Eastern reflector, 2 April 1890

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-----Solicits your
Its win be to please every reader.
The Eastern Reflector
I JOB F 3-
i hat can l surpassed no-
where In tills section. Our work alway
D. I. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
he Eastern Reflector
N. C.
D. J.
Over the strings of my harp to-day
Floats a song that is half a sigh.
Like the sound of leaves when the wind
sweeps by.
Like the sound of breakers far away,
As they beat and sob.
c-r a I As they
S r. Tm , near voice roar
G. of W, f shore.
M. Holt. I
f Over the strings of my harp to-day
Secretary of Floats a song for the dying year
of Wake. A song that thrills with an limbed
W. of Wake. j tear
of Wayne, i the winter twilight, cold and gray.
Superintendent of Public Instruction ; As the breakers sob.
M. Finger of ; As the breakers throb.
Attorney F. David- i And I hear Hie voice with its old refrain,
ion, of Buncombe. j For the days never conic back again.
Over the siring of my harp to-day
Thief Justice-A. S. of, Floats a song for my sweet, lost youth.
Wake. would truth,
Clark, of and fame and power
Wake- Joseph Davis, To dream once more
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and Those bright dreams
Alfonso C. of is vain refrain.
II. Brown.
Second Philips, o
Connor, of VS 11-
y. of
Sixth T. Boykin. of
Seventh C, of
Eighth r. of
Ninth V, Graves, of
For Hie days that never come back again.
never be Tattling car-
lies continually with it as abiding
companions the smokes fumes
of hell, inn's breaking into the
relations of and Wife,
of brother and sister, sweetheart
lover, breaking n the
order of God's ion. What
is Die world coming to There are
who visit their
ether purpose under
to gather and keep
in motion the and
cal occurrences of life, thus
themselves God
keeping their continually
a state of restless condemnation.
Whence cotteR such and
con In.-ion Who Hie seed
of this running Who laid
the bottom rail of this fence that
surrounds the whole Who
placed the coiner stone of this build
that's so in its
lure The spell is upon . The
I disease must be broken pi a-
New York Letter
A Hugs on Trial
Eroding City Taxes.
New March 24th. W.
The baa voted down
the proposition for a new East
bridge, and now comes a project
of a tunnel. This is to reach
from 42nd street on the west side,
cross the city to east side, and
pass under the East to Long
Island v, which is the upper part the world, Mr. Jones.
Over the strings of my harp
Floats a for the dying . , , .
A thrills unshed tear
Like-the sound of breakers away Time is swiftly flying- Men and
How they beat and sob, . , .
How beat throb, women, one by one, are dropping
And I hearths voice with its old refrain.; the tomb, vet is the or-1 for ventilating. Freight trains.
P. Womack, of J t . is j locomotives will
of Brooklyn. The tunnel will con-
the New with the Long
Island Railroad. It will puss
42d street, feet below the
face and will have openings at
Ninth, and Seventh avenues
and at the Grand Central Depot.
It will be bored solid rook
entire distance, and be lined
with a brick wall. A double truck
railroad will be laid in c
and cars with electric motors will
be used. It will be lighted by
and steam fans will be used
Stray Bits of
Farad by Bad Boy for
Those Who Lot t j
dear, we really mast go
to Me. Smith's; we have owed them
a visit don't know how long.
if that were the only
thing we owed them I have
gone long
dreamed last night that I
was the most woman in
just the way, don't you know dreams
always go by contraries.
never quarreled when
were engaged
I thought butter would
not melt in your month then.
it hasn't since we were
married, that's certain. Haven't
had any to milt.
fie on Hand-
II you are going to do anything,
do it promptly. The longer yon
wait and think about it dread
it, the worse it will be.
Be on hand. Life is a great deal
pleasanter to the person who
promptly does what ho is required
to do.
Don't keep your friends
You have no right to waste the lime
of other people. If yon are one-half
ho behind time in an
engagement you may cause a doz- i
. . of the State Guard, the ban-
on other parties to break engage Lr o- Y M c A ,,,
and untold perplexities and breeze with the bans
Dreamer's Dictionary
Interest Occur- you dream grease,
ring in North Carolina. -e engaged
will go right. If the grease is
all will lie in the end.
Durham Globe There is a gen is a good sign to dream
n western North Carolina , a mm ,.
who has eighteen marriageable T one.
. A means unexpected
you are ill is a
some one will overreach you in
a bargain. It also predicts false
who I
daughters who wear dazzling
What is the matter wit
you odd fellows No excuse,
For particulars and address
apply at this office.
In future, at the annual encamp-
delays may come out just that
little shortcoming of yours which
you look as such a trifling
To an energetic, wide
you find a bunch of key.--,
someone is about to a secret.
If you lose a key or keys, watch
The Wilmington delegation
will give, not only the desired tent I conduct or may come
but a lot in fee simple on the en-1 to shame.
u , ,.,., . , ,
i if the king of
A love letter which was destroyed it denotes you will
person there is nothing more a I partnership
. , was burned ten ago, caused I a Arm i, . i.
trying and more than to , ,, ,,,
The Sin pf Tattling.
be Co
Miss Belle Mathis of that town WM many
WHY HIS WIFE HIM. i , , . I aT
Mr alone Brace up and make effort, you ; Mr. A Johnston conn i a great
Pert take I shiftless, Indolent, always-behind ;
Mi-s you should not
deprive yourself of the pleasure of
taking Mrs. Benedict down.
Mr pleasure at all, I as-
This world to be
any bolter until people
do tell
Tenth O. es.
M. of men are
II. Merrimon,
pf Buncombe.
wit h doing than a continued
Sena u
. . there so often a of
House of District ; . ,
are men. There is no
better way to entangle one's soul
Skinner, of Perquimans. feeling between I .
Second col. bitter feelings of between arouse i lie n
still under the tongue, and through the tunnel between
amount of persuasion can remove I midnight A. M. It will be
is. It stands right in the gangway five miles built entirely at
that leads to earth's most, precious I private expense. The of
I gift. he and oilier thing is sweet or sour
ed, The can be j the scheme and are urging . Pupil -By the souse of taste.
and sin-stricken the Board of Alderman to take fa-
you will die upon the plains of the j action.
desert, light under the very shadow j investigating a sea
in the very of the unbroken
Will not do to loot
Joshua and Caleb, Goo's eternal
You will
folks, and s.-o it yon cannot come to , years
time I were nulled in near
f any-
how do you distinguish col-
ors f
The the
I the Inquiry at the Brook-
If you have agreed to be at a
place at a certain I line, be there
unless on are sick dead.
case you might ho excused,
i but not otherwise.
the dinner
a large of acts go to beings were descended from
W of should the best God He ill either board a man of- apes which made the old man so. Wild,
friends Is it not a restless tongue put an as delightful as it that he may
A tie
as t lie good, the small
turn you back to wander forty year. b,,,
wilderness. continue , . , . me i I tell you
-------Matter is. that struck one
but with
the heart enveloped in
Third District
I Mann
Fifth If. Brower,
well as the great of life J ii
keeps the heart envelope,. ,. super-, j . ,,,,
ti,, God has placed more general and large yo,, have
t. it within nearer of man to , , , ,. smoky background and put
Eighth II. A. C of genius k u it n c other kW , , Ml J
Anson. . . of a school of solitude m which his Units. great tin,, j picture when fin-
and the intellect said
permitted to act; producing at some devils not out but
They made up again, however, alter
dream of laurel de-
i notes fame. If some one gives you
, . , branch the lame is accidental
boy, was yesterday
morning a pile of cotton seed, at you dream of sailing on
h veil mm keep your oil About a a clear it
wile dinner Doles there is Tr . success in your undertakings. If
nuns., on round the mill,. and holes t ,, ,
some good and and j , . of seed hulls. . you will
is not- Waiting a was was not seen through difficulties.
again until his dead body was found If the lake be muddy, look out for
yesterday dishonesty about you.
U la report-1 letters-It is good to dream of
ed Frank Hitch of Hamilton is letters. II you receive them honors
Norfolk road bed has sunk. It is , loves you well,
not generally credited, be- ; you dream of a man
of that with respect to dressed in black it is white
mm set Oil a bad omen to see a murdered man
mine i t in is report.
It is reported that tho pet
John and postmaster give medicine
Ml., W, S. has tells ; to take it, poverty.
been bounced. The cause is good sign, foretelling
of This man, ,, t or
was becoming a good
captain, i can't feel you only
. u , i you sometimes but tho of the
st ween j
Navy Yard concerning the con- in , his rood that was partial-; await, you, if you receive one,
duct or Commander the; Glasgow boy came . completed to A is behind
eroded and told o clock to take you a is to effect, that one Hie i. . . ,. , ,.
corvette Enterprise, have a t him. Have your bonnet piers to the bridge t he one you receive i
hi in
tho sidewalk for half and
hour clinging to a fidgety horse,
wraps and look at ban-
a and hunt, up your
shawl or not, Have all these
j- of H; n-
of II. James.
B. Cherry.
S- I--
Commissioners d conceptions, in which I
an Guilford Mooring. C. V Newton. , , .,.,
T. E. Keel. can look out upon nature's .
times such minds as are capable of prayer and An inherited
rolling together, of striking is more difficult to conquer
the nations the earth. A I than a contracted one.
school solitude A school of aM evil among
one and if so there may be
for prayer and lasting to re-
II. up heavens bound-j move it. If Moses by
Chairman d J. D. i of the of
that God who that being POT almost an ea-
ed the fathomless depth of tire can not we, by fasting,
is master of his own j cheek this of tattling among us,
What a difference there , it would seem to cling closer
The use fists, swords
and oaths against the men seems to hat painting
have been quite common, of , he
results being that than seven i
deserted. Men were often pat a him.
In Irons and abused Tor the slight- A man was
. all
and in fact, i as door.
attended to and decided on If a. inspector
the time he has fixed. had let bin alone a little longer he
A lit lie system and a good deal
position well up the front rank of
of F. W. Brown.
G. James.
F. Evans.
Chief T. Smith.
Ward. B. X. Boyd j
2nd Bard. K. Williams, Jr., and Alfred
Forbes 3rd Ward, T. J. Jarvis and M.
B. Lang; 4th Ward, W. N.
Sundays, morning and Rev. . C.
I counsel.
