Eastern reflector, 20 March 1889

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LOOK v toe
the en ks murk r a our name on
Hie margin of thin paper is a Holiest
for the payment of hat you owe
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
n.; until ii inn ii i ii.
Price. UM yea--.
win. signed Hip pro
said he bait without
reading thought
language should be strictest
I out. .
Mr. Holt sent individual
lit law.
He bad Lusk protest.
Mr. lo
that in his protest he
nut intend to door a word which
-Tin- tongue can sneak a word tor as an Senate.
in inn.
boneless tongue, small
Can crush declared the Greek.
The tongue a greater protest
The Turk asserts, than does f
Tho Persian proverb wisely saith.
A death.
Or sometimes takes this lone instead,
Don't lot roar cut off year
thereof, rather
Save steed. , i. . .
than place in such a light
While this . ho
tongue's great is the
not hesitate to
, From Hebrew wit the maxim sprung.
he leave o withdraw his pro
teat, which he did.
Mr. protest was rend. It
men nil aw not consistent ; feet should ne'er the was tail
t. of the It was simply a general
If TO writer crown, the whole. to I lie law- taken
keeps his tongue doth keep f , ,
r. a
Oh love, before we part to-night.
the last
my band,
if pure. love the token.
church, with holy rite.
Her Messing on our love has given.
Look straight eyes with
And answer me in the light of heaven. I
G. Fowle. of Wake.
M. Bolt.
f wake.
W. Rain, of Wake.
W. of Wayne, j
of Public Is there within your heart of heats,
f M. Finger of One of regret.
F. David-, One thought that you have chosen ill
ten, Oh not too late e'en yet.
Is there in all this world of ours,
One you have ever known or seen.
William N. II. Smith, of Whom if bad earlier seen or known
You would have crowned your . .
n that In us be spread
J. Franklin;
James Shepherd, of Beaufort and n-av you tell now.
A J. of Burke. I bound no more,
I will not flinch to hear the truth,
It could not be so sad, so ore.
IT. Brown, of To know it now, a- it would h
J and a fell
Second Philips, of ; the sunshine of our
if you've ever loved one,
Third Connor, f
n f-. you pure from my love,
Clark, I would leave you free as air,
,. K Ho woo and win that happier one.
A. Gilmer. of for your sake I would bear.
X v l pray
h-K x hat have yon in His care.
That would he easy, when I think
r. of my is all one
. But I join her name with yours.
The colored Senator from War-
put his little protest against
the same law.
Mr. follow-
That tin-
Senate are dim and are here
body, the
impartial and faithful man
in he has discharged the
duties of his office, as a mark of
our respect and high appreciation
I he journal.
The resolution was unanimously
adopted by a rising vote-
Mr. in the chair, recognized
Mi. who. in a moat elegant
presented Lt. Got. Holt
with a handsome cane.
Mi. Lank, for the minority side of
I he Senate, wot forward some beau-
prepared remarks,
that In-could not control his
sufficiently to enable him to
read or speak them He paid
bis kindly
to the
ability, faithfulness to duty
acceptability each and
The hour of o'clock m. having
arrived the Speaker let gavel
fall the or Rep-
session 1889, ad-1
ere as There were members My heart will grow soft and my eves
That the thank j Of Sat. time when we shall
be tendered Lieut. Gov. Holt, was partially read, Mr.
the presiding officer of i Senate, ton moving to its
for bis very rulings, his .
asked and
consent to have his vote
from die.
ti. Mr. was Z n
privilege- . . Napoleon With a Pigtail.
The hours were- con-
by the rending the
to be i a tilled by the
in them.
Mr. Walser, in a
What is happening around us. I
As from the State. Press.
A petition live ladies Hal-
wink always res- to at the
the General Assembly was read
The Wilmington
peach trees in bloom.
The General Assembly of
I. That section
and twenty one
Fed on t. by adding thereto the
Ton Si Some
New York World.
Wednesday, sucked six dozen raw
eggs in twenty minutes on a wager. Whenever ; he any
T i iii e The canal already cut, shall desire
Henderson county con- Incorporated, any number
marks, on behalf of the page and esteemed cashier of See Son Co., maintains
ordered to be spread upon the of the House, presented , Chinese bankers in Chicago, with;
journal of the Senate.
Gov. Holt, list
I cane
great pleasure. I have scarce
New Heine Within the
Mi. U. Julian, principal door- belonging to ex- ,,,,.,.,. ,,. H
with n gold bead- news ,, i,,.,,,,
ed cane.- Mr. Julian, through Mr i Sing Yon bad in the the A. N.
C C. responded, colony in Montreal excited Chi ,,,.,, ,, ,.
the present in grateful terms.
The receipt the fol
church bus just added more
, .- I . . . ii , , . . . nil II nil
words to express my by the; lowing letter yesterday a brother . , N ,. .,
ibis manifestation or re- Speaker all were in Molt street, this Mr
and confidence on the part or enrolled the session, making gave a positive i
my friends of the Senate. The last j
The of Sing Yon, two paupers. The nullity said less than
one third m may file their
petition of the
Court of the county in which
said i. in
county hen the canal be lo-
in mine titan set-
ting forth the names said
. mid the length and size of
said canal, names of the own-
of land draining In said canal,
and the of land
proving consciousness of an honest I . . . j To W Lung, Mott thereto. And upon
effort to perform the duties of The joint committee to y . iron, a private . ,,,, t
position, either public or private, is j the which refuse or. Me. A J having an in said
of a rich reward, last pay their taxes was an man, on come Can as in oil, r special
that effort is appreciated by a body follows Senate, cop cite., cash, upon return
so intelligent and patriotic as this i B- F- and Kerr; from song, heN of, or a fixed by the clerk
and appreciation is manifested House, M. K. H. Mr. Jacob for bearing same, AM
in a manner so graceful and ft . f W few days may Income cm
Tying, an calculated to The committee to same.- Boo quite a painful injury failure of any to avail
excite the liveliest emotions and U the blinks of the State Ail no back to of right, I hey shall
the most recollections, is as he's . r by a circular saw. The hind not be en led to income corpora-
The value of an occasion like this is. Senate branch, II. V. and me you permanently. tors under laws and
to be prized and estimated V. S. Lusk; House branch, A. Me e Argus.- Mr. It. A. as such
for its pleasant in- Mn and It. II. i place in of this S
associations. These Temple. dent, books, cash. went out Monday off his shall not be
ones and these associations, with; Mr. arose the I Heap fine heap fine evening and killed one with a beard their said canal,
consciousness I farewell address, , which heap Sign. Plenty heap unties long. Who can shall enjoy the acme pays
form- as read IV. Q. in come beat turkey of Hie as-
i ,. , . ., . ., , , in upon them rate
I Hop Ah Km, he come, he with the corporatism, sued M
tab Banked me was shall he made on the
meant purpose in the per
of ate truly rich rewards, his usual almost perfect
that excite our Speaker and gentlemen
. of
. in pM aWe, most tribute
F. f impartial, fair and
Yes. even that I'd try to do, just manner in which Gov. dolt bad
my lot heart would break. the, lie
I'd try Mess her. too. f , , , , , ,,.
tears, for your sweet when lie should fie coin-
sake. , pelted In say good-bye to o e who
I'm looking up into so faithfully done his
Hut own with tears are Thomas also spoke feel
zeal. House of at i res The
That I am a pronounced upon the dial face will soon in
cannot be denied, and from hour of and the Speak
political standpoint I am glad gavel will fall and the House of
that bad a majority in the j will be declared ad-
but as a sir, as
M. Shipp, of
Sena B. Vance, of
Matt. W. f
House of
f G. skinner, of
Second col.
f Vance.
W. of
Fourth District--B. H of
Fifth W. f
t- S.
Eighth -W. II. A. f
know no party, but on all
the fact Unit I was
and of
that a feeling of
steals m;. In-art my
some money for the the of land to said
canal, and proportioned
to each owner thereof; it shall be
made by i he said ten
day's notice lo each owner of said
land under such rules sud
lion a- may lie
sculled I, person
maybe bundled You the Supreme was ban
him in lime. The. Governor will
You say light, me fix the day hi execution.
You money. We
You hem of a I pin ill pf lost
Wing he come, he
Hanker catch
I read that in their true, clear depths. of Holt's absolute
which tell- me to -he of the Sen-
needs no its j
Though are flowing warm
Mr. Hanks added some pleasant
And eloquent with truth and love , ,, ,. .
Forgive are last. Remarks as a tribute to the
-----.-- presiding officer upon all
Mr. as only II. Lucas
could, paid a handsome tribute of re-
to great won h of so Hue,
noble, and fair an officer as
tin- pi. ii. office i Of the
pars it. and eel to think many You say
more than gratified, yes, are end
that the minority party have the. Very soon, sir, last He say got tee
ibis fact and have lingering
their satisfaction with the manner will be die away j You say him, Alice Ii me
in which I have discharged my i In the hall and as we go on of him in pay
language more at least will realize the fact
than deserve. in ail probability our feet
Sow. before declaring Senate; never enter these portals
adjourned, I desire to express, to again. -with of is
each and every member . of this now fast growing into the leaf
Fun. lie come, he say
me hare heap fat
wad, you him fob
Yon say
He belly fat
the Senate to order for Hie last
Clerk- A. More.
