Eastern reflector, 21 August 1889

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D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
is It Every mil a y
Ml per year,
Shall I. in
Die. because woman's fair
Or make pale cheeks with care,
another's arc
j Re she fairer than tin. day.
Or the meads in May.
If she be not so to me.
What care I how fair she lie t
Shall my foolish heart lie pined,
I see a woman kind.
Or a w-ell-d nature.
Joined with a lively
Be she meeker, kinder, than
Turtle-dove or pelican.
If she be not so to me
Shall a woman's virtue move
rill not to Democratic I to perish for her love
and measures not consistent or her well-deserving known,
the principles of the party. Make me forget mine own
If want a n
wet inn of the State send for the Which m; gain her name of lust.
If she be not such to me.
What care how good she be V
her fortune seems too high,
, Shall I play the fool and die t
Those that bear a noble mind,
Where they want of riches find.
Think what with them would do.
That without them dare to woo ;
And I see.
What care how great she be
, Great or good, or kind, or fair,
I will ne'er the more despair,
f she love me. this believe.
I will die ere she shall grieve.
If she slight when I vim,
can scorn let hot go.
For if she be not for me,
What rare f for whom she be
happy could I be with either were
the other dear
One attraction lo the masculines
is that they can dress as they please, j
A Neglected Historic Event
Elizabeth City Economist.
It is now quite the fashion to
Soft flannel shirts, blouses, anything by monuments and public
neat and comfortable is an all orations the great events of history
costume. The most j connected with this American
fellows have left their swallow this as it is
tails and all similar absurdities at called. It is well, for it has a
home. As for the their ear- j most influence upon our
are numerous as their national character, which is eon-
live tastes are When they wanting in the
assemble in the parlors on the reverence and We
i balconies alter tea the changing nothing by
; combinations of colors equal those the founding of our govern-
or a kaleidescope. It is a wonder the close of our war or hide
j that their mammoth can the leading battles that
Laughable Reflections.
And Provoking Selections as Com-
piled by the Bad Boy.
yon at Balaclava, may
no Why t
Al. charge so magnificent-
no; I will not be dicta-
wrote his girl in answer to
bis carefully worded proposal, sign-
ed in his type writer's neatest style,
Mater stop that
noise if yon don't mind I
Interesting Revelations Re-
the Boodle Cam-
in North Carolina.
Travel in the Mountains.
N. Y. Herald.
The discontent of the North Caro-
republicans with the way pat-
has been handled is leading
to some interesting disclosures re- .
the campaign there last and it is almost
What is Around Us. lo show impediments or travel in
North Carolina a
gives the following as a
Maj. W. C. Troy, supervisor
As Reflected from the State Press.
i City There of on
bought a load of produce from
mountaineer which took him two
days, with his two steers to bring
around the dirt road, a distance
After supper he said
be made to hold that comes instated the
O. Fowle. of Wake,
M. Holt.
of A
Secretary of
of Wake.
W. Rain, of Wake.
of Wayne,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney P. David-
of Buncombe.
Chief Justice X. II. Smith, o
Associate S. of
Joseph J. Davis, of Franklin
James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonzo C. A very, of Burke.
First II. Brown.
Among the leading belles adoption of I he constitution that I do mind. I want
arc several or Charlotte's most love ,, a united people, the land- j to play
daughters. of the Pilgrims at Plymouth his mistake.
The latest or our social pleasures having exhausted most of the j La you know, War-
are recitations in prose and verse, great events or our history, we are dear, that when you gave me
These are deservedly popular. now proposing to celebrate the was astonished
era ladies are exceptionally good Qr America Christopher went crazy r
. u n . . , yes, darling I
elocutionists j Columbus. But the have known better than lo
The proprietors this hotel arc; strangely or another event give you only
total abstainers. No spirituous or i in national which should
; malt liquors can bought on their take precedence or all others as the , .
premises. Because of this there is initial link in the chain of
. ., sequent ; from
a peace and quietness not usually historical first Jack says he will be around this
are more new buildings going up in
this town now than ever before in
autumn. that to a mechanic for a small
he put into the hands of his JO
secretary, Mr. Prank Leach, Winston Horace his wife and children were not well
to save the North State for , was married in X. when he left home and he thought
Harrison and Morton. His July Ilia wife was a native would step up and sec how they
says that ho gave 95.000 to of Connecticut was a teacher were. He went up and spent the
Mr. for use in the district in the, Ladies Seminary, of Warren-; night and came back early next
Cheatham, the to, ton. j was only miles
Judge son, to elect Mr. Last at went on Ma
and for M in a opened back
Ewart's district. The her book and was M
other -15,000 was used in other neighbors were Move On.
in the State, according to the amused to find that it was no prayer
claims of Senator Quay and his sec- book at a bat National View.
The curious thing about the mat- , son. B. Win- is what the police say when
is that nobody can discover how who was for a time a B crowd gathers on the walk.
Cleveland Springs, N- C.
to Reflector.
Inly 25th,
Two and guests,
mostly from the two are
of springs and
Third DIM
nor are there any who are seriously
ill. It is a quietly company
of old age. youth,
family Americans, many of whom
were strangers at first, but are so no
We ate occupied from
found where so many strangers I of United States, the first
landing on its shores at
By and large, this is one the Island, the first planting of an An-
; healthiest and happiest resorts for colony there, the first
sick and well that I have found in port the first organized civilized
this State of flowing fountains j society, with all the dramatic
waters. S. A. W. ; connected with the settle-
with a
the in each of the republican
districts was expended, if it was ex
pended at all. The Quay faction
have been intimating pretty broad-
that did not use this
brave fearless ,,,, ;
whose grit
to a higher plane in
n most trying ordeals, of e
was never known to give way, drop , of
dead in his porch on Tuesday L M J
to keep step with the tide of
Windsor One public opinion and the course of
Lose one and Three.
Are you sure. Ly properly, denies
IS M a I dollars is a small ante. It does no good to tarry by the
I superintendent the railway mail of the damages to tho land way, to the edge the old
called, said old Jinks to they induced their owners along the river when the new is at hand, and th
friend General. The freshet has been the largest current of life and action moves on-
Oil i a
treated you. I guess you will find ; maker to turn bun out. is tho loss is a oil may still in the
I old runways, and to heed the
j b ; lie . .
e. getting rid or t lie physical ills ,. . , ii with the i-m-it
fl Connor ., ., , . publishers or newspapers are i in great
ii. i. on nor, have brought many from , ., , . , .,
. almost continually is that
Clark, of homes. But not all invalids, j of m man finds North Carolina t
A. Gilmer,
G ford
Sixth T.
Eighth a.
Ninth F. Graves, of longer.
District-John O. of to time, and some of
the young much later. Our
Shipp, of and his assistants, down
to the scullions stable boys.
I meat. Now one would suppose, j him all right in the future, fair sample of the men hurried into leaf or stalk is left-.
j that this primal event of j be has promised mo to settle down. the railway mail service before tho Windsor the monitions that beckon you on ; but
Tablet, j on shores, with the great I ruleS or P U had f You will fall be
One of the annoyances to which historical names that j prove, according to the republican the sight m the race ; after a while,
States that share; its efficiency and tone. ; one of his eyes by a cat scratching Winkle, wake up only
g a settlement on ; EFFECT of the new law. MOB. him across the pupil. Pears were alone in tho world;
territory, adopting was one of the managers for entertained for the- of the while your contemporaries far in
sympathy, advance the road of
., , , . to start a just
the editor docs not invariably agree Virginia; thus ft
with him on matters of public a part of the history of, Mr. lazy waiter
or in publishing or exclusion the two States and in its origin j ain't got to me with any of it
I blending both ; one would suppose Miss isn't to eat
Mr. it's all light. I
have all they can attend to and
work very hard indeed, but the
guests, like the lilies the field,
neither toil nor spin, and yet they
have their reward in the health.
Twelfth j.
of Buncombe.
M. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of
House District
Thomas G. Skinner, of
Second P. Cheat ham col. s buoyant feelings that ,, . ,
rage is, would, no doubt, think
these sparling , ,,,, off to some
Pender. . waters. Nature baa provided North
Fourth District-R. II. nun,., of of
for healing of the
and when outsiders learn
where and how varied are
their virtues, they will come to the
State by thousands
hundreds as new.
Stop my paper, if won't do that this pioneer event in our his
so and so is supposed to have a not nave overlook-
most terrifying effect upon the pro- and in our pious
or a newspaper and there is of the dead past. It has
not a week he does not. have it But can cast at
at him by some of Ins irate for neglect, five
low citizens fondly imagine ears ago, at the three hundredth
that because they read, they should anniversary of the landing
have the right to control a journal. on Bonn-
If such people could only be W we its celebration
brought to realize how silly taring of a
ally are and how their monument at Fort on
Island; and Senator
Uncle scapegrace
more money My
dear boy, your extravagance is some
I thing amazing. Go to the ant I Don
I her ways
just if, I do consider my
I limit's ways, but consider my
Gen. Alger at Chicago, and there other, which
was some among the J had badly inflamed. j wealth and fame. Would
Southern politicians over a story Times One day loss f we
which cot about that he charged of Mr M as we on I Move
the Alger campaign fund who lives near on
for delegates, only paid ave two and
to the delegates It was no At
doubt considered a legitimate
transaction, but carping critics
charged that the commission taken
out was too high. Mr is now
without a job because he had the
temerity to deny that ho had ever
received from the Postmaster Gen-
mother and children were doing i
well. Tho lather has not fled but
gallantly standing his ground.
large saw mills and
bundled thousand feet of lumber,
the property or Daniel Stimson,
N. C
end's friend any of the money were by
ire in that city morning
Fifth W. of
Sixth of
S S.
W. II. A.
Ninth II. G.
instead of by
A. Move.
A. K.
Register of II. James.
B. Cherry.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Mooring, C. V Newton,
W. A. James, Jr., T. E. Keel.
Chairman J. S. and J. D.
Public School
of F. W. Brown.
G. James.
r . Evans.
