Eastern reflector, 28 March 1888

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. c v, 1st
nut mm.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
The Eastern Reflector,
Published Every Wednesday
Price. per year.
will art to Democratic
and measures that are not consistent
with the true principles of the party.
If you want a a wide-a-wake
section of the State semi for the
f the
The night was dark a d th air
Pierced through walk of the cabin
Where an orphan lay in the bitter cold
With tearful eyes; and her curls of gold
Shook as she ; me from
And Heavenly Father make get
answered the dear old
poising the brush in the air,
is ho long ago, yon see. Miss
Hannah ; you can't expect me to
throw my back so
don't tease me, I
really to I plead-
back wad to that evening I
hutted at. I once more my dear, you was,
email, dark haired girl, with hazel j and what's more, yon are; and
eyes, and a far-away look in that's mane's
and over her bent a broad-shoal-1 the one thinks at
I was twenty-seven now, and was
still considered too young to have
a home of my own by my elder
relations, too old for lady
by the younger gen-
oration. So steadily played on,
and my thoughts floated away
curly headed voting giant.
whose voice t as he said
burst on the darkened j -God bless you, darling little
. . i will come to-morrow and
a flood the pares celestial light, . . ,
And the white robed choir from realms and you.
A few days later, the sweeps be-
in possession the drawing-
room, a came
the arrival of one of my
es, tor a violin lesson in my
above. . But oh, Mike, Mike, why did not Hurriedly
never, never, and had the piano rescued
ill music and light tilled the . ., Tl .
the next thing I heard was that
strength to root out, tor good and
all, this cruel, absorbing, disgrace-
love, and rising with one last
strangled sob and a firm
nation that not another should es-
cape me now or ever again.
saw the door opening quietly, and
in one moment Mike had hold of
both in v hands In vain I tried to
These tend st to show
that instead of colored polls
listed for taxation we should have
84,80920,201 more than we have,
if the listed as well as the
And The property
the State in 1886 was
On this the school tax is cents
pull them away. They were on which would amount to
but firmly gripped, his
dear voice spoke rapidly in
loving tones.
speak, darling ; I know
what you think. Let me
first, for the sake of the dear old
times. Let me clear up
is essentially a
collected. The whole number of
polls listed was At
on each, which is about the aver-
age applied lo schools, the polls
would give a revenue of
Putting these two item to-
Dispelling the
darkness and cold and
you had gone to In din the fol-
lowing week, and the year
after I heard that you were
married And what had I
stairs and earned into my
front ; and just as it was
put into place by the awkward but
willing helpers we had caught at
a few notice, my e
The orphan smiled with a
As -In- saw One with the holiest face,
her form in His loving arms j dime, what had I done, to deserve arrived, and with her came a
by low as this Speak to graceful, ladylike girl, whose looks
ill she sweetly slept on her Savior's I dare-not What could I attracted me greatly.
breast j he think of a girl who had
needed, fought rest. he, the
When morning came with its radiant one had too clearly not wish-
And vanquished the powers of ; for her love
M. Scales, of Guilford
man. of New Hanover.
Secretary of The people wept o'er the haggard face
of Wake.
W. of Wake.
P. of Gates.
Superintendent of Public Instruction-
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba.
f Buncombe.
Chief N. H. Smith, of
Associate S. Ashe. of
Anson Augustus S. Merrimon, of Wake. of the spell
JUDGES SUPERIOR j Thai v keys alone tan tell;
First E. Shepherd, of But when their delicate touches rest
Beaufort. I j i love best,
Of the child in the drear old
The music was the angels had fled
i And the beautiful child lay cold and dead.
beautiful BANDS.
Oh; your hands, they are
Fair for the jewels that sparkle there,
I fought my but-
alone, and subsided into I he
long-suffering, placid Aunt Han-
who was to
the dreary bits of employ-
which all the others shirk-
,., . i J net when I had my
j rich old godmother died, and to
my surprise left to me a
Second Philips, of
Third G. Connor, of
Clark, of
Fifth A. Gilmer, of
Gull ford
Sixth T. of
And I clasp with eager, acquisitive spans
My glorious treasure of beautiful hands.
Marvelous, wonderful, beautiful hands,
They can coax mass to bloom in the
Of your blow nil and ribbons will
Under mysterious touches of thine
Into such knots as entangle the soul
Ruth, this is Aunt
said my niece. didn't mind.
did t Hannah We
thought you would not ; and
plays my accompaniments so well.
We always play together
I had been so long away from the
old home that I had fallen out of
knowledge of the people's
friends ; nut, from Ruth's looks,
was glad she should be. one of
them, whoever she might be.
The violin came, and
lesson gave intense pleasure.
first. am not the blackguard we have But
you think me-God forbid. Sit from these two sources the returns
down and let me show receipt- to the FUND
could I do hut him of only which
I sat down, and as he spoke my actual collections of
leaped and danced 566.21, the commissions
rue until I could have shouted tor lot per cent being deducted before
joy, and yet I felt ashamed of my the placed to the
delight. For had he not of the school fund These
slice of her fortune, coupling with i Ruth's accompaniment was and arrived at
it the command that I sou Id take feet ; and, as Violin was being It was simple enough
through deep waters, dear fellow
The poor little frivolous childish
wile bad lived but one year, but
had wrought such havoc in his
life in that short tune that it were
more to tell nothing of
it to any who did not know the
aide story already. Peace
be with her, poor thing, I need
think of her no more.
Then came the explanation of
our own He had
gone straight from my door the
previous evening down to the
dear old home to see tn brother,
carefully wiped and My good sister-in law, no that
its cases, I hogged her to play me morning nine years be-
anything whatever fore, had been frightened about
servants to admit no one.
for the young ladies, mum
not for Miss Hannah the but-
had asked ; and she in all
C. of , the heart under such a control
Eighth J. Montgomery, of
Ninth F. Graves, of
Tenth C. Avery, of
Eleventh M. Shipp, of
Twelfth Q. Merrimon,
of Buncombe
Representatives in Congress.
Sena B. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
ham pron.
T T ; in the long ago,
v i . , And held , our hand as told so,
W- , Pressed and caressed it, gave it a kiss.
Third District-C. W. And would die for a hand like
Nichols, of
the- my love
My love for your beautiful
As remember the fair touch
Of sin- beautiful hands love so much,
seem to tin ill as was thrilled but stroked my bead III
As I the glove I found unfilled, j silence. Some people blessed
When met and queenly bow,
As said lo lac laughingly, it
dazed and in a dream I
Kissing this ghost of your beautiful hand.
Fifth W. Reid, of Rock-
i Sixth T. Bennett, of
S. Henderson,
of Rowan.
Eighth II. H.
f Wilkes.
Ninth D. Johnston,
Superior Court A. Move.
M. King.
Register of n. Wilson.
B. cherry.
S. Congleton.
P. Redding.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Guilford Mooring. J. A. K. Tucker,
W. A. James, Jr. T. E. Keel.
Public School
of F. W. Brown.
And prayers were vain wild de-
For one warm touch of your beautiful
Beautiful h beautiful
Could you reach out of the alien lauds
Where are lingering, and give me
Only a touch, were it ever so light.
My heart were soothed, and my weary
Would lull itself to rest again,
For there is no pleasure the world com-
Like the caress of your beautiful hands.
her name in place of my own.
From Hannah Gray I became,
therefore, straightway Hannah
With my new name I she loved best for one of her infants and had bidden
fin asserted my choice, it she would. One after
deuce, and set up for myself a lit- another she my nest loved
tie house in London. I turned
took the lead in my i when the fool man opened
household, and i he first night that the and Said, gentleman poor had said and be
by my own j had called for the young lady with ; Hannah will not
fireside, and started as a free, lone Miss I wish to see any one and
woman. I laid my bead on her, said Ruth, so the answer had been given full
knees and cried us if my in his face when Mike had call-
would break. no ask him to come led.
said ; and next moment Hannah Grey not at
stood once more before me. He. home You are asked
bowed a little and I, with J
my back to the window, stood sure, sir; my
bound and silent. Yes, Miss Hannah,
was winsome heart- didn't wish to see no one who
tires show a loss of
most all which is to be
to a failure to pay the listed
poll tax. Let us bring these fig-
Loss on polls that are
listed .
Loss on colored
polls not listed
Total loss to school fund
polls .
Total loss to poor fund
The State Over, From Our
Many Exchanges.
in and Concerning th
North Our
The State Guard now numbers,
men. There are white
Companies and two colored.
Goldsboro We hoar
from several source that illicit
distilleries are abundant in
Winston . Engineers
have calculate. that there are
tons of coal accessible in
the Dan river fields in this
Raleigh New
has a paid lire department who
are on duty every day and night,
and two of the finest engines in
the South.
up of good bad men or
most good or bad men ; nor
question whether or not this part
or that has done things.
the real question is which par-
judging by it. personnel, its past
fidelity to principle and the people,
d its creed is most
In words,
two parties u th
t send your money to the and simple, one hut
Total loss on polls
This is what it would if the
as well as the
whites and all polls listed were
paid ; the estimate does not take
into consideration the number
whites that fail to list and the pro-
number of which
would swell the amount
very considerably. I think it safe
Beyond the blowing down
a few buildings, the great storm
did not North Carolina.
No disasters on the
state are reported.
