Eastern reflector, 7 October 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Our Raleigh Letter
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Pants, Hardware
Come to sec me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else In the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
Tell You
That the place to gel the best
Fruit Jars
is at our store- We have them in
different style and sizes at price
as low as the lowest Then as
usual we are headquarter tor
Best of Everything
in the Grocery Line
Get your table supplies from as
you are sure so have beat.
I w Notes from the State Capital M
Special of
The of the first week of the
I joint campaign between
ard Hon. Locke Craig
i mM Witnessed by the Meting of
I these candidate fur the Senator
ship iii Raleigh Saturday night in
the hall of the House at the
The crowd was a limited one.
While the discussion has, the
whole, been on a high plane, dig
characterized Mr-
i lies, there have been several
warn little at
But the crowds that have
lamed out to the discussion
I which of course deals with
national affairs and national
tics in the so
Lave not bean as large
was expected.
Advices received here New
York are to effect that the not-
ion seed and oil trust i the Virgin
in Carolina Chemical Co. in
has. by the sale of seven
million dollars of bonds, put itself
in possession of ample fund to so
increase it operation and
as to absolutely dominate the
market In cotton seed oil, and that
new or independent mills Stand a
; worse show now than ever and will
be forced out of business.
October but set as the
for holding the Appalachian
i Convention at
Wednesday, November Hi. ha
been SCI by Superintendent of
Joyner as North
Day in the public schools of the
i Washington Letter
Capital of tie
Dry Goods, Groceries. Confections,
etc. go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack. N. C.
line cf us low
I produce bought for cash or In
exchange tor
American and Italian Marble
N, C.
Wire and Iron Fence Sold-
work sod prices
design and f
Dissolution Notice.
All are H.
and M. partners
trailing doing bus. under the
name and style, James
have this by
mutual consent.
, .
The James Mfg.
will present same to M. Jones
mi at. all
I, said will pat
i . II. James. The he
led I . under the
hut S. M. i
I. I-. .
i ii i d,
This August
tare of the Stomach.
The man or woman who-- digestion i-
perfect and whoa stomach performs
function is
and sweetens the
ton and cures and per
all stomach troubles,
, -lion and dyspepsia. It i the won-
I. that i
o many sick people well
weak people strong by conveying to
their bodies all the nourishment In
II. food the -at. J. II.
I a- run me. i consider it the best
I . vi r used for dyspepsia and
stomach troubles. I was given on by
. saved my lire, lake
. i meals. Jno.
Prof. will the Public
The public school will open
Monday. B. All who expect
to attend at anytime during the
term arc earnestly requested to be
present at eight thirty o'clock.
Monday looming.
At eleven o'clock Prof. Rag-
dale address the school. All
part-ills friend of pub-
education are cordially invited
to la- present.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified More the Clerk J
i count as
,.,, ,,.,.,., ii, will and
i ad.
II ii i i i
. ., me. I hereby all
., . in claims slate
said ad,
; , ,,,. ,. the SHh day
. mm, or will be plead
,. over A
. ,, state an urged
to me Immediately.
Tl ,;.,,.,. , July. am.
K. . i i din. Executor.
Court of count as
Executrix the Last Will
of J. N.
i given lo all
lo . estate to make Immediate pay-
t,. i and all
-mis against the estate
are to n the same
payment within twelve months from
date or this e lie plead in
This tilth
E M.
I J. N- Moore.
A Sad Disappointment.
ii,. liver mi Is a
hut you don't want to
purge, strain and break the
the stomach and bowels.
never disappoint.
cleanse tie poison
matter and it so gently
that one enjoys the pleasant
v a Ionic to the liver. Cure
biliousness, torpid liver prevent
fever. John U Wooten.
Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
Receive the
large telegraphic news service
to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
special service is the
ever handled by B Caro
Una piper.
lit Hi or more pages, and Isl
t- a large extent made up of
original matter.
BU printed Tuesday and
i par year. The largest paper
in North
Charlotte, N. C.
Hun. M. and lion.
Bryan -peak m
Friday Sid.
All are
in . or in any ray
an my lands. Any one
S, lit.
J. I
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyer and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
lion, Cyrus Watson will
dress the of county
Greenville on Monday, October
1903 Let everybody torn
out and hear this distinguished
speaker the political
of the day.
L. Blow,
Dam. Ea Colo
W. L. Ben
The cut the
or life never dull.
D. C, Sept. .
Last week was an eventful one
circles. The return
of the from Indianapolis,
immediately fallowed by that of
Secretaries Shaw and Wilson, and
the of dates
for public speeches by Secretary
Hoot, was peculiarly significant.
While there is no question but the
injury from which the
was was serious, it is
equally true that great relief was
manifested by the republican
leaders, at bis return to the
it compliance with
their wishes that his cabinet
followed suit. The great
latest by the people in
economic question was not
to sugar well for the
If the republicans have a
majority in both of the
Fitly eighth Congress, legislation
radically curtailing the power and
the profits of the trusts will be ex-
of them and this
Mr. Roosevelt was
That such legislation will
not be forthcoming the republican
leaders well they fear
I that then will be a revulsion of
if the people are
which will menu defeat in
1904, They also, that there
is a strong tariff revision
meat in the west and
was, at least slightly, yielding to
the demand, when he made his
speech at That was
not at all accord with the views
of the leaders of bis party. There-
fore, it has to
keep away from doubtful
trust to local candidates to
to pull own chestnuts from
the file.
triumph of Gen. Alger in
the Michigan
as it did, immediately after the
slighting of Mr. M.
Ferry, is regarded a to
the general interests of the party.
A is well knows,
Ian had built up a powerful ma
chine the state and which
commanded the support of the
Central railroad. Gen.
Alger is and it is
questionable if he or his friends
will contribute us liberally to the
republican campaign fund us did
the late his
The of the
machine is
a serious blow to republican
; the state. More-
lover, the President has won the
I support the voters to his Cuban
reciprocity policy, and so
has weakened the grasp of
Burrows and the republican
inn. It is admitted that rec-
lien. Alger, Mr.
fell that he was recognizing
the cleaner man and the man who
had the greatest claims the
for it must be admitted that
the of Mr. Ferry is quite
analogous to that Mr.
when i lie latter first a can-
the Ohio
nevertheless, it is
a republican politician to
consider who the cleaner man
Moreover it Is a kind of pot
kettle to de-
One Farm, 11-2 miles from
here, i acres, cleared.
land for tobacco, corn,
cotton, etc. Splendid dwell-
two tobacco barns and
tenant houses.
Second Farm, miles
from here, acres, mostly
cleared, with tobacco barns
and tenant houses.
. I Third Farm, acres, about
half cleared, with good tenant
after others had Riven her up. and houses, tobacco barn and
brought her back to About half this farm
While working over her , d which
and suitable for
act after opening eye pasturage. Fine place man
to the key. to raise beef, cotton,
Later I sent to her room, at her hotel of dairy, as well as for
on a In a becoming room dwelling, good tenant
gown. She had not yet seven tobacco barn
Into middle age. though she was near . R three large
h orchards in bearing and vine-
I muM thank you for pasture and list land.
bringing mo back to she MM, All these farms on Free
I would be more grateful had
you let me die.
the Mysterious Key
I spending some lime at an At-
would rather
not name one day
on the bench looking at the bather
I saw a bathing run for
the water. Jump In and from the
shore. A woman had far
beyond her depth and to go
down. She was brought ashore In an
condition, having
twice before the man reached her.
have experienced a great
said- we suffer, we j
think there is no more In
for us. When we to suffer, I
we forget that we have been
. ,. I
put her hand to her bosom as If
to assure herself that something
carried there had not been lost.
