Eastern reflector, 28 August 1889

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The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
Hi and
all demands be submitted to the
Sub-Alliances for ratification and
when three fourths of the
ratify a demand, have your
their wealth and political power,
and when the enormous wealth of
became so great that it
was not remunerative in the cities,
From cranks. Mara, dudes high; President issue a proclamation set- they monopolized the land of the
Laughable Reflections.
Alliances have been organized in
the following Alexander,
And girth Provoking Selections as Bertie, Burke,
piled by the Reflector's Bad Boy. Caldwell, Camden,
Cherokee, Clay
Price. per year.
deliver us.
Good deliver w.
Good Lord deliver US.
ting it the demand of the
Alliance. The discussion
the Sub Alliances will inform
members as to tho necessity and
Prom men who swear, then make long j o I be demands, and the
prayer. i
Good Lord deliver us. members knowing that made
From a hotel cleric who divides his hair, the demands will see that they are
Good Lord deliver , , , ,. . . ,
I enforced and then and
From men who boast, on their family I the farmers and laborers
will give measures of real j
who benefit. would aim suggest that
. think.-you fool , .
you send no petitions alter a de-
has been made. Demands
As Reflected from the State Press.
What is Happening Around Us.
country, and the people became a porous-plaster into Gates, Guilford,
vassal in fact. When the Goths I Hyde, Ply
and conquered they, Jackson, Madison, Mitch-1 among
only conquered the barbarians off is only the difference of an
Home, made so by laws that woman's weakness and
. , ,,,. ,. . , ,., , man's weakness. Ono is and
enabled to rob the other is go
Thoughts for Reflection.
Select Morsels for Leisure Houri.
,, From him old
DEMOCRATIC. thinks yon a fool
. Lord deliver us.
ill not hesitate to Democratic
urn and measure that not consistent From a drummer, who Idles the
the principles of the Bummer,
ff yen s-.-int a a deliver US.
section of the State semi From the egotist who says he's a
and petitions are If
we are to beg let us do it in the
proved style, and not demand one
moment and beg the next.
g horses has been very fatal
ell, in this of late,
mons, Polk, Stokes, Swain, Sanford Express miles
Tyrrell, Washington, of the C. F. V. V. road above
haws that act thus, do-j Wilkes, Yancy. Greensboro have been destroyed by
individual intelligence, in- i Nothing seems to be too mean for One hundred and forty-four recent rains.
intelligence cannot exist en. J M have bean u,
in who is on his . . . mi.
without individual ability to acquire manner model far-
How many roses and lives
more perfect were it not for some
gnawing tho P
Staggers floe. .
it. The classes to which our ; He ., electric light in the cases it was a renewal of j m
belong have suffered worse hen-house, and tho hens lay day which had expired. Very ma- grass this season.
than others from evil laws in all tho i and night.
civilizations that have proceeded I lady I wish you
and we fail to do our duty we would refrain from that coarse and
No deaths have
Let there be many windows to soul.
hat all the glory of the universe
May notify it. Not the narrow pane
Of creed can catch the radiant
That shine from countless sources. Tear
The Mind superstition let the light
lour through fair windows broad as
i itself
And high as
of these were commissioned to
complete, the organization their.
., ., c occurred within the incorporation,
counties. Bro. G. Picket, oil
i . m. far, this year. Where is
served us in tho capacity of
What a chimera is what a
I confused chaos what a subject of
the approval of your
I had a charter
I lie. Slate
Alliance and each county and Sub-
a hotel, with
Good Lord deliver us.
their who and
. deliver
M. Holt. From who hell,
of Good Lord deliver us.
Secretary treat yen mean, but wish yon well. Alliance only those
of Wake. Good Lord deliver us. that should accept it should
of ., , , , . , , . , ,
of tales, be It is a liberal
Public of a man who charter and commend it to your
,. . r consideration. One very
on, of Buncombe. important section of the charter was
i From a man who Is and cold apple out by the Senate, and I
M, not complain when we find vulgar word, pantry served us in tho capacity of , , a judge of
produce like To yon, fidget- what should I say g j town with near y a thousand . o
legates, our in this state .,, ,. too months, concluding his work in r f
October last. Parker,
a glorious country.
guardian of truth, and yet a
uncertainty I tho glory
e universe.
looks for guidance, and in returning is not nearly so offensive.
to yon the badge. re- of Trinity College, was appointed
turn sincere thanks to the Stale i .,,, ice carriage State Dy our i ant ego Mills, Pascal.
Alliance, to each County and Sub-; to buy a Committee and has acted in by the Company were
and to the members new yacht.- u p to date. Pro. Harry
the kindness and con-.
Justice K. II. Smith, o
Associate S. Merrimon. of
Wake; Davis, of.
F. Shepherd, of and
Alfonso A very, of Burke.
First n. Brown, of
Second Philips, of
Third District II. G, Connor, of
Clark, of
Fifth John A. Gilmer, of Cf President B. to
Good Lord deliver us.
And also from man who ad-
Good Lord deliver
Prom a girl without her bustle, and a
man don't bustle.
Good deliver .
From the spring poet, the smell of the
Good Lord deliver us.
-F. T. of
. of
Eighth a. of
Ninth P. Graves, of
Tenth G. of
State at
its Session,
K. C, August
The third annual meeting the
Eleventh M. of North Carolina State Aili
n. of ac- to do -A hat of
of Buncombe. lion among I he and las
in i boring that is
and in
will bring it to your attention at
another time. This action of the
Senate and the contempt with
which it treated year demands, and
petitions clearly shows that. it. was
hostile to UP. We had a few friends
there and deserve our thanks.
An inspection of the Senate journals
show you who were for Us and
who against us.
The State Business Agency has
not proved the success we
and I you to give this
every thing you can to
make it what it ought to be. it is
the right aim of the Alliance, and
if you do nothing else at meet-
but perfect this department you
will deserve well Alliance.
never die of consumption, Since your last meeting, tills
said a wife to her husband
sources, including
shown me, and especially
do I commend to your consideration
my associate officers of the State
Alliance. They, not I, deserve your
praise for the great work of organ-
our State so well. j when he came home at a late, hour
To you, delegates, tho welfare of a little the worse for
the Alliance is entrusted ; your, won't die of consumption
labor it relies for those laws that so V
will promote the welfare of
members and the advancement of
order. May bless your la- -breath is so
and bless the Alliance.
my mamma's got a lovely . of Texas was secured by our been work of an -A has no legs, and
new j and has been Loss about 81.500. j. and can ti,
my got c
, ,. . , , ,, lecturing in our State since the Van- M i Tn
a cook that has staid two i , . t j.,.,. . k. A.
has a stalk corn which has
ears on it. Mr. A. Lewis has
tallest stalk of corn we have thy heart, in thy mind
Disbursed as per vouchers in in height and ten leer to the Or fortunes prosperous gate,
hand of Treasurer. Twill have a holy, cheering power
Thew no such word as
Balance hands of Treasurer, 17,020.49 Lexington A
Your Committee year cM was
your lungs are
Mow you Know . was
do I know Because examined the books or the . a passions act as winds to pro
our our reason I
containing a detailed statement of
Sena Vance, of
Matt. W, Ransom, of North-
of District has hail in
G. Skinner, of
Second months
old, at our first annual meeting, it
had eight county Alliances and
of Vance.
Third IV.
Fourth IT. Sub-Alliances.
S ash.
Fifth w. i.
Ninth District- II. G.
it a desire cooperative
This is to be regretted, for
en stores have no place
the plan of the. Alliance. The Alli-
was brought Into existence to
protect the agricultural and labor
classes against
to make its agency
I have over
A. K. Tinker.
Register of Deeds- David II. James.
. Cherry.
S. I. Ward.
B- Harris.
Commissioners Council
Guilford Mooring, C. V, Newton,
W. A. Jr., T. K. Keel.
Board of
Chairman -1. S. C on and J. D.
School Superintendent--H. liar- , our
F. W. Brown.
F. Beans.
I. Lang.
rot T. Smith.
Asst It. Moore.
At the second an- is
meeting it had s,.,.,
f 1.018 Sub Alliances, ,. .,;, j, .
and to-day county
1,810 Sub Alliances with
approximate l 1-
So rapidly has
the State been organized that many
the have not been
instructed in the purposes and
of our order as thoroughly as
they should be, to insure their ac-
and effective work. The
work of new
in organized sections
annual meeting. refer you to the
reports of the Committee
Secretary, Treasurer, State Lecturer
and Organizer and State
Agent the condition of order,
.,.,.,, and inch other A-
literature a i will benefit the
our country. Let us keep it
its sphere and not from
alliances that will effect our credit
and weaken our order.
The strength of the Alliance con-
in the individual intelligence
of its membership. This fact
makes the Lecturer's department of
more importance than any of the
ethers. I recommend I hat you give
the more assistants and
define their duties so they
and will be
held for their work.
They should be matte lie
agents of our National and
The New Officers.
The State Alliance re
held in
the following officers
Vice II. Hays, of
h. Polk, of Raleigh.
Allen, of Wake
chaplain Scott, of
Door II. Tomlinson.
King, of Onslow county.
B. Hunter,
of county.
Harnett county.
Executive B. Al-
of .
of Lenoir.
Delegates to the National Far-
and Union at St.
Alexander and h. L.
