Eastern reflector, 29 January 1890

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-----Solicits patronage for------
Its will be to please every
The Eastern Reflector
Department that can Le surpassed no-
where In section. Our work always
gives satisfaction.
Bond um your order.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector
T. Editor as. Frost.
New York Letter.
Joe Blackburn.
Price. per year.
O rake Get I
Cud hear tale tell
I like Ton p
Your ii shine
V n
Yes. and quick
III not to
t m are not
true prim
If nM a a
e i fuel
I you
iv Jinks
Here goes i st bring
New York, Jan.
It is on reliable
Out P. is about to es-
another nun in this city. I
New York Sun.
Joe Blackburn has just been re
elect oil to the U
When he on
i the legislators arrived one
evening at a small village with only
Laughable Reflections
Ana Provoking as Com-
piled by the Soy.
A salutation of the
Ur. Grissom May Leave the
Some ff Views Upon Politic.
States Senate.
, Second
Kentucky ,.,,,
hotel. It was a railroad
O maid
she vote i
Der is
I mad
I'll holler new. I don't care
take ii. her dad
II is true it will be welcome
news to our thousands of
and to many a person who has long
since passed the happy age of
there who can perhaps look
bank to the time when bis heart was ,
delighted by the Museum
of old. stood on the corner of,
Broadway and 14th street, or fur
land most of the rooms in the hotel
were occupied by railroad men.
There was only one vacant apart
and that was to be occupied
by an engineer who might come at
any time. Blackburn was tired and
sleepy and said he would occupy the
room and take the chances.
Some time in the night the
baby looks like his father
Statesville Landmark.
The editor of the met
and had a long talk with Dr. Ha
g. late superintendent
the North Carolina Insane
on the Iran of the Western
North Carolina Railroad going east
Saturday a ft noon. He says
the report that be. is seeking the
should change superintendency of St. Elizabeth's.
I didn't know you were in the the national near
shoe .,
not, Smith. ton ls erroneous ;
Then why have yon got solo agent
on year recently one of the governors
. ., , , that told him that when-j
labs Did I understood you
but I wouldn't
be may outgrow it.
I you v
loose op
o ; do up.
. of Wake,
M. Bolt.
of T.
W. of
i y M. Finger of
Attorney F. David-
son, of Buncombe,
rain it vain-d
I looked like a fool.
bit Mole off
So and
A Boston Institution.
The Institute Us
will be a much more
affair than either of the old
ones, and, it is almost needless to
say. will be a great deal further up
town. late years, Barnum has
invariably begun the circus
by a month's in
son Squire Garden. Bat the old
Boston Herald.
Chief X. IT. Smith, o
Associate on. of
Wake; J. Davis, of
James E. of and man is that their
val indicates their to exist.
has en torn down and a
. , . , .,, , , . language was
new one is being built which will , , ,
never a w to
up, got o ; and storm plant a already in. Dr.
go out on No. already now that yon had just to St. Louis and
gone on No. T and the order is
yon to follow. Shorty to make most offer to go to the
the power for you and Sandy Jim is city just named and establish a
do the figuring in the back th-season in rate m association
One of the self-evident be too small to ac-
regarding most, if not all. C
C. of Burke.
First Tl. of
Second o
Third G. Connor, of
Clark, of
In other when an institution
best serves some good purpose it is
ant to lire while such a purpose is
to be, or be served. To com-
know that , h,,. of
. it pains me more than it does lo . , .-.,
. The Terror-No, t noted the MM-
it must be a p , j,. , t ow t, in the treatment of nervous dis
. , . r. i . nightmare, turned over and was that yon have told me I better, and the editor of the
he . , , , u. .
, , , . . , -4. i dropping off to sleep again, when i and ma v. Terr likely
had a with the Garden . , ,. IT WARE. . J, , ,
company, and the result is be was two o times All the lead
are hard at work planning of the. wife, sweetly. of the city
a new which will rival the;
Madison Square Garden. This will
the floor. I guess you her dis- there, and ho is of an
you exclaimed the in- husband. I believe yon d annual income of 15.000 to begin
cover the block between and
ills to which the
flesh Is heir, we have good have an iron and glass
of by the thousand and by arches similar to
tinder, won't wash, Lanky, wear an elephant in your hat if some
Cm not going to lose my job for
you. If leave you here you'll go
back to bed, thinking you'll only
Mrs. not, an
District-John A. Gilmer, of by the thousand and a of course, nor a stove . the
T. of by the hundred ; but there ail- f , cost Then they'll fire me house T How does your
Sampson. of so subtle a many COst not warm his slippers. Willie f
Seventh C. of of society like B dry no use to kick. Pot on roar clothes
me, ma'am.
A. that require special skill and DYNAMITE BY THE j
F Graven of in resolution has Hurry up r
specialist he must be a been introduced in the I in------do-you suppose He-And so really going high attainments,
Tenth O. Bynum of man of rare best States Senate for the removal of the ; about No. exclaim- to professor You, the n. j j,,,, j j,, treatment
with, with the certainty of an in
The seventy of the St.
is all deters him,
from his conversation we judge
that he will make up his mind to
this. He carried with in in
to the Southwest rs from both
of our United States Senators, from
five judges
an-1 others, bearing testimony to
M. Shipp. of treat them. Of such ailments t hose naval magazine from Ellis Island, j Senator.
Me which have their origin in disorders , York Harbor, will serve to re. are me.
of the nervous system arc usually mind many of us that there is lie intruder.
toe most to deal with, or to vast amount of explosives stored tell me that before when they were
B. Vance, of Meek- treat heir origin may within a very short distance of this and didn't want to
Matt. W. Ransom, North-; remote to the eye of , city. It will also be news to the Then the for it
practitioner, while to the eye of the great portion of oar ; was the Sena- n
r i u be to tor tor the engineer, whom he I'm bis for
of Yance of s ,, . ,,. into Mr.
of a thousand engagements
How did you ever come to accept
Dr. Grissom talked most enter-
His cousin It lining on political topics. His
you see, be proposed m Greek, and qualify him to speak of the
when got mixed of
negative , , ,
him. and now I'm too administration
blunder. be testifies to the universal
As to Slate politics he
that there is no
loan party in North
Ninth G. of
daughter is home-
it has disbanded. He says the
Third W. of At any rate, they are always and on that; face. He recognized
H. more less difficult of looking island and the Senator
Nash. peculiar methods and pa-i wreck the a hole lower pi at tin-1 was a He
of and persevering on ; city, should it chance to explode, j recovered himself and nest. hat do j on want to the districts or
s. Henderson, the par of the man. To of our citizens; only apology I have to offer her for the it that, next
treat such was the are urn ware that an island hi man aiM that-t ha only danger that
object of the founder of the existence, although it is as near he be pulled out a small threatens the party is
body Medical Institute, when, some to us as the Statue of Liberty. It handed it to the don-t take a that of Its railing to pieces by its
ye- ago. he established it at No. belongs to the United States The latter look a fool into my weight. It will need as its
candidate for Governor in 1803
A. Move.
S A. K. Tucker.
B- of II. James.
S B. T. Ward.
C B- Harris.
Bulfinch street, Boston, where it and has been used said the apology was go News.
is located lo this day, and where it i time immemorial as an and back to AD
Concerning Women.
will, no doubt, continue for many supply depot for men-of-war. If
C- years to come, it being an establish- j contains hundreds or tons of car-,
man. Guilford Mooring. V, ed in the medical in-1 dynamite and gunpowder.
that where they are j Just why it is wanted to remove the j
J. . and J. useful to humanity they be- j u not known,
f School Superintend ft Its being the intention to use the inland as a
largely philanthropic, it was named landing place for Immigrant, In-, cross at
F. W. Brown
When a woman gets cross
man upon whom the elements
And what answer do you make to o. n concentrate and to whom all
people can look with confidence
ability. Integrity and patriot-
ism, and there is no one who can
. meet the of
G. James.
F. Evans.
I. Lang.
T. Smith.
A. R. Moore.
Ward. B. X.
after that eminent American phi. stead of Castle Garden.
the late George Peas FOE STREETS
body. gladdens ,, .,.,,
Mr. Jas. s.
soon a gin s capital be-
comes a little i alter
The newsboys the city of Mt-x-
will continue to gladden j f w are all girls,
of his fellow-beings on both at some women and. they
of the Atlantic for ages was will tell yon all the -hey
come. It has bad a wonderful his- L Am popular demand
Sad Alfred success, has this . Te in That which a woman
Ward J this direction has the las, she is most often
h Bard, . not only ,,.
my appeal he asked as he knell
at her feet.
I will be frank with yon,
she murmured.
she Oh, be implored, and re
me from this agony of the occasion as Boo. It. Arm-
of Iredell. Judge
Then h-r me say, it cannot be. . is , his certain
Why not OH, why not I j , h
Because, I do not able .
at since the war Who
entire to the
and the people, and Dr
Lott. of things would different
to support a husband.
few weeks to considerable proper- ;
lout length and breadth of this . , ., , .,
CHURCHES. B . . turns, and the chances are that -no;
. , , ,, t, but the countries of Lu rope
First and Third
Sun-lays, and night. Rev. and Asia. So systematic are the ,
Rector. methods pursued ill the conduct of
Sunday, morn-
and sight. Meeting every p the business pertaining to this 111-
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John. that it can treat by letter
morn- at any distance the obstinate
every of which come within
night. Rev. A. P. Hunter.
When a woman can wash
if were
It is the lie abilities, asset were,
that make the successful assignor.
Albany Express.
The man who is dead in love with
the government of ibis city that its
streets were the dirtiest of any large
the scone of its treatment.
The Medical institute,
T r--
i also, lifts done a vast amount of pill
H Mot In its publications,
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at which, while being standard
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow. W. M., , arc vet Tor the
G. Sec. . . .
R. A. Chapter. meets purpose bringing about most
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights t condition of
Hall, F. B. Brown, II. P.
Covenant Lodge, I. O. O. F.
every Tuesday night. O. W.
Lodge. No. K. H., I no estimating the value of such
meets every first and third Friday night, j publications, written as these arc
ally In world. Ordinary growls re
by the citizens been of no M
avail. The adverse , ,
foreigners and strangers has had no You occasionally a woman
effect. We have hart thinks she is intellectual
regards his as the State's
ablest men. He can have the
nomination for Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court if he will but
that he accept, it, and be
can have the Democratic
for Governor for the asking.
He u the most available
man that position, beyond all
Dr. is excellent-
, and he never talked in- engagingly
,,, here, you I .,. i
will oblige me and save yourself; ll afternoon,
trouble by handing mo that lie is master or the art
which you owe Townley. He has poetry and eloquence drop
planed the bill in hands Tor col- ,,.,,, tongue.
The devil has a hot j a to two masters. ,
to put up
cause she has a largo number of
is embodied the motto,
Indeed, there is
with filthy streets while all the time
have been paying millions to correspondents.
clean them. Last it was over i soon M a J
and then there and the room warm, his wife
were clean streets except after a comes
H. meets j for popular comprehension, for they
Pitt Council,
every Thursday night.
C. A. White, C. disseminate the that is I
heavy sincerely hope
our new Commissioner will give us
cleaner streets or be before
most essential to the man or woman
I who would lead a moral, and
Hours for all business from A.
M. to P. M. All mails distributed
on arrival. The general deliver will
be kept open for minutes at night
alter the Northern mail is distributed, education and of the
Filling such a useful sphere in the
X Mail arrives daily
at P. M. and departs at
Old Sparta and Falkland
mails arrives at
M. and depart at P. M.
Washington, X
and Grimesland
s dally at
and at A. M.
Ferry, Johnson's Mills.
and Pullet arrive Tuesday
and Saturday at A. M. and
Vanceboro, Black Jack and Calico
mails arrives every Saturday at M.
and departs Friday at A. M.
J. J. P. M.
world, and in to
mind as well as the body,
as is the case in most nervous dis-
eases, It is not to be wondered at
that the Peabody Medical Institute
lives and thrives, the wonder
would be that it should not live and
its influence in or
Journeymen stonecutters of
S. Y. demand the eight-hour
increase in the grain product
of the Southern States within the
past has been over 220-
This taken in con-
with increase in
her cotton crop, increase in her
varied manufacturing industries,
number of new coal, iron, gold
and other mines opened, the
railroads built, the new towns
founded, new educational
erected, does not look as
if white men of the South were
devoting their energies to hunting
down and raising mis-
chief as so often charged .
by Radical partisans on the other of Canada, is seriously
of the Star.
One of your delicate women will
never admit that she is hungry. She
will say that she is a little
A woman never becomes so
that she learns that it is no
pleasure to to bear her coax
her children to speak a
There is only one thing that pleas-
es a than to be
ed to as a dove, and that is to bear
a man re fern d to as a hawk.
The question with Is
better to many a man who is
thoughtless and leaves door
open behind, or to marry a man who
thinks to close the door, but forgets
to leave out the slam T
Lady Stanley, wife of the
1807 it that there
my boy but;
I can't accommodate you.
very well; I know were paid for advertisements this
how I can collect it. country Now there
you'd better make a three-fold in-
as besides. I , ,
I hen see a business man go
round prosperous and smiling
The population of the State is
meat enough is raised for
only It will take seventeen
million dollars to buy meat for
cud happy, you can sit It down as
a dead sine thing that he has stock
and is drawing
remaining and the cot i
ton crop of State is
million enough
to pay for the meat that must be
bought; no to speak of other
yet we ask what is the cause of
poverty. The credit and
or are other
es of bard times. The mis-
of the Alliance is the salvation
the the people.
W. A. Darden in a speech at
It ls said if equal parts of
pine tar are mixed together
and burned in t lie yon will not
The passion of the forgoing
to the is akin to the pas-
or the race for watermelons and
There are those, them
who to the six days
in every week throughout the year
a letter. Their
Mi a about it is well illustrated by
Che fragment conversation between
two women, board front
of he office here the other evening.
said one. go in en ax,
do is
And they dived into the door
Be oil Hand.
