Eastern reflector, 1 September 1897

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v C,
In Spring
And all
yea read
It i
the paper for
The Eastern Reflector
lo I let ,
wants be told through
D. J. WHICH Editor and Owner
people read
a -1
who every
Help me to hear each cross, and
M pine;
iii- day.
Help Jo my work
in an plaint
i ell how
Patrick Finds the Wile
V. hat the Leading Issues Are to Be
tile Way,
GaMa Thou my had
ray ;
Give hour.
Lest I should Thy power
me a or -Hong
l me i p
Make me In brae
In act, r I .
And k. i-i
do my woman's share.
Make to ear
or shadow in my life
Sin-Mill ate in daily Strife
lo keep i
II. in her or the
Hume Journal
ago care and
trouble of supporting a wife l of me
four became too arduous to lotto Observer
for Patriot Hawley, so informed following
bis wife that be or eh. would Democrats
to got out. were today ex-
F- M. Of Mia
porting, anyway, Chambers Smith, the
two latter ex-chairmen of tin
State executive and
all of now members of
central committee.
y bad two boys com-
an institution, and
two years be roved
country enjoying and; what,
never giving a to be par-
family. way and another or issues, in
managed to save op a , I am a
money while roving about j- o,
when he cam back here l to it
ago and got a good
occurred to him that without
would like to have bis back i support. They are utterly
lie searched high and
low tor but never a of
incapable of giving proper S ate.
To the
Pitt County,
Denounced Cigarette Trust Money Facts.
as Money
Ills doubtful if Is
Mr. A- H. Eller, cf I we any . the man who new
was the chief lie i-. ii
Masonic picnic at Mocksville g up to
of last week. in-. n, kin- Mini
says of believe
speaker in an hour
most emphatic terms, th g , w two In
from large and Tea man who falls on akin
corporations to and once wilt but be will
educational institutions, lie said only make Inn the
gifts w.-re in time lie on b
the devil Lad Is wrong with t n-
as much to the livery I bar I I the de.
of heaven as Lave to i- be ill believe
wear Ibo of which bin any.
only worn to pleas when you where you led
Our energies have never relaxed.
I i. U t and stay of only the
forts h sac never ceased lo the best of
selected stock
which sought to destroy you do at a
them. He maintained that The riling that makes bell
; giving lo education ons
I dictated the policy
is so
could he He
Things We Ought to know.
That lung come
from breathing. Deep,
should be drawn and I
I hey are creatures of the
among her t rise I he creator.
but all to no purpose. Mrs. AU
; as if earth had , B
swallowed her up j of
Horn that
be his wife, he was
Senator the ex-Governor
the expanded. tie m .,, said has a rocky to
That house be j very M e that he was madly in ; a deserts
i bore ventilated at all times i her could never be . principle and goes for pie be is
reason-. j happy without her- He to strike
i, t a damp cellar will car be made his mind she was j Simmons keynote
mail kinds of and went about his j coming campaign will be
KM should paid to ; day by day, looking sad woe- the fusion
th- proper draining. I bite a
That buckets It a
placed here there in a cellar a workman, taking looks now like
on Hawley's lonely ought to be brief, e
him if he like of the national
go a little evening company at j the
I absorb a a. of
moisture, rendering the air of
cellar div and wholesome.
bat application cf
or ammonia to the stings
f mosquitoes, home's
will immediate
th slings should always
removed from a wound
Lat a r knife should never
be or
other as
the h at destroys the temper cf
the steel-
That knives be gently
rubbed with oil before they are
put away for any length of time
to prevent them from rusting-
a little borax in
bath will prevent the ride
and from breaking
the Lent.
from which to select your We
confidently believe unhesitatingly claim
that ours is the store of all stores in our f
study to be taught in such
tut ions, I of h's
the recent call for the
r u if the of
Brown on ace
his views
the j no
Quakers for their recent , or any other
That is
e r hi the
the are
but simply
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated tor m
e Assam be
-1 and tone. f .
. . hi, of hi ii .
u. brand
AL York
lion to of Mm to our people hew
speaker, of a
Schools in the Time.
house of a friend of his. The
was Patterson,
Meeting of Governors
est street and
was sure
Patterson would be glad to see
any friend of hie. So B lea
Ho was drinking a
p heal b if the Patterson
when Mrs. came
gasped s.
on a lounge in a
swoon. When recovered.
Mrs- using op,
ed the door and
begone. went, complete-
crushed, while bis wife ex-
plained to
Now that be knew r here his
wife was Hawley couldn't keep
away from her- He haunted the
Patterson home became
great is will be the control
the State by the white people
This means the stopping of
outrages committed be-
cause the Republican party is
in Dower I this is largely
the ease- Our party must make
a right. We have
the Populists every
, i . , l J l as m
from which to buy your goods tor flt
Goods are sold on time at close given
,.,., . i j these
credit prices to customers approved Masonic
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of silver or greens-
back. When they enter into our possession
they are again converted into the best bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit our many, u not mug
friends and customers. Do not hesitate or hie
l . between and
led away but cone straight back to your mi cities. f
friends who will take care of your interests the
d, ,, i t , i the summer T It school
work the harder to make of you a too
stronger customer and better friend as reason outer cur-
honest dealing between man
work f of the
Even if the above at not admit-
us good Tins
is above the i in In
lien n- i i supply,
tag K arc
India, with her
will, c s-. I ii., I
ii-ope Ii is y a-id . j,
lion, insure
veil, aid prospect i- in -ill
inn s. It nor h
thankful and on. w- ill pass
oat of limes, knowing
A Newly Discovered Per Old
The use to which rid
may be put, is to soak
them in sour milk until
feed the mixture to
hens. This is the
of a Michigan
fancier, who says it grant in
creases abilities.
For fear it may not so w-ll agree
with the Bristol breed,
it at first on
neighbor's fowls. P. SIt is
to unless
to paper
paid for Bristol
and man. We are the friend of
All the Governors
North Governor
at the I'd ion
depot at time yesterday
morning. Governor was
going to Governor a nuisance that Patterson a
Carr was returning to his home j on the beat to keep
the part of the State
man, we are the friend of the rich man, we d. it not
,, f. , to pupils to able to attend at
are friend of you all tome to see us, we of , year
of showing some devotion to lit ability. most W
to principle, and can tow,
ally after utterance and
their address by State com-
last week, let them stay
say they wanted to
of the
ii Times
News and
The salve in the w rid Cut
Bruise-. Sores,
Fever Chapped Ha- at,
Coma, and all
and cures Piles or
perfect or money
price Sc per
In a group cf Southern mer
chants at Hotel
last night was Mr. John R.
The policeman warn- of Goldsboro, N. C He
ed Hawley, and the took wag merry boy
care to be around when e prosperity,
policeman was. On Saturday , with
made up his when a
of the American sounded
him on the of trade.
He just finished
to et his wife at all
He took a revolver and a Bl
good jag with him to the Patter-
son home, entered unbidden.
Professional Cards
J. L.
W. M. Bond.
Greenville. S. C
In all the courts.
E f-AT-L
X. C
in all courts,
a specially.
H. W.
lo skinner.
Greenville. C.
swift Galloway, B. F.
