Eastern reflector, 4 December 1889

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The Eastern
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector
I propose to discuss l vexed j she learned the
Mecklenburg resolutions j to popular liberty a gov-
of May, 1775, which from the which could claim to be
I or of expression to the great I the judge of its own powers.
DAVIS. Declaration of or She had fought a lone and
have created con ten- war for State independence
j the claim North was not Tilling to put
Carolina rests on a broader the priceless jewel bad
I than the resolves of the gained. After a
mg at which deserves j was concluded that tho
V ed Every Wednesday
B. E.
All hail to -e. chief.
It given most profound relief.
To welcome on Carolina's soil.
i to ts
For art thou not the star, whose lay
i Once shown with in gray ;
. . . . . . t The rainbow of life's
year. The of
I aye tells thy manly brow,
ill not to S
mm and an- not consistent et earth's
tree principles of the party. ., star ,
If you want a paper from a wide-a-waVe art burdened down,
ion of the State send for f one tired of
Nation's free from toil. ,,. preserved the burst or a Constitution not
against usurpation
the resort to implication of
powers not expressly granted,
Massachusetts. The to act upon general as-
foundations referred to are that deficiency would
records of events preceding and soon supplied by the needful
meeting at Mecklenburg In mean time
hen e, liberty-loving people, on tin-
receipt of news of the combat at
between British soldiers and
not probably to be found with j they have a living and they are
you, hot possibly to be envied.
shall ask. could North
consistently enact her or-
But, it is this cannot
of secession in I he is neither the nor the ether can
referred to the Declaration of be had cotton be planted to
of 1776, to the Articles of obtain it, an cotton is of
Interest on a
and measures that are not consistent et U earth's
L meeting at Mecklenburg In mean time
run me woe parry. wear st a star crown I
If a a wide-a-wake Ami art not j State after State bad acceded to
And thou art noble, just, an true.
A diadem of Southern hue.
And we will never I bee, enthrall,
Thou greatest statesman of the all.
From thee, we'll ne'er be ton.
Thou emblem of our Nation's heart,
We love thee, and our love will last,
A noble relic of the past.
O. Fowle. of Wake,
M. Holt,
Secretary of I,
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
of Wayne,
Superintendent of Public Instruction I
M. Finger of Catawba. For thee, we fought; and bled, and died.
Attorney F. And comrades fell on every
son, of Buncombe.
Congress which met at the new Union until the requisite
in August, 1775. his I number had obtained tor tho
Congress convened North Carolina establishment of the
i in disregard of opposition by the j between the States so ratifying the
had sent delegates to rep With characteristic self-re-
resent her the general Congress North Carolina confronted
j to be held at Philadelphia, and de- the prospect of isolation
the attack upon Boston, if to it be to
laud had appointed committees alone rather than subject to
safety with such far reaching her most prized possession
as belong to independence. Con-
times only. The famous Stamp act; tiding tho security offered by the
of Lament was openly resisted ten to
I For thee we faced the cannon's mouth, by men highest ion, a especially the ninth and
our own loved Sunny h. M i tenth of the series. North Carolina
Voluntarily acceded to new
Union. The tenth amendment re-
For ours is an undying love.
Unchanging as the God above.
For thee, our arms are open wide.
For art thou not the pride.
Joseph Davis, of
Fames E. of Beaufort and One and twenty thousand strong I
A C. A very, of Burke. Met the foe, battle's song
striated the of the
to the of
the powers delegated to it by the
Stales, all of which were expressly
that limit
, , What is Around
done without money or t
As Reflected from the State Press. About thirty-five years ago a lit-
tie boy was given n quarter of a
W. P. Fife is holding for spending money. As he
Confederation of 1777 for a necessity to I he exclusion of other b series of meetings in i walked down the very hap-
union of the States and the M others must be Geo. met with an older boy and
cession of States from the Union hat is very true, and it is be- kept the him the money, saying as
so established ; to the treaty of cause the farmers are just a year be for years. did so, what my good papa
1783 independence, hind instead of a year ahead, and it . . i gave me to older boy
of the States severally and distinct is a thing to catchup and Fr. e Press Mr. V ill, it or the little fellows
to the Constitution
United States, wit
amendments; to tho time-honored is it to be accomplished is the home near Or
resolutions or an that a bard one. We on the. mat. The
from these all he may learn answer it. We know that when took the ears the next
that the State having won her in- General L-e's army surrendered
dependence by heavy sacrifices, had and men came home to make a Coal,
never surrendered it nor had ever crop a General Grant told them to rich profusion, has been found on
to delegate the do, they were in just as bad con- the plantation Col. It O. Gregory commission in the, army
rights of the people. Bow as people are They in Granville county, and also at the; while the little who was
her sous bore in bad no money, they had no foot of Bowling Mountain, some young to enlist remained at home,
the war between the States the lists they had no meat corn ; all that eight or nine miles from Oxford,
of the killed and wounded testify, they had had already What is there that North Carolina
f the I get ahead. So it is, but it must be Seaman, of Raleigh, and Miss Lela I j away
first ten done, if prosperity is to come. How Carr, Greene county, were mar- j The WM r,
most heart-broken, but when he
went home crying and t A it
his mother gave him another
Tl is mo lilied him, but he
ever that older boy. The
war came on and the older boy was
She gave them a sacrificial offering while were lighting.
on the altar of the. liberties their to contend with the
fathers had won left us an j adjusting and the es
is not rich
u nod
After t he war the younger boy be-
came a clerk in the War parts
the past fifteen years
the older boy, who had become a
Chief Justice M Smith i clash of steel, and the bound not to
a. o be ., ,.,
. , . . w , For whom we heard the cannon thunder, lo
i countless things were done in the day by
men who were disguised
song question. Before
four years of and strife, I., , . .
Pint II. Crown, of j soldiers gave life. , Congress o province had
I . . . . . bled the last royal Governor of Stipulated. Beyond .
k Philips, of or , J J J ,
from of a people done, color law, or i
Third G. Connor, of
And though thou were in dangerous
Clark, of It-.,. CU . .
Thou nobly did st forget the past.
A. Gilmer, j With thee we fondly sympathize.
, t-. . t, n Yet, thou art not
sixth T. of j Ai d by thy
J Our love is at thy
Seventh t . of
alas, thy
Eighth A. of i Thus to abhor thy honor d name.
Iredell. j Carolina bids thee welcome still.
Ninth F. Graves, of That her vows may be fulfilled,
Tenth of That she may rue obeisance pay.
The leader of the gray,
who, burdened but not Inn; by op-1 by reckless usurpation of
had resolved to live or die eons majority which, feeling
as freemen. The at Hills -should disregard light, bad the,
I went earnestly to State peaceful remedy f Could
i merely to declare independence but ; she us a Slate a confederation
j to provide the. means the la-d-rock of which is the
. it. The Congress feeling quite sent of its bound by
to the to a compact which others broke to
laws raising and injury f Had her reserved
inheritance to their posterity. Many
sleep far the laud of their
nativity. Peace to their ashes.
Honor to their memory and the
mother who bore thorn.
Next Year.
prospects this sect ion
of country for next year are not the
most pleasant. The corn crop is a
perfect failure and the cotton crop
is hot little better. Farming
to a condition entirely
carriage house on
the plantation Mr. Barbara Mow an orator, announced
Jones comity, together with as a for
and new They made a crop .,., j stacks of Stales he had a large
following, it, looked a; though ho
might I'll elected. But, morn
the newspapers in many poi
1.1 the country, Mild especially
own State, published a
Statement the effect Hint the
had been dismissed the
cowardice and oilier
conduct. The denied
under all difficult lea would lie. wagons, cans, plows
lo prosper had not the a,
high price cotton 1800 , w-re by fire last
a and brought on ill to be the work
the disaster of succeed-
We believe Ill's whole section
will b.- forced by
stances to do next year what was;
an Lo.--
new passenger coach-
es have just been turned out by the
j troops, for supplying right oilier x paper
Eleventh M. Shipp, of I Welcome, sire, to meet the block them against invasion t
. For as our guest we will admire. of her seaports heroic and
R. . . .
his a cause, though lost, ties to the ; wise North Carolina
the articles most in their sac. utterances,
J. Vance, of Meek- ,
Matt. W. Ransom, of with tin the , j what their
to a new and hopeful
of a year from now as
the result. And believe
great agent ill accomplishing it will
for the past five or six years j be the Alliance which is
have been growing from bad to I teaching the people both the
worse until they have gotten and advantage of
their condition and many an I as they have
are at a loss to know what to do, or; never been known and practiced be
how to meet the needs that, will j lore. Already effect of this
cone lo them reason o the have been felt and the good
done in and we lot forward -bops ,
in this city. Their finish Is
They are provided with two closets
each, lavatories patent heater.--.
Raleigh Call.
iV last near South this
is working and extending
all the time, but us all give
way as we can to has-
can do no discuss the goal which fol ;
law teaching
Third W, of j Passions of glow,
. . . . . As those who feel them show,
Fourth n. Bunn. of Surely there are some holy ties,
. . . n . i Which battle with life's memories.
Fifth . Grower, of
Sixth of The chain which serves our love to blend.
S. Henderson. And Southern gratitude extend.
Eighth W. II. A. Cowles We love thee, prize thee, fondly yet.
Ninth G. Ewart of jeans have past, since last we met.
COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Goldsboro, N. C. Nov. 1st.
Continental Congress being then
session with much diversity
of as to course
to be pursued under this condition
Of affairs, the North Carolina Con-
resolved the delegates
Ibis colony
would have been to these
questions if had asked
on the day hen in they
die amended Constitution
of the United States. Her
delay in marks
her vigilant care the right she
Jefferson Davis.
Bit Letter to the Centennial.
Superior Court A. Move.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of n. James.
B. Cherry.
S. L. Ward.
B- Harris.
Commissioners-Council Dawson, Chair-1
man. r; nil ford Mooring, C. V, Newton, GENTLEMEN letter
Chairman J. S. and J. D. to be held at Fayette-
Cox- ville on the of November next
Public School
of F. W. Brown.
F. Evans.
K. Lang.
R. Moore.
1st Ward. B. N. ;
2nd Ward. B. Jr., and Alfred
Forbes 3rd Ward, T. J. Jarvis and M.
