Eastern reflector, 25 January 1888

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Ca . j i
um mm.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Year, in Advance.
The Eastern Reflector,
D. WHICHARD, Editor and
One Summer I came to draw
Published Wednesday
darling Tittle sweetheart Nell.
Ell TO
Subscription Price. SI JO per year
democratic, but
will not to
men and that arc not consistent
with the true principles of tho party.
If yon want a a
Within my arms I clasped my love
Ah. bow her eyes began to glow
,. And held her dainty form above
The liquid mirror below.
Ail Mr and cloudless were the skies.
The water clear beneath her eyes;
And leaning o'er she said, see
An Angel looking up at
Sweet childish fancy, yet how true
It Is the image. Nell, of you ;
And well think no cherub's face i
Can show c sweeter, purer grace.
O God, forbid that bitters tears
Should ill-own the smile that lingers
semi for the mark of cruel cares
tor. SAMPLE I REE . on bro
STATE government.
my is all your
Mrs. Duncan declared.
would have
Mademoiselle did not look
like a fright. When Count de
entered the reception-
room, his beauty-loving eyes sin-
out at once a slender, curving
figure, in antique brocade which
bad grown yellow with age, but
was so unmistakably distinguished-
looking that all the Indies were
wild with envy. Mrs. Duncan in-
said the court-
young lion, bending his tine
bead to look at the face
him, am charmed
meet lovely a countrywoman in
a foreign laud Is it possible that
we have met before Your face
reminds me of one I have seen
think Valerie answered,
with pleasure at the
of a voice that spoke her
tongue so perfectly.
J have been in America for twelve
am mannered
can always claim
some favor on the score of an old
Just then Mrs. Duncan's
; tel butler came in, with a
ed bow and announced
is served
Count de glanced at
saw that lie was to
j take Mademoiselle La out
to dinner. His pleasure was
They were soon chatting
Angeline Mrs. Duncan,; Angeline Duncan
us she fluttered into her daughter's Sent next to them. She put in a
what shall I do I've word now and then random,
of just received a from Mad- for she couldn't understand a word
your face seemed so familiar to
me. Mademoiselle La you
and I ought to be good
will do ray said Vale-
And the count, having taken
The Printer's Desk.
Elisabeth City Economist.
Education is the most popular
of all public Enterprises. It is re-
as a panacea for all the ills
ft considered as the best
was much now I the of
Valerie was nippier now to be the
that she had found a ,. , m.
, ,, , that on locks success. This
her own countrymen. The J
evenings slipped by gaily.
The count took her to the opera,
and had many pleasant jaunts
It was one morning in February
that Mrs Duncan called upon Ma-
to announce to her that
her services would be no longer
required as a governess.
the This is to
some extent true, but in some
untrue. Education sharpens
the mental
thought, concentrates the mental
multiplies the inventive
resources, suggests new employ-
and adds untold values to
unimportant material objects. A
which Dr.
How Our Money Goes.
her dear feet along the path
Of purity and perfect peace;
Shield tier f every storm of wroth.
An, bid the of sorrow cease.
Sweet Nell, when years begin to wane.
And you are older, wiser grown,
God grant yon may come back again.
Ami find the Angel has not flown
j And when your sun is low
Behind the mountains of the west.
M. Scales, of Guilford
man. of New Hanover.
of Wake.
W. Bate, of And to go
P. Roberts, of Gates. , lam, of
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Sidney M. Finger of Catawba. When yon arise and soar away.
Attorney F. David- Perhaps the Angel will not stay ;
son, of Buncombe. And when you stand before the Throne,
The Angel's face will be your own.
Chief Justice N. II. Smith, of
Associate S. Ashe. of
Anson August its S. Merrimon. of Wake.
First E. Shepherd, of j
Second Philips, of
Third District II. G. Connor,
, T . which j
I cannot offer any encourage- i ,, j,.,,,. ;, ; .
, . several years ago in different
behaves as you the the pecuniary value Of portion of our population which
Elizabeth City Falcon.
Few realize the enormous
amount of money spent for
evils. The revenue returns
for last year are not much if any,
larger than the previous ones, but
it is well to take a look at the
mutter once in a while, to see how
we are drifting. It is apparent
that to tho liquor ,
there is plenty of work yet to do. the
. I the Missionary Baptist
The State Over, From Our
Many Exchanges.
Happenings in and Events Concerning the
North Our People
Are Doing and Saying.
I Church at this place.
Rev. P.
cigar are smoked in
country to to
inhabitant, besides several ct-j Rev. T. J. agent of col-
throe and a quarter portage of the North Carolina con-
pounds clawing It is
estimated the cost to American
people of drinking and smoking,
if equally dis among that.
does drink and smoke, would give
an average cost to each of or
enough to buy all the food they
can consume in a year. The army
illiteracy and rations costs the government
were in proportion ; as were Per annum, and it gives the sol-
j wealth and education.
has made- Durham
Kinston Press Our farm-
Mr S. Abbott,
killed five hogs one day this week,
which made, in the aggregate, ,
of meat
Patronize Home.
Patronize home schools
thus keep your money at home,
and by so doing you will give the
town a real genuine, solid,
Yes, patronize home schools and
home everything. Patronize
home industries, home
and everything that you consume,
that yon can possibly get at homo,
get it there. Don't send your
money off to other places, where
you will not have a chance to got
any of it again, but buy everything
at home. By so doing you will
not only help to build up the town
and make your neighbors more
prosperous but will help yourself
in the same
Free Press.
Graham A couple
was married in this county
in which the ages the
bride and groom were and
no Place Like Home
A Remarkable Person.
Greensboro Patriot.
There is an old Indy living in
the Northern part of Stokes
aged years, who
The Governess.
mm . . t k . lam and I don't were saying. But the
A- the world I am to do puzzled
Sixth T. with the
Sampson sure he is
Seventh C. of , . .
led Angeline, anxiously.
Eighth J. yes He's all
t, . dear lei low I had the sweetest.
Ninth F. Graves, , r. i ;. . . u
Yadkin. i from bun, saying he
Tenth C. A very, of would be charmed But now that
. .,. . Madam isn't coining,
there will he no one who can talk
Twelfth District
of Buncombe.
it. Merrimon,
Representatives in ; your French
to him. Angeline, I wish you
would give a little more attention
Sena B. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
House of District
Louis C. Latham, of Pitt
Second M. Simmons,
Third W. of
Fourth Nichols, of
Fifth W. Reid, of Rock-
have just been taking a
son, Angeline replied.
La has
taught a new verb this after-
Mrs. Duncan glanced at the lit-
French governess, hitherto
noticed, and said, patronizingly
I hope will take great
T. Bennett, of paint with her pronunciation, Ma-
S. Henderson,
Eighth II. IT. Cowles,
Ninth D. Johnston,
Court A.
M. King.
Register of II. Wilson.
B. Cherry.
Surveyor Abram S. Congleton.
P. Redding.
Commissioners-Council Dawson. Chair-
man, Guilford Mooring. J. A. K. Tucker,
W. A. James, Jr., T. E. Keel.
Public School
of F. Brown.
J. Perkins.
C. Forbes.
B. Cherry A Alex.
Ward, T. A.
and J. P. 2nd Ward, Ty-
son and J. S. Smith; 3rd Ward, A. M.
Moore and J. J. Cherry.
First and Third
Sundays, morning and night. Rev. N. C.
Hughes, D. D., Rector.
Methodist-Services every Sunday,
I always said that
French did not amount to much
without a
is no language which
replied the little governess,
course not Angeline, are
you through with your lesson
Those laces have come from
Kay's, and I do want to talk to
and pardon
pardon soon silenced her.
As for Valerie, she was growing
animated. Her face flushed
under the admiring
gaze, and she was quite oblivious
to the javelin glances hurled at
her by Mrs. Duncan. The count
had hardly looked at Angeline.
was that pretty girl I
took out to dinner he asked,
later in the evening
La said
Hit. Duncan, coldly. it
you admire her, count She
is not much of anybody. We just
had her to make up the
Duncan was angry, or she
would not have said such a thing.
As for the count, he saw that
he had made a mistake; but Ma-
La was wholly
Shortly after, coffee was served,
the guests departed, and Valerie
came up to the hostess, hen the
party had dispersed, to ask
she might not go home.
and stay retorted
Angeline, angrily. dared
you presume t flirt with a guest of
my mother's You Mad-
Valerie was utterly taken back
but before she could reply, a j the of ,
. . countries was unvarying pro-
courtly appeared in . .-. J t
I. t. . u; portions to the condition of
doorway, it was the count him-i. ,,. , ;,
and This washier more then they he can
portion of years, respectively.
need of your patron k . JUt, doe. not make facts our population consumes enough, Henderson Gold r
i H . . n d w old not question it. We tobacco and whiskey to buy John Booth killed four hogs Tues- . he
would ,,,. t edited
, And Valerie soon found herself j
standing alone, bewildered, in the
middle of the room, while
man she loved was holding ,
hand and saying, tenderly
will of
me that promotes
I ill n
you not
heart. W
title and me
. ,, ,,
I love you with all my address ourself to
HI you take it, and my of Ed-
I want you so in the
school room alone. It is often not
Valerie, it could not the best education that is
the best education that is
ed in schools and colleges. all
And as for Valerie, it not
have been that she answered,
for two months later, at the Ho-
tel Valentine, in Paris, were reg-
the names of the Count
and Countess de
Sam Jones on Dancing.
