Eastern reflector, 10 July 1889

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MB in
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
eastern Reflector,
P. t.
Notice to Pensioners and An-; An Open Letter to the People
for Pensions. of North and South Carolina.
Laughable Reflections.
The Solid South.
reigns to-night
I've never felt before
Price. per year.
If not hesitate to Democratic
and measures that are not consistent
the principles of the party.
If ant a paper from
of the Slate forth.-
O. of Wake.
M. Hull,
of Wake.
W. of
of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of
Attorney F. T
William X. II. Smith. of
Associate S. of
K. Shepherd, of
Alfonso C. of
II. Brown, of
Philips, of Echoed of lb York.
nor. of
For mother's parsed the portals bright
Where angels the door.
And while I nit in the twilight
My thoughts they wander wide
It seems to me not Ions ago
Since I knelt by her side.
A chubby boy with hair
Her Jove me then.
Ami bad I always Fat there.
What might my past have been
For steadfast as the stars above
Ne'er g to the end.
Next above, my mother's love
my best earthly friend.
So ft the years have glided on.
They all tum
And I in the gone.
Her guidance cl m. ways.
i i the gloom.
At if lier voice I heard.
And n ear around the
Thai I may hear lit r word.
O. alas is still
ne'er way hear it limit.
it be that, by will.
We a heaven's door.
And if he deigns o hear
How -hall
I'll keep pure to meet her I Lore,
who each one's worth
Through actions here below.
The golden she won on earth.
Has placed on mother's brow.
Now- lonesome reigns
I feel it
The lonesome in my brain
Twill never leave me more.
N. C,
To and Applicants for
the Pension Act,
to others whom it may con
once had dog that was so
ti ,., b. What is Us.
The Manufacturer Re
which keeps a sharp eye on the
easily speculative movements in j
lands and industrial operations in
As Reflected from the State Press.
The Daily says there is
And Mint Provoking Selections as Com-
piled the Bad Boy.
Office Southern i
I wish to call your attention lo rogues from honest people,
the fact that States but had to give him away for one the Southern States, reports the a woman near Salem years old.
are putting forth a greater effort bit chase of picked min
The information is ; at in- of the trouble end and timber lands by New York
for the benefit of all concern- desirable men -Did yon see the beginning of this capitalists ; the proposed
The new pension act does not
A license to run a bar room
with who will boy part, of our trouble asked the police judge of of furnaces at There are now 1,847 Al-
idle lands and aid in establishing witness against a man who had Ala.; an enlargement of in North Carolina.
go into effect before next year
except so far as relates to
the character and
of those who are to receive its
see 1st proviso, 19th section, of
the new act. capita of which will be
upon to this
department. Pensions will be paid
this year the appropriation
by the old act of
as amended by the laws of
factories, open up mines and
his wife.
the locomotive works at Richmond,
Tight Lacing.
Miss an artist who has de-
voted years lo the study of dross,
thus writes in her book entitled
woman is too tightly dress
ed who cannot raise her arms
straight above her head and clasp
I her hands; stoop to tie
her shoe, or pick up a pin, without
heightened color. Tight lacing on-
indulged, like a painless
Yes, I saw the very com
op our In bringing of the difficulty. It was Va., to cost a and two more to be
capital and people lessen our about two years machine company in Louisville; a this month is record for
burden of taxation, and increase years ago
the comforts of life. The minister said,
I have been appointed to a
in the Southern Inter State
factory m Louisiana, and other sun-
new undertakings and
Bureau, and it will be
only duty but a pleasure to aid
in the work of developing and up-
building in every State.
manufacturing com-
. take this man to be lawful, a Rev. J. M. has moved
and she Said of coal land in West for back to from
cash ; a barbed wire
Three brick buildings nearly com- saps the beauty, the grace,
the brains, the life from its
victims. Tight lacing is not
only a hideous stupidity, it is a
up and
1887, and lo the require-
i Therefore I am lending my aid in
incurs of that act as so amended.;
This sum is to e paid pro
the to have, in the city of ,
in North Carolina a great In
; I'll
that five dollars yon owe
is she
ill old undertakings.
Squeezing the preliminary over
flow and gush out of these announce-
to again take charge as principal of
Littleton Female College.
Hickory Mr. II. P. Her.
man says he has some cabbage
stalks which measured feet,
crime that cast a heavy
burden upon tho next generation,
and renders the present one
of its duties. It makes all the
movements of the body angular and
stiff. It ruins tho digestion and the
there is a solid remainder of feet, inch across.
Pshaw thought yon had tore fact which shows the strong
circulation, and consequently the
complexion, which we all know is
one the greatest of feminine
He says they cannot be beaten in f the sight and
the color and the expression of the
Sound it Out Aloud.
I call Miss
I always leave my cigars in
4th of July Oration.
Fourth Clark, of
Fifth -John A. of
Sixth T. of
Seventh of
Eighth A. of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth O. of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
of Buncombe.
Representatives in
It. Vance, of Meek-1
Matt. W. Ransom, of North- and was
Great Gloria us
Having been called upon to ad-
dress you, I deem it best on this me
mortal occasion to acquaint yon
with a facts of our nation's his-
I recognize, the discovery of
America Christopher Columbus
as the first greatest event at
that time.
Pensioners whose names arc
already upon the roll will
not be required to file new
cations, at least until new
act goes fully into effect, and
most probably not then. Further
this point will be fur.
at the time.
applications under the
old law have been furnished to each
county information has
been received that the old supply
previously furnished has ex-
and a request presented threshed grain ; and one bundle of
to this department for a renewal or variety of clover and
the same. As the blanks under the grass, a bundle about size or
old law will not be available niter wheat bundle of all kinds of native job asked a bride-
rich returns to both. The South is,
some crushed President, will at Mr. William-
cigars in his vest more attractive, ford College, as usual, August 10th Martin County, has
I spent last evening with Miss more easily accessible and more embracing two Sabbaths. towards building a
best opportunities for your people to Just look at these expensive than any other part or, ,. ,. ,. j little folks at Thomas-
advertise your county to the home
to offer to
This is going to be one of
seeking people who have means to
invest; advise you lo make
no delay in collecting grain in the
sheaf, and every variety of grass,
and send to the Secretary at
There will be no cost on the
shipment. Send one half dozen of lent, laving down her paper.
wheat, oats, and other morning, my dear,
to those who have , j
conversation with a News and sympathy the orphans
muscle or money with which to
push their fortunes.
His name is R. J. his.
about cheap postal rate, I've
seen pounds go for a
remarked Mr.
was said Mrs. Keep- Texas; his statement May,
reporter, three, hours after his way, and has fulfilled
release from custody, referred to the
. . u. to the orphans will
killing Car. Dawson as lit-; shelter these little ones many years
residence is Woodbury, Hill county and says he has no after Mr. Simmons has gone to bis
grain in the sheaf; one gallon of went to the coiner drug store for
. . . . a stain
next Monday. July 1st, the or wild grasses. People from
How much do yon git
a job like asked a
groom or the minister who married
such blanks will , North are more attracted by
with that date. grain and grass productions than by
Registers or Deeds will be any other one
informed as to the time when urge upon the people North and
law allows me a
great Scott, here's .,.,
i I dollar. go s Specific
law it Reckon I'll have had tried many other remedies, both
, trouble enough now, anyhow internal and external, and paid
the spot where sit were their duties as prescribed by the Carolina to take this matter in j
located elsewhere, the noble -t will be required to be performed hand while the grain and grass crop a long delayed or .
savage pranced up and down these them. At the proper time copies is so and get up the collections
precincts, scaled his mother-m-law new act will be at once and forward without delay Darling her years of untold misery by relieving
a partial paralysis in my left side.
. w ii in
idea or leaving his and received the
in the done from his Muter.
My little son was cured by S. S. S of m What we need in North Carolina
bad sores and ulcers, the result of a Winston On the is not so much more money as a more
general breaking down of his health 27th day of August next the North benevolent spirit and
from fever, lie was considered in- Carolina State Tobacco Association men are
will hold its third annual meeting.
Heretofore these meetings have been draw interest alter he is dead for
held at Morehead City, but the helpless and needy orphans,
meeting place has been changed to arc others who ought to
for this year. Mils win
i will call the N Sim-
Says the Wadesboro Tho name the
; will pay you the trouble it i ought to be
costs to file home papers. No vol-
in your library will afford yon
more pleasure, more profit, more
lasting benefit. It contains dates
curable, but two bottles or Swift's
Specific brought him out all right-
Mr. John King, of Jackson, Miss,
says that he was cured of
in his feet and legs by taking
This was after be
local events which you cannot get
then the pilgrims distribution, together with so as to be sure county will be Yes, George, u is very, very P
Uses t fathers and mothers, their uncles eh blanks, in conformity represented. j sodden, but it is not too
G. skinner, of and all came over in I herewith as maybe necessary to It is necessary to nave genera
and tended an the meet the requirements of the distribution
Third W. of May Flower,
Fourth II. of
Fifth W. of
Sixth of
Eighth W. II. A.
Ninth O. Ewart of
Court A. Move.
A. K. Tucker.
Register of II. James.
B. Cherry.
I confide in you I
have a secret to tell
is it
around to see if any-
body is need
, , l had been treated . obituary no
by best physicians in St. Louis and; short;
Chicago. The trouble was caused
by some derangement or my re-
which has been corrected by S. a or
two behind on subscription.
It being generally
over in
They introduced rum, concerning your section. Such in-
and hymn-books, into 5- The for the should embrace in brief
this happy and reunited country; of new applications under the advantages climate, soil, man-
and a quiet and old law with the Drat the social, religions, and j ,,,., ,,,.
into a land Monday in July of the year, privileges, etc. I have ad- don't tear I'll be as-silent
sugar trusts, credit and that date it will be necessary vised the editors in each town to get as the
whiskey rings. to get up forms par-, a special edition of their papers hardly worth while.
About that time Uncle Sam was , in the case of widows, and New do you
a baby and Mrs. Columbia carried old blanks will be dispensed f print from one thousand to ten thou- really propose to say grace over this
him around in her arms. Now John new ones substituted. In sand extra copies for distribution breakfast
little; the department will be en- at the Exposition. To do this will Boarding sir; it, cite in-born blood I Home for Disabled ex
poison; remember that B. II. Soldiers. So far the proposition
T. A.
B. O. of Mo-, says
. .,, . . r . understood that Trinity College will, ,.
s Specific cured him of , ,, ,. .
n. c
Any Business Entrusted to will be
Attended to.
OS bis limbs body,
only two small bottles.
He took
lull and she got a
; I tell you how it you i in making th
Council Dawson. Chair-, see he was all the time bothering her nature and extent of the wounds
little Sammy do received by old soldiers, now pen I and it will certainly be of an. liver .
hoard of then that, and one day when Johnny specially stated much more benefit; besides the j
Sores Aches and Fains.