R. Lang; 4th Ward, W. N.
was received, but
be empowered to concur nail early asserted and so
with the delegates other col- j maintained. Of her it may be
said, as it was of Sir Walter Scott
forming foreign alliances, reserving I his youth, that he was
to the sole the first in a row tho last out o
right of a constitution In tho peaceful repose which
laws for this followed the Revolution all her in-
This I was the first dis- were progressive,
declaration for the separation Farms, school-houses, and
from Great Britain State mm over a subdued wilderness, and
and there is much beside
We confess
we are not competent to give advice
I his as many consider it,
for must be considered and met
in some way. Tho adverse seasons
hail much to do with the yield,
but to our mind there is also
reason for the present condition,
and that is the system of making
largely crop. When farmers
make cotton, trusting to the sale of
that to provide provisions
Laughable Reflections.
Birth Provoking as
piled by the Bad Boy.
records of tho War
were published, shoeing that the
barge was I roe. lie was not
After his was
pushed; he received a post
Washington c, of which
county, a Colored man's dwelling s .,
was blown down daring the
severe blow
of the which was six Were
one of the
nil fortunate party a to have
married on that that bis
license been issued. Tills
known white
here even-,
in oh of the box ears of the;
; Wilmington local train in a
dying condition. He lingered
about an whir e died from
you remember the day you out-
raged ii boy's feeling and
most, broke his heart a teal lug a
qua. tor from him Thai
yon seal the
a .
. L.
. ,. , . , . , I natural causes without
A Pennsylvania man has kept ; . . , ,.
umbrella for years. He must bl history. In bis
to produce it and the cotton fails kept it chained,
there must be a dilemma, and does your
is just what farmers have been keep a team horses
doing. They do not, as a general bat be keeps a heads
thing, make their own provisions son,
but trust to their cotton to purchase Gently is a young lady of , on his person and .
pockets were a and
. I lea Is that
the man was . tailor, two note,
name of J.
u m in
Attended to.
So that when there is
cotton there are no provisions.
result is more is planted to
on his left were imprinted tho i i. blow,
was initials C. IS. U. He hurried
Was day
before yesterday
yesterday morning a, the expense
with a mother's joy she saw her
sous distinguished the public
service by intelligence, energy, and
gain credit for the necessaries of i Whit do yon mean
life, because the latter be had. last Chicago wheat; deal
First and Third
morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every I
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B.
priority to evoke admiration. North
Carolina bad by acts of re-
to British authorities j perseverance, and by the integrity
has delayed provoked their vengeance, yet she j without which all other gifts are
the hope that improvement in dared to lead in Lac as tinsel. North Carolina grew
my health would enable me to I danger, however dread, in event a pace in all which con i tut e power
present as invited. As time of her isolation could make her ac- she was required as a
preaches I find that cherished hope co operation save with the res. State of the Union to resist
unrealized and that I must regret- of supremacy U regard to on the high seas In the
fully confess my to join you her own Constitution and I of merchant vessels
sacred principle of in-j and the impressment of American
and seamen by tho armed of
ed on consent governed. Great Britain.
After having done her whole
war for independence be-
come a free, sovereign, and
pendent State, she entered into the
with these rights and
of the city I count;.
Keep out debt. If you have
We suppose that this injurious gel
tern is more largely practiced in the now , , Follow tins plan and will
G t E S V I LI, If, N.
J. M.
A W,
States than in any other The same deal gave be to see bow much
country, probably. For nearly her father a account. Then ;,.,.,. can you
years it has been m This h the on y remedy
sued the consequences have know of for bard H
grown more serious each year. has been observed in u
on-it.-r of public bodies ti at married are, .
quarter a s w . would never be mentioned. When
should enough to convince I lie I . . . .- .
A M A s g i N N
i invariably debaters. ,
not have a chance to ; you get to tor things as you
the commemorative celebration.
It has been my sincere wish to meet
the people of North
on the occasion will naturally
cause them with just pride to trace
the historic river of their years to
its the colony of
most skeptical this plan is a; at home, but they have unexampled buy them, yon wont buy near so; u.
bad one. In fact almost anyone who opportunities lo observe and will just as well
All along that stand powers recognized as unabridged.
Those seamen belonged
to the New England States, none
probably were North Carolinians,
but her old spirit was vital still.
To the cause of one was the cause
of all, as she announced when
Baptist Services every Sunday, morn-1 of fidelity to the inalienable When experience proved the Art j ton was under embargo.
Wednesday night. Rev. J. w. I the people, even an of Confederation to be At every roll-call for the
Greenville Lodge, No. A. F. A A.
in ant resisting
usurpation the of; she agreed to a general convention
the privileges guaranteed by char- for their amendment. The
Mob- tor defying lords, and j did not limit its labors to
to needs of government she answered
blessed peace returned she
stacked her arms, which she bad
no prospective use. Her love for her
day night after 1st and 3rd Sunday at commons. Always self reliant, yet I amendment of the but pro-1 neighbors had been tried
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M., . . ., . .
G. L. Sec. vainly
might be quest about it would
admit as much, but, still the same
suicidal policy is
necessity, it is true, partly
also because the matter has not
.- , . in
been considered as seriously as it
should have been, and hope has Funny Passer-by- at are you
greatly influenced all our j digging for friend
.,. .
and until we have been do you expect to strike
brought face to with the .
consequences which must inevitably
follow a false system of farming.
The first object with every far-
mer be to make on bis farm
as many different crops as he
Greenville R. A. Chapter, No. meets ed for her while
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma- . -j . .
Hall, F. W. Brown, H. P. I aid to her neighbors a she
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F. j regarded ail the British colonies of
j troops
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of H., armed equipped for service in
meet every first and third Friday night.
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council. A. L. of H. meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
to form a new plan of gov- j wanting in the time of their
both Virginia and South Carolina ;
also dispatched a ship from the port
eminent, and adhering to
that governments must
be derived from the consent of the
governed, submitted the new plan
need. Why should she anticipate
Hostility from them t
envy, selfish, and
criminal hate a Cain did not
come near to her heart. Ii to
to people of several Slates
to be adopted or rejected as I suspect such vice in others be in-
and for itself, should decide. It is discreet, credulity it is a knightly
Wilmington with food for I to be remembered that the Articles virtue and part of an honest nature.
in Boston after the closing of Confederation for the many years of military and civil
Hours all business from A.
M. to P. M. All mail distributed
on arrival. The deliver.- will
be kept open for minutes at night
after the Northern mail Is
Northern Mail arrives daily
at P. M. and departs at
A. M. defend them, but self-abnegation of True to her creed
the . which of State-sovereignty, North Car-
would probably accrue from the recognized the power of such
of that by Great Britain. In
her declaration that the cause of
Boston was the cause of all there
was not the assertion of a com
M. and depart at P. M.
Washington, X
Roads, Chocowinity and Grimesland
mails arrives daily at
and at A. M.
Ridge Bell's; . ,
Ferry. Johnson's Mills. to veneration
States of declared service it has my good fer-
be and i tune to know sons of North
that no should be made under circumstances of
the said articles unless it should; trial, and I make a list of
of rights and a purpose confirmed by the legislatures those deserving
which would too far extend this
letter already fear tediously long.
Devotion to principle, self-reliance,
inflexible adherence to
when adopted, accompanied
conservative caution, were the
characteristics displayed by North
sing of a rival port, without
of regard for the great
good of other colonies. I
States as chose to do o to with-
draw from the Union, and by
the same token her
right to decide whether or not
and Pullet mails arrive Tuesday,. for the men or North Carolina as i would subscribe to the proposed
first distinctly declare for for a more perfect union,
Vanceboro. Black Jack and Calico State Independence, and from first which it is to be observed
to of a Po- declaration for perpetuity was
J. J. PERKINS, P. M. I to govern themselves. do not omitted. In bard school of ex-
Carolina in both colonial and
State history. All these qualities
were exemplified action
the day the anniversary of which
you commemorate. If there be nay
yon give
chance to get warm, sir
of sir.
You know that two miles
, , the load, don't t Well,
so one lad he can still de- you , to reach
pond on the others. There is
a failure in all, and chances; , , , ,.
success are increased
to the variety of his crop. It bear things
is needless to say t hat some of these Bright tells pa
be grain, grass, stock down town, then pa tells
such things. When a farmer a
. . . . . ma tells it at the sew mg society
these he may not have much money , we . hear
in his pocket, be has a lightness
of heart and elasticity of spirits M- what a
. . . ,,.,. taste my boy has for natural history.
which money cannot buy. If this is. e
doubted let the reader look around m.-s. progress has
him see which his neighbors be made
are the freest from care, the most Mrs. Splendid. he
independent and most prosper- six pairs of live cats hanging
. by tails the hue in
and nine times in ten they will Jard very
be those whose barns smokes
houses and and pantries
, . , , , i shouted tho old man as he
abound in good things which bi bead from behind the
every good farmer ought to and j woodpile, better not go
farm can produce i the
Husband wedding and feel much better. Durham Sui.
want rooms for and
Hotel and meanness seem to
course she is be the lending characteristics the
present administration dealing
with the class fled sen ice under the
set vice law. ft is oft he very essence
of the purpose the law no
distinction whatever made
among those n the service on ac
count politics, all who
perform their duties faithfully shall
feel secure. So far as tho classified
service is there should be
no cognizance of politics either
those holding positions or those
applying Y. Times,
on the brilliant
j career, loan L. Sullivan, the
slugger, announced in New
York that he to over
a new leaf and become B
Bat new to not u
to much with the champion,
and hence tho announcement that
he has been on lug spree in
-on will no much
prise. It is an, by telegraph
that he was rearing
whilst in
the guests of into pron Hotels.
He was induced to take a
and go to the of a I
where he pro; to remain until
he could sober up.
abundance they now do.
may not wear flue clothes, and
fine horses to fine buggies, they
may not have accounts nor
bunk bills in plenty, they know
after asked John
U tangled the
she was to work a
God Bless Our motto, and
been oat temper ever since.
The Best In the w for Cuts,
Sores, Salt
T Hands,
Con , and
and Piles, v-r
pay required. u. t. give
n, or
Price p. t box, bale by J.
L. Wooten.
G E N V L E, N. C.
Li . J
. ii E E V I L L E, X C.
in all I ho courts. Collection
a sip.
I B.
Greenville, N. C.
P. C F.
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
i. and N. U.
N. C.
new management. Hot and
cold water baths, rooms at-
ed tho bust of the market. Feed
table in connection.
Pol Good Rooms. Best
table market afford. When In tho
st at the
N C.
-ii.- .
11- V.
t n

Eastern Reflector
of railroad I sectional
work of Senator I seed
now I think I kin safely
add agents de
public are a pas-1 bis kind
I with one.
