Eastern reflector, 24 September 1890

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the reflector;
Solicits your patronage
Its will be to please every reader J
The Eastern Reflector.
Department that can be no-
where In this section. Our work always
lives sill ion.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
democratic Nominees.
D. J. Editor
Published Every
For Chief Justice of Supreme
For of the Supreme
For Superior Court
1st G. H. Brown, Jr. of Beau.
G. Fowle. of Wake.
Secretary of L
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
of Wayne,
Superintendent of
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-1
of Buncombe.
S. of,
Associate Clark, of
Wake Joseph J. Davis, Franklin i
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonso C. of Burke.
First II. Brown,
Second Philips, of
Third G. Connor, of
Fourth of
G. Womack, of
Sixth T. Boykin, of
Seventh C. of
Bight F. Armfield. of
Ninth F. Graves,
Tenth G. of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
Twelfth IT. Merrimon,
of Buncombe.
in j
Senate Zebulon Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
House of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans.
Second P. col.
Third W. of
Fourth IT. Bunn, of;
Fifth W. of;
Sixth Rowland of
S. Henderson,
of Rowan. I
Eighth II. A. Cowles if
Ninth G. Ewart of Hen-
4th District.
Henry R. Bryan, of Craven
Spier of Wake.
U. W. Winston, of Gran-
ts. T. Boykin, of Sampson
Jas. D. of Moore.
It. F. Armfield, of Iredell.
J. G. of Burke.
W. A. Hoke, of Lincoln.
of Beaufort.
For Judicial
of Wilson.
Editorial Paragraphs.
think that the thing
that we ever saw chronicled in the
annals of Republican
is the Honorable trying
to ride into office on the Alliance
Grove Dart.
There has been a steady advance in
the price of corn. It now sells at
to per bushel and the rise is
due to the failure of the corn crop in
Kansas and other Western States.
The farmers in North Carolina will
raise a surplus in corn this year and
will very probably realize a handsome
price for it. The corn crop is better
than in a dozen years and it is now
matured. Many an old blockade
still will be hauled down from the
barn loft and put to this fall.
The South has no apologies to
make to the North. The Southern
people have rights and they dare.
maintain them, and that too inside Harrison's may spike
the constitution. The low down
meanness of such men as Blair. Reel j
and Hoar are sufficient to remind us
of it Spectator.
I their guns, widen their hip pockets
and rub tip their brass knuckles.
The woods are going to be full of
i Express
For the
or House of
For Superior Court
The Republicans in Congress have
en so busy taking care private
interests that they seem to have en-
forgotten the promise of one
cent letter which their last
national platform contained. Morel
money a hundred fold, has been leg- j
into the hands of private par-
ties at this session than this
boon would inure cost.
For Register of Deeds
J. S. T. WARD.
Beaver Dam- B. Burnett.
J. F. Hodges.
G. W. Edmundson.
J. I,.
w. it. Buck,
E. S. Edwards.
O. W. Harrington,
D. S.
Speaker Reed is now styled
editor of the Congressional
This would not allow the
indecent of Mr. Cannon, of
Illinois was used in a recent .
to so upon the Record, as I
demanded by the Democrats, but I
shaped his so as to avoid the
troth, and relieve the violator of I
propriety and from the pun- ,
he deserved. The
under Republican doe
The Catholics of St. Joseph's;
church. New York, made arrange-
for a grand but Bishop
sent a letter forbidding
because dancing would be
indulged in and liquor would be sold. ,
Dancing is really going out of Hash j
ion in many places, it seems that. I
all the church utterances are against
it. The action the Catholic
op is significant of the attitude of.
ill inch which has not. in
at least, forbidden
Election Tuesday. Nov. 4th.
Pilgrim they laid in a large upper
facing the
And the name of the chamber was
Superior Court A.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of II. James.
B. Cherry.
S. L. Ward. j Folio ring the Conquered Banner to its
B. Harris. doom.
Chair- He who so loved and sang it has lain
man. Guilford Mooring. C. V, Newton, down,
John T. E. Keel. Wearing a wreath of bay-leaves for a
Board of crown.
Chairman J. S. and J. D. Green everlasting, fragrant with per-
Cox. fume,
School i heath but all peaceful
There is a movement to
the establishment by the State a
training school for women. Two
years ago the movement began. It
has not lost strength, but on the con-
has gained it. The King's
Daughters, who though only in the
of number a great
many hundreds and are earnest
workers all, are pressing the move-
this time and will memorialize
the legislature for the establishment
an industrial school for women on
a lilting scale and broad
of F. W. Brown.
Mayor F. G. James.
B. Greene.
Treasurer M. K. Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
R. Moore.
Ward. T. A.
col., Ward. W. II. Smith, and R.
Greene. 3rd Ward, M. R. Lang and
Allen Warren; 4th Ward, Joe col.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John,
second and fourth
Sundays, morning and night.
Meeting every Wednesday night. Rev.
A. D. Hunter, Pastor.
Greenville Lodge, No. A. F. A-
H meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M., Morehead, Bro.
G. L. Sec.
the love like a white
He sleeps with airs of April signing
round I
An Easter lilies breaking into bloom.
Poet Priest of the South, whose
Was music, with love thrilling through j
its bars.
Beyond the sunrise where no discord
Thy singing, bear our love for thee, as
As thine for the lost flag we mourn so
With faith as steadfast as the shinning
A Good Home-Spun Yarn.
On the fourth page of the Winston
last week were three North
Carolina seaside yarns, two which
were duly credited. The editor says
nobody will stand sponsor for the
third, which is as
the Press Association
There is no need of an extra
of Congress, and Representative
Bland but echoed the popular
ion when he said people are
tired of Extra sessions
have never been popular, even when
there was important public business
which required them, and the Re-
publicans will deserve the censure
they arc certain to receive if they
dare to carry out the expressed in-
of holding an extra session
the sole purpose of enacting laws
to keep their party in power against
the will of a majority of the voters
of the country.
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. meets
2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-
sonic Hall, F. W. Brown, n. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F-
meets every Tuesday night. J. White.
N. G. E, A. Sec.
Orion Encampment. No. I. O. O.
F., meets every 2nd and 4th Friday
nights. E. A. C. P. C.
tree. S.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of H.,
meet every first and third Friday night.
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council, A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Pitt county Alliance meets
the first Friday in January, April. July
and October. J. D. Cox,
E. A. Secretary.
Greenville Alliance meets Saturday
before the second Sunday In each month
at o'clock, p u. Hall.
Fernando Ward, President; D. S. Spain.
Hours for all from A.
M. to P. M. All mails distributed
on arrival. The general deliver- will
be kept open for minutes at night
after the Northern mail is distributed.
Northern Mall arrives daily
at P. M. and departs at
Old Sparta and Falkland
mails arrives at
M. and at P. M.
Washington, X
Roads, Chocowinity and Grimesland
mails arrives dally at
P. M. and departs at 6.-30 A. M.
Ridge trees. den. Bell's
Ferry, Johnson's Hills.
and Pallet mails arrive Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday at A. M. and
departs at
Vanceboro, Black Jack and Calico
mails arrives every Saturday at P. M.
and departs v Friday at AM.
of the Leader, lost his
gold spectacles while in the
surf. A few days after the editors
had all left Morehead, a beautiful
mermaid came riding into shore on a
bottle labeled,
and supposed to have been lost
from the belongings of an editor who
lives in the neighborhood of
ville. She wore Bro. Murchison's
spectacles. In her wake came a
whole school of mermaids. They
stated that they had a quarrel, which
none but Dr. Blacknall could settle
They said that since they had seen
Charlotte Chronicle Haydn, in all bis
glory of masculine comeliness and
gold spectacles, that each one wanted
to wear Murchison's glasses, and they
had come to ask Dr. Blacknall to
make mermaid number one let them
about. The doctor set-
the matter by capturing the self-
mermaid, spectacles and all, and
will exhibit her, along with
and the to the
visitors at the Atlantic next sum-
And now, as Jo. Daniels says,
it, here we
a good story, though, no matter
if somebody's reputation for sobriety
does suffer by it.
If the Democrats do not win the
next House it be their own fault;
they have popular side of every
important national now be-
fore the public, and only over
can defeat them.
Before the pension rolls
of this Government will probably
contain more than a million names.
Already we pay more for pensions
every year than it costs Germany to
maintain the largest standing army
in Europe. If the pensioners were
all needy and deserving there would
be no objection; knows
they are not. Commissioner of Pen-
has proven himself an
adapt in mixing his private
schemes with his official duties.
Mr. Harrison poses as amoral states-
man, but he has not asked for
resignation. Will he
The loss of votes by the
Republicans of Vermont is
cant. It is the hand-writing on the
wall above the Lodge and
and means a warning to
the present administration to change
its course or else leave the Green
Mountain State out of the
can roll. It is enough to make
can Presidential aspirants tremble in
their shoes. Although Vermont's
voice is small, it comes from a
cradled in Republicanism which
would be one of the last to go back
on the old party. Bat signs
the times indicate that the gale is
changing and will sweep Benny
Harrison off the deck in
It is not strange that reciprocity
with foreign nations should be
in the United States. Every ob-
servant broad-minded business man
knows that unless we can enlarge the
markets for our products, both man-
and agricultural, serious
trouble, involving our whole
trial system, will soon be upon as.
Reciprocity is but the logical oat-
come of position of the Demo-
party upon the tariff for some
years past, and it is highly
to the Democratic party
that so shrewd a political observer
as Mr. Blaine should, as far as his at
present restricted ideas go, have
taken the Democratic position. Even
John Sherman has detected the
drift of the tide, and baa come out
for reciprocity with Canada. What
this country wants, and want badly,
is, not reciprocity with one or
specially favored nations, but
with the whole world.
The majority of the present House
of Representatives have not been
specially distinguished for
in passing legislation for cliques
and classes; but the hills passed by
the Senate under pressure of special
message from the President,
subsides for certain lines of ocean
steamships to lie established and for
mail subsides have proved almost too
much for even the staunchest.
of raiding the Treasury for the J
private individuals. The
terms of the first named measure are .
such, that, to persons conversant I
with the present condition of the i
ship building interests of the United j
State, it is not difficult to name the I
men who are to lie thereby
at the expense of the taxpayers at
large; it is as plain as if they were
named in the bill. The two bills, if
should become laws may cost
or a year; j
n i one run furnish definite in-
formal ion. No wonder the
cans I lie House are afraid to .
t -in now. on of an important
election. But, alter the election is
tear of wrong doing will be by
no means so potent in the
can Congressional mind, and
bills will be passed.
Our Candidates.