T. Smith.
R. Moore.
The virtues the while and
and the iron waters or this
place were to all Indian
I tribes that once lorded it over this
i fair piedmont region, and from them
the of the learn-
ed them and came and were
I They handed down the
story to succeeding generations, and
more than a century they
ed out every summer in these woods
that they might drink be cured
or their ills. Finally newspapers
sanctum and made themselves n-
by shouting out an order
which is really as as so
much empty air. every sub-
scriber a newspaper loses because
it as the editor's best judge-
I dictated, it three.
The story is so
this subject
; that some people may sec them-
selves as in a looking
said an irate subscriber to
Horace upon a time,
Vance introduced a preamble and
resolution in the Senate, proposing
said the old man,
on have some
II you refer to the
an appropriation for a monument to tubers which pertain to the
commemorate the event, which res and which are known as
was appropriately replied the sweet girl
, , . . . . . graduate, be pleased to be
and has never since been hoard of-
Now this is lateral latent, I'm quite sure,
was charged him.
But the same accusations come
the districts of Messrs. Brower
and Mr. Settle, the sou of
the late Judge Settle, ad-
that he received and
that seems to be accounted
but other seems to
have vanished. Congressman
denies flatly that. or
The origin the fire was the
carelessness the part of the
The loss is 84.3,000
any j
News and Observer We
are reliably informed that in one
part of the city within one square
there have been ten births in the
last year. If this is a fair estimate
to m will be
Promptly Attended to-
Greenville, N X.
strange. It is Now, papa that they are something of
Senator Vance, is a man of national which I before had the pleas- half that sum, was ever received j,,. other parts or tho city it will not
his district. He says that be long before will have a
wen o-; . , .- of
re of the side reputation, or signal courage i. Mb
in until the
ed on the
. pepper lay
presentation in synopsis or the for a and then remarked
historical event, and yet it has slept j in a voice or icy calmness
as soundly as if Senator Vance had j will you have some the
so rocked it to sleep that it could
School sys-
was collected by Colonel
and was wisely that was
wisely spent, but that was all.
The matter narrows down lo a
question veracity between Quay
population than any other
city in the State.
The at ,
at last goes into the
J. RE.
of a and a colored
to stop your paper waking. Is it the sleep Is High Sol
do said Mr. Greeley. contempt or forget It is tern a failure, or is it not
I tel you I will, thunder- due to North Carolina and to
ed the angry subscriber. Then Mr. it should be roused from
Greeley called his foreman and lone Since then a
said.- can discharge all the monument has been erected at Ply-
, I hands; tell the printers we don't . with the aid of Congress, to
were shed which published celebrate the landing the W-
about his place every a correspondence a
and distant strangers or am, t been erected by Congress at
has come to; , In . the other papers town to commemorate the last bat-
For 3rd T. J. and M. from small beginnings in j bas tie of the and Congress
B. 4th Ward, w. X. Tolbert. the shape or shelter there has come , b a has shown a willingness to respond
a J angry party, by this time, began to to the national heart in comment
if All r.
and infill, pi
strives not Care to of; event in our history,
and Prayer every meet the wants r his guests. Large m could I antedating all others, remains
Wednesday night. Rev. E. B. John, , is compared with original .
K. Lee, proprietor the
Lee Hotel, ArK., says
that Swift's Specific has so strength-
his wife for her labors as host-
that he can recommend and cm
has I assertion that as a tonic
for ladies children S- S. S. has
Mr. B. P. is a prominent
merchant of La. lie says
that he has sold Swift's to
many persons, and knows of some
on the one side and the male at that. Henry K.
Congressmen, or their wife, who received the
the other. The sometime since has
was raised, and whether pocket- in giving the bond, and she
by go between or spent received her commission Tuesday
it the colored voters is not, and will take charge or the office in
very material. The story simply day or two.
adds to material for the history of Wilson The Advance
the manner in which the present believes the of Wilson county
administration was foisted upon the will be much better than was at one
against a majority of live time feared by our farmer friends,
hundred thousand of the white We do believe our people have
A W,
Greenville, N. C.
I o
N. C.
L E, N. V.
A, letter from a friend Idaho, a
I. . a goon 11.11 in I earn in ha ,,,.,,. -a 1.0 a
go on as usual. wound up by i unobserved. We invite
and has never heard of a failure to
Several cases of contagious
blood poison were cured after all the
remedies had
Greenville Lodge. No. A. F. A.
meets every 1st Thursday and Mon- applicants,
day after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at Among the South
Ma tonic. Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M.,
A Wood Name.
W. I. l or are now here ,
Greenville R. A. Chapter. meets are Hon. John L. Manning, of
county. Judge
Covenant I. O. O. F. Gen. James, of Darlington, and Col.
meet every . W. w u f, , Maiming,
X. G. . , . Messenger.
K. of H., j who has passed his three score and what is more valuable in
than a good name I
I year, and he fully realized the Railroad from Goldsboro to More
I of trying to stop the paper be , head City, because Washington
of happened to incur his an- an, the President has made himself
very unpopular to the patrons of the
; road, and it is known that
I a corporation has been trying to get.
j the States interest in this road,
President Bryan's friends have
any claimed along that bis
It had put the road in a better
pi Council, A. L. of memory and intellect have not been of success in financial condition, and so President
a or for possessor during life;
Money m career of nearly three score ,,,,
of many for i,.
to the Board or Appraisers and As-
last week was v startling.
He said road was in a worse
or most eminent men of Besides, the value of a good j condition than ever before and that
Wry night. C. A. White, C. impaired by time. To younger met I It is worth times Bryan's statement of its condition
i n I
Order hours A
will be
from p. M.
name does not accrue to unless outside aid could no had, be
Sun- that era that and The did not see how it could run through
is thereby. another season. We understand
t u. and depart at l p. m. noble traits of character re- a large mortgage debt is hang-
main as a to others, tn . over road and unless there
to efforts self is an improvement in its manage-
preaching on Mission.
Sunday at
1st Sunday at
o'clock ., .
, Sad Sunday at o'clock.
Shady I; rove, at
Salem 4th at II o'clock,
U h Sunday
I C. T. C.
group of who listen to
j him as eagerly did lo
are i and charming
can imagine who
listens lo the bevy of
lair ours, repealing to con-
old retrain,
To a man, ambitions or a
young ladies of both States honor and profit in the
i and charming. . ., i. r
and extension of road it
will soon be the of some strong
corporation, very probable. Link
business world, a good name is by link rail roads slip from the hands
the first Without this, or North Carolinians to hands
no one Is wanted position of of foreign corporations. Sanford
treat. I
S. S- S. should
e list of blood
this conclusion
from the testimony of scores of per-
sons who have told me of the good
results from its use. have been sell
S. S. S. for years, and it has won
a large sale. A. Griffith,
Mayflower, Ark.
Mercury and potash mixtures dry
up the secretions of the
mercurial rheumatism and
and finally run the stein down
to such a condition that other dis-
eases are induced. Swift's Specific
up the patient from tho
dose, and gives life and vigor to the
whole human
The party in North
Carolina is unhappy. The
of the pie there has been fol-
lowed by howls of pain and rage.
It is now necessary to explain
howls came from the army
the left. The men who received
slices of the pie are serene and hap-
but they are frightfully in the
Journal, Dem.
Subscribe for Reflector,
only 1.5 a year.
as much this year as usual .
and a fair crop will do a or
good in bringing them out of the GREENVILLE, N. C.
Let us hope for the best; practice in all the courts. Collection
growl just as little as we possibly
eluded its work on the in- we
forms that James W. Be b N the j B. YELLOWLEY,
formerly or county, in printer
this representative in Con- . . . .
from the 5th district, but now
a resident Idaho, made a splendid
Goldsboro Argus is of
the opinion that Mr. M. Sauls, of
. . . . . . . Eureka, Ibis county, is entitled lo
record as the leader of, , .
. , the as being champion
the Democracy in the convention, , V, .
,.,., . . egg raiser the county and section,
that he stands a chance i . ,.
. and we still proceed to confer it up-
being elected to the U. S. Senate in , r
the event the Democrats have a ma- on h-m unless some one comes in
in the new State legislature. S.
Mr. is a gentleman of fine
of popular manners, and a cap-
speaker, with capacity to
take front rank and bold it in any
position to which he may assign
ed. We congratulate him upon his
success in his new
ton Star.
i has .-old, besides that be
has used for family use set-
ting, three hundred forty-four
dozen eggs since the first of
to f hi- writing.
Somebody has
the following
daring and desperate white woman
Greenville, N.
P. C F. I
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
am. X. C
N. C.
Under Hot
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
. servants. Table always
who lives in South Carolina, but; with the best of the market. Feed
Tho State of Nevada is bankrupt a in the sables In connection.
and confesses f a political penitentiary, resorted to a j WM
grant without means to support her j Tery or securing B- MOORE
establishment. Her people ask that to petition for pardon,
she be allowed to resume her old went over county
of a dependent territory, or j made the rounds. In one
else lie amalgamated with some self hand tho petition,
sustaining community. She
never have been made a State, and
the best thing that can be done now
is to her to California.
N. M. others
killed four deer near M or head City
on Monday.
in the other hand a large revolver. THE NOME
She made no threats it was el SAMPLE . ROOMS FREE
noticeable fact that in not a single
case did her application for a
fail to be promptly
Nobody here seems to know any-
thing it.
Polite waiters. Good Rooms. Beat
table the market a When in
city stop at the
. a. at
i. next door to Bawls, the Jeweler. BAWLS

. I. C
has a bar keeper who
, the to the
that it all persons who have
friend of habits will
notify lie will
I , . v .,
. r
not sell those
liquor. He
states that he will no
sell liquor to tumors.
We merely the wonder to us is,
that fellow would he but
Same opinion with And
we suggest still further that the
j to allow to sell whiskey
longer. We shall expect
i to hear a great while that
he has quit the business-
The Farmers Alliance at its
session in Fayetteville last week,
elected Mr. Elias Carr, of Edge-
as President to succeed
IT S. B- Alexander, whose
j., -g I term expired by constitutional
in M.
IT . .--.
At Raleigh's I
Tournament, la New
came off with
. of
have t Phil. W.
t i I Hoge
Tyler for Li Governor,
With rare tact he offered the Chair-
man a position of honor and dignity
as Chairman of the Board of Public.
