Eastern reflector, 26 June 1889

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The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
VOL ill.
shall determine;
it shall be the of the
Sentinel. of State, after
and cir- this act, So address to president,
null of most and as j secretary treasurer of each
to what we had to say company business in
, this State, a letter as to
cause of the mortgage system in whether the said incorporation has
North Carolina, give below all or any part of its
or a hill passed the Missouri. or interest in or with any trust,
recently, as we gather combination or association of per
from an article published in Gin i sons as named in
Medical Journal. It is preceding provisions of this
wise measure, and is very similar, if and to require an answer, tin-
we remember aright, to the text oath, of the president, secretary
vi i, a measure framed and treasurer or any director of i i
by Mr. Williams, of Pitt, in the last
ill no Mediate to Democratic ,
in ii and measure are not consistent Carolina
company ; a form of
amount. The temperature
was about normal and the sunshine
a little below the average. Cotton,
corn and peanuts are reported as
DISTRICT. The re- thing needful in the way of surf
ports indicate that there been u j bathing, sailing and fishing. A
great improvement in cotton in this tramway with a car will be ran to
district. The weather has been the beach, lifelines and every
very favorable, to tobacco an
Laughable Reflections.
entire hotel. There is also fine hunt
lag on and Portsmouth.
, A new and elegant piano in the j Ana Mirth Provoking Selections as Com
hotel, a string band regularly em-1 y the Bad Boy.
ployed, a soda fountain, and
Remedy for Dysentery.
What is Happening Around Us.
the harvesting of wheat, which is
reported as being very fine. Oats
have not done so well. The rant fall
about the average.
caution to safety will be employed.
A steamer well equipped with
ample capacity will run twice a week
from Washington once from
were New
dances and balls will
As Reflected from the State
the true principles of the party.
If a wide a wake
the state end It the foremost legislators of
consider Mr. Williams, by the
There has; later in tho season that
probably been i greater improve- delightful burlesque comedy,
the Secretary State, I meet ill the condition of all crops in will be played in the spa-
shall be enclosed in said letter district than in any other. Cot- dining hall.
Monroe Planter.
Dysentery is quite prevalent
Missionary the Is sections just now. and many
any danger, captain t will be glad to know of a
air. shall all An old miner told the eight medals at
be in heaven in live minutes. , p ., d that he Princeton College, New Jersey
Lord forbid ,. , m. rear flee of them worn .,., .
could cure the worst of cases. The , won by
as given him by an old la Carolina boys.
Canned to have learned it Twin City The
Friend con from an Indian.
town of is making rap-
G. Wake,
and hold, and we North
Carolina had more men.
and on refusal to make oath j c, a other crops have j Ocracoke is unsurpassed for health j ,
in answer to said inquiry, tho See- J wonderful and pleasure. The atmosphere is j
State shall immediately re- past week. Wheat, which ; refreshing and cool, coin-
the charter said company, ls being harvested, is turning out from the salt sea water every
science T Tea, made the roots of sour-1 progress in the way of building
Lawyer- I was afraid with loaf , sod increasing her population,
that I had been to . , . ,, ,, . . .
gar, is the remedy. a teacup-1 Carthage Blade baa been dis-
A fill a day, ill doses of a tablespoon- continued on account want of
M at regular intervals, for adults, patronage. It i
Yes, Jones, I guess I'll a quantity, in
proportion to age.
we you got toward ; This is easy to test, and
is saying very little
for Cartilage and Moore county.
The following is the full text and Of Crops generally are growing direction. The temperature is
Mil. its wisdom is in lour newspapers or goner
and in the. four largest cit
M. its Ii and M i.
f William
. of Wake.
W. Wayne,
M. of Catawba.
in the State.
Bomber 7- It shall be tin
Bull county, which
An act entitled an act for
r c . . ; i .- i
F. trusts and coll
l the id State, upon
that any
or association in-
rapidly. The rains have been gen
.-rally seasonable.
trait is promised
too warm, and especially strength
A large yield of to the feeble.
Tobacco doing Ti cannot be said of this
j give his bond and it is not thought
j that he will be.
X. II. of
Mi inion. j;,
Darin, Franklin
E. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfa Burke.
and as to in such
it enacted by the General As
The Armstrong, who was
Appointed postmaster at
said he had never . . . , . .
m. i. I, .,,,. Mount, has not yet been ab o to
Airs, i. see, John, that there is, known it to foil while he had seen,,
B strong movement toward the j it.
of the hat.
Mr. recollections of a . . The press confident
but bonnets are just.; A Very Important Decision.
.,.,,, moving trains it
resort, soon destined to become could you think The Supreme Court Of North Car- a
of the most noted on the ES
coast., can too great praise but his at tho result of which is ,;. the
spoken of the clever bank is u hat catches me. of to every slant,
and operating well known in mercantile circles .-Are you giving your patrons m T A colored man
laws of .-State have entered into seven days have been as proprietors the. Merchants watch with each suit that a can ,,.,, 0- .,,
v trust, ion or association for work. A copious f tel at Washington, C clothes this year, Mr. Overcharge gage his real estate without his t . ,. . .
U,. ST .
Third II. G. Connor,
I'M rid -John A. Gilmer,
Twelfth .
. ,. .-. on o., .,. . the watches made too much j I near store and his head
as of net, to give notice to earth and vegetation which. MM , the idem, cal piece p, h W
such corporation that unless they had been injured by wind the week mowers j previously been set as that do .,
, any corporation, withdraw from and all basis somewhat called my . from an over dose of whiskey
the laws this on with said trust, county Monroe i new spring suit. mortgage Will pass all
iv other State or country for combination or association, their week brought a more is quite a last between sir, but it is not lilt- j husband and wile the land. Scotland Neck
will be at ex- hi,, cotton. stands of Northern and i except the wife's contingent learn that on 17th two convicts t
any other State or country,
or any kind
of business in this State, or any
partnership or individual or other
shall create, enter into, become a
member or a party to any pool,
trust, a green cut, combination, con-
federation or understanding with
any other corporation, partnership
individual . other person
association to regulate r
Grave, -f n,,. price of article of maw be
combination or association, their
will be at
ton of days from dale such
It. shall the duty
of the Attorneys
respective jurisdictions and the
Attorney to enforce the
foregoing of this act, and
any or
General m a con vie
There is quite a contrast between
the experience of Northern and
Southern soldiers who survived the
great conflict. The one returned to i . on worked all night.
. , , , es but t all
week brought a more
prospect for cotton. Bad stands
are almost universal and growth
small the season. The oat crop
is practically a failure. Lowland home Io be and made a,
coin shows a bad stand.- Scotland
Neck, Halifax much . v
rain. Tho warm weather been
home, to find it wasted and things up on the
Scotland Neck We
learn that on 17th two convicts es-
from the squad of hands tit
. i work on the trestle across the
cured ugly on the N. railroad. They
most OF His boils or I disappeared and were not discover-
farmer on my back ed is flight at all. It is sup-
neck at one time and a great posed they swam the river.
,.,,. i,. tho recipient farmer bad My I on my body. I took S. S. S., and
KM ill IO lit I i -i it
and power, wife- down two
Hoods we have had the cotton and the other bad W
de. the provisions of this act arc looking batter to hope for but the
entitled, in addition to Corn own
Sun i- K. of Meek-
Malt. W. of tube
or salary as law he is allow-
or a for such prosecution to
of the line recovered. When the
Attorney General and Prosecuting
Attorney act in conjunction the
of any case under the
provisions of shall be
entitled of line
covered, which they divide
equally between them where
or commodity, or shall en
into, become a
i to any agreement,
tract, or
to or limit the amount or
any article, nor-
to be in ill-
or in
lie and adjudged gad
Thin . W. He I be subject to and punish- is to the contrary.
II in act. Whereas, great ins
It. shall not be law- justice done the people of
for any corporation to issue or to this state by the formation of trusts
trust cert or for any I and therefore, an
officer or ems
or the directors or
of any corporation, to enter in-
to any combination, contract or
agreement with any person or
sons, corporations, or with any
stockholder or director thereof, the
him BIGHT.
I have just one kiss be
I lie Louisville Conner Join j Only OHO.
thus compares the fortunes of She-And if let yon have one
Northern and Confederate soldiers you will take two. won't you
At the close of the war the Smith
. , . . , , lien you t have any.
era soldier returned to Bud his, ., , .
. . .,.,,, , , have to pay
home ruined and his fields are that child, sir; he is
Lake and Indian Old His friends and neighbors wire
have never been asked Io pay fare
for that baby before, and lies ridden
looking worse than anything else,
and cannot make more than half a
II. B. Director.
w. M. Milder,
W. Wright, of Ark., a
prominent farmer and stock grower,
says I hat Specific cured him j
he had a
,,, , c
of letter of twenty years
III n. of
Fifth W. of
District Alfred of
I. A.
Ninth I I II. of
B. Cherry.
Until old loomed up as a
watering place comparatively little
was known of its scenic beauty and
exists, and this act take history.
effect be in force from and at- attained by the
tot its passage.
Weekly Weather Crop
the labor system was
ho Kara Popular Hum and the commercial ma
Shit for was
In years all this was
Changed, Chiefly by the old soldiers.
