diseases.
; find
I lie On y
i on the
and I In- on the shell, and
no one in the store but your own d-s-
your stock
and everything
bills am due to
make a Oh the
i a i. j kind blue,
and Hi puzzled with the thought the
thing t do. In such a
but one II you want
lo gel lbs customers you've lo ad-
Cab mil they Jo not err
s; , he Is wise,
in his business -ill
In newspapers lo
The among
classes other cl the
country hat, tor several your past, been
to discard nil outside
and lo tall back wholly upon
he f
in these, alone, resides
the true secret reaching the gnat
public, lo whom must
appeal way in order
carry on their In-
deed, great lit uses
have even discarded their travelers, and
the money formerly appropriated
columns of the pres.
Coincident with new ration-
departure has come a pains-
taking in the lustier and manner
thus presenting statements to the
public. As a result wt hove today a
system newspaper advertising which
embraces many lb points
formerly by the news
columns publication. Many of
announcement business men
today make interesting read-
Div .-I Farming.
Rim an IV. Humphrey, two
the Northwest have
moved to
country and purchased land from
A Toon, near Chad
brothers are now the
land for this year's crops and will
plant thirty acres the following
i acres ii sweet potatoes;
I acres beets; acres in radish-
es; acres in Irish potatoes; G
acres in beans; acres in
acres in cucumbers; acres
in in
chokes; I acres in water
isn't an acres of o-cont
cotton the and we risk
nothing that with good
more clear money will be
male from these little patches
than from three or four times the
in Lumberton
Pot Sis,
Farmers and t t
year's supplies will I It to It
est to get o
Its I. i i i
P Flour, Sugar,
Snuff, Cigar
M It fr n n i
u km I I i
to ti sell i.
Trade obtained and all Pal-
W rut.
re . m loan
H. Obtain Will
in U. S.
l r. D. C.
j C.
We hare received a
hearse and the nicest line of Co
III and in wood,
and ever brought
We ate to lo
ins in all its forms.
Person attention given to or r
funerals and en-
treated to care will receive
every mark of respect.
Oar are lower man ever
understand this
laid die
said to me, nukes m
ply too
-You're said lie, in the John
be BOB ft CO,
do not want monopoly
We can be found at any and I
Wire and Iron Fencing
only First-class work
prices reasonable.
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices paid for
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year Advance.
No. OM. Mids In Inch
Enameled In In all
width ; It has one-
pillars, two-Inch
pg. This bed retails at from to
Buy of tho save the mid-
are tho
lines of Furniture. Draperies,
contained in
books. Our Carp, m
color Is also If Carpet Samples
mail us lo stamps. Drop a
postal at to tho
of -.-. For
Maid to
Julius Son
The tile Mimic
The i thine in
a real just its
in Charleston- Ho
may been hero it
in other This
chap even unto hi lace.
His hair baa been be
or rather himself
like a
the hobo
paid to the clerks
the United State courts,
explained that he came to
because be once served
Uncle Sam. He might have
the government at
O. The story tramp told
make with a few
exception, the king of the Char-
liars- He said that La
was on the ship when
tore the into Hinders
down in harbor Havana-
Of course, hobo slightly
injured. Ilia head was singed,
one his legs was twisted
into a dozen shapes. Tho bum
aid he was taken to Key West
and being of navy de-
to escape. story was
told with every effort to make it
appear but it might as
well have been told to a deaf man
The fellow wanted to raise
money to take him to bis
old home, Maryland.
to my he laid
she thinks I to tho
torn of tho It will be a sad
day when Willie roaches wife-
It's a long walk to and
will escape for awhile,
at News and
George H. formerly Slier-
who thought ho hail ill.
vine could fly, tried H i
the Batten District Hospital,
lye, N. Y-. Iron in-
juries and broken lug.
Material Too Raw.
The Seaboard
Line have all
protested of
Gov. usurping railroad
will the
he l
far a- i
inn-thing .--
In- u
the land.
a railroad
lei I.
. up
out -aw
ea an t-it
When the hour hand points to nine,
Have your washing on the line.
Professional Cards
W. Bond, J. L.
N. V
Ice In all i lie courts.
Swift Galloway, B. i .
Sn N N. C
Greenville, N. C
in all the
B. L.
good lid com-
n; of a poll-
lean. men .
a I . line know-
lodge of railroad the
of w-tat and
necessities of
lbs people the Other.
not nor
should they mil
hungers on for place prefer-
should know
thing of thing about which
they legislate men
Who Compose Snob a should
not be i u ii because they help-
ed ii
by which some man, or nu n,
succeeded in a
lint i very must pay for his
whistle. We arc paying for ours
cow mid a pretty dear price it is,
too. Later on Governor
and his gang corrupt
tents will be called Upon to face
nets arc
m mm.
W. Ii. I .,,. I i, .
No Washboard
same I
M By .
on Lin.
in Active Service.
Aside the danger of being
shot by war would
not an table occupation
for the North
When in active service they are
guaranteed the of their
respective grades in the United
States regular Thus a
of a North Carolina
company may De working
on a would in the
event of war, draw a mouth.
If wounded, he would get a
year additional.
Following is a table of pay for
officers up to colonel
five years of
Captain, not
First Lieutenant,
First Lieut, not mounted.
Second Lieut, mounted. 1,800
Second Lieut, not mounted.
The privates would not fare so
well, as they would be the
same footing with the enlisted
men in regular army,
a month- Ab a special
inducement, they would Do
lowed cents a day or fraction
of a day, as commutation
Borne privates in the North
Carolina make more
money in time of peace
officers. In war they
would have loss glory, less of
pay and more
I'll II. -mull, , Long,
Wellington, N. C. Greenville, N. C,
-J Attorney, Common i Law
In all
Vi. II. I., V . Iii in-i,
I v inn mt
by l at
reach the portion the cur.
There only way to
and that by
caused an Inflated ion-
of the mucous j BUB
Tube, When this tuba fall in-
Lined you bare u rumbling
It i
is result, and
unless can lie
taken nut and this tube restored to
normal condition, hearing will b de-
like cases out often
re by which is
ail the mucous
Will Hundred Dollars
any case
Cure. for
K. A CO. Toledo. O
1- are tho
by the host house-
keepers for Clothes Washing, Dish
House Cleaning.
Package Try it.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Goods, Ladies, G and
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware,
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
all kinds at the lowest price ever given
in this community. Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little money you have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
f. i. CHEREY CO.
March From
11th to tho
regular period, in
atoms of much violence lo be
anticipated. Mercury.
Vulcan, Earth and Moon are all
involved- From the 17th the
Slat fall a very decided period
thunder, wind
Do expected.
to the -7th falls a
will be to
shelter for
and boast all these
equine dial
ends u storm
Mayor Charles II. Dig.
received a on
Tim Si. Low Union Block Yard
are lo be sold In u dud el trills
mi the tin
th who arrived
New th steamer
Colon, was Sen
The sale In poll
was blown opal night
robbed in
Tho second
mute debate the
University North Carolina
lull n
I r I I
defend, Mr. Cannon staled
we had money in . i
re to the appropriation, if it
de then
fin. w presented
tin ore
borrow money or inc i
taxation, i i which an;
nation wool I have
I'd lo
The in treaties
i f . r . however, say .
ii. may not have to
I burr. v. I . but
is amply b mi I on
in it form part of
He i if tin lean of
i . by
February, 1890.