I is in this that in to a ,
the is must I It appears that almost the entire
feature There is a continual skin- world is asleep, wrapped up in
of the There is first pleasures and gratifications.
he of in he asked, He begets and I
. with whom he comes ,,
Fee one in a dream is a
would have been entitled to lake bis sign you will be old maid.
you dream of going to
opera it is a sign that you will
yon dream of a mule yon
will not be to marry.
you dream of has
king pancakes, somebody is in love
will help, yon j leaders,
you once get in I. Ml m
habit of it you will like it. Q . p
to do business WM
with a party who is always on
and who, yon know, will an time, j fuse
eddying of the waters in one
place and a whirlpool in another, heart to amuse, to entertain, to be
the awful cataract,
There is irritating desire in the
get laughter, to play the hero, and
soon the whole is one person visiting
the rocks. First speak another, does so at the expense of
lug and night. Prayer- Meeting every jg the innocent, and of the his or her neighbor. Sitting
Wednesday night. E. B. John, y . of around the fireside, and having so
second and fourth , acts and then of casting mile of in his heart, his mouth
Sundays, morning and night, ; fl , ,
every B
to the Secretary , m
and it is probable that we f M I J
will dismissed. i
Comptroller Myers, on of number of es soldiers wore res
the city, is to begin suit counting their deeds of
the elevated railroads for I shot seven that
lanes. He has been hives-
tho matter claims that i I brought down .
the companies owe the city The number went on increasing ; many more unpleasant
According to law. are in to the last. i than a ho. Be in
i s th is is m nothing, gentle- making agreements, but when yon
compelled to pay the per once agreed, stick to the terms
cent, of their net income, the -p that I was killed
use of tho streets. It seems, how the
ever that the New J And , yon follow out he prompt,
Third punctual, of d-
j about their smell, am sorry ; f
fall iii love with yourself; if yon
yes, she . mM
i is a blessing to world. at a gnat. That this
He is a power in to be by the one who
like them, your love will be return-
When he lies, he will be missed.
Teach the children early to be
prompt. Teach them to respect a
promise. Bring them up to toll the
truth and A broken en-
is a Sometimes it is
i worse than a lie. and may cause a
naturally relishing is shown parasol, a new
the constant use made of it in soups,, .
meal dressings and com .
ate Co, which owns the Third
. I avenue Hues leases them to the
De- i urn-nun i
up I fiery passions tin; and condemnation
heart, and them into neighbor, though a worthy citizen
indignation; Christian percent of the
it the 1st and 3rd at, hastening immortal souls ; some of the evils growing out of , . . . .
As the stockholders both
Co., pays only per
of amount received as rent.
ST I tattling. by Tar to with
Greenville B. Chapter. No. meets
trap, and he has skittered all I speechless, than to utter one sen-
over clamp- , to the char-
t of your Advocate,
the harmless; severing friend-
relations, distributing to man and
man and to religious denominations
hatred and animosity,
I the us and justifying the
A. L. Blow. W.
-Covenant T- O. O. F.
every night, j. A. v-
K. G,
Insurance Lodge. No. lion, K. II.,
meets every first and third Friday night.
t. I. D.
Pitt A. L. of
very Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Father arid Son.
Hours for all A. wicked. There is scarcely a nook
M. to p. M. All mail, distributed the length
o arrival. The general deliver will
be kept open for minutes at night breadth of our country that this
utter the Northern mail is standard is not erected there. It's
Northern Mail arrives daily . j.
t P. M. and departs at a blighting cure to a Christian's
IS A. M. , ,
Tar Old and Falkland
M. sod departs at P. M.
and Grimesland
nils s daily at
and departs at A. M.
II and- mate arrive Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday t A. M. and
Black Jack and
nails arrive Saturday at
mi Friday at A M.
J. J. P. M
I companies are the same persons, it.
An steel- an entire week and h
have saved a year during
the past five years. The
says that if their view is correct
they could just as well rent the two
roads for per and pay tho
city only five cents. He claims that
the law clearly provides that the
city shall receive per cent of the
net income from the passenger
ti and if the companies refuse
to pity he will sue immediately.
Edwin Arlington-
A Jovial Party Where one TO
Boston Courier.
Wife solicitude of
If any do not like onions, it
dream a gentleman pro-
will pay to cultivate tho taste. In mm yon
several in Europe, onions
with bread form a staple diet for the ; B
laboring people, two articles being
a match in yon shedding
Their virtues as a tears, somebody is going to fall
waste tissues of inner man,
too obvious to need more than a dream of
mention. An all round argument
lies in the fact that Americans are
the most nervous of nations, and on-
ions the best of nerve food. Allow-
i celery as a all the credit
everything when it needs to be
done, there are ninety-nine chances
out of one hundred that you will bu
successful in life; it you are not j claimed for for and
aye the delightful con-- for being conveniently to he had at
all seasons, onions have much the ad-I
vantage. Raw beef stake and onions
you will have the
I of knowing that you have
means health and life;
beans, criticism, loss; peas, good
foil one; asparagus, success; cu-
sickness; onions, dispute
with interiors; lettuce,
corn, riches.
The Saxton ballot reform bill has
It lonesome sitting all i deserved success, and you will to a pulp and spread New York Legislature
v at your be continually beset by the remorse- sandwich of diet , ow Govern-
j f you had only bread, make an ideal food tor
Lome to had only been and to. any one in feeble a
Husband Wit is, -y m.,.
There scene
at the depot tho other day,
between a man a boy, but it
was the man that needed the
cation, not the toy. The boy came
there to meet his fat failed to
some piece of baggage which
, . I was expected. did just as you
life. It drives the soul from God I ,, . . ,
. ,. u -i told me, said the little fellow
and the hopes of heaven, banishes i , . l
. . who was a manly little chap.
A. B.
Sunday and
and 4th Sundays, morning HO
3rd Sunday, and night.
E C MUM bodies,
from the spirit that sweet repose
which is the privilege of every
Christian believer. An idle tongue
It gives the mind no time to Ox its
thoughts upon God pr bis require-
; it in the background
mature reflection. To speak of
event that comes and goes in
the daily transactions of life is a
matter of two Small a significance
to be engaged, in-
The Bible
be yea, yea, nay, nay, for
whatsoever is more than
of Is this a truthful ass
It so, then tattling most
be stamped an everlasting con-
little chap
John to get it and put it in the
carriage, be do
don't believe are telling
me the said the father, in
a loud, bullying tone. forget
to say a about it, and when I
get home settle with
said the man sternly,
while cheeks flushed and
his eyes fined with tears.
At that moment man John,
who seemed to a factotum or a
coachman, came into the depot and
father asked him about the
Who Will Take the Census and
What Pay They Will Get,
In each district there will a
supervisor of the census and in each
township one additional enumerator
to each ward of a city. Under this
plan Guilford county will have
enumerators, one for of
the eighteen townships and one for
each of tho four wards in the city of
Greensboro. The salary now pro-
for a supervisor is but
there is a proposition pending in
Congress which will doubt be
passed to, increase the salaries of
For preaching on Bethlehem .
Bethlehem, 1st Sunday at
1st Sunday at
2nd Sunday at
Grove. rd at
h Sunday t ii o'clock. .
Chapel. Sunday
intent upon
ting whole community tho tel-
ling of tales, tho taking from and
adding on coloring of this aide
of pad then of. that,
the real troth in its garment of
that it
a good to do, it slipped B after a
if its
Did the father then torn to his
little too ask to excused for
his word speaking
Not a bit of it. toot-
ed, if be son
bad been wrong, and toe will be made and
certain of names in
ting the population. The
tors receive per month and are
allowed two th work
make report.
The appointment for the
books P
have been thinking about
it for some time, and now I have got
a pleasant surprise for
dearest. I sent for
mother yesterday, and I expect her
this evening, I mean to have her
Stay with us quite a while. She will
take care of the house at night
look to the children, and I go
down and sit in the office with yon
while yon
is to
say, couldn't think of you going
my dearest. I
ought to have thought of it before,
but it to my mind till
yesterday. Oh John, forgive me for
not thinking of your comfort sooner
But I will go and sit with you to-
t II
the fact is, I got through with my
did How delightful
And you now stay at home every
evening. I'm so
the delighted wife ran off to
make preparations for the reception
of her. mother, while the husband,
with sombre brow, sat looking at the
picture of a poker party, with
member the growing grate.
I on would have
success instead failure.
He Serve.
A Case,
A Juror Cure a and Sufficient
Judge William Louts Kelly, of the
district says the St- Paul
Press, is acquiring a
for wit on the A young
lawyer in the
Bank building tells the
Various jurors were waiting before
the judge, as is. the custom at every
term of to be excused from
A meek looking man came
up in his turn and asked that he
might be let off.
can't get off without a good
said the judge.
have a good reason.
You must tell it or said
the judge.
your honor, I don't believe
the other jurors would care to have
not your
got the
said Judge Kelley,
quickly, the man
Pedro will Naples
to the
master laundrymen
planned their of
nation against the Chinese laundry
Dr. H. C. of
Ga., writes; very peculiar and
strange case of blood poison came
under my attention a short time ago.
A gentleman came hero from Athens,
Ga., where ho been bitten on the hand
by a vicious mule that he was break-
to work. The hand was in a
condition, and the
was rapidly extending throughout
his entire system. Every knuckle on
hand was an ulcer that was deep
and sloughing. He stated to me
that he had consulted several
taken their medicines with-
out deriving any I gave him
a course of Swift's Specific S.
and in a few days he reported to me
a marked and in one
week from the time he commenced
taking S. S. S. the hand was healed
up and the poison entirely eradicated
from his system. It is my opinion
that he would have lost his life had
it not been for the health giving prop-
contained in Swift's Specific. He
frankly admits himself that S. S. S.
did the work.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis-
eases mailed free.
Atlanta, Ga.
Wilson. N. C
J, H.
N. C.
Henry M. Stanley will
Egypt on April 17th.
t skinner,
Practice In all the courts. Collect
a Specialty.

Greenville, N. C.
U ad
I The per year.
one year, ; one-half column one year.
; column one year,
Transient Inch
one week. i two weeks. one
month Two inches one week,
two weeks, j one month,
Advertisements inserted in Local
Column as reading items. cents per
line for each insertion.
Legal Advertisements, such as Ad-
and Notices.
and Sales.
Summons to Non-Residents, etc. will
be charged for at legal rates and must
has suffered some loss and
much because of having no
fixed rule as to the payment of this class
of advert and in order to avoid
future trouble payment Of advance
will be demanded.
Contracts for spAce not mentioned
above, for length of time, can be
made by application to the office either
in person or by letter.
Cony tor New Advertisements and
all changes of advertisements be
banded In by o'clock on Tuesday
mornings in to prompt in-
the day following.
The Reflector having a large
will be found a profitable medium
through which to reach the public.
at Post Office at
Mail Matter.
A fearful cyclone passed through
Kentucky and Tennessee last
and harrowing accounts
of it have since been occupying
much space in press dispatches.
The city of Louisville met with
greatest disaster. In that city
property aggregating over half a
million dollars was destroyed and
more than a hundred lives were
lost. There were many towns and
a large scope of country over
which the storm played havoc. A
flood is also raging in the
river which has broken
levees in many places
turning volumes of water
through and inundating a vast
area of adjacent lands. The loss
sustained by cyclone and flood is
The bill to admit Wyoming as a
State was passed by the House.
The Senate passed the bill
the purchase of
tents for the use of the flood
in Arkansas, Mississippi
Two counterfeiters, William
and his wife, have been
arrested at Buffalo, H. Y. A com-
was found in their
The bill to authorize the
dent to appoint retire John
Fremont as a major-general in the
United States Army, was reported
favorably to the Senate.
Last week the Wilmington Mes-
sent out n Cape Fear and
Yadkin Valley edition. It was a
mammoth sheet of pages.
There is certainly enterprise about
the that is seldom equal-
led anywhere.
