Eastern reflector, 22 October 1890

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-----Solicits patronage
Its purpose will be lo please every reader.
Department that can he no-
where in section. Our work always
d o
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
C. A. YOUNG, of C. A Young Bro.; Wilson.
C. W. formerly of Richmond, Ya.
Beg to announce to the people of Pitt county that they are now open in Greenville and ready to serve them with
a complete stock
We desire to make the acquaintance of the people and invite them to call in and examine our stock. We are here
to sell goods and will use the motto
Find us at the New Red Front Brick Store.
J. F. of Greenville.
Capt. J. H. BAKER, formerly Salesmen,
with Branch ft Co .
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. and
Editorial Paragraphs.
Justice of the
S. Supreme Court, is dead.
Published Wednesday
Dr. Robert MM re-
elected President Nicaragua.
Democratic Nominees.
For Chief Justice of th. Supreme
For of the Supreme
Tuberculosis is among
cattle near Manchester, N. B-
i A in Michigan is coining
District .
6th I.
10th District
U. H. Brown, Jr. of Beau-
Henry It. Bryan, of Craven
Spier Whitaker, of Wake.
R. Winston, of Gran-
E. T.
of Moore.
R. F. Armfield. of Iredell.
J. G. of Burke.
W. A. of Lincoln.
entire population
States at
places the
W. A. B.
of Beaufort.
For Judicial
of Wilson.
For the
or House of
The Count Pans and parry
have reached Richmond, Ya. after
a pleasant trip on the James.
New York Letter.
Sea Oct. 18th.
A been on foot
for a long time past for the
of the aliases on the
elevated railroads, which have be-
come so mat as to he almost
durable. The essence the trouble
lies in overcrowding and lack of
which cause in their
turn slow time and vexations of
kinds. In the morning all the
down-going trains are lull; and in
has not named the young-
but it is hoped she will do so
soon. The little nun's color is
whitish brown; much lighter than its
parents. It weighs SO pounds, is
three feet long; while its mother is
nine feet long and weighs a ton.
j Nobody is allowed to see it ox-
keeper Downey. If things arc
the public will be admit-
to see it this week.
The Jailer of
A friend of the Salem Press, who
was lately t Sparta. Alleghany
county, says that while there
visited the jail and found it empty. J
The jailer alter showing him
Stray Bits of
Education and OVER THE STATE. Ho. Asked Toe Parson to Drink
by Billie for Those
Who Lore ts
Paris a bald head,
the mouth
Annie and Jo.
By the will of Miss Imogene
the Elliott Hospital of Boston
Lewis Barker, the most
prominent men Maine, was killed
by a runaway horse.
cornerstone of the New York ;
Masonic Home, at Utica will be
laid November 1st.
the evening the uptown trains are . his family whom
pack.-1 before they start. No one is a girl I
liable la get a seat going up in the ., i
busy hours of the evening unless he Gov. Scales, and the re-1
gels it at the and then be is that the Governor was the
virtually called upon a down
to give it up or act the part of an to the surprise of the guest that he
ungallant. Nowadays he chooses him from the
the latter and allows the women or
old men So stand or hustle for seats
The last issue the
makes the following suggestions on
i Education and Temperance to the
North Carolina Mission-
the . The Convention has ever been
soup. reticent on the educational
,.,.,. ,. , i of the church. No people can be a
We wish they gel i
part in the great educational march
i of I lie day. We as a people, have
Mis. Gusher- doctor, how I manifested very little in
should hate to be alive education our sons and
Doctor--Calm yourself, daughter. We need a school
No patient of mine mod fear that d the auspices of the The
all parts is for higher
better education. It is late
A day or two ago, a lady, con- the importance
with a Ii tie asked j of mi ministry. It is eon-
him if lie knew who loved every , ceded that men of sound learning
body Of course does; pa loves j the Bible and at least in the
e very body, he's branches are needed to proclaim
Durham Sun.
a Chicago
Look here, waiter, I asked
you about live minutes ago for a
I ye,
; but de at de next table
isn't with it. yet,
New American tariff will prevent
Italy from being represented at
Chicago world's lair.
themselves. The time made by
the elevated in
a service of years months,
lays of steam am, B, par-
and electricity is simply outrageous. The most, interesting part of
Nine or ten an hour is fast tie story is that Mrs. the
time and twelve miles is most re-
For Superior Court
El. A. MOVE.
For Sheriff;
J. A. K.
For Register of Deeds
Beaver Ham W. It. Burnett.
J. K. Hodges.
G. W.
J. I.
W. B. Buck.
E. S. Edwards.
D. J.
W H Wilkinson
O. W. Harrington.
l. S. Langley.
Swift Frank
. Tuesday, Nov. 4th.
you love she said the
skies were blue.
And we walked where the stream
And I told and retold her my love was
While she listened and smiled and
. smiled and listened.
you love she whispered when
days were drear,
her eyes searching mine a
patient yearning,
And I kissed her, renewing words so
While she and smiled as if
slowly learning.
you love she asked when we
sat at rest
By the stream with
Her cheek bad been laid as in peace on
But she raised it to ask for the sweet
old story,
I said I would tell her the tale
I said I will swear by the earth and
the stars above
I told her that uttermost time
should prove
The fervor and faith of my perfect
And vowed it and pledged it that
naught should move.
While she listened smiled in my
i face and then
She whispered yon truly
The prickly pear is overrunning
destroying some of the best and
most fertile lauds in South Africa.
President King bas notified the
Erie railway that no in-
crease of wages can be granted. A
strike considered possible.
Captain Michael of Tole- j
do, ii. met his wife walking the
street with one William Murphy I
shot them both. The woman
will die.
markable. Add to these
the dingy old cars, the
and the noise and yon have an
idea of what the New York traveling
public suffer. The Sim has taken up
subject and is giving it a good
airing. If the people will only act a
little, instead of grumbling, great
good will result.
jailer's wife, was also in the
for one year for alleged as- j
in the escape of some
in Swain county. She met;
Mr. H in the penitentiary
and it was a case of love at
sight, and soon as released they
i were married.
the gospel o the people. Had we
an institution of learning in the
our young men, desiring to
enter the ministry, could taught
at home a small cost. Yes.
a school with the Bible as a text
would be a school of no
nary power. Those who could enjoy
the advantages of such a school
Mrs don't seem to J become acceptable ministers
nave a very high opinion of J in I be church. As it is they are not
husband's ability. able to go to Kentucky University
nor to Bethany and, consequently,
denied the benefits an education,
The brethren in North Carolina
able we think willing to raise
ten thousand dollars such a
purpose. We would not be
surprised are did not have ten
Mrs. he's a very
ignorant man- Last night he spoke
Of persona acting in conceit when
he should have known they only
sang at such entertainments.
I hear that
engagement with Hiss is
it is.
must have been built on to their attention. We art
the sand lo fall so soon. ,, raise a ministerial fund
Interest Occur-, ,,,
ring in North Carolina.
The population
Fair la
The State
big success.
It has been decide I to a
large Baptist school at Durham.
Tarboro Smith Then, arc
peach, pear and apple trees in lull
bloom here now.
, of the State is now in progress
, in i ho Attorney General's department
A peculiar and rather ludicrous case
been found during the work. It
j ,
and is from a
western seems that a man
who had made a very intimate and
warm acquaintance with Ban.
went into a church
up there while the minister was
week was
In nine months the present year,
miles of railroad have been built
in North
Two persona were killed by trains,
within an hour r each at Dur-
ham lust Thursday.
A movement is on foot to lurid a
permanent tabernacle at Charlotte,
which will seat. people
The sudden
death of Mr. Henry Creech
occurred in this city yesterday after-
noon heart disease.
Wilson is preparing to build the
second tobacco warehouse in that
town. A company has
preaching. St was so very deeply
impressed thought he with
the minister's preach lag, that he
wanted to do something to show his
appreciation, and after some
in- arose from his seat, walked up to
the pulpit, and lunging, forward,
stuck a bottle of whiskey in the
pastor's and in a most earnest,
way asked the good man
he would have a drink. This
B In lie to much the congregation
and some of the members had the
would be affable individual arrested
tried before a magistrate. This
officer lined the prisoner The
prisoner thought the magistrate had
company has been feeling, against and
Prise houses are also going appealed from the
ion. The case then went a
Winston has organized a judge of the Superior Court who sen-
that if the matter was in Us ,,,,.,,, Ml is h
business and practical way brought
or the
manager. i
A cyclone
through your mother know you're
He follows the trade of a shoe i
maker, which learned in the
Since his pardon Mr.
Work on new has held the offices of
corner of Beaver and South i stable and United States
William streets, has been going on and is now the jailer of Alleghany I
for a long time and will soon be fin- county, respected by all who know j
best authorities say
will this pack lulls 1,300,
boxes of raisins- This is about
twenty times the output ten
years ago.
She Couldn't Stand It.
The Collector of Customs at Sus- j
Bridge within
week took in duties.
Over bushels of barley pass-
ed, but fully of the
crop still remains in
It stands on the site of the him.
original Delmonico; so well known
to all old time New Yorkers, and
when completed will be a
cent place to take a SI A Henderson girl's principle and
grand down-town resort for bankers, pluck was exhibited last week in no
merchants and brokers. Don't unmistakable manner. Miss Annie j
that the uptown establishment Young left here two weeks ago;
What a great fraud and falsehood
is the monstrosity so far
giving working people higher
wages and lower goods
William a pi inter, of Mun-
insane after set-
ting a inscription of a murder
case and beheaded himself by jump-
in front a railroad train.
If a man noes into a primary or
convention and bis candidate is
de leased, be is a base fellow if he
bolts the ticket nominated. When
he into convention he
promised to abide by its actions.
prising thing to us is that
any decent, sell-respecting, State-
loving can remain in
party which shows its band so
plainly and leaves Si record as
I the 51st Congress in its first session
has Star.
is to be abandoned, for in spite of its
many latter elegant rivals, it is
perhaps as flourishing now as ever.