Hickory Press and Carolinian.
The conventions
have all acted and our
have all been named. In the first
district W. A. It. Branch, a popular
Democrat, tanner and an Alliance
man, carries the Democratic banner
and will be the next Congressman .
from that district.
In the second district W. J. Hog- ;
another Alliance man, but a I
Democrat, takes chances
against, the colored Congressman,
Cheat ham, with fair chances of
In the third district B. P.
another good democrat and Alliance .
man, will be elected to succeed Mr i
the fourth district Hon. IS. U.
a sterling Democrat and an
extensive farmer, but not an
man because be is a is
our candidate and is opposed by i
Republican, who wishes to ,
array the against j
because, as be tells them, is a
lawyer, but in fact because is
the fifth A. H. A.
Democrat endorsed by Alli-
is our candidate against
Mr. Brower, and strong
of his election are entertain-
the sixth district great
leader of Capt. B. j
Alexander, has field all to him-
self so far as we know up to this
this, the seventh district,
John S. Henderson, the
edged head our delegation in th e
House, is candidate, opposed by
Mr. P. Thomas, a life-long
can in good standing, but now
claiming to be an Re-
publican, Alliance and Industrial
Union or the like.
In the eighth district Hon. W. H.
H. Cowles has been nominated by j
Democrats, and it, is said
famous Dr. York, of Trap Hill, will
endeavor to fool Democrats
and help Republicans to beat Cow-
In district, now
by Ewart, Republican, who
claimed too much patriotism to vote
for the Federal election bill bat bad
not back-bone enough to vote
against it, Mr. W. H. Crawford, a
clean, young, active, intelligent and
sober Democrat, has been
and it is thought will be
All nominations, whether
made a majority of Alliance or
non-Alliance Democrats, are good
ones. men are all worthy
harmonious and enthusiastic sup-
port of all good Democrats, and if
elected will each and every one of
look to and defend inter-
of the farmers of
try. They are all favor of tariff
reform and that is what
need. Branch and Rogers and
Grady and Alexander and
cannot afford to array them-
selves against Vance and Bonn and
Henderson and Cowles and Craw-
ford on the tariff other great
issues of the day. Demo-
and non-Alliance Democrats
can and no will stand side by
side best interests of the
country and pay no attention to
wishes and efforts of promoters
of a
About Caring Tobacco.
of Curing Learn Both on
sad off Sulk
Capt. W. H. Snow, in Danville Tobacco
Editor Southern Tobacco
Few men will be prepared to be-
when told all the evils that can
lie traced directly to the pernicious
and wasteful way of curing tobacco
on the stalk. We have said before
and here repeat that to the foolish
system curing on the stalk can
l. traced nearly all the. unsound or
funked tobacco found on our markets;
a vast and useless consumption of
fuel; the building of countless
of curing barns, and the waste
of at least one-third of the entire
crop that is grown in fields. It
causes the construction of the huge
prize houses, with all the retrying
paraphernalia that cost vast sums of
money and adds to insurance
and expenses in countless ways.
Mr. Editor, let us look into the
matter and make an itemized account
against the tobacco stalk, and foot
up the figures and we how much j
longer we can afford to keep the stalk
at the double duty of both growing
and curing tobacco.
1st. The waste or bottom leaves
that of necessity fro to waste in the
. cure equal of
the stalk. This subject has been
discussed the Little
more need be said to convince any
reasonable man that at the lowest
estimate one-third can be added to
I hi- value of an acre tobacco if the
leaves are cured as they ripen when I
we prime top at ten leaves. Hut
if we top higher than ten leaves,
more than is added CO the
crop. the bottom leaves when
properly cured are quite as I
and in as good demand as any part
of the crop no one will deny. In
first item, then, we charge up to
the tobacco stalk a clear loss of one
third of each crop tobacco grown.
The crop of 1889 estimate is
pounds; one third of this amount
is in round numbers
pounds; ten cents per pound
loss on the crop to the tanners was
in one year to the debit of
the stalk cure.
It is the universal testimony that
a common log barn will cure
pounds with two of wood on
the stalk. It is also admitted that
the same barn will cure twice the
amount of tobacco with one-half the
fuel without the stalk. The excess
of fuel used in curing one-half of
the crop of 1889 above what would
be required to cure the leaf foots up
which must be charged up I
to the debit side of the stalk cure.
We have now wasted one-third of j
our crop and burned H,
worth .-l wood, to say nothing of the
barn burnt and charged
to stalk cure on the debit
side in two items.
We will now charge the loss of
per cent, in weight on every pound
of tobacco cured on the stalk. By
this we mean to say that every leaf
of tobacco is robbed by the stalk
equal to per cent, of its legitimate
weight by being cured on the stalk.
There are some who dispute this,
but to such we will only say let the
scales decide the question. Science
and philosophy is all on one side of
the leaf cure, and we arc happy to
say that the arc backing our
science in every test. We have to
charge up to the stalk in this one
item at ten cents per
pound making in three items
We now come to one more item,
Mr. Editor. We deliberately charge
to the mistaken policy of curing to-
on the stalk all the funky and
unsound tobacco that is found on our
markets. Well, how much is
sound No man can tell. The
tor of the Southern Tobacconist in an
editorial last April stated that
per cent, of all offerings in the
dark tobacco sections were unsound
by reason of warm, damp weather.
Well, why not lay it to damp weather
instead of charging it up to the stalk
Plainly, if the tobacco had been
stripped before caring it would have
been balked so compactly that it
would be out of the power damp
weather to do it harm. The excess
of wood we consumed was used to
kill out the stalk. We killed
tobacco at same lime, we melted
the wax; we baked the vegetable
we rendered the leaf power-
less to resist moisture, and when it
was reining in order for stripping it
took in too much water, and when
bulked it got How much
damage no man can tell. The dam-
age will foot millions of dollars.
The city of Danville has at least
ten acres covered with
houses, together with not less than
one hundred acres of tobacco rehung
to dry out the water from tobacco
that was over-cured and too much
ordered while hanging to the stalk on
Speaking of action of the re-
cent Democratic State Convention,
many of State papers
nominations of Superior Court
judges were ratified dis-
a damp day. Had the tobacco been I Thus it appears that the
cured in the leaf it would have gone originally intended purposes and
to market sound and seasoned in
bulk before marketing, thus from
necessity, of the store
room would have kept the tobacco
better; would save rehanging; the
. .
Happenings of Interest Occur-
ring in North Carolina.
Wilmington Star t Airy
apples retail at and cents a
neck in the Wilmington market
ladies of N. C. have
formed a Housekeeper's Union to
protect themselves against the in-
competency and unreliability
powers of the district and State
Convention are being and
the State Convention -s only a
As this idea
spreads abroad among the people
they will begin to argue that
, ; whole State has nothing to do
waste in color and shrinkage in . , .
. , , , f , the election nominees of the
district The people
whole State will ask why the
best judge in the State is defeated
in a district convention, and why
,.,,, ,,,,. , should they be asked to elect his
nearly besides our who is unknown
tobacco and of the cost M a or as a man outside of
of all the prize houses in the country j his district. The State
as so much useless expense. should nominate candidates to were united to the neck
We also charge to the mistaken W not each was distinct and perfectly
. , simply district nominations. -.----.
curing on the stalk the loss W Carolinian.
or vegetable manure equal to tea , , , . .,
You are exactly right. A
weight and of hanging, which I
am told equals per cent, of the
gross weight. Another
Thus you sec, Mr. Editor, we sum up
Sam Jones will begin a series or
meetings in Wilmington the 15th
The for the meetings
will consist of two hundred voices-
Monroe A few days ago
a little son of H of
Vance township, found and killed a
dollars per acre on every acre of to
, . . ,, . ., ,, i Court judge is an in
cultivated by the fields . ,
, ., . . . , whom the whole State has the same
the tobacco stalk and suckers . , , a
. . . ,, , , ., , relative Interest that it has in a
which rightfully belong to I hem and . . m. ,. . ,
, , Court judge. The district in
slum d be returned to them, instead , , , , .
of being carted away and wasted.
Allowing one thousand pound.-, to the j
acre, which is a liberal estimate to
grow pounds, we had to
growing on acres last
year at ten dollars per acre, and we i
which be lives has no more interest
i in him than any other district has,
I be rides all. Therefore the
system of nominating them
by district conventions is all wrong
mid should be changed. The State
developed. The
served in alcohol-
was pro
Two men went to a corn
in Burke county last fall each
carried a bottle of whiskey. A gen-
fight ensued, one man was kill-
ed, two have laid in jail nine or
months, and were last, week acquit-
of murder, leaving the county
about cost to pay.
Concord Mr. Hugh
Park, of
and just the
,.,,,,,. , I convention should nominate a judge line, la Baking a long pull for
to the stalk cue u t, lie
should be that he g In
. ,. I. . , .- J January he will be ninety nine
have been a resilient district M
which he is at least, two j his children save one.
preceding the time at which . . .
. i i i Durham Hun Durham docs not
the nomination is in behind the mat-
order to guard against a sharp poll-1 of sweet potato blooms. Mr.
last season. This sum must be
added to the already
charged, making which
can be correctly computed and right-
fully charged to the stalk cure.
White we cannot compute in figures
the damage to the industry by
. ii- cc nit- i . . . in i ,, . ., .
. . , , lawyer moving into a district I K. has the blooms his
son loss in color and unsound to- . . for i.
. . ., for of being nominated for, he
which we may justly charge ., . . gave the blossoms to his baby to
to the stalk cure and nowhere else. W thinking they were
would lift the judiciary
above the immediate contact with
It would seem that we hid charged
the stalk with misdemeanors enough
and than it can bear, but we
have charges yet to make. In-
deed, Mr. Editor, we are not halt
done with the culprit that filches our
., . . notifies and would insure bet-
money on every side. have an-
other charge of a very serious A State convention
matter. It is no less than per would f
cent, interest on all the capital in in each
vested. I don't see, one, what the would
stalk cure has to do with the in- not U often does now to
, ct; that lawyer who can beg hardest
and the services of the great-
est number of kinsfolk and
to help commit voters and
w the conventions.
The and Carolinian
of if. With this safeguard farm, ft ,
ed there is everything to be said in I thing for sweet potatoes to bloom
favor of the idea suggested and j they some curiosity,
nothing against it. The proposed
on the capital
me tell you, the tobacco stalks
parts its bad qualities to the
while curing. The biting, bitter,
pungent clement found in all new
stalk cured tobacco comes from the
stalk and from the stalk only- Add
up the interest at S per cent, on all
correctly in characterizing the State
convention, under present sys-
the capital invested in the a meeting. It
of tobacco and will be able is far
the full Judges are concerned. If it were, the
financial mischief which the stalk would have rebuked
does the leaf by the foolish notion methods by which the defeat of
that men have of curing the two to
If your cook should boil the accomplished. While these gentle-
stump or stalk on which the cabbage
head grows you would think the which fell to them
cook was crazy when you come to eat I
the system of rotation, the cards
, were stocked against both of them,
your dinner. The tobacco curer . ., .
