Eastern reflector, 13 August 1890

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; .
-----Solicits Your patronage for-----
Its purpose will be to please every
The Eastern Reflector.
that be surpassed no-
where In this section. Our work always
i. satisfaction.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Per Year, in Advance.
I. J.
For Judicial
of Wilson.
The Eastern Reflector Democratic Nominees. surveying u the world at
one per cent, and free storage; and in
that I was deterred by the dread
that I should encounter that maker
of constitutions, my most worthy
brother who presides over
the Durham and is high priest
of the North Carolina Press
Had I, however, have followed tho
worthy editor of the Am, I
His gems to call from earth Heaven. I should have concluded these remarks
lo shine in courts of mansions bright.
STATE GOVERNMENT. We shall miss thee, darling loved one.
Q. of Wake., God
M. Holt.,
Secretary of
of Wake.
W, of Wake.
of Wayne.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of
Attorney F. David-1 Passed as a day joy and sunshine.
Beam-1 Though our hearts are rent with sorrow,
When we think of thy brief days.
Passed on earth that loved
While we bow to Gods own ways.
on, of Buncombe.
S. of
Too bright to last, too brief to say.
For the heavy clouds of darkest shallow-.
Have fallen on the home of thine.
The home and hearts that love thee best.
While here on earth, and we could cot,
Could not keep thee, dearest darling,
For the Angels were calling thee to
thy rest.
Their home of love.
Associate Clark, of
Joseph J. Davis,
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonzo C. of Burke.
SUPERIOR The Angels were calling, they
First II. Brown, of, and waiting
Beaufort. To bear they ransomed soul above.
Second Philips,
Third G. Connor, of
Whit j Thou art gone, dear, dearest
Wake. On earth we shall never see thee more.
Fifth . Womack,
Sixth T. Boykin, of I
Seventh C. of ,
Cumberland. I
Eighth F. Armfield,
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth G. of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
Twelfth If. Merrimon.
even before now; you have doubtless
observed, though, from my rambling
and desultory remarks, that there are
no Old in mine.
At one time, I had almost
to write a state paper on that
nebulous, perhaps, slanderous
per subject, Alliance in
and had that directness
strike of alt over this
continent, were prohibition made a
police measure. Matrimony as a
census measure, next loomed up at-
but from time immemorial
matrimony has never failed to raise a
hue and cry that is not lost in
the weary midnight limns, long after
sleep has come to bachelors. That
subject was abandoned in the nick of
time while I walked the floor with a
four-year older who was making
night hideous because of a
tented tooth.
It is betraying no secret of my en-
tire neighborhood, when I take you
into my confidence and assure you
that I had finally settled on
as a subject, and was winding
up in a graceful apostrophe to a
beautiful and maiden
Stray Bits of Fun.
Baked Together by Billie for
Who Love to Laugh.
The Future of the Pension
A ring round the moon is said to
be a sign of rain. And a ring
a girl's finger is also a sign
of reign.
What is the tiling
richest asked the Sunday school
superintendent. And the new boy
said, Not having any.
A young gentleman wishes to
know which is proper to say on
leaving a lady after a late call, good
night or good evening Never tell
a man, say
simplicity, and. may I add, in its
best sense, brutality of
truth, that characterizes the editor of
the Landmark, whose
In their bright home of heavenly likeness to the first and greatest
Democrat president even goes to the
physical proportions, not stopping
short of Mr. Jefferson's famous
of purpose and true when Mrs. Haydn glancing at the
page, demanded such explanations
as made me feel a culprit.
to boom a town through the
Atlanta Constitution.
Bishop Potter's occasional
cal sermons have caused a number
of preachers to take politics for a
text, and some of them are talking
in right
It will be that
ward Hall, of Cambridge, Mass.,
preached a sermon some time since
on the subject of pensions, and his
remarks on that occasion have been
very commented upon by
press and public. His sermon has
served to further expose tho great
A narrow escape. pension which has been
Young Wife have imposed on the people by the Be-
you, Clarence. I made j publican administration, and is,
therefore, worthy of the wide
Happenings of Interest Occur-
ring in North Carolina.
Salisbury The first
Got it Bad.
State Chronicle.
A citizen stopped us the other
day to tell us that he was going to be
a independent can-
at that. He said was a
Democrat and always expected to
be; but, said he, the Republicans
street railway was started Monday.
H of witnessed the
event, and the day was made one of
rejoicing. Fifteen cars will be run-
on the line in a low days.
was a practical idea
that I seized on after I had yielded
to woman's rights in own domes-,
the myself.
says ho believes
first principles. What does he mean
by that
out for number
it has attracted.
reviewing the dry
tics of this sermon at length, we
merely give the comment a gen-
who had studied the pension
frauds thoroughly. This opinion is
being quoted copiously by our
Why sir, exclaimed an tern them a
of Yet I will strive to meet thee, darling, j beautiful, golden, sunset-tinted truth, a habit that is
tic empire; but that subject I knew I . , , , ,
I member a band. We Call that
was familiar to all. and to tell --.-- I
In thy Heaven home on the golden
I his save in such consoling reflection
Carrie, in Scotland Neck should have had
. I a paper as I have hinted at.
The Oration. In moments, when a renew-
ed and paid up subscription had
K. Vance, of Meek-
Ransom, of North-
the North Carolina Press kindled the skies aglow with hope. I
By Robt. Haydn, of Charlotte Chronicle.
At the very outset, you will per-
me, Indies and gentlemen, to take
you into my fullest confidence; not
me into
seems like spring-time.
It. seems like spring-time, said
lingering on the steps.
unexpected impetus wine
ed him lingering longer.
Se S.
of Rowan.
Eighth W. II. A. Cowles J
as is its own
hankered for something new. My
patience was rewarded. I had hit
upon a subject, to boom a local
paper through the You will
hail fancied that I should indulge in i readily admit that in that I had hit
some literary flight; it may be an idea worth preserving; and
firing a few at after turning that over in my
but that knew, was mind fully a week, I abandoned it.
filled, with perfect There was danger of offending the ,. , ,, ; ; ,
lion ll concerned. ; man who did no there was passenger of a street railway official
Harbor was another apprehension of losing the patronage No; what was it t
of the man who borrows the paper
but does not subscribe it because
he does not like the editor; there was
danger offending the dentist who
tho most intricate airs on become alarmed at the
I'd like to hear you play the airs. is as follows
the drum major put on, replied an Ho. J. C. Missouri,
unbelieving listener. .,
for pensions has not
any reasonable approximate, one-
car on are just completely whipped out and
can't do anything, and don't expect
to try to do anything ; don't even
expect to put any candidates in the
and they have given me to
Goldsboro The St.
Hotel, that is entirely new in every j tho last one of them
particular and as tidy and inviting me. They don't ask
as a bright Spring morning, has me to be a but
so they
for, as
of the establishment. so demoralized they
can't to do
New Five town- As heard him and looked at him
ships in were totally r thought .
ignored and overlooked by the con to Old you
enumerators. None were appoint-1 may Just now, but as
ed in time. That was business. If you arc a man you are going
Porter ever saw a as straight to tho Radicals as a so-
snail he must have met him in his called independent ever
o . i
passed into the hands of a new pro- just run as an independent,
and this morning Mr-F. i. tn
Caster will assume the management vote
Independent, indeed No man is
who sells cat; and a
man sells out when he does a thing
William Wallace, an old
living in Richmond county, was
found dead in tho woods a a
, o, Missouri, d -o, i . , T
j woods in this case is, o will vote
reached, by s that, or m the
one-1 be burned, started, tar nominee of your party and run
the maximum which will, w ,
It spring-time, said I am Was by the intense
father, a sudden and h
to existing laws enacted, ; The grape
the law as it exists and at it is shipments this place are a
administered, the annual cost to the week or mote earlier than last year
Every day several hundred baskets
leave the for mar-1
Can't Publish.
Matt. W
of Representatives-First District me in the very beginning. I topic that I had conceived might
Thomas Skinner, of it is far from prove of general but with
to the the Wilmington Star at
Third W. of, here to-night. The our principal port, I knew that my
of fact i. the impression is abroad, but services could not be needed, so long does not think it professional to me this morning.
Tery unjustly. I dare say, that a as lays on, till he has enough, but wishes would men- i hat for.
never stoops to work in Cause I argued that when
I seven blocks and had a seat
the entire distance.
, government live years hence on ac
coin at pensions will almost exceed
I the enormous cost of
Bat a wide-awake western ex-
change calls attention to the fact,
that since this calculation was made
the president has signed the
dent pension bill, which adds
and if the conditions for rip-
are favorable several hundred
thousand crates will be shipped in
Wilson Minor.
The Alliance Lodge of
and The Alliance Lodge of Stan-
have sent us for
some resolutions, which are
meant for and are aimed at the
Mother, our teacher came near to the annual outlay
W. Brower.
an editor.
had an that he will spend a week ; more gooseberry it ought
attractiveness that for a moment professional in Coon Track j to be called gooseberries.
In proffering to take y in into my tickled my fancy, but not wanting to i township, beginning Monday, An-
entrench on the preempted Held there was a certainty of
fullest be dead honest
with is not so much as a
the editor of the Concord limes, I treading on the corns Mr. Bury- bespoke, young Ta
Ninth G. Ewart of Hen-1 compliment to you. as it is to give nor do I forget that it was cheap, the undertaker, who hit
Well may the preachers take the
matter and protest from their
it was against which
this tyrannical tax will impose upon
an already overburdened people
Well may they wonder that pen-
increase in the land, and
that while ordinary people, who
-1 have no claim upon the government
Superior Court A.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of H. James.
B. Cherry.
S. L. Ward.
B- Harris.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Mooring. C V,
John Flanagan, T. E. Keel.
Board of Harding
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
myself the opportunity to a
per cent, excuse on my effort this
evening, in hopes thereby to bring it
up to about par, with easy
and no
When I accepted the honor of ad-
dressing the North Carolina Press
Association, on this occasion, I had
not expected that
would be in the metropolis of
School Superintend i the finest Carr works in
of F. W. Brown.
Standard Keener Candle
v G.
B. Greene.
Treasurer Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
R. Moore.
Ward. T. A. I
col., 2nd Ward. W. II. Smith, and R. just so.
Greene. 3rd Ward, If. R. Lang and
Allen Warren; 4th Ward, Joe col.,
First and Third that the convention should be held
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. j not that I did not want
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn
and night. Meeting even-
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John,
Baptist Services second and
Sundays, morning and night.
Meeting every Wednesday night. Rev.
A. D. Hunter. Pastor.
Greenville Lodge. No. A. F A A-1 man-s
M., every 1st Thursday and Mon-.
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at When I was fully aroused to the
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. meets Durham audience, rest assured that
ambitions tempted
Covenant. Lodge, No. I. O. O. F. There were moments when the worthy-
desire to electrify this audience by
respect for another Concord editor, business docs not need advertising,
he of the Standard tripod, that i hut always wants his name
my giving myself full scope ed when the funeral is written up, as
on Matrimony, or being charge of all arrange-
Maiden's Goose there was danger of earning
When I came to eliminating these i the enmity of the banker who pro-
topics from the slate, I found among I that he has more applications
others yet left, the patriotic subject, for money than he can supply, and
Governor, Commander of the yet is forever the paper
Army and but I was ; for not booming the town on its
poaching on the exclusive hunting banking capital; there was apparent
grounds of the Washington certainty of making as a
Horses and Redheaded i March grocer who
opened up a vast field of spec in his line is
lore and logic, which after a I must
week's labor was abandoned when I sends the editor a ten
thought I saw myself in the Green- watermelon that has been plug-.
being watched, too, j cc, a message that
the hundred-eyed Goldsboro Bob- enterprising grocer
surprise, when . , . . k- , . i , , .