If any change should be made all
it would perhaps be in the nature of
a further up town. It has
already moved from 11th street to
23rd, and if fashion demands it,
would probably jump to 59th. All
this does not prevent the building
a palatial down-town establishment
at Beaver street. It is a remarkable
fact that while New York is every
for Trenton, N. J., for the purpose j
of teaching. After passing a most
Creditable examination before the j
State Normal School was assigned a I
position. entering her class
room, she was shocked to find her
were a mixture of whites
blacks. Her exit and resignation
were made instanter. She. left at
once Stuarts, Ya., where she has
a pleasant and honorable position.
We are proud of her independence
and pluck, and hope her example will
you know
Mr. Why,
I that your term at
Sing Sing wasn't up for two years.
How did you get out
Salesman Store
from I
give mo a couple of dollars, you say
lot that old second hand instrument
My man, that's a i
A Stradivarius. sir; a genuine, j
It's a fiddle i
Beckon I don't know a fiddle when
I see it I'll give you just 12.25 for
the old thing
You have all varieties of pansies,
I suppose remarked, as he en-
a florist's store.
Yes, sir.
Let me have some chimpanzees,
Instead sending out one preacher
we would send out three This is
and practical
and we trust it will engage the at-
of the brethren. Suppose
when the Convention adjourns
is subscribed for such a cause,
it will be enough one an-
gathering. The Watch Tow
or has ever been the friend of all
educational movements and is de-
to work for a College
under the control the church
until its efforts are crowned with
must take decided ground
on the great of
the age The crimes, deaths,
rows, weepings, tears and heart
aches occasioned by
are enough to the church to
pause how much it is
doing to check the evil.
The number young men going to
gutter and tilling drunkard's
who will do with tin
and the
Five thousand lour hundred and
eighty pounds of paper were con
in the publication of the
Wilmington daring the
Sam Jones meeting.
, Goldsboro Owing to
the bountiful cotton crop this fall,
there is money in circulation
now than I here has been in fie
past twenty years, and the merchants
here tell us that the farmers arc
more readily paying their debts than
ever before.
LaG range We have
noticed recently in driving through
the surrounding country
of fields cotton perfectly white and
not a pound has been picked from
them. ------An effort will be made
during the session of the next
by the Wilmington and
Weldon lo lease or buy the
ion N. C
n. c
year stretching further and be followed by other Southern girls.
Dr. It. M. of
county has come out as an
candidate Congress
against Capt. B. Alexander- Dr.
is of the old issue
will receive vote of
bis party, but nothing more. Capt.
Alexander will snow him under by
an overwhelming
to the North, its old buildings down-
town arc being constantly replaced
by new and more substantial ones.
The Central Pa k menagerie has
just acquired another interesting at-
traction, this time in the form of a
baby It is only a week
old as . is a healthy specimen
of its kind and gives every promise
of becoming in time a robust and full
grown This is the
second born in this
country and the only one living born
in The little -fellow's
brother, born last December, died
Her conduct will be honored by
Ad Able Teacher.
We have beard of leather headed
school teachers, but have just
come in contact with one who caps
the climax of anything that we have
ever heard of from that honorable
profession. This man hired a
key lo cut some wood for him. As
usual the cut the wood too
long, the school teacher bad him
to cut it shorter. He told the
after from would key how much to cot off of both ends
not take its nourishment in the and the asked to lie allowed
way. one, on the con- to cut only one end. The able and
takes its meals once every two J learned scholar commanded him to
hours, spending six of seven minutes j do he was and insisted that
each time. Its mother; who rejoices the wood was as much too long at
in the cognomen of end as the other.
graves are The cries of
The clerk said nothing, but soon widow and orphan; the prayers of j ,
produced some flowers which were wives, mothers and daughters should M
distinctly marked with eyes, nose go unheeded. When a great
gives the liquor traffic a
slab it b s its effect. It tends to
educate public sentiment and quick
en speed of all the
interest in the church and nerves
advocates of temperance to
work harder and more vigilant in
the cause of sobriety home
The questions that may come
before the Convention should be
discussed with zeal and through-
If we differ on questions let
be a brotherly
spirit. Don't take every speech that
is opposed to what you say as a
personal matter. We should love
the less alter a stormy debate
than before. It u only by
that we can arrive at safe
conclusions. We trust the work
the Hooker ton Convention tell
for goad for years to come.
and mouth, like a monkey's face,
This is the variety yon want.
Yea; make a buttonhole bouquet.
Yes. sir.
How asked the customer
when the bouquet was ready.
What never got. any- thing
here under a dollar before
It's all right, protested the clerk,
with a weary look; the shock is
worth the flowers.
The new
Dictionary, just published by
Messrs. G. G. Co.,
is an enlarged and improved
of the work
faithfully represents the numerous
and important changes in all de-
of thought and
edge that have taken place during
years; work bas been in
course of for more than
ten and over one hundred
editorial writers have been employ-
The North Carolina Christian
Missionary Convention will hold its
annual session at Hookerton, be-
ginning to-morrow and continuing
through remainder of the week.
Money Destroyed by Rats.
Tarboro Southerner.
It. F. Bowers, of Bethel, on the day
the circus gave an exhibition that
town was desirous of taking it in, but
before leaving his house he took his
money and carefully wrapped it up
a piece newspaper and went up
stairs and stuck it behind one of the
The money was then allowed to
remain a few days ago when he
went up stairs to get it. To his
row he discovered the rats had taken
the money and appropriated it to
make their nests. He was chagrin-
ed no little when made the discovery,
and he came here Friday and hail it
sent to the government to lie redeem-
amount that was or torn
by the rats was eighty dollars.
was fortunate enough o twenty
dollars of it.
G R E E N V I L J. E. N. C
Greenville, N. C.
l. c. marry
t skinner,
N. C.
N. C.
Practice In all the courts, collection
a Specialty.
Greenville, N.
N. C.
Office In Skinner Building, upper floor,
opposite Photograph Gallery.

Greenville, N. C.
D. J. Editor Proprietor.
Publisher's Announcement.
The is 1.50 per
one one-half column one year,
; or i-quarter column one year,
Transient inch
one week. Si ; two weeks. 81.59; one
month Two inches one week, 81.50,
two until. one month,
Advertisements inserted in Local
Column as reading items, J cents per
line for each Insertion.
Legal Advertisements, such as Ad-
and Notices,
and Sales,
Summons to Non-Residents, etc. will
be charged for at legal rates and must
has suffered some loss and
much because of having no
fixed rule as to the payment of this class
of advertisements, and in order to avoid
future trouble payment is advance
will be demanded.
Contracts for space not mentioned
above, for any length of time, can be
made by application to the office
in person or by letter.
Copy tor New Advertisements and
all changes of advertisements should be
handed in by o'clock on Tuesday
mornings in order to prompt in-
the day following.
The Reflector having a large
will be found a medium
through which to reach the public.
Entered at the Post Office at
Mail Matter.
My With You
Do you know that every man
who desires to vote at this
must register anew Even
if have registered and voted
before, you must register again
under the new Election Law to
vote this year.
Do you want the Republicans
to carry the election and have your
neighbors arrested and put in jail
as in 1868-9 If not, register and
vote the Democratic ticket.
Do wish the to get
control of your county and State
If not, register and vote for the
Democratic nominees.
Do you not know that every
in the State will register
and vote Then so must white
Do you want sol-
with drawn bayonets to meet
at the polls dictate to you
how to vote If not, be sure your
name is on the registration books
and do not fail to vote the straight
Democratic ticket.
You can't register after
so register at once. Don't say
you have not time
your happiness depends on it; the
good name and prosperity of your
State depends on it; honest gov-
and white man's control
depends on it. Delay
may cost the defeat of the party.
Ed Chambers Smith,
Chm. Dem. State Ex. Com.
Greenville Booming Rapidly.
Over Business is one Say.
Few people, even the business men
of Greenville, give our town the
real consideration deserves.
There is an importance attached to
every town and city, or community,
that is measured by the business it
and the amount of moneyed
transactions that occur. To be
plain, it takes people and money to
build up a country, or a town.
Last Saturday was not a big day
in Greenville. The stranger who
stood upon the streets did not think
there was a unusual crowd ere.
But the business of the town as com-
piled on Monday morning showed
that the people are alive to the fact
that Greenville is the place to buy
transact general
Yes, Greenville is booming.
Only thousand
trade handled last Saturday. This
is by actual Prices
here are good for all the products
grown by the farmer and what is to
be bought is as cheap here as
where. Only ten thousand dollars
of Cash per day. Cotton money,
tobacco money, all made on Pitt
county soil, all made by Pitt county
labor. Does not this sound as
though the farmers can be justified
by coming to Greenville to sell and
buy rather than g- to sister towns
The way to build up your town is to
patronize your home people.
Now the tobacco warehouses
and prize Now for a cotton
factory, to utilize and handle the
products of our soil The freights
alone for three years on Pitt county
tobacco and cotton will build a
and warehouses enough to in-
duce our people to patronize home.
Farmers come to Greenville and bring
your products and buy your
and your luxuries Green-
ville is advancing rapidly. Just
think of it, over
cash business in one day.
Everybody busy, everybody making
everybody else happy by the bar-
gains they give. Two of our mer-
chants have this week gone north to
purchase new goods for second
time this season. We propose to
take another census of the town in
short, and see what the increase of
cash business is.
Strangers at the recent Baptist A s-
were astonished that Green-
ville was such a town, and had
a people. The world is finding us
out. The people of the who
have been carrying their products to
other markets are becoming sensible
of the fact, the place tr, served
right is invite all
good people to come to Greenville
and see and learn for themselves.
Even the country stores are boom-
Beard s cob merchant say
on Monday, his sales and collections-
were more than thousand
on Saturday. Truly Pitt county
is a great place.
