Eastern reflector, 12 June 1889

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ever a
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector, General Bryan Grimes.
., , . When Major Cowper,
M published years age
the letters of Bryan
c took occasion
impression of this wry and
officer most
gentleman. We have said that
among all our schoolmates if we
had to select the two whose
nature was highest and whose hearts
were we would name lien.
Daniel, and Gen.
Crimes, of Pitt. We knew
i I Daniel with an that began
Ml not to j,, ,,.,,
m-n and measures that not consistent , . . ,
on or thirty other fields of of Thursday, this very-same division j
carnage, that the dash and should on the next day recapture
courage and the Knights j the position and guns which had ;
i n , . lost by General Mahone. to
Table Bound, or any of with large numbers of J
the heroes old made, famous in . No eulogy could speak high-
story in song. for its discipline and soldierly.
At Seven Pines bis bore qualities or sound louder the praises
; itself with a courage and eta- that who had I
, . . done Us training. His escape on
was equal to any. and it won. Col.
Green says
Fruit as a Food.
Medical Classics.
What shall we cat t This
confronts us daily. Upon its
wise solution to a great ex
and to changes in the
tissues generally.
With proper eating and drinking,
would fewer broken down
wrecks, more vigorous
intellects. The present human
A Curious Incident.
health and happiness of the cannot eliminate flesh entirely
the evening before partakes of the j
Price. per year.
Hie principle of the. party.
his We knew him as but
Out of twenty-five every
one, except the lieutenant colonel
was either killed or
wounded, as were four hundred and
sixty-two out live hundred and
twenty officers .
and men. Alter that charge, let us i th
hear no of one at the hail cold winds de- j
; or, rather let us hope that some strayed nearly all the cotton that;
Southern hard will take as a theme
Bethel Items.
The weather during the last two
weeks has been very destructive to
from its food and amount to a row
of pins. The that nothing
but vegetables should be eaten is
apt to overtake every one some
where in life. It is clue to some
physical disorganization, to some
if want a ,,. and our
section of the Slate send for the . , . , , ,, , ,
tor. COPY FREE lamented late Edward
of Halifax, his
biographical sketch Of Daniel for
Gen. Hill's Land we Love, at his re-
quest we furnished snail
as were in our possession.
Gen. Grimes we Knew at
of Wake,
M. Holt.
Sana- and occasionally met him in
of Wake. after life. We remember to have
W. of Wake. . . ,.;.,, . i .
of Wayne.
Superintendent of Public Instruction j when on his way on horseback to
the and- rival in
Another Colonel of another State
had refused to make the charge, but
hues and his glorious North Caro-
did make it and make it
Grimes himself, Colonel
was up before the hail, the heavy j
rains last week washed up and
nearly destroyed all that had been I
chopped out. previous to the rains.
We had a rain fall here from
Thursday to Saturday morning last
of inches, besides we had been
having so much for two weeks pie- j
that the lands were almost
the Army of Northern Virginia.
We saw him a times after the
war. and in common with so many
Carolinians who admired his pure
and manly character, we were very
greatly shocked when the tidings
came of his assassination, thus de-
State of a citizen of
genuine nobility of soul a pa
that was intense. Bryan
We reminded him just now
of by the very entertaining sketch
him in the Carolina
Sidney If. Finger of
Attorney F. David-
son, of Buncombe.
Chief Justice William H. II. Smith, of
Associate S. of
Joseph J. of
K. Shepherd, of and
c. Avery, of Burke.
Fir-t II. Brown, of
Second Philips, of Grimes loved North Carolina in
v great, loving heart.
Third Connor, of
Fifth A.
Sixth T.
Eighth District I, a. Armfield.
Ninth -J.--
Tenth District John G. of portions the article, there is a
fine portrait of Gen. Grimes, bat ,
Eleventh M. Shipp. of , , . ,
Mecklenburg. us as being so good
Twelfth j. as another and later one we have
Sena is. Vance, of Meek-; We are glad Col. Green has
Matt. W. Ransom, of given some his leisure time to the
District of tills will III,
G. Skinner, of and interesting sketch of a
of who deserves to be held in re
Third W. Mi-Clammy of by his native State. If
i we had the space we make ,
Fourth M. of
Na-h. here and there that would
Fifth w. of be by our readers. There
Sixth net Allied of , . ,
John s. ate some graphic pa-sages
Eighth M. A. t is some clear and animate I .
Ninth ,,. . . , . ,
narration. We rather like it better
than any thing we have from
our old school-mate's pen. We
make room a sections.
mounted. too wet
more exposed, it partakes of the ,
that the little A majority the have
should have been spared its com- plowed up as much
officer. His horse had his , their crop as had seed to plant,
head blown off, and railing pinioned The in the Conetoe section
As soon w fay as ,,., off o
Miss Anna school closed
last Friday, and the exhibition at
nigh was very pretty and entertain
by Col.
Green, of who was a
of It is discursive,
, but classical and graphic am. lull of
human interest. The parentheses
F. of
S.-pt.-i Court A. Move.
A. K. Tinker.
Register of II. James.
It. Cherry,
After an interesting
that leads to to of the
Dawson. sketch. Col. Green
awn, Mooring, C. V,
W. A. James. Jr. T. E. upon the rule Off prep.
Board of evidence, we take as sample
J. s. and J. D. l the patriot hero here outlined, a
. . . . i country gentleman of North
v . . .
one easy high
and social standing, open but
taste, kind heart and
simple Till tie from
the watch-tower told of encroach
on chartered
rights, Ins highest aim had seemed
to be to till his paternal acres in
peace and quiet and to square ac-
counts with Heaven and his fellow ,
of F. W. Brawn.
F. G. James.
F. Evans.
B. Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
Asst Police -T. ft. Moon-.
Ward. I. X.
Sod Ward. R. Williams Jr., and Alfred
Forbes Sid T. J. Jarvis and M.
Ward, W. X. Tolbert.
That well describes the man, the
citizen. He was born on the
of November and was
First and Third at the University ill
Sundays, and night. X. C. ., a . ,
Hushes, I. P. Rector. the war he had seven horses killed
under him. We were much inter-
SB draw,, between
Pastor. him and Daniel. We quote .-
Services every Sunday, morn- j u
and night.
Grimes Daniel
he seizes the Hag, and with
some three score of other surviving
heroes, completes the task he was
An officer of Fourth told us
that all the color guard were shot The children acquitted them-
down and then took selves well. Miss Anna is quite
and literally leading his men mount- young for a teacher, but she has
mg the breastworks of the enemy sh us that she knows how to
planted it amid the of his the young mind. A young la- ,
men. What a scene. Col. Green at her of such,
compares it lo Napoleon at moral and intellectual qualities as;
On the 12th day in Wilder she has, is worthy of the
Grimes patronage of any
brigade, after that admirable soldier that the people
bad been wounded in trying re-1 here have shown by their acts that
cover eat loss by the capture do appreciate such a character.,
of Gen- Edward Johnson, of Virgin- arc those in this and other
in, men, upon his own who older and whose,
responsibility, recaptured I he works, advantages in life are just as good
Gen. Lee rode down to Grimes and if better than and who are
declared openly that they anxious to shine in society, would
the thanks of the as they do Well to follow her footsteps.
Saved bis And so the exhibition was over, a
I. i was prevented to
grand career of heroic endurance teacher by our venerable citizen
and heroic set vice. At the very t Col. W. M. Hammond in a short and
close, it was his division that made appropriate speech in behalf of the
the last charge at AppomattoX, j pupils.
driving the enemy from his position Mr. Mrs. Fell, Miss Allie
and opening the way of to Gainer and Miss
and it was Gen. Cox's port started this morning to the
Carolina brigade of his M. E. District at Fair-
ion that the last volley, lien, field. Hyde county. Mr.
Green closes hi sketch with the yesterday morning, on who is;
words of Maj. my neighbor, was very instructive,
-For honesty of purpose, for de- entertaining, he taught some
rotten to principle, for of folks in his congregation a valuable
friendship, for honor in all promises lesson if they would heed it.
and obligations, and for true j c. K ,
courage, be stood on the day . . .
death the peer of any living
man being, lie speaks of Bryan
. K. O. Esq., of Halifax
North Carolina had many able and passed yesterday morning
brave officers, it sent more than way homo from Greenville.
to the war and lost about as The tram was late Saturday even
many men, we as Virginia, owing to a washout on the Peters
Georgia and Alabama lost all to- road, no mail yesterday eve
gather. It had some splendid sol- from the same cause.
diets in the dead heroes, Fender.; A named Sol Williams was
tines. shot and killed by another named
sou, Daniel, Gordon and Branch , Hyman, at Mildred on Saturday
men who all liberty and last, are informed that the
right. We do name the living difficulty arose out of an in-
Among its bravest and j between Williams and Hy
most conspicuously faithful and man's wife; Williams had not been
dashing and useful was arrested when last heard from.
Grimes. We make room for one Mr. Branch is now running as Ex
more quotation from Col. Green's i press messenger on the
sketch. Ho place of Mr. Stalling, who is
closing week of that dread to section,
ordeal was to beat record of It is gratifying to know that we
boldest conception by the are to have a money office
I after the. 1st of July, it is
much needed and will be of
human race. A judicious dietary
is an evidence a high State of
for brain brawn are in
a general sense the direct outcome
of the kind of food eaten, its
of preparation and the in
which it is served and introduced passing or and usual-
into the human economy. steals silently away with dis
h is are a little astray the mat- j that credited it. Still,
of diet. Having no national j there is far too much meat, eaten,
type of it is surprising Meat three times a day is more than
that the characteristic food of the j average, town dwelling human
nation is by its absence, can endure. Functional dis
The average table is a strange mix- of the liver, gall stones,
of Dutch, French, and renal calculi, diseases of the kidney,
everything else beside, according to dyspepsia, headache, fits or
polyglot ancestry the in per or of the blues, irritability and
householder may general absence of the joy of life
Even has his linger largely due to an excess of meat
the pie. The English imprint, how- and oilier highly concentrated food,
ever is the and, like the These conditions, like attacks of
English, we have a diet, adapted gout dyspepsia, are the
to a far colder latitude than positions of those who will
one we There seems to have them. Ignorance of the law
be a strong tendency human no excuse. What shall we eat
towards the consumption As a we reply-
food that is too concentrated. The eat fruit,
old Indian chief complained that the
pale faces were
dying of too much house. The
modern civilized world is dying
too much meat.