Kansas City Times.
me, boys, girls, young la-
dies of Kansas City I used to I It .,
j,, the and higher
with the girls of our town. Hear of No
of scalding water, as reported in
the Dispatch lust week, died on
Thursday alter a week of intense
suffering. He was sixty five
Francis is said
to have been the first man to use
you about this dinner Yes, Ma- that you are not here as
you may-go now ; but
you must not forget that you are
to translate my bill of fare into
madam, I will not
a social equal. We did not ex
you play any of your
games upon Count de
Duncan, cried Valerie,
She the room with a growing deadly pale. yon have
bow and bearing that showed she i not acquired the right to in-
had not always been a mere me
French to young children and said Mrs. Duncan.
giddy girls. Indeed, there had
family had stood to all Fro-
a low tone, be too hasty.
been a time when the old Lev that it is hard to get a
me. It I was a fair average can work at a
man, and I think I was, then good newspaper office, without
impure can go out on the being an accurate speller, without
floor and dance another set. A good grammarian, a good
Young woman, rhetorician, without an
accurate knowledge figures and
their uses and without having a
memory stored with the richest
treasures of English literature and
without being an accomplished
gentleman. In proof of this there
is no occupation from which have
sprung so many bright lights in
public life as from the printer's
desk. There is no more sure road
to distinction and usefulness
among men.
Iron and
., Buttons an
the great schools of education out- Sugar and the torpedo in naval fare. He
side the schoolroom, we are of Public, education came i an old North
opinion from a close observation Home and Foreign ; family, and n graduate the
many years that there is none Academy.
to the printer's Edenton Fisherman and
Won This week one of our citizens who
we want ha been married about four
had forgotten his wife's Christian
Orange Observer. ; ad , ,,
Innovate is the order of the; , and find it out.
day. and many old are being
transformed. They have not only j Hendersonville Mrs.
changed mode of whose death was mention-
even the way of spelling, ed in our last issue, bad two
to years. does not employ a
cook, or wash woman, spins and
weaves, and makes her own cloth
besides doing the work for a
family of four, and thinks there is
no place like home.
There is no education more
rate, more particular, more easy,
more thorough, more cheap, more
natural or-more compulsory in its
operation upon the mind than the
education obtained at the printer's
as a type the bluest blood terms.
good governess mademoiselle's
of France. But the
war had made a beggar the
once rich family, and left Valerie
with a widowed mother, who
soon died of grief.
said the fair Ange
and night. Meeting every , line, as she watched the slender,
Wednesday Rev. F. A. Bishop. figure out of sight,
Baptist-Services every Sunday, morn- get
and night. Meeting every Belle ill the place of the
Wednesday night.
screamed Mrs. Dun-
can. the place next to
Count de to a govern-
Greenville Lodge, No. A. F. A.
M., meets every 1st Thursday and Mon-
B. A. Chapter. No. meets She is well-enough look-
every 2nd and 4th Monday nights Ma- and knows how to
nail. F. W. Brown, H. P. Knew how to It was .
Covenant No, I. O. O. F. ,, e a p i- . . in k r u u j
every Tuesday night. D. for the fr Angeline's plans thought you
don't cried Angeline,
bursting into tears. kept
Count de away from me
all the
said the little
governess, with much dignity,
assure you that I had no such an
will do, mademoiselle
Mrs. Duncan, coldly.
can go
So the poor girl hurried out of
the room, and met the Count de
waiting, hat in hand, in
the hall. She saw his face
that he had heard all.
thought you had gone she
waned for he answered
James, N. G. , that mademoiselle did
Insurance Lodge, No. K. of. H.,
not hear
shall sit one side the
said Angeline,
course he will talk to me a great
deal, and if I get stuck,
every first and third Friday night.
D. D.
Council, No. A. L. of H., meets
every Thursday night. C. A. White. C.
Temperance Reform their
club room every Monday night, at
o'clock. meeting in the Court House can help me out. Oil the
fourth Sunday of each month, at S o'clock whole, I think that is a
union i . Madam
meet in the Reform Club Room vat- could have
of week. Mrs. V. H. Which-1 hint. You know she is crazy after
Room every Friday night.
I lumber,
Miss Eva
Office hours A. M. to P. X. Money
Order hours A. w. to H r. if. No or-
will be Issued from to P. M. and
to p. u.
Bethel mail arrives dally San-
at a. u., and departs at P K.
Hasps mall arrives daily Sun-
at M. and departs at p. M.
mail arrives dally
at IS t. and departs at P. X.
Mail leaves for Ridge and Inter-
mediate offices, Mondays,
mall arrives Fridays at S p.
Departs Saturdays at a. if.
H. A. P,
Angeline, too
late to ask anybody else
suppose it said Mrs. Dun-
can, ruefully.
And it was decided that they
would have Mademoiselle, who
was commanded to accept the in-
on the pain of losing her
Angeline was enraged because
the stubborn governess
would not borrow dress of them.
will look like a guy,
ma. She can't have anything fit
no escort. May I have the honor
seeing you home,
have no carriage faltered
poor Valerie.
is at the door. Allow
So the little governess found her-
self rolling home in state.
ought not to let
she said, hurriedly. am not
one of Mrs. Duncan's
; I am only her
name of La is very
dear to said coo gent
My father's best friend was
a If ranch general, who was killed-
at and that was his name.
A brave fellow he was, too
father cried Va-
Father was General
La Oh,
him de
should say I did
saved my life
I of Joy, but I
if you but follow the young
man, after be has seen you home,
to some bar-room or club, and hear
the discussion of your form and
person, and your virtue itself,
you'd never lose your respect and
go on a ballroom floor.
The dudes get mad at me
in some places and talk about
wanting to slap my jaws. Laugh-
But I say. to their credit,
they know better than to slap.
not afraid to drop down
into a hundred acres of dudes, and
not a thing to fight with, and all
of them armed with six shooters
tendency of the nine-
century is to
You dress a young buck out, part
his hair in the middle, an
eye glass, give him pants which
look as though his legs bad been
and poured into put
on toothpick shoes, and every girl
in town admires Prolong
ed merriment God help you
girls rather see my daughter
dead to-night than sitting in the
parlor talking to a dude.
The good bishop of New
York says the confessional shows
that nineteen oat of twenty
meet their downfall in the ball
all my observation I never
knew a poor, ruined woman who
did not go to ruin through the ball
room and the
Life's Mistakes.
Somebody hat condensed the
mistakes of life, and arrived at the
conclusion that there are fourteen
of them. Most people would say.
if they told the truth, that there
was no limit to the mistakes of
life that were like the drops
the ocean or the sands on the a gallon.
All Right to Tax Whiskey, All
Wrong to Tax the Necessaries.
Philadelphia Record, Den.
All reasonable persons admit
that a repeal of the tax of whiskey
would reduce its cost by the
amount of the tax ; and it follows
at the same time that the
Trust, organized to control
production, would be broken up.
The Trust made
by reason of the internal tax
on as the Sugar Trust,
the India Rubber Trust, the
mer Steel King, the Coal
and many other rings and com-
to plunder American
consumers, have grown up under
the tariff laws. If the whiskey
tax should be whiskey
would become very cheap and
abundant, as the tax is a great, re-
as the duties on clothing, blankets,
flannels, salt, lumber, rice, coal,
and iron increase the cost and
sen the consumption of these com-
Should the tax on
key be repeated the smoke of the
still would rise once more In every
valley of and the re
tail price of whiskey would be re
to the old rate of cents
The simplest words ate being tam-
with. And now these crazy
spelling reformers are trying to
persuade people to spell kiss with
one The tempt will be a fail-
The who lifts a finger
so to speak, to shorten a kiss will
bring upon himself the execration,
of all the love-sicken lads and las-
in this great land of liberty.
The tendency is to add more s's.
That is, to make the kiss a yard
and a half or two yards long, or as
long as a strong young man can
hold bis breath. If tin kissing
spell is shortened, other to fringe
intuits will ho made and the first
thing we know wooing and cooing
and all those other little endear-
which make
up that blissful dreaming which
antedates the union of two souls
with but a single thought, etc.,
will be removed from the
period known as courtship,
and the whole process of love
will be consigned to the
agency of the telephone.
shore in number ; bat it is well -to
be accurate. Here, then, are
fourteen great mistakes It is a
great mistake to set up our own
standard of right and and
judge people accordingly ; to meas-
the enjoyment of others by
our own ; to expect- uniformity of
opinion in this world ; to look for
judgment experience in
youth ; to endeavor to all
dispositions alike ; to yield to
material trifles ; to look for per-
in our actions; to worry
ourselves and others with what
he remedied ; not to
ate all needs alleviation as tar
as lies in our power ; not to make
allowance for the infirmities of
; to consider everything
that cannot perform ; to
believe only what poor finite
minds can grasp f to expect to be
able to understand everything.
The greatest mistake to live for
But the question is whether the
cost of whiskey should be reduced
and the deprived
of a large fiscal revenue, or
Congress repeal the bur-
taxes on the raw
of industry and the necessaries
of American households from
which the Treasury derives small
revenue in comparison with the
taxes imposed consumers
The proposition to repeal the whit-
He Too
A few years ago at a regular
Wednesday evening prayer meet
of one of the churches of Bib-
mark, the pastor Rev. Fair-
child, come into the chapel and
found about a dozen ladies pres
lie looked around a mo-
and said;
can you tell
me the cause of this remarkable
absence of the gentleman who
been in the habit of attend-
our regular meetings
hadn't yon beard about
it replied the lady addressed.
Spotted-Front grocery ad-
to give free samples of a
new brand chewing tobacco
this evening, and the gentleman
have gone
said the worthy pastor,
as he removed his spectacles and
buttoned hadn't
ed the announcement Just ex-
me a moment, ladies, ;
I must step down to the Spotted-
Front myself. I haven't had a
food chew of eating tobacco since
left Fargo and he shot out at
the side door.
A lesson that was impressed
with peculiar force upon almost
every one last year was land
that is well drained and manured
key tax for the sake of maintain- i does not suffer much from bad see
the tax on articles of
is a base bribe to the appetite
which every self-respecting Amer-
citizen should reject with
scorn. Why those who desire to
obtain an abundance of cheap
whiskey favor a repeal of
the law apparent ; bat, why
Prohibitionists should favor cheap
whiskey can be understood only
when we bear in mind the
cal and irrational spirit with
which they discuss the temperance
sons. A well known gentleman a
resident of our city, says that be
made last year pounds of
cotton on acres. should
teach our people every where to
plant only so much land as they
can manure and drain. Let
rest He out, or plant it in rye or
To say that we know
g about farming, does yon no
good. We with you and as
are rely disinterested we
are in a position to give you good
and thirty-five grand and
great-grand children. She was
years old, and her mind was clear
and vigorous up to the hour of her
Winston The news from
tho county is growing decidedly
more cheerful. Farm hands are
arranging for tho year's work.