They threw all their energies, all
their zeal, into the work first
and Boat for the up-
building their section. No pen.
for them ; no back pay ; no
or course in that him
great amount ti
the wonder is
scratch the from his bones. S. ,.,, ., . ,,.
u . , , . , . I I. L. JAM'S
S. a, cured him quick and
says Any to will u
that he did not Attended
with me on the ears for
nine years.
wish you would
make such affectionate pies.
more than
use of mercury I
mixtures the system causes,
the bones to decay, and brings on
pies I rheumatism. The use BERNARD
don't understand. What kind h. S. S. S. forces impurities from the
., ,. , blood, gives a good appetite
this berry is , m N.
Chair-; purpose or Tor the Friday, June . waters on one side for without, the least ex- f UM Drawer Atlanta On., oiler a re- j
or agreement shall be; , contrasts in perfect with At- of assistance from expect mo to would W one thousand dollars to any
I of to place the management or control Oil N. C. raging roar on the and as a result we see
G It E E y V L L E, N. C
G. James.
Tn M. I.
It. flora.
Ward, B. N.
2nd Ward. It. Jr., and Alfred
Forbes . 3rd Ward, T. J. and M.
Ward. W. N. Tolbert.
First and Third
morning and night,
or amount
W. president, manager, director or
or agent or of any
company, firm or
F. A A. or any individual, found
Treatment of Editors in
Scotland Neck Democrat.
The Chief says
takes a minister two or three
to perform a marriage
fix the pi ice or the With the United States the island stretches along parallel to Whiter,
; and sale of any article of com- Signal Service, show that the. rain- the coast line. In direction bold to I rolls for
use or or to and sunshine in rugged gnarl Northern armies. One year ago
prevent, restrict or the man normal for the week trees with unshapely trunks and they contained increase
the output of any such Friday Although turned from the ocean ; over the year before; not
article. rains arc reported from a another, the beautiful little island persons are
ii or localities, doing some injury to I of delight the vision. from the
a company, or association, still lowlands, yet the rains, as ; In the the island lies Silver years alter the
be found of a violation of this seasonable and j Lake, of the most Thou read the appeals, sometimes a get.-
act, it shall be punished by a fine of distributed. The Safest upon sheets water known, just pensions. Tanner and his The list
not less than percent, of the has been j a half mile in diameter, as clear and , arm-v of declare that the
stock of such corporation or able- Cotton, which has placid as a mirror. Its borders Poorhouses filled with old
in such company, as backward, has and there are by the to a living.
E. B, John, firm or association, and not to ex- somewhat and may growth of tea bushes, whose bat a contrast is this picture
SO per cent, of such capital an average crop. -Much of it
every Sunday, morn- . , .
and night, r every or amount invested. Any has come up,
and with an average season the
yield will good. The
outlook tor tobacco is very favor-
able. The wheat harvest shows
generally an abundant yield. Oats
lie caught a cold he eon Id lint u. c.
Poor, unfortunate, n
what a sad plight ho must have been. I J.
And yet hi. misfortune was one that of-. I
ten befalls singers. Many a once tune- I A
voice a those who to the N. C.
genus Is utterly by
In the on the lungs both M.
combined. For the above mentioned I
we are not aware that any
remedy was devised; but we
lie is sometimes handed a to know all human singers may
their heads clear and in time by
a timely use Dr. Sages Catarrh
n , .
and Dr. PierceS Medical ,
both of which are sold drug-1
Fast or.
M. every 1st Thursday and
lay 1st Sunday at guilty of a violation the first sees
Lodge. W. II. King, W. M., of this act, shall be punished short. An are supp
Chapter. So. SO by a fine of not less nor of fruit is reported. The j the island. MM
very 2nd Monday nights t Ma- to exceed and in addition especially heavy weekly rain j Indian and pale-faced
O. O. F. may be imprisoned in the are reported Halifax told by old inhabitants.
I., county jail not to exceed one year. inches. Hotel, Spencer Bros.,
Any contract
whose size has been greatly
ed for the expected crowd this sea
contrasted with the of pauperism, to tho self
towering ragged Industry, the
trees near by make a marvel Bosh
beauty. On this delightful lake One may well ask, and
quite a of sail may i the .
dancing coquetting all day
Hidden treasures of old Black
to be buried on
many romance.-, of
historian, may well doubt, if
these armies were from tho
same race of men.
besides. The list of
presents is sent to the editor and re-
quires or o hours hard work to put
it in type. He makes no charges In tho May-
tor it, but he gets no bill. or-s court Monday a color-
haps ho gets pieces of dry, WOman was arraigned on the
broken cake sells an extra copy conjuring, her accusers
his paper for a but just as avowing solemnly that she had used
possible the parties not even and salt freely at-
and beg a copy of a tempting to persecute them.
neighbor to cut the list of presents
L E, N. C.
Practice in all courts. Collections
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
Estimate of the Loss.
An estimate of the loss at tho
meets Tuesday night. I., county jail not to exceed one year inches. v.,. a,.,.,
Any contract or f county-255 inches. a
meets every first and i bird Friday night, agreement in violation any pro- Station, Inches.
SH, A. II. meets of proceeding sections or Catawba county -2.10
Thursday night. C. A. White. C. this net shall be absolutely void. Charlotte, Mecklenburg
,. . inches. Elizabeth
Any purchaser or . v ,
ham B a. m. to v. m.
Order A. ST. to v. M. No or-
den will be from to M. and
from to I P. M.
is as fol-
East and Franklin
sou, is situated within a stone's
throw Silver Luke, side
article or commodity from any, Sound the other; , , , .
company o, corporation f The prosperity of , his country de a
lives j upon the farmer, the teacher will make an which will
business contrary to,
A post-office, two churches, sever
of this act he liable for the month of June, stores, and private boarding nous
mail arrives Sun- any provision the sec-
t a H V , . . . .
P. Matthew.
brother. They treat edit- Wilson Mirror. The Wilson . . Certified
ore just tho same way down Light Infantry was organized on i Civil Engineers, Surveyors
or at least in North Carolina. This I Thursday night election of I
scribe has done his levelest on some I the following F.
parties since driving the . Captain ; W. Wooten,
quill this journal, they have First W. Crowell,
in turn done their levelest for hi in Second Thirty-seven
paid little attention to us or our pa- names enrolled as members,
per after the copy describing the ; and they as good a class of men
marriage. then we arc doing a as can be found in tho State- They
are upright and
honorable and gallant, and
at and I v. m. for t he price, -payment of such far
O. and plead Stations the
S. P. M. act a any suit this Stales and
embracing a period
For on Bethlehem Mission.
1st Sunday at
f a an School House. Is at
Sparta. 2nd Sunday at lock.
tad Sunday II
Sal.-i. th Sunday at
th Sunday
B P. C.
Any corporation
-I to I years, is 1.-3
or or under
laws of this State which shall District. The
provision of the in the northern portion of this devotees to angling sports. Barely I Sheridan and no
es arc easy reach of the hotel.
is bet lei
any when-. A rods
the shore trout, blue lab, hog lives S ;
and indeed the whole of . ,.
great schools delight the
, and the editor. What a trio be an honor to the State.
Johnstown and lives how little they
rM winch to bring yon
IVe desire my to our that I or in en-
nave been selling Or. Kings return of
Greenville, N.
Under now Hot and
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
servant. Table always
ed with the best of the market. Feed
stables in connection.
f failure
tin this safe j
sections or this act shall thereby was slightly ex
forfeit its operate right of the average, in the en-
its corporate existence district there was about av-
Halve for It is
remedies that as well, or to hi relief in even ease, when.
that have given such for or Throat, Lungs, I SAMPLE MS FREE
Vie do not hesitate to guarantee Chest, as
no time, and we ready to; of Asthma, Polite waiters. Good Rooms.
purchase price, if satisfactory ; Whooping Cough, etc. etc. It table the market afford. When In
f, I follow their use. These i to taste, per-1 city stop at the
i, i popularity ; feel y safe, and can depended .,
does hour in tho lad a lost,
half a to make a
catch large enough to breakfast am on their merits, free at Kr-j
j Druggist. mil's Drugstore.
if want to save money bur your Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Dress Goods ft Domestics at the
s-t. tin, tn the

Eastern Reflector,
D. . tills
will sot to
and measures that are not consistent
th true principles of the party.
If yon ml a a
of Stall- for the
District does not lag
in its enterprises. There is not
vice more than a year can b re- boo, but tie she's bin
instated without a regular young ever
so much that an exception is made she went tiT year
sections are to favor veterans of the Union j de So I think
the breezes, but the Old; will to an
First frets there all the same. at set one from Mr. Please
e , . i since were- discharged, tell him have him ready
Last week brought out two new, v. i . . . . , . . , i
. i they have influence. The out night doggone ; I
candidates for journalistic L git caught
One is the Beacon seven of ten of de sun goes down.
whose light has just been raised , reinstated j I seed teller from
in the town of Plymouth by the, the discharge m Thursday night nine
Publishing Co., with who the position they now j I bet A. ft
Thomas manager. The , till through a Service had bin alter. He looked
Other is the nation. The Civil Service law does it, moved In hurry, acted j is
whose special advocacy is to be not prevent a clerk being dis- ; he how fur he went,
for the of Edenton charged. from Groom,
and surrounding country. W. I all tie time. man
J. Moore is editor. May both New York Letter. F see down
these ventures meet with success y
The Wilmington is
reporting a rapidly increasing
subscription list. We are glad
it is so, for it is richly deserved.
and not be subjected to
waves of patronage
that so often founders the
Washington Letter.