If yon are to do anything,
do it promptly.
The longer you wait and think
about it, and dread if, the worse if
will be.
Be on band. Life la a deal
to Hie person who
does what he is required to do.
Don't keep your friends waiting.
You have no right to waste the time
of other people. If you are one halt
hour behind time in fulfilling an en-
you may came a dozen
other parties to break engagements
and delays may come out of just
that little shortcoming yours
which you look upon as a trilling
To an active, energetic, wide
awake person there is nothing more
trying and more annoying than to
be made to wait.
Brace op and make an effort,
shiftless, indolent, always-behind-
and sec if you cannot come to;
it yon have d to be a
time, lie there unless you
sick, or dead, n either case yon
be excused, bin not otherwise.
if you are man, don't keep your
wife waiting dinner for you, unless
is some good and sufficient
generally there not.,
Waiting a dinner spoils not only
the but the temper the
who is managing it.
you are a woman, and your
husband says lie will be around at
It take yon to drive, be
ready for him. Have your bonnet
and gloves on. Don't keep him
dancing on the sidewalk for half an
hour to a fidgety hone
leisure y gel on your
wraps and look at your back hair
a hand-glass and bunt up your
gloves and and wonder
whether had better take an ex-
shawl not. Have all these
things attended to and decided on
before the time he has fixed.
A little system and a good deal
will help you to
prompt; and alter you mice get in I
the habit it, you will like it.
It is refreshing t do
with a party who is always on time,
and who, you know will be on time.
He begets courage and confidence
in everybody with whom he comes
in contact, lie is a power in
He is a blessing to the world.
hen he he will be missed.
Teach cm lien early to be,
Teach them lo respect a
promise. Bring them up to tell
and stick lo it. A broken en-
lie. Sometimes it
a lie, and cause u j
great many more unpleasant com-j
a lie. Be careful in
making when you
have once agreed, stick to the terms j
if the agreement.
And if you follow the prompt,
punctual, preserving method of do-
everything when it needs to be
dona, there arc chances out of a
that you will be In
lift ; and i are not, yon will
the delightful of
kn that you have, deserved
success, and that yon will not be
by the remorseful
thought that had only come to
you had only been on hand
you would have achieved success
instead of failure.
Why They Leave.
Tarboro Southerner.
This is a question that one would
naturally ask when they learn that
1.0 many of our young men are
the North It is
this, the truth be told, they
are not appreciated by their home
pie, hence their departure. No
one can blame a young man for
leaving his Dative Slate to
his condition, when she does not
employment by which he
can make a good, comfortable
Young men very reluctantly leave
their homes, but when homo is not
inviting there is no chance for
them to advance, to noble and lofty
stations in life, do not blame
them for leaving.
It is a fact that many or our best
young men leave the State because
they do not receive a sufficient re-
for their labors. In
t many positions that young
occupy, their pay is so small that
can barely make a living.
North Carolina can not spare so
of her young men. She needs
. them to take place of the older gen
that will soon pass away. It
is n sad refection that our young
j are constrained to go elsewhere
to their fortune. They should
emboldened at home. Seldom
i efforts of many of our young
men justly rewarded.
Clerks, By all Means.
Winston Daily.
The proposition
for each member of the House of
Representatives is good en on as
far as it goes, but it lacks that finish
and completeness which such a
proposition should have. The
need clerks, no doubt, to carry
ion their correspondence and take
care of their financial affairs, so
that they may not be by
The clerks of Senators for all
nary purposes really are the Sena-
tors. They arc not yet permitted
to vote, but they get up the
ions, in accordance with which the
Senators vote, and they write
speeches by which those opinions are
sustained. They act, moreover, as
Senatorial scapegoats, upon whose
convenient backs are laid all sins of
commission and omission in getting
wrong appointments and not get-
ting right ones, in this capacity
the clerks of Representatives would
have a value far beyond any cost
likely to be incurred m providing
for them.
Should the clerks provided up-
on any basis, and with or without
valets, boilers, boot-
blacks, grooms of the congressional
bedchamber and in wait-
in, the public will watch the
with a good deal of interest.
it prove a success there will
be a movement, no doubt, to pro-
in the Stats
Legislature with a similar outfit.
n will come clerks for the alder-
man in cities, who certainly need
them upon many more grounds than
Representatives in Congress do.
What a gallant thing will the
de manic career be when the happy
day arrives when each member of
the council shall be attended by a
with a wig. perhaps, and a
frown and certainly with bag for
the our
and Democratic simplicity,
have neglected these things, until
the look down up-
on us with scorn, while the genius
of shrinks bashfully into
her corner. It i-. time the evil were
remedied the bud
freedom permitted to his wings
without in the presence of
the universe. all means;
clerks for everybody. Also valets
Mr. It. Grinstead, Ky.
Sly children have sometimes
had boils and other of blood
impurities, with loss appetite, etc
at which times I have found Swift's
Specific a moat successful
instance failing to effect a speedy
and permanent cure.
Specific is a great bless-
to says Mr. P. K.
Gordon, of street, Nash-
ville, Tenn. it cared me of
rheumatism of a very bad
feet It improves digestion, brings
appetite, and builds up general
Mr. the firm of
Henderson, Fort Smith
Ark., says he wishes to add his
to the thousands which have
already been given as to Swift's
Specific. says he derived the
most signal benefit from its use to
to cure boils and sores re-
null in; from impure blood.
When taken for a few days,
v-h mixtures impair the. digestion,
take away the appetite, and dry
up i he gastric juices which should
assist in digesting the opposite
I had been troubled for three
or lour years, S. S. S. cured me
slier I had exhausted everything
W . N C
o a mm nm.
Attorneys- w.
l I. BLOW,
G E E S V I L J. E. N. C
N. C.
all the courts. Collection
Greenville, N. C.
tr V

Solicits your patronage
Its will be to please every
Department that can Le surpassed no-
where in section. Our work always
give satisfaction.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in
Eastern Reflector
TUT. .
lady. Got
UM hear lei tale
Oh sound
I like you p veil.
New York Letter.
A New
Naval Dirty
Subscription Price. per year.
not Hesitate to
that are
true the party.
If want a a
State for the
G. Fowle. of Wake,
Secretary of
of Wake.
W. of
of Wayne.
Superintendent of Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of
Attorney F. David-
son, of Buncombe,
Chief N. n. Smith, o
Associate S. of
Joseph J. Davis, of Franklin
James E. Shepherd, of and
very, of
Your plank don't shine
V n
Yr. and up quick ;
For sake
I hope you excuse
I'm by
a loose.
O she V
moon is
thrive; vent
Oh say. old head
Now T to
I'll holler now. I don't care
I up her
fay you
out r loose Take op
Fire Murder Police I
do up.
Dot girl she rain it rained
I looked like a fool.
So vet and like
A Boston Institution.
New York,
It is reported on reliable
that T. is about to es-
in this city.
II this is true it will be welcome
news to thousands of children,
Hurt to many a person who has long
since passed the age of
and who can perhaps look
bank to the time when his heart was
delighted by the
old, which stood on tho corner of
Broadway and 14th street, or fur-
back still, when it stood, where
tho now stands, at
Broadway and Ann street. If pres-
plans are carried out the new
museum will be a much more
sire affair than either of the old
ones, and, it is almost needless to
say, will be a great deal further up
town. late years, has
invariably the circus season
The sad Its b-v a month's
Century's Wort, Square Garden. But the old
building has been torn down and a
new one is being which will
Boston Herald.
Alfonso C. Av
First H. Brown, of
Second Philips, o
Third District-H. G. Connor, of to be, or should be served. To com
One of the self-evident unfortunately too small to ac-
regarding most, if not all. Besides, he
man institutions, is that their
Joe Blackburn
Be he had a First-clan Case cf
New York
Joe Blackburn has just been re-
elected to the United States Senate.
When be was out in Kentucky vis-
the legislators ho arrived one
evening at a small village with only
one hotel. It was a railroad
and most of the rooms in hotel
were occupied by railroad men.
There was only one vacant apart-
and that was to be occupied
by an engineer who might come
any time. Blackburn was tired and
sleepy and said be would occupy the
room and take the chances.
Some time in the night the Sena-
tor was awakened by the
of a bright lantern into his face.
Somebody seized him by the
and gave him a tremendous
shake, and a coarse, graft voice ex-
up, you've got to
i go out on No. already
gone on No. and tho order is for
yon to follow. Shorty's to make
power for you Sandy Jim is
to do the figuring in the back
language was strange to the
Senator he concluded it must a
Laughable Reflections
Provoking Selections a Coat-
piled by the Selector's Bad Boy.
A salutation of the
old man.
Dr. May Leave the
Some f f Bis Views Upon
The editor of the Landmark met
and had a long talk with Dr. En-
late superintendent
jot the North Carolina Insane
Young j on the train of the Western
baby looks like his father I
but I wouldn't
Be on Hand.
If yon are to do anything,
do it promptly.
The longer you wait and think
about if, and dread it, the worse it
will be.
Clerks, By all Means.
Winston Daily.
The proposition to appoint a clerk
member of the Mouse of
Representatives is good enough as
far as it goes, but it lacks that finish
and completeness which such a
worry, he may outgrow it.
I didn't know you were in tho
shoe business,
not, Smith.
Then why have you got solo agent
on your recently one of the governors of
v k i r.-, t , institution told him that when-
Did I understood ., .,
to say that Madge went insane when a
Be on hand. Life is a great deal proposition should have. The
to the person hers need clerks, no doubt, to carry
fly does what he is required to do. j on their correspondence and
Don't keep your friend waiting. care of their financial affairs, so
I You have right to waste the that they may not be by
. I of people. If you are one hall i defaulters,
the report that he is seeking the . . , . . r ,. , , .
hour behind time in fulfilling an en- The of Senators for all
North Carolina going east
last Saturday afternoon.
which you look upon as a Senators vote, and they write
speeches by which those opinions are
To an active, energetic, wide- Sustained. They act, moreover, as
. H II CI .,
Miss Filip refused him T Wick- he will, be elected to it. awake Senatorial scapegoats upon whose
know what you under-1 but that he does not desire the place . ., .,. . convenient backs are laid all sins of
stood me to say. What said was and so said at the time, and that
that he went away mad. ere did e not
never saw such engaged in an effort to sup-
wind and storm j plant a already in. Dr. Gris-
now that you bad just to St. Louis and
trying and more than to and omission in getting
made to wait. wrong appointments and not get-
Brace up and make an effort, yon ting right ones. In this capacity
indolent, always-behind- ; the clerks Representatives would
,. , . , , have a value far cost
and see if cannot come to w ,. ,
He has
I lime
for I hem.
II have agreed to be at a Should the clerks be provided up-
time, be unless yon any basis, and with or without
his home.
they tho wind blew
and the storm rose, of course. most nattering offer to go to the
and establish a l case coachmen, boot-
the. season m rate in association with , , . ., blacks, grooms of the congressional
yon know R one the bedchamber and In wait
it pains me more than it does yon to . . ; are a man, don't keep in- the will watch the,
o van t The Terror No most noted specialists in the conn-1 . , r.
you i me wile waiting dinner unless with a good deal of interest.
val indicates their fitness to exist. company, and the result is his
In other words, when an institution outs are hard at work planning
a new structure which will rival the
nightmare, turned over and was
Dill , , , l.
, , -i. . r i. dropping off to sleep again, when
had a with the Garden I . ., ., . I
he was two or three times
papa I didn't know it; tint now
in the treatment of dis
that yon have told me I feel better, and the editor of the Alienist
there is some good and Should it prove a success will
be a movement, no doubt, to pro-
best serves some good purpose, it is
apt to live while such a purpose is
Fifth A.
Sixth T.
Seventh C. of
Eighth A. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth Bynum of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
bat the ills to which the
flesh Is heir, we have good
by the thousand and hospitals
by the hundred ; but there are ail-
of so subtle a nature, many
of which society like a dry
rot, that require special skill and
in their treatment, that the
specialist he must be a
man of rare best
treat them. Of such ailments those
which have their origin in disorders
Square Garden. This will
cover the block between and
87th streets, and 8th 9th ave-
It will have an Iron and glass
supported by arches similar to
the Grand Central Depot. It will
be four stories high and cost 8400.-
The fact that a resolution
been introduced in the United
Senate for the removal of the
naval magazine from Island,
New York Harbor, will serve to re
h. Merrimon, of tho nervous are usually mind many of us that there is a
of Buncombe. . . .
in i the most to deal with, or to vast amount of explosives stored
. Vance, of Meek- treat successfully. heir origin may
remote to tho eye of the ordinary
practitioner, while to the eye cf the
it may be plainly
by the nature of the
Matt. Ransom, of North-
House of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of
Second col,
Third of J Al any rate, they are always
District-. H. Bunn, Mt of
Nash. peculiar methods pa-
Fifth District-J. w. Brower, of , and persevering on
Sixth Rowland f ,
S. the of the medical man. To
Eighth District W. C j treat was the
Ninth . of
object of the founder of the Pea-
body Medical Institute, some
ago. he established it at No.
i Bulfinch street, Boston, where it
rill, no doubt, continue for many
Court A.
A. K. Tucker.
of IT. James
It Cherry.
S S. T. Ward.
years to come, it being an establish
man, Guilford Mooring. C. V, Newton, fact in the of in-
Herding that where they arc
J. S. and J. D. neatly to humanity they
within a very short, distance of this
city. It will also be to the
great, portion of our
would perhaps alarm them some to
know that there is piled up enough
and on that
insignificant looking island to
wreck the whole lower of the
city, should it chance to explode.
fact, thousands of our citizens
are an island is
existence, although it Is as near
to us as i in-. Statue of Liberty. It
belongs to tho United States gov-
I and has been used
is located to this day, and where it I time immemorial as an ammunition
School Bar- com. permanent. Its mission being
largely philanthropic, it was named
after that eminent American
the late George Pea-.
body, whore beneficence gladdens
end will continue to gladden
of his fellow-beings on both
sides of the for ages to
come. It has had a wonderful bis-
G. James.
F. Evans.
I. Lang.
T. Smith.
R. Moor.
Ward, B. N.
