Eastern reflector, 17 July 1889

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t .
Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
D. I. Editor and
Price. per year.
will not to
and measures that Bra not consistent
principle of the party.
If you mutt a paper f mm
section of State send
I sometimes sit wonder
Why live a life asunder
purest bliss that fills the
man breast.
Why we close the portal
To the joys that are immortal.
Shutting tightly up within us all that's
Many words remain unspoken
That would be the happy token
Of the good will that we bear to one an-
And act of kindness
We neglected in our blindness,
Would have gone so far to help a weaker
moments fast are fleeting
; hand.
only season in which the children
who have to labor on the farms can
spared, suspended, the
teachers forced to go to a free
and the children
forced to stay at home and lose
the only opportunity have to
learn to read and write, while the
money their fathers have had to
from them in order to pay the
school tax and which the State Las
so generously appropriated,
I for their benefit, is being
lavishly expended for the benefit of
j those are already to
i a degree far above that to which
the average free school attendant
ever hope or expect to attain,
Look at Your Watch.
Why the Numerals on Watch Dials Differ
from These in Common Use.
Laughable Reflections. A Married Editor's Thoughts
on Women.
New York Star.
a recent conversation with a
Mirth Provoking Selections as Com-i
piled by the Bad Boy.
dear, when we
reach town let try to avoid
the impression that we are
, reporter a prominent jeweler of , ,, ,, , M
Maiden told the following story
to explain why the Unman
Henry in Atlanta
In the of youth,
the kindling flame sweeps the
plains of sees only the
of hopeful promises, the
young man weds some damsel on
whose cheeks the dews of morn are
printed on the dials of watches and Then come the years
clocks differ from those in common
use. He said
be worn buttoned under the left or
right ear, or under the chin, or at
It is nothing but a tradition Hie back of the neck, with both
among watchmakers, but the custom
has always been preserved. You
may or you may not know that the
turned up or down, or with
and one down, either one,
make a cent's difference
which ; and the maker challenges
and for the bountiful support and
And extend to all we can
Let all bate and envy
Only kindest feelings gain of who are not even
A hearty beneath their sunshine j who, with Others,
i are working the merely
Let us gather every treasure.
first clock that in any way resembled creation to find a neck that it will
those now in was made by lien- flt- j is for two
Vick in 1370.
Charles V. of France, who has been
He made it for because there are no cents
rimming measure
all along our
for I he money there is in it.
Now, conceding the schools to be
taught by the average grade teach.
i the sum we have estimated to
G. of t,,,,. ;., to and ., .
M. run the run ,
Filling up the
With the jewels
Tiny will till our lives with sweetness
Ami In their
Free and Institutes.
Secretary of I.
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
of Wayne, j
of Public Instruction I
If. Finger of Catawba.
Attorney F. David-
sou, of Buncombe.
school ill eight districts for the same
time the institute is run, and apart
from this view of the act we think
that a little experience will demon-
Chief Justice N. II. o
We nil ask for space in your pa-j Strafe the fast that section 4th of
in which to place some of our the act which requires the teacher
views cm an act of the but J to attend continuously is
which we saw in the cable, for that the majority the
ion a few weeks ago, entitled an free school are poor and
Associate Justice A. S. act to abolish the while Normal can't afford to move to town and
Wake Joseph Davis, of of the State and to provide spend all they have made in a whole
E. Shepherd, of and .
Alfonso C. of Burke. holding County Institutes year of for a few
throughout the State. days attendance on an institution
Fooling a special interest in the which many of them have attended
Free Schools and those for whom , before under a different name and
Fire II. Brown, of
Second Philips, of
they were originally intended, found to be a failure.
Third District- II. G. Connor, of it i Our school bosses tried the
Clark, of iii me take the of in a Is and they could not get the ;
Wake, trying to express my conviction teachers into them and they saw.
this very important subject. that something to be done, or j
Sixth T. off I We are not oblivious of the that the teat of the old Slate
c. of, all we say will not alter eminent cow would soon be dry
Cumberland. the case now, but that point we and somebody would be
of will suggest that another two years for pap, so they dress tip the old
Ninth F. Graves, of J will soon roll around and we may hornet in a new suit and sent him
, . ,, ,. n. , about it around behalf of the
Tenth . of .
Brake. II we have any conception o the same old concern under the
Eleventh M. of Mlle objects and uses of the and invite the
M k hi
Twelfth j. school system, it is that they were poor teachers same old empty
of ; instituted mainly for the benefit of j feast and parade the law before I
in ; children within tho school age who them, telling them that unless they ;
Zebulon i. Vance, of Meek- ,. . ., . , . ., . ., , . , ,
Matt. W. Ransom, of otherwise obtain do not be free
advantages, so that school meaning, It matters
to instructed in practical j not how competent and deserving.
P. col. studies adapted to the needs and j are, unless you patronize and
Charles was wise a good
many ways. He was wise enough
to recover from England most of
the land which Edward III had
conquered, and ho did a good many
other things which benefited France.
But his education had been
somewhat neglected, and he
would have had trouble in pass-
a Civil Service examination in
these enlightened ages. Still he had
the reputation for wisdom, and
thought that it was necessary, or.
to keep it up, that he should aW
so be supposed to possess
learning. Tho latter was a subject,
he was extremely touchy about.
the story runs in this fashion,
What is Happening Around Us.
As Reflected from the State Press.
Wilson Mirror.- In consequence
of the excessive rains five mills
have been washed away this
county, and the loss has been very-
Wilmington An attraction
on the streets yesterday afternoon I
was a countryman from Onslow with
two young beam which ho was
to sell.
Goldsboro Headlight.- Mr. and
Mrs. P. F. Beaman, of Brunswick,
Ga., are stopping in our city for a
Editor, I dashed off
poem, f Well, I do of steel,
not want your poetry. It would look ,.
better you'd up some
printed the papers, with a hyphen
The attention of the passengers in
a Southern smoking car was riveted
I on a strangely behaved lie
although will not vouch for the rocked himself from side to side
language, but put it in that of the j without ceasing.
the clock works said
Charles, being anxious to find
some fault with a thing he did not
understand, got the fig-
on the dial
four should be four
aid the king.
are wrong, your
said Vick.
am never wrong thundered
the king. Take it away and
of toil labor, the cares and
the Joys and disappointments.
Man is prone to selfishness and is
too near sighted to observe the hand
that bears the cooling chalice to tho
fevered lips. But to the woman he
is all in all. She has not a thought
higher than his dear bead, for that
is, to her, as high as heaven. And ,
there is more strengthening and. few CB for
support in a pair of those soft white counties to visit their parents,
arms than there is In braces of iron License at Monroe has been fixed
at in addition to the State and
There is something her very county tax. . The town commission-
soothing and also ordered that any person
was about to say that I just I refreshing. And her voice is dear- found in the street. intoxicated so
dashed off a check for the than nil the melodies of; as to stagger should be arrested and
again bUt sky j not more than fifty dollars.
,, , his smallest wishes, While George
his PROPOSAL. she
have j best
something most important to ask I i.
you. May is j , . . ., . chine, last Saturday, pretty drunk,
Edith is it, man of that he carelessly his in
would j pure and lolly appreciation of contact the was
is drawn into the machine and bin
H of arm to
which is but a foretaste of joys
that are to come in a world where Sanford Last Spring
the souls of these pure tender was so scarce that some
wives and mothers shall shine with farmers in Moore and Chat-
a unequaled by tho conceits. counties planted their entire
tinted splendor of a hundred suns. l ;
aches him to expect all that is of w
. life through her
the matter with you
asked a traveler.
Does you know Dan
Well, he sold mo a silver
watch for added the
Wherein, your V asked I paying from side to side,
j cf I stop dis here way it dun
go no
Seldom What they Seem.
fields with Western corn. This corn
has grown a very small stock and
has out at about the height
of three feet. Much of it will pro-
duce no corn at all. It is a
suppose you find this to be a
hard, hard world, do you she
said, as she the tramp a loaf of
stale bread.
answered the tramp, try-
the and corrected it j dent in the loaf with
, i we strike
was, from that day to
o'clock on a watch or clock dial has
been instead of IV. The
has been faithfully
institute they will
. . ,. At . essential to the avocations the support, the
Third W. of . . ,
Fender. common people in their every day crush you, and because you will not
Fourth II of and I don't believe even in this attend them you shall not have em-
w. lb-over, of day of wisdom, it has at the old district school
sixth Rowland of ever entered the of any and receive for your wages
s, -emu S. Henderson,; . . ., . . . ,. . . . ,. ,, .
Eighth A. man, that it is nos- some the tax money paid by your
for anything than that; fathers, brothers neighbors, but;
ever to be accomplished in our free he who is more fortunate
schools, not even that much ; means to attend the institute shall
Ninth G. of
Court Clerk E. A.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of Deeds II.
S-i Man n i.
Commissioners-Council Dawson, Chair-
man, V, Newton,
W. A. James, Jr., T. E. Keel.
Board of
S. and J. the education of the children
Public School Superintendent
of F. W. Brown.
Keeper Conn
F. Evans.
Tree R. Leaf.
T. Smith.
Asst It. Moore.
Con Ward, B. N. Boyd
ind Ward. R. Williams Jr., and Alfred
have preference though he be
Our law rulers teem to have stranger and less competent,
taken an idea the lice schools. Now I know somebody will say
are for tho benefit of the i we have taken a and extreme ;
teachers and the holders con- view of the case and will be ready
with the system, and that to spread on paper a vast amount,
; of benefits to be received from these
the terms school are only Second institutes. Moll, are a great;
matters. many benefits to be. derived from
Bo lets examine and see them for some folks, but certainly
if we are not right. none for the poor children for whom
Section 1st of the act abolishes the free schools were originally in-
the white normal schools pro- ; and tho
rides for the holding of teachers institute scheme had some j
The part of the about the success of
abolishing tho normals is all right, the machine or they would not
they were a fraud upon the white incorporated the compulsory clause
The Deadly Cigarette.
New York Sun.
Tho cigarette habit appears to be
growing among the boys of this
city, and there are physicians who
tell of evil effects upon the
and health of those who
It It promotes nervous
affections, interferes with the
things that are
Miss makes you
such a confirmed woman hater, Mr.
Mr. when I was
Durham Sun,
This is a sort of turvy failure,
Id. No seems to be
One man is straggling to get
is flying from it.
One man hoops a pistol to protect
himself against burglars, while his
neighbor doesn't keep one for fear
of shooting some member of the
house by mistake. . .,
. i ., Hugh Raleigh Mr
One rich man wears poor clothes , ,
. , . . , , Academy. Treasurer.
he is rich and can do any-
thing, while a poor man wears fine
clothes because ho is poor and j has been a favorite sport
wants to create, the impression that with some of the ladies and
ho is not. gentlemen tor several days.
