Eastern reflector, 16 September 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
A Mm who;,
Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Skin and Pies.
m OS.
LIVES PILLS. a trial w
lake No Substitute.
Long Section of Track Torn Up.
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to please-
las. B. White.
i mm
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend,
That place to get the best
Fruit Jars
is at our store. We have them in
different styles sizes at prices
as low as the lowest. Then as
usual we are headquarters the
Best of Everything
in the Grocery Line
Get your table supplies from us
and are sure so have the best.
Light u
a wise man who knows
A man may have a bad
and still be a
A graceful evasion is sometimes
better than an awkward stand.
oft proclaims the
want of it, the gentleman.
The seal on a love-letter is a
on feminine
The cigarette fiend affords
example of suicide on the install-
There are some inconvenient
discrepancies between a
appetite and a beer income.
For that are dark and
tricks that are study the
man who i- a five cent note
over a pair of deuces.
If Cupid ever amuses himself,
it must be when he shoots a big
man with a little at first
He would certainly swear
he know it was
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line cf goods on baud. Prices low
Country produce bought for cash or in
exchange goods.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, Grain
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
Has Somebody Gone Mad
There's not ti word that's written.
There's Dot a pap- that's read,
There's not a word that's said.
Not even a thought unspoken
That does not either gladden,
And peace and pleasure send
To hearts most dear, or madden.
A kindred fee or
Ci. II.
of the Co
-at e Saturday afternoon
bound freight train between
don and Kinston was wrecked
about miles of and
near The wreck was
caused by the breaking of a truck
on a coal car. About feet of
the track was torn up, but none of
the cars were damaged to great
extent. Several passengers were
in the coach attached to the train
but they all escaped injury. A
wrecking train went down early
Saturday night and finished clear-
repairing the track by
When news of the wreck first
reached Greenville it was feared
that it might be the passenger
train, and there was some
because of several Greenville
people being on that train. But
the passenger train was safe and
while it could not get by when it
reached the of the wreck the
passengers were transferred to
another taken on to Kin-
A Great Scheme.
A patent concern
heads an ad with the caption
causes night lie
article is a remedy for colds, etc.
We would suggest that the firm
add to its line a patent
and work this along with the
bronchial specialty. The same
ad with slight alteration,
cover both as the
stimulates the demand
each. It might out that,
while the old man is
around in the dark, feeling for the
paregoric and paving the way to a
untimely end, the
proverbial carpet tack comes into
play through unprotected sole
of a pedal extremity, in view of
which contingency this liniment
was especially designed, and if
used as directed will shield the
happy father the disagreeable
notoriety of a newspaper account,
American and Italian Marble
. c.
Wire and Iron Fence Sold.
First-Class work Bad prices reasonable
designs peel lent on
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified before
the Superior Court
executor of the last will and testament
of William den seed, and
letters testamentary having been duly
United to me. I hereby notify all per-
sons holding claims
of the said William to
present them for payment duly
on or before the day of
July, or this notice will be plead
in liar of their recovery, All persons
Indebted to said estate are urged to
make payment to me Immediately.
the -i-i day of July,
I. J. Executor.
North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper,
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
Till; Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper
Washington and Atlanta, and
special service is the greatest
ever bandied by a North Caro-
of Hi or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
original matter.
EB Tuesday and Friday
per year. The large Paper
in North Carolina.
Sample copies on application.
Charlotte, S.
Dissolution Notice.
All persona are notified that C. H. I
James and S. M. Jones, partners
trading and doing business under the
name and style, James;
Mfg have this day by I
mutual consent, dissolved
All persons having claims
against the said The James J
present the same to S. M. Jones
for all prisons owing
-aid company will make payment
I to C. H. James. The business will he I
continued by C. II. James under the
same mine, but S. M. Jones will not
be n for any Indebtedness
hereafter contracted.
This August 1903,
of the Stomach.
The man or woman whose digestion is
and whose stomach performs
cleanses, purifies and sweetens the
stomach and cures positively per
all stomach troubles.
and dyspepsia. It is the won-
tonic that is
making so many sick people well and
weak people strong by conveying to
their bodies all of the nourishment in
the food they eat. Rev. J. II.
day, of Holladay, Miss.,
has cured me. I consider it the best
remedy I ever used for dyspepsia and
stomach troubles. I was given up by
physicians, saved my life. Take
meals. Jno, L.
Notice to Creditors.
duly the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt count;
a Executrix of lust will
of John DO
Lice ti hereby to all persona i-
to estate to
to th-- nil
against said
art notified to present then for
payment on or before -1st day of
July, or Ibis will be plead
it bar of recovery.
ThU of July,
of the of John
There In nothing more costly
than experience, and yet every-
body to have it regardless of
of the price.
B-ware or the Knife.
No profession has advanced more
rapidly of hit- than but It
should not be used except where
necessary. In eases of piles for
Witch Salve cures quickly and
bruises, wounds,
Accept no counterfeits. was so
troubled with bleeding piles that I lost
blood and J. C.
Phillips. Paris Witch
Hazel Salve cured me in a short
Soothes and heals. Jno. L.
The tongues of some people be-
come younger as grow older.
Leave your relatives plenty of
money if you want their flowers
The concern Of E.
Jr. Co the of August,
dissolved by mutual content.
The affairs of the concern will be
wound up by John K. Hughes a
Liquidator. All parties having
claims against the concern win
sent them lo him for payment, and all
owing said firm, please settle
with him.
JAs E, JR,
I. Pres.
St; i. Bin
The that the
most is fowls in the world
so many
J. I. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Magging, Ties and Bags.
and shipments
Lingering Summer Colds.
Don't let a run at this Reason.
Summer colds are the hardest kind to
cure and if neglected along
for months. A long sledge like this
will pull down strongest
One Minnie COUgh Cure will
break up the at once. Safe
sure at once. Cure coughs,.
colds bronchitis, all throat
and The children like
It. John L. Wooten.
If you are right you needn't tell
everybody about it.
are men on whom
praise has no effect.
A Liberal Offer.
undersigned will give a
and is to any one
a reliable n for disorders if the
This is a m w remedy and a good one.
Drug Store
For Job Printing in all the latest
send us your orders.
By of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt county made at March
Term In a certain cause therein
pending, entitled re probate In
solemn form of the Last Will and
of J. Sheppard, de-
I will, on
Monday, October
at o'clock m., before the Court
House door In Greenville, sell at pub-
sale to highest bidder, for
cash, the following
land belonging to the estate of the late
J. Sheppard, situate in
township, Pitt county, to
One tract west of the
Branch of tho .
Coast Lane Railroad, adjoining the
said Railroad, the lands of heirs
of Daniel Hill and the lands of J. H.
containing acres,
more or less, and known as a part of
the John S. Smith land and a part of
the Langley land.
One tract lying on the east side
of said railroad and immediately be-
tween said railroad and the county
road leading from Tarboro to Wash-
and adjoining the land of J.
B. Little on the south and the land of
Hill's heirs on the north, con-
acres, more or less.
One tract lying on the east side
of the county road leading from Tar-
to Washington, and bounded on
the west by said road; on the south
by the public road commonly called
the Griffin by a line
running from a pine on said
road, known as Sheppard and Little's
corner, a north-west course to a pine
stump on the side of a little branch,
known as Jenkins corner, and on the
north by Alfred land, con-
acres more or less.
One tract adjoining last de-
scribed tract, the land of Alfred Jen-
kins, M. A. the high
mark of mill pond down
to Frank Pollard's land, thence with
Pollard's line to Bryant
line, thence with line to
the high water mark of said mill pond,
thence with said high water
down to the Griffin road, thence with
the Griffin road to the acre tract,
containing acres more or less.
One tract beginning at
and Little's corner on the Griffin road
and running with Little's line to
R. R. Fleming's line to the Tarboro
road, thence with said
road to the Sheppard mill race
thence with said to i
for point feet distant from the
dam. thence I'M yards parallel
said dam and feet distant
shivering j therefrom, thence across the mill dam
to the high watermark of pond,
thence with the high water mark of
said pond to the Griffin road, thence
with said road to the con
acres, more or less.
t. One tract lying on the north
side of the Sheppard mill pond, ad-
joining said mill pond to the high
water mark thereof, the lauds of W.
H. Rollins, the heirs of G. G. Per-
kins and W. B. Roebuck, containing
more or less, and known as
part of the Home Place.
One tract adjoining the lands of
Joseph Crisp, Redding Warren, the
heirs of James W. Rollins and others,
containing acres, more or less,
and known as the Holliday tract.
H. One tract adjoining the lands of
Stanly Warren. Hansom Mob and
others, containing SI acres, more or
less, and known as the W. E. Which-
ard tract.
mill and mill seat as
the including
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. tor Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily M
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Ne York Boston,
Aurora, Booth Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, and
all for the West with rail-
road at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and e
B. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
July 1st the steam-
Guide will leave Washington at
r a. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
and and will leave
at a. m. for
Belhaven and Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenville, O.
J. E. District
Washington, N. C
Mr. W. A. B. Hearne has taken
a position as assistant editor of
and entered upon j by the to
., , ,, . . water mark, the mill and mill
bis duties today, lie will to the county road, with the
help in looking after the business privileges connected there-
end of the paper in the way of to-
contracting collecting.
In fact he will be ready for any
duty that will advance the inter-
est, of the paper.
The Reflector ha long want-
ed the assistance of such a man, so
that we might give more personal
attention to the business
of the paper, we believe
the one in Mr
He is too well known to
most of our readers to need any
commendation, and
he will make his work, on in
Interest of, Tut
speak f, i itself.
Mr. W. A. B. Hi- u i e has taken
a as assistant editor of the
Greenville This
means increased
for the paper, and congratulate
brother Whichard on his success.
Kinston News.
Some pill maker must think all
of Greenville folks are as
nearly everybody here ha received
a sample package of pills.
S. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounge. P.
Gail A Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, George Can
Peaches, Apples,
Pine By rap, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, N u
Candies, Dried Apples,
China Ware, Tin and cotter
Cheese, Beat
Hewing Machines, and
in-null other good. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see mo.
S. M.
This the day September. 1902.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please semi your orders to
pin. Co.
every Boa
day, morning and evening. Pray.
Wednesday Wiring
Bar. J. N. Booth, pastor.
a. M. A. Alls
M every
lay, morning
H. M. Sure, pastor. Sunday school
a. m. L. H. Pender, safaris
J. B. Morton, pastor
school a. m. K. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. LaT
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m., W. B.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m.
and fourth Sunday in each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day school P. M., W. B. Par-
regular service
One Farm, 1-2 miles from
here, acres, cleared.
Good land for tobacco, corn,
cotton, etc. Splendid dwell-
two tobacco barns and
tenant Louses.
Second Farm, miles
from here, acres, mostly
cleared, with tobacco barns
and tenant houses.
Third Farm, acres, about
half cleared, with good tenant
houses, tobacco barns
orchards. About half this farm
is low ground, which is good
corn land, and suitable for
pasturage. Fine place for man
wanting to raise beef, cotton,
or run a dairy, as well as for
general farming. A nice five
room dwelling, five good tenant
houses, seven tobacco barns
and a back house, three large
orchards in bearing and vine
pasture and list land.
All farms on Free
livery and in a healthy com-
Apply to
Smithfield, N. C
S. C
Cotton Bagging and
on hand-
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
5.00 REWARD.
one light red cow, solid
darker nose
oft three of bead
when left, loch strap
neck. Will calve about
Sept. one finding mid
cow will notify. II. C.