So the Governor of North Car-
has assumed the role of u
and with
him another
secured the resignation of
a man who was a friend to the
defendant in order that a juror
still tanner cut me. M
of that g fa y ft J
us. The Chronicle goes on further
and before the new trial is held
declares what the verdict of
the new jury shall be by stating
that six stand against and three
for the man to be tried, and that
Grissom must go.
Now the Reflector does not
want to be understood as up-
holding Dr. Grissom in the char-
for which he was tried and,
it seems, is to be tried again
far be us from it. But we do
look at the justice of the matter,
that the meanest
. . ;,.,. in ,
limit. Of the new President the
Wilmington Star
The election of Mr. Carr was a
good one as he is recognized as not
only of the be
informed . .
equipped farmers in the State, in the land IS entitled t
one of its best most least a measure of fairness.
Citizens, a representative man m
There is a growing tendency in
public sentiment that
in the South should be sustain-
ed by taxation in the South
It stimulate tho
population to greater exertion
in.; tuns be a blessing to them in
Dr City
life is Si talk n r. Yon
make an n
as . ill
S Willi
men M;. ill
of i ii
. ;
A ill greater blessing would
t accrue t the white people in case
, the crowing sentiment should
develop in a law to
that effect.
If nil the taxation from white
people for school purposes were
applied to the education of white
at- I children, as should be done, you
Encamp-1 would more white children
the schools and longer terms
He is taught,
i m the
an ; slop
Sullivan and the
now in the clutch-
es of the law in Mississippi,
and the plucky Governor of that
State will see to it that are
res .
. ii
and severely punished
for their gross indignity against
the peace of the State- Jake
said, when arrested, that if John
got a big line and six months, he
supposed he would have
to take the same dose. of
them the full limit of the law.
We lean, later that Sullivan
position may be under-
stood we will remark, the
tor baa had little to say upon
the of Dr. Grissom or what has
followed since. While the editor
for reasons that need not be
expressed, has entertained a
for him, at the same time
felt from the first that he should re-
sign his position. We think it not
displaying the greatest wisdom on
the part of Dr. Grissom to have re-
in his position, even after
the majority of the Board of
tors decided in his favor. is
at the head of the lead-
charitable institution of the
State was impaired and he should
not remain there longer, though be
might have felt that
had done him. The good
of the institution was the first to
consider. In our opinion if be had
resigned then the matter
have there, and ho
have been spared tho mortification
so much adverse criticism.
wish lie had done so. However,
acted otherwise and has not resigned,
but if lie cannot be removed by fail
means we do not believe that steps
unjust and illegal should taken
to him out. A
does not look to as tho way
anything against crime of steal-
it is only because be got
at it. If be speak against the
ion that exists in tho land, It
arises from some trouble ho has had
in being corrupt himself. Tit it's
logic a Ho is the
self-constituted champion law
yen and Wonder if they
don't feel nattered at having
an able advocate to plead their
cause t
He deny anything I asserted
in my article. He dare attempt
it, save at risk of being called
a numskull himself. facts are
too patent to even man that
has eyes to o and ears to
bear. Commissioners
put all men in the box that servo as
I've no they
have been insulted at
statement if they did not know that
no one with a grain of sense would
believe it. Of course the
are responsible for all the
picked juries that are crammed in
the box for of
rascals and condemning
cents I know three murderers in
one county in this State who es-
caped the gallows by allowed
to select just such men as they liked
to act as jurors in their behalf. And
I beard of a man once in South
Carolina by name of Dr. T. B.
Me who saved his neck
by having jurors to try
him. I very frequently hear
of men being taken and lynched
because the failed
to lightly discharge its sacred trust.
And yet would strive to
create the impression that justice
holds the in this land. God
save the wrong, if what we see and
know of these is right. The
Jury System at this writing is not
an honored old institution. It may
have been joy pride our
forefathers; hut our fathers we
ourselves don't like it so well. The
system that is in vogue now is a
weak, corrupt thing, and is
fast becoming a stench in the. nos-
of right-thinking,
loving people everywhere. The
letter of it may ho the as of
j ore, but spirit is quite differ-
There is rottenness in the
present a great deal
of it. Tho average juryman has no
mow idea of what tho duties of bis
position are, than correspondent
of a newspaper who would term
gross i gin ii a and bribery
ons other kind of
This writer has said nothing what-
ever against jurymen
or lawyers- Ho did not say that
all juries are picked or dishonest.
He is not fool enough to make such
to the buyers of Pitt and counties, a line the following
that are not to be excelled in this market. And to be First-class and
pure straight good. DRY GOODS all kinds, NOTIONS. CLOTHING, GEN-
kinds, Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Like, Plaster of Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles.
Agent Clark-s O. X. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less percent Cash, Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a M and I guarantee satisfaction.
Spring Display
en sentenced to
, imprisonment, and his
has-ilL-win tied is not tried yet-
Me Mr. E. A.
surviving Clerk, was delegate
Is county to the meeting
The Jury System.
king rapid pi
of pin I
obscure little man
to take mo to task about the article
from my pen, on
which appeared in the
Superior of the 7th. Oh, how it did
his righteous soul, and arouse his
righteous indignation So grieved
insulted was he that he was
it would be surmised that he
was author of the article in
question. Any who has read
i .-,. of Alliance at Fay-
last week. Several
were conferred upon
the just in the meeting Pitt county
,. , . has .-very reason to be proud of
representative. Mr.
Bo fa
Foreign and Domestic Novelties.
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
yield the palm to none.
N. C
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
R. S. CO.,
Are for all needed in
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if y want anything in
Hardware, Agricultural Implements, stoves
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
CALL us.
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which will sell at Factory Trices.
WE are now fitted up in arc prepared to an
upon short notice any kind or style of
also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old
R. GREENE. JR. Manager.
will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest freshest
Fruits db Confections.
I keep constantly on hand splendid assortment of
All your wants in the above Roods can he supplied
a besides he J WILLIAMSON.
little more regard truth and do-.
When ho speaks of
muses from tho woods ho does
not mean no intelligent men live
there. This u another of those
soft brained conclusions. point
I aimed at in my article was
That it was the custom days
to the intelligence of
county in selection of juries, and
to put in the box those who were
incapable of apprehending tho
points of law. And it is true
every word.
confess have
considerably since writing
our la.-1 article. article
was fully in keeping with
weather of the past few weeks both
very in midst of
beat they have had a tendency
to revive my somewhat drooping
spirits. But I have already given
productions, too much notoriety to your
and I looks upon him as the j He craved it. can only
author of that article, is either hope that, bis enjoyment equals his
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My Factory II well equipped with the best Mechanics. II put up nothing
but first-class WORK. We keep up with the times and i i-st improved styles.
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs are you can from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ran. Horn, King,
Also keep on hand a full e of ready
the year round, which will sell as low as lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
wrapped up in or simply
made an impression upon
have i
I beta
in the
of the committee ,.,,., to tickle bis
on constitution, a member of the I vanity. vanity seems to
judiciary committee, and kind which is without begin.-
, , , , . . ., of days or ending of years
a delegate to the Rational as r as t and
Farmer's Mass Meeting.
h Mr. a .
. .
. . .
Alliance which meets in St. Lou
is next December. He says the
meeting was a very able, inter-
ring and important one. A
distinguished visitor from Wash
City said it was the finest
and ablest gathering of farmers
he had ever seen.
from eighty-five counties
were present and good may be
i looked for as a result of the
Li- meeting. Mr. presented
the us with copies of the address of
the reliving President, and the
are concerned. It
existed from the time he was,
as it reached a chronic
linger with him till
This writer has no four of
classed with the initial
by whose opinions be
would hold in esteem. I beg his
pardon. If I bad known that his
now illume was such a
as that would never have
held up to the public eye as mine.
From those little self conceited pig-
mies may we ever be delivered. To
a plain expression,
have brain enough to com-
X. C.
K. O., Aug.
In view of tho fact that rates I
of transportation are lowest
that can be obtained and therefore .
put it in tho power of largest We arc receiving Spring and
our farmers, , Summer Goods, and hope that
those at a distance, to come
for conference and discussion j
and of the further that a great j
deal of interest the way of dis-
play of stock and farm
will instruct and benefit them ; and
you will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
a and
. i
. . . .
W m
as the Best i
s-.;, . I
e i
what I wrote, lie saw it,
be read it, as be bad more eye
annual report of the Secretary, it ban brain, be gt lie
which will be published in I bad big to see, hot bis
, , , , was too weak to tell what he
issue and from which i
i saw.
readers can learn some- j
. IS
i j long
-i exhibited a . i
Raleigh; Dr. W.
in we k
gel I
is signed by . I
of the
of will em-
brace of of
such H
those in n and will
no how tiller of
. ming and
by d
sent the of which they
masters . it
will such a
on the as
few men will
f I
Carolina lite n
thing of what the Alliance is ac
i Long live the Al-
. t May it be successful in
breaking down trusts and in
the farmers to a higher
plane of education and
Severn members of the Board
of directors of the Insane
at Raleigh, were asked by
the Governor to resign their
which they did, and
persons have been appointed
in places. Among those
resigning were Dr. E. B. Hay
wood, of Raleigh, Chairman of
the Board, in whose stead was
R. Cape-
hart, of Bertie, in whose place
was appointed Mr. J. D. Biggs,
of Martin ; Dr. J. D. Haigh, of
and Dr. Isaac Jack-
son, of
If the understands
purport of these requested
resignations and new appoint-
it is to secure a new trial
upon the Grissom investigation
before a new Board of Directors.
Commenting upon this the
a diplomacy
lie seems to be a splendid
at drawing conclusions, but
for life of bun be can't tell why he
He from
what I wrote that I have been in
the tho fetters of
have bound me in the past
and that I am over tho re-
of my own at the
hands of lawyers and jury. Would
just here for his comfort
because I know be is sorry for one
so unfortunate I have been
that there never would have been
a case in court if all were as
and law-abiding as I j
have tried to be. I forgive him for
that conclusion on principle i
that little is given, little i
should be. Ho didn't
know any and is, therefore,
an object pity, rather than
And his logic That is wonder-
indeed. His native place ought
to rejoice in fact that such
one. was born there. He is a
profound of bis kind. He
reasons from nothing and brings
forth the same kind of His
productions remind one of what the
late Dr. Gloss said in to
young preacher who asked the
the further fact that will
be. mil from cities to
during that week, when an
opportunity will be given to owners
of laud to meet those who are
of inspecting them. It is deemed
advisable and or advantage to call
a grand mass meeting the. far-
of I lie State in city of
have consented
to act as a Hoard of Management.
