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The Reflector is
pared to do all WOT
cf this
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
he Eastern Reflector
D. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year, in Advance.
N. M. Piano Solid Oak
Pick lop which locks nil
long and
Ton in
our new all
kind . t Car-
are laving our
print. Drop a for our
in mail
free of th.- man-
am dollar doubles
Julius Mines Son,
V. C
M. W. Vt HE II
Boom Latham
At . j r
-.- O.
Swift B. F.
So m N. C.
AT rOB K -A W,
X. C
Practice in all lac
U. L.
K. C
over J. C,
fight Near
If and
bad out the cf
F.-rec; Hill Pars ii.-
cf in Nevada, could no
have secured points that
would of value to
mid to -a
A tight a
st near that popular
about o'clock aid
considerable blood was shed. N-i
arrests made, however, us
the affair wan kept very
I mi.-. no one the hunt
except the principals
seconds, and other
a brother to the who
came out be I.
parties to
let park by End it
w is r
hi occur, on f principals
it; the two
, one at a in-- A; sums
He field
of battle, pallet
and a id other
Ida Mr id
C ii. o l
It was d id
that the should
without restrictions, and the
oldest brother, who, by way,
is of the
who a to two,
himself off before bis
In less time than it
taken to tell it the two were
waging battle as ferociously as
could have been anticipated It
took but little time for the brother-
in-law to best the brother.
tight that had been
arranged for did not occur.
Mr. J. T. Harvey, u young farmer in
j county, Va., was
dead by his physician a few
but in a lime be began talking
keeping it up live hours
of with the
a slight of
throat and his lit
d s by h.
as it I
a is hi-
i In; Ills
not and his ill bad be
e a physician
o he
passed at j o'clock in the
some the at dill . i-
it holy had
ii. ill. run n u
was ultra-l d by a w
i Ii
t V i i. by Harvey, lie
Li tin
lit.- t. bu not i.
Two for
We made
the Reflector and
above amount. hi is
campaign yon
should take the two
lead in
To the People
Pitt County,
I An the Had of
Kat Advice.
When son warned that
, lie ought hi get with the
now dog; sire ignored ad-
j vice, and in less than hours he
I moat heartily It it
I in this
live in tho Rock church
and not
of family is tho
boy, who has n fancy for stray dogs,
cats and other boasts. Ho is con- ,
stonily bringing sore dyed kit-
Highest of all in Leavening Latest U. S. Report
She n
and abandoned ; , ,
,, ,. . aM Mm and
, Cannes, only to nave them thrust I haw Ti i an y. me so,
into cold world through the Tho following may U .,, knew I
alloy Ono day last week, , A spin of
Our if there, fan into young prancing wine-i in by ado.
nave never C t to coachman. fa front of
have never ceased to the Tho footman
of parentage and had
selected stock of
E. r. C. Harding,
Wilson, N. C. Greenville,
Greenville, X.
M of
I. . on short lime.
and Counselors at Law.
Practices all the Courts.
The Preach. Hedges
cm told a of an
Georgia preacher, who had one
hot.-i- and a large family, was so
confident of election that
ho said to one of the members of
I don't bet. I ain't
t- r bee ; but if anybody would jest
make believe that they wagered a
boss that air mine
that Bryan won't be elected,
then keep their counsel it,
it w, ii; i be all right me, an-
I'd jest me an
my is again
right, said the
men look at it in
that liLt. is elect-
ed have two horses you
was a but tho following
Sunday the congregation was-
to see the preacher tramp
lug to town, where he arrived,
and mud-bespattered,
and mounting the platform
straightway began preaching
against the evils of betting.
he cried, are men
in this here so lost
tor right that they
would bet again the of a
man, take it from him and
make walk let glory for
balance of his days If such a
man is the my voice
let hi in tremble He can't
take that n h heaven
with him. If he ride it plum
pearly gates Angel
Gabriel would hiller
the wretch dis-
mounted he would hear
w like the doom
did you git that
After sermon and the
diction some one took the parson
by the arm and led him out in the
grove, banded him a
was a horse connected
with and said
darned old
Fray for me on way home.
mules were sold Shel-
by one last for
could have made more
money than that if they had can-
led them and old I hem for beef
Take care of yourself- Nobody
else take care of Your
help will not come up three or
four of stairs ; your help
will come through the roof, down
from heaven, from that God who
in the six thousand years of the
world's history never a
young man who tried to be good
and a Christian- me say in
regard to adverse
in that
you are a level now with those
who are dually to succeed. Mark
my words and think of it thirty
years now. You will find
those who, thirty years from now,
are the millionaires of the
who are orators of the
who are the poets of
country, who are g
merchants of the country, who
are the great philanthropists of
the in church
and now on a level
with you. not an inch above you
straightened circumstances
earned his living by
playing a violin parties, and
in-;. his he
would go out and look at the
heavens, the field of his
conquests. George
rose from being the
foreman of a colliery to the most
renowned of the worlds engineers.
outfit, no capital to start with
man, go down to the
library get some books, and
read of what mechanism
God gave you in your hand, in
foot, in your eye, in your
ear, and then ask some doctor to
take yon into the dissecting room
and illustrate to you what yon
have read about, never again
commit the blasphemy of saying
you have no capital to with.
Equipped Why, the poorest
young man is equipped as only
the God of the whole universe
could afford equip
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric hitters has proved to the
very best. It effects a permanent cure
and the mist dreaded habitual sick
headaches yield to its We
urge all who are afflicted to procure a
bottle, and give this remedy a
In case of habitual constipation Electric
Bitters cures by giving the needs ton
to the bowels, and cases long res
i he use of this medicine. Try it one
cents 11.00 at John L. W
Ai Ml. Airy recently a robbed
a store in an ingenious way. He crawl-
ed under house and n hole
through I floor precisely where the
owner had placed a hag of coffee and
In Id a sack under it and thus
about pounds off real good
A colored boy, about 16- years
old, was smothered to death in the
oil mills
M n i b i
i. I'm in i I .
d in u I r m v
s a. ii
slopped live hours later,
a remark indicating that be recognized
that dissolution was near at hand.
The physician a
nation other life
was talking, but only de-
a very slight movement at the
rear jawbone. Not the slightest
movement the heart, pulse or tongue
as apparent, and throb the jug-
vein was totally tent. The body
was perfectly rigid and cold.
Partial had set in v-
days b for; Harvey's death.
The case is said to be as much a
mystery to the physician as to every
Mr. Harvey was ah lit
years of age, and lived with his parents
A Co. tun of i ties.
Then is probably no other
In America so us The
Youth's Companion in securing
famous men and
Think what a collection for a
Kipling, Crane, Andrew Car-
Hon. Theodora Dr.
Abbott, Madame Lillian Nor.
Hon. Dud
Mrs. Harrison,
Dr. Edward Hale, the
of Longfellow, the son of
three members Cleveland's
Cabinet, a United States the
Sneaker of the of
lives and halt i other men and
women equally well The value
such a list writers lies in the
fact that each or dis-
cusses the work with which he is
work that has him
to the paper tor
1897 receive free The Companion's
Art Calendar for 1897, the most cosily
gift of its kind The Companion has ever
offered. An Illustrated
will be sent free to those who address
The Youth's
Mb Columbus Ave., Mass.
A Word With the Doctor.
When finger nails are dry and break
easily, rub on them it night
and alter washing the bands with soap
The woman with the headache is a
creature to be pitied. Generally she
could help it she would, for a head
is simply revenge for
some crime against it. It comes usually
from overeating, or
i a ling, which causes
MM in the cause on
brain, and that causes the
Went of beaches.
The most trying blue for a
person is between the hours and
in the morning. Vitality becomes
d and the should
therefore be fortified as far as possible
with some strong food, soup or
egg, or milk, about midnight.
Nature takes the time when one i
lying down to give the heart rest, and
that organ consequently makes ten
strokes less a minute than when ore is
in an upright posture. Multiply that by
sixty minutes and it is GOO strokes.
Therefore in eight hours spent in lying
down the heart is saved nearly
strokes, and as the heart pumps six
ounces of blood with each stroke it j
lifts ounces less of blood in a
night of eight hours spent bed
when one is in an position. As
the blood flows so much slowly
th rough the veins when is lying
down, covering is to sup-
ply the body with the warmth usually
furnished by
from which to select your purchases. We
unhesitatingly c aim
that ours is the store of all stores in our
from which to buy your goods forth c
coming year. Got are sold on time at close
credit prices to customers proved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures tell of the
wonderful influence of silver or greens-
When they enter into our possession
they are again converted into the best bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit our many
friends and customers. Do not hesitate or be
led away but co straight back to your
friends who will take care of your interests
and work the harder to make of you a
stronger customer and better friend of
honest dealing bet ween man
and man. We arc the friend of the poor
man, we arc the friend of the rich man, we
are friend of you all. Come to sec us, we
will serve you to the best cf our ability. Po-
lite attention, best of service and honest
fort shall be yours to command at the
Sued self-
A Washington attorney is
noted for the facility h
which ho ts financial
says the Star. He has
a certain grocer for a
The other day the
merchant c included to try a
new course with him- Meeting
in his store, he
Judge, I a customer who
owes me a small bill and ho Las
owed it for a long lie
makes plenty of money, but
pay. What would you
said the lawyer
I put the account
your and the merchant
presented a of ac-
right, will attend to
said the disciple of Blacks tone-
A few days later the merchant
re veil the folio note from
h lawyer-
case of---------, against---------.
took judgment for full amount
of your o Execution was
issued and returned properly
My fee for obtaining
judgment is for which
amount please send chock. Will
glad to serve you in any other
matters which you need an
Mental Geography.
The largest is Time.
The deepest is
region where living
tiling hath habitation 1- called
The most highly civilize
try is Today.
he highest mountain is called
Success. Few reach the top save
tho e who watch sharply for the
passing of spirit of tho
Opportunity, who carries
upward all loose that hold
upon him. The legion where do
man hath r sot toot is
The greatest desert is called
Life, and it hath many oases.