The have
paid oat their I
Wednesday or train tho seen. I axed
Subscription per year.
rill not to Democratic
and measures that are not consistent
the true principles of party.
If a a wide-a-wake
of the Stare send for the
and Greenville toad. They ought
to have. A gentleman proposed to
the writer an indignation meeting
against the railroad company.
shows the feeling of people.
Then it is a shame to put the work
on of road that is
done now. We must have a change.
What will the authorities or the
road do I
The Reflector wants to say a
few words along this same line.
There is no disposition on the part
dot I
him et Kansas
rite smart el
try. he,
de country you see.
Why, man, sum part de State
am so darn level ain't no
sec I,
de country I'm for, I
wants raise
country es level es all wont
grow sorter
stamped de feller. He didn't
an- so he
n I, He
at the
Mail Matter.
great Governor of North
is what the Eastern pa-
say when they refer to Gov.
Correct. And tho Eastern pa-
were nevermore truthful than
in making; such reference.
The Knights of Labor man who
was here last week said in his
speech that the majority of labor-
had their brains in their
and never go to work until
they get hungry. To a great de-
his words were only too true.
If there was less idleness in this
land there would be less hard
WanamaKer's crew seem to be
going wrong. A short while since
the postmaster at Selma was arrest-
ed for taking money out of the
mails. He gave bond for his
at trial, and no sooner
was he released than he was nab-
bed a second time for stealing an
overcoat. Last week two
clerks in the Charlotte
were arrested for pilfering letters.
The administration has every
to be proud of its appointments.
John ought to put a few more
thieves and in office.
Some of our exchanges seem to
be casting about for more
fields. The for some-
time published at LaGrange, has
been removed to Goldsboro, will
be enlarged to seven columns and
published as a Sunday morning
paper. The Clipper, previously
published at Hookerton, in Greene
county, goes to Bell's Ferry, in
the lower part of Pitt county. We
suppose the I Upper views Bell's
Ferry as a better field of operation
from the fact that the railroad ex-
tension from Greenville to Kinston for Greenville was a lady
indignation meeting against the
railroad, so far as our knowledge
goes, but we hear frequent com-
plaints as to the manner in which
the advertised is carried
out. Greenville may not have as
much money in the road as has
Scotland Neck, but some of our
people did give considerable, both
in money and in right of way
across their lands. However, what
they may or may not have given
to secure the railroad is not the
question with us. In our humble
opinion it would be far better to
cultivate a of friendliness and
good will between the oration
and the people than that the con-
should exist. By the
ration acting in such a manner as
to virtually say to the people
have built the road and will ran it
to suit out selves; we know you
have got to travel on it or walk ;
yon are under our thumb and if
yon don't like what we do yon can
lamp makes them no friends.
It is usually this action on the
part of corporations that raises
such a sentiment people
against them. How much better
it would be if everybody was
friendly to the railroad and spoke
a good word for it, feeling at the
same time that the corporation had
some interest in their welfare.
In reference to the schedule on
the Scotland Neck Greenville
road, it could hardly cause more
inconvenience than at present.
Frequently people here who have
to meet the trains are compelled
to stand around the depot from
one to two hours, regardless of the
condition of the weather, waiting
for the trains. Then the
along the route is equally as
inconvenient. We had occasion
to be on the road about two weeks
ago and could readily see what
discomfort and annoyance it was
to the traveling public. There
were about twenty people coming
to Greenville and quite a number
for on the train that
left Tarboro. Among the number
what say. He
bit den be
his hat lowed es how he
most be but he
it up, fur when he got de door he
turned back Carter,
Kansas is mighty level country
es general thing but one
county down in de south-western
part de State de
place on de top side de
bit's so lull bills no
room fur else an hit's
ain't valley nor
acre level ground in de whole
of consideration for the
concerned, Secretary
had decided not to dismiss the om-
who refused to resign. Per-
fiddle-sticks. He found
that Secretary Tracy's
backing was about ten times
heavier than bis own and concluded
it was better to back down I to
get knocked down.
Representative Hooker thinks the
recent elections reminded the
Republicans that minority and Re-
may be synonymous
sometimes and that they will not
attempt to pass a set of rules in the
House which will deprive the minor-
of its parliamentary rights.
Arrangements have been made
by the Navy Department to secure
the new smokeless powder for the
small arms in that branch of
Senator berry says the Democrats
of the Senate will be able to say
what will not be done by that body,
but they will have to allow their
opponents the privilege of deciding
what will be done.
The nomination will
be settled at the Republican caucus
to-morrow night, and not before,
The field is still energetically work-
to get up some sort of
Just T
received the nicest line of--------
and Jewelry,
Ever brought to Greenville will continue to keep on until after the
holiday seasons. If you need anything in that line it will be to your advantage u
give him a trial before purchasing.
Also for sale. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at shirt notice and in work-
manlike manner and warranted. Call and see
Greenville, N.
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
that are not to be excelled In this market. And to be First-class and
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN-
kinds, and Ml u- Hay, Rock Lime, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, loss per cent for Cain. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at jobbers Lead pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes an Faint Colors, Cucumber Wood Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a I guarantee satisfaction.
New Grocery Store
Grocery Store and
Next door to E. C. Glenn. I have opened a
on hand a fine line
Meat. Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Oil, Molasses,
Candies, Cheese. Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Apples, I
Bananas, Canned Goods and most everything usually kept in a
first-class grocery store, as well as Tinware, Crockery, Wood and
Willow Ware, Call and see Goods delivered free any
where in town.
J. J. CHERRY. Greenville, N. C.
All kinds Risks plated in strictly
At lowest current rates.
blame I aide to unless
fur mi unit an he looked at me
den I got up sorter
de side corner my
musket teller had lied
niggers wed all
de signs, when I turned
he gone I Rove
him de collard patch.
I went de door an long
Rover cum back or mouth
full I
de had turned
at but soon I a
sound music down de road
when listen, cum
float de
Oh hit am de promised
flour bread floats on de breezes,
white en black walk hand in hand.
En pot grows on de
I it all rite den I
went back in de one more
encounter agents
bin added de your
P. K.
Hog N. C, Dec
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correspondent.
Ex-Speaker was this day
evening nominated by Demo-
caucus for Speaker of
House. All of the present House
officials received compliment of
a re-nomination. No was
taken by the caucus as to the
they make a great deal more pro-
the next hours
than there is now any indication of,
they have little hopes of success.
Gen. Mahone has come to Wash-
for the winter.
standing his defeat he to
control the Federal patronage of
Ex Attorney General Garland
will practice law in this city, while
retaining his residence in
Support borne paper. No
matter how small, sustain it. If not
a good paper now, you can make it
so by giving it a hearty, substantial
There are many
in North Carolina, conducted
by wormy and capable men, that
are struggling for existence. Help
them out. Put them on a high
plane of usefulness. A weekly
newspaper conducted with energy
and ability is worth from to
a year to the county in
which it is published. You may
doubt this, it is a solid fact.
Wilmington Star.
The following which take
from the Elizabeth City
voices the sentiments of the Re-
Hon. Thomas G. Skinner
her elect to the 51st congress will
leave for Washington City next
week, where an arduous sessions
-Must be met with
Successors to R. S. Clark Co.
Respectfully their friends and
the public generally that the are located
at the old stand of R. S. Clark Co .
where they expect to Keep a full line of
all goods usually kept in a first-class
Hardware store, consisting of
Stoves, Tinware, Furnishing Goods,
Paints. Oils, Glass, Putty, Sash. Doors
and Blinds, Carriage Material, Builder's
Hardware, Cutlery, Lamp Goods, and
Agricultural Implements. We also run
a TIN SHOP and are prepared to do all
kinds of Sheet Metal Work, Guttering,
Roofing and Repairing, hand made
Stove Pipe, made of best refined Iron.
All of which we are prepared to give
our customers bargains in. Give us a
Greenville, N. C.
Car Load of Fine
.--------J received by-------
-------We propose to sell--------
D. Williamson,
-To meet the-
put up nothing
Demands of the Times.
And if you want to some
Don't fail to give us a call. We
mean business.
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory s well equipped with the best Mechanics,
but first-class WORK. We keep up with the times and then l
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs are use I.
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Barn Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a lull of ready
the year round, which we will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people this and surrounding counties for past favor hop
merit a continuance of the same.
course of the party in the House, it work awaits him. Mr. is
touches Bells Ferry. It tried to
influence the road to by way of
Hookerton, but failing in that the
paper hikes the progressive spirit
and goes to tho railroad. We hope
the new fields will prove prosper-
for both these papers.
Time to Speak Out.
In the last issue of the Scotland
Neck Democrat we find the follow-
It is generally conceded by
most every one that railroads are a
great blessing to any community;
and in most cases so they are. The
fact that are beneficial to com-
linked with the further
fact that they are controlled by
who possess large fortunes, seems
to restrain people from
the actions of these corporations,
when the same things, if done by
individual, would be denounced in
unmeasured times.
Now, this is wrong. When a
corporation over steps the proper
bounds, it to be just
as individuals. This is what we
propose to do here and now.
We do it in no spirit unfairness
or spite, in the name of even-
handed justice.
Some ten years ago, as well as
we remember, the people of Scot-
land Neck and community gave the
Wilmington and Weldon
company towards building
a branch road from Halifax to Scot-
land Neck, with fair understand-
as we have heard it, that the
road should not go beyond this
place. Scotland Neck was to be the ,
We were not a citizen of this
place then, but we suppose that the
reason the people exacted such
terms of the railroad company was
that they feared an extension the
road would make this place a way
station so the growth
the town.
Be that as it may, the road has
been extended to Greenville, and
will soon be carried further. We
have no quarrel to make that.
We have never thought that an ex-
tension of road would hurt
Scotland Neck.
But what we have to complain of
The railroad are
posing our people. The
pie gave their money for the con-
of a railroad, and under
present management few are
fitted but the and be only
in the matter of shipping and re-
Advertised schedules mean
People go to the depot to
take an hoar or two,
get on and sometimes fail entirely
to get where they start.
It is not uncommon for the trains
on this road to be from one to two
behind time. It takes
boars to go from here to Weldon
ad remain long enough to transact
as boor's business, and Weldon
only miles away and in same
with Scotland Neck-
small children. All these had to
wait two hours at the for
the from Scotland N ck, and
it was a cold, damp,
night. This is no occur-
and all the trouble seems
caused by the co- trying
to make one mixed train do the
work of two
We write this with the best of
feelings on our part for the rail-
road, but the people
we think it better for the corpora-
to make friends of the
rather than enemies.