When a hundred bottles of sarsaparilla
or other pretentious specifics fail
brought to this city, it has been
proposed by some of the press of
the State that the present buildings
and premises of the college in Ran-
county, be purchased for a
be to invariable remember that B. I. R.
e quit., an outlay to the but, , k
Is as much as getting out a worth but col victories, in as many seemingly lo-
ll seems to meet with general favor,
s. and D. ill their in or- distribution of the tea thousand
School Stamps which she didn't want to accomplish the ti a copies, tho write up will go in
F. W.
G. James.
F. Evans.
T. Smith.
Ass It. Moore.
Con Ward, B. N.
2nd Ward. B. William, Jr., and Alfred
For Ward, T. J. Jarvis and M.
II. Lang; 4th Ward, W. N. Tolbert.
Concord Standard.
One of the first duties that par-
curable instances. Send to the Blood i and the Call the hope that
Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. for of
I be convinced. It is the
j only true blood purifier.
G. W. Messer, X Roads.
; was nine years with
i sores. All the medicine I could take
did me no good, then tried i.
bottles cured me
Mrs. S. M. Wilson. Round Mountain.
threw m mess tea upon him and by section the new the of the regular edition.
ordered him out of doors. pension act. Inquiry will also have I urge upon every business man and
Mow a food seem to made, in the cases of subscriber to lend their aid j guardians, friends owe to
that Washington, ail honor widows who are already re when the editor shall ask assistance the is to look well to tho kind Texas, lady friend of mine
to his name, was about the only a pension, the last in gel ting out the special edition. J and quality reading matter I
true that Mrs. Columbia having determined the new , Do not be contented with helping thrown into the hands of j bottles of B. B. B. and her skin got soft
at this tune. But so; there j pension act that such widows only paper if there is more pie. They read all such
were lots of other big-hearted, be retained or entered on the j one in your place. A special edition They crave the poison, Ga.
fellows, who stuck up roll aW i. c., of every paper printed in through some source they j years ago I blood pois-
her too, even ride , as actually destitute should be issued. They can be j have learned its taste. j charging
a horse and wear spurs. They bus- As applicants will distributed to great advantage. The mails and other sources are, so I could hardly walk, my throat was j times cents, sometimes for u
at all times, flooding the nature of
J. H.
A W,
N. C.
the suggestion will be adopted and
acted upon.
Goldsboro There is a
little boy near Dudley whoso
years probably do exceed eight .
who has never attended school j A SKINNER,
but whose natural genius -i .
. . . . ,,
remarkable. His name Is Alex.
Washington. He is known
out license and without
N. J.
the fact, with- M.
he makes his living by preach-
tied around barefooted through the the first July Although I no personal inter-
at Valley Forge, and lived on which to their est in but one or two towns in the
Fin-t and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. .
Hushes. D. Rector. faith and twigs.
Sunday, mom- Now I tell you what it is
permitted j new applications is tho two States by pledging to make j detective story and many others
Fa-tor. to see the Roll Honor kept by the mended until such time as this de-; a contribution of that cost a trifle and are given
. w u i. I is prepared to furnish new to be equally divided between away for nothing, can not be or any
with cheap, worthless, foolish torture until I gave II. B. a trial, and, his
I applications and have them acted South, yet I am willing to show my and positively Injurious literature. may seem, the use of live
on, a suspension in the matter of the interest the material of The dime novel, the i .
and night. Meeting every, Master above, we will find the
night. names heaps of folks written blanks and to meet all the require- ; the newspapers that issue special
there who were strangers to fame the new law. When i editions for the occasion. Certainly
lodges. they lived here lie low. I pored for new applications due and each business in the
Greenville Lodge. No. Ms, A. V. As was about to remark, one amide notice will be given in the towns will aid to the best of their
every 1st T ml .,, years ago to- of various ability. I call upon all newspaper
men in make tho canvass at once
Very respectfully
G. W. Sanderlin,
I re
day after the 1st and at
Masonic Lodge. A. L. Blow, W. M., day was the first 4th of and throughout the State.
Chapter. No. meets
every 2nd and Monday at Ma- ever since. Let them come
I all. F. W. Brown, II. I. ;.,.,. it .
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F. I
meets every Tuesday night. I. L.
James, N. G.
Insurance Lodge. No. K. of II.,
meets first and third Friday night.
D. D. Haskett, D.
Pitt Council, A. L. of II., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.
Snow in June.
State Auditor
and bespeak for them the co-
operation of their pa-
j and the people they will so
I great t. Very truly,
Chief Improvement
A number or women in
Ga., have organized
Salisbury Mrs. J. P
Lentz, of this city has sold within the
past year from one cow pounds
of butter, besides which her own fast-
value, as their cheapness man-
of distribution over the country
clearly indicate. The matter is
worthless; it is poison to the
it excludes the good renders
anti kissing society. Those who has been supplied with all the
have seen the members say that butter and milk they could consume.
such a precaution was not necessary, j Tho average price received by Mrs.
. . i Lents for her butter was 22.1 cents
Their easiness Booming. ,
Probably no one thing has caused such V which gave
I a general revival of trade at tho proceeds from her cow after her
Parents, close your doors against i; ,
as their giving away to their
so many
in all I he courts. Collections
a v.
Greenville, N.
o, W
such matter. The foolish and , Their trade is simply MM-1 m the
things of the world arc often valuable article from
. . , ., . the fact that it always cures and never
A town may be correctly judged
by its newspapers. If they are full j
of news, well edited and well States,
ed, if they are liberally patron-
by advertisers, it is safe to as
Concord Standard.
This is a phenomenal year. For
ten consecutive months we had frosts that the town is a well govern-
Money and now we have snow in June. It is ed prosperous one, that its
reported fact, that arc energetic and thrifty.
Tuesday a little after twelve o'clock ,.,,, , .
,. ,. i weekly press, as a whole, is a
hoers --.-. to p. M.
Order hours A. If. to P. M. No or-
will he Issued from to I
from to p. M.
Bethel mail arrives daily Sun- It snowed for a few in I nil tea Mar
d. at a. M-, and departs at p a. our county house. It was seen public opinion
Tar mail arrives ally Sun-, r several people among whom were j b-cause it finds its way into almost
at a. and depute at I P. M. Sherwood it did
past long, but there no, sort or A medical authority
. doubt about its being genuine snow. I. .
The recent change of temperature of-tobacco, is or
times learned even when a strong, I Colds. Asthma,
affectionate and protective arm is Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and
. ., diseases quickly cured. You can
thrown around the
We've been offered, time
test it before buying by a trial
and J bottle free, large size bottle
i again, twenty books for twenty .
So ago an injunction by the
obtained from the courts
against the Cotton Oil Trust
last week the court made the
injunction perpetual, it tho
Cotton Oil Trust and its agents arc
prohibited from doing any what
within the limits of the State
of and from entering he it far from our intention to j marks an epoch hi the life of the
parties, be of-
inducements to parties to
subscribe. Tho Standard wants
subscribers that be bought with
a five cent cents printed on the
yellow-back, poisonous
live story, or trashy, silly
The weaving of gold watches by
members of the Baptist church, of
is prohibited. Any
person wearing will expelled
from tho church.
The transition from long, lingering
For on Mission.
Bethlehem. 1st Sunday at block.
usual too. On Sunday j most powerful of the known
the thermometer registered nerve poisons. It is as virulent as
House, 1st Sunday at the highest this summer, prussic acid. No substance
, . . , its And
Sunday at o clock. a of Oil that . .
Shad- Grove, Sunday at . .
at II o'clock.
S P. C.
day it was on uncommon thing to
see with overcoats on, and fires
still the deadly cigarette has its
hosts of votaries who lay t heir nil
the altar self immolation.
contracts or obligations of any kind
for or in behalf the said Trust and
from buying, selling, exchanging or
dealing in property, rights or credits
whether movable or immovable
State. Score one
A gentleman
a ho was here yesterday
us tho facts of the very sad death of
Miss Nannie Kinsley, a young lady
in Davie county, Sunday. On that
day her lover called on her, and her
mother, who objected to his paying
respects to her daughter, ordered
the man to the
and offered him a very gross
This so grieved the girl that after
the had gone she
rebuked her mother, who only grew
furious as talked. Tho girl
thinking to her mother took a
loaded pistol pointed it at her
temple, saying she would kill herself
P. .
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
. , . i mil. Such a remarkable event is treas-
throw such worthless, dangerous memory and the agency
matter into the reach of lite boys I whereby the good health has been at-
. is gratefully blessed. Hence it Is.
and I that so much is heard In praise of j i f her mother did promise her
Shot down on the cheap, e not
and Tonic. If you accident the pistol was
are troubled with any disease of Kidney, tho load entered Miss Kinsey's
stories that are afloat,
are poison
See that your boys and read
What you owe the nothing but pure and wholesome
would be serviceable to J matter.
Liver or Stomach, of long or short stand-
you will surely find relief by of
Electric Bitters. Sold at and
per bottle at drugstore.
She lived only about six
Greenville, N.
new management. and
cold water baths. rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed with the best of market. Feed
stables In connection.
11.50 PIS SAT
waiters. Good Rooms. Best
table die market afford. When In th
city stop at die
Ti you to buy Hats. Cap j Good Domestics at the Store door to Bawls, the Jeweler. BAWLS TYSON-

The Reflector,
Price. St.- per year.
democratic, bit
will not to Democratic
on and measures that arc not consistent
the principles of the party.
If too want a a wide-a-wake
wet Ion of the State send for the
a- a ft
JULY 10th,
Notwithstanding efforts were
made to prevent the light be-
tween Sullivan and it
occurred on Monday at
burg, Miss. The news we nave
received by wire says that
van won on the round. It
must have been a long and hotly
contested struggle.
The latest information
ed shows the investigation of the
charges preferred against Dr.
Grissom. Supt of the Raleigh
insane Asylum, to still he in
progress. On Friday the
for the prosecution closed
and the taken up. Dr.
Grissom himself was the first
witness placed upon the stand
for the and he denied
In full all the charges preferred
against him. It is rather soon
to make up a verdict, so far
as we have read the testimony
it looks as though the case was
brought against Dr. Grissom
through malice and a conspiracy
to have him removed from the
We were recently amused in
reading of the consternation
caused in the offices of two of
exchanges by visits from the
that will do full justice to Pitt
county and her Ev-
business man can see the ad-
vantage of liberally patronizing
the advertising columns of such
a -aper. We do not propose to
make any money out of the
edition. If we can get any-
thing like cost we shall be
tied ; for we know that the ad,
and building up of this
section means the building up of
every interest and industry of
the county, and the enhancing
of every person's property, and
the placing of new money, out-
side money into every, body's
hands. Therefore we are will
to do our part, and believe
the people of Greenville will do I
In due season we will call up-
on the business men for their
patronage in such an
and we ask them to think
well over the matter before we
come around.
Washington Letter.
From our regular Correspondent.
Washington, N. C, July at Ii
Mr. nearly every
prominent member of
greatly to the chagrin of
the office seekers, celebrated the
by taking a
short vacation. The President and
Secretaries Noble and Tracy went
to Woodstock, Conn., and are not
expected to return before Monday.
