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In Spring
Ami all o
t mart j
The Eastern Reflector.
O. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year, in Advance.
It is the paper for
ever with
Watch i
reprove nut not
la auger. not against
they are
a kind father say
o n is No-. Cr
cruelty n r made
grounds for divorce, g lo
Val us of a Newspaper lo
nets Con
value, of a fir
able acting the
world as a r. x of a city
lit adequately ganged,
filter a remark
beard a kind father say . a today by j rat-all f a mu
. pretty much, but Vies Martin P.
Ml a resident Of St.
w lid will beat It decision Ed war J S I Ht county,
sought Iii conversation, doctor
nM a i-r of any
ix I can determine its
charged It should be
d of violent d I bat Dr. i i mu
ad. if long spared, the Store, the part of Mrs. bas years above lour
beat. is confer
was a beautiful thought,
not eh expressed. Ye .,
not hub child the cir-
the table, healthy
happy as tin-y now, on
Hewitt, of
lo divorced in Annie
on the f
cruelty- trod y
wither lade, a cold
world frown them but, amid
all, let memory thorn back
to a homo where a law if
a here the mother's
reproving eye was moistened
mill a tear, the father frown-
d sorrow than in
auger El.
h-r in dispel
Wale Treas nays that
I he
higher t rate value stock,
thus leading the State,
s baa to be reported a-
actual not at the par value.
The Stale Auditor says that a
spec-nil pro vis on tho now
n the cashier cf
bank to tarnish to the
o commissioners the
of all stockholders tho m-m-
of shares, and each
must also report to the
Auditor the peat
office addresses, and of
shares held by each
The same thing applies to tho
all corporations,
who must
Dr- has recently
to several trying
annoyances. While way
to some shot
through the car window at which
he as the train
out if his
he the workman cu
his Lad displaced a
of roof over
Los grocery, per-
g the f
hundred i
for which be u-
having lo suspend on
his for a week or more
while waiting for the last e
to ; from
of was
broken by a causing
Mother delay. Then tho foreman
pf bis printing office left to
delaying the publication of his
paper. brother hardly
k i MM what to expect u
his expression. What
meant was, that look
a for
j tic, fa old
the character of
mer Wile.
In the application e interests and
the I features. So it is everywhere I
Vice Cl an
curtail A newspaper wide
a worthy of a is very closely
in Ho parties- Merchants and
-1 is apparent that look to see
woman a woman of violent using and
temper and that she does at- bother or not to orders or
tempt -o herself to cone pond With III a
of modesty and the appearance of the
of paper. A is supposed
I think there were also occasions to be a pretty good
when she frequently He city itself. It be-
be. to use foul hooves every business man lo
Rut this alone does not remember this
extreme cruel it may show When you extend patronage to a
that t bad taste in the fa journal you but as.
hand in selecting such a woman yourself, livery
for his wile. When a woman mm is looking for support. Is
a does not ti era the city more
many bis When a of unlimited patronage
marries he agrees that he
will prefer his wife before he will yet, some
consider his children- This he and m are mighty
r undertakes by the mere ac. of chary about giving any patron-
and, even if they may will do well to
right and the wife wrong, the bur, that favors a.-e
husband undertakes that he will hey should know they
stand by the wife be not entitled to tho slightest
advisor to maintain, j rec. and
her Bet position As her bus- ,. . .
band, he should not take j
with his children and mu I
her fur hasty or ill advised
speech or He should I seven
support her as the mistress of hoy five daughters of
household, even e may err Joseph Lucy of
July energetic, or even Ky , were
playing hide seek Tuesday
with three children, aid
doling play the sisters enter-
ed tho
a large, old-fashioned,
k in raised
the and jumped inside- The
top fell aid closed with a tight
lock. Two of their play-
males had hidden a bed.
who was acting as spy,
soon the bed m girls,
first lecture the morning a or Laura Jen-
i. a by Dr- proved bad
the cellar
class work.
Prof. from At the patents were
School, teaches a and lid not
the w ml j S Dr. for three hours.
courses in Lit-;
torus, all Skin Kr. i- j Anglo the children a search
of the Bible. j was united, but almost
hour elapsed
and be um
a-, times-
The Summer School ill
with a large
Chapel Hill with many
good Mater
largo shady campus, is
the People
Our en relaxed. Our
torts have never to the best
selected stock
thought that Hits
s was much the
all those read at com-
I never
knew that she Had much
ability. What was ct of
hr essay to make a
L- T.
which to select your purchases, We
confidently believe an a unhesitatingly claim
that ours is the store all stores in our
from which to buy your goods for the
coning year. Goods are sold on time at close
credit prices to customers approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of gold, silver or greens-
When they enter into our possession
they are again converted into the best bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit many
friends and customers. Do not ate or be
led away but cone straight back to your
friends who will take care of your interests
and work the harder to make you a
stronger customer and better friend of
Straight honest dealing between man
and man. We are the friend of the poor
man, we arc the friend of the rich man, we
are friend of all Come to see us, we
will serve you to the best ability. Po-
lite attention, best of service and honest
forts shall be yours to command the
Our Nation's in Uncle First Postage Stamp;.
and cares Piles or.
It is guaranteed Ho live,
perfect satisfaction or Prof i
price per
Kr sale by
Professional Cards
M. Head.
J. I. Fleming
Greenville, H. C
In all
N. C
it. all courts.
teacher in j the old ti auk. Tb
the were dead, locked
work the great d of so j-n arms.
teacher-, i- strong all depart- J
The Bay,
Training taught Mi
is a good
The courses Latin and
French Gorman are well at-
Geography, psychology, Child
Physical Training are all taught
by the best actors-
Milne of the New York
Normal School, Supt,
of Wilmington, are teaching they
to Skinner.
N. Ci
N- C. J. c
N. C
in all lye
h. c.
Bryant of is a very
popular course- Mr Webb gives
a course in English Composition-
will give evening
Teachers can e no better
to attend
should correspond
U. W- Toms,
Chapel S.
It is always a good idea to
recognize of your
It is pretty to people
interested iii what you med to
When you take a man's con-
av from him.
can't add it to your own.
If we talk our
they will have no
weight for good.
can a man's
pretty thoroughly by what he
considers laughable.
It is nave a little
Ii nation of the world is
Staten. The census of
1890 shows tree or tan
selling of the rial
country lo be
i an
lofty nine IN
at the decade, mid is
six limes value iV money
the entire The mind cannot
of Mich
gawks ill
i in gold dollars
carts, each c a ton.
writes Fannie Mick
in July I,
rumps were
M. Miles, our
Ht that lime,
hut In to
. slumps Ibis country.
,, . , Hi successor,
would load i
more mid
MM tie
II suM dollars were piled one on
,,, , ,. not however, till
the other they a three. .
I . ,. ,. t, , . . ti
Only two
till a wall gold mm mile
long and worth
increase this wall lo twenty-eight and
a miles the amount would
our National wealth. Plate I
s de by side the
Jordan, in
July Home
, . -i , .-.-,
it. Make similar piles
was July Only two mines of the
loan E. T. Harding,
Wilson, X. Greenville, N.
tin of claims.
on short
John II. W. fl.
Inn. N, C. Greenville, N. C,
Li MA 1.1. LONG.
Ii t
es hi all Courts.
The News
fact that Joseph Jr.,
of Patterson, k. Y., i in that
pity. is a
the silk of New
jersey. ; e contemplates
his silk factory and is
cities with that end in view- His
is to employ a thous-
and operative . and this would be
Bun Never Bes on
proudly boast that the
sun i sets on the Queen's
ions, as it were subjects of
Mar writes
George on
on in the July
and a noble purpose, than Hume Journal. Hut it is equally
much talent and no purpose.