Deeds- David II,
B. Cherry.
Little. mi C
of Killed and the President placed Ms
t J. B. D.
body my sincere thanks for the kind and ambition may more hundred
and courteous in which have cherished to serve our grand , Yon say plenty
me in the and good old in the capacity , heap you
charge my official duties, which of at least m some go
very feeling com para lively easy been trust and Alice be come,
r of the Swim ens that each and every ; wad, put lee
At I Li. G.-v. Holt ,. . I bare tried to discharge ; of tins body, as he walks j
c u,
in the I ml
of sadness.
were mo
my duties in an impartial manner, j out of this hall yo-day, can lay his j more Any
of ,., and in rulings to do j hand upon bis heart, and. looking heap glad. Sunday Mr. Mo C.
there I rule according to has; my in the face of the. great Searcher j i. cine, lie who lives a few mil.
f F. V . Brown.
. Bernard.
. P
O. died and
Ward. T. A.
and J. F. , 2nd Ward. O.
upon and rat i fie
Hirer bandied and twenty one bills.
For two hours the president
engaged in this
There have enrolled
and ratified of the
General Assembly eight hundred
than at the
session. The fast to
eye when lie took bis
all a kind farewell.
seat j
and can fully say that Heart.- and the Betas of me wad, me go back
party nor personal prefer- Men, say bare Yon say c
over me, my We go now. with ; to
Maybe you
, lost bis dwelling and
its contents. Tire family
of the glad hearts the of our; Hot Chinaman he come, he how I lie caught
powers upon by v- families to our yon payee me
I bold. J can Some go again to hear the wild roar me-go
Mr. Copeland added pleas-
ant words to president,
clerks, pages and all. .
Mr. recognized said
not to his home my personal of old and You say Ivan.- i ashore on
and constituents without adding I Wm number; the mermaids as they dance upon
bis voice in some word of and the Others
to what had already been said. betake to the
a i i . BLOW,
G H A v.
. . j h
a .
took bis departure with kind-
ha.- our and ; where I lie, zephyrs
r and 3rd at this session regard to
and A. F. a turnpike r.-ad in and
Fir., time the President was engaged in
Rev. signing the enrolled bills Sena
aches ; , , goodbye to
lag Meeting
night. R. V. John. I molds of in parting. Fie-
Pastor. i , ,,,. .,, , ,, I. . i has been dearest kind and
was inter- v , .,
night. Meeting in pi. to the of , . ,
night. Tie, a, , .,. still increase in public favor
i. -.- ii-.-, ,, . d esteem.
The resolution was
. r.
for all a devoted destroy our forever make sweet melody as
Whilst, i sigh among branch-
up the
That the thanks of Hie
and are hereby tendered
lour worthy and esteemed Reading
i Clerk. Mr. B. Nicholson, with
expressing j , . , .
J the assurance our association
the on,
I XV ; I , Mr. added of
James. a single from hi.- broth
K. of
Ural and third Friday ,
D. D. D.
Pill No. -16. A. I. of n. moot H
t I .
. I
. .
a .-peril whale drifted
the beach at Middle
to I Sound last Sunday night. is Bf-
bu he, fed in h and about twelve
say, bloke must pay ; feet the- the
flee hundred me on the Sound
I engaged in cutting up the b
You lighter; come frying the oil.
there have j es of the stately pines, while others mullah, Mi.
ion on many subjects, some of them go to the bosom grand come, he; Pa vest I. intelligent
of very great old My be miner, who m now
glad have nous laud of mine on the A kins place l
a Ii K E ILL C.
v. v
K v ill, a.
been by whose It. Iv
I each Senator the mountains under whose
as hi
be though says to us to-day puttee n
You clock county, that in the
Senator has the mountains under whose J Piedmont belt of
thought best the And now. wane money be round almost
to the
If. stern fate says to to-day put tee mono in. the flu. -t to the
man we moat go out you-mile ,,,
things have perhaps men no more open lbs.
C. A. r.
. lies-, Raying his
Members, officers, ,
assist an pages and em-; , Lieut
to rulings
the final hour officer of the Senate of
ii Use fall tin
should jail, lbs the ,, hi, And and en
pass the opportunity of adding to us by fore may men. it must prove S
is not the prov
j sphere, yet memory
omitted, yet believe the en- will fondly mid tenderly cling
all were do the this spot, and when, in rise
jest interests or our beloved com- Shall be
And now our work searching our heart leaves
done and we are to ii gleam from the dreary past
to meet again. I may ibis flash back upon each
wish each and every of a of And as often as we
may in memory for
long life of power, prosperity In jewels Hie past mar
add parting I be found more precious and bright. Lang,
iii lie
i illy.
I B.
Greenville, N. C.
open out money, puttee I properly worked.
him in sack,
ticker lob lob
dam sudden. this week with f
to he come, a few to start a bleaching
win M
be. closed. in,
This If established
the of than the tears which ,
freedom, constitutional liberty we drop into that sacred urn. I
i the feeling of Ins heart through
Order hours A. .
will be urn from to
H 1-Mp the e-teem
d. m. Use of holding the love every
f had officer.
He- not say rare well. He
would go Some and fell his
tin-take when
they made Thomas M. Holt Lieut
Governor of North Carolina.
Mr. from
lie must add his voice to what had
ass act lo and the
Mr. Lusk a protest
again I of Hie election
law. Some the language of the
lead as very ugly and
Use ruled Hint
.; not
unless it -m so it
would at
Sunday at and at T P. K.
If. A. M.
House. Sunday rt
at II
II o'clock.
Sun .
. L I . C.
Illicit w . ,. . --.- ii . r. . . I
posterity. j if be that . Paul Q V
Great Sovereign we-hall meet General As Sloan and ,,., , ., f ,,,.,
a Ideas roil again ibis side the eternal Yon Yon Andy near had stable, a-.-
in your ya permit . friend who j . hauling cotton seed to a house .
of life, initial tin- end love, every one to express the; Fe ; I
i the fond hoe that when life's MN Hoof, their j .
posterity. i it mat be that
Great Sovereign. we -ball meet General As
Of the
declare the Senate dream is o'er we shall be permitted
ed day- in that gnat General A-
First Horn on High,
where parting word shall
The. order at he spoken where tears
public life bud bean and sweet is; Use memory o
. . . . e- a.
Mott New on, near pile of cotton
Lats, . , Mr. n that,
pile of cotton seed had
fallen over on them. i
Gov. He loved J. S. of
him will. of his heart.
. , i i heap, Ii
j line,; .
i. ii.
. . . , , . . . ,
M Urn
Sunday in a walk towards fled shall have right
Creek. It is j lesson to those who of appeal to a tho regular
money not Invest It in Court of said
A is lo and of damage
as. shall be a firs I lien on tho
large men shall be rendered.
of W. F. Ski. This shall fake effect
Grubbs Seaboard, X. con- I after its
a full stock goods, was
burned on night of the till.
Loss estimated at between
and Partly covered
by insurance.
near has
off- red a in place a
, bushel of onions to help bun get an
office. The latter has to
c-pi Ibis lie and n-e his
i .
Scotland On
C t
heap m, , handled hands, all men.; Civil Engineers,
-alee, lilies- money heap . . , . , .
gone. fell- j water can be and Architects.
cured factory, are is ace. N. U.
------A little old
was to death last j ,
Tuesday. was in the house i V
cap , a small two only N. .
in the at tho Haw. n w , ,, lo
Charlotte l a d cold water baths. Wood
. servants. Table
and Sloan, working ,,,,. ,, f , r.
. You go bk to PUKE.
to order at he where of Sue bee fee, was in a position which showed j ,.;,., ,,.,;,,., Best a-
f lice, , he bad hard to ; me
living grave,
w. must with j Hotel

Em M
Eastern Reflector, Business
In an article in our last issue
we called attention to the
of citizens
a business association to
mote the material interest of our
highly favored town. Since
i then we learn that the Kinston
people have formed one, and de-
siring to all the light
possible, we publish in this
issue the Constitution and By-
laws of such an
repeat with emphasis that it is
the necessary initiatory step
. to be taken to promote and ad-
no to Democratic .
en and measure that are not consistent an industrial boom for our
town, and that it is necessary to
have such an organization com
inscription 51-50 per
i the true principles of the party.
fl yon want a a
of the State send for the
MARCH 20th, 1889.
at the office at
I r
The Kinston Fm Press began
eighth year with last issue. It
is an excellent paper, and Broth
r Herbert is a man who has
Honest, convictions of his own
and-does not fail to express
fairly and impartially.
his paper meet the success
he so richly deserves.
posed of men that shall forget
self for a season and bring close
to their hearts the beat interest
of our town and citizens.