These ore called Hop , and A
and Love, and Charity, and
Home. And of them nil last
is the most beautiful- Besides
these are many others smaller in
whence tho ob-
during the
weary journey through life.
Special Bible for Mr.
A special from Washington says the
plan some colored
the Methodist church to have prepared
and presented to President elect
a special Bible upon which be
will take the oath the office on
March will, if canned out, violate
The Bible upon which
Presidents heretofore taken the
oath of has, with one exception,
been provided by clerk of
no rule governing matter.
mother should be used.
Pr a Sent us Joke.
Boiling, colored, met his
death as the of a practical
joke at tho home of
also colored, who lives near
Va. Boiling dress-
ed up in the garb which he
thought an accurate description
of the devil smutted his face
called at Scott's In response
to his knock Scott asked who was
at the door. Boiling assured
that he was the devil and that
had come for Scott. Ho demanded
entrance, which refused at
first, but arming himself, Scott
finally the door. As he
did so Boiling, seeing the shot
gun in his hand, rd to
make bis escape. Scott fired,
killing him almost instantly. A
coroner's jury investigated the
in i, causes leading to the traced v and
At Mr returned u verdict to tho
Cleveland's first inauguration ho re- a was justifiable,
quested that a Bible given him by his as went to
Scott s cabin in disguise. Scott
a from custody.
opened and held
proper instruction acquire property, tho door of tho and tho
a dog that was different from other bride and tho former calm
dogs that ho had rescued from a fate and placid tho of an AI-
more e loss cruel, it was a good pine lake, In
mind breed or i was a ma
Boy and dog became tho of mental had
eat and most not to stepped out and worn ascending tho
affectionate, friends almost at the broad grant to stops leading into
Best meeting, brute was
oiled in laundry for n few nights s By a occasioned by tome
until ho could I entanglement of her nether gar-
to tho place. Thursday it was do. j such only women era or-
tided by boy that time was i plain, of whoso extremities the
ripe for giving animal the free, thus not in
if tho yard. Thou it was tho l
by . interfered with, she
Bolter out In yard, pop, and bat for the support
and get with my dog.
Ho's a mighty good watchdog, and
if ho doesn't know you, you can't
get in when you homo to-
I net. That dog
wouldn't meat unless you but-
it. He'll never stay awake
long enough to watch anything.
another of your worthless
And so pop was not introduced to
tho now dog.
It was midnight when tho head of
tho arrived homo from down
town, where business had detained
Ho had not thought of a lion
in tho way or anything else to mo-
lest or make him afraid ho
tho porch, in
hand. But tho dog was there, and
ho made his presence manifest by
a demonstration.
paused, and Hashed
across his mind the boy's warning,
Ho sought f open negotiations, but
tho dog wouldn't negotiate Thon
Muffing was tried, but it didn't
work. Tho dog, after tho first
assertion of his presence
by hark of mouth, planted himself
on top of tho porch stops
mid kept his on tho intruder.
Every effort to was met
with ft grow so that
prohibitive. He was simply barred
out of his own and forced to
beat a retreat.
Driven from tho door, the
o Viv
Million I-o, With Modem
As the military forces of Russia
on a war footing contain upward of
combatants, it would
pear that something more than
that does not itself mean
would be required to
any nation of western Europe to
settle the eastern question without
first consulting the czar. This vast
army is raised throughout tho
empire, liability to be-
almost universal. As a rule
service with tho colors lasts five
years, and in the event of a
of the forces the field troops
would be brought up to war strength
by calling in reserves who had
served five years in the ranks. The
field troops and field reserve troops,
together numbering of
men, would formed into field
armies, which would each comprise
a number of army corps, rifle
and reserve divisions. The
remainder of the forces consist of
fortress and depot troops and
Tho lino rifle, pattern
has been introduced in place
of tho single loading rifle
Tho new rifle rounds bi
the magazine, is of small
and has u smokeless am-
munition. tho bayonet
scabbards are left home, and tho
quadrangular bayonet is carried
fixed. The barrel of tho is
cased and screwed into the body, an
arrangement which helps to lessen
the weight, and, in fact, tho rifle,
with bayonet fixed, weighs only
pounds, or about pound less
than tho and bay-
used in the British service.
The regulations recognize four
kinds of volley
fire, which may ho used at all ranges;
individual lire, which is employed
up to or paces; individual
concentrated fire of tho
men of a section or squad at a com
man to 1,200 paces; a
mass fire at greater distances than
paces. When within or
paces of tho enemy, fire
its maximum intensity by tho em-
of magazine After a
successful bayonet charge the shoot-
big line must continue its advance
to the fur of tho captured
and press tho enemy by n rapid
fire A frontal must be rap-
ported by one on tho flank. When
acting on tho infantry
must put forth every effort to
the enemy by and then attack
him with the bayonet.
Throughout the Russian cavalry
the. men are armed with a
of his would
But tho or as
feminine readers of true
story will call him, on helping her
to stand uprightly looked at her re-
and opened his lips only to
Fay how awkward,
accentuating tho word
as if all his previous conceptions cf
her loveliness had now and
disappeared. was wounded
deeply, not by tho simple,
misstep that
ed her, but by his
It was but a short walk from it
doorway up through center aisle
to tho chancel of church, but the
bride, moving leisurely toward if
with her ill was look-
far beyond chancel and
priest garlands.
Tho train of thought which her be-
trothed had occasioned by his
rebuke, how awkward,
extended fur into the future.
If ho could thus ruthlessly injure a
trustful woman's feelings in the
most blissful hour of her life, what
would probably his treatment of
her after marriage
mind was made up before she
reached tho chancel railing. She
stood there without a tremor. She
heard tho officiating clergyman ask
tho bridegroom, thou have
this woman to thy wedded to
together after God's ordinance
in tho holy state of
She heard him answer, in a
that seemed to her as lacking
tho of decision,
Then tho supremo test of
heroism. Tho clergyman had
ended his repetition of the
question, thou this man
to thy wedded be-
fore she answered distinctly and
clearly enough to heard by all
tho guests occupying the pews
At the same moment, withdrawing
her gloved hand from the arm of her
discarded lover, stood directly
facing him, and with melodramatic
manner, with equal clearness and
distinctness exclaimed, how
Can the reader blame for thus
avoiding what in all probability
would her a wretch
married life if too, L -t en
tho clergyman,
Now York World.
s. r.
A Scotch clergyman named
claimed the title and estates of
Lord Ho triad, on the trial
of tho case, to establish his pedigree
by producing an ancestral watch on
which were engraved the letters
S. F.
Tho claimant alleged that these
letters the initials of his
tor the notorious Si- . m
Lord beheaded 1747 for
supporting young
The letters, engraved tho reg-
were shown to stand for
tho case was
laughed out of Com-
Probably a woman would a
to her husband if she
would continue making company of
him. Most to ave
jam for visitors when
boon married throe months.
Boston Post.
Thin la
makes the world so
The world to go round, but
loves makes your bond swim. That
the explanation. Boston Tran.
THE his
inn a
was out lure waiting
Since ages and ages ago
I am half
Th torture and heavenly
And ail fur the sake of yon,
And can treat Me like this.
I thought you must have forgotten ;
on seemed so careless and say,
A- you Waltzed round the room with
your partners,
once looking j way,
km xv I was here in I lie dark e.-s
waistline; for you, my
My slur, my
Who . mi Dial e any hour seem bright.
Y in bu in e a lovely fairy,
An an. and woman ;
There i and
I all say do,
While I am only human.
And ii dines me wild to see
You dancing, or gaily
any man ex me.
Yes, I know that love is jealous,
And I love you with all my soul,
limes a heartfelt lousing
Beyond my mind s control.
And th n when see you Hilling
I in an that you seem to lie,
cannot till bow
The light of it is lo me
So j. 1- be good to mo
I really thins you might,
you how muck I have
Out here in the tonight,
Let us walk down there in the
Win-re none hut the see.
have mi much lo tell you,
Ann j mi to list u to me.
Mi, now that we're out in the
seem, once more, all my own,
I this were nor Eden,
Ami we might stay here alone
lark there is your calling,
must hack our bliss,
wail Justus long in the
in H
Fur another ten minutes like this.
N. C, Jan 1887.
Mr. Cleveland is Happy.
An old friend of Grover Cleveland
dropped down to Washington a day or
two ago to see him on and so-
as well He says he never saw
the President in such good burner since
the old days when the boys
poker in Hitchcock's hack room across
way from the First Presbyterian
said president, the
man in America. Just look at
this memorandum hook. have
gut days marked down to March
and every day I cross one of the
days remaining. When the last one
pop I v. ill be free. PiON
don't know what that means to me
who have been slave for the past
four years.
and sec me Maje. I'm
going duck shooting and stay as long
as I please, and i. ill be
Doyen wonder I
And the President's radiant face and
voice showed that he meant just what
lie World.
To Reflector Readers.
To those of our b
who pay up for the 1897
within days, or to a new sub-
scriber paying not less than
one year in advance, we will in-
one years subscription to
The Woman's and
Home Journal, of Chattanooga,
Tenn. This Journal devoted
and Farm, is
a page monthly
Instructive, elevating.
We have only a limited
to give away on the above
terms Don't you wait until
your neighbor comes in and
gels the last one we have left.
If you want to take
of is offer yon only have
to pay up your subscription
fur ibis or get us one new
subscriber for a year.
Those who have already paid
up for the year before this
notice is made will receive the
Health and Home Journal.
Mr. Heaver
ville. says. Dr, New
Discovery I owe my life. taken
I and tried all the
tor miles about, but of no avail
nun up and I could not a Salve.