Mr. at will be n mi r-
ad, sold bond, at different
mi cum of 8202.0
and realize i mi
it is from n balance left from
proceed i f of tho-e
bond certain
demand that emergency x
will then
cot s on tn how lint present
to money in the
None the national
Ii was
u wise step. It may prove a
peace for, h
said in his
both of in
January, be prepared
for war is one of tho
let facts arc facts, and tho facts
given by Herald are well
worthy of consideration con-
tho further fuel
the already
would to but
of what we would have to expend
in COM of war, brief, nil
fuels constitute, from
moral consideration a powerful
argument against
war- tho event of war, it
only a question of time
when propositions for
would be accompanied L y
Cause Preparations.
, i ii- i-
I. i-l- r
i ii , i i
which ii I no reason .
tin i . ix J by
in., i I eons
in ii I
v i. j . ml i i-i
. ii ii
; . i. .
V i .- . I . II
i U usual luring I ;
w. i.
. . Maim
. i . i. . i in ,.
n i
;. .;., .,
v mi red h vi I j
, ii. . I
moment win ii
.; carried wind and
directly ever
been hinted and ;
in In .- II I i
lite d
HI I t
ed e . , ; .
permitted lo Ir.
Thai is understood Is hate
ti ii 1-
i in d
in ii. for a week or in in .
There is obvious reason luck .
1.1 which
l. one in . u .
a and lb
i able re are .
I cub . I.
Work tile week hos ii, .
and la ready to mi
what ha now ceased In- u
in very Inundation
; w V. Sui . in
lbs an editorial,
-dun;. 1.1 discussion
I iii-. -v made
civil war a generation It is
Hue. The in
in el lie
Males. Dirt r m
propositions to taxes, two thought
Increase at that, up, dividing
and the increase would continue ii
of years aft.
the cessation of
Lite in
Ml tho home peels are plowing
We in giving
Held lo work in.
of trouble with Spain
ail our leading are
willing to slay at homo and write
Several leading literary men
are reaping their wild oats
and preparing laud cotton
A Midnight burglar looted the
town library recently- e
ways warned the bead librarian
to keep Unit dictionary the
slate agricultural under
lock key.
literary will be
Riven off Saturday evening nest.
informs us
Unit tho victims of last
are slowly
. became ii. i in
Inter, id.
when lbs
was yd young, In
sod right argued
abundantly proved. In the .
the found wider
e Inn the
becoming involved with it, ii
mil. in d pitch n
this line. A lo war, i
iii iii ii
had ii would I. v. A mi
period. had
in the
the which gave ii birth
there no lbs
Weld. .- u, ,
cam when
it did, had to come, and now ii
aid Mechanic, tho
paper that years ago, tho
of A-
made such an excellent repulse
lion throughout the Stale, has
In en revived at us a
weekly farm home paper.
Doubtless many in this ejection
who formerly took Farmer
and Mechanic like to have
again we prepared lo
make following extraordinary
clubbing announcement
For we send The
Carolinian, of The
Farmer and Mechanic, all
a Thee
papers will give the
Lome news tho general
news and tho news, jest
think of three of them a
year for
If you want th- Atlanta Con-
added to the above list
you can get it for cents more,
or the thrice . week New York
World for other
aper or wanted con
give yon a on in con-
with Ki
up my an make
her need
air crosswise,
Spain we out;
it Iii d p-ace an plenty a
e puny
Thankful written by Kr. Ad
E. Hart, S. O, ,. taken
with u old which on my
. i set in was held at Chapel Hill lust
I could live but a
short time. iii lo my
Savior, II I
with friends on I would meet
my absent ones above. My husband
was advised to New
Discovery Coughs
gave a trial, look n
Friday night,
that tho United annex
Ii Georgia bad tho
tide tho and
ii iii tho negative
The was ably
by both
eight bottle. It baa
Trial Ire L- of
Drug store. to and
in favor of
York a bill providing n
1.1 i live r
iii e hi the Ida.
II In a law every
New lull In Will
lo the
will -ell In him.
the . i-
nil l.-l
I.- d with the id. i, l . i ,.
it i.- wild m u ,,.
Mil-. Hi lie dim
hue Prof, William ti.
who only lady who ever
Ala ,
The Journal my at
I ii jumped I
and w a dog
Hind, i I. ii
ii dropped deed -literally i
shore will ;
lay her on table, I'll
her up ;
-She ain't seen any them
with Lee,
k me.
one old,
COld ;
it what they
I km a better in
that laded coal gray I
I is well git ready I ho
ii c me i
b Idle till I hear no
is my
Mart tin- tray,
h I band piny an
V. I. Si in
In -I in III,. . Cull
Son . Hall
I r Son . rotter, I II
i Kr
required II . . i I i
i i Ion or m
cent box. tor
to. b Wooten.
Ham's Him n BlOatS.
The bates a good book.
true prophet is seldom n
prophet to bis own people,
conscience is
is ready fur settlement.
If stolen bum,
would be tome hot
A mini without a creed some
kind, is a without a moral
As loin; as devil
Christian must
I i
speaking to an-
other, another.

Greenville, N. C.
D. J. Site
K at post mt G
N . as second mail master.
u If,
It mis a month this morning
battleship Maim- was blown
up in H. v. .
Tin- wile Thurston,
who of the Con-
puny to firm
to did in
and WM on Saturday -fill-
to President Tin- ox
change of between tin U was
very both the
to maintain a friendly relation between
flu two
kinds Sensational reports
lab continue to
our lite comity. Tin lakes ate
one day a-id denied tin- next,
They only to till up the
papen keep the country at a
pitch i Tin- past
week really stowed no new
nu-M except
war made by the
II war should be it d this
country is now about ready to hold up
her i ml et the The report of
the Coast of Inquiry u Hid In
the lands of the and
l; Jo public.
lie Southern Sentiment.
time. real,
altitude toward attitude that
worked lie up to I
u i itch that the determination to I
thrash Spain ha, become universal a trip
North that
. , , . , invent of foreign war section
Senator s. Arkansas, voiced ,,,.,, , ,
the aW unanimous ,, Jo July b the
he raid concerning the Southern sec-
report that a had been i
with a view to about
between and the yesterday on
bis way lo Washington from
Cuba, and after a Florida
--I do not think
then It anything in Ike report, i
would be cue the most foolish ran South.
or other administration to a of
ever undertook. In place, we Observer the sense of his
Is not need to conduct extreme gratification in the know-
W are able to he bad that
and an nice people are to
some other power, particularly situation give
other the , cf their readiness to bear
their of any trouble that
The Filled
The Record
NEW YORK FIRE It would be bard for our
distinguished base-ball
b. to have to divide newspaper
. u I with our naval
Men whoso faces have heroes. an
to reporters between the fleets headed --Poor North
headquarters through United and o.-
berry to the steps leading; to their armies ashore-if we -The in,.
the basement of white possibly enlist as much , . , ,.,.,.,,,. ,, ,
of the central office about attention as J;
games ball. And in s will b. by the
of the people, it may be expected . -t blow given to North Carolina,
that general or admiral of
ours who a signal victory i . . ,
. to its real
over enemy may become as, , .
much a hero as any of ct th-
our own
take care
i 11-
Washington March 14.1808,
The end of Mils nasty
is row in a fairly
placed a. Mr.
the has conn-
out open its
and no time is now bung lost in
getting together the lighting material
that will be necessary to enable us to
drive tin- of every loot of
American territory, Mr.
criticism wait-
so long to get started along lie-
right road, it is overlooked now, and
he is given he deserve
the energetic in which he is
The e is
being put upon a war fooling i the
nave been on a war footing
would be especially repugnant to the
el this country. I am
d, is nothing in it. and it there
was, and it should to the
as it doubtless would be. that
I., would not it.