. who in sectional pride warned received a car load of line
executive committee announced . .- . , .,
from trespassing in the eastern melons; there was danger
part of the State. j of offending the merchant tailor who
his trade as ho makes his
suits, and who for that class
of trade that advertising not in-
and who has been known to
give a misfit suit for a three line
local about a party at Ins house;
I world are. I may mention in
Indeed, had anticipated
that Association would meet way
off yonder, where it would perforce
Hock considerably by itself; and in
that event, felt that it would not be
I unbecoming in me to talk to
My dear, Matilda
Mr. Then we must
And her an antidote. She can't
have him.
next few days. It has been i hint and injury of a certain
demonstrated that grapes grown on As the Mirror reflects
expressions about
will after tho first three . ,, .
yield a net profit of over per our
acre. to eternity and to that judge-
township comes to the front this ls selfish
week with having a female infant we must decline the
that possesses live grandmothers, i I cation of the resolutions. When the
j own, great and l great great Alliance, in its grand and
i grandmother, who is now rears I i ., ,
old.------A caused by I endeavors to
dies. He is here, and here to stay.
You that went to
Washington a year ago to look
a place, and said he Runaway Shot Down,
intended to wait till something
are dying good the pen-
renew their youth and Hour- old between Combines and op-
and grow lat the country. Bell and Mr. B.
It has been said that the took place Sunday at
holder dies, but never re Greene county, resulted m the
signs. It may be said with truth that wounding of
the pensioner neither resigns nor through a pistol shot in the hands
of Bell.
A Posse of a Planter Has a
with Laborers.
La., July
laborers from the plantation
of A. near Oak
Parish, and whoso pas-
sage he had paid from North Caro-
quit their homes Sunday night released and escorted to tho
commenced, under of with her basket of small
night, to mate their way into Chi- ares peddling
. to come to Durham, but that I did j me or not, as you will, I
not that I could acquit asseverate that the only
with credit, or do credit to the are not treated to-night
tors of North Carolina, in a set m an exceedingly funny
You may be sure that I lack I on gas
none of common of
inherent in man, and cultivated in
without is the report
that many windows were broken re- and
meets every Tuesday night. J. A. K.
Tucker, N. G.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of II.,, my eloquence, almost crowded me
meets every first and third Friday night. into vortex of effort j
D. D. Haskett, D. I. ,., .
congratulate you upon my
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C. escape from myself in that hour of
Pitt comity meets
the first Friday in January. April. July temptation.
and October. J. J. Laughinghouse,; It is true that in those moments
I was encouraged by
the second Sunday in each mouth to you by
at o'clock, r M. Hall.
Fernando Ward, D. S. Spain.
I in by a man's crack-
a classical and strictly Athenian
joke with scarcely any flavor of fun
in it, in the presence of our worthy
president who now has wire gauze
over all the windows of his Lumber-
ton office; which by the by, the
who must not
be offended, and who would advertise
in your paper, but it has too small a
circulation, and who swore in a suit
against the same paper for damages
for saying that his financial standing
was said to be shaky, that you had
Ms credit with all
Hours pen for all business from A.
II. to P. M. All mail distributed
on arrival. The deliver will
be kept open for minutes at night
after the Northern mail Is distributed.
Northern Mail arrives daily
at P. M. and departs at
Old Sparta and Falkland, for a topic to discuss before you, and
I ideM
Washington. I yearned for the splendid
Roads, and , of L j-,
mans arrives t
and departs at A. M. I that so brilliantly and so skillfully
Ridge Bell's directs the Raleigh and Ob-
Johnson's Mills.
and Pullet malls arrive Tuesday let, even then, I was not
Thursday and Saturday at A. M. and totally lost in envy, for I remember
report shows belongs to our hon-
president, and is AH these and a thousand
a mighty host con
Though it purport hut little that with
do not discuss here u-night lo threatening miens, and incontinently
make a town with gold leaf tobacco in terror, out into
as the I obtrude the excuse the Alliance
that it is because that feat has Cabarrus, on and
foiled by my T. HiT CUT
ed for that torrent of eloquence that of Henderson; , ,
is perpetually on tap in my and between drinks, as
Deal, of the Wilkesboro Chronicle; i while he was to Ala- i
and in the tumult of which I in quest of a coal mine
barely escaped with sound bones. I his own behind the i
last year, at Lenoir.
Certainly I was not j
that it would be expected that I
should descant on Carolina
turned up.
Yes; anything turned up vet T
Yes; toes.
Jimmy Pa, what is an
Au amateur angler,
son, is a man who cant lie well
enough to make a living our of it,
but just enough to keep
Did you hear that
Willis was married yesterday to
Really I I thought she
would be last person to marry
Well, she wasn't she
Well. Susie is engaged to one trouble-maker,
Mr. at last. lire on the posse and for one
she fairly coaxed i minute did some wild shooting.
him to propose, too. the Are, and the re-
just like her. In
the literary society debates at school away from the,
she was always begging the
Do you think he loves
Oh, am certain of it.
Why be wants to marry me so much
that he has borrowed money of papa
for us to get married on; a thing his
sensitive soul not brook
if he did not love me.
Wilmington The ponce
haven't caught a highway-man yet.
bat they bad a highway-woman at
the City Hall yesterday. She was
a and to speak
English, but made the janitor's
hair stand end by in
sever, other languages he lock-
ed her up. Before she got through
the Mayor ordered that she
cot County, Ark. They were
sued by a posse of friends of Mr.
and this found
lying in ambush in a dense thicket.
When notified by the posse that
they were surrounded by a party of
men who would do them no harm,
only asked their return to their
homes, they expressed
to return, but when the posse went
forward to meet them, the
You will, I pardon
my envy in earnestly casting
departs at
Vanceboro. Black and Calico
mails arrives every Saturday at P. M.
and departs at AM.
A. D. Hunter's
1st Sunday and
2nd and 4th Sundays, morning and
night, Greenville Baptist also
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night.
Sunday morning and night. Beth-
el Baptist
well that there was an hour when
seriously contemplated imitating the
broad charity and the generous good
feeling that permeates the columns
of the Raleigh Chronicle, when I had
hoped to spring a subject on so broad
a platform as the of my
brother Daniels.
In moments, I had dared
to think of climbing the
parapets of the sub-treasury
a field for daily but
I have been trained that it bad
manners to speak of one's maladies
in company. journalism
as an adjunct of the morning
would have claimed a beneficial
hour of discourse; but a burnt child
d reads the fire, and many of you will
readily recall the recent
in that direction.
Growing philosophical in my
nations, the thought struck me
very gently, though, I do protest-
that as a Police Meas-
offered s fertile field for an
orator; and yet from by experience I
had never seen a police measured,
successfully, by prohibition. Indeed,
am convinced that it cause i
to utter another word.
Would fit this Latitude.
Greensboro Workman.
The old time punishment by the
application of the lash has been re-
in A noted offender
has been sentenced to two years in
the penitentiary with a
punishment of thirty lashes.
The offender was examined in due
form by penitentiary surgeon
who declared in a fit condition
physically to receive the punish-
and he was accordingly
In style which would
do more than any law on statute
book to lessen crime in North Caro-
The Judge who is fit to preside
over a court will never permit law-
or attorney practicing before
him as a judge to malign, browbeat,
blackguard and insult witnesses, as
so many of them do in order to prove
their ability
Well, Mrs. Brown, how does your
daughter get along on the piano
Law sakes, Mrs. Jones You
know I no musician myself; but
I did hear her teacher say only yes
my child, you're
quite ten bars ahead so she must
be some progress
Book Now sir, here is
complete dictionary of all the slang
phrases in use in any part of this
country. Every man should bare
it. You want one, of------.
No, I guess not.
You see my daughter is home from
boarding school.
I say, old man, Judge
either drinks too much or
he can very little.
What makes yon think sol
Well, there's strong evidence; we
had a glass together, and
told one of your jokes;
Mrs, her new
Well, you think of me now
Mr. Humph You're as
proud as a peacock.
Mrs. Why shouldn't I
Mr. Why yon should
feathers are gorgeous, bat
shoes aren't blackened
who have brought labor from
North past season,
through tho when arrested.
At Green's Station, on Oxford
and railroad, Saturday,
Mrs. John L. Hall, was brutally as-
her own yard by a
woman Lyon and badly
beaten, because Mrs. Hall
a daughter of this colored
woman from passing through her
yard, which she was in the habit of
doing. The assault was made
log the absence of Mr. Hall, in the
presence bis daughter who was
, hold by the assailant's husband
from rendering her mother any as-
i Tho couple are in Oxford
I heart and soul, and will stand with
i it in noble fight to sword
and hilt to But when this
mighty organization turns its bat-,
malice and ill will against
a single individual and tries to boy-
and crash him down into ruin,
then it cannot receive aid or
help, or of the Wilson
Mirror, which will, in obedience to
its motto, every single individual's
rights maintain, by power
and by
John B. Eaves, chairman, and
Harris, secretary of the Re-
publican State executive committee,
had a fight in about a
of courtesy between tho two
party officials.
The transition from long, lingering
and painful sickness to robust health
marks an epoch in the life of
Such a remarkable event is treas-
In memory and agency
whereby th good health has been attain-
ed is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that
to is heard in praise of Electric
Hitters. So many teal they owe their
restoration to health to the use of the
and Tonic. If you are
troubled with any disease of Kidneys.
Liver or Stomach, long or short stand-
you will surely Had relief by use of
Electric Hitters. Sold at and
per bottle at L. Wooten.
Sand ford A fatal
their only object being to swindle, s of
out their passage to, v sad a, this
Louis has become very com. morning
the past two months.
hours of three and four o'clock
Adams, a white man
a flagman of the C F. ft Y. V.
railroad, while the north-bound
Mr. W. H. a prominent , was shifting cars on
His Son Cured.
and influential citizen of Mt, Vernon
I the sidings, m order to make better
time, told a brake-man, who
HI, writes as follows, under date of. as cars, to aside
March j and him do tho coupling. Taking
Swift's Specific S. cured my stick in which to
permanently of a stubborn case in the act joining
. bat a box car, a piece
of Blood that defied the , , protruding from the fiat
medical treatment available. I have , caught his head between and
recommended S. S. S. to others for the box, fracturing skull and
blood troubles and disease of the
skin, and have never known it to
fail to cure in any case.
Blood Poison Cured.
I was troubled for years with a
Blood in its very worst form.
I was treated by the very best
of Louisville, Ky., and K van
ville, Ind , hut they failed to benefit
me any way. A few bottles bot-
Swift's Specific S. cur-
ed me sound and well. was
over four years ago, and there has
been return of disease since,
or any symptoms of it. I have rec-
it to others for blood
poison, and in every case they were
D H. Kain,
Mt. Vernon, III.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Di
mailed free.
Atlanta, On.
causing him to fall senseless
the track the cars. He
was quickly raised and drawn out
by the and aid was sum-
at once, but wound
proved and he died in about
twenty minutes. The corpse was
laid on the train and taken on to
Mrs. Susan who lives
near this county, has a
young cow that has had remarkable
experience. The cow had been
allowed to run at large the woods,
during the day, and she had been
in the habit of coining home
at night until about two weeks
ago, she failed to return.