Some people are afraid to eat
fruit, thinking that fruit and
are always if
It is his duty to consider him-
self largely responsible for the moral i
tone of the the community wherein Durham Sun.
his influence is felt. The laws of the i From Richmond county, N. an
I country him absolute free- j incident is reported. Mrs. Baxter
and in return for this he owes j had been quite ill for several
I it to the country that, his weeks, and Sunday morning when
thus made powerful, be cast on the she awoke she told her husband that
side of the moral and material pros- while she was asleep she dreamed
of the people. A republic , that she died, and that in eternity
not exist without a tree press met face to face Mrs.
nor could it exist and prosper with an intimate neighbor, who lived
a venal press. Just ahead of a only two miles away. Mrs.
progress from despotism to was not known to be ill, but the
democracy marches the press, whose sick lady seemed much impressed
freedom is the death of monarchy.
Journalism M the noblest the
profession on earth, if its
devotees rightly interpret their mis
Its prostitution is a A
newspaper not belong to its pro
alone. It belongs to the
with her dream and declared her
belief that it would be realized in a
short time. She seemed perfectly
rational her condition was not
regarded as critical. Monday she
was suddenly worse be-
fore noon was dead. In the evens
pie. it is Morally it is word was received saying that
the property or Ins clients. The man ; Mrs. her neighbor had
I who manufactures a faulty article of died at about twelve o'clock after
commerce simply hurts his own rep- two hours illness.
Editors and Lawyers.
It has been suggested by a news
writer that there was a
in the professions of editor
and lawyer ; and the proposition has
The article will be rejected
and that is the end of It, The edit-
or who sacrifices the moral quality is the young men of the
his paper, who print an article j South, that is, those ranging from
I that has the poison of vice its j youth to forty or fifty years of age,
sentiment, or treats flippantly of the arc making the South to-day.
better things in life, does an meal- They ask no favors. Worthy sons
callable injury, whose influence may worthy sires, girted with the
be felt for years to come.
Weekly Weather Crop
they understood the true cause of
the they would know that
been urged, in extenuation of the
hot weather meat very
quickly, and during this process
which are
of accepting a subsidy by a
newspaper man, that there was no
more impropriety in it than for a
lawyer to accept a fee for defending
a criminal. It is the gravest of
, to suppose that the lawyer and
poisonous, acting as emetics and. ,. . . . ,
, . editor sustain the same relation to
purgatives, true that eat-
en green or between meals will in-
with digestion and cause
bowel troubles; but use fruit
is perfectly ripe at mealtime, and
only beneficial results will follow.
Acids prevent calcareous
Keeping the elastic, as;
well as preventing the
of earthly matters. This is be-
cause of the solvent power of the
acids bu manufactured acids are,
harmless, as are those, which
nature has prepared for us the
various kinds of fruit. Fruit is a
perfect food when fully ripe, but if
it were daily use from youth to
age there would be less gout, gall-
stones stone bladder.
Stewed apples, pears and plums
arc favorite articles for diet. For
breakfast or the dining
room or the there are
table dishes more wholesome
more than well stewed
fruit served up with cream or
There are persons,
however, who cannot eat. it on
count either of the of the
fruit or he excess of sugar
to make it palatable. Sugar
docs not, of course, counteract acid
; it only disguises it, and its use
i the public, and it would result in
I hopeless prostitution of the press if
the supposition should generally
prevail. There is absolutely no pro-
that differs so widely from
the editor's his relation to the
Compare their The client
of the lawyer is always an
or a corporation. The client of
the editor is the public welfare. The
lawyer is at best a special pleader-
His profession is not even ostensibly
lo support the cause or justice. He
s as likely to be called to support
side of a case as he is to
treasures of Anglo Saxon brawn,
brain, courage and they are
resolved to make the
of the new world. They filled
with enthusiasm that be
For lading They are bold, earnest,
energetic, and above all, they have
OFFICE, N. C a faith in the South's future that
The reports of correspondents of be weakened. All honor to
the Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin, the young
; issued by the North Carolina .
Station and State Weather , of a Buffalo
j Service, co-operating with the double-barreled
States Signal Service, show that a in
state doting the week ending Fri-
day, May The effect upon
crops has been generally favorable-
I Cotton has improved somewhat, j
though considerably damaged by cancels.
English as she is spoke.
n. c.
, be retained on the right side. To-
day he defends the vilest criminal,
and he pleads the cause
of a wronged individual. Whether
obstructing justice with
lies, or appealing to it for redress
for an injured party, he is equally
bound to exert his best professional
j energy for his client. His services
late for sale, and if by the effort of
his genius he can cheat the prison of
a thief a murderer he is just as
much bound to do it, provided he is,
retained by the criminal, as he is to
secure reparation injury commit
How different from all this is the
hail and wind storms in Rowan and
counties. In the
co sections the weather has been
w to trans-
planting. A very severe
passed over the State on Thursday
and Friday, attended by high winds
and excessive rain-tails, flooded hot- ,
torn lands doing some injury to
I the crops. The following especially ,
I heavy weekly are DENTIST, O
Burke M I
inches three days. Dallas,
ton inches hours. AUG
C. M.
A W,
N. C.-
Practice in the State Federal Co
large quantities is calculated to g of ;, , ;
retard digestion. housewife
lion Station,
inches on one Davidson Col-
inches three days.
Wake inches three
days. Greensboro, Guilford
inches three days. Grays-
burg. Northampton
inches on lour days. Hertford,
inches in four
was slightly below the W,
the sunshine below the average Greenville, N. C.
amount and rain-fall above the.
average- Crops appear lo .
G R E E X VI L L E, N. C
J. E. M RE.
may, there lore, be grateful for the
reminder that a pinch a very small
carbonate of soda,
led over the fruit previously to cook
will save sugar, will
the dish more palatable j
more wholesome.
Wednesday Bight. w. there was, to my thinking, a
similarity of character.
both, the positive element was over-
j predominant; assertive
Greenville Lodge. m, A. F. A. to extreme when assertion was
M. meet fat Thursday and Mon-j essential, but equally unquestioning
day after the 1st and Pad Sunday at as to authority from above. Each
Masonic Lodge. W. M. King, W. was to but
2nd and 4th Monday nights at Ma- but modest too, puerile
sonic Hall, W. Brown, II. P. vanity or offensive assumption en-
covenant Lodge, I. O. O. F. in the make-up of either.
meets every Tuesday night, l. Neither would have
Lodge. No. K. of i
meet every first and third Friday night, power to As little would
D. D. D. either have essayed the camp
Pitt Council, No. A. L. of meets politician for present or prospective
every Thursday night. C. A. White, C.; With both, the work in
I baud was too serious to admit, of
thought of the aftermath. With
On the 25th of March General Leo
resolved to take the offensive
lo cut twain tire great besieging
army. At the hazard of being
thought invidious, it must be writs
as deliberate conviction that
that filial supreme effort Grimes
division played the grandest part
great benefit to the
were very sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. Latham,
also the death of Mr. Henry Stan-
and did as usual what it was who died last Monday. They
ed to do, took the works front. were both good and useful citizens,
with large numbers of prisoners and I both honest, Christian,
this writer was intimately
but being unsupported
. by a certain other division were
i compelled to fall back with a loss of
As usual, Gen. Grimes was
conspicuous for his reckless daring.
Consequently, the order for
the evacuation was issued and car-
into effect that night, April
ed with both of these
and faithful old soldiers of the cross
know they were two of the;
best men I ever knew or ever ex.
net to know. Mr. Stancill was
Office hours a. at. to P- m. Money thought ever predominant
absolute and nu-
from to p. M. conditional independence, and to
mail arrives daily Sun- that consideration all others were
at a. M., and parts at S. p x. even held insignificant and
mail arrives Sun- a common
at m. and p. m. dudes, tricksters and
I. J. P. M. We take that to be fairly and
They were the
of men. courage
and a of will that no
On Thursday morning the i his eighty-fifth year and retained;
, enemy's advance came up with the his strength and vigor of mind
rear, as usual such eases a short time before his death,
society. His publication is the re-
of the best collective moral
sentiment of the whole people. He
is not in a net sense the of
public opinion. It is rather his duty
to and give voice to the
prevailing sentiment, to
the better elements of society,
Taken in the morning, fruit is as ; . , . . . m . m.
helpful to digestion as it is tho W
lag. The newly awakened function for the
finds in it an object such light
labor as will exercise without j the editor to take. It is impossible
taxing its energies, and the to overestimate the dignity
tissues of the stomach acquire at his responsibility
little cost a gain or it he will only lose
which will sustain those energies of the man
later more serious operations. community and its
It is an excellent plan, I is a
in view, to add a little bread community which his lot is
t he fruit eaten. While admitting can
its position of these of
ties, however, and while also agree also
with those who maintain that The following beautiful Hues, illus-
m meat should be less, the relation of woman to
or vegetables more freely used serve with equal force to illus-
as a food, we are not prepared to our idea of the editor's relation
low that even an exclusively, -o the people i
been unfavorably affected. Bail
and wind storms, together with
heavy rains, were very injurious to
cotton in the northern portion of
I this district. Attention is called to
the remarks of the correspondent
from Tarboro, county.
There was I
an excess of about an
and aver.
age amount of sunshine in this dis-
with a decidedly favorable
upon crops, as shown from the
reports of per cent, the
pendents. The weather has J
N. C.
in all the courts. Collection
a Specialty.
very reasonable for tobacco, and
cotton has been doubtless Improved
Freshets are reported some lo-
A W,
Greenville, N.
with some injury to crops r
by Grimes. From a. to p.
a number of years ho was one of the
in. there was
one-hall the j magistrates the county
battle to the of the old court. Wei
whilst the other half, retiring to ever cherish the
reasonable distance two
in Mission.
House, 1st at calamity could break. We
2nd M
at II out occasions in which Gen.
i ed a
P. C. i at Pines, and perhaps up-
same and permit the
first to And so the retreat
was kept up until Sailor's creek was
reached at i p. in., that day. Her
foe was repeatedly repulsed, but
continuing to overwhelm
numbers, and having flanked
both wings of the little force guard
the bridge, it was compelled to
flow, few, comparatively are the
men who possess the virtues
these two men. L
Bethel, C, 3rd 1889.
