Eastern reflector, 5 December 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to s-e me for your next Barrel of Flour or Fork.
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
Something Nice
you want go
Johnston Bros.
fur it In all seasons will
the and freshes goods
at our store, now we are
well-supplied in all
kinds, randies, Pickles, Mara-
Canned Hoods, Smoked
Meat, Lard and best Mo-
in tin- of
lasses to be ti
Groceries at
i, j. M
and ll
i .,., To rule I ills
The As Indiana of fulled
for on India
him new trim
up UM
him one.
tared sod
arrested th.
civil and Immured in dun-
arbitrary and
volcano which
death boor.
m i .-
.-5.-H. plot, sod
rekindling or fame of den-
err lo Hi-
b. the nun
there will Ir
Of Kill killed Slid lb-
rebellion, but Hi-
In, toe
loss i
Prophet ml
his win it, III he
have I ml
i. I'S
.,. ,. III bin 11-i V II- I.-1
for mi lb. .; ins. to
mid I of Ms tarns id
Ion, I i. ms
in of V
ml In i
with Hi. II
In, it i II
,., ,, . i
lien far ll i II
In ii ; r
i I
be ft
I has
found t.
I- u venerable mid look-
Ins man II lie beau
. and yet an
left to It and for-
bid lb- to talk.
bad Of native who ,
a-, it no .
drawn ha.-L and
mid I
and by. Tb.-n
bout III- . Ills
f,. like Hun of u monkey
n tint. A went
forward to
inn las Idler
and In a Jargon
forced out words
lo the
win. in-w-d lo III- Now
tn-ii a casK In with re-1
sorts I
a lo be the bearer
Hi- raw-
n-l. he stuttered and mend aid
. fool f.-w words
ii did
The colonel lot and spoke to
Idol sharply, mid lb.-
b f.
cane Mm, said the
, .-I a who
drawn by
him replied
the captain ti the
down over the
i .,. . two
then, out
you know in.- am
set n
t test
i am I sin. i you, i
lain lo
II . . ,. i,. looked
to Bl
Hull's, and
the yon n-out
I.-H. it ion don't want in, I win
,., i. k
And an
and wonder
and .
Id . ll.- wan
bill in
kept for bias, bat
ii. vi-r n d.
Loan Value.
Cali Value.
, up
;. Insurance that
Is Null
. Will In- if arrears
ire living, or within three years i lapse, upon
of with Interest.
N. S.
are payable the of the -i
year, provided Hi- premium for the year he paid.
They may be l. reduce or
Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable r the
J. L.
ii i i.-l l-rood run
Ml the room,
t pi
including in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern Hats.
a lie mi. a
t. full of up
pool and was i noting n f
goal every village hi paused
Mr refused cash
what the would
hardly eat and
of . ll-
of and
i- km
the shoulder, than
month t lb
rel i
When I tenant to
face the prophet, he resolved t
try and argument.
could but did de
Ire ace dragged
and degraded
for at
nil be h enough adherents
train to have eaten Hi- ten
tin on after an Interview
1.1 for
that . return mountain
The prophet h
word, but return flow ThU
aria caused the crowd
blocking and exhorting him
to defy I--- He bad i.
v. t made tulles on backward
k . a . urn
with The Hi I
from duly under a
I order were to
i -f
the of
; bat D . I I I .
mi Impostor a charlatan,
, . . ;. .;. I .
pulled by i.- and
pat on bin raiment.
i In ii-
in of and the full
offended of cast and re
and Instead of raising
Indignation the
in horror, It con
Captain clad In full
forward and
gathered iii- long white beard in in
clutch. It faced,
and cringing native who fin
back before the band -f
Captain bad
the face earth while
of that l a era full
upon b m . look
ed upon the it range scene, of
them wire A
men it. and It
talked wherever
met in India Hut dared not
refer t u fear the
The lieutenant, now
I -t the troop rode through crowd
a score but captain
not be id. lie beat up
try ground, he coaxed and threatened,
with hi face to the and
followers were dumb.
bad t- turn back. No bad
I report rent colonel
, than purl
man la the
command t t above
it against common
to batter Hie but tiny
that u men had
lie They bad t accept their lean
Clear Hie tin only
r tea bet lo a
,. , If I
if cutting
wall all
A certain
of t
peaking in n ,,,
the f nth
go ll With a
, Kb
fixed id
i- d It
per I the
V irk IN at that little
after arrival laud
the matter,
their in are yon
with the
n.-ti- said
one ; a Made biting the end
of It.
lady could only is
your Idea of aha at last.
Little by came
To begin with,
the height of a man.
if this were taller, would It be like
l- it
-Why. i- out
and other
Then explanation
par They had drawn their Idea
of from the black
prints of and look.
Dealer Ball ken i mum.
Mr-. V, v
In Wot,
to know what
it it which
beautiful In mania known n
Borne people think they
Come from the hundreds of little
which out over the
trunk of tree p m a clearing
i made around it
say that la not only
t a tree la to cut
Then no by
which can Judge,
a of
II. Many ago he
offered a log for to
w cm Into it
in Una
could only by cut-
it. He declined th bat
agreed the log col Into
what u worth. owner
sawed and wan paid for
h.- k; one who can dis-
Corer of in-
1.1 lot i lure of wood from the outside
Will have n
The old maid
to the they re-
turn.-d to take their place at Vet
be today in pot
trail-, by which darn the
of palace where they
their futile, often lives
The jovially
laminate the and the
of the royal
and were
by which the food father ad
not quite but they
Rag, Piggy, Tat ten None
a trait of beauty, nose
bad Intellectual resources above
ordinary Bare
Mine Adelaide, who had
to make in and
of the Era.
I the only American of my time
at the of Bonn who Joined
the the
beat at the
Toward the end of the term I had
go-l link lo be pitted against Baron
when he and
got the better of him. This gave me
and my hit
did not a
at the and
taking my degree I went to Vienna to
tea little of life at that capital hod
letters t of the there,
and my were
or One
evening after attending the open with
o party gentlemen
then to sup with me at a
While we were who
h bat He paused close
to me, not to me. but
at me, and be walked behind
Chair be purposely ran it. I
was at raising a of
wine lips, and n part of the wins
on my shirt front. I
and, on n foolish but
impulse, threw what remained
in the in his face.
The I hod done to I
that likely my own death
warrant. would
me, as l bad not touched
s sword In two years and he bad l
come In Its use, well u
merciless opponent, must either
the white feather and i-e
among m Vienna friend
rat my
chair, that it was
and. raising his hat. politely
pa Bend on. Not one of my friends but
what would follow, slid the
party up limned lately. I went
to my with a young Dr
with whom I was intimate
The challenge came before we
rated, and I was thrown Into
a serious mental condition Since lent
ins bad
or more duels and had never
man. me lo
think no more about the or I
would until if take advantage
of what alight chance there was f.
me; that be had eared friend of his
once under similar and
he would try his plan with I placed
my ens, in hi turned and
hour or to fall
The evening after dark Dr.
Koch came me and told me that he
had arranged everything and if I won d
keep my head all would no well a
me. l the Ho
right to choose the and tin
time place of the A
for me, Dr. Koch
in n dark room. The duel to
place Immediately In a room of a third
party, Without giving me time
ii ell horrible conditions lit
b hurried me to the meeting place,
but before entering the u
be took to another where a
gentleman was walling, lo whom
Am Introduced- forth,
most noted The
two once begun to
my a camel's hair brush that
dipped lo tome As
as bad bandage
was over ml and kept
there for tome twenty minutes, when
it was taken off, and we went
to rooms in the same building
when the was to take place.
A few moments late, and I
were thrust Into the dark room,
door was Cloned and locked.
Now. It is t exclude pi r
either light or heat from an
apartment One might as well attempt
to form a perfect vacuum. Scientific
ally there is no such thing as
a absence of everything from
any given The treatment of the
bud enabled me to lake ad
vantage of what light there was tin
room, nearly all of Which through
an Imperfectly titled door, under which
there was a strip unprotected, lb this
as It may. could distinguish the
In the room. Including my
enemy. I could make out his
but bis was guile per-
especially bis face and hand.
.- lighter than the rest, lie
remained perfectly for awhile,
when and. hearing the
lug of my boots, he came toward DO.
I gilded this time without
any sound, another
him a cut on the hand which
totted no hi word. Before
he could it i pruned from
side, drew from
where the word bad fatten, and then
I took it up myself.
said, are at my
mercy. I lime your agreed
Finish the murder. what is
it certainly Is
have no for your life.
it to you.
The opened, party
the adjoining room entered. bud
given an ugly cut the hand
and a slight the fleshy part
of his back. These the doctors
on a renewal of the
circumstance that
would enable is
but my declared that would
nut be to longer
in the dark
sulkily declared himself satisfied,
the party
A non as alone With ,
charged me, both on my
own and theirs, to keep
in n secret, If It
became would be
socially and I had no
to it.
This teas to
Dyspepsia. Constipation, Ski
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The result Is good
i . to
No Substitute---------
Richmond, Va.
The Greatest Stock of Fine
and Medium
It Is
. i .
If young in Id small
towns, would form
this upon existing
It would result great
not only to the young people be-
longing to but
to the towns themselves.