Secretary Maine went to liar
and the date his return is
doubtless; Secretary Proctor went
to Vermont and
Wanamaker to Philadelphia.
The republican leaders seem to
have quite a scare on about the
coming elections in the four new
states. Senators Allison, Chandler,
and have spout the week in
consultation with the of
their party in figuring out a pro-
gramme that would give them all
the members of the House as well
as the Senators from those states.
They arc to remain here until nest
week so to get Senator Quays
opinion. Democrat who are well
informed believe that it hits good
fighting chance for one of the
The republicans have, It is said,
fair sex. At one place the crew j decided upon an extra session of
had donned fishing attire and Congress to be called about
first. They wanted it October
instead of November, but owing to
their very slim majority in the
House they concluded to take
no chances, but to wait tor rein-
from the new states.
Before leaving Washington the
President made a large batch
mostly diplomatic and
consular. One of them Eugene
is shown to the
in writing as would satisfy
the other worthy claimants whose
claims precede it they know
the that such action Is proper.
Hereafter no case will be advanced
that is not clearly within this rule.
It Is hereby further ordered that
this rule be extended so as to em-
brace cases only where the applicant
is in very great destitution or at the
point of death. This regulation
will be strictly enforced
attorneys, agents, or others persist-
in applications contrary to its
language and spirit be disbar-
red from practice the depart-
Yon will have this made
A friend of Secretary tells
me that there would no more con-
appointments made before fail.
If this is true there is disappoint-
in store for lots of folks.
had to retreat backwards as the
ladies advanced. At the other
place the printers turned so ma-
different colors that the edit-
or had to go to their rescue and
relieve their embarrassment.
There is never such
as that in the
office. Seldom a week passes
without our having visits from
the fair sex who are always
and their presence enjoy-
ed. May be the difference be-
tween ours and the others can be
accounted for in the kind of of-
N. C, July 1889.
The Board of Commissioners of
Pitt county met this day, present,
C. Dawson, Chairman, G. M. Moot-
T. K. Keel, W. A. James, Jr.,
and C. Newton.
Pauper orders were issued as
Susan Turner John Stocks
4.50, Winifred Taylor COO, Marga-
Bryan 3.00, James Masters 2.00,
Ivy Mayo 2.00, Elks 1.50,
II. D. Smith 2.00, Nancy Moore
4.00. John Baker 1.50, Daniel Web
2.00, Nelson 4.00,
Wm. 3.00, Lydia
2.00, Jacob 1.50.
General orders were issued as
Sam Cherry W. P. Buck
It. Wall 46.04, J. S. Parker
John Flanagan 15.00, Lemon John,
son 1.20, Turner Darden 25.43.
Peyton J. L.
son 3.01, D. Bryant 0.96, J. J.
161.05, J. It.
14.00, B. M. Jones 28.00, H. C.
Hooker 38.73, J. B. 2.67,
T. II. 24.00, E. C,
30.00, C. Barrow 3.00. John
King 16.00, W. II. Williams 2.10,
L. 18.00, S. S. 30.00,
A. James, Jr., Smith
1.71, E. G. Leggett Joe Moore
T. L. Jordan 3.20, W. A. Blount
1.00, J. A. K. Tucker 82.60, A. L.
Plow 50.00, J. A. K. Tucker 110.00,
B. G. Chapman 30.00, B. S. Shep-
1750, K. A. Moo 2.12, D. II.
James C. 5.00, J. S-
Smith 4.50, Henry Brown 12.50, B.
S. 2.30, It. Williams, Jr.,
100.00, S. S. 10.00.
License to at their
respective places were granted to
the following
W. B. Bland Bro., Lang
Homing, W. B. Bro.,
Bell's Ferry; L. N. Dudley, Falk-
land; T. L. J. F. E.
K. Pollard, S. G.
J. E. Davenport, T. It.
Bro-, Bethel; J. C. Cobb
Beaver Dam; W.
A. Stocks, J. S. Smith Bro., J. A.
Braddy, Adrian Savage, Johnson,
Co., J. B.
Co., Greenville; F. Fleming, J.
Moore Bro., Parker's X Roads;
J. O. Proctor G. M. Tucker
A. K. 7.03, W. M. King 6.17,
II. B. J. S.
W. A. James, Jr., E. A.
On petition licenses to retail
were ordered issued to F.
and Jesse Baker Co.,
at Greenville.
II. B. Harris be
pointed Coroner for Pitt to
fill the vacancy caused by the
of J. II. for-
ward and tendered bis official bond
which was accepted and the oath
office administered.
Ordered that tho Clerk give no-
in the Eastern Reflector
at the Court House door that
the Commissioners of Pitt county
will meet on Monday, 8th of day of
July, 1889, the for
the of revising the tax
list for hearing all persons
objecting to the of
property or the amount of tax
charged against them. At the
same time to take the list of any
person applying not heretofore
Red Oak Church, Pitt Co.,
June 16th, 1889.
Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the
universe in His wise providence has seen
fit to remove from his home our
beloved brother, Elder Joseph us
Latham, therefore be it
That the death of this
good HI the cause Christ at Red
Oak has lost a staunch
That the county and the
people among whom he lived has been
deprived of the services of a valuable
and respected citizen.
That the Disciple Church
has lost a devoted follower, one whose
life was a lovely example of Christian
That this church will ever
cherish his memory with respect and
That we tender to the lie-
wife and family our kindest
and condolence and pray
God to comfort and bless them.
That a copy of these
spread on the minutes of this
church and that a copy lie sent to the
family of the deceased and that a copy
be sent to the Eastern Reflector
with a request to publish.
J. J. May. i
Alfred Nichols. Com.
Moses W. Tyson. I
Mere to the buyers Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
that ore not to be excelled In this market. And all guaranteed to be First-class and
pure straight good. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN-
kinds, Gin and Mill Hay, Rock Lime, Plaster Paris, and
Hair, Harness, and Saddles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool which I oiler to the at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash. Hereford's Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a call and guarantee satisfaction.
Spring Display
Foreign and Domestic Novelties.
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
We yield the palm to none.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
Are headquarters for all needed in Hie
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if y want anything- in
Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Stoves
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which we will sell M factory Prices.
Schuyler, New York to be Consul- Warren
J Penny Hill; K. Dixon, Black
general at Cairo, cans
a great deal of talk, and when
the Senate meets it will cause much
more, and it would be at all
prising if his nomination should be
rejected. Mr. is a warm
flee kept. Upon this we pride
ourselves. Our office h kept of Secretary by whom
eat, and there is such deport- j was seated to be First
among our printers l ll
never causes a blush or the
slightest embarrassment at the
approach of a lady. They are
as handsome a net as any office
can show, too. We remember
an one occasion when Miss Ma-
early days of the administration
but when his name went to the Sen-
ate, session, it was soon
parent to the friends of the
that it would be rejected if
voted upon. As soon as Mr.
was made acquainted with the
Hatchet, the handsome and cf affairs he withdrew the
brilliant editor of the
Friend was for that pa-
per, she visited the
office, and while here of
its general and said
it was the neatest printing office
she had found. Keep your offices
nomination, at the cabled request of
Schuyler. was in Europe,
where he spends the greater portion
of his time, but his friends availed
themselves of the cable to keep him
posted. The enmity to Schuyler is
I account of a book ho published
that way, brethren, and you will
enjoy visits I ladies.
some years ago called
in which lie ridiculed
l he Senate to extent as to
On the first page of
to-day will be found an looks
open letter from Mr. J. T. Pat- ti. Mrs. her father
rick, ex-Commissioner of y,,. children
for North j Re to Deer Park, and
Chief of one of the most the office seekers to the Lord only
branches of the knows
Inter-State Immigration
We heartily join him in urging
that every section in the State
send a fine display of grain and
Sir Julian British
Minister was asked accompany
the Presidential party to the Fourth
of July celebration at Woodstock,
grass to the Secretary's office at Connecticut. and a rumor was gen-
Raleigh. Pitt county should v
take an active interest in this
matter and show to the world,
but as a matter of fact be declined
invitation. Be didn't think it
the an
That discharge of democrats
what a tine section ours
Henry Harding having been
one the Board of Education
failing to qualify the office was
declared and Allen Warren
was elected to fill said vacancy.
An application in having
been made to the Board asking for
an appropriation from the county
funds to aid in maintaining the
Greenville Guard, a military com-
in the county of Pitt belong-
to the State Guard, and the
Board being the opinion that a
well equipped military company is
necessary for the preservation
the peace and protection of public
and private property in the county,
it was ordered that the sum of one
hundred dollars be appropriated
from the public funds of the county
to Guard.
J. E. J. D. Cox
Warren having been elected
the of
came forward and qualified by sub
scribing to the oath of office.
J. S. L. Ward been
pointed County Surveyor to fill
vacancy caused by the death
Manning, tendered bis
which was approved and
ordered to be recorded, when the
oath of office was administered.
It appearing lo the Board that L.
Wilson, former of
Deeds of Put county, did during
the fiscal year ending December
3rd, 1888, collect the sum of 9102.13
State tax on marriage is
sued by him during said year, and
it furl her appearing that the said
had not paid over said sum
lo the proper officer as required by
law the same been
to the State Auditor and
the said sum is net amount
State by the said Wilson,
ordered Clerk of this Board
notify the State Auditor of the said
that the Clerk of the
Board County Treasurer
showing what convicts
are hired tie the
At a union meeting of Old Ford Dis-
held on the and of
Macedonia, Martin Co., the following
resolutions of respect to the death of
Josi passed
Ir has pleased our
Heavenly Father to remove from his
labors on earth to his reward in heaven,
our beloved and tireless Bro.
lie it
By the Union meeting that
while we bow with meekness to the wise
dispensation of providence; we fully
the loss have sustained in
Bro. death, being one of our
most earnest and devoted advocates of
primitive Christianity, we feel his loss
That we tender to his bereft
family our profound sympathy, an ex-
of the irreparable loss that we
as brethren feel called upon to meet;
and we realize that we have lost one
whose unceasing zeal, fidelity and
to the cause of truth, will long
stand as worthy imitation.
That we shall long cherish
his memory for his forty years of earnest
faithful labor for the cause of Bible
Christianity, coupled, as it was, with a
consistent life of piety devotion.
Accomplishing by its steadfastness and
zeal, an amount of good that only
can reveal.
That a copy of these
be sent to his family, to the
with th request that they be published.
Also that they be on the minutes
this meeting and published as a part
of the proceedings of the same.
J. W. Honors. I
A. C.
J. B.
For the Reflector.
Though fate now doth keep us
Apart and alone,
It will not for aye be
in coming days
United well lie,
Cupid shall fan
For yon and inc.
as the slurs above,
J. D. Williamson,
WE are now fitted up in ate prepared N
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice hue of
made harness.
