Eastern reflector, 4 September 1889

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Per Year, in Advance.
The Eastern Reflector,
N- C.
Trier. par
will not to Democratic
non that not consistent
true of the party.
II a
of the State semi for the
i. f Wake.
M. Holt,
Secretary of I.
of Wake.
W. Rain, of Wake.
of Wayne.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
son, of Buncombe.
Chief Justice- William N. II. Smith, o
Associate S. of
Davis. of;
James E. of Beaufort and
A If ouzo C. Avery, of Burke.
First II. Brown,
Second Philips, of
Third G. Connor, of
Clark, of
District A. of
Sixth T. of
Seventh G. of
Twelfth If. Merrimon,
of Buncombe.
Representatives in Cong
Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
House of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of Perquimans.
S. P. Cheatham col.
of Vance.
W. of
Fourth II. Dunn, of
Fifth W. Brewer, of
Sixth Rowland of
S. Henderson,
Eighth A.
Ninth G. Ewart of
The love in my heart is its strong as the i
And M deep as the fathomless sea.
Yes pure as the breath of the rose that I
soul of summer glee,
faithful fair as the light of the stars
That in the blue ;
selfish mode mars.
Ami, sweetheart, for you.
All for you I
Strong and true.
No time the tie can sever. I
Till the angels doubt
And the stars burn out.
I am yours, sweetheart, forever.
The love in my heart, I know not why. i
Nor how it came to be.
But Hie bliss that is mine no soul can
Since love has come to me.
O. love, love, love There's nothing so
i; wide world through.
My heart is so of it. every best
it is a for you.
All for
Strong and true.
No time the ties can sever.
Till the angels doubt
And the stars burn out.
I am yours, sweet heart, forever.
J. Barrett.
A. Armfield. of
F. Graves, of
M. Shipp, of
Court A. Move.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of II. James.
B. Cherry.
S. h. Ward.
Coroner II. B- Harris.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Mooring, C. V Newton.
W. A. James, Jr. T. E. Keel.
Board of Herding
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
Public School
of F. W. Brown.
G. James.
r. Evans.
surer M. II.
T. Smith.
Asst R. Moore.
Ward. B. N.
2nd Ward. H. Williams, Jr., and Alfred
Tor bes ; 3rd Ward. T. J. Jarvis and M.
R. Lang; 4th Ward, W. N.
First and Third j
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John,
Baptist Services every Sunday, morn-
and night. Prover Meeting every
Wednesday night.
Greenville No. A. F. A.
M., meet-, every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M.,
G. L. Sec.
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. meets
2nd and 4th nights at Ma-
sonic Dall, F. W. Brown, II. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. T.
meets every Tuesday night. W.
N. G.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of U.,
meets every first and third Friday night.
D. D. D.
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Office hours A. M. to p. M. Money
Order hours A. ST. to P. V. or-
will be from to r.
from to T. .
Bethel mall arrive daily
at m and departs at v at.
mail arrive ally
at n. and depart- at P. M.
Washington mail
at M. depart at P. at.
tr r ii
1st at
Ia School House, 1st Sunday at I
lid at
Study at II
c artsy m H
better known as
Capt. was born
near X. C., J
June His boyhood
The begins
of I be civil war
pursuing medical studio at
college, be took up arms in defense
bis country, having
M a in the North;
where be was
Boon promoted to captain of the
Seventh C. S. A. cavalry company.;
lie was noted for kindness to bis
men and bravery on Held.
At the battle of Petersburg bin;
company remained on the
field. He stood at their bead cheer-
mi. Gen. i
I be bravery of this company rode
up what company it wits,
told it was
from North ho
raised bis bat and
bless the North Carolina
At Creek Gen.
complimented him for bravery, and
ordered lo withdraw Ins almost;
starved and broken down men, and
lake out of danger as he bad
done his
At lie captured a
of Federals. His were the
first to dismount and stack aims in
the fort.
After winning fame In many bat-
lie. succumbed to the odds
against him, being taken prisoner ;
to Fort Delaware where;
he remained eight mouths.
Leaving the prison at the close
the war be returned to his farm.
He twice Pitt
the house of the State Leg- i
The first time as can- i
of the Democratic
second as an independent Dem-1
opposing the Democratic can-
as the nominee of a
combination not the people
He always took an active part
politics being a leader his com- j
In 1886 at the earnest solicitation i
of friends all over first I
district, but against protest of a
near friends be ran as an
pendent candidate Congress
against Major L. C. Latham, being I
defeated by a large majority.
After this be retired from active I
public life, spending bis last years j
with His family, suffering for several j
mouths with heart trouble of which I
be died Jury 17th, last, being fifty j
years, one mouth and four s old.
A years before bis death
joined Disciples at
Farmville, for which he was an ear-
nest, zealous worker. He died
rounded by blessings of religion,
a kind and devoted husband
lather, true friend neighbor,
leaving a devoted family and
rowing friends and relatives.
habit of beating down on
prices Is a one with many
buyers, and there arc a good many
merchants and some manufacturers,
who will, rather than lose a custom-
sell them goods at about coat
with hope that future business
will enable to make up their
It in rarely, however, that
they arc enabled to do so.
will lake advantage of their
edge that will be accepted,
and always set accordingly. The
moat and man-
arc those ask a fair
price and to
Washington Latter.
our regular
D. C, Aug.
Wade who is
as well the
all of tho South as any man
in the do not
think that President Harrison's
policy is as vet defined
for me to form a definite opinion
about it. The always
have made an to break into
the Solid South, and have no
doubt that at this they are es-
earnest. At present they
their attention chiefly
to Virginia, where they will certain-
be snowed under. They have no
chance of carrying Virginia this
lull, nor can they hope for better
success in other of Southern
States. are trying lo win by
economic in .-lions
tin- Smith, as us the mat-
of tonal do- j
our people can- j
not be An on this issue.
a man is a protectionist or a tar-
reformer the safety or welfare of
his home is paramount to the
In reply to a question as to whether j
any would follow
from the South the
said inconvenience,
but no injury. We would gladly
see the people move else-
where, and we would lie willing to
suffer any reduction of
that might result from their de-
I would gladly vote to
chase of Cuba or some other place
for them to settle
The death of
Laird, of Nebraska, seems to
have about a change of
among the as
to the necessity of an extra session
of Congress. A majority of two is i
almost too slim a margin to attempt i
to work on. now it is said
they will wait until the regular
in order to be reinforced by
Laird's successor and the j
bets they hope to gain from the new
States, besides it is said they have
sent big money into third Lon-
district, where a is
to be to the late
Gray in the expectation of
gaining another member.
political pressure has been
too much for
He has, am informed excellent
authority, agreed to ask for the res
of Democratic chief
of division in the Treasury depart-1
merit, and to replace them with
It has been discovered , by the;
Treasury department that the Alien
labor law does not provide j
for the return of laborers violating ;
that law, to the countries from i
which they come. It was Bra But-
I believe, who said that Con-
had never passed a law that
a coach and four could not be
en through.
The Civil Service Commission has
created a hubbub in the Republican j
camp by announcing that it
ed to ask President to place i
appointment of the chiefs of
ion its rule. This would i
take away from the cabinet officers
the which they would
like bet to retain.
say that they have had an
informal talk with President Harri-
son on the subject and they intimate I
that be favors it.
Those members President's j
old regiment who have not jet re-
offices will probably fix
things up at tho in
this Among
that went from here in
to President Harrison are At-
General Miller, Superintend-
cut of of Engraving
and Printing, Meredith, and Mar-
The distillers of the country are i
raising a howl over a ruling of the
internal revenue office prohibiting j
the refilling of whiskey barrels and
Commodore Walker acting
of the Navy went to Now York
to see how badly the cruiser
damaged by recent
accident. He says she was only
little and that be did
not think it would take more than
two or three weeks to repair the
damage. If it is to take two or
three weeks to repair little
bow long it take to
repair what the acting
a damage
Civil Service Commissioner, Ly-
who is a Republican, is
for statement that all
promotions in the Pension
are made through favoritism. This
is a dear violation of law that
Mr. is paid per year
to see properly Why
does be not nave it stopped f
But a single cabinet officer is is
oily and one la expected to
return before September.
Woman's Power.
Woman's good or evil
is very fact, it is beyond
estimate. And when that
therefore, becomes joined to the
of marriage how important Is it
that she should exercise it good.
In last Sunday's issue of the Ar-
we had something to say about
character, and commented, point,
the sentence of S.
Allen, late of Forty
Second Street of New
who was tried end convicted f
and sentenced to fourteen years
imprisonment defrauding the
says the Detroit Free Press,
have been a woman of
for when some one
asked him why be the
issues of stock which brought
him to ruin, he said loved my
wife In This meant
that she was extravagant and ask-
Laughable Reflections.
Ad Selection Com-
piled by tho Boy.
Mr. you like the en-
ring, dearest f
Miss Gertie- it is just
did, and so different from what tho
others have
face is printed on the ten
dollar asked
of Bagley. if I
said never study the face I
much as do the,
was very thought-j
your father to intrude so ob-
is not thoughtless at
all, Yon see my elder sis- j
lost her of promise
by not having an eye witness, and
poor bad to pay the costs and
lawyer's lees
The Shiftless Farmer.
Save the Boys
Are you acquainted with him f What IS Us. j
Is be your do you let boy loaf
and Carolinian.
neighbor t The editor of the Neva- j
Tablet gives such a
As Reflected from the State Press.
about the streets lie will imbibe
j enough of poison in a short
full and accurate description of Jones and j time to make him a corpse,
that should meet him, yon could i Asheville N. to j and no antidote under Heaven can
hardly fa if to recognize counteract it. Keep him busy at
editor says the farmer Thomas Hay wood, of Nash recent or if he must be idle,
a lifelong ambition to gain a sold tobacco six acres of a
lion for wearing n dirty shirt. laud So writes one of our boy-loving
He will alarm neighborhood
by getting up two hours before day,
and sit around and not go to
work sunrise.