Tour key la I said. kept
nil eye on It while we wen- working
With you and saw you grasp It the mo-
It occurred to me to make an attempt
to thaw this woman out of her
I spent two months at Ml re-
meeting her constantly on the
bench and beta, with her In sailing
other amusements. I
In restoring her to a normal
condition, but tn doing so lost my
heart , A
I well remember the evening I asked
her to be my wife. We were sitting
a veranda overlooking the beach
and the water. The wind had been
Offshore all day and had now died
down. The swells were coming In slug-
I always liken the ocean In
this to a lion beating the
Bands with his tall.
sheer I said, I
have tried to bring you to a more
healthful frame of mind. Now I wish
to sec you happy that you may
Her reply was a sudden clutching for
the key.
Tell I have earned
your what Is the mystery
of this
she replied, you shall
I am a married woman. Words
never e
, Delivery and in a healthy com-
Apply to
N. C.
Wood's Seeds.
will under favorable
to of green food per
acre, or to tons of hay
is worth as a crop, a.
to per Full information
is contained in our
just issued, which we will mail free
Wood's Fall also tens
all about and Farm
Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed
Wheat, Barley,
Vetches, and
Clover Seeds, etc.
Write for Fall and
puce of any Heeds
Richmond, Va,
sir. tries
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave dally at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line Chesapeake
S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
July 1st the steam
will leave at
in. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
for Belhaven,
and Ocracoke and will leave
coke at a. m. for
Belhaven and Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenville, N. O.
J. E. District
Washington, N. O
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send orders to
The Co.
virtue decree
or Court county made at March
i a woman. i. , certain cause therein
all I have endured from i
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bugs.
Correspondence and shipments
A Liberal Offer.
The undersigned will give a In
and I Tablets to any one wanting
a reliable n for disorders the
stomach, biliousness or constipation.
This I- ii remedy and a good one.
Drug Store Greenville,
16.00 REWARD.
light red row, solid
i. slightly darker on nose
ii cut oil three inches of bead
when left, inch strap
around neck. Will calve
Sept. 36th. Any one finding said
cow will notify. l. C
Don't Treat Symptoms
after the Stimulants and will never cure indigestion.
They may relieve the system but the next meal clogs again. The
food should digested. The nourishment It contains
should lie by the system.
ties, cleanses, strengthens and sweetens the stomach.
This digests all classes of food and assists
the and organs In assimilating and
transforming It Into the kind nourishment that In
taken up by the blood and led to the tissues throughout
of cures Indigent
and dyspepsia, thus removing the cause of all stomach
troubles. gives such strength to body that
It Is Invaluable in all wasting diseases.
I wish to think yon what for Clifton Collett, lad.
bad d. I triad ma
I I.
Digests What You Eat. ,
Prepared l T. C,
husband. After a long COOTS of i
brutality he left me. Before doing so
he hung this key about my neck, with
the am going to be a wander- I
and may never return. I give you
one Chance for happiness. If you can
the look Hint the key fits, you will
learn Something that may prove of
great Importance to He believed
that could never And It and wished
only to tantalize me, though I could
never understand Now- I have a
fancy that In that there may
something that would release me from
my legal connection with
Why do you think
he dropped from time to
Show the
She did and I examined It close-
It was neither a door key nor a
trunk key. It looked rather as If It
the wards of a lock Intended to
keep valuables. I Studied the matter
for time, then
can understand how a woman
would the problem Impossible
of solution. To a man It looks com-
easy. the matter lo
me, and I will see what I can
took the chain and key from her
neck and handed them to me. Then,
without looking further Into the future,
hoping for something-1 did not know
left her and the next day re-
turned to the city.
We met again In six weeks.
have solved the problem of tho
I said.
She was too excited to speak, and I
had a hundred duplicates of the
key mad, then sent one to every safe-
deceit company In each of the
cities of the asking
the manager If It would any of his
used for storing
night I received u letter
from the president of a St. com-
stating that the key would Open
a compartment In their stand-
In your
asked breathlessly.
Is all I know. you go
there to learn the
will start
a week she returned and.
flushed with excitement, told me that
she had found valuable securities that
she supposed her husband had
also a confession that he had
served a term In the for
he married asked.
Von knew nothing of
will be little trouble In
curing an annulment of such a mar-
it was no
The proved was right.
In time the courts annulled the mar-
and soon after a real marriage
a letter came to my wife from the
wanderer, written on his MOM
the Information tad elicited I y
F. A.
landing, entitled re probate In
solemn form the Last Will and
Testament Thus. J. de-
I will, on
Monday, October
U o'clock m., before the Court
Mouse door in Greenville, sell at pub-
lie sale to the highest bidder, tor
cash, the following
land belonging to the estate the late
-DEALER IN-------
i I he
w i. for
i line urn Users
tho famous
lulls pills
for biliousness of
J. L.
The conductor a train of
thought often ha-lo sidetrack for
empty freights.
Conscience is the central station
on the telephone line between the
head and the heart.
lam In-longing to the estate of the
Thus. J. situate in Can
township. Pill county, to
One tract lying west of the
Washington Branch of the Atlantic
toast Line Railroad, adjoining the
said the lands of the heirs
of Daniel Hill and the lands of J. H.
containing acres,
more or less, and known as a part
the John Smith land and a part of
the Langley land.
tract lying on the east side
said immediately be-
tween said railroad and the county
road leading from Tarboro to W ash-
and adjoining the land of J.
B, Little on the south and the land of
Daniel Hill's heirs on the north, con-
Mil acres, more or leas.
One tract lying on the east side
of the county road leading from Tar-
to Washington, and bounded on
the west by said road; on the south
the public road commonly called
the on the east by a line
running from a pine on said
road, known as Sheppard and Little a
corner, a north-west course to a pine
stump on the side of a little branch,
known as Jenkins corner, and on the
north Alfred land, con-
acres more or less.
One tract adjoining tho last de-
scribed tract, the land of Alfred Jen-
kins, M. A. the high
mark of Sheppard's mill pond down
to Frank Pollard's land, with
POllard line to Bryant s
line, thence with line to
the high watermark of said mill
thence with said high water
down to the Griffin road, thence with
the road to the HO acre trait,
containing acres more or less
One tract beginning at s
and f nil ml road
and running with Little's line to
R. It. Flemings line to the Tarboro
Washington road, thence with said
road to the mill race,
thence with said to a
feet distant from the
mill dam. thence yards parallel
with said dam and H feet distant
therefrom, thence across the mill dam
to the high water mark of pond,
with the high water mark of
said pond to the road, thence
with said road to the beginning, con-
acres, more or less.
one tract lying on the north
side of Sheppard mill pond, ad-
joining said mill pond to the
water mark thereof, the lands of A .
kins and W. containing
rare, more or less, and known as
part of the Home
One tract adjoining the land,
Joseph lisp, Bedding Warren, the
heirs of James W. and others,
containing acres, more or less,
and known as the tract.
K. One tract adjoining the lands of
Warren. Hansom Mobley and
others, containing acres, more or
less, and known as the W. K. W
ard tract.
The mill and mill seal known as
the including the
land by the to the high
waler mark, mill dam and mill
raws to the county road, with the
right privileges connected
This the 8th day September, 1802.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
s-----o i
Cotton Bagging and Ties alway
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
gold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
par and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
Dr. D James,
Many in
Pitt Co n
read only one
It's the only
way to
The Eastern Ref
D. J.
That's Where
Ricks Wilkinson
We were
in our selection of Fall and Winter
apparel, this has attested
the approval of men of fashion
who have visited our store during the
past week and mode their purchases.
We want your approval now.
We want you lo come in and see the
new seasons style and make
election while the stock is new and
fresh -come in tomorrow morning.
While we have both Suits
Top Coats at a great variety of prices
we want yon to note particularly the
especially large collection of each
which we have marked
Common Schools.
If compare the qualities am
Styles with others you will them
equal to any sold elsewhere at
In our boys Department
Top Coat and Reefers that are
mil J lo M more than our prices, and those who have the
care of hoy. will be particularly interested d a
. . ,.,, ,,,
our offerings of Juvenile apparel at.
