Eastern reflector, 23 June 1897

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And a other
Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
It is the paper for tho
TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO per Year, in Advance.
Hits he told
let i one
u .
U in. a. i. i
in. w . All
n ah . .
t- retire if
P. 1- f I . . .
Ill I II
if. -J . .
r- j .
in f
by .-s no
hi s BacK His
is now journalist, to
looked M him what
a great French writer said of th-
journalist has been h
in will ever be ;
that is as sore end
of Who
has tasted that
busy relatively lazy and in-
dependent life; whoever has ex-
t sovereigns; which
intellect, art, aslant,
fame, virtue, and even
truth; whoever Las occupied
that erected bid own
hands, d the f wen us of
that magistracy to which Lo is
Courier-J j mud-
led Paragraph.
A will boss a -00
a an but foul a
if Bin wen- only
with tao eyes
n, how much
he discover
Taxes is net can
the dump, art of
rapists holes
has state.
Now them their own
clean before they call
i Post-
fit Off Hem an
A gentleman from town
in of drafting too
; to
las oat to its
T at nays
To the People
Pitt County.
Our energies have never relaxed. Our
forts have never ceased to the host
selected stock
C . d W b- F-1.
will the
u t-n it
ill tin
ii can
to Mr.
will known
matter, where-. the
r population of earth is now
j was in oar a few days Otto annually in
; ago a d related the following re- price for
bit of news A little Herald.
I grandchild of Mr.
Dating ten
. April the of
few the United
little -.-- than one billion
millions there is room on the earth
That is to ray h n the spare on
available the support
fully it ill j off a small snake's head a he was
capable of maintaining lour chewing it with the onion. The
and ban billion more people than
; now four ii- many
lie ink as there are bow in
areas at first be very
11.-. Mr.
-ii ii is lace
U in these lay
in, so much last-
than it Ion
world will be lull in a
In v.
line, palled and onion a few
and off the bead in value to
laid a small portion of the of
blood its
the child had bitten
Stem of tho onion was very
large and hollow and had been
ken oil's tree distance from the
top and the had crawled
hollow of the stem-
One Man's
A newspaper likes to be quoted,
over the corresponding
mouth f the last ti--cal year. In
growing trade in Amer
may be dis-
covered one of tho most
the revival f
reluctant as are tariff
mongers to acknowledge it
Lit Bead and no
It matters not bow wise a man
ma be, he will always some
one who is to declare
a fool- if one is highly educated
because it is an evidence its
editor Ins been able to say some-
The Advance Soul l.
can bi so t that
remarkable as was the
growth in between I worthy cf the consideration
the progress of Next to this is the
decennial term will be
very much more
s o
because of the publicity, but he common sense, and, if
I pleas roof yourself quoted
the I
and work shops of the South hi an that you have been
doubled in value ten to say something worth
covered by the census, while it is the
amount of wanes and . .
. , , . , , form of comp that
was ,
asserts that newspaper man cat ,
en and 1395
vested in manufacture in v
has very nearly i
blanches f pr-auction
ivy, Circuit, holds that a news-
Judge Parker of tho Lexington,
increase of invested capital.
has been much above this Paper ha
average, and output has cc j meter that is really libelous. pro-
is j tided its publisher show
notably so in the case of cotton
tied nil, of coal and of pig iron
An enthusiastic
has recently described the South
as a region cf and coal
and iron veins, favored by health
conditions and
the best climate in the world-
This can be no
a-on why, tin east
of the the southern
put should not have a population
proportion to area
as the
had grounds for
his was
correct and from an
truthful source- Under
this recovery of damages
for libel ext to impossible-
Press and Printer.
lie is a phenomenon th j matter
of common sense, he is sure to
be illiterate It i no disgrace,
be a All created
things were created for a
pose If you are a fool ha, Gods
a for you. You were
d for a same
as other it is,
wise man who
how little he
really know. It is wise.
therefore, u one has located
to at
conclusion that he is, indeed
a several things
ii is ho make up
his mind to content an make
the very best fool possible. The
tit is rather crowded, it is true
but will win. There
is always at the
ham Sun.
I be in Hie w rid for puts
K Clapped Ila d.,
Corns, all
Ii his. and or oil
p It is g lo -jive
or money refunded
i-i --it- cents par box. For sale y
Professional Cards
m. Bend.
J. Li
N. C
Practice all t e courts.
Dry in Kansas.
Here is a drought story told b
man . was driving
tin- country to town in Western,
Kansas other met a
a wagon loud water.
When- do j, ii gel Wider Said .
o the road be
you seven miles
year family and stock
in die i sense
as one way as
the other, City
lo some of Use
boards of have
been but we regret lo
note that in many of them
tics has. played
of the cause of
of Superintendent
to the
best man- Those counties that
selected good boards will reap
bet schools, lo that
, , sowed politics will reap politics
I and poor and
Shirked tie Trouble
v v. y. . ,
Greenville, X. C
la all
Harry Skinner. IX
to skinner
N. C.
Swift B. P. Tyson,
B mi, N- C. N. C
N E V-AT-1
N. C
Practice in all the
u. J-. James,
H. t ,
Lee over
An view cf is
that in a story told
A at bis left
property in share In bi two
sons, who continued lo live most con-
together many years- Ai
however, me said lo the
we're gelling to be
take a and when die you'll
. t my u the
as, said the other,
you're the and the j
lively ; you take a wile, an when
die you'll get my share,
hat's the nay you,
said the first
any or trouble must
i t. II j do
The flag is a symbol
of the Union- thirteen stripes
representing the original Stales,
and its forty-five sun s the great
of States of
i two its colors also speak .
patriot should heed.
The white stand purity i the
red, for valor j the blue,
Let every
his fl o and swear by its
of stare, but let him also keep
from which to select, your purchases. We
confidently believe unhesitatingly
that ours is store of all stores our
from which to buy your goods for the
coining year. Goods are sold on time at close
credit prices to customers approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of silver or greens-
back. When cuter into our possession
they arc again converted into the st bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit of our many
friends and customers. Do not hesitate or be
led away but cone straight back to your
friends who will take care of your interests
and work the harder to make of you a
stronger customer and better friend
straight ward, honest dealing between man
and man. We arc the friend of the poor
man, are the friend of the man, we
are friend of you all, Come to sec us, we
will serve you to the best of o ability. Po-
lite attention, best service honest
forts shall yours to command at the
George S. of m North
burg, W. a surveyor, he. e
compass the instruments The summer
to bis grand -i ought to writ-
father with Washington,
he surveyed the road from Wash
to the Ohio river-
been held.
They wall attended, were
greatly many
men and young women acquitted i beginning to doubt, though,
I HE t
A king man with gold-
bowed tin clue on a car tie
He bad a daily
his hand.
Taking off his glasses and
th ab spectacle men
have to do going from a
cold to a atmosphere, lie
was taking his paper out
read, en a man who was sitting
him reached over a d
Lend me that paper, will
he mild I man appeared
surprised Evidently he did
know would-be -borrower,
and was a taken
his He was equal to the
occasion, however.
was go to read it
ho said as you seem to need
t mad us more thin I
do, land it to
Tin- borrower took it without
man leaned back with
an of amused
ho said, you like
to have that panel sent you to
If you would, I'll step
the office and pay a tear's
you are very said
the , usually borrow it.
but I would not ct to have
given to
said the
the way. have
you tickets f r tho
was reply, seldom
go to
was of it- I II step in
buy a couple of orchestra
tor you if you
A by I'm
don't mention it
while I think of it, can't
you a of ton of coal
The New Law in Regard
H Faying
bid is
it I II go
around settle ii for yen to
really don't mold and,
of course you don't. But
won't ac mo to the
tailor's lot buy n new
suit of
tho sponger begun
to see the drift of
trying to he
said with a attempt at a
at said the spectacled
man. to a
society and am trying lo live
up to its
is its leading
in all cases
be to
bang themselves if
The last pro-
u part each in mi's stale
should be Forfeited to toe Slate by bis
death, it Further sad mad- it
a punishable by a fine
not excel ding or t
not exceeding rig month.-, for
person owing property or poll taxes
t pay in
term the or court
in . county year
l slop one
to pay bis or her taxes by Ida Oral
court and should be Indicted pun
I as at term, and
old pay the taxes
another term the court rolls
the net makes or her. indictable
each term until he it.
the named section strikes a sine;
in the law providing no
man shall be twice vexed or punished
the same yet the solicitor
might reply that e
or day's failure.
Tin- might well be known in the
State rt ones. due
and M is n
by to be ill hast Me
court each eon
and Christmas, it seems
that all citizens of I lie State who
don't pay their taxes before
spend their in. jail, It.
fails lo pay his
taxes die Stale takes bis liberty ; and
be in jail it pun ,
bis property lo
The n-B
in Ni Mrs and
N t Ex Murder
Absolutely Pure.
its Sic
Assure, the
rood against and all form- of
BASON o., New York
no Carriage Certainty.
Thirty ago the themselves not only handsomely
; Ohio bought steel They
rails at a cost flare the rulers our laud.
per gold. Some I the schools of the state flourish
this mil i; still in use
and is
mm and best reports
from them- Never before
pi was there so many ad-
and sermons delivered
on such occasions never before
in the o the
whether it's possible your
Th threw down the
paper retired to the cold
of the car near-st the
tic or.
