Eastern reflector, 30 September 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware, aM
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
Before leaving Washington, See
Shaw again came to the re-
lief of Wall Street and the New
York bankers, and added
to the deposits in that city.
This action is at the behest
of certain influential republicans
protest, registered at earlier
date, and his statement that
Congress should take some
measure which would the
real or fancied necessity of the gov-
coming to the of
the interests whenever
the money market becomes
It is however, that the
republicans ire themselves serious-
divided the currency
that they dare not take
any positive stops to make perfect
the establishment the gold
because of the opposition
such action would create their
own It was that fear that
prevented on the Fowler
bill, which it was claimed would
obviate the recurrence of situations
similar to in New York.
Through the error of em
of the office of Adjutant I
The Row of th
There died at Alexandria, Va.,
a few days ago a woman, Mrs. Sib-
bey A. Padgett, who is referred to
the Betsy Ross of the
since it is claimed she made
the first Confederate flag. The
flag was constructed at the request
of James Jackson, who kept a ho-
tel in Washington, and was the
cause of a bloody tragedy. As
as it was completed Mr. Jack-
son raised the flag over his hotel.
Colonel Elmer Ellsworth demanded
of him that it lie pulled town.
Jackson refused, and Ellsworth
climbed the stairs hauled it
down with his own hands. As
Ellsworth came down with the
flag, Jackson shot him. That, it
is said, was the Confederate flag's
first baptism of
Morning News.
Cart of the Stomach.
Tin- man or woman whose digestion
perfect and whoso stomach performs
function Is
cleanses, purifies sweetens the
stomach cures positively and per
all stomach troubles,
and dyspepsia. It is won
tonic that is
milking so many sick people well and
weak people strong conveying to
their bodies all of the nourishment in
food I hey eat. Bee. J. H.
has cured me. consider it the best
I used dyspepsia and
stomach troubles. was given UP by
saved my life. Take
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt county made at March
Term 1902 In a certain cause therein
pending, entitled re probate in
solemn form of the Last Will and
of J. Sheppard, de-
I will, on
Monday, October
o'clock in. before the Court
House door in Greenville, sell at pub-
sale to the highest bidder, for
cash, the following pieces or
land belonging to the estate of the late
J. Sheppard, situate in
township, Pitt county, to
One tract lying west of the
Washington Branch of the Atlantic
Coast I -ii-.- Railroad, adjoining the
said the lands of the heirs
of Daniel Hill and the lands of J. H.
containing acres,
more or less, and known as a part of
the John S. Smith land a part of
the Langley land.
One tract lying on the east side
of said railroad and immediately be-
tween said railroad and the county-
road leading from Tarboro to Wash-
and adjoining the land of J.
II. Little on the south and the land of
Daniel Hill's heirs on the north, con-
acres, more or less.
One tract lying on the cast side
of the county road leading from Tar-
to Washington, and bounded on
west by said on the south
by the public road commonly called
the Griffin on the cast by a line
running from a pine on said
road, known as Sheppard and Little's
corner, a north-west course to a pine
slump on the side of a little branch,
known as corner, and on the
north by Alfred land, con-
acres more or less.
One tract adjoining the last de-
tract, the land of Alfred Jen-
General of the Army, the news has U after meals. Jno. L. WOO
Just reached the newspaper
that the application of
General Miles to visit the Philip-
pines, which the President re-
Tell Yo
Thar the place m get the best
Fruit Jars
acted favorably, was the
same one that was tiled nearly a
year What caused the pres-
to change his mind,
this document and act favor-
ably on it, after baring originally
denied the request, is easily con-
The Army had
ire. We have in Miles
different styles nod sizes at prices , , . . , ,
as low the lowest Then m t head their procession at the
we are headquarters it the great encampment which to be
mi next
is the
president and bis. Secretary of War
conceived the idea of s.-u
Nothing succeeds like the
success some men make of a
The mills of the gods grind slow
The mills must be related to the
coal strike.
MB triCK
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York Boston,
Aurora. Creek.
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
a. m. Tuesday, To and Sat
and and will leave
coke at a. in. for
and Washington on
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenville, N. O.
J. E. District Supt.
Washington, N.
mm m r .
n N St
ii ill u
Ar j Maul
L Kooky Moist
J Its
it n
sat iS
i ti i it
I St
t SI
I M II t
i m in
H it i
Beware the Knife.
tut It
No profession has
rapidly late than
kins, M. A. the high water
mark of Sheppard's mill pond down
to Pollard's land, thence with
line to Bryant
line, with line to
the high watermark of said mill pond,
with said high water
down to the Griffin road, thence with
the Griffin road to the MO acre tract,
containing acres more or less.
One tract beginning at
and Little's corner on the road
and running with Little's line to
It. It. Fleming's line to Tarboro
Washington road, tin with said
road to the Sheppard mill race,
thence with said to a
point feet distant from the
mill dam. thence yards parallel
with said dam fret distant
. , J , . a; is
in the Grocery Line
join table
arc sure so have
should not be used except where therefrom, thence across the null dam
Intel necessary. In cases of piles for pond.
example, It is seldom needed. DeWitt's I thence with the high water mark of
Witch Basel Salve cures quickly and said pond to the Griffin road, thence
for with laid road to the beginning, con-
burns bruises, wounds, more or less.
Accent no counterfeits. was so. . tract lying on the north
troubled with h i ding piles that I lost, side of the mill pond, ad-
touch blood joining said mill pond to the high
Witt's water mark thereof, the lands of w .
Hazel Halve cured me In a short. II. Rollins, the heirs of . Per-
Soothes and heals. Jno. L. Roebuck,
lies I.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line cf goods or. hand.
Country produce for .-.-ii or in
exchange for
Dissolution Notice.
Ali p
and s. M. Junes,
trading doing business
name and style,
f. II.
;. r the
III 1.1 K IN
American and Italian Marble
Wire Iron Fence Sold-
wort prim
ices i n
Notice to Creditors.
this day by
mutual consent, dissolved
ship. All log i alms
the said The o.
r s. M. Jones
for settlement, and all persona owing
th will make payment
i . H. James. The business will he
. ii ill. James
. I . S i Join
. . an
is l.
. h -I
i . H.
. M.
Miles to the Philippines where
he would be out of the way at it
lime. With that end in
they granted this old nod
the General's statement to
newspapermen, be knew
of the proposed trip, when the
was broached lo him,
The latest thing
ho-e is clean
People Can no longer get
I ell.
A Sad Disappointment
but you don't want to
to have been literally;
true I Little Risen never disappoint.
clear, ii- the system of all poison
I natter and do it so gently
Girls never flirt in
lie until alter they have a strangle biliousness, r and prevent
hold art.
or less, and known as
of the I Ionic Place.
line tract adjoining Um- lands
Warren, the
of Janus w. and others,
containing MS acres, more or less.
and known as the VA Holliday tract.
S. One tract adjoining lands of
Manly Warren. and
others, containing acres, more or
and known as the W. B. Which-
Hid tract.
. The mil and mill seat known as
the including the
land covered the pond to the high
water murk, the mill dam and mill
races to the county road, with the
right and privileges connected there-
This the day of September. 1903.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
He Greenville Co.
Ar Hock, Maul
Main Train
Ion a
ford p m. tens
p m. n m t
Br inch -Train
m, S m.
Spring Hi n, a. n.