Sept. 1902. N. C.
Orders for JOB PRINTING are
solicited. Best work.
------DEALER IN------
I Mm
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
Dr. D James,
Wit promptly U. B. and
i . i c
A. F. A.
Lodge. No. meets first and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening,
W. H. L T. M.
Hooker, K. of R. and S.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meet every Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, N. O.,
D. D.
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall, Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellow
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
Monday night in
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith Sec.
Ar Mount
L. Book;
Leave warn
ah m am
i i u in
iii is
f n
a ii a
to II
IS mil
in I a
Arrive Tarboro
Leave Tarboro
Main leave
leave 1242, n m, arrive Baa-
ford leave
p m, arrive Hi leave
pro, arrival
leave Ben
a m,
III, a. m.
is a m, arrive
m, Hope Mill p a Bed II,
SB, II p
at wilt, train N
with the Carolina
Railroad, at Red with Had
Soring, k Haw more railroad,
Seaboard Air
at Gulf with the Durham
Train on in.
J II p. I I pa,
Meek at . el
p. .
II a a. II
. m and
Train, leave
m. I u
leave it
and t IS
. a. . ii .
I pa,
Sunday, la.
MU a I
mouth .
Train on C Quilt
dally, in. m,
a I B a
leave lot If
a n. p n, arrive
JO m. n p m. Bop. II a a, t e
Cm. Hope II
IS ii m. II a a a. at
II to a m. I to p a. dally laid
dally, Sunday, a a III
p a. at T M a a
No make, a el
ion for all point, north dally, all vie Plea
Pass. Agent
J. R. Manager.
T. M. EMERSON. Traffic.
High Grade JOB
done here. Send your
All the News
The Eastern Reflector
Twice a Week
D. J.
in TO
and Friday
a Year
Ricks Wilkinson
WE have just returned from the north-
markets with the most at-
tractive line of
Shoes, Clothing and
that it has ever been pleasure to show.
That we are in style have the quality
we shall leave that for you say, after you
have investigated.
We made a complete survey while
and sure that we thought of all
your wants. The quality of our
is the best, while the prices shall be
Ricks S Wilkinson
Bethel High School
A strictly first class Pitting School
for young Men and Young Women.
Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non-
Denominational, and Co educational.
Prepares for College, for
Business, and for Life.
Between and MO pupils this year.
Book-Keeping, Commercial Law,
Shorthand, Typewriting and Music.
course is under experienced
and fully competent teachers.
Board at to 97.00 per month.
BETHEL HIGH is situated in one of
the most beautiful and healthful locations in Pitt
county. Fall session opens September cat-
and full information, address
J. W. Principal.
Grade Your Tobacco,
There was never such a leaf to
trade as there is this season.
East of here there is a rush. Ii is
said that some markets the
farmers do not even sort their leaf,
but are so well pleased with their
prices that they put it on the Moors
just as it if. The result is that
the buyers make big money, as
they sort it with special care.
Raleigh Correspondent.
There is a in the foregoing
item which tobacco growers
make a note of. The Free
has heretofore Called attention to
the that the cost of grading i-
a which must come
out of tho tobacco. If the grower
grade it the lam it works to
his benefit in two First, he
saves the cost of grading, and thus
keeps in his own pocket money
which would lie paid out
and, if the leaf
sorted it will bring more money.
The farmer who rushes his weed to
market dues not get all
the money out of his crop there is
in it, and it's he is after,
presumably. The who acts
upon the advice of die
buyers last week and
spends this week in grading will
find next week that this time has
been from
Sept. 18th, 1902.
For of Supreme Court
of Wake.
For Justice the
l from the East,
Of Wilson.
r Associate Justice of the Supremo
Court from the West,
For of Public
of Beaufort,
Solicitor the Third
of Pin.
We want you to come and
examine these goods.
No. Lamp Burners, each
No and
Lump Chimneys, each
Ink, per bottle
per bottle
Talcum Powders, perfumed
Vaseline, per bottle
Needles, per paper
Corsets, nice ones
School Hags,
Pins, per paper a.
Slates, each
Soap, per rake
Heavy Pant
Heavy Overalls,
Fine Shirts,
per pair Be
per pair
Alumina Hair Pins, per
Shoe Polish, per
Fine each
Armbands, per pair
Double End Files, each
Half Ion each
Collar per
Baby each
Texas Oil Supply.
Professor Charles Will
is about to issue a report
will embody the results of the in-
the Texas oil supply
made by the Geological Survey.
Hayes, speaking of the
fuel value of the Texas oil,
that it has a fuel value per barrel.
of as compared with coal at j
ton. Last year,
there were shipped from
barrels oil at a cost j
ranging from to cents per
ton; therefore the of
coming competition with coal
M a widely used fuel is most pro u- j
Up to date, however, there
is no oil burner the
which Rives satisfaction.
That this want will lie supplied in
the not distant future is
Messrs. C. A. Know Co.,
tore of patents in state;
that already the attention of
large number of inventors is turn-i
ed in this direction, and they
almost daily in receipt of
on the The Invent-1
who succeeds in a
burner which will meet the re-
quired demand has a fortune be-
fore him. Hayes states
that the time is not
distant when oil will enter into
competition with but
I here arc already rumors of an cf-
tho part of the coal batons
to secure a corner on the oil
We cordially invite you to visit our
stores on the above named date and
inspect our display of
The newest and most desirable
will be shown.
Cordially yours,
J. B. Co.
The Only Department
For Si
For Superior Court Clark,
For Deed,
For Treasurer,
For Coroner,
I. oil.
For Surveyor,
For County Commissioners,
Are M
Ska headache
ANY ether
Tint's Pi
Take Mo Substitute.
We make the Ar-
and m a the
may sneer at
And hirelings defame her,
The fame of the
wherever you name
Watch for our ad next week. We are going to give
you some prices that will interest you. When you
go shopping always visit
The One Price Store.
N. C.
Among all people the looking of
tho wound has ever been
the most remedy
immediate application for snake
bites. In Africa a in
is employed in
of the kind tn draw nut the
poisoned blood. The ancients
lowed the same methods, and when
made his famous expedition
the serpent
can deserts he
ago snake charmers, called
to the army.
They performed many
over who were
bill the their
tn have in
mi; the
The City Mayor and all Other
authorities, well as I Up
class, the
critics mid ail other
loving are cordially in-
quarter at Sam White's
department, where the tone
if the creation will be
tale this mag-
of Pianos ill
positively Oct. 1st.
in evenings
Mr. Geo. W. Bullet-, the boss
dyer at the dye Works in
Is alive and well today, despite a
terrible experience hi had, which
to most men would have
Tuesday Mr. Butler went into
the close room where two of the
machines ware In opera
lion. He closed the door and
looked at the thermometer, which
registered lie. As he was turning
to leave, his foot slipped ho j
tell, bis head striking hard against
a projecting iron, attached
one of the fast machines.
An ugly was on lop
of head.
Mr. remembers nothing
for after being struck.
hen he recovered Consciousness
he was lying near the machine,
the perspiration streaming
his body, and bis face covered in
blood. Willi little
remained be lifted himself his
hands and knees and .
me door.
A Liberal Offer.
; ill
unit Tablet to one .
a for disorder of the
stomach, or
is a a good one.
Drug Store
G Factory
tie reached the outside
breathed pure, air again
belay down and rested, thankful
for Ms narrow
George who is t lie
efficient pilot and mate on Hie
K. L. Myers, met with a most
painful yesterday mom
lug. in attempting to cast oil the
line held the steamer to the
lock the line slipped and caused
a large hook to clear through
his hand, shattering some of
bones. His many friends hope he
will soon
At a meeting of of the County
Board of Elections for Pitt county
held in Greenville the 1st day
of September, the following
Registrars Judges of Election
appointed by said Board to
hold election in Pitt count v, at
the Precincts designated the
next after the first Mon-
November in
dance With chapter SO Acts 1901.
to wit-
Heaver Dam
Smith, Registrar; G. T. Tyson,
h. . Judges of El-
J. J. Hathaway Jr. and
Hodges, Judges of Election.
Bethel Precinct-J H. Andrews,
Registrar J II. Manning and B
W Judges of
Carolina L. Per-
W. J. Little
and Blade Judges of
way, Registrar; J. J.
house and B. V. Tyson Judges Sf
Content O
A- K. Holton and
E. h. Judges of Election.
R. Johnson, Registrar; H. E.
and C. A. Fair Judges of
Falkland H. Smith,
Registrar, T. L. Williams and
Henry b. Tyson; Judges of
Registrar J. J.
and B. F. Judges of
Greenville Precinct-- W L
Brown, L. c. Arthur
V. J. Judges of
M. T. Spier and
Fleming Judges
Swift Creek
Moore Smith and
Moore Election.
rho present Election Precincts
the county were adopted with
the following exception, to
I No. and No. in
,. . ordered that
Greenville township shall
one Precinct with its polling
place at the House in the
town of Greenville.
Precinct No, and No. in
Swift creek township were
and it was ordered that
Swift township shall con-
Precinct with its pol-
ling place at Burners Cross Roads.
F. C.
J Co. Board of Election for
J. S. Smith,
Have opened in on- store of
A Unit with a full Mm- of Clo Dry
Gent- N etc.
Everything m-w . are . ,,,
Prices to Astonish
us a call and be convinced can save money,
B. Bro.
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills arc
liver They cure con-
Report of Grind Jury.
The Grand at the recent
term Court male the following
the Grand Jury of the fall
term Pitt Superior court re-
port that have examined the
Home for the aged and
the county Jail, and court house
and them all good
We beg to recommend to
Commissioners that Die
lauds belonging to the Home be
denied and filled for cultivation M
us to make the Home more self
sustaining. We also recommend
that from the county be
sent to tho Homo to do this work.
W. R. Foreman.

D. I. urn Owns.
M the Greenville. N.
C, M second mail
There are COO
A man often break his
neck twice in the same place.
When an office pets after a man
there is apt to a collision.
that she has
completed her preliminary
It is rumored that some
pendents have been discovered
over in Halifax.
from the college
throughout the State show
It is probably to remark
that Thomas L Johnson continues
to expose himself to the office.
It is said that the few remaining
in this county will hold
a convention here next Thursday.
Wonder what for.
The police force and the tire
of Wilmington combined
an exciting few moment the
other and arrested a man.
The editor of the Tarheel i in
the lockup for smoking a cigarette
on the streets of Elizabeth City.
They take their cigarettes out in
the back yard over there.
The fact that prices were
on a break that broke the
record, following a that would
have taxi ill the of any
market, speaks for Green-
The breaks today will exceed
anything to date, this season.
Tobacco town is working day and
night, but the rush has the best of
it for the present. The farmers
must take the consequences, and
the tobacco market the kicks; but
the farmer will have to shoulder
the blame for his disappointment.
No buyer is going to pay a high
price for a surplus article, that is
likely to depreciate value for
of impossible attention. The
does not believe there
it a better market in the State
than the market, nor a
more intelligent and clever corps
of and but
the facilities of market admit
only a reasonable above
the normal volume of trade. The
farmer this, if he will but
stop to think a moment. If he has
ever carried a eggs to the
store, or a home cured to the
city, he has felt the law of supply
demand. Why does he dis-
regard it
We it stated that northern
capitalists arc planning to build
a large hotel at Ocracoke. finch
a hotel is built proper trans-
to the island provided,
it ill be ft popular resort.
is something in
taken from the Sew Bern
Journal beaded in
published in this
Issue, that ought to read
considered thoughtfully by every
Citizen of Greenville.