Each year every paper
gives to ill free lines
wire for the benefit of the community
ii is No other
Next Monday,
be public school day at many
assembly. Au agency or will do Into. The
program has been arranged dignified J editor, to his menus
Some the addresses we're i does a great deal more for bis
for essays and discussions of
questions concerning the county
unusually bright an
supervisor, the local taxation
feature, etc Some of tho belt
educators in the will lead
these discussions- Preachers,
politicians and who feel
In matters
are especially to attend
in this discussion
hauled is Mr. Walter H.
Page's who seems to have boon
as to the
as to North
aid the south. i evidently
c, of Trent. Altogether
the literary entertainments of
The Secretary of State, in we high
Iron lo the t pitied to u leanest for a ruling, wrought reports flam
hues. Then will the Span- decides special agents of descriptions, been of
in E. r. r.
Wilson, N.
given to
k of
made on short
H. W. H.
N. C. Greenville, N. C,
D it
; all
A law just beep in
Austria which makes it a pun-
fur take
young child en into bed wit
them- This Intel
made necessity by the large
number of deaths of infants
through being suffocated by
their sleeping parents. The an-
average in Austria for some
time past has deaths
Banner always
T ho State en end cut of
public instruction officially de-
fines practical as
follow- guidance in
n to take place the first
Monday A practical
is a whoso business
is a man whose
is that of teaching. We
want only for county
A man who
two years n. o
has engaged in other
loss, profession would no; be
a r and. therefore,
not be eligible office of
county supervisor
insurance companies must pay variety and
the same license tax as regular May the orators improve,
The Durham Pun makes some
wise observations in the follow-
min, every woman,
every child has some talent, some
power, some get-
ting good doing
day offers some for
ii improves.
to character-
As neglect it, w dwindles,
withers disappears. This is
the stern but benign law by
which we live- This makes
and this
makes progress possible Ibis
the find
which to work out their
and from
North Carolina. Stand by the
dear old mother-
The Fourth Virginia
of Norfolk i Home
; Neat
of Charlotte, com-
of Stale troops
are in camp at Nash
It is v. Hartford
man that the only present
he ever made to his wife was on
h anniversary of
town than any other man, and,
all fairness, with lie
to be be-
cause you to like him
admire his writings, feat
a local paper is the best
a community have.
it may not be crowded with
thoughts, but it is
more a benefit than both
teacher Today
editors o local papers do more
work for less pay than any
set men earth.
your local paper, not u charity,
but as an investment
afternoon a short lime
back, this cry a hotel, proceed-
a the third
door, caught tho ears of several
chambermaids, crested in-
consternation, says
ll was tho a who
tho words from No. lo,
the at once
sent a messenger to the with
that a murder was
Kill mo by inches
These words alarmed others
besides the chambermaids,
the group of three or four
grew to u do in- Who
the room I of the
chambermaids seeing
a of
what piratical look
a woman closely veiled, the
room. Was ho killing her
oh you are killing me
It was the voice of the man
veiled had
her power, seemed to be
him to some sort f
torture, Several of tho crowd
knocked at the door, of
the chambermaids demanded a
falsetto voice that it should be
opened at once, There was a
ha, from the veiled
and voice of the
cried out, do you mock
A clerk came from the office
admittance the
Dame of the low ; after some little
delay the door was and a
woman stood in the opening
asked what was wanted.
going on there
She led ha,
again and it was echoed by the
I voice of a behind her.
ail this about shout
j e-1 tho clerk.
she replied, de-
i was only palling S
plus ;
i back
pardoned on the unit of
with the Injection
of politic ii lo our id
a evidenced is out
part the the-
and Me. College,
further evidenced the to
It is told of
one time Paris he was greatly
ridiculed for his love of the Bible
and b e made up his n j
to find out how many of
had lead it. He
i of the learned of
, which be was a member, that he
had come across a story in pas-
life in ancient limes
appeared to him very beautiful
but ho would like tho
I of the Society upon it. On the
evening appointed. Franklin had
out with
by a It. the State Is of finely modulated voice
hoard that It i the I tend to them the book of Bath.
tie mimes, to abolish j They wore in over
,; , ,, . after another to express
all office they got the ability ; admiration, and
to h ., any M
their wedding, when he gave her doubt in the mindset Democrat is
to there
. .-. in- ;. . .- doubt in the mind
turns men into of ,,,
which to make him e shirt. Stale cat
be in mo
Edison that there will
soon be a horseless carnage on
and of the bicycle
costing not more than
the New York Tribune.
There are no
difficulties in the way. The thing
is feasible enough, an army
of is at work upon it-
When it comes the bicycler
have the choice of
own having it
for Some of them pretend
to like the hut with the
alternative in reach, the chances
are that they will develop an
indolent and luxurious preference
for latter. The vehicle is
on the various in
type function, and Mr. Edi-
son's declaration that it will
speedily arrive is the more
the fact that he
to what he is talking about.
A Great Pity.
It is a great pity that so
lout institution as the A. k If.
College at is to
less useful to tho Stale. It has
been a great power for good in
tunny of North Carolina's
best young men education along
practical and most useful Hues.
The standard this school has
bi en gradually raised to a very
high point, it has rank as
of if the best in the
But and his pie
have invaded the school ard
out some the
teachers in the school will
doubtless turn out more as they
c in make it convenient to do so.
In not a single instance have
they put in a better man than
they put out. E. G- Butler,
Vance county, who was elected a
professor the college, is not
seemingly but
has a record of having been con
of fraud
estate of a relatives in in
are disgusted with Russell's loot-
and Mr. E. V.
Cox, of has
from the board of trustees, being
disgusted at placing politics in
an educational institution. At
least other members of the
board will resign tho next
few days, and then can
do as he pleases with less o
Educational charitable
Institutions should not be made
tho prey of politicians and spoils
banters. Tho Radical party in
North Carolina has let
control its government.
people are becoming more and
day with
the rule in North Carolina which
has resulted from Bop. Pop,
fusion in the lust two
never will
they make such a as to
elect such corrupt and
men rule the
Free Press.
I-it that has filed is
country with nervous d
that takes the their bone, the
vitality front their blood, and makes
feeble, emaciated and
No. It is bad overeating of
and other
Tin- Is an i
food as the Shaker Digestive
dial, Instead in the already
stomach the a
c rest, by nourishing the system
With It. and return.
Is sot lbs Idea
palatable and relieve
No money lo II- value
cent trial bottle docs
Is the bast for
It In place
rt Castor Of.

Ore N. C.
Elite ind
lit the at Greenville,
U., i elate mail Matter.
WASHINGTON, June 1897-
Mr. is a graduate of
the Ohio school of politics, and
few slicker individuals hold
that source- His
trotting oat of new treaty
lot the annexation Hawaii at
time is a very attempt
to take of tin PP-
the idea f
Hawaii to distract public
from his to
his Cuban policy. i lance
with promises made on his
in Congress. Had the
not been clamoring cob
towards Cuba it is not Ll I.
the would
been heard from before
. .
A. Place any in the l
Moil III City, N. C, Jun-
Many may have idea that
a is a dull place to
a Sunday. To those looking
tor spoil this may be so, but those
rest, quiet, MM
breeze and real enjoyment can all
at Morehead.
Yesterday was an ideal day end was
fully by the hundreds of
tor gathered here. Three places of
worship were open and large
attended In the morn-
Dr. Huge, of Wilmington, preach-
ed in Hall, and at night
President -of
delivered a lecture on the life Moses.
Dr. occupied pulpit the
Methodist church at the morning
vice. Dr. Taylor, Wake
Forest College, preached in the
church in the morning, and
A. It. Seller, preached
in the same church at night.
The first week's exercises the
were very inter-
sting to the many and dis-
c I present. The
were the very highest
order ability. The week
which begins today will also be lull of
W. II. of Green-
who ranks with the leading
of the Assembly, is being prominently
tor first vice
We rial a number of people here
from Greenville and county.
heretofore in
there L. I.
and Sugg, if Greenville; Mi.-s
Cox and J. J. Jackson, of
; Mrs. S. M. J-
T. and J. Harvey,
; It. I,. Davis and K. M.
Davis, Farmville.
Dr. is never happier than
when there is a large crowd d
him, so it can be imagined that he is
now in his jollies vein. An idea
the crowd here be had the
fact nearly were count-
ed going into the dining row tor din-
Will on the
o. L.
Never since first load
was hauled to
has there been made such manliest
to the tobacco
Cl op as there is this year. Realizing
dependence upon the tobacco
fields Eastern Carolina exporters
and dealers n the older markets
the last three years gradually b en
in eastward.
I know more than one largo ex-
porter in who until within
the last years never had placed
an older outside the Danville market
and the tendency nearly the
dealers very was keep
their orders at home, but with the in-
crease business they have been
to out and d their
Spain America.
The prospective independence of
Cuba suggests n. contrast between
colossal possessions of Spain
in America at the beginning of
the present century and the small
area remaining under her
1800 possessed over
two thirds of the present area of
The is the e
who his on credit-
Wealth is a robe
will hide the most hideous
We military
men go tithing use army
. , June
Mis. T. I. Stark,
is her daughter. It.
the United Stater, all Mexico and worms for bait-
Central America, and all South whiskey report steady.