We must have a bank, a cotton
seed oil mill, a cotton factory
and many other enterprises that
shall work to our citizens
and tend to the advantage of all.
The organization referred to,
can divide the work out among
several committees and each
committee will more effectually
do the work allotted and
work out the ways means of
establishing this or
that, that to individual effort
would seem at present hopeless.
A few years we had no
The White Caps seem to be
working Southward. The
Tunes last week told
two citizens were waylaid and hope of a railroad, but it is now
mistreated by some of them our door, and if we
within one mile of that city.,
these other matters in hand and
object the Association is
the permanent prosperity of the
town and vicinity.
The same as laid down in
All white citizens are eligible to
membership and shall become such
enrolling names in a book
kept for that purpose by the
Regular meetings will be held on
the Friday night to every
Washington Letter.
Washington, March
Harrison is still engaged in a baud
encounter with the horde
hungry office-seekers. The
appointments that he has made
seem to whet the appetite of
the a ml crowd around
the White Howe worse than over.
As fast as one position is tilled i lie
disappointed applicants, instead of
getting out. of the way, simply
ply for something else. One
with a solid State delegation be
has been
three times this week for
as many positions.
Blaine is holding his
own quite bravely those who
did not think he would boss the
machine beginning to weaken
already. The very first
input made served Blame a two-
fold purpose. It rewarded a
ex Senator Palmer, of Michigan
and displaced an Per-
recently appointed
minister to Spain. Swift, of Cali-
Minister to Japan, and
Massachusetts, Min-
Both the men the White so as to present the to Switzerland, are rabid
attacked were unarmed, or the merit of our town and people to
Times says one or two dead bod j capitalists can succeed in es
U would have been found on the re-
the road Where there is a will
, there is a way, and we must first
The whole country was shock- by proper
ed last week by the murder of organization and invite
F. W. Dawson, editor of
the Charleston and Courier
by Dr. F- B. The mm- ;
occurred in the office of Dr.
while no one else
present and the murderer tried
We can select two dozen men
in Greenville backed and
by the sentiments of our
that will prove a
of strength in the matters re
to cover up his crime by to Nothing of the kind
tempting to bury the body of his t. n we enlist the
in a closet. The press re- confidence and stood will of the
i community and surrounding
Capt. Dawson to have
been one of the ablest men in the j nothing will
this sooner or
I organization.
We will get the town J
interested in these enter-
prise, and kg will draw in
i our country people, and we will
soon have the entire country in-
i forested in the future of our
I town.
We have good schools. We
j must a cotton seed oil mill
and with it will grow the thought
manufacturing all of our fer-
charge was a masterly Then we nave a
of the principal points have
law, and, while sound and
Kan York, Second Assistant
of Treasury, to say nothing
of Engine Schuyler, of New York,
Assistant Secretary of State,
Walker Blaine. of Maine,
of claims for the Department of
This last is a son of
and it was the intention of bis
to have made hi in Assistant
Secretary State but owing to a
r recent position of
of was vacant, and as it
was more likely that he can remain
n in that place the change
was made. Walker has not
Judge Connor, of Wilson,
presides at this term of our
His name is the very
synonym of honor. He is a
polished, dignified gentleman,
g learned lawyer, an
and has that pleasant ad
dress, courtly manner and in
tense earnestness that
entire attention and respect
from all in his presence. His
facilitator of these and all
was delivered in sue. sun-; interest a bank.
as to be easily understood notice
by one. Solicitor that f never
of Martin, was
on hand, and is prosecuting h become
for the State with his usual And we ask
ability and line mm
era. The Court is admirably of-1 ft m and death
peered. g We must step forward and
On our page is published prove to the world our
a bill which was introduced in lies.
the late Legislature by Mr. G.
B. of Pitt, and by both
branches of body made a
law- It is concerning the
canal companies.
The law heretofore only
ed for a of persons
before a canal is cut. They could b-v the
then avail themselves of the
benefits of a charter. The law
did not provide for a corpora-
after the canal is cut.
Hence the proprietors might dis
agree and. th canal became a
burden to a few who for
protection might keep it up.
Business Association.
An association was organized
in Kinston last week, and from
the Free Press we take the plan
organization as it was adopted
Citizen's Business Association,
The are to consist of a
two Vice-Presidents; a
Secretary and Treasurer; an
of eleven a
freight Com mil tee of three.
The remedy Bought by this bill i Committee to
is now law, is to per- of the President, the two Vice
the Secretary and seven
to be appointed by the
Six members shall be a
of said committee. It shall
lie the duty of the
committee the
the of any m m-
I hereof, by each
member personally. The President
it tee. The
three is
I he
table manure, and
ordinarily go to
be appointed
shall this
consider any
and all questions to the
of freights to and
tram Kinston, to adjust matters
those who may be willing
to contribute their pro
share towards keeping up a ca-
to enforce others, whose
land are also drained in said ca
to bear their just proportion
of expenses.
It is a good law, and will be
commended by the agricultural , ti this shall be es
of the State. cm Chairman oft lie Executive Com
it tee. The Freight Committee
This Bulletin mailed in
is on the of
Hie value of i
materials which
on which
and ought to be
value of to-
with Cue plan for its
preservation, is especially referred
to as it forms tin basis of most
Many formulas for
ere given, m, as far as possible, to ,
the difFerent home
Is likely to bu saved. Many j
for homemade composts and mix
lure a out by practical for-
me h all over the State are insert-.
ed, together with chemical
While it may be too late now
for the present crop, yet it
late to to save
lot next crop the i
now to j
might arising tinder head and to give
on this subject to any
person interested and
mid I'm i her, request, to
I and report the
responsibility of commission
merchants and others to whom
or may be made.
The officers shall bu
at the first in March
first meeting thereafter and
j hold their respective offices until
ate elected and
j The duties of the be
, same as is tho usual
of other like
the of the
live Committee lo look alter the in.
the Association, to
sen ii of and to
the may deem
fa ability in looking alter
in fact it is ex-
whether he could
i cam a year without the as-
lance of the old man.
There was some kicking among
the Illinois Republicans here on
account of the appointment of
nor, of I bat State, to be As-
Secretary of the Treasury.
made selection de-
the appointment, because
he knew the man and wanted him.
Harrison yielded made the
but to conciliate the
kickers lie assured them that
should not be charged
against the quota of that State.
Visitors to the Navy Depart-
find things very different from
MM they were when Mr.
presided over that establishment.
Then every body had access to the
Secretary, now, you are stopped in
an ante room and compelled to state
your business to a clerk before you
arc allowed to go into the inner
sanctum the grand mogul,
you are not allowed to go at all
less tho k shall feel so disposed.
Mr. Tracy seems to have
the pretty
Senator Payne attempted to stop
the useless and expensive summer
nip that the Senate select commit-
tee relation with pen
pose taking this summer making
what they arc pleased to call an in-
Mr. Payne regards
this committee as of the
i functions of the as
with the duties of the
I regular Senate Committee
It was no use how-
ever. The Republicans were deter-
mined that this committee should
nave its excursion at
expense, and the satisfaction
Mr. Payne had was to place himself
on record as being opposed lo the
whole thing.
The army holders
who are asking re-appointment as a
vindication have so far all been left
out. Tho fallows
pear to be top and present
indications i will remain there.
are already
to be beard against Harrison's
in making appointments. The
reason why he does go luster is
that it takes so much time to settle
the tights of the rival candidates.
Ex-Secretary Vila, who believes
the courteous thing at all
times, gave a dinner Tuesday
evening honor of his successor,
Secretary Noble.
around Washington trying to ml
something to get bold of. He was
badly disappointed at out
of I he Cabinet, but is willing now
to take something else. There is a
General Items.
Farm work is progressing rapid,
We see some of the farmers have
commenced laying off corn rows.
Miss Ida is visiting
near this week.
Miss Cammie Daniel is teach
a private school near her r's
in township.
The school taught by Mr. C. H.
James in the academy at
will close next Friday.
Master Walter who has
been confined to His bed for two
weeks past with pneumonia is rap-
idly recovering.
Miss Rogers of
is visiting relatives in
Mr. Davenport, of
spent last week in the northern
purchasing his stock
Of goods.
This is the season for wild geese
to emigrate. Two large flocks were
heard Sunday night in the southern
portion of Carolina
were their westward.
The fisherman report tight good
-s the past few We
hope we will be able lo
chase a shad, or perhaps two, with
a earnings.
A dog disappeared suddenly in
this section a few nights ago. It
is .-opposed t hat he committed
by taking while
pillaging a neighbors lieu nests.
That is a goo I way to get clear of
such dogs. You always get the
right one then.
Two men, brothers, from Carolina
township to one
day last week and on their way
home got into a which
one cut the other's thumb nearly off
with a pocket Cause,
key, bad whiskey. Bert.
Th tastes-
At this term of Pitt Superior Court
the following were empaneled as
the Grand W. C. House,
Foreman, Wm Corbett, S. B.
son, J. J. W. W. Tucker, O.