There is something about
with money ill her own right
that is awfully bard to resist- .
are people who claim to
be tor the p or, who
never do anything else for them.
a largo the drugstore,
i trial population any city-
Editor of the Worthing-
ton, Ind. Sun writes. have a val
an it tor
ion and sick and
system It has no
Mis. Annie
Ban, rim down,
could eat food, a
which never loll her and felt
tired and but six bottles of
Electric Bitters restored her health and
renewed her strength. Prices SO
and V per bottle at J. L.
there is always sunshine
When is P. M. on Alum's Island,
Alaska, it is A. M. MM day
following at Maine. we
locale the of the United States,
ml. us midway between
lo. sixty-seven
one and
t he found on
longitude, about two Iran
eighty miles west of San
new were introduced in 1817
five n cent amp, hearing,
respectfully, portrait
in a and Washington in
first stamps in
United States Henry
the father Henry
known as
was in the
m office on August
IS Mr. Johnson entered with
printer whom he
received sheets ti new stamps. Mr,
passed s sheet to, Mr,
for Alter giving tie
stamps a glance Mr. Shaw, per-
haps with eve to future fame, took
out his wallet, counted out
and pure him at each variety.
In- he as a
hi to Governor
as an appropriate
This is best medicine in the
tor all forms of an
for Con b. is
It will and not
has no equal for Whooping Cough,
Fever, Bron-
Grippe, Cold in the Head
for It is safe for
ages, pleasant to take, and, above all
a sure cure. It's always to take
Dr. King New Life Pills in
with Dr. Kings New as they
regulate and tone the stomach and
bowels. We guarantee pertest
or return money. Free trial bot-
A well known dicer war seen on th
H or of the Stock yesterday I.
some Regular and
As good
Americana, I don't think we
ought to pray for the queen tr-
Clergyman As good
think that's
what we ought to do, for we
ought to believe that she seeds
for-New York Tribune
of that sage cheese, and
I'll Lave a pound of unity,
will enough, I guess- Dr
says that sage cheese
can b ea mi with
then, know, I may not like
the new
quavered. T should like to
rise to a question of
gentleman from Kansas
has the
to know if I got a right
to mention that I got a lot of
pure Jersey heifers to sell in the
speech I am to have put in
the record for circulation in my
district Cincinnati
A Shrewd Swindler.
of the shrewdest swindler
ever struck
county, says the
Index, was here for a few days in
May, got over oat of
took his departure and
has not been seen or heard of
since that time- tie is badly
wanted by most of the school
of the and
in case he can be found things
will be made, hot for him.
But J D Abbot, the man
they're alter, has got his
it is hard y probable that he
will want to renew his a
the county of Rich-
Abbot claimed to
sent a first class churl and
went to see various school
committees- He showed them a
very good chart and sold some
therefor he took vouchers upon
the county treasurer for the
money. In other instances
b it asked to
just their names to a piece
of paper as fir
the e By some
slick he worked ail
the districts and it a suggest d
that be to forgery in
several instances- The sheriff
did not to pay Abbot the
money but the vouchers were in
proper shape and correctly
signed and he not do
otherwise- Abbot his his
hat not charts have reached
purchasers and it is not
thought by many that he is
to deliver them. It has
several weeks since he took
orders and got his money bat
the present whereabouts of Abbot
and charts is an
I simply rite to if anyone
em tell mm haw i- has come to
preachers conceive
themselves at liberty to
a assembly in a veto f
low ribaldry,
and positive, downright
It is a shameful fact, that pub-
deliverances both pulpit
and platform are frequently bu
opening of the intellectual j
and moral of th
speakers hidden life, the
and to vie
of some field of past
character, out of which issues an
awful stench, disgusting to refined
sensibilities, sickening to
decent moral taste.
Of all men we preachers
to be purest. In tho vast
realm of truth apprehended by
human mind, that part of it
regarded as peculiarly the field
of preacher is purest and
ennobling of all its
It so, how then can he
come from this field bearing to
his nothing but garbage,
that reeks with its rottenness, re
with its or
only to involve and develop all
that is vile, and to perpetuate its
hateful contagion of h
If preacher in thinking
and talking as they no, re-
of every principle of
propriety, then decent men, and
specially decent women, be
compelled to say with p
God I am not
called to hear Moreover,
the good women of this land owe
it to themselves as a of
self-respect, to leave, in a body,
any public assembly in which
their modesty is and
their sex insulted by the low.
coarse, language
that frequently the
sermon and mar the of
shame that such writing
the above should be called for
The time has come when some-
thing must be to check this
tendency of the time. suggest
that while philanthropists are
endowing of -y, etc.,
some good woman, as
of her resentment, and as a
means of her protection, select
one of our colleges, and
in it, endow a chair of Gentility,
written with a big i. We need
gentlemen the ministry as well
as scholars We have some, but
want more.
Celebrated fr Ma great
strength and Assam
food against slum and all
to the cheap
A bad
The conventional lightning rods
one sees over houses and in
and small towns but
little protection to the
Small as this security is, it is wholly
lost if the so railed conductors
are Improperly and not in
perfect older, when in
become an absolute menace to the
they lo guard. It j
i essential, it rod is
to be set up, that the work be entrusted
to reliable and capable persons, other-
wise may a shining
to danger. It is probable, there-
fore, all things considered, that a
building i as well, if not better,
d without such conductors
are in general use as with It is
safe lo assert that gnat majority
of buildings damaged or destroyed by
lightning were provided with lightning;
rods, and in the majority these cases
conductors invited the thunderbolts
and some cause, probably r
construction, could not
lightning harmlessly to the earth
Government J. E. Powell,
injury Home Journal.
Question Buy.
Tobacco at Barn Door.
There is one has
become almost universal in this
territory indulged in by a
in which it M em
from complaints we hour
from many farmers reform is
desirable. It is a practice
we suppose it would not be
difficult to correct. This needed
reform is in the matter of ware-
sending men to
barn door to buy the farmer s
tobacco instead of waiting for it
to come to market to be sold
its merits on the floor-
This custom buying in the
country baa been going on for
several year, at the
set of the warehouse business,
and for many years thereafter,
thin was not the case, nor is it the
case on some markets now for
the to purchase
If all tobacco was sold by the
producer on warehouse floor
more uniformity of price to
farmer would prevail and he
would be the gainer, besides i
would be more satisfactory to all
interested in
reason that it is objectionable
that the same tobacco the dealers
buy of the farmer at the barn
door is put on the floor and the
price is pushed to a price
by buyer than the farmer
who did not sell in the country
and tobacco on the floor
able to get for his sold the
same day, and this naturally
creates dissatisfaction-
We think that much
would be hushed if
was again sold in every instance
direct the farmer on the ware-
house floor- Such a course it
strikes us would to the
benefit of farmers and warehouse-
men, and indeed to the dealers
generally- Of course concert of
notion on the part of all ware-
housemen in this territory would
be required to accomplish the
result suggested.
We threw out these
for what they are
believing at the same time that it
be to the interest of all to
bring about a reform in this
lotto Observer of
Sunday infers at length to a mat-
from which every paper
North Carolina suffers more or
less, but affects, probably,
the daily newspapers
practice indulged u m
of borrowing
of habitually using the
property of another and frequent-
to the annoyance and
of the owner.
The sometimes
two ways against the
Some who borrow
scribe if they couldn't borrow,
once in a while a paying sub-
scriber, one who appreciates the
paper and is really anxious to
have it in his home, becomes so
worn out and disgusted with the
borrowing habit that he slops
it himself order to get
rid of the borrower.
