Eastern reflector, 16 June 1897

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I In Spring I
c And all o her
yon read
It is the paper for the
Eastern Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance. i
No. Whit Enameled
We bans them
in. wide, In. wide, In. wide
in. wide. All sized Bit
Everywhere deal ere are
unkind Their cut
Of pay them double
prices; our use
It the
ma. a now fr com-
tints you and pay all post-
Get for your
dollar by the
week ending Monday June
b, has been e
throughout North Ai
t to is still
comparatively low, account
cool the days
frequent nave
canned p growth in
crops and improved prospects
generally- The i.-i averaged
about for the State. Ii
is still K o dry over a few counties
extreme son b
good stand, is Leah
I the outlook for that
is The
wheat oats harvest has just
the southern
with nu prospects.
local damage by hull occurred
May eight
The past week Las been
all favorable f r all crops this
While up to the
normal, the weather was warmer,
showers, cawing a per-
improvement craps.
is still dry some
a few
ties. Crops, though small,
of grass and growing
u sum, but good
stand, fresh looking. Lice
have appeared at a few places
Corn has generally a bad stand,
owing damage worse;
portion some farmers
waist high.
batter at the of the
some plants early
part of week died b Oats
are rather poor, being cut
in tie south- Toe stand of pea-
nuts is far poor.
A severe hail stow, occurred
May with con
damage to over limited
of ed.
Kansas will produce over
of tin
every section of the e
the most reports are
received. guy fields are read
fur harvest southern s-c-
where the crop s sis
lie best salve hi w -rid for Cuts,
Fever Chapped la
Chilblains, Corns, all Skin
i. cures Piles on
It Is to give
money refunded
price cents per box. For sale
Professional Cards
out ii
a I
T hat stall n
t run the
I, Ii lie- people in the
ii- i he
be talked of ;
Sent judge
from the whole
ever seen
Swept town clean
the in every Steeple
the c the
lie action
pt ;
the idea seemed s
W. rid pleas-
So Ike sorter libs
lo where
Change ti
A all wonder .
T j- it a hut t d
ill an
While die clouds w. lean J
Now we bear people
II in.
They v ill lea Is together
out wind weather
Tell us n reap sow.
Make crops still, or grow
old hail
have mercy on US
A Men.
State Medical
to St- Louis last week. D-.
of St, Joseph, told the
reporter of
following story. He said
After the adjournment of n
a few years ago,
Knight and Riley, of St. Joseph,
home in a sleeper.
had the berth the
w at her intensely hot. Dr
was a very small ; in
fact a boy in stature Dr.
was fat. was
the- of the and
went to sleep- with his
in a .
the strangest
man I knew while was
government in
said retired
i actor to The Detroit
Free Picks, v as smart
enough, so jolly that every
him, and in the
best of h- But he a
bad deals, to mortgage
some of his property, and just
seemed lo throw up his
Ho vowed that ho had cased to
be hi- own ma , would drift
till he found what world
t do with him.
had disposed
faintly and there seemed to
he coolly an
n muted the next day he
KnOW the b would
to b but ho mi
would work faith-
fully for man who him.
Tickets sold for good but
tin re were two left, and ho laugh
said that would take a
couple of shots at f When
the drawing he held
sir, fellow turned
loose to making money
hand over hand. He became one,
west, paid off
bought there was
money is as rich now as a
in farm. When be
drew himself at that ruffle he
made up his hat he was his
own man s, and besides he
agreed to do his bet for
winner. It was a
to the People of
Pitt County.
Our energies have never relaxed Our el-
Lave never to give
selected stock
ll- His Jr.
Ai the train of Chi-
a quiet, look-
man the buffet car,
and, himself a com
chair, drew out a
cigar and deeply into
paper. He remained so quiet and
retained his so that an-
I who e bearing
load of avoirdupois, sat on the,.
. . . , , stamped him as a
commercial traveling man, of
of the berth
himself. At Hennas a lady en-
the car asked for a
S was told that the car was
oat she saying that she
bad set with a sick daughter
for five nights, to have
sleep. Suddenly an idea struck
the kind of chatter and
c u i . longer r strain
A the quiet
Slowly his cigar, the
work moil till Set of sun
They .
woman's won is
i true.
one task she's finished, some
a all year round.
To the lea,
Or bake the brand,
Ci h
Or l; the In mini,
dust room,
O.- knives lo
table set,
Or lie to get,
shelves lo scan,
Or to can,
Or plants lo grow,
Or i. teach.
Or boiler churn,
in-j inn.,
p glass,
u- plate brass.
Or in ml,
O.; children lend,
r non s indite,
Or write
I ii-ii-i stop, really I should
, Name all lake ate a day ii
I would.
a.; lime do
than i could count
which to select your o i .,, i
J I Ami yet W Ami nun
believe aim
to select
. propel
In sens
Into where you lest at
And one wore, k you
ii, please,
-U i K-j ling
t lull
that ours is store of all stores in our
from which to buy your goods for the
coming year. Goods are sold on time at close
credit prices to customers approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of silver or greeDS-
back. When they enter into our possession
they are again converted into tho best bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit of our many
friends and customers. Do not hesitate or be
led away but cone straight back to your
who will take care of your interests
and work the harder to make of you u
, . -l grate a little nutmeg in
stronger customer and better
straight ward, honest dealing man
and man. We are the friend of the poor
man, we are the friend of the rich man, we
friend of you all Come to see us, we weep me
Tc. the K.
To rub with a cut
To tender boiled
lips f i a
That lemon
are hue for u g .
a few of
Jot poaching
o properly
will serve you to the host of o ability. Po-
lite attention, best of service and honest
forts shall yours to command at the
hat slewed it rated
and a couple
CL. pod la
a sauce lo serve
Clarence looker
in o the great
eyes of Hazel OP, aid
his frame was shaken
The girl his
tender glance with H per cent in
and at hat he
to a sight upon her.
Thou, for nine she
his embrace, were
right aim
I felt if it must broken. Every
j lime he permitted n to drop
the plump, yielding of
i the beautiful
girl shuddered.
It Deeded no trained eye to
r that she enjoyed tie
u, for the was tinted
low, the front wire all
down and the rest cf the folks
gone to bod.
Q ill
At last, unable to hug her any
longer, young n straight-
up. let his arms drop at his
side, then looked at
each for along, long time,
d y sighed
sighs, to a
larger cf short ones.
At last, clip, a band against
his Clarence
started up with horror
his face-
Hazel cried,
is it has happened
no he groaned a
thousand times worse
Throwing her arms around his
neck widely Robbing upon
his she implored that he
would not keep net in suspense.
me know tho worst
she died, I will try
to bear up it, it
may Tell your brave little
what it is my
Do tort mo with
Slowly, as if every
had cost him an t e
young replied
cigarette that I've got
has been and there isn't
lo let
tins be told through
The people read this J
fr its crest leave jag
against and aH
on to the
my he said, turned and locked at
There is only my little boy bis questioner with slightly
Knight was sleeping eyebrows,
peacefully the lady gladly
t, i.
Now York. Ever
boon e V
J. Fleming.
M hour later Knight and I
m a remark to whom he sup-
posed Riley- mind,
little boy, said the old lad j.
will bank
soon A g home this trip New
again began to talk and the old j York, yen
lady attempted to lull him he made reply,
to sleep by promising but his After a
f Questions,
kinds of
.-i-s grow your
what are goo fax
ii e nil, j,
of tin- Cuban A in
on relations
trees grow your Is the
in better
fried tweet
with liver
I or
That flesh eggs taken from the
I shell boiled in half a pint of
sweet cream, seasoned with
pepper . form a delicious
breakfast dish. They should
cook two th boiling
la a Uriel interview with a
Why a eat
backward, and a cow forward .-,,.,
I my is now better j fa bacon fat tot
Why does a hop via- contrition -c n-.-i the and or game,
wind way a beau I In- t
another it been sine- the beginning stale cake ma;
Where the inside cf U- has a with brandy sauce
A f end Carious Coins.