S. B.
Pies. State
Pres. State Clubs.
L. L. Polk,
S. ls V. Association and
Sec'y State Alliance-
J. Van
State Society.
Com. Agriculture.
II. I. J.
Secretary Grange.
S. A.
Sec. State Hort. Society.
Distinguished speakers
oilier States and from this State i
will deliver addresses on special j
I subjects. occasion will he
; made one long to be remembered,
and it will be the endeavor to make
it, create in the farmers a and
tinner spirit the results of which
will be of lasting practical value.
at cents per yard, which you
will find to equal to any
yon will find at cents.
A line of
at cents. And
many other things that we
at special prices
We call especial attention to our
W S. R A
Watch-Maker Jeweler.
If you want something alee In the way of
m W w
Sewing Machines,
come to the A
large new stock just received.
Clocks, mid Sewing
Machine- repaired and warranted.
Ct K C
Co N C
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
Tennessee Wagons,, for sale.
GREENVILLE, N. C. Mar. 1887.
-This for-
Merchandise Brokers,
J. B.
J. II.
Commission Merchants,
The and
plow, and the
cotton plows. We will
also offer the trade
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
We have had several years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
Rive for the
return or any Information leading to
small the recovery of package of papers
for ii at least was stolen from room on the night of
It. II.
MM of i be Jury System article that
be beard him
said Dr. Closs, only
lacked two things to make it per-
they f asked
self conceited
I ml and
responded the The
words in J. articles are
and the ideas no-
net room to get in near all that we
wanted to have in this paper.
sides both the
j New York letters, we bad
leave out two letters concerning
peal el two weeks also sonic
resolutions from the Mill Hill Alli-
and some other Alliance news
n eh we have. These will all find
place In next paper.
Hot. G. L. Finch will preach at
Falkland next Sunday
at Sunday Me
experienced the of any kind, it is be-
conceived t he is addicted to those
where in lie them. a protracted meeting at
Hut that logic. to
H. of if a man mU in which be will
by Rev. T. J. Warn
N. C.
The Low Tariff Factory a.
The bad health of Mr.
has compelled him to the
management of the business for
me, which left a nice stock of good
material bought cheap for cash, on my
hand. I will close out at a
liberal discount, or will make easy terms
with the purchaser, or will also make
easy terms with any good reliable man to
carry on the carriage business for me.
There is better opening for a carriage
business In county than at this place.
have also a large stock of general
merchandise tor sale cheap for cash or on
time, such as Meats, Flour, Corn, Ac,
bought in large also a nice lot of
I tides and New Orleans Molasses, alee
selected stock of Shoes, Hats and Straw
Goods, nice lot of Clothing, ladles Dress
Goods, in fact everything that can be
cured services of one tho best found In a Store.
painters in the They j ,,,.
tee all work done. May
Water Mills.
You miss more than yon are aware
of if you fail to read Lang's new ad j
this paper. His column always
contains truth, tho whole truth,
and nothing but truth,
The undersigned having leased these
far bestowed upon us and beg for a continuation of the same, we
you to-day a line of goods cannot he excelled in this market durability
worth. We have now in stock a nice line of Ladies Dices Goods, embracing the
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly
Dress Linen and Piece Linens. A line of Piece Goods and Pants that
will astonish you in quality and price. Notions in endless variety
Linen and Piece Linens.
price. Notions In endless variety embracing a
line too numerous to mention, lints for Men. Children. Gent's fur
Goods, Shirts, Cuffs and Collars. Suspenders. Hosiery and a nice line
Scarfs. Shoes, to tit all who favor with their patronage, we y special care to
this line and our Shoes both in quality and price. A large lot tallies
Slippers from cents up. We call the attention of the to our
line of Slippers and think they ill not do themselves justice they buy
examining them.
Hardware, Nails. Cutlery,
Hoes. Plows, Shovels, Trace Chains.
Grindstones and Fixtures,
Crockery. Glassware, tamps.
Wood and Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whips.
Ax and Hall Read Mills Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,
J and Provisions, In Ibis line carry Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses,
very-best we can buy. Pepper. Spice, Soap, both laundry toilet, Star
and Ball Lye. Matches, Candles, Starch, best of Kerosene Gil. Meats of differ-
kinds. Flour which we buy low and sell low for the cash. If you need bar-
rel of good Flour come to see us, we arc rock it.
resignation the he lift, up voice
Hi. I to so traffic, it W. O. Stokes, of
of Dr. on the
a change it
Mess. J. It.
ml w O. Stokes, of
i-om i got the best el bin. If be says I are purchasing fall goods.
mills for i number of years put
In thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public, that lie is prepared to
,.,, ,, Corn and wheat in a first-class manner.
Kev. L. J has been guaranteed to all patrons,
a series of religions meetings at I i would Inform merchants that I am
Garner's, and already there have, prepared u furnish them good water
prices delivered,
retail can
III- . .- I
in interest. The will also, find a select stick
seems to lie to it very ; of Merchandise which will In
unusual decree and much good wilt sold at lowest pi ices
sorely and Observer.
ill m
been about seventy five conversions mill meal at prices
e carry Window Sash and Doors different sizes in stock. Also the largest
stock Furniture of any in Greenville, embracing Suits,
both double and single, Lounges, Chairs different kinds, Tables. Cots, Bed Spring
and Mattresses. Bureaus, Children's Cribs and Beds and Cradles. What we have
not got in this line we have from several of houses in this
country will order anything you wish at moderate prices. Don't forget our
celebrated Climax and Stonewall when you want one. We carry Cast
for these Plows in stock.
I'S when you come to town, we guarantee fair honorable
treatment, and appreciate your kindness and patronage. We can
sell as low as any one who sells as good growls M we do.
Yours truly,

Lang's Column.
M. R Lang
making Fall Winter purchases,
which will comprise everything that is
new and stylish in our line.
To make thins during the usual-
dull month of August we shall con-
our great bargain sale which has
so greatly aided us in reducing stock
during the month of July.
GOODS must be cleared out at any
price. We don't want to carry over a
dollar's worth and will make it to your
Interest to call.
White Goods
we particularly desire to call your at-
to the fact that there are many
desirable goods left and we want you Id
some of them while they are go-
so cheap.
Dress Goods
Have sold slow this season and we have
many desirable medium weight goods
that can be worn until late fall, and
which will be sold at prices that cannot
fail to induce you to buy.
Our fall stock of Shoes arc already
to arrive and are going to wake
things up with soon.
special to say at but
that we'll stake our
on having the line here this
season, and our old ones must go for a
That we arc agents for the t and
best Tailoring Establishment in the
country. Every garment guaranteed
to lit or no sale. Fall samples
tom-Made goods now on exhibition.
A good for sale cash or
on time by J. C.
85.75 will Point Lace, the best
Floor at Old Brick Store.
The Purest of Butter and the
finest Cheese is sold at
Old Brick Store.
Bettie Warren's
school for girls and small boys will
on Monday September the 2nd
Lightening Fruit Jars, best in
world, save fruit without
sold P- S. Co.
Arrived matter how
sick you get, you can eat Boss Bis-
Old Brick Store.
To Day. All our
All our
tor M. It. Lang.
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snail. lb sold in Pitt Co., which
is a of its superiority, at
Old Brick Store.
heavy hair buggy
blanket, black on side and red
on the other. Finder please return
to the office.
A book belong-
to the is lost sight
of. Whoever has it will oblige by
for our
Mrs. Nelson requests that
all persons having books belonging
to her library will return them at
House Keeper
to the boarding depart
of Greenville Institute.
must be well recommended.
Apply to Mrs. John Duckett.
The fall session of Mrs. Wiley
Brown's school for boys girls
will open on Monday, 26th
session will be taught in the
building lately occupied by Miss M.
E. Tyson. Patronage solicited.
pleasant effect and the perfect safe-
with which ladies may use the
liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs,
under all conditions make it their
favorite remedy. It is pleasing to
the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet
effectual in acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels.
Hobgood Items.
Crops in this vicinity are sorry.
The rains have been excessive
throughout the season, making our
lands too wet to plow, consequently
all crops have suffered. It is
mated that hardly more than
third of a crop will be made this
There has teen right much sick-
through the neighborhood and
several deaths. Doctors are
ting about all they do at pres-
Our little town, Hobgood, is
Several buildings are
going and we are car
loads of goods daily.
It is thought that Hobgood will
beat Scotland alter a little.
The special mail will be put in a
few days.
There is a young man in this
neighborhood who wants a cook or
a wife. If there are any applicants
for position can address
Hobgood, Halifax Co. N.
C. W- F. B.
Beaver Dam Items.
Mr. W. A. Fleming is quite sick.
Mrs. C. D. has typhoid
Gov. and wile are now in
Mollie has been sick
for some days.
Miss Carrie Cobb is visiting MB
lives Sparta.
Dr. Zeno Brown has been quite
sick the past week
Mr. J. C. who was
ed with fever, is out again.
Mr. J. G. returned last
week from his visit to Cary.
Mrs. A. M. Clark left Monday to
visit relatives in Williamston.
Miss Tucker returned last
week from a visit it the country.
Mrs. Barden, Plymouth, is vis-
her sister. Mrs. W. B. Wilson.
Miss of William-
son, is visiting Mrs. W. B. Wilson.
Miss Ida Rogers, of Hamilton, is
visiting the Misses Fleming near
Mr. Hoover, lather Mrs. It. H
Home, has been visiting the
the past week.
Col. Skinner last
week from an extended visit to the
and seashore.
Misses Maggie Langley and Ad-
die Randolph are Mrs.
B. Clark, of Washington.
Mr. J. E. Starkey, clerk for Capt.
White, is spending ibis week with
his parents near Farmville.