Mills H am,
m, Hops Mills M p n Red i
m, Union snivel
with trail
it with
Red with
Springs At railroad, at
with the Seaboard Ah-tins and Southern
at Golf with the Durham sad
Train on
II PU, I ii p I, it
J II I II f m.
pm, i.
f m. I s ,
at II , n an.
Bro.-k Into
lag-too s a I
lug It i h
Hi. Slip, I id u
i will and I.
William n-d. an
Ii it. i. hat
me. I hereby notify all
holding claims
-aid William to
-i tin mi tor duly n-
d. oil or day of
July. this will plead
In bar Hi. ii recovery. Ml pi
Indebted to estate urged lo
the of July.
. Km.
Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is greatest
ever bandied y a North Caro-
hist-, of or more pages, is
to a large extent made up of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N.
. i
, Hi. will T
i. N.
i. I ii i. to bl
I to
i. . lo the and ;
nit claims against tin- rill
i it---, -nun-
date or in it to ill In- pl in hi
of tilt if IS
Till. Huh
K M.
N. Moore.
ii i- or iii ii
h ii prom
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers Broken in
Stocks, Cotton, drain and
ins. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Though Stay be might-
than the sword, it can't come
tip to scratch when pilled
against the ink eraser.
j. ff. PERRY CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and
Si light ltd COW, sol
color, slightly darker nose
cut oil three of bead
when left, inch strap
around neck. Will calve about
Sept. Any one
cow will notify.
And you will be
convinced that
was ever shown
In Greenville.
l just returned from
an extended trip to the
Northern Fashion Centers,
where and latest
stiles of the season's offer-
s were secured. My
Ready-to wear and Walking
Hats an- Deadliest, and of
Trimmed and Untrimmed
Hats I hive the very newest
shapes. Caps in gnat
My stock of
this is larger
more varied than ever. Beau-
selections for any room
in the house.
i I
One Farm, miles from
here, acres, cleared.
Good land for tobacco, corn,
etc. Splendid dwell-
two barns and
tenant houses.
Second Farm, miles
front here, BOO acres, mostly
cleared, tobacco barns
and tenant houses.
Third Farm, about
half cleared, with good tenant
houses, barns and
orchards About half this farm
is low which is good
corn land, and suitable for
pasturage. Fine place for man
wanting to raise beef, cotton,
or run n dairy, as well as for
general farming. A nice live
room dwelling, live good tenant
houses, seven tobacco barns
and a back house, three large
orchards in bearing and vine-
pastor and list land.
All these farms on Rural Free
Delivery and in a healthy com-
Apply to
N. C.
J u tn arrive M m a
Tarboro dally Sana
i p m, is r.
I SI p m,
dally, Baa
a a m.
lat a n, It p m, Hop II
II SB in
It p II a m. at an If
a at. I so p dally --pt y.
a aid HI
p m,
Trail Mg Baku
din all dally, rat. via Slot
I Agent
J. K.
T. M.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
My entire stock will please you
you are invited lo lee it. .
ii i Mil
N. C.
Cotton Bagging and always
Fresh kepi constantly on
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
S. M.
Wholesale and retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Egg, etc Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits,
by Carriages, Go Certs, Parlor
suits, Tunics, P.
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear,
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Floor Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut,
dandies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Tin and Wooden
Ware, takes and Crackers, Macs
Cheese, Beat New
Hewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see
S. M.
B. Bro.
Hare opened in one store of the Phoenix
formerly with a full line of Clothing Dry
Gents Notions, etc.
Everything brand now and we are selling
Prices to Astonish You.
Live us a cull and convinced we can money.
B. Bro.
Wood's Seeds.
Crimson Clover
will favorable
h tn in
sere, tons hay and
our Fall
w m mall
Wood's Fall also ti
all ill-nit Farm
Fall Seed
Bins, Barley,
Vetches, and
Clover Seeds, eta
Write for Full
of any
Richmond, Va.
Whichard, N. C.
Stock in every
and its low the
lowest. Highest market
paid for produce.
A Liberal Offer.
will s
sad Liver Tablets to any uniting
s reliable remedy for of i.
stomach, biliousness or
This Is a new remedy and a good
Sometimes the merest escape
from defeat is greatest victory.
Matrimony seems to skin a lot
off the top of love.
Dr. D
i hi Ural Ion for Malaria
I Is a of
It l him
a tastiest No
cure no Fay. Pries
Linger in j Summer Colds.
Don't let a run season.
arc kind to
and . may linger along
months. A long sledge this
will pull down the strongest
Ono Minute Cough Cure will
break up the at Safe
sure acts at one. Cares coughs,
all throat
and lung trouble. Tho children Ilka
it. John L. Woolen.
Whether he needs it or not, eve-
try lo borrow
so as to learn who his friends
aren't, and also never to lead.
The first time a woman loses
her temper it nearly scares her
lo death; after that It
she doesn't.
Many people In
Pitt Co
read only one
swaps per
It's the only
way to
The Eastern Reflector.
That's Where
Ea stern
Ricks Wilkinson
i-j- After Months of
our stock of
Men's and Clothing;,
Hats and Haberdashery
for n
tenure j that In o
our w in to
Mich u m in
It is none too early for a
mornings . it
to u little protection
I Tor and for the sake of
your health. Our price, range from
to short.
styles and th- longer and
conservative preferred
We rail your attention to a
at the .
fabric and style.
Long-wearing, fashionable and perfect-fitting in every detail; the parts
which are out of tight are us as that can seen. Our prices
range from to but have a remarkably Ann collection C C
which we have marked. w I O
Autumn Showing
my display of Pattern last
season was pronounced the prettiest in
town. Lei me tell you just here I will have a
larger assortment, grander styles and lower
prices than any preceding season. My line of
Heady -to-wear and Hack Hats will be the
largest ever shown in Greenville.
MRS. GREENE will be with me
again, which is a guarantee that my will
excel in style and beauty any sold elsewhere.
Wait and see my complete before
you buy.
Latest Styles in Dress Patterns for
Ladies and Children, to
firs. L, Griffin
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
makes no claim that is not bane out by facts. An average
of 111.70 for everything sold on our during month of
August does its own talking about Stun and
the rest of do for those who sell at the Greenville
You only have to try us to be convinced that we
will get you the highest prices every time.
u. s ans Proprietors Greenville Warehouse.
V. S.
lit Been Her, and Greenville u
With Him.
Rev. Sam Jones, the famous
a lecture in the opera
Wednesday night, and Greenville
has something to and talk
about for sometime to come. If
the advice suggestions he gave
were only acted upon, Greenville
would easily be a much different
from it now is.
There was a large crowd out to
hear him, the opera house being
comfortably tilled, from start
to finish closest attention was
riveted on the speaker, one
to miss a word.
The lecture was preceded by
two instrumental piano selections
by Hill Clara and
a song, of by
Mrs. B. Cherry with violin ob-
by Miss Bessie Patrick. The
home and visiting inn inters
pied seals upon the stage. The
lecturer was introduced by Mr. W.
F. Harding.
Mr. Jones caught his audience
at once by telling the joke the old
woman got off him, in
saying that he preached and seem
ed more like one of her folks
anybody she had ever heard,
saying, Jones,
got while but black
He said as no subject bad been
announced for him in this
be would make his own selection,
There and Slay
Presbyterians Methodists
ought to be especially interested in
this subject, for former have
mighty good staying but
are so slow about there
while the latter are good at
there but will get away before
breakfast morning- It ought
to suit the Baptists, too, for you all
know transportation Is one third
cheaper by water any other
Mr. Jones said he might talk an
hour on how in get there political-
but the game a as not
There i- not a more
cesspool Ibis of perdition
than the politics this country.