Ricks Wilkinson
During the three and a half
years of our of office we
have appropriated and at the end
of the fiscal year we will I
hundred thousand
the and
them in your six.
bawl red thousand dollars more for
the common schools than
appropriated and for
that purpose during the
of their tenure of office. If any-
body wants to attack us for Ibis
we say to lo your
hearts We have no
apologies lo make for ii. We
in it. We say to them,
Constitution required it, we were
able to do it, it was our duly to do
it, we did it, and we God we
did it With the unanimous
of the people North Carolina,
for I am glad say Hie Populists
Republicans, well as lb mo
the Legislatures of
and 1901, voted for the
these additional appropriations
for common schools.- M.
Simmons at
Our Ready to Wear
we regained control of
legislative department of the
j government. In 1900 we regained
control of the executive depart
is more complete than before. Beau
new style Jackets for ladies, misses
and children, in the lies materials and
late cuts. You should see our Monte
Carlo Jackets,
So Tired
It may be from overwork, bat
the chances are from la-
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in healthful action
by, and only by
neat of the government. While
work of redemption will not
be complete until the nominees of
this convention have been elected
and the prestige of the judiciary,
lost under Pinion regime, restored,
for all practical purposes, with
slight exception, the Democratic
for three years last passed
baa been in control of the affairs
of Stale responsible for
administration. The
party and the State are to
be congratulated upon the
progress we have made
during these three year of Dem-
administration, Never in
Jail our history have in-1 the recent of
I been , monopoly have led many
tin ii. . . . I
that challenge comparison in
price are our offerings this
season-all best goods and finished
with the new Slot Seam.
Autumn Showing
that my display of Pattern Hats last
season was pronounced the prettiest in
town. Let me tell you just here I will have a
larger assortment, grander styles and lower
prices than any preceding season. My line of
Ready-to-wear Hack Hats will be the
largest ever shown in Greenville.
MRS. GREENE will be with me
again, which is n guarantee that my hats will
excel in style and beauty any sold elsewhere.
Wait and see my complete stock before
you buy.
The man who advertise is
man who gets the dough.
A business that isn't ad-
worth wasting time
You never know how much your
business, can amount to until you
advertise find out.
The public has u short memory.
That's reason that a business
to profitable must be ad-
No big business has ever built
up without the publicity given it
by Judicious advertising, in
this era of advertising it is mote
ever important that a
expecting success should be
liberally advertised,
Alter advertising ha built up a
nourishing the work
the ad writer is by no means at an I
end. It remains for him to
Cue business a prosperous con-
with the co operation of the
other Louis Ad.
Beautiful Fur Scarfs, Huffs and
Children's Sets.
We will be glad to have you take a
look. Yours
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
Tuft's Pills
an ill wind that blows no
one The exigencies caused
a great
. families
to thoughtfully the
desirability flesh food. Aside
the, from the humanitarian standpoint,
Coll Mil. ,, , M . . .
and established the Slate in the
same length of time as during
control. Never in all our history
have so many corporations and
business associations been formed
and chartered the same length
of lime us during the last year
under Democratic control, ibis
record is a very gratifying
from food the underlying
of which is death and decay.
The possibilities of disease in a
diet are Every
element required for the sustenance
and growth of the body Is found
Latest Styles in Dress Patterns for
Ladies end Children, to
firs. L. Griffin
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
makes no claim that is not borne fact. An average
of for everything sold on floor during the month of
August does its own talking what Man and
the rest of do for those who sell at the
you only to try US to be convinced that we
Will get you the highest prices every time.
Proprietor. Greenville Warehouse.
G. t,
It. S.
D. S.
Why Living i. High.
chief cause for the increase
the cost of living is the tariff-
fostered trusts. These trusts
almost every article which we eat
and wear, and almost every farm
implement cheaper in foreign
tries than to own people,
denying us the right to buy as
cheaply as Arabs, heathen an
The Republican denounced
trusts in their platform, but let u.
their sincerity on this vital
In the fifty sixth
grass they pigeon holed an anti-
trust bill rather than let it conic to
a vote. In the last Congress the
Senate killed an trust amend
by a strictly party vote, the
Democrats for amend-
and the Republicans against
it. This amendment, too, was in
accordance a recommendation
of the President in It is message to
If when Adam was Created the
Almighty had given In in a
of a year, Adam
been so frugal as not to one
cent his income, thou
years of salary would not
make him worth as much this
steel trust has made off the people
in one short twelve months
Y. Webb at
New Dress Goods
Silks, Ail-Over Laces ,
s in body to defend
an, of the outside animal kingdom.
, of capital and When live on a higher plane
both inside and outside of of thought, they will cease to
i, ow -slaughter in order to exist.
power In and I When you consume the
voice the sentiment of this the luscious fruit
and of the Democratic the fattening legumes, the satisfy
people of Carolina when I j nuts and all the sun kissed
that as long a we remain of the vegetable world
or in the State we will conduct you are missing absolutely nothing
Its affairs SO as to merit and re-j conductive to bodily and mental
a continuation of this vigor, but are absorbing the vital-
deuce, not only from our own of sunlight, air
pie, but from those outside of health, cleanliness, instead of
Mate, who have capital to disease, decay and death,
or who are seeking at. of slaughter house
ammonia Greensboro. Many a pasty
j eruptive skin, a case of
and irascible
Ever, Legislature In North Car- by
an was controlled by the
M. Siegfried New York Ledger.
publicans baa been B disgrace
the State. Everybody now admits I
the infamous Legislature
Province of Teaching.
Educators have learned a great
laud doings. And the Legislatures late years about teaching,,
of 1899 and 1897 were almost as I they no more
During the past the
number of apple trees in North
Carolina has increased from
to and the
of peach from to
am null M
E are showing the strongest line of
Dress Goods and Trimmings in all the
latest shades and weaves that trill be
shown this season. We are paying
especial attention to this line of goods, and you
may rest assured you will get the lowest prices
if you buy from us We also have a line of
staple goods, such as Homespuns, Calicoes,
and in anything want in
the staple line.
Department is full up with bar-
gain nil the lat-st styles for men, ladies and
Men's, boys children's Clothing.
can ave you some j department.
w .-arc headquarters prices and quality.
have them from the cheapest to the best
We have the latest things in Furnishing
Woods, mob. as Collars, Cuffs,
want line are can supply.
Goodness f quality with cheapness of price
can alway l. depended upon our store. We
respectfully invite you to examine our line be-
fore buying your fall goods.
I bad. In proof of this we publish- j
, t weeks ago what was pub-1
in 1897 by the leading Pop-
, papers. Senator But-
in the Caucasian of February
1897, declared that to
this date I be Legislature is a damn-
able to
Do Ninth Carolinian wish any-
more such It is bad
enough lo have had one
that was a dis-
grace, surely white
of Forth Carolina do not wish to
elect another like
Your friends,
2nd Door North of Hank of
We what a Yankee com-
would live upon. We
throw a of bushel
fruit in their
Mason, and when are gone
buy canned goods pal up by
our considerate northern friends
In. know that we must have them.
Corn from Maine, peaches from
Mai laud, and even sweet
raised canned
have been sold in the
We are sleep
over rights and
away our opportunities, We
must tin it over several new leaves
if we would be independent, and as
natural happy.
s Herald.
teaching is a process of develop.
rather a matter of
The purpose of correct teach-
is not to stuff a with
formation, hot rather to train the
mind. As some teacher has said,
education is dynamic. In training
a child we may learn much from
nature's way of development. In
making the endeavor of the
is simply to assist nature.
I He dies about the roots of a plant,
nourishes it with fertilizers, makes
all the conditions to growth as
favorable as he can, and then
leaves the rest to nature, and a
surely us nature's laws are fixed
the plant which is thus treated
will grow. The Intelligent teach-
will pan j,, teaching
the young idea to
m Times.