Mrs. Warren, of Penny
Hill, spent last week her par-
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wilson.
Messrs. W. F. of Lenoir,
and Robert Carr, of Greene, spent
Saturday and Sunday with Mr. H.
Misses Matilda
tense Forbes, Williams, Ora
Whichard and are vis-
in the
Mr. E. A, returned home
Saturday from
where he had the Farm-
Alliance meeting.
Mr. Jack and his
sister, Miss May, have been spend
some days with their grand
father, Dr. C. J.
Messrs. Guss Moses
returned last week from New
where they had attend-
the death and burial of their
Mr. Willie Keel, of Mississippi, is
visiting his uncle, Mr. T- Keel, at
this county. We wore
glad to have a call from him last
The Raleigh Cull in
arrival of that bewitching lady,
Miss Susie Brown, puts her down
from Greensboro. Greenville has
the honor of claiming her.
Miss Peebles returned last
Thursday from a visit to Wilson.
Misses Hattie and Gardner,
oft bar town, accompanied her home
mid are spending this week here.
Mr. W. B. Brown, of the firm of
Brown Honker is now North
making purchases for the fall.
They will put in a large stock and
continue to sell goods right down
at bottom figures.
Mr. A. F. and wife and
Messrs. B. D. Bo Cherry. B. F.
son and It. U. Wilson come up from
Ocracoke Monday. Miss Agnes
Cotton passed up to Bluff.
There were also some parties on
board for Tarboro.
M. R. Lang is at Atlantic City
On the north side of river
several bridges were washed front
their foundations by the heavy rain
last Thursday.
Allow m to give your readers a to make purchases
FURNISHING GOODS and all oilier
goods included to make the sale com-
Don't fall to secure some of these
few of the happenings among the
people our good old Beaver Dam.
All our farmers are enjoying a
little recreation now, crops being
done. We will soon be engaged
in saving fodder and
A few have already commenced
pulling fodder. The are
over the open boll of
cotton that is now shining.
Mi. F. C Harding Is teaching a
school in District No- He is a
young man lull of energy and vim
and will make a success of anything
he undertakes.
We sympathize with our good
citizen, Mr. R. H. Allen, who has
two children sick with typhoid
fever. They are the treat-
of that splendid young
Dr. W. E. Warren, and we
are doing well. Mr. Allen has
just recovered an attack of the
same disease.
Messrs. Andrew Joyner and W.
G. made a flying visit
last Monday. They say our crops
are above the average, which makes
us think crops generally are poor.
This section has had seven over-
flews and crops are very es-
in the swamps.
Hog cholera is raging here and
over half of our hogs are dead, and
most of the live ones have the de-
It was the pleasure of the writer
to visit Allen's School House, one
night this week, to hear Rev. G. L.
Finch preach. We expected to
hear a capital sermon, and can
truthfully say we never heard a bet-
He is giving the people out
there some good, wholesome truths,
which are bound to be a means of
doing much good. Success to him
and the pure Gospel which he
Elder Craft is also conduct
a meeting at May's Chapel.
We hear that a poplar leaf snake
bit a little son of Mr. C L. Patrick,
of one day this week.
Hope be is doing well.
A was was held at that
famous watering Andrew s
Spring, yesterday, which was large
attended, from this and Greene
counties. After dinner there was
a match game of base ball between
Beaver Dam and
clubs, which resulted in a great vie
for Beaver Dam, the score be-
to The visitors were it
manly, well-behaved set of young
men, and we invite them to come
before returning home,
Philadelphia and New York.
His judgment in selecting goods is
seldom add his stock this
will be unusually attractive.
Messrs. J. E. Tucker and J. L.
Fleming, two of our very boot young
and recent graduates of Wake
Forest College, opened their school
at Hamilton Monday, The
wishes them all the
they deserve.
Railroad to-morrow
are a pest,
I Not quite.
Court in this week.
The police don't catch all
Farmers getting ready for fodder
Boys, keep out of the river during
dog days.
base ball club did net go to
Friday and Saturday last were
cool days, almost fall like.
A new era for
begin running
These are dark nights, but the
town has poor street lights.
The North Carolina teachers are
homeward from Europe.
Large fruit has been
put up this mouth for winter use.
Mrs. V. H. Whichard has had
some improvements made around
her promises.
Ocracoke is not crowded now, and
those who go can expect the very
best of fare.
Mr. Alfred Forbes is having his
school house building converted into
a dwelling for renting.
Some of the plank walks and
bridges around, town would permit
a little improvement.
If the Court House square was
enclosed with a neat railing it could
be made a beautiful plot.
Mr. J. L, W. Nobles has our
thanks for a basket of peaches
brought us last
It is a nice little walk over to
depot at just one mile
from Reflector office.
The Advocate has dis-
carded the of patent outside
On Monday Mr. J. White shipped
from Skinner's mill, above town,
heart shingles. The mill
is doing good work.
A doctor has spoken out against
boys wearing belts. Be says it
somewhat the same as
tight lacing docs the girls.
If you are not positive that yon
have sown enough seed go
back and sow a few more. They
make excellent feed.
An appeal has gone out from the
Oxford Orphan Asylum for
It commends itself to the
people of
While wood can be bought cheap
it might be advisable to lay in your
supply for the winter, that is if you
can spare the money now.
The late wet weather left the
the roads in bad condition.
They should be carefully worked at
once and not left until winter.
Who is going to in the first
open boll of cotton t Pitt
was in front with blooms and we
want her to be there with
The Reflector office is getting
Don't buy fruit trees from
but wait to see Mr. Warren or get
The ex tent urn of Third street
across the ravine to is
almost impassable, in vehicle
or on foot. The authorities should
not neglect suburban
You merchants who have been
promising us too
that yon would advertise this Tall, it
is time you were getting the same
ready. The enterprising be-
gins his work early.
Log thieves have been causing
some at Skinner's null.
Mr. White tells us that a was
cut loose Saturday night. A watch-
man with a good shot might
put a stop to such troubles.
There was a hi town last
week with a lot of wool which he
wanted to ship to some factory and
have converted into cloth. See
what an advantage it would be if
we had factories hero in Greenville.
The Reflector received a letter
Saturday that was mailed at Wash-
City and went to Greenville,
N. Y., N. Y., and Green,
ville, C-, before to this
office. A wrong letter in the ad-
dress sent it astray.
So many people have been
coming going late that it has
been impossible for us to report all
the personals. Friends might help
in this by importing all
they know. One not keep
up with all the
Friday Mr. Ola Forbes show-
ed us some specimens of tobacco
just cured by him that is pronoun-
as fine as has ever been raised
in the county. This is saying much
when it Is remembered that Pitt
county took the prize at the tobacco
exposition at Danville last year.
The Guard was out for drill last
Friday afternoon with twenty-three
men in rank and file. Some others
were present long enough to get ex-
making the reported attend
creditable. They drilled upon
the Court House square. We
rather like their new caps and think
they look more soldiery than helmets.
would ask you to make another
appeal through the Reflector in
behalf Cherry Hill Cemetery, but
there seems to dwell in the hearts of
people no of pride as to
the beauty of that sacred
These remarks addressed by a lady
to the editor need not be comment-
ed upon. They stand
to the shame of Greenville.
the widely
known author and editor at
Broadway, New York, will, on
receipt of send as
a sample copy of one of his
interesting books entitled, Ourselves
and our also a copy of
his very independent and original
monthly magazine, Advance Thought.
you will read every line
Pitt county should no casting
about for a creditable exhibit at
coming State fair. She cm
make it if the proper steps are
Now and then a person comes in-
to town who has not learned, or had
forgotten, that is
ed. They climb up stairs only to
Instead of having general rains,
as was the case a while back, the
weather seems to be giving a day
or two of fair weather and then a
regular down pour comes. Thurs-
day and night had a
good specimen of the down pour.
The fall term of
will open on the If
all pupils should
on the opening day so the classes can
arranged without difficulty.
Prof. Duckett tells us that tho pros-
for the session are very favor
Hew Arrivals
Stephens down
full of smiles last Wednesday morn-
like the whole street
belonged to wanted to
hire out a boy. He don't care two
cents now if bis pet kitten did
recently, as that boy at homo
makes such demands that no time
can be devoted to other pets.
Our best of friends, Mr. S. M.
Schultz, proprietor of tho Old Brick
Store, is also wearing tho smiles of
a pa, a little girl being the cause of
Cars running to Greenville is a
new some
of the have never seen any
before. Consequently crowds will
be around the depot to greet every
incoming train until tho novelty of
the thing wears off. So throw
out the gentle hint that they all
keep off tho track and don't to
stop the engine, else you might get
your toes mashed or lose some teeth.
Trains even make angels of
folks sometime. Keep at u safe dis-
and don't go beyond Elias
Moore's bow line stake.
What has become of your print, a good evidence of prosperity.
We like to read j c., a property called a
letters. he is not . t Wilmington Star.
K- , Yes, if he don't lose it he
. R. Lang Column , Aug. 17th, m Sam. gets there.
Mrs. Elizabeth Driver, aged
years, died at home of her son.-
in law, Mr. II. W. Brown, five miles
from G on Aug. She
had been an invalid for five years.
She joined the Missionary Baptist
Church in her early years and her
walk through life was always that
of a faithful and devoted Christian.
She has to receive the reward
of the just.
Some men try advertising as the
Indian tried feathers. He took
feather, laid it on the board and
slept on it all night, the morn-
ho man say
feathers heap soft; white man
Exactly the
way with some business men. They
put in a twenty-five cent advertise-
if it don't bring them
the very next day they are
ready to cry out don't
The man who advertises reg-
can toll you there is pay in it.
The good people of Farmville are
having trouble over their mails. It
seems that one J. J. Moore, a man
very distasteful to the people but
who had managed to get on the list
of Republican appointed
Postmaster of the town. There do-
such dislike to him a
people mailing their
letters at Marlboro, another office
one mile distant. This took away
Moore's income and he sot to work
to even with Tho first
step taken was to have office at
Marlboro discontinued, then fearing
letters might all be sent to
steps were taken to have
the mail route from Greenville via
to Farmville discontinued.
are told that Moore could
have accomplished this himself,
but that ho was aided by two lie
publicans in Greenville. It shows
What moan things a set of
cans can stoop to. And tho
upholds them In it.