Wilmington will celebrate the
completion of the Cape Fear and
Yadkin Valley Railroad in
style. Greenville should
taking steps for a celebration of
the completion of the Wilmington
and Weldon road. This town
should not be behind.
The horrible details of the Boyle
case have again been before
the eyes of the public in the col-
of the Raleigh daily papers.
Boyle was convicted once of the
outrage with which he is charged,
and the Supreme Court upon some
technicality granted him a new
trial. This new trial was com-
in Wake county Superior
Court last Friday. A lawyer from
Pennsylvania assisted in Boyle's
We wrote the above Monday
morning and later in the day
learned that the case ended late
Saturday night by the Jury bring-
in a verdict of not guilty. And
this is the worst feature of it all.
The Reflector is among those
who think Boyle guilty and that
he ought to have been punished.
Though our opinion may be wrong
we thought the verdict in the first
trial a just one.
The Wilson Mirror, always full
of bright poetic sentiment, has
closed its eighth year. There is
but one Henry and one
Wilson Mirror, and the sphere
by that paper can be filled
by no other. May they both con-
to together for years
to come.
We were in error last week in
saying the Watch Tower is t he or-
of the Christian Mission-
Convention. The paper is
conducted in the interest of the
Disciples Church but the
has no State organ as yet, as
the paper was revived since the
Convention last met.
That excellent paper, the
Star last week reached
the age of years. To say more
about the than the Reflector
has heretofore said cannot be done
easily, so we will be satisfied this
time by just calling it the best
paper in North Carolina and wish-
its age may double under the
present management.
The managers of the State Fair
are getting their work well in hand
for the nest exhibit. Already they
have issued a list of premiums to
be awarded, which aggregate over
This is a handsome sum
to be offered in prizes and ought
to stir the farmers and
of the State up to a lively
competition for them. It ought
also create such an interest in the
coming October Fair as to make it
the best the Society has yet held.
Mr. J. J. editor of the
Salisbury Watch man, died at his
home in Salisbury on Sunday,
Mar. 23rd. He was the veteran
editor of the State, being engaged
in journalistic work for more than
half a century. He was years
old at the time of his death. The
last issue of the was a
memorial to Mr. and con-
a splendid history of his
as well as a number of
from other papers.
Durham is going it on her own
hook. The plucky city has raised
money enough to secure the
of Trinity College even after
it bad first decided to go to
and now she is taking active
steps looking to the location of a
Female College there also. And
there is just pluck enough there
to build it, t o, and money
to up the pluck. AH
this does not Durham
was flaking insignificance, by
fey mesas.
His Honor, Judge Boykin, has
just closed a two weeks Term of
our Court, and it is no reflection
upon the distinguished Jurists who
have preceded him to say that
no Court was ever held in the
County which gave more universal
satisfaction. The Bench and the
Bar put themselves in harmony
with each other in the very begin-
the Term for steady earnest
work and both labored together to
the very end of the Term, and the
result is that more cases were dis-
posed of than we ever knew at any
Court before. We were frequent-
in Court and were delighted
with the manner in which the
Judge and conducted its
affairs. Promptness and
marked every step of his pro-
No time was wasted in
getting to work nor in the trial of
the causes. The lawyers stated
their position with brevity and
clearness and the Judge decided
with promptness and definiteness
and that was the end of it. If now
and then attorney seemed to be
disposed to waste time with a use-
less repetition of his arguments,
the Judge with gentleness and
kindness, but with firmness and
positiveness, put proper restraint
upon it and the readiness with
which the Bar yielded to his dis-
showed that the lawyers
recognized in Judge Boykin a
man of learning and eminent
fitness for the position
which he holds. The
who attended Court were
greatly pleased and on all sides one
hear words of kindness and
approval for the Judge. We still
have a crowded docket, there
over two hundred civil cases yet for
trial, and we hear a general desire
for Judge Boykin to return to us
in June and repeat his good work.
In writing these words of approval
of a public servant we are simply
giving voice to the feelings and
sentiments of Lawyers, Suitors, and
people who were in upon
and we do it with pleasure
because it is so truly deserved.
Washington Letter.
From Our Regular Correspondent.
The Republicans of the Senate
have struck a streak of industry
and agreed to meet daily at
o'clock instead of have I
also decided in canons that the Hod I
steal shall be called op on
Monday and remain the Sen-
ate until the theft is consummated,
to be followed in regular order by
the dependent pension bill, ad-
customs bill, the land
forfeiture bill, the Jones silver bill,
and the bills for of
new States. An attempt was made
at this caucus to bind the Senators
to support a Federal election bill,
but it failed most It
is by aid of king caucus
that a Federal Election bill can be
carried in either House or Senate.
The House on
has practically
the applications of New Mexico
Arizona to become States, at the
present session, by deciding to post-
pone further consideration of bills
for their admission.
Bills to allow Crook's widow
a pension of year have been
introduced in House and Senate.
The the Ways and
Means committee of the House have
not been able to stand the pressure
brought to bear upon them by the
announcement of items in their
tariff bill. Already they have
bides and raw silk shall go
back upon the free list, and
gar people are demanding with a
of success that the cut on
shall not exceed per cent.
It is impossible to say how soon the
bill will get before House. It
has not yet been discussed by the
fall committee.
The president and secretary
the Virginia Republican League, of
this city, have been arrested
civil service law prohibiting
soliciting of campaign contributions
from Government It was
done intention of making
these test cases in order to get a
judicial construction the law.
Civil Service
satisfied with the largely increased Wilmington Star.
appropriation it had already asked
tor, submitted a supplementary
estimate to Congress asking for
Secretary Proctor wants the Pen-
bureau transferred from
Interior to the War department.
He says the work can be done there
The Republican members of the
House on elections must
have bad some pretty severe twin-
of conscience of late. This
week they have decided two con-
tested election cases in favor of the
sitting Democrats.
General Bunkum has occupied
floor of Senate for
greater part of the present week.
No legislative body on earth is far-
from the people than Sen-
ate of the United Slates, but that
does not prevent liberal use of
platitudes about the
The House has passed a bill for
the admission of Wyoming
as a State.
Secretary silver bill
has been favorably reported to the
House, but it bas been radically
reported in favor of the adoption of
an International silver coin.
Opinions of the Press.
of the Say.
Toledo American,
Republican Congressman Can-
non the other day the House, re-
his party in that body for
such unprecedented appropriations.
But Speaker Reed shut eyes
on his political conferee, saw the
quorum, and looting Omnibus
bill passed.
There is not money enough in
Now York to buy the impoverished
millions of West and South, and
honesty and reform will yet achieve
their appointed tasks and re- ore
republic of our fathers.
A Missouri newspaper, comment-
on a ball in New York
which exclaims
with the dance; let joy be
two hundred and ninety
thousand bushels of corn will pay
the bill.
Sioux City Tribune.
In all talk of presidential
nominations in 1892, the name of B.
Harrison Is never mentioned. He
and Hayes will play the
when Benny's
present unfortunate engagement
N. O. States,
signs of the times all point
to fact that the Democratic
members of Congress who have
been ousted from their seats by
Items from Cox Cotton Plan-
March 27th,
Editor Eastern
I will write yon a few lines of the
happening around us.
The present fine weather makes
all on farms and the far-
seem to be making good use
of their time.
Work at the factory is progress-
very well, being Kept alive
the constant orders tor cotton
The largest orders re-
one day is for planters.
Shipment was last week to
Indian Territory.
We learn that Mrs. W. J. Jack-
son has sick with
glad to hear she is better.
We regret that Mi. J. B. Carroll
bas been kept at home by affliction.
Both bis work and presence are
greatly missed at factory. We
hope the kind Father will soon re-
move his afflictions and hermit him
to be at his post again.
Mrs. B. F. Manning is visiting
on Tar river. Mr. Manning now
bas charge of the cooking. Don't
think be appreciates it much and
from the late supper we expect he is
rather slow.
On la-st night while Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Whitford were attending
meeting at Antioch church
some unknown person entered their
house. took the contents
from the trunks that were unlocked
and strewed them over the floor.
One large trunk and a small tin
trunk locked were carried
from house. Upon search this
morning it was found that they
were taken to the woods by
and broken open, the contents taken
W. H. Tucker,, executor of William
Moore, deceased, in his own behalf
and other creditors of Marcel-
Moore, deceased, ax may make
themselves parties
J. D. Murphy, executor of
Moore, deceased.
To of of
A summons having been issued In the
above entitled cause returnable on the
day of May. 1890. It, Is now or-
by the Court that publication be
made in the Eastern Reflector, a
newspaper published the county of
Pitt, for six successive weeks, notifying
all the creditors the estate of Marcel
Ins Moore, deceased, to appear before
Clerk of the Superior Court of said
county on or before the 15th day of May.
and Hie their evidences of debt
against said estate properly
This the 1st day of April. 1890.
K. A.
Clerk Court
Republicans will he re-elected next j out and left there. The trunks were
November by such large majorities, found some distance from that place
Washington, D. C.
Senator Sherman's alleged anti-
trust bill bis Republican col-,
league, Senator says is a
sham and a delusion and nothing
less than a humbugging of the
has been overloaded with
amendments by the Senate. Of
course every body here knows that
this bill, if it was a law, would not
hurt a single trust. Mr. Sherman
himself bas admitted that bill is
only intended as a warning to
trusts, and be might have added,
that it would also if passed prevent
passage of an j other measure
that might be introduced the
intention to really injure the trusts.
Perhaps that is really what it is in-
tended for. Congress cap break up
every trust in this country inside of
ninety days whenever it pleases to
do so. All that is necessary is to
remove tariff from articles
dealt in by the several trusts.
Senator Chandler is one of that
class of Republicans who believe
that this government exists for their
special benefit. Having recently
pat a man, who was bis private sec-
into the Navy department
chief clerk of one of the bureaus,
be now the cheek to introduce
a bill to increase that chief clerks
salary from 1,800 to 2.500 a year.
House passed the
World's Fair bill with amendments
providing that women should be
represented upon the board of man-
and that fair should be
held from to October 1893.
There is do doubt of the early pas-
sage of bill by the Senate. Cir-
serious opposition there existed in
that it will be Impossible to lodge a
contest against seats.
Brother should make
haste to establish a Sunday-school
among his postal clerks in the
South. Nine of them have been
caught robbing the mails. With a
good under Bro,
protecting care, per-
haps this tendency to letter busting
might be checked.
reed's admirable method.
Wheeling Register.
Reed's rules simplify legislation
immensely When Reed wants a
measure passed he a quorum.
When he don't want a measure
passed he either don't see a quorum
or refuses to entertain motions
lending to its passage. This is as
simple as the Russian plan. We
recommend it to the Czar.
New York Letter.
Tweed Says Sail to
New York, March 31st,
When the Grand and the
Semite Investigating Committee
began a fortnight ago to scratch the
surface, of official crookedness, little
did anyone dream that they
unearth as much corruption as has
been laid bare within the last few
days. The revelations are simply
astounding, and, as remarked by
all, no parallel, except those
of the palmy days of I will
not in this short space, to
go into details, as it would require
pages to do so.
