Eastern reflector, 2 May 1888

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m mm.
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
The Eastern Reflector,
Editor and
Every Wednesday
rum a
A hat for tin- head of a fountain,
A glove for the hand of fate,
A for the foot of a mountain,
A link from chain of debate.
A .-poke from the wheel of fortune,
A chip from the of the
A drink from the fountain of knowledge,
A word from the river's month.
i A drop from the cup of sorrow,
A look from the face of the storm,
; A stroke from the arm of justice,
A ring for the linger of scorn.
A knock at the door of repentance,
A throb from the heart,
A glance from the ere of a needle,
From Cupid's bow a dart.
But another cause, perhaps
the greatest one of our prosperity,
is free trade between the States.
Without this all of our advantages
all of our energy would have
to produce great re-
It does not perhaps, occur
Trice. Witt per year.
will not hesitate to , . , . w. . .
men and measures that are not consistent A ,.
with principles o, the party.
If you want a a , And j have mT
section of the State send for the
that her people had, lying in banks
and elsewhere idly waiting invest-
six hundred million pounds
sterling, or three of
and there labor more pro
and receives higher pay
ban any other county in Europe.
concision of
it he fact that those are most pros-1 reproach
which have the lowest tar- greatest free trade country in the c . ,
that where protection is civilized world, and the free
greatest, wages are least. W is a
out giving the lie to all human ex- j idea. Long England ever
and the plain elements of conceived such a thing our fathers
Old Rules For Young Men. Only
suits. j mil .,
n examination of the financial to these protectionists who
of Europe will disclose l words as a term , i
., , , ,. I. Keep the person clean,
that America is
Any youth having good health A touching story is of the
who will heed tho following Prince Napoleon. He had
will have a right to expect to the army, and was
successful in the best sense of that one day at the head of a squad
ding horseback outside of the
camp. It was a dangerous
The State Over, From Our
Many Exchanges.
Happening in and Events Concerning the
North Our People
Are Doing and Saying
Eleven prisoners escaped from
An Old Relic.
mathematics, no sane man can de-
that taxation is a and
greater the tax the greater
To say, then that this
enormous weight of taxation, not
of New Hanover.
Secretary of
of Wake.
Needs of the Nation.
The Way the People are
Vance Points Out the True Way to En-
Baltimore Sun.
One of the moat difficult things
to do in morals and physics is to
established it between the States
of this Union by a special
ion in our fundamental la. Mr.
Webster said in the Senate that
it was an American and
only for the support of the protection wan European. It was
but for the of a half century later than our Con
army two millions of establishment of it
protected people also, which, at before British statesmanship
the very least, is double the legit-adopted it. It is now in
mate public expenditure, is the j this country among sixty millions
cause of our great and rapid
One of the company
Be as much in the open air as had better return. If we
permit. j don't hasten, we may fall into the
Eat abundantly of plain, hands of the said
wholesome of fruit. the Prince, us Slav here ten
Have nothing whatever to do j minutes, and drink our j Nashville jail last week
with intoxicating drinks. the ten minutes had passed
Be in bed not later than a company of Zulus came , Si bonded government
o'clock o'clock would be far them, and u. the skirmish county,
and rise at Beware of lost his life. His The Grand Lodge of Odd
when informed of the facts in lows will
late hours; of in the
streets; and at and balls.
Wilmington Review.
Mr. G. Parsley, postmaster
here, showed us to-day an In-
of in tho
published in 1831.
gives us some unique and interest-
information. At that time
there ware but States and the
District of Columbia, Florida,
Arkansas and Michigan wore the
Territories. W. T. Barry was at
that time General.
ho cost of the service in 1890
and tho deficit was
On the first of April,
Have CO personal habits, such mistake from his babyhood He
as smoking or chewing or others I never wanted to go to bed at night
I that are injurious to yourself time, nor arise in the morning
I disagreeable to other people, j lie was ever pleading for ten ruin-
Have clean more. When too sleepy to
If occupation is sedentary, speak, he would lift up his two In-
take exercise in gymnasium tie hands and spread out his ten
or in other ways, the simplest and finger, indicating that he wanted
cheapest of which is walking. ten minutes
r lows will meet in on the
was his great 8th of May. there MM
Pl , , , operation. There were but four
the handsome residence of Mr. of these in New Hanover county.
W. of Scotland Neck, Wilmington, South
tied last week, we ton, Long Crock and
from Democrat. , Bridge. Mr. Christopher Dud-
Arrangements in the late Capt.
for tho establishment of a i and of Mrs.
at Durham It will be in i, postmaster
re. postage on letters
great and rapid in- of people, between thirty-eight
crease in wealth and prosperity, States. It operates in Great Brit-1 ,
simply to insult common sense, only thirty millions the simples, and fingers, indicating he wanted
You might just as well say that of people, for her S I
under which a man stag- their own tariff duties. So , pace to count I called bin, Ten
era is the cause of bis locomotion, i tar from this absolute freedom of i c es or ca ire. Elizabeth City
perhaps, makes out to travel trade existing between the States o days or How many have lost not only ; Co., of
d I
spoken of with
Attorney has only to mount
the stump and assert vociferous
that hard times and scarcity
money were brought about because
such and such things were done
generally things that he had op-
lithe most greedy protectionist alive
son, of Buncombe.
Chief N. II. Smith, of
Associate S. of
Alison Augustus S. Merrimon. of WaVe.
, . nits in man most protectionist .,. . . .
has miles one day acknowledges manifold
In ten more he will make a would go to war H y a debt,
some enemy re Carolina and Georgia should be money for per-
,. was
cents tor miles or loss, cents
I for for miles,
Co- j tor and anything over
I are miles was cents. It therefore
; but. be well dressed, not at your i When God calls we planing mill of e capacity c
move a of his load. Was given the power to protect their
such progress known before V j infant manufactures against the
e of these United of Massachusetts
de any progress at land Pennsylvania. A
or disposition to apply
them which can be doubt enable a few me
j should promptly obey Selected.
For Young Men.
the people
First E. Shepherd, of thousands will accept m.,
Beaufort. it as true. the
Second Philips, of
Third Connor, of would enable them to in-
son. tor themselves
Clark, . , .
Wake. . , . tr . . have been had they been free and every one
Fifth District-John A. Gilmer, is
Sixth T.
Seventh C.
J. Montgomery,
Ninth District Jesse F.
Tenth C.
The following comes from a
If without education, try your and should
of Charleston and Richmond,
, merchant and should f i k
protective, way to get at least a; by eve . Can ,, went oft
would no knowledge of spelling, , never , l th
in the and grammar, tor you have Can he around i
paid to their genius and industry, former States to get rich, just as hope of success without.
, great that progress would it has done everything else ; but Be earful what you rend
m per day.
New Borne The first of two pieces of
straw berries of tho season were on j charged double these
sale yesterday, . at Alex Mil- throe triple rates,
tour pieces, quadruple
They were from the farm
r tie hang
, chew, drink, faro
sumptuously, be called a dude by
not yourself to to wear re.
Eleventh m. Shipp, of I j treasury have As to public m ,
. , . M . us. Not only commerce is read, y admitted to in the go
, , of fact have they existed be and injurious, so it , to no or
K uh would take
Sena B. Vance, of exampled prosperity t he country th but OM trade are harmful. , or sister If
Matt. w. Ransom, of is due to You hear it the between
of Representatives
Louis C. Latham, of Pitt
T. Bennett, of arts sciences, all the time
we have had a tariff- for . between this .
S. Henderson, Thai is and the operations the tar- I ,
,. , Many to accent
District-W H. H. Cowles, table cause and effect , this great truth ; seeing how
of Wilkes. did it, we flourished thieves have ;. has its own
D. Johnston, had at . things With the money and
Ergo, the tariff caused us They have built
flourish The o. to set-1
hind counters where beta not want-
ed, takes a cigar, pipe of tobacco or
a package of
a bottle of
Can that be called honesty, gen-
Winston It is an
old Baying that a cool April or May
good wheat. The
April tar have
been chilly- almost to frost, and
the stand of wheat is reported in
appearance equal to tho theory.
of Cleveland
passed through f
no or more pieces of paper
mailed OS a letter and weighing
one ounce, shall be charged with
quadruple postage ; and at the
same rate should weight be
greater. The rates on newspapers
were, for each paper, miles
cent ; over miles cents
but if carried to any office in the
State in which it was published,
no matter what tho distance.
each copy.
three were white, among the lat-
being a young
j transfer of property. It took
-t niggling with
Superior Court A.
M. King.
Register of H. Wilson.
B. Cherry.
S. Congleton.
P. it as well as
Commissioners-Council Dawson. n u
man, Guilford Mooring. J. A. K. Tucker, world. see, boss, said
W. A. James. Jr. T. E. Keel. tie, lien hour hands pints to
about hie crazy old clock laid out cities and towns,
is to me how any man who is
equally as clear and satisfactory.
Being twitted with its jerky and to
spasmodic behavior fie declared to as the rose.
that he could tell the time of day I exclaim, Behold
blessed effects robbing the
treasury; long may it wave
Long our he protected
H day
clock in
tour, and de hand to half pauper thieves of Eu-
past eleven, and he strikes
den I knows it's The real cause of our
Some such combination for to seek. It is found in
as this enable an expert to j the surface and soil of our vast and
find our riches arc the result fertile country, the free in-
or shutting off foreign commerce which govern it. These
relying solely on high taxation, afford greater scope to the genius
j Because things happen frequent try of our people than
to come therefore the any other land upon earth. With
one the cause of the other, how- a people whose industrial and
ever inadequate the one may be to j speculative instincts excel all
produce the other. Since the a country whose conditions
recollection man, in record so far surpass any
ed story or tradition, it is an of one race, the heavy
doubted fact that the chicken restrict s of protection have been
cocks have crowed every day of weight upon their
the world just before sunrise ; energies from the moment of their
therefore that is the cause of sun-j application. By because
only to retard and
Now if protection is the cause a career which has been
of our it would by our advantages, the ab-
ate equally at all times under , claim is made that these
conditions, and the removal are the cause of
the cause would produce l weight of the cars and
sue effects. Yet we find that as force of the brakes move the
Public School
of F. W. Brown.