He will ride around a week, look-
for a two-dollar hog.
it fears is here
and every here. There is a
what is of
do you mean
half top
ed which his purse i g w ., n
Rev. II sun will conduct a ; ,
. .- .
let days meeting In Henderson, to . . . .
begin . I rT
crease this land of
Wilmington The citizens Statesmen, patriots, Christians and
Person county, N. C. are hunting philanthropists have searched
lie will complain of hard times, I married man outraged a j and suggested many causes for Ibis
then tear his pants climbing over caught he will be unhappy conditions or things
fence here a gate ought to be. lynched. j many remedies have been
He will pay three dollars for a Mr. S. T. Ashe, son of tho but tho are still on
new bridle and then let the call Ashe, who has tilled unguarded road to
it t pieces before Sunday. ; position of editor on the men say their boys
He gets all his neighbors to help has the j poor
in getting a cow out of the tin as mi heir as much en-
then lets die want ; titled to as their rich
She will get III and tie- ,.,.,,.,,.,;.,.,. Mad ail go together Into
could not meet, and his
weakness he forgot, his honor
and wrecked his to gratify her.
Mrs. is the mat-
with my husband,
Perhaps be wrongs her. Had he complaint is hereditary. He
been a strong man his love would . sure
him against a
know where he could have
caught it. There not been a
case of that around here for a year.;
act and, if he had loved her
so well, one is tempted to
think that no inducement, least of THE OF
all that of self defense, would have Mr. yon like;
tempted him to say a word put in our engagement ring,
could make her name a scandal. Miss nil and
He would have assumed her share then, if there is room, rim in some
of the blame with his own and, little motto port in a
w hen followed or the or something
wrong, would have gone t bis
with sealed lips, rejoicing that ; Omaha Teacher- where
in his moment disgrace, he had is the North Pole
not lost all power to shield her. don't
. . .-.- know where the
Women are not expected to bare
as much business prudence as men Dr. Kane and I
have. Their whole actual and be- Franklin and Cicely limited for it
training operate to couldn't how am I to
it, and when we meet the rare ex-
his crop at a place his fence
that helms been putting off fixing
for six months.
He will strain his back lifting
something to show how strong he is.
He will go in kit shirt sleeves on
a cold day show how much he
Headlight We re-
I mischief. Pious people have
to learn he severe illness of .
Dr. W. M. who is ,
fined ls residence the city. T
, . , , OM or sight of home, and in the
ever since Friday. We wish bun a . . . .
speedy recovery.
company those who have
up the streets, they soon depart
of One bad bay a
has live as many admirers as
a goody boy who goes to
know where it is
who is out as
shrewd business the effect
is not to cause us to regret that our
wives and sisters are women i
but rather the reverse.
There is no end to domestic.
and dis-
aster that came from the lack of a
frank and loving confidence on
part of husbands toward their
To good self denial
the home's sake, is as as
With her he swings upon
And views the union in rapture great.;
lie tells his love in tones moM
in pure their Kinds do meet.
lie puts his arm around her waist,
And nibs his cheeks on oft face, j
lie feels the of her heart.
he'll never part.
When all once she n
-I fear it is some horrid worm.
O turn me loose. Oh do. I
It's up my-----up that
portion of the human anatomy which an
innate sense of delicacy forbids me to
mention but which is
that the meeting ad-.
worth of axle-grease and mill the
spindle of a seventy-dollar j
He wont subscribe a news-
but will borrow
and forget to return it.
Help Yourself.
Fight your own battles.
their efforts to keep their boys in-
at home and out of bad
Let a man before and gate rested from its la
marriage ; to betrothed and wire she rushed to the house and
perfectly open in regard to his
resources; let him aid the
of bis domestic by tell-
just how much can be safely
making due allowance
for the and In nine cases out
of a dozen be will find her making
a a delight, out of econ-
surprising him by the
things she can accomplish with
man who deems it beneath
his to share bis
lie went away muttering curses up
all creeping things. Wilson Mir
Decreases the Yield.
Charlotte Chronicle.
A new pest has appeared New j
Jersey, Maryland and Virginia, in
the shape of a small fly, which is
said to cause a decrease in the yield
of milk of cows, one-third to
fly settles at tho base of the
confidences with his wife; it blood.
treats her like a child, indulging
her often for the gratification of bis
The eggs or fly ate in
and they only require
own vanity, or keeping her short production.
Wilmington Review One
can stand, and then home subscribes called in
night and occupy two thirds paid us Tor nine
fire-place bedtime. December, j Sunday School and obey Ids moth-
He will ridicule the mechanism j December, seven years j the street
of a corn planter, then go out. and back and two years ahead. chins, but among the majority of
smash his thumb nailing a board Durham Sun One the grown men who might to know
the fence. est things on earth is a sheet of pa- hi conditions of things
lie will go to town on Saturday, after it has been transformed should discourage parents who
and come home with fifty cent's; into a mortgage. . It always want to raise their boys to be some.
worth of a pins and takes a strong man and his family body, it should rather increase
a lb of chewing tobacco, several years to lift if, and often it
He is economical; economy is his can't be lifted at all
forte. lie will save ten , . . . . .
Henderson Cold New to
is selling remarkably well.
Some has .-old the past week for
a pound. Much of it brings
fifty cents
a pound. Henderson never takes
second place either in amount sold
or prices paid for the weed.
Hoe Durham Arthur
your row. Ask favors chain and Calvin young
any one, you'll succeed who while under the influence
times better than one who of liquor sat down on the railroad Any to will be
is always beseeching some ones put- Hack near Monday night,
No one will ever help you as were run over and killed by the I
you help one will train coming from Raleigh. of I
be so heartily interested in your bodies was fearfully mangled,
affairs. The first step will not be Concord . A No.
such a long one, perhaps; but, a age
lag your way up mountain,
yon make each one lead to another, foraging M
and .-land firm in that while , cat taken it on itself to
chop still another out. Men who
have made fortunes are not those Wm a or
who bad to start with, of to
but started fair with a well earned
dollar or two. Men have by
their own exertion acquired fame, Charlotte Chronicle.- The first
have not been thrust into of
puffs, begged or paid for, or State was sold in Morven,
en in friendly Friday, ml.
outstretched their hands and touch i It as raised by Mr. Frank Teal,
ed the public heart. who win j b-v M-
love their own wooing, and f
never a man to fail so signally i
as one who had induced his
Promptly Attended to-
G K N V I LL E, N. C
A W,
N. C.
J t
A AT-1. A W,
N. i,.
commons to atone for his own ex-
cannot expect to have
The Agricultural Department of
the government has been
a help-meet any true sense of the but so its
word. These errors are very com- has been developed,
audit is hard to see how a Virginia is so near North Caro-
woman receives her wardrobe, people of this State
household and pin have
as a little girl is given her dolls of Dy
without any knowledge or Yet, the has beard
means her husband may have nothing of pest in North Caro-
where reasonable expenditure There have been complaints,
and extravagance be j however, about
State last year was raised in Anson
to speak a on tho 17th
good word for him. Whether you
work for lame, tor love, for money, Wilson Advance Mr. IV. K.
or for anything work with your Warren a progressive and success
hands, heart and-brain. Say fill merchant of Edgecombe county,
and some day you will con i tells us he has a squash that weighs
Never let any man have it to lone hundred pounds. He
G U E E N V L E, N. V.
say, have yon Too
friends hurt a
Improper Language.
expected to be moderate or to check
any lolly into which her husband's
Still there are wives win
blind devotion of their
and recklessly use it the
in their annual supply of
; it may be that this post is the
may tend to lead without it having yet been
Of course, cleanliness is the first
preventive that suggests itself to
even the most Many
cation of their vanity and to people milk cows in the place where
certain ruin of those who worship
them. If this woman is one of
them, It be interesting to
know Just what measure of love she
gave return for what she
ed ; whether she looked at her
band as anything better than a
and whether, now that he is
a prisoner, she mourns her wrong
with a broken and a contrite heart,
or is building selfish plans for
own selfish features.
they ate fed. Naturally there will
be manure in these places, from
which emanations constantly rise;
and as milk is one of the greatest
filth is gathered
for food.
Both George W. Childs and Wm.
M. two Philadelphia mil-
and philanthropists, to
boot, much attention to
lay down
that pure milk cannot be
Arc the girl who to obtained unless the are milked
to our house as a nurse V asked a from m
lady of healthy look
a number that weighs and
pounds. If he don't the re-
cord we are mistaken. -------The
Advance predicts there will be
quite a number of plug tobacco
I in Wilson in the next few
The use of slang in becoming so years- Mr. Calvin is now
prevalent that some at work ill getting his ping factory
should inaugurated to check its
spreading It destroys
power of gracefully and f ,
expressing our thoughts in ; in the
pore and English, and ; It was
denotes a lack of education last Friday at by
of language in tho person Mr B R Tue monster
n a.
Practice in all the courts. Collection
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
in running order.
girl who bad just entered the
have examined references
and find satisfactory.
may begin nest
if place, ma'am, I'd like
to yea
it a a dog
I'm leak aether r
where are. fed, in perfectly
dry and clean spots, which shall
not lie within many of
manure of cattle. Where ma-
is made during the milking,
the cow should at once be removed
to an spot.
Of course, to follow this is
doable, bat trouble is very
it be taken into
that Urn reward is the
tee of pare milk.
it- To with
and fluency, its use must
be entirely avoided. It places
user a great disadvantage who n
conversing with n of
who avoids it, and creates a
feeling of disrespect in one and
embarrassment in the other.
of our judgment of persons
is based upon first impressions. It
is-always to our advantage to
ate favorable impressions upon
These first impressions,
whether good or bad, are always
created by our manners and
The person whose babies
of language is always at
a disadvantage before strangers,
compared with another
tore up tree by the roots to
which trap made fast and
drug it over fences and through
farms until worried down and was
then shot by Mr.
foot is five one quarter inches
broad and as large as a man's hot.