Grand Jury has made a
in which the frauds and
abases in Sheriff's office were
unsparingly. Hundreds
of thousands of dollars have been
wrongfully obtained from pub-
there during the past five years.
Indictments have been found almost
by the score, and there is good pros-
that justice will be meted out.
Stein way Hall, for a long time
past one of the great music halls of
the city, is to go out of existence
as such, on May 1st. It was built
the in 1866, at a cost
of Its only rival, for
large concerts and other similar ex-
until late years, was the
Academy of Music.
Hall, the property of rival piano
firm, is comparatively small and
suited for any great performance.
Nevertheless, we will not be
on this account, as we
still Metropolitan Opera
House, where all such exhibitions
are now given. latter has also
the advantage in location, for mod-
purposes, as it is over a mile
further uptown. The
by the of famous
building does indicate failing
fortunes any means, as are
prosperous millionaires. presume
it is done because more money can
be made from a six-story building
for stores and offices in snob a busy
thoroughfare as 14th street, than
from a music ball. A small haft
with a seating capacity of will
be left for piano recitals, and the
rest of building will be devoted
to business purposes.
This the last week Lent and
everyone is glad. Most of have
not observed the season very much
will try sod make up for it
daring this week. Good Friday
will be kept almost a holiday, as
the and many other such
places down-town will be closed.
Everybody be for
day. Fashionable people will be
busy Week preparing
Easier. That will surely be s
day of great joy, as then will
all hare an opportunity of showing
off their new clothes.
The outlook of the south is col-
by influences chat are
pendent Congress. The bright
of its present,
for that be dim-
med by the action of the majority in
Congress. The is all right,
matter is on top-
Furthermore no section be in
entire gloom when Senator Vance
lives in it.
Phil. Record.
The tariff mongers who demand
increased duties wool, hides,
lead ore, fruits and other imports
from America are none less
clamorous for steamship subsidy.
They ingeniously propose to woo
back with subsidy trade which
the tariff repels. With one hand
they the people through the
tariff, and with the other seek
to draw subsidy plunder from the
people's treasury.
Little Rock Gazette.
The steady drift of the
can party in its management to-
ward the civilization of power furn-
another explanation of the
rapid increase of Democratic
strength. It is necessary only for
Democrats to be true to themselves,
to stand firmly by Democratic doc
and usages, and to continue
pressing country is
already Democratic on the popular
vote, and victory is certain In the
near future.
News and Observer.
Nearly every one of our boys who
goes away from State on his re-
turn speaks out in no uncertain
sound, and assures us that North
Carolina is the best place to live in.
In that we concur, and when we see
country to the west visited by
snows and sleet, and crops lost by
terrible storms, and when we read
of the rivers breaking levees and
flooding fields, and cities invaded
by the raging flood, we are quite
content that our lines have been
cast in pleasant old North Carolina.
noble reply of Governor
to president of Lou-
Lottery Company declining
the offer made by the latter, of
to be in strengthen
the levees of the Mississippi
river, is worthy not only of his own
distinguished reputation for exalted
character, but also of the very best
days of the political hi story of the
South. May spirit of
chief magistrate extend to its
Legislature, leading its members
with equal scorn to spurn the bribe
that been held oat to them as
the of the State.
Wilmington Star.
This Congress baa been in session
now three months sad a half, and in
all that time baa not done one sin-
thing to meet the expectations
of the American people. The time
of both Houses has been frittered
away in partisan scheming and in
profitless discussion. The debates,
if may be so called, bars been
mainly en partisan subject, started
a view to keeping sectional
feeling, sad diverting attention from
questions in the country
Is really interested. Demo-
of House or Senate are not
responsible for this, far the are
the minority sad ace powerless to
accomplish anything.
badly broken. The small tin trunk
that contained some papers. pock-
et book and one of Mrs. Whit ford's
hats, also about one pound of
co, has been found yet. It is
thought they only wished to get
some money. were dis-
appointed. There is no clue as to
the guilty party.
We tear some of our citizens are
bad tempered- because of
continued worry about their mail.
Sometime they do get
papers for two or three weeks, then
they get two or three copies of the
same paper in one week. Often
very important letters are delayed
two or three weeks. On yesterday
one of oar citizens got three East
Reflectors bearing dates
March 12,19 and He likes very
much to get the Reflector and
feels that such to get them
is too bad. As be calls for bis mail
almost daily and is haying so
much trouble in this direction be
thinks, as many hers do, that the
trouble is in the Greenville office,
and that cur present postmaster
should be forced to employ some
competent mail to discharge the
duties of that office. Do you hear
of such trouble in other parts of this
county I Jo.
P. yon did not mall
Reflector please let us know it
so we may not hold any wrong
charges against postmaster.
The Reflector was mailed
promptly, the papers for Greenville
always being put in
office Wednesday mornings. There
are some complaints from a few of
the other offices in the county, but
more come to us from Greenville
office than all others com-
We want to ha a talk
with you and tell
you how cheap
we can sell
Dixie and
Tobacco Plows, Plow
Castings. The Famous
Elmo Cook Stoves.
Give us your orders
early and you will be
sure to get them in time
Greenville, N. C.
Car Load of Fine
liters to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a lino of the follow good
that are not to be excelled in thin market. And to be and
pure straight good;. DRY GOODS of kind, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN
kinds, Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Limb. Paris, and
Hair. Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a and I guarantee satisfaction.
N. C
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.
D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North Court House.
My Factory Is well with the best Mechanics, put nothing
but first-class WORK. We keep up with the times and improved styles.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs arc you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full e of ready
the year round, which we will sell as low as lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hop
merit a continuance of the same.
Of the Association
be held Saturday, May 3rd, at
o'clock. Aw M., in the Chapel
Greenville Institute.
Address by
Paper by Miss Maggie Smith,
Importance of History and
the best Method of Teaching
Discussion opened by C. F. Tyson.
Paper by Miss Lucy Joyner,
Examinations of Pupils and
Teachers Discussion
opened by Mr. J. A. Barnhill.
Vocal Music by Mary Cannon.
5- Questions and answers.
Miscellaneous business,
John Duckett,
W. Harding, President.
Let's Have it,
Mr i-A few weeks ago I
saw an item in your paper agitating
a brick depot for Greenville- Let's
have it by all means, Greenville is
a town and should have
one that will do credit to it. We
presume railroad authorities
will give a substantial wooden
building, but we want a brick one
and mast have it. Scotland Neck
has brick one and it is the
only one on line. After
finishing extension to Kinston
and the line from Washington ran-
n in to this place will make Green-
ville, a and by all means we
would have a depot. Push
it Mr. your enter-
prise, talk it, write it, keep it
before the people. Pally and let's
have a depot.
Greenville, N. G.
In all probability it is too late
now for this movement, as the rail-
road authorities already de-
upon patting up a wood
building. Still we have been d
that It will be a first-class building
in every the prettiest
depot on road. However, we
believe a depot would been
far more preferable to the people,
and a failure to get it shows re-
of not taking hold of anything
in Greenville may some day
realize that it does not pay to be
Card of Thanks.
. C April 1st, W.
Mb. space .
your valuable paper to thank the pound-
party of the A. M. X. Zion church,
for their generosity on last
evening. We are very grateful
them for the of life that
brought as. The table laden with
many good things. The party
in number and among them was the in-
We pray God's upon them,
end ma they long live weft in
--------Just received by------
-And will sold-
or at reasonable terms on time on
proved security. I bought my stock for
Cash and can afford to sell as cheap as
anyone. Give me a call.
I have opened at the stables formerly
occupied by Dr. J. G. James.
and will keep a line line of
Horses and Mules.
have beautiful and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can suit the most
I will run in connection a DRAY-
AGE BUSINESS, and solicit a share of
your patronage. Call and be convinced.
Greenville, N. C.
The Tax River Transportation Company
Alfred Forbes, Greenville,
J. B. Cherry, Vice-Pres
J. Greenville, Sec A
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen Ag
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer GREENVILLE is the finest
and quickest boat on the
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladles.
A first-class Table furnished
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
and Friday at o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. m.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
B. r MIES, steal, I. J.
Washington, N, C. Greenville. N. O
Corrected by Samuel
Wholesale and Retail
Old Brick
Mess Pork, 10.75 to
Bacon to
Pitt County
Sugar Cured
to 5.50
let to
Brown to
Syrup and Molasses, to
Wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he has
bought out the Grocery establishment of T. R. Cherry, and with
new stock added is now prepared to furnish the very best
At prices fully in keeping with the times. I keep
Meat, Lard, Molasses, Confections. Canned Goods, Crockery,
Glassware, Tobacco, Snuff,
Orange Syrup is the best Molasses in this market.
Yon are invited to call. Remember the place, at Cherry's stand
J. R.
J. G.
Have again come to your attention and solicit your esteemed patronage
We do not claim that we have the largest and best stock east of the
Rocky Mountains, but we do say that we are to the front
with a specially selected line of--------
Suited to the want of a large class of customers. We are in full sympathy with
the hard times and can and will make low pikes to all who favor us with
their patronage. Look down this column and see if we cannot interest you. We
are better
a line of
prepared ever before to serve you. We have in stock to-day
Embracing and Trimmings, Ginghams and Calicoes.
and Suitings, Piece Goods and for Men's and Boy's Suits, Homespuns,
Sheetings, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Canton Flannels and Bed Ticking.
Boots and Shoes.
For Men, Women, Boys, Misses and Children, at prices that will cause the poor to
rejoice, and the hearts of all will be made glad who buy Boots and Shoes from us,
why because we sell low and give the money's worth. A full line of Notions,
and Goods that will delight the hearts of and old.
HATS and CAPS for men, boys and children. HARDWARE, in line we
you a stock as complete as the farmer or mechanic can We make a specialty
Nails and guarantee them to the best made. .
The Best Salve world for
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt
Fever Hands
Chilblains, and
and Piles, or u
It is guaranteed W
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
Price cents per box. For said by J
Which we are selling at rock bottom prices, not because we are forced to do so
but we take pleasure In offering and selling low down, can we interest here
if so come in and examine our stock of Sugar, Molasses. Tea, Soaps, both
Toilet and Laundry, Lye, Matches, Starch, Meats of different kinds. Flour
which we are now buying from first hands and can save yon money if you call
examine before buying elsewhere. Tobacco and Snuff.
Headquarters for Furniture,
Of which we carry a line not to be excelled in this market, such as
Bureaus, Double and Single Bedsteads, Tables, Cote, Washstands, Bed Springs and
Mattresses, Children's Cradles and Beds, Chairs of different kinds and varieties
all to snit hard times and short crops. Anything that yon want In this line If we
have not got it in stock we make a special order for you, as we have
from several the beat furniture houses in the United States and guarantee sat-
as to prices. Wood and Willow ware, Crockery, Lamps,
Bridles and Collars. Cart Saddles. Whips and Horse Millinery.