The supply of corn and meat is
greater than in many years, and
if the seasons are propitious, 1888
will bring property to all
tillers of it.
During the year 1887 there were
established this State car-
and wagon works. cigar
and tobacco factories, cotton
and woolen mills State lead-
in this flour and
grist railroads, street
railways wood working es-
Elizabeth City George
Esq., of
county, is years of age, and
yet has not a hair, can read
without glasses, and do much
work as one considerably younger,
says one who knows him.------
Wild ducks and geese are
m the Currituck
sounds and hunters reap-
Goldsboro On last
Wednesday at Mr. A. L.
son's a hawk killed a but
could not carry it away, and Mrs.
Swinson set a steel trap bated with
a part of the and the
hawk. On Sunday last another
hawk came and curried off
of the dead hawk, which had
in the meantime been nearly con-
by the buzzards. Did the
hawk wish to eat or bury its com-
The people in the country are
generally better than they
were this time last year, we should
say upon the information given us
by the merchants. They have
bought less and consequently have
paid nearer out than they have
done in the past years. A
few more years of such econ-
and hard work will put our
people on their feat
son Advance
Here is the Tarboro Southerner's
candidate for Governor .
here is talk of having cent
patsy as some papers
have it, we have that and
we would like to See it come. One
cent per ounce will pay. At first
there would but so it has
always been when there has been
a reduction. Forty-five years ago
I you had to pay cents on a let-
at delivery. We hope the in-
instituted by Senator Heck
be prosecuted by tho Commit-
tee on if there is
any good reason for believing that
the reduction will to the
est of tho people and will he near-
self-sustaining, then let it come,
why not If the Government
can convey letters one cent
without loss, it will be a blessing
u great saving to all but tho
rich and boastful Of course a re-
should not occur it it
would embarrass for any great
length of time tho operations of
It is gratifying to read such
items as this occasional in the
papers leading wholesale
dry goods dealer of Lynchburg,
Va., states that whereat a few
years ago in bis sales of a certain
lino of cotton goods per cent of
it was the product of Northern
mills, now per cent, of sales
of the same grade of goods the
production of Southern cotton
A W,
X. C.
Practice In the State and Federal Courts
N. C.
N. C.
F V.
Attorney and at Law
W. B. A. K. U. JAMI
Successors to Jarvis
Collections u Specialty.
Practice the Superior, Federal and
Supreme courts.
Attorney and at Law
Will practice In the Courts Pitt,
Greene, and Beaufort
ties, and the Supreme Court.
Faithful attention given to all business
entrusted to him.
Surgeon Dentist.
Tenders his professional services to
Teeth extracted without by the use
of Nitrous
W. C

The Eastern Reflector,
Every Wednesday
T t
Subscription Price, MM per year
will not hesitate to Democratic
men and measures that are not consistent
with the true principles of the party.
If you want a a wide-a-wake
section of the State send for the
Entered at the Post Office at
Mail Matter.
Volume Seven.
With this issue the Eastern
Reflector begins its seventh
volume. Six years ago to- day,
on the 25th of January, 1882, it
made its first appearance, in very
small then printed
a job a
public. How the
tor sprang from its collapsed
predecessor, the Express, and its
history from that day down to
the present time, is, perhaps,
well enough known not to need
reviewing again just now.
it to say, that the Reflector
has attained a sufficient age to
, know something of what news-
paper life is. It has stood face
to face with the stern realities
of a career, and to it the
trial and hardships attendant up-
on publication are not
unknown. Of its past existence
we propose in this article to
speak only of the past year,
and of that but briefly. The
principles advocated by the Re-
during the past stand
for themselves and need not be
referred to here.
The year just closed was, from
a standpoint of material
its most eventful.
The main improvement made
was the replacing of our old
hand press with a new power
press which enabled the enlarge-
of the paper from a seven
column to an eight column sheet,
greatly increasing the amount of
reading matter each week. The
general patronage of the Re-
during the past year
was considerably increased and
the seventh volume is begun with
a larger number of subscribers
than at any former period.
There has no
growth to its circulation yet the
increase has been steady, grad-
and encouraging. The earn-
est efforts of the Reflector for
the advancement of Greenville
and community are fresh in the
minds of every reader, and while
in numerous instances can be
seen good results arising from
our labors, modesty forbids
speaking our own praise in that
In the future the aim of the
tor will still be upward
and onward. Its labors for
Greenville and Pitt county shall
be even more zealous than here-
Its political creed will
remain thoroughly and
promisingly we
believe under those
the good of the country is best
it will not hesitate
to or
evils that may be detected in
the party of its choice. It be-
that virtue, morality and
sobriety are the true safeguards
of every community-that no com
can prosper where such
sentiments do not prevail, and
will faithfully strive for the ad-
of such principles in
this section. It believes that in-
and fair dealing should
govern all transactions between
-mankind, and will frown upon
any semblance of dishonesty,
immorality or corruption.
To its readers the Reflector
hopes to grow more acceptable
with each issue. Already we
have in contemplation improve-
in its typographical
that will make it. more
attractive, and other improve-
will follow as rapidly as
means will permit. Within its
columns, beside its quota of
local news, we will
have each week a bright letter
from the National Capital. It
will also have occasional inter-
letters from different sec
Mr. William Blackfoot
sends us word that as soon as
the wintry give him a re-
lease from bis rheumatic troubles
he will again give us some of his
sketches of olden times. Pete ;
Carter says our readers may ex- j
lb hear him at
all times upon any subject that
may suit his own fancy, as he is
going to live and die right here
in Pitt county. Tim Gray, who
once gave such an interesting ad-
venture in rhyme, promises to
prepare a series of them at an
early day. Miss M. G.
land, the talented young author-
of Virginia, whose
writings are placing her name
with the leading authors of our
land will also favor us with
contributions. And
of our friends have promised
to furnish articles. So upon the
whole the Reflector will be
unusually interesting and re-
commends itself to the reading
We ask every citizen in Pitt
county to assist in making the
a paper of which they
may justly be proud, and one
that is second to no country pa-
per in the State. Thanking our
many patrons for their liberal
support in the past, we hope by
earnest endeavors to merit such
Let Them Think.
The people, what Lincoln use
to call common
those making the masses in
the rural districts are
thinking, and they are doing it
strong. They are realizing that
something is wrong, and they are
making earnest inquiry as to the
reading more and in-
as they never did be
fore. This is as it should be.
Elizabeth Carolinian
Exactly so. It is only a mat-
of great surprise to us that
their minds have been clouded
so long; and we are glad to know
that they are beginning to think
seriously about their folly, and
the stupidity which they have
exhibited for the last twenty
years, save four. We are glad,
too, to know that they are
because they
have been wronged enough to
think mightily. We guess it is
Cleveland's clean, honest and
conservative administration of
public affairs that has brought
about this happy state of things.
The people of the rural districts
are beginning to find out what a
gigantic humbug the radical par-
is. They have been brought
to see at last that that party has
been false to every principal
which it professed to adhere to;
that it has been untrue to every
promise, and that all its actions
have been characterized by fraud,
theft, intimidation, treachery,
and an intense hatred of the
Southern people. They have
been led to believe that the best
interests of the country can be
best and advanced by
the promulgation of sound Dem-
doctrines and principles.
They have scented the rottenness
in the Republican camp, and are
fleeing to the fold
for deliverance. W e are pleased
to learn that our heretofore mis-
guided, but highly esteemed con
temporary has discovered this
fact; and hope it will learn an
important lesson therefrom. Let
them read and
more the better for the cause of
Democracy. A Republican,
a fool need not err there-
Though many have been
blind for years, it is cause for
general rejoicing that their in-
have brought them
into the light, so they now see
that the Democratic party is an
anchor to the country,
sure and We are
glad that in the light of these
things they are ceasing to do
evil, and learning to do well, by
joining the ranks of the
all-conquering Democracy.
Let them come on. There yet is
room. the lamp holds
out to
It may be that we have
en the meaning of our
in the reprint above, If so,
we beg pardon. The paragraph
may have direct reference to the
rural districts in the State of New
York ; but even there its state-
are correct. The people
of those districts thought and
read and investigated too much
for the much, in-
deed, that the party
took a-back seat to the tune of
votes in the last election.
is as it should It is
our opinion that the leaders of
the radical party will bow their
heads and bury their faces in
their hands on the morning of
November 8th, and think a little
and Hardly
one will be left to tell the sorrow-
tale. Their headquarters a
few moments after the election
will be like some hall
deserted and will shut
themselves in from all
save their own weeping
wailing. Poor Rods Di
but know your doom to-day you
might be able to bear it better
when it
Reports and Presentments.
Of coarse the reports made by
the Grand Jury at the recent
term of Pitt Superior Court, which
we published in fall last week, are
familiar to every reader the
Reflector. Copies of these re-
ports will be presented to the
Board of County Commissioners
for them to consider. The Jury
reported the jail dirty, filthy and
uncomfortable on the inside, and
the premises around the jail filthy
offensive. This matter as to
the interior of the jail had already
been reported to the State Board
of Health by the County
and it is a matter the
Commissioners should look into.
It is true inmates are placed
there in punishment for crime, but
at the same time human consider-
entitle them to be kept in
clean and comfortable cells. If
the fault lies with Sheriff or
the officers under him, then the
performance of official duties
should be required. If the fault
is in the building or its furnishing
then steps should be taken to
properly remedy it.
The report in reference to
County Poor House should also
have immediate consideration.
People are placed there who can-
not provide for themselves and
they should not be allowed to
fer for want of food or covering
for the body. That
there is shameful and it
be prevented. Th
that the Board of Com mis
dispose the present prop-
and purchase a location near-
town and make and have kept
a more decent and respectable
Poor House, is a good, and one we
would be glad to know they
acted in accordance therewith.
