Eastern reflector, 1 August 1902

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All the News
a Year
The Eastern Reflector
and Friday
a Year
Ricks Wilkinson
The man who is an expert
in Fabrics and Tailoring
t i- clot
man who i not
his back
know can ti
hat arc
lies the
tin must
he can upon
pt have
If there's any cause
Our old
in ma kin i.-
want to prove
We have made remarkably
LOW PRICES on our en-
tire stock of Fine Clothing
in order to clean them out the
and make room for the new fall lint s
which soon begin to arrive.
Specials for This Week.
Men's Sack Hull, made from
formerly priced PA
and Our price
All Straw Hats are 1-3
per cent, or one third lower
than the originally very
low prices.
Men's Suit, correctly made
scams wired, fain
patterns, formerly
Our price now.
Shirts, line
Rick Wilkinson
Bethel High School.
Until strictly first-class Preparatory Prepares
for College and for Life Our
J. W. MISS MATT Assistant,
J. W. Music Art.
Primary Department,
2.25 Music, ml in pin
Incidental fee, per year, 1.00
moderate. For further particulars address
J. W. SHERRILL, Principal.
N. C.
Cotton Sagging and always
on hand
Frosh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Summons for Relief.
North Carolina hi Court.
Mar Patrick
i Patrick.
Patrick. You ere
rick, has null ion for
from of
to the of
Superior Court,
M day of September Ion, at
term you Hill
plead or lo
plaintiff will during Ike and
three, day. of lbs lens, awl on
to make as herein re-
plaintiff will apply Pi Um
court for the relief demanded In the
complaint. C.
Clerk Till Court.
I in of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
find Ulterior
for Modern Cheap
solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
your orders to
N. C.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly before the
Superior Court clerk of county
a- of last will
of John ills-cased, no-
Is fives to all parsons in-
dented lo the estate to immediate
payment to undersigned, and all
person, having against said
stats are notified to present them for
on or before the 21st day of
July. this lie plead
in of
This July,
Of tie of John
here. Send us your
Boy Killer.
Talk about whiskey We have
doubt there are live victims
of cigarettes there is one
poor drunkard. We talking
the other day a bright young
who is holding an
in a Carolina
graded laid that one
of laws of that school Is that
boy seen on the grounds with a
cigarette in his month
punishment; for the of-
he is expelled from the
school. This is wise and
One smoker demoralize
a whole school, and do dam
age than a It is
appalling to Me the evil that Ink
pernicious habit is doing all
us. And yet we arc
silent and the cigarette makers arc
eulogized and praised as
tors of mankind because, forsooth,
a little the money
they have made the blood of
our boys, upon a college two.
Why are they a whit better than
a saloon keeper Why arc they so
Their work in more lie
i net their victims are far
more promising than those of the
rum mills. here is such
as straining at a gnat and sallow-
a whole herd of camels. The
manufacture and sale of cigarettes
is the most deadly evil of the day.
And if every dollar of the count-
less million has made
was turned info channels of
it would none the less
an evil and a and
John aged was
drowned while bathing in a pond
near Winston Sunday. He could
not swim, and Joseph Helton,
who was with has been
rested on the charge of taking
out in deep water
and deserting
After Hie call,
After heavy gelling Broken Lots.
And broken mean broken prices.
and that is why w are having a
Great Reduction Sale
All Bummer Goods arc marked
down at special prices for
special selling.
Lawns, Dimities, Shirt-
waists, Parasols, Fans, etc.
Special lot Slippers and
and Children's.
Sonic of these are worth
We you your choice for
A word to the wise is
than a Webster's
lo the otherwise.
Attend this End-of-the Season
Sale today and get your shore
of bargains at
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
U not
hr lively
but of his
does not prevent him from
indulging n lit
humor no because
in conduct-
a rehearsal of a In
which occurs a rain scene Mr. Mans-
from a shower
of dust suddenly filled the
wings. ii generally
by of peel
in n and in tin
there mi instant suspicion
the bad not recently been
lint none of the singe vol-
informal ion until Mr.
Mansfield fiercely
demand to this
dust comes
finally one the men,
courageous than hi- associates,
the explanation, think it
comes from the
you wash the
inquired Mr. in
nil Evening
Garland and the Mushrooms.
who is now,
residence least, a is
Well known his friends fur
the with which be
his work and the importance
Which ho Attaches to bis in
literature. An example this was
given when Mr. recently
visited a friend, whoso wife brought
in for Sunday night tea a
which she
procured from a neighboring lit-
Tin; distinguished author
regarded with undisguised
you sure, ho asked
with great concern, are
not a poisonous variety of mush-
. room
Tile hostess Unit
they were harmless and edible, hut
I he still hesitated, looking
lively The host asked
, him if lie feared.
I was thinking of the
i should wrong, on American
I Times.
Smallpox In United
in every and territory of the
union. The number of cases
ported for the six months ended
December was with
deaths, a mortality Of 1.75 i
For the six months ended
January cases
were If ported with deaths, a
mortality of per cent. For
the whole year the number of case
was and Deaths show-
a mortality of per cent,
During the year ended June
there were re-
ported deaths, a
of per cent. It
that the macs reported this year,
as well as the deaths, were mine in
exact figures
car, and the percentage of deaths
of 1.711 per cent, is deemed to he
the correct
A Chicago newspaper says
the Southern people are now
lug more for business and less
for and that it is a
healthy sign. The picture drawn
exaggerated, interest-
The writer that when
election comes on, the laboring
men ad quit work
and spend and and
dale lo the legislature. He adds
that the
docs not even thank his workers
and the verier do not expect that
or any reward or hope of reward.
are in for the fun of
the or lo lo their
neighbors what goad part
are. The writer also says the
leaders know that people will
vote for nominee whatever
may be, and so the. don't care;
hence of the whole bus-
A Marriage Interrupted.
What might have been an
rating was nip
in the laid by the police yes-
John a young white
well known in the city and now
engaged as a huckster at
street market, wooed and won an
attractive young girl, Annie Pot-
aged who lives
elder sister and works the Del
mill. News of the intended
marriage reached the prospective
mother law, who lives twelve
miles from Wilmington on
A. railroad, and as the
happy in anticipation of the
nuptial event, were arranging for
the ceremony, the mother of the
girl arrived the scene and by
advice invoked the aid of the
lice. Of course the age of the
girl was the grounds fur legal in
and prospective
groom found trouble when he
went lo get license. The gill re
stained true to her lover and dis-
appeared her sister's
when her mother appeared upon
I be scene.
A warrant was sworn out fur
charging him
and he S lib the girl were
brought down lo Hall
where a compromise was
by which s released
the mother and girl wen-seen Nile
I lain for home
by B. H, King. The
his purpose lo I be gill
and it is said be left on same
train with mother and child.