. . , . . in their respective districts, and the
commits a mistake equal in , .
. i u i . I State convention, under the
when he puts the poison w
tobacco stalk into the curing barn cation system, made the
with the leaves. When the tobacco c of tho a
. ,,., . . , what it knew to be a great mis-
is two old it is possible to use. ,
t. . i.- . i ii take in the one case and a great
It takes two full cars to neutralize, . . ,.
. ii and unjustifiable indignity
the to mellow the nitrates; .
. , . In the other. We had hoped that
to decompose the tore-1 , ,.
pair the to take out of the or
leaf what was foolishly put in the State convention
stalk in curing, because the i nominees for the
did not know any better. i consideration, thus
No wonder, Mr. Editor, that a good record an expression
, r. of a widespread public feeling; and
chew of costs one dollar per H . , .
, . . ,. I the fact that none did so proves how
pound. I men out of every live i . , r . ,. . .
firmly embedded in public mind
Nothing touches the of tho
West more than the binding
twine trust, and when
tariff bill was under discussion in the
Senate last Friday, and a Democrat-
Senator offered an amendment to
put twine on the free list,
Western Republicans Sena-
ate rs voted with the Democrats to
carry amendment. Senator
Vance at once gave notice that
when the jute schedule was reached
he would ask the Western
to do something the Southern
cotton-raisers. Ho accordingly, at
the proper time, moved an amend-
to on the free list, the
effect of which would lie to destroy
the jute bagging trust; and tho
same Republican Senators who had
gladly accepted Democratic aid for
the farmers of the West
their hearts and refused to help take
the yoke from the the farm-
of the In view of this
record what can Southern farmers
expect or that
Parties desiring to pat-
or information of any kind
relating to patents, should
with C. Co.,
8th St., Washington, D. C
firm is prompt, reliable, and.
very moderate in its charges
you meet will admit these things to T v
the idea that the State
has nothing to do with
be true; the other three have never
thought of them. The subject is of
. .- .
the greatest importance to the t
try. It involves more than thirty this thing were changed.
millions annually. The tobacco k , All the people of the State have a
is the vortex, the into right to a voice in the nomination
whose capacious maw has gone the
sweat, the toil and the hopes of many
of judges who are to ride all over
State, and if this were not a
sufficient reason for a change in
a planter, and the dollars of the buy , a sufficient reason would be
and the manufacturer. The bust- j found in the fact that peanut
of the stalk is to grow the to- tics is bringing judiciary into
leaves. stupendous blunder contempt.
of the age was made when the stalk
Reads Like Romance.
Wilmington Star.
A two-year old tot in New York
had a narrow escape other day.
On the root of a building which was
fifty-two feet high there was an old
baby carriage, which was put up
there out of way. While the
mother, who lives in the second
of building, was engaged the
, . ,, , little one, an older brother and an-
Mount child climbed stairs to the
root Wore she knew Then the
little ones put two-year old in
was first used to cure leaves on. If
there was one redeeming quality in
the stalk the case would not
look so foolish, but we have looked
in vain for one redeeming point in its
favor. If speed or cheapness is the
desired end a mowing machine
and a pitchfork will beat the stick-
straddling out of sight.
cross the K. R. track near the water
tank at the Y. in front of con-
train. train was go-
faster than he evidently thought
as it caught him, injuring him to
such an extent that he died shortly
afterwards. His skull was crushed
In about six inches. He bad a buck-
et of water and dipper on bis arm.
force of concussion was so
great as to throw dipper over
carriage, began to roll it
on roof, which inclined slightly
towards street. In doing so it
slipped their and as
there was nothing to stop It, went
like a shot to the street. A lady pas
sing saw It roll off the roof, and I
as carnage struck the ground g B. YELLOWLEY,
caught the little one In his arms and . t
saved her life. carriage was
broken into splinters. N.
nil. L. JAMES,
E, N. C
N. C.
A AT- L A W,
M. C.
U ii. JAMES,
Practice in all the courts. Collection

Greenville, N. C.
The fish that swallowed up
Jonah is appear in
In other words a local
Democratic named the
B, J. ad
Publisher's Announcement.
L The Reflector is 81.50 per
one W one-half year.
column one year,
Transient inch
one week. i two weeks. , g
months. Two inches one
two weeks, i one month,
Advertisements to Local
Column as reading items, . cents per
line for each insertion.
Legal Advertisements, such
and Notices.
and Trustees sales
Summons to etc.
be charged at legal rates and
ins paid for in advance. The Re
has suffered some loss and
because at
fixed rule as to the payment tins class
of ad and to avow
future trouble in
will demanded.
Contracts for any space
hove, for length tune, can u
by application to the either
hack November he will have to
u proclamation to that effect.
will be no more political
legislation passed by the at
this session unless the
lot the House, which they expect to tensive preparations tor the
but they have and will entertain the body
made .
in person or by letter.
COM tor New
ill changes of advertisements should ix
n in o'clock on
order to prompt In-
the day following.
The having a large
will be found a
through which to reach the public
predict that when the What
through with and
the balance of the Republicans
they will be in a far worse
than Jonah when ho was
swallowed, inasmuch as they will
no be getting out so easy.
The Congressional Appointment
bill, prepared by R. P. Porter,
Superintendent of the Census
Bureau, and introduced in the
House Representative Dunne,
chairman of the Census commit-
tee, is as one-sided and unjust a
measure as the Tariff bill. In it
everything has been sight of
but increasing the number of Re-
publican votes in the House of
Representatives and in the
college, and to make it still
more obnoxious, the main
of the so-called
bill was tacked
on to it. This was done to prevent
the Democrats from
States which the
cans have in the past
Tar Sim Association,
Delegates in the Tar
River Association. meet-,
Greenville next month, will be give
reduced rates of travel over the Will
A railroad and its
is making ex-
do every day,
expecting the
month past.
same thing a handsomely. publish the pro
gramme of exercises on fourth page
The investigation the fish com- of this paper, from which it be
mission has come to an end, and judged the session will be a very in-
of the committee seems to one.
be that it would never have
The Canvas.
The county canvass by the
MM the Democratic party will
begin at Falkland on Wednesday.
October two hecks to-day.
The list of appointments for tin- full
are published elsewhere.
Below will be found cases Died i Large crowds should turn out and
,, criminal docket at this ; hear the candidates. every appoint
term of Court and the disposition At present u like
opposition in the
begun it Commissioner
was not a Democrat, tilling a place
wanted for a
Superior Court.
-------On . Sill, held at------
------The new railroad town in Pitt county, a------
Sale of
such ever been offered before to the public to secure the finest
quality and most Desirable Real Estate at half Its real value, and this
opportunity not again, it is
prize is the reach of ill. tor we will sell oh term be
within the power of airy one to a
I are to have no
beard just the
V. A. submits, I county, t
judgment suspended on payment
of costs.
Entered at the Foot Office at
W , ISM.
When you hear a Republican
blowing and blustering about the
promises made in the last
National platform and
filled by this just ask
him. how about the promised
letter postage and see
him squirm.
If by any
of circumstances the
shall control the House of
Representatives in the Fifty-Sec
Congress, this Government
will be in a fair way to become a
Government of Reed, for Reed
and by Reed.
Every man who votes for a Re-
publican Congressional
gives his endorsement to one man
tied by the conduct of Speaker I of toe
are functions, exactly the
same us those performed by
Washington Letter.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, D. O. Sept. 10th,
Speaker Bead having adopted
the prerogatives
to the legislation branch the
Government, suddenly remembered
that there were certain other
conferred by the
upon the executive exclusively.
This was more than lie could stand
he determined to poach
Executive preserves; and he
actually did, for more than a week,
refuse to sign the River and Humor
bill which bad been passed by both
House and Senate, and to mate the
matter worse, lie stated that unless
the democratic members would agree
to remain in their seats to make a
-counted while the
passed anything they pleased
he would not sign it at all.
democrats simply laughed at
threats and let him miners
that they knew a method i
quickly convincing him that
no authority to
brought him to
lined and costs.
Elias Vines, and Oman Vines,
affray, submit, judgment
on payment of costs.
B. B. Pollard, retailing without
ed on payment of costs.
W. B. Carson, injury to fence,
submits, judgment suspended
pay of costs.
Crawford, breaking jail,
submits, fined one penny and costs.
A Burroughs, cruelty to
not guilty.
bland, retailing liquor,
without license, submits, judgment
payment ill costs.
I lay wood Johnson, L. R. guilt v
C Seek Brunch
f of l;
i- s below Greenville, on to ail
aides, near mid afar off, by the most fertile land- of which the State ran
boast. to the growth the finest Tobacco In the for
the growth of Corn, Cotton, Truck and fruit, and a benignant climate.
M-it- of primeval of Pine, A.-i and Poplar the most desirable quality. You
should visit forests.
is needles t the many advantages of this vising young town and the
varied material resources by ii Is surrounded arc mines wealth for,
the progressive who take hold of this golden opportunity.
should i-it and that is
all i- a-V it. land test
merits. Be
the plantation of
While they were sitting on a
fence to rest the fence broke down
and in the fall the gun held by Mills
accidentally discharged, the whole
load striking Haywood in the right
arm completely shattering that limb
near the elbow. The wounded man
was taken to Dr. P. Cox for at-
who upon examination
thought amputation would be
necessary. He took the wounded
I man and brought him to Greenville
to con ult with
Brown, and have them assist in the
operation. They all decided the aria
i could not be saved am
die sale.
ii. balance on
Wednesday. October 8th, 1890.
T D C I Cash, or If desired, half ea
;. O with note at per cent, in ten
J. B. Edgerton,
What Are You Waiting For
Our Stock is Goods Prices
k. .-
. -a
amputated the limb about half way J,
Joyner, forgery,
years in Cases.
John Phillips and Mount, i.,, heard this
F. A. submit, judgment suspend- elicited considerable in-
ed on payment of costs. and attracted many people to
Sam Newton, not guilty. , first was for
Henry Vines, A. B. not against James Fleming,
Arthur A was
a. . a.