J. Perkins.
C. Forbes.
Police T. B. Cherry A Alex.
Ward. T. A.
and J. P. 2nd Ty-
son and J. Smith ; 3rd Ward, A. M.
Moore and J. J. Cherry.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Sunday, morn-
and night. Prayer Meeting every j
Wednesday night. Rev. R. B. John,
every morn-
and eight Meeting every
Wednesday night.
Greenville Lodge, No. A. F. A A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
day night after the 1st and 3rd Sunday at
Masonic Lodge. W . M. King, W. M.
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. SO meets . .
every 2nd Monday nights at under the low tariff from train, and not the engine
sonic Hall, H. j to 1860 was a decade, These restrictions on foreign
James, N. G. crease wealth the country has produced their natural results but
Insurance Lodge, No. K. of ever known. The official figures; for the room and attractions of
this beyond dispute. The great country. But the
L. of H., meets j protected of j due stimulation of the
J. A. White. C. i Europe Russia, yet there labor ; interests a ruinous over-supply
Temperance Reform Club meets in their is least and least re- lot their products would have
Her paper is the marker for them as
fourth Sunday of each month, o'clock j about cents on the j well as for the
p. x- X. C. Glenn, she is unable to borrow and prices of goods
markets would have come
of each week. Mrs. V. II. Which- standing among the j but tor the constant increase of
nations is maintained by the brute our population, which enlarged
force eighty millions of market This increase, how
to the will of a single lever, does not equal the increase
man. The least conn- of production, and the proportion
try in Europe the nearest to
free trade of any in the world is
England. Her foreign commerce
exceeds that of any the nations;
her slops carry per cent.
of the world's trade ; the sun
sets upon empire, the
subjects of the Empress of India
number more than three hundred
either wise or patriotic can con
Be quick to answer any call.
o. Be prompt to do what you are
Say and
with hearty expression, and say
as if you meant it.
Be not lazy nor slovenly in
any work you sot to do. Be
for yourself
The Human Viper.
One ounce of keep your mouth
shut is worth a pound of
after you've said something
years of the century.
Elizabeth City News The col-
people in the neighborhood
of what is known as
factories, given em-
labor and made the s commerce degrading,
weighted with a single dollar Treat
are terribly over
a log of wood, said tube possessed
of life. It is said that the log
that injuriously affects carried two miles away and I
Chicago has a new industry
that of picking pockets at
Several people ate said to be
getting rich at the business.
Jive. And remember, no labor is or acquaintance, even buried, yet in the morning n
Many a fair fame, remarks the
your employers with Sunday Telegram, has
taxation beyond the absolute unfailing respect and your by Some idle word,
of the government. If clerks and workers, whether dropped which set
commerce is indeed not equal or inferiors, with beer- of slander wagging,
desirable ; it distant lands contain good will I ceaselessly. Thousands of
Let no temptation to lie, have gone to premature
or indirectly, or to indulge because of a mere
or listen to filthy overcome the shores of business are
limed with wrecks of men bunk
Be a gentleman by malicious gossip. A
it would be found on the
steps of the haunted house.
It has been learned that the i
had about
nothing that want, and our
ambition is to make nothing which
they want. but. only to supply our-
selves, then the forbidding or
hampering of that trade may be
right. But the merchant tyro in fit is quite within your ability,
economy knows that people get It. Make yourself
suspicious hint, even a
may start a report that
rich by then surplus products to your his, too, is j blight the career a fellow
mo a
smashed Suite National Bank.
This fact has not before been
The deposit was made by
W. J. Hicks as architect and war-
den of the prison. This bank was
one of those named as a legal place
of deposit for state funds.
Greenville, N.
Quite an in
not by their own Be the-highest j trying honestly to better his trial was bad before
if they cannot end sense. condition. Somebody has Neill and
sell or exchange that surplus Remember that if not no,
will not make it. Therefore will hereafter have others de-
trade between the States up upon you for support or
the point of the home supply is in-1
dispensable, and therefore, again, 13- Lo not wait to be rich be-
for the disposal of the fore marry,
surplus, freedom of trade with I as to your duty to god.
foreign countries is equally j can do
to national Many do think so,
How it be otherwise unless they are not wise. They are not
principle is to itself How
successful in the nest The
can it be true that it is absolutely men and women you know
D. D. D.
Pitt Council, No. A.
every Thursday night. C
and labor
Band of Hope meets in Reform Club
Room every Friday night. Miss Eva
A. M. to P. M. Money
Order boors a. P. U. No or-
will be issued from to
iron to v. u.
Bethel mail arrives daily San-
at a. M-, and departs
Tarboro mail arrives daily
at M. and departs at p. M.
Washington mail arrives dally
at M. and departs at P. M.
Mail leaves for Ridge Spring and Inter-
mediate office-. Mondays, Wednesdays
Fridays A. m.
mall arrives Fridays at S
V. Departs Saturdays at a m.
necessary to my individual welfare
that I shall sell my surplus pro-
ducts to my neighbor freely and
without and after my
neighbor is supplied and wants no
more, it is not necessary for my
welfare or that of the public that
I should sell the remainder to a
man across the river who does
want it. and offers me a good
price Common sense and com-
justice alike declare that I
should have tho utmost liberty to
sell both, subject only to such
charges the transaction as
government may lawfully impose
for its necessities, and not those
of any man or set of men upon
the earth. Z. B. Vance.
millions. Some years ago, when
expecting a war with her
prime minister instituted an
U. A. X. her resources and reported
between supply and is
daily widening. Feeling this,
many nulls and factories run only
half time. There is no help for it
is no chance relieve
plethora by trading with foreign
nations The hands are locked
Fortunately, can turn
to something else in a country so
broad and fruitful as ours, and we
are saved from bread riots, and
the unwisdom protective tar-
is yet a little longer.
are they Christians, or are
people who care not for God
Cultivate society of Chris-
of both
merely professors
u members of the church-
hut people who you known are re-
acquainted the Bi-
Its literature will abundant
repay your most careful study even
before you reach its spiritual treas-
Be a attendant at some I very breath of calumny and give
church, and join it when you feel I substance to the merest shadow of
Do not spread evil slander
Which you hear.
Just attend to what concerns you ;
Drop a tear
For the friend who was
Who can tell
Just how sorely he was tempted
Ere he Ml
And the evil
Is not true;
Oh, let not a word to harm him
Fall from you.
Half the slanders which arc passing
On their line
untrue, yet tongues will spread
Every day.
Ah, for love to treat a neighbor
As oneself
Laying slanders, like old bundles.
On the
Not to spread and shake and air them
Day day;
But to lay them in silence,
Each away
Wise words are these, conveying
a novel worth the study of those
who are but too apt to catch at
that you owe duty to your
Maker. If there is a Bible class
connect with it.
Do not be ashamed to kneel
mean not with
good name any creature,
tho most precious of human posses-
Give the slanderer no en-
pray to God.
A news paper correspondent 6- Give yourself to the service
that the politest and most ac- of Jesus Christ the Saviour,
people in the world Commit to memory Luke
live in Mobile and proves it thus
saw a street car stop in order
to allow a lame who was a
passenger, to order and receive a
flask of whiskey at a
The storekeeper came out
to car for purpose and the
goods were afterwards wrapped
up and delivered with all the de-
liberation doe to so import a com-
transaction. Then be car
with its passengers
at your bedside every morning and His soul, too base
for generous ire, sneaks behind
himself lies and foul he
is the enemy of the race from his
disordered brain clear down to
bis white liver treacherous
heart. Treat him as yon would
Shortly after John L. van's
arrival he issued a challenge
any man in the world in a 16-foot
ring London prize ring or Mar-
of Queen sherry rules, to
a side. A deposit o
was made with Herald
editor. Sullivan states that he
prefers that rain or Mitchell ac-J crimes then return their
I to Canada. Wilmington Star-
a venomous snake.
If Raleigh are not
to lie punished why were they
brought back at such
North Carolina is infinitely
than with them
It they cannot be tried for then-
day last. The parties were J. II.
Whitmire vs. John
the bone of contention was a much
heirloom in the shape of a
clothes-chest. Three townships
were represented in the cause;
which was decided in favor of J.
M. Whitmire.
Henry Clay and the Whiskey
Farm, Stock and Home.
In a speech made in the House
of Representatives in April, 1820,
Henry Clay said was
ed to the total repeal of the
revenue, and I am now, for
one, ready to levy a tax upon the
spirits made within the country.
Can anyone doubt the of
Government solely on the
precarious resources of import
ties for a revenue One of the
objects of an encouragement to
home industry i to lay a basis of
internal taxation that will he steady
and uniform, yielding alike in
peace and That was states-
in the degenerate days
of 1820 as voiced by such drooling
idiots as Henry Clay But in
these days of intellectual
and of such
statesmen as Sherman, of Ohio ;
Pennsylvania ; Brown,
of Georgia ; of
etc., the proper caper is to
all internal taxes, claiming they
are inimical to the genius of our
institutions, if not, indeed,
In short the doughty
great men of the present are
so zealous of monopolistic interests
that to
all tax on poor folks backs,
And spare tobacco sad
Practice in the State and Federal Court
A W,
N. C.
N. C.
Attorney and at Law
N C.
Attorney and at Law
Will practice In the Courts Pitt,
Greene, Edgecombe and Beaufort
ties, and the Supreme Court.
Faithful attention given to business
entrusted to him.