Pete Carter on Emigration.
De agent am
broad in do Ian. Hi-s voice am
herd from de cross road de
conn try de city
hall, his presence
am seen in cabins field
am de
when do time am
past. De all dis am
all my we is ruined,
but I don't, I will be
house dis crap
an den plant one without
trouble we all go work.
It am true de laborers am few
but am fewer e I
ken see I reckon its all fur de
de people
I. don't will
be better time fur
go. We must have bad
craps sum at Mmes
people am more apt rive
an look an pas-
Hit hay bin
so. In de olden days we read
de famine sore upon de an
Jacob op his household
went into Egypt yet
goodly lad craps
all. bad an Israel
folded up his tents went up
so hit is us now.
Ours is indeed or goodly but
we made bad craps many am
years cum
bit may be es hit
de maybe
when de bad craps am thing or
de past de Ian
milk an will he glad
cum back es de
went back de promised
in days ob old.
Dar agent Kansas
oat us week he had
I didn't go out hut he cum
see me so I
I hard all bis
if I Kansas
noted far bat
being thought best to wait until the
The Department is con-
a newly patented postal
remittance card. The idea is to
attach stain desired amount
to the reverse side of the card,
which may then be mailed to any
the receiver to present the
card at any and receive
in cash the amount represented by
the stamps attached
Samuel Strong has entered suit
against Benjamin P. Butler for
250.000 damage for slander.
has an
week in Washington. Probably the
lull that always precedes a storm.
The storm will begin next
when the Fifty-first Congress comes
together, and will
only knows how long.
Mr. entertained the
gates the International Marine
Conference t dinner last Tuesday.
The conference elects to get away
two or three weeks; in fact the
English delegates have
Representative Randall hopes to
occupy his seat in the House Mon-
day. He also hopes to be able to
take active part in the legislation
of the session as be has always
done. last hope can hardly
be realized, unless Mr. Randall
a great deal more strength
than his appearance indicates.
Assistant Secretary of
the department of takes
greater portion of bis an-
report in defending tho pen-
decisions he has made since
last March. A judicial decision
should always be its own
but then perhaps Mr.
his decisions judicial.
Anyway there is something about
his report that seems out of keeping
with good taste and tho general fit-
of things-
Secretary Tracy may now claim
to be even with Secretary Noble
for Tanner dismissal. Last week
Mr. made a call on five of the
most prominent of the re-rated
of Pension office for their
resignations One of is a pro-
of Mr. Tracy, to whom he at
once went in his trouble. The re-
salt of interview was that the
officials refused to resign, and an-
their intention of fighting
for their places. In the meantime
it was whispered around Mr.
Tracy bad determined to make this
a fight to the death, and that if be
failed to keep bis man Pen-
office be would leave
net- Just as things had reached
this interesting stage
announcement is made oat
not only well qualified for the
duties imposed upon him
as the representative of this Dis-
but he has a capacity and a
for bard work that
makes bun a valuable and faithful
member. We are mis
taken if the next session of Congress
is net a most exciting one.
A colored man near here says that
bog cholera can be by-
pulling out a small dark tooth from
the pig's mouth, which can always
be found at a certain age; that if
this tooth is extracted the hog will
have the cholera. Mr. J. L.
Tacker, one of best farmers,
says now is just the time to
the truthfulness of the state-
Mr. Tucker has full faith
it will prevent cholera and
will take bis hogs up and have
those teeth taken Ferry
correspondent Kinston Free Press.
At her home in Carolina township, on
Sunday morning, December 1st, that ex-
lady, Miss E. Rollins,
died of consumption. Her bereaved
relatives and friends should take
from the bright hope which all
who must have in her happy
resurrection to eternal in the last
day. Of her, it be truly said, a
food woman has passed
giveth and the Lord vaT
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
yet promptly on the Kidneys,
and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
pleasing to the taste and ac-
to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in
and bottles by all leading drag-
gists. Any druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
and will be sold-
or at reasonable terms on time on
proved security. I bought my stock for
Cash and can afford to sell as cheap as
anyone. Give me a call.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you are free to buy where you please, but
if you want to save money you come to
my Factory on 4th street, rear of J. B.
Cherry Co's. For convenience w
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. lean give
That you ever had in your life tor
to less money than any one
else in the county can give you. Why
for my expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget the
place on 4th street rear J. B. Cherry
Tab Tar Importation Company
Forbes, Greenville, Presided
J. Greenville,
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen Man
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen Ag
The People's Line for travel on Ta
The Steamer is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted. , , .
Fitted up specially tor the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table furnished with
best market affords.
A trip on the Steamer is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
and Friday at J. o'clock, A. U.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
J. J.
The undersigned having leased these
m ills for p number of years and put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that he is prepared to rind
Corn and wheat in a first-class manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
null meal at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be supplied at my store in
where will also And a select slick
of General Merchandise which will
sold at lowest prices
Robt, R. Fleming.
A woman of good
character, and capable of
doing the domestics of a family.
N. C.
Wishes to inform the public that
he is prepared to furnish you
and wishes to sell you at
least a portion of what
you need in the
way of
Groceries, Provisions,
And General Supplies. I keep
a line of Flour, Sugar. Coffee,
Meat, and all heavy and light
Groceries that will be sure to
suit you.
I do not claim to sell goods
under everybody in the world,
but I will give you just as low
prices as can be had in Green
I do not claim to the
best goods in the world, bu I
claim mine to be just as fresh
and just as as can be
found in Pitt county. I shall
endeavor to please all customers.
Wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he has
bought out the Grocery establishment of T. R. Cherry, and with
new stock added is now prepared to furnish the very best
At prices fully in keeping with the times. I keep Flour,
Meat, Lard, Confections. Canned Goods, Crockery,
Glassware, Tobacco, Snuff,
Orange Syrup is the best Molasses in this market.
You are invited to call. Remember the place, at Cherry's stand.
We adopt this method
of informing our old
customers and the pub-
generally that we
have returned from
New York with the
stock we have ever
The experience of two
years in the Northern
markets together with
increased capital
us to offer
bargains than ever.
Standard Prints
Plaids Clothing,
Dry Goods, Shoes, and
fiats are all going at
astonishingly low
A visit from you is
Greenville, N. C.
A SPECIALIST Physician 1880
In the diseases and weaknesses
men will mail a book free.
remedies which abandoned and
hopeless sufferers privately at home.
-Specialist, room A,
wast, corner Mew York.
J. R.
Have again come to your attention and solicit your esteemed patronage
do not claim that we have the largest and best stock east of the
Rocky Mountains, but we do say that we arc to the front
--------with a specially selected line of--------
Suited to the want of a large class of customer. We arc in full with
the hard times and can and will make low cash prices to all who favor us with
their patronage. Look down this column and see if we cannot Interest you.
are better prepared than ever before to serve you. We have in stock to-day
a line of
Embracing and Trimmings, Ginghams and Calicoes,
and Suitings, Piece Goods and Cashmeres for Men's and Boy's Suits,
Sheetings, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics. Canton Flannels Bed Ticking.
Boots and Shoes.
For Men, Women. Boys, Misses and Children, at prices that will cause the poor to
rejoice, and the hearts all will be made glad who buy Boots and Shoes from us,
why V because we sell low and give the money's worth. A full line of Notion,
and Goods that will delight the hearts of the young and old.
HATS and CAPS for men, boys and children. H in line we offer
you a stock as complete as the farmer or mechanic can wish. We make a specialty
of Steel Nails and guarantee them to be the best made.
Which we are selling at rock bottom prices, not because we are forced to do so
but we take pleasure in offering and selling low down. Can we interest yon here
if so come in and examine our stock of Sugar, Molasses. Coffee, Tea. Soaps, both
Toilet and Laundry. Lye, Matches, Starch, Rice. Meats of different kinds Flour
which we are now buying first and can save you money if you call and
examine before buying elsewhere, Tobacco and Snuff.
Headquarters for Furniture.
Of which we carry a line not to be excelled in this market, such as Suits,
Bureaus, Double and Single Bedsteads, Tables. Cots, Wastelands, Bed Springs and
Mattresses, Children's Cradles and Beds, Chairs of different kinds and
all to suit hard times and short crops. Anything that you want in this line H
have not got it in stock we will make a special order for you, as we have
from several of best furniture houses in the United States and guarantee sat-
as to Prices. Willow ware, Crockery. Glassware, Lamps,
Cart Saddles. and Horse Trunks,
Valises and Traveling Bags,
Life is too short to keep on telling what we have and can do. But wishing
you U health and prosperity and giving to every man. woman and child who comes
to Greenville a cordial invitation to come in and examine our stock,
We remain yours to serve
J. B.
Greenville. N. C.
For preaching on Bethlehem Mission
Bethlehem, 1st Sunday at
School House, Sunday r
, . , .
Sparta, 2nd Sunday at o clock.
Grove, 3rd Sunday at
Chapel. h Sunday lo
K C.
Money to Loan.
and upwards. are re-
at payable in small annual
through a period of live years thus en-
the borrower to pay off his In-
without exhausting his crops
n any one year. Apply to .

X. C.
Cotton 2-5.
at the Old Prick Store.
Seed Eye and Seed W beat for
E. C.
Last month of
1.000 and Bags
sale, and Bushels want
ed by E. C
The ten will soon be gone.
Highest cash price paid for cotton
Seed by E. C. Glenn. bush-
Three weeks to Christmas.
One dollar bays x Solid Leather
Ladies Shoe at B. Cherry Co's.
Holiday good are the attraction.
a Double Shot
at J. B. Cherry Cos.
There have been frosts
ice the past week.
You can get postage stamps, mail
letters and buy cigars at the j
Telegraph office.
Take stock in the and
Loan A HUM ion.
Try a Barrel of Sweet Home Plow
Best in town at J B. Cherry j
But few days left in which to ads
One dollar buys a Whole Stock
Mans Shoe at J. B. Cherry Co's
Good Bargains.
Almanacs for can be had
the Reflector office.
Mrs. J. It. is MET sick.
Mrs. D. E. has been sick
for a
Mr. William Peebles is very sick
Miss May Harris, of Falkland, is
visiting Mrs. C M. Bernard.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. went
to Raleigh visit last week.
Mr. C. D. Rountree left yesterday
for to visit his father, Mr.
Charles Rountree.
Mr. W. H. Albert, of Washington,
has rented a stall in the Greenville
Market and will sell meat and fish.