Tl bad supposed that the tight
again.-. tie confirmation the
V. Power-, t b
price of stumping
Presidential over
were not well It I
waged quite briskly, and one th-
is an adverse
Senate Committee on
on tie- n, ard Pow.
opponents express confidence
that tie y t In the
Senate to ratify the Committee's ad-
verse report. now hold-
the office r a s
having succeeded his
to compel a the
,, ,. , , ., All good of the
House Committee
Hirer lo
Harbor bill et this session, Democrats tins
cf Alabama, has OM to rid the
a Mil of
lo be expended the have i
may arrive. The
of e Observer tells that
there are now on tile
from companies for admission
into State Guard The
is of course lo
tho likelihood of with
The sign -tie
over one way and they are very
being gratifying. The South is rot
eager for vat, but it
its responsibilities as well as
s o a part of tho Amer-
it will not
if car
proud lo be a to say of
Slate is this more tine than
o'clock each morning. Tho door
on its binges and the men
They turn to the left in
dark a second
turn in the same brings
them into tho little room outside the
telegraph office, in blah dis-
played as soon as received the slips
from the various police stations and
skeleton form the new s of
The men care nothing the
brief announcements of murders,
crack or who
have lately basked in sunlight
cf tho smile.
It has been that in
law fixing the State
salary at the words
. are omitted,
thefts and the other j fore by law Father Worth is
deuces of criminology. What they j entitled to only a year for
are after are which describe i bis tour term. Ho says he
the tires of tho night. They lire j thinks he is entitled to a
adjusters, these early visitors, and year and will continue to draw
it is a unique business which they that amount,
have fostered and developed. They
of the War, the con-
and Harbor improve-
menu already b -gun, In log
given to which can be b -t op r-
-luring the r sud tall
IV do bis
accept to go into
Democratic primaries, and
in the of
delegates to conventions and
nominations of can-
None will wait for, or
best to get his bill but it be influenced or any
the chances of he
are rather him , ma, have for negotiating a trade
A of Spurious Dollars
a sale of
voters, Tho and
recognizes the situation.
Denver, Col. March
city and other cities In
have been Hooded With
silver dollar-.
such close
of the genuine coin that it is
almost impossible to detect them,
and even Government experts
frequently at a loss lo choose
I false the get-
e. Tl e situation is so tenons
that lbs has made if
j subject of
bong's regarding
President a new device for
himself bus any information as to what . j, g
the Naval Court In-1
Be knows under
West leadership they have
been traded into giving to
m they have since the
day of the
the lie will not be
misled again. Ho knows
that only through Democrat-
organization can relief
and therefore every one
such will, of his own volition
with the Democratic
and with it to
the turn of good government in
State, and the
overthrow of the
will be, so long as i no lei
in preparations to be in a
net promptly on that
which cannot lie delayed much longer.
Th re isn't the lightest doubt that
will show that the Maine
destroyed by an outside explosion,
Mr. M v has not
so known, be Intended to
COUple with the s
Spain on the Maine,
should he free,
he lies his intention to in
some way the two things. II
he wishes to set In with the
dominating In be
will certainly b-lie means
letting Spain know Maine
demand is mads ibis
has the condition of
in Cuba just as long as in-
tends to, that Spain does not i-t
one- voluntarily
of Cubs, the United will
the Cubans lores her to
Tin- on this subject among I
n Is plain sad and
practically all one way.
new Spanish Minister talks as
though the most important be-
tween Spain tin- United Slates
was the negotiation a reciprocity
commercial treaty, and he
the representatives the
of who will
have charge the the
during the lo reach
Washington in a few days. No
believes that such a farce us
lei a reciprocity treaty be,
under existing circumstances, will be
allowed to begin by
an. the Minister i probably only in-
in such the purpose of
trying to impress us the peaceable
cl Spain toward us. He is
dollars of
i- in in
All I bat have been found bear
the mark of tho New Orleans
Mint, lower immediately
under the eagle, and ate dated
It is believed that
coins are made somewhere in
It is every citizen's to
bomb merchants and
not attached to any insurance
company, vet by years of at-
to business they are
as and as
called frequently into court
in trials
Who originated business no-1
body seems lo know, but there is a
tradition to that more than
a generation ago a man whose home
bad been damaged by lire bad some
difficulty in collecting his insurance-,
was quick to tho plight
of others placed ii. a similar
and, being aggressive, he de-
to act as an intermediary
in matter of s- tire losses,
depending a percentage fee for
his trouble.
Other men entered tho Held from
time to time At this time more
than a of shrewd, observant
men are engaged in adjust lire
losses. They do Di t like to describe
their methods. Tho field is limited
even for s city as largo as New-
York, and if more men should en-
gage in tho business receipts
would be less each individual.
In brief, however, they no about
their work much tho following
The round up of a night
may be a dozen fires. Each slip
states the number of box,
when received, Cause of the lire, it
known; damage estimated and if in.
sured. Tho moo divide the work of
the morning us beat they can.
o'clock the little band has scattered,
but later other adjusters
take up tho as fast as they
are recorded.
It a notable fact that many
sons who losses by lire, es-
in the lower east of
town, exaggerate tho damage done
almost invariably, the lire ad-
juster, with bis years tit training to
guide him, is to make an
partial Arrived
tho scene of tho lire,
the names of the insured
and titles of tho
thorn, lie explains the object
of his hut, and the insured, being
to have tho loss settled as
as possible, is only too will-
to consent to pay adjuster's
companies too, are ready
to accept the knowing
from experience that the adjusters
experts their business and
will see that justice is to the
several contracting parries.
As a rule the adjusters prefer to
pass damage done by large
The small ones are too
and a from the
company can adjust them
Mrs. Whitney
of bur. has been
admitted to practice
t c keenly not only practical
el the now dominating its
politics, but alas realize the u
that policy may have upon outsiders
who would help to develop
Use agencies
in North is u railroad
months it has been
e in a way not
advantage to the State.
Where it merely -.-. case
disputes boot spoils sensible
only disgust. Hut at its last
session it aimed a blow at the
t to p ,,. b-v Hal means available
At one mow it passed order
TO CO-BE A IN ONE passengers rates on the
Air Una and the Southern to
ct-. the
I it
e Tab
Is hereby given to George
agent lot Mr-. Parlor.