Wilmington Star.
an- sen, -times more
Hum winter. It's
so hard to keep from adding to
while oil after exercise. One
Minnie Cough at
A. ts Immediately,
Burs tor cough,
I C ,
desires to second the
Of Samuel T. While
for He is a young
of business and enterprise, who
has successfully managed Ills own
business, and is in every way ca-
of taking care of the funds
of of Tilt.
He is deserving of the place and
has been prominently mentioned
for the heretofore, lie is
Well known in county, and
everywhere his is regarded
as a No young mini in the
county of hears a better re-
honesty capability
than T. While, and we say
Dominate for Treasurer.
the Democratic voters of
l lake this method of
my candidacy tot the
for Register of Heeds of pm
subject of course to the ac
of the County Convention
when it meets.
I been a voter since 1871
tried In do
hole dull a a good and
if nominated and
I elected l will try to preform me
of lo
nil Thanking my friends
, In i their
ml ion of the
i am I lie best
the tat party.
J. I.
Hr. a native
who was mans
years Superintendent the North
Carolina Insane emu
milled suicide in W ashing;.
The seaside are best
places matrimonial matches
so easy lo get tide.
A Marriage.
A friend called lo fee
Hugo a few days ago in the few
minutes ho remained incidentally
asked financier his opinion of
Cecil will.
Mr. replied that ho did not
consider idea of the
cation the English speaking
a practical one and that if
cam.; about between the
Stales and Britain it
would not ho for sentimental
sons, but rather through
and interests,
Mr. said his
think if any closer
aw established be-
tween John Hull's monarchy and
Columbia will the result of
industrial schemes engineered
y sin ii us J.
what one might perhaps
call a marriage,
on I Tomb.
Visitors I ha mausoleum of
land Stan ford in California will re-
member the inscription in
Man i. i
i to I m
b. UM.
i- a man who
drives tourists to see the famous
Stanford One day when he
as driving a lady out the tomb
he chanced to remark ho and
Stanford were both horn in
Albany, N V.
Win n the was reached, the
tourist glanced at I ho inscription on
the tomb and in a I've
you said you Mr.
Stanford were both born in Albany,
and n says liters us plain as day
he was horn in
The pages in the house of
now wear big black but-
tons which the word is
who d I Perry
brought about this reform. Before
the member t i know
ho several
taken i i; a and
on errands.
yo in having
the pages lagged.
Mad By Orange, Virginia.
Life is fall of cheeks and u y
of are forgeries.
Every one who will stand can
expect to be imposed upon.
people become by
looking on the bright side i f life.
Ii is the champagne of youth
produces the real pain of age.
Is is expensive now to heap
coals of lire on your enemy's head.
Did you ever notice that
meanest people have longest
Sensible from Start lo
The prevalent Idea seems in be
Democrats that all is
needed, now of
the way is re I he nominal ion.
Never was there mistake.
It is in Incumbent
tin- best nun arc now pill on the
ticket than at any lime heretofore.
There is no use of winking and
blinking and trying lo hide facts,
bill it is sure scores of
have voted a straight party ticket
for years for fear of rules.
I hut this is out of Hie way,
here going to lie some voting
the and
luau who is unfitted tor the
he seeks is going lo lie left
when votes are counted. It
therefore the Democratic
party to nominate its most capable
men for every -men who
have grind, men of well
known probity and honesty, lie-
member these things and
the vole in November.
Vacation time U here mil the i
In n mi- fairly living out of
There could lie no healthier place
them. need lo guard against
the Incidental lo moat
air s ii No n
Witch Halve for stop-
ping or removing danger ac-
consequences. scalds
and wounds. Witch
Hazel Halve for sores cuts and
I., Johnson,
Tex. Is boat remedy on tin-
Sun- cure for piles and skin
diseases, i arc of counterfeits, J.
To the white People of County,
The people of county know
my position in public matters
their interests, but in view of the
fact I bat friends have
a desire I be a
they would like to sec me
Legislature, I make following
I favor
The distribution of school money
lo taxes paid by the
i noes.
and economy,
stead of a special tax.
will re-
people of many of
burdens that oppress them. Laws
that can be understood.
A reform of the jury system and
nay jurors.
lo lief for court witnesses.
A labor cont law for
It filer disposition of our eon-
A iii- if
be bad otherwise.
if people of I'm county
-cc Iii in and ch-cl me, I
III c I as lie t I can,
Hie mu
lure. Hi I.
A Bad Breath
A bail breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills arc
liver pills. cure con-
sick headache.

D. I.
Entered lb I N.
C. n ill mailer.
Greensboro just row holds
medal for scandals, but those may
be other competitors.
Expression beard coming from
the people indicate
every office is go-
ll but papers
It; Danville man, at
the other day, a
pound shark a rod reel.
A popular fad people want-
in u little more money is to bring
suit against something or some-
body. Is money a balm wound-
ed f
It is said that Senator Simmons,
who is chairman of the Democratic
State Executive Committee
has done the party good service
will not accept a re election to that
position for the coming campaign.
The Greenville
The Observer a question and say
it will not an answer such
an answer as we The
it asked why
manes and tails are shear-
and those of horse ate not. The
it is put by
Hut our is it
possible for the to carry on
his head a handle or package of
any shape or imaginable
anything from a to a
laden with epicurean
dinner, and yet new the
happens to It. U it because
tome peculiar cranial
i ion, or dues be Talk with a steadier
gait, or what With an
an intense desire fol
knowledge, we pause for a reply
I that will settle this much mooted
are some said
Lord no feller
can are some
questions to which this
of Universal Knowledge
yields no answer. A detective
was brought to Charlotte some ten
years ago to the slayer of
Moran. The murderer
was known and the follow-
ed the to a certain point
gave lip the chase. would
what a white man
would have done at that point, but
you never can tell what a nigger's
going lo John H. Morris had
a colored tenant in bis kitchen at
Beaufort who was supposed to be
dying. Dr. Davis had to see
us he came around the
The closing live months the .
house alter his visits
year a ill befall of business for about condition of
Greenville. Everything should patient. He gapped as he
be made lo count carrying I he may live
more minutes or ten reals. You
tell anything about a nigger. I
gave one up yesterday and as I
Hair Splits
I used
for thirty ll is elegant tor
s dressing and for seeping
hair from splitting at the
J. A. III.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
II M talk. All
if mil
ii on
roll a
of your
unit tin-
Fresh Gossip From Vicinities
f f f f
, . ,
Winterville Department.
f i he re J by Our Correspondent.-, an I
Reported f Reader.
But Ht Turns Up Safe and Sound.
he various other uses to which it
can be applied is appreciated by
our they are showing
NEWSY HAPPENINGS AND BUSINESS their appreciation by buying this
NOTES. little us rapidly as they
, , be rolled out of the factory.
W N. t., July ,
The sermon delivered the
school chapel
noon by Kev. Cox, the.
we hear com
mended In terms. Mr.