The jail at Kenansville was born- j
ed Tuesday by one of its in-
mates, a white man, and ex-pen
vegetarian regimen is that most
generally advisable. Meat pro-
us with a means of obtaining
material, which is mile
in its most easily
form. It affords this man civilized ; yet it could
not only important exist in any other. In one sense
of tissue growth, but a potent leader; yet II it does
of the whole process j faithfully reflect the prevailing
unto the how the cord it.
So unto man is woman
Though she bends him, she obeys him;
Though she leads him, yet she
Useless each without the
The newspaper is a necessity to a
i bottom lands.
The lain-
was above the average, the
slightly below the
and the sunshine slightly above tho
average. of
the corespondents that
weather has been favorable In the
tobacco sections of this district the
weather has been especially favor-
i able. The stand of has been ;
probably improved. Wheat doing
I well. Oats rather poor.
Ii. B. Battle, Director.
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
asp N. C
seek escape impending capture I who was brought to
by precipitate flight across the creek j yesterday morning and j
it sounds almost incredible in jail here tor safe keep-;
such experience at close I
It has a definite
taut place the ordinary diet of
man. and the of fruit
combined with food as
alternative dietary is not so
much in favor of the
public sentiment it becomes
and dies. It it obeys.
It leads, yet it follows.
nor the exist with-
out tho
is to catch
Carlos French, who has been
to succeed the late W. Bar
on tho Democratic National
Committee, is a manufacturer, and j
a low tariff man.
Greenville, N.
Under new management. Hot and
cold water baths. Good rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed the best the market. Feed
stables in connection.
Every week or two some I
falls heir so of Eng-, r i r-
money but somehow you never SAMPLE ROOMS FREE.
principle, as a proof that I the highest and best sentiment
seasonable changes in food supply j the people, and reflect it as tho rays
helpful to digestive arc reflected from a
hear of the being paid over
Senator of is
j very ill, it is given out that
his chances of recovery are -very
Polite waiters. Rooms. Best
table the market afford. When in
city at the
If yon went U wive tear m , next door K TYSON.

Eastern Reflector,
in Tire
Subscription Price.
not So Democratic
en and measures that are not consistent
th true principles of the party.
II yon want a a
section of the State semi for the
Mail Mil
The Wilmington Star has lost
none of its brilliancy, but in the
Journalistic constellation is as
as ever. Its new
tor is a man of brains, as his
productions show, and in
instances there is a vein of
between the lines that is
simply charming.
m a
There is as little selfishness
and as much openhearted
about the Goldsboro
as any paper in our knowledge.
While it is wedded
and always alive to the improve-
going on in that city, it
shows its interest in the welfare
other towns by frequently
mentioning some of their
Greenville is in-
to the for several
items of this nature.
The Teachers Assembly will
meet at Morehead on the 18th.
The attendance promises to be
larger than at any session yet
held. We hope many teachers
from Pitt county be present.
There is much to be learned at
these annual gatherings of the
teachers and all who can should
avail themselves of the
to be present. The railroads
will give reduced fare and ex
at Morehead will
One of the Justices of the i with suffering brothers and sis-
county called our attention to a of the upon
matter discussed before the joint terrible calamity
meeting with the Board of Com- A was held
missioned, last week, that we lo methods of
are of the opinion was viewed in, and clothing; it
,., , . , . was attended by an immense crowd
us wrong light Our informant I
when the question of who a for
the tax levy was called About in
Chairman of the Board of Com U an
missioners made a statement as enormous quantity of blankets
to what would be required to j etc. Every-
meet the expenditures of the body seemed disposed to give some
; poor people who were
to give money gave a blanket
or a cast off garment; boot blacks
and news boys handed in their
along side the millionaires
thousand dollar checks, and the
children emptied the pennies out of
their lime banks in order to turn
over to the Committee. For the
first hall of the week nothing was
talked about or thought
about but the awful news from
Johnstown. Washington's Hood
has done a damage to pub-
and private of several millions
of dollars but that was entirely for-
gotten in the face of the great loss
of life by the horror.
Already the acting
county for the next fiscal year
and said a reduction from to
cents on the valuation
could easily be made. He
stated that the reduction
might be brought to cents
and the amount still be sufficient
to meet all requirements, if all
whose duty it was to do so
would list their taxes, but as
many were in the county who
failed to list their taxes a
reduction was not advisable.
He also cited some instances of
persons he knew who failed to
list their taxes and as there was
no way to compel them to do so
the was the loser just so
far. This is the argument we the Laud
wish to disagree with.
i. has begun to undo the good
i work Democratic
makes ample provision in I .
, ,. , , , , I Won. lie has given notice that he
cases and stipulates how . Board of
may be proceeded against the
Section of the Machinery Act,
session of 1880,
Chairman of the Board of
Commissioners shall examine the homesteader against
the tax-list from each township land-grabber. But as the
of Contests,
both under Mr. Cleve-
land's administration and both re-
as being in the interests of
for the previous year and insert named class have
in said list the description and
valuation of all properly not
given in, with the name of the
persons supposed to be liable
for a poll tax who failed to
give in, and shall
charge all such persons with
double the tax with which they
would otherwise be chargeable,
unless satisfactory excuse there-
rendered to the Board of
County Commissioners on or be-
fore the first Monday in October,
and all persons who are liable
for a poll tax and shall I The Great Stewart Will, etc. j
to give themselves in, shall
YORK, June
Sympathy of the sincerest kind
many years,
with the of from to
1889, controlled that office the
change can hardly be surprising,
The Civil Service Commission is
busily engaged in discovering
It has just reported
a large one the Now York custom
house, and is now in New York, hop-
to find one in the
Next week it is to start west on a
grand tour of discovery which will
embrace a dozen cities.
New York Letter.
lie deemed guilty of j
or, and en conviction thereof
shall be lined not more than pouring out from hearts of
s dollars or imprisoned
more than thirty
The Reflector has frequently
tendered its columns for use by
It does not repeat
offer now with a desire or
of ascertaining any of the
secret workings of the
but we believe nothing will
prove more benefit to the far-
than a general exchange of
practical ideas If in your ex
Washington Letter.
From our regular
Washington. . C, June
treading dangerous ground. He
wants to abolish Sunday work
the and in order to get
some foundation to work on he has
sent a circular letter to the post-
masters one hundred of the
you have found any-1
thing that will be beneficial to asking for suggestions as
your fellow workers why not
part it to them. These
are open for any discussions of
general interest.
Judge George II. Brown, Jr.,
is presiding at this term of Pitt
Superior lie is a born
jurist and presides over the Court
with dignity and great ability.
Though a young man he has few
superiors, either at the bar or
upon the bench. We could not
get out to hear his charge to the
Grand Jury Monday morning
are told that its equal is
heard The Clerk of the
Court says it was the com
charge he ever listen-
ed to, clear, plain, practical and
covering all the points
to be brought to the attention
of the Jury. The people of Pitt
like Judge Brown. The
business of the Court started off
briskly, and the civil docket
may be reached to day.
A complaint is coming from
subscribers in the Southern
portion of the county about the
mail. For two weeks no mail has
gone out from Greenville to any
of those offices. The trouble
seems to be with of the
mail that route. He says,
so we are informed, that the con
tractor has failed to pay him for
carrying the mail, therefore he
stopped so doing. So much for work stopped
how Sunday work may stopped
etc. course all good men be
Hen that the Sabbath should be
observed in as a manner as
possible, but at the same time all
sensible men know that a certain
of work must be performed
by somebody even on that day, and
the carrying and rapid handling of
the mails is a work too important to
be stepped at any time, for any
cause. In fact the efficiency of the
Department is more in
need of being increased than de-
creased this very matter of Sun-
day handling or mails Wan-
Isn't very careful he will
raise a tempest the business
world that will be strong enough to
sweep out of the office that
cost him so much money. And
then is another view on the subject
that should not be lost sight of. In
the more than one hundred years
of its existence no attempt has ever
been made to have this Government
officially recognize any religious de-
nomination or sect, and the
dent would be a dangerous one to
establish. for instance
that Wanamaker, who is a
should succeed having all
work stopped in our on
Sundays during bis administration
of the Department. So
all right, but now suppose t hat
the unexpected upheaval of pol-
he should be succeeded by a
Hebrew, or a seven
list, both of which sects regard Sat-
as the Sabbath day, and that
he should insist having all post
having mail contracts let and
sub-let to parties scattered all
over the world instead of letting
them to parties in the neighbor-
hood of the route to be traveled.
Prom what we can learn the con-
tract for the route
ed to is let to a man in Kentucky
and he sub-let it to a man in
Kinston and the latter hired
somebody else to carry it. Mat-
of this kind should be look-
ed into promptly and those res
made to
It is said the cost re.
seating the Days of
at Manhattan will he
Then what a row we should have.
Church and State both have
functions to perform in this as
well as every other country, but let
us keep them separate and distinct,
if history teaches it is
the utter futility of successfully mat
the two.
Politics have this week been
pushed to the wall by that
of nature that makes the
whole world Democrats and
Republicans have vied with each
other to provide succor for the
or thousands of people made homeless
by the great floods la Pennsylvania.
Washington shown the world
that however heartless she seems
be in her t with political
she i reality ban
people be cm- A great big human
m m
not our people to the survivors of the
stricken city of and
And this
is being coined into gold, at
the rate Of an hour. Every-
one who is able is sending in his
mite, and those who are unable to
contribute money are expressing
heartfelt sorrow words. The
hundreds of thousands of dollars
that have already been contributed
by the citizens of New York show
their magnificent generosity in a
most convincing manner, and serve
to display what is perhaps their
greatest characteristic. Let other
cities do their utmost and let the
money pour from all quarters of
the globe. Id is such things as this
terrible disaster at that
out to the best advantage the
traits of people and show the truth
of the adage, touch of nature
makes the whole world The
subject awful catastrophe is
everyone's lips, the great dailies
are filled with it, so over-shad
owing is it that it is difficult to n rite
or talk about anything else.