America except and the is more people
t linear; also the more important
If the whole truth wore known
world would be full of people
with heads.
of the West India Islands. Her.
American in
miles were as follows
In the United States
Central America
In South America
In the West Indies
is a total area double that
of all Europe. The Spanish
in the United States
were of three
operations beyond then- own . and the
and in casting around new
nun 1- been tin
He swore for true love he'd mar-
In a he'd much rather tarry
his love by his
Then take his
A girl who millions to carry.
lie was
lie was
Years pawed ;
In gay whirl he'd
I had loved half a score,
lie was loving once more
A lass No. golden
He was thirty
A bachelor tin- old
Mel a ii and tried lo win
Not because she was fair
Or had to spare,
sue could order a din-
He was forty.
in What to Eat-
declaration of some of Mr.
friends that it was
brought forward to assist
Senators to intelligently dispose
of the tariff
Although it is well that
many of the Democratic Senators
favor the ultimate annexation of
Hawaii very few of them
en this
new treaty- It is too important
a to be decided on the
of moment, and it will
not be surprising should the
Democrats oppose any attempt
to through the
Senate at present session.
will be lost by allowing
the treaty to go over to the
session of Congress. Already
the question is being asked, why
do so much for Hawaii, several
thousand miles away, nothing
for Cuba, which is suffering right
our doors, so to speak. There
is some talk about delaying
action the Hawaiian treaty
until Mr- agrees to do
for Cuba, which many
think must also ultimately come
the of
Sates in form or
holding a caucus to just
what attitude they take
towards Hawaiian treaty, but
nothing definite has yet been
determined upon.
Senator Tillman has proposed
amendment to the tariff bill
that would do more all the
to restrict
It provides for a head
of each immigrant
it a misdemeanor for
alien who does not intend to
become American and
to remain such to enter the
States for the purpose of en-
in any trade
or manual labor. There is a
provision that the bead tax shall
cease to be levied as soon as the
United States adopts the free
C of .
that anti-trust
offered by
Pettigrew might be adopted
Senator Allison.
W is in charge of the tariff bill
d the absence of Senator
resorted to a little
parliamentary trick to kill it, and
succeeded. He moved that it be
laid on the table and the
was by a vote of 3- to
Had Morgan and Pet-
the only democrats who voted
f r the motion, voted against if,
i. defeated by
a vote of to and anti-
trust amendment would have
been added to the tariff bL It
is but fair to state that
Morgan and Pettus stated their
opp to the to
be that it would more
worse trusts than it would
Senator Vest Senator
Allison several blows straight
from the shoulder in a few re
marks dissecting the figures set
forth by Mr. Allison in place of
those by Mr.
when the was made in
schedule- Mr. Vest
believes that each sugar schedule
has been a little better for the
sugar trust the one it
I withstanding the
lie howl against favoring this
colossal monopoly, and ho
figures to back his
According to his figures,
present tariff gives a
on degree sugar of cents
Cents, the
schedule cents, the caucus
schedule, afterwards adopted by
the Senate. cents. it is
that the Republican Senators
who opposed the Wilson bill be-
cause they aid it gave the sugar
too much protection have
put themselves record in favor
of giving trust exactly ten
a hundred
than the Wilson bill gave pounds. Liberal reward
it, Wiley
the eastern markets have tie
favored ones because we produce for nearly a
a superior bright lo- was in ceded to Spain,
liner in texture and col r and held by latter until 1800,
H. C , June 1897.
We are having . is sickness
this now.
J. A. of
preached at Swamp Saturday
and Sunday.
Misses Knox and Grimes,
of who have been visiting here
returned home today.
Miss Keel is home Kin-
Seminary at La Grange.
The Grove Sunday school has
recently purchased a new organ.
Miss Delia returned from
at Tarboro last week.
Bid. G. D. and wile, of
spent Sun lay here.
There is . matter the
mind of some cf our citizens about
which will ask your and as-
The read leading
through this place is the dividing line
between and Carolina town-
ships. Since the depot was built here
the has changed and there
are people living between where the
road now is and where it was when
the townships were laid oil. These
people do not know where to list their
taxes and vole. Some think the line
should be made with the new road
south of W. U. and T.
J. Sheppard's to Swamp.
This would Straighten the line
be about an equal exchange
territory between the two ships.
We have no suggestion to make but
would like to know where we are at.
think the public road
continue to lie dividing line between
the two townships. Those persons
who are changed by the straightening
the n mil, provided the load con tin.
be tin- line, might go be lore the
Hoard County at
next regular and let the Board
transfer then one township to the
small black
cow, and medium size,
than any other tobacco known to ll,
Greenville occupies a central p i
lion to the Eastern Aorta
markets and is right in Hie heart of
the lamed bright belt, this
gives it a commanding position
the other markets and in many respects
superior advantages. I people have
been and even slow-
in tier our in
hence there ha half i
um said about as
has some of our
but enough has been said and done lo
let the trade know what we had, an
what we have h eked in prop-
pushing our claims we e
have the of knowing that
we have not allowed our for the
work in which we were engaged to
carry us off our balance
by r or
wise, and though we may be open to
criticism far the lack the
spirit of enterprise yet errors it we
have made any this mailer are
the side of conservatism, and having
stepped slowly overground unknown
we can only hope that the future may
speedily untold and expose Hie
they may be quickly and ea
In addition to our already
able and liberal corps of buyers there
will be added hi year several mo-c
the largest dealers lo the
co it can be readily seen
will place on the with
any Carolina market. Mr.
W. years
for Bros., the Danville
market, and Mr.
brother the and clever, K.
Smith, of Mount, have
will the
These young are w-ll and
ably known to the tobacco trade
their coming will be a addition
to the market.
Messrs. Bros have rented a
factory will be
in Greenville ibis year.
Bros, are fancy up-
and are lo
to look tor We are
glad indeed to have the ft
extending to our
welcome and
that may make a large
that grade t they
make a wrappers
Messrs. Al. Co.
by American Co. and
be located in Greenville this year.
This is and well established
and will add to
the market-
When it is taken into
that Greenville has as strong
and a corps as any
oilier eastern market, overt one
of whom is enlarging ins , a
will convince mist
that is destined be a
great market.
To the writer it is indeed gratifying
see these improvements
being daily added to market's
resources and to realize beyond
question doubt tint what he
and told and told again
these columns lour or five Tears is
every word, end more too, being daily
said then and repeal today there
is no propel
spirit CO- . -ration and
why we cannot make Greenville the
leading city Eastern North Carolina.
Our natural resource are almost
inexhaustible and our advantages
surpassed. We have a climate
s health and vigor,
soils are deep and the part
fertile. Where they are sterile they
will respond to fertilization and
kind treatment and our from
which we might a hustling
city, is unrivaled the world over.
But no one man nor dozen men can el j
ibis. will require the united and
concerted action Off the whole people
to achieve the greatest success in any
public However, all these
when she receded it to Franc
In 1803, it was purchased by the
United States. It comprised all
the west of the Mississippi
except those acquired from Mex-
the republic of
New Spain comprised
the inquisitions from Mexico
last mentioned, California,
Utah, Arizona,
Mexico, Territory
Oklahoma and most of Colorado
It was under for
just years, or from the
date of of Mexico
by Cortes, until 1821, when
Mexico became an independent
republic. It was known as
Kingdom of New Spain, and was
Viceroys, it is truly
marvelous country, as shown in
its yield precious metals. Its
total product of gold and
to inclusive, has
been over
Add to this enormous sum the
product of and silver
I'm other of South
and America, one
got some idea of the
of the country so I
ruled by
But all this is a matter of the
past, for today has no
remaining the
American none
the surrounding islands, except
Out of the territory sue
in 1800, the United
States has more than doubled its
area, and eighteen sister
have been created,
Mexico, live in America,
ten in South America end two
the West
It is sate to predict that
more will soon be added to
America for A republics
is manifest
Fish are Mid to make
brain people would
to eat a whale to do them
Many cf
of last fall would now
be delighted to get poor, despised
says must
patience. That's the cry of all
doctors who are drumming
up trade for the undertakers.
Now in the meadows
fair fill all woods with fun
two forms within one rustic chair
four lips that m. el as one.
There is a in life far
above common of
whose pathway is marked
only the of angels
truly good
Mrs. Barbara Manning of I
l It. I. is spending Ibis
week bare.
I. Banting
Sunday bore,
A. J. last i
at Conetoe.
Surveyor J. -in 1.1
part List we. k in Falkland town-
Ii s t. Carson is teaching the
public school in town.
Tarboro, spent
Jest, and today in
We are glad to earn
Two good Sets second hand
Flues for sale cheap.
T. F. in-
people daily drink
Tea. Bay ii s
Hood's bas
it also do for
Hood's cares all
d sea.-i s.