The North Carolina As-
elected officers for the
year as Henry Louis
Smith, Davidson College, President;
P. P. Hobgood, Oxford Female
Seminary, first Vice
Begone G. Raleigh,
Kinston Free Rabbit
Thoughts for Reflection.
Select for Leisure
Anger is as a stone cast into a
wasp's Proverb.
Good actions crown themselves with
lasting lays ;
Who well deserves, needs not another's
James Heath.
Flattery is a false coin which has
circulated only through
lie I one constant clement in luck
U genuine, solid, old Teutonic
O, W. Holmes.
They only serve who stand and
There is no lack of kindness
In this world of ;
Only in our blindness
We gather thorns for flowers.
Gerald Massey.
The true test of civilization is not
the census, nor the size of cities, nor
but the kind of man the
country turns W. Emerson.
There arc nettles everywhere,
lint smooth, green grasses arc more com-
still ;
The blue heaven is larger than the cloud.
Elisabeth B. Browning.
enchants and grace cap-
for a season, but a well ins
formed mind and a cultured heart
will make a home beautiful when
the bloom of beauty has faded and
We love in others what lack ourselves
And would be everything but what we
R. II.
Nothing that is excellent can be
wrought Taylor.
Our greatest glory consists, not in
Our to-days and yesterdays
Are the blocks with which we build.
H. W. Longfellow.
Do the duty which lies nearest
which thou to be a
duty. Thy second duty will already
have become Car-
N C.
C C.
N. C
The laborer ten children go in boats and find the rabbits on I
a man a woman made a fool k t of a week pieces of high ground to which
never got over i an bank of- they are driven by the high water.;
it f with a week can't get Then the ladies surround poor
,,. ,,. . . ., , I along without helping himself to the Rabbit and frighten him to death,
-m love, and tho only . ,, in.
disagreeable thing about it is scams.
the girl is older j One escapes all the diseases
old are you now V that flesh is heir to and is killed on
. tile railroad, another man goes
l mm
make mind easy. By j scratch, thou dies whoop-
inducts insomnia, leads to mus- the time you are twenty-one she'll cough.
diseases of the mouth be only
eyes, and blunts tho mental powers.
It the air, leaves the taint
the garments is apt to
create a liking for liquor. Io is in-
in every
Electricity on the March.
Norfolk Landmark.
A company has been in existence
Books and Babies Mixed-
. c some time preparing for the
in no respect. Several State . , , , ,
i . , . , ,. ., r-. ration of what is known as
legislatures, including those of Now . .,
e- Electric Railway System,
Jersey Michigan, have bills
Kinston Free There
shipped from Kinston this sea-1
son crates of peas as
crates the previous year; 1,552
of beans against the
year; 1,551 barrels of potatoes
against barrels the previous
year; boxes of huckleberries
In an English country tho boxes the previous year;
curate had to give out two notices, boxes of peaches against boxes
the first of which was about baptisms previous year. The low prices
and tho latter had to do with a new lot prevented large quantities
book, vs an exchange. Ow. of them from being shipped, as the
to an accident ho inverted the or. towards the latter part of the
season would not pay the freight
n. c
Any Business to us; will b
Promptly Attended to-
, ., . r ., , and it is now claimed to be perfect cave out follows- am re- s
consideration for the prohibition. , . ,. e our as s. i it,
. . . and ready tor inauguration. The to that the
the sale of cigarettes to miners, .
invention of a railroad track
quested that the new-
alone on them.
Forbes-. Bed J. Jarvis and the State for whose in the section.
R. Lang; 4th Ward, W. X. Tolbert. the free school were intended, Now let us look squarely and
CHURCHES ought to have been es honestly at the facts and ask
flu Hum First and their abolishment in selves some plain, simple
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. so short a time alter were Is it right and honest to take the
D. D., Rector.
to them In r ,. , j am can , me war at in
of three hundred teachers to the delay which often takes this county of Tuesday last the 2nd
u taken on tho and curves- The bringing children to be after a short illness. Mr.
train tAil Hi . . am . . . . I. . .
N. C.
a large of testimony I hymn book will be used for the first; Plymouth Bryant
to such action has been by age years and a veteran
to them. In the motor at a speed of three x am requested to call the war of 1812, died at his homo in
has bee
many of the facts given arc a kind
that might well alarm parents.
this city, especially at night the
train is operated from
stations and requires no help
they should be brought the j served at Charleston, S. C, in
earliest day possible. This is par- j repelling tho British advance and
abroad. The system is for the pressed on mothers saw good service at other
pose of the quick transmission of
., appropriated for the side one may often see groups, be
sallow-faced urchins L J J
the habit. . , .
hour. The manipulator can stop the
train when he wishes, and tells by
and night. Prayer Meeting every I and if our had one step Don of poor children apply it to
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John, abolished a lot of , of
every Sunday, morn-j school offices that are ex- not within school age and who are
and night. Meeting every . to the beneficiaries who hold already educated
Wednesday Rev. J. W. Vt ,. . , . . , , J
tutor. saved . Is it right honest to take the j
ands of dollars to the school j money appropriated to hire common
which if properly applied would lift school teachers at limited wages
Greenville Lodge, No. A. F. A.
have young And for the i He was one of the few survivors left
information of those who in the country of that memorable
added the rector, m gentle, kindly struggle, and died universally es-
M meets every Thursday and the veil of ignorance from the faces j and give it to traveling
day night and of bright little in such sums as tho superintendent I
Sec are for may in his discretion think right
Greenville It No meets knowledge. But when they apply Is it right and honest to suspend
money to ins.- the free schools at the only time
Covenant Lodge, No. f. ft o. F. business, we think they have the poor children have
Tuesday night. D. L. something worse than the chance to attend an
tones, who, being deaf, had not
heard what bad been previously
said, for the information of
those who have none I may state if
they wished they can be obtained
application in the vestry
after service to-day. Limp
ones shilling each, with stiff
backs two
James. X. G.
thus exclude
Insurance No. K. of H., i normals, and we believe that time them from the schools for
n VT i act i and honest that the;
of H., meets carried out, our of poor school teachers who have net
Thursday night. C. A. White, C. j school will be very near means to spare with which to
and little that should be forced
Office hours a. m. to p. m. Section 3rd makes it the duty a Doy
ate at school, and render an
for his absence, or be debarred
,. . from the free school is it
at A. M-, departs at P M. i V. . right and honest that a sum
m ally Sun- suitable budding, ex-, c to dig
Now we , M should be taken from the poor
to say bow much the ex of the county, bestowed
which the County Board the learned and wealthy t
required to defray will amount to, j. the question can be truth-
fully answered the affirmative,
Dr. druggist, at an automatic indicating arrange-
Aurora, Mo., I sell a great i just where tho train is all the
quantity S. S. Scrofula, . constructed that it
. M . . ., , cannot leave the track, and the
Rheumatism, other blood ; track be a
troubles, and have never hoard of a j five thousand dollars per mile.
case of failure to j The experimental Hue and works
, ,. , . arc at Laurel, Md., and the tests,
and eruptions on , have
the skin evidence tho fact that tho j the absolute practicability of the
blood is bad shape, and these system. The question of passenger gratifying progress in
symptoms show that is try- travel rapid system has not
j. n. . , yet been discussed, but if tho freight
to throw off the In prove
which effort she should be assisted j operation over long
by a reliable vegetable blood i distances, there would seem to be
While North Carolina has made
Office hours A. M. to p. m. section manes it
Order hours A. u. to U. No or-1 Superintendent lat
will be from to .,.,,., , ,. .,
from A to b the institute work, and the ,
Bethel mall Sun- County Board of Education to pro
Tar r
at and depart at p. M.
mail daily
-it M. and departs at P. u.
J. J. P. M.
as is Swift's Specific.
Mr. John B. Harrison, of Spring-
field, that he had blood
trouble for a time; his tonsils
were eruptions over his
hands and face, followed by
no reason why, in the near future,
passengers may not be getting
at this lightening rate of
speed in a train which is above
ground and safe from run-offs.
Verily, the world does more.
No man knows his own will pow-
sis of the face, which was all until he gives it a trial Some
For preaching on Bethlehem
1st Sunday at
but we will venture the assertion
the County Board ought not to
that it will not be less ten i a single dime to the
r day, for day the business. Gentlemen look
machine and ad-1 before you for the day
Sunday at o'clock. , th f reckoning will sorely come,
Sunday at e
m. being taught at the most A to Schools.
convenient, in many the Bethel, N. C, 8th,
4th Sunday
X P.
ed by Swift's and after the
lapse of seven years there has been
sign of a return of the disease.
Over four years ago
cine cured me of a troublesome
eruption which covered my
back and limbs. was
I bad been treated by six doc-
tors, of whom said never
would get
E. M. Sherman, Xenon.
ago a gentleman of the Cape
Fear section was upon what he, bis
physician and bis friends thought
was his death bed. The doctor had
told him Le had but a few hours
to lire. called bis wife and told
her be wanted her to promise him
not to marry She declined to
make the promise. This made him
angry and said t if you In-
tend to marry after I'm dead, I
I die He recover-
ed and lived many
she has done it mainly by
the efforts and with tho money of
her own people. Considerable cap-
ital has been vested, it is true, co-
resident of other States, bot it will
bear no comparison with the amount
invested by our own Ala-
Georgia, Tennessee and Texas
which are noted for their progress,
have been largely aided in their in-
enterprises by outside
which there found an inviting
field awaiting it, and where it has
been well invested. The time will
come capitalists from other
sections will their attention to
North Carolina, where an inviting
field s open too, and where it will
find a live, progressive people,
relying upon themselves, have been
forcing to the front keeping
well in the
teemed by our people. For years
he has been a pensioner of the Gov-
whose flag over three
of a century ago ho served
so well. Peace to tho old he-
roe's ashes.
Fisherman and
Mr. Robert Madre, a young white
man living below near
Albemarle Sound, has been missing
since January last. one knows
of his whereabouts after
gent inquiry search in the
neighborhood, have been unable to
find any trace of him whatever. He
is about feet, inches high, spare
built, light and blue eyes,
or years of age and about
pounds. At the time of his ab-
he was wearing light
pants, a flannel
shirt, laced in front, and a pair
of shoes with green cloth tops. He
bad on the left of his throat and
neck a won. Any information con-
his whereabouts will be re-
at this office
to his many relatives and friends
who are very anxious about bis
The fire at Hurley, Idaho, almost
wiped out the town. The loss is
n. c.