The Observer evidently thinks
the confirmed borrower a hard
nut, for it says it of
ability to say which
will pierce the hide of the newt-
paper borrower and it has no
peal it the matter except to
and adds i
good will of a person who
will persistently beat upon
is hardly worth the having, and
tho who subscribes and pays
for a newspaper, like a man,
ought not hesitate to deny to
the right to read his
paper before he bis family
do, nor hesitate to tear it up when
they have finished with it. We
frankly avow a certain amount
of personal feeling in this
matter, being aware that
people this paper
most generously are persons who
never subscribe for it nor buy a
of it, but borrow it from
one year's end to from
better than
From our own experience, we
a-e to endorse as a
hunk of solid truth statement
of our contemporary that
people who curse this paper most
generously are persons who
never subscribe for it nor buy a
c Ft the animus
of this is so
parent that the purpose to injure
the paper falls flat or proves a
b and rebounds
the of abuse-
The Observer concludes
subject as fol-
is ranch habit of
to turn their
noses at the papers and
wonder why North Carolina
have great papers such as
other States have. We have no
words to waste on the deadbeats,
but to honest men who pay for
this paper we wish to say that
North Carolina will never have a
great paper until
cease lending such as we already
have. This will bring the
to terms and they will per-
force become newspaper sob-
and this will help them,
to, for they will than become
more and better
Winston Sentinel.
Is it that h- filled
coo with dyspeptics
that takes the flesh off their bones,
from their blood, and makes
them feeble, emaciated and
No. It is had cooking, overeating of
Indigestible stuff, and health-de
The remedy is artificially
food as the Shaker Digestive
dial, Instead of Irritating the
Inflamed stomach the Cordial g a
chance to rest by nourishing the system
itself and digesting other food
with It. So flesh and strength mum.
Is. not Idea rational he cordial
is palatable and relieves
No risked to It value.
A cent trial bottle that.
la the best medicine for
Doctors recommend It In place
of Castor Oil.
J C D IT I C D Democratic, and the Republicans
also lose of tee
Greenville, N. C.
J, Editor
at the t- at Greenville,
V., claw nail matter.
There was a threatened race
war in Key West, Fla-, last week,
being so Ur from
that Slate troops
could not be sent there easily,
Governor telegraphed to that recounts
It to a man up n tree a
John Russell Young, the r
a ho is the new Librarian Con-
had dropped into a a
year sinecure, as A. R. who
Las been Libra-inn for a
years is made hit first assistant and
will probably to do all the
hard work. It is given out that Mr.
was made assistant instead of
Librarian, at his own request, but, f
c nobody has to believe such an
improbable because it has
official backing, has many
ii Hi.; friends who might have made
President for of
United States soldier-
the Philadelphia to
govern hi finery
enough to avert a war with-
out help from l, low
would it be
the S cf
for the story.
Oakley, N. C, July aft, 1897.
Miss Williams and sister.
Miss Matilda, who has been visiting
relatives bare, returned home
day, Miss Mamie accompanied
them borne.
Bob Greene, Greenville, was he-e
Thursday and made sale of one his
elegant buggies.
Quite a number of our people
tended the Masonic funeral of Titos.
D. Carson yesterday.
Miss Verna Little is sick.
Crops are looking well, lime is
There never a clearer ease
bread and g tie
than the
to the bill, prepared by the
the Senate Finance
Committee. It was not their first
intention to it-port any amendment on
this subject, but they became satisfied
it they did not there was danger
that the anti-trust amend-
which was recently tabled by a
little parliamentary might be
brought to a vote and be adopted.
Then they got heads together
concocted the .-ham that will be
about as injurious to the trusts as
the rust law has been
and actually expect the voters
the country to ace pt their work as
earnest and real attempt to curb the
power of trusts, instead of seeing
what it really is; an attempt to
the who don't know any
better than lo look u Republican
tor legislation to trusts.
Senator gave the Republican
bill a raking fore and in
in favor of amendment sup-
ported by minority of the Finance
Committee, to tax inheritances over
percent for next
He told the Republicans that
had made the measure prohibitory
a la no ever
in so and
u a the
lie said there was
pound in nearly ever
i. and that tin bill i. almost
a penal to carry on trade with
people South and Central
America, while one-third of it a a
declaration war against France,
Germany and the comment Europe.
lie added that the rat -s the bill
were akin to bribery and rapine
by a of
referring to the silver
question and the opinion
that the tree K
silver was a sit p
excess of the authority el
who had ordered it done.
games can no an
impunity upon the credulous by
unscrupulous men engaged in
a i e declares that
hut honorable
business methods are to be allowed in
practice the
while he is at its head, that
shark.- must so, and to
t. a business be has within
a sh period disbarred eight attorneys
practice before the United States
tor crooked business and
has cit. d John Co.
who arc officially charged with specific
fraud and deception in
their dealings with inventors to show
C why not also be
d .-barred.
The the District of
contributed money and
t rue to elect are inclined lo
S y words every time glance
the list seven diplomatic
p s have been to
dents the district. With the ex-
of John Hay, who is more of a
literary man a politician and more
a club and society man than either
Louis A. Dent, who was he late
Mr. Maine's private secretary I r a
Ion lime, the average Republican had
n heard these favored
their names went to the
It is probable that the
fir j gentlemen were to the
D strict of Columbia for con-
their Congressional back,
but doesn't make it please
tie pie hunters any better.
b st from a visit to
his home is Int
a in e circles Mis-
st this time. Affairs are in
somewhat an expectant attitude,
availing the appearance the belated
promised by the K-pub-
party, which to have been
somewhere along the line
i's journey. Money is idle and
listless, because the opportunity
profitable investment is
Under existing conditions Missouri
would probably double the majority
she gave The next House, in
opinion, will be
Weekly Crop Bulletin.
The week ending June 28th was
generally favorable, except along the
northern section North Carolina and
over a southeastern counties, where
ruin fell. The AM
and 27th were cool, but temperature
above occurred during middle
week. Very beneficial showers
occurred throughout the week.
i.- about all housed Mid threshing is
way. Cotton is still backward
well; corn has improved
and is b ins tobacco continues
small. In Mine counties farmers are
hiving ii keeping down the
Over portions this district,
illy in Halifax, Gates, Nash,
and Brunswick counties, the past week
has been See dry, and crops are
drought; in rs
showers occurred. Crops have been
in condition. Considerable
the corn has been by; it is
small, but doing fairly well; corn is
silking Cotton Was
in some by cooler
weather on and 27th. but
made progress during the middle of
the are reported.
Tobacco is doing well many points;
in some counties is buttoning out badly.
Threshing wheat is in lull blast. Rice
crop i-- line. Karly table corn is ripe
and tomatoes are
One Member
El acted.
On the firs Monday in June a Hoard
Education consisting of A.
F. and Allen Johnston was
were and
their duties the first Mon-
d iv in July. Instead of appearing to
of the members elect.
Alien Johnson, wrote a letter to
Chairman o hoard
ft. declining to the
When the last Legislature
ting offices and making laws to govern
same, it did not seem lo anticipate
that anybody tailing heir lo one the
would do such a thing as decline
and made no to meet-such
emergency. So action Mr.
caused some confusion as to
just what course to pursue. State
was telegraphed
to for instructions, but his being
closed on account holiday no answer
came him.
it was concluded to have a
joint meeting of the County
of Superior Court and
Register ct Deeds, hold another
election to fill the vacancy. This was
in the afternoon and the
was taken three all that
cast, were Jesse Cannon.
Commissioner Thompson and Register
Deeds declined to vote.
After this election the three members
I f the Board Education qualified
and held a joint session with the Reg-
Deeds and Clerk Superior
Court to elect a Supervisor. Thirty
three ballots were taken before any
choice was reached. J. R.
was finally elected.
Bethel, N. C, July 5th,
Leon bus taker, a position as
printer in the Southern office at Tar-
Rev U. B. Culbreth, N. M.
C. R. Davenport
evening to attend the
Washington District Conference of the
M. E. church at Aurora.
Marvin Culbreth, son of Roy. B. B.
Culbreth, preached two
mons in the Methodist
There was a Masonic held
over the- late D. Carson Sunday
at o'clock, P. M. There was a very
large there. There were
eight Masons in the procession.
The infant child of Mr. Mrs S.
A. died last
at o'clock, age old
It was buried Tuesday
extend our to the
Hat for Chef.