N- N. C
AT X K V-AT-1 W,
Greenville, X. C
Practice in all the
over J.
around, and
box. i y his revolver at his
head several times. It
t go off, bi cause in his haste
Hawley Lad forgotten to load it
Having, however, subdued
Hawley commanded
bis wife to come with him at
once- Mrs Patterson, or
declined. She told Hawley that
was a decent man and
treated her well, and that she
never desert him. Then
Hawley attached her, and her
screams brought a policeman to
the house. He arrested Hawley
and his wife and Patterson-
promised to appear against him
in the Jefferson Market Police
court yesterday, but didn't
Magistrate discharged
Hawley after warning him to
adopt more measures
possession of his
Joke on The Too
One day last week Lee
while his bicycle, laid
the balls cart-full v aside
resumed his cleaning- Hearing
something continually lapping
away just behind him, he locked
around just time to sec his
mother's large gobbler
swallowing the last of
Goldsboro Argus-
Kansas and Missouri are re-
in big apple crops, while
else in the Union the
fruit seems to be email,
and rather poor quality. New
buyers are reported to be
swarming in the two States, buy-
up all the apples in sight.
Electric lighting will coat
York city this year.
Philadelphia will spend ;
Baltimore, Cincinnati,
; Washington, D. O. and
St- Minn., each;
St. Louis and Francisco,
attention, best of service and honest
, iii o tin .
forts shall be yours to command at the Leo-grading be of great
pie's Store.
John E. Woodard. T. S. Harding,
Wilson, X. C Greenville, X. f
Greenville, X.
given to
and of claims.
made on short time.
John H. Small, W. B. long,
N. C. Greenville,
O Attorneys and Counselors at Law
IT Id all Court.
a tow of all sec-
of North and South
and can speak advisedly
on the condition of affairs there.
Everything is there
and I attribute it all to the
crops of ibis year. The crops of
this year have been wonderfully
remunerative- Baltimore mer-
chants made a careful study
of the wants of the Southern
merchants and our people can do
better here than elsewhere-
Many people labor under the
that ibis is the best
season for the fall trade.
truth cf matter is nearly
all of fall stock was sold by
drummers during May and June-
There are some things that
merchants to buy in person,
and that is the reason for their
appearance here at this time-
Then there is a general feeling of
alarm among the Baltimore
over fact that a
of the Southern buyers do
not atop here but go to
New York. Every one of these
people return to Baltimore, and
the truth of the matter a
better portion of their goods arc
bought here. The Southern
is of a rural nature, and
by careful study the Baltimore
houses have secured the proper
pies in supplying the
of these people. Baltimore's
trade is growing, and there is no
need of cheap excursions in get-
ling Southern buyers here.
would come any
It is gratifying to bear from
the managers of the Tennessee
Centennial Imposition that they
will probably be able to pay
stockholders dollar for
a ill dividend to boot. This
w. to indicate a
influx of visitors to
Nashville; if the
shall not in the end be lo
have been optimistic the
Te; Lessee Exposition will prove
to have been exception to the
rule in such The
of Tennessee, however, showed
heir enterprise from the outset
of their history, when they or-
a a State be-
fore their into the
Union had been passed upon
Congress. A people with so
much should be able to
make a financial success even of
Butler and
where in the New
, cot only to irregular
but to exceptionally quick and
exceptionally slow children who
, now have to advance or lull M-
hind a whole year a a lime
The above fads and
idea possibly we
are entering upon a M
, epoch in the history of de-
a is , , , .,
,. . . . . of education in this
those who pervert the , . ,
, ,. epoch m eaten
turn it to own , , . ,, . . , ., ,
. , . . schools of all kinds will be a con
use- We are frequently struck , , . , ,
. a- . . i . ., tuitions instead of intermittent
with the flippancy with which the;. . . . T.
,.,,. , , factor our rational life. It is
of Master is employed . . ., . ,
. , . . . . . certain, least all
hounds trying to justify their . , , ,
. , , . . educators will with
, meanness, a late instance . , , . , ,
,, , ,, . i o. , the development
I that of a United States Senator, , , , . .-
. , v r. spread PI the idea as it is dis-
making speeches North Caro- . , ;
, ,, , . . . . in papers tn
in fact II he , , ., i .
, I,. i . j educational gatherings as ll
is a calamity
a K publican in
the next campaign is asked why
price of sugar, what
will he
asked why Lo put
the list cot-
ton bagging on toe
what will bl
why In put com-
stray used by fie
poor on the tax list, when of
it made in what
will ho say
When he finds wag-
es no Damage of
the than before, and
every manufactured thing
working bi y
There will be many
splitters for him bat the next
is over.
man who a
telegraph needs no wire may
be able yet to a telephone
can be used without three or
id at
the same time-
Silver bullion has recently de-
heavily ard of course the
press is saying told
you and crowing ever their
fulfilled prophecies. Hut they
fail to comment the fact that
all values, other than fixed inter-
est bearing securities, have also
declined with silver The Wash
Post on the other hand
very properly at the
of silver is due to the
closing of the mints of the world
against it is wicked to
that if gold were demonetized
it would not be as much
silver, which is a worth con-
The reader of this paper will
pleased lo learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science hag
been able t cure in all its states
that Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now to
medical f Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a co
Cure is taken internally, acting
upon the blood and surfaces of
the thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and
the patient by building up the
m and assisting nature in
lie work. The proprietors have so
much faith In it curative power
they One Hundred Dollars for any
case that It fall to cure. Send for list
F. J. . Props
Toledo. O
gold by druggist
Family Pill an the bet.
by ray
was a calamity
A instance is afforded by
of the Brodie, con-
at I lender.-on lat-t week o
crime and sentenced
to be hanged a few days now.
In a special to the Raleigh Neva
and Observer, of date the
it is said that he made a fail
confession, Tues lay night, say-
ins- that was as the
girl staled the tie
special with there
says he no
anyone; that
Christ was that
he did not expect bit-
Here are two cases exactly of
a kind. Brodie his
clinic, but his
Christ was persecuted. The
Senator confesses his
pealing to the base passions of
of the and. claims warrant
for doing so in the example of
Christ, who, be Bays, did the
same thing- We do mean to
be too bard on Brodie He has
as much to stand on as
hi s Observer-
is worked out the schools
A- Kirkpatrick, in
Monthly of Reviews for
Imposition in Sale Hooks
The of
Public Instruction notifies
s that text books
for public schools were
adopted by the commissioners of and court the result it
each county on first Monday have budded wiser
in for three successive years than we that have
and r. quested hive moved forward the car
The sum cf individual
constitutes community effort.
is a fact that is, apparently,
often lost of, the in
fails to realize that
his actions, or failure to net,
has important
the success tr if his
town or section- hat
or a m men
may be pushed to
com pi alive ease by the united
and purpose aid
effort of an entire
Let each do his part,
upon Map and
come to put
these efforts together
The Superintendent of
Public Instruction issues cir-
prove the attendance
schools I come to ask
to give it careful con id
This is a question that
should all friends of
popular education. The first
remedy I suggest is have better
How are we to have
better Keen re
teachers Let our teachers go out
among parents
strive to show what they
can and will do for their children
when their children come. Be
rare is done lot th m.
Oar parents ought to
to our schools and
especially to our The
cry w is
local taxation that
our children do not attend what
we now have; why spend
any more money when what we
now bare is Lot
b, those who need it most,
lam fa, or of better
to more
est lo make them worthy to
be by our and
then if. after have good schools
will not send children
I shall be m favor of compulsory
list prices published so
parents and children may
what are required and the price
In some he has heard of
books being sold higher than
price recorded at
register of It is
the duty of supervisors to sec
that children a e not imposed
up in He suggests that list
and prices be on heavy-
pasteboard and placed in
school house-
A Georgia i kn . Mm d in
has follow-
note to the have
given up all hope of obtaining a gov-
and am anxious to
home, as my needs me. Will
kindly lend me
railroad train a few days I will this remedy hat a record of
lake best care of it it as cures and besides U I
soon as possible.
