Eastern reflector, 1 October 1890

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-----Solicits your patronage
Jg purpose will he lo please every
a. l
Department can be no-
where In this section. Our work
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
D. J.
For Chief Justice of tin Supreme
For of the Supreme
Fowle, of
M. Holt,
Secretary of T.
of WaVe.
W. of Wake.
of Wayne,
Superintendent of Instruction
Sidney M. of Catawba.
Attorney F.
of Buncombe.
Chief Justice-A. S. of
Wake. j
Associate of
Wake Joseph J. Davis, of Franklin
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonzo C. of Burke.
n. Brown, of
Second of
Third G. Connor, of
G. Womack, of
Sixth T. Boykin, of
Seventh C. of l
Eighth F. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth of
Eleventh M. of
Twelfth H. Merrimon,
of Buncombe.
For Superior Court
1st G. H. Brown, Jr., of Bean
4th District.
Henry R. Bryan, of Craven
Spier of Wake.
K W. Winston, of Gian-
K. T. Boykin, of Sampson
Jas. D. of Moore.
H. F. Armfield, of Iredell.
J. G. Bynum, of Burke.
W. A. Hoke, of Lincoln.
of Beaufort.
For Judicial District
of Wilson.
Editorial Paragraphs.
Cardinal Manning's health alarms
An epidemic of diphtheria
at Bridgeton, N. J.
The coming orange crop in Flori-
will be below the average.
Mrs. Kan km baa sued her
husband the actor for support.
The army of West Virginia is
holding a at
The Sword of Damocles
Raleigh Chronicle.
No thinking, respectable man can
contemplate the honors
of one Radical Legislature in North
Carolina without a shudder
What does it mean Where does
it lead What are its effects
economically, in the home
circle, for the tax payer, for the poor
and self-respecting white man and
his wife and little ones
It means that hereafter each Jud-
district will vote for its own
as now it tines for its own so-
New York Letter.
Twelve persona were
cyclone near Manning,
n a
Nicaragua is buying arms and
another tussle with Honduras is an-
For the
or House of
The condition of affairs now
in Switzerland is said to
Geo. II. Davis baa elected
Director General of the National
World's Fair Commissioners.
For Superior Court
Representatives in Congress.
B. Vance, of Meek-
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
i of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of
Second col,
of Vance.
Third W. of
Fourth II. Bunn. of
Fifth W. Brower, of
Sixth Rowland of
Se sent ii S.
of Rowan.
Eighth District W. II. A. if
Ninth G. Ewart of Hen-
Superior Court A.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of H. James.
B. Cherry.
S. T,. Ward.
B- Harris.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Mooring. C. V, Newton,
John Flanagan, T. E. Keel.
Board of Herding
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
of F. W. Brown.
G. James.
B. Greene.
R. Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
R. Moore.
Ward. T. A.
col.; 2nd Ward. W. H. Smith, and R.
Greene. Jr.; 3rd Ward, M. R. Lang and
Allen Warren; 4th Ward, Joe col.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. E. B. John,
second and fourth
morning and night.
Meeting every Wednesday night. Rev.
A. D. Hunter, Pastor.
Greenville Lodge. No. A. F. A A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow. W. M.,
G. L. Sec.
R. A. Chapter. No. meets
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-
Hall, F. W. Brown, H. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F-
meets every night. J. White.
N. G. A. Sec.
Orion Encampment. No. I. O.
F., meets every 2nd and 4th Friday
n E. A. C. P. C. D.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of H.,
meets every first and third Friday night.
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council, A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Pitt county Alliance meets
the first Friday January, April. July
and October. J. D. Cox, President;
E. A. Secretary.
Greenville Alliance meets Saturday
before the second Sunday in each mouth
o'clock, P u. in Germania Hall.
Fernando Ward, President; D. S. Spain,
Hours pen for all business A.
M. to P. M. AH mail distributed
on arrival. The general delivers will
be kept open for IS minutes at night
after the Northern mail is distributed.
Northern Mall arrives dally
at P. M. and departs st
A. M.
Old Sparta and Falkland
malls arrives at
M. and depart- at P. M.
Washington, X
Roads, and
mails arrives dally at
and departs at A. M.
Ridge Bell's
Ferry, Cox Johnson's Mills, Beds
Ha and Pullet malls arrive Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday at A. M. and
departs at
Black Jack and
mails arrives every Saturday at
and departs at A M.
For Register of I
Forty thousand Illinois and In-
miners threaten to go on
strike for an advance of wages.
Secretary Blaine became a grand
father on August when Mr. and
Mrs. Blaine received a lit-
New York, Sept. 1890.
At a request of the Board or
Health, Mayor Grant has taken
steps to have a recount of the in-
habitants of this The fact
that the death rate as ascertained
j by the Board of Health, was out
proportion to the population
What does this mean to the U. S. Census, impelled
means that George W. White, the make a test, which
present solicitor of the f f enumerating the
con. district, will be elected a judge j Second W ard. Here
of the Superior c of North Caro found a or
Una. Article section of the I Pr U. S. Census
State Constitution. Bear in 2.4 less than the Board
this colored judge will ride every of Health. From calculations baaed
district in North Carolina. He will, figures the Board requests
preside in haughty and lie Major a new census
will preside by the sea, in Dare.
which which will he forthcoming be
gun. The work of enumeration will
Profits of Fruit Culture.
Carolina at for it as California.
Nashville Argonaut.
The San Francisco correspondent
of the New York Tribune writing of
the profits of fruit culture in Cali-
persons have any idea
the profit in fruit growing on the
rich lands of the Sacramento and
San Valleys. Here are a
figures, well attested, of net
returns from a
five years
Apricot trees netted per acre;
peaches 13.50; French prunes, six
years old, an acre, and raisins
per acre.
Any fruit which will grow in Cal-
can be raised in North Caro-
be done by a force of police-
Surely the Radicals will not
a for judge Well,
ban not, and yet they have a
the Second district in Congress,
and they have a State's
whose duty is nearly as
as that of a judge. Are the
white men of North Carolina ready count will be made by election
to have a on the bench Are the same as was the U. S.
Stray Bits of Fun.
by for
Who Lore to
What is the chasm that often
friends Sarcasm.
Mrs. a.
up, John There arc burglars in the
what of
it I expect there are thieves in the
Senate, too.
you know,
snore frightfully of late
do I Believe
dearest, I'm sorry to hear it.
Wife am I.
suppose is like
most women, never admit- that she
made a mistake.
she occasionally
asserts that she made a mistake in
marrying me, but she never admits
that outside the
on account of the lower
pi ice at which laud can be obtained I
will lie land can be
look after particular neighbor-j cultivated with greater profit. For
bowl ill which he is most acquaint-, the cultivation or the grape, and
They will take the name, age, I manufacture of the wine, the I
sex residence person. ., , . . I
of our and climate
been fully demonstrated. On Mrs. up from
says he
People arc yet laughing at a doctor
in a little village in this Slate who,
in filling out a certificate of death,
inadvertently wrote his name in
ed of
ready to have the delicate rights census. It is expected I hat the new t lie great crops of tobacco
t. count will be in three cotton which have always been
Dion the vet ran actor.
dramatist died at.
j Ins home in New York City
I Thursday aged OS
and duties of themselves to each other,
and the privileges or their wives and
children, as between and
their colored neighbors, passed upon
by a
The next Legislature will
divide th
after which you can pay your
and take your choice.
New York contains many a man
who follows some queer occupation,
State into Senatorial Dis- j none was more queer smaller crops and but little attention
This was done in 1881, than that of a MM who died recent-1 has been given to them. But the;
the leading crops of the South, and
in the cultivation of which our
have been reared, their
has not been directed to the
J. S. L.
Heaver Dam- W. II. Burnett.
K. Hodges.
;. W.
J. L.
W. B.
K. S.
D. J.
I W II Wilkinson
O. W. Harrington.
i Swift Frank u
John has given
to Chicago i will be so that fur ten
and D of has
elected president.
Laws and h whose exiling was to
lie done each ten years. Hy j to insurance companies. The
nation and gerrymander the State j of bis phenomenal success is
as his met hods were
A col u n-n of army worms invaded
Cal, recently. It was
half a mile long, and was followed
by immense swarms of black-birds,
which prey upon it.
years to come the Legislature at concealed, bus-
all hazards, go Radical, and with it was somewhat on
goes the credit of the State, and with of the commercial agencies,
n . . . . I , . . . . . . . . , . I ill a a , a
Tuesday, Nov. 4th.
The Senate has passed a bill ex-1
tending the privileges of the tree
deli very of mm Is to towns having a
population of five thousand, or a
gross postal revenue of
it goes the character of Raleigh,
Charlotte, Durham,
ville, New and
other towns and cities
with their charters go the prosperity
these cities.
The next Legislature redistricts
the Congressional Districts or North
and he called it the Public Adjust-
Bureau- By some means he was
able to in advance correct
information concerning about
to occur, and companies paid
liberally for the In
every ca-e the fires took as
predicted. The was of
order things is to
change, and people are learning
that they can profitably add as
crops, many crops which
Mr. are the other
Tom the of
Texas, has trouble in westing bin
bills. To a pressing creditor he
I can't pay you anything
what you told me last month
Well I kept my word, didn't I
Wife broken the
j promise you made me
I Husband
mind, my dear, don't I'll make
you another.
Draw nigh, and a tale I will try to
That ought to lie written in letters of
Of the beautiful system that God has de-
Whereby man can obtain a new home in
the skies.
Where in garment- as as fresh,
I alien snow.
And bodies In fashion like his. you must
The true ones of earth have follow-
ed his lead,
Obeyed injunctions in thought, word
Will evermore dwell in celestial Joy,
Where tears, nor sorrows, nor cares can
Where night can not come, nor day ever
But with God and his Son spend
What bliss to be there in the midst of
that throng.
With voices attuned to the heavenly
To worship the Lamb in the midst of the
And with the dear Saviour be ever at
We weak ones of earth, without merit
or ought.
To commend us to him who eternal life
Can, by walking in paths where the
has trod,
Reach heaven at last and dwell with our
What does Christ require of sinners ere
Will pardon bestow, and from sin set
them free
An implicit faith in himself as God's
A repentance, that shows in all the acts
This repentance embraces a full change
of heart.
Thinking, feeling and acting, all play
their part
With the is confessed, the great
truth believed.
And now to other command he re-
The sinner is ready, having died to his
the watery grave to be buried
with him
Resurrected, he walks in newness of life
With the gift of the Spirit he's armed
for the strife.
Over flesh and the world, over Satan and
be gains God's help within;
He is strengthened, he in
edge and grace.
With his eye on the goal, he is running
the race.
With of the Saviour forever be-
fore him.
He ceases not ever to love and adore him.
Having put the deeds of the old man
Anger, wrath, malice and whatever be-
Belonged to the works of the flesh and
With affections above, he win cease to
do evil.
With the milk of the word he is
and fed.
With the Spirit of God he is evermore
With God as his father and Christ as his
With the Spirit's true guidance, he
none other;
With faints of the earth be
his way.
To the regions of bliss, ne'er ending day.
The worst accident in history
or the Reading Railroad
near Reading, last Thursday.
An express train ran into a wreck
and was thrown into
River and persons were Killed.
Cholera has become epidemic in
village of six miles
or Harlem Springs, Ohio. The
people are place to avoid
dread disease. W. S.
resident physician, is taxed to I
bis utmost.
Carolina, and, by gerrymander, the very valuable to the
will lose certainly hall, ,, i they profited
or her Congress in every case except
men- and this means endorsement of tile
Speaker of the odious a company lost
Force of the stabs of. by to heed the warn-
Congressmen, at Southern , jug whether be was in collusion
industries. incendiaries or not is unknown
Again the Legislature . evidence or crime could be
moans the repeal of chapter against him.
and of chapter section republics.
of the Code North
which means that hell and A number prominent
shall again break loose engaged in
reign supreme in Bertie, Halifax, work id bringing about
Northampton, Vance, Craven, Pas- Congress of Republics to lie
Granville, Hertford, War- I this country sometime in
have heretofore been neglected.
we are talking of our mag-
mineral resources, and fore-
casting the wonderful developments
which will certainly be made in this
direction, and pointing with pride
to the splendid growth of our man-
enterprises, we should
not forget to direct attention to our I is the moon
grand agricultural resources. With ;
we get
Kansas woman predicts that
the world will come to an end
November Not exactly, but
a good part of Republican par- j
will come to a short while
ville Observer
Washington, Currituck, Edge-
New Hanover and Wake.
Shall these things be Shall the
finances of State be thrown into
irresponsible hands again Shall
county script again fall to and BO
cents on the dollar in these counties
future, perhaps 1893. The idea
to have delegates from all the
the world and from countries
that are not vet republics. The
to all republics and
to educate inhabitants of other
nations as to their rights as a pen-
Again a Radical legislature j lo. questions to be considered
means the defeat of Vance, and when are ones the con-
A stray balloon, to which was at-
a rope bag of sand, was
captured by farmers about five l
miles north of Utica, N. Thurs-
day evening. rope looked as if
basket bad been cut off. The
balloon is a very large one.
A grain nod cotton storehouse in
Alexandria, has been de-
by Area. The loss is
John M. P., and Wm.
were arrested Dublin last Thurs-
day, on the charge of inciting ten-
ants not to pay rent. But real
cause was to prevent these gentle-
men visiting America in inter-
of Irish cause.
this tribune of the shall fall,
this man who has incurred the dis-
pleasure of monopolies
and who has grown old and poor and
blind in bis fight I'm- the rights of
the oppressed against the rich
when this man falls, who will dare
to champion the cause of the poor
and needy, seeing bow little
reward for duty done
is properly conducted it will
no doubt be a great benefit. Air.
W. O- who originated
the idea, has submitted a list
questions committee which
are vital Among them
are the expansion of the Monroe
diet line, the disarmament of
a climate and soil which enables us
to cultivate, profit, a greater
variety of products any other
the world, or the same
area, we will in near future see
our State rivaling any other section
in cultivation of fruits and
grapes, and our farmers, the wealth-
most prosperous in
world. This is no of
nation, but a result as sure to follow
you did not propose to
that dear girl last night, as you in
tended to. Ah, my friend, I am
afraid you were not fired by the
vine spark of live.
I was by her lather.
it in
In this tiny and time when most
people are so and when
there is so much grumbling and so
much that is calculated to hurt
one's it is exceedingly
pleasant to do basilicas with men
who seem to be of souls.
Recently we visited Wilmington
the and our visits were
i quite successful, as a glance our
advertising will show. As
soon as the paper with the
in it reached Wilmington,
the largest advertisers in the entire
wrote us enclosing a subscription
the thanking us
sincerely Tor the display of their
advertisement and tor the
manner which we refer-
lo them. Now Ibis shows the
proper spirit makes the poor
j long-suffering editor reel that after
all be has not lived in vain. A Tew
advertisers seem to think that it is
their special to make
editor feel as bail as possible. They
fail to see a single copy or the paper
continuing their advertisement, it
is not as prom men t as some other
one or believe the
brought them a single
customer. In a word, they seem
determined to make to the
editor that be is requiring pay for
something for which be gave
return, not thinking that in this
way do more than any one else to
get returns the reasons that pen-
will not deal with men of that
d alter they find them.
They an; actually the time
that they will Mime
able evidence the and will
therefore talk of the influence the
in the presence of its readers
in such a way that make them
anxious to get out or their store to
avoid hearing a that they ad-
mire reflected upon, thus by
their own action, their advertise-
is probably worthless to them.
If, on the contrary, they would speak
favorable of paper and of
section, they would please their
present customers and gain new
ones. People dislike but
admire, those who make the host of
halves and quarters, I suppose.
is a great deal of
scratching at the now.
comes from the
itch for office.
Lady of the house
Poor man, you must have had many
Tramp mum, but
no convictions.
you swear positively
as flowing a stream down hill, j that you know more than half this
or effect following
We are all Akin.
Concord Standard.
So closely connected is com-
world that a jar either
Side of it is felt around world.