Negroes without a
The great question now before
the white Republicans is, what
shall be done with the
Private and public meetings hare
been held with a view to organize
them and vote them as in the
past. Independents have been
endorsed in back rooms and over-
have been made but it is a
fact that they are to-day without a
leader. They have no confidence
in the honesty or integrity of their
white allies and are on the
eve of departing from under the
lash that has been held over them
for the last twenty-five years.
The believe that some-
thing is wrong, yes, radically
It takes nine days for a cat to
open her eyes. The have
been twenty-five years waiting
and watching for something to
turn up that would them
acres and a mule. The whits
radicals have been able to dupe
the poor ignorant blacks and force
them to vote for them under
threats, intimidations and
es. The result is they have only
been tools in the hands of the
white Republicans. All that these
white radicals wanted with the
was their votes. The
paying offices have been in the
hands of the white rads and an
occasional crumb has been hand-
ed out to the and these
poor, deluded voters are now
realizing that it is time that they
had either gotten the mule or
some prominent political office.
In some of the counties no Re-
publican nominations have been
made, Independents have been
endorsed and these have been re-
commended to the But
the don't seem willing to
bite at such bait. They don't
hesitate to say that if they have to
vote for a Democrat they prefer
to vote for a straight out and not
for a sore head.
On the day of election you need
not be surprised if the Democrat-
candidates don't receive an
precedented majority. The
feel that their best and
safest friends are those who
their children and take care
of their lame, halt and blind.
with the Democratic party,
pity those ignorant, superstitious
people. They have been shame-
fully imposed upon by those who
never did any thing for them and
never will. It is only by kindness
and gentleness that they will be
won. The day is breaking and
we see the sign in the cloud that
the will soon dissolve his
allegiance to the Republican party
and listen to the advice of his
neighbor and friend. This will
solve the race problem.
The farmer or other head of the
family who pays anywhere from
ten to fifty dollars more, accord-
to the quantity purchased,
winter clothing for himself and
family than the same would have
cost him last year, has a practical
illustration of the meaning of the
extended to him by
the new tariff law enacted by the
Republican majority in Congress
for the special purpose of enrich-
the already wealthy m
who furnish the Republican
party with its campaign
funds. It is for him to decide
by his whether he endorses
the robbery or not.
Mr. Harrison may or may not
ask for the resignation of his
Commissioner of Pensions, but
among honest men, no matter,
what their political opinions may
be, there is no difference of
ion as to what he ought to do.
Commissioner according to
his own statements is unfit to be
at the head of a Government
bureau through which two fifths
of the nation's enormous revenues
are disbursed, and if Mr.
condones the Commission-
offenses by keeping him in
office he will become personally
responsible for them.
m sue.---------
And now it seems that the
Word's Fair is to be classed with
the numerous things injured by
the new tariff law. The latest
European advices says that the
majority of manufacturers refuse
to send any exhibits to Chicago,
taking the ground that it would be
useless expenditure of money
for them to do so as the duties
imposed by the new tariff law are
so high as to practically shut their
goods out of the American mar-
Without exhibits
the World's will be but a
travesty upon its name.
The county canvass moves on
and waxes warm. The
dents fare but common wherever
they show There
seems to be one other
pendent out besides those we
last week, he does
not get around where any of the
speakings are. It is a fellow
named J. A. Walston, and he is
showing little sense enough to
come out in opposition to our
honest and tried veteran,
Willis R. for the Senate.
If he would just let that sterling
Democrat and staunch friend of
the farmer get one whack at him
upon the hustings Walston would
not show his face much more
around in Pitt, but would want to
get off to the whose
poisonous principles he is trying
to diffuse among the people.
How would Pitt county feel with
Joe Walston in the Senate or C. C.
Kirkman in the House There is
not a man in the county, who has
any pride, but who would be
ashamed to go to during
a session of the Legislature if
such representatives were there.
White man vote the Democratic
In Raleigh last week an
educational meeting wan
held at which were many
men of the State. A number
of strong speeches were made, and
from the State Chronicle we clip
the following about one of them
Gov. was next intro-
His deepest sympathy goes
out to the common schools of
State in which the sons of the poor
are to be educated. He
the absurd idea that our public
schools in any sense a charity.
He plead ed for better public schools
and his efforts to make them
more efficient and especially so in the
districts. He wanted
the Legislature to levy a sufficient
las to give ample school facilities to
the children in every district in the
He believed that the school
tax was the least burdensome one
we pay. The Governor spoke in
and patriotic tones this sub-
which lies so near bis heart,
u which he has never given forth
Speaking of the contest for the
next Republican Presidential
nomination, Mr. Benjamin
seems to have an idea that
he is The idea is sot,
however, shared by the
of hi party.
Will Mr. Harrison take care of
his old law partner and present
Attorney General by appointing
him to the vacancy caused by the
death of Justice Samuel F. Miller
on the bench of the Supreme
Court He will if he has his way,
but the Attorney General is not
popular with the Republican boss
es because, as U- S. Treasurer
Huston says, he takes ho interest
in and it is
not probable that Mr. Harrison
will be allowed to have his own
According to the New York
Press, good Republican authority,
the workingmen of this country
must not expect to be
by the new tariff law for a long
time to come, and it ingeniously
advises them to be patient under
their increased living expenses
This advice might be more
ally taken by the workingmen if
they did folly realize that the
same law which is making them
poorer every day is piling up
earned wealth for the favored
A big lawyer named Cochran
out in California has laid claim to
acres of land in the south-
western portion of North Carolina.
Does he want the earth It looks
that way by his claiming so much
of it at one time. He purports to
be a descendant of William
ran to whom a grant for this land
was made in 1795. It is the gen-
opinion that he will not get
a foot of what he claims.
If the ladies who intend buying
or haying already bought the ma-
for their winter dresses
could at the Congressional
elections, Republicans would be
mighty scarce in the next House
of Representatives. Dress goods
have been largely increased in
price on account of the higher
duties imposed by the new Re-
publican tariff law.
Capt. W. J. Rogers, the Demo-
nominee for Congress in
the Second District, has declined
because of ill health and will not
run. The Executive Committee
of the District thought it best not
to make another nomination, as it
would be impossible to canvass
the District thoroughly before the
Washington Letter.
From Our Correspondent.
D. Oct. W.
There's a limit to all things, even
to republican audacity, Mr. Harri-
son, after a rather stormy discussion
in which his cabinet was
equally divided, has reached the
conclusion that it would be certain
defeat to bis party at the
elections for him to issue a
proclamation convening Congress
in extra session for the sole purpose
passing Force bill and
Congressional apportionment bill,
two measures intended to
power of the republican
party. This conclusion is another
victory for Mr. Blame over the
wing of his Blame
has never wavered in his opposition
to the Force Dill
Flower and the Democratic
Congressional Campaign
said a member of that com-
to me, all right, ind the
democrat who abuses Mr. Flower
for his management of the cam-
does not know what he is
about. From day on
which he was elected chairman of
committee to present time,
he has not made the slightest move
without first consulting Senator-
elect Hi ice, chairman of the Nation-
committee, and Senator Gorman,
and nothing has been done
their approval. Now if those two
gentlemen do not know how to con
duct a campaign no one in
party does. Of course Mr.
Flower has been to a certain extent
hampered by the lack of money, but
that is nothing new to democratic
campaign managers. The demo-
party has never had a large
corruption campaign and
hope it never will. If we cannot
win purchasing votes I
to lose. unless all of my
information is at fault we shall car-
the House in spite of the
money, with
the republicans are so
Ex-Senator Kellogg, once the
Moses in Louisiana, sees
prospect of bis party
House. He
men and politicians with whom I
have republicans
declare that new tariff law will
operate to disadvantage of the
party and will lose us the House in
the ensuing elections. It will have
a tendency to drive away farm-
vote when that class ascertains
that the cost of many articles of
prime necessity is directly increased
by reason the bill. A
rise in prices all along the line
seems to be expected, and as that
means additional burdens the
consumer, great complaint is
It seems quite reasonable
i here lore to expect that the demo
will carry the House. In
I don't think the republicans
will win a Congressional dis
Strange things happen here. Yes-
W. W.
en as Secretary of War In Gram's
cabinet, la order to keep from
being impeached m connection with
selling Indian
ships by bis wife, was buried with
military honors in Arlington
tery, War department was
closed in bis honor and the building
heavily draped with mourning.
This of closing a Government
department on account of the death
of some man who years before was
at its bead is a senseless custom at
best, and what a mockery in
The funeral services of late
Justice Miller were held in the
Supreme Court room yesterday
afternoon, and last night the re-
mains, accompanied by a
escort left on a special train
Iowa, where the inter-
is to take place. scramble
place he left vacant is
already quite lively among the
Attorney General Mil-
on account his
with Mr. Harrison, has the
inside track, but it is by no means
certain that he will get prize.
Secretary Noble would gladly take
it, but says he
will not, if bis soldier influence can
prevent it. would
not object, although be would only
have about eight years to serve
before be came eligible for retire-
but they say East isn't in
it. Senator several
other gentlemen have friends here
working their behalf, and
folks who are opposed to
Attorney General Miller are trying
to do something for Judge
Before Congress reassembles the
number of candidates will be large-
Representative Kerr, who is
of Democratic State
committee of Pennsylvania, was
here week. He says that
ism is doomed in that State, and
if election was held now Del-
would be defeated by from
to majority,
Marlboro and Items
m J.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES
MEAT and
Car Load Feed Oats, Car load Corn, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis
Heavy Mess Pork, Granulated Sugar.
Sugar, Gail A Ax all
Rail Road Mills Snuff. Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Lard.
Cases Star Lye, Gross Matches.
Also full line Baking Powders, Soda, Soap, starch, Tobacco, Cigars,
Cakes Crackers, Candles, Canned Goods, Wrapping Paper, Paper Sacks.
wholesale trade on huge quantities of the
Special prices given to
above goods.
-When in need of-
We sell low for cash.
The leading General Merchandise dealers in
What Are You For
Our Stock is Goods Prices Low.