The leading General Merchandise dealers in
We wish to say to our customers everywhere that we the
largest best selected stock that it been our
to place before yon. And beg of you that you will
inspect our stock and compare quality, quantity and
prices riven you anywhere by any first class
house. We realize that competition is the
of but we are fully abreast of
the times and feel able to meet any
competitor fairly and squarely.
We give our customers the
very best that can I
bought for the
invested in
at We are with
the people in their de-
that they shall buy
goods cheap. And we promise all
who shall their patronage
that they shall have them cheap. If you
fail to gel as good bargains, when yon bay
of sonic one else, as your neighbor gels who buys
of us, you have only yourself to because we
have invited lame and again to come in and see
Our invitation to is OF US, KNOW
US, OF US. With these three injunctions ringing fresh in
your ears every week, we again ask you to come and examine the
following lines of General
I Of
veto bills. That
senses, lie dis-
mounted from bis Trojan horse and
attached bis name to the bill with-
e ado. The signing of bill
larceny, guilty
with entering the house of Mr. Mat-
thew James, of township, in
The in Styles, in Quality, Utmost in Variety, have Won combined by
Staple Fancy Dry Goods
j hardware,.
misdemeanor, guilty, Hoed each tho only a grown Farming Implements,
costs. and some smaller . . , .
Hats and Caps.
power as passed, by the Speaker the
tied by the conduct of
Reed. The question to b
is, shall Congress legislate
, Courts, attesting
the country or shall Thomas r-1 been passed, and for
Reed alone do it, as he has during official to to do so
the present session of Congress cause Ins
The Administration seems de-l Evidently Mr. Blame did not ran-
to carry
T. t, Mi.
of Pensions in spite of the members
damaging facts which committee of the
Cooper has brought amendment to the tariff bin,
even in the face of the open so be wrote another letter
of the Republican save Ids
of the Congressional i although if the matter had been
Committee. If the before the Maine election
cans can stand this sort of thing, j there is no doubt that the so called
we have no complaint to make j reciprocity
remained in the bill, but
Com assault,
judgment suspended on
of costs.
Kabul White-
affray, Staton fined
and costs, lined
and costs.
in second not
at time taking notes
and costs.
Thomas Lang,
sentenced year penitentiary.
John Carson, appeal from
Mayor, not guilty.
Besides there there were a
tier fa's, no proses and dis-
.; missals that were gone over and
i taken docket.
. .
The weather being warm
payment in a window was left
as was usual, but the
closed. The grown r
slept in the adjoining that
the smaller children, left the .
door open and had a lamp bun. B K O CC, H V i IV K . Q iT
inst in her room. At a late hour of
KNOW Flour a Specialty.
submits, line i
the night James was
hand placed upon her.
She grabbed the Land but it
forked from her. The intruder had
extinguished the light upon
Wm room. Miss James heard him go
across her room to the door after the
hand from her, beard him
pass through the children's room and
get out of the window. She waited
until daylight to make an
In the morning she saw fresh
tracks under the window, followed
them across the yard and some dis-
away and located the direction
of the tracks both coming to
from the house, was the
I, with so many of intruder had also entered the dining
been hard room and taken some provisions. A
Give Him a
Harness and hips.
After a business
years we do not hesitate
to till you Unit we
and do offer you bargain
that hare never
been heard in
am each Sm
season we arc
work trying to serve you
interests faithfully.
We are headquarters in this market tor Furniture and ask you
to look at our fine of Baits, Walnut and cheaper woods.
Bureaus, Bedsteads, single double, and lied
Cribs and Cradles,
and Wood seat Chairs, and Rocking Chairs.
Children's and Dining Tables. Lounges and
lots other things too numerous to mention. thank you for
past favors aim trust and believe that you will continue to patron-
us, for we work not alone for our interest but also or
o climb fortune's fickle ladder about the track -u
cotton, and practicing the strict- suspicion upon the defendant am. .-d
but without success. to his r. -I and commitment to jail
but, under a Democratic
own admissions.
would have caused his instant dis-
our tanners, have
cotton, and
est economy, but without success, to his arrest and commitment to . i
tobacco farmers Of after a hearing a
Pitt CO. to come together and the circumstances warrant in
sent to our pioneer in tobacco cut I his held in custody. the
man who has trial before Court the chain cir-i
bat the was strong
the of the .
for in Pitt gold-bead the second degree, Ling
able present In J contained in the bill indictment
of bis untiring I because it was not clearly proven
We make
no advertisements but will pay as much
nil grades of
fight against it,
to striking at Mr. Blaine. cane or some
As any House Anywhere.
all patrons the very best possible attention and
personal attention
lot of Tobacco put on our Floors.
We know a poor sale means a loss of patronage and we as
meetings as only the funny and and Democrats
have been given ,
print and all the depth and beauty j .
of the sermons let go by. People bill to be reported back
will appreciate this nest week, but whether it will
or not depends entirely upon the
power of republicans to
of the
Fir tie Sal
Johnson's Mills Items.
Beautiful for picking cot-
Everybody down here think all
Senator should bear in radical differences j of
which have been made against
him. These charges have been
made, and reiterated, even by a
member of Mr. Quay's own party,
in a speech on the floor of the
House of and yet
Mr. Quay has, never made the
the candidates have
day of June. This east
called for trial last and the
examination of witnesses consumed
the day. When Court convene
Wednesday morning to resume
upon it, the fact became known that
the papers in the least
bill mysteriously
Search failed to
people have offered Mr.
and Senator a fabulous re-
to take the new law to
the Supreme Court in order to get
a decision as to whether it is con-
The House eased its con-
science ordering that the worst
parts of the speech calling Senator
slightest move to prove his a modem
if such a thing is possible. convicted felon, recently delivered
Among lawyers when counsel be-
gins to abuse their client's
it is always considered a bad
sign, indicating weakness.
An extra session of Congress
whether obtained by the action of
in the by
Kennedy, of Ohm, but not printed
the until
Monday last, shall be
from the Record. In mean time
Mr. Quay says nothing.
Two out of three
taken at
relatives and friends Rev.
Edward Woolen are gratified to
know he was unanimously elected
The fall session
Academy opens Sept. with Miss
Nannie of as
The Methodist Camp-meeting in
Craven county broke up last Sun-
day night with additions to the
Church. One old said it was
hard to tell winch was the best
preacher, the Elder, or
Kev. Mr Hooker. W.
r. J C C. T. H.
N C. Co. Co.
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
a majority of that body by voting Representative
to take a recess, or called by Mr. against
Col. I. A. Sugg of Greenville of
random will admit that I to give for the best pound
Coopers charge sample of Pitt county tobacco
at bis office Oct., 1st.
i have been proven, I tobacco is to be sold and proN
be an outrage upon j given of sale divided equally
the tax-payers of the country. the Republican members between the Oxford Orphan Asylum
There is not the slightest excuse the committee, any report and the
for an extra Session the way of whitewashing bun the. j
legitimate public business, and
were it not for the desperate con-
of the party it
would never have been heard of.
Its only business will be to pass
the Force bill and other measures
intended to assist the Republican
party in retaining control of the
Government; and the a day,
which it will cost, will have to be
paid by the people at large, a mo
of whom have, at every
Presidential election since, and
including, 1876, voted against the
Republican party. A few more
of Republican rule and
Popular Government in America
will be a thing of the past.
majority of the will have j tobacco his own county, which
taking an enviable stand
among the tobacco counties,
above all to help fatherless or-
than which no other work can
be more mule. We predict a large
donation from the whole-souled Pitt
thus instigated that gen-
ii and deliberate
of the r. is
inconsistent lie refuses to speak
to Dudley and yet lie allows
to remain in an office.
The the
Railroad land grant forfeiture bill,
which does not forfeit acre gentleman,
land which of the big friend.
want to retain, has been agreed to
by Senate. Every Democrat J Col. I. A. Sugg of Greenville of-
present voted against it. a premium of five dollars for
The bill to repeal the the best pound of the res
Culture act has also been passed by j of the to be sent to
Senate. . Oxford Orphan Asylum. are-
Mr. has sent word here should make
that he wishes Congress to lake samples. Pitt as
recess until November instead of i welt as Edgecombe, is producing
adjourning, Out the indications are j some superior grades of the golden
that If be wants Congress to come weed. Tarboro
ease was set another bearing
Thursday morning. Judge
Womack called the case Thursday
counsel for the defense slated that
one their main witnesses had been
I taken suddenly ill during the night
hence they ready tor trial
and prayed a continuance of
Counsel tor the State obj lo
this, charging that the occurrences
were attempts to delay the trial.
This brought out a spirited discus-
between counsel both sides,
and Dr. Zeno Drown, who had visited
the sick witness, was in to
to his condition. petition
was not granted but the
case was set for a hearing on Mon-
day this week. Monday morning
the case was for the third
time, and after some delay in calling
long lists of witnesses and selecting
a jury the taking testimony
Mrs. in her
charged defendant with
going to her when she was Th
alone, and attempting to outrage lief We will
person. The prosecution was con-
ducted by Cant. Galloway as
tor assisted by Maj. C. Latham
and Col. I. A. defense by
Messrs. J. E. Moore, Gilliam
and J- II- Tucker. sides
math evidence. The
before the jury
. M i IS i
We are makings specialty of c
, . . STOVES,
and arc receiving the -t
line i
Our stock complete
still stands the head. Our
other brands are all good.
have heaviest Stove for
money i this
market. We carry a lull lino
of and
in ware. Hardware,
Saw Paints,
nils. Doors and Sash, Glass
and Pi
We want to everybody
wants a Cook Stove. We
are prepared to supply the
I v.
We have had many years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
the advantage of shippers.
All entrusted to our
will receive prompt and
with the Southern
both papers one year for 98.00.
The is the oldest
agricultural paper in this section of
the country. Now is time tor the
farmers to secure one the host
weekly agricultural and
commenced-1 newspapers, together with this pap-
opened by cost nearly of one paper.
Solicitor He was followed
by Mr. Gilliam for Mr.
Moore and Maj. Latham both made
speeches in the The
Judge completed bis charge and
gave the case to the jury a little be-
fore o'clock.
The jury had not returned their
verdict at the time of putting
in press. .
The no equal
ill the South, as a weekly family
Is especially adapted to
the present wants of Southern
farmers who wish to be posted as
to the changed condition of
tare the country. Sample copies
will be furnished by the publisher of
any who wish to avail themselves to
t his liberal offer.
A Market.
Opened in Johnson,
o. have opened a market at
their stoic opposite skinner's Opera
House. We respectfully ask a liberal
share of the patronage of the citizens of
and the county generally.