Section ordinances
Offered divers and sundry
lures, contusions and dislocations
Wednesday night. Someone re
marked this morning that the
Battle of Gettysburg was
fatalities have been
. but a bullish tendency in
ammunition for u. . .
the feature of the local market
to day.
A number of Demo
met in Greensboro Thursday
night, to inaugurate a movement
looking to the election of Thomas
X. Hill, the independent
date, as Chief Justice of the
Court. Till
does not believe such
can accomplish the defeat of Judge
Clark, and is sorry the names
some prominent mentioned
in connection it.
Ho glad the tobacco men are
hat Saturday and Sunday comes
between sales. Borne of them say
do not believe they could
have gone, without rest, through
another day big sales like the
past week It to be u cause
for everybody that a day
of rest once a week. The
whole human family needs it, jet
there are so many who have no re-
for the Sabbath.
BY O. I.
The s ring time came with loveliness,
a lower
hour to hour
That summer heat would hasten to
Its tiny tender stalk, and thus Intuit
it from the Injury of wind and r.
The summer came, the
The Bower bloomed afresh, the day
v. re long,
The torrid wind soon made it bow it
for autumn, for
ii said,
summer flowers I'm sure don't
Cool autumn came, and then the
wart stalk
Did boldly stand and mock
The storm, Its fragrant hut
passed away.
It's summer gone, its spring seemed
but a
Thus sadly disappointed would nut
It the lei biting of nip I
Still there was to come cold
Joy. strength de-
parting -i i
A days Hew by. its wish at
was, that it might be out
Bo In the spring of youth we long to
summer manhood and wish
to be
Advanced in age, and business and
lee I
That life Is not a passing dream but
It comes too you, too
for me.
Then follows autumn's days win-
Our spring and gone, and as
Down the the thoughts
Briny to our memory this solemn
The one in spring time which we did
not know.
mother was troubled with
consumption for years. At
last she was given up to die. Then
she tried Cherry
was speedily cured.
D. P. Jolly, N. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it.
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until you have
If you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
. II. All
doctor. If Se It.
do . ho . If So toll , i. not
to It. then don't It- Ho
It With willing.
i. C. STICK CO. Mom
The Star Warehouse.
You don't have to look twice to
find the large advertisement of the
Star Warehouse in this issue.
Neither do you have to try twice
to convinced of what the Star
can do for you tn the way of sell-
tobacco. One trial will con-
you that they leave
to get the highest prices
every load sold you
are sure to go luck there next
Since Coward, Hooker Co.,
took charge of the Star Warehouse
their business has grown rapidly
as a result of their good work for
the amen, arid twice it has
necessary to enlarge their house
until now they have a floor space
equal any. They have ex-
force of helpers, all of whom
work together in the interest of
those who sell there. You make
no mistake in carrying your
co to the Star Warehouse.
Strength In Community.
Fresh Gossip From Nearby Vicinities
by Our Correspondents
Reported for REFLECTOR R
Winterville Department.
An inoffensive looking little
mule, a rail cart loaded
with, tobacco sticks, an a dirt-
mover loaded with molasses bar-
made a ripple on the
of upper Main a few
o'clock today.
The colored driver was busy ad-
justing the barrels in the rear
cart, which was fastened to the
rail body, when one of them got
i reach, along
over the tobacco . it
the mule squarely on the touch-
me-not. Despite the docile
of the animal, ho evidently
had reserve a full head of steam.
He opened the throttle about
site the Greenville Hanking
Trust Company's, and come down
at the post-office corner; leaving
the consisted
mostly of the driver and cart No.
with molasses bar-
and properly staked off with
the contents of cart No.
displayed in front of the El-
block. The little fellow seem-
ed a bit disappointed at finding
himself still upon get
ting down; but evidently
that things came to him
who and haying no idea of
Was It another
chance, he proceeded up Third
street to with a haste
that must have left a vacuum be-
him. In gelling tn the sec
mil comer the cart had collided
with two trees, but still followed.
So the runaway down Co-
took the right
planted one wheel against a tree
and the other against the porch of
the M ii House stepped
in time for
There are citizens in too many
communities who follow the hold
back and pull policy.
The suggestion of any public en-
the talk of an industrial
institution, and it means ninety-
nine reasons advanced by these
hold back citizens, why the enter-
prise will prove a failure, to one
reason why it may possibly
a good thing for
Let there lie developed lo-
institution, u or
any local enterprise which is of
value to the community generally,
and the pull citizen will at
to get up a rival, if the
seems to be making a living, or
if it may be paying its expenses,
then word will be about
to discourage its owner.
With these hold backs pull
downs exercising power, the
fate of the town where they live is
easily guessed, for no community
can make headway, much less
progress, where there is no local
co operation or unity of purpose
among its citizen.
Take away community unity, or
let it tie known that a place is con-
trolled the hold backs and pull
downs, and every outsider will
avoid such a place as if it held a
pestilential disease, and every pro-
citizen will leave such a
town at the earliest opportunity.
Every local institution, every
enterprise, every merchant, is en-
titled to the cordial support of the
citizens of the place.
A failure of any local enterprise,
the or proposed
try, is not merely injury done to
the few . . l, . la
institutions, but such failures in-
directly or indirectly every
citizen, every tax payer and every
business or trade the place.
It is the leveling up, the helping
and sustaining process, which is
the the
thought that the success of each
citizen aids in the welfare of all,
and through this unity comes the
substantial community gain and in
no other way. -New Bern Journal.
A Wonderful Echo.
At a watering place in the
Pyrenees conversation at table
turned upon a wonderful echo to
be heard some distance off on the
Franco Spanish frontier
is said an in
habitant of the
soon as yon bare spoken yon hear
distinctly the voice leap from rock
to rock, from precipice to precipice,
as soon us it has passed the
frontier the echo assumes the Span-
Weekly. I
Winterville, N. C. 1902
The A. O Cox Mfg. Co. have
been recently selling some large
lots of wire nails.
Mrs. Martha L. is having a
nice large house built near the
school building. W. L. House is
having a coat of put on hi
handsome home, borne of
Cox with its fresh paint and
recent improvements is a of
beauty. Io fact all over Winter-
ville can be signs of
and advancement, these hand
in with civilization and
cation have all times proven the
of communities and
It has become a daily custom to
see wagons rolled from the factory
of the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
E. E. has just contracted
with the A. Cox Mfg. Co. to
build some of his churns. Mr.
will soon receive bis letters of
patent on the churn and we be-
it is the simplest and best
churn on market.
Ed Holliday, from the Grimes-
land section, was here Thursday to
make arrangements for placing his
boy the Winterville High
Prof. Dawson, of Washington,
was he.-e yesterday.
John F. Stokes and wife are vis-
friends town.
H. M. Dixon and family
moved from here yesterday to
make their future home near
Wharton, in county.
Our people much regret see-
this excellent family leave, for
they have grown up with place
none are held in greater re
or stand higher in the esteem
of our people, is a
gentleman that will be appreciated
wherever he goes. Our best wish
es are with the entire family.
buggies are being
carried from the factory con-
If you see a man with a
new buggy please it and
see it it is a buggy.
Should it be a buggy
you can send your order for one
like it or suggest change yon
Mrs. Frank and
mother, Mrs. Tucker, spent Thurs
day in Greenville.
Mrs. M. Bryan and Master
left Friday morning for
Miss Bertha Dawson, of
spent yesterday afternoon with
Mrs. Cox.
Fred of Ayden, was
here Thursday on business.
B. F. Manning Co. have just
received a car load of lime. They
will sell at low prices.
Miss Cora Carroll spent
day evening visiting friends here.
N. C, Sept.
T. C. Turnage has returned from
Mr. Mrs. W. C. Askew
have gone to Baltimore to
chase fall and winter good-.
Miss left Tuesday
Oxford, to Oxford Female
Rev. W. Arnold baa return
ed Washington county.
Miss Dora left last week
Cary, to attend school.
Miss Lizzie Gay returned Tues-
day from a visit to
Miss Clara Parker went to New
Bern to visit relative.
T. L. Turnage is having a hand-
some residence erected on Railroad
Misses Vivian Parker, Ruth By-
Mary and Moore
Tuesday for Wilson.
Capt. R. A. Stamper's residence
is near completion and will be
by Prof.
Bethel, N. C, Sept. 1902.
Misses and Essie
Monday Green
Miss Geneva Gardner,
by Charlie
spent in Greenville.
J. A. Staton and T. G. Britton
left Tuesday, for the
A. J. Moore, of Greenville,
spent Monday in town.
Mrs. W. J. and
children, who have been visiting
Mrs. F. S. of Mt.,
j returned home
Culver Taylor, of
Tarboro, are visiting friends here.
Wesley Martin left Tuesday for
Mt. Olive.
J. W Thomas left Monday for
Miss Mary and Jesse Badger are
visiting friends in Williamston.
Mooring, Sheriff O. W.
and W. J. Fleming
spent Saturday night in town.
Bethel High school opened up
Sept. 8th with a large attendance.
of Roberson-
ville, spent Monday with friends
On Wednesday evening at
o'clock, in church, Miss
Wood, of Kinston, and
of Robersonville,
were happily married by Rev. Mr-
Edwards. After ceremony
bride and groom left for Roberson-
ville, where a reception was held.
wish them a long and happy
W. J. Peal, of spent
Wednesday in town.
W. Andrews spent Sunday
afternoon, looking tor grapes. We
nope he got a plenty.
A Request.
One naturally expects to find the
local news in the daily paper, but
is frequently disappointed by the
omission of something that should
have been published. Probably
first thought of the reader is
of the of the reporter
Simplex Piano Player.
A wonderful musical instrument
has been received here by the
Cable Co. It is a simplex Piano
Player, an instrument that can be
be attached to piano
and does its playing auto
It requires no
Now, it happens that the report- j of music to play it. All
of local items is almost entirely j are cordially invited to go hear it
dependent upon his own eyes Next Monday night the Cable Co.,
ears. And he is not omnipresent, will give a concert at their music
And he doesn't j- r the w. especially for the ladies
of every body
and goes, those around Ire
fluently as unfortunate. And your
More Room.
friend arrives, lives, moves, and The drive way of the Planters
has his and departs, is being raised on
,. level with the main ft. an n
Which is lo be regret
and may be avoided, if you
will only let us know. Will you t
Phone us, write us, hold op your
or make any kind of a
Whisper it, If you wish.
A in
London has discovered about six
teen species of microbes which
roam at will, and in In
in that town.
of them have mimes longer
Hi in hi- of the pies.
Britishers have been munching
t In-, e plea with avidity for years,
there arc some of them
Wilmington Star.
The surviving Boers and the
British pies that are still living
should come together for mutual
level with the main floor so
give more space when big
breaks are on. B. E.
new proprietor, is making things
hum at Planters.
tome Often.
On day President Garfield
was buried, a Mr. who lives
near was in Green-
ville. Near here, home,
j he was from his convey-
and hurt Ho was here, for
the hist time Thursday.
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry
Fruit Jars.
nun hum
for bring back stuff and your dollar.
A dollar spent with m
dollar's worth
lime. If i
Were Are the Figures.
For the week ending Friday,
the Liberty Warehouse sold
pounds of tobacco for 168,01.1.
What do you think of that
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Paster.
Agents wanted in all
Wheeler Wilson Co.