This is the thirty-second bear Mr.
has caught in the same
A wealthy and eccentric old man
at Tyler, Texas, without relatives
died recently, directed that his
property be divided among all per-
sons living in southern States
who were born on his birthday,
best evidence the
P. C F
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
N. C.
Under new management. Hot
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed with the of the market. Feed
stables in connection.
may not nearly so intelligent, of a town is advertising col-
bat who fluently. One of a newspaper- This
slang can rarely inspire in a on lathe stranger's of finding
really sensible person a very high
regard for his intellectual
and it conduces to
for real worth.
cot. He knows a town in
this age of ink that does
is doing Ex-
Polite waiters. Good Rooms. Best
table the market afford. When in tat
city stop at the
N. O.

f r
ed y
The Jury System.
Trice. per year.
trill not to Democratic
en and measures that are
Mil the true principles of the party.
If a a wide-a-wake
o the State send for
Gray is frosting Jay
And the black is turning
Does Mississippi put out her
convicts on public work I
and would make
capital hands on railroad grad-
or in a rock quarry. They
ought to sling a good pick.
Col. Alexander Q. Holladay,
who is at present President of the
College at
has been elected President
of the and
College of North Carolina.
He is a former resident of this
State, but a native of Virginia,
If a official were to
die now it would not be
to buy a lot of mourning
to place upon the
and mail cars. General
Wanamaker is putting enough
black these positions
South to meet all requirements
and furnish all the sable hues
needed. Thoughtful John
The heart of every editor in
North Carolina will go out in
deepest sympathy to Mr. W. E.
Christian, editor of the Charlotte
Democrat, in the death of his wife
which hist Friday of
typhoid fever. Mi's. Christian
was Miss Julia Jackson, only
child of Gen. Stonewall Jackson.
Her remains were carried to
for interment.
En- little
correspondent ever at Bethel is
ma-L lion has
teen bearded in his and the
javelin, it seems, to the bone
and marrow, and shattered
joints of his loins. When the troth
is brought right to a man's own
door, and is apropos to his
hurts, it stings, it barns, it irritates,
it discomfit, it vexes a man into a
fever of It fills his soul
with fiery indignation.
wrath was at boiling heat
when he made another feeble effort
to reply to my articles. Ton
say anything against a matter in
which a man's dear pocket-book is
concerned, and he'll resent it every
is a great lawyer. It this
writer makes no mistake he heard
him make a speech before a jury at
the bur in Pitt county and the
weightiest part of his speech was
couched in the following
of the
There is a great responsibility
upon each of In
style to him
sell be pranced up and down be-
fore the box. and caught at the
air. and frantically shouted in
I entreat
you not to lose sight of the fact that
lucre is a great responsibility rest-
And from the tired, sleepy looks
the jurors, as they sat trying to
ten to that memorable speech, one
would suppose that they never lost
sight of that fact for one moment.
This writer great sympathy for
the jury who were placed under the
necessity of listening at a man try-
to speak of
an hour. It be hard to de-
even at this late day,
underwent the severest strain that
lawyer in his mighty
fort to make a mighty speech, or the
jury in their sublime, heroic at-
tempt to keep
One would suppose from his
grand that occasion,
the light which shone from
the lamps and pine knots in bis
studio was very dim, or else, his
cranium was quite shallow. If he
ever read anything or ever knew
anything, it only appeared to dis-
appear. It was only a creature or
a day him.
We thought ho was the self-con
st it champion of lawyers, his
for he is one name.
So wonder he tells us he is
interested in, and friendly to,
attacked. Just stop
on a toes, and he'll sing out
in quick order. hope he'll not
that he calls himself a lawyer,
even it he doesn't happen to be one.
our part we would rather a case
of ours we should ever be so mi
as to have should he
to the tender mercy
that bit on criminal causes The
Commissioners as sorry
a lawyer as he is, knew better than
to make such a statement, much leas
repeat, it.
There is a remedy for all these
ills. Do away with the jury system
altogether. Let it be a thing of
past. time has come for a
change. The country demands it-
Justice has been mocked and sneer-
ed at so long that trouble is brewing
in the land. The patience of the
people waits lone, but wrath will
take its place before many years.
The evil should be remedied at once.
How would this Let three
judges be elected to sit on any and
all cases that come up for trial, and
let no such thing as a j
ed of the most illiterate men in
land be selected to interpret law
which they don't understand, nor
couldn't to save their lives. This
would do away with all the wire
pulling that is carried on in the
court This would put some
men to work who make it their bus-
every court to bang around
the court room for the purpose of
being chosen as jurors. It would
relieve the jurors of the res-
that rests upon them.
certainly to be in fa-
of any change that will do this.
Now, I am done. may
snap and bite and growl and fume
fret as as he pleases. He
may get mad for
him and the editor for
him which he didn't do. He
may nurse rock his wrath to
sleep, or fan it into a mighty flame,
if he chooses. All these things will
fail to move or disturb me. A min-
now will nibble at your toes as long
as you stay in his realm. A toad
will croak as long as he can hold up j
his head. A gnat will bite
tune he gets a chance. So with a
small, weak-minded man. Just as
long as he can hold his head above
water and get some one to notice
him, he'll keep talking, and every
time he comes at you, there'll
less and less sense in what he says.
I leave to his own
Ho can ponder over these
things at his leisure, lie can .
himself of his
in any way that best suits
his notion. I shall notice him no
more unless my character is assailed
and then I will let him know who I
am. I know him, and my
of him is has been the same at
all times. It is If he had the
brain to equal his gift of gab, he
would be a star of the first
May he yet arise and shine,
even though
rest upon him.
How beet to interest an infant
class. Mr. E. E. A. M.,
Sermon, M. P. M.,
Sunday School addressed by the
to ten minutes
each. P. M-, sermon, J. D.
Adopted by Oak Grove church on
Saturday before the fourth Sunday
August, 1889.
It pleased God
in unite wisdom goodness to remove
from our midst our beloved brother and
former pastor. Elder La-
thaw, therefore be it
That while we bow with
Christian resignation to this
of Divine providence, we recognize
in his death the Christian Church
has lost one of its most zealous ac-
members and faithful laborers in
the Master's cause.
Resolved, That will ever cherish
his memory for his untiring zeal and
devotion to the cause of Christianity, and
for the many years of useful labor in the
ministry at our place of worship.
Resolved, That we tender warmest
sympathies to his bereaved family in
the great loss they have sustained.
Resolved, That a copy of these
be sent to the Eastern
tor, and a copy to the Washington
Gazette, with a request that they be pub-
also that they be spread upon
the minutes of our church.
J. J. Bawls,
Theo. Keel.
A. B, Congleton,
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
that are net to be excelled in this market. And all guaranteed to be First-class and
pure straight good. GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN-
kinds, and Mill Hat, Rock Lime, Plaster op Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent for Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye At jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed OB, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a Mil guarantee satisfaction.
Are headquarters for all needed in
HARDWARE line. Our stock be
but if you want anything in
Hardware, Implements, Stoves
and Cooking Utensils, Carriage Valeria
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which will sell at Factor v Prices.
Spring Display
C, Aug.
ED. has been
some time since sent you Items
from but will try to semi
average without j speech. ., gathered by Ike
loan to base appear in
behalf- Ilia speeches are kill
in effect- to his clients. If a
man to win a in
way sine.
is now the order of.
the day with the tamers but it has
somewhat retarded by wet and
him to employ H. J. I , , ,, ,
appear the other he.-
got a dead thing of it.
Now, I shall no. deign to notice
the rungs and
does that he makes against me in
his reply. I abused my ad
I simply took bis
milky article Bad riddled it to pieces.
I pointed out its weakness,
showed that it lacked
behind it and it did. and every
sensible who rend it will
I agree me in this. He follows
the teachings of the scrip
and the Sun of
shines for all.
Durham which
When it comes down to the
brightness of her journals,
tern North Carolina comes to the
front Of the weeklies Wilson
has a Mirror, Goldsboro has a
Headlight, Plymouth has a
and a
Then added to these is
brightest of all contemporaries, lures he quotes from time to time.
the. of
ii pulled up, and
He got himself
in a net, and he
couldn't get out, he got mad. Who
told you to answer that article, Mr.
Try-to-be lawyer You got your
own self into the dilemma in which
you yourself, get out it.
i he best you can. And before you
rush into a snare so blindly again
follow this advise
don, and with all thy getting, get
Yon to re-
sort, to your pine-knot light again
around them the
It seems that what is now
keeping back the matter of
building the dam from the North
end of the Greenville bridge out
to high land is a division of
opinion as to location A com-
was appointed to
sent the County
in the matter, also one the
Town Council and one for the; of life. signs of weak-
i are so many that I will not
citizens who made subscriptions
to help the construction. These
went over lust week to examine
into bill
of opinion arising, ll
stopped there. The County
decided it would be
better to the dam in
Straight from the bridge
and continue tho road in the
name direction, turning it into
them out. You are a weak,
frail, sickly mind,
I really pity you
unhappy Yon have
amply made yourself a monkey for
Other to laugh at.
Them was not a particle of sense
I could sec in either of
lie does not even attempt
to a single argument that
fie docs not so much us
la defend his own side f
His articles resemble in
all famous
the present road at the junction j j,,. reader of
to bear mind
one fact that of the
people do not With in I
with the Tarboro rood. One of j
the other coin mi fleas opposed
this and favored building
dam diagonally from the bridge
to the turn near the railroad and
then follow. road
We with Commission-
about, this on Monday and
they expressed themselves as
former location be
cause it will remove the d and
road to n safer distance from the
railroad and thus less liable,
urn. lie if I hay knew my
What, pray, has do
with lie- in I
lie jury system. U
greater emphasis.
brought into play an I
frauds justice its Politic
often curries weight into the
room. A
keeps out. the
On last Thursday Mr. J. L.
son, a worthy and much respected
citizen of Ibis township, both
of his horses. There was not more
than thirty minutes between the
deaths and the cause is not
It's a very severe loss to Mr. Wilson
and he has tho sympathy of the
Mr. Belcher, aged citizen
who has been to his bed
for several weeks with, rheum
we glad to see out again.
