Eastern reflector, 25 September 1889

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
a I. f Editor and
O. T.
,, Ii-i l was
And my heart was free from guile,
there was grief every
Subscription Price. per year.
not to Democratic
and measures are not consistent
the true principles of the party.
And joy in every smile.
That friendship was not all a cheat
And love die,
thinking now of what I
I think a lie.
I used to think about
And think that I would be
A governor or n president.
Or a general like Lee.
Hut I have waited long in vain.
Whilst years rolled slowly by.
And of what I
think I a lie.
used to think the ladies were
All sweetness combined.
If yon want a a wide-a-wake t That they were all God's last and best
r i . t . . . t . t t i i i A j
section of the State send for the
That they were not half pads and paint
Hut angels from on high.
Rut thinking now of what I
think I thank a lie.
The preachers, too. I used to think
Were not like other men.
And were not tempted of the flesh
Governor Daniel G. Fowle. of Wake, not therefore sin.
M. Holt. But I've traveled round a bit
watched them on the sly,
of I. ; AmI thinking now of what I thunk,
of Wake. a lie.
W. Rain, of Wake.
of Wayne,
The honest of the soil
Superintendent of Public Instruction- . J his crop.
Sidney If. Finger of lie k
Attorney F. David- . W top-
eon, of Buncombe.
Chief IT. II. Smith, o
I used to think those honest men
Would never cheat nor try.
Hut thinking now of what i
I think thunk a lie.
The editors, a lordly set,
S. Merrimon. of , Who live on milk and honey.
Joseph J. Davis, off Franklin t they've nothing else on earth to do
James E. of Beaufort and , But write rake in money,
C. A very, of Burke. Leastwise that I used to think
SUPERIOR COURT. it makes cry.
T,. . , To think about the I thunk.
First II. Brown, of; And how I thunk a lie.
Second of t What noble men the doctors arc
I used to think they came
Third G. Connor, of From heaven or some heavenly-land
And worked for love or fame.
That they could cure all human ills
And never let us die.
But thinking now of what thunk.
I think I thunk a lie.
Fourth Clark, of
Fifth A. of
Gull ford
Sixth T. of
Seventh C. of
Eighth A. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth of
Eleventh District-W. M. Shipp, TIS too,
Twelfth Merrimon,
of Buncombe.
in Congress.
is. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-;
District The hotel clerk, used to think,
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans. Would try to be polite.
Second P. Cheatham col. Would answer questions put him.
of Vance. And treat a stranger right.
Third W. of That rather than he'd play the ass
Pender. That he would sooner die.
Fourth H- Bonn, of But thinking now of what thunk.
ash. I think I thunk a lie.
Fifth W. of
Sixth Rowland of
S. Henderson,
Eighth A. Cowles
Ninth G. Ewart of
The lawyers, too. I used to think
Oh God, forgive the thought.
That their convictions of the right
Could not by knaves be
That would not a client rob
Or the sly
Hut thinking now of what I t Ii tin k.
think thunk a lie-
They swear they sell at cost,
I used to think they told the truth.
And all their profits lost.
I thought a yard was full three feet,
Don't ask my reasons why.
Hut thinking now of what thunk,
think I thunk a lie.
Superior Court A. Move.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of II.
B. Cherry.
S. L. Ward.
B- Harris.
And then I thought that Harrison
Who took old Glover's shoes,
Would have the backbone and the
To give us all our dues.
j tariff laws and frauds
Still makes nation sigh,
And thinking now of thunk,
, I think thunk a lie.
N. Sept.
Editor Reflector have
been of upon the j
resources of old Pitt and why
it is that with so. many site should
stand still or linger behind other j
counties of UM with which i
he stands equal in agricultural and j
mechanical genius. her men j
as to brain and talent will stand
peer with any. And with these
a base, and with the many other i
things to add to this base. I cannot
see why Pitt cannot rise to her I
glory and shine as others do.
She can, she would, she will, ii her
people- will but put their shoulder to
the wheel, their talent and money
to the Some will doubtless
how is this to brought about.
It can be by advertising, and
how can she be bettor advertised,
than by organizing an agricultural
She is able to support one j
no doubt would, if were
started her borders. Many
ties in the State support fairs, whose
financial condition is no better if as j
good as Pitt's. Then, Mr. Editor, I
and who may read this, will
yon add a voice to the cause I will i
yon help sound the note of a j
boom and a new era of prosperity j
to Pitt her county
; ville-and ere another twelve mouths
j roll away, let sec at Greenville a
grand exhibition building and a
fair ground. Mr. Editor,
do not let those suggestions die
though they are weak and faint
hearted. I shall say more about it
in the future.
News has been scarce about
of late.
New goods are coming in
Cotton picking has commenced.
Mr. Abram Raker lost n valuable
horse last Tuesday of
Several have died this section
from t he same cause.
Miss Emma from
; Falkland was in yesterday
looking alter a music school. We
hope she in her efforts.
Miss Ida Gay has a school in
King, Falkland, have been the
guests of Mrs. Dr. Bagwell for
, days.
One of our has got the blues
mighty bad. Cause,
off to school. Cheer old
fellow, she will back again.
I used to think elections were
The public will to voice.
And not a thimble rigging game
To give the cliques their choice.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair- That patriotism played its part
Guilford Mooring. C V, stills were never
The Reason Why.
V. A. James, Jr., T. E. Keel.
Board of
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
Public School
of F. W.
G. James.
F. Evans.
R. Lang.
T. Smith.
R. Moore.
Ward, R. N. Boyd
2nd Ward. R. Williams, Jr., and Alfred
3rd Ward. T. J. and If.
R. Lang; 4th Ward, W. X. Tolbert.
and Third
Rev. N. C.
Sundays, morning and night.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev.- R. B. John,
every Sunday, morn-
and night. Meeting every
Wednesday night. W.
Lodge. No. A. F. A.
Rocky Mount Plain Dealer.
The is often asked,
do so many young men leave
the In our mind the ans-
t is easy. There is no future be-
fore them here, which fact is
I brought to light, and seen very of-
It cannot better illustrated
than in the recent election of officers
for the Agricultural and
College. Every officer of
the institution, with the exception
of or two minor positions, were
filled by persons who were not
dents North Carolina. It
be a tact that there were none with-
I in the borders of our grand old
State, capable of filling these
No, we do not believe that
such was the case, for we know that
there are plenty of able, worthy and
capable men within borders,
that can fill any position, it is a
shame and a disgrace upon the
B State, that every time a
Enterprising Warehouseman, man wanted tor a worthy
I one is called from another
Henderson Gold Leaf-
In Brother Manning's paper
But thinking now of what thunk,
think thunk a lie.
used to think that public schools
Would fill a long felt need,
By teaching all our boys and girls
How to spell and read.
But red tape and their
Is everywhere the cry.
And when I think of what I thunk.
think I thunk a lie.
The niggers, too, I used to think.
If once they were set free.
Would make good honest citizens.
Like white folks used to be.
But they have wandered far from grace.
The chickens still roost high.
And thinking now of what I thunk.
think I thunk a lie.
I used to think the town police
With all bis blue and brass
Would never sleep upon his post
Nor let a criminal pass.
That on blind tigers they would keep
An ever watchful eye.
But thinking now of what I thunk
I think thunk a lie.
State. This is why our bright young
men are leaving their native home,
we notice the homo that they should love,
cherish, protect, they are not
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M., takes a column and a half
G. L. Sec.
Greenville B. A. Chapter. No. meets
2nd and 4th nights n Ma-
sonic Hall. F. W. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F.
meets every Tuesday night. W.
N, G.
Insurance No. K. of H.,
meets first and third Friday night.
D. D. Haskett, D. ,.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of n., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Office hours A. H. to p. M. Money
Order hours A. v. to p. if. No or-
will be from to
from to P. M.
Bethel mail arrives daily Sun-
at A. M. and departs at r u.
Tar mail arrives Sun-
at I. m. and depart at P. M.
Washington mail daily
at M. and at P. M.
Yes, as a further evidence
that he is an
we mention the fact
that after taking a
appreciated as they should be, and
we hardly blame them for
log. Give young men a chance,
and they will prove themselves as
and as capable
column of holding honored positions as any
he subscribes n the union.
New York
Tb Great Novel A
New Name For as OH
New York, September
The terrible storm that raged
nearly whole of last week
this region of the county has
done immense damage. The news-
papers have been filled with harrow-
accounts of shipwrecks, railroad
washouts destruction of prop-
almost without end. One
lives have been lost by drown-
etc. and fifty vessels have gone
down in the gale. Tho damage
the city itself has been so great,
but the destruction along the coast
has been almost incalculable. An
idea of the storm's fury can be ob-
tho statement that our
watering place, Is-,
laud, has damaged to tho
amount of It is by far
the worst storm years, with the
single exception of the blizzard in
March, 1888, and like It
by our weather clerks;
fact on the very worst days the
prediction was
The annual meeting of tho New
York State division the League
of American began in
this city on Saturday and was a
grand success. Not all of us are
particularly interested bicycling
but some of the features of the
meeting so novel as to attract
general The most remark-
able of these the parade which
took place on Saturday, over 1,200
riders being in line all mounted on
bicycles. Tho Clubs met at the
Grand Circle, Fifty-ninth street and
Eighth Avenue and the route was
through Central Park to 110th
street, to the Hudson after
which the riders boarded a steamer
for where the line of
march was again taken Alto-
the parade was a very
one. Each club carried a ban-
all the members were
The vandals again at work
and this time are trying to rob us of
Baxter street. They propose to
change it for some other more beau-
name, but for what earthly
son I am unable to say. It may be
for the purpose of leading new com-
astray, for certainly Baxter
street must be about as well known
to outsiders as is Fifth Avenue or
Broadway. To New Yorkers it is
familiarly known as the
though I may mention incidentally
that it is all dry laud. It is the
home of the second-hand clothier of
Hebrew descent. It contains more
to the block than any other
street in the world, all claiming to
be the original If the name
is to be changed by all meas let it be
made Cohen street.
Receipt for Making Tattlers.