From our legate
Pair of 1892-A Chinese
Theatrical in
New June
one who has seen New
by de swamp on de fence
my each orchard.
give me when
bind through
that had bin fur enemy
Arc headquarters for all needed in f he
HARDWARE line. Our stock be
to the of and surround, counties, a line of the following
not to he excelled in market. And to be First-class and
nine goods. GOODS of all kinds NOTIONS. CLOTHING,
kinds. Gin and Hay, and it y
Hair. mid
Agent O. X. T. Spool which I oiler to the trade M Wholesale
prices, cents per down, loss u per cent u-h. Hereford's Broad
and Lye at Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil. Colors. Cucumber Wood Pinup-, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specially, me a call and guarantee satisfaction.
toll In makes
Harrison an
No doubt it was the position be
as a
on a par with his Republican
predecessors. lie returned
harbor has failed to notice a small , him i bought
between the Battery elephant
and whose front seems all
most entirely by a way but ,
de thing struck hit and tore down
bout or eight panels. We
all mixed fur
a military . sot M
able-looking building which is
bids fair to mediately recognized M a fort. This
is s Island which has for
roars been used as
Spring Display
and House Cutlery
can save you money on any of these goods.
which we will Price
IS arc now fitted up in are prepared to
upon notice any kind style of
day evening Iron, a three days by the S. Government.
and to-day he has ; M prob- a and cum
to Car i ability as the for the ; w man.
occupies, and any Tuesday. If he is overworked imposition of in honor
the man that seemed this dis-
at the hands of a college.
Everyone who to keep
posted, should read our New
York letters I hey from the
pen of the well-known writer. absolutely
Edwin Arlington, and contain far as the public knows,
brief comments on tin-most in- establishing a national pol
topics of the metropolis
mad at fast
lick but when sailed
on him he on jest
White House, the last one
been discharged, but he
takes delight in sticking them in I
places of down here in
C- which ought to be by
competent men.
as he says he is, God help ,. of America. It is
country if an occasion should arise that the Government intends
some real work of its , abandon he island as a military m, .,, by I'll
executive. If he is overworked post citizens committee are Rivi. ., I'll go
many members of his party would making preparations to to
like to know what the nature of the it for the World's Fair. else will
will require the consent fr feller
of Congress which will no doubt be ,.,, cs ought
At fair show so I
the exhibition promises to be a ,, tole him I
great affair, and if the coveted site boys Out jest aged
is obtained than will practically be ., darker and axed him
of any and the two hours a
,, . . i which he gives up to the
Hamsun have . .
. ,, . v place is hardly enough
himself at , , . , . , . . .
to break him down. If he is over- no of its success. New York
please his conversation.
The of the
f North Carolina for the
year past shows that the
is well equipped
it is s , fair and j ,,.
and he had thought it
citizens take hold of it in earnest, he on his way let
as now seems to be the ease, it will .,
Corporal has just allowed be I Contractors ready Mm cut U- swamp.
the buildings as soon as , Mm
obtained, and a very Cr
along with it of fr , ,.,.
may m a strange w , ,,;.,, t.,.
Senator never applied j A
case of pension before but
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
yield the palm to none.
All kinds Risks placed in
At lowest current rates
special attention to all repairing
We also keep a nice hue of
READY harness.
Come and see us. Fl old -i
R. JR. Manage.
I will have arrivals of the r nicest
I keep constantly u
All your in above n
an increase of to
of Nebraska, conies
most and
I presented
to New Yorkers will be given to
rail an all cit in
didn't see no young men in
D. Williams
work. It enters upon was no as
of lift with every j to as the
promise of usefulness is.
, . ,. . .,. , ., at the in de dunk water
and Plenty , he A General M Her nus be
begins the mad he not received s into, e. fit do
September. For ad-j that to the actors. We didn't
dress Hon. Kemp P. Pres is no rich es when I
a short
lie has to an ,. ,.,,., , . .
Windsor and it is their plays I
Hag Moved to One Door North of Court House.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
N. C . Mar. vs;
Chapel Hill, N . C.
We hear of a occasion opinion on the question referred to
in Washington Monday. The him the Treasury Department as
of gave his to whether it would be a violation
a regular lay law for the Catholic
of seven in honor to e located here, to bring
My Factory is well with Mechanics, put up
WORK. keep I with I -t .
Best material used in all work. All styles Springs ore yon can from
of 12th birthday.
There were twelve ex-
present. At the con-
of the dinner a
some gold headed was
a instructors.
The of the Treasury has
already given bis opinion, lie says
would a violation law. One
the most prominent, lawyers of
this HUM is
Storm, Coil, Horn.
will lie presented with a an when got thin
costume never before seen . he axed me what my name, Abo keep on bawl toll H.
in tins city at cost of him my
There is great excitement yes, lie so, he had heard
the residents of Mott Peter Carter
yr round, -ill ah
to the editor,
I one the board trustees of the
presentation by Mr.
to by Mr.
was expected to
have the As-
last Wednesday with an
but was compelled to
decline. His physicians insisted
on his all the rest
during this and that
will bring over instructors, and he
does not believe that any court in
ho country will sustain the Ad-
and box and most of he would be under ob-
the scats have been taken for the didn't mention dis
opening night. It is expected little matter do time writer
a huge number of Americans will de paper after we had
take advantage of I lie opportunity talked over nit greed not
to .-lady the manners and customs would help me
of the Chinese. j, de fence,
post OFFICE I he prepared to execute . the latest
, 111.111 fashions work cut
The which hep me but
has been for several weeks had hard
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people this and surrounding for pa-t favor
merit a of
de noise
in construing the alien gating the of the New hen de young man . in de fence
contract law so as to exclude them. York has completed its de had got all M
A. bit of scandal has leaked out labors and is ready report to could muster an cum
see what de row was
about the sudden resignation of the , Postmaster-General down
private secretary of Corporal Tan- j The report will not made bout, while
It was thought a little strange I until it is by the Post- ditch one de boys got do ham
a master General, but it is said w
lie declined several agent the Depart- j it recommends, among other things,; vine off. I my
to make addresses at differ- j in the far West to being an increase in I he number of branch i young Mend must bin
points. We hope his health i rate secretary to the Commissioner offices and postal agencies for the sum lire arms
will be spared lo ninny of Pensions. Now the facts , sale of stamps, etc., and a 1- i
years service for North Carolina.
His State needs his services
My Northern Drew Maker Trim-
mer, Miss I I an.
the latest designs have
will pleased to show
to yon. price are the lowest
and to be by no
one. t. Special bargain on all Roods,
Mrs. L. C. King,
Watch-Maker a Jeweler.
If nice In the way
Sewing Machines,
arc out it is thought that ho was reorganization of the general office when de gun went
Conic to OLD
now Just received.
locks, Jewelry and
M.-u bin. a and warranted
W. S. R A W LS
Co N
c c
very lucky not to be kicked out of nude, the new law which takes off he forgot all de fence an
the government service entirely, effect and for a started on de ball. He
It a much regret to us, . The with was the or divisions in all first and in hurry he lot his hat. Summer Goods, and hope that
no doubt it is to the brethren I as with a good others, he second offices throughout the Hits little straw hat you will fell to
of the Slat-generally, that As I remarked some time ; Man band bit,. am .
Manning to wife who would ago, is evident that what but fine of
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
Commission Merchants,
-This for--------
Merchandise Brokers.
careful attention.
Sold Lent.
With a view to moving to a din I
last State to accept a the j
cents. And
many other things that we
health Mr. . D. Gardner
has compelled . lbs
management the carriage for
me, has stock
or w ill make
more earnestly for his town than; her many notes, the last one lade-1 are compelled to work in the most
has Thad Manning the and discharge, cramped-up places,
UM for Henderson. lady then went to Secretary J and every man is worked to his
the bad H- will offer at
. . i. . f notes 1.1 the Secretary's posses- hags mail are day , . ,
friend among the respectable ,,,, , J , . .- goon . to our
, x , r That Tan- i iron, out town, not to mention ; GM have one of the. best , e
in we that the outgoing mails. Tout ,; of any
don t believe that . . ., -1--
could lie continued after
of dignity and I he persuaded I the sake of to Uncle Sam's I little. the advertising display type I LARD'S which
and surely no decent man Secretary Noble appoint him a servants.
could be in sympathy with timber age.,. f the kind ever on the
The Wilmington says Face-both-ways-at is I p . Persons who mean business, and nice of ladies Dress
far bestowed and for a of the .
to-day lino Roods i-m in
worth. We have now In stock a nice .-w
Double and Single Width
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Hamburg
and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly
Linen and Piece A Piece Good that
you In quality and price. Notion hi variety a
line numerous mention.
Dross Lino
line too numerous to mention. Hats tor Men. and
for cash, on my Goods, Shirts. and Collars, Hosiery and a nice line
hand. I sill the shoes, to lit who favor in with we pay rare to
this line and Shoos both and price. A
slippers from cents up. We especially cull the attention of the in our
and think they mil not do ire If buy
Pete Carter.