Not man a thousand has the
courage to walk to the polls and
vole as he prays. You pray the
Lord lo remove evil and then
yon go Straight to the polls and
vote to send a whiskey soak to the
Legislature You can't Ibis
quiet old town of with
a dozen damnable in
it. Where saloons are in thick as
lamp the moral sentiment i-
to be low. Any man who
favors saloons is worse a horse
Ii a steals your
you cm for but
if the saloon ruins your boy the
nun is It eternity and lie
repaired with money. The
men are just as good as the people
of the would lie in
the business unless you kept them
there. town luster
saloons lo die. What do
you do with the tax money you
get out of theM t Do you
Spend it improving
They don't look like anything has
done to them a bundled
years. When a town of
people supports saloons there is
little money left for
higher and purposes of life.
we get sober we
can reform America.
They say you get only UM
each a year as taxes out of these
barrooms Greenville. That is
selling out your people about
cents per capita. cheap
lot of folks you worth as
much as hogs. You won't allow a
hog to kept in the town but you
do allow to stay here,
They tell me somebody got out an
injunction to stop your sale of
Our Ready to Wear
is more complete than before. Been-
new style Jackets for ladies, misses
the best materials and
latest cuts. You should see our Monte
Carlo Jackets.
that challenge comparison in style,
fit and price are our offerings this
season--all best goods and finished
with new Slot Seam.
And See What Liberty u
Beautiful Fur Scarfs, Huffs and
Children's Sets.
We will be glad to have you take a
look. Yours
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
B. Bro.
Have opened In one store of the Phoenix
Baker Hart formerly with a full line of Dry
Shoes, Hals, Furnishings, etc.
Everything in is brand new and we ore selling
Prices to Astonish You.
Give us a cull and be convinced we can save money.
B. Bro.
in- K Well, you don't want j
loons and too.
Mi. then said he
a whole lecture on how to
gel there financially, but wasn't ;
the lime. Money won't buy
health. There is not much
iii ii man suffering because ho
has lo eat and a man
faring with the from eating j
too much. Money won't char- j
greatest riches
consists the of bis home
sobriety of his
How to there socially, was
another division of the lecture,
but Mr. was hard
worth mentioning, fur when you
get there you haven't cot high.
Some folks owe fur the In cad they
ate three mouths owe j
their grocery jet no around
trying to put on sin To be in
society Greenville three things
ate playing,
drinking, yet any nigger
town can you at all three
of them. Some of you send your
to school to make .
graceful, they as
well be thrown hell. Keep
your daughters at home.
girls, you stick to your mammies if
you lo amount to
Everything depends upon the
of the home. A girl has
her modesty her purity to
support her character. Take
away either of and she falls,
once fallen she never rises
again. More of old fashion
mammies and daddies are needed
today. Preachers teachers
have lost the operation of the
home. What could make this
country only Knows if we
Would look after the home.
Mr. Jones his lecture
with a beautiful tribute to a moth
love, lie spoke hour and
nod newspaper re-
port em by no means do his lee
tare in the above
has only given
from him here Jail
jotted as most Impress-
ed us, and in they luck the
and manner of
that such force
his words he said
was pointed and good, ought
to put people lo thinking
g the condition of Green-
ville. Our people have en-
joyed more his
lure. glad that also
proved a success from a
Standpoint fol those who secured
his here.
A Oiler.
The will give a free
a Stomach,
Hint Liver Tablets to one
u reliable remedy for disorder -if las
stomach, s or
i- r. a good one.
Drug store
Mr. T. Combs, a prominent
and prosperous farmer
Martin county, is a man of
a widower line
stances who lives like a lord on bis
own industry and good manage-
all i man in every
respect, lie has acres to-
this he does nut
grow the same laud
only once in three yens. He
ways makes a go -d crop brings
it lo the market
sells at famous Liberty Ware-
house, W. T. Co.
proprietors, where highest
price.- are always found. Tuesday
he had pounds the Hour,
and obtained the highest prices,
which as
pounds cents, fill pounds
cents, cents,
pounds cents, pounds
cents, ill pounds cents,
pounds pounds
cents, pounds cents,
pounds cents, pounds
cents, pounds cents,
pounds cents, pounds
cents, pounds
cents, pounds Hi
pounds II cents, pounds
cents, pounds cents,
pounds cents, pounds
cents, Iii I
pounds cents.
Making total average of 828.20.
I'll is is the largest hale of so large
a lot of that been made
market any warehouse
in the slate for the
There is another notable feature
of the great sale. There were a
number of p minis of wrap-
pets every pile tub-icon
lot. except was I
ed by that handsome and clever I
Skin tier, tori
Ionian A Co. who
so famous for baying wrappers. I
Mr. is always on the alert
for a line quality of tobacco
knows u good thing lie
, and pounces upon it like an
eagle upon his prey.
re is use discussing it.
who was present and;
saw heard the wild .
when tobacco was being sold,
will testify that Greenville is the
place to get the highest prices, j
that at the Liberty, tin- stand
with old
T. and
Beth Hooker and prime
of buyers, Th cu Skinner, prices
cannot be found the world to
Bring your wrappers,
you will Bud the Liberty and Skin-
always on and you will
go home happy. be
to come any day. Tobacco is
ways and good prices,
whether little.
market has a more clever set
and buyers
is plentiful.
No man goes away without look-
lug lulu the smiling face the
cashiers bunks,
who happy lo sec the people
happy. Bo along all you to-
come when you
please, come, when you are i.
and you will always he treated to
the pi lots.
What Is . ii as the
Is seldom occasioned by actual exist-
conditions, but lathe
great majority cases by a disorder-
which may be
by trying a course
They control and regulate the LIVER.
i bring hope and to the
They bring health and elastic-
to body.
Cotton ind
Washington, Sept.
Agricultural Department's weekly
Cotton is very nearly all
picking has actively car-
being practically
and of Miss
rains have caused
damage to the open notion,
but were of considerable to
the late planted Texas and
Mississippi u light lop
may mature under favorable
conditions, w new blooms
arc reported from other portions
of the central and eastern districts,
they will mature.
It will require about ten days
to mature late tobacco Ken-
Elsewhere cutting has
been and the crop is cur-
It from a Washington
dispatch that ex Senator
still considers himself the leader of
and that his party will
pull over votes
Chairman has evidently
in a closer look bis
air his sheep
fold the political held. The
whole bell all,
have long since out
gracing either the Democrat-
or Republican pasture, mostly
in the latter. To sort them out
them up for use in
will prove somewhat of a
rusk poll Populist
volts in Butler will have
raise from
No Better Company
Mr. W. flaming, special agent
lot -the Central Lite
. is here with check for
to settle with the widow of
tin late Mr. James N. Moore. Mr.
Moore insured last of June,
gave note for premium
Dec- 1st, and died the last of Au-
gust. Few as good com-
as the Mr. Fleming rep-
resents. better more
liberal- We have three policies
company arc well
pleased with in.
Nu advanced more
rapidly late than hut it
not except where
Salve and
i i, t cuts,
no roll. was
bl , lag I lost
blood J,
ill. Witt's Witch
Salve bis u short
Soothes heals. Jno. L.