New Tax Law.
blot d
bare there and are
still there, as we
age of cur conviction, and date to
speak out in and full-V
concur the following from the
Fair Muff Times; newspaper
without enemies is scarcely de-
and lawless never like a bold,
fearless newspaper, every
self publisher should
be proud of enmity- There
are other foes, how
ever, who are more
and consequently more to be
f First foremost is the
m in who owes a newspaper an
honest deb and will not pay it.
there is the ambitious
mortal who office and
complains the newspaper
cannot consistently champion his
cause; he is pretty likely to be-
come enemy. The who
wants to shape policy of a
is not allowed to do
so, is a sure .
meanest enemy is the man whim
a has and
who the
sheet after from it all
the he possibly
Smith, to whom
return, asks tie Observer
to call the attention of tax payers
to section 5- of new-
tax law passed by the
which makes a failure to
pay taxes a misdemeanor- The
as follows
it shall be
it is hereby mad., the
the of each in the
Slate to make
and n port the judge at each
term of the Criminal Court
the county the time
tax taxes
provided for in schedule A, and
C of act should
paid, as to whether or not such
taxes other taxes have
paid by all persons or
liable for the same,
to make out a list of nil de-
it shall be made
the duty of the j submit
the list of the delinquents to the
solicitor to the that such
el may be prosecuted
for such defalcation n, the
provided in next section
of this act.
such person
or who are liable to
pay license tax taxes pro-
fur in schedules A,
C of this act and shall fail to
same as provided by law
be guilty cf a
punished by a not ex-
, dollars or
imprisoned exceeding six
and the shall
be allowed by the judge ouch
compensation for making such
report as he may teem just
proper, to be paid by the
Charlotte Observer
Jenkins, son of J. I -b ho
been sick several weeks much
are tarry
Sallie is very low.
Mrs. Pierce, of baa
i-en a few days with
lister, Mrs Bryan.
J. S. Harper received a telegram
last his r ill
comity. Mating that brother,
Thomas. Wits at ilia point death.
Me It Wednesday morning and
bis brother in a He
did Mr.
There was a social entertainment
given by Mr S. Harper last Mon-
Hiss l
Hammond, i toe
Bey, IS. ill preached two
excellent sermons the Methodist
B. Rickard received a I
gum last ., stilting hi
was very sick at Lexington, N--
A. IS. Cherry was riding
and Ml from bis hone
slightly lint.
cs, Building Paint.
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings and Honest Good at Rock,
Bottom Prices.
I -.- .
have a plan by which
of i-r.,. 1-. . . in I
J r , . . . ., .;,, , . r I . i ;. I .
I- I II.-. it i.-n I
A. G. COX, e
Organized June 1st, 1897.
The Bank of Pitt County,
We solicit your account. We offer
and accommodation consistent with sound
N. C ,
We rains tie
and crops or looking well.
-r are
ping s. The have
boon very season.
lo tint .
K. been
ill 1-
Mrs. It. returned
lo Ki el
-Mi-s is visiting
Bin. II.
W. L. Jones II.
A Was ll lO
remark other thy he
we would soon have
a be poles up the
the h lo
V N. C.
For Sale.
A stock of no several tracts
oil mil, a ma mill, a lot or
lot of limber,
oxen, lo engine and trade
The above property be
close op the- -.-. of ii. iv o
For farther Information
to M. I Ill-tee,
for Sale.
as of the Green-
ville for the purpose
it the
I offer for -ale the ea estate in
and adjoining town of Greenville
belonging to arid Company. op-
will sold reasonable in
lots lo suit
For further sec or
Receiver, C.
may be accomplished in time-
just the tobacco has by
slow At any late we can
Greenville as the
the Golden
bicycle require particular
But is about as good
your wedded
will be duration.
hope candidly ed
the who was to wed
the I multi-millionaire.
is oho thine, be proud of; we
do prejudices this
you were never
when three or four
got hold of a
Wait a moment
j ail of
Yeast what is
you a many
celebrations are postponed on
account of Dad
jubilee is
different. It will be Held on ac-
count the
Weekly C-op
The week ending lib,
his be. u Fine
the first of the week, and local
But weather,
in Boom local
damage by heavy rains, and a severe
was reported at
Pines. in
Southern portions. Laying by d
The wheat harvest is in
lull blast, with excellent yield.
A Bee, favorable, week, nice
showers the first three days and much
warmer weather with abundant
shine the Litter half of the
Crops growing nicely, are clean
good color; and, it th
does remain dry too lung, the out-
look will encouraging. Cotton
well. Farmers lo
coin; cut worms still doing u
little damage. Rice is growing finely.
Tobacco fairly, but some button-
is Field re is are being
planted. Still digging Irish potatoes;
crop short; s
are nearly over.
the interest of Silas Moore in
the brick I will Bel nil
now on hand I eon h liver
at Short notice at any on
lite Mm within one
hundred miles the town- .; Wilson
X. C. Address all com
s future to
I., r. C
bf torpid prevents
and i fort to and In
n .
If I ii. fever
Of blood Hood's
Pills stimulate
rouse liver,
Sold nil
-1 -.-
H. 0-
Notice to Creditors.
Court of
Pitt county, letters
to me. on
the of May, on tic estate
I. II- notice is
hereby given to all persons Indebted to
the estate t make pa in ml
the and to all creditors
of i estate to present their e
to the under-1
within twelve months after
of will
Tail the day of May,
of the of J. II.
F. C. Jame. i-tty.
I will the best goods
will sell them at the lowest price possible. I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat
Come and see me.
M. H.
door to o Jeweler.
Dealers, Tobacco blue Maker
and Bicycle Dealers and
offer their to public- mo i.- f.
Tobacco Flues
and assure you will as th of CO Floe
for the least price. All our work is Mid are to
repair in our line a to a will
thank you to come and st us.
It is If Wan Water
need of
cool, French
Lappet Mulls,
All the latest styles and colors
suitable for Waists, Skirts and
Suits. A beautiful line of
for Trimmings.
Also a complete line of up-to-date
H. M.

Energy, experience and hard cash
win even time. You are invited
to an early inspection of low priced
an-1 very complete stock of
Bents Furnishing Goods,
Trade with means sure
success in securing for yourselves
the widest range for selection.
and C. me in S arch of a Co; I
Find it Not.
C. W. Ml for Kinston Mon-
day evening.
Wilson, is visiting
Kim-hen Cobb.
C. Forbes led Wednesday aver.-
tor Morehead
W. II returned
in from l
The matrimonial market has taken
a in The Regis-
of Deeds was for only
two last week, one for white,
and other for colored.
Two Days Orders.
Talking about job work, the
office has booked
job yesterday and
in amount about this
does not argue that people
,,,,,. i u to their job priming.
Col. I. A. Sugg returned n or J
folk Thursday evening.
Moore Thursday
evening From
Lee wart has gone to Washing-
ton relatives.
Miss Annie is
visiting Mrs. L. II.
Miss Jennie M y, . f ii
M. returned Monday
Seven Springs.
W. C. Nines returned Wednesday
from Sampson county
A. is visiting
his nuns, T. II.
Rev. F. II. of th
City arrived evening.
CM. returned
day wetting from Washington City.
W. n-d F
evening front a through Virginia.
Hiss Matilda went to
Mi evening on a visit.
Hope Fire Company h d n large
meeting night, about
members being pies A. J.
been appointed by me
as Chief of lire department,
ed his as second as-
Foreman and II. t . Hooker
was sleeted ill his stead
A Nut to Crack.
A th;
in to editor, who
submits it to read-on
A plank lei-t lung. inches
wide one end and inches aide
oilier. Al what point must yon
cut this plank lo leave an equal
if square inches in either end
CHAT i i i .
Takes a a.
Th -currier embarked
with, the Tuesday,
Milled back this to bring be
the following
-I th a
We had ii Carr along So Havel in.
Our -illy color if White,
We lit
take in ease ill
our girls declares she will
bean hat re she git
liter says she can n
at one lime.
tr says she Let-n
look her. watch
Me expert m Blanche
that blank,
nave been mini nays.
Out will do lo tie to
Professionally we've gut i, t
lawyer, dentist preacher, so w
can l. instructed, plead with, polled or
up, as may require.
In name we have one pair and
three of kind, three a
ail said to b-at even
We are all going to have
time and won't be anybody
n get back home.
-c v
gun barn Wed
We learn his MM,
tobacco on June we mini hear
, f .
t The at propose
to have a on the
annual Ration of
have a similar
Hie same day an I Maj.
Henry Minding, of will he
orator-of the day. .
has been
at Aurora.
It You want a Nice
Dress Goods, Shoes
Gents Furnishings
is superb and inspection is invited.
The King Clothier,
Local Reflections
Hot sunshine.
Linen arc all th go.
-o w ii was.
excursion went her.
he lawyer is i I male.
I . drunker t t.
y arc high i e-s
are sell-
had a i i lain
The is kept lite
lid hear the I
i The Home Visitor says
I will celebrate the fourth of July on
If yon it lanes to
lo the top, try to ride a up
a M- bill-
Pi been hooting lo is
for no admit they . ave
In kl prohibition club
the pictures on the walk are
room a
water colors
Slatted, bin
no county does net
much it.
pig pen
not agreeable.
between the nose and
odors town .-
Saying n-ids s
not g-1 but all the same
they should be here
The ebb
There is o
bin eh .
who hangs around a
ill ink usually the
tile he gets a drop.
said Willie to hi
tied the is ball; hair
ripe quick, didn't
tailing oil in Not long ago some folks talked like.
summer would never come, now th -y
never heard t II r.
Where's th
j, crop
am of t c
N woody seem., ii
I e
Several rec-nils lo the
linen recently,
Th re a her rain this afternoon
a heavy one.
The green apple and lie cure
hand in hand.