Miss Daniel, tho
daughter of Mr. Beverly
Daniel, has a lull school at Arcadia
Academy i miles above
is a good teacher and
deserves the patronage that she
is receiving. May her school long
continue to be prosperous.
G. L. Finch, assisted by
Rev. J. T. Taylor, or is
conducting a of meetings at
which we hope much
good will accomplished, ma-
be made to see the true road
where they may eternity
it is too late.
Mr. J. It.
Prince, is back from the
Northern his
Mr. K. K. left last Mon-
day for New York.
Mr. M T. Spier, sou of our worthy
citizen. Mr. U. M. Spier, this
morning Walt Forest, when- he
will spend the next a;
-1. you
m Mr.
the same purpose
j we k.
Smith and wife
Mamie are visiting rel-
Mr. Editor, we rejoice you
i for Greenville as the iris at
j her And may
; the old Sown be to a
tom e. mite until .-his
I lo a I prosperous city
M anon. ,
Adopted by Greenville Lodge, No.
A. F. A. M. September 2nd,
Whereas, it hath pleased an All
Wise Providence and the Supreme
Architect of the to visit our
ancient order and call from the labors
and cares of this world to the eternal
joy and refreshing which can be had only
In His presence our worthy and esteemed
brother L. G. therefore
be it
That our fraternity lost
a zealous and worthy member and fellow
laborer the community wherever he
lived a true and earnest citizen and
his family a devoted husband and kind
2nd. That Greenville Lodge.
A. F. A. M., while painfully and sen-
realizing the loss we have
look to His wisdom
has seen fit to thus afflict us and exclaim
will God be
3rd. That We point to his example as
worthy of our emulation, and that we
will to be as faithful to our
as was he.
That this Lodge extend its
to his bereaved family, consoling
them with the hope that their loss his
eternal gain.
6th. That in token of respect to out
late brother, this Lodge be hi
mourning and that its members wear
the usual badge of mourning for thirty
That these resolutions be spread
upon our record that a copy be
sent lo the widow of our deceased
that copies be furnished the
Greenville Tarboro Runner,
Oxford Orphan's Friend, with re-
quest for publication, and also a
copy be sent to Mt. Lodge, No,
MT, New York, of which brother
was first a member.
W. M. King,
ii. is. i-, com.
J. J
The San ford Express com-
its third year. Mr.
is making a tine paper
and is meeting with deserved
success There are few weekly
papers edited with so much care
as the
Foreign and Domestic Novelties.
with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
We yield the palm to none.
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest rates
WE are now fitted up in and arc prepared to
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice lino of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
I will weekly arrivals very nicest and
I keep a assortment of
All your wants in above Roods can he supplied
D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory is well equipped with the best Mechanics,
but WORK. keep up with the times and ii
Best material used in all work. All styles Springs are use.
put up nothing
-st improved styles,
you can
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
N. C. Mar. 1887.
Corrected wee by S. M.
the reefs of mail i
frighten passing teams to he in
the cars which might cause dam
age- They expressed a
the Union, to lie
in J. S--t.
M., The Sin
L M. Curtis and
a and But a M., How earl we
worst are. oil on ; the m
of the jurors.; G. J.
Jam got a
fit a
Nine tune . out an
man is n a
Mr O Allen. If, How
can our
Morion. P. M. Are
to increase the
they had voted f r the
dam proportional to the
expense or changing the , l
road. It our opinion if the M. S. W. Powell.
sentiment of the people could 8-n A. M.,
ii- taken they would ,.,. M.,.
location suggested the conn
it would ,,
I i---- . It if i Ti i
in t-i
two now side;
j Mess.
Miss Pork
Brown Supt;
to A
I j to
lo S
U to HO
Storm, Coil, Ran, Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full Ii f- of
the year round, which will sell as low as lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
Watch-Maker Jeweler.
Ii you want something nice in the way
I w
Sewing Machines,
come to the A
large new stock just received.
Watches, Jewelry and Sewing
Machines repaired and warranted.
Excursion Train
We are no v receiving Spring and
Summer Goods, and hope that
you will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
at SO cents per yard, which you
will to be. equal to any
yon will find at SO cents.
A line of
at And
many other things that we
will offer at special prices
We call especial attention to our
J. C C
Pitt Co N C.
. H
Cobb Bros., Gilliam
Cotton Buyers,
Commission Merchants,
-Tins spare reserved far-
1ST. O.
J. U.
J. C.
The and
and the
cotton plows. We will
also offer the trade
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Wednesday, Sept
germs if the
a ill-
public road wen
by for ; a mile. W
hope the committees will agree ,. u.
W. A Mi-Dowel, j t.
A. M., n Hi
w I indrawn I T
i,. i Mr.
ii id
I J.
,;. s i p.
location and let the; in n. . ; j. Mr. E. K
work begin. As we have M. Q.
May is .,.,,.,.,,,., ., r , k ,
n s
Fare for round trio, from
A. H
at A. M.
leave PM. arrive at
I. XI.
General Agent.
Hub received fie I. line
clones m
to will
to keep on until after the
It you anything
hue it will to your
him a trial before purchasing.
Ma, Guitar Strings
for sale. Clock and
Jewelry t and
workmanlike and
Call e
We have had several years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of shippers.
have fur bestowed upon us and for n of the am,
you to-day a line of goods that he excelled In i Ids market durability
worth. We have now in stock a nice line of Ladle
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
Laces, Ac.
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly
Dress Linen and Piece Linens. A lino of Piece Goods and that
will astonish yon in quality and price. Notions in endless variety embracing a
line to mention. Slats for Men. Children. Gent's fir
and Suspender-. and a line
Scarfs. Shoes, to fit all who n- with their we care to
this line and guarantee Shoes both in quality and price. A large lot of
Slippers from cents up. We call the attention f the Ladled to
line of Slipper and think they will do themselves justice if they tiny
Hoes. Plows, Shovels,
and Fixtures,
Crockery. Glassware, I
Wood and Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whips.
All entrusted to our
will receive prompt and
careful attention.
The undersigned having leased
mills for number of yearn and put them
in thorough order, leave to inform
the public he is prepared
Corn mid wheat in a flit-t-class mat
Satisfaction guaranteed to all
I would that I nm
prepared to furnish them good water
null meal at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
lie supplied at my store
where will also find a select
of General Merchandise which will la
sold at prices
Robt. B. Fleming.
The health of Mr. f. D.
has compelled to discontinue tho
management the carriage business for
which has left a nice stock of good
material bought cheap for cash, on my
I will close out the dock at a
discount, or will make easy terms carry Window Sash and of In stork. Also We
the or I will also make W of Furniture of any lions in Suits,
easy with any good reliable man to double and single. Lounges. hairs of kinds. I i Bed Springs
carry on the carriage business for me. I and Mattresses, Cribs and Beds and we h
There opening for a not not In tills line we have from several of the in this
the count v than at Ibis and will at Int
have u of general Climax and Stonewall PLOWS .-. y.-i W carry
merchandise tor sale cheap for cash for these Hows In stock.
time, such as Meat, Flour, Corn, Ac,
bought In k of t when y-m lo town, we guarantee fair and
and will your an I We ran I ill
low as any one who sells us good M wt do.
Gail A Ax and Rail Mills Chewing Smoking
and Provisions, In this line carry Tea, Coffee. Sugar. Molasses, Rice. Lard
the very can buy, Pepper, Spice, Soap, both laundry an. toilet. Mar Lye
and Ball Matches. Candles, Starch, best grade of Kerosene Oil. Meats of differ-
Flour which we buy low and sell low for the cash, if you need bar-
rel of good Flour come to see us, we are rock it.
w nice
f Straw
nice lot ladies Dress
flood, in everything can be
found In a
May S

fall month.
weather again.
is an
month of eighty nine.
Mrs. is sick.
school at Bethel.
is attending
M. R Lang
making Fall and Winter purchases.
which will comprise everything i.
new and stylish in our line.
To make things during the usual-
dull month of August we con-
our great bargain sale which has
so greatly aided us in reducing stock
during the month July.
GOODS must be cleared out at any
price. We don't want to earn- over a
dollar's north and will make it to your
interest to call.
White Goods
AND In this line
we particularly desire to your at-
to the fact that there are many
desirable goods left and we you to
have some of them while they are go-
so cheap.
Dress Goods
Have sold -low this season and we have
any desirable medium weight goods
that can be worn until late fall, and
which will he sold at prices that cannot
fail to induce you buy.
Sweet are coming in.
Cotton pickers will soon be in the
Dave you got that advertisement
ready f
The moon shines for all these
Ask if he wants to buy any
Go to Weldon I Why, yes every-
body go.
Merchants, ice can do your job
The cry against mail irregularities
Summer has ended, but not all the
warm weather.
Five Sundays and five Mondays
in September.
County Commissioners in session
Monday and yesterday.
will buy Point Lace, the best
Flour at the brick Store.
monthly meeting of
last night.
Mr. Pell, of Bethel, has been
in town this week
Mr. W. A. B. left
day for Trinity College.
Glad to sec Dr. Zeno Brown op
from his recent sickness.
Mr. W. B, Brown returned Mon-
day evening from the North.
Miss Lillie Mayo, of Falkland, is
Miss Williams.
Mr. J. H. returned home
Thursday from county.
Mr. J. returned
day night from bis summer vacation.
Mr. William is quite
sick at bis home two miles from
The King's Daughters will give a
the first week of Court.
Messrs. J. B. Cherry Co
ed a lot of acme bagging on Mon-
day, the first to come here.
Pitt comity people blessed.
They Lave better crops can be
seen anywhere from the railroad be-
tween Greenville and Weldon.
Pitt county Superior Court
Monday this month.
Pears arc now the finest
that, is into market.
Arrived on matter how
sick you get, you can eat Bis-
the Brick Store.
It is only the sickly that
you see now. Better beware it.
Before you start off traveling get
an accident policy from J. L- Sugg.
Communion the
and Episcopal Churches Sun-
Again Is Pitt county going to
have an exhibit at the coming State
Miss Mattie of Washing-j
ton, has been visiting Miss Bessie
Jar vis this week.