Polk, for the State-at-Largo; Elias
Carr, W. A. A. J. Dolby
and E. A-
Magistrate Mrs. Con the receipts and disbursements and I a winds she Would in
claim, Mrs- Kelly, that Mrs. will report thereon. The general j and when she the
gave you that bruised and of the purposes for which ., . ,., the French.
its mother left it at home lot that steers without the
not move; without
baby was dead.
blackened lace wore made, and proper I
Mrs. did, your honor, , ., Goldsboro J. he work for
. I'm vouchers for tho same are in the .
elected t m not . turning on the electric lights m
Magistrate And what you want hands of the Treasurer.
is damages V Fraternally,
Mrs. sir; want h. h. POLK,
The golden moments in the stream
Goldsboro goes with all possible see
.,,, . , ,, , but sand; the come to
progress.-------lie first installment ,.;.; . ,, ,
us, and we only know them
Sec'y N. P. S. Alliance. of the when they are
I cannot endow with world-
if love as wide, as the rolling
prairie, as deep as the Atlantic ocean
can compensate, it is
Alliance Resolutions.
Mill Bill Alliance, No.
August 19th, 1880.
MB. a regular
meeting of Mill Hill Alliance on tin-
city are now on the road and are
expected to arrive here at an early I
Concord The amount of
good eating Cab urns people put on
I he market is a sight. Melons,
i N. C
Ami she answered, shouldn't 3rd Saturday in August, the follow- cabbage, fruits of all kinds,
know what to do with so much
as It would swamp house
and rut; over and
resolutions were unanimously roasting ears, wheat and Hour,
adopted, and we ask for space to
publish the same in the
some other
d gel to dab-
the grout stand-by, hog, can be
found almost at any store. lit fact .
n. c
It being necessary for all farmers crops are good. Any to us will be
throughout the South to promote K , , j. j;. Promptly to-
the Birmingham resolution, , ,, , ., , ,
He raid she had no poetry her fore be it lS Superior Court of e-
soul, and now he walks out with her Resolved That we, the members dell county, who was acquitted at
it. were
it into a plain sold ring, might
think about
should like
of Mill Hill Alliance, will not pat last term of court for embezzle-
any merchant or WM
of men Who persist dealing in
I should like a position in your bagging for baling cotton or V case. He has been
family as coachman, Mr. other purposes. to two years the
That if any member of this j An appeal was taken to
Alliance this pledge be Court.
ball be to any penalty that
S. said the applicant, meekly.
M. have sent our horses to
country for the replied
Mr. Bullion.
can also wait at table or attend
to the. garden and
daughter gets married next
the Alliance, deems necessary.
Wilmington When the
That we request all Sunday School of St. John's Church
the county to adopt this or opened yesterday afternoon it
similar resolutions. was bad robbed
U R E E X V I L L E, N. C
J. E. M RE.
J. H.
week and we go away till the That a copy of this be for- ., . . ,.,,., , I
-1 see; and take the garden raided to the
and lawn with you. But since your I and Former. money in it but it is not
The Sit. Holly Fair was a failure
this year, the receipts but lit-
above the expenses. One the
reasons assigned for this was the
daughter is to lie married the place
wouldn't suit me,
Annual Report
We also appeal to the farmer., known how much. Tho chest was
who are not members of the Farm- locked up in a closet. The thief
into the closet by forcing the
Alliance to uphold these
At a meeting of the
of the twelve Southern States
and deem it unnecessary to say more
i than commend them to our earn-
Ward. B. X. Boyd; net consideration. the last
2nd Ward. Alfred
For bes T. J. M.
K. lib Wan, W. N. Tolbert.
meeting of the National Alliance, a
basis of union was agreed upon be
tween the National Agricultural
. . and the Union. This, if rat-
Fir-t Third .
Sundays, morning and night Rev. name the
Hughes. I. P., Hector. national organization
morn-; . . . ,. . .
in and Prayer Meeting every it does
night B. It. John, I not change oar State name nor
order. If we can get our member-
ship to read paper, and other
literature, to keep them informed
of progress, to better understand
purposes, we will be able to ac-;
without it, Ire will fail, for no
can act together without under-
a landing questions that con-
front them and the measures tie
large number of fakirs who bled the of the Secretary of the North Carolina at Birmingham, Ala., it was
unsophisticated out of their money,
and the twenty or more gambling
establishments on the grounds. By
whose authority these gambling es-
were the grounds,
or why they were permitted to be
there, we do not know, but sup-
pose they paid for the privilege as
they have done at some of our other
fairs. Under these circumstances
we are not surprised that the lair
lock on the door.
Southerner hast Thurs-
day dim went down to Stan
mill gave W. Parker a
N. C.
N. L.
State resolved to use bagging
Aug. 13th made of cotton.
The object of this meeting was to good thrashing with a buggy whip
of adjust movements of the jute cause of difficulty not known. W,
M- bagging trust, who have sec from a man of Pitt GREENVILLE, N. C.
means, aim raKe
away from poor farmers millions c
------In and in the
The condition and of tho or of dollars. Sparta section the army worm bas
in our State is gratifying The New Orleans. New and made his appearance. At
progress Liverpool Cotton have tins this peat has made great ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,;
to deduct tare so as to make. . f r t , r r. r
nm u o. JAMES,
is J-
we are not surprised nil , , , to deduct tare so as lo make . ,, GREENVILLE N C
was a failure, and surely we are not during the year passed, has been . , , the
sorry. No fair which recognizes and of a substantial to compete with the trust; the cotton of every loll- J all court,, collection,
and endorses gambling schemes by A better and companies in every respect, and age.
i r.,. . ;.,,. . u ., , wan tin
Services as . .
Baptist i their rebel. An
Meeting every taut the ion of ,. ,
Wednesday night w. membership is more lobe de-
retained . the proposed
mies are few in comparison to those
granting them, for a consideration,
the privilege of the grounds, ought
to succeed. The should
not be invited to attend fairs to be
lobbed by gamblers and sharpers
with a little more and
under permit and with sanction of and has had the happy
managers. No gambling or . , , . , , ,. ,.,,,,
ling device of any kind should be t Strength.
tolerated on or near the grounds the weak, the
any fair. Tho fair that can't be run doubtful of confirming the;
comprehension of our principles and I a more -vigor aim Advance The New
purposes has grown out of of the Mount Mill, at
investigation, and has fol. such reproach our Mount is approaching
lone much to disarm prejudice and American citizens. This new null will
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F. heretofore. I
every Tuesday night. W.; organizations will join
Lodge. No. lite, K. of at r national meeting at
meets first and third sight I St. Louis and also a better
standing will arrived at with
every Thursday night. C. A. White, labor organizations. These
I organizations were brought into ex-
has not improved since
our last meeting, can see any
hope of as long as
fix the price on
nearly everything we buy or sell.
Whether crops are good or bad,
they manage to leave the farmer
at A. M. and departs at p m. I
Tar mail arrives any Sun-
at I M. and depart at P. M.
Washington mail s daily
at M. and departs at P. M.
For preaching on Mission.
the towns and cities. They see
, in the cities controlling
corporate power by which they an-
The made at our last collect of dollars, no
meeting for certain legislation have matter whether tho seasons are
not been granted, and I would re- good or bad, and luted by
and earnestly recommend they take the risk. This making it
that yon determine at this meet easier for a man to get rich in the
School House, 1st Sunday at either abandon making Inn caused tho downfall of
Swirl 2nd Sunday at o'clock. , Or lake such action as will the civilizations I bat have
Shady Grove, Sunday at your being ed us, at it enabled
If resolve on the lat- combines, to create by
E C. V. O. course suggest which I bey robbed the people o I
We. the members of the Farmer's spindles, will be lighted by
Alliance uphold the Birmingham; . , .,, ,.,,., .,
resolution and the trust have found and equipped With auto
i i and all the latest
Now hi order to break us down, J improvements. The oh mill of this
without receipts from such sources strong. At last annual meet- tho trust proposes to sell its company will also furnished with
shouldn't tun at ail, or be run in , , , , cheaper than ever, hoping that we , , . d
to the ground on the trial. . . are under no ob to use h , , . ,
Wilmington , the State with fifty-two two mills will make a combined
County Alliances, with an aggregate Brother farmers, tho cotton i plant of spindles, will use
Tho Government school at which
of established the school in
and now have charge of it.
There are eighty pupils. These are
taught mechanical work the
principal assistants.
There during the fall win-
months two other schools in the
reservation entirely for , , ,
In Swain County are members attached themselves
Cherokee, and there arc others other Alliance
Greenville, N. C.
thousand. Dining the year; are determined to purchase goods i Au bales; last
twenty Subordinate Alliances only from those who will stand by, of
. . . . . . .
surrendered their charters. Six of
for if we fail now tho company
these united with other Alliances, outlook will more rigid was lying down on the rear plat
and in many cases a majority of the than ever before, j
rubbed with liniment, when the
counties of Graham,
Jackson and Cherokee. There are
possibly some HOP or in North
East Tennessee.
Their capital is Yellow Hill, the
residence of or Charles
Smith, their chief. The office is
elective and the Indians vote for
chief every four years, every
two years vote for There
are of the latter, one for
each Daily.
and are thus still; Charity Alliance met 17th . y ht
with us and are the following . .
us an j immediately got up and staggered
that charity Alliance, through his stall and got in
s do request all leading j alongside the engine.-------It
chants to keep constantly to hold a reunion at I
. I a supply of cotton bagging . . r . .
of supplying aH farmers coming State of
faithful work. J Alliance, through his stall and got in position
All the counties In tho State have I Ho request all leading alongside the engine.-------It is
organizations except the fol- chants to keep constantly band to hold a reunion at the
Ashe, Dare, j a supply of cotton bagging for tire Fair natives of
Graham, Macon, New Hanover and purpose , ,,.
, ,. , who are in sympathy with the North Carolina resilient,
Surry. In these, the following have i re-solution. states. If they their descend-
Subordinate Alliances, as that we send these got together there
Ashe, two; Macon, one; Surry, one. to the Greenville ,
Since last meeting, County for publication. .