Come and see us. Flanagan's old
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
I ill have arrivals of the very and freshest
I keep constantly on hand a Splendid assortment of
All your wants in the above good can he supplied
boxes confections put to
a. specialty.
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
My equipped with the best Mechanics, put up nothing
work. We keep up with the times and i-st improved styles.
Best material used all work. All styles of Spring are use. you can from
Storm, Coil, Horn, King,
Also keep on hand a full lie of ready
the year round, which we will sell as as lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
merit a continuance of the SUM-
is. Many people s-eking homes j was exacted to fake place at I time for which re hired, the
will to inspect this j Government Printing
display, sections, Iv , did not materialize,
which the best exhibits i Printer to have
will reap the largest reward. adopted Mr. and
Especially should grain and I
grasses be shown. The
showing so little enterprise as to
make no effort towards a display
need not expect any results.
Another suggestion of Mr. Pat-
rick is the issuing of special
of the county newspapers,
which shows conclusively that
r his own time
j change.
Secretary Noble may, or may
have been by the charge
recently made in tho
Pension Tan-
of allowing favoritism to be
shown in the taking at
At any rate It
has the commissioner the. fol-
lowing ten thin m required
to following
names of the panics hiring such
convicts the amount to be paid
by and that the Treasurer
proceed to collect such stuns as are
now due on account of the same.
July 2nd, 1889.
The Hoard assembled at o'clock
My thoughts of you ;
as the sky above,
and true.
Ever be faithful, dear,
Love me alone.
Always believe me. dear,
Only thine
On Friday morning. minutes before
o July 6th, William
aged years and months,
the son of J. H. M. and Jennie Jackson.
He was a good, obedient and mannerly
child, and one who was much respected
by all who knew him, He he much
missed, lie was an assistant to his
father, who is the worthy sexton of the
church. The place
once knew him will know him no more
superior court.
State of North Carolina,
Pitt County, J
Murphy, Executor and Trustee of
W S. R A
My Northern Dress Maker and Trim-
mer, Miss has and I am
prepared to execute in the latest styles
and fashions any wick i listed to my
tho latest designs have j
so arrived and will be pleased to show i
them to you- My price are the lowest .
and not to be. undersold by no g
one. Special bargains on all goods. , ,, .
T C Clocks, Jewelry and Sewing
Machines repaired and warranted.
j W. S. RAW LS
Watch-Maker Jeweler.
If you want something nice in the way of
j w
Sewing Machines,
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
GREENVILLE, N. G., Mar. 1887.
Merchandise Brokers,
J. U.
J. t;. MOVE.
Pitt Co N
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
We are no v receiving Spring and
Summer Goods, and hope that
you will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
at cents per yard, which you
will find to be equal to any
yon will find at cents.
A line of
at cents. And
many other things that we
will offer at prices
We call especial attention to our
he knows the way of to the bureau
rising. The
to fake his advice in this and
get out a special edition. Of
course to do this the support of
people must be had. It will
I. A. Sugg and wife, E. Sugg, C.
and T. Bruce, deft.
It appearing to the satisfaction of
Court that T. Brace is r proper
party defendant to the above entitled
, , being an action commenced
A. M, O. Dawson, Chair- purpose of establishing a trust
man, A. Jr., G. M.
Mom and V. Newton.
The following order wore drawn
J. B. Cherry 280.72, J. B. v
6.30, G. A. 1.25, W. P.
Buck O. W. Gainer 1.10, L. B.
1.75. S. S. -7,
M. G. B. S.
The and
Slow, and the
cotton plows. We will
offer the trade
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
Commission Mer chants,
We have had several years ex-
at the business and are
to handle Cotton to
advantage of Stoppers.
of the same, we
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
The bad health of Mr. Gardner
has compelled him to discontinue the
management of the carriage for
me, which has a nice stock of good
far bestowed upon and beg for a continuation
you to-day a line of goods that cannot he excelled in this market tor durability vat
worth. We have now in stock a nice line of Goods, embracing .-he
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Hoods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly
Dress arid Linen-
will astonish you in quality and price.
A line of Piece Goods and that
Notions in endless variety embracing a
for Men, and Children. Gent's fur.
I now until the 1st of September at
J. V,
Order No January 1885 Moore 1.0,1, O. Stocks A. K.
Owing to Hie. drought to Tucker IX
bear all to K- A. Allen 93.93,
out of their regular r. and as . V. Joyner 12.00, J. will Hied In ray office within the. first, AU Hats on hand, both trimmed and mi-
recovering an interest In certain
lands situated on tho old plank road,
about three miles from Greenville,
known m the Wiley Nobles
It further appearing said Bruce is a
t of North Carolina, notice
is hereby given lo said of the pen-
of entitled action In this
Court, and said John T. Bruce Is
ordered to appear I the next term
the Superior Com- of County
convened on the 2nd Monday after th
1st in September, and de-1
mm answer the complaint which
For the Ladies
In order to reduce stock before lime
reserve Fall Goods, I will oiler
all my present stock of.
There is co better opening for a carriage
business in the county than at this place.
I have also a large stock of general
merchandise for sale cheap for cash or
time, such as Meats, Flour, Com,
bought large also a nice lot of
I odes and New Molasses, nice
selected stock of Shoes, and Straw
Goods, nice lot of Clothing, ladles Dress
Goods, in fact everything that can be
found in a General Store.
May N. C
Water Mills.
Hardware, Nails,
Hoes, Plows, Shovels, Trace Chains.
Grindstones and Fixtures,
Crockery, Glassware, Lamps,
Wood and Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whips,
it Ax and Rail Mills chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Groceries
and Provisions, Iii this line we carry Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rico.
the very best can buy, laundry awl toilet, Stew
and Hall Lye, Matches. Candles, Starch, best grade of Kerosene Oil. Meats of differ-
kinds. Flour which we buy low and sell low for the If you need r- bar-
rel of good Flour come to see us, arc bottom on it.
carry Window and Doors of . in
Stock. Also largest
stock of Furniture of house In Greenville, embracing Suits, Bedsteads,
both double and single. Lounges, rote. Bed springs
Beds and Cradle-. What we have
The undersigned having
mills fore number of years and put l hem .
in thorough order, tO inform and Mattresses. Bureaus. I ribs an
w Oft three of the term, or the plaintiff
. ,, Si S. i m i, a will to the for the relief de-
1.08, U. S.
this late, poverty and
lint her delay can
, o almost every applicant , C V. Newton 6.60, V. A.
outlay cases will be tut en out 7.70, G. M. Mooring 9.80, G.
work to out a special of the- order only when sac, i ton D. 36.00, J.
in complaint.
hand this 1880.
I. A.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt Co.
trimmed, will be sold at cost. My stock
includes many of most stylish goods
under of can rive yon bargains.
Git vi 1.1. a, N C.
the public he Is prepared to i -hid
Corn and wheat in a first-class manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
I would inform on III hunts that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill meal at delivered.
Customers wanting to retail can
be supplied at my store
where will also a select
of General Merchandise which will
Sold at prices
Robt, R. Fleming.
not got in this line we have from several of the best houses in this
country and will order anything you wish moderate prices. Don't our
Climax and Stonewall FLOWS when you want one. We carry Castings
for these Plows i n
i'S when you come to town, we guarantee fair and honorable
treatment, and will appreciate kind now and patronage. We can and will
sell as low any one who sells as goad at so.

M Lane's Column.
K would like our attention a few
minutes as nu doubt there is
in column to interest you. Our
stock of Summer Apparel is replete with
new seasonable novelties.
Matt Scrim. Lace
I Curtain. Brass Wood
Curtain Rods, Shades,
Oil Cloths, etc.
we ran suit in your
VI commencement We
Fancy Striped and
and I Short
and A nice
line of Ribbons. Hand-
kerchiefs and other fancy articles
for you.
the Ladies
BEAUTIFUL light weight
Woolen Fabrics, embracing
all the newest shades in
Flannels. Cashmeres.
Handsome Swiss and
iii; I l and
Organdies, Fine French
and a complete line of wash
goods such as Batistes,
I-awns. Seersuckers,
Prints, etc. An elegant assort-
of including all
i- new in t hi.-line.
styles and colors of the
the I
reputation as clothiers
and furnishers has gained for
us innumerable friends who rely
pan our taste to select the prop-
style and material. To select
a summer suit is no easy task as
you will admit. Besides
both the proper colors, cut
and textiles. The proper prices
must hear an important
Hatter ourselves
that we've been able to combine
these qualities and oiler to
our a reliable line of sty-
Clothing at the
correct For the stout
men we will say that should they
need thin coats we have them.
Sizes i- to Extra Long
Frocks in Black Horn
and Mohair, Should
not lie able to suit you in this
line we will take your measure for
a suit at low prices and
tee a fit. A fresh line of Flannel
Dress Shirts just received. Our
line of
Hats, etc. is above the standard.
Department is lull
able goods at the right price.;. An in
i is invited,
Twain planting
The nights arc lovely.
The State Guard go into camp to-
a y.
Wonder if the weather has set-
Huckleberries were abundant last
Cut down the weeds about your
The 4th of July was a wet day in
Mumps in town again. We heard
of two cases Sunday.
A good horse for sale cash or
on time by J. Lanier.
The weather is some-
thing like hot again.
The Alliance had a meet-
here last Friday.
Fruit Jars Masons P. L-, Cheap at
the Old Brick Store.
So more national holidays until.
Thanksgiving Day.
were glad to sec friend Joe
in town Sunday.
Fulton Pickled Doer at
the Old Brick Store.
The water in the river bewail tail-
Sunday. It goes very slow.
will buy Point Lace, the best
Flour at the Old Brick Store.
We hear of proposed moonlight
excursions on the Tar. Splendid
time it.
The Cash will be for
lbs. at the old Brick Store.
Not people in town
day. Farmers took advantage of
the day to work.
FOB have an organ
will sell for John
The street have been at work
this week clearing out drains Mid
repairing bridges.
Now that the weather has cleared
up the railroad work will come
through with a hum.
Lightening Fruit best in
the world, save fruit without sugar,
sold by B. S. Clark ft Co.
If you have no better work to do
than evil about your neighbor
you go oil and die.
German Pearl Millet, Or-
chard Timothy and Clover
Seed sale by K. O. Glenn
The M. School will
have a lawn in the Academy
grove next Friday night.
Arrived on matter how-
sick you get, you can eat Dis-
the Old Store.
The Mount has
been purchased by Messrs. Harris
Lanier. Mr. C. II. Harris will be
We lead, others follow, we will
sell you nice Straw Hat's for one
The who pays his
promptly is always who
has the thanks good will the
You can buy yards
for one dollar, we
follow. Ureas
All welcomed the clear tenth
that came last Friday. For two
weeks this section had been almost
deluged with rain.
Mrs. L. O. King has been sick
several days.
Mr. Abe retained to
Tarboro Monday.
Mr. C. L. Tyson has been sick for
more than a week.
Messrs Will Harding and Joe
Starkey spent in the conn-
Mrs. of Rocky Mount, is
visiting her daughter Mrs. 8- M.