Mr. Jesse Warren, of
spent a few days of the fast week
visiting bis cousin, Mr. War-
Mr. W. S. Bernard, a student at
Chocowinity, ca up last Thurs-
day to spend Thanksgiving at home
He remained an Monday.
Dr. F. H. Johnson,
Evangelist, preached the Baptist
of this town Sunday night.
He preached in Falkland Sunday
On afternoon, Nov.
Tin, at the resilience of Chief of
Police, J. T. Smith, lather of the
Miss Nonie Smith, of
ville, was married to Mr. 0- L. Bar-
of the ceremony be
is no one enterprise in performed Rev. R. B. John,
Greenville that gives employment of the M. E. Church. The
to as many as twelve Can were Mr. Bynum
Miss Laura Smith, Mr. Law-
as this stated affairs exists can- with Miss Ada By o am,
Fayetteville was toll of
daring the centennial. Mr.
living about three
Greenville, a pocket;
hook nit. and h's railroad
it while down there.
Our old friend Mr. A. of
Tarboro, accompanied by one of his
spent Thanksgiving Day
j in Greenville, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
i S. M.
should be started to give the
; , . employment.
It is a offer we are malt
those who want good reading
next year. The regular price of
the Reflector is and the
regular price of Wide Awake is
get the two from now
January 1891 for Read the
advertisement on fourth page
The Literary Society
held an interesting meeting at the
Institute Friday night. A
organization was effected by
electing Prof. G. T-
dent; Miss Mollie Rouse, Vice
President; Z. Z. Moore, Secretary
and Treasurer. The Society will
meet every two weeks.
Mr. W. E. Barrett with Miss
Williams, Mr- J. M. Blow with Miss
Florence Mr. D. House
with Miss Ada Immediate-
after the ceremony the entire
party left for the home of the
groom's father, Mr. W. A- Barrett,
near Farmville, where a
was held. The bride and groom re-
a number of handsome
presents. The
wishes them a wedded life.
Were issued to the following
couples during the mouth of No-
George W, Margaret Case,
A. J. Tyson and Addie Parker,
George W, Taylor and Cora L.
Smith, W. G. Keel Mollie Sta
ton, Jenkins and Estelle
U. N. Gray and Rogers,
Ladies and pisses
Out Lock
I am not after you tor taxes but want
read this advertisement
Thanking for your kind II . hope, l hones
dealings, to continue to receive a snare of v oh lo you
my stock for Christmas h BOW J kind of from H
cents tr per pound.
Apples, Liaisons, Nuts. Figs. Bananas. Oranges, Flavoring
etc ill keen n full line of
Greenville, N. C.
All at Panic Prices.
The die is cast for this year and
the condition of affairs could hardly
be bettered at present. It would
be better to cease complaining of Benjamin R. Margaret
the hard times and go to work Angel, Joseph Griffin and Mary Ev-1
with double energy. Waste no time an, A. A. Baker and C. L. Keel, C.
. , , begin now to make preparations Barrett and Marv Smith, B.
Mrs. L- Stephens returned last f , , , Q J
a visit to her parents .,,
Martin sister,
Stock is quite complete in the above lines, come and
cure bargains, this offer only good until January 1st.
Greenville. N. C.
dozen Eggs cash or
in trade, wanted. J. J. Jr.
line of cigars at the
graph office.
citron, nuts,
candy, sugar at the Old
Brick Store.
Jeff. letter is on first page
of the Reflector to day.
All goods low down for the
Cash at J. B. Cherry Co's.
This mouth has five Sundays five
Mondays and five Tuesdays.
The finest loaf of bread I ever ate
was made of Point Lace
the Old Brick Store.
Josephine Purvis, anted with her
to spend few days here.
Mr. J. B. Tripp, a young man of
this county who now has a situation
Richmond, was in to see us Sat-
and while here renewed his
subscription to the REFLECTOR.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoffman,
Scotland Neck, and Mr. L.
with his children,
of Tarboro, spent two days of
last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. M.
R. Lane
Capt. J. J. Bernard, of the Gov-
Guard, Raleigh was married
to Miss Ella of that city,
on Nov. 21st. Joe is a Greenville
boy and the Reflector sends up
congratulations to him.
Miss Maggie W. Smith, or Cos-
ville, this county, who for a year
past has been attending the State
Normal school of Pennsylvania, and
received high honors there, return-
ed home a week or two since.
Capt. R. A. who
Floor opening of the railroad
here has been conductor on the run
ever before.
The need of a good hotel build-
in Greenville becomes more
parent every day.
N. Carolina Plaid
per yard, at J. B. Cherry Co's.
Hog killing time is drawing on.
The Reflector wants to report
the largest porker.
The Prettiest Line of Ladies Jew-
in town at Moses
the Jeweler.
The police force of Greenville is
as handsomely dressed as any town
in the State can show.
Hides, Rags,
Eggs. Peas, Corn, Oil Barrels at the
Old Brick Store.
We have another article for pub-
from Mr. J. P. Bowie, which
will appear next week.
A Full Line of Clocks, Jewelry
and Spectacles tor sale by Moses
the Jeweler.
More of our people join
the and Loan Association.
It will prove a blessing to the town.
Any subscriptions that come
daring this month will secure the
Reflector until January for
Wanted at Moses
Mink Skins, Raccoon
Skins in proportion.
Tucker has been making
the taxes bum daring the past week.
About has been collected to
rent lease a
small farm, roast be good land with
dwelling. Address, P. O. Box
K, C.
A Knight of Labor
spoke to a large crowd in front
of the Court House here last Wed-
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb sold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
far the has not
a very heavy tax upon the coal bin
but we expect there is some rough
weather ahead.
Almanac is just as good
as any other offered for sale. Its
calculations are accurate and can be
depended upon.
All those haying work with me
will please call for it by January 1st
as I am going to leave Greenville
that date. M.
It was too windy successful
Thanksgiving Dav. Sever-
were our. but did not
bring in much game.
bushels each Potatoes,
and Peas, and pounds
Pitt county Hams wanted at II
Morris Bros.
Fox, Otter and
Deer skins. Will pay more for
them than any man in town.
J. J. Cherry, Jr.
Tons Coal for sale per ten.
Small quantity cents per
Do pot send for coal without send-
money to pay for it Goal is
cash. C. Glenn.
Goods at starvation prices at
Higgs They are selling
good boy's suits for and men's
Nothing like it ever known
of from
the laxative nutritious juice of
California figs, combined with the
Medicinal virtues pf plants known
to be most beneficial to the human
system, acts gently on the kidneys,
and effectually cleans-
the system, dispelling colds and
and curing habitual con
between Greenville and Weldon.
has changed to another ran
and is now on the Short Cut be-
tween Wilson He
made many friends in this section
by his courteous manner and genial
disposition, and all to see
him leave. Capt. R. H. Whitaker,
Weldon, is now on the Scotland
Neck Greenville He also
is a very clever man much liked
both by the here who have
met and by the people who
travel with him.
Several to
our appeal last week and brought as
money. We are waiting for
others to do likewise.
This week the Reflector office
has printed cards for a Christmas
celebration at a college in the
tern part of the State.
The farmer who gives much at-
during the to
manures will not have to spend all
he makes next paying for
The next date that occupies gen-
attention is Christmas. No,
we beg pardon, it is the 10th inst.,
with a couple of popular
Greenville should expect to
accomplish very much if her
of means do no exert them-
selves. There ought to be some
under way.
The certificates of stock in the
Building and Loan Association have
been received by the Secretary and
are now ready tor distribution at
the Reflector office.
Friends remember that
mark on your paper last week,
know it is hard times, the
feels it about as much as
anybody, so with us,
come up like an honest man and at
least make a division with us.
paper cannot be run without money
and you delinquents would hate to
he the cause of it
Come on, even one who owes us.
New Advertisements.
J. T. Allen advertises his stock of
groceries in this paper. See him
and get cheap goods.
The Greenville Combination Store
Join and Ida
U Coward, Jo-
and Ann Wilson,
RE- and Mary Dennis Sugg
Mary Carr, Oscar Joyner and
Mary John Clark and Bettie
Joseph and
In the last Kinston Free Press we
find the following in reference- to
Dr, D. S. Harmon, the distinguished
who some weeks ago was
in Greenville.
informed us that he would
certainly leave for Tarboro
He has made seventy-four pairs of
glasses since his stay
A. N. Ryan, Manager, has a large I eight or Dear Kinston,
holiday advertisement in this paper.
We have been over and made a
inspection of their stock and
find as full as any ever
to Greenville. Their goods are
and beautiful. also in-
quired as to prices found them
very Mr. Ryan la de-
serving of a liberal and
we hope he will receive it.
A force of hands in charge of Mr.
B. Blackford, Foreman, are putting
up the telegraph line along the rail-
road this week. They have nearly
completed the work to the River toil
The County Commissioners had a
busy session Monday and yesterday
transact mg usual monthly work and
receiving new bonds from the
Fall proceedings will be pub-
next week.
News reached us that Capt.
R. C. Brown, of Tarboro, made an
assignment Monday morning. We
hope he will soon be over the
embarrassment and again in
successful business.
Mr. S. P. Erwin told us Saturday
that he found a cotton blossom in
his field on Thanksgiving Day. He
also said that the frost of Friday
night was the first this fall heavy
enough to kill the cotton plants.
Prof. Memory System
is creating greater interest than
ever in all parts of the, and
persons wishing to improve
memory should send tor his pros-
free as advertised in another
A factory of some kind might
easily be built in Greenville on the
There is not a
great amount money in this sec-
but enough to be of great
vice in giving people employment if
put in circulation.
Saturday was a bitter cold day
created a thirst for whiskey
among some of the crowd in town.
The bad liquor caused boisterous-
and disorder some of
imbibers which the Mayor had to
take in hand set the price on
their fun.
Mr. W. H. Allen, a
here, sold out his brother, Mr. J.
T. Allen Saturday evening. When
news of the sale leaked out it
a small stir among one or two
creditors who had the twice
closed temporarily. Matters were
I soon a. us and business going on.
Messrs Bros., who have
the contract for grading the railroad
extension between Greenville and
began work on Monday.
Their work train, consisting of a
large number of hands with about
seventy-five males carts and all
necessary tools, passed through this
town last They go camp
first about miles this side of Kin
begin work there. We
hear that they sub-let a
for seven miles of the work on the
Greenville end to Mr. The
whole, grading is to be pushed for-
as rapidly as possible.
Corn for
the next mouth the Re-
will take corn payment
for We do this be
cause there are some persons who
have said to us that they have
the money to spare but could pay
corn, so we make the same offer to
all who can best pay that way. If
you have not the money to spare
us corn to pay what
is due renew your subscription.