Every in bus a
Most people do, too.
are tobacco
I in county.
The nix. two or ill e Li
the st the year.
These Jun. i arc not rare all
are tooled well none.
are no nice on As man who l-
in window
A hone ii is usually
kind no meat on it.
The latest is n it
It some women lo to make
up minds than their
The hit man may conical h- r age,
b the I give he a weigh
The Summer at the
North will
co or live weeks.
u lbs ii in the nineties
a lazy man will mi walk over
to the shady i ill J the street.
Fit Count will have an en-
the latter part
of tins month, or early u July.
we d, we
-mil the bifurcated as its
lair owner toppled from her bicycle.
hear that undertaker
of yours has made an assign-
Ida business was a
down into
gradual; is
summer girl.
The ball who hit- too many
lea-t the next
The soda the
business now, ii is dull in
A mer in town today was
showing; X r and had
t nu people
Telephones plied at
K Dairy, No. and at Wiley
to your list.
Manager Atkins has placed a hand-
some in the
is the most dis int we ever
Our farmers don't profess to be
much at needlework, but when it
s to on a they com
lo the trout.
The who
nit sailing should hear in mind th.,
are a goon many poll's to
boat lacking.
be thunder roared and tie light
Banks I night, but the
clouds rolled by without
rain with
K. R Aiken nu-- in Wednesday
are to see
Mrs, H II. Wilson, Kinston, is
visiting W. M. Brown, near
. K.
Wednesday ceiling to visit his
R -in Hail,
evening lo his broth-
A. I. Hint.
Cherry returned
Wednesday. He says things
are tin.- down there.
Charlie returned home
Wednesday evening front
he has school
bone man C. K.
Confederate lame, who h .
here some w weighed anchor
and over to In-n;.
Mr. W. J. Manning, recently
went her Rapid- lo
work, has to i ill. He says
it was so unhealthy there he could
not Slav. r,
On the Gas
Fred Earnest
Forbes, I.
Hen y Hook-
While and -n House
Thursday lo see a i f ball and
result of
g was Washington i. Head
. i n It of
At lie annual meeting the
The t Greenville
held they d
granted them- by the
las and re-elected all
former officers.
bank i Officered
and its show to be ill ex-
C. T.
Where the prettiest of Spring Clothing
can be found.
. I
Th Home is
New Doctors, enough -o send I Ki a
There were hi young doctors who a occurred in
applied for Hit. Board of hat village Thursday
at Mort-bead City i
week examine
lion given Tuesday and of the
number passed .-u
applicant- were from
county, W. W. mid
D. S. Morrill The con.
young M. D's. and
es I hem great -u
Mr. W. A. received e
message Thursday evening,
death bis mother, Mrs.
Bright, which occurred near
ill o'clock F. M . She j
was yens old had been in poor is supp lo have Starts
health for sometime. Air. I by a saw mill. ;.
I his morning to alt-ml I Parker and G. R. were
We With h m his be- with the beat and
and lo have m. dual
f be fire was discovered
in the house with
Carroll Mfg. mill,
it could not he out.
A lame n people from the
in i hi community were by
I a in,,, and hard work to. y saved
all surrounding nothing
the gin being
destroyed. The total lo.-s lo
A. Cox's loss m
gin Mfg. Co. on building
This ii the first fire has
, Success., .
New World
people. most. man is
tip; helps
i-l -Amplifying
help- their
-f,, J;. W I
in-st in polite
ate, the tilings
very fetching,
My life lo see
a calendar like tin-
you to said a
the the pillage,
c boy,
en -ii-
-A beautiful line
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
to select from.
C. T.
have coma again nod The who consumes a
with them of poor street deal of time talking about Other pee
I gins. pie's have of his
,, , . own to talk about.
have moved their
Five to Hie j In- best thing lo put your mo icy
building. in if you are thinking
,. in. k
Keep the in the lit .
and redding should
have one. Misses Forbes and Ty-
, , . i i gave a picnic in the
I J.
Johnson, adored, this town a Nola J
The freight will again a
coach and take Friday.
Another party is making up In go Ir.
here to that day.
The immigrant on Is
land, Ni w York, has been burned,
of ;
hear some rumors
Thai the graduate will
in bloomers
And essay likewise short.
Mi. Fed ; told u today
drought in
than ii has been in many
and re badly damaged.
on the street are most
low. Today we a tall man
collide the iron of an
and he came losing
Last week two colored people were
married out in Farmville township,
tie in had passed years of
age and their heads white as cot-
I've got the
you mean I wanted to go
nut and that's a sure sign of
Manager Atkins continues to put in
new phones. O E. M
ans is No. and one at V.
, i ice h use is
A days ago Agent J- Moore
met an accident causes him
much pain. He wrenched the I
his right leg so badly that cm
scarcely walk.
Senator of South Carolina,
an amendment to the thrill
bid before the Senate to impose a head
tax on all to
You should always keep a Careful
eye on the advertising columns of the
There are
changes in the rib it Will pay yon
to keep up
what is
my boy,
u something which everybody gets
with knowing its value until it is
late to it.
If all other business in
possessed the spirit of en-
by those engaged
in the tobacco industry a
in the town show it-
you remember Ii
was that day yon borrowed five
in--. JackI don't recollect.
it back next
week. yes; remember
that patiently.
There will be a prayer led
Hire in the church
by pastor, B.
we ought to pray tor
and we ought to it
We have been asked to again pub-
the dales upon which pas e
can go the freight train and
et with A. N. C. train.
The dates going an
22nd returning and
Whim a dog barks at night Japan
the owner is and
work a year tor the neighbors who
were disturbed. The dog is killed.
this accounts for the
that when a dog howls at a
death will shortly occur.
our tobacco n are
for the n They are
to advertise
to show the
vantages of bringing to
the Greenville market In
prices paid ibis market has alt along
lain b-.-.-l in eastern North
and facilities
larger number of buyer.- coining
its own good record will be
d. Our wan I arc all
home men and there are no
Dog Drowned
Muster Wiley Brown once had
put dog, but now lie t any. Fri-
day's tilled the gutters and s.
around town full water. Wiley,
boy like, thought it would be tun lo
see his dog swim, and put the animal
in the ditch in front his home on
Dickinson avenue. It
current was swift the dog
and wished him under sidewalk
bridge where he was drowned. Wiley
is troubled over the loss
o his pet.
he school for this district,
taught by Misses Apple Smith
dined Friday ho.
Two one in each grade, wore
offered the pupil making the best record
attendance. These prizes were won
by Miss in
grade and -Master Evans in
primary grade, both having a
record for the term.
The has been will alt nil. d
and the young ladies in charge have
liven entire satisfaction in their work.
are excellent teachers.
Land an
Mr. of Kinston, who
Spent here, called around lo see
the roll and leave us some ad-
lie has been appointed
Receiver the Lumber
Company, for the p of settling
the the Company, and otters
for properly on the south
of Greenville. There are many n-
did lots on this property and they
be sold on easy terms. ,
nines Bros. Lumber Co., at Eli-
are ready to orders lumber
on s hurt notice. This Company, by
the way, now has one of the b-st rod
most complete lumber mill plan s to
f mud anywhere in Slate. Every
Improvement and Ins
been added, and it is in respect
an on to date plant. Greenville will
never cease to regret letting Mr.
move his mill from this town, all
the same we . upon
having such a line at an
Wish him the highest success.
There are few men of energy a
Mr. and ho is bound to
The Connecticut Legislature recent-
passed a law lite use if
only inks nu public records as
have been approved by
the Stale. One hundred dollars is the
penalty provided violation
Three y
Among and
traveling come s
way are O the st
ad e ball rooters, Baltimore,
and lit- o he Sm
hat house I in Bros. New
York, mi-; R of
lira greatest hustler in the
Ibis trio -n have
been in our week and were
I i by Wilson
on j in
el mind.
Holds Dew j His Corner.
Jim says seeing so many
folks leaving town Tuesday cave him a
lo go also, but his
the weather being
warm walking he decided to stay
In In take care the town.
you think my
liquid h- ti Her I
I to sit behind it I
should say will, a lawn
K-if- .-. and Could Find
r.-i Until Hood's
Tried-Scrofula Cured.
with on one of m
lust the ankle. I tried a
great many n bat nothing did me
any good. T very trouble-
some for or In the spring
I taking Hood's
and taking several bottles this
medicine, t was completely cured. Hood's
Sarsaparilla increased mi
F. P. Georgia.
my boy was three months old
he broke put He was
and the eruptions
would heal but would break out again.
We resolved to give Hood's
and When he had taken two bottles
he was cured. He has had no trouble
with scrofula since, but is perfectly
John R. Smith, Shady Spring, W. Va.
H have decided to try
do not be induced to buy any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best, in
the One True Purifier. by all
druggists. Price f for
Crops aged in S, me Sections
In some
ram afternoon was
by much wind sum-- ball
Around was i a
nice rain and everything in
We gel similar reports from
and Falkland,
Over in Swamp section
smut hail also fell not ugh to do
material damage.
there was bail and bard wind was
e- i severe the creek. Mr
W. M. Lang the
he thought to crops
were Jam g- -I cent.
u Braver
-Mi. CD Smith
us k r-p from that to-
badly much
blown down. he c ops J.