Ive. Having Dr King's New The best salve In the world for Cuts
cry my More I for a and Hi Sores, Halt
began Ii use and do-e lie- Fever Soles, Teller, Chapped Hands
can to got better, three Chi Corns, and all Skin
Dottier was up an J about again It is and cures Piles, or no
worth It We won't It to give
keep St. ac or house without Get a perfect satisfaction or money refunded
ti re trial at I. price cents per box. For sale by
Greenville, N. C.
Entered at the poet office at Greenville,
N. C-, as second class mall matter.
Condensed of Proceedings.
senate met at 4- o'clock.
and resolutions were introduced
A petition was presented the
County Association,
asking four public school-
W to legalize bonds issued by
City and to levy a special
Scales, to authorize the o
Greensboro to issue bonds the eats
I a public library.
Justice, to enable judgment
to reach the interest of judgment debtor
is interested as tenant in common.
to increase revenue and to
regulate insurance. This provides
fire insurance companies not
by the laws of this state, but legally
to do business in this state
through regular commissioned and
agents locate n this state, shall
not make contracts fire on
property herein, save through agents
such companies as are regularly com-
missioned and licensed to writ j policies
of fire insurance in this stale, provided,
however, this act shall not apply to
property of railway companies or
common carriers ; for the
pose of carrying out the forgoing sec-
it small be unlawful for any agent,
commissioned or of said
company to sign any blank contracts
or policy fire insurance and upon
conviction thereof, shall be lined
each offense not than nor
more than one half to the inform-
ant and one-hall to the state.
The house met at o'clock.
Bills and resolutions were introduced
as follows;
James, to make the fee weighing
to prevent last over
bridges in county.
Currie, to give North Carolina
Illinois law for protection of
Craven, to make it a misdemeanor SO
to remove obstructions to passage
fish in streams within thirty days alter
notice from the state board
Drew, to prohibit the taking of clams
in county.
to Severn, North-
of Wayne, prated Sheep.
by taxing male dogs cents
male dogs no dog i to lie allowed
in live unless licensed, making it a
to fail to list
New Hanover, to united
charter of chamber of commerce
Wilmington, by giving its perpetual
charter right to borrow money.
Lusk, to amend The Code by adding
as an additional cause for divorce
either or wife shall be indicted
and convicted felony and imprisoned
therefor for life, the act lo apply to
cases now pending in the courts.
Lusk, to provide that whenever any
person is declared to be insane or
the husband or wile such shall
be entitled to guardianship his
or her property.
The was taken up and the
following bills passed.
To make wire fences lawful fences
To establish the stock law part of
White Oak township, county.
To allow Nash county to levy a
tax and also to work the roads by
To incorporate Wilson
To allow Washington county to levy
a special tax for bridges.
lo allow county to levy a
To county to levy a
special x.
To Saratoga,
By leave, Brown introduced a bill
to incorporate county
thirty-sixth hay.
The senate met o'clock.
A petition was for the V
a colored normal
at Charlotte, and that the
U- the association be con-
Bill- an were Introduced
a i
to provide for the appointment
of cotton for Wadesboro,
to incorporate auxiliary
health ; also to establish a board
steam locomotive and boiler .-lion
for each state.
Ramsey, to give suitors lime to bring
alter decision of supreme
Grant, to the acceptance of
bends and
telegraph companies, when given in
an indemnity company perfectly sol-
Bills were passed as
To renew and keep in force char,
of the Wilmington, N and
Charleston railway.
To allow firemen of
ton the amount city poll lax.
To regulate graded schools in White-
To i-corporate the grand lodge of
Knights of Pythias of the domain
North Carolina.
By leave introduced a bill
to establish graded schools at Green-
The house met at o'clock.
Among the bills introduced were
to prohibit the sale of liquor
within two miles of
not to apply to cities and towns
where there is a police
Hancock, to amend charter cf
giving it six ward, a
to be elected every four
years from each, the first election taking
May 5th next, to be
appointed by the governor within five
alter the election, the
to elect the mayor to four years,
also a chief police and two sergeants
police, who in the mayor's absence
have power to take bond of col-
lateral for appearance before the may-
White, to provide that if any person
shall perform the marriage service who
is not authorized he shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con-
shall be lined or imprisoned.
Trice, lo allow any justice of the
to provide himself r a seal and
to attest by the same his official
and any official act so at-
tested by seal valid in any and
to be received and acted on without
farther attestation of its genuineness,
the lee such seal to be ten cents
for each attestation, in addition to the
fee allowed.
Chandler, to allow preachers to vote
without ninety day's in the
county and thirty days the town-
Hawser, to allow the people of
Grange to vote on the liquor
to establish a in
Bills passed as follows
the town Winters-
ville, Pitt county.
To allow Green to levy a
To Saratoga, Vi
To provide that in any county where
there is a law to work convicts of the
county, a co- who has moved h s
case shall be worked in the county
from which moved it.
At noon the special order, the bill ti
the lease of the North Carolina
railroad, came up. There was a ma-
report favoring the bill, signed by
six of the seven members of the special
committee and a minority report, sign-
ed by of com-
At o'clock Cook called the
question. The vote was first
en on the
In explaining his vote, Howe, color-
ed of New Hanover, caused a great
sensation. He raid very day
Governor Russell, the of this
bill, sent for me to come to his office
and there in his dictatorial and
manner, for I presume he is
haps in employ of the Seaboard As
At this juncture Hancock shouted
and others in it. Some
asked that Howe be allowed to speak
longer. Others sail his time was out,
but he said no more, as there were
The vote was to so the minor-
report failed to pass. There Ml a
rattling volley of applause as result
of the vote was announced.
The substitute then passed its second
reading CO to
The house met at o'clock.
Bills and resolutions were in d
Craven, to create a board to control
the convicts and roads of
to require sheriffs sale o
mortgaged land for taxes to give notice
of such sale to mortgages.
Alexander, to allow townships
to levy a school tax of cents on the
Sutton, of Cumberland, to
rate secret fraternal
Dixon, Greene, to incorporate the
Snow Hill railway.
Parker, to divorce
the Agricultural and Mechanical col-
from the agricultural
and put it control fourteen
Person, of Wilson, to provide cotton
and tor Wilson.
to incorporate the
pendent of Farmers and Me-
Dixon, of land, to protect
freight shippers by requiring railways
to pay price goods if there is
great delay.
to incorporate the auxiliary
board of health of county.
Meares, to allow county lo
pay election officers; to entitle
widows ct all soldiers to
class pensions.
of Chat ham, to give the gov-
the appointment the clerk
the railway commission ; also to repeal
the act making appropriation
for the geological survey i also to
the act of 1691 making
to the university ; to also pro-
Lusk, to allow judge of supreme and
courts to appoint
and regulate pay.
Ferguson, to repeal the act of 1805,
requiring railways lo redeem unused
, ,
worship a misdemeanor; punishable
by fine or thirty imprison-
Sutton, of Cumberland, to. provide
that any married who under-
takes to engage in business contract
and deal as if she were a sole,
wit. out first having become a free
shall be guilty a misdemeanor
and upon conviction shall be fined
or imprisoned thirty days at court's
Lusk, to make the railroad
a state board to all
The senate met at o'clock.
The following bills and r. t. f-i
Person, to prevent co habitation be-
tween he white and the nice.
relief of railway
to regulate loss on
by tire.
lo prohibit sale of
in to milt's Cole, in Craven
county, and in four miles of
town in Onslow county.
Alexander, lo incorporate
college ; also lo give Chariot e further
power in collection of taxes, where a
person is believed not lo have made an
honest return ; also to Charlotte
acquiring real estate for
Better regulation of its water system.
Shaw, to abolish the circuit criminal
court county.
At the session the following
bills were disposed of
To incorporate Una Hank of Pitt
To provide a dispensary for
To incorporate the Tar and
Carolina railroad.
To incorporate the James Baker Linn-
To authorize Charlotte lo issue bonds
water supply.
Bills resolutions were introduce u
Grant, to state el laws
also to prescribe time and manner o
choosing certain officer municipal
Maultsby, to regulate the of
to regulate challenges of
of for protection of
newspapers for publication of news
Other bills were disposed as fol-
To increase revenues and regulate
insurances. This requires nil lire in.
companies lo make contracts
through their commissioned and
agents in this state.
To legalize bonds issued by Elizabeth
to levy a special tax.
To restore to the stale control the
Atlantic North Carolina railroad,
giving the governor power to appoint
the president and majority cf the
To place all railroads on an equal
footing with those chartered prior lo
To provide for school building
deal and dumb. This carries an
To provide and promote the
in North .
By a bill was by
Senator to the
industry in New Hanover.
The bill to Nash and Wilson
to the eastern circuit criminal-
court passed.
n, a bill to appoint a board of
finance for New Hanover.
Anthony, a bill to prohibit the
liquor within two miles of Ml. Pb-
church, in Cleveland
u bill to U c ,,,.
liquor within three miles of
Bills passed as .
In to the el ,
lo refund the bonded
and to . ,, is
by City and to levy
tax; for protection of fish in
county; to allow
Mitchell to levy a special tax;
lo commissioners of Hay-
to levy a special
reading; to allow
to levy u special tax,
the Mrs.
D. Arlington and appoint a
of Senators Max-
welt Mr. Person of the House
This the same matter which was up
in which the Boom
commit tee was annotated
By leave the following hills were
to allow Madison county to
levy a special tax. Person to prevent
discrimination fa jury list. Butler, to
Improve the public school system in
North Carolina, and moved to print
copies. Adopted.
At took a
recess until o'clock p. m.
The senate met at o'clock.
Bills and resolutions were introduced
as follows
to provide for the
of North Carolina at the
see centennial, providing for the
of a board of managers, com-
posed of nine members, including the
governor and the board of agriculture,
and appropriating
to prevent pollution
streams by sawdust.