Valises and Traveling Bags,
Life is too short to keep on telling what we have and can do, Bat wishing
all health and prosperity and giving to every man. woman and child who comae
to Greenville a cordial invitation to in and examine stock,
We remain to serve
Greenville, N, Q

1890. 1890.
who have been north on their
have returned and we are now
showing the prettiest line n
to be seen in Greenville.
o I he Ladies I
L Sparks
o All
Oh for a new hotel.
The 4th is Good Friday.
Next Sunday is Easter,
I'm the ail road
Yesterday was all fool's day.
The year is one fourth gone.
Water in the river is falling.
Right cool tor the first of April.
Busy work in the gardens now.
On goes farm ahead.
Buy your shirts of Higgs A Mun-
Bring On for job print-
Dee, M. Ferry Go's., New
Garden Seed at the Old Brick Store.
Mayor's C has been dull this
One dollar buys a Solid
Ladies Shoe at j. B. Cherry Go's.
April is with us but March winds
still linger.
Arrived on the 15th Boss
Milk Biscuit at the Old Brick Store.
Those who bought railroad
stock got left.
One dollar buys a Whole Stock
Mans Shoe at J. B. Cherry Go's
The fool killers ought to have been
out yesterday.
The finest loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Point Lace Flour, at
the Old Brick Store.
The winds last week caused some
hat chasing.
Bushels Seed Potatoes, five
varieties, cheap, at the Old Brick
The spring weather tilings mil the
domino players.
Cream and fresh milk sale by
Mrs. J. C. Lanier.
Eggs and chickens both scarce
very scarce.
Deeds, Mortgages and
Liens sale at this office.
A few last season straw hats have
ventured out.
night enough
I. A Sugg is attending Court
at Snow Hill.
Two of Sheriff Tucker's ch
were sick last week.
Mrs. Allie Higgs has moved to
Miss Leila. Cherry's.
Mrs. Florence Dancy returned from
a visit to and Hamilton.
Master Charlie Sugg has gone to
Snow Hill this week to sell books.
Rev. J. G. Nelson preached in
the Methodist Church Sunday
night. ,
Mr. J. D. Williamson is at Snow
Hill Court exhibiting some of hit
Deputy Sheriff King left yesterday
morning with four prisoners the
Mrs H. L. of Wilmington
is visiting the family of her brother.
Mayor F. G. James.
Mrs A. D. Hunter and little Elsie
returned home last Thursday evening
from a visit
We were pleased to have a call
from our clever friend Mr. J. O
of Edgecombe on Saturday.
Mrs. W. B. Wilson and children
left last week to visit Mrs. Wilson's
sister, Mrs. Arthur Barden, at Ply-
Mrs. Levi D. Port-
smith, Va. spent part of the past
week visiting their daughter, Mrs.
W. B Brown.
atom R. U. Salisbury of Has-
and J. Hamilton,
spent a or two in town during
the past week.
Mr. J. M. King, who left this sees
a few months ago for the west.
is town. He is traveling now for
a tobacco house.
Mr. Will N. of piano and
organ fame, formerly a citizen Green
but now of Staunton, has
been in town a few days.
Mr, R. Green Jr., of the Greenville
Carriage Works, carried some
buggies over to Snow Hill this week.
Mr. J. J. carried some of his
fall quota of as-
for office year two for
Solicitor and tour for Congress. There
is good timber to select from.
In a few days the Reflector office
will have a splendid line of station. y
for the trade. If you want nice paper
and envelopes come to ace us for
Monthly payments in the Building
and loan Association arc now due.
Shareholders will, please make a
note of this and bring or send their
dues at once.
We need a progressive idea in
i that will bonds
and put several needed improve-
foot. The old ruts should
be moved out
Services arc now held twice each
day in the Baptist
and P. M. We are requested
to extend an invitation to the citizens
of the to attend, and those who
can take part in the service.
Superior Court Clerk E. A. Move
informs us that he has received all
the necessary blanks for pensions,
and those entitled to pensions under
the State law can call on him for the
blanks to make proper application
Other towns are establishing water
works; other towns are putting up
electric lights ; other towns are or-
and taking various steps in
the line of progress and material
Why not Greenville
If the Reflector job office was t-o
keep up such a rush of work as t
had last week we would soon be get-
ting another press. And we are will
to get the press if patrons will
keep up the work; if y don't believe
it try in.
Train fin.
Last week Mr. C T.
chased the house Evans
street in therefor
The Baptist Church has sold it's
Parsonage property on Green street
to the widow the late Daniel
Mrs. Lucy Brown has sold her res
on Dickerson avenue to Mr. J.
W. the latter takes posses-
this week. The price paid was
cordial invitation to all
Slight rain Monday
to settle the
The Reflector office can sell
you good envelopes at a pack.
During this mouth yon can talk
up town politics.
The protracted meeting in the
Church is in
per lb Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb sold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
Brother got the
that is, the railroad got it.
For cash you can get the RE-
from now until the end of
1800 with almanac for the year
u in.
Better be advertising your spring
goods, Mr. Merchant.
High water in the river run out
some the seines weak.
New goods daily at Higgs
Mu n lord's
Apples, have been
plentiful in market this week.
The latest Novelties in dress
goods and trimmings to match at
April will have live Tuesdays, five
Wednesdays and live
repair all kinds
old stoves and sell all kinds of
new at lowest
Pitt county Court held full two
weeks term.
have opened a
Cabinet Shop in one room White's
commission store, opposite the
and am prepared to do all
kinds of and repairing
cabinets, furniture, etc. Give
me a call. J-
Next Monday the County
will be in monthly session.
Children En pleasant
flavor, gentle action and soothing
effect of of when In
need of a laxative and if the father
or mother be costive or bilious the
most gratifying results follow its
use, so that it is the best family
remedy know and every family
have a bottle.
Don't get on the railroad track too
much, or somebody might get hurt.
Richmond, Va Men. 15th,
Mess. D. D. Haskett Co.
Greenville, N. C.
This Is to certify that you our
agent in Greenville for the sale
of our stoves and repairs, and that
to you alone do we sell either stoves
or repairs therefor in Greenville,
N. C. Richmond Stove Co,
Lots of shad in the river and the
fishermen are catching them right
Headquarters for all kinds of far-
Tools, Plows, Plow Castings,
Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Forks,
at the Hardware Store.
Latham Pender.
Smooth up the differences and let
everybody and the railroad be good
The late warm weather brought
out the flying ants from their winter
Somebody go to talking now about
the street car from the depot to the
The Southerner says work has
commenced on the new baptist Church
Trains on the Norfolk A Carolina
road began running a regular
Put pluck and energy to work and
you will see more improvements
going on in
The boys told it on Joe Starkey
he was the best looking Juryman
in the box last week.
Our people will be lost for some
where to go new since the railroad
bridge is completed,
forget to plant plenty of
porn before yon- get through.
item is for the farmers,
hand made harness.
Kev. J. G. Nelson, of Williamston,
accompanied by his wife and child,
have been spending a few days with
the family of Rev. P. Humber, fa-
of Mrs. Nelson.
Miss Jennie Gray Hodges, of
Washington, daughter of Sheriff R.
T. Hodges, has spending the
last few days with Miss
been doing
Rev. R. B. John
some very fine preaching for several
Sun lays past. He is growing in favor
As bard as the times arc there is
money enough in Greenville start
enterprises that would help the town
give employment to numbers of hands
and pay a handsome profit, if the
people could only be induced to put
their money together and start some,
Carolina town-
in the other day tor a chat
with the editor, and said that the
wind storm on the 22nd sf March was
the worst he ever saw. In his neigh-
it did considerable damage,
blowing down trees, fences and some
Earn buildings. The ham of Mr.
Simon Nobles was wrecked.
with his people
and the community
A visitor was sitting in the Re-
i office the other day, and saw
several of Greenville's fair sex pass
by, which caused him to look in ad
and remark is more
beautiful than a beautiful
He has not had an answer to his
question at last accounts. The fact
is there is nothing prettier unless it
is another woman.
Mr. L. U. Pender, the firm of
Latham who has been in
a few weeks doing a large
contract of tin work, came home Sat-
evening to lie a few days with
his family. Mr. Sledge, of
came down with him.
For two or three weeks past Rev.
B. C. has been conducting
meeting at in Edgecombe
county. A few days ago he was
thrown from his buggy and slightly
but not enough to interfere with
his meeting.
Mr. John G. Sixer, assistant
graph operator for the Western
i n Co., at was in town last
week. He was out having some
work the line between Tar-
bore and Washington. We were glad
to have a call from him.
Mr. J. U. Small, one of Washing-
ton's leading attorneys, was in town
a few days of last week attending
Court. He ran in to see us long
enough to shake hands and take a
receipt for the Reflector. He once
pushed the quill long enough himself
to realize the pleasure contained in
such Judge G. H.
Brown and C. F. Warren were
also town,
Mr. John Flanagan has purchased
an interest in the Greenville Carriage
Works and will go back into the bug-
manufacturing business. He has
been longer in that kind of business
than any man in Greenville, and has
turned out more thoroughly reliable
vehicles than any one man to be
found in all these Eastern Counties.
His name on a buggy has always
been sufficient guarantee of it's being
just as represented.
Here is a description of La Grippe
by one who has had it is a con-
nauseating, back-aching,
eye-hurting, head-splitting, shiver-
depressing, irritating disease.
It comes like a thief, slays like a
poor relative and when It goes it gen-
manages to forget something,
and has to come back two or three
A matter to come before the Town
Councilmen at their regular monthly
meeting, last night, as the appoint
of Registrars and Inspectors of
Election in the several Wards for the
coming election the first
in May. We will publish
the appointees in next issue of the
There was another accident at the
railroad bridge on the 26th that
was much more serious than the one
chronicled in the Reflector last-
week. The workmen were tearing
down the heavy scaffolds,
to swinging the massive iron draw
around in position and a large frame
arch made of timber fell upon
Mr. S. S. This timber caught
his leg about hall way below the knee
and besides crushing it severely
drove a large iron spike through the
flesh. The other workmen quickly
constructed a stretcher and brought
Mr. to the King House where
he boarded. Dr. Zeno Brown was
summoned and finding the wound
a very serious nature called in his
father Dr. W. B. Brown, and Dr. F.
W. Brown to his aid. They did what
they could for the comfort of the
wounded man and to save his leg.
Dr. Zeno Brown told us Monday that
Mr. was along
and that he no doubt but
leg will be all right.
During the month of March the
Register of Deeds of Pitt county
issued marriage licenses to the lot-
lowing couple-
J. and Jane N.
Morgan, William F. Burch and
O. Williams, Andrew J. Ellis
and Luna Joyner, Win. S. High-
Smith and Ross, John S.
Moore and Sarah A. Watson, J. J.
Martin Martha Mobley.
Wm. and Olivia Tyson,
John Greene and Margaret
Joseph Cherry and
pen, Thomas Everett and
Johnson. J. W. and Mary
u, Jacob and Matilda
Carr, Antony Cobb Emma
John H. Mag-
Langley, Howell Barrett
Dina Atkinson
Laura Boyd, Samuel Bryant
Catharine Fleming, David Boyd
and Lula
The union meeting at Great Swamp
last Sunday was largely attended.