The Greenville church must lie
built Free Will Baptists of
county, please see to it that we
an attractive house our
people the county seal. The
people in will no doubt
aid us much. Let us that
do our part in great
G. C, a
la.-t week.
taken and were aided
In church, took
place Sunday morning. Elder
has been pastor of
Hi-, church. Baptist.
Your Tongue
If it's coaled, your stomach
is bail, your liver is out of
order. Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your
make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.

D. I.
Entered at the at N.
C Si mail
Necessity is the mother
of Luxury.
To average citizen it is a re
lief to the of Carrie
from the list
freaks to be exhibited at the
The is, what the
Republican party is going to
with the trusts, but are the
going to do with the
Uncle might furnish his
own reporter.
If he stepped on your corns, you
stood it like a man.
That sixty-cent sell out a
pretty warm message,
Will Senator kindly tip
his hat to Governor Odell.
Charlotte's appreciation the
coal situation is entirely serious.
The of some of
the newspaper is of the Craig-
debate may serve to
the possibilities of the
English language.
A Cough
I hive made
trial of Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to that for
of lungs u never
J. Early Finley, O.
Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
law ii. s ail
Fresh Gossip From Near-by Vicinities
V mum
Gather Our and
for REFLECTOR Reader.
Jones isn't the man to let off
without the worth of bis money.
knows how to
hold the mirror up to
That cancer thought to be
eating out the Senator's peace of
The trusts are
sleep on account of the latest rem-
It now appears that the people
who have laying in their
fuel at the of
will be forced to try the install-
plan this time.
If something doesn't happen
Kinston to divert the Free
attention from the Greenville
market, our neighbor will
have a case of chronic
on its hands.
The discovery of a new and
gold Africa
with new coal fields
must be regarded as a
very fortunate coincidence by the
owner of the coal property.
. If be MM It.
u M r fie awl
i It. th.
What have the County
of got the
Mr. Pritchard will suffer
from ennui as long as that debate
It would Mr. very-
much to have well in
It is a good time for the
politician to sit down figure
out where he is at.
Two ounces of pure serum
of a little thing like that ought to
the west.
If was anybody in
county whom the
press dispatch to Thursday's
Sews Observer failed to
will ho or she please get
up on its hind feet and the
If Senator and Mr,
hold tut like they've start-
ed, one of them may have his work
for his pains, but both will
up with a reputation respect
is as
to sonic folks as a eat in the
Powell the
e Away.
Who Can Vote.
Next Thursday registration be
gins, and this will be an entirely
new registration. Hence it will
be most important everybody
to understand the provisions of the
law and attend to the
of his name among the electors
the State. the suffrage
the following are the
which elector
He shall be years of age.
. He shall have resided in the
State years and county ti months.
J. He shall lie able to read and
write any section of the State con-
the language,
except male persons who could
vote in my State prior to January
1st, and the lineal descend-
ants of such
j. He shall have paid his poll
tax the previous year on or be-
fore May 1st Times.
Do Not Sleep on Your Left Side
Mr. Craig's trouble if he is
elected will be living up to the
reputation be is making.
license tax circuses
i- now Wonder what the
tax is Winston.
The modern Romeo is
more and more to be associated
with and dynamite.
Nobody seems to be in much
doubt as to which way the
pendent arc going to vote.
with the best
there is more in an ab
sees comes to the surface.
Any future consignments
under existing circumstances,
be addressed in care of the
U the old days a girl married a
man to get lid of Him; now, it is
to escape shot or the
made fa-
He is said to have
during whole trying
Haven, Me., Sept. Major
J. W. director of the
of of the
Institute at died
at ti o'clock tonight at his summer
home here, has been critical-
ill here for some days.
Washington, Sept.
Washington placed Major
Powell in the foremost rank of the
geologists and
the world. Major Powell's most I
notable work was his ex-
of the grand canon of the
Colorado in the sixties. His
low workers say that be was
the first who ever went
through the Colorado but
the one who so far ever
its entire length from
station to the mouth the
This exploit,
was one the most notable
geographical, geological and
explorations and survey
in the history of North America.
Major Powell had been
of the of American
he founded u in
and also was oil he
for more than a decade,
beginning 1880,
When a patient complains of a
taste in mouth every morn-
waking up, a
the ask him
is as to the position he assumes
when going to sleep. Au immense
number of people sleep on the left
side, and Ibis is the common
of tho unpleasant taste
which i- generally attributed to
dyspepsia. If a meal has been
taken within two or three hours of
to bed, to sleep on the
side is to give the stomach a task
which it is difficult in the extreme
to perform. The student of aunt-
knows that all food enters
and leaves stomach on the
right side, and hence sleeping on
the left side soon after eating in-
a sort of pumping operation
which is anything but conductive
to sound repose.
The action of the heart is also
Interfered with considerably, and
the lungs unduly compressed.
It is probable that lying on the
buck is the most natural position,
but few men can rest easily so,
and hence it is best to cultivate
the habit of sleeping on the right
side. It is very largely a matter
of habit, and the sooner it is ac-
quired the better for the sleeper
the worse for
Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Prof. Line
berry, R. O. Chapman, Sim Chap
A. U. Cox several
of fellow-citizens took
Sam J. at last Wed-
night, and they all voted
a success.
W. will ail
bis regular here to-
Master Roland House is on a
to bis at Han
Nice Carriage for
have a nice two horse carriage for
sale. Better come at once. The
price is Cox
Did you meet a new
buggy or Heel wagon the
road today There are several
that have just left the shops of
the A. ti. Go Mfg. Co. they
want you to see them.
Mrs. Warren Tucker is
new coat of put her house.
Mrs. M. I. two story
building is nearing completion.
George of was here
. yesterday.
II. K. Maiming are buying
I right much cotton, which they
are paying the very highest cash
A. Cox Mfg. Co. shipped an-
j other car load of buggies to South
Mrs. Minnie Manning, of New-
port is visiting relatives in
Mrs. M. G, who has been
on a home.
Rev. T. N. assumed
his duties us clerk in post of-
lice at this place.
Big shipments make freight
trains awfully late at this place.
Some men living in big
have tremendous big ideas with
mighty little brain to support
them. We don't live in a big
town but we've got a big head,
even if some people can't see it.
opposite side of the street is
always better for some folks. We
don't mean hoodlums either. This
sounds strange we know, but
some folks will understand right
after a lecture you know
secured the agency for
the celebrated
we are daily expect-
a large shipment consisting of
full line of same These paints
are acknowledged by every one to
be the we kindly ask
our patrons to send us orders
when ready to purchase. You
run no risk as the paint is fully
G- Cox Co.
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Clears.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
A dollar spent with us
dollar's worth of
lion every time. If It
for YOU bring back the stuff and get your dollar.
Fruit Jars.
Bethel, N. C, Sept.
Misses Maggie Nelson, Lizzie
Grimes and Nathan Beverly left
Thursday for Richmond.
Mrs. J. B. Andrews and
of Salisbury, are visiting re-
Miss Bella Rose, of Plymouth,
baa accepted a position with Blount
Bros, of this place.
Miss Jennie has
a as milliner with the
On Wednesday night, us the A.
C. L. log train was from
Parmele to Tarboro, one of
brake beams fell down, causing a
wreck of seven cars. No one was
hurl. The wreck was about one
and half miles north of
Richard and W. G.
Little, of Greenville, are in town
on business.
W. J. Whitehurst spent Wed-
in Greenville.
B. W. Moseley, of Greenville,
In town.
Three Times
ft the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Faster.
C Agents wanted in all
unoccupied territory.