Search was made for her, but she
was not found until eleven days
after she was first missed. She
was fastened in a tree. A in
the woods hart in tree a
bole, through which she had put her
bead, by turning it in a certain
She did not know how to
get her bead out and remained
there without food or water for
eleven days. When released the
cow walked home and ate heartily.
New Journal.
.-- N C
Greenville, N
j. o.
N. C.
t skinner,
m. c
Practice hi all the courts. Collection
a Specialty.
A W,

Greenville, N. C.
S. J. W Editor aid Proprietor.
Publisher's Announcement.
The is 81.30 per
Rates.- One
one u. one-half column one year
one year,
Transient inch
one SI J two weeks, .; one
month Two inches one week, 81.30,
two -reeks, month,
Advertisements inserted Local
Column Rereading items. Ti cents
line for each insertion.
Legal Advertisements, such as Ad-
and Notices,
and Sales.
Summons to Non-Residents, etc. will
be charged for at legal rates and must
has suffered some loss and
much because of having no
fixed rule, to the payment this class
of advertisements, and in order to avoid
trouble payment IX advance
will be demanded.
Contracts for any space not
Above, for length of time, can be
made by application to the office either
in person or by letter.
Copy Advertisements and
all changes of advertisements should be
handed in by o'clock on Tuesday
mornings in order to prompt in-
the day following.
The a large
will be found a profitable medium
through which to reach the public.
A-i the Office at
Mail Matter.
The Democratic State Convention
meets in nest Wednesday,
North Carolina met with quite a
severe loss in educational inter-
by the burning of Rutherford
College occurred on the night
of the All the buildings and
libraries were completely destroyed
with some twenty thousand dollars
worth of notes and accounts. The
tire was supposed to have caught
from ore of the society halls and
there was no insurance. The
Chronicle makes an appeal
aid to rebuild the college at once.
Notice to Township Commit-
The members of the several
township Democratic committees,
to elected at the primaries on
the of August request
to meet at the Court House in
Greenville on the 28th day of
August immediately after the ad-
of the County Con-
for the purpose of elect-
a County Executive Commit-
tee for the ensuing- two years.
By order of the Democratic Ex-
Committee of Pitt county.
A. L. Blow.
Greenville, N. C, July
A convention of the Democratic
party of Pitt county, will be held
in the Court House in Greenville,
AUG. 1890,
at o'clock M., for the purpose
of nominating candidates for the
Legislature and the various
Each township will be entitled to
elect to said convention one
gate and one alternate for every
twenty-five Democratic votes, and
one delegate for fractions of fifteen
or more votes cast in the last
election, that is to say,
Beaver Dam is entitled to
Swift Creek .
In pursuance of the Plan of Or-
of the party, the Demo-
of the several townships are
requested to meet in their
townships, at the usual place
of meeting, on
at o'clock P. M. for the purpose
of appointing delegates to said
County Convention, for the
nation of Candidates for
and the election of five Demo-
to constitute a Township Ex-
By order of the Democratic Ex-
Committee of Pitt county.
Alex L. Blow, Chm.
R. Williams Sec.
An Example Worthy to be Fol-
We saw recently that the
county Alliance had re-
solved to take no part in the
tics of that county, and will permit
no candidate to use the Alliance as
a means of securing a nomination
for office in the county. This ac-
on the part of the
burg Alliance is very wise
and proper, and deserves to be fol-
lowed by other county Alliances
in the State. Such action is best
for the Alliance and best for the
Democratic party. It would be a
dangerous stroke of politics for the
Alliance in any county to under-
take to nominate only Alliance
Democrats. It would jeopardize
the success of the Democratic tick
et and invite a defeat of the plans
and purposes of the Alliance itself.
Take Pitt county, for instance.
We suppose Alliance is
composed of a little more one-
third of the Democratic voters.
If it should happen that only Al-
men were nominated for the
county offices, could it be expect-
ed that there would be that
feeling in the party
as would insure success We
need to have the utmost harmony
in Democratic ranks if victory is to
perch upon our banner. There
are five thousand voters in Pitt
county, and the Democrats only
have a margin of about one
and fifty votes. The relative
strength of the two parties is near-
the same, but the Democratic
ticket can always win if the right
men are nominated. The
Ton suggests that the best and
most competent men be nominated
regardless of the fact whether they
belong to the Alliance or not, and
in selecting good, reliable men
neither the of the Alli-
nor the Democratic party
will suffer any harm.
bills which bad passed under the
Rules of the House few had become
laws, few of those which had,
would in his opinion, remain long
upon the statue books.
There was great laughter in the
House when be contrasted the
of the rulings by Speaker
Reed and those of Mr. and
He said that he bad no criticism
ii make upon the Speaker. If the
the side were
that officer
be should remove that
satisfaction. It they were willing
to accept the Speaker as a fair type
of their party he enter no
dissent. Tie Speaker won his
He bail exercised that
supremacy. He had been the riv
publican leader on the floor. Tue
republicans bad made him their
leader the chair, he had ex-
that leader-ship.
Mr. Peters, also protested against
disturbing old issues and bringing,
and creating a state of irritation
that deliberative body. Amongst
other this republican lie ore
said stir up these
animosities Why bring up these
parties and separate the from
the if the democrats did
tie was lowed by Mr.
effort to fawn like a
hound before the speaker, and
tend to him ; but everything
he said was too sickly, too be-scat-
too tiresome to write
and was even too weakly delivered
to listen to.
It is said that the. Star-eyed God-
looks seventeen years younger
than she did before Secretary
wrote his reciprocity letter.
Mr. heart is
and sore, his epiglottis sinks
down with a pop, when he sees Mr.
coming. The handwriting
is on the wall ill Kansas, letter.-,
six yards high, not higher
they are thick, It has been ob-
served by Senator Plumb after the
people of that State took him by the
nose and turned his eyes in the
direction of the awful inscription.
be made and that the Reg-
of Deeds order suitable books
for the same and make publication
of same.
Upon petition the following
differences in valuation of land were
J. Z. Brooks increased to
James Brooks increased f
Mrs. E. Buck reduced to
J. T. Smith and wife reduced to
J. B. reduced to
Almira Brown reduced to
Ordered that E. O. be
to visit all the Road
and ascertain from each, the
of bis territory; and that he be
lowed for said duty
Ordered that a license be
to Johnson, Co., to retail
liquor for mouths from July 1st,
M. H. Davenport and J. H.
were exempted from poll
The Male School.
by as is also the main office
in St. with the branch office in
St. a distance two miles and a
half. Edwin Arlington.
The appointment, M. L. Mo-
of Catawba, to fill out Judge
unexpired term, meets with
general approbation. His brethren
of the bar esteem as
well grounded in the law and the
general public knows him as a
and a blameless
gentleman. One of the foremost of
the Superior Court Judges says the
is the best the
nor has made, while lawyers
unanimously commend it, laymen
generally applaud it. Judge
is bis first, court this
week at Danbury, county.
Greenville Male
I, J. t Principal,
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st, 1890.
William a New York
murderer, was killed by
last week as a penalty bis crime,
or he was electrocuted, as
has been given New
York's new Singled method
punishment. The law in that
State to execute the death by
electricity went Into effect the first
of last year, and crime
was the alter the passage of
the new law. a bungling job
was made of this first experiment
at electrocution that it has brought
the method into much disfavor,
it is suggested that the first work
of the next of that State
will be to repeal the law.
It strikes us that New York was
right much put to it in getting up
this idea capital punishment. If
they are so anxious to i ill the
by electricity, that class might
at least be reduced to the same
level and killed like they dispatch
the citizen that is, instead
of going through all the trouble,
wrangle and enormous expense of
buying dynamos, making fine
chairs, constructing all the
electrical appliances and hiring big
operatives to finger the
machine, just trot the criminal
on the streets of New York City and
knock down one of the death-deal
int. electric wires on him, and the
work is done instanter, without so
much pomp, and without having to
kill him twice to get one good job
of it, as was the can in the electro-
cation of It does not
look the highest type Of civilization
to treat murderers so much better
than the average citizen is treated.
N. C, Aug. 4th 1890.
Board of County Commissioner's
met this day, present C. Dawson,
chairman, John Flanagan, IX V.
Newton. G. M. Mooring T. K.
Keel. last meeting read
and approved.
The following persons were
lowed to list taxes for the year
Swift Creek A.
Adams, Julia Adams, Mary Brooks,
Samuel Cory, Ashley Dixon, T.
Frizzle, G. W. Garris, E. W. Jack-
sou, John H. King, Green
Lemon Pittman,
A Slaughter, M L Slaughter, Henry
Thomas, T W Wilson.
Q W Hellen. Henry Harris, Mar-
Sutton, P B Loftin, W S Lit-
H H Williams.
Greenville II Allen
John Allen, Pennie Bock, Amos
Brown, B F Gwaltney, J B
J Pope, Richard J It
Isaac Bell, A B Hudson, J A Porter
U Porter, J S Porter, J L
Mains, T W Wilson, Stephen
Falkland Exum
Farmville Baker.
The following orders for paupers
were issued
John Stocks 4.30, Taylor
COO, Margaret Bryant 3.00, James
Masters 2.00, Ivy Mayo
Elks 1.50, U D Smith 2.00, Nancy
Moore 4.00, John Alex
12.00, Edmond Spain 2.00,
Polly Adams COO,
4.50, Frances 2.00, Edmond
2.00, David
0.00, Daniel Webster 2.00, Martha
Nelson 2.00, Wm 7.00,
Lydia 2.00, Jacob
1.50. Jacob 2.00, Asa
4.00, Henry Harris
Moore 2.00, Arthur
2.00, Julia 1.50, Susan Bi
The following were
general county
H James J A K Tucker
56.40, W S Hardison 24.74, D J
1.25, J B Galloway 45.34,
Samuel 1.23, ED Maiming
1.21 W M D J Which-
aid 2.00, W H. Nichols Caleb
Worthington M C 1.21
J H 1.21. J H
1.60, B B 20.59, S A
Bedding J J
C P Gaskins B Sheppard
1.67, W J 1.05, Amos Hem-
John James
1.00, A L Blow B H
Beans 3.20, J B Cherry 1285, J B
Cherry 231.41, Turnage
J B Cherry Co. 1.25, Handy
1.37, J T Williams 34.70
Dawson 3.80, C V Newton
John Flanagan 4.00, T E Keel 9.40,
Q M Mooring 5.80.
The following Jurors were drawn
for September term of Pitt Superior
C C Vines, B H Allen, C D Smith,
James Thigpen, B D Beach, W L
Brown, J D Williams, A B
Major Gaskins, Henry L. Blount, J
C Crawford, D M
Greenville, N. C, Aug. 8th
To the people of Greenville and
At a public meeting held in
last the undersigned having been
appointed a committee to
pond with teachers and to secure a
suitable person to open a male
school of high grade in the town of
Greenville beg leave to advise the
public that, after much
and investigation, we have
secured the services of Walter
F. Mathews. Prof. Mat news comes
tons highly a scholar
teacher and a Christian gentleman
and we take pleasure commend
him to the confidence, esteem
of the public.
He assumes control of the school
on bis own responsibility and he is
therefore dependent upon the pat-
of the public for his support
and tor the efficiency of the school.