Anderson, to authorize the exchange
of circuit criminal courts and to
Grant offered a resolution that
president the senate a com-
of seven lo investigate the me-
president and directors of
the North Carolina railroad relative lo
the lease said road to the Southern
The house met o'clock. There
was an avalanche of bills.
them mm following
Brown, to make a suit for violation
of the tax tag law s
notice is within thirty days given the
agricultural department.
a resolution on behalf
A. Sylvester the American
arrest in Cuba.
Ward, to forbid sol-
from receiving pensions while in-
mates the home.
to amend the charter of
Craven, to a fine of a day
for non-removal of obstructions to pis-
sage of fish in streams.
Suit n, of New Hanover, lo allow
street railway to con-
with the Wilmington,
Norfolk railway or with other
way running lo or from
Lyle, to require the attendance of all
children between and years
to the charter
Bryan, to repeal the law allowing
wire nets to be placed across the mouth
of Cape Fear river.
to for
of by justices to public roads
the to end when the amount of
tine or costs is worked out.
Sutton, of Cumberland, to establish
relation of master and servant be-
tween municipal corporations and their
Young, to pay the colored
and Mechanical college is pro
the laud scrip fund.
Dancy, of Edgecombe, to require
railways to carry bicycles us other bag-
to make stock impounding
fee cents and cents a day for
caring for impounded
to designate
to be; January 1st, January
February 22nd, May 10th, May
May 30th, July 4th, first Monday in
September, December 25th
J Saturdays from noon until
Bills were introduced as
Person, of Wilson, to revise and con
the charier of Wilson.
Parker, of Wayne, to extend the
corporate limits of Mt Olive.
Howe, to incorporate the Sons
of at Wilmington.
Fagan, to amend the charter of the
Dockery, to amend The Code so
in case a mother be dead inheritance
shall rest in her issue and
of such as be dead.
Also to amend The Cede by adding
that in case of death of such child with-
out issue his personal be
distributed issue such
a., or such
as may be dead, this set M apply to ex-
filled estates.
Gallop, lo allow the free passage of
fish sound.
Chapman, lo prohibit the sale of
or wine outside limits of
incorporated towns cities.
to prohibit the setting of
of nets fish traps ill
to allow the
Sheriff of Onslow county, to
lo collect arrears of taxes.
Sutton, of New Hanover, to
New Hanover Society
it power lo
establish a children's which
all Colored children under years
age, without parents or homes, be
eligible to admission.
Hancock, to increase the
to the state guard from lo
annually and the annual allow-
to each company from to
The by Bryan, Chatham, to
repeal the appropriation to the slate
university was unfavorably reported.
The bill for
he maintain I insane
asylum n taken up. It gives
to the Western at
to the asylum at
and to the Eastern
t d at Goldsboro. and Dur-
ham counties are transferred to the
at For the purchase
an electric plant at the Eastern hospital
is allowed.
The House met at a. m.
The following bill were introduced ;
on, of Wayne, to make it
with the State Treasurer
he will pay any annual appropriations
monthly, quarterly or annually. Can-
to provide a dispensary for
ville. to
timber cutters and tellers in that
county. to prevent careless
rafting of lumber in Lumber river.
Spruill, to require railroads f carry
bicycles as to allow
Alexander to levy a special lax to build
a jail.
Meares, to clerk
to be absent Mondays. Brown-
to pay railroad of
to pay solicitors a
month after 1898,
to provide that the Treas-
shall collect from all persons or
corporations doing a banking
under State license a per cent of
capital stock which has actually
been paid in by stockholders,
that he use this fund to pay
against any loss- to State
which use for ten days to pay
this per cent, shall and
receiver shall be appointed. Dewese
to protect and certain name in
Cherokee. Harris, to incorporate the
Scotland Neck Industrial and Training
Adams, to extend the
road district three miles each
from the city limit-.
i, to keep the river
open as u highway
to make an
statement an account, properly
evidence of
it was noticed that the rear train
organ rapidly lessening; the distance
between them, a few moment-, late,
was again slut on like an
arrow lo the front. This a m seemed
unaccountable to t lie Seaboard
this train having distanced
other at the but this was
explained fact tin t the rapid
run had the fain ahead rt schedule
time which compelled it lo flow up
before reaching the point where two
trucks crossed near Cary t,
All the same the race was an exciting
the passengers on both
the fine run. It is worthy
of suggestion, though such races
may be attended by mote or
The Senate nut at o'clock,
prayer by Senator
were Introduced as
I in behalf indigent
inebriate. n petition from
citizens of county, relative I o
placing ladders at dams on Dun river.
Barker, a petition from prisoners, ask-
that the laws concerning pardons be
Yeager, a bill to the sale
standing timber for partition in com-
among tenants.
a bill the relief cf the
sureties J. M. of
Barker, n bill lo remove
to fish in river ; also to
persons from
Ala., Feb. 1807.
It was live years ago that the
of the washed his
hands of the print shop and hied
across the continent to the Pacific
to attend a of the Na-
Editorial Association. There's
an old saying Unit lightning don't
strike twice in the same place, and the
naturally felt that that was
the trip his life. Good fortune
struck our way again, however, and
this time finds us spinning away for
to another meeting
he Association, the trip bringing with
it an opportunity visiting the extreme
southern and gull regions our country,
Having the western
middle, northern and eastern States,
nothing could be more desired than this
present trip through our own
especially the portions of it we had
never visited
Nothing can add more to the pleasure
of a trip than good traveling com-
ham our route lay by Hen-
to join Thad of
Gold Leaf, then on through the famous
of where II. A. Lon-
don, of the was added
to the party, thence on via the Seaboard
Air Line to J. P.
well, o the Charlotte joined
All exceedingly clever and
genial companions, as we know by past
experience, and nothing but a pleasant
journey could expected in such in
agreeable party.
The first incident of interest along
the route was a very exciting race be-
tween the Seaboard and Southern
trains from Raleigh to Cary. Between
these points the tracks run and
races between the are
when they leave about tho same lime.
On this occasion the Seaboard pulled
out of the depot just ahead, but had
scarcely gone a mile when the South-
came puffing Seeing
his competitor creeping up on Lint, the
Seaboard engineer open his
tie and let drive, away from
the other train with apparent e and
getting a few hundred yards ahead
The engineer of the Southern followed
suit and turned on more steam and for
Going of North Carolina, through
South Carolina into Georgia as tar
as Atlanta this trip was made by night.
After leaving the latter place Ibis
morning, Icing then in u section new lo
us we began observation, The
undulating country and scrubby oak
prevalent ibis portion
Georgia impressed us the striking
similarity it bore to the central sections
North Carolina. On nearer and into
Alabama country grows more hilly,
approaching to mountainous.
Through Georgia and Alabama we
expected lo tanning preparations
tor the next crop farther advanced
this year than at home, but
the contrary is true. So far we have
no section that has made us
much preparations as the farmers
Pitt It may be
side Atlanta and as far as
New our trip is over the
railway, via Birmingham
and Meridian. One could almost tell
when was reached without
being told, being lo not
much smoke. It is remembered
that of iron here a few
years since created much excitement
us well as a big boom, many iron
were put in operation
most booms, especially when laud
sharks get in them, this one busted
Ki came pretty near busting
with it.
At there was a stop of
three hours which gave us it chance to
see much of the city. Mr. London has
two kinsmen her-, and
who cane it
N. and lire very
lawyers. These gentlemen took our
party in hand showed us city.
Birmingham has about
and site the city was all in
tho woods twenty-live years ago, there
not being even so much as a railroad
station here. At the time the iron
industry opened up the got
hold this town also. There were
licensed real estate agents who in
year paid the city taxes.
Their operations proved a hindrance
rather than a help, and for a while
progress was checked. The city has
outgrown this now is on a substantial
footing. Thrill enterprise have
pushed lo the front once and
there are indications much progress.
It is an nil an pretty place with
fine business buildings and Kt-
Tins WAS
way a side note there wore a
few other things that struck us at
The First thing we
noticed in passing fruit stands was that
i ice bananas sold lo cents
per dozen. if that was only
thought. Apples were
tho same price. Another re-
markable thing was a hotel bill the
party paid. We a got dinner-
very had grips, over-
coats, etc., checked while we took in
the city. When the bill settled it
struck the crowd with
cents a head. We have many limes
paid cents for a dinner not near so
good, with bath and care of baggage
extra. Here it also only
cost to ride seven miles over
the city. IX J. W.
Spokes, Rims, Hubs, Building Materials, Paints,
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings Honest Goods at
Bottom Prices.
I a
plan by which can .
r-4 .
D. W.
tin ville, N. C.
Capital More Than a Hall
Million Dollars,
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Mil. We reaped fully the accounts
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Neck, N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Check and Account Books h
Iteming. N. C. on application.
Horse Exchange.
For Horses
go Dr. Jam e old stand, rear of Hotel Ma-
con, I have just returned with a full line of
from Richmond, at prices to suit
By virtue of the power con-
in h executed
by Archibald Cox, to W. it. I ox
on the of duly
recorded in
of county, North Carolina, In book
page the will
expose to public before the Court
House door in for cash, to
bidder, on Monday,
tho real property,
In Swift
county, the lands el If,
Cox on the north, by Frank Hardy on
by the we.-t
mil by the land- of Archibald Cox on
the south, contain seres,
same .- I to Arch Cox by his
father, W m Cox, lo satisfy said
gage Deed.
Has 26th of February 1897
W. COX, Mortgagee.
Currie, to make at
few tilt lively, both
fains almost through space. Sud
II. J. and II. II. Wright, ct
Md., here prospecting
tor a site tor a large and saw
mills. They should encourage-
mid inducement Hi red in lo
locate here.
Liver Ills
sour an promptly
eared by Hood's rills. do work
easily and I I
Best alter dinner pills. I
All B
by Hood On
The eM m Heed's
Call at once, to see my stick buying
elsewhere, it will pay you.
I have a Livery in connection and
turnouts and polite drivers.