Eighth St, N Y. The States
ville asks the press to
hand concern around as a
Goldsboro A nice pock-
containing notes, one
for one for and one for
and a tax receipt from the
sheriff of I'm county, was found
on streets of this city a few
Raleigh Rev R. T.
thy of
which of
of experience can be expected
to do most for the material, mental
and moral weal of the State in the
, One party, the Republican party,
s composed of about four fifths of
and about one-fifth of
The are poor,
I comparatively
in the exercise of the
of voting. They vote,
we may say, solidly for Republican
candidates. A Republican
date is nearly always absolutely
of election if he can get a
white men.
ignorant and
nominal ion. Therefore, it has hap-
in our experience that we
tearful ills by corrupt
political tricksters who man-
aged by chicanery to obtain
at the bands of Republican
conventions. Thus experience,
dark and sad and disgraceful ha
of rule
means practically rule a
thing not n evil
with an instinctive sympathy and
tact. My dear old was one
ft hem. We never once alluded
to that evening in ail the long
years we spent together, but some
bow I think she had grasped more
than I ever guessed.
said Bobby,
day, as he rushed in laden
with an enormous hamper,
won't mind this standing just
i while I'm having luncheon, will
you It's only a badger a fellow
has given me to take home It's
awfully jolly if you'd like to have
it out
Mike and I must greet
bin as best I might.
I had
no idea it was
Two strides brought him
to my side. he shout-
ed. Grey Why, I was
sent to u Miss Have
I come to the wrong house
night call Mr. Grey,
Grey is
to estimate the loss to school Wake Forest, will preach
fund from failure to list and pay
poll tux at not less than
and to the county poor fund at
total lose on poll tax of
Of course these figures are only
an approximation, but they
not very far from the truth. In-
deed the returns, and settlements
with the sheriff, in many
show very large insolvent lists.
Whatever can be done by the
county to correct, this de-
The young people flew to him I thought that you
open-mouthed about this wonder-j you
The story had taken long to tell; should by all means be
I make the statement to
call special attention to it as a mat-
of no small consequence. Sure-
people ho get the benefit of
the public schools ought at to
pay their poll tax, almost of
which goes to the school fund.
but I hung upon every it,
and us n came loan end the hon-
est, loving eyes looked full
into mine, and my hands were
once more imprisoned.
know my story now, my darling
thing, and fed, yon She won't
; I answered, with for me, till I had recovered my i broke in upon us in hoarsely con-
v pocket-hand kerchief to my
MR; stand hamper
down in the area. It is not
sweet, you
sweet Why, it's only a
badger, and I slay long, he-
cause my train goes at three,
don't you know I maid
here's I asked, as the saving goes.
Aunt Hannah.
Robert, my eldest brother, was
not unkind n- unjust, but answered promptly sick-
balance a little From time to tones, and springing up,
time I felt bis eye upon me, and we faced round towards win
grew a hot and an- whence came the startling
under it. Why should he look j sounds,
at me now in that way He had
been married for years, and I
well, I had settled into my old
the commencement sermon for
ville Female College on
Sunday in May and
deliver address to the
class Tuesday, 29th of
The colored in Halifax
county are agitated at
disappearance of a preacher
of their race. He went out some
past to look after a Are
which broke out in woods,
lie has never been seen since, and
no trace him can be found
Durham There was
great excitement in Durham last
night it was known that a
New York detective had been in
Durham for a week or more
earthing and bringing to
H. Gooch
were indicted in eleven cases
Kinston Free
we spoke of
The prob-
last week.
looking beyond him to the empty
by the by, I be
J. Perkins.
B. Cherry Alex.
Ward. T. A. I Iv
and J. P. 2nd Ward, Ty- ,. i f
on and J. S. Smith ; 3rd Ward, A. M.
Moore and J. J. Cherry.
thy was a quality utterly wanting
in his composition, and if he was
just and fair towards others, what
on earth could others want more
Heaven's name he would
My other brothers and sisters
were all married and scattered
over the world, and Robert's
CHURches. children were Lot a few years
First Third i t young- you, you know
S their I Here I on, and
some yearn I lived in
for the measles, they think,
so mother thought he had better
not go home ; but as they won't
keep him at old he con-
fined, as he dung himself cheerily
into an arm-chair in the sitting-
room, is to follow the next
tram, and mother wrote that
was sure you wouldn't mind if he
came straight to you ; hut I v. a-
Here I
out laughing,
looked critically but
lug and night Prayer Meeting every dear ad to be a. me, with both
Wednesday night. Rev. It. B. John, I . , . . ,,,,.
Pastor. j what use I No one Knees.
Baptist- Services every Sunday, morn-
mg Meeting every
Wednesday night. W.
to make use of me, I am Aunt he blurt-
bound to say, by degrees out, never sure about you.
family motto seemed to he, Aunt; I think you are
Hannah will do it. won't j and you look seven,
I what you look now.
Did she mind Sometimes don't believe you're half as old-
as I be girls think
Greenville Lodge, No. A. F. ft A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mob-
day night after 1st and Sunday at; ,. , ,, , , ,, , ,
Masonic Lodge. King. W. M. The young ones were grown up,; you, I said,
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. to them my additional j kissing his jolly fat cheek,
very 2nd and 4th Monday nights at instituted, if not old age, at feel like seventy yet ; what a
least advanced middle, age. Lit dear old hoy you will be when I
did they think, while their law now about Tim.
nimble feel whirled to Aunt Han was to have a party to-night
playing could play, and and measles won't do very well
for seasons
ionic Hall. F. W. Brown. II. P.
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. F.
meets every Tuesday night. D. I.
James, X. G.
Insurance Lodge, No. K. of FL,
meets every first and third Friday night.
D. D. D.
Pitt Council. No. A. L. of II. meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White. C.
Temperance meets their
club room every Monday night, at
O'clock. Mass meeting in the Court Rouse
fourth of each month, at o'clock
E. C. Glenn,
Christian Temperance Union
meet In the Reform Club Room Friday
of each week. Mrs. V. H.
Band of Hope meets in Reform Club
Room every Friday night. Miss Eva
Office hours S a. M. to P. u. Money
Order hours a. u. to P. M. No or-
will be issued from to
from to p. u.
maD arrives dally Bun-
at a. m., and departs at P M.
mall arrives daily Sun-
at U. and departs at P. K.
Washington mail arrives daily
it. IS u. and departs r. x.
leave Ridge Spring
Mondays, Wednesdays
As if we ever lost marks
of that which had As
they all trooped out together, he
turned back at the door, and
grasping my hand tightly, said,
did you say at
nine long years ago
I exclaimed,
in stifled voice,
I he answered, and
then he was gone.
That night I slept not at all.
Backwards and forwards that re-
rang in my I
Oh, heart-
ed Mike, have I been wronging
you all these years Did you
come, did yon and I never
knew now it is too late.
Does she love yon, I wonder, us I
I do, Gd help me, I must
live down and crush it under foot,
hut for this one night I will
low myself the joy of knowing
that he did did come ;
rest cannot even guess at.
Happy, miserable restless, and
yet soothed, I came down next
The county officers have
ally increased the school funds b- Ar
without change in the law
law has not been essentially
changed since so far us the
school tuxes are by
diligence to the details of col-1 of the Seven Springs hotel to a
Mike's protecting aim was I point to this matter of Kinston syndicate is now almost
round me in an failure to list and pay poll tax to a certainty it is considered
violently head where still more diligence j there is hardly a in regard
over ward from the ring inside the i is required and perhaps additional j to the title and if it is good
cage, aloud. legislation. M. trade is-assured. Mr. W. S. Ed
Hannah You mind, do Supt. Public Instruction, is one of members of the
ship then passes into the hands of
political sharks who
have but little to lose if naught is
gained by their official
Bold recklessness follows. The
restraining influence which
ownership of property gives to the
legislator in voting appropriations
and imposing taxes is wanting.
The State was almost bankrupted
by such legislators once since the
war under Republican rule. Three-
fourths of the property of North
is in the hands of tho
Democratic party. Would it he
sate and wise to transfer the State
government to the Republican par-
whose obligations of self inter-
est are so weaK in controlling the
financial affairs of State Rea-
son says no.
While the Democratic party baa
not been perfect and is not now
perfect in professions or practice it
would he a great piece of folly to
displace it with Republican or
rule at tins time. This is the
the virtuous and intelligent
white voters of North Carolina
are reasoning about the two parties
only dairy which does not
use water to excess is the
many seasons heart
into doing my beat for their dance
little did think, say,
how own shoes were twitch-
under piano, with a long-
to be given a chance of a turn
myself. night I overheard a
slim young guards boy murmur to
say, won't your aunt be
tired, playing So
Oh, no ; she
responded Edith.
I bent low my head over the pi-
and gulped down the choke
that almost overpowered me, m I-
steadily marked lime in that
tune of many be-
fore of my memory ruse
that evening, seven before
winch my future life bad
to hinge. I was twenty
mall arrives Fridays j then, and bad been for two years
. of y brother's home
But it had to do, inasmuch as
there was no time to put
body, got as far
as my closed front door where
they were me by an affable
on for the purpose,
at five shillings for the job, who
informed them with hated breath
that was in
and the grinding
was all that I heard of guests
for a long while afterwards.
a dear fellow, and I
did not catch measles. too
was complimentary about my age
and infirmities, went so far as
to if I hadn't been rather
pretty when I was young. That
night, as my
rebellious locks, I ventured on a
timid inquiry I
said in wheedling accents, I
at all nice looking when I
was young
And this time I
The Public Schools.
A Great Loss of Money.
We ought to get much more
money from poll taxes than we
do. During 1887 the school census
showed that the white children
between and years were 62.4
per cent of the whole census,
the colored children 37.6 per cent
which is about the ion that
has existed between the children
for four years, as far buck as have
calculated it. But it is specially
to be noted that the tax lists for
the year 1886 show white
polls and only colored polls,
which make the polls
per cent of the whole number of
polls and the colored polls only
31.4 per cent, which is just about
the proportion that has been
between the listed white and col-
polls for four years also, as far
j name was not
We know very little of en to us last week.
eat em of keeping county roads j . . ., .
S j i i-i Washington We
it order, and care less, that it Ml. j . i . . .