Take a handful of weed called j
Runabout, the same quantity of the
root called Nimble a
spring of tho herb called Back
Bite, before or after dog
a of Don't you tell
it, six of Malice, and a w
drops of Envy, which be
chased in any at the shops
of Miss Tea Table Miss
Nancy Night Walker. Stir them
well, together and simmer th cm for
half an hour over the fire of Dis-
content; with a little
then strain it through the
Rag of Misconstruction cork it
the bottle of Malevolence and
hang it upon a of Street
Yarn shake it occasionally for a few
days and it will fit tor use. Let
a few drops taken before walking
out, and the subject will be enabled
to speak all of evil, and
Laughable Reflections. The
And Selections as Com-
piled by the Bad Boy.
Webster's dictionary an an-
book so, it was
written by
The which
December, will be a very
interesting one, interesting not only
from the matters that
will come before it for discussion, but
. tor the political scheming that will
of sixpence, pocket lull of , .
go, too thin, flask he said
knowingly. i The uncomfortably small majority
,,,,,. , . . . i which the have will
Old mauls are described as . ,
lien from which the have them to increase it-by every
fled. S sparkle in that remark.; means in their power and hence we
Sue saw the dress coats ma-v f
through the shower after the early when tho contested election
and softly, tho cases come up for consideration,
swallows homeward As House now stands there
The quickest musical movement Republicans to Demo-
on record was executed when M. When the elections in North
to examine the g,,,,,,, Dakota, Washington and
in the lilac bush. , . .,,.,.
I Montana are held lira Republicans
Women's hearts like violins. will carry the three while the
What is Happening Around Us.
As Reflected from the Slate Press.
Brought to Their Knees.
Charlotte Chronicle.
The jute bagging monopolists
have been brought to their knees.
There be no doubt that the work
Dr. will live Alliance favor of cotton
, , bagging has been a serious it not a
f here are over Children at the
Orphan Asylum. s. Alexander says that
The Alliance men in the trust has offered the Alliances
North Carolina number j that if they will go back to the use
There are now thirty bonded dis- of bagging, it will be sold at
in and on and that the Jute
counties. W more
. , , i P ton for all their seed that
Winston e arc M g
four more new mammoth prize
es erected during the next sixty
Mr. Eugene
jute gentlemen arc in hard straits;
and it ought to be to en-
It takes a beau to play on either of Democrats stand a fair chance of lie to have them group-
them. His name is Ross, and she earning the last. This would give retaken,
calls him Ross in-the beau. , . , ,, ,. m . . . . . .
the Republicans the A new is to be
Angry Subscriber and will give baked Richmond county, and
c of organization of; Postmaster General
tin; House if there are no Southern j has been petitioned to allow it to be
kickers there will not named in honor of
is collecting the photographs courage the farmers their
of the teachers who visited Europe to stick to cotton bagging.
mad all the way through, I
want my paper
sir ; do you want to pay
I ain't mad enough for
On one occasion a lady called and
presented a check which she wished
cashed. As she was a perfect
to the paying teller, he said,
very will
have to bring some one to introduce
you before we can cash this
to k n
but it. is an uncomfortable small
working majority to depend upon.
The first thing they will under-
take alter organizing the House will
be to increase this majority by
seating as many as they of the
Democratic members whose seats
i mm en m lire Republicans. To
up haughtily, She . , hen
J, i IdS do this the Committee on Elections horn
will be stocked for railroad completed from
with men who will not fail to make
the kind of reports will be
must do as I you. Step up to
the blackboard at once and draw an-1 forthcoming. will not
other flag like the one Johnny be governed by any
already j scruples in a matter this kind, for
Willie has his doubts as to, as conscience and party
his ability to equal s per- . . .
flag on that necessity party always triumphs to attend John Robinson's
board, ma'am f Why, that won't do With the Republican politician, and ad they do not report a
at all Didn't you toll us tho Republican Congressmen never for- j time in fact they seem
hat they cannot
Omaha do you know by fair will by foul means,
I have made a discovery Last Tues-
Please Excuse.
Arizona Kicker.
Our reader was off a
last week and our two print-
were called to Tombstone to see
their mother die. We were
tho grandson. v . ,
busy in our grocery, and harness-
Tarboro The is shop, hardware and millinery store,
really a tame bird in The and the Kicker did not present the
oilier day several seen to pa- appearance and interest could
up and down the front porches j have wished for. We had to chuck
some of our private residences, j in six columns of old patent
kill the pretty ads, the first page was the
the same matter as the week
but these things are trifles
and an to the business of a great
publishing house. We trust that
our subscribers will overlook all mis-
Williamston to
excursion was made Friday. It is
thought the railroad will be
ed to Plymouth by 1st. November. encourages us to greater
I efforts by promptly renewing their
E. City A large crowd subscriptions,
went to Norfolk from this town
N. C
N. C
. the main object with them always
being to their purposes
. . ., .,. ,,.
have discovered that an
regardless of the methods. They
day. at the residence of Mr. Willis
; Shaw, in Sharon township, a colored
, ,,. ,, named Carolina. Kenny gen
egg is one respect tho Bag-1 on the principle in politics that .
the old fellow did in business who ft
boy, how is advised his son to make money, to standing at the washtub ringing out, Any to m will be
Attended to.
really, my
son never sets on
if they can but if they can't
Increase it honestly they will in-
Here is warranted to
sustain a weight of
Young Lad; nine-
let me see. John weighs crease it anyway, if they can.
and weigh and four's
nine, with nothing to carry; two
and six is eight with nothing to car-
one and is two; total,
Well that is mighty but
it will
make it honestly, lie
make it honestly to make it anyway. Raleigh News and Tho I
They will increase the majority lion- Governor yesterday commuted to J
life imprisonment the death sen-
of Henry convicted
of burglary in Rowan county and H id.
sentenced to be hanged October;
Of course a move of this kind will
the Democrats, and .
the performance will and the , Snow Hill were
festivities begin. When the curtain formed yesterday that a colored At
rises and tho oratorical pyrotechnics woman on Mr. L. E. farm E E N V I L L E, N. C
the get under full headway we may ex- j near here, awoke the other
faced the sea watching the some fervid even and a large snake in the re. j. h. tucker. j.
white-sailed yachts as they crossed sent speeches, in which the South I with her, and she at once MURPHY,
the moon's tracks, when he come in the regulation leaving the full charge.
it sail
on such a lovely while shotguns, bowie ; a one legged aged
lovely, I should . knives and bludgeons will be onto- years, was shot and killed by a
I owned a yacht for your displayed in endless mob at Stanley Creek, Gaston
for a dastardly attempt to
N. C.
I would take you sailing a little confusion.;
. .--.- I The Democrats are not going to sit
would be just I , .
I i
the 12-year old daughter of his
kind a yacht would you j quietly silently listen to all J employer, B. Moore,
steam yacht or a sailing I and the probabilities are that, .
I will have from the Democratic; . , , . . , . ,
she murmured, as she-i,,,, Hone animated B at
glanced around. think I yesterday afternoon wore
like a little smack. lowing that they are This
She got it.
I not entire strangers to caloric King's now numbers,
I j among its attendants pupils from all;
a t-La w,
N. C.
Will Have His Wedding Suit; ah tins may not be very enter- over
j c n u. t taming or edifying to the
Made Cotton Bagging. American but
for hundred copies of the paper We could name a dozen bright
to be sent to as many different per- young men who have left North
sons in order that his advertisement Carolina, are now honored
may be placed before a larger
of readers. be says it. pays
of other States, are hold-
high that
were not bought with money, but
are the reward of true merit.
Give our young a showing,
and let them that their worth
For on Mission
Bethlehem, 1st Sunday at
School House, 1st Sunday
2nd Sunday at o clock.
Sunday at
Salem at o'clock,
f h
The Chicago Mail has
how an old fellow in North
choked off a town whose officials . , ,,
, . . . . . is and they will stay
made him mad. The Mail says be .
owned all the laud around the town,
and before dying the other day he
willed the property to bis sister
ring her life time. It is then to be
held in trust by the probate judge
Raleigh Call.
A stirring and progressive
farmer of the Alliance is down
and and
proposes to illustrate his position
towards them by deeds as well as
words. He is specially hostile to
the jute trust and will ride over it
amuse the galleries, give the news-
paper reporters something to do
and something to write about, and
will help to break the dull
of Green county, has sis hogs
that will weigh pounds each at
this time, and he expects to make
them weigh a groat deal more by
i bog-killing time. Ho also has .
of routine business in the early, f ,.
, . . others that will weigh pounds
of the session while work is be- , l
cut out for later in the season, j
It will serve also to draw the party A mule
lines closer together, and bring tho of Mr- Summers, of Olin town-
Practice in nil courts.
a Special
Greenville, N. C.
in a wedding suit made of cotton u there be any in. That's I the 5th inst. at the age
Mr W H . f
among us, and be an honor to the
laud that gave them birth.
The figure has come to stay
with every, man and woman
of the county for ninety-nine years, living. No document can be dated
when it is to be divided out among i U- u now
the heirs. This story is true with
the except ion that there wasn't any
such man town.
next it will be third figure for
la an when it wit to
and the bold CM
Three Hundred Years Ago,
In the latter part of the 16th
an act was introduced into the
English which reads as
all women, of whatever
age, rank, profession or degree,
whether maids of widows, that shall
from and such act, impose up-
on and betray into matrimony any
of His Majesty's by tho
use of paints, cosmetics,
washes, artificial teeth, false hair,
iron stays, hoops,
shoes, bolstered hips, shall incur
the penalty of the law now in force
against witchcraft and
and the marriage open
shall fro nail and void,
He writes to Mr. W. H
Worth, business agent of the Far-
Alliance, in this city, as
Sir and
Having tho cause of annihilating
part of the Republican A belonging to;
to get the Southern the family of the late John S. Civil Engineers, Surveyor
a J t , . . . . W . . I . . T I I L
trusts and combinations of all
brethren the told, so
that votes counted
to a certainty on questions where
tho vote be otherwise
kindred at heart, I bare deter-
mined to have my wedding suit
made of cotton bagging, provided
yon can scud me nine yards by ex-
to our county business agent,
W. T. Freeman, at Plymouth, N. C,
time to
it made. The 2nd October will
consummate the engagement. Not
many of our brethren will ever be
able to declare their appreciation
for the noble institution in a way so
solemn, yet so
Mr. Worth forwarded the
It will also pare the way for
the introduction and passage
of some placing the
election of Congressmen under the
supervision of the Federal
ties, something which they have
long wanted to do but which they
could not well carry out. Any law
of this kind must be national, not
sectional, and hero is
block. want to apply it only
to the South how to do that is
which pussies them. If they ever
by any ingenious phrasing of speech
,, , whip the devil around the
to young man yesterday, cutting up ft
of the same township, was
years old in March and last
day week one of ladies of the
family rode It to the quarterly meet-
at Snow Creek. It is described
as a yet. As for the
Summers mule it did know it
was old. It was enough to
away with the plow more than
once last summer.
and Architects.
it from the first roll of a lot of
The farmers of Alabama have de-
tern to use bagging in
place of jute for bailing cotton, net-
a loss of fifty
r bats m
without affecting the North
it will be done with little scruples of
conscience as they will increase
The Verdict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Druggist,
Ind., can recommend
Electric Bitters as the very best
Every sold has
given relief in every case. One
man took six bottles, was cured
of Rheumatism of stand-
Abraham Hare, druggist,
Ohio, best
selling medicine I have ever
died in my experience, is
Thousands of
their small majority by others have added their testimony,
Democrats and patting Republicans so that the verdict is unanimous
in their place. The indications ate that Electric Bitters do all dis-
that Mr. who is the com- eases of the fiver. Kidneys or
Hag Speaker, will use Stood. Only ft hall a
ml Brews drugstore.