He into her score
As soft blue as the sky;
Hi was an oculist, and she
Had cinders in her eyes.
Press me closer, closer still,
W what fervor yon can master
All my nerves responsive thrill.
me closer, mustard plaster.
Forty Torture.
To lie relieved from a torturing
attar to year torture might well
cause the gratitude sort. That
what Witch Basel
for f. He
Witch Salve
no- of piles after I suffered
rear. Cures cuts, wound,
am diseases. Beware of
Sick Headache
Food doesn't digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
It's your liver Pills
are liver pills; they cure

at the at K.
C, u second claw mail matter.
TUESDAY, 1902.
Did Mr. Brown succeed in lo-
the brass band
No interruptions marked the
even tenor of the speaker's way.
family tree in your
pocket when you go to register.
If you are not a lineal
of father you needn't
expect to Tote.
It's up to Wilmington's police
and fire department. Henderson
arrested the circus.
Helen Gould has been
made an honorary member of a fire
company at N. Y., to
which she has given for a
Whose hose are those
A careful reading of the News
Observer's reports of the Craig-
debate so far indicates
the following diagnosis of Uncle
based upon the
law of cause and hysteria
dizziness, partial paralysis,
in speaking, intense
irritability, and general distress,
with complications liable to set in
at any moment.
has a carnival to dis-
pose of, if you will promise not to
tell where yon got it.
The at the court house
Friday night will hardly be accused
of disorderly conduct.
may or may not deserve
a new trial, but the State deserves
that he should have it.
It mightn't be a bad idea to get
a wood burner, if can't make
out with an oil stove.
James who was
of the murder of Miss Nellie
at Elizabeth and
sentenced to be banged, has
granted a new trial by the Supreme
court. The court decided that the
demonstration during the
of the trial prejudiced the prison-
rights and entitled him to a new
trial. It is probable that the Mil
move of counsel will be
No Hair
hair out very
fast and I alarmed. I
then tried Hair Vigor and
my hair stopped falling
Mrs. C. A. O.
The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act promptly. Save your
hair. Feed it with
Hair Vigor. If the gray
hairs are beginning to
show, Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time, sin Mot. ah
.- .-. yo.,
i we will
if r
send m one
tit Address,
Tariff Robbery.
like the
Act, which permits in this
laws, or pa
tents, to sell their goods abroad at
figures than sell them
at to the very nation whose
pie give them the that
is their is It
Fresh Gossip From Near-by Vicinities
by Our Correspondents and
Reported for Readers
N. C. Oct. 1902.
Ladies should beware of railway
Never has there been such a de
for Tar Heel wagons. It is
a daily occurrence to receive orders
were duly appropriated, and
the A. G. Cox Co's. collect-
agent has been busy
ting bills and receiving praise for
the work as manufactured by bis
firm. Tis seldom our goods are
thus appropriated and more
still to receive such
of approval that we our
selves are surprised it the extreme
popularity. Well the looker we live
the more we learn sometimes
the better appreciated. Hence, j
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agent for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
Fruit Jars.
for YOU bring back the stuff and get your dollar.
A dollar spent with us gets
dollar's worth of
every time. If It doesn't
Horn one to half a dozen. This
will be surprise to those who the lee hive of Pitt county can be
have tried them for they know in the neighbor-
hood of the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
We are alive and fully abreast with
the times.
is robbery. The man who said be
to get the filing good, below coat, and
county for the next trial.
It were better that one guilty
man escape than that just per-
sons sutler a mean
so could only himself by
doing a very large business at it,
l; Comely for idiocy. No sue
. . ,,. concern sells its products at
Company, which is to one of the , . ,.
y cost; and it goods be soil
principal attractions at the i or
by, in Norfolk, this is Africa, when
working up some notoriety on ac- j then they be sold for more
of its leading lad refusal profit right they are
to wear tights. Miss Jane
I that seriously a conservator.
The protection given o that
sell abroad cheaper than at home
should be taken on at once. I
what they are and realize that
good goods will sell.
Richard of was
here a while Wednesday
W, B. Wilson and Miss Lizzie
Blow, of Greenville, came down
Wednesday and a very
pleasant hour with us. It docs us
good to see home folks. Johnnie
A. Andrew's and S. Smith, also
Of Greenville, were here Thurs-
The following gentlemen
received appointments as rural T here, left Wednesday for
at this J. R.
Johnson. G. A. Mrs. S. Harper and children,
No. E. P. Tinker. No The have been visiting friends in
into effect Nashville, returned Wednesday
It. B. B re, afternoon.
nurseries, near Greens
N. C , Oct. 1902.
Miss James, of Asheville,
who has been visiting relatives
here, left Wednesday Tarboro.
Misses Bruce Andrews and
If your spinal column is at all
you had better ride to
the depot by the route.
It's a good time to begin think-
about improving the cart path
from the boat to the depot.
is the name of this
performer. It is not learned
whether Miss has a
grievance to settle with the
row. or simply
its a peculiar form of originality.
you decide to burn coal
this winter, it would be well to
how you stand with the bank.
will remind Mr. Hiss that the
American manufactures of cotton
mill machinery this same Am-
made machinery to for-
in their own laud much
In the disposition of the tobacco cheaper than they do to
crop so far the farmer has exhibit- the home market. As the
ed a woeful indifference to one Hartford has
. j . L u ,,, is S. Henderson
greatest influence to the;
market is susceptible. As a result
A cyclone struck the town of
Monroe, Tuesday evening, and did
great damage to buildings.
were lost.
The fate of should be
decided any
to the usual methods a
of justice.
Some are independent,
some achieve independence,
some ate Independent from natural
born cussedness.
The suicide epidemic navy
indicates that some of our soldiers
have abandoned all hope of getting
killed by the enemy.
bat Mr. said to Mr.
may go by, but it would
be interesting to know what Uncle
said to Marion.
The Big Senator from
would have you under-
stand that he hasn't lost his voice,
if he ban
No I that Greenville is of
the beat tobacco in the
State, let's begin to look up some
supplements. There is reason
why Greenville shouldn't be a
good town all the round.
The President's reputation as a
bold, bad mini with firearms is es-
The outcome of his
conference this afternoon with
Messrs will
cat his ability as a persuader.
he will fail to realize the possible
this crop to the extent of many thou
sands of dollars for every county
in which bright tobacco forms any
part of the products
Encouraged at the good prices of
the early season, the de-
of other crops made it
possible, with the labor available,
to prepare and market more than
occasional he determined,
apparently, to market the bulk of
bis tobacco a lump as soon as
opportunity would permit. And
the way he has succeeded in lump
it leaves little doubt that he
has employed bis time. The deli
shading of quotation that fol-
lowed was a valuable tip, but it was
lost to the man most concerned.
He hastened home with energies
renewed by the fear of loner prices,
lo gel much H possible
at ruling prices. News of the
agreement between the two com
panics to light he had at
the cause of better prices
than usual did not serve lo relieve
the situation. His in
with the British- Amer-
Tobacco Co., was of lower
prices; his second, of gelling the
balance of his crop to market as
soon as possible. Thus he Ins
acted every
able Influence. It is safe to
that the retailing of tn mark
et and straining of belittles has
done more to depress prices than
all other influences combined.
A proper distribution of the
crop in which the
warehouses are open matter in
the control Hie lure
in lies his greatest hold upon the
Too Much Politic.