Sad Ward. R. Jr., and Alfred j success, has this Peabody
Forbes; 3rd Ward. T. J. Jarvis and M. Medical Institute, and it has extend
edits usefulness not only through-
out the length and breadth of this
land, but in the of Europe
and Asia. So systematic are. the
methods pursued in the of
the business to this in-
that it can treat by letter
at any distance the most obstinate
First end Third
night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. P., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. E. B. John,
Pastor. l
every Sunday, morn-
night. Meeting
Wei night. Rev. A. D. Hunter,
supply depot for men-of-war. It
contains hundreds of tons of car-
dynamite and gunpowder.
Just why it is wanted to remove the
magazine is not known, it be
the intention to use the as a
landing for Immigrants, in-
stead of Castle Garden.
dragged of bed dropped on i
the floor.
you exclaimed the in-
tinder, won't wash, Lanky.
I'm not going to lose my job for
you. If leave you here you'll go
back to bed, thinking you'll only j
a minute-and, of course,.
get left. Then they'll fire me
tot not calling you. No, there ain't;
no use to kick. Put your clothes
come on. hear old No.
growling now. Hurry
in-------do-you suppose
know or care about Ho. exclaim-
ed Senator.
are yo giving me f ans
tell me that before when they were
sleepy and didn't want to
Then the night watchman, for it
was he, and he had taken the Sena-
tor for the engineer, whom he was
awake, thrust the lantern into Mr.
Blackburn's face. He recognized j
his mistake and knew the Senator
was for a moment aghast. He
quickly recovered himself and
only apology I have to offer
As he spoke he pulled out a small
pocket flask and handed it to the
Senator. The latter took a
affably, said the apology was
sufficient and back to slum-
Concerning Women.
N, and may, likely cause, and not., Representatives in the State
will, accept the offer. All the lead- a . with a similar outfit.
of the city urge of tho . h ;
Oh, would I were a bird
the young wife, sweetly. is managing it. man In who y need
I guess you said her dis- there, and he la assured of an ,,
gusted husband. I believe annual income of 85.000 to begin ll , Representatives in Congress do.
wear an elephant in your bat if some ; with certainty of an in- ; , What a gallant thing will the
idiot said it was the fashion. of the St.
HOW HE WARMS deterS him- j
Mrs. not an l,
Tho seventy of the St. J l w be career be when the happy
Have your bonnet i day arrives when each member of
Don't, keep him shall attended by a
on the sidewalk half an
with a wig. perhaps, and
Open fireplace nor a stove the ; ho will make up his to gown and certainly with bag for
whole house I How does your la- this- He carried with him, a In our
warm his slippers, i to the Southwest letters from and Democratic simplicity, we
Willie on n . . to f wraps and look at your back bail bare neglected these things, until
me, ma'am. our Senators, . . the effete despotisms look down up-
j five ex or five judges j a hand-glass and mint up
PENALTY OF pride. and others, bearing testimony to shrinks bashfully into
He- And so really going high professional attainment, j you had better ex- i bar corner. It tune the evil were
to marry that professor You
heroine a thousand engagements
How did you ever come to
him T
His cousin ,
yon see, he proposed Greek, and J travels qualify him to speak will help to
when I him I mixed on of the country concerning
national administration
him, and now I'm too ; . . , It is to do
to acknowledge blunder. Ob, and he testifies to the universal to no
I'm his for life I As to State politics ho a party who is always on time,
observe that there is no i you know will be on time.
, in Ho begets courage confidence at
party in a most. in
it has disbanded He mi the Be- everybody with whom he comes a n
than contact. He IS a power in instance to effect a speedy
. ,. . i Mill I I I
nest. What do you want to one of the congressional districts of lift is a blessing to tho Id.
her for f the State, it that, W lieu he he will be missed. Specific a great
daughter is home-
hump-shouldered, j
has a disposition like a hornet's j publicans will carry not more
Mr. J. It. Senora, Ky
My children have sometime
had boils other signs of blood
impurities, with loss of appetite, etc
SUE HAD TO RE FRANK. man upon whom aM the than a lie, may cause,
And what answer do you make to can concentrate and to whom all great many more, com-
my he asked as he knelt
When a woman gets cross
gets cross at everybody.
How soon a gins capital be-
comes a little i alter
, . ,. , The newsboys of the city of
Mr. Jan. S. Coleman, our , ,
of Street Cleaning for several ,
. w i j i Smile at some women they;
years past, has stepped down and ,, . I ,,
, , , tell a the they
out, mainly because ho was unable r .
to meet the popular demand for
cleaner streets. The agitation in
this direction has grown in the last
at her feet.
James, I will be frank with yon,
she murmured.
Oh, speak he implored, and re
me from this agony of
Then let me say, it cannot be.
Why not Oh, why not T
Because, I do not able
to a husband.
work In its publications,
cases which come within
the scope of its
The Peabody Medical Institute,
also, has done a vast amount of phi
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow. W. M.,
G. Sec.
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. meets
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-
sonic Hall, F. W. Brown, H. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F.
meets every Tuesday night. O. W.
Hat N. O.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of H.,
meets every first and third Friday night.
D. D. D.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
open for all business from A.
M to 4-30 P. M. All mail distributed
on arrival. The general deliver will
be kept open for minutes at night
the Northern mail is distributed.
N Mail arrives dally
at P. M. and departs at
Tar Old Sparta and Falkland
mails arrive tally at
M. and depart at P. M.
Washington, Latham s X
Bonds, and Grimesland
s daily at
and departs at A. .
Ferry, Johnson's Mills,
and Pullet arrive Tuesday
and Saturday at A. M. and
Vanceboro, Black Jack and Calico
mails arrives every Saturday at M-
and depart even Friday at A. M.
. J. FERNS. F. M.
which, while being standard
cal works, arc yet for the
purpose of bringing about most
necessary of
is embodied in the motto,
Indeed, there is
estimating the value of such
publications, written as these arc
for popular for they
disseminate the information that is
most essential to the man or woman
who would lead a moral, sober and
rilling such a sphere in
education and the
world, and to the
mind as well as body,
as is the case in most nervous dis-
eases, it is not to be wondered at
that the Peabody Medical Institute
lives and thrives, but wonder
would be it should not live and
extend its influence in behalf of
Journeymen stonecutters of
N. Y. demand the eight-hour
few weeks to considerable
the chances are that -no
bold the office very long
unless he can give us something
like genuinely clean streets. It has
long been n standing reproach to
the government of this city that its
were the dirtiest of any large
city in the world. Ordinary growls
bi the citizens have been of no
avail. The adverse comment of
foreigners and strangers has had no
effect. We have bad to put up
with filthy streets while all the time
have been paying millions to
clean them. Last year it was over
and then there never
were streets except after a
heavy sincerely hope
new Commissioner give us
cleaner streets or be before
a month. Edwin Arlington.
increase in the grain product
of Southern States wit-bin
past has been over 220-
taken in con-
with increase in
her cotton crop, the increase in her
varied manufacturing industries,
number of new coal, iron, gold
and other mines opened, new
railroads built, toe new towns
founded, new educational
erected, does as
if white men of the Sooth were
devoting their energies to
down raising mis-
chief an so often charged
by Radical partisans on the other
ever had.
That for which a woman should
I be consoled she is most often
When a can wash flannels
so that they will not shrink she
knows enough to get married,
A woman is never so badly in
that she does not try to
out the cost other engagement i
The devil has a particularly hot
lire for mother who wants to
send her daughter husband-bunt-
You occasionally find a woman
who thinks she is intellectual
cause she has a largo number of
As soon as a man gets fire
built and the room warm, his wife
comes along wants to the
One of your delicate women will
never admit that she is hungry. She
will say that she is reeling a little
A woman never becomes so
she learns that it is no
pleasure to to hear her coax
her children to speak a
There is only one thing pleas-
es a woman than to be
ed to a dove, and is to hear
a man relent d to as a
question with Is it
better to many a man who is
thoughtless and leaves door
open behind, or to marry a man who
thinks to clone the door, lint forgets
to leave the slam
Lady Stanley, wife of the
nor-General of Canada, is
people can look with confidence than a lie. Be careful in
in bis ability, Integrity and patriot- making agreements, but when yon
, ism. there is no one who can once agreed, stick to the terms
meet the requirements of of the agreement.
the occasion as Hon. R. F. Arm- And if you follow the prompt,
Held, of Iredell. Judge punctual, preserving method do-
lie says, U. to his certain everything when it needs to be
edge, the only man who has held a done, there are chances out of a
court at Raleigh since war who that you will be successful in
I has given entire satisfaction to the life and if yon are not, yon will
truisms. bar an the people, and Bi Gris- ha--e the delightful consciousness of
Lots of things would be that you have deserved
if they were caD and that you will not be
the be asset were for Chief Justice of the continually beset by the remorseful
if he will but ha come to
Albany Express. that he accept it, and he time-if you had only been on baud
The man who is dead in love with can have the Democratic would have achieved success
himself usually non for Governor for the asking, instead of failure.
Sentinel. lie is the most available
man foe that position, beyond Why heave,
Dr. is excellent-;
and he never talked more engagingly
aide of the .
yon owe Townley. He has; poetry and eloquence drop
The poet is born, not made. The
poetess, is born and maid too.
Leader Tarboro Southerner.
A CHANCE TO TWO This is a question that one
ask when they learn that
will oblige me and save yourself afternoon. I , lour are
trouble by handing, me that lie is master or the art converse It is
this, the should b told,
are not appreciated by their home
In 18-37 it that there their So
were paid for advertisements in this can a young man for
country Now there J
v. his when be does not
are 930,000,000,8 in- ,, .,.
. . by which he
crease within twenty-five years., u J ,. ,
. L . can make a good,
W yon see a business go-
round prosperous and
r u. , Young men very reluctantly leave
and happy, you can sit it down as, B , , ,
T a v u i their homes, but when home is not
a dead sure thing has stock,
. , there is no chance Tor
in is m . ,. a. .
i j- -h a them to to noble and lofty
, u.
stations in life, do not blame
the bill in hands for col-
Brief, my boy but
I can't accommodate you.
very well; I know
how I can collect it.
you'd better make
the amount and help me as well
as besides.
from Ins tongue.
appetite, and builds up the general
Mr. of the firm of
m Henderson, Fort Smith
Ark., says he wishes to add his
to the thousands which have
already been given as to Swift's
Specific. says derived the
most signal benefit from its use to
to cure painful boils and sores re-
from impure blood.
When taken for a few days, pot
ash mixtures impair the digestion,
take away the appetite, and
up the gastric juices which
assist in digesting the opposite
which I hid been troubled Tor three
or tour years. S. S- S. cured me
after- I had exhausted everything
The population of is
meat enough is raised for
only It will take seventeen
million dollars to meat for the
remaining population; and the cot-
ton crop of the State is at
sixteen million
to pay for the meat that must be
bought; no to speak of other things;
yet we ask what is the of
poverty. credit system and the
of are other
es of bard times. The mIs-
of the Alliance is the salvation
country and the people.
Cam. W. A. Darden in a speech at
It Is said if equal parts of
pine tar are mixed together
burned in yon will not
them for leaving.
It a fact that many of best
men leave the State because
do not receive a sufficient re-
for their labors. In
The passion of the forgoing
to the is akin to the pas-
of race for watermelons and
There are those of them
who go to the six days j many positions young men
in every week throughout the year occupy, their pay is
can barely make a bung,
ever getting a letter. -Be not spare so
idea about it is well illustrated by j of her young men. She needs
the fragment conversation between I to take place of the older gen-
two colored women, heard in front that will soon pass away. It
of office here the evening.
.-ti. ,, . , I men arc constrained to go elsewhere
said one, go in en ax, to They should
wot- de . emboldened at home. Seldom
And they dived into door i effort of many of
Landmark, men rewarded.
n. c
J. RE.
J. D.
A W,
Greenville, N. C.;
n. c.
n. c.
in all the court. Collection
Greenville. N. C.

The Eastern Reflector
Li. ant Prop.
Published Every Wednesday
Athletic Committee of
has decided after
close of the season of 1889-90,
shall not participate in any
athletic sports outside of New Eng-
Subscription per year.
not to Democratic
and measures that are not consistent
vita the true principles of the party.
If yon want a a wide-a-wake
of the State send for the
Entered at the Post Office at
Mail Matter.
Ex-Senator of
died last week.
The editor of the Concord Times
has had a bad case of the grip
We know how to sympathize with
Hon. T. G. Skinner,
in Congress, is one of
the Committee of Indian Affairs
in the House.
The Raleigh Chronicle and the States-
Landmark are the great weeklies.
Sanford Express.
Aren't afraid yon will make
the plus Reidsville Re-
view mad
The Wilmington Star keeps
coming all over, and don't stop
with putting on its new dress of
type. It printed extra copies
of Sunday's edition. Nothing like
the Sta
Another journal has just
at the young city of news-
papers- It is an even-
paper called the Dispatch,
published by a stock company
with Mr. J. W. Nash as President.
Miss Nellie who the New
York World sent on a special trip
around the world, reached New
York last Saturday, having travel-
ed miles and made the trip
in days, hours and
She made time.
The information below is found
in the Elizabeth City Economist,
which ought to be good authority.
That paper
We learn that Hon. T. R.
late Consul to Japan, will establish a
newspaper in Edenton at an early day.