L. and F. M. Smith ere lull
J, and Ivy Smith suffered nearly us
much The part of the
s; em d
ii Great Reduction Sale.
Owing to the rapid advance of the season
and finding ourselves largely overstocked
we propose to inaugurate a sale
this week and continuing tor a month
the largest reduction sale ever
rated hi Greenville. We propose to CUT
pi ices on all Stock. A
invitation is extended to all to pay our
store a visit, examine goods and prices.
Lang Sells
School total Board
ii three Uriel
three Courses, Law and Medical
Schools School -of Pharmacy.
Graduate Courses open Women.
and for the Needy.
Hill, N. C. ;
here is no
word so full
of meaning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of who watched
over our helpless infancy and
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life Moth-
is beset with danger and all cf
fort should be made to avoid it.
so assists nature
in the change
place that
the Expectant
Mother is
bled to look for-
dread, suffering or gloomy fore-
the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood,
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
short, it
Childbirth natural and as
so many have Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
My wife in ton min-
with either of her other two
than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot-
of It is s
blessing to anyone be-
come a says a customer.
Of st St or mat by mall on
of price. fr hook
all Mothers, Ire.
Tax Atlanta, G.
If you want anything in
call and me. lean save you money on
FIXES HOES of the celebrate Eagle brand.
Opened s next to T- White's have a full line cf
o select from fresh and low down A
to ail. Come me, will
Land Sale.
By virtue of order of the of
the Court the case of
p. and others vs Stephen
k minors,
lo sell lard ft r
ed sell for be-
fore l he Court lie use door in
e on Monday, the
1897, the par-
or tract of land the
of and in Swift town-
ship, ad j t la-id of J. -P.
L. B E. W.
Ii. deal others and IDS
acres, the laid tinned by
the Isle , at
do .
This June 1897,
A Horse
Also a
I can now be in
brick store for-
by J. W. Brown.
Come to see
Great Reduction
Ali Summer Goods
Under the
Also m
We are slashing prices on all
Goods we are determined to clean them
out. No reasonable price Come before
it is too late.
Emporium Spring Fabrics.

Did you ever rend a real
letter Well, here is
one that was given ma yesterday.
It was ft for a who
novel came, in that the
may possibly
information desired, it is publish-
Your letter received. prom-
was nit. Waited for you up
to Griffin, no Murphy.
I with Robinson at
to do the light at ninety-two
or over, out not to return
the mark
scale off at pound.-, over
cost all- Hot stuff, el Yon
Mai bat it with both off.
I'll see W-----
in Say, if, w it a
fact that Murphy d
Maryland aha I say
Big d t
on the drop- him
I sympathize with Le
failed to take rail, b
If you cake a
to Windsor. Easy a
of it. l
Husband Wile,
There was a traveling man and
his town Tb
gentleman traveled
his wife for another.
carried lines that do n- conflict
ard together all the
The lady sells but
the reporter to loam
what Hue her husband carries
This in
hue, and does
with the time worn excuse cl the
unmarried drummer who puts
bis best girl off became ho i
able leave the road, could
not bear to leave wife if he
had Journal
HOW vis. EVEN.
; Of
. .; v. raging tooth.
;. however, to get I
i fattier. Not an easy
n youth some or
Lauren i v Be advised
Harper's Table, . i., The father, he
devoted to The
Hirer, which he read
joke i j ,
the day to
In my ad batter. obit-
was a u i .
of what if I could hold If in for
A Story of .- Smart Man
a Sale.
The gent from
panted by his lady, after gazing for
some time into the dazzling array
of things that glitter in a jeweler's
window, the store.
dye he said to the
clerk who came forward to see what
was wanted. seen hour- of the I
. .
Prof. V. E.
doubt treated and cur-
success is
have of c a m
X Handing
him. He
work on
this dis-
he fiends
s Pills
Cure AH
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
tooth, a n aw.
molar .
with a
. y. i
with if, bad it
I With a
Hail colored, and
n had an Mu
They were driving a blind
mile Mopped at the artesian wail
u water the animal. The
water lite mule, which
a ll ran
the railing of weeded bridge, broke
n a and off. The buggy
remained on the bridge and the
neat was to held the
weight of the mule, which was
p in mid air until one it
loom, ll then tell into the river and
land about yards below
the bridge. The was somewhat
damaged, wheel being broken, but
the mule wasn't
Sunday a Detroit
preacher told his congregation
that people should not be de-
by poverty from marrying.
a man Las left buy-
his marriage license, said,
is fortunate to
secure a good, economical wife
one who knows bow to warm over
is satisfied with
to live a mar-
life ; indeed, is too
short for such a
Has a
Pr. in of ti-e
during the year, yesterday,
among other spoke the
prosperity Trinity
College her bright outlook
for future- He tat
past year to the
of v l been do-
of which, course,
MM Mr.
with tho
be thrown to women,
titling them to all tho privileges
enjoyed by the
young men.
lie referred to the that tho
trustees with I his
and that now Trinity
College in every sense a
e of
learning, ready to give
women all that it gives
men. Winston Journal.
feeling ii.
perhaps . ii a
He mi z.
tend the -a
Lr. J
fore lie .
was I
. i
. A a
. u-.
p Li ,
year my Urn thought
worth it.
aV i tin r of that was put
for a twelvemonth,
u the I-, of April
. ., i-l folded prop-
couldn't felt suitable in
i the power to digest and
f V I ., ,
I i
you bad in the winder and I of
Jest thought I'd come in i a proper loot
This can never lie done when
a way
i and was I
if my father's j the
owl i u making no
the result.
item of or of
. i until the reader
page. hen he looked
.-. . through his
. ., then lie lopped
i . .- me, who was very
. ii my broad and milk, and
. tint one remark.
like that of tho tailor's bill,
to afterward he-
rings fer nodding
toward his companion.
Mire we can give you just
What you smiled the clerk.
if yon
the visitor
quite what the clerk
was trying to say, lady is my
wife, hut that's no sign I don't want
her to have the very best that's to
had. and I been married seven
years too. ain't like some men in
them regards. So you can trot out
the you got the
and me and take a look at
Urn shoot in
The clerk knew what would fit
tho ease to a T, but he liked to have
fun with his country trade. So he
set out a collection of genuine din-
us. lie looked at the top , ,.
i spin like dew drops
. I. of ,., I
m . i he at pie , m,
he n, , ., i see that old th ,,.,,.,,.
many s.
with tin. w-.
wrap . . . i .
v. b-r
was j.
we .
c; that u.
i i in the dis-
i bed .; and
i, say.- that seven out
i- sound and reasonable
to to be years
do if they
The readers of Una paper will u
pleased to learn that there is at
one dreaded disease that science has
been able t. cure in all .-mil
is Catarrh. Hair Catarrh Cure is
only positive cure now known to
the medical Catarrh
a disease, requires a con-
treatment. Catarrh
Cure is taken
upon the blood and .-.
the system, the
foundation of the disease, and
the patient by up the
and assisting nature in do-
work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers that
One Dollars for any
ease that it to cure. sea fur
V. J- . Props
. , . . , O
Hall's Family Fill, the be-t.
Writing the
In recently with
the editor of one of the English
magazines Mr. learned
that it is the custom with
English people to keep them-1
selves close touch with the
publications they to
That is to say, they write to the
publisher with a frequency and
frankness that the American
public never of.
letters from expressing
opinions of the various de-
and articles com-
on stories and verse, on
to the editor that enable
him to interpret the public taste
more it is
for him to do without them.
Boston Globe.
. .
v lull
and I
,. . .
w vegetables
known are times
when not
i .- ii,, ions, causing
bowel complaint and
I ti r
,. .
i v .
r I t. i i
i .
i . J.
aid .
. -i
. . n-b government now re-
. i b silver
. in bearing
. i is X, Louis
. ml i
n .
Hun is ground for a l-e
. Monroe did not die
. v. i- often
a,. .
,. l
I I ii i f
Tune is
gold says
Washington Post, slipping lack
t o the in large numbers, and
are not a about the
mine of the a silver
a n any these gold demo-
were deceived into believing
and wages mean
sound hut are
waking up , K. ,,. .
and are much imp j g
ant to the people n dear
c w
man is
. it
Tho Reflector Store
has a assortment
also a V line of
learn h
Fountain Pens
Gold Pens,
i you see them
Mary's big eyes glistened
almost as gems as
they Hash, up into her freckled
are something extra
said the clerk, shoving them out.
and taking up a lino ring he added,
one, think, would be very
becoming to your
the lax on inquired
Mary's husband as be
admiring it.
i. plied the clerk in a cal-
tone, it's you, I'll
let you lave it for spot
The eh fully expected to see
the rustic drop deal or have a lit or
do some of the other strange things
the newspaper say people do under
Bach but the rustic
nothing except to give a quick
look at bis wife, which returned
in recognition of some common in-
he said very slow-
as he took a pencil from
et and began figuring on an
ope; is and none to carry;
eggs at our place is for s.
and Ii times is and the
basket to carry. That's dozen,
ain't himself to his
nodded and at the same time
laid down the ring carefully.
be went on,
a good horse laugh,
ain't enough in OUT
whole county to lay a
like six months.
go somewhere else and git
hastily put in the clerk, seeing that
he was about to lose a customer,
all right, young
Interrupted the gent from
Mary's my wife, and if
git the she don't none
nil, and that's tho kind of a lady
i-he is, ain't you, Wary
Which must have been true, for
Mary hastened to assure the clerk
that was just what her husband
said she York Sun.