W. M. editor Ill ,
wont keep house
without H . King's New I for
and i olds.
I with many others, but
got true we
Dr. No oilier
remedy can lake i's in oar home,
as In It we certain sure cure
for Cowls, Colds Who ping Cough,
It hi Idle to experiment, with
other remedies, even II they urged
on you as just us good as Dr. Kings
New Discovery. Their are not as good
Ono el the marks towards
which this may
be directed with
is home for
e enterprises. Let us not
forgot that
river fails to satisfy. Trial free it
John L. Woolen drugstore.
-V Had Winter.
It is about time for the
to begin
O. o or two have
from and it is predicted
that the coming winter will be a
one, Lot so
but periods of continued
cold, weeks at a time, with
mercury down about
prophecies, but bused
other things, exact y what we do
An old saying is a hot
summer is followed by a
winter- If this is we may
a Brined Guard
Aug. now crops
out alias Forest
M- white convict who
escaped some days ago from
the State farm, was
aided by of the State's guards
a promise that Rivers would
mm as
ho ranched his home,
which he claims is worth,
Kan. The name is J. I-,
of Davidson county,
and he was recommended to Sup-
by Hon.
The guard not
only allowed Rivers to walk away,
but also loaned him money, aid
there is evidence that he
bin a pistol and several
of cartridges. As soon as
facts became known to Captain
he promptly dismissed
who left for Richmond,
Va- when last head from he
he was to join the United
States Army. He is a Republican
politics had boon service
of the State the
took charge.
I- ll Hint III e. la
with d mid
that lakes Beth off their bones,
vitality nun n
feeble, and
No. It is I nil coking,
mid oilier t
The is an
fond as or-
or already
Inflamed the Cordial a
chance to rest by nourishing the system
itself and digesting other food taken
with It. So strength return,
la not Idea rational, cordial
Is palatable relieves Immediately,
No money risked to decide on ll value,
A cent trial bottle does th it.
Is the la-st for el II
i en Doctors It In
Oil. F

Greenville. N. C.
Editor and
Entered at post office at Greenville,
M. V., second matter.
There perhaps never been a
summer so prolific of excursions in
North Carolina as the present
They have of nearly daily
occurrence and ex-
have been well
d. M a
recent statement in the Vet has
been by upwards I
excursionists this tensor. Charlotte
and cities have in
large numbers, as well as many I lie
smaller towns. Then there h
been excursions to points cl
to Norfolk, Richmond,
Baltimore and even as far a.
New York. All these excursions
mean an immense expenditure
money, to say nothing lost time to
those going on them, and drain on
the pockets of the has been I
heavy one.
The railroads have encouraged
as their business has been
largely increased then by. Very low
rates have prevailed in order to induce
more to patronize them. The
railroad authorities may not view it in
this light, tat in the opinion the
Reflector these excursions do more
to enthuse the demand for lower pas-
fares than any
that could be The people get
a taste of travel, and it puts
them to asking, the railroads can
people at such low rates on ex-
and make big money at
why regular passenger be
made lower t
There is something in this, and the
railroad authorities reed not lie
the mania
such a clamor for lower passenger rates
they are lo it.
SNAKE BITES A HORSE. I Change of Finn.
Mr. R. Whichard, who was in
And the Horse Comes Near Dying, j business at Whichard
I station, has sold the business to his son
Mr. R. It. Smith, chasing agent H. W. The litter just
tor Beaufort Lumber Com-
was near a
days with two other gentlemen
some timber. While
back in the he
a place thick undergrowth
when his stopped and acted very
A little further the animal
began trembling violently sweating
profusely so that Mr. Smith mounted
and took off the saddle. All thinking
horse was sick, en- of the
went out to a store, t mile away, after
medicine. The seemed lo
intensely for some time but grew
better alter getting a drench-
taken the woods Mr.
h noticing that one leg was
made an investigation and
that the horse had been badly
just above the foot. It was
evidently a poisonous snake that
bit the horse.
in circles u and
one in which the whole Mate is inter
e ml. The or
to J. W. and S.
men of the
r Ci remission,
a bin stow
in removed fr m
oil at. m ii g
i lie Sou he n
ac because their
Mound Knob hotel. S
hats got i. linger in the matter
tn re is cut with S. Otho Wilson.
Their Sterling Qualities Bring
Them in Demand.
As of the results of the trip
Col. I. A. Sugg to the Exposition at
Nashville and Mr.
C. will leave on Tuesday for
Tenn., to give instructions
tobacco curing and general manage-
of tobacco. We know of no
man more capable doing this
Mr. Joyner. He is an up to date
young man, of fine personal address,
and has all qualities that make
up a true son of the Old State.
Col. met at Nashville Mr.
George C. of son
Mb J- G. wealthy plan-
and business man county,
and the most progressive man his
section of the State of Tennessee.
Co. he was with
tin very huge and interesting
made by Mr. at
and the interest he showed in de
his Stale. It was so much in
accord with Cob own love for
bis Slate, that a correspondence
up between them and Mr. will
spend a month, to the
at in
giving Mr. and son the
tit his knowledge tobacco,
We congratulate vol. Sugg aid Mi.
both opening up so
a relation SOLS K i
Hal s. Col. Sugg will
accompany Mr-
been on a trip to purchase new
goods to enlarge the stock.
Military Hall.
acknowledge an
invitation to the annual ball the
Division Naval Reserves, on
Sept 8th. Capt. J. T. Clark
of the County is one
of the honorary managers.
Only Two
Tin Register of Deeds issued oily
two licenses last one
for whites rod one colored. Tie
whit's we-c. IX F, Themas and Lilly
Top Figure
The Greenville bad a
and struck lie highest
figure that the mark I has reached
this season, making a sale W
N. C,
L J. Chapman on the
from New Yo-k and
where he had been to
New Firm at Falkland.
Mr. E. C. and Dr. J.
have associated together under the
name King A. Morrill for conducting
a mercantile business a
Mr. King just been on a tour o
northern i
Baltimore, I a earn
The Market is now BAKER HART
Open, Open all
the Time.
Revs. C. XV. Howard and D. II
have just closed a .
meeting at Riverside church
with additions as
Many the young people this v i-
attended during meeting.
S. W. W. Dawson will occupy tie-
in cl L. J.
residence on
Parties having tobacco
which they wish to sell, can
gt accommodated at head-j
for prices-
fully understands the and need-1 Ai T t
the Eastern V
Miss Vina Ward, cl ls I Hie I he is j
young men whose
and will insure
to their business.
hat is way all el
for Chills, Fever and all
It is simply and
love it.
it to bitter,
Owners and
L F.
If S
Oils Stoves.
Fair Dealings and at
Bottom Prices.
Dr. W. C. is kept quite
busy now looking alter This Is to notify all persons that
, . . , , , posted, and all urn
A young son B. A. bad upon the same with
badly torn Iran one of gun or dog or for any
. . ., ti ., ever under law.
by it caught in lands are known as
sprocket wheel his lands, two J
I r v i ii of Tar River adjoining
L. C. and John cl O. L, r. Allied
were lure es. Zack Allen and
tree, deceased, and bring on Tar river.
R. Harvey, of was in I
town on Sunday by his
what NEEDS
Miss Wayne, of is
visiting at V.