Greenville, N. O.
Under new management. Hot and
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
servant. Table always
ed with the best of the market. Feed
tables in connection.
Polite waiters. Good Rooms. Best
table the market afford. When In the
City stop at the
N. C,
If you want to save money buy your Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods at the next to Rawls, the Jeweler. RAWLS

Tile Reflector. This all eyes turn Best, Ernest Forbes and
Every Wednesday
per year.
will not to Democratic
and that are not consistent
with the principles of the
If yon want a a wide-a-wake
Motion of the State for the
at the Post office at
Mail Matter.
SEPT. 25th, M.
Judge is winning cold-
en opinions from the people of
Pitt county. The manner in
which he dispatches the business
of the Court impresses itself fa-
upon all. He allows no
time to be wasted, but requires
everything to be done promptly
and in order. We have had
very little opportunity of being
about the Court room fact we
don't think the Court room a
proper place for a man to be loaf-
who has business elsewhere
too much of that but
we hear compliments and praise
for him on every hand. Listen-
to his charge to the Grand
Jury, at the opening of the term,
we were enabled to get an idea
of his opinion upon several
measures that have been and are
now topics of general interest.
He thinks the late increase in
the number of Judges for both
Supreme and Superior Courts,
and the increase of terms in ma-
of the counties, was a wise
step. The dockets were getting
too large and burdensome, and
there was too much delay and
trouble in getting cases removed
from them. There was great
uncertainty in civil matters, par-
ties bringing sails not
the slightest idea when they
get a hearing and frequent-
having to go over several
terms. Now with the increased
number, said he. there is greater
dispatch in clearing up the
dockets, and there is seldom
a necessity for a civil matter
i lo further than
second term. From his remarks
news. The trial of Boyle is in
progress, and the publication of
a lot of evidence of a very
cent and impure nature may be
expected. Pity it is that the
human appetite craves
chaste sensational food.
Galloway and
-affray, pros as
and Watson
Oh, these trusts I When the
trust on sugar was formed some-
time ago, the cake and cracker
manufacturers howled a mighty
howl. But now they are
ting the others and have formed
a little trust of their own, ad-
prices on an average of
two cents per pound. The trust
holds until the first of 1890,
then they will begin cutting each
others throats.
fined each and costs, Best die
charged, having already been in
jail since July.
J. J. Hathaway, Trespass,
John May, assault with intent
to commit rape, not guilty.
and J. B. Clark,
affray, Downing,
Dallas cruelty to animals,
not guilty.
Bill Dancey, Larceny, pleads
sentence years in State prison.
Eli Barrett and Cornelius
son, Affray, guilty, Barrett
ed to jail weeks, Atkinson week.
Jesse B. Hill, Injury to Stock,
pleads guilty, suspended
on payment of costs.
Alonzo Best, BETHEL, N. C, Sept. 23rd, 1889.
to Galloway, Mr. Editor no else will
plead guilty, give you the news from Bethel and
as we think it is a place of too much
importance to he lei t out, we will
try occasionally to let -you know
what is happening around us.
The ladies of Baptist church
at this place held a lawn on
the 13th for the benefit of the
church. Glad to say they met with
Clark much success.
Prof. is conducting a
very good school hero. There
about seventy pupils enrolled. That
shows that it is no trouble for a
good teacher to got a good school.
W. K. Mayo and R. J.
son left last Tuesday morning for
Baltimore to attend medical
Mr. George left last week
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following goods
that are not to be excelled in market. And to be first-class and
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
kinds. Gin and Mill Pelting, Hay, Rock Lime. Plaster of and
Hair, Harness, Bridles addles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobber.- prices, cents per dozen, less G per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at Jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Giro me a call and I guarantee satisfaction.
i plead guilty
Durham. pended on payment
railroad passes within sight of the as to Forbes,
place where Patrick Henry was I Atkinson, Insisting officer,
or j guilty, fined one penny
W. M. Smith. W. T. and he northern markets to purchase
Forbes, Affray, Smith stock.
that all trains shall
move slowly in passing that sacred
spot, with the bell tolling as is done
in passing Mount
This recalls to mind that a
few weeks ago we saw the state
that steamers on the
son were tolling bells while pass
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C, Sept.
The muddle still
l urn is lies the Republicans with
and the Democrats with amuse-
The seems to have
Grant's tomb in imitation of been to find a representative G. A.
the steamers on the Potomac,
which always toll their bells
while passing Mt. Vernon, the
tomb of Washington. It strikes
tis as being the burlesque of the
century, trying Ulysses
Giant tip to a comparison with
immortal George
who was willing to reverse
tho methods of Tanner in the con-
duct of the office, fix
Warner, of Missouri, to whom
the position was first offered, was
rather inclined to accept, but alter
Mrs. Kanoy Biggs who has bees
Visiting relatives in Bethel has re-
turned to her home in Tarboro.
The Alliance held a very interest-
meeting here Saturday which
drew quite a crowd to town.
N. C,
Nov. 13th. 1888.
During an acquaintance of several
weeks, and from daily interviews
and professional consultations with
Dr. D. S. Harmon, we have bad am-
opportunities or making our-
selves with his methods and
facilities for treating the various
affections of the human eye. lie is
not only a Highly cultivated, re-
fined, high -toned gentleman, but
he possesses the scientific
so necessary- to the successful
practice of his chosen profession.
I beg to inform the public generally that
I am the only maker of Custom-Made Clothing
in Greenville. Parties coming to me need not
be afraid of getting clothing out of stock given
to them for custom-made.
All Garments Made on the Premises.
Having the finest line samples to select
from including the latest novelties. I am
pared to do nothing but the finest of workman-
ship, combined with the latest styles and fit.
No fit, no sale.
Are headquarters for all needed in he
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot, be
but if y on want anything in
Hardware, Implements, Stoves
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which we will sell at Factory ices.
spending a night with resident j We regard him as a public
Harrison at Deer Park, and finding factor and a most inestimable ac-
what was expected of him, to any community. The
declined and it was given out that
lie could not afford to give up his
private business. The real reason
recent lynching of two was that he would not agree to
white I conduct the office on any other
men at
and one colored
aroused the indignation or the
law abiding citizens of the State.
It is unfortunate that such things
Doctor is fully alive to the great
Importance giving aid
to the slightest defects of vision In
childhood and youth. In our own
private practice, he has rendered
,,, I method than that adopted by Tan us invaluable service hi the treat
has very justly Then the position was tn-j of such cases. He has given
to G. S. Merrill, of
setts, and it is understood that he
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current
the highest in his ex-
tensive transactions with the most
has accepted it with all the prominent citizens of this A PROOF
. imposed hi President Harri- With unqualified pleasure
are occurring to blot the history q, Merrill is an ex-com- confidence in bis skill and in
of North Carolina. Fowle
has issued a proclamation call-
the citizens generally to help
of tho A. It but
he is conservative on the pen-
question and has always voted fraternity especially.
we recommend him to the
public generally and the medical
Hicks. M. D.,
Jno. M. H. D.
It. W. Logan, C S.
with the minority of that
ferret out the lynchers and bring in opposing the proposed
them to justice. The vice The present acting
. . . , , . Commissioner Tension, acting it
. is bitterly opposed to mob, to Creditors.
violence and lynchings. and has revoked the or.
thinks the laws of our State are
D. Williamson,
P ii u mil
E are now fitted up in are prepared to an
upon short notice any kind or of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old A
R. JR. Manager.
will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest and freshest
I keep constantly on tend I assortment of
All your wants in the above can by
sufficient if allowed to take their
course and are properly
But there have been
set for indignations and
outbursts against the law that
will be hard to overcome, how-
ever deplorable the fact may be.
of Tan tier allowing all pen- the , , .
receiving less per, 8th May. a- Administrator HaS tO HOUSe.
month to he upon j upon the estate of Unwell j continue the of
cation a and the claims
making the evidence of a single
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREEN VILLE. N. C. Mar. 1887.
Cases Tried.
The following cases upon the
Docket were disposed of
the first On present
Stocks, assault,
we also judge his Honor to be an ; leave.
sufficient to prove original dis-
ability. The administration has
the back track on the pen-,
question. In the meantime
Tanner is waiting to receive the
of Recorder of Deeds for
this District, which his friends claim
promised to him if he would re-
while tho citizens hero
of are up m to on the -1st
against said estate to present their claim
for payment within twelve months from
this date or this notice will lie plead in
of their All persons ow-
will forward and
make immediate settlement,
This May If.
Adm. of
Executors Notice.
Letters been is-
advocate of prohibition. Says
he has held Court in every
in the State and finds those
counties wherein no liquor is
sold by far the most orderly.
He looks upon bar rooms as
of temptation and evil,
thinks a man more Will
Joseph and Laura Harris. . Columbia
A. pros to Laura position is far from a bed of roses.
party are up m .,, s,.,,,,.,,,,. of
Ilia Position
which President Harrison has prom- to nil persons holding said
them should not be given to to present them for pay-
any one
Sly is well equipped with the best put up
but WORK. We keep up with the times and the-. styles.