Capt. A. J. the Fire
received a package by
express Saturday night. Nothing
usual fat him to get a package, bet
this proved to be one that delighted
Capt. very much. It contained
fireman's helmet with l i
across the front.
hat was sent lo our efficient
the of Bros., i
lb Not only Capt.
every the a-
the compliment.
Great Numbers
Saturday morning a party
gentlemen were sitting
trying to keep cool, when
subject of toads up. Ore
man said they were valuable to
laughed at that
they are a pest, bet other
declared devoured
army of which, left alone,
were n. jar to vegetation.
Only one or two men with
over some current
literature, however, we find this-
it see who was right i
appears that Entomologist
of the Massachusetts
that the toad is even more val-
than the crow as a
of pests- Mr. Kirkland has
given much attention to toads,
as much as
Department bestowed on crows.
And he too, has published a
book. He states that
of the toad's food is insects. He
b ye he found id toe stomach of a
single toad fifty fire army worms-,
in another sixty five gypsy moth
caterpillars. He also instances
experiment in three
time a toad had consumed
between thirty and thirty five
full-grown celery worms. He
estimates from what has
in the months of
May. June, and July a toad
devour cut v, onus
Boar bugs,
weevils, and -Mis Of
are it i-t.-.
the latter being Cu
basis of gardeners figure one
is credited with
approximately that
Text in the Bible, I
Love is the highest, experience
the human soul. Faith and hope, it is
true, are gifts from God to man, bat
love is very essence of Him-
self- God is hive. When God
ports love to us He imparts Himself
one that is born God,
There is M simpler truth Scrip-
i hail this God's love to man,
and yet I know of no more difficult
subject to present to the Could
I but make the world understand mid
believe tint is I d
never preach from any other
last would be to
that one tact every pan the
world, and know that c. day I
would be a veritable Pen st. For
it the world were convinced that Ge-u
was love, a God of mercy, and not
judgment our prisons would be empty, j
and the Kingdom be
establish id in our midst. For love
j begets love; and if we make men
really believe that God loves them
will love Him in return. We
apt to judge others by ourselves.
man is covetous thinks every
n is he is base every
nit else is base. And so men
of God as like and
they love those only are
i viable, think of God as
loving those who are who
are de-it Ilia L.
Moody in July Journal
Celery Compound
High. Favor in
His Family.
is a indication
that the is not pure,
Corrected by S. -M. S.
Butler, per lb M
lo to U
to ct
4.2 to
to t
to Ml
HI to
Sugar enroll Hams
Corn Meal
arc Norfolk price- of
and for as
by Cobb A Commission's Mer-
chants of Norfolk
in a Storm.
At the first sign stormy weather
the birds seek harbor
but they are not always in
time to permit them to reach the shore.
II the storm shuts out the
coast they are forced to fly around in
flocks, until accidents lead them to a
retreat. at such times
together, and a lost company may
thousands, representing a
collection of all the of
sea-birds. motley a
frequently dash against lighthouse
some exposed point, where-
are killed by collision; steamers
serve as an allurement for them and
they fallow the light a Vessel as
the moth does the candlelight. II not
attracted by any light the birds fly
around until exhausted by their
or until the storm abates.
the prolonged storms thousands
lost arc destroyed the
ocean their inability to reach
to the furious gales.
The waves oiler no resting place
them, and they are forced to trust en-
to their wings safety.
can make no headway against the gale,
and are in time swept fir out to sea.
Floating and wrecks have
the means saving the lives many
lost birds. They float on until
they have strength to resume their
journey. Incoming vessels have
brought solitary sea-fowl that would
upon the masts the ships when
completely exhausted.
Middling Low
That is the all ell
for Chills, Fever and all forms
Malaria. It is simply iron and Quinine
in a Children it
Adults it to bitter,
Excellent buildings and beautiful
ground in Healthful
climate. Stands at the very
in Female Education.
Comes. High in its standard
in Its high ton-; and
in its influences.
Twenty-one and teachers.
Very Se fur eat-
to II. A.
b hereby given Oat will
be Bade to the Board of Commissioner
I'm count; at their met ting on the
in August. to alter
tie line between Carolina
townships In accordance with a
it ion this day with said
M. I of
M. A. J township
W. R of
J. B. Little, Pa.
II. W. J township.
IX April
Congressman Peter J. h. s
honorable in the
where tie win
the Sixth Virginia. On the
floor of the
tee room he is a conspicuous advocate
of measures f- the
good government. In what high
honor Celery Compound is
in family of ibis
appears front the
Dear Sirs years I have hem
a gr-at and
during the winter was advised
try your Paine's Celery Compound,
used two bottles with great
lit. I was so much phased with
it tint I persuaded John
Lloyd, to use it. lie bed
a bad of nervous and
now, after using the
two is so much improved that
we feel bottle will com-
his cute. Every one has spoken
cl marked change for better
ii appearance.
is one of some
of lb that have
recently appeared the newspapers
here, heartily Panic's
most eminent physicians
in the city, g by one
the papers
Celery marks
a tremendous in the of
h is ever succeeded in
driving nut the underlying causes
nervous and troubles so surely
and rapidly. No remedy represents
so a knowledge
t It where
other have been tried and found
is less on
among intelligent people in
the of poor health. It is
Well known that is
easy lo drive at
the start, hut a to life
to entrench in
of body. It people would consider
headaches, rheumatism. neuralgia,
feelings their true light
as they deserve t am
make a stand against them onto by
Celery on p
there would be a
in the liver and
Anyone who rends the hear lie II,
emphatic idlers that have appeared
lure men and woman who owe
their health and often lives to
Celery Compound will be
sincerity in
is great modern In-
health maker is doing an
amount letting good thee
spring days. Its success in making
I well hail no parallel in the
history of medicine. It has cured
of of rheumatism and
in my long standings that
have been despaired by ant
permanent cure Stand out as a
m doe beside a mole lull. II
all Mid who have
entirely rid nervous debility,
threatened nervous sleep-
and troubles as
kidney, liver and stomach s by
help, the past year
lie together, what an
people It would
North Carolina
College Agriculture
and Mechanic Arts,
Will open Sept. Mil,
Thorough academic, scientific and tech-
courses. Experienced Special-
in every department.
Expenses per session, including board.
For County Students ill
For all other Students leg
A p y tor to
ALE y.
N. C. President.
Mrs. G. W-
are doing
knives and
Io you
He kind
music do yon like Thirsty
j. the most
hats lots
A poor collector found
puffing and blowing on
yesterday- He mop-
hie forehead and quoted He
backward, O
time your flight,
Give as a snow just for to-
weary of weather so hot,
Tue sweat in produces would fill
a big pot.
Weary of working away for r.
Weary of collars that like a
A snow storm or blizzard
go very nice.
Pat me on ice I mother, put me
on j
Valuable Property for Si.
qualified as Receiver of the
ville for the purpose
of settling the affairs of said Company,
I for sale the real estate in
and adjoining the town of Greenville
belonging to said Company. This
will be sold on reasonable in- In
lots to suit put chasers.
For further information see or ad-
Receiver. N. C.
A. II.
The honest, reliable,
re the best wheels
ct bur, ard you
and U. A J. Urn
make this most
desirable wheel
satisfy yourself.
The pioneer of the Greenville and best lighted
in the State.
Will be rebuilt in e cf season,
1st-, and we are going to things hum-
have plenty of money,
Experienced Force, Ample Room,
and will be the leaders in high prices
As soon as tobacco is bring it to as-
Greenville Warehouse.
two years under principals. attended last
X. A Grade preparatory School, With
SOS Telegraphy. Largest and
Fitting in the South. Location healthful to suit
the For beaut new
Profs. J. A. M H HOLT, N.
N. C-
Hiving bought out
las Lucas A Moore In
the brick t I all
now on hand cheap. can eh liver
i lieu short notice at any d on
Line within one
hundred miles the towns of Wilson
and N. C. c-- all com
nun in future to
L. F. AS, X. C
The University.
a n,
three Brief
Law and Me lie
Schools aid School
r for Teacher.
ii id, and I for the Needy.