E. C. WHITE, Manager.
For Buggies, Phaetons or No. folk Traps
I can save you per cent. Nothing but first
class vehicles sold and
to the death of one of our firm
during the past year and in order to settle
his estate we find it necessary to close
out our entire stock of
and to close out as early as possible we have
marked everything right down to
such a stock at the low prices the goods
will be sold you can get genuine bargains.
early if you want the benefit of these
stock will be closed out as fast as
. I
. i.
and good
sense go
together in
hats. No
hats in the I
world like
American American
hats like J
Stiff and Soft Felt Hats fore-
most for quality and wear.
New Spring Styles on sale, r
Its Better
k i to be a young than
f an old bird of Paradise.
The Early Bird
Catches Worm.
So be to to our store this wees and
of many bargains we to Full in
Ism. Climb into the before it is too Into and
e- j v sweet music of low prices and lib r-1 policy.
W j which you to have, and order
mat you have we have simply d the
bottom of prices for this week-
. i Given by the Students
P to the Educational
Committee from
N. C. Feb. 1897
Km . last M i-
dry February a
crowd as in
lighted auditorium the
School to M and
enjoy one cost interesting and
entertainments ever given i y
Tie cf the was a
County fair. Out the ninety-six
mantles, are rep-
relented in the Bull girl w s
a credit lo her county ; each county
her sate. We wish to especially Men-
lion dear old Mil, the
Hill give u fell n her
n, for we
is in. one Fit who will not be triad to
kn success.
Hot was a
ale. following sign, in
bold was suspended
Tobacco O. L.
Greenville, FlU
Mi Raiding being Prep. P
and everything else will go at the lowest prices you ever
heard of to make room for new goods which are
to arrive-
The King Clothier,
Local Reflections
It'll be an early spring.
A depression in soft hats felt.
The prospector usually labors
A swell policeman with
The town is lull of drummers all the
time for spring bonnets to
People You Know, or May Snow.
It. L. lb went to New
Saturday to attend the Fair.
Mrs. S. H. Wilson continues to be
Seriously sick.
Miss Bessie Garris is visiting her
sister, Mrs. H. C. in
Never out
O, K or K.
of letters W
to lawn
are to be partial
William a colored
on the chain gang, escaped Monday
The gill who curls up her nose isn't
half as i as the girl with curls
down her back.
Chas. A. Cook has been appointed
Inspector General of Small Arms,
with rank of Colonel.
promise to reform.
Judge, if you will give me lime.
well, six months.
The third of March will be Ash
Wednesday and the beginning of Lent
April 18th will Sunday.
Coot, are u much
No, I can't strike anything but in
T. Fresh Can- Butter peed packages
at S. M.
At the House you can get a
nice warm meal for Com-
sleeping apartments for
A senator in the Kansas legislature
proposes to unmarried men between
and yew and send all
over to the penitentiary.
The hard times have the
women's The newest
sleeve is made skin right to the
and it Jakes a considerable less
of yards to the aforesaid
sleeves than it did this time last
TaCOMA. February
Cuban sympathizers yesterday held an
open air mass meeting and denounced
Premier as a and as-
The Spanish flag was trailed
in the mud and then mi A
was adopted praying that
might be subjected to the same
torture as the victims.
Mrs. took the cars this
morning Baltimore, where she will
take lesson under competent milliners
for weeks, returning she will
accept a with Mrs. J. S. Tun-
tall who expects to open a
store hers soon.
Here is an extraordinary officer. We
will send The Eastern Reflector,
the Cosmopolitan and Leslie's Weekly
all three for a whole year for
The regular price of the three
is If you do not want ail
three you can get the Reflector and
Cosmopolitan for or the Re
and Leslie's Weekly for
Take advantage this low offer while
you can, it may not be open long.
L. ; Miss Aylmer aim-,
a he other young Indies
he of Greenville
Miss Myrtle Keel, E. B.
Lela Brown, P. II. Ger-
man; Miss Smith, J. W-
; Miss Cox. J. W. W
Fripp, B, E, Mis
Susie Saunders, G. J. Miss
Haddock, tag ; Mi.-s
Keel, a link- boy.
he auctioneer and
things lie The. buyers briskly
an were not giving good
prices, the closing with a sale to
J. W. Morgan for per
Moore county special men.
lion. After the products
were exhibited two young ladies came
forward and unveiled the the
noblest, Boat wonderful son, not only of
but of the State of Car-
Dr. Chas. D.
Tint most important feature of the
evening was the Legislature, in which
about or seventy-live took
part, each performing her part with
grace and dignity.
The purpose of Legislature was
pass a bill increasing the appropriation
o the State Normal School to
closed with a tableau,
the r a i i North in which
one each county
tooK part.
A j
Of the the Tobacco
F r 1897.
What law price
of tobacco next fall is a question that is
studied more than any other by our
because all of lb
he outcome of the tobacco
Feb. IV, 1897.
J. Hunter, Raleigh, was
here Monday night.
W. E. Harding, C spent
las. Tuesday Here on
tore l. Jenkins C i .
work by me during the
cf the Year.
At of the morning
there was a reunion at
which the roll o the church
ship was called. Alter
I the
sonic as
We Extend Thanks.
Washington, N. C., Feb.
ton Ferry, colored, was found of
this evening about half past six
o'clock. Ferry has been on trial here
since last for rape committed in
February, 1896, upon Annie Smith, a
white girl about twelve or fourteen
years of age. He escaped at the time
he committed crime and was found
and arrested in Wilmington several
months later. He was brought back to
Washington lust June lodged in
jail, he has been since awaiting
He was ably represented by Hon-
Chas. F. Warren. The State
represented by solicitor Leary. assisted
by Messrs. John H. Small and Stephen
The verdict was not a surprise, for
almost everybody bettered guilty.
The jury was out only forty minutes.
A for a new trial was over-
ruled. It the defendant will
He was sentenced lo lie hanged on
March 23rd 1807.
Mr. you will permit
me I would thank you tor a spice
in your paper to express my
and thanks to the good people of
Greenville for a kindness which can
as long j-s life lusts, forgotten.
Any one who knows how a mother's
heart yearns for the welfare of her
children, and bow she when
all is well with them will comprehend
my feelings just now. I desire to
think every body, man or
woman, while or colored, who in
way aided in securing the pardon of my
son, George. To all who willingly
signed the petition, to all who said a
word in his behalf, lo every human be-
that aided in securing his
his mother extends her deepest heartfelt
To Governor Russell, Judge Connor,
Gov. Jan k Solicitor C. M. Bernard
and to Col. I. A. Sugg, who visited the
Governor with petition, I desire
to thank their in-
In securing his pardon. I can
but invoke heaven's choicest blessings
upon them, and every body that o
willingly aided in his rescue. thank
you, Mr. Editor, in advance for
space kindly allowed me to express
my appreciation of what fits done
for George and me.
Charity Dudley.
was j
Ex-Register of Deeds Alex.
had a narrow escape from death this
afternoon. He was the bridle
on his horse at Bowie's stable, when
the animal became frightened and
dashed over him. He was picked up in
an unconscious condition and medical
aid was summoned. We had learned
of nature his injuries at the hour
of to press
Dr. Eugene has been
pointed Assistant Physician of the
Insane Asylum of Colorado, at Pueblo,
and entered upon his duty Saturday,
It will be seen from a report else-
where of yesterday's services at the
Baptist that Rev. E. D. Wells
has resigned and cannot servo the
for the present year. M .
Wells has been e just ore year,
no one has ever been among this
people who has impressed himself both
upon the and those a- a
Christian minister, a man of
very high sense if and integrity,
and with an advanced view of Christian
life and living.
His life in every way has fully illus-
and been in keeping with his
profession. No more Godly man has
lived among us, and he will always be
thus remembered by the people
tor Old Pitt County and Her
We are more thin and We-
that the Pitt comity girls attend-
the Normal at Greensboro
main i the reputation of the good
old county so well at the entertainment
given legislative committee visiting
the institution last Friday evening,
the 15th inst, at the presentation the
Fail, by the girls of this great
institution. The ladies from
Pitt county were caste as representing
the of Greenville
tobacco market, and we are informed
took their parts in splendid
a first class tobacco break, with Miss-
Bessie Harding as conducting the sale.
Miss Aylmer Sugg as auctioneer and
he other young ladies Pitt as buyers
and the usual coterie attendants that
arc usual on a large active break. They
all pet formed their parts well, and Pitt
was loudly applauded. We are always
glad when Pitt girls and
are successful and well they be,
when they represent so great a section
as Pitt county. The legislative com-
were delighted with the
and will make a favorable
report to General Assembly for the
support of this great institution cf
learning that is doing so much for the
development of the girls of the State of
North Carolina.
with ether it is sold
cause of I- w price at which it is
old. Frequently I hey told III i
the grade is inferior to one
they are present
this argue
which last year ft r a- d
year only sold or
much to
agree with them, in a great many In.
stances it is so. Th is
no is all but Mint
say the h rot as hi
as it was I or three years ago.
is the cause of M assuredly
it is not he grade,
that have most in value
1890 are the classes of that are
; fine cutters and
wrapper., while the
both fillers and smokers, everybody will
agree, are holding up amazingly well.
Now lets see we cannot find out the
cause pf lo some extent and
late when these grades go
In 1891 and fine bright wrapped
at prices ranging anywhere
to MS pet bundled. At present
is only a limited demand for this
tobacco at j a hall that
rice. There arc several c i use.- v.
nave operated to d pr .-s lite
price bright wrappers, among
1st. A growing disposition among
of plug o use sun
which has no
tor the bright cured lent
This of course has decreased to some
extent the demand for bright wrappers,
and secondly, the plug war that Las
been on now some lime between
the large plug manufacturers has cut
and slashed price the
article and the same proportion
the price of raw material has been
as they have had to resort lo a
common c wrapping stock.
This I will say herd is one of the
sons why the grades have held
up so well.