Cox is a comity boy and
was his since being
pared for ordinal We
for him a brilliant future.
II. . a Mr.
were here last Wednesday in
the interest of the Standard Gil
Quite a bevy of colored
and through, our
town one day last week bikes.
only east which la
Kine lain
Watermelons, peaches and
everything good from out.
A little water in hot weather is
a big help. Some of US
it here, but m be we will
in tweet bye
Groceries, Provisions, Country
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.
Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cuttle
Fruit Jars.
A dollar with us gets a
dollar's worth of
lion i-very lime. It it doesn't
ho- bring beck stuff and get dollar.
I heir swill airs traded no
C. IS. and
Mr. K. Parker,
who lives miles away, came to
town and brought with him three
of his grandsons, children of the
bit. Mr. If. A. They
came In a and a wagon,
Inner being brought along to returned The
home a load of brick. After gel-, be busily employed from now out
through with their affairs working in
the Interest of the
H. , July
Mr. Mrs. J. T. Jr.,
went down to
to visit parents.
Mrs. It W. Smith and Larry
spent Sunday at
Berlin and Lena
sou, of Lit defied, attended
services here Sunday.
E. V. Cox and sister, Miss Clyde,
went lo St. John's Sunday.
Several people from
Winterville School. The
down town Mr. Porker took the
to I prospects for this school for the
wagon and went by the depot
Misses Margaret and
he of Miss May Anderson returned
the m
Several of our people
town forward. If we
large pay tolls it would seem like
time all year around
Greenville does not simply want to
hold but should DO climb-
up all time.
So many elopements among
married people is a sail
upon the morals of North Carolina,
Inside of a week I women
have left their husbands and run
away with other of these
cases being Greens-
Wonder if present day
society is not largely responsible
for such of marriage
vows wanton of
home.-. The want of continence
in men and chastity ill women is
most deplorable.
Instantly Overcome By
On Tuesday at
loud Mr. George met h
SUdden death under unusual
Mr. was an
at the mill of Mr. J. I.
fountain. It was discovered that
large well which supplied
boilers at the mill
about lo go dry, or was not
fording enough water, and Mr.
and Mr. Fountain went to
make an examination.
It Was. a covered well, and when
a portion the cover was re-
moved Mr. stalled down.
He had reached only a short ilia
below the surface when he
threw up his as if
Mr. Fountain,
looking through the opening
drove along sound this morn
I saw the blank blanked blank
of a blank in the water up to his
waist, tithing for Hut the
question. writer of this edify-
thesis, when living in a neigh-
boring town, once saw a boy
come out of a drug store carrying
on his bend a beer bottle Idled
with a yellow Hold, presumably
boys they could get
go on home.
The boys did not hurry right off,
when they did get ready to
hitch up the youngest, aged con I
eluded he would go ride with his
grandfather on Away j
he went to the depot and the other,
two drove off home. When
little fellow reached the depot he
learned his grandfather had i
got bis load of brick and been gone,
sometime. And there he was,
wagon and buggy both gone, while
occupants of each vehicle
thought he was oilier.
When I hey had reached within
more a mile from home
the boys overtook the wagon and it
discovered that smaller
kerosene oil. The , . ,
.,. hoy there
country dog, half scared am
furtive either side,
trolling down the middle of the
street. The hero the beer bot-
reached down, picked up a rock i
mid shied it at dog and went
bis way, bottle mean
while untouched and secure upon
its perch,
When a man asked a
Hirer's agent the price of a saw
mill mid was told he
; . I . . I, Hie
i bud
w hat I he do you suppose
I would want with a saw
Does our friend Of The Greenville;
I iii suppose that
if we knew why not tie didn't
fall off when I lie little
the excursion
i. particularly when be shied it
a the dog, we would be burning
the I a. in.
blood suffering loss
of gray matter in effort lo con-
duct ii newspaper, instead of being
at In id of some large
institution, wearing a white
going around making
speeches Charlotte Observer.
And thus question goes
was consternation. In the midst
of this a gentleman coining toward
town drove up was told of
their trouble. Mr. sent
the wagon and buggy on horn w Ufa
the two boys concluded he
I come back with the
gentleman for lost
tone. Naturally he concluded
everything had befallen the boy,
and as they drove suggested
. mi-hap r bail
They had come f r towards
own when little fellow was
found, whole nod sound, coming
along in ii buggy with another gen-
and our informant says
way grandfather and grandson fell j
into em b other's arms was almost
a reproduction of the return of the
prodigal sou. When the boy
found on the wagon had left him
he did not sit down and cry, but
mustered up his courage and
struck out for home foot. He
was soon overtaken by the gentle
man who picked him Up car-
lied him on his
OS;, vi. ii will Oil
Misses Maine and Lula the excursion to Norfolk Monday,
born, of Hanrahan, were visiting de W and son,
Hair sister Mrs. W. L. of Baltimore, spent with
last Mrs-
returned from Monday for I
Kinston last Tuesday. Grange.
V. G. went to Little-
Held Sunday.
Joyner and
came down on Saturday Miss Annie, and Miss
evenings train and spent the P
bath with and lira, from a nip to
home Monday, W. H. an insurance
from Greenville, is in town
Winterville Canning I'm- ;
people are no. el busy came down from
busy can be and the goods Saturday m.-hi.
re putting up cannot be Dr. Win. Hall, of New
anywhere. They arc still offering lectured in the
J Nobles is visiting;
the best market price for fruit hero Saturday night. His
berries of every kind. subject was, World a
V. Stokes, who been He uprooted spec
teaching school In the western Imitators,
part of State is home to spend tors, finally, sweet
the made a lick thing Of it. On Sun
were to leave here day morning, at eleven o'clock, he
for Norfolk last lectured in W. II. T. S. He
i chose as a theme, rec
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third
One Third Faster.
Agents wanted in all
unoccupied territory.
Wheeler Wilson Mfg Co.
Atlanta, Ga
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
U. Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
arc living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To I in i the or
To make policy payable as an during lifetime
of Insured.
Greenville, N. C.
V. Chapman, of Calico, lion of night
visiting the home ff her he entertained u with
It. O. Chapman, one day and Revolution A an-
lust week. each lecture and
The tobacco truck re all o enjoy appreciate
gotten up by the A. H. He is expected lo lie here
Mfg. to. is selling like hot Thursday night.
I its simplicity and W. E. Cox conducted services
a-well it can be used j the i
u row and
Another Excursion In August.
who was Hitch from
to Norfolk returned on
c night of Mr. hands
and prevented his falling to the
bottom of the well. He called fol
help which came quickly and Mr.
was polled out of the well,
but was dead.