Mr. Harrison had gone out with I new name. His attitude j
a fine rake and scraped earned the j
for men who were unfit to hold i
offices he could not have succeed-, for
ed better than he has in some of I I
. . . , , , . i press Mile, view with Commissioner
the he has made in ,. . , . , . .
which was telegraphed
this Carolina
does not appreciate the presence. had the Com-
of such officials, and this to the civil mt-
of the President will make the j vice law in letter and abeaM
Democratic more solid than i have m the a d Iron, it bee
ever. j glaring violation of that same
The viol. ion re-
Col. L. of Norfolk, to was the of the
address the which says 1.0 person who
Williamston the has out of
have the may
with us. We have no proposition
Uncle Pete Interviews a Young Kan Who to entertain any others.
is Said to Have Left
Bather Hurriedly Thurs-
day Night.
Mb. Ed. see Mr.
an tell him I seed his
letter two weeks ergo in
which he he
present I want-
fur de way I wont fur
A. 0.1 Tell him I
had time write hut I am
obliged him. I don't
es I've got de
New York City, June
K. Howard, the
electric sugar swindler, was i
to nine years and eight mouths
in Sing Prison, by Recorder,
in Part II. the of I
General Sessions, this morning.
Greenville, N. C.
I have an eh
Goods in everything eat. be
found In a General Store.
May s. X. C
line-. Plows, race
Crockery. Glassware,
and w lire.
Harness, Bridles and
Chewing and
In line W Tea, Klee.
the very best we can buy, Popper, Spice, Soap, mil star
March In--. Kerosene Oil. Meals of
If you need
Ball Matches, Mai-el. grade kerosene OH. Meals of
cut which we buy low and low for cash.
Mil lOW to
rel of good to as, era are rook bottom on It.
Water Mills.
Window Sash of hi mock. Also the
,.;. .,.,,; stock of Km any house In soils,
, vi anything
plow when w.,,.,.,.,,.,
I would Inform I am Plows In lo.-k.
every country in the State. I Ll J I , W to town, we
The majority the in the and many j Customers wanting retail,,,,,
amendment is I hare served, attests to my be la
against the suffrage to all. Your I where they will so
providing for the I of General b.
is Mrs. M. T.
N C.
I have an line of
, . .,, , That the very
Pa., June My goods are new and I ear-
Official have been a complete Meek. A competent a-
been and all enc
r Fleming, j J , B. CHERRY

M Lang's Column.
is still very
The steamer Greenville was on
tin- ways at Washington last week
undergoing repairs for the summer.
She is expected up on regular trip
For Ocracoke.
A very convenient schedule has
been arranged to take passengers
from points on Tar River to
New Friday.
is nearly gone.
A season of sweats.
The river remains muddy.
Summer travel is growing large.
It rained hard most of Prof. John Duckett is spending
Old news papers for sale at this Lenoir county.
Hob. J. Jarvis has
Raleigh a days on
Col. Harry Skinner loft Monday
on a prospecting tour.
Mrs. J. B. has been sick I to-day. On net Saturday morning I coke. The steamer will
some days. j she will leave hero on her first eon- j leave here every Tuesday and Sat
Mr. J. I,. Woolen the new drugs trip with steamer morning at G o'clock,
gist is sick.
Hon. Latham Is iii Ph mouth
I on business.
Mrs. was sick
part of hist week.
Mr. J. II. has been sick
tot more than a week.
The Assembly is now all I
j the go.
The Washington is twelve
years old. Miss Nannie Wilson is visiting
the of Mrs. Fleming.
Miss Forties is visiting
i Nana Fleming in the
is offering t
on Henry Wilson against the world
as a runner.
Mr. Tender has opened his tin
shop at the hardware store of u. S.
Clark Co.
Court adjoin even-
of last week.
are you go-
this summer
A Georgia uniform would be com-
this weather.
A horse for sale cash or
on tune by J. C. Lanier.
up a
Cannot Greenville make
; small purse for Johnstown
Fruit Jars Masons P. L., Cheap at
Old Store.
e were glad to
Brown Hooker's new with Charlie Cobb. o
for Ocracoke. ting at. Washington with steamer
which leaves at o'clock
The odd Fellows i ins town last arriving at Ocracoke in time for
week sent . to the brethren of their j will. leave I
order who burned out at the j Washington for Greenville every i
hue fire in and to the Tuesday and Saturday morning at i
or Buffering Odd Fellows at o'clock on arrival of steamer from ,
Johnstown. It is the only money j Ocracoke. Single tare Green-
ire know to have been from to is W, round I rip I
Here to the pickets
One of the finest clusters of, Oxford Seminary.
in peaches we ever saw was shown Hobgood has kindly
Friday by Mr. II. F. Keel. In a i sent ls handsome
space of about eight inches square Oxford Female Seminary. This
on three twigs were twenty well shows an attendance
peaches. They were almost j
as thick as a bunch of grapes. ,,,,, n, drawn
There was a drive in lemons North Carolina
week. All the had Car-
country, and all wanted to sell them out, and i Georgia and
. . ,,.,,. k- van Eleven teachers and are en-
Will James is offering to bet were cheap, it , -in have to go far
there had been similar in prices .,,, aim one- win u w
of ice and sugar lemonade would corps, we may
been almost as cheap as water. from the schools from which
these teachers hold diplomas.
The Mayor was kept busy Mon-
day seven cases to be disposed of.
And the day finished up with sever
K would like your attention for a
minutes us no doubt there i- something
in tills column to Interest yon. Our
stock of is replete with
new mid st a novelties.
Mattings, Scrim, Lace
l . Curtains. Brass Wood
Rods, Linen
Oil Cloths, etc.
speaks for itself to-day.
I low many will
meet in on
Pickled Beef
the Old Store.
It is always wise to keep cool, but
; how to do it now is the question.
will buy Point Lace, the best
Flour at the Old Store.
The rains this week will damage
wheat that has not been threshed.
Mr. Abe
is spending a with his
Mr. M. Ii. Lang.
shake hands
Norfolk, who
advertisement in proof of this.
There is no liner location for a Fe-
male College than Oxford. It has
cases on docket for yesterday. long been noted for its
At seven o'clock the Police had j and for the refinement of its social
placed four whites in the lock up life; and with its new railroads, it is
to sober and were out looking
two more.
was in town Saturday.
Mrs. A. K. Murphy, who has been
Visiting her son, Murphy,
left Sunday for her home at Bar-1
Miss Sadie Short hit Monday for
where she will spend a
few days and then go to to
spend the with relatives
The County Commissioners will
be. in regular monthly session next
Monday. At. that meeting we nope
the concerning the building
of the dam from the cud of the
bridge across the river out to high
easily accessible. wish this
rapidly growing school even greater
Riverside Nursery.
yards Sateens, at
at Figured
Lawns at I
Plain While In-
Lawn to
yards Cheese
Cloth at to
yards Combination
Flouncing Skirt-
at to Only
a few more pieces of
that cheap
left at par yard.
Just more of those
cent on
hand. Our stock of
Straw Hals will lie
sold half price.
yards of best brand
of calico at Sets. The
above gOOdS will In;
sold exactly as arc
This popular industry that is prov
such a valuable industry of
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
in Diseases of the
nose m mm.
out further delay.
Foil have an organ I
will sell ll
The Mills has
adopted Saturday half holiday.
The Ca.-h will be paid for
lbs. Beeswax at the old Brick Stoic.
Very of the merchants are
keeping their stores at night.
0- preached is the
Methodist Church here Sunday
morning. Monday he returned
with his family to at
; which place lie is stationed.
i Miss Annie Powell, who has been
visiting the family
will return
land will be definitely settled so the late been receiving OFFICE
work of construction can begin with-, some deserved mention by the press , Hotel TarborO, N. C.
of neighboring towns. It took a;
visit to the nursery to convince them I JUST A H
of what was here and on returning I months course at the Philadelphia
home they tell something of what I
offer my services to the people of Edge-
saw. the and adjoining counties.
in last week we j
Wonder if it is a trust on so
gar that is causing such advances in
the price of the article If so our
had better turn
to bees and sugar cane and
down the monopoly. Honey and
sorghum will make all the Ion
Mr. Ashley Inning yon want, and some
to her home is needed the persimmon
Miss Lena gone nowhere,
near lent re
will accompany . , am
On Monday Mr. John an Tim
g sweet paid a short visit to ex-Sheriff, Allen
adding Warren's Nursery. There j
we enjoyed the first peaches of the
season, besides being just
The Guard had twenty-three aged and honored citizen of Warren I Beady Fire Company are
For the Children I
can you n your
i commencement robes. We
lave fancy Striped Hotted
Swisses and Lawns. Short
Length Hemstitch
and a nice
line of
and other articles
iii rank and file the drill last Fri-
Some young people from here at-
tended a picnic at las
If the weather gels much
it will put Ho
a cool
If yon wish
coke the
this issue.
vantages as
loafers to work, hunt
to an idea of I
article on first page
has as good school ad-
any town in
died his home near War-
He was Grandfather of
J. II. Tucker, this
We entirely overlooked last week
mentioning the return of our es
friend, Miss Ann
from a Visit of several weeks to
Washington. All are glad to
come her hack home.
It. I. one of the
most prominent men in Martin
County, who was for several terms
Sheriff. director the It. N. I.
Steamboat Co., a very large
requested to meet promptly the
Mayor's on Monday the 1st
day July at o'clock sharp. By
order of the Captain.
