Eastern reflector, 15 October 1890

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-----Solicits your patronage
purpose will be to please every reader.
The Eastern Reflector.
Department that can I
where in this section. Our work
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Th e Eastern Reflector
Editor and
Published Every Wednesday
G. of Wake,
M. Holt,
Secretary of L
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
of Wayne,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
son, of Buncombe.
Chief Justice A. S. of
Associate Clark, of
Wake ; Joseph J. Davis, of; Franklin
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonzo C. A very, of Burke.
First XI. Brown, of
Second Philips, of
Third G. Connor, of
Fifth G. Womack, of
Sixth T. Boykin, of
Seventh C. of
Eighth F. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth G. of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
Twelfth H. Merrimon,
of Buncombe.
Representatives in
K. Vance, of
i- Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
House of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans.
Second col,
Third W. of
Fourth II- Bunn, of
Fifth W. Brower, of
Sixth Rowland of
S.-emu S.
of Rowan.
Eighth District W. H. A. Cowles
Ninth Ewart of Hen-
Court A.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of H. James.
B. Cherry.
S. T,. Ward.
B- Harris.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Mooring. C. V, Newton,
John Penman. T. E. Keel.
Board of Herding
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
School ITS I nil IT
of F. W. Brown.
G. James.
B. Greene.
R. Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
Asst R. Moore.
Ward. T. A.
col.; 2nd Ward. W. H. Smith, and R.
Greene. 3rd Ward, M. R. Lang and
Allen Warren; 4th Ward, Joe col.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John,
second and fourth
Sundays, morning and night. Prayer
Meeting every Wednesday night. Rev.
A. D. Hunter, Pastor.
Greenville Lodge, No. A. F. A A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mo-
day night after the 1st and Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M.,
G. L. Sec.
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. SO meets
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-
sonic Hall, F. W. Brown, H. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F-
meets every Tuesday night. J. White.
N. G. E. A. Sec-
Orion No. I. O.
F., meets every 2nd and 4th Friday
nights. E. A. C. P. C.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of II.,
meets every first and third Friday night.
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Pitt county Alliance meets
the first Friday In January, April, July
and October. J. D. Cox, President;
E. A. Secretary.
Greenville Alliance meets Saturday
before the second Sunday in each month
o'clock, P in Germania Hall.
Fernando Ward, President; D. S. Spain,
Hours open for all from S A.
M. to P. M. AH mails distributed
on arrival. The general will
be kept open for minutes at night
after the Northern mail is distributed.
Northern Mail arrives dally
at P. M. and departs at
A. M.
Tar Old Sparta and Falkland
Mils arrives wily at
M. and depart- at P. M.
Washington, Par X
Roads, Chocowinity and Grimesland
malls daily at
P. M. and departs at A. M.
Johnson's Mills. Beds
and Pallet malls arrive Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday at A. M. and
departs at
Vanceboro, Black Jack and Calico
Bails arrives every Saturday at P. M.
and departs Friday at A M.
J. J. P- M
Democratic Nominees.
For Chief Justice of Supreme
For of the Supreme
For Superior Court
st G. H. Brown, Jr., of Beau
4th District.
Henry R. Bryan, of Craven
Spier Whitaker, of Wake.
R. W. Winston, of Gran-
E. T. Boykin, of Sampson
D. of Moore.
R. F. of Iredell.
J. G. of Burke.
W. A. Hoke, of Lincoln.
of Beaufort.
For Judicial
of Wilson.
For the
or House of
For Court
For Register of Deeds
J. S. L. WARD.
Beaver Dam- W. B. Burnett.
J. F. Hodges.
G. W. Edmundson.
J. L. Roberson.
W. B. Buck.
E. S. Edwards.
D. J.
W H Wilkinson
O. W.
D. S.
Swift Frank
Election Tuesday, Nov. 4th.
Yes, wife, we're going to move once
The last time I declare.
Until the everlasting shore
Sends word it wants us there
Some things this time with us we'll take,
Some leave here in disgust.
And some we'll lose, and some we'll
As movers always must.
The family Bible we will find
Devoutly carried through;
But also, wife, don't fail to mind
And save the hymn-book, too,
Though finger-marked and cupboard-
And in its looks,
I prize that volume, soiled and torn,
Next to the Book of
When David trimmed his golden lyre
With song
He left a flame of sacred fire
For Wesley and for Watts,
And many other wife,
Have made God's glory known
hymns and tunes that drew their lite
From echoes round the throne
I've sung them when, on lofty track,
My heart soared through the sky,
And every word and tone brought
A telegraph reply;
I've hummed them when my soul with
Feared all its prayers were vain.
Till they have braced up my belief,
And soothed my doubting pain;
I've told them to the woods, and stirred
The trees up to rejoice;
I've joined meetings where God
Ten thousand in one voice
I've sacred words to
When life was gay bright.
And sound that charmed the ear
Brought glory to the sight;
I've heard them when the sexton's spade
Had cut my life in two.
And my sad heart, by their sweet aid.
Has walked the valley through.
Ah, my wife when heaven's great
Awakes my senses dim,
I humbly hope they'll give me first
A good old-fashioned hymn
I trust, when our last moving day
Has shown us God's good love.
And we have settled down to stay
In colonies above.
We'll find a hundred earthly things
Our had twined about.
And tight the memory clings
Heaven wouldn't be heaven without;
And somewhere. In this blessed place,
God grant may behold.
Near by the precious word grace,
My hymn-book bound in gold.
B. K. the Demo
candidate for of
Sooth Carolina,
not require experience to
an honest debt; it only needs the
Something else is also needed Mr.
Tillman, and that is the inclination.
A man may have the means, if
be is in the principle that
produces a disposition, Into
vigorous and healthy exercise, to
pay honest debt, bis means
amount to nothing to those whom be
Gold Leaf
Ex-head-chopper says
Blaine will not make a fight for the
nomination for the Presidency, but if
the nomination is tendered him he
will accept In the meantime
Blaine is quietly laying the wires
and getting things into good shape
for that tender. James don't go
around with s brass band when Tie
has any special work to
Editorial Paragraphs.
prairie fires
North Dakota.
are reported at
The Alaska seal is in process
swift extermination.
A. Shade, a noted American
painter, died at
Frederick the British
war is coming here to lecture-
Germ any has purchased the
trade of Zanzibar for
The police enumeration is expect-
ed to add to population of
New York City.
George Bancroft, the historian,
celebrated bis birthday at his
home at Newport last Thursday.
It is understood that the signal
service will be transferred from the
war department to the department
of agriculture.
The board of education of New
York is trying to induce the
ed railroads to make a reduction of
fares to school children.
The St. Gazette comments
in a sneering way on the movement
in America to establish a fond for
the Irish famine sufferers.
It is generally understood that
Mrs. Potter-Palmer will be chosen
as presiding officer of the Board of
Lady Managers of the World's Fair.
Thomas Williamson, a local
preacher of
has tied, after committing
amounting to nearly
Captain Daniel S- Jr., of
the ship Charger, was fined in
the United States circuit court of
Boston for members of his
crew with a
Hundreds of thousands of
grants from and from the
no r the t section of Germany are
making preparations to come to
this country and settle on the
Lemuel Banister and George
of Pa.,
have bought a silver mine twenty
miles south of Tuscon, Ariz., for
It is claimed that there is
in sight.
The Quebec Telegraph declares
that it is deluged with
letters telegrams from all
parts of the dominion applauding
the bold stand it has taken in favor
of annexation to the States.
The Chronicle's politics is to fight
a Radical whenever there is
for it. Whether be is big or
little, rich or poor, black or white,
be is the enemy of good
in North Carolina, and the
tie opposes bis election to any
of trust or honor We never
have regard to the man. We always
have regard to party, whose
credentials he bears. If be is a
we say let him show
bis cleverness by leaving the
cal party. That is only way he
can show Chronicle.
New York Letter.
New York, Oct. 14th 1800.
The annual exhibition
of American began
last week in the big exposition
building at 63rd street and Third
avenue. For two mouths
this big fair will be one of the
popular attractions of
representing, as it does to a
large extent, our in the
arts and mechanical in-
To enumerate in Ibis
space its many interesting ant I
sights is obviously
Suffice it to say that
exhibition aims to be national its
nature, and is a business enterprise
of the first magnitude. Many large
manufacturers make as many sales
at the Institute in two mouths as
do in six months at their sales-
rooms. Every available inch of
space is occupied by
and prospects are that this
year's show will be more
than any of its fifty-eight
The Cooper Union has just open-
ed up its six departments for the
season with all its classes full
two or three thousands names on
waiting list. Two thousand five
hundred are enrolled as in
department the advance-
of science and art and
than a thousand are left over.
fifty pupils have
stenography and typewriting classes
and at least are on the waiting
list. The entire income of the
Union is now absorbed in support-
the departments, and
order to its facilities the
are considering
of asking for additional
endowment of As all in-
is free of here is
a chance for some gentleman of
wealth to show bis philanthropy
and emulate the example of of
the justest wealthy men, Peter
A patriotic project Is on loot to
place the stars and stripes so high
as to be the first thing by the
passengers of an incoming ship. A
pole feet high is to be
erected the twin light-
houses at the Atlantic Highlands,
near this city, which are feet;
above level of the sea. Hag j
will therefore wave feet
sea level and will be visible far out
to sea and before any other object.
The cost of the enterprise, which
will be about is being raised
by subscription, the limit
being flag will be kept fly-
every day in year and be
taken care of by keepers of the
lighthouse. The scheme also in-
the placing of flags at all
principal harbors the country,
and its originators hope to see a
liberty pole at every cross road
throughout land.
Edwin Arlington.
Stray Bits of Fan.
Together by for Those
Who to Laugh.
yon believe in marrying
for money, Miss Antique T
know; how much
have you got t
has just finished tel-
ling how he caught a big
tell yon it was a whopper I
What, the fish
of course.
I thought perhaps
you meant story.
is most polite
thing know of, Johnnie f
should say brook
i rout. rise to a fly.
pills, Mr. Croaker,
will either kill or cure.
doc, which will
i do first T
I do my best work at night, said
newspaper man.
So do I, remarked
who overheard.
Don't you smell fire f
No; I don't think do
I don't either; but most people do
if you ask t
I always keep my boys
right track.
How do you manage to do it
by lots or switching.
How does your girl treat you,
John T asked the mother.
She doesn't treat me at ah, moth-
I am to treat her
tool es the
hatchet was in use among the
age tribes of this country
Little Indian file,
North Carolina's Dead.
An Appeal for Aid From the Ladles
mortal of
to to Hart
the Graves of Confident
Dead st That Place.
Wilmington Star
The ladies Memorial Association
of Va., have renew-
ed their appeal for contributions
from North Carolina to provide
means for placing marble headstones
to mark the graves of tho North
Carolina soldiers buried in Con-
federate Cemetery in that city.
Mrs. Nannie Barney, sec-
and treasurer of the
in a letter to Capt. Jno. T.
Rankin of this city,
Last March you very kindly inter-
in rising funds to
place headstones to the graves of the
North Carolina soldiers buried
OVER THE STATE. Thoughts for Reflection.
Happenings of Interest Occur-
ring in North Carolina.
Mrs. of county, has
donated a large plantation to Trinity
About miles of the railroad from
Wilmington to Jacksonville has been
The North Carolina Christian Mission-
will he held at Hooker-
ton October
Concord A newly married
couple has been .
They claim to be both but there
a grave suspicion that the bride was
a white girl.