A physician was summoned who
said that Mr. death was
Instantaneous was caused by
gas the well. A further exam-
of the well showed that it
was with a deadly
Mr. leaves a wife and
several children.
of the New Fork papers
say Society is
It may be corrupt, but
with with which
dogs, donkey, . fig
in it, it is also stupid, and
the estimation people
is a good deal
tune Tuesday night, passing
about half past eleven
There was a large crowd
on the excursion and they report
the trip most delightful. Hatch
Bras, have been running exclusions
several years and handle them
most always
the best of order and giving
those who go a good time. So
many of the people busy
tobacco and could go on this
excursion that they have decided
to run another from Kinston to
Aug. returning
Tobacco Barn Burned.
A tobacco belonging to Sir.
J. B. at was
destroyed by lire morning.
Mr Davenport had running
the in furnace for some
time, when a tobacco leaf dropped
on SOS Hues which Ignited
and sot the lire. The loss
tobacco and barn is estimated
at MOO.
Something a Sprinter.
Tuesday evening
I. Dudley had John Allen
custody taking him to the town
lockup. As they were crossing Hie
In front of the court house
gave officer the slip
and took n lively splint down
street. The officer started
in pursuit was so distanced In
the rim that he anon
Later showed up crossing
street again when the chase
renewed and he captured
around near the church.
other issues may arise
and whatever prominence present
issues may attain, there is no
doubt of Demo
leaders that
tariff revision will constitute an Men who are in doubt it
important feature of the platform might chain their wives the
on which the Democrats will a
peal for support in 1904.
to a outside of the State lo
be number to be
known to one but This
i ticket after being is
TUB has purchased in two envelopes, these two
off in another envelope
mailed lo Mi. J. L. Little, Cashier
For Some Reflector Subscriber.
a No. It. ball bearing, rotary mo
lion, drop head Wheeler
Sewing Machine, the retail price
of which is and is going to
make a present of this splendid
machine to a subscriber of the
The plan of giving away this
valuable pi is as
We have printed tickets,
r and be-
ginning 1st day August
every person who on sub-
to The
or The lit-
will be one of these
tickets. Those who pay get one
ticket, two tickets, and so on.
It matters whether
old subscriber paying up back
dues or a new subscriber paying
in advance, every dollar paid
epidemic is tie same and gels a ticket.
I One ticket has sent
of to be
kept bank by him until all
the tickets are out, when the
one at bank will be opened
the number the per
son holding the ticket with the
same number Will be given the ma-
If yon are already a subscriber
to Kiel now is a good
lime lo pay up all arrears some
in advance, getting a ticket fol
every dollar paid. The more tick
you get the larger number of
you have at the machine.
If you do take
now is the best time to subscribe,
get the campaign, home and gen
rial news, at the same time
have a chance to get this Hue sew-
tickets arc out sooner some-
body will get the machine. Tell
your neighbor about this get
him interested.
Everybody knowing anything
about sewing machines knows that
the Wheeler A Wilson is the best.
If you want to see it and hare its
good qualities you go to
Sam White's store any time after
Aug. 15th and he will take pleas
in showing you how it works,
telling you that
is going to give some sub
scriber a valuable prize this
Wheeler Wilson Sewing Ma.
Dyspepsia Cure
Nature never makes a mistake and the preparation which duplicates
Its action cannot fail. Dyspepsia Cure never falls because It
your feed by nature's own process. Its after t. Is equally prompt cm
occasional and chronic cases of Indigestion, sun stomach
trouble of every kind. It digests what you eat while the stomach rests.
No dieting Is necessary. Eat all the good food you want.
been selling Dyspepsia Cure for past two years and have also
used write of Valley W. Va. never
heard of a failure. We are confident of Its merits that we sell every
bottle under our personal Dyspepsia Cure never falls.
Cures All Stomach Troubles.
by F. O. a Co., Chicago. times
pills. For
r. W sick torpid
Columbian Dance.
The Columbian Club gave a
Perkins opera house Fri-
day night, July 25th,
to the visiting young ladies
The German was gracefully led
by C. S. Forbes assisted by C. B.
The following couples
iS. with Miss Nelson,
of Halifax; B Mayo with Miss
Patrick, A. J. Moore with
Miss of Fred
Forbes w Miss Lacy, of Raleigh;
Garden with Miss Lottie
Blow, Claude K with Miss Nina
Dan with Miss Cape-
hart, of New York; Walter
son with Miss Nell Skinner, J. V.
Perkins, with Miss
of Washington; Tom
Moore with Miss Spicer, of Golds-
R. O. While with Miss
of Goldsboro; Stewart
Carr with Miss Glenn Forbes,
Leslie Newton with Miss Medearis,
of Winston; Maim with
Miss Bertha Patrick, S. D. King
with Miss Wells, of Wilson; T. It,
Hooker with Miss Watson, of
Vick with Mis
Irma Harry with
with Miss Winnie J. M.
Walker with Miss Bat Skinner.
Stags, Frank Skinner,
Alex Blow.
Skinner and, Whaley,
Mayor's Court
Mayor W. Whedbee has dis-
posed of fol low cases In bis
Hopkins, allowing cows lo
run large in town, lined and
John Allen assault,
judgment suspended upon the pay-
of cost in this case, and
the costs in a prior case,
Frank Harris, drunk and down,
lined one penny costs,
Mack selling in
corporate limits without license,
and costs,
Caesar running dray
without license, lined one penny
and costs, license pro-
Jane Gray, tunning dray
without license, guilty, case
John Keen, drunk and down,
lined and costs,
Keen, carrying concealed
over to Superior
Poor Crops In
At the lime the farmers began
curing the present tobacco crops
there was every Indications of a
line crop but weather of last
two weeks baa materially
changed the prospects. Some
the tell us they believe
the crops this year will be the
poorest that has raised in
country. also.
greatly Injured crops also,
So We'll Just
Merely Hint.
A Serge Suit,
A Flannel Suit,
Separate Trousers
of Each.
White Vests, Plain
and Fancy,
A Leather Belt,
A Straw Hat
A Crash Hat,
A Negligee Shirt.
Lots of Comfort
in These Things
Frank Wilson,
If there is a In th
margin of this paper it is lo remind
that you owe Ii
for and you lo
Settle in early as We need what
YOU owe us and you will not keep
us waiting for
Tills fur those who And the
eras mark on I heir paper.
Snap Shots at Home News Put
In Few Words for Busy Headers
Several days now without a new
it strikes all
roods that
Brief Mention of People Met
With In the Social World
Mine Maggie Doughty is visiting
friends at
Chan. left ibis morning on
a hip to New York.
Mrs. a. T. Hooker and children
went to Wilson today,
Lee Sugg came
this Burning from Kinston.
W. F. Harding returned Sol in
day evening from Chapel If ill.
Miss Tyson Sat-
evening from
Loon of Mount,
who has been W.
returned home today.
went to
Winterville Saturday evening and
returned this morning.