H. C.
Tenders hit professional services to
extracted without pain by see
of Nitrous Oxide Gas.
. Greenville, N. C.

The Eastern Reflector,
a j.
Published Every
Subscription Price Pr
will not hesitate to Democratic
men and measures that not consistent
with th principles of the party.
I you want a a wide-a-wake
of the Mate for the
N. C, AS
M. u. Matter.
This month begins the
cal war in earnest. Township,
County and State conventions
will meet within the next thirty
days. Already the forces are
If we were running a
newspaper in Greensboro
and got as many good decent
down as the Stole
of that city is receiving a the
hands of the Patriot we would
keep our mouth shut about the
Democratic party. The Patriot is
a faithful exponent of the Dem-
principles and ably meets
any thrusts its Republican con-
temporary makes at the
Railroad accidents are happen-
nearer to us. From a
gram we learn that on last Sun-
day the mail train on the main
line of the Wilmington Weldon
road ran off the track three miles
from Four coaches
were thrown off the trestle and
wrecked- Three were
seriously hurt. One of them was
Mr. John. Lanier, of Rocky
Mount, and another was a young
map named Morgan who was news
dealer on We did not
learn the name of the other
wounded party.
others. The following resolutions
were adopted by the
That an immigration
association be established with
headquarters in the City of New
York to be styled the Southern
Immigration ion-
That this association
be placed under of a board
of directors composed of one
member of each Southern railroad
or other corporation, trade, in
or other organization in
each State, county, city or town
situated east of the Mississippi
river that will contribute the sum
of towards the expense of
said association on or before July
next, and that on the second
Tuesday of July 1888, the board
so constituted shall meet
York and proceed to organize and
adopt such by-laws, rules and
regulations as may be necessary
for its government.
That until said organ-
is perfected Mai. D.
Jr., be constituted chief of
the association with power to
call the board together whenever
said contributions from railroads
or other organizations of States,
cities, counties and towns shall
have reached the aggregate sum
of and when such call
Mr. N. B. is men-
as a Congress i;
in the Raleigh district. There is
no better man in the State than
he and no one is more likely to
defeat John Nichols. The
In the Biblical Recorder has been made the board of
of May 9th, 1888, Prof. W. rectors shall proceed immediate
tr perfect a
L. Poteat, of Wake Forest Col-
as provided for in the
second resolution herewith sub-
to a series of articles, the sub-,
of which will be j That immediately up-
in Prof. Poteat is j on the adoption of these
known as one of the most pro- j the sec of the
. He is a deep and careful thinker.; Southern states, to the president
and in view of the fact that of the Southern railroads,
many articles of a skeptical and to the mayor of every city
Mr. J. H. being printed with every town in the Southern
the North Carolina Press view to establishing a conflict be- of the Mississippi
. i; ,.,,,. i, , -r.-, i i ; river, having a population of
the and science. to
operation of said officers in
the objects of this convert
that the next
meeting of the Association will
probably be at Morehead City
the latter part of June and at the
of the will g oh an
excursion to Washington or some
Northern city.
Prof. articles should be
read by everybody.
Invitations to visit and
Knoxville, Tenn., were accepted.
Mr. J. P. who was
sometime since arrested for
libel of Mr. J. L. Stone, of j for grand results from
Raleigh, and committed to jail the assembling of this convention.
; in default of bail, has begun an
Gen. Joseph E. the action for damages against Mr.
highest in rank of the living
of the Confederate army,
was last week unanimously
an honorary member of E.
D. Baker Post. No. G. A. R.,
of Philadelphia. Gen. Johnston
Stone for false imprisonment.
He claims Under the
same heading will come the case
of Mr. St Clair. editor of the
Sanford against whom
the grand jury of Moore county
is the only ex-Confederate sol-1 has for
who has ever been received
into the ranks of a Grand Army
Post and the announcement of
his election was received with
Judge The case will
be tried at the next term of
Moore Superior Court. The Ex-
press says it is ready for trial and
is confident of victory.
So far as now known, and Gov. Jarvis has recently writ-
judging from the sentiment ex- ten a letter to a friend in New
pressed at State in which he says in plain
Blaine is still the choice of, terms that he is not and will not
the Republican party for he a candidate for the Demo
dent. Whether he will be for Governor,
or not is a question that and we are compelled to accept
we are unable to answer, nor do
we give ourselves much concern
his declaration as final. Judge
Clark having also withdrawn
about it. No matter who the from the race, the contest seems
Republicans nominate he be narrowing down between
be left far in the shade. This is; Fowle, Stedman and Alexander,
a Year for Democratic success. , Who ill be the nominee of the
i party is a question that we can-
of although it appears
is now busily engaged in the that Judge Fowle is leading the
bate over the tariff bill. We other gentlemen just at this
have been unable to follow the I time. Now that Gov. Jarvis is
arguments closely but the Dem- j out of the field the
have decidedly the best has no particular favorite for the
of the is now nomination for Governor. All
thought that a vote will be reach j we want to see is a good, true,
ed on the bill by the 20th of this j able, honest, clean man put up
month. The Democracy our standard-bearer, and we
pledged to tariff reform, and we J believe such a man will be
expect the members cf the In addition to those
House to show the faith that is. whose names appear above there
in them- are Holt, Gilmer, Davis, Carr,
. j Armfield, Robbins and a host of
Bishop Hood, of Fayetteville, J others who are honest and
in a recent address before men and staunch Democrats.
New York annual conference of j is good material
the African Methodist Church. in the State from which to select,
made an argument in favor of no matter who is the choice
paying the Southern people for of convention he will receive
the slave property of which they the support of the Re-
were deprived the war.
The speech created quite a sen-
at the North. No South-
white man experts to be
The South offers the greatest in-
to immigrants of
any section of the country, and
when its great natural wealth
and superior advantages of soil
and climate becomes more gen
known, those persons who
are now seeking homes in the far
West will turn their faces hither-
The annual minutes of the Na-
Woman's Christian
Union cover pages.
They make the most ample show-
ever yet attained by this so-
which has in
alone, one thousand and one
A meeting of the farmers
Pitt held in the Gun i
House in Green vi I on Tuesday,
1st, and after all address-by
Commissioner John Robinson, Al-
Warren was chosen temporary
Chairman and J. L. Sec'y.
On motion a committee of one
was appointed from each township
on permanent organization, viz
R J Cobb, Beaver Dam ; William
Worthington, ; James
Hathaway. ; R R Gotten,
Falkland ; T A Fleming, Green-
ville ; i Z Brooks, Swift Creek,
who reported as follows
President, J J
Vice-President, R Cotten
Township Bea
Dam. G T Tyson ; W
A Hyman ; J D Cox;
Swift Creek, Louis Cox ; Green-
ville, L Fleming ; Falkland, John
King ; Barrett,
Sr W R Whichard ;
Bethel, M C S Cherry ;
Fernando Ward ; E S
Secretary, D J Whichard
Supt. Experimental Farm, Al-
Treasurer, Alfred Forbes.
. II Harding.
On motion the report of the
was adopted.
On motion the Monday in
month was selected as the
time for holding -the Institute
Ordered that these proceedings
be furnished the Eastern
with request to publish.
No o her business the meeting
Allen Chin.
J. L. Sec.
Washington Letter.
Special to
Washington, D C, April
Governor Hill of New York says
he is not a candidate for the Pres-
and that he will most
head the New York
at St. Louis for the
of Mr Cleveland. There is
nothing new in hut perhaps
it may satisfy that small class of
Democrats who have been trying
j to make it appear that Gov. Hill
j was opposed to Mr. Cleve-
examination of
the Government Printing Of-
by the Congressional commit
in investigating
establishment, proves that
the half was never told of the
quantity of private work that
was done there for Republican of-
and friends the
can Public Printer. The
of the country were thus Fob-
bed of many thousand dollars.
For a Republican investigation
this has made a large amount
of good Democratic ma-
For a time it looked as though
Coca, toe prominent in-
are the best and safest
Nerve Tonics. It and
the nervous system, curing
Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep-
It drives out the
the blood purifying and It.
and so overcoming those diseases
resulting from Impure or
surely on
it cures habitual constipation,
promotes a regular habit. It strength-
ens the stomach, and aids digestion.
In composition best and
active the Medic
are combined scientifically
remedies for disease of
It can be relied to
quick relief and speedy core.
Handrail, of
from who ad
Mm toM by
One Tanner A Mill. Husk
Saws feet
six mouths. Price
One Double Cylinder Hoisting Engine,
with Boiler. Cost
Used Price
Two Marine Boiler- to rim bone en-
would do for land service, or for
steam boats with some repairs. Cos I
81.400 each, will each.
One Marine Boiler to run Ml horse en-
One Single Block Shingle Ma-
chine. Price
One Old Engine
slight repairs necessary.
Above articles sold because we have
absolutely no for them. Address
Norfolk, Va.
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
WE are now fitted up in and are prepared to man
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
BE SEEN EVERY DAY, but the man who keeps a fresh supply of
Groceries, Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can lie found whenever wanted. You only have to look for
And all wants in the above goods can be supplied.
MRS. M. T. COW Ell
Has lately been repaired and fitted up
ml she has Just received a superb display
of New for
Besides her usual line of trimmed and
Hats, Ornaments and general
millinery goods, she has the pettiest
stock silks, shaded Rib-
Gauzes, etc., in the market. Give
her a call at the Old Stand.
A rare It falls.
In win. I Invaluable Tor
, And dis-
orders of in and at Druggist
f . Nev, r
cents at ft CO. N. Y.
And LEAP YEAR to do with the price of
I you desire to purchase a first-class article in
Or anything in that line, call on
C. TYSON, Greenville, N. C.
Provisions, Canned Goods, General Family Supplies,
Tobacco, Always on Hand.