Hi N. C
; .,
Spot Building Paints
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings and Honest Hoods at Rock-
Bottom Prices.
R. R. FLEMING. Pr. E s ,
C. . CHERRY. , st ,
Organized June 1st, 1897.
The Bank of Pitt County,
Bank wants your friendship and a share
J- if not all, of your business, and will grant
every favor consistent with safe and sound
banking. We invite correspondence or a per-
interview to that end.
M. H.
H. C.
I will the best goods and
will sell them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H.
next door to Jeweler
Sieve Dealers, Tobacco Flue Maker
and Bicycle Dealers and Kc
offer lo i We f
Tobacco Flues
anti yon will
for the hast All our work i ere to
repair in our lino a to a bicycle We will
thank you to tee
Great Redaction
r I
All Summer Goods
Under the
We are slashing prices on all Hummer
Goods we are determined to clean
No reasonable price refused Come before
it is too late.
Emporium Spring Fabrics,
Energy, experience and hard cash
win time. You are invited
to an early inspection of low priced
complete stock of
Gents furnishing Goads.
Trade with means sure
success in securing tor yourselves
widest range far selection.
Frank Wilson,
the Post
the Tear.
II. It. bar. , is
L. II.
Rev. N. M. from
Aurora Friday.
A. Friday evening
from Va.
J. B. Jarvis returned Scotland
Neck evening.
Henry Sheppard returned from
K evening
blanch Fleming, of
is visiting Skinner.
Miss Howard, is
Miss Mary Alice
E. Kettle Thursday
Ml trip to
Minnie has
a to relatives at
Company H. Pitt County
on steamer Myers this afternoon
to spend a week in camp at
follow compose the roll the
ram p.
J. C. J. it.
W. S. Bernard.
C- Hooker, H. M.
Snuggs, J. F. Evans, W. S. E.
V. Joli-son, T. II. Ty
son, V. B.
L S. J. Nobles,
C. D. Smith, J. F. Pollard, R. ,
who given house I
Forbes, A. P. P. A. Pair
Signs of Promised
An saw the sign of the
muck heard prosperity to-
day. It was a man was seen to
buy a cent's worth of It monad
selling at two glass- s lire
he drank two thirds of it and
tin n passed it to his wife. Ye men of
hat think ye
an, D. S.
is her
Mrs It W. King little
returned this morning from
Mrs. L. H. Pend-r and little
Nellie, returned from Tarboro Fri-
day evening.
Nannie of
is tilting her sister, Mrs. IV. It. Smith
South G
E D J. A. M .
Evans, W. E. H. A. Allen,
El A. L. C.
The boys left loaded a good lime
and I hey are to have
W. It. and wile, Mrs. V. H.
Misses Ella Tall, Ml
and Sarah Hooker, J. J. Cl
Kid dick, J. J.
It. M. y It M. F.
King, Forbes,
John A Bruce Sugg, limn
and Charlie Skinner left
on steamer Meyers today a-
The work of Ml Green-
Warehouse progresses rapidly is
expected lo be completed by
the Evans, Co.
i i-.-i
million, will have charge it
b-; next reason and will be ready for
opening August 1st. Evans
you can just count on
of on the Greenville floor
pushed to very top notch in
price. He did some tall in
figures last and is going to b
heard ad.
Gents furnishings
is superb and inspection s invited.
The King- Clothier,
Officer ailed.
Friday the
Tar Lodge No. Knights
by C.
II, W. C. C.
L. ft. Moore, V. C.
II. L Cater, l,
B. F. Sugg, M. at A.
A B. I It S.
G J. M of IV.
F. C, H. M. of E.
J, B, Whit-bard, M id F.
C. Laughinghouse, I G.
.,. M. Blow, G.
Local Reflections
S i, month.
rakes the pals -.--.
i be i . .-.
has n
The y. is half COM.
Electric blue a flashy color.
live o
Ni-i- v-rs again night,
I mi in the
is on the
I'll is
Henry Harding cam-; horn
Wed from a visit to
Warren aid
from a month's
in Washington.
home -s
day i-v Iron. Baltimore where he
has been attending school.
Mrs Theresa Warren ind
Wilson, arrived Friday
vi-it Mrs. C. T.
W. Andrews and family, of Dur-
ham, down Wednesday visit
lather, A. A. Andrews.
Mrs. It B. Raymond and children,
N. Y, are visiting the
family of her uncle, K. L Humber.
W. M. Bond, of who has
formed a law with J. L.
came in Tuesday evening.
Mrs Julian Timberlake, of
Wednesday mail a and reading
father, U. I. 0- , In
. , , .
she r all those ate
to me for in-
i net-
day. to visit B. King, I M game,
at in West
lbs y.
In a issue the
there appeared a
Mrs Ada Cherry, of the
of King's in which she
mad known the purpose that or-
in reference
Some weeks ago the of the
Commonwealth spent a day or two in
and we were struck with the
hum of business there,
then a lady who had read
to us that
do ad-
a great deal.
Ana we thought tat
use printer's ink and liberal
of their local paper I a
tiling in do i ii their
Neck Common
First Tobacco.
N. H. Id, of the Star Ware-
house, made tin first new tobacco
chase of the season. t-e
bought it Lara from John
paying through tor
June Marriages
During the
Deeds issued twelve marriage
license, seven while five
colored couples. This is three
than were issued in June last year,
and five more than in
A Baal Bargain-
Um for
the circumstances,
I floorwalker, who had I
to the spot, will make it
18.99 to
she producing her
mote Port
Th thirsty always
Will him.
, The 1-it
rs h is a
Miss I. of n.
is Miss at Cot
They hot spent Wednesday
night with trends in
Miss Hi d Friday
-veiling a vi-it to
was home by Miss Olive
of who will make
her a visit.
Maj. II. Balding
day evening a week's visit to
I and counties. II
delivered a Masonic address Aurora
reason fine
i submit whatever plans e
together with such we ctn-
rider value.
We are going to have the library
and It-; reading room-,
teaming it.
be an opportunity given those
who have they in sympathy
the and those who
have not, to show what encouragement
they are willing to
Ml II. have proposed
contribute forty eight dollars per
C -S
. r
row listed it
of preserves, are are bating a shade
net tarred electricity. of it.
Now The marine report-r
and the in anchors.
The is
ins the
The man is always .-11
usually looked d WU upon.
Pride a fall, bat
. Hi runs a close
month will gm each
Friday Saturday-
Blinds i- the
inn, and Mi may wall for u man,
b it director heats lime.
Kid to know
h nuts are in sea
The with the longest reach
I always the Moat
II v. J. ad P. J lo
i v; been holding a a suitable B in
Mrs. A. Taft died sudden-
her home on street some
lime during She
been in feeble In all h but
-veil n any
change the worse in her condition.
Wednesday nigh, she retired as usual,
her Miss Addie, sleeping
her. Mrs Tail's
her daughter at the lime
o get in
his morning did not cal he, and when
Mis Addie awoke she that
her mother was L
Mrs. Tall was years old and was
the widow of the Mr. A.
S e a member
mil an Christian
Her death is not only a
k lo Lei- children but to the com-
as well. She leaves
en. K A., L Addie and
John, the first three being
These the ll
o our people in the
their Tall was also a
sister of Mis. K. II. Home, this
town, and several and sisters
e too. at the
lain ground, miles b-
o'clock Friday
Jailed For Contempt.
A white man named
of Bearer Dim was
brought Tues lay and put in He
rent up en tempt by Justice
the Peace, It. A. Nichols, disturb
the court while session.
W. G. riling Daniel
Miller, Baltimore, is in town with,
his samples.
To Court House.