Greenville was well
several persons on way to the
j union at Great Swamp were
through town Friday Saturday.
Mr. B, F, Patrick told us yesterday
that his seine down the river is just
hauling in the fish.
The Kingsbury Literary Club held
its last meeting at the
Dr. F. W. Brown, Friday night.
Master Larry says his
hen keep- right on laying small eggs.
He brought us three more Saturday.
Jack White buys up the eggs and
poultry so fast that the rest of us
have to hustle to catch up with any.
Fancy silk shirts will be the go
next is for those who
can scare up money enough to buy
There must be a great demand for
Cox Cotton Planters, judging from
the number we see brought to town
for shipment.
Two who were under sen-
for disorderly conduct in
were put to on the streets Mon-
day morning.
Building the depot will be the next
work of the railroad at this point, the
hopes the company will
give a nice depot building,
Sheriff Tucker is having a list of
delinquent tax payers made out for
the purpose of advertising the same.
You delinquents better take warning.
to meet thy The
special object of the meeting now In
progress in out Is to help per-
sons make this preparation.
Mr. R. L Humber is electing a
building in of his machine
as a foundry. The
new building will front
Our friend J. F.
ed a v- has open-
i- -ere Tor the purpose of
all kinds of upholstering and fur-
repairing. No need of throw-
Representative E. C. Blount, of
Con ten tea township, told us Saturday
that a tenant house was burned down
on his plantation about midnight on
the 27th The house was
pied a colored family w r
escaped with the- It
known , fire original as
when discovered by the occupants
they only had time to get out.
Some one has suggested in our
hearing that it would be a great
if Dickerson avenue
macadamized. And it being i
which all the travel to and
from the depot will pass we wonder
if the railroad company could not
induced to help the town fix it up
There are lots of things possible
for Greenville if the people will only
go to work right.
Monday night the editor received
a letter from a gentleman in Georgia
who wants to buy a Greenville buggy
and asked us to get the carriage ma-
here to furnish him with de-
Of course we
were glad to do are fully con;
that one of the shops here will
the sale. We are willing to
stake on a Greenville
buggy and where one of them goes to
Georgia others will be sure to follow.
Mr. Stephen R, Evans, a of
this township, died very suddenly on
Tuesday of last week, at the home of
his aunt, Miss Bettie Evans, a few
miles from Greenville. For some
time he had been afflicted with some
trouble of the heart and that is
thought to be the cause of his death.
He was up going about as usual and
part of that afternoon was out in the
field, but went back to the house
complaining of a pain near the heart
and lay down. Not long after some
one went to his room and found him
dead. He was about years old
and was a brother of City Clerk W.
F. of this town.
In Town.
Monday evening the first regular
train the new bridge and
came on in town. The material
over last week and built
the track from the river to t lie depot
site at the end of Dickerson Avenue.
Trails will now run to and from the
site of the new the business
will continue to done over at
until the depot ware-
house can be completed. It make
things look more brisk to sec trains
through town, and its a
great improvement over having to
go i mile to get to the depot as here-
The new depot will no
be completed in a short while.
When the train came over Mon-
day evening at every street crossing
along the route and at the depot there
were gathered large numbers of our
citizens who greeted it with shouts
and That
all glad the road was
inti town every counter.-;
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes and
We have just received and opened a beautiful line of new
Spring and Summer Goods.
I be glad to have my old friends and customers come to
see us,, assure them that we can sell the goods
Give a trial and be convinced Chat the way to buy goods is for
the spot cash.
N. C, January, 1890.
At R. Williams Son's Old Stand.
-------Having purchased the entire stock of-------
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots,
Shoes, and Furnishings.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In-
in stock and to
Car Load Seed Oats
Car Load Rib Side Meat.
Car Load St. Louis Flour, in. all
Heavy Mess Pork.
Granulated Sugar.
Gail Ax Snuff, all
Rail Road Snuff.
Rico Molasses
Tubs Boston Lard.
Cases Star Lye.
Gross Matches.
Also full line
Starch, Tobacco, Cakes. Crack-
Candies, Canned Goods,
Paper Sacks,
Special prices given to the
trade on large of
the above
Of Little, House Bro., we are determined to dispose of them at
We do not propose to sell at cost or below cost, but by buying
at a discount we can afford to sell at such prices that will astonish
This is no Humbug. See us before buying.
Smith seemed as proud
and En
get their train in as we were to sec-
it come.
The schedule that went into effect
yesterday morning is as
Trains will leave Greenville, up town
depot daily except Sunday at
A. and returning will arrive at
the same point at P. M. The
passenger fare to all points will be
cents additional to what it was
from Until further notice
all Greenville freight will he deliver-
ed and received at as at
New Grocery Store
Next door to B. C. Glenn. I have opened a Grocery Store and
keep on band a line line
Heat, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Oil, Molasses,
Candies, Cheese. Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Apples
Bananas, Canned Goods and most everything usually kept in a
first-class grocery store, as well as Tinware, Crockery, Wood and
Willow Ware, Call and see us. Goods delivered free any
where in town.
J. J. CHERRY. Greenville, N. C.
That Man Stephens
Engines and Borers,
All sizes and commonly used.
Circular and Shingle
Rubber and Leather Belting,
In fact anything in the machine line.
We represent the standard
of the land and can sell as low as
the lowest and on better terms.
Write for terms and prices.
O. K. STILLEY. Manager
Washington, N. C
Pitt Co. N
Co. M C
Cobb Bros., Gilliam
Cotton Factors,
We have bad many years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
will receive prompt and
. keeps .
keeps the best Cigars and Cigarettes. Remember the place.
away year broken call
on have it mended. We nope
hie aH with
The regular meeting of the Kings
bury Literary Club was held at the
residence of Dr. F. W. Brown on Fri-
day evening the 28th. i
Several new members admitted and
our Club la now in a very promising
The program which was unusual-
attractive consisted of Music by
the Choir, a beautiful selection en-
titled Why Did They Dig Mothers
Grave so Deep,
An Duet by Misses
Susie Brown and Jennie Williams
was also highly entertaining.
An by Mr,
owed careful-preparation.
The recitation, Waters
by Julia Foley was moat
rendered and much
from the Club.
will meet again the
evening of the 11th inst. at the home
of Mis Jennie Williams, when a tery
Death of
This community was ran pained
and shocked Sunday afternoon when
the sad intelligence was whispered
around that Mrs. E. Vick was
dead. She had been sick for a few
days, but there had not been the
slightest apprehension that her sick-
was so serious and no one was
prepared for the news her death.
A week before her unexpected demise
she was in usual health going in and
out among her friends.
of the death summons no man
Mrs. Vick was the oldest daughter
of T. R. and Sallie A. Cherry, and
was nearly years old at the time
of her death. On the 14th of June
1882 she was married in the Baptist
Church of this town to Capt. Law-
W. Vick, of Selma, R
officiating. Capt. Vick was
one of the most popular commercial
travelers on the road and after
made his residence here. In
1886 Mrs Vick was left a
ow by the sudden death of her
band, and after bis death she, with
her little son, lived at the home of her
father. She was the special help and
comfort of her aged parents, her
death being indeed a severe blow to
the almost heart broken mother,
The remains of Mrs. Vick were
laid at rest in Cherry Hill
at o'clock Monday evening, the
service being conducted by
Rev. A. D. Hunter. The number of
friends assembled to pay this last
respect to the deceased was unusual-
large. At the grave, the hymn
Loves was sung. This
hymn was a favorite with deceased,
it being sung st the time of her con-
version some years ago. At the con-
of the funeral service
song Could not Live
was sung by B
, moist eyes around the
The joins the many
in extending sympathy to
the bereaved ones.
Grocer, Confectioner and Fruiterer.
Hay .;. Brain Fertilizers,
Greenville, N. C.
their year's supplies will And It to
their interest to get our prices before
Our stock is complete
in all its branches.
ill ways at Lowest Pricks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no rink
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville. N. C
THE HOUSE.-Will be
opened for Boarders on March 1st.
The building has just been nicely fur.
throughout and guests will re-
every attention. Table supplied
with best the market affords. Both
regular and transient can be
accommodated. Terms moderate.
Mm. l. c. king,
it is reported that is
st with a large force,
Hipped vita repeating rifles
artillery ready to
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. of Figs Is the
only remedy ox its kind ever pro-
pleasing to the taste and ac-
to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial
mm the most
agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is sale in
and bottles by all leading drug-
Any reliable druggist who
may sot have it on hand will pro-
cure it promptly tat any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
We have opened for the purpose or con-
ducting a general
Balking, Mange and Collecting Business.
Money to Loan en Approved Security,
made promptly.
Carolina, Building Loan
D. J. Sec. Treas.,
I, A. SUGG, Attorney.
A home institution. Loans on
try well as town property. A chance
for all to get a home.
Having associated It. S.
with in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people In that
capacity. All notes and account due
me for services have been placed In
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
We keep on hand at all times s nice
stock of Cases and of all
kinds and furnish anything desired
from the Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We arc
up with all conveniences and can
satisfactory services to all who
Feb. 22nd.
J. B. Jonathan White,
Portsmouth, Va. Greenville, N.
Bridgers White,
High Street.
I of Cotton, Pea-
Poultry, and all other
Solicit i
Country Mer-
chants and Farmers Bank, Portsmouth,
T. J.
Harry Skinner,
D. II. James,
D. J,
E. A.
F. G, James,
I. A. Sugg.
B. W. Kins;.
For information apply to
D. J.
------BRING TOUR CORN TO------
For Good Meal. Will grind
Greenville, N. O.

Greenville, N. C
things don't go to suit us,
should we fold our hands.
Ami say, use in trying,
t ate baffles all our
Let not your courage falter
Keep faith God and roan.
And to this thought be steadfast
do the best I
If clouds blot out the sunshine
Along the way you tread.
Don't grieve in hopeless fashion
And sigh for brightness fled.
Beyond the clouds the sunlight
shines in the eternal plan;
Trust that the way will brighten.
And do the best you can.
Away with vain
Sing songs of hope and cheer.
Till many a weary comrade
Grows strong of heart to hear
He who sings over trouble
Is aye the wisest man.
He can't help what has
the best he can.
if things don go to suit us,
fume and fret.
For finding fault with fortune
Ne'er mended matters yet.
Make the best of
Bear like a
And in good or evil fortune
Do just the best can.
Keep Out of the Bottomless Pit
The Breeze, at N. Y.,
thus breezily bounces
into the blear-eyed band of buzzards
who beat and make of men
send newspapers to those who
do not pay for advance
A statistician places the
population of the in rental regions
at 120,000,000,000. That represents
an average of about deadbeat
subscribe; s to every newspaper
ever existed, with a few thousand
remaining for the sneaks who save
lead quarters for the church
collection, and the pills who stand
off their poor laundress for her
week's washing, use the money
to boy cigarettes and ribbons with.
thief and train
robber there must be some
according to that
Thanks to statistician
who took the census of
and also to Matthew Magician
who has located the home of the
vast of those who steal what
information they have, either from
Oar Familiar Sayings,
Many of our common so
trite and pithy, are used without
least idea from whose pen or
mouth they originated.
the words of Shakespeare furnish
us with more of these familiar max-
than any other writer, for to him
we owe is not gold that
a virtue of necessity,
your courage to the sticking
laugh that
is the short and long of
are merry
as the day is Daniel come
to thy name is
and a host of others.
