Eastern reflector, 20 November 1889

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t i
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector
VT. E. Christian in Charlotte Democrat.
Published Every Wednesday
Subscription Price. . per year.
Once there a Spring for me,
she n
j With morning for melody,
j And blooming eyes for flowers.
unites for sunny hours ;
; The sky happy toned love ;
April chant
When she was here.
The Scanner came with fevered hand,
she war here
Her cheek was by a hot wind fanned,
i And her eves put out of bloom.
DEMOCRATIC. BIT i And clouded died in gloom
I She waned to her baby's cry,
rill not hesitate to Democratic Dark tired eye.
and measures that are not consistent She was not here.
the true principles of the party.
If want a a wide-a-wake lift your little head,
of State send for the
Leaves are crimsoned, falling, dead ;
I Heart and bough grow bleak and bare
Frosty spangles edge the air.
Call her to our Autumn nest.
r or our warmth lay in her breast.
When she was here.
j Then, then came wintered home.
With In r not here ;
G. Fowle. of Wake. j.
M- For joy now quivering. dead.
Washington Letter.
From our regular
Washington, D. C, Nov. u.
Calvin S. is a
strong favorite with the Democrats
here and wish that be be
sent to the Senate from Ohio is
heard on all sides. It if argued
that he the good will of all
s Ohio and
that his election leave no
jealousy to make trouble in the
President is still
to mike people, including himself,
believe that the recent elections did
not mean a disapproval by the
of bis administration.
word has been passed to every
prom t Republican official that
he must argue at all times that as
no officials were voted for
the result of the elections mean
nothing as Jar as the
is concerned. That is for pub-
Mental proclamation, and Wash- Reflections,
the last of I
will follow suit as soon as a correct.; Aid Provoking Selections as Com
set of election returns are I piled y the Bad Boy.
here from the Governor.
American Congress will
complete its long excursion the last
of this week. Next week it is ex-
that the Congress will settle
down to the business for which it
was some means of
increasing the trade between the
United States and South and
America. bow that can ,
be done under present high pro- i
tariff is not very plain.
President Harrison is understood
to be down on the Germans for the
loss of Iowa and Ohio. He told
Senator Sawyer, who asked for an
appointment for a German
that the Germans had no right
to expect anything from him after
deserting the party in Ohio and
wish the school room
the teacher couldn't
make me in the
bow did my
ling like being at
had been to church for
the first time and put a penny in
I he collection much,
of are
Secretary of State- i. into one
. Keep song and sun ;
of J h
. of I
Superintendent of Public
Sidney M. Finger of
F. David-
son, of Buncombe.
Chief W. H. Smith,
Associate S. of
Joseph Davis, of
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
C. of Burke.
H. Brown,
Sired Cables to Fifth Avenue
Stage A
York, Nov. nth,
The Western Union Telegraph
to have two new ca parties
cables completed within ten days Democratic party he had Ml
Third G. Connor, of which will connect New York City out so much.
with Nova Scotia, from which That Mrs. Cleveland has lost none
relied upon to do election work, and
which has been snubbed almost
until now, is, to speak figuratively,
being warmly embraced by
dent end promised any
number of nice fat appointments if
they will only agree to resume
at the stand. Brother
Harrison has waked up to the fact
that it is the the
sleeve brigade that carry
and that the carrying of elections
is the great end and aim of
It better for the
a contest for a gold medal in
London, between a male and female
woman won by
superior That is the way
a woman generally wins in a contest
with a
Kindly Old Gentleman
man I What brought you
now, boss, ain't
quite certain, kinder lull
time, but It de patrol
Industries of the States.
The Standing of la its Principal
Alabama ranks fourth in cotton.
Arizona ranks second in silver.
California ranks first in barley,
grape culture, and quick
Colorado ranks first in silver.
Connecticut ranks first in clocks.
Delaware is way up in peaches.
Dakota is the finest wheat-grow-
ranks third in sugar and
Georgia ranks second in rice and
sweet potatoes.
Indiana ranks in wheat
What is Happening Around Us.
As Reflected from the State Press.
B. City Carpenters
are now at work at Nags Head re.
moving the old hotel building to its
place on the opposite the
Tarboro After long
and intense suffering from
disease, Solomon passed
away Friday night at o'clock,
age years.
Clinton Gov. Fits-
Lee, of Virginia, has
Boils and Carbuncles Cured.
For years I have been constantly
troubled with humors of the blood,
which caused the breaking out of
boils carbuncles all over my
body, that when bruised would
make a ugly, lasting sore. I con-
many eminent
took a great deal of medicine with.,
out any perceptible benefit.
helped me but Swift's Specific
S. That medicine cured
me I am now enjoying excellent
health, and there is not a blemish
any kind on my body. Michael
Inherited Scrofula.
Swift's Specific S. cured
Illinois ranks first in oats, meat j the invitation to deliver ad ; my little boy of hereditary
In private the -j Manifest
e, that is always; Mrs. woman were
Manufacturers Record credit she deserves
The whole world seems be I think man be quite so
, prominent in the world s
making a great advance movement j Mr u, are
in every line of industry. No one if she could get all credit she
can study the signs of the times I wanted be in the
without being impressed w th this ; occasion to
fact, and without that we the covering of the bed on
are entering a period which which her little five-year old was
promise of greater and more i sleeping, found a slip of paper
. . . with sprayer that
movements in mM ,, that it
world's commercial and might be
interests than has ever been seen
Sixth T.
Seventh C. of
Eighth District R.
A. Gilmer.
Boy kins,
; C.
a. Armfield.
place the cables are laid across the the great popularity sheen-
of Atlantic. The steamer joyed here when mistress of the
of has been used in the work, white House was fully
laid shore end of one cable last last week, when she and her
week, and is at work on the other ions husband came to Wash-
of; now. These cables will give the to marriage of
After the
Ninth F. Graves, of Western Union Company direct ca- ex-Secretary Bayard.
Surry. connection between New York marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland
Tenth C. of
Eleventh M.
Twelfth Merrimon. I
of Buncombe.
B. Vance, of Meek- i
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
Douse of Represent at District
Thomas G. Skinner, of
Second col.
Third W. of
Fourth H. of
K ash.
Fifth W. Brower. of
Sixth Rowland of
S S. Henderson.
II. A. Cowles
Ninth G. Ewart of
j and and will drove to the White House and Mrs.
Shipp, of make its service absolutely free Cleveland left her card for Mrs.
; interruption incident to winter Harrison, who is out of town, while
storms on laud in this country, her husband went inside and paid
Heretofore all outgoing cable his respects to President
patches have been by land to It and mm icons
Nova Scotia, from where they were on the part of
repeated, and sent under the The cry that was knifed
tic. The method to be by the Sherman men in Ohio was
rated will be an on no news to the regular reader of
this, though it seems strange that this correspondence, who will re-
messages can be sent under the sea member that the organization of a
with more safety than by land, plot to by Sher-
Twenty-five or thirty years ago the and his friends was noted
man who would propose to lay a tel many weeks ago. It was fixed up
along the bottom of the here in Washington, and all
A young lady from the
before. It is not in this b a was
alone that there is almost by her city cousin to fix up and put
dented activity in business interests, best loot foremost, in order to
The workshops of Europe are crowd catch a beau, as looked so
ed many of the long idle plants E
. . . , country lass looked into
of Great Britain arc rum night her rather MM
and day to meet the demand for and replied, green than
iron and And wherever we
look there are indications of An is
advancement and of large family of children, and they
gigantic that are all rather diminutive. A few
I to change many of the currents the birth of the young-
. ,, , , ; jest, a little niece of the lady called
the world's commerce. this. .,. i ,
to see the Alter looking at
I we see almost every furnace a low
that can ever blow in, actively at the child remarked Maria,
work, rolling mills, steel yon think it would be better
mill and all of
packing, traffic, malt and
distilled liquors and miles of rail-
i way.
Iowa ranks first in average
of population, first in pro-
; duct ion of corn and first in
i of swine.
Idaho ranks sixth in gold and
filth m cattle, coin
Kentucky ranks first, in tobacco.
j and has a world wide reputation
thoroughbred horses and rattle.
Louisiana ranks first in sugar and
Maine ranks first in ship j CM. n
line, slate and granite him-1
i and fishing.
dress at the Sampson County
Fair, to be held Dec. 4th,
M and 6th.
It is to be greatly regretted that
the Hon. Jefferson Davis cannot be
at He forced to
decline that pleasure by reason of
his continued impaired health.
Salisbury Herald Several wild
goose brought into town
the past few days that were killed
river in the neigh
of Trading Ford. Geese
have been quite numerous in that
Maryland ranks in
Massachusetts ranks first in col-
ton, woolen worsted goods and
cod fisheries.
Michigan ranks first in copper,
lumber salt.
Minnesota ranks fourth in wheat
Mi barley.
Mississippi ranks second in
Missouri ranks first in mules.
Montana ranks fifth in silver and
and Durham for
It is stated that Mr. J. S.
Carr will go lie tore conference and
offer to erect college buildings in
Durham, provided the college
locate there.
which broke out all over his lace.
For a year ho had suffered, and I
hail given up all hopes Ins
when at length was induced
to use S. S. S. Alter using a few
bottles he was entirely cured. Not
a symptom now remains of the dis-
ease. This was three years ago.
Mrs. M T. Mather,
. .
A Sexton Speaks.
Mr. John A. Clean, sexton of
Oakwood Cemetery, Waco, Texas
says Specific S.
a sure cure for any description of
blood poison. About a year ago
contracted a poisonous blood, dis-
ease, and tried a number of
dies without avail. I was to
become disheartened, when a friend
induced me to try S. S. S. After
will taking a part of one bottle was
Bethel Voice On account of the
short crops, the sheriff of Hyde
comity has resigned bis office be-
cause the are not able to pay
their taxes, lie says the are
not able to pay them and ho is not
willing to push them.
; a sound man, and no symptoms of
the fell disease have ever returned.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis-
eases mailed free.
Atlanta, Ga.
New Mexico's
can't be beat.
grazing facilities;
mills and kindred enterprises are all
equally as busy, yet the con-
Nebraska has crops
barley, Has and
Concord It is not
, known that there are in
county, three people who
the war of 1813.
gaining on production and causing on
So severe you
What are some of your
me see. can't remember
Superior Court A. Move.
A- K.
Register of H. James.
S. I. Ward.
B- Harris.
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
Public School
of F. W. Brown.
May G. James.
F. Evans.
K. Lang.
T. Smith.
Asst R. Moore.
Ward, B. X.
2nd Ward. R. Williams, Jr., and Alfred
Forbes Ward. T. J. Jarvis and M.
B. Lang; 4th Ward, W. N. Tolbert.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. X. C.
D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John,
every Sunday, morn-
and night. Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. J. W.
Lodge. A. F. A A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and 3rd at
Masonic A. L. Blow, W. M
G. L. Sec.
Greenville R. A. Chapter. meets
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma-
sonic Hall, F. W. Brown, H. P.
Covenant Lodge, I. O. O. F.
meets every Tuesday night. W.