We therefore hope the people will
give to this school such generous
support and united good will as
will make it a school of which the
tin- people may look for a proper
place the education of their sons.
It. will be seen by his published
rates that he has made his charges
tuition very low and think
the patrons will appreciate this
effort on bis part to meet them in a
liberal spirit.
Many of our people have
subscribed money to repair
the buildings. The money will be
collected and the necessary repairs
made at by Messrs. John
and C. A. White to whom we.
beg that the will make
immediate payment so that the
school may be opened promptly on
the 1st day of September.
J. B.
John Flanagan.
j. H.
C. A. White.
It will take ten years or more,
the experts in Washington, to COOP
pile all the data gathered for the
census of this year. Among the
petty and contemptible party jobs to
which this has lent
itself the census of 1890 will be re-
corded in history as about the most
worthless of the lot, and at the same
time the most profitable to its par-
Per term of twenty weeks payable,
quarterly in
Primary, 7.60
Intermediate, 10.00
Higher English Science and Mathe-
Languages, French, Greek
and each, 3.00
Or any two of the languages for 5.00
Board reasonable. Healthy location.
Discipline- firm. Young men will be
thoroughly prepared to enter any Col-
la the State.
For further address or see
the Principal or
J. B.
Thus. J. Jarvis,
John Flanagan,
J. H.
C. A. White.
built upon Improved principles, having Revolving Heads in the ends Hie
Cotton Box, which revolve with the roll of seed cotton, thus preventing that
which occurs at the end of the cotton box In all other gins. Hence the
GIN does not break nor choke, carries a harder rail of seed cotton on the
than other gins, and, In consequence of this, cleans the need better, and
course, yields more lint cotton. This i- common and if don't believe
what we say. write to any of the gentlemen whoso names and appear lie-
low, all whom are using the Pratt and will have no other.
Bonner, F. II. Guilford, F. F. Cherry. Pate,
Aurora, N. C; f. B. Hooker, Idaho, N. C; W. R. T. R. Boyd. Edwards
Mill, X. C.; U II. Fowler, Stonewall. X. U.; J. I. A. G. Cox, Greenville,
N. ; W. L. Smith, Calico, X. E. S. Waters, X. J. T.
son, N. C; W. S. D. van N. W. II. Hampton, Plymouth,
X. C; M. A. Windley, Bath, X. C.; S. M. Smith, Theo. Mills.
N. W. T. N. J. T. N. C.
ORDER wait until the ginning is upon you to order
your gin. It will cost no mom early than late. will take orders now or any
time this summer, at cash prices, and deliver on good notes, without interest,
payable in November, 1890.
MOWING will sell the Buckeye good
notes, to responsible parties, payable November, 1800 and November 1891. Order
The spectacle of a woman in the
United States Senate is among the
possibilities, not to say probabilities,
of the near future. The has
voted to admit Wyoming territory
to the sisterhood of Slates, with the
woman attachment of that
interesting aspirant for membership
in the Globe.
The man who goes honestly through
this world will get many a bump
as he goes along, but after all, his
condition will be infinitely better
than that of the man who goes
through without antagonizing any-
thing, and just goes as the majority
may carry
has the right idea of the
force bill. is more
he says, four lines of that
law than in all the out-
that have taken place since
the It is a measure of
that every honest workingman
must Tittles.
We are pleased to announce to the to-
growers of Pitt and adjoining
counties that we are prepared to give
Hogsheads free to any person who
will use them to ship their tobacco in
provided they will ship It to Messrs.
Davis Gregory, of Oxford, N.
Mess. Davis Gregory are very large
tobacco dealers and guarantee the high-
est prices for all tobaccos shipped to
them. And since they offer this favor of
furnishing hogsheads and have shown
such interest in the tobacco growing of
our section we hope our tobacco growers
will find it to their interest to them
a most liberal patronage.
Persons desiring to ship to other par-
ties can obtain hogsheads of size
at 81.75 a piece.
We promise prompt attention to all or-
sent to us at Greenville, N. C.
Washington Letter.
From Our
Washington, C. Aug.
Mr. will tomorrow leave
Boston where he hopes to make
himself solid with the G. A. K , at
its encampment. But per-
haps a gentleman named Alger may
have something to that.
Several members of the Cabinet will
go along to help their chief
The and Harbor bill, the
previous agreement, displaced by
the Senate today.
Speaker Heed will have many
things to account for in the general
day reckoning, which comes to
all men; but if he persists in his
efforts to an
being to erect a new Govern-
office, an
dent occurs, and it is liable any
time, the present death trap re-
in the loss of many-precious
lives, that will be the most terrible
alt. The old building now
has been pronounced dangerous to
health and life by every competent
a who has examined it,
there have been a number of them,
its floors settle as much as three
inches when heavily loaded as they
are almost constantly; its walls
have cracks them big enough to
put base balls into, and the whole
structure shakes and shivers at
every revolution of the machinery,
and yet more than
engaged in working tor this
great and wealthy Government are
compelled to take their lives in their
hands by working daily in this
building. The passed an
to an appropriation bill
for a new building; but
by order of Speaker the
refused to
The subject of most interest
fore the lower of Congress at
present, is the code of Rules, for
the government of that body.
The reply of Mr. to
Gen. Henderson caused quite a sen
in the House, not only tor
what he said, but bis ability to
attract ones attention. He said
and t members of the had
been when the new code
of Balsa was adopted. He was wards. B J H H
An average o deaths a day
from cholera is reported at Mecca.
Chicago's estimated is
which makes it the second
largest city in the United States.
No wonder the Newfoundlanders
think their interests worth
looking alter. It amounts to
A Card.
E Are X re fared I
To show the ladies the very latest and best
Our stock just opened has the newest
shapes white and black
trimmed and
Hats and Bonnets and Hats I
Hats and Bonnets Bonnets Hats I
We also have Ribbons and
Flowers of all Feather
Plumes, Crepes,
Handkerchiefs, Notions. In-
Caps and Sacks, etc.
Greenville. N. C.
Having received from the Pratt Gin Factory the tools for
training new saws on old gins, and also other repair work, I here
by announce to all that I can successfully repair their gins
here in Washington for per cent, less than it will cost at
any factory, and also save largely in freights to and from
the factories. I can do any work your gin
may need. Semi your gin to the
With freights prepared, and we will guarantee you
a good job. Don't wait, but send our gin at once, m
the last hour is always crowded, and you may be delayed. If
you can't spare the money now make special terms with at once
and send gin without delay. It will cost no more soon than
1313 VB
New York Letter.
now surprised the Speaker's
partiality was called But
the true judgment of the country
would be, that however well the
might produce political
they had failed that
great domain legislation which
lay outside of the fierce contest of
party. They might carry through
a handled bill, but they
did not carry through the general
appropriation bills, necessary for
the sustenance of the government.
The majority under these Hales,
might put upon the books a
force bill, its provisions
and infamous in its object; but it
not obtain the commendation
of the people for its action on the
general legislation of the govern-
I he force bill could not es-
cape the fierce criticism of the
for on account of the absence of
discussion of all of general
importance in Cop gross then was
necessity for die elsewhere
in the press, at the fireside and the
assemblages of the
Moore, Stocks, J D
Louis J H
J E May, S C Whichard, W C
Jackson, Alonzo Mooring,
B A House, B G Chapman, M
Smith, B L Griffin, W H Whichard,
F G J W Cannon, Marcel-
Ins Windham, J C Dixon, J J Co
burn, N W Stancill, H O Harriss.
W S Bawls, J H Everett, S B
Boss, T H Langley, GT Tyson.
C K Johnson A F Pittman, W F
Harrington, B A Nichols, J B Pip-
pen, Forbes, James A.
Adrian Savage, Jno A Manning, B
J W O Joyner
Wingate, Abram A Joyner.
Ordered that L be
to look after bridges in
township and have
repairs to same.
William Dawson was appointed
of the Stock Law territory.
in Pitt
Ordered by the board that a
registration of the voters of
New York, Aug, 1890.
The execution by electricity of
murderer at Auburn last
Wednesday has been the chief topic
of discussion all the week.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
law forbids the publication of the
details of such executions, the
newspapers issued on that day de-
voted the principal part of their
space to the subject flooded the
streets with all day long.
paper issued so many of
these extras that it had to number
them, the last of which I noticed
being Extra
It goes without saying that the
details of this
were as set forth as it it had
place on the steps of the
City Hall. their comments the
newspapers almost unanimously de-
that the execution was brutal
and that the new method should b
immediately abolished. As all the
experts agree that the
man felt no pain as
was quiet and orderly, I am unable
to see where the came in.
The execution was certainly not
as smooth as it might have been,
but who or what was at fault no one
seems to The experts blame
each other and the newspapers
blame the method. When doctors
disagree who shall decide
Our people are taking consider-
able interest naval matters lately
inspired principally by the sight of
the new war ships, Boston,
and Chicago, which comprise the
White Squadron. The naval beau-
ties, which have been off
23rd street for a week past, are
great cards of attraction are
visited daily by large numbers of
President Harrison arrived here
last Saturday evening and for the
first time took command of the fleet
as He board-
ed the cruiser Baltimore and em-
barked for Boston, where a number
of men-of-war have been ordered
to take part in the naval exercises
connected with the encampment of
the Grand Army of the
A salute of gnus was fired from
all the snips port.
A project is on foot for collecting
and delivering mails in this city by
means of pneumatic tubes. Some
system is at present used in
London and has been investigated
by the Post Office officials here,
who look It with great favor.
By this means letters, etc., are
dropped in the boxes, placed as at
conveniently throughout the
city and joined with tubes which ran
to the General Post Office The post-
man opens the box, places the let-
in a metallic cylinder and, by
polling a lever, dispatches the mail
to the office with lightning
rapidity. The tubes are also so
ranged that letters can be sent from
the general office to any branch of
flee by means of switches. The pro-
posed plan is similar to the system
now need by the Western Union
AU the are
To the
Please say to good people of
the town of Greenville that I
to them my sincere their
kind and liberal patronage, that
their kindness will never be forgot-
ten by me. Very Truly,
D. A. J. Best.
The Best Salve in the world for
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores. Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price cents per box. For said by J.
Mess Pork.
Bulk Sides.
Bulk Shoulders,
Bacon Sides,
Bacon Shoulders,
Pitt County Ham,
Sugar Cured Ham
Brown Sugar,
Granulated Sugar,
Syrup and
Star Lye
12.00 to 14.06
3.0 to 3.77
The John Flanagan
Are in business at the old Flanagan
Shops and arc
all kinds of the best
-We she do-
in a
We best the world on high averages.
With ample capital, one of the best
lighted houses in the State and a good
working force we defy competition.
The Oxford Market is as firm
and as solid as the granite foundations
of the everlasting and we
would sty to the handed sons
of Carolina that we will
guarantee to get for them as much
money for their Tobacco soy other
warehouseman on this or any other
market. Every lot entrusted to our
ears shall have oar
All we ask is a trial.
Vary truly,
All Work guaranteed.
Greenville, X. C.
We want to have a talk
with you and tell
you now cheap
we can sell
Tobacco Plows, Plow
Castings. The Famous
Elmo Cook Stoves.
Give us your orders
early and you will be
sure to get them in time
Greenville, N. C.