Chairman W. M. King, of the Bonn
of County Commissioners, has let the
tor the Court House
lo Barnes The building
will be thoroughly repainted inside and
and all woodwork will
lie repaired. The work is badly n.-ed-
Bitten by
A message
us that Mr. S. M. Bailey, Caro
went in his barn Tues-
day lo get some corn, and while reach-
I- r the MM was bitten on the band
by a poplar snake. The poison
went all over and bis condition is
II You want a Nice
C. T.
Where the prettiest line of Spring
can be found.
------A line
Dry Goods, Shoes
to select
C. T.
A Great Reduction Sale.
meeting at passed through
t you an
have all
lumber deal it
pa, paying his b bill, j
The player who bk. H
boll, id the leas the r ft W l
. . a man low
It is the woman w th The fellow win first said that talk
h in who doe, . must have lived the day
Brown am I. A. Kicks
t Master I. U. Q.
the District at . .,
t. as Deputy lo r Ibis
long distance till
W. II. has bean
it tint it a in in u ear-
A tell here la-l .
a rod, stops and
bat it mad- little change in the
It was about as dull id de
pot ibis a- gen-rally
it he is going fishing
It goes right getting warmer
. notwithstanding the weather
prophesies that we are to have a cool
Bros, of Kin-ten.
Dig days soon.
A half watermelon, found
its way to
slid it a ilia
use words. It comes hard
if you are ever compelled to eat them.
A good this kin of weather
might be made spun ice and mos-
I is to look back
tine amounts
winter's blizzards.
a number of a
pan. Friday were
I in hue.
count, but who have II us
are at present forty-eight bicycles
in null-. And the number
on increasing
Mr. A A. who lifts, in
West tells, in rail
to wake with all his
The rodents make a raid every
on his poultry house,
did you pay for
your bicycle Sic
d Why I bought a
rattling one for twenty
I've heard
Mrs. A.
hare yon been this hour of
a lumber yard here,
will b. a
the late Mr. Fred Harding, died at
I her home near on Tuesday
There U talk of a Brewer's Trust, I morning
yet since the warm set I H
j,. is going down. subscription is usually too mm
J. W. of tor the law to
th City, is now editor Tarboro land
Mrs. Mary Louisa f larding, a I I was at a meeting of
One or the great troubles mos
does call us is we purchase a trunk in
board bills ; to store our troubles and a
th J are only good to be jump- box lo hold our joys.
has a way of treating
was lost at
Do i M drown cur r-
row in the flowing bowl Guzzler
men at Ottawa,
I'll have a mini
The biblical
has closed second year. It is
rare that a paper leaches either the age
or the the
d just the weather is
not. He turns bis soda fountain on
was drowned, but ill -y him the
Proctor i are moving th
a nice pair shoes lo K. M Cheek
you have seven building they
and a ask you ad having it
what size tiny
, ,. , , , The business man
be a ;.,. lo blah not
Have me. . any trade The
spotting dogs. g,,,, or year.
A. It. killed a f who much
week that had two separate gr- the
and he thinks IS the Hist ea.-e it noW M ft good
of kind on record. u is j, j, is M as to
Association, and they didn't up
who wanted-
his name kept out the paper called
in today. la, he was mad-
What about f
see-in we kept it out.
The ladies of the church
will give moonlight excursion, on
next July 7th.
They anticipate a large crowd and
in time of season. Let
every go and have a nice time.
We learn f The
that J. II. I- known
an I lived in has red
from long and severe spell sickness.
He is now at Wake College
attending Pastor's Institute.
The Did Dominion
Dare will mare her first trip this
from Washington to Ocracoke
on next Saturday night. The I ill
County It ties and quite a number
Greenville folks will go down then.
Oak open its
j-eat August The school
baa been managed by Profs. Holt
years, and i language
Dr. Winston, recently o
the University, a very large
in the revival of the educational
of sends out
J ill the Stale. Write for
to the library as at the rate
dollars per 011th, pay Id.- in
and pay
the money the will it lo the
lo pay tor books, paper-,
The King's lo
to the maintenance
of the rending
At as early late as practicable, say
as the people have
the summer outings,
will lie a called f r, of all who
in a
room and library, at I hi t time n
be em-
in lit name of the n
net at once.
What is now, is
and sympathy, later dollars d
Speaking for myself, is no
lo mind, which can have a
healthier upon our society
than that which w-
mite from such an institution. Indeed
think from a financial point view
it would prove a paying investment.
F. Harding.
u Saturday's issue we missed the
names several who went e
to Besides
already mentioned, there were Mrs. R.
and children, Mrs. M- A- Ber-
Misses Lena Taft
and Harris, Will B.
and L. Hooker. Lunsford
Fleming and and J. K. Fleming
joined the party at Barber Landing.
A. St It- College.
We call attention to the advertise-
of the North Carolina College of
and Mechanic in
issue today. This has steadily
advanced to the front rank, and its
has received highest
from The
New York inn . other eminent
educational authorities. It is admitted
to be one best institutions of
South, and is doing a
great work for North Can
Liver Ills
Like dyspepsia,
sour stomach. Indigestion an promptly
cured by Hood's Fills. do work
There i good deal of tin aching n
a smile.
The heel Way kill a o -d is
In h I lie.
The parson at Wedding is the
man in the rile .
It is now in order for our merchants
to sill twine by the cord.
L is a quarry, out of which we are
to and chisel mid complete a
If the earth c with
all the y roan the b s d
gel lazy.
often a soldier, whit- having
ti. highest motive, will leave the army
The well made girl is not generally
old made. she
is very fresh.
t i.-on is A very
h in a railroad car
filled men, lovely.
Do not adversity discourage you.
Were it not for kicks which re-
the football would never gel up
in the world.
are thrown much disorder, by the
country folks all staring at the hat of
the summer boarder.
sin; we do not
don says Yes, we
forgive the umpire, but when tie
base makes a and
lets in men we tear down tie
During the Ocracoke season
e My rs will leave here on Sat-
days at I o'clock P. M., and
Dar will leave Washington
P. M. Fare for the round trip
Greenville 2.20 The
Dare also make a mid. week trip,
leaving Washington o clock Wed-
E. B. left a km.
weeks ago o a trip through
he tarried his pointer dog
him. This particular d -g was .
very fine one aid so attractive
people him n
v he
lid not have that dog, but
only h small Asked
cause of Ibis change, ha so
stole his line him while
Tuesday, and he could
find the animal any more, so brought
lo raise.
Owing to the rapid advance of the season
and finding ourselves largely overstocked
we propose to inaugurate a sale
this week and continuing for a month
the largest reduction sale ever
rated id Greenville. We propose to CUT
prices on all Summer Stock. A
invitation is extended to all to pay our
store a visit, and examine goods and prices.
Lang Sells
During the fiscal year ending June
30th, Winston shipped fourteen mil-
lion pounds of tobacco.
Was Very Nervous
Smothering and Could
Not Sloop-Doctors Called It
Neuralgia and indigestion.
I bad pains in my bead, neck and
shoulders and through my body bat
they were most severe in my left side.
doctor called it neuralgia In-
digestion. I was confined to my bed for
months. I very nervous, bad
smothering spells could not sleep. I
of cures by Hood's
of a case to mine. My husband
procured a bottle, and I began it.
After taking one bottle I felt better,
able to rest and my appetite improved. I
continued until my nervousness was
cured and I much better to every
way. My husband baa also, been
by Hood's S.
Is UM Best-la fact the One Tree Blood Purifier,
gold by drag gists. l. for as.
of the Mother shapes the course
of unborn
sounding through all the
ages and enters the confines of
Eternity. With what care, there-
fore, should the Expectant Moth-
be guarded, and now great the
effort be to ward off danger and
make her life joyous and happy.
allays all
sea, and so
pares the
system that Childbirth is made easy
and the time of recovery short-
many say after
than before confinement. It in-
safety to life of both moth-
and child. All who have used
Mother's Friend say they will
be without it again. No other
remedy robs confinement of its pain
customer whose wife used Mother's
says thAt if she hail to through
there were but four to be
obtained, sad the cost was per bottle, to
would hare
Sent by receipt of
Book to MOTH
mailed application, containing rat
on and voluntary testimonials
Tr co.