Practice hi all the courts.
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
c f
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
Greenville, N. C.
Under new management. Hot and
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed with the best of the market.
stables in connection.
Polite waiters. Good Rooms. Best
table the market afford. When In the
city stop at the
K. C.

Eastern Reflector,
D. I. ant.
M-50 per year.
rill not to Democratic
and measures that arc not consistent
the true principles of the
If want a a wide-a-wake
of the State send for the
Mail Matter.
For want of patronage
good weekly paper in North
Carolina has been compelled to
suspend. Shelby Era
has that it will
peal- no more because it
making enough to pay expenses.
It is a upon North Caro-
that her newspapers are
en such a patronage and
it is a lasting disgrace to any
town to let a paper go down
within its limits. The
per men as a class are tie poor-
est men in the State, and
they do more work for nothing
than any to be named. Instead
of being giving a patronage that
will make them prosperous, a
large majority of them Have to
trudge along,
JULY 17th,
A slight earthquake shock was
reported from Charleston, S. C,
last week. It is getting time to
revive the earthquake talk
August is nearly know.
The matter of removing
College has been settled. At
a meeting t the Trustees held
last week in Greensboro they de-
to remove the College to
Raleigh. That city raised
to secure the school.
It is reported that Richard K.
Fox, proprietor the Police
Gazette, lost on
who he was backing in the prize
against Sullivan. Its a
pity but what he had lost
to bust his dirty paper.
The Board of Trustees of the
Agricultural and Mechanical
College held a meeting in
last week and elected our
townsman. Hon. Jarvis.
President of the College. Gov.
Jarvis declined to accept the
Col. L. C.
of the Carolina Central Rail-
road, died in Wilmington on the
night of the 12th. IT a
civil engineer and his had
spent in railroad work.
The Saturday had a beau-
tribute to his memory.
in the lead, are going to change
the color of the postage stamp
from green. We suppose that
is done to form more of a con-
in the Department of
culture and Win. Hill, a Minnesota
editor baa been put in charge of it.
Mr. Hill's duties will be to condense
and simplify and
tins issued by department so
that they may be understood by
those not familiar with technical and
scientific terms.
Quay's friend, Tom
Cooper, baa captured Collector-
ship of the port of Philadelphia.
Secretary has prohibited
the use of the steam plate printing
presses in the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing, notwithstanding the
offer the owners of them to act
the royalty named by Congress
one cent per thousand impressions.
received per thousand
previous to July.
Washington is to have another at-
eking out a mm
bare support by the hardest kind .,, old
of work. line of battle ship is
to be brought from Portsmouth, New
There is an apathy about the
Business Association, and a
Hampshire, where she now is, to the
Washington Navy Yard, when she
and indifference R
about matters pertaining to pub-1
lie and the
of the town, that is by
no means creditable to the
One thing is sure, the town
has got to wake up and pat on
more of the spirit of enterprise
or she will be out-stripped by her
neighbors. We do not think
Greenville has any more trade
than she needs, and she will not
hold her own against more en-
towns unless greater
effort is made to draw trade here.
This style of never reaching oat
further for trade than among the
people who are almost compelled
to come here is no way to build
up the town and no way to es-
a trade.
The Constitution a proud his-
The Department of the Interior
announces that no more appoint-
will be made in the Census
Bureau until September.
Discharge of minor officials the
departments here are quite
just now.
The Civil Service Commission
was New York City nearly all
this week.
Secretary denies that Gen.
Felix Baltimore Amer-
gave him a blooded as
was published.
New York Letter.
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correspondent.
Washington, N. 12th ML
Political sensations and very
warm weather do not usually to-
in Washington, but Ibis
week is an exception,
the thermometer has been dancing
around in the nineties all Hie week
we have had a real genuine
At first it was given out that
Noble had peremptorily
removed Pension Commissioner
I Tanner on account of the way in
I which he had been the
Pension It was stated that
Tanner had resigned because the
Secretary had rep- him and
Assistant Secretary Both
these reports turned out to have
been wrong. Mr. Tanner has
been removed, has he resigned
parts of there almost a
panic, as it was learned that be had
erected more than houses.
His name became a synonym for
building, but be probably
has a counterpart in every torn n
the laud. Edwin Arlington.
Experiment Station
A new departure in the issues of
the Station, which is likely to be
is the abstract of contents
which prefaces all long articles,
which gives in a few words a
of what is contained in tie
Also at the conclusion the
article the deductions that may be
drawn are included. The following
in reference to the article by Gerald
Botanist of the Station,
on the subject of of Seeds
with special reference to the
of old will well illustrate
the plan.
Necessity of value for seeds,
The Standard for grasses
clovers. Suggestions of helps
towards examining for impurities.
Method of calculating the quantity
of seeds in a grain a
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
are not to be excelled in this market. And all guaranteed to be First-class and
pure straight good. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN-
kinds. Gin and Mill Belting, Hat, Rock Lime, Plaster Paris, and
Harness, Bridles and Saddles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. a specialty. Give me a call and I guarantee satisfaction.
Spring Display
Foreign and Domestic Novelties.
Are headquarters for all needed in
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if you want anything in
Hardware, Agricultural Implements, atom
and Cooking Utensils, Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which We will sell at Factory Prices.
with route agents. He Bat one. or the may yet occur,
says there is nothing preen
about him, bat he don't men-
the relations between the
mid Commissioner are
strained. The day alter
. return bis western
Newspaper affairs are he a --.- from
interesting around Rocky
Mount. Two papers coming
from that are called the
the name, good will,
etc., being claimed by the parties
who are publishing each of the
papers. Wonder how many
rounds they will bold out
That excellent paper, the Con-
cord lime, of Mr. J.
Sherrill, Secretary of the North
Carolina Press Association, is
editor, recently closed its
year. is getting
out one of the most readable
weeklies in the State. lie is a
possessed of
and push, is making his
work tell. Continued success to
Secretary Noble to come at once to
bis private office. Arriving
lie Assistant Secretary Bus-
who bas charge of appeals
from I lie pension office and who Is
ideas, and Secretary An
animated discussion was at once
begun with Tanner and on
one side, and Noble on other.
It is said the Secretary gave
both to understand the
plainest sort language, that
were subordinates of his. And
right here is, I understand, the root
of the whole trouble. The Secretary
has no serious objection to anything
Tanner has done, but be ob
to way of doing them,
lie wants the fact impressed on
of I be public Pension
is a of the department
cl the Interior, and that he
is at the bead of that department.
Mr. bas to his
family at Deer Park. It is Riven
out the White House that he
will spend very little time here
the. lest of the warm weather, not
over two days a week at the out-
side. This is taken to mean
very few Presidential
will be made now and
Public Palmer has taken
his cue from the President and is
going very slow in making new
He has Just made
most in his
His talents winning the members of Ins
widening reputation he do like it, although the gentle-
man appointed is a Mr.
Collins, the man, entered the
office as an apprentice, served bis
time and was afterwards detailed
clerical work. He bas for
several years bead and
was not an applicant for the
Opposed Destruction of City
seems to tie universal public
against the proposed
lion a new municipal building in
Hall Park, a bill which
pose was passed at the last session
of Legislature. The proposed
building will occupy square
feet, if erected to
present intentions, will overshadow
what is conceded lo be one of
specimens architecture
the City Hall. This is the second
time an encroachment has been
attempted the City Hall Park,
Hist one being successful. I re-
fer to slicing off of a large space
the General No
doubt the post office is a very useful
building and was much needed,
it was really bad to take away
any of the people's breathing space.
The attempt to gobble up
feet more is meeting with such de-
opposition it is ex-
unlikely to succeed. The
park is certainly small enough now
so small that we wonder where
Together with exclusive styles from our own
which for beauty, elegance and
taught by these expert-,.
menu-. examination and i workmanship equal any that can be
tests of seeds. Tabular resume. ye the palm to
Grass clover l
seeds deteriorate very rapidly with
age and generally are not worth
sowing after they are two years old. I. L L I
That aged and deteriorated seeds
are often sold by local storekeepers.
That farmers should test samples
before purchasing seeds, and
chase directly from some reliable
seed grower or a local mer-
chant who will guarantee the
of His seeds. a trust-
worthy standard value for seeds,
with enforce
its observance, is very badly needed.
Mr. F. B. Dancy, 1st
Chemist, gives the result of his in-
in an article Sta .
Manure in Drying lose any of its
Ammonia The result as evidence
by this experiment is that well rot-
stable manure in drying loses
such a small amount of its ammonia
as to be inappreciable. This must I WILLIAMSON, PrOp V.
not be with fresh
manure, however
bas set in ; in which case GREENVILLE, N. C.
there will most probably be a Moved to One Door North Of Court
loss of continue the manufacture of
buggies, carts DRAYS.
article, and attention is called to the My h with up
fact that in separate analyses of; but work, we keep up with the time and improved styles.
samples from different localities. I Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs arc you can from
over three fourths of the whole is Storm, Coil, Ran, Horn. King;.
sand. On account its nature, it
Also keep on hand a full e of ready
J. L.
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
WE are now fitted up in are prepared to an
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old
R. GREECE, JR. Manager.
I will have weekly arrivals of tin nicest and freshest
keep constantly on hand a splendid of
All your wants in goods can be supplied
is not subject to a license and
control, the of
Experiment Station is
ed to give to people of the State
a knowledge of frauds it
cover.--. In special case it is
doubtful value is
to pay freight alone on
the year round, will sell as as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and counties for past favor
merit a continuance of the same.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
GREENVILLE, N. C, Mar. 1887.
space reserved
feet is to come from,
recent death, New Orleans,
of John II. son-in-law of
William M. Tweed, recalls the palmy
days of the When
married Tweed's daughter I
arc free to those- who request them.
X. C July Director.
We always regret lo see
men of taint leaving the State
lending their aid to the
of other States when
own sorely needs their
vice. And when one of these
can be induced to return and
take his labors for his native
land we rejoice at bis return. A
few years ago Mr. Edward A.
one of t st
young men of our State, and one
of the best equipped and most
talented journalists, was induced
to leave North Carolina to ac.
an editorial in Ala
him a
was tendered a still better
on one of the leading pa-
in Charleston, S. C. Lately
very offers have be.-n
made him from Ne York pa-
but instead of accepting
them we are glad to know ,
Las been influenced by that ex-1 Mr. Harrison bas
Mr. J. S. Carr,
to to North Carolina. Mr.
will locate in Durham
and about the first of Ann.
will charge of the Tobacco I and their telling of
to give office peckers the
names of parties that make charge,
-hero. He says to do so
would be to frighten other people
Plant. The name of the paper
will lie changed to Durham
Globe. It will be enlarged and
Lave been made
for receiving the Associated
Press dispatches. It will be a
great thing for and
will derive much
from s i h as he
will We welcome Mr.
things they know about
Secretary will be
at the State Department nu-
September by bis son, Walker,
who from liar Harbor this
week. understand Mr.
will visit Mr. at Bar
Harbor as soon as In can lime
to map oat message to
A new division has been
Weekly Weather Crop
For the Week
nearly twenty years ago, Tweed office, X. C
then at the zenith of his career. . of
opened Wednesday. August 88th,
If you want in the way i
Sewing Machines,
,, . .,., the University
wedding was a most , Weekly Crop publish- Tenn. For further particular.-; address,
the North Carolina N. C.