P. C F
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
Greenville, N. C.
Under new Management. Hot and
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed with the best of the market. Feed
stables in connection.
Polite waiters. Good Best
table the market afford. When In th
city stop at the
If you want to save money buy your Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods Domestics at the
Store, next door to Rawls, the Jeweler. RAWLS TYSON.

Eastern Reflector,
Hen per year.
measures are not consistent
the true principles of the
If want a a
of the State send for Hie
C , as Second-Claps
The Iron Not Steams Into
Bringing New Life and
Among the People.
Wednesday of last week was a
day not soon to be in
Greenville, m it marked the begin-
of M era m the history of the
town that of her citizens
have long Imped but not until
this time realized. The track lay--
tag on the Scotland Neck ft Green-
ville branch the Wilmington
Railroad has been
ed as to Tar as could be
done until the bridge is a
station had been
established beyond
river until the road could be brought
on into it was known that
on evening of the day mentioned
above the first regular train would
come clown preparatory to opening
n fired schedule for passenger and
freight traffic I he
I the lay the coining
train all the it bail
boon days
the of the town hail
to I urn out almost in to
greet six o'clock
the depopulation town had
in earnest, every available
team and vehicle being brought in-
to requisition to take the people
over, those not able to secure cons
going on foot, and for an
hour there was one constant rush
for the depot until the platform and
some distance up and down each
ride the track was thronged with
At seven o'clock the tram
came thundering in amid the shouts
of the assembled
for all were rejoiced that
Greenville at last had a railroad.
Four our beautiful young ladies,
Misses Bessie Jarvis, Jennie James
and Annie
had beautifully decorated
Dowers a handsome bronzed pair of
antlers, and when the train
stopped the conductor, Capt. II. A.
Soul I In ml and engineer, Mr. J.
Smith, were called out and this was
presented to them by I. A.
engineer look the horns
and mounted upon the front
of Mk
On first train, besides a
passengers, and hands of
I lie I lain, were Mr. J. it. Moore, of
who n to act us
agent at Mr. A. Weill,
from the department of
the W. ft W. Co., at
Mr. assistant Mr.
Mr. W. r.
Agent for the
Company, Capt. W. ii.
the grading of the.
toad Scotland Mark and
Greenville i now no d
among the on way places,
lint is joined In the outside
with bands of steel. The
is now at I lie door of cur
for making this a town of great
and a commercial
wide Hear in
mind, however, that this
can prove one of the best
of helps to our commercial interests,
and a great motive power to our
material advancement,
but little Of itself it
cannot build up the town. The
pie must now bestir
Act promptly and unitedly, and
whatsoever is can lie easily
accomplished. Sit quietly down
with a feeling of indifference
lethargy other towns will step
In and the trade
that justly In-long to
our town. The eyes of the world
are upon us. Let the see us
of young men. While had never
met him personally before com-
here, we bud heard much or
him. Ho makes friend of all he
In conversation with Mr. Weill,
from the Auditor's office, and who
is also a general solicitor for the
company, he told us that road
bed between Scotland Neck and
Greenville was the best of any new
road be ever saw. He said Capt.
Smith had done his work of grad
well and skillfully. Mr. Weill
also expressed himself as highly
pleased with what he saw of Green-
ville in his short visit.
Mr. J. It. Moore, the agent, is a
popular man and skilled in rail-
road work. He is making many-
Mr. George J. Smith, the
said to us, am just delight-
ed with Greenville, and my
life appreciated anything more
than did the presentation of that
deer horn. shall always
remember the kindness of your
He is a skilled hand at the
throttle, and our people can feel
safe in his bonds when they travel
over this road.
More from on
No, sir. Moore did not get
inn into by the first train, and
didn't try to stop it either. But we
tell you what he did do. He had
some good turnouts right there,
scooped in the railroad men
passengers, took them to Hotel
Macon and treated them so clever
that I hey decided at to make
his place headquarters. The
docs a good thing to Jail into
his hands.
Mr. route agent for the
Southern Express Co., came down
to look after the establishment of an
express office here. He said the
office will be opened September 1st.
Mr. D. Haskett will lie agent.
People love to see the trains and
crowds go over to the depot nearly
Dr. Eugene Grissom has ten-
tiered his resignation as Super-
of the North Carolina
Insane The Hoard of
Directors held a meeting on the
22nd when his resignation was
presented and accepted. He
will remain in charge until the
11th of September when the Di-
rectors will again meet to elect
his successor.
Ma. hope will
us for again asking for space
in your paper, in order that may
reply to the would-be great logician
who we suppose is the
the author of the communication
in the titled,
Jury with which title he
heads his last article an instead of
discussing his subject, proceeds to
display his knowledge of
of logic by giving vent to his vicious
disposition indignant feelings
by delivering of a personal
of criticism and sarcasm,
because some obscure little man,
presumed to give his views bis
article, in a brief and reasonable
manner. ,
We are from the woods and
most of the book learning we have
which, we admit is quite limited
we had to get it by the light of pine
knots and lamps after having done
Laid days labor for the support of
an afflicted family, so you we
can't help being and little,
we have not like our friend J.,
imbibed so much self-esteem as to
imagine we arc so much larger than
other people. However, we do not
oiler our as an apology
for short never ask
odds or sympathy of any man how-
ever great he may be, in his
own estimation or other peoples, not
because we know as much
as any man, but because we are
never afraid or ashamed to speak
in what we believe to be
right may say it in a
weak and illogical style.
We are aware of our littleness
feel it very sensibly, but in our
conflicts with the world and bigoted
men, we have long since learned
that it requires a very small
when properly applied to
empty a gas-bag, and very small
insignificant things sometimes up-
set and destroy the heaviest and
most powerful locomotives.
Oh, no Mr. J., were not grieved
nor insulted at your nonsense, and
think so, you are as badly
mistaken as you are estimating
yourself to be a great man and a
logician, but we do say, when any
man, lie he great or small, learned
or unlearned, young or old, says
that nine-tenths of the men who go
into the jury box have not sense
enough to comprehend the simplest
points of law, and arc not possessed
of brain sufficient to enable them to
remember a simple sentence three
inches long, and know no more
about law than a mule knows about
psychology, and calls I hem a set of
uncivilized ignoramuses, ac-
them of bribery and
he utters language at which
nine tenths of the men and women
of Pitt or any other county have
just cause to be, ought to be, and
will lie indignant, and no reasonable
or halt sane man believe any such
stuff or expects anybody else to
believe it, when a man uses
such language he tells what no
man believes to be the
A large number of the business
men of Greenville are going on
an excursion over the new rail-
road to day, for the purpose of
looking at the country and meet-
with the business men and
people along the road. They
will go as far as Weldon. We
hope to see all the people along
this road brought into a close re-
with each other.
Score one for the Salisbury
The last issue of that
paper was printed on a new
Campbell power press which has
just been purchased. The many
friends of the editor of the Her-
Mr. J. R. Whichard, here at
his old home, learn gladly that
he is meeting with such success
since going to Salisbury- His is
the first power press ever used
in the town.
The National Editorial
met in Detroit,
yesterday. There are in
attendance from North Carolina,
Messrs. W. W. of
the Lumberton ; J. B.
Sherrill, of the Concord Times
Josephus Daniels, of the
Chronicle; T. B. ridge,
of the Lexington Dispatch; Thad.
R. Manning, of the Henderson
Gobi Leaf. Mr. W. E. Christian,
of the Charlotte Democrat, was
one of the delegates appointed
from this State, but was
vented from going on account of
sickness in his family. We wish
all the brethren a pleasant trip
and are sorry Mr. Christian
could not go with them.
He may say he has not claimed to
be a logician or a great man. It is
lair to assume when a man sets
himself up as a critic that he pro-
fesses to understand the subject of
his criticism, and when be feels so
large that nearly everybody
everything looks small in bis
it is fair to assume he con-
He says he has fear of b-
classed with the changed initial
mail by anybody whose opinion he
would hold in esteem. Certainly
there is much difference in
our sentiments when brought in
comparison. No reasonable, man
would ever suspicion him of holding
in esteem the opinion of any
nary man. To a man
bis imaginary greatness good-
real fool hardiness, at l
nine-tenths of tho people are too in-
significant for their opinions to be
worth anything, and we have no
doubt he thinks they have no right
to opinion at all.
He prides himself on being such
a peaceable, law abiding citizen,
if he is such, tho jury system
can't hurt him very much, as we
told in before. We have known
several men who never had any
suits court, but were in
the bar while the court was sitting
and seemed to have a good deal of
confidential business with
A great many men are
shrewd enough to their
meanness such a way as not
be caught the meshes of tho law, I
but always manage to some
less guilty man between them and
justice. J. seems to a good
deal about what goes about the
Court House, though he has cases,
perhaps if he would spend less time
the bar during court week, he
might have less to complain He
may live such a manner as to
lead his and some other
people to think him a good man, if
so, ho is a for we are told
in the scriptures that the
abundance of the heart the mouth
and surely none but an
evil heart and wicked brain could
conceive such thoughts as he has
on the jury system and my-
self, lie even borrows, misquotes
and besmirches with his slanderous
lips the saying the good old Dr.
Closs, about ideas, if we are to judge
by his writing would say if
one good bright idea was to get into
his it would burst it as quick
as dynamite.
He says he has said nothing at all
against respectable jurymen and
lawyers, then he would have us be-
that nine-tenths of are
not. respectable. We have not ac-
of saying that all juries
were picked and dishonest. lie
says he is not fool enough to make
a Statement and that he has a
little more regard for truth and
Now we believe that a
man who will write such a piece as
Jury without
cation is fool enough to say almost
anything, the man who will
write and have published such
wholesale and abuse about
people who has never done him any
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
that arc to be excelled in this market. And to be First-class and
pure straight good. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
kinds. Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Lime, op Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, scats per dozen, less G per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a and I guarantee satisfaction.