Tho railroads have extended their
lines and the increased
their speed until now the once far
off nations near
and nothing can happen to the in
the labor question, Ac. The of without
Again and above all, it means that; members, to be selected from
North Carolina has taken a step most prominent of Ne
A Milwaukee, Wis., paper com-
upon a marriage at a fair
in in that State, protests
against a circus of the
marriage We have bad
a couple circuses of that kind in
this State, and efforts are being
made to have some more of them
this fall. A very little of that kind
of performance ought to go a long
Hampton, of South Car-
says while lie will accept
a to Senate, if so
he will not ask for it. He says
be has never asked for an office,
and that it is too late to begin
This is characteristic of the
fish patriot, not it is dreadfully old-
less so, in
than would be a man walking
streets in knee breeches, silk waist-
coat and powdered heir. Hamil-
ton breed of politicians is oat
world do The
did ocean steamship, the Teutonic,
made Its last voyage in days,
hours, fraction over
miles per hour throughout the
whole journey, over miles bar-
been traversed in the best day's
ran. old-time railroad speed
for water travel, a mile a minute for
rail, nod blooded horses trained
almost to are we going
to stop It would not surprise to
hear of an oz galloping into
town with n load of wood
rate of or mile an hour.
A Georgia editor borrowed a mule
to plow bis garden. When quiet was
restored, the editor was found under
an oath ease, panels of fence
were gone, and the male was eating
roasting eats in a neighboring
backward. Its moral effect will be
great for evil. It means that the in-
between while and
black is nearing. It mean that the
van guard the and the rear
guard or the white have met. It
will give the a raise idea or his
own position in the State. It
re-open the old wounds 1868-1870
It will turn the head of the colored,
man from business lo politics. It
will make insolent
ed. It will affect every household
in the Stale. farm band and
nurse, the house maid, and even the
cook in the kitchen, will feel
ed to greater and
In the name of the groat State of
North business
and her rising tide of prosper-
the name of that Peace and
Security we now enjoy and of that
Confusion and Shame which
should seek to
pails each man in the State to
rouse himself, and to each, woman in
the to help in the good by
her work, her example and
in the interest of good government
and Democracy.
committee will be increased to
York. Edwin
Ad Editor's Dream
The editor ant on bard-bottom
trying to think of a
end be plunged his fingers about
through bis hair, not one topic
they brought. He had on
temperance, tariff and trade, end
of making n crop nod
joked about ice and week
lemonade, till his readers bad told
bin to stop. And of thinking,
sleep came to bis eyes, and be
lowed bis bead on bis desk, when
the thoughts awake, bad re-
fused to arise, came troops that
were strong and grotesque. And as
the float he select
bright one of tribes and this is
the gem which, while dreaming,
wrote ; is the time to sub-
Home Journal
get the habit of it. It's the
easiest thing to do the hardest
thing to stop in the wide, wide
world. U ruins your temper
spoils shape or your mouth.
see good rather than
disagreeable in the. people
your surroundings. Yon would not
go to a friend's house and find fault
With what she does and with what
she has and her way of living. What
right have you, to rind fault
with those who are more than
trends to people of your
own blood If is a grace that
we are all stingy with, it is that of
giving praise, and yet it is with
which we ought to be lavish. Why
should you tell your friend that her
bonnet is becoming, when yon have
never said this to.
Why should you go out to tea
praise your neighbor's muffins,
yon have forgot ton to tell
mother how good hers were Why
should you announce bow much Mr.
Wilson over the way knows, when
farther is a great deal better inform-
ed man, and it has never entered
your little bead to whisper quietly
to him appreciate bis
Yon keep ability to dis.
cover faults for the borne, while
eye that should look for virtue is
closed tightly until yon go
Don't wait till some one is gone
from you to tell their virtues. Don't
wait until your sister is far away in
another to her how helpful,
bow pretty how courteous she is;
and don't wait until the weary
hands are crossed and
sleep comes, before yon make
mother know what beautiful
are her eyes, now tender her heart,
and bow dearly yon lore her- Tell
it all when tbs walk
through life is bard, and the son-
of praise is yearned for to
brighten it, and to warm and en-
courage the pilgrim by wayside-
classes of all the others. the
failure of the wheat crop our
western and northwestern States,
prices immediately
throughout world. Strange to
say, too, that such was not
state or affairs until our own won-
nineteenth century gave to
the world her numerous valuable
Let a railroad wreck any
of important and mails
are stopped and commerce trembles
with crash ever hurry-
world has its surging waves of
humanity checked from one side of
continent to the other.
world will soon one vast human
family, bound by ties which cannot
be broken, and agreeing, at least,
that their many interests varied
industries bind them into one com-
Democratic Canvass,
The Candidates of the Democrat,
party for the Legislature
various Offices will address
the people of Pitt County at
following times and places
Farmville, Wednesday, Oct.
Mays Chapel, Thursday, Oct. 9th.
Haddocks X Roads, Friday, Oct.
Calico Hill. Saturday, Oct,
Keels Store, Wednesday, Oct,
Thursday, 16th.
Parkers School House, Friday,
Bethel, Saturday, Oct. 18th.
Black Jack Tuesday, Oct, 21st.
Wednesday, Oct,
X Bonds, Thursday,
Oct, 23rd.
Lang's School House,
Falkland, Saturday, Oct,
L. Blow,
Dew, K- Committee.
Until I i
i Iron
sir; and now that
have taken a good look I'll
swear that I know more than all of
put together.
What do you think of the modern
style writing paper asked Corn,
Do you like it as well the old
I'm afraid am not competent to
form an opinion, replied Merritt. I
should judge that a great deal he
said on both sides.
Did you ever try any of those
patent tor a cold. I did once
I though sneeze my head off.
I actually did do the next thing to
I my hat off.
Don't you suppose, said a member
the police force, that a
knows a rogue when he sees him
No doubt, was the reply; but the
trouble is that he does not seize the
rogue when knows him.
An old lady of our acquaintance,
having noticed and it
turned small observatory on
the newly-built house of Mr.
insists that when she and her old
man build their new house she is
going to to have a purgatory on top,
just like Mr. or there shall
no house built.
The swan must live longer
any other bird, said landlady, as
she put the paper down and began
pouring the coffee. The paper tells
of one that lived lo be a hundred
years old.
Humph said I've
spring chickens on this very table
that must have been older than that.
I think that's a very pretty piece
of music, he remarked, self
after he had thrummed away
at the piano for fifteen minutes.
Which part do you like best
The part you didn't play, replied
the fair girl, and be went forth into
the world, for he knew he hadn't
ghost of a chance there.
Female am taking orders
for mottoes for the
Woman don't want
of your cheerful mottoes.
Female perhaps you
would like to look at some of my
choice gloomy mottoes. I have some I
of the most depressing and
designs ever shown.
Mr. mighty
bad. I reckon you had better make
me some tea.
Mrs. you feels so bad
may he I bad better run quick for
Mr. want
run for de doctor for What
want harry me inter my
way let me
i die slow
Before And After
Atone time I awful Sores and
Pimples on my face, after using two
bottles of S. U, S. I was cured, and
have a nice, smooth complexion.
My Life A Burden
was afflicted with
Catarrh and with eruptions on my
face ten years. I was attended by
very best physicians and tried
a number of blood without
permanent relief. in-
settled my hones, and
caused trouble. My life
was a to ins and was de-
incurable, when I saw S. S.
S. advertised. Bight bottles cured
entirely, and feel like a new
Treatise on Blood and Skin Di-
The boy am going
to he just what lather That is
a horrible prospect in some cases.
and is all the greater the
father should in l
how he acts, and what sort of Ian-
he uses in the presence of
ft aids.
Wilson N C
n. c
-AT-L A W,
J. RE. J. H. D
N. C.
N. ft
Practice In all I he courts. Collection
Greenville, N.

your patron ace
purpose kc lo please every
l i Ct
that can surpassed no-
where In this section. Our work always
lend Tour
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
D. J.
O. Fowle. of Wake,
M. Holt,
Secretary of I.
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
of Wayne,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
M. of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
of Buncombe.
For Chief Justice of Supreme
HON. A. S.
For of the Supreme
For Superior Court
1st G. H. Brown, Jr., of
District. Henry R. of
I 4th District. Spier Whitaker, of Wake.
i 5th If. W. Winston, of Gran-
6th E. T. Boykin. of Sampson
7th Jas. D. of Moore.
R. F. Iredell.
J. G. of Burke.
11th W. A. of Lincoln.
of Beaufort.
Editorial Paragraphs.
Cardinal Manning's health alarms
Ins friends.
An epidemic of diphtheria
at Bridgeton, N. J.
The coining orange crop in Flori-.
will be below the average.
Mm. baa sued her
husband the actor Tor support.
The Sword of Damocles
No thinking, respectable man can
contemplate the honors
of one Radical Legislature in North
Carolina without a shudder
What does it mean Where does
it lead What are its effects
economically, in the home
circle, for the tax payer, for the poor
and white man and
bis wife and little ones
New York Letter.
Profits of Fruit Culture.
Carolina as for It at California.
Nashville Argonaut.
The San Francisco correspondent
of New York writing of
profits of fruit in Cali-
Few persons have any idea
The army of West Virginia is
holding a at Parkersburg.
Thief Justice A. S.
Associate Justices Walter Clark, of
Wake Joseph J. Davis, of
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonzo C. of Burke.
Fir-t n. Brown, of
Second Philips, of
Third G. Connor, of
Fifth G. Womack, of
Sixth T. Boykin, of
Seventh C. of
Eighth F. Armfield, of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth of
Eleventh M. of
Twelfth H. Merrimon,
of Buncombe.
B. Vance, of Meek-
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
House of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans.
Second P. Cheatham col,
of Vance.
Third W. of
Fourth II. Bunn, of
Fifth W. Brower, of
Sixth Rowland of
of Rowan.
Eighth District W. II. A. Cowles A
Ninth Ewart of Hen-
Superior Court A.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of H. James.
B. Cherry.
S. L. Ward.
B- Harris.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Mooring, C. V, Newton,
John Flanagan, T. E. Keel.
Board of Herding
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
of F. . Brown.
G. James.
B. Greene.
R. Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
Asst R. Moore.
Ward. T. A.
col., Ward. W H. Smith, and R.
Greene. Jr.; 3rd Ward. M. Lang and
Allen Warren; Mb Joe col.
First and
Mondays, morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. E. B. John,
and fourth
Sundays, morning and night.
Meeting every Wednesday night. Rev.
A. D. Hunter, Pastor.
Greenville Lodge. No. A. F. A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow. W. M.,
G. L. Sec.
R. A. Chapter. No. meets
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-
sonic Hall, F. W. Brown, H. P.
Covenant No. I. O. O. F-
meets every Tuesday night, i. White.
N. G. E, A. Sec.
Orion Encampment. No. I. O. O.
F. meets every 2nd and 4th
nights. E. A. C. P. C. D.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of H.,
meets every first and third Friday night.
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Pitt county Alliance meets
the first Friday in January, April. July
and October. J. D. Cox.
E. A. Secretary
Alliance meets Saturday
before the second Sunday in each mouth
o'clock, P K. in Germania Hall.
Fernando Ward, President; D. S. Spain.
For Judicial
of Wilson.
For the
Twelve were killed in a
cyclone near Manning, Iowa, re-
Nicaragua is buying arms and
another tussle with Honduras is an
or House of
The condition of affairs now
ill Switzerland is said lo
an anarchy.
Geo- It. Davis bus been elected
Director General of the National j
World's Fair Commissioners.
New York, Sept. 1890.
At a request, of the Board of
Health, Mayor taken
steps to have a recount of the in-
habitants of this city. fact j the in fruit growing on the
,,. each a rich land of Sacramento and
district will vote for its own b Bord of Health, was out San Joaquin Valleys. Here area
judge as now it does its own so- proportion to the population we attested, of net
What does this mean ding to the U. S. Census,
means that George W. White, the to make a test, which
present solicitor of the did by the
district, will be elected a judge of Ward. Here
or the Superior c or North Caro of
Article section or the j per cent, U. S. Census
State Constitution. Bear in being leas Board
this colored judge will ride Health. From calculations based
district in North Carolina. He will the Board request
preside in haughty Asheville, and he Mayor to order a new census
will preside the sea, in Dare. forthcoming be
Surely the Radicals will not MB. The work enumeration will t , d Mu
far per be done by a of . . . , ,
V, I who will he employed, laud can be
not, and yet have a men. win lie to .
from the Second district in Congress, look neighbor-1 with profit, hot
returns from a
fruit ranch five years
Apricot trees netted 1211 per acre;
peaches French prunes, six
years old, an acre, and raisins
per acre.
Any fruit which will grow in Cal-
can be raised in North Caro-
Stray Bits of Fun.
by for
Who Lore to Laugh.
What is the chasm that often
friends Sarcasm.
Mrs. a.
up, John There arc burglars in the
what of
it I expect there in the
Senate, too.
you know, yon
snore r late
do I Believe me,
dearest, I'm lo hear it.
Wire am
suppose is like
most women, never admits that she
made a mistake.
Wick she occasional
asserts that she made n mistake in
marrying me, but she never admits
on account of the lower that outside the
People arc yet laughing at a doctor
in a little village in this Slate who,
in filling out a certificate or death,
For Superior Court
For Slier
J. A. K.
Forty thousand Illinois and In-
threaten to go on
strike for an advance of wages.
For Register of I
Secretary Blaine became a grand
father on August when Mr. and
Mrs. Blaine received a lit-
the actor
I and dramatist died at
Ins home in New York City last
j Thursday aged
duties of
and the privileges
children, as between
their colored neighbors, passed upon
by a
The next Legislature
to each other, will be in three weeks and cotton which have always been ;
r j . ,, m . . All. Ollie
or their wives and you can pa your crops of the South, and a
and V and take your choice. . . . ,
m c. w in the cultivation which . , .
New York contains many a man
who follows some queer occupation,
I Heaver W. B. Burnett.
J. F. Hodges.
G. W. Edmundson.
J. L.
W. B. Buck.
Content K. S. Ed wards.
D. J.
; W II Wilkinson
O. W. Harrington.
D. Langley.
Swift Frank Mew n
John has given
to Chicago
and D of has
elected president.
divide the into Dis- , none was more queer
This was dune in that of a man who recent-
Laws 1881 chapter and i was to furnish
lie done each ten years. By insurance companies. The
nation and gerrymander the State j f phenomenal success is
will be so that for ten
a as his methods were
years to come the Legislature will, at carefully His bus
A of army worms invaded
Cal, recently. It was
half a mile long, and was followed
by immense swarms of black-birds,
which prey upon it.
Election Tuesday, Nov. 4th.
Hours pen for all from A.
M. to P. M. AH mails distributed
on arrival. The general deliver
be kept open for IS minutes at night
after the Northern mail to distributed.
Northern Mall arrive dally
at P. M. and departs at
A. M.
Old Sparta and Falkland
mails arrives holy at
M. and depart- at P. M.
Washington, X
Roads, and Grimesland
malls arrives dally at
P. M. and departs at A. M.
terry, Johnson's Mills,
and malls arrive
Thursday and Saturday at A. M. and
departs at JO
Jack and
mails arrives every Saturday at
and departs Friday at A M.
Draw nigh, and a tale I will try to
That ought to written in letters of
I Of the beautiful system that God has de-
Whereby man can obtain a new home in
the skies.
Where in garment- as spotless as fresh,
And bodies In fashion like his, you must
The true ones of earth have follow-
ed his lead,
, Obeyed his injunctions in thought. word
I Will evermore dwell in joy,
I tears, nor sorrows, nor care- can
, Where night can not come, nor day ever
j But with God and bis Son eternity spend
What bliss to be there in the midst of
that throng,
J With voices attuned to the heavenly
To worship the Lamb in the midst of the
And with dear Saviour be ever at
j We weak ones of earth, without merit
or ought.
i T commend us to who eternal life
Can. by walking in where the
has trod.
Reach heaven at last and dwell with our
What does Christ require or sinners ere
Will pardon bestow, and from sin set
them free
An implicit faith in himself as God's
A repentance, that shows in all the acts
This repentance embraces a full change
of heart.
Thinking, feeling acting, all play
their part;
With the mouth is confessed, the great
truth believed,
And now to other command he re-
The is ready, having died to his
the watery grave to be buried
with him;
Resurrected, lie walks in newness of life
With the gift of the Spirit armed
for the strife.
Over flesh and the world, over Satan and
Viet he gains with God's help within;
He is strengthened, he grows in
edge and grace.
With his eye on goal, he is running
the race.
With the law of the Saviour forever be-
fore him.
He ceases net ever to love and adore him.