Station Weather
Tub ion in per session of
twenty weeks from to
each. Incidental Pee BO
cents. Board per mouth from to
moral Convenient come to out A
railroad mail Last year just received.
the principal took a course at Clocks. Jewelry and
Goodman's Business College warranted.
one, and it is sail the bridal
presents to more than
-Among donors
the presents made were Thom-
as J. Creamer, gold and -silverware,
James gold chain
necklace, set with
Senator Norton, gold chain and
John J.
cameo, diamond and set,
Joseph Harrison, cameo
sleeve buttons, diamond settings.
and Thomas C. Fields, gold
and diamond necklace,
The is made
Charles J.
tor, who was sent to State Prison
for years manslaughter, has
Hill for a par,
don. This will recall a remarkable
accident in Inch a row eight
houses, each Ira stories high, tum-
bled down with fatal result, and
fact somebody
was convicted for it.
had charge of the erection of these
buildings, which were on
Tenth and Eleventh
Avenues. A large number of car-
roofers, i a a sons and other
mechanics were at work on the
on the forenoon of April
13th, 1835, win ii. without warning.
the entire low of houses
end buildings, eye-wit-
afterward said, was seen to
sway for a moment and the outer
wall fell against the inner wall.
This caused it also to fall inward,
whole row went down
much same manner as a
of cards. A of laborers who
were put to work on rains, re
by the Fire Department,
extricated men a few
hours after One of
them, Louis Walters, died the fol-
lowing day in Hospital.
was- tried, convicted,
to ten years State
Prison and the payment of
Public reeling was very
st.-ugly a aim. and in many
. J.
Pitt Co
. h.
Co N C
Service, cooperating with Unit-
ed States Signal Service, show that
there has been a deficiency of rain J
fall, an excess of temperature and
sunshine, for the week ending Fri-
day, July 12th. All have
been favorably affected. week
has been favorable for farm work
and harvesting. The oat crop has j We are receiving Spring and
improved very much and in some Summer Woods, and hope
is said to be finest for
years. was injured to
extent by the heavy rains of the
previous week but is now looking
better. Cotton bas had just
weather MB it needed and is
ally looking well. The
for an crop are good. The
hot wave which crossed State
part of the week was very
beneficial to the growth of all crops.
The following special temperatures
are Lumberton,
county, OS degrees; Goldsboro,
Halifax county, degrees ; Wades
county, degrees;
Charlotte, Mecklenburg county,
degrees; Wilmington, New Hand-
over county, degrees;
Craven county, Raleigh,
Wake county, degrees.
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
Commission Merchants,
J. B.
J. G.
you will not fail to give
us a call. We Lave a
specially attractive
line of
at cents per yard, which you
will find to be to any
yon will find at cents.
A line of
at cents. And
many things that we
will offer at special prices
We call especial attention to our
The and
cotton plows. We will
showers. An excess of temperature
and has been very favor-
able to all crops in Ibis district.
generally have improved, yet
a little more rain would probably
have proved beneficial. Some com
plain of cotton firing. Tobacco is
looking well with pros
of a good crop.
of correspondents report the
weather just what was needed.
Occasional showers, very hot and
an abundance of sunshine. Cotton,
corn, tobacco and grasses doing
well. Very favorable for garnering
wheat and oats. for
fine In some sections of this
district urn reported as exceeding-
good. U. Battle, Ph. D.
also offer trade
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
a D.
Dealer in Corn, Meal, Peas,
and Mill
Will pay for
Corn Peas.
I pay cash for my and can
to sell at PRICKS.
Call en me at the store J. S.
We have had several years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle Cotton to
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
The bad health of Mr. D. Gardner
has compelled him to discontinue the
management of the carriage business for
me, which has left a nice stock good
material bought cheap for cash, on my
hand. I will close out the stock at a
liberal discount, or will make terms
with the purchaser, or I will also make
easy terms with any good reliable man to
on the carriage business for me.
There is better open for a carriage
business the county than at this place.
have also a lam stock of general
merchandise for sale cheap for cash or on
time, such as Heats, Corn, Ac,
bought in large also a nice lot of West
lades and New Orleans Molasses, nice
selected stock Shoes, Hats and Straw
Goods, nice lot Clothing, ladies
Goods, in fact everything that can be
found in a General Store.
Slay N. C
Water Mills.
The undersigned having leased
mills for I- number of years and put them
In thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that he Is prepared to find
Corn and wheat in a first-class
Satisfaction guaranteed to patron.
I would Inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill Ml at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be supplied at my store in
where will also find a select
of General Merchandise which will b
sold at lowest prices
Robt, R. Fleming.
have far bestowed upon us and beg r a ion i same, we
to-day a line of goods be excelled In this market tar durability
have now in a nice line of Ladles. Goods,
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties. Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept
Linen and Piece Linens. A line of Piece Goods and I that
astonish yon In quality and price. Notions in endless variety a
. too numerous to mention. Hats for Men. Boys and children, fur.
Goods, Shirts. Cull; and Collars. Suspenders. Hosiery a nice Hue
Scarfs. Shoes, to lit all who favor us with their patronage, we pay special care to
this line and our Shoes both in quality price. A Urge lot Indies
from cents We especially call the attention of the Ladles to our
Hue of Slippers and think they will not do themselves justice if they buy h-fore
examining them.
Hardware, Nails. Cutlery,
Hoes, Plows. Shovels, Trace Chains.
Grindstone.- and Fixtures,
Crockery. Glassware, Lamps,
Wood and Willow ware.
Harness, and Whips
Ax and Rail Road Mills Snuff, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,
J Provisions. In this line we carry Tea, Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Rice. Lard
ho very best we can buy. Pepper. Spice. Soap, both laundry and toilet, Star Lye
tho very
of Kerosene Oil. Meats of
Hail Lye. Matches. Candles, Starch, best grade of Kerosene
kinds. Flour which we buy low and sell low for the cash. It you need i bar-
rel of good Flour come to see us, we are rock bottom on it.
Te an Window and different in Also the largest
stock of Furniture of any house in Greenville, embracing Suits,
both double and single, Lounges, Chairs different Winds. Table. Cots, Bed Springs
Mattresses. Children's Cribs and Beds and Cradles. What we have
have several or the bet In
country and will order anything you wish at moderate prices. our
celebrated Climax and Stonewall PLOWS when you want one. We carry Castings
for these Plows In stock.
when you come to town, we guarantee fair honorable
treatment, and will appreciate and We can and will
sell low as any one who sells a good as we do.

H Lang's Column.
K would like your attention few
as no there is something
in this column i you. Our
stock of Apparel is replete
many new seasonable novelties.
Matting, Scrim, Lace
curtain. Brace and Wood
Curtain Bods, Linen Shades.
Oil Cloths, etc.
Yes, it is warm.
showers Saturday
for Greenville
for the Railroad
Do you bear the train whistle I
One week to the Tress
Another exodus to Ocracoke yes-
Cherry Hill Cemetery needs clean-
up badly.
Okra tomatoes have appear-
ed market.
It keeps coming right on this way
the railroad.
You can notice that the days arc
getting shorter.
Crops have generally improved
during the past week.
Crops grow rapidly this weather.
thing with grass.
A good horse for sale cash or
on time by J. C. Lanier.
The thermometer has been crowds
the hundred mark.
Miss Peebles is visiting in
Miss Nannie Lawrence is visit-
relative town.
Mr. Z. Z. Moore is sick, lie
out homo Monday morning.
Mr. S. A. Redding spent a day or
two in last week.
Miss King has returned
from her visit to Kinston.
Mr. Alex. has gone on
a two weeks vacation to Tarboro.
Master Larry return-
ed from a visit to Tarboro last week.
Mr. W. A. B. is spending
some days in and
Miff Ella Harrington spent a few
days last week visiting Miss Bessie
Misses Nellie and Ollie of
Wilson, are visiting the family of E.
A. Esq.
Mr. F. C. Harding returned home
last week a visit to his uncle,
Miss Blanch of Washing-
ton, spent part of last week visiting
the family of Mrs. Foley.
Mayor P. G. James and Col.
Skinner attended the encamp-
at Wrightsville last week.
Misses Forbes and
Maids Williams are visiting in
Washington. Some of the boys are.
Miss Abrams of Rocky
Mount, who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. has returned
How we all do miss the soldier
boys. The town is positively dull. Mr. Charles one
Ladies and Misses, Opera slip- brightest young men of our
at cost cash. j comity,
J. B. CO.
in market last week.
Now look out for watermelons.
Frail Jars Masons I. L., Cheap at
the Old Brick Store.
One of most things
this weather is a palm leaf fan.
the time- at the Old Store.
The town is quiet enough. May-
or Chief of Police both gone
and the remaining Police has
to do.
Patterson's Springs advertised in
this paper gives the lowest rates of
any Springs in the western part of
the State.
is studying medicine
and Brown.
It is a source of much pleasure to
his many friends to know that Dr.
P. W. Brown continues to improve.
Oil Saturday hi and his family left
tor Ocracoke.
G. L. Finch returned home
last Wednesday after an absence of
two weeks. He had been visiting
relatives the section of
our State and also in Petersburg,
the Children
we suit you iii your
robes. We
have Fancy Striped and Dotted
Swisses and Lawns. Short
Flouncing-;, A nice
line of Ribbons. Hand-
kerchiefs and other fancy articles
for you.
the Ladies J
BEAUTIFUL light weight
Woolen Fabrics, embracing
all the newest --hades in
Flannels. Cashmeres.
l-; i and
Hemstitch, Hemstitch
Organdies, Fine
and a complete line of wash
Roods such as Batistes,
Seersuckers, Ginghams,
Prints, etc. An elegant assort-
of Parasols, including all
that is new in this line. Several
and colors of the
More grass has been kitted during
, the past week yon can shake
a stick at.
will buy Point Lace, the best
Flour at the Old Brick Store.