Goldsboro The shipments of
fish over the A. A n. C. R. R. by ex-
dress are just at this time the heaviest on
record. Every day's train is loaded
of Sentiment from
for U la
is superior to beauty
Diligence is the mother
of good
What in me is darkness
Illumine, what is low, raise and support
Consider well what your strength
Is equal to, and what exceeds- year
at The for
which I received through Col. all sections of the interior of our
Cantwell, he said,
due to your exertions.
was mainly
Now, may I
Durham The Internal revenue
not trespass further on your kindness i
. . i i.-. ,.;. i . . mouth of September, were
I have tried my bet since the first of October, lour days,
to place the matter before people or they have been The October
North Carolina and received letter exports of tobacco appear to be quite
The Champion of the State.
T. Big Warehouse st
son, and tho way it Band In the
Now Crop.
St. Joseph Herald.
There is a good story told of
economical qualities of two well
known and wealthy gentlemen living
in the east part of town that is i good
lesson for those recklessly
persons who are not possessed
of the true spirit of economy. On a
certain night, one of these gentleman
called on the other to transact a little
business at the residence.
Th ; host lighted a candle that
might examine some papers, but
mediately blew it out again when
they were through, leaving both
sitting in the dark.
Why did you blow out the candle
asked the caller.
Oh, we can talk in the dark as
well as in light, and it saves the
candle, was the reply.
They continued their conversation
for a short time, when the host
heard some sounds
coming from direction of the
chair, and inquired what bis
friend was doing.
said his friend, it's dark
in here, and no one can see me, so I
thought I take off my trousers
to save the wear on
Wilson Mirror.
most beautiful flowers of
Christian character are those which
are planted amid tears upon the
rocky banks of river of affliction
and the sweetest
comfort is heard in the God swept
notes of its currant; for
amid the wild surging of its
and waters ail
sounds are deadened and it la then
we catch the pure, sweet, divine
heavenly given melody of that Mill
small voice breathing In accepts rich
and sweet the precious bliss of the
comforting I give
unto yon not as the world giveth
give I unto yon.
Danville Tobacco Journal.
Cooper's warehouse at
N C, is an institution which belongs
to the history of the State. No ware-
house, perhaps, in South has ever
acquired such popularity among such
a large class of and this year
we believe its patronage will be
larger than ever before.
Mr. Cooper has inaugurated a
system in the management of his
mammoth, warehouse by which
everything goes on as smoothly as
clock work. In basement from
to bands are employed
assorting tobacco as it comes in
from barns. A great
many planters don't have room or
time to assort their crops during the
curing season, so they haul or ship
their crops right to Cooper's ware-
house. Here it is carefully assorted
and repacked or placed on the ware
house floor for sale. In the business
department of this big warehouse can
be seen tobacco from almost every
county in the Eastern half of the
Mr. D. Y. Cooper wields a
powerful influence over the tobacco
rowers of Eastern Carolina, and he
it by the power of high pi ices.
Being a large planter himself be
knows what tobacco costs and what
it is worth. So when the
crop is placed on sale Mr. Cooper is
sure to see it bring every cent of its
value or knows the reason why.
Hit warehouse has likewise the
of selling the choicest tobacco
frown in Eastern Carolina, and this
as its influence on tho buyer, and
always helps to raise prices.
Many of the tobacco growers in
new tobacco sections of Eastern
are selling their crops at
Cooper's warehouse this year, and as
a role are highly with prices.
This big warehouse will handle
this year than ever
before and more tobacco, perhaps,
than any warehouse in Virginia or
North Carolina. This is item
which Mr. Cooper can well be proud,
which goes to the credit of
Henderson a tobacco market.
Only a cat in the
only a cat, that's all;
Only a song at midnight.
Only a wild,
Only a man impulsive,
Only a reason
Only a clutch convulsive.
Only a boot jack thrown.
Only a sudden sally,
an uttered
Only a corpse in the alley,
Only a poor, dead cat.
Dealer man
came in here awhile ago, seized a
coat, vest trousers and ran
with them.
did you do
I followed suit.
Mrs. why
you say something to Angeli-
about sitting to late with
young Pose boy f
Mr. Why, I
rather like it. It saves worrying
living your
club rooms now, Weeks f
don't say so. Ain't
you afraid of having place pull-
He they pass a drug
Do you-know, I read in this morn-
paper about a girl drop-
dead while soda
water t
how romantic. Let's
go in and die together
An we saw Ni-
Falls, too
W e a y f
which aide f
From side
Mr. do bring
so much water, I I merely
asked for a drink.
thought you'd need
more than a glassful, sister
said you was the old stick
she ever knew.
I had to be away school yes-
said Tommy.
Too most bring an excuse, said
Who from t
j- Your father.
He no good st ex-
Ma him time.
were sitting side by side,
Ann he sighed and she signed.
Said he, darling
And she Idled and be Idled.
Said he. hand I ask, so bold I've
And she groaned and he groaned.
Said he. are cautious.
And she bellowed, and he bellowed
Says ho, shall have your private
And she giggled, and be giggled.
SakI she. dearest
he looked and he looked.
after letter discouraging inc.
I have received the money and
bought headstones for the following;
Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina,
Louisiana, Florida and Texas. To-
day received from Alabama,
and she promises the rest.
and Arkansas are collecting;
so, and North Carolina
are the only ones am anxious
It you can interest any one in
your State who will go to work I
would be thankful. There arc
North Carolina soldiers here, and it
takes each marble headstone,
in all and only 1122.46 has
been received. But North Carolina
is n big State and can easily collect
I went to school in Greensboro,
and have great faith in the Old North
The appeal the letter
The wooden posts, with their
names on i hem, are rapidly decaying,
Winston Mr. W.
Cove, had his dwelling broken Into on
last night and quite a quantity of bed-
clothes and other household goods
therefrom. about
family was a short distance away visit-
Hon. Charles M. Busbee, elected
Grand Sire the Sovereign Grand
Lodge I. O. O. F. of world, is a
native of North Carolina, and live In
Raleigh, in the house built by his grand-
father is the youngest Grand Sire ever
Tarboro Southerner. Ephraim
an old colored man in all probability,
taking everything into consideration,
will head the tanning records. With a
blind horse which costs him five dollars,
he made nine stacks of fodder, about
eighty barrels of corn enough sweet
potatoes for his own use.
Wilmington Mr. J. M.
son, of South Washington,
county, a visitor at the Star office a few
lays since, had in his possession a
which he says was cut from the
paunch deer twenty years ago by
and it is necessary to replace them as Snowden Pearce, Hying in what was
. r n Hurl
soon as possible. Having no means
at our disposal for this purpose, we
are compelled to ask for aid,
sure that our appeal will not be in
Many of these graves, which we
have lovingly cared for during so
many years, contain the dear ones of
homes, where their memories
are still cherished, and a throb of
sympathy will go out to us in our
efforts to rescue their names from
oblivion. Mothers, widows orphans,
sisters and comrades, help us in our
sacred work, and believe that be-
fore another year we have money
enough to begin our work. If some
responsible person in each town
and village will offer to receive con-
for this cause, and will
forward them to Wallace.
Esq., President First National Bank,
Va., will be very
Twenty-Three Years in
Drug Business.
Said he, my soul there's such a
And she waited and he waited.
SakI she, have thee If thou wilt,
And and she wilted.
I have been a druggist
three years, and sold all patent
medicines which are this
country, and can truthfully say that
I have never known a remedy for
Blood Diseases of more value than
S. S. S. Mr. A.,
a customer, was troubled with
eruption of on back of
bis hands, and had in vain sought
relief of the best local medical
also of some of the most
specialists in New York, and as a
last resort spent some months in
Paris, France, treatment of
physicians there, and had
cured only temporary relief. After
all this treatment he was finally
cured, sound and well, by Swift's
Another customer, II., had
for many years with Blood
Poison, and thought he had been
cured by mercurial treatment, but
disease returned, accompanied
by Rheumatism a bad type. A
dozen small bottles of S. S. made
a perfect and lasting cure.
W. U.
Old Fort, N. C.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Di-
mailed free.
Atlanta Ga.
Air Ship.
of-Wow a Coming Reality.
The Chicago Time this morning
that a project for the establish
of an air ship company was
completed yesterday, and today at
Springfield, the Mount
Manufacturing Company
will be chartered with a capital of
Within sixty days the
first air ship is to arrive in Chicago.
The company la backed by pow-
syndicate end by
eastern capitalists.
air-ship which is to
build, and models of which have
been successfully tested, will carry
ears the of Pullmans sad
will seat fifty persons each.
led cars an being manufactured for
quick mall sad passenger
then a part of New Hanover county.
New A drunken
James City In Roach Taylor's
barroom got into an altercation with
the clerk who cracked him over the
head with an empty bottle. A police-
man being bandy the fray was quickly
ended and the parties will have a hear-
the Mayor's court this morning.
Raleigh Messrs. Sherwood
and Howard are
busily engaged in compiling a table of
the crimes committed in the State and
the penalties therefor. The table will
be made from reports sent in by the
Court clerks of the various
ties, and will be Incorporated into the
Attorney General's report.
begins this This is the
most popular meeting in Western
North Carolina and always attracts many
visitors from other counties. Just
as we go to press we learn that in a
drunken row, Monday night, In the vi-
of distillery, John
Hobbs was cut by John Jolly and will
probably die. Jolly run away.
Washington Sunday Mr.
while passing through
the woods, about miles from
stumbled over the dead of Jacob
Dudley, an old The affair was
reported to the Sheriff, who sent out two
men to Investigate. found no
mark of any kind on him, and had con-
that Dudley ha come to his
death from a fit or convulsion.
Edenton Fisherman and Wild
fowl innumerable and of every variety
abound in the waters of the Sound Bay,
rivers and creeks, coons,
squirrels, quail and deer may he found
within a few mile of Ed en ion. ------The
escape of a prisoner, Felton, on
Tuesday evening last, was one of the
excitements about the Court House. He
was chased by the Sheriff and others
but soon took the woods. reward it
offered for him.
Tarboro Southerner; The Postmaster
at Halifax, of a named Davis
is in her accounts 81,0-30. The
woman it Is said Is not to blame. Her
husband, who was assistant postmaster,
managed the office entirely, received all
monies. Congressman
about whom he boasts so with
the colored people, are like himself,
short and growing shorter. The Halifax
defalcation will, it is said, lose him many
votes in that county. The bondsmen of
the woman are very indignant and at-
all the blame to him. The office is
in charge government officials.
Kinston Free A whale was
entangled in a large fish net off More-
head City last Friday night. The
would not pull In and the
didn't know what to make of it. After
awhile the net became slack and
pulled a lot of It in until they saw
at first they thought was a log;
they thought It was an Immense shark.
When it got near, all of a sudden it
raised up above the water about eight
feet and they saw it was a large whale.
The fishermen were badly frightened,
and s rope, connected with net, be-
came fastened around the ankle of Mr.
Walter He caught hold of the
boat, and the rope slipped off, only
off skin f. his ankle, it a
close shave. The went off to sea,
taking along part of the net
Wilmington Tho meetings
st the Tabernacle closed last night and
Mr. Jones left on late Southern train
for bis home in Georgia.
building will remain as it is and
Mr. Jones expects to return hers next
October. The amount of money raised
during the meetings was which
Mr. Tones was -It Is
reported that John G. Warner, Esq.,
Masonboro Sound, was by high-
near the Mineral Spring last
Saturday night, while en his way home
and that he fired on them and escaped
by bis mule off In a ran. The
report may be true but do not think
that it Is. Mr. Wagner was to have gens
over to Brunswick county on Saturday
on a visit to his daughter, on a hunting
expedition, and we think he went, as he
had dogs and in town with him
men without religion, sad
you make but clever devils-
Duke of Wellington.
Sunday is the golden clasp that
binds together volume of the
W. Longfellow.
Tarry with me, O my Savior;
Lay my head upon Thy breast
Till the morning; then awake ate,
Morning of eternal rest.