House Wide as His
Joseph an
millionaire, died hero today,
be made his in railroad
building was closely
with the bills and
He constructed large
sections of the Union Pacific,
Missouri Pacific,
and Railroads,
as a poor boy from
England. Mr. Richardson's for-
tune has been estimated
He dressed more like a tramp
than a wealthy man lived and
died in a stone house which was
only five feet wide three
Stories high. It was built because
the property owners
refused to meet
terms for the narrow lot.
afterwards refused fabulous sums
for the little piece of on
which his house stood, the
tail on the best part of
L avenue.
Ho will be buried in a he
selected M years ago. It is com-
posed of one-inch plank. His
greatest boast was. am a
I no
either in life or death. When I
die, if my is too large, fill
in the empty saw-
dust. -New York Dispatch.
A way to pay old church
debts been developed in New
Orleans. It is novel, modern and
ought to do tho business. en
church of the colored brethren
have placed the financial
the bands of a
organized corporation called
Debt Liquidating Com
and this company will
to pay up all the debts of
it means of enter-
Ely Way to Stop Law.
There k hut one way to pal an end
to law. The is to let it be
known that there will i,
hanging men guilty of crime for which
It too often happens
that scoundrel who should hung
gets a tern, and
after awhile some Governor pardons
him. That the people,
they refuse to lei She law take its
A hermit, who lives in
the hollow e tree, predicts that the
world will come to an end with Me
tin re are anxious to know call
prevent it by voting Democrat.
people who require to
the bowels and kidneys will
the remedy in Electric Hitters.
This does, no stimulate and
contains no nor other
cant, hut acts as a tonic
It acts mildly on the bowel.-.
adding strength giving tone to Hie
organs, I hereby Nature in t
performance of the
is an excellent and
ion digestions, old People Bud it st
exactly what a
per bottle at John I.
is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
If properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A of this plan costs but
little and is sure to lead
profitable culture.
a . ,,, ., ,.,.,,., a. i
. l I
tit Job
to e us.
Mm Job
The Daily Ref
the home news
at the
rice of cents a
Are a
Ii not
TO ox.
Mr. Jones, of the drug ll in
Jones A Sou, In speaking
if Dr. New Discovery, say.-
la-t bis w If attacked
Lit her ease so
toil physicians and
untiling for It
develop into Hasty
I store, and calling Ion It, he
I took a bottle and to the surprise
all leg n t better from the
huh dozen dollar bottles
cured and well. Dr. Kings
Coin.- Is
work t bottles
at La
The is
pure I for at well a
tor pin pose Is sold in in
one-h pound of
cine for cents.
Lambert, Co., Tenn.,
used kinds of medicine,
not package of Black
V. for all the others ever saw
I'll tor or cattle in
of fear, an will care
nil; every time.
K. .
cure bad
cure headache.
cure dyspepsia.
his waves by tho
credit of a
the liver docs not act it's part.
know th is
I s Liver Pills are an
the name of lute cure sick I
sour stomach, malaria,
our Lord Al I Pup- j .
com the name of I constipation, torpid liver, piles,
Melons Nice, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
, . . , .
Cool kindred diseases.
Them and the like heard at I
every Even the auctioneer
who is calling out the price of a
slave girl or the bids for a carpet is
careful to bis
tall; with in his maker and
the mil of Moorish saints.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of
Th. -ii. w
i y
I ml
------A line of------
and nil Pat-J
r m i i r
Patent Or
-e Ism t .
. V. t
Send bL or rip-l
ion. I ;. , ii Rial -e r i t, t. vii
. Oar I n I I patent i
vi i L. b.
Orr. O. C. J
. ,.
j -i. i
R-l Ai
r i
i x
A. M. M
id i
i I
A j ,
selling so low
that it
Come see mo
I will
treat you fair
P. m.
VI y v
their will Hie
their interact p i
all It
Tobacco, Snuff,
. I
1- Ii
O t.
, 1.-.
I. Vi.
v us
v .;
V i
J t,
ore buy from M
. i a. ii ii. i i
c e ck
V e l
hand -olds on seal is
die time, are all
for u
ii run ; margin
M Hi.
r t received a
and nicest of
in metal-
cloth brought to
Personal attention
to oar care will receive
every mark
Our lower ever.
We do not want but
We can be found a any all
Hates in
Vie late More i
and dealers in nil
kinds of
Ai I kinds of done
We skilled labor
are prepared to give
you t
May Kill,
A. M.
v n
-V U
A. II. P.
its Class in the State
W h.
N. U
Wire and Fencing
The Eastern Re
is a Ii
the news
. d
; the farmers, es-
those growing
to. . that is worth
limes more than
the price.
Nov. ll, 1893.
Parts Co., HI. I, i . Ho.
hi all o
II In Um
u a truly.
-----IS AT FROST IT a .
taught inc Is Hie
II in. Rope, and aver
for and general house as well
Hats. Shoes. I have on hand. Am head
quarters for Heavy and jobbing agent N. T.
i and keep and attentive clerk.
Life. Fit Mil
N. C
All Risks placed in strictly
n -v-m ma
Wei Ion 1.1 I p. i. t M
arrives Scotland Neck at u p
p. in.
leaves T .
. m., Greenville a. m,
v at a. in., 11.10
daily except
in., and I.
in., and
m., Tarboro M a. m.,
I'm a. to p. in.,
ind p. in,, arrives
m., mid p. m. Daily ex-
apt Sunday. Connect with on
i Branch.
Train N i,, via be
K. ft. except Sun-
-j N p. in., i pt
Plymouth P. M., in.
dally except
Train on Midland N. C. leave
daily, except a
a. arriving a.
leaves h a.
at 9.30 a.
Trains on
., leave pm,
p Clio 8.05 p ill. nor
leave a m, a
Wye Latin 7.50 a in. daily except
Train War-
lot Clinton except
i in. and 8.80 p. m-
in. j u.
Train No. makes close
points daily, all rail via
It., villi
and K for
all point North via
i. . i
I fee
On en
and Friday H A. M.
leave Tarboro M.
Greenville A. M. same days.
are to
of on Tar River.
Connecting at Wu an
via fr
New York. Iron
folk Baltimore
Me;, V M
i r.

Did you ever read a real
letter Well, here is
one that was me yesterday.
It was left for a ha
novel came, order that the
said may possibly nettle
desired, it is publish
Your Jotter received. Tour prom-
was for you up
to Griffin, no Murphy.
I with at rt
to do the light at
or over, out not to return over
scale off at 1-1 over
all- Hot stuff, el You
can't beat it with off.
Tel I'll see I W-----
Say, i it a
fact that Murphy C t J
Maryland I say
came true I Big h d t
on the drop- rum
I with
failed to take rail, o
If o
to Windsor. Easy Meal
of it. B Your l ,.
Husband Wile, Both
There was a traveling Ml and
in town Tb
gentleman traveled for on a
his wife for another. They
carried lines that do n-
together all the
The lady sells bat
the reporter n unable t loam
what Hue her husband can
This is tile
traveling line, and does away
with the time worn excuse cf the
drummer who puts
his best girl off he in no
able leave could
not bear to leave wife if he
had Journal
at with raging teeth.
;. V however, to got
i father. Not an easy
m consulted my
fl youth some six or I
J . y lie advised
th- .,,; I .-.; Tin father, .
i devoted to The
iii report, notices,
A j I a
e and hot
s in hail an experience -Mo
They were driving a blind
male Stopped at the artesian well
u water the animal. The running
water mule, which
started a It ran against
the railing et lie- bridge,
it and The boggy
remained on bridge and liar-
UM rung to bold the
of nude, was
i in mid air until some one cut it
ll then till the river
to land yards below
bridge. The was somewhat
wheel being broken, but
mule wasn't
On Sunday last a Detroit
preacher told
that people should not be de-
by poverty from marrying.
a has left buy-
bis marriage he aid,
is fortunate enough to
secure a good, economical wife
one who knows hew to warm over
is satisfied with
to live a mar-
life ; indeed, is too
short for such a
Has a Fume
Pr- in of
things at
during the year. yesterday,
among other spoke of the
prosperity Trinity
College and bright
for the future- He stated
past year to the
at bare been do-
College, i -o
notable of which,
m Mi.
Duke, tho
be to
lowing ;
joke i rt .
i mini to end.
wad i-
a tip ,. .
molar ; ;
tin- Boor
cud i
fore be
was . .
A of a Man Lot
a Sale
The gent from
by hie lady, after gazing for
lime into the dazzling array
of things in a jeweler's
which he the store.
he said to the
dark who to see what
was . seen some of the
yen had in the winder and I of
L . W. H. who
I l n-.,
doubt treat I and cur-
ed than
cared by
aM He
v a I u u b e
work on
this dis-
ease, which
L hr sends
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
power to digest and
mil j
iV M
-4. toe mu t- .
A i
would it
a way ,
. of
. t
brick . Vi
r l
ii rim I
on.- V
own -r;
be en
w I
them to all the I v.
enjoyed by the
young men.