Atlanta, Ga-
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Extended that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable during the
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers of Pitt and
Surrounding Counties.
Let me have your attention a
moment I have purchased the
Planters Warehouse
and will have of it this season. I
have been identified with the Greenville
Tobacco market almost from its start, and
am familiar with every detail of the
Tobacco business.
It is my purpose in conducting the
to ran it in the interest of those who sell
their tobacco on my floor, knowing that
the more I help farmer the more I
help myself.
No effort will be spared to make every pile sold
at the PLANTERS bring the highest price.
Knowing the value of Tobacco, hawing
ample capital lo carry on the business,
assisted by best helpers that can be
procured, I can make it to your interest
to sell at the PLANTERS.
Plenty of room to take care of your
team, and all farmers who to
stay over night will find ample
Bring tobacco if you want best prices.
or Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
For Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court from Est,
Of Wilson.
For Justice of the
rt from the West. .
of is of
For Commissioner
one with its pol-
ling place Roads.
F. C.
Co. Hoard of for
u accident, k a u .
Pitt Co.
S. Sum,
of Wake.
For Superintendent of Public
of Guilford.
from First
For Solicitor of the Third Judicial
Of Pitt.
For Senator,
Fur Representatives,
For Superior Clerk,
For Sheriff.
O. W. II
For Register Deeds.
For Treasurer,
For Coroner.
For Surveyor,
For County
At a meeting of of tin- County
Board of Elections for county
held In Greenville on 1st day
Of September, following
Registrars and Judges of Election
Were appointed by paid Hoard to
hold i in Pitt county,
the Precincts designated. on the
Tuesday next after the first Mon-
day In November in
dance with chapter SO Ac
lo wit-
Beaver I.
Smith. Tyson,
and S. Joy tier, Judges of Bl
eel ion.
Precinct I Holland,
J. Jr.
Hodges, Judges Election.
Bethel II. Andrews,
Registrar; J II. Manning and B.
Carolina L. Per-
., Little
Blade Judges of
Elect ion.
Precinct s.
way, Registrar; J. Laughing
house and F. Tyson Judge,
Cos, Registrar; A. R. Holton and
E. K. Drill Judges of Election.
Content lien
R. Johnson, II.
and C, A. Pair Judges of Else
Falkland II. Smith.
Registrar; T. I. Williams and
S. Tyson; of
Registrar; J. J.
and II. F. Judges of
Greenville W. L.
Brown, Registrar; L. C. Arthur
and w. Fleming Judges of
K. Brad-
Registrar; M. T. Spier and
Fleming Judges
of Election.
Swift Creek
Moore, Registrar; Smith and
I red el I Moore Judges Election.
The present Election Precincts
in the comity were adopted with
the following exception, to
Precinct No. I and No. in
Greenville were
dated and it was ordered that
Greenville township shall
one Precinct with its polling
place at the Court House the
town Greenville.
Precinct No, and in
Swift creek township were
and it was ordered that
Swift Greek township shall con-
every Sun
and evening. Pray-
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
school a. m. If. A. Allen
every Sun I
lay, morning and evening.
nesting Wednesday evening. Rev.
H. If. Eure, school i
a. L. H. Fender, superb,
tendon ,
thin .
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday
School a. in. E. B.
F. II. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. in., W. B,
Brown, Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
Preaching second,
and fourth Sunday in each month
Prayer meeting night
Kev. O. W. Davis, pastor. Sun
day school P. M., W. R. Par
regular service
A. F. A.
Lodge. Mo. meets
third Monday evening. It.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening,
W. II. Hail. V. C. I. T. M.
Hooker, K. of R. and S.
I. O. . Lodge,
meets every
evening. Atkins, X. G.,
II. See.
R. A. Vance Council, No.
I HOB, meets every Thursday even-
I. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Regent.
. O. Council,
fl, meet every thin
Thursday in odd Fellows
Hall. J. Gardner,
H. Smith .
I. o. II. Greenville Conclave
meets second m id
fourth Monday night in odd
lows Hall. It, Wilson
Ii. H. Smith Sec.
Ulcers or
inning Sores
need not become a fixture upon your
body. If they do it is your for
will thoroughly, quickly and
cure these There
is no work about it; if this
is used a will follow.
I . i beak v t is
I .
Ml,,. Will
C Putter,
of New York, his friends
the nubile centrally an-
of his Intention to
Mrs. Alfred
. Clark, In mil-
on on the or her
Ur. A. of the Singer Bowing
win in
Europe, is j j -i-1 and .
Dog r. Train.
Train No, mi Indict it;
Conductor r. K I lull; .
the Knife
late lull
I. except where
Witch and
l Will
Hint I lout
I Iii a short
In -Inn. I,.
native of K. V. In
Ur. Potter, bad added a
i literary reputation to h mi
up of York, next in to
uncle. It. Horatio Potter.
four on bis
death ti full honors.
wife, who urns
It. Jacob, died
luring live
Don't Treat Symptoms
tho cause. Stimulants and will never cure indigestion
They may temporarily tho system but the next meal it again Tho
fund should digested. it cot
be by the system.
cleanses, strengthens and sweeten, the
his new discovery digests all classes of food and assists
he stomach and digestive organs In assimilating and
transforming It Into the kind of nourishment that Is
taken up by tho blood and fed to tho tissues throughout
win . i .
mill The .
with mid .-
. it
r . i . . r
. v n .
hi in c . i mi Tl
I ;
a ii . mi ; I i-iT
Hie am m m have his train mi-
train h
n Hi,. moral and
-I It, I II ii, with yelp.
for Hi.- .
ii ii v. us Hi that
there ;. . i red n
rails, I I .-Ii PI . . .
.-. ii. the Th
train en mi within I. n
foot i
ii frock, in- child was two
years old and had with
Hi- train crow run
picked tip
I Hi- which and
his in glee.
sou yard, distant was n farm.
house, it franklin
Hi- baby, to meet n man
toward him like mi Ii
was Hi- child's fill her, who n I .
th- baby Just the train sloping and
Hull ill- little -ii-
killed. How ii m fur away from
Into u
no on could pus n
were l. Hie
of the train, lull i-
one Has hurt, when
cause of Ir they clustered
him on hi.
I'm i
I.-t a boy bl.
he not
enter It, he for
ration all the time ids i
by putting until ho i- m
age. And till earl time Is m st i
time, for It
lively acquisitive of life, the
the mind receives
retains them
most of any
trail-or business or profession I. I
acquired by u youthful
on It seems to slowly and
with to boy. Is
they their life work i--
, the spirit
j -ml It, Take the pr.
i step, while run are full -f
to Kill. r . n ii,,. i;.
A tiny can he mini,, eat
ting a piece of sheet wadding to lit the
i or Jr.
thus removing th cause of all stomach
troubles. gives such strength to the body that
It Is In all wasting diseases.
What Tew Cat
b, S. Mm M
Sac or
which is tilled water Just high
enough for tho bottom of the wadding
to touch It Two or small hit of
Charcoal will keep too water pure, and
When all arranged the of
wadding Is with seeds of
mignonette, pea or other
sully grown plant The roots pierce
through the wedding ore
nourished by the water, while leaves
la a time coo-
Mew th. Committee on Military
fair. Got an Appetite.
you lunch, with me at the
Country Secretary,
Root, and all the members of tho
committee on military affairs said
If some of the n had
only known when tho Country club
is situated, this story could a lie
told. As it was, they
concluded that lira Country duo
and tho Chevy Chase club were one
and the same, gad out to the Chevy,
Chase club went. And when
they arrived tin v that the
Country club was another place en-
i- over said the
Chevy Chase waring his
hand indefinitely toward tho tn t-
it. the
highway, bargained with n
fur a horse that was knock-
spavined n wagon
that t drop to pieces.
like tho old shay. They
rod- off in triumph. No other
being in tight, Representatives
Brick, Prince,
half a dozen more started on n
tramp across the Chevy Chose coif
finally reached tho Ten-
often do cars
asked native.
every hour, one has
said the unfeeling
citizen, grinning with delight.
Down the railroad track the par-
tramped until they reached Ten-
Then they made their
way across fields and along muddy
roads until finally they ascended
the broad stairs of the Country
Thought He Was Doorkeeper.
Two ladies in re wandering
through the wing of the
one day recent, when of
Hum approached Senator
yon please show us the
pr- dent's r asked.
Senator not tho
of president's room,
in en.-
escorted 1.1 I he the
military affairs
play i i ii-
j m inn one
of III- Indies, and tin u i-he i lipped
into Si a
dear Senator
I law am one of i
from and
mo lo .
doing you a
tic lady. you a senator I
thought yon were ii
Washington Letter.
th- -in . Hi- vi
that thus on one cheek
ills- the
After Paul Game hi
what's tho
r bit Paul.
you forgotten about turning
the other cheeky asked
Paul, I couldn't; she-
hit mo Is the
Von Know What
When you Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic the formula Is plainly
on every bottle that
Is simply Iron sod In s
form. No cure, SOc
and people speak in highest
praise of Sam lecture. He
can be heard in Greenville Sept.
24th, an opportunity that the
pie of this section may never have
Gives D
destroys malarial germs.
Gives prompt relief In all forms of
malaria and malaria. Sure preventive for those
Ague malarial districts.
rited to attend
;, Gorgeous Dis-
; Millinery.
day and date,
day and Friday.
Greenville. N C.

N. C.
D. I.
at the t N.
C, u second mutter.
There are COO students at
State University.
A man doesn't often break
neck in the same place.
When an office gets after a man
there ll apt to be a collision.
Vesuvius intimates that she hits
boot completed her preliminary
It is rumored
pendents have
over in Halifax.
that some
been discovered
from . the colleges
throughout the State show
large openings.
It is probably to remark
that Thomas I. Johnson continues
to expose himself to the office.
It is said that the few remaining
in this county will hold
n convention here next Thursday.
Wonder what for.
The police force and the lite de-
of Wilmington combined
an exciting few moments the
other day and arrested a man.
The editor of the Tarheel is in
lockup for smoking n cigarette
on the streets of Elizabeth city.
They take their cigarettes out in
the back yard over there.
The fact that prices were
on a break that broke the
record, following a rash that would
have taxed the facilities of any
market, speaks volumes for Green-
We see it stated that northern
capitalists are planning to build
a large hotel at Ocracoke. If such
a hotel is built proper trans-
to the island provided,
it will be a popular resort.
The e is something in the
taken from the New Bern
Journal headed rt in
published in this
issue, that ought to lie read and
considered thoughtfully by every
citizen of Greenville.
Section of ordinances
suffered divers and sundry
contusions and dislocations
Wednesday night. Someone re-
marked this morning that the
Battle of Gettysburg was
So fatalities have been
but a bullish tendency in
ammunition for . . .
the feature of the
to day.
local market
A number of Demo-
met in Greensboro Thursday-
night, to inaugurate a movement
looking to the election of Thomas
X. Hill, the independent
date, as Chief Justice of the Sn-
Court. The Reflector
does not believe such a movement
can accomplish the defeat of Judge
Clark, am. is sorry to see the names
of some prominent men mentioned
in connection with it.
The breaks today will exceed
anything to date, this season.
Tobacco town is working day and
night, hut the rush has the best of
it for the present. The farmers
must take the consequences, and
the tobacco market the kicks; but
the farmer will have to shoulder
the blame for his disappointment.