Mr. J. J. Cherry and wife and Mr.
J. II. Tucker family left
day for Ocracoke.
Misses White and Allie
Proctor who visiting in
returned last week.
Miss James left Monday
for Wilmington, to visit her sister,
Mrs. U. L. Fennell.
Mr. J. D. Murphy and family left
Monday for Hot Springs, in the
tern part of the State.
Mr. L. has sufficiently
recovered from bis recent sickness
to be cut at his place of
Miss Daisy Vick, of Wilmington,
who has been spending
weeks with her aunt, K.
returned home Monday.
Mr. Goodwin family
who have made Greenville their
headquarters the past win-
leave to-day for Philadelphia.
We see in the Tarboro
that ex-Sheriff W. M. King, of this
town, will be a deputy under E. A.
White, who has been appointed Col-
the District North
Mr. J. J. Cherry, Jr., left Monday
Stony Creek, Ya., to spend a few
days with Mr. W. U. Heist who some
veins ago was telegraph operator in
Greenville. From there Mr. Cherry
will visit the encampment at
Mrs. Higgs, of Greenville, was a
large part the life brought to
tho town by visitors. She carries
goes, it
was remarked of her that she was
extraordinarily lino
land Neck Democrat.
The colored base ball club
brass baud went to Tarboro, Fri-
day, on steamer Myers
Saturday. They played a game
with the and came near
getting shut out.
Bangs Fir.
Two members of the Board of
County Commissioners live North of
Tar river and are acquainted with
the needs of a dam being built from
the foot of the bridge oat to high
Another member has lived
on that side, says he can well see
the need of it and is in favor of the
dam being built. No argument is
necessary to convince the other
members that the dam is needed.
Notwithstanding this, meeting after
meeting goes by without definite
action in the matter, though it has
been pending several months and
the town has been ready to pay half
the cost of construction.
New Ads,
Attention is called to the Sum-
mons by E. A. Superior Court
clerk, published in this issue.
Mrs. M. T. has many sum-
mer goods which will be sold at a
reduction from now till September.
See advertisement.
The advertisement of Bethel
Academy will be found in this paper.
Prof- is a
teacher and his work in this county
has given the highest satisfaction.
is to be congratulated upon
having him again open school there.
We. call attention to the ad of the
University in our columns. It is
thoroughly equipped for the best
work and offers to our boys as good
an education as can procured for
the same money anywhere in Amer-
The thirsty earth is at last cloyed
with too frequent summer rains;
contracted brows, Heaven,
seeming unpropitious, frowns in-
causing the husbandmen
restless nights and thoughts
The Indian Tan has
his, bounds ; and his wanton waters
invade land Visited by the plow,
seeking to destroy tho farmer's care
and the merchants hope.
Bran the herbage
turns sallow, while only tho watery
tribes and fan-footed fowls rejoice.
Perhaps intestine broils have dis-
quieted the celestial abodes, and
these showers are floods of
tears, shed over fallen com
or Heaven is angry at
removal in this manner,
vents her rage. If mad with what
importunities shall we appease her
wrath I Hut if not, then, what in-
divine shall ask to in-
for us
The overflows of
Tar river have
Mr. N. T. of
advertises for bushels b almost unprecedented tor
grass seed. He says his crop is
so clear grass he is afraid he will
lose seed. Guess lie can get plenty
of seed here Pitt county.
There was so much rain on the
4th that the boat race for the prizes
could not be had as advertised. It
raining about six o'clock
and a large crowd assembled on the
bridge to see races, and to keep
from being disappointed the
boats made a ran but not in race.
Friday evening at the contest
came off. Four boats entered the
E. Hams and W. A. B.
Hearne, oarsmen, Louis Lawrence
Harris and Law-
Hooker, oarsmen, Leg-
B S. C. and
S. T. Hooker, oarsmen, D. J.
Whichard, pilot.
W. Drown and F. L.
Dancy, oarsmen, W. M. Peebles, pi-
The latter boat was barred from
the prize contest because of viola-
of The came
out in the order named, Dixie, Bird,
and B. W., the first making tho
run from Goff lauding to the bridge
in four minutes, tho others a few
seconds later. The first boat was
awarded a handsome silver cup by
Mr. Moses the second
boat five pounds fine candy
Mr. V. L. Stephens, and the third
boat a tin cup the
Bad Hoy, a by Mrs. V. L.
Stephens and cigars by Mr. Faison.
Mr. J. J. Cherry went up in the
Bandanna to give the racers the
starting signal the Guard
which was up in lino on the
bridge, fired a salute as tho first
boat passed under tho arch. The
race afforded much enjoyment to
the spectators.
to the high the tub
race could not be had.
The advertisement for tho fall
term of this school appears to-day.
A strong faculty is presented which
insures the best of work for the com-
Miss May who will have
charge of tho department of music,
is a full graduate the Southern
Female College of Petersburg, Va.,
and is highly recommended her
efficiency and in teaching.
She is now at Martha's Vineyard,
near Boston, taking tho summer
course music under the leading
teachers the United States. No
the South furnishes better
advantages for studying music than
Petersburg, Bridgers has
availed herself these advantages
to the fullest extent.
Miss Fleming, who will give
Dry Goods Emporium.
We will at will sell at
will Lawns at to We will sell Cheese Cloth
We Combination Worsted We will sell Flouncing to I
We will sell Rushing at We sell a lot of Corsets at
will sell Slippers to We will sell Table Oil Cloth j
will sell our Clothing; at cost. Pants from to
Only a few more pa
of Sample
at Afar Fort Cost.
I These figures only
good for -lays
i July
Positively last
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
Specialist in Diseases of the
m, tit, pi hut.
Bryan Hotel, Tarboro, N. C.
months at the Philadelphia
the Will's Hospital, I
offer my services to the people
and adjoining counties.
during last few mouths, instructions to such pupils as desire
Several times this year it has over- i to study vocal music, was formerly
Stepped and spread over I student of the while
the lands adjacent to the stream for j gave special attention to vocal
------with privilege of
Can be had Beaufort, N. C, at
per month. Address,
Beaufort. N. C.
------Is now on a boom
By the Sea
Spend the Summer at
While some other papers got a
little ahead of us on cotton
tho reported I he
first boll for county. No ac-
counts have been seen that come up
with the bolls reported last week.
an area of a half mile to a mile
in width. Early there was
a that was the second
twenty-two years, and this
July freshet went about a foot high
than the one in which gives
i it the rank of the second largest.
This last, one went within inches
of tho big freshet of which was
music. She spent the hist year at
Female College, made
this branch a specialty, a
medal of distinction her line
She is an accomplished
of Mr. Fleming, of
our best citizens.
Mrs- who is an excellent
teacher, will have charge of the
The Scotland Neck Democrat says
the Baptist Sunday School union
held there the Sunday June
was very interesting.
Clarence is selling
history of the Johnstown Flood. It ever known en the Tar. I department. has much
is a neat book, containing pages been much damage to experience and is thoroughly
laud crops consequence
these freshets June many fields Mr. J. C. who will
j were overflowed and the young ; have charge . u
I crops entirely destroyed. the
water subsided the lands were
again planted the crops were
getting to growing finely when
this last overflow came and destroy-
handsome cloth binding price
Those who want a full of
the great horror see him and
get a copy.
one of the most delightful on the
Atlantic lie opened to guests on
The freshet damaged the bridge
across the river at this place, wash-
out a post or two near the North
bank the river. One of the
bridge had to be taken down so that
the posts could b- replaced. Tho
work is
The carriage factories keep com-1 rain fa
and DOW Mr. J. Williamson's j camp,
shops take lead in bank boots,
lie showed us one Friday that
in tho bakery. A good
in it is the spring attachment
I facilitates the
helps keep the boot position.
penmanship, we already
made mention. This department
will be in good hands.
It it useless to say anything of
Prof. the Principal. His
ed them again. The damage in j work during the past sessions speaks
has been very great, as from various
sections of tho county reports come
of losses both by ex-
for itself. We predict that the next
session will be a prosperous one.
We lead, otters follow, will
sell you yards Dress Goods for
one dollar.
In the past week there has been
quite exodus of our citizens,
some going to the seashore
some to the mountains.
To Day. All our
One matter should be looked
after by the Town is
the public wells. In this respect
the town is very few
wells a majority of them use-
and less in their condition. Good
water plenty of it will prove
beneficial to the town. Let. us hear
All our
M. It- Lang.
from you, gentlemen.
The Guard, thirty-two;
men in rank and file, Monday j
I afternoon Steamer for Tar- j
from whence they took rail for
; Wrightsville where the State Guard v
into camp to-day. The boys
were all for the trip and
a pleasant time the sea-
shore. Below is the of the
as it goes into camp.
Williams, Jr.
T. Smith and W.
T. Hooker, Oscar
Hooker, J. L. Sugg E. T. King.
Color Greene, Jr.
Forbes, C F.
Patterson Mineral
of any
in the South.
view of the
Thursday night of next week the
ladies of the Church will
have cream sale at tho
Mrs. M. A. Jarvis.
Greenville people can rest
ed that it they go to Ocracoke they j B. A. Jr.
can on getting to eat, U. W
that the very best to be had. Phillips, W. James, C C. Cobb,
I C on It. Charleston, i
Cincinnati Chicago Railroad, Patter-
sou mile of Spring.
To the Afflicted.
AS Steamer has been
cured that will leave Washington for
Ocracoke on Tuesday and Saturday of
each week, and leave New for
Ocracoke on Thursday of each week.
At Ocracoke every accommodation
will be to guests and every
effort will be made to make their stay
Can enjoyed at will. A tram road
been built the hotel to
the beach.
Is unsurpassed and these sports can
be engaged in to the heart's content.
For the Summer
health and vigor can find no place equal
to the Seven Springs, as any one of the
seven will compare favorably with any
of the mineral springs in this country.
There being seven within a few feet
each ether, having different analysis a
larger number of ailments can cured
here than at any watering place known.
Persons coming to the Springs by
Railroad can get conveyance from the
depots at La Grange, Goldsboro and
Mt. Olive. La Grange is the nearest
point. Passengers coming there on the
evening mail can reach the springs be-
fore night.
to per day, 87.50
to per week. Liberal reductions by
the month or season.
Seven Springs, C.
In keeping with
scarcity of
have been in-
Brows I Hooker
And the
have been knock-
ed front around
high priced goods
we are making
a special drive
ob all
which prices
have been put
right d o w n i n
reach of every-
Has been employed for the benefit of
those who participate in dancing.
will tell you that the in-
contained these water
Mrs. Haney went, down yes-
I to take, charge a
Si per lb for Sweet Scotch and everybody here knows that
lb sold in Co., which means the very best
a of its Spencer Bros, could not have made
the Old Brisk Store. j better selection.
The Durban. Suit was arrayed in i While Dr Bagwell was
colors on the tea, red, white i way from to Greenville last
blue. The inside of the paper j Friday a log got in his buggy wheel
was red the outside blue. ; when he was coming through the
deep water at run,
The first ripe watermelon brought .
the one Ins wheels.