Best material in all work. All styles of are you from
Storm, Coil, Ran. Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full of
not a citizen of the District undersigned properly
Provident on the-5th day of Thanking
ft. i or will be plead .
in bar their recovery. in-
j-car round, which we will sell as low as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
nuance of the same.
mistrial The white clerks in the navy to the estate said James Brooks
John L. Fleming and Henry Sugg, division of the Fourth are to make immediate pay-
affray, j are in a bad because Beam- i r ,.
G. H. Anderson and W. E. has appointed a
affray, not guilty chief of that division. Those
Evan, stock, mis-. remain under him deserve no rm
This Sept. of James
I. Blow, Attorney.
and more law abiding if such
. County Commission
places of temptation are
Judge is also in favor
of letting the emigrate
if they so desire, and thinks the
would lie ultimately
much better off as a result of
their departure. This point was
brought out in his remarks upon
and James
m H each.
Commissioners authorized
to hire out or work them for the
fine and costs.
George Dudley, C. C- W. not
D. Cherry. C. C. W., not
Boyd and William
affray, pros as to Dixon
for Boyd.
J. H. Stokes and Thigpen,
Tanner's friends are starting
movement to drive Secretary Noble
out of the cabinet. They want ex-
Goff of West
to succeed him- Hut Mr.
friends will probably
have something to say about that.
The Civil Service Commission has
written a letter to the postmaster
at Minneapolis him for
j the law in making appoint
in his
N. C.
-----Dealers in------
General Merchandise.
F. A., not guilty.
strife between labor and capital. E; B-.
, . , . , F. A., guilty, Harris sentenced
strikes and labor trouble
ally. He said that
agents or others had no
to months in jail,
pended as to Waters.
Henry Turner and Catharine Elks
IF. A., plead
right to come among the payment
and induce laborers to leave par- ; costs,
ties with whom were under I . L. Gray and Maggie Jones F.
contract, he thought a whole- Jones, pleads
Gray guilty. Gray sentenced
Wish lo inform their friends and
that their
Fall and Winter Goods
is now ready for examination, they
of j an prepared to supply all your wants at
If you want something in the way H
w .
Sewing Machines,
come to the A
large new Joel
Watches. Jewelry Sewing
Machines repaired and warranted.
Co N C Co
T. H.
We keep in stock a largo line of Ready
Made Clothing. Boots. Shoes. Hats. Dry
Notions. Hardware, Heavy and
in fact any
article to lie found in a general stock.
We pay highest prices for all kinds of
Cotton bought either in bale or seed.
some immigration of a certain
, to imprisonment one year and pay
class of citizens from our State j costs, Commissioners authorized to
would cause only a temporary fined one
, . Smith and Eliza Games F. iV.
inconvenience and their places; guilty, suspended on
would soon be filled by much payment of costs.
better citizens. Williams and Cate Barnes
D ,, I not a true bill.
The agrees viler Vines and Patience
with Judge in all these A. B guilty, Vines lined
In the Wilmington.
we see a long editorial about the
grapes of North Carolina.
Kingsbury places the Scupper-
and costs, Peebles discharged.
Jim Jones aid
Larceny, discharged.
Bynum, Larceny, guilty.
William Larceny, not
a true bill.
John Wooten, A. with D.
Mississippi, thinks that the only
legislation of importance which will
be passed at the session of
Congress will the of tile
tobacco tax, and that can only be
passed with the assistance of demo-
Secretary Tracy is getting on
very dangerous ground He is
i ii. . i owing us arc nested to
the Up om M
two ton provided for to M of
by the Congress in , the year.
yards. Mr. Tracey
well, but if he escapes the political
strikers he will do well. It does
require a long memory to
remember what attempting to build
vessels in Government Navy Yards
a years ago cost tho people.
Better slick the contract system.
Representative Indiana
expects a lively session Con-
have a lot to worry the
We have coming in
some Job Lots in Stand-;
ard Prints at cents
and Ginghams at
cents. Call early
you may have first
Cotton Factors,
Commission Mer
Coward. I Republicans about and we will be
very apt to make it interesting for
Members Senators are gets
ting quite around Wash-,
They recognize that tho
We have had many years ex-
the business and are
j prepared to handle Cotton to
Returning thanks for past patronage t Styles tO Select the advantage-of shippers.
Yours truly.
we of your favors.
J. O. Proctor Bro.
Wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he has
bought out the Grocery establishment of T. R. Cherry, and with
new stock added is now prepared to furnish the v best
At prices fully in keeping with the hard times. keep Flour,
Meat, Lard, Molasses, Confections. Canned Goods, Crockery,
Glassware, Tobacco, Snuff,
Orange Syrup is the best Molasses in this market.
Yon are invited to call. Remember the place, at Cherry's stand.
KT. O.
James grape, the pride of Pitt
county If you have Doctor,
drop us a card and yon
have a box of them, and if you
don't pronounce them the finest
you ever saw we will hush upon
this line.
A that is destined to be
come very is the
id Democrat, published at Wash-
City by Mr. Edmund
Hudson. It is a new paper, but
it shows ability in its editorial
department. As the name
it is Democratic, and is a
party paper in every sense of
the word. It is an eight page
paper, the only thorough Demo
paper at the Capital, and
being published only once -a
guilty, sentenced days jail, i Congress which begins in De
in lead. Is it possible i Commissioners to hire out. will be a long one, how long
he has never seen of the Hopkins, A. B. with W. m, i, at present a position to
not guilty. i make intelligent guess, and
Ed Larceny, guilty, they come early to make
one year in jail, , for it. The absence of decided
shall opinion on both sides as to what will
G. Jones, Larceny, not be don is very marked.
Willis Gay and J. T. Williams., of Nebraska, is the
affray, Williams pleads guilty, fined new Commissioner of the General
and costs, called and i Laud appointment was
I great disappointment to a number
Bob Cobb, Larceny, not guilty. of aspiring
Henry Payne, Trespass pros, t filial Sherman still lingers here,
Martha Payne, Trespass, and there are people who say that,
Jeremiah Nichols, A. D. W., would prefer his staving
guilty, one month in jail. here. He tho assistance of
J. It. and W. H. Parker, the Senator more than his absence
A. with W-, pleads yet asked him to take
and costs, Ml pros as to any part the Ohio
Parker. Somebody must been whisper
Essex Larceny, not
Joe Morris, A. II. pleads guilty,
of costs.
Wiley and
F. A, not guilty. in annual
Jesse Peyton, pros. a period of year en
charge was ll borrower to nay off hie I
W. II. s
in the
Money to Loan.
FARMS, In sums
j and upwards. re-
i. met form
with the medicinal
of known to be
beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable,
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It ii the most remedy know to
HI is r
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it
Greenville, N. C.
week will create a demur for it
all the country-
Alston fined and
N. U.
Hoses r
Has jut received the nicest line of
ever brought to Greenville and will ton-
j Untie to keep on ordering until r the
holiday season. If you need anything
in that line it will be to your advantage
to give hi in a trial before
Violin, to Strings
also for sale. Watches, Clock and
Jewelry repaired at short and In
workmanlike manner and warranted.
Call and see him.
,. mm . T N
j a. u.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
Water Mills.
The undersigned having leased these
mills for of years and put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that prepared to f rind
Corn and wheat in a manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to nil
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill meal at prices delivered.
C wan t i I o h at retail can
be supplied it my in
where will select
of which will
sold lowest prices
Robt. R. Fleming.
Pitt County, I
Nobles and Joshua Nobles
Guardian and
lo the Court.
Pursuant to an order in tho above
entitled I will offer
for sale at the court house door In
N. C, on Saturday
12th. the following tracts of land
situated In Pitt county, m lot
tin the division of lands between
the heirs at law of Thomas Sr.,
which was allotted to Sallie Nobles, con-
acres, more or less, hounded
as Beginning at the corner of
No. on the south prong of Long
Branch, running the line of that lot S
K to another corner of said lot in the
back line, thence S W, ft to a
light wood stake at a sweet gum. thence
N W ft to a stake,
IN ft to a
station on the run of the south
of Long down
courses of prong to the lat
station. Aw part of nu
tract if of
sale-Cash. v
C. M. Ally. Com
Lookout for our new
Next Week.

M. E. Lang's Column.
A. C.
Fall and Winter Goods
Winter wearing apparel far surpass any
previous exhibition. and every-
thing new and stylish hi our line.
We have selected with great care a
large assortment of reliable goods in
every department and cordially invite
an inspection of same from our friends
and customers.
handle none but reliable
prices may catch attention,
but a has no not
even m the price.
Below we your attention to the
various departments, each of which is
replete with new and seasonable goods.
have a large varied collection
of high class novelties in this depart-
embracing Mohairs.
Side Bands, and Flannels
in Stripe, and Plain, Silk Warp
All Wool Ladies
Cloth, Surges, and numerous other at-
tractions in Black and Colored Dress
Containing Silks. Plushes.
Eiffel Laces, Bands. Silk
Braids and Fringes. Kaile and
It is time to shoot straw hats.
City Fair October
Forests are donning the hues of
You are time if you don't
Grape bulls on the sidewalks are
a nuisance.
will Lace, the best
Flour at the Old Prick Store.
Col. I. A. Sugg showed a ounce
pear last week.
Court still session and dispatch-
work rapidly.
Cotton season is the best of the
year the
New Home and Davis Sewing
Machines for sale by J- ft Lamer.
The Windsor Ledger began its
sixth volume last week.
Miss Emma of Washing-
ton, spent Monday town.
We glad lo have a call from
Mr Albert Jones, of Edgecombe,
Mr. J. Langley, a former
here, now of Richmond, is in
town this week.
Mrs. C. M. Bernard and child re-
turned from a visit
Va, last night.
Miss Novella Scotland
Neck entered Greenville Institute
as a pupil last week.
Dr. the optician is meet-
with much success here. Ho is
an gentleman.
Judge is this
Court, a fact the bar soon discover-
ed never lost sight any more.
Prof. says has the
most satisfactory corps of
the Institute this that he
ever bad
Mr. left yesterday
for to take a position
as book keeper with Messrs.
s in and
Mr. W. H. Long, a young man
from New Market, Tenn., has come
to Greenville to study law nuder
Iron Ore.