So the fight over the millions of
dollars left by Mrs, A. T. Stewart is
ended at last, and the contestants
have decided to accept as
a compromise. The wonder is that
the lawyers did not keep it up in-
The first beating in the
case was in January, when
one of the lawyers, Mr. Choate,
sarcastically remarked that it would
take about ten days. It took
that length of time to cross-examine
one witness, and the whole
took over a year. Mis. Stew-
art died in October, leaving
about to be divided
among her relatives and Judge
ton. The contest was not
until two years later and it were
engaged some of the most prominent
lawyers in the country, including
Joseph H.
ox-Surrogate Judge Gilbert
and limit. The fees of the
lawyers, it is said, will amount to
A sea just a few days old is
the great attraction at Central
Park now. He is the second sea
born in New York City. He is
the color of a and
his mother carries him about by the
nape of the neck, much as a cat car-
a kitten. Ho makes a sound
which could not be told from the
bleating of a lamb. The little
is not yet able to swim, and for
two weeks his mother will keep him
safe on dry land. At the cud of
that time will carry him into the
tank of water on back. He will
live on a milk diet till be is six
mouths old, and then his mother
will wean and he will to
subsist on solid food, such as bass
108th Annual Communication
of the Grand Lodge of Free and
week. For first time in its his-
the Lodge, met a
building owed by the
entirely free from debt or
For four years the labor
clearing off the debt of the Temple
has absorbed the attention of the
fraternity, the its
successful result is heartfelt.
Grand Master Frank H. Lawrence,
who has held that exalted position
during all this time Grand
Lodge in debt, Tern
The reports in the hands of
the Secretary show
in the State to be excellent
financial condition. One
thousand dollars appropriated
for the proposed Masonic Home to
bi built, in Utica, and John W.
was elected Grand Master
Edwin Arlington.
N. C-, June
Board of Commissioners
met in present C.
B. Keel, G.
M. Mooring, W. A. James, Jr., and
C. V. Minutes of last
meeting read and approved.
The following orders for paupers
were drawn upon the
Susan Tucker 5.00, Stocks
1.50, Taylor COO, Marga
Bryan 3.00, James Masters 2.00.
Patsy 1.50, H. D. Smith 2.00,
Nancy John Baker 1.50,
Daniel Webster 2.00,
Nelson 1.00, William 2.00,
Lydia 2.00, Jacob
n 1.50.
General orders were issued as
J. A. K. Tucker 48.90, Henry
13.50. If. James D.
II. Moore 1.02, W. U. Moore
W. M. Moore 2.92, Daniel
2.90, Bryant Buck 2.44, J. B. Cherry
300.00, Holiday 2.51, T. J.
Stancill 1.09, B. A. Jr., 4.24,
J. B. Cherry E. A. Jr.
5.11, J. J. 171.70, B. A.
Jr., J. A. K. Tucker
9.00, E. A. Jr., 2.17, L. B.
Mew e 2.40, E. A. Jr.,
S. Sheppard 13.42, E. A.
Jr., 1.12, II. S. Sheppard 2.00. E.
A. Jr., James Kits 11.90,
Carr 40.50, F. W. Brown
37.40, Jack Barnes 1.00, F. W.
42.50, W. A. James 7.20, P.
W. Brown T. D. Keel
5.00, C.
Dawson 3.80, G. M. Mooring 2.90,
C. V. Newton 5.65, W. Andrews
U. V. Collins C.
The vacancy in the office of
Surveyor, caused by the death of
Manning, was filled by the
election of J. S, L. Ward.
having tendered his
resignation as Coroner, H. B.
was elected to fill the
The petition for a new township
to be formed out of portions of Swift
ships was read it appearing
that a number of the original
to the petition were dissatisfied
with the proposed boundary lines of
the new township action was post-
to some future meeting.
At o'clock the Board of Com-
missioners met jointly with the
Justices of the the
pose of electing a Board of
and levying the taxes for 1889.
action of this joint session was
published in last issue of the Ur.-
except that Capt. John
King was elected Chairman of
Board of Justices for the ensuing
At o'clock the Commissioners
held a joint session with the Board
of Education to elect a
dent of Public Instruction. II-
C. H. James, E. J. Blount,
J. It. Congleton and J. D. Cox, were
placed nomination, the election
resulting in favor of U. Harding,
who tendered his resignation as a
member of the Board Education
subscribed to the oath of office as
Superintendent. This causing s
vacancy the Board of Education
Allen Warren and Moore were
placed in nomination to till the
the election resuming
favor of Allen Warren.
to the buyers of Pitt and counties, line the following
that are not to be excelled in this market. And to be and
pure straight GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS. CLOTHING,
kinds. Gin and Belting, Hay, Rock Lime, of Paris,
Hair, Harness, and Saddles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, dozen, less per cent for Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a call and guarantee satisfaction.
Spring Display
Foreign and
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance and
workmanship equal any that can be found
yield the palm to none.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
Are headquarters for all needed in he
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if y want anything in
Hardware, Agricultural Implement
and I tonsils, f Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which W will U
WE are now fitted in arc prepared h
upon notice any kind or style of
also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old J.
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
l will weekly v-n mid -t
cS Confection s,
l keep on hand a an if
All your wants in the can be supplied
My Factory s well equipped with the best Mechanics,
but WORK. We keep with the times and i
Best material used in all work. All styles Spring are
put up
st Improved styles,
you can select from
Storm, Coil, Horn, King,
Also keep on band a full of ready
the year round, which we will sell AS LOW AS LOWEST.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for past favor hope
a continuance of the same.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
N. Mar. 1887.
------Tin for-
Merchandise Brokers.
My Northern Dress Maker Trim-
mer, Miss Leland, has inbred and I am
prepared to execute In the latest styles
and fashions any work to my
the latest designs have
so arrived and will he pleased to show
them to you. My price era the lowest,
and guarantee not to be undersold by no
one. Special bargains on all goods.
Mrs. L. C. King,
Watch-Maker Jeweler.
If you want something nice in the way of
Sewing Machines,
come to the old a
large new stock Just received.
Watches, Jewelry and
Machines repaired and warranted.
Pitt Co II C
mars Co. N C
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
We are no receiving Spring and
Summer Goods, and hope that
you will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
The appointed by the
Commissioners to assist set-
between John Flanagan,
Collector and J. LI. Cherry.
Treasurer, reported that upon a
careful calculation made by them
of the abstracts and the tax books
placed in the hands of said
tor, that the said abstracts charge
said Flanagan as School
tax tax
That minutes of the Board of
Commissioners show that alter the
rendition of abstracts property was
listed before said Hoard lax upon
which amounted to making
a total of the
upon the tax list shows
that said Flanagan could have
only collected thereon the
making a difference of
that the said Flanagan was
not authorized by the tax list to col-
They further report; that the
following statement shows the
amount due by said Flanagan to the
county, as based the abstracts
upon in the Register's
John Flanagan, Tax Collector for cotton plows. We will
in account with Pitt county, trade
To amount tax,
properly listed before
tax on dogs
by Commissioners,
tax on polls listed
fore Commissioners,
Commission Merchants,
at cents per yard, which you
will find to be equal to any
yon will find at cents.
A line of
at cents. And
many other things that we
will offer at special prices
We call especial attention to our
The and
plow, and the
By of tax re-
el I on prop-
poll tax exemptions,
amount refunded by
order of
of insolvent
B Cherry
OH Plat.
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
, Yours truly.
Greenville, N. C.
I have an elegant Hue of
We have had several years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle Cotton to
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt and
careful attention.
The bad health of Mr. D. D.
has compelled him to
management f the carriage for
me, which left good
material bought cheap for cash, on my
hand. I will dose out Block at
liberal discount, or will make easy terms
with the purchaser, or will make
terms with good reliable man to
carry on the carriage business for inc.
There is better i. for a carriage
business In the county than at this
I have also a large stock of general
merchandise for sale cheap for cash or on
time, such Meats, Hour, Com,
bought in large lots also a nice lot of
New Orleans Molasses, nice
selected stock of Shoes, Straw
Goods, nice lot. of Clothing, ladies Dress
Goods, in fact everything can be
found a General Store.
May Mb, N. C
Water Mills.
The undersigned having leased these
mills number of years and put them
far bestowed upon us and beg for a continuation of the -e
you to-day a line of goods cm be in this market for durability
worth. We have now In a nice line of Ladles Goods, embracing
Double and Single Width
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly
Drew Linen and Piece Linens.
will art
A line of Goods and
yon in quality and price. Notions in endless variety embracing i
line too numerous to mention. Hats for Men. and Children, fin
Shirts. and Suspenders, a nice line e
Shoes, to lit all who favor with their patronage, we special care to
this line and guarantee our shoes both In quality and price. A large lot
Slippers from cents up. We especially cull the attention of the Ladles to
line of Slippers and think they not do themselves justice if they buy
examining them.
Hardware, Nails, Cutlery,
Hots, flows, Shovels, Trace Chains.
Grindstones and Fixtures,
Crockery. Glassware, Lamps,
Wood and Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whips
i mi i i mills for s- number or put
That embrace the very latest and Corn and wheat in a manner,
fashions. My goods are new I car- Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
a complete stock. A competent as-1 I inform merchants
that I am
been arid all prepared to furnish them water
can be suited. My long null meal at prices delivered,
In the business and the many i Customers wanting to buy at retail can
patrons I have served, attests to my i be supplied at my store In
ability to give satisfaction to all. Your I where will also a select
solicited. j of General Merchandise which will Is
MrS. M. T.
I Robt, R. Fleming.
Gail Ax and Load Mills Chewing and Tobacco,
Provisions. In this line we Tea, Sugar. Molasses, Rice, Li
the very best we can buy, Pepper, Spice. Soap, both laundry an-J toilet, star
and Hall Lye, Matches, Candles, Starch, best grade of Kerosene Oil. Meats of
cut kinds. Floor Which we buy low and sell low for the cash. If you need s
rel of good flour come to see us, we are rock bottom on it.
carry Window Sash and Doors of dim-rent
W stock of any house Greenville,
i double and single, Lounges, Chairs of different kinds. Tables, Cots, Bed
Hinges, l I
-i is in stock. Also the
embracing Suits,
and Mattresses, Children's Cribs and and Cradles. What we
not got in line we have several of the houses in I
country- will order anything at moderate prices. Don't forget
celebrated Climax and PLOWS when yon want one. We carry
for these Plows in stock.
when you come to town, we guarantee fair and honor
i treatment, and will your kindness and patronage. We can
as low as any one who sells as good goo-Is as we do.

M. R. Lang's Column.
are line.
Come in to see us.
Lots of pretty girls.
White Caps in
Another taste of summer.
Snap beans cucumbers.
Attend to listing your taxes.
Warm and showery this week.
See new advertisement.
is falling in the river.
It is time peaches wire in mar-
We regret to that Dr. F. W.