His boggy Banana was also torn up
i and tho Dr. bad to get out into
nearly waist deep, consequently
j he had ride a broken bug-
the rest of the way to Greenville.
to the will secure
paper free for the balance of the
year to the person bringing it.
City papers tell us
large numbers of people an going
to Nags Head by every steamer.
That place holds its popularity.
Our is wearing a mother
His girl gave him
C. C Vines, J. A. O. W.
Harrington, T. Cherry, B. L.
Cooper, H. C. Docker, B. W. Smith,
S. Dudley, W. S. Briley, J. B. Co-
J. C. Chestnut. L. H.
It. G. Smith, E. P. Ford, J. U.
A. It- Dupree and J. H.
Mr. William
the Guard a- caterer. The
other assistants taken were
and Alex drum
Joe Forties Porter
sou, cooks, and Robert bar
Disaster and Death.
Kev. J. W.
one yesterday from
with a lace yoke, an he gets right us there was a wreck
into it. The Bad Boy eyes him
He told
the road
near Petersburg yesterday,
cars of u freight train loaded
watermelon were literally smashed.
The South passenger train
was delayed sometime because of
tho wreck. Do also told us that a
lady from the North died very sud-
at the same day.
The Devil and the Bad Hoy wish she was taken sick while the train
to thanks Misses Bessie stood under the shed, was taken off
Lillie Peebles, Lizzie Tied-1 and carried into the hotel waiting.
On Monday Mr. it. B.
near us a turnip
that was unusually large for the
time of year. It measured twenty
inches in circumference.
Bad Fit.
The new uniforms for tho Green-
ville Guard arrived last Wednesday.
the box was opened at the
the suits examined there
was a general disappointment
among the members of the company.
They were as big a botch, so as
with I make up is concerned, as we ever
saw. There were forty odd suits in
the box and not one of them fitted
the person whom intended,
coats were from two to four numbers
too large, some of the pants
had pockets some side pock
The coat Capt. Williams
was U inches broader across the
shoulders bis measure called
; are their effect Diuretic,
; Tonic it nature's
I remedy for Indigestion, Dis-
case of the Kidneys, Liver, and
all cases of Debility and Weak
which need a and in
Rheumatic and Scrofulous affections.
To the Public
are are so the
Springs with farm
which we get most of our
a great part of the necessary work
during the season the Springs are open, j
we favor our patrons with tho best i
mine-nil most wholesome j
food accommodations at
the following extremely low prices
one person
pies room ; two 81.2
When person occupies room
two 87.00. one
person occupies room two
Children eight to twelve years old
half price. Two to years old one-
fourth price. Servant.-., special rates ill
accordance to service rendered in caring
for room of family or person they are
with. Where there are a family live
or more, or a party of friends from the
same town or section, who will occupy
one large room, a reduction ten per
cent, will be made. Care of Stork.
The per day, fifty cents. Per week,
dollars. Fer
b neatly and comfortably furnished and
the table will be supplied with
the best that can be procured.
SI per day.
87.00 to per week.
per month.
Special rates to
Of every kind are
being sold a t
much less than
Shoes and Bats
You get
have the
goods and
to sell yon, and
can make prices
to the interest of
every purchaser.
Be sure to call
on us and get
genuine bargains
Made to
Hoofing, Guttering and pairing.
Hardware Store.
Greenville, N. O.
Wooten's Drug Store,
Front Reflector
Golden Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure,
Celery Compound, of Figs,
Favorite Prescription,
S. S. S., B. B.
Buffalo Water.
The Tar River Transportation Company
Alfred Forbes, Greenville, President
J. B. Cherry,
J. S.
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen Ag
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer Greenville is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table with the
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at C o'clock, a. m.
Freights daily and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
i, t. III
Greenville. N. C.
FALL TEEM Ml AUGUST 27th, 1889,
wish to enjoy
Ocracoke if yo
For further particulars address
Brown Hooker.
The Next Session Opens Sept. 4th, 1889.
Associate Principal
Mus. K. W. Primary De-
Assistant in
Miss May Instrumental
Flemish. Venal Music.
Miss Mollie Painting and
J. Penmanship
and Commercial Department.
Primary. Academic
Classical Mathematical. Mu-
sic, Painting and Drawing.
Comfortable Building.
Healthy Location and Goad
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of first class
Music Department equal
m work to any In the State.
New Pianos and Organ.
A of nearly volume,
purchased recently for the School.
Rate Moderate, from to for
Hoard and Toil ion Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same a advertised
Pupils who do not board
with the Principal should consult him
before engaging board elsewhere. For
fur. her particulars. Address.
ding and Lucy Cox, for taking them j room where she a i to m
out rowing
Several were taken an near
the North end of the bridge during a parade on the streets
and the water was Wednesday after
running over that part of the bridge
it was . to pausing ;
there after Threw or km kg aim
and out sight.
that was the
Bf K damage was done to any
of them.
beat business, should take on
en a bottle of of
as it acts most and fleet-
liver and
themselves as the Bar
i Society. Imagine burial
sable trimmed regalia
the to quickstep time
with accompaniment, the
putting on all tho possible
and the leader cutting more
with his stick than Mack Fleming
with his baton at the would have permitted
i of the Band.
u No. received a
No. Others showed an equal
telegraphed the manufacture
its as to tho condition of the suits,
declining to receive them. They
afterward received, the
offering to for alterations
Several tho suits
were taken to Mr. our local
tailor, and as many us could be
time were worn off to the
encampment. Some of the
the company had to wear
old uniforms to the encamp-
It is a pity Hut what time
letting the
mouth, ten dollars.
Amusements and Recreation.
BOWLING Alley. Lawn Tennis,
Foot-Ball, and in-door games of
all Kinds. horse and buggy.
When two will contract to use it daily
for one or more hours each day, fifteen
cents per hour each person.
Shelby P. O., or P. O.
Cleveland County, N, C.
N C.
I for healthfulness and accessibility.
The corps of teachers the equal of any in
the land, holding diplomas from such
schools as the University of Virginia.
the School of Languages, the
Institute of Maryland, the
Cooper Art School of New York.
Tho teacher of Piano and Organ is a
graduate of tho Norwich Conservatory,
i and afterwards studied under New York
The teacher of Vocal Music won both
the Vocal and Instrumental Medals at the
Richmond Female Institute, and after
i ward studied years under the best
i New York Professors.
Board, fuel, lights, washing, full Lit-
Course, including Latin and
If paid one-hall in advance,
, The above with music, 220.00
I II paid in one-half in 210.00
S Apply for
no m on
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you are free to buy where you please, but
if you want to save money you come to
my on 4th street, rear B.
Cherry For convenience we
have also an entrance through II.
Keel's Stable on street. I can give
That you ever had in your life
to less money any one
in the county can give you. Why
for my expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and save dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it you
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specially. Don't the
place 4th street rear J. B. Cherry
i We don't I contract the uniform to
where the paraders m. If had made t
. in and 11.00 by nil Jr
X B. Column. I
opened ft August 28th,
1889. Tuition in per session
twenty weeks from to
each. I Fee
cents. Hoard per month from to
Good moral Convenient
railroad and mail facilities. year
the principal took a thorough course at
Business College and
the the of Nashville,
Tenn. -further particulars address.
Bethel, N. C
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is
When one is Bilious or
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
ASK. fob
t. r
Of Interest to Ladies.
Chapel Hill, N. C.
September 5th, Thorough
is offered in Literature. Science,
Philosophy Tuition per
; session. For address
excellent education
At Very Low Rates
, Military
is one of the
C. O. P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
Tor side by nil Grocers. Send
or how to provide dinner Four
Persons Dollar.
An excellent Cook Book of MO page
containing one hundred Dinner
Bills of Fare, with instructions how U
each one. so Hat the cost
four persons exceed one dollar.
additional redoes.
This valuable book will be given fret
to any one sending or presenting
tickets, representing the purchase of
C. O.
LARD, at our Branch Store. No.
lit St., N. Y.
This Is a
School- In
Climate, Mild Winters, Cadet
Band, Cadet Orchestra,
Course of or prop-
I Complete SOLD BY
. fall U.
. N. C
Each our Lard contains a ticket,
lift on which corresponds to the
number pounds In the pail.

THE strongest woman
will be tired out after
a day spent in washing
clothes or cleaning house
in the old way, with the
old means, with
the aid of JAMES
PEARLINE a delicate woman
do the same work with
comparative less
time. It virtually takes the hard
out of any task for
used, and is harmless to
fabric or hands.
Millions use you r
Pearline is never peddled
but sold by all grocers.
Manufactured only by JAMES PYLE, New York.
i, a I had
During the reign of or
.-Untold Miseries
from the of M, Vice.
Ac. be at fail or
J and at e
-vi-, only
S end Ire.
-m ti- v. d fie
or Or. S- h.
a a.
No No No
daily Mail,
daily ex Sun.
H pin
A r Tarboro
Ar Wilson
Ar Wilmington
; in
ix m Ban
Magnolia I -lain
Fayetteville S
Wilson Mats mm -v in
Mount S
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar pin pin
Daily except Sunday.
Train Scotland Road
Halifax fr Scotland Neck at o
I. M. loaves
8.20 A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. X C, via
Raleigh R. R. except
M. Sunday M.
X C. P M. M.
leaves William-ton, X C. daily
Sunday. A M. A
M. arrive Tarboro. X f. II SB
Train on Midland X r leaven
daily except Sunday. A M, ,
arrive X A M. Re-
turning leave- X S A M.
arrive X f, l A M.
Train on Branch leaves
Mount at P M. arrives III
P M, Spring P M.
Spring A M.
U A M. arrives Mount IS A
M except
Train on Clinton leaves Warsaw
for Clinton at I,
P II A I leave
ton A M, and P. connect
at Warsaw nulls
Southbound train on
file is Northbound i-
except Sunday.
Train South will stop only pi
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes connect inn at
for all daily. All
rail via and daily Sim-
via Line.
Trains make close for a.
All rim solid between
Washington, and have Pullman
I. R.
T. M.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. M. Saturday. June
lit, inn,
East, i-ctn
Sent post-paid of
In of
A and work. .-S
pages; paper cloth
The of Christ.
Selections from Mark Twain,
etc. page paper S cloth cents.
Any book in the world ,
at publisher's
their year's supplies will find it lo , y.
j I heir to get our before
in all
always at
we buy from Manufacturers,
yon to buy at one profit. A
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods arc all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no
to run, we sell at a close margin.
N. C-
p a in
City III l
Mixed Ft.
a HO p III
K ti
.-. Hot. IS
Train -Mi with t
Train bound
a. m. and ville Train it
Train with A
sale by
load n-l arrived and now for
at Keel A Will sell them
or at reasonable on time. I bought
my for can to sell
as cheap as anyone. me a call.