J. K.
would rather in poverty,
with God for my Treasurer, than
take the most ambitious position in
life with only man to lean
Some men are born for great things.
Some men were small;
Some, it is not recorded
Why they were born at all.
Will. Carleton.
I believe that when Paul plants
and waters, God gives the
increase, and I have patience with
those who throw the blame on God
when it on H.
I hold it true, befall;
I feel It, when I sorrow most;
better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
Alfred Tennyson,
Love is an old story enough, but
in every generation it is reborn, in
the down cast eyes and blushes of
young maidens. And so, although
he fluttered in Eden, Cupid is young
I never knew a day so drear.
Hut on its leaden sky was bung
Some shadow of a rainbow clear.
From vanished joy in farewell
Meekness the grace which, from
beneath God's footstool, lifts up s
candid and confiding eye, accepting
God's fatherly affection, and
e which it cannot
Love's precious pearl In sorrow's cup
at the bottom lay,
thine again when, all drink up.
The bitterness should pass away.
Thomas Moore,
When love have blended and
molded two beings in an angelic and
sound union, they have found the
secret of lift, hence are
only the two terms of same
tiny, the two wings of one mind.
Love and Hugo.
a moment, Fled,
Don't think
To bind the heart with a golden
Though many do It, yet many rue it
And love Is a witness to It
There Isn't a chance for
Where two are unequally together;
So turn your back when money bewitches
Marry for love and not for riches
C C.
N. C
j. cm st.
am ville. a. c
Practice in all the courts.
M. C.

Greenville, N. C.
I unit
Publisher's Announcement.
The Reflector is
I Rates.-One column
year. one-half year,
8-10 ; column one year, 2-.
one week. l ; two weeks. one
t-. TWO inches one week,
weeks, i one
Advertisements Inserted In Local
Column s reading items, cents
line for each insertion.
Lead Advertisements, such as Ad-
and Trustees sales.
Summons to etc. will
be charged for at legal rates and must
n has some loss and
much because of no
fixed rule as to the payment this class
of and in order to avow
future trouble payment in advance
will be demanded.
Contracts for space not mentioned
for length of time, can be
made by application to the office either
in person or letter.
for Advertisements and
SB changes of advertisement be
handed in by lo o'clock on Tuesday
in order to prompt in-
the day following.
The r a large
will be found a medium
which to reach
My With You
Do you know that every man
who desires to vote this
must register anew Ever,
if you have registered and voted
before, you must register again
under the new Election to
vote year.
Do you want the publicans
to the election nave your
neighbors arrested and put in jail
as 1868-9 If not, register and
vote the Democratic ticket.
Do you wish the t get
control of your county and State
If not, register and vole for e
Democratic nominees.
Do not know that every
in the State will register
and vote Then so must white
Do you want Yankee sol-
with drawn bayonets to meet
at the polls and dictate to yon
ow to vote If not, be sure your
name is on the registration books
and do not fail to vote the straight
Democratic ticket.
You can't register after
--so register at once. Don t say
you have not time
your happiness depends on the
good name and prosperity of your
State depends on honest gov
eminent and white man's control
it. wait. Delay
may cost the defeat of the party.
En Chambers Smith.
Chin. Dem. State Ex. Com.
Mr. F. D. Winston, of Bertie
county, was nominated for Judge
by the Republicans of the second
district. But he has grown sick
of the g. o. p. and accuses it of
being o party of sectionalism, ex-
and fraud. He has
written a letter to the
of the State Republican Executive
declining the
and says as a citizen of the
Union, loving its constitution and
history; as a Southern man be-
in fairness and justice to
all sections and races; as a friend
to the desiring his moral,
intellectual and financial
as the proper basis of
social and political power; and
as a self-respecting man
he shall not be a Republican can-
for any office, but will vote
the entire Democratic ticket. Thus
one by the white men who
have any respect for themselves
are leaving the corrupt
can party.
The begun
its twelfth volume. It is n good
paper, every line of it, and Golds-
owes much of its progress to
the efficient work of the
Senator Vance has hail a copy
of the census report of 1888 sent
us. Now when new census
conies to hand we will be ready
for examination and comparison.
Herald has lie-
gun its sixth volume. as
it is in the family we don't
iv as much as might be said, but
Herald is a good paper and
Democratic from the head line to
an inch below the bottom of the
Rev. Dixon ought to kick,
and -that's the truth. He to
speak at the Weldon Fair on
Thursday, 80th of course
the management wish t
the. fact that they are to have
greatest young orator of the
age entertain the people. One
they have adopted to let
this fact be known is to semi out
life size bust pictures of the dis-
divine with the other
fair bills. The. first one of
pictures we saw was decorating
the front side of a screen in a bar
room, right in full gaze of the
who pass along, the street. A
preacher s picture ornamenting a
bar room does not seem in the
right and that is why we
say Mr. Dixon ought to kick. He
should demand of the Fair man-
that they send their bill
sticker around again and remove
every one of his pictures from bar
The county canvass began last
week and is now in progress, the
speeches being at to-
day. -The only Independents that
have come out against the Demo-
nominee's are C. Kirk-
man, the bee man, for the
against Harry Skinner, and
Godfrey Johnson for Register of
Deeds against D. H. James. It is
useless to say that the
dents are getting the very hide
rafted off of them on the stump.
is hardly more fit to rap
j i lit Pitt county in the
poor Sam Jordan Nelson
would be and the white will act
the part of folly who wastes a vote
on him. Johnson was a candidate
the Convention
nomination of Register of Deeds i
but received Only n pittance of a
vote, indicating conclusively that
the people not want him as
their candidate. Now he is show- j
the is in him by j
opposing the party at whose hands
he sought a nomination. On I
day he will be told in still
stronger terms than at the Con-
that they have for
kin service in a office-
Tar River Association.
This large and influential body
of Missionary Baptists was
in this town last week.
The Association was organized
in and was composed of nine
had three or four
hundred members. It now- has
more than CO churches with a
membership of It has had
a very rapid growth, specially
within the twelve years, its
numerical strength having been
doubled within that period.
Among the laymen prominent
in the activities of the body we
noticed Hon. C. M. Cooke and E.
of Louisburg; w.
Daniel and R. A. V. Cooley,
Dennis Simmons, of Williamston;
N. Biggs, Dr. R- M. Johnson. E.
E. Hilliard and Dr. O. Me
of Scotland Neck; N. L.
Shaw and Dr. R. D. Fleming, of
Warrenton, and A. Early, of
Among the ministers we note
the names of Rev. Dr. J. D.
of Scotland Rev. Dr.
E. Taylor, of Wake Forest
College; Bailey and Skinner,
of of
Battle, of Hundley, of
Tarboro; Dr. of
and Duke, of Nashville.
The first sermon was preached
Geo. M. Duke, of Nash-
ville. Mr. Duke has an extensive
reputation as a pulpit orator and
his sermon on this occasion was
every way worthy of his It
was a simple, practical and earn-
est discourse on Christian
and its reward.
The Association
Thursday morning at Id o'clock,
after a half hour prayer and praise
meeting, conducted by Di. Flem-
E. Bowers, Esq. of Hal
if.-ix county, was re elected Mod
Rev. A. G. Wilcox was
re-elected Clerk. Mr. Bowers is
one of the most prominent and in-
farmers of Halifax county
and is the Democratic candidate
for the State Senate
At o'clock the
sermon was preached Rev.
Hundley Tarboro was an
able and earnest effort
The afternoon of Thursday was
devoted mainly to the work of
Home Missions, it was discussed
by Messrs. Hundley. Cooke, Hun-
of the session is in the work of
Associations Missions. The re-
port showed that fourteen mis-
had been at work during
the year and something more than
had been expended in its
prosecution. After addresses by
Messrs. Duke. Skinner,
and Cooke, pledges to the amount
of were taken to continue
the work during the next year.
The report on Education was
considered on Friday night. It
stated that Wake Forest College
now has nearly students in
actual attendance. Among them
are more than young ministers
who are sustained by the
nation at a cost of about
Fending the motion to adopt the
report Dr. Taylor, President of the
College, delivered a singularly
able and stirring address, showing
the great value of tho College to
the State and calling on his
to increase the endowment
fund, which, though now amount-
to is found to be in-
Then came the report on Peri-
with an inimitable address
by Dr. Daily, of the Biblical
carder. He has been called the
wittiest editor in the State. He is
H. W. Battle delivered the charge,
B. presented tho Bible
and Kev. George Duke, in behalf of
the ministers present delivered a
few words of greeting to the new
At night Rev. Mr. Battle deliver-
a charming address on the spirit
of missions and lie v. Mr.
spoke on the female University
the Baptists are preparing to
establish in Raleigh.
We failed to note in the proper
place, an address on the
liar views of the Baptists delivered
by Dr. on Thursday bight.
Collections made for differ
the sessions,
amounting all to more than
Sunday morning Sunday
School mass meeting conducted
K. B- editor the Scot
land Neck Democrat and Dr. James
Superintendent of Baptist Sunday
School. Alter and opening
exercises Mr. made a
speech followed by ex-Governor
superintendent of
Sunday School of Greenville ;
Carey J. X. C,
once the Baptist
Sunday School Greenville; ft.
A. I. Co a layman and lawyer
N. C. N. L. Shaw of
At o'clock A. the
exercises took Sing-
by Dr. reads
6th prayer
at the Dedication the temple, by
Kev. J. W. Hundley, Tarboro.
Sermon by Dr. on Fellow-
ship with Cod. This was a delight
fill sermon on a
Then Dr. took a collection
two new in the
mission field of the
staring that this house
now be presented to I he Lord
has cost all about and
this been raised
in and around Greenville. He then
presented this house in nil of its
purls Co God as an humble offering
now solemnly dedicated to his
vice. Skinner of Raleigh lead
i prayer.
At P. M. Rev.
conducted the mass
meeting in interest of the Baptist
Orphanage at S. C.
Prayer by Kev. H. W. Battle,
Wilson, N. C. by ex Gov-
Jams, C. ML Cook, of Loots-
burg, IS. K. Billiard, N. L. Shaw,
and Dr. Fleming.
At P. M. Rev.
pastor Church
ed Missionary sermon of
Iron the Command Christ
to give the Gospel to the world.
Tins was an able sermon. Both
morning and sight the church
pack, chairs in the
and round the stand in de-
Sunday Rev. W. Bat
tie preached at the Methodist
Church and W. B. Morion of
at night. Rev. G. M. Duke
Nashville preached for the col-
people at II A. ML, am
Mr. Wilcox, of Nash county at
The church dedicated has a base-
with rooms. Sunday School
class rooms, one main
Sunday School room, which the
Sunday School and prayer meet
be held, also a library room,
is a beautiful
Washington Letter.
From Secular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C, Oct.
Ex-Gov. William H. English, of
Indiana, who ran tho National
democratic ticket with the late Gen
is in Washington,
searching among the archives of
the Government for materials to be
used in a history of Indiana,
which he is engaged, at the request
of the surviving members of the
Convention which was held in
to revise the State Constitution.
Mr. English looks little, if any older
than he did ten years ago, and it is
certain that his history of Indiana
will prove a valuable on to
political literature. Mr. English is
no stranger in Washington, having
been a clerk here
the Folk administration.
Mr. Blaine has again got himself
into hot water. It has been all
along expected by his party workers
that he would go to Representative
district and make
speeches in that gentleman's
But a day or two ago Mr.