The tendency to have shorter
political campaign in the South
appears to be glowing. It is no-
so the case of
In large Northern
cities where there are innumerable
offices to be filled, where much
salaries and perquisites are
involved, and where there is a
much more lively scramble for
political jobs, conditions arc
rally different. The field is so
much broader in the big cities, and
a large proportion of the
is directly or indirectly inter-
the results, Here it the
South, however, where I he
is much less numerous and
the jobs proportionately so, the
feeling has tor some time been de-
that a constant political
agitation injurious to the
and agricultural interests to
the people. This feeling doubt
less had no effect embody
log the organic law State
the provision to have the regular
sessions of the legislature held on-
once in four
ham News.
was here yesterday.
A. Tucker, of Hour-tree, paid
us a Friday.
G. B. Lineberry went to
last night
Our colored of the old
side Baptist persuasion, are hold
their association about two
miles from here. There are a few
present, you can assured.
Miss Viola Annie
Belle two sweet little
Misses from arc visiting
at the home of Mr. W. L. House,
livery boy thinks his girl is the
best We can prove that
by both Claude.
J. D. Cox and Mrs. Cox
Miss Laura Cox went to
this morning.
The boys were out last night on
devil bent, and this morning the
attractive displayed
as souvenirs of their good
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
Third Falter.
Agents wanted in all
Wheeler Wilson Mfg Co.
Atlanta, Ga-
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Pat Davenport, of Hamilton,
Wednesday evening in town.
Miss Josie Badger left Saturday
for Roanoke Rapids.
Miss Mary Badger left Thursday
for Burlington, N. C, to be pres-
at the meeting of the C.
T U.
On Tuesday night at the
of Mr. S. A. Gainer, a party
was given in honor of Miss Bruce
Andrews. Many were present and
reported a fine time, many regret
her departure.
Misses Annie Tew
Roberson, of Robersonville, spent
Wednesday afternoon in town.
Quite a crowd left Thursday for
Tarboro, to be present at the
j J. T. Smith and J. C. Carson
Tuesday Robersonville
and Everett.
William Greenville,
pasted through town Wednesday.
I it
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Looking to the South.
including Ribbons in Latest
widths and shades, Velvets,
Plumes, Hat Trimmings and
New York Pattern Hats.
in South-
The roads sentiment
growing. It lie many
before you can ride
the depot to court house at a
an hour gait
bating backbone dislocated.
Miss Mary of Green
county, and Mr. B. King, of
were united in marriage
at the home of the bride's mot her
Wednesday evening The
performed by Rev.
W. Arnold.
Col. J. B.
Farm of
and a higher of
the agricultural capabilities and
advantage of the south. The
of new immigrants now
buying lands at high prices in the
northwest arc causing the early set-
to seek new fields, and these
are provided with ample funds
and are acquiring better
of the south through the
of literature by the
Boat railroads. The pros
pacts, therefore, for an Increase in
Immigration are very good.
sands Of northern wish to
escape the rigorous s of
north and to make homes
where the of their year's,
work are not consumed by the ex
of severs weather.
makes a more favorable
I lie northern in .
Visiting the central south than
excellence of climate the
low prices of farming lauds.
B. Bro.
or The tendency of Have opened one store of the Phoenix Building
bought throughout northwest Baker Hart formerly with a full line of Clothing Dry
a leading better understand Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishings, Notions, etc.
Everything in stock is brand new and we are selling at
Prices to Astonish You.
Give us a call and be convinced that we can save money.
B. Bro.
A attention to details in our Job Depart
is shown in the high class of work we are
turning out. have the best equipped office and
do a class of printing hardly in this section.
If you are particular as to the quality of your
printing, we want your work. We give you the best.
If you know Malaria, you certainly don't
like it. If you know Malaria and
Ague Cure, you certainly do like it.
Farmers of Pitt and
Surrounding Counties.
Let me have your attention a
moment I have purchased the
Planters Warehouse
and will have charge of it this season. I
have been identified with the Greenville
Tobacco market almost from its start, and
am familiar with every detail of the
Tobacco business.
It is my purpose in conducting the
to run it in the interest of those who sell
their tobacco on my floor, knowing that
the more I help the farmer the more I
help myself.
No effort will be spared to make every pile sold
at the PLANTERS bring the highest price
Knowing the value of Tobacco, having
ample capital to carry on the business,
assisted by the beat that can be
procured, I can make it to your interest
to sell at the PLANTERS.
Plenty of room to take care of
team, and all the farmers who some to
stay over night will find ample
Bring me tobacco if you want best
Your Suit
Is Ready
Why wouldn't today be time for you to
drop in and select that Winter Suit that you
need Want something swell Come, look at
our lines. No risk of missing any new fashion
if you buy your clothing here, because our
styles are ahead even of the fashion plates.
Fashion plates come out early. Our makers
see them; then they watch for later
The minute anything new turns up
it goes into clothing. So we are never be-
hind one Come in today and choose.
The King Clothier.
Ed. is off for Baltimore and
H. A. went to Tarboro
Miss M. returned
to Washington this morning.
wife left
for City.
W. M. Bagwell wife left
this morning for Williamston.
K. M. Starkey went to
Friday evening and returned this
Beverly of Danville, is
here to lake a position with the
F. M. Simmons J.
Grimes came on
Fred W. Mahler, of Mahler's
Sons., will have a large
line of cut glass silver at Mrs.
M. store Tuesday
Mis. John and
who visiting rel,
lives part
Slate, home Friday even-
Greenville. visit no
Says have one Hie
best towns on lbs and that a
few hours spent lice is worth a
week cl.-e.
If is a CROSS MA in lbs
of paper it lo remind
owe Tan Eastern
for you lo
sett less early possess. c
YOU owe u and hope you will keep
us waiting for it.
This Is for those who And
cross mark their paper.
At the home of bride in
Va . Wednesday mom
Miss Hallie as
united marriage to Mr. C.
ed lo arrive by the evening train.
Brief Mention of People Met
With In the Social World
Don't forget to register.
to register for this
Don't fail
Just and
Turnip seed. M.
Mr. Smallwood has moved into
new house opposite the depot.
Everything Is lively
around Greenville. It is a busy
No one can vote in the approach
election unless be registers on
or before October 25th.
can get the
in the way of tablets and
at or Book Store.
The Misses a
special for ten days of ribbons,
velvets, hats, and
The Registrar.-, for the ensuing
election will have the hooks at
polling places in the several town-
ships on each Saturday in October.
Registration books for the com-
election were opened today and
in precinct the Regis
has been kept busy enrolling
Under recent Constitutional
amendment, if you desire to be en-
on the pennant
roll, be sure to register before
October 25th.
Many subscribers are getting
The sewing machine
tickets. Better get yours before
they are gone. Come pay your
The office can make
room a boy who wants to learn
the trade. He be
willing to work and make a con-
tract for years. Apply at
the office for particulars.
copies of The
dated Tues
1902. We have
lost our Bis copies of that
will appreciate any one supplying
us with them.
Thursday, 1902.
S. B. has gone to
J. J. was here
W. M. has to Golds
Mrs. J. B. Cherry is visiting in
Col. I. A. Sugg went to
George Had returned borne
O. C. Moore and wife went to
Tarboro this morning.
Mr. W. M. returned
Tarboro Wednesday
Hugh of Lizzie, passed;
through Ibis morning
A. F. Clark, one Pitt's good j
tobacco took the morning
train for Durham.
Miss Cornelia Manning,
has been visiting the family of I
C. Moore, returned home today.
Good Salt.
Bagwell and who f. r
four weeks have been a
a piano and sale here for I he
Co., have sold out what
they had here. During
their stay in Greenville sold
eleven pianos eight organs.
Some time next year the Cable Co.
will have another sale here.
C. T.
Store News
The Newest in Wool Dress
Black, Cream,
Mode, Brown,
Grey and Evening Shades,
Sponged and Shrank Skirt
The following cards have been
Mr. Mrs. Alfred Forbes
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Clara Bruce
Mr. George B. W. Had
October the fifteenth,
nineteen hundred two,
at half after seven o'clock,
St. Paul's Methodist
Greenville North
Safe Robbed.
you would be up with fashion's latest creations one of the above suits
must be included in your outfit. We have them in all the colors, in the
Velvets and Corduroys. Ask to see them. First floor.