Mrs. R. H. Home to
more last week to purchase her fall
stock millinery.
Miss Minute of Greene
county, has been visiting Miss
Forbes the past week.
Mr. J. J. Cherry and wife and
Miss Sue returned home
last week
W. H. Cox returned last
week from the North where he had
been to purchase goods.
Master John Home left last
Wednesday for Ohio, where he has
gone to live with a relative.
Mr. M. Lang has returned
home from his Northern tour,
smiling happy as usual.
Mr. John Simms has been in
Washington for a few days in the
interest of his tailoring establish-
Misses Flora Abrams, of Rocky
Mount and Sallie of
Norfolk, are visiting Mrs. S. M.
Mr. E. B. Moore, proprietor of
Hotel Macon, has ordered a hand-
some buss to to the depot and
wharf. There is enterprise for yon.
Greenville needs enterprises to
give her people and all others who
come ample employment. Secure
these yon will see a prosperous
A good flour mill in Greenville
would cause a largely increased
wheat acreage in Pitt county.
What has become of the Alliance
mill t
Our fall stock of are already
to arrive and arc going to
things up with them soon.
Nothing special lo say at present hut
remember that well stake our
on having the line here this
season, and our old ones must go for a
That we arc agents for the t
best Tailoring in the
Every garment guaranteed
to fit or no sale. Fall samples for
tom-Made good. now on exhibition.
Misses Lillian and Lucy Nobles,
daughters of J. J. Nobles, Esq., left
last week for school at La
Mr. W. H- White left yesterday
for the Northern markets to
chase goods for bis father. Capt. C.
A. White.
Mrs. N. J. Best, of Hamilton, who
has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. W. A. Fleming, returned home
Mr. W. a
photographer here, was in town last
The editor returns to Mr. j week He is now located in Eliza-
J. L. for a sack large j beth
Peals- Miss Rouse, nit teacher at
Stove pipe made of refined iron j the Institute arrived Saturday even-
is the Beat. Large lot just received has entered upon her duties
by Haskett Co. j this week.
Nags Head's best days are report- Mrs. Samuel of
ed behind Ocracoke is the coming ville, has been spending some days
I with family of her father, ex-
Sheriff King.
Mr. K. B. Moore, proprietor of
Hotel Macon, lost a flue Jersey
milch cow Saturday. Not long pounds. Six of the Weigh-
he refused to take for the
On Saturday we beard Mr.
Harris, Falkland, say ho
had lost hogs this year.
Cholera is causing heavy losses in
this county.
Wide Awake for is
gem. very body should have
this splendid magazine. D.
Company. publishers, Boston.
93.40 a year.
Two or three mowing machines
were purchased by parties in this
section last week. It looks like
some attention will be turned to
making hay.
Notwithstanding there are people
who will not subscribe to the
they don't fail to be
the watch to borrow tine every
Wednesday morning.
was wearing an open
boll the of his coat, the
other night, and we saw a fellow
walk up to him. smell of it
thinking it was a white flower.
A very interesting protracted
has been in progress in the
Methodist Church at Bethel. Up
to the close of last week there bad
been thirty or more conversions.
game of base ball was
played between Greenville Bea-
Dam clubs last Friday. They
played five innings, the score
to in favor of Greenville.
Mr. Moses has
received a new lot of jewelry,
has the prettiest assortment ever
Greenville, is making
a hue success ii his business.
Elsewhere will be found an ad-
of the Atlantic Coast
excursion to be ran from Riv-
to Weldon on next
day, 11th. The fare for this
is only ons dollar for the round I
trip. This is a chance for an enjoy
trip at very little cost. Our
people should give the road a good
patronage and show that
its being built to Greenville.
Let every coach be filled when the
train pulls out next Wednesday
County Commissioner T. E. Keel,
of has proven himself to
be as good a band at fruit raising
as he is at helping to superintend
the finances of the great of
Pitt. Yesterday he brought
some specimens of fruit that
only astonished the Reflector of-
but everyone else who saw it.
He brought a large watermelon that
weighed pounds and a basket
of pears, in number that weighed
Look at Tailor new
if yon want a nice suit of
Reader can't get just one of
your to subscribe to the Re-
The office is indebted to Mrs. V.
for a basket of figs
sent us Monday.
Mean. J. L. W. Nobles and S. J.
Nobles both brought us some nice,
luscious pears on Friday.
There are some champion domino
players around the Court House.
The Clerk wears the belt.
Miss Mamie L. has re
signed editorial management of the
Oxford Orphans We shall
miss her much.
G. L. preached in the
Baptist Church Sunday night.
Rev. T. J. Taylor, of
will preach there to-night.
Dr. Hardy of
was to see He
The Board of Education m in
session Monday and selected School
for the several dis-
of the county. We will pub-
the list later.
Our sister town. Washington, had
an enthusiastic meeting her
last week with a view to
improvements. Greenville
should look to her laurels.
Col. I. A. left a 13-ounce
pear on our Thursday. He
said it was from the first of
a young tree, that another had
been pulled which weighed one
says there is much sickness
I malarial type his section.
Rev. E. O. is conducting a
meeting at Old Sparta. Item
, that he is drawing large
per lb for Lot Sweet Scotch and that great interest is
There are nice ca is
of the Scot laud Neck Greenville
railroad. The Democrat says they
are a big improvement over what
was the road when the line
at Scotland Neck. ;
Snuff. lb sold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its at
the Old Brick Store.
Northern apples have appeared
market. Mr. V. L. Stephens re-
the shipment.
Elizabeth City has just closed a
contract for electric lights,
are yon doing Greenville
Its bang, bang all day long down
street, merchants opening so
many boxes of new goods.
Excursion from
to Weldon next Wednesday,
11th. Fare for trip
Several people from this neigh-
attended the yearly meet-
at Flat Swamp last Sunday.
Sheriff Tucker's boarding house
inmates are organizing a band. The
accordion is the chief instrument.
Dr. W. E. Warren left this week
for in county,
where he will locate for the practice
of profession. We wish him
much success.
FURNISHING GOODS and all other
goods included to make sale com-
Don't fail to secure some of these
Last week the Reflector office
did some job printing for a business
in Greensboro. How is that
Do the business men of Green-
ville think the town has all the
trade it or all it can control
People should remember that the
Oxford Orphan Asylum is calling
for help. Our town should respond.
Another party at Mrs. Vick's cot-
last Friday night. This time
the boys each bad to hem an apron.
The Reflector will print hill
right low down
prices. If you don't believe it try
The Southern Express Company
has established an office in Green-
at the Hardware Store of D.
D. Haskett Co. Patronage So-
D. D. Haskett, Agent,
Greenville would look better if
some of the old buildings were
brightened to keep pace with the
new one.
The meeting conducted at
What his lie vs. G. L. Finch and T. J.
Taylor is meeting with much
Twelve additions to the
church were reported up to fester
There is much sickness through-
out the county. We hear that
Messrs. J. R. and T.
Keel, each have a
daughter very sick with typhoid
Messrs. F. Tyson, E. A.
Jr., F. C. Harding
day for the University at Chapel
Hill. Success to you, young gen-
in the pursuance of your
Dr. Frank W. Brown family
returned last week from Ocracoke
and Plymouth. The doctor's
friends are delighted to know of his
recovery from the severe sickness
of the i ii in me i.
We hear of very distressing sick-
the of Mr.
Gaskins, who about eight
miles south of Greenville. Every
member of the wife
and down with typhoid
Mr. J. W. Morris, a solicitor
the Atlantic Coast Line, has been
in town the past week in the inter-
est of t lie excursion to be i from
Greenville to Weldon next
day. He is a most and
agreeable gentleman.
Mr. J. L. Little, of the
sing firm of Little, House Bro.,
left yesterday for New
other Northern cities to purchase
fall goods. This firm
is a regular
The express office was
Monday, the first packages a
Greenville coming in on the train
that evening.
The Dunn Courier is one
old. In the days its existence,
though as yet few, it has done
Mr. G. W. Venters, of
sent us a of cotton last week
which opened b. Every
ion of old Pitt is early.
The Lavish
pleasant effect and the perfect
which ladies may use the.
laxative, Syrup of
all make it their
favorite It is pleasing to
Hie eye and to the taste. gentle, ye.
effectual acting on the kidneys,
Mr. J. B. Cherry, of the firm of J.
B- Cherry Co., went North Mon-
day to purchase new goods. This
is one of the most reliable firms cf
the town and it can be depended
upon that they will have a stock of
goods second to none that can be
round. Keep posted watching
their advertisement.
Mr. H. T. Mathews,
of St, has been in town this line is too heavy one mixed
his week advertising the remedies, it will tie
t II. II,. . . i
M the firm. He uses cards, books
almanacs, sets of domain., foot
Our Devil don't bet as strong on
generations as the present
He says he don't see how
ever got up a
as it would take some of the smart-
est folks we have to get them
Mr. of R
side Nursery, tells us he is going to
make a fruit and flower exhibit at
the Elizabeth City fair this lull.
His James grape took the premium
there two years ago, and he expects
to do the same thing this year.
Mr. John Pierce,
was in to see Friday. He says
crops his neighborhood arc
proving much. Cotton, while small,
is fruiting well corn is going to
turn out better than expected. The
people, he says, will make enough
to get along
The Reflector Carrier requests
that patrons town place their
dogs in the back yard, especially on
Wednesday mornings. He
times encounters the curs while ma-
king Ins rounds has seen them
tearing papers left in the front
The Reflector wants to see the
closest business and
between the people
and Scotland Keck. The
railroad now brings very close
together we can work to the
mutual interest to each other.
What says our brother of the Demo-
The County Commissioners wore
talking Monday about passing an
prohibiting driving across
Greenville faster a
walk. It would save much damage
lo the bridge if fast driving over it
was stepped.
Since writing the above learn
that the ordinance was passed and
efforts wilt be made to enforce it.
We will publish the ordinance next
It seems to now is a most
opportune time the business
men of Greenville to concentrate
their efforts to secure an increased
trade for the town. We be-
town that
follows the. style or man for
and the rest get on as
they can.