So buyer is going to pay a high
price for a surplus article, that is
likely to depreciate for
want of impossible attention. The
does not believe there
is a better market the State
than the market, nor a
more Intelligent and clever corps
of buyers and but
the facilities of any market admit
only a reasonable margin above
the normal volume of trade. The
farmer this, if he will but
stop to think a moment. If he has
ever carried a eggs to the
store, or a home cured ham to the
city, he has felt the law of supply
and demand. Why does he dis-
regard it T
The spring tune earns with
Bloomed and
hour to hour
That summer heat would hasten i
tiny tender stalk, and thus
it the Injury of wind and
the ill
The summer came, the tin
The Bower bloomed afresh
were long,
The torrid wind soon made it
And then, i; longed
it said,
with summer Dowers I'm lure I don't
Cool autumn earns, and then the Hal-
wart stalk
Did boldly stand and mock
-dorm. It frat-rant bloom had
passed away,
It's summer gone, its spring seemed
hut a day,
Thus sadly disappointed would not
it tell the cruel biting of night
Still there was to come cold
and strength
. gone,
parting Fa -i
A- days Hew its only wish at ll
was, that it might be harried out
Bo in the spring of youth we long to
Our summer manhood and wish
Advanced in age, and business and
That life i- not S passing dream hut
It too soon for you, too loon
for me.
Then follows autumn's days and win-
tor's snow.
Our spring and summer gone, and as
we go
Down the decline of life the thoughts
to memory Ibis solemn
The one in spring tune which we did
not know.
How glad the tobacco men are
hat Saturday and Sunday comes
between tales, Some of them say
they do not believe could
have gone, without rest, through
another day of big tales like tho
past week It ought to be a cause
gladness for every body that a day
of rest conies a week. The
whole human family needs it, yet
there are so many who have no re-
for the Sabbath.
An Inoffensive looking little
mole, a mil cart loaded
with tobacco sticks, an a dirt-
mover loaded with molasses bar-
made a ripple the
upper Main street a few
minutes before 1- o'clock today.
The colored driver was busy ad-
justing the barrels in the rear
cart, which was fastened to the
rail body, when one of them got
Ma reach, along
over the tobacco .
the mule squarely on the touch-
me-not. Despite the docile
of the animal, he evidently
had in reserve a full head of steam.
He the throttle about
site the Banking
Trust Company's, and come down
at the post-office corner; leaving
the consisted
mostly of the driver and cart No.
with molasses bar-
and properly off with
the contents of cart
displayed in front of the El-
block. The little fellow seem-
ed a bit disappointed at finding
himself still upon get-
ting down; but evidently
bend that things came to him
who and having no idea of
giving old What Was It another
chance, he proceeded up Third
street to with a haste
that must have left a vacuum be-
hind In in. In getting to the sec-
comer the cart had collided
two trees, but still followed.
So the runaway turned down Co
i mi h, took the right side-walk,
planted one wheel against a tree
and the other the porch of
lbs House and stepped out
mother was troubled
consumption for many years. At
last she was given up to die. Then
she tried Cherry Pectoral,
and was speedily cured.
D. P. Jolly, N. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it,
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until you have
If you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
lie. Ma, ll. All
, doctor. K he II,
then do M hi, If he tell, tea nut
to It. then It. II- km.
It With Mm. We willing.
J. C. HI CO. Lowell.
The Star Warehouse.
You don't have to look twice to
find the large advertisement of the
Star Warehouse in this issue.
Neither do you have to try twice
to he convinced of what the Star
can do for you in the way of sell-
tobacco. One trial will con-
you that they leave nothing
undone to get the highest prices
every load sold you
are sure to go back there
Since Coward, Hooker Co.,
took charge of the Star Warehouse
their business has grown rapidly
as a result of their good work for
the twice it has been
necessary to their house
until now they have a floor space
to any. They have ex-
force of helpers, whom
work together in the interest of
those who sell there. Yon make
mistake in carrying
co to the Star Warehouse.
Strength In Community.
Fresh Gossip From Near-by Vicinities
by Our Correspondents
Reported tor REFLECTOR Readers.
Winterville Department.
N. C. 1902
The A. Q Cox Mfg. Co. have
been recently selling large
lots of wire nails.
Mrs. Martha L. is having a
nice large built near the
school building. W. L. House is
having a coat of pot on hi
handsome home, the home of
Cox with its fresh paint and
recent improvements is a thing of
In fact all over Winter-
ville he seen the signs of
and advancement, these hand
in hand with civilization
cation have at all times proven the
of communities and
It has become a daily custom to
see wagons rolled from the factory
of the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
E. E. has just contracted
with the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. to
some of his churns. Mr.
will soon receive his letters of
patent on the churn and we be-
it is the simplest and best
churn on the market.
Ed Holliday, from the Grimes
land section, was here Thursday to
j make arrangements for placing his
boy in the Winterville High
Prof. of Washington,
was he.-e yesterday.
John F. Stokes and wife are vis-
friends in town.
Capt. H. M. Dixon and family
moved from here yesterday to
make their tut ore home near
Wharton, in
Our people much regret see-
this excellent family leave, for
they have up with the place
and none arc held in greater re
or stand higher In the esteem
of our people. Capt. Dixon is a
N. C, Sept.
T. C. Turnage has returned from
Mr. Mrs. W. C. Askew
have gone to Baltimore to
chase fall and winter
Miss Lula Gay left Tuesday tor
Oxford, to Oxford Female
Rev. D. W. Arnold has return-
ed from Washington county.
Miss Dora Grady left last week
Cary, to attend school.
Miss Lizzie Gay returned Tues-
day from a visit to
Miss Clara Parker went to New
Bern Thursday to visit relatives.
T. L. is having a hand-
some residence erected on Railroad
Misses Vivian Parker, Ruth By-
Mary and Moore
left Tuesday for Wilson.
Capt. R. A. Stamper's residence
is near completion and will be
by Prof. Stokes.
There arc in too many
communities who follow the hold
and pull policy.
The suggestion of any public en-
the talk of an industrial
i list it ion. and it means ninety
nine reasons advanced by these j gentleman that will be appreciated
hold back citizens, why the enter- j wherever he goes. Our best wish
prise will prove a failure, to one es are with the family.
buggies arc
reason why it may possibly
a good thing for
Let there lie developed any lo-
Institution, a or
any local enterprise which is of
value to the community generally,
and the pull citizen will at-
tempt to get up a rival, if the
seems to be a living, or
if it may be paying its expenses,
then the word will be sent about
to discourage its owner.
With these hold backs and pull
downs exercising power, the
fate of the where they live is
easily guessed, for no community
can make headway, much
progress, where there is no local
co operation or unity of purpose
among its citizens.
Take Sway community unity, or
let it be known that a place is con-
trolled the hold backs and pull
down, and every outsider will
avoid such a place as if it held a
disease, and every pro-
will leave a
town at the earliest opportunity.
Every local institution, every
enterprise, every merchant, is en-
titled to the cordial support of the
citizens of the place.
failure of any local enterprise,
the stilling or proposed
try, is not merely injury done to
the J n ml . , , . ,. I
institutions, but such failures in
directly or indirectly every
citizen, every tax payer and every
business or trade in the place.
It is the leveling up, helping
sustaining process, which is
the community, the
thought the success of each
citizen aids in the welfare of all,
and through this comes the
substantial community gain and in
no other way. -New Bern Journal.
buggies arc
carried off from factory
Bethel, N. C, Sept.
Misses and Essie
spent Monday in Green
Miss Geneva Gardner,
by Charlie
spent Sunday in Greenville.
J. A. G. Britton
left Tuesday, for the University.
A. J. Moore, of Greenville,
spent Monday in town.
Mrs. W. J. and
children, who have been visiting
Mrs. F. S. of Mt.,
returned home Sunday.
Culver Taylor, of
Tarboro, are visiting friends here.
Wesley Martin left Tuesday for
Mt. Olive.
J. W Thomas left Monday for
Miss Mary and Jesse Badger are
visiting friends in
J. S. Mooring, Sheriff O. W.
and W. J. Fleming
spent Saturday night in town.
Bethel High school opened up
i n arc u mun WHO a i ,. , . .
new buggy please examine it and W large
see ii it is a buggy. Tew, of Roberson-
it he a buggy ville, spent Monday with friends
you send your order for one; here,
like it or suggest any change you
Mrs. Frank Harrington and
mother, Mrs. Tucker, spent Thurs
day in Greenville.
Mrs. M. Bryan and Master
left Friday morning for
Miss Bertha of Ayden,
yesterday afternoon with
Mrs. J. D. Cox.
Fred of Ayden, was
less i.,.; ,. Thursday on business.
B. F. Manning Co. have just
received a car load of lime. They
will sell at low prices.
Miss Cola Carroll spent
day evening visiting friends here.
On Wednesday evening at
o'clock, in the Baptist church, Miss
Wood, of Kinston, and
of Robersonville,
were happily married by Rev. Mr.
Edwards. After the
bride and groom left for Roberson-
ville, where a reception was held.
We wish cm a long and happy
W. J. Peal, of spent
Wednesday town.
W. C. Andrews spent Sunday
afternoon, looking grapes. We
hope he got a plenty.
One naturally expects to find the
local news in the daily paper,
is frequently disappointed by the
omission of something that should
have published. Probably
the first thought of the reader is
of the of the reporter.
Now, it happens that the report-
of local items is almost entirely
Simplex Piano Player.
A wonderful musical instrument
has received here by the
Cable Co. It is a simplex Piano
Player, an instrument that can be
be attached to piano
and does Its playing auto-
It requires no
knowledge of music to play it. All
are cordially invited to go hear it.
dependent upon his own eyes Monday night the Cable Co.
And be is not omnipresent. a at
A he doesn't y the ac-
who comes
and goes, those around are
as unfortunate. And
friend arrives, lives, moves, and
has bis and departs,
Which is to be regret-
led; and may be avoided, if you
will only let us know. Will you t
Phone us, write us, hold up your
hand, or make any kind of a sign.
Whisper it, if you wish.
A government in
London has discovered about six
teen species of microbes which
roam at will, and in in
the averse in that town.
A Wonderful Echo.
At a watering place in the
Pyrenees conversation at table
turned upon a wonderful echo to
be heard some distance off on the
Franco Spanish frontier
said an in Britisher have munching
habitant or these pies with avidity for years,
soon as on ha. e spoken you hear still are some of them
distinctly voice leap from rock Star,
to rock, from precipice to The surviving Boers and the
and as soon as it has passed the British that are still
room especially for the ladies.
Making More Room.
The drive way of the
Warehouse is being raised on a
level with the main floor so as to
give more space when the big
breaks are on. B. E. Parham, the
new proprietor, is making things
hum at the Planters.
Doesn't Come Often.
On the day President Gar field
was buried, a Mr. who lives
was in Green
Near hero, returning home,
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.
Fruit In re I f IS Ml
I dollar's worth of
every time. If It doesn't
for YOU bring back the stuff and get your dollar.
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Faster.
Agents wanted in all
unoccupied territory.
Wheeler. Wilson Co.
Atlanta, Ga-
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Tor Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of Wake.
Tor Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court from the East,
et Wilson.
For Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court from the West,
of Mecklenburg.
For Corporation
For Superintendent of Public
of Guilford.
For at
of Beaufort.
For Solicitor of the Third Judicial
one with its pol- i
ling place Cross Roads. I
F. C.
Co. Board of Election for
U k a l Mexican
ft with A
in I v Mini i i. M-t. t.
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
B. Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an daring the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
just in time for frontier the echo assumes the Span j should come together for mutual
Reflector, 12th. Weekly. I sympathy.