Mr. R. A. Nichols had his safe
E. A. Coward has gone a drawer contents
more. j Monday night. He had to
t T tn ,. the safe to deposit some money.
of Greene, M
Smith returned from No.- Sf Jg
folk Thursday. looking. He locked
Mr t T u i . lone box, left one unlocked.
W to
, , , and had no occasion to go to the
again until about time to close
I up, when he found the safe door
partially open and the unlocked
brother in Salisbury. u
drawer missing. He is not sure
L. C. Arthur from Nor- exact amount in the drawer,
folk Thursday but thinks it was about
returned from
return many thanks to all of our friends for the many
kind words um encouragement spoken h, first
millinery opening and we each every one o
them that it is highly appreciated, and that will use our
efforts to give them nothing but High Art Millinery of
the exclusive and patterns. New goods coming every
day. Watch the big windows.
Scotch Thread
Lace Curtains.
New designs, elegantly
worth at
Norfolk Thursday
D. C. Moore and wife returned
from Thursday evening.
Ola Ross, of Ayden.
At their night
the Board of Aldermen decided to
replace the plank bridges at street
The Pitt Co. Buggy reports
s demand for buggies that keeps
the factory working on orders.
The graceful of these
coupled with material that
the public has learned to depend
on, the firm new
B. L. Smith et Co. expect an
other carload of horses this week.
Their recent sales indicate marked
judgment in selecting just the kind
stock in moat demand tin.
market. Bob knows a roadster
from a horse, and a gen-
utility animal front either
these. Prospective buyers will do
well to examine the stock of R. L.
Smith Co.
saw at street
today, J,, J,
Arthur to build a wooden bridge across
left for the branch at the end of Fifth
C. bride
rived from Virginia Thursday
Mrs. Cobb and Miss Alice
Atkinson returned from
Mrs. Flossie of New
Haven, Conn., hi visiting her
brother, R. L.
Mrs. Mary Flanagan
Miss Blanche have
gone to Washington, O.
Mrs. W. R. Home,
with Mr. Mn. E. A. Move,
went to Washington, D. C.
Mn. Jane Savage, who been
visiting daughter, Mrs. C. T.
returned home this morn-
Mrs. J. A. Lang left this morn-
for Washington. C. Before
returning home Mrs. will
visit her mother, in Baltimore.
J. H. Mahler went to Richmond
of D. D. Over-
ton as assistant chief of tire de-
part was and
The chief of
was to recommend an
assistant to be elected at a
future meeting.
The chairman of the colored
cemetery committee was
to expend for necessary
work his department.
Street lights and wells were re
ported to be fairly good
Joe Forbes, John
Travis Allen were granted res-
The tax collector was instructed
to have dodgers reference
to the dog lax printed, to be din
by the police.
Accounts were allowed the
sum of 1370.23
High Grade JOB
done here. Send us your orders
Pretty effects in
Scotch Thread
Lace Curtains
feet long, button bole
edges, worth 9.76, at
White full size,
Toilet Soap,
Very line, worth per
box. Our price,
ac. pack.
Best Needles, paper
Best Calico, yard
stock is larger and more complete than
ever before We are showing all of fashion's
latest weaves, and we invite you to come and
see what is worn in New York, London and
Paris. Special prices for the next few days in
Long and Short Pants Suits.

What -.- .-.
Pry Goods, Dress Goods,
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
be sure that Mr. Hicks can be got
together in time his political
New Use We
A new aDd
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Don't fail to see me
before you buy j
Guns, Shells, Stoves
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
, H. L. CARR
Marion Butler says the
lists will put up a straight nation-
l 1904. It won't be
straight if Mai ion has anything to
do with
ton Star.
The Greenville
been enlarged otherwise
proved. This Is an evidence of
the town's prosperity, as few men
are able to give a town a better pa-
per than It will pay
Hon. Carroll D. Wright says
the ultimate solution of
problems will found in re-
He may be right, but it
a long time to inject re
enough into the average Re
to solve problem
when i, a chance to do
Th Wont Form.
Multitude, arc the
the new discovery which i
making m many people well and
weak people strong by digesting what
cat, and
and hi transforming their
into th kind of pure. rich, red
blood that makes feel good all
over. Mrs. Of Troy. T.
For a number of I was
with and
M which grew into the worst form.
Finally I induced to use and
after using four bottle, I am entire
cured. I heartily recommend
all sufferer, of and
Take a meals. II
what Jno. L. Woolen.
Take good care of your horse and
vehicle and they will take good
Look Out
and liver disorders at
this may 1-
cleansing the system with ill
Little Karl. Riser. These famous lit-
pills grip. They move the
bowels but copiously, and
reason of tonic give
tone strength to th
any gouging for his
Star, if girl won't flirt it is a
We the Wilcox case is a girl,
the first the of North
Carolina jurisprudence which, gem condemn your neighbor
U man convicted of capital of I unheard, however many the
i- a new trial because Rations preferred against bun; eve
of the jury story has two ways being
of men a. justice retires that you
Lot the bear the as well
use for
Refined Wax to
have been discovered by a
of Ohio, living near
Lancaster, who bad two trees bad
damaged by one being a
maple and the other an apple. la
each case a large limb was broken
down from the trunk, but at
to it. The were
propped fastened securely
with straps, very broken
leg be fastened with splints,
and then melted wax pour
ed and over all the cracks.
The was en
successful. The
prevented the of the sap,
kept the rain and
which have rotted the trees,
prevented the depredations of in-
sects, and the limbs seem thus far
to be perfectly re attached to the
I the accusation, an
get the lest
Like the piercing cry of some
you bear the Republican
orator proclaim lo thunder tones
that Hie amendment disfranchises
the who moves from one town
to another, unless he moves
lour months before the election.
The is all nub
provided for. Tb can vote in
the Malignity f place
you a similar
the plane
Fruit Jars
is at our stole. We have them In
different styles and sizes at
as low the lowest Then as
moil we are headquarters tor the
Best of Everything
in the Grocery Line
table supplies from us
you are sure so the best. in fact
.- arm ii .-
Natural Anxiety.
Mothers regard whiter
uneasiness, children cold so
No costs more little
lives than It's attack i.
j,, the sufferer is OS-
One Minute tough
township from the,
; ,
Hie republican. In Ibis state are guide. I
willing to make any kind of trade u Mon ,
further the chances of. ,
party seems to be
his to
establish no
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Fur, Cotton Bead, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts,
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
High Key West Che-
Henry George Can
tied Cherries, Peaches, Apple,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Haw,
Candies, Uriel Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Vt
Ware. Cakes and Crackers,
coot, Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Cheap for cash. .
to see me.
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Now York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all for the with rail-
at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
Thursday and Sat-
for Belhaven,
and Ocracoke and will leave
at a for
Belhaven and Washington on Mon-
div, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenville, N. C.
J E. District Supt.
Washington, N. C
M It
a a in it u
ah is r
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
la .
Leave Tarboro
Main l-re.
i, o fat-
i p laws
p m,
S a ., m.
Spring. St a m, Parkton an,.
am, arrive
m, Hop. p d
m, S IS p a
t with Mall.
i with
railroad, at
Air and
lb. and
SM at I
T SO . B
S. M- Schultz
Interior Exterior
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
price, styles work.
Please send your orders to
Fife. Co.
N. C.
Dry Goods,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. WHITE,
Black Jack, N.
Nice line -f nods on band. W
bought W cash or
exchange for
J. C.
American and Italian Marble
Wire Iron Fence Sold-
d rat on
Dissolution Notice.
notified that
and B. M. Jone.