Having associated B. S.
in the Undertaking business we
am ready to serve the people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
I lie hands of Mr. Sheppard for collection.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Banal Cases and Caskets of all
kinds can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 22nd.
i a la tao reading.
i with n of fr. A.
; . .-. lit in Dis.
I l . . --I-
. . .
S. -In .
. . . IV. A f . .
-t r t fr.- by
A. ire-, N. T.
Cutting and Dressing Hair.
Literature amusing stories of
peasants and who, sud-
raised to wealth and position,
imagined themselves mad or dream-
Doubtless feelings
such circumstances might resemble
those of Bottom, the weaver, when he
found himself beloved by Titania, the
queen. There are persons, how-
ever, who can bear oft unaccustomed
honors credit to themselves and
their new position.
On the accession of the present
Manchu dynasty in China, in 1644,
the heir of the last Ming emperor was
made a marquis.
the last emperor but one, the holder
of the died without eons,
and reference was at made the
family records lo ascertain who was
the next heir.
It was found that he was an obscure
person, who had been entirely lost
sight of by his family, and for a long
time was impossible to trace his
whereabouts. Finally, however,
was discovered selling pumpkins out-
side the gates of I and was
convinced that he had be
come heir to a largo fortune and a
title. He was a rustic in manners,
and quite destitute of education,
though an honest man, who had
ways done his best support himself
his family
The officials by whom ho was
covered at once hurried him away,
washed, shaved and combed him, and
exchanged his rags for costly raiment.
For several days they devoted
selves to polishing bis manners, and
teaching him the phrases needful for
a presentation at court, and he was
then brought the emperor a
the -Ming His claims
were allowed and he at once took
session of his palace and estates.
Ho is described as a hearted
best to
himself, and thus the duties
bis high position, and as ho ha;
sons, that succession is secured,
his family is now in as strong
lion as ever.
He is popularly known as the
and would
interested in knowing whether he
in hearing tho sobriquet,
enjoys as one unbroken link be-
tween the present and his
humble Companion.
A Stupid
was admitted in
the Berlin law courts as an
in a case of bigamy.
Tho defendant, a Pole, had married
some years ago a native of his own
village, who had him four
The greater part of tho year he
was from home, like many Pol
workmen, working elsewhere. In
tho winter when ho was at home, his
better half mingled with her caresses
reproaches because he did
earn so much as his comrades. As this
kind of repeated itself every
year, the reason that he is now
judged to possess suggested to him
that it was more prudent lo quit his
homo forever. He came to Berlin,
and hero also his want of common
sense made him yield to the
to get married again. When sum
before the court the judge duly
explained to him tho enormity of the
crime of bigamy, reminding him
were not living in Turkey. His
legal and geographical knowledge
could not bring the matter home
him, and ho excused himself on the
ground that, he had not seen his
wife for four years, ho did not con
sider there was any harm in marrying
a second lime. The public
that the defendant should be
sentenced to two imprisonment
with hard labor, but the judge wisely
took a lenient view of the case, an-
that the boundless
of tho prisoner was an extenuating
circumstance, therefore ho would
only sentence him to imprisonment
year and a
ain't t let tho circus
rider that boss, air you
said an old man lo his son. Several
fellows stood looking a
vicious looking horse that had just
been brought out of a stable.
Jim replied, winking at his friends,
don't want you to interfere.
Whoa a preacher comes around here
with such an unnecessary show of
meekness why lie deserves a few slams
against the but, Jim-
he's an
no difference, he's got to ride
this horse or none. If you say a word,
pap, I won't help you gather corn
next This declaration silenced
tho old man. The preacher, meek,
and a timid air, came out of the
house and inquired of Jim which
horse he was to ride. said
Jim. looks pretty bad, but
reckon he'll he all right when you gel
him. Come on, fellers, and heir
me lift him The men, many
winks and sly chuckles, came
and with great difficulty succeeded in
seating preacher in tho saddle.
Tho horse bounded like a buck am
tho mm shouted, but the preacher did
not fall off; but, after lighting a
while tho horse was jumping, remark-
I forgot to tell you that
am tho cowboy evangelist. When
get through with this old stager, give
me something
Admit are or a Who
Wanted lo to Germany.
Arthur Friedheim, the famous pi-
wished to cross the western
Russian border, for the purpose of
filling his engagement to r in
cities. As a Russian sub-
he was obliged to all
sorts of formalities with
officials before leaving the
Two weeks before the date of his first
concert he asked the captain of the
city of St Petersburg, where he was
stopping, to ask the governor of Li-
to ask the mayor of
where he was born, for the consent of
the police to the departure of
Arthur Friedheim to Germany. Of
course, the mayor and tho police of
nothing against Mr.
his concert tour i Ger-
many, and they said so in a letter
which they sent to tho captain of the
capital by return of mail.
Owing to the wretchedness of the
mail service, this answer
was stranded in a fourth rate post-
office a few miles from and
lay there four weeks. At the end of
tho week Mr. Friedheim had
broken two engagements to give con-
certs in Germany. At tho end of tho
third week ho had broken four en-
and was receiving
grams by the score from German
theatrical managers whom he had
disappointed. The fourth week
brought telegrams and demands for
ah explanation, but letters from
Friedheim was despair, and re-
solved to cross tho border without
passes. He tried it, was arrested and
taken before the chief of tho district,
who sent him to prison after to borrow just
s. In pocket- sugar, or till she can son
Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others
are as good. Beware of
are made of cheap and inferior materials and
give poor, weak, colors.
colors; cents each.
Send postal for Dr. Book, Sample directions
for coloring making the finest Ink or Bluing
a etc. Sold by Druggists or by
WELLS, CO. Burlington, ft.
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE
Surer. Bronze, Copper. Only
Compound cured my nervous sick A San
six bottles of Paine's Celery Compound, I am cured South Cornish. N. H.
Kidney j. has done me more good for disease than any Geo. Abbott, Sioux City. Iowa.
AND . . All Liver Celery Compound has bean benefit for torpid fiver, indigestion, and bilious-1 MS; C Vt.
Lady Writer Who Seems
All Them.
his papers. In pocket
book was a of his visiting
cards and several newspaper criticisms
of his playing. The concluded
that ho had caught the murderer of
Arthur Friedheim. Ho had Fried-
whom he suspected of murder-
himself and his own
papers, doubly ironed doubly
guarded. After protesting and
for a whole Friedheim
got an audience with the chief. Ho
reiterated in vain the statement that
he was Arthur tho pianist.
The chief wouldn't him. ,
to allowed grocer's,
to his identity by playing. The your kitchen
chief, who was something of a
Friedheim was march-
If you are buying a house in a
neighborhood unknown to you,
will naturally ask all kinds of
You will to know if tho
drainage; is good, if tho air is pure, if
there has ever been malaria, how far
it is to tho depot and but
ten you don't inquire there
arc any the neighborhood.
Now. a chronic
nuisance in a community. A woman
always of
will stir up more trouble in a neighbor-
hood a mad dog and a flock of
hens and a rooster.
will run in on you any and
to the grocer's. She really did not
know she was anywhere near out till
she went her cooking, and then
found she a dust of sugar
the house, and not a soul around
anywhere that she could sent out after
And she will tell you that she does
so hate to trouble you; for if there is
anything on earth she dislikes lo do it
is to never docs it
when she can help it; but now her
crust is all on the plates, and was
obliged lo, because she could not
the Opera at which place
connects with ft j hare recently located, and where I have
a Mile Train, arriving at to my Hue
and with Wilmington and
Train from North at p. m A I I ItAl lift,
Train with Wilmington and
Through Freight Train, leaving
at p in and with
t Danville Through Freight Train
; all the improved appliances;
j comfortable chairs.
sharpened at reasonable figures
leaves at
Season Round Trip Tickets.
Rates of Fare. Round Trip J
Tickets, f stations named below to -i my sh.
Morehead City. Season of In Promptly executed. respectfully,
effect June 1st. A
Bat. Night
From To Season.
and return
New 2.00
Through Rates of Fine. Round Trip
Ticket., from Coupon below In
points on the N. C. R. R.
s US j
812.50 i
M gun 13.3.
Old 14.70
J-k 17.00
Bot S. I. I dent.
For Sale.
I will sell my Center
consisting of two acres of land
store house, tenant
house on reasonable terms. Property
. t Center Bluff on Tar a
location for mercantile
j I have also a splendid
power steam saw and mill
. will sell at a
N. C
Pen Staffs,
The Parliament.
Tho Italian parliament consists
two senate and the
of deputies. Tho is com
posed of princes of tho royal house
who are of age, and of an unlimited
number of members, above forty
old, nominated by the king for
Tho lower has
elected by ballot on a
comprising all male citizens over
years of age who can read and write,
and who pay taxes to the amount of
nineteen lire per Neither
senators nor deputies receive any
but are allowed to travel free
throughout Italy by rail, or from
port to port in the kingdom by steam-
The duration of parliament is
five years, but they may be dissolved
by the king at any Tit
ed through the street to tho chief's
house between two soldiers and was
set before a piano. Ho played
the second of Liszt As soon
as ho finished, the chief removed
guard, I know you
are Tho pianist was re-
leased on his promise to return to St.
Petersburg for his passes.
Upon his arrival in the capital Fried-
found the letter from
and his others papers ready for him.
Four days later he began playing in
Germany with a record of seven
en engagements behind
York Sun.
A Modern
I have lived in the far west, where
red man roams over the plains
for the best part of my life, and
all of I hi-, lime I have been search-
for an ideal T
wanted to a beauty
a wealth of black hair hanging
down her back. I wanted her to
graceful, I wanted her to wear a
short dress, with beads nil over it, and
I wanted to sec tho molded
brown that I read about
so often in Mr. G. Cooper's
I wanted another Pocahontas. After
searching few six years, during which
I could only run across pigeon
toed, flat nosed, disgusting looking
squaws, I came to the conclusion that
there was no such thing as an Indian
maiden. I began to believe that the
story about tho beautiful Pocahontas
was all a myth. I had nearly arrived
that doubting state of mind, when
I would just as lief believed
that America was never discovered at
all, when I this willowy like,
graceful, dark eyed Cheyenne beauty.
Yes, she was all of more,
too. She was clad in tho prettiest gar-
I have ever seen a woman wear.
Her dress was short and displayed her
finely formed
There were beads embroidered all
over her dress. would have turned
the city green with envy. All this is
no stretch of imagination. She was
truly a beautiful
my ideal was found at her
name was
for the
A very neat essay is entitled
tor the which relates
to tho miserly habits of illustrious
men the little arrows shot at them
by lavish and therefore impecunious
literary archer. This is on Marl-
borough, a couplet, about a bridge
over a small stream at
Tho lofty arch bis ambition shows,
stream an emblem of his bounty
Once a rat was found dead in Lord
Kid en's house, and an anonymous
gram was com posed for the
Found dead, a case could sure
a week in s
Hook was ones to at
tho Star and Garter by a skin Hint
peer. For a party of four there was a
small chop apiece, a few potatoes and
a pint of sherry. After meager
dinner, Hook sang the national an-
them with the
Happy and Glorious,
A pint between four of us,
God save kins.