L. J. A. Andrews, Frauds
Nobles, James Gray. W. G. Case,
Freeman Vines. W. W. Andrews,
W. Leggett, Frank
W. J. Rollins, S. M. Jones, J. S.
Smith, J. J. Tucker,.
The Jury for the first week
is composed of Henry Harris,
Lang, K. May, Harris, A.
S- Jas. Harrington, John
Pierce, E. S. Dixon, J. B. Taylor, T.
B. Taylor, J. J. Dixon, John High-
Noah Forbes, Jr.
Just as we went to press last night
the received a special
telegram that a severe hail storm
was passing Wilmington. Cab
horses and people bad to take
from the hail stones. A lull ac-
count could not be published at the
late hour the telegram The
damage done was not reported.
Notice to Creditors.
The Superior Court Clerk having Is-
sued of Administration to me,
the ii the 14th day of March.
the estate of Peter Gay. de-
ceased, notice is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to the estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned,
and to all creditors of said estate to
sent their claim, property
to the undersigned on or before the
day March 1890 or this notice will
be plead in bar of their recovery. This
14th day of March, 1889.
R. R.
of Peter Gay,
To Contractors.
is hereby given that the Board
of commissioners of Pitt County, will
at their meeting on Monday the 1st day
April receive bids for build-
a four room house at the Poor House.
Plans and Specifications can be seen at
the office of the Register of Deeds.
Greenville. N. O. D. II.
18th Clerk.
New Firm
But the same reliable Barbers can be
found at the Club House Barber ShoD,
Which is presided over by James A.
Smith and Robert O. Hodges. They
need no recommendation before the
People of and Pitt as
their y in the
has been fully proven. We have just
added to our shop one of the latest
proved chairs and we intend giving
customers as good a shave and Hair Cut
r any thing in the line as
can be had anywhere. Ladies can be
waited on their residences.
clothes a specialty.
Dealer ii Hay, Corn, Meal. Peas, Oat
ant Mill feed.
Will pay highest cash micas fer
Corn and
I pay cash for my goods and can
ford to sell at BOTTOM
Call on me at the store of J. S.
Are headquarters for all needed in
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be nu-
but if you want anything in
Hardware, Agricultural Implement, Stoves
and Cooking Utensils. Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money on any of these goods.
which we will sell at Factory Prices.
ft Carriage Ml,
WE are now fitted up in first-class and are to man-
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
Corrected weekly by A
Wholesale and Grocers,
Mess Pork
Bulk Sides
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulder
Pitt County
Sugar Cured Hams
Brown Sugar
Granulated Sugar
Irish Potatoes
G. A. Salt
Liverpool Salt
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding a line of the following good
that are to be excelled this market. And to be in
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS. CLOTHING.
kind-. Gin and Belting, Hat, Rock Lime, and
h. Harness, Bridles and saddles.
Agent O. N. T. Spool which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for I uh. Bread Prep-
and Hall's Star Lye at jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps. Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a call and I guarantee
BE SEEN EVERY DAY, the man who a fresh supply of
Groceries, Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can be round whenever wanted. You only lo look for
And all your wants in the above goods can be supplied.
about his having called on j
and being badly snubbed.
Senator Beck is back bin seat
seemingly entirely
recovered. He warmly con-
by Ids colleague of
lie began bis third
I do t instant. f
Star Lye
to C
n to
to I
Luther Sheldon,
Coach Colors in Japan. Plain Sheathing Papers, Cathedral Newels,
Plaster or wall Papers, Venetian Class. Wood Mantels,
Wire Cloth Window Screens. Rubber
Mate Mantels,
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Nos. West Side Market Roanoke Are.
adding to our stock such goods U OUT customers and the public gen-
need. Hardware. Mechanics tools Stores and Tinware, Doors,
and putty. Axes. Hoes. Shovels and Plow Costings of every kind. Wheel
Barrows. Barbed Fencing. and Heating Stoves and Stove pipe of every
size. and Iron. Cucumber and Iron Drill pumps,
We are agents for the best cook stove now use. The is our
leader and gives entire satisfaction. Our cheaper grades are good and well worth
the money asked for them.
One year ago we started business and had for our motto sell for
We still cling to that as our motto, realizing the fact; that it is best fer merchant
and customer. By close attention to business we have been rewarded
We thank the public and our customers especially for patronage and ask a
larger share in the future.
J. B.
J. B. CO.
Having just received a fresh line the following goods, now
ready to offer to the public, just they in need goods
at prices that will please the
Dry Goods,
To fit nil who favor us with their patronage.
Hardware, Nails, Cutlery, Shot, Powder,
Glass-ware, Wood
ware, Furniture, Harness, Whips,
Gail Ax and Railroad Mills Snuff, Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco.
Our line is so large and complete and varied
that it allows our customers to please themselves
as to prices. The garments offered are made on
the premises with the intention of furnishing the
best material, perfect in finish and workmanship,
at prices which compare favorably with goods
of inferior quality, and to suit the most
or economical taste.
J. L.
All kinds Risks placed In strictly
At lowest current rates
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North Court nous.
My Factory well equipped with the put up
hut first-class WORK. We keep up with tile Improved
Best material used in nil work. All Spring are need, you can tel-eel
Brewster, Storm, oil, Ham Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full i ready made
the year round, we will sell AS low as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people this and surrounding for past favor
merit u continuance of the fame.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE. N. C, Mar. 1887.
If yon nice in the f
Sewing Machines,
the OLD A
new -lock just received.
Clock, Jewelry and
repaired and warranted.
Co, N C
C C Cl
have just Bros., Gilliam,
turned from New York j
City with a full of j
Cotton Buyers,
Whit Goods, Laces
Embroideries, Swiss
Flouncing a Specialty,
Fine Clothing the i
firm formerly patron-1
by H. Morris
We bought low for
cash and will sell at
panic prices.
Be sure to
For Sale.
will cell my Bluff
acres of land with
store boots, largo warehouse tenant
house on reasonable terms.
t Center Bluff Tar
very desirable for mercantile
I Lave a splendid 25-home
power steam and grist mill last
mar IS
For Sale.
Bushels Potato
We are a but not new men to the. public j
AH who in of id our invited to come to w. j Greenville April 2nd.
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Flour, Rice, Meats
of different kinds, very best Lard we can
buy, Butter, Cheese, Spice, Pepper.
Soap both toilet and Laundry,
Star Lye, Ball Lye,
Matches, Starch, best grade of White
Kerosene Oil, Machine Oil,
We have had several years e-
at the
prepared to handle t
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to
hands will receive prompt and
fin win any ens who s
On the Sofa day of March
A. D. W, I will at Court Hows
door in town of lo tho
fen- of land
in county
and as
One tract of in laud
about the
lands of Mrs. M. Al-
the May laid and others
Dam also one other tn
Heaver Dam
the lands of
II II. C. the
-et apart for Alfred
others to satisfy an execution In my
hands for Alfred
which has levied on
land as the of
Nichols. A.
This Feb. 1888. Sheriff.
R. W IS.

M. R. Lang's Column.
Is now in Northern markets
Spring Summer
Which are arriving on every
boat. On his will
be found a collection
Trees are building.
Who'll be next
was a day.
at Court small.
The usual crowd at Court
Washington last
lieu fruit ten per
Grist Mill for sale by D. D.
job printing a specialty
At the office-
Lots of seed got ill the
ground last week.
have Sets at the
Old Brink Store.
Home again with dear people
Several persons adjoining
counties are in town.
Pillow Sham Holders or Adjusters
at Co.
Services were held in all the
churches in town last Sunday
Greenville mu.-t get but
I old can't go along with
i her.
Friends, a hearty welcome awaits
I you one and all at the Reflector
In every department, including
Oysters continue scarce. So boat
therein several weeks until last
Jan received Ban Fa-
Lunch Milk Biscuit at the Old
i Brick Store.
The Mr. Pearson will be in
Tarboro soon. Can't get him
in Greenville
f all descriptions, both ;
and Domestic Fabrics,
with the latest style of
King was visiting in
town a few days of the past week.
Miss Emily Greene is visiting her
aunt, Mrs A. M. Moore.
Sheriff Ii. T. Hodges, of Beaufort,
was in town Monday and
Miss Emma Hearne has returned
from Tarboro on a visit to her pa-
Mr. West, representing the Kin-
Fret Press, was into see us yes
Mrs. S. M. Merritt, of
Spring, S. C, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. S. B. Wilson.
Mr. Ross representing the Wash-
Gun-tit came in for
chat while at
M. J. J. Perkins went to Wash-
City, Sunday, to see how
Uncle Sam is getting along.
Miss Susie Brown home
last Wednesday from a visit of
weeks in Greene county.
Mrs. Atwater who has been visit-
her daughter Mrs. It. B. Folio.
left last week Tor her home in Chat.
ham county.