,. , that a movement is on
a complete failure, however, can . . , . . , ,, . T
. Tl,, to cut through Ocracoke In-
hardly he denied, there no , . , ., . . .
let, by the government, which if
successful, will enable much larger
steamers and vessels to visit our
waters ft will be of incalculable
advantage to the lumber trade,
morning and found I could settle back s calculated it. The
to nothing in the way of business.
The piano stood where it bad
been placed day before for the
girls, after many vain efforts
to attend to writing
which ought to have been done, I
wandered op to it and sat me
down listlessly, trying to pick up
the thread of all that child's
pathetic gets had done and full
justice to ; and as I played my
heart grew lighter, by de-
my Mendelssohn's
off into lighter music, and
found myself beating time once
more with my foot to that Wald-
had been dear-
to me than all beside. How I
played I threw my heart, my
whole heart, into it; a I
came to final chord, suddenly
flung my arms upon desk in
front of me and burst into such
a passion of weening as I
in all my life given way to.
How long I wept I do not know ;
hat I know that then and there
I prayed with all my might for
United States census of 1880 show-
ed the number of white voters to
be and of colored
voters, of whom per
cent were white 35.6 per cent
colored. I bring figures
for cont
White per cent.
White per cent.
White polls per cent.
Colored per cent
Colored per cent
Colored polls listed 31.4 per cent.
This evidently shows a large
failure to list for taxation on the
part of the tor I feel sure
that the colored people between
years of age are not more
in inner proportionately to
whites than they are the
age of years, at which age the
polls ace required to be listed.
Even if it is contended that pro-
more colored children
are born than whites, it is certain-
true that from want of attention
more them proportionally die
subject of greater importance to
the farmer, and none upon which
he should be more deeply interest-
ed ; for, it it be true, as some
maintain, that a good condition of i
P . . , . and a big traffic would be built up
public highways a an index to the . . e. n c
. j . c with foreign ports. Our informer
progress and civilization of the I. ., ., .
. . . . l I tells us that the Pennsylvania Con-
would it
and Senators will co-op-
with ours in the move-
people, a stranger
very favorably impressed with this
section of the Old North Suit e. It
is not that travelers
along our public roads complain to
us condition, and,
as the facts may be, we are
compelled to admit that the system
for keeping them in order is a
failure and works an injustice upon
all, inasmuch as man who owns
not a foot of land is asked to do as
much public as he who owns
his hundreds of acres. Like the
unmerciful Homestead Act, the
public road system was conceived
for the benefit of the rich man at
expense of poor, and the
sooner it is changed the better the
masses would liKe
Tins First One.
Goldsboro Headlight.
Considerable damage has been
done to fruit crop in this sec-
by the recent cold snap.
Peaches are said to have suffered
badly and it is estimated that
three-fourths of the entire crop
are killed.
Little Dot.
does transatlantic mean
the Atlantic,
of coarse
Little Dot trans always
Now don't
bother me any more, or I pat
yon to
Little Dot.
does transparent mean a cross pa
before reach the school root
The Two Parties.
Charlotte Chronicle.
Neither the Democratic nor Re-
publican parties of North Carolina
are perfect, either collectively or
individually. Both con-
men who are objectionable on
account of character and
Either party carry on their
rolls they would gladly
spew out if it were possible to
so. Place hunting is the sole ob-
of affected party loyalty by
many. Sell advancement is at
maximum the good North
Carolina at the minimum as a mo-
power in the professions and
In the labors of not a few however
they may appear to the beholder.
No thoughtful and unprejudiced
mind for a moment these
statements of facts.
. same
may be said of each of the parties
in their organic, capacity. Neither
of them have absolutely
invulnerable to tho touch-stone of
a righteous test. Imperfections
have marred hot h. The
of the individuals who compose
both have appeared in the
expression of the creeds of each
winch have been sent abroad bear-
the name of platforms.
The question before the people
in making up r minds, as they
most be doing at this time, is not
a decision of the question whether
or not this or that party it made
j G. JAME,
Practice in all the courts. Collection
a Specialty.
A W,
Practice in the State and Federal Courts
N. C.
N. C.
r V.
y and at Law
N O.
Attorney and at Law
Will practice In th Courts o Pitt,
Greene, Edgecombe and Beaufort conn
tics, and the supreme Court.
Faithful attention given to all hue
entrusted to him.
Surgeon Dentist.
Tenders hi professional ts Ike
Teeth extracted without pain ass
of Nitrous Oxide Gas.
K. C.

The Eastern Reflector,
D. J.
par year.
will to Democratic
are not consistent
with the true principles of the party.
If you want a a
section of the State send for the
Mail Matter.
Our Choice.
We wain to see Thus. J. Jar-
vis nominated for Governor.
We desire this first, because lie
has been tried in that capacity,
and proved himself true and
faithful to every duty which
that office imposes. Never for
once did he deviate from his
conception of right. Never for
once did he waver in the dis-
charge of his official duties. S
for once did he yield to the
dictations of cliques and rings
and political bones. Never for
once did the interests of the Old
North State in his hands.
His administration was one that
defied criticism from his
foes, and commended the res-
and admiration of his
friends and the people of the
whole In every sense he
was a model of
the best in the history of the
State. No executive ever laid
down the duties of his office
more respected and beloved by
his countrymen than Titos. J.
Jarvis. He left a record that
was bright and unsullied, and
worthy to be held in
by the generations yet o
come. And with record be-
fore them, the party
could have no misgivings in the
matter. They would at once be
prepared to act intelligently be
cause they know him to be safe
and sound on all the leading
HOT before the
try. They hare imposed
in him many times, and
in no instance has that
been betrayed. Jarvis
stands before the world to-day a
exemplar, of truth and
justice and right.
Again We want to see Jarvis
nominated because we believe he
would bring out the full strength
of the party at the election in
was. He was an able lawyer, a
man of learning and high char-
and discharged the duties
of his high position with great
impartiality and fairness. In
the discharge of bis duties and in
his association with the citizens
of our National Capital and
those were called there on
he won the respect of all.
His death Is a severe loss to the
country and will be regretted
by all classes. The selection of
a successor to Chief Justice
Waite is in the hands of Pres-
Cleveland. There are many
able jurists among the Democrats
who could till the position well
but we hope the President will
select the best and ablest man
from among them all. And from
what we know of the President
we believe his selection of Mr.
Waite s successor will be a
Court Proceedings.
The following cases upon the
criminal docket were disposed of
at the present term of Pitt
Calvin Bennett, larceny, appeal
from Interior Court, sentenced to
three months imprisonment in
county jail.
Braxton, murder,
pros with
T. E. forcible
trespass, pros with leave.
Silas Moore, larceny, guilty, sen-
to years in stale prison.
F C Potter, larceny not guilty.
Mai tin Corbett, L It, not
Thomas Clark,
judgment pay-
of costs.
Redmond Peyton, affray, sub-
mission, judgment suspended on
payment of costs.
Allen Alston, affray, submission,
judgment suspended on payment
of costs.
F C Totter, larceny, guilty,
years in state prison.
Lawrence Johnson,
or, submission, judgment
on payment of costs.
The Commissioner Replies.
The following correspondence
will explain itself
Greenville, N. C. March 16th
Hon. John Robinson, Commissioner
of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C.
Bear Sir a meeting of
Farmers held at Greenville on
Friday March 16th, the under-
signed were appointed a commit-
tee to extend to you an in vital ion
to visit this county at such time
as suit your convenience, and
organize here a Farmers
The Farmers of this
recognizing your eminent fitness
tor the position you hold, and hear-
of much that you are doing
for agriculture in other parts of
the State, earnestly desire that you
come among dispense here
the spring days that shall
unlock the icy fitters that bind
u, open our doors, and let us go
free more, for it has been a
strangely good for staying
by the fare and reading.
I promise you that when oar
brains out yon shall have a
longer and let us hope a better
letter. F. C. W.
T. E. some of the good you have in
or, pros with leave.
Bill larceny, j Permit us, Sir, to add our par-
pros with leave. , solicitation to those of the
Baa Hopkins, A B., pros body we represent, and express the
b leave. j hope that you will find it not in
Martin Galloway, murder, conflict with other engagements
pros with leave. to visit us at an early day
Jr and W R Your obedient servants,
A and B with B W, J. B. Yellowley,
pros as to
Turner, removing crop
not guilt-.
L k pros
with leave.
Tom Morgan, misdemeanor,
pros with leave.
J. T Evans, selling liquor on
Sunday, submission, judgment
ended on payment of costs.
James Watson, larceny, pros
with leave.
Allen Warren.
April Visitation
By the Bishop of East Carolina,
Goldsboro, April Sunday
Sunday after Easter, A. M.
Faison, April Sunday
Sunday after Easter, P. M.
Kinston, April Tuesday.
Holy Innocents, Lenoir county,
April Thursday, M.
LaGrange. April Thursday,
P. M.
Snow Hill, April Friday.
Farmville, April
after Easter, Laying corner stone
Emmanuel church.
St. John's, Pitt county, April
Tuesday, A. M.
St. Michael's, Pitt county, April
Tuesday, P. M.
Vanceboro, April Thursday.
Laying corner stone of St. Paul's
St. Thomas, Craven county,
April Friday.
New April Sunday
3rd after Easter, A. M., Christ
New April Sunday
3rd after Easter, P. M., St.
Trenton, April Tuesday.
April Wednesday.
Jackson vi lie, Thu
Kenansville, April Saturday.
after Easter.
The Holy at all
Morning Services.
The children when
The offerings to be for
The Vestries of the several Par-
will please be prepared to
N. C. March 19th meet the Bishop.
Messrs. J. B. John King
Washington Letter.
and Allen Warren, Greenville,
Gentlemen esteemed
favor of the has been re-
and noted you,
gentlemen of the Committee, and
the meeting which passed the res
Lawrence Dudley and W extending the invitation,
gambling, submission, for the same and beg to assure you
eat suspended on payment of that I shall do what is in my
costs, defendants bound over j power to further all that pertains
in the sum of to observe to agriculture in old Pitt, and that
conduct. pleasure to come at
W A A B not guilty due of which
Lawrence Dudley and B F will be given, and that I shall ex-
gambling submission, of all
Dudley fined and costs,
fined costs, de-
required to give bond for
to observe the law.