Potatoes bugs are plentiful. You
, can see. then street
most any time.
The Cash will be paid for
lbs. Beeswax at the old Brick Store
The M. K. Sunday School had a
pleasant time at their lawn party
last Friday night.
Ladies Misses, Opera slips
at cost, cash.
I. Co. j Lang.
Messrs. J. E. Tucker and J. L.
Fleming, two young men of tins
county who recently
Wake Forest College, will take
of Hamilton Institute the
coming session. The
office printed nice circulars
FOB have an organ I for their school.
will sell for John
Mrs. L. and daughter.
Bay, of Tarboro, Miss Freda Hoff-
man, of Scotland Neck, Mr. A.
son, of
son are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. If.
We hope this nice weather will
cause such improvements as will re-
in the making of better crops
than the outlook of two weeks
Mr. Robert went across the
bridge yesterday morning, and kill-
ed herons, three whit one
blue. The blue one stood six feet
At the examination of teachers
for certificates last week, one the
applicants wrote as an answer to
the question in What
are political divisions T Small cir-
extending around the globe
near the polls.
The man who is too stingy to ad-
in his home paper is greedy
to drive hard bargains with
his customers. Ho who is too poor
to advertise had better quit the bus-
in which he is engaged and
go to
His many friends in around
Greenville will regret very to
learn the death of Mr. George
Cobb, which on Monday,
the Mat- near Penny Hill. Do
been sick only about two weeks
with typhoid fever. the
ed family we our deepest
The. business man who refuses to
advertise because times are hard
commits a very great mistake.
When times are hard and money
scarce, the man who has cash to pay
looks out for bargains, and the best
way to catch him is to advertise
cheap goods. II you have bar-
gains to offer this is the very time,
above all others to let cash buyers
know Eagle.
Below are the new officers
Covenant Lodge I O. O.
P. M. Brown.
N. GO. W. Harrington.
V. G J. A. K. Tucker.
R. L. Brown.
P. M.
L. James.
A. Blow.
Bacon, Re-
liable Hams, Pickled at the
Old Store.
The Wilmington papers are
ii.-. some interesting leading ;,,,.,
about the encampment.
We have been requested
that all young men
town who are interested in
l . , will
at the office
Mr. A. L a water
duplex works constructor, of Norfolk, has
oblige by
reputation as clothiers
and furnishers has gained lot-
us i ii i. i- Meads who rely
neon our taste to select the prop-
style material. To select
a bummer suit is no easy task as
you will admit. Besides
both the proper colors, cut
and textiles. The proper prices
must bear an important
We Hatter ourselves
that we've been able to combine
all these and offer to
our friends a reliable line of sty-
. well-made Clothing at the
correct figures. For the stout
men we will say that should they
need thin coats we have them.
Sizes to Long
Frocks Black
and Mohair. Should we
not be able to suit you in this
line we will take your measure for
a suit at low prices
tee a lit. A fresh line of Flannel
Dress Shirts just received. Our
line of Underwear,
Hats, etc. is abate the standard.
o o S
Department is lull at season-
able goods at the right prices. An in-
is invited,
Finder will
retaining to this office.
Lightening Fruit Jars, best
the world, save fruit without sugar,
sold by R. S. Clark Co.
J. W. will
at on the 4th Sunday
this month at o'clock.
German Pearl Millet, Or-
chard Timothy and Clover
Seed for sale by E. C. Glenn
Greenville has a very young as-
Postmaster Master Willie
kins, years old
Rev. E. C. Glenn will till the
pit at the Methodist church on Sun-
day night at the usual time.
Arrived on 9th-Ho matter how
sick you get, you can eat Boss Bis-
at the Old Brick Store.
Mr. W. R. Whichard brought us
some splendid apples Monday for
which we return many thanks.
We lead, others follow, we will
sell you nice Straw Hats for one
been here this week for the purpose
examining the bottom of the riv-
so as to ascertain the kind of
foundation will be best for the rail-
road bridge, lie bored into the
river yesterday,
lion. L. O. family,
Mr. R. and family, Misses
Sue Cobb and Rosa-
Rev. G. A.
and M. Brown left on
yesterday morning for
Ocracoke. The party with their
servants numbered seventeen
The soldier boys will be home the
last of the week.
Th Wandering Trunk,
Miss Chestnut, the primary
teacher at the Institute here last
session, is teaching near
She attended the
at Morehead and came back to
Greenville on the inst., expect-
her trunk to get here on the
when she intended leaving for Keels-
ville. Her trunk didn't come, but
she went on to lie, leaving or-
for the trunk to be sent down on
steamer Tuesday when it
would be met at and taken
to By some means said trunk
went down on steamer Myers. Some
met the and as there
was no trunk on board, went back
home it had not come, con-
the Myers bad to take it
to Washington and bring it back
to Greenville Wednesday. On
Thursday the sent to Greenville
her trunk just after it had been
put on steamer with or-
to it to and
leave it if it was not met at
The last we heard of it, it had
at last found rest in the warehouse
at Washington. Bad Boy.
Agricultural Mechanical College
The following compose the faculty
of the Agricultural and Mechanic-
College, all bat the
Prof, of Agriculture, Live Stock
and Dairying, Mr. R. Chamber-
lain, of Cornell University, now of
the N. C. Agricultural Experiment
Prof, of Horticulture.
and Mr. W. F. Massey,
of the Miller Manual School of
Prof, of and
W. A. Withers, of
i University, formerly of N. C.
Experiment Station.
Prof, of English and Bookkeep-
Mr. H. Hill, of
H. now Prof, of English Ir
the Military and Agricultural Col-
of Central, Ga.
Prof, of Practical Mechanics and
and applied
Mr. J. II. of Texas
Mechanical College.
Foreman of Farms and Garden
Mr. B, S. Skinner, Hertford
Steward, Mr. N. of
Mrs. Susan C. Carroll,
Barrett's Store, Sampson county
X. C.
The Grand Lodge
Honor will meet
next Wednesday. Mr. Henry
Sheppard goes as a from
Greenville representing Insurance
The new Brooklyn Directory
shows the population to
about souls, an Increase
of 1880.
evening at o'clock. The ob.
of the club will be to arrange
races and sports on the river.
No the club can afford con-
amusement and we. hope
will be organized. All arc
ed, whether owners of boats or not.
person in the community
deeply sympathized with Mr. and
Mrs. James in the sad
that visited them last week.
On Wednesday morning their little
a few days pant one year
old, was taken away from the love
fond parents and carried to the
Father above. God had use for
the little flower, hence plucked it
from its earthly stem and trans-
planted it the presence of His
throne. May Ho in His loving James and John Lew
is, whose cases have been affirmed
by the Court of Appeals, which or-
that a new day be appointed
their execution.
Steve Brodie, the bridge juniper,
will go over Falls his
rubber suit, on August 10th, for
to be given by hotel rail-
road people.
Gov. Lee, Virginia,
will accept the of
the Lexington Military
He will not take the place
until his term of office as Governor
expires on Jan. i,
Three will pay the pen-
of their crimes, Friday, Aug.
the Tombs gallows,
York City. They are Patrick Pack-
kindness and mercy comfort the
hearts that have been so sorely be
The remains of the child
were interred Thursday afternoon
The freshet is down and repairs I in Cherry Hill Cemetery, Rev. G-
to bridge are, finished, so there
IS no more trouble about getting in-
to town and out.
The railroad is completed to
Great Swamp, four miles from
Greenville. In a days more the
train will be here.
There is too much going the
, liver by the boys. Bathing is heal-
will the well committee of I thy, around in a
the town take any steps river is healthy.
It is said that ripe tomatoes will
toward improving the public wells
You can buy yards India
Linen one dollar, we lead, others
Mr. E. B Moore, of Hotel Macon,
supplies much ice to
as well as to Greenville and
lead, follow, will
sell you yards Dress Goods for
one dollar.
neighborhood is going to
have a picnic and you want nice in-
come to the Reflector
After To Day. All our
for All our
M. It. Lang.
If the proper spirit existed in the
business circles of you
would sec more being done for the
Our Pad Boy and the Devil went
out in the country Saturday eve-
remove ink and other stains from
white cloth also from the hands.
There will soon be enough of them
to try the experiment.
Orders for job printing are
That is the way like
to have on your orders.
Another lot of nice material
beer ordered.
A. conducting the service.
County Alliance held their regular
meeting Friday July 5th a full at-
Officers for tho year elected
J. J. President.
W. A. James Jr., V. P.
Allen Warren,
J. D. Cox, Lecturer.
G. T. Tyson, Door Keeper.
J. Chaplain.
A. Secretary.
W. A. Fleming, Agent.
Resolution the action
The reports of the heads of the
different departments of the Post
Office show that the total receipts
of the York City office during
j the past year were 85,130,170.84,
and the total expenditure
187.58, giving net revenue to the
Government of
William Enable, the first base-
man of the base-
ball team, was about to marry Miss
Abler on the evening of the fatal
disaster. Ho and bis were
Birmingham Convention in I waiting for the clergyman when
Rev. J. W. is preaching
a of on the flood.
He delivered last
Sunday which will followed by
others next
Mr. Charles Turnage who lives on
the of Mrs. Laura IS. Anderson
just South of town, brought us the
first ripe of the
last and won the prize
On Thursday, Friday and
day of last week the County Board
of Education examined applicants
regard to using covering for
cotton was unanimously adopted.
A considerable amount of business
relating to the order was transacted
and much interest manifested. E.
A. was elected delegate to
State Alliance which meets Fay-
in August. One
only being allowed the
Au Alliance meeting dinner
will be held at Farmville
officers to be installed by Sheriff
and an address by Mr. E.
Hamilton is advertised
in this paper. The principals are
young men of the highest character
and ability.
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb sold Pitt Co., which
a of its superiority, at
the Old Prick Store.
Mr. William tells us
he lost two good oxen in the recent
They were drowned in the
low grounds.
A correspondent has something
to say free schools and
institutes on first page of this pa-
per. Read it.
Mr. Willie Whichard brought us
a basket filled with apples and
pears on Saturday. were
hear that the railroad will
begin running a regular schedule to
this plane the first of August. The
trains will only come to the
side of the river the bridge
be built.
Some of the nicest plums one gen-
sees were brought
day by Mr. J. I W. Nobles. Be
us with n bucket full
the wild goose variety. They were
very large red plums and the
was elegant.
How it do for Greenville to
get op a celebration the
of the T What say the
people T It is time we making
this town known to the out;
world. will to hear
in this matter.