The Grand Jury also did some
good work in present-
We learn that every Mag-
in the county, save five,
were presented for failure to make
official returns of cases tried
by them. The law declares then
guilty of a misdemeanor for such
Perhaps the presentments for
which the Jury deserves
praise were those for gambling.
Wholesale offenses of this nature
have been going on Greenville,
but this is the first Grand Jury
for several Courts that inquired
into them. The names of persona
presented are not yet known to
the public, but they are numerous.
When it was noised abroad that
such presentments had been made
there were several uneasy faces to
be seen, and it was no common
thing to hear question asked
VI of them Much
comment has been made and
of a serious nature have
been brought to light. We have
heard of grown men, men of large
families, who have been enticing
boys from twelve to fifteen years
old and upwards into the back
rooms of drinking saloons and
gambling with them nearly all
night. Those men should hang
their heads in shame and the
of bar keeper who allow-
ed such should be revoked. Not
a great while since the
created some hard feelings against
itself by suggesting existence
of such evils and advising parents
to keep their boys at home after
night, but it can be seen
wherein we were right. We have
also been told of an
shocking in its nature to mention
in a bar-
room. If proven to be true every
accomplice should be severely pun-
and the man in whose shop
it occurred should be from
town. We earnestly hope the
next Grand Jury will continue
good work commenced by the
last one by finding true bills
against that the
Court before which they come up
for trial will mete out just punish-
The gambling dens in
Greenville should be broken up.
Reply to
Mb. Editor allow me
a small space in the columns of
your paper, in reply to com-
which appeared in the
Eastern Reflector of January
18th Go, and Joy Go
With We are much
to learn that there is such
unkind feelings existing against
us among those whom we thought
were true friends. Nor did
think that there was -a
man living God's Moral Vine-
yard who desired to tee the
exterminated for no cause what-
ever. We are well aware that we
are dyed with nature's mark, for
which we are not responsible, and
with ail, we cannot conceive that
color should be considered a
crime, or in any way depreciate
sounds j us, or cause to be depreciated
and i by those whom we have served
Did you humbly and faithfully before, do-
ring and the late war.
After briefly soliloquizing over
the to a that
the the faithfully
rendered to wives, to
daughters, and to the sons, of
white man's family daring
dark days of the war ; and oar
humble obedience even to the
smallest child of the family has
all been forgotten ; and were it
possible, would have since
been cast into Sea of O
But, thank God it stands m and
will ever stand bright in
all who knew it, and never
to be erased from
Let me ask your correspondent
to think the past, and consult
his own conscience there be
and then see if he find
himself justified in thus tr to
discourage and to depreciate
poor colored man of his just rights
and to bring about and
strife between races.
I do not propose to reply to the
whole article, out certain portions
of it, therefore, let me ask
white-man, have you not been
greatly benefit by the labor
And what has
realized by such labor
speaking, nothing Year
after year be labors and at the
end of each is in debt, for ac-
necessities of life. If
were paid full value for his la-
be could then feed and clothe
himself and family. Every man
should live by hie labor and. after
providing the necessary articles for
family use have a little left for
sickness, etc Why are so many
walking about doing
The answer is, they cannot
get the full value for their labor.
has entirely put a one sided
matter before the public, right
side he has carefully concealed.
But there are yet some good feel-
men who are noble heart-
ed, who will defend and give the
what belongs to them. I
why. then are the ac-
of lying and stealing for a
living The answer is,
dice against the Pay the
full value for his work. You
will then find less crime among
them, a less number brought to jail
and a much number sent to
the Penitentiary. The
is that actual want, and want
of cultivation are ed to commit
crimes; Now let tell the
public the reason why there are
so many doing nothing.
The answer is they cannot get a
just compensation for their labor.
I see the whole thing is a
scheme that bas in con-
and that the election
is to take place this year. But
when he says that for-
his vote by going to
South to work, he has made a mU-
take, and any man has the
right to work where Le
chooses and does not lose bis res
by so doing.
And further,
have always believed that they
were out of their
sphere this Country. They
should not only leave this State
but the United And he
does not believe it was ever
that they should come to
this country. Well then, Mr.
are they here How won-
have you painted the
whole matter, your artistic skill
has been elaborately portrayed,
but with all, you have only shown
one side of the picture, and that
side to suit your own fancy. The
true picture you have concealed.
Now if the has no right
to be this country as he says
go, not only to
and other States, but to the far-
away land from whence they
Here let us briefly review
matter, and see whose home
this country is. The white man
also came from tar-away land ; if
the must go to far-away
land, then the white man should
also go to his far-away land.
In the year 1620, forty-five
of Africa were brought from
the coast of Africa and landed on
the banks of the James River, in
Colony of Virginia. They were
brought against their will and
made drawers of water and hew-
of wood, and in the view of
law and public decision considered
mere chattel property to be
bought and sold at the will of the
owner and cruel treatment
July 4th 1776, the Declaration
of American Independence was
then proclaimed an organization
of government, was
the people themselves
rounded by many difficulties which
threatened destruction to the
country. The sage men consulted
in private what ought to be done,
but done nothing further to
establish their Independence. At
the same time the British were
oppressing them on every side.
But here we find a slave
who had run away from bis roaster
and went to raised a com-
consisting of
and every other person who
would join in defense of their
country ; this Company led by its
noble At-
tacks the main body of
British Soldiers in King Street,
they were fired upon by Captain
Preston's company, At-
tucks was the first to fall, be Sam-
Gray and Jones Caldwell were
killed on spot.- Samuel
and Patrick Carr were mortal-
wounded. This occurred on
6th of March 1770 at
the battle of Banker Hill. Peter
Salem, a shot Maj. Pitman
in the midst of battle which
ended in favor of liberty. For a
true accurate account of the
Battle of Bunker Hill, see Ban-
croft's History of the U. Vol.
The capture of Maj. Gen
Prescott, of the British Army
which rendered great joy
the country, this was done by
Prince Barton, a on the 9th
of July 1777. At the battle of
Island August 29th 1778
tho fought valiantly, with
the white soldiers, which entitles
them to perpetual honor, which bat
tie was pronounced by military
to have been one of the
best fought battles during the
Revolutionary war. We find that
the soldiers fought through
whole Revolutionary war,
and its success in a great degree
was to the good fighting of the
soldiers. See
of Island, Vol II. At
the close of the war let us see ; we
find under General Jackson,
soldiers, who-by their wonder-
skill devised plans, which were
put into execution, and ended the
war in favor the Americans,
soldier gained a noble
and thereby gained peace and
freedom by killing Major General
of the Army.
And it may be regarded as an in-
dispensable historical fact that
were enrolled in the army
and faithfully during the
whole period of the Revolutionary
war. Now we find that this is
the peoples country.
In conclusion, we will quote a
more words says
some of them are better educated
but, does it do them.
As far as our knowledge extends,
the more you educate a the
meaner he
learning doth make him I
wee that he has quoted the scrip-
to prove his points, Acts
24-32. But why did ho
not show the right side of the
picture. King Agrippa
man doth nothing
of death or might
have been net at liberty, if he had
not appealed onto
the might have been bet-
off had they just found oat
their true white friends, and then
appealed to as friends and
As far as my knowledge extends
I find the more you educate the
the more refined, moral and
gentlemanly in his departments ;
and the better qualified and
pared to protect himself from be-
cheated out of his honest labor
The great stigma is the is
raised from ignorance and
to the position that God in-
tended he should be. And the
idea that any sane white man
should think or say that the
wants to rule, is perfectly absurd.
And if there is- any trouble brew.
in air, It is not on
part of the And most as-
it is not the that
wants to rule or ruin. All the
asks is to give him what is
justly due him. as for the
there is no such thing, it
is imposition heaped upon him,
without reason for such. And it
is an indisputable fact all men
are made better citizens by being
educated and it has been the plea
of the white men to educate the
; it would better quality him
for citizenship and tor business
But now, comes in Mr. and
sets and all has been said and
done by the educated and the em-
men of our country.
Frank J. Johnson.
G C.
on hand a well assorted mock of
Canned Fruits,
Confections, Tobacco,
which will be sold at
prices. Give a call, at the corner
Hardware Dealers
Wagon, Buggy and Material,
Doom, Oil. Glass,
Ike BEST Cotton Gins. Steam Engine's
and Boilers, or any goods tar Oils line
Celery and Coca, the prominent In-
are the nod safe
Tonics It
the curing
It drives out the poisonous
the blood It,
and so overcoming those
resulting from Impure or
the towels
It cures habitual constipation, and
ens the and digestion.
In Its composition the best and moat
active the Medics
are combined with other
effective for diseases of the
It ctn he relied on to
quick relief and core.
Closing Out Sale
This space belongs to
Look out for advertisement next week.
And LEAF YEAR has nothing to do with the price of
I you desire to purchase a first-class article in
FLOUR, sugar, coffee, meat,
Or anything In that Hue, call on
Greenville, N. C.
Provisions, Canned Goods, General Family Supplies,
Tobacco, Always on Hand.
Dress Goods,
Fox Value.
Dress Goods worth for
. .
Dress Goods worth for
The find the Turning
Flows always on hand.
O O O O O o u U O Q g o
Having bought out the entire stock of Goods of
We offer the balance of the Fall and Winter
Stock on hand
Those desiring good Goods at low prices
should avail themselves of this opportunity.
Ail parties indebted will please make
ate payment.
Our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc., have arrived, and all
friends and customers are invited to call and ex-
goods and prices.
Having the entire mercantile business of John S. Con
Co, including notes, hook account all evidences of debt
and merchandise, solicit their and increased patronage.
Being able to make all purchases for cash, getting advantage of the
discounts, will be enabled to sell as cheaply as any one South of
Norfolk. We shall retain in our employ J. S Congleton us general
superintended of the business, with bis former partner Chas Skinner
as assistant, who will always be glad to see serve their old customers
A special branch of our business will be to cash at
rates to farmers to cultivate and harvest their crops, in Minis of
to with approved security
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates Give us a call when in need of LIKE,
Successor to John Flanagan.