Car Load of Fine
Just received by
Greenville. N. C.
will be sold-----
or at reasonable terms on tune on
security. I bought my stock for
ash and can afford to ten as cheap as
anyone. me s call.
Administrator's Notice
The undersigned saving been appoint-
ed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt County as of the es-
of William Mills having
as inch. Notice is hereby given
to all persons holding claims against
said estate to present to the under-
signed duly authenticated for payment,
on or before the 21st day of May 1890,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. All person indebted to
aid estate are requested to make
payment. This the day of
T. C.
ill -.- and .-.
All sizes styles commonly used, Low and Reasonable Terms
A Saw to
that will cut 10.000 feet of per day. on also larger sizes at such
rates of price.
That will raise 1.800 pounds of seed cotton from a wagon in IS minutes. No din-
can afford to do without one. Terms stay and prices satisfactory
Guaranteed correct or no Can cotton or hay on the wagon,
live stock on foot.
For prices, address,
O. K Manager, Washington, C
J. R.
J. G.
your careful attention to their large and complete stock
And of each and every one at least a share their esteemed patronage.-
cry of hard times we hear constantly on every hand, but we-.
--------wish to remind you that we have
To meet not only competition, but to conquer the monster high
-The day is passed when the thought of friendship enters
buying of why because every one must and
will buy where they can buy cheapest.
will favor us with their patronage. We will be glad to have you
and see us and let us give you at least a hearty shake of the
and a kindly greeting. Make our place your headquarter
m the town. Prices and quality are what you want
g your hard earned dollars and that U just what we
got for you,
No Mistake No Bragging No Back
mean every word of it and can and will do what we tell you. Look,
this column and see If we cannot interest you In bargains.
Dry Goods, Notions, Famishing Goods, Caps,
Shoes, Hard ware. Groceries, Provisions, Harness and
and Willow Ware, Crockery and Glassware,
Plows and Castings, Furniture, Mattresses, Bed Springs, Cots,
And easy and comfortable Lounges, also a line of I
Look at these prices they are not leaders but only sample prices through our
Ginghams at to cents per yard.
at r
Calicoes at cents per yard.
to cents pr yd. Elegant line of White Goods at to
40-Inch White Lawns at pr yd. Round thread N. C. Check Homespun
Piece from to
All wool, fashionable shades, single at JO cents per yards.
Nun's Veiling at cents per yard, standard goods and worth at least casts.
Single and Double width Cashmeres in leading shades, reduced.
-We the best line of-
We have ever had, solid leather and no mistake. Our line shoes Is
--------Ladles, men, boys and children we can suit you in shoes--------
Give the tired motlier a rest and please the baby by it a nice
com sis
-Now we want to talk to you about-
We are
We can save
That necessary and essential element in every household
for it In this market, and the largest line ever here
money on small as well as purchases.
parting injunction lo every consumer and goods in this market
to come In and look at goods and compare and our price in all
lines of General Merchandise with goods and prices elsewhere, and remember
meet competition by lowering the price and not the quality.

Greenville, N. C
Local S parks
for the summer
months. Below we
quote quite an array of
hot weather goods for those who
wish to make the most of
life during the summer.
All our Lawns and re-
to the uniform price of
Many among them worth double
the money.
Choice display
of Sateens,
hams, etc New
lot Embroidered
Robes received
which we are
ling for merely
cents on the dollar.
Nice line of Sun Umbrellas.
Nice line of Sun Umbrellas.
Full line of Summer Coats.
For men of all sizes.
Special line for Clergymen and
Stout Men.
Stylish array
of all styles
and qualities.
New stock
Fair Hat
Just received.
All these good must be sold
within days even at a
Our loss is your gain.
MM. R.
N. C.
New Good New Goods lid
you ever see the like of New Goods
at Biggs They are
just have knocked the
bottom oat of prices will sell
cheaper now than ever before.
Then terms will be strictly cash.
Cotton is opening.
Butter on ice at T. A. Cherry.
Fodder pulling has commenced.
Merchants are receiving new goods.
Prepare your fall advertisements.
Just any amount of rain last week.
Butter on ice at T. A. Cherry.
Preaching in the Baptist church
We had the worst weather in town
last week.
load solid Corn pt
the Old Brick Store.
Remember the township primaries
on the 23rd.
The weather cleared up Friday and
has been since.
Try some of the now corned
lets at the Old Brick Store.
Several of our people returned from
Ocracoke Monday.
White Ice Cream Free-
for sale by Latham Pender.
Tell all your neighbors they must
register or they cannot vote.
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
and sick at the Old Brick Store.
Items from Cox Cotton Planter
Factory are crowded out this week
If yon want a Grist Mill or a Cot-
ton Gin call on D. Co.
A beautiful morning Monday fol-
lowed the very rainy afternoon of
Go to Brown Bros, sec their
cheap White Goods and Embroider-
Some repairs are going on at the
river bridge which
el a few days.
The finest loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Point Lace Flour, at
the Old Brick Store.
The rain Sunday evening inter-
with the church services and
none were held.
Bettie Warren
will open her school for girls and
small boys September 1st 1890.
Little Miss Bettie Tyson gave a
number of her friends an enjoyable
Friday evening.
Some good seasoned timber at the
Baptist Church will be sold at a
bargain. Apply to J. II. Tucker.
The shrill shriek of the freight
train engine here reminds us of the
yell of Duke's Comanche Indian at
Four reliable parties can get
board with a good family for
82.50 per week, leaving their
names at Reflector office.
We will give the for
months to the who shows the
first bale of new cotton this season
in of our office.
per lb for Sweet
lb bold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
There is right water in the
old Tar as a result of the late rains,
but not enough to overflow dam
age crops, we are glad to say.
Not much longer to talk county
candidates. The convention meets
on the 28th. It there arc any new
candidates trot them out.
Mr. Asa Garris told us Saturday
that one of the bands on his
last week killed a large
sin snake in which there were CO
young snakes.
Cleanliness in some parts the
town is very much neglected. We
saw as much as half a bushel of
melon rinds dumped down in one pile
on the street the other day.
wide-awake, stir-
ring man to take agency a first-
class Old Line Life Insurance
Company. Big Monet for
right man. Address care of
The windows for the main
room of the Baptist Memorial
Church arrived Monday and will be
put in as early as possible. The
painting of the room progresses.
We arc better prepared than ever
bet ire to furnish you with good
Cook Stoves. Richmond Stove
Stoves have been tried in the
balances and found all Yon
will find them at D. D. Haskett Co
The Greenville Guard held their
annual election of officers last week.
Capt. R. Williams, Jr., and 2nd
Lieut. R. W. King were both re-
elected. Sgt S. T. elect-
ed as 1st Lieutenant.
Uncle John Cherry says Ocracoke
They are preparing to
have a grand time down there next
week and a large crowd is expected.
Another party will go down from
Saturday night.
Wanted-Two salesmen for
clothing trade moat have some ex-
steady employment with
liberal salary,
Address care
tor Office.
Littleton High School offers to
take one young man from Pitt
or boy over years of age, and
give him free tuition for the
tic year beginning 26th. The
student sent under this offer most be
selected by the County Superintend-
of Public Instruction.
A complaint has come to us about
the unwholesome odors that arise
from a ditch passing through certain
back lots in This mat-
is beyond the jurisdiction of the
police, and whose
ditch passes should
have the cause of offense
once. It is conducive to heal to
attend to matters of
Mr. E. P. Ford is sick with fever.
Mr. Ben Selby, Jr., of Wilson is in
A little son of Mr. J. S. Smith is
sick with fever.
Miss Bynum, of Saratoga, is visit-
at Mrs. Barrett's.
Mr. C. F. Wilson, of the Advance,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Jennie James returned home
Friday from Nag's Head.
Miss Nina Nash, of Va.,
is visiting Mr. George Smith.
Mrs. G. W. Daniel, of Florida, is
visiting Mrs. Henrietta Daniel.
Mrs. Jarvis and Mrs. Latham have
reached home from Seven Springs.
Mrs. S, A. Charlotte returned last
week from her visit in the country.
Miss Ora Whichard returned home
Monday from a short visit to
Mr. Roy Flanagan has taken a
position with Mr. M. R. Lang.
Mrs. D. H. James and three of her
children left Saturday for
Dr. D. L. James and little David
have been at Ocracoke the past week.
Rev. E. C. Glenn returned home
Monday evening from Panacea
Miss Lizzie of
has been visiting Miss Rosalind
Mr. II. A. Sutton and Master Hugh
are visiting relatives in
Lenoir county.
Mr. G. A. is in town
this week. The was glad
have him call.
Miss Annie returned
home Sunday from a visit to relatives
near Farmville.
Mr. A. B. Ellington returned last
week from Petersburg, and is at his
post in the ton miry.
Mr. E. A. the young mute,
of section, left last week to visit
Washington and Ocracoke.
and Mrs. S. C Wells, of
son, spent part of last week with the
family of ex-Sheriff King.
Prof. John Duckett is in Greene and
Lenoir counties this week In the in-
of Greenville Institute.
The other day Mr. E. P. Fleming I Tobacco
killed a very large snake in his barn.
It was what is known as a chicken
eater and measured feet in length.
Mr. Fleming said he had for some
time been misting eggs from the
hens nests about the barn, and this
snake had been eating them.
Saturday before the 4th Sunday in
this month the
Association will meet at
There will be an address by Mr. J.
B- a by Mr. J. D.
Cox an essay by Miss Maggie
Smith, all on interesting subjects.
There should be a large attendance
of teachers.
Mr. J. B. Edgerton, an agent of
the W. A W. Railroad Co., was in
town last week looking after rights
and titles of the property at Ayden
where the new town is to be started
in which that will be half
owner. Mr. Edgerton told us that as
soon as the papers were all in right
shape an auction sale of lots will be
Bob Move returned home Thurs-
day evening from Nag's Head and
reports a tremendous time down there.
Miss Havens returned last
week from Boston, where she had
been attending the Conservatory of
We see from the Salisbury Herald
that Mr. A. C. Nobles, from near
Greenville, has been visiting in that
Prof. W. J. Matthews, of Gates,
who is to take charge of the Green-
ville male school, spent last Friday
in town.
Mr. W. F. Harding had to close
the school he teaching near Mr.
W. G. Little's because of sickness
among the pupils.
Mr. J. D. Cox, President of the
county Alliance, left Monday for
to attend the meeting of
the State Alliance.
Misses Mattie and Jessamine
Higgs. who were visiting Mrs. J. D.
Murphy, returned last Thursday to
their home in Raleigh.
Mrs. General Bryan Grimes, ac-
companied by her daughter passed
through one day last week
for Cleveland Springs.
Mr. J. F. Joyner, accompanied by
his little son. made a trip to Oxford
last week to sell some tobacco. He
got good prices all around.
Mrs. J. G. Nelson, who was visit-
the family of her father, Rev. O.
P. returned to her home in
Williamston last Thursday.
Rev. Henry Wingate, of Roberson-
ville, was in town one day last week
arranging to enter his daughter at
Greenville Institute next session.
A week or two since Miss Lela
Cherry carried the two little Thomas
children to Charlotte and had them
admitted in the Orphanage there.
Prof. J. B. Brewer, President of C.
B. F. Institute, Murfreesboro, was in
town part of last week in the inter-
est of that excellent
Hon. E. A. accompanied by
Mrs. their little daughter,
left Saturday morning for
Mr. goes to attend the meeting
of the State Alliance.