Having put deeds of the man
Anger, wrath, malice and whatever be-
Belonged to the works of the flesh and
the devil.
With affections he will cease to
With of the word lie to
With Spirit of God be to evermore
With God as his father and Christ as his
With the Spirit's true guidance, he
With of the earth he
his war.
To the of bliss, ne'er ending day.
Senate has passed a bill ex-
tending the privileges of free
delivery of mails to towns having a
population of five thousand, or a
postal revenue of
The worst accident in history
of the Beading
near Beading, Pa., last Thursday.
An express train ran into a wreck
and was thrown into
River and persons were killed.
all go Radical, and with it
goes the credit of the State, and with
it goes the character of Raleigh,
Charlotte, Durham, Ashe-
ville, New and
other Eastern towns and cities and
with their charters go the prosperity
these cities.
The next Legislature redistricts
the Congressional Districts North
. . . Tom the of
pie have been reared, N U ms M
t has not been directed to the
smaller crops and but little attention
has been given to them, lint the
order things is to
change, and people are learning
they can profitably add as soc-
crops, many crops which
have heretofore been neglected.
s. To a pressing creditor lie said
I can't pay you anything this
what you told me last month
Well I kept my word, didn't I
Wife broken the
t promise you made mo
j mind, my dear, don't I'll make
When we are talking of mag- j you another.
mineral resources and fore- j ,., .
you did not propose to
was somewhat
order of agencies,
and he called it the Public Adjust.-
By some means he was
to furnish in advance correct wonderful developments ; ,,,.,. nigh.
information concerning fires about which will certainly be made in this
to occur, the companies paid j direction, and winning with pride;
to the splendid growth of our man-
enterprises, we j
not forget to direct attention to i
grind resources. With
a climate soil which enables
to cultivate, profit, a greater j
variety of products than any other
Cholera bas epidemic in
the village of six miles,
east of Harlem Springs, Ohio. The
are leaving place to avoid
dread disease. W. S.
physician, is taxed to
his utmost.
liberally the information. In
every ca-e the tires look place as
predicted. information was of
Carolina, and, by gerrymander, the very valuable to the
will lose certainly hair, ,, is by
or her Congress
men and this means endorsement or
Speaker or the odious
Force or the stabs or
northern Congressmen, at Southern
industries. j i, incendiaries or not. is unknown j area, we will in the near future see I
Again the Radical Legislature j as evidence or crime could be rivaling any other section I
means the repeal of chapter IT, sec- him.
the North Carolina,
which means that hell and A number prominent
shall again break loose men in this engaged
his predictions in every case except
one. In that case the fire
as and the company lost
i money by to heed the warn-
i Whether he was in collusion
tended to Ah. my friend. I am
afraid you were not by the
vine spark live.
I was her lather.
is the moon often
spoken of as the silvery moon
we get it in
halves and quarters. I suppose.
lit re is a great deal of
I scratching at the polls
in the world, or same comes the
Lady or the house ,
in the cultivation of and , ,;,., you ,,.,
grapes, and farmers, the wealth- trials.
and roost prosperous in the Tramp mum, hut
contusion, shall again break liaise This is no of no convictions.
and reign supreme in Bertie, Halifax, ; the work bringing about j no
Northampton, Vance, Craven, Pas- Congress of Republics to he i nation, but a result as sure to follow you swear positively
Granville War-I held this country sometime in as flowing a stream down bill, j that you know more than hall this
Kansas woman predicts that
the world will come to an end
November Not exactly, but
a good part Republican
t will come to an end a short while
ville Observer
perhaps in 1893. idea is
to have delegates all the
of world and from countries
that are not vet re mi bliss. The
to harmonize all republics
educate the of other
Washington, Currituck, Edge-
New Hanover and Wake.
Shall these things he Shall
finances of the State be thrown into
irresponsible hands again Shall
county script again fall to and
cents on the dollar in these counties I nations as to their rights as a
Again a Radical legislature pie. The to be considered
or an effect following adequate
We are all Akin.
Concord Standard.
So closely is t he. com-
Yes. sir; and now that
have taken a good look
swear that I know more than all of
put together.
What do you think of the modern I
style writing paper asked Cora,
Do you like it as well as the old
I'm afraid am not competent to
A stray balloon, to which was at-
a rope and bag sand, was
captured by farmers about
miles north of Utica, N. Y., Thurs-
day evening. looked as it
basket had been cut off. The
balloon is a very large one.
means the defeat of Vance, and when tare ones and if the con- j world that a jar either
this tribune of the shall fall, j gross side it is felt around world. I form an opinion, replied Merrill. I
this man who has incurred the dis-1 no doubt be a great benefit. Mr.
pleasure or monopolies i W. O. who originated
The railroads have extended their
and who has and and j the idea, las d lines m the increased
should judge that a great deal be
said on both sides.
Did ever try
lid once
John M. P., and Wm.
were arrested in Dublin last
day, on the charge of inciting
ants to pay rent. But the real
cause was to prevent these gentle-
men visiting America in inter-
of Irish cause.
blind in bis fight for the rights o committee which i their speed until now once far
the oppressed against the rich ire vital Among them are our Mr I patent snuffs tor a cold. I
when this man falls, who will are the expansion the , , I thought I'd my
to champion the cause of the poor doctrine, the disarmament of can Happen to M .
MM, the labor question, c The of one without injuring certain
committee will be to classes ail the others. In Hie
members, to be selected the j failure of the wheat crop in our I I sneezed my hat off.
little the
A grain and cotton storehouse in
Alexandria, has been de-
by Ares. The loss is
A Milwaukee, Wis., paper com-
upon a marriage at a fair
in in that State, protests
against a circus of
We have bad
a couple circuses of that in
this Stale, and efforts are being
made to have some more of
this fall. A very of that kind
of performance ought to go a long
Hampton, of Sooth Car-
says while be will
a re-e let ion to Senate, if so ho u- j
lie will not ask for it. He says
be has never asked for an office, j
and that it is too to begin
This is characteristic of the
fish patriot, bat it
less no, in fact,
than would be a man walking
streets in knee breeches, silk waist-
coat and powdered hair. The
ton breed of politicians is dying oat
and needy, seeing bow
reward for duty done
Again above all, it means that
North Carolina has taken a step
backward. Its moral effect will be York,
great for evil. It means that the in
between white and
black is nearing. It means that the
van guard of the black and the rear
guard of the white have met. It
will give the a false idea of his
own position in State. It
crop in our
most prominent of New . northwestern
prices immediately the police force, that a
throughout world. Strange to j knows a rogue when he sees him
say. too, that such was No doubt, was the reply; but the;
until our own won J j-
nineteenth century gave to;
the world her numerous valuable I An old lady of our
i inventions having noticed and it
Home Journal
Don't get in the habit of it. It's the
easiest to do the hardest
old wounds the wide, wide
It will turn the head of the , .
man from business to politics. It world. U ruins your temper
will make him and spoils your mouth,
ed. It will affect every see good than
in Stale. form hand disagreeable in people
nurse, the maid, and even the surroundings. You would
cook in the will reel g, to a friend's and find j humanity checked from one side j
ed to greater aid i what she does and with what to other. The
turned small observatory ,
Let a wreck occur r Mr.
of the important lines, and mails , that when she and her old
are stopped and commerce trembles I man build their new house she is
with he crash and ever hurry- j going to to have a purgatory on top,
world has waves like or
house built.
In this day time when most
people are so exacting and
there is so much grumbling and so
much that is to hurt
one's it is exceedingly
i pleasant to do business with men
i who seem to be possessed of souls.
Recently we visited Wilmington
in the interest; of
and our visits were
quite successful, as a glance at
advertising columns will show. As
soon as the paper with
in it reached Wilmington,
the largest advertisers in the entire
lot wrote us enclosing a subscription
to the and thanking us
sincerely for the nice display of their
advertisement and the
manner in which we refer-
I red lo them. Now this shows the
proper spirit and makes the poor
I long-suffering editor feel that after
all be has not lived in vain. A few
advertisers seem to think that it is
, their special mission to make an
editor feel as bad as possible. They
i fail to see a single copy or the paper
continuing advertisement, it
is not as prominent as some other
or don't believe the
use brought them a single
customer. In a word, they seem
to make to the
editor that he is requiring pay for
something for which he gave
return, not thinking that in this
do more than any one else to
get returns for the reasons that
will not deal with men of that
d alter they find them.
They are actually afraid the time
that they will have some
able evidence the benefit and will
therefore talk the
paper in the presence of its readers
in such a way that make them
anxious to get out of their store to
avoid hearing a that they ad-
mire re tested upon, and thus by
their action, their advertise-
is probably worthless to
If, on the they would speak
favorable of the and of the
section, they would please their
present customers and gain new
ones. People dislike but
admire those who make the best of
Before And After
Atone time I had awful Sores and
Pimples on my face, after using two
bottles of S. S. I was cured, and
have a nice, smooth complexion.
My Life A Burden
I a afflicted with
Catarrh and with eruptions on my
face ten rears, I was attended by
very best and
a number of blood purifiers, without
permanent relief. The mineral in-
settled in my bones,
caused trouble. life
was a to ins and was de-
incurable, when I saw S. S.
S. advertised. bottles cu-ed
me entirely, and feel like a new
Treatise on and Skin Di-
The boy often T am going
to be just what lather That is
a horrible prospect in some eases,
and is all the greater the
father should in I
how ho acts, and what sort of Ian-
he uses in the presence of
N. C.
C. C
N. C
, has and her way of living. What
in the name of the groat State r right have you, then, to find fault
North business j with those who are more than
and her rising tide of prosper t to people of your
the name of that Peace and own blood If is a grace that
Security we now enjoy and of that are all stingy with, it is that of
Confusion Shame which we
should seek to Chronicle
sails upon each man in the State to
world do The
did ocean steamship, Teutonic,
made its last voyage la days,
boars, fraction over
miles per boar boat
whole journey, over miles
been traversed in best day's
old-time railroad speed
for water travel, a mile a minute for
rail, and blooded horses trained
almost to are we going
to stop It not surprise as to
bear of ox galloping into
town with m load of wood at
rate of or miles hour.
giving praise, yet it is with
which we ought to be lavish. Why
should tell your friend that
rouse himself, and each, woman in bonnet is becoming, when you have
State to help in the good cause by
work, her example and
in the interest of good government
and Democracy.
A Georgia editor borrowed a mule
to plow bis garden. When quiet was
restored the editor was under
an outhouse, four panels of fence
were gone, and the mule was sating
roasting ears a neighboring track
Ad Editor's Dream
editor on a hard- bot torn
choir trying to think of a thong ht,
and be plunged all bis fingers about
through his Lair, but not topic
they brought. He had on
temperance, tariff and trade, and
of making a crop and
joked about we and weak
lemonade, till his readers bad told
him to Stop. And weary of thinking,
sleep came to bis eyes, and be
lowed bis bead on bis desk,
awake, had re-
fused to arise, came in troops that
were and grotesque. as
the ideas float be select
bright om of the tribes this is
gem which, while
wrote ; is the time to sub-
never said this to your
Why should you go out to tea and
praise your neighbor's muffins,
when you have to tell
mother bow good were Why
should you announce bow much Mr.
Wilson over way knows, when
farther is a great deal better inform-
ed mail, and it has never entered
your little head to whisper quietly
to him boa- appreciate bis
You keep your ability to dis.
cover faults for the home, while the
eye that should look for virtue is
closed tightly until you go
Don't wait till some one is
from you to tell their virtues. Don't
wait until your sister is far away in
another land to tell her how helpful,
bow pretty or bow courteous she
and don't wait until weary
hands are crossed and
sleep comes, be lore yon make
mother know what blue
ate eyes, how tender heart,
and bow dearly you love her. Tell
it all whoa walk
throng h life is bard, and the sun
shine praise w yearned for to
brighten it, and to warm and en-
courage the pilgrim by the wayside.
world will soon be one vast human
family, bound by ties which cannot
be broken, and agreeing, at least,
that their interests and varied
industries bind them into com-
Democratic Canvass,
The Candidates of the Democrat-
party for the Legislature and
various County Offices will address
the people of Pitt County at
following times and places
Farmville, Wednesday, Oct.
Thursday, Oct. 9th.
Haddocks X Roads, Friday, Oct.
Calico Saturday, Oct.
Keels Store, Wednesday, Oct,
Thursday, Oct, 16th.
Parkers School House, Friday,
Oct, 17th.
Bethel, Saturday, Oct. 18th.
Black Jack, Tuesday, Oct, 21st.
Wednesday, Oct,
X Thursday,
Oct, 23rd.
Lang's School House,
Oct, 24th.
Falkland, Saturday, Oct. 25th.
L. Blow,
Dem. K- Committee.
The swan must live longer than
any other bird, said the landlady, as
she put the down and began
pouring the The paper tells
of one that lived to be a hundred
years old.
Humph said I've seen
spring chickens on this very table
that must have been older than that.
think that's a very pretty
of music, he remarked, self
after he had thrummed away
at the piano for minutes.
Which part do you like best
The part you didn't play, replied I
the fair girl, and he went forth into j
the world, for he knew he hadn't the
ghost of a chance there.
Female am taking orders
fat cheerful mottoes for the home, i
Woman don't want
none of your mottoes.
Female perhaps you
would like to look at some or my
choice gloomy mottoes. I have some
of the most depressing and
designs ever shown.
Mr. mighty
bad. I reckon you had better make
me some ten.
Mrs. you feels so bad
maybe I bad better run quick Tor
Mr. want
run for de doctor for What
want hurry me inter my
way let me
die slow
n. c
Kl AT-L A W,
J. E. M St. J. M. TUCKER
A If
N. C.
i a
Practice In all courts. Collection
a Specially.
Greenville, N.

Greenville, N. C.
Washington Letter.
From Our
Washington, D. C, Sept,
How Tobacco Culture was In-
into Pitt
S. J. Editor id
Mb. die in the last.
issue of the Reflector that a
makes has always I writer giving as his signature,
been the motto the republican suggests to the tobacco
But it has never so openly
lived up to the theory
growers of Pitt county, that they
contribute a amount to
Honor Boll
Of Miss for tin,
month ending Sept.
Flossie H umber, Jones,
Mary Alice Annie Randolph,.
Smith, Hattie Smith, Elmer
Barrett, Willie Evans, Charlie
James. Bonnie Sheppard, Deck
Publisher's Announcement.
I The Reflector is 81.50 per
Rates.- One the i
one-half column one year, t
one-quarter column one year,
Two week, 1.50,
two weeks, j one month,
Column as reading items. cents per
line for each insertion.
Legal Advertisements, such as Ad-
and Sales-
Commissioners- and Trustees
Summons to etc., will
at legal rates
has suffered some loss and
as during this session of Congress, buy and present to Mr. O. F. Evans
and the action of the of the
House this week has been more
revolutionary than ever before.
When, alter a three weeks struggle
the republicans succeeded in mus-
a quorum of their it was
course expected that they would
seat the contestant Langston.
whose case had been lending for
more than two weeks j bat that
they would attempt to seat
number two, without having given
future trouble payment is adv
will be demanded.
Contracts for any space not
above, for any length of tune, can be
made by application to the
in person or by letter.
Copy tor New Advertisements and
all changes of advertisements should be
handed in by o'clock on Tuesday
mornings in order to prompt in-
the day following
The Reflector having a large
will be found a profitable medium
through which to reach the public.
the Office at
the pioneer tobacco farmer of Pitt,
a gold headed cane or some other
token of gratitude in recognition of
bis efforts in the tobacco culture of
Pitt county. Sir, I for one,
in giving to every man his dues,
and to Mr. Evans is due great credit
for the interest which he has taken
in the culture of tobacco; as a
of which his success stands
in our county and at
all times he has taken a great in-
any previous notice of intention both in its cultivation and
to call up the and without cheerfully showing others how it
lowing one word argument, no could most successfully be
one outside those in the plot had
the remotest idea Well, that is
exactly what was The Speak-
ordered the South Carolina con-,
tested case of Miller vs Elliott to be
called up, and in exactly thirteen
minutes the House had
Col. Elliott and given his seat to
the Miller. Several
But the introduction of tobacco
culture in our county is not due G.