This cut rate war between
reduced the price of
plug tobacco on which our wrappers
are used mainly, to less than half the
price this tobacco sold for at wholesale
prices lour years ago. These two are
the principal causes, in my opinion, that
have led to the present prices of line
wrapping course there are
other minor ones, but it can be plainly
seen that this last one is sufficient
to cut our prices in half.
The same causes that have produced
the low on wrapping stock applies
to tine cutting as w in order
meet what am lo term a
temp demand of the low
grade cigarette has been put upon the
and with this the fight both
side has been waged and in c Try
on this fight they have created a
demand this class cigar-
Now as to the First, after
striking bottom on low prices for the
plug tobacco it began lo go up
slowly, and already there is an
demand for good wrapping at
better prices than they have sold at for
at least a year. The muddle
has been settled and this year a new
administration comes in four years
and business will not again right away
come in contact with the politicians,
hence we can safely estimate that for at
least two years the commercial world
will have smooth sailing
Then the most important feature after
all is a growing disposition on the
of cur farmers to make better tobacco
and while we don't know tint prices
will their former dizzy-
heights, yet if good tobacco is made this
year, take my word for it, producer
will be satisfied. I confidently expect
to see sell better this j ear than
it has for the two previous years.
O. L J.
the year as to its present final
He stated there had n
debt hang mg over the church since its
J. A.
day here.
Oar towns-nun, S. T. Cars
Other obligations
every one of
full. That
the obligations for the pt year had
pan, i
of bride I the total
ti V u m i far the various objects had
P- i n aid at u idle p. M,
Mr. II. M man -I Al i
w S. T. Cars . . ,
two boss today, weighing
and J ,., J J J
Is. Who can beat this
S. T. and I. Carson have emu
work en brink .
Ward, C.
twelve hundred
That at
. every. being paid to dale
. v. E D. Wells then
The a were w ,,
J. Brown, Jr., with Mi.-s Nannie; Ins the past year. This
Ward. report showed live calls
A. MU J . n,,,,.,,
y ached
HI ha I p ,,.,,, his d more
W. with Alice I then pm that his resignation
son. I in the h mis of the Deacons to be
acted upon by the church at its
ii James with Miss Mary
L L. Ward with Leia Mar i.
Milton with Miss Maggie
John will, Miss at
I was
m that
After i in
lion he made to the of
Carolina at present to
. . -I the at Gr ea-
N. J. w.
invited weal to the
Mr. I,. W. A. Martin, in I Dissolution
where was held and The firm Boggy
all partook of a bounteous by mutual
n.- I- ,, .
. , the in, re interest in tile
. l-twin by B
I e r. I tilers.
i I e he the
I. nine -In.
I Tie of old Mini
paid he if. d
with a horn all owing old
i- i I settle
2nd Hay of
a I Inn I
nod I hen
a and
We bad a good during the holiday and
still have a mil of k o We
show you the latest
Goods, Shoes,
Notions. Hats,
prices that are way down. Come and gee us
and we will give yon mire goods for a dollar
bill than any house in Greenville.
X. V
C has go- null
alter Icing broken down several
We have had, as we think
have, several days of very
We think somebody will some
money lo pay next fall firm
of is being hauled by our
village and other days of late.
qualified as
Ed Mayo. ibis is to notify all
holding data s against the es-
the Ed. Mayo, to
t the ed en or before
th day February. or this
lie plead in par of their re-
cove-y. All persons in to elate
of said Ed.
. . , a. . i.
Unison and little payment. It. J.
Lillie, is visiting at T. K. Link's.
farm work is retarded
on account of bad weather.
of Ed. Mayo.
Ibis Feb.
Having as of
U to notify
is danger of
recovery. Ail persons Indebted to
said Mary will make
Administrator Mary
This Feb. 8th, 1897.
can sell first-class goods at such mar-
low prices as
Good Green Coffee at a pound
Good Chewing Tobacco at cents a pound
Granulated Sugar at cents a pound
Salt and Sweet Snuff at cents a pound.
and everything else in the Grocery line just m
cheap as the above articles. It is because we
buy goods the spot cash and sell then
for the same kind of Come and see us
We lead others try to follow.
This is the complaint g, , Co j of j
at this season, and I I obi., hue III s day
They have no food by
does not and will no longer continue the
digestive organs, which business, a id in our
a of Hood's Sarsaparilla will we w i-h a
them. It also parities and enriches ,
. ,. , ., L . i- closed. Thanking one m
blood, cures that after eating and for
internal misery only can j
know, creates an appetite, that JESSE
tired feeling and builds and
the whole physical system. prompt- Notice tO Creditors.
and efficiently relieves dyspeptic
toms and cures nervous headaches, that ft
seems to have almost a
is as our
Is the fact the One True Blood Partner.
. ,, n. are best after-dinner
flood S PHIS fills, aid digestion, ass.
II duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of county as
A the estate of William
Stokes, deceased, notice is hereby given
to all persons Indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to under-
mid all persons baring claims
against the must present the
same for payment on or before the
day of January or this
be nil bar of recovery.
This day of January 1517.
of William Stokes
Rev. J. B. Ill preached at the
Methodist church Sunday night to a
large and appreciative congregation.
It was one of the finest discourses we
ever listen too. It was on the subject
of closer denominational -inion and his
of the denominational ships on
the ocean time, making for the same
port, grand, elevating and
to do much good In this
He said we would be so happy
when all the ships landed In port that
there would be no thought of
Per Cent. Off
to close them out. A
chance of a life
ad re
P g
r J i Q
Carolina, heaven's blessings
attend her
While we we will cherish, protect
and defend her.
First Session
Mrs. C. M. Bernard had examinations
and prizes Monday for the at
session of school for the
average stud perfect deport
the 8th grade Miss Blanche
Flanagan received a ring set with
opal; Miss Jarvis, a set
with garnet; Miss Queenie
an ring.
In the grade the first prize to
Miss lock bracelet; 2nd,
to Miss Dot gold pen.
In 4th grade the first prize to John
She-Ilium and the second prize to
Ethel book called
Upon a
As Spring Comes
The finest make. The prices am low and the
styles are up to date. Come and see us and
take your pick before they are gone.
A few Winter Goods to close out at your own
Will go
North in a
few days
to buy a
line of
I lit born,
It's hot.
la the horn
In tho lot,
a f par
An its pebbly tad f
In V set an listen
it's hot.
Dad sot mo
Von fan horn,
at tho sky,
on my bar on
them clouds ii
On tho M air.
Weather that U hot.
Days this I wish
X cM
a be a
that fuller
to boo tao brook, but fin It.
the minis.
Wash scaly aUkS in it,
it's hot.
tho breeze
Abler bush cattail reed
K n flower
f alive an grow-in,
by summer
W nobody cornea
it's hot.
goes the r horn
Hear it too who
thinks I'm in the
Wish it hadn't blew.
Hate f but pose I'd
Wen it's hot.
J. L in Quilting Hr-
Carious at
A of
end Stream tells
on tho
river. gather in troops
from to or more after a nights
playing feeding, their
way over a well worn trail to the
homo or cavern, tho females
leading and the males following,
clawing one another for first place.
The skilled troop hunter follows
the trail of a coon till he
comes to tho main trail. To follow
a single coon requires of
eyes and a wide knowledge of the
habits of tho animals, since
even a tracker loses
tho train for rods at a stretch. To
get before a big is a
matter, requiring luck add-
ed to woodcraft.
the hunter before the
troop he waits till the beast
within good when he fires his
rifle. Thereupon tin- females turn
and go back on their trail,
scrambling over the males in a way
that astonishes them and makes
them blink. Tho males take to the
branches of nearby trees,
Shoots ho see by
one. Three mm have in
bagged as many as coons on a
hunt, it is said
bright moonlight nights the
coons may sometimes
a boat They are very fond of
and come along the hank in
their search for them, as well as for
mussels and other water delicacies.
Their presence is betrayed by the
waves they make, but as muskrats
make similar waves a jack
light is often useful.
How the Sine.
Everybody is familiar with the
rasping notes known as the
It is the male only
that is capable of emitting the well
known sounds, and be does it in a
most peculiar manner. His
arc at the his wings
and consist of two excrescences
of thin, dry membrane. It is the
rubbing of the.-e two membranous
plates together which produces the
If your shoulder blades
so put together that
one could be under the other,
the underside of one and the
side of the other were so
rough that tho operation of slipping
them past each other would cause a
rasping sound, you could imitate the
katydid's musical efforts very nice-
i r.
Agnes made an
woman's club on
rum the farmer
and the she said, give
to tho baker and the candlestick
maker, and hardworking actors,
Ringers writers, succumbing to
the blandishments of a polite com-
arc robbed of their rest and
recreation in order that they may
give their services at some benefit
entertainment or to the woman's
edition of a
until That sOns
Baal of Money.
A buff Leghorn pallet, exhibited
fair la
Garden, in January, 1893, was val-
The costliest paintings of modern
times have proved to be
and Millet's
M. gave francs
for and
francs for
Mr. Henry Hilton in paid
and presented it to the Met-
Museum of Art. That was
the highest price ever paid for a
modem picture until
was sold at tho sale for
francs. Of course the after-
sales tho two groat pictures men-
broke oven this record.
The shah of Persia has a
pipe worth I
Tho most costly book in the work
is declared to be a Hebrew
now in the Vatican. In the year
1512 it is that Pope Julius II
this Hebrew Bible for
its weight in gold, which would
amount to This is the
great--st price ever offered for a
In the year a tulip bulb was
in Holland for It weigh
ed grains.
The costliest meal ever served, at
far as history shows, was
given by one of the
most lavish of all tho Romans of
the latter day, to a dozen guests.