We o grant many men and
men side trucked all along the
ways of life because they wen not
taught the value of good manners and
of a tine, gracious courtesy their
youth. The result Is that tiny have
grown up hard and course and
manners have been
to win favor or attract trade or
In words, their bad
and repulsive ways have kept
them handicapped their ca-
It Is astonishing how tine manners
and In children develop into
ease and manhood
womanhood. Other things
the employee who I selected for
advancement Is the one with good man-
a flue, gracious demeanor, a good
presence. These are the lest
kind of capital, even better than
we see young men and
young women drawing big salaries
largely of their polite
tine are
everywhere as as I
n. as traveling
M clerks, private or
credit men. In fact, agreeable deport
I Indispensable
sought after everywhere.
There Is nothing else which will so
quickly open the to opportunities.
to society, to the bean of nil
Courtesy is to business and society
what oil I to machinery, it makes
thing run smoothly, for It eliminates
the Jar and friction and the nerve rock
in the South.
E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily A. M fur Him.
ville, leave daily
M. for
i at Washington with
fin Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek.
all for Weal with rail
Shippers should freight
I In Old S. Co. n
New York; Clyde Line
Bay Mat
SB. from
and Line from
N. C.
J. K. Hunt.
j. ff. k
Norfolk, Va.
Bagging, Tie and Bags. J m
I- and u
II n i He Hadn't the to
A bachelor of Baltimore,
known In educational
circlet, the truth of the
following He was driving with
a very pretty and attractive young
man when on the outskirts of the city
they met a hid of about twelve year
leading by a chain a singularly ugly
; but finely bred terrier. The pretty
girl went Into raptures over the dog.
her escort determined the animal
should be hers.
he called, will
you take fur your
replied lad.
cried Mr. Blank,
I won't here dog for
said sir. Blank, and then,
growing fifteen,
the owner still refused.
All the time conversation go-
lug the youth, although talking to
the man In the buggy, kept Ida
fixed on the other occupant of the
and at last be said
don't want money, but If you'll
Just give that lady there a kiss
may have the
Mr. Blank was speechless, lie stared
at the boy n and then put the
whip to his horse, stalling off
story goes Hint a mile gone
over without n word being spoken,
when a the horse's rapid
slower It turned down a country
lane the pretty girl turned ever
slightly and said shyly. Mr
why didn't you buy that
, HIT,
nine Hardware.
J. K.
p in
p m
T p m
s in
Daily I-
B in
p Bl
p id
a m
a m
p m
p in
s pm
s a
p a in
p a in
V iii
to .
in. iron, Didn't
for Is .
V, but you
an- worst I t
. A
Three Times Slow Starvation
the Value of
Any Other.
la fate of sufferers from ape pal a and
If your food It up
I I , .
n are belittled and made of
no account In every ex
the Indignant head of the
deliberately slight her flow malty
really tn towns In country
are named lo of n
Bald her husband,
you Chicago
married on
you know.
mauls kepi n
ha ml. Country product t-mM an
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Dry Groceries, Confections,
etc., lo
The only that a map
cannot life la the one
of least, Influence.
Influence k If
on parade, when he posing la
I. woefully
small, but Influence,
radiation of Ida per-,
effect of Iii. words and ,
acts, tho trifles be never Is
tremendous ., of life I
la to a the life of b, I
whole world. Every man
which every I
lo and Is . , ,
this that may . I U I I I I I l I J
SI, . and Mining- I ill
on No., and to Tampa
II. m. w. j.
Asst, Urn. Pass, Aft.
T. If. T. M,
N. C,
day, and
in-,. ,
I Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
school M. A. Allen
; lay. and evening. Stay
i steeling Rev.
II M. Bare, school
in. I. H.
day a. m K. B.
W. B. Cox,
Minister. Morning and evening
prayer with every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay service
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday a. in . W. II.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m
C ii u urn as Preaching
and fourth Sunday in each month
Player night.
Saw. D. W. Davis, Sun-
P. M., B. Par-
, ; regular service
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
luck, N. C.
BO hand. low
forget that It O. Jordan.
For a
thought what
you would the literary for-
as hi. train entered the
tunnel, thin cave
In when you about half way
replied the Chicago
demand the rel urn of my
And literary foreigner a
memorandum notebook, lie had
another peculiar-
Chicago Record.
In of the girls
haw a pretty In which
ii of flower, a part. If s
girl ha, several and to
know which of would be true to
her. and drop,
a of waler. giving
the of one of her The
leaf that remain, floating
the man
may rely on and ab. would
therefore do well to
A. F. A. M
meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M . J. M. Bee.
K. River Lodge, No.
every evening.
W. H. C.
K. of R. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, O.,
D. I.
R. A- el
meets every Thursday even-
W. B Wilson, Secretary, J.
A. O.
No. meet every first third
Thursday night in Odd Fellow
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
The Stuck every I. O.
and j as low the Nd. MU, second
lowest. Highest market price, Monday in
W, B.
D. B.
Whichard, N. C.
paid for produce.
J. C. I
American and Italian Marble
II 1.1 . N. C.
sad Iron Pence sold.
Clerk Superior Court, P. C.
Sheriff, W. Harrington.
of T. R. Moore.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
It true that men of genius do
know the value of V a.
afraid It Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
men of Stocks, Cotton, and
little of It that they never Private Wires. New York,
have a chance to form any New Orleans.
on the
II ll I fl A Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
I j R. L. Davis, C.
fin J Tucker, W Little, J. J. Sat-
u Cannon.
ll. I meet, every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, H. L. Carr.
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
and I. Dudley.
Aldermen, l. L.
Charles B F. Pat
rick, E B. B. L. Carr,
W. R. Parker B, F. Tyson.
Hoard meet, every first Thursday
You Write
a personal letter to every
member of the best
lies in Pitt County when
you advertise in
Eastern Reflector
The Eastern Reflector
Commercial Printers , School
Books, , Office Supplies. Etc.
Ricks a Wilkinson;
Washington Letter I
Only the Host
Dependable Fabrics
Capital the Nation.
, Dee. I, 1903.
It i
hie, for many years enlivened
a which attended
tin- opening if the session
of to-
day. With ample ma-
in both chamber and
republican in White
there i widest
of opinion to prospective
legislation and even old-time
leaden arc divided on Rome of the
most Important questions. Tariff
revision, of course, lakes lead.
Senators and Representatives from
western slate there
I must be taken In
Therefore i lo redeem
mi republican victory in
I heir slates achieved. The
eastern men, tin- oilier
there shall be no tariff re-
vision now and I hey expect
prevent calling of
for t hut
Are utilized in making the gar-
we sell both men
and is allowed to
pass that does not certain
high standards durability and
fast color, and we guarantee
every garment sold,
you do not rake any risk when
buying here.
Let us show you how we can
save you money on your business
regard lo trust legislation,
or dress clothing, and on your iii
be none others, among
Missouri Leads in Production
of a Million
Pounds Sold Last Week.
Winston Journal,
Notwithstanding fad
I hill
Ricks A Wilkinson
In addition to the best stoves in the world we
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
ware store.
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The Proof Doing is We Do.
among them
in, less Influential a man than Sen-
president of the senate,
that law in
he amended In with
The of
republics,, s outlined for your
by a well posted
will to
legislation a Mr.
requested and as President will
urge, in Hie Min time assuring
the trust so longs have
a republican administration
Will have nothing to four the
Attorney General,
nit the democrat to win there is
mi knowing extent a
attorney general will go
order to destroy the in this
way, says referred lo,
republicans hope to make
the trust law u club with which to
extort campaign fund from
trust iii mm.
As it to the evil
trust system, the news has
reached Washington to
Morgan, in
connection with the Barring
Brothers of under-
to to
Of for newly or-
of lay
that the democrat the Boom
ready to assist I heir
effort to con-
the trusts and Unit will
give republicans no ground lo
charge with obstructive pro-
in ease the latter make an
honest attempt to tin
present law or enact a new
more effectual one.
There was Intermingling of
congratulations and condolence
the Capitol today. Twenty live
representatives have failed of re-
the ex
them numerous as
were the offered
the successful candidates. On
side of the two
desks stood out prominently. Rich
was draped with crepe covered
with honor of
both of Texas, who lave
since Congress adjourned
July On republican tide one
desk was similarly II III
that occupied by
I lint. Out of respect to the
Thursday was Thanksgiving
and a holiday, there were some-
thing over a million pounds I,,
sold on the local marks
during the past week. The
was very good and
weather early lo
week quantity is
High prices prevailed the
farmer are very well d it la
season generally, ll I.
that about per cent, of the en
lire crop will lie in helm,
The for week are
a follow
Pounds. Price.
l 1,527
Tuesday 20.140.07
The of
I'm month will
pound and
sale amounted
354.82, divided
On cigars,
According the annual report
the of Internal
Revenue the stales of
Ohio, New and New
York, order named, were
last year producers of
chewing and smoking l.
News and Opinions.
time of i-
when matter toad improve-
would lie ii question
ii the wasn't too
a match.
Tin. man who . on his
mi n section always proves the
ii reel roe. we have John .
Wise, a Virginian, John
a attempt-
lo the new
lion of Virginia restore I lie
lo hands of ignorance,
Al the same time Bullock, a
State r the carpel hag regime,
declare Republicans if they
do mil in restore
,,,; ii- iii the South
will lose Hie close
ex Southerners
a iii lake the
dial he
now has and the time fas-
ten a yoke on I hill will
forever ii e
action Southern politics.