A collection coins
hen been given t the
Michigan by relatives of
Or. E who died
a few years ago in Italy,
the col is known as
highly valued many of
are rare and curious. One
is a copper cent, the rim of which
is decorated with thirteen
together to represent tho
original In
tho inscription ;
Are On the other side of
coin a sundial, above which
is a shining sun. On one aide of
the sun is the word and
on the other side tho date
The motto is impudently lug-
i Your Own
The token of
is for its sentiments.
side a portrait of Jackson
the words
My Currency, My
Around the edge
for the United States Bank
the opposite side a hog run-
with the
above, and under-
the On the rim i
Credit, Perish
The token is a
quaint reminder of the politics of
the past. It, too, has a place in
the collection- Its design is a
mule the obverse Bide, with
the . Follow in
Footsteps My
the reverse is a tortoise bear-
on its back a burden marked
the date
place Within a where I can
With a glad cry flew
stairs, found her brother Bill's
supply, and thus her lover's life
was span Leader.
Bin Deserved
early return. But the little doc- little silence the commercial man at the lop. d My l men I T , or u
tor this time Tho scene j began
that followed it I with O- A Co., on Broad-
X. C.
Practice in the courts.
v c ,
V .
in courts.
Barry H. w.
to I
nil. H- C
N- C
in all the
i . N-
lire over ;.
a -lore.
S. N. i
of c
de on time.
The man Who always pays cash
for what he buys seldom runs the
risk of being called
world Will be considerably
happier than it is now when it is
possible to build the kitchen
the night
It is so much easier to write
poetry than it is to sell
do people know that then-
is o
Very of hem
All men be born free and
equal, but they don't retain
equality ten Bantam,
The man who boasts seldom hue
any cause for it.
A, girl, though engaged, is never
completely happy until has
some how much her engage-
ring cost-
The wheelbarrow is a
thing, but a man is lucky if he
gets two dollars a for
it along.
will any thou and all i
U-v Milt-
Horn- who
way. you drop I'll show
you over tho
you, will be
me, but might I ask
what you're going to Sew
By time most tho other
were The
gentleman, who was extremely
annoyed at the drum mere curios-
laid his paper ex-
going to New York, feat
tho to taking
lots of money aid
las, because if I like the
place I intend to buy it-
or bottom, why
On you tell why u
, i . .,,
with a rope always
. i. o and day to out
ravels it, while a cow always
who are to bold out
their i forts ab II be with
Our sold
loaf of broad until m
To sliced onions in
mi in respect. I milk before
jinn- troops e joy a vast over
ye MR
hi I
twists it knots
How old must a
before it Peg us to beat
Why do leaves seen r
down , V IV among
What will the I keen on the
weight just breaking and that not ham ,
Which is the most day ye
About a year ago President
Commissioner of
and or
two other were travel
and occupied the same
apartment, says the Washing-
ton Star. The conversation
to. the p. tent office,
cue of the strangers inquired
whether any others had
known ex Commissioner of Pat-
Major knew Ben
he a boy
I have often seen his father give
i him a
ice- our troop
hit is length of
head-is u as as bar-
troop are in the
ions are and draw our
undies from id's c m-
Thai of lemon
proves scrambled eggs, and it i that can't be the I
should be while they are I menu ; his father was a
cooking- be was a Quaker- But
That the sauce to what I have
is best made, from three have frequently seen Ben
mint m His father licked
twice a week
What animals have no upper
teeth in from, and why
is renew-
any day see a white our . it
The subsided
horse you s
to meet
sugar and a of I
Wash the and free it
grit, chop it put in a
the vinegar and sugar
cover for hour.
How did you happen to be on
hand when he got in-
quired the stranger.
I played with Ben I
, was generally around
At point in the
a roar of laughter
A Destitute family Walk From
A man named Sides and his
wife five in children have
in having
walked from The
was made in and
sessions with them They have
furniture and nothing to en.
All the property they own is baa
their lives on these of men clothes on their bodies.
Rose was glad to accept
he hired a
lot other girls to act as ii
were desperately in love w
W to Be.
All the children except Nonie
Why Ht Paper Was
-Our paper is two day slate this ft friend of Major
ft-V writes a Nebraska the company and
Fowl Wu
at bast
H C.
h f
only the
It t pay to worry, and it
doesn't pay, either, to make
day night slept oat in
neat the city. The family
have secured a house and the
husband and father will seek em-
A gentleman who
Woman can almost anything this family u they
a hairpin, except to keep were once in
stances their house and prop-
by lire. ctn be done except to bury
of U-e Danville
is a devoted fan-
and what ho about j
poultry would compare well with
what about
A sent him
the query ails
my morning find
one or more of them has keeled
over lo rise no more. reply
The are dead It is
were going to play
I Nonie wanted to sleep, but the
wished her to in-
Jack was to be a lion, he said-
I Tom wanted to represent camel
the others all made choice.
what do you to
Monte answered,
L to be
what is impatiently
yelped Jack.
And cane the answer,
T want to be
writes a worm t
to an accident to our j, him stranger
press. When started to run , h a over to him
the edition on night .
as usual, one of the guy ropes
allow the I
Old That
of course, as any one who know. I has a 3-months-old
thing about a press will read The parents are
. ,
to fall and break it,
the flapper.
Happy. Summer, the P o
Friend, is Hero Again.
joyous sum-
mer, as poets and the Wilson
would more
here i summer, tho genuine
poor man's friend this earth,
with its accompaniments of school
closings, or commencement as
they call era now. fishing, swim-
ming, baseball, blackberries and
sore toes. Just any old kind of
a man who has struggled hard for
past to keep a fire the
grate and a handful of meal in
the tub, may now dig bait and
off to the rippling brook-
let, sit him down the
branches of a tree and
is about the
only word that expresses it- For
the time at least the bottom rail
bus wriggled out where it can
have some of the common enjoy-
of life. He can do the
pantomime with his thumb to bis
as his rich neighbor sails by
behind his. bob-tailed horses, for
while the man of money curses his
dyspepsia and the heat, his poor-
brother wallows in the grass
the brook or of the
stream a where he
cm disport himself far, far from
the madding crowd, scorning the
dress that must be worn at the
seaside resort- When he gen
tired of all this he hies him to the
blackberry pluck-
the fruit him
naught but him full in-
deed. Hard times There should
no such thing so long as the
crop keeps up to the
standard. And who ever heard
of a failure of this crop Verily,
summer is something to be de-
was bro-
ken, which caused tho dingus lo
rise and welt M in tho optic
nothing diocese com to Mayas We expect a new gilder
Observer. in this afternoon.
Bishop tor New
lest week His
the between r have lift tho house
the ramrod what they
which also caused trouble. Che Mid heard, child
the trouble was caused differs from
be over intoxicating in that it can talk as
stimulants by is a and be as
of falsehoods, the peeled appear- a grown person- The voice, of
of our right eye being j orally weak, but has
v our going into the hatchway none the baby about it.
f the press in our anxiety to j addition to the child's talking
it, and pulling tho coupling propensities, it seems to be
of superior intelligence
and gives voice to utterances
most astounding, coming as they
do from one so
I t
If it that has Oiled this
with nervous d
that takes the
blood, and
l hem I. and V
No. Ii is bad
and other
habits. . . ,.
The remedy is divested
food as tat shaker
dial. Instead of the
stomach the Cordial a
nourishing system
and digesting other food
with It. So flesh and strength return.
Is not die the cordial
Is palatable and relieves Immediately.
No money risked to decide on Its value.
A cent trial bottle does that.
is the bat medicine for
It In place

Greenville, N. C.
J, Bite
Entered at the post at Greenville,
. as second class mail waiter.
June 1897.