P. but L. F. Evans, who in the sum-
mer of was traveling in Nash
county, and while there he met and
became the friend of J. T. Seat who
was then a tobacco farm
not far from Rocky Mount, in Nash
county. They both became warm
cans, notably, Representative Kerr, and after Mr. Evans had
Iowa, tried to persuade the j returned home be induced Mr Seat
Speaker to allow both sides to be j to make him a visit, that he
Congress decided to take a final
adjournment yesterday. That
was the best piece of work they
have done during the session.
heard taking a vote, but the
republicans hooted them down and
proceeded to consummate the
disgrace. Privately,
cans apologizing for their unseemly
haste, say that they feared they
could not hold the for any
length of time.
Mr. might able to get
a tobacco club as he thought this
land would produce equally as fine
tobacco as Nash. Mr. Evans left off
his business at home and met Mr.
Seat in Tarboro, took him down
home announced through the
that Mr. Seat would be
The tariff bill has been at the home of Mr. A. A. Forbes
from confidence and while in some i a certain night and would like to
Mr. T. B. Eldridge, a very able
editor who has presided over the
Durham Globe since it was revived
last spring, has severed his con-
with that paper. The
press of the State can ill afford to
lose Mr. Eldridge and we hope
soon to see him in editorial
again. It is rumored that he
will be succeeded on the by-
Mr. Al. of Nebraska.
Mi. came down to our
State some time ago and took as a
bride a popular young lady-
Miss Mamie is
now showing her influence and
good work by bringing buck
as a citizen of North Carolina.
respects it is better than it was as
passed by the it is the
whole, the most atrocious of
tariff legislation ever conceived by
the party, that is
saying a great deal. It was only by
the use of the party whip that
agreement was reached in confer-,
about one fourth of the
republicans curse the bill,
which say robs their
but a vote is every-
one these men will be found
voting the bill as reported
from the conference. There has
been considerable talk about the
democrats the Senate taking ad-
vantage the rates of that body to
debate the report on the tariff bill
until the first week in November
order to the calling of an
extra session the purpose of
passing the Force bill, but no
has yet been agreed
upon, although in certain
confer with all the in the
vicinity who were interested in to-
culture. At the appointed
time the following parties met and
partially contracted, which was
confirmed with Mr. Seat for
the A. A. Forbes,
L. F. Evans and Jacob Joyner
agreeing to plant eight acres and
pay Mr. Scat 8100.00 apiece, G. F.
and T. J. Stancill each to
plant four acres and pay 850.00.
Alter Mr. Seat had returned to Nash
some of the parties became
Midi with their bargain
L. F. Evans who was acting as
their leader, to write Mr. Seat no;
to come but he did not get the letter
was, therefore, on baud at the
proper time. So being forced thus
by a of duty the above named
parties planted the first crop of to-
of any consequence ever
planted Pitt county, P.
Evans baa the honor being its
The Brans Testimonial.
The following letter from the pro-
of a tobacco warehouse that
very with Pitt county
shippers explains
Oxford, N. C, Sept. 24th,
Editor Eastern Reflector,
Dear notice from your
valuable paper that a testimonial is
proposed in the shape of a
headed for Mr. G. F.
the pioneer of the Golden Product of
Pitt. As the best tobacco that comes
to our market is from your county,
we take great pleasure in enclosing
our check for five dollars, with the
wish that Mr. Evans may be as
as his good work merits.
Yours truly,
Davis Gregory.
This is very generous on the part
of Messrs. Davis Gregory, and the
Reflector looks upon their letter as
quite a compliment to Pitt county.
It corroborates our oft repeated as-
that Pitt makes the finest
tobacco of any county in North Ca-
Concerning the testimonial to
Evans we will Bay here the tobacco
growers of Pitt are a little backward
in contributing a mite to it, as but
few have responded as yet. do
no the merchants feel that this to
cull lire is also a great benefit
lo them They also might do a little
for the testimonial. Let it he made
something worth offering.
h, there held
------The new railroad town in Pitt county, a------
Sale of
No such opportunity has ever been offered to the to secure the finest
quality and most Real Estate at half Its real value, and this
opportunity will not come again, It Is
And prize is the roach of all, for We will fell on easy terms to be
within the power of any one to become a purchaser.
W Tb on Scotland Meat A A IT M
T U EL IN of the Wilmington Railroad. It J U L. I N
g just miles below Greenville, on the road to Kinston, and is surrounded on all
sides, near and stretching afar off, by the most fertile lands of which the State can
boast. I adapted to the growth of the finest Tobacco in for
the growth of Corn, Cotton, Truck and Fruit, and a most benignant climate.
ML I inexhaustible and con-
or primeval forests of Pine, Ash and Poplar of the most desirable You
should visit these forests.
ST It is needless to urge the. many advantages of this rising young town and the
varied material resources by which it is surrounded that are mines of wealth
progressive men who take hold of this golden opportunity.
should visit A. YD and that is
E-V I all that is asked. It will stand the test
on its merits. Be sure to attend the sale.
Wednesday. October 8th, 1890.
n O I Cash, or if desired, half cash and balance on months,
I t- II W with note at per cent. Interest.
J. B. Edgerton, Agent.
The leading General Merchandise dealers in
Pitt County.-----
What Are You Waiting For
Our Stock is Goods Prices Low.
Rev. John. K. Conally, of Asheville. and . it,
will be in Greenville during the As- i
and on Friday, 10th, will
preach to his old ados of the
55th N. C. Regiment, of which he
was Colonel during the late war. All
the survivors of the in this
section should present to hear him.
tie will I to meet his comrades
in arms.
gene-tea it may be done. Anything I a product which is
would be and allowable to j tined to raise the yoke of
beat the bill. depression from the
Mr. Morton, the who i shoulders of the mortgaged and de
presides over the Senate when be
nothing more pressing to do,
seems to be a slow in keeping
up with the news In
spite of the fact that
of the papers in the United Slates,
aside Horn the cringing republican
organs, last winter printed some-
thing about the barroom in Mr.
farmers of old Pitt place
them equal standard with those
all her sister and
ye who have reaped the rich sales
of a good crop of tobacco contribute
your mite to the purchase of a token Saturday
gratitude for the man who has
most successfully cultivated tobacco
show your appreciation, also
Fleming colored who was
convicted of burglary in the second
degree, as stated last week, but who
had not been sentenced up to the
time of going to press, was on
sentenced to years in the
penitentiary. counsel took an
appeal to the Supreme Court because
of certain objections to the charge by
his Honor Judge Womack, to the jury-
in the case.
The jury on the case of State
against K. S. Moore, charged with
criminal assault and intent upon Mrs.
remained in
from Tuesday until
Wednesday morning when lb
returned a verdict of guilty as
charged. Sentence of years in
State prison was passed upon him
We wish lo say to our customers everywhere that we the
largest and best selected stock that it has eyer been our pleas-
to place before you. And beg of you that you will
inspect our stock and compare quality, quantity and
prices given you anywhere else by any first-class
house. We realize that competition is the
life of trade we are fully abreast of
the times and feel able to meet any
competitor fairly and squarely.
We give customers the
very best that can be
bought for the
invested in that
article. Wen re with
the people in their de-
that they shall buy
goods cheap. And we promise all
who shall give us their patronage
that they shall have them cheap. If you
fail to get as good bargains, when you buy
of some one else, as your neighbor gets who buys
of us, you have only yourself to blame, because we
have invited you time and again to come in and see us.
Our invitation to all people is LEARN OF US, KNOW
US, BUY OF US. With these three injunctions ringing fresh in
your ears every week, we again ask you to come and examine the
following lines of General Merchandise
The Latest in Styles, Finest in Quality, Utmost in Variety, have been combined by us in
and winter Stock Offerings Will Not and Can Not Be
Goods cm not be Sold. W Place our Low Wt
There is a Below ,
They had a bis time
last week, a great, rousing, Demo-
rally, which will nave an
effect for warming up the
racy from one of the good old
State to the other. And, really,
need warming along discovered that drinks and swell your pocket books.
new hotel here, then just; contributing a amount, to the
that the W. O. T. U. in ; purchase one for the man who
national convention pass I first led you out of the hot vertical
ed a resolution censoring him of burning debt under the
selling liquor by the drink he of a plant whose
week naively that he had- colic leaves kill accruing inter-
line, and every effort made to
arouse white men to a sense of
their There is an article on
the front page of the
today, taken from the Raleigh
tells a few things
the people of North Carolina may
expect if by their negligence and
indifference they allow the
party to get control of the
State Legislature. There is much
to fear along line and Demo-
should be vigilant. The
enemies will stoop to any depth
of corruption in order to defeat
the good government instituted
sold in bis hotel, at the same no means wish to leave the
time he announced that he had that I opposed to the
once ordered the sale stopped. II
it were not for the
he holds be inclined to
call Morton a
The Senate has amended and
passed the bill intended to make
the United States Courts a part of
the of the republican
party, although ostensibly its object
is to define and regulate the
diction of the United States Courts.
There are now three sit-
ting as members of of Rep-
two of them in stolen
The season for booming summer
resorts being about over, and that
winter resorts being not yet open
and maintained by the Democracy Mr Harrison and his family return
i . . . . i
Staple Fancy Dry Goods
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Fanning Implements,
Heavy Fancy Groceries
Flour a Specialty,
Wood Willow Ware,
Trunks and Valises,
Harness and Whips.
The sentence of Alonzo to
year in State prison, as published
was changed, to months
in county jail, with leave to the
to hire out after
months. Three other cases upon the
criminal docket were tried as
P. Nobles, affray, submit,
suspended on Payment
of cost. L. A. perjury,
After a business
of twenty five
years we do not hesitate
to tell you that we can
and do offer yon bargains
that have never before
been beard of in this
county, and each sue-
season we arc at
work trying to serve your
interests faithfully.
suggestions offered by
truly I think that every tobacco
in the should
five cents for every acre of to-
he has and if every-
one will do so, will be a
to purchase a hand-
some testimonial each gentleman.
further agree with what Farmville
and others have said in regard to a
warehouse. Keep the ball rolling
time is not far distant when
Pitt county will have a warehouse.
a smoking tobacco and cigarette
factory under Incorporated
body and Pitt farmers will
enrich county instead Wake.
Vance and
and once more get the State
under their own control. Reader,
if you are a white man the
go to the polls and protect
your family by voting the Demo-
Frank Gilliam, a colored
can of county has taken
the field as an independent
candidate for Congress and pro-
to canvass the district, and
will do so, until there shall be a Re-
publican Convention to nominate a
regular candidate, before which
Convention he will lie a Candida re-
fer the City
This is a right strong rebuke to
the few white bosses who rubbed
their heads together in secret over
at Elizabeth City and set up C. M.
Bernard as the nominee of the
Republican party. At the con-
of colored men in Raleigh
recently they declared that
are the Republican and
demanded that they should be
recognized, but down here in First
District they have ignored the no-
entirely and did not ask
who they wanted for their party
candidate. If a handful of Gil-
friends got together and
asked him to run, he has just as
much right to be called the
of the Republican party as
Bernard has, as they both seem
to be in the same boat as to the
of their getting before the
people. However, Gilliam is
honest enough to call himself just
what he is, and says he is
pendent Republican
and proposes to be in the field
until there shall be a Republican
convention to nominate a regular
candidate. As the now
stands he has as much right in the
field as the other man, and he has
the best claim to the support of
his party, for his color is the right
shade to make him a Republican
from principal.
ed to Washington.
It has been decided by the House
committee the Judiciary to make
a on the bill, which
has already passed the Senate, for-
the property of the Mormon
There is a screw loose in the
vindication, and one of the
republican of the commit-
tee is said to be opposed to the pro-
posed white-washing. He is being
with ; hence the delay in
making the report.
The House has voted without a
division to the speech
wherein Mr. Kennedy called Sena
tor Quay a modern Judas Iscariot
a felon, the and
Mr. Kennedy made another speech
stating that he was glad be made
the one, and that be still stood
by his original language. Mr. Quay
has been so busy trying to save his
nominee of
defeat that he hasn't
bad time to give the public his
Representative Flower
seem to be worrying over the ad-
verse criticisms his management
of the democratic
campaign. He says wait the
returns are in and see the result of
the committee's work.
H. O. Hyatt returned from
C. Tuesday, where
he bad been for the last two weeks.
Dr. Hyatt is giving the eye, ear,
nose and throat especial, attention
and is well fitted up for the treat-
of of those organs.
He will remain at homo
for several months, hating as
much professional work as he can
well attend to here. He keeps a
stock of the finest spectacles lenses
of American and European
Whenever he file a pair of
glasses he guarantees the fit and the
quality of his lenses, and agrees to
the price of when
ever they are returned a
time. This is certainly a
square way of doing
Kinston free Press-
Horace Greeley's daughter says;
man is so as to
borrow a newspaper he is able
to bay, he will talk through his -nose
to save his
Exchange of Cotton Seed for
II. B. Battle, Experiment Station,
X. C.
Ought I to exchange my seed
with the oil mill, getting meal in
return at the rate of one Ion of meal
for two of seed Emphatically
no. it the meal is not returned to
the land either as is mixed fertilizer,
or as manure alter passing through
stock. Two tons of seed contain
pounds phosphoric acid,
ammonia, pounds of
potash, valued at giving the
same value as to commercial
the One of
meal contains pounds
pounds of ammonia and
potash, valued at I
give to the oil mill men
worth and they give me in
return materials worth I
96.46 by the transaction. This
is no sketch, actual
Are the oil mill men not
fools to give me this six dollars
forty six cents Ob, no, the save
the oil, which do not want it
contains no
and sell it. They Lave in addition
the hulls the seed which are
used for fuel under the engine boil
era, or for bedding.
not guilty. E. N. D- B. make no loud advertisements but will pay sis much for any
all grades of
As any House Anywhere.
We guarantee all patrons the best possible attention and
--------our personal attention to--------
Every Lot of Tobacco put on our Floors.
We know that a poor sale means a loss of patronage and we as
business men cannot afford that.--------
Hogsheads furnished free. Find them with S. A.
or with Harris, Falkland.
Our market is the best market for bright tobacco in the State
and our facilities for handling tobacco as good as anybody s and
we will do all we can to please you if you will give us a trial.
Our house is the best lighted in town and we have, every
that can be had on a loose market. Give us a trial
and be convinced. HARRIS. GOOCH CO.
Langley, assault, submit, lined
and cost each. A number of cases
upon the civil docket were heard.
Scott who was s witness in a
trial to be heard, went upon the wit-
stand in an intoxicated
Judge Womack ordered the
Sheriff to him jail to sober up.
man ought to be pig or pup.
Trying to be both destroys the cap-
to be truly either. If a man in
North Carolina can so far
lose his self respect as to he a
cal, let vote the Radical ticket
and get down in the dirt he praters
it. if a man pretends to be a
decent man a Democrat, let
show it by voting the straight ticket.
If he can't do that, let him make
haste to go and join the Radical
party and false to himself and his
The generous and noble
Hearted Col. Ike Sugg, with that
bounded liberality for which he is
so noted, and which has made him
so beloved and popular, will give
for the best of tobacco grown
in Pit proceeds of which
go to the Orphan Asylum at
Oxford.--- Wilson Mirror.
We are headquarters in this market for Furniture and ask yon
to look at our line of Suits, both Walnut and cheaper woods,
Bureaus, Bedsteads, single and double, Mattresses and Bed
Springs, Children's Beds, Cribs and Cradles, Cane
and Wood seat Chairs, and Rocking Chairs,
Children's and Dining and
lots other things too numerous to mention. We thank you for
past favors trust and believe that you will continue to
for we work not alone for our interest but also for yours.
N. O.
Some time ago Mr. E. M.
offered a fine hat to person who
brought him the finest sample of
tobacco. The samples were to weigh
one half a pound, to be sold at the
opening here and the proceeds
given to the Oxford Orphan Asylum
Mr. John Evans, of Pitt county, took
the premium and went home with
the bat. The tobacco sold for
per pound and brought 918.70.
Wilson Advance.
The Southern published
at Durham, N. C., Is offering sever-
dollars in cash prizes for
says upon various subjects, with
a view literary
especially among Southern
The September number
contains two offers of five dollars
each for two hundred and fifty
words. is vice-
president of the
are not much acquainted with
the game of cards, but here is a bit
of advice; Play spades if you would
win potatoes; play clubs it you would
deal with a play hearts if yon
would win friendship; play diamonds
if you would win
son Gold Leaf.