During this year will continue the of tine
My Factory Is well equipped with the consequently put up nothing
but FIRST-CLASS WORK. keep up with the times and the st improved styles.
Best material used in work. All stylus of Spring are you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full line of ready made
the year round, which we will sell as as the lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people of this and surrounding comities for past favors, we heft to
merit a continuance of the same.
Forbes, President
J. Greenville,
N. M. Lawrence. Tarboro,
Capt. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen
The People's Line travel on Tar
Is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. Sue ho
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted. . j.
up specially for tho comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A Table furnished with the
beat the affords.
A trip on the Greenville Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
and at o'clock, j- H.
Leaves Thursday
and Saturday at S o'clock. A. H.
Freights received dully and through
Bills Lading given to all points.
J. J. Heat
Notice is hereby given that the Arm,
known a J. F. A Co.
Greenville, N. C, has this day dissolved,
by mutual consent. All parties indebted
to said Arm are requested to corns for-
and make settlement with K. M.
He will pay all claims against
the Ann and will manage the
hereafter under the of F.
OM, F.
Established in Baltimore In 1870.
Will open House in
in September, tor the handling and
sale of cotton, thus giving our customers
their choice of the two markets.
Executor's Notice.
Having qualified as Executor Use
List Will of Bland,
deceased, on the 5th day of January
before K. A. Move, Clerk el tic
Court Pitt notice is
to all persons to estate
make immediate payment to the
signed, all persons
against said estate are hereby notified t
to undersigned be
ore the day of January or this
notice will be plead bar of
This the of
Executor of Dames

way i loads it Ufa I
Good morning.
One celebrated
Coffee Pots to every
chaser of an Excelsior Cook Stove
Volume Number
Maggie Langley returned
Saturday from
mother has
sick some days but is improving.
Mm. Cornelia Green, Edenton
is visiting her Mrs. A. M.
Miss Jennie Williams is visit-
Mrs. Andrew Joyner in the
Mr. Grimmer, of
spent two days id town
last week.
of Franklin
visiting Miss Lula Flem-
A big lot of Sample Shoes to fit t near Greenville,
every body AT COST at ft
This is our birthday.
Cargo of Lime just received by
is nearly gene.
A complete line of Sample No-
to be closed out AT COST at
The weather is moderating.
Those who have not settled
their notes or accounts with T. R
Miss Belle of
who was visiting relatives here,
returned home last week.
Mr. J. C. Robertson, of Bethel,
has taken a position with M. E. C.
Glenn, commission merchant.
Mr. V L. Stephens and wife re-
turned yesterday from a visit to
Mis. Stephen's parents near
Mr. C. H Johnston, long a
of section, now of Edge-
county, visiting
Cherry ft Co, are notified to in town last week.
toward and do so at once. The
business mutt be closed up.
How do you like us for a six-
The the Boss Famous
Lunch Milk Biscuit over six
months previous lbs, you
know at the Old Brick Store.
Court in Greene
this week.
We have still a few desirable
goods on hand that must be closed
out soon, regardless of cost. A
splendid chance tor cash purchases
to bargains.
T. R. Co.
T. A Cherry and L. E.
Cleve had altercation yesterday,
which the latter was seriously
cut on the neck. A few minutes
before they were walking along
arm in Another testimonial
as to what whiskey will do.
The Raleigh liverymen have
signed an agreement to hire out
no horses on Sunday. An exam-
that Greenville and other
towns might follow.
Hudson, A. B. Hudson, E. E Bail,
J. W. E W.
B. Barnett, U. Congleton T. C.
Moore, Williams, J. B.
Little, H. M. J. J. Jack-
Notwithstanding the very bit-
weather last Sunday a large
audience was present at the Re-
form Club Mass Meeting in the
Court House, and the program
exercises was of such an interest-
nature that all were glad
having attended. Frank Johnson,
one of our colored merchants, very
kindly permitted Club the use
of his handsome organ by which
the music was very considerably
The choir was
aided by Mrs. M. A. Wild-
Miss Cannon, music
tor at the Institute, Misses
Laura Davis, Sutton and
Nina Cherry, by whose assistance
was made better than
at any previous meeting. Miss
Cannon sang two solos which were
beautiful and touching. Miss
Williams rendered a lovely
in a charming and
manner ; and the editor of
the Reflector read an original
poem of seventy-two verses. The
audience expressed much
at the exercises. It is
purpose of the committee in charge
of the meetings to make them in-
and attractive and
forts will be put to that
Two new Members at the last
meeting of the Guard. They will
have another drill on the first i
Friday evening m February,
paring tor a visit from the
January is showing itself some-tor General.
what The last Wilson Advance
Point Lace Flour has been tried of our Superior Court,
and is the best and cheapest at the I it tor three weeks.
Old Brick Store. j Mistaken, brother. are only
a two week's term and
This has been a dull January in J this time the work was cleared up
business circles. just one week.
A new lot of Seaside Library ; ,. . . .
,. , , a . there was another narrow es-
. c . ,, .
v i u . cape From fire on last
call early and secure your choice at , ,
, ti II . -v o. j ceiling to one room of Mr.
Alex Stand. , t. , .
J. Williamson's carriage shops
of February is the date caught from i. flue but was
for the masque ball. before any
The rains and snows gave the damage was done.
A horse belonging to Mr. E. B.
Moore ran away on Monday while
Tar another send
Farm work has made but
progress the past week.
A letter from Georgia will
pear in next issue.
Get the Reflector some
subscribers for a birth-day pres-
If you ore going to plant
co this year burn your plant bed
Read the notice by S. B. Garris,
mortgagee which appears in
Prepare for work and work
strenuously this year if yon would
Those who are now planting
mortgages will in the fall reap a
harvest of debts.
The days have grown into some-
thing over ten hours and are grad-
Attention is called to the pro-
card of Alex L. Blow, at-
in issue.
Now it is more reasonable for
people to cry for
even the ground is frozen.
There was another slight snow
tall on Sunday evening ; only of
short duration, however.
Space is reserved in this issue
for V. L. Stephens. Look out for
bis advertisement next week.
We would like to have a
from every section of the
county to send us brief news
Tickets are oat for a masquerade
ball in Skinner's Opera House on
February 8th. A grand time is
A large schooner from
is at the wharf unloading a
cargo of fertilizers for Messrs.
Harry Skinner ft Co.
Mayor Perkins fined a man the
other day for being drunk.
said the offender as he
forked the
It is rumored here that Messrs.
W. H. ft Bro, of Snow Hill,
have failed, liabilities between I
A shed is being built on the
South side of Market
similar the one on the
site side.
License were issued by Reg-
of last week for the
marriage of a couple in which the
groom was aged years and the I
The Roanoke Baptist
will meet in Rocky Mount. Fri-
day and continue
J. W. and others
will attend from Greenville.
A local other
words your county worth
a good deal more to any family j
than price of the subscription.
And Reflector only costs
a year.
A generous hearted
sent editor and borne
folks a fin turkey on Sat-
Judgment was suspended
over in ease his name got into
print, so we return thank
with full appreciation of gift.
hitched to a buggy. Mr. Moore
was driving at the time, having a
friend with him, and both were
out, but fortunately
new ed no injury. The buggy was
When you run your hand in
your pocket to of the dollars
therein, see if you can't conclude
that one or two of them, by good
right, belongs to the Reflector.
Bring along our share we will
pass them on to some other
low. Turn about is fair play.
The Guard did have a meeting
drill last Friday and a very
good one. Eighteen members
were out made a creditable
showing. Some of their move-
upon the public square were
good. We would be glad to see
the Company having regular drills
with full attendance.
Mr. J E. Clark's new steamer
Alpha made a trip to this place
and Tarboro, last week having on
board a cargo of It
is a large, handsome steamer. On
her trip down on Saturday the
tall mast pole of the steamer ran
into telegraph wire where it
crossed the river here, it a
general wrecking tor some dis-
each way and broke line
in It took several hours to
damage and get through
communication again. Mr.
Fountain, General Manager of
line, is making arrangements to
cable it across the river so as to
avoid future trouble from passing
Charles Lewis, the colored man
who drives the mail hack between
Greenville and Bethel, is the
most and obliging carrier
on any route from this town. In
all kinds of weather be comes on
time, promptly delivering the
mail at and all ex-
press matter which he brings over
from Bethel to the proper owner.
Last week in all snow and
sleet and rain be not late a
single day, and as a reward for his
faithfulness several of oar citizens
contributed and made him up a
purse of 97.50. We are glad that
such appreciation of his services
was shown.
Jury List.
As drawn by the County Com-
missioners tor March term, 1888,
of Pitt or Court.
J. M. Wooten, Tilman Stocks,
W. H. Briley, G. W. Gainer,
Lawrence G. W.
Frank Dickens. R. C. Cannon, H.
B. Barber, James Mayo, Ty-
son, R. R. Cotten, M. A.
J. T. Allen, Pollard, W. L
Dudley, L. B. Mumford, J. F. Al-
J. C. Cook, B.
John A. Ricks, O. W.
H. C. R K. Fleming,
T. W. Wilson, Francis Little, J.
R. Forbes. L. B. Barney, B. F.
R. D. A. T.
Cox, Wiley Pierce, Leonidas
Fleming, Wiley Parker.
Nash Chapman, Alex Hardy,
Hugh Cobb, W. B Hellen. C. C.
T. Hooker, J. A.
On Tuesday, Jan 25th 1888 at
residence of the mother
Mrs. T. May, in Farmville N. C,
Mr. Leon of
st most prominent and
young men, led to the
Altar Mrs. Sue May Hill,
one of accomplish-
ed and beautiful ladies
bride was given away by
Mr. J. L. Barrett.
The attendants Mr. W.