Tm Atlantic hotel in bands
the doctor. Not that it at
all. for just now it i a most
loosing place, m
hundred the M. D down last
night-and there are others to follow
Then an big and doc-
tors, handsome doctors and
tall doctors I city
doctors ail country in fact
most any kind you could Mr, and
Ma passenger
train with was heard W-
mark are all m
clot lies for you can't even d t.-. t
smell of medicine about
lever, headache, or any Bi
would hardly dare MOW tor I
of knocked out in the
The track the con-
n begins this and the
sessions will continue three
Many interesting are to b
Then arc a number
tor licenses to go the examining
today, and not a few them
wear an look that seems to say
be glad when its
There about a hundred
a- the Atlantic before hist in
and the is a gay
here. about the hotel
looks new and and Manager G.
Blacknall has a competent corps of
assistants. All is in readiness to re-
the editors o the Stale Press
Association who will mate down to-
A few editors in
List algal but they are almost lost
among so many doctors,
there will be enough ct the
on next train to make
City, M. C , June
The North Carolina Medical Society
convened yesterday in
annual The meeting was
called to order by Dr. L. Murphy,
of Morganton, of the
Washington, June 1897-
Mr. was not ii the
best of humors when he left
for the Nashville
exposition. Several things Lad
not gone to suit him- The
pipers printed the report of Con-
General Lee, on the
investigation, before was
received by the State Depart-
and could discover
the leak. Bat the principal
cause of air. bad
humor was-the verbal report
made by his and personal
representative, Mr. who
found out too much of what Mr.
did not to
not enough to corroborate
what what bethought he already
knew. In short. Mr. Calhoun
reported things as he found them,
regardless of whether
ed or displease anybody-
Meanwhile the Cuban
ready to in
Many in the
who have keeping quiet in
opposition to the wishes of their
order to give Mr.
a to some-
thing, growing restive and
be held in much longer.
Notwithstanding the
cf Senators Jones, of Ark,
Vest, of Mo., both of whom
denounced it severely, sis Dam-
voted for the amendment
offered to the bill by Sena-
tor Bacon, of Ga-, putting a
per can; ad duty on raw
cotton. The Republicans all
voted for the amendment and it
is now a part of bill- The sis
Democrats who voted for the
amendment were Bacon and Clay
of Ga., and of
S- C-, of La,
ling, of Utah. Senator
replied to Democratic objection
by saying that it was
that the country was to hay a
of the sugar consumers
that is of everybody. The new
schedule is better than the one
discarded, but it is still a very
bad one I but there is little prob
ability of its bettered be-
fore the tariff bi becomes a law.
The has too strong a grip
on the Republican
Christmas it am out oh tight
De possum's gone a
on de brier brash,
It happy. Lucy Join-.
I'd to know de
he. he, he, ma plum.
In season.
bill and that hi intended to
to see that his state received an
equal share of the benefits, as he
believed, the words of the
Bible, that the man who does
care for his own household is
worse than an infidel. There are
reasons for the belief that the
Republicans are playing a
game on Senator Bacon and his
do tor; -ere
in a very Ml h by Mr. . of
I. which was
by Dr. H. A.
During the day a number
papers on medic topics
Dr. C. J. is the veteran
physician of the Society and is much
admired by his brother doctors- It
tropically noticed about the hotel that
he is central figure of a i interested
of listeners.
Dr. Charles Laughinghouse deliver
the oration the Society
Greenville and county ire quite
well represented here. Besides
Greenville there are present
Crimes and Bullock bethel. Dr.
Dixon. of Dr. Cox, of
and Dr. Morrill, of
Capt. r
pave a complimentary sail over to
the and it was enjoyed by
The editors are row dividing honors
with the physicians about the hotel
and something can be heard now
and then beside the familiar
are you, About
or sixty the editors came la-l
to be ready for the
frets Association this
them will be L t
a number of young people
last it was the
night the season so tar in the
ball Chicago,
who is remembered by every Atlantic
Hotel st several yens past, is
leader the Orchestra, so it need
be that the music under his
is excellent.
Dr. the jolly proprietor
the Atlantic, got of a on- on the
old man
He us whistling in the hull and
led us up to read his no-
besides an
cents But it the Doctor don't
keep his bent eye we will even
up on him the meeting
All the same Ur. is having
well looked alter and he it
lo have a good season the At-
Latham Alexander Co.,
commission merchants New York,
ave been seeking information relative
lo the cotton acreage in the Southern
Slates for and issue a circular
the result their in-
Alabama, percent
acres. cent
Florida, acres, same as last
Georgia, acres, per cent
i. acres. per
cent increase.
Mississippi acres, per
per cent increase.
South Carolina, acre .,
p r cent increase.
Tennessee, acre,
Texas, acres, per int
it c east.
ex In on as support
protection, that when the
tariff bill goes to the President it
will not contain a duty on raw
Senator Jones, of Ark , chair-
man of the Democratic National
is naturally a little
skeptical about the stories print-
ed from time to time about the
of large sums of money to
be Mad f r the continued
silver ideas.
Speaking of the latest that
Colorado had raised
Senator Jones said have not
received a cent from Colorado
since the election, if any sum
has or is being raised there
the interest of silver, I
know it. I should be very glad
to be assured that it is
Senator Mill, of an
alarmist, but he can see nothing
North Carolinians have long been
proud to with Henry
Wyatt, Company A. First North
Regiment, and lo recall
through him North Carolina shed the
blood on fields
June Now comes
that he was not a native
North Carolina. Will one tell the
troth about it Perhaps at day
the troth can be found only in
the county in which he enlist-
This was discussed
severe correspondents ours son i i
years ago. Our recollection is i
was shown hat young Wyatt
by birth, but i.
lived Richmond ye rs.
. h Carolina when the w r
broke out and than enlisted.
We believe Wyatt was not I be list
soldier l-
troops in Virginia; but we think
has been established that ll was
soldier killed ill this State in
battle. He had near relatives and many
dear and his body
is buried in Hollywood Cemetery her .
We write a safe
thing to do where a point is
i bat we venture to do r
than search our files many years
Perhaps the can give
these brethren some light upon tills
question, not of its own knowledge but
from people familiar With the
Henry Wyatt was not a native
North Carolina, but was horn in the
Va. His lather.
John Wyatt, to Greenville
Richmond some years before the
and work at the coach about
James Nelson, located on the
corner of and Third
Finding he could get
work be sent hack lo Richmond after
his son Hear, then a little boy about
years old. The went to live
with a woman known as Miss Cloudy
who had a louse on street about
sooth Filth
place owned by Daniel
children. j
Henry Wyatt grew up in
and was nearly grown when the war
came on. When companies were be-
here he wanted to join
one them hut his father objected
because his age. Young Wyatt
then ran away and went to
where he joined a company.
is the history Henry Wyatt
as told us by people who knew him
well. His lather died at the
county poor house some yea s
N. C. 8th,
M s. C. C. Manning, Tampa,
Fla., arrived Sunday
Mrs. II. F. Hassell. Sr
N C, is visiting her son,
U. F. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tar.
spent night and
Mrs. Harris, and two I r, haw, haw, haw, sugar pi
Mildred, are the week Oh
. , . . . Don t twist at tint way
in and around town with relatives. . . J
In season.
Miss Bessie James, who s
spent last week here, returned j .
Sunday evening.
Mrs. O. II. James,
miss de
Oh no, indeed. Lucy ;
What's de
million juicy
Slate lb and Auditor
James, Ayer decide that the
Friday and Saturday here, she lion at shall be held
home Sunday evening. August 1st, that
II. T. King, was here
What Hood's Sarsaparilla-has do; c
for it will also do for you.
Heed's cures all
Miss Williams and her sister,
Miss it d, N. Care
sometime with 111- i . ,
W. II. Williams.
We are I lo see our old
W. II, out again after his
s of last week.
a number people attend-
ed the at
Swamp, yesterday. They report quite
The tanners this are
well up their
In all States the n is
ported from two to lout later reap an profit to which
l last year. , no way at the
N. C, Jane lib, 1897.
Miss Jones, , is
but Ms
He said i effect cf
this tariff bill upon the people
will be seen, not its high
but the way it buttresses
and f of all kinds.