Spring Display
Foreign and Domestic Novelties.
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
We yield the palm to none.
Are headquarters for all needed in he
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot, be
but if y want anything in
Hardware, Agricultural Stove
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which will sell at Prices.
WE arc now fitted op in and are prepared to
upon short notice any kind or style of
also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old A
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
J. D. Williamson,
truth, and he grossly slanders the is,
jurymen of tho country ; and
we have brain enough to
what this great would-be lo-
wrote or not, if he continues
to talk or write such stuff he will
nut. the
pie about like we do his
willing and if he half the brain
hi assumes to he
would know it. The wise man
as wise perhaps as J. thinks
himself to tells us thou a
wise in his conceit, there
is hope fool than of
It might be well for J. to examine
himself a little and try to see him-
his true light, and find out
whether or not this cap does not
lit him.
He imagines we became vain be-
cause we were accused of his article,
that is just as big a mistake as the
other. As little and ignorant as
we are, and as soft as our brain
may be, wt- hope we shall never
live to see lite line when we shall
have so little sense ha to become
vain over such a piece of nonsense
slander as that, entitled the jury j
system. recollection may be
but perhaps it J. will tell us
who he is we may recollect some
what his past
fool, and the little more regard he
has truth and honesty is indeed
There is better sign of a man's
weakness and disability to maintain
his than to him leave
his subject and a side issue,
or lake to abusing his adversary,
as J. did myself in his last article.
N Mr. have
the gas bag will doubt
nut a lot of rotten, stinking
gas, lo which prefer to pay no
attention. We have already
too much time lo this modern
We don't think you treated us
exactly right Mr. Editor giving
us away to J. unless you do us the
same favor. We know this letter is
ton lung but we could not well drop
off shorter, please publish the whole
of it or none if you don't pub
it send it back to me and I will
the expenses, as I intend it
boll be published.
Very II.
N. C-, Aug.
N. C.
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory is well equipped with the best Mechanics. put up nothing
hut keep up with the times i styles.
Best material need in all work. All styles of Springs are you can from
Storm, Coil, Ran, King.
Also keep on hand a full C of ready
the year round, which will sell as as lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of and counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
I will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest and
I keep on hand a splendid assortment of
All your wants in the above goods can by
Capt- W. U. Smith, the
tor, Mr. If. S. civil
iii the construction the
road, were n as two
boys in new boots the first
train came in. They have done
some hard work on tho road, a
deep Interest in it, and were glad lo
see the so rejoiced.
Cap, A.
tor the tram, if one eh
The Republican State
of Virginia held its
in Norfolk last week and
nominated Billy Mahone for
Governor, Campbell Slemp for
Lieu tenant-Governor and W. S.
for Attorney-General.
Billy has long been an
aspirant, to the
of the Old Dominion, but
he Las never got there yet, and
by the time Capt.
the Democratic nominee, gets
through counting up his major-
Billie will find his little self
still further behind than ever.
Boss Quay, corrupt leader of the
G. P., is trying to help Billy
out, hoping thereby to
the State and secure it for
the Republicans in the next
Presidential election, 1892. But
his little game will fall through
The Democrats will the
coming election in Virginia.
lie says we
enough to comprehend
wrote. We say he had lo
comprehend M he would
a pi the people of I'M I
attacking his We did
conclude I but he had ever been in
toils, or that the letters of
had ever him, we
said that whom had heard
la;., such were generally
those who had received some justice
at hands of an honest
wood's jury, if the cap tits him
lie can wear it. says we draw
conclusions but tell why we
conclude. We would like to
why he concludes
of the jurymen are so Ho
gives no reason whatever, and
fact has more for draw-
such conclusions than he has
for concluding that of
the jurymen are a set rascals
and ignoramuses, he such a
great big, good man. Ho seems
to so much about logic
pretends lo have so much sympathy
our if he is the char-
he to be,
he had write a few pieces
logic. We would thank him much
more for that than Ins piety or
pretended forgiveness, but if his
writing on the jury system is a fair
specimen his logic and a logician
looking for logic were to see it he
would call it, by some other name.
do put the
names all who serve as jurors
the jury box, and a man who is no
as to know that is a
very poor judge of the qua ions
of a juror.
We did not term gross ignorance
and bribery, other manners,
that was a mistake of the printer.
We used word meanness. There
Is another word by the
printer, the word hollering is
both words are
proper however, and we should not
have used it at all but for the word
being used by i. If is
such a great why does he
use slang words hi so-called
logic that is in our vocabulary.
it seems, is indeed fond of
jumping at conclusions. Why he
i should think he has been given
I away by us arc to
If has found out who he ii it
re brain j through some source than
what he J be hasty in your
accusations. We do tell who
We have been with nils
other week fair went tier to tho
delight of the farmers. They are
busy gathering fodder and the pros-
a cotton crop is mote prom-
they thought for.
Mr. Tyson, of Greenville,
We are no receiving Spring and
Summer hope that
you will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
at cents per yard, which you
will find to be equal to any
you will find at cents.
A line of
at cents. And
many other things that we
will offer at special prices
We call especial attention to our
Watch-Maker Jeweler.
If you want something nice in the way of
Sewing Machines,
come to the A
huge new stock just received.
Jewelry Mid Sewing
Machines repaired and warranted.
Tilt Co N C.
Co N C
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Commission Merchants,
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
-Tins space reserved for-
Merchandise Brokers,
opened an interesting sol in I turn
plow, and the
cotton plows. We will
also offer to the trade
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Yours truly,
His many friends
are glad to welcome back.
Anna Forbes, the
of Mr. Forbes, is
visiting in tins
Miss Philip,, of
On., and Mr. Nathaniel Km-
of Ala., who have
been visiting Miss
and other relatives in left
for their home the
their many friend.
Messrs. It. L. Humber J. S. C.
Greenville, spent Sun-
day with friends in this section.
J. F.
Greenville, N. C.
Corrected weekly by SCHULTZ
Pitt County
Sugar Cured
to V
Hus just received line of
ever brought to Greenville and will con-
to keep on ordering until after the
holiday seasons- ft you need anything
in that line it will be to your advantage
to give him a trial before purchasing.
Violin, ad Guitar
also for Watches, Clocks and
Jewelry repaired at notice and In
workmanlike manner and warranted.
Call and see him.
Greenville, ft.
We Lave had several years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
The bad health of Mr. D. Gardner
has compelled him to discontinue tho
management the carriage for
me, which has left a nice stuck of Rood
material bought cheap cash, on my
hand. I will close out tho at a
discount, or will make easy terms
with the or will also make
easy terms with any good reliable man to
on the carriage business for
is better for a carriage
business the county than at this place.
have also a stock of general
merchandise for sale for or
time, such as Meats, Flour. Corn,
in large lots also a nice lot of
New Orleans Molasses, nice
selected stock of Shoes, Hats Straw
Goods, nice lot of Clothing, ladies Dress
Goods, fact everything that can lie
found in a General Store.
May alt. N. C
thus far bestowed upon us and beg for a continuation of the same, we
you to-day a line of goods that cannot, lie in this market for durability
worth. We have now in stock a nice line of Dies- Goods,
Double and Single Width Cash mores,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
nice lot of White Goods kept constantly
Dress Linen and Piece Linens. A line of Piece Pants
will astonish you in quality and price. Notions in endless variety a
line too numerous to mention. Hats for Men, and Children, fur
Goods, Shirts. Cuffs and Collars. Suspenders. Hosiery and a nice line
Scarfs. Shoes, to lit all who favor with patronage, we pay special care to
this line and guarantee Shoes both in quality and price. A large lot of Ladies
Slippers cents op. We the attention of the to our
line of Slippers and think they will not do thou
examining them.
justice if they buy
Hardware. Nails, Outlay,
Hoe, Plows, shovels, Trade Chains.
Grindstones and Fixtures,
Crock cry.
and Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whip
Water Mills.
The undersigned haying leased these
mills for i number of put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that he is prepared to f
Corn and wheat in a first-class
Satisfaction guaranteed to patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill meal at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
he my store
where will select
Merchandise which .
sold lowest prices
R. Fleming.
Ax and Rail Road Mills an I Smoking Tobacco, Groceries
and Provisions, In this line we carry Tea, Coffee. Sugar. Molasses, Rice, Lard
very can buy. Pepper. Spice, Soap, laundry and toilet. Star Lye
Lye, Matches, Candles, Starch, best grade of Kerosene Oil. Meats of differ-
kinds. Flour which we buy low and sell low for the cash. If you need bar-
rel of good to see us, arc rock it.
the v
Bed Springs
What have
In this
We carry
carry Window and Doors of different sizes in stock. Also
e W stock o Furniture of any house in Greenville, embracing Suits,
ii both double and single. Lounges, Chairs of different Cots,
and Mattresses, Children's Cribs and Beds Had Cradles.
not got in line have from several of the
country and will order anything wish at moderate prices.
celebrated Climax and Stonewall PLOWS when you want one,
for these Plows in stock.
Ml IS when you come to town, we guarantee fair and honorable.
and will appreciate your kindness and We can and will
sell as low as any one who sells a- i-nod

Vacation has ended.
Sew goods coming in-
are here.
The schools arc all owning.
Three more days August.
Cotton around.
Most of the opened Mon-
The rain this will damage
Some genuine summer weather
last week.
It is time yon were getting in fall
Mr. J. F. Joy nor sent an open
cotton boll Monday.