Two Train
For the last week the train has
1st on its arrival at
says the
ed pounds. The fruit was dell
finest in fact that we have
seen this season. Many thanks are
returned to Mr. Keel.
Over the Bead.
The editor was with a small party
who took a ran over the new rail-
road last week. The road is in ex-
condition and the cars
over it as smoothly as over an old
road. At every station passed
many people, all of whom seemed
rejoiced that the road had been
opened for traffic. At Scotland
Neck we met brother Hilliard of
that splendid paper, the Democrat,
who took pleasure in showing
around the town. It was our first
visit to Scotland Neck. We were
favorably impressed with the. town
and saw quite a number of new
buildings in course of construction.
An artesian well is being bored on
the principal street, and a site
was out to us upon which
preparations are making for the
building of a handsome hotel. It is
a live town. At Goose Nest, Hob-
good and Tillery were new buddings
going up and other signs of prosper-
in fact the road seems to have
enthused new life along route.
We did not see much of Weldon, as
it was raining and our lime was
passed around the depot and hotel.
Capt. was as courteous
affable as could be. He is as
a man as we ever
with and makes friends of every-
body. Smith is another
clever man. We passed the dis-
between two stations m his
cab and he entertained us highly.
The whole trip was much enjoyed.
Were issued by the Register of
Deeds during the month of August
to following
Robert Win field and Mary M.
Little, Marshal Barber and Missouri
George Gardner and Nannie
Gardner, Emmet Spier and
Hawkins, W. A. at d
William Warren and
Joe and Sarah
General May and Nancy Payne.
Redmond Fleming and
George and Cora
William Hill and Rosa
There are merchants
who do not advertise in the Kb
and who do not even sub-
scribe for it. Of they
by refusing their patronage
they don't Pitt
had any newspaper or not. We
wonder how those who long
been readers of the Reflector and
who look forward with much pleas-
to its visits every week would
feel if they could not get a pa
per. Well, if it were not Tor the ad-
patronage that the mer-
chants give us the paper could not
be printed Look over columns
and yon will find the names of those
merchants who make it possible for
you to have a county paper around
your fireside once a week. The
others do care whether you
have a paper or not. Now is it
to ask you which class of
these merchants you will trade
with f
We will sell our entire stock Goods at
Cost for Cash until Sept. 1st.
This we do to make room for our double stock
of fall goods which we will purchase in a. few
days with the hard cash and by so doing will
make all the discounts, consequently we Can
handle with the greatest
e mean what we say. One visit U our
will make you forget hard times and will make
you come to see us every time you get a dollar.
Greenville, N. C.
at Low Rates
to f
Thin Is a Military
School, l the
Climate, Mild Winters,
Comet Band, CUM Orchestra,
tour-, of Study, or prep-
any or fur
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
Specialist Diseases of the
Bryan Hotel, Tarboro, N. C.
months course the Philadelphia
and the Will's Hospital, I
offer my services to the people of Edge-
By the Sea
Spend the Summer at
one of the most delightful places on the
Atlantic will be opened to guests on
-----Is now on a boom
For the Summer
health and vigor can find no place equal
to the Seven Springs, as any
seven will compare with any
of the mineral spring in this country.
There being seven within a few feet
each ether, having analysis a
larger number of ailments can be cured
here than at any watering place known.
Persons coming to the Springs by
Railroad can git conveyance from the
depots at La Grange, and
Mt. Olive. Orange is the nearest
paint. Passengers coming there on the
evening mall can reach the springs be-
fore night.
to per day,
to per week. Liberal reductions by
the month or season.
Seven Springs, N. C.
AS Steamer has been
cured that will leave Washington for I
Ocracoke on Tuesday and Saturday of
each week, and leave New for
Ocracoke on Thursday of each week.
At Ocracoke every accommodation ;
will be furnished to guests and every i
effort will be made to make their
SERF m Will
Can be enjoyed will A tram
has been built from the hotel to
the beach.
Is unsurpassed and these sports can
lie engaged in to the heart's content.
In keeping with
scarcity of
have been in-
Brows I Hooker,
Has been employed for the
those who participate dancing.
And the prop
have been
ed from
We are miking
a special
I- neatly and comfortably furnished and
the bible will be supplied with On which price
the best that can be procured. have been put
right down in
of every.
to per day.
85.00 to per week.
per month.
Special rates to
i. h most form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the moil remedy known to
When one is or
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it
a. nm to, a. r
to schedule time. Two
are badly the trip
rules other device. We Arm we hope that when the mail is put,
also strongly is r on tare there ail b two
ink and while here a t sen day, far
aim Am. ad- tart attar for
Chapel Hill, IT. C.
Is offered in Literature,
Philosophy Law. pr
Visit Ocracoke if yon wish to enjoy
For further particulars address
Washington, N. C.
now be seen at store. I
the latest and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at the
business qualities me for all work
satisfactory and well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
call and examine my stock.
E. A.
Hamilton, N. C.
every kind arc
being fold a t
much less than
former prices,
and On
You con get
Special Bargains
have the.
Co sell sou. and
price j
sure to call
and get
genuine bargains
a with full
COL. A. C. DAVIS, Soft.,
K. C.
Made to
Guttering; Repairing,
Hardware Store.
Greenville, i N. O.
Tar Transportation
Alfred Forbes, Greenville, President
J. Cherry,
J. S. Greenville, Sec A
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F. JONES, Washington, Gen A
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the finest
and quickest boat the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladles.
A Table furnished with lbs
best the market
A trip on the Steamer ; I
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock, a. m.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at a. m.
Freights received daily and
Bills Lading given to nil points.
J. t. semi
Greenville. N. C.
m TERM 27th, 1889
Associate Principal
MRS. K. W. Primary De-
Assistant in Primary
May Instrumental
Miss Fleming. Vocal
Miss Painting and
Mb. J. C. Penmanship
and Department.
Classical and Mathematical. Mu-
sic, Painting Drawing
Location and Good
Plenty of Well Prepared
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of class
Music Department equal
in work to any College in State.
New and Organs.
A of nearly volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Hates Moderate, from to for
Hoard and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
ill Pupils who do not board
with the should consult
before engaging board elsewhere. For
Spool Cotton
Tuition i
Sub per
Academic, j
languages, each,
Music, not more than
Incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
METHOD of teaching will be thorough-
Training thorough.
Pupils from a distance can obtain board,
Including private families
from per mouth. A
class Teacher will be employed
and also an Assistant as soon as the
number of pupils justifies it. Patronage
For further information apply to
I opened Tuesday, August
in of
twenty from to
cents. Board yr month from n fin.
Good moral advantage.
railroad and mail
the principal took a thorough at-
Goodman's Business College and
at the University of Nashville.
Tenn. For
Z. D.
Hand and Machine Use.
Greenville, N. C.
Not to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Administrator
of deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons, to the
estate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and in all creditors of
said estate to present their claims prop-
; authenticated to the undersigned
i on or before the 27th day of August,
or this notice will be plead In bar
of their recovery. This August 1880.
W. A.
I. A. Sugg. of L. J. Barrett.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you ere free to buy where you please, but
if want to save money you come to
factory on 4th street, rear of B.
Cherry A Co's. For convenience
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. I can give
That you ever bad in your life for
to 815.00 less money than any one
else in the county give you. Why V
for my expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and the dis-
counts, if you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. forget the
place on street rear J. B. Cherry
Medical War-
State of Carolina,
Pitt County, J
J, D. Murphy, Executor and Trusts of
Marcellus Moore,
I. A. Sugg and wife, E. Sugg, C.
D. and Jno. T. Bruce, deft.
It appearing to the satisfaction of the
Court that John T. Bruce is a
party defendant to the entitled
being an action commenced
the pose of establishing a trust
and recovering an interest In certain
lands situated on the old plank road,
about three miles from Greenville,
known as the Wiley Nobles
It further appearing said Braes is a
t of North
hereby given to said Bruce of the pen-
of above entitled action la this
a ad M John T- Bruno is
W of
ire to
alter the
st in Sf de-
or answer the which
will be tiled In my within
three days of the term, or the plaintiff.
lifts a Water.
Syrup Figs . to too tie
a hand this .

a Fact.
THE strongest
will be tired out after
a day spent in washing
clothes cleaning house
in the old way. with the
old means,
the aid of JAMES
the same work
time. It virtually takes the hard
work cut task for
soap is used, and is to
fabric or hands.
Millions use it-Do you t
Pearline is never peddle-
but sold by all grocers,
only by JAMES PYLE, New York.
A. C.
The Mortgage.
This W off
and now feel like a
glass- or water, says The
A mortgage is a
institution. makes a man rustle
What is a kiss It is a soft lip and keeps It is a
incentive to action and a
from of
Ac, be cured at fail or
and I
of the
or Dr. T
E. R
and Schedule.
No No No
May 5th. daily Fast Mai, daily
daily ex Sun.
-10 pin t pm C
Ar Rocky Mount
Ar am
Sent post-paid on receipt of
Mn the Heart of Africa.
A most instructive
; paper cents; cloth
Imitation of
Selections from Artemus Ward. Mart Twain,
etc. paces; paper cents; cloth cents.
Harms ., York.
r book in the world
at publisher's
Any book in the world
sends the hot blood rushing to
the heart;
Incarnate joy. when those who love are
greeting. .
I Sweet consolation when they needs
must part.
I ft wheedling of an bonnet;
is I he of penitence. ;
Oft it is given, upon it
Ac men give coin
Of love, so very easy to discover.
That none but him receiving can mis-
take ;
lie lakes Etta grudging gift
A mend their paltry com do
II is the mother's parting gift and bless-
It is tin- latest b to the dead ;
It is the dark and treacherous caressing
That Judas gave his When all
is said.
Tin good, bad ; it may sweet or
bitter ;
Tie kind. cruel ; proper or
Fresh as the robin's earliest morning
Or deadly as the is a kiss.
Patterson Mineral
their year's will find it to
their interest to get our prices before
is complete
in all its branches.
at Lowest Market Prices.
me buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run. we sell at a margin.
s. M.