The cost of this supper was
which would amount to
or nearly A
feast given by a
emperor of those
days, to his brother Lucius, cost a
little over Suetonius says
that this banquet consisted of
different dishes of fish and
different fowls, besides other courses
in proportion.
fortunately for his ex-
did not reign very long,
els that would have been exhaust-
It I. a Wonderful Achievement to Teach i
Tl to
The hearing child just learning to I
talk is quite unintelligible at first,
but gradually the organs learn their
lesson, and utterance grows distinct.
But the ear is the guide and critic of
these early attempts. The child,
however, hears no sound and sees
only tho slight movements of the
lips and tongue and can never learn
to speak by his own unaided
and imitation of those mo-
The teacher must furnish the
correction and training that tho ear
ordinarily supplies. The teaching
of speech to a totally deaf child who
has never spoken is truly a wonder-
achievement. He has no
of sound and can never have,
for the only sense by which he can
be taught the existence of such a
thing is that of touch, which simply
gives him a knowledge of tho mo-
that accompany sound, but are
no more tho sound itself than the
vibrations that produce heat are the
sensation call warmth.
To train the deaf child's organs to
take proper positions for tho
utterance of words as unconsciously
as those of n hearing person is a
very slow process. The develop-
of any set of reflex actions is
a laborious task even where mis-
takes can recognized and correct-
ed by tho learner himself. In this
case, however, the learner cannot
correct his own errors, but must
rely upon the alert car of his teacher
to keep him from acquiring a wrong
set of reflex actions and forming
habits that it will almost
to break up.
Side by with
comes of teaching language.
Imagine yourself in a country whoso
speech you did not know and whose
inhabitants did not understand
yours. Imagine, in addition, that
you were suddenly deprived of your
hearing. How well do you think
you would succeed in learning tho
deaf child is under even a greater
disadvantage Ho is not
tho language
Stay a little, golden Twinkling eye
Stay an-1 Bee for arc to
Linger where winds around tho gar-
dens rare.
Cheek like lovely mirrors, whore Mis red rose
All the birds are singing.
The blossom bells
Kisses from the red
And from the white
you good morning
And kissing you good night.
a little, golden Brightening
The violets for the slept
of yon.
Tho bids yon welcome, the red
And tho daisies spread a carpet for the falling
of your foot.
All the birds are singing.
The blossom ringing.
Kisses from tho rod rose
And hisses from tho white
Kissing you good morning
And kissing yon good night.
Frank L. Stanton in Chicago Times-Herald.
ed, as well as the game . tho
Libya, Spain and Britain and the of not
waters of and
seas. One dish alone at the table ; j.,,,,. is. Ho has
of the Emperor cost I of which can
; a-, a framework on which
The largest sum ever or . , tho new. If
offered for he
which the
agreed to give to
famous jeweler of
diamond. This is con- , Mich
the finest stone but no
lie is more than years om,
taM invented for himself a
to Mr. too signs to
of for ; tho simple
Naturalists say there is a tree iD
Chinese Tartar y which is to
bear moisture, even that of a mod-
rain. After being rained it
w and does not resume
its original for several
The common chosen fly is only a
tenth of an inch long. It deposits
about eggs in the cracks of
cheese, though, if not able to find
this substance, it readily selects an-
The box is regarded as symbolic
of constancy. It is several times-
thus alluded to in the lighter Eng-
of the
Byron, in tho third
describes a
in Switzerland which
curred at Juno
Ho notices tho awful stillness which
All heaven and still,
From peak to peak, tho
Leaps live thunder Not from one lone
But every mountain hath a
And answers,
Back to the Alps, who to be;
The description is too long
quote, known,
hut Sir Waller Scott's it
mar not so well known. He says-
is of the if
passages of poem.
and Cat of a
is hero described hi t
as it. Lightnings.
thunder among
the of as ii
shouting to ouch other,
of tho big rain, tho gleaming of
Wide lake, lighted a
sea, present a of sublime
terror, yet of enjoyment, often
but so
never butter, brought ii p
The costliest toy on record was a
broken nosed wooden horse which
belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte
and was sold a few years ago for
The costliest cigars ever brought
lo this country were a box of
brand specially made for the
of Wales in Havana, the
price for which
apiece. Quite popular cigar among
some of the rich men in New Yon k
is a special Henry Clay which comes
in a handsome wrapped in gold
foil, and retails for apiece.
The Largest price ever paid for a
cane was bid at an auction in Lon-
don of tho walking sticks which
once the property of George j
and George IV. It was or
more called a language than tho
different movements of a dog's tail
and ears, which indicate bis feelings
or his wants, can be dignified by
that name. Ho has no conception
of a connected means of
Is it any wonder, then, if, after
some years of instruction, the teach-
occasionally finds a sentence like
this, written by a boy in his journal
after coming to school one cold
March morning, wind is very
blew, and I cm n little or
this substitution of act for
man chopped tho ground
with his dig, and tho dog
with his Tho irregularities
and of English gram-
mar and spelling make it much
was given for a walking of to teach the deaf,
Taught m Lesson.
He was a street cable cat
conductor of most surly and
temper. When a woman
carrying altogether too large a bun
for her strength boarded the car,
ho grumbled a running five minutes
straight about the perversity of
man nature in general and of the
feminine sex in particular. A few
moments before he had viciously
kicked at a newsboy who dared
stand on tho platform while selling
a newspaper. At Adams street
portly military looking gentleman
mid his wife on tho
ii tho smallest I
said tho military gentleman as he
tendered a bill for fare.
Tho conductor growled again and
grumbled but finally dug
into his pockets for the change.
First ho gave two silver dollars,
then in
then tho balance in quarters. He
seemed in an exceedingly great
as he handed the quarters to his
passenger. Tho other passengers no-
it too.
How, it so that in the
Change made a very bad quartet
was given. Tho military gentleman
was on the point of calling the
conductor back when he
the latter had handed him nine
instead of t quarto i That de-
him to hold his peace. He
wasn't out in any event. They had
ridden quite a distance when the
came back again.
I give yon too much
he inquired
and in n that plainly
you're a fellow
try to beat a poor
tho man said.
gave mo a very bad quarter which
you were very anxious to shove on
me, but as I could not possibly use it
give it back to you. Hero it
Tho other who had.
witnessed the whole performance
laughed their tantalizing
sneers following tho Burly conductor
to the door, which ha opened and
then with a
go Chronicle.
The Honorable F. Greer, one of the
best known and most highly respected
county Judges of tho State of Florida,
writes of his horrible sufferings from
F. County I
Cove Springs, Clay Co., Fla. f
years ago I
with rheumatism.
ml by the most eminent physician
in the land. I visited the great
Springs, N. Y., the noted Hot Springs of Ar-
and many other
watering places.
always consulting with the local physicians
directions, and finally came to Florida, ten
years ago. About I years ago had a severe
attack of rheumatism, was confined to my
room for twelve weeks, and during that
was induced to try P. P. P., Great
Remedy, knowing that each ingredient was
for impurities of the blood. After
two small bottles I was relieved. At four
times since had attacks
time I have taken two bottles
of P. P. P., and hove been relieved, and I con-
sider I. P. P. the best medicine of its kind.
Respectfully, J. F.
James M. Newton, of Aberdeen, Ohio,
says he bought a. bottle of P. I. I, at
Hot, Springs, Arkansas, and it did him
more good than three treat-
at Hot Springs.
as well as and
gout, is cured by a course of P. P.,
I Great Remedy.
P. P. P., Great Is
p friend indeed to weak women, it is
a positive and speedy cure for general
weakness and nervousness.
All skin diseases are cured by it; any-
thing from pimples to tho worst cases
of eczemas succumbing to the wonder-
healing powers of P, f. P.
Dyspepsia and indigestion in their
worst form cured by it. As a tonic
to restore the appetite and to regain
lost vigor, it is simply marvelous.
P. P. P. is the best spring medicine
in the world. It removes that heavy,
out-of-sorts feeling and to
a condition of perfect physical health.
Tor Indigestion, Kick and Nervous
Headache, Sleeplessness, Nervousness,
Heart Failure, Fever, Debility
end Kidney Diseases, take P. P. P.,
Great Remedy, the most
wonderful medicine in the world
Sold by drug gists.
BROS., Apothecaries, Sole
Block, Savannah, Us.
For sole by J. L.
Senator Coke of once
pitted in some kind of against
n man a Cole, who was an
speaker getting
the better of him.
gave u b but their best
could not be on The
committee discovered that no talent
was available except u rough and
tumble fellow who had been a coal
miner in West Virginia. Ho con-
when called on, tho
committee was in tear and
wondering what he would do.
But they didn't fear and tremble
long. said tho
Speaker, here today to talk to
you about Cole. You know
mo, and you know I know I'm
talking about, and I want to ask
you if you know the be-
tween Coke and Cole, it ain't
necessary j every man of
that the difference between is
tho gas that is in the
Francisco Argonaut.
India i-.
India has hundreds of dialects,
which may all be classed under
great heads, the
and The
is the fundamental language and
that of the the tho
vernacular language in many
and the or is
that of. Ceylon and,
Tin Mist
A writer in tho Boston Transcript
says that the late Ct Francis
A. Walker was once traveling in u
railway train and was much annoy-
ed by the of two small
who loudly gloating
over a victory which their party
gained locally a few days
fore. Ono of them presently turned
to General Walker and remarked in
a swagger show
which way the wind blows,
in another old proverb
about suggested Mr. Walk-
men catch
Her Stiffness.
I done anything to offend
you, he asked brokenly.
you passed without
bowing, and now you sit there with
such air of hauteur and pride
Interrupted the girl
with an unbending air, but in her
voice a cadence at than music
in tho have a stiff
era i
button l
i- a strong
resent of a
unmarried man
that lie ought to
u i loon ;
J u u modern stand-
Family Medicine Cures the
u every-day
of humanity.
stick of ebony, with n gold top, en-
graved and with a crown,
and also containing the hair of tho
Princesses Augusta Elizabeth, Mary
Sophia and Amelia, and inscribed,
Gift of the Princess Mary,
Tho costliest mats in the world
are owned by the shah of Persia and
the sultan of Turkey. The shah and
the sultan each possesses a mat made
of pearls and diamonds valued at
over The largest mat
ever made is owned by tho Carl ton
club of London, and is a work of
Bo, with a
In gray hour you ills
To us, as we to
Halting is too.
distance, heart to heart
Is but a name for death.