Rah s.
II had
less lime In learning lo lead
more lime in g result
read Mi-
ll I- I l III I IV
u y ii
m an ideal school
ground should be, for,
o e I
W-w York
in tin- pm
of law leaf tobacco,
more than 805,000.000
were exported. During tin yea
The total
wen BU,
There were
out the country
which Include.
The total of cigar nun
for whom iv
tor the year 1901
wan which
of cigarette.
The total number of made
weighing more than three
per thousand WM 6,391,390,776,
of when
compared with production of
The total of l-
v. Hot than
compared with pro-
duct for the year.
The total of
made 8,736,153,697,
a of from
election have In
and have the
sort of lite
politico arc f Be-
will some excuse
for not rampant,
If is n good
of p feel
moan when
Durham Herald.
Washington, S
Last while
at his store and In-- wife was
Simmons, a young
employee of Pamlico lion
Works, broke a window of the
over a
succeeded in
64.00 in money. Several
heard the window break
with lights. Th
broke out and got away.
the trail,
practically going over hi- trail
twice. The dog went
home and then followed him down
town to where be had
baa retained a lawyer
one town A
preliminary hearing will be held
tomorrow mid will be
1st, will come
in federal people
have they want,
t-. not want
be n I
be t It, If North
wants let North have
and will look upon ii
none of lie
The expense of i lie state are
a will not
the . Now is the time ti
took this
Mil ham Herald,
Greenville Warehouse
makes no claim that is not out facts. An
of for everything on our during the month of
August its own talking about what Man and
the rest of do for those who sell at the
Warehouse. You only have to try us to be convinced that m
will get you the highest prices every time.
Proprietors Greenville Warehouse.
Fame is a glorious but u
small regular
satisfactory lo
It happens that a pol
is never out
as is in one.
ll stands to reason that any man
who would hook a would lie
about it.
What women like about a sad
play is that cry
of com pan J.
less a man to I is
own more some women
I ill lei him know he not to
say it.
women are so deceptive
when are sweating they MO
make think the ate
Widows urea dial
Hat 5000.000.000 In Gold.
No. -Tin gold
has reached the emu
total 1600.000,000, the
largest sum In gold ever held in
any nation. Prosperity
deuce have brought forth
gold from hiding.
i present conditions people
paper The
of trade with foreign countries
has been largely in
is heavy lit gold pro
duct Ion.
More pieces
I tho laud year la than
tore, their was
your It the
do any and I year's owing to a
lakes up the other the mailer m
who wants to tell his.
em n ally and
endeavor to make teal
i ideal our would en
in vain so
are. truth, public grounds,
passer by lo mar with
by-path and free for
lo range upon and hogs
to up-root. if you will,
grassy plots gravel
grounds and tennis
U free such intruders,
to discourage
Truly, amid
which u spends ah ml one
half of his should
a we ran
in s .
K, i i- o
h , r . ii nun e
i run inputs of
Seed ion I hen lasting
II. file hi
school d
in In
and in ail Gal
in the growth
How pi -i. if w ill lie
iii mi one -i I its tie-
A fro
school then a ill one of great
They will be on
the early, eager to see
what have place
. not
I tardy then.
Vi a a w beau
in w be i-
id, and for lie love
care, watch how steadily is
weakened that spirit of destruction
we are prone to believe is
in all children, u
a; The ll
pride the
ground, love
s w ill
in- worth a thousand
Do you e in school pale
I girls and dull Who,
cannot do
work, do not even feel
playing at if they do no
, . . sort Place
grounds, tennis courts,
i-I games, and
the C i I lit eel-
In I hut dull mi ml.
Verily, I believe there is not a
more say lug than
w ind no play make Jack ;
dull Hi-ill Mill and
in those games i.
not roses to cheek
to will
also i a -t mental .
and there will be no
a recess
Aside from and
mental such
there i- a moral
in will make lights and
quarrels frequent,
and will in-
of will
create In children a love
the beautiful which is an
of tine culture
ml refinement. Surely we warn
pupils in become
non and women
More than that, will nut eon-
slant in budding trees,
blooming Dower, and works
nature lead them to think of
causes results, make them
nature sail laws,
the laws l f
Do punctuality
regularity In attendance
lo loyalty to
school f
ho you mint care conduct,
work, and personal appearance
Do want hearty,
HIS recollection of most of us comfort was the
only requisite in a Shoe, but today this
with an artistic in harmony with
the mode of season. We know you will be glad to learn
a Shoe has last produced, strong in every
part, graceful in easy and comfortable in every way,
at the extremely low price of 19.00 per pair. We are sole
agents for tho slim in this city, and we
Inspection of these excellent Shoes at our store.
Remember we also carry a full line of Shoes of
other makes in the popular leathers at popular
years of
hoe building
In five great rep-
resent to
Every pair of
lock well, cu
what ails you wear, and
combine the of
with of
wearing value
Look for the sign
marks the Popular Dealer.
Sell tor Men, Woman Children
, .
livery man should be Interested in our popular
We will be glad lo you cull mm If
looking for something or other kind, we
Yours truly.
J. B. Cherry Co.
for nature may
love God
County Board of New c
ground enable as
in i our from which
of county,
view with condemnation
Mr. i to Wed Pretty
continue our steady lo- of for conducting
ward the desired goal gambling devices known as sloe
machines. We learn that such
machine are licensed to do bust-
The de-
upon the youth of our
city, is manifest we ask the
granting said
U going to join the arm hens- revoke the same and we invoke
He fulled his friend the strong arm of the
about it, that was press the crime.
hardly to be expected.
However, the engagement of i
who has mads
Mr. famous, Hies Mar-I
Abbott, of Mrs.
has been announced.;
the stories
forth the to his friends
from New York. The bride i n
resident of Chicago, has
her home Paris for
pa-i years, is described
i typical American
achieved lame winning the
handicap golf
some time ago
Mr who now calls New
bis home, has leased n
West street.
Here he will make his home after
hi- man it is
will take plate during the winter.
Mr. has become
throughout tin- and
witter of humor, lie
. m life Chicago as a
and made his as a
time be as in editorial charge of
the Chicago Journal. Dunne
wrote the for The
and only treated local
When he branched out
national hi,
Do want mi
Do you. i ll
lbs i and i
I Do you to create sud
A i
Chicago, Nov.
report, u in A
exploded shortly
ten o-clock
Thirteen lives vats sacrificed
of visitors and
others were injured. Huge boilers
through the roof of
structure and hurled hundred of
feet, Nobody within the boiler
room survived to tell the story of
it may never be
Known the expiation,
a careful today,
however, convinced the experts
the explosion the result
of on the part of an
whose own life also was
nothing of the building
ii of twisted Iron, brick
mortar remained.
of Maine sprang from
ruins the spectators
that would be to save
the lives those who were caught
in wreck. The explosion
of lurch force adjoining bull-
ding, were wrecked, torn
twisted like toys. Men,
and at work subjoin-
mi. were hurled
through window,, to the ground
below. Many of them escaped
with slight bruise, but
of the victims were hull
that It was necessary lo
men an-great indeed tint I remove them to hospitals.
get with them were taken to

N C.
of the next Legislature
are very lo
the people whose pockets
. D. J. Editor I empty. A dog
tar wouldn't be what you might
U second mail matter.
Business dull Brazil.
call popular, and it in Mil w
any experiment.
might pay it
results to he obtained BOOTS
next revolution is price. bow-
ever, such a dog tax w. aid be
at this of things
Wouldn't your friend, be w
if could see you you we
,. i
Enormous Sales of the
Greenville Tobacco
on its
embarrass is, after
If Dr to get a, , .
looking at matter from several
real he ,.
it that the
. a dog tax is by far the
serious objection be
it- knows
that's Only a
Sold Here During the Months of
August, September,
and November.
the trail for the capital of
NEARLY 13,000.000 POUNDS
county and write a history of
the sleuth November the
Greenville sold
pound tobacco for 289,886.75.
This Bases a total in the
months. August in
1st. of pounds, the total
The Chicago man who coughed the Fifty-eighth Congress, like amount paid therefor being
of n . daughters had a
of tried
almost everything, but without re-
lief. We then tried Cherry
Pectoral, and three and one-half
bottles cured Emma Jana
Cherry Pectoral
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping-cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
Threw .
j kit
Barber Co.
J Everything you want in
Confectioneries. Also Toys
I and Fireworks. Come to
see us. We will be pleased
p to serve you at prices as
low as the lowest.
Yours to please,
I Winterville, N. C.
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
Fruit Jars.
A u. gets a
ever lime. If it
YOU bring bark tin- stuff get dollar.
ii chestnuts
were used to fatten the While
turkeys, the forthcoming,
message will put you
to i in the first stanza.
violation begins
to approach it in seriousness.
North Carolinian.
Washington Nov. Uncle
Joe Cannon, who is to be Speaker
Have You Forgot
up a is probably wondering scores of great men from Illinois,
which is the wiser is not a native of the State. In
the water cook the or
take them the half shell.