Miss Stella Evans has d Iron
Maple Cypress where the bid
visiting several days.
The fad here is a nice
on a rude sat under a
pear tree at dewy eve. is
like it.
It was not in
H, D,
to R.
A. G. COX, , u.
The pioneer of market and ilia b
Your i was on
last work no items,
Public Opens h.
The School known
as White District No. will he
opined it; Sent.
have been em-
ployed which will j lac on
an equal looting any private
reboot taught in county.
White, Chairman.
D. D.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in j
every department and
jest. market j
prices paid for country
e plenty m v.
Experienced Force, Ample Room,
will ho tho leaders in high
soon -is your ready it to us.
Greenville Warehouse.
u S , ten;
Organized June
The Bank of Pitt County,
IS Bank wants your and a share
J. it not all, of your business, and will grant
every favor consistent with safe and sound
banking. We invite correspondence or a per-
interview to that end.
Let Is Have One
A calls
to the needs a Chamber of Commerce
in The fully
agrees with him and would like to fee
the business of the town
immediate action in th A
well Chamber Commerce
or Board do more I r
advancement of the town and
i y could perhaps be accomplished
i i any oilier way. No town has ever
a much in the way attracting
enterprises and capital without putting
forth some and it looks
like right now is a good lime f-r Green-
v lie to do something along this line.
Small Wreck.
There was a small wreck Friday on
the Johnson Lumber Co's.
road, near Toe
the track and got cross way-
rails. Fortunately no one MM
damage to train is not
very much.
Thursday afternoon was
wreck on the Johnson
near W The
engine Hat cars wee badly
wrecked, and the crew had almost an
There w re nine
men on the train at time, and for-
none of were injured
beyond some bruises and a
shaking up.
Are different from all other
medicines. Each performs
a specific duty, thus doing away with
drastic purgatives and curing by the
Mild Power Theory.
Is a Chamber Commerce-One I
-Should he Organized I
I of elective-. Two lull chairs
t, , , . I I I-
la i ill ii.- , one I one I h I i j
possessed by e-iii to the ; e
. year. male c One Pink Pill touches the liver, re-
that i- netted in a moves the bile, the bile
moves the bowels. The
The beat offered in r Tonic Pellet does rest.
the slate album and e t mt m
V. I Me.
Mfg. Co., K. V. Tenn.
yet our progress and
have not been
The fan I lies not so in the
win of individual in
lack of among our business
men. The hag prevailed
all and in nearly
suit of life for several years is rapidly
pasting and there is a general
belief throughout the entire
try there will be a healthy development
in all
To avail I the many ad-
vantages for investment
our town and the rounding
cm there ought lo some union
concentration of energy and
of our
are best
and to lb end
a Chamber of Commerce
and controlled by lb e progressive, and
business men of our can
and will accomplish more
Greenville the country at large,
than any other agency can be
established. Will not our citizens
interest themselves in this matter and
make It a success A. T.
Heavy and Fancy
good coo
j Country i
A will convince
If hi-
to the unit i
a p
toll t., In to
will. ii,. , in-,; i ,
w Singles,
n. o.
I will the best goods obtainable and
will sell them at the lowest price possible, i
will do all i canto obtain and hold pat-
Come and see me.
M. H.
t i Griffin tho Jeweler. LIVE Y
M. C.
D. W.
K. I
What the Greenville Dues.
Monday Greenville Warehouse
a load for W. A. Man-
i- and a clean of
And George
M, and I is
way the Greenville Warehouse does,
out those who sells on
floor and gels highest market price
for their
Don't I Us-
time on now e hope
will rot forget
and a subscription
receipt they come to town to tell
o or The office is
below Five and we will
to bare yon come in.
Your Chance.
If business booms fall the men
who advertise will get most it,
as they always do in good times or
dull times. Those who are alter
their share of business, and as
much as can gel, are now
making their preparations n secure it.
To advertise in the most
and expeditious manner they
should secure the services of The
who suffer from impaired
and weak stomachs, and on
account of this have a peculiar dread of
chills and fever, will be glad to learn
that a cure for chills and Is
manufactured and sold
which does not injure the stomach but
actually benefits it. It is Roman Pep-
sin Chill Tonic. Tasteless and
The House to
stop with for
Good Prices
and Kind
g t X S X t i
Stove Dealer, Tobacco Hue Make
fully offer tin mi vice to public- ; f
Tobacco Flues
assure a will make lb of o Flue a
or least price. All i w- an lo
in our a We
to and see us.
S. L X CO.
Cause, tally half sickness In world. It
retains digested too lone In the bowels
and product's biliousness, torpid
bad a
ink h- all
tic Plus W IS
and an Its m
easily and IA.
by C. I. Hood ft Co., Mass. i
no. to Hoods
RECENT to on market's facilities easily places us the
lead of any other in the State. With our large cups if old
buyers and several new ones, with several new factories and steam plants
the Greenville market this year can easily handle
20000.000 Pounds of Tobacco
They have told us to go out and bring
it in and with our help after you get it
on our floor, we will guarantee you the
highest price for it at times.
Now in conclusion we want to say to
our the we make our
our preferring this method to Hooding the country with
easy and by our prices as c the balance of the world
we stake our reputation. We take this method of saying to you that
we have no to plead our cause you will give us such
Tobacco as you sell elsewhere, we will make of you a better drummer than
any can employ on a salary and the best of it is you will get the best
benefit of it. Satisfy you and you will drum for us, dissatisfy you and
will drum against us. Try us and sec which you will do.
Your friends,
Are coming in daily and you
should see them.
Beautiful line of
that are selling low down.
line of
in town. We still have a few Summer Goods
that arc going at sacrifice pries.
If you want bargains that are bargains don't
miss this chance.
H. M.

Some Coming, Some Going.
Alma House
W. II.
is Mir.
Gold Fields
of New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore digging gold for his
patrons in the beautiful
he is buying. Wait for him.
at your own price.
Dress Shoes.
is superb and inspection Is invited.
Local Reflections
Sanford last
fan iv. year. It is
s. is about hut.
. S. II.
while cotton picking will
BUD lilt
I line
mil Sailor Mrs M. l.
Also ma for
era, Clothe and
The Durham Son has entered
lite eighteenth
-n is Sun am the
P in the
I- p .-ii Our in
b j ii. k-i.-. LT.
week out fine on
mill one
Cotton h and ., . .,, , , .
. u beat have yet
lime u I .
taken h oner Inge a
A building another I. pounds, tad bulls teemed
is up on , . ., , ,
to tin and
toss price up. We heard people say
they not seen tobacco sell M well
in two years. One wished
that be bad bad every pound of bis
crop on sale. Priori look a
well above any figures previously reach-
ed ibis
Three Kan it get are per-
k-anted day the world.
The bat weather M us in
day hut the i g-U pi
in have dropped
oil suddenly. in town
The liter is an low
d at e Id r- ad
ii van be
low the
T. II tins a
i conductor on
We beard ear Line, Mm Mayo
ls in low daughter Mr. and Mrs.
acre united mar-
remarked the Di at home yesterday
sir at.
corning at by
Sylvester William.-ton
To the Tall and and groom arrived in
bit received on the M. train yes
Ida. L. y arc stopping with Captain
. . ,. mother, on North Second street.
There s no it. a
beat Mood
Tins is proven by its cures
blood A
J. B. Cherry have
new ill the
center their store.
Nice line Tan. as-
and at very low
prices. Mils. J. S.