J G Garris Hams,
F. A. not guilty.
William larceny,
pros with leave.
Haywood Williams and Jason
Gotham, affray, Williams not
Ellen Fleming, L R,
judgment suspended on pay-
Sam and Chaney
F A. not guilty.
and Sim Mar-
ton, affray, Marten
the good people of the county,
and especially of you gentlemen
of the in the work. Be-
me, very truly yours.
Winter in the North.
Conn., Mar
Dear Editor severe
northern winter, we hope, is draw-
to a close, though the signs of
spring are still in the air instead
of being visible to the naked eye.
The ground is still frozen to the
depth of nearly three feet, while
the fields are partly covered with
ice and snow. But we can feel
next. We believe costs.
meet suspended payment of the increasing power of the sun's
the Democratic party would
as one man, to his support
and thus insure, beyond
venture a rousing Democratic
majority from the mountains to
the seaboard. The radicals don't
want to see him selected as the
Henry C W, sub-
mission, judgment suspended on
payment of costs.
Levy C Clements, C C W,
judgment suspended on pay-
of costs.
W R Demon, C C W, pros.
George Dixon, C C W, not
of the Democrat-;
. i ,, lobe Gilbert
part v. because know that , ,, a. .
, , , , . , , Thomas Morgan, an ray,
the hope which they now aB
profess of being able to carry the Thomas house break-
State would thereby be totally guilty, sentenced to three
blasted. Tom Jarvis can beat years in state prison
any Republican in the State F Harms, appeal from May-
,, ., . . . , court, remanded back to May-
majority. Stick a . of M
there, We don t
mean to say that there are not; H F from May-
others who have been mentioned court, remanded to same on
for the place who could not payment of costs.
the same There are j J G appeal from May-
, ,. or's court, submission
who we believe can carry on payment of costs,
the State by handsome Cory, Will Moore, Frank-
ties; but in Jarvis we have a Dancy, Bill Allen and R D Cher-
thing of it. If nominated gambling, submission,
he will he will be suspended on payment of
elected. J. Jarvis
is our choice, first, last, and all
the time but we will stand by
the nominee, and labor faithful-
for his success.
Chief Justice Waite Dead.
costs. Defendants bound over
the sum of each to observe
good conduct.
J J Cory, Will Moore, Frank
Bill Allen and R D Cher-
gambling, submission, being the standard price,
rays, even though the
has been at zero several morn-
the past week. Robins
and blue birds have appeared and
I hope we may have no more
to make them their heads
under their wings, poor
We have had an unusually
winter the and
several mornings the mercury
marked as low as and be-
low zero. Plenty of snow
good sleighing has been the only
real pleasure to be derived from
such cold weather. Pneumonia,
that scourge of our change-
able climate, has made sad havoc
this winter and taken for its
of our best people whom
it hardly-seemed possible to spare
Coal has been very scarce and
high. In some the towns in-
land from the river, as high as
nine dollars per ton has been char-
Nearly all th farmers who
have plenty of wood have given
up the use of coal and gone back
to wood tires. That really seems
the proper thing for a farmer, to
do, in my mind, instead of run-
up a coal bill at a season of
the year when there is so little
coming into the treasury to pay
more necessary bills.
Potatoes are scarce and high,
Hon. Morrison R. Waite,
Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of the United States, died
very suddenly at his home in
Washington City, on the morn-
of the inst. The Chief
Justice had been suffering from
pneumonia for a few days, and
while considered quite sick, no
uneasiness was felt and his con-
was not thought at all
payment of
B D Leggett and Mobley
sci fa, dismissed.
W R Dawson and A M Moore,
sci fa, dismissed.
and some are their entire
crop in hopes to get The
potato crop was nearly a failure in
this locality last fall owing to the
wet summer.
Meal has been all the winter
Richard Turner and W M Cory, per cwt., and has made
sci fa. judgment to be quite a bill for the patrons of the
on payment of costs. creamery, who have to obligate
Tom Morgan, sci fa, dismissed, themselves to feed a certain
T A Cherry and Wm White- amount of meal to each cow per
head, sci fa, dismissed. day. By the way the creamery is
J T Evans A itself to be a paying
fa, judgment to be remitted on
payment of costs.
Combs and W W
and their orders for butler
far exceed what they produce. It
sells at cents per pound and
dock, sci fa, judgment absolute, they soon expect to get it to so
dangerous. No apprehension of judgment to be remitted on pay- j high a standard as to get cents
a fatal termination of the disease
was felt, and the Chief Justice
only lived about after
crisis was reached. Mr. Waite
was born in Connecticut in 1816,
and was a little over
of costs.
John II G Nobles,
Sci fa, judgment remitted on pay-
of costs.
G M Tucker, Jno H Moore,
Tom Green and Oscar Harden,
while the home made article
sells for A large band of
wood choppers imported directly
from France are still at work on a
large tract of wood land just
south of us, the wood
Celery Coco, prominent to-
in the beat
Nerve It and
the blood purify and It,
and ho overcoming those
resulting from or
Acting the
It cares habitual constipation, and
promotes a regular habit.
ens the stomach, and aids digestion.
In Its composition the best and most
are other
remedies for disease of the
kidney. It can be relied on to give
quick relief and speedy core.
who hay d this mad,
o o o I, o f, o o o o o o o e
Don't go further
you have
ed our elegant line
Samples, just in, for
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
are now fitted up in first-class order and are prepared to man-
upon short notice any kind or style of
We also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
BE SEEN EVERY but the man who keeps a fresh supply of
Groceries, Fruits, Confections, Cigars,
Can be found whenever wanted. You only have to look for
And all your wants in the above goods can be supplied.
Special to Reflector.
Washington, D C, Mar.
and revenue
is the refrain that is being echoed
from one end of the country
the other. Ex-Congressman
of Ohio, who is in the city, Bays
the democrats that state are
unanimous for the nomination of
Mr. Cleveland, and that the
gates to St. Louis will go
to vote that way.
Mr. Cleveland and his of
revenue reform are gaining
every day, all over the country,
and yet right here at the
a handful of members the
House of Representatives calling
democrats have
themselves up in opposition to the
whole party and have gone
to work to prevent the pas-
sage by the House of the Mills
tariff bill, thus preventing the par-
the pledges up-
it elected a
and hopes to re elect him.
These claim to represent
the of their
but unless Mr. Hill who is
quoted above is wrong about the
in Ohio, the members
from thaw state who have joined
hauls with Mr, who rep-
resents a republican district in
are misrepresenting
their in opposing rev
reform. The same might be
said of the members who
are opposing the Mills tariff bill.
The here are still
a demoralized condition, never
having recovered from the effects
the letter If they do
rally before the campaign
opens they will tight with
vim to make the contest
Senator Blair, of New
is thought some to be
suffering from softening of the
brain. latest crank idea is a
bill which be has introduced in
the Senate proposing that the ex-
soldiers sailors
shall have preference over ex-Con-
federate civilians in appointments
to civil service positions. The bill
was not asked for nor is it Wanted
by anybody. But for all that its
author's motives it
good, he is a kind heart-
ed man
The President has sent to Con-
a communication from the
Secretary of the with
much testimony relating to a
grant of public laud to the State
of for the construction of
wagon roads. Accompanying
these documents is a message
from the President which says
presentation of the facts by
the Secretary is the result an
examination which hat developed,
as it seems to me, the most
blushing frauds upon the Govern-
which if remaining
will divert several
thousand acres of land from
the public domain, and from the
reach of honest settlers, to those
who have to pervert
and prostitute the beneficent de-
signs of the Government, which
sought by the promise of
donations of land to promote
the building of wagon roads for
public convenience and for the
purpose of encouraging settlement
upon the public lands. The roads
have not yet bean and yet
an attempt is to claim
sci fa, judgment absolute, to be into charcoal, while a steam saw
old at the time of his i remitted on payment costs. I mill is ravaging a forest to the
when Chief Thomas and Jno F North. If the destruction of the, a which depends
fa, judgment ab- timber brings Malaria, we shall for Us validity
upon the
1874, Mr. Wait was a
of Ohio and little known outside; g q Leggett,
of his own State, and many in- absolute, to be remitted on pay-1 live.
, were made as to who he I of
And LEAP YEAR has nothing to do with the price of
I you desire to purchase a first-class article in
Or any thing in that line, call on
J. C. Greenville, K C.
Provisions, Canned Goods, General Family Supplies,
Tobacco, Always on Hand.
lit Are Fir
Is Reliable Goods At
Reasonable Prices.
If such be your wants, we can supply them.
We are receiving weekly
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE, N.-C., Mar. 1887.
Highest Cash, price paid for Cotton Seed or
Meal given in exchange. Has for sale
Acid Lime and Cotton Seed Meal
Either for Cash or
A SPECIALTY It Is to be superior to fertilizer on market.
ALFRED FORBES Notice to Creditors.
i solute to b remitted on payment have even more of it loan of
resident HOW It hardly bill t prevent the employ-
Leggett, judgment we could stand, and et of alien and labor
Dealer in Dry Good, Notions, Clothing
Hats, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Furniture
and Groceries. Rock Lime kept constant-
on hand.
I have Just a large lot of
Braces for boys, girls, ladles and
gentlemen. need only to be tried U
giro satisfaction
lean now offer to the Jobbing Trade
superior advantages in A.
spool cotton I will eel
per per cent. off.