Miss Addie left last
week for Tarboro, where she will
spend some time with her
Mr. H, Johnston.
Rev. J. G. Nelson and family, of
Williamson, visiting Mr. O. P-
Joe has a hearty
in Greenville
We were pleased to see Mr. E.
I. the clever traveling sale-
man of Jonathan W. Old, of Nor-
folk, in our office last week.
Miss Williams has return-
ed from a visit near Farmville, and
has resumed her position at Mrs.
Sheppard's millinery store.
Miss Nancy Ames, from near
Norfolk, Va., spent the past week
with the family Of Mr. J. B. Cherry.
She leaves to-day her home.
Bro. T. King, the Tarboro
Banner, is in ton n and dropped in
for a chat. Ho reports progress
I It. R. Administrator j .,.,.,,. v were glad to
Peter Gay, has a notice to creditors
in this paper.
Such as the prevailing
of the season will demand.
Special attention will
he paid to our
. was
Early Lose and A r-; with his man v friends on
less seed Potatoes, cheap at Monday. He was the
Old Brick Store. i oldest Democrat in the
Goodness March is two-thirds
gone, and before we hardly could Mrs. Lula of New is
I it-is here. visiting tier mother Mrs. Dancy.
We learn that the mumps are still j She will remain after the
raging in Tarboro. There are a law I Union meeting in the
cases in Greenville. j Church.
We have seen lettuce large enough j Kemp P. Battle. President
for table use, from the garden the University of N. will
I Mrs. M. A. Jams. lea the Commencement address of
Several land sales at the Co. Institute, Wednesday,
i House door More Will
take place lo-day. Miss Jennie James has been quite
We have not yet seen the list of i for a week or two at the
at is a saying old and
true, and it might be just as truly
said that when does not plan
weather in accordance with
some little god has
arranged, the latter pursues bis
coarse just the same and laughs
with equal gusto at and the
weather, too. For weeks Greenville
had been preparing a nuptial
m which interest was never
higher that no other bad
ever been looked ward to with
pleasure the com-
Two of our most popular
young stood at the
head of social circles and were loved
and esteemed by every
to meet at Hymen's shrine, and in
words that hue bad already sealed
pledge their troth each to the other
death do as Ah, such
a picture is this crowned with love
and so beautiful in all its surround-
so pure in its nature, so
in its purposes, instituted by the
Creator and calling forth richest
Divine blessings upon it.
unto the bow the cord Is,
So unto man is
Though she bends him, she obeys him.
Though she him, yet she
Useless each without the
The time for such an happy
was at the Methodist church ii
Greenville Thursday evening,
the 14th , at o'clock, and not-
withstanding the very inclement
weather the building was tilled to
overflowing persons who were I
anxious to witness the marriage of
Miss Nina Cherry, the beautiful
daughter of our worthy County-
Treasurer, Mr. James B. Cherry, to
Dr. Zeno Brown, son of W. M.
B. Brown.
Astonishment, greeted each of the
audience as they entered the church
doors and beheld the beauties
iii. The decorations were superb.
At the end of each aisle next the
altar was evergreen gale, and
over the-one the right was an
arch on the top of which was
the name formed in white
chrysanthemums. Over the gate
of the left aisle was a similar arch
bearing; The
altar was a perfect mass of exquisite
flowers, tastefully arranged in
mid. The beautiful calla lily with
its stalely beat reared aloft lent its
in. g
r g
sum g
i f-g
The undersigned leaned three
mills ii number of and pot them
In order, begs leave to inform
public that he is prepared to grind
Corn and wheat in a manner.
Satisfaction guaranteed to all patrons.
I would inform merchants that I am
prepared to furnish them good water
mill meal at prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be at my store in
where will also find a select stock
of Merchandise which will be
sold at lowest prices
Robt. R. Fleming.
New Jewelry New Jewelry Store
I have just received a nice line
Which I can sell cheap. Violin
Guitar and Banjo strings also for sale
Special attention paid to all watch, clock
and repairing.
Greenville, N. C.
of her admiring friends rendered
several delightful songs.
of love and of longing.
That the feast may lie more joyous,
the time may pass more
And the guests be more con
Another testimonial the high
regard for the bride and groom, both
at home and abroad, was the large
number of presents they received.
The display was the largest and
most beautiful we ever saw. many of
the presents being very costly and
valuable. They
A very handsome cabinet
Fell asleep In Jesus, on Thursday 12th
inst., Mrs. P. L. wife of
Dixon of Greens county.
on dearest Aunt and take thy
While over our loss we mourn.
Sleep on dearest Aunt and take rest.
Till Jesus Christ Shall appear.
A. A. .
Wonder if that belled buzzard we
mentioned a few weeks has
caught the emigration lever
gone West. The
book case and lady's desk combined, I says one flew over a mining camp
J. B. Cherry.
Silver service, waiter
pieces, Mrs. Cherry.
China tea
set, F. G.
James and
near that
town on Monday of last
; Justices appointed county
; by the Legislature.
Do you want to the very best
flour Then buy Point Lace at
at the Old Buck Store.
Bead what is said about
on fourth page this paper.
It is a worthy magazine.
Be sine and read article
hist page, entitled, with
la It gets there-
Without an exception,
day was the most beautiful day that
1880 given u. thus
of bet brother, Mr. F. G. I
dames. We glad to she is i
much improved
Mr. and Airs. J W.
ed at Hotel Macon last week.
Though late we extend our cons j
wishing a long and
prosperous life.
Mr. G. B. King, junior member of
the House, arrived home Saturday
night. says
was the best behaved young man in
the Legislature a d worked like
Mr. A. Blount, a young man of
ibis county who has been attending
Court week makes the hotel men I lectures at the medical college m
smile, Hotel Macon and the King j Atlanta home a few days j
House are both well We were glad lo have a call
The newspapers blessed , ,
poets have all Mr. Frank Dancy last
the mumps or something else. Fortress Monroe, where.
weather changed to
Silver padding dish, B- C.
beauty to blend with the
begonia, woodbine, tube-
rose and making, a
that words cannot paint. Over
this pyramid and extending across
the altar was a large arch of ever-
greens illuminated with was can
The bridal party entered the
church keeping step with lovely
strains Mendelssohn, red
by Mrs. J. B. Cherry. To say she
at is
our people well know that under
her magnificent touch chord blends
with chord in all its rich
melody. To hear bar
is to lift the heart in gratitude and,
praise that music has been sent to I silver carving
earth to the sense of C of
The first to enter were Masters biker singing ice pitcher and
James and David cup. J. B. and J L. Little,
who proceeded to the gates; each n,
holding one open. Next the ushers, i h-
Messrs. J. W. Goodwin, S. T. , .,
Hooker, F. W. Blown, E. C. Glenn, i
Skinner and w C. Hied and Wife,
up each aisle. came the i Raleigh.
attendants in couples opposite each ,
other on the and left
Mr. It. King and Miss Nancy
Lie Virginia. Mr. W. B.
Brass clock, handsome design, J.
W. Goodwin and wife.
Silver butter knife, Jack
Pair bisque figures, Charlie,
and Bert James.
Case of silver teaspoons, Miss
Ames, Virginia.
China fish set, J. D. Murphy and
silver, gold sugar
basket and spoon, J. B. Cherry, Jr.,
Black marble clock, James Brown
and wife.
Silver Syrup pitcher, Mrs.
Merritt, of South Carolina.
set, G.
morning last week as Messrs
John F. and Louis II.
Wilson were in the act of stepping
in a canoe at the steamboat
the gave a and
overboard they both went. Sloths
Good-1 happened except a good
It Las been conceded by
ladies of Greenville that
have the nicest and cheapest
of these goods to in the
again last Thursday. Justin time
to get the reads bad by Court.
The ladies of the Baptist
were well patronized in their
Monday night and last night
HOMEY to sums to suit
Mole liberal terms than heretofore
Apply to J. B. Yellowley, Green
N. C.
he and his brother, Mr. J. J. Dancy
Jr. went to join Army.
Joe was successful, stood the exam-
and enlisted.
Besides the home bar at this
Court, the visiting attorneys pres-
wire Swift Galloway,
Hon. J. K. Moore, j
Mi. J. Johnston, Beth- j
el, and Esq. Ta Mi r
All who want the Greenville post- j
office let them hold up their hands, j
Why the leader of a brass band
like well led hog Because he,
I tuns at reduced prices for the next. has got his corn eat. See ,
two weeks at Murphy's Gallery be-; To Thursday night sad I
he leaves. night vices will be held
A raft of logs from up the rivet j in the Baptist church b the
i was lodged against the bridge here i tor.
I Saturday night. It was removed; . .,
early nest morning. ,
County will let out
Jan lbs more P. for a building at the
Co's Sweet Scotch which I Poor House. See to con-
i has to the healthiest and tractors.
Of all kinds I o suit the most fas- cheapest. per pound at ,
Old Buck Store. , f years
old. Henry brilliancy
Higgs have suspend- dims nor with age, nor does his
Let ninety-nine per cent of the
talking be turned into work mi
will see more enterprises springing
j up in Greenville.