One day lust week, Mr. W. E. Ah, there Have seen the
Cox, of brought as some, the Mr. E. B. Moore,
specimens of iron ore which be of Hotel received bis
us were found while cutting a ditch new omnibus, for
through his fathers plantation. Ho, tween the Hotel the depot and
also told us some had been found on
another farm about two miles away.
if that section of old
is going to show up as a rich
section. would not
prise us. .
-11 r
Ha Friends.
like to see a be strictly
in his business, and Dr.
the optician, is
self that kind of a man. The per-
son wanting eye glasses just the
don't get any from him. He
gives an examination and if
glasses are needed furnishes them,
but if he finds none are needed he
tells the party so declines to
sell them.
The weather has given a set back
to the of the soda fountain.
Perfectly Grand, Boss Messrs C F. Warren, W.
at the Old Brick Store. Jr and A-
The railroad to Greenville is well of Washington, been attending
patronized and travel is quite large. Pitt Court this week.
James grapes, the G- returned
grows, are ripe and in market, day from Snow Hill where he had
. , ,. conducting a meeting for a
Twenty two arrivals at Hotel,
Macon Monday. The old place
, Mr. J. E. Proctor, a printer
cotton every day Jim Sunday in town
Don i the when ; took Monday
yon sell. j where he goes to work
English sparrows go in droves; in
Plain Truth.
If Greenville was to have a big
fire, sweeping away about half the
portion of the town, far
several days thereafter you would
see a big majority of the people up
on their legs pawing the air for a
better water a lire engine
and all such. Yes, the
stables after the horse is Bet
begin the racket now and make
some preparation to meet a fire be-
fore one comes.
r lead.
Prices Kat Can't be Downed
Unbleached Domestics
at cents. Worsted Dress Goods at
cents. Yard wide Dress at fl to cents. Dress Ginghams at
to cents. A nice line of at to A full line of Cash
meres in all the new shades and trimmings to match. Only ft Bilk
are unsurpassed in beauty.
and Misses Hosiery at pair.
, tween the Hotel the depot
wharf. The vehicle was put to-
once and made the first
trip to the depot Monday evening.
Mr. Moore invited us to take the
first trip over with The
is a handsome vehicle, beautifully
painted lettered, elegantly fin
shed inside, rides easy has
seating capacity for eight persons
beside the driver. It is all the at-
traction and shows lots of enter-
prise for Manager Moore and Hotel
Ken Help a Town
While in Greenville last week, .,,,,,.
Mr. H. Fennell, or Wilmington J
left an order buggy with Mr. J.
Williamson. Everybody don't j at lo at
know that this small town HATS, to fit head and pocket book, Our stock
work to the largest city North was never more
Carolina and to the second largest
Virginia, but it is true. Mr. WORD TO THE MAN who wants that wont bag at the
has several U knees. Boa and Youths Suits at to Single Pants
to Norfolk, will now send cents. Men's nuts at cent up. Good Business men
to Wilmington, besides he has sent KM to 1400, Overcoat to lit every body at up.
them into every near by county.
is good work that is giving him such I Come whore you tan buy goods lo suit hard times and short crops,
a reputation and the
is proud that he attracts so much
attention to Greenville.
The name of a colored witness
was called out Court, the other
day. He answered, went forward
and took a seat on the beside
Judge Well sir, what will
you have f inquired his Honor,
turning upon the
I ova defined.
The following was written on a slip
paper and handed to our Bad
Hoy by a man who has seen much
of life, but is now on its declining
I once heard a say
I was a school-boy of twenty, like
most boys at that age, I had a
sweetheart. One day at play time
Greenville, N. C.
called said the I I was talking soft nonsense f her,
wanted to know my
nobody told you to come get
in my replied the Judge,
a titter around the room.
Plaid Sackings. Eider Down
Flannels in all desirable shade.
A selection of and
Wraps every style that K-
This is where made hit of
the season. We have collected an as-
that is peerless as to style, lit
and service, and prices that none of our
competitors can touch.
This department t ml race a stylish,
well-made line of every cut and shape
in Flannels, Wales, Cheviots.
and every other stylish fabric.
In this line we reign supreme, our
boy's clothes are
just the thing for street and school
wear. Our of Fancy Boys clothes
embraces everything for the little gent.
that we will not be
by any one-
Under this bead we want to Mil your
attention to our line of Fine Dress
Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boys Percale
and Flannel Waists. Underwear, Neck-
wear, Hosiery, etc.
now and the town is full of the
Yon should use the very best Fan-
West India Molasses, at the Old
Brick Store.
Twenty-two of the were
out on parade Friday. About the
usual of late.
The river rose enough last week
for boats to go through to I
The water is now too low again.
store will be closed
on Thursday Sept. and
I Oct. 5th on account of holidays, j
M. R. Lang.
We renew the warning not
I build tiny fires until you are sure
your flues and chimneys are;
Mr. W. Brown spent a few
days of last week in Norfolk, buying
new goods, he says, but rumor
credits other Ames to the than
the purchase of goods alone.
Miss Purvis,
who has been visiting
Mrs. V.
Miss Rouse, art teacher at
the Institute, is certainly deserving
of much praise. Last Thursday
night a festival, which she was the
prime leader in getting man
of Martin, i aging, was held for the benefit of
her. sister,; the proceeds to be
among other things I said,
I wish you could realize how
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
Specialist in Diseases of tho
Bryan Hotel, Tarboro, N. C.
hard it is to love, as I am compelled
to love you, and not be loved in re-
She said, nothing months course at the
love do not even know the and the Wills ital, I
about love, not even know he , to the people of
the word, tell mo
it I involuntarily replied,
Love Is a passion the soul.
O'er which the has no
I have often thought of this since
and although am now an old man.
I do not think I have ever heard a
L. Stephens returned home, to the same. The I or expressive definite
Monday. Mrs. Stephens and child ; festival was held of th,. word
accompanied her home and will re a treat to behold. It was beau i
main some days. ; adorned with
We were glad to have a call from paintings, the work of Miss Rouse
Mr. H. L. of
ton's best business young men. He j A
left for home Friday morning with , an j
for the examination
his wife and little
had been visiting
daughter who
the family of
Rev, -J. A. of the X.
C. Conference, Presiding Elder
per lb for Sweet Scotch of t he Warrenton District will fill
Snuff. lb sold in Pitt Co., which cf the Methodist Church
I is a its superiority, at Sunday. He is a native
the Old Brick Store. of Greene and has a goodly
Mr. photograph gallery I number relatives and friends here
will soon be ready for work. He
will open a soon as the building
All for 0.00. A good business
suit of clothes, a soft or stiff hat,
good pair of shoes and there
John Robinson's circus shows in
Tarboro on Friday, 27th. The Nor-
folk and City papers
speak of it as a disappointment.
Foe entire stock of
goods and fixtures conveyed to me
by Ryan Redding. Rids will be
received for the next fifteen days.
K. C Glenn.
who will rejoice at his coming.
The many friends of Miss Beetle
vis, who left last week for Rich-
Female College, will glad
the eye, that can nowhere be equal-
led. The instrument is his own in-
and is the only one in ex-
It is a composition of
lenses will measure accurately
every defect of the eye.
each eye separately
together. There, is not a human eye
that needs the assistance a
but that the defects will show by
this instrument. Lenses fitted
to each eye. Remember
ere tree.
Hew Advertisements.
Money to loan by Tucker ft
Sen advertisement.
See Notice to Creditors by J. II.
of James
J. Cherry space says
for our advertisement
next It will be to your in-.
tenet to do so.
M. K. Lang's is brim full
It i of good news for the people this
and both week. It is useless for us to say
read it, for everybody is going to do
now be seen at my store. I
latest and
an experience l several years at the
qualifies me for doing all wort
satisfactory and well. I Bin
at moderate price. Will be glad have
call and examine my stock.
MRS. F. A.
Front Reflector Office.
Watch this Space
a ; lo learn that she entered the Senior j
e class on two of studies.
., . corpse of Mrs. of
is a high comp to passed through Mon-
and well
Pierce Favorite
S. S. S., I.
a Water.
she received
Deputy Sheriff J. II. Hodges, of.
county, brought two
to Greenville, Sunday, and
turned them over to the Sheriff of
Pitt. The broke into the
store of T. Keel Son. at
this comity, on Friday
day evening. She died in the Wes-
tern part of the State.
A little of Mr. Mis. J.
M. King, aged about one year, died
at I he residence of Mrs. in
this town Sunday afternoon.
We regret to hear of the death of
Miss Mattie daughter
K. A. has an advertisement I Golden Medical Discovery, War-
in the Do Safe Cure,
the Cherry stock and is Celery Syrup
offering a select line of heavy and
fancy groceries.
J. Proctor of
land, this county, have an
The men of are
brim of enterprise and carry a
nice tine of goods. The people ad-
tn fail
to call on them, as no better
for selling produce or buying goods
be found. We are glad the
firm is enjoying a good
of J. R. F-sq , of Carolina
Tho Ross Milk Biscuit, sold at the Mr. Hodges
Old Brick Store are making a
as the finest oyster crackers
that can be secured-
A man in Washington county is
having bis wedding suit made out
of cotton bagging. He is doing all
in his power against the jute trust.
During the past week we have
had some cool nights and mornings,
fires being com fort able several in-
which occurred on
of last week. She had been
sick for several weeks with a severe
CU-so of fever.
A, general Alliance meeting will
held in Greenville next
to every
is requested to sen There is only one well in
receive information from in a condition use.
the Cotton Committee of the State a showing for a town whose ,.,,,.,,.
Affiance. population is climbing up to 20th of September, 1880, made her
M. A. Hoyt
Mrs. M. A. Hoyt, who the old-
est white Greenville,
whose death announced two
weeks ago, was September 0th j
180-f, on the old Simpson plantation,
sis miles below town,
father, Mr. Joseph Brickell, then re- j
sided. Her death occurring on the
Several styles of the celebrated
You man and styles. The
the newest, is
another style among large line
Boys and Men's Hats.
We are positively showing the largest
number of styles in Ladies and Gouts
Fine Footwear ever brought to this
Fine Tunis and Wells for Ladies.
Celebrated Stonewall Tips for Misses
Fine Handmade Goods for Gents.
Ask to see our its a
Extra Super, All Wool, Three Ply.
Two Ply Ingrain, Tapestry and Body
Brussels. Oil Cloths, in all widths,
and Velvet Lace Curtains,
Linen Shades and a complete line of
general furnishings.