It. ;.
in tune
or a family treat. The nursery con
many rare, beautiful and tine
Mowers, trees and fruits. It
a fine place and under the care of
Mr. Warren and his most excellent
wife, is a model of neatness and
taste. We are glad to know that lie
is meeting with much success. Ilia
fruits arc prized everywhere. We
return thanks for
The Washington Gazette man went
and an influential
For the Ladies
in mill pond,
HF AI Till I. light weight
Woolen Fabrics, embracing
all the newest shades in
Flannels. Cashmeres.
Swiss and
i h i ii I i and
Organdies, Fine French
and a complete of wash
such as
Lawns, Seersuckers,
Fruits, etc. An elegant assort-
of Parasols, including all
that is new in this line. Several
colors Die
beauties at
lave you seen those
I lay are
It takes a pocket book almost as
as a chicken to buy
, one of that
German and Pearl Millet,
chard Timothy and Clover
Seed for sale by C. Glenn
There In one good feature about
these warm days, are growing
a little bit shorter.
Just Boss Famous
i Lunch Milk Biscuit. The most pal-
I able, at the Old Brick Store.
The town is vet as clean as it
died in
at o'clock.
U Monday the
i sen,
It is just two weeks to the State
Guard at
Tarboro and Mount
are agitated over the migration of too, and expresses like
eels far They can
be seen going ti near the banks of
the river in
We such occurs every
as we remember to have seen them
often when a boy.
privilege of-----
Can be bail in Beaufort, V. C, at 920.00
per month. Address,
N. .
By the Sea
Spend the Summer at
ville. We hear nothing said of
Guard attending.
On Tuesday morning, the
II. and
Miss Anna Nelson were married in
the Methodist. Church at
Rev. L. officiating. The
couple took the morning train for
Morehead City where they will re-
main dining the Teachers Assembly.
The extends wish
There are but few days left
which to list your Slate, and county
taxes. It is best to attend to these
matters if yon have not listed
i On.
The pastor of the Baptist Church, The track laying corps haw re-
specially requests a full work the end of the rail-
members to-night. coming this nay and now
importance will claim attention. to continue without
. , . until the Tar is reached at Green-
some the locals for this ; week.
were it hot, as , , ,
the reading will indicate, but the
rains have given the i cm rat lire a
the I
reputation as clothiers
and furnishers ins gained for
us innumerable friends who rely
upon our taste to select the prop-
style and material. To select
a summer suit is no easy task as
you will admit. Besides
both the proper odors, cut
textiles. The proper prices
must bear an Important
We natter ourselves
that we've been able to combine
all these qualities and to
our friends a reliable line of
well-made clothing at the
correct For toe -tout
men we will .-a that should they
need coal- we have them.
sizes to -is. Extra Long
in Black
and Mohair. Should
not be able to suit you in this
line w ill lake your measure for
a Mil low and
a lit. A line Flannel
Shirts just received. Our
Hats, etc., i- above tin- standard.
material change.
so been laid on the be-
tween and Plymouth.
ought to be, though quite an
over the The Register of Deeds desires to
After the ram on Friday it turns
ed Monday heavier taxes
clothing were comfortable. I during the first ten days of July as
received another lot of
popular New Lee Cook Stoves.
Nan Stephens received a large
of line candies last week, and we
have been sweet ever since.
To Day. All our
for All our Salines
M. R.
If this weather continues every-
body who can will be getting to ;
the mountains and sea shore.
There was only one steamer on
required by law.
There are a of business
I men in Greenville not represented
in the It. speaks well
of their patronage support of
home enterprises.
Now if you arc going off to spend
the summer and wish to receive the
doling your absence,
bring your address to the office be-
fore leaving homo.
There are some obstructions on
the Streets the policemen should
look after. Old broken down
dilapidated gates, and carts
when not in use, should not-
lowed to remain upon the streets
and sidewalks. We see such
most every day. It would be well
if the would pass or-
requiring all gales upon on
to open on the inside of the
in Greenville your travel-
man visited the,
, of which that excellent gentle-
man, Allen Warren, is
proprietor. We never visited a
more pleasant, more beautiful or
more interesting plane. Mr. Warren
-bowed us through the grounds and
we were astonished to find it con
on such a large scale. Of
course we bad heard Riverside
yet had no idea of its
and its almost
supply of tn es and
species of fruit- bearing tree and
every variety of Sower known to
this section, as well as many new
and rare plants, were pointed out to
I us. In the orchard were trees load-
led down with fruit, the early
ties already full ripe, and we never
i saw a vineyard of grapes. The
i beauty of the depart men t can-
not be told. Though established
four years, Riverside Nursery
meeting with a large and flatter-
patronage. It is a credit not
only to Greenville bat to Eastern
as well. The trees of this
being already acclimated
-----Is now on ii boom
For the Summer
health rigor can i no place equal
to the Seven Springs, as any one of the
seven Will Compare favorably with any
of the mineral springs in this
There being seven within a feet
each ether, having different analysis a
larger number of ailments can be cured
heir than at any Watering place known.
Persons coming to the by
Railroad can gel conveyance from the
depots at La Goldsboro and
Mi. Olive. La Orange is the nearest
i point. Passengers coming then on the
I evening mall can reach the springs be-
I fore night.
to per day,
I to per-week. Liberal reductions by
I the month or Mason.
Seven Springs, X. C.
of the most delightful places the
Atlantic coast, Will opined In guests on
I n keeping with
S Steamer baa been scarcity of
cured that leave Washington for have been In
Ocracoke on Tuesday and Saturday of by
each week, and leave New for
Ocracoke on Thursday of week.
At Ocracoke every accommodation
will be to guests and every i
effort be made to make their stay
greatly enhances their
purchasers ran no risk
I he
value and
in getting
If there is anything yon want to
know about Ocracoke that the.
the river last week, the not tell you, ask
the whole run to herself.
per lb Sweet Scotch
lb in I'm to., which
a its superiority, at
the Old Brick Store.
With the evils of drunkenness so
plain, it does seem that reasonable
would abandon the vile habit.
Twice on last Saturday it was
the pleasure of this office to make
acknowledgment foe peaches. Mr.
Warren came down from Riv-
with a basket full which he
be said were for the printers and
and later Mr. J. IS. Fleming
came in with a bucket full for the
On Saturday Manning editor. It is useless to speak of
brought us some specimens of bow much they were enjoyed,
from his field that have the largest the force know lull well how
beads of any we ever saw. The pose anything good,
heads were in clusters.
John Cherry and you will
suit to find it out.
is lull season-
able goods at the i
hi is invited,
M. R.
We bear no amusements
made loonier by L. Tender, at
able goods at the right prices. An in- R. S. Go's Hardware store.
office has just turned out a
for Greenville Institute,
the workmanship speaks for itself.
Tobacco Hues and engine stacks
Tobacco lines and engine stacks of July except the It fa rather a foolish and risky
rowing matches mentioned
week. Keep them stirring
some amusement can be bad.
Among the appointments of Post
masters made last week by the new
administration were two for Pitt
last practice that some of the young
and have Of going out to frighten their
fellows returning from visiting out-
side of town. Last week they went
out one night with a gun and tiring
Entered Into rest on June
j Cotton, aged about
. three years.
she had been a keen sufferer for months
and the messenger so dreaded by many
was a welcome and merciful one to her.
She was lovely in face character.
rule and winning in her rummer, sin-
and earnest in her profession of
, friendship and affection, and blessed In
an unquestioning faith in the promise of
life where the rainbow never
lades, angels minister forever around
the throne.
She was so good, so gentle and retiring
that words of eulogy seem almost
welcome to her memory and thus is
that the writer who knew and loved her,
feels that extended notice of her death
would not be as she would approve it.
Host admirably did she grace the beau-
places which adorn woman's
for she was lovely a- wife, mother.
friend and Christian.
It is a comforting thought know I hat
during all days of her prostrated ill-
n be enjoyed at will. A tram re
has been built from the hotel to
Missed and these .-P
in to the heart's O
i la
Is unsurpassed and these ports Can
be engaged In to the heart's content.
And prop
have been knock-
ed from
priced good
a special drive
on all
which price
have been put
right d o w a i n
reach of every-
Has been employed for the of
those who participate in dancing.
Is neatly and comfortably furnished and
the table will be supplied with
the best that can be procured.
81.60 to 93.00 per day.
87.00 to per week.
per month.
Special rate- to
every kind are
tie i n sold t
much than
former price
ks and Hats
Y o can get
special Bargains
We have the
coeds and
to sell you, and
Mn make prices
o the interest of
very purchaser,
lie sure to call
us and get
Visit Ocracoke
the season.
For further
if you wish to enjoy
Washington, M.
off a powder load at a young gent; she was soothed by the unceasing
frightened him out of his Wits. I devotion of her daughter and son-in-law,
made to order by L. at I C. at I They might strike a fellow who was j and tenderly cared for by earnest friends
If. 8- Clark Hardware store, and J. J. Moore at I loaded and would give them ye Messed of my Father, Inherit
wanner reception than was bar-; the kingdom which Is prepared for
Don't force y outsell when yon are The best way to keep is to
not wanted. The man who fads to strike out for Ryan's. If his ice
advertise sends you invitation to cream, lemonade or milk shakes fail
i visit bis store. you had just as well sit down and
wait for next winters freezes to
gained Better
somebody gets hurt.
pieces of White Dress Goods
must be sold within the next
days. Come ladies or you miss
of the season, they must go.