E. and Miss Jane May
of Farmville, Mr. J. M. Murphy
of Kinston and Miss Lula Lang of
Farmville. Mr. W. If. Lang of
Farmville and Miss Annie Phillips
of Kinston. The presents were
numerous, useful and beautiful
After the nuptial ceremony, they
repaired to spacious dining
hall where a sumptuous dinner
awaited them, after partaking of
which the parties took their de-
for the home of
groom Kinston where their
numerous friends awaited them.
At the residence of Mr. Calvin
in township, on
Wednesday the 18th Mr.
Allen Crawford, aged and Mrs.
Jacky Ann aged Rev.
J. E. Craft performing the
The groom bad been a
widower two years at the time
of leading his second blushing
bride to the altar. The
tor wishes the young couple all
the happiness life can afford.
At the Institute.
Last Friday night the pupils of
the Institute delighted our people
with a highly enjoyable music re-
at the college chapel. The
exercises began at o'clock
and a pleasing was
First was the children's chorus,
Promised which was
beautifully sung by a class of
bright little girls. Following this
was song up the
by the same class.
This song was led by Misses Bes-
White on soprano and Annie
Sheppard on alto, supported by the
class on the chorus. The voices of
little girls blended harmoniously,
and Annie's alto was almost won-
for one so young.
Next was a recitation,
Little Miss Shep-
When she stepped upon
the rostrum, knowing with what
excellence she recites no one ex-
but that her piece would
be as it success in every
particular. She spoke beautiful
there was such tenderness
and expression that one could
most picture hero of her piece.
Such powers of elocution are rare-
found in a girl of nine years.
Then came a vocal duet,
Lily and the by Misses
Nana Fleming and Annie Harding,
the former on soprano and lat-
on alto They sang charmingly
and were generously applauded.
Both possess sweet voices.
piano solo. Bells
by Miss Bessie Jarvis, was
well rendered and her performing
bears evidence of thorough train-
Miss Bessie White recited
Model She . quite a
favorite with our people and on
this occasion fully sustained the
reputation she has won. She re-
cites exquisitely, and never lets
any part of her recitation suffer
for want of expression of pathos.
The audience wee delighted with
Following this came a doable
trio, distant by a
vocal class of six young
The piece was well rendered and
Miss Forbes in the pi-
played She is
fine and has excellent
class next sang a chorus,
Prof. then came
ard, spoke of the progress of
Institute and its work daring
fall session. He
dance had twenty-five per
cent, better than in any former
that no school in East-
Carolina could boast SO good a
local patronage as this. After re-
thanks the liberal pat-
the past and making an-
concerning the spring
session he called upon Rev. R. B.
John for a few remarks. Mr.
John spike about fifteen minutes
upon the needs of education ;
trials duties of teachers, and
how the teacher is often hindered
by parents of pupils from doing as
thorough work as he otherwise
would do. His remarks were well
To the groat delight of the
Miss Cannon, the music
teacher of the Institute then came
and sang two beautiful so-
Waltz She left the
amid great applause and in
to continued encores re-
turned and sang
and the
feel unequal to a comment that
would do her justice. singing
was superb, grand, showing excel-
lent modulation of voice, precision
of time and perfectness of tone.
That she thorough mastery of
music is no room for doubt.
audience greatly pleas-
ed with the entire entertainment
and would gladly embrace an op-
for another evening of
such rare enjoyment.
Sees the Boat and An-
Mn. Editor over
Greenville one week when
big boat cum up de river. In
course I went down see hit
when I got down I upon
one sheds git good
look While I up me
Independent Register of
Deeds cum long rite
under me He see
soon he es how he
reckoned Pete Carter had
be down I don't
know what in de he wanted
me be fur, but I writes dis
him maybe he
will have remark sum
time now de fourth
next November Pete Carter
be in place am
be good deal wanner
Independents re-
minds me letter in
week's Reflector Now
I reckon I'm
es is I I'll do
much fur success de
party es he will, but I
don't think he's rite in
de Independents de
begins. Hit will be all rite
snakes an throw mud on
after do
hit myself. But now, when eve-
am peaceful artist
nobody fur I don't
see no use
I wants advise save
his literature fur de four months
betwixt July No-
case he don't mind he
will be de fix John Sherman is
his give out an his
tongue in state
has also few remarks
make in regard de
pie. Now I've never in
my letters whether I
white man nigger or
I suppose everybody, by
sum process has fig-
out I belongs most
race denominated
by history
by de case in
course I can't what
he was read bis let-
over I don't much believe
he would I don't
believe in up be-
twixt no colors, or
De course
events will bring ill
without assist
is my opinion
am de
towns de state do an
i labor hit
could be got out of hit
would be good thing they
would all am all
so, I would like well
see leave, am also
good many whites
same towns I don't
would do
reparable injury by
state. But am
heap es well es heap
white don't lay
round de towns gain their
by theft. I want
bit's fur de good de
State fur too.
I mistaken, am em-
age settle in dis State,
I wants de nigger
leave de take
their place, but I reckon he'd
read what de papers de an
West has tell strikes
pauper labor chi-
riots then open bis eyes
look bow peace-
everything goes on betwixt de
two races in he
be so much in favor
de population off
warm land beyond de Sea
or warmer land beyond the
grave. Mr. Editor
don't de views ob
Reflector he don't
de views else
I begs leave assure you
will be one in
twill de death
Pete Carter, P. K.
Hog N. C, Jan.
A Composition.
Mr. will please
publish the following composition
which was written y one of the
pupils of u school in a sister
The reader will guess the sex
of writer
I wish to say a few words in re-
to. the boys. They think it is
smart to smoke, chew and carry
pistole when their pa is out of
sight. When boys get their
best clothes on, their faces
scraped with a razor, and get high
hats on and a watch in their pock-
et, then they think they are
They are always what
they have done and what they
can do. They can't cook, sew or
keep house. If you want your
home to look nice, it in the
care of the boys a few hours, I as-
sure you it will be good
to receive visitors. They
appear graceful ; if they try to
dance they look like a lame goose
trying to fly. When the boys get
about thirteen or fourteen they
think more of a little mustache
than anything imaginable, are so
anxious for one that they some
time put a little cream or their up-
per lip and lay down and get the
cats to lick it, to make their beard
grow. They are not half as nice
as girls. Their bands are always
dirty. B.
Tarboro, N. C.
S. Si.
Greenville. N. C.
their year's supplies will find it to
their interest to get our prices before
chasing elsewhere. is complete
in all Its branches.
always at Lowest Market Prices.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com-
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run, sell at a close margin.
Greenville, N. C
By m
Brown Hooker,
to Li
We have just
chased this stock at
figures far below N.
Y. Cost and are offer-
the Greatest bar-
gains in Town.
Highest Cash price paid for Cotton Seed or
Meal given in exchange. Has for sale
Lime and Cotton Seed Meal
I desire to to
your notice a beautiful
sample line of
Either for Cash or on Time.
A SPECIALTY it is to be superior to any fertilizer on the market.
. C
Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing
Hats, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Furniture
and Groceries. Rock Lime kept constant-
on. hand.
I have just received a large lot of
Braces for boys, girls, ladies and
gentlemen. need only to be tried to
give satisfaction
I can now oner to the Jobbing
superior advantages in Geo. A. Clark A
spool cotton which I will sell at
cents per doz., per cent. off.
I keep on a large supply of Hos-
Bread Preparation, I
f i sell at wholesale prices to merchants.
The patronage of the public is very res-
I have just opened a Jewelry Store at
the stand of G. L. and will
keep on sale a nice line of
and Jewelry.
Am also prepared to do all kinds of re-
pairing on such articles in a
and satisfactory manner.
Tennessee Wagons, for sale,
GREENVILLE, N. C., Mar. 1887.
On Monday, the 6th Day of February, i
1808, I will sell at the Court House
in Green vile, to the highest bidder, for
cash, the right, title and interest of L. V.
Mon in and to the following and
Lot, situated in the town of Greenville,
Pitt county in the North-east angle of
Plank Road street, on the West by
ton Lane, on the South by C. A. White
and on the East by Mrs. Lucy Brown, it
being the dwelling house now occupied
by said L. V. and the lot above
described upon which said dwelling house
is situated, to satisfy a vex ex now in
my hands for collection the judgment
under which the same was issued was de-
to be a Lien upon said property.
W. M. KING, Sheriff.
January 1888. Pitt county.
To B. C. and wins
notice that the not I bold against
dated November Is past
due and-H not within thirty days
from tats I shall advertise and sell
to law, the described
ii i
day of January
Notice is the partner-1
ship between the
undersigned as Grocers, in the towns of
Tarboro and Greenville, N. C, under the
style or firm D. Co., is
this day dissolved by mutual consent, and
that the said business will in future be
carried on by the said D, Lichtenstein,
Tarboro, . C, and Lichtenstein A
Schultz, at Greenville, N. C, who will
receive and pay all debts of the late part-
D. Lichtenstein.
U. Morris A Bros,
Jan. 10th M,
Thanking our friends and the public for
their generous patronage in the past, we
hope to merit the same in the future by
giving honest quality as well as quantity
and price satisfactory to all. With
esteem for all our friends we are respect-
Having disposed of my interest in
Drug business, I will in future devote my
entire attention to the practice of
Office at residence In
On Monday, the 6th Day of February
1888.1 will sell at the Court House door
In the town of Greenville, Pitt county,
a certain tract of land containing 166-
acres, more or less, in Swift Creek Town-
ship, adjourning the lands of E. E. Pow-
ell, J. S. May, Alfred smith, A others
which Is in complaint on
file in roll in Pitt Superior
Court on docket case entitled
S. B. Kilpatrick A wife F. M.
el ala, which de-
to be a Lien upon said Property to
satisfy an execution In my hand for col-
against F. M. Kilpatrick. W. J,
Kilpatrick, Sarah Kilpatrick, Edgar
House and Katie Boon.
W. M. KING, Sheriff.
1888. Pitt County.
The Racket Store.