The Methodist church here has
given the Pastor, Rev. R. B. John, a
few week's vacation. He left last
week for Chapel Hill, and will visit
the Western portion of the State be-
fore returning.
Mr. John of Wilmington,
who has charge of the construction
of depots for the W. W. Railroad
Co., was in town one day last
on his way to Ayden and Grifton to
arrange for building depots at those
Mr. C. X. Tyson was in to see us
Saturday. He says his school at
Swamp was so large that the
building there was not sufficient, and
that members of the church held
a conference and permitted him to
use the meeting house for the school.
Mr. M. R. Lang left last
day to purchase new goods for his
mammoth stores. He will visit
of the Northern cities and buy
a largo stock. Mrs. Lang
him as far as Atlantic City, at
which place she will remain several
weeks. Her health has not been
good the last month or so, and her
many friends hope she will return
home entirely restored.
The is gratified to learn
of the success with which its former
Mr. C. L. Whichard, is
meeting in the pursuit of his studies
at Smith's Business College,
ton, Ky. His advance in telegraph v
has been so rapid that he has been
placed in charge that department
at a good salary daring absence
of the Professor on a summer
He has only been at the school
one month, and being placed In such
an important position speaks well
for his ability and well for the
he laid while in the
tor office.
BullocK Mitchell, owners and
proprietors of Banner warehouse
Oxford, N. O, sold Mr. P.
Erwin, of Pitt, a few days ago, one
curing of priming leaves for snug
little sum 8118.80 after deducting
freight and warehouse charges. Two
lots brought one one
one and one making an
average of over thirty cents for all
grades. This tobacco was cured by
Mr. W. P. Brooks, of Granville and
right well does be understand the
art. If you want big prices an
prompt return, ship tobacco to
Bullock and Mitchell, Oxford, N. O.
The Congressional Convention-
About persons, most of them
delegates, left here Monday afternoon
for Elizabeth City to attend the
Congressional Convention there yes-
They were taken over to
the Junction on Mr. train
and there took the regular train for
Plymouth. It was hard to tell how
the Pitt delegation stood it
left home or how they were going to
vote after they got to the convention.
But several of them promise to
graph the Tuesday eve-
what the convention had done
or was doing, so if the reader to-day
finds a telegram published elsewhere
in the paper he will know some
gate was heard from, and vice versa.
They Both Premised.
Last Friday evening Gov. Jarvis
and Mr. E. A. happened to
meet in the Reflector office. Mr.
was to leave next morning for
to attend the meeting of
the State Alliance, and Gov. Jarvis
was to leave Monday the Con-
Convention at Elizabeth
City. They were talking over the
two occasions. As they were bidding
peek, other good-bye Mr. re-
Governor, don't let
them nominate me for Congress
down the
Governor replied, make that
promise on condition that you make
me one. Don't let the State Alliance
endorse me against They
both promised and parted amid a
Another nice sample from a curing
on Mr. E A. farm has been
placed in the Reflector show win-
Every farmer who comes to town
is invited to visit the Reflector
office and look at our tobacco dis-
Mr. S. P. Erwin has made the best
sale of tobacco from Pitt this year,
receiving as high as per pound for
Mr. J. J. told us
Thursday that he had acres in to-
and was then having his
barn cured.
We heard Saturday that Mr. G. F.
Evans has cured barns this season
up to that day. He is the veteran
tobacco grower of the county, and
makes a success of it every year.
Saturday Mr. N. T. Daniel, of
Granville, brought us some
mens of tobacco cured by him for
Messrs. J. A. Tyson and L. H. Allen.
The samples are good and show that
he understands his business.
The bad weather last week caused
some to be made at tobacco
curing. Mr. C. Rountree tells us
he had two barns ruined. Of course
this tobacco is not entirely ruined,
but owing to the bad cure it will
have to sell as a low grade.
A very beautiful sample of tobacco
was brought us Saturday by Mr. J.
W. Martin, a specimen of his own
curing. Mr. Martin lives on
Creek and says his tobacco patch is
but a short distance from the creek,
which proves that lands over there
adapted to the growth of fine
tobacco. This is the best curing
have yet seen made entirely by a Pitt
county man without the of an
experienced curer.
looking This Way.
Not a week passes that the Rb-
elector does not receive requests
abroad for sample copies to be
sent. Several such requests have
come the past week, a single mail
bringing four. These came from
New Hampshire, Texas, Arkansas,
California and points in North Car-
It shows conclusively that
people all over the country are
becoming interested in Greenville
and Pitt county, and naturally they
turn to paper for such
information as they desire. It shows
further that our people should be
holding out every inducement for
persons abroad to come and locate
among us. Help Reflector
send it abroad that we have right
here the best section of world.
Sown the
The editor with a few parties took
a run on Mr. construction
train, Ca t. Adams at the engine,
down to Ayden and Grifton one
morning last week. It is a tine sec
Mon of country down that way and
some splendid farms and excellent
timbered land were noticed as the
engine flew rapidly along. A run of
a few minutes brought us to Swift
Creek and a mile further Ayden was
reached. This is the site for the
new town in which the railroad is
taking much interest, and a pretty
location it is. At Grifton a large
force is at work pushing the railroad
bridge forward as rapidly as
The bridge down there is much
handsomer than the one at Green-
ville. It is expected to be completed
in a week or two track laying
hurried on to Kinston. The return
so soon that did not have
opportunity to go up in town see
any of the clever people of Grifton.
We regretted to hear while there that
Dr. Johnson's stables were destroyed
by fire the night before.
Now Advertisements.
An advertisement of
Baptist Female Institute,
will be found among our no-
on fourth page. This is one
of best institutions
in the State and presents several
tor consideration of par-
and guardians. Fall term will
open September 10th.
attention of tobacco growers
is called to advertisement of
Banner Warehouse Oxford,
and Mitchell, proprietors. This
warehouse makes a of
fine bright tobacco and claims to
beat world on high averages.
In a letter to editor they say if
hard work for interest of
farmer and high prices for tobacco
count for anything, they intend to
sell some of the Pitt county crop.
Farmers make a note of this, high
prices for your tobacco is what you
As is well known, the Davis
School has been moved from Lax
Grange, in the eastern part
State, to Winston Salem. The
is located a short distance
from town. grounds are very
large, and are beautifully situated.
Twelve acres are being prepared
for a park. next session will
begin in entire
equipments of the will be
first-class. Among other
there is a large bath house,
with hot and cold baths free of
The Kale School.
As Reflector suggested a
few weeks ago the meetings of the
citizens looking to establishment
of a male school of nigh grade here
meant more than idle talk, and the
announcement of committee
which is published in this paper
shows that a good teacher has been
secured and all will lo in
readiness for the school to open the
first Monday in September. We
think committee are indeed
fortunate in engaging Prof. Mat-
thews, if recommendations mean
anything. He is a graduate of
Wake Forest College in the full A.
M. course, has taught two years, and
comes to Greenville bearing as
strong testimonials as any person
could wish. From these we take
pleasure in making a few extracts
that people of this section may
know the high character and ability
of the man who is to come among
them as an instructor of their boys.
Dr. Chas. E. Taylor, President
Wake Forest College,
W. J. Matthews, of Gate.-, N.
after remaining with us several
years, received his diploma with
degree of Master of Arts in 1887. It
gives me pleasure to bear testimony
to his excellent scholarship and to
his uniformly correct deportment. I
can cordially commend him to any
who may the services of a
and efficient
Dr. Wm. Royall, Professor of
English in Wake Forest College,
W. J. Matthews, of the class
pursued with me the courses
in English, French, German, Moral
Philosophy its allied branches.
He is one of the most indefatigable
and successful students it has ever
been my to teach. From
his clear and accurate thinking I am
led to believe he possesses eminent
fitness for teaching, and I cheerfully
commend him to those who desire
solid faithful work in the school
Dr. G. W. Manly, Professor of
W. Matthews graduated
with the Master Arts at
Forest College in 1887. He
made a record of an unusually
gent and successful student. His
average in all the branches taught in
the College was between and
the latter being the maximum. He
was awarded the Greek Medal in
1880. regard him as well
pared for teaching. He is a gen-
of line moral and Christian
character, such as deserves to be
entrusted with the care of teaching
the young. I have confidence in his
character and
W. L. Poteat, Professor of
entertain great respect for the
scholarship and the character of Mr.
W. J. Matthews. He is a man of the
square and solid As a student
he was in all regards one of the most
satisfactory. He is a thoroughly
competent and reliable
W. B. Royal, Professor of Greek,
and L. R. Mills, Professor Math-
W. J. Matthews graduated
from this College with the degree of
A. M. in 1887. He was an
faithful and successful
dent and an honest, reliable Christian
gentleman. We can commend him
to those who desire the services of
Mr. N. Bessent, Trustee of
the Jerusalem High School,
Matthews had charge of our
Academy. He is a man in all re-
worthy of the respect,
and patronage of the public.
During the present year I have
had five children under his tuition
am well satisfied with his teaching.
He has proven himself a thorough,
efficient and impartial
Mr. J. N. Charles, Trustee of the
Jerusalem High School,
W. J. Matthews assumed
control of the Jerusalem High School
early in the Fall of 1889, and has
fully himself as a thorough
and competent teacher and a gentle-
man of high
It is nice to remembered, and
especially after. friend Alex Hell-
broiler's manner. Last Thursday
he called us Into Lang's to ran our
eyes over a beautiful display of new
cravats, ties and scarfs just received,
and invited us to take our pick from
whole lot. It is useless to say
we came oat with a beauty, as there
charge to to cadets. .
Strict Personal Attention,
Highest Market Prices,
Quick sales and prompt returns guaranteed.
Upon application to Amos G. Cox.
If you want any information concerning Tobacco, write us and your
inquiries will have prompt attention.
No Market in the Land Enjoys Better
Facilities than Oxford.
Davis Gregory, Oxford,
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes and
We have just received and opened a beautiful line of new
Spring and Summer Goods.
I shall be glad to have my old friends and customers come to
see us, and assure them that we can sell the goods
Give us a trial and be convinced that the way to buy goods is for
the spot cash.
N. O, January,
T adieu; i
We have boon selling this season been reduced in price and it is need-
less to say bow cheap when before the reduction we
heard several
saw such cheap
White Goods Edging
in all my life where did
you get them from
Hamburg Edging H in. wide in. wide in. wide
Hamburg Edging in. wide in. wide in. wide
White Goods from cents to cents per yard.
White Goods from cents to cents per yard.
Come and see if are not what we represent in price, Ac.
N Broth eh
That Man Stephens
Ft 0-
H S z
CO . p.
o op
Pitt Co N C Pitt Co
Cobb Bros.,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Merchants,
We have had many years ex-
at the business
prepared to handle Cotton to
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to out
hands will receive prompt and
He also
Says there is never any doubt of his giving you entire
if you will just give him a call when needing goods in his lb
He keeps Nice Goods, Fresh Goods and Cheap Goods,
keeps the best Cigars and Cigarettes. Remember the
Grocer, Confectioner and Fruiterer.
their rear's supplies will it to
their Interest to net our prices before par.
chasing elsewhere. Is complete
id all Its branches.
always at Lowest Market
we buy direct Manufacturer,
buy at one profit. A
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to raH
the times. Our goods are all bought anS
old for CASH, therefore, having no
to run, we sell at a close margin.