Sugg, of Mount,
came down Saturday evening and
i returned this morning
Misses Annie Perkins,
Annie Leonard Tyson left
Weather report, may be day afternoon
able Id other quarters, but of late K. K this morning
fail lo hit here. if,,,. New York lo select his holiday
The largest bod of jewelry
tablets for the money can lie found j Alvin of Norfolk, who
at Book Store has been spending sown weeks
. ti r i . with C. M. Jones, returned
prettiest line ale
tablets with envelopes to match
have been opened at Mr. and Mis. J. J. Cherry,
Hook Store. Misses and Row Hooker
H. Tucker, V. Hooker and
returned today from
No rain yet, but
There are plead
might cut ,.
Keep your
town m
A horse belonging to Mr. K. II
died Sat in clay night.
Vegetables are gelling scarcer,
much to the perplexity of
The Greenville Warehouse is
office the
house so as to glee more
There was a severe hail storm in
section of
county a few day ago. It did
cover a large area.
note sales-
men triplicate order books, type-
writer carbon papers at
Book Store
Gold Watch are
offering excellent chance lo win
a flue gold watch free.
at Store.
Dig lot of double single
entry ledgers, journals, order, rec-
lime and day books just re-
at Hi Hector Hook Store.
On Mr. Kenneth
ton, of Great Swamp
brought to town a cabbage weigh-
pounds. It was a flue one.
Sunday Joe Pittman, colored,
was brought here and put jail.
Ho stole some money out the
house of Mr. J. L. at
At a Saturday night colored
festival the upper part the
county there was the usual pistol
and knife wind up, two or
three of the participants were
badly wounded.
Down In Hyde.
Rev. F. A. returned
from a trip through Hyde
He tells us that a
former trip down there, a few
week, ago, he never saw more
but the
has changed this
and now everything seems to be
parching and
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. left
this morning a pleasure trip to
several points. Before returning
Mr. will goon to
purchase bis full
W. B. Brown left
for New York.
this morning
Miss Martha Dudley has
ed from a visit to
Miss Minnie
Monday evening from annul.
J. W Bryan, Mi-- and
Hen left this illuming for Ply-
Mrs. F. G. Whale and Miss
Nellie left morning for
Mr. Mrs. T. H. Tyson
rived from
Wiley Karly, of Norfolk, who
has been visiting K. II. Dudley, re-
turned home today.
Mrs. G. A. and
this from New
Bern and
Miss Margaret Phillips, of
folk, who was Miss Nellie
Whaley, has returned home.
Mrs. Chas. and
children have returned from a
visit to parents at Snow Hill.
Bliss Susie Perry, of
Kinston, who have been visiting
Helium Which-
ard, returned borne Monday even-
Mr. and Mrs. K.
and child, Mrs. L. I. Moon- and
child Mrs. T. K.
child returned home this
from Beaufort.
H. M. of Norfolk, is
Mi-. J. T. Britt this
Mrs. Nannie Savage this
for Henderson.
Mrs. W. H. left Tuesday
for Seven Springs
Mis Lee
lo y
J. W. unit family left to-
day for Rocky Mount to visit
F. M. Hodges little sou,
Churchill, went lo Tarboro Ibis
Mrs. E. and child
returned Tuesday evening from
District Attorney Hurry Skin
returned this from
Miss Helen Perkins returned
Tuesday evening from Wrights-
and Wilmington.
Miss Bessie Joyner, of Littleton
and Newborn, of Kinston,
are visiting Miss Alice
II. L. Fennel, of Wilmington,
who had been spending a day here
on business, left Tuesday evening.
Miss Jennie Dixon, of
Mount, who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. w. Higgs, returned
home today.
Little Misses Nannie, Hied and
Lang, daughters of W. SI.
Lang, of Farmville, came Ibis
from Kinston where they
have visiting.
Misses Maggie and Mary
an, of Elm who have been
visiting Mis. K. return.
ed home today. Little Miss Mar-
accompanied them
home for a visit.
O. D. Hawks, conductor
of the passenger train,
through with his family this morn,
to spend bis vacation at
Beach. Dove will
have charge of train during bis
Killed by Los Train.
Saturday night log
that win coining in from Norfolk,
run over and killed a colored mini
named Lou Perkins, just this side
of House The mangled
I Mid y the mail was found early
Sunday morning, ll is supposed
that he was drunk went lo
sleep on the truck.
Hutch excursion from
Kinston to k passed through
Monday morning. Something near
a hundred people joined the
here. Hatch Bros, perhaps
run more excursions than any
people in the Slate. will
bare one. from to
Wilmington Aug. 14th, and will
run another from Kins on to Nor-
folk on Aug. r
Example to His Race.
Daniel King is industrious
colored sets his nice a
worthy example. lie has a small
truck farm near town, an I sup-
plies vegetables melons to
many Saturday night
his delivery wagon a late
hour supplying bis customers. If
more of the were as
as courteous as
they would stand in much better
esteem among the while people.
After the Telephone Co.
citizens of
county, having made complaint lo
I'm Commission con-
the condition of the
phone line of the Virginia
Telephone Company from
Washington to as lo
the service Com-
mission has issued order to the
company requiring it lo furnish a
better service between two
News and
km With Best.
The midsummer statement of the
Hunk Greenville at the close of
business July as reported to
the North Corporation
Commission, is worthy of consider-
It has total resources of
Ti i and carries deposits
amounting to This
speaks greatly to the credit of Ibis
ion, also shows
the people have it.
banking circles throughout tho
the Bank of Greenville is
regarded as among the best of those
the small towns. It is not
passed In many towns much larger
than Greenville. is a credit lo
its officers and to the town.
Today at the House of Greenville
Millinery Goods.
Our Millinery Goods in charge of Mrs. M.
T. must be dosed with all
Bummer Goods at a sacrifice to
fur Fall Goods. Come and
got some
Summer Underwear
Prices cut mi the whole line, till
Men's colored Sea Island Percale Shirts,
detached worth ll, clear- A
HUGO nice,
wood, and
handles, fast black,
sale price,
COo. and 1.00. We put them
the on price. Celebrated makes.
in at
All gout one price. C
per cent off
on all Spring and Sum-
mer Clothing. Extra
good values in Serges,
Mohair, Sicilians and
Alpacas. Come early
while they last.
SO per cunt
cut on nil
We do what we advertise
We advertise what we do
These prices are for Spot
over the counter.
No goods sent out, but
your money back if they
are not K-
Wash Goods
Colored Lawn, Dimities
in new neat figures and
Stripes; good values at
Sheer Dimity
Exquisite new patterns,
Stripes pat-
terns values at
ii ml inc.
sale price,
India Linen
and Can't be
matched In any city for
less above prices.
gale price,
Men's Shirts
Detached Cull's,
sale price,
Calico. Yard.
yards Calico, only ten yards to the
Low Cut Shoes
All in this mammoth slaughter
sale. Profits not I hough I of. They must
go while this hot lasts,
line, all styles, warrant
solid leather,
Undershirts Drawers
Combed yarns French woven
neck, double breasted drawers, .
sale price,
Lace Curtains.