It,, ft,
The Latest in Styles, in Quality, Utmost in Variety, have been combined by in
Fall and winter stock Offerings Will Not and Can Not Be Surpassed.
The Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee has at last
succeeded in getting its text book
into print. It will doubtless prove
very valuable and interesting
the hangers on around the com-
rooms at Washington, and,
owing to the nearness of election
day it will not circulate much
farther, the pity.
Nothing brings speedier wealth
than a good patent. If you have
an idea, write describing it, to
Messrs. O. A. Snow Co., Patent
opposite U. Patent
Office, Washington, D. C, and they
will inform yon free of charge
whether it is patentable. Bead
their advertisement in this paper.
The Elizabeth City
refers to the Republican candid
date as O. M.
a a Limit Below which Honest Goods can not be Sold. We Piece our Prices it the Low Water Mark for Safe and
October 17th, 1890.
On September 27th, 1890, it was the
will of Almighty God to visit our Al-
with His death angel the first
time and remove from our midst our
worthy and beloved brother, John A.
Smith, be it
Besotted, 1st, That a a friend and
brother of our order we will cherish his
memory though dead as if living.
Resolved 2nd. That in his death the
Alliance has lost a worthy member, the
community a valuable citizen, and his
family an affectionate husband and
Resolved 3rd. That this Alliance ten-
to his bereaved wife, our much es-
teemed sister, and also to his children,
our heart-felt sympathy and condolence,
piously commend to them the
promises of Him who has declared
Himself the husband of the widow
the father of the fatherless.
Resolved 4th, That a copy of these
resolutions be spread on the minutes of
the Alliance, one sent to the family of
the deceased brother, and one to the
Reflector and
Farmer for publication.
G. F. Smith,
W. Sec'y.
FOB Greene county, N.
Cone of the finest farms for Cotton
Tobacco, Corn, Grain General Pro-
ducts of the soil in the State; known as
the Streeter Plantation. The farm con-
of enough cleared land for horses
to cultivate, but only about horse
crops to be cultivated annually.
About half of the land has rested this
year, a rule I adopted a few years since.
I will rent this farm to any good man
on reasonable term. Those wishing to
rent call on Dr. E. H.
tee, at Willow Green.
For particulars
The notes, account books and other
evidences of debt due E. C Glenn
been placed in my hands for
I hereby request all persons
de to him to call at office within next
days and make settlement.
This Oct. 7th P. G. James.
-A full line of-
Cooking and Heating
Hardware and Tinware
A full line just received.
All to be sold low as can be
-------FOR CASH.------
We wish to say to our everywhere that we have the
largest and best selected stock that it has eyer been our pleas-
to place before you. And beg of you that you will
inspect our stock and compare quality, quantity and
prices Riven you anywhere else by any first class
house. We realize that competition is the
life of trade but we are fully abreast of
the times and feel able to meet any
competitor fairly and squarely.
We give our customers the
very best that can be
bought for the
invested in that
article. We are with
the people in their de-
that they shall buy
goods cheap. And we promise all
who stall give us their patronage
that they shall have them cheap. If you
fail to get as good bargains, when you buy
of some one else, as your neighbor gels who buys
of us, you have only yourself to blame, because we
have invited you time and again to come in and see us.
Our invitation to all people is this LEARN OP US, KNOW
US, BUY OF US. With these three injunctions ringing fresh in
your ears every week, we again ask you to come and examine the
following lines of General Merchandise
Staple Fancy Dry Goods
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Farming Implements,
Heavy Fancy Groceries
Flour a Specialty,
WoodS- Willow Ware,
Trunks and Valises,
Harness and Whips.
Success ban crowned efforts
of oar farmers thin year for they
have been blessed with an
crop of corn, cotton, tobacco
Indeed there is snob a crop of
cotton made that it seems a very
difficult thing for oar farmers to get
it housed, they are offering fifty
cents per hundred to have it picked
bands seam very scarce.
News Las just reached of
burning Mr. T. L. gin
It is said that Are broke
oat from a pistol cartridge which
was in cotton. There was about
ten bales of cotton destroyed. We
understand there was no insurance.
Mrs. Pattie Fuller, with beau-
and charming daughter Miss
Nannie from Wilmington is
visiting Mis. Nannie Joyner of
Sunday Mr. W. If. or Farm-
ville was oat to with his fine
horse and new baggy and every
bod was admiring it, and we can
say that this is hand-
boggy we have ever seen.
We wish to call the attention of patrons
to the splendid line of NOTIONS and
FANCY GOODS which we have added
-----to our stock of
Besides-being able to suit your tastes in
all styles of Hats and Bonnets, trimmed
we are now prepared to
furnish the very nicest articles in
sets, Ladies Hose, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs,
Handkerchiefs, Dress
Wear. A skilled lady milliner.
Greenville, N. C.
We are ready to take orders for
for next season.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
as Executor of Featherstone Spain, de-
ceased, hereby gives notice to all per-
sons indebted to the estate to make .
mediate payment, and all having
claims against said estate are notified to
present the same for payment on or be-
fore the 20th day of October, 1891, or
this notice will be plead in bar of re-
This 20th of October, 1890.
William Spain.
Ex. of Featherstone Spain.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified on the 18th day
of October, 1890, as Executrix of the
last will and testament of John A.
Manning, deceased, notice Is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the es-
state to make payment at once, and per-
sons having claims against the estate
must present them, properly
to the undersigned on or before the
20th day of October, 1891. or this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery.
20th of October, 1890.
Charlotte Manning,
Ex of John A. Manning.
Wanted at once COO to hands, white
or colored f years to work in
our Canning Factory, Hands can make
to 81.60 per day at piece work.
Apply at once.
J. CO.,
Washington, N, C,
Pitt Co. N. C.
Just three more days In which you
register. White , will
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
of is
We have had many ex
at business and are
prepared to handle Cotton
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hand will receive prompt and
A Farm to Let.
A small farm, containing acres
cleared land miles from Washington,
to lease for five years free of charge to
any one who will improve it.
Apply to J. A. BURGESS,
N. C
We are making a specialty of
and are receiving the finest
line ever brought to Greenville
Our stock will be complete
embracing every size made.
Our popular
still stands at the head. Our
other brands are all good. We
have the heaviest Stove for
money ever on
market. We carry a full line
of Pipe and Fix-
Tinware, Hardware,
Saw Nails, Paints,
Oils, Doors and Sash, Glass
and Putty.
We want to see everybody
that wants a Cook Stove. We
are prepared to supply the
A New Beef Market.
Opened in Greenville. Johnson, Nor-
ft Co. have opened a market at
their store opposite Skinner's Opera
House- We respectfully ask a liberal
share the patronage of the citizens of
Greenville and the county generally.
in the country having Beeves,
Hogs, Goats, Sheep or to sell will
do well to call on as soiling else.
After a business
of twenty five
years we do not hesitate
to tell you that we can
and do offer you bargains
that have never before
been heard of in this
county, and each
season we are at
work trying to serve your
interests faithfully.
We are headquarters in this market for Furniture and ask yon
to look at our fine of Suits, both Walnut and cheaper woods,
Bureaus, Bedsteads, single and double, Mattresses and Bed
Springs, Children's Beds, Cribs and Cradles, Washstands, Cane
and Wood seat Chairs, and Rocking Chairs,
Children's and Dining and
lots other things too numerous to mention. We thank yon for
past favors trust and believe that you will continue to patron-
for we work not alone for our interest but also for yours.
For I Sale
Is now an established fact and commends it-
self to the readers of the We have
no enemies to punish, or friends to reward.
Don't pay one man as a means to rob his neigh-
buy Tobacco on its merits and stand ready
to compare sales with any market in the State.
Try us and be convinced, proof of the pudding is
the We will pay for all Hogs-
heads used in shipping to us. Prompt personal
attention given the sale of every pile of tobacco
on our floor, and SAVE you over a third in
charges of what you pay in other markets to
have your tobacco sold. Give us a trial.
Your friend,
Ed. M. PACE.
Sales every day
We make no loud but will pay as much for any
all grades of tobacco---------
As any House Anywhere.
We guarantee all patrons the best possible attention and
personal attention
Every Let of Tobacco pat on air Flows.
We know that a poor sale means a loss of patronage and w at
business men cannot afford
Empty Hogsheads furnished free. Find them with A.
Greenville, or with E. Harris, Falkland.
Our market b the best market for bright tobacco in the
and our facilities for handling tobacco as good as anybody s
we will do all we can to please you if you will give us a trial.
Our house is the best lighted in town and we have every
advantage that can be had on a loose market. Give us a trial
be convinced.
.- . . .

Greenville, N. C
Local parks
New Good Goods
ever the like of New Goods
at They are
have knocked the
bottom out of prices and will sell
now than ever before.
Then terms will be strictly CASH.
Henderson, N. C.
Is the leading place
For farmers to sell tobacco.
If want the highest prices
Don't to ship your tobacco
To N. G.
Go to Brown Bros, for Shoes.
Frost is in the sir.
A good Dray for sale. Apply to
Highest cash prices paid for cot-
ton H. F. Keel
Best in the world Floor at J B.
Tarboro Fair nest week.
Nice and Shoes
at Brown Bros.
Ladies, examine Brown
Of Dress Goods.
A few shares of City Stock
for sale by J. J. Cherry.
Weldon Fair nest week.
Brown Bros, are selling good
Calico for yard.
For your Furniture
go to J B Cherry Go's.
Try some of the new corned
lets at the Old Brick Store.
A nice line of crockery etc cheap
and low at J. B. Cherry Co's.
You go and register to-day.
For Latest Style Hats and low
price go to J. B. Cherry Co's.
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
and sick at the Old Brick Store.
Dixon's custom made Shoes for
children and ladies, at Brown Bros.
Largest and cheapest line of
Shoes Town at J. B. Cherry
A box of nice paper envelopes
for cents, at Deflector Book
Hotels well patronized of late.