I keep hand a large supply of Ros-
Bread Preparation, I
sell at wholesale prices to merchants
The patronage of Um public to very
Ion public work bee been passed by
We are all anxiously House,
Subscribe to the Bi
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county on the
87th day of 1888, as
of James T. Rosa, deceased, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to
estate to make Immediate payment to
the undersigned, and to all creditors
said estate to present their claims, prop-
authenticated, to undersigned
on or before the day of February,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. This day of
of J. T. Ross,
I will deliver Wee any where
In town at 1.75 per cord
Place your orders with us and we guarantee
to give you a Suit that is a PERFECT FIT and
N. C. Feb. 1888
Our Fall and Winter stock of Dry
Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc., have arrived, and all
friends and customers are invited to call and ex-
goods and prices.
Having purchased the entire mercantile business of John S.
Co, including notes, book accounts and all evidences of
and merchandise, ye solicit their former and increased patronage.
Being able to make all for cash, getting advantage of
discounts, we will be enabled to sell as cheaply as any one South e
Norfolk. We shall retain in our employ J. S Congleton as general
superintendent of the business, with his former partner Chas Skinner
as assistant, who will always glad to see and serve their old customer
A special branch of our business Will be to furnish cash at
rates to farmers to cultivate and harvest their crops, in sums of
to with approved security
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates Give us a call when in need of LIFE,
D. Williamson,
My Factory Is well equipped with the best Mechanics, consequently put up nothing
first-class work. We keep up with the times and the latest improved
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs are used, you can select iron
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full line of ready made
the year round, which we will sell as low as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the of this surrounding counties for past favor has
merit a continuance of the same.
. I
Recent improvement we have made in
Custom Clothing, enables us to place
within the reach of all, and which are superior
to those generally obtained at higher prices
elsewhere. Every garment made on the
LaGrange, N. C.
m km

r b foe it u
Next Sunday is Easter.
Bushels Corn for sale by E.
C. Glenn.
April begins on Sunday.
D. M. Ferry k Co's. Garden
Seed at the Brick Store.
Only three more days in March.
will soon close his Gal-
in Greenville.
A valuable mare sale by J.
C. Lanier.
Another freshet in the Tar this
barrel, seed Potatoes, cheap
at the Old Brick Store.
Some of I he farmers plant-
We keep teats of every
description. D. P. Co.
A fen flakes of snow fell last
A fine colt, three years old next
September; for sale by E. C.
The wind has been causing
tome hat chasing.
We sell strictly tor cash there-
fore can afford to sell goods low.
D. D. k Co.
bushels early Spring Oats,
the Old Brick Store.
Greene County Superior Court
will convene next Monday.
will be in Greenville but
a short while longer. Best to
procure your early.
March has been giving us some
cold weather as well as windy.
Bushels of seed Peas for
sale by E. C Glenn.
Just let to alone
this season and try to Ed-
We have five hundred flower
pots on hand, and will surprise
you with low prices.
D. D. k Co.
The cold snap Thursday and
Friday last gave the flowers a set
Point Lace Floor has been tried
and is the best and cheapest at the
Old Brick
For fickleness the weather of
last week should be awarded a
There will be five Sundays in
April, and All Fool's Day comes
en Sunday.
We have on hand several sets
of oak chairs that we desire to
close out to make room for other
goods. D. D. Haskett Co.
Regular monthly session of the
Board of County Commissioners
next Monday.
Don't forget that will
his gallery and leave.
Get your photographs before it is
too late.
The Busy Bee Society of the
Baptist held a festival one
night last week.
Call on D. D. Haskett k Co for
every thing in the Hardware
The sale of the Boss Famous
Lunch Milk Biscuit 1887
exceeded the sales of the former
year by Try
them, at the Old Brick Store.
We have still a few desirable
goods on band that be closed
out soon, regardless of cost. A
splendid chance tor cash purchases
to secure bargains.
T. R. k Co.
Fine Stock fob Horses
have opened a
Large Sale Stable on Market
Square and are prepared to fur
the public with horses and
males at all times. We sell
for cash or on time. We buy
our stock from the Blue Grass re-
of Kentucky, which enables
us to sell on reasonable terms.
Call and see us.
King k
Greenville, N. C.
All persona indebted to M. A.
Jarvis for merchandise will please
make a settlement with us with
cash or by note at once.
D. D. k Co.
Bunting of
the greatest literary hits of the
season is the story of Bunt-
or, the Alphabet of
by Laura Jean Libbey, which is at
present being published in col-
urns of The New York Family Story
Paper. paper containing the
opening chapters of this wonder-
folly popular romance appeared on
news stands this morning The
tremendous nub for chat number
by young ladies of the town
shows clearly that the publishers
have struck a bonanza. The
Paper is for sale by ail
newsdealers, or will be sent to any
address four months, postage free.
for Norman L.
Publisher, and
street, New York.
will begin a
Writing next Tuesday night
at the Court All who de-
sire to take lessons would do well
to see me at Mr. Glenn's office or
come to Court House at
framing bell.
Mr. A. is in Tarboro
tor a few days.
Mrs. A. Parker has been
very sick for some days.
Miss Etta Harris is visiting
friends Bethel.
We regret to learn of sick-
of Mrs. J. T. Sledge.
Mr. J. C. Greene Monday
to take charge a school in Le-
Miss Emma Langley is visiting
at Her sister, Miss
Maggie, is visiting in Bethel.
Mr. W B. Campbell, Wash-
father of Mrs. A. J.
fin of this town, died last week.
Mrs, Mary M. Brooke, of this
county was taken to the Insane
at Raleigh last week.
Miss Pearl Morris, of Tarboro,
who has been visiting Miss Min-
returned home
Miss Mattie Ihrie who has been
visiting Miss Jennie Williams tor
several weeks, left Saturday for
her home in Pittsboro.
Congressman Latham came
home Washington last week
to attend Court. Mrs. Latham re-
turned with him.
Mr. John Brooks, of Swift
Creek township, this county, won
the second prize at the tournament
at New fair.
Mr. J. T. Pollard died at his
home, about three miles from
Greenville, on Wednesday night
lie was once a prosperous farmer,
miller and merchant, but
his fortune in drink.
Messrs. J. Y. Joyner, of Golds-
D Gilliam, of F.
Warren and W. B. Rodman, Jr.,
of Washington are visiting at-
at this Court in addition
to those mentioned last week.
We see in an exchange that
Col G. B. Pickett, State
and National Lecturer of the
Farmer's Alliance will address
people at Falkland on
20th of April and at Greenville
on the 21st.
The Chapel Debating So-
met et School
House, two Friday evenings ago,
and debated upon the
evils wrought by war and in-
temperance. We learn that the
best speeches were made by Mr.
T. Nichols for war and Mr. J. W.
Smith for intemperance. de-
of the judges was in favor
of the former.
The mass meeting in the Court
House last Sunday afternoon
the auspices of Reform
Club, was in no particular lack-
in interest. A large audience
was present and all were pleased
with the exercises. Little Miss
Lina Sheppard recited a beautiful
piece entitled Child's
She recited it exceptionally well
and many have pronounced it the
best piece she has yet rendered.
Dr. D. L. James delivered an ad
dress upon
His subject was well discussed,
many beautiful illustrations were
used and his speech was a capital
one. Several ladies assisted in
the singing and the music was
The editor was thrice
by kind friends last week.
Mr. Alex one of
clerks at Mr. popular store,
finding we possessed one of
the worst of bad colds, presented
with a nice handkerchief with
to dry our much weeping
proboscis. The same day Mr.
Shade Redding was showing us a
lot of new goods at the Racket
Store invited us to take our
selection from the handsome line
of Easter cards they had just re-
On Friday while passing
the Market House Messrs. Greene
Cherry presented us with a pair
of fine shad. They run a seine
down the river and keep their
stall at the market supplied with
fresh fish. Our how to all
the above friends.
The Reflector obtained many
new subscribers last week. Our
list is not full yet, however.
A man fell dead once while
writing a poem on spring Com-
The fishermen were able to put
in their nets again fast week and
fish are more plentiful.
The Lula Company are
billed for Skinner's House
to-morrow and Friday nights.
The first pea blossoms of the
season were carried to the New
Journal office on the 20th.
Mr. II. F. Keel sold eight horses
and made several trades at his
sales stables last week. Who says
advertising don't pay P
The Baptist congregation now
hold a half hour prayer meeting
on Saturday afternoon, at
The criminal docket at this
term of Court was finished Thurs-
day morning, and civil docket
was taken up immediately.
The Reflector office was a
busy place last week. We bad a
good run of job work and several
subscribers brought in the amount
they owed
The Confederate monument at
Washington will be unveiled on
the 10th May. Hon. D. G.
Fowle will deliver the address of
the occasion.
aide-walk on the
comer near Messrs. T. R. Cherry
k Co's store, on Evans
getting in almost a dangerous
The supports under the vestry
room of the old Episcopal Church
gave way, yesterday, and that
part the building came down
with a crash.
The speculator in cotton
has been an uneasy roan for
some days. The market is in an
unsettled condition with down-
ward tendency.
The Old Brick Store had some
cabbage direct from Florida on
sale last week. There is an enter-
prising man at the bead of that
We have received from the
Secretary a copy of the proceed-
of fifteenth annual session of
the North Carolina Press
held at in
July last.
Just at the hoar of going to
press we beer sad news of the
death et Dr. John G. James, which
occurred at the Macon a
few minutes before o'clock yes-
That was a beautiful baptism in
the Baptist Church last
day night when was
need for the first time. The
church was crowded. Rev. Mr.
discourse on toe
was much enjoyed.
We have been requested to an-
that owing to rainy
weather the debate is
postponed from last meeting
until next Monday night. The
ladies and all friends of cause
are cordially invited to be present
next Monday night.