Some of these days this sort of
legislation will have or
we will see a revolution-
people will not stand it. Driven
to wall by the
of money power, they will a
leader, we shall see another
it will be an
army which will carry and
Democratic Senators are
. in declaring
the uselessness of Mr.
asking Congress to authorize him
lo appoint a monetary
because they have decided
that no such legislation shall be
voted upon by the Senate at this
Mr. J. who
would not be tilling bis present
position had not its title been
officially changed private
secretary to the President's Sec-
capturing a nice juicy
pie this week, he
took Mr. and a special
load officials and news-
paper men to the Nashville ex-
position. He got W.
Hoyt, of Pa-, to be
Assistant Attorney General,
got the Pa. Senators to
Mr. Hoyt was a mate of Mr.
A majority of the
Senatorial caucus realized that
something to be done to stop
the wave of popular
on account of the schedule's
notorious favoritism
sugar trust, so the House
was substituted after
the of
the trust, which still to
The smart is a drawback
to any community. He is the
that something about every-
thing. Nobody cm do anything just
right, in his estimation. He always
has an idea. If a new enterprise is
he is ready to make a
If a building is to be erected he-
a that will make the edifice
look the neatest. It the town in which
he lives speaks making
he can tell the officials
exactly where they should begin, how
it on ,, to be done and what it should
cost, lie knows how to run a news-
paper better than the editor does. He
knows what to and what ought
not to go in paper. In In
knows ii ore on this in an hour
than the editor does a whole day.
He is what might be a
If smart happens to be an
editor, and there are some the
he is sure to give more at-
to paper than to
his own. He can find more
in one addition a neighbor's
paper than could found in his i
year. He really could run it
he does big own. The smart
is a fellow who does town
no good. There are always a of
fellows to be found in com-
C. C. Joyner, of and J.
S, Carolina, were here
Friday, their many were glad
to see
C. and son went to
th.-l Academy II. F.
Jr., took place Friday, June
1897. The address was delivered
A. J. Manning, of Carolina
Institute o'clock. which,
delighted large crowd present. The
concert at th.
Academy at ii o'clock, P. M
The was -pule along one,
pieces, consisting
tones, recitations, declamations
and every student rend red his
part well. I he entire exercises wen-
it grand success and r. ll clod much
credit upon pupils and
teacher There
were six gold medals three
to J. C. Carson; Elocution lo
U. S. to Miss
Spelling and Defining
Thus. J. Moon; Spelling lo Alb n
Moon; lo Miss
Linwood Bailey.
Advanced class in N. C. speller lo
class in N. C.
to Seymour
Thus ended a prosperous school year
of Bethel Academy the C
II. There
were seventy-live enrolled daring
the school year.
he average attendance being mo e
than We hope nest session
which begins August 80th, will be more
prosperous than the one just closed.
N. June U, ;
Mis Bertha Hammond,
sister Mrs. D. -S.
Mrs. W. N. M. is visit-
her parents Greenville.
James J.
Bethel, spent Saturday night
G- W. Blown,
Wednesday night and
J. it. Bell, Usual Olive, was hero
Mrs. Harris and daughter,
Mildred, who spent las week hen-, re-
home Sunday.
II. II. attended the
commencement at Trinity college last
week. He returned home Thursday
by his Marion.
Doctors It -I. and J.
Bullock attended meeting tie
Medical Society
last week.
It was our pleasure with many
or to attend the closing ix
Crises of Corey's High school et
last The first tea-
lure was the opening song, about
l. M. alter which ii.
a few eloquent remarks introduced
of who
l-lined the large for nearly an
hour with an eloquent address.
mediately after address there were
some by several young
ladies. urn cent was then had
night. The exercises were re-
turned at M. consisting songs,
was very interesting and highly
to the large crowd present.
Prof. y a young man of line
premise. This was his first session at
he a fine
as a teacher.
deeds, county and -x-
shall be invited to attend, as buttons being
well as all other -d
the of taxes.
It may he to
some who argue that a tobacco town
possesses an unhealthy atmosphere for
college students, to know that a
single the thirteen seniors who
graduated from Trio college
has the habit of smoking. The
class was lo tea in the city a
days ago. and when were
passed around not u single one was
The city council bat
the church steeples because they
were higher than the town hull.
superior court judge was tin
minutes late the other morning, and
the city council has decided to discharge
slid revise -he Georgia.
Our efficient city council has also
dismissed board education, with
statement that the best board
education is a pine shingle vigorously
a, plied.
We don't hardly what is lobe-
come us. Our esteemed
has the mayor
ard is hOW thinking electing a new
No services will he held in any of
morrow. The. minis rs
so loud that they I wake
up the city council.
Many our irons arc emigrating.
They are going to a town
where they will be allowed to govern
Having first thrown open th
reservations to the pillage timber
thieves another year. Congress
lows action, up by providing a
tariff bounty Of what
u.-e is it or the Federal
Government to take tin
of our or
sling lands it tit same
time taxes are Ii id the supplies
lumber logs obtained from
and oilier
t .-.- of
For a 1- tit a and In r
articles which bone is generally
used been made from congealed
blood, purchased at lighter
am treated some that
hardens it to the .
The same articles can be made
milk by a invented an
The milk is the
The process turning
this liquid into but Ion-, combs, b
of brushes and similar articles
consists of mixing it with a
the which a-e a
he inventor, At
the end of three days tin is
as celluloid and is ready to cut and
shaped in any way the
withes. At present a in
is engaged in fashioning the
bur Into various let,
made in this ray differ very
little in appearance from ordinary
tone buttons. They are a creamy
while appearance, but can be colored
black or i-i d or any oilier color by
mixing with
the milk the hardening
begins, are said to p ad-
vantages ever h b and
article in being less brittle an hat
liable to For the milk
has been I lo i
W ll adapted, as it is
deli the touch, and derives
from its creamy origin a
In the sum way is a good
for ivory ill and pool balls
On account the large
money made by in
Carolina land I
is rapidly t lid H will
be many yuan before our finds will
bring something like their value.
Ibis It the gulden spot cl world,
but even OUT own people are only coin.
to find out its vast capabilities,
stranger- learn th in we may
for a magic like nil ling
Eastern Mount
A Word to Women.
If women would only keep
as ad
gowned alter marriage as when tiny
wire would retain
He ii- ii; and
the end the chapter. A
likes tor his wile lo r him
of his and
to u-t as winsome
mid charming as possible.
This is advice an ultra live
Hi mother
i- taken for
older Bitter. The
does not a ii hi in an BX-
sin-is still a o tar
In an old one, she i- as
her toilet i I-.- when -in
was the belle her maidenhood home.
New T
Spokes, Hubs, Building Paints
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings and Honest Goods at Rook,
Bottom Prices.
. .
a plan by winch Farmers
r. .
ID. -e -I
HI. Ill
I . . .
R. R.
A named Hurry has jut put
In an appearance in the town of Salem.
III., where he is making things hum
and putting money in
Two years ago be was a trump, and is
. y property inherited
hit parents who died in New York
several years ago, a fact which
he but recently learned. The first
thing he did after reaching Salem, was
to bunt up a who lent him
when he passed through the town
as a tramp, and give Hui
We wouldn't advise you on Strength
ibis every tramp
Wilmington Star.
A who
the well worn question why girls prefer
shop and factory work domestic
service that the chief objection to
the latter is the loss involved.
One girl who had both means if
is as am
not cue now than I was
when I worked as a servant, yet now,
when I go in I meet
of refinement and am treated the
same as anyone else. I board a
nice place ; am often invited lo
spend evening among people o
would never have given in; a d
glance had a servant,
Causes fully the m Um It
digested In the lo-vols
bad in sic. a.
tongue, sick . in i I
etc. fills W
cure Inn and its
by c I. Co., Lowell, Matt,
Hilt to take with
I B. i . I-.- .