Mr. is an able writer, a public-
spirited citizen and will be a valuable
acquisition both to to the
newspaper guild.
Some days ago the REFLECTOR
received a copy of the holiday
edition of the Silver City
Enterprise. It is a large
and contains well-written
of that part of the country.
It also contains about one hundred
very fine illustrations, the
for which were made by the
Metropolitan Press Agency, of
New York City.
A friend of Mr. Grady's a dream
about him and tried to him not
to go to Boston. He he was
killed. Grady laughed, went, came
home and died from the exposure of the
A lady friend of the editor came
to the office on the
morning of the 10th inst., and told
him something was going to hap-
pen to him, giving as her reason
that he had a bad dream about
him the night before. The editor
was taken very sick the next day
and it was nearly two weeks before
he could get back to the office.
Irregularities in the mails and
negligence of the postmasters have
caused th Reflector to lose a
few subscribers. While the
we have lost has been very
small, the Sanford Express says it
has lost fifty from the same causes.
The Republican postmasters
things in their hands now, and
knowing the injured parties have
no redress, may be trying to get
even with the Democratic papers
for the part they take against the
Republican side in the campaigns.
That kind of meanness would be
about in keeping with the
of their party.
The old hypocrite, John
maker, is trying a new scheme on
we country editors. He must have
become the ridicule
and fun poked at him for sending
a lot of 25-cent advertising
propositions to us, and in order to
get the abuse off of himself has
turned over that part of his
to an that goes by the
name of Bureau of
in New York. Early
last week the Reflector received
a letter from containing a
one-inch advertisement for W
maker which he wanted inserted
one time and sent cents in
stamps to pay for the same. The
letter, advertisement and stamps
were returned with a few lines that
may keep from sending
any more such offers to North
Carolina newspapers. John may
think he owns the government but
be can't get in the Reflector for
a quarter.
A late issue of that splendid
paper, the Charlotte Chronicle,
The firm of Higgs of
Greenville, Pitt county, are wide awake.
The Greenville published a
two-page supplement with its issue of
the past week, and one whole page,
columns, of the supplement was taken
up by the advertisement of Higgs
The Chronicle congratulates
the ; and. with still more
reason congratulates Higgs
Thanks, brother Haydn, for
your kind words. But you must
have overlooked our Christmas
edition which was-eight pages and
had the same full page advertise-
in it, giving it a hand-
appearance than the two-
page supplement issue you speak
of. Greenville has some
merchants, as you may
from watching the
Mark M. Pomeroy has very
kindly sent us a copy of his Ad-
Thought, published in New
York. For originality and wit it
takes the lead. is some-
what of a philosopher, preaches a
bit. gets up a nice Saturday night
article, goes for Vice-President
Morton for running a whiskey
shop in Washington, tackles the
Administration for extracting so
much money out of the people and
laying it up to rust, hits square
from the shoulder at anything he
don't think right, and says lots of
good things on subjects.
The Reflector is glad to get this
copy and has the promise that it
shall come regular. It will be
very apt to come in contact with our
clipping shears and articles from
it appear occasionally in these
At the meeting of the Grand
Lodge of Masons held in Raleigh
last week, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year
Samuel H. Smith, of Winston,
Grand Master ; Hezekiah A.
of Asheville, Deputy Grand
Master ; John W. Cotten, of Tar-
Senior Grand Warden;
Francis M. Move, of
Grand Warden ; Wm. E. An-
of Raleigh, Grand Treas-
; Donald W. of Raleigh,
Grand Secretary; Rev. C. T.
Bailey, D. D., of Raleigh, was re-
elected Director of Oxford Orphan
Asylum, for a term of five years.
While on this subject a few
words recently clipped from the
LaGrange Spectator in reference
to masonry may not be out of
place. That paper says
The Masonic brotherhood is a grand
brotherhood. It embraces the world.
Go where you will, in every laud and in
every clime, and there you will find
members of the mystic brotherhood.
Right here in Carolina Masonry
has a monument more enduring than
the richest brass or the snow mar-
noble charity, the
Asylum at Oxford.
Judge John E. of the
Fifth Judicial District, recently
tendered his resignation to the
Governor. Judge Gilmer was an
appointee of Gov. Jarvis to
Judge and after
was twice elected. He
was an able and pure Judge. Gov.
Fowle accepted the resignation
and appointed Hon. B.
Chatham county, as Judge
successor. The newly
appointed Judge held his first
court in Northampton county.
Judge is years old, he
has served his county in both
branches of the State Legislature,
and was chief clerk of the last
House of Representatives. He
law under Hon. John
Manning and obtained license to
practice in 1876. In 1878 he was
elected Solicitor of the Inferior
Court of Chatham county and
served in that position until his
election to the Senate in 1885. He
is said to be a lawyer of strong
mind and excellent attainments,
and a gentleman of high character.
Prof. J. H. P. Leigh, who is
now- Principal of Hertford
my, in Perquimans county, has in-
a suit for libel against Mr.
Will X. Coley, editor of the Mocks-
Times, and against two other
gentlemen of Davie county. Last
year Prof. Leigh taught school in
the latter county, but the people
found objections to him and made
it necessary for him to go else-
where. The cause of his suit
against the Times is the follow-
paragraph published in
Prof. J. H. P. Leigh, Principal of
Can High School, was too fond of his
lady pupils, and as he was a married
man, this could not be allowed by the
good people of so his place is now
The Times declares its purpose
to answer the suit by proving the
charge made, and
We have nothing to retract. What we
have said we say again. We can sub-
everything that the article says
prove on day of trial.
This leads the Raleigh
It is a dangerous business to
nit against an honest editor. The man
who does it usually finds out that It
have been better to hare tackled
Another North Carolina
has been summoned to lay aside
his earthly duties and pay the
debt that all nature must pay.
Henry S. Nunn, editor of the New
Journal, died at his home
in New on the inst. He
was a native of Lenoir county and
had been engaged in journalism
little more than He
was an excellent writer and used
his best energies toward the ad-
of New and her
material interests. Many
of his labors now remain
to his memory. Mr. Nunn was
forty-six years old at the time of
his death, and leaves a widow and
seven children.
Jefferson Davis is not Dead.
Under this headline we find an
article in Advance
Thought, published in New York,
that is so different from the usual
expressions of the South-hating
editors of the North that -we pub-
it in full. Pomeroy
exhibits a spirit of fairness, and in
his utterances shows more justice
to the much abused South than is
displayed by his Northern brother
editors. If more of them were
like him there would be far less
sectional animosity. His paper
God pity the narrow-minded soul that
squeaks out its dirty bitterness because
the people of the South love the memory
of Jefferson Davis. He was always an
honest man a friend of his people, re-
of the menaces Intolerance
of those who were not friendly to the
South. He never used his principles as
net in which to catch fish for market. He
was not the inventor of the idea that
man need not love a government that he
could not love, or a people who believe
that political administration has the right
to punish people for not loving narrow-
minded persons who hate
son Davis came into this world as others
come. He loved the people of the States j
localities whose people he knew, and
whose menaced he sought to
protect. Through all the shocks and
years of shocking and all the whirl-
pools of hate over which bis life ran, he
lived out time, as Daniel
lived in the den of lions that growled but
were not permitted to lay claws upon
him or touch him with their teeth. Wise
men are satisfied with the general result
of the war, in its liberation of slaves and
its restoration of the country. Jefferson
Davis did as he thought to be
therefore he deserves He was
true to his love for all that portion of
y that did not propose to tramp
with iron heel upon the other portion.
He believed that statesmanship should
t sword and that reason is
honorable than rage, fanaticism
and passion, heated by desire to plunder
and confiscate. He has passed on to
it life, and the South loves his memory
as it should love it. and as the people of
every patriotic country should and ever
will it. Were the people of the
South to forget him, fail to honor the
man who endured so patiently for their
sake, they in turn would deserve none of
or place in the minds of who
have manhood.
The cause which he was chosen to lead
failed through the errors of those who
planted it, and the numerical power, but
not superior bravery, of those who con-
tended against it to final victory. The
has enough to be proud
to lie ashamed sully-
its reputation for greatness by hurl-
cowardly venom an honest
man, ids memory, and upon those who
admire honesty, bravery and devotion to
best friends.
Jefferson Davis will live longer in his-
and better, than will any who have
ever spoken against him.
contesting republican. This is the
first of the seventeen contested
election eases, and it would not be
at all surprising if the republicans
of the committee reported in favor
of every republican contestant, ex-
Langston, comes-.
from the Fourth Virginia dis-
It is under-
stood that Mahone bas secured pro-
mises enough to beat Langston.
Governor Campbell having been
unable to come to Washington this
week, the House committee
the ballot box forger-
postponed the further hearing of
witnesses February
witnesses so far heard made havoc
of what it tie reputation
or had.
The civil service Commissioners
having stated to House commit
tee on Reform in the civil service
that they desired an investigation,
committee will next week make
a favorable report on the resolution
ordering an investigation.
Ex Speaker Randall has joined
presbyterian church. His health
still keeps him confined to his
but be hopeful, and
expects if he is not able to go to
House, to send a written pro teat
against the adoption of the
of Roles prepared by Speaker
Commissioner of Pensions
gives it out that all
clerks in that office who bad their
pensions will be
A chief division, who was a
of bas already
be made to walk the plank.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison gave a
State dinner to diplomatic corps
Tuesday e have made
an innovation in White House en-
by the
furnished by an outside caterer.
Ancient history sometimes crops
out in Congress. For instance Sen-
and Chandler had a
dispute about the famous Florida
returning board 1876 this week.
Mr. Chandler, it will be remember
en, was one of visiting states-
men on that interesting
Secretary Tracy has ordered a
naval court of inquiry to
gate the charges of certain Naval
officers banding together for lob-
purpose, as alleged in a
cent Senate
Secretary and ex-Com-
missioner Pensions Black were
in Washington this week.
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C, Jan 24th
Speaker Reed is every day show-
bow unfit he is to occupy his
present and the
can members House are daily
whipped into him bis
The House committee on Rules
met yesterday and the republican
members of committee, against
the protest of ex-Speaker
decided upon a schedule of
to be reported. Mr. will
make a strong report, and
will fight the of the
by the House in every way possible,
but of course if Speaker per-
in deciding everything
ding his own sweet will the
stand little show of defeating
them, some of the
republicans shall display
age enough to vote against their
party. Many them are to
be opposed to the proposed Rules
but whether they have nerve enough
to vote as they think, it is a
The House has passed the Okla-
bill, alter nearly a
week spent in debating it com-
the whole.
Senator delivered a char-
harangue in the Senate
yesterday alleged to be a
reply to Senator Butler's speech in
of his emigration bill
Senatorial spit-fire does not mellow
with age, but grows more wicked
with less temptation. The worst
it is that be cannot be to stew
his own juice, because he is
but skin and bones and veins
filled acid.
The now are that the
special House committee on the
World's Fair will and itself in
an interminable dead-lock. The
Senate committee does not appeal
to be getting along faster.
Everybody to want to see
matter settled at once, bat the
prospect of an early settlement is
As expected the House com-
on Elections has, by strict
party vote, reported of
seating Jackson, the democratic sit-
torn Wee
ad tin to Smith, toe
The Atlantic Pacific Railway Tun-
the great project of
Pomeroy, is really being cut through
the in a range of the Rocky
sixty miles due west from
Denver. It will shorten railway dis-
miles between Denver and
Bait Lake City. More
sons are now financially interest-
ed in the enterprise. The Tunnel
will be five miles long and
feet, below the top of Gray's Peak.
company enters the year 1890
rely free from floating debt, all
it., bills paid and work going ahead
and night in both ends of the
Tunnel. By the use of modern ma-
from six to ten feet headway
is gained every day. More
el gold and silver will be crossed
by the Tunnel, and its mineral
rig its will be millions.
At the late election Pomeroy was
eluded President, and given entire
for ten years.
has money sufficient to
on its work, and is taking
am greatest enterprise of the
To those who care to know
of it, a large descriptive illustrated
pamphlet will be sent free. Address,
Mark. M. Pomeroy, President,
Bread way. New City.
It Is sad to have to chronicle the death
of little Thomas Harris, the
son of II. F. and Mellie Harris. He was
sick about a week with meningitis, and
despite all that medical aid could do, he
breathed his last on Tuesday evening of
last week. Nothing could save
had come. The sufferings he bore
were alleviated as far as could be by all
that willing bands and hearts could do.
Bat stern late decreed that his earthly
ties must be severed, and he quietly and
fell asleep to awake in pros,
enc of Heavenly Father. It was
hard indeed far to
give him dear who was
faithful and true to father and
aid so affectionate towards and
sisters. He was obedient to every wish
that came from that household, and
prompt faithful in every little trust
imposed. He ever delighted to be
some service to his mother or lather, and
in serving them was his happiest thought
W other boys tender years were
content to be upon the play grounds, he
w always willing and most glad to be
at home engaged in some work or else-
where upon missions of As
a child as he was is seldom seen. It
is sad, inexpressibly sad, to the family to
realize that the of their precious
boy were so few and his life cut off so
early, tor it was upon him they seem to
have centered their fondest hope, ex-
to see him grow to manhood's
live a long life of usefulness State.
that would ever be to them a solace and
comfort and pride. But be was taken
away when only hi thirteenth year.
The grim messenger their home
and this fair flower plucked, torn
away from loving hearts and left them
bleeding and sore. In the silent tomb
his youthful form has been laid. His soul
has tea way to the throne above
there to dwell forever with chosen
ones of God. In of
the joys of Idea's
resting there be lives forever.
His remains were buried the
. last Wednesday
h the of
State S. S. Convention.
To Assemble la Wilmington February
third annual State Sunday-
School Convention will be held in
First Baptist in the
city of Wilmington, Tuesday, Wed-
and Thursday, February
25th, 26th
As this is one of the most
organizations in State, we
publish the in
Conference of county work-
Bible reading; led by Rev.