Sermons, f. a. Alfred
Jr. Mid
ad persona Interested, on
Thursday, March INS, I will lie
at Home of the Aged and
a competent Surveyor
tin- purpose of hieing the boundary
line- --1 the lands belonging to the
county surveyed.
order the Hoard of
W. at.
March 7th. Chairman.
Notice of Dissolution.
The firm of the Greenville Supply Co.
d. W. and W. F.
Morrill Is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, P. Morrill withdrawing
the J. W. Will O
the business tinder the same
assumes and all
arc to I e laid to bus.
This -J-.
J. W.
W. r.
two one half cents and
two cents per mile.
in the face
absolute that a reduction of ex-
rates would cripple the railroads.
Its may be better com-
when it is known that North
has a population thirty,
duct to the mile, and that the
only other roads in the country on.
which the of tare is as low as that
for class on in North Caro-
under the new ruling are those in
Island, which la- a population
I lo the square mile ; the main
line of the New in New
York, which has a population
to the MUSTS mile, three in
Massachusetts, There are twenty
States hiving a greater density of pop-
than North There
are one States and four Terri-
having higher tares.
density population and
cl pursuits the people to
railroad travel should be factors in de-
th passenger rates on rail-
roads The North Carolina
has apparently made tie rankest
the basis of
making. The result will leach
people the State the danger of en-
duties to men
willing to heed reasonable
Two Tramps With Talent.
A of
were chatting in a North
to greatest saloon one
i practicable extent. The or
woman who orders from forth
or ether places goods can
be as
as at home, is doing an
Injury to the community to
himself or home
merchants pay taxes, employ
help support the
gives the fol-
lowing advice; Let
good Democrat in every
ship constitute a
use it
every to
s when called, and lake
part in delegates to
various nominating conventions.
The only required is, d
bat said thus goes
the himself , clones, etc., to benefit
to abide the resell and vole with
the II ii it- to redeem the
and charitable institutions, and
are part of tho community, and to
are entitled to the
, ,
State from
asks its
to urge this course good
Democrats, Lot all go to work.
c immunity, are to the
preference above homo mer
who and
refuse to part
Winston Pres
Mouse Can Do
A little girl p New
school screamed at sight of a
out of the room, the teachers
ordered a tire drill, a alarm
was rung in. distracted parents
fought to enter the building and
save their children from the
supposed And all for
one small mouse, g
man that dares to laugh at tho
fear a
lie-, Journal.
Notice of Dissolution.
Tin- Hi in of T. M. Moors to Aw,
business at If, C, Was
dissolved by sow sent
.- u the In
I. M. Moore In All
per-ons owing the are direct f, to
the to W. M. Moore. i Ins
-lay of
T. M. MO
W. M. Ml ORE.
listing purchased lbs lateral t f -r
M. Iii i r, i J.
above, I wish in Inform all
of tin- firm that I will ,
tin- same stand wit ,. , ,.,.
rte -lock
solicit a e
patronage. y, u, v
a tough looking, specimen of tho
genus hobo the and
lbs at bar.
He was unkempt, and
the effect of years of constant tip-
was apparent in the col-
of his nose. In a very husky
Weary Willie voice asked if ho
and his pal might entertain the
crowd. being grant-
ed, he went ti the door and called
out, Tho crowd was
amused to looking
in and
stand by side. With a
short lion oddly assort-
ed pair went to work and displayed
ante really feats in
legerdemain, particular
proving very mystifying. This was
to allow an- person to take his own
penknife and plunge the blade into
arm or leg in any spot
be pleased, After repeated encores
mind reading wee to, a
really one exhibition was given.
After this one of the who
was us n magician, drew
pair and tried to bargain
secret of the The
men wouldn't tell, and aft-
had they
-1 ., i.
her foot with his
ii his heart
with tho Bane light love,
won that ho never would rise until
be the suitor of
fair i Isn't I hat beautiful I
It ,, of i a- time w m u
ll-iii. sod lo m
Th i Id upon that
i nil., in you j
have Hock Butter,
Canned Goods,
Paper Hags and many other things
to numerous to mention. Send as your
order-. Mail orders receive prompt at-
Agents for Standard Oil Co
ft Co.
as Reported
Cotton Buyers.
Greenville, N. C.
Cotton sold it. S
reeled by i, M.
per lb to
Sugar f--ed to I'M
Corn to Si
Flout, lo 8.711
Salt pet Back to
Eggs i
EDWARDS Proprietors.
At late Court
i in all kinds of
New Buggies a specialty
All kinds repairing done- We use skilled and good
material prepared to you work.
Dry Mi, Notions, Shoes, Hats
------and celebrated------
Eagle Brand Fine Shoes
Call and see are invited to inspect
my stock and the low prices.
M H.
-----DEALER IN-----
I will the best goods and
will them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H
Next door to Griffin Jeweler. THE LIVE
We are now taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
Flues ready tor in v.
We do all kinds
repaired promptly.
-----DEALER IN-----
Heavy and
goods kept constantly on
hand. Country produce
and sold. A trial will con e
g. K
A General; Horse
nice line
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by Brown,
to see
not nil go Way
We are
Making it
Hot for Hard Times.
You can't feel poor
when see our goods
and prices What,
your dollars may be
we will
make them
go mush farther.
Mt Sunday Tm-
.,, o, . .
J. V. and l. J, t
of wen- Ii- -i
Mrs. M. lit Ibis
for to bet
K. of
aM visiting tin- J. A.
P-n, Mrs. town.
J. U Cox, Bryan Gardner, C. P.
S. V.
up on
march IS.
lie vi on
Values were never so low as now
Men Boys
Hats, Caps, Gents Furnish
etc. The complete-
our stock
tees everybody
Come and see this choice fine
honest qualities, qualities
and learn why sensible, will clear your
people prefer to spend last doubt away
their money with us. Our Come and see.
Frank Wilson.
an Old
For time time old
In- I- -ii Con-
lot mar corner
Beads some
marled to go play in
and upon opening the door a
, ad man in it. They informed
grown people who -vent to make an ex
of the which proved to
be Peyton, n colored man.
has tor some time been a
worthiest character town
and it m-i an that he had been using
old as a sleeping place. It is
Opposed that he died during but night
. . keeper's ail
tries blooming.
Sunday n like n summer day.
There in more opera house here
row than Greenville had in some
Dot Comedy Company
showed three nights ban week left
Hooky Mount.
Parker, the Kinston r,
Una bis up near Five Points.
Attention it called to the notice to
by O. If. Mooring, Trustee
of J. II. Sons.
is here
the week. These
clans In Greenville.
hull gone,
Ore tiny the over.
was u pretty for tho rues.
Not many people were here today for
the races,
Cannon Cloth just Hi
Lung's Cash House.
Dozen at
B. M.
The fellow who bets on a horse d
loses tees what a dunce ho is.
The woman who does everything
with her went lo Kinston Tuesday
the to draw out to
the track it has looked mighty quiet up
is gelling time the county Demo-
convention was culled lo select
delegates to Slate convention.
married a month, and
she left he swore
is a
and she drew a
Lost Hut
to this
i lo take for Baltimore,
Mrs. Cherry lost her purse. The
loss was not discovered until
train time, but a messenger was hurried
buck to her home to see if it been
there. Before the messenger got
hack Mr. J, S. Jenkins ran up mid
placed the purse in Mrs. Cherry's hand
just in time her to lake the train
Ho bad picked it up on the street and
finding the owner's a
hurried on lo give it to her. Be-
sides money and papers the purse eon
a handsome diamond pin,
Mr, finding it was
lunate for the owner.