The University.
total Board
19.00 a three
three Full Courses, Law and
Schools School of Pharmacy.
Graduate Courses to Women
r School for
and Loans for the Needy.
Chapel Hill. N. C.
The I; in In me
holding on mighty well. The United
States has been tor over a
year in hurrying a couple snip-loads
to them. The grain
been sent yet, nor are tin
dead, it is now stated that the
grain which has h -en collected here
will be sold, an I the money instead,
to India In view of the famine
talk that has been dinged into the ears
the people n year past, this
seems Strange. What good
do A starving people is bread
they have been crying for, and as bread
is lint to be India, why send
them money that they cannot eat ii
to look like there is
not altogether straight about this
the of Moore
brick I will tell all
now on hand very can
at short notice at any de on
Coast within one
hundred miles the towns of Wilton
and N. C. All Ires- all coin
Ii In future In
L. t. LUCAS, N. c
That a woman may show great
pies, mind the face sudden
peril is proved by this story told the
other day by a Bend,
the Record.
and pr Miss Cos-
g entered the this
town recently with several other
ladies, when the gave a start
stood still clasping one of her
limbs at a point above the knee looked
fixedly bar.
she whispered to her
ions, men go out want
to tell you The men soon
d. parted, and she released her
In-r skirts, a mouse
upon the Hour. lie tho in-
about h hut she
screamed a or lo
mount the table or the k tier
he just him, st d quiet
-lit rodent's
lo mill you
n i s,
ii fore em en t,
a. J.
its many
Land Sale.
v of an order of the Clerk of
Sup Court made hi ease of
tie T. and Stephen
to sell hit d h r Die
ed mill ell for
fore the Court door in
on the day of
f par-
or tract of land In the
of in Swift Creek town.
ship, joining of
B. Cox, K. Dr. W.
L. and others cont lining
acres, and being all the hind owned by
late k Its at
This June 6th.
Notice to Creditors.
of Court
Pitt county, having
y to inc. the undersigned, on
the 8th day of May, 1807, OB the estate
of I. II. deceased, notice is
barony given to all persons Indebted to
estate to immediate payment
to the to all
of l estate to present their
to me under-
signed, within twelve after the
date of this Of Ibis notice will
be plead In bar of recovery.
This the of May, , i i
of the estate of J.
P, Atty.
CAPITAL 1111.000
Organized June 1st, 1897.
The Bank of Pitt County,
We solicit your We offer every
and accommodation consistent with sound
M. H.
I will the best goods
will sell them at the lowest price p I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H.
Ni-st door to Jeweler.
SI Dealers, Tobacco Hue Makers
Bicycle Dealers and
oiler their lo We are r
Tobacco Flues
will as of CO
for the least All our wot It i- d are to
repair in our lino a to u will
t lo sen us.
If. ii. I
What Kind
Seamless, last black, with
heel and toe
What Sizes
From the smallest l the
for ladies am
The small sum pail.
Low Price Merchant
in and examine stock

No Ones Named This at.
T. L e la
II. of win
Ur. It L.
day Ayden.
K. M. from
a trip lo
G. J. Woodward returned
A. A. Andrews returned Saturday
Mrs. U. Fleming and children
left Friday atoning f.-r Durham.
Wednesday from
George of
is visiting the of J. A.
Loom ; returned Saturday
i Iron, A, iV M. College at
airs. and children re.
turned Friday n a lo
J. S. Hester, Greenville, re-
Wednesday a trip to
II. M. Harden, I ad W,
are spending
Mies Marie Swan, wild de-
us all with here
i.-l-, in
All the Mr.
Charles O. L. Joyner
and wile, and the old ruin
reached us week
that J. H. Sons, of Which-
aids, Sid made an naming
G M. Mooring as assignee. The as-
sets and liabilities are unknown.
Die a.
Mr. W. C. received a telegram
yesterday evening the sud
intelligence the death his sister,
Mrs, of We
I'll this morning to attend the
Fanny, It
a college for the colored has
the of L. D. on
I Hen John of
Dress Goods, Shoes
is superb and your inspection invited.
Swindell, who been
bee visiting Mayor Bass,
of returned lo
day. Mi- was by Major
Hyman ard I. I. Moore attend d
at Corey
air. Moore
the address and we bear n
spoken of i s an one.
Miss Tyson day
lid trip to Winston,
I lot lbs
lie will meet lier
Miss Olive Joyner, or Baltimore, in
and will continue
trip log.
The King Clothier,
Local Reflections
W lieu to
-.-.- i Ah
working over lime.
A m a.
. on a I -i;.
J is honey in .
should near
Gets then
The w miner man i-
d I wife
The ladies the church
d in p their
light was lo take place
Monday night.
We in aid a
Lad the most perfect of
telephone of any be had ever
our sentiments.
A I -t
some cue returning l.-om church,
on street. Owner
II at K. i i . i
Hes Ween
claims to hail from
London, a horse from
the stable here to go
t Fremont, be another
town. lie was soon
i i
team, lo whom he confessed that lie
in hard luck and had started oil
o selling the turn-
out. The proprietor gave him a l.-c
tire in the road and sent on his
Wilmington Messenger.
session Monday and today. In
don to the regular
elected the tin-. Head
for county, Fernando
Ward, Ward and
Or. was elected Sup-
Tiny also
tailed an election tin Tuesday alter the
Second Monday in August in of
I he townships lo vote upon tin question
The Kinston nines
ball in Tarboro on
and Thursday afternoon
game resulted in a score el ii to in
At second game-
tie- cad the
showed a a id Kin-1
on .
It s cm this that the
were not -n in it.
u e lean, Tarboro
played and Kinston Its
home lean with one or two
A let i. cell. i.-.
Much has been said and written
about ought to
have to lite, aim
make more vigorous its progressive
Some said one
have said another, railroads,
The motive tins is right and no
doubt tin- will b good.
ville does need industrial
us all cities and need
them. It needs them to make
better, to Hake and to give
to the
her. is something, -r, e n
than it needs factorial
or is. needs a read
loom and t library.
industry and trade, but a read
and will do something
these cm not do. It will
N. C, June
net is in learn is a
tact, there are more viola ions I lo-
om- law th -n other on lie
hooks, now many whites
send lo the road gang
where o good could be gotten by
county roads.
is duly of police to
inform themselves and when any man
or is seen Standing day at-
t .-r day making no ell r. to do anything
an I no means of support, they
I should he arrested and tried and put on
the r ads and lid the the town their
These Worthiest vagrants
bare t. cat, aid we know of many who
are loungers around tin. m,,,.
k t end streets boisterous
language -on, times, very frequently
tab walks and rendering
very and in
lite the young to We say there
in by
up hot
lo the y.
The Atlantic Coast Line authorities
hue arranged o give an admirable
by way of Kinston to the
Assembly at Morehead.
Tallies desiring to go can leave
a or o'clock, making
Kinston on following days.
are having I heir and
. i , i
bead in tune tor supper.
Fourth of July a over three -inn. they can leave
. ,,.,.
I'll Suite b id
-ills ill-
over i In
. full d
i, lie- train will be
held at Kinston until the
of A. At N. v. train More
This enables j u to k the trip
from head to i la four or
five hours The tare t r tin.- round
nut. in, which includes the
hip the Assembly, is
fever i- lb .- o.;. o . Ladies have this
net e-t a warm heart. amount i if Atlantic.
per day. Everybody that.
M aw
by tin- I a ;.
enough lo lie played.
Hat on mm who has
served bed.
Th-fellow who upholds
usually e who it down,
j sires can go with
j and Ibis schedule.
Our people the
and they
b st tempered man's I
a out.
the public. is the best connection
have ever bad to Morehead
-1 e ii lug n
A d man says it lie
all hi- wages be work. First
. . . Denver township first
who maybe trail,, i ,,.,. has
I ill, and yet he breaks his
The who
make a that ho hasn't
I the person of Job-is M
. X He
a eel I
at honors last
in ii.