Space will net permit our publishing
in detail our mammoth stock. But a
call at our store where yon find us
to show you through -will con.
you that our stock is the largest
and most complete ever here.
Don't fail to call.
M. R. Lang
stances. Frost was seen Sunday
Last week the Reflector office
printed some handsome cards for
Sir. Lang's popular clerks. They
are business like young men
keep up with the times.
The Old Brick Store will be
ed on Thursday, September
and on October 5th, on
account of holidays. Patrons
please take notice.
Our attention has been called to
an error in last week's
It was a white woman gave
birth to the child in jail, instead of,
The Bad Boy boards
at Hotel Macon. He came
They must drink at the branch.
to the office after supper the other
evening, and found several tea
cakes stowed away in
pocket. He wanted to d Bo, for
Starkey credit for them i n for
case of fire, the one mentioned
jacket of more than yea
i Joe as married to
We are indebted to Mr. T. C.
Bryant for a box of
grapes brought us Friday.
They were gathered in clusters
an improvement over pull.,
them off in the old way a single
grape at the time.
a colored woman we published it. I of business.
The wishes them, one
It is growing useless now to tell
people often to trade with mer
is the Jewish New
Year and our citizens An Aged Citizen.
Dr. Richard Williams Is now the
oldest white person in Greenville.
He is years old and enjoys com-
good health. In his
walks be will sometime
come the office and
We were building a coal, bin in J entertain us with reminiscences of
the rear the office, old times old customs. He
Friday morning, and while tho work j us right much
age years and day. When she
was three years old, parents
moved to Greenville and the remain
I her life was spent here. On
of November, 1841, when
tears of age, she
Gould Hoyt, who
was an a native of New York, but
had moved South and made Green-
ville his home. Mr. Hoyt was one
tho leading men hero in his
being for several years Clerk
Master in Equity of county. He
also kept hotel for a term of
years and had the southern wing of
the building added while in his
hands- To this couple were born
three children, all girls. One of
them, the oldest, was married to
The old and reliable firm, so long and well-known here, have again opened
in Greenville, desire to renew the acquaintance of their
many friends and customers of the past, and to again
enjoy a share of their patronage. Our new store
will contain an immense stock of
the one
above covers the water supply.
While we have the private wells
that afford an abundance of
water, still it is a reflection upon
any town that will not construct
and maintain a system of public
wells. Greenville pays enough mu-
taxes to be entitled to thorn.
all, a Happy New Year, and
abundant prosperity through all
their years which follow.
To the Ladies
At Low
in m run urn
Is n
R boot, I one of tin
lull I
II ,
Mil m,
roll Com HI inly,
lion lot
any or fur
in Ti Fur
M. c.
Guttering and
TIN in It. S.
Greenville, n. C.
The Tar River
J. h.
N. M. k, Tarboro, Gen
Cant it. v. Ag
Lin, on Tm
The Steamer i-
boat on the river.
and painted,
on the
uh of Ladle.
A Table furnished with the
beat the market
A nip on the Steamer
not only comfortable bat
and Friday o'clock, a. m.
Tarboro Tuesday,
and Saturday at o o'clock, a. m.
received daily through
given lo ail
J. i.
chants who advertise in the
A walk among the
houses will convince you they
are doing that.
desiring a strictly good
suit of clothes should not fail to read
Simms advertisement. You get
genuine article every time, made
of the best goods to be had, fit
perfect and workmanship of the
Capt. says that
Divine a passenger, mail and
express train will soon be put on
Scotland Neck Greenville
road. Good let it come, then it
will be no trouble to make schedule
only like securing two pages
Mr. Warren, Proprietor of River- of advertising to justify in get-
side Nursery, presented us with a ting out page special edition
10-pound basket of James grapes I or the Will the afternoon a strange,
yesterday. We never know how to J men of the community let this j claiming to be
say enough for this excellent grape. project fail Greenville and Pitt county, called at the
to get work. On Sunday be
was seen yard by Prof.
little sick daughter. Mrs.
beard something fall and
Shoes Shoes
was in progress twenty-one men
asked what we were making.
men arc not the only people this
world with a curiosity.
weeks ago we
very deplorable condition of the
public wells of the town
asked what would be done
them. If anything has been done
it has not been brought to attention.
Greenville certainly pays enough
taxes to have some conveniences.
Furnishing Goods.
fail f Greenville and
They are the finest ever grown and county never had such an
Nursery is the place to . for getting advertised.
get them or the vines. Mr. War-,
is shipping quantities of them. the town and
Sometime in July last, Mr. E. A. I Place clock the Court
Move, Superior Court Clerk of Pitt be a
county, mailed some official papers E convenience to the people of
to the Clerk of Wilson county. and country, and it is
time section were getting of
have been selected by an experienced buyer who knew
fashions of the northern markets. We will place be
, , that cannot be surpassed in quality, quantity
daughter married Mr. A. W. J
Marshal, of Greenville. Later they
moved to Georgia, then to
After t be death of her j
Mrs. Marshal returned to Greenville children's, and Shoos in such an
and is now living here. The young , that will you. Our prices on these are the lowest
in and couple
living Greenville. Mrs.
was left a widow in 1801, and the I
last her life were spent with
her daughter, Mrs. In 1841 j , Hosiery. Shirts, Underwear, and a line
she joined the M. IS. Church, and that cannot be excelled even in large
many of our people know what
faithful member she was. Her re-
years wore spent as a cons
Christian and she was
to church. So as health
and strength permitted her seat
the was never vacant when
there was service. Some years ago
when the congregation desired to
build a new house of worship and
at a location more convenient, Mrs.
Hoyt donated a part of her lot upon
which to build it, but before the
commenced an opportunity
was presented to a corner lot
attached, whore-
Jon iii i
. Associate Principal
In Primary De-
Assistant in Primary
Mil i .
Mum Painting and
Mis. J. C.
Classical and Math
Painting and Drawing.
Healthy Location and
Plenty of We I Prepared Foal
Boarders. A Corps of
all of
Music Department equal
in work any ill State.
and Organs.
A Library of nearly volumes,
recently for the School.
Rates Moderate, to k for
Board Tub Ion Tuition and Terms
for Day the u.- advertised
In who do not board
I Principal should consult him
before engaging board elsewhere. For
her part Address.
He also told that besides being
tho oldest person he lives in one- of
tho oldest houses in town. It is
generally supposed that George
Washington once, took dinner in the
same house. The date, April 1st
was carved on tho of the
house and remains there, clear
this day. Dr. Williams
is a much esteemed citizen of our
and we hope it may be many
years yet before he is
to his
B. Column, fiver and
letter reached its destination the
21st of September, being two
months going from one county to
another adjoining. Tell
to bring in another
The Ladies Delighted.-The
pleasant effect and perfect safe-
with which ladies may use the
liquid laxative, of Figs,
all make it their
remedy. It is pleasing to
eye end to tie taste, gentle, ye
in acting on the kidneys,
ways. Council-
men and Commissioners should
think about this.
with parsonage
upon she permitted the lot donated
Mime one She went to the by her be sold and the proceeds
and seeing no one i. to the purchase it i,
turned to the room in which she
was resting. Soon afterwards she
Mr. J. R. Moore, agent at
ton that round trip tickets
to Neat will be sold
W levies attending
went to room and
a large broken on floor,
aim by examining, ascertained that
one had been in the room and
bad taken a five pound piece of
Hats and Caps.
The very latest imported London styles, the Stiff Hats of the
most shapes. In good styles or Sot Hats also there.
Boots and Shoes.
It is hardly worth while to say more of our superb in this department
except to inform people that we have Boots and Shoe to fit any
that comes to us, man, woman or child, out of the very
stock and at prices right down on the bottom.
m nm on mm
Wt have tree now.
you free to buy where you please, but
If yon want to save money come to
on rear of J. B.
Cherry v Tot convenience w
have also an through II.
Keel's Stables on street I can give
That you ever had your life for
310.00 to lets money than any one
Isa in the enmity Rive Why
for my .-- and I pay
spot for good and save the
and if you don't believe It you
Having had IS years
in the business I guarantee
satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget
place on 4th Meet rear J. Cherry
best whole
other site. While she was anxious
to see a erected, we
never will forget how much she
loved that old building. When it
was to be torn down and re-
moved this writer was
by Mrs. remembers to
This department brings to home plate. offer
styles prices nowhere else to be we
make a specialty, and will keep a stock of the very latest figures and
styles. In cheap grade Clothing will have a splendid in
fact we can suit every customer In quality, shy and price- forget.
roast from tho safe. This same have published a poem concerning
was seen soon
going down the street from the Ins
without his coat-. He
n h a public
it, was told by her that she
served a copy and wept like a
child every time she read the poem.
beef and hid day Yellowing her death
coat night, remains of th excellent woman
the carried to the old family
ground near where she was
and inferred by the of
her husband.
With those remarks, kind friends, we throw open doors to the pub-
soliciting a share or your and k.
every purchaser. Yon can Bird M at the door in the brick blocs
in which the was recently situated, me door north of the stair-
Spool Cotton
Hand Machine Use.
ton mu w
Greenville, N,

sustain this loss every-time they .-ash clothes, clean
or allow to do this V
forward cl--ch does work m ls
less labor than anything else
is economical, but beware of
-Condensed Schedule.
X. No
May daily Past Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
Weldon H pin pm
Ar Rocky Mount
pm am
Ar pm
Sent post-paid on receipt of price
In tho Heart of Africa.
A most thrilling and instructive voile.
pages; paper cents; cloth f
Tho Imitation of
By a Paper, unabridged,
American Humorists.
Selections from Ward, Mark Twain,
Metropolitan Agency,
Warren St., Ms York.
tn the world fur
love, and cause to love,
is my Maker's creature, therefore
She is my mother, for she gave me birth;
She is my tender she gives me
But what's a creature, Lord, compared
with Thee
Or what's my mother or my nurse to
Without Thy presence, earth no
reflection ;
Without Thy presence sea no
treasure ;
William Thy presence, air's a rank in-
Thy presence, Heaven's itself
no pleasure
not possessed, if not enjoyed in Thee,
What's earth, or sea. or air, or Heaven
The highest honors that the world can
Are subjects far too low for my desire ;
The brightest beams of glory most,
dying sparkles of Thy living fire ;
The loudest that earth can kindle
Hut nightly glow worms, compared
lo Thee.