Washington Irving gives
Thomas queried long ago
What will Mrs. say
while Goldsmith answers, no
questions, and I'll tell you no
Charles gives
for but not one cent for
in war, first in peace, and
first in the hearts of his
appeared in
the resolutions presented to the
House of Representatives, in
1720. prepared by General Henry
Thomas a writer of the six-
century, gives us late
than ere you
and stone that is rolling can
gather no
cry and no is found in
Dry den says, but the brave
deserve are but
of a larger and
Through thick and
When Greek joined Greek then
was the lug of came from
Of two evils I have chosen the
and end must justify
are Matthew Prior.
an indebted to Gibber
for the agreeable intelligence that
is himself
Johnson tells us of good
and Mackintosh, in 1701, the phrase
often attributed to John Randolph,
Wise and masterly
is the very spice of
and much the worse for
Cowper. proposes, but God
Thomas A. Kempis.
Christopher Marlowe, gave forth
Hints to Housekeepers.
credulous publishers j invitation so often r prated by
his brothers in a less public way,
or from those who pay for
papers and lend them to persons
able to order and pay
for what they need, or they would
not borrow. As there is a land
is brighter than this, so is there
a way to beat the We
on to the secret years ago,
and have saved to uses of enterprise,
for the past twenty-five years ex-
five thousand dollars per
year, that dead-beats would have
sucked from had we been a
me little, love me
Edward Coke was of the opinion
that man's house is his
To Milton owe Paradise
of wilderness of
and melancholy and moon-
Edward Young tells us
loves a shining and
at forty is a fool
From comes is
and Thomas
old cow that stands to sucked j that akin to
by every hog that comes along with k Swift thought that
mouth wide open and tail on a wig- is staff of
The secret is this
If your blood disordered, cleanse
it without delay by the use of
the famous blood Druggists
recommend it. cents.
Send papers only to those who
pay in We have heart
foil of for I are prescribing Dr.
Bull's Baby because they know it
per publisher in country, no is a good and safe remedy for children,
matter if he considers a brass- j Druggists sell it for cents,
mounted andiron, a traitor, a dis-
or the peace, or an all-wool,
yard-will, six-ply And we
hare no sympathy or respect for
legion of lasses who count
all they bilk newspaper publishers
oat of, as so much gain. Had
printing country
now in hand what have lost aDd writ French language,
the credit since we I He accomplished laying
at ruck into the road, it buy mU he newspaper and taking up
II be gold and silver of not so amusing, but far
Colorado. for profitable. A coachman was
years they have reduce I their to wait long hours
pins by investing I be -vii I of his mistress made calls. He
Making Odd Moments Pay.
A boy was employed in a lawyer's
office, and be had daily
per to amuse himself with. He be-
to study French, and at the
desk became a fluent reader
t have
dead-beats. Promises t
neither bottom or sides.
all seriousness, a
newspaper union. A union of news-
paper publishers who will not let
papers no from then office till
are A union publishers
who will not send papers to
for the same in
advance, and will send their
an issue beyond
time paid tor.
We will be glad to receive and
publish the names of editors or pub-
who will thus come into a
onion Tor the benefit of the
and publishing fraternity. Could
all be universal, strictly
adhered to rule in this
printing offices would speedily be
out of debt, the publishing business
in good credit, and all newspaper
be in better, stronger condition than
a small volume containing
the of Virgil, but could
not read it, so he ;. Latin
grammar. Day day he studied
Mrs. Curtain.
the statement that she caught
Ins. and finally its cold, which settled her lung--, she
mistress hi
day as he by the she was a hopeless victim of
., horses waiting for her ; and that no medicine could cure
other. lot Mail. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's
was so intently rending. New Discovery for Consumption; she
bought a bottle to her delight found
herself from the first dose.
She continued its use and after using
ten bottles, found herself sound and
well, now does her own housework and
Is as well as she was. Free trial
bottles of this Great Discovery
Wooten's Drug Store, large bottles
The adoption of this rule in 1861,
has proved business salvation.
It baa enabled us to occupy
instead of gadding the
streets and stumbling along
roads a
v m. Postmaster of
lad., Bitters baa
done more for me than alt other
combined, for that bad feeling
arising from Kidney Liver
John Leslie, farmer and of
Electric Bit-
tars to be best Kidney an Liver
me fed like a new
i. W. Gardner, hardware merchant,
Bitters Is
the thing for s who to all run
aW can whether be Boas
a bit my
What do you read
little, my She mentioned
this to her husband, who insisted
that David should have a teacher
to instruct him. In a few years
David became a learned man, and
was for many years a useful and
beloved minister of Scotland. boy
was told to open and shot the gates
to let teams out of an iron mine.
He sat on a log all day by the side
of the gate. Sometimes an
would pass before the teams came,
and he employed so well
there was any fact in
that escaped bis He
began with a little book on English
history that be on the road.
Having learned that thoroughly, be
borrowed of a minister
History of This good man
became greatly interested in bin,
and lent him books, and often
seen sitting by him on log, con-
versing with him the people
of ancient times. it will pay
you to your leisure moment well.
There baa more snow fallen in
New York City month,
daring all the of winter.
The figuring the nest
election is rather previous for
there are changes in progress among
the Western people that may upset
calculations based on the idea
the solid Western vote is to go in the
Republican column. But our friends
the enemy are arranging their plans
and in apportioning representation
on the basis of the next census, they
will seek to deprive the Democratic
South of every representative they
can, since each representative an-
to a role in electoral, col-
Estimating the aggregate pop-
at and allowing
members to the House, it is
thought that the Southern States
will have members
rotes; the Western States
members and electoral votes; the
Middle States members and
electoral rotes, the New England
States members electoral
votes. that the Southern
States would bare seven more votes
Suet be need instead of but-
for sauces, gravies, etc.
Ammonia will frequently restore
colors that have been spoiled by acids.
Nothing is better than a glass fruit
jar for keeping cooking raisins moist
Very finely sifted coal ashes arc
excellent for cleaning brass. Rub well
and polish with a woolen rag.
When acid of any kind gets on
clothing, spirits of ammonia will kill
it. Apply chloroform to restore the
Keep silver ornaments and
mounts bright by rubbing with wool-
en cloth saturated in spirits of am-
A small box filled with lime and
placed on a shelf in the pantry or
et absorb dampness and keep the
air in the closet dry and sweet.
For frying eggs have of fat,
and dip it up over with a spoon, in-
stead of turning, placing thorn
in the pan from a saucer one at a
An old recommendation often
en young housekeepers is to use tea
leaves in sweeping carpets, but their
use on delicate colors should be
avoided, as they will surely stain
light, carpets.
Water should come to the
point for making tea or coffee, and
not be allowed to boil for even five min-
If you arc a doubter, try it and
convince yourself of the difference in
To clean lace baste your lace nicely
on a piece of muslin. Rub it freely
with cold starch until it forms
a paste on it. Put it in the sun to dry,
and when thoroughly dry rub off. Your
lace will then be clean and need no
He led the German and dress
was the admiration of the assembled
fair, but his stout partner slipped on his
favorite corn. Sensation Salvation
Oil to the rescue. Happiness again
Nothing is provoking than a trouble-
some Cure it with Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup.
Deaths in N. C. During fie
Year 1889.
Dr. the Wilmington
Messenger, has been keeping a par-
i of the deaths in North
Carolina many years, but says
that prominent or
men died the year
than any previous
We append herewith the Chief
Justice W N U Smith, Rev
Phillips, Prof William G Simmons,
Prof Ralph Graves, Gen Col let t
Hon Win T Dortch,
Col L Hargrove, Dr Rich-
ard B Haywood, Maj John W Dun-
ham, Rev Joseph E Carter, Dr
Johnson R Jones, Rev Dr Robert H
Morrison, Judge Ruffin. Dr W
T Ennett, Col Leonidas C Jones,
Maj P Atkinson, Maj John
Hughes, Col R I Page, Rev Dr
Wesley M Gen Daniel H
Hill. Rev Dr P C Henkel, Judge
George W Logan, John Ash-
ford, Stephen D Wallace. Y
Charles R Jones, Eugene
Morehead, Rev
James Gen John A Young,
George B Kelly, William R Pool,
Dr J A Hank, Capt Calvin E
Col Robert L Watt, Dr W P Mal-
Maj E L Vaughn, Col C B
Rev Dr Robert B Anderson,
Lewis Taylor, T W Moses L
Holmes. Luke George M
Green, Rev W W Rev
A B Alderman, Rev Farrar.
Capt Wm B John Spell-
man, Dr Pride Jones, John W
Thompson, J
Joseph D Biggs. Dr George C New-
by, B B Salisbury, Dr Adam Clark
Maj W S Cole Rev Jo-
Sullivan Again a Victor.
The supreme court on Monday
a very lengthy decision in the
case of John L. Sullivan, convicted
in the Marion county court of prize
fighting and sentenced to twelve
i months imprisonment.
The case was reversed and indict-
quashed, on the grounds that it
did not show that fought
Sullivan, or that the fight was public.
Sullivan, however, was held to an
at the Marion county circuit
court, for any indictments that
might be found against him.
In its profound definitions what
constitutes a its
fine drawn distinctions as to whether
the fight in a public or
place, and whether Sullivan did
all the fighting, and stood by
and occupied the objective case to
the verb unmoved, the
Supreme court has doubtless
displayed to minds, less obtuse than
ours, as much of profound learning,
as it has la logic and win-
Thus, after the laws have been de-
and trampled under foot; thous-
ands of dollars expended in bringing
the criminal to justice; and tho news-
papers teeming for weeks and months
with the boasts of our State's
poses and intentions, the whole thing
is to an end in a farcical
fizzle, because, it is said certain es-
facts were not alleged, which
every school boy in the State knew
to exist. Come again, Johnnie,
lists arc in no danger in Mississippi.
Grains of Gold.
Be self-reliant.
upon yourself.
It is hard work, to be good.
Every day is a leaf in life.
Do not take too much advice.
Learn your business thoroughly.
Keep at one in nowise
Don't judge of the ship from the
A good conscience is the finest
Good manners cover defects for a
To a ship every wind is con
The best government is self-govern-
Always be in haste, but never in
a hurry.
Observe system in all you do and
He who begins and not finish
loses his
Think of all the from which
you are exempt
The crooked shall be made straight
when caught.
Though creeds arc narrow, know
that truth is wide.
Don't Rub Your Eye.
When get a or speck
of dust or other offensive particle in
your eye don't rub it. Don't touch if.
Don't down the lid. Don't put
your hand near it. Let it alone This
is very bard advice to follow, and in
nine cases out of ten yon will
yourself rubbing your eye before
yon know it.