Little come to tell you
on good bye. I'm going to a
bent business, should take month in
err trip a bottle of Syrup of Young man her
n it acts most and effect- arc going to kiss me aren't
on the kidneys, liver bow-1 yon
els, fevers, headaches I Little haven't got
and other Ion ., of sickness. or what got may
act bottles by all be good, b- you got enough
druggists. I of
Been There.
Uncle John Cherry run
Ocracoke Monday to spend a few
days at home, and will return to
Ocracoke Saturday. He came to
toll us something of his trip. He
didn't get sea sick the least bit
the way down and reached there at
six o'clock in the afternoon the
same day he left
twelve hours on the whole trip.
Spencer Bros, hotel is of the
best anywhere on the coast. They
are so attentive to the care and
comfort of guests that you only have
to think for what you want
you get it. Everything is as
nice as can be, and fish of all kinds,
oysters, clams and soft crabs are
Uncle John says he
never saw the fishing
caught enough himself to feed all
the guests at tire hotel two days.
The tramway over to the bench is
completed The
is just splendid. On the
trip up to night
a very rough gale was
and he never saw a boat behave
better. It is as safe a boat as a
body need want, to upon
is the very steam or for this trip to
Ocracoke. Go down if you
want to enjoy yourself.
Hood rushed down separated
them. Both escaped drowning and
their wedding was celebrated last
Corrected weekly by S.-
Wholesale and Retail
Pork to
to to
to SO
to IS
M to
Hamilton, N.
1889. TERM
The interest which the New York
public like in the of
prize lighting, is indicated by the
foot that one paper,
sold on too nay or the
fight nearly copies.
We will sell at We will sell at
will tell Lawns at A to We will sell Cheese Cloth
We Combination Worsted file. We will sell
We will sell Rushing at We sell a lot of Corsets at
will sell Slippers K St to We will sell Table Oil Cloth
will sell our Clothing cost. Pants from to
Only a few more pair
of Sample Shoes
at York Cost.
These figures only
good for -lays
commencing July
Positively last j
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
Specialist in Diseases of the
eke, ear, mm mitt
Bryan Hotel, Tarboro, N. C.
months the Philadelphia
and the Wills Hospital, I
offer my services to the people of
and adjoining counties.
-----with privilege of
Can be had In Beaufort, N. c. at
per month. Address.
N. C.
By the Sea
Spend the Summer at
one of the most delightful places on the
Atlantic coast, will be opened to guests on
-----Is now on u
For the Summer
health and vigor can find no place equal
to the Seven Springs, as any one of the
will compare favorably with any
of the mineral springs in this country.
There being seven within a few feet
each ether, having different analysis a
larger number of ailments can be cured
here than-at any watering place known.
Persons coming lo the Springs by
Railroad can get conveyance from the
i depots at La Orange, and
Mt. Grange is the nearest
point. Passengers coming there on the
I evening mail can reach the springs be-
fore night.
82.00 to 18.60 per day, 87.50
I to SI per week. Liberal reductions by
the month or season.
Seven Springs, N. C.
AS Steamer has been
cured that will leave Washington for
Ocracoke on Tuesday and Saturday of
each week, and leave for
Ocracoke on Thursday of each week.
At Ocracoke every accommodation
will be furnished lo guests and every
effort will be made to make their stay
Can he enjoyed at will. A tram road
has been built from the hotel to
the beach.
Is unsurpassed and these -sports can
be engaged in to the heart's content.
Has been employed for the benefit of
those who participate m dancing.
Is neatly and comfortably furnished and
the table will be supplied with
the bet that can be procured.
81.50 to 82.00 day.
87.00 to 810.00 week.
830.00 par month.
Special rates lo
Ocracoke if yon to enjoy
the season.
For further particulars address
Washington, N. C. I
In keeping With
have bean in-
Brown I Hooker
And the props
have been knock-
ed from around
high priced good
We arc making
a special drive
on all
mm m
On which prices
have been put
light down in
reach of every-
If every kind arc
lie i n g sold a t
much less than
former prices.
Shoes and Hats
You can get
Special Bargains
We have the
goods and war. I
to sell yon, and
can make prices
to the interest of
every purchaser,
lie sure to call
on us and get
genuine bargains
Brown Hooker
M .-
Thin la a Military Boarding
School, and la of ton
in the United
States. Healthy location, Fine
Climate, Mild Winter,
Cornet Band, Cadet
Full of Study, or prep-
for t of
. any College or for
Complete In Telegraphy. For
with full particular address
COL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt.
N. C.
Made to
Guttering- and
tin ill R, CO.-S
II a
Greenville, N. C.
The Tar River Transportation
Alfred President
J. S.
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro.
K. F. Jones,
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer Greenville is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She hat
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladles.
A first-class Table furnished with the
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer la
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received dally and through
Lading given to all points.
Greenville, N. C.
FALL 1889,
Associate Principal
K. W. Primary De-
Assistant in Primary
Depart men t.
Miss May Instrumental
Vocal Music.
Miss Painting and
Mu. J. Penmanship
and Commercial Department,
Primary. Academic.
Classical and Mathematical.
Painting Drawing.
Large. Comfortable
Healthy Location and Good
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of Brat class
Music Department equal
in work to any in the State,
New Pianos Organs.
A of nearly volume,
purchased recently for the School.
Moderate, from to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same as advertised
in Pupils who do not board
with the Principal should consult him
before engaging board elsewhere. For
particulars. Address.
languages, each,
Music, not more than
Incidental Fee per Session,
Tuition payable monthly.
METHOD of teaching will be thorough-
Training thorough.
Pupils from a distance oh. obtain board,
Including lodging, In private families
from 88.00 to per month. A
class Music Teacher will be employed
and also an Assistant as soon as the
number of pupils justifies it Patronage
further information apply to
SUM if. ti moil
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It i. the most to
one it or Constipated
H. I P.
one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
ask son
Kr. hew row, H. r
Of Interest to Ladies.
The Session Opens Sept. 1889.
I for and accessibility.
The corps of teachers the equal any in
the land, holding from such
schools as the
the School of the
Institute of Maryland, the
Cooper Art School of New York.
The of Piano and Organ is a
graduate of tho Norwich Conservatory,
and afterwards studied under New York
The teacher of Music, won both
the Vocal Instrumental Medals at the
Female Institute, and after
ward studied three years under the best
New York Professors.
Board, fuel. washing;, full Lit-
Course, including; Latin and
If paid one-half in advance,
The above with music, 898.00
If paid in one-half in 210.00
Sf Apply for
F. I.
mm mm,
Chapel Hill, N. C.
September 5th, Thorough
Is offered in Literature. Science,
Philosophy and Law. Tuition per
session. For address
Wooten's Drag Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Golden Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure, Resolvent,
Celery Compound. Syrup of Figs,
Favorite Prescription,
S. B. B.
Buffalo Water.
For w e have free Buggies now. Ah I
yon free to buy where you please, but
if want to save money you come to
Factory on 4th street, rear of I. B.
Cherry A For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on street. lean give
That yon ever had In your life for
to less money than any one
else In the county can give you. Whir
for my arc less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had year
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget the
place on 4th street rear J. H. Cherry
Pitt County,
J, T. Murphy. Executor and Trustee of
I. A. Sugg and wife, E. Sugg, C.
D. and Jno. T. deft.
It appearing to the satisfaction of the
Court T. Bruce is a proper
party defendant to the entitled
being an action commenced
for the purpose-of establishing a trust
and recovering an interest In certain
lands situated on the old plank road,
about three miles from
known as the Wiley Nobles
It further appearing said Bruce is a
nun t of North Carolina, notice
is hereby given to said Bruce of the pen
of entitled action In this
Court, and said John T. Bruce Is hereby
ordered to appear at the next term of
tho Superior Court of Pitt County to
convened on the 2nd Monday after the
1st Monday in September, and de-
to or answer the complaint which
will he filed in my within the lint
three days of the. term, or the plaintiff
will apply to the for the relief de-
in the complaint. under
my hand this July 3rd.
E. A.
Clerk Superior Court,

Exhausted vitality
from the of
mT eared, at without fail n.
i. and U
T- . rt l
. , ,
. .-
. . i. a.
Sent paid on receipt of price
In the of
A most and instructive
pages cents; cloth
The limitation of
By Tho K cm pis. Paper, unabridged.
American Humorist.
Selection from Art emus Ward. Mark Twain,
etc. pages; paper
Metropolitan Agency,
Warren St., X w York,
mill A I. R.
May Mail, dally daily H Son.
Ar Rocky
Ar pin . inn . 4.1
g am
Ml fl .-
Ar v.
OS an
A r 5.1
Ar Rock- so n
Ar M pa pin
Any book in the world
at publisher's
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax tor Scotland Neck at 2.- n
I. M. Returning, leaves Scotland
8.20 . M. except
Train leaves N via
A Raleigh B. R. except
.-. OS I M. Sunday M.
X . id M. M.
Returning leaves daily
except Id A U. A
M. arrive Tarboro, N . A M.
A M.
Train on Midland N t leaves
except A at,
arrive X J.
leaves X A M.
arrive X i SB A M.
Train on Nashville leaves Rocky
Mount at I M. arrive Id
I M, Spring Hoe I M. Returning
Hope A M, Nashville
A M. arrives Rocky Mount II IS A
M except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
fin except at BOO
P II A M leave
ton A M, .
Warsaw II W mil
train n
vile Branch is No. i-
No. Vi. except
Train No. South will Hap only at
Wilson, Magnolia.
Train No. SO makes ion at
for all points North
rail via except
av via Hay Line.
Trains make for ah
North via
All trains run between
I. H. Transportation
T M.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
Iii Effect A. If., Jane
Ni. St. r
Sr M.
at THE
lag their year's supplies will Unit it lo
their interest to get our prices before
always at Lowest
we buy from Manufacturers,
you to buy at e profit. A
always on sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
S. II.
N. C
Fond of
It is not always easy to toll why
woodpeckers select one tree, rather
than others the kind in the
forest to begin their operations upon,
I or why they attack one side of a tree
; and leave the other untouched. Com-
it will be no doubt, that
worms or ants are concealed beneath
the point selected, and that the wood-
I pecker is guided in his search by the
sense of hearing.
But there arc circumstances which
go to show Hint the woodpecker is not
always searching for food or guided
by sound. In the winter, when worms
ants arc dormant and silent, ho
will wake every echo for a long dis-
around by tapping on a dead,
dry branch, or on the hollow trunk of
tree. He docs not then apply his
ear to the to listen for the noise
of the worm beneath, but his object
seems lo to make all the noise he
can himself.