One of the most important
meetings that has been held in
paid by the government for the North Carolina for some time was
loss of his slaves, there is j the assembling at Hot
justice in the claim of Bishop last week of the Southern
Hood. after all. Convention. Among the
j prominent persons present from
The Indiana Democrats met in I other States were. Cardinal Gib
convention last week for the of Baltimore; Archbishop I or
I .-.
pose of electing delegates to the Elder, of Cincinnati; Gov. Jno.
National Democratic Convention B. Gordon, of Gov. Rich-
and to nominate candidates of South Carolina, and
State officers. The convention Maj. J. D. of New York.
each one of these being under the
care of a separate National Super-
with an associate in
state and she with an associate
in every local union. The
lines of work are
and Social. The Society
publishes this year mil-
lion pages of temperance literature.
Its special organ is the Union Sig-
published m Chicago, and
a circulation of shout forty
thousand weekly. to
man's Temperance Publication
Association, St . Chi-
for of Pub
Mu. Editor de life
man writes tut news-
paper cums at certain times
temptation write Spring
try. Es long es temptation
am resisted you sutler, when hit
am yielded to de public suffers
De aforementioned temptation
got me not long ergo
es am sort of
believe in de distribution agony
I at once am de
De Bloom in de Spring,
De nod-
at de rose.
de fragrance greets de
plowman's nose;
But harder flowers which
I'll have sing.
in de Spring.
was largely attended and a most
harmonious and enthusiastic
meeting. Resolutions were
Gov. of Virginia,
was elected permanent chairman
of the convention, and Luther R.
adopted approving the Ransom, of per-
course of President Cleveland,
and endorsing him for a
Got. Gray was the
choice of the convention for
the delegates
being to vote for him
as long as his name was
Hon C. C.
member of Congress, from the
5th District, was nominated for
Governor on the first ballot.
CoL is one of the most
prominent Democrats in the
State, has been an active and
member of Congress and
will doubtless lead the
Democrats to victory.
m anent secretary. The
of the convention were cordially
welcomed to the State by Col.
William Johnston, of Charlotte,
who represented Gov. Scales at
the meeting, the latter having a
previous business engagement
that prevented his attending the
convention. A large delegation
from North Carolina, Virginia,
Georgia, Alabama,
Florida and South Carolina was
present Speeches, were made by
Cardinal Gibbons, Gov. Lee,
Bishop Rain, of Wheeling,
op Northrop, of Charleston Gov.
Gordon, GoV. Richardson and
Dar's Latham, he's in Congress would
lack go
But have hustle they'll
never git him in ;
Still, perhaps, he'll chance git so
we'll count him in de ring,
Es candy date
in de Spring.
Dar's Brown, his chance looks gloomy
den his trends
most bite de politic
So de Dame Brown Beaufort before
world bring,
in de Spring.
Dar's Moore, he's somewhat withered
but still mm in de race.
Fur if he never won lie
So we'll cheer when Moore Martin
doth wide his petals fling,
r candy
in de Spring,
Dar's Skinner, den, Hertford, Ids
rough air.
With no hot house wilt him an
record clean fair ;
Though de scent jokes
his name cling.
Still he's de flower
am in de Spring.
Hog N. C. April 1868.
local unions. The annual leaflet
of to enclose in I the Republicans intended to make
letter envelopes-enumerates T
. , . Mills tariff their
departments of tin and good and
an agreement was made to devote
twenty days to general discussion,
exclusive of night sessions. This
will give all the time for full and
free discussion of the that
anyone could ask. It was also
to divide the time
between the Democratic and Re-
The Democratic leaders hope to
get a final vote on the bill by the
5th June, the date of meeting
of the St Louis Convention, but
the of the regular
bills is such, to say
some of her measures in which
many members that
it is ext doubt Besides,
if the Republicans should feel dis-
posed to put obstacles in the way,
it will be impossible to have the
question settled at that date.
there can be no harm in
hoping until the last.
A of strong revenue re-
form speeches have been made n
the House this week in favor of
be Mills bill, notably one by Rep-
see, in which he taunted the Re-
publicans with nothing to
offer as a substitute for the meas-
The Texas in Con-
called at the White House on
Tuesday and presented an
to the President and Mrs.
Cleveland to attend the
of the New State Capital at
The ceremonies are to
extend from May to As
yet invitation has neither been
nor declined. The Pres-
wants to go, but does not
know that he can take the time.
Secretary child is opposed
to the bill which provides for is-
paper fractional currency,
which has been passed by the
House and is now tire Sen-
ate. He says it is entirely too
expensive. The expense of pro-
end the loss de
of the notes will make it
cost as much to maintain a giVen
average, as the entire face value
of the currency will be.
The Senate committee on Post
offices has favorably reported a
hill which provides for the
of a public building in every
town where the gross for
the past three years past have ex-
per annum. The
cost of the building is in no case
to exceed and the cost of
the site is not to exceed
W In to For
Is Reliable Goods At
Reasonable Prices.
If such be your wants, we can supply them.
We are receiving weekly
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE, N. C, Mar. 1887.
Highest Cash price paid for Cotton Seed or
Meal given in exchange. Has for sale
Acid Lime and Cotton Seed Meal
Either tor Cash or on Time.
A SPECIALTY it is to be superior to any fertilizer on the
HOTEL owned
managed fr the part IS by Dr.
James to. on in to his recent d. tor
sale. For Terms apply to
X, C.
Save Money Save Money.
e Best I
Three Big Houses.
NORTH CAROLINA Superior Court.
Martin county
Boon w. T. clerk.
Taylor Administratrix of Frank
J. J. Taylor, H. f, Taylor and E.
Taylor and A. II. Smith and W.
II, F. Taylor, one of the above named
defendant who Is a non of this
State will take not ire that Ruth Taylor,
Administratrix of Frank Taylor, has com-
a cause action before the Clerk
the of Martin
for the sale of eel described in
the petition in this action belonging to
the late Frank Taylor, to have
monies in hands of the above
named Commissioners, declared to he
used for payment of the debts of the
said Frank Taylor, and that unless he
appears and answers the petition or de-
thereto on the 1st day of June 1888,
tiled In the said Clerk's office, the plaint-
ills will demand the relief asked for In
said petition. Witness my hand and seal
at my office In this the 11th
day of April
Superior Court Clerk.
Notice to Creditors.
having duly qualified
is of Edwards before E.
A. More, Clerk Superior Court of Pitt
I on the 17th day of December,
All persons having claims against
the -aid estate will present them within
twelve mouths this notice will be plead
in bar of their recovery, all persons ow-
said estate will make immediate pay-
to me.
of Silas Edwards.
, either per
It . d
Our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc., have arrived, and all
friends and customers are invited to call and ex-
goods and prices.
Having purchased the entire mercantile of John S. Con
Co, including notes, hook accounts and all evidences of debt
and merchandise, we solicit their former and increased patronage
Being aide to make all purchases for cash, advantage of the
discounts, will he to sell as cheaply as any one South of
Norfolk. We shall retain in our employ J. S Congleton as general
superintendent of the business, with his former partner Chan
us assistant, who will always be glad to see and serve their old customer
A special branch f our business will be to furnish cash
rates to farmers to cultivate and harvest their crops, in sums of
to with approved security
J, L.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates Give us a call when in need of LIFE, FIR
D. Williamson,
My Factory is equipped with the best Mechanics, consequently put up nothing
FIRST-CLASS WORK. We keep up with the limes and the latest improved
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs used, you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full line of ready made
the year round, which we will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties for pad favor hope
merit a continuance of the same.
Merchant Tailor,
I never put out or an-
to the public of great Kales and
job lots. I never pretend to such stock.
My rule of business is to buy and soil at the
Lowest Possible Cash Figures, and to deal only
in the
My stock is the Most Complete, the Best and
the Cheapest in the State. Again, and yet again
do I challenge any merchant tailor to compete
J S It, Style, Quality, Durability

may b it In
The best Butter kept
constantly on ice at
Harry Skinner Co's.
Mrs. T. R. Cherry give
sons on the Guitar, if any one
wish to learn. Terms for
Fifth month.
Large bright Virginia and Span-
and Cow Peas, for seed,
at the Old Brick Store.
The year is one-third gone.
Sample Hats to fit every body
Fells, Stills and Straws at per
cent below New York at
Town election next Monday.
Irish Potatoes just come in at
the Old Brick Store.
Take your stoves now.
Bushels of seed Peas for
sale by E. C. Glenn.
Too dry for cotton to up.
Mark the last resting place of
your beloved dead with marble.
I represent a first class marble
works and will guarantee
D. D. Haskett.
Causes much cold
Vote for Cherry and
in 3rd Ward.
Lace Flour has Keen tried
and is the best and cheapest at the
Old Brick Store.
County Commissioners will meet
next Monday.
No more sun strokes. You can
buy sample Hats at per cent
below New York cost st
Higgs A,
The weather is creating a de
of ice.
We will pay the Cash for
of Beeswax, at the Old
Use plenty of lime on your
The or
makes the quickest shade
for veranda Will grow from
forty to fifty feet in one season,
producing beautiful white flowers
five across. A few plants
may be had by applying to
Warren or D D. Basket;.
Vote for Hooker and Williams
in the 2nd Ward.
The sale of the Boss Famous
Milk Biscuit during 1887
exceeded the sales of the former
year by pounds. Try
them, at the Old Brick Store.
Town wore in
last Bight.
The picnic season near.
Remember that this office is
pared to furnish nice invitation
It Democrats do their full duty
the 3rd Ward is safe.
Washington will have a gala
time on Memorial
Since Sunday the weather has
been very much like summer.
It was raining yesterday even-
when we went to press.
Low water in the river. Boats
cannot make through trips to Tar-
Every newspaper that publish-
ed the egg puzzle claims it as their
There are five Tuesdays, five
Wednesdays and five Thursdays in
this month.