The mill man bis
in the II. more
a. a some j;
Many a newspaper who is
Tom Matthews, one of the popular
; clerks at the thinks he has a
in the shape of a three dollar
puce he is exhibiting to
bis It on side
inscription, States America
On the other side are the
is a rather rare and Mr.
says he is going to hold en
quickest to take is slowest into Telegram.
pay EM . . . , ,.
he has had a three
Dumb men are not as gold piece several years. It
I is the only one we ever saw, though a
number of were put in cir.
good talkers. Merchants do no
are not as interesting to the
these who do. National Ad-
a by the
at Born Harrison, proposes on
a lo eat pounds el chicken,
three pounds corn bread and a
gallon of e one pint corn
whiskey. He is willing to bet
he can do Press Vis-
come to us trow source that we
regard reliable that the
authorities abolished old Finance
committee in order to get rid of Mr.
and Mr. E. Clark, who
are anxious to have the penitentiary HUI Standard,
managed pi If ibis i not We believe it is a to have an
reason, we have heard other ad crowd who
Keep your eye on . , ,
a circus than in the light paying
penalty of a crime.
The Hanging is Public.
Sheriff Dixon has heeded the
the people and will
the condemned rapist. Dock Black,
Kelly Dock and Dock Kelly,
on in view of go
many of the as come to see his
crime punished and justice thus done.
The hour hanging will be between
the hours a. u. and p. in. on
Wednesday September 1897.
II. T. King returned Thursday even-
Harwell came in
evening om Suffolk.
W. S. in
V. M. King Tuesday even-
from Becky Mount.
J C. Cobb Wednesday
e from a visit to Norfolk.
W . S. returned Friday even
and Wilson.
Carrie of Kinston, is
Miss Aylmer Sugg, near
H. J. Cobb
evening his trip after new
Miss Wilson ard Mrs. Peck
and let Saturday Conetoe
on a
Mrs. A. L. and children re-
Friday evening a visit to
Mrs J. N. Hart returned Tuesday
evening a i-it to her parents near
el home will regret to
learn that Miss Sallie Lipscomb is sick
Frank Wilson returned iv
evening from purchasing tour to
the norther cities.
Miss Nan Coward, who has been
her brother, II. L. Coward,
It-It Friday evening.
Mis- James left Thursday
and to
E. J. a
i earn, on
Maj. F. M. i,. L.
of were on our
W t Icon last week.
Fort, if who
was visiting III s Lena Matthews, re-
turned home Thursday evening.
Miss of Kinston,
who was visiting Allred Forties,
returned home Friday evening.
Mrs. W. D. Ply-
mouth, who been Mrs. F.
W. Brown, retained home
J, W. in
. veiling ii and
nil the of bis r.
Harry P. Harding Ml Sunday
betakes charge
f high which opened lo
It, E. Wilson, came in
day on bis bicycle spent
be day with his Mrs. S. D.
T. L. and
It. Davis, who have been
north new returned Friday
J. B. Thursday
evening the northern
where he n new goods
Mis. S. C Wells and children,
Wilson, who have been visiting her
parents at I lie Iv House, returned
Miss Janet who has been
visiting bar sister, W. II.
at d, look the train here Fri-
day for Virginia.
Miss May Snow
was sister, Mrs. Charles
hit Wednesday even-
tor Kinston.
Her host are glad Hi
Mrs. J. S. has re-,
gained her as lo enable her to be
at her
T. E. Roberts, of Chas City, Va.,
., cl the firm of Robert
; t this place, spent Thursday
on the tobacco market.
Dr. W. PL Cobb, o
came down Friday evening and went
to near to
attend union meeting.
George Palmer, , has
en a position as trim n with the Pill
County Co. Hp his.
family lo today.
E. F. J. B. Jackson and
J. L. young men this
IV, have returned to Wake Forest
College to their studies
Mrs. Nottingham, Virginia, who
was her sister, Mrs. E. O.
left evening to
visit at Trenton Miss Irma
a h-r.
C. E. Danville, W. W
Morion, of Richmond and J. A. Pale-
Liverpool W. A.
Smith, of Richmond, were on
Greenville tobacco market las week,
W. A- White and wife, Rowan
county are visiting the of S. P.
Kiwi- , father Mrs. White, in Bea-
Dam township. Mr. White
in Greenville today and the
a cell.
Mrs. Jennie H. Collins, a very
charmingly interesting lady San
Antonio, Texas, her accomplished
and attractive daughter, Miss
are visiting their kinsman, Col. A.
Sugg and family. Mrs.
try were of the old North Stale, her
gland lather being cf King's Mountain
fame. ladies are making a
pleasant summer tour North
and Virginia and are much pleased
with different points of interest they
have visited and speak highly of both
country and people. They have visited
Asheville, M Virginia Beach
and Old Point We wish for a
pleasant stay in the county of
An Fun With The
Young Folks.
the Academy
building the juveniles bad i
which for and
tun was a roaring success. It
mostly on the order of the humorous
and ludicrous, and there were sum
the roast side splitting costumes and
make ups that could he
he little folks were after fun and
they found it, and at the same
contributed no small amuse-
to th- -poet tors as t-c later vain-
tried by guessing tin- id n-
of the several
were boys girls, and girls and
but lo tell tr m
from was just past oil.
so clever were the disguises.
Alter sometime
they up lo and amid
much more merriment spectators
discovered how badly tiny hid
following were in masque, rep-
resenting the characters
Glenn Forbes, l; d lining Hood.
Bertha Patrick, Sweet Sixteen.
Mamie I lines. Market Woman.
Lucy Forbes, Baby Mine.
Nina s, Ancient
Minnie Tunstall, Liz, Yellow
Airs. Noah.
M Lie Old Time Lady
Delia House
Carrie Andrews, Gypsy Gill.
I lines,
Frank Skinner, Clown.
Fred Forbes, Nice
Welter Wilson, Sailor B y.
Harry of the
Regime t.
Willie Bond Brownie.
Skinner, Regular I.
James, Black Jack.
Vick, Country Girl.
Get Your Share.
To from the new
goods in. tin- merchants are
expecting a heavy fall trade.
will help lie m dispose of
Who Has Made His Mark in
Mr. John Ii. Tripp. a -r
boy. now
has visiting relatives and
in county Pr the las days,
lie on to
engagement in All before
lo his adopted home In lite
Lone Stir S ate. Mr. Tripp has sue-
c in business ere
Was zealous ill his to i due--
Col I. A- Sugg
the Suite Texas, and that
it is the op-, in the world
the Colonel.
In Ids when Cut.
doing a great deal to help I he boys
girls of the county, only
a very slight service to Mr. Tripp but
ibis start, d him an success
and he has his
It is doubtless a, gratifying
pleasure to Col. Sugg to tins
loyal young man so great an tn-
in his welfare, for g
is seldom shown. It is a great
delight to the m of M.
to know that he is made such
stuff and it, he is succeeding.
Pitt county proud
and wishes them speed where ere
Battle, a colored who has
lived here a number years and
driver for Dr. Brown,
became He has
been taken to relatives in Martin
Soon be Shipped
I. A. J. the lire
department it in receipt a I.
the fire engine to.- Greenville
will be ready for shipment by Sept.
Another Plant That Helps Green-
Th.- G Co. furl I adding
by the branch
the n Tobacco Co., ts a
bee hive of industry.