Diem have longer was from hi convey
than diameter the Ho WM tut
the Hist time since, Thursday.
Mere Are the
For week ending Friday,
the Liberty Warehouse sold
pounds of tobacco for 168,01.1
What do you of
week's business
Farmers of Pitt and
Surrounding Counties.
Let me have your attention a
moment I have purchased the
Planters Warehouse
and will have charge of it this season. I
have been identified with the Greenville
Tobacco market almost from its start, and
am familiar with every detail the
Tobacco business.
It is my purpose in conducting the
to run it in the interest of those who sell
their tobacco on my floor, knowing that
the more I help the farmer the more I
help myself.
No effort will be spared to make every pile sold
at the PLANTERS bring the highest price.
Knowing the of Tobacco, baring
ample capital to carry on the business,
assisted by the best helpers that can be
procured, I ctn make it to interest
to sell at the
Plenty of room to take care of
team, and all the farmers who come to
slay over night will find ample
Bring tobacco if yon want beat prices.
For Representatives,
For Superior Clerk,
For SI-.,
O. W. II
For Register Deeds,
For Coroner,
At a meeting of of the
Board of Elections for Pill count
in Greenville on the lit day
of the
Registrars and Judges of Election
were appointed by Board to
hold an election in Pitt county,
-the Precincts designated the
Tuesday after the Mon-
day in in
dance Acts
to nil
i- Dam -c. .
Smith, l. Tyson,
Joyner, Judges of
eel ion.
J. J. Hathaway Jr. and
Hodges, Judges of Election.
Bethel II. Andrew,
J II. Manning and B.
Carolina L. Per-
Resist ; W. Little
and Blade Judges of
W. s. Gal
way, Registrar; J. Laughing
house and B. Tyson Judges o
Elect ion.
Cox, Registrar; A. R. Holton and
v. E. Dull Judges of Election,
Content lien No.
R. Johnson, H. E. Elli
and Fall Judges of
Falkland Smith,
Registrar; T. I. William, and
Henry S. Judges of
Registrar J.
and II. P. of
Greenville w. l.
Brown, . C Arthur
and W. Fleming Judges, of
M. T. Spier and
Fleming Judges
of Election.
Moore, j H. Smith and
Judges Election.
The present Election
In the were adopted with
the following exception, to
Precinct No. I and No.
Greenville township were
dated and it was ordered that
Greenville township shall
one Precinct with its polling
place at the House the
town of
Precinct No, No. in
Swift creek township were
and it was ordered
Swift Creek township shall con-
and evening.
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor.
school a. If. A. Allen
every Sun
lay, morning and
Sleeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
H. M. Bare, school i
a. in. l. H. Pander,
thin .
Sunday, Rev i
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday
a. m. E. B. ii
F. II. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
3rd Sunday. Lay services
every lad and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. m. W. B.
Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. in.
and fourth Sunday in each month
meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. W. Davis, pastor. Sun
day school P. M., W. It. Par
regular service
A. F. A A.
Lodge. V. meets first and
thud Monday evening. R,
W. M., Reuse, Sec.
K. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening,
W. II. . , T. M.
Hooker, K. of R. and
I. O. . Lodge,
No. meets every
evening, w. s. Atkins, N.
I. A. Vance Council, No,
meets every even-
W. is. Wilson, Secretary, J.
. Council.
No. meet every and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows.
Hall. Gardner.
I. O. II.
No, meets
Monday in ;
lows Hall. V, It. Wilson A
Ulcers or
need not become upon your
body. If they do it is your
will thoroughly, quickly and
cure these afflictions. There
is no guess work about I ; if this
is used a cure will follow.
staler M .
III, In.-, win. Will
r. Putter, bishop
N. v. Stork, I-is his
the public generally
-meat r Ms n lo marry
lie Is Airs. Alfred Corn
In Inherited mil-
of her late i n
of Singer Sewing
i ii I traveling
The bride
Clark, i
Ur. A. r.
. Poll
was i--.
ii II.
was ll
I. .
. .
ii .
.-i .
n . i , .
the . ii
lb w
n r
I II, mi
ill r, I-
. I I. Idler.
f i us, all .
I i X
ii hi- train ii i
i lie i
dos -i.
II ii, n i In
isl fur
II it II I
lea red Hie
. mill he on .-i.
i in
child was
s old had I with
train crew ran
picked up
which crowed
putted his rues In glee.
house, it .
I,, mini rum In
toward him nil Insane i
lid's fill her. who I- mi
Hi- train . i.
the om I. i
I, How ii , fur
sin h u
understand. Tin-
of train, lull i
one mis hurt, when learn
cause cluster
s of X. V.
literary lo his fame us nu
New V. In office In his
uncle, In-, Potter.
roar Inter on his
uncle's full
wife, who
Jacob, died suddenly June
leaving live and
Don't Treat Symptoms
after tho cause. Stimulants and will Indigestion
They may temporarily the system but the next meal rings It again. The
fund should lie digested. it contains
should be by the system.
purifies, cleanses, the stomach. I
his now digests all classes of food and assists
the stomach and organs In and
transforming It Into the kind nourishment that Is ,
I up by the blood and fed to tho tissues throughout . ,
fifteen, and,
ration nil the Mine Ida
by oil bis .
age. And Ibis lime i.-- i
time, for represents
lively of
slant easily retail
most of
business or profession Is r
by u youthful mil
on It in grasped
with difficulty. My to
that they their life work
much as possible, Ike spirit
of it Take
steps while yon are full of en
ll. ii
lie Ills .
he not
. for
How to Hal.- In
A tiny can he
sheet wadding m
top of it howl or ii mouthed
cures Indigestion
thus removing the of I water Just high
troubles. gives such strength to tho body that I enough tor tho bottom tho wadding
If la In all I. i a . ii rm. . .
It la In all wasting
What Cat
Sods for
it cures ms of
I ll.-
to touch It Two or three lilts of
will keep water pure, and
when all Is tho top of the
wadding Is sprinkled with seeds
sweat pa or other
grown plant roots pierce
through wadding and ore
by tho water, while
and la a time
Mew the Committee on Military
Got an Appetite.
you the
Country select Secretary,
and nil members of the
committee on military affairs said
M some of the n had
only known where the Country club-
is situated, this story could Lo
told. As it wag,
concluded the Country
and the Chevy club one
and the same, and out to the Chevy,
Chase club went. And when
they arrived I learned that the
Country club was another place en-
i over the
Chevy Chase steward, waving
hand indefinitely toward the west-
Senator and
along the-
a passing
yokel for a horse, that was knock-
kneed spavined and a wagon
that seemed annul In drop to pieces,
like tho old one shay. They
rode oil iii triumph. No other
being in sight,
and half n dozen more started on a
tramp across the Chevy Chase
course finally reached the
often do ears
asked hailing n native.
hour, and one has
gone said the unfeeling
citizen, grinning delight.
Down tho railroad track tho par-
tramped until they reached Ten-
Then they their
way across fields and along
roads until finally they ascended
Hie brand stairs of Hie Country
Thought He Was a
Two ladies wandering
through wing of the cap-
one iv alien one of
Hum S
ill a.-r show tho
r lb. asked,
Senator unit did
of II room, but
lie of the
i . hi dis-
play I I lie i i u hand nine
i in r. mill one
of . hi she
lulu s, I law a silver
I s n
Haul. i. of i.
from i i i . -i
mu lo i . , for
doing i a
m grin I timed
lire lady. you n senator I
I bought were n
Washington Letter.
the little mu i, is,. limn him
that Hue on cheek
After in crying.
what's the said
you about
the other asked
sum Paul, I
ms In the
Know What Yon r. Taking
When lake Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic tho formula la
printed on every bottle showing that
Is simply la a
tasteless form, No cure, no pay.

H. L. Coward
T. E. Hooker
T. M. Hooker
Ms its for all
And its brightness is dimmed.
A proof of what
Is doing for the farmers of Eastern North Carolina is
shown in our immense sales every day. And yon hear
expressions of satisfaction from all who sell with
was already a hie warehouse, hut this season we have
id it to enlarge again to meet grow-
sales, and now we a floor space to the
When it comes to getting the best prices, we do that
every time on all We only ask to come and
set. Bring us a load and he convinced what we can do
for yon,
Showing of
New Fall and Winter
For week everybody
bag Jump, marking and arranging
car loads of wearable
into stole. We low a
of new and thing- and
Children's wear. billy U
MEN'S SUIT display. We bare the haw Sails,
made the makers know about.
It would lake of talk in jut-lice. Coin-
pare our Suits any lo be bad any
for fur garment
thread. Then COMPARE Do this and
you will buy your Fall Suit
it, you know.
Frank Wilson,
If lime in a CROSS M AUK in tie
margin of paper ii to remind you
that you owe Tin
for request you lo
as as We what
YOU own us and hope you will keep
u waiting for it.
ThU notice who find
mark on their paper.
limp at Horn Put
In Few for Busy Readers
It keep coming right along
Just and
Turnip seed. M.
The Confederate Veterans will
bold their m u here next
The season ; j curly meetings
has come once note, a time of great
pleasure to many people.
from every county
adjoining Pitt bad tobacco on the
market Thursday.
E. E. Griffin la getting in the
handsome stock of jewelry he par
chased big recent trip north.
A visitor in town Thursday told
its was the busiest
looking town he bad been in of
J U. Cherry ft Go's, fall open-
will take place on the It
is going to something worth
William the
man, baa just received a pair of
fine horses. They weigh over
twelve hundred each.
Those business men who do not
advertise now are an op-
by not being represent-
ed in
The Star Warehouse sold
above a quarter million pounds
week That gives yon an idea
of what the Star Is doing.
The believes it will
not miss the mark much to say
the market sold a mil
lion pounds of tobacco this week.
The new job
R. Outlaw, is turning
out a class of work that is highly
pleasing lo our This is
tho place to get your work done
H. M. says he could
wait for the farmers to bring in
sweet potatoes, the people wanted
thorn so bud, so he ordered a ship-
meat from Mew York. They are
One ours, too.
P. Jones, the
orator, whose is an
wide as the country, will deliver u
lecture the opera house here
Wednesday night, 24th.
Everybody should hear him.
Reduced rates via Atlantic
Line to Richmond, Va.
Account of Annual Horse Show.
One fare for round trip plus
cents for admission to show. Tick
eta on sale Oct. 13th to 18th
ire Anal limit Oct. 20th.
Everywhere he has been the
press and people speak highest
praise of lecture. He
can be hoard in Sept.
an opportunity that the
of this may have
Brief Mention People Met
With in the Social World
J. P. Taylor, of Henderson, left
this morning.
J. F. of Kinston, was
H. W. Whichard, of Norfolk,
Is in town.
Mrs. Walter Grimes took this
morning's train fur Elm City.
Mrs. S. M. eon and
daughter, went to Rocky Mount
Hiss Alice Atkinson and Miss
Wilkinson were shopping in
Greenville today.
Mrs. F. M. Hodges, who has
been visiting her mother, at La-
Grange, returned home this morn-
Miss Dixon, who spent
the day with Mrs. Will White, re-
turned to Wednesday
Miss of Wash-
C, who has been visit-
in Greenville, left Kinston
Mrs. and children,
who have been visiting Mrs. War-
parents in Salisbury, rein
I . E. House, who has been ill
for several days, con-
but not sufficiently re-
coveted to return I. return to bus-
R. L. Smith came in Thursday.
Dr. J. W. Perkins is here today.