Without Thy presence, wealth is bags
of cares
Wisdom but joy, disquiet
Friendship Is treason, delights are
Pleasures but pair, and mirth but pleas-
W Thee, Lord, t be not what
they be,
have their being, when compared
with Thee.
their year's supplies will rind it to
their interest to get our prices before
is complete
in all its branches.
always at Lowest Prices.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
run. we sell at a close margin.
S. M.
Greenville. N. C
No No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
Magnolia IS
Ar Goldsboro C.
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
Wilson am pin pin
Ar Rocky Mount S
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Read
leaves Halifax 2.30 P. M. arrives Scot-
land Neck at 4.00 P. II.
P. Returning leaves 7.00
A. M., Scotland Neck at A. M.
daily except Sunday.
Train n Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8.80
Returning, leaves Scotland Neck
7.20 A. If. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. N via
ft Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun- sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
P Sunday K P M.
Williamston. N C, P M. I P M.
Returning leaves Williamston, X daily
except A M. A
M. arrive Tarboro, N S A If. M
Train on Midland N C leaves
except A M.
arrive Smithfield, N C, M A M. Re-
turning leaves Smithfield. X C A M.
arrive Goldsboro. N O. A M.
on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
at P M,
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M. arrives Rocky Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton except Sunday, at C
and AM Returning leave
on A M, and P. M. connect- ;
at Warsaw with Nos. and
Southbound train on Wilson A
Branch is No. Northbound i
No. Daily except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection at
Weldon for points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, daily except Sun-
day via Boy Line. or at reasonable terms on time. I bought
I rains make close connection for ; f . , , ff , g,
as cheap u anyone. Give a call.
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
i. Transportation
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In A. If. Saturday,
1st, 1880.
Nil. No.
A car load
sale by.
list arrived and now
at Keel old stand. Will sell them
City a in
a m
No. t
Ar. Stations. Ar.
p m
SB p m
Mixed Fl.
Train. Stations.
a in p m
Rest's S
lo La Grange T
in Kinston
a so Gnawed
8.17 i
Atlantic Hotel
f pin am
Thursday and Saturday.
Wednesday and Friday.;
Train connects with Wilmington
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
m. m., and
A Danville Train West, leaving
Train connects with
Train, arriving ;. Goldsboro
3-10 p. m., and with and
V Train from North at p. m
Train connects with and
Through Freight Train. leaving
Goldsboro at p. m and with Rich-
Danville Freight Train
leaves Goldsboro at
on Is.
Kate of Fare. Round Trip
Tickets, stations awed below to
Morehead City. Season of In
effect June 1st.
From To Season. Sat.
Goldsboro Mored 83.00
and return 3.50 2.60
Kinston 3.00 2.00
New 1.50
Season 1880.
Through Rates of Round Trip
Tickets, from Coupon Stations below to
points on the W. N. C. K. K.
Having associated B. S.
with me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to the people that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
We keep on band at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pine Coffin. We arc fitted
with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd. 1888.
Be Kind to Your Wife.
Olive Branch.
Be kind to your. wife. Think
how it. the first of maiden
beauty she turned aside the
haunts of pleasure, and caresses
of fond parents and brothers and
sisters, to follow your fortunes
through the world. with
what blended hope agony you
followed her from place to place,
watching her every look, and
the moaning of her most
careless tones, until by your
importunity, see places her baud all
trustfully in yours and
am all your Think of the
cares and the physical
suffering she has incurred for yon,
do desert her now when her
cheek has faded, and her step has
lost its elasticity, and she sits and
uncomplaining watch over your best
interests, a prison
her home.
Merrily the music sounds, young
feet trip lightly in the dance,
joyous laughter rings the
she is there ; the cur-
rises and the far-famed artiste
comes fort h to charm the listening
with their melodious song
but she is there. The orator
rises before his audience, his
rich deep tones of eloquence float-
away the crowded pas-
tor i sages, and curling upward as a
voiced incense to a
she is there. Art opens her
new stores and displays her won-
creations en the
and in the glowing bust; your
wife is the lover of the chaste
she is not there; lit-
presents leaves, fresh
from the of genius
the wife and mother have but little
time to read.
she lingers at home,
a watch
helpless childhood; singing the
babe to sleep, bending to catch the
lisping voices of those dear ones
who have a thousand imaginary
wants, encouraging the quiet and
soothing the fretful. She is weary,
but does not her temples
throb, but heeds not their throb
bing, as ever and anon she turns a
glance towards the door,
for she expects her husband.
She expects you; and her whole
Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
mer, Miss Leland. has and I am
II; prepared to execute in the
and fashions any work to
when you arrive.
Will you cuter the room with cold
Will you utter a
hasty word her presence f Will
you sit down with that frown upon
your countenance, or of
the burdens which you are called
to bear Will you thoughtlessly
remind her of her faded beauty, or
manifest surprise at her ignorance
many things now passing in the
great world which she has
been excluded by her peculiar
ties Will you suffer the
of any face more youthful or
beautiful hunt you homo's
lowed or cross the white
leaf of u conjugal fidelity with n
unhallowed thought. Oh
remember love, your ear-
promises; think how faithfully
she has kept hers; love her as you
she is still beautiful
her mot holly affections, her
to yon.
,.,. that she is all your own;
AMS A TRACTIVE, j that throughout the wide world you
TO MAKE A j are sure of but one whose
MODEL BARBERSHOP is linked invisibly lo a
Old Fort. 12.70
Hot Springs,
810.50 SI 1.00
11.35 11.05 13.10
13.85 15.25 17.00
14.50 15.00 17.65
10.00 17.30 10.15.
the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
them to you. My price are the lowest
and guarantee not to lie undersold by no
one. SB bargain on all goods.
Mrs. L. C. King,
I-or Shaving, Cutting and Dressing
the House, at which place
I bare recently located, and here I have
everything in my
world of happiness will be there
with all the improved appliances; new
at reasonable figures
r-f- Orders for work outside of my
promptly executed. Very regretfully,
oW specialist.
We warrant our remedy to cure the
who do this to prevent being
upon by men, using lake names
who an; not doctors. Because
failed is no reason for not using
this medicine. Give express and post
It costs you nothing.
Address Bureau,
K road way, f. York.
counterpart in yours; realize that
upon her bosom alone yon may weep
out your sorrows the day of trial,
without the fear of being mocked.
love your wife
her to your heart of hearts, as if in
her were all your hopes
combined; bless her for her N v or q.
patience and troth ; stand up like n ,,,,, j m relieve, on
man, between her and the rude cold
lot to kiss her clay-cold lips
lay her in the grave for-
ever, you nary lay your hand honest
upon your widowed heart-
have never wronged yon
Extracts from the Wilson Advance.
Greenville has the law-
and to spare. The majority of
the of Pitt are peaceably
disposed, but in so large a county
are always enough brawlers to
keep a number lawyers busy.
That clever and obliging Sheriff.
J. A. Tucker, Esq., was at the
at the right moment and
is universally liked. lie is
a officer and people of
recognizing this fact, will keep him
in the harness for some time to come
if be will consent to them.
Everybody in the county knows
Dick Sheriff Tucker's wide-
and courteous deputy, and
I hat accommodating
Clerk E. A. It would not
seem like court with them absent.
The crowd Tuesday
was the largest we have seen pies-
six years, and it was as or-
and well behaved also. There
were but one or two arrests. We
passed in and among them,
agreeably with old
made special inquiry about the crops
received as many different an-
as there were in Jo-
coat. hopes of some of
them were as bright and glowing as
the red and scarlet of the color-
ed garment aforesaid. The other ox-
was also represented. Some
men had a good corn crop and a
poor ode of cotton others a good
one of cotton and a poor one of corn;
some had i hue all crop and
some a poor One, so the story ran on
and we came to the conclusion that
upon the whole the crops in Pitt
will be as good as last
Pitt is also coming to the front
in raising tobacco. The pioneer in
this crop is Mr. Gus Evans.
hundred acres
in tobacco Pitt this year. Next
year the acreage will be doubled.
cannot close without
mentioning induce-
to the capitalists. Heal es
is comparatively Cheap, the
town is healthy, the of
brisk the volume
good schools, bore
and market. Tb transportation
facilities arc now
rail and water, the water
has competing
Dominion with its steamer,
and Tar Transportation
Co., with its elegant steamer
making ample facilities.
Greenville is bound to boom.
The Incurable Cured.
A Statement Well-
Citizen of South Carolina
Cancer is hereditary my
an aunt on each side having
died this dreadful disease.
each instance the cancer was
in identically the same position
that mine first made its appearance
just below the left eye and ox-
down the left cheek bone
and nose. I was attended by the
best but the case con-
grow worse under
treatment, and no hope a cure
could be given by them ; they said
had better have my affairs for this
life and the next arranged, for the
canter was liable to strike a vital
organ at any moment, and at once
bleed me to death. About this
time, I met with Mr. Shirley,
living near Due West, whose cancer
was being rapidly cured by
Swift's Specific S.
then gave up the doctors and all
medicines I had heretofore been
using, and commenced taking S.
S., and after using tins third bottle I
that the scab fallen
off, that those sharp darting
pains, so characteristic the can-
Patterson Mineral
TM Is New and to MIDDLE
or, of Memory,
. and all
Folly, Vice,
M every YO .
and OLD MAN who U of Memory,
of Liver of Kidney, and all dependent Upon
Bound In leather, cW. one by mail, in wrapper,
CONFIDENTIAL. No. Avenue, or O-
ML Mass. Prefatory Lecture with numerous testimonial from sources, free to all.
This ELECTRO-MEDICO and is absolutely
and It Is invaluable to all it the roots and of disease.
For of If en,
Mont, M. who tarn., DISCOVERED I
Charges least of
in the
In full
view of the Blue Ridge
Elliott, the former the
prison, whose poetry so pleased
Mrs. Den Harrison that has ob- is
tact that now until January 1st,
his pardon, is said to have a
history that rivals that of the
A jail bird never sang
with finer effect than when Elliott
burst in lyric praise of Mr.
Harrison's valor.
The of Teacher School
Do not misrepresent your neigh-
II yon cannot compete with
him honorably get out of the
The world is large enough to
hold everybody in it, and more be-
sides. There is enough for all and
something to spare. Be fair, be hon-
est. to the golden rule.