Parties In the country having Beeves,
Sheep or Hides to sell will
do we'd to call on us selling else-
where. JOHNSON.
f am Tobacco Hogsheads
free, to those ship D. Y. Cooper,
Davis A Gregory, Mitchell,
Harris. Gooch Co., Boyd
seasoned lumber and wood hoops,
better than the hoops. Par-
desiring to ship can
obtain size at small
for money, at Ellington
Cooper's Shops. have also
purchased of his Con-
denser. and will gin- cotton this
season Will Lumber
in any either in town or at the
mill as low a- lowest.
Greenville, S. A.
Is now an established fact and commends it-
self to the readers of the We have
no enemies to punish, or friends to reward.
Don't pay one man as a means to rob his neigh-
buy Tobacco on its merits and stand to com-
pare sales with any market in the State. Try
us and be convinced, proof of the pudding is
the We will pay for all Hogs-
heads used in shipping to us. Prompt personal
attention given the sale of every pile of tobacco
on our floor, and SAVE you over a third in
charges of what you pay in other markets to
have your tobacco sold. Give us a trial.
Your friend, ,
Ed. M. PACE.
Sales every day
Won't read this Advertisement,
if you do don't forget it
Hereafter I will give closer attention to the Fruit j
j Control trade. the
stock will of the Candles, rte,
Apple-. and I will
in quantities At die same tune I shall keep a.
line or Fancy I the world to
a better Cigar than the old rename,
It has been cut bis
for a good lake the lead. Anything In above
will be found at the Fruit and
and Retail and fancy
W Car Feed Oats. Oar load Corn. Car load No. Hay,
s Oar Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis
Heavy Mess Pork, bids Granulated Sugar.
Gail Ax
Rail Road Mills
Rico Molasses, SO Tubs Boston Laid.
Cases Star Lye, Gross Matches.
Also full line So la,
Cakes Can-lies. Canned Goo. V, rapping aper. Paper
Special to the wholesale on large pi of A
N C.
Strawberry Plants for Sale.
These are the earliest mar-
rail's for
in BUM

THE For highest sell your Personal.
. Cooper's Warehouse Miss Bella Hearne is visiting in the
I Th.,. ,. .-. I
Greenville, N. C
Local Sparks
c baa a
line of visiting and correspond- Mrs. L. H. Ponder is in
else you may neglect
days, don't
Mrs. S. A. Charlotte is on an ex-
leaded visit in the country.
New Good Goods
you ever see the like of New j ton pounds will be de-
at A They . dueled for them,
just have knocked the
bottom out of prices will sell
than before.
during the next SO
Miss Bertha Crawford, of Wayne.
Don't put side mi your cot- visiting Mrs. B. V. Sugg.
Mrs. Tyson little Clifford
Their terms will be strictly cash.
Henderson, X. C.
Is the leading place
For farmers to sell tobacco.
If yon want the highest prices
tail to ship your tobacco
To Cooper's, Henderson. X. C.
Go to Brown Bra, for Shoes.
James grapes am ripening.
The rainy spell ended about
the of last week more
injury to the crops.
The finest loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Point Lace Flour, at
the Old Brick Store.
Portion of last week the weather
was a degree or so cooler, but
approaching to frost yet.
Don't fail to ship your your to-
to Coop.-r's at
He is the leader of big prices.
is visiting relatives in town.
Bin. Latham, the Washington
made us a call yesterday.
From v sections of the
people come in and tell us
Whoop up the tobacco
Others write us and say Greenville
must have them. The
had rather sell their tobacco in
Greenville than to ship it elsewhere.
Every facility is offered for making
this a market. Get to work on
the warehouse without further delay.
Borne Enterprise.
Forty new desks were recently
placed in the Male Academy. They
were made by Messrs. Cox Carroll
their factory about miles from
Mrs. B. Wilson spent part and reflect much credit upon
last week with relatives in Plymouth. I believes
in tins way patronizing home en-
Messrs. B. C. and J.
The desks are just as good
returned to Greenville last I us those made at Northern or West-
week. em factories. It will be remembered
Mr. P. G, Mayo, of Falkland, is that these same gentlemen built the
now among the Oxford tobacco I pews for the Baptist Memorial
buyer. Church here, and did the work most
The Guard had a meeting day a visit to relatives in f. crops.
I Friday evening, bat not enough j Saturday Mr. K. P. Fleming
reported to get up a drill. Miss Annie Tucker returned last brought us a ripe Held pea pod of the
,, Registration books will open week from visiting relatives in the second crop this year. He first
several townships to-morrow, j country. sowed peas the last week in April,
Look after this matter, voters ,, has the last week in June he gathered
B- What, a Solid Leather Shoe for to New York to attend
one dollar either man or lectures. and middle
Nice and Shoes Where At J. V, Co's. an,, J
The com crop is being harvested, I left Monday in in Staunton, I The kind he tried this experiment
A nice line of crockery etc. cheap and the yield large enough to insure i Va., to attend college. I with is called the crowder pea. This
and low at J II. Cherry Co's. j bread and to spare for another year. John and Mrs. V. U. conclusively that two crops a
Ladies, examine Brown line large bill board has been put up j spent a few days of the
Of Dress Goods, on the vacant lot near Lang's store, , past week in Lenoir county.
For roar bargains m Furniture-1 Opera House corner, j D. B. Clayton,
go to J Cherry Co's.
Beat in the world Flour
year can be easily made.
Don't forget that Cooper's ware
house at Henderson offers or
hogshead to their nations free.
Circus pictures all the go.
Dixon's custom Shoes for
children and ladies, at Brown Bros.
The Old Brick will be
ed September on account
D. V. Henderson leads
all other warehouse men in big
prices and big averages
Latest Style Hats and low-
prices go to J. Cherry Co's.
Largest and cheapest line of
Shoes in Town at Cherry
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
and at the Old Brick Store.
Court in session again this week.
Brown Bros, are selling good
Calico for yard.
Brown Bros, don't sell at cost nor
below cost, but as near to it as any
reliable in town.
North Carolina Plaid
at j cents Per at J. B. Cherry
Try Cooper s at Hen-
and will be convinced
The presents another
The colored Baptists of this com-j will preach in Greenville to-night j tobacco warehouse in this issue. The
have a large to-morrow night. Wilson Tobacco Warehouse is now
at Sycamore Hill church next week
Cutting hay is in order. Farmers
should save enough to avoid having
to buy the Western article
two weeks Baptist
The town should be dressing
up to greet the large of
Clarence who for
an established enterprise and is doing
successful business. It makes
to Greenville
ten months has been living in Salts-
sales on merit an does not give some
I man a fabulous pi ice for a little lot
j of tobacco as a bait to make the
Mr. Robert of Virginia, amount up out of somebody else.
has to Greenville and taken a Your tobacco brings every cent it is
The Leading Dry Goods
and Clothing
House in Greenville. N. O.
As usual have the
finest selection of
Fine Dress Goods and
Trimmings in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing; that is not
new and very stylish.
As usual have the
finest selection of Cloth-
Hats and Furnish-
Goods in town.
Our Stock comprises
nothing that is not
new and very stylish.
In Dress Goods Gent's Fine Clothing.
position as desk with Higgs iv Mini
Mrs. S. A. Cherry. Mis-
D. V. Cooper, Henderson, sells Cherry and Master re-
more tobacco and gives
better Satisfaction than any house
in the State.
list of Use Pair,
to be held October 28th to i- ;.
hand. Lib premium- are offered
for exhibits.
turned their visit
Mr. L. H. of firm or
Latham A- hardware dealers,
went North last Week to
worth and you get prompt returns.
Those farmers of Pitt, who have sold
in Wilson obtained satisfactory
price;. Ed. M. Pace is manager and
treats every customer right.
Miss Mollie returned home
last week from across the Sound,
where she had been a few
weeks at her former home.
township has the honor of
. organizing the first Democratic club
purchase j j county this campaign. The
; Democrats of that township held a
V. Cooper sells more farmers
tobacco than any House in
State, try nun and you will find, that
he will pleas,, ,. v ,, n.
I Jill were billing the town Mrs. M. I.- Wool and child and
yesterday for the appearance of Mamie Cox, of Bertie, are visiting
Washburn Arlington's circus here Charles Skinner at Hotel Ma
on the 30th, next Tuna lay. eon.
Mrs. Daniel is having her iv-i- ; Swill Galloway, of
on Greene St,, the i has been present at this term of Court,
enlarged. A wing with week he is prosecuting for the
two rooms and passage will be added. I State in the absence of Solicitor
meeting last Wednesday and
; a strong club, electing J.
J Beck, President, and J. O. Proctor,
i Secretary. They adopted resolutions
i endorsing Vance for re-election to
S. Senate, believing that lie
should succeed himself. The club
. will do vigorous work in that section
of the county and promises to semi
up majority for Branch and the
county ticket. for
Other townships should be following
, this example.
Why is
goes to
ii every one who
B. Cherry Co's arc I
that it headquarters tor the sale Because they arc pleased
of tobacco.
D. Y. Cooper is determined to
handle his the Pitt county
tobacco, it money and hard work
ill get it.
Chickens and eggs are scarce in
Cooper will tarnish for
those who ship tobacco to him. Give
Cooper a trial and yon will get full
value for your tobacco.
Our one dollar Solid Leather
Shoes for man or woman give entire
satisfaction. J. Cherry Co.
If yon want prices and a big
average-ell tobacco at Coop-
Farmers look to your interest nu I
sell your tobacco where you can gel
the most money, and Coopers ware
house is the place.
Just as well prepare your coal bins
for winter.
Cooper, of Henderson, will at all
times do ins best for the Pitt county
farmers. Try him with your
Wanted to good
pianos. Liberal price will be paid
with their Bargains.
Nothing spasmodic about the
growth in in of the
a quire a week for three
weeks past. Plenty room for more,
D Y. Cooper no house lent,
no interest account and can
ford to pay yon more for your to-
than any other warehouse
Don't forget to bring your best
sample of tobacco Sugg by
next week. A premium is offered
for the best pound, and the lot is in
be sold the benefit of the or-
Y. Cooper Henderson, S.
will get you more net money
your tobacco than any other ware-
house man in the Slate. Try him
with your tobacco.
As the days of the
grape grows less the still
more excellent variety comes
They Appreciate It.
The jury on the burglary case last
week had to be kept together two
days and were sent in a body in
charge an officer to Hotel Macon
for their meals and lodging. One of
the jurors baa since talked with the
Joe Blow, of was I editor about the treatment received
Friday and run in to there, and said the public ought to
Hon. M.