Carolina Plaid
cents Per yard at J. B. Cherry
Glasgow Evans has just received
a fine load of horses direct from
It you want to insure lite
the best company the
States to J. J.
Davis and New Home sewing
Machines for sale by J. C. Lanier,
office at Brown Bros. Store.
For the last time we
For a Due drive or work horse
call on Glasgow Evans. A new lot
jut arrived.
Brown Bros, don't sell at cost nor
below cost, but as to it as any
reliable firm
The fillet loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Lace Flour, at
the Old Brick Store.
Heavy cotton shipments recently.
Pupils are coming in the James
High School at Pitt Co., N.
C, from all over State.
Our one dollar Solid Leather
Shoes for man or woman give entire
satisfaction. J. B. Cherry Co.
What, a Solid Leather Shoe for
one dollar for either or
W here At J. B. Cherry Co's.
Tobacco about
ladies who have examined
stationery at the Reflector
Bock Store are delighted with it.
Purchasers wanted for boxes
of nice paper and envelopes to
match, at Reflector Book
James High School has a
from Durham and one from Eliza-
beth City. counties are now
A touch of fall weather we have
Why is it that every one who
goes to J. B. Cherry
happy Because
Co's are
are pleased
with their Bargains.
per lb for Sweet
Snuff. lb bold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick
gold horse shoe medal
with letters G. engraved
thereon. The finder will be re-
warded by leaving it at this office-
Cotton took a tumble in price last
Subscriptions for all the leading
papers and magazines are taken at
the Reflector Book Store.
Save yourself trouble by leaving
order with as.
Your We
have a nice lot of Hyacinth and
Tulip bulbs direct from Holland for
ale cheap, apply to Alien Warren
ft Son, Greenville, N. G.
The depot building st is
Fob Farm
on Tar River for 1891, or longer on
certain conditions. Apply to J.
at Pitt On. N. C.
B. S.
To The Thursday
Oct. 30th at o'clock A. M. at the
Court House I will address the
on the political issue of the
Come one come all and be convert-
ed. J- A. Walston
Anything boy front our mar-
not satisfactory may re-
tan it and money will be re
funded. We heap fresh beef, pork,
kid. ,
patronage. Johnson,
Mr. A. F. is clerking for
Capt. White.
Mrs. John Duckett is spending a
few days at Hamilton.
Mr. J. J. Nobles. Jr., is attending
Davis School at Winston.
Mrs. Proctor, mother of one of the
Reflector compositors, is very sick.
Miss Sarah Blount, of Grifton, is
visiting the family of Dr. W. M. B.
Mrs. Gardner, of Hamilton,
spent last week visiting Mrs. John
Mr. J. J. Cherry, Jr., gone to
Tarboro t take as clerk at
Hotel Farrar.
Mr. J. B. Yellowley is confined to
his home with sickness. He is threat
with pneumonia.
Hon. Germain Bernard, formerly of
Greenville but now of Pilot
is visiting his old home.
Mi. Robert has been
sick the last two weeks at the home
of his brother, Mr. C. T.
Mr. J. E. Barrett, Foreman of the
Kinston Free made the Re-
a call on Saturday.
Mrs. P. E Dancy left last week for
Philadelphia to spend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Goodwin.
Mis Martha Tyson returned home
last week from Baltimore, where she
had been to take advanced courses in
study of music.
Master John Home, one of
boys, and Master Will
Blow, our Carrier, were both sick last
week, but are at their posts again.
Miss Williamson, Wash-
D. C, and Master Jones,
of Suffolk, spent part of last
week with the family of Mr. J. D.
Mrs. Mary Watson, of Asheville,
Miss Susie Shields, of Scotland Neck,
Miss Bessie Alsop and Master Sam-
Alsop, of are visiting the
family of Mr. J. H. Tucker. Mrs.
Dr. Fleming, of Warrenton, was also
a guest of the family part of last week
We hear lint Engineer Langston
on the freight met with an ac
at Goose Nest, other day,
in which his leg was. badly hurt. It
is also reported that a had
his arm mashed while coupling cars
at Kinston.
J. T. one of Pitt
county's most enthusiastic tobacco
farmers and one of her most useful
citizens, sold a lot of tobacco here
this week. It averaged He
was well pleased the Wilson
What Two Did.
Not many days ago Miss Lily-
Mayo, of Falkland, graded stacks
of tobacco in one day, and Miss Liz
Savage tied the same, making
1777 ties in the day. This is
did work for young ladies and
doubt if they can be beaten.
An Invitation
The Kinston rifle club has invited
the Greenville military company
send a team of five men to shoot
against the same number of the club
on the day of the railroad
Oct. 30th, the Greenville team
to be the guest of our
Free Press.
First frost of the season yesterday
A little frost now will brace up the
persimmon about right.
Give the county roads mother
touch before winter sets in.
The change in the weather has
filled the land with bad colds.
There will be a ball at Farmville
on the evening of November 5th.
Trade was better in Greenville last
Saturday than it has been day
in years.
When the weather so it will
kill out flies and there will
be more joy in the land.
Bear in mind that Hon. W. M.
Robbins will speak at Bethel nest
Saturday. Be there to hear him.
The Guard had a meeting Friday-
evening, but the attendance was so
slack that a drill could not be had.
Mrs. Charlotte Manning, Executor
of John A. Manning, decease ad-
a notice to creditors in this
Mr. W. R. Home sold a large lot
tobacco in Henderson last week,
averaging something over per
The cotton crop is large enough
for subscribers to come on and pay
what they owe the Reflector. Don't
keep us please.
The Goldsboro Fair is in progress
this week. We return thanks for a
complimentary ticket that was re-
a few days since.
Attention is called to the notice to
creditors by William Spain,
tor of Spain, deceased,
to be found in this paper.
Several hunters have been out
after partridges the last few days.
The Reflector will take a day off
and go about Christmas.
Candidates for Constable should
be placing their orders tor tickets so
as to have them in time. The Re-
is ready to print them.
Prof. Matthews and Bob
went out hunting Saturday and
brought bacK twenty-three par-
Good shots, both of them.
Mrs. S. V. White-head desires to
rent out that splendid plantation
known as Streeter See
advertisement that appears in an-
other column.
The colored people had a large as
last week at a church two
miles from Greenville. Many were
passing through town going out to
the meeting.
The well at Five Points was being
overhauled All pub-
wells should be put in good con-
as water might be needed if
a fire should occur.
Mr. J. J. Nobles was showing in
town, the other day, a last years cot-
ton stalk that had sprouted and
fruited this year. It matured nine
good bolls of cotton.
Those of you who promised our
agent to call at the office n a few
days and pay what yon owe the Re-
are requested to please
fill that promise.
E. A. Taft Co., have an aver
to-day. They are
to sell for cash and have marked
prices low down. Give them a call
and learn of their bargains.
A wedding party from
Washington to Tarboro dined at the
King House here last Friday. The
bride and groom were Miss Annie
Myers, of Washington, and Mr. John
W. Charles, of Tarboro.
Five boxes will be used at the
election Nor. 4th, one for Judicial
ticket one for Congressional, one for
Legislative, one for County, one for
Constable. Every voter bear this in
mind and look after his tickets.
Railroad men are worked almost
to death now. Trains due here at
o'clock, p. m. are often from four to
seven hours late. The company
ought to be humane enough to
on trains to do work.
The extends
to Capt. B. B. the
clever conductor of freight train
over this branch of the Coast line,
i He was married on tits lath inst. to
Irene Ha of Booty Moot.
A few days since were up in
Dr. dental office and found
him splendidly fitted up. His re-
room is handsomely furnished
and his operating room is supplied
with the best appliances. He is en-
at the liberal patronage be-
stowed upon him since opening.
Hon. W. M. Robbins will address
the people of Pitt county at Bethel
on Saturday, October 25th.
Hon. M. W. Ransom will address
the people or Pitt county at Green
ville on October 28th.
Alex L. Blow,
Chm. Dem. Ex Com.
done North Again.
Mr. W. B. Brown, of the firm of
Brown Hooker, went North
day for a second purchase of new
goods. Heavy sales is cleaning their
stock right out and they must fill
up again. The cash sales of that
firm last Saturday amounted to
No wonder they have to go on after
more goods.
A Stirring Firm-
A gentleman who was recently at
Grimesland brings up a good report
from J. O. Proctor Bro., of that
place, who are advertisers in the Re-
He says they are doing a
tremendous business and sell large
quantities of goods. Up to last Fri-
day they had bought bales of
cotton, their purchases running from
to bales a day. They have a
gin also that turns out bales a
day. They are stirring, enterprising
young men that compose this firm,
and we are to know they are
doing such a good business.
Strong at Eighty.
Mr. Van R. of Lenoir
county, was in town a few days ago
visiting his daughter, Mrs. O- P.
He is about years old
and is a remarkable man for bis age.
He w from his home to Grifton,
a distance of four miles, took the cars
there and came to Greenville. It
was the first time he ever was on a
train. When he went to return
home be took the train here after
dark and said he was going to walk
home that night iron. even if
the train did get there late. Few
men are so well preserved and can
take such walks at this advanced age.
Another North
That popular merchant, M. R.
Lang, went North yesterday to
purchase goods for the second time
this season. Going after goods twice
the same season is unusual, but his
sales have recently been so
dented as to make it necessary. Mr.
Lang knows the and
keeps just the lines of goods that
please the ladies every time,
he is not troubled with shelf
worn goods and always has the new-
est out of everything. His sales so
far this month have amounted to as
much as for both the months of
and November last year. Read
his notice this week.
What Another
Upon returning
last week, editor of
Scotland Neck Democrat had some
very nice things to say about our
town and people. We clip the three
items below from bis excellent pater.