N. O.
Insurance Lodge. K. of H.,
meets every first and third Friday night.
D. D. D.
Pitt Council, A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
a decrease stock on hand. Great j
enterprises, from the building of the so
the construe-
of new railroads into rich ,
, . ,, but two of them just now. is
sections, the development of, col.
winch, means almost as great a rev building.-, and the other is that
in steel making as no provocation shall a student
or Alabama's iron a
sea in preference to stringing it on signs fa,, the gentlemen concerned T.
have than they
can chew Their desire . should yield the farmers of our
they have made
doubtful State for the great con-
mow cue j, no ,,,,; of
great activity in iron and steel ship
fully taxing to i's utmost
rye, buckwheat
in gold ,
New ranks in a , u
the manufacture of goods.
New Jersey ranks first in
marl, zinc and silk goods. Wilmington The
New York ranks first in the value States Supreme has Con-
or manufactures soap, printing and the decision in the Cross and
publishing, hops, hay, potatoes, White case Bank of
and milch cows. the Bl ate courts. This takes them
. n , C
land would be considered crazy.
The of running the Fifth
th chances decidedly
Republicans here bad a big
scare lasting several days, over the
fate of Allison, of Iowa,
successor will be elected
North Carolina ranks in tar
Ohio ranks first agricultural
implements and wool.
Oregon takes the palm in
ranks first rye.
to the unless Gov.
Fowle intercedes. Going through
all the courts it looks as if the
Washington news
Sound the glad tidings The At-
Coast Line will take control
the owners. The stage company is
by Col. Shepard, editor
of the Moil who has
permitted the stages to be
, , ., , the legislature chosen last Tuesday,
on Sundays for several moths. The . ,, , J
. ,, ,, , i Allison would leave a big on
rest of stockholders are opposed . . ,
. . . side of the Senate
to this and are making vigorous. . ,, . ,
,, . . . he, for any cause, have to
say that the com ,
has lost of dollars e . .,
. ., ,. ., i It is feared by some Southern
since that policy was . .
j l. j . Democrats that the Republican de-
blame Col. Shepard it.
Hours for all business from A.
M. to P. M. All mail distributed
on arrival. The general deliver will
be kept open for minutes at night
after the mail is distributed.
X Mail arrives dally
at P. M. and departs at
A. M.
Old Sparta and Falkland
mails arrives at
M. and depart at P. M.
Washington. X
Chocowinity and
mail daily at
P. M. at A. M.
Ferry. Johnson's Mills,
Ha and Pullet arrive Tuesday.
and Saturday at A. M. and
departs at P. M.
Black Jack and Calico
mails arrives Saturday at P. M.
departs Friday at A. M.
They also charge him with trying to
them decorate
with numerous titles besides that of
Colonel, and much less compliment-
While all this is going the
people along line of Fifth ave-
have to walk to church while
their less favored the
east west may ride.
The Baseball Player's National
League, which has been organized
by the Brotherhood of Ball Players
in opposition to old league, is
busy arranging at the Fifth
Avenue Hotel. A rigid contract
has been drawn up, which is to be
signed by the players and the en-
capitalists who are put-
ting their dollars into the new
league. The players are as anxious
co have binding contracts as
capitalists and a large number of
the former are taking stock the
concern. The Brotherhood intends
to formulate rules for the next sea-
son just as soon as they have set-
question of finance and
contracts. It is said that grounds
have been secured in nearly every
city where they are and it
is evident that boys are in for a
fight against their old employers
are determined to win. If I
mistake not, they will have
heart v support of the baseball
mg public. Edwin Arlington.
is to have the
light, and a company
is to supply it.
feats last week will have a
to encourage the more radical
Republican Congressmen to pass an
obnoxious election law in
the hope of gaining enough
of House in the South at
the next Congressional election to
effect those they are certain to lose
elsewhere. Such a law will never
be passed by the next
There are a number of determined
Democrats in the House, that have
pledged themselves to
the expiration of Fifty-
first Congress, if such action should
become necessary to prevent
of an obnoxious federal
ton of the world, and it is
passage of an obnoxious j
election law. cotton is destined to spin and weave
Superintendent of the it; it has the most abundant supply
has made a report of what has J the greatest variety of timber
so far been done, and what is to be found in the
, . . ,. .,. and muse become the center
wood-working interests; it has the
advantage of best climate on
printing of the census reports given this continent, and of agricultural
advantages, which, taken as a
done in the future to make the next
census a success. He wants the
by contract to private parties
instead of being done by the Gov-
Printing office as hereto-
fore. If this can be done without
making the work a political
it would be very desirable, as it
would take the Government Prints
office years to do work, and
keep op with the constantly
current work. If the reports
can be gotten out faster than
North Carolina from the sea shore
tho mountain lops where the
every ship yard the the, . not
of closer o
varieties surpassed nowhere, from
the Siberian crab to mammoth,
measuring five or six inches n
There is no trouble in
growing them, and no trouble the
yield, and yet North Carolina apples
are run in markets of North Caro-
cities, which depend almost ex-
Northern orchards
their fall and winter supplies. There
are two reasons for this. One is
that our North Carolina farmers do
not seem to have turned their at-
in that direction, and an-
other is that tho few who have
given it any attention do handle
fruit with that care which
should to insure its arriving mar-
a attractive condition.
The fruit is too shaken from
the trees, bruised put without
sorting into barrels, arriving at its
destination in a damaged condition,
much of it worthless,
much of it, if it finds
chasers at all, has to be sold at
prices that do not pay the cost of
freight handling. If our apple
growers do as Northern fruit
growers do, carefully pick the fruit
the tree, assort it when bar-
for shipment, and put it on
the market in a sound condition,
they would that the demand
for the Northern apple
and North Carolina
apple, which is tho equal of the
Northern apple every respect,
find open and profitable
markets. Wilmington Star.
iron and steel, petroleum and he Wellington i;.
consequently a larger
share of their the rich
countries of Central and South
America, are some of the move-
that are now making them-
selves felt in all the varied
cations or the business interests or
this country. Just at this period,
which is to mark a distinctive era
in the history of the human race
an era or advancement and
Tor the people of all nations
the South is the of
It has demonstrated that it
has the advantages needed to make
it the center of Iron and steel pro-
of the whole world, and
nation or that section of any
nation which possesses supremacy
in the production of Iron and steel
and in their conversion to final
forms for will dominate and
control the commerce of
it produces three-fourths cot-
whole, are not in
possibilities wise
cultural methods by any similar
area elsewhere; it has a long stretch
of and many rivers,
its products to reach the con-
markets of the world at
minimum cost. To fullest
utilization of these advantages
South is now bending every energy,
and it enters upon this at a time
when the condition of the world's
business interests art moat
Island, in proportion to its
size, outranks all other States in
value of manufactures.
South Carolina ranks first in
Tennessee ranks in Pen-
Texas ranks first cattle and
Utah third silver.
Vermont ranks fourth in
Virginia ranks first peanuts.
West Virginia filth in salt
and coal.
Wisconsin second in hops.
they were after the last census was for making South the con-
taken bad just as well not be
gotten out at all, for all the
will be.
Montana was formally admitted
as a State Friday morning by Pros-1 hence.
trolling factor-in the great advance
movement. No man can picture
commanding influence of
South in world's industrial and
commercial interests ten years
There are people who subscribe
for a paper and bang on as long as
the editor will send without pay,
and when he will no longer,
get in a huff and go off denouncing
editor and his paper, and sob
scribe for another with the
promises, but with never a cent of
The Arizona Kicker as a
Weather Prophet.
Our subscribers have been both
surprised and pleased at way
we have hit the weather for the la-t
two weeks. We didn't expect to
do so well in the start off, as the
only instrument we bad was an old
horse shoe, a two-foot and a
war map of battle Gettys-
burg, but made no mistake- Our
first prediction was that the follow-
week would be cold,
warm variable, with possibly
rain. hit it even to tho
She varied from a frost to
such; a hot night that everybody
kicked the quilts off. rain
didn't last but three days, but that
was sufficient to let as out. Our
prediction also hit it pat
We predicted winds, calm, sun-
shine, clouds, high pressure over the
Arctic Ocean, low pressure
around the mouth of the Amazon.
with a considerable wobble between
here and the Pacific. She wobbled.
We got just what expected,
from this we ore going ahead
like a scored jack rabbit hunting
for cover. Watch our smoke.
A new for compressing
coal dust into blocks has just been
and will be tried by
Reading Railroad.
R., making connection at James-
ville. This will enable passengers
to leave here in the morning
reach Haleigh or Wilmington same
day. till
Washington road are prom
Beacon On returning
from this town on Friday
la.-t, to his home in the county. Mr.
an old gentleman,
became tired of walking and sit
down on the road side to rest.
While sitting there some hunter,
unknown, came through the
woods, and seeing the gentleman,
mistook him tor a bear, with-
out waiting to further question his
belief, fired a load of buck shot into
tho old man's back. Then it was
that he found his terrible mistake,
that instead of shooting, as he sup
posed, a bear, he had emptied the
contents of his gun into an innocent
Wilson Mr. Josiah
one of Mr new
appointees, has been for a short
while, filling the office of
at On tho 0th inst., he
was arrested for robbing a
letter. He now awaits trial
in the Raleigh jail. way
the transgressor is
M. B. went out to his
farm a few days ago and his
tenants bad made such poor crops
that he gave them the rent for this
year. That was a generous act on
on bis part and one that some
our farmer's, who are better off in
this world's goods, might well lb I
Brown and
her six year old grandson, were
foully murdered on tho inst., at
home near John Kl-
Starling, son-in-law of Mrs.
Brown, is the supposed murderer,
and has been lodged the Smith-
field jail. A and an were
used to perpetrate the fearful deed.
h .
Any; Busing u ill be
I. I.
Greenville, D.
V II E B N V I J. B, N. C
M J. M. J
N. i.
Practice In all
Greenville, N. C.
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
Greenville, N. C.
Cutler new management,
water and i-
servants. Table always
ed with the beat of market. Feed
in connection.
E. Mum
flood Rooms. Best
table the market When In
at the
If to save money buy your Shoe, Hats, Caps, Dress Domestic at the Store, next door to Bawls, the Jeweler. J. TYSON.

Hon. W. N. H. Smith. Chief The Reflector has heretofore
of the Supreme Court of North spoken at length upon the subject
Carolina, died in Raleigh on Thurs- of Building and Loan Associations
day, after a few days illness. and tried to point out some of the
J. of of our, that arise them.
t- it State had passed the seventy I We believe in just that kind of an
as an hence our earnest
right Christian man. He was and
man of great and power-1 same.
continued advocacy of the
In order to become favor-
Geo. Grant says -he never bad
time to read books, but got moat of
his by reading
Billy don't read
books nor newspapers either. If he
ever hopes to amount to any thing
he should study as
Grant did. Wilmington Star.
But Billy don't want to see any
papers about this season. There
Just T It.
Subscription Price. MM year.