-----AND DEALER IN-----
Greenville, N. C.
to the of Pitt and surrounding count lea, of the following good
not to be excelled in this market. And to be I and
kinds GIN and Mill Belting. Hay, Rock Lime. Plaster Paris, and
Hair. Harness, Bridles and addles.
X. i. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobber prices, cents per dozen, less U cent for s Head Prep-
Star Lye jobbers Prices Lead and DOW L.
sec Oil and Paint Colors. Cucumber Pumps, and U and
Willow Ware Nails a specialty. Give me a and I satisfaction.
Sick headache is the bane of many
This annoying complaint maybe
cured and prevented by the occasional
use of Dr. J. H. Liver and
Disease lies in ambush for the weak; a
feeble constitution is ill adapted to en-
counter a malarious atmosphere and sud-
den changes of temperature, and the
Last robot are usually the easiest
Dr. H. ilia
will give tone, vitality and strength to
the entire body.
Distress after eating, heartburn, sick
headache, and indigestion are cured by
Dr J. II. Liver
Many people habitually endure a feel-
of lassitude, became they think they
have to. If they would take Dr. J. II.
Sarsaparilla this feeling of
weariness would give place to vigor and
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.
D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House
My Factory is well equipped with the best Mechanics, conserve put up nothing
but FIRST-CLASS WORK. We keep up with the times and r-st improved styles.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs are used, you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full of ready
the year round, which we will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of same
J. B. Jonathan White.
Portsmouth, Va. Greenville, X.
Bridgers White,
High Street.
Solicit consignments of Cotton, Pea
nuts, Poultry. and all other
Country Mer-
chants and Farmers Bank, Portsmouth.
We wish to inform public that we
arc prepared to build a
For the purpose of shipping Tobacco in.
all I lie tobacco growers of this
ml adjoining counties, please exam-
and we fee sure that
tin v will dud it to interest to buy
You can apply lo A.
Fortes, i I N. t .
or of
The Planter for
further instructions.
X. C.
Should any wish to
apply in person are
miles south of Greenville,
near the railroad
from Greenville to Kin-ton,
We are also prepared to
furnish extra Cart
Wheels, made of light-
wood, rim hub. at
per pair.
We still continue to manufacture
Well Brackets
and tor Buildings, either
Turned or Sawed, and promise
and satisfactory work.
R. L.
Steam Engines Boilers
Improved Brown Cotton
Saw, Grist and Mills.
Hancock Cotton Gin,
Cotton Seed Crushers,
Pulleys. and Hangings,
Also dealer in Steam Fittings.
Orders any kind of machinery
will be promptly filled at very lowest
prices. Repairing a
R. L.
Rev. E. C. Glenn's
1st Sunday at o'clock.
Lings School House, Sunday at
at o'clock.
Shady Grove, Sunday at o'clock.
Sunday at
Temperance Hall at o'clock
Salem Sunday at o'clock.
Chapel. 4th o'clock.
Jones Chapel Saturday 4th Sun-
day at o'clock.
We have for the purpose or con-
ducting a general
belongs and Collecting
Money to Loan on Approved Security.
Collections solicited and remittance
made promptly.
Greenville, N. C.
From now on will make Pictures at
the following low
Cigarettes at
or life
Owing to low prices no proofs will be
of than a
net. All those wishing picture will do
wen by calling early.
n. C.
I with me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people in that
capacity. AH notes and accounts doe
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collection
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to n
Pitt county Pine Colin. We arc
op with all conveniences and can
satisfactory services to all who Def-
Feb. 52nd. 1888.
The Fall Term Opens Tuition,
Poor regular courses of study.
cal, Philosophical. Literary, scientific.
Special courses In Chemistry, Civil
and Engineering Pharmacy,
and other studies.
Separate schools of Law and Medicine,
students may attend the University
President. Chapel Hill. N. C.
mm U
Greensboro, -Y. C.
The Seventy-first Session of this well-
known Institution will begin on the
27th Day of
In addition to thorough instruction In
Literary Course, special advantages arc
t d in the departments of
and Vocal Music. Art, and
Physical Training. Charges moderate.
For apply to
B. F. DIXON, Pres.
of Agriculture Arts.
TH V. new large shop buildings for
working in iron and wood will lie
for and the depart-
are equipped thorough work.
Expenses are less than in any similar
college In existence. members of
Freshman are already em-
ployed at remunerative salaries.
For f miner address
Q. Pies.,
N. C.
Wilson Collegiate
Fall Session begins on Monday, Sept.
Thorough and comprehensive course
of study Moderate charges. Health-
location home
Experienced an successful teach-
in every department. The depart-
of music and art presided
over by an accomplished specialist.
For and full particulars,
Principal, Wilson, N. C.
Pa-cuts and guardians will do well to
note the following
Th Institute was located at
in preference to many other very
desirable places because of its celerity
for and the history of the school
for than forty years
the wisdom of their course,
Tl e beauty of the location is not
pass, d in North Carolina. The
refurnished and carpeted last
so miner.
course of instruction is as
is the demands of the public will
allow .
Only the beat and most, experienced
teachers are employed in all depart-
and the work ii done thorough.
Tie charges are as reasonable as they
can made for the class of work done.
fall session begins on Wednesday,
rot or additional
n. address
Or K e y ratty, IT.
. iT. Corner MAI mm
B Mama
WILBUR R. SMITH. President.
X. . w. . of am 0.14
M-l. or
L. Mot SM,
Bad m B. T
of Will
B w, jay.
Mb. P W
. u- Till
Fall Term Opens Sept.
Miss Maggie Smith,
Mrs. Irene W. Hunter,
Mrs. Ella W. Duckett.
Primary. Academic.
and Mathematical. Music.
Painting and Drawing. Normal.
Large, comfortable buildings.
Healthy location and good water.
Plenty of well prepared food for boarders
A corps of good teachers. Nor-
Department for young teachers.
New pianos and organs. A library
of more than volumes purchased re-
for the school.
Rates moderate, from to tor
board and tuition, including music.
Tuition and terms for day pupils
same as advertised In Girls
who do not board with Principal
should consult before
board elsewhere.
For further particulars address,
K. C. Principal.
New York Letter.
New Aug, 1800.
Four transatlantic steamers
harbor on Saturday, and
about a dozen more sailed
the week. This practically cons
eludes the outgoing rush for the
season, hereafter the steamers
will be more heavily loaded coming
the other way. In connection
it may be noted that the number of
people annually take a to
is becoming larger each year
while the annoyances of the voyage
end the time required are constant-
growing smaller. And the pro-
in this direction will no
be greatly increased when plan
is carried out of running a line of
steamers from
is at the farther end Long Island.
This scheme is perhaps much more
is generally
understood. Part of the idea is the
p tunnel under the North
River, across the city ISA. street,
and under the East River to Long
Island. This is do little job, but
if it is ever an accomplished fact
trip from America to Europe will be
much For instance, it
ii proposed to take a passenger from
Chicago to London with two
changes in six days. It is certain
Chat a number of large capitalists
are engaged in movement, and
the day may not be distant
a nip to Europe will be more like
crossing a ferry than a sea voyage
Quite method of
saving money in has just
been devised by a company calling
itself the
membership, it is almost
to say, is composed entirely of
women. Every one who joins is
given a ticket certifying that she is
a member, which ticket, when pro-
rented in certain stores entitles the
Holder to a percentage off every
purchase that amounts to one dollar
or more. It is said that quite a
large stores have already
entered into the arrangements,
it is likely that will follow. I
predict a career the
society and have no doubt it will be
imitated elsewhere. It contains a
principle of Irene fitting by
which is not generally under-
At last New Yolk has been drawn
into controversy and the all-absorb
question, is Mis.
has been settled in a Solomon like
fashion. The question first assumed
an important position in the gay
town of Newport, older
Mrs. Astor the Mrs,
Astor both demanded that all letters
delivered to
the respective residence of each. It
didn't require much pondering
the post master at Newport to decide
that it was impossible to comply
with both requests, so it seems the
matter was referred to Postmaster
Van of New York. And Post-
master Van decides that letters
addressed shall not
be at all, unless the ad-
dress contains the number of a par-
house. Otherwise the letters
will be returned to the Dead
Letter Office. In so as the
U. S. Post Office is concerned
does not exist.
Philosophy In Coaches.
A room without a couch at some
sort is only half furnished. life is lull
of ups and downs, all that saves
the sanity of the mentally jaded and
physically exhausted fortune fighter is
the periodical good cry and the mo-
loss of consciousness the
up stairs lounge or the old sofa in the
sitting room. There are times when
so many of the things that distract as
could be straightened out and way
made clear if one only had a long, com-
conch on whose soft bosom he
could throw himself, boots and brains,
stretch his weary frame, unmindful of
tidies and tapestries, close his tired
eyes, relax the tension of his muscles
and give his harassed mind a chance.
Ten minutes of this soothing narcotic,
when the head throbs, the soul yearns
for endless, dreamless, eternal rest and
the hands involuntarily reach out for
cold lead, would make the vision clear,
the nerves steady, the heart light and
the star of hope shine again.
There isn't a doubt that the longing
to die is mistaken for the need of a nap.
Instead of the immortality of the soul
business man and working women want
regular and systematic doses of dozing,
and after a mossy bank in the of
an old oak that succeeding Junes have
converted into a tenement of songsters,
there is nothing that can approach a
big or a low, long conch placed in
a corner tired nature can
her face to the wall and snooze or
sleep the gloom. New York
A New Preventer.
A new kind of mechanism for
venting smoke has been tried under
boilers with satisfactory results, the
principle being in this case, as in others,
the supplying of the furnace with the
proper amount of air at the proper spot.
The apparatus consists of a cast iron
cylinder, six inches in extend-
horizontally clear across the
box, about six inches above the grate
bars and immediately in front of and
below the boilers; in the cylinder are
two rows of apertures, about
inches long and half an inch wide, the
cylinder itself being divided in the mid-
by a solid partition. At each end
of this arrangement is an opening
through the wall of the fire box into
which a steam jet forces air from with-
out, and the air, playing on the bed of
coals, through the slits in the cylinder,
induces an almost perfect combustion,
consuming all the volatile gases and
carbon which ordinarily escape in the
form of York Telegram.
The New Discovery.
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it. You may
yourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience just how good
a thing it is. If you have ever tried it,
you are one of its staunch friends, be-
cause the wonderful thing it i.
that when once given a trial, Dr. King's
New Discovery ever after holds a place I
in the house. If you have never used it
and should be afflicted with a cough. I
coil or any Lung or Chest I
secure a at once and give I
ii a fair trial. It is guaranteed every j
time, or money refunded. Trial bottles
free L. Drugstore.
The Qualities of a Good Judge.
The people are now called upon to
select Superior and Supreme Court
judges tor the State. This is the
most the most reach-
in its effects of all the public
officers lo be. filled. At this time
our mind is led to the recital which
was made by in Mas
constitutional convention
1853 inequalities which should
the first place, he should lie
profoundly learned all the learn-
of the law be must know
how to use that learning
the next place, he must lie a
man, not merely upright, not mere-
honest and well ten
a man who will not
respect persons
finally, he must possess the
perfect confidence of
that he bear not sword in
Learned, impartial, honored. All
these are the qualities which a man
to bare who is elevated to
No liniment is In better repute or more
widely known than Dr. J. H.
Volcanic Oil Liniment. It Is a wonder-
Persons advanced in years feel young-
and stronger, as well as freer from the
infirmities of age, by taking Dr. J. H.