W. S.
Words of welcome, by Revs.
P. H. Hoge and F. D. Swindell.
Responsive words; Mr. J. H. South-
Enrollment of delegates.
Appointment of committees
Report of executive com-
Report of statistical
Report of treasurer.
Praise service; conducted by
Rev. R D. Swindell.
Report of district presidents
Report from the work in
ties and towns.
Sunday School
Conventions, their History and Ob-
Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D.
The Work in
the State, Mr. H. N. Snow; in
States, Mr. Wm. Reynolds; in
other lands, W. A. Blair.
Prayer for blessing on
entire field. Daring this hour
workers State are
requested to unite in prayer and
Praise service; conducted by
F. W.
Necessary to Success in Sun-
day Teaching ; by Mr. A M.
Address.- Lesson Helps and
the Teacher's need to use by
Maj. Robt. Bingham.
The Training of
Christian Children; Rev. E. Roan-
D. D.
Better A con-
of officers-
Bible reading; led by Rev-
R. C. Beaman.
County Sunday
Schools and their
Rev. W. A. Lutz.
How to Teach In-
Lesson of Feb. 23rd
1890, lo Primary Class; Rev. C- B.
Address How to teach In.
S. S. Lesson of Feb.
1890, to class adults; Mr. I. H.
Review Exercises
in Sunday Schools, their Value and
Methods; Mr. K, B.
Sunday School
Normal Training Prof. E. A.
Prayer praise; led by
Rev P. H. Hodge.
Art of
Attention; Prof. W. A. Blair.
The Art of Teach-
Prof. E. P. Moses.
Schools; School Management, re-
ports from three schools; Regular
Visitation, reports from three
schools; What to do for the Boys,
reports Horn three schools.
Praise service; led by Rev. L.
C Vass.
Diseases Incident
to the Sunday School Teacher's
Work; Rev F Dixon.
The Religious Use
of the Imagination; Rev. W S
Teachers; Mr, R.
Conference of district work-
Bible reading; lead by Rev.
J. Pi
Questions and answers.
Address the Eye
to the Heart; Mr. W. H.
Why, When and How shall we
teach it in the Sunday School j
Mrs. Mary E. Woody.
of Certain Secular Methods to Son-
day Schools; Prof. J. L.
How to
Bible Truths Attractive to
Rev. L. C. Vass.
Praise service; led by Rev.
baler, D. D.
Reports of committees and
election of officers.
3.-30 The Possibilities of
the Union School Move-
Mr. J,
House to House
Visitation; Plans and
Promise me led by Mr.
Wm. Reynolds.
Bible Authority for
the Sunday School; Rev. E. A.
Yates, D. D.
Step Forward; Mr-
Wm. Reynolds.
Closing talks.
The papers of the State will
please copy, as this is of great
to the people of the en-
to Creditors.
HAVING before Cleric of
the Superior Court; of Pitt county on the
day Jan. 1890. as Administrator
upon the estate of Mary Spain,
this is to notify all persons holding claims
against said estate to present their claim
payment within twelve
this date or this notice will be plead in
bar of their All persons ow-
said estate will come forward
make immediate settlement. This Jan-
35th, 1800.
Fa Spain,
of Mary Spain.
Call and see them at
Latham Fender,
Successors to R. S. Clark Co.
Hardware, Tin-
ware, Stove Pipe, Sash,
Doors and Blinds, Iron,
and Putty, Kerosene
and Red Oil, Stoves
Repaired. Tobacco
planters will find it to
their interest to send
us their orders for To-
Flues early.
We sell very low for
the cash.
Greenville, N. C.
Car Load of Fine
--------J received by
and will be sold-----
or at reasonable terms on time on
proved security. I bought my stock for
Cash and can afford to sell as cheap as
anyone. Give me a call.
to the buyers of Pitt and counties, a line of the following good
that are not to be excelled in this market. And to be First-class and
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, S. CLOTHING, GEN
kinds, Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Lime, Plaster of Paris, and
Hair-, Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash. Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at Jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a and guarantee satisfaction.
J. Li,
All Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory i. well equipped with the best put up nothing
but work. We keep up with the times and improved styles.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs are used, you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full of ready
the year round, we will sell as as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah I
you are free to buy where you please, but
if want to save money you come to
Factory on 4th street, rear of B.
Cherry Co's. For convenience we
have also an entrance through H. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. I can give
That you ever had in your life for
810.00 to less any one
else in the county can give you. Why V
for my expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget the
place on 4th street rear J. B. Cherry
Tar Transportation Company
Alfred Forbes, Greenville,
J. B. Cherry, Vice-Pres
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen Ag
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer Greenville is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table furnished with th
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
Friday at o'clock, a. m.
Leaves Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. h.
Freights received daily and through
Bill Lading given to all points.
Greenville. N. O.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
Wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he has
bought out the Grocery establishment of T. K. Cherry, and with
new stock added is now prepared to furnish the very best
At prices fully in keeping with the times. I keep Flour,
Meat, Lard, Molasses, Confections. Canned Goods, Crockery,
Glassware, Tobacco, Snuff,
Orange Syrup is the best Molasses in this market.
You are invited to call. Remember the place, at Cherry's stand.
J. G.
Of to Lu
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
pleasing to the taste and ac-
to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ltd
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup pf Figs is for sale in
and bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may sot have it on band will pro-
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
kt. row, r.
A. Physician since
In the diseases and weaknesses of
men a book free, giving
remedies which cure abandoned and
sufferers privately at home.
Have again come to your attention and solicit your esteemed patronage
We do not claim that we have the largest and best eat of the
Mountains, but we do say that we arc to the front
--------with a specially selected line of--------
Suited to the want of a large of customers. We arc in full sympathy with
the hard times and can and will make low cash prices to all who favor us with
their patronage. Look down this column and see if we cannot Interest you. We
are better prepared than ever before to serve you. We have in stock to-day
a line of
Embracing Dress Goods and Trimmings, Ginghams and Calicoes,
and Suitings, Piece Goods and for Men's and Hoy's Suits. Homespuns,
Sheetings, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics. Canton Flannels and Bed Ticking.
Boots and Shoes.
For Men, Women. Boys, Misses and Children, at prices that will cause the poor to
rejoice, and the hearts of all will be made glad who buy Boots and Shoes from us,
why because we sell low and give the money's worth. A full line of Notions,
and Goods that will delight the hearts of the young and old.
HATS and CAPS for men, boys and children. HARDWARE, in this line we
you a stock as complete as the farmer or mechanic can wish. We make a specialty
of Steel and guarantee them lo be the best made.
Which we are selling at rock bottom prices, not because we are to do so
but we take pleasure in offering selling low down. Can we interest you here
if so come in and examine our stock of Sugar, Molasses. Coffee, Tea. Soaps, both
Toilet and Laundry, Lye, Matches, Starch, Rice. Meats of different kinds, Flour
which we are now buying from first hands and can save you money if you call ad
examine before buying elsewhere, Tobacco and Snuff.
Headquarter for Furniture.
Of which we carry a line not to be excelled in this market, such as Suits,
Bureaus, Double and Single Bedsteads, Tables, Cots, Washstands, Bed Springs and
Mattresses, Children's Cradles Beds, Chairs of different Winds and varieties,
all to suit hard times and short crops. Anything that you want in this line it we
have not got it in stock we will make a special order for you, as we have
from several of the best furniture houses in the United States and guarantee sat- I
action as to prices. Wood and Willow ware, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps,
Bridles and Collars. Cart Saddles. Whips and Horse Millinery. Trunks,
Valises and Traveling Bags,
Life is top short to keep on telling what we have and can do, But wishing
you all health and prosperity and giving to every man. woman and child who cornea
to Greenville a cordial invitation to come and examine our stock,
We remain yours to serve
Greenville, N. C.
For preaching on Bethlehem Mission,
1st at
School House, 1st Sunday at
o'clock , . .,,,,,
Sparta, 2nd Sunday at o clock.
Shady Grove, Sunday at
Salem at o'clock,
Money to Loan.
and upwards. Loans are
payable small annual
through a period five years thus e
the borrower to pay oft his
without exhausting his crops
n any one year. Apply to

A mammoth display of
Greenville, N. C
L Sparks.
Buy your need Oats of E. C. Glenn.
Colds still prevail.
Have yon the cook
stove at Latham
Moonlight again.
Dec, M. Ferry New
Garden Seed at the Old Brick Store.
Nearly a mouth of
dollar buys ft Solid Leather I
Ladies Shoe at. j. B. Cherry Co's.
Dr. T. M. Jordan, of
was in town Saturday.
Dr. Geo. S- Lloyd, specialist, was
town first of I he week.
Miss Eliza Potter, of Wilmington,
is visiting Miss Ella
Mrs. Walker, of Gary, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Hunter.
Mr. H. P. Keel has been sick for
two weeks. Glad to see him out
Mrs. Boyd, of Pilot
; is her father, Hon. G.
Miss Lizzie Bawls, of Tarboro,
pant a day or two last week visits
the family of her uncle Mr. W.
The of County
will hold February,
meeting next Monday, The
of the county will also meet
that day to elect a Commissioner
in place of Mr. W. A. James, who
lately moved away from the county.
The cook stove is the
heaviest stove the price made.
For sale very low by Latham Fen-
The merchants say trade was dull
Sow Oats early. bushels
cheap, at the Old Brick Store.
Next Saturday will first
day of February.
Four years experience has proven
to us that we have the Stove for
the D. Haskett Co.
I have taken quite
an advance in price.
Arrived on the 15th Boss Famous
Milk Biscuit at the Old Brick Store-
in the
last week or two.
One dollar a Whole Stock
Mans Shoe at J. B. Cherry Co's
Good Bargains.
Is Greenville to have kind of
started this year
Fresh Milk and Butter for sale
by Mrs. J. C.
The Episcopal Convention will
meet in Tarboro next month.
The finest loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Point Lace Flour, at
the Old Brick Store.
Weather to beat this changes
could hardly he imagined.
We for cash and sell cash.
IS COm- therefore sell very cheap. See us
before you buy anything in the
Hardware and Stove D.
Haskett ft Co.
The weather last week made
Rev. R. W. Stancill, Evangelist
of the North Carolina Christian
Missionary Convention, will preach
Bulk Lime for sale cheap I in the Baptist Church here to
E. C. Guam, j row night.
Dr. H. Johnson, of this
county, was married to Miss Ida
Mt of Kinston, in that town
on the inst. The
extends best
Water is still very low in the riv-
We were very much pained to
bear of the sudden death of Mr. The
Keel, of He was
taken with cramp on Wednesday
and Thursday night follow-
He was one of tho best
of the county and a leading
man in his section. He leaves a
widow and ten children.
Pitt county's Deeds is
a one-legged soldier,
and tells us bis stomp leg Is a very
correct weather barometer. He says
that just before changes in the
weather bis stump begins hurting
him and there is a feeling as if the
foot was tightly cramped in a vice
and he wanted to get the foot out
The firm takes the same pride in
raising choice vegetables as in de-
attractive flow-
and after their seeds for
a number of years we are able to
recommend them in the highest
We advise all our readers to seed
cents for the can be
deduct from first and i
Sickness has prevented our
out a list publication of those
names which have been erased from
mail list because of
non-payment of subscriptions.
list will appear at an early day.
the meantime we would call at-
of some to promises they
A Sundays ago D. L.
James was elected Superintendent
the Baptist Sunday School, and
Mr. W. F. Burch. Secretary. Both
arc making officers.
Mr. L. the clever
ever accommodating clothing
salesman of Mr. M. R. left on
Monday morning for a two weeks
trip to New York visiting his
If I I
If was to proms
week after week to do a certain
thing do so, regard-
less of disappointment of its
readers, everybody would accuse it
of Well, what can be said
about the man who promises every
time he sees us to pay bis
and never does so A
for the best answer.
to straighten the toes. Sometimes j are of our lady friends who can
it causes him much pain. When in growing a natural rose
the becomes clear or set-1 which will compare in beauty with
tied the sensation passes away. He the New Striped Rose shown in the
told us Monday that rain or cold I illustration, we should like to receive
weather would come inside of an invitation to call and see it.
hours. The change came during
night. i Hire and Harbor Improvements.
Capt. W. II. engineer in
charge of the river and harbor
The Sunday School Association of N.
The dates of holding the next
convention of the Sunday School I th
Association of North Carolina have
Imported for us direct
from Switzerland.
posed of many new
and rare novel-
ties in
Hamburg's, Swiss,
Irish Point,
and Van Dyke Edging,
These goods being
imported direct to us
are bought without
profit and
we guarantee prices to
be per cent, cheaper
than usual.
Call and see the
grandest display in this
line ever shown in
Master Herman Wilson has taken
an apprentice position at BE
office with a view of learn
the art of printing. He is a
bright boy and will, no doubt, learn
very rapidly.
Mr. E. B. Moore, late manager of
Hotel has rented the Skin-
farm near in Bertie j Skillful
county, will take his family j Yesterday Dr.
there. We regret that he leaves
this section hut wish that success
will follow him.
The Reflector returns thanks
to Messrs. J. J.
M. T. two of our Pitt county
young men who are pursuing their
studies at that
learning, Wake Forest College,
a very handsome invitation
the 55th anniversary exercises of
the Societies of that
to be held February next.
Our jolly friend Alex.
was out. horseback riding, the other
evening. Both looked fatigued when
we saw them and were taking things
along very leisurely as if both had
got the worst end the
The horse got tired of his job and
dumped Alex. off. It might be
called a case of cruelty to animals
all around. The A. O. W.
might investigate.
The. approaching masque ball is
becoming much of the talk among
the young people.
The advance recently
caused activity in the market; and
yards Tobacco
Cloth for covering to-
beds, just re-
and will be sold
Greenville, N. C.
heavy demands on
coal bins.