County Commissioners will be in
monthly session nest Monday-
A good horse for sale cash or
Mr. J. Williamson is in Nor-
folk this week.
Mr. W. James returned Mon-
day from Ocracoke.
Miss Lucy Cos is visiting
Mrs. A. J. returned home
last night from Norfolk.
Little Mamie, daughter of
John Duckett, is very sick.
Dr. Davis, LaGrange, spent a
day or two in town week.
Mr. Wiley school opened
Monday with seventeen
Mis. W. L. Brown and children
returned last week from Tarboro.
Miss Lillie Cherry returned homo
Friday form Ocracoke and Wash-
Mrs. J. G.
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. J. of Richmond,
is visiting the family of Mr. J. L.
Miss of Martin, Is
visiting sister. Mrs- V. L.
Miss Addie of Content
Second supply Mason's Jars
at the Old Brick Store
See i to creditors by W. A.
Barrett, Administrator of L. J. Far.
Greenville bad a fine
opening of the fall
J. Spool Cotton, an
article that cannot be surpassed, is
sold by M. It. Lang. See advertise-
the Jeweler-
has a new
per. He keep s a good line
watches, clocks and jewelry
supply all your wants.
We hoar B. L Davis, of
Farmville, has rented the store for-
by J. S. Congleton
Co., and will move to Greenville
and business some time this
M. R Lang
making and Winter purchases,
which will comprise everything that is
new and in our line.
To make things during die usual-
dull mouth of August we shall con-
our great bargain sale
so greatly tided us in reducing stock
during the month of July.
GOODS must be out at any
price. We don't want carry over a
worth and will make it to your
Interest to call.
White Goods
AND In this line
we particularly desire to call your at-
to the fact that there are many
desirable goods left and we want you to
have some of them while they are go-
so cheap.
Dress Goods
Have sold -low this season and we have
many desirable medium weight goods
that can be worn until late fall, and
which will be sold at that cannot
fail to induce you to buy.
Our fall stock of are already
to arrive and are going to wake
things up with them soon.
Nothing special lo say at present but
remember that well stake our
on the line here this
season, and our old ones must go for a
we are agents for the t and
best Tailoring the
country. Even garment guaranteed
to fit or no sale. Fall samples for
foods now on exhibition.
time by J- C. Lanier.
, . . . . . is visiting sister Mrs. C. D.
The depot is a lively place in ,
evening- when the train comes in
Last week I he comer stone of a
new Town Hall in Tarboro was laid.
There were no ceremonies, but May-
or Fountain had a box containing
copies of town ordinances, cop-
several papers and a synopsis
of enterprises placed with-
the masonry. Reflector
was among papers.
Business men other towns
will open a photograph gallery
Greenville at an early day.
Mi. C. F. Wilson of Wilson
Advance was in town yesterday on
his way from Ocracoke.
Saturday weather turned cool
and since then it has been fall like.
will tiny Point Lace, the best
Flour at the Old Brick Store.
The trains draw many to
the depot. Don't bother this if yon
Bet tie Warren's
school for girls small boys will
Monday September the 2nd
go to the is a new j came in Monday evening,
phrase in Greenville, but the j j L. Harris, who was at work
go just the same. Clipper, km
Boys should not jump on and off signed his position
the cars while they are moving
the depot.
Lightening Fruit Jars, best, in I Oxford Friend, was in town
the world, save fruit without sugar,; week. We hope she met with
B. S. Clark iV Co. i much
The family of Mr. Gardner
who for a few years have
. . r o. j vi. are making and applying
Mr. B. Hyman, Scotland fop stores n That is
what we like to bear. And now the
thing for Greenville to do is to hold
out inducements for people to
here. Don't drive them from
the town by indifference and high
Ac bear that Messrs. Fleming for property.
and Tucker's school, at Hamilton, j Louis Lawrence, of Rife-
opened last week with has the thanks of the editor
Mr C Robertson, teacher or for a large box of nice grapes which
the commercial department o were sent cs Monday by our Bad
Boy. The same bearer also brought.
some nice peaches, apples and
figs from his good people at home, j
thanks are likewise
Miss representing the
A handsome omnibus to run to
the depot is being talked. Keep
talking till it comes.
Some interesting Altos
matters on first page of the
Reflector to day.
Arrived on matter how
sick you get, you can cat Ross Bis-
the Old Brick Store.
is a right smart difference
in length days now and
continue lo grow shorter
On last Thursday Mr. L.
tree showed H open boll cot-
but it was an
in Greenville, left last, week for
Onslow c unity.
Miss Dora Miller, of Kinston, is
teaching in primary depart-
of the Institute. came
Miss Sadie returned last
week an extended visit, to
ti. She opened her school in the
Academy on Monday.
Past boiler, of Bethel i
was in town Saturday. He told
Academy ;
Dr. D- L. James, our popular
Dentist, has again placed us under
obligations for kindness. The
r day be received a new supply of,
tooth brushes, month
wash, soap and other articles,
beautifying and preserving the
teeth, and tilted us up with a gen-I
supply. He keeps the
articles in this line, that can be had.
it he prospects
for the fall session were. good.
per lb for Sweet Scotch i .
Snuff lb sold in Pitt Co., which Mr. G. J. Smith,
at the Scot land Neck and
road, has moved his family here.
is a of its superiority,
the Old Brick Store.
H. Morris Bros, of
will open a branch store in
; the brick block just one door North
j of the office which is
now being renewed and fitted up
i them. This had a store
j here several years up to recently,
and we are truly glad that they
will open again in
They arc reliable merchants and
have a large experience. We hear
that the store will be in charge of
Mr. Frank Wilson, with Mr. Willie
of Tarboro and Mr. J. D.
They are living at Hotel Macon. Greenville as his assist-
Prof. George T. of
Farmers can cause the grass crop
of next season to be smaller, by i
not letting go to seed this season M U t W
Summering is on the wane and ,.,,.,, entered upon his At II o clock this morning at
at the Opening of the n Collegiate Institute in the town
Wilson, Mr. C a
FURNISHING and all other
goods included to make the sale
fail to secure some of these
most the people have returned
home from the seashore and
All the railroad men make their
at Macon.
They know a good thing when they
find it-
Stove pipe made of refined iron
is i he best. Large lot just received
by Haskett Co.
The schools arc now open. One
thing parents should bear in mind;
is education is worth than j
How about excursion to
The people of Ibis sec-
would be glad of
of going.
You don't accomplish anything
for a town by letting every project-
ed enterprise die down. Talk is
good in its place, but it don't build
up a town unless work is coupled
with it.
This is the most important time
of the year for cleaning up and
premises. Prompt
in this matter and free see of Unit
may save several of fever.
A postal card with your address
on it sent to Allen Warren,
Riverside Nursery. Greenville.
N. C, will secure one of bis new
The young folks had part in
Mrs. cottage last Friday
night. .-elected
by drawing cravats the girls
the same way. Colors find be
Farm bands are causing trouble
around Falkland. They have
and the
fields. of Labor are re
for it.
An the Post De-
part at Washington City, son
in town last week looking alter
. member of one of Greenville's most
Mr. J. kins mercantile firms and one
with two his daughters. Misses of ,,. f town,
Annie and Helen, Salem, where, to Miss Carrie
the young ladies will be entered in Savage, a beautiful young
college. Wilson, Rev. R. P. Pastor
Miss May of Petersburg Greenville M. K. Church
was season as the hap-
music teacher at the Institute, VS will depart for
evening and has CO- a reception will be
her duties. evening at Hotel Macon. The
oilers its warmest con
Rev. Taylor, of Warren ton, and joins the many
was announced to preach in the Meads of the groom in extending
Baptist Chore here last night. , ., boom welcome to
Today he goes to with town.
Rev. G. L. to begin a
there. ; the
J. W. Butler General for the j itinerant with
Chattanooga Plow Co. was hi j means of support except a
last week looking after the in triangle were
of their Celebrated Three ; up last week.
Roll Mills and W one the
day. N to be we will state
these few plain
standing laws to the contrary,
whiskey is being acid in
on Sunday. Notwithstanding the
town has two police they
fail lo bring the violators before
the Mayor. We have been told
that three bar rooms are engaging
in these violations and that the
policemen are aware of it. To
these officers people look.
Instead of saying more at present
as to what may or may not done
in this matter, we will merely refer
back to some three
years ago. It was then told that
whiskey was being sold in town on
and that the officers were
aware of it. We went to a police
man personally with this matter
and be denied emphatically having
the slightest knowledge of such
Not satisfied with this, and
believing there must be some fire
beneath so smoke, we set to
work to ferret the matter. The
result was that on the next
found sufficient evidence of
violation, discovered the identical
police officer to be of the guilty
parties, and the next week the
whole matter was made
through the All this
is remembered by our readers.
Now it is charged again that
whiskey is sold in Greenville
on Sunday. If the policemen don't
know it they ought to know it, and
bring violators before the Court.
One thing is sure, if the
has to have the violators de-
as was the case three years
ago, the whole matter will be given
utmost publicity, let guilt fall
on whom it may. word to the
wise is
New Journal.
A boy who can write a legible
hand, and is willing to work and
don't smoke cigarettes.
The above is taken from the
Visitor. The last four words,
particularly, arrested our attention.
late we have read of several ca-
of young men being killed by
excessive smoking of and
of some smoking themselves into
insane asylums. have not
heard from the thousands who are
daily abusing and injuring their
by the use of the pois
things, but no doubt the per-
of wrecks is
But here is a man who wants a
boy to work and one of the. require
tents is, he must not smoke cigar-
We. wonder if that man has
found a boy that doesn't smoke yet.