Strawberries have appeared in
market. They sold Monday at
cents per quart.
Let the 3rd Ward redeem it-
self next Monday bringing in
a Democratic majority
Lumber is being hauled for the
purpose of making repairs to the
river bridge at this place.
Ain't glad that we give you
five Reflectors in May Five
Wednesdays, you
Fishing parties are numerous
More mosquito bites than any-
thing else are reported.
Old men tell us they do not re-
member such a cold spell right at
the of April as we bad last
Thus early the bugs are attack-
the Irish potato plants It
will be a lucky potato, that grows
this season-
The sweet girl graduates and
brave boy declaim soon
to appear
During the remaining days of
this week the ward registration
book will be kept open. Look
after your name.
Mr. J. J. May tells us that fires
burning in the woods destroyed
much fencing on bis plantation.
last Thursday night.
The farmers cannot do much
work now Their crops are plant-
ed and they are waiting for rain
to make cotton come
Don't take down the sign before
your store because the season
is drawing on. It is not wise to
advertise on that plan either.
Next Tuesday t he Grand Lodge
of Odd Fellows will meet in
Mr. J. J Cherry-
will represent the Greenville
Mr. A. M. Moore is in Edenton
this week.
Mr. B F. Sugg has been sick
fur a week.
Mrs. J. T. left
day for Washington.
Col. Pickett six Far-
Alliance in th entity last
Mrs N. D. Wan en-
ton, ii her son, Dr. J. T.
Miss Etta Hams returned Sun-
day from a visit to friends
Mr Charles left
week for Charlotte, where he will
remain all summer.
Miss Price, of
spent a few days of last week vis
Mrs. E. A. Sheppard.
Mis Mamie L.
the Oxford Orphans Friend,
is in town soliciting subscriptions.
Mr. Elisha Williams and wife, of
are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. parents of Mrs.
Mrs. U. L. Fennel I who had
been visiting her mother, Mrs. Dr.
James, returned to her borne in
Wilmington on Saturday.
Miss Jennie Williams has filled
her engagement as music teacher
at Trinity School, Chocowinity.
and returned borne.
Col. Tom Satterthwaite, of
Washington, has been in town
some days. Wonder what
cal trick is on hand.
Prof John attended
the laying of the corner stone ex-
of the Teacher's Assembly
building at Morehead yesterday.
Mr. Will N. has located
in Greenville and has moved his
family into one of the
buildings. Mr. is agent for
W. D. Moses Co., music dealers
of Richmond.
Commissioner Robinson,
of the State Agricultural Depart-
v-as here yesterday Tor the
purpose of organizing a Farmers
Institute and taking steps to
an experiment farm.
Rev. J. W. Mr. J.
H. Ticker and wife, and Mr. C.
F Wilson, attended the Baptist
Union meeting at Scotland Neck.
They returned home Monday. All
speak in glowing terms of Scot-
land Neck and are exuberant in
their praise of the hospitality of
her people
The frosts last week damaged
most of the garden truck that the
sparrows had not destroyed. The
gardens seem ill-fated this year.
The Young Men's Christian As-
are doing a grand work
throughout the State. Greenville
should have such an organization.
Say, you gentlemen who are
candidates for Town Councilmen,
can you solve the egg problem
Its correct solution is being taken
as a test of eligibility to office.
A son of Mr W. R. Whichard,
of Pact us township, was badly
hurt last Sunday. He was thrown
a road cart while riding, and
falling upon his left arm sprained
it very badly.
If name is not properly
registered in the ward in which
you reside you will not be able to
vote next Monday. the
registration books before that time
and see that no mistake occurs.
We regret that longer notice
was not given of the coming of
Commissioner Robinson to Pitt
county. Had it gen-
known a much larger
of our farmers would have
met him yesterday.
One day last week Mr. J. D.
shipped a handsome
buggy from his carriage
to Ohio. A gentle-
man from that city was in
villa saw the vehicle and
ed it. This is another
the excellence his work.
who have made their
residence in town during the past
twelve mouths must register be-
fore being qualified to vote at the
election next Monday. Your
name only upon the township reg-
book for a general
will not answer, but must be
upon book.
The Guard made an excellent
showing at the inspection last
Wednesday. Twenty-nine men
were out and they bad a fine drill
Inspector General and
Col. J. W. Cotten, of the First
Regiment, were present and both
complimented the boys very high-
The Reflector has one good
subscriber who brings us a new
name nearly every time he comes
to town. suppose every
reader took that kind of interest
In his county paper. If they did
we would soon be enable to give
yon a newspaper second to none
in the State.
The Merry Makers gave three
entertainments in Greenville last
week, one Tuesday night, and
Wednesday afternoon and on
Wednesday The troupe is
a good one and their entertain
very enjoyable.
captured the heart of
On Monday we were shown a
fish geranium bloom from the
yard of Mrs. A. which
very peculiar freak of
On a single stem there were
flowers of three colors, one of
crimson, one of pink and one of
white. One flower bad all the
This is proving a fruitful year
for newspapers and nearly every
week brings us some new venture
the journalistic sea. The
last we have received is the
Review a small column sheet
from volume number
hearing date of April 25th.
Success to the new comers.
n in the
continues this week.
Rev. W. R. Ware, of Washington
will arrive to-day to assist Rev.
Mr. John. Rev. R. B. Gilliam, of
Pitt Mission, assisted two days in
the meeting lost. week. Half-hour
prayer meetings are being held at
noon each day in the Reform Club
The Steamer Greenville will run
an excursion from this place to
Washington on Day,
Thursday May 10th, enabling all
who desire to go and witness the
unveiling and dedicating the Con
federate monument. The steam-
will leave Greenville at a. m.,
returning will leave Washington
at p. m. Fare for the round trip
Apply to Mr. J J. Cherry
tor tickets,
The I village of
ten miles Greenville, was
the scene of a homicide on
day night. An affray anise be-
tween some who worked
in the shingle swamp just below
there and some farm bands. A
was thrown from one squad
at the other when James White-
shot Newton Clemmons,
killing him instantly. White-
made bis escape.
A very handsome improvement
has been made to the Register's
office in the Court House. It is a
very large book-case and desk com-
which occupies one end of
the In this the record
books of office can be neatly
kept. It renders the examination
of records much more convenient.
The desk is a splendid piece of
furniture as well as a good
and is quite an improvement
to appearance of the office.
Cold Snap.
Reports of damage by the frost
last week are coming in. Com
was more or less damaged, some
sections sustaining more than
Some few farmers had to
plow up part their crop and
The greatest dam-
age seems to have been done the
vineyards. The vines were bloom-
and all the new growth was
It is thought the grape
crop will almost a failure.
and peaches are not believed
to be hurt much.
On Monday Mr. Jerry
showed us two very old
counterpanes which he possesses.
One of them as woven by his
great grand-mother more than a
hundred years date
not being known. She left it to
her daughter and it passed on
willed to Mr by
his nude Jeremiah
when the former was years old.
The other counterpane was made
for Mr. in 1845 by
Mrs. Betsy English. They are
both splendid specimens work
and the former has never been us-
ed since in Mr.
doing Forward
We turned out a large lot of
printing Nursery
last week. Mr. Warren is now
ready to take orders for delivery
next fall and begins this
week. The Reflector rejoices
that this Nursery is meeting with
great success. It is a credit to
Greenville and is a great
to the people the Eastern
counties, as it enables them to get
choice trees vines and flowers that
are thoroughly For
its size, we do not believe there is
a finer Nursery in State than
the Riverside.
Here's An Egg.
Mr. J. A. Thigpen, living two
miles from town, tells us of a
egg found in his poultry
yard a few days ago. It might
properly be termed two eggs, as
it so appeared, but the two were
connected by a neck-like stem an
inch and half in length. One
end of the egg war perfect in
average size and had a hard
shell. other end was little
above half the average size
had a soft shell. stem that
connected them was covered with
a bard shell and was hollow
through to the inside of the egg.
The Anniversary exercises of
the Mission Sunday school con-
ducted by Mr. J. Forbes
school house, three miles from
town, will be held in the grove at
Mr. L. F. next Sunday
at o'clock. A
dial invitation is extended the
public to be present at these
exercises promise to be in
Friend White has a
large and flourishing school in
this section his labors have re
suited in much good. Would that
we had may more earnest and
enthusiastic workers in the Mas-
A very strange fowl recently
made its appearance in Forbes mill
pond four miles from town. In-
numerable efforts made to
kill it, all proving unsuccessful
Thursday, when Mr. W. H.
Smith went out with a party
and broke the bird's neck
with a ball from a Winchester rifle
It was brought to town and found
to loon, an inhabitant of much
regions than ours. The
on was nearly large as the com-
goose, being near the same
color as latter with lighter
spots upon back. bead
and were large and about the
same sin all the way, bill
and sharp. wings were
small and of little use for aerial
navigation, while large web feet
made it an excellent swimmer
the bird was an expert diver. More
than seven hundred shots were
fired at the loon during the few
i was in the null pond.
Where it came from and how it
Only nine licenses were issued by
Register of April
four of which were to white, and
five to colored couple,
J. R Mobley and Mary F. E.
Roes. Hardy C. Evans and Hattie
E. Wyatt Braddy and
Jolly, Redding Stocks and
Ada Cox.
Adam Harper and Francis Can-
non, Bryant Peebles and Francis
Parker, Guilford and Ma-
Fender, Warren Harris and
Sarah Langley, George Fields and
Marina Mayo.