All bi- st ideals sneak
i st terms of him as being
The plane
rough board, hut lie board even i
i young man and predict
The wadding see him rise
without a hit-h cm . be ,,,,. work, u we ,,,,
j justly proud cl him as a county
You can't convince u m aid u of boy. His and mother are en.
that Friday is an day to Io , t o- tie
they are.
labor we is a good motto
for the who hates to get up in
the morning.
The University.
Is steadily growing in popularity,
and The
The who to share h year is the largest mils his-
a girl a norm i a-rt We would to aid some
el rain needy boy t. get Us of
f and loans. Sec ad in
your in II n-
climb it.
that is in and yet it i-i a
remark, u the lat woman
a- struggled with her la It.
It doesn't take j. in en
Curt i. discover that a hammock built
for one the proper for lam.
J. Proctor A
the line land
and and new
there is through communication from
here lo Washington. This brings the
towns still r
Washington, June triple and
a home run men on bases won the
game I- r Washington today. The vis-
mad. as many bits the
S they were not as .
tin- inning Cross had
Some words with Umpire
as a result was lined and put oat
the grounds. Houseman took
at short. Scare. Washington,
errors in the inning on the part
of Chicago good hatting in the
During the first twelve days la
image were issued the
Deeds to the following
Till and Marci-i
W J Forties and Mealy
W. I. and Rodgers.
Staple and Mary Gore.
Moses Harper and Henrietta
James Johnson and
mid Malina Ric
We have been to the Atlantic I
at Morehead City many in pa.-t
years and d
a number
but have not yet seen a man
anxious to his guests than U
G. W. the present pro-
tie is genial and courteous,
has a e
and loves a joke and laugh better
any nun the Slate, Besides his
personal attention to be bus
three as clever young men clerks as
can be found in any hotel. They are
Thomas Ward, of Goldsboro; W. t.
Clinton, mid G. T. i-
Wilson. visitor to the
Atlantic Hot- I season can go h
assurance being well
read. It will an opportunity
the old pi to read. will help
to turn the thought the boys and
girls, of the young men and young
Women, the old men and old worn n
a better channel, it will la
a for those ,
hours day to spare, to go and
prove themselves d teed upon the
the day
Wing away the lime on the
streets, will build eh an I de-
; a higher type young
young It will
o town.
a place can be up and
it little hi;.
Oilier town-have and net
It would not be a money making n
neither are and
schools, but the results are
nun- valuable than money. A reading
and library would
the real lite of than double
th; mo u-y
IS more
and boys.
than in mi town iii North Carolina.
agree with
is HO excuse the
the town of Greenville. We
I ave a Justin of the Peace
in the person Jas. A. Lang, who no
would h master of situation
were ll i re a I offered him
deal the dialers and a
I he social and intellectual side on the part of the
greatly tied
Hope will
II You want a Nice
C. T.
Where the of Spring Clothing
can be found.
------A beautiful line
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
to select from.
C. T.
side walks the town.
k it up
Just So.
A v, who ml seen his
heel girl in some time made a long
she way to G
. r.
did your asked
m chum,
like the
How's again asked
Hows all her.
The Hoard of County lite excursion by
real meeting on list Monday I ladies the on
Friday night, was
quite will attended and an
issued orders
sixth and eighth inning by
won today's game for the bomb
club. Sore, Chi-
Yolk, made a
Bate bunt toward base today in
sixth g when one man was
out, and Hoy followed a good
g to left. sailed around the
bus s with railing speed and reached
home on error. Hoy got
around lo third on the I brow in.
Corcoran drove a liner into right which
mid thus the . c
won. Score. Xe York. Ci
June to the
inning today the held
the load. In the eighth
homo players cut wen
up iii air and before matters ware
righted the had scored three
runs, which proved just enough to win
the-game Score. Brooklyn,
bed the Indians out in tin; last hall
the ninth inning today in one i the
most interesting games ever played
the home Score.
June II had
in with tins
work in
. s I and was bis playing
saved th.- visitors from even
Scare. Boston,
ton, IS.
Lost Per Cent
St. Louis
in i Convention.
The North Carolina Press
its annual c n-
V ion at the More-
bead City, this week tin I adjourned
Thursday K was one of the
and most
conventions in history of the
While the strictly
to the business Tie and
transacted much an interesting ard
beneficial nature, they had a good line
at Morehead It is a place all
love lo go, end the ink
tween the sessions were with all
the pie possible crowd Hi
The editor were hands
by Dr. G. W. Blacknall,
proprietor of Hotel, and
the doctor and his clever assistants
looked well lo the contort and pleas-
guests. The Association
was given it nail by Mayor
of and were
also, and dim and
oyster roast by citizens Ben; fort.
Association elected the. folk w-
tor the coming
lit T. Britt, Oxford
2nd Vice A. Curtis,
3rd Vice . S.
and J. B.
She-rill, Concord Times.
Dowd, Charlotte
A. Deal, v
News and
Executive A. Thom-
as, Louisburg A. London,
Chatham It I. Bailey, Bib-
T. B.
Odd J- A K
The next annual meeting will
held at Waynesville.
In- general
county purposes the aggregate was
in Swill Creek stock law
914-80 in Mock law
W. M. ordered to
for repairs i House.
S . A -drew for lie
hire ard car
o ll.
Wester t. iron
Ma -k J. B. Gay aid d
were released from poll tax for
The lax levy for county purposes
was made us Schedules and
C. the same as the State;
lax on
The i lo assist in
m-iii with It. W.
ill, mad . report showing that he
had settled full with the county.
A Great Reduction Sale.
Owing to the rapid advance of the season
and ourselves largely overstocked
we propose to inaugurate a sale
this week and continuing tor a month
the largest reduction sale ever
rated in Greenville. We propose to CUT
pi ices on all Stock. A
invitation is extended to all to pay our
store a visit, and examine goods and p
Those who went say tiny never
attended a better
pleasant excursion,
or more
The weather does not to he
Hush sooth
Ion is a good thing lo what
is the to which
faces ibis w
your Beeswax.
S M.
lie make lamer always
a wife.
The is a
building being painted.
x listing line- hall gone
. ii of the have
I he op in this
i very small and ship wants arc light,
the cl oil too in
in ilia morning it is an
redeeming trait the
s the
p laying it.
boys up a bicycle
race to take in a days, pro-
on Finlay.
Th John K l-i in Co.
shipped a new lo Durham
basin is increasing so
that it has been to
tin In-, e
The c lo mi by the s
church next Thursday
ha i
Company will have us
regular monthly meeting tonight, at
so-c no Bra.
Anew i- up on Dick-
avenue opposite Mr. II. K.
it ii to he used for a
k i
We beard Mr. A. say
be planted some cucumber Med on the
day of I cucumbers
from the vines on June
That was quick growth.
Baby Mine
Every mother
feels an
of the pain and
danger attend-
ant upon the
most critical
of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
Is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and
incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re-
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de-
or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con-
are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com-
to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother's.
Friend. is a blessing lo woman.
Lang Sells
81.00 BOTTLE at all
or sent by mail on or Trice.
BOOKS Containing information of
will be sent
met to any address, application,
If you want anything in
call and see I can save you money on
FIXES HOES of the celebrate Eagle brand.
i. -I
Opened a Grocery to S. T- White's and have a full line
from Everything and low down in price. A
to all. Come me, will make it
n Feeble Health
Unable to do Her Work Nervous
and Tired All Troubles
Cured by Horn's
fur past too years have been in
feeble health, for two years past,
owing to change climate, I hove not
been able to do my work. I was nervous
and bad a tired feeling and was under the
treatment of but I continually
grew worse. My husband insisted on my
trying Hood's and I finally
consented, and began taking it the of
June, 1896. The Drat bottle did me so
much good, with It, and
after taking four bottles and one bottle of
Hood's I am able to do my work,
a ml the tired, nervous feeling is entirely
Mas, G. N. C.