It ink-s a rich man to draw a deck,
a girl to attention,
lb v. x. hit Has Burning
Mrs. M. F. of rs,
is visiting Mrs. It. L. Smith
W. I. lies gone to Norfolk,
the boys say In jab
W. J. Cornell is quite sick at Ike
E. it where be
e. alter a
dais at borne, left m
Miss Eva die
of X. II left
morning for Henderson.
Miss Kate Harvey, of Kinston, win
has been n days wild
Mrs. R. IV. Kin, lift this morning for
Fin.-1 Mat. 12th,
loll IS i.- as
But here I am. all K. as
u ii. Ii. I the T-
for last w k. I bad a desire t.
at Indians, and I can . L
they are i people when
you get close to them them
I spent two days at South
day at a- d
bad not rain I
Jan. l-I, hut as as I got
and rained until I'll.
were delighted, and when
they i th-
and the rain with
Tm II L ; .
i i .
.; i iv
j . i
i. Hi,
with Span
I in. K. r
strong . ;. .
rs . ;.
I tor o
at my old . Ii
. la 1- i om
unless go u ; i.
whip th, Spaniard
t mi
t .
v I, up
of the
L-to Bonus
la 1-
c a .
I l.
aLe or
i i In 1-
the past.
; mm
until I
rs, l and
old i i my
to M-n iii i t. set lull r-. It
who could the . I
The recently
a Stale news item a
in county ail
whose begin with Its letter
A who taught school in
and knows the family
sends us a corrected list the
Clements is the of and
are mimed as
any have been added to the
then they have run
down lo letter alone.
the not tho only
in tor our
lolls us that named
the upon
horse to draw a cart, a porous plaster lo
draw the akin, a toper to yet another family, named
cork, Show to draw a crowd, thus their children
and an in lo ,
Ibis pusses well
J. W.
a days age from Springs.
Ur. Morgan has bees confined to his
Frank Chick's
company, in ibis
has tin town his
Frank is tho as when
he used to in and it
keeps bustling I get
enough lo shake bands all his
Norman went u Plymouth
B. Washington, is in
Dr. II. Johnson,
today lure.
S. of Pin-town, in
Tuesday evening
J. A. Pope, spent
hole hulking alter
Beta mid Ells Nobles
Mrs M. I.
Mrs. F. W. Brown and left
this in visit relatives at Ply.
m -nib
P. Smith returned Tuesday
from his northern trip. He
alter new goods,
Mrs. J. J. Mrs. J.
II. Cherry and Miss Martha
left morning for
Mrs. l B. of
came Tuesday evening to visit
family her lather, J, L, Daniel,
Mrs. II. I. and
Wilmington, Tuesday
lo visit relatives. They at present
home of her brother, F. G.
J. mes.
commissioners of
buy,, decided to use -i machine on
There arc now patients in the
Cherokee county wants the govern-
to pay the court house,
was destroyed by tire dining the war.
Mr. Bud Chestnut Hill,
Is all smiles- Mr. Mrs. Morgan
been married yours and a
child Inn just come lo
their Sun.
About two miles from Henrietta
N. C, early yesterday morning,
Mr. John Green, township lo.
to arrest a
Blake. As soon the heard of
the business opened lire with
a pistol. The constable tell lo his
knees, mortally wounded, but drew
pistol firing three at the
lull which look ore bull
ling his heart, killing him
Salisbury Sun.
I.; am a man v.-i could
not stand that, so I while I n-
hail b
so with n you, and you
want rain again I. t me, It.
Talk but the
beats If a
I would mike a million dollars
in less than -r-
tin- rain there a wind
light It took ten women to a
skin over a Tin
soil is dark and you could hardly i i
while man all or what
kind of you on. J lad
ways been told that a mall . a
peck dirt during It's . to
tin- would lathe to
shut up or was
But for fact that I palled loll
eh- rd lit curt-tins back the
Blight hive bean a dead e
ere this, an-1 you
from your rambling friend.
I don't think as much you as I
return- d
you promised as as
editor did to send mu int
i. in mi;. Not a Lave
hear-1 you -m-i I as you
lion end now looking a job with
Undo San- to Spaniards.
Well, you are in whipping S
and will do I have no say
and don't care a for a
as he his from lb .
late Pitt, say to and am
Let us break in here lo
assure I be Colonel dial hale
trying In Tin. t-i
but Could not it him
Indian Territory winds
North Carolinians every day
or are clover, and
say I am I Pitt we
a does
to know everybody dunks tin-
of Pitt U ahead all It would
not b- lair t.- particularize as to my
North out here,
to say of one . the cleverest cl
Pitt county boys would asking
much me. John Ii. is a rush
boy that We should all I, proud
of simply like a Ches-
tall, and
lbs gay bird that makes the
beans of lb- lair sex They nil
lull In with him say it b-
they can't help it In
lie is success, up ducats an I bus
to burn- saw a more
courteous, chivalrous, splendid
type --I Southern gentlemen m your
I meal one day and
of my A. A-
Malory, Ferris, in
Balls, in 1804 a crop la I,.
bales el Mr. Malory and
his brother arc genuine Tar heels, from
own large landed
interests r-o the
I re tic soil is
lo feet deep and as black your
hut. He took in a thirty
over the prairie hinds, and in hot-
I saw stalks of last
re HI hi t high and s
thick you c mid drive a yoke of
through They cut down
with u hush This sounds bra
hut it is word true, would
it II had
seen all know never told
in my I In,, old beg
on and Tex lauds,
That hunt i- IS risk they try-
to thing it
so It such weed.
Wheat is linking i m the territory
and a large Stop is
I nut a law schoolmate lion.
M. who lie- use
Dick A. Dillard's law Ho
to Territory and
as a Methodist is doing
lino. Ilia name Cameron,
Cutting at
. a Grifton
whit mar, was i
badly , m n
Charles drunk aid
stubbing in J-.;., con.
lit.-ii i- . ii-
I-. I- placed .
. 14-
J I . . .
i Sunday iii
many l- ml
It i. by .
f . ll
an allowed th
the lows lid- week. A
them followed the m ; here and are
; games open and
. i . . d
I.-. big . ,., , . d Tl .-
law ought ugh I.
and -I I
red to such
, beware The
p. r i lo
tIn-- games
.-I i paper in Oregon
Tho P. party i
o i f million
To I t.- victor in ;.
ii a i
millions. Fr mi
it draw times
present strength From tin- Brynn
Nit. You'll gel Bryan
.-i. other y-
LOW aid
require more to
i i-i saddle You a-- mod-
neighbor. You
million absorb five You
want to to
Y-iii do ii.
ii ii. i-
slue show cl a party d
out way will
run over. It would
you to little on
big Demo and then you
ho in tie- Bi
next not as .-.
bat fellow I. -or-. You've t
die you
as well make up your mind it
As lb . i .