Don't JOB can get
Blown and Miss S.
A. Betiding and Nannie
son. W. B. Greene and
Tyson. Frank Wilson and
Susie Brown. W. M. Blown and
C. T.
and Bessie Bod. K.
and blown
I. L. Little and
Nannie King. W. B. James and
Jennie J. B. Cher-
Jr. and Betsey Jane Greene.
These a valued to the gates
the and groom
elect should pass through. Then
came up the light aisle Dr. Zeno
Brown with his lather, Dr. W. Ai.
B. Brown, preceded by little Jen-
Blown and up left aisle Miss
Nina with her father Mr. J.
Cherry, preceded by little
panel painting, cluster of
Miss Mollie House.
Ebony panel painting, duster
Miss Bliss Ward.
Striped water set, Frank j
Steel engraving, Miss Ella Man- j
Painted tambourine, Miss
Mann, Greensboro.
Pair panel paintings, B.
Etching picture, J. E.
of Philadelphia.
Set Brass cuff and collar
Charles Skinner and J Which
Pair silver napkin rings,
Silver pick holder, Miss Lou j
The quarterly meeting of the
Alliance will he held in
Greenville on the first Friday in
April. The Secretary says there
should be a large attendance from
every sub-All in the county
at the meeting will bean Important
The desires the ups
building id Greenville and labors to
that end. We want to attract more
people to our ton it and increase its
imputation with progressive,
people. No business man
should withhold his aid in
The rats are growing beautifully
less at our sanctum and we wish
that they may never old
want of feet, to step our many
traps set for them. They have eat-
en a whole set rollers, a block
composition, chewed the
dozen or so books, played the
wild generally.
Notice to
Having duly qualified before
Court Clerk of Pitt county on the
day of ls, as
tor of O. C. Davenport, deceased, notice
is hereby given to all persons Indebted
to the estate to make Immediate pay-
to the and to all
of said estate to present their
claims duly authenticated to the
signed on or before the 12th day of
or this notice will be plead
their recovery. This 12th day of
s I
Cox Cotton Planter
Has been reduced from
And not depend on borrowing not
trying to make one Planter do
the work of two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
and save the risk of
a stand of cotton
which may cost you
more than
For your liberal patronage in
the past
And Cordially Solicit
A continuance of the same-
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to examine our
Tell bun not to delay examine
now and sec if his old planter
needs any repairs, and if so
order them at once or send
the Planter to me or leave
it with Mr. Allied Forbes
with lull particulars
and it will betaken
to factory, re-
paired, and re-
turned at a
are to be
ii endless
with us.
ed a flashy sign across the street I powers of beautiful word
in front their store. That
is full of enterprise.
Artist, will he in township told us Monday that two
flocks of wild geese passed their
sections Sunday. The geese were
in a North
Greenville only two weeks more.
All who good Pictures at ion
prices should come in now be
fore he leaves.
If business gets the
season will ere long be here-
Another batch of items
t Horn this week. Can't sonic
A choice other sections of lb.
dress sad business
at prices that will be
by all
interested in having and send items to then
i their Clothing made will do well to paper.
; at M K. Lang's. t Works
Philadelphia. The was
James. After they had passed to I Silver, gold
the trout of the altar the attend-1 i i
ants tiled through and look their
positions a semi-circle on either
side. The ceremony was performed
by H. John in a manner
that was beaut mil and impressive.
All the ladles were exquisitely at-
Miss Amos pink china
silk, pink gauze, diamonds. Miss
white ladle silk,
Miss Wilson cream
and gold ornaments.
Miss Tyson blue do h and
lace, Miss S. Drown,
blue albatross satin,
miss L- Brown lilac satin
and lace, gold. Marshal
j cream satin and lace, gold. Miss
cream cashmere and lace,
lava jewelry. Miss King cream
sapphire. Miss Williams pink
j and i-limestones.
j Miss Greene gauze gold. Lit I
tie Nina James white
I mull. Little Drown white j
and mull. The bride wore I Damp U. M. Drown.
white faille silk, crepe trout,
colors, or- Dannie King,
natural orange silver
and Jarvis
i suits of black velvet lace. Mas j Mrs. S. A.
Cherry full evening draw Wm
suit of black velvet. The gentle-
The intends slight
to people whose names lad to
pear column of
paper. The editor is only too glad
to put these names print when-
ever conn- to Ills
edge, but he cannot he ex-
to be everywhere and know
everything, ll of your family
off for a few days or you have a Ms-;
let us it.
The wants to Know why i
so many buzzards are hovering
around brother
it is because the of enterprise
that is taking possession of the
giving it such
boom is killing off some of old
fogies, and the buzzards arc wailing
for their carcasses. They will be
searching around Greenville before
another comes.
lined, sugar and
Lilly Drown, of
Lena Handkerchief, Miss Delia
Brush, of Brooklyn,
Fancy Lamp, little Clara Ware.
Silver bonbon dish, Louis Milliard
and wife, of Norfolk.
Deny bowl, Latham and
Case of silver picks. Misses Mar
and Sue
Pickle C. T.
Set of tray covers, Mises
and Delia Marshall.
China coffee set, J. W. Perkins
and wife.
Large painting in W.
King, W. B. James and W. B.
Greene t A ls Green-
lamp, brass stand, ville lawyer. He owns some land
W. Drown wile. over Bethel township near the
cake basket, S. A. of
Silver Miss Ann
What is more than to
i be awakened in the
hours of the night to bear the sweet
j strains the violin, as it wafts its
j melodies the midnight air.
was aroused on last Friday
night by that beautiful time
sweet A party of sere
were out and discoursed sweetest
music much to the delight of all who
heard them. Greenville is
blessed with musical talent.
Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, Hardware
We keep a complete line of
Staple Groceries.
We call especial attention to our
The and
plow, and the
cotton plows. We will I
also offer the trade
LARD'S which
has more merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the market.
Greenville, N. C.
n mt on mm
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
yon free to buy when you please, hut
to rave money yon to
my on 4th street, rear of J. B.
Cherry For convenience we
have also an entrance through II. F.
Keel's street. can
hat yon ever had in your life tor
to less money than any one
else in the cm Rive you. Why r
for my expenses are less pay the
cash for goods and save the
and it you don't believe i; you
come and see. Having bad IS year-
the I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge. Re-
pairing a specialty. Don't forget the
on street rear Cherry
A Co.
Greenville. N.
Notice to Creditors.
The having duty quail
to the will
Testament of James K. Edwards, de-
on the i day of January,
notice Is hereby given lo all person in-
to the estate to make Immediate
and to all creditors of said as
lute to present their claims properly
to the on or
before the day of 1880. or
this notice will plead in far of their
recovery. This of January,
James T.
Err of James K.
him I can furnish him any
Timbers he may need, either
dressed or undressed. Also I
can furnish him with
Brackets and
tor your porches
mid piazzas, in fact any
or trim-
that lie may
need to a
nice house.
Will Corn.
And furl her that I can grind hi
com into Meal and that
I ill com ii c of
I lie if lie will
me bis con-
complying with the
will greatly oblige
Yours truly.
Greenville, N. C.
On Wed in the day of March
will at the House
I door hi town to the
for tracts
laud Pill county containing about
I fifty-one in i i minted as
One tract Beaver Dam township
containing about forty acres, adjoining
the lands of William
Tyson and hers and being the tract
to John Nichols, by Nelson Nichols.
j One i r containing one acre mi
I the I mils K.
T. A. Nichols and and
I known at the church also ten acres
I of woodland adjoining II.
j bead and the Move land
I and others to satisfy
in in collection against
i on Nichols and which have been levied
on land us he of
son Nichols. i. A, K.
This l-V. i .
it. W. l.
Tar km
J. S. tire
X. M. Tarboro,
cant. K. Jokes, Aft
People's Line for travel on
Tin- Steamer It the
I quickest on the river.
been thoroughly repaired,
i and painted.
Fitted up specially for comfort,
and of
A Table furnished with tin
best the market affords,
A nip on the Steamer
not only comfortable
Leaves Monday, V
o'clock, A M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
am at u o'clock, a. II.
Freights received daily and throng
Lading given to nil points.
X. C.
had been cut lo use
picks, j
Kettle II.
ll handsome a vehicle
In fact a complete assortment ton Washington can be found.
Tarboro and County were
An have u,
L, . another large building at
of and House. The new building will
is or I be feet long, so Commissioner
is invited.
j men wore lull
After the ceremony, as the organ
again pealed forth its sweetest
the bride and groom pawed
out the right aisle, attendants
crossing in front of the altar and
in- out the aisle from
which they entered.
The reception was held at the
borne of Mr. James f.
ires than we thought
had. Greenville is not far be-
hind that.
tells us.
wishing to tin
or their power
of attention scud lo Prof.