Twenty-five persons from Scotland
Neck attended tho Baptist
in Greenville last week, and
every one was highly pleased with
the hospitality shown them. All are
loud in their praises of the Green-
ville people of every religious de-
nomination, and are irons of an
opportunity to pay the Greenville
folks back in their own coin. Every
one whom we have talked with seem.-d
to think that be or she bad the very
best that could have been
cured in the town. The town is
proving and has stores and other
business that look like things in a
The entire population Green-
ville were on the vive for the
pleasure and comfort of every single
visitor to the association. A more
noble and warm hearted people can
not be found in all the land of
South, where everything that pertains
to whole-souled hospitality is pro-
There are many more
things the Democrat would like to
say for Greenville and its very clever
people, but want of space forbids
it. Of all the people we have ever
seen we would select those of Green-
ville next after those of Scotland
Among the many other good thing
that Greenville has, is one of the best
equipped country newspaper offices
we have seen. And if there is a
newspaper editor in the state who is
more of a general favorite among his
people than Bro. Whichard, editor of
Reflector, we hare not seen or
heard of him.
The people of Pitt county are to
have the opportunity of hearing some
good speeches by leading men of the
State between now and the election.
W. M. Bobbins is to speak at
Bethel next Saturday. Senator Matt.
W. Ransom will be in Greenville on
Tuesday next. The same day Hon.
W. A. B. Branch, our candidate for
Congress, will speak here. Mr.
Branch will also be at Black Jack on
Wednesday, and at Bethel on
Thursday, 30th. Mr. E. C Bedding-
field, Secretary of the State
Alliance, will speak at Grifton on
Thursday, 30th. people should
turn out and hear these distinguish-
ed gentlemen.
Pitt County Association.
The next meeting of
Association will be held in the
Academy at Grifton, Saturday, Nov.
Address by J. B. Yellowley, Esq.
of the Trials of Young Teach
Miss Ida and Miss
Emma Hines. Practical Education,
Prof. C. H. James. Physiology and
Hygiene in the Schools, Dr. B. T.
Cox. Discussions on various other
topics connected with school work.
The exercises will commence
promptly at o'clock in the morn-
A large attendance is earnestly
desired. Jon
Tho ow T Ira.
On first page of the to-
day appears a large advertisement of
A the new firm just
opened in Greenville. firm is
composed of Mr. C. A. one of
Young Bros., of Wilson, Mr. C.
W. formerly of Richmond.
Mr. has the management of
the store here and bears the
of a thorough business man.
Their salesmen are Capt J. H. Ba-
who for several years has been
with Blanch A Co, Mr. J. F.
Joyner, of Greenville, who is a sales-
man of large experience. They will
carry a complete stock of general
merchandise and have a motto
price to We for the
new firm a liberal patronage at the
A fee
There is not a better butcher in
Greenville than Frank Johnson.
The other day two hogs were brought
to him from miles in the country.
He cut them both up for retail and
lost from the two less than one pound
from the original weight at the
slaughter pro. He thoroughly
cutting beef and meats for
family use.
We bear a C. Kirkman had
an appointment to speak at the
meeting in Swift Creek township last
Congressional Canvass.
Hon. W. A. B. Branch, candidate
for in the First District,
will address the people at follow-
times and
Hamilton, Monday, Oct
ville, Monday night Oct
Greenville, Tuesday, Ont
Black Jack, Wednesday, Oct
Bethel, Thursday, Oct
night Oct
Jamesville, Friday. Oct
Old Ford. Friday night
Aurora, Nov.
Lang's t.
Scraps from Grifton.
Our merchants have their fall
stock all in store, and trade is re-
Water in and
rivers is st low ebb. Bad on the
steam boat business
Cotton has been coming in mar-
quite briskly past week,
with sales at 9.40 to 9.60.
Our to has been blessed with
over abundance of Commercial
salesman during the past week.
Mr. Adolph Colin, of Craven, has
been in town several days visiting
bis daughter, s. W. Brooks.
A. M. Duffy from New was
in town one day, past week
working for interest of the New
One of our good widow-
bought on the train the other
day a letter writer. Look out girls,
for some nice letters.
Our little town is still on a boom,
stores, dwellings and other
buildings are rapidly going up.
Our merchants hare all can do.
Messrs. J. S. Tucker, C. P. Gas-
kins, Samuel J. Z. Brooks
J. C. Griffin, W. H. Patrick J.
J. B. Cox of this place made a fly-
lug trip to Friday, 10th
The farmers have had
weather past week for housing
crops and have made good use
it in this section. Quite a
lot of nice pea vines and grass
hay have saved past two
Three of our young men went to
Greenville 10th inst to buy some
wedding clothes so madam run or
says, and perhaps Mr. D. H. James,
Register of Deeds, can tell in an-
other week who the licenses are for.
John yon had just as well own up.
Mr. S. H. Abbott one of our
who went Texas
last spring, returned home on Hie
13th inst. He says Texas is all
right and says North Carolina has
lots of men out there that
are doing well, still there is no
place like home.
B. J. Johnson, pastor of
M. E. Church, preached a very in-
sermon on and
will protract a series of meetings
through the week. F. S. Bee-
ton came in town Monday to assist
in the meeting bas preached
some very able sermons.
A revenue officer was town
up some fire
brand, called brandy and whiskey
Messrs. Gaskill Barrington of
New were town several
days the past week Belling pianos
and organs and other musical in-
Mr. Gaskill has opened
a house in New
A good number of our citizens
have attended the Association at
Greenville past week, bat on
Sunday did not on
regular schedule and quite a lot of
persons were left. conductor
not wait for the passengers
to get on and it has been case
ever since passenger train bas
been on. The train hardly
stops long to get off or on,
and it is shameful that passengers
should be treated a nay.
or persons were left Sunday, for
want of time to get on.
Prof- C- H. school at this
place is growing larger all while,
new students enter every week.
Entertainments are given at the
Academy every Friday night and
Friday night 10th inst. Mr. S. V.
audience with a speech of half an
hour on education. Miss
Carraway, assistant and
teacher delivered an essay that if
possible was beyond good.
campaign has opened and it is
said one of candidates by
name of Skinner has took-all the
bide off C. C Kirkman who claims
to be an alliance candidate. How
he became an alliance candidate is
a mystery, unless he was con-
that pat him In nomination.
Mr. Harry Skinner paid his ex-
to the Congressional Con-
to Elizabeth City, Aug. 12th
and now to show his gratitude tor
the favor Kirkman is doing all be
to defeat him Demo-
ticket in Pitt county.
gratitude, what a jewel.
correspondent asks and re-
quests every white man in Pits
to register, and see that his
register. The time will
Won expire.
-Is now in-
Northern Markets
for the-
this season making
He will add to his stock the
Styles aid Fashions
in every d
you see some
of his selections be-
fore making purchases.
Millinery, Etc.
Our Mammoth Stock of Stylish-
mum .; GOODS
Just received. There has never been a
better selection brought to this market.
Will lead in Style and
Sell at Low Prices.
We have none but the best Milliners.
Higgs Sisters,
Fall Styles. Greenville, N. C-
-1 their year's supplies will And It to
their Interest to get our prices before
here. h complete
in all branches.
always at Lowest Market
buy direct Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods arc all bought and
sold for CASH, having no
to run, sell at a close margin.
Greenville. N. V.
It is the interest of every lady want-
Stylish Millinery to see
Mrs. E. A. Sheppard,
before making purchases. She is still
to the front with a beautiful stock and
defies competition in styles prices.
With her large experience in the
she is prepared to suit the tastes of
every purchaser. Call at her residence
on Avenue,
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes
We have just received and opened a beautiful line of new
Fall and Winter Goods.
I shall be glad to have my old friends come to
see us, and assure them that we can sell the goods
Give us a trial and be convinced that the way to buy goods is for
the spot cash.
Greenville, N. C, January, 1890.
Bullock Mitchell,
We beat the world on high averages. With ample capital, one
of the best lighted houses in the State and a good working force
we defy competition. WE FURNISH HOGSHEADS ON
PLICATION. The Oxford tobacco market is as firm and as solid
as the granite of the everlasting mountains, and we
would say to the handed sons of of Eastern Carolina
that we will to get for them as much money for their
Tobacco as any other on this or any other market.
Every lot entrusted to oar care shall have our personal attention.
All we ask is a trial. Very truly,
Reliable Goods.
The above is what
the people need and not so
much cheap goods which
prove to be costly
We carry a full line of
m maim,
Is Show,
assortment and many
other minor lines that are
by dry goods stores
a. m.
Calicoes Checked Home-
spun White Homespun fl to
eta, Worsted to 81.00.
Shoes to Bras S
eta. Needles and more
besides for Soap
Caps to cents. Hats
to Pants Goods
to and many other
things in proportion.
Calicoes eta, Checked Horn,
White Homespun to
Worsted to
81.00 to Brass t
Needles papers more
for S
Caps to Hate lo
s to Pants eta to
1.16. and other la

e. o.
-------AND DEAl ER IN-------
Greenville, N. C.
Mm to the of Pitt and -unwinding counties, line of the following good
not to in tins market. And
goods. GOODS of all kinds. NOTIONS
kind- TOO, Hay. Rock Time. Paris, and PU
Hair. Harness, and
X. T. Spool Cotton width offer to the trade at Wholesale
seal per tees S per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
i Hall's Star jobbers Price-. White Lead an. MM
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
J. D.
Has Moved to One Door Court
Factory well with the best Mechanics. put up nothing
bat ASS WORK. We up with the times and improved styles.
Rest material in all work. All Styles of Springs are you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Horn, King.
Mm keep on hand a full e of ready .
round, which we will -ell as AS the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
the people of this aim count-. for past fat or hope
merit continuance of the
Mrs. Michael
the statement that she caught
cold, which settled her lungs; she
was for a month by her family
physician. grew worse. He toM
She was a hopeless victim of
and that no could cure
her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's
New Discovery for
bought a bottle, and to her delight found
herself benefited from first dose. She
continued its use and after taking ten
bottles, herself sound and well,
now docs her own housework and is as
well as she ever was. Free trial bottles
of this Discover at J.