Wheelers Wilson Mfg Co.
m Atlanta, Ga-
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
New Dress Goods
Silks, All-Over Laces
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
U ,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with .
second year-7. No Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of Insured.
If Elizabeth City baa really
Carrie Nation for the fair,
what does it want with the Pies-
ideal t
a a fellow said about that spoon
of to childhood's
Anybody else would have re
a two week's rest without
leg, after lath
a trust remedy like that.
Sam Jone on
A gentleman from Lynchburg
joined the group standing around
Sam Jones at the depot Thursday
naming, The had
Greenville's tobacco
market. is the Lynchburg
gelling inquired
Sam. The Virginian replied that
was falling a little.
said Sam, with that far
away look bis eyes that a Lynch-
burger acquires from on
Main street to watch the clouds
play around the court house,
Lynchburg Is in a good
place to fall When the
laugh had he
always remind
ed me of experience a
bad whose plantation wan the
side of u One day,
while out he fell out
Raleigh, September 2.1.
court Hied following
Parker vs. Cobb, from
no error; Bullock vs.
from error;
Duff VS, Meadows, from Craven,
no Smith vs. Harris, from
Pitt, affirmed; vs.
Booth, error;
vs. Bawls, from Pitt, error;
Swift vs. Dixon, from Greene,
Wood vs. Railroad, from
affirmed; Taylor vs. Rail-
road, Hertford, new trial;
Jester vs. Packet On., from Hen
foul, appeal dismissed; Garrett vs.
Horn Halifax, new trial;
Ayres vs. from Hyde,
appeal dismissed; sou vs. Bax
from no error;
Royal v. Street , from
Graven, per affirmed; Best
VS. Mortgage Co., from Greene, no
Manufacturing Company vs.
Gray, from per
affirmed; ax vs. Buck, from Pitt,
per affirmed; vs
Co., from plain
tiff's appeal dismissed under rule
Worth vs. from
New plaintiff's appeal
rule Wood
vs. from Onslow, plaintiffs
dismissed under rule
White vs. from Craven,
no error.
WE are showing the strongest line of Ladles
Dress Goods and Trimmings in all the
latest shades and weaves that will be
shown this season. We are paying
especial attention to this line of goods, you
rest assured you will get the lowest prices
if you buy from us. We also have a line of
staple dry goods, such as Homespuns, Calicoes,
Ginghams, and in fact anything you want in
the staple line.
Our Shoe Department is full up with bar-
gains in all latest styles for men, ladies
Men's, boys and children's Clothing.
can save you some money in this department.
We are headquarters in prices and quality. We
them from the cheapest to the best.
also have the latest things in Furnishing
Goods, such as Collars, Cuffs,
Shirts, Underwear, you
want in this line can supply.
Goodness of quality with cheapness of price
can always be depended upon in our store. We
respectfully invite you to examine our lino be-
torn buying your fall goods.
Your friends,
Jail Door North Bask
Farmers of Pitt and
Surrounding Counties.
Let me have your attention a
moment I have purchased the
Planters use
and will have charge of it this season. I
have been identified with the Greenville
market almost from its start, and
am familiar with every detail of the
Tobacco business.
It is my purpose in conducting the
to run it in the interest of those who sell
their on my knowing that
the more I help the farmer the more I
help myself.
No effort will be spared to make every pile sold
at the PLANTERS bring the highest price
Knowing value of Tobacco, having
ample lo carry on the business.
assisted by the best helpers that can be
procured, I can make it to your interest
to sell at the PLANTERS.
Plenty of room to take care of your
team, and all the farmers who to
stay over night will find ample
Bring me your tobacco if you want best prices.
solicited. Best work.
A R K attention to details in our Job Depart-
is shown in the high class of work we are
turning out. We have the best equipped office and
do a class of printing hardly in this section.
If you are particular as to the quality of your
printing, we want your work. We give you the best.
Come and See
C- I new arc
V here waiting for you.
If you want to look like a
New Yorker we have the
New Fall Suits ready to
give you that effect.
Set your figure at one half made-to-order prices and we
will famish better all round satisfaction. Costs
only time to test this proposition. No charge here for
posting yon up to-date. Money refunded if anything goes
If there Is a CROSS MARK la the
margin of Una paper it to remind you
that yon owe Tar.
and you to
early as w e
you will not keep
us waiting for It.
Is for those who And the
crass on paper.
Snap Shots st Home News Put
la Few Words for Busy Readers
Just and
X seed. S. M.
You can get a good smoke in the
at Reflector
Book Store.
Remember you can get hast
in the way of tablets and pencils
at or Book Store.
My store will be closed on Thurs-
day, Oct. and Saturday, Oct.
account of holidays.
Is supply of Stationery
getting low If it is, send us your
order. JOB of all
kinds Id the latest styles and best
I offer sale my dwelling and
two lots in the town of Winter-
Also my farm of acres
i mile from Apply
to I'm,
N. V.
Brief Mention of People net
With In the Social World
Laundry Grow.
The is always glad
to the success home enter-
prise, so when it follows
previous failures along the same
Hue. As worthy of note, we call
to recent extensive ad-
to the Greenville Steam
Laundry, including a well of Its
aw machinery, and a
Day berry de-
went up the road
K. H. is on road
H. A. While took the morning
J. R. went to Norfolk
W. M. Lang, of Farmville, was
here today.
W. E. Lewis and family for
Danville this morning.
Mrs. W. M. of Farmville,
was in Greenville today.
Mrs. Harry Skinner returned
home evening.
Mrs. J. G is heme after a
visit to Wilson and Conetoe.
returned home
by Wednesday
Miss Winnie Skinner returned
from Rocky Wednesday
Sam Jones this morning for
Scotland Neck, where he lectures
John Davis, of the firm of R. L.
Davis Bro., lecture
Rev. R. of Wash-
the lecture here
Wednesday night.
Rev. D. B. left
morning. He preaches in
Sparta Sunday.
L. M. Lanier, who has been here
with the people, left on a
tuning this morning. He goes
to Elizabeth City from here.
SATURDAY, skit. ;, Ism
L. H. is reported sick.
J. B. Jar. is came in from
sou today.
Mayor returned from
W. T. Bur n is visiting in
W. H. arrived Fri-
day evening.
of Farmville, was
town today.
Prof. W. II. went to
Bethel today.
Mrs. H. W. Whedbee is home
after a trip to
J. G. Richmond manager
for the Cable Co., spent Friday
W. G. of the com-
left this morning Nor-
N. H. Whitfield, who said he
had fishing, returned by the
morning train.
Stone, of the Cable com
local goes to Kin-
to spend Sunday.
Ivey Smith two children
took the morning train for
Rapids and
Rev. J. N. Booth goes to Nash
county today to fill the pulpit of
Rev. J. T. Edmundson Sunday.
J. E. of Washington,
superintendent of
D. Co., was Greenville
Miss of Durham,
came in from this
morning to visit her sister, Mrs.
E. C. Matthews.
Mrs. W. M. Lang, of Farmville,
who spent the day with Mrs J. L.
Lang, left Friday evening on a vis-1
it to in Kinston.
Miss Lillian M. Bonner, whose
playing has a feature of the
entertainments here, will
spend Sunday in Kinston, as the
guest Mrs. H. J. Walls.
Theo. W. Skinner, of the Green-
ville market, is Neck
today, the
incidentally, his
says Mr. Walker, who
has just returned from Danville,
and knows how it is.
Rev. D. A. Watkins and
of Washington circuit, were
in town Wednesday night.