K. E. Lang's Column
p. Fifth Ave., N. Y., for
M. C., may lie his as
the King House, Greenville, for i another column-
this month, longer if
aged t do prepared to perform j Alfred sent u box of bis
Ml the most careful manner any. head preparation lo
to bin pro Va the other day. If it was gen-
in. re- i orally known that he bad I e best
in over thirty in the World he would
can give best of r b- u-b orders every day.
hullo, Mrs. J. J. Dancy.
Curd t- John Home.
stand, W. S. Bawls and
Silver toilet, B. Brown,.
Cake stand, Miss Susie Brown.
Silver cake basket, Wiley Brown
and wile.
Celluloid dressing cave, B. Greene.
Jr., and wife.
Pair Battle, M.
In ottering its congratulations to
the happy couple, and wishing t In in
a life of pure bliss, the
say to Dr. Brown,
are yon. I. a.
Having such a wife to love,
to his . bride,
some limber
Learning this be
the null tractor who was
Greenville, said his land had
been trespassed upon and the
cut without authority,
which be proposed to bung suit.
said the contractor,
know my business, and would ad-
vise to consult an attorney lie
lore you too has A boat
that lime whispered to
the contractor that he was talking
to a lawyer and it was a blank look
The firm of A
tills day dissolved mutual con-
sent, the entire Interests of firm hi-, .
lug M Sc.,. who fT JAM, III
will continue the the old I mm
All the of firm
will by Mr. all
monies due are to he paid lo him. This
21st day of
I Cherry.
the wedding assembled
Clad all their
Hosts of friends Ailed to
lo the. bride
and groom and offer expressions of
I wishes, testifying to high
teem in which they were held by
I one. The were
entertained by Mr. Cherry
I and his excellent wife and
. was mot The j On the inst., Mr. Ii.
per was elegant tree Miss Parker were
i em bracing all the delicacies the taste married at the residence of the
could wish. Later the j or Ides father, Mr. E. S. in
the enjoyment was heightened by Heaver Dam township,
Mr.-. Cherry, who at solicitations Join
are you. Laughing
Saving a noble
only had such side
walks that a little them
would not make the mud shoe
how glad we all would be.
We a great mistake is made
by people who a little loose
dirt hauled and spread on side
walks, only lo see it worked up into
a mud puddle every time it ail
hour. One side-walk now recalled
bin bail d done on it
to have paid for its being jet
whenever o lain conies it is only
passed with Why mil
use shells r coal ashes T
coal is burned m to fix
all the walks If the ashes were used
at i the right places,
if yon want to see a side walk
that has been made, way look in
, from of Mr. J. J. Cherry's residence.
H- H I it is almost as hard as paved
no in wet
Having assumed entire control of
furniture business of Lion-
in With which I have
been connected since I
ail Mends and c that they
continue to find the Old
Store prepared to suit their want In
particular. sincere
thanks for the very generous patronage
bestowed upon the old Arm, I solicit n
continuance of their favors, which
endeavor will lie made to in-iii.
Why another new discovery by Alfred
in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. calling on or the
above named barber, you n
of is
for the
kinkiest hair l he perfectly soft and
glossy, only two or tin application a
week it necessary, and a
brush i- all to after rubbing the
vigorously for a few minutes with
the Try a bottle end be
Heaped fully,
Tin classes i i be s area aged that
new pupils can enter Uta week la
Mi M. S. C and
menial Music.
Mis. K. W. Pool,
and Mathematical. Ma-
Painting I Hawing.
Large, Comfortable u Mags.
Healthy Location and Watts
Prepared Feed for
Boarders, A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduates of
m to any In the Sta.
New Piano- Organs.
A of
for the school.
I Mates Mom-rule, from lo fee
Bo rd and Tuition Term
Pupils who net hoard
consult Mat
I before board elsewhere. Ker
fin i Address.
i Of Interest to

Wide Awake March has I
to the In-
mouth a ad
venture story, Nat j
relating to what he
Cell a little fellow walked into
town Iron; Alexandria to see
lent Cleveland take i ho
office lour ago ; dice
of the campaign of
;. . .
,. .
-hall be th whole wide
In tongues, and i and a pretty tale about
have no Harrison when she school girl
Each of the her. s no heed these hist two in i e depart-
II. o'er seas to Oriel's I
Shall wreck,
,,.,,, . Last Day at has been trans.
. And every act tor this by Mary
Ant bend each wandering step to an n .-, Wes-
. -Mow lies, w.
I lilt Meaning in
It Makes You Hungry
I hare Celery Compound and It spring medicine mow I It
has had a ten year he
effect. nerves nerves must lie
the Mood liver and
feel like a now Celery Compound--
man. It Improve all this.
the appetite and
T. Cora-
Celery Compound
Is a unique tonic to
the taste In
as by
Guaranteed By
The Best
In I he I was all I
Hie with so a
i .
in i
little are having a jolly ,
hold m
while Mis. Joy White., lot- In- all
I could hardly
which makes everything It a bottle; ;
arid pound, re I had take nit a week I felt
h h tn r. I fully
i -I .
a en. Vt. A.
to shall walk narrow
little the left or right,
part the magazine,
An honest to pi--
of i
Price only a i
The In toe world tor Cuts
Bruises. Sores, Salt IV-
. . c ill
. ti .
Tl needs must stand acknowledged
eyes that --1 Five the j
. And that and i years Mi. s per For
, . , I id T ,. Pa n i
Calling to ears that never hoar, j . life each in a ;.
. . i.
t and where I
my line
OLD s i
ii c; their year., will it to ,
to -ft e par- j
in all it- brain ;
i m k SHOD
seek their
And die tin- is
Attend to the details Off roar
Be in till
well, then
to do right. Fear to do wrong.
tie in the society of the vicious,
Hold integrity sacred.
A all -hr Improved appliances; new
t-.; stable
for work my -hop
executed. n.
it, Ne So
ill i-i M. ii daily
eX Sim.
I . ,
t Warsaw I
No II,
j There is a
article on by Mrs.
; F. A. ; also ii richly
I iii
Injure another's or boss- by Tin
Join hand- only the
upon. Mrs. White . . ., . . ,. Solo
. ; . . i, i . ., i It has been pied that the oak la 111-,
in her tells how the., , . . . J
., ., v. , i i , i ., . a A i ace will as
J The Sheriff of B county
t t I.,., Um to , ,. ,, A , so,,, ton in
smell . the .,, ., ,, on.-
Starr ft.-h ,,,,. , acres. During, the present winter,
talk- ,, One of the has some
; mind Iran
Up not for any
we din
buy one profit. A
Never try to what arc no.
good manners,
-l ion not the of a friend.
the of parents.
of are tiling
j Mr--.
White lions
by Agnes
others by M. K. B. Clinton
The department and;
.-., .- money rat bur principle
Touch taste not. handle- not is very full and rich in an-
times. v till awl
old having no
r- we -i close margin.
.; M.
tin- ways U bring ruin twenty ether farms, the
i-to allow design- -stock of twenty other
mg men m the order had This eon-
it their own things is as an
result to cation no
the Monroe a as a similar state
J affairs in other counties
farmers Alliance is of
an j The gay in his
H may i tail no one for hi in is the
yet tell. As an the been flung and is ion III b
unit mil aid en operation the J . , , , ,
Hat Salvation on bun
got if at the fellow
bis cough a
of Dr. Syrup.
f i t .
i i e. It ,
for ft
t-t your r
p t-
Au trial.
Be lo writs me, ind mm.
AD . mm
Re elected Mayer o. ties, by a
H. W.
or r
. Is m . . S.
-i -I
I .- . i,.
. ,. V I I
ii- , . .
en iii ,
i i . i
till lie ii
. or.
r- Tor
ml .;
-I n; i
I cm. I
eating drinks.
your time for
not the threshold
Watch carefully over passions.
lo every kindly salutation.
not lo
labor for the right, and ac-
is certain.
and pithy talks W
Awake year.
and . its existence.
will do so if it to I he
it was understand to have as the
object of in-
the promo-
I lie in and of
when the Alliance, invades
MT. C-.
Ii. J. a
R inn
. Sen.
Id am I mi
for Consumption
l. I
It Wilson
i Rocky M.
i X
leaves S
r. M.
ex .-pi Sun lay
Train T N
. pill
a. j
sale .
. land. W ill sell
Haul Ni-I.
. N C. I
Ma P V
y. .
s-ii. A M.
-a M.
c in in v
i- ,.
.; . hi
V ill sell
i r I I I
. iii-- call.
mI w ill i
. i i i ;.
Durham i Plant.
e tie thinks that
all id the Legislature are
failure- as legislator who voted for
Ransom u-r Senator, ho voted
do nut think the s
; I -o hard ill
members o the Legislature,
e iii led to t son ii a
on these subjects as tin-
any other
in the those farm-
s Iii I hen own con
-s as tiny I bought, propel,
tin- that
tin- Farmer's Alliance organ.
. ft r el.
. I . . I I--
. . .
. i , .