Tomorrow we shall
thoughts reflect today
His quiet room up stairs,
Tho lonely look It wears;
For ell the house seems desolate and dial
With want only
What household shall stand
Hallowed hand
Has them We shall miss
help in that or this.
And treasure ma trivial word- yon said
As memories of the dead.
Ton will bear with you thus
Remembrances of us;
And. writing now and then
Of strange r lands and men.
tidings from afar shall reach us hers
As from another sphere.
Just as if yon, at last.
That greater sea had passed
Whose winds and waters yearn
and never turn.
And, looking through the waste of silence lone.
You called from the unknown.
Even is nothing more
of a door
which men pass away
A st.-int into the day.
we, who it not, blinded by the light.
Cry, are lost In
Thus ever, near or far,
Life seems but where are;
Yet we bid
Find death ll not to die.
As you, departing from our daily strife,
hence to life-
Clasp bonds, and now
The a passing knell,
But ripening by year,
triumph re as here.
Nor dark nor silent i i tho distance be
Could but and so.
A. St. John in Spectator.
costs cotton planters more
than rive million dollars an-
This is an enormous
waste, and can be prevented.
Practical experiments at Ala-
Experiment Station show
conclusively that the use of
will prevent that dreaded plant
All boot results of Its m by ex-
the bat In the Stales H
in a book which in
r 11- ii j i
and no class of people would be
more benefited by a strictly
phonetic spelling and an exception-
less grammar than they. That tho
deaf child is not frightened by
irregularities is shown by the reply
of a bright little girl when to
give the principal parts of some
regular verbs. Several were given
correctly, and then began on
for u moment in thought, and then
Wright in Century.
The Clam's eggs carried by thy
mother on her gills. When there
are fish in the water with the
mother clams discharge the eggs,
which soon hatch, but if there are
no they She eggs until
they decay. The reason of this
strange behavior is When the
eggs are sot free in the water, they
hatch, the little ones swim
about until they find some fish to
which to attach themselves. They
live for a time on the mucus of the
fish and then drop off, to the
bottom and form burrows for them-
This curious
life is no doubt a reversion to the
habit of come ancient ancestor.
Margaret W. Leighton in Popular
Science Monthly.
Mad from New York city to the
German will be delivered
in .
for the for high
powers, been hitherto almost
possible M. Ch. Fremont has de-
scribed ingenious
of carrying out the desired
end. Inside tho body of tho micro-
scope is fixed a mirror,
which reflects bundle of rays of
light received through an
in tho side, and parallel by
interposed prism, through an ob-
glass, on to tho object under ex-
It is without
seeing tho to under-
stand how the eye, and at
piece end, can tho object. This
is provided for by the
expedient of boring a hole
through both mirror and prism in
the track of tho rays passing from
the From this
great service is anticipated in tho
study of the
The diction.- authorized
by tho imperial con-
classes of words, of which
include the more important
This famous dictionary, the most
ancient of any recorded in literary
history, was arranged by Fa-out-
she, who lived about B. C.
Poisons d by f
in a tho or
of gout,
, liter and kidney a--
aid many nervous
These the
Shaker Digestive a
remedy and prepared
Shakers of Mount Lebanon, N Y. It
is in itself a bod mil has power to
est other food taken with it. it
rests and
asters the of
Ii acts promptly and strength and
Increase f weight soon follows,
first dose. after eat-
abates pain and so
Arcaded by Trial
enough to prove its merit- cents.
is beet for
Doctors it In place
of Pastor Oil.
Tho Only Five-Dollar Daily of
Free Coinage
Silver and repeal
of the Ten Per Cent. Tax on
State Batiks Daily DO cents
per month. Week fl pet
Wilmington, N.
T bed ford's is
pared tor as well a
mid In i Is .-oM mi tin
cans. of
tor . is.
o., n.,
March ii.
all kit of it i, but
w in i tin out f Black
for the I saw
it is the a thing for horses In
the year and will cure
sicker lug en fine.
l. IV. Ian.
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Doctors Say;
Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
are invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great driving
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
and obtained
C. P.- C Tier
i and patent in lei
bend or
lion. advise, if. or Dot, firs off
Our fee duo tilt M d. S
cost of in the U. b. and
scat free,
. Op. D. C.
i ; i
r. Mi
i ii in
ii 1-1
lug will
their before
n branches.
stoic ii
N. C
If and
kinds of
Catarrh Cured.
with LOCAL .
the of the
Catarrh in a or
disease, and in order to cure i
yon must take Internal remedies. Ball's
Cars i- Internally,
on the
Hall's Catarrh Cure not i
It b- of th
in this country for
years, and is a It
is of the best t nice known,
tin blood
acting on
The perfect two
Ingredients Is what produces such won-
results in curing Catarrh. Scud
by druggist To
------A fresh line of-----
i; a i. a. Ills., Mot. 1833.
Farts Co- St. Mo.
boW of
in mi
I Ow hire
re tray t en.
to buy at one pro Ir, A e
e stock of
ways on band Hold rices t- suit,
goods a re all bought and
Id for
or in, we sell at -lore margin
S. M.
All of done
mo labor good
rial and are prepared lo
ft CO.
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. work
prices reasonable.
He of
Ti. Who
, m- A
t Kr without
El Matted ind cur-
, i . . -as is
heard of c
cured L
t h ft
err-, free lo any
I pros odd
ii. . Dew York
has best Is the
Heap Hope, Farming every
necessary far and general house purposes, aw J
Hats. Shoes. Dress Coeds I bars on hand.
for Heavy Groceries, Jobbing agent for Clark's O. N.
I keep com Icons, attentive
proved It.
i r- i
. . . a
I .
Notice to Li
The in lent
a. and o. i e
Co lily a the
cf r, de.
Is given to
of p
lo or
lbs of Fib
not M Will be plead la their re.
n v iv, ties i- site given to in-
to the estate t
pan lent.
Ids the day of J-ma-y in.
N. C.
Li, Fire and Insurance.
N. C.
All placed in
at lower current
which I
I hut it causes
Come see
and I will
treat you
Ii ii.
W u
I Magnolia
i y
Rocky Mt
A. M.
I V i
A. M.
I l
M. It
V. M P. M,
i IT
Dominion Line
Steamers leave Washington for Green-
ville and Tarboro at all land-
on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at A. M.
leave Tarboro at S A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville same days.
Those arc sub to stage
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New and Boston.
Shippers their
merited via Dominion fr
Ni w York. from
folk Baltimore
Baltimore. Merchants i Miners
JNO. SON. Agent.
J J. Agent,
By of the power vested in me
as Commissioner by a decree of
Superior Court made at Term,
In the case of M.
again-t W. G. I.,
P. W. L. Elliott and
John Nicholson, at
Brothers. I shall fur ale, at the
Co rt door In On Seville, to the
highest bidder on the day
of a certain tract of land
scribed in a in trust from ft. G.
wife to Nicholson,
trustee for Kl
the an i needed in Book II
page ill the Regis r's of
an i In the
In the i case as follows,
the hinds of Alfred
on the the land of B.
pa rick on the west, he Ian of
on the north, and the lands
of f. K. on the con-
acres in in or Less
J acres of said land conveyed W.
I., stokes and wife to Isabella
by deed d January 10th
in Book t o page and re
from the operation of c afore
said de. d In trust by
Ira by deed of from to
W. G. d January 12th.
f recorded in Book A page
T of
Wm. H.
H. M,
Train on l aloe
i-aves Weldon p. , 4.10
p. arrives Scotland Neck at 4.5 p
p. m., 7.45
. in. Returning, loaves Kinston
. m., Greenville 8.22 s. m. Arriving
at a. 11.20 am
Washington leave
Washington a. in., and 1.00 p .
a. m., and 4.40 p.
n., Tarboro 0.45 a. in.,
3.80 p IV a.
ind 6.20 p. in,, arrives
11.50 it. and 7.10 p. in. Daily
Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Branch.
Train leaves N C, via
it Raleigh it. K. daily t
at p. Sunday M;
Plymouth 0.00 P, M., p. in.
daily except
0.00 a. in., Sunday a m.,
10.25 am and II.
Train OH Midland N. C. branch leave
daily, except Bin day, a
at. arriving 7-10 a, in. Re-
8.00 a. m,,
rives at 9.30 a. in.
Trains Latta branch, Florence R
leave Latta aria
MO p in, Clio p Hemming
eave a m. 8.30 a m,
Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-
aw for Clinton except Sunday,
in. and 8.60 p, m- Returning
caves Clinton m. v m.
No. makes i lose connection
it Weldon point- daily, all rail via
at Mount with
Norfolk and Carolina I. R for
all North vi i Norfolk.
General Supt.
M. Hie
I. R.
Administrators Notice
this q E.
A. Clerk of Court, of
county, as administrator of
state of P. Carson, eased,
notice Is hereby to the
of said estate to their claims
duly to me for payment
on or before the Kill day of December,
1897, or notice will be plead in bar
their All persons indebted
to said are to make
mediate payment, and thus save east and
This till 8th of .-.- i
J. II.
T. deed
Sale of Real Estate.
Under and by of the
ed t Me for the Km.
em Ninth Carolina, in
entered in ca-e of the Mail Be
Bank Norfolk. Virginia, against
I will Fri-
day, January at the Court House
door in , Pitt county. Nm i h
expose a
tract of land and lb aver
-lam township c
acres, more or less, adjoining the lane's
of Alfred E. T. Cannon, the
heirs and others an on
b in sides of road lending teas
lard's Cross i; J- to Adam's bridge,
known as the May piece.
K. If-