Rev. Sam Jones, of Georgia, was
the gut st Mr. Mrs. C. T.
Wednesday night. .
Miss Roberson, of Bethel,
and Miss Keel,
are the guests of Mrs. J. G.
The many friends of D. E.
House, one of the most popular
assistants of J. B.
are pleased to
a and return to
on the road to-
society sustains a loss u
is deeply sensible. Mr. Lewis
came here at the beginning of the
season, from Lynchburg.
A very short acquaintance with
him was sufficient to convince local
tobacconists that the Imperial had
secured a man worthy of its
deuce, market
S buyer by whose and
qualifications it would be
the gainer.
Mr. Lewis bis interesting
family bear with them the best
wishes of friends in Green-
It is admitted
great American and English
trusts are still speaking
terms, but no one both able
and Inclined to report just what
they are saying to each other.
K. L. Smith came in Thursday
E. n. returned Thurs
day evening.
W. C. Dudley, of Washington,
was here today.
Rev. F. A. Bishop is reported
better this
District Attorney Harry
went to Raleigh
T. U, Walker returned
Danville Thursday evening.
Spain was sent to the
Methodist at Raleigh
Mrs. Ruth Taylor, a teacher of
short hand and type writing, de
sires to get a Greenville.
Any one wishing to take lessons
please leave their names at Re-
office. Terms be,
moderate. This is opportunity
to learn a useful occupation that
young men and young ladies j
should take advantage of.
Millinery Opening.
The Misses Erwin have on ex-
today and tomorrow
from their new stock of fall
and winter millinery. A peep in-
to their busy store discloses a feast
for the feminine eye, and a pat-
tern to every taste. The
feature is a display of New
York pattern bats, in styles and
grades sufficiently varied to meet
all demands. This exhibit affords
an opportunity to become posted
on the very latest in fem-
head dress.
Lately in a small town in
the inspector arrived on
his tour of inspection too soon
his last visit to please may-
or, who was asked to accompany
him, says an exchange. should
like to know this ass has come
so muttered the
mayor to himself, as he put on his
hat. The inspector over heard the
remark, but to ignore
and was soon busy
the pupils in punctuation. The
mayor told don't Iron
about commas and such like
The Inspector told one of
the pupils to write on the black-
board. Mayor of
tel says the inspector is an
be added, a comma
after another sf-
The pupil did so,
it is believed that mayor
has altered his opinion as to the
value of commas.
You need any
Here's the Place to
Get them C
C. T.
The Big Store.
Greenville. N C.
Malaria Ever have it Know all about
it Want to get rid of it Take
Malaria and Ague Cure.

Have Ton Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves, g
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line. p
Your friend,
A the with A
n n and doctor to hare
la a Mexican
That the plan- g, the best
Fruit Jars
is at our have
styles and sizes prices
as low us the lowest Then
we are t r the
Best of Everything;
in the Grocery Line
your table supplies from
yon are sure SO have the best
Do Not Sleep on Your Left
When a patient of a
bad taste his every in.
nuking up, says a
the first question I ask him
is as to the position he assumes
when going to sleep. An immense
number of people sleep on the left
Mile, Ibis is the most
cause of the taste
which is generally attributed to
dyspepsia. If a meal has been
taken two or three hours of
going to bed, to sleep on the left
side is to give the stomach a task
which it in difficult the extreme
to perform. The student of
knows that all food
leaves the stomach on the
right side, and sleeping on
the left side soon after eating in-
a sort of pumping operation
which is anything but conductive
to sound repose.
The action of the is also
with considerably,
the lungs arc unduly compressed.
It is probable that lying on the
back is the most natural position,
but men can rest easily so,
and hence it is best to cultivate
the habit of sleeping on the right
side. It is very largely a matter
of habit, the sooner it is sic-
for the sleeper
and the worse for the physician
Chief it Police Rouse arrested
Ernest colored, jester-1
day lodged him in jail. Baa-1
berry is wanted Pitt for
assaulting and robbing Henry
near Farmville, several
weeks ago. It was highway rob-
Rasberry will be taken to
Greenville morning by Mr.
Horning News.
Rasberry was brought to Green- of I in boX all of the in
ville this morning and jailed. Tb people remember, the food they eat. J. H.
Ulcers or
Running Sores
need not become a fixture upon your
body. If they do it is your fault, for
will thoroughly, quickly and
cure these afflictions. There
is no guess work about it; if this
is used a cure will follow.
If until at
Mustang- Ah a in healer very top.
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at IS
M. for Washington.
at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and tor
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Hay Lino Chesapeake
H. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
m i July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
a. m, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
and Ocracoke and will leave
at a. for
Belhaven and Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenville, N.
n r.
a a i
I r a
i LB It
J. E. District
Washington, N. C
When the party in
Take Care of the Stomach.
The man or woman whose digestion is
perfect unit whose stomach performs
their Greensboro platform referred function is
to the of the State cleanses, purifies sod the
, stomach and cures positively and per
government by the Republicans all stomach troubles,
as It is the won-
as ionic that is
neutralized in measure the making so many sick people well and
people strong by conveying to
you want
Dry Goods, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack. N. C.
line cf good on band.
product bought fir in
st l
American and Italian Marble
Wire and Iron Fence Sold-
jets i n
Dissolution Notice.
All persons arc that H.
S. M. Jon
trading and Ii i
name and
hT this by
hip. All persons
the said The Jam
pi.-mi the to
and all owing
a will make
c. H. Jain. The will i
. James under the
; hut s. Jones will
trouble arose, it is learned here,
from In- appropriating a bunch of scandals
that did not belong to him. j
There will soon a change in
the of the John Flanagan
Boggy Co., and all persons
to n are requested to settle at
once. By so doing you will save
is trouble and coat.
Sept 1903,
rant misrule and Miss ,
too well the
f that administration. remedy I ever used for and
e accept willingly
the people will j it after meals. Jno. L. Wooten.
; sustain them upon that issue.
C. R Thomas at Burgaw.
inc. it the best
You Know are Taking-
yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that
is simply Iron and a
tasteless form,
Notice to Creditors.
Having before of
executor ii will t
a. and
letters testamentary las-n duly
l in.-. I hereby all
or ill.- Whitehead, to
tin in for payment duly R
on or before the
July, or Ibis notice will be plead
In bar of recovery. All persons
indebted to estate bit- urged to
make to me immediately.
R. J.
Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
8.00 PER
THE Receives the
largest telegraphic news
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta and
its special service is the
ever handled by North Cant-
Una paper.
of or more pates, and is
to large made up of
original mutter.
ES and Friday
I per year. The largest piper
in North nil inn.
sent on application.
Charlotte, N.
Court Clerk a-
the Last am T.
X. a-. notice
is i. to all it-iii
to to immediate pa-
to the and all per-
us bating claims the estate
are notified to pis at -am, p
payment within in in
this u ill be i lead in
of their
of J. N. Moore.
A warned Dot
liter or In any way
my lands, Any one
l- prosecuted.
s. pi.
To combat a fault
Io reach out Is a single
without ever is tie
sign of a great soul.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Broken In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
oils. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, lies and Hags.
Correspondence and shipments
11.11 c ii
color, darker on nose
us cut oft of head
When left, inch
around neck. Will
Any one finding said
DOW Will notify.
Sept. N. C.
My Line of
And you will be
convinced that
was ever shown
in Greenville.