Blame stared that he regretted that
pressing business would prevent
his leaving Washington, as much
as he would like to help Mr.
etc This heated the blood of
the Me republicans, and I In v
have ever since been standing
cud and hurling tidy epithets lit
Mr. head. They ask how
could Mr. Blame leave Washington
for three months with Congress in
session, as he did this
without, the welfare of
the Government, if be cannot now
get away for a week. They
charge that Blaine wishes to
defeated, fear-
his rival I
ant you feel cross and
i Dr J. a.
cheerfulness will return and
James Brooks, secret new zest.
service at Washington, has issued . irritate your lungs with a stub-
a warning the public to look
for a new dangerous counterfeit Tar Wine Lung Balm
If are all
said to be a close imitation of the j strength, no energy, and feel very tired
genuine. It can distinguished j all the Dr. J. II
from the latter because it has It will impart strength
and no parallel silk vitality to
lines, mid also because the mustache
the of General Hancock i
curies upward instead of dropping.
The unseating of legally elected
Democratic Congressmen, and the
bestowal of their their
defeated Republican opponents, is j
a new industry in this country, j
We shall when the voles are
counted out in whether
this new industry is to be protected
or Argue.
Parties desiring to obtain pat-
or information of any kind I
relating to patents, should
Messer. c. A. Co, i
8th St., Washington, D. C. I
Tho firm is prompt, reliable, and
very in its charges.
A Farm to Let.
A small farm, containing acres
cleared hind miles from Washington,
to lease for five years free of charge to
any one who will improve it.
Apply to BURGESS,
Washington, X.
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Many gained one pound
per day by its use.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret
remedy. It contains the
properties of the
and pure Norwegian Cod
Liver Oil, the potency of both
being largely increased. It is used
by Physicians all over the world.
Sold by all
SCOTT A Chemists.
What Are You Waiting For
Our Stock is Goods Prices
if be is elected be will be and It,
or t lie Presidential T V
nation 1803. fact they are i i
so thing against Mr. . HP T
Blaine that he will lie glad ; J.
to reconsider his
going to Ohio in order to Stop The in Styles, Finest in Quality, Utmost in Variety, have been combined by in
it ; that isn't going to stop it.
Tue Heed and
cans have entered into an offensive
and defensive alliance against Mr.
Blaine which makes the latter
chances of being Walter Will NOt
I egg
. n a t B. Good, not b We cur Low Hark and
low O J ER
me in styles, in utmost in Variety, have been combined by in
roof, frosted Windows,
two entrances from the front and a
hack entrance lo the choir depart
meat and pulpit, seats
The is of the
The whole building
all parts outside to outside
is long W feet wide and
is lighted lights made by the
Co., of
The spirit and which
this session of the
Association was to beheld
there was not an word said
no all the of the
services held on
at of
Mis. being me house
where vent ion was
years age.
The named
If. to be defeated by K.
T. for
county has another pa-
per. Aurora of Aurora
showed Us
We hear of hit.- about
die railroad float the Jim to
Point. What is the malt-r f
Mr. Seymour
limb the law, has hung out his
All be wants is
We hear that a prohibition paper
bearing the significant name of
Truth will soon lie by
Mr. Aaron Phillips.
The large Hotel is moving to
wise as well as witty, and as pow-
on the platform lie he is in
the sanctum. speech has some completion rapidly. The brick wall-
of the characteristics of Senator are about up. This will be one
clear, common sense the best hotels in the east,
and his proneness to illustrate Our market is supplied with
principal or enforce an oysters and Rah. You can
by witty epigram or amusing an- buy a nice bunch your
His presence added breakfast for only cents,
to the interest of the session
and his address was greatly en-
joyed by the large and
audience in attendance.
The subject of
considered on Saturday morn-
The report that the
K. C. Baptists lead their j
of the Son In s in the
their laborer
heathens, there being of them in j
China and Africa. Messrs.
in and Wood-
sen spoke on the subject
greater liberality the part the
The on was
read by j. H. Tucker and elicited a
of read
the the
who delivered a practical and earns
est speech. was followed by
Mr. of Louisburg, one
the most powerful
we have heard. Messrs. Pitchford
and also spoke.
At 4.-30 J. W. Rubles, a
of tin- church at
Pitt Co., was ordained to the full
work the Gospel ministry. Kev.
G. J, offered prayer. Rev.
Mr. fl. A. Latham, of the
is the constant of
mottoes and other tokens respect
sympathy hands of
the fair sex.
There are two executive
committees the county.
Small is chairman of one and C. F.
Warren of the other. Things are
mixed here.
The canning factory is in full
Meat. The whistle alarms all the
citizens. Some think it is Gabriel
blowing his trump. One cent
per pound is paid for opening
will be seriously hurt
by placing another . steamer at
Aurora to with the A. P.
E. II. It seems that, everything id
the lower part of the county will be
diverted to the railroad. Its
minus is on river.
The mass meeting composed of
sore heads and
has B. Colbert as
the candidate to defeat the Demo-
for Clerk of
Court. The Democracy of old
Beaufort will stand by set ion of
convention No,
for President exceedingly slim.
Democrats. and honest people
generally are mad, as they have a
light to be, because republican
United States District Attorney for
this District has taken no steps to
arrest Wheat, the republican ex-
Postmaster the House
notwithstanding bis
when his attention
was called to the mailer, that the
committed Wheat were
punishable under the United States
Statutes by both line
So one was
ed when the facts leaked out about
Speaker having advised
Wheat to return the money which
be crookedly obtained to the United
S ales Treasury, and having help-
ed him to keep the matter quiet,
but now that, the crime has been
fastened upon Wheat ho has
been dismissed in disgrace by the
House of Representatives, it does
i surprise, that the District
Attorney should be derelict in per-
forming the duties winch his oath
of entailed upon bun. Shall
a man's politics prevent his being
tried and punished
I ii II v violated the laws of land t
It looks most decidedly that way in
i his case.
The new tariff law has not
in effect a week nut rapidly
prices of so many of the
of life has raised a howl
discontent that has frightened even
ibis hide bound ad-
ministration, and unless all
fad it will be frightened a
good deal worse when the returns
Horn the Congressional are
all in.
According to the annual report
Commissioner Pensions there
are pensions on the rolls of
Government now, and more than
hall million additional applications
are on in his and they are j
r-rill pouring in. Great Scott Think
of mine than a million pensioners.
The Count of Pun, who fondly
imagines that he will one day he
king of and who was for a
time attached to Gen.
staff during the late civil war, of
which he has written an
and voluminous history, favored
Washington with a vi.-it this week.
gave him a dinner,
and some of his old comrades look
down to Mt. lie is
now the battle
fields; latter he will return and
society will
nun and the tittled Frenchman who
compose his party.
It is feared that the Democratic
Campaign committee
is trusting too much to
a good cause.
The Ohio republican office hold-
have been assessed per cent of
their salaries for campaign purposes.
The notes, account books other
evidences debt due E, Glenn
been placed in my hands for
hereby request all persons
to bun to call at within next
and make settlement.
This Oct. F.
w a s
a m
o v
We are making of
and arc receiving the finest
line ever brought to Greenville
Our stock will he complete
embracing every size made.
Our popular
st ill stands head,
other brands arc all good,
have the heaviest Stove for
the money ever put on this
market. We curry a full line
of Pine and Fix-
Tinware, Hardware.
Saw Glimmers, Nails, Paints,
Oils, Doors and Bash, Glass
We want to sec everybody
wants a Cook Stove. We
are prepared to supply the
eS cc,
ii T a S
o rt
O a
V f
A sadder death has never occurred in
tills community than that of Mrs.
Brown, wife of Dr. Zeno Brown, which
took place at their home last Saturday
at three o'clock. For three
weeks she had hang trembling between
life and death, and day day the
whole people inquired about her, with
hopes and fears. When at last the worst
came and it was known that she was
gone, there was scarcely a heart that did
net feel the shock of grief She was a
favorite with all classes and all
ii el their loss in her death. When the
news spreads through the State,
many admirers and friends will share
with us our grief. She was widely
known as Miss Cherry. was
the daughter of our much beloved citizen
Mr. James B. and as widely
loved. She had beauty of person
force of character, a generous noble
nature. She was happily united in
marriage to Dr. Zeno Brown In March
1889. Their union seemed his
loss is To him especially
and to her devoted father the sympathies
of the people are extended. She was
laid away at o'clock Sunday morning
In Cherry Hill Cemetery besides her
which hart so recently precede J
The burial services were conducted in
the Methodist Church of which she was
a member by Kev. K. B. John Rev.
E. C- Glenn. A greater throng never
crowded in and around that church on
such occasion. As the fall realization
death came ever the great concourse
of people, men Women and
wept. The were Messrs.
Jesse More. Alex. Blow, James L,
D. J. R. W. King and J.
j Opened m Greenville. Johnson, Nor-
Co. have opened s market at
their stoic opposite Skinner's Opera
House. respectfully ask a liberal
share of the patronage of the citizens of
Greenville and the county generally.
Parties in the country having Beeves,
Hogs. Goats, Sheep or Hides to sell will
do well to call on us before selling else-
where. JOHNSON, CO.
We wish to call the attention of patrons
to the splendid line of NOTIONS and
FANCY GOODS which we have added
-----to our stock of-----
Besides being able to suit your tastes in
all styles of Hats and Bonnets, trimmed
and are now prepared to
furnish the very nicest articles in
sets. Ladies Hose, Gloves. Ties, Scarfs,
Handkerchiefs, Dress
Wear, Ac. A skilled lady milliner
Greenville, N. C.
A good New Home Sewing Ma-
chine for sale cheap.
Wanted at once to COO hands, white
or colored years up to work in
our Canning Factory. Hands can make
to 81-50 per day at piece work.
Apply at once.
J. CO.,
Washington, N, C.
Pitt Co N
C. Pitt Co
T. H.
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Merchants,
We have had many years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
I .-mi furnishing Tobacco
free to those who ship o D. Cooper,
Davis Bullock ft Mitchell,
ft Co., Boyd ft
seasoned lumber hoops,
much better than the iron hoops. Par-
ties desiring to ship independently can
obtain them size at 91.65, small
size for less money, at it
Machine Shops. have also
purchased of B. F. Sugg his Gin Con-
denser, and will gin cotton this
season for a 30th, Will furnish Lumber
In any quantity either town or at the
mill as low as the lowest.
Greenville, S. A. REDDING.
Tax Notice.
will meet the tax payers of Pitt
county at the following places upon
the dates named for the purpose of
collecting the State and county tax-
es due for year
Keel's Store, Wednesday, 15th
Thursday, 10th
Parker's 17th
Saturday. 18th
Black Jack, Thursday, 21st
Burner's, Wednesday. 22nd
Lang's School house, Friday, 24th
Falkland, Saturday, 35th
Farmville, Wednesday, 29th
J. C. Cobb's Store, 30th
All persons are requested to meet
me pay their taxes promptly
and thus save further In-
beyond the time preset
ed by law will not be given.
J. A K. Sheriff.
t. fee
Strawberry Plants for Sale
The HOFFMAN sod the CLOUD.
These are earliest and best for mar-
Special rates for large lots.
J. B.
Greenville, N. C.
The leading General Merchandise dealers in
Pitt County.
We wish to say to everywhere that we have the
largest and best selected stock that it has eyer been our pleas-
to place before you. And beg of you that you will
inspect our stock and quality, quantity and
prices given you anywhere else by any first class
house. We realize that competition is the
life of trade but we are fully abreast of
the times and feel able to meet any
competitor fairly and squarely.
W e give our customers the
very best that can be
bought for the
invested in that
article. We with
the people in their de-
that they shall buy
And we
who shall give their patronage
that they shall have them cheap. If you
fail to get as good bargains, when you buy
of some one else, as your neighbor gels who buys
of us, you have only yourself to blame, because we
have invited you time and again to come in and see us.