The yellow hammer, or golden
winged woodpecker, is most easily
studied, because ho is most fearless
and most nearly domestic in his
Where hollow trunks of trees are cosily
found, ho usually confines his
to them; but in prairie regions
ho bores holes through pillars,
j steeples of churches, and other
which promise an opening into
I interior.
But there must be other motive
times, for the writer has watched
I of these birds working with
usual racket upon one side of an oak
board, where by moving six inches
he was at perfect liberty to look over
upon tho other side of tho board and
investigate whatever ho could hon-
; to reach by boring a hole through
i it. Indeed, it was perfectly
; upon which side of it he should
begin operations.
One year the writer occupied a house
which had large, hollow pillars in
front. Rome smooth, round holes in
them, about two inches in diameter,
indicated what freedom tho yellow
hammers had used and would use
again. In the early spring they began
and it was impossible to
in that c after daybreak.
The birds would not have ban
harmed for this, even if it had be-
necessary to remove the house
and pitch a tent on the spot; but some
experimenting was done at their ex
It was plain that noise was what i m love of
, hey cared most for, as they would , devotion to Thomas a em-
bore a hole within a few inches of one j , Roman Catholic .
which was already formed, and .
on J Stale.
The faith of the j
min is on a very different level from i
that of the people If you ask
concerning his own belief he will tell
you that he believes in one God; ac-
cording to his particular school he be-
you that God is everything, or
that ho unites with matter to
everything. All proceed from him
and all should be directed to re-
absorption into him. Good acts tend
to this result by the gradual
in successive incarnations of
ma, or tho residuum of
and sins after
Bad acts debase men more
happens to devil worshipers
other such outcast asked
a friend of mine. go to
was the prompt reply. Observing my
look of astonishment at the sweeping
condemnation, the with
whom were talking took it to
indicate a doubt of tho
i and hastened to add,
I have twenty, thirty, plenty of
i Shiva, Vishnu, and-the other gods and
j goddesses regarded as
of the various attributes
or incarnations to reveal the divine
l will and to deliver men from evil.
, Many would no
objection to acknowledge
; Christ in some such way as this. As
I said to not know his
history as well as my own sacred
books, but if what is told of him is
true I believe that he must have been
a saint if not a
Another thought that each race had
its own revolution. ho said,
Krishna, you Christ
You say that your Christ was
Krishna was It may
be said that such men as these not
; far from Christianity.
On the contrary, the vice chancel-
j of tho Calcutta university aptly
I compared a contest with them to the
j encounter of do Lion
i din in the Tho sharp
Sword of the crusader is unavailing to
i sever a silken cushion which adapts it-
self to every stroke. You ask if
their own faith is so elevated, they
leave the masses to idol worship.
people and you arc
told, at once comprehend the
universal presence. teach them
first that God is in the he is,
for he is from that
we go on to explain that ho pervades
It is doubtful if tho
, people and ever get beyond
the first stage. One ascetic.
Paine's Celery Compound
Purifies the Blood, ,
Strengthens the Nerves,
Stimulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels,
Gives Life and Vigor to every organ.
There's nothing like H.
Last spring, being very much run down and
debilitated. I some of
Compound. Tho of two me
feel like a new man. As a tonic and
spring medicine, I do not know Its
W. L.
Brigadier General V. N. O., Burlington, Vt.
1.00. At Druggists,
Use It Now
this I can wifely It as
most powerful at same
It is a splendid
and since taking It have like a new
E. Dakota.
Wells, Co. Props-
When a hundred bottles of
or other inns specifies fail Lo
in-horn scrofula or contagious
poison; I. IS.
Blood has gained many thousand
victories, in as many in-
curable instances. Send to the
Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. for of
and be convinced. It is the
only true purifier.
W. Messer, Ho well X Beads, Ga.
was nine years
sores. All the medicine I could take
did me good, I then tried
bottles cured
Mrs. s. M. Wilson. Round Mountain,
Texas, lady of mine
troubled with bumps pimples
on her face neck, took three
bottles of II. B. B. and her skin got soft
and smooth, pimples disappeared, and
her health improved
years ago I blood pois-
on. I had no appetite, my digestion was
ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs
Patterson Mineral
east of any
in the South.
In lull
mow of the
so I could hardly walk, throat was
cauterized five Hot Springs gave
no benefit, and my life was one of I
torture until I It. B. a trial, and,
it may the use of live I
Tomb., Fencing;, k
I would respectfully call your
lion to the following and ask
I you to remember can buy a
i this cheaper than any in the
country. That it is the most reliable
I known having been represented
I for over forty In this
I That the workmanship is second to none
i and has unusual for lining or-
promptly and sail
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. W. BATES,
. Dancy. Conn.
Any of the .,.
sent post-paid l
n the Heart of Africa.
The most thrilling wort on
subject. ; paper cents cloth
Imitation of
By Thomas a K em pit.
Selections Artemus Ward. Murk Twain,
Others. paper cents ; cloth cents
Warren Ar., York
i on B-
son Station of
To tho Afflicted.
PHYSICIANS will tell you that the in-
contained in
are in their
Tonic and ii nature's
remedy for Indigestion, Dis-
ease of the Kidneys. Liver, Bladder, and
all cases or Debility
which need a in
Rheumatic and Scrofulous affections.
To the Public.
Eastern Reflector,
would answer every possible purpose
as well as the new one. To try them
on this point, a small, empty cask,
probably a nail cask, was set
upwards on a carpenter's bench in
front of the house.
Tho yellow hammers could make no
progress if their intention was to per-
out of the
noise. They work
tho pillars at once, but the of
tho thing became apparent when it
was found that, whereas they had dis-
one household, they now woke
up the whole Com-
A car load
sale by.
arrived and now for
at Keel A stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable terms time I
my -lock and to sell
as as anyone. me a call.
p m
No. VI
Having associated B. S.
me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to the people in that
capacity. All and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. for collection,
a in
l Ml
Morehead City a in
Mixed Ft.
t; U
Hot s
Kins on
f Creek
I la veto.-k
Mixed Vt A
a in
Thursday am Saturday.
Twin connect a with Inn
Train hound North. leaving
a. m. and with
Train West, leaving
Train connects with
f Train, arriving at
m., and with and
Train from at p. in
Through Train,
-it p. iii and with
A Train
leaves Goldsboro at
Season MM Trip Tickets.
of Trip
named to
City. Ill of Wt In
fleet June 1st.
From To
return 3.-V;
Winston 3.00
Through Bates of Bound Trip
from Stall to
points on the IS.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
of Banal Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
county Coffin. We are fitted
up all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
22nd. 1888.
My Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
k Miss has and am
i j prepared to execute in the latest styles
and any work to my
the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
lie m to you. My price are the lowest
and not to be undersold by no
one. Special bargains on all goods.
Mrs. L. C. King,
of in defense of idol worship.
He demonstrated thereby that
not even the leg of table, was
unchangeable; that, therefore, the
divine effluence animated all things,
and that tho perfectly enlightened
mind could see and worship the
I in that piece of wood
s, but they could , any object visible or in-
Nineteenth Century.
Herbert Silencer, tho English
who has gone deeply into so-
is at the head of
a league to secure rail way reform in
Great Britain, and his study of the
subject throws a good deal of light
into dark places. According to his
statements the history of English rail-
ways since 1845 shows an elaborate
system of tactics by which the com-
have been exploited by the few
at tho cost of the many. Ho asserts
I that within tho past decade there has
been corruption railroads in
the house of commons than has ever
occurred in the federal or state
; tho United States; that today
there arc over members of
i who arc simply agents of rail-
roads and and that
most of these arc lawyers who have
been elected by the roads they serve.
members proclaim tho
number of votes they can control in
the house. Members of both houses
arc canvassed openly, and railway
legislation is very costly. Parliament-
expenses have varied from
a mile, most of which has
gone into the pockets of parliament-
lawyers. Mr. Spencer expresses
tho opinion that the Union Pacific
scandal, which brought out
note book with tho names of
several congressmen who had
; stock, would have been considered
i a perfectly legitimate transaction in
England. San Francisco Bulletin.
Modest Verdi.
There is at the very least one really
; man in and his name
is Giuseppe Verdi. Ho positively re-
j fuses to lie A committee, in-
I eluding Signor had been
performances had been
sketched out; everything was going
swimmingly, Verdi
j self intervened, and. incredible as it
I may seem, refused to advertised
I either Tor his own benefit or for that
clothes taken from his and of his rivals and publisher. He even
dressed himself in garments so went so far as to forbid the latter,
tic that ho dared not his room in to lend the scores,
them. without which the jubilee perform-
Tho painter another Parisian, ; would be impossible. Under
had himself locked in his studio While ; such unprecedented circumstances,
engaged upon a certain work, and the mayor of Milan summoned
the key to a man whom he of tho committee, which
Artists men of letters sometimes
insist upon doing their work under
peculiar conditions, which people of
other occupations often look upon as
Suite foolish and unnecessary. No
there is something to said on
both sides. Some writers, Scott
and have as methodical
as any bookkeeper or mechanic. But,
in general, if a man is to do his best
at any kind of work, he must
be surrounded by favorable conditions.
When Emerson had a lecture to fin-
he was accustomed to go to
ton and take a room at a hotel, where
ho could be secure against
But men often more in
from their own laziness or fickle-
than from any outside intrusion.
The French painter, had
an head of hair, of which
was very proud. Being extremely
desirous of finishing his picture,
Wreck of the ho had his
head shaved completely smooth, and,
by the time the hair was grown again,
his great picture was done.
never should have painted
he add, I had not cut my hair.
I was seriously tempted, again and
again, to throw brushes and
rush out; but, as I WAS,
didn't dare
the sculptor of ix statue of
the Republic which in front of
tho French institute in Paris, found it
necessary to complete this work with-
out intermission except for the most
necessary rest. Debar
he devised a sort of clock
work which upset a glass of water
upon his face after a certain time
gone by.
Victor Hugo in writing
had all his ordinary
gambit will remain, as AGENT WANTED
i used to Bay, , . ,.,. . .
of human I to sell the only authentic, i-om-
laving, Cutting Dressing Hair.
the Opera House at
have recently located, where I have
in me line
all the improved appliances; new
i i ml comfortable chairs.
Razor at reasonable figures
I for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
trust, who was under or-
not to unlock the doors, even if
the painter himself should command
him, in the sternest manner, to do so.
A hole was cut in the door, and
through it, a day, food was passed.
worked on this way through
the coup d'etat of 1851, when Louis
tho government,
and tho most stirring events were
place. The painter knew nothing
about them. Ho left orders that
no letter nor paper should given
His picture at last, came
out of captivity to find that
France had passed from a republic in-
to a Companion.