I nave just returned from
an extended trip to the
Northern Fashion Centers,
where and latest
of the season's offer-
were secured. My
Ready-to wear and Walking
Hats are Beauties, and of
Trimmed and Untrimmed
lints I the very newest
shapes. Baby Caps in great
My Mock of
this season is larger and
more varied than ever. Beau-
selections for any room
in the house.
of a of the
or Court of county
Term in a certain cause therein
entitled re probate
solemn form if the Last Will and
of J. Sheppard, de-
I will, on
Monday. October
at m., before the
House door in Greenville, sell at pub-
sale to the highest bidder, for
cash, the following pieces or patrols of
land belonging to the estate of the late
J. Sheppard, situate in
township, county, to
One tract west of the
Washington of the Atlantic
Coast Line the
said the lauds of the heirs
of Daniel Hill and the lands of Ii.
containing acres,
more or less, and as a part of
the John S. Smith laud and a part of
the land.
One tract lying the east side
of said railroad and immediately be-
tween railroad and the county
road lead nit; from Tarboro to Wash-
adjoining the land of J.
j H Little on the south and the land of
Daniel Hill's on the north, eon-
; acres, more or less.
I One tract on the east side
of the county road lending from Tar-
to Washington, and hounded on
the west said road; on the south
by the public road commonly called
the on the cant a line
running from a pine on said Griffin
road, known as Sheppard and Little's
corner, a north-west course to a pine
stump on the side of a little branch,
known as corner, and on the
north by Alfred land, con-
ten s more or less.
One tract adjoining the la-st
tract, the land of Alfred Jen-
kins, M. A. the high
mark of Sheppard's mill pond down
to Frank Pollard's thence with
Hue to
line, with line to
the high water mark of said mill pond.
thence with said high water
down to the road, thence with
the Griffin road to the acre tract,
containing acres more or less,
j One tract beginning at Sheppard's
I and Little's corner on the Griffin rod
and running with Little's line to
It. K. line to the Tarboro
Washington road, thence with
road to the Sheppard mill race,
thence with aid to a
point SO feet distant from the
mill dam. thence parallel
with said dam and JO feet distant
therefrom, thence across the mill dam
to the high watermark pond,
thence with the high water mark of
said pond to the Griffin road, thence
with said road to the con-
acres, more or less.
One tract on the north
side of the pond, ad-
joining said mill pond to the high
water mark thereof, the lands of
M the fate of sufferers from dyspepsia and indigestion. , H. the heirs of G. O, Per-
kins and W. U. k. containing
more or less, and known as
of the
One tract the lands of
Joseph Warren, the
ii s of James W. Rollins others,
containing acres, more or less,
and known as the Ed
One tract adjoining the lands of
Manly Hansom Mobley and
others, containing acres, more or
h s. and known as the W. K.
W. The mill and mill seat as
the Including the
lurid covered b the pond to the high
water mark, the mill dam and mill
races to the road, with
right and privileges there-
Tills the 8th day of September, 1902.
My entire stock will yon
and you are invited to pee it.
a i
Slow Starvation
stomach and the
If your food It can't build up the
body. In It does actual In the
What Em.
Is Um sensible remedy, fly digest whit you
the body and at the time rests
the This rest soon restore perfect health,
cathartics and stimulants only reach the symptoms,
cures. It la Nature's tonic.
took such a hold on mi. that I could
. r Asa
in I and
hi and well, Tea.
It can't
help but do you good
k r. by
wild Salve
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
He Greenville Co.
rat in
S Soul II II
Tarboro III
Tarboro t II
Lt Kooky Hone m i
AT I u in
ford H p m. ham Manned
p m, arrive i SO p m leas
to p m,
a m, Mai ton t N, s m. dad
a m, a. m.
Hope I H p n Red
n p n
at with train No
at with toe Carolina
Railroad, at Red with the Bad
Spring A at
with the Seaboard Air Line and
Railway at Gulf with the
on tat
i, I n i a, u
Neck at I p m. II
pro i it pm
as a.
at II J a m, II a a.
------DEALER IN-
nice Hardware.
B a m and t
a m and S p m, lean It
a p m, am. in
S It p
Train Tarboro dally
at p m. p.
dally, Sunday, T Man
Train on Midland N C
I e a m.
T OS a Earn I at a a.
am. too p .
N SO a Hop n
In p , II a m.
It it a , I IS p B, dally
Train on Clinton lean tot
Clinton dally, a III
, a el
do fur ill North dally, all Tl Sink
Pass. Agent
J. R.
T. M.
that Game Laws for 1902, u
published by the United
States department of agriculture,
shows that in several counties in
North Carolina, there no
for tame. The might
have added that there is class
of for which there is no
in any portion of
state. The open season for them
will begin about November lib and
by November 0th there will not be
one in sight. It is the republican
bird to which we
A Std
Ineffective liver medicine a.
but you don't want to
purge, strain break the glands of
the stomach and bowels.
Little Km-y never disappoint.
They cleanse the system of all
and putrid matter and do it gently
that one enjoy the pleasant
They an- a tonic to the liver. Cur.
biliousness, torpid liver and
fever. John L.
Cotton Bagging and lie-
on hand
Fresh goods kept
hand. Country
sold. A trial will
D. W. .
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every
and prices us low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid country
Dr. James,
High Grade JOB
done here. Send us your orders
Tb of a
is agonizing than the
pains in the which
follow the eating of food or
ton free in The
Immediate cause of cramp, and colic
is often the of tin bowel, by
relief follow, the of
give it the place of hon-
or in tho family medicine cheat.
A great union has been formed
railway trainmen, consisting of
the railroad conductors and brake
men roads operating west
Don't let a cold run at
Summer colds are the hardest kind to
cure and If neglected may linger along
for months. A long Ilk
will pull down the strongest
One Minute Cough Cure will
up the attack at
sure at once. coughs,
croup, all throat
lung trouble. Th children like
II. John U Wooten.
Many in
Pitt Co
read only one
It's the
way to r
The Eastern Reflector
That's Where
Ricks Wilkinson
After Months of
our stock of
Men's and Clothing,
Hats and Haberdashery
for the Pall and winter is ready, and we
you never in the history of
our business we been able to
present such a superb in
It is none too
mill nights it
m- to u little protection
for for sake of
health. Our range from
to .-, th.- short,
the longer more
preferred by
We rail your to a
at the
price of
Car- which
mid in every tin
which are out of sight arc good us those that can be seep.
range from 15,00 to 110.00, but e have a
Ricks Wilkinson
The Proof of Doing is in What We Do.
Greenville Warehouse
makes no claim that is not out by facts. An average
of for everything sold on our during the month of
August dons its own talking about what Man
the rest of do for those who sell at the Greenville
Warehouse. You only have to try its to be convinced that we
will get you the highest prices every time.
Proprietors Greenville Warehouse.
B. Bro.
Have opened in one store of Phoenix
Hart formerly with a full line of Dry
Goods, Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishings, Notions,
Everything in stock is brand new and we are felling at
a call and be convinced that we can save money.