Jack Harrington to House
this morning.
J. S. came in on the
ville, since Friday evening.
Sheriff O. W. Harrington re
turned from Kinston this morning.
Mrs. Ed. Whitehurst, of Mount
Olive, returned home this morn-
Rev. P. A. Bishop left this
morning tor Rocky Mount and
Mrs. Alice Harper is making ad-
to her residence South
Mr. L. M. Lanier, of the
Piano Co., will the Baptist
church Sunday night.
Mrs. Herbert Mosely, who has
been Mis. D,.
for Friday
A. F. Kennedy is enlarging In.
h in order lo
in nine room bis purchases.
Prof. II. P. Harding,
graded at
New arrived here this morn
to visit bis parents.
of Bristol,
who has buying tobacco here
for a bis city, returned
home today to look after business
The Star Shining.
Hearing such a rumbling and
rattling carts and wagons over
the tobacco section, Wednesday
night, we took a brief stroll to the
Star Warehouse to see what was
coming in At o'clock there were
loads the house and it kept
coming in all through the night
and this morning. The brightness
of can't They
arc selling tobacco and getting
high prices it.
Honeymoon Spoiled.
Sheriff O. W. Harrington left
Friday for to de-
liver W. O. Burton and Ben
Smith, colored, who were arrested
here on warrants from Lenoir
county. Ben goes to answer a
charge of false pretense, and Bur-
ton to explain why sentence should
not be pronounced against him for
multifarious relations.
Burton leaves a brand new bride
in Greenville.
Beaufort Nominee,.
The Democrats of Beaufort
held their convention to-
day and nominated tho following
For V. Sugg
and F. C. Hooker.
For Sheriff R. T. Hodges.
For R. Mayo.
For F.
For Tayloe.
For Surveyor Tripp.
There wits concert,
Wednesday at
music room in Sam
White's store, which was enjoyed
by a ladies and gentle-
men who gathered there. Mr.
L. M. Lanier, the performer of tho
company, the assembly
with several rural mid instrument-
selections. He is a piano artist
of high merit. Mr. A. A. Forbes,
Jr., also sang -nine splendid
Mrs. R. arrived on
the morning train.
B. R. left fur
Square this morning.
Rev. J. Waters,
Christian church at Washington
was to Kinston Thursday-
Miss Pearl who,
with Miss Mary Tucker, will
a school here next Monday, has
W. T. Is on the road
H. P. Hill returned Friday eve-
L. C. Arthur went to Norfolk
W. H. Smith has to Ham
is off Char-
E. G. Flanagan is in
Mount today.
Miss Lizzie Blow is Green-
Reported The
One of the most enjoyable after
noons ever experienced by the
of the San C
was September the second,
when Miss Pattie Skinner enter-
at Tho Hotel The
attendance Mas best many
months, members returned
from their various outings, each
vied with tho other in relating the
grand lime they I ad experienced.
Business at held sway
various were made, car
as by-laws.
heating discussions, we were
very grateful when our charming
hostess presented each one with Q
ticket entitled,
for one
trip only.
All bad a delightful journey, on
which our President Miss Latham,
reached the end with the least
of scores, for which she
was rewarded by a beautiful
Refreshments were served, and
the club adjourned to with
Miss Tyson, September the six-
C quickly destroys malarial germs.
. j prompt relief in all forms of
and malaria. Sure preventive for those
Cure in malarial districts.
French Pattern Hats
Everybody is invited to attend
this Great, Gorgeous Dis-
play of High Art Millinery.
Don't forget the day and date,
September 17,18 and
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
C. T.
The Big Store.
N C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
That the place to get the best
Fruit Jars
s, f. w W W
A woman jumps at a man's con
The proper study of
Congeniality the balm for
many a broken heart.
The almighty dollar a
multitude of
Many a has gone crooked
of a straight whiskey.
A man may be the
and still relish a
A judge frequently charges the
jury more than lie expects to re
That lines is
evident from the devil's solicitude
over new acquaintances.
l bachelors and mature maiden
ladies very Intelligently on
the proper trailing of
everybody else has given it up as a
bad job.
Any adequate appreciation of
what woman owes to art is Impel
mi long us it may not lie per
where woman leaves oil and
art begins.
Same years ago a bold, bad man
perpetrated this
is a saloon different from a
and answered it by point
out saloon usually shuts
UP at o'clock, It is reported
that poor fellow died of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,, I Xi .
Mrs. L. Ii. WHITE,
Blackjack, X. C.
Ski line ;. I and. Prices low
Country bought Ii r cash or in
I gs
is at our store. We have them in
different styles and sizes at prices
as low as the lowest. Then as
usual we are headquarters for the conscience.
Best of Every tiling
III appendage fa
table from lib, .,
,, ,, proximity with a twine
and arc sure so have the
BUTTER and CHEESE ON ICE. boa of shot had
I become attached. As the casual
watched the trio, through
I the dost of a beautiful landscape,
and noted the half-surprised, half-
aggrieved countenance of the
canine, and the large rents in the
atmosphere, dis
beveled summit of the high places,
be was almost persuaded that
communications corrupt good
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, and
I'm ate Wires to New York.
Chicago and New Orleans.
American and Italian Marble
Dissolution Notice.
Ire Fence Sold-
work and prices
ii i on t.
Notice to Creditors.
no d that i . II.
s. M. Jones, partners
doing business r the
nun .
Mfg i hate thin I ;
ii.- .-. .
All p. claims
the said Th I o
present mi., to s. J,
Ii i.-. . and all s i ion in-
James. Tip- I i i 11----ill
ii i . Ii. Jam r the
in . but s. M. hi
for ii
ll .
This All
i .
Notice to Creditors.
ill. i In
. Court
i the v. ill mill Ii
w I . . used, and
letters having duly.
mi. I nil per-
sons i i th. stale
the William to
i -i III III Ill
mi or before
July, or this will U
r. v . ill i In to
Sin. i Ii Pitt
n- id Hid
of of John
. i mil. . .,.,, In-
i to make
. . .- . i. to the and l
s Foremost .- . .
mi Mm i -tali- i to present them for
The Observer -i-t
, or
Take tare the
Tin- or woman I
whose stomach
. function is never sick.
i the
positively and per
ii troubles,
i- the
tonic that i-
making -ii people well
weak people b to
lit. s ail the in
ii,. i i at. K. . II.
Hi Mi-.
mi i mi. I consider it tin- bent
ever used fur dyspepsia and
I was up by
id j saved life,
u mi. i Jno. L. Wooten,
J. P CALDWELL. Editor.
ill OBSERVER Receives the
largest telegraphic
delivered paper between
Atlanta, and
it- special sen i s the
I Cam
-i- or more pages, and is
to a extent made up of;
original matter.
printed . I I i.
J i i ;
i I
Charlotte, N.
I,. i tic blind, but it never
In- hear p footstep on the
. . -J.
c of .
I . . Co i
Tl. i
; I
T unit. .
n ii
. I.
Jo i.
I nil
. Mil-
-i i please i
is l Tim. i i ,
j. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and of
Bagging, Ties and
Pilot Mountain, Sun-
day after a
of several years. Some -i years
while Mr. was
iii; with a threshing machine, he
Sacked a rye beard his ind-
Two or three years later it
came out through his pro-
sore, and this,
after years of suffering, at
canted death.
accident u a
Ulcers or
Rye en Sores
need not become n fixture upon your
body. If they do it is your fault, for
will thoroughly, quickly
neatly There
is no guesswork about i I; if this
is used a will follow.
I until with Mexican
h at t.-p
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Bay Line Chesapeake
8.8. from Baltimore. Mer-
Line from
July 1st the steam-
Guide will leave Washington at
a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
for Belhaven,
and and will leave
coke at B a. m. for
Belhaven Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenville, N. C.
J. E. District
Washington, N. C
All Must Be Taxed.
The tax commission given out
the following opinion the mat-
of the Income
view the fact that the re-
view of the tax lists of the State
SO far made the State tax com-
mission S the fact dis.
Inequalities in as-
have been
In that while many persons
employed In various capacities by
the government neglected
and refused to list their incomes
for taxation, other Federal officers
have listed their and, in
that while some of the judges of
the State have listed their Incomes,
others neglected and refused to lit
theirs, the tax commission deemed
it proper to address a letter to the
county acre In each
in the State, calling their
attention to these irregularity's,
and advising and directing
to examine the tax lists their
counties correct the same by
adding thereto the incomes from
all sources except incomes derived
from property taxed.
BLUSHED 1875.-
S. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Bead, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Safes, P.
and Gail
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Apples, Silts,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz
Lingering Summer Colds.
Don't h ii cold run this season.
r colds arc the hardest kind tn
cure if neglected along
tor months. A this
hill pull down the strongest
One Minute Cough Cure will
hi the attack at once. Safe
t once. Cures
iN. bronchitis, all throat
and lung troubles like
It. L. Woolen.
Beware Knife.
v i prof
of late than it
. i. t be except
In for
Win h quickly
fur cuts.
burns, bruises, wounds,
it no so
. bleeding
fir Witch
Halve in n
Soothes basis. I.
One Farm. miles from
here, i acres, cleared.
Good land for tobacco, corn,
cotton, etc. Splendid dwell-
two tobacco barns and
tenant Louses.
Second Farm, miles
from here, acres, mostly
cleared, with tobacco bums
and tenant houses.
Third Farm, about
half cleared, with good tenant
houses, barns and
orchards. half this farm
is low ground, is good
There is every indication that corn for
the cotton crop will be short pasturage. place for man
throughout the country, and it is wanting to raise beef, cotton,
hoped the farmers will not run a dairy, as well as for
a hurry to sell their notion this general farming. A nice live
room dwelling, live good tenant
seven tobacco barns
a back three large
Orchards in bearing and vine-
pasture and list land.
Ali these farms on Free
Delivery and in a healthy com-
lesson. It i
that with a short crop if farmers
will hold any considerable
quantity of it, they trill stand a
Chance of getting better prices la-
on in the season. And
one ought to desire to see the far-
do well, both in the amount
of products they and in the
prices they get, the country's
prosperity rests upon the farmers,
after land Net k Common
from Northern Wood
sic In ii j- cure for
16.00 REWARD.
light red cow, solid
slightly darker on DOM
limns oil three of head
bolted when left, inch
around Will calve about
Boding said
will notify.
i. formula is i
lated on bottle
ii i- simply Iron
form. No cure, pay.
n a
Don't Treat Symptoms
s rat will never
tern but the next meal cl
by the system.
after the cause. Stimulant rat will never cure indigestion.
They may temporarily relic e the tern but the licit meal clogs i I
food should be digested. The nourishment health strength It contains
should lie by the system.
purifies, cleanses, st sweetens the stomach.
This new discovery digests all classes of food and assists
the stomach and digestive organs In assimilating and
transforming it Into the of nourishment, that is
taken up by the blond and fed to the throughout
the body. cures indigestion
and dyspepsia, thus the cause of all stomach
troubles. gives such strength to the body that
it Is invaluable In all diseases.
wt-h to think for what fur writes Clifton
f , I It
Hostel What You Eat.
r . , ., much
the trial
little Bills fr ii
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction
prices, styles work.
Please send your orders to
T-liB rim- Co.
N. C.
every Ban-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rot. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Bun
lay, morning and evening.
Wednesday evening. Rot.
II. M. pastor. Sunday school
a. m. L. H.
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday-
school a. m. E. B. an-
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. in., W. B.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m.