But if yon can refrain from touch
your eye at all the action of
organ will itself cast oat the offend-
mote in much quicker time and
with far less while your.
efforts would only hinder it and
perhaps Listen the so
if will slay a long lime.
if it is a particle of met
yon will consult surgeon or
oculist once but
are best lira as
indicated. Some people say,
the other ibis is of no use.
Toe Way to Help Your Town.
Murphy Bulletin.
Every dollar ii
new business prices to locate
among us, set million in
which draws thousands of dollars a
year from elsewhere, and distributes
them among us. Every plant that
calls on neighboring farmers
for their raw material puts money
in their pockets and makes them
more desirable customers for those
have lauds, or goods, or
advice to sell, man
who wants a stand calls for another
building or a higher rent rate.
There man, but a
hermit, who bet-
by growth
in which he lives. dollars
in public enterprises are just
investments as the dollars pat
in buying a stock of merchandise.
than at
present, the Western
The wildest temptations must
shortly have an end; the fiercest
flames must burn out for want of
fuel; most bitter cup, when drank
to the dregs, will trouble thee no
more. These things arc temporal,
hasten while I speak, to pass
away; the hope which is
eternal, heavenly, is visible to the
little Bear op
against immorality. If thy trial is
intolerable, it so mock sooner
tarn Thy heart may break,
bat thy good angel points to Heaven
has no equal
all for which soap
used. It is the greatest known
economizer of time, drudgery, and wear
and tear in washing and cleaning.
MILLIONS of packages of
are consumed annually, by economical,
intelligent who are
quick to embrace modern labor-
saving ideas; or, net doing the
work themselves, are bright
enough to supply their
with They
get the best possible results,
and have fewer backaches
and complaints. Their clothes and paint wear longer
because they are not rubbed to pieces.
Beware of imitations which are being peddled from
door to door. First quality goods do not require such
desperate methods to sell them.
sells on its merits, and is never peddled.
Manufactured only by JAMES New York.
Greenville N .
We have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
in every instance. Call and con
Ladies waited on at their
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
The sufferings of women ,
awakens the sympathy of every true .
philanthropist. Their best friend, how- j
ever is B. B. B. Blood is hereby given that I have
Send to Blood Beta Co. Atlanta, I IN b
for proofs. , sold out my interest in the Greenville
H. L. Cassidy, Ga., Carriage Works and am no longer a
bottles of It. B. B. cured my partner. Parties indebted to the said
wife of firm will make settlement to either my-
Mrs. R, If. Laws. la., self or I. A. Greene my former partner.
have never used anything to equal B.
B. B.
Mrs. C. H. Cay. Mount, ST. C.
a day for years was I
free from headache. B. B. B. entirely
cured me. I feel like another person.
James W. Lancaster.
Ga., wife was in bail
health for eight years. Five doctors and
many patent medicines had done her no
good. Six bottles of B. B. B. cured
Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga.
years I suffered with rheumatism,
caused by kidney troubles and
I also was feeble and nervous. B.
B. B. relieved me at once, although
several other medicines had
Rev. J. SI. Richardson,
Ark., wife suffered twelve
years with rheumatism and female com-
plaint. A lady member of my church
had been cured by B. B. B. She per-
my wife to try it. who now says
there is nothing like B. B. B. as it
quickly gave her
Baltimore's new directory shows
a population an increase
of over last year.
Mar. 1st, W. IT. COX.
John F. Plummer Co., the well-
known woolen of New
York City, have failed for
Many people habitually endure a feel-
of lassitude, because they think they
have to. If would take Dr. If.
Sarsaparilla this feeling of
weariness would give place vigor and
No liniment is in better repute or more
widely known than Dr. J. H.
Volcanic Oil Liniment. It is a wonder-
Persons advanced in years feel young-
and stronger, as well as freer from the
infirmities of age, by taking Dr. J. II
Sick headache is the of many
lives. This annoying complaint maybe
cured and prevented by the occasional
use of Dr. J. H. Liver and
Disease lies in ambush for the weak; a
feeble constitution is ill adapted to en-
counter a malarious atmosphere and sud-
den changes of temperature, and the
least robust are usually the easiest
Dr. J. H. Sarsaparilla
will give tone, vitality and strength to
the entire body.
Distress after eating, heartburn, sick
headache, and indigestion arc cured by
Dr II. Liver
If you feel unable to do your
tired feeling, take Dr. H.
Sarsaparilla; it make you
bright active and vigorous.
The most popular liniment, is the old
reliable. Dr. J. II. Volcanic
Oil Liniment.
One of Dr. J. H. Little Liv
and Kidney taken at night b-
fore going to bed, will move the
the effect will astonish you.
Pimples, boils and other humors, are
liable to appear when the blood gets
heated. Dr. J. II. Sarsaparilla
s best remedy.
I will Mr. j. U. In his
Agency at Greenville. N.
C, on April 1st I will represent the
same and solicit a
of the liberal patronage given Mr.
in the past. All business en-
trusted to me will receive my prompt
attention. Office under Opera House.
March 15th, 1800.
HAVING qualified as of the
last will and testament of
Rives, deceased, on the 27th day of
February, notice is hereby given
to all persons having claims against said
decedent to exhibit the same
authenticated to the undersigned on or
before the day of March, 1801, or
Will be plead in bar of their
recovery. If.
of Hives,
This 12th day of March. 1890.
Notice to Creditors.
HAVING qualified before the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Pitt county on the
8th day as Administrator
upon the estate of
ibis is to notify all persona holding claims
against said estate to present their claims
for payment within twelve
this date or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons ow-
said estate will conic forward and
make immediate settlement. This March
8th. ISM.
of S. J.
n -tH
in Testimonial front U
parts of Ii. if Prospectus port
sent on to
A. Fifth Av. e-- York.
,. V
by an
profits, Bales
Sample fie A rare
A. K. Y.
Red Cross Diamond
The reliable
on., t
V I stamp tor o and for
by MIL It
Bad the hair,
I i Or
K Color.
bum pt i V E
mill and sum.
Hand and Machine Use
Greenville, N. C.
Greenville Institute.
m m ft m
John Principal,
Associate Principal
E. W. Primary De-
Assistant in Primary
Miss May
VOCal Music.
Miss Boise. Painting and
Mn. J. c. Penmanship
and Commercial Department.
Primary. Academic.
Classical Mathematical. Mu-
sic, Painting and Drawing.
Large, Comfortable Building.
Healthy Location and
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of first class
Music Department equal
in work to any College in the State.
Pianos and Organs.
A Library of nearly volumes
purchased recently tor the School.
Moderate, from H to
Board and Tuition Tuition and Term,
for Day Pupils tho same as advertised
in Pupils who do not board
with the Principal should
before engaging board elsewhere. For
fur; her particulars. Address.
Edwards N,
Printers and Binders,
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind lo be found in
the State, and solicit orders for all classes
Commercial, Rail-
falling out of hair, end eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among the many who have used It with
wonderful success, I refer you to fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
lo the truth of my assertion
Em. Latham. Greenville.
Mr. O.
Greene, Sr.,
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints can procure
it from me, at my place of business, for
Greenville, 14th. C ,
of Body
if Error or la Old or ft
Robot, HoM rally He-tor. No
pi c, am
A R.
and Schedule
No No No
Dec. daily Fast Mail, daily
ex Sun.
Ar am
Ar Wilson
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
Warsaw loss
Ar Wilson
Wilson am pin pa
At Mount
Ar Weldon p
Daily Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck
leaves Halifax 8.80 P. M. arrives Not
land Neck at 4.00 P. M.
P. If. Returning leaves
A. M., Scotland Neck at 10.10 M.,
daily except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. N via Alba
It. except Sun-
day, P M. Sunday i P M
Train on Midland N leave
Goldsboro daily except Sunday, r. no A K,
Or School Print- N aM. Re
or Binding.
us your
obtained, and all business In the U. S.
Patent office or in the Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
are opposite the S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is oral we
advise as to free of charge.
and we make no change unless we ob-
We refer, to the Post Master, the
Supt. of the Money Order Did., and to
If of the C. S. Patent For
advise and reference to
actual clients your own or
C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
To core Sick Headache,
pat ion, Malaria, Liver Complaints,
safe and certain remedy
the Beans to the
tor mil f
If You Have
BRONCHITIS Throat Affection
SCROFULA I Wasting of Flesh
V Strength or
to Curt
Sett; n. em-
Sold by all
I would respectfully call
to following address and
yon to remember yon buy r
this house cheaper than any other in the
country. That It the most reliable
beat known having been repress ate
tor over forty years in this vicinity
second to none
for filling
Ag wanted
Lines; no
no more
pins needed. It
holds the
est and finest
freeze to it and
cannot blow off.
It is a perfect
r line.
mail for
also SO-ft. line
by mail
prepaid. For
finest mi it-i
pins U price
Clothes do not I list, terms
Hie Pin-
less C
font CK
k f i t.
. el
locality can
With OUT
tree. All to. to
do i. In what . Bid yon to who
Id fur bold, for SM MaL
w. pay all
yon Know a II. if Ii a. to to work for fa
from to and
leaves AM,
arrive NO, s A,
at P M, arrives Nashville
P Hope H P M.
leaves Spring Hope mi A M,
M, arrives Rocky Mount U
Train on Clinton Branch Warsaw
for Clinton except
ten A M. P. M. eon
mg at Warsaw It
Southbound train on
Branch is No. Northbound ks-
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
Mil via Richmond, and daily except
via Line.
Trains make for
points North via Richmond and
One of two
d. lo Ml
lo v. at owe. ran f
All to do ha
i. to out s la
-----ill and f th. trio.
r. of II
All trains run solid t n
ton and Washington, have
l. It.
r. M.
Atlantic N. C.
In i i A. M. Sat
Stations. Ar. fl
p M
t s IS
B in
New s
Morehead City am
Going East. Going
Mixed Ft.
Puss- Train.
Sent post-paid receipt
A most thrilling and
pages; paper as cents; cloth
Selections from Artemus War. i
etc. paper cloth
aft ML,
A ill
and at Blood,
Untold Miseries
Vice, or
for Work, the Married or Social
Avoid Possess
wort. It pa, royal
fall silt. Pries, only by
mail, In plain wrapper,
If apply bow.
Wm. M. P.,
oil and
Of I may
mall at o
. St, lo
Storm Calendar Weather Forecast
for by R. Hicks,
to any address of a
Tho Dr. J. H.
the Opera House, at
I have recently located, where i nave
everything In my line ,.
with all the Improved appliances;
at reasonable
for work outside of my shop
executed. Very respectfully,
a ii
n 4.-
i n.-,
n so
Fall i Creek
Croats n
.-, H
i s m
Morehead City
Atlantic Hotel
Train CO connects with
Weldon Train bound North,
Goldsboro a. in., and with
mend at Danville Train West, I
Train connects with
Train, at O
m., and With
Weldon Train from North at
Train U connects with
Freight Train,
u. w
another new discovery by
la way of
calling on or
above named barber, you can
of is
for eradicating and ca
hair to be perfectly
only or three
week i and a
brush is all to used
scalp for a few
Try a
LB, N. i

Eastern reflector, 2 April 1890
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 02, 1890
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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