Seed Potatoes, five
varieties, cheap, at the Old Brick
Every Court farce cannot call-
ed a fair trial in which the ends of
justice are met.
Acid Phosphate, Stan-
Guano, by
The weather turned warm again
Sunday, was hot Monday and cold
again yesterday.
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb sold Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
Brick Store.
Mr. W. T Godwin has recently
been touching up his residence with
some new paint.
A Hardware dealer from Wilson
seeing New Lee on our floor,
have the Stove
that you ever D. Haskett
designs in Job Printing
at the Reflector office.
Prof. Memory System is
creating greater interest than ever
all parts of the country, and per-
sons wishing to improve their
send for his prospectus
free as advertised another column.
There is an addition this week to
the family of our Register of Deeds
Mr. D H. James.
We are receiving this week the
New Patron and Piedmont,
three Stoves is known
throughout North D.
Haskett Co.
Tobacco just re-
a quantity of Tobacco Cloth
for Covering Tobacco Beds at
If. B. Lang.
Thursday night, Jan.
23rd, I lost, near the depot, a yarn
buggy robe. Any one delivering
same to will be duly rewarded.
A. D.
Greenville, N. C
We handle only the Richmond
Stove Co's Stoves. These Stoves
are made from Iron which
is said by iron workers to be equal
if not better than any other iron in
D. Haskett Co.
Gratifying to all.-The high
position attained and the universal
acceptance and approval of the
pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup
of Figs, as the most excellent
known, the value of
the qualities on which Its success is
based and are abundantly gratify-
to California Fig Syrup
The demand for the has
been greater this season than ever
before. Because it is the
heaviest and best Stove for price
ever sold in D. Has
M. T. wishes to inform her
friends and patrons that she will
continue her business at the same
stand, taken Mrs. J. F. Joy-
net-as a partner, we will carry in
millinery making in
all its particulars. We propose to
carry in stock a nice line of trim-
linings and can safely
guarantee satisfaction in every in-
stance. Thanking yon for past pat-
we hat favors be ex
tended to the new firm. All parties
indebted to will please call and
settle as we need the money. Look
for our spring announcement in
a few weeks. ft
Successors to Mrs. M. T.
wood pile and i brought in many bales.
Cold waves come occasionally,
but down this way their duration is
short and their power is small.
Greenville needs a first class ho-
tel bonding about as much as any-
thing that could he mentioned.
Rev. A. D. Hunter lost a lap robe
when going to the depot last Thurs-
day night, and offers a reward for
its return.
honesty may
sometimes be on speaking terms,
but travel together, says
an exchange.
merchants promised them-
selves us, to advertise in
the Reflector this but they
have not begun yet.
colored band paraded and
play ed Bye and Mon
day We did not learn
the object the parade.
You help make Reflector
better by paying your subscript ion
promptly then get neigh-
to become a subscriber.
Some of our exchanges say that
fashion papers point to the
return of the hoop-skirt. Wonder
of bustles will come back, too
Several farmers have had to haul
meat out and throw it the com-
post bean. our
in town have also lost their meat.
A flat belonging to the Old Do-
minion Steamship Company sunk
near Bluff last Wednesday.
It was loaded with merchandise for
river points.
The town authorities have recent-
bad much work done on Dicker-
son Avenue the way of making
sidewalks, cutting drains and put
ting bridges place.
Some our young ladies have
a Dickens
Are they going to raise the Dick-
ens T
The time for holding tho Teach
Institute this county has
been set for the week beginning
March 17th. E. A. Alderman
will be in charge.
Notwithstanding requests
that post-master please tie more
careful in delivering the
TOR to subscribers, complaints con
to come from persons who
fail to receive their papers.
Miss Rosalind lost a net
canary bird Thursday of last week.
The bird escaped from cage
while it was being cleaned oat. It
was a flue songster, and we are sorry
young lady has lost her pet.
C J.
showed us a gravel stone weighing
ounces, which he took from Mr.
John Two operations were
necessary to remove the stone, ow-
to its immense size. Dr.
says he has never seen record
of a larger stone being removed
from This operation
adds to his already splendid
ration as a physician and surgeon.
There will be much more tobacco
planted Pitt county this year
than last. We hear farmers in
various sections of county who
will try a acres. If enough is
planted to justify it, there ought to
a tobacco warehouse erected in
before the fall. It is the
opinion of the Reflector that a
warehouse would pay hero. Pitt
raises flue tobacco and the buyers
would seek it.
The Reflector would like to
have correspondents from the
in the county. Ev-
township ought to be
in the paper, for it would not
only make your county paper bet-
and more newsy, but would help
to bring your section before the
world and lot people know what
you are doing. Who will send us
items We would like to arrange
for regular correspondence.
Hod of Honor.
For the second quarter of Green-
ville Institute.
son, Myrtle Wilson, Florence
Rosa Forbes,
Helen Lina
Sheppard, Lizzie Blow, Mamie
Duckett, Gertrude Bessie
E. Tucker, H. C. Ed
wards, Ralph House, L. H. Wilson.
The highest average, was made
by Nichols, next highest
by Lucy Tucker.
The Tarboro Banner be-
its second volume. It is a good
paper and shows enter-
prise. Tho subscription price is now
a year. We always read the
Banner with pleasure and its
of giving tho news.
The Wilson Advance is almost
grown. Last week it began its
twentieth volume and in one year
more will reach its majority. The
Advance is a paper of which, its
tor may well feel proud.
A learned minister the central
part of the State, who is a regular
reader of Reflector, in
a remittance sufficient to carry
his subscription to writes
us a very nice letter, and
often think of improvements
made in your paper since it was
first started by the boys.
The paper has from a small
country sheet into a first-class news-
paper of more than local Interest.
I am glad to Ree marked
from year to
Such kind words as above are
very much appreciated.
Board of Managers of the
North Carolina Christian Mission-
Convention will bold a meeting
here Oar Superior Court
Clerk. Mr. E. A. is President to the retail trade as low as can be
New Ads.
Attention is called to the
of notice to creditors by
Featherstone Spain. Administrator
of Mary Spain, in this paper.
We would direct the attention of
merchants, as well as all others in-
to the attractive
of J. A. Andrews, whole-
sale and retail grocer, which will be
in this paper. He is buying
goods by the car load, getting
very lowest prices, and has an
immense stock band. He sells
of and
be held at bis house.
meeting will
Mr. Charles Skinner, new
of Hotel Macon, is making
many friends that capacity. Re-
ports came to us that he spread an
excellent fable, and a personal in-
proves the report well
If you have anything in your
mind that would do of general in-
to the public, Reflector
are open to yon. Inter-
communications are always
invited. Can't you suggest some-
thing for benefit of Greenville
been changed from April and
next, to February and
at Wilmington. This change was
made by the Executive Committee
for the reason that Mr. Wm. Rey-
President of the
Association, has arranged a cir-
of State Associations and the
only time he could give this State
were the dates February above
named, and it was thought
for the Association to meet him.
All counties which have not held
conventions since last April are re-
quested to do so at once and elect
delegates. Delegates who expect
to attend should notify Mr. George
Wilmington. Reduced
railroad fare will be secured,
in another column.
Oar Appreciation.
The editor will never be able to
express words his appreciation of
the faithful manner in which his
conducted tho business of
I he Reflector during his
sickness. Our efficient Foreman,
Mr. W. F. Burch, and Mr. O. L.
the best
ever saw, took the whole office in
hand, and conducted the editorial
work, management,
graphic department and all.
well they performed this burden of
work the last two issues of the pa-
per fully show. All the assistance
forwarded us a table showing the
benefits to the public derived from
this work. As soon, says he, as a
stream is opened to commerce the
reduction in freight charges is so
considerable as to encourage the
rapid development of towns
as are already in existence along
its length; and the certainty
cheapness of its freighting and
facilities authorizes es-
of continuous and ex-
tended settlements all along the
banks. More than this, the
of obstructions from the bed and
banks of the stream facilitate the
I free movement of water in tho
j stream aids greatly the
j of the river bottoms
,; i and other adjacent lands.
In this way it can readily be seen
j that the governmental improve-.
I of such rivers and harbors
not only increases the
such water ways but
proves the drainage, culture, value
and health of the adjacent lands,
builds the existing towns and
courages the settlement of previous
unoccupied lands. In no other
can so small an expenditure of
public money produce such
results in the development
the country at large.
His report shows that on
co and Tar River since work was
commenced in the total
has amounted The
M. Congleton Co.,
At Harry Skinner Co's Old Stand.
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes and
We shall always
a complete stock of First Goods.
Nothing Shoddy.
I be glad to have my old friends and customers call to
see us, and assure them that we can sell them goods
Low For
Give us a trial and be convinced that the way to buy goods is for
the spot cash.
N. C, January,
At R. Williams Son's Old Stand.
been to per cent,
the increase of commerce has been
I large.
they was some typo in freight charges has
from Mr J. L. Harris, but sickness
in the latter's home prevented his
helping all the time. Not only
did they perform these heavy duties
so well, but they kept the editor
cheered with messages to
give himself no uneasiness about
affairs at the office, they would see
to it that everything went well
Such faithful as these are I
a great blessing, the last few i II would be well if the following
weeks will to strengthen the j advice from Democrat
close ties of friendship that already j be heeded by all. It says
us. it but just to I should be guarded in
say this much in print about them, j what they say of others, especially
The editor can add his
the of Boss Lunch
Biscuit. During his
Having purchased the entire stock of-----
Goods, Notions, Boots,
they mod a principal part
his diet.
How Meat in Warm Weather.
Mr. Jno. T. Bellamy, writing the
Wilmington from N.
relation to the loss that so
many farmers have sustained I his
failing to
Meat may be saved in very warm
weather, if, as it is cut out. yon have
a kettle of boiling brine. Dip each
piece of meat in this for about one
minute ; take it out and. lay it aside
to cool, while cooling have a
quantity of pulverized
of dust and sprinkle over
the flesh side of each piece about a
dessert-spoonful, which will be ab-
by tho meat about half an
hour; then pack the meat down,
flesh up, with plenty of line
one inch over
the meat. In a week or so overhaul
and Years ago I used to put
up from 25.000 to pounds of
meat every winter, and never lost
any, or hesitated to kill in warm
Of Little, House we are determined to dispose of them at
We do not propose to sell at cost or below cost, but by buying
at discount we can afford to sell at such prices that will astonish
Brick Depot.
The Reflector to throw
out a pointer to the people of Green-
ville and community, and hopes
they will take some immediate ac-
tho matter. Work on the
bridge across Tar River is
fairly progressing, and at no far
distant day is expected to com
pitted. The trestle track
ready being finished to tho river,
leaves only the completion of the
bridge the laying of track
through town to have the road fin-
to site selected for the
depot. It is presumed that as soon
as is done Company will
want to move their business from
over to Greenville at once,
and will soon begin erecting depot
buildings so as to have them
readiness the other work is
finished. This depot is tho point
we wish to talk about just now.
The Reflector thinks that Green,
ville with population and a
good prospect of doubling that
her within a few years, ought to
have a depot that will do lull credit
to the town, and suggestion is
that the people at once the
railroad authorities to give us such
a depot. A handsome brick depot
ought to be built and we believe
will be if the citizens of Greenville
do their duty the matter. Let
our town show its interest in the
railroad and what it does, and the
railroad will be apt to
show their interest in our town.
Start out with the very best of
friendly relations between two
let these relations always exist.
Now to work for this brick depot
Tho Reflector wants to hear from
our citizens in the matter.
Next door to E
concerning the young.
is a very reprehensible habit at best.
and young life may be blighted by
the circulation reports which
are i justified the
See Club Sates.
The February Awake opens
with a good Persian ballad.
by K Bradley, followed
by a stirring episode of Western
military life by Lieutenant Fremont,
There is an Inspiring story of Greek
boy life, by Mrs- Knight, -A Boy-
hood in showing the effect
keeping a good ideal before a
; lad's eye--. G. tells a
t instance of a young girl's pres-
of mind in her story of
and Mrs.
will all readers with
her account of in the
second of her and Way
Grant Allen concludes his I
the in; J am not
triumph ; Mr. in his serial
of Rough is proving that
Old Granger is
The Norse serial by
with escape of the
This is no Humbug. See us before buying.
Hew Grocery Store
Glenn, I have paced n Grocery and
-will keep on hand a line line of---------
leaf. Flaw, Coffee,
Tobacco, Cigars, Apples,
Bananas, Canned Goods and most everything usually kept in a
store, as well as Tinware, Crockery, Wood and
Willow W So. Call and see us. Goods delivered free any
where in town.
J. J. CHERRY, Greenville, N. C.
had elsewhere, and to the whole-
sale trade he makes special prices
Elsewhere will be found the large
advertisement of M. Congleton
Co. They can be at the old
stand of Harry Skinner Co.,
propose to carry a stock of first
class, reliable goods. They will sell
tor cash, which is beat for the buy-
and best for the merchant, as
in taking no risks can afford
to sell goods lower. Mr. J. S. Con-
is well known to the people
of Pitt county, and having been
serving them for fifteen years he
knows how to suit their wants. He
invites to call on him.
Tick's fluid.
We have received from James
Vick, Rochester, N. Y-, his Floral
Guide, which beauty of appear-
of arrangement
surpasses anything in this line which
we have ever had the privilege of
by inches in size, with
covers, which are by no means
the least important part of it, con
an even one hundred pages.
Although called a it
is devoted to vegetables as well, and
includes as full a list and description
of both flowers, and vegetables and
also small as could be brought
within the compass of a book of this
In all that the Ticks have under-
taken their aim seems to have been
to attain as near to absolute
as possible, and probably no one
ever did so towards bringing
cultivation of flowers to the high
standard which it has now attained
as did the bead of this firm.
from the grip of a
real bear. Miss second
story is finished. One of the
very best of John
given in the School Series,
Mrs. White gives artistic girls a
good business hint in her on
Dressmaking in the
Mrs. Mar-
Patty letter is full of subtle
social wisdom. Alexander Black's
of an Amateur
is reading.
and abounds with
good original anecdotes and curious
lore. The poems of the number are
by Mrs. Whiten Stone, Marv E.