Morgan rm.
iii b
For Sale.
I will sell my Center Bluff property
consisting of two acres of land with
store large warehouse and tenant
house on reasonable terms.
located at Center on Tar a
very desirable location for mercantile
have also a splendid
power steam saw grist mill that
will sell at a
J. N.
Farmville. N.
s; i W i
11.93 16.10
2.70 13.10 i
13.35 13.86
15.40 10.10 17.10 19.10
Self-Inking- pen it
TN , C
often do you get a new
for this elevator a stout gentle
man, as the overloaded elevator slow-
ascended to the tenth floor.
four months, and if
pull through safely today we arc
going to got a new
replied the elevator
rib your sane la
J I art.
f S K J- T
Harry All
A smart 10-year-old boy living on
avenue is greatly interested
in theatricals. The other
evening ho concluded to a play.
After some time ho said to his mo-
wish you would tell me what to
do with earning a playmate.
killed all the rest of the boys off,
but Harry's a I don't know
what to do with
not leave him out,
proposed his mother,
Harry I guess you
don't know him, Why. he'd
be mad and wouldn't speak to me for
thinking a few minutes ho
what it to
His mother told him. when his face
and he
tel any snore,
That's just toe I'll
ed itself to tho solemn question
it is competent for a man to refuse
a jubilee; whether, he be so
as to ha a distaste for being fuss-
ed over, ho has any moral right to
prevent its forged upon him
If practice of
jubilees became common
might take to refusing
and that would obviously never
do. Signor however, took the
view that a man may do what ho
likes with his own, even with his own
jubilee, and gave in his resignation as
a member of the committee. Finally,
after a prolonged discussion, it was
agreed to submit to adverse
stances. But was not obtained
without a division, live members
for tho jubilee, tho whole jubilee,
and nothing but the jubilee, impelled
by their affection for the maestro to
disregard his expressed wishes. Even
so has history told of rebellions in
which the rebels were actuated by the
purest love and zeal for their
whom they opposed only for his
own welfare. Persons approaching the
fiftieth anniversary of their something
or other will take comfort from the ex-
ample of courage set them by Signor
Verdi. These celebrations have be-
come too common to be much more
than a testimonial; SO
a single refusal is likely to
prove Globe.
It has been known by scientists for
some time that more valuable
was buried from sight in the
Russian language than in any or all
others. Few can imagine what
in geographical, statistical,
and other research has gone
on in the empire of the car. It is
that within ten years more
dents will take the Russian
than the German, simply as a
necessity. The youngest family of the
Aryans westward with its
ideas and literature, as well as its pop-
and empire. There are no bet-
explorers and no bet. recorders
of Louis Globe,
In r Clio.
on a visit to Naples, went
into a where chess was played,
and was challenged to a game.
lira, said his
two two,
might prefer hundred if
you There was a pause, and the
Italian was thoughtful.
he said pensively, Signor
In that case I will not play
with you at And chess gives
not only contemporary fame, but last-
remembrance. To be a great chess
player is to surer of
than a great statesman or a popular
Such reputations
gained and lost. Poet of tho twenty
editions, novelist of tho big checks,
count your gains now, your
money today What will tho next
generation care for your common-
place or your talcs of ad-
venturous But tho chess
player's fame, gained, is secure
and stable. What one of all the count-
less chivalry of Spain is so familiar a
name as Ruy Lopez; What American
is so widely
known as Paul
Chess, in fact, has lasted so long
that we arc sure it will last forever.
Institutions decay, empires fall to
pieces, but the game goes on. When
British constitution has disappear-
ed the bishop's
able monument of human wisdom.
When the Scotchman has to re-
as the greatest of
ii-ii i. i misfortunes, tho dories of the
Scotch gambit will not faded
And so long as chess lasts will
the memory of the great chess players
endure. Now that the
of National to
tho letter E, we shall doubtless find
many is there any so
sure of everlasting mention us he who
by some lucky accident or happy
ration first played P. to Q. KL as the
fifth move in Piano, and so
gave his name lo tho most popular of
So Buckle's games at the
may survive his of
is better known than his
What player will
ever forget the immortal game be-
tween Anderson
This is what yon ought to have. Ill-fact
sou must, have it. fully enjoy life.
Thousands are searching for it
mourning because they find it not not.
Thousands upon thousands of dollars are
spent annually by OUT people iii the hope
that they may attain this boon. And
yet it may be had by all. We guarantee
that Electric Bitters, if used according
to directions and the use persisted in.
will bring yon Good Digestion and oust
the demon Dyspepsia and install Instead
We recommend Electric Bit-
for Dyspepsia and all diseases of
Liver. Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at
Me. and bottle by Met;. Ernul.
The strike of tho Boston ship
carpenter continues, both sides
patently being firm.
Lord Tennyson is hard at work
on a poem one of the
A of Life,
it was just an ordinary scrap of wrap-
ping paper, hut it saved her life. She
was in mm last stages of consumption,
told by physicians that she was
and could live only a short time ; she
weighed less than seventy pounds. On
apiece of wrapping paper she read of
Dr. King's New Discovery, and a
sample bottle ; her, she bought
a large tail tie, it helped her more, bought
another and grew better fast, continued
use and is in w healthy, rosy,
plump, weighing For
stamp to V. II. Cole.
Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of.
this wonderful discovery fife at
drug store.
A lawyer in a
witness, asked him, among other
questions, where lip was on a
day, to which lie
with two
exclaimed the law-
thieves, I suppose you
may be replied the I
witness, they are both ,
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Fe-
Sores, Chapped Hands,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re- ,
quired. It is guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
per box. For sale by
Dealer Corn, Meal, Oats
and Mill Feed.
Will pay cash for
Com and Peas.
I pay for ray goods and can
to sell at
Call ob me at the store of J. S. Smith
5-Ton Cotton Gin
t raid.
JONES of BINGHAMTON, Binghamton, H. T,
, I
. ., ,. . y .
are so the
with farm attached, from
which we get most of our
a great part of necessary
during the season the Springs are open.
we can favor our with the best
mineral most, wholesome
food and accommodations at
the following extremely low prices
Day. When one person
pies room ; two 81.25. Week.
When one person occupies room
two 97.00. Month. When one
person room 928.00;
Children eight to twelve years old
half price. Two to six years old
Servants, special rates in
accordance to service rendered in caring
for room of family or person they are
with. Where there are a family of live
or more, or I party of friends from the
same town or section, who will occupy
one large room, a reduction tan per
cent, will be made. Care of Stock.
I Hones per day, fifty cents. Per week,
three dollars. Per month, ten dollars.
Amusements and Recreation.
Alley. Lawn Tennis,
Foot-Ball, and games
all kinds. hot and
When two will contract to use ii
tor one or more hours day, fifteen
-per hour I'm each person.
Shelby P. O., or P. O.
Cleveland County, N.
Cotton Seed Lard,
lo, N. O.
D. Editor A Proprietor.
. a
I . f Gray
i filling
For sale by ail Grocers. Send ox Illus
or how to provide n good dinner for Four
Persona for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Hook of pages
containing one hundred
Hills or Fare, with instructions how to
prepare each one, so that the cost fol
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable hook will he given
to any one sending or present the
representing the purchase of
. , twenty pounds CO. P. COTTON
Profusely views of all Each nail of our Lard contains a ticket,
sorts conducted terrible the number on which corresponds lo the
of in mighty inundation. Price number of pounds In the pall.
terms. Thousands want It.
; h
. . i . . m in
t .-. -u .
Remains Jan.
Nov. ever published ill
Greenville, the
Mailer for
Is Head quickly SO
r to
Cotton Oil Product Company, N. Y.
Broker, Greenville, N. C
and gives
the money than any other paper
published in North Carolina.
The gives o variety
and LOCAL, will devote it-
to tho
of i ho n
BeT name and get a
Th moat
DRINK . world.
Ai your or Grocer for
Printers and Binders,
1ST. O-
have, the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind lo be found in
the Slate, and solicit for all classes
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
N. C.
is called to tho III us its
large and growing
n. b. makes i an excellent medium
which to reach people
tn o
mil Popular Unreal Treatise
Youth. Decline,
and of
from Folly. Vice, Ignorance. or
for the or Social
work. It royal Beautiful
I full gilt. Price, only by
concealed in plain
If yon apply now. Tho
Wm. H. Parker. M. D. re-
from the National Medical Association.
for the ESSAY on NERVOUS and
of may Ins consulted,
by mall or to at the of
No. St., Boston. o born all
for or
directed above.
obtained, and all business lo the S.
Patent or the Courts attended t
for Moderate Fees.
We are opposite the II. S. Patent Of-
lice engaged Patents Exclusively,
can obtain patent In less time than the-i
more remote from Washington.
the model or is sent we
I advise as to free of charge,
I and we. make no change unless we ob-
We refer, here, to the Post Master.
Supt. of Money Order Did., and to
Is of the P. is. Patent For
advise terms and reference lo
actual clients in your State, or
address, C. Co.,
D, C
l V s.
Is . l i -i
hi , l the
.; r i-P r in world.
Fully .--. i I at Wood.
IV It-1
A i . i
falling out of hair, end of
dandruff is before the public.
the many who have i with
wonderful success. I refer you
Io in named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Josephus Latham, Greenville.
Mb. O.
Any one wishing to give it trial for
the above named complaints can procure
It from ice, at my place of business, for
Respect fully,
Greenville. March 14th, C ,
Greenville, N. C.
have the the raw teat
Chair ever used in the art. Clean towels,
sharp moors, and satisfaction guaranteed
In every instance. Call and con-
Ladles waited on at their rest-,
Cleaning clothes a specialty.
of American. O
A i-.-r.
fall tor of
.-. year.
a is-,. A
I l- I W
, t A ins to
W I . . r . Ly
i her
i. and
. I i
.- i
i .;.
In Pat-
., r
f-r I-
ate., iii. .-
. . .
. . it. N. T
For the Ladies
in order to reduce stock before time
receive Fall Goods, I will oiler
all my present stock of
I GOODS, I ass
from now until the 1st of September at j
All Hats on hand. trimmed and
trimmed, will lie sold at cost. My stock I
includes many of the most stylish goods
of the I can give, you
N C.
Ho What's This
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in I lie way of helping the afflict-
ed. Hy calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of Preparation that is invaluable
eradicating dandruff-and causing the
kinkiest hair to lie perfectly Soft and
common hair
brush is all to be used after the
vigorously for a few minutes with
the a bottle and be
convinced, only GO
N. V.

Eastern reflector, 17 July 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 17, 1889
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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