I not n Democratic
measure that are
with the true principles of
If you want a a
of the State send for the
Mail Matte
Gold always
able in anything it undertakes, is
lifting its voice in strong terms
against gambling at fairs. Here's
our hand Let's fight
evil until it is broken up.
It will be a to
thousands of people that Jeff.
vis cannot be at this
week. However, the Centennial
will be a splendid success and
who can should go.
The Roanoke Weldon has
enlarged to eight pages and made
its price a year. The tines
was a good paper before, and now
this enlarged form which will con-
an increased quantity of read-
makes it better than before.
The new heading is also very at-
The Star has been
changed to the Herald and Mr. W.
C. Erwin has become editor. The
Herald is a larger paper than
its predecessor and is printed from
a new outfit on a new press. Mr.
Erwin is a splendid writer and
welcome his return to the
We truly regret that the Dur-
ham Globe suspended last week. It
announced on Tuesday that it
would appear no more, and gave
as a reason for failure that the pat-
received was insufficient.
The Glob was a good paper and
the neatest in appearance of any
in the State. It had been our
ion that Durham was a city of
pride and enterprise, but letting a
good newspaper die in its midst
reverses such an opinion entirely.
To the vary last of its existence
the Durham Globe advocated the
n State
in 1891. That paper
the idea and many of its con-
temporaries fell readily into line
in advocacy of the Exposition.
While the Globe does not live to see
the full realization of its hopes, we
believe that one evidence of its
good work will live after it. We
believe the exposition will be held
and the Globe has the credit of
starting the movement. In the
same issue in which its suspension
was announced that paper had the
following to say
With the last energy that remains
the Globe shouts a word in behalf of
the State Exposition in 1891. This
paper was the first to sound the key
note tor this grand undertaking two
years hence. Let every journal take
It up and send it echoing through
North Carolina from the surf beaten
coast near across the State
to where the hover over the
peaks around Murphy.
The following which we clip from
an exchange is about the best
of the delinquent subscriber
we ever looked upon. In fact if
we had spent a whole week touch-
up the single subject we could
not possibly portrayed his
in more striking features.
The fellow who got this off
aimed his camera well
he must have been thoroughly
versed in the lightning or
process, for he brings out
the whole, every light and shadow
at a single sitting, as hard as it
may be to keep the delinquent
still long enough to get a hand on
him. Now look at yourself, every-
one whom the cap fits.
It can be laid down as the com-
law of the land that a non-pay-
subscriber to a newspaper be-
longs to the scabby, mangy part of
the flock of He is the
mildewed ear in the crop of man-
hood, lie is morally a blotch on his
generation. The Lord has stamped
him below par, base metal; his man-
hood is counterfeit. lie of
the pettiest, meanest form of rob-
lie robs his faithful servant
of a hard-earned wage. He robs,
like a con ard. the man who is afar
off. He is mean in little things
that kind of meanness that shrinks
and shrivels op the till it is
sir all. light and altogether
Of this man it is said
art weighed in the balance and
art the
potato in the bin of
If the of Mich a man
grate and enter into a pig, the pig
would slink away in shame, feeling
that be ranked among swine as
points below the average level
of swinish respectability.
of men, unloved of angels,
printer, is man who
dead beats on the publisher of his
newspaper. There is a great waste
of salvation in a
for saving of
State Mail.
his faculties
clear and vigorous until his last
days. He had been Chief Justice
of this State nearly twelve years.
The death of such a great man
can truly be mourned as a great-
On Saturday Fowle
pointed Associate Justice A. S.
Merrimon Chief Justice of the
Court of North Carolina to
succeed the late Chief Justice
Smith. Judge Walter Clark, of
the Superior Court bench, was
pointed to succeed Justice
as Associate Justice. Spier
Whitaker, Esq., was appointed
upon the Superior Court bench to
succeed Judge Clark.
Commenting upon the appoint-
of Judge Merrimon, the Ra-
Observer says
The people of North Carolina
will applaud the action of Gov.
Fowle the high office
of Justice upon Hon. Merrimon
who worthily succeeds the
jurist whose death the State
mourns. Judge life is
a part of the history North Car-
and but few of our
men are so well known to
our people as he is. But
generally the people of North Car-
have a just estimate of his
great worth and legal attainments,
and they will recognize the entire
appropriateness of his succeeding
to the mantle so admirably worn
by the distinguished Chief Justice
of this State.
Upon the appointment Judge
k the same paper
The announcement that Gov.
Fowle has appointed Judge Walter
Clark to the vacant place on the
Court Bench will give great
satisfaction to his friends
throughout North Carolina.
On the bench Judge Clark has
filled the promise of bis fine
ties. He has won for himself a high
and the people of the
State have not withheld from him
an expression of their confidence
appreciation. Possessed of a
mind eminently judicial in its
ties, finely cultivated by laborious
Study, and capable of indefatigable
exertion, he will adorn the Supreme
Bench and be found in all respect
to the discharge of the res-
duties of that exalted
There must be some big fools
among those who style themselves
Advertising Agents, or else they
look upon the editors of country
weeklies as a very small gullible
set who have just about sense
a-, mill
are existing in this world only as
tools for the Agents to make a
out of. They send out
liberal propositions that its i
wonder all the newspaper publish-
in the country have not long
ago made fortunes and retired
from business. Here are some of
the latest propositions the
Ton has
Perhaps the most
one ever sent out by any concern
comes from a set of cranks styling
themselves the News-
paper Advertising
business at Nashville, Tenn. They
are catching on to the tricks of
their Northern brethren Quite fast.
This postal card are
authorized by Dr. Parker's
cal and Surgical Institute to offer
yon for insertion of enclosed
advertisement one year,
paper to be sent to advertisers free
during continuance of
Let's see what he wants for that
money. The advertisement above
is worth and the paper
81.50, making 811.50 that this
firm has cheek enough to ask
us to give them for We
are surprised at them not adding
the usual commission to
It is hard to tell which
we have the most contempt for,
the Agent who will insult a pub-
such a proposition or
the man who places his business
in the hands of the Agents to be
sent out in such a manner.
Another gold mine offer comes
from Dr. Son.,
They want about
worth of reading notices and offer
the big sum of for same.
They are so anxious for us to read
their generous offer that they mail-
ed two postal cards the same day,
and five days later sent another.
Then here comes a proposition
from Athletic Publishing
St. who in return
for a two inch advertisement one
month and a half column editorial
offer to send a history of John
valued at We would
not give cents a dozen for them
for own
It is n common thing for publish-
to receive just such
and we will be glad of the
day when they drive all such
agencies out of existence by
refusing to advertise for them. In
fact no editor who has due respect
for his business could accept such
propositions as the above.
Chrysanthemums are demanding
the admiration of flower lovers
throughout State. .
able to such institutions one has too much poultry in
but to look to the cities and towns
of OUT country and see the many
men living in comfortable houses
that were obtained through these
associations which they wore
unable to secure in any other
wax. The people of Greenville
have now within easy reach the
formation of a Building and Loan
Association. In fact we suppose
one will have been organized be-
fore this article has been read, as
a meeting for that purpose was to
have been held at o'clock
day afternoon. Mr. M. H. H.
Agent of the South-
Building and Loan
of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mr.
M. V. General Agent
for the same Association, have
been in town the past week meet-
with our citizens and explain-
to them the plans of the As-
This association was
chartered January
capital stock is unlimited. Its
stock is now over
and it is doing business in
more than Southern cities and
towns. It is a league of Southern
Associations and its advantages
over a local association are two-
fold. It cost less for running ex-
and the money
by non-borrowing towns is
turned to the growing towns where
there is an active demand for
money. Every town is
teed its own money and its pro
part of the surplus arising
from local investors, paid up stock,
the money left in
any of the branches. This
is an institution that will
do much to build up our Southern
cities and Greenville had as well
come in for her share of the
fits. There are waste places here
to build up and there are laboring
men in the community who need
homes and could secure them if
they had the advantage of an as-
The benefit and
of Building and Loan
are shown by the history of
Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Dayton,
Chicago, Chattanooga, Knoxville
and Atlanta. In Philadelphia
alone there are and
houses have been built by them.
The South is building up her chief
cities the same way. The
and workingman are both
partners in
institution. The investor makes
good profit while the poor man
converts his rent into home and
capital. The borrower pays only
G per cent, on the actual money
This Knoxville Association has
recently organized a very strong
branch association at Raleigh
been invited to that city by the
Chamber of Commerce who
the agents of the Association
there and thoroughly investigated
their workings. The Business
Association of Washington also
invited them to that town, the visit
resulting in the organization of a
branch association of shares.
Two hundred shares were wanted
by the agents to organize the
branch association here, and one
hundred and ninety-four of that
number being secured up to yes-
morning seemed to warrant
the organization.
Since writing the above the
meeting announced for yesterday
evening was held. Enough of
those who agreed to take shares
were not present to effect a
organization, so the General
Agent, Mr. in accord-
with power vested in him in
the By-Laws, made appointments
of temporary officers subject to the
ratification of the shareholders at
their first meeting.
S. T. Hooker and J. B. Yellow-
D. J. Whichard, Sec'y. and Treas.
F. G. James, Attorney.
T. J. Jarvis, E. O. J.
D. Murphy, W. J. and W.
B. Wilson, Directors.
As liberal propositions were
made to our people as could be
wished for, giving them ample
time to make all examinations and
inquire about the association. We
hope the number of shares will be
swelled to several hundred during
the next few weeks. Our opinion
of the matter is that Greenville
will be one of the borrowing towns
in which case this section will
have all to gain and nothing to
he has a special
crowing kind.
North Carolina will soon have
several twin towns. It already has
Winston Salem, Beaufort More-
head and others. The corporation
lines of the growing towns of Bur-
and Graham in Alamance
county, touching and it is
only a matter the future, when
they will i an together and become
a considerable little city. Jones
bore and Sanford, two thriving
at one time about two miles
apart, are now rapidly building
toward each other, and will soon be
as close as the Siamese twins.
Reidsville Review.
We catch on to this right with
one exception, and that is we fail
to see how Beaufort and Morehead
are to be made twin towns when
there is two miles of water between
them. They will hardly build up
to each other, brother.
---------Hag lust received the nicest line of--------
and Jewelry,
Ever brought to Greenville and will continue to keen on ordering until alter the
holiday seasons. you need anything in that lino it v. ill be to advantage to
give him a trial before purchasing.
Also for sale. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at short notice and in work-
manlike manner and warranted. Call and see him.
Greenville, N. C.
Says an exchange No business
man says he can't afford to patron-
the local paper. He might as
well say he can't afford to do
The newspaper is really a
joint stock affair, and every
who has any pride in his and
his will help bold up
hands of the man who is trying to
run a live local paper, and boom and
build up the town which bis in-
are common and mutual.
New Grocery Store
Next door to K. C. Glenn. I have opened a Grocery Store and
---------will keep on hand a fine line of---------
Meat. Floor, Coffee. Sugar, Oil, Molasses,
Candies, Cheese. Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Apples,
Bananas, Canned Goods and most everything usually kept in a
first-class grocery store, as well as Tinware, Crockery, Wood and
Willow Ware, Call and see Goods delivered free any
where in town.