The cotton fields, white to
vest with a promised yield not wit-
in years with few, if
any bands in many of them is an
argument as to
real injury caused by the
movement. We dare say that
should a storm of wind and rain
come in the next few days, there
are many farmers in this county
that would be hopelessly mined.
LaG range Spectator.
Parties desiring to obtain pat-
or information of any kind
relating to patents,
with C. Co.,
8th St., Washington,
The firm is prompt, reliable, and
very moderate in its charges.
Branch has been prevented from
meeting h's late appointments by
the illness of a Hon. T. G.
Skinner, has represented him. Ber-
Is in his hole and from present
appearances means to stay
Elizabeth City
Wanted at once to whit
or colored years up to work hi
our Canning Factory. can make
1.00 to 91.60 per flay at piece work.
Apply at once.
J. CO.,
Washington N, C.
Tax Notice.
will meet the tax payers of Pitt
county at the following places upon
the dates named for the purpose of
collecting the State and county tax
es due for year
Farmville, Wednesday, Oct.
Chapel, Thursday, 4-
Haddock's X Roads,
Calico Hill, Saturday,
Keel's Store, Wednesday,
Parker's Schoolhouse,
Black Jack, Thursday,
Lang's Schoolhouse, Friday,
Falkland, Saturday,
Farmville, Wednesday, 29th
J C. Cobb's Store, 30th
All persons are requested to meet
me and pay taxes promptly
and thus save further trouble. In-
beyond the time
ed by law will not be given.
J. A K. Sheriff.
Co. N. C
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
We have had many years ex-
at the business are
prepared to handle Cotton
advantage of shippers
All business entrusted to
hands will receive prompt and
We are making a specialty of
and arc receiving the finest
line ever brought to Greenville
Our stock will he complete
embracing every size made.
Our popular
still stands at the head. Our
other brands are all good. We
have the heaviest for
the money ever put on this
market. We carry a full line
of Pine and Fix-
Tinware. Hardware,
Saw Glimmers, Taints,
Oils, Doors and Glass
and Putty.
We want to see everybody
that wants a Cook Stove. We
are prepared to supply the
A Beef Market.
Opened in Johnson. Nor-
Co. have opened a market at
their opposite Skinner's Opera
We respectfully ask a liberal
share the patronage the citizens of
Greenville and county generally.
Parties in the country having
Hogs, Goats, Sheep or Bides to sell will
do well to call on before selling else-
where. CO.
I urn Tobacco Hogsheads
free to those who to D. Y. Cooper,
Davis Gregory, Bullock Mitchell,
Harris. Gooch A Co., Boyd
seasoned lumber and wood hoops,
much better than the iron hoops. Par-
ties desiring to ship independently can
obtain them size at small
size tor less money, it Ellington
Cooper's Machine Shops. I have also
of B. F. Sugg Gin Con-
Ac, and will gin cotton this
season for a 10th. Will furnish Lumber
In any quantity either In town or at the
mill low as the lowest.
Greenville, A.
Is now an established fact and commends it-
self to the readers of the We have
no enemies to punish, or friends to reward.
Don't pay one man as a means to rob his neigh-
buy Tobacco on its merits and stand to com-
pare sales with any market in the State. Try
us and be convinced, proof of the pudding is
the We will pay for all Hogs-
heads used in shipping to us. Prompt personal
attention given the sale of every pile of tobacco
on our floor, and SAVE you over a third in
charges of what you pay in other markets to
have your tobacco sold. Give us a trial.
Your friend,
Ed. M. PACE.
Sales every day
Don't read this Advertisement, but
if you do don't it
I will give closer attention to the Fruit and
trade. During the approaching season
my stock will consist of the finest Candies, N OH
Raisins, Apples, Oranges and Bananas. I will handle
in large quantities At the same time I shall keep a
full line of Fancy Groceries. I challenge the world to
produce a better Cigar than the old reliable
It has been on this market for years and
for a good smoke take the lead. Anything in the above
will be found at the Fruit and store of
Y. It. STEPHENS. Greenville, N. C.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY
Wm Car Load Feed Oats, Car load Corn, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis Flour,
Heavy Mess Pork, Granulated Sugar.
Sugar, Gail Ax Snuff, all
S Rail Road Mills Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Lard.
Cases Star Lye, Gross Matches.
Also full line Baking Powders. Soda, Soap, Starch.
Crackers, Candles, Canned Goods, Vt rapping I aper,
prices given to the wholesale trade on large
Special prices given
Paper I
of I
Strawberry Plants for Sale.
These are the earliest and best for mar-
Special rates for
j. B.
Greenville, N. C

Greenville, N. C.
Local S p a r ks
Good New Goods Did
you ever see the like of New Goods
at Higgs Man ford's. They
have knocked the
bottom out of prices and will sell
cheaper now than ever before.
terms will be strictly cash.
Henderson, N. C.
Is the leading place
For farmers to sell tobacco.
If you want the highest prices
Don't to ship tobacco
To Cooper's, N. C.
Go to Brown Bros, for Shoes.
Try some of the new corned
lets at the Old Brick Store.
Best In the world Flour at J B.
Cherry Go's.
Nice and Shoes
at Brown Bros.
Feed mills and cotton gins at
A nice line etc. cheap
and low at J. B. Cherry Co's.
Ladles, examine Brown
of Dress Goods.
Good 9.1.
For your bargains in Furniture-
go to J B Cherry Co's.
The Buckeye Corn is the
best, at
Don't forget that Cooper's ware
at Henderson offers or
hogshead to their patrons free.
Look out for
Dixon's custom made Shoes for
children and ladies, at Brown Bros.
D. Y. Cooper, of leads I tobacco at Cooper's Warehouse
all other warehouse men m big registration of voters is re-
Fires are
Caps for the girls are all the rage.
The Dunn is two years
Register immediately; don't put it
Several were out Sun
The tenth month is ushered in to-
Where did the cold snap come
This is the and yellow
Don't lose your vote by failing to
Court in Greene county
this week.
The m office solicits your
job printing.
It is dark long before o'clock
these days.
We have bean having entirely too
much rain of late.
Say let me see you a
Have you registered.
County Commissioners will in
next Monday.
Beware of and sore throat
this kind of weather.
You can't register after October
25th. Register now.
Twice the diameter of the wrist
equals that the nook.
A regular dreary, drizzly,
The police killed a mad dog in
one day last week.
Small change is scarce and there
is quite a demand for it.
Come to the office for
stationary of all
It takes a real cold snap to give
the oyster its proper twang.
Five Wednesdays, five Thursdays
and five Fridays in this month.
The train will begin t schedule
through to Kinston in a few days.
For highest prices always sell your
prices and big averages
For Latest Style Bats and low
price go to J. B. Cherry Co's.
B sure to register.
quired the November election.
Tell your neighbor he must
anew for the approaching election.
Keep the thing going. Shah
I and cheapest line of Greenville have tobacco warehouses
Slues Town at J. B. ft
Fresh Biscuits for the well
and sick at the Old Brick Store.
Brown Bros, are selling good
Calico for per yard.
Have you registered
Brown Bros, don't sell at cost nor
below cost, but as near to it as any-
reliable firm in town.
The finest assortment of stoves
ever kept in Greenville at Baskets.
North Carolina Plaid
rents Per yard at J. B. Cherry
it Co's.
Don't to register.
Mill Man own his
own Glimmer 10.00 and at
More cotton brought to town S it-
than any day of the u
Try Cooper's warehouse at Hen-
and you will be convinced
it is headquarters for the sale
of tobacco.
D. Y. Cooper is determined to
handle bis part the Pitt county
tobacco, it money and hard work
will get it.
Now is the time to register.
Cooper furnish for
those who ship tobacco to Give
Cooper a trial and you will get full
value for your tobacco.
Our one dollar Solid Leather
Shoes for man or woman give entire
satisfaction. J. B. Cherry ft Co.
Three more months of 1890.
If you want prices and a big
averts sell your tobacco at Coop-
Warehouse Henderson.
Farmers look to your interest
sell tobacco where yon can get
the roost Coopers ware-
house is the place.
The fairs come this month.
Cooper, of Henderson, will at all
times do his best for the Pitt county
farmers. Try him with your
Sell your tobacco at Cooper's where
will he from to seventy-
five buyers with plenty of money to
bay tobacco.
Every Democrat should register.
Mr lb far Sweet
not in Pitt Co., which
i rte superiority, at
Brisk Stan.
took their in-
mil get the
most Warehouse
at is the
In order to vote you register.
D. T. pars no rent, owns
hoes Will as every effort
to get farmer fall value of his
tobacco. Try him, yon cant, do
A good time to fill your coal bins.
Daniel B. King of Pitt Co., sold
en the 19th of August at D. Y.
Cooper's Henderson, S.
C, lot tobacco per
lot II. lot This takes the
It has come and circus.
B. G. Barnes, of Coopers ware-
soys that Pitt tobacco is the
beat be baa seen. Ed is a good, jolly
fellow; see him when go to
at Henderson.
Just one week to the Association.
D. Y. Cooper has been in to-
business at Henderson for
years and always advises farmers to
sell their tobacco where they can
get the beat prices. That he gets
these for all sold at bis ware-
house is proven by his great success
during all these years.
D. Y. Cooper, or Henderson, has
made arrangements Bedding's
saw mill to make a large number of
tobacco Farmers who wish
to ship tobacco to Cooper can get
these free of charge by
plying at mill, two miles from
Greenville, or at Fran's
Get your stove ready, and he sure
the is all right before putting it
The sun crossed the line on Mon-
day last and autumn was ushered
The pesky house is said to keep
away diphtheria, cholera and typhoid
Remind your neighbor of the fact
that, he must register if he wants to
The finest loaf of bread I ever ate
wax made of Point Lace Flour, at
the Old Brick Store.
The Elizabeth City News is four
and a half years old and a sprightly
Quite a large attendance at the
Great Swamp yearly meeting last
Stoves for Store for
school houses, and Stores for every-
body, at
Sheriff Tucker left Monday morn-
with four prisoners for
Quite a crowd followed the circus
parade yesterday. Some features of
it were amusing.
D. Y. Cooper, Henderson, sells
more farmers tobacco gives
better satisfaction any
in the State.
Next Wednesday takes place the
sale of the railroad lots at Ayden.
this fact.
Thanks to Mr. J. L. W. Nobles for
a basket grapes presented
to us
D. Y. Cooper sells more farmers
tobacco than any in
State, try him you will And, that
be will please you.
Circuses generally scrape In the
change, and to a certain extent
the country.
is it that every one who
goes to j. B. Cherry Co's ate
happy they are pleased
with their Bargains.
cool weather approaches the
number of Eiffel-tower collars in-
Rev. J. X. H. will
preach in the Baptist Church here
next Sunday night.
The registration books of each
township will be from
26th to October 26th.
Mr. J. S. Higgs has opened a sec-
hand clothing in the
Forbes store on Five Points.
What, a Solid Leather Shoe for
one dollar for either manor
W AC J. B. Cherry Co's.
Are you opposed to the Force Bill
If so register and vote the Democrat
Be careful about fires in this
month when you start up for
the first time.
If you are in favor of honest gov-
register and vote the Dem-
Mrs. A Joyner invite all
the ladies to call and examine their
nice stock of millinery and notions.
Anything yon boy from mar-
it not satisfactory may re-
turn it and money will be re-
funded. We keep fresh beef, pork,
motion, kid, poultry, and solicit
patronage. Johnson,
On Monday Mr.
bowed us a that meas-
in circumference. This is
the largest one ever found yet. Last
the record went up to and
the year
Miss Ada Harden of Green county
was visiting Miss Jennie Savage last
Mrs. W. A. James, of is
visiting the family of Register of
Deeds D. B. James.
Mrs. H. C. Martin of Baltimore
has been visiting Mrs. the
past week or two.
Mr. Moses of
Neck, spent last Wednesday in
Greenville with his brother, Mr. G.
Mr. W. T. Reid, of LaGrange, has
been in town the past week. We are
glad to sec Will among us.
Ex-Gov. Jarvis left Monday for
the central part of the State. He has
appointments to speak this week at
Reidsville, Walnut Cove and Win
Mr. G. W. owner of the
Wilson Mirror, spent a day or two in
Greenville last week. He came on a
legal matter, but saw enough of our
town to make him highly pleased
with it
J. S. Co., of Washington,
want hands to work in the canning
factory. See advertisement-
A large cotton is being
built adjoining the depot. It will be
very convenient shippers.
Some of the farmers complain of a
scarcity of cotton hands. The staple
opened so fast that it got ahead of
We are indebted to the proprietors
of Riverside Nursery for a basket
the excellent James grapes sent
Ar Co., shipped a
stove to Williamston last week.
The man who purchased the stove
reads the Reflector. Sec
Quarterly Meeting Greenville
circuit will be held October at
Bethlehem church. Services at
o'clock a. m.
says a man can lose his re
over a measly old slab sided
contrary stove pipe nearly as quick
as over a circus.
R. R. Flemming, administrator of
Fleming, has a notice to
in this paper. Look for it
legal notice head on 4th page.
It rained yesterday but the crowd
came just the same, and most of
them went home disappointed with
the circus. There were not. any
Dr. J. Marquis, of Philadelphia,
has opened his dental office. He can
be found in the Skinner building in
the rooms opposite the photograph
How many men tickets to
the circus yesterday, who the next
time they see the editor will either
dodge him or tell him they cannot
pay their subscription
The force is sufficiently
now for us to turn out all job
printing promptly. We do first-class
work and keep the best material.
Send us your orders.
That huge sweet in the
office attracts
If somebody will just catch us a
sum to go with it we'll have a feast
like unto the days Uncle Remus.
In the list who were on last
day granted license to practice law
by the Supreme Court, are glad
to see the name of Mr. W. H. Long,
of Tennessee, who read here under
Gov. Jarvis.
Mr. S. P. Erwin sold about
pounds of tobacco at the Banner
Warehouse in last week,
which netted him an average a little
above per hundred. For some of
it he received as high as
Keep your eyes open now, the
Sheriff is on the war path. His list
of appointments for a tax gathering
tour are published in this paper and
you had just as well be ready to pay
your taxes. They have got to come.
Mr. Kin was very badly
hurt Saturday. He was assisting in
packing cotton about the gin when
a piece of timber from the press fell
and struck him on the head. He
was in town late in the evening
his wound dressed.
The merchant who sends off to
other towns to get his printing done
has great love for keeping up
home enterprises. Still he wants his
home paper to give him a and
tell the people to buy their
from him.
We were called into Culley's res-
one day last week, to try a
stew of the very tempting and
bivalve. They were fixed up in
the very best style. West Pitt is in
charge of the culinary department
knows his business-
Shareholders in the Building A
Loan Association please take notice
that payment for October is due to-
day- The Secretary will make his
returns promptly and cannot again
extend such indulgence as has been
given the last month or two.
The Standard Keeper was around
Monday testing the weights and
measures of the town merchants. He
skipped by Reflector office and
did not stop to inquire if we had a
quarter-ounce weight for testing the
conscience of delinquent subscribers.
On Thursday Sheriff Tucker show
ed an account of tobacco sales that
he made with D. Y. Cooper,
son, on tho 23rd. He sold something
over pounds at an average of
about cents, one lot bringing as
high as cents and another
Mr. J. J. Nobles left a twig
from a cotton stalk, on Thursday,
that shows a prolific production. In
a space of about inches were five
large, well formed bolls. He says
his cotton bad a splendid August
fruiting and the stalks are loaded
down with bolls.
Can not the business men of
Is look far enough ahead to
see the great advantages of tobacco
warehouses as enhancers of trade
Every farmer paid off here for
co would leave much of bis money
with the merchants. It is time these
men were taking active interest in
To The
Of the various churches of tho
denominations within reach of
I wish by this to invite
you to attend the session of the Tar
River Association to meet with
Greenville Baptist Church, October
9th to 12th inclusive.
A. D. Hunter, Pastor.
The extension of the Scotland
Neck A Greenville railroad is com-
through to Kinston. That
town will have a grand celebration
over it on the 9th instant. In that
respect Greenville is left behind.
This town has had the railroad more
than a year but has never yet shown
public appreciation of it.
A colored girl about years of
age, died very suddenly in this town
last Friday. She had been out pick-
cotton all day and was returning
home in the evening. Just before
reaching home she foil upon the
ground in an unconscious condition.