Worth and extra length,
ft. lone, very surely worth in
and 13.76. Special Bale price,
Armour Soap.
Lasting and Fragrant, worth
sale price per cake.
Spool Cotton.
I. Clark's Spool Cotton, per spool.
The Most Sweeping of Keen Prices
Get in the Main Squeeze. Come Early
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N- C.

You Forgot
WORD that word
Pry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Pants, Hardware
Tinware, f TO mention
to M me tr your next B of Flour
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
Hinges, Doors,
Paints, Rope,
Collars, Pious, Shovels and Car-
Tools, Jo lo
I It to Dr. liter PHIs
. . .-.--
Sick Headache
ANY symptom tad
Take No
Washington, I. My
Senator has
spent sonic time in Washington
during past
frequently at the Democratic
When asked by-
newspaper men for his views
regard lo s i nation his party,
he has invariably replied that j state bear.
situation most encouraging and
Fancier Fret.
The Dixie Fancier, published by
H. at Albany, is
a in page monthly Journal devoted
exclusively poultry, a subject
which people are constantly
more profit and interest.
We will send Fancier free
a year to any to
who pays
a sub in advance
during this mouth.
I . . ,
but he did not deem it wise to as I could bung upon
talk much at the present time. I leave to my broken
In a word, the Senator says Hint heart and a life of shame. I leave
to each of my children poverty,
to Kicks Wilkinson. to Ormond A
In compliance with Chapter
Laws of I
herewith certify that the following
persons were lilted for taxes, and
the amount opposite their names
i the amount due the town of
Greenville for the general lax for
the said list being the
list allowed as insolvent, dead
or removed, by the Hoard of Ab
Thai place lo gel Hie boat
Fruit Jars
is at our We have them in
different -Ivies sizes at prices
low as the lowest Then as
usual we are headquarter for the
Best of Everything
table supplies from u-
and yon are sure so have the best.
By of the powers contained in -i
Superior Court of made
st the March term, Court,
in a cause therein pending entitled
Hooker n i. B. Yellowley Adm,
B, C. v. J. B. Yellowley
individually, J. Cherry others,
undersigned will to public Bale,
court house door in town l
to the highest cash,
on Monday lbs August.
Thai tract of land Id the
county I'm mi the north aide of Tar
river, partly m Greenville, and
In vicinity of
and kn vii r.
C. Veil, a- i r
land and l lands In Hit
, north river f
which the mill died
of and
I.--. l
in the
lowing deeds to
V K. E.
In V.
j. from Stale of N. C.
in Book A. I
a. iron to E. c
A. I Pg M.
I. Hi of B
K C Ye
In Pg H
N C lo C
is Pg
; from la F. c
N Icy In Book I. Pg
.- from Ted lo C
In Rook
from h C
in Book N
and alto the
Brown lands known land.
This June
Dry Goods, Groceries,
go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Nice line i f on Prices
produce bought for or In
American and Italian Marble
cm ,
wire Iron Fence Sold.
work prices
r lent on
Notice to Creditors.
v. color sill and
In ml. urn
I, Mi i- having la-en
In I all
William Whitehead,
it in tin-
ii.-. the 25th of
or this will lie plead
in bar of recovery. All
in urged
on mis iii to me
This -l-i of July.
It. Executor.
Allen, Sam,
T. i gone i
Anderson, Prank,
Brown, J. II .
W s.,
Alex ,
Bryant, Sam,
Brown. Ned.
Cox, L. O ,
Forbes, A. A.,
Fleming, M-,
W. E.,
Harris, H. ii.,
Harris, S.
Harris, J. R.,
Johnson, Sandy,
Johnson, Unlit . Jr.,
Jones, W.
W. II.,
King, John,
King, James.
Lewis, J. II .
W. i
Moore, Julius,
W. II.
fender, A. B.,
Kicks, W.
tun, Oscar,
Wane, Lawrence,
N. If.,
Webb, Win.
l so
l so
l so
l so
If the will work quiet-
and energetically, each his
own district, Ibis fall, and will
leave issues for the
there is every reason to as-
will have
so shaped itself before as to
leave no in as
to what arc the issue which will
com support.
The reports of Major
in his trial by mar
Hal, which have just reached the
War Department, make strong
evidence in support of Democratic
contentious in regard to the real
situation Philippines.
Major Glenn said, among other
things, man, woman and
child the islands was enemy
and in my best judgment they are
today always will
Major James Parker of the Ad-
General's has made
public a statement of the officers
men killed and wounded in
Hie Philippines between February
and July
The total number men, including
Officer, sent to the islands during
named was of
which number 7,05.1 lost their lives,
by disease
wounds or similar causes. The
average strength of the forces in
I be islands was approximately
The has been
reduced to in the neighborhood of
anxiety is expressed as to the
ages cholera which it is feared
may rapidly increase the death
rate. The from the isl
show examples of the greatest
heroism on the part of soldiers do-
hospital duty. Many have
exposed themselves to in
order to nurse their fellow soldiers
with apparently no thought as to
their own safety.
ignorance, a low character, and
one remembrance, that their
filled a drunkard's
gone to a drunkard's
Mother Always Keeps It Handy.
a long
time from distressing
i ill health primarily t
a t. W.
Mo, rears l got her to
try She grew better at once
mid now. at the of
cats she want,
she lean no bad effects as she
has her bottle handy.
after the cause. II your stomach
is sound your health will is- good.
rests the stomach
thens the body by digesting
is own tonic. J. u woolen.
are mule rich-
and more
productive and
rich soils
by the use of I
fertilizers with
a liberal percentage of
Write our
which give all details.
j V
According to the census
there were in Georgia in 1900 only-
eight establishments for canning
fruits an
of four in ten years. And Georgia
is a fruit State,
Holds Championship.
the tight between
and at
Friday night,, won
in the eight round. There was an
immense crowd present.
Poisoning the System.
It is through the bowels that the
hod; Is cleansed Impurities. Con-
keeps these poisons In the
system, causing headache,
melancholia at Brat, then
eruptions and anally serious
unless n remedy is DeW
little Early Risers prevent this
stimulating liver now-
4-ls. These little pills do not
but strengthening the
them to perform their own work.
Never gripe or distress, Jno. u.
Gel the boat lo write
Walter a 11-year old hoy,
near Winston, was. killed by
lightning Sunday.
. M.
Wholesale retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax Baud,
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
unsightly Magic Food, Matches, Oil
Cotton Meal and Hulls,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Crackers, Mace
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
A. F. A.
Lodge. No. and
third Monday evening. H.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
K. Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening,
C. Forbes, C. C. L
K of R. and S.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. L. H. Pender, N. G.,
W. S. Atkins. See.
K. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
meets every Thursday even-
W. It. Wilson, J.
S. Urgent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. X. Gardner, Worthy
D. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday night Odd
lows Hall. W. Ii. Wilson An lion
D. Smith Sec.
Job Printing in all the latent phone -j
send us your orders.