If the farmers here about would
raise enough tobacco to justify,
there is but little doubt that a to-
warehouse could be secured
at Greenville. hope another
will prove It is
that Pitt county has good tobacco
lands and can raise as fine weed as
any other county the State. The
splendid success that of our
farmers have made should induce
others to try it. Too much
deuce has been placed upon
many making it their almost
crop. is needed
tobacco, if cultivated properly,
will prove profitable. former
has told as that he is going to make
more money this year off of two
acres in tobacco than la off of
eight agree in cotton. Plant,
co next year and let's have a
co warehouse.
the brilliant social events
of the season, and perhaps the most
pleasant, was the birthday party
given by Miss Hot tense Forbes,
est daughter of our honored towns
man, Alfred Forbes, last
Friday evening the Academy
grovel Tho beautiful hostess
her young friends to assemble
and make merry with her on this
joyous occasion, and royally had she
prepared for their entertainment,
was splendidly lighted and
several social games wen provided
tor. An amusing feature of the par
was that the young men did not
accompany the ladies to it, but two
boxes of ribbons of corresponding
colors were brought out. at a
signal the ladies were given a piece
of ribbon from one box and tho men
from the other. The ribbons were
there unrolled and colors match-
led, the, gentlemen taking the lady
whose color cone his
I in to supper and being bet escort
I for the remainder of the evening.
I the academy an elegant
supper was spread refreshments and
fruits being served in abundance,
j The night almost reached the
I turning hour before the happy as-
dispersed. All voted it a
most delightful event. For Miss
we wish that each
birthday may bring her as
much happiness as did this,
her be ever tilled with as
much of love, joy and peace as now.
k h form
or Tin i
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the ,
It U the remedy known to
When on U or Constipated
one is using it and all are
delighted with it
kw rant, . r
We will sell our entire stock Goods at
Cost for Cash until Sept. 1st.
This we do to make room for our double stock
of fall goods which we will purchase in a few
days with the hard cash and by so doing will
make all the discounts, consequently we can
handle with the greatest impunity.
e mean what we say. One visit to our store
will make you forget hard times and will make
you come to see us every time you get a dollar.
Greenville, N. O.
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
Specialist in Diseases of the
eye, mm mm,
Bryan Hotel, Tarboro, N. C.
months course at Hie Philadelphia
and the Will's Eye Hospital, I
offer my services to the people of Edge-
By the Sea
Spend the Summer at
pus popular resort
one of the most delightful places on the
Atlantic opened to coasts on
-----Is now on a boon
For the Summer
health and vigor can find no place
to the Seven Springs, as any Tine of the
seven will compare favorably with any
of the mineral springs In this country.
There being seven within a few feet
each ether, having different analysis a
lUger number of ailments can cured
here than at any watering place known.
Persons coming to the Springs by
can get conveyance from the
depots at La Grange, and
Mt. Olive. Grange is the nearest
point. Passengers coming there on the
evening mail can reach the springs be-
fore night.
92.00 to 18.80 per day, 17,50
to iii per week. Liberal reductions by
the month or season.
Seven Springs, N. C.
A S Steamer has been
cured that will leave Washing for j
Ocracoke on Tuesday and Saturday of
each week, and leave for
Ocracoke on Thursday of each week.
At Ocracoke every accommodation
will be to guests and every j
effort will be made to make their stay J
ill SOP j
Can enjoyed at will. A tram road
has been built from the hotel to
the beach.
In keeping with
scarcity of
have been In-
Is unsurpassed and these sports can
be engaged in to the hearts content.
been employed the benefit of
those who participate m dancing.
Is neatly and comfortably furnished and
the bible Will he supplied with
the best that can be procured.
And the prop
have been
ed from around
high priced good
We are making
a special drive
on all
to 83.00 per day.
to per week.
per month.
Special rates to
On which prices
have been put
right down in
, body, of every-
Visit Ocracoke if you wish to enjoy
For further particular
Washington, N.
Can now be seen at I have
the latest and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at the
business qualifies me for doing all work
satisfactory and well. also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you call and examine my stock.
Of every kind arc
being sold a t
much than
former prices,
Slues and Hats
You can gel
Special Bargains
We have the
goods and
to sell you, and
can prices
to the interest of
to call
on us and get
genuine bargains
Brown Hooker.
Hamilton, N.
Sub per month.
intermediate, I
languages, each.
Music, not more than
Incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
METHOD of will be thorough-
practical; Training thorough.
Pupils from a can obtain board,
including lodging, in private families
from per month. A
class Music Teacher will be employed
and also an Assistant as soon as the
number of pupils justifies It. Patronage
For further information apply to
J. L.
Notice to Creditors.
HAVING before the Clerk of
the Superior Court, Pitt county
on the 8th day of May, as
upon the estate of Unwell
deceased, this is to all per-
sons holding claims against said estate
to present their claims for
within twelve months from this date or
this notice will lie plead in bar of their
recovery. All persons owing said es-
will come forward and make
This May Adm. of Joyner.
Land Sale.
BY virtue of a mortgage executed and
delivered M. T. Fountain by
Harris on the day of
January, 1889, which was duly recorded
in the of Pitt county, In
, page which mortgage was
thereafter transferred for value to It. W.
King and by him transferred to II. V.
Keel, the undersigned will Mil for cash
Court House door in Green-
ville, on Saturday. August 1880, the
interest of the said Ferdinando Harris
in the following described piece of land
situated in the town of Greenville, lying
near the river, adjoining the lots of
Arthur Gorham others, and being
the lot deeded to Harris and others
by K. O. Yellowley, containing one-half
an acre, more or less,
This Aug. 1st, 1380.
F. G. Attorney.
I opened Tuesday. August 27th,
1880. ion in per session of
twenty weeks from to
each, Incidental
cents. Board per month from to
Good moral advantages. Convenient
railroad and mail facilities. Last year
the principal took a thorough course at
Goodman's Business college and
at the University of Nashville.
For further particulars address,
N. C.
Chapel Hill, N. C.
September 5th, Thorough
Is offered in Literature, Science,
Philosophy and Law. Tuition per
session. For address
Preside n
Wooten's Drag Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Golden Medical War-
Celery Compound, Syrup of
Favorite Prescription-
B. B. B.
Buffalo a Water.
At Low rates
This ., n
S. u of
l. in United
Mild Winters,
Cornet Pond, Cadet Orchestra,
Full Coin-so of Study, or prep-
tor -I
, any or for
Course In For
r with full
ft COL. A. C. DAVIS,
K. C
Mg, Guttering and Repairing.
Greenville, N. C.
The Tar Transportation Company
Greenville, President
J. II. Cherry,
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F.
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
thoroughly repaired,
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and of Ladles.
A furnished with the
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Is
not only hut
Leave Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock, a. m.
Leaves Tuesday, Thursday
and at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading given lo all points.
Greenville. N. C.
FALL TERM AUGUST 27th, 1889.
John Principal,
. Associate Principal
B. W. Primary De-
Assistant Primary
Vocal Music.
Miss Painting and
Mu. j. c. Penmanship
and Commercial Department.
Primary. Academic
Classical and Mathematical,
sic. Painting and Drawing.
Large Buildings.
Healthy Location and Good
Plenty of Well Prepared Food CM
A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of class
Music Department equal
in work to any in the Slate.
New Pianos and Organ.
A library of nearly inn volume,
purchased recently for the School.
Rates Moderate, to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
tor Day Pupils th same as advertised
in Pupils who do not
with the Principal should consult bin;
before engaging board For
fur, her particulars. Address.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
j on ere free to buy where yon please, but
If you want to save money you come to
Factory on street, rear of B.
Cherry it Go's. For we
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on street. . can give
That you ever had in your life for
to less money than any one
else the county can give you. Why
for my expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it yon
come and see. Having had is years
experience in the business i guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget the
place on 4th street rear J. Cherry
North Carolina, I
Pitt County, f
J, Murphy, Executor and Trustee of
I. A. Sugg and wife, E. Sugg, C.
D. Rountree and Jno. T. deft.
It appearing to the satisfaction of the
Court that John T. Bruce is a proper
party defendant to the entitled
action -it an action commenced
for the purpose of establishing a trust
and recovering an interest In certain
lands on the old plank road,
about three miles from
known as the Wiley
It further appearing mat said Bruce is a
non t of North notice
is hereby given to said of the pen-
of entitled action In this
Court, and said John T. Bruce is hereby
ordered to appear at the. next term of
the Superior Court of Pitt County to
convened on the Jud Monday after the
1st Monday in 1880. and de-
to or answer the complaint which
will lie filed In my office within the Unit
three days of the term, or the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief de
In the complaint.
my hand this July
E. A.
Clerk Superior Court,

and Down
From Garret to in the
dry, Kitchen, Butler's Pantry, and
PEARLINE has its place. There's
nothing too
too fine for it.
With the aid of PEARLINE
a delicate woman can clean
house and wash clothes. It
. C.
takes the place of hard work, and
is perfectly harmless; in fact, your things
last longer, because you do not have to
rub them to pieces to get them clean.
PEARLINE is for sale everywhere, but
of the numerous imitations which are peddled
from door to are dangerous.
Revolting f. the of Youth, Foil v, ire.
mT ho at without fail o.-
and lire
Tr- it
nil k, r -f
I M -l
Sent post-paid on receipt of price
In the Heart of Africa.
A most thrilling and instructive j
pages; paper as cents; cloth
The Imitation of
Hy i Kempis. Fa per, unabridged,
elections from Art emus Mark Twain,
etc. pages; paper cents; cloth cents.
Fret Agency,
Warren St., New
Man and Wife.
By as closely as
I be following the number
of homes will be materially
Let each allow the other to know
Let each console the other's feels
Let each realize the fact that
they are one.
Let the husband frequent his
horn, not the club.
hie having sec a
wait till next day.
Let his latch key gather to itself
rust from misuse.
him to his wile, not
at her.