Bradley, Mrs. II, F. Clinton
and Martha Young;
Sad one of the best of the
long poems, is very amusing in text
and pictures by Browne, the
popular English artist. Wide Awake
is ft year. D. Com-
Publishers, Boston.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
M and
Has in stock and to arrive
Car Load Seed Oats.
Car Load Rib Side Meat.
Car Load St. Louis Flour, in all
Heavy Mess Pork.
Granulated Sugar.
Gail Ax Snuff, all
Rail Road Mills Snuff.
obis Snuff.
Rico Molasses.
Tubs Boston Lard.
Cases Star Lye.
Gross Matches.
Also full line
Tobacco, if Crack-
randies. Canned Goods, Wrapping
prices given to the wholesale
trade on large quantities of the
It taxes but want s advert
you to
dealings, to con
my for
to .
Apple, Batons, Kit . Bananas,
Currents. etc
for your kind patronage during the past, I bone,
in n e a share of wish to inform yon that
complete. I have all kind of Candles, from
ts, Orange. Flavoring Extracts,
n full line
Greenville, X
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
H. C. Mar. 1887.
Y virtue of a created Sec.
of the Code of North Carolina, the
undersigned .-ell at public
auction before tho Court door. In
Greenville, on Saturday the day
Satisfy S lien for re-
pair done One property of
I. A. Sups. is
For Good M
Will grind
folly, visor
r -n . body;
Spinal A
Greenville, N. C.
Hiving to Greenville and
the formerly inert Mr.
Shams am pr to do Tailoring
In all its t, and in the best man-
Also and Repairing.
Can show U t of
lire of samples
from which to suits, and do
the finest work.
on M today, January 20th, I pro
pose to dispose of my
at u p sally reduced price,
sell t eta far below cost, as
mined to
n fact, will
I am deter-
on d before ordering my Spring goods.
The should make a note of this M
It i a chance and seldom such
Thin will hold good for only days and
you a-e invited to before the stock
is picked over.
Greenville, N.
v. am

. W
WOMEN sustain this loss every time they wash clothes, clean
W house, or allow others to COMPOUND;
out the aid of WASHING COM
an honest, straightforward article.
time and with less labor than anything
Q is economical, but beware of
and Schedule. ,
No No fit. No
8th, daily Fact Mail, daily
ex Sun. j
Ar an
Tarboro am
Ar IT am pm IS am
Ar r,
Goldsboro I S am
Av Magnolia -1
Ar Wilmington S V M
No Ho
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
Magnolia am
Warsaw 105.1
Lr in
Ar Wilson
Lr Wilson 2.19 am pm I'm
Ar Mount i
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm SO pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 8.90 P. M. Scot-
land Neck at 4.00 P M.
P. M. loaves
A. M., Scotland Neck at 10.10 A. M.
daily except Sunday.
Train loaves Tarboro, N C. via
R. R. daily except
P M. P M.
Williamson. P M, P M.
leaves X C,
except Sunday. A M. Sunday A
M. arrive Tarboro, N C, A
Train on Midland N C Branch
Goldsboro Sunday. A M.
K C. a M. He-
turning loaves N C s A M.
arrive N O. A M.
Train on least -R -k
Monet at P M. a Nashville
P Hope P M. inc
leaves pi A M.
M, arrives Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch loaves -av.
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
A M Returning leave lit-
on A M, and P. M. com ct
at Warsaw with No-. in
Southbound train on Wilson Fayette-
Branch is No. Northbound
No. except Sunday.
Train No. Sooth will stop only at
Wilson. Mid
Train No- close connection
Weldon for all points North daily. All
via Richmond, and daily except
via Line.
trains make Close for r.
Mints North Via Richmond and V
All train ran solid between w
ton and and have Pullman
Palace attached.
p. on
firm Sup-.
J. R.
T. M. t
i in
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. M. June
Going East. W
No. No.
Ar. Eve.
p m SO
p m City am
Going East.
Mixed Ft. Mixed It.
Pass Train. Stations. Pass Train
T La Grange
Falling Creek
Core Creek SO
COO Newborn
Newport P
SI fl
Atlantic Hotel
pm Morehead Depot a in
Thursday and Saturday.
Wednesday and Friday.
Train connects with Wilmington
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
a. m. and with Rich-
Danville Train West, leaving
Train connects with
Danville Train, arriving at Goldsboro
3-10 p. m., and with Wilmington and
Weldon Train from North at p. in
Train connects with Wilmington ind
Weldon Through Freight Train, leaving
p. in and with Rich-
Danville Through freight Train
Goldsboro at S
Engines and Boilers
All sizes and styles commonly used.
Shingle ,
Circular and Shingle Saws,
Rubber and Belting.
Shafting, Pulleys,
In fact anything in the machine line.
We represent the Standard
of the land and can sell as, low as
the lowest and on better
Write for terms and prices,
O. K. STILLEY. Manage r
Washington, N. C.
J C C T H.
Co. N C Co Co.
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
Commission ha
We haw bad many ex-
at Hie and are
to handle to
advantage of shippers.
All to our
will and
their interest ti.
i-i all its
always at
we buy et
stock of
on hand
cite tunes. Our
-old for CASH,
to run. we sell i
or pr
XI fl f
it . tie p
Rid it
ail and
i a close in
Greenville. N. V-
Having associated B. S.
with me in the I we
are ready to serve he people in that
capacity. All notes and
me for past services have been placed
the hands of Mr. i n.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
j stock of Cam of all
i kinds and can furnish anything desired
i from the finest Natalie Case o
I county Coffin. We GK
all can
satisfactory to all p-- z
I Feb. 22nd.
Why another new discovery by Alfred
way of helping the
ed. calling or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of Preparation that is
for eradicating dandruff and causing the
kinkiest hair to be soft
glossy, only two or three application a
week is necessary, and a common hair
is all to be used after rubbing the
fitly vigorously for a few minutes with
At Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, only cents.
by old
warrant r to the
worst cases, a -d only
who do this to
posed upon by men, names
and who Because
others failed is reason for not using
this medicine. Give express post
office address. It costs nothing
Address Medical
Broadway, New
four ; I
took the neat
M small
Hod wee ball
empty and neat and fair.
; idly in the summer air.
walls, door.
Where Love should
And sit caroling
And within chirp multiplied.
I took tho wren's nest
many hours of happy pains,
early and April rains;
How many at eve and morn.
O'er springing and com;
What labors liar I sun and shade
the pretty house was made I
One little minute, only one.
And she'll fly back and And
took the nest
Thou and thy mate, sans let. sans fear.
Ye have b. you nil tie year.
And every wood holds nooks for you
which to sin and build and woo.
One cry of pain.
And your life again.
quite the lost, lost home
In many a busy home to come
Cut I Your wee house keep I must
Until It crumbles Into dust.
I took the wren's nest
New Orleans Picayune.
Episode Told by School
Teacher of
Re No Chances.
sonny, hold my said
a gentleman to a gamin, he alight-
a the other day.
lie had ids t-r day,
asked the be hesitated.
hi-3 cats What has that to do
with inquired gentleman in
sir, lime I
onto a Loss he eat straw hat
off bead, and I pot a nickel
and a when I cot Lome. Put
up a quarter and I'll take do
The boy. got tho
see the people call a
chestnut a
the man. don't see the con-
really, because a is
replied Mrs.
they've all beard a
A Story of
There was a very sweet young lady
who was of tho kind of young
ladies whom all the old ladies say are
good She taught a Sun-
I taught of first schools ever
taught in the great mining camp of assorted from
Colo., and naturally enough to , a known church, and
I bad many unusual and amusing ex-
tho sec-
floor of a two story fog building,
tho lower being used for
Always to
West said a gen-
recently. physical feat-
remind of New England, and
its vegetation is about the same, save
the mountain land and rhododendron.
Up around Aurora you see rough
bearded men loping by on stout horses,
looking for the world like some of
cavalry- on a In
the valleys are tho best farms, and they
generally belong to the Amish, a
strange, quiet sect of Dutch, who wear
clothes fastened with hooks and eyes,
entirely destitute of buttons. They
are all and well to do, close at
a bargain, but scrupulously honest
records of the Lutheran church at
Aurora were kept in German until
within a generation. That church
was established over years ago.
The people thereabouts dig their coal
from hillsides, and it is cheaper to
dig it than to cut wood from their own
one in the section I have
through is wealthy or has much
money, yet no one want. No
one ever so busy that ho can't stop
work and go The store-
keeper at a little village on the
mac used to his place in
afternoon to go with me and fish for
bass. They are all grout hands to have
agencies for the sale of various articles.
I met several natives driving around
tho country, ostensibly selling
but none that I asked was ever
able to name a single customer. One
old chap had a little cobbler's shop.
He was a notary public and justice of
the peace, was postmaster, sold shoes,
ran an express business and had u
dozen agencies for agricultural
organs, pianos, carriages and
wagons, patent medicines and tho in-
fertilizer. The man who
wouldn't do business with, him didn't
The Automatic Photographer.
The latest development of automatic
machines will take the form of a self
acting photographic apparatus. The
contrivance, which will
to tho public some in
is the of a Spanish
genius. In outward appearance the
is very similar to the
engines for luring the hum-
penny a curious public that
may be seen at any London terminus.
Tho mechanism is simple. The person
to be operated upon stands on an iron
and duly pats bis penny in the
Hi is brings machinery;
cup is removed from the lens, at
which the is expected to
look steadily during the few seconds
of exposure. Then, by a remarkably
raj-id process, lasting from two and a
to three minutes, the photograph
is developed and ejected from the
The photograph is not, of
on sensitized
would require at least twenty-four
hours for its bat it is
on r metal
of tinfoil
is really an improved form of
Tho proprietors of the pat-
think is
in as they have given an
for to a well
known film in
Everything in tho schoolroom was
of the most primitive kind. The seats
were long pine benches. There were
no desks, no blackboards and not an
inch of plastering in the whole build-
There was nothing between the
grocery store and the schoolroom but
a loosely laid of unseasoned
that became looser as it seasoned. It
was, unfortunately, full of knotholes,
whenever a customer came into
the store for a bar of soap or a
of sugar, the school heard the i
transaction, and as the was
a very loquacious man we often heard
The schoolroom water pail was kept
on a box at one end of room
and it was accidentally overturned a
good many times that winter, and,
strangely enough, the boys sitting
near it could never tell just now these
accidents happened, but they always
occurred when there were more than
the usual number of customers in the
store below, and they never failed to
throw the school into paroxysms of
joy. The effect was different on tho
you. Mister Teacher he
would roar up to me.
what is I would in
as calm and dignified a manner as I
could assume talking through
knot holes at my feet.
boys is water down
here and my goods
my customers, and I ain't to
I would say sternly,
any of you upset that
would come from a dozen
of the innocent ones.
shriek out, just come
down here and see If you can't make
One day be carried bis threat into ex-
There were several customers
in the store and I was busy with
in geography when an ominous splash
and the giggling of two boys told
that tho newly tilled water pail had
one over again. There were little
shrieks below, and the next
minute the grocer, sugar scoop in
band, appeared in the school room.
Without deigning; to notice me lie
ran back to where the overturned pail
was and began laying about him with
sugar scoop, and before I could re-
cover from any amazement nearly
every pupil hail gone shrieking and
down the stairs, with the
irate grocer in mad pursuit, hammer-
away with the scoop on the heads
and backs of the guilty and the
cent alike.
A few minutes later he roared up tho
through the knot
if you can't make them
youngsters behave themselves
nave some I kin
This singular lesson in courtesy bad
such a salutary effect on school
that the pail was not overturned again
for two whole days. The next week
we moved into a new and better room
on the ground floor, greatly to the de-
light of the L
V. Awake.
her own meekness and goodness so
worked upon their natural depravity
that they lost all desire to throw putty
balls and play marbles for keeps, and
call names and tease the girls,
loved children and children loved
teacher. And somewhere or other the
teacher got acquainted with a young
man, and things went on just a
story Sunday school story
book. Tho young lady looked very,
very happy was very, very busy.
She wouldn't attend all the charities
-bees, and bad to resign tho fourth vice
presidency of the Society for
Slaking Neckties for the Heathen.
And one Sunday she told her class,
with tears and smiles and blushes de-
mixed up and tumbling
ever each other, that she would have
to leave them for a few weeks, but
that she had little surprise
for them and that they were all to
come to her house on Wednesday at
o'clock. They all came, and she gave
them cake and candy and lemonade
extra sweet. After a while the minis-
in and he rubbed bis hands
and looked very smiling. And then
the doorbell rang and young lady
rushed to tho door and ran some one
into the back parlor and pulled
to so quick no one could see
in. Then she put her bead in and told
the children to be very quiet and set
very still as tho surprise was all ready.
Then the were thrown back,
and there stood teacher all dressed in
white, and the good young man had
hold of one hand and the minister
stood just beyond them, and ho up and
married that good young man and
teacher on the spot. Then teacher
kissed each every scholar and
it a lovely surprise; now you
may thrown some rice at us as we ride
And she and hubby got into a coach
and were driven off in a perfect bail-
i of rice. And this a
and Their Photographs.
Learn to say no when asked for
your photograph by one not es-
dear to you. There is in that
little word much that will protect you
from evil tongues. Learn to
that your face is too sacred to decorate
the apartment of Tom. Lick or Harry,
no matter if one of the three is of
the fellows in the world.