Brown is very sick.
Mrs. John has been sick
for nearly two weeks.
Mrs. S. A. Charlotte
for a visit in the
Miss Lucy Tyson, of is
visiting Miss Lillie Peebles.
Mrs. W. loft yesterday to
visit relatives Goldsboro.
Rev. Q. L. Finch is
Wake Forest commencement.
Miss Eliza Hodge.-, of Washing-
ton, is visiting Mrs. K. H.
Miss Lillian Nobles returned home
last week from School. La
Miss Fannie Newton, of Falkland
A fleet of Government boats with
workmen passed river one
day last week, in charge of Capt.
Bryan. They have working on
the river above Tarboro.
An old saying among the fisher-
men is that if the river is muddy in
it will get clear again
the summer. It has been very
muddy since June came in.
The old Tar has about dropped to
usual dimensions, at least she has
gone within banks.
commenced falling it went.
Brown Hooker are going to tell
something in a new
nest week that will be of interest to
everybody who wish to get nice
goods at low priced.
The in Tar river last week
part last week visiting Miss; was the same height as the
freshet of 1807. water bus
Wake Forest commencement this
The boys are practicing at base
ball now.
Court is session, Judge Brown
the mails
from the
Col. I A. Sugg attended Court at only been that high once in the last
Washington last week was twenty two years, which was in No-
. . . ram n u-w
ken sick while there.
Misses Lillie Mayo, of Falkland,
Lizzie Bawls, Tarboro, spent
a day or two town last week. m
Capt. Hill, of the steamer My-
is back his place again, after
baring been sick for several days.
Miss Annie Brown, who attended
Henderson Female College the past
session, returned home last week.
Annie Harding, of
has been spending a few days
,. , i with the family of Harding,
supplied, .
the rise was
L. W. Lawrence, who for six
I months has served as Deputy Reg-
biter of Deeds, is now out of the of
K would like
minutes as doubt there is something
in this Column to interest yon. Our
Summer Apparel is replete wit
new novelties.
How all did miss
last week.
Folks all back homo
The market is poorly
with provisions.
Co to Lou lit ice's Feed
your seed peas.
School has ended and the boys w y Warren
and girls an-
Jam Masons I, Cheap at
the Old Brick Store.
Not i very largo crowd at
; The all lo busy.
A good sale cash or
on time by J. C. Lanier.
Tho last tiling you should do is to
The following compose the
Jury at this term of Fer-
Ward, Foreman, J. G.
J. C. Davenport, N. It. Cory, Jo-
Asa W. B.
Brown, Ernest
W. M. C. A. Elks, J.
B. Randolph, J. Cobb,
W. J. W. A. Taylor,
John II. House and II. J. Cobb.
Greenville Institute Commence
is full blast. Last night
i the annual concert was given the
, to obtain
. i Opera House. This morning at the
Monday j game place Hon. Kemp. P. Battle
Several deaths have been report-
ed to during the
past week, and silent reaper has
been slack in his work, but bis
afflicting hand has fallen heavily
upon many households. Again are
impressed that death is no res
of persons but visits the old
and the young alike.
On Wednesday evening, a
little one year old daughter of Mr.
Mrs. J. F. Joyner at their
home five miles above Greenville,
after an illness of a few days. M
and Mrs. have another child
that is quite sick at this writing.
Op Thursday of last week the sail
news came into town that one pf the
twin children of Mr- Joseph Fleming,
whose residence is about seven miles
here, bad died that day. It
was Henry that died, and the bright
little will be greatly missed
Late Saturday the still
more distressing news was brought
in from the Great Swamp
that the wife of that worthy man.
Mr. W. J. Briley, had passed over
the river, She had been sick but a
few days. Her death was doubly
sad, as the husband only loses a
devoted wife, but several small
youngest an infant of only
a few lose the
care of a loving mother. indeed
a severe affliction. Mrs. Briley was
a daughter of Mr, Fleming
a sister of Mrs. J. J. Nobles
Messrs. William J, and
On Sunday night, a quarter be-
yards Sateens, at
yards Challis
at Figured
I-awns at I
yards Plain White In-
Lawn at to
BOO yards
Cloth at to
TOO yards Combination
Worsted at
Flouncing for
at to Only
a few more pieces of
that cheap
left at per yard.
Just SO more those
cent Corsets on
hand, Our stock of
Straw Hats will be
sold at half price.
yards of the
of Calico at The
above goods will
sold exactly as art
Geo. S Lloyd, M. D.,
Specialist in Diseases of the
lore ten o'clock, invaded the THROAT
home circle of one of our citizens and j l Will
deliver the literary address.
This afternoon from four to six
from the State Board of
cal Examiners.
We were glad to see Mr. L.
a Pitt county boy now reception will b;
Baltimore, in town among
took away the infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. K. Greene Jr., leaving
hearts torn and bleeding that only
N to Creditors.
Baring duly as
tor estate of A.
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
Immediate payment to the
; and to all creditors of said o.-talc to
; sent their claims, properly authenticated
o'clock an art exhibit will lake place the Heavenly Father can heal. The
the Institute, and this evening at
Mr, J. K.
in town
and Lillie
of Tarboro, wore married on
the It la inst. Their friends; We hear
i l held there. The is
much pleasure to our citizens
and the many visitors in town.
speak ill of your neighbor. , or
Fulton Market Pickled Beef at i hero wish them a happy wedded life, of organizing a lire company among I ,
the white citizens of the dark gloom
remains of the little one were inter-
red Monday in the
On Monday morning as the god of
day arose from his slumbers and
to diffuse light and
over the world, there was another
home our midst from which he
N fl signed within twelve month
Bryan a. u. from of or
Mattings, Scrim,
i Curtains. Brass Wood
Curtain Linen
Oil Cloths, etc.
we can suit you your
commencement robes. We
have Fancy Striped and Dotted
Swisses and I Short
Length Hemstitch
and A nice
line of Ribbons, Hand-
kerchiefs and other fancy articles
for you.
the Old Brick Store.
Look out for the white caps.
are wearing them.
will Point Lace, the best
Flour at the Old Luck Store.
ten days the days will have
reached their greatest length.
The Bad Boy got last
week went home Friday.
June is giving lissome very
liar weather, to say least of it.
The Cash will be paid for
lbs. Beeswax at the old Brick Suit
Mr. J. L. Harris, a on the
Clipper, came over yes-
to at lend the commences
and spend a law days at
True, Greenville is the ,.
icy touch that death had
Misses Hortense Forbes and Nana
Fleming returned from Fe-
male College last Friday. The Carious
mer brings home two medals award- We will go a wager that
ed her for in music. county hens can produce as many
curiosities in their line as can be
Why not
luckiest town in the State, but a lire
might come at. which the services of most
a thorough company be need
ed. The is
to furnish four members.
J. Nelson, of
d over with his friends. forth
his return where. One day
House brought us an egg that is
most peculiar we ever saw. it is a
at the residence of her son in law,
Mr. Charles Skinner, the spirit of
Mrs. Pattie Cotton took its
She bad a great sufferer for
some months and, no doubt, death
brought a welcome relief from the
pain she bore. But was years of
months course at the Philadelphia
and the Will's Lye Hospital, I
offer my services to the people of Edge-
and adjoining counties.
plead in bar of their recovery. This 2nd
day of May. T.
of L, A.
-----with privilege of------
Can be had Beaufort, f. C, at 820.00
per month.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as
tor of David U. Clark notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to
said intestate to come forward make
immediate payment, and to all creditors
of said intestate to present their claims
tor payment within twelve mouths from
this date or this notice will be plead In
bar of their recovery.
May Wm. L. Smith,
of David . lark
Beaufort. X. C., Tucker Murphy, attorneys.
consolation in a
don't it Goal
There's lots of
, little yellow string,
All reports say that
j commencement last week was a
big affair.
For the Ladies
has stopped over
here a few days, on
from at Amity.
Clad to have in I lie I
office yesterday. soft egg and resembles .
shape a young chicken minus
Capt. Williams is out again and wings, legs beak. The egg was
I we expect to see the boys stepping large and the yolk was at one end.
. to tap of the drum before many
pass. There is hard mark
large circle of
the fowls e a
Master friends among our people since com-
from Bertie county,
was beloved by all who knew her.
On Tuesday her remains were
ed at rest the Episcopal Cemetery.
By the Sea
Spend the Summer at
to me are requested to conic
forward settle their accounts at once
by the first of June. I also oiler my
stock of Dry Goods Shoes at cost. I
also oiler for cash groceries very low.
I remain yours,
T. If.
May 1880. N. C.
BEAUTIFUL light weight
Woolen Fabrics, embracing
the newest in
Handsome Swiss and
h and
Hemstitch, Hemstitch
Organdies, Fine French
and a lire of wash
Roods such as Batistes,
Lawns, Seersuckers,
Prints, etc. An elegant
of including all
that is new in this line. Several
Styles and of
the I
reputation as clothiers
and furnishers has gained for
us innumerable friends who rely
BOB our taste to select the prop-
style and material. To select
a summer suit is no easy task as
you will admit. Besides
both the proper colors, cut
and textiles. The proper prices
must bear an
Hatter ourselves
that we've been able to combine
all these qualities and offer to
our friends a reliable line of sty-
well-made Clothing at the
correct figures. For the stout
men we will say that should they
need mm coats we have them.
Sizes to Extra Long
Frocks in Black
and Mohair. Should
not be able to suit you in this
line we will take your measure for
suit at low prices nod
tee a fit. A fresh line of Flannel
Dress Shirts just received. Our
line of Underwear,
Hats, etc. is above the standard.
Department is full at season-
able goods at the right prices. An in-
Is Invited.
ahead the Guard if they expect to
make a creditable showing at the
Mr. J. C. Robertson, who recently
some time in Greenville but
I the year has been in Ten-
. . and Kentucky, returned last
the delayed mad
in town Monday and we were glad
to have a call from
On Monday we saw a school re
t port of Master Louis son of
low townsman Mr. A. X. who
is attending the graded school at
Winchester, Va. The average of
the, report was fully OS which is very
creditable for the little fellow.
J. A. Leslie has resigned the
pastorate of the Baptist Church in
Will Greenville raise a hand for
Pennsylvania Hood
reduction on summer goods,
Monday. The
thing Immense.