-I i ; will useless rears,
i m there,
-1 steel that
. .-
t who m Is i i-
Saturday toil . i , in
I It was the only mar
i be several
Aid ,; . . as it
will -.-
lemon . thimble that
an i i used wear.
their work. . . , . , , , ,
inion -ii i her
here L a id man.
i . her I toil aid
gem on the
cl lady
buy sued that
my m r u.-ed to
they t i-. t is i
lat lam I i Bill Nye on
i . ii i
out I to
per. . . . .,
o rs, o-
i ;. i any ard
. i. , don't fool I
i n will i
tin- . or iv r
If v y. m- . . v.;. .
luck is a . ., j i, i.
edit . .; ;. ,
km k i Into a o i. I
He'll j and
. . . J I .
. kip . in. i mother's
. you for I i.
guide my wayward in
Tl . II. path trail, and right.
y i . no pap .,.,,., ,, . , .
r, . .
. . ii. . v. . i e'er I i n.-r
Will b oil thimble that
s moves off my uses lo
,. . I
. v-
I she lies
a y
. am to
tend-l as I
bow- in prayer
A I i old Steel that
my to wear.
April 1894.
But our Goods came in first. We
the arrival
Moods, Wash
Shin Silks,
every other kind
Look at our Girdles and Ornaments.
Baby Mine
Every mother
fouls an
the pain and
most critical
i a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but
u no and
danger of the
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women tin- great pain
incident to maternity;
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the is re-
moved by its use. hose who
this remedy are no
or gloomy; nervousness
nausea other distressing con-
avoided, system is
made ready for the coming event,
the serious accidents so com-
to the critical hour arc
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. m a to woman.
money talks. We make it talk for us
i buying at inside prices, and we
give our customers the advantage of it. We
want to do business with you. We buy our
right and we them right and treat you
k Received
A nice lot of
The winter is most
gone with it must
go all the
PUn nil
or . , a receipt of
In t
t i i mi will i -i
we have stock, so
now time to make
Big Bargains. have
not space to any
prices hero but simply
John Kelly's
tho Ladies.
i. ., Cl
say they are

In u t
petty the well known
contractors, I
Pond, caterers lo Vic-j
exhibition, were I
at the instigation of the Kensington
vet-try for selling a of brandy
and two sample of which
were not of the nature, substance,
and quality of the article demanded, i
The defense set up was the
one that one u bar-
maid had emptied into the brandy
and decanters the
of i of and i
water left OB the counter by m-
. into the sup- TO MAKE FaRMS BEAUTIFUL,
he Kensington the vino. I he
F. A
of pun hand. The
inflicted a penally of Apart
from the fact that the spirit wire
adulterated, the empty-
the leaving of
into the vessels holding the
spirit for public supply is a disgust
and filthy and dangerous one.
and the vestry of Kensington de
serve the unqualified thanks of the
public for the action which they
you in the adage,
ere. In the the other sample, have wings
tho m of replied the who is
a complaint huh had bean made worried by the trusts; that
to that the the liar mi- doesn't prevent th.
w- t y. to man now and
. m
What Is It
It is a picture celebrated
use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
How Ham
Many Canal and homesteads hare
a desolate a . U-cause the
odd lorn-Ts and are
left grow up in
barren the
winter. It is too the that
whatever plots of land an
able, for cultivation because of their
or inconveniently
situated are left in this wild
and the of an other-
wise well kept farm or beautiful
In a report on
issued by the
j T
foreman of forestry,
i suggest ions as how these
t spots may he made
j productive. Mr.
matter how small the plot of ground
or how situated, there it
why it should lie eyesore. It is
t his of every nook, corner
and cranny and the making two
blades of grass to grow where a
j weed grew before that has
rural England so to the eye
so pleasing to the
i sense. The agricultural and
I in England, where the
little farms are to the very
i have been as
There seems to be no good
reason why rural districts of
New Jersey, New York and of ether
states could not made equally at-
tractive and
Mr. has utilized all
these- waste places about the offices
and buildings of the forestry depart-
at Experimental farm.
In his report he thus writes the
improvement of odd CUT Bert
laud adjacent to the office
and other buildings, which has been
to the cultivation of
mental trees and shrubs, looked bet-
tins year than ever before, As
the trees increase in size from year
to year the landscape more
beautiful. The effects also the
grouping are more apparent and
And Then Went Out and
Cold Mine.
round a
That Will Interest Our Head
A deep rich yellow called
is a favorite shade this
Dr. R. L- came up
from Gold Hill this morning tells
us of the means by which f
Charles a poor country
youth who lives two miles
from lit. has fair pros- i sot in
of becoming a man fashionable
wealth, ornaments for hats.
mated about two
week ago he that there
was gold on his firm, n little
obscure patch of rocky
endeavored to rel-
to go in with bun make
a refused,
nod he induced another
tho and
summer. The broad-brimmed
black bat be
by several
Without brat making every-
thing else. God hare been
without language with which to
speak to men-
The left Fide decoration will
party to go in with him- The only it I not
doctor thinks the discovery will
yield the boy a small fortune. winter.
rich vein has been struck
I high as dining the
the laud of Mr. K- J
Gold Hill. It is that
the veil will lead to
rich discoveries
has a nice assortment Fountain
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens I
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap are.
You may never,
But should you ever
Want Job Printing
to see us.
Job Printing
Anything from
The Daily Reflector
ought lo be.
homo news
afternoon at the
rice of cents a
Are you a sub-
The Eastern Reflector.
Is only
contains the
a year. I
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
the subscription price.
boar freely their yellow, red,
scarlet, purple and black fruits,
which still further heightens the
The flower borders and
were a of from early in
the summer to late in the
gladioli asters
particularly tine. More hedges have
been planted and some small
areas sealed down. The tins
shrubs planted daring the last
two seasons now add much to
the attractiveness of this
The foreman also calls attention
to u lure number and
shrubs suitable for hedges and
mental purposes. He now has s
of u different species. Among the
ornamental treat Mr. men
turns several beautiful varieties
Japan and China, Rich as the
the tree, the Japanese
quince and the beautiful
maidenhair brae, or
writing of the result
of this utilizing of all small plots,
number of specimens
which have been planted along tho
roads from the gates to
about the building is the
of and varieties
among these is about With so
many different of beauty
spread out baud tho-visitor
finds of interest to claim his
attention at
In many places on the farm fruit
could ha used so that they
Would be at objects of beauty
and profit Evan in the smallest
plots and corners tho and
stones could be by flowers,
to tho delight and mental
improvement of those who pass
their lives tho
Ti nit's.
Sir Frank
Sir Frank began
cross examining a lady with a few
irrelevant questions to put her oft
her guard. This would have
very well if. witnesses, -h,
had meekly submitted, lit up.
set everything with you
think that is a very
Sir Frank
my ho
think it
In a breach of la
once tho jury with
gentlemen, cannot think
that this charming lady's
forever blight
ed. Surely not one of you could In
enough, if single, to lie
to the of so at
a lady. myself nm no
long r you
lie Son
too hard said
the old colored brother,
sons by
is liable get fooled. tell
on But
ft-r He
land, all his money,
en he have
else go, en he good
he come home
en de
but what you reckon de men
say.- sou, no
veal de do
de calf, fer do
bought on
is done been
took back. I is
glad you come,
tor write you
he continued,
sou de day
wear out he welcome; he
can't ten de man no
An Constitution.
s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
arc invariably
by derangements of die
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
Are from all other
medicines. Each performs
specific duty, thus doing
drastic purgatives and curing by the
Mild Power
One Pink Pill touches the liver, re-
moves the bile, the
moves the The
Tonic docs the rest.