Our invitation to all people is LEARN OF US, KNOW
US, BUY OF US. With these three injunctions ringing fresh in
your ears every week, we again ask you to come and examine the
following lines of General Merchandise
Staple Fancy Dry Goods
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Farming Implements,
Heavy Fancy Groceries
Flour a Specialty,
Crockery y
Wood Willow Ware,
Trunks and Valises,
Harness and If hips.
After a business
of twenty live
years we do not hesitate
tell you, that we can
j and do offer yon bargains
that have never before
been heard of in this
county, and, each
I season we are at
I trying to serve your
j interests faithfully.
We are headquarters in this market for Furniture and ask
to look at our line of Suits, both Walnut and cheaper woods.
Bureaus, Bedsteads, single and double, Mattresses and Bed
Springs, Children's Beds, Cribs and Cradles, Washstands. Cane
and seat Chairs, and Rocking Chairs.
Children's and Dining and
lots other things too numerous to mention. We thank you for
past favors trust and believe that you will continue to patron
us, for we work not alone for our interest but also for yours
Is now an established fact and commends it-
self to the readers of the We have
no enemies to punish, or friends to reward.
Don't pay one man as a means to rob his neigh-
buy Tobacco on its merits and stand ready
to compare sales with any market in the State.
Try us and be convinced, proof of the pudding
the We will pay for all Hogs-
heads used in shipping to us. Prompt personal
attention given the sale of every pile of tobacco
on our floor, and SAVE you over a third in
charges of what you pay in other markets to
have your tobacco sold. Give us a trial.
Your friend,
Ed. M. PACE.
Sales every day
We make no loud advertisement but will pay as much for I
all of tobacco---------
As any House Anywhere.
We guarantee all patrons the best possible attention
-------our personal attention to-------
Every Lot of Tobacco on
We know that a poor sale means a loss of patronage and
---------business men cannot afford
Empty Hogsheads free- Find them with S. A.
Greenville, or with B. S. Falkland
Our the best market for bright tobacco in the
and our facilities for handling tobacco as good as
we will do all we can to please you if you will give us a trial.
house is the best lighted in town and we have every
advantage that can be had on a loose market. Give us
and be convinced. ft

N. C
I Sparks
New Good New Goods Did
ever the like of New Goods
at They ate
just have knocked the
bottom out of prices and will sell
cheaper now than ever before.
terms will be strictly CASH.
Henderson, N. C.
Is the leading place
For farmers to sell tobacco.
If yon want the highest prices
Don't to ship your tobacco
To Cooper's, N. C.
Go to Brown Bros, for Shoes.
Raleigh will be years oM in
A good Dray for sale. Apply to
C. Stephen.
Highest cash prices paid for cot-
ton II. F. Keel
Best the world Flour at J B.
Nice Shoes
at Brown Bros.
Ladies, examine Brown
of Dress Good,
A few shares of City Stock
for sale by J. J. Cherry.
Bros, are selling
Calico for per yard.
Don't delay to register. The I
expires 25th.
For your bargains in Furniture
go to J Co's.
Try some of the new corned
lets at the Old Brick Store.
A nice of crockery etc. cheap
low at J B. Cherry Co's.
For Latest Style low
price-- go to J. B. Co's.
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
sick at the Old Brick Store.
custom made Shoes for
la lies, at Brown Bros.
I cheapest line of
at J. B. Cherry
are in for
the peanut crop. It is large in
this county
North Fluid Homespuns
at j Fer at J. B.
ft Co's.
Glasgow received
a fine load of horses direct from
Visitors always like Greenville, but
they say our principal need is a I
hotel building.
II you to insure in
the best company the
States go to J. J.
Davis New Home sewing
Machines for sale J. C.
office at Brown Bros. Store.
For a fine drive or work horse
call oil Evans. A new lot
just arrived.
Bros. sell at cost nor
below cost, but U to it as any
reliable firm in town.
Master John Williams is I-
school at
Mr. C. F. Wilson, of tie Advance,
attended the Association. We were
glad to have him call.
Mrs. L. E. of New
has been visiting relatives here since
the Association.
Miss Annie E. Spain, living a few
miles from Greenville, hrs gone to
to take charge of n school.
Rev. R. L. D. D., Pres-
of Rutherford College, will
preach in the Methodist Church this
evening at o'clock.
J. L. Fleming, of Hamilton,
was in to see Saturday. He says
the enrollment off his school this
has thus far reached
Mr. Ola Forbes, of Oxford, paid us
a pleasant call yesterday morning.
He is home for a few days on
and pleasure combined.
Brother of the Scotland
Neck Democrat was among the
upon the Association. He was
frequently in the Reflector office,
very much to pleasure.
W. II. Long, of Tennessee,
who read law here under Gov. Jarvis,
then attended the law school at
Chapel Hill and was recently granted
license to by the Supreme
Court, returned to last
week and will locate here.
Mr. V. L. Stephens has sold out
his stock groceries and gone to
Wilson to accept a position as book-
keeper for Young Bros. His family
will join him there mob. We. regret
to lose them from Greenville and
give Van just one year to be located
here again. Mr. T. A. Cherry bought
his stock.
On last Friday evening Mi. J.
Laughinghouse, after his from
Henderson, had a light chill, on
Saturday morning he had a yellow
chill and has been extremely rick.
He was taken at the resilience of Dr.
C. J. At present writing
he has improved very much is
getting along nicely.
If you registered two years ago,
four years ago, ten years ago, twenty
years ago or even fifty years it is not
worth one iota and will not entitle
you to vote this year unless you go
register again. White man, go reg
are almost gone.
The bird law was out yesterday.
Only ten more days left in which
trade is fine an
Go register, white man, pro-
v . r home by voting a white
The loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Point Lace Flour, at
the Old Brick Store.
are coming in the James
High School at Pitt Co., N.
C, from all over the State.
Our dollar Solid Leather
Shoes for man or woman give entire
satisfaction. J. B. Co.
It is a common thing to see J. D.
Williamson taking to the
depot to ship off to other places.
The largest stove for ten dollars
ever sold in Greenville, at II is-
forget that cook
stove j on you wife. You
will find them at
What, a Solid Leather for
dollar either manor
At J. B. Cherry Co's.
James High School has a pupil
from Durham and one from Eliza-
beth City. counties are
We are receiving this week an-
other shipment of the
Stoves Co's popular stoves. D.
D. Haskett O.
Why is it that every who
goes to J. B. Cherry Co's are
happy Because they are pleased
with their Bargains.
a bundle cotton ties, owner have
by applying J. W. Smith,
Beaver Dam
We hear of no marriages in town
on the for this season.
Time to gel some on between now
and Christians, though.
per lb for Sweet
Snuff. lb bold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
gold horse shoe medal
with the letters A. C engraved
thereon. The finder will be re-
warded by leaving it at this office.
Evans street,
day night, a lady's scarf, evidently
lost by some one returning from
church. Owner call at Reflector
Anything yon boy flora mar-
it not satisfactory you may re-
turn it and money will be re-
funded. We keep fresh beef, pork,
motion, kid. poultry, and solicit
your patronage. Johnson,
Notice. As the church in
has asked fur all my
time for i ext year do by this give
notice that my horse phaeton
are for sale. If I keep any horse it
will be more than a pony My
horse is font years old. raised
him myself. If be has proper at-
he promises to be a horse of
Hon. W. M. will address
the people of Pitt county at Bethel
on Saturday, 25th.
Hon. M. W. Ransom will address
the people of Pitt county at Green-
ville on October
L. Blow,
Chin. Dem. Ex Com.
Some Curiosities.
Mr. Noah Forbes, Jr., brought us
two curiosities on Friday. One was
a twin apple, both growing from one
stem, and the other was a peanut.
the stem of which had grown through
a stick, the I forming on the op-
side from the vine. We were
sorry to learn from Mr. Forbes that
of his children are quite sick
with fever.
-Merchants say
cl good.
The residence Mrs. T. R. Cherry
is being repainted.
Tin; Tarboro town hall wears a
dumb clock in its tower.
Several Pitt county have
bought cane mills recently.
The Raleigh Fair began
day. Several from Pitt have gone up.
The weather for a week has been
fine, only a little warm for time
of year.
Tobacco and culture is
doing a One thing for the farm -rs of
this section.
The book store is the
only place in town that keep mourn
The are invited to visit the
book store to examine
our books and stationery.
Mr. J. Lanier brought us a
sweet potato blossom last Saturday.
Very late in the year for them.
A train of cars passed through
Wilson the other day that was
yards Ion, so the
You can buy land cheap here if
you want to come to Pitt county and
engage in the cultivation of fine to-
Only a few lots, were disposed of
at the Ayden sale last Wednesday.
The lots went so w that the sale
was stopped.
The recent changes made at Ry-
store improve the
thereof. He is getting in
readiness to buy his holiday stock.
The railroad company are
a small ware house and putting in a
siding at House's crossing three miles
from town. It will be a flag station.
The office has had a
hard time of it this week four in the
office hindered from work by
but we get there just the same.
Latham Ponder are to front
today in an attractive advertisement.
If you want stoves call on them they
can suit you in any style and shape.
It threatened rain on Monday
night last but on yesterday morning
the sun rose in all its glory and
we have beautiful
The town tax collector has just
armed himself with a lot of receipts
and is after the item you owe for
town taxes. He has blood in his eye
for delinquents.
A gal dun opportunity is offered in
this issue for the right, man. A
farm in three miles of Washington
to lease for five years free, it contains
about acres. Sec advertisement
This and next month is what is
becoming to be known as the
Raleigh, Weldon, Tarboro
and all over the State fairs will go-
on in the above two months.
The way that new subscribers keep
coming in for the is truly
gratifying. If delinquents were
coming to their duty as well, we
would have more money than we now
The Wilmington Review had a
break down of the press a day or so
ago and we missed the sprightly
sheet. You can always rely on the
Review for local news from the
by the
The Clyde baa put on a new
steamer to run direct between Wash-
and Norfolk. This boat will
connect with the Tar River Trans-
Co's steamer and
give quick freights.
Winder if the tobacco warehouse
agitation is to be let drop flat. This
should be of more than trifling
to our people. By all means
Greenville should hare warehouses
in time to market the next crop.
C. C. the Independent
candidate for the Legislature,
that if a was on the same
ticket with him he would take great
pleasure in voting for the
White men should take no stock in
Excess Vs.
The editor was taken sick Mon-
day night and being unable to leave
his Mom all yesterday a number of
items intended for this column had
to be omitted. Several that arc here
were dictated from the sick bed to
his wife who prepared them for the
printers. We are indebted to friends
for in getting up other
matter for this issue that could not
be prepared before yesterday.
Come to Us
The now has the best
equipped hook and stationery store
ever opened in e. What-
ever you want, in the way of ks
and magazines can be bad here, also
envelopes, box paper, quire paper,
tablets, slates, pens, pencils, ink,
mucilage, etc. Fine line of cigars
also in stock, the and
being the best cent
smokers in the market.
He Hadn't
Beat Qua I have some-
thing very Important to toll
Gus EL is it,
do tell me. for you know how
does me.
B. it is such a nice one
on you. I cannot tell yon.
curiosity is coming out
of the top of my head, please tell me.
II. you registered
New Building and Loan.
Mr. Ma bee, who we mentioned last
week as being here in the interest of
the Mercantile Building and Loan
Association, off New York, organized
a branch here on Friday. The
lowing arc the officers of the new as-
J. Whichard.
TreasurerS. M. Schultz.
G. James.
Skinner, G. K.
Harris, and B. M.