Step by step the RACKET moves on, and step by step its law
value demonstrates the principles of mastery in business. Solve
the problem of success as you will, surround it with all mystery
possible, put in it all the fine spun theories you can invent and boil
them down into a nut-shell, then put them into practice and you will
find that yon have no better one than the law of the RACKET. Mas-
your business when yon buy, keep the mastery when you sell. Nev-
mark an item cents when you can afford to take seven.
purchased largely from several merchants retiring from business
at cents in the dollar and some goods for less. We propose giving
our customers the benefit of the bargains. The law of small profits
and quick sales is the only road to successful career m
To do this it takes when yon no man's
credit is equal to dollars, dollars when yon sell, for no man can sell you
goods as cheap on time as for cash. And if anyone avers to you that
your credit is as good as your money, look out, for the business man
who does it, knows full well the power of ready cash, or not learn-
ed enough i he principles business to rank him with a twelve
years old school Men goods on time ; of course they do, and
thoroughly dulled merchants in that line do it, but they make you
pay for it. If they did not they would fail. And a great many do
tor the reason that the law of it is the higher prices, the more
certain defeat. Big profits kill, small profits master the mercantile
business. The system is a failure, it encumbers the producer,
the farmers with debts that he never expect to pay. He gives a
mortgage on his horse and cow and everything save his wife and
and when he has done this, he is no longer a tree man. He
agrees to pay just what the merchant charges, and this is compelled to
be price to make op for those who never pay. At the
end of the if he has been very fortunate be pays up, if not he
goes on the same basis for another year, and it is year after year.
Below we of our leading bargains. We can save you
money on anything you may want in our line.
C. S. Parson's best Brogan Shoes at astonishing low futures
Best Calicoes cents Paper Pins cents
Papers Sharp's cents Spools of Cotton for cents
Cakes of Toilet Soap cents oz Bottle Machine Oil cents
Hemstitched Ladies Handkerchief cents
All Silk Ribbon cents per yard
Men's Shirts Linen Bosoms and cents
Balls Sewing Cotton cents Towels from cents up
Ladies Breakfast Shawls for cents
Men's Suspenders at and cents
Table Clothes at low figures
Ladies Hose and cents better quality
Men's Pants from f 1.00 up Note Paper cents a
Good Envelops cents a pack Buttons cents a and
Handkerchiefs for cents better quality for cents
Bustles cents price
Pocket Books cents Hair Brush cents
Combs and razors most any price Hatchets cents
Good Hammers cents Corsets for cents and up
Good Rubber Elastic cents better quality brocaded cents
Chemise well made cents
Lead Pencils for cents
Tin and Glassware at prices that will astonish yon
Give us a call be that a dime
saved is a dime made. Come all, little
and big, we will send you home rejoicing.
Very respectfully yours
which I have imported
for the Spring season.
This line consists of
many novelties never
before offered to our
people and prices I
guarantee to be per
I cent cheaper than usu-
That I have long
carried the finest line
of these goods is con-
ceded by all the ladies,
but this year our stock
will surpass that of all
previous times
In addition to this I
still have a few very
Fall and Winter
Having purchased the Ilium Dairy all
persons wishing to procure nice sweet
milk east apply to the or
leave their orders with E. O.
at the Hardware Store. Milk delivered
every morning wherever desired at the
following Pints, Quarts,
Halt Gallon, Gallon, IS eta.
These prise are the quantities men-
Land Sale.
On Monday the 6th day of February
1888, I will sell at the Court House door
In Greenville two tracts of land belonging
to the estate of J. M. Rollins, deceased,
and described as follows one tract con-
acres adjoining lands of
James Bullock. William Davenport and
others, one tract contain acres ad-
joining; lands of F. J. H. P. Bryant,
and others. Terms of cash.
and in prices I can com-
with the lowest.
Department although
it has been greatly re-
by heavy Fall
sales is not by any
means incomplete. I
have again brought
Stock to its usual standard and
I guarantee satisfaction in
class of this department. I still
continue to sell the famous
FRANK shoe
and the famous SO-
LA R TIPS for boys and girls,
I invite the public to
visit my tore and examine goods
and prices.
K. a

of and has secured
services of an assistant.
All orders can now filled on the short-
est notice. Dry and Stamping for
painting embroidery neatly executed
While iii the Northern markets she
very careful to select only the best sin
fate.-; style in the Millinery line, am
is prepared offer purchasers special in
to panic- it. Kerosene Oil, as
good a any in market and at
Sane now paid at the stores. ,
money trouble by
us to till Sitters
leaf's Of
and Dressing Hair.
-------r. it AB------
L A.
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything in my line
with all the improved appliances; new
and comfortable chairs.
sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
mix A look
. -1. for
;, lull.
If Cir
u m;
constantly arriving at
will you that they arc without a
parallel In to quality
price. A new lot of the latest style
received every few days.
at short
ail other
notice, ii home or at thou. Iron
done in the best manner.
Cylinder, Models made to order.
Look- repaired. Key-made or fitted. Pipe
eat and threaded. repaired in j
Bring on work.
Jobbing done
Mar X.
a R. R.
. So IS,
Dated daily last Moll, dally
ex Sun.
Greenville, N. C.
Good rooms
Peed Stable In
fl. S. F,
Polite waiters. Good rooms. Best
the market affords. When in the city
stop at the
on Main St. Washington. X.
N. C.
one night, .
Said gentle M
we are
And they
Tb be one
Who serve night and day,
And come sometimes to this dear old
To make go God's
Ah, darling thoughts so tender,
You need not wait till then; . ,
Tor the Lord has ministering service
For even a child
Before your hands are folded.
And eyes out front the day,
Before we cry Dear Maggie to dead
You can make things go God's way.
you make the sunshine
On a to break;
Whenever a sett-dental
For another's sake you make ;
W hen ever for the souls of the wandering-.
In name you
You arc spirit.
And make things go God's way.
j The world is of
Who have hoard-of Ilk love ;
I Can yon nothing do to lead them
To the better home above t
With sad and darkened laces
i To God they ;
. O thorn the story
And make things go God's way.
Disastrous Effects of a Kiss.,
and Observer.
Mr. Jennie Walker, of Ontario
N. Y., commenced action
against one of
prominent men in
for to the of
lot her on the left
cheek last September. She
that came into her
house on with
and M lien the went
The Raleigh
there are on in the
museum some of
canned, fruits from
of A. J. Son,
Flat Rock, N. and ate
fine as any manufactured. There
are now fifteen canning establish-
in the State, every one of
winch i successful.
This i one of the infant
tries of Henderson which
to assume a pro-
port ions. The canned f to-
etc., put op firm
ire superior to any which
can be bought in the and
tire sought for preference to North-
goods by all who are in the
secret. There is a wide field for
such industries in this country,
and is no reason why
of dollars should not be re-
each year for canned
The best Salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Fe-
Sores, Chapped Hands,
Corns, and all ons
and cures Files, or no pay re-
quired. It is guaranteed perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price,
per For kale by
Every should
contain it convenience for
long diseases, a
one-can be the treat-
of which a is useless.
To those blessed good health,
a bath give thrift and growth ; to
a. brightness
and delightful serenity, a clear-
of mind and buoyancy
it. It is certainly a blessing to
both mind and . body. For the
menial worker it is-a nerve tonic.
A thorough of water
of will and
give lone to the whole
The indoor In borer, who gels but
a scanty supply of fresh air, need
a bath to for in
of open
How docs sailor there is a
man in the Because he has been
to see and states that whenever he
has a cough or odd lie takes Taylor's
Cherokee of Sweet Gum and
Progressive Farmer.
We have persons
in in the United
States. This interest employs
over twice us many persons as any
other, and at the ballot box it has
a larger vole than all the others
it together. Why should the
toiling farmers of this
I. j to study or
Two elopements in I
leap rear came with
Ha to
maidens. At
won't he a bachelor club left in the
entire Bay State by the time the
violets bloom.
sat o cannot lire,
Bid do we.
a that T It is
with out
How this sounds.
Yet it is true.
at the of the cholera
and yellow ft-v. r, yet there is a dis-
ease at our doors in
far and
people have in
a poison, more
Mow; but n.-, fatal as the germs
f those win. ii sweep men
eternity Irv thousands without
in of great
But it is
we when
we are b The following
aye the yet they
do not fly appear in
the t, nor they
the In
is a drill f a bad
taste In the n,. nth. especially in the
tin change-
able, pool- and again it
seems the patient could
no eat i. ;, no
appetite mid slug-
mind; no ambition
Snore or less head-
i ii i in head;
to the feet or
Who can foretell a sudden bruise on
the leg of a favorite Salvation OH
for the stable.
The early bird catches the worm, and
a bad cold, which
does no injustice to the old proverb, for
with the aid of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
colds are of no consequence.
out of the room for a moment, he have Con-
suddenly leaned over and
her, whereby she was thrown in-
to nervous and be-
cause of the shock at bas-
, will check the be- If hf
from duties for diseases.
State legislatures for las
favorable to their interests.
Severe diseases arc frequently induced
by neglect of proper attention at their
Mrs. M Hurley, of San Francis-
co, who is one hand red
years old, has been left alone in j
the world, with no one to look
tar her in her old Age having re- j t some-
lost a , aged eighty and complaint, and then
Oil i ;
; and cont-
a of n load on
h-y akin st tinge
a the
sour in ; mouth,
by of
he heart; with
pots that to be
Fie air a cough,
a ins -i led
poor a sticky
lime about the teeth gums;
feet coM and i
temper and bound
and Tl is has
the and s-till
It i.-i the commonest of
and yet the most
in, . . v
Hi p
h at
School Tens, t I 00.41
CO. Can.
paper la kept on lie at the
, BOW 1-n
, S-r-1 i ll
I known.
a at the time
ii at
No I.
several weeks. admits
that he kissed her, but he says he
her as his and
I his act only one of affection
fur bar. He will defend the suit
until the very last.
let that cold of yours run on. You
think it is a light thing, it may run
I into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or
Catarrh i- disgusting, is
I dangerous. Consumption is death it-
The breathing apparatus must be kept
and clear of all and
matter. Otherwise there is
trouble ahead.