March has a few more days
in which to show its blustery
But it may follow old
time adage of borrowing fifteen
days from April, this year, and
yet blow two or three more
down upon us. At any rate
people are in wish
for milder wet barf
of Premise
A case that attracted consider-
able attention last week was the
breach promise suit of Miss
Hathaway against Mr.
George Whitehurst. Both sides
of the case were ably conducted,
Messrs. Latham, Skinner Blow
the plaintiff
Messrs. J. E. Moore Swift
and Moore Bernard represent-
the defendant. Two days
were taken up in the trial of the
case. The argument before
jury was very strong indeed.
Maj. Latham and Col Skinner
were the speakers on one side
and Mr. J. E. Moore and Capt.
Galloway on the other. All of
the speeches were highly com-
mended, that of Maj. Latham be-
pronounced unusually fine.
jury returned a verdict in fa-
of th plaintiff, allowing
On Thursday 22nd inst., at
o'clock, p. m., at the Macon
House, in Greenville, Mr. Hardy
L. Fennell, of Wilmington, and
Mamie B. James, of Green
ville, were united in the holy es-
of matrimony, in presence
of a few friends and relatives.
The ceremony was performed in a
very solemn and impressive man
by Rev. Dr. J. D.
Scotland Neck, assisted by Rev.
J. W. The happy
couple left immediately for Beth-
el, at which place they were to
take the train on Friday morning
for Wilmington, Mr.
home. Miss Mamie was oldest
daughter of Dr. J. G. James,
was one of the most beautiful and
popular young ladies of our town.
Mr. Fennell is a prosperous
young merchant of Wilmington.
He is thought well by all who
know him. While the people of
Greenville generally regret to lose
a young lady so much loved as
Miss Mamie from our midst the
best wishes of all follow her to
new home. May there be
life of purest happiness.
The first number of the Southern
Herald, published at Bethel, this
county, reached us Monday. It is
a newsy little sheet of sixteen
subscription price
per year. Messrs. Ward Brothers,
Whitehurst Co., are publishers.
We wish the Herald much
That excellent paper, the
Star entered upon a new
volume last week, and is now
twenty and a half years old. The
writer this has been a reader
of Star tor ten years, and has
always regarded it as standing at
the head of all North pa-
In our opinion the Star
has never yet had a better or
more ably edited paper, or one
more worthy of support. The
Star improves with age and now
ranks with the beat of our Sooth-
era dailies. May it continue to
grow in usefulness and popularity
as the years pass by.
Wilson Mirror has com-
its seventh volume. We
never feel equal to saying about
the Mirror all that it deserves.
Henry style of writing is
by any editor in
State and be stand alone in. hie
mastery of beautiful and exquisite
word painting. A subject tint
passes through bis hands
and enriched by being cloth-
ed in purest, poetic sentiment,
and Mirror every week carries
with it thoughts pleasing and en-
trancing. One thing in I
that makes Mr. Bloom
able friend is i hat be baa a good
as Large.
F. C. Potter, whose
name has been frequently men-
in some criminal
connection of late, is again at
large, having escaped from the
jail on Thursday last week.
Jailer, Mr. W. M.
was in the jail talking to
and in some way the
got by him and was gone before
anyone bad missed him. We
can obtain no further particulars
than that the prisoner came
of the jail in the presence of the
officer and no one seems to know
how he got out or where he went
to. The Sheriff has offered
for his arrest. Potter, it will be
remembered, was convicted at
Court stealing money,
and sentenced to one year
A petition asking for bis
release was taken before
Court whereupon sentence
was changed to suspension of
payment of costs
and Potter was released. But
few weeks elapsed before he was
taken before a Magistrate for a
similar money
and was placed in jail to await
this term of Last week
he was sentenced to three years
imprisonment, but on next
day after the sentence was passed
escaped jail as stated above.
New Advertisements
Little, House k Bro. have a
new advertisement to-day. They
are opening a large stock of
goods, all new and first-class.
Read what they have to say.
Moses has added a
supply of books to bis jewelry
stock and now wants reading
public to call on him. Any book
wanted will be ordered if not in
stock. See
One of Great Western
Feather Renovating Machines has
been put up in Greenville and is
ready tor operation.
come highly recommended
for doing good work. See
in this paper.
Owing to ill health Mrs. R. II.
Home is closing out her entire
stock at prices far below cost.
She wishes to call the attention of
the ladies to the bargains now be-
offered. The goods must be
disposed of. See advertisement.
There are just so many new
goods being received at Rack-
et Store this week that the pro-
cannot begin to tell you
about them all. Yet they wish
to call your attention to the fact
that their stock is varied and
when it comes to
comparing prices they cannot be
Joy Ahead of
Grand Festival of Months,
together the largest display
of useful and beautiful articles
before exhibited in our town.
We learn that on April 3rd, 4th
and 5th of week the ladies
of St. Pauls Episcopal Church will
gladden the hearts of our people
with the most striking articles
and novel entertainments that has
ever been witnessed here.
representation of the seasons or
twelve months will each he faith-
fully presented and their
beauties and attractions
brought forth in surpassing
as if the very hand of Nature
herself, instead of art had gently
stretched forth and touched them
her magic wand. January
with her snow and crystal ices to
joyous May with her smiling sun-
beams and modest daisies will
each welcome you. June
all her gorgeous array of queenly
roses to December with Santa
Claus, boil and merry bells
will also greet you. The third
night of this fairy like scene will
have an additional attraction by
skillful rendering of several
Dramas and full dress
by the Sunday School.
for the evening cents,
children cents.
On each occasion there will be a
supply of every rare dainty each
season can produce, or most
exclusive epicure demand. For
the most substantial appetites of
the guests there will be choice
meats of every delicious
pickles and tempting salads, sup-
by sweets which
description from the rich old
inn cake of our grandmothers to
the sparkling crystal ices that tick-
the palate et the most
Come one. come all, to Skin-
Hall, see this wondrous
sight, with your pocket lull of
money to spend with all your
J. D Williamson has just
ed a fine lot of Harness which will
be sold cheap.
Verdict Returned, Sentence Passed.
Have been accused of selling goods at half val-
They were found guilty and the sentence is
they must continue to sell goods at just such
An investigation has proven that they
are selling such goods as
and every kind of WORSTED DRESS GOODS,
single and double width, at figures too low for
comparison. Their stock of Edgings
and all over Swiss Embroidery and
Flouncing is complete in every respect.
Lawns 1-2 Seersuckers Calicoes
Cream Suitings, Handkerchiefs for
Corsets Suspenders Spoil Cotton
per dozen, men's and Derby
Hats and all other goods at just such
Call on us and we will send you home re-
U sow located In Greenville and being
operated by A. O. Hoyt A Bro. These
came from Washington, N. C.
highly recommended by- the citizens and
having machinery latest patent are
prepared to Renovate Old and Mew
Feathers to satisfaction or no pay
are some names of citizens la
Washington sod given per-
J sf Gallagher. U D, Rev flat
Harding, Bryan Grimes,
Proctor, B F Jones, N C
James Galloway, Bishop J A Beebe, W
B Bright and others.
i j i i
Brown Hooker's
Mammoth Stock Just Received.
At Greatly Reduced Prices. A Big Job In
Tarboro, N. C.
S. M.
Greenville, N. C
their year's supplies will It to
their interest to got our
Our stock la complete
in all Its branches.
always at Lowest Market Prices.
buy direct from Manufacturers,
you t buy at one profit. A ct-m-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prises to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, no risk
to run, we sell at a close margin.
Greenville, N. V
The Tar River Transportation Company.
Alfred Forbes, Greenville, President
J. B. Cherry,
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro, Gen
Cant. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen
The People's Line for travel on Tar
The Steamer Greenville is the finest
and quickest boat on river. She
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
ind painted.
Fitted up specially for the com foil, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table tarnished
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
not only comfortable hut attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
Friday at o'clock. A M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. M.
Freights received daily and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
J. I. Agent
Greenville, N. C.
Has on hand a well assorted stock of
Light Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits,
Confections, Tobacco,
which will be sold very lowest cash I
prices. Give him a call, at the
under the Opera House.
Established In Baltimore iii
will open s Boom in
in September, 1887. for handling
sale of cotton, thus giving our customers
their of the two markets.
, v-
Having associated B. S.
with me in the Undertaking
are ready lo serve the people In that
All notes and accounts doe
me for past services have been placed la
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for
keep on hand at all times a
stock of Cases and Caskets of i
kinds and can furnish anything
from the Case down to S
Pitt county Pine Coffin. are
mil It all conveniences and can
services lo ill who
Feb. 22nd. 1888,
e, a
wishes to announce to file Ladies and
public generally that owing to bad health
she is closing out her entire -took
She has a nice line of
I have just received another lot of fine i First-class Goods.
Laces, Corsets, Handkerchiefs,
and a thousand other articles too
lucre nothing.
Ladies coming to town will ave money
by calling to see her. The goods
Now is the time to buy nice goods at
Low Prices. No second hand but all
and Jewelry.
which are offered at low prices
A News Stand has been added to my
business where the latest books and
can be purchased.
second door from corner under Opera
House. Very respectfully
Mrs. Home.
our and
Hi. oar uS
. LonI M. A
y flOODS
Come be convinced that our selections cannot be surpassed. Watch our columns and
will keep you posted as to the arrival of New Goods in all departments.

of Millinery Goods, has secured
the services of an
All orders can now be tilled on the short-
est notice. Dry and Wet Stamping
and embroidery neatly executed
While in the Northern markets she
very careful to select only the best ant
latest style in the Millinery line, ant
Is prepared to oiler purchasers special in
to parties desiring Kerosene Oil, as
good as any in market at the
Saar now paid at the stores.