He referred to the fact that
trustees complied with this
and that now Trinity
College every a
ready to
women all that it gives young
In conversation recently with
the editor of one of the
magazines Mr-
that it is the custom with the
people to keep hem-
selves in close touch with tie
. ,
or v
w-i--. t-t
;. f, ,.
, Tilt
paw. . j
Chat -V if-.
the remit
vi; l l
Ill ii bl
, ;, the render
lie looked
i the i it his
. mid lie looked over
who was very
and milk,
. one The sub-
of the tailor's bill,
., r to afterward be-
. i Its. in looked the top
. . lie looked at
J.- aid, son, i that old
j. is dead
quite what the clerk
was trying to say, lady is my
wife, that s no sign I don't Want
her to the very Lest that's to
be had, and been married seven
toe I like come men in
them regards, go can trot out
the finest got in the
and me and take a look at
The clerk knew what would lit
the case to T, bat he liked to have
fun with bis i trade. So ho
net oat a collection of
sparkling; like
the -in. and
the price to the greater
eyes glistened
almost as as the gems as
d up into her
s j
and vi., ,
A i
took l
. X
ii I i Van ii
; .
. i now re-
. t; . . .-. i I .- i
I i X, Louis Ph.-
have i . town.
t-. . is for a i
James not die I
. -r i- often
of this paper will h
Pleased i at least
one dreaded disease that science has
able t. cure in all its stages mi
. hat to Catarrh. Halts Catarrh Cure is
me curt- now to
a disease, a con-
is taken internally, noting
upon tin- and m of
the the
the and
the up
. and assisting nature in do-
The proprietors have w
much faith in it, curative power, that
the for
that it fail t fur
F. J. .
w i . . Toledo. O
Haifa Family the
publications they to
That is to say, they write to the
publisher with a frequency and
frankness that the
public never of.
letters from readers expressing
opinions of the various de-
on stories verse, on
to the editor that
him to interpret the public taste
more than it is
for him to do without them
Boston Globe-
What it
Their Tune is Chanced
o the party in large numbers, and
are not a about
complete w
in a
a a any these
into that
f -toil wag.-s
but are now
n, sound price
and are
ant to the n dear
Atlanta Constitution.
Reflector Store
has a assortment
also a i . line of Pet
learn b w Very cheap
ruin the
j and they
writer. seven out I face.
sound and j
to live to he l in years said the clerk, shoving them out,
i veld, do so it they j and up a line ring he added.
one, think, would very
becoming to your
about the tax on inquired
i u r as
known it.
when not replied the clerk in a cal-
causing tone, yon, I'll
v., sick- let you have it for spot
The fully expected
the or have a tit or
do i i the oilier tilings
the newspapers y people do under
such I at the rustic
nothing except to give a quick
look at his wife, h she
in recognition of sumo common in-
ho said very slow-
took a bis pock-
et and figuring on an
is run and none to carry;
, j eggs at our place is six dozen for
, . . times is and the
t I i basket to That's dozen,
j ain't addressing himself to his
She nodded and at the same time
laid down the ring carefully,
hokey, he went on,
n good horse laugh,
ain't Inns in our
whole county to lay a
ling like that in
go else and
els .
hastily put ill the . seeing that
he was lose a customer,
all right, young
Mary's my wife, and if
the -i site don't none
nil, and that s. the kind a lady
the is. ain't you, Mary
must u true, for
Mary hastened to assure the clerk
t-, . . that was what her husband
I I j
i I
man Is
. one.
. Candle Gold Pens,
i you see them
lip oil
as Wide as His
Joseph an
millionaire, died here today.
he made his in railroad
building closely
wild the bills and
He constructed large
sections of the Union Pacific,
Missouri Pacific, iron Mountain
and Mexican Railroads.
as a poor boy from
England. Mr. Richardson's for-j A who in
tune has been estimated s fee, predicts that th.-
to with Me
s The
there are anxious to know n y
pi. vent by voting
Way to Stop Law-
There s but one way to ,,,, ,.,
to law. is to let it be
know,, tilt ;, m m
hanging men guilty of for which
lynching It often
that th scoundrel who should be hung
Sew a term the and
after awhile some Governor pardon
him. That the people, and
they law take
News and Dose. v, .-
modern standard Family Medicine Cures the
of humanity.
tin name of I
the name of constipation, torpid liver, piles,
Melons Nice, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
sweet melons is , . . , I
Cool j and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
These and the like mm heard at
every tarn. Even the auctioneer i
who is calling out the price of a
slave girl the bids for a Carpet is
careful to inti hi- professional
tall; with -to his maker and
the Moorish saints.
London t-.
c patent la MM
ac I
n. Vie I f, i I. I
Oar not duo to i
cost ill . b. and
. D. C. i
En lei
Mil I .
, cathartic.
------A line of
SAM. m
which i am
selling so low
that it causes
Come see me
and I will
treat yon fair
D. W.
Want Job Tinting
He dressed more like a tramp
than a wealthy man and lived and
died in a stone which was
only rive feet wide three
stones high. It was because
the property owners
refused to meet Richardson's
terms for the narrow lot. He
afterwards refused
for the little piece of on
which his house stood, amid
tall buildings on the best part of
Lexington avenue.
Ho will be buried in a
selected years ago. It is com-
posed of one inch plank. His
greatest boast was. am
I want no
either in life or death. I
die, if my too large, fill
in empty space with saw-
dust. New York Dispatch.
A new way to pay old church
debts um been developed in New
Orleans, it is novel, modern and
ought to do business.
of the colored brethren
have placed the financial
in the hands of a regularly
organized corporation called
Debt Liquidating Com
and this company will
to pay up all the debts of
it patrons means of enter-
Old require to
regulate the bowel and kidneys will
Had the true remedy Electric
This medicine not stimulate and
no nor other
cant, but acts as a tonic
acts mildly on the mil bowel.-.
adding strength and Kiting tone lathe
organs, ailing Nature in Id ,.
I of the
is an excellent appetizer and
aids Old Mud it St
exactly a ml
MOT bottle at John I.
m Job h.
Vis i CT
The Daily
the ho rue news
afternoon at the
price of cents a
. Are you a Rob-
II not you
lo he
Mr. of the ding ti m
Jones A Sou,
I of Dr. New say
j la-t winter his was attacked
and case grew so
I lion- physicians at an-1
i could do for Ii
d develop into Hasty
I v ill store, and Petting lot lie
rook a bottle borne, and to the surprise
of all n to get better from the
dose, dollar
her sound and Dr. Kings
Discovery p
and Coin.- if do
at I. Woo tens
i Is
pare I for to e . as wall a
mail, and for that is sold in tin
cans, holding one-hut of
cine for
kinds of medicine, bit
give one package of Mack
r oft. V. for all the others ever saw
I'd horse or in
of I will cure
u; time
cure bad
wt nausea.
Tab ales cure
their year's -applies will lie
Int -rest prices in-l , i
a ii-
lint v a, o i; ii. i i . a-
c e m ck
ala hand an .-1 is lit
the limes. arc all
sold for having lisle
inn we
M Hi O.-w i Mile N.
We have t a
tins in metal- ft
lie and brought
to eon
Bod en-
to our care will receive
every mark respect.
lo not but
ion t
v d
i .
A. M
A. M
i late
N. C
, ; s III
tr W a.
v v
tr Ml
u Tarboro
invite .
can be found a- any all
times in ,
Ha Cos
-in Meek drag
,,., s
. in., Scotland Neck at p
p. m., i ,.
Returning, leaves ;.
N B W P V a H
Ai I kind-t of repairing done
We no skilled labor and good
Class in State
k CO,
n. c
Wire and Iron
., , ,,. . ,
in., and
m., Tarboro 0.44 . m.,
p. m., . a.
mil p. m arrives
in., and p, ex-
Sunday. with h,
, -oil.- ml Nick
Train leave ti ., via
p. m., IN M;
p. ill.
is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves I
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A trial of this plan costs but
little and is sure to lead
profitable culture.
Eye t s
The Eastern Re
-----IS WILL AT THE IRON T a N-------
me i- tin
II i Rope, Faming and ever
necessary for Millers. and at well
Bate. Shoes. Goods I have hand. Am heel
quarters for Heavy and Jobbing agent O. f. T.
i Irons attentive clerk.
it, year. Ii
i news
is i
Limes more than
the price.
those growing
o, that is worth
I l. Nov. ill, 1- .,.
Co., ft.
last om
a this Ill all ex.
o. ll in tao
o. -u, h I
N. C
All placed in
Plymouth i P. M., raw p. m.
II n
a. in., a M.,
i m arid
Train on Midland N. C. I
a. arriving a. i. He.
leave- . a. ,
at 9.30 . in.
on branch,
I., leave p in.
p in, p in.
a in, a in
a m. except Sun-
Train War-
saw Clinton except
i.-i m. and p, in-
leave- n, t
train No. makes close connection
Weldon all points dally, all rail via
also at K, Mount
and Carol Ina K K
North via
r. i. Manage-.
I. . ,,. ,
ville and
Ki A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro i s A. M,
s, and
Th we ire i
of w on River.
tine With
inn ,
Ne Tort Boston.
marked via Dominion fr on
New York. Phil,
folk Baltimore steamboat
from Baltimore.
t IV B IS.
N f;

Eastern reflector, 23 June 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 23, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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