Mr F. M. Hedges, book keeper
I lie company, showed us through the
plant this morning and explained the
working of the huge automatic ma-
chine. Everything moved with reg-
clock and is very int-r-
to witness.
is a forty bards j t
It You want a Nice
flat wok in and about the plain
a e a hustling crew. Mr. J. W-
M buyer the at-
tends on the floors,
H-id some o work he can
be judged the t a he
all this of hands and
busy g. his ready tor
working in the
under the Mr.
An Improvement
A. I,. Blow is a n-
laid around his premises
at the corner Pitt and Fourth
The walk is made of the pit-
paving material by
Mr. E House.
Cheap Rates.
From Sept. 1st to the Atlantic
Coast Line will sell tickets to Norfolk,
Richmond or Washington at one tare
the round trip. Tim tickets are
good to return any ti no within thirty
from date of sale.
is are a necessity to
advertiser Who would tea -h the
to use his goods. ad-
in a live newspaper without re-
benefit any
than he can jump the river
out getting Printer.
Eastern Prices Please
Mr. T. It. Hodges,
sold large lot to
at the Eastern Warehouse and
says he was even better with
pi ice Be here
two we-ks Ill in
Man Joyner and the
Warehouse eve-y time when
it come lo selling tobacco.
Stung to Death by Bees
Mr. I,. i-ad a dog
which be kept at his two
above town. Tuesday ibis dog got
his chain hung in a bosh near
were some bee The s b--
came by the tin-
ting, and upon
bin to badly that he t few
An That Will benefit
the Market and Town.
Tuesday the large
Co. started operations.
The plant is equipped
the r tobacco
d is c. every d. pail
It will a regular force sixty
bra dot other hands
to op. rate the Giving
to such a large numb- r
hands means that this plant is going lo
materially help the
Greenville as well at add tie it strength
to the tobacco market.
Mr. J Woodward, the clever
book keeper tor showed us
and explained its
Working, The is truly
glad to see
here, an every to
enterprising Mr. B, l-j. P
is one ii.- best buyer on mar-
and with bit splendid facilities
handling tobacco will have large order
C. T.
When; the prettiest line of Spring Clothing
can be found.
A beautiful line
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
to select from.
C T.
. I am north alter new
goods. My stock this season will em
brace prettiest and
styles on the market.
M. D.
Seven Couples of Young People
Take a Delightful Outing.
On Monday Mr. N. S.
Washington, gave a gas
boat from Greenville to
complimentary to Mi.
of who is
g Mi-s White.
The bout Greenville a. o'clock
h following select party on
N. S and Miss Susie Crab-
J. L. Fleming and
R. L. Carr and Miss Myra Skin-
Stewart Ca-r and Fannie Skin-
J. B. While and Miss Nannie Flem.
H. W. Whedbee and Mia. Eva
W. S, Bernard and Miss Willie
The party by Mr.
C. A. White.
reached Washington about
o'clock and attended a
German that night in which about
thirty couples participated. The party
returned home Tuesday afternoon and
were the trip up the river
by several young ladies and
Washington. The latter a t
an hour here and returned lo Wash-
in the evening.
The party declare
had a more delightful trip.
Beat Sale Yet.
best all around tale this season
the Warehouse
iv. There was good on slice, in .-
Our Own Make the Best.
Mr. C. Joyner has just
six of coring bright tobacco at
Col. I'm-iii and the bis
labors are a In and allows
what faithful, earn st.
is worth. Air. an
son Pitt county, a will and
t succeed
a Mr. F. M.
of Col. is
ore of beat aid moat
A A f.
S Arriving.
the floor and it brought
the all the
happy. Caving lead both
ill pries and tobacco
sold we prop lo stay there by doing
Very best work f r the
any can do. Oar prices do their
own A Mow,
A young man the country with
his sister on a buggy was riding through
main street, Friday afternoon. A mule
hitched lo a cart Wat being watered at
the well in trout of J. L. Starkey's
store, and young mill in
where be was driving collided
with I be cart. Om wheel of his
buggy brawn all to s and his
sister was badly frightened.
Fine Cotton.
Friday Mr. A. S. Walker, of Beaver
Dim brought a stalk cot-
ton to town with him. This, stalk was
high and bad well developed
bolls, enough and
to run the number over Mr
Walk-r says this was not a picked
stalk, rat one. he just pulled up while
w along h'S He has plenty
i taller an this and more
bolls on it. He any it it matures be
will gel a line crop.
All Eyes on Greenville.
So many p eminent tobacco men
from the hi trade centers visiting
Greenville during the lust few
means something. It means that
Greenville if the attention
he tobacco trade generally and
all are interested in at this market
is doing. Those who have been here
express surprise at the huge vi
p done and declare it among
the best and substantial markets
known. Most them placing large
orders here means also making
a still r and better
market than It has ever been.
good judge tine . II
d-lighted with his crop and
with the en Mr. Joyner. Not a
six weeks and if U a treat lo
view tin- tobacco now in prize
house. Mr. hit-bard t is the
best cm be has had I by any
one and be is lit g such prices a.
such tobacco in mob condition will
Mr. Joyner ill enter the Medical
College at Philadelphia. Oct. 1st. and
we predict him a career.
Pitt county produces flit best
The Luster ii
Mr, B. M. Lewie, Farmville
township, Thursday sold two
bottom primings at Eastern
Warehouse and netted an average
Some it brought as
high as You find a man
b. i pleased with a tale than he was.
But that characteristic of the Eastern
high prices and please
Was Very Nervous
Had Smothering and Could
Not Sleet Doctors Called It
Neuralgia and Indigestion.
I had pains n my head, and
shoulders and a . through my body but
were most severe in my left side.
The doctor cabled it neuralgia and in-
digestion. I win confined to pry bed for
eight months. very nervous, bad
smothering and could not sleep. I
read cure by Hood's and
case similar to mine. My husband
procured a bottle, and I began taking it.
After taking one bottle I felt better, was
able to rest and ray appetite Improved. I
continued until my nervousness
cared and I was much better In every
way. My husband has also been
by Hood's Mary
Is Best-In lb Ob Purifier.
Sold by f l. tit-tor ts,
of the other shapes the course
of unborn o n
sounding through all the
ages enters the confines of
Eternity. With what care, there-
fore, the Moth-
be and how the
effort b to ward off danger and
make h r life joyous happy.
allays all
and N a u-
pares the
system that Childbirth is made easy
and the time of recovery short-
many say after
than before confinement. It in-
safety to life of both moth-
and child. All who have used
Mother's Friend say they will
be without it again. No other
remedy robs confinement of its pain
customer whose Friend. j
says that if bail to the
attain, and them were hut four to
obtained, the was per bottle, Of
If you want anything in
call and see me. lean save you money on
FIXES SHOES of the celebrate Eagle brand
Opened to S T- White's ad a full
to select from Everything fresh and low down in price. A
dial invitation extended to nil. Come see me, will make it
Sent by receipt, of price, MM nOT
TUB Book to
mailed upon application, containing
on and voluntary
A General.; line of Horse
Also a nice line
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
to see
New fall
and winter
dress goods, hats
Shoes, Notions,
are in and we ask you to call and inspect
We bought large and offering bargains

Was it the Result of Mental
Anguish, or What
A remarkable case of
with fatal
has been reported to us
who lives not far from
Monroe, and whose word is
bind, the incident is
It occurred last summer.