J. J. CHERRY, Greenville, N. C.
Latham Fonder,
Cross and White, the Raleigh
Bank swindlers have gone the way
all thieves should go and will now
reap their just deserts in the State
penitentiary. The highest Court
to which they could appeal has
sustained the decision of the low-
Courts and they must serve
the sentence imposed against them
Follow up this example of punish-
crime in high places
and there be less stealing of
that claw.
Dr. Grissom is a private citizen
now. Would it not be better if this
case was dropped It is not
mane, to say the least of it, to step
all over a man after he is down.
Hold Concord
Notice is hereby given that there
will be hereafter two Public Schools
in White School District No. CO
of Pitt County, which comprises the
town of Greenville, one for males
and one for females. The schools
will open for reception of pupils
on Monday the 11th of January,
The School Committee desire to
employ two teachers one
session of twenty weeks, and
applicants for these positions will
received until Dec. 20th, at
which time will be
made by the committee.
cations should be made in writing
and addressed to J. B. Yellowley,
Chairman, and applicants
tarnish references as to
and experience.
committee desire to make
these schools equal in efficiency to
,; m.-i
to teachers who are
salaries will be per
mouth. J. JR. Yellowley, Chair.
Jack White,
B. F. Sugg,
School Committee.
Successors to R. S. Clark Co.
Respectfully inform their friends
the public generally that are located
at the old stand of K. S. Clark Co .
whore they expect to keep a full line of
all goods usually kept in a first-class
Hardware store, consisting of
Stoves, Tinware, Sous toning Goods,
Paints. Oils. Glass, Putty. Sash. Doors
and Blinds, Carriage Material, Builder's
Hardware, Cutlery. Lamp Goods, and
Agricultural Implements. We also run
a TIN SHOP and are prepared to do all
kinds of Sheet Metal Work, Guttering,
Rooting and Repairing, hand made
Stove Pipe, made of best refined Iron.
All of which we are prepared to give
our customers bargains in. Give us a
Greenville, N. C.
Car Load of Fine
--------Just received by-------
will be sold-
Ont of blind man.
or at reasonable terms on time on
proved security. I bought my stock for
Cash can afford to sell as cheap as
anyone. Give me a call.
The work on the of the
Memorial Church is show-
Prof. John has purchased
Col. Harry Skinner's interest in the
Greenville Institute building.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you are free to buy where you please, but
. if you want to save money you come to
If YOU don't like the REFLECTOR my Factory on 4th street, rear of J. B.
this week it is not because we have
not tried hard to make it interesting
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. lean give
If yon don't see editor in
town he has gone down to
help celebrate at If
yon do sec him ain't
cone. The vote was undecided at That you ever had in your life tor
hour of going to press. , less
B in the can give you. Why
my expenses are less and I pay th
spot for goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
J. Cherry
4th street rear
At the last hour Greenville
Guard backed and did not at
tend the Centennial at Fayetteville.
Two weeks ago thirty-one of the j perfect satisfaction or no charge,
signified their willingness a specialty. forget
to go and instructed the Captain to g
git terms for transportation and
arrangements. A meeting
was set for yesterday at which time
all were requested to report in read-
to attend the Centennial. In-
stead of the thirty-one men, only
about twenty reported, and Capt.
declined to attend with so
small a number. We are sorry
company did not go.
The following is the Roll of Hon-
or for the first quarter of Bethel
Maggie Britton, Mark Cherry,
Cherry, Lydia Carson, Ida
Lena Hartsell, Flora
Hammond, Carrie James, Sam
James, Harvey James, Lemmie
James, Flossie Keel, Little,
Verna Little, Mayo, James
Nelson, Annie Randolph, Willie
Whichard, Fred Latham, Callie
Maggie Taylor, B. R.
Bullock, Mattie Grimes, Willie
Grimes, Freddie Glenn, Willie
James, Lee Peal, Willie Peal, Jim-
Is hereby given that I will on Friday,
December 6th., 1689 at my Shops in the
town of Greenville, sell at public sale to
the highest bidder one horse power
Cooper Traction Engine and Boiler the
of- William Whitehead, to sat-
a lien that I have upon same for
repairs. This sale will be made under
and virtue of Section 1783 of the Code
of North Terms of Bale-
Cash. B. L. II UMBER,
N. C, Nov. 30th.,
When not for wt-
style in it boxes of i dozen
School Fm. .
. , i.
The Tar River Transportation Company
Forbes, Greenville,
J. B. Vice-Pres
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen Ag
The Line for travel on
The Steamer is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
d up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table furnished with th
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer GREENVILLE Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
Friday at o'clock, A. m .
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. m.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading to all points.
J. I.
Greenville, N. C
Water Mills.
The undersigned having leased these
mills for number of years and put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that Is prepared to r
Corn and wheat in a manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons. ,
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to them good water
mill meal at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be supplied at my store in
when will also find a select stock
of General Merchandise which Will
sold at lowest prices
-Must be met with
------We to sell------
to the buyers of Pitt and counties, a line of the following
that are not to be excelled ii this market. all guaranteed to be First-class and
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
kinds, Gin and Mill Belting. Hay Rock Lime, Plaster of Paris, and
Harness, and addles.
ion i
seed Oil, M. i a j
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a call and I guarantee satisfaction.
-To meet the-
Demands of the Times.
And if yon want to make some
Don't fail to give us a call. We
mean business.
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
A woman of good
character, and capable of
doing the domestics of a family.
N. C.
Wishes to inform the public that
he is prepared to furnish you
and wishes to sell you at
hast a portion of what
you need in the
way of
Groceries, Provisions,
And General Supplies. I keep
a line of Flour. Sugar. Coffee,
Meat, and all heavy and light
Groceries that will be sure to
suit you.
I do not claim to sell goods
under everybody in the world,
but I will give you just as low
prices as can be had in Green-
I do not claim to the
best goods in the world, but I
claim mine to be just as fresh
and just as cheap as can be
found in Pitt county. I shall
endeavor to please all customers.
T. O.
We adopt this method
of informing our old
customers and the pub-
generally that we
have returned from
New York with the
stock we have ever
The experience of two
years in the Northern
markets together with
increased capital
us to offer
bargains than ever.
Standard Prints
Plaids Clothing.
Dry Goods, Shoes, and
Hats are all going at
astonishingly low
A visit from you is
Greenville, N. C.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North Court House.
My Factory Is well equipped with the Mechanic, put up nothing
but first-CLASS We keep up with the times and improved styler.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs arc use. you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full of ready
the year round, which will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance pf the same.
Wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he has
bought out the Grocery establishment of T. Cherry, and with
new stock added is now prepared to furnish the very best
At prices fully in keeping with the hard times. I keep Flour,
Meat, Lard, Molasses, Confections. Canned Goods, Crockery,
Glassware, Tobacco, Snuff,
Orange Syrup is the best Molasses in this market.
You are invited to call. Remember the place, at Cherry's stand.
J. G.
Have again come to your attention an-1 solicit your esteemed patronage
We do not claim that we have the largest best stock east of the
Mountains, but we do say that are to the front
--------with a specially selected line of--------
Suited to the want of a large class of customers. We arc in full with
the hard times and can and will low cash prices to all who favor us with
their Look down this column and sec if we cannot interest you. We
are better prepared than ever before to serve you. We have in stock to-day
a line of
A SPECIALIST Physician since 1880
In the diseases and weaknesses of
men will mall a book free, giving the
remedies which cure ed and
hopeless sufferers privately t home.
Address Specialist, room A, Read
corner Broadway, York.
Embracing Dress Goods and Trimmings, and Calicoes.
and Suitings, Goods and for Men's and Boy's Suits, Homespuns,
Sheetings, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics. Canton Flannels and Bed Ticking.
Boots and Shoes.
For Men, Women. Boys. Misses and Children, at prices that will cause the poor to
rejoice, and the hearts of all will b made who buy Boots and Shoes from us,
why because sell low and give the money's worth. A full line of Notion,
and Goods that will delight t he hearts of and old.
HATS and CAPS for men, boys and children. II ARD WAKE, in this line we offer
you a stock as complete as the farmer or mechanic can wish. We make a specialty
of Steel Nails and guarantee them to be made.
Which arc selling at rock bottom prices, not because we are forced to do so
but we take pleasure in offering and selling low down. Can we interest you
if so come in and examine our stock of Sugar, Molasses. Coffee, Tea. Soaps, both
Toilet and Laundry, Lye, Matches, Starch, Meats of different kinds, Flour
which we arc now buying from first hands and can save you money if you call and
examine before buying elsewhere, and Snuff.
Headquarters for Furniture,
Of which carry a line not to be excelled in this market, such as Suit,
Bureaus, Double and Single Bedstead. Tables. Cots, Washstands, Bed Springs and
Mattresses, Children's Cradles and Beds, Chairs of different kinds and
all to suit hard times and short crops. Anything that you want in this line if r
have not got it in stock we Will make a special order for you, as have catalog
from several of the best furniture houses in the United States and guarantee
as to prices. Wood and Willow ware, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps,
Bridles and Collars. Cart Saddles, Whips and Horse Millinery. Trunks,
Valises and Traveling Bags,
Life is too short to keep on telling what have and can do, But wishing
you all health and prosperity and giving to every man. woman and child who come
to Greenville a cordial invitation to come in and examine our stock,
remain yours to serve
Greenville N. C,
For preaching on Bethlehem Mission.
Bethlehem, 1st Sunday
School House, 1st Sunday at
o'clock . , , ,
Sparta, 2nd Sunday at o clock.
Shady Grove, rd Sunday at
4th Sunday at o clock.
Money to Loan.
and upwards. Loans are
payable in small annual
a period of five years thus
the borrower to pay off his
without his
n any one year. Apply to
Tucker ,

M. C.
To the of Greenville
Whereas the President of the
United States and the Governor of
Carolina following the die
takes of conscience and in
to the law of the land have
I appointed set apart Thursday,
Another circus in this part the. as a day of special
State. and feeling that the
Perfectly Grand, Boss citizens of Greenville even in these
at the Old Brick Store. of and
Seed Rye and Seed Wheat for j embarrassments have received
E. C. , for which they should
The household likes Almighty God, I therefore
earnestly request them
Peanut and Bags one faithfully observe
day by closing their places
, and attend Divine worship.
F. G. James,
The Lagrange Spectator is three
years old. It is a neat sheet.
The came in over two and a
half horns late one night last week.
The weather this has certain-
could be wished for.
The ladies
church held a
of the Episcopal
festival last Friday
R. L. offers steam engines
for sale at auction. See advertise-
ed by K. C.
Bring your orders for job print-
The verdict is that the
still stands at the head.
We have already received 1890
Highest cash prices paid for
Chickens mid Eggs at LI. Morris
of next week is Thanks-
giving day.
Highest cash price paid for cotton
Seed by E. C. Glenn. bush-
els wanted.
Three boats here at
time last week.
This Ir.
Mrs. C. T. left Monday
to visit relatives in Wilson.