Or if there are any who had rather
bring poultry, or meat these
will be accepted. We to give
every one a chance to pay his sub-
so bring on your corn.
The people of Greenville arc to
be complimented on their
of Thanksgiving Day. Ev-
business house in town closed,
in only one or two instances
were any going into their
places to sell goods All the church-
es town had service and took col-
for the orphans of the State
the Episcopal Church services
were conducted by Dr. IS. C. Hughes
Rev. G. L. Finch preached in the
Methodist Church, and Rev. J. C.
late of preached
the Baptist church. The same
minister preached at night.
There is no question about
co being a paying crop, and there is
no longer any about its
growing successfully in Pitt co
We have no reports of sales
this season where higher prices
were received than by farmers of
this county, which lead us to believe
that the weed can be grown as near
to perfection Pitt county as any-
where in the State. Below we give
some Hales recently made in Hen-
by our farmers, and all bat
one of them are colored men, which
shows they are doing as well in to-
culture as the white tanners.
Mr. Ola Forbes sold from acres
worth of tobacco.
House, colored, sold from
acres 1510 pounds for
deducting all expenses for freight
warehouse charges and auction
fees be had net.
Mae. Thigpen, colored sold his
crop from acres for He also
bad a small patch, where be grub-
bed up the land, from which be sold
Peter Johnson, colored, sold from
Richard Forbes, colored, sold from
i acres
Win. colored sold his
crop from acres, the same net-
The Reflector offers the
that these colored men were
home working tobacco patches while
some their brethren were lodging
about idleness and talking about
emigrating to where they could live
without work. tobacco acreage
of Pitt county will be largely in
creased next year, bat we would
urge one thing noon every man who
intends trying motto be
and not It is
the Rood tobacco that brings high
prices, sorry weed.
Train comes in behind time even
night. .
two pair for Hill and four pair
for Greenville, and every case
entire satisfaction was given, which
means that his work is of a superior
the same paper was the follow
testimonial over the signature
of Judge Gray Bynum
affords me. great pleasure to
state that I have been using for
last twelve months a pair of Dr.
Harmon's and
have had more pleasure and comfort
in them than any eye glasses I ever
used. They do hurt or strain
the at
On Monday the editor received
a sack of very fine In-h potatoes
bunches of radishes, all of the
second crop, from Capt. W A. Par-
clever commander of
Dominion steamer Beaufort. The
potatoes were planted on the 25th
of August the radishes the 1st
of October. Capt. also gave
us some of his experience vegetable
raising this year. From his first
crop of potatoes he made barrels
acre which he sold for
per barrel. Alter this crop came
off he every other row In
corn on the 25th of Au-
gust planted the alternate rows with
the second crop of potatoes. From
this same acre he harvested as
the second crop barrels and
bushels potatoes, the potatoes this
time selling at per barrel at
Washington. The
on this acre cost which was
applied to the first crop. With the
radishes Capt says he was
trying He
them first of October he
would have them to ship first of
but the weather has
so warm this fall that they grew
rapidly are ready shipping
now, though there is no market for
them at present. He says
bunches of them can be made lo the
acre which will sell at from to
per Northern markets.
Congress is session.
Poultry is cheap but Eggs are
Three more issues of the
tor this year.
We all wonder what President
Harrison's message to Congress will
Plenty of water for god boating
on river but not much cotton for
the boats.
Pitt county has been fortunate as
to fires this fall. But one or two
have occurred.
Reflector subscription receipt
given exchange for corn.
on with your corn, delinquents.
No person who owes an honest
debt should spend bis money foolish
or until that debt is
Farmers are sowing wheat and
oats. Pat plenty of them gentle-
men, and you will be better off next
harvest time.
They have pat iron on that
of railroad trestle as far as
the wood work was completed. The
other work moves on towards the
There were many people in town
and yesterday and all them
talked of bard times. A good crop
next year would probably set things
tide of travel will turn to
Washington City. All
something be
on hand as much as possible while
Congress is In session.
Millions of dollars worth of prop-
were destroyed by two fires in
Massachusetts last week. first
was at Lynn, the smoke that
bad scarcely cleared away when an-
other occurred Boston destroying
The Methodist Conference has
just held an interesting session at
Greensboro. We were expecting a
telegram announcing the appoint-
of pastors tor th district but
it had received at I be hour
of going to last night.
And the Holidays of 1889 are
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE. N. C. Mar. 1887.
It time for people to make their of presents for
Christmas Times, and the------
Has a stock of Holiday Goods that will be sure to please every
------man, woman and child who sees them.------
Of course the children will bang up their
we have an endless variety
of just such articles as Santa Claus will want to pal in those
The old and well-known here, have again opened
in and desire to renew the acquaintance of their
many friends and of the past, and to again
a share of their patronage. Cur new
will contain an m; .-c stock of
TOD We Tool Chests, Wagons.
Velocipedes, Rocking Horses;
Saving Bunks, Drums, Flags, Guns, Pistols, and
hundreds of other toys both large and small.
pAn C i We have Dolls. Doll Carnages,
Work Tea Sets,
Sets, Writing Desks. Scrap Hooks, small Toilet Sets and
Vases and an innumerable line of other pretty articles.
Dress Goods
the latest styles i
fore you n line of
have been selected by an experienced buyer who knew
ml fashions of the northern markets. We will pines be-
cannot be surpassed quality, quantity
f We have the very article you want as a
present for sweetheart. Beautiful
Toilet Photograph Albums, hand hie supply that will
painted Card Receivers, lovely designs, exquisite Vases, Per fain- w
Sands, Christmas Cards, Gift Books,
Shoes Shoes
T I If you want a handsome gift for
U U IN LA I y or or to
your parlor, and cannot be suit.-d in the above, we would
attention to our superb assortment of Wall
Lamps, Plush and Brass Tables. Paintings, Steel
In this line we can please the boys to perfection. Sky
Roman Candles, Turning Wheels, Spit Devils, Cannon
and Pop Crackers in abundance.
Groceries and Confections.
We would not close without directing your attention to our
splendid line of Light and Fancy Groceries. Any article wanted
for family use can be asked for. Candies of all kinds, of
all kinds, Nuts of all kinds. Mince Meat, Currents. Citron.
Jellies, Cranberries, Pickles,
We can furnish anything you want for Xmas.
Special inducements to country merchants.
and Shoes men an
Oar prices on these are the
Furnishing Goods.
We have a complete
of I lo-- -i y. Blurts, and a line of
that be excelled even in large
Hats and Caps.
The very latest imported London styles, Including the Stiff Hats of the
most good styles of Bolt Hats we also
Boots and Shoes.
Ir is hardly worth while more of our superb line in this department
to inform the people that we have and Shoes to lit any
cot that comes to man, woman or child, out the very heat whole
stock and a prices right down the
department brings m plate. We lead on Clothing and offer
you styles prices nowhere else to found. FINK CLOTHING we
make a specialty, and keep lull stock of very latest figures and
styles, cheap grade Clothing we will have a splendid in
fact we can suit every customer in quality, style price. Don't forget
With these remarks, kind we throw open our doors to the pub-
solicit a than of your patronage, and satisfaction to
purchaser. You can find us the second door the brick block
n which the was recently one door north of the stair-
We realize that times are hard money scarce therefore
have no fancy prices but will sell goods down low. Returning
thanks for past favors, we again invite you to visit our store.
Haft mS
anterior ail
Or Don't v. .
on Try
Ant. by all M
Jed to any A for i r
. .,
; I I.
On or about the 1st day of January, shall move to the store recently occupied by John
Smith Bro., directly opposite my present stand. Desiring to commence in same
with a fresh stock of Goods I shall offer from now until January 1st,
This is no humbug, but will include everything my store.
Clothing, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ladies Misses Wraps
Cloths, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises.
All at cost without reserve. Special bargains to country merchants buying at wholesale.
H. H. LANE, Greenville N. c.

your Clothing, Taint, or
in tho old
nibbing, twisting, wrecking way.
I w P
x i that large army of sensible,
economical people, who from experience have
learned that PEARLINE, u directed em each
; labor, rubbing, wear and
are worn oat mere by washing than
When you see a urchin
Standing wistful in die street.
With torn trousers,
Dirty fate and bare red feet.
Pass not by the child unheeding,
Smile upon him. Mark me, when
He's grown old he'll forget it;
For remember boys make men.
Have never seen a
With his eyes aglow with joy.
Bring to mind some act of kindness
Something said to him, a boy
Or relate some slight or coldness,
With a brow all clouded, when
He recalled a heart too thoughtless
To s make men r
Let us to add some pleasure
To the of every boy,
For each child needs tender interest
its sorrow and its joy.
Call your home by its brightness
They avoid the household when
It is cheerless in its ;
For boys make men.
is to root to try
s SB
. it. B
No No No
May tally
Weldon pm nm
Ar Mount i
Tarboro am
Ar Wilson pm am
Ar G
At Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
No No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
fa Wilmington
Magnolia am
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
Wilson am pm pm
Ar Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pin ;
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 8.80 P. M. arrives Scot-
land Neck at P, M.
M. Upturning leaves 7.00.
A. M., Scotland Neck at 10.10 A.
pt Sunday.
Train loaves Tarboro. N C, via
While introducing our line work, if you
send us a photograph of yourself of any
of Tour family, we will make
a full life -size travel. Portrait Free
if The consideration
posed upon will be that you exhibit
it to your friends as a sum of our
work, and assist us in securing orders;
also, that yon promise to have It framed
suitably, so that the work will show to
advantage. Write your full name and
address on back of to secure its
safety. We guarantee its return. Our
is good for a few only, and the
sample is worth being as
tine as can be made. Address A
Washington St. Chicago,
Largest Portrait House in the
Dots from Wake Forest.
Sent post-paid on receipt of price
In the
A mot and
pages ; paper cents;
The of Christ.
By Paper, unabridged,
Humorists. .
Selections from Ward, Mark Twain.
etc. paper cents; cloth cents.
Metropolitan Agency,
Warren St., M York.
Any book In the world fur-
II III I L at publisher's prior
except Sunday. A M. Sunday A
M. arrive Tarboro. N C, A M,
Train on Midland X C Branch leaves
daily except Sunday. A M,
rive N C, SO A M. Re-
turning leaves A M.
arrive Goldsboro. N C. SO A M.
Train on Nashville leaves Rocky
Monet at M, arrives in
P P M.