II he has we congratulate him. for
believe about nine oat of ten of
the of these
days smoke, and majority of
them smoke cigarettes. Take a
five, feet high and stick a cigarette
in his mouth and it stretches him
out to about five feet eleven inches ;
in other words it takes only a few
packages to make a man
of him. The man who advertised
as above, with other sensible people
no doubt was convinced that
king neither makes a man of a boy
nor qualifies him for business.
Smoking cigarettes is an injurious
habit. It certainly can do no one
any good, but on the other hand is
an exhibition of nonsense and costs;
money and health.
We will sell our entire stock Goods at
Cost for Cash until Sept. 1st.
This we do to make room for our double stock
of fall goods which we will purchase in a few
days with the hard cash and by so doing will
make all the discounts, consequently we can
handle with the greatest impunity.
W e mean what we say. One visit to our store
will make you forget hard times and will make
you come to see us every time you get a dollar.
Greenville, N. C.
la a Military
an-I Is of tho Ml
In the foiled
State, location,
Mild winters, Cadet
Cornet Band, Cadet
Course of Study, or prep-
for highest classes
, any Collage or fur Business.
Complete Course In Telegraphy, Fur
with full particulars address
. i ran N. C
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
Specialist in Diseases of the
m, m, mm throat.
Bryan Hotel, Tarboro, N. C.
months at the Philadelphia
the Will's Hospital, I
Offer ray the people of
and adjoining counties.
By the Sea
Spend the Summer at
one of the most places on the
Atlantic coast-, be opened to guests on
-----Is now on a
For the Summer
health and vigor can find no place
to the Seven Springs, as any one of the
seven will compare favorably with any
of the mineral in
There being seven within a few feet
each ether, having different analysis a
number of ailments can he cured
than any watering place known.
Persona coming to the by
Railroad can get conveyance from toe
depots at La and
Mt. Olive. Grange is the nearest
point. Passengers coming there on the
evening mail can reach the spring- be-
fore night.
to per week. Liberal redactions by
the month or season.
Seven Springs, N. C.
Mate to
Roofing, and Repairing,
Greenville, N. C.
Steamer has been
that will leave Washington for i
Ocracoke on Tuesday Saturday of
each week, and leave for
Ocracoke on Thursday of each week.
At. Ocracoke even- accommodation I
will be famished to guests and every j
effort will be made to make their
fan lie enjoyed at will. A tram road
has been from the hotel to
sum i
Is unsurpassed and sports can
be engaged in to the content.
Has been employed for the benefit of
those who participate m dancing.
at a general disturbance. Po-
Smith put in an appearance
while. tho drunken
a sheathed was drop-
by the latter. The officer has
stooped to pick up the knife
as he raised up the rush-
ed at him. Not having to
Change the knife lo his Mt hand
Mr. Smith struck at the with
his billet while holding the knife,
in the same hand.
Tins streak the behind the
left boulder and going through the
sheath made an ugly wound. The
officer took him to the guild
house called in a physician to
examine the wound which was pro
not May-
or James called up tho offender and
dealt with him. The
which the had no doubt
attempted to get out to use on the
If there is a man in town who has officer, was a dangerous weapon,
so little interest in the general It hid a keen blade five inches long
fare as to refuse to work was finished with a
We have not yet received an
for the Scotland Neck
ft Greenville but the
trains leave Greenville at A. M.
and returns at P. M., daily ex
September 15th Northern Mads
for Greenville will come in on the
train every evening. This will be a
great convenience, making a saving
of twenty-fear hours in correspond
between Greenville and the
cities North.
One of pertinent needs of Green-
ville, just is a first-class hotel,
a nice one, fit it up modern
style and put Moore at the
head Then you take
steps m the
for having the mails I town, he ought tone kicked of white handle.
to Greenville on the trains. I oar
Is it an honest man who makes We long to see Greenville rid
an hundred promises about paying
his subscription to a newspaper and
On a inch
never fulfills tho first
Editors must seek information some found
time, and we pause for
Reader, collections have been
usually dull of late this office is
much in need of If yon can
spare a little bring it along quick.
We are only asking for what is hon
Last Sunday in the Methodist
R. John used as bis
text these up a
child in the way he should go, and
when ho is old he will not depart
from beginning bis sermon
of Mrs. P. E. residence.
When the cook went into the dining
room to arrange breakfast the snake I the minister remarked that his dis-
was crawling about tho floor. It would be principally from
promptly dispatched. tho theme drunkards are
j He a good, plain
sermon, pointing out some easy
by which
what steps
hope it will not moral suasion to avoid the evil,
, be brought mm w i
On Mr. J, U.
enormous debt and
Greenville does not rival that whiskey
brought upon country.
nest or two- to tho
shops. to a nominal increase in tho purpose
to Norfolk county, Va, and is the I population, but there is going to
over into town.
Last Thursday saw a hand
some new baggy ready for or within
i a comparison
a steady, growth words
and having a few
While t ins man of
and is sought in preference. b-8 Greenville
the f
.- . . r-twin. i ,, i i tins
complimentary ticket to the the very the minister
trial Display and Fair, Hal- j preaching People who
with which ladies may use the j Oct. to have j returned homo form church by a
liquid n-nit laxative. Syrup of Figs,, a number of tickets Tor little gills met the disgraceful
under all conditions make it their under six years of ago for the j spectacle of a young man, so drunk
I favorite remedy. It is pleasing Day, 14th. One of these
tho eye and to taste, gentle, yet tickets will given to any little
i. h mod form
of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming agreeable
mid effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the .
It is most remedy to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
---SO THAT---
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
t. new . r.
Is neatly and
the will he supplied with
the that can be procured.
to per day.
87.00 to 810.00 week.
Special rates to
In keening with
I the
I scarcity of
I have in
And the prow
have been knock
high priced
We are making
a special drive
on all
On which
have put
right down in
body, of every-
Visit Ocracoke if yon wish to enjoy
the season.
For further particulars address
Washington, N. C.
Can now be seen at my store. I have
the latest and newest
an experience of several years at the
business qualities me for doing all work
satisfactory and well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will to have
call and examine my stock.
E. A.
Of every kind arc
he i n R a t
much less than
former prices,
and on
and Hats
Yon can get
We have the
goods and
to sell you,
can make prices
to tho interest of
He sure to call
on us get
genuine bargain
Brown Hooker.
The Tar River Transportation
Forbes, Greenville, President
J. It.
X. M. Lawrence, Tarboro,
Capt. K. V. Jones, Ag
People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the finest
and quickest boat on the. river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
Fitted up specially comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A furnished with the
beat the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
Friday o'clock, a. m.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at I A. M.
Freights received daily and through
Bills leading given to all points.
J. t it in. it-cm
Greenville, N. G.
John Di Principal,
sine. R. w,
Assistant In Primary
May Instrumental
Fleming, Vocal Music.
Miss Rouse, Painting and
Mu. J. C. Penmanship
and Commercial Department.
Primary. Academic.
Classical and Mathematical, Mu-
sic. Painting and Drawing.
Large, Buildings.
Healthy Location and
Plenty of Well Prepared
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of first class
Music Department equal
in work to any College in the State.
and Organs.
A Library of nearly inn volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Moderate, from to for
Board and Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
in Pupils who do not hoard
with the Principal should consult bin;
before engaging hoard elsewhere. For
particulars, Address,
Spool Cotton
Hand and Machine Use.
Greenville, N.
pleasant effect and the perfect safe-
X. B. Lang's Column. W
in acting on Hie
of this community whose
cuts will her to tho fair.
that he walk being
dragged to room two other
iron. This man got whiskey
from a bar room
Chapel Hill, N. C.
is offered In Science,
and Law. Tuition per
session. For address
Hamilton, N. C.
per mouth.
Music, not more than
Incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
METHOD of teaching will be thorough-
Training thorough.
from a distance can obtain hoard,
including lodging, in private families
from per month. A
class Music Teacher will be employed
and also an Assistant as soon as the
number of pupils justifies it. Patronage
For further information apply to
I opened Tuesday. August 27th,
1880. in per session of
twenty weeks from to
each. 9-. Incidental Fee SO
cents. Board per month from to
moral advantages. Convenient
railroad and mail facilities, year
the principal look a thorough at
Goodman's and
the University of Nashville.
Tenn. For timber particulars address,
Bethel, N, C.
Notice to Creditors.
H qualified before the Clerk of
the Superior Court, Pitt county
on the 8th day of May, 1880, as
upon the estate of Unwell
deceased, this is to notify sill per-
sons holding claims said estate
to present their claims for
within twelve months from date or
this notice will plead in bar of their
I recovery. All persons owing said es-
, tale will come forward and make
This May Adm. of Unwell Joyner.
Land Sale.
BY virtue of a mortgage executed and
delivered toO. If. T. Fountain
Harris on the day of
I January. 1880, which Was duly recorded
In the of Pitt in
D. page mortgage was
thereafter transferred for value to R. W
King and him transferred to II. F.
i Keel, the will sell for cash
before Hip Court House door in
; on Saturday. August list. 1889, the
interest of the said Harris
I in the following described of land
situated in the town of Greenville, lying
near the river, adjoining the lots of
Arthur and others, and being
i the lot deeded to Harris and others
by K. O. containing one-half
an more or less, II. F.
This Aug. 1st. 1880.
F. G. Attorney.
Having duly qualified sis Administrator
, of notice u here
by Riven to sill persons indebted to the
estate to make Immediate payment to
undersigned, and to sill creditors of
; said estate to present their prop-
authenticated to the undersigned
on or before the day of August.
or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. This August 1880.
W. A.
I. A. of L. J.
Drag Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Medical War-
Celery Syrup of
S. B., B. B. B. ,,
14th a Water.