The gentleman j question had
an old couple, man and wife,
working for on the farm-
day while they were
corn he went out to drop
for them, and by an sight
skipped of the rows. When
corn up, there
was. of coarse, a vacant row
the oM
the create;
and declared that tun coming
up of the corn was mi omen
and meant that to have
some lack Th y
the row with the
that by this
Le averted; but
not satisfied, and continued t-
less and expectant of
matter heavily on
their Now comes
strange part. In about two
wife sickened and
shortly died. The husband re-
her death as a fulfillment
of the prophecy, and
expressed the opinion that he
was doomed to an
Remarkable to say, in
about two mare months he
and died. It is for the
theorists to say whether the dis-
mind and fear
that something was going to
happen the old couple
from what regarded
as an evil sign to
on the sickness of winch they
died, or that the deaths were
with corn
planting occurrence. Who can
tell I No one, we guess Monroe
Feminine Superiority
It is admittedly true that the
hand of Email employ-sent hath
the daintier sense, and it is
true that as compared with
band of man the hand of woman
exceeds in delicacy of touch.
By reason of this superiority in
many employments
exceeding fineness mobility
I live of country
With its mid worry and I
Of tie t his
hi; i his calm
His happiness, money gout.
Hut, say you heard of
wile ;
that silent
With blending of beauty
Willi a knowledge. teal in d
The whole of his labor can t
It is she wit i ciders the garments
the editor's old chair.
Now with ions, toil
and neat,
And trimmed up with and
lions tweet
Which CM was so poor and hare.
II the sick, or away or
In need of hands or more haste.
She directs his so they can
he read.
And mites his leaden out her
A. d willingly his paste.
reads pap-rs end
As the she Softly rocks.
While sits in his easy chair,
With his fingers thrust in his tangled
She quietly mends his socks.
Then she reads the ads w th the editor.
Just to find out what each has paid.
Hut the column ad the jeweler.
So lie harness and human
Must he taken out in
Bo she wears the dress-s he gets
Aid ranks his machine ;
She uses bitter and and
The country subscribe so faithfully
h a cheerfulness seldom seen.
Hut hi-r lite. full of many
Has one darK cloud,
Though she shares his ticket to
circus and play,
To lectures and gay,
Mn can't
n lime heavy on hands
She beguiles his
j and laugh music and
Million Dollars Daily Destroyed
r in I In
execution women are preferred,
and they are pushing men from And pleasant talk, and
their stools It is announced
the result of long and
careful experiment, governor
of Bank of France has now
work of detection of
forged bank notes and of d
with altered Lumbers
entirely to a special corps
women clerks. He that
keen of their finger
tips enables them in handling a
note to difference,
however slight, between
forged and the re article.
Keenness cf sight as well as of
touch in detecting
the false of
in this
depends upon the discovery of
the difference in symmetry cf
and the shades cf
difference in the ink used
The world has been a Ions time
cut and in to
use the feminine
which make the employment of
women certain lines of k a
matter of course well of
dexterity and but of
yearn their of usefulness
has been rapidly enlarged- Not
without dean r. but surely, bright
women are inroads upon
vary forms of work
once masculine
A Now York man says he and
wife Lover have disputes
because the flat on which they
live is so small is no room
for a
What was known as Maine's old-
est school situated in Wt
Gardiner, was destroyed by fire
other night- It built I
In of the
the of putting out a fire is
made a upon the propel
o person for whose benefit
the department is called out-
The jurymen in a trial
at Mich., went to a
barber's to get shaved, and the
was not to
speak a word daring the
A Chicago manufacturer is
putting the market a grade of
umbrella which sells a a
groat many business
men buy to he ex-
The whole of each day.
Oh who would exchange this sweet
This simple and trusting life.
For that a queen royal birth
For the happiest woman in all tin-
Is the country wife.
Beery winking in year
Sam r. million
tears up and at K Moil it -1
A pulp one million by II. U. law. , makes
F genuine hank notes and
writes Clifford i In Ki. W . m has
tint i i a v. n i
I i million .-- in one. I is
live, tin. twenty, filly. Tin is alive paper,
Idled, and liar I ,., ,., .,. .,.
punched lull h-l-s, cut f . ., . , H
thrown info . e j ,. , ., .,
ships for school lax limn any
I them ton mas- of
, a
b. soil, torn it ma -N- ,,, of Hurting
to Treasury a la.-c I.
redeemed. Sooner or . very I k
among p He .-
A New Study of American
. coin Aid carried it in
; two
The modern
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
is lo o j The, ray now it's h
and United UH new law which
stands lo putt nun in jail tor not paying their
a la liner W
Winston on.- week
load I melon and
V, Van K I- Law in on be
s h.-r I Ilia i n
la study w V.-k. Newport he w. the m load
I Boston lit-. Which promises to lie I tile
with interval in ill an- in- r in sin
in I g-l a
No know.- the -o of m awl r
H mid
M s Prom her i up ; h The in
. he has had lo ,
serve, aid have I n- A
I mere brilliant not had picked
o b h-r Soon
of I on.- I.;. bis
girl is in her t. die i- like
a nil Pat-;
into I you oil. a if you
. , , , . I i. i your I
I. III, an ,, ., . , J
his., Nov.
Paris C., St. Lout. Mo.
already this In i
of In
never an that
giro the holder such n a new
now in . to- it ; or, j-. oilier
the will red. tin it.
poll tax. r is
not is the lira same and will
law nil a
n hi- d aid it, -I
Like Dark Days of
. d in i j is a running sore, and ha.- yet
i i arc been who is willing lo
that he iI, Dir-
She the Man Her Choice
the most expert money
aid m
is a that the Mess, n world. In fact, Ban
bureau report in properly p. the work is re-
issue reals as if our con d-M for inly must lie
gone to old files of tin S ,,.,,
time, and had torn . . , . e .
.,,,. .- , ., out all n
a I.-. It is a ion of the I 1- i v
dark days re. n the n. i-s n. aid .-p. lie
plunderers id lite Egyptian wee i.-ii. r thin r- says
locusts, and then was a great deal , is .-. el-v imitate genuine Th. lie
good as ; , y ,,., ,,,,;,. ,,. i of North Carolina e-
wide of South Carolina somewhere , , , ,, , ,,
. I W- less, .;.
people's by t n. and not discovered u-k-r. young
betrayers will put in. u lo ale info Tn-as in , 1.1 her hi i
If taxpayers do -I ,;, ., I all . . h X share of
in 1898, and send trustworthy, . .
. i i ii . I i its can lie d, daily
to e i
the to at hear in mind that these
sutler, tor i will be imprint on
for personal an ,., ,. , be I
sins. j.,,,., ,,,,,.,, ,
made nil and venality and I p- , , ,
M not s are . II.
fed which, eases, is
A VALUABLE Tl W. ,,,. m; ,
Editor Morris n. of a
ton. Sun writes. val I t r I. a may
in succeed so
and i can rec II la tire a n l
and sick and as ., ;, xx- to
Ave. was all run down. y h-
could not eat nor digest load, had a
never her and
tired and weary, lilt six n is -ii was a tali
renewed her P ices SO c s in M
and per hot tie at J. i. stale on
in-n lie or M this
and woman a. she p.
I res in
. lo cl b SO
op lo K aid I
I'm Works
New York, and so on i.
and finally , . din lion
The chapters
lit r
U. S.
Willi i r r. m
i rent Ir m v. n.
, i, it, he of
What Is It
Rivers Lined With Pearls.