The business of the M., had an installation of the
Carriage Works is increasing and elected for the ensuing
another has been em c year. The following are the
II will be easy enough to get to j i
Nags Head season. There will
stop before And -o we who knew and loved her so
well, believe she wears the crown prom-
all who die the faith.
Installation a. if. M.
On. 24th, St. John's i
Greenville Lodge No A. F. A. RECEIVED AT
them, and asks his friends to call
be a daily boat line between
mouth and that point. Rev j N will
TO on the First Sunday In July
are entitled to the best that their preach in Falkland and Green-
money will buy, so every family ville, having changed Ins
should have, at once, a bottle of the i the fourth to the first
best family remedy, Syrup of Pigs, Sunday. Banner.
to cleanse the system or i
sale in
ties by all leading
Drug Store,
Front Reflector
MR. Column.
saw items in several ex-
changes, last week, concerning the
first roasting of the season.
Mrs. near Bethel, The earliest reported in Greenville
w is an aunt three of the j was or, Hie when Mr. M.
sent over a , Schultz some from his gar-
nice peaches far we boys
her day. There is no doubt about .
their being enjoyed. forget that
the National of tie Far-1 J. May.
AN Alliance, will lecture at Green- Lodge Premises
V partner in a small ville next Every J. II. P. Keel.
eat, good locality count i can come out, Owing to the illness Dr. F. W.;
h lie will co to Snow Hill a prosy was installed in
Alex. L. Blow, M.
P. W. Brown, S. W. .
J. L Sugg, J. W.
G. Ii- Sec.
M. Ring, S. D.
Z. Z. J. D.
EL Williams, Jr., Tyler.
O. W. Harrington I
II. II. Harris
B. W. King, Marshal.
The following standing commit- j. Having qualified as
tees were appointed tor of C. Clark notice is
Orphan hereby given to all person to
It-., W. II. Kins, C T t. make
n i. . j Immediate payment, and to all creditors
G. James, S. N. I f aM , claims
Schultz, J. I Sugg. tor payment within twelve months from
Reference-B- J. P. tins date or will be plead in
Golden Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure,
Celery Compound, Syrup of Figs,
favorite Prescription,
S. S. S., B. B.
Buffalo Water.
Notice to Creditors.
r. BO r-1
I as Senior
bar of their recovery.
May is, Wm. Smith,
of David C.
Tucker Murphy attorneys.
What yon owe the
be In
the most elegant
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most to the human
forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the .
It U the remedy known to
When one i. Bilious or Constipated
so THAT-
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
AT. H. f
Brown Hooker.
The Nest Session Opens Sept. 4th,
I for and accessibility.
The corps Hip in
, land, diplomas from
the of Virginia, i
School of Languages, the I
f Maryland, the
Cooper ii ion Art School of Sew York.
The of Piano and Organ U
i graduate of the
and afterward under Mew York
The teacher Vocal Music won both I
the Vocal Instrumental at the
Institute, and after
ward studied three year under the best
Now York Professors.
Board, fuel, lights, washing, full
Course, Latin and I
I If paid one-halt in advance, i ; l. i
The above with music ;
Apply for
now seen at store. I have .
the latest styles and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at the,
business qualifies me for all work
and well. I also do
I at moderate prices. Will be to have
call and examine my stock.
MRS. B. A.
i Notice,
forward and
by of June. I also offer my
Dry Goods and Shoes at cost. I
also for groceries very low.
I remain yours.
T. If. Moore.
N. V.
. . In III.
and Minis.
bottom. v.
W. f., 11.00 for
Gentle and
Greenville, N.
Tar River Transportation
I. I.
J. S.
N. If. Tarboro,
Cant It. P. Jones, Washington, Gen Ag
The People's for travel on Ts
The Steamer is finest
and quickest bout on the river. has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A Table furnished
the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
Friday at ;. o'clock, a. m.
Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily through
Bills Lading given to all points.
J. J.
Greenville. N.
TEEM 1383.
The classes will be so arranged that
new pupils can outer the Drat week In
Dick kit,
. Principal
t. De-
M. S. Cannon, Vocal and
mental Music.
Miss Painting and
Mrs. Book
Primary. Academic.
and Mathematical. Mu-
Painting and Drawing.
Comfortable Building.
Location and Good
of Well Prepared Food
Boarders, a Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of class
Music Di . it Hunt equal
in work to any College in the State.
i New Pianos and Organs,
A of nearly
recently for the School.
to s.-, for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same a- advertised
In Pupils who do not board
with the consult Mat
before engaging board elsewhere, for
particular. Address,
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Executor of
the Last U ill and of Irene
notice i- hereby given to all
person- indebted to -aid testatrix to
conn- forward and make immediate pay-
and to persons having claims
against said to present them to
tin undersigned, properly authenticated
within twelve mouths this date, or.
this notice will be plead In bar their
recovery, Forbes.
Km. of Irene
Tucker Murphy, Attorneys.
May nth, 1880,
For we have free Buggies DOW. Ah
you ere free to buy where yon please, but
If you want to save money yon come to
my Factory on 4th street, rear of B.
cherry For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street I can give
ha yon ever had in your life
to less money than any one
else in the county can you. Why
for my expenses are less and I pay tie
spot cash for good- and the dis-
count-, if you don't believe it you
come and sec. Having hail IS years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
a specialty. Don't forget
place on lib street rear II.
C. O. P.
Cotton Lard,
For by all Send for Illus
or how to provide a good dinner for Four
Persons for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook M
containing one Dinner
Bills of Fare, with how to
prepare our, so that the cost
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable will be given fit
to any one sending or
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty CO. P. COTTON
at our Store, No.
in w. Had St. Y.
pail of our Lard contains a ticket,
the i on which corresponds to the
of pounds in the pail.
Cotton Oil
Broker, Greenville, N. C.
Of Interest to Ladies.
plaint to any

Allow Clothing, Taint, or
fl Woodwork in the old
E J ; rubbing, twisting, wrecking way.
m A Join that large army of sensible,
economical people, who from experience have
learned that PEA used as directed on each
package, saves time, labor, rubbing, wear and tear.
Your Clothes arc out more by washing than
wearing. It is to your advantage to try
only JAMES
Sent post paid on receipt
In of
A most and work.
page ; papal f
B ii Taper,
from Ward. Mark Twain,
Am-hook in the world
Dished at
tho o F. ice.
m, he cored at taM r. M Mr
MM infallible c,
or Nit
R. R-
and branches
No No No
daily ex Sun.
Iv Weldon pin pm
Ar Rocky Mount
A r Tarboro
pin pan am
Mistress Anna
Aim Kay
Before the of windows
Paused a moment one cold winter day
Too was dressed in tho wannest.
As well as of clothes.
And a pair of bright golden rimmed glasses
Hung astride of her
But a shawl, thin and ragged.
Hat fir and for hood.
And she clasped in her arms, like a treasure,
A gathered wood.
Mistress Marguerite Anna
With n look of deep thought on her face.
To herself really am
As to what I shall get in this place.
tired of jellies and spongecake.
Oyster mange,
And chicken and salad
had two or three
Dear me what a bother I it
For my luncheon to something
Ah puffs and chocolate. Well, X
Must if make them
With a look of deep thought also, Peggy
Ann Ray
there, I wonder,
I things day
Oil. If Ma if ill it
But i can
For make s i go iIi -3 go halve
Ail like ins.
Oh, dear how I wish I'd a
I mere
Proud I walk la,
buy brown
Young Hoopla.
I lancer Of a t tie Knowledge.
The average layman considers that,
when lie employs a physician, ho has
the right to know what drags are
used in the treatment. He scarce- I
be persuaded that in j
such information his attendant has no
motive, but does so purely in
tho interest of his patient. ally,
the physician is ready to give
if he is dealing
person of intelligence, but in some in-
stances it is clearly his duty to de-
If a person has been much
benefited by a certain drug, of course,
if he knows the name of it, he is
to recommend it to every friend
who has a complaint like his. Or if a
prescription has been given call-
for agents which he knows 110th-
loans his friend the empty j
bottle, or copies tho number
on the label; tho same medicine can
then be obtained the druggist who
holds the In this way a
great deal of harm is often done, lead-
it docs in some cases, to tho
abuse of powerful drugs, in
others to the application of tho most
erroneous treatment. The same dis-
ease in two often demands
distinct methods of treatment; a
or mixture of drugs, which is
indicated for one might be clearly for-
for the other, A correct
cation for drugs
which no non-professional can
possess. tho danger of pop-
prescribing Medical News
The self has
heard of is taking it in
the maximum dose in order to pro-
Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others
in Strength, and Fastness. None others
are just as good. Beware of
are made of cheap and inferior materials and
give poor, weak, colors.
colors; cents each.
Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions
for coloring making the finest Ink or
a etc. Sold by Druggists or by
Ar Wilson
i M
No II, No
dally daily
Ar Wilson
Wilson pin
Ar Rocky M .
Tarboro am
Ar I pm pin
Daily except
Train en Week
leave Halifax for Si at
M. Returning, leaves Scotland
A. M. daily
Train leaves N via
Raleigh I. R. dally Sun
OS P M. M.
William-ton. X l . I M. I V, V M.
braves S . daily
A M. A
M. arrive Tarboro, X , r. A M, W
A It
Train on Midland N leaves
daily BOO A M,
arrive X A M. Re-
leaves S A M.
arrive N C, A M.