For Bale.
A stock of go several v-a I
a saw grist mill, a lot
lumber, a lot of standing timber,
log oxen, log engine and track.
The above property must be sold to
close up the business of J. H.
t Sons. For farther Information
ply to G. M. MOCKING,
N. C
June 1897.
A Horse
If you want anything in
and see me. can save you money on
FIXES SHOES of celebrate Eagle brand.
to S. T and have a fall
to from. Everything fresh low down in A
din extended to all. Como see me, will make yon
H. M.
Best dinner pins.
cents. An druggists. mm Mei
by C Hood Hoods
Also a nice line
I can now be found in
brick store for-
Come to see
a Air e
Nearly o
a devoted to tho
of tie ground
by a system of south-
bound railroad known
Seaboard Air According
to the progressive general
of the road, Mr. EverettS.
this country must be built up and
improved. To that end, it some
time ago established under the
Mr. John T. Patrick
years well known ts a prime
mover in all plans for
tho South and the
Southern farmers, industrial
department with at
Some time Mr
conceived the UM
exhibitions throughout the South
to show the best menus of
the great tho
command of the
section- This plan r
Worth say that these sections
apply to under
A, B and C of the Revenue
Act the. Machinery Act, so
that the owner of property the
tax on which has not been paid,
nay be jailed for the debt.
this view they are supported
by t he Attorney-General who
rendered the following
is my opinion that
sections and of the Revenue
Act apply to oil taxes alike. At
first I thought the
as being in
of the constitution which provides
that there no imprison-
in this State for debt, but
after consideration I eon
eluded that they are
This that
of taxes, the jail doors
for this we have the
recent fusion Legislature to
There are others,
do not think the imprisonment
part of the penalty will stand
of the a tax
i a debt like any other debt,
assumed when a man
baa been i
again. The average can, ho hat
has inches of
beard on face. Ergo, if a man
with square
every morning, be will
square in he in i Ac-
if lie from the
time he i- is to
he will have
inches of I card.
Borne wise body has been
that public singers are freer
from throat troubles than any other
expression in an industrial . j a
which has been especially
for the purpose for
it will be used. Nine first class
cars have been utilized for
purpose. A combination pas-
and sleeping car is also
The sides of the cars are
arranged that may be let
down twelve feet on either side,
resting an supports- An
platform feet in
length is thus formed.
Aboard this are talent
and apparatus tor exhibiting and
explaining improved methods of
preserving and evaporating fruits
handling dairy products making
and improving roads and other
things of interest to the
living along tho line of the sys-
The train left Portsmouth Sat-
morning, and the first
exhibition was given yesterday
Va under the per-
supervision of Mr. Patrick.
The exhibition attracted wide-
spread attention throughout the
adjacent and hundreds
of people were present to witness
Mr. Patrick is assisted by an
able staff, composed of several
la lies gentlemen, all of whom
are exports in their several lines-
Their duty is to explain the
workings of the various labor
devices and to five
demonstrations what
be accomplished by them- This
they did yesterday in a manner
distinctly and instructs e
The itself will
attention, with its white cars,
with streamers bearing
tho Air Lite
Industrial Its
Southward will be in the
nature of a triumphal progress
of education and the enterprise
o the Seaboard Air in this
trying to build up and develop
the wast from which it
draws it patronage is but another
evidence of the road's policy of
Can be Imprecate for
Can a man be imprisoned
North Carolina for debt Not
for says the con-
Is a tax due State cud
the constitutional
reuse of the word
If it is, then the last
passed an unconstitutional
law when it put suctions K and
the Act. These
sections are as follows
Sec it shall be
it is hereby the of the sheriff
of each county in the State to
make inquiry
to judge at each term of the
criminal court held in the county
following the time when the
license tax and taxes provided
for in schedules V, B and C of
this act should have paid
as to whether or not such license
taxes and other taxes have been
paid by all persons or corpora-
halite for the same, and to
make out a list of delinquents.
it shall made the duty of
the to submit list of
the delinquents to the solicitor to
the end that such delinquents
may be prosecuted for such de-
w the manner provided
, y, next section of this act.
That seen, persons or
who are liable to
G. For Doctor.
The Southern Illinois Press As-
has adopted a rule to
die title in peaking; a
This is a retaliation upon the
Southern Illinois Association
that expelled two members because
In Ohio
are lighting proprietary and
cf publishers threat, n in
every death notice to mention the name
the attending physician.
It is a principle t medical ethics
that a physician Bet advertise
himself; that is, he shall not pay
r advertising. In the view of
bigwigs in the is
lied tor a doctor buy newspaper
hut it is not improper him lo
get all the free advertising
paper are willing lo give hint. lie
way he Mentioned those
at a any. He may Into
politics He may be interviewed as
to condition a distinguished
patient. Operations may be described,
and due given to operator.
These thing are all severely ethical.
that any ids
should pay publicity
National Advertiser.
The of
From the Year Book Just issued
by of England it appear
income which comes to it
property owned, ancient en-
regular government
grunt amounts annually to
thing over yet the ex-
pence of the church amounted last
year to more than twice that sum,
tho difference having bet made up
by voluntary contributions. In
on this state of affairs,
one of the
see that even now tho in-
come which the church draws from
of human beings. The reason her own property in only about half
assigned the constant requires, while it is no-
tho voice, giving exercise to that many of her are
muscles of tho throat. At miserably underpaid and that
clever man suggests that tho mu- large cities her
and medical profession quite unequal to the demands
bands substitute glees for gar- i upon them. To ; that
for in the ease of an-
madrigals for mustard plasters would be at once
and choruses He con- forthcoming from private
that tenor songs may be is little less than absurd,
scribed for and ballads for Much of what is given to the church
bronchitis. In time, perhaps, a mu-1 now is given to her just she
medico hospital is what she is, the established
with special songs written church of the nation, with tho
to suit special cases. Of course many recommendations and
is all very pleasant sounding, but t which she would no longer
when the neighbors are taken into it Hero is
consideration it is doubtful if tho an argument that stands up strong
old methods not to be preferred, and tall until remembers that
Chicago Times-Herald. unaided by the state get
along well in England as else-
a i. where, though their supporters are
Every woman will glad to forced to contribute also to the
know that it was a man who did the
a man of experience in the j Times,
world in general end in methods of Tb. Fool and His Money.
travel in particular. He was n New I There is another old saying that
York man, and it was his first visit gods give us everything for
to this western city. He had Those who outside of tho
more by chance than any- j of fools ought to ponder this
thing else, at n hotel, taken There is no royal road to
dinner there, and started out to take anything. We get everything by
his first view of the place. We get it in no other way. Tho
the thing he did was to run notion that you can drop in a
across- an acquaintance, who, by i and draw out a week profits
reason of his knowledge of utterly preposterous,
the place, felt called upon to give that it is difficult to think
some advice. I of any man in his right senses be-
hotel ore yon at, deceived by it. But many are
old be Baked. best ho-deceived by it. To all to whom
tel here is the Metropolitan. That
is where I am ping, and you bad
better come
said the traveler, and a
little later, returning to his hotel,
he gave up his room and started out
to find the Metropolitan.
around the said the first
man he asked. will
and turning he the traveler
warning may come, we say,
Thorn is do operation of
anything in civilization that can
yield such profits. Tho
that has mysterious in-
formation by which ho knows
deals and combinations that are
making, and so shrewdly buys ahead
and then turns around and buys
and thus catches tho market
to the hotel be had just left, and the coming and going, is quite of a piece
latter, as lie registered for a second with the fantastic notion that profits
time in that lintel thought f ;, cent a week, or B per cent
things to himself of the man who a week, or per cent a year, or
could go to a hotel and not learn its pp,. ., year, can paid
York Times. News.
On the 29th of July one of
will take place that from
immemorial have never failed to
the attention and elicit the
w of mankind . eclipse.