The recent work done at Cherry
Hill Cemetery left it in the best con-
it has been for years. Keep
it condition and it will reflect,
more credit on the town than
heretofore. All the pine trees with-
in the enclosure have cut down
and whole plot made neat and
attractive. The REFLECTOR has long
advocated this improvement and is
glad to see it accomplished. Now
we suggest that owners of the prop
to the rear of the cemetery be
requested to have all those cut down
that obstruct the view from the rail-
road. Let the good work keep going
as it has started.
To Delinquent Subscribers.
We do not like to be put to the
trouble and expense of a dun
to each subscriber to the Reflect in
by mail, and to avoid that ask every-
one in arrears to come forward and
settle, or if you live at a distance,
send the money by letter. We are
not asking this charity's sake,
but are asking for what you justly
owe, only this and nothing more.
The publication of the is
a matter of business, you are
asked to pay what you own as a mat-
of business. Any man
will pay for his paper or tell
the editor like a man that hi in not
aide to do so.
Bow They Money.
Railroad corporations, as well as
individuals, are sometimes penny
wise and pound foolish. The people
of Kinston wanted an excursion, at
a low file from that town to Green-
ville on Sunday so they might come
over to the dedication. The train
was run. but the company would
give no lower rate than it had
the week, for the round trip.
The result of this was that only forty
people came on the excursion, but
these told us there were between on
and two hundred people who wore
ready and would have come had the
fare been Anybody can see that
the low fare would have made thorn
much more money than the high
fare. The railroad managers,
though smart men, don't known
it all every time.
great power and He has
Association Notes
Greenville greatly enjoyed the
meeting of the Association.
Many of the delegates and visitors
to the Association had never seen
Greenville before. It goes without
saying that they were charmed with
our beautiful town.
The number of visitors in Green-
ville during the Association was
quite large. We would like to make
personal mention of them all but
space forbids.
Our distinguished townsman, Gov.
Jarvis, while a member of another
denomination was frequently in at-
the sessions of the
Association, and took much interest
in its deliberations. In responding
to an invitation from the body to
occupy a seat among them, be
education, religions progress and
all that pertains to the uplifting of
the people, the Baptists of late years
have led in North
Greenville did herself credit in en
the Association. We
talked with many of the delegates
who were loud in their praise of the
hospitality and attention they re-
Many said they had never
attended so delightful a meeting.
The only regrets our people have in
the matter is that more off the
gates did not come, as homes were
provided for fully one hundred more
About Freights.
The Reflector believes there is no
one thing that benefit a more
than a good railroad when it is right-
conducted, and operates with an
eye to the interest of the people. On
the other hand there is nothing hat
goes further to hold a town down
and prevent its development than for
a railroad to have a monopoly of
transportation and be operated with
an eye singe to its own interest and
the of every dollar
possible out of the O
neighbor town, Tarboro, is now com-
plaining loudly about exorbitant
freight charges, having to pay
per bale on cotton shipped from there
to Norfolk, with incoming freight
proportionally high. That, town
came to such a state of affairs in this
It had two competing trans-
lines and the freight on
cotton went down to cents per
bale. Instead of keeping rates at
this figure the shippers adopted the
suicidal policy of giving all their
patronage to one line and other
had to with drawn, and no sooner
did the one into full con
of the situation than freight
rates j just percent.
We wish to make some
sons from this and drop a word of
warning to the shippers of Green-
ville. This town is blessed with
reasonable freight rates, brought,
about of course by the competing
transportation lines that run to this
place. It has not always thus,
as some who are in here
will what freights
when there was but one
company that run a steamer here.
Not a great many years ago another
company put boats upon the river
and at once freight charges began
to go down and a third line coming
later have brought them to such
a figure that no one could complain.
The railroad is here also, an while
that has increased the facilities of
the town, it is held check by the
steamer so far as freight, charges are
concerned. But recent observations
and inquiry lead us to believe that
the shippers here arc not as much in-
in keeping freights low as
they should be. For instance, a few
Saturdays ago the train took from
Greenville eight ca r loads cotton,
while the earns day t he steamer
took five bales and the steamer
only one bale- The boats
cannot, continue their operation if
they are to be patronized in that way.
Already there has been talk of
some off them the river, and it
will be an unfortunate day for Green
villa upon which such talk
should became a reality. Let the
boats be driven off the river you
will see freights pop up so quick it
will make your head swim.
The is glad the railroad
is here and glad the people are
patronizing it liberally, but don't
he so liberal about it as to kill the
boats. The advantage of
by rail as far as getting it into
Norfolk one day sooner is but a
fling affair, as the price of cotton is
just as liable to be up or down one
as it is another, and sometime it
pays just as well to be in the market
one day later as one day sooner.
Patronize both the railroad and
steamboats and divide your freights
between them. It is to the interest
of the business men to make Green-
ville a good market both for the buy-
ins of cotton and selling of goods,
and a very effective means off
this is to have the very lowest
freights that can be
The met in regular monthly
session, on Monday, Oct. and trans-
acted the following business. Present,
C. Dawson, Chairman, G. M. Mooring,
S. E. Keel and C. V. Newton. Min
of last meeting were read and approved
The following pauper
John Stokes
Margaret Bryan Jas Masters
Ivy Mayo Patsy Elks U
D Moore John
Baker Alex Harris Polly
Adams Francis Red-
Atkinson Daniel Webster
Martha Nelson Lydia Bryan
S Asa Knox Henry Harris
Arthur Dennis Julia Dunn
Susan Briley Win Keel
the following general
R J W Carson T C Bryan
D H James C P Q G
Ward O J J A K
Tucker J A K Tucker J
Israel Edwards J D
Buck W P Buck A Martin
J A K Tucker R M Move.
Allen 23.1 A K Tucker It B
Parker D Worthington W J
Hardison R T Hodges B S
Sheppard W T Knight E O
W K Williams Cal-
Stokes G F Evans R G
Chapman J J
W P Buck W J Fulford J H
Smith L B Police of
Greenville F G James B II
Robt Williams John
Flanagan Buggy Company
Andrews S M A James H F
Keel W J John R
Leggett D C Moore Sydney
House George House Emma
House M Z Moore B S Shep-
Andrew Robinson A
Blow C C V Newton
T E Keel G M Mooring J
Tucker E A
Upon petition of G W and
thirteen others a road was ordered to be
laid off from Venters store to Beau-
fort county line by the Sheriff according
to law without expense to the
Upon petition of W. F.
was made in the number years of the
estate of Jackson Pittman as following
acres made acres to acres.
License to retail liquor six months
commencing July lit, 1890. Were
to the following
Bryan, Bell's X Roads.
township. Corbet to retail liquor
in Falkland township was not granted.
The following prisoners were hired
John Williams for four months
and nine days to W. M. Brown for the
sum of four dollars per month from this
date. William Hopkins for eight
moths, commencing Oct 15th, to M. A.
James for the sum of five dollars
The persons were allowed to
list their taxes for the year
Willie Harris. John Duncan, Gray
Zach Clark.
Swift Creek
on, Louis Fred Cannon, Sr.
Jesse Jesse William
King, James A Cox, Jas Henry Thomas
Washington Edwards, Slade Tyson, A
F Harrington, Henry Chapman, W E
Bright, J J
Nobles, Bent H Pollard,
Chapman, Ransom Smith, Henry
J H Smith, W W Haddock for
wile, Spain, W W Haddock.
Greenville W Worth-
Moore. J W
L Craft. S
The Leading Dry Goods
and Clothing
House in Greenville. N. C.
As usual we have the
finest selection of
Fine Dress Goods and
Trimmings in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing that is not
new and very stylish.
In Dress Goods
We are showing the latest
weaves of Parisian styles. Our
stock comprises handsome Em-
Combination and
Camel's Hair Robes of Hie new-
est designs and latest
makers. We are showing in
all shades elegant Serges, Mo
hair, Flannels,
cots and Cashmeres.
In Black Goods
We have Silk Warp Henrietta,
all wool Henrietta,
Serges, Broadcloth, Cashmeres,
Flannels, etc., in Jet, Mourning
and Blue Black.
Trimming Department
Is complete with the most stylish
effects in Cut Steel
tries, Braid, Fringes and Gimp.
Velvet, Plushes and Velvet Rib-
in all desirable colors.
In this department we have rep-
resented the styles of the most
fashionable shape in the
try in Far, Astrakhan and Cloth
Capes, Seal Plush Jackets and
Wraps and Cloth Garments
every style and shape.
Muslin Under-
This is a new venture with us
and in order to make it a success
we sh name some astonishing-
low during the next
few weeks.
We have a large and varied
stock of Ladies and Misses
sets, Furnishing Goods and
other Notions all at the correct
As usual we have the
finest selection of Cloth-
Hats and
Goods in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing that is not
new and very stylish.
Gent's Fine
In this department we feel con-
that our selections are the
and most stylish in
town. We are all the
newest styles and cuts in Serges,
Wales and other fancy and
fabrics. In Men's fancy
Trousers we are the leaders.
Boy's Clothing.
Here is where the service of an
experienced buyer is needed,
besides combining the proper
styles and textures, durability
bears an important part in buy-
boy's clothes. Parents
we can safely say that we have
combined all these and are able
to offer you a reliable line of
Boy's Clothing at the right
prices. In Men's and Boy's
Overcoats we have a fine line of
which we will say race as the
season advances.
Men and Boys Hats.
Of all shapes, styles and quail
ties at the correct prices.
Men's Footwear.
We have them in all styles and
shapes. Our Old Men's Shoe is
the most comfortable on the
market. The celebrated Police
Shoes are another of our
In fact our whole line represents
the most serviceable makes.
Furnishing Goods.
The largest line of Gent's
Goods, Hosiery, Sus-
etc., ever shown in
Gent's Shirts.
In Dress, Flannel and
of all styles.
Carpets, Oilcloths, Etc.
We have everything in this line
that can be desired, from a
common Hemp to a Fine Body
heel we Oilcloths and
None but the best represented.
We show at least eighteen
in ladies handmade footwear in
all shapes and lasts. In Misses
have quite a varied assortment.
Misses and Children School
Shoes a specialty.
We have the
array of Dress and Evening Ties
In the town.
Stair Carpets in various widths.
Large selection of Rugs in all
sizes of Smyrna, Velvet and
The largest stock of Lace Cur-
and Poles and Window
Shades ever shown in town.
Trunks and Valises.
From a common wood packer
to a fine Zinc Saratoga, Valises
Traveling Bags.
Remember that we have no second hand goods
nothing but new and stylish goods.
We our reputation as the leaders.
A cordial invitation to our friends and patrons
to visit us and make our place headquarters.
L Craft.
U Worthington, Louis B
No trouble to show goods.
Our Mammoth Stock of Stylish-
received. There never been n
better selection brought to this market.
Will lead in and
Sell at Low Prices.
We have none but the beet Milliners.
Higgs Sisters,
Pall Styles. Greenville, N. I .
S. M. Schultz,
I their supplies will Mud It to
Interest to eel our prices before
in all its brunches.
we buy direct from Manufacturer, ens-
you to buy at one A com.
Stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our are nil and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we at a close margin.
S. M.
Greenville. N. V.
It is to interest of every lady want-
Stylish Millinery to see
Mrs. E. A. Sheppard,
before making purchases, she is still
to front with beautiful stock and
defies competition In styles and prices.
With her large experience in the
m s she is prepared to suit of
every purchaser. Call at her residence
oil Avenue.
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
Dry Notions, Boots, Shoes and
We have just received and opened a beautiful line of new
Fall and Winter Goods.
be glad to have my old friends come to
see us, and assure them that we can sell the goods
Give us a trial and be convinced that the way to buy goods is for
the spot cash.