.- nines, under tn
. Jame
mutual dissolved
shin. All claim,
said Mtg. o.
will present B.
for and all person, owing
will make pa; mi
i II. Jame., The
bi M-
dull before the
the estate w. J.
Jackson, notice Is
all persons to the
tn make
to the and ail person,
claim, again. said i tat
to the same for
within month, from Ibis
,.,. Mils i i m
W, J. J;
mi M-
., r Si
. ash,
i .
I i Bu-
p, Pill county u-
the Will and
of J. N- Moore,
a given h U
Ito to make nay.
i. all per
n. at to
are notified lo the same
within i. Ive months
date or till, will be plead In
of their recover.
J. N. Moore,
forking solely
the of all others. While
the senator he a square man. j
of f- u f of the County
fair-, and it will not U . u fr county
the while of the as heM , lb HI day
Wilmington the following
Registrars and Judges of Meet Ion
appointed by Board to
Col not an Pitt county, at
be has written some UM.
lines on present conditions as fol w go Ads
Capital and Labor the Dun D.
grind bins In lb morn, .
-he j.
r B.
deliver up his cash
that arc
running us to smash
Mr. Major a
and most painful at
furniture factory yesterday.
In adjusting some the machinery
his left hand was caught cut
almost offal the wrist. He was
Judges of
Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor
Receives lbs
telegraphic service
to any paper between
and Atlanta,
its special service is the greatest
, bandied a Can.
Unit paper,
of ill or more pages, in id ls
to a large extent made up of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and
l per year. The largest
Sample copies sent on application
All parsons are warned not
to enter or In any
land. Am . t.
bent lath,
J, L,
W. J. Little
it loll.
H, J. J.
house and B. V. Tyson
Cox, Registrar; A. B. and
Judges of
. rt.
Judges of
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and
storks, Cotton, and
Private Win-. In Sew
Chicago and New leans.
breathing became Kin-
j. i. ma i
Norfolk, Va.
and handlers
Bagging, Ties and
A woman Is not real old
she makes a salve for
neighborhood use for cut-,
and bums.
Si i light red row
Slightly darker on DOM
horns cut nil three of head
when left, inch strap
around neck. Will calve about
Sept. 25th, Any one finding said
cow will notify.
a, the e ,. .,
taken In Dr. W. T. I N.
the doctor and his brother, R II. B. Ellis
Dr. M., found that A. Fair Judge, of
and hand was
When Mr. Morris was of
chloroformed II was I for a of
while that he would die, as he J. T-
to and the J J.
Kl hi- hear, almost stopped, and B V. of
hard on him W. L.
Brown, L. C.
and W. J. Judges of tier-
E. Brad-
T. will coma to M. T. Spier and
and lei Watson Iteming Judges
here, en give of
him the gate a man
was Moore Judges ion
batter than laugh The Precincts
oil court. This in county were adopted with
that all the please were
Hicks can be found and glued to it was that
township shall
v. Mr- U lute one Precinct us polling
p., was killed by , ad No. i in
MO pounds of were mom
he was over a mud. dilated and was ordered that
Ml. pathetically an township shall mo-
would bury Mi-
his lute k on O
a day, she t.
get him We wish to J.
virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt at March
Term In a therein
pending, entitled in
form of the Las W ill and
I will,
Monday. October III
at o'clock m., before the
House door in Greenville, sell at pub-
sale to the highest bidder, for
cash, lbs
ml the
J. in Carol-
at township, Pitt t-
one O lbs
Washington Brawn of the
Line Railroad, adjoining the
Railroad, the lauds heir.
of Daniel Hill and the lands H.
containing scree,
or and known a- a part of
the John S. laud and a part of
J. One tract on the
f said railroad and be-
tween said railroad and the
road from Tarboro to W
and adjoining land M -I-
II Little on the south and the land of
Daniel Hill's on the north, con-
acres, more or less.
one tract lying on the cast side
of the county road leading from Tar-
to Washington, and hounded on
west said on the south
public road commonly ca led
on the east a line
running pins on sew
Known as Sheppard and Little s
a pine
on pi s little branch,
known as dirtier,
north Alfred
more or less.
tract adjoining the last
tract, the land of Alfred Jen
kins M. A. the high water-
mark of mill
in Pollard's land, thence with
line to s
lie With line to
e bU -aid mill pond.
thence with high -r maid
down to the road, then,
the road lo the .
acres more or
.-,, i tract beginning at Sheppard
Hid Littles corner on the road
MM running with
I IS, Fleming's line to the Tarboro
Washington road, thence With said
road the Sheppard mill race.
with said to a
t from the
dam. thence us;
with aid dam in
thence across the mill dam
C, the high water mark mill pond,
thence with the high water mark
said pond to the road, thence
with -aid wad to the beginning, con-
sen-., more or less.
One tract lying OB the
aide of the Sheppard mill pond, ad-
joining said null pond to the high
water thereof, the lands of W.
II the heirs ill . . Per-
kins and W. It. Roebuck, containing
more or leas, and known a.
part of the Borne Place, .
one adjoining the lands of
Joseph Crisp, the
l rt W. Rollins and others,
containing more or less.
known a. the
tract adjoining the Ii
Train leave. TarBoro dally
a m. S
a . P .
WOO pm.
or all point. North all rat. via
H. M.
Pass- Agent
J. R. KENLY, Manager.
T. M. EMERSON. Manager
lop. II .
Cotton Bagging and Piss
Fresh goods kepi constantly n
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
day, morning evening. Pray.
J. H. Booth, pastor. Sunday
a. m. M. A. Alien
lay, morning and evening.
evening. Rev.
H. M.
L. H. Ponder,
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday-
a. m. K. B.
F. H. Hard-
Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m., W. B.
Brown, superintendent. Li-any
every Wednesday
Preaching second,
and fourth Sunday In each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. 3110-
day school P. M.,
regular service
Hoard of Elect for
T adjoining
other., M
lace, and known as lbs w. B.
I mill nUll known as
land coven-l pond to the high
water lbs mill and mill
races to lbs road, win, toe
and privileges
the Mb
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock in every
and prices as low the
lowest. market price
paid for country produce.
A. CO.,
Cotton Buyers,
Before selling or disposing of our
They are prepared
highest market prices
meal in am on
hand Greenville a mil supply
Meal -lulls for the trade.
A. F. A.
Lodge. meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Reuse, Sec.
K. P.-Tar River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday
W. H. Dull, C. C. L T. M.
K. of R. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
meets every Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, If. G-,
D. Overton, Be-.
It. A. Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B Wilson, Secretary, J.
A. O.
No meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hall J. Z- Gardner, Worthy
D. Smith
I o Conclave
meets every second and
Monday night tn Odd
lows nail. W. B. Wilson
S. Smith Sec.
Dr. D -L-
Many p. In
Pitt Co
read only one
It's only
way to
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
That's Where
Ea stern
Ricks Wilkinson
We were
In our of
apparel, and this by
the approval many men of fashion
who have visited our store the
and made their purchases.
We want your approval now.
We want you to in and see the
new season's styles and make your
while the is new and
fresh- in tomorrow
While we have both Suits and Fall
Top at a great variety Of price
we want you to note the
large collection of each
If the qualities and
with others you will find them
to any sold elsewhere at
In our boys Department
we have an of Top and Reefer that are
worth to more than our those who
care of will be particularly interested Cl
In our offerings of Juvenile apparel at. -Pi p-
Ricks Wilkinson
Autumn Showing .
that my display of Pattern Hats last
season was pronounced the prettiest in
town. Let me tell you just here I will have a
larger assortment, grander styles and lower
prices than preceding season. My line of
Heady-to wear and Hack Hats will be the
largest ever shown in Greenville.
MRS. GREENE will be with me
again, which is a guarantee that my hats will
excel in style and beauty any sold elsewhere.
Wait and see my complete stock before
you buy.