N. C., lire.
men make many
true -living. It
ill in the are of
market going to sell above about toe same mind as using
tact. is some
like the State from which pounds by the time the Ire Judging from the n
,,., ,.;,,., ,,,, ;, . . ,. , .,,,,.
statesmanship lo develop else , , .,
t i , out will Joe spent in
Modern literature will never be where. Represented m the pres
I Congress men high This amount of money paid nut In
complete a method is
who tries to through gate Senators for idea of what the
sidewalk a one In a generation are doing,
recording angel herself. the Senate. .
post up the day of Idaho; Dietrich, of J
natives of the
An exchange tells us that a Oat- is a M
clerk of court has son a Yorker by birth.
for successful. Illinois
and and
. . . lo In- inti-n-.-H-d tin-
Of North Dakota are all I
Prairie Stale,
a participant in the school
Bill and daughter, Manic.
who been visiting friends
of this here, bare returned lo Washing
Misses Urn Cot and Bertha
Newton attended the
The serial of meetings
have been conducted here for the
announce to the public, week by C. W, Blanch
whom we have been ard. closed Sunday night with
and almost by tin- There were twelve
puritanically pious brethren, who, additions to the church. Ml.
bless their dear modest hearts, practical way of put-
could sit and at Sam ling things makes It a pleasure lo
smut while leas holy or sup both young and old lo talk
Bed to be, hung heads, well to
wish to state that one cent Misses Cornelia Daisy Mum-
, the will the church get, even attended church
raw material 011.1 w
elsewhere. North Carolina though we have bean here stayed over
MAKE IT CATS-THE WOMEN CAN'T .,, a after the baptism.
VOTE YOU KNOW record furnishing raw material There were sever. ,,,,. Perry, W.
VOTE. KNOW. w Mr don. on the stage that nigh spending- with the
finds of which the bail no boys, bus toNes Bern
the Legislature to put a tax of no indecent dressing, giving in with bet
form of
who are to lie tried for their
again be able to boast of a native
lives, and that clear, solemn u,, ll a Heal,
tones he calls the prisoners to bean born tn county.
if North Carolina. In If till-
to be king- has made u specialty in
. , , ,,. ,. ,. ., the stale
come in
Mi Mary Smith pent Tl
Senator Hawley, of no and in Greenville with
who got the glimpse of day- nothing half shocking lo the ,., M.
county North ears of real modesty I beard Mis raft, from Lexington, Ky.
in both Methodist and is visiting her daughter, airs,
This winter air
is a reminder that the holiday
la bare, I am ready for it
with an attractive line of
The very handsomest assortment to lie
found has been especially for
my holiday trade.
than ever
have an endless
of them, suitable for parlor, lied room,
dining room, ball, library cozy corner.
China and Bisque Ware
both ornamental and serviceable- You will like
Cut Glass, Silver an Jewelry,
Our magnificent Hue from II.
whose fame for Cut Silver-
Jewelry extends throughout the
Stale. You will prettier.
Taken all through I have never had
a holiday that can be
found my store this season.
Come and make your
Mrs M. D.
Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec rue for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
-las. B. White.
on dog th slate tor
benefit o. the public schools. Our .
contemporary to get
I with the dear people-
. Leaf K
-urn- bat about the only way. , , ,.,
. a way as any, to real- North for the purpose
each on the in ,. i,,, and hied
the state, for the of the selves to Tennessee and to lame,
public schools, other things Thomas H. one Hie
u of
too numerous to is through
. . ., times, came the red
a franchise arrangement, similar were
what we have Greenville; which and amount.
be lo
from Leech B, Hicks, ibis place,
Ii bids fair
Let the dear, pious brethren pa la-a good Ibis We M r., price Is cut
necessitates an annual cost- Missouri. William It. King
log one dollar tor each dog. The Alabama a good place to develop
of a law to this effect is his genius,
marked by two the
lier of worthless curs in
appreciably, without detriment to
went to Texas to become
of the fathers of the republic.
the governor of the State.
This is but a handful of Carolina's
the dogs that are really worth a who reached the robust
year, and a sum is turned American statesmanship
the public treasury, for some in other lauds.
good purpose.
has never lost
There is one ,. he
to this law.
least not
It isn't popular. At of stale.
that unfinished ability was
to some of many of
Carolina's sous of the hall of
. to look last century
were meager, but men
-v statute . , , , , .
umpired over such Obstacles. An
payment of a poll tax by
a of the any of the
statesmanship of many three Its. new- bOWl
is a source of tribulation hewed their way by hard
to every sheriff in the state
licks and got to the
will no doubt take
probably a good law some re
all the debut without troubling I be have u
m church. The Aid here bu have orders
Society of this church paid ever. lo snipped at with n
I of the note due the church About half this
lot this except bus brought in
oil of deal, over pious, modest creatures pa-t three days, Those
even willing to make up having holly well berried
licit Hid fool out bow to g-i
evil think- most of
,.,, Mk-. conferring with either the fol-
lowing C A. K.
The ,, .,,.,;. V.
B. Mo. re, who for the y , ,
font years has been Register haul returned
Deeds of the county, today retired to home in where
lion, the He has given the
people of his count four of Mr. Everett, of Point,
most faithful service. with b-
obliging lit-1 who Is a here,
made friends. We Mrs Ambrose
not what Ins present plan- spent Monday visiting hr
arc. but whatever he may en- near here.
gage be will have the Newell, of
Mi-e- Battle
lire. G. 1- blueberry 1-
time rt ilk her a
sin- s
a-tar a- by
with Mi-s ale
of the
cited by them. Shaped
lint a month ago our
wen Id high and looked Elder II. B. a minister
ward with a hope Primitive Baptist
future as were then receiving I who lives a few miles from Green
remunerative pi ices
leaf that a per
low n half, and in some ill feel heart shape. Mr. Tucker tells
one of three beat I
including Ribbons in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern Hats.
stances more, so that a gnat
charge comes upon and now we
much disturbed for
B. A. L.
line hone, died a few nights ago.
All person are
hum or trespass an say upon
my lands in Beaver Dam Town-
J. M.
11- this i
leaves found a crop pitched by
his son, the late Mr. Tuck-
finding them so impressed
that he kept them. His sou
We have bad rural free delivery I planted the last spring.
route for a month and are mum j later was taken sick died. Mr. pm county Buggy Company are re-
pleased with It. took charge Of his sons to settle at
, sail-lost
imp to it, and when the to- A
was cured he
three leaves. After lading
these he looked over his own
. . , ., . fin
crops oil his place, j of
could find no other leaves like
pride in this last addition to the
of all.
Mr in Trouble.
Jones, colored, of
rated arrival
Sal by throwing three fall
beets before
the of
ponds along it reel. He
sailed triumphantly Into Napper
Brown's store, so the goes,
where he cargo H
struck his and slipped out
, . t . . . l. in- .
but it CM hardly be said to w , men she ha. u. A
harmonize with the views of the t States to develop into
minority. Another law which
doing tolerably lair service, under Journal.
difficulties, requires the ow
of bug-juice to have
dealings with the by
arranging to have the ledger
knowledge ins custom.
Smith found with
an unwrapped under his arm.
and a card of which
offered The Captain
struck with price and look
into a nearby store have
e now have a lot of new
which we will
-ell cheap loan our customers on
a -mall -urn to
tee prompt return of O.
I Mfg. Co.
statistical M E- Church.
Lail Sunday closed the confer
year of Methodist church,
and the pastor. II. M.
preached bis farewell sermon for
year, lie also read bis
of the church he
fen what has bean
done the year. Every col
for various objects
of the church Confer
was made full. fol-
low are taken the
dining veal
Heaths during year
W I.
amount collected by
church for all objects
to above other
collections were made as
Sunday school
All who are indebted to
toil Brooks.
anywhere. To the Brooks, Gus
these heart
leaves the crop by
dead sou has a that he
treasures, and it gives him comfort
with his sou.
Woman's Bo
Juvenile Missionary So-
Ladies Aid
on Account
Lexington, with-
-111. James .
president of the Bible College of
J Kentucky from the
church, ha
final when that
by a vote of Ml to MS,
adopted fur use
-hip. He opposed it
grounds, noted throughout
it. Two
49.85 in the and the campaign
was intense. Kev. J. W.
candidate for Con-
318.18 has also
Catherine Jane
Smith, Martha
Susan Jane
The above named will
lake that action as
above has been in the
Court lo sell
a small piece laud In Swirl
Township, N.
which was by late Jacob
at lime at his death. The
will further lake 110-
that an- to
before, the own Superior court of said
court House Green-
ville 1908,
or demur lo
lo the Court lbs relief
This Nov.
II. C.
The old Board of Com
of K. L.
which the is p ,
relieved of that J. the valued. Before a sans
gone at the expense of up their work factory valuation could be arrived
popularity in quarter, and the office at, the coat braid
The man retails it to successors. They were Louis was
t. , . have all faithful to their to the In Mayor a
nays a good stiff price for the , , ,. , , k yon of
duties and have made the a this he said ho did I . t
but nobody ever bis of of
going over legal The new Hoard is composed and pleaded not guilty
by which be is re- K. Spier, W. It. Home, J. K. He was bound the
of M surplus. J. court.
All of these but Mr. Spier,
who was kept at home by sickness,
were qualified. J. J.
The prior you pay for a tin-
types includes a margin for the
photographer's privilege us well as
a probable reason for the
smile with which
faces a camera, may
thing to do with the artist's
to pi oil a photograph that
resembles any member of
father s family.