Parties with her picked her up and
carried her into the house, but she
was dead in a few moments. She
had been heard to complain of the
headache during the day.
Hew Firm.
In announcing the new firm that is
to open in Greenville the Reflector
styled it as Young A The
Wilson Advance corrects us and says
Mr. C. W. is the partner of
Mr. Young. Just a misunderstand-
of name on our part. The
further says they are a
strong team, that they are the
est firm in Wilson, have a branch
store in and a large clothing
factory in
Two big errors got into one small
local in the lust week.
The first error was saving the county
canvass would open at Falkland on
the The date is all right, but
the place is Farmville instead of
Falkland. The other error was in
8.13 inS of appointments would
be found in that issue. Through an
the appointments after be-
put in type were left standing en
a galley and did not get in paper
until to-day, when you can find them
on first page.
Good Cures.
Mr. B. F. Patrick told us Monday
that Mr. A. P. Murray, of
county, had cured barns of
co for him this season, and made a
success of every one of them. Since
the curing was completed Mr,
ray has remained and done nil the
grading and packing. From what
has been sold good and satisfactory
returns were made. Mr. Patrick
goes to to day to sell several
thousand pounds. He says Mr.
Murray is the best all around
co man he has known.
Will Back Home.
The editor received a letter
week from E. A. Davis, one of
colored men who left here with
last winter. Davis is
carpenter and having a good trade of
course stood a much better showing
than those who went as common
laborers. He is at a little
town in Louisiana. He says lie is
doing a luge contracting business
there, but his life has been threat-
because he does better work
than other contractor in the
town. He says he would be much
better satisfied at home and intends
to come back after this year.
To The Citizens of
I wish to thank our friends out-
side of the Baptist Church for their
kindness in helping us to finish our
church and for their kind offer to aid
us in taking care of our Association.
A good part the delegates and
pastors may expected Wednesday
evening, October 8th. Preaching
that nigh, in our new room by Rev.
Mr. Duke. The crowd will be much
larger on Saturday and and
of the delegates may not
rive until Friday or Saturday. I
hope those taking company will
have supper at or as near six o'clock
as possible. This is far better for
the speakers and gives those taking
company an opportunity to attend
the exercises at night. I hope all
who can will attend the meetings.
A. D.
L. Wyatt.
Mr. W. A. or well
remembered by our people as an ex-
photographer, has sent the
Reflector a photograph of Henry L.
Wyatt, who was. the first soldier
killed in the late war. The photo-
graph was copied from an old
i the young confederate. We
showed it to a citizen of this town
who remembered Wyatt and were
told that the picture was a perfect
likeness of him. Mr. is furn-
copies of the picture at
cents each. Wyatt went into the
army from Pitt county, but belonged
to the gallant old Edgecombe Guard.
A great deal has been said in the
State papers about Wyatt bis
nativity, and this may not be void of
interest. The person to whom
showed the photograph said Wyatt
was born in Richmond but came to
Greenville to live with relatives when
he was a very small boy. We sup-
pose there are many persons here
ho remember him.
Pitt County
Below is given the aggregate re-
turns of property in Pitt county and
its assessed valuation, as placed in
the hands of the Sheriff the first of
September to collect taxes due there
on for the year
No acres land value
No town lots value
No horses
No mules 1,625
No jacks
No goats
No cattle
No hogs
No sheep 1.722
Value without
Money on
Shares in
All other
No white polls colored polls
dogs were also given In for tax-
The Leading Dry Goods
and Clothing
House in Greenville. N. C.
As usual we have the
finest selection of
Fine Dress Goods and
Trimmings in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing that is not
new and very stylish.
. In Dress Goods
We are showing the latest
weaves of Parisian styles.
stock comprises handsome Em-
Combination and
Camel's Hair Robes of the new-
est designs and latest
makers. We are showing in
all shades elegant Serges, Mo
hair, Flannels,
cots and Cashmeres.
In Black G
We have Silk Warp Henrietta,
all wool Henrietta,
Serges, Broadcloth, Cashmeres,
Flannels, etc., in Jet, Mourning
and Black.
Trimming Department
Is complete with the most stylish
effects in Cut Steel
tries, Braid, Fringes and Gimp.
Velvet, and Velvet Rib-
in all desirable colors.
In this department we have rep-
resented the styles of the most
fashionable shape in the
try in Fur, Astrakhan and Cloth
Capes, Seal Jackets and
Wraps and Cloth Garments
every style and shape.
Muslin Under-
This is a new venture with us
and in order to make it a success
we shall name some astonishing-
low figures during the next
few weeks.
We have a large and varied
stock of Ladies and Misses
sets, Furnishing Goods and
other Notions all at the correct
None but the best represented.
We show at least eighteen vies
in ladies handmade footwear in
all shapes and lasts. In Misses
heel and spring heel goods we
have quite a varied assortment.
Misses and Children School
Shoes a specialty.
We have positively the
array of Dress and Evening Ties
in the town.
As usual we have the
finest selection of Cloth-
Hats and
Goods in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing that is not
new and very stylish.
Gent's Fine Clothing.
In this department we feel con-
that our selections are the
and most stylish in
town. We are showing all the
newest styles and cuts in Serges,
Wales and other fancy and
fabrics. In Men's fancy
Trousers we are the leaders.
Boy's Clothing.
Here is where the service of an
experienced buyer is needed,
besides combining the proper
styles and textures, durability
bears an important part in buy-
boy's clothes. Parents
we can safely say that we have
combined all these and are able
to offer you a reliable line of
Boy's Clothing at the right
prices. In Men's and Boy's
Overcoats we have a fine line of
which we will say as the
season advances.
Men and Boys Hats.
Of all shapes, styles and
ties at the correct prices
Men's Footwear.
We have them in all styles
shapes. Our Old Men's Shoe is
the most comfortable on the
market. The celebrated Police
Shoes are another of our
In fact our whole line represents
the most serviceable makes.
Furnishing Goods.
The largest line of Gent's Fur-
Goods, Hosiery, Sus-
etc., ever shown in
Gent's Shirts.
In Dress, Flannel and
of all styles.
Carpets, Oilcloths, Etc.
We have everything in this line
that can be desired, from a
common Hemp to a Fine Body
Brussels, Floor Oilcloths and
Stair Carpets in various widths.
Large selection of Rugs in all
sizes of Smyrna, Velvet and
The largest stock of Lace Cur-
and Poles and
Shades ever shown in town.
Trunks and Valises.
From a common wood packer
to a fine Zinc Saratoga, Valises
Traveling Bags.
Remember that we have no second hand goods
nothing but new and stylish goods.
We will sustain our reputation as the leaders.
A cordial invitation to our friends and patrons
to visit us and make our place headquarters.
No trouble to show goods.
Sisters, i L Etc.
Our Stock
lust Their has never been a
better selection brought to this market.
Will lead in Style and
Sell at Low Prices.
We have none but the best Milliner-.
Higgs Sisters,
Full X. C,
log their year's will
their Interest to get prices before
in all its branches.
Lowest Thicks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
buy at one A
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville. N. C.
It is to tho interest of every lady want-
in Stylish Millinery to sec
Mrs. E. A. Sheppard,
before nuking purchases. She is still
to the front with a beautiful stock and
defies competition In styles prices.
with her huge experience iii the
she is to suit the tastes of
even purchaser, at her i
on Dickerson Avenue.
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
sets, Shoes and
We have just received opened a beautiful line of new
Fall and Winter Goods.
I be glad to have my old friends come to
see us, and assure them that we can sell the goods
Dow For
Give us a trial and be convinced that the way to boy goods is for
the spot cash.
Greenville, N. C, January,
Bullock Mitchell,
We beat the world on high averages. With ample capital, one
of the best lighted the State a good working force
we defy competition. WE FURNISH HOGSHEADS ON
PLICATION. The Oxford tobacco market is as firm and as solid
as the granite foundations of the everlasting mountains, and we
say to the handed sons of of Eastern Carolina
that we will to get for then, as much money for their
Tobacco as any other on this or any other market.
Every lot entrusted to our care shall have our personal attention.
ask is a trial. Very truly.
Reliable Goods.
The above is what
the people need and not so
much cheap gods which
prove to be
We carry a full line of
mi m
Pull assortment and many
other minor lines that
carried by dry goods stores
. C .
Calicoes ct. Checked Home-
spun White
cU. Worsted in to
Shoes to
Needle- papers Mid
besides for on, I
cU. Cup in to Hat
to Pauls Id
to 81.15, and many
things in proportion.
Calicoes Checked Home-
spun While Homespun f to
R Worsted Id to 81.00,
81.00 to 84.25. Brass Tins
Ct. Needles papers and more
for Cakes
So Caps to Hats If
rt- to ., Hoods Id cut
1.16, and many other things la

Greenville N. C
Local Sparks
Good Goods Did
ever the like of New Goods
at They
knocked the
bottom oat of prices and will sell
now than ever before.
Their terms will be strictly CASH.
Henderson, N. G.
Is leading place
For farmers to sell tobacco.
If yon want the highest prices
Don't tail to ship your tobacco
To Cooper's, N. C.
Go to Brown Bros, for Shoes.
Try some of the new corned
lets at the Old Brick Store.
Best in the world Floor at J B.
Cherry Co's.
Nice and Shoes
at Bros.
Feed mills and cotton gins at
A nice line of etc. cheap
and low at J B. Cherry
Ladles, examine Brown
of Dress Goods.
Good cotton
For your bargains
go to j B Cherry Co's.
The Buckeye Corn is
best, at
Don't forget that Cooper's ware
house at Henderson offers or
hogshead to their patrons free.
Look out for
custom made Shoes for
children and ladies, at Brown Bros.
Caps for tire-girls art- nil
Poi-iT Is years
immediately; don't put it
Several overcoats were out Sun-
The tenth in to-
Where did the cold snap come
This is the and yellow leaf
Don't lose your vote by foiling to
Court in Greene county
this week.
The t hi office solicits your
job printing-
It is dark long before o'clock
these days.
W bean having entirely too
in rain of late.
Say let me see n
Haw you registered.
County Commissioners will in
next Monday-
Beware of colds and sore throat
this kind of weather.
Yon can't register after October
25th. Register now.
Twice the diameter of the wrist
equals that the neck.
A regular dreary,
The police a mad dog in
one day last week.
Small change is scarce and there
is quite a demand for it.
to the office for
Mammy of all
It takes s real cold snap to give
the oyster its proper twang.
Five Wednesdays, five Thursdays
and live Fridays in this month.
The train will begin t schedule
11-rough to Kinston in a few days.
For highest prices always sell your
D. Y. Cooper, of Henderson leads at Cooper's Warehouse
II other warehouse men in big
prices and big averages
For Latest. Style Hats and low
price go to J. B. Cherry Co's.
I. sure to register.
A new registration of voters is re-
quired the November election.
Tell your neighbor he must
anew for the approaching election.
Keep the thing going. Shah
I and cheapest line of Greenville have tobacco warehouses
Slues at J. B. Cherry
Fresh Biscuits for the well
and sick at the Old Brick Store.
Brown Bros, are selling good
Calico for per yard.
Have you
Brown Bros, don't sell at cost nor
below coat, but as to it as any
reliable firm in town.
The finest assortment of stoves
ever kept in Greenville at
North Carolina Plaid
rent Per yard at J. B. Cherry
Don't forget to register.
Try Cooper's warehouse at Hen-
you will be
that it is headquarters for the sale
of tobacco.
D. Y- Cooper is determined to
Mill Man should own bis
own and at
More cotton brought to town S
of the so
Get your stove ready, and be sure
the flue is all right before putting it
The sun crossed the line on Mon-
day last and autumn was ushered
The pesky fly is said to keep
away diphtheria, cholera and typhoid
Remind your neighbor of the fact
that be must register if he wants to
The loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Point Lace Floor, at
the Old Brick Store.
The Elizabeth City Newt is four
handle his part the Pitt and a and a sprightly
tobacco, it and hard work
will get it.
is the time to register.
Cooper will for
those who ship tobacco to him. Give
Cooper a trial and yon will get fall
value for your tobacco.
one dollar Solid Leather
Shoes for man or woman give entire
satisfaction. J. B. Cherry Co.
Throe more months or 1800.
If you want prices and a big
sell tobacco at Coop-
Farmers look to interest
sail your where yon can get
the moat money, and Coopers ware-
house is the place.
The fairs come off this
Cooper, of Henderson, will at all
times do bis best for the Pitt county
farmers- Try him with your
Sell tobacco at Cooper's where
will has Icon to
i Payer with of money to
Every Democrat should register.
Pitt which
W and
Cooper Warehouse
at is
Id order to vote you must register.
D. T- pan no rent, own.
and will M every effort
to Banner full raise of his
Try him, yon do
A food time to AH your coal bias.
Daniel B. of Pitt Co., sold
an the of at D. T
Cooper's Warehouse. Henderson, X.
C, lot tobacco 2.00 per
tot 11.10, lot This takes the
It has cook circus.
H. G. of Coopers ware-
house, says that Pitt is the
hast be ha. Ed is a good, jolly
ate bis when go to
Cooper's at Henderson.
week to the
D. T. Cooper has bee a w to-
always farmers to
saD their tobacco where they can
get the beat prices. That he gets
these piece for all sold at his ware-
is prove, by his great
during all these yearn.
D. T. Cooper, of has
aw to make a large of
to ship to Cooper get
at the two
or at
Quite a large attendance at the
Great Swamp yearly meeting last
Stoves for Store for
school houses, and Stoves for every
body, at
Sheriff Tucker left Monday morn-
with four prisoners for the
Quite a crowd followed the circus
parade yesterday. Some features of
it were amusing.
D- Y. Cooper, Henderson, sells
more farmers tobacco gives
better satisfaction any house
the State.
Next Wednesday takes place
sale of railroad lots at den.
Remember this fact.
Thanks to Mr. J. L. W. Nobles for
a basket grapes presented
to us day.
D. Y. Cooper sells more
tobacco House in the
State, try him and yon will find, that
be will please you.
Circuses generally scrape In the
change, and to a certain extent
Why is it every who
goes to J. B. Cherry Co's are
happy Because are pleased
with Bargains.
As cool weather approaches the
number of Eiffel tower collars in-
Ber. J. N. H- will
preach in the Baptist Church here
next Sunday night.
registration books of each
township will be opened from
20th to October 26th.
Mr. J. S. Higgs has opened a sec-
hand clothing house in the
Forbes store on Fire Points.
What, a Solid Leather Shoe Cm-
one dot Ur for either man or
Where AC J. B. Cherry Co V.
Are opposed to the Force Bill
If register and vote the Democrat-
Be careful about free
month when yon start them a p
the first time.
If you are of
eminent register and rote the Don-
erratic ticket-
Mrs. A all
ladies to call and examine their
nice stock of and notions
Anything you buy from ear mar
tarn it year messy will
funded. We keep fresh beef, pork,
mutton, kid. poultry, , and
Miss Ada of Green comity
visiting Miss Jennie Savage last
Mrs. A. James, of lie, is
visiting the family of
Deeds O. H. James.
Mrs. H. C. Martin or Baltimore,
has been visiting Mrs. the
past week or two.
Mr. Moses of
Neck, spent last Wednesday in
Greenville with has brother, Mr. G,
Mr. XV. T. of has
been in town the past-week. We are
glad to sec Will among us.
Ks-Gov. Jarvis left Monday for
the central part of the State. He has
appointments to speak this weak at
Reidsville, Walnut Cove and Win
Mr. G. W. owner of the
Wilson Mirror, spent a day or two in
Greenville weak. He came on a
legal matter, but saw enough of our
town to make him highly pleased
with it.
ft Co,
On Monday Mr.
showed as a
and is This is
Use one ever yet. Last
Bran's year the record up to
J. S. Co., of Washington,
want hands to work in the canning
factory. See advertisement.
A large cotton platform is being
built adjoining the depot. It will be
very convenient shippers.
Some of the farmers complain of a
moults of cotton hands. The staple
opened so fast that it got of
We are indebted to the proprietors
of Nursery for a basket of
the James grapes sent us
Co shipped a
stove to last week.
The man who purchased the stove
reads the Reflector. Sec
Quarterly Meeting of Greenville
circuit will be held October 25th at
Bethlehem church. Service at
o'clock a. m.