Mr. A. N. Ryan, went North yes
to make purchases holiday
Mr. S. R. Alley, photographer of
paid our town a visit last
Rev. L. Branson, of Raleigh,
preached in the Methodist church
here Sunday night.
Mrs. Dr. D. L. James was quite
One dollar a Solid last , sufficiently
Ladies Shoe at J. B. Co's. recovered to be again.
Help on the Building and Loan
Association and in so doing help
both and
Come to this office for old papers
to go under your carpets or to slap
cracks in the walls and keep out the
Have you noticed it T mean
the Bad Boy's. Why its an
He brags over it more than Alex
does ever his One
night last week be woke me
exclaim lean get one
end of my mustache in
And went so far as to get up and
get j match in the dark to show it
to Now you just get a mi-
and when yon see him
coming get close and take a view
and we will bet mustache that
yon can see it. you see you
don't know about these little
Last week the added
names from Wilmington did
some job printing that goes to
The ladies of the Baptist Church
will have a
Thursday evening, It
to be interesting.
We return thanks to J. H.
publisher, for a copy of Turner's
North Carolina almanac for 1890.
It is its usual self.
This office a fine run of job
work last week.
87.00 buys a Double Bin re I Shot
at J. B. Cherry Cos.
You can gel postage stamps, mail
your letters and cigars at the
Telegraph office.
Try a Barrel Sweet Home Floor
Best in town at J. B. Cherry Co's.
A pupil must at least
to be on honor loll of Bethel Institute
One dollar buys a Whole Stock
Shoe at J. B. Cherry Co's
Good Bargains.
The merchants arc preparing to
display holiday goods.
Nice line of cigars at the
graph office.
I have two mules, one a pony
and some farming implements all
of which I want to sell tor cash.
James Brown.
The scissor sharpening tramp did
up the last week.
It is time Christmas advertise-
were ready.
up Come and pay me what
you owe me or you will find your
claims in the hands of an officer.
C. D.
Cotton decreased slightly in price
near the close of last week.
All goods low down for the
Cash at Cherry
There was a slight fall of snow
here early Saturday night.
H. Morris Bros, have the cheap
est and hast Shoes town.
As the winter draws on prepare
to take proper care of stock.
For a nice suit of Clothing go to
U. Morris Bros.
question among his creditors
is, what has become of
Have you seen the
cook stove at D. D.
Mrs. J. B. Cherry made a visit to
LaGrange and last week.
Don't tail to call on U. Moms
Bros, for Clothing, Shoes, Hats and
all dry goods.
Don't forget that you can buy
stove pipe at
D. D. Co.
One Brown Cotton Gin, Saw
sale cheap by A. Forbes.
N. Plaid
per yard, at J. B. Cherry Co's.
The Prettiest Line of Ladies Jew-
town at Moses
ER s, the Jeweler.
Dupont's Powder per keg;
half quarter
at the Old Brick Store.
Good and lot in town and
in good for sale,
apply at this office.
Hides, Rags,
Eggs, Peas, Corn, Oil Barrels at the
Old Brick Store.
A Full Line of Clocks, Jewelry
and Spectacles for sale by Moses
the Jeweler.
Wanted Moses
Mink Skins, Raccoon and
in proportion.
rent lease a
mall farm , must be good land with
dwelling. Address, P. O. Box
N. C.
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb sold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
In stock New Buckwheat, Oat
Flakes, Codfish, Herrings, Potatoes,
Onions, Cabbages, Pickles, Prunes.
Sugar, at the
Brick Store.
Mr. J. L. Harris, whom we recent-
mentioned as being confined with
typhoid fever, is out again.
Elder H. C. Bowen. of the
church, will preach to night
the Methodist Church of this town.
Mr. J. J. Cory has moved in the
new house built by Mr. A. Forbes
just beyond the academy grove.
Mr. B. leaves this
morning for Mississippi. He will
return about the middle of
Mr. Joe Morris, of Tarboro, a
member of the firm or H. Morris
Bros., was in town a few days last
Mrs. Alfred and Mrs. W.
S. spent a few days in
son the past week attending Mr.
we were glad to see Rev. J. G.
Nelson, who en me in on the train
last night. His family are in town
for a days.
Mr. T. R. Cherry, who has been
confined to his home for several
weeks, was able to get out and
down last week.
Miss King has gone on a
visit to relatives in Rocky Mount
and She will attend the
Centennial at this
Pitt county's handsome deputy
sheriff. Mr. R. W. King, left yes-
Fayetteville to
serve on the corps of marshals at
the centennial.
Messrs. Hicks, of
Quails, of Wilson, have been
visitors in town part of the past
week. A charming young lady
was the attraction in each case.
John Simms, the tailor, jumped
Greenville three weeks ago,
and left several wonder-
what has become of him. A
town loses nothing by that kind of
a man leaving, as it makes an open-
for a better man.
Hon. W. R. Williams has favored
us with a copy of a Sacramento,
Cal., paper containing an account
of the reception given the National
Grange in that city. We go a
that he fully sustains the credit
of North Carolina and old Pitt.
Mr. H. A. Latham, the energetic
and popular editor of the Washing-
ton Gazette, was in to see us
day night and spent an hour. He
was to Fayetteville where
be is to act as one
managers at the ball.
Prof, Z. D. principal
of Bethel Academy, was in to see us
Saturday. He speaks encouraging-
of bis school and of its work. The
kg, enrollment so far has reached of
which number are boarding
Mr. J. H. who sometime
ago went this county to Thorn
Ga., and has a position there
as engineer in a large ice factory,
has returned on a short visit to rel-
The Reflector office was
glad to have a call from Friday.
His many friends here were glad
to bee Mr. C. F. Wilson, of the
son Advance, in town Saturday and
Greenville has had a just
long enough to feel the need of one.
There is a splendid opening here
for the right kind of a man.
Lots of men in town this
week- They are preparing to be-
work on the extension of the
road from Greenville to Kinston.
Cur Smashed.
There was a smash-up on the road.
Friday as the tram was
from Scotland
Arriving at Junction the
passenger coaches were left stand-
on the main track, and the en-
with some flats loaded with
iron, switched off to run up to the
station. It was up grade and in
some way the rear flat became
coupled and run down the grade
and coming in contact with the front
box car smashed the end of it.
The coaches were given a generous
shaking, but no one was hurt. The
wreck caused a delay of nearly
three hours.
A five word advertisement in
day's says this space
next When you are com-
to watch, watch.
Hogs will try to make their pres-
too familiar sometimes. The
squealing of a porker yesterday in
that the officers had
The says
are rumors a freight train for the
Scotland Neck
May it come on speedily, we
hope delayed mail and
trains will then be no more.
Dent If It
There it big advertise-
across the top four columns
over there. Alex wrote it, Billie
set it up, Staton printed it, the Bad
Boy folded it, our superior twenty-
seven thirtieths wrote your name
on it, and now the editor and Mr.
M. It. Lang both yon to read
it carefully. There is no catch
lo. I about it, as Mr. Lang means
he says. lie has a stock of
goods that is simply immense, he
wants to move into a new store and
he don't want to move all those
goods, had much rather have
the cash for them so he can put an
new stock in the new store
and save the trouble of moving his
present stock. The wise man will
take advantage of this offer and
get bargains for the cash.
overlooked mentioning the
sooner, those bug
manufactured at the shops of
Mr. J. D. Williamson took the
at the late State Fair. Score
another Pitt county.
It is strange what fools some
will be. We bear that on last
Saturday evening at
Store, in township, a
man drank a quart of whiskey.
In three be was dead.
Diggs new
will attract your attention
to-day. They are making some
offers in goods for the next few
days. A dollar goes a long ways
the purchase of goods down at their
The men of the town who fail to
attend the prayer meetings being
held every day at noon every
evening at o'clock are missing
more than they and
sinners both should attend.
The Scotland Neck Democrat tells
us that gold has been brought up
on the drill with which the artesian
well is being bored in that town.
It suggested the idea that a gold
mine is underneath the town and an
investigation is talked. hope
the gold mine is there.
Enough money is due the Re-
by delinquent
to buy the editor a house
lot, if they would only come and
pay it. we haven't got a
house of our own to live in, either.
Just see what these delinquents will
have to answer some of these
Farmers should leave off the side
in cotton. The Nor-
folK and other exchanges are de-
ducting two pounds each from the
bales which have the side So
by leaving them off that much bags
is saved as well as the two
pounds deduction.
On or about the 1st day of January, 1890, I shall move to the store recently occupied by John
Smith Bro., directly opposite my present stand. Desiring to commence in same
with a fresh stock of Goods I shall offer from now until January 1st,
This is no humbug, but will include everything my store.
Clothing, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ladies Misses
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises.
All at cost without reserve. Special bargains to country merchants buying at wholesale.
N. C.
At Cost At Cost
We Will U
Next week we are going to put a
cross mark after the name of many
persons to whom the REFLECTOR is
addressed, and at the same time
we will have something special to
say about the meaning of that same
mark. Every reader is notified in
advance to keep a lookout and see
if the mark appears after his name.
The Reflector hopes that
Greenville will observe Thanks-,
giving Day with an entire
of business. has been
the case, with the exception of just
Claude found the a few houses, for toe last two years,
Tons Coal for Bale per
Small quantity cents per tub.
Do not send for coal without send-
money to pay for it. Coal is
E. C.
Goods at starvation prices at
Higgs They are selling
good boy's suits for and men's
Nothing like it ever known
Fob brand new seine,
Flat, Boat fee. at a reasonable price.
Any one purchases my seine
shall have fishery as long as seine
lasts. For further information,
ply to J. J. Cherry, Jr.
of Produced from
the laxative and juice of
California figs, combined with the ,
medicinal virtues or plants known
to be moat beneficial to the
acts gently on the kidneys,
and effectually deans-
In be system, colds and
and coring habitual con
TOR office somewhat in arrears ow-
to a large run of job work, and
he gave us some help at the case
that was appreciated. He is a cap-
ital band in any department of the
newspaper and printing office.
Mr. W. B. Brown, accompanied
by his brother Mr. Wyatt L. Brown,
left yesterday for Church land,
at which place he will be married
i this to Miss Nancy Lee
; Ames. The couple will spend a
few days North and reach Green-
ville on next Monday's train. That
night a reception will be held at the
residence of Dr M. B. Brown,
to which all friends of the family
are cordially invited. The
tor advance extends its best
wishes to the happy couple and bids
the bride a hearty
come to Greenville.
Elder Moses of Wilson,
preached in the Baptist Church
here Sunday morning. His sermon
was from the text is
Mat His sermon was
under the What is
your life physically T what is it in
the borne circle f what is it socially T
what Is it politically is as per-
to the promotion of good
government; it in relation
to God speaker brought out
some splendid points under each
heading and bis sermon was of that
class calculated to inspire men to
endeavor to make their lives better.
and as there is as much if not great-
cause for thanksgiving to God,
we hope every business house in
town will close Thursday 28th.