Hare oner Sample at any More.
Brown Co . N V
Many of the newest shapes have
d brims.
Picture bats are not as popular
toques or Tue mt-st
thing about the latter II
the novel effects lb roll-like .
that finishes the
This style of is apt to
give a appearance to a
summer hat. but it is becoming
and strictly correct, nevertheless.
Flower crowns arc the lop
lets are tho favored for
. a
The hat, designed
especially for the a la
of the winter will be conspicuous
by their absence.
will lavishly
used as than Tho
smartest ones are made of
doubled, with a cord shirred into
the outer edge.
On the most fashionable hats
only one or two colors ire
although two or
shades of colors
Notice of Dissolution.
The Arm of Ricks A hive this
The liver is the great
in the mechanism f at.
man., and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
Bristol, R. I. has I old
who recently celebrated his
birthday by driving
his horse over a stretch
twenty The horse is
twenty-six years oil. tho
owner claims that he is tho as too
Hind o his age New j look and crude.
Tho wagon which this record,
breaking drive was taken is twenty
years old. the harness was
years ago-
i f n In
Milton, Ids i in Artist.
His brain was not an empty con-
stored with none
devotion. It
round with the
and garlanded with ivy.
Within the walls of his
s no had bean
permitted but Unit of the
In the or
brain, entirely devoted n
wee to n Biblical form
there were Hotel
one vast
organ bu p i
position was among
ho was mi artist and yet among art
a tin
f will -Inf
A of
I. bast . inn smiles you
Ire of a has
will wall you sob ii
Will with the
A inn of it south rod.
i blood had
ft imps
With a sin's despair.
I will moan yen a a horrible
with las
A an am of .-i n
lip. with fright
a of Tit light
With a
y.-u a
Which with the
A n -mil w
toll n-j.
ii r-y
With a
-A. H. in Ta-i Century.
Hoped to
Ho walked Into the
with a nervous air and tried to look
as if he Were quite accustomed to
that sort of thing, Ho
the in search of some-
thing and seemed perplexed.
nice pair, that, observed the
shopkeeper as he saw
tho young man still
couple of chimney ornaments.
what all the relatives and
the young
man, blushing a red.
did you know about it
they always
stammered the proprietor, taken
aback. he added,
himself, u married man
said the custom
you can help me. If
you bad a cradle- I mean,
if it was- you expected
that is, if they were morn than
you you
one would or would one be ton
small for- two, and ought to buy
one for each; shall have more ex-
of that kind of Hangar
time goes on. of
It is said Hi's in a
With i Will in less
than live so is the
Steel and Kilt ornaments are
considered as modish as tho
jet. are only
for evening wear and
even then they inn. I used
of thorn
Au odd pretty around
a grown of sienna is three
rows of beads.
Notice to Creditors.
I. G. V. busts certain
dead trust to me on land
I. II. W. K.
and M. A. trailing
the area J. H.
Son, notify all of
sail or creditor of either
Arm to
on or the
and file with fie
trustee en
or before the data, II any end-
nor Nil la Hie claim a above
stated will pleaded in bar
of an participation in the dividend or
d. arising fr mi the of the
a- This notice It given by
order of MM,
Taft will continue same a
under name of
Tail. All due the are to
he paid to said Ricks Tail who also
March. 7th, j, A
A. II.
velvets t
pa-see for millinery.
The sailor shape, both trimmed
and save far the lib-
band, will as prom-
a bead covering this season
The edict of for
is tho
for hat trimming shall be
the lilac, violet
and will be used
No II for
Ins his title
in return her, and yet he
was turned ; from
the man's conduct it
he to
rt. ILLS., Not. is,
Co. Ho.
. f
I so, year, la ml
, t II rear., in Ilia urns I.,. runs
-o mi an e . . ii in.,, i , MUs
S Ivor
I- i i
We have at t received a
hearse the nicest line of Co
tins and in wood,
lie and cloth over brought
is ah forms.
Personal attention given toe,.
ducting funerals and en-
trusted to our care will receive
of reaped.
Our prices are lower than
do not want monopoly
We can be found at any and I
times the John
Buggy Co's building.
the public
fur their liberal hi
I lie past we solicit a of the
in the
W. II.
Notice to Creditors.
duly the I u-
l a
of the of
I- Bell deceased, Is
given to
the estate to make immediate payment
lo the to all
of raid estate to present their claims,
properly authenticated, to
twelve alter the
late this or this notice will
la- plead in liar their
This the lib day
the of I Hell
Old Mae
Steamers leave
for touching stall land-
on Tar
Friday at A. M.
Returning leave at A. M,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville A. M. same days.
These are subject to stage
of water on Tar
at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and Boston.
order their goods
via Dominion tram
New York. from
folk A Baltimore Steamboat
rum Baltimore. --Merchants Miner
SON. Agent,
I. Oil
and Trade Marks obtained sod all Pit-
j -me less
, or With
ti -a. We if or Out. Ins
Our n.
A M-w to lain with
mat in ti-c U. S.
Mia lice.
om. d. c.
Dealer In
Fort, Sis,
and i
year's supplies will It to their
It to get our prices I r
Our stock Is .
Flour, Sugar,
at lowest market
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar
bay direct fro ii ill mill t
stock n
and sold at
suit limes. Our goods
and sold for
rise to ran We sell at a close
a- m. .
J G.
Wire and Iron Fencing
only work
prices reasonable.
The Stock complete in
every department and
prices as low as the low
est. Highest market
prices country
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year in Advance.
in the
A was tho
river off Fort Anderson Saturday
by Mr Fails, n well
Mr. Fails was fishing with a
ii-l and ranch to hi
soil up
tho little f. Ho
fought and Mr.
was to kill before
cop Id subdued. He
hi- up to market this
g was the of
attraction for a carious crowd.
The rial w Tl
prime am the
skin Mr- mil have lac-
lo be so away from
his native is Hie
Mr- Fails
and u. l i saw it. us this
is first instance one of
species icing around
waters. Wilmington
A Word Wall Husband-.
It or if
only d. hew
mini.- rt -i-l i-
ho Baby.
story is of a
father. baby was bis first
and be wanted to weigh it.
a be exclaimed,
are the
The domestic up an old
fashioned pair, and the proud
young father assumed of
the operation-
try it at eight he
said, sliding the weight along the
beam at that figure.
won't do. weighs ever
much more than
the weight along
notches further-
be said.
weighs more than
He set the baby the scales
down and rested himself a mo-
baby I eve
panted, resuming weighing
process. and a
This thing won't weigh her. See
sixteen lust notch, and she
jerks it up like a Go and
get a big pair of scales at some
neighbor's. I'll bet u tenner that
the weighs ever twenty pounds
ho shouted, into
the next
baby this
did you weigh her
inquired the young mother.
the old scale the
on those only
replied quietly
me baby,
i i i-
is not
, or I.