If you feel unable to do your
have that tired feeling, take Dr. J. H.
Sarsaparilla; It will make yon
bright active and vigorous.
The most popular liniment, is the old
reliable. Dr. J. H. Volcanic
Oil Liniment.
One of Dr. J. H. Little Liv-
and Kidney Fillets, taken at night be
fore going to bad, will move the
effect will astonish you.
pimples, boils and other humors, are
hie to appear when blood gets
Dr. Sarsaparilla
storm Calendar Weather Forecast
for by B. Hicks, mailed
mt a two-cent
to any i
Rheumatism and catarrh are both
blood diseases. In many severe cases
they have yielded to treatment with B.
B B. Blood made by
Blood Balm Co. Ga. Write
for book of convincing proof. Sent free.
P. Dodge, Atlanta, Ga.
wife had catarrh and nothing did any
good. Her constitution finally failed
and poison got into her I placed
her on a use of B, . B., and to my
prise her recovery was rapid and com-
W. P. Atlanta, Ga.,
was much emaciated and had
so had I could not get along
without crutches. I also had
in the head, -t physicians did
me no good. Then I tried II. B. B., and
its effects were magical. I cheerfully
recommend it as a good tonic and quick
Mrs. Matilda Nichols, Knoxville,
had six years
a distressing cough, and my
eyes were much swollen. Vive bottles
of B. B. B., thank God cured
John M. Davis. Tyler, Texas,
I was subject a number of years to
spells of inflammatory which
six bottles of B. B., thank
has entirely cured. I have not felt the
All persons having claims against the
estate of Harriet A. Yellowley,
are hereby notified to exhibit the same
on or before the 29th day June, 1891,
to the undersigned, duly quail-
lied as the Executor of the last will and
Testament the said Harriet A. Yellow-
or this notice will be plead in liar of
their recovery.
All persons indebted to the said estate
arc notified to come forward promptly
settle the same.
J. B.
of Harriett A. Yellowley.
Wasting Diseases
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Many have gained one pound
per day by its use.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret
remedy. It contains the
properties of the
and pure Norwegian Cod
Oil, the potency of both
being largely increased. It is used
by Physicians all over the world.
Sold by all Druggists.
Greenville N C.
We have the the MM
Chair ever used in the Clean towels,
sharp razors, and guaranteed
in every instance. Call and be con
Ladles waited on at their re
deuce. Cleaning clothes a specialty.
mOld T;
If I
T r. it ,. . .,,
C. B. row ARM
N. B.
ominous look, in
her made you so late,
Robert Reed I
You have, eh
ma'am. A boy
ugly as home made sin, I jest
give it to him.
Bobby, dear, I'll have to par-
don you this time, but control your
temper the best you
Superior Court
Mai tin County.
Francis G. David Light-
foot and Win. J.
The defendants, David F.
and William J. are hereby
in it to be and appear the
Judge of the Superior Court at a Court
to be held for the county of Martin at
the Court House in on the
first Monday in September.
answer or demur to the in the
above entitled action which will be de-
posited in the office of the Clerk of said
Court within first three days of said
term. The purpose of this action is to
a mortgage executed to the
plaintiff by Francis and Mary
the father of the
defendants, mid which mortgage
date the 1st day of January.
W. T.
Clerk Superior Court.
and Whiskey
cured at home
without pain.
Hook of particulars sent FREE.
M. M. D. Atlanta. Ga.
Office Whitehall St.
V. B. Broughton, Pres.
Iv Pres, National
G. Sec. N. U.
Daniels, Editor
Dr. Battle, Director X. C.
Experiment Station.
Book-keeping, Banking,
Penmanship and Mathematics are
taught in the Business Col-
Send for of terms.
Box C
Edwards ,
Printers and Binders,
have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found In
the State, solicit orders for all classes
Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
The Sparrow.
Even in England the English spar-
row has become an unmitigated
and in their whole-
sale destruction has become necessary.
A bounty is paid by the authorities of
cents a dozen for old birds. cents a
dozen for young ones and 1-2 cents a
dozen for eggs. In some places the
birds are so plentiful that they destroy
half the crops, ruin the garden and
even strip the thatch from buildings.
The old duck lay in the year, if
well kept, ten dozen eggs; and that is
her best, employment, as common hens
are the best mothers. It is not
able to let young ducks out In
morning to eat slugs and worms; for,
though they like them, these things
kill them if oaten in great quantities.
Grass, com, white cabbages and let-
and especially buckwheat, cut
when half ripe, make fine ducks. Ducks
will f-d on garbage and all sorts of
filthy things, but their is strong
and bad in proportion. They are. in
Long Island, upon a coarse sort
of crab, prodigious of which
are east on the shores. When young
they should fed upon barley meal
and kept in a warm place in
and not let out the morn-
To applicants for county appointments
in the North Carolina College of
culture and Mechanic Arts-
By request of Alex Holladay, Pres-
of the above mentioned College. I
will hold a examination of
applicants for the appointments
in said College on Saturday the day
of August next. Those desiring to
ply will please notify me of their
at an early day.
Co. Supt. Ins.
One 10-Saw Hall Cotton Gin.
One Cockade Hand-power Cotton
in good running order and will
be sold very low to make room for larger
Address or call on, B. O. COX,
N. Manager.
for baldness
falling out of hair, and eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among the many who have need
wonderful success, I refer you to the
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
lo the truth of ray assertion
Josephus Latham, Greenville.
Mr. O.
Greene, SB.,
Any one wishing to give it a trial
above named complaints can procure
it from me, at my place of business,
Greenville. March 14th. C ,
Ho What's This
Why another new discovery by Alfred
Culley in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. By calling or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of Preparation that is invaluable
for eradicating and and causing the
hair t be soft and
glossy, only r three application a
week is necessary, and a common hair
brush is all to be used after rubbing the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and ha
convinced, only cents.
Obtained, and all in the . S.
Patent office or In the Courts attended t
for Moderate Fees.
arc opposite S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no change unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master,
Supt. of the Money Order Did., and to
officials of Patent For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address. C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
The of
There is one old woman in Hanover
who is commonly called the
It is her prepare
corpses for burial, and for many years
it seems to been the fashion
among the better classes to her
whenever there was a demand for the
service she professed.
This woman says that she has
dead bodies, and she is prob-
ably telling the truth, because for a
number of years no funeral has seemed
complete without the preliminary of-
fices of the
in Chicago News.
A Fender tor Electric Can.
A recent invention consists of a fender
for street railway ears ran by electric-
It presents a platform capacious
enough to receive victim so
as to be caught upon the track be-
fore a car. At a slope before it is a
heavy four ply robber belting, pliable
enough to pass over paving stones and
similar objects, but rigid to
prevent an armor leg drawn
under the Review.
An observing Georgia man claims
that the crow digs a hole and buries in
it the corn which it secures in the
field, holding the supply until
compels its use.
The largest individual taxpayer
Boston is John M. Sears, who pays
on worth of real es-
and a estate of
Art an I
More than half a billion of dollars in
unclaimed estates arc awaiting the right-
heirs in England, Scotland. Wales
and Ireland. Most of these heirs are In
the United States, and have been
for in English papers. Thousands
of heirs have never seen these advertise.
If your ancestor on father
or mother's sale from any of the
above named countries do not fail to
write to X. European Claims
Agency, Grand St., New York, and
ascertain if yen are an heir. Tour de-
ceased ancestor's rights are yours by
British law. We have information of
every estate deceased person
hairs have been advertised for in
Bend postal note for cents to
If yea
van. No
; fee.
For the benefit of those who desire
to visit during the season, the
will run the
Washington every Saturday p in.
Monday am.
Wednesday am.
Close connection with the steamers
from Greenville and Tarboro, and the
train from that connects with
the Wilmington Weldon Railroad.
On intermediate the Beaufort
will touch at New leaving there
p. in. Tuesdays and p. m. Thursdays
connecting with Railroad.
From Washington to and
return 92.80.
From New to and
Single Trip Tickets 91.50.
From Washington to New 92.50.
New to 92.50.
Ample Accommodation
in la. world. .
Bath I MS
and cull a.
la. Oil
do to w. yon to the.
In form. hold.
pay all BU. AM
all. If yon to r to work for n,
. from to MO wart and
can won aw
bK With
m waS
yon t
o to p-r and onward,
. t. B ,
No No
Ar Rocky-Mount
Ar Tarboro
Ar Wilson
Ar Wilmington
daily Fast Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
12,30 pm pm
p m pm
, film-
I . .
the world. Oar t
Bad to
warrior will
j writ.
I ton at tank. fat. fat
All yon
I I to our food, an
how. mall rd of up.
TM ant it
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
A Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
am am pm
For Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair.
the Opera House, at which place
f have recently located, and where I have
everything In line
with all the improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
Razor- sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of
prompt I v executed. Very respect fully,
am pin
The Steamer Beaufort has been re-
built and made larger; and is now a
comfortable and sea worthy boat, and
has a permit to carry passengers.
wt a
Cleanses and the hair.
a luxuriant growth.
F to Or
H Color.
are the best plasters In every
way for the quick relief of
Unlike ail other platers, these are
Purely Vegetable and Harmless. Be-
and never fail to cure.
Sold by or mailed on receipt
cents by
Ar Weldon pm N pm
except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Branch Road
leaves Halifax 3.37 P. If., arrives Scot-
land Neck at 4.25 P. M. Greenville 6.00
Returning leaves Greenville 7.20
A. M., Halifax at 10.10 A. M.
don 1.30 P M., except Sunday.
On Monday, Wednesday Friday
Local Freight leaves Weldon 10.30 n in
Halifax 11.30 a m, Scotland Neck 2.00 p
in. Arriving Greenville 5.10 p m. Re
turning, leave Greenville Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday a m., Scot-
land Neck 1.00 p m. Halifax 8.85 p m,
Arriving Weldon 4.00 p m.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, P M, Sunday P M, arrive
Williamston, N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 7.80 p. in., 5.20 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
6.300 a. m., Sunday 0.00 a. m.
Williamston, N C, 7.10 a m, 0.58 a in.
arrive Tarboro, N C, A M
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Goldsboro daily except Sunday, A M,
arrive N C, A M. Re-
turning H C AM,
arrive Goldsboro, N C, A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
at P M, arrives Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M, arrives Rocky Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
and AM
ton A M, and P. M. connect-
at Warsaw and
Southbound train on Wilson Fayette-
Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North dally. All
rail via and daily except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for
points North via Richmond and Wash
AU trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
i. R. KENLY,
T. M. EMERSON Passenger
and of hotel., factor.
Jen, machinery, made to order from
New York City.
Blood Cure.
In more than to years. A pow-
cure for Scrofula
Prostration, Constipation and all disease of
the Blood. and
ff em
A botanical up in packages
and sent by mail at one third the of
medicine. sufficient for
quarts, ; packages,
for pints. sample packages,
A reliable u anted in this locality.
CO., .
To cure Sick Headache,
Malaria, Complaints, lake
and certain remedy,
Price of aver
-IS. .
I have opened at the stables
occupied by Dr. J. G. James,
and will keep a line line
Horses and Mules.
have and fancy
the livery and can suit the most M
I will run In connection a DI
AGE and solicit a
four patronage. Call and be con vis
Greenville, N. C.
None Richer in On
Sold by S. R.

Eastern reflector, 13 August 1890
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 13, 1890
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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