The young ladies should be care-
how they write notes to the boys
and let them be thrown around
loose. One picked up and handed
to us, other day,
love you better than
ever. I wish you would come here
Wednesday night and go to church
with We publish the
name it is signed up
Rev. L. Branson, of Raleigh,
publisher of North Carolina Di-
rectory, and Almanac,
has been in town this week. He
left a copy of bis Directory at the
Reflector which we propose
to make some comments as soon as
time permits of an examination.
We will also have something to say
his Almanacs for 1890. which in
a few days will be on sale at this
Late trains seem to be the order
all over State as well as at
j Greenville,
There has been a change of
schedule in arrival and
of at this point. The
train now leaves Greenville at
A. M. and is scheduled to arrive at
Greenville at P. M. We fear
arrival on schedule time will be
exception, unless railroad
authorities make a change and give
us a separate passenger, mail and
express train.
The wife of Mr. Frank Johnston,
whose residence below Green-
ville, died Monday afternoon
about I o'clock. For years
she had a sufferer from that
always fatal disease,
but it is seldom a person is found
who bears suffering as patiently
with as much Christian fortitude as
did she. Truly was a devoted
Christian, years been a
devout member the Methodist
Church, under her great
she praised God that He had
bestowed so many blessings upon
her. The last months of her life
she seemed only to be waiting for
the summons to go the
in humble resignation expressed
herself as ready to go whenever her
Savior should call. Death was rob.
bed of all its sting, for she looked
to its as a happy release
from the pains and of this
life, and as an entrance upon that
eternity with the saints in
Heaven. She leaves a
several children who have the
of many
Greenville will observe Thanks-,
giving day. A REFLECTOR
has made a canvass among
the business houses of the town and
those whose names appear below
signified their of closing
up on that day.
A N Ryan, Latham Pender,
Harry Skinner Co., W B Wilson,
Culley ft Edmonds, V L Stephens,
J J Cherry Son, E C Glenn, Mo-
J S Smith Bro.,
W A Stocks, J A Smith, J A Brad-
J C Tyson, Mrs E A Sheppard,
J J v Bro., W S
Brown Hooker, E A Taft Bro.,
Higgs Alfred Forbes,
R Williams Jr., Ernul, J A
Andrews, Little House Bro., D
Savage, A Savage, C A White, Jas
Long, S E A J Griffin,
Mrs L Griffin, S M Schultz, Mrs M
T Mrs R H Home, W H Cox
Co., J B Cherry Co. H F
M R Lang, D D Haskett Co.,
J L Wooten, U Morris Bros., W
M Allen, Johnson Co.,
B F Manning, O Hooker, J R Ber-
Bro., Greenville Carriage
Works, J D carriage
shops, Low Tariff Carriage Factory,
King Co. In addition to these
all the lawyers will close their
The express office will be
except from to A M and
from to P M. The
will be closed except at hours for
arrival and departure of mails, no
money order business will be trans-
acted. All the public offices at the
Court House will be closed.
Reflector office will follow its us-
custom and close. The
graph office will be closed except for
an hour in the morning and an hour
in the evening.
This means an entire suspension
of business Tor Greenville on that
day. While act is no more than
we all owe to God who has
blessed us and given us
that we have, still it must be said
to the credit of business men
of Greenville that there was not a
dissenting voice, but every one
cheerfully assented to closing when
called upon. Our citizens are not
slack in good works, and the Re-
now makes a further re-
quest that they generously
the poor and the orphan on that
Thanksgiving services will be
held in one or more of the churches,
of which announcement will be
made in next issue.
Our many readers and friends
throughout county are requested
to make a note of this suspension
of business In town, so that they
may not come in on day for
the purpose of selling produce or
making purchases.
A proclamation by Mayor James
is printed in this issue, requesting
all citizens of Greenville to observe
Thanksgiving. Like all documents
coming from his Honor, it is beau.
worded to the point.
Ladies and Blisses
Watch this space next week
K L k k h k h
Stock is quite complete in the above lines, come and
cure bargains, this offer only good until December 1st.
Greenville, N.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE, K. C, Mar. 1887.
A meeting was held at the
last Friday night for the
pose of taking slept the or-
of a Literary Society, to
be composed of the young people
town. A committee on organic
and resolutions was appoint
ed who will make their report at
another to be held Friday-
night next week. A very inter-
has also been
ranged for the of
hose who attend that meeting. The
is glad to see such steps
being taken and thinks such a so-
will result in both pleasure and
to its members. The
be large.
Th; Crops.
A few more have been in
this week and talked with us about
the poor crops that are being
vested. Mr. W. W. Little, of
gives us a report from his
township that does not make mat-
any better than what; we have
already published from down there,
lie says if a third of a
Yesterday Mr. T. C. Bryan
an Irish potato vine to the
office that is showing some won-
developments. From the
root of this vine were taken six
large potatoes, and all about the
joints the top of the vine were
of small potatoes. We
never saw potatoes growing on both
the root -ind top of the vine be
fore. Mr. Bryan is to save
them for seed and see what the
nest product will be. Another
is that these potatoes were
from the second crop, being planted
the 27th of shows how
two crops a year can he
made. The potatoes were as
fine as those of the first crop.
The old and o long and well-known hero, have again opened
in and to renew the acquaintance of their
and customers of the past, and to again
enjoy a of their patronage. Our new store
will an immense stock of
Fire Cotton.
About two clock last Friday
morning Watchman Daniel, as he
was going to ring the bell for that
hour, discovered a bale of cotton on
fire in the cotton yard of Mr. Allied
Forbes. He awoke the clerks in
the store who went oat and ex-
cotton crop the fire. It was a bale
is gathered it will be better than j that had been bought the day be
some expect. I fore and the fire had doubtless been
Mr. of Farmville, i packed in it gin. About,
says crops in his township seem to j pounds of the bale had burned
be better than many other sec when the fire was discovered. Per
of county, but even up i sons passing the vicinity Mr.
there they will not get over half a store early at could
crop cotton. smell something like cotton burn-
Mr. L. M. of Hill,
says in that part of township
the crop are the poorest he ever saw
and that the stringency of the times
is being felt alike by merchant and
Mr. Joseph
but no one located it until the
fire had burned through to the out-
side of the bale and was discovered
by night watchman.
should very careful how they
have fire about their baling presses.
If this bale with fire in it had been
the crops the possum sec I put on the boat or cars there is no
are unusually poor. He says telling what damage it would nave
he will make one bale of cotton this caused,
year where he made three last year.
Fay your printer,
A very bright light seen
south of town Saturday night, bar-
very much the appearance of a
burning building. We have not
heard of any fire occurring oat that
way at this
Mr. L. of Penny Hill, was
in to see yesterday, and told us
of a fire which occurred at Mildred
between and o'clock Sunday
night. A large two-story building
the first floor occupied as a store
by Mr. Charlie Cobb and the second
floor used as a hall was burned.
Mr. Cobb went in his store just
supper to make some preparation
for going to Tarboro visiting, that
town being four or five miles from
Mildred. While in the store he
beard some noise up but
thinking it was caused by rats paid
little attention to it. He closed the
store got in his buggy and started
to Tarboro, and upon looking back
when about two miles away saw
store on fire. building and en-
tire stock of goods was consumed.
stock was Insured for
bat upon the building, which be
to Mr. Q. A. Stancill. of Pen-
Hill, there was no insurance.
Mr. Cobb lost everything the
suit of clothes he bad on, and
thinks fire was caused by some
one robbing store and setting fire
to the building. He said the noise
which be supposed at time to be I
rats must have been some one in
store. He also said upon open-
safe after there it had
been robbed, though it was locked I
as he left it. This is the second fire
has lately occurred at Mildred,
and is also the second loss Mr.
Stancill has recently sustained.
A few other locals on editorial
or THE
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants own to be
most beneficial, to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most remedy to
one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
Kt. . I
Dress G. have been selected an experienced buyer who knew
the latest Styles and fashions of the northern markets. We will place be-
fore you a cannot be surpassed in quality, quantity
or price.
Shoes Shoes
Miss. Children's, and Boy's Shoes an
supply that will you. Our prices on these are the lowest
ever beard here.
Furnishing Goods.
We nave a complete line Shirts, Underwear, and a line o
fashionable that cannot be even in large cities.
Hats and Caps.
The very latest imported London styles, the Stiff Hats of
most shapes. In good styles of Soft we also
Boots and Shoes.
It is hardly while to say more of our superb line in this department
except to inform tho people that we have Boots and Shoes to fit any size
that comes to us, man, woman or child, out tho very best whole
stock and at prices right down on the bottom.
This department brings us plate. lead on Clothing and offer
you styles and prices nowhere else to be found. FINE CLOTHING
make a specialty, and will keep a full stock of the very latest and
styles. In cheap grade Clothing we will have a splendid assortment, in
fact we can suit every customer in quality, style and price. Don't forget
With these remarks, kind friends, we throw open doors to pub
lie, soliciting a of patronage, and satisfaction to
every purchaser. You can find at tho second door in the brick block
in which the was recently situated, one door north of the stair
. ROM ll or
-i d
. .

Bad Policy
Yet are COBS v men
who ideas; -bey v. ma
an a- became Lb a
it can To In
worn n we want to say th t PI R
has leached that point; is w
necessity in millions homes
throughout the land.
its wonderful
that it is the
modern it has no
for ALL washing and cleaning
eh it effects a saving
m of time and labor that
by doing away with the
worst of the it
docs away with the
of the wear, and
is absolutely
fabric or hands.
unscrupulous grocer;
r. n
id Schedule.
No No
Slav dally Fast Mall, dally
dally ex Sun.
pin pm
Ar Mount
A r Tarboro
Ar Wilson
Ar Fayetteville
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
pin pm am
to y
I BO am
daily daily
ox Sun.
Wilmington am
Magnolia Clam
Ar f
Ar Wilson
While introducing our fine work, if you
send us a photograph of yourself of any
member your family, we will make
you a full life-size Po; trait Five
cf Charge. The only consideration
posed upon you will be that yon exhibit
it to your friends as a of our
work, and assist us in securing orders;
also, that you promise to have It framed
suitably, so that the work will show to
advantage. Write full name and
address on back of to secure its
safety. We guarantee its return. Our
is good for a few only, and the
sample is worth being as
line as be made. Address
Washington St., Chicago,
Largest Life-Size Portrait House in the
Scot post-paid on receipt of price
In the Heart of Africa.
A most thrilling and instructive
pages; paper cents ; cloth
The Imitation of
By Kempis. Paper, unabridged, cU.
Selections from Artemus Ward, Mark Twain.
etc. paper cents j cloth cents.
Metropolitan Agency,
Warren St.,
ti me the said,
As to supper they Hat them down ;
Sunday, and our
To illuminate the
cried Bill Barnes, the jolliest
The favorite of
let's forget our troubles now
And hold high
Thy supper done the mail arrives
Each man his letters scanning,
fresh or down
His busy brain is cramming.
Bull what's come over him
Why turner so quick about V
lie says, just as his start forth,
T guess I wont go
His letter no written word,
No prayer from vice to flee
Only a tracing of a hand
A baby three.