Latest Styles in Dress Patterns for
Ladies end Children, to
firs. L. Griffin
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
makes no claim that is not out by facts. An average
of 111.90 for everything sold on our month of
its own talking about what Man One and
the rest of do for those sell at the Grenville
Warehouse. only have to try m to be convinced that we
will get you the highest prices every time.
r. Proprietors Warehouse.
Make Strong in Greenville
To say that F. K. in
his speech In the court house here
Friday night, fully met the
pat i. his of these who know him, is
to give to the Senator well ob-
served to any of his
friends who were not an
idea of the that gentle
man upon a
Equipped with facts and
logic, a disposition to deal
fairly with issues as with men, he
urged of and
answered the its en-
emits a entirely sans
factory lo his and
sufficiently lo
With deliberation and
as one who has mastered his
and knows his
the figure batched
out by the in,
Carolina. In a few words
he showed that in
to the contrary, the
party is no today than
before was kicked out.
The is dominated by the
same old crowd
State under Runnel. The h
know this, and the is not
doing business in its name.
It now comes before the people in
the guise of and
nun-partisanship . Sham Re-
publican conventions sometimes
nominate sore-headed Democrats
disappointed office seekers,
who see a machine in every Demo-
convention, but never
thing of the sort in the cut
dried Republican scheme that
them before the public. any-
body in this world does love an
said speaker, a
white North Carolina Republican.
If anybody- can beat a North
Republican in hankering
alter an office It's a Carolina
Lit the Wires -hP-hi
news Republic-idem is
reinstated North Carolina aid
Marion Butler will drop his
Street schemes in a hurry.
would come And don't you
know under Republican power the
devil would be to pay again.
Senator Simmons said that the
position of the Republican party
this campaign was an anomalous
one. He didn't what it
stood for. If to judge from
what Senator Pritchard says, It
stands for nothing that it has
standing for except high
tariff. When
like a pall over State Sen
Pritchard made some speech
es. He declared himself favor
of in very emphatic terms
Said that if he was ever found ad-
the gold standard he
hoped his friends would put him
in asylum. He has
since been converted to the idea
that free silver is not a good thing,
and ridicules It.
The republican put u thou-
sand Senator
Pritchard acquiesced the
of twenty seven
North Carolina. He
a different attitude
Says it was all wrong, that he has
repented, and favors white
in the State.
When we wanted In I
old soldiers of the Pi
led bis party in solid phalanx
against But he Claims
now to be in favor of it, and that
bis always has But
in when two
candidates who were elected to the
legislature without a Democratic
rote, were attacked for
twenty thousand
soldiers in 1848, Mid
these soldiers were fortunate
to have escaped with their lives.
And now to claim that the
peril is la favor of pension-
the soldiers of State i
to say what no be
Our Ready to Wear
is more complete than before. Beau
new style for ladies, misses
and children, in the best materials
latest cuts. Should see our Monte
Carlo Jackets.
that challenge comparison in
fit and price are our offerings this
season- nil best goods and finished
with the new Slot Seam.
Beautiful Fur Scarfs, Huffs and
Children's Sets.
We will be glad to have you take a
look. Yours
expected to
After thus showing of the
of Republican state
Senator Simmons referred
to certain charges the
are making against the present
State administration. In answer
to charge of he
entered an emphatic Not
cent of the people's money had
been wasted. Lei the
cans allow wherein we
extravagant. Do they mean
we have been extravagant in our
appropriations to the boys
and of North The
our children ere educated. Do
mean that we
in making an appropriation
to take the Insane stale
of jails and
mils Do they mean we were ex
when the laid
added to the pensions of
the men who Lee
Advice to the Aged.
Ace bring.
bowels, weak akin.,,
and LIVER.
Tint's Pills
n specific effect on these
the bowels,
to their natural
In and
lo kidneys, bladder and
They ore adapted to old and
Under the provisions of law
passed by the Legislature of 1901
have been established the
various counties of the Slate, line-
third of this amount was paid by
the people In this one-
The Only Department Store in
Tie people of North
Carolina love tin- Confederate
and neither an
to the of his aid
age nor propose to see him want.
Issue is not one of
extravagance, is simply
or nut the people approve
objects of the
cans i that Governor paid
Thai is a very serious charge. We
I love Chat lie bill
this charge was sprang we fell it
be bad done that be was
oncoming extravagant and needed
looking after. Bo we went to the
records. The Democratic party is
always ready to stand by
Republican party
ling to stand by we
found that did pay the
lawyers 9.17,000, and what foil
Every that amount except
about was paid on
made by lie was
the State.
That about completes the list of
our extravagances, except that the
legislature Increased
I her of judges and solicitors from
fourteen to sixteen. We did that
I too. Certain sections of the
claimed the extra sessions of
I the courts made by the
third taken from the district
fund one-third appropriated
out of the Stale treasury, so
these libraries have float
the State only Under the
the act not more
six of these libraries can be est
in county. I have
no doubt that the
libraries provided for in
act of the Legislature will lie es-
before the close of the
year. It would be to cal-
benefits that will result
to the children, to their parents
to the entire cause of
in the counties and districts
where these libraries have been es-
Y. Joyner.
The candidates of the Democrat-
party Tilt for the Leg-
several county of-
fices will address the people at the
limes places, to
Wednesday Oct. 8th.
Swamp, Friday Oct. 10th.
Falkland, Saturday Oct. 11th.
Heaver Dam at Smith's store,
in the number m
judges entailed mote expense than I Oct.
the salaries extra judges Friday Oct. 17th.
amount lo, Which was Hue. j Saturday Oct. 18th.
; Hat the Republicans won't
to anything their
Ibis line.
one thousand petty
put in
The speaker said that the great
of the Republicans this
I year was prosperity. They claim
i prosperity came in with Mr-
i and the tariff. It
I is true that good laws and good
government help toward prosper
but to say that the prosperity
we are enjoying local and due lo
o'clock A. M.
L. Blow,
Chin. Dem. Ex-Com.
The county and Sena-
tor F. M. Simmons and Hon. J.
Bryan Grimes spoke at Ayden
Republican policies to leave out Saturday. The speakers were
l consideration the fact that there from town by a
I, nail In every and
country. Great
Mexico, China, Japan, and others, Band, of Greenville, was
I sonic with high tariff, some with present to make music.
low, with the gold standard, The county only spoke
. , . . m t r and some silver, Kings, . f
have lust added supply to with with h pop I .
will sell anything in this line very low. See us when in want of f government, to give he time to Mr. Sim-
I-joying a period of universal mons and Mr. Grimes A large
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes. Pipe Fitting all sizes.
LINE OF Parking, Rubber Belt, Gaudy
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks,
prosperity. If was present and It was a
case high in our j or Ayden.
try, prosperity in Great
machine. Sew. and Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
in Great
i proves t be case of free trade. They
say that the phenomenal prosper
of States is shown by
I the value of our exports and
I ports. Hy this lest Great
is more prosperous than we. Her
trade is greater by two than
ours. The of in
exports exceeds ours six 0000-
At the close of Senator Situ
speech, Slate Senator
Introduced Hon. J. Bryan Grimes,
who spoke about an hour upon
tariff question, giving a brief out
line of the history of the protective
tariff and and develop
of the two dominant political
In the United states. His
exposition of Injustice of the
protective tariff and arraignment
the Republican party as being
re was keen,
lucid and impressively presented
Hon. Cyrus B. ad-
dress the of Pitt county at
Greenville on Monday, October
Let everybody turn
out and hear this distinguished
speaker discuss the political
of the day.
L. Blow,
L. Sec.
done here. Send us your orders
Look Out For Fiver.
the with
These lit-
pill, do not gripe. Tin move the
and by
ton., Jno,
I,. Woolen,
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious-
Pills act directly on the liver.
For years they have been
the Standard Family i
Small doses cure.

Eastern reflector, 7 October 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 07, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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