Rock. Ark., An
of valuable of
pearls in lakes and livers in Ar-
have added greatly to the ex-
already existing over similar
and thousands
people are wading through the water
in pails the State, search-
tor the precious gems. The latest
and most sensational were
made in Arkansas river, and the
creek--, lakes and near Little
Rock, where pearls picked
up, ranging in value from to
each. Hundreds people are
the Saline, Whits and other rivers
and many finds ha-
Additional s were
mule on the river
and hundreds of are
to that stream. A representative of
the Arkansas Gazette, who spent
much in investigating matter,
says there are streams in the. State
that arc rich in earls of large
has now developed that the curse
a survey made in While river in
1895, worth it were
collected by the survey, in
the course of their duties. Recent
discoveries lead to the assertion that
never in the history man were
many and so large pearls
Pearls of M to grains in
weight are no uncommon things to
the possession of country
who pearls l r pastime. The
color pearls found is that a
saline rose, and the texture is first-
That should Lo
as a yon are through using
them not be allowed to
until cold.
An exchange Fays that
in Alaska freezes to a
depth of forty feet daring the
winter and all funerals are
until some pleasant day in
Cure AH
Liver Ills.
Tried Friends Best.
years Pills have
p-oven to the invalid.
Are truly the sick man's friend.
A Known Fact
For bilious headache,
sour stomach,
and all kindred
It is a picture celebrated
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
her estate Mr.
s, a
Mil, has livid here
j-cars, has a
s. capital
r. hi ll.- hi id n Ilks
among the h. and IS
i-- a
A a N Au
Line I In
N Mr.
-ii- calling
the lies,. T i; Tin-
lid-. CI v Is s
Mrs James
I;. Mi- Mr.
F. in nun
up. a his . it day,
ah I.-ii ;. fume known tint
r had made
s. h s .-. j 1st
ii ti s Iv was i
the is in th-
t. Iv r the D
In id- and groom Mr,
., III
cotton buyers, K. aid
K II. I., h. I'm y. us
;,. s Albany, lo a big
i- ii a ct
It. S. Tinker and a
II. Wind. r.
To have mi absolute I
remedy for Consumption. By it.- use j
of hopeless cases have been already ,
cured So proof-positive am
of its power I consider it my duly to I
to those of your readers i
who have or
Lang if v ill me ti
express and r- ti address.
t. a. u. c, st.,
cs- -1 , .-I
ILia u
y i .
, -v ;.
I- I
I ;
. f l lie
i where i- . i
n all
t on
has a nice assortment these Fountain t ,
also a beautiful line of Handle Gold Pens, ,, ,, , . ,,,,.
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap are.
You may never,
But should you -3--.
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.
Job Dice.-
Anything from
-TO A-
The Daily Reflector.
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of a
month. Are you a, sub-
scriber II hot
The Eastern Reflector.
I.- only a year.
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the es-
those growing
tobacco, that is
many times more
the subscription price.
on Thus n
n. attended
are i.
he in re easily
ill ,
c and in a mil's
labor Ink f
comet labor in
Ir-T labor re, as in
other part country, has an
u on Ilia roads
r and
r Wt Mates which
g l- in o
labor et
in tails should a
the North ex-
than one half of the
convict in the
arc be-
cause I in .
this probably bolds
States West. Tins enforced
idleness is not only n burden
tax payers ; hut it also aggravates the
K-iii of
were put to on tin-
highways we should soon have an
proved public and In
of the State
would be
. I
by y
. .
are But
and a
Is fwy n sick.
.;., I
t r the
a , . . function.
ll car . It
i I . far the In
her sung with do-
i -r. . can and
. p
. I i
i i ll.
be .-.-d j j-.
I . ;
Th C. . . . v.
n. .
. . i ,
Tc Snuff
ii . I,
hi ii i- r. I. Hi-
C SIC k Cf
Always hand nil so hi at i to
lie limes. and
ill I
to run V a
s. M s N
mm m
We t a new
i. oil
am in
and brought
We to
lower ever.
do not tr but
lie f and
SMITH Props.
; late store J
N. C
and in all
kinds of
AI kinds of done
nM skilled and good
and to
N V,
Wire andiron Fencing
Sold, work
prices reasonable.
c, in E due till patent It wet
i ii b.
, D, C,
. -.--
Atlantic Coast Line.
In is, s.
i. in. I m 11.10
a in.
ii IS W p in. II.
I. n in. i in.
w ; i n m.
i. I p in. Richmond mi,
ton 11.10 pm. on l i .;
III. I hi I n,.
v York ii
p in.
DAILY Id Pa Due Mat;
M . P in. i p
P in in p in
M It ii iii.
a in. Mount
ii in. W I II a m,
Its a in.
.; HI a l.
ti m.
i m, I hi
a M, How York J i
in. i p m.
ll. . in. I p i. c
O nil Mat ion I ; ,
iii, Florence p m. Sum
let U p m. in .
in. K ii
i ti m, Mae in iii i n ,
i I . ii in. i I
Ion to p I ,
ti in. ti in,
ft. . mil nine If in
. in pm
a r ll .
I i
DAILY N. 4-i. r, ii
i. I'M- i in New York
mil, ; ti.
mo ii tun. m m
i i am. I i I. in ti i Si,
in-,; in mi am,
i it in.
t; u in, Mini iii ii.
pin i son nag
pm. I n; j
DAILY No. I.,,,.
York n,
i pm, 8.21 inn,
pm, i
i;. l pm. It. Mi n i i.-,
am ave on
tun. H
7.63 am am,
No. hi Leave
I i s.-. Item am,
in tun.
; . ,
; j IS P. Mi Tamps am, I. o
pm, Jacksonville pm,
ti night, i
urn .,
am. ail
i am,
am. I K cm,
Marlon tun, I
am, Lake
on t .
p. i
. in., u .
n, p. in., .
. Returning,
t. in., Greenville v.- a. at.
la i x at
trains on
p . m
Men ill, p t
The Mate of
The above take
th it entitled as
has n In
Court I r divorce, the Is
to appear the of
at a to be
the of at. conn
house In lie, on the second
after Hi.- Monday of S pi
next, it being the of
mid answer the complaint w If
In the of the clerk of
the en lit of mill county,
in three days of term,
let the said defendant take notice that
he fall to answer or demur the
the required by
law, the Plaintiff will to the
for relief In the
under my band and ml of said
this 7th
E. A. Clerk court.
has taught the best l
Hemp Hope, Faming every
f Millers, general house purposes, as well a
i lo Hats Dross Goods I have hand. Am head
f. i Heavy and Jobbing smut for Clark's o. N. T.
. coin ti mis clerks.
All in
Washington 8.10 a. ii
a . in., p
n., a. m.,
a. MO p. m., I'm inch . n.
1.20 p, in,, arrives Washington
a. m., U p. m, ex-
it Sin i 11- with rains an
Tl all. leaves g i .
rt it. n. ,.,,, sin,.
h SO p. ti. ;, . .
7.1 I r. . , p,
I I except
Joy, . v i -u.,
n. j
I i N. C.
daily, except 0.0 a
a, arriving a. in. i,,.
leave a. m., at
in s tit 9.30 ft. m.
leave LaMs 0.40 pm,
p m, Clio p
m. m
a in, daily except
for Clinton except Sunday
a. m. and p. m- a
. fin all points dally,
also at Mount
Norfolk and Carolina K l fin V ,
all ill via Not folk.
I. V
vile and land
River Monday,
m A. M.
Those lie. hi
of Heron Tar
for , I. . ,,,,.
Philadelphia, Ni York and Bo ton.
Shippers I hell
marked via Dominion trim
New York. from
folk a Baltimore
Haiti t
J J.

Eastern reflector, 1 September 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 01, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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