Soul by all II; to .
j., Ti, all Ills and
Hood s Pius n
w IN-
A General;, Horse
Also a
I can now be found in
the brick store for-
by J. W. Brown.
Come to see
Dress Goods
The Fashion.

A Y.
we clipped from
the Observer and wt
think a remarkable occurrence
Mt- Riley, a farmer
while he and his
son were working a field
side the old Lyon mill pond some
time his a was at-
a large hawk sailing
around close to the ground and
pond- The hawk at last made a
down, and when he he
went up very slowly with some-
thing his cud Mr.
supposed it to be a rabbit it bad
caught. It was evident the
weight of what it had about
as much as it could well nonage,
it flew ac OW
at a great . M
and hid son and
a great In, lb i hawk
hopped what it had. and vellum
Riley went to set- ii t it w is.
when lo and behold ii f nil it
be a chub, weighing three.
pounds. They d it
and it made them
Mr. Riley is known to a
man. What will Dr. U
the of the hotel to I
this would like to in
Is there another county in
the State that has hawks that will
for the farmer while be
is in his field at work
Oh. yes, Jones has
of such nature, and further
more they not only
some time catch chickens for
the farmer while he is in his field
at work.
the above fish story
reminds us of one related our
hearing recently, and we it
cap in the of a-
story that may come
oat this season, and shows that
our fish are up to date, by taking
a liking to as
majority of the coming generation
do. It ran as follows
A gentleman who had visited
town on one occasion, purchased
a jug and had it rilled with
key- On his return Lome in the
evening he had to over a
creek on abridge, and while on
the bridge he no doubt ban to
sample the contents of the jug
and see if it came up to standard,
and while he was sampling it he
let it fall in the water and there
it stayed for some time- Some
time afterwards a went
fishing, and on crossing this same
decided to try his luck.
He dropped his hook in the water
and pretty soon something nab-
it, he pulled it in and lo and
behold he ban caught a jug. On
into the matter he found
inside the jug a cat fish he sup-
posed to have gone there when
quite small, and the fish must
have liked its odor having had
whiskey in it stayed there
it bad grown so that it
get out, and that when
Le dropped his hook in the rate
it Lao. fallen the mouth of the
jug, and the fish the
had swallowed it.
Not very many ago, in a
country church the west of
E the rector, preaching
with great earnestness for home
missions, took for his test,
me with for
As he came down from the pulpit,
well with the effect his
eloquence had produced the
congregation, disturbing
thought struck him that he had
made no for the col-
to be a liberal one
on this As he pissed
the chancel be whispered
hurriedly to an choir
boy, into the vestry,
the plate you will on the
it round to the con-
then it to
The boy departed on his
the took his
within the mil-
gave out the hymn.
The last words of this had
scarcely died away when the boy
stood before him a plate of bis-
in his hand, and an
expression on his chubby
f ice he explained in
voice, handed
all round everybody, and
the mountains of Venezuela
grows a remarkable tree. It is
found in the rocky places, at
height of about half a mile, It is
a stupid-looking tree enough at
first sight. It is lofty slender
and has stiff leaves grow a
foot or more in length, it looks
much of the time as if it wore
dead. In those regions there is
a wet and dry season, and during
many months at a time not a
washes its leaves. It
bears very small,
looking flowers- It is the milk
tree, the famous de
which describes. lie
first brought it into notice- It is
an evergreen- Its say is a deli-
fluid resembling the finest
Jersey milk, only sweeter and
richer than even that. When
the are thirsty they cut
into the side of the trunk as one
would bore into a maple for sugar
water, and the milk gushes forth
a great stream it is both
food and drink, so rich is it.
After a little time it grows thick
yellow, and a cream rises to
the top. Ir has a fragrant
When a cow tree is tapped the
natives hasten from all quarters
with their bowls to catch the flow
of milk. Sunrise is the best time
to tap the tree, for then the sap
most abundantly.
in the Wood.
There is more of than
poetry the following from the
U Independent
Gazette, as many men
can testify
The more a newspaper man
bis ability to the
public, the more good he does for
the town, the more charitable he
becomes, the more he is
says an exchange- Yea, verily,
the man who can run a news-
j aper without being
censured and threatened
never been found- He is a barren
beautiful to think about
incapable of taking on
and associating with vulgar
humanity- It is impossible for a
newspaper man to please every-
body as it is for everybody to
please him. and the sooner he
makes up his mind to this stub-
born fact the for everybody
concerned. If he works for the
public good, he receives private
censure, if he compliments merit.
he is censured by jealous
it; if he approves morality, he is
cursed ii ; if be tries
to be fair, he is condemned by
unfair, if he makes a mistake
few are found to overlook it, or
apologize for him. No matter
bow innocent his purpose, bow
studied bis writings, be is picked
to pieces, misrepresented, ma-
ridiculed, and seldom ever
defended. He works bard for
bread and butter, while other n
wax rich mound him. He writes
up long marriage notice
to the queen s taste f t
and is threatened with a libel suit
or a duel if he records a
spree of the bridegroom six
afterwards, it is
for a newspaper MB
please everybody As well at
to chain a cyclone or lasso
In it in the wood.
want to be sure I understand
you said the lawyer, who
engineer. the time the
accident happened to tho plaintiff
at what were you running
repeat your statement us
to that
had slowed down to about
six miles an replied the
are positive as to that are
tho jury to under-
stand that you had slowed down
to six miles an do you V
again, you had slowed
down to six miles hour, had
sir thundered tho law-
rising to his feet and glaring
fiercely at the witness, yon
not testify in your direct n .-
that you had slowed
will do, sir Gentlemen
of the jury, that's our case
And the without
their brought in a
tho railway company-
people who medicine to
regulate tie bowels and Kidney-
DO the true remedy in Electric Bitter.
This medicine does hot stimulate and
contains no whiskey nor sillier
can t. but nets as a tonic
It acts mildly stomach and bowels
adding strength tone to
organs, thereby ailing Nature in
performance of the functions. Elect
Bitters is an excellent a
Old People it j u J
exactly what they need. Price fifty a n ,
per bottle t John I.
is a vigorous and re-
well to liberal
Oil corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A plan costs but
little and is sure to lead to
AS -ill its by actual ex-
in s and gladly
to . fur B.
S St., New York.
For wife.
In many of the Greek islands div-
for sponges forms a considerable
part of the occupation of the inhabit-
ants. A visitor to this unfrequented
region describes the following
startling custom.
At n school in the country the sen-
milks the was
given out t parsed. The last
word was disposed of as
is a noun, gender,
singular number, third person and
stands for
Stands for said the ex-
which is a little island directly ,
opposite Rhodes, is worthy of notice V How do yon make
on account of the singular method
by which Greek inhabitants of
the island get their living. On the
bottom of the sea in this locality the
common sponge is found in greater
abundance than in any other part of
the Mediterranean.
natives make it a trade to
gather these, and their income from
this source is far from contemptible.
Their goods are always in demand
among the Turks, who use an in-
credible number of in the
ablutions prescribed by the
ritual. A girl in this island
is not permitted to marry until she
has brought up a certain number of
sponges and given a proof of her
by taking them from a certain
depth. But in certain of the islands
this custom is reversed.
of n marriageable daughter bestows
her on tho best diver among her
suitors. He who stay longest in
the water and bring up the biggest
cargo of marries the
Boston Post.
gent pupil, the row stand
for Mary, how could Mary milk
Me Up.
T- of One Who Knows.
is bound to get mar-
and he'll bound
infernal sight tighter after he is
rest on I, r.
Keep the a
place, near a window if
Heat and moisture
rapid melting of ice
The fattier position of food.
Flood times a week with
cool, dry, outdoor air.
floor and ceiling
of food chamber with a dry cloth
a week clean throughly
with strong ends.
Tl e ice pan waste pipe
special care. Wash the
Benjamin Franklin, in the midst
of his labors to establish tho
on a safe solid basis, came
into his house one day found his and
little daughter sewing. of bicarbonate of
buttonholes, he .
good for nothing. They
every with
hot and cola a week
and air at least hour.