The police force came out in
uniforms Saturday, blue suits
white helmets.
new j
The truly
with all these who are thus
by death, would bid fa-
husband and little ones, parents
children, look to hath
power to bind up every broken heart,
w ho can comfort the darkest
hour of grief.
The above a
balance due I he county by said
Flanagan, of It was re
Davis School commencement
week. Greenville have a
Have seen those cents In-
they are beauties at
up a child in the
should when he is old he
will not depart,
German and Pearl Millet, Or-
chard Grass, Timothy and Clover
Seed for sale, by Glenn
All was quiet on the streets last
Saturday, improvement
on the Saturday previous.
Lev. K- John pastor of the M.
E. Church, baptized one person
the river, Sunday before last.
Just Loss Famous
Lunch Milk Biscuit. The most pal-
at the Old Brick Stoic.
Tunes never get so dull but what
drummer comes along. is
life the land when he is around.
Wilson is organizing a military
company and the says it
will be one of the best in the State.
Just received another lot
popular New Lee Cook Stoves.
. i. j Tarboro, and goes to take of
a field Virginia. The field he
leaves bears the impress of bis
live labors, he having been
mental in the building of two
churches and much other good work
Bra. Henry King of the Tarboro
Banner Mr. J. X. the
big hat no we mean a-gent of the
Washington and the
able Jordan of the
Star, Bare helped to make quarter of
the office lively with
their presence this week.
I It to hear from old
I friends occasionally, and no doubt
j many of our readers to whom the
firm name of
; stein used to be familiar in these
columns will be glad to know
i these gentlemen are making a fine
success of their business in
bury, at Which place they have been
i doing business for sixteen months,
of the j get this information through a
letter received from mat town.
Our good friend Jacobs,
tor of Ibis splendid resort which
knows more Greenville people than
perhaps any other writes us that his
house will be open for the reception I
of guests I he 1st of July that
he can
I Hunting and fishing are line down
then, old Hag's Head offers
many attractions. Special prices i
will be given to families, or clubs of commended that as it as
hie the said Flanagan to have
I collected the said sum of 8154.82 on
of People We Among. ; account of the error made in
deserted tho office i of the tax list, that the
last Friday and went out to remain of Commissioners make a
with the folks at home till Monday, proper order releasing the said
when he came back he amply Flanagan from payment of that
I repaid as for being deprived of his amount. The report for the stock
presence. Even if he is a law was as follows
be ain't so bad, alter he has ; Or.
lone of best mothers any boy amount of
ever had, who told him to bring a-
I long a bucket hone; comb
the editor and his superlative seven-
j eighths. It was delicious, the nicest By
we ever saw And that same
; father is far from being the worst
I man you ever saw, too, broad-
ganged, generous, practical man
that he is, always looking upon the
substantial side of life passed up a
million and said bring
that to help the cause along. So
we've feasted sure enough, the
time Joe Daniels reads this and our
and frail article elsewhere.
one of the most delightful places on tho
To buy or. the installment plan
or rent a small place containing a
store dwelling. I don't want a very
large house but I want it in a
place for merchandising, where I
J can fell for cash, moat be a good cam.
and at a place either railroad
Atlantic be opened to guests on, or ,. pail
lo I would like a small farm with
store and dwelling attached, in some
good place in one of the counties a
good part of North Carolina. Write at
I once. Address,
ISM w.
per cent,
on So,
pd J. L. Cher-
he will be wishing
lived Pitt county.
The report was approved by
Hoard and the release granted to
tho Tax Collector so recommended.
The Hoard believing that a pars
of delinquent taxes could be
collected by strenuous but
Steamer has been
cured that will leave Washington for
on Tuesday and Saturday of
each week, and leave New for
on Thursday of each week.
At every accommodation
will be to guests and every
effort ill be made to make their stay
surf m
Can be enjoyed at will. A tram road
has been built from the hotel to
the beach.
and these s
in to the heart's
Is unsurpassed and these sports can
be engaged in to the heart's content.
Has been employed for the benefit
those who part m dancing.
again that be I the expense in such case will
be great, ordered that the Tax Col-
proceed to collect what he
can of such taxes that for his
services be retain one half of such
collected and pay over the
A of young people gave a
German one night last week com- to the
to the visiting you
To All our
for All our
M. It.
We thanks for an
prettiest spot in town
just at this tune, is the I
office. She. id Warren, , v Treasurer,
proprietor ,. ,. , . ,
in yesterday morning and said of the
he to decorate the office, establish a public
followed his suggestion by road leading from the north end
a tremendous cluster of j across the
upon our table. The B- J-
Is neatly and comfortably furnished and
the table will be supplied with
the best that can be procured,
School Chocowinity, which and grasses, forming
place this week. I combination. There is such i
a second yet to our
I for a fourth of July celebration
J this year. Short time to get it up
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Snuff. lb sold in Co., which
a of its superiority, at
. the Old Brisk Store.
Mr. S. is busy as can
i be, at Court House
taxes. Don't wait long to call
on him.
cluster consisted principally of M ordered that further action
a rich postponed to some meet
W. W. Andrews, the contractor
additional houses at
House, having delivered feet
of lumber the promises, and be-
in need of funds to pay for the
same, the Hoard ordered an ad-
of with understand-
that the said lumber shall
the property of the county, also
The colored people will run an ex-
from this place to Tarboro
next on the steamer Meyers,
of the. hollyhocks that they form
a beautiful bouquet of themselves,
i white, black, red, cream, crimson,
pink, brown, tinted and variegated.
I Numbers of people came
The or Mum Sher-
dancing school took place f a dozen
night last. Those in attendance re I ripe peaches, the first the
unit it a one season, as specimen his
i M ., , same be .
The young folks arc for glory and attraction. don't see destroyed before tho said building
to 83.00 day.
to 810.00 per week.
per mouth.
Special rates to
Visit if yo-i wish to enjoy
For further particulars address
Washington, X. C.
Can now be seen at my store. I have
the latest Styles and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at the
business qualifies for doing all work
satisfactory and well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you call examine my
After the. 1st of June, for the summer,
I will deliver milk at the following prices
to regular customers by the week
l Gallon per day,
i Quart M
i Pint
Milk delivered twice each day when
Prompt weekly payments will be
Drug Store,
Front Reflector Office.
Golden Medical Discovery, War-
Safe Cure,
Celery Compound, Syrup of Pigs,
Favorite Prescription.
S. S. S., B. B. B.
Buffalo Water.
a grand party at the Opera House how Greenville could get along
to-morrow night, complimentary to without it. A thousand thanks to
the young ladies just home from Mr. Warren and his excellent lady
school. i whose frequent kindnesses
, i so much lo our pleasure.
it costs about as much to run
paper the summer as it
the winter. Those who owe The following occurred
We have not had a from
bright new paper in ., ., ,
weeks. The cause, this deponent at the new H O. yesterday.
. book, Negro woman Assistant Post-
is completed, the said Andrews
to replace the same.
M. R. Lang's Column.
Every succeeding freshet makes
necessity for building the dam
from the bridge out to high land
pieces of White Dress Goods
must be sold within the next
days. Come ladies at you miss I he
bargain of season, they must go.
The frame Gnat, new
has been raised. Its
portions indicate a
arc entitled to best that their
money will bar, m every family
should have, at n of the
best remedy, Figs,
; to cleanse the system when costive or
billions. sale in and fl bot-
by nil
The has been removed
to the old Knox store, around
Fourth street. The interior of the
new office has been nicely and
Some cl the officers of the Court
arc almost on the sick hat tins week.
The Solicitor got up out bed in
older to be at Ins peat, and the
Clerk is baldly be up,
People from various . of
the town last.
week, told us the lute rains and last question, but think ought to
master dis de place
A. P.
N. you tell what is
Mr. P. O. He lives
A. P. I don't know ear-
thing about
N. stay
A. P.
N. it
tell people a P. O. when
don't what
We don't know his reply to the
weather caused considerable dam-
age to both land and
Then is lots of enterprise and go-
about the
Chronicle. recant write up of
and special edition that
bears testimony to the
have told her to write
out bis address if
to Boy.
she wanted
A partner in a small mercantile
business, good locality in this county,
P. O BOX C S. O.
The Greenville de-
votes a column and a half editorial
to the bog as it affects that
town, Greenville is not the only
town within our borders
which has been stirring up on this
question. If there be in existence
any which can make its pres-
felt a forcible and
able way. whether at large as a
bust rooter, or as a. pampered pet
within the confines of a pen, the
distiller of odors, it is
the hog. Noah didn't
know what a racket he was
to the of the
towns where in
popular estimation the rank
of tho swine, when be em-
braced within his zoological colics-
the ancestors root
or. are not prejudiced, but we
don't tho beast, whether in. the
portly shape of the agate
her or tho picturesque
woods racer. We can't wipe them
from the face of the earth, but the
lino ought to be drawn on grunting
them the freedom of the town.
Wilmington Star.
Presents in the most elegant form
-or the
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the ,
It is the most remedy known to
When one ii Bilious or Constipated
blood, sleep,
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
oar mob
Who have just
. world.
01.75 SCHOOL
r when my not
on bottom. W. J.
AV. L, Shoes for
The Tar River Transportation
Greenville, President
I. Cherry,
J. h.
X. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen
The People's Line for travel on Ta
The Steamer Greenville is the finest
and quickest boat the river. She has
been repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A Table furnished with the
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Wednesday
and Friday at II. o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, A. M.
Freights received daily and
Bills Lading given to all points.
. J.
Greenville. N. C.
TERM 18th, 1889.
The classes HI he so arranged l hat
new pupils can enter the first week in
John Duckett, Principal,
. Foist. Associate
Miss Met a Primary
S. Cannon. and
mental Music.
Miss Rouse, Painting and
Mrs. K. W.
Classical and Mathematical.
Painting Drawing.
Large, Comfortable Buildings.
Healthy Location and
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of first class
Music Department equal
in work to any College in the State.
Pianos and Organs,
A Unary nearly volumes,
purchased for the School.
Kat.- from to for
Board and Tuition Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils the same advertised
In pupils who do not hoard
with the Principal should consult bin.
before engaging board elsewhere. For
further particular. Address,
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Executor
the Last Will and Irene
Forbes notice Is hereby given to nil
person- Indebted to said testatrix to
come forward and make immediate pay-
and lo all persons having claims
against said to present them to
the undersigned, properly authenticated
within twelve months Ibis date, or
ibis notice will be plead in bar of their
of Irene Forbes.