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M. arrives Rocky Mount A
Train on Clinton leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
A M Returning leave
ton A If, P. SI.
at Warsaw mil
Southbound train on Wilson
ville Branch is No. Northbound is
No. Daily except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
clay via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for
points North via Richmond and Wash
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
J. R. KENLY, Transportation
, Mb Schultz,
.- their year's supplies will
to get our prices before
stock is complete
in all its branches.
always at Lowest Market Pricks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
yon to buy at one
stock of
on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville. N. C
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
in Effect A. M. Saturday, June
East. Schedule. Going
No. No.
p in
p m
a m
Having associated B. S. Sheppard
with in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard
Mixed Ft.
Pass- Train.
a m
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
I kinds and can furnish anything desired
Morehead City am from the finest Metal Case down
Daily Pitt county Pine Coffin. We arc fit
SCHEDULE. GOING WEST up with all conveniences and can
services to all who
Feb. 22nd. 1888.
Mixed Ft ft
Pass Train.
La Grange
Falling Creek
Core Creek
Croats n
Atlantic Hotel
Morehead Depot, a in
Thursday and Saturday,
Wednesday and
Train connect, with Wilmington it
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
Goldsboro a. m., and with Rich-
p. m.
Train connects with Richmond
Danville Train, arriving at Goldsboro
p. in., and with Wilmington and
Weldon Train from North at p. m
Train connects with Wilmington and
Weldon Through Freight Train, leaving
Goldsboro at p. in and with Rich-
Danville Through Freight Train.
leaves Goldsboro at
p m
Danville Train West, leaving Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair.
What's This
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. calling on or addressing
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of Preparation that is invaluable
for dandruff and causing the
kinkiest hair to be and
glossy, only two or three application a
week is necessary, and a common hair
brush is all to be used after rubbing the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, only cents.
lire.- of
four sod the
mt s of u-
.-. I.-.
r .
the Opera House, at which place
have recently located, and where I have
everything line
with all the improved appliances; new
comfortable chairs.
Razors sharpened at reasonable figure
for work of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
Wake Forest, X. C,
November 1889.
Mb. you will allow
me a space in column-. I
will endeavor to give a few items
from Wake Forest, which I hope
wilt interesting to your
For the past few years
Forest has been on a boom her
college considerably enlarged. This
session is exception, the
are for a successful
With an enrollment of two
hundred students, a corps of
twelve Professors, and an endow-
of she has a bright
future. This is of
which all North Carolinians and es
the Baptists, should he
proud. The present senior class
consisting of twenty-six members,
made its debut in public Friday P.
M., November 8th. Five members
of the class delivered orations which
were cheerfully received by
audience. Music for the
occasion was furnished by the string
band from The social
gathering in the literary halls at
close of speaking was
tended enjoyed by all. Sun
day morning, Nov. J.
Jones, of Ga.,
preached a most eloquent
cal sermon. Sunday evening he
lectured camp. On
Monday the large
chapel was crowded to hear
this and charming speaker
feature on Grey, or,
the Confederate Soldier as saw
ibis was delivered in a most
happy, oratorical and
style. Mr. James promises to
us again, lie left amid the
of many well wishers
and devoted admirers. Since the
above lecture we have had two
one on Nov. 12th, by He v.
Cultivation of Sensibilities- Mr.
Battle is an able speaker and he
bandied his subject exceedingly
well this Nov.
were again entertained by Mr.
a returned missionary,
who told us in a very
style, the habits, customs and
of worship among the Chinese.
Mr. T C. of
been teaching a writing class here
which closed Nov. 8th. Ho had a
lull school a gold med-
to the who made the most
improvement. Mr. W. it. Ham-
mum was the competitor.
The medal was presented
terms by one of our students,
Mr. J. O. Atkinson.
Mr. Editor. would like to say
something concerning that upon
which all enterprise is based. see
in your paper that Pitt county
are of short corn
and cotton saying that they
would not over one-third of a
crop of cotton about two-thirds
of should think the farmers
of Pitt comity have had enough
experience in short mom, and low
prices their produce, to find o
there is no money raising cotton.
it there is any, why con-
to raise it Why not raise
there is some money in
I see Mr. Ola Forbes has tried to-
and he as well as others, has
proven that there is money it.
Pitt comity will grow lino tobacco
why not plant it Farmers
in this section of the country arc
complaining of short corn and cot-
ton crops. They have very little
tobacco planted this year, but they
are going to plant more of it
year. S.
are coming Father Abraham
to the good and
qualities of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
In case of coughs, colds, etc.
As a cure for chapped and chafed hands
nothing equals the celebrated Salvation
Oil For sale by all druggists. Trice
only a bottle.
After y
ho Is by S. S.
The following is an extract taken
from a letter received from Mr. T.
A. of Piedmont, S. C,
and written nuder date of
am now twenty-eight years old
and from the time I was years
of age until 1885, i suffered with a
severe case of During that
time I took every known remedy,
to no purpose My father took
me to North Carolina, where I was
put under the treatment of a a
physician. The medicines
given me had only a temporary
shortly after my return the
scrofula broke out in a
form and I was worse off
ever before.
1885 discontinued
all other commenced
taking Swift's Specific S. I
took a of bottles and it
cued me. I have been free from
that time until
The Eastern Reflector,
offers combination rates with
the following magazines I
Eastern Reflector
cents a For baby and in the nursery. H year.
Little and Women For youngest readers. a year.
The Pansy a For Sunday and week-day reading. a year
and all order, to where specimen, of these may be seen.
w y
Wish to inform their friends and
Unit their
Fall and Winter Goods
is now ready examination, and they
sire prepared to supply nil your wants at
We keep in alarm line of Ready
Made Clothing. Boots, Shoes Hats, Dry
Notions, Hardware, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, in fact any
article to be found a general stock.
We pay highest prices for all kinds of
Cotton bought either in hale or seed.
owing us are requested to set-
as promptly as possible, as we desire
to have all accounts closed by the end of
the year.
Returning thanks for past patronage
of your favors.
J. O. Proctor Bro.
-v. .
Hand and Machine U
Greenville, N. C.
Attacked by Rheumatism.
I have been selling Swift's
S, since 1878, during
which time I might name a great
number of very remarkable cures
that it has effected. One in
was a person who was attack-
ed with rheumatism. The case was
so bad that he was helpless for a
long time, lie took hundreds of
dollars worth of other medicines
without receiving any benefit,
was at length happily and
cured after using a few bot-
of Swift's Specific
T. SHANE, Druggist, Solomon City,
Treatise on Skin Dis-
eases mailed tree.
Is hereby given that I will on Friday
December at my Shops in the
town of Greenville, sell at public sale to
the highest bidder one horse power
Traction Engine and Boiler the
property of William Whitehead, to sat-
a lien that have upon the same for
repairs. This sale will be made under
and by virtue of Section of the Code
of North Carolina. Terms of Sale-
Cash. R. L. HUMBER,
A. L. BLOW. Atty.
Greenville, N. C, Nov. 20th.
The proposition of
sell to pay
for the privilege of put-
ting an advertisement the back
of postage stamps will be rejected.
Uncle Sam does not believe in run-
opposition to the newspapers,
which he considers the best, and
the only legitimate advertising mo
Fever and ague, fever,
affections of liver and bowels
readily yield to after, a few
doses. Price cents.
If your baby needs medicine buy a bot-
of Dr. Bull's Syrup. It con-
nothing injurious, helps the
baby when teething.
Between the
speaker th candidates for the
smaller offices under the House, the
Republican Representatives are
having a hard time, and it is not to
be wondered at that they are slow
turning up.
Win. Postmaster of Ida-
ville. Ind., Bitten
has done more for me than all other
medicines combined, for that bad feeling
arising from Kidney and Liver
John Leslie, farmer and of
place, says b ind Electric Bitters
to be the best Kidney and Liver
cine, made me feel like a new J.
W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same
town says ; Electric Bitters is just the
thing for a man who is all run down and
don't care whether he lives or dies ; he
found new strength, good appetite an.
felt just like he had a new lea e on i e
on lite.; Only We. a bottle at J. L,
Wooten's Drug
by old specialist
physician's bottle
medicine free.
We warrant our remedy to cure the
worst cases, and the only physicians
who do this to prevent your being
posed upon by meD, using false names
and who no doctors. Because
others failed is no reason for not using
medicine. Give express and post
office it costs you nothing.
Address Medical Bureau.
Broadway. New
Interest k, ladies
i o
Harry Walters has been elected
president of the W. W. B. B.
Mrs. Michael III.,
makes the statement that she caught
cold, which settled on her longs ; she
created for a month by her family
physician, worse. Her drug-
gist suggested Dr. King's; New
for Consumption ; she bought a bot-
and to her delight found herself
from first dose. continued
j its use and after taking ten bottles, found
herself sound and well, now nor
own housework and is as well as she ever
trial bottles of this Great Dis-
at J. L. Wooten's Drug Store,
Regular sizes and 81.00. .
Springfield Republican. A Kerry I car
THAT BOY By William O.
Young and old will follow Gideon's
adventures and his sister's on their father's
acres with laughter and breathless interest.
By Herbert D. Ward. A serial of school-
life in famous Andover our Rugby. The
boys, the professors, the the fun.
By A right
down jolly story of modern Norse boys.
BONY AND BAN, one of the best of the
Mary Hartwell serials.
SEALED ORDERS. By Charles Rem-
Talbot. An amusing adventure
story of wet sheets and a flowing
Black. Six practical and amusing articles.
LUCY First of a series of
graphic North Carolina character sketches
by Margaret Sidney.
true stories by Grace Dean
a Canadian author.
By Jessie Benton Fremont.
About men women who did great things
in the face of seeming impossibilities.
man. The funny Indian Fairy Folk.
really helpful papers by Sallie Joy White.
Twelve more DAISY-PATTY LET-
By Mrs. Ex-Governor
GROUND TALES. The first will be
LAMBKIN; Was He a Hero or a
Prig by Howard Pyle, the artist
card Votes sad Prises.
STORIES sifted from thousands i
Santa on a Vegetable Cart.
Charlotte M. Vail. William Preston Olia.
Bow Tom Jumped a Mine. Mrs. H. F.
The Run of Snow-shoe
Lieut. F. P Fremont. Folly the
Golden Margaret.
C Peggy's Bullet. Kate Upton Clark.
How Simeon and Sancho Helped
the Revolution. The
of a Darling. L B. Walford.
One Good Harriet
Dolls of Noted Women. M Seward.