Greenville, X. C . January,
Bullock Mitchell,
We beat the world on high averages. With ample capital, one
of the best lighted houses in t he State a good working force
we defy competition. WE HOGSHEADS ON
PLICATION. The Oxford tobacco market is as firm and as solid
as the granite foundations of the everlasting mountains, and we
would say to the handed of of Eastern Carolina
that we will to get for them as much money for their
Tobacco as any other on this or any other market.
Every lot entrusted to our care shall our personal attention.
ask is a trial. truly,
Reliable Goods.
The above is what
the people need and not so
much cheap goods which
prove be
We carry a fall line of
mi m mums,
k Shod,
Full assortment and many
other minor lines that are
carried by dry goods stores
. C .
Calicoes I Cheeked Home
spun White to
Worsted to
Shoes to Brass I
R papers and
beside for
Cup t-i cents,
to Punts
to and other;
thing In
Calicoes Checked
White Homespun to
Worsted ct to
Si to Brass t
Needles papers and
for M Cakes
eta, Caps to no eta, lists
s to 83.23,

E. O.
------AND DEALER IN------
Greenville, N. C.
Oilers to the borers Pitt and counties, a line of the following good
not to be excelled in this market. And all guaranteed to be and
p re goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING GEN
kind Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Limb, Plaster of Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door of Court House
My Factory is well equipped with the best Mechanics, put up nothing
first-class work. We keep up with the times and improved styles.
Best material used in all work. AU styles of Springs are you can from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full Hie of ready made
die year round, which we will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same
J. B. Jonathan White, J. o. proctor. w. e.
Portsmouth, X. C j Q PROCTOR BRO.,
Bridgers White, L .
us High street.
Va. c.
Solicit consignments of Cotton. Pea
nut. Poultry. and all other
Country Reference. Mer-
chants and Farmers Bank. Portsmouth.
Steam Engines k Boilers
Improved Brown Cotton Gin.
Saw, Grist and Shingle
Hancock Cotton Gin,
Cotton Seed Crushers,
Pulleys, Hangings,
Also dealer in Steam
Orders for any kind of
will lie promptly filled at very lowest
prices. Repairing a
Greenville, N. C.
We come before our patrons again this
season and invite their attention
to the largest
Stock of New Goods
ever brought to Grimesland. Space will
not permit telling all we have in stock.
but if you want anything in the of
Come to us. We have the
in Pitt county. Can give you bargains
on any goods in our store. Highest
prices paid Seed or Lint Cotton.
Persons owing us are requested
to make settlements as early its possible.
Latham S; Fender.
Marine accepted the agency of
the Plow Works
we are prepared to
The John Flanagan
Are in business at the old Flanagan
Shops and are manufacturing
all kinds of the best
------We also do------
All Work guaranteed.
Greenville, N. C.
at low prices. First-class ma-
We carry a full line of
and A full line of
several of the best makes of
COOK STOVES on hand and to
We sell low for cash.
Greenville, N. C.
Tag Tar Urn Transportation Company
Forbes, Greenville,
J. B. Cherry, Vice-Pres
J. S. Greenville,
N. at. Tarboro. Gen
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the finest
Hi quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort.
and convenience of Cubes.
A Paid.
A trip on the Steamer
not table inn attractive.
Leave Washington Monday, Wednesday
n at o'clock, a. m .
i Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. a.
Freights received daily and
Lading to all points.
r. mm, ire, i. j.
N, C. N.
We have opened for the purpose or con-
ducting a general
I Banking, Exchange and Collecting Business.
Money to Loan on Approved Security.
Collections solicited and remittance
made promptly.
Having associated B. Sheppard
with the business we
an- ready to serve the people in that
II and recounts
m- have placed in
th-- binds of for r,
Harper Mis.
II you feel o cross and
Dr J. H.
cheerfulness will return and
life will acquire new Best.
Don't irritate your lungs with a stub-
born cough when a and
remedy may be found in Dr. J. I.
Tar Wine Lung Balm
If you all run do
strength, no energy, and feel very tired
all the Dr. J. II
Sarsaparilla. It will impart strength
and vitality to your system.
If you are suffering with weak or in-
flamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, you
can be cured by using Dr. J. H.
Lean's Strengthening Lye Salve.
The blood must be pure for tho body
to be in perfect condition. Dr. J. H.
Sarsaparilla makes pure blood
and imparts the rich bloom of health
and vigor to the whole body.
goes right to the said an
old man, who was rubbing in Dr. J. II.
Volcanic Oil Liniment to re-
storm Calendar and Weather Forecast
for 1890. by R. Hicks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
postage stamp. The Dr. J. II.
Medicine Co., St. I is. Mo.
The Best Salve in the world for
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Fever Sores. Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
turns, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price per box. For said by J.
Hind wandering
fin one realm. from all
parts of the globe. port
on application to Prof,
Cl A. Fifth Am.
it to
Portraits, and cuts of colleges, hotels, factor-
machinery, Sic,, made lo order from
stamp for specimen sheets.
Metropolitan Press Agency,
New York City.
Blood Cure.
cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Nervous
it rat ton. Constipation and all diseases of
A standard household remedy
in successful use more years. A
cure for
the Blood, Stomach and Liver.
Unequal Producing Clear
A botanical compound, put up in packages
and sent by mail at one-third the cost of
medicine. packages, sufficient for
quarts, halt-size packages, sufficient
for pints. sample packages, c.
A reliable Agent in this locality.
Fall Term opens
TUITION from 81.26 to per month.
Board from is to per mouth.
One hundred and live pupils were en-
rolled last year, sixteen of which number
were boarders.
For further particulars address
Z. D.
N. C
Some Tariff Lessons.
The moving principle of
has just been shown in Georgia
by the action the farmers of that
State in deciding to hereafter use
cotton bagging to the exclusion of
jute, though the former sells for
twelve and one half cents, while jute
is only eight cents per yard. The
explanation of the change is that
farmers propose to make up the ex-
a expense to them for tho cost of
bagging by increase demand for this
cotton, which the general use pf the
cotton bagging will create. It is
calculated that if the demand for the
cotton bagging should increase the
price of cotton only a half a cent,
that small rise would more than
counter-balance the difference of the
cost between jute and cotton. The
analogy between this and the
for protection is evident. The
protectionist says to the
me to create a demand at
home for what you produce and you
will help yourself, for you will in-
i the consumption of your pro-
duct and obviously increase the com-
petition for it. That means a rise
in Organ.
The arguments of the Georgia cot
ton planter and the protectionist are
not analogous. The Georgia planter
covers his bale with cotton bagging
at twelve and one-half cents instead of
jute at eight, for the purpose of de-
creasing the supply cotton and
raising its price. That is all the
real interest he has in the mi
are built to manufacture cotton
bagging, instead of jute because this
planter will not the latter. The
bagging of these mills is all sold to
the planter so long as it is to his in.
to buy it- When it is not lo
his interest, he can go back to jute
at eight cents per yard. He has a
choice between two kinds of bag-
In this particular commodity
he has been able to force
but the price of his cotton is
still fixed in the free trade market
Liverpool. He produces a great
surplus beyond the demand of Amer-
cotton market whose price the
use of cotton bagging will not greatly
effect in Liverpool.
How is it with the American man-
He sells all his goods in
the American market with but little
competition from abroad. If there is
competition at home and a surplus is
created, he goes into a trust and
kills off the competition. He shuts
down his mills and turns his men
into the streets, and produces no
more than protection forces the con-
to pay hint a good price for.
Mis business grows immense and
discourages the growth of smaller
industries producing the same line
of goods. The farmer is bound to
create a surplus over and above the
American market or perish in the
sweat of his face. The manufacturer
controls the supply of his goods by
the assistance of protection. The
farmer ought to have a chance to bay
goods from the people, who fixes the
prices of the products of his field.
The Name.
If there be one name sweeter than
another to a car it is the
name of Jesus. Jesus it is the name
which moves the harps of Heaven to
melody. Jesus the life of all our
joys. If there be one name more
charming, more precious than another
it is this name. It is woven into the
very warp and woof of our
Many of our begin with it,
and scarcely any that good for
anything end without it. It is the
sum total of all delights. It is the
music with which the bells of Heaven
ring; a song in a an ocean for
comprehension, although a drop for
brevity; a matchless oratorio in the
syllables; a gathering up of the
hallelujahs of eternity in five letters.
Yes, it is the name that calms all
fear, when death's dark shadows
near, for it doth speak
Heaven and rest, and sweetest bliss
amid the
Cam, M
f H.
To can Biliousness, Sick Headache,
Malaria, Liver Complaints, take
the sat and certain remedy,
This is what you lo have, in fact
you must have it to fully enjoy life.
Thousands are searching for it daily, and
mourning because find it not.
Thousands upon thousand of dollars are
spent annually by our people in the
that they may attain this And
yet it may be had by all. We guarantee
that Electric if used according
to directions and the use persisted in.
will bring you Good Digestion and oust
the demon Dyspepsia and install instead
recommend Electric Bit-
for Dyspepsia and all diseases of
Liver, and Kidneys. Sold at
and per bottle by J. L.
en, Druggist
Fee the A LI. little Beans to the
Price at age. r Bottle.
Car Load of Fine
--------Just received by-------
Greenville, N. C.
------And will be sold------
or at reasonable terms on time on
proved security. I bought my stock
Cash and can afford to sell as
anyone. Give me a call.
Of Kentucky University, KT.
. W. and Street,
F. V. A V. R. .--.-, ; . r
v aid .; or tor
In Tear,
fr-m State- an I Countries.
P Teacher
Law. Joint factor In.
B-var-i in a
and are
r- and can h r with
He love I am sorry to
point you about the picnic, but my trot-
has a lame That's nothing
We've got plenty of Salvation Oil.
The Detroit Fiend has been
punning on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
is only gratitude, for nil thinking
me know its
department for Principal
Special of Book-
Arithmetic and when taken alone. S pee
open and received on p
be made Co.
a cheap to ti
First your
going to raise your salary Ibis
coining Second
I don't know; haven't finished
raising my last year's salary yet.
bow. For
It. A. DOME CO.,
Commission Merchants,
Roanoke Dock,
Special attention Riven to Sales f Cot-
ion, Grain. Peanuts and Country Pro-
duce generally. Liberal
Prompt returns and
highest market price guaranteed.
------When want a
They make the best. And if you want
------your old------
Family Pictures Enlarged
carry them to Alley they
enlarge them in Crayon, Pastel, India
Ink or Water Colors. All work
teed. Call see them.
Alley Hyman.
R HYMAN, Manager.
I have opened at the stables formerly
occupied by Dr. J. G. James,
and will keep a fine line of
Horses and
have if and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can suit the most
I will run in connection a
AGE BUSINESS, and solicit a share of
four patronage. Call and be convinced.
Greenville, N. G.
Many Persons
An broken down from overwork or
Brown's Iron Bitters
the system, aid digestion. removes ex-
of bile, cures Get
and th. Stag-
Rev. F. M. Pastor United
Brethren Church. Blue Mound. Kan.,
feel it my duty to tell what
wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has
done for me- My Lungs were badly dis-
eased, and my parishioners thought I
could live only a few weeks. I took live
of Dr. King's New Discovery and
run sound and well, gaining lbs. in
Arthur Manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, a
thorough trial and convincing
I am confident Dr. King's New
for Consumption, beats all, and
cures when everything else fails. The
greatest kindness I can do my many
thousand friends is to urge them to
Free trial at J. L.
Drug Store. Regular sizes c. and
concessions averted a
strike on the Illinois Central rail-
If your baby is restless while teething
get Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup , a dose of it
will relieve the little sufferer at once.
Only cents a bottle.
A box of Old Saul's Catarrh Cure is
invaluable for catarrh, influenza or cold
In the head.
Democratic Canvass.