Mount at II, arrives i
M, Spring II-k- V M. Returning
Spring Hope A
Si A arrives Rocky Mount A
M daily,
tor daily, except Sunday, BOO
I M. OS A M Returning leave
ion A M, and
at Warsaw H SI
train an
ville is No. SI. Northbound i-
Train will .-lop only at
Wilson. and Magnolia.
Train makes at
for all points All
rail via and daily Sun-
via Line.
Trains close for ah
via and
All run solid between
and and have
J. It.
T M. Passenger
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
A I Hi.;
In A. M.
d. No. SO
An intelligent tis. sleep. Ho recommending
Mr. Thomas Shanks, the it to his friends who cannot sleep, in
cal engineer, West Lombard I doses which arc not free from danger.
I will to
their interest to gel our prices before
e. Our -t is
in all its brandies.
always at
we buy direct from
hi you to buy at one A
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the Our goods all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run. we sell a close margin.
S. M.
N. C
A ear load arrived and now for
sale by.
I at keel A stand, it ill sell
terms OH lime. bought
my for a-h and can to sell
as as anyone. Give me a call.
Tho popular use of which
has been going on for over n year,
has done no injury; have
known thirty grains to lie advised by
office, and the dog lay very still upon I layman to another as an initial
the floor. After Shanks had dose. We that the time must
his business at tho counter he come, through the multiplication of
said to the dog, arc you these potent neurotic medicines, when
street, is tho possessor of a large, in-
Newfoundland dog,
goes by the name of Mr.
Shanks walked into The American
p m
p in
U In
No I.
Pass- Train.
a m in
Si W
Mixed H
Pass Train.
.-. so
in I lo Grange
I SI Falling
s H M
H Creek
1313 Newborn
. II l
ti s
I s s
d RS
ti Atlantic
R tS Atlantic I lot. I or.
pin a in
Thursday and Saturday,
t and Friday.;
Train connect-, with
Train bound North, leaving
k. and with
Danville Train West, leaving
p. III.
Train with
Train, arriving at
in., and With Wilmington and
Train from North at p. in
Train connects with Wilmington and
Freight Train, leaving
p- m and with Rich-
Season Round Trip Tickets.
i Rates of Fare. Round Trip
Ticket, from stations named In-low to
City. Season -if In
effect June 1st.
From To Season. Sat.
Goldsboro More d i-i OS
i and return
3.00 I JO
Hates of Trip
Tickets, from Stations below to
the W. X It.
Having associated B. S.
with me in the business we
arc. ready to serve the people in that
All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
I he hands Mr. for collection.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Banal Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the Onset Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up with all conveniences sail can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
Feb. 1888.
ready to go Tho dog
arose and stood his mas-
Mr. Shanks then told tho dog
that this was The American news
paper and after they had walk-
ed down to street ho wanted
him to come hack and get
an American. The dog shook his
head, as to Say,
Mr. Shanks left, so did the dog; but
in about two minutes the clerks wore
surprised to sec the noble animal enter
the door, his fore paws on the
counter, open his large mouth, and
stand in this way until one of the
clerks placed a paper in his mouth,
which he bore safely to his master,
who waited on tho corner of
and Baltimore streets. The dog
well known as tho friend.
At night his master will tell go
to tho first newsboy a
paper. He always throws
nu the ground, which tho dog
up, runs off, and jumps on
newsboy he finds, and, after dropping
nickel in tho boy's and re-
the paper, he runs never
waiting for change. It is for this
generosity that the boys have named
him the Ho also
mails letters.
Mr. Shanks says that it is
for him to have an alarm clock,
as tho dog regularly rings a bell and
wakes the family
In former times there were no
cons or lights on tho western rivers.
were places then on tho Mis-
to lie by all night. Sometimes had
to send a skiff across the river to build
a bonfire as a guide to tho channel.
This was constantly changing from
year to
In going down the Ohio my
was arrested by tho new feature
introduced by tho government, of
beacons erected cm the which
greatly lessens the. dangers of
Those are petroleum lamps
commonly set upon shaded
by small roofs. A small steamer, the
Lily, plies on the Ohio between
Cairo and supplies oil, pays
the keepers, puts up new lights
wanted changes tho old ones,
which is often required from tho
changes of the channel.
The lights are placed on tho channel
side of the river, tho water is
deep. Sometimes three or four lea-
cons arc put anon a farm. Tho
steamers steer from light to light
The on tho river largely
consign the duty of attending to the
lights to their wives and daughters
who thus earn some
few dimes daily for each lamp. And
the reflection is certainly interesting
that along on rivers, sweeping
tho margins of many states in the
arc hundreds of worthy
thrifty females daily ascending
and attending to tho lamps; and
among them all I venture to say no
five foolish virgins could be found so
long as Undo Sam with smiling vis-
age stands ready with his huge
to pour out tho
cal Recollections of Ohio.
physicians will insist upon the 11011-
of these potent prescriptions
by pharmacists without a written or-
It seems to us quite probable
that have simply arrived at the
threshold f this department of
cal work, and that the profession will
to throw additional safe-
guards around the unauthorized use
of powerful
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles. USE
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only Cents.
cured my
sick b
I. A
n i bot-
A Celery
Saw ; i
South N
hit do Bee
i is.
thou, any
t I
Sioux City,
All Liver
Celery Cow
has b- not real
IV torpid liver,
indigestion, and u
W of
in on-
. to C t.--p
nth M Wm. A.
t in
I Parch.-1-
A. the
iii-l th.-r.
A. N. V
Rig Trees hi New Jersey.
There very large oaks and
other trees still standing in swamps,
or on ground surrounded by swamps,
in Cape May county, N.
which were doubtless when
white men first visited tho country;
but there are, I believe, no
tracts of unbroken primeval
forest in that region. Mr. Richard
S. Learning and Dr. Coleman F.
learning told me of a oak
which was feet across the stump
and feet to the first limb, and this
limb was over feet in diameter.
At this height tho tree was more
than feet through, and all lie-
low this was sound. A Methodist
clergyman counted over of
growth. The same gentleman told
me of a tulip tree feet in diameter,
with a dear trunk feet or more in
length. Both the sweet and sour gums
now very large in that region. Mr.
Richard Learning is a shipbuilder, and
has had much experience with differ-
kinds of timber, lie says that
Capo May county oak and gum timber
is more durable than any other with
which ho is acquainted, except some
kinds of wood from certain parts of
Louis Globe-Democrat.
Know It All.
says you might read all
the books in the British museum, if
you could live long enough, and re-
main an illiterates uneducated
person. Then, again, if you read ten
pages in a good letter by letter j
that is lo say, with real accuracy j
you are in some meas-
an educated person. It is only j
in a measure that a person can lie
When were but few
books it was possible for one person to
know their contents. Science has
widened and the butter of intelligence
must ho spread thinner. The
Scholar is ready lo drop
Only boarding school girls finish their
education. The bald headed professor
who has been studying all his life
feds confoundedly ignorant in the
face of the many things ho does not
know. A child can ask him questions
ho cannot answer. The young man
goes to college to be educated. The
most college can do for him is to put
him on tho rood leading to knowledge.
It takes everybody to know every-
thing, and very little of anything is
yet known. Bun away from tho man
who claims to know it all. Ho will
make you tired exposing his own
Orleans Picayune.
A Western i Who lines Not lo
It has been and is still believed by
that to break a bronco ho must
be thrown, beaten, conquered
before he can utilized. I believed
so once, but tho method has always
struck mo as a dead failure. Were
the breaker if as fine intellect as tho
bronco, in many instances he might
submit to a reversal of situ-
and allow the bronco lo train
Mm, for out of the brains of broncos
may learn wisdom, as well out
of mouths of babes and sucklings.
I had a friend once, as bravo a man
as ever graced a saddle, leveled a
Winchester or loved a child, and he
owned a bronco. If ho would saddle
the animal once or throe times a day
the pony must he thrown and
blinded on each My friend
said it was the of the
knew lie could not wantonly
kind to anything. It never occurred j
to mo that it might lo education, and
that nature had nothing to do with it.
Several years later the madam and
were camped near an old log road
in the mountains in the vicinity of a
friend's ranch. One rooming, I
was about building the. fire for
the son. a lad of came
up the road with a bridle on bis arm.
lie stopped near and began lo
. lie, as one would torn dog. After ho
bail whistled a few times I board a
whinny, and in a few moments the
rapid beat of a horse's hoofs broke
upon the sweet of tho
summer morning. in the
of the sound, presently saw
a pony coming down the old road on
a run. A dappled gray pony,
with ears erect and mane Hying; his
neck was outstretched and his eyes
seemed to flash with exquisite pleas-
lie leaping onus if moved
by thoughts of love, absolutely free,
beautiful in form, graceful in his lib-
and in every movement. Within
a few rods of the lad tho reckless
gallop resolved itself into a
Ms, h
I would respectfully call your
to the follow ask
to remember yon can buy
this than other ill the
country. Thai it is I be most reliable
and known having been represented
for over years in ibis vicinity.
That the workmanship i- to none
and has unusual for or-
promptly and factory.
Very respectfully.
to P. W. BATES,
Dancy. Conn.
B. C.
Any of the
sent post-paid on Cecil bl privet i
of Africa.