What picture comes before his mind
What does his memory paint
A baby hand a; mother's knee
His little white robed saint.
What cares a man for ridicule
Who wins victory grand V
Bill slept in brow was smoothed
By a shadowy little hand.
Naught like the weak things of this
The power of sin withstands
No shield between man's soul and wrong
Like a little baby hand.
Wilson OS am pm pm
Ar Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pm ,
except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Branch Road
leaves Halifax 2.30 P. M. arrives Scot-
land at 4.00 P. M.
P. M. Returning leaves 7.00
A. M., Scotland Neck at 10.10 A.
except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. X C, via
t Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day. P M. P M. arrive
Williamson. X P M. Si P
Returning haves X C, daily
except Sunday. A M. A
M. arrive Tarboro, X C, A M,
Train on Midland X C Branch leaves get before
except Sunday, A M, chasing else where. is complete
arrive X C. A M. Re-
turning leave- X C A M.
their year's supplies will find it to
arrive X C, A M.
Train on Branch leaves Rocky j
at S P M. arrives Nashville
P Hope -I P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M.
M, arrives Rocky Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton -pt Sunday, at
and A M Returning leave
ton A M. and P. M. connect-
at Warsaw and
Southbound train on Wilson A Fayette-
ville Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train makes close connect ion at
Weldon for all points Sort daily. All
ail via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for
points North via Richmond and
All trains run solid between
ton an Washington, and have Pullman
Palate Sleeper- attached.
General Supt.
J. R. Transportation
T. M. Gael Passenger
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. M. Saturday, June
1st, 1889.
Goon Bast.
No. No.
p n
Mixed Ft. Ft.
Pass n.
a m
Depot a
Tram connects with
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
m., and with Rich-
Danville Train West, leaving
p. m.
Train connects with Richmond
Danville Train, arriving at Goldsboro
and with Wilmington and
Weldon Train from North at p. m
Train connects with Wilmington and
Weldon Through Freight Train, leaving
Goldsboro at p. m and with Rich-
Danville Through Freight Train
Goldsboro at p. m.
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. By calling on or addressing th
above named you can procure a
bottle of Preparation is invaluable
for eradicating and causing the
hair to lie Soft and
gas. i, only two or application a
week if necessary, and a common hair
brash is all to be after the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Tit a bottle be
convinced, only cents.
f all . of
it m t
. Lo A
in all its branches.
always at Lowest Market Pricks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville. X. C
Having associated B. S.
with me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can anything desired
from the Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We arc fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd.
My Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
mer. Miss Leland. has and am
prepared to execute in the latest styles
and fashions any work to my
latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
them to you. My price arc the lowest
and guarantee not to undersold by no
one. C Special bargains on all goods.
Mrs. L. C. King,
For Shaving, Cutting Dressing Han.
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
all the improved appliances; new
Hid comfortable chairs.
Razors at reasonable figures
for work outside of my
promptly executed.
We warrant our remedy to cure the
worst ease, the physicians
who do this to prevent your being
posed upon by men, using false names
and who no doctors. Because
others failed is no reason for not using
this medicine. Give express and post
office address. yon nothing.
Address Medical Bureau,
Broadway. New York.
. I--.
.-- K-, Vice,
. . j v s B ,
-a of .- . nil t upon
For pit of by tho
Db II. V. Ml
n, b. WU In
person or by hi,
to the spread of foot and
month disease among the cattle in
Germany; the chief milk establish
merits in Berlin are now forced by
law to boil their milk e Helling
it to the public.
We hear great complaint about
hard times, short crops, and no
money. We have often asked our-
selves how the people know that it
is hard times, for that was the sub-
among men just as long ago as
can remember. And still we
suppose that it is hard times. What
else can we expect J We often see
men idling away days aid weeks
who say are poor men and have
to worK a living, and just as
as that is the case, and our far-
begin their crops in March or
April by going to some store
mortgaging their crops, bull year-
lings for Commercial Fertilizers,
white meat and the like, times will
be hard, and we have no right to
expect anything else. It will take
the larger part of the cotton made
this year, to pay for fertilizers used
tho past season and which did no
good at all, and this money, or near-
all of it goes out of the State, to
build up other States, while it is
every industry In our own
State. We hope that this will stop
at once. Just think of the cost of
making, registering and collecting
mortgages, how worthless the fer-
are, and where all this
goes to, and then where it ought
to go Courier.
Cotton Duck Flour Barrels.
Charlotte Chronicle.
A wonderful revolution in flour
barrel making is promised by a
patent which has granted for
the making of barrels of cotton
dock instead of wood. The new
material is impervious to water and
resists fire for a long time. It
weighs to the barrel about pounds
less than the wood, and can be
manufactured ten percent, cheaper.
The cotton duck barrels can be
rolled up into small space and re-
turned to the mills for frequent use.
The barrels can returned as
solid goods and thus save space.
The flour merchants of Atlanta have
given it a fair trial, pronounce
it a success.
The excellent Democratic weekly
in Washington, the Democrat, a pa-
per real ability and force that
prints a great deal of matter very
useful to voters speakers, makes
a statement, after examining care-
I nil v. that regions in the
Southern States have invariably
given This
statement is not it
is no doubt strictly true. Where
dense ignorance abounds there is
apt to be violence
and crime. It is so in all the States
we suppose. When that wag and
wit, with abundant horse-sense
the late Major Smith, of Johnston
Your Horn as Jo
used to call in the
Sentinel of twenty years
asked, to funds for the
publication of a Republican news-
paper at ho declined the
privilege with the knowing remark
that it was useless to publish a pa-
per for a party that could not read.
The gives facts and fig-
to sustain what it says.
If you are costive, don't wait until
costiveness becomes constipation, but
take at once, regularly and per-
you are cured.
Do not poison your little ones with
paregoric, laudanum, etc. but use Dr.
Bull's Syrup it contains nothing
to the infant system.
In his charge to the grand jury
Monday said there
are more men in the penitentiary in
consequence of the manufacture and
sale of cigarettes than from liquor
drinking- that boys formed the
habit of smoking cigarettes between
the ages of seven and
years, and that depraved taste
formed developed into a thirst for
stimulants they become older,
making most of drunkards.
He wants a law passed against sell-
cigarettes. Judge went
for the cigarette at
Durham with There
is no bat that cigarette
is terribly injurious, and we be-
Judge views on this
quest ion are very nearly correct.
Kinston Free Press.
Of Interest to Ladies.
L E of
could prevent him.
a FREE of our
The Paris Exposition closed last
Wednesday evening with a brilliant
The crush was something
enormous. It was estimated that
over persons were present.
The illumination of the grounds
was magnificent. There were a few
slight accidents incident to the
crush. The was a great
A. G. Allen, of Brooklyn, while
suffering from epileptic mania,
walked into the dissecting room of
Hospital last week and,
cutting a slice from a human body
deliberately ate it before the
For Sale.
Eight good Mules and horses, also
Farming Implements. Carts, Wagons,
Plows, Hoes, Harness and other
necessary for the farm. Cheap
for cash. Apply If. King,
Farm, Pitt county, N. C, or
1889. Bluff, N. C
The Hew Discovery.
You have your and
talking about It. may
yourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience just how good
a thing it is. If you have ever tried It,
yon are one of its staunch friends, be-
cause the wonderful thing about it is,
that when given a trial. Dr. King's
New Discovery ever after holds a place
in tho house. If you have never used it
and should be afflicted with a cough, cold
or any Throat, or Chest trouble,
secure a bottle at once and give It a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every times, or
refunded. Trial bottles free at
J I. Wooten's drugstore.
The general term of the Supreme
court. New York City, has banded
down its decision in the case of the
North River Sugar Refining
in which the action of Judge
Barrett in dissolving the company
is sustained. The same court re-
versed Judge Lawrence's decision
construing the will in favor
of the trust to establish h
in that city.
Grimesland, N. C.
------Dealers in------
General Merchandise.
Wish to inform their friends and
that their
Fall and Winter Goods
is now ready for examination, and they
are prepared to supply all your wants at
We keep in stock a large line of Ready
Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Dry
Notions, Hardware, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, Ac,, Ac, In fact any
I article to be found in a general stock.
We highest prices for all kinds of
Cotton bought either in bale or seed.
Parties owing us are requested to set-
as promptly as possible, as we desire
to have all accounts closed by the end of
the year.
Returning thanks for past patronage
we ask a continuance of your favors.
J. O. Proctor Bro.
Love thy neighbor as thyself, and
when you see one with a bad cough ad-
vise him to buy a bottle Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. Price cent a bottle.
There is nothing in the world which
will give prompter relief to all sufferers
from neuralgia than Salvation Oil, Price
cents a bottle.
A West Virginia farmer is boast-
of three bushels of
from one hill. will do
for West Virginia, but we have read
of potatoes grown in this State
which were so big one hill
wouldn't hold
Mr. Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, is
quoted as saying that the Demo-
in the nest Con-
will carry their heads level,
that they know their power and how
to use it, and if the majority try to
take any short turns on the
aforesaid majority will that
they have off more than they
can conveniently
In a village in the canton of Lu-
Switzerland, there is a
old maids. It numbers eighty
members, and, strangely enough, is
under the patronage of the St.
matrimonial agency. The
members perform acts of charity,
and are esteemed in their
neighborhood. The municipal
lately presented them with a
banner on which is the following
inscription are
an evil, but they are also a blessing.
They remind an the onions that
make weep, but that we love all
the Review.
Mr. Hugh Cheek, the emigration
agent who was arrested in Greens-
some time ago, on the charge
of enticing to leave Wake
county, had a hearing and was ac-
by the Superior court of
Wake county. This is as we sup-
posed it would be. There was no
case against him as understood
it, his arrest was unwarranted
and uncalled for. It did not stop
him from to Mis.
though, the Gold Leaf
hopes he and others will carry in an v
more. We can spare a great many
of the class they usually take away.
Henderson Gold
We heard a man say this week
that the average masculine would
go to church wriggle all over a
bench to keep from going to sleep
under a minute sermon, but that
he could sit on a sharp fence rail
and look at a circus street parade
for three hours without changing
Eiffel's Tower Surpassed.
N. Y. Sun.
W- L. Judson, the Inventor of a
street railway system
which bears bis name, has designed
a tower for the World's Fair which,
on paper, is so superior to the in-
of M. Eiffel as to be
an original conception.
It is to be feet in diameter at
the base and 1600 feet high. Two
spiral inclines, one for vehicles and
the other for a tramway, will wind
the outside with an per
cent, grade. A drive up the incline
for vehicles of about 1200 feet; or
once around the tower, will bring
directly over the point of starting,
feet higher. Tram cars will
be operated and by almost any cable
system the top could be reached in
twenty minutes, as is designed, run-
a half minute headway.
In place therefore, of being shut
op in a dark elevator shaft as is the
Eiffel tower, those who mount the
American improvement will ascend
by slow and easy stages as if going
up a mountain, the view around
expanding until at the top,
miles of land and water will be
on a clear day. Tourists can
leisurely ascend on foot, on the
tram car or in a-private carriage.