Let him be as courteous after
. mill K. K
Nil No No M,
Malt, daily
i-x Sun.
la pin
Ar Rocky
Tarboro If
Ar Wilson pin pin
Lt S M am
Warsaw -i
Ar Wilmington M
No No
Magnolia 1.-
VI 5.15
m c n
Wilson OS pm pin
Ar Rocky SO s i
TIC Any hook in the
at publisher's
x their year's supplies will find it to
their interest to get our prices before
is complete
la all its brandies.
always at Lowest Market Trices.
him confide in Ma wile; their
interests arc
him assist her in
the home.
Let him appreciate her as Ins part-
Let her not worry him with petty
I hies.
Let her not Mrs. Next
Door's gossip.
her nut fret Mrs.
Neighbor has a seat-kin.
Lei make home more pleasant
than the
Let her dress as tastefully for
as strangers.
Let her with him in
business cares.
her home mean love and rest,
noise strife.
her meet him with a kiss, not
I What They Are Said to Make.
Ellen Tern- is paid a week.
Bell receives a week.
Fred Leslie receives a week.
receives a week.
Charles is paid a
De Wolf is paid a
George Alexander is paid a
makes a
Mark Twain's income is a
Joseph income
Mis. Chandler Lives
makes about a year.
V. D. Howells receives from
a year.
Ii. W. receives a
year from the Century.
Col. John is paid
a year by the New York World.
Up Hi recently Francis Wilson
was paid a salary of a week.
Edgar W. receives about
a year for all his writings.
a week the New. York Son.
The late K. P. found no
writing worth i
Matthews averages
annual income
novels yield her about
a y ear.
Charles Warner is
far his department in
Frances is get-
rich at the late of from
to a y ear.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on band and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
S. If.
Greenville. N. C.
id ii-l arrived and now
Ar pin pin
Daily except Sunday.
Train n Scotland Neck Branch
leaves Halifax for at 1.80
P. M. Returning, leaves Scotland Neck
A. M. except
Train N via
I. It. daily except Sun-
P St. P M. I
N C. P M. SI P M.
leaves X daily
A M. A
X S A M.
Train mi Midland X V. leaves;
A M,
rive C, T SO AM. Re-
turning leaves X S A M.
arrive X C, SO A M.
Train on leave-
Monet at P M,
P IS P If. Returning
Soring I lope A M.
10.3.1 A M. arrives Mount 1-1 A
mi Clinton Branch leave-
for Clinton except at
A M, mill P. X.
War-aw with mil
train mi
is at reasonable terms on time.
V. except Sunday.
Train South will stop only
Wilson, Magnolia.
Train makes
for all points North daily. All
rail via daily
vi-i Bay Line.
Train- make all
Al nm
Ion and and have
J. B.
T. M.
The from long, lingering
and painful sickness to robust, health
marks an epoch in the life of the
Such a remarkable event is
in the memory and the agency
whereby the good health has been attain-
ed is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that
so much is heard In praise of Electric
Hitlers. So many feel they owe their
restoration to health, to the use the
Tonic. If you arc
troubled with disease of Kidneys,
Liver or long or short
standing you will surely find relief by
use of Electric. Bitters. Sold at and
pa bottle.
Robberies in High Life.
Goldsboro Headlight.
at Keel Will sell them
at reasonable terms on lime. I
for and can to Bell
as cheap as anyone. Give me a call.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. M. Saturday,
t a OS
Mixed Kt
a m
a CM
i Depot a
Having B. S.
with me in the Undertaking business we
arc ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. for col
The ease with which
great have been made in
speculation in recent year have
a desire to be rich quickly.
Men risk in
undertakings, M a general
tiling get into debt before they
arc aware of it. In order to
themselves, and with the hope
of recovering what have lost,
I hey are tempted, if are in a
or trust, to which
does not la-long to them. This is
the history in a Majority
the forgeries and or
the present day. In their to
i be rich, men who would not stoop to j gems formerly employed the chief at-
petty thieving or be guilty mean
act, lake Often the way i
ml lie Was
for them to become criminals. They
naturally criminals. They
re .-imply mm ally weak, and when
c to do wrong,
they are unable to resist.
Probably no one thine Ins such
a revival of trade at Ho. G Kr-
as giving away to
their customers of so free trial
Jewel Arc Glass.
Most of the world's beads are
In the island of a thou-
sand workmen are devoted to this
branch. The first process is to draw
the glass into tubes of the diameter of
the proposed bead. For this purpose
the glass house at has a
kind of rope walk gallery feet
long. By gathering various colors
from different pots and twisting them
into mass many combinations of
color are made. The tubes are care-
fully sorted by diameters and chipped
into fragments of uniform size. Those
pieces arc stirred in a mixture of
sand and ashes which fills the holes
and prevents the sides from closing
together when they arc heated. They
next placed in a kind of frying
pan, constantly stirred over a fire
until the edges are rounded into a
globular form. When cool are
shaken in one set of sieves until the
ashes are separated, and in another
series of sieves until they arc perfect-
sorted by sizes. Then they are
threaded by children, tied in bundles,
and exported to the ends of the earth.
France has long produced the
which in the finer forms arc
close imitations of pearls. They are
said to been invented by M.
in Tho common variety
treaded for ornament is blown from
glass tubes. An expert workman can
low or six thousand globules in
a day. They arc lined with powdered
fish scales arid filled with wax. It takes
fish to make a pound of the
essence of pearl. Until recently
tho of still carried on a
large factory of these mock pearls.
The best of them are blown irregular
to counterfeit nature, some in ear
shape, others like oil.-cs, they
easily pass for genuine. Imitation
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Banal Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pit i county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who
Feb. 22nd. 1888.
My Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
mer, Miss has arrived and I am
prepared to execute In the latest styles
and fashions any work to my
not ions the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
in to you. My price are the lowest
and guarantee not to lie undersold by no
one. oat goods.
Mrs. L. C. King,
Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair.
Thursday and Saturday,
Wednesday and Friday.;
Train o connect with Wilmington
Train bound North, leaving
II a. at., and with
ft Danville Train West, leaving
Wishers p. m. .
Train connects with Richmond everything in my line
arriving at
p. m., and with Wilmington and
T Train from North at p. in
Train t connects with Wilmington and
Tallinn Through Freight Train, leaving I
at p. m and with
i comfortable chairs.
Tickets I sharpened at reasonable figure.
Season I rip . for WOrk outside of my shop
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything in my line
nil the improved appliances; new
Season of In
June 1st.
From To Season.
K,. on 3.00
J -w 2.00
of Fate. -Trip
Tickets, from Coupon Stations below to
points on the W. N. C. K. B.
OW ion,
12.70 14.70 16.45
13.85 15.24
14.50 17.66
15.40 16.00
For Sale.
will sell my Center Bluff property
consisting of two acres of land with
store house, large warehouse and tenant
house on reasonable terms. Property
located at Center Bluff on Tar a
very desirable location for mercantile
business. I have also a splendid
steam saw and grist mill that
will sell at a sacrifice.
ft. C
Mussel was always two individuals;
one the natural man. tho other the
man who mathematically
each of the two deserving the
most ideal friendship. The former had
the Chivalrous qualities of tho man of
birth; the latter startled you by
strokes of genius. Some like
stop at the first
obstacle; Alfred de snatched
the sacred lire by his passionate love
and by dint of intoxication. When
he was his he re-
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for I quired not merely the light of twenty-
four wax candles, a sun shining at
but ho also needed this rise and
fall of drink excitement, which dis-
closed to the eyes of his imagination
those figures that
with immortal hues his soul's despair.
How many finely endowed intellects
possess in hearts treasures which
they will never display to tho
of literal because they have not tho
strength to lavish them in reckless-
What is genius, after all, but
an hour of dizziness on tho edge of a
precipice To men who yearn for the
absolute everything is good which
drives them out of themselves. They
fall enraptured into the or the
which the Persian poet thus
state of lire consumes
me. and I sec a hundred miracles per-
formed; words clear as the crystal
spring seem to explain to me the mys-
tery of nil Besides, what
does it matter if one attains to or
by opium or by morphia
or absinthe, when tho
supplies the same
in Fort-
nightly Review.
Consumption. Their trade is simply
enormous in this very valuable
from the fact that it always cures and
never disappoints. Coughs, Colds.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all
throat and lung diseases quickly cured.
You can test it before buying by getting
a trial bottle free, large size SI.
bottle warranted.
Learn a Trade.
Publisher and Printer.
good trade is which
bank failures or commercial panics
dues not destroy.
It is a passport, to all countries
and climes.
Something which can be. carried
in our heads and hands.
A demand note which purees cm
rent everywhere.
The one thing that cannot he
learned in an academy or college in
the land.
A strong crutch which to
The very friend of our n who
will not desert as in our old age or
The only language which is
by the people of all races
and climes.
is beyond the possibility of de-
at any enhance
its value.
The only property which cannot
in- mortgaged or sold.
It is a calling which can he de-
i-r taken up pleasure.
Something about which neither
nor kindred can quarrel.
Corrected weekly by S. M.
Wholesale and lie tail Grocer.
Self-Inking Pen ft
m -m i
four to J f
o f I f
Mess Pork
Bulk Sides
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulder
Pitt County
Sugar Cured Hams
Brown Sugar
Granulated Sugar
1200 toll
equipped school
In Virginia. Two hundred and fifty Stu-
dents in attendance last Home ;
moral training ; personal care ; location and climate
delightful. and ONLY
Cir Quarter. Write for further
formation. J. A. I. Norfolk
Aches and Fains.
When a hundred bottles of
or other pretentious specifics fail to
in-born scrofula or contagious blood
Tombs. Vaults, Fencing,
I would respectfully call your
Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga., for of
and he convinced. It is the
only true
G. W. law, X toads, Ga.
was nine years with
All the medicine could take
did me no good. then tried B. II. B.,
and f bottles cured me
Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Round Mountain,
Texas, lady of mine
troubled with bump pimples
on her and neck. She took three
bottles of B. B. B and her skin got soft
and smooth, pimples disappeared, and
her health improved
Jas. L, Ga.,
Mats, ago I blood pois-
on. I had no appetite, my digestion was
ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs
so I could hardly walk, my throat was
cauterized live times. Hot Springs gave
me no benefit, and my life was one of
torture until I gave B. B. B. a trial, and,
surprising as it may cm. the use of live
bottles cured
country. That It is the most reliable
and beat known having been represented
for over forty years la this vicinity.