The Candidates of the Democrat-
party for the Legislature the
various County Offices will address
the people of Pitt County at the
billowing times and places
Thursday, Oct,
Parkers School I louse, Friday,
Oct, 17th.
Bethel, Saturday, Oct. 18th.
Black Jack, Tuesday, Oct,
Wednesday, Oct, 22nd.
X Thursday,
Oct, 23rd.
Lang's School House, Friday,
Oct, 24th.
Falkland, Saturday, Oct, 25th.
Alex. L. Blow,
Dem. Ex. Committee
We are pleased to announce to tho to-
growers of Pitt and adjoining
counties that we are prepared to give
Hogsheads free to any person who
will use them to ship their tobacco in
provided will ship it to
Davis of Oxford. N. C.
Mess. Davis Gregory are very large
tobacco dealers and the high-
est prices for all tobaccos shipped to
them. And since they offer this favor of
furnishing hogsheads and have shown
such Interest in the tobacco growing of
our section we hope our tobacco growers
will find it to their interest to give them
a most patronage.
Persons desiring to ship to other par-
ties can obtain hogshead of size
at a piece.
prompt attention to all or-
sent to at Greenville, N. C.
Conscience Money in Moore
San ford Express.
While at the on Mon-
day afternoon a citizen of this place
showed a letter containing a
check for that he had just re-
from a young man in an ad-
joining county. The letter read
substantially as years
ago while you were
in my town, was accustomed to go
into your store and steal candy and
other Then I was
a boy but now I am a man and my
conscience lashes me for that candy
stealing. I send yon this check to
ease conscience. Use it and say
nothing about the incident to any
The receiver of this check
turned it over to the treasury of the
Methodist church.
Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala-
Nervousness, and General Debility.
recommend It. All dealers sell it.
has trade mark and crossed red Hues on wrapper.
Charming these exceptional
people Here's a Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery for instance,
and it's cured hundreds, thousands
known, thousands
known, and yet yours is exceptional
case Do you think that that bit of
man nature which you call is differ-
from the other parcels of human
nature you don know
Good in out of a
cases, the causes are the same
impure blood and that's why
Medical cures ninety-nine
out of every hundred. You may be the
exception. And you may not. But
would you rather be the exception, or
would you rather lie well If you're the
exception it costs you nothing, get
your money suppose it cures
Let the
take the risk.
The quality of the blood depends much
upon good or bad digestion and
To make the blood rich in life
and strength-giving constituents use
Dr. J. H. Sarsaparilla. It
will nourish the properties or the blood,
from which the elements of vitality are
Children who are troubled with worms
may be quickly by giving them
Dr. J. H. Liquid
It kills and expels worms.
The of the
and life and
to every portion of the body; appetite
the hour of rest brings with It
sound repose. This can be secured by
taking Dr. J. H. Sarsaparilla.
For rheumatic and neuralgic pains.
nib in Dr. J. II. Volcanic Oil
Liniment, and take Dr. J. H.
Sarsaparilla. will not suffer long,
but will be gratified with a speedy and
effective cure.
the difference in the figures women who do
and those who do not use modern labor-saving devices.
W keep on hand at all rime a nice
. stock of Case mid Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the Case down to a
Coffin. We are fitted
up with all convenience and can render
to all who j
fall Cream. Fall
. is if
BACKS are drawn out of shape by the
old-fashioned see-saw, rubbing, twisting, wrecking
way of washing clothes and cleaning house than by any
other means. You ruin health, form, clothes,
paint, and don't get the best results.
Try the greatest invention of this Century in the
way of Pyle's PEARLINE. It does away
with the rubbing, hence there is no wear and tear on
body or fabric You don't have to bob up and down
over a tub of soiled clothing and dirty water, inhaling
poisonous odors and steam; hence you save your
hearth. Its success is Millions use it. Millions
more .-will use it
Every grocer sells Pyle's Pearline. Beware of peddled
Notice to Creditors
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of country,
on the 28th day of August. 1800. as ad-
of John A. Moore, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned. Those
having claims against the estate, must
present them, properly authenticated, to
the undersigned on or before the 1st day
of September, 1891. or this notice will
lie plead in a bar of recovery.
of John A. Moore.
Sept. 1st
Notice to Creditors.
The Superior Court Clerk of
county having issued Letters of Ad-
ministration to the undersigned, on the
25th day of September, upon the
estate of Fleming, deceased, no-
Is hereby given to all persons
ed to the estate to make Immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and all persons
having claims against the estate must
present the same properly authenticated
before the day of September, 1801,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
This day of Sept. 1890.
II. It.
of Fleming,
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having qualified
the Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county, on the 4th day of August. 1890,
as of the Last Will
off. II. Kilpatrick. deceased, here-
by gives notice to all persons indebted
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to all per-
sons having claim against said estate to
present the same properly authenticated
on or before the 8th day of
1801, or this notice will be plead hi bar
of recovery. J.
of S. I. Kilpatrick,
It is ordered by the Board of
that the voting precinct in
Greenville township on the North side
of Tar river, known as Parker's Cross
Roads precinct, be discontinued, and
that the voters of Greenville town-hip
residing upon the North side of Tar
river shall hereafter register and vote at
the polling place or place of election in
the town of Greenville in said township.
It is further ordered that this order lie
published in the Greenville
for live weeks and copies posted at the
Court House door and three other public
places in Pitt county.
I. II. James.
Clerk Com. Pitt Co.
On Monday the 3rd day of November,
A. D. 1890, I will sell at the House
door in the town of Greenville to the
highest bidder for cash one tract of land
in Pitt county containing about two
acres and bounded as Situated
in township, adjoining the lands
Of Dixon. J II. Mills, Hairs
and others and known as the Mill Lands
and being the laud which K. S. Dix-
Mill now stands, to satisfy an
in my hands for collection against
E. S. Dixon, which has been levied
on said land a the property of said E.
S. Dixon. J. A. K.
R. W. KING. Sheriff.
Dept, Sheriff.
Oct. 2nd, 1890.
Of the Incorporation of the
Male and Female
North Carolina, Before the Clerk
Pitt County. Superior Court.
Notice is hereby given that I have this
day issued letters declaring J I. Tuck-
C P Gaskins, L II Spier, W B
Bland. J Z Brooks. George W Hellen,
W S Blount. Joel Patrick. Moses Spivey.
O W P B , S W Brooks.
J S Holton, C M A Griffin, A M Carr.
Hardy Johnson. James Dawson. W H
Lang, Samuel
W B Hellen and E Spier, their as-
and successors, a corporation
under the name and style of
Male and Female for
the purposes set forth In the articles of
agreement and plan of incorporation
which has been filed and recorded in my
office, with all the privileges and powers
under chapter sixteen volume one
the Code of North Carolina and the
laws thereof.
The main business proposed lobe done
by the corporation is the erection, main-
and keeping of a school for the
Instruction and education of male and
female children of the white race with
power to purchase, hold, use and
prove such real and personal property
as may be necessary tor such pit
The place of business of mud corpora-
la In near the town of in
the of
The stock of said corporation
is to be not than hundred
nor more than three thousand
None if the of
are individually or personally liable
for any debt, contracts liability or
son of, or demand on said corporation.
Th is Hie 5th day of September, 1800.
Cl Hit
If You lave
SCROFULA I Wasting cf Flesh
Or any the Throat and
are Inflamed, Lack of Strength or
you can relieved and Cured by
for and let no ex-
or yon to
accept a
Sold by all Druggists.
Greenville N C.
We have the the
Chair ever used in the art. Clean
sharp razors, and satisfaction guarantees
In every instance. Call and be con
Ladies waited on at their real
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
cured at home
of particulars sent FREE.
B. M. M. D. Atlanta. Ga,
Office Whitehall St
N. B.
N. B. Broughton, Pres.
I Ion. K. Pres, National
K. G. Harrell, Sec. N.
Josephus Daniels,
State Chronicle
B. B. Battle, Director .
Book-keeping, Banking,
Penmanship and Mathematics are
taught in the Raleigh Business Col-
Send for of terms.
J. E.
Box Raleigh, N. C
C. M.
Printers and Binders, I
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind tn be found in
the Slate,
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
ed, and all business in the U. ,
Patent office or in the Courts attended
for Moderate Fees.
We are opposite the II. S. Patent
lice engaged in Patents Exclusively, at
obtain patents in less time than the
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is
advise as to free of
and we make no change unless we
We refer, here, to the Post Master,
Supt. of the Money Order Did., and
the r. s. patent Office. Fe
advise terms and reference t.
actual clients in your own State, or
c. a. snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
Ho What's This
Why another new discovery by Alfred
Culley in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. By calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of that is invaluable
for and ruff and causing the
hair I be perfectly soft and
glossy, only r three application a
week is and a common hair
brush is all to be used after robbing the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, only cents.
filial value. .
samples, a.
he are tree. the week
. lo who call-
pay all freight,
-i to f tn work for u. f
la per w-k and upwards. A
V .
ill- Mi.
and Schedule
No No No
Sept. 10th, daily Fast Mail, dally
daily ex Sun.
Weldon 12,30 pm pm G
Ar am
Tarboro am
Ar Wilson p m pm am
Goldsboro Of. It am
Warsaw fl
Av Magnolia S ft
Ar Wilmington ft
W anew
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
No No
daily daily-
ex Sun.
For Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Halt.
the Opera at which
I have recently located, and where I have
everything in line
with all the improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
Razors sharpened at reasonable
for work of my
promptly executed. Very respectfully
v.,.,.,,.,.,,. r.
and the h.
I If ever to t
to Youthful
; M hair
ad I
Be It wort
Wilson am pm pm
Ar Tarboro J
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 3.37 P. M., arrives Scot-
land Neck at 4.25 P. If. Greenville
Returning leaves Greenville
A. M., Halifax at 10.10 A. M.,
don 10.30 P If., daily except Sunday.
On Monday, Wednesday and
Local Freight leaves Weldon 10.30 a
Halifax 11.30 a m, Scotland Neck 2.00 p
m. Arriving Greenville 5.10 p in. Re-
turning, leave Greenville Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday fl a m., Scot-
land Neck 1.00 p m. Halifax 8.83 p in.
Arriving Weldon 4.00 p m.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, P M, Sunday P M, arrive
Williamston, N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 7.50 p. m. 5.20 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
Sunday 6.30 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a. m .
Williamston, N C, 7.10 a m, 9.58 a m.
arrive Tarboro, N C, fl A M
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Goldsboro daily except Sunday, A M,
rive Smith Held, N C, A M. Re-
turning leaves N C AM,
arrive Goldsboro, N C, A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
Monet at P M, arrives Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M, arrives Rocky Mount A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
and A M Returning leave
ton A M, and P. M. connect-
at Warsaw with Nos. and
Southbound train on Wilson A Fayette-
Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will step only
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
-all via Richmond, and except Sun-
via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for
points North via Richmond and Wash
on. ,
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
the-m, In t
County or Town
matted reliable
promise lo
They ear Rheumatism, Pain
Backache, Pleurisy and all
on by or
. ,
Quick Relief
Aft a of a bell on
for there U no
liniment, or lotion that
ire Purely and Harmless. Rolls
and never fail core.
Sold by or mailed on receipt of I
a thorough knowledge of the
laws which govern
digestion and nutrition, by a
application of the line properties
well selected Cocoa, Mr, has pea.
our breakfast tables with a
beverage which
save us many heavy doctor's
Is by the judicious use of such
diet that a constitution may be
built until strong enough to r
tendency to disease,
of are floating an
ready to attack wherever there
weak point. We may escape a
shaft by keeping ourselves well for
pure and a properly
simply with boiling water or
Sold only In half-pound tins,

Eastern reflector, 15 October 1890
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 15, 1890
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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