B. Bro.
Virgil Lee
there m, .
rs ports
The Stale Auditor furnishes the of dead
following figures pen- Will reach the I
There were Raleigh correspondent.
rs year; these were all, . . .
the new law, new of
year there were j ,,,.,
of which MT were from ,,,,.
mill from township will be open
Of these, have ed A U.
on Thursday,
. . . ,. . , . . closing on
have died. This will give about 25th
lobe pensions This
year. This is the high water mi entirely new
unto numbers, and ; All desiring lo vote In the
A Talk on a live Topic
------Sept 1903,
I to in the poultry
give MM SO c in-
formation. ;
Your inquiry is very, very
It shows Unit you
one of those women who
believe asking a few question
before putting cents on
There is no time like I lie pres-
to for stalling a good, flourishing
poultry business; that
broiler without u spur his
shank as long as of a Tex
as steer. ill is are I heir lust
when served a lender age.
four years is plenty old,
for best results. Hut don't make
the opposite mistake. Nothing i
more disgusting to the epicure
a would be broiler served on
the shell.
Ah to the best laying
The authorities are
on this p int. The
cusses it considerably, and
both ancients and who
have bad it at it, hut limit
admits is a mooted
gravity of the many
people really prefer egg, don't
you being anxious not I
Judgment, we are lo express i
an opinion due acknowledge j
for valuable assistance our
Mr. all has been
said, it really to as that the
weight evidence la a l-e in
favor of the hen. Mind, this is
offered only for what it is worth.
We would caution anyone to
embark in the poultry biz.
to be taken with
Try not to jump at
Experiment. That's the
idea. Keep an eye
try, from the time I bey come down
to breakfast, until they are ready
lo retire. The latter will wear
about sunset, when there is no
toward excitement in the r-
We hope you will get along
K. Eternal vigilance is the price of
success in the poultry business
Once a day yon inspect
shell, if your poultry la
oyster over the
feeling ground. These are
able when brought Into
close business relations with the
peculiar anatomy of poultry. If,
shells are not to lie had
community, substitute brick lulls,
broken old plow points,
any pieces of old trace chains
that lying around.
every few day.
For arc sure
lo need this prescription, good
or beast, if you remain iii the
poultry your drug
gist supply the
One pint of old corn, one pint of
old rye, one pint of old loin gin,
one pint of old spoil, one pint of
old sassy fork.
Keep in a green bottle, turned
upside down, so it will mingle, and
place out of reach children.
This, when combined with the
saliva of the
will prove a most effectual remedy
for the disease in its singe.
Our Ready to Wear
is inure complete than before. Beau-
new style Jackets for ladies, misses
and children, in th, materials and
fills. You sin see our Monte
Carlo Jackets.
n m
that challenge comparison in
fit and price arc our offerings this
season -all best goods and finished
with the new Slot Scam.
Beautiful Fur Huffs and
Children's Sets.
We will be glad to have you take a
look. Yours ti
J. B. Cherry Co.
North State News
is to have a
Carnival Merchants festival during
I lie first week in November.
The Mining Co., of
Glendon, Moore county, has been
Incorporated with a
Watson has been
led for
Mills of Greensboro. The minor-
holders claim that the
assets are and the
The Primitive Baptists are in
Raleigh in large numbers. Nearly
all the churches are in the rural
districts and a number of those at-
tending association are making
first visit to Raleigh. Elder
i Quid the organ
of this Landmark,
is attending the association.
The report it the State
of public instruction
show a gratifying increase in the
new public g
house built this year as compared
l hundred and
, eight hive Iii en built this
year against year.
The stocks of I be Atlantic Onus
Line have been on the rise,
continue to upwards. Messrs.
Hugh Go . brokers and
bunkers, on yesterday reported
common stock at
is high mark for
Ibis stuck. A bid of was
for Atlantic Coast Line of
Connecticut, bill none w is offered
Tuft Pills
After eating, of a habit
will derive great benefit taking on.
II you hare been
they will promptly relieve the
and nervousness follows, restore
the appetite and remove gloomy
sugar coated.
No Substitute.
The Only Department Store in
We have just added Supply to our business and
will sell anything in this line very low. See us when in want
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Glob
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, fuck-, steam
Pipe all sizes. Pipe Filing all sizes.
LINE OP Parking, licit,
Belt, Belt, Bell in. Belt Hooks, o.
The Governor appointed
of Directors of the
North Carolina Railroad Com
the coming year, begin-
September They are
M. Busbee, Raleigh;
W II M. L.
A. Bryan,
Xi- Bern, J.
Xi It. W.
Daniel It.
Hooker, Bayboro; I.
Stales proxy.
The liquor question w ill come up
, in Cumberland county gen-
ion November, but
will continue
a dry The and
Hale the liquor
has already been badly
Una. II.
ville a leading
mi that ii will
be before a liquor
will seen In Cumberland
county The women of the
have too, for
aid will
News and Opinions.
An exchange that likens George
Rip Van Winkle overlooks
fact old Hip dually woke up.
Winston Salem Journal.
The A i- Tobacco Ware-
house coin has
rated an authorized capital of
to do business at Burling-
ton. The opening sale will take
place Gleaner.
Some has
Cropped out oilier and
tickets have been partially named
but the ticket Alamance arc
straight nominated
Democratic and Republican con-
It is that some Yankees
have secured privilege and
are boring for oil not far from
, and some of the
are bored thereat they
didn't see it that way and go to
boring News.
It is reported the Armour
Company of Chicago, who
have a large branch will con-
with Swift Company,
extensive pork packers the
West. Local representatives of
Armour Company expect no
changes as a result of the merger.
Charlotte Observer.
By virtue of chapter acts of
October 13th is made
Carolina public schools
of State, when toe
appropriately observed, This year
October falls on Sunday, being
the 2nd Sunday October. The
law above cited empowers the
State of Public Instruction
in such case lo designate another
day. which he has done, naming
lie I.
The movement for a tobacco
warehouse in Wilmington and the
of contiguous territory
Into a growing section re-
still further consideration
a meeting of the
of Chamber of
yesterday afternoon.
raid there lie a falling IT.
The new requires that when
ale pro lain the
shall apply mom
the fourth class, which includes
widows. Hence the falling
lo the large increase will
principally which
last year get this year,
it seems, will get about
each during said time at
the Court and at
times my office in Greenville.
W. II.
Registrar for Town
Job Printing in latest
send us your orders.
Beware of the
No profession has
rapidly of late than but It
not except where
In ills. lutes for
Witch Basel Halve earn
. for flits.
bruises, around,
Accept no was so
troubled with bleeding piles that I lost
much blood sin-. J. C.
Basel cured ate in a short
Soothes dealt. Jno. I.
leering Harvesting machine, sewer Pip nod Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
Looks like a Klondike
been I near Greensboro,
j bill it is lie hoped there will be
no undue excitement, just yet, any
way. A sell digger yesterday
found a suspicious looking chunk
of metal mi farm of
Fields, three north of
and bringing it lo lie
filly, had a lo examine it,
who pronounced ii a nugget of
pure gold, eighteen karats line.
The lump is about the of one's
the gold inns entirely
It. The man who found
it win mil lei exactly at
place the he found It. He
lo lie has a good tiling
and wants lo ill
is a very nice story so far.
bib in Ibis Veil lie. ,
that Mark
had agreed to make a
of October. The
will a deeper
lie to tins District,
die Observer.
Letters veil Thursday
from tobacconists
of N. C, who desired to
locale here in case the movement
h-t u cold run at this season.
Summer lie. the kind to
and if neglected linger along
month. A long sledge like this
will down the
lion. One Minute Cure will
bleak up the attack at once.
ids at once, coughs,
colds, croup, all throat
and lung trouble. The children like
ii. l,. Woolen,
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Pills will clean,
your tongue, cure your
make your liver
to take, easy to operate.

Eastern reflector, 30 September 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 30, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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