Save time, money and trouble by per
to till your orators at your
deuces raid places of
Sharing, Catting and Dressing Hair.
s Tor
the House, at which place
I have located, and where I have
everything in my line
with all the improved appliances; new
and comfortable chairs
Razor- at reasonable figures
rs for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
will convince you that they are without a
parallel In this market, both as to quality
and price. A new lot of the latest style
goods received every few days.
Will Color One to Four Founds
Of Dress Goods, J
Yarns, Rags, etc. J cents.
A Child can use them
of all Dyes. l lye goods and
hat colon. be t Rib-
also make Best
laundry i IO Cents.
Directions for colored
Cabinet Photo, as sent ft r
Ask druggist for Book and Satanic Card, or write
For or Fancy USE
Gold. Silver. Copper Oat JO
Onward Is The Word.
The enters it
THIRD at the
year .
subscribers, year. 3.00
subscribers. year .
One copy. year free to the one send-
a club of
Right weekly. Send
Polite waiters. Good rooms. Best
the market affords.
stop at the
on Main St., Washington. N. C.
Only a little while to work,
a long, long time lo rest;
Thou drive the cloud from the aching
The sigh from the troubled breast.
Up. with a strong and heart,
Up. with a sunny face;
Shoulder your trouble cheerfully.
Bear it with patient grace.
Only a while the feet must bleed,
And the burdened back must bend;
Suffer In silence, silently
Help others who suffer, friend.
Only a while our tears must drip,
Drop after drop, like lain ;
And our lips glow white with pain of
The very god of pain.
Only a very little while.
As -hurt as the going down
Of the setting sun, to meekly bear
The cross and the crown,
Only a while to watch and pray.
And u long, long time to ;
Our God, the Father, best,
Then question not Ills ways.
Only a little while to sow.
And a long, long lime to reap;
Let's sow in with an open hand,
tares from the good seed keep.
Only a little time to lose,
All Eternity to find,
The jewels death has robbed us of.
The friends we will leave behind.
Only a while to trim our lamps,
Ere the bridegroom ;
Then fill them well with the oil of Love-
Let the flames rise pure high.
Only a while- what matters it
If our life be short or
If we only sing a law short notes,
Cr the whole of the changing song
The missing notes will all be found.
And the song be wholly sung.
In Heaven, where God's own hand
The hearts He has unstrung.
and all other at short
notice, at home or shop. Iron and
Bras.- Turning in the best manner.
Cylinders bored, Models made to order.
Locks repaired. Keys made or fitted, Pipe
cut and Gins repaired in best
manner. Bring your work. General
Jobbing done By O. P.
Greenville N. C.
R. R.
and Schedule.
Dated dally la-t Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
Weldon pin H pin
Ar Mount
Ar pin IS am
M S am
ex Sun.
a in pin
um fob ma bx
Lt Magnolia am III
Warsaw Hi
Ar Wilson II
Wilson Is
Ar M
Daily except Sunday. pm
Train on Scot lain I Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland at
Returning, leaves Scotland
9.30 A. M. daily Sunday.
Train leaves X via
Raleigh I. R. daily except Sun-
P M. Sunder I P M,
William-ton, X C, P M. P M.
Returning leave- William-ton, X C. daily
except A M. A
M, arrive Tarboro, X C, U A M,
Train on Midland X C Branch leaves
except A M.
arrive N AIL Re-
turning leave- X C AM.
arrive Hold-horn. N C, II P M.
Train on Branch leaves Rocky
Mount P M. arrives
I M. Spring Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M.
A M. arrives Rocky Mount A
M. daily,
Train on Clinton Branch haves Warsaw
for Clinton, daily, Sunday, at
V M. Returning leave Clinton at A
M, at with
and IX.
Southbound train on Wilson
ville Branch i Northbound is
No. except Sunday.
Train South will stop only at
Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train make- connection at
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
day via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for all
points North via Richmond Wash-
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman I All persons owing the of
Palace Sleepers attached. are hereby notified to come
DIVINE. j forward settle or ac-
x M so;
H . one
-a -j
Opened the of February with
students, has Increased lo over win
All branches taught;
Arithmetic, Book Keeping,
including and Business
to the latest method. Grammar Com-
position. This is a Commercial School
with a Primary Di Miss
Thomas, a teacher has charge
of the latter department. Bat's for the
through Course per
for to
per mouth alone
per Penmanship alone
per mouth. Through n
completed within to mouths. Board
can be obtained at to per month.
A limited mini her can get hoard with
the pi and be under Ins charge all
time. For information
Mill I FIELD, Principal
Special Notice.
J. K. Transportation
T. M. I
C. B. at B.
Edwards N,
Printers and Binders,
We have the largest most complete
establishment of the kind be found In
the State, and ilk-it orders for all classes
Of Commercial, Rail-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
Send us your orders.
counts will be plated in course of
Farm For Sale.
The undersigned offers a desirable farm
for sale. Situated about I We miles
the town of Bethel, in a I join-
S. Stilton farm.
about acres, acres of which are
cleared. Upon the farm are two dwell-
houses and necessary outbuildings.
Water upon the premises is excellent.
Location healthy. The land is rich, pro-
and easily cultivated. For far-
particulars apply to
Bethel, N. C.
T, c will
is u
Peat, int.
Treasury Depart can take
any action to ratify the injustice
or Mr.
Senator made
early this week, was strongly in
favor of revenue reform a out-
lined the President's
lie said it is time now for the die
assertion of democratic
maintenance of
them and the redemption of
pledges The of the
opposing principles had beep long-
enough, and already gone
Why la the letter P like uncles fat wife
going up hill It makes ant
and cooling off too soon produces coughs
and colds. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy
of Mullein will cure
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as need special men-
All who hare used Electric Bitters
sing the same song of praise. A purer
does not exist it is
teed to do a I that i- claimed. Electric
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, B
Salt an other affections caused
by impure blood. Will drive Malaria
from t he system and prevent as well as
cure all malarial fevers. For cure of
Headache, Constipation and Indigestion
Electric rs Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded. Price
net- and at .
Drug Store.
Washington Letter.
converting the
into a
policy that of
party in the friend
of and principle.
Fairchild, in
to a request for his opinion on
Senator lull for the in
of the the re
of national hank notes,
hue writ ten a long letter on the
subject to the Senate finance com-
In disapproving of the
he point out the tad re-
that would follow
its adopt ton. lie alter-
expansion and contract Mil re
turning from this bill would III
judgment only spec-
; not h . hi
I he y hits the nail
on the head. Any
measure John Slier
man is he hi the
of friends, the Wall street
is to have two no-
table gatherings of women soon.
On the 25th lust, the Woman's
Council will begin
an eight
of the woman move-
On this distinguished
en from foreign countries will lie
in attendance. Then. 3rd
the annual Woman Con
will be held.
Hen Die.
If we know all the methods, of approach
adopted by an enemy we are the better
enabled to ward oil the and post-
pone the moment when surrender be-
comes inevitable. In many instances
the inherent strength of the body suffices
to enable it to the tendency to-
ward death. however have lost
forces to such extent that there
if little or no help, other ca-es little
aid to the weakened Lungs will make all
the difference between sudden death
many years of useful life. Upon the
of a Cough, Cold or
of the Lungs, give that old
and well-known remedy Ger-
man syrup, a careful trial. It prove
what say of it to be, the
of any
No man ought to know so well
as the farmer like produces
that a man will reap what
he sows. Every seed will bring
forth after its own kind. We do
not gather grapes from thorns, or
If sow
when you will reap wheat, if you
plant corn you will gather corn.
No man should know as as the
that this law holds good to
things in A man's
brain is u s n us capable
a bat veil us the laud of a
A neglect to plant good
will secure a corresponding
harvest. win
be the harvest.
a of lies will
It you want your boys
to be men, in largest see
to it that minds are properly
cultivated and the right kind of
seed is plan led. Give the boys
the advantage of ail the education
you Cay News.
Why b avaricious man like one with
a short memory f He is always
but the never forget
Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet
Gum and Mullein, the croup preventive,
cough and consumption cure.
An Ohio man lived one meal
per day until he could pay a
chant the 57.1 he owed him. lie
i, we the Ohio man
w ho has not been suggested for
Special to Reflector.
Washington, D C, Mar.
Thanks to the ob
Mr. Mill's tariff bill
has not been to the
House. The is being well
put in the friends
the in missionary work
among I he few misguided demo-
members, who worship still
at the shrine of protection. is
now claimed the number of
pledged to the hill
hen it the House, is
only live a majority, and
it is hoped I hut enough
cans will vote it to insure its
Hut not much faith can he at-
to that
seldom vote for a is
by leaders, no
then n
be a lesion which the
However it result I tie demo-
who believe in keeping the
pledges made to the people,
pose an honest effort lo
those pledges. If they
i he Will be
apparent to ail.
The applicant for
is Hale, of
He has
of the Committee to
the alleged violations
he civil set vice law by the
This is expected lo give
a boom. It is more likely to
into a boomerang.
A rumor was current here this
eek that Senator Vest, of
proposed from
at the end present
term. The Senator brand- re
as a slates that
he believes it with the
he very glad to see him retire
Senator ho is very
food of a joke, has fun
republican Senators who are known
as for the Presidency.
One day this week he had a
cartoon thin led draw
them which he was show
mg around the Senate Chamber.
Ii a fox lying on the
ground, the head being that
Blame. One eye as closed but
the other partly open
a very
A flock of geese, each
wearing the head of a republican
President candidate, Sherman
in front, represented as
the i in I int fox. The
included Hoar,
gulls, several
her would be candidates. E--
took the joke
even the who
m ere caricatured.
Acting Secretary Thompson,
the Treasury Department, one of
the best and most competent
rials ever appointed by Mr. Cleve-
land, a letter to the
of State, reply to a
communication from Ira
Davenport in regard to an
ed reciprocity between the
led Stales and Canada in
of nursery products,
as plants, shrubs etc,
he says that the matter is
governed entirely by the laws of
the respective countries, our laws
admitting those articles
while the Canadian requires
a of twenty per cent we-
on such articles.
i fuels Le dues nut see
Dr. Yates Dead.