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual facilities for filling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respectfully,
liefer to P. W.
J. J. Not walk, Conn.
B. C.
Patterson Mineral
Charges least of any
in the South.
Eastern Reflector,
In full
view of the Blue
You You in.
Guess how Many, in this para-
graph then
who pat papers
should pay promptly, tor the
prospects of the press have a
peculiar in pushing forward
prosperity. If the is
paid promptly, and his pocket-hook
kept by paying pa-
he puts his en to his paper I
in peace. His pictures
are in pleasing
and the perusal of Ins paper is a
pleasure to the people. Paste this
piece of proverbial philosophy In
some place where all poisons can
The best Salve In the world for
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Fe-
Sores, Hands,
Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired. It is guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
per box. For sale Er mil.
Any of the following Look
sent post-paid nice
the limn
The most thrilling still m-i.-i, ii-,,; work on
subject. pages; paper
Imitation of
By Thomas s Paper,
Selections from Mark Twain n
others. pages ; paper ; cloth null
Metropolitan Press
,. . St;
a, publishers price.
5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales,
Brass Tare Beam.
for ft
For Free Price
of . T.
,. . . -.-,;
. H-. l-ii.-r II
ml Ci
latest novelty m the way of
for School
i ml select sociables, where
the intro-
is known as Tart It
is conducted on Hi is wise All I lie
girls in a row one
tides an Then
boys kiss the entire group and
which ate the onion,
parties are said to popular,
the boy who succeeds in kiss
all tho Rival except the onion
eater is voted
This game like other
national advancement
originated in the grand,
man, go
Oxford Orphan's
cs .- the hair.
I N. C. on It. Charleston,
Cincinnati Chicago
son mile
To the Afflicted.
PHYSICIANS will tell you that the in-
contained in these waters
are in their effect Diuretic.
Tonic and it nature's
remedy for Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Dis-
ease of the Kidneys. Bladder, and
all cases of Debility and Weak
which need a and in
Rheumatic and Scrofulous affections.
To the Public.
are are so the
with farm attached, from
which most of our
a-Treat part of the work I
during the Springs are open,
we can favor our patrons with the
mineral most wholesome
food and at
the low
one person
pies room two
When one person occupies room
two 87.00. one
person occupies room
Children eight o twelve years oh
half price. Two to six years old one-
fourth price. Servants, special rates ill
accordance to service rendered in earing
for room of family person they are
with. Where there are a family of live
or more, or a party of friends from the D- J- Editor Proprietor.
same town or section, who will occupy
one large room, a reduction ten per
cent, will lie made. Care of Stock.
Horses per day. fifty cents. Per week,
three dollars. Per month, ten dollars.
Amusements and Recreation.
BOWLING Alley. Lawn Tennis,
Foot-Ball, and in-door games of
all kinds. horse and boggy.
When two will contract to use it daily
for one or more hours each day, fifteen
cents per hour each person.
Shelby P. O., or P. O.
Cleveland County, N, C.
How Lost How
Mrs. Emily Crawford, tho most fa-
of-women journalists, lived
in Paris for mom thirty years,
and is almost a pioneer among the
women of her profession
chosen the French capital as their
Held. is a widow with a son who
has followed in the footsteps of his
journalistic parents. Mrs. Crawford
is immensely popular in professional,
political and social circles in Paris.
She has a brilliant face, s
mass of silver hair and a vast amount
of personal magnetism, which she
owes doubtless to her Irish blood. She
is well known as tho able correspond-
of The London Daily News and
Tho Now York Tribune, out she also
contributes a column weekly to three
other prominent
Truth among finds time
to do translations from the French
beside. Her charm of manner
and brilliant intellect have won
her many friends, who have often,
by their mere acquaintance, for-
warded her professional interests
and bestowed counties
of which her quick pen has
made instant use. She has rubbed
against royalty on both aides of too
channel, and has a for
personalities which would render her
memoirs immortal. She is a woman
who is dearly loved by her
sincere, loyal, sympathetic nature,
and has found much time in her busy
life to devote to the interest of
inanity. -Current Literature.
Of to
Notice to Creditors.
of county
baring d litters of
to me. on the 8th
day on the estate of
ceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to
I lie estate to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to all creditors
of said estate to present claims
properly authenticated, to the under-
signed, twelve months after the
late of this notice, or this notice ill be
plead in of their
This the day of
of Latham.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified before the of
the Court of Pitt county on the
day of 1880 as Administrator
limn the
this is to notify all persons holding
claims said estate to present
their claims for payment within twelve
months from this date or this notice
will be plead in bar of their recovery.
All persona on said estate will come
forward and make immediate settlement.
This July St. 1888. T. K.
I. Atty.
Notice to Creditors.
The Superior Court Clerk of Pitt conn-
having owned Letter of
lion to the undersigned upon the estate i
of Mary deceased, notice is
hereby given to persona Indebted to
the estate to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to all persons
having claims against said estate to
sent them to the under the
lath of July 1880, or this notice will lie
plead bar of their recovery. This 13th
of July 1880.
of Mary Hancock.
Notice to Creditors.
A Scientific Popular Medical Treatise
on the Errors Decline, Nervous
and Debility, Impurities Blood.
from Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or
Enervating and unfitting victim
tot Work, Business, the Married or Relation.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
work. It contains paces, royal Beautiful
binding, embossed, foil gilt. Price only by
mail, postpaid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus-
Prospectus Free, if yon apply now. The
author, Win. ft. Parker, M. D., re-
the J
from the National Medical for
this PRIZE ESSAY on and
LIT Parker and
of Assistant Physicians may he consulted,
by mall or in person, at the office of
No. St., to whom
orders for books or letters should be,
directed as
C. O. P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
For sale by all for
or to provide a good dinner for Four
Persons for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Book of KM page
one hundred Dinner
Bills of Fare, with instructions to
prepare each one, so that the cost
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
additional recipes.
This valuable will be given fret
lo any one sending or present
tickets, representing the purchase, of
twenty pounds Of C. O. P. COTTON
at our Branch Store,
St., X. Y.
pail of our Lard contains
the number on which corresponds to the
number of pounds in the pail.
The Cotton Oil Company,
Broker, Greenville, N. C
C. K.
N. B.
Edwards a
Printers and Binders,
County, having Issued Letters of Ad-
ministration tome, the undersigned, on
the of June, on the estate
of Jane Stancil. is
hereby given to all person indebted to
the to make Immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to all creditors
of said estate to present their claims,
to the under-
signed, within Twelve, Months after
the date of this notice, or this no-
will be plead in of their recovery.
This the of
It. W, KING.
on the estate of Stancil.
North Carolina.
. Pitt County
Robert Greene, Jr. wife
J. C. Guardian, B. V. Patrick
of N. B. Anderson, and I II.
Wilson, of V. L. Anderson.
To J. C.
The Defendant, J.
will take notice that he Is hereby
summoned to before Ills Honor
the Judge presiding at September Term
of Pitt Superior to be in
Greenville on the Monday In
and answer or demur to the com-
plaint herein filed for settlement as
Guardian of the Plaintiff Louisa
Greene, or lodgment will be prayed a.
you awl your sureties on your
Guardian bond.
Herein fail not to take due notice.
Given under my hand at Greenville,
x. a. More,
Clerk Superior Court.
the o-
A Scientific and Standard Treatise on
Youth, Premature Decline,
Untold Miseries
Resulting Folly, Vice, or
and the victim
for Wort, the Married
Avoid pretenders. great
contain. paces, royal Beautiful
full tilt. Pries, only o by
mail, In plain Illus-
if you apply now. The
author, Win. II. Parker. M. D, re-
from the National Association,
for tho PRIZE on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. and a corps
Assistant Physicians may
by mall or In person, at the of
No. M., lo whom
orders for books or letters for should
We have the largest most complete
establishment of the kind to be found
the State, and solicit orders for all classes
Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
and Binders,
N. C.
fill Jim.
Per Year,
i the
gives Mon- Mutter for
the money than any other paper
published in North
The a variety
of news, NATIONAL,
and LOCAL, and will it-
self to the material
of the inn in it
your get a
is called to as its
large and growing circulation
makes it mi excellent medium
through which to roach the people
PREPARATION for baldness,
falling out of hair, end eradication of
is before the public.
Among the many who have with
wonderful success, I refer
gentleman who will
to the truth of my
Mb. O.
Any one to it a for
above can procure
it from at my place of business, for
Greenville, March 14th, C ,
Greenville, N. C.
have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
in every instance. Call and be con-
waited on at their
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
and all business in the U. S.
office or In the Courts attended to
r Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the U. S. Patent Of-
c engaged Patents Exclusively,
can obtain patents in less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no change unless ob-
We refer, here, to Post Master, the
Supt. of the Money Order Did., and to
Is of the P. S. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address, A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C
Dealer In Hay, Corn, Meal. Peas, Oats
and Mill Feed.
Will pay cash pricks for
Corn and Peas.
I pay cash for my goods and can
to sell pricks.
Call me at the store of J. S. Smith
la the and m i-t popular
paper of Its MM In IS
Dent claM of Wood
Infra for
m world,
M ti trial, Wt
a u., xi
Edition of Scientific American. U
cm or public building.
and fall and for
m- coin a
mar JOT
mart a
MM for American and For.
Send for Handbook.
In I mt In the Pat-
.,. MINN and
for Handbook.
. r
. Kl K. T
For the Ladies
-II H-l
In to stock time to
receive Fall I will offer
my present stock of
from no until the 1st of September at
All hand, both trimmed and tin-
trimmed, will be sold at cost. My stock
includes many of most stylish goods
of the season. I bargains.
Ho What's This
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. calling on or addressing the
above named you can procure a
that is Invaluable
for eradicating dandruff and causing
kinkiest hair to lie soft and
glossy, only two or application a
week is necessary, and a common hair
brush is all to lie used after rubbing the
scalp vigorously for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, only Ml cents.

Eastern reflector, 21 August 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 21, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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