Never attach drain pipe to
will not wear. If you
child, make tho best but-
Not content with rebuking
child, he went down tho street and,
sent up a tailor, who had orders or
instruct Miss Sarah in tho art of A few of charcoal in the
making a buttonhole properly. j food chamber aids in freeing it
A great-granddaughter of d
American philosopher told this . ,
dote recently, adding, with pride, two or three times a week by
then the Franklin family
have made buttonholes that will
What great statesman now would
observe such a seeming How
many young girls of Sarah Frank-
ago think it worth while if
they make a buttonhole to make
tin- best
drying the oven;
pass in vapor.
Put only cold food in r.
Keep milk and butter floor
of compartment, and well
covered, as they readily absorb
There seems a difference of
ion among authorities
lemonade, Rome physicians forbid-
ding it emphatically. Not long ago
The of Hygiene declared
equally Strongly in its favor, assert-
it was to preferred to
tea, coffee or alcohol, and urged its
substitution for one of these
drinks to one was addicted.
A formula for this by git lemon-
was given, which did not omit
tho sugar, often considered the
harmful ingredient by authorities
permitting the lemon and water
For u quart, to quote The Journal,
take the juice of II lemons, using
the rind of one. Peel this rind very
thin, only tho yellow out-
side, cut it n pieces and put, with
the juice ounces of powdered.
sugar, into a jar with a cover. Pour
the water, just it baa reached tho
boiling point, over the juice and
sugar, cover the vessel and lot it
i -11 t Stand II.
refuse to marry he
said bitterly, I am
she replied.
would pain me too much to have
people hurt your feelings by saying
that you married me for my
Mr. a Jones, of drug i m of
ii speaking
Dr. Kings New that
last winter iii-s was attacked
La p.-, .-mil her ease grew s
that physicians at and
e nothing for her.
d to develop, into Hasty
Dr, King New
--tore, and Belling lots of It, he
took -i homo, to the surprise
of all n lo get from
and half dollar bottle
cored her sound and well Kings
New Die i very n pi
and is guaranteed lo do
good work Try it. Free trial
L. drugstore.
I i.-. i.
W. H. who
males; a specialty of
I cur-
ed than
living Physician;
of case
of so
him. Ho
work on
this d i s
of his curs, to May
who may so- f. -r P. O. and IT I
we n .-.- one a
Hew Tori
see that mm
LI t I
What Is It
It is a picture
Best use. The outfit no business
complete without one.
The Reflector Book Store
has a nice assortment these Fountain Pens,
also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
You will be astonished when you see them and
earn how very cheap are.
Black-O Is
pared for as well a
man, and for that purpose is stilt m tin
holding pound of
Co., Tenn.,
. used all kinds of ire. bu
net one package of Black
for all others ever saw
th bones or cattle in
sprint of j year and will cure
most honks the
Muse; and the poems of
Homer The
writings of the are call.
cl the Five Kings, king
Web of or the
the threads their place. They j
contain the best sayings of tho host i
on duties
of life. sayings
traced to a period higher than the
eleventh century H. C. The
are the most ancient books
of and it is the opinion
of Max Mailer, Wilson, Johnson and
that they are not older
centuries The
of the i the grand-
est of all books next to
our sayings
it contains, was in twelfth
century I n i his Pen-
B. and,
. i. . i the
Tansies or sour
senile cathartic.
-------A lino of-------
Cure AH
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
die power to digest and
a proper qua nit y of food.
This can never be done when
the liver docs not act it's part.
Do you know this
s Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria.
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
and T
of Mined find Pat-;
end or photOn H
We or n
A with
cost t i i th S. and
Sir Isaac Holden, the millionaire
member of parliament from York-
shire, now nearly years old, he-
with John Wesley that
of lime, in which flour is BO
rich, good for growing children,
young people, young mothers, hut
shorten tho of tho by
making hones dense and weighty
muscles rigid, tho largo
like old boiler and
the capillary
So ho eats hardly any broad, his fa-
being oranges,
and meat. When lie eats the latter,
eats n- else. Roast apples,
with a tiny pinch of bicarbonate of
to correct tho acidity, and milk
similarly treated are important
items of his dietary
You never,
But should you
Out of I In-
Mrs, Casey, me
left home two
seen him
Mrs. Casey -An made him
mm do that, Mrs. Kelly
lira. nays
fie he run away in a lit of
sanity Hal
Want Job Printing
Come to see us.-
Reflector Job Printing Office
Anything from a-
-TO A-
The Daily Reflector.
Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of cents a
month. Are a sub-
If not yon
ought to be.
Tin- ha
pleased to learn that there i at
one dreaded arUM that science baa
been able hi all ii
that is Half Cure la
positive core now .-.
a a
Cure is internally, directly
upon the blood and a of
system, the
foundation of the and giving
the patient up the
assisting o
in it curative
they one
case that U tall cure.
f.;. . Pi ops-
Toledo. O
Sold flee
Hall's ire the
LOni D. C.
IV i.
A N K It
Hi S.
so low
that it
Come me
and will
treat you fair
S. W.
. An Mn v I
i H
n ad Ki-i k i U II f-3
Mr . ; IS I
lag their will Ba
heir interest to-j- t our prices
n all
Tobacco. Snuff, .
we bay from
I in v to h iv a. on; ii-
suck of
I on hand and to
the limes. Our goods are all bought and
sold CASH n
ti run we p lope
S. M
We have iv ; received a non
hearse and the line of
and cloth over brought to
it formal
Personal attention to eon
and bodies
treated to will
lower ever.
We do pot monopoly
We can lie found a any
times in John Flanagan
power- that
died Dollars for any
for list
cure bad breath.
H at
cure dyspepsia.
The Eastern Reflector.
is only a It
the news every
week, and gives
to the farmers, es-
those growing
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than
the subscription price.
o a , Ills., Mot. is,
Pans Co., at. Mo.
sold rear, bottles
this In all r
u la have
an article men
rears. In
sold an article
I in
-v Wilson
. M.
A. M l. M
lo U
II 3-p
i our
AWE'S. Prop
At store n
and in all
A I kinds of done
material air prepared to
yon if
St CO,
f. C-
--------DEALER IX-------
lire-Dollar Daily
its Glass l he State
v n
Rocky Mt
Wt don
l. M,
Ill .
n .
MO p. .
and Iron Fencing
prices reasonable.
YEARS taught Is
Hemp e. Building Pomps, mint, and
for Millers, Mechanic and general u well
Uptime, Woes. Ladies Dross Goods I have hand. Am head
and jobbing Q. N. T.
t. am keep and attentive
on t Block
. in., arrives Scotland at
p. m., 7.66
m. leaves 7.0
l. m., Greenville a. m.
at a. in.,
a. in., ,, . ,
a. m . and
tin 6.20
p. m. Daily ex-
Sunday. trains on
ml Hi eh
Train leaves n u, via
It. K. excel Sun.
lay, at p. m., Sunday OS M;
7.4 M., p. ,.
saves mouth except
a. in., Sunday a .,
10.15 and II,
Train Midland N. C. I ranch leaves
dally, a
n. arriving- Re
turning leaves a. m.,
at a, n.
on branch, k
leave Latta p
p 8.05 p .
eave a in, Dunbar 0.30 a
Latta 7.50 a m. daily except Sun-
Train leaves War-
saw for except
8.50 p, m-
leaves in.
all rail y
Train makes close
inn also at
Norfolk and Carolina R R N
n all points via Norfolk,
r. M. M
N. C.
All placed in strictly
Steamers leave Wellington for On.
and Tarboro man
And a. m.
Returning leave Tarboro .
are t., m.
of Tar River.
at current rates.
at iv
steamers for ,
Philadelphia. Mew York and Boston
Shippers should
via Dominion
Mew York.
folk Baltimore Steamboat
from Miners
J J.
S Agent.

Eastern reflector, 16 June 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 16, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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