Lord was tho guest of a
host whoso resilience was elaborately
adorned, but where tho dinners were
scant. Al
The eye cannot feast where tho stomach is Starr-
Pray, less of your gilding and more of your
Tho smartest thing is not in verse,
but plain prose, and Hook said it In-
to by a lady, a was
and a brace of scant cutlets
exposed. said tho host-
see your
observed Hook; where's
Francisco Argonaut
Styles In Whiskers.
It is said that the traditional Eng-
mutton chop whisker is destined
to become a thing of the past if pres-
styles of shaving are persisted in.
Among the rising generation the mus-
is the favorite, the remainder of
the face being clean
ally the older men cling with tho
of life long custom to the old
fashioned method of wearing
beard, but except them tho
u said to be almost
Wilt In T p
f US IS f ma St. J I.
stayed pretty Jato last
night, he. asked Sister
hate the next morning.
said Lil, sleepily, were
trying lbs pigs in clover till
did you get the pigs in the
pen, I asked Kate eagerly.
we didn't; but I jot my Burns,.
in this solitaire diamond
The Cat Was night.
In a family in town there is a cat
which is much petted Ono day the
lady of house sat down for a mo-
and either to relieve her feelings
or a bit of innocent diversion, gave
vent to a little whistle. Immediately
the pet cat sprang up to her lap, and
with its sheathed paw struck her a
blow in the face. The lady thought
this strange, but at first hardly con-
it with the whistling. How-
ever, a little time afterward, in an-
other room, she happened to repeat
the whistle, and immediate y the cat
up and struck her again. This-
time the lady thought it was the
whistling which gave pussy offense,
and so, with
whistled again. Bare enough, tho
eat chastised her with another blow,
in About the only
possible explanation is that in the
whistle It fancied a call was being
given to the pet dog and was jealous
and stop half an hour, and talk about
everybody in town; and, meanwhile,
she will take an account of every-
thing her eyes fall on, and she will see
behind your stove tho cobwebs that
you forgot to brush this morn-
and will notice the old boots
that your husband left on tho wood-
box to dry, and will that your
not been
and that your dishes are in the sink, j
and that you had ham for
by the spatter of grease on tho stove;
and when goes into some other
neighbor's house on a borrowing
she will give a report of what
she saw in your kitchen, and swear
tho neighbor over to eternal secrecy
regarding it; and tho consequence
will that in a week it will all
that your folks live on ham,
and that you are tho most untidy
housekeeper on the footstool.
When the borrower returns what
she borrows it is always in a in small-
measure, if, indeed, she returns it
at alL And you may congratulate
yourself if you get half what belongs
to you.
A regular borrower will borrow
everything, from a of salt fish
for breakfast to your boy, if you
The book borrower is a greater
nuisance than the woman who borrows
household supplies. never j
to ask for tho choicest or j
books in your house. And she ;
seems to think that confers a favor ;
on you by so asking.
And if you are fool enough to lend,
the possibility is that you will to
go after tho books in question, and
will on doing so that has lent ,
them to some friend of lid's, who
wanted to read them, and will toll
you that knew you would will- j
are so good natured.
In course of our have been
asked to lend everything in book
line that ever owned, except our
Bible, and somehow nobody over
seemed to about borrowing that,
and in nine cases out of ten when we
complied our literature
back to us a shape that it only
for indeed, were
lucky ever to set on it.
So say to all our friends, i f it be
possible to avoid it, never have a
rower for a York
Concerning Ink.
The Boston Journal has an article
upon tho subject of
and it says that violet is tho color so
much affected by American writers
that it has come to known as
ink. Well, we should judge by
their literature that American authors
used violet ink.
Still we do not think that violet is a
serviceable ink. It is sure to fade;
green ink will fade, and so will blue.
Black ink is tho best by all odds, and
next to black comes carmine.
have a good ex-
with different inks and
colors of ink upon parchment
An ink that will hold its color upon
genuine sheepskin for one year is a
mighty good ink. Tho average violet
ink will therefrom in less than
forty-eight hours; green will go about
as soon; tho so called indelible red
seems to be durable, and there are
numerous water proof black inks that
will last as long as the parchment it-
A writer should, however, tho
ink that suits him best His ink, Ids
paper and his pens should what ho
regards as tho finest; he should have
the best tools to work with, and
he will more likely to turn out
good work. A writer should
pride in his copy; printers some
rights which should respected.
Very many professional writers write
hands and some of them
creatures are really vain
of their wretched Quito
often an awkward or blind
covers poor orthography. Some-
times the writer assumes a careless-
because lie fancies careless
chirography is of the trade marks
or symptoms of But in most
cases it is a lack of training in youth
that is betrayed by loose handwriting.
Chicago News.
would respectfully call your
to tin- following and ask
to remember can bay a
this house cheaper than other in the
country. That it is the most reliable
and best known having represented
for over forty years in this vicinity.
That the workmanship second none
and has unusual for lilting or-
promptly and sat factory.
Very respectfully.
Refer to P. w. BATES,
J. Nor walk, Conn.
Any of the following
post-paid c .
The most instructive work on th-
sf-6 pages ; paper Cents
By Thomas a Paper,
Selections from Artemus War,. Mark Twain
otters. i paper cents; cloth
Warren SI., Mat
5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales,
Brass Tare Beam.
Warranted for Years
Free Price
JONES of N. T.
t Rates
.- .
.,. r I ; fitter. Gray
. Color.
Have v-., . . I-. . v ,
TONIC. B h.- .
At ones to only authentic, com
History o;
Profanely Illustrated with views of all
sorts conducted with the terrible
of the mighty Price
Liberal terms. Thousands want it. lie-
is Immense. Send quickly
cents to
J. St.,
most appetizing and
DRINK in In. world. IT.
your or Grocer for It.
hereby offer for arrest
and of the scoundrel who
my dog with a is an
in -s, Trenton paper to which
Henry Armstrong his name.
Italy debt of the
of any nation in the civilized
world, calling for l interest.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Sore. Ulcers, Salt Fe-
Sores, Chapped Hands.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired. It is guaranteed to give
act ion, or money refunded. Price
ac. per box, For sale by Ernul.
and Debility, of
Untold miseries
Folly, Vice, Ignorance, or
Enervating and victim
for Work, the Man or Social
Avoid this great
work. It contains royal Beautiful
foil Price, only by
mail, In plain wrapper.
Free, If you apply now. Tho
11- Parker, M. P., re-
from the National Association,
for tho on NERVOUS and
of may bu
by or In at tho of
No. St., Mass., lo whom,
order, for look, letters for should
directed as above.
Eastern Carolina.
July 8th. Monday niter
M. P., Holy Innocent, Lenoir Co.
July h, Tuesday after
E. P., Springs,
Wayne Co.
Notice I
for baldness,
of hair, of
is before the
Among; the many who have with
wonderful I refer you fol-
lowing gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Josephus Latham,
Mr. O.
Any one wishing to it a trial for
the above named can procure
it from res, at my place of business, for
per bottle.
Greenville, March 14th, C ,
Greenville, N. C.
We have the
Chair ever cl in the art. Clean towel,
sharp razors,
In every Call am lo eon-
waited on at their
deuce- Cleaning a
Too. S
m-m ,
Book tree. For only
as re-
from any hank-
v I be shipped promptly on
ii-n lout trial.
l uvular five to all.-------
Be sure to me, and mt Solid
Re elected Mayor April 1800, by a
H. W.
Warren New Jersey
United States op America
all ii. the s.
in the in
c are opposite tho S. of-
engaged in and
obtain patents hi time than
more remote from Washington,
ii the Model or I. we
advise at to tree
and we make no change unless we
We f, i. in the Master,
of the Money Order and to
;, S.
advise terms to
clients III your own State,
iv address, i . Co.,
I. C
D. J. Editor A Proprietor.
Per Year,
Newspaper ever published
Greenville. It
gives Beading Mailer
the. money than any other
published in Carolina.
a variety
of news. NATION A,, STATE
and LOCAL, and will devote it-
to the material
of he section in which it
Semi your get a
is tailed to as its
large and growing circulation
mattes it an excellent medium
which to reach the people
. I ; v
The is the only news-
paper the
of the National Administration and the
of York, the
bottle of the
Democracy, pure and
simple, is good enough fur the Star.
among the metropolitan
press, it has stood- by the men railed
the to redeem gov-
from twenty-live yearn of
and to the South. I'm-
four years past it has
in its In the administration
Cleveland. It is for him now
for Cleveland -for four
more Democratic honesty in our
national affairs, and of continued nation-
people who like of De-
the St is the to read.
The Star stands on the
National platform. It lie-
any tribute exacted from the
people iii excess the demands a
economically administered
Is essentially oppressive dishonest.
The scheme fostered and championed
the par- of the
government a miser, wringing millions
people locking
them up in vaults to serve no
l t Invite wastefulness and dishonesty,
regards as crime against
the rights of Ann-ii -all lie-
political jugglers may call it
taxation j Si
for it is robbery.
and through is a
great newspaper. Us tune is pure and
wholesome, news service
Each issue presents an
tome of what is best worth knowing of
the world's history of yesterday. Its
stories are told in quick,
et English, and interesting
reading they are.
The Sunday as the
best magazine, the
same amount of matter
lay news it is rich In special
articles, stories, snatches of current
literature, reviews, criticism, etc.
Inimitable humor sparkles
in its columns ; Will
litters arc its choice offerings.
Many of the known nun
in literature and art are represented
its columns.
Weekly is a large paper
Hiving the cream of the news the world
over, with special features which make
it the most complete family newspaper
published. The. farmer, the mechanic,
the business man too much occupied to
read a paper, will get more for his
dollar Invested in the star
than from any other paper. It will in
during the
mil will the freshest and most
ii news.
for one year
Daily, without Sunday, one year
day, i months
Daily, Sunday, months
edition, one year
Weekly Star, one year
A free copy of tie Weekly to
the sender of a of tea.
ran; Place New York.
C. II.
N. II.
have the must
establishment of the kind to he found
the and solicit orders for all classes
o R a i 1-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
N. C.
L. i ii
l and
i the
. i . i In the
. . r
.- r-.
trial, ft.
e J
l i i ,. a
.,.,. th. ON III
. Ml
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of the afflict-
ed. Hy calling on or addressing the
above named barber, you can procure rt
bottle of Preparation that is invaluable
for eradicating dandruff and the
kinkiest hair to he perfectly soft and
only two or three application a
week i necessary and a common
brush is all to be n after rubbing the
for a few minutes with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
convinced, only cents.
I B . m h.
. in and
. Pal-
i . l
K. T
Dealer In Hay, Meal, Peas, Oats
Mill feed.
Will miens for
Corn and Peas.
I cash for my goods and can
to sell at bottom
Call on me the e of J. S. Smith
A .

Eastern reflector, 10 July 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 10, 1889
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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