For we have five now. Ah
yon free to buy when you please, but
If want lo save money yon coins
factory on 4th street, rear of II.
Cherry A Co's. For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on street. lean give
That yon ever had in your life tor
810.0 to money than any one
else In tho county can give you.
for my expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash for dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it you
come and sec. Having had years
experience In the business I guarantee
perfect Satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specially. Don't forget the
place on -tilt street rear J. Cherry
Pitt County, I
J, Murphy, and Trustee of
I. A. Sugg and wife. Millie E. Sugg, C.
Rountree T. deft.
It appearing to the of the
Court that John T. Bruce is a proper
party defendant to the entitled
being an action commenced
for the purpose, of establishing a trust
and recovering an interest in certain
lands situated on the old plank road
about three miles from
known as the Wiley Nobles
It further appearing that said Bruce is
t of North notice
is hereby given to said Bruce of the pen-
of entitled action In Mils
Court, and said John T. Is hereby
ordered to appear at the next term of
tho Superior Court Pitt County to
convened on the 2nd Monday after the
1st Monday in 1889. and de-
to or answer the complaint which
will Hied in my within tho first
three of term, or tho plaintiff
will apply to the for the. relief de
In complaint. Liven
my this July 3rd,
Clerk Superior Court,

you have articles too
to be washed in the ordinary
finest laces or embroideries
wash them with PYLE'S PEARLINE.
in the manner directed on each package.
There is no rubbing, hence no wear and
tear of the fabrics.
When you have something exceedingly
coarse and that you
dread the washing PYLE'S PEARLINE on it.
There is no rubbing, hence no wear and tear on yourself.
We guarantee PEARLINE to be harmless, but beware
of the imitations.
PEARLINE is the modern means for easy and good
crashing and cleaning.
Manufactured by JAMES PYLE, New York.
the of Tooth, Vice. I-
may he at fall r
and Jar
Tm I i .
Sc, r- H I .
St. I . T-m IV-- I'M ml Instate,
. i
Sent post-paid on receipt of price
In the ff Africa.
A most instructive i .
cloth iI i
Tin- procession must not
a river.
The last name n living
calls is tho next to follow.
A on doorknob
is sign of death in family.
The corpse must not twice
any art the same rood.
To on I be half
disaster or a
Whoever works on a sick person's
be or site will die within a
Whoever counts the at
la passing funeral will die within
km- I tan
house, one will die before Ilia
A It
No No -7. No
daily daily
dally cs ;
V. to
Imitation of
selections from Ward. Mark
etc. cents ; cloth cents.
in the world
L at publisher's
Ai M
Lt Tin
Ar Si
Lt Warsaw
II thirteen sit at. a table the
that not live
I lie y
To break a looking is n
of in the before the
If three persona look at the same
into a mirror one will die With-
in the year
person on whom eyes
Faithful More than
I eat a ill he the
No No
dally daily
a in h
AN. , f
I it i-i-r- will the tune Ml
our before hick,
complete .
one hes, and no rigor
it a second
death in the family.
is unlucky in a funeral
those present to the
H M .
. a
TEAS, c.
Lt I
27.2 bi
Lt S
Ar Wilson M
Ar Haunt M W
Lt Tarboro
Ar I pm
Daily Sunday.
Train n Scotland Heck Branch
leaves Halifax Scotland Heck
Scotland Neck
l.-O A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. N via Allie-
A Raleigh It- R. dally Son-
day. P M. S P M.
N c. P M. I M.
Returning S . daily
A M. A
M. arrive Tarboro. S . n f, M. i
i Sunday. A
N . i a M.
h-aves s A M.
arrive N c. A V.
Train on Rocky
Monet at M,
P M Hope P .
leaves Sin-in I lope A M.
M. s A
Clinton Warsaw
for Clinton daily. Sunday,
II Oil A M lie
ton a M. In P.
infill Warsaw with SI Hid
train mi
ville i- No. ,. .,, time. I
Ho. except Sunday. lock for Cash and ran to sell
Tram will a cheap as Glee me a call.
c direct from Manufacturers,
you to boy one profit. A
stock of
on and id to suit
the times. Our BOOth are all
sold for no risk
to run. we sell at don margin.
s. M.
N. C-
is draws by two while
death in
will occur within a mouth.
II falls a new made gravel Fry and Ryan, thrown their
there will he another death in the
fa nil v Within the year.
At a funeral entering
before Hie mourners means death to
some of the entering party.
If the grave is left open over
Sunday another death will occur be-
fore the Sunday following.
If rain falls into an open grave
another burial in the same
will occur within three days.
To keep the corpse in house
Sunday will bring death in
family before the year is on I.
one comes to a funeral
alter starts
will occur in I ho same house.
It is unlucky to pass through a
funeral, either between the
him to make the terrible wish.
His wife reproved him.
ho is alleged
to have this Up-
In heaven, I play
my ill the man
who has my pipe.
bis had died
away Call felt n severe I witch
heart of
unwell II- was to
his room and a hastily dis.
for, that ho bad
received n Stroke of paralysis. As
was in straightened
it was deemed best lo
remove him for lo
Home fur file I which was
the case a one and death
ensued in less than twelve hours.
The wore at a
loss lo understand Ins sadden
death. A few days later, in looking
through clothes, removed at the
lime of the paralytic
the;, were I with
lions horror, for in one of his out-
side wan found miss-
pipe, which had its way
into lining.
As Gallagher was a Cat
was burled in Mount
tery. Since the it seems
as though the family wen-
with trouble. The death angel
took away Patrick's favorite child,
a married woman with children,
and several more of the children
scorn- ,, -ii,
lib a malady, Ii is
baffling the I Hy.
The whole neighborhood is
by the peculiar affair.
Gallagher was a healthy
man of sixty seven, and was well
known in West Detroit. The pipe
which lie thought he bad lost or was
stolen was an old black clay one,
had been in bis possession
twenty years and thought more
than be had IN hi
session. When he first missed ii
he felt so ban over it tears swell
I'd in his eye, and be searched nil
over the neighborhood, informing
everyone of bis and
Tin Dollar Is King.
The plot
more in way of a
been made public limn
broached but week to the i
that an ante
has opened negotiations with the
Of tile United States
for of pooling their
common issues and emit rolling the
market of the whole world. Tho
plan contemplates bonding for a
term all the principal plantations of
the Java,
and Mauritius, and shipping the
surplus stock of
beet sugar to America. Tho
of this scheme would be an
of in without
a increase of the supply in
Gigantic as is this scheme in a
is still more
en in its political aspects,
for it is in order to secure
the cooperation of Spanish
Government, the proposes
to raise an buy
the Independence of Cuba as a
step. The audacity of this
project can be estimated only by
remembering the sacrifices already
made by retain its last
stronghold in America, the
ago, our offered
Since that time the home Govern
has spent, thrice the proffered
sum in potting down rebellions on
the island. Thousands of lives have
been lost in the long and desperate
fight, Spanish pitted against
patriotism has made red the
of unhappy country. Gal-
but Quixotic American
dis. Lopez and lo
Notice to Creditors. the
Patterson Mineral
,. . on
Is I
of e i Charges of
properly In in under
w II in ill Ilia
. or be
I In n ii
I would b , mil n-
lion in the us and ask
you In Hint buy
. of
. . other in the
country. the i r -liable
and be n ha ting l i n d
tor over forty In vicinity.
That this second to none
mill has for
and factory,
cry full ,
R P. ;
I. -I- . Nora ilk.
n. CI. .
in the South.
In lull
now of the
Ml i
lives away in the cause of
Next to Cuba has.
Suffered most wider the iron rule of
a bated alien yoke, for Spanish
masters, of kindred blood.
arc foreign in residence, in interest t, which is supposed to
in sentiment.
patriotism and self-sac-
have failed to make free.
a mockery of
It would lie if, i
h failed, in- I'm- f I
I i is I
fur from
may make a
free-lo-day, but. I
same force may enslave j
another people to-morrow AN
it is conceded that the peace
of more on
purge o
have been the means o Ins
i .- I , j.
I .- . ,
pap cloth o
is Kn
5-Ton Scales,
fr Inn
l for let
I N. no Charleston,
mile of Spring .
To the Afflicted.
I will tell yon that Hit in-
contained. In these
in Diuretic,
Tonic and It
for Indigestion.
en u Bladder, and
all or
which need a and In
and Scrofulous
To the Public.
I- are me so the
n With form
we Rel our
part of the
the the are
can favor our patron with the heal
mineral moat wholesome
fond at
extremely low prices
When one n room
two . 7.00. Month. -When one
pi room
lo twelve old
half price. Two to six years old
price, rates in
lo i vice i-i oaring
room it person they me
with. there are a of live
or more, or a parts of friends from
tame town or who -viii occupy
one large room, a reduction ten per
coat, will In- Care of Stock.
Horse i per day, c Per week,
three . ten dollars.
D. Proprietor,
hi Will-ell them
rail vi i and except
Train- fur
via and
All train mil
J. R.
T M.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
A. M-. Saturday, June
1st, 181-9
Xi. No.
of her
ages or ti
In if
open over Sunday, i said
within four weeks one of the
will die.
To put on the bonnet or hut of
one in mourning is sign
you will wear one before la
When a woman, who been
a- she Mia
i j I lie a if
If, daring sicklier,
be dropped is a mat
at the point sticks into the Boor,
it indicates the death of the
A common in
is the corpse ram to keep
This belief exists also in the
United Slates. Thus it is said that
if rain falls the time of Inner
it is a sign that dead has
gone to heaven.
the swords of its rulers,
cannot no to war, ilia
one-. she has not the
credit. is lo
in my
who i-e if y Ii. ii. II.