S. M.
The Head of the State's
Academic Department, Law,
Medicine, Pharmacy.
hundred sad eight
Free to
the sons of ministers. Coral
for tin seedy.
Si Water Works,
Halting System.
Offers graduate and
undergraduate courses of
study, new library
laboratory equip-
and gymnasium.
Number students
bled in t years. Large
of scholarships
awarded annually. Loans
made to worthy students.
Expenses very moderate.
Female College
Greensboro, N. C.
Literary Business Courses,
Schools of Music, Art and El-
Literary Course and
all Living Expenses, 1900 per
pear. Fall session begins
apply to
Mar HI.
Ar Hooky Mount
AM rat I'M am r
For address
It at t SI
i l I
Ar . .
Lt R
Ai M J J
-m a a
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Ti 4- Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New York,
all I. I
F. P, VENABLE, President
I Chapel Mill, North Carolina
Industrial Education
A combination Theory
and Practice, Book
and Manual Work
in Engineering,
Chemistry, Electric-
Mechanic Art-, and
Cotton Manufacturing.
Full courses
abort courses
special courses
Tuition and room, n
term; board, a month.
for BOO.
Write for Booklet Day
tin- A. M.
North Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
its special service is the
Over handled by a North Caro-
SlatS of or more pages, and is
to a large extent up
original matter.
Kit printed Tuesday and
per year, The paper
in North Carolina,
tuple copies sent on application.
Add real
lotto, H. C.
Female University
la S
Hi. i-r .-
In.- ii. i I
i-r. a nil ii a nil y
well I
Fae- B
I women four women.
Twelve S
tor g
lull g
all lean a
i per Session I
Chicago and New Orleans.
Dr. D James,
8.1 A
it m
t IS
r n inns
ah m m
a to i o i, is l If
o i w it u f
I n
You tan place your orders with
for Printing
With full assurance of getting
best to be had the
Whichard, N. C.
complete in every
and prices as low the
market price-
paid produce.
North l In Justice's
PHI. A. Mayo, J.
n. Mil Unit
ii i
Prank trading as
frank C. ft o. and
will take notice Hun an
before L. A. u
in and for Pin count
ii. S. C. tin- Bum
in corn
,,, condition, and the -aid defend,
am will further take notice that he is
before the said I.
P., at the court bones In
,;, . U in. on
August Mat, and an-
-i or demur to the complaint In
action, or prayer the pain-
will granted.
the Joly. law.
U A. J. P.
leave Washing-
ton daily A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,.
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, Creek, Belhaven,
Swan and
all ts for West with rail-
roads at Norfolk,
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. B. Co. from
yew York; Clyde Lino from
I iv Line and Chesapeake
S. Baltimore, Mer-
Line from
1st the steam-
Guide sill leave Washington at
m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
for Belhaven,
and and will leave
coke at a in. for
Washington Mon-
day, Wednesday
The steamer will leave
Washington Saturday nights tit
o'clock, during July and August,
Greenville, N. C.
J. District
Washington, N. C
North Carolina I ,
County I
M. I.,
P. P. Pollard.
Tilt Will
notice Hint an as
been in the cf
divorce from defendant the
in the and
said will take notice
that he Is required lo
of of Said
Is held on Hie Best Monday in
at in said
in N. and or demur
lo the complaint in said action, or the
will apply to tho
relief demanded in said
till of
Arrive Tarboro
Ar .
Division ,
Main leaves
ton n m
ford j. m
m, arrive n m leave
p in,
Branch-Train Ben
am, m, Red
a m, a. m.
am, arrive
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. ff. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence shipments
1.1-1 u
Mills am,
m, Hope Mills p or Red
m. p or
p m
at with train Na
at with the Carolina Central
Railroad, at Bed with tho Red
railroad, at
Seaboard Air and
Railway at with tho Durham and
Charlotte Railroad
Train ll
Weldon J p m, I a o m,
s. all P m.
W am.
M a m and I f
a m I -0 p J IS
sty in, arrive
Tarboro dally
at Sunday B P
Sunday, . la. Baa
day ,
Train on Midland N
Sunday. a
w Ha
Train no W
am. p
a m. p Hop. II
pm, Hop.
II am.
H a m. I p m. daily r.
Train on rot
union dally, Sunday, am and I II
P m. at a m
loon pm.
don all point. dally, no. via mob
H. M.
J. B. KENLY, Manager.
T. M. Traffic Manager
For the best grades of JOB
The following is a will written
a dying in a New
York hotel. It was found on n
his after lie had
taken his
leave lo society a
and a wretched example;
leave lo my parents as much
row as they can feeble
I leave to my
as much shame and,
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
J. N. Booth, putter. Sunday-
school a. in. at. A. Allen
every Bun
lay, morning evening;.
meeting Wednesday Rev.
M . pastor. school
a. in. L. H. Pender, an perm
s Ber
I. B. Morton, Sunday-
a. m. E. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday school a. in., W. B.
Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
and fourth Sunday in each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day school P. W. B. Par-
regular service
TEW. 1.00
Twice a Week
and Friday
a Year
lie man v. ho is expert
in Fabric and Tailoring
v hero, the
an i
now l,
i , , ;. id e t
. have
I Is i I I. any
faction. Our
. . I U i w i c
.- re u i -n ;. making
n In . . v ant
J I . . iv- v
. e statements to you today.
. j
We have made
LOW PRICES on our en-
J tire stock of Tine Clothing
. I
I i
. .
J j
it- . an m
I full
which will Noon i
Specials for This Week.
h. r. Suit-., made from
u M . t
Al Straw Hats arc
u. , C
. . Suits, made,
-i I.--, sir, r Bowed, tome
. CC
Suffrage Decision.
New Orleans, July
the ease of David L.
the who suit to
in order to the
provisions of the new Lou-
eon- it ion. The
the suit was provided by
hope of lug declared null
and unconstitutional the new
most of
case v. as as a test.
The judge decided
holding even if tho
which ail
Bills Illiterate whites
ii e- no v
of a- one of the sections of
a-. may be invalid with-
destroying the whole
right vote lie
aid, affected In no by
A i call,
Aft i heavy Lots.
Ai lot an i ices.
I i v, are a
Al arc marked
do ii prices f i
Lawns, Dimities, Shirt-
waists, Parasols, Pans, etc.
Specif-i lot Slippers and
therefore the com I could pas-
which is only doubt
provision in the suffrage law.
The will carry the ease
t the Stale
f the -M.-.
you your for
word t-i be is
i y in i
A . Si,,.
11-day and gel your share
. n.
Only Department Store in
and for Life Our Motto.