Christan Preaching second,
and fourth Sunday in each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day school P. It., W. R. Par-
regular service
A. F. A.
Lodge. meets Bret and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
E. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening.
W. H. C. 0.1 C. L T. M.
Hooker, K. of R. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, N. G.,
D. D. Overton. So-.
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall, Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Ball. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday in
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith Sec.
nice Hardware.
Hugging and Ties always
Fresh goods kept en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
N. C.
The complete in every de
ind prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market
paid for country produce.
Dr. D James,
Dental Surgeon,
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt county made at March
Term 1901 a certain cause rein
entitled re probate In
form of the Last Will and
Testament Tho. J. Sheppard. de-
i will,
Monday, October
at o'clock m., before the Court
House door in Greenville, sell at pub-
sale to the highest bidder, for
cash, the following
laud to the estate of the ale
J. Sheppard, situate In
township, Pitt to
One tract lying west of the
Washington Branch of the Atlantic
Line Railroad, adjoining the
said Railroad, the lands of the heirs
of Mini. I Hill and the lands of J. U.
Satterthwaite, containing US acres,
more or less, and known as a part of
the John s. Smith land and a part of
the Langley land.
One tract lying on the east side
of said railroad and immediately be-
tween said railroad and the county
road leading from Tarboro to Wash-
and adjoining the land of J.
Little on the south and the land of
Daniel Hill's heirs on the north, con-
more or loss.
One tract lying on the east side
of the county road leading from Tar-
to Washington, and hounded on
tho west by said on the south
by the road commonly called
the on the east by a line
running from a pine on said Griffin
road, known as and Little's
corner, a north-west course to a pine
stump on the side of a little branch,
known as corner, and on the
north by Alfred land, con-
acres more or less.
One tract adjoining the last de-
scribed tract, laud of Alfred Jen-
kins. M. A. the high
mark of mill pond down
to Pollard's land, thence with
Pollard's line to Bryant
line, thence with line to
the high water mark of said mill
thence with said high water
down to the Griffin road, with
the Griffin road to the acre tract,
containing NO acres more or less.
One tract beginning at Sheppard's
and Little's corner on the road
and running with Little's line to
H. It. Fleming's line to tho Tarboro
Washington road, thence with said
road the Sheppard mill race,
thence with -mil to a
point distant from the
mill yards parallel
with said dam and feet
thence across the mill
to high water mark of the mill pond,
with tin- high water murk of
said pond to Griffin road, thence
with road lo the beginning, con-
acres, more or less.
One tract lying on the
Ida of tin- mill pond, ad-
joining said mill pond lo the high
mark thereof, the lauds of
II. heirs of CO. Per-
kins W. Roebuck, containing
more or less, and known as
part of the Home Place.
One tract adjoining the lands of
Joseph Crisp, Warren, the
heirs of James W. Rollins and others,
containing acres, more or less,
and known, as the tract.
i tract adjoining the lands of
Warren, Ransom Mobley suit
others, containing acres, more or
less, and known as the W. E.
ard tract.
i. The mill mill scat as
the including the
covered by the pond to the nigh
water murk, mill dam and mill
root the road, with
rights and privileges connected there-
This the September,
Twice a Week
Ricks Wilkinson
WE hove from the north-
markets with the most at-
tractive line of
Shoes, and
that it has ever been pleasure to show.
That we are in style and the quality
we shall leave that for yon say, after you
have investigated.
We made a complete while
and feel sure that we thought of all
your wants. The quality of our
Is tho best, while the prices shall be
Autumn Showing
that ray display of Pattern Hats last
season was pronounced the prettiest in
town. Let me tell you here I will have a
larger assortment, grander styles and lower
prices than any preceding season. My line of
and Hack Hats will be
largest ever shown in Greenville.
MRS. ELLA GREENE will be with me
again, which is a guarantee that my hats will
excel in style and any sold elsewhere.
Wait and see my complete stock before
from On
Washington, D.
is the text of a
letter which Senator John T.
of Alabama has recently made
public and which is likely to at-
tract attention. The
Senator, stating in a lengthy
ion to the Sherman law, is a
graduated tax on all business
with an exemption, in
whole or part, to as can
establish, to tho satisfaction of the
government, that they are not en-
gaged in any agreements or
nations that are intended to con-
the prices, or the cost of trans
of commodities that are
of the descriptions that enter into.
or foreign commerce.
power thus exercised Is
simply taxing power and is not
connected with the
power of Congress to regulate com-
between the states or with
foreign countries.
is the application of the
principled of taxation which are
well nettled, to corporations which
have agreements that
violate the purpose for which they
were created, to the injury of com-
trade the general
The proposition the learned
Semi tor is simple and easy of
plication. No constitutional , .
would be required, and Will
no change of the precious tariff
The People Arc
people of North Carolina
have accustomed to sensation-
., ,.,. . . N. C.
political campaigns. They ,, .
. . . outlook lot Hie new
been conservative save when there .
Temple, which has been decided
Sept. 18th, 1902.
We invite you to visit our
stores on the above named date and
inspect our display of
The newest arid most desirable
Latest Styles in Dress Patterns for
Ladies and Children, to
B. Bro.
opened in one store of the Phoenix
Baker ft Hart formerly with a full line of Clothing Dry
Goods, Hat, Furnishings, Notions, etc,
Everything in stock is brand now and we are selling at
Prices to Astonish You.
us a and be convinced that we can save money.
B. Bro.
schedules. If tho President is in
earnest his desire lo the j
pernicious trusts the scheme Should ;
recommend itself to him, and to
tho his party as
A simple tax bill could
promptly enacted which would
bear heavily every corporation i
but from which could j
be secured on proof that the j
was not acting in viola-
of spirit or tho letter of the
law or contrary to the interests of;
the people. The of proof,
would rest the corporations and
in efforts to secure the pub
so strongly advocated by the
President, would lie secured. The
offered to the Fifty.
seventh by Senator
to prove that it has the inter
of the people rather than those
of wealth at heart, is ex-
President H. hot just re-
turned from I is trip through the
south where he joined the Brother-
hood of Locomotive
spoke enthusiastically of his ad-
for organized labor.
There is little reason to believe,
however, that the working man
who has to pay a ton for his
en i cents a for his
meat will regard the President's
action as entitling him or his
party to tho support of labor
classes. The verbal
that the President is his friend
will do little to alleviate the
of the man who knows that,
as a result of republican
his family is cold and bun
Senator Jones of Arkansas pass-
ed Washington this week
and spoke of the
of the fall elections. He
culled attention to the fact the
passage of the law was
followed by a rise
prices and that in by a great
democratic victory. He predicts
that history will repeat lie
said that all over the United States
the high cost of living was proving
a serious hardship to the poor man
and that the poor man knew that
he was suffering hardship as
a result of republican policies.
Under these he
naturally vote the democrat-
ticket. Jones pronoun
President proposed
constitutional amendment
and stated
President was well aware the
real was the trusts and the
tariff and that no republic in Con
grass enact legislation which
reduce the tariff or correct
the trust evil.
Cordially yours,
J. B. Cherry Co.
was u man to elect, they
have been in the habit of opening
j every and allowing the warm
of patriotism to gush even
las a Texas oil well. Who dues
remember the mighty
the people of the
the never to-be forgotten cam-
have marked the last
quarter of a century The blare
of horn, the roll dram, the ex
campaign cry, the tramp of
processions, the outburst of
sioned eloquence, the terrible ex-
of all
this is so familiar to us all.
But a change seems
over our
is so quiet now.
campaign has opened. Mini-
political meetings all over the
Sate have been advertised, but
when the meetings were held the
element did not mate-
It seems that the people
are slaying at home
Are they indifferent to
the issues No- Will they fore-
go their rights franchise No.
Are they thinking Yes, us
before. They have come to the
conclusion that the time has come
when they can best study
at issue and make up their
minds, not amid the beating of
and Bashes of red-light,
but before the altars Of their con-
science where the only questions to
be answered arc. Is it right
What whom docs
need Christian
The Only
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will sell anything in this line very low. See us when in of
Jenkins Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water Ganges,
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sines, Pipe Pitting all sizes.
COMPLETE LINE Packing, Rubber Belt, Gaudy
Belt, bolt, Lacing, Hooks,
Example For Men.
According lo the report
of the Charleston Exposition,
was spent for advertising.
Commenting upon the fact the Co-
Slate have
never known en exposition so
poorly advertised except by news-
papers which gave their services
j to the without seeking coin-
lends lite Citizen
to the State
might have added,
this failure
was, more than
cause of the poor upon
exposition its
When the exposition closed the
News took occasion to remark that
financial failure of the big
was due, entirely, to
the ii
advertised, this -opinion was
vouchsafed long before
Were obtainable. It is some
faction to learn that that opinion,
is borne by the
Many business men draw a
from Ibis shining
erect city, is t
The preparations for a great
Slate Fair next month are going
ahead with the encouraging
indications of a gloat success.
Send for premium-list,
you make exhibit or not, lie
sure and put in your appearance
Lawyer Lindsay Patterson, of
Winston, against Lawyer w. W.
is the size
the for Congress that Is be
made new Fifth District,
Mr. Patterson having been selected
by the independent or Dem-
at the conference held at
Greensboro last Thursday. The
general expectation is He-
publicans will endorse Patterson,
The Christian Advocate
has been enlarged to a 16-page pa-
per, magazine form. Dr.
able, devout plucky ed-
is making the
one of the nest religious papers of
The Republican Convention cf
the Fourth has
been called to meet in this city
September 26th,
At annual meeting cf
Appalachian Bark Association,
held at s ago,
Mi. B, P. Hayes was elected to
the Presidency Dr. Ambler
re and Treasurer.
The chamber of Com-
will probably go Ashe-
ville in a short lime to have a
meeting to boom the park bill.
towns in
Georgia and North
Carolina will be invited to attend.
Col. Pearsall, private secretary
to Governor has issued a
statement to the effect that all
for as
State Engineer, succeed
lamented Joseph should
be made to Superintendent of Pub-
Instruction v. who
is ex of the State
Board of Education, by whom
Capt. will be
chosen, and not to the Governor,
who has no power in
this case.
The Weed.
Denting Harvesting machines. Sewer Pipe and
Garland Cook Stoves
themselves; other evils.
They foster A
patch of weeds in a vacant
J an creates Irresistible
in the careless
t brow out tin cans among them,
I empty among their
I garbage
I Hie germs of contagion nod
Besides, are nasty, they arc
a pint of the weed system. Nice
customs them. A town to
lie clean w sun
must lie cleared of pestilent
things. should cut the
weeds. Then I hers will be
tin cans, heaps of ashes
of rolling garbage to mar the
impair health of
a fine town. Kansas City Star,
Justice Gray Dead.
Lynn, Mass. Sept.
Horace Gray, of tic United
States Supreme Court, retired,
died this morning, of
paralysis, He suffered the attack
February and never rallied
any great extent. He
four years old. He recently
succeeded on the supreme bench by
Holmes of Ibis
handed his
lo the president mouths
ago, and last had suffered a second
stroke of apoplexy and felt that ho
could again undertake court
He retired on his salary of
year. With one
his service in the Supreme
twenty years, was longer
than of his associates.
lice Gray Is survived by a
widow. She was of
late Stanley
Docs your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth It's
your liver Pills are
liver pills. They cure
All ,
V I i In- or .
brown or bl k II.-

Eastern reflector, 16 September 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 16, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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