Drug Stoic, large bottles and
If you arc suffering with weak or in-
flamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, you
can be cured by using Dr. J. U.
Lean's Strengthening
Tl goes right to the said an
old man, who was rubbing in Dr. J. H.
Volcanic Oil Liniment to re-
N. C.
Sam Jones and His Teaching.
Watch Tower.
The. Sam P. Jones,
for ISM, by K. Hicks,
to am of a two-cent
postage stamp. The Dr. J. II.
Medicine Co. St. Louis,
The Beat Salve in the world .-Cuts
Sores, Ulcers, Malt
Fever Sores. Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures or no-
it quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect or money refunded
Trice at cents per For said J.
L. woolen.
la T i From all
of tie pot.
f . to Pr f.
A. I. Aw. New Task.
rats to
Portraits, and cuts colleges, hotels, factor-
machinery, made from
Prices stamp for specimen sheets.
Frets Agency,
New York City.
Blood Cure.
A standard remedy-
in than years. A
cure for Dyspepsia,
Prostration, Constipation diseases of
the Wood. Stomach and
A botanical compound, put up in packages
and sent by mail t one third the erst
medicine. for
quarts. half-size
for pints. sample c.
A Agent in this locality.
Fall Term
TUITION from month.
Board from ; s to
One hundred and live were
rolled sixteen of which
For farther particulars address
Bethel, N. C.
Ga the most Evan-
am Revivalists of America
has concluded his series of
Wilmington. The result
about 1,500 conversions
raised. this snug sum Mr.
received for his services.
This is lair pay ten days work.
The attendance meet-
was from to
city and sin l-.-ii in hug country
from to
We determined to go down
hear him, but business engage-
prevented. His sermons
were, published lull in the
papers we have given
reading. Mr.
says that the has reported
So we judge him by
what he said did.
The city ministers gave the Evan-
a warm reception. Dr.
did no seem to lake in
the as he gave the
Evangelist the honor his pres-
It is our object, in this editorial,
to notice the good bad side of
Mr. teaching. We always
like the good side of all questions
and we will at the good
The Atlanta
in more people than any mail on
the Nor W tins to the
tact that he is witty and uses slang.
His and humor are
strong tract ions, but
added to Ibis he is a pulpit
A man that speaks to such a null
as Mr. is do-
good, to at least. While
many may be drawn to him
Tie name that him,
I is a fact, that many ac to hear
lot the they to
is array sin all
its and phases M
from the Evangelist. -He
denounces it in unmeasured terms.
He makes sin in Gentile
Jew. He I ales sin because it
is sin. The bar-room,
dens, club houses and
other places where sin is fostered
denounced as anti-chambers
bell. No man can use sledge
blows at crime and not he-
doing The in
which he strikes may be a of
out Sam Junes could
Steam Engines Boilers
Improved Brawn Cotton Gin,
Grist Mid Shingle
Hancock Gin,
Cotton See.
Also in Steam fittings.
Orders for any kiwi of
be prompt; fill
K. i. Ill MIS R,
Tax in I
S. ;
H. M. Tarboro,
i apt. B. P.
The travel o-i
The Steamer is the
boat on the river.
been repaired,
and painted.
Kitted up specially for the comfort.
and of
b.-i the market affords.
A trip on die Steamer i
not v Comfortable but
Leaves Washington Monday. Wednesday
at ii. o'clock. A M.
Leaves Tarboro Tue-day,
Saturday at ; o'clock, m.
received daily and
to all point.
It- F. teen, J.
o. Ton
W. k.
X T.
v. i- c before our patrons again this
season and invite their attention
to the largest
Stock of New Goods
not telling all we have in
but if you want anything the way or
Come to us. Me have the
Pitt county. Can give you bargains
On any goods in our store. Highest
price- paid Seed or Lint
t Persons owing us are requested
to make settlements as as possible.
J. O.
The John Flanagan
Are in at the old
Shops and are manufacturing
all kinds of the best
-We also do
We are plea-ed to announce lo the to-
of Ti-t
counties that we ale prepared to give
Hogsheads free to any person who
will use than to ship tobacco in
provided will ship it t
n . t.
Me.-.-. Davis ft Gregory are very large
tobacco dealers and the high-
est for all tobaccos shipped to
them. And since they offer this favor of
furnishing hogshead and have shown
such interest I he tobacco growing of
our section we hope growers
Will it to their interest give them
a most liberal
Persons desiring to ship to other par-
ties can obtain hog-head of
at ii piece.
We promise prompt attention to all or- j
X. C
Greenville. N. All Work guaranteed.
Greenville, X. C.
J. o
We have for the purpose or con-
ducting a general
and Collecting Basks.
Mon y to Loan on Approval Security.
Collections and remittance
To Sick
Y Beans lo tho
of r pT
Having associated B. S.
with in the we
to the ill that
i.- f .- -e . ire- in
i mi. . Mr. -I.-. n
Wis keep on hand i all times a nice
stock of Cases of all
kinds and furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We arc fitted
up with all conveniences can
to all who
Feb. Bod.
Kentucky University. KY.
S. W. H
-BUR R. SMITH, president.
. V
V k n. pf f M--n, the
a of u.-i-r- M
P- i r
In pa-t
M Countries.
in-. ii
I Ki-n-it
.-; ., i
and -r- hare
n can r loner the
Course of
when taken
--n en r m
be ma with
far .-hear attend No
K. I ah.
R. A.
Special attention given to Bales
ion, Peanuts and Country Pro-
duce Cash Advances
on Consignments. and
-----When wad a got d-----
i hey make the
Family Pictures Enlarged
carry them to Alley they
enlarge them in Crayon, Pastel, India
Ink or Water Colors. All work
teed. Call and see them.
K Manager.
n. c.
I have opened at the stables formerly
occupied by J. Ci. James,
and A-ill keep a line line of
Horses and Mules.
have beautiful and fancy turnouts for
die liver.- and can suit the most
I will ran in connection a
and solicit a share of
patronage. Call and be convinced.
Greenville, N. O.
Nothing better fin
rail Cream. Fan
Best ob Earth.
pent and be baptized every one of
you in the name of Christ for
the remission of sins and yon shall
receive the gilt of the Holy
Acts When the believer
asks what to do at Mr. meet-
why don't he give similar an-
Is he ignorant the answer
or is he afraid that it will effect bis
popularity When the
jailer asked what to do be was
told to believe on Lord Jesus
Christ and he should he saved am
bis The jailer was taken
the same hour and
baptized. Why don't the great
Evangelist give the same answer
and preach whole gospel as
In chapter Acts t
Ananias said to Paul,
be and a ash away
calling on the i he
Mr. Jones fails to preach
such texts. He knows
would not be received l
throng his meeting ll Mr. Junes
were to preach like I he apostles did
and give the same answers did
bis audiences would decrease to snub
a small number that be would not be ;
known the corporate limits
of is brave,
but be lots not commanded
bravery to preach a whole
gospel. He preaches lo all. To
catch I be sinner be
minister and church member; to
eat en el, u i member be
denounces the sinner.
This may do but how about
that day when you stand before
Judge, of and earth
man speak let speak as
the oracles Where does
Bro. Jones get bis for
such and unmeasured abase
of her saint sinner Docs the
If you feel of cross and
cheerfulness will return and
lite acquire new zest.
Don't irritate your lungs with a stub
cough when a and
remedy may lie found in Or. II.
Tar Wine Lung
If you arc all run no
no energy, and feel very tired
all the Dr. II
It will impart strength
and to your system.
Good Advice.
Several years ago I was covered
with Boils to such an extent that my
lite was a misery. After trying a
number of other remedies without
benefit. I was advised by a whole-
Columbus to try S.
S. S. One bottle of
S. S. S cured me entirely. I have
not had a Boil since. To those
U-l with Boils or Eruptions I
give the same a-h ice in wholesale
rave me lake S. S. S.
III h Ohio
Slav H. 1890.
Car Load of Pine
--------Just received by
Greenville. N. C.
------lad will be sold------
or at terms on time on up
proved security. bought ray stock
Cash and can afford to sell as
anyone. Give me s call.
Greenville N C.
We have the the
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and ion guaranteed
in every instance. Call and be con
Ladies waited on at their
Cleaning clothes a specially.
and Whiskey
cured at home
of particulars sent
B. M. M. Atlanta, Ga.
Office inf. Whitehall St.
C, B.
J. B.
oracles of God justify his wholesale
and others T Is such teaching
with lie spirit of our
Master T Did the apostles use such
claptrap methods to convert men
old Jerusalem gospel should be
preached, even if the fail.
We Hum. Mr. Jones was not
when he asked all the
colored hearers that would quit
stealing and drinking to
Stand up. Of course all stood. Did
Bro. Jones think that. some,
sit and thereby that they
would continue to lie, steal and
drink t Are not such schemes at
variance with holy f Is
it not taking advantage of
ignorance of our brother in
black t What we have written is net
Mr. Jones, but his methods.
We bid him God speed in all bis
to blot sin from world
trust that he will yet have clear-
conceptions of the gospel
Christ and preach it with his char-
A Prompt Care.
I was cured sound an well of a
case of Blood by S. S. S. As
soon as discovered I was afflicted
with the disease commenced taking .
S. S and in a
few weeks I Was cured,
1890. Ohio, j
mi I Skin j
senses mailed free.
Atlanta Ga.
Wm. Post master of
Ind., Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
combined, for that had arising
from Kidney and Liver John
Leslie, farmer and of same
place, Electric Bitters to
I be the best Kidney and Liver medicine.
. made me feel like a new W.
Gardner, hardware merchant. Bane
town, Electric Bitters is just
tiling for a man who is ail run down and
don't care whether he lives or he
found new strength, good appetite aim
lei just like he had a new lease on life.
Only a bottle, at -I. L. Wooten's
Drug Store.