Tucker ft Attorneys.
Mar 17th,
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you are free to buy where you please, but
if you want to save money you come to
my Factory on It Ii street, rear J. B.
Cherry ft Go's. For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. lean give
best BUGGY
That you ever had in your life
i to less money than any one
else in the county can give you. Why
expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe it
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specially. the
place on street rear J. II. Cherry
turned, from New York
with a full line of
j White Goods, Laces
Embroideries, Swiss
I Flouncing a Specialty
j Fine Clothing the
firm patron-
H. Morris
I Shoes, Hats,
We bought low for
and will sell at
J panic prices.
Be to call.
C. P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
For sale by all Send for I Hub
tinted Pamphlet, entitled
or bow to provide B good dinner tor Four
Persons for One Dollar.
Ah excellent Cook Hook of MO pages
containing one hundred Dinner
of Fare, with instructions how to
prepare each one. so that the cost
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable book will be given free
to any one sending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty pounds C. O. COTTON
LARD, at our Store, o.
W. 42nd St., N. Y.
Each pail our contains a ticket,
the number on which corresponds to the
number of pounds in the pail.
The Cotton Oil Product H. T.
Broker, Greenville, N. C.
Of Interest to Ladies.

Is better than any soap ; finer, more effective,
more for the money, and in the form of a powder for
your convenience. Takes, as it were, the fabric in one
hand, the dirt in the other, and lays them
speaking, washing with little work. As it saves
the worst of the work, so the worst of the wear.
It isn't the use of clothes that makes them old before
their time; it is rubbing and straining, getting the dirt
out by main strength. For scrubbing, house-cleaning,
washing dishes, windows and glassware, Pearline has
no equal.
Over One Million Families Use it.
Peddlers and sonic unscrupulous pacers are
offering imitations which they claim to he
or M the same as IT'S FALSE
are not. and besides are dangerous. PEARLINE peddled, hut
sold all grocers. Manufactured only by JAMES New York.
ft R. R.
and i
Ar Wilson
Lt Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
No IS,
i DO pill
No No
Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
Lt Weldon in pm pm
Ar Rocky Mount
A r .-.
-211 am
pm HO pin am
No So No Id.
daily daily daily
ex Sun.
Wilmington ,
Magnolia I am
A r Goldsboro
Ar I
Ar Wilson
Wilson am
Ar Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Lt Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pm l pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at
Returning, leaves Scotland Nick
8.91 M. daily except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro, H C, via
Raleigh I, daily except Sun-
P M. Sunday P M.
N C. P M. P M.
Returning daily
except Sunday. A M. Sunday l SO A
M. arrive Tarboro. N C, A M. SO
A M.
Train on Midland N leaves
daily except A II,
arrive N C, SO A M. Re-
turning leaves X C A M.
arrive Goldsboro. N i SO A M.
Train on Nashville leaves
Mount at I P M. arrives Nashville
P M, Spring Hoc IS P II, Returning
Spring I lone A II, Nashville
A M. arrives Rocky Mount A
M daily, except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except at
A M Returning leave
ton A M. and P. M. connect
at Warsaw 2.3
Southbound train an
ville is No. Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes at
Weldon fur all points North daily. All
via Richmond, and daily
lay via Hay Line.
Train make for at-
via aim
All run between
and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace Sleepers attached.
J. Transportation
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In Effect A. If. Saturday,
No. Ho. SO
Stations. Ar.
3-1 in
Kin-ton ill in
New s in
City a in
Xi. t
Mixed M ft
their year's supplies will
their interest to get our prices before
chasing else where,
in all its branches
is complete
always at Lowest Market Prices.
profit. A
buy direct from
you buy at
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods arc all bought and
sold for then-fore, having no risk
to run. we sell at a close margin.
S. M.
Greenville. N. O.
Laughable Reflections.
Ard as Com-
piled by Reflector's Bid
explained to a Mend
that the reason that lie always
an was not
was raining in London, but because
his wife was reigning at home.
An was planting shade
I trees n n passing lady
digging out the holes, are
Von, Mi. T
I he the
how sweet you look
i I his evening I'd be almost tempt-
I to kiss you, if it wasn't for
ranging your
Small brother behind the
ails your
face Looks like have been
; toying Vila a barbed
I am patronizing
j the new rive cent barber shop,
; cut there, you
Henpecked Husband the
impel Mid rocking
the is going out, I see.
Wife had just
bet it is, and
I am going with it. You take care
that baby till I get back
is an orphan asked the
teacher. None of the children seem-
ed to know. I'm an
said the teacher, as too plain a
clew. A hand popped up the
owner exclaimed orphan is a
woman that wants to get married
Bad has filed
cation fur a divorce at last. I
that he would when lie was
don't say so. On
what, grounds docs he ask a
Home you be-
your prayers are answered,
on prayer. When I prays de
Nine Million Witches Burned.
computes that during
the Christian era lower than
million witches were immolated.
the last for
witchcraft took place in 1710, but in
as late as to
era were put nth.
This is n terrible reflection on the
boasted enlightenment of the age;
but. we must not be over-censorious.,
while daily see friends going
down to death, ignorance or
dice preventing the use of remedies
which might them. Many a
cold runs to consumption, while
pure blood debilitates the system, in
fatal attacks, when the use
Dr. Gulden Medical Di
would have insured health and
A lady old, and growing older still.
ladies will grow old, on be-
I n spite of age, as young as youth, but ill
And old and wretched, feeble, lame, and
A young lady became in spite of youth.
As ladies will, and Why the
That keeps a lady young, they fall to
And yielding to disease, die ill its fatal
That troth is that woman's
may be
by Dr.
script ion.
A Dress, or a Coat, Color
Ribbons, Feathers, FOR
Rags, etc. cents
many other way, SAVE Money, and make
thing, look like NEW, by mine DIAMOND
DYES. The work easy, simple, quick; the
colon the BEST and FASTEST Ask for
DIAMOND DYES and take no other.
the System
Railway to Goldsboro.
New York Letter to Baltimore
The New York. Philadelphia and
Norfolk Company have a project on
foot for the building of a line to
N. for the purpose of
Opening up a heavily wooded
I try which lacks railway facilities,
I and also with the ultimate object of
gaining a foot hold in the Southern
coal and iron producing
events cast their shad
and they indicate so
far that Cleveland will be the
i he Democratic party in the
year of our Lord 1892.
Is Consumption Incurable
Bead the Mr. C. II.
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USE
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only Cents.
Baby Portraits.
a Port fol lo of i
from life, on line
by photo
process, writ free to Mother
any torn within a year.
Every there
; send at Give
name and age.
With that must r-
Compound. It purities the
the liver aM
loft the system all
and dead matters.
The in world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired. It is guaranteed to
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
per box. For sale by Er mil.
Ding won't sell you the king Dr. King's New Discovery for
morphine without a prescription. I I Consumption, nm now on my third
am lo let you have bottle, am able to oversee the
A ear load
list arrived and now
I Will sell them
oral reasonable term on lime. I
my for Cash and ran to sell
a- as anyone. me a
look like a man
who would kill himself
Drug don't know. It
seems to me if I looked like you
should be greatly to kill
Sister grievously re-.
you arc to leave our church,
Pastor should not
grieve. No doubt the Lord will send
I you a hotter servant
for Sister have no such hope.
the last thirteen pastors we have
had every one has been worse than
work on my farm it is the finest
medicine ever
Jesse. Ohio,
it not been for Dr. King's
Discovery fur Consumption I
would have died of Lung Troubles.
Was given up doctors. Am now
in best of Try it. Sample
bottles free at Drug-
Appointments of the Bishop of
Eastern Carolina.
June 33rd, Sunday alter
If. P. Christ Church, New
June 23rd, 1st Sunday after
Ii. P. St. New
Juno Wednesday, after
Trinity, M. P. St. Beaufort.
June 20th. alter
Trinity, B. P. St. Clem Beau-,
June 27th. Thursday after Trim
It. P. St. Craven Conn i
June Friday Trinity.
June 2nd Sunday
Trinity Sr. Mary's,
July 2nd. Tuesday, niter
Bethel, Co.
2nd, Tuesday after Trinity,
V. P. Bell's Perry, Pitt Co.
July 3rd, Wednesday after
M. P. St. Johns, Pitt Co.
July 4th, Thursday after Trinity
Dawson's school house.
July 5th, Friday after Trinity, M.
P. Pitt Co.
July alter
St. Barnabas, Snow Hill.
Inly Monday alter
July Tuesday after Trinity.
Holy Innocents, Co.
July Tuesday night, after
Trinity, K. P., Seven Springs,
Way Co.
Celery Compound
for with a
complication of After trying
not I
the long
to and I can truly now, I
like i has
I ton pounds In since I
Six for At
I would call your
to the following address and ask
to remember that yon can buy a
this cheaper than other in the ;
country. That it is the most reliable .
and host known having represented
for forty year- in this Vicinity.
That the workmanship i- second none
and has unusual for tilling or-
promptly and satisfactory.
Very respect
to V. BATES,
I. Conn.
Or write direct for prices.
Any of the i tries
j Africa.
The most and th
pages ; t-j.
n Paper, eta
Selections Iron Ward, Twain, an
fit., AV- York
m j
FROM H.-,.
Tim, .-.
i p . . ii
ml Hook fat only
with rifle tan
as Id re
Cr, or
will on
Be sure to me.
I walnut
tills I, wen.
Re elected April .
H. W.
Warren Haw Jersey,
obtained, and all business Ii. S.
or in tended to
are opposite the s.
Bee in and
fan patents III less time
W -in model or drawing i- we
advice to free
mi change union
We here, lo the Post Master,
Supt. tin- Order and to
Is of the I. H. Office. Pot
terms and reference m
actual clients in own Stair,
address, . a. fa,
l. Proprietor.
r I ; ;
j i-
. now
Cm. f.
. .
. IV, v t I. Hit
-.- I .
all Sis
with UM ill the we
are ready serve the in that
All notes and accounts due
me tor past have been placed in j course IS Certain lo
bands for collection.
is a blood poison which de-
to ; some-
times it omits one generation lo ops
pear in the next. It. is a taint
which must be eradicated the
the be made.
drives out the
poles skin, and thus
relieve- the the
up the sores the scrofula and
blood diseases, only to up
the poison in the system, which of
break out
A Scrap f Save 1.1
it was just an ordinary scrap of wrap-
ping but it her life.
as in last stages of consumption,
told physicians that she was incurable
and live only a short -time. she
weighed less than seventy pounds. On
a piece of paper read of Dr.