N. c., Dee.
We have bad several land sales
i-i our late at such
that I though I would give
some of
Jones M K
acres, paying
or Ml per acre. This piece
Of laud will rent for or
cent, on the
Died. W. has bough I Mis
Miss Moore, age Jennie In . .
Elk, was elected chairman. H years and of Bide paying ha.
business of new Samuel Moore, Mat Bethel, died for ,,
Board after organizing was pass- of . the
of K. Williams, fever. The look Mia. a ,.
the new of Heeds. H Four
are J L . Moon-, family log on am r., Mr
Jonas John Jen- and ho h . a,
Th. w c- one in bi. troubles. Mr. Mrs. K. A. L arr an
This Mates, the grand total Henry White,
all collections amount president of
is Mr. year land others, say they will leave the
a black bean with my
since Ike lb May. last The
via. ling is marked with two sills in
ear swallow fork led-
and some while
Owner hi to
former sun. am,
At Marion place,
from Greenville, north side river.
as the church here. Of
course it cannot lie told what th
will do, but the people
of would I very gild
to have bun Sack as of the
h. and also have F. A.
Bishop return at Elder
of this Both are held
esteem by all our people.
blow their
else will blow them for
make as
for the average
as falling
church when the shall
put use.
of the
estate of Eli
iii- been issued lo under-
Clerk of the Superior
l I'm t hereby
all having claims
said to present them lo
duly and
that is now pay before
. . t lit or this
sweeping over the from .,, ,,,,.,, , .
the to the sea, lo see the All persons to said
. . . slave Will make to the
that is lo .
our stale from abroad by reason of This 1-th of MM.
H is.
Eli William-,
It must be very to
those of our citizens who have in
tin- two years taken such
active part in furthering the great
the of this great move-
All these so
uses The bond was ac
copied and the of office ad
now domiciled at F. F. Cart's
U. A. Blow Charleston bawl is moving to the
, . , I X. B. home lately
forth should be caused M sheet of I
o has most remarkable tonic proper-
J ties for all who live in malarial
Malaria and A remedy for
u t C r j
make Hoard
t I Met,
log on Ural in January.
for lo liquor
In Beaver Dam township.
E. a.
This Nov.
Th. is a of the
number of of the Hoard
of days member attend-
number of sod
amounts allowed for services com-
missioners for the year
December 1st,
II. I. Davis hath attended II days
W. G. Little days
i. j. Chapman
j. j. v
K. I.
For days as com. 12.00.
For lit miles traveled
Total, 881.81
For days as com. 12.00 .
For I 2002.00
For miles traveled
Total, it,
W. U.
For as com. O
For days as WOO
For miles traveled or
I -U . in J.
Fur days as com.
For cays as 6.00
For mill traveled Be. mM
AMT . .-. J- J.
For days as .
For 4.00
For miles
amount allowed Hoard.
State of North Carolina, I
of Pitt.
I. T. it. Moore, Clerk of
the Hoard for s
do that the
foregoing is a
appear of record in my om.-e
This day of November,
Clerk Board tor Pill Co.
North Carolina, j In Court,
County. Before Clerk.,
M Administrator
Charlotte E.
Badger, J. F.
William Mrs. Elizabeth
ion F. Jr., J.
G. Mrs. Gilbert
S. F. W.
E. Mrs. J. C. Murphy,
Mrs. J. E.
J H L.
and Laura Brown.
tin- defendants above named will
take that an action entitled as
above hat In the
Court of Pill County, to sell
for assets a lot in Iowa of
C., that was formerly
by E.
will Further take they are
ed appear i In
N. C , on lbs
December, or
demur to the petition tied In
action, or the plaintiff will apply to
the Court lbs relief
the petition.
D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
We believe we can lit and even
man with Underwear. We can lit the purse,
too, with u wide range and variety cf prices.
Prices don't go so as in some
stores. That is, are know where to draw
the line- at Ira.-b. Cotton, wool, or half
and half, . , and
per garment. The of Winter Under-
wear here. CARRY NO
and you don't bare to give ii to
your younger brother the
in other words, it's the
kind. here for your Winter Under-
wear you won't go astray.
The King Clothier.
ii. mi or
Or .
Ma-ii lied
Figured u.-. u yon
NO foil, Vim,
Hut our
an WOO I ail you
Home who I l .,, you.
would Mm forever a
Artist- paint you, it you,
it--1 a out cynic- i urea you.
Hut better or For you are
mi demand.
There are you u-.
plague u- and n
Till v you awe in very
far away.
although doubt you,
You've winsome way about you,
can never do
yOU -tit v.
A nil
an I I and nil
in the main an
ThinK of This. Ala.
If in
margin of r it la to remind
that you owe . i. . k
for .-.-. and to
early possible. need wind
you will Dot keep
for it.
fr who the
roes mark their paper.
Mention People
With In the Social
w. Andrews, -if
Dr. Dixon, of
was here today.
I,. H. this
Hon. I, M. Blow, Minor of
Winterville, here today.
Miss Lilly Warren, of Wilson,
is the guest Mrs.
with bin parents
Miss and broth-
ii, in Kin
Mrs. M.
from a in
tin- s
around town
other explain
tin- jail in
always crowded.
of being In court,
maybe like rare at
returned Jail.
A Cold Wave.
A of a sudden change
in t in- weather serves notice
voice and a cough
the sanctity of bee u
In own home. h-u
pie hare a little On.- Minute
Cough Cure always B.
II. Wise,
-I am Indented to One
Cough Cure my good
Ii Colds,
Pneumonia ail
and Lung
Mi Cough the
draws the
beats and
an thinks he's Id
Maud, went to
has been friends here, left
Mrs. T. K. and fa
of came Saturday to
visit relatives near here.
J. K. Holden spent
here and left this for
. B.
to Wilson, after spending
w days with here.
Hi. B. T. B. K. Manning,
id J. Cox, prominent gentle
en of Winterville, were hereto
Bertha and Nellie
who have been visiting Mis. M.
Monroe, of Wei
don, who two able and
edifying at the
church returned
Kev. K. A. Bishop left this
for Wilmington, to attend
he Ninth Carolina Conference of
the M E. Church, South, which
convenes that city Tuesday,
A woman's portrait natural
unless it is a likeness.
If a man a mortgage it
usually because lilt it.
Sometimes the hardest things to
are what the say.
There are several classes
men, but each class speaks for it-
It requires a good sited sinking
fund to keep some
Mat in today.
Miss Ella left this
I left for
V. J. Lee, of folk, came
W. K. of was
the city today.
W. T. this
J. E. Clark, Jr., of Washington,
was here today tobacco.
Will Edwards, of
Kev H. M. left this morn
conference at
Mis. J. Honk
is visiting Mrs. J. W.
Brown, near Green
Mrs. II. and family
arrived from Norfolk Monday
evening, to nuke their home
Mary and
have been
Mis. c. c. left for their
in Virginia this morning.
J. Cobb, telegraph operator
at Wilson, who is spending bis
Vacation with people near
Falkland, In today.
lion. Jot Blow to Win
Monday evening, after
several attempts In
out what lime the train would
Lather left this morning
in- Mount, some-
was added that he
would go to Norfolk, to procure
well, more Inter.
W. A. was in town
Wiley of Washington,
was here today.
W. M. Lang J. It. Davis, of
were the city
Mis. this morn
for to visit Mis.
Mrs. Darius White, of Hertford,
who has been visiting Mis.
White, returned today.
Mrs. Dixon of
Mount, who has visiting Mis.
Juke returned home today.
Mrs. W, B. White, of
who baa bean visiting the family
of her brother, It. I., re-
turned home today.
Anyway, an
violating tin law in Home small
, just to be sent up to
court, failing to give these
trilling wretches to jail,
where they fatten for months at
the public expense.
Home lawyer will lake charge of
the case, a small sum, know-
that little effort will be if
quired to gel their off.
usual process is to appeal to health of my family.
the judge for leniency on
poor fellow languishing man
jail for hen tile same
time ii. has been
very well pleased his
In that he has been able to
get good board and clothing with-
nut winking for them.
These are always I tissues,
able lo obtain foe dollars, enough
, , ,. , , ,, , . Atkins.
to fee the law until their rel
or who,
a mistaken Idea of
or charily, encourage
breaking of the law.
If legislature grant
the magistrate jurisdiction A hi
would be a up much room a flat
constantly j hard luck if he isn't able to draw
a cork.
If you ill need a pill
Why purchase beet
Ale lilt lo
Take do tin rest.
W. P. Unwell. Houston,
writes- I have used Little
Kiser in my family for con-
sick headache, etc. To
their use I am indebted for the
more women a
less he understands them.
Dyspepsia Cine.
I all classes of food, tones
and strengthens the and
digestive organs. Cures
and makes rich red health
and strength. rebuilds
I W. Va ,
I have a number of
bottles if have found it
to be a very effective and. indeed,
powerful remedy for
ailments, i recommend i to
friends. I.
to lake
great to county, in the
feeding and clothing of lot
worthless vagabonds, who should
be forced In Work tor their living.