When tho sun imprinted in black and
white, just how sweet and bow dainty
you look, it did not mean that
picture should have incense the
shape of tobacco smoke or dubious
praise in tho form of a discussion of
your points rendered to it. Give away
your picture with discretion.
that some day will come along
Prince Charming, who will a
right, the right owned by the master
of the heart, to ask for counterfeit
presentment of yourself after be knows
that ho is going to have the real girl
for his own. Think how mortified you
would if should discover that
tho giving away of your photograph
has been almost as general as the in-
to your New Year's party.
Think how he will feel if ho sees your
face looking over the
Dick's whom be knows to
be a braggart, a man for whom be
has the utmost con tempt I Then just
learn to say no. Don't display your
photographs to your men friends, and
you will not have this unpleasant
task; but if you should do it, and not
have the courage to say the little
lie wise and refer them to
Home Journal.
The Eastern Reflector,
Tit brightest of tit children's says tho Springfield Republican.
NOVEMBER CD C C wide awake
I I offER firsts
Eastern Reflector
offers combination rates with
the following
cents a in the nursery. a
Our Little Men and Women a For youngest year.
The Pansy a For Sunday and week-day reading.
Ben U orders this whore specimens of these may be soon.
Spool Cotton
Administrator's Notice
undersigned been appoint-
ed the Clerk of Superior Court
of county, having duly
administrator U non
of the estate f dock, de-
ceased, notice la hereby given to all per-
holding claims against said estate
to present them to undersigned
payment on or before the of
December, or this notice will be
plead ill bar of their recovery. All per-
sons Indebted to said estate requested
to make immediate payment.
This the day of
of Haddock.
Alex L Blow. Attorney-
Notice to Creditors.
Rev. A. D. Hunter's
1st Sunday and
2nd and Sundays, morning and
Greenville Baptist church,
Prayer sleeting every Wednesday night,
3rd Sunday, morning and
el Baptist
T. Ages of
Washington District t.
He keeps on hand a line assortment
of the beat books at publisher's prices.
Call on him tor Bibles, large or small.
pulpit, family or pocket size. For
Hymn Books, Commentaries, Diction-
and standard works generally.
Can furnish you any Look want on
There is, I no doubt that
Henry IV of England and Robert
Bruce were lepers. About Henry HI
I net so sure. I have tried to
disc over any authority for what I am
e sure I read some years
re I cannot Ade-
of second wife of
J. became ;. leper, and that
was the real why, when a
wife and mother, left her
husband, William de
to whom was tenderly attached,
entered a convent
land makes no mention of it, and con-
her conduct quite
and Queries.
by Smell.
people said a
robust looking woman and the
of an exchange at the same tune,
you know n great many
take the most of their food through
do you mean by in-
quired her friend.
this. I can satisfy my hunger
at any time by merely inhaling tho
odor of good cooking. The aroma of
coffee, for instance, sustains and ex-
me. A beefsteak flavor is as
Satisfying as a full meal. Any cook-
will tell you
why should people
don t eat when they can
full meal of cooking odors. This is
way tramps hang around the open
of kitchens and restaurants. Did
you never feast on the smell of warm
gingerbread I I am very fond of can-
3-,, I never eat it, as the substance
not agree with me. But I bu v a
box of it every week, and when feel
candy hungry I take the cover off and
the delicious flavors. The can-
itself give away to those who are
net yet educated up to feeding through
Tho friend looked at her in amaze-
but she only remarked,
an awful thing it is to be a
id on or before tho day of Dec.,
1800. or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery, This 11th day of De.
1889, Lucius
of G.
The undersigned having been appoint-
ed and duly qualified as Administrator
of the estate of W . S. deceased.
notice is given to all persons
holding -aid estate to
sent to the undersigned on or be-
fore the day of December, or
this notice will be plead in of their
recovery. AH persons Indebted to
state are n to make immediate
This the 18th of December,
A. I. Blow, Ainu- of w. S. Cannon.
By virtue of n Hen created by 1733
of the Co for repairs done, we will
for cash before the Court House door in
Greenville, on
One the properly of Mrs.
King. This. Dec.
Low Tariff
O. Manager.
Drag Store,
Front Reflector
Golden Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure,
Compound, Syrup of I ins
S. S. S., I. B B
Hand and Machine Use.
Greenville, N. c.
pall m n,
Associate Principal
Mis. K. w, Duckett, Primary De-
Hiss May Instrument
Miss FLEMING. Music.
Miss Painting and
Mk. j. c. Robertson, Penmanship
and Department.
Primary. Academic.
Classical and Mathematical,
sic. Painting and Drawing.
Large, Comfortable
Healthy Location and Good
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of class
lion.-. Music Department equal
work to any in the State
New Pianos and Organs.
A Library of nearly volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Moderate, from to
Board and Tuition Tuition and Turin
Pupils the same as advertised
in Pupils who do not board
with the Principal should consult
before engaging board elsewhere. For
Notice I
a cried lack.
the of the Opera House, to
a who been
Bull's chimed in another.
this season of fast, driving and ac-
to man and beast keep
Oil on hand.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is to bring
yon satisfactory result, or in case of fail-
a return of price. On this
safe plan you can from our
Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
Discovery for Consumption. It Is
guaranteed to bring relief in every case,
when used for any affection Throat,
s or Chest, such as Consumption.
Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis.
Asthma, whooping Cough, etc., etc. It
is pleasant and agreeable to taste, per
safe, and can be depended
upon i rial bottles free at J. L.
Supers I inn.
The days of superstition are by no
m; us over. There women, not
conscientious in the discharge of
religions observances, who would
disconcert a hostess and
throw a roomful of guests into
confusion than sit down with
others at the dinner table. The lover
will not give his sweetheart an opal
ring, however pretty tho stone may
be; tho guest at tho table shudders
he spills the salt, ad furtively
Faults of digestion cause of
the liver, and the whole system becomes
deranged. II.
perfects the process of digestion
and assimilation, and thus makes pine
There are times when a
will overcome tho most robust,
when the system craves for pure Mood,
to furnish the elements of health and
strength. The best for purity-
the blood is Lr, J. II.
Sick nausea,
are promptly and agreeably
Dr. J. Liver
and Kidney ts
if health and life are worth anything,
and you are feeling out of sorts and tired
out. tone your system by taking Dr.
Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress
after eating, can be cured and prevented
taking Dr. II, Liver and
Even the most vigorous hearty
people have at times a feeling of
and lassitude. To dispel this feel-
lake Dr. I.
, it will Impart vigor and vitality.
The most delicate constitution can
safely use Dr. . II. Tar Wine
Lung Balm, It is a sure remedy for
coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and
lung troubles.
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin,
Spots, sores and abscesses and
unhealthy discharges, such as
catarrh, eczema, ringworm, and other
Of Skin diseases, are symptoms of
blood Impurity. Take Dr. J. II.
BULLETS for baldness,
tailing of hair, eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among the many who have It with
wonderful success, I refer you to
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
the truth of my assertion
Latham, Greenville.
Greene, Sr.,
Any one wishing to give it trial tor
above named procure
it from me, at my place business, fr
March C ,
C. B.
N. II.
tries to propitiate fate by throwing a
few grains over his shoulder. Pen-
knives and scissors are tabooed as
presents. Many a man would choose
any day in the week but Friday for
starting on a journey, or beginning
some great enterprise. Many a
dislikes from sympathetic
to meet a funeral or en-
counter a black
Account for the
The young lady who gets tho tariff
mixed up with the cognomens of the
states is apt to do almost anything. A
sweet Washingtonian, who has recent-
been doing a great railroad town of
toe west, astonished a Michigander by
have traveled all over Michigan,
and yet have seen so few sheep, I won-
why it is called the Wolverine
No need to take those big cathartic
pills; one of Dr. Liver
and Kidney is quite sufficient and
Fee B and certain remedy for
fever and ague, use Dr. J. II.
Chills and Cure; it Is warranted
to cure.
Bale of Land.
By virtue of decree of the Superior
Court of made December
24th, in certain special proceed-
ins wherein Ricky Moore, or
John Moore el are defendants, the nu- j
will tor sale before the
Court House door, in Greenville. mi
Monday, February 3rd, 1890, to
highest bidder for cash, a lot or I
of land situated the town of Green-
ville, Pitt fronting on
and being a portion of in j
plot of said town, bounded on
by Moore's lot, on the south
D. Murphy's lot. on the west by Mrs.
Martha Moore's lot, on the north by
and being the lot upon
Adrian room is located.
Dec. 81st,
Tucker Murphy, Jno Moore,
of Land.
By virtue of ;. d of the Superior
of Pitt made December
124th. 1830, in a certain special proceed-
I lug wherein I. smith, administrator
Clark is plaintiff.
i Clark et a I, are defendants, under-
I signed will offer tor sale to the highest
I bidder cash, before House
door in on Monday the 3rd
day of February, the following
tracts of laud situated in county.
township one tract in Creeping
Swamp adjoining the lands of T, A.
tames, Nobles and others. Con-
mining ten acres, more or less also one
tract known as tho Leaver tract,
I adjoining the lauds of Clark.
Jr. Taylor and
others, and being the same patented by
David C Clark about the jeer j
6-85 undivided interest In a certain
tract of land adjoining the lands of
A Jesse Lancaster and
containing acres, more or less.
Dec 1880,
i Tucker A Murphy, W. L. Smith.
Greenville, N. C.
have the the
Chair used in the art. Clean towels.
sharp satisfaction guaranteed
in every Instances Call and be con
Ladies waited on their
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
in Testimonials from all
of tho post
o Prof.
T-i-- rill for and
Mr. f-r
Talk con
for and
C, S., I'm.
n W F
-j Son . in-
. II .,
i. n .
. . S
Pr. Baby
and will baby
of pain and all disorders of the towels at
on-e. Price ff
If all broken up and
miserable, ran
with the famous
which only costs 2-5 cents.
Merit Wine.
We desire to say to our citizens,
for years we have I selling Pr.
Discovery for Consumption. Pr.
New Life Pills. Arni-
ca and Electric and have
never handled remedies that sell as well
or hat have given such universal
We do not hesitate to
tee them every time, and we stand ready
to refund purchase price, if
not. follow their use. These
remedies have won their great
rarely on J. L. Woolen
The Salve in the world for Cuts.
Sores. Ulcers, Salt
Fever Sores. .
pay required. It is guaranteed give for 1800. H mailed
satisfaction. money i I H
All honest, conscientious physicians
who give B. is. B. Blood
a frankly admit lie superiority over
ALL oilier blood medicines.
Dr. w.
regard I. B. as of the best
Dr. A. II. BOSOM, Nashville,
writes reports of B. B. am fa-
and its speedy action la wonder-
Dr. J. W. Rhodes.
writes confess B. B. is the bast
and quickest medicine for rheumatism I
Dr. S. J. Ga.
writes cheerfully recommend
as a flue tonic Its use cured
an excrescence of the neck after other
remedies effected no perceptible
Dr. C. M. Montgomery. Jacksonville,
Ala. writes mother insisted on my
netting II. B. B. for her rheumatism, as
case stubbornly resisted the usual
remedies. She experienced immediate
and her improvement been
A prominent physician who wishes his
name not given, says patient of
mine whose case of tertiary syphilis was
surely killing him, and which no treat-
seemed to check, cured
with about twelve bottles of B. II. B.
He fairly made tip cf skin and hones
and terrible
N. C, 1st. 1800
I bag Inform the public the
manufacturing formerly carried on by
me will now be carried on by Cox
Carroll. I will settle all made
by me and kindly ask those indebted to
me to make meats with when
their fall due. I the pub-;
lie. to accept my sincere thanks for
liberal patronage they have extended
roe and now kindly ask that the same I
favors be extended to Cox A Carroll.
A. O. COX.
o n o A
f -y a i
and Binders,
1ST. C-
We have the largest complete
-1 of inc kind to be found in
the State,;. r or for classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
Send us orders,
N. C.
obtained, all business. In s.
Patent office or In Courts intended t
for Fees.
We are opposite the IT. S. Patent of-
d i Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain In .-- time than
more remote Iron Washington,
the model or drawing sent
advise an to free of charge,
and we make no change we ob-
We here, to I he Post Master,
Supt. of the Order and to
Is of L. S. Patent For
advise and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
t world.
th la
lib and raise
. . , our
are ft-. AH tn yea
tn what w send Too to who
a tho about
tn .
do U M
d ii-1
ran . t. rt and
A to.
Pen Pencil
name In J p
St. I.
beg to to the public that
we now engage in the
business as successors to A. O. Cox
kindly ask those need of Cotton
Planters, cart Wheels.
Horse Shoeing, or any repair work.
I either wood or iron, to on us and
we will try to make it to their
to do so by them
work at prices. We make a
of the Cox Cotton Planter and
can furnish any repairs at short
One of Use
r.-v i-
and to M
i in
-i .
to us at ran
w nor goods
the small end of the
r five the H
Tombs, k,
I would respectfully call your
to the address and all
you to remember that can buy a
house than any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and best known having been lite
over forty years In this vicinity
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual for filling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
B. C. Ph B
tub o
A MB e u
Polly. Vice, or
for Work, . the or Relation.
Avoid unskilful Posses, this
It I
full Jilt. Pile, only by
j paid, concealed In
If yon now.
author, II. Parker, U.
the COLD
from th National Medical
for tho on nervous and
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted,
by or In person, at the of
St. Mass.,
for books or letters for
as abuts.
Sect on receipt of price
the Heart of Africa.
A most thrilling and instructive
pages; paper cents; cloth
The of
By A
Selections from Ward, Mark Twain,
etc. pages; paper cloth cents.
Warren St.,
TO Any book In the world fur
at publisher a
Dressing Hair.
fatter the Opera House, at which place
I bare recently located, where I have
everything In my line
all the Improved appliances; new
ind comfortable chairs.
sharpened at reasonable figures,
for work outside
promptly executed. Very respectfully, ,

Eastern reflector, 29 January 1890
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 29, 1890
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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