Governor of the
State, spent Friday night in Green
i ville mid took the steamer Saturday
; Washington
. in town
s lend B
We are the latest
weaves of Parisian styles.
stock comprises handsome Em-
Combination and
Camel's Hair Robes of the new-
est designs and latest
makers. We are showing in
all shades elegant Serges, Mo
hair, Flannels.
cots and Cashmeres.
In Black Goods
We have Silk Warp Henrietta.
all wool Henrietta,
Serges. Broadcloth, Cashmeres,
Flannels, etc., in Jet, Mourning
and Blue Black.
j In this department we feel con-
that our selections are the
j and most stylish in
town. We are showing all the
newest styles and cuts in Serges.
j Diagonals,
j Wales and other fancy and
fabrics. In Men's fancy
Trousers we are the leaders.
Joe to In
the makes love
to mingle with the boys at the case.
Mr. Joyner returned Sat-
Lexington, Ky. where he
has been taking a three months
business course at Smith's
College. We are glad to know
that he handed in excellent papers to
the faculty upon examination.
printer himself, and Mr. Skinner nothing overlooked
that would add to their comfort, but
gave the jurors his personal
i both in their rooms and in the
dining hall, making in-
if anything else could be done
them. This kind of care for
guests is what makes Hotel
so popular under Mr. Skinner's
Trimming Department
Is complete with the most stylish
effects in Cut Steel
tries, Braid, Fringes and Gimp.
Plushes and Velvet Rib-
in all desirable colors.
Boy's Clothing.
Here is where the service of an
experienced buyer is needed,
besides combining the proper
styles and textures, durability
bears an important part in buy-
boys clothes. Parents
we can safely say that we have
combined all these and are able
to offer you a reliable line of
Clothing at the right
prices. In Men's and Boy's
Overcoats we have a line line of
which we will say more as the
season advances.
and Boys Flats.
Of all shapes, styles and
ties m the correct prices
Mi-s K. Rouse left Monday
for Philadelphia to take an ad
course in the study of art.
She has excellent talent in this
and is already well-skilled
with the palette and brush. She had
already taught several sessions.
Prof. It. U. Maxwell, a young
phrenologist of this State who has
A for Mr. Evans.
in the to-day
will found a short communication
from a correspondent signing himself
in which a suggestion
is made that should meet, with a re-
from every tobacco grower in
Pitt county. The suggestion is that
a lit testimonial be made to Mr. G.
F. for his efforts toward to-
in this county and the
success that is now the outgrowth of
it. Tobacco culture is conceded by
Cooper's where price. insurance man in all . acres were planted, and it is general-
to seventy- It, is no wonder that people else- i V believed flat acres is not too
of to ; Greenville and spent Friday large an estimate for what the crop
about the town. A glance at and took steamer next wiT be next year. Mr. is Urn
advertising columns Washington. in for of tobacco in
Ton shows that we
business men.
int. take its place. The James is upon his
without a parallel in the -rape family, j delineation of character, is in
,.,,. ., ,, . town this week headquarters at
Don't be lead to Other Houses by I ,,. Ki H,,,,. We see
men woo are getting a little for , of him in our aH
talk, out sell your at exchanges. ls loving a
Warehouse at. Henderson where blessing and is lifting them from the
you will always get the highest Mr Pulaski Cowper, Raleigh, bondage of debt. This year
your tobacco at Cooper's where price.
you Will have from
five buyers with
buy tobacco.
per lb for Sweet Scold
Snuff. lb sold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Store.
some satisfactory you
on J
days. M. U. Lang.
Farmers should look to their in-
in selling then tobacco
always sell where they get the
most money. Cooper's Warehouse
at Henderson is the place.
In this department we have rep-
resented the styles of most
fashionable shape in the
try in Fur, Astrakhan and Cloth
Capes, Seal Plush Jackets and
Wraps and Cloth Garments
every style and shape.
la words will, th,
II was the first to give it
a trial, and the first to continue his
Mr. John E of efforts until he proved that it could
Anything you buy from mar- . m , .
nominee for Solicitor in this Judicial
be raised here. He met
Prof. Maxwell, the phrenologist,
delivered public lectures in lire Court
House on Monday and Tuesday
nights. audiences were out to
hear him. He examined two or three
heads at lecture.
Delegates from the different
churches in Tar River Association
D. Y. Cooper pays no rent, owns
his house and will use every effort
to get farmer full value of name to
I L. Lawrence, Greenville, as early
as possible, that may be
made for their entertainment.
The Jewish day of atonement or
began evening
at C o'clock and lasts for twenty four
hours. Their places of business
close to-day, instead of to-morrow as
and will make the district an excel-
lent Solicitor.
We hear that the James School, at
Clifton, has a large attendance.
Daniel R. King of Pitt Co., sold
the of August at Y.
Cooper's Warehouse, Henderson,
C, per pound,
lot 81.10, lot This takes ; was incorrectly state last week.
The is under
O. Barnes, of Coopers ware- to Mr. John Randolph Jr. for a
says that tobacco is the i large box of grapes brought Friday-
best be has seen. Ed is a good, jolly They were of both the
see him when go to and James varieties. This later were
at exceptionally line and much enjoyed.
The Democratic Club here did not The town authorities have had a
Rumors more trains and
schedules so far materialize but
slowly. It is to be hoped that when
trains get to running through to
the A. R. will be given a
bettor schedule so our trains will
not be delayed there several hours
each day.
Mr. John Flanagan is ahead with
the largest sweet potato of the sea-
son that yet been reported. He
left one at tho Reflector office Mon-
day that measures inches in cir-
and weighs five pounds.
It was raised in his garden plot here
in town.
and send delegates to the
Stale Association, which meets in
Raleigh to-day.
I. Y. Cooper has been in to-
business at Henderson for
years and always advises farmers to
r tobacco where they can
guard rail placed along the deep
sewer on Dickerson avenue, between
Greene street and the machine shops.
It is a good step and removes a
that existed on that thorough-
The supply of watermelons in mar-
get the beat prices- That, he gets , has been unusually large the last
thee for all sold at If is ware- i week or so, considering the lateness
house is by his great of the season. Better beware of
during all these year
D. Y. Cooper, of Henderson, has
made arrangements with Bedding's
saw mill to make a large of
tobacco Farmers who wish
to ship tobacco to Cooper can get
these free of charge by
them now, as you might find one
loaded clear up to stem with
Dr. James has just placed in
his a new outfit for the
of nitrous oxide gas for the
painless extraction of teeth. He
plying at the mill, two miles from keeps up with all the latest improve.
Greenville, or at Evan's in and has the best
livery stables.
Some parties from over in Greene
county were Greenville Monday
morning, hiring hands to go over
there to pick cotton. The price
offered was cents per hundred.
They readily secured a number of
hands, and we saw two wagon loads
going out. We hear five loads left
during tho
Greenville is soon to have a new
general mercantile establishment.
Messrs. Young of Wilson,
have rented tho large store from
Col. Skinner, that used to be known
as the Congleton store, and will open
therein about the first of October.
The extends a welcome to
Don't forget the tobacco ware-
house for Greenville, If we lot other
neighboring towns build warehouses
and establish markets for the sale of
tobacco ahead of us, it will be that
much harder to get them started
Greenville should lie ahead
and not wait to get behind In this I your name with the amount you wish
and convinced the
that Pitt county land was
adapted to tobacco, and would grow
a line article. His success alter this
induced others to try
with his neighbors whom he assisted
in year by year the
number of planters increased, until
to-day is taking hold of the entire
county and splendid results arc seen
on every hand.
A testimonial to Mr. for his
zeal in this direction and the good
that is coming out of it is eminently
proper. We believe it will meet the
approbation of county tobacco
growers and that every one of them
will co-operate with the movement
by contributing a mite.
is the first to speak out his gratitude
and others should immediately fol-
low him. He has given live cents
per acre for every acre in tobacco
cultivated by him. Others
contribute in the proportion
and never miss it, the aggregate ma-
king enough to procure a most hand
some testimonial.
The correspondent further
that the editor of the
t receive the contributions for this
purpose. will cheerfully do this,
will keep a correct list of
tors and amounts given, at the proper
time publish the complete list and
will see that every dollar goes into a
gold watch or a gold headed cane, as
the amount may warrant. We fur
pledge ourself to select some
gifted gentleman to the
in becoming on a public
will the let farmers know
the day so they can be present. Now
all who want to show their
of what Mr. Evans has done for
the farmers of county make
a small contribution, Send or bring
to give marked
Muslin Under-
This is a new venture with
and in order to make it a success
we shall name some astonishing-
low figures during the next
few weeks.
We have a large and varied
stock of Ladies and Misses
sets, Furnishing Goods and
other Notions all at the correct
Men's Footwear.
We have them in all styles and
shapes. Our Old Men's Shoe is
j the most comfortable on the
market. The celebrated Police
Shoes are another of our leaders
In fact our whole line represents
the most serviceable makes.
Furnishing Goods.
The largest line of Gent's Fur-
Goods, Hosiery, Sus
ponders, etc., ever shown in
Gent's Shirts.
In Dress, Flannel and
of all styles.
None but the best represented.
We show at least eighteen
in ladies handmade footwear in
all shapes and lasts. In Misses
heel and spring heel goods we
have quite a varied assortment-
Misses and Children School
Shoes a specialty.
We have the
array of Dress and Evening Ties
in the town.
Carpets, Oilcloths, Etc.
We have everything in this line
that can be desired, from a
common Hemp to a Fine Body
Brussels, Floor Oilcloths and
Stair Carpets in various widths.
Large selection of Rugs in all
sizes of Smyrna, Velvet and
The largest stock of Lace Cur-
and Poles and Window
Shades ever shown in town.
Trunks and Valises.
From a common wood packer
to a tine Zinc Saratoga, Valises
Traveling Bags.
Remember that we have no second hand goods
nothing but new and stylish goods.
We will sustain our reputation as the leaders.
A cordial invitation to our friends and patrons
to visit us and make our place headquarters.
s Sisters, l Millinery, Etc,
Our Mammoth Stock of Stylish-
There has never been H
better selection brought this market.
Will lead in Style and
Sell at Low Prices.
We have none but the best Milliners.
Higgs Sisters,
Styles. Greenville. X.
their year's supplies will Hint It to
their interest to fret our prices before
chasing elsewhere. if
in all its branches.
always at
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville. H. V.
i II is lo interest of every want-
Stylish Millinery to see
Mrs. E. A. Sheppard,
making purchases. She is still
i to the from with a beautiful stock and
defies competition in styles prices,
with her large experience in
j she is prepared to suit the tastes of
every purchaser. Call at her residence
on Dickerson Avenue.