Give the power in
decide all cases, culled a flue
when the can pay
one, send the
out on some county load and
let ditch awhile. this way
Craven county save several
hundred dollars court expenses,
and the public loads could In-
proved by what is now absolute
idle label. New
There were, for the month
of the rural route delivery Win-
between and four
thousand packages delivered by
only three routes. When others
have established and the sys-
becomes inure uniform, the
business In the postal service will
be largely increased.
Hem's a one canto
that will put to shame all of the.
woes of A man who
it convenient In pawn his
overcoat summer order to gal
his watch out, and puts his watch
in soak w inter order to
bis overcoat, left the
watch with the jeweler lo lie re
paired, not having the price
said repairs, get the watch
to put up an security for the over-
coat. Bight here cold, heart-
There will baa change
the the John Flanagan
Buggy On., and all persons
to us are to nettle m
once. By so doing will save
us trouble and yourself cost.
Sept MM,
What's in a Name.
Everything ism the name when
to Witch
K. ill a Co., of Chicago,
discovered, years ago,
make a salve from Witch
that is a for piles Put
Blind, bleeding, itching and pro-
cuts, burns,
and all skin diseases
Salve has no equal. This
has given rise to numerous worth-
less counterfeit, Ask for Do
genuine, J. i-
Hi. Eve specialist from
Atlanta, Ga., will in- in Washing-
Ion until 80th 1803. All who
need glasses
will pleased If I hey call to see
him. Satisfaction guaranteed ill
every case. Every patient
mends him. corner Third
and Market streets, Washington,
N. C.
Harrington, Barbel Co.,
Winterville, have laid in a large
supply of Santa Clause
Head their advert
Kissing is not an unhealthy pas-
tune if proper sanitary
ale used before and after taking.
it is a rank crime In In
girls up without proper instruction
as kissing.
The in the has seen
a good many things in his time.
A young Hoof the he
type was standing tin-
of a not many
was lo de-
part from his lady
of a week. It was a cloudless even
In June and the West
dimly nut so dimly us to twine or three long.
the six ladies
N. C-
Hear You'd strike it
u a way
your in less
less east, make
to shave
lime, mi
along line and pleated
their lips the
great slit in the face the brain
less, soulless
By the eternal gods, what
a scene
A girl who permits that in
herself to be pawed over Tom, Ions, a
many nor get so
inn. of Ins w
town would lie talking you,
everybody to yon
a shave.
Lead and Zinc is exactly
minis, ii fewer gal-
it longer, Cods
There were several
burners here today with
them was Mr.
J. F. of who
called in and took away mime Bar
sewing machine tickets
for himself and subscribed fur
a He gut talking
, Hick and Devil, who joins in
public kissing bees, has so
herself in that she is forever
unfitted fur noble and
no of marry
She is damaged the
she submits to the kisses of a
man w ho dues nut make her mis-
tress of his
Kissing means business
less you dull I have
to It again for years and
six at lead
gallons; wears
lakes in paint a
house with Lead and Zinc
mixed and it wears
longer than mixed paints or lead
and oil. Yours truly,
K. W.
New York.
T. S. II. I. Can sells our paint
tin nips he raised
some this year so large that one
would till a peck measure.
Your Tongue
If It's coated, your stomach
Is bad, your liver is out of
order. Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your
make your In right.
to take, easy to operate.
lac. All
An man was in a
aim., bung able to
he, and g.-
The Knocker. A
hen a man a gill that has
he should
G. T. Big Store,
and W. Main St., Greenville, N. C.
------ave.-9 .- .
-r-r i.
Will he. Slight
w ill wear well. Fin.
urn- rib-lied hosiery,
Lin they
Men's Heavy O
Good Toilet Soap,
kinds, only
of n
i x ml inches, in I
with large
corners. flour.
Suits, extra
Km a
L.,. Don
ill- White
Hats and Trimming, fine and tilings for
prices you of, the sort that gained
reputation for these many
are Hats and Toques Bonnets, the reductions
run like Pattern Hats can
he had for and s., on. Go the Millinery show room
mi the floor and see for yourself what lovely styles we are
allowing ii 1.50, 2.50, 3.00, and 5.50.
Coats, Suits, Skirts
and Furs,
Handsomest, Newest, and Best Made.
Special Attractions for
Christmas Week.
All Linen knotted,
hemstitched Damask Towels,
A page like this will suffice to give you an idea
of the wonderful values in this great sale. Every
aisle, every counter, every foot of space crowded
with astonishing values. Reliable Merchandise
in every case. Nowhere will you find such
goods at such low prices.
C. T.
The Big
and W. Main St., Greenville, N. C.
iv c Ills like pall
Than i
militate I list III-
We must educate the rising an athlete In-was tall slim
is highest ,
the loftiest Let M a
education be neglected and all uM rel, who
we hold dear Is lost; pursue the up to breast-
policy of works all alone and
generation a new life will, a Yank
be Louis Smith. Weekly.
The Reflector Printing House is talking to YOU
S us your orders for Printing of any
i Largest Print Shop in Pitt County,

Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves.
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware
Your friend,
lasses to be found.
Q at
Something Nice
to go on your
you to go to
Johnston Bros.
it In all season yon will
find the be, and freshest goods
at our store. now we are
well-supplied in fruits of all
kinds. Undies, Pickles,
Canned Goods, Smoked
Meat, Laid and the best Mo
in fact anything you in the ray of
Pa. I up
Extended Insurance that work automatically,
. I,
ii. Will re-instated i paid within, in month while you
are living, or within three after satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears Interest
second So Restriction. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at t tie beginning of the and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the In-nuance. or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
Third Easier,
One Third Faster.
Agents in all
Wilson Mfg Co.
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
. I . .
A colonial report on
Cf Interesting. Very
U the of
r. now almost who were In
of the smaller Wt
when the white wan
into that Baa Shew a
distinct It
bird to I In-
at from a Chinese child Some
year . had
drifted to Dominica de.-hired I
o be own people and married a
bred woman. The
showed no from the
Today they have dropped their man
but In the sixteenth
they the Spanish main In
search of human food, and
alone are said to have taken
than men to be Though
P-0.-S. or Arrows, were all meat to
yet seen, to
shown pr reread r
Davis. instance, in his Hue
of the us
that tested of
the nations mat and
that the Kr.-n.-u most
and the Spaniards an-
pr Bass, la one of
Us Jaunts In St appears In
hare overtaken OB road a coin
ho was i,
Um of Ills Journey by
st the or . human foot.
This gentleman only ate
he -she m the
The or
; of takes
author at
turns. .
tolls a
one of .
A relative of las
man In was lo out at one
time for n i Mock j
of of i
to whom the Intimated that
the two as
to hi. rent
required. The applicant gave the El I
one Dr. Far-
Dr. reply, n
on Ins merits of the
cam. wound up by the
on as a tenant s man
who not only a and a
good fellow, hut a member of tot
. v
nil Am
Id om of a
MB worn
a the latter
at of
up at hT.
Tired, K .
That it. and
It that I
l be of I um
-W.-ll. r. is I
to bar Jo -i tan span
l two tut Hi which
I like to
but I to know
your Jim-pi lam's
and II I
UM ti to
, ; as II
r u pat on
Per v I i
I, I
.;., fr ;,. . r I.
i I- d u
p used m I be Mr
r m In, you mind
ii bi-r t-l mi
-It mil b. a i M n
i. he laid down
l. . i .
-J. . .
, i
The of a man's
la to be outlived. tin-
of bin f Iota
grow In u well the
power to tore In others, it
only w u few rare that
to love
to love and tin- man
richer in richer, I mean, at
a bank may said to grow rich,
and receiving after bit
head tn white lack and
to down Into duet

had nu early career that in many
recalls of Jacob
He ran away from home when
a and for found Ufa mighty
hard grabbing. He worked day
laborer, n lawyer, a cook and lighter-
man. Then beard fr.--
be obtained at and,
DO to pay for
be distance of
miles. Then be found he
a bead.
did you ask Bella to
she was going anyhow,
and didn't her to feel mean
aver Set.
; ;. ; Op m
, . it was ind he
p w. ii I there 1- I
in b- it j
want cultivation
He picked the other and Brat
u .
few lines bark j
bit wander e th Ho n
lo at the author's name
W be wild
ll s l coincident
He rend n ft
It U . than a
, 1,11.1
lure. Why.
If it were v--i.
Chi n then, hi but there
thing . never forgets, and bat
. . I our
o be turned to the lo
hit bond, but they were laid on
an, he with la forehead
resting on bin palm and but deep
eyes w hack through the
the little
It nil back t. two childish
f long ago, th
Ml into out of together, th bay
and who and
Roared each and joy
and wen loyal then the real-
youthful companion-
b i Into passionate
woman and deep
awakening bad brought
t- of How well he
and bet
grew troubled
be thought of the rift within the
and the quarrel and parting
brought a pride and
That Are years go, It
teemed if ha had just awakened
from n dream. Re had tried t-o
hard to forget until today almost
bad com lured that was toe-
reed boa all the old
Ore long years. It only for a
however She and
held out her hand.
abs said, and her
natural la a
Her tone of simple friendliness stag-
for be had quick to
note the effect greeting had on bar.
but she continued
you come
month ago. But tell me about
Are you living In New
am only here. My
m ill In and I am going
back tomorrow. I here
brae whole week, and I shall be
glad to get
she perfectly he
asked can she be so
matter of fact after all that
Once he had her in
her fort-head and bet and
now he did not lo touch
hand be lei her go this
yon he deeper
have been at you all
or she In a
have been reading your
He came to her. and bit
gray In silence.