Greenville. N. f-
ex Min.
Magnolia am H
Ar Wilson
Wilson I OS pm pm
Ar Rocky S
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon M pm pm
en Scotland Neck Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at
Returning. Scotland Neck
7.20 A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. N . via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
M. Sunday H. arrive
Williamston, N a PM. P I. I
Returning leave- N C, daily i
Sunday. A M. Sunday A ;
M. arrive Tarboro. N C, U A M,
Train on Midland N C Branch leaves
Goldsboro daily except Sunday. A M,
arrive N C, A M. Re-
turning leaves N C A M.
arrive Goldsboro. N C. A M.
Train on Nashville leaves Rock v
at P M, W
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M. arrives Rocky Mount A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton leaves i
for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at
and A Returning leave in
ton A M. and P. M. connect.
at Warsaw No and
Southbound train on A
Branch is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for all
via Richmond and
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, sad
Palace Sleepers attached.
JOHN F. . . , , a
General Laving associated B. S.
i. R. l Undertaking business we
Passenger ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All note and accounts due
Atlantic N. C. Railroad past services have been placed in
In Effect A. ML, Saturday. June FLANAGAN.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
No. No. I stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
A ear load arrived and now for
sale by.
at Keel ft eM Will sell them
or reasonable terms on lime. I bought
my for lash and can afford to sell
as anyone Give me a call.
p in SO
a m
Morehead C a m
Going East.
No. L
Mixed Ft.
Pass- Train.
p II
Falling Creek
I a swell
Core Creek
Morehead I iv
Mixed Ft.
p in
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
tip with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd.
Northern Dross Maker and Trim-
mi r. Mi. s has arrived and I am
prepared to execute in die latest
and fashions any work t lit lusted to my
. . latest designs have
2-1 so arrived will be pleased to show
to you. My price are the lowest
; and guarantee not to lie undersold by no
la one. bargains on all goods.
g Mrs. L. C. King,
. .
and Ire.-sing Hair.
Morehead a in
Thursday and Saturday.
Wednesday and
Train connects with Wilmington ft
Train bound North, leaving j rs-a g -3
m., and with Rich-i
p. i , , , ., ,. , ,
Train connects with the at which place
Train, arriving at Goldsboro have located, and where I have
p. and with W and .
with and
Weldon Train. leaving TO MAKE A
p. hi and with Rich-
A Train
leave Goldsboro at with all the improved appliances ; new
Season 1889 Round Trip Tickets. i -ind comfortable chairs.
Rates of Fare. Round Trip Razors sharpened at reasonable figures
Tickets, stations below to , Orders for work outside of my shop
Morehead City. Season of 1880. In I promptly executed. Very respectfully,
effect June 1st.
From . To Season. Sat. Night
and return 3.50
Kinston 3.00 2.00
New 2.00 1.50
Rates of Fare, Round Trip
Ticket Stations below lo
points on the W. M. V. It. R. ,
Old 12.70
Springs, 15.40
13.35 15.10
11.70 16.45
I 15.25 17.00
16.00 17.30 Ii
o. T.
For Sale.
will sell my Center Bluff property
consisting of two acres of land with
Store house, large warehouse and tenant
house on reasonable terms. Property
located a Center on a
very desirable for
business. I have also a splendid
power steam saw and grist mill
will sell at sacrifice.
N. C
pea Stamp.
Look Ahead.
LaGrange Sentinel.
Whereas, in all probability, the
com crop of this entire eastern sec-
will not be tip to the average,
we would throw out this suggestion
to every toiler of the soil and every
m ill who has even a small gar-
den spot, that they, without fail,
plant every available foot of soil in
rutabagas, turnips, Sc., to
bogs, feed milch cows, and furnish
kitchen with wholesome articles
of diet.
Also that the farmers sow a large
area of ground in oats than ever
It is not tho part of wisdom
when one supply is cut off to sit
idly down and weep over the loss,
but go to work and repair as as
possible the loss of damage,
there is a will there is a
Never grieve for what lost,
adopt for a motto the beautiful sen-
expressed by the poet
be wrote these
Arise if the past detain you.
Her sunshine and storms forget
No chains so unworthy to hold you,
As those of a vain
Work not only with a will but
a determination to succeed.
Take advantage of this wet
that has done so much damage
to corn and cotton, and sow large
quantities of turnips for market this
winter, and perhaps you will find
that you were benefited more than
Again, save lots of hay, and yon
will find that it will help out both
corn and fodder. Save bay
crop gentlemen, you did all you
could in summer to destroy it
and did not succeed, so now turn it
to good
Read the following Mr. C. H.
Newark, Ark,, -Was down
with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and
physicians pronounced me an incurable
Consumptive. Began taking Dr.
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and able to
oversee the work on my farm. . It is the
finest medicine ever made.
Jesse Ohio,
says it not been for Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption.
would have died of Lung Troubles.
Was given up by doctors. Am now in
best of Try it. Sample bot-
free at Drug Store.
reminder of t he fleeting mouths and
years. It is fully as symbolical in
its meaning M tho hourglass and
scythe that means death. A
gage also industry, because
it is never idle and it never rests.
It is like a bosom friend, became
the greater the the loser
it slicks to a fellow. It is I a
brave It never s at
charges, nor fears to close in the
enemy. It is like the sand bag of
the in application, but
deadly in effect. It is like baud
Providence j it spreads all
creation and is influence is every-
where visible. It is like the grasp
-t bedevil longer it bolus
the greater its strength. It will
exercise feeble energies and lend ac-
to a sluggish brain, but no
matter how bard debtors work, the
mortgage works still harder. A
mortgage is a good thing to have in
always, that
it is in some other fellow's family.
It is like a boil, always a good thing
on somebody else. It makes a
low sour, cross, selfish,
and miserable, and rarely does him
any good, only to exercise him. In
respect it equal to vigor
the latest patent medicine.
We've bad our last one so far as
we know We would rather
have the ague than have a
gage. Adieu, O death, pall,
This Is a Hew and Masterly Medical and
AGED, and OLD is from .
of Spirits, r Complaint, of the Kidneys, and all diseases upon
, Vice, Ignorance, Vital Exhaustion, and
to every MIDDLE-
of Memory,
leather, fall
Address No. ore. O. Box
Prefatory with numerous testimonials from sources, free to all.
is the only ELECTRO-MEDICO V published, and is absolutely
It la Invaluable to all afflicted, I
Boston, Mass. Prefatory l
Charges past of any Springs
in tin South.
In loll
. of the
, an It reaches the very and of
Pot all of Men, by the author,
strictest person or by his
The Marlboro
Swift's Specific cured me of ugly
and very painful boils or risings.
had twenty-three on my back and
neck at one time and a great many
on my body. I took S. S- S., and
two bottles cared me. This was
years ago, and have bad
boils since. W. H.
Arlington Texas.
II. Wight, of Rogers, Ark., a
prominent farmer and stock grower,
says that Swift's Specific cured him
of letter of twenty standing.
Of course in that time be bad a
great; amount of treatment, and
the wonder is that be did not
the flesh from his bones. S.
S. S. him quick and
continued use of
mixtures poisons the system causes
the bones to decay, and brings en
mercurial rheumatism. The use of
S. S. s. forces impurities from the
blood, gives a good appetite and
digestion, and builds up the whole
human frame. Send to Swift's
Company, Drawer Atlanta
Ga., for treatise Blood Diseases.
The Swift Specific Company,
Drawer Atlanta, Ga. offer a re-
ward of one dollars to any
one will find by analysis a par
tide of iodide of potash,
or other poisonous substance in S.
S. S.
Loss of Confidence.
Dunn Courier.
It seems that confidence has been
lost in most every thing and most
every body. This is to be regret-
The farmers have lost
in the mercantile world, be-
cause some merchants have
perhaps cheated them. mean-
of mean men cause many good
men to suffer. The merchants have
lost confidence in the trading
because there arc so many
est people. The world has lost con-
in the church, because it has
within-its membership ungodly men
and women, whose daily walk and
conversation docs not become a
of our meek lowly
Nothing is so much to be regretted
as this loss of confidence among the
people. We have known men who
have even lost confidence in them-
selves. Many people who have in-
tended well have so managed as to
lose the confidence of the
It seems almost impossible for
officers to maintain the
deuce of the people, because there
are many for own person
good will try, and sometimes
in molding public opinion
against good, honest well intended
people. If every body could learn
to attend to their business and
let other peoples along, and not talk
of the Offices in the State
to Please a
Wilson Advance.
The readers of the Advance will
possibly remember a dirty,
looking man who smoked a stinking
pipe, and carried mail from
Wilson to
some time ago. Well, bis name is
Joe Moore, and he busied himself
very considerably last year in
the of that section;
holding night meetings and
otherwise doing the ditty work of
the Radical party. As a reward for
his distinguished labor for the
grand old party of high moral ideas,
be has boon appointed by Mr. Clark
who delights to honor
and as
at Farmville.
The people of Farmville are an
intelligent, cultivated people and
they let the Joseph two colors
about election severely alone I
and bought their stamps and mail-
ed their letters at Marlboro, which
office was kept by a most estimable
lady. This riled the gay and festive
Joseph and be marched off to
Greenville to Mr. J. J. Perkins,
postmaster at that place and his
so to speak.
Well, as a result of this planning, on
the 15th the office of Marlboro
was discontinued. The
office has been kept for thirty years,
and never has it been the
case that such a class of men were
placed in the that it was
necessary to discontinue post-
offices to force people to deal with
the postmaster any particular
The people of the Marlboro and
Farmville sections are very proper-
They do not propose
to be over by such a man as
Joe Moore, and they now send their
letters to and have their
mail sent from there.
The Joseph has en-
to a stop to this, and
forbid the mail carrier to receive
letters to mail at any other
tries to make the mail carrier
violate the law, which requires him
to receive the mail between two
offices and mail it at first office
he comes to. We believe, be will
hardly succeed in this.