Hill. Send in
book cures, that convince
the most skeptical. free.
o. Mi--., writes
a number of years I suffered untold
agonies from
prominent did me little
rood. I he in to use ll. II. with very
faith, but, to my utter surprise ii
made me a
T. Macon, Ga.
I contracted blood poison. I iii .
and Mien went to Hot Springs
I returned homes mined physically
to d i me M,
mother me to B. Ii. To
r every piles
Morris, Atlanta. I
years syphilitic blood
on which n -I to be by all
meat it
I I had pain
Mi and my kidney i w
How Loot
Amusements and Recreation.
Alley. Tennis,
t, loot -Ball, of
One horse buggy.
When two will contract to use it daily
for one or more hours each day, fifteen
cent per hour o persona
P. P. O.
vi land r, N.
Seed Lard,
m from pat.
fries H
en . . . . , , ii I. were .
; inevitable each ,,.,,.,. .,.,.,. .,., i ;
she . ,, , M- WaS In plain
Knows the other to ill armed . In if
on the Nervous
. .
from V ice, or
for Work, I'm
pretender, j-rent
. ti .
associated It. S.
with me in tho business w
are really serve the people in that
Rapacity. notes and accounts tine
on- for past services have been placed in
hands of Mr. for col
p S -0
I in
i a in
a m
Fast. s
keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
Mm; and van furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county line Coffin. are filled
up all conveniences and can
satisfactory services to all who patronize
II no
s m
r, no
p in
No. i
Mist t .;
pass Train.
j i n
e CO
r. in
and i by no
one. i i
. C. King-,
and Dressing Hair.
I ranee
fore Creek
poi I
Atlantic lion I
Train North, leaving
a. D., and with
A Train West, leaving
p. in.
Train connects with
Train, arriving at
m., and with and. .,,
Train from North at p. m Al TRACTIVE,
Train i connects , .
m and with Rich- MODEL BARBERSHOP
mead X Train
II tin- new
at reasonable figures
id my
Season of 1889. In cut Very
effect June 1st. A EDMONDS.
From To Sat. Night,
M W-00
LaGrange and 2.50 A o
Kin-ton I sell my Center
New 2.00 1.50 eon.-i.-ii of Seres of land With
Season store haunt. Urge war, and tenant
Through of Kate. Round Trip on terms. Property
is below to , Center on Tar
lay Dress Maker and Trim-
en r. has and mil
it lo execute in the latest
and any work to my
latest signs have bI
so arrived and will he lo show
i yon. are lowest I Trial boll lea
i Snap Paper Her
It was just an scrap
hot it saved her
She was the lust singes of
bold by physicians
one and could
live only u I time ; weighed
less seventy pounds. On n
piece of wrapping paper she rent
Ir. New and got
a it u-r, she
bong hi a large bottle; ti helped In i
more, another and t-i-
lust, its use and is
plump, weigh-
For fuller
the of
and end I. l
And so
only helps the her hon
feels, also binds the nations
as it never
The web of spider
Covers the whole globe. The fort-
one depend-, less on the
artillery than mi purse
can pay for tho same.
It may be well, perhaps that I be
pence of t e world is seemed
M U.
in I . I i
i .
salve in i w rid for Cuts,
Sores, I Hands,
Curtis, aid all Eruptions,
arid cures or no pay re-
II is to give
salt or mo refunded. Price
per box. sale
Notice to Creditors,
laving qualified before tho C rs of
Court of on the
1889 as A
upon the of
is to notify all persons holding
by the of trade, which is I claims against estate to present
conservative, but there is their claims for within
. . , . . , . . ,. i months from tins date or this notice
punt winch it is not sale lo j ,.,.,, ; f ;,.,;,. .,. .,,.
i sordid power. The peace i AH estate will come
. . , , ,,
loving of Borne 1880. T.
it good ill
K hen t
I. Ally.
of A
Notice to Creditors.
tin- Opera which place
e recently located, and where I have
in line
this Discovery Free at
Urns store.
hordes and averted war.
but paid dearly wards
., , ,; Superior of Pitt conn-
the respite. The world having Issued Utters
cannot more j Hun to the the
Mary deceased, notice i
I hereby to all Indebted
.-.-,. .,. , .
Wm. Parker, H. D., re-
from Hie for
1.7 mall or in parson, at tho
No. -I -st., to whoa u
ti. . . .
. . .
R nod Trip Tickets.
Speck-d of Fare. Trip at
Tickets, from stations named below to work of
Tor Sale.
from on Stations
points on Mm W. N. C. K.
Oh or-.,
very desirable, for
have also a splendid
power steam saw and grist mill Hint
Will sell St a
J. X.
If. C
11.0-1 13.3-i 15.10
, 15.15 i
I 14.90 15.96 17.65
Nickeled Self-Inking Pen It Pencil
m ,
Mr. E.
My children have some
limes had boils and other of
blood Impurities, loss of
lite, at which limes have
Specific a most
remedy, in no instance fail-
lo effect a speedy and perm
is a great bless-
lo says Mr. K.
of Street, Nash-
ville, Ten cured me of
rheumatism of a very bad type,
which I tumbled for
or years, y. H. K. cured me
bad exhausted everything else.
Mr. of the firm
of My tick Henderson, Kurt
Smith, Ark-, says he wishes to add
his testimony the thousands
which have already given as
to Swift's Specific. He be
signal from
Us to painful boils sores
from I in port- blood.
When taken for a days, pot-
ash mixtures impair the
lake away appetite, dry up
the juices which should ii-
Ha war-lords, It will be a bud
For the of when to make Immediate payment
it is gained by the bribe of a selfish, f
ti victim
plain v. ;
. full
; .
isle by all Grocers. Send for
or how to provide a good dinner for Pour
Persons One Dollar.
Cook pages
one hundred
Fare, instructions Inn U
pare each one. so that the I
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
-I additional
This valuable be fit
lo any one or presenting the
. lug the purchase of
C, O.
I. at n. No.
in St., X. V.
Each our contains
n which corresponds to the
of pounds In pail.
Gil Company,
Broker, Greenville, N G
C, U. n. n.
Printers and Binders,
V-I, 1ST. O.
We fie t
the kind to found la
it nil 1.1
road or School Print-
or Binding.
. Semi 11- your
it Cc
it the
Hill gives More Mailer fur
tho any other
in North
The gives a variety
of nous. NATIONAL,
devote it-
self advancement
of t i-eel inn iii which it
Semi your gel.
to an its
largo and growing
makes it tin excellent
to I lie
are nut m ignoble
This what yon ought to
having claims against estate to
sent them lo the before
notice id lie
In liar of their recovery. Tills
of 1880,
Notice to Creditors.
must have it,
life. are .
, , ;,,. . . , tome, t he on
or it ruing , ,,,, ,,,, nil ;, ,. .;,,
m And it not. upon of June Notice U
of are spent j hereby given to all persona indebted to
our in the to Immediate payment
may this boon. I and lo all creditors
. . . i of said estate to present their claim.
And yet be had by all. to under-
that If signed, within Twelve Months after
used lo and the i dale of this or this no-
persisted in, will bring good bar their recovery.
and oust the den. 111th day of
install. ; .,,,.,. ,,,,.
We Hitters
and all diseases of Liver, j
Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at
and ii per by Ernul
County. J
Robert Jr. wife Lenin
N. and L. II.
Wilson, V. I,. And.-r.-on.
. . . ,. ,,. . . I To S.
sf In- Tho c.
of the
will take notice that he
In appear before III Honor
the Judge presiding at Term
of Superior to be held in
that's Greenville on
to the cow-
plaint herein filed for settlement as
fro.-i Heel a.
V . ,; .
. i . n .
. I i
. . .
falling on of
Auk ,
fill . . ,
M truth of i lie i
Mi . i . I i
one i for
It from .;. in .
t per bottle,
M-. r.
I . ,
N. C.
b re e rash -t
towel .
harp hi I teed
ice. Call
i In .
a b,
corn, .
foot la ,
A special
God will paralyze the man
got my
That sentence hits a super of the Plaintiff Louisa and Mill Keel,
in digesting and awe on the part of or will be prayed Will in ; . , ,
,. you your sure-lies on your ,
street Guardian bond. Lorn and
loll in
way not there, and its
the food. Swift's has just
it improves
obtained, and all busbies In the I . s.
Patent office or In the Courts attended tn
for Moderate fees.
We are opposite the II. Patent Of-
I i i Patent and
tn p in n time than
more remote In m
the model or drawing Is sent we
to free of charge,
we no we ob-
; in
rt here, lo the Post Master, the
apt. of M Order Hid., and lo
. of too I Patent
r, terms and reference to
hi r own state, or
. A. Snow .-. .
Washington, l, C
Ii mo
and him the
l ii i In the world.
Inc. for
r. trim. SI.
A .
of American. O
ch or Ml
fun i Ion-
i n.-l
, it in.
i for the of
a year,
H A CO.,
in to
I A COm Who
i insert an and
i . In
t i . lad
It i
.- ,
c T
For the Ladies
in order to reduce before lime to
I will oiler
all D resent stock of
from of
All hand, both
, trimmed, will lie sold coat. My Mock
; of the most
ere,,, to I i , , ., .,., .; , ,.,
n mule, my Intuit at t. sir rT T
July i on me the m.
Clerk I Bro. I N
Why another new discovery by
the way of helping the
ed. Hy calling on or
above named barber, you can
of that is
hair to lie soft t
only two or three
i and a common
i all to he after I
vigorously for a few minutes a,
the Try a bottle
convinced, only BO cents.
N. U.

Eastern reflector, 28 August 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 28, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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