How well that look
the that in the old days bad
seemed to read Bit
toM her now at they did then, all that
he nay, was other
rite ii m her face
., n q reading
her Into which the bad put
b of the ago their long ago.
do you of she
M h could.
of u writing and it
r be Interrupted, bis face
And he of what he was
made. quietly,
I did not know you were mar
light parse Is a heavy
a purse.
The LIVER It the seal of
tenths of all disease.
Pills FuT
Richmond, Va.
The G Stock of Fine
and Medium
I h.-.-h
if sen lo Omaha kw
will us,
lie lo old
bar. .-nil
lie smile,
almost In a whisper,
Jut one Instant Ber mils
hand rested no-
that lips
tr- lo is.
Sid n Bold Ber band
moment at
said Beep little
slipped from his iii
smiled and out Into the
I lure been he said t
as with
a sud hi. hand
nu eyes been
l She
Ber Bert I wonder Ah,
women Hut
was a wear In the
us he the
I trust crowds on
A week later n woman Basil by a
tiny stroked a feed
dear, make you as
happy us
glistened on the Could It
hate been a Perhaps she prayed
for her
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly
and restore the action the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body-
Take No Substitute------aw
With Satan
Oriel nail
We were In the win a re In the center
of the town of the
now shone feebly behind a
again by
i leaving the sky black Ink. The
air was balmy, and at times a few big
I drops of rain pattered on around.
I in the weal there were of
lightning and the of
; thunder,
. little and
tell how the v in barn and
I was wakened by inn lying low
In the bay other end. talking
; about robbing St. k church at
I B. ten mile away, and bow tel
out hour for
that you
; who then came into
j the from chapel
to bit
robber gone to git
liver St. church
at B Maggie beard
in the
E. Broad Street,
Richmond, Va.
J. ff. PERRY CO.
Norfolk, Va.
and of
; and
at A. M.
fur Washington.
, sit with
Summers for Norfolk,
New York Boston,
I Aurora, South
. -n, sod
all for Weal with rail-
roads at
should by
I hi-Old Dominion Co.
New York; Clyde
Bay Line and
8.8. from Baltimore. Mar
I. Set.,
K. C
J. K
s in
p a m
MB n m
MM a m
I am
J. R.
Ar L
i nil Ar Norfolk l.
p m j
p ml
p as
m New York
p m
p m
p m
p m
p m
a in
a m
a tn
p tn
not a ion
can lit-
He sue
lbs by sating she
wakes s of
in sad rolled In sugar.
This traditional breakfast of
Japan Is u of
Special offerings in every department of our store.
into his heart, sad l- dinner, Is brought In on a
tho in spite
lee her sod win bet
can not have the
day, w
heal her
cool, on
have written
i stuck la larger
form ff
The is way and hag too
and to this an offering special in I
off nice portion of selling mu guarantee II tor any your par
don't suit, we cheerfully refund your money.
36-inch Silk, every yard
guaranteed. get any-
thing -ilk, an I
matter what price
Taffeta We are
making a of this, and want
you lo compare it with other
silks; you will it as
good price only
wool, in and light gray;
we have th very that
can lie hail to sell at
tan, mode, in fact all shades.
We take special pain in selection
these and give you
values in every pair at
inch all full bleached
Table line heavy and
heavy and fully worth SOc
cents, out price
Ladies Vest, full size, all seams
covered; they are the very
bent to he at
Wool Veils, fine
and if are looking for
something good I SC
cheap it .
One lot of fas, black
ISa. our price now v
Slam lo
see these et
at h piece. them before
One lot to
out; former price, to
and DOW
One lot
prices from gO la
out at
One lot of Men's Top
some worth and sonic rents;
an lot nod
lie sold. The price i
We have the line of Lt-
mid Men's to be found
anywhere. Our boa is made
of high grade and If
to Tor
that can be had.
Our and lie
beaten sure ti
Lot of Mid
Shoes, Worth
1.50; to close out
Our line of Shoe ill
and f latest design;
prices are right.
Hal- A big line of men's and
in all the shapes.
that will nun y.
dim a great to
in bar hand, soft
as u-l
lay it .- tired
cane to her fr
j He from Ly
I Um I toy
for Miss Kim,,
bring tier In In- said,
lug Hie curd the
laid d k took fr granted
that the lady Mrs White.
Wag it Who
In a in in- beard Um
return, la could the faint
rustle n
bad In tie
and the light won dim.
lie looked up and
In the in her
white mid the
lost a more
than old. but
Jumped to feet for
ward, hut back to the light,
did a view of
hi face.
Sales King in
In n low voles, the old tones
thrilled inn
without he
held both hands.
For n moment the
left her; her
the in her turned
rel to white. That deep,
rotes bad power to more her after
red tray, drollest
The are In tiny cope with
among web
a prawn.
a with
and a chili After
are mere the
part of the Deal I begun, A wood-
en bowl bound with copper is
in filled to brim plainly
In water. the flower
of Japan tills her bowl, a
one. and. having mixed it with a
with gab, she then lifts
It to her month and It down
with the aid of her Thus
ends dinner.
lit i . nook.
I or at are
ax n farmer a
two acre ii f to
a certain out of print,
I tracked a to a lair In a street
not far from the
I don't to
aid the dealer. i must
must have It
It than you would rare
sold for a few ago
I won't sell it give
yon won't Mil -Would
you tune air Nor
nor It's worth t me as
to any one. I need It In my
I hers my opinion of n who
things to sell won't sell.- New
York Press
Ill ill
devil it Ink a Mid
lie win a
among yon wouldn't n tree
fl n's and
and in order o the stork of Clothing we offer-
it et i.- per lower than former we are going out of the Clothing
We have always to sell the best foods, rather than Isn't it worth
ii great deal to know her.- will be s you Just what It really in,
of people we Hie, aid th is be k ltd of w are Come to gee us
Is a ma
a-th. r ll
and all
ins t Um
two cunts.
i i,
a- l
it very lo do- limbs. AI Hats
I con. by
Hurst than
a Mr. Wilson, an
on th in Flor-
I s a. it
as. I bottles and
sow a I Is
I p a. u a
It baa
S T.
two ago I
had a of
t I pain
and was to my for St
tins I was
Mara-- a conductor
la-a hoard of
. two hot lira of
to II
and ins I on
A if but of
I wall
i la a a j .
I I of a of
.-as. by
four Is lows
N. C.
Cotton Bagging
kept so
A trial will convince you.
D. W.
We all made n rush for the
mount id Mike on the best
horse And hint t
B to glee warning of lbs Intended
Borne two men would
better, there only tin
the other Mike
down pike for n
white toward lbs
In gloom, The we
of him on the of th- hill
beyond, by a
that up
Tim Murphy-
He'll the said
one the
her father;
the up to
wild Teddy
plate -if
By time It to to
ruin, and the lightning
and the thunder loud that we nil
went Into the Inn at the corner of the
and Kit there tippling for
when all of a Midden the door
.;. Mike whits as
a and with stag-
I, In sud Ml In a heap Into of
la ll. all
once. Mover a did
we g-t till we had poured two
of brandy down hit throat. Then h
stiffened up and told the
made a of three mile
the on in earnest.
There a of
thunder that couldn't beat
hoofs on the stones. Then
look up. sow to fast a bit
of sky moon In the
while the west was still black
storm. I, I
fair spot there angels Is a
at Satan In the storm
nit plate,
ye I felt happy a pig
In n hit of mud at
robbery. But what's that was hear-
In behind me- u of
hoofs I could hear It between the
th under, I looked
beck I It by a of
I knew be had come out to race
me to me
I dug Into me
belly laid on the whip,
to kill both the borne for the
church If might but the holy
But do what could the one
behind on me. I
at a mad pace, I plunged
down Into the hollow where the bridge
crosses the creek I looked up saw
a black cloud the exact of
tan's face, the two horns on
bead, over the moon. Then It
black all about me. I
couldn't see a yard me.
I on to the bridge me
horse stumbled on u loose plank,
shot his head. I could hear the
shoot by me. though a bit
Sf could see for the darkness,
as he clattered up there
back to me laugh. Then I
knew he'd got of me,
me horse had gone lama, what
could do hut lead him
been scared by one In the
robbers. Why didn't we
It it ye don't believe
my story There's proof of It. Satan
as he by me threw at
mo that caught on me horse's ear,
that own
Are It
flared out after the dark
heck. outside get
with a growl, iron out and
In another moment came in. holding
op something hanging to a chain.
cried crowd.
a rosary
There, true was a string of
heeds, to was suspended a
Now how It that the devil
s rosary one could tell. In
truth, some believed that it wasn't
devil at all. said it was some, VI.
one who knew Mike -1 Cotton Buyers and Brokers In
ion determined to Stocks, Grain and
bis rescuing the church. Ai any Wire to New York,
we were all of a shiver at the mystery. Chicago and New Orleans.
It was o'clock we got
explanation. were going across
the to our homes when Father
rode up. covered with mud,
and told us he had been to and
given warning, and robbers
were caught lo the
I lost my he added. l
think It la leaning over to see the
L, p p ID
Ar pm
a pm
s a m
p a m
a m
p m
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Jack, X.