New Discovery, and pot a sample Bot-
it helped her, she bought a
it helped her bought another
and grew better fast, continued to use it
and is now Strong, healthy, rosy, plump,
pounds. For fuller
send to W. II. Cole, drug-
gist, Foil Smith. Trial Bottles of this
Discovery Free at A e Kin ids
Some time ago the New
Win Id called a fellow a swindler,
lie . lied the World for and
that paper proved its charge
and go; judgment against the plain-
till for
fee. The presiding judge
took occasion lo thank the press r
This is what to have, in fact
you must have it, to fully enjoy life.
Thousands are searching for it daily, and
mourning because they it not. Thou-
sands upon thousands of dollars a spent
annually by our people in the that
they may attain this boon. And yet it
may he hail by all. We guarantee that
Hitters, if used according to
and the use persisted in. will
bring you good digestion and oust the de-
Dyspepsia and install Instead Eu-
pep-v. we recommend Electric Bitters
dyspepsia and all diseases of
Stomach Kidneys. Sold at and
per bottle by
l he hair.
I ti Gray
i I hall l
. . ;.
Remains jams.
V Year,
y ad
I Sciatic, Sharp
and Weakening Pains, relieved In one
The Oral and only instantaneous pain
killing strengthening plaster, cut.
for At druggists, or of
Co., Boston.
Pimples, blackheads.
chapped and oil;, skin
cured by
its aid in bringing
i to justice.
i some weak spot, as the throat,
organs lungs.
p SO
r. is
Mixed Ft.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
of Banal Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine We are fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory services to all who patronize
22nd. 1888.
p m
I ii
La Grange
Falling Creek m;
Caswell SO
Morehead a
and Saturday.
Wednesday and
Train connect, with Wilmington
Weldon Train bound North, leaving
Goldsboro a. and with
Danville Train West, leaving
Train connects with
Train, arriving at
p. in., and with Wilmington and
Train from North at p. m
Train and
v Through Freight Train, leaving
Goldsboro at p. in and with
Through Train
leaves Goldsboro at p. m.
Season Trip Tickets.
Rates of Fare. Round Trip
IT of
Learned in on
Dr. A.
I. I in
y the
I . .
JudaS 1-.
i I. -t hr
A. Fifth Y.
Judging from what I have seen,
regard Specific the king
patent medicine of the day. I know
several persons who have been per-;
cured of s eases
blood poison by its use after pro-j
longed and successful use various I
other remedies.
at Law, Dallas, Texas.
on and Skin Dis-
mailed tree.
Tin; Swift Co.,
Drawer Atlanta, Git
Cutting and Dressing Hair.
The Washington Star
of the Macon
graph states that Senator Joseph
K. Drown is critically sick, and that
the himself believes that
his days are numbered. The
respondent the opinion
j that he will not survive through the
I summer, that lie will be
the Senate by Governor
; who will practically have
House, at which place
I have recently located, and where have
in line
all the improved appliances; new
comfortable chairs.
Razors sharpened at reasonable figures
Tickets, from stations named below to for work outside of my shop
Morehead City. Season of In promptly executed. Very respectfully,
effect June
From To Season. Sat. Night
Goldsboro Mored
and return
Kinston 8.00
Through Rates of Round Trip
Tickets, from Coupon Stations below to
points on W. K. C. R. R.
For Sale.
I will sell my Center
consisting of two acres of land with
store house, large warehouse and tenant
house on reasonable terms.
located at Bluff on Tar a
very desirable location for mercantile
have also a splendid 25-horse
power steam saw and grist mill that
will sell at a sacrifice.
J. N.
Nickeled Pen Si Pencil
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitten sing the same song
of purer medicine does
not exist and it is guaranteed to do
all that is claimed. Electric Bitters
will cure nil diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove
rheum and other affections
caused by impure blood. Will drive
Malaria the system
vent as -well as cure till
For cure of Headache, lion's
and Indigestion
Hitters. Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price Mot, and per bottle at
Ellison's Electro-Chemical Fluid
removes Hair in Two
minutes, permanently without pain or
injury the skin. Cupids
fies the complexion. Electric
Balm makes the flair grow.
circulars for cent stamp.
IS West ltd St. N. V.
The. boldest chicken hawk on re
cold is that one which
down attacked Mr. Isaac King,
an old gentleman of this
city Tuesday while he was sitting in
; Ins yard, fight was kept up
to the death, the hawk killed
, in the
, Argus.
to Owners,
Edison's Electric Spavin Cure
removes Bone Spavin,
Splint, or Curb hours without pain.
Particulars, illustrated circulars and
sent on receipt or cunt stamp.
West 14th St., N. Y.
Only one person out of every
of the population dies his
lied when asleep, and there is little
excuse for awake and worry-
about it.
Cotton seed oil mills are spring-
up so rapidly all over South
that some people fear an over pro-
There would tie no danger
of this did people know
how much more preferable this pro-1
duct is to bog lard for cooking
Newspaper ever published in
Greenville. Ft furnishes the
gives More Heading Mailer for
the money than any other paper
published in North Carolina.
The gives a variety
and LOCAL, and will it-
self to i lie material advancement
of the section in which it
Send your name and get a
file of Advertisers
is called to tho as its
large and growing circulation
an excellent medium
which to reach the people
a-j i
ha most and
In tho world. TRY IT.
j-our or for
C. E. HIRES, Philadelphia.
. i x m. i i j
l t Mil.-.
The in the only New York
111- fullest
of the National and the
Democracy of New York, the
political battle ground of the Republic.
Democracy, pure and
simple, is good enough for the Stab.
single among the
press, it has stood the nun called by
the great Democracy to redeem the gov-
from twenty-five years of
publican wastefulness and
and despotism to South. For these
four years past it has been unswerving
its fidelity to administration m
Cleveland, is for him now
for Cleveland and four
more of Democratic honesty in our
national and of continued nation-
For people who like that sort of De-
the Stab is the paper to
The Star stands on the
Democratic platform. It
that tribute exacted from the
people in excess of the demands of a
government economically administered
Is essentially oppressive dishonest.
The scheme fostered and championed by
the party- of making the
government n millions
from the people and locking
them up hi vaults to serve no purpose
but invite wastefulness and dishonesty,
it regards as a monstrous crime against
the rights of -an citizenship. Be
publican political jugglers may call it
taxation ; the name
for it is robbery.
Through and through the Stab is a
great newspaper. Its tone i- pure and
wholesome, its news service
Issue presents an
tome of what Is best worth knowing of
the world's yesterday. Its
are told in good, quick,
English, and mighty Interesting
reading they are.
The Sunday Stab is as good as the
best and prints about
same amount of matter Besides
day's news it is rich special
articles, stories, of current
literature, reviews, art etc
inimitable humor
in Will let on delight-
letters are of its choice offerings.
Many of the best know it men and women
In literature and art are represented
Its columns.
The Weekly Stab Is a large paper
giving the cream the news the world
over, with special features which make
the most complete family newspaper
published. The tanner, the mechanic,
the man too much occupied to
read a daily will gel more for his
dollar invested in the Weekly
than from any other It will lie
ah during the campaign.
will mid most
id it news.
. -rose its,
day for one year I including
Daily, without Sunday, one year
day. six months
Daily, without Sunday, six months
Sunday edition, year
Si one year
A free copy of tie Stab to
the sender a club of ten.
Address. THE STAB
Broadway and Park Place New York.
N. H.
County Hams
Sugar Cured Hams
I Brown
to Ladles. Tobacco
A reliable woman to i
direct to ladies in this Dr. Lard
Nichols, celebrated Spiral Spring Butter
at and upwards- Cheese
No more broken Steels ; warranted tin-
or money refunded. Meal
greatest invention of the age. Hells on i Com
sight. required ; sample Irish
rt i and absolutely free. Agents A. Salt
kn j average weekly. Send cU. j Salt
postage for sample, terms, i Hides
West 14th
Corrected weekly by S. M.
Wholesale and Grocer.
Mess Pork
Bulk Sides
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulder
S to
to --r
to GO
no to so
And not depend on borrowing not
trying to make one Planter do
the work of two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
. and save I he risk of
a stand of cotton
which may cost you
more Minn
Tell him not lo delay but examine
now and see if his old planter
needs any repairs, and if so
order them at once or send
the Planter tome or
it with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with full particulars
and it will be taken
to factory, re-
paired, and re-
turned a
Builder's Material.
Tell him that I can furnish him m.
Timbers that lie may need, either
dressed or undressed. Also I
can furnish with build-
Brackets and Dal-
for your
and piazzas, in fact any
or trim-
that he
need to build a
nice house.
Will Grind Your Corn.
And further that I can grind his
corn into good Meal and that
will convince him of
the same if he will
bring me his corn
A Scientific Popular Medical Treatise Ml
Debility, Impurities of
Vice. or
for Work, I ho or Social
Avoid unskilful
work, ll royal
full cl. only SI. by
mail, concealed In plain wrapper. Ulna.
Free, if you apply now. Tho
Win. ll. Parker, M. re-
from the
for the PRIZE on NERVOUS and
of may lie
or at
No. St., whom
for or for advice should
directed as above.
fly With the yon
J will
Notice I
out huh-, of
is before the nubile.
the who with
lowing who will
to tho. truth my assertion
Any one Walking to it a I rial for
the i can procure
t from at my place of for
Man-h Mill. C .
Greenville, N. C.
have the
ever n-ed in the art. lean towels,
Mini i . .
In every s-on-
waited at
. ;
Printers and Binders,
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of tile kind to be found hi
the State, and for all clan
road or School Print-
or Binding.
ii- your
f m
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. on or the
TOO can procure a
battle Preparation that iN invaluable
for eradicating dandruff and the
kinkiest hair to be perfectly soft and
only two or throe a
week i necessary, and a
is all in In- used lifter rubbing tin
for a few
Hie Preparation. bottle and be
convinced, only M cents.
, .
In- in
. American. O
i It
ll mi tic iii of
I ; , et
. . n.
In rut-
-n av. N, T
N. C.
Dealer Corn. Meal.
Will cash for
Corn and Pea.
I pay k ash for my goods and can at-
sell at bottom
Ca j. at the store of J. Smith

Eastern reflector, 12 June 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 12, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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