The most thrilling work on in-
Imitation f Christ.--
By Thomas n r, i.,. , eta
Selections from
others, pages; papa cents
Warren St., York
5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales,
Warrant.-d am
Dressing Hair.
the Opera House, at which phase
i have recently located, and where have
thing in line
; all the improved ; new
i comfortable chairs,
at reasonable
work outside of my
For Sale.
I will sell my Center property
of two acres of land with
ore large tenant
on u Proper
, located at r on Tar Rive,, ii
very desirable Cm mercantile
business. I
I power steam saw and grist mill that
I Will sell at a sacrifice.
N. ;.
Nickeled Pen Pencil
mm km
Flats hi
That the rent of fl its in London is
extravagant, and the accommodation
contemptible, is the subject of com-
plaint in The Daily News; but tho
grievance is one that will not
long endure. Tho speculative builder
tin the idea of
of course ho
overdone it Many of the great
provided for tho use of bachelors
or married couples without
family men enjoy living
in a standing almost empty;
empty they will remain until tho
mils down. Nor have tho
been always adapted to
the needs of tho in
of a homo informs us that
several mansions which ho visited ho
was told that the lift was working up
to o'clock at the
time when it ought to begin.
St. Gazette.
The Christian at prints a list
of sensational topics announced by
American preachers and says they
compare favorably with dime novel
titles. Hero a few of the sermon
from tho and the
are Going
by the Your
Goes tho Conies tho
Writers or Life.
Has anybody taken the pains to get
to the bottom of the popular fancy for
dialect writing There is only one
explanation. The people want
can life, written in American style
they want something unconventional,
a touch of nature and
Dialect, however, is not the
only form of unconventional literary
expression. The thoughtful ob-
server who follows Emerson's
and lives in the streets
will find interesting types of character
besides tho mountaineers and
crackers, and when he comes to write
what is in his mind ho will produce
American Con-
A business man and financier of the
rank in Boston is so absent mind-
ed that ho occasionally forgets to go
to his dinner. His customary hour
for this he remembers it
is o'clock. The other day, quite
absorbed in business, ho worked stead-
on o'clock, and then began
to a quite natural sense of
and yearning in his stomach.
he said musingly,
plying the flat of his hand to his waist-
coat, wonder what I for dinner
that disagrees with
trot until he reached his friend, When
he came to a halt and rubbed bis nose
tho boy's shoulder. Tho loud
whinny was softened and tho arched
neck pressed against the lad for
the expected caress. It is a good
yuan since that bright morning,
and yet the memory of it is as fresh
as if I saw it now; I can taste again
the very sweetness of Hie balsam
laden air, cm see the tender blue mist
that lingered about the hills,
and the pony's head resting
against the shoulder; and it
seemed to as it does now, that
if been hands instead of
hoofs, ho would have hugged the
and would have kissed him on the
lips, instead of on tho hand, had he
known how.
did you get that horse, I
don't mean to say a broil-
kind and
what he
long have you owned
how did break him I I j
supposed that they bad to roped
don't you believe a word of
it. I haven't even cross to
him; have I,
The pony corroborated tho state-
beyond cavil. The madam went
out and with the and
hugged the horse, and should not
have blamed her had hugged
boy, as I looked down into his honest,
laughing gray eyes.
Patience and its genius,
kindness, without any exhibition of
man's a simple endeavor
lo bring himself up to tho horse's
standard of intellect, and tho result
was two loving friends. That they
could not talk Greek, Latin or Eng-
to each other dignified tho
; the between them
was quite perfect and beautiful in its
and Stream.
i . A
r Restore Cray
I-.-. .-. . lie .--
PAR k c m
II,., I
II ill.
or proof on
ant other alongside
Ton Late Even for u.
gentleman who was
late centenarian, M.
although of tho of photo-
refused during tho greater
part of his long life to have his picture
taken. Not until in his
ninety-seventh year, did ho overcome
this antipathy. It happened, as he
wrote to a friend, in tins
about two years ago reported his j entered tho to go to tho
loss to tho detectives and offered
rally to assist them in every way. Al
he called frequently to ascertain
if any news of tho thieves had been
obtained, but being met always with a
his visits became infrequent
and finally ceased. He had forgotten
tho matter altogether till meant
when he was called upon by of place at my however,
the detectives, y
have got a fortune or my ruin. la
anything .
ditto Id rubber
i -t.
I 1-
is good.
do that
died week, confessing
It's a grand thing to get a clew.
Denver News.
Is it a pi j
have discovered
It is too
when a gentleman in tho politest
manner addressed
you can do mo the
greatest I replied that I was
in a great hurry, but ho persisted and
begged permission to accompany me
in carriage. I to his re-
quest. He had scarcely taken his
when he
can be
am a
trembled, but
of Brazil know Dom
a true savant and who de-
mo with the
wishes to your photograph, and
if I succeed in obtaining your
my future is I could
not resist him, and in tho name of Dom
Pedro accompanied tho photographer
to his studio. Herald.
Native-Yon traveled every
country of Europe
cannot speak any-
thing but English I
Two English words
will carry you anywhere. Every
country understands them.
much r
The most and
or for It.
best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Salt Fe-
Sores. f Hands.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired. It is guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
Be. per box. sale by Kr mil.
Appointments of
Eastern Carolina-
June Sunday alter
. Christ Church, New
June 23rd, 1st Sunday after
P. St. New
June 20th, Wednesday, after
Trinity. If. P. St.
June 26th. Wednesday a Her
Trinity, E. St. Beau-
June Thursday alter
M P. St. Craven Own-
June alter
Grace Church,
June 39th, Sad Sunday alter
July 2nd. Tuesday after Trinity,
July 2nd, Tuesday alter
K. P. Hell's Kerry, Co.
3rd. Wednesday alter
M. P. St. Co.
July 4th, after
July 5th, Friday alter Trinity, M.
P., Farmville, Pitt Co.
July nth, 3rd Sunday
St. Barnabas, Snow Hill.
8th, alter Trinity,
July 9th, Tuesday after
M. I., Holy Co.
July 9th, Tuesday night after
m mm h nm
i i
f or.
Una, , m if i
in. r. or
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to all.
Be sure lo me, y. Solid
Re elected Major 1680. by a large
H. W.
Warren Jersey,
IV. O.
D. Editor
obtained, and all ii S.
or in the I mill- to
We Mi.- r. s. Of-
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We ii fit. lo t.
Money Order Old., and to
i . s. Patent
advise terms and
actual client- hi own Stair, or
I . a i ii.
i, l, C
KW I .
TI f St Alt is New V
r iii- fullest
it ;
ii, i. ,, PaW aid
and Debility.
royal so.
Newspaper ever in
Greenville, it the
gives More
the money than any other paper
published North Carolina.
The a variety
and LOCAL, and will devote it-
self to the material
in which it
your and
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is called to tho as
large and
ii an excellent
which t. reach
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for Cleveland and four
yearn more in
national affairs, nation-
who like sort of
In the r to
The stands mi the
National It
that any Hi.
iii cm -s m tic- of a
is dishonest.
the -of
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from the and locking
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may call it
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through the is a
Its tone is nine and
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the Its
stories are told in
and mighty
reading they are.
S Mi is good as
and t he
same amount m tho
s i- in special
articles, stories
literal tin. i a mt ii n-ism. etc.
; i. a
ill all.-Ion's . hi-
fill letters are of ii- choice
Many the known men women
I III literature and art are represented in
its columns.
The is a large j m-i-
the of news the
over, with features which make
ii the most complete
The farmer, the mt
the man t. much to
read a daily paper, will more his
do i in the St mi
than from any other pap. r. will
alert I i campaign.
ii pi the freshest re-
political news.
K one y cal
Sunday i
Daily, without Sunday. one year
without Sunday, ix mouths
one year I. VI
A free of the to
the a club i I ten.
Park Place Sew York.
N. II. I, If. I nil TOW
for the PRIZE on NERVOUS and
fur boom or
directed u
St. .,.
or for be
Trinity, K.
tailing out of hair. of
dandruff i- before i he public
Among many who have with
I refer you to
lowing w In. w ill testify
to the I null my
. ,,
one wishing to n a trial
the above complaint can procure
ii tram ate, at place of fr
March N. .
Greenville, 1ST. C.
We the easiest
Chair ever used bi the art. towels,
sharp and satisfaction guaranteed
in every instance. Call and be con-
Ladies waited on at their
clothes a specialty.
Printers and Binders,
1ST. O.
We have the largest mid complete
the kind to lie found in
the Slate, and lei- for all
o R a i 1-
road or School Print-
or Binding-.
i oil
Scud us your order.
N. V.
Ho What's This
Another new by
in mil the
ed. or addressing tin-
above can procure a
I bottle of Preparation is invaluable
for and i
hair to and ;
only two or three application a
week i.- necessary, and a common hair
i brush is all to In- used niter the ,
for a few minutes with ;
the Preparation. Try a bottle mid he j
convinced, only
I lie
, i
Ml. .
a American. V
A . r colored
lit hot , it v
,. . .
. , . n
. . t hi
i may t inn . . V ft ., , .-, Tr . i
, L C i
ii a i.
tint. lit w. N. T
C. D.
N. U.
In Hay, torn. Meal. Oats
j and Mill
Will pay for
j Corn and
I pay ash for my and can at-
I to tell BOTTOM
Call on me at the store of H. Smith
I Bro.

Eastern reflector, 26 June 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 26, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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