Town Tax
board of Town I men
met last week and levied tax-
es for follows Real and
persona property cents on the
; Poll tax. cents Purchase
tax cents the ; let ail
Liquor Dealers ; Lawyers ;
; Itinerant of
Merchandise SI per day ; Gift
Enterprises per day ; Circuses
per day ; Concerts and Thea-
per day ; Billiard saloons
and ten pin alleys Hotels,
Boarding Houses and Restaurants
; Horse and Mule Dealers ;
Opera Houses ; Dogs and
Goats The tax on real prop
has been increased from
cents, last year's levy to
tax on bar rooms has been re-
from last year's levy,
to and the tax on drays has
been reduced levy of
last year, to
It is a treat to look at the pretty
display of millinery goods at Mrs.
M. T. Co which have just
been received. See new advertise-
in this paper.
John tailor of
has a now advertise-
hi this paper, lie claims
nothing that cannot be fulfilled.
He recently made several suits
for parties in Greenville, every
one of which attests to his skill in
workmanship and fit.
This warm weather makes a de-
for ice, and E. B. Moore an-
in this paper that he is
prepared to supply wants of
all at the low price of one cent a
pound. For the convenience of
those wanting small he
keeps an ice box at store of
Harry Co. See
it came
to the ft
There was a good attendance at
each of the ward meetings last
week. Mr. E. A. was
sen permanent chairman of the
3rd Ward meeting on Thursday
night and D. J. Whichard
Messrs Sr., and
C. D. were selected by
acclamation as candidates for
Councilmen. no other names being
placed in nomination. Mr. A. L.
Blow was elected as member
the Executive Committee for this
ward. The contention was
and the whole work did
not consume more than ten min-
At the Ward meeting on
Friday night Mr. J. D.
was made chairman and Mr. R.
Williams, Jr , secretary. Several
names were placed in nomination
for Councilmen. the first
lot Mr. Hooker was selected as
one the candidates and on the
fourth ballot Mr. R. Williams, Jr.,
was selected as the other. Mr. J.
D. Murphy was elected member
of the Executive Committee.
The election takes place next
Monday, the principal contest be-
the Ward, owing to
almost equal strength of the two
parties in that ward. 1st
Ward is given up to
and they generally elect who they
please 2nd Ward is com-
posed mainly of Democrats and
their candidates are always elect-
ed without opposition from
other side. This throws fight
into 3rd Ward, as which ever
side wins there will have control
the town government. The
contest next Monday will be a
close one and every Democrat
should do bis full duty.
One of our leading was
in town and in
with a citizen told the fol-
lowing remarkable Some
time since, while walking over his
field he found a of young
bits, he up and car-
to t he Arriving there
be found young kittens, and
upon seeing them a brilliant idea
possessed be acted
at once. be cut off
what little of one of
rabbit's tail and serving a kitten
in like manner, changed two
tails, grafting that of on
rabbit and that of the
on kitten. operations
were successful, tails took root
and grew, and now his rabbit goes
the kitten's tail,
while kitten ain't got none to
switch. The Same farmer told an-
For Town Councilmen will take place next Mon-
day and the result will be announced in next
week's Reflector.
Have already been elected as the champions of
Low Prices
but their new in such large
quantities and so many people are flocking to
their store that they have been kept too busy
to canvass all the returns and make a full re-
port. But look out next week and some of the
bargains they offer will appear.
In the meantime don't fail to
other pretty stiff one. lie he
riding not far from the river
on Monday and hearing a noise
which, he thought was the
blowing, he rode down a path in
order to see the boat pass. Before
reaching the river, however ho
a field in which a
was plowing, and found that the
noise which had attracted his at-
was caused by the plow
running through the ground. It
is so in bis neighborhood and
the ground is so hard that
one tries to plow noise made
by the plow cutting the hard
resembles blowing of a steam-
boat whistle. As hie first expert
at tail grafting was so
he is going to try it again, and
in a short while,, if he baa good
success will advertise rabbits with
long tails for sale. He left town
wearing champion belt.
Tarboro, N. C.
Greenville, N. C
Hall of covenant Lodge,
No. O.
Death, who knocks with hand at
the of the palace the cottage,
has been busy at bis appointed work.
The silver chord is severed, the golden
bowl Is broken. The most precious jewel
In coronet of a home has been taken.
The lovely that was just bursting
Into full bloom, and whose and
beauty made glad hearts home Is
broken from the stem and lies withered
In decay.
Covenant Lodge feels keenly nod
deeply with our worthy brother,
Harry Skinner, G., In his sad bereave-
and we tender to him and his
our condolence and
thy. We feel that our home has been In-
and the gloom of pervades.
May the God of heaven give our brother
grace in this, his sad hour, to look beyond
and say Lord gave and the Lord
has taken away, blessed be the name of
In Jesus, blessed sleep.
From which none wakes to weep,
A calm and undisturbed repose,
Unbroken by the last of
Mrs. Lottie Skinner is dead.
but not
Therefore be it
Resolved. That these expressions of
sympathy and sorrow for our brother and
bis be spread upon the minutes of
the Lodge, a copy be sent to our bereaved
brother and bis family and to the
Reflector, of this town, with a
request to publish.
L A.
John Duckett, Com.
J. J
Greenville, N. C, April
Ice Ice
the store of Messrs. Harry A. Co.,
where ICE can be bad stall times of
the day In quantities to salt at
Ice delivered In all parts of the town
morning without extra charge. All
orders personally attended to and care-
fully packed for out of town customers.
Thanking public for their past lib-
patronage, I solicit a continuance of
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county on the
5th day of April, 1888, as
of J. G. deceased, notice
la hereby given to all persons Indebted to
the estate to make Immediate payment
the undersigned, and to all creditors of
said estate to present their claims, prop-
authenticated, to the
on or before the 5th day April,
1888 or this notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. This 5th day of April
1388. F. G. JAMES
of J. G. James,
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having
on the estate of
notice it hereby given to all persons
claims against said decedent to
sent Ola same to such administrator on
or before the day of April 1889, or
this notice will be plead In bar of their
recovery. This 30th day of March 1888.
their supplies will It to
their interest to get our prices before
In all Its branches.
always at Lowest Market
we buy direct from
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville, N. V-
Established in Baltimore in 1870.
Will open a House in
in September, 1887. for the handling sad
sale of cotton, thus giving customers
their of the two. markets.
The Tar River
Greenville, President
J. B. Cherry,
J. S.
Capt. R. P. Washington, Gen
The People's Line for travel on
The is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladles.
A first-class Table famished with the
best the market affords.
A trip Steamer Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
Friday at o'clock, A If.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. m.
received daily and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
I. J.
Greenville. N. C.
I have just received another lot of line
and Jewelry.
which are offered at low prices
mils urn mi
A News Stand has been added to my
business where latest boo and
can be purchased,
on baud a well assorted stock of
Light Binds,
Confections, Tobacco,
Cigars. Ac.,
which will be sold at very lowest cash
Give him a call, at the
under the Opera House.
M. R. Lang's
i j
Great Showing
Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather
the last four weeks our sales are greatly in ex-
of the corresponding period of last year.
or Men's Clothing
Is daily crowded with early buyers. They know there is no use wait-
that our stock now all in, and that it contain a all the new and
novel styles for dress, street wear and business purposes, that our
are right and our styles correct
Our Dress Goods Department
la in every respect. Composed of all wool
Printed Canvass Cloth, Challis, Cash-
mere Beige, something novel for street wear.
Seersuckers, Veiling,
and other choice varieties. We were able to while in New
York one dozen pieces all wool CREPE inches. Come
and see them before the selection it broken. Colors pink, cream,
crimson, light blue, ashes, black, white and tan
comprise everything new and stylish such as Braids, Moires, black and
colored, and all other stylish trimmings
Spring HATS
. , mm now. i no latest
the newest styles, the most popular blocks, the finest qualities and
prices lower than ever. These the things that do business for at.
Our department contains the of Shoes for Ladies,
Misses, Infants, Boys and men to found in The new-
est and most improved kinds and styled.
It makes no matter what you want,
good you will find it here cheaper by
cent, than any other house in town.
if it is
In conclusion we you to visit us in per-
son, as the Reflector cannot chronicle
our bargains.
Big lot of
just in, purchased at cents in the dollar.
Coats Vests to

-J. a.
Millinery Goods, and bit secured
services of an experienced assist.
All orders can now be filled on the short-
est notice. Dry and Wet Stamp for
and embroidery neatly executed
While in the markets she
very careful to select only the best ant
goods in
to parties desiring it. Kerosene Oil, as
in market an-1 at
glass art now at the
Save money trouble by per-
us to fill your orders at your
de and place's of a.
leg and Dressing sir.
For C
. the Opera at which place
I have and I
eve yelling in line
with all the improved appliances; new
and comfortable chairs.
Razor sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
will convince yon that are a
parallel in this marker, both as tr quality
and price. A new lot of the latest style
goods received every few day.
Witt Color tint to Four Pound
Of Dress Goods,
Yarns, Rags, etc. j cents.
A Child can use them
fall Dyes. Warranted lo Dye the and
for Feather.
, and all Fancy Dyeing. leading colon.
They make the Beat and
for Coloring and a color
Photo, as for
A-k druggist for Hook and Sample Card, or
CO. Burlington, ft.
or Fancy
Copper Only JO Cents.
Onward Is The Word.
The enters It
tit no at the following
subscriber. year.
subscribers, year. 5.00
subscribers, year. 10.00
One copy, year free to the send-
a of ten.
Eight pages, weekly. Send
L. L. FOLK. Raleigh, N. C.
Polite waiter. Good rooms. Best
the market affords. When in the city
stop at the
on Main St. Washington, N. C.
and all other machines repaired at short
notice, home or at shop. Iron
Brass Turning done in the best manner.
Cylinders bored. Models made to order.
Locks repaired. Keys made or fitted. Pipe
cut and threaded, repaired in best
manner. Brine on work. General
Jobbing done By O. P. HUMBER,
May Greenville N. C.