All i diseases of these ports, head,
nose, throat, bronchial tubes and
the use of German Syrup. It
you don't know this already, thousands
thousands of people can tell you.
hey have been cured by it. and
how it is, only
cents. Ask any druggist.
A Mistake Some Farmers
The baby's cries are it- only met lied of
letting you know that it suffers and needs
Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup. Price cents a
It is a fact that there is only
about invested in the
manufacture salt in the United
States, and only about per-
sons in any ray connected with
the salt industry,
and yet there is a tariff of per
cent placed upon this industry to
protect it against foreign
Now, can any good reason
lie shown why of
should taxed more than
doable the value of one of the
of life, to protect
, i. , m .
and entirely cured by men In other words,
on hand a Hue of the beat
B -i
Ar M
Also line imitation ROSE and
I with
, Trimmings. Having mod fa-
. for handling a new,
Hearse. I am prepared to give
.,, i personal attention at
3-5 j
. TO
on the day of Novel
non on
ex Sun of s- notice b
Ii OS lo
-21 am
n mi
fl pin
Dally except Sunday. SB pm
Train en Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland at
M. leaves Scotland
A. M. daily except Sunday.
Train N via
iii R. R- daily except
M. arrive
. s m r M. t, p m.
C daily
said estate to present them, prop-
t to me for payment on
before the day of November.
j or this notice w ill be plead in bar of their
All Demons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make Immediate
payment tome. WARREN,
non estate of S. Taft
000.000 of people, a few shy
locks may add to their boarded
millions. If this is not class
then we ask. what is it V
And yet these pets arc
not. with this, hut are or-
a salt trust to enable
them to protect themselves. That
is to so control the salt interest
as to set any price on they may
To the inform your
Why do girls like, northeast
winds It chaps to their lips.
Should it bring colds to their heads, let
them take Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet and
The who moves down life's
path and find it strewn
sweet surprises is he who knows
just how it's done, who a
store and advertises.
Elizabeth City Carolinian.
Too many who start out as far-
make the mistake of going
largely in debt. One of the
requisites of sale
agriculture is a floating capital in readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. By Its timely
use thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy to
any of your readers who have
if they will send their express
and post address. Respectfully,
T. A. M. C, N. Y
addition to the fixed one invested
in land and buildings If a man
has one hundred and fifty acres of
laud and no money besides, a
rule it would he better for him to
sell the acres tor cash simply to
use the money so m the
business, for the farmer is
caped who cannot buy enough of
tools, is not lo furnish
On morning, Jordan
Little, col., aged about years,
went lo his rabbit box, and to his
his house with I infinite joy, found the trap
IV pea
W r.
, get the cash prices for
what he must buy, such as seed,
j Mock, etc. And he should be
i above the necessity of selling his
I crops until he is sure they ate
the heat market.
This lack of capital hampers
many poor farmers. It
hinders us well the comparatively
wealthy who invest all they have
in land and fail to provide ready
money for use in emergencies
i in daily
have less laud and more
, I X A M,
N . M. I J
Train . Nashville
Mount at M. j r a G a
A M.
M, Spring p
Sluing Hope .
II 1.1 A M. arrives Rocky Mount H A
Train mi leaves Warsaw
for ii. daily. at
T M. K, Mining leave t at 4.1 A
M. at War-w
ville la Northbound
No. except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at I
rain No. makes close connection at
all points North daily. All.
and daily except Sun- .
skillful physicians, that pain U not
necessary in Childbirth, but results from
causes easily understood and overcome
It proves any woman may be-
come a any pain
It also tells how- to overcome
and prevent morning sickness, swelled
limbs, and all oilier evils attending
I II and highly endorsed
by physicians everywhere as the
true private Cut this out ;
it will save pain, and possibly , rail
life. Send two-cent stamp for descriptive ,
old Molly Cotton Tall inside.
When he drew her forth he
ed her back With glee, saying,
I am glad to see
you ; I ain't in so long a
time. Rabbit. Kiss
and so saying, the hind
feet he held the rabbit high the
and elevated his black lips to
lake a smack. As their mouths
came in contact, the rabbit,
pet that the black orifice
before him a hole through
which he could escape, made a
break for the mouth, and
seizing him by the nether lip,
clinched down upon it and held
tight. bellowed as
best he Ai did
not release its it was
choked by from the
house, who went in response lo
Jordan's cries. The lip was
considerably when
lust we heard from him, was said
r be looking as if be had been
struck on Ins Jake
testimonials, and confidential
; u letter sent in sealed envelope.
Frank Thomas Co
Are Owen Smith yes
must he, I am everybody But
I owe more to Dr.
Cordial for curing roe of the cholera
don't for the
id one Baltimore girl to another, bu and
The berry of the
us she raised an umbrella ;
China tree,
ion for all s; J her sugar or re-j which is so in this
Huts and Wash- ,,,,, , j,, f
Ml r in m
and have
ii. I. I 1.1 . I
N. B.
A ,
Printers and Binders.
t . o.
wonderful discovery has been , , i
made and that too by a lady in tills
country. Disease fastened Its
of i he young plants of cabbage
and cut worm in
The of
insert one of them
tests, hut . or, j
. Ir
ed For. m
not sleep. I Mt to a
is Electric
M so
M Bitters do all diseases of the
I lo Ho
symptoms of arc
happily too well known. They differ in
different individuals to some extent. A
billions man is a breakfast eater
Too alas, lie has an excellent
appetite for liquids but none for solids of
a morning. Ills tongue will hardly bear
inspection at any time; if it is not white
and furred, it is at all events.
The digestive system is wholly out of
order and Diarrhea or Constipation may
ho a symptom or the two may alternate
There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss
of blood. There may be giddiness and
often headache and acidity or
and tenderness in the pit the stomach.
To correct all this if not effect a cure try
Green's August Flower, it costs hut a trifle
and thousands attest its efficacy.
The Democrat says
the man who that his ex-
is to the move-
of the world is generally
buried m a pine without
See Here.
as maim in and even heart dis-
ease. But veil nature is that
It arises
in the organs and mod
affects, all the Other
corrupted and Reasoned blood
Often the body--including
nervous by l. la is
starred, is m
emaciation In story
i. there i
nit one d r r
cure this i i-
namely, of Knots
Mother k Syrup.
never fail,
If so buy
Combined Barrow
It is worth as much the cotton field
as a good hand. For sale by
J. II.
N. C.
J. L.
Williamston, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
N FULFORD, Agent, Wash-
N. C.
not a
t as wEn
Jailed .
told . i;
to get the g. U
GIVE i , i
i tin
i In ii j other so
. v-ill do
re by n
. i me a house
i be sure
, ; ,.
. .
Shaker t or
gel's mo to
r seven
up to die with consumption.
writes It. Grace,
Todd Ky.
bad been given up to
die with dyspepsia when I first
the advertisement Extract
if Roots or
sing four . able to at-
end to my well us ever.
know of several of
over that have Leon cured by
So writes Mr. cf
Geneva Co., Ala.
Mr. Thomas P. of the firm
of Evans ft Bro., Merchants, Horn-
Co., Va., writes
hat ho had been with digestive
for many years and had
tried and
without, benefit. He began to
use Shaker of Roots or
Syrup 1st of Jon.
1887, and was better in
three he him-
self a Well man. He
have at this time one bot-
on hand, and if I could not get
any more not bike a ten
dollar bill for
All druggists, or Address A. J.
White, Limited. St. N. Y.
Corrected weekly by ft
Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
Mess Pork
Bulk Shoulders
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulders
Pitt County Hams
Sugar Cured Hams
Brown Sugar
Irish Potatoes
A. Salt
Liverpool Salt
Star Lye
Kerosene Oil
ST. C.
D. J. Editor Proprietor.
w a
Remains Jan.
Per Year,
ever published ill
Greenville. It the
gives Matter for
the money than any other
published in North
The a
and and will devote it-
self to the material advancement
of the section in which it
Send your and get a
is called to tho row. as its
and circulation
makes it an excellent medium
through which to teach the people
When I Core I do not mean it rely to
top them a have re-
turn I A Al. I lit.
I have made the disease
tho worst cast's.
now n
Read once for a treat
I of my Express
It cunts you for a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
A torpid I lie
run., null produces
Sick Headache,
Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Sallow Skin and Piles.
There no remedy
Pills, as a trial w pros e. Price,
Sold Everywhere.
B m O RM tub
f ran null It -t- -f I
e., nil, on of Tor
i i i tin I- --.-I
x primed on
n old
or and and on
in in music, Ow
f. ml to
Afar If, ti -.-. of Malta
and Millie Book, ii.-in
All Sold
Place In I . M. lo
BATES Southern Music
nil in the
U. Patent or in the Courts
t- For Moderate Fees.
We are the
Office engaged in
can obtain Patent ii
lest time than those remote
hen modal or is Hen
we advise as in free
of and we no
We refer, here, to the Port Mas-
vi Money
Div., and to officials of the U.
Patent Office. For circular, ad viol
terms and reference to actual oil
in own Stale, or county
address, A. Snow
Washington, V
; i
14.78 to
M to 6.50
M to
A fee II
. v, i
I r
f. r
I Hi t a
. Turn I-
-I i ,
ill kl.-l- I. , m
Iii.,,. Um, i
I SH fat p ;
I m . .
. I i
i .-. I
If an. To I
. I ill .
-i A .
. rim I
fur , m ;
m and u, , I i ml lack I
All i
nil Mill; lift
fill-. Th-l i MM la. I
a I
or I
A of
la o Is
t y
I lit ad nm
of am II. II n .-till t- i. d
J a few
MM Ml rent
K. V.
ilia r m
out of mill of
I tin-
Annuls It with
you to th
r SR., m
Any one to give It h trial for
a f mm nip, tor I
t .
In In
I, h no
It In n
On I. m i few
Of Know hi t
The up is
any a
or anything In
guaranteed or no charge mads.
M w

Eastern reflector, 25 January 1888
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 25, 1888
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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