Pullman and Cars
on Nos. to and Jack-
II. H. W. J. I
Cm. Pass. ArI.
T. M. T. M.
K. C
day, ,,
J. N. Booth, pastor.
school a. in. M. A. Allen
j every s
I Wednesday evening. Rev
H. M.
L. H.
day school a. m. K. B.
W. E. Cm,
Minister. Horning and
with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m., W. B.
Brown, Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
and fourth Sunday in each month
meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. San-
day school P. M., W. R. Par-
I cf goods i. Prices low
fr cash or in
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in every de
prices low the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid country produce.
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
N, C.
wire and Iron Sold.
work and priors
i i on
A. F. A.
No. meets
third Monday evening.
W. M., J. M.
K. River Lodge, No.
every Wednesday evening.
W. H. V. M. Hook-
K. of R. and S.
I. O. O. F. Lodge,
No. every
evening. W. S. Atkins, N. O.,
D. D.
R. A. Zeb Vance Council. No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall. Regent.
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D, B. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. Smith Sec.
D James,
Clerk Superior Court, D. C.
Sheriff, O. W. Harrington.
of Deeds, R. Williams.
Treasurer, J. B. Cherry.
Coroner, C. Laughing-
Surveyor, J. D. Cox.
J. J. Elks, W.
W. R. Home, J. R. J.
W. Page and J. Spier.
meets every first Monday.
Mayor, H. W. Whedbee,
Treasurer, H. L.
Clerk, J. Tyson.
Collector, C.
Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.
I. Dudley.
Aldermen, D S. L. O.
, , Charles B F. Pat-
i rick, K. B. R. L. Carr,
W r a.
You Write
a i latter toe vary
member of the beat
lies in Flu when
you in
Eastern Reflector
astern Reflector
D. J. ,.
I .
. r
Manufacturing Stationers
Commercial Printers , School
Books, , Office Supplies, Etc.
I I CHI. of Children During
Only the Host
Dependable Fabrics
Best Method to the En- week .,
in nun A the
of Children During talking will, I
the Present Term Ur. T . M.
-I.,,, ,.,. .,.
in I. hi,,,.
Talk with them their
shake sin, ,,., u ladle
all the
cities Children with great phys-j ,. .,.
whose bodies , out band,
.- l-r hundred
Arc utilized in making the gar-
that we sell for both men
and is allowed
pass that dots not Certain Hi hey do
., , . . . . ,.,. J to whirl, j in ill agree.
high standards of durability and , ,, ,,.,. ,,,,, .
win ll. ,., .
l I . Ill
. . . ,.,, mans
i pi ,. l- . ,. .,, .
I- o, and we T
every garment sold. Therefore V Z
. ; Mi.
Hie v
Decide to End
Bond Litigation and Begin
New Fight
I I of Aldermen in
gal. i session but day night
all the in- in,, i- present.
Tl i. i the reel
lee the -inn. t. be in
h- bud r as was
for I hem in owing lo
the n
I he opening
. in h i u eat
pot, a
in Henry
a hie i e would
pun The
n- I he
might i I be minds of I'm . ;. a adopted, ll
you do not rake my risk when
,., T Z
Le. us show you how we a ff f S
Hie ;, . ,., .
save you money on your business
I have the
or dress clothing, and on your ii,,,., register , ,. the is
, . I w,, ,.,,,. and a list the children .
remedy for irregular attend
will give us
, nu. Mr, , .
lea.-l u Hie ,.,, Um i
will ,,. e.,,;, at .
laws and such a semi-
ought lo be lull
Ricks Wilkins
i i ;.
I in iv pie
Ion . by
i no ask in- Dim
g works in n so
.- ;., g . an-
mil in-. e lire v
n ml ; t . Hie
In i o ,,,.
in I lit- . Hie mi-
ll i i was i.,
. .
. 7--r
the as will i. . e ,
; . A-k.,.,.,,.,, for a men, . ,. .
A, present, he
of the .
-l v ;,. ,,,, he
teacher will get he
,. K oil bis side, I . i , M. , .
. . . .
,,.,, ., the of ., ,, . . .- p, ,,,,,.
from the day to la-l Ian. . i tram,
be V.
the above
V i O
n World
I hill he he
1.1 pay Hie pine, lie have
v III .- me be
p i., Inn
-cud week ,.,,. I- help ,.
post ,.,,.,. s
ever, T
l-oral have an- i. .,.,
; . I,, in
ill all
. J N- An .,. mm-
. ; load , ., i.,,,,
II, ii,,.
Tax by School ,,,,. ,,,.,.
ma e, lo i i . , ,
mil .-. -.- ml i.-, on
u l. i.- also j
j in .
and s. ,.,, , i i . ,,,,, , m , III a
and school . and than fund a
later. lo is bill tn he submitted
Take the advantage
. .
Make all the Milling work n In ,. supple. fund after in the
possible the Ural those living in a pin Board
i school,
Appoint inlay,
Hie last
jibe school classifying
a, ii m ,.,, ,.,.
ii. Work and .
ten it willing A
in n like way lo add I a , ,.
hare of a, the term, i tin
i la . do I , ; ,.
f. i la-l Hull la. . ,.,. , f . v
I, . i ,.,,,,. j,, . . i. . ,,,,
lo bi . r. ml . i . . . i. . , . the ml . ,, . .- ,,, ,,,,
This will l
ton in,,, and
fur careful
than lie .
Hi. school begun -I en
lo work leach-
m, . Ask
i ks ,. . I I . I ,
el , i el I ,.,, . . . ,
o -r. th. . . . . j
. . . . r in
a a. , . . . , ,
I nil i, . ,.,
books used and
nine parents with
,,,,. . , oilier M ii
As the are i .,
. , I I i., ,, ii.
M addition to the best stoves in the world give n ., ,. .
showing ,, ,, ,.,
. . i ii
o, ,,, ;, , , , ,, .
slates, pen . ,.;
carry everything you may expect to find in a hard-
Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is
decidedly the best thing of the kind we
have ever handled. Call and examine it.
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
that is not borne out facts. An average
Of for everything sold on our month
does own talking about what Man and
the res of do for those who sell at
Warehouse. You only have to try to be convinced that tie
will get the highest prices every time.
k s Proprietors Warehouse.
. i ll I
In sell is . lei n,
, c mm m mi, . ,
have Hie same i. aid
. ,,
ii ii; ,,,,,.
i ., I.,.;,
I. . en T r
. i . .
, ,.,,
I . , ,. , i .
Hi, I. . I'll that
., ,,
, a
In ,,., ,,,,. , , . . . . ,, .
I-- i- mm
Before come fur
Philippine tub i i
W e mil Mn .
, ,.,, , . militia
i; . . , . , ,.,, I
. , , , , . ; I'M,,. , ,.,, ,,
I. be .,, . I .
p., .
desks, .,,.,,. V.-. M. . ,,. ,. , .,.,. . I.,
,,,,,,,, ,,. of ., ,, K
in a -mi , . ii,.,,,,.,.,.
is Drawing Near,
And come for think
mat yon shall give your loved ones.
We think ire can help yon if yon are
in doubt, Co- we have a beautiful lot of
goods for you to select
that are pretty and practical,
mental and showing distinct-
unrivaled. Now is
time to select Christmas gifts.
They are here today but may be gone
line of Fancy Rocking Chain, all
and other Furniture, la con
Our and
Novelties range In from to
15.00. We think we have the largest
stuck of Dolls in the town, and
our low.
Oh Mr. Santa Claus-
have Candies, Oranges,
Apples, Pigs,
made that i i yet XV,
new and fresh Our Nuts and
corr, nothing
in in, but very Om-
Depart is led needed
for the table,
Greenville's Great
Department Store.
This winter air
I- n reminder the holiday
season i-. here. I am ready for
v ill, attractive line of
The handsomest assortment tube
found been selected especially for
holiday trade.
If ever and I
I Is. I tH j, ,,,.;, ,., .
ill for parlor, bed room,
dining room, bail, or corner.
China and Bisque Ware
will like
Cut Glass, Silver an
Oar line iron, II.
Raleigh, whose fame for Col
ware and extends
sun. you ill prettier.
Taken all I hate never had
a better can
found store I his season.
Come make
Mrs M. If.
however, Improved
t I
after, days wort s,, la Craw,
with Hie help of a .,,.,.,.,,., . , ,
. I and Th.
iris will ti. realm, when On l of business
i Hues,,,. The and a half million which
Ms Ibis, The
fail that lays and hare chamber In iii loath oil
will la ,,
and . ,
. , m
hied in it.
Many will not
the In lo gel hi.
i , . . A law ,
spend the of a goes at . a he
Hie heal North has Invested
bank has lathe her eons
and paying com
I. n previous for the
statement., ll -peak- well hath years. You what
far the bank and f, auto.,,, ,,, v
lit U i.,. I. . J I
Don't be too late for the Christ-
mas Number of the Daily Re-
A It K V U I. attention to details in our Job Depart-
is shown i high class of work we are
tinning out. We have the beat equipped
do a class of printing hardly in this section.
If you are particular to quality of
printing, we want your work. We give the best.
Only one kind of Best- at
THE REFLECTOR Priming House, Greenville.

Eastern reflector, 5 December 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 05, 1902
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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