How to Build a Snow-Fort. As
old West Pointer. How the Play
Polo. Madame de All Around a
Frontier Fort Lieut. F. P. Home
Of Charles F. A Rabbit
Bound-Up. Joaquin Miller. Japanese Fight-
I. B. Indian
Players. F. L. of
ton Indian A Party In a Chinese Pal-
ace. K. R.
The r let arcs and iriS be
more than ever.
PF- fort, M
of I
of the
a rear.
Far tbs
For Sale.
Eight Mules and horses, also
Implements. Carts, Wagons,
Flows, Harness and other
necessary for the farm. Cheap
for cash. Apply to J. M. King,
Farm. Pitt comity, N. C, or
Bluff, N. C
Notice to Creditors.
HAVING the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Pitt county on the
4th day Nov. 1889. as
upon the estate of Albert Moore,
this is to notify all persons holding claims
against said estate to present their claims
for payment within twelve
this date or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery. All persons ow-
said estate will come forward and
make immediate settlement. This No-
4th, J.
of Albert Moore.
i a Sunder needing.
mm, em i
Notice to Creditor.
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county, as
administrator or A. deceased,
hereby gives notice to all persons
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the to all
said estate to present their claims
properly authenticated to Use undersign-
ed on or before the day of Oct.,
or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery, This day of Oct-
of A. Move
Faults of digestion cause of
the liver, and Hie whole system becomes
deranged. Pr. J. II.
the process of digestion
and assimilation, and thus makes
There arc limes when a feeling of las-
will overcome the most robust,
when the system craves for pure blood,
to furnish the elements of health and
strength. The best remedy for purity-
the is Dr, II.
Sick nausea,
are promptly and agreeably
banished by Ur. II. Liver
If health and life are worth anything,
and you are feeling out of sorts tired
out, tone your system by taking Dr.
J. II. Sarsaparilla.
Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress
after can be cured and prevented
by taking Dr. J. Liver and
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of
and lassitude. To dispel this feel-
take Dr. J. II.
; it will impart vigor vitality.
The most delicate constitution can
safely use Dr. II. Tar Wine
Lung Balm, It is a sore remedy for
coughs, loss of voice, and all throat
lung troubles.
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly
spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses
tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as
catarrh, eczema, ringworm, and other
forms of km diseases, are symptoms of
blood impurity. Take II.
Lean's Sarsaparilla.
No need to take those big
pills; one of Dr. J. II. Liver
and Kidney is quite and
For a safe certain remedy for
fever and ague, use Dr. J. II.
Chills and it Is warranted
to cure.
Storm Calendar and Weather
for K. Hicks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
postage The Dr. J.
Medicine Co., St. Mo,
When you don't feel well and hardly
. know what all you, give II. I.
I Blood trial. It is a line
T. O. Charlotte, N. Cm
IS. is a line tonic, and baa
I done me great
L. W. Thompson, Damascus, Ga
l. B. II. is the best
blood made. It has greatly
proved my general
An old gentleman II. B.
me life and new strength. II
is anything that will make an old
man voting, it is 15- B.
P. A. Shepherd. Norfolk. Va., August
10th, depend on B B.
for the preservation of my health. I
have had it in my family now nearly
two years, and In all that time have not
hid to have a
Ga., writes I
mastered terribly from dyspepsia. The
use B. B. B. has made me feel like a
new mini. I would not take a thousand
dollars for the good it has done
W. M. Cheshire, Atlanta, a.,
had a long spell of typhoid fever.
Which at last seemed to settle in my
Wooten's Drug Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Golden Discovery, War-
Safe Cure, Resolvent
Celery Syrup of I
Favorite Prescription
S. S. S., B. B. B.
Buffalo Li th a Water.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
as administrator of William II. Clark.
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said intestate to
-make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and to all creditors of said
to present their claims properly
authenticated to the undersigned before
the 7th day of October, or this no-
will be plead in bar of their
This October 7th.
of Win. Clark,
Tucker ft Murphy,
Executors Notice.
Letters testamentary been is-
sued to the undersigned on the 21st day
of September as executor of James
Brooks deceased, Notice is hereby given
to all persons holding claims against said
James Brooks to present for pay-
to the undersigned properly
on or before the 25th of j right log. which swelled up enormously.
or this notice will be plead An ulcer also appeared which
bar of their recovery; All persons In-
to the estate of said James Brooks
are notified to make immediate pay-
James II. Conn.
This Sept. of James Brooks.
Alex. L. Blow, Attorney.
II M I so .,
will make Te an
i e.
pa r e s c i n n n to
r all ilia
and C
Mt Hull Ion. I. r i. s-. . I.-. f; I
T I DUO., X. V.
ant the hair.
. Is
,. , .
Mrs. K. W, Duckett, Primary De-
Miss May
Miss Sana Vocal Music.
Miss Painting and
Mr. J, Penmanship
and Commercial Department.
Primary. Academic.
Classical and Mathematical. Mu-
sic. Painting and Drawing.
Comfortable Buildings.
Healthy Location Main
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of first class
Music Department equal
in work to any College in the State
New and Organs.
A of nearly volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Moderate, from to for
Board Tuition Tuition and Terms,
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
in Pupils who do not I ma I'd
With the Principal should
before engaging hoard elsewhere. For
further particulars. Address.
Cross Diamond
reliable pin
ea r
and the
The handsome
IS Seat on trial
M months for
cony an J Premium to
C. M.
N. B.
Edwards ,
Printers and Binders,
1ST. C.
Whereas a civil action been com-
John Co., in their
own name and behalf of themselves and
all creditors of J. M. de-
ceased, against R J Grimes,
of J M to compel the
said administrator to an account of his
administration and to pay the creditors
what may be payable to them respect-
whereas a summons has
this day issued against said R J
Grimes, administrator, returnable be-
fore me at my office at the Court House,
in Greenville, of the 20th
of November, 1889. at o'clock M.
Al the creditors of the said M Rollins
deceased, are therefore notified to
pear at my office on the said 29th day of
November. 1889. at o'clock M. and
file the evidences of. their claims before
me against estate of said M
This the 19th day October. 1889.
Clerk Superior Court.
a cup fall of matter a day. I then gave
P. a trial and it cured
Notice I
Notice of Incorporation
I hereby give notice according to law
that under and by virtue of Chapter Hi of
the Code of North Carolina and acts
thereto. I have this day
d incorporated Greenville Com-
The business proposed Is that of gen
merchandising and conducting mer-
The place of business of the corpora-
shall at Greenville. Pitt county,
N. C
The duration of the corporate exist-
shall be for the period of ten years.
The capital stock of the corporation
shall be one thousand dollars, divided
into shares of the par value of twenty-
five dollars each.
The stockholders of the corporation
shall not be responsible to any greater
or further extent assets of the
corporation, the shares of stock to
they have subscribed.
That the business of said corporation
shall be under the management of A. N.
This 4th day cf November A. D.
Superior Court.
I m
Ira, S. w
CULLEY'S for baldness,
falling out of hair, end eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among tho many who have used it with
wonderful success, I refer you to the fol-
lowing named gentlemen who
to the truth of my assertion
Josephus Latham, Greenville.
Greene, Sb.,
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints can procure
it from me, at my place of business, for
per bottle. Respectfully,
Greenville, March 14th, C ,
In spite of imitation tho
theory, end practical the Original, spits
the hr woo
labor., of which the
and of hie
of Is
studied his
that his System is used
II. aC C. T. H.
N C. Co.
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Merchants,
Organ and Piano Co.
a octave.
Nine Stop Action, fur-
in a large and
handsome case of solid
black walnut.
cash ; also sold on
the Easy Hire System
at per quarter.
for ten quarters, when
organ becomes property
. of person hiring.
f The Mason
I invented
and patented by Mason
ft in 1882, is
Used in Mason
of tone and
phenomenal capacity to
stand in tune character-
these Instruments.
Styles at
and up.
Organs and sold for Cash. Easy
Payment, and Ranted. free.
a knowledge of the
laws which govern the
of digestion and nutrition, and by a care-
of the tine properties of
well-selected Cocoa, Mr. has pro-
our breakfast tables With a deli-
beverage which may
aye us many heavy doctor's hills. It H
by the use of articles of
diet a may be
ally built up until strong enough to re-
every tendency to disease, Hun-
of subtle maladies arc floating
around us to attack where v-r there
I is a weak We may escape many
i a fatal shaft keeping ourselves well
with pure blood and a properly
I Made simply with boiling
Sold only m half-pound tins, by Grocers.
Chemist, London.
We have the large- and most complete
establishment of I be kind In be found in
the Slate, and order- for all
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
FOR invitations
Send us
obtained, and nil the S.
Patent or the Courts attended U
for Fees.
We are opposite the IT. S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patent- n less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent we
advise as to free of chars,
and we make no change unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Master,
Supt. of the Money Order Did., to
Is of the V. S. Patent For
terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State,
addles-. c. A. Snow ft Co.,
Washington, D, C
For the Ladies
order to reduce stock time to
receive Fall Goods, I will offer
all my present stock of
from now until the 1st of September a
All Hats on hand, both trimmed and
trimmed. will be sold at cost. My stock
includes many of the most stylish goods
the season. can give bargains,
Mrs. M. T.
N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction
in every instance. Call and he can
Ladies waited on their
Cleaning clothes a
T. Agent of
;. c.
He keeps on hand a line
of the best books at publisher's prices.
Call On him for Bibles, large or small,
pulpit, family or pocket For
Books. Commentaries, Diction
arias, and standard works generally.
Can furnish you any book you want on
short notice.
We have had many years ex-
the business and are
prepared to to
the of shippers.
All entrusted to our
bands will receive prompt and
and Physical Impurities of tile
Mir. or
Enervating and the victim
for Work, the Married Social
Avoid Possess
wot k. It royal
foil pit- fries, only
mall, Id plain
apply now. Tbs
author, Wm.
tram th National
on ad
sf b
by mall or is at of
R. Haas.,
boots or letters for advice skoal ks
Fashionable Millinery.
Can now be seen at my store. I
the latest and newest patterns, an
an experience of several years at
business qualities me for doing all work
satisfactory and well. I also
at moderate prices. Will to
you call and examine my stock.
MRS. E. A.
I would call your
to the following address and
you to remember that yon can bur
this house cheaper than any other I
country. That it is the moat
best known having been
for over forty years In this
That the workmanship Is second to I
and has unusual for filling I
promptly and satisfactory.
Refer to P. W. BATES,
J. J.
B. C.

Eastern reflector, 4 December 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 04, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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