No No No
Dated Apt daily Fast Mall, daily
daily ex Sun.
Weldon pm
Ar Rocky Mount II
Ar Tartars.
Ar Wilson pm
pm . am
It ;
No No No W,
daily daily dairy-
ex Sun.
Wilmington to am ID
Ar Wilson
Wilson pin IS pm
Ar Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Ar Weldon pin
it pm
Train Neck Branch Road
haves for Scotland at 8.00
Returning, leaves Scotland
A. M. except Sunday.
Train N C, via
Marlo Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
P M. P M. arrive
N C. P M, P M.
Returning leaves N C, daily
except A M. Sunday A
M, arrive Tarboro, N C, A M,
Train an Midland N C Branch
except Sunday. A M,
N C, AM. R-
X C A M,
arrive N C,
a Branch
Mount at M. arrives Nashville
P M Hope P M. Returning
A M, Nashville
A M. arrives Rocky A
M. except Sunday.
Clinton Branch leaves W a-saw
for daily, except Sunday, at
P M. leave Clinton A
M, at Warsaw Nos. If-
train on
is U. Northbound to
No. except
Train will stop only at
Wilson. and Magnolia.
Train makes close connection St
Weldon for all points North daily. AM-
rail via and dally except
via law Line.
close aB
points via sad W-
run solid between
and have PuP
t Co., Baltimore, Mi
J . JO v
ton and Washington
J. R. K
T. M. E
c. b.
k. b.
A New
Henderson Gold Leaf.
Mr. George M. Newell has gone
to to have a recent in-
of his patented. His dis-
consists of a device for
paring stoves used m railway
coaches setting fire to the
car in case accident. This is a
broad field and something of the
kind is demanded, and if Mr
Newell's invention should prove
the right thing bis fortune is
cured. The of the Gold
bas seen a rough model of
the machine and -to all appear-
it the May the
best of good luck attend Mr.
Newell, for he would nut only
cure himself eminence and for-
tune the world invention,
but he should be a public
tor if his safety car stove shall
prove what it is believed it will.
Cotton Mills in the South.
New York Herald.
The New England cotton mill
owners keep their weather
eye open and watch a new move-
in the Southwest. The
down yonder are beginning to
reason among themselves. They
cay, in substance. We grow the
cotton and send it North to be
into cloth, and after that we
have to buy the cloth. Then they
put their thinking caps on and ask,
Why can't we build of our
own and pocket the profits of man-
The answer came m the of
two establishments
in New It was an
course, and the dollars
went into the speculation with
some timidity. But the spirit of
competition was vigorous and the
love an honest penny honestly
earned prevailed. Then a big
building was put up in Wesson,
Miss., for the same purpose.
Well, the venture was an
success both instances
The company is going to
put up another mill because the de
for its has greatly
increased, and the New
people will soon follow suit
During next twenty or
years South will give us a
pretty shaking up. Before
the know, they never
of stripping for the race, and
we bad it all our own way. But
the times have changed, and the
men of the South have changed
with them. Now, what with their
iron mines, and their coal mines,
and their new methods of
and their shrewd enterprise,
and their commercial daring, we
shall have to draw our belts a lit-
tighter and strike a livelier
gait, what of it
is a free country, and a big and
rich country, and there is room
enough for generous rivalry to get
a good deal of exercise and make
a good deal, of money.
what is. this with
which so many seem now to be afflicted
If you rill remember a few years ago the
comparatively unknown
it is as common as any word in
the language, yet this word
meaning of another wed
used by our forefathers in times past. So
it is with is diseases, as they and
Malaria are to cover what our
called Biliousness, and all
arc caused by that arise from a
diseased of the Liver h in
performing its functions finding it cannot
dispose the through the ordinary
channel is led to pass it off through
the system, causing nervous troubles,
Malaria, Bill Fever, etc. You who
are suffering can well appreciate a cure.
We end Green's August Flower,
Its cures e marvelous.
Growth, of the United States.
The United States has a
of at least 62,000.000 at this
This s it second in
this particular among the great
civilized nations of the world.
Keeping in view the ratio of
growth of the countries named be
tween recent census periods, there
in Russia,
in Germany in
Great Britain and Ireland, 30,000-
in Italy and in
Spain. The population of none
the other commies in Europe reach
inhabitants out
side of Asia aggregating
that figure. alone of
the great powers of Christendom
the United States
Even Russia must soon be
left far in the rear. July
the next national
takes place, the United States
will have 67,000.000 inhabitants.
It will have in the year
1900 and in 1910. This
computation is based the aver-
age growth of the country. Em-
ploying a like basis for Russia, that
nation before 1910 will have drop-
to second place, the United
States taking the first Forty
ago the United States stood
sixth in point of population among
the civilized nations of the globe
and twenty years ago it stood fifth.
Twenty years hence it will stand
To WE inform your
reader hat I have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. By Its timely
use sands of hopeless have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad to
end two bottles of my remedy FREE to
any of your readers who have
if they will send me their express
and post office address. Respectfully,
T. A. , M. C. Pearl st, N Y.
and Binders,
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of the kind found in throughout the country remarks
the State, solicit orders all classes
road or School
or Binding;.
WEDDING STATIONARY R B evidently has a patent inside.
Special Notice.
AH person- owing the of Winstead
A are hereby to cease
forward at settle or their ac-
will be placed in coarse of
the pronoun-
prohibition movements
a have con-
more intoxicating liquors
hi the last year than during any
twelve years That
Mrs. Phoebe Peterson, Clay
Co., Iowa, tells the following
able story, the truth of which to vouched
for by the residents of the town am
years old, have been troubled with
kidney complaint and lameness for many
Sears; could not dress myself without
Now I am free all pain and
soreness, and am to do all my own
housework. I owe my thanks to
Bitters having renewed my youth,
removed completely all disease
Try a bottle, and II at
Drug Store.
Divide the Cake Between Them
The Gazelle relates
a very remarkable instance. It
says colored,
while plowing for Mr. Leach,
few days ago, was
death from which he died
This reminds us of the verdict
of a certain coroner's jury, which
was about as follows We
that the deceased came to his
death from a a
distance of feet into the
he was drowned, and
that be finally, washed ashore
subsequently froze to death-Win-
A e
The people are with the
dent, see Treasury
burdened with unused millions
that have been and are being
drawn from the people in the
shape of taxes. About
is the sum that will be bank
ed up in the Treasury at the end
of the fiscal year, calculating
the present rate of the daily
This is drawn
from the pockets of the people in
the shape of the duties that are
lid out upon article of everyday
consumption. Wool, iron, cloth,
dress goods, d. coal, in tact
la used building
the home, or that is used in
it out, must bear a part of this
burden. And each user of these
articles must pay a portion of this
vast that is pouring into the
Treasury over above the needs
the Government, and that can
be used tor the of
the nation's debt. Grover Cleve-
land and his party believe that
the people should he relieved of
bis tax burden, and the bill now
under discussion in Congress is
the means to end.
It you want to feel well and vigorous
and able to put vim in every action, take
an occasional dose of Price
cents a package.
For colic dysentery, teething, and
diseases of babyhood, always use Dr.
Bull's Baby Syrup. A pet safe and
reliable remedy.
A Providential Escape.
Wilmington Star.
A gentleman of this city
ed a letter yesterday from Rev. F.
A. Bishop, of Beaufort, N. C, the
following extract from will
be of interest to the many friends
here of Mr.
I have recently had the dear-
est manifestation of our Father's
watchful care over us that I have
ever experienced.
Thursday night the light-
struck our house, tore half of
the chimney down, tilled our room
with dirt bricks, dust, tire
the mantle, hurled the clock,
pictures. to floor, tore
scattered the panel work over
the mantel, tore off two curtains,
set one on tire and broke more or
every window in the
room. My wife was Bleeping with-
in eight feet of the fireplace, but
only a few chips pieces of
were allowed to fall upon her
Iliad not gone to bed. and could
hardly realize as I rushed from my
study and saw the destruction,
that she escaped
Duly the hand of our God could
the destructive power that
moving all around her Alter
it was over we about our
Father's care rejoiced that in-
deed crowned us with loving
and tender Oh,
what a sermon lie preached to
Watch ye therefore, for ye know
not when your Lord shall
Mr. W. H, Morgan, merchant, Lake
City, Fla., was taken with a severe Cold,
attended with a distressing Cough
running into Consumption in its first
stages. He tried many so-called popular
cough remedies and steadily grew worse.
Was in flesh, difficulty In
breathing was unable to sleep.
tiled Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption and found Immediate relief
and after using about a half dozen
himself well and has had no return
of the disease. No other remedy can
show so grand a record of cur a. as Dr.
King's New for Consumption.
Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for
it.-Trial bottle free at
Drug Store.
The power a newspaper even
single banded, to build up a
is very great; but when it is aided
by the and
support of the people of Us
community its powers
are inestimable Awes-
tern journal prints a story in
point of an editor who, settling out
in the wilds of a
though his own shanty was
the only habitation to he seen f
miles. Boldly picturing an
town around him, he
bed parades,
concerts lectures at the town
hall, church festivals, accidents,
offenses and general happenings,
now and then writing up a
citizen or advocating a
public improvement. lie printed
hundreds of papers and mailed
them to all the post of
twelve miles away. By and by
a st ranger, attracted by the notices,
came to set up a hardware store,
but went disgusted. But so
many came made up their
minds to slay, that four months
there was a real town with
houses around the shanty. The
editor says that the hardware man
would have been worth by
bis time, if he had remained.
us orders.
n. c.
It u said by some who have
triad it, that cast iron hung hi
fruit trees will their
jog injured by frost. It be
well to try t ha
The best in the world for Cuts.