. . among
mane. and Iii in lei the press, it the called by
Middles-art. ,,,,, the th- great Democracy redeem the
i; not Ir. King's New ; ,.,.,.,.,.;.,.,,. yens of
Was among themselves, peculiar to their s,,,,,,,. ,,.
publican wastefulness and
Am n -w of and tor tin
Try ii. Sample-bottles free at Me. t
Kn Drug
man who make
sell of the him-s be-
neath the waves of
one growl
into a billowy
is a bless
lo any Yes the
man make a joy
o'er the of care, and
pain; one star ; m the
gloom is to In- appreciated, fat
is philosophy lilt-
font- years past it has been unswerving
I of their kind-1 in its to the
We never viewed with any Cleveland. It is for him now
I degree the tendency of
j the Alliance to engage in
; tile pin and we have at all
I limes that politics lie
kepi on; Alliance
We think m
i ow, d wreck
on the shoal of and
believe that the t
in setting up
Alliance stores will not prove iii
lo vets largely
We look
upon lire a- a tempo; ex
want of
Tl-. is THE
No--. ever published
hi . the
years more of
affairs, of nation-
and pr
For people who like sort of De-
the STAR is the paper to read.
The STAB, stands squarely on j j v ;,.;,. Matter tor
National Democratic platform, it
that any tribute exacted from the the money than any other paper
people in excess of the demands of in S Cat
mill-ally i
is oppressive and dishonest. I a van
I i. ill devote it-
h tori
, . I
winch up the tangled thread-., Of, and we hope that
The scheme fostered championed h
making the
the people mid looking sell to the term I i
them On hi vaults to serve no in it
bat wastefulness and j
it regards as a monstrous crime against j
e u ,
, -i . v
s n i
train en
N. SI.
is. rs
and Mas
Idiots .-i.-.
;, . i --i
an- for
Ii the i-
ii IO I
c heir
an I
tin mi, ii hi in arc
s of
Carolina alt-an we I In take can-
; any class pi o
are going i i
dictated to any one.
Vie baud St all times a . . .
, cases and Caskets of all it is the and pin
desired I the people and lo em
A majority of the member or the trial-. the
lie.- and sweetens
i It. .-.
m-i th-- Is in
I r i i h placed In
biles i
thread with
In. a la .-lie -f t-.
;. en an I u
. d w in i a--.-- s itch
pleasing and
id Mi. v.,.
as the Alliance grows In
a-d if will
good to the
meeting, consultation
aid co- -pi r inn.
We i iii it as lie rind
i he m
, of on-, section of country-,
I the must be
i and the
an I welfare
lie- farming And tin-
to his
In II. M.--S
Case down to n
Pine We are lined
up with . .;. can render
to all
I i
ill ,, , ,. i.
. sad
. OM
i I
T. m
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
In A- M- A We In. D.-o.
f f T ft Tl
l i i i
i f I
tin; aids of all
ant we do rot Hie -l a
i leg-
tin- ma-
ii;, it,
if is organ and
therefore should vote, hot as they
think but according to the
of their organ. We think
this is treating-the with a
disrespect liter are far
deserving. They aw t as
This is we
-i- ; ; ; ft d no I
who have
i sing song of
A purer in u I and i is
. i. do
K will cure of
th. Liver Kidneys win remove
nod other A wanted to introduce
; ions by impure I to ladle- in Dr.
Mid are Nichols. Spiral Spring Clasp
the rights of citizenship,
rs may rail
taxation Star's
Through Star is a
Its tone is pure and
nine, news service
tome of what is hunt worth knowing el-
tin- world's history of
in good, quick,
oil- I. Ii. mighty ting
. ling
Pile St .-.- v v is a; .- the
a and ml I hi
mill I ii
Is rich ii; j
s; i-. .-
criticism, etc.
Bin h . i in
in its Columns; ill
s i get a
i- . ii Ii i ;. tie ;. i , ; i roil, as
. at .; . . ii-
ii .
i . to
i .
i Ii F-
.- l -i
well all i levers
I'm- .- ii- o. i lea e-. ;
i in tn i-i
. r
i .- I -1 per
Me. H. K ii.-i's Drag store.
A Maine
try crows and gives the fol-
lowing as by which he is I
aide to take can- of Ins own
When he plants
So in M an-
in -v d. The
;, in age. i
No . .
l l- V ft---- Age
i- v. S
i -i and tin.
ii. NI. A CO.
1-; Street.
letter are of Choice offerings.
Many men and women
art arc
V it begins to
; ; as the edit
ors or oilier class of begin to challenge each other, and
their music scares ail the crows
Mi I
i -i
Jut. i
r V m
Tr HO.
M a
in in i-
i i
. S
D r
. I i-i la 1370-
Will ii i
, 1ST.
i .-.
n i
I .
i i- i , . .
i- T.
our citizens, and are as much
led to their opinions on all matters
the and her inter-
Our Si a c not be
placed in the hands of a more sen-
conservative chis- than arc
our So say give, then
Fingers Came Off.
My son,
live liars old, was
disease for winch
The Ki-i.; v a large
. . of ii -us world i
v, ii ; rial which make
, ;,.,, .
,. Ph r i ho mi.
till . i loll it . ll
I . i in v ill gel fur his
. -ii Iii r ill
than from -i i It will I.--,
i alert during the campaign.
will print the freshest most re-
. political news.
A Mrs.
fin- on
.-. year
Win. did a later, I g ,;,
aged edition, one
,. one year
. , A of tic Star to
An tolls a man who of a club ten.
attended a bee for the Address.
Of a Chord., and while ; and Park Place New York.
two died the
holding a roaster, and sets them on I age of years. Her husband, Mr. Daily, Sunday, one year
two ends of his field. As as
for their State. we For three years he
on O; nil and has a-
of H-i i o I-.
folded hugged his wife for several
minutes knowing who he
was When he did
the doctors bad no name.
me off I is finger-, and t -.-----
Edwards N,
Printers and Binders,
r. z.
. Jo-we i
, . . . ; . j. i. i Up
. -l .-. s
. .
. p
lift. II. I
v. . i
i I
; i
. .
-i . . , trimmed
. and
. he in.
.; ,. -I-
I- . ii-
it Hi i I .
tin y
Cole us e-v g well treatment
told repeatedly
, in. In .,
me and
must vote this in- way.
are men an the hi
We have the largest and most
of to be found in
III.- Slate, .-in I l.-r-for ;.
i hen's
West Y.
I had tin
About ten o'clock Saturday morn-
Mr. Samuel dropped
deal his garden
then m, bail , Pat me tor
lid . t- to lied of old men
tin-son i w I I we have ever j
e a in.-n a are c I not r ii lo
Hying urn i.; u in-ail, an i months
. any such II in ;
road or School
or Binding.
as orders.
i .-.
u --i
i in. i-i
p ., I
v . ,, .
. i y t and aims. to Hair in Two
; .,,,. . . . . i i , t ; or-
r, n i. and
Train having,
;,.;. . , , .
-l n-.
,. Wit I II
Irons a
T- . i a
. j . .
,. i i Ii .-
J Sr .
., at i-.
i-i I.
i fell tin- genial an-
Its fan is no
aid ; but is improve. All -r a was HI
meets or The vehicle , j .- ,.,.; t
n Inch ran a hundred years and a day I
will lie sold at t a break, a have been a- well I ever a-
. man body; n represents natural of S
rm of its service. If however, a .
. i i i. . j ii v.
disease, he cannot live out Wayne, In I.,
is n purely veg-
, local rue
OH i- of Dr. Pierce.
i Mrs, known a th. Potash i
ii lo be bad
-y t-st physicians only . i the -kin. frill
S i to
ft makes the
for es stamp.
th St. N. Y.
lie ca
half his antes he eradicates the
the whose
causes these The gnat i r . i.-
Mitt. of Dr. r
known a- the .
the blood of u, infant. On-
s. . , I. -t .-. o.,, ,,, , i i u
and. improving the ,, . .-a
, . new fall i In i
f ,. ,, v ; and diseases. ii; I the
One, Reuse-1 Swift but Ute kicker
; , -U t . , rM ,
is man who not in the
the nor
sell in inns-
Ids delight . is m pea
and brink blocks, and in
schemes up hi-
own And he. shall be like an
lice pi by the rivet
his lea
shall be left
u as. Ml . i i
i. i . i m i . . i n
, who . i.
La a Q
been Mall i eta.
iv is m Her,
; i II lot. ;
AS . .
i ., , .;
n i IS. ;
for S . M ill i of
III I ii AM in At. .
PI ; b I i l-
I . plied l-O
I ,, i
in r and as
Ii ; i-i buy a
Ms house iV in the
Tl f-i lie reliable
and I. I. own represented
for tony vie
t Hi. will. a. to none
I filling or-
r- u I -I-.
v i. s . a
v., f, r. r w i
. J. .
K T Or write direst I ,
Ki A Hr ,
I .
n E w
. h, the or Social KM
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Eastern reflector, 20 March 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 20, 1889
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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