The cost of the proposed structure
the chief material of as of
the Eiffel tower, would be iron, is
estimated at a sum
which a revenue anything like a
a day liquidate
before the World's half
The undersigned will sell at public
auction on Wednesday, Nov. 20th, 1889,
at the late residence of L. J. Barrett, de-
ceased, in Pitt county, all the Personal
Property belonging to the consist-
in part of Corn, Fodder, Cotton,
Mules, Cattle, Farming
Cotton Seed, Wheat, Peas,
toes, Terms Cash.
W. A.
Oct. 29th 1889, .
Notice to Creditors.
HAVING before the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Pitt county on the
4th day Nov. 1889. as Administrator
upon the estate of Albert Moore,
this is to notify all persons holding claims
against said estate to present their claims
for payment within twelve months from
this date or this notice will be plead In
bar of their recovery. All persons ow-
said estate will come forward and
make immediate settlement. This No-
4th, J. W. PAGE,
of Albert Moore.
Notice to Creditor.
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county, as
administrator or A. D. Move, deceased,
hereby gives notice to all persons
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the to all
of said estate to present their claims
properly authenticated to the undersign-
ed or before the 24th day of Oct.,
1890. or this notice will be plead in
of their recovery. This 24th Oct-
1889. J. R. Move,
of A. D.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
as administrator of William H. Clark,
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said intestate to
make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and to all creditors of said
to present their claims properly
authenticated to the undersigned before
the 7th day of October, 1890. or this no-
will be plead in bar of their
This 7th. 1889.
of Wm. H. Clark,
Tucker Murphy,
Spool Cotton
Faults of digestion cause disorders of
the liver, and the whole system becomes
deranged. Dr. J. H.
perfects the process of digestion
and assimilation, and thus makes
There are times when a feeling of las-
will overcome the most robust,
when the system craves for pure blood,
to furnish the elements of health and
strength. The best remedy for purity-
the blood is Dr, J. II.
Sick nausea,
costiveness, are promptly and agreeably
banished by Dr. J. H. Liver
and Kidney
If health and life are worth anything,
and you are feeling out of sorts and tired
out. tone up your system by taking Dr.
J. U. Sarsaparilla,
Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress
after eating, can be cured and prevented
by taking Dr. J. H, Liver and
Kidney fillets
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of
and lassitude. To dispel this feel-
take Dr. J. II.
; it will impart vigor and vitality.
The most delicate constitution can
safely use Dr. H. Tar Wine
Lung Balm, It is a sure remedy for
coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly
spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses
tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as
Catarrh, eczema, ringworm, and other
forms of diseases, are symptoms of
blood impurity. Take or. J. H.
Lean's Sarsaparilla.
No need to take those big
pills; one of Dr. J. II. Liver
and Kidney is quite sufficient and
For a safe and certain remedy for
fever and ague, use Dr. J. H.
Chills and Fever it is warranted
to cure.
The necessary to
chase the Pillsbury and Washburn
mills, in Minneapolis, has been sub-
scribed by English capitalists, and
the deal closed.
Wooten's Drag Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Executors Notice.
Letters testamentary having been is-
sued to the undersigned on the 21st day
of September 1889 as executor of James
Brooks deceased. Notice is hereby given
to all persons holding claims against said
James Brooks to present them for pay-
to the undersigned properly
on or before the 25th day of
1890. or this notice will be plead
in bar of their recovery. All persons in-
to the estate of said James Brooks
are notified to make immediate pay-
James H. Cobb,
This Sept. of James Brooks.
Alex. L. Blow, Attorney.
Golden Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure, Resolvent
Celery Syrup of I
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
S. S., B. B. B.
Buffalo a Water.
Hand and Machine Use.
Greenville, N. C.
Whereas a civil action has been com-
by John D Biggs A Co., in their
own name and behalf of themselves and
all other creditors of J. M. Rollins, de-
ceased, against R J Grimes,
of J M Rollins, to compel the
said administrator to an account of his
administration and to pay the creditors
what may be payable to them
And whereas a summons has
this day been issued against said R J
Grimes, administrator, returnable be-
fore me at my office at the Court House,
in Greenville, c of the 29th
day of November. 1889, at o'clock M.
All the creditors of the said J M Rollins
deceased, are therefore notified to
pear at my office on the said 29th day of
November. 1889, at o'clock M. and
file the evidences of their claims before
me against the estate of said J M
This the 19th day October. 1889.
Clerk Superior Court.
Storm Calendar and Weather
for 1890. by Bar. R. Hicks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
postage The Dr. J. II.
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
An exchange says that
is a great thing, even is you
win it because of something yon
got. The two Dakotas come
into the Union with the con,
of possessing neither rats,
cats, nor poisonous snakes. They
cats to kill gophers, and
drink to bring snakes.
Franklin Times.
Notice of Incorporation
I hereby give notice according to law
that under by virtue of Chapter of
the Code of North Carolina and acts
thereto, I have this day
d Incorporated Greenville Com-
The business proposed Is that of gen
merchandising and conducting mer-
The place of business of the corpora-
shall be at Greenville, Pitt count v,
N. C
The duration of the corporate exist-
shall be for the period of ten years.
The capital stock of the corporation
shall be one thousand dollars, divided
into shares of the par value of twenty-
five dollars each.
The stockholders of the corporation
shall not be responsible to any greater
or further extent than the assets of the
corporation, and the shares of stock to
which they have subscribed.
That the business of said corporation
shall he under the management of A. N.
It van. This 4th day of November A. D.
1889. E. A-
Clerk Superior Court.
No freight trains are being moved
on the Evansville and Terre
road, owing to the strike of train-
men. Five strikers have been
rested for interfering with n mail
Th Tint SUp.
you are run down, can't eat,
can't sleep, can't think, cant do any-
thing to your satisfaction, you won-
what ails you. Yon should the
warning, you are taking the first step
into Nervous Prostration. You need a
Tonic In Electric Bitters you
Will find the exact remedy for restoring
your nerve system to its
condition- Surprising results follow the
use of this great Nerve Tonic and Al-
Tour appetite returns, good
digestion la restored, and the Liver and
resume healthy action. Try a
bottle. at L. Wooten's
Drug Store-
When you don't feel well and hardly
know what ail you, give B. B. B.
Blood a trial. It is a fine
T. O. Callahan, Charlotte, N. C,
B. B. is a fine tonic, and has
done me great
L. W. Thompson, Damascus, Ga,.
believe B. B. B. is the best
blood purifier made. It has greatly
proved my general
An old gentleman writes; B. B.
gives life and new strength. II
there is anything that will make an old
man young, it is B- B.
P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va. August
10th. 1888, depend on B. B B.
for the preservation my health. I
have had it in my now nearly
two years, and in all that time have not
had to have a
Ga., writes I
suffered terribly from dyspepsia. The
use of B. B. B. has made me feel like a
new I would not take a thousand
dollars for the good it has done
W. M. Cheshire, Atlanta. Ga.
had a long spell of typhoid fever,
which at last seemed to settle In my
right leg, which swelled up enormously.
An ulcer also appeared which discharged
a cup full of matter a day. I then gave
B. B. B, a trial and it cured
T, Agent of
Washington ft. C.
He keeps on hand a fine assortment
of the best books at publisher's prices.
Call on him for Bibles, large or small.
family or pocket size. For
Books, Commentaries, Diction-
and standard works generally.
Can furnish you any book you want on
short notice.
a superb
Can now be seen at store. I have
the latest styles and newest patterns, and
an experience of years at the
business qualifies me for doing all work
satisfactory and well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you call and examine my stock.
E. A.
b of h aria U.
f of
Piano Co.
f Contains a octave.
Nine Stop Action, fur-
in a large and
handsome case of solid
cash ; also sold on
the Easy Hire System
at per quarter,
I for ten quarters, when
I organ becomes property
I of person hiring.
f The Mason
I invented
and patented by Mason
in 1882, is
used in Mason
of tone and
phenomenal capacity to
stand in tune character-
these instruments.
Popular Styles Organs at
and up.
Organs and Pianos sold for Cash. Easy
Payments, and free.
Hamilton, N.
John Principal,
Associate Principal
Mus. E. W. Primary De-
Miss May
Vocal Music.
Miss Rouse, Painting and
Mb. J. C. Penmanship
and Commercial Department.
Primary. Academic.
Classical and Mathematical. Mu-
sic. Painting and Drawing.
2.1 Healthy Location and Good
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of class
Music Department equal
in work to any College in the State
New Pianos and Organs.
A Library of nearly volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Rates Moderate, from to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
in Pupils who do not board
with the Principal should consult Ida;
before engaging board elsewhere. For
particulars. Address,
Sub Primary, per month.
languages, each,
Music, not more than
Incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
METHOD of teaching will be thorough-
Training thorough.
Pupils from a distance can obtain board,
including lodging, in private families
from 88.00 to 810.00 per month. A
class Music Teacher will be employed
and also an Assistant as soon as the
number of it. Patronage
For further information apply to
I would respectfully call your
to the following address and ask
you to remember that yon can buy a
this house cheaper than any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and best known having represented
for over forty years in this vicinity.
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual for filling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. W. BATES,
J. J. Norwalk, Conn.
B. C.
falling out of hair, and eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among the many who have used It with
wonderful success, I refer you to the fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Latham, Greenville.
Mb. O.
Greene, Sb.,
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints can procure
it from me, at ray place of business, for
per bottle. Respectfully,
Greenville, March 14th, C ,
Printers and Binders,
We have the large-t and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found in
the State, solicit orders for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
obtained, all in the U. S.
Patent office or in the Courts attended
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the U. S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents time than tho-t
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and make no change unless we ob-
We refer, here, to the Post Master, the
Supt. of the Order Did., and to
the U. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients In your own Suite, or
C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
For the Ladies
In order to reduce stock before lime to
receive Fall Goods, I will offer
all present of
from now until the 1st of September a
All Hats on hand, both trimmed and
will be sold at cost. My stock
includes many of the most stylish goods
of the season. I can give you bargains.
Mrs. W. T.
N. C.
Pitt Co. N
C Pitt Co
Co N C
Cobb Bros.,
Cotton Factors.
Commission Merchants,
We have had many years ex-
at the and are
prepared to handle Cotton to
the advantage of shippers.
Greenville, N. C.
have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
in every instance. Call and be con
Ladies waited on at their
Cleaning a specialty.
afflicted. TAr
la Kr to
Ar T.
beautifies the hair.
n luxuriant
Ne- r to
H . r ill Color.
All entrusted to oar
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
a knowledge of the
law which govern the operations
of digestion and nutrition, and by a care-
application of the fine properties of
well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro-
our breakfast tables with a dell,
beverage which may
save many heavy doctor's bills. It is
the of such articles of
diet that a constitution may be
ally built up until strong enough to re-
every tendency to disease. Hun-
of subtle maladies are floating
around us ready to attack wherever there
is a weak point. We may escape many
a fatal shaft keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly-
nourished .
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in half-pound tins, by Grocers,
Chemist, London. England.

Eastern reflector, 20 November 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 20, 1889
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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