A South street clothier's sign an.
Professional Cards
W. W.
In all the
B. i
N t. N.
I I ill.-. K. c
in all the
over J. C,
N. C. N.
at Law
In all Courts.
W. n. R W.
of lion.
Of ;
in To i.
J lit- v
r Volvo. i-
in h
e h- ab
rs. I-
j-t M Of low i-
; look l -i
ii in s
p i bl-
place l ;
i Mi, and fairly .
r Inn Mill enough
to mm
many a weary day, perchance, ere
it fa
i BO lit will n
her over
l-r kind I If is
read her and the may
lo hut one U
Human All
love or u
ii a certain
r. She may love bar r
MS so ill daily
lie s tail
to her lot that a
more u, for
fur to
h-art hut
duty mo.-;
that, would not tor whole
exchange places,
with any
and old
tin price her freedom
it you i wile has i. and
wile you, her so.
think it lowers your manliness my to
-t bar know that she has a place
In your toiled
early and you your
through H and
to be her in
It little her loved
to make lier so do not
a word now M
u ,; I tar more value
to her starving heart Tiny
some things which can
never buy, and wounds which
; but love all
overcomes all and,
sweetens Home
When the hour hand points to nine,
Have your washing on the line.
m ii i
the first tea of a
life its i to
of animal can
keep it Ibis period the
better. It to to sleep,
to play, romp, enjoy If in a
way, at tins time in its
life. It in part prepare
for life's work. It lays
foundation of physical
in wit be
by mental
I am to say people are
forced too
N. C-. March 14-
of a
roaches hero to-day from Enfield.
Mr. Charles Mills
in,; in a field At
he took horse from
plow, pot his old ion
upon it back and started to
The bone ran away
child. The little
boy's clothes were in
hook of the and ho was
to death. horse
run all the to with
little bleeding re-
Tho distress of
can letter imagined
than and Ob-
I i n . i.
Your on
Recommended by the
keepers for Clothes
Package. Try it.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Ladies and Gents Notions and Furnishing
Ladies, G and Shoes.
Hats and Hardware, Tinware
Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware.
Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the
largest stock of
of all kinds at the lowest price ever
in this community. Come and see how much
cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who
you are, where you live, how much or how
little you have got. There is no Store
where your dollars will do you as much good
service as they will do you here.
Yours Truly
f. I. m.
A Incident.
Tie and
f existed hi Virginia i,.
a t master u -I hi
re sever i
i x-, pi by
Ii a both lo
a i n by i
aster it
i ii firs,
b i. .-,;. of i
A ion i i- l .
ii h i as I look
i M the
M and of i , n i
destroy it. , be
I . In ; -I
um lay. When
r j,, .;,,. ,,
i r- l
a- love and vi i u
for Inn. -1
I part in n at
iii- gr re. The t. . i -t a i- I.
and around i re gathered
. t while and 1.1
n. At um tin i
line the tang the
be the tie
in i
who remembered the
and i mi i done
ii ii but
labor lo .
children id mi those faro,
the grave
To win. not the
it it a
on in iii plaintive hey
back and .-r. raw dry
rye who
loved the venerated dead i i
one in and on in bean
We part la i
tun Direct
Ii m
boy -n-
in a case i in
which man bad k am
tin- head
A boat of bad been called
win.-lain ill
V, annoy the n I
my We've been going
inn round cow
i t hi M- direct evidence. Now
ho -In or what
I want you to to lb
n Int. see the blow
Ah. the lawyer, rub-
rub las hi bands, have
OBJ one
ll is
cf II e s U t arc
rot of the
of a it tad flow-.
why r. Bad
tone a I
and i iI. n
Boom i nth Mil
Mien Loci Jo
i- obi
III ill.- OW .,
din The
i I el I- open
.,,. .
Mr. Theodore Parker widower,
nod i years, on and
of N- V-
lira . .-
ripened admiration,
and an to t I.
other tin; Norfolk lo
As hour far departure
arrived it lbs
widow failed bu and
announced to bride-to- a
Mr. Porker was
if be come o
Hookerton. favor
reply, believing that
in was
billow over true love
never elides smoothly, and
on at
Mr- was for
Brat time lo ea lady, who
was tho day,
i m i lo become
i . i. tit her r
in work Upon,
I- this cane
track, you must
j in n
my food lad,
him in
tin- Mow
how ii was
Spokes, Hubs, Building Paints
Oils and Stoves
Fair Dealings and Honest. Goods, at Rock
Bottom Prices.
Now, then, no about it, ti
the inti I'm
and ire
oner. Now, just
how the Tho bewildered
ll a the
mini it some dawn upon
lawyer, seal him
In seat.
tin- way
old boy, lb it
of everybody
Tho I
attempt to -1 In bad
done with
York Sun.
i i In i
laid Tom on
n in the digging, buns
Hill, lb
In-1 to hi .
Vi i lo inn u,
by v I. J- e
few invited
and immediately loll
when- they took
ran Monday for Brooklyn, N- Y-
And tin- now paper will be
taxed to their mo I capacity
advertising;, no
ton Free
Ma i an by
iii life Ii v to
their to grow up
the mind the
have seen
left lo the of
potent while Ilia mother
was off some
or slab or tea. duty of
a woman i lo her hone and of a
mother to her
la order to her
mother baa lowered
below animal of the
for their with n
The Mechanic, the
paper that year-
l an
the State, has
revived as a
i farm and home paper.
who formerly look I be Farmer
and would like to have
we are lo
For we will tend The
Tue North
cf and Tho
papers a year.
h v will give you the
Lie w. the
an I the farm news, and
think of three of a
year for ll-TS.
you want Atlanta Con-
added to tho above list
y can get it for cents more.
or thrice a week New York
Id for cents. Any other
, or we can
give you a in
.; to attend
a N. C.
May Tin- i- a great
Ion in North Carolina. people
claim the
Independence, made
1770 t
July A
tell of Di-
ll ration to be
i i baa promised to jive In-
d i a, with
i . mat he attend.
Castles in says
lb. . nut worth
mi .
i. -i. . ii . i It. i-
i. y -11
u hi I ill a
in ii
i do you shed
Mud my Boston
mean to why my
a n I
I. i-i ore co-
I have never beard sac-
in a
bean re
a tea
think ii or right
lo work y u
it it my i .
i , I'd burn
Fellow Orphan Home
Ai a meeting tho ii.
Orphan Home held
day at war
I is the home
W. M. Coble.
M. Royal, l
Si an. i Ml ii ii II .
of ill I-
n M n- -i I
i y will
Ai i I 1st.
Real A in. n Haiti
j . no hi ii- .
i . ii u
. i . i
I.,,. , U, .
No. in I.
that the year
would like it This is owing to
want During tho
Week, tho tide
I and tho
brought up trip
lint w that is
falling again
however, is
Cent tho bucks a
Hum Many m a
I telegram from tho war
i received by tho
t. railroad hinting
that Ma in Mile wanted
to know how many am in
emotive, tho
it a hare.
ii i Individual oven to tho
or but u it
ii the o and
in all h con-
i in. Mile to
a a and a
i i;

Eastern reflector, 18 March 1898
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 18, 1898
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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