MISS Assistant,
mm. Music and Art.
Art, 13.00
2.25 piano rent, 3.00
8.00 Incidental lee. per year,
For farther address
To the White People of Pitt County,
The people of comity
my position in matters and
interests, In view of the
that friends have
u desire be a can-;
they would like to see me in the
Legislature, make tho following
in I
The money
to paid by
Just in and economy, in-
stead i-f a tax.
that will re
Hove the people of many of the -.--., -s y V T
burdens oppress them. . .
that can understood. I
reform of tho jury system
better pay in jurors.
Relief for court witnesses.
A labor law for
of our c.
A convention, if
remedies be bad otherwise.
Bow if people of county
see lit to nominate and elect I
will serve them as best I can. In
the Lower Hon r our
The r Convention
for the lust district was held In
yesterday. The con-
was called to order by W.
B. Rodman, chairman of the
. He as
chairman Hon. T.
Washington county
i-. and Arthur
the and Gazette were re
nested to act us The
temporary organization was
pi M. Bond, of
in well chosen words
i lion for
d I lie ml District the
Hon. II.
Small, Washington. F. ;.
James of seconded the
t-i a speech was pleas.
to his man friends Ibis dis-
Several others also made
i seconding nomination.
After the speech making was
Mi. Small nominated ac
The convention was a large one
i the fact that Fur. Small
had no opposition and most of the
hail already instructed
for i their County
The following from
Pin tended the convent
II. Long, A. . Blow,
W. Wilson, Bryan and
.-m- from . J. II.
Bearer Dam township.
Elks, W. W. Tucker, J.
W. K. Proctor and J,
i W.
and Dr. W.
and A of
T he devil shoe . his dues.
The railroads of North Carolina
need protection d the small
Steals a every
lie ll i- i law that
prohibits swinging on lo a moving
train, it i- not enforced as It should
be. Somebody i at fault I
wonder that the death rate, from
moving trains in the State, is
greater, for then- is scarcely a day
that I do not see one or
boys clinging to the side of
running cars. I have seen it at
I lie, Salisbury, Newton,
Stalest and other places. The
and trainmen try lo
prevent It are helpless I lines.
I have the steps of cars so
full of urchins was
lo mi enter the train.
i-i killed in Charlotte
was ti ii to board
He bad no
there. Two years or more ago I
the mangled remains of a
old boy who was sent
in death by an engine running Into
passenger station at Salisbury.
The boy was stealing a ride on a
south bound when lie drop-
the track behind and
went in death. It was
lid there then, before the
fragments of the body were cold,
that tin-boy was noted for his
ability to bound on and moving
rain la particular night
ha I stalled up street with a
from his sick
not in ab the station.
All the above I gathered my-
self as the lime. relatives
of that buy brought mil and were
given a verdict, by a jury, for
may but, if
i. is at fault. If
s. C.
t r
goods .
band. . Oil t
. v. CE.
Summons tor Relief.
. . I'll i
t am . i
Mar I .
i i . . .
. In
I i , .,. I
. i- lain
a i i
V if . . I
r v f
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
IT paid Mr. Small
for a ii keep their children
. ii his from such dangerous the
one that wag deserved, lie the town help
made ii faithful and railroad. The who
The Wrong Man Killed.
Greensboro, N. July -to.
Conductor Tuck Alex-
accidentally shot mid killed
bis porter, Henry
of Danville, at North ,,, , . ,, , . . , ,
was trying We have add Supply to our business and
snoot a tun Darned sell any thing in Ibis line low. See us when in want
had been abusive to and .
who bad St rack him several times
over the head and chest As he
drew his pistol Cole his
interior , ., ,,. ,
, , arm and the weapon went off.
Into- and ., , , a. . ,, , , .
. I ball pierced Met nil a heart
,. , land caused death in ten minutes.
we patronage and
guarantee t-- give In
prices, b a and work.
your orders to
ii. i . ,
here. Send us your
Notice to Creditors.
i- i l I'll i of Pill . v
i . Hut will and
la I r. given to all in-
ill mediate
t-i ll-.- and nil
i . , . i , in.- i
to them for
or I lore a day
July, i he ad
i .
. , . ; ,
p . I of
High tirade
The recently issued for
past year Show that
Carolina leads in the number of
licensed whiskey distilleries. Of
1238 establishments of this kind
in the United Slates, an- in
North Carolina, ibis being about
per cent of total number.
It i, also a lad there are as
many illicit distilleries this
as in any oilier State of the
There are times n your liver
I ionic. Don't i
expel all
from -i and n-1 as
liver. W. Highland
a,,. Milton, I have
with me for and would
not lie without them. u
to tali I'm.
Jenkins Globe a; Sta
and Anglo Valve , Check Valve, Water Gum;
Oil Air Steam
V S Steam
Pipe all sines, Pipe Fitting all
LINE OP Packing, Rubber Bolt, Handy
Belt, Leather Belt, Bell Lacing, Bell Books, Ac
the district has done well
. him for another term.
far bas been without
in we predict will remain
.-1 through hi- ii We
his speech of ii high-
complimented, it. W. King
. i as a r , he
Thai elope
of the young man
Mrs. not a matter
for i . but we the
I t-i r and
doing themselves
credit lug to made
in iii -.- man, It is
. f course, i i I Item to
free himself from the
ii is another side
in It, The woman deserves
. lint man
look from hi i
it least he wont
,. be had not d
I the scene -be might be at
. he b is
j he should bike cue of her.
If In- desert he deserves to lie
makes a of boarding and
leaving moving trains should lie
lucked tip until be knows better.
I have seen the results of rail-
I have seen the
remains of several bright
sad spectacle.
I there was some way to tench
little fellows better
i- tun ti ll. in Char-
i. a a. -.-
To Democratic of Pitt
c unity.
take this method of
big my candidacy tho
for Register of Deeds of Pitt
Con illy ill c ac-
lion the County Convention
w lieu ii meets.
I have been a voter since 1871
have always triad lo do ray
whole duty US a and loyal
Democrat and if nominated and
i led I ill lo preform
duties tn utmost
Thanking my friends
advance for support, and
the action of
I of
,, a, .;
aw ;
. I
mil Purls in
him i
r I and i hill
; . . . i
trouble cm ail the in
blood baa
There i- much excite
Garland Cook
c lo
lull .
i .,. in. .- done
.; i I- .
. I.-, mill ii .
ii. . d . rubied. The
i ml i m i by
I . .
Ho ml
will iii.-i on i he Ural in
. tin of tilling
ill vacancies in Hie various coin-
in i also
in in I in
which be
AH i having any
less i Intruder will meet
in on I In flu named day.
W. II. K
Dot; Pain
I eyes Bad
i i y . It's
. . .
. ; .
. la.
; , lint till ll
i i Progress. , .

Eastern reflector, 1 August 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 01, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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