Reidsville Weekly.
digestion cause disorders of
the liver, and the whole becomes
deranged. J. II.
perfects the process of digestion
and and thus makes pine
There are times when a feeling of las-
will overcome the most robust,
when the system craves for blood,
to furnish the elements of health and
strength. The best remedy for purify-
the blood is Dr. J. H.
Sick nausea,
costiveness, are promptly and agreeably
banished by Dr. J. II. Liver
and Kidney
If health and life are worth anything.
and are feeling out of sorts and tired
out. your system by taking Dr.
II. Sarsaparilla,
Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress
after eating, can be cured and prevented
by t Dr. II, Liver and
Even the most vigorous and hearty
they can procure the school books
which the State law requires to be used
in public schools, by exchanging old
books for new ones, at the rate of ex-
change established by the State Hoard
of Education, the rates of exchange are
very low and the new can be
found at John L. Wooten's drugstore,
front of
Co. Supt. of Ins.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned duly
administrator of Lucretia It.
Worthington. deceased, notice i here-
by given to all persons Indebted lo the
estate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and to all creditors of
said estate to present their Claims prop-
authentic to the undersigned
before Hie 14th day of September,
or this notice will be plead bar of
their recovery. This 14th day of
1889, Wat.
of I.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified its Administrator
of deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons Indebted to the
estate to make immediate to
the Undersigned, and to all creditors of
said estate to present their claims prop-
authenticated to the undersigned
on or before the 27th day of August,
or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. This August 1889.
W. A.
I. A. of L. J. Barrett.
I on K. Charleston,
Cincinnati A Chicago Railroad, Patter-
Ben Station- one-half mile of Springs.
To the Afflicted.
will tell yon that Hit in-
gradient contained in these I
are In their effect Diuretic.
Tonic and it
remedy for Indigestion. Dis-
ease of the Kidneys. Bladder,
all cases of Debility and Weak
which need and
and affections.
To the Public.
arc are so Wit the
Springs with farm attached, from I
which we gel most of our j
a great part Hie necessary work
during season the Springs are
we can favor our with the
mineral most wholesome
food accommodations at
the following extremely low prices
one person
pies room two
When one in occupies room
two one
person occupies room
Children eight to twelve years old
half price. Two to six years old one-
fourth price. Servants, special rates In
accordance to service rendered in earing
for room of family or person are
with. Where there are a family of five
or more, or a party of friends from the
same town or section, who will occupy
one large room, a reduction ten per
will be made. Care of
Hones per day, fifty cents. Per week,
three dollars. Per month, ten dollars.
Amusements Recreation.
BOWLING Alley. Lawn Tennis,
Foot-Ball, in-door games of
all kinds. horse and buggy.
When two will contract to use it daily
for one or more hours each day, fifteen
cents per hour each person.
Shelby P. O., or P. O.
Cleveland County, X. C.
The most delicate constitution can
safely use Dr. II. Tar Wine
Lung Balm, It is a sure remedy for
coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and
lung troubles.
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin, ugly
spots, sores and ulcers, and
tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as
catarrh, eczema, ringworm, and other
forms diseases, are symptoms of
blood impurity. Take Dr. J. II.
Lean's Sarsaparilla.
need to take those big cathartic
one of Dr. J. II. Liver
Notice to Creditor.
Having duly qualified before the
Court of county, as
executor to the last will and testament
of Sadie Harris, deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons to the
estate to make Immediate payment to
the undersigned, and to all creditors of
said estate to present their claims prop-
W. S.
Hamilton, I, C.
and Fillets is quite and primary.
fever and ague, use Dr. J. II.
Chills and Fever Cure; it Is warranted
to cure.
Sub Primary, per month.
For ft safe and certain remedy for
Storm Calendar and Weather Forecast
for 1880. by It. Hicks, mailed
to any address on receipt of a two-cent
postage The Dr. J. II.
Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo.
A SPECIALIST Physician since 1839
n in the diseases and weaknesses of
men will mail a book free, giving the
remedies which cure abandoned and
hopeless sufferers privately at home.
Address Specialist, room A.
corner Broadway, York.
Cam of
Thousands suffer from blood poison,
who would be cured if they gave B. B,
a trial. Send to
the Co., Atlanta, Ga., for
hook of wonderful cures, that convince
the most skeptical. It is sent free.
J. O. Gibson, Miss., writes
a number of years I suffered untold
agonies from Wood poison. Several
prominent did me little, if any
good. I began to use B. T. B. with very
faith, but, to my utter surprise it
has made me a well aim hearty person.
T. Ba., writes
Languages, each.
Music, not more than
incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
teaching will be
Training thorough.
Pupils from a distance can obtain board,
Including lodging, in private families
from to per month. A
class Music Teacher will be employed
and also an Assistant as soon as the
number of it. Patronage
For further Information apply to
Cotton Lard,
For sale by all Grocers. Send for Illus
or how to provide a good dinner for Four
Persons for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Look of pages
containing one hundred Dinner
Kills of Fare, with instructions to
prepare each one, so that the cost
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable will be given fret
to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty pounds of C. P. COTTON
LARD, at our Store,
ii St., X. Y.
pall of our Lard contains a ticket,
the on which corresponds to the
number of pounds in the pail.
Tie Cotton Oil Protect Company, N. Y.
Broker, Greenville, N. C
N. B.
. ,
tun an
Edwards N,
Printers and Binders,
1ST. C-
Vaults, Fencing,
I would respectfully call your
to the following address and ask
I contracted blood poison. I , to remember that can buy a
and then went to Hot Springs
i home a mined man physically
Nothing to do me any good. My
mother to try It. B. B.
utter every ulcer quick
Ben. Morris. Atlanta. Ga.,
years from syphilitic pois-
had ceased, and the on r fused to be cured by all treat
was a few div it Physicians pronounced it a hope-
l less case. I hid no appetite. I had pains
in hips and joints and my kidneys were
diseased. My throat was ulcerated and
began to heal rapidly, soon
dried By the time I had ex-
the fifth bottle there was
left but a soar where the can-
hail I was a well man.
The effected in my case is cont
by my neighbors a most re-
markable one, and demon
tho fact that a. B. DOES
CANCER. Swift's Specific
is a boon to humanity,
all I is, that those I with
cancer give it a trial, and like my-
self will be of its virtues.
James I. Arnold,
. Greenwood, S. C.
on Cancer mailed free.
Atlanta, Ga.
s o
A Woman's Discovery.
made and that too by- a lady
in this county. Disease
it.- her and for seven
years she withstood Its severest
Irate, but her ital organs
death seemed
For three mouths she cough
ed and could sleep.
She bought of a bottle of Dr.
my breast a mass of running sores. In
this condition commenced a use of B.
B. B. It healed every ulcer rod sore and
completely In two months.
, Salvo.
The heat Salve in world for Cuts,
Braises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Fe-
Chapped Hands,
Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired. It guaranteed to give feet
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
per box. For sale
this house cheaper than any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and best known having been represented
for over forty years In this vicinity.
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual for Oiling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Baser to P. w. DATES,
J. J. Nor walk, Conn.
B. C.
PREPARATION for baldness,
falling out of hair, end eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among many who have with
wonderful success, I refer you to lac fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Latham, Greenville.
Hit, O.
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints can procure
it from tee, at my place of business, for
14th, C ,
Greenville, N.
We have the the easiest
, Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels.
Pill county, on Creeping razors, and ion guaranteed
of ii C hi every instance. Call and be con-
By a decree of the Superior
of Pitt in a certain
entitled W L
of D c vs. Clark,
Pollard, et the undersigned will sell,
at public outcry to the highest bidder for
cash before the court house door in
on Monday October 7th, 1889,
the following tracts of land,
Due tract situated in
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind to be found in
the State, and solicit orders for all classes
Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
obtained, and all business the U. S.
Patent or in the Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the I. S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents In less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing la sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and make no change unless we ob-
We refer, here, to the Post Master,
Supt. of the Money Order Did., and to
Is of the S. Patent For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients In your own State, or
address, V. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
Is the popular
and has
of any paper M in the world.
clans of
weekly. tend for specimen
MUNN CO., .-.
taking first done ah slept nil
night and with has been
cored, name is
Mrs. Luther Thus write W.
Hamrick Ca. of Shelby, N. C.
comes u parting hour; and we a free Dial bottle
yon to lire that if it should
world, tench your to
honor her, that may honor you.
all the relations of life there
Swamp, adjoining the lauds .
man, W A heirs, Wash Hill
and others containing thirty acres,
more or less.
One other tract In same township
on creeping the hinds
of Moore heirs, Celia Nobles
and others containing by estimation one
acres more or less.
W. L Smith,
of D. C. Clark.
Sept. 5th. 1889.
i. ; . t Stan's
e-i .
Ladies waited on at
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
Dealer In Hay, Corn, Meal, Peas, Oats
and Mill Feed.
Will pay cash for
Com and Peas.
I pay t ash for my goods and can
to sell at Domes
Call on me at the store of J. S. Smith
Of Interest to Ladies.
for tn an My
Edition of Scientific American,
A contains
country and
or engravings
and full plans and for the use
Such as contemplate building. year,
i a copy. MINN CO.,
Ins; to
A Co., who
hare had
and have made
Pend I
In m Tour It In the P-
tit A Co-
Send for
for hooks,
D. J. MAUD. Editor A Proprietor.
ls fries nib
ever in
Greenville. It the
gives More Heading Matter for
the money than any other paper
published in North Carolina.
The gives a variety
and LOCAL, and will devote it-
self to the material advancement
of the section in winch it
Send your name and get a
is called to the as its
large and growing circulation
makes it an excellent medium
through which to reach the people
For the Ladies
In order to reduce stick before time to
resolve Fall I will offer
all present stock of
front now until the 1st of September at
All Hats on band, both trimmed and an-
trimmed, will be sold at cost. My
includes many of the most goods
of the season. I can give you bargains.
Mrs. M. T.
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of the afflict-
ed, calling on or
above named barber, you cm procure a
of Preparation that Is invaluable
for dandruff and causing the
kinkiest hair to be perfectly soft and
glossy, only two or three application a
week is necessary, and a common hair
brush is all to lie used rubbing the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a and be
convinced, only So cents.
N. O.

Eastern reflector, 25 September 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 25, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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