Even those that are quite
with the causes that produce it; and
may even be capable of understanding
calculations necessary tor
its prediction, cannot a feeling
of awe on the interest-
of all the phenomena nature.
The eclipse will be an annual one,
visible on this continent a partial
one. In our latitude, it will begin at
. halt past o'clock in the morning and
and twelve minutes past o'clock.
The readers this paper will be
pleased to learn that there i at least
one dreaded disease that science
been aide t cure in all
is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive now to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a requires a con-
treatment, Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, directly
upon the blood and Bans of
the thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, an I giving
the patient by up the
and assisting nature in Jo-
work. The have so
much faith in its curative powers that
they One for any
case that It to cure. Send for list
F. J. . Props
Toledo. O
Sold by
Hall's Family Pills are the bet.
Two years ago when Congress was
in session nearly every man you
it lie was o. some
other politics than a
wanted to know in the world
to the country,
or adjourn an go Home Now it is
quite different. has been
in session ever since last
and as yet. has done nothing to relieve
the people, but we don't hear any
complaints, even our Populist
friends. Why the difference Can it
be possible that satisfied,
or have they become and are
only to get chance lo
change the present
is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
the license tax or taxes pro- On corn lands the yield
for in A, B increases and the; soil improves
C of this act and machinery if properly treated fer-
ct, fail to pay
same as provided by law shall be
guilty of a and
punished by a fine not exceeding
five hundred or
and the shall be allowed
by the judge each compensation
for making snob report as he may
deem just and proper, to lie paid
by the
Auditor Ayer
not under
A trial of this plan costs but
and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
All ac
MI m th
told in a w will
Mil f- r will write far
What Is It
It is a picture
Best in use The outfit no business man is
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment these Fountain Pens
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them and
very cheap are.
You may never,
Bat should you
Want Job Printing
-Come to see us.-
fur the
With In m n- in
Bar word.
tar an
It will
his If
To Baa your in
A of lull
Swift I i-nil
Ah. kn
tho world mo
nil in
that on faro
HI.-mu for r
A. P. in
An I
had ninny
in my a
whose three
hang the vicinity Twelfth
street end I
ran up against something the other
simply took my breath
away. A man very shabbily dressed
in black looking like a broken
down minister came into the private
office and ashed to see the
tor. I went out to him. an
said be, I want yon
to help me out of a difficulty. Yon
can do it without any risk to your-
self if you want to. I may as well
confess to you that business is
had with mo, hut got ease
now which will pay me well if I can
only carry it through. Just need
n little money to do so. Yon see,
I've failed in my business, several
times, and it's pretty hard for
to get credit, well,
hurry I interrupted. do
you want me to coming
to that said he. was going
to say that managed to prevail on
the- cabinet maker to give mo a
casket on time, and so I've got that
all right, lint the relatives of
ceased refuse to advance me
money until I've supplied the
shroud. I haven't a cent, and the
funeral is fixed for today. Now, I
want you to take the casket with its
silver trimmings as a pledge and
give me enough money on it to buy
a Then, you see. I can get
enough from the bereaved family to
redeem the casket in time for the
What do you I told
him after I had recovered my breath
that couldn't think of such a
thing, and he went away very de-
I don't know how he got
out of his difficulty.
A robin on th.- spray.
Hoy will got
on the way.
I III.- Wilt
Of la still,
Ni-v.-r W still,
Lil- out of day out of night.
It. ho. will no
in th.- dark a light,
th.- dawn of
Tho tide out. the
ho, winter will got
heaven by a
It ruins, Han
And the i art
In- ti-a.-k.
on your
will got
tho way.
Ami my f.-t
worlds that it i ill.
is still,
-A. John In Journal.
Moat hem.
There are words in the
were on Sunday by a woman who
disc voted, niter nut
her new was adorned a
tag on win Written
to II
Reflector Job Printing
Anything from
-TO A-
The Daily Reflector.
Gives the homes news
every afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are you a
If no
lo be.
The Reflector.
is only a year. I
contains the news every
week, and gives
to the farmers, e-
specially those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more thaw
the subscript
Poets are in general prone to
melancholy, yet the most plaintive
ditty hath a joy and
of longer to Its compose
the of to tho
Macedonian. Lander.
The more I live, the more love
lovely world; fool its
Author iii little all
that's groat. yet i my in-
A man's lull mental power in not
reached before ago of and
tho development of talent is most
marked between the ages of and
Yon may that lip
is a good man
all good whoso em in
Trot. K. who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
living Physician;
have of CHUM
w m bot-
of his cure, free to any
who may P. O. and address.
. Cedar Tort
-----Consisting of-----
Tubules core flatulence.
pa us tor sour
Tubules care bad breath.
cure dyspepsia.
which am
that it
Come see
and will
treat you fair
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Doctors Say;
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
are invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great driving
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
III. NOT. M, 1803.
Co., at. Urn I., Mo.
oM en of
or M In but
We tut t a new
line Col-
and in rOd, metal-
and cloth ever brought to
in an
Personal attention
dueling and en-
to care will
every man. of
Our are lower over.
We do not wild monopoly
We can be found a, any all
times in tho
forts b d
all j, J
rel ex-
condition to do work
perfectly. That
child-birth. It helps a woman
bear healthy children.
hag happiness to
thousand of homes Darren fur
b, A
Joy to loving heart that
for a darling baby. No woman
should neglect to try it for this
trouble. It nine cases out
of ten. All druggists sell Wine
of per bottle.
For In
the I try
I first Wins
wt van. bill
sol haft
later I A line Bi.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
ills of humanity.
and obtained and all Pat-
patent in tune
f run Washing tr-n.
model, drawing or photo., J-no-
if Dot, d-o Of
fee due till it d.
A with
cost of lit the U. S. and foreign countries
ft It. K
A. M.
I r.
Mt Si
mil their will
chasing 1.1
u all its
we buy VI
; v C V
stock f
on and prices t-i nit
the times. Our are all
sold for CASH therefore, having
to run a close
S. M V,
v W i-on
i ,
i ,.
o a
P. M.
i US
P. M.
A. M
A. M
v Selma
r n
Bk ,
A. M
the late store
N. C
and nil
Ail kind of repairing done
We labor and good
material and to give
ft CO,
n mi
P. M,
Ar Tarboro
Rocky Mi
a it
r. m
Wire and Iron Fencing-
sold work
prices reasonable.
-----IS AT WITH A ,
las taught the best is cheap
for Millers, V W
Shoes. Ladies Dress I have always mi
for Heavy and for Clark O. N.
on Neck
es n. pi. Halifax
m., .-. 1.1 n
Greenville 6.57 p.
i. a. to.
Hali ix at a. m., 11.40 .,,.
daily except
a, to., and
arrives a. m. p.
m., Tarboro a, .,
3.80 p. m., a. m.
p. in,, arrives Washington
11.40 a. in., and p. m. Dally ex-
Sunday. with trains on
Train M C, via Alto;
A It. R. daily except Sun;
lay, at h M p. On P.
P. p, in,
leaves daily except
7.50 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m.,
and U.
Train on Midland N. C. leave
daily, except Sunday, a
a. a. in.
leaves a, r
m u.
on branch, Florence K
., leave p in,
p m, Clio p m.
ave a p, a if.
Latta pi. Sim;
Train Branch leaves War-
law for Clinton except
On m. and 8.50 p, m-
I. iv. m. m.
Train No. makes time connection
L dally, all mil vi
and R R for
all points via Norfolk.
General Supt.
T M . KM e Mil r
cotton, and p and attentive
t, .
Lil. Fit ill A lit I
n, a
All placed in
current rates.
Steamers If for
at all
on Tar
and Friday at A. M.
leave Tarboro I A. M.
Tuesday. Thursdays and Saturday
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at Ha with
tor J
Philadelphia. Hew fork and
Shippers should order i;.
via from
View York. from
folk A Steamboat
K IV S Alton;.
J J.
O-p- N C