The department has
discontinued the mail route from
Greenville to Marlboro, the latter
place being the terminus cf
route, and when that office was dis-
continued there was no terminus,
and consequently the route was
discontinued. We learn that the
the hair.
luxuriant j
i-i it
on Charleston,
Cincinnati Chicago Patter-
son Ion one half mile of Springs.
To tho Afflicted.
wilt tell yon that lb in-
contained in these water
are in their effect
Tunic and it
remedy for Indigestion. Dis-
ease of the Kidneys. Liver, bladder, and
all ease of Debility and Weak
which need a in
Rheumatic and Scrofulous -lions.
To the Public
are a
Any of the ins
h the Heart of Africa.
The most thrilling and Instruct ire work on
subject. ; paper cloth j .-,
Imitation of
By n Kempis. Paper, unabridged. as
from Artemus Ward. Mark Twain.
others. pages; paper cents; cloth cents
Metropolitan Agency.
Warren St., York.
TO US in the world
w publisher's price.
5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales,
Beam Box
Warranted for
Freight Paid.
Scad for Terms.
i V
are so the
rs farm attached, from
which Bet most of our
a great part of the necessary work
during the season the Springs arc open.
we can favor our with tin
mineral most wholesome
food and accommodations
j the extremely low prices
one person
pies room 81.50 two 81.26. BK
When one person occupies room
two one
person 888.00; I 836.00,
Children to twelve years old
half price. Two to years old one-
fourth price. Servants, special rates in
accordance lo service rendered in
for room of family or person they are
with. Where there are a family of live
or more, or a party of friends from the
same town or section, who will occupy
one large room, a reduction ten
cent, will be made. Stock.
Horses per day. Per week.;
three dollars. Per month, dollar-.
D. J. Editor Proprietor.
s can ii e
. .
. y
. .
. n i
Tombs, Ms, Fencing-,
would respectfully call
to the following address and ask
lo remember can buy a
this house cheaper I ban any other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and best, known having been represented
for over forty years in this Vicinity.
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual for lining or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. W. RATES.
J. Conn.
B. C.
Notice to Creditors.
Judge of Probate of
having issued letters of
to me. the undersigned, on the 8th
day of August. 1888, on the estate of
deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to
the estate to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and load creditors
of said estate to present their claims
I properly authenticated, to the under-
signed, twelve months after the
date of this notice, or this notice be
plead in but of their recovery.
This of
Notice to Creditors.
Having before the of
tin Superior Court of Pitt on the
day of July. as Administrator
mat. from Wilson to i
. has been discharged, because, claims against estate to present
so much, times would be a great. he to violate MM their claims for payment within twelve
deal better.
Consider this Friends-
Your local paper tells when
to go to church, to court, and
every where else you have, to go;
it t.
law and received the mail on the months from this date or tins notice
meats. the law plead in bar of recovery.
route, M All persona owing said estate will conic
The Advice is pleased that the
people of and Marlboro
have shown the they have.
We hope they will continue to mail
their letters at or some
other The law requires
the mail earlier to receive letters
should hold
i j i i j . i between offices and they shot
who is dead, sick, hurt, i . . J .
Hum up to the law, Joseph
married, many other things you notwithstanding.
like to bear; it calls your attention i
to all public enterprises, advocates
good schools, law and order in your
town and it rejoices, with
you in prosperity and
with yon in distress ; it re-
cords the marriage of
the death son and the
illness of your wife free of Charge; it
booms your town, builds up your
business whether yon patronize it
it or not; it invites emigration and
is always first to welcome new
comers- And this is not half it
does for its borne people. And yet
sometimes hear a man say his
paper is not half so good as some
city paper.
if you were to patronize
it more liberally would have no
cause to complain.
Severe of
Thousands suffer blood poison
Tills remedy is becoming so well
known and to popular as to need no
mention. AH who hare used
Bitters sing the same sang of prise.
A purer medicine dots not exist and it
is Guaranteed to do ail that la claimed.
Electric Bitter will cure all diseases of
the Liver and Kidneys, will remove
Pimples, Boils, Nat Rheum and other
drive Malaria from system and
vent as well an ail Malarial fever.-
tire of Headache, Constipation and
Bitters Entire
or -re.
The following Is given by ex-
change as a good remedy to drive
away. Take one teaspoon
each of black and cayenne pepper,
pulverize, and mix in a small
of molasses, and set mom.
It will drive the flies away and they
will not return as long as you keep
this in room. The mixture may
placed on a dish or tin. Try it if
yon want to get rid of
who be cured if they gave B. B. B.
Blood a trial. Send lo
the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga, for
book of cores, that convince
the most skeptical. It is sent free.
J. O. Gibson, Miss., writes
a number of years I suffered untold
agonies from Blood poison. Several
prominent physicians did me little if any
good. began to use B. B. B. with very
faith, but, to my utter surprise it
has made me a well aim hearty
T. Ga., writes
contracted blood poison. I first tried
This July i. 1880. T. B.
of Joyner.
, A. Sock, Ally.
Notice to Creditors.
The Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
issued Letters of
the I to the undersigned upon the estate
I of Mary Hancock, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons Indebted lo
I the estate to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to persons
having claims against said estate to
sent them to the undersigned before the
or this notice will be
plead In bar of their recovery. This mil,
day of July I Cannon.
of Hancock.
Notice to Creditors.
-L County, having Issued Letters of Ad-
ministration to me, the on
the 29th day of June, 1888, on the estate
of Jane Notice Is
hereby given to all persons indebted to
the Estate to make Immediate payment
to Hot Springs to undersigned, and to all creditors
I home a ruined man physically
Nothing seemed to do me any good. My
mother me to try B. B. To
my utter ulcer quick
Morris, Atlanta. Ga., --1
suffered years from syphilitic blood pois-
on which refused to be cured by all
pronounced it a hope-
less case. I hid no appetite, I had pains
in hips and joints and my kidneys were
diseased. My throat was ulcerated and
my breast a of sores. In
this condition I commenced a use of
B. B. It healed every ulcer rod sore and
Hired roe completely in two
of said estate to present their claims.
properly authenticated, to the under-
signed, Twelve Months after
the date of this notice, or this no-
will be plead in bar of their recovery.
This the day of June. 1889.
n. w.
on of lane Stancil. J
Corrected weekly by
Wholesale and Retail
Mess Pork
Pitt County
Sugar Cured
to to
Snuff to no
to a
The Salve the world for
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Fe-
Sores, Chapped Hands,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and cures Files, or no pay re-
quired. It is guaranteed to give am feet
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
per box. For sale
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
Robert Greene, Jr. and wife Louisa
J. C. Guardian, B. F.
of N. B. Anderson, and L. II.
Wilson. of V. L. Anderson.
To J. C. Guardian.
The Defendant.
will take notice that he is hereby
summoned to appear before His Honor
the Judge presiding at September Term
of Pitt Superior Court to be held In
on the 3rd In
and answer or demur to the com-
plaint herein Bled for settlement as
Guardian of the Plaintiff Louisa
Greene, or lodgment will prayed a-
you and your sureties
Herein fail not to take due notice.
Given under my hand at Greenville,
July 1880. K. A.
for baldness,
falling out of hair, and eradication of
dandruff is before the public
Among tho many who have with
wonderful I yen to the fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Latham, Greenville.
Mb. O.
Sit., .
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints procure
it from at my place Of business, for
per bottle. Respectfully,
Greenville, March V ,
Greenville, N. C.
We have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, satisfaction guaranteed
in every instance. Call and be con-
Ladies waited on at their
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
Dealer hi Hay. Corn, Meal, Peas, Data
and Mill Keel.
Will pay for
Com and Peas.
I pay t for my goods and can at-
era to mil a. bottom .
Call me t the store of J. S. Smith
Amusements and Recreation.
BOWLING Alley. Lawn Tennis.
Foot-Ball, and indoor games
all kinds. Team. One horse and buggy.
When two will contract to use it daily I
for one or more hours each day, fifteen
cents per hour each person.
Shelby P. O., or P. U.
Cleveland County, N, C
Cotton Lard.
For sale by all Grocers. Send for Illus
or how to provide a Rood dinner for Four
Persons for One Dollar.
Ar. excellent Cook Book of pages
containing one hundred Dinner
Bills of Fare, with instructions how to
prepare each one, so that the cost
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
ThU valuable will be given fret
to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty pounds of C. O. P. COTTON
SEED LARD, at our Branch Store, No.
lo W. 42nd St., N. Y.
Each pail of our Lard contains r.
the on which corresponds to the
number of pounds in the pail.
Cotton Oil Product N. Y.
W. IS.
Broker, Greenville, N. C
N. B.
Edwards IN,
Printers and Binders,
1ST. O-
We have the largest and most complete
of the kind to be found in
the State, and solicit orders for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
obtained, and all business la the U, S.
Patent office or in the Courts attended
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the U. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no change unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master, the
the Money Order Did., and to
la of the U. S. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients In own State, or
St, C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
la the mot popular
of any of tn the worm.
I-wt claw of Wood
Sen for
COp. Trice a trial,
Edition of Scientific Americas. W
A contains
country and
or public
fall in- and for of
a copy. MUNN CO
may b cOT-
L vi
a. eh
and hare mad
for American
Bend lot
In Tom Is no id the Pat-
pi for
ate. i r.
an K. T
For the Ladies
In to stock before I hue to
receive Fall Goals, I will offer
all my present of
from now until 1st of September at
All liaison band. trimmed and
ti will sold at BOSS. My stock
s many of h most Roods
w .
Per Year,
over in
It the
and More Reading Mailer for
the money than other paper
in North Carolina.
The a variety
of news, NATIONAL. ST
and LOCAL, an will it-
to the material
of tho section in winch it
So ml and
is to the Kit as its
largo grown
makes it an excellent
which to roach the people
new discovery by Alls
in tho way of the alas
Hy railing on or
above named barber, you can
bottle of that is
for dandruff and
kinkiest hair to lie perfectly soft I
glossy, only two or three
week i necessary, and a common
i all to lie used after I
scalp for a few wT
the Try a bottle and f
convinced, cents.

Eastern reflector, 4 September 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 04, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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