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Sores, Chapped Hands,
Corns, and all Skin Erupt
and cures Piles, or no re-
quired. It to guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price,
per cox. For sale
Under the laws of Russia if a
subject refuses to that
kissing a of some dead
saint will bring him grace, he can
be punished the same as if be sot
a house on tire.
walking advertisements. Every man,
woman and child who hat once tried Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup cannot enough
in Ha praise.
The wonderful curs by Salvation Oil
of Mr. S. a chronic rheumatic,
George St., Baltimore, Md , has awaken-
ed Wade-spread Interest.
editor little
boy, the new Emperor of Gar-
many an editor I see when be
speaks of himself he says M
my eon, That is a word the
Emperors have from the ed-
a Woman from Austria.
Near the village of
in Lower Austria, lives
Man Haas, an intelligent and
it, whose story
of physical tag and foal
relief, as herself, is
of interest t women.
was she says,
tie work i large farm-
house. i--
sick . lowed by a
deathly sickness
of-the until I was
unable to food or
drink. compelled to
take to my to several
weeks. Gating a little better
from rest and I sought
to do work, but was soon
taken wills a pain in side,
which in lit lie while seemed
to spread over my whole body,
and in my every limb.
This was. followed by n cough
and shortness until
finally I could mt and I
took to bed for the second,
and, as for the last
time. My Friends told me that
my time come, and
that I could not live longer
than when the fives put on
their green once more. Then I
happened to get one of the
gel pamphlets. I read it, and
my dear mother bought me a
of Syrup,
Extract of
took exactly according
to directions, I had not
taken the whole of it before I
felt a far the My
1882, to August
l take the
Syrup. v soon I could do a
little light work. The cough
left me, and I was no more
breathing. Now I
am perfectly and oh,
how happy I am I cannot
express gratitude enough for
tract; of Now must
tell you the doctors in out
district distributed handbills
cautioning the against
Corrected weekly by A
Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
Men Pork
Bulk Sides
Bulk Shoulders
Bacon Sides
Pitt County Hams
Sugar Cured Hams
Brown Sugar
Granulated Sugar
Irish Potatoes
O. A. Salt
Liverpool Suit
Star Lye
Kerosene Oil
to 6.60
H to
Co to
Eastern Reflector,
the medicine,
m it
do no good, and many
were not to de-
the pamphlets; but
now, whenever one is to
found, it is kept like a rel
The few preserved are
rowed to read, and have lent
nine for six miles around our
People have coma
miles to get me to
lie medicine for them,
it cured mo, and to be
lire to get the right kind. I
n woman who look-
like death, and who told
them there was no help for her,
that she had consulted several
factors, but none could help
I told her of
Syrup, and wrote the name
fawn for her that she might
make no mistake. She took
my advice and the Syrup, and
she is perfect health,
and the people around us are
amazed. The medicine has
made such pi-ogress in our
neighborhood that people say
they don't want the doctor any
more, but they take the Syrup.
Sufferers from gout who were
i.-l- and
hardly move a have been
by it. There is a girl in
Dur district who caught a cold
by going through some water,
and was in he ;, with
costiveness am I t pains,
and had to have attendant
to watch by There was
not a doctor in the
district to whom her mother
had not applied to relieve her
child, but every one crossed
themselves and could not
help her. v.-r the little bell
rang, which is in our place
when anybody i dead we thought
surely it was for .,; but.
Syrup and Extract of
wed her life and now she
is healthy as goes to
church, sen weak even in the
when they saw her out. knowing
how many years she had been in
bed. To-day adds her
to mine for h
Syrup. Maria Haas.
Shaker Medicines are now being
sold in all parts of the world,
are working wonders, as shown in
the above a-e. A. J. White,
Warren St., Now
We have recently the
of Hardware belonging to M. A.
and will replenish the same with all the
leading goods in the
Farm Implements, Tools, Ta-
and Pocket Cutlery, Plow Bolls
and Castings, Cart Material.
Blinds. Hinges,
Butts, Screws,
Glass. Putty, Lead,
Oil. Painters and
of description.
m mi nm.
Harrows and Cultivators. Gins, Grist
Mills, Cider and Fan Mills, Saw
Self-feeding A Cooking Stoves.
In fact all goods kept in a
We thank the public for the liberal pat-
that they have given us while
managing the M. A. Jan-Is hardware bus-
and ask that continue the same
to us. Our motto will be
N. C.
Dealer in Dry Good, Notions,
Hats, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Furniture
and Groceries. Rock Lime kept constant.
on hand.
I have just received a large lot of
Braces for boys, girls, ladies and
gentlemen. need only to be tried
give satisfaction
I can now offer to the Jobbing Trade
superior advantages A. A
spool COTTON which I will sell it
cents per doz., per cent. off.
I keep on band a large supply of Hos-
Bread Preparation,
rill sell at wholesale prices to merchants.
The patronage of the i.- res-
D. J. Editor A Proprietor.
fries Remains
Per Year,
obtained, and all easiness in the
U. B. Patent Office or in the Courts
to for Moderate Fees.
arc opposite the U. S.
Office engaged in Patents
and can obtain patents ii.
less time than those more remote
from Washington.
When model or drawing is sen
we as to free
of charge, and make no charge
unless we obtain Patents.
refer, here, to the Peat Mas-
the of the Money
Div., and to officials of the U.
Patent Office. advice
terms and reference to actual
in your own State, or county
address, C. A. Snow
Washington, D. C
Opened the Mb of with
students, has increased to over
All Hie commercial branches taught;
Arithmetic, Double Entry Honk Keeping,
Including Commercial Law and Business
Correspondence, Penmanship according
to the latest method. Grammar and Com-
I position. This is a Commercial school
with a Primary Department. Miss Luis
Thomas, I teacher has charge
the latter department. Bates fur the
Commercial Course per
for Primary Course to
per month Book Keeping alone
per month. Penmanship alone 81.50
per month. Through
completed within -J to Board
be obtained at to per month.
A limited number can get board with
the principal and be bis charge all
time. For further information address
Z. J. Principal
The undersigned has lined up all in
and any person desiring a
or anything in the
Is invited to give trial.
guaranteed or no charge made.
Having associated B. SHEPPARD
with me in the Undertaking business we
are ready to serve people in that
capacity. All notes and accounts due
me for past services have been placed in
the bands of Mr. for collection.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Burial Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Pine Coffin. We are fitted
up with all conveniences and can render
satisfactory sen-ices to nil who patronize
Newspaper ever published in
Greenville. It tarnishes the
and gives Reading Matter for
the money than any other paper
in North Carolina.
The Reflector gives a variety
and LOCAL, and will devote it-
self to the material advancement
of I he ejection in which it
Send your name and get a
If an. r mt.
. I
k, t c l -i-i
i ,
i . i. t i
I . m . It. Hailed I
. . Ml .;. tits I ft
I in all In
fend t- r
I of f-v.
ho t-.
I plain
I about n-, bur
from h.-I lit I.
per rout for i. mis.
, o-t I
I .
i i ago
I. if J
is called to the Reflector, as its
large and growing circulation
makes it an excellent medium
through which to reach people
d aura. i. and I
Aviary. All
nil kind birds, ale. for I
This paper l kept mi t r.
When I say T do not mean merely to
stop tor
turn I A
I have made the disease
worst I
I my remedy to
worst eases. Because others
Send at once for a and a i
o Infallible Give Express
and Post Office. It you for a
trial, and It cure Address
The thinks
the south should plant corn
this year, and assigns following
reason for 1887 south
made a much larger crop than
before. as this would be
under any other circumstances, it
exceedingly fortunate in view
of tho extremely short crop of the
eat arid the consequent high
The the
1887 corn crop of 1886
will keep at least in
that section that would otherwise
have gone west. As the planting
season returns it becomes of so
great an that southern
farmers be to plant
more largely than aver of corn.
Before another crop is raised the
west will be almost oat of earn,
and stocks be at a low
point that such an unusually heavy
crop for the whole country would
be so greatly needed to supply the
of 1887 and to meet cur-
rent wants that prices would still
continue high, even if the
very large.
If so buy
Combined Harrow
It Is worth as in the cotton field
as a good hand. sale by
J. H.
N. C.
J. L.
Greenville, N. G.
N S. FULFORD, Agent Wash-
A car load just arrived and now for
sale by.
at Keel A King's old stand. Will sell
or at reasonable term on time. I bought
my stock for Cu can afford to
m cheap anyone, we call.
Notice Z
for baldness,
falling out of hair, and eradication of
dandruff Is before the public.
Among the many who have used it with
wonderful success, I refer yon to the fol-
lowing named gentlemen who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Kl-D. L
KR. O.
Any one wishing to give it a for
the above named complaints can procure
H from me, at my place of business, for
SI per bottle. Respectfully,
After Forty
in the
preparation of more
than One Hundred
for pair ate Is
United Sis.,
pub the
American continue to art
I rights, etc . for the United and
to obtain in Canada. France,
Germany, and other
ii and facilities are
Drawings and prepared and
In Office on notice very
No charge for examination of
or Advice by mail free
Patents interned through are noticed
which baa
largest circulation and is the mot influential
newspaper kind in tho world-
advantage a notice patentee
Thia and
WEEKLY and la
admitted be beat aper devoted to science,
mechanic. engineering and
in at., country. It contains the of
all and title of patented
each week. Try four for one
Sold by all newsdealers.
If bate an Io patent t
Munn A Co., Of
is now located in Greenville and being
operated A. G. a Bro. These
gentlemen came from Washington,
highly recommended by the citizens and
having machinery of the latest patent
to Renovate Old and New
to satisfaction or no pay
Below arc some of citizens In
Washington and given by per-
mission W Gallagher, M D, Rev Nat
Harding, D T Bryan Grimes,
Hymen Proctor, R F Jones, N C
Tames Galloway, Bishop J A Beebe, W.
Bright and
.- . .

Eastern reflector, 2 May 1888
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 02, 1888
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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