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
Dry Notions, Boots, Shoes and
We just received and opened a beautiful line of new
Fall and Winter Goods.
glad to have my old friends come to
see us, and assure them that we can sell tile goods
Give us a and be convinced that lite way to buy goods is for
the snot cash.
N. C , January,
No trouble show goods.
m n
Bullock Mitchell,
. .
---------FOB THE SALE OF--------
We beat the world on high averages. With ample capital, one
of the best lighted houses in the State and a good working force
we competition. WE HOGSHEADS ON
PLICATION. The Oxford tobacco market is as and as solid
as the granite foundations of the everlasting mountains, and we
would say to the handed sons of of Eastern Carolina
we will to get for them as much money for their
Tobacco as any other on this or any other market.
Every lot entrusted to our care shall have our personal attention.
All we ask is a trial. Very truly.
Reliable Goods.
The above is what
the people need and not so
much cheap goods which
prove be
We carry a full line of
k Shoes,
Full assortment and many
other minor lines that are
carried by dry goods stores
. C .
Calicoes -I Checked
spun White
s Worsted U to 81.00.
Show 81.00 to Brass fins
S papers Slid more
besides for Cakes Soap
Caps to SO cents. Hats
IS to rants
to and nanny other
things in proportion.
Checked Home-
pun White Homespun to
B Worsted to 1.00,
Shoes to 14.23, Brass Pius
Needles papers and more
for eta, Cakes Soap
Caps to Hats
cl to 83.25, to
11.15. and many things Id

------AND IN------
Greenville N. C.
to of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following good
LEATHER of different
Mill Belting. Hay, Paris, and
it to the trade at Wholesale
lite m
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.
D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door Court House
Factory b well equipped with best Mechanics, pot up nothing
but ass work. keep up with the times and Improved styles.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs are ma you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ran, Horn, King.
Also on hand a full c of ready
the round, we will sell AS AS lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this counties tor past favor
merit a continuance of the same
J. Jonathan White,
Portsmouth. Va. Greenville, N. C
Bridgers White,
High Street.
Portsmouth, Va.
Solicit consignments of Cotton. Tea
nuts. Tease, Poultry. Etas and all
Country Mer-
and Farmers Bank, Portsmouth.
R. L
Steam Engines Boilers
Improved Brown Cotton Gin.
Saw, Grist and Mills.
Hancock Gin.
Cotton Seed Crushers,
Pulleys, and Hangings,
Also dealer in Steam Fittings.
Orders any kind of
will be filled at very lowest
prices. Repairing a
Greenville, N. C.
t. O.
w. k. PROCTOR.
General Merchandise,
We come before our patrons again this
Reason and invite their attention
to the largest
Stock of New Goods
ever brought to space will
not ;. telling all we have in stock.
hut If you want anything In the way of
Come to us. We have the
in county. Can give you bargain
on goods in our store. Highest
price- paid Seed or Lint Cotton.
Persons owing us are requested
to nuke settlements as early possible.
Latham Fender.
Fall Term opens
TUITION from 81.26 to per month.
Board from to
One hundred and five pupils were en-
rolled last year, sixteen of which number
were boarder.
For further particulars address
Z. I.
Bethel, N. C.
N. C.
Parents and guardians will do well to
note the
The Institute was located at
in preference to many other very
desirable places because of its celerity
for health, and the history of the school
for more than forty years demonstrate
the wisdom of their course.
The beauty of the location is not
passed in North Carolina. The
were refurnished and carpeted last
The course of Instruction is as
as the demands of the public will
Only the best and most experienced
teachers are employed in all depart-
and the work is done thorough.
The charges are as reasonable as they
can be made for the class of work done.
The fall session begins on Wednesday,
or additional
N. C.
as a
Our dear little daughter was terribly
Her bowels were bloated as hard
We feared she would die
Till we happened to try
cured her, remark-
ably quick.
Never be without Pellets in
the house, They are gentle and effective
in action give immediate relief in
cases of and
constipation. They do their work
and leave no bad effects.
cheapest, easiest to take. One a dose,
Best Liver Pill made.
The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
per box. For said by J.
A Cure.
For years I was troubled with the
most type, of Chronic
Blood Trouble. After trying
other without getting
any benefit, I was induced by Joe
a barber who has since
ed to St. Louis, and who was cured
by Swift's Specific of
Blood Trouble, to take S, S. S.
A bottle cured permanently.
I also considers. S. S. the best ton-
I ever saw. While taking it my
weight increased my health
I have re-
Greenville Male A
I. J, MATTHEWS, L Principal,
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st, 1890.
Per term of twenty weeks payable
quarterly in
Primary, S 7.60
Intermediate, 10.00
Higher English Science and Mathe-
Languages. French, Greek
and each,
Or any two of the for
Board reasonable. Healthy location.
Discipline firm. Young men will be
thoroughly prepared to enter any Col-
ii the Slate.
farther address or see
the Principal or
ii Tucker,
c. A. White.
Registrars and Inspectors of
The following been appoint-
ed by Board of County Com-
missioners as Registrars and In-
of the election to held
Registrar, J Smith.
Inspectors. I J Anderson. G
Hemby, Redmond F Allen.
Registrar, L
Inspectors, T A H
Rives, Arnold Spain, Virgil
Registrar, C Moore.
Inspectors, S A B L T
B M John II
Registrar, J R Congleton.
Inspectors, W H Williams, W T
Keel. Chance.
Registrar, W B Moore.
Inspectors, J O Proctor, Anderson
George Armstrong, J J
Registrar, J R Johnson.
Inspectors, Caleb Cannon. Jesse
Cannon, E E Hail. Daniel Hatch.
Registrar, C C Vines.
Inspectors, F G Dupree, T L
John Harris.
Registrar, J A Lang.
Inspectors. B L Joyner, W R Par
W II Johnson, G W
Storm Calendar and Weather
for 1800, by R. Hicks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
postage stamp. The Dr. J. H.
Medicine Co. St. Louis. Mo.
The Pulpit and the Stag.
Rev. F. M. Pastor United
Brethren Church. Blue Mound,
feel it my duty to tell what
wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has; proved in way
done for me- My Lungs were badly dis-i
eased, and my parishioners thought I
could live only a few weeks. I took five
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and
am sound and well, gaining lbs. in
Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, a
thorough trial and convincing
I am confident Dr. King's New
for Consumption, beats all, and
when everything else falls. The
greatest kindness I can do my many
thousand friends is to urge them to tr,
Free trial bottles at J. L. Wooten's
Drug Store. Regular sizes and
contended S. S. to several
and in case they were
ed with the results.
S. A.
Midway Pa.
Having accepted the agency of
the Plow Works
we are prepared to
The John Flanagan
Are in business at the old Flanagan
shops and arc manufacturing
all kinds of the best
------We also do
All Work guaranteed.
Greenville, X. C.
Of University, KY.
U. W. Corner MAI Street,
WILBUR R. SMITH, President.
and BI
V W. X- V at. Smith. of .-.;. the
U-W of f-r
in in -i
i Course
f I ., Vt i i
Full a.
l- r
an can be taken alone or with
Course. . r for
and taken alone
end on
l in. can be made with Railroad Cons-
i- for a cheap d t pass to this Net
n-w. For circular
B. B.
at low prices. First-class ma-
chines. We a full line of
and BLINDS A full line of We hive opened for the purpose or con-
X. o.
Fall Term Opens Sept.
John Principal,
Miss Haggle Smith,
Mrs. Irene W. Hunter,
Mrs. Ella W. Duckett.
and Mathematical. Music.
Painting and Drawing, Normal.
II Large,
Healthy location and water.
Plenty of well prepared Until for boarders
A corps good teachers. Nor-
Department for young teachers.
New pianos organs. A library
of more than volumes purchased re-
for the school.
lives moderate, from to for
board and tuition, including music.
Tuition and terms for day pupils the
as advertised in Girls
who do not board with the Principal
should consult engaging
board elsewhere.
further particulars address.
Greenville, N. C. Principal.
several of the best makes of
COOK STOVES on hand and to
arrive. We sell low for cash.
Greenville, N. C.
ducting a general
Money to Loan on Approved Security.
Collections elicited and remittance
Tax bra
Alfred Forbes, Greenville,
J. B. Cherry, Vice-Pres i
-L S. Greenville, j
IX. M. Lawrence. Tarboro, Gen
Capt. K. F. JoNi-s, Washington, Gen
The People's Line for travel on Ta
Steamer Greenville is the finest
and boat on the river.
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort,
and convenience of Ladies.
A furnished with lb
beat the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock. A. M.
leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily and
Lading given to all points.
a- r. Jew,
Washington N, C.
Having associated B. S.
with me In the Undertaking business we
are ready serve the people In that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
for past services have been placed in
the bands of Mr. for u
It A. CO.,
Commission Merchants,
Special attention given to Sales of
ion. Grain, Peanuts and Country Pro-
duce generally. Liberal Cash Advances
on Consignments. Prompt returns and
highest market price.-guaranteed.
keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
I kinds and can furnish anything desired
from finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We arc
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who
When you want
--------Call on
make the best. And I
------your old------
carry them to Alley A they ill
enlarge them in Crayon, Pastel, India
Ink or Water Colors. All work
teed. Can and see them.
R Manager.
K. C.
Inspectors, C T
Godwin, J Allen, Charles Webb.
Registrar, S I Fleming.
Inspectors, W M Moore, John
Belcher, Henry Ward, Henry
K K Powell.
w S Wooten,
Stoke.-, C P Frank
Sick headache is the bane of many
This annoying complaint may be
cured and prevented by the occasional
use of Dr. J. II. Liver and
Disease lies in ambush for the weak; a
feeble constitution Is ill adapted to en-
counter a malarious atmosphere and sud-
den changes of temperature, and the
least robust are usually the easiest
Dr. J. H. Sarsaparilla
will give tone, vitality and strength to
the entire body.
Distress after eating, heartburn, sick
headache, and indigestion are cured by
Dr J. II. Liver
Many people habitually endure a feel-
of lassitude, because they think they
have to. If would take Dr. J. If.
Sarsaparilla this feeling of
weariness would give place to vigor and
No liniment is in repute or more
widely known than Dr. J. II.
Volcanic Oil Liniment. It is a wonder
I remedy.
Persons advanced in years feel young-
and stronger, as well as freer from the
Infirmities of age, by taking Dr. if.
If you feel unable to do your
have that tired feeling, take ll.
Sarsaparilla; it make yon
bright active and vigorous.
The most popular liniment, is the old
reliable. Dr. J. II. Volcanic
Oil Liniment.
One of Dr. II. Little Liv-
and Kidney taken at night lie
fore going to bed, will move the
the effect will astonish you.