Billie says a man can lose his re-
over a measly old slab Hided
contrary stove pipe nearly as quick
as over a circus.
R. R Flemming, administrator of
Rufus Fleming, has a notice to
in this paper. Look for it
legal notice bead on 4th page.
It rained yesterday but the crowd
came just the same, and most of
them went home disappointed with
the circus. There were not any
Dr. J. Marquis, of Philadelphia,
has opened his dental office. He can
be found in the Skinner building in
the rooms opposite the photograph
How many men boa tickets to
the circus yesterday, who the next
time they see editor will either
dodge him or tell him they cannot
pay subscription
The force is sufficiently
large now for us to turn out all job
printing promptly. We do first-class
work and keep the best material.
Send us your orders.
That huge sweet in the
office attracts
If somebody will just catch us a SOS
sum to go with it we'll have a feast
like unto the days Uncle Remus.
In the list who were on last
day granted license to practice law
by the Supreme Court, we are glad
to see the of Mr. W. H. Long,
of Tennessee, who read here under
Gov. Jarvis.
Mr. S. P. Erwin sold about COO
pounds of tobacco at the Banner
Warehouse in last week,
which netted him an average a little
above per hundred. For some of
it be received as high as
Keep your eyes open now, the
Sheriff is on the war path. His list
of appointments for a tax gathering
tour are published in this paper and
you had just as well be ready to pay
your taxes. They have got to come.
Mr. Kin was very badly
hurt Saturday- He was assisting in
packing cotton about the gin when
a piece of timber from the press fell
and struck him on head. He
was in town late in the evening
his wound dressed.
merchant who sends off to
other towns to get his printing done
has great love for keeping up
home enterprises. Still he wants bis
home paper to give him a
tell the people to buy their
from him.
We were called into Culley's res-
one day last week, to try a
stew of very tempting and las-
bivalve. They were fixed up in
the very best style. West Pitt is in
charge of the culinary department
and knows his business.
Shareholders in the Building A
Loan Association please take notice
that payment for October is doe to-
day. The Secretary will make his
returns promptly cannot again
extend such indulgence as been
given the last month or two.
The Standard Keeper was around
Monday testing the weights an
measures of the town merchants. He
kipped by the office and
did sot stop to inquire if we bad a
quarter weight for testing the
of delinquent subscribers.
On Thursday Sheriff Tucker show
an account of sales that
he made with D. Y. Cooper,
the 23rd. He sold something
over pounds at average of
about cents, one lot bringing as
high as SI cents and another SO
Mr. J. J. Nobles left us s twig
from a cotton stalk, Thursday,
that shown a prolific production. Ia
a spans of about inches wore Are
large, well formed bolls. He says
his cotton had a splendid August
trailing sad the stalks are loaded
down with bolls.
Can not the
leak for
of tobacco
of trade
Every farmer paid off hers for
would leave much of his mosey
It is time these
taking active interest
Of the various churches of
denominations within reach of
I wish by this to invite
lo attend the session of the Tar
Association to meet with
Greenville Baptist Church, October
9th to 12th inclusive.
A. D. Pastor.
The extension of the Scotland
Neck A Greenville railroad is com-
through to Kinston. That
town will have a grand celebration
over it on the 9th instant. In that
respect Greenville is left behind.
This town had more
than a year but has never yet shown
any public appreciation of it.
Dropped Dead
A colored girl about years of
age, died very suddenly in this town
last Friday. She bad been out pick-
cotton all day and was returning
home in the evening. Just before
reaching borne she fell upon the
ground in an unconscious condition.
Parties with her picked her up and
carried her into the house, but she
was dead in a few moments. She
had been heard to complain of the
headache during the day.
The New Firm.
In announcing the new firm that is
to open in Greenville the
styled it as Young A The
Wilson Advance corrects us and says
Mr. C. W. is the partner of
Mr. Young. Just a misunderstand-
of he name on our part. The
Advance further says they are a
strong team, that they are the
est firm in Wilson, have a branch
store in Dunn and a large clothing
Two big errors got into one small
local in last week.
The first error was saying the county-
canvass would open at Falkland on
the 8th. The date is all right, but
the place is Farmville instead of
Falkland. The other error was in
the list of appointments would
be found in that issue. Through an
sight the appointments be-
put in type were left standing on
a galley and did not get in the paper
until when you can find them
on first page.
Bead Cures.
Mr. B. F. Patrick told us Monday
that Mr. A. P. Murray, of
county, had cured barns of
co for him this season, and made a
success of every one of them. Since
the curing was completed Mr.
ray has remained and done all the
grading and packing. From what
has been sold good and satisfactory
returns were made. Mr. Patrick
goes to Oxford to day to sell several
thousand pounds. He says Mr.
Murray is the beet all around
co man be has known.
Will Come Back
editor received a letter last
week from E. A. Davis, one of the
colored men who left here with the
last winter. Davis it. a
carpenter and having a good trade of
course stood a much better showing
than those who went as common
laborers. He is at a little
town in Louisiana. He says he is
doing a large contracting business
there, but his life has been threat-
because be does better work
than any other contractor in the
town, He be would be much
better satisfied at borne and intends
to come back after this year.
i OF t
The Leading Dry Goods
and Clothing
House in Greenville. N. C.
As usual we have the
finest selection of
Fine Dress Goods and
Trimmings in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing that is not
new and very stylish.
. In Dress Goods
We are showing latest
weaves of Parisian styles.
Stock comprises handsome Em-
Combination and
Camel's Hair Robes of the new-
est designs and latest
makers. We are showing in
all shades elegant Serges, Mo
hair, Flannels,
cots and Cashmeres.
In Black
We have Silk Warp Henrietta,
all wool Henrietta,
Serges, Broadcloth, Cashmeres,
Flannels, etc., in Jet, Mourning
and Blue Black.
Trimming Department
Is complete with the most stylish
effects in Cut Steel
tries, Braid, Fringes and Gimp.
Velvet, Plushes and Velvet Rib-
in all desirable colors.
To The Citizens of Greenville
I wish to thank our friends out-
side of the Baptist Church for
kindness in helping us to finish our
church and for their kind offer to aid
us in taking care of our Association.
A good part delegates and
pastors may be expected Wednesday
evening, October 8th. Preaching
that nigh, in our new room by Ber.
Sir. Duke. The crowd will be much
larger on Saturday Sunday, and
of the delegates may not
rive until Friday or Saturday. I
hope those taking company will
have supper at or as near sis o'clock
as possible. This is far for
speakers and those taking
company an to attend
the exercises at night. I hope all
who can will attend the meetings.
A. D.
Henry L.
Mr. W. A. of Tarboro,
remembered by our people as an ex-
photographer, has sent the
a photograph of Henry L.
Wyatt, who w. first soldier
killed in the late war. The photo-
graph was copied from old
of the young confederate. We
showed it to a citizen of this town
who remembered Wyatt and were
told that the picture was a perfect
likeness of him. Mr. is furn-
copies of the picture at
cents each. Wyatt went into the
army from Pitt county, but belonged
to the gallant old Edgecombe Guard.
A great deal has been said in the
State papers about Wyatt and his
nativity, this may not be void of
interest. The person to whom
the photograph said Wyatt
was born in Richmond bat came to
Greenville to lire with relatives when
he was a very small boy. We
pose there are many persons here
ho remember him.
In this department we have rep-
resented the styles of most
fashionable shape the
try in Astrakhan and Cloth
Capes, Seal Plush Jackets and
Wraps and Cloth Garments
every style and shape.
Muslin Under-
This is a new venture with us
and in order to make it a success
we name some astonishing-
low figures during the next
few wests.
We have a large and varied
stock of Ladies and Misses
sets, Furnishing Goods and
other Notions all at the correct
Below given the aggregate re-
turns of property in Pitt county
its valuation, as placed in
the hands of Sheriff first of
September to collect taxes due there-
on for the year
No seres land value 11,755.495
No town
No horses
No mules
No jacks
No goats
No cattle
No bogs
No sheep
Value specifying
Solvent credits
Shares com-
All other properly
Total valuation
No white colored polls
ware for tax-
None but the best represented.
We show at least eighteen
in ladies handmade footwear in
all shapes and lasts. In Misses
heel and spring heel goods we
have quite a varied assortment
Misses and Children School
Shoes a specialty.
We have positively the
array of Dress and Evening Ties
in to
As usual we have the
finest selection of Cloth-
Hats and Furnish-
Goods in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing that is not
new and very stylish.
Gent's Fine Clothing.
In this department we feel con-
that selections are the
and most stylish in
town. We are showing all the
newest styles and cuts in Serges,
Cheviots, Corkscrews, Diagonals,
Wales and other fancy and
fabrics. In Men's fancy
Trousers we are the leaders.
Boy's Clothing.
Here is where the service of an
experienced buyer is needed,
besides combining the proper
styles and textures, durability
bears an important part in buy-
boy's clothes. Parents
we can safely say that we have
combined all these and are able
to offer you a reliable line of
Boy's Clothing at the right,
prices. In Men's and Boy's
Overcoats we have a fine line of
which we will say race as the
season advances.
Men and Boys Hats.
Of all shapes, styles and
ties at the correct prices
Men's Footwear.
We have them in all styles
shapes. Our Old Men's Shoe is
the most comfortable on the
market. The celebrated Police
Shoes are another of our
In fact our whole line represents
the most serviceable makes.
The largest line of Gent's Fur-
Goods, Hosiery, Sus
etc., ever shown in
Gents Shirts.
In Dress, Flannel and
of all styles.
Carpets, Oilcloths, Etc.
We have everything in this line
that can be desired, from a
common Hemp to a Fine Body
Brussels, Floor Oilcloths and
Stair Carpets in various widths.
Large selection of Rugs in all
sizes of Smyrna, Velvet and
The largest stock of Lace Cur-
and Poles and
Shades ever shown in town.
Trunks and Valises.
From a common wood
to fine Zinc Saratoga, Valises
and Traveling Bags.
Remember that we have no second hand goods
nothing but new and stylish goods.
We will sustain our reputation as the leaders.
A cordial invitation to our friends and patrons
to visit us and make our place headquarters.
No trouble to show goods.
millinery, Etc.
Our Mammoth Stock
Just received. There has never a
better selection brought to this market.
Will lead in Style and
Sell at Low Prices.
We have none but the bast Milliners.
Higgs Sisters,
Fall Styles. Greenville. K.
at Ti at
their rear's will
their Interest to get prices before
h complete
I in all its branches.
always hi Market
we buy direct from Manufacturers, m
Ming yon to buy at one profit. A
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
times. Our goods arc all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville. N. V.
It is to the interest of every lady want-
Stylish Millinery to sec
Mrs. E. A. Sheppard,
before making purchases. She is still
to the front with a beautiful stock and
defies competition in styles and prices.
With her large experience in the
she is prepared to suit tin- tastes of
every purchaser. Call her residence
on Avenue.
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
Dry Hoods, Boots, Shoos and
We have just and a beautiful line of new
Fall and Winter Goods.
I be glad to have my old friends come to
see us, and assure them that ere can sell the goods
Give us a trial and be convinced that the way to buy goods is for
the spot cash.
Greenville, X. C, January,
Bullock Mitchell,
We beat the world on high averages. With ample capital, one
of the best lighted houses in the State and a good working force
we defy competition WE FURNISH HOGSHEADS ON
PLICATION. The Oxford tobacco market is as firm and as solid
as the granite of the everlasting mountains, and we
say to the handed sons of of Eastern Carolina
that we will to get for them as much for their
Tobacco as any other on this or any other market.
Every lot entrusted to care shall have our personal attention.
ask is a trial. Very truly,
Reliable Goods.
y The above is what
the people need and not so
much cheap goods which
prove be
We carry a full line of
k Beats. Shoes,
Full assortment and many
other minor lines that
carried by dry goods stores
. C .
Calicoes eta. Checked Home-
spun White Homespun to
eta. Wonted ct-s to
Shoes l. to Tins
papers sad more
for Cakes Soap-
Cap to SO cents.
IS to rants
eta to and many other.
in proportion.
Calicoes Checked
spun els, White Homespun to
el. Worsted els to
t W-25. Bra line a
papers and
besides for I Cakes SB
So era. Cape to eta. Hats
ct to Pants
11.15. and many other things ha

Greenville, N. C.
notions, clothing, gen
The Times in a
recent devotes nearly three
quarters of a column on its editorial
page in saying that the New York
Maw and Express is a paper which
the country could get along without,
in its advertising space it gives
more than of a column
to sounding the praises that paper.
; ,,,; SASH awl BLINDS, and
and MILL Hay, Rock Paris, and
, Mi Harness, and addles.
CU. O. X. Cotton
Lead and pure Lin-
. i. Salt and Wood and
guarantee satisfaction.
A Scrap of Paper Saves her Ufa.
It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap-
ping paper, but it saved life. She
was in the last stages of consumption,
told by physicians that she was incurable
and could live only a short tune; she
v. sighed less than seventy pounds. On
.-. piece of wrapping paper she read of
Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a
Simple bottle; it helped her, site bought
a large bottle, it helped her more, bought
another and grew better fast, continued
its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy,
plump, weighing pounds. For fuller
particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole,
Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of
this wonderful Discovery free at J. L.
All kind, Risk, placed in strictly
At lowest current rates. . . .-
old reliable carriage factory
Moved to One Door IN of Court House
My Factory L- well equipped with the best Mechanics, put up nothing
but FIRST-CLASS work. We keep up with the times and improved styles.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs arc use-, you can select from
Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full of ready
roar Which we Will sell AS LOW AS THE LOWEST.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit u continuance of the same
Greenville, X.
High Street.
Portsmouth, Va.
d .-. i; of Cotton, Pea
Poultry, Eggs and all other
i lief ere Mer-
chants and Farmers Bank, Portsmouth.
Steam Engines Boilers
Improved Brown Cotton Gin.
Saw, Grist and Mills.
Hancock Cotton Gin,
lottos Seed Crushers,
Pulleys, and Hangings,
dealer in Fittings.
Orders any kind of machinery
lie promptly tilled at very lowest
Repairing a
Greenville, N. C.
Latham Fender.
We come before our patrons again this
and invite their attention
to the. largest
Stock of New Goods
ever brought to Space will
not permit telling all we have in
but if you want anything in the way of
Come to us. We have the
in Pitt county. Can give you bargains
on any goods in our store. Highest
prices paid tor Seed or Lint Cotton.
6-ST Persons owing us are requested
to make settlements as as possible.
J. O. BRO.
The John Flanagan
Fall Term opens
81.25 to per month.
Board from IS to per month.
One hundred and rive pupils were en-
rolled last year, sixteen of which number
were boarders.
For further particulars address
Z. D.
Greenville, N. C.
a friend we have In
Sang a little child one day;
And a weary woman listened
To the darling's happy lay.
AU her life seemed dark and gloomy,
And her heart was sad with care;
Sweetly sang out body's treble
our sins and griefs to
She was pointing out the Saviour,
Who could carry every woe;
And the one who sadly listened
Needed that dear Helper so
Sin and grief were heavy burdens
For a fainting soul to bear;
But the baby, singing, bade her
it to the Lord in
With a simple, trusting spirit
Weak and worn, she turned to God,
Asking Christ to take her burden,
As he was the sinner's Lord.
Jesus wag the only refuge.
He could her sin and care.
And he blessed the weary woman
When she came to him in prayer.
And the happy child still singing,
Little knew she had a part
In God's wondrous work of bringing
Peace unto a trouble heart.
Greenville Male
f; j, i Principal
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st, 1890.
term of twenty weeks payable
quarterly in
Primary, 7.60
Intermediate, 10.00
Higher English Science and Mathe-
Languages. French, Greek
each, 3.00
Or any two of the languages for 5.00
Board reasonable. Healthy location.
Discipline Young men will be
I prepared to enter any Col-
in the State.
For further address or see
the Principal or
J. B.
J. an vis.
John Flanagan,
J. II. Tucker.,
C. A. White.
Of Kentucky University, IT.
. W. Corner
WILBUR R. SMITH, president.
ET Cheapest, Bat Ml
F. W. R. of the Odd
II 1.1 I of for
S. or
low am
M Stole,
ill W
i.-. Joint Stock.
Lecture. etc.
C j .
a aloe anally, Tm
room., eon be or th.
tor Principal
do, so
C Moll ltd W Bill with Con.
he attend Ne.
a. bow. aW
B. ma l.
Fall Term Opens Sept.