Corrected weekly by
Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
Mess Pork
Bulk Sides to
Bulk Shoulders
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulders to
Pitt County Hams
Sugar Cured Hams
Flour 8.25 to 6.50
Coffee to
Brown Sugar SI to
Granulated Sugar j to H j
Syrup to
Tobacco to
Snuff to
Ti to
Butter to
Cheese to
Eggs till
Meal to
Corn to
Irish Potatoes 1-60
G. A. Salt
Liverpool Salt
Hides to
Bread 8.25
Star 8.40
Kerosene OH to
J. T. . comity,
am from medical aid, but I have
a physician ever with me to check sud-
den attacks of the bowels keeping
Huckleberry Cordial.
Biblical Recorder.
was being tor
the following Sad announce
of the of our deal
Rev. Dr. M. T. Yates,
China, was received
tie Richmond Dispatch of Sunday
A cab by Rev.
D . the n in
china on
of Rev Tyson
L. and most
Southern baptist Convention.
had been
long and ice, and
it was expected he
to mis country tor rest
lug the spring and summer Ibis
Di. Yates was m Wake
county, C. January
and had entered on Ills seventieth
In June, lie graduated
with nigh honors at Wake Forest
of Hie same
ear Foreign Liquid
l this appointed him a Alls-
to China, aid the
of the October be was
to the at
C. Many of our
will remember the great
at which Mr. Yates others
were formally set to work
of the gospel In China.
For tony live years Mr.
me chosen Held, being
i no place the
point from winch his
for many have t
mm as t hen
Di. said Dr. Yates
that he was superior of
great missionary be
was personally acquainted
The death of our dear brother,
to the Baptists of the To
he Baptists It
Comes as a
lie occupied a large pi ace In
hearts. Our eyes to as
tie leader in our work of sending
the t the heal lien. De
a great
lust we pi a teller
him full of hope joy at the
near conviction Ins
New Testament Scriptures
into dialect lie
was at the lime of his death en
gaged in revising proof his
translation for the w rote
hopefully of i inn g to America
when ibis work was completed. A
true soldier, he has remained
his post aim died the field
His life, bis work, Ins char-
and bis example ate a rich
inheritance to the Baptists of the
South and specially so lo his
of Carolina.
of God, ; .
Rest trow lay loved employ ;
The battle fought the won,
Enter thy Mister's
to the grave In all glorious prime
In activity of real and power;
A Christian cannot die his time ;
When hourglasses ere use
people bad a time.
T. D. writes Have five.
without Biggers Huckleberry
Cordial in my house, especially during
the fruit result use is
very gratifying.
A of Charles
is now a type writer
copies for a living.
It Incurable
Read the Mr. C. II. is
Newark. Ark., says down with
Abscess of Lungs, and and
pronounced me an incurable Con-
Began taking Dr. King's New
Discovery for Con now on
my third b and able to oversee the
work on my farm. It is the finest
cine ever De-
Bar, Ohio, Had it not for
Dr. King's New Discovery for
would have died of
Was given by doctors. Am now
hi best of Try It. Sample bot-
free at Drug Store.
Eastern Reflector,
We have recently purchased the stock
of Hardware belonging to M. A. Jarvis,
and will replenish the same with all the
leading goods In the
Farm Implements, Tools, Ta-
and Pocket Cutlery, Plow Bolts
and Castings. Cart Material,
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Hinges,
Butts, Screws, Nails,
Glass. Putty. Lead,
Oil. Painters and
of description.
mi i.
Harrows and Cultivators, Gins, Grist
Mills, Cider and Fan Mills, Saw
Cooking Stoves.
In fact all goods kept in a
thank the public for pat-
that they have given us while
managing the M. A. Jams hardware bus-
and ask that continue the same
to us. Our motto be
D. J. Editor A Proprietor.
If the pen is mightier than
the we wonder why it
doesn't turn on of poets
and them lo death.
To the inform your
readers that have a remedy for
the above named disease. By its timely
use of have been
permanently glad to
two bottles of my remedy to
any of your readers who nave
if they will send me their express
and post office address. Respectfully,
T. A. um. C, st., N Y
It is already evident that some
of the most fashionable girls are
going to suck to the
hat for coming spring sum-
mer wear.
The best in the world for Cuts.
Bruises. Sores, Salt Fe-
Sores, Chapped Hands,
Corns, all Skin
and cures Piles, or no pay re-
quired It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price,
per For sale by Ernul
A bullet fired from a rifle in
the hands of a hoy at Lynn, Mass.
killed a sparrow, wounded a cat,
went through the hat of a
broke a valuable and
slavered a mirror, the
hoy called it a poor day for shoot-
k Lady's Perfect
i Childbirth, a new book by
Dr. John H. Dye, of
skillful physicians, shows that pain is not
necessary in Childbirth, but results from
causes easily understood and overcome
proves chat any woman may be-
come a any pain
whatever. It also tells how to overcome
and prevent sickness, swelled
limbs, mid all other evils attending
It highly endorsed
by physicians everywhere as the wife's
true private companion. Cut this out;
it will save real pain, and
life. Send two-cent stamp for descriptive
circulars, testimonials and confidential
letter sent In sealed envelope. Address
Thomas CO., Publishers,
I am now prepared to effect at
per cent, interest on good farm property
as security.
Feb. 21st. 1888
Mirror or, and Social Cal-
Is the of the grand new book in-
by Miss Cleveland. Just
an success, profusely illus-
with elegant lithograph plate of
MISS CLEVELAND. The work is a
complete treatise on So
true manhood and
The mother's influence, he patient
the boys. Keep daughters near you.
Home beautiful. The
art of awkward and shy,
A mother's cares. all its bran-
Etc, Etc. Its
is unsurpassed, making it
subscription book ever published.
Di. illustrations are the finest and made
special artists.
Everywhere. success of working
agents is remarkable.
but live, energetic men and women wan-
on this work. We guarantee
territory. Agents at work are
from per day.
Write at once for illustrated circulars
and terms, and name yo r choice of
; to secure it instantly send 81.00
for complete agent's outfit, which will be
forwarded by return mail, postpaid. Lib-
term; guaranteed. Address.
Olive St., St, Louis Mo.
P Year,
Newspaper over in
Greenville. It the
More Beading Mailer for
the money than any oilier
published in North Carolina.
The a variety
and LOCAL, and devote it-
to the material
of the section in it
Scud your name and get a
is called to the us its
largo and
makes Bit excellent medium
through which to reach the people
Notice to Creditors.
duly upon the
day of January, as Executor of
the of Harriett
ed, i- hereby In nil
to ill.- r. tn
i in tin
all of mi estate to present their
to the
on or before the of
or this notice will be plead In
bar of their recovery. day of
in the
Patent Office or in the Courts
to for Moderate Fees.
mo opposite the U. S
Office engaged in Patents
and patents is
I hose
from Washington.
hen model or drawing sen
we o to free
of charge, and we make no
unless, we
We refer, here, to Mas-
the Supt. of the Money
Div . and to officials of the U. B
Patent Office. For circular, advice
terms and reference to
in your own State, or county
address, C. A. . .
Washington, C
The has fitted up his la
and any person desiring a
or anything in the
Is invited me a trial.
guaranteed or DO mad.
i I
; ;.
. ., nil
V i I .
. . OBS-J
n v H
t i .
i. v r,
I . .
lit 3-o-
I I lo
h l I
S-, i
. .
I . . I
. . .
II . I
i k. . i
ft w i i . . t .
. Phil .
See Here.
A Dill
A First-class Newspaper
Outfit, Offered for Sale.
I the complete outfit
Printing and Job office In
Greenville, on Monday, April
for Time approved
hose to buy are Invited
to call to see me Inspect the proper-
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of county the
day March 1888,
Henry Cooper, deceased, not ice I hereby
given to all persons indebted to the es-
to make payment to the undersign-
ed, and to all creditors of said estate to
present their claims properly
to the on or before
the 6th day of March 1889 or this notice
will be plead bar of their recovery.
This 0th -day March 1888.
If so buy
It is worth as much in the. field
as a flood hand. For sale by
J H.
N. C.
J. L.
Williamston, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
N FULFORD, Agent, Wash-
N. C.
A car load Just arrived and now for
sale by.
at Keel King's old stand. Will sell them
or at reasonable terms on time. I
my stock for can afford to sell
as cheap as anyone. Give me a call.
all m
When t Bay I do merely t
then a re-
turn I A
made the
A life long study. I my remedy t
the worst others have
failed i i no reason for not now a cure.
Send at once for a and a i B-
and rest It costs you nothing a
trial, and It will curs you. Address
and of-
A particle Of
It to usu and is quickly
. t
tho bead additional c.-Ma,
y be -t the
ml I. J are
a f-
a sate.
rents m .; mail,
K. r.
Is Not
No what pan it tiny
. i in Hie
i no IneS
. k . in i ; ;
One o to be r. .
ii . i v. i i a
win of lore
Thousand la
the United State and man.
I tn. the of the
to act
I . the United end
to Canada.
is before the public.
A iii the many who have used it with
success, I refer you to the fol-
lowing named gent who will testify
to the truth of my assertion
Any one wishing to give it a trial
the above named complaints can procure
It from me, at my of for
pet bottle.
H. baa
No tot
I Ail h
th Ami in mo-ii.
of Hi kind I
Tb of a notice
be devoted to
of mini ire
s in lb most influential
I-u-re and
to be devoted
of pub-
to It of
each wt Try it four for one
Sold all
U yon bar an to t
Mann A of
HI j. Hew
mailed free.
A rare .-u,, -t.------ .-
o II at K. V.

Eastern reflector, 28 March 1888
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 28, 1888
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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