If You Have
BRONCHITIS Throat Affection
SCROFULA I lasting cf stall
Or the Throat and
Inflamed, cf Strength or
Power, you can be relieved and Cured bu
Ask for and let no
or induce to
accept a
Sold by all
V. B.
a ,
Printers and Binders,
We have Hie and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found In
the Slate, den for all
I Of Commercial, Ball
road or School Print-
or Binding.
Wend us your orders.
and all Ii. the IT.
for K.
I We are opposite the II. S. Patent Of-
I flee engaged in Patent and
; can obtain patent in
more remote from
model or drawing is sent we
j advise as to free of charge,
I and we make no change unless we ob-
j refer, here, to the Po-i Hie
Honey Order Did., and to
of the X. s. Patent Office. For
terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or conn-
. a. Snow Co.,
Washington, C
talk Otherwise. was only one success of Old Cure
one Peter and one Paul, induces imitations and lucre are many
vies differ. John was of them, on getting Old Saul's
and sympathetic; Peter and take no other or yo n get left. At
la DIM
that building
It is lO lake, cures
and All dealers keep it.
a. i.
in pat
rough; Paul was logical,
and Sam
of Joan, Peter and Paul.
He manifests interest in
the colored people, takes them
Ins room, talks with them, prays
and instructs them.
services are held for their
ch. He pa-aches to tin in like he
is profoundly in their
fare. He warns them of danger
and In-gs to be honest men
and women. Such preaching to
the colored race will have its effect.
Ibis will solution of the Race
Problem. II it is right to preach
the colored man politics, why is
it wrong to preach to him a
We trust be will go on
teaching the colored mail purity,
holiness and thereby
lilt this
clash out the filth mire sin
and iniquity.
Mr. Jones holds up
as I be only panacea sin. He
believes in a Savior; a loving
and prayer
Such devotion to our
is such clear
conceptions of
good and
He leaches the people to give
fur I lie I of the gospel. He
don I hesitate to denounce all
who can give and
give. Such heavy blows
Iron the can't fall to be
get a more liberal in those
who hear him. These, we
the good things Jones. We
wish to say a things about
bad sup- bis
The tendency of bis mannerism
will produce a large crop of
tors. His sty l-seems be
and will adopt his
and to do what
list U doing. Mi. Fife is illus.
nation i in.-,. He talks
uses his illustrations aims
on his in the same man-
Mr. Jones is responsible
this. Be can't prevent others
imitate him. This
of imitators ought to
that is one Sam
He is rather slangy, vulgar,
and We fail to see what
be gums by the use of such ugly
epithets. people laugh and
lap then hands. If this IS a sign
their conversion it is a
strange way to it.
The of the gospel should
lie free from all such
expressions. It tends lo lower the
pulpit it down on a
i In- politician. Slime
and tilth should no room
vocabulary of a mister of
Mr. Jones either don't know
how to answer sinners or
be purposely refuses to give
to questions that may
be asked by tin seeker niter truth.
of the Apostles is em
commission Jesus gave
Apostles you into
all i he world preach I be
to every he that
is shall be saved; he.
that -nail b. dammed
Lit Mil he
In spake ii,
needed. Tin- i f the
mi ii
i he gave. Tm-i
. was on pen-;
nest after Jesus had raised
ascended bis lather.
what do to
all dealers for cents.
If yon baby to look bright
do not put it to sleep with laudanum
when restless, but use Or. Bull's Baby
Syrup. 2.1 cents a bottle.
Facts for to Note
Chatham Record.
The attention of the members
the Alliance is most earn-
called to the fact not a
solitary Republican
has endorsed or adopted their
demands, while on the other hand
the Democratic conventions have
endorsed and adopted them.
This is a very significant fact and
should be remembered by every
member Of the Alliance when he
goes to vote.
The Democratic state
adopted as a part its platform
every demand of the Alliance as
presented by Mr. the
secretary of the State Alliance. How
was it with the Republican State
convention Did that body adopt
the demands of the Alliance as a
part of its platform No
We've heard of s woman who said
she'd walk live miles to get a bottle of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription if she
couldn't get it without That woman
had tried it. And it's a medicine which
makes itself felt in toning up tho
system and correcting irregularities as
as Its use is begun. Go to your
drug store, pay a dollar, get a bottle and
try a second, a third if necessary,
before the third one's seen taken you'll
keep on and a come. But if you
shouldn't feel the help, should be
pointed in the find a
guarantee printed on the bottle-wrapper
that'll get your money back for you.
How many women are there who'd
rather have the money than
Wonder is that there's a
man willing to suffer when there's a
guaranteed remedy in nearest drug
Notice to Creditors.
The Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county having issued Letters of Ad-
ministration to tho undersigned, on the
day of September, upon the
estate of Flaming, deceased, no-
given to all persons
to the undersigned, and all persons
having claims against the estate must
present the same properly authenticated
before 26th of September.
or this notice be plead in bar of
This day of Sept.
R. It.
of Fleming,
Hon. R- National
K. G. Sec. N. O.
Daniels, EM-, Ballot
Dr. H. B. Battle, Director N.
at Ii m
i n
h and
Ail be wort yea
and shoot
i r.
f We ell freight, Mr.
I. if yon like r to work for us.
i la Ad-treat,
j fin
Short Type-writing, Meg-
Penmanship and Mathematics are
taught in the Business Col-
Send for of terms.
J. E.
Box N. C
Why another new discovery by Alfred
ed to the estate to make Immediate pay- in the way of helping the
ed. By calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
of that is Invaluable
for eradicating., and and causing the
hair I be soft and
glossy, only r three application a
is v. and a common
brush is all to be used after rubbing the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and OS
convinced, only SO cents.
Dr. Pellets regulate the
Stomach and Rowels. Mild and
back it
for nothing
On Monday the 3rd day of
A. will sell at the House
door in the town of Greenville to the
highest bidder for cash one tract of land
in Pitt county containing about two
acres and bounded as Situated
in township, adjoining the lands
Dixon. J II. Mills, Boyd Hairs
others and known as the Mill Lands
and being the land on which K. S.
Mill now stands, to satisfy an
in my hands for collection against
E. S. Dixon, and which has levied
on said land as the property of said K.
S. Dixon. J. A. K. TUCKER.
R. W. Sheriff.
Dept. Sheriff.
Oct. 2nd. ISM.
The blood must pure for the body
to be In perfect condition. Dr. II.
par ilia makes pure blood
and Imparts the rich bloom of health
and vigor to the whole body.
The of the blood depends much
upon good or had digestion and
To make the blood rich in life
and strength-giving constituents use
Dr. J. It
will nourish the properties of the blood,
from which the elements or vitality are
Children who are troubled with worm
may be quickly by giving them
Dr. J. H. Liquid
It kills expels worms.
The of the
and life and
to every portion of the body; appetite
the hour of rest brings with it
sound repose. This can be secured by
taking Dr. J. H. Ms Lean's
For rheumatic and neuralgic pains,
rub in Dr. J. II. Volcanic Oil
Liniment, and take Dr. J. II.
You will not suffer long,
but will gratified with a speedy and
effective cure.
Or TOO are all worn out, wally good for no
It Is general Try
It will too, and give a good
by all deafen. In medicine.
a- s
n, O
. pal.
AI r I.
It will make anything and everything perfectly in
less time and with less labor, than anything now known
in. the way of soaps or washing compounds, which are
withal harmless. PEARLINE is harmless to fabric or
hands. The many millions of packages of used
prove this assertion need it.
a sum and some unscrupulous grocers are
are -not, and beside are
tot Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair.
R. R.
and Schedule
Sept. dally Fast Mail, dally
daily ex Sun.
12,10 pin t II
Ar Rocky-Mount am
Tarboro am
Ar p m pin to
or, SO am
ex Sun.
the Opera at which place
I have located, and where I have
everything in my Una
With all the improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
Bason sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of hop
promptly executed. Very respect fully,
r-. Mists
I to Restore
Hair to it Youthful Color.
Wilson am pm
A, Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar M pm n pm
Daily except
Train on Scotland Neck Road
leaves Halifax 3.37 P. M. arrives Scot-
land Reek at 4.25 P. II.
Returning 7.20
A. M., Halifax at 10.10 A.
10.80 P M., dally except Sunday.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Local Freight leaves 10.30 n in
Halifax 11.30 a m. Scotland Neck 2.00 p
m. Greenville 5.10 p in. Re
turning, leave Greenville Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday a m Scot-
land Neck 1.00 p in. Halifax 8.85 p m,
Arriving Weldon 4.00 p m.
Tram leaves Tarboro, N C, via
m Raleigh R. R. dally except Sun-
day, P M. Sunday P M,
N C. P M, P Hi
Plymouth 7.60 p. m., 5.20 p.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
0.30 a. m., Sunday 0.00 a. m.
N C, 7.10 n m. 0.58 a m.
arrive Tarboro, N C, A M
Train on Midland N leave
Goldsboro dally except Sunday. AM,
N C. a M. Re-
turning leaves H C A M,
arrive Goldsboro. NO. AM.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
Monet at P M, arrives Nashville
P Hope PM. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M, arrives Rocky Mount A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton dally, except Sunday, at
and A M leave
ton A M, and P. M. connect-
at Warsaw And
Southbound train on Wilson
Branch Is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection
Weldon for all points North dally. All
Till via Richmond, and dally except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for
North via and Wash
trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
,. . ,
V Pr
or a to., a. r.
or far-
. r- per-
to now
will to
on by or I
If too want.
Quick Relief
f II
or that
and tint
quick and
or on of I
-By a thorough knowledge of
laws which the operations t
digestion and and by
application of fine properties
well selected Coon. Mr. has
our breakfast bibles with a deli-
beverage which
save us many heavy doctor's fa
Is by the judicious use of such i
diet that a constitution may be
built until strong enough to real
every tendency to
of maladies
us to wherever there IS
weak point. We may it fatal
shaft by keeping ourselves II
with pure and
simply with boiling water
Sold only In half-pound Una, try

Eastern reflector, 22 October 1890
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 22, 1890
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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