Miss Maggie Smith,
Mrs. Irene Hunter,
Mrs. W.
Having accepted the agency of
the Plow Works
we are prepared to
at low First-class ma-
chines. We carry a full line of
and BLINDS. A full line of w ave the purpose or con-
several of the best makes of
COOK STOVES on hand and to
arrive. We sell low for cash.
Greenville, N. O.
Are in business at the old Flanagan ;
Shops and are manufacturing
all kinds of the best
------We also do------
All Work guaranteed.
Greenville, X. C.
T. o.
ducting a general
Primary. Academic.
and Mathematical. Music.
Fainting and Drawing. Normal.
Healthy location and good water.
Plenty of well prepared food for boarders
A corps of good teachers. Nor-
Department for young teachers.
New pianos and organ. A library
of more than volumes purchased re-
for the school.
moderate, from for
board and tuition, including
and terms fir day pupils the
same as advertised in Girls
who do not board with the Principal
should consult him before engaging
board elsewhere.
For further particulars address,
N. C.
-Mi. Cherry, Vice-Pres
S. Greenville,
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. H. F. Jones, Washington, Gen
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the finest
quickest boat on the river.
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort,
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table furnished
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
-not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
Friday at o'clock, A. M.
Money to Loan on Approved Security.
Collections solicited and remittance
Having associated B. S.
with me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people in that
capacity. AU notes and accounts doe
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. for collection
I keep i
times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and all
kinds and can furnish anything
Commission Merchants,
Roanoke Bock,
Special attention given to of Cot
Grain, Peanuts and Country Pro-
duce generally. Liberal Cash Advances
on Consignments. Prompt returns and
highest market prices guaranteed.
-When yon want
The make And if yon want
carry Ahem to
enlarge them
n, they will
Pastel, India
Justice and Mercy.
On yesterday two young colored
children, brother and sister, were
before Judge Boykin upon the charge
of stealing corn. The children stat-
ed that their mother was in
ville and that they had been trying
to gel to her, but had no money.
The judge thereupon stated to the
solicitor that he did not wish to try
them under such circumstances and
upon such a charge, and suggested
that money be raised by collection to
send the children to their mother.
The sheriff proceeded to take up a
collection at the suggestion of the
court, and the necessary amount of
money was collected, the Judge and
solicitor both contributing generous-
as well as members of the bar and
visitors in the court room. The
amount thus raised was not only
sufficient to the traveling
expenses of the children to
ville, but left a which was
given to them for their mother. This
merging of justice into mercy and
sweet charity reflects the highest
credit upon Judge Boykin, and will
meet with universal approval by the
Registrars and Inspectors of
The following have been appoint-
ed by the Board of Com-
missioners Registrars and In-
of the election to be held
J W Smith.
Inspectors, I J Anderson, O W
Hemby, Redmond J F Allen,
Registrar, L
Inspectors, T A Thigpen, W U
Rives, Arnold Spain, Virgil
Registrar, D G Moore.
Inspectors, A B L T
Barnhill, B M John H
Registrar, J R Congleton.
Inspectors, W Williams, W
Keel. chance, Chance.
Registrar, W B Moore.
Inspectors, J O Proctor, Anderson
Roberson, George Armstrong, J J
Registrar, J R Johnson.
inspectors, Caleb Jesse
Cannon, E E Daniel Hatch.
Registrar, C C Vines.
Inspectors, F G Dupree, T L
John Bell, Edward Harris.
Registrar, J A Lang.
Inspectors. B L Joyner, W R Par-
W II Johnson, G W
Registrar, W F Evans.
Inspectors, C D W T
Godwin, J W Allen, Charles Webb.
Registrar, S I Fleming.
Inspectors, W M Moore, John
Belcher, Henry Ward, Henry
Registrar, E E Powell.
Inspectors, W S Wooten, Calvin
Stokes, C P Gaskins, Frank smith.
mi. .,
Wort., A. Ho pat.
To care Sick
portion, Malaria, Liver Complaint, take
the dale and certain remedy,
the SWAM. SI a. the
all .
have opened at the stables formerly
occupied by Dr. J. G. James.
and will keep a tine line of
Horses and Mules.
have beautiful and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can suit the most
I will run in connection a DRAY-
AGE BUSINESS, and solicit a share of
patronage. Call and be convinced.
Greenville, N. C.
Car Load of Fine
--------Just received by
Greenville. N. C.
-----and will be sold----
or at reasonable terms on time on
proved security. I bought my
Cash and can afford to sell us
anyone. Give me a call.
Needing a tonic, or children that want building
should take
It Is pleasant to take, cores Malaria. Indigo,
All dealers t.
It Don't Pay.
Durham Sun.
The editor the Slut I
sued a delinquent subscriber
eleven dollars. Said delinquent
testified on the witness stand that
he never for the
paper and therefore didn't propose
to pa for it Judge charge
to the effect that if the evidence dis-
closed the fact that the defendant
had taken or caused the paper to be
taken from whether the
defendant had ever subscribed for it
or not, then the jury should for
plaintiff. The jury returned a
verdict of eleven dollars and cost
against the defendant. When the
delinquent footed the bill he found
the paper had cost him nearly one
hundred dollars. It doesn't pay to
try to beat the printer.
Merit Wins.
We to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Dr.
Kings Life Tills,
Salve an I Electric Bitters, and have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or that have such universal
faction. We do not hesitate to
tee them every and stand ready
to refund the purchase if
results do not their use.
These remedies have won their great
purely on their merits. J,
. Wooten, Druggist.
The Best Salve in the world
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores. Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price cents per box. For said by J.
An exchange gets off the
old bachelor says that
the ballot to worn-, n would not
amount to anything practically, be-
cause they would keep denying they
were old enough vote, until got j
to old to take any interest in i
Many a tale has been told by
travelers of a race with wolves across
the frozen steppes of Russia. Sometimes
only the nicked bones of the hapless
traveler are found to tell the tale. In our
own country thousands are engaged in
a life and death race against the wolf
Consumption. The best weapons with
to fight the foe, Is Dr.
Golden Medical Discovery. This re-
has cured myriads of
cases when all other medicines and doc-
tors had tailed. It is the greatest blood
purifier and restorer of known
to the world. For all forms of scrofulous
affections consumption is one of
It is as a remedy.
Sick headache is the bane of many
This annoying complaint may be
cured and prevented the occasional
use of Dr. J. H. Liver and
Disease lies in ambush for the weak; a
feeble constitution is ill adapted to en-
counter a malarious atmosphere and sud-
den changes of temperature, and the
least robust are usually the easiest
Dr. J. H.
will give tone, vitality and strength to
the entire body.
Distress after eating, heartburn,
headache, and indigestion are cured by
II. Liver Fillets
Many people habitually endure a feel-
of lassitude, because they think they
have to. If would take Dr. J. H.
Sarsaparilla this feeling of
weariness would give place to vigor and
No liniment is in better repute or more
widely known than Dr. J. H.
Volcanic Oil Liniment. It is a wonder-
Persons advanced in years feel young-
and stronger, as well as freer from the
infirmities of age, by taking Dr. J. H.
If you feel unable to do your
have that tired feeling, take Dr. J. H.
Sarsaparilla; it will make you
bright active and vigorous.
The most popular liniment, is the old
Portraits, and cats of hotels, factor-
machinery, Ac,, made from
for sheets.
New York City.
Blood Cure.
A it and art old
r more than do years. A
core fat Scrofula Nervous
Prostration, and all diseases of
the Blood, Stomach
for a
A botanical compound, pat up in
and sent by mail at
medicine. packages. for
quarts. sufficient
pints, sample package,
storm Calendar and Weather Forecast
for 1880, by R. Hicks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
postage stamp. The Dr. J. H.
Medicine Co. St. Louis, Mo.
reliable. J. H. Volcanic
Oil Liniment.
One of Dr. J. H. Little Liv-
and Kidney Fillets, taken at night be
fore going to bed, will move the
the effect will astonish you.
Pimples, other humors, are
able to appear when the blood gets
heated. Sarsaparilla
the best remedy.
None Richer in Cream
Sold by S. E.
Greenville. N.
How An too to keep so mm sweet
am M equal for all clean slug . It is effective, economical, and
at home, but I am particular and
t turn yd.
We are pleased to announce to the to-
growers of Pitt and
counties that we are prepared lo give
Hogsheads free to any person who
will use them to ship their tobacco in
provided they will ship it to Messrs.
Davis ft Gregory, of Oxford, K. C.
Mess. Davis ft Gregory very large
dealers and the high-
est prices for all tobaccos shipped to
them. since they offer this favor of
furnishing hogsheads and have shown
such interest in the tobacco growing of
our section we hope our tobacco growers
will find it to their interest to
a most
Persons desiring to ship to other par-
ties can obtain hogsheads of size
at a piece,
promise prompt attention to all or-
sent to us at Greenville, C.
COX ft
If You Have
Or say Throat and
H sf Strength or tier
rM-r, t
an a. op-
r H m
Sold by all Druggist.
A lat a,
Greenville N C.
We have the the easies
Chair ever used In the art. Clean towels
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
in every instance. Call and be con
Ladies waited on at their reel
tic Cleaning clothes a specialty.
Xi U cured at home
V without pain.
Hook of particulars sent FREE.
U. M. M. D., Atlanta. Ga.
Office Whitehall St.
Notice to Creditors
Having duly qualified before
Court Clerk of Pitt country,
on the 28th day of August. 1800. as ad-
of John A. Moore, deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned. Those
having claims against the estate, must
present them, properly authenticated, to
the undersigned on or before the 1st day
of September, 1891, or this notice will
lie plead in a bar of recovery.
W. L.
of John A. Moore
Sept. 1st 1890.
Notice to Creditors.
The Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county having Issued of Ad-
ministration to the undersigned, on the
25th day of September, 1800, upon the
estate of Fleming, deceased, no-
Is hereby given to all persons
ed to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and all persons
having claims against the estate must
present the same properly authenticated
before the of September, 1801.
or this notice will be plead in bar of
Bill day of Sept. 1880,
R. K.
of Fleming,
a a, .
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
the Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county, on the 4th day of August. 1800,
as Executor of the Last Will and
of . Kilpatrick, deceased, here-
by gives notice to all persons indebted
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to all per-
sons having claims against said estate to
present the same properly authenticated
on or before the 8th day of
or this notice will be plead in bar
of recovery. J. P.
of S. B. Kilpatrick,
It is ordered by the Board of
that the voting precinct In
Greenville township on the North side
of Tar river, known as Parker's Cross
Roads precinct, be discontinued, and
that the voters of Greenville township
residing upon the North side of Tar
river shall hereafter register and vote at
the polling place or place of election in
the town of Greenville in said township.
It Is further ordered this order lie
published m the Greenville
for live weeks and copies posted at the
House door and three other public
places in Pitt count.
D. II. James.
Clerk Com. Pitt Co.
N. B. Pres.
Hon. K. Pres, National
Maj. E. G. Sec. N. O.
Daniels, Editor
State Chronicle.
Dr. B. B. Director N. C.
Short-hand, Type-writing,
Book-keeping, Banking,
Penmanship and Mathematics are
taught in the Business Col-
Send for of terms.
J. E.
Box N. C
no What's This
Why another new discovery by Alfred
Galley in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. By calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of that is invaluable
for and and causing the
hair I lie soft and
glossy, only r three application a
week is and a common
brush Is all to be used after the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes
the Preparation. Try a bottle and
convinced, only cents.
and Schedule
No No No
Sept, 10th, daily Fast Mall, daily
daily ex Sun.
Weldon 12,30 pm S pm
Ar am
M. K. B.
Edwards IN,
Printers and Binders,
1ST. C-
We have the and most complete
establishment of the kind lo be found in
the State, and solicit orders for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
all business la the U
Patent office or in the Courts attended
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the D. S. Patent Of-
engaged In Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing Is sent
advise as to free of charge,
and era make no change unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master, the
Bunt of the Money Order Did., and to
la of too Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address, C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington. D. C
Ar Tarboro
Ar Wilson
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
N pm em
Ar Goldsboro
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
No No No
dally daily dally
ex Sun.
I am
Of the Incorporation of the
Male and Female
North Carolina, Before the Clerk
Pitt COUNTY. Superior Court.
Notice is hereby given that I have this
day issued letters declaring L Tuck-
C P Gaskins, L H Spier, W B
Bland. J Z Brooks, George Hellen,
W Joel Patrick. Moses Spivey.
G W Gardner. P B . S W Brooks,
J S Helton, C M A Griffin, A M Can-.
Hardy Johnson, James Dan-son. W H
Lang, Samuel
W B Hellen and J E Spier, their as-
and successors, a corporation
under the name and style
Male Female for
the purposes set forth the articles of
agreement and plan of Incorporation
which has been filed and recorded in my
office, with all the privileges and powers
under chapter sixteen volume one
the Code of North Carolina and the
laws thereof.
The main business proposed to be done
by the corporation is the erection, main-
and keeping of a school for the
instruction and education of male and
female children the white race with
power to purchase., bold, use and
prove such real a-m property
as may be necessary for such
The place of business of said corpora-
la in or the town of in
the county of Pitt.
The capital stock of corporation
Is to be not leas than eight hundred
nor more than three thousand
None of the stockholders corpora-
are individually or personally liable
for any debt, contract, liability or
of, or said corporation.
Thia the 8th day of September, 1890.
Clerk Superior Court Pitt County.
Wilson am pm
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pm
Dally except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 8.87 P. M., arrives Scot-
land Neck at 4.2 P. M. Greenville 6.00
Returning leaves Greenville 7.20
A. M. Halifax at 10.10 A. M.
don 10.30 P M. daily except Sunday.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Freight leaves Weldon 10.30 a
Halifax 11.30 a m, Scotland Neck 2.00 p
m. Arriving Greenville 5.10 p m. Re
turning, leave Greenville Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday a in., Scot-
land Neck 1.00 p m. Halifax 1.93 p m,
Arriving Weldon 4.00 p m.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via
Raleigh R. R. dally except Sun-
day, P M. P M, arrive
N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 7.50 p. m., 8.20 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
6.30 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a. m.
N C, 7.10 a m, 9.58 a m.
arrive Tarboro. N C, A M
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Goldsboro dally except Sunday, A M,
arrive N C, AM. Re-
turning leaves N C AM,
arrive Goldsboro, N O, A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
at P M, arrives Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M, arrives Rocky Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton dally, except Sunday, at
and leave
ton A M, and P. M. connect-
at Warsaw with Nos. and
Southbound train on Wilson A Fayette-
Branch Is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will atop only
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North dally. All
via Richmond, and dally except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains clone connection for
points North via Richmond and Wash
Ill trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have
Sleepers attached.
T. M. EMERSON Past-merer
Both e
with work i
rain, t
With Mr
Th All f watt. f
i i w- to
m trade f-t which holds
thus era repaid. per all at freight, AM
you would Ilk to fa ave. you ft
am from to par end
Ac Co. VIS.
, On- of
and to
in . h . a ; f f
who writ
aura of
AH you to do
la to how out lo
and Th
ginning of e
end the to.
following col ii of
. Pt J
will you
to 4-r f-m
ran make
all OB.
Cutting and Dressing Hair.
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything In my line
with all the improved appliances;
and comfortable
Razors sharpened at reasonable
for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
tho hair.
Falls to
Hair to
ft hair lull
H It
Pain. In tin.
by Peck's IN.
fill where all fail. Sold by P.
only, Sew
York. Write for of proofs
th-e-m, on In .
Bell sic
Thee core
Pleurisy and all II
on by or
Quick Relief
on baring
a i w
for there U no
liniment, or lotion that
complete mastery
Dr. Bell
an and Harmless.
y and fall to
Sold by or mailed on receipt of
a thorough knowledge Use
laws which govern
digestion and nutrition, and by
application of the Ana
well selected Cocoa, air, has
our breakfast tables with a
save nil many heavy doctor's Mils.
Is by the judicious use of such
diet that a constitution may be
unlit until strong enough to
every tendency to disease.
of are a
us ready to attack wherever thorn
weak point. We may escape a
shaft by keeping om -elves weft
with pure blood and a
only In half-pound tins,
A CO, Ho

Eastern reflector, 1 October 1890
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 01, 1890
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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