Pimples, other humors, arc
able to appear when the blood gets
heated. Dr. J. II. Sarsaparilla
l ha remedy.
fill M.
I In--.
kill. A. A.
None Richer in Cream
Sold by S. E.
Greenville, N. O.
I have opened at stables formerly
occupied by Dr. J. G. James.
and will keep a tine line of
Horses and Mules.
have beautiful and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can suit the most
will run in connection a DRAY-
AGE BUSINESS, and solicit a share of
patronage. Call be convinced.
Greenville, N. C.
Car Load of fine
--------Just received by
Greenville. N. C.
------and will be sold------
or at reasonable terms on time on
proved security. I bought my stock
Cash and can afford to sell as
anyone. Give me a call.
If You Have
BRONCHITIS Throat Affection
SCROFULA I Wasting of Flesh
Or any the Throat and
arm of or
can b and Cured y
for and let no em-
or you to
Sold by all Druggists.
Greenville N C.
have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
In every instance. Call and be con
Ladies waited on at their
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
I J. U ill
V , pain.
Hook of particulars sent FUEL.
M. M. D., Atlanta. Ga.
Whitehall .
C. B.
N. B.
This is what yon ought In fact
you must it to fully enjoy life.
are for it daily, and
they And it not.
Thousands upon thousands of dollars are
spent annually by our people in the hope
that they may attain this boon. Ami
yet it may be had all. We guarantee
that Electric Hitters, used according
to directions and the use persisted in.
will bring you Good Digestion and oust
demon Dyspepsia and install
We Electric Bit-
for Dyspepsia and all diseases of
Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at
and per bottle by J. L.
en, Druggist.
Many Persons
Are broken down overwork or household
sea Brown's Iron Bitters
system, remove, ex-
of bile, cures Get the
A Mass of Sores.
I am no grateful for the beneficial
results obtained using S. S.
that I want to add my testimony to
that already published, for
I was mass of sores before
using, but am now cured.
St. Mo.
Treatise on Wood and Skin Di-
mailed free.
Atlanta Ga.
Or are worn out. really for nothing
It is general Try
It cure yon. give a Sold
by all dealers In medicine.
Great Strength
Is not required to do washing
and house-cleaning, when it is
done with
With a delicate
woman can do this hardest
of woman's work with com-
ease She don't
have to nib herself or her
to pieces when she
washes in this new way.
You will find these
on every package, and
one trial will con-
you that in
have found the most
improved means and
method for all washing
and cleaning. Millions
are using it.
peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are
offering imitations which they claim lo be
inc. or same as ITS FALSE
they are not, and besides are dangerous. is never peddled, but
told by all good grocers. Manufactured by JAMES PYLE, New York.
The 60th Annual Session
vi ill occupy
Dedicatory Exercises of the Memorial Baptist Church.
Sixty Tears of Conventional Life,
The Personnel of the Convention,
Rev. T. E. Skinner, D. D.
Rev. J. D. D. D.
arc pleased to announce to the to-
of and
counties that we are to give
free to any person who
will them to ship their tobacco in
provided they will ship It to Messrs.
Davis Oratory, of Oxford, N. c.
Mess- Davis very large
tobacco dealers and the high-
est prices for all tobacco shipped to
them. And since they offer Ibis favor of
furnishing hogsheads and have shown
such interest in the tobacco or
our section we hope our tobacco growers
will Bad it to their interest to give them
a most liberal patronage.
Persons desiring to snip to other par-
ties can obtain hog-heads of
at 81.78 ii piece.
promise prompt attention to all or-
sent to hi at Greenville, X. C.
Notice to Creditors
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt country,
on the day of August, 1890.
of John A. deceased,
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the to make immediate
payment to the undersigned. Those
having claims against the estate,
present them, properly authenticated, to
the undersigned on or before the. 1st day
of September. or this notice will
he plead in a bar of recovery.
W. L.
of John A. Moore.
Sept. 1st laW.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
the Superior Court Clerk of
county, on the 4th day of August. 1800,
as Executor of the Last Will and
of . Kilpatrick. here-
by gives notice to all persons indebted
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to all per-
sons having claims against said estate to
present the same properly authenticated
on or before the 8th day of
or this notice will be plead In bar
of recovery. J.
of S. It. Kilpatrick,
It is ordered by the Board of
that the voting precinct in
Greenville township on the North side
of Tar river, known as
Roads precinct, be discontinued, and
that the voters of Greenville township
residing upon the North of Tar
river shall hereafter register and vote at
the polling place or place of election in
the town of Greenville in said township.
It is further ordered that Ibis order lie
published in the Greenville
for live weeks and copies posted at the
House door and three other public
places in county.
D. II. James.
Clerk Com. Co.
B. Pros.
K. BRADS, Pros, National
Hank Raleigh,
K. Sec. N.
Daniels, Editor
State Chronicle.
Experiment station.
Book-keeping, Hanking.
Penmanship and Mathematics are
taught In the Business Col-
Send of terms.
J. E. MA
Box 258- Raleigh, N- C
Ho What's This
Why another new discovery by Alfred
Culler In the way of helping the afflict-
ed. Fly calling on or addressing
above named barber, you can procure a
of that is invaluable
for eradicating., and run and causing the
hair t be perfectly soft and
glossy, only r three, application a
week is and a common hair
brush is all to be used after the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and
convinced, only cents.
v and Schedule
No No
Sept. 10th, dally Eat Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
12,80 pm 1.1
in am
Edwards N.
Printers and Binders,
have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found in
the Slate, and solicit orders for all classes
Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
Obtained, and all business in the V. S.
Patent office or III Courts attended tn
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite IT. S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent
advise as to free of charge,
and make no change unless we ob-
refer, bore, to the Poet Master, the
Hunt, of the Money Order Did., and lo
Is of the U. B. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual Clients in your own State,
address, c. a. Ac Co.,
Washington, C
per Warranted heavy,
C. E. Taylor, D. D.
Rev C. T. Bailey, D. D.
Education under the Auspices of the Convention,
Biblical Recorder, The Organ of the Convention.
Missions as the outgrowth of the Convention,
Sunday School Mass Meeting, I
Conducted by B. E.
Reading Scripture,
Opening Prayer,
Dedicatory Sermon,
Dedicatory Prayer,
P. M. Meeting,
Rev. Thomas
Rev. J. W.
Rev. H. Pritchard, D. D.
Rev. J. D. D. D.
Led by J. II. Mill.
Rev. i. W. Cartel, D. D.
Male and Female
Carolina. I Before the Clerk
Superior Court.
Notice is hereby given that I have this
day issued letters declaring J L Tuck-
C P L II Spier, W B
Bland, J Brook. George W
W Joel Patrick. Moses
G W Gardner. B , S W Brooks,
J S Holton, C M A A M Carr,
Hardy Johnson. James W H
W B and E Spier, their as-
under the name and style of
ton Male Female for
the purposes set forth In the articles of
agreement and plan of Incorporation
which has been Hied and recorded in my
office, with all the privileges and powers
under chapter sixteen volume one
the Code of North Carolina and the
laws thereof.
The main business proposed to be done
by the corporation Is the erection, main-
and keeping of a school for the
Instruction and education of male and
female children of the white race with
power to purchase, hold, use and
prove such real and personal property
as may be necessary for such purpose.
The place of business of said corpora-
is In or near the town of Grifton la
the county of Pitt.
The capital stock of said corporation
is to be not less than eight hundred
nor more than three thousand
None of the stockholders of a-
are individually or personally liable
for any debt, contract, liability or
of, or demand on said corporation.
Tills the 8th day of September, 1800.
E. A. Mote.
Clerk Court Pitt County.
eh ran
together our largo
valuable line of If
All work
tend Ton to
and those always
Id Trade us, which hold for years one- tartest,
we are repaid. We all freight.
t all. if like to to for us. yon ear
earn from f p-r we-k
et r
i top , I
l at once ran are
fLan-e AM ha-s
run la lo ah-w
and ho be-
th- of it tat
o. I
Mai a.
for Shaving, Culling and Dressing Hair.
A r Tarboro
Ar Wilson
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
Id am
n m pin
o M
No No
dally daily
s am
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I bare
everything in my line
with all the Improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
Razor- sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of shop
executed. Very respectfully,
it ran to rein
and college, hotels, factor
inn v, made loonier from ho-
for specimen
New York City.
Blood Cure.
No in
ex Sun.
am ft
I SI am
Ar Wilson
Wilson Warn IS pm pm
A. Rocky Mount in
Ar Tarboro BO
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon l pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Road
leaves Halifax I. M. arrives Scot-
land Neck at M. Greenville I
Returning leaves Greenville 7.20
A. M., Halifax at 10.10 A. M.,
don 10.80 P M., dally except Sunday.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Local Freight leaves Weldon lo. a in
Halifax a m. Scotland Neck 2.00 p
m. Arriving Greenville p in. Re
turning, leave Greenville Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday ll a m., Scot-
land Neck 1.00 p m. Halifax 8.83 p m,
Arriving Weldon p m.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via
Raleigh R. R. dally except Sun-
day, P M. Sunday a P M, arrive
N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 7.50 p. in., 5.20 p.
Returning leaves Plymouth except
Sunday a. m., Sunday a. m.
N m, 0.58 a m.
arrive Tarboro, N C. A
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Goldsboro daily except Sunday, A M,
N C, AM. Re-
turning leaves N C A M,
arrive Goldsboro, N A M.
Train on Nashville Branch Rocky
at P M, arrives Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
I M, arrives Mount A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton dally, except Sunday, at
AM Returning leave Win
ton A M, and P. X. connect-
at Warsaw with and
Southbound train on Wilson Fayette-
Branch Is No. Northbound Is
No. Dally except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North dally. All
ll via Richmond, and dally except Sun-
day via Bay Line. i
Trains make close connection for I
points North via Richmond and wash
All trains solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
J. B.
T. M. EMERSON Fas-tiger
A standard household remedy
In successful use more than years. A
cure for
all diseases of
the Blood. Stomach and
t Clear
A compound, put up in pa
and sent mail at one-third the coil of
medicine. sufficient for
quarts, sufficient
for t 900.1 sample packages,
A reliable A sent wanted in locality.
To cure Sick f onto
Malaria, Complaints, take
safe certain remedy,
Toe the
n. nil
of either e, per
r-art-flea the
Hair to Youthful
Cures ii A hair
I t
rain. Take In
exposure or
a tell on the
there Is no plaster.
at lotion that
Or. Bell-
re s
and fail to curs.
BAr, Ad